IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2009-12-18

woglindebecause its only setup frontend for nxssh and nxproxy00:00
woglindehm when you know all commands for nxssh and nxproxy yes00:00
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woglindehm I didnt apply all patches the libnxcl commandline stuff00:00
woglindemaybee I should00:00
* jaem nods00:01
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* lcuk almost bought a windows 7 machine yesterday00:01
woglindeI dont like libnxcl commands this much00:01
woglindelcuk buhhhh00:01
lcukbig 20" multitouch00:01
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woglindelcuk better bye a new n90000:02
lcuki was stood in the shop idly drawing my calendar and stuff on the screen00:02
woglindeoh I forgot everyone at you firm got one00:02
lcuki unboxed my first n900 on monday night as it happens woglinde00:02
lcukfirst ever one tho :$00:02
* lcuk liked it00:02
lcukit was like a real present00:02
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woglindeyes yes00:02
woglindesaw the blog entry00:03
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GadgetoidWindows 7 isn't bad, it's buying a Vista machine that would hurt00:03
lcukdid i blog about it?00:03
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woglindebut some colleague00:03
lcukwell they had single touch version of same machine00:03
lcukand it was poor in comparisonm00:03
woglindeargs now=no00:03
lcuki actually liked the MT display00:03
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eitreachGadgetoid, what do I need to open the deb on my n900?00:03
SpeedEvileitreach: torx t800:03
Gadgetoideitreach: If you don't already know, then telling you would be irresponsible *COUGH*gainroot*COUGH*sudo dpkg -i file.deb*COUGH*00:04
jaemSpeedEvil, lol00:04
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eitreachGadgetoid, ah.. I was hoping for a gui-application. :p oh well.. dpkg it is. Thanks.00:05
ifreqthat makes me wonder what you do with single .deb file anyways00:06
GadgetoidHaha, yeah a gui for dpkg would be nice... we could call it Application Fiddler00:06
GadgetoidOr Application Manager00:06
lcuki'd love to bypass debs for simple day to day apps00:06
lcukand have apps as data00:06
jon1012eitreach: you can put your application manager in red pill mode and select install from file00:07
jon1012eitreach: and select a .deb00:07
ifreqor just install sw from app manager00:08
lcukyes, install liqtorch and liqflow00:08
lcuknow in Extras!00:08
woglindedid I say I hate the "red pill mode" phrase00:08
ifreqor soon your next question is "my device wont boot"00:08
jaemwoglinde, do you have a source tarball for qtnx that you could post?00:08
woglindejaem apt-get source00:08
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jaemwoglinde, >_<00:08
woglindejaem what did you expected?00:09
jaemwoglinde, well, I normally use Arch, so I was having a thinko00:09
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GadgetoidI'll probably have a proper theme up after crimbo eitreach00:10
woglindejaem install sdk, add deb-src line00:10
woglindeapt-get update00:10
jaemwoglinde, yeah, I remember now00:10
woglindeapt-get source qtnx00:10
jaemI just forgot momentarily :)00:10
woglindeno prob00:10
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eitreachGadgetoid, crimbo? I'm not into the maemo-lingo yet, sadly. :/00:10
lcukthats northern00:11
eitreachohh.. right.00:11
jaemwoglinde, I have to go run some errands - I'll work on this on the way, and let you know how it works when I get back00:11
GadgetoidI'm not even Northern... just weird00:12
jaemhaha... I thought my Ubuntu stickers were postal stamps for a moment XD00:12
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jon1012sorry I'm back00:16
jon1012so, someone willing to beta test the app about which I've shown some screenshots before ?00:17
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jon1012lcuk: why "looks good for python" ? ;) python apps can be as beautiful as other languages... :)00:18
lcukhence my next remark :)00:18
jebbajon1012: i'd love to  :)00:19
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jon1012jebba: however, my service is only in paris, lyon and lisbon for now... :(00:20
jebbaget me a ticket and i'll test it there00:20
Gadgetoidjon1012: will it blow up my shiznit?00:20
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jebbabut why just there?00:20
jon1012because it takes time to launch a website in a city00:20
jebbaah, for the recommendations.  But what about for streetview and such.00:20
jon1012oh, you mean, making a simple app without all the bars and restaurants stuff I do on my websites ?00:21
jebbawell, i mean the part where you look up a contact and it shows street view00:21
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jon1012jebba: those aren't contacts but places :) it's my own ui, not the contact app00:22
jon1012I tried to make my app look as  native as possible00:22
jebbai thought it was like a plugin to contacts00:22
jebbalemme know when buenos aires is ready  ;)00:22
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jebba that though should work no? anywhere?00:23
jon1012jebba: for that, I just launch a browser through dbus to an url on my website00:24
jon1012than shows a streetview at the correct resolution for n90000:24
jon1012but I could do that as an app00:24
jon1012that points to my server00:24
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jebbaheh. i've been to that Crocodile (Le) bar, it is rad  :)00:25
jon1012rad ?00:25
jebbanever seen a place so packed, serving up so many "complicated" drinks, with like 3 employees only.    really good place...00:26
jebbait's listed on your front page right now00:26
jebbaright by parc du luxembourgh00:26
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jebba   <-- going there gives me a big black box00:26
jon1012jebba: on n900 ? just wait while it loads00:26
jebbaah no00:27
jon1012jebba: look at the sourcecode of the page, it's dead simple :)00:28
jebbagives me a big black screen on n900 at the moment too.. /me waiting00:28
jebbaok downloading now finally00:29
jon1012to move use the controls on top left00:29
jon1012I have to find a way to make it faster anyway :)00:29
jebbaalso can do a swipe from left to right then click the arrow thing to disable the move around thing00:29
nomishi all. Did anybody in here ever use irreco with success? I seem to be able to download from the lircDB, but I fail to add a command to a button when trying to create one.00:29
floriansame here00:32
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Anidelpretty nice00:33
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hcarregaim from lisbon00:35
jebbajon1012: ah ya, i just tried to use your code to do the same thing for my house in buenos aires, but i need my own key....00:36
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jaemwoglinde, poke00:39
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jaemwoglinde, same issue as before - the nxssh command line is truncated00:42
jaemas far as I can tell00:42
woglindejaem hms00:42
woglindeit works forme in diablo00:42
jaemit gets as far as asking me whether I want a new session or not, and just bails00:42
jaembut the nxssh processes stay running, albeit not doing anything useful00:42
jaemthey have to be killed manually00:42
woglindethats known00:42
jaemyeah, I don't know... this is exactly what happened in Diablo00:43
woglindeand not to be solved easily00:43
woglindecannt kill nxssh at random00:43
jaemI'll have to get back to you about it later, though00:43
ifreqis there a scratchbox for osx or is it advisable to install under ie. linux vmware box00:43
woglindecould you please send me a log?00:43
jaemifreq, it only works on Linux00:43
jaemwoglinde, of what? the NX communication?00:44
woglindejaem qtnx00:44
jaemor packets?00:44
woglindefrom console00:44
ifreqjaem: okay, well that does it then --> installing any linux distro00:44
jaemah - sure00:44
woglindeifreq install vm00:44
jaemifreq, well, you won't have fun with anything not Debian-based00:44
jaemand yes, the VM is much easier to get running00:44
jaembut if you must, at least use Debian, *buntu, or something similar00:44
woglindethere are vmware images with installed sdk flying around00:44
ifreqjaem: what about archlinux?00:44
* jaem ducks00:44
jaemthere goes one now!00:44
ifreqthats what i like more than suxbuntu or debian :P00:45
jaemifreq, I run Arch, and believe me, you won't have fun with it00:45
jaemyou may be able to use an Ubuntu chroot, though00:45
ifreqyeh with SDK mayb00:45
ifreqbut i like arch as generic :P00:45
jaemdebootstrap should be in the AUR00:45
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ifreqmmkay thanks wog00:45
ifreqi want to test pkgsrc bootstrapping on it *g*00:45
jon1012jebba: for localhost and local files no00:46
ifreq+some package building00:46
jon1012jebba: however, for a domain yeah00:46
jon1012jebba: just go to google api site and request a key00:46
jebbaah, duh, no streetview in buenos aires. /me quickly loses interest  hmm00:46
GadgetoidWeird, sudo dpkg failzor00:46
jebbaya, i got one and a totally white screen....00:46
jon1012go to google maps and see if you have a little man in yellow on top left00:47
pupnik Playstation Emulator build one00:48
jon1012wow !00:48
jon1012I was waiting for this emulator so much !00:48
jebbajon1012: ya, i see one. What's that mean?00:48
woglindejo pupnik00:48
jon1012jebba: move that yellow man in streets00:48
ifreqhmm fast link atleast.. downloading with 10MB/sec atm (@home) <300:48
jebbaah cool.00:48
jon1012jebba: you'll see which streets have google street view00:48
pupnikservus woglinde00:49
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jebbaya, none in south america00:49
pupnikbeen looking at pulseaudio some more.  it is so nicely done.00:49
woglindepupnik hm pulse?00:50
woglindewhat you looked excatly?00:50
pupnikyeah.  you can just throw stuff at /dev/dsp00:50
pupnikunlike n81000:50
woglindedsp sink?00:51
pupnikthat video is going thru oss emulation00:51
pupnikand the sound doesn't even break up00:51
pupniksomebody at nokia pretty much solved all our sound compatibility problems00:51
pupnikjust compile it and the audio works00:52
SpeedEvilyes. Pulseaudio is so wonderful.00:52
woglindepupnik last discussion it seemed to me the contracted directly for this task00:52
woglindears + leannrd00:52
SpeedEvilIt only uses half the CPU. A bargain.00:52
SpeedEvil(seemingly, at times)00:52
pupnikwell maybe i'm wrong.  i have 64kb of memory for whole brain.00:52
pupnikyeah but i'm starting to think it's worth it00:53
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pupniki'm still gonna experiment with bypassing pulse00:54
pupnikbecause whoever did this audio thing made that possible also00:54
pupnikbut for psx the main speed will come from gles00:54
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woglindepupnki yes00:55
ifreqbtw is there kismet on repos yet? i remember it was in the past atleast00:55
pupniki can't believe how well that psx4all is written - the freaking audio does not break up even when it is overloaded00:56
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SpeedEvilpupnik: Well - attempt -1 - kill pulseaudio and run mplayer - diddn't work. /me will look into it more tomorrow :)01:00
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pupnikSpeedEvil: wanna help?01:05
SpeedEvilI'm unsure how.01:06
SpeedEvilyou have hardware don't you?01:06
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Anidelabout to promote Xournal to extras... at last01:12
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jon1012omg I've just seen how is the english keyboard of the n900 !01:14
jon1012my n900 has arrow keys as function keys01:14
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jon1012why didn't they set it up as english keyboards ? :(01:14
SpeedEvilA optimus keyboard on it would be so cool01:15
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woglindere timeless_mbp01:18
* timeless_mbp finally got usb-dun working on osx01:18
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pupnikgoogle is tying a string around my balls01:18
jebbaArkenoi: i still don't see pipe (|) on that "huge" keyboard.01:19
AnidelXournal promoted.. I should celebrate.01:19
jebbajon1012: yes, i just saw that disaster today, re: arrows.  Someone was complaining they couldnt play burgerspace because of no arrow keys. WTF?  how to fix shit like that?!?01:20
* timeless_mbp grumbles01:20
jebbanice one Anidel  :)01:20
timeless_mbpdid anyone make a package for bt dun?01:20
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Anideljebba: it took a month!!01:20
jon1012jebba: I had the same problem, couldn't use burgerspace01:20
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xorAxAxis there a list somewhere of all packages in devel that are not in testing?01:26
jebba    you all want that if you miss diff01:27
jebbajon1012: if you have any hints how to solve it, i'm interested. Seems it would fk all games.01:28
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jebba[2009-12-18 01:23:17] diffmo 1:2.8.1-20 has been queued for loading into fremantle extras-devel repository01:28
jebbaI think someone said that updates at about :45 past the hour01:29
lardmanevening chaps01:29
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lardmanwhat's all this optify crap hey?01:30
derfAnd I thought I wasn't paying attention.01:30
lardmanshould absolutely everything be optified, all the files in a package?01:30
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lardmanderf: :p01:30
woglindehe lardman01:31
derfThere are a number of different approaches, and no consistency.01:31
woglindelardman no crap01:31
jebbaya, everyting, except icons and .desktop01:31
lardmanif this and that I'll vote for it, well wonderful, but I'm not overly bothered ;)01:31
lardmanhi woglinde01:31
derfOne is to put everything in /opt, and symlinks from where they're supposed to be.01:31
woglindemameo-optify is good solution01:31
lardmanI thought it was just large data-type files?01:32
derfWhich is I think what maemo-optify does.01:32
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derfI just put large data-type files there, and still use a few hundred K of /01:32
jebbamaemo-optify by default moves everything over 2k.  THough IMHO it should move everything.  It left me with 600k in / still with asterisk package.01:33
lardmanhmm, well this is ultimately pointless too01:33
Anidelnite guys01:33
jebba(lots of small sounds)01:33
lardmansounds like ipkg-link to me01:33
lardmannight Anidel01:33
Anidelhey lard, nite01:33
jebbaVDVsx was saying maemo-optify is for the lazy and it should be done right in rules01:33
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ifreqhow do you get scratchbox on networking state?01:33
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ifreqit has req ip from nat and just configured dns, cant resolve tho01:34
Roazielis there a way to get facebook chat in the itegrated rtcomm of the n900?01:35
lardmanI mean I'm very happy that users are taking the time to tell devs what to do, but when the entire binary size of the package is ~64kb, really why bother?01:35
jebbaifreq: there are two resolv.conf's in there. try adding:   nameserver          to both of them01:35
lardmanRoaziel: I think someone was talking about that on TMO01:35
jebbalardman because they add up01:35
Roazielwhats tmo? :P01:35
ifreqjebba: aha hmmkay01:36
ifreqjebba: wheres the 2nd? :)01:36
lardmanjebba: yeah, but you need *lots* of them01:36
RoazielAlso, while I'm here. can anyone excplain why is soooo slow on my computer01:36
RoazielIt loads for like 5 minutes before the page shows up01:36
lardmanneeds server upgrade, is scheduled01:37
RoazielAh, so its not just me then. thanks01:37
lardmanno, not just you, don't worry :)01:37
jebbais everyone for months apparently01:37
xorAxAxoh, so many packages in -devel that are not in testing01:37
lardmangetting worse now though01:37
lardmanmore people looking, etc01:37
lardmanxorAxAx: I do wonder about a page which shows interest in promotion from -devel to -testing01:38
jebba /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf    hmm, maybe need to change in /targets/FREMANTLE_ARMEL/etc/resolv.conf  and  /targets/FREMANTLE_X86/etc/resolv.conf   too, but not certain.  It "just worked" for me.01:38
lardmanI have stuff in there that I won't bother promoting until I'm ready to use it, but if others want it, etc01:38
jebbawell, it takes forever to submit a comment on a package.....01:39
jebbawho is going to spend 30 minutes when it takes so fucking long? I went to do that today and got thru 2 packages.01:39
lardmanyeah well, just wait for the servers to be sorted01:39
jebbai can't believe everyone isn't freaking out running around in circles about diffmo. Don't you use diff?01:39
lardmanbefore xmas I hope01:40
bleaderI have a question, maybe dumb, about repositories, I googled some apps I'd like to install, they seem to be listed to be in extra, but I don't seem to see them (I enabled extra, update/refresh) still no luck. Am I missing something obvious ?01:40
* lardman wonders what diffmo is01:40
jebba     simply diff!  but you can actually install it on your n900.01:40
RoazielAll I found at TMO is someone saying "it's coming"... So I take it Facebook Chat wont be here any time soon since there wasnt even a propper link to testing01:41
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lardmanjebba: why rename the package?01:41
jebbabecause you can't install regular "diff" conflicts with busybox01:42
lardmanbleader: can you give me an example, will take a look for you?01:42
lardmanjebba: ah, ok01:42
bleadermidnight commander01:42
bleaderbut maybe their "category" isn't accurate :)01:43
ifreqjebba: thanks. /scratchbox/etc/resolv* was enuff01:43
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lardmanis not in extras anyway:
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bleaderwell that may explain things :)01:43
lardmanhmm, doesn't seem to be in extras-devel either01:44
lardmannor extras-testing01:44
lardmanso no idea I'm afraid01:44
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bleaderlardman: thanks anyway, I'll add extras-testing to fiddle around a bit that should do it for now :)01:46
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lardmancool, np01:46
RoazielIs there a way to turn off a specific app after a specific amount of time? :P01:47
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* lardman writes a daemon to update Google Latitude location at set times01:48
jon1012how can I import a playlist into kmplayer, someone knowsz ?01:48
jebbahmm, just got invalid signature for extras-devel01:48
lardmanjebba: repo is a bit knackered01:49
lardmanRoaziel: not that I know of, though Shepherd may be able to help once it's out01:49
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Arkenoilardman, cool, having location updates without significant battery drain is great01:49
jebbaa knackered repo may not reply, but shouldn't:  BADSIG E40DC434616730BD01:49
lardmanArkenoi: just working out the logic of when to perform the updates, and how to turn the connection back off,e tc01:50
lardmanjebba: interesting01:50
lardmanRST38h: did you upload fbreader to free in the end?01:52
eluiandilHow I can check "Kernel markers" support?01:52
lardmanwhere is this from?01:52
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GAN900lardman, yes.01:54
Roazielwow shepherd sounds awesome. Whats the status on that?01:54
Arkenoilard: i think the good idea is detect status (moving/still, indoors/outdoors) and choose when to update next time using that information. Say, if you are on the street and moving, you probably want to update more frequently, if you are in cafe - probably not01:55
lardmanhey GAN900, what's up?01:55
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lardmanArkenoi: yeah will offer a variety - timed updates (obviously no update if liblocation says no movement), updates only when connection available, etc01:56
jebbaeluiandil: if you are talking about CONFIG_MARKERS, it is NOT set. So it is not enabled in stock kernel.01:56
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Milo-you know how you choose the time of day when you create alarms?01:57
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Milo-which graphic library has that?01:57
jebbais anyone else getting "BADSIG E40DC434616730BD"  when doing apt-get update with the extras-devel repo?01:58
jebbasorry, just extras repo, not -devel01:58
Milo-GPE Calendar doesn't have that, it uses spinners/scrollers which are usable with a mouse.01:58
Gadgetoid_n900why are you doing that jebba?01:59
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jebbaGadgetoid_n900: why am i doing what?  I am doing an apt-get update so i can get the headers so i can install things  (??)01:59
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RoazielOk I'm new so I have to get away with this question: When is the next firmware coming and how is it installed (will I get a message that notifies me or what?)02:00
jebbaRoaziel: if you're paying attention at all, i'm sure you'll hear tons about it. Who knows when.02:00
lardmanRoaziel: should be pretty soon02:00
RoazielOk, thanks :)02:00
Milo-lardman is there any changes list for that yet?02:01
jebbareally? good. i wonder when pretty soon is hah02:01
jebbain nokia-internal i'm sure there is...02:01
Milo-jebba if nokia is in charge, 2 months, then02:01
lardmanMilo-: no02:01
Milo-lardman too bad02:01
Milo-hopefully they fix the date-format 'bug'02:01
jebbai hope they just get my timezone correct haha02:02
Milo-I have few enchancements which I need to request, is bugzilla okay for those?02:02
lardmanMilo-: depends how specific they are02:02
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jebbaMilo-: if they are small ya. But check they arent there already. If they are big, go watch the cursor spin at "brainstorm"02:02
lardmanMilo-: for specific then bugzilla is fine, otherwise brainstorm02:02
Shapeshifterlol someone requested "native port of putty" for the n900 xD02:03
Shapeshifterwhat a brilliant idea02:03
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Shapeshifterhe also requested "Port of Dalvik and android store, should not be tooo hard but will instantly give us thousands of apps"02:04
Milo-okay, for calendar I would suggest that they made the 'alarm before' menu to let you choose any day+hour+minute combination02:04
Milo-but I can't suggest them how to do that02:04
Gadgetoid_n900shapeshifter... that guy is a genius02:04
Milo-since I don't have any clue about the inner implementatio02:04
Shapeshiftertotal genius02:04
* ifreq is trying to run pkgsrc bootstrap atm on @scratchbox02:05
ifreqwill be interesting :)02:05
Gadgetoid_n900android kinda sucks02:05
jebbawould be cool if android apps could just run though. I mean, why not?02:05
jon1012I guess installing android on n900 should be feasible02:05
SpeedEviljebba: you'd need a wine-alike layer02:06
SpeedEvilWhich is not implausible02:06
SpeedEvilbut which does not as of yet exist02:06
lardmanOk, so my update scheme is: 1) every x minutes 1i) only update if connection available 1ii) connect and update automatically 2) update whenever liblocation says location has changed 2i) only when connection available 2ii) connect and update automatically02:06
lardmananything else?02:06
jon1012SpeedEvil: well, android is based on linux... installing those layers on the current kernel could be done, no ?02:06
arachnistSpeedEvil: dalvik is just a custom "jre" + vm02:07
jebbaSpeedEvil: i dont even know what the android fones run. They arm too?02:07
jon1012SpeedEvil: even if totally strange and counterproductive02:07
jebbais dalvik open?02:07
SpeedEviljon1012: In the same way that you can install a 8 cylinder 2l engine on a motorcycle02:07
arachnistSpeedEvil: all you'd have to do, is port dalvik to X1102:07
lardmanjebba: yeah tend to be arm afaik02:07
SpeedEvilandroid is not linux as it's usually thought of.02:07
arachnist(android uses framebuffer, or so it seems)02:07
jebbaso should be feasible. Would be cool. Cuz then all those apps and androiders can stfu + all very cool native apps.02:07
SpeedEvilIt's got lots of utterly incompatible libs and stuff02:08
SpeedEvilit's possible - but, not very simple02:08
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lardmanwell Android has been made to run on the N8x0, but allowing it to be part of the Maemo system is somewhat more complex02:08
jebbawell, if we can run ancient roms we should be able to run open source java crap i would think. Not that i'm dying for any android apps, jsut sayin'02:08
lardmanit would need to hook into the middle layer libs etc that are used by maemo02:08
jebbai mean, not replacing maemo, but just as an app within maemo02:08
lardmanyeah, more difficult02:08
Gadgetoid_n900i never really found any killer android apps02:09
SpeedEvilyeah - and some of the libs are going to work in fundamentally different ways02:09
jebbaneed qemu ;)02:09
lardmanprobably, depending on what's needed by that app02:09
lardmanno, no need for qemu02:09
Gadgetoid_n900will have to give it another shot when the milestone shows up02:09
SpeedEvilAn iphone/android emulator would be lolworthy.02:09
lardmanneeds a kernel patch or two, then just run the jvm, but it's the support libs that will be hard to integrate I think02:09
SpeedEvilAlso you've got the footprint02:10
SpeedEvilif you're jamming in another 60M of software say - that's gonna slow stuff down02:10
SpeedEvilinto RAM02:10
lardmanwhich is why you'd need to re-write all the support stuff, to be a thin layer02:11
jebbaya, java is pig02:11
SpeedEvilgood luck with a thin jvm02:11
lardmannot necessarily hard, but would take a long while me thinks02:11
jebbai was kinda stoked when i heard about google+linux+fone, but they've done it just about the shittiest way possible from my perspectiv.e02:12
luke-jr_what do you expect when google is in the equation?02:12
jebbaif you want to do anything you hvae to stare at a java SDK all day blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa02:12
SpeedEvilopenmoko nearly got there.02:12
SpeedEvilBut kinda dropped the ball around april 200702:12
jebbai ordered openmoko fone twice and set up sdk and such, but never got one.02:12
luke-jr_jebba: really?02:12
luke-jr_no wonder they failed02:13
luke-jr_if even people who ordered didn't get it02:13
jebbatoo many delays, lost their momentum, then they just dropped it unfortunately.02:13
orbarronwhat is the command to remove a package that was installed in maemo using dpkg -i?02:13
lardmanI thought about getting one, but was expensive02:13
luke-jr_still is expensive02:13
luke-jr_Pandora is cheaper02:13
jebbaorbarron:   apt-get remove foo02:13
luke-jr_$350 now, isn't it?02:14
lardmanwell Pandora doens't exist yet tho ;)02:14
jebbanot too bad at all for what it was02:14
luke-jr_lardman: it does02:14
luke-jr_jebba: today02:14
lardmanluke-jr_: does any normal punter actually possess one yet?02:14
SpeedEvilcan you actually order pandora today and it'll be with you in a week - say02:14
luke-jr_lardman: no clue02:15
lardmanI think not02:15
luke-jr_SpeedEvil: you won't be able to ever probably02:15
luke-jr_SpeedEvil: supposedly all the orders are sold02:15
jon1012what is pandora ?02:15
lardmanso until normal people have them, I'll stand by my "it not existing" comment, with tongue slightly in cheek02:15
Gadgetoid_n900a woman02:15
lardmanjon1012: google for openpandora02:15
Gadgetoid_n900with bewbs02:15
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: don't forget the box.02:15
jon1012oh ok I see02:15
luke-jr_jon1012: OMAP 3 gaming console handheld02:16
jon1012it's ugly !02:16
Gadgetoid_n900ahh yes... an empty box at the moment02:16
jon1012(sorry, just shared my first thought seeing it)02:16
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lardmanGadgetoid_n900: I thought it was the lack of a box that has held it up for the past year or so?! ;)02:16
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Untouchab1eUgh.. starting to develop for Maemo 5 isnt as easy as I hoped it would be02:17
Untouchab1eTempting to just stuck with Windows Mobile and Android development..02:17
jon1012Untouchab1e: really ? what language, what gui lib ?02:17
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: um, what?02:17
Gadgetoid_n900keep at it untouchable1, I wants apps02:17
lardmanUntouchab1e: what's the problem?02:17
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: just develop in Qt4 and let the magic happen02:17
Untouchab1eIm just running through the documentation here:
jon1012Untouchab1e: I nearly finished my first maemo 5 app  with python and gtk in less than 3 days of work02:18
jon1012(well less than 2 actually)02:18
lardmanUntouchab1e: oh dear, why not use the docs instead?02:19
Untouchab1ejon1012: sounds nice, but I just find the whole process of setting up complicated.. With Android, I just download eclipse and the android sdk, and im ready.. For Windows Mobile, I just get Visual Studio and download the Windows Mobile SDK and Im done02:19 directed me to that site, hah02:19
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* lardman is not fond of video guides02:19
Arkenoihow can i check *which* number i am receiving short messages from if a contact has multiple numbers?02:20
Untouchab1elardman: thanks for the link02:20
Untouchab1ewill give it a go02:20
Milo- <- does that scroll-component come from Qt or Gtk+?02:20
lardmanUntouchab1e: np, and you can always ask for pointers if you can't find what you need02:20
jon1012Milo-: I'd say gtk02:20
Untouchab1eI really feel like developing a bit for Maemo, as Android is so packed with Apps already.. hard to come up with new ideas :)02:21
jon1012Milo-: I used exactly the same in gtk02:21
Milo-is it pre-made component or do you have to do it yourself?02:21
Untouchab1eand I feel it would be more rewarding to show Maemo some love02:21
Untouchab1eAlthough my Android apps probably get more attention >.<02:21
jon1012Milo-: premade, though you have to say 'I want two lists, with that inside' :)02:21
Milo-obviously it's two lists :)02:22
jon1012Untouchab1e: you may want to try python for developping on n90002:22
jon1012Untouchab1e: makes it easier than C :)02:22
Untouchab1epython? Thought C was the thing02:22
Untouchab1ebut I know C :)02:22
Milo-nothing wrong with C :)02:22
luke-jr_just use Qt4 -.-02:22
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Milo-Gtk goes with C :)02:22
luke-jr_gtk sucks02:23
lardmanC is wonderful02:23
Untouchab1eQt4 isnt a programming language though? Or have I misunderstood02:23
jon1012Untouchab1e: qt is a windowing lib02:23
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: it is, though it can be used from other languages02:23
jon1012Untouchab1e: well widget lib02:23
lardmanUntouchab1e: no, it's C++, but it's quite dialect-like02:23
luke-jr_jon1012: QtGui module has widgets, but Qt4 itself is a language02:23
lardmanit's a toolkit02:24
luke-jr_then C++ is a toolkit :p02:24
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lardmanno, C++ is a language02:24
lardmananyway :)02:24
luke-jr_C++ is no more a language than Qt402:24
lardmantrue, C is the only true language, all others are mere imposters02:24
Untouchab1eC++ goes down as a language in my book..02:24
lardmanbow down before C!02:24
luke-jr_C++ adds a little syntatic sugar and redefines the standard library02:24
jon1012Untouchab1e: keep at maemo dev, it's a great platform, and more and more people are getting maemo based terminals02:24
luke-jr_Qt4 adds a little syntatic sugar and redefines the standard library02:24
lardmanSpeedEvil: well yeah ;)02:24
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SpeedEvilIt'd be cool if the programmable microcode of modern intel chips was actually programmable02:25
luke-jr_you can use QtGui widgets in a C++ or C app or Python app, or you can write an app in 100% Qt402:25
Untouchab1eoh well, I will give it some effort eventually I guess02:25
lardmanluke-jr_: little...? In the same way that FORTRAN differs "slightly" from C in its syntax?02:25
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lardmanUntouchab1e: with that said, Qt not too unpleasant to code in afaiu/r02:26
jon1012Untouchab1e: fyi, here are screenshots of an app I did _very_ quickly (it's a client for a bar/restaurant cityguide service I own) =>
luke-jr_QtGui is also the future of Maemo ;)02:26
DaveQBI hope this is the right channel. Anyone use openvpn on the N900?02:27
Untouchab1ejon1012: where are you from?02:27
jon1012Untouchab1e: france02:27
Untouchab1eOh, ok02:27
Untouchab1eI will come back once I have the time and maybe get some help with getting set up.. I think I am kinda locked at the Android way of doing development >.<02:28
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: Qt4 apps will run on pretty much any platform02:28
luke-jr_though Android is an exception02:28
luke-jr_but that's Android's fault <.<02:28
lardmannight all02:28
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Untouchab1ehaha, I know02:28
jon1012Untouchab1e: developping for maemo is like developping on computers, not phones... you have many ways of doing it02:29
Milo-yes :)02:29
Untouchab1ejon1012: So Ive figured.. still, ive done quite a bit of Windows application development, and its all Visual Studio.. so easy :D02:29
Untouchab1eI feel I can just concentrate on my application, and kinda let Visual Studio handle everything else02:29
jon1012oh, I've done a lot of dev on windows, linux, and other platforms... never the sme environment :)02:30
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: Try Qt402:30
Untouchab1eWill do02:30
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: you can do the same process, but the result will be portable02:30
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* jon1012 prefer gtk ;)02:30
luke-jr_and run natively on Windows, Mac, Linux, Symbian, and Maemo02:30
luke-jr_jon1012: GTK will die soon, I hope :)02:30
jon1012luke-jr_: I don't think so...02:31
Untouchab1eSo I reckon the major difference here is that rather than developing for one device or one OS specifically, I make an application that is directly portable to almost anything?02:31
luke-jr_jon1012: it has no purpose02:31
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: pretty much02:31
SpeedEvilUntouchab1e: modulo stuff like screen sizes, yes02:31
luke-jr_Untouchab1e: at least if you use Qt402:31
jon1012luke-jr_: ?? then qt has no purpose too02:31
luke-jr_jon1012: no, Qt has plenty of purpose02:31
Milo- this is what GPE Calendar has to offer, that's not very easy to use with a finger :)02:31
jon1012luke-jr_: then gtk too02:31
jon1012luke-jr_: :)02:31
SpeedEvilathena widgets FTW!02:31
luke-jr_jon1012: the only purpose of GTK originally was that it was free software. Qt has been free software for like a decade now.02:31
ifreqSpeedEvil: whats those :)02:32
Milo-GPE Calendar is otherwise a brilliant calendar application02:32
luke-jr_jon1012: then GTK's purpose was so people could write proprietary apps02:32
SpeedEvilluke-jr_: like a year IIRC02:32
luke-jr_jon1012: now Qt is LGPL02:32
Milo-but the UI needs some work02:32
jon1012luke-jr_: no, the purtpose of gtk is that it's simple, powerful and light02:32
luke-jr_SpeedEvil: no, only LGPL a year02:32
jon1012luke-jr_: and what ?02:32
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SpeedEvilluke-jr_: in that you can write commercial apps for that period without payment02:32
luke-jr_jon1012: no, GTK is neither simple, powerful, nor light02:32
luke-jr_Qt4 is superior to GTK in every technical way02:32
jon1012luke-jr_: that's your opinion, it's not mine... it's not because you think like that, that gtk should disappear02:32
luke-jr_GTK's existence is based solely on ideals02:32
jon1012luke-jr_: no...02:32
jon1012let's stop the troll please02:33
luke-jr_jon1012: that's how it is02:33
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Untouchab1eOh well, thanks for all your help02:33
SpeedEvilUntouchab1e: wave02:33
Untouchab1eSeems like Maemo has got a friendly developer comunity02:33
Milo-beard and pizza?02:33
Untouchab1eNight all02:33
SpeedEvilThere should be 'maemo coding for android developers' page02:33
SpeedEviland iphone02:34
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Milo-iPhone developers aren't developers02:34
luke-jr_are there that many iphone/android developers?02:34
Milo-they do flash and such, even though iPhone doesn't support flash02:34
Untouchab1eMilo-: Lol02:34
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Milo-The largest quantity of ActionScript developers comes from Mac-users02:35
Milo-and their microdevices can't run flash :)02:35
kkitothere is something like for maemo5 ?02:35
Milo-ironic *:)02:35
kkitoto b able to enable the wm composition02:36
kkitoand disable02:36
Milo-kkito you mean ugly puke-like variable-names?02:36
Milo-MS constants are too ugly and too long.02:36
kkitoi mean "Because DWM uses the graphics processing unit (GPU) for desktop composition, certain applications may have to disable DWM for compatibility. Applications that take full control of the desktop, such as games that run in full-screen mode, must determine whether the DWM is enabled and if it is, disable it. To do this, two functions are needed. DwmIsCompositionEnabled and DwmEnableComposition. "02:36
kkitoi want to disable the composition for a opengl-es full screen game02:37
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redhello, anyone able to help with an linux issue. i can connect to any IP address via browser, ssh, ftp etc, but not to hostnames02:41
redlike doesnt work02:41
redbut does02:41
redother devices in the network can, so I guess its this netbook thats fubared in some way02:41
kkitoedit /etc/resolv.conf02:42
Milo-resolv.conf shouldn't be edited by hand :)02:42
redthis is the whole content of that file: # Generated by NetworkManager02:42
rednothing else02:42
redsuppose there should be something there? :p02:43
Milo-two ip-addresses02:43
redgateway and subnet?02:43
kkitored write inside02:43
redwhats that ip address based on? :p02:43
Milo-if your resolv.conf is empty, then there is an issue with resolving the address02:44
redcan atleast ping it02:44
kkitogoogle public dns server02:44
redi cannot02:44
Milo-but you're online?02:44
redclicking search in google redirects to etc02:44
redbut i can access it via googles IP, but not after i  click search02:44
Milo- is provided by google02:44
redi guess i could attempt addressbar searching via ip in front :p02:45
redshould I attempt to find current ISPs dns server address then?02:45
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redand adding it instead
Milo-just try
luke-jr_no! use
redi can get it in matter of seconds02:45
Milo-the file will be overwritten if something else is found02:45
luke-jr_I mean <.<02:45
redah, ok02:45
redtesting then02:45
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kkito8.8.8.8 and
redsaved the file, how should I attempt to refresh? dhclient -r -> dhclient ?02:46
Milo-dhclient will just overwrite your resolv-conf02:46
luke-jr_yes, why don't you just tell Google every website you visit?02:46
luke-jr_they won't log it...02:46
Milo-the effect should be immediate02:46
Milo-luke-jr_ :D02:46
redyeh, as soon as i said that dropbox went apeshit =)02:46
Milo-luke-jr_ you think google is evil, too? :)02:46
redsynced stuff02:47
luke-jr_Milo-: evil AND incompetent02:47
luke-jr_worse than Microsoft even02:47
Milo-because of android?02:47
luke-jr_because of all their software02:47
red4.2.2.2 is the ip address hak5 told to ping if ur suspecting internet troubles since its always on02:47
luke-jr_except *maybe* V802:47
redbut cant recall what that was :D02:47
luke-jr_red: Verizon DNS02:47
Milo-google maps was rather nice02:47
luke-jr_Milo-: Google's webapps are all written per browser, not with standards02:48
Milo-though, I don't really like telling google where I am at all times.02:48
luke-jr_Milo-: so even though Konqueror is one the most standards compliant browsers, Google's webapps fail02:48
Milo-google maps worked better on my old e71 than nokia's own maps-software02:48
Milo-which only had 1 year limited license :/02:48
ifreqMilo-: what about your favorite websites, they collect cookie info etc.. about your shopping habits and then give you some adds which fit your profile02:49
ifreqMilo-: mayb its just better to stop surfing :P02:49
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Milo-ifreq I know :(02:49
Milo-"don't be evil" :)02:49
luke-jr_ifreq: that's mostly FUD02:49
redtracking cookies can be quite well immunized02:49
Mouseymy profile has me pegged as a gay, pregnant, korean man02:49
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kkitothen, it is not possible to turn off the compositor ?02:49
Milo-Mousey awesome02:49
luke-jr_kkito: sure, system("sudo halt");02:49
Milo-facebook does this tracking thing way better than google02:50
redu can disable facebook doing it thought02:50
Milo-facebook keeps rubbing it to my face that I'm a single, my teeth aren't snow-white02:50
ifreqmayb its better to unplug internet.. go out get a gf02:50
luke-jr_Facebook does it pretty well, yeah02:50
Milo-they keep offering me girlfriends and teethwhitening kits02:50
luke-jr_they keep trying to sell me TRON t-shirts02:50
redbut what was quite surprizing was facebook connecting to msn server and using ur contact information to download your contact list and match that to their users emails and suggesting those as friends for you02:50
Milo-red no, it doesn't need to connect to msn server02:51
redhow does it dig that info then?02:51
Milo-msn contacts are kept downloaded to your hdd :P02:51
redwell theres the thing02:51
Mouseyit's surfing your hard drive!02:51
redi never use msn on my desk comp02:51
Milo-it's in a nice xml file somewhere in your settings folder02:51
luke-jr_Milo-: every major IM app stores contacts on the server02:51
reddont even have it installed02:51
redcould be that i went facebooking on my tablet which i msn on thought02:52
Milo-luke-jr_ was coming to that part02:52
ifreqi think you needed to give permission to sync with msn contacts at soem point02:52
Milo-but now there is no point02:52
ifreqor i may remember wrong02:52
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ifreqred:  if you have your username set with an MSN account (this also works with other email accounts), FaceBook will search the people whom you have contacted via MSN (or another email provider) to see if you want to add them to your friends list, as they also have a FaceBook account.02:53
ifreq(paste form one site)02:53
jon1012when do nokia open their f*cking ovi store ?02:54
jon1012someone knows ?02:54
jon1012that's what the n900 needs to get more apps02:54
Milo-jon1012 maybe summer02:54
jon1012summer ?!!!02:54
Milo-how quickly do you think n900 users will write all those apps which nokia will then sell?02:55
ifreqthink there is apps coming everyday, so dunno what hurry is to get ovi open :P02:55
ifreq(to ppl who use testing/devel)02:55
jebbawe just need to repackage a bunch of things to begin with. Though new apps rule of course.02:55
Milo-people aren't voting enough on the extras-testing packages that much02:56
Milo-s/that much//02:56
infobotMilo- meant: people aren't voting enough on the extras-testing packages02:56
jebbaMilo-: ya, because it takes 5 minutes to vote.02:56
Milo-jebba yep02:56
ifreqidd :(02:57
jon1012it's not explained02:57
Milo-I'm almost ready to vote for the GPE Calendar02:57
jon1012I didn't know there was a voting system02:57
jebbathey *really* gotta fix that.  At least builder is now fast, so we should have that thing always running,.02:57
Milo-I will give it thumb up, even though the user interface isn't that good for finger-using02:57
Milo-actually the biggest problem is the garage02:57
SpeedEvil(12:57:11 AM) jon1012: I didn't know there was a voting system02:57
Milo-it is tooooo slow02:57
jebbai would be doing tons more if i could just go to a page, do what i needed to do and move on. Instead i have to keep 10 billion tabs open all over the place and things get dropped.02:58
SpeedEvilwell- i know there is - i don't know how it works02:58
SpeedEvilor where to find it02:58
jebbaMilo-: sucks too02:58
Milo-they need to stop testing light httpd02:58
Milo-what is the point of that?02:58
Milo-seriously, why on earth would you want to carry a http-server with you everywhere you go?02:59
richard_12345an expensive webserver :P02:59
Milo-which is too slow to run as a decent webserver02:59
richard_12345a webmin clone perhaps?03:01
richard_12345control your phone through a web interface..03:01
richard_12345quite sad :)03:01
jon1012by the way, I have a 100 euros rebates if I subscribe to ovi store before 15 february 2010...03:02
jon1012I hope they will open before03:02
jon1012or I'll be seriously pissed off03:02
pwnguin100 euros?03:02
jon1012yeah in france03:02
pwnguini only get 50 dollars =(03:02
jon1012in france the n900 is 650 euros03:02
jon1012and I can get 100 euros off if I subscribe to ovi store before 15 february03:03
redhttp-server that functions as a drag and drop interface to utilize your handheld device as a portable wireless flash memory stick?03:03
redi've used my old phone like that, and loved it03:03
pwnguinjon1012: you can open an ovi store account right now03:03
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redit had automaticly updating dyndns host so i could just jack up to the dyndns url and never forget those usb memorysticks everywhere again03:03
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redim not using the device any longer due it being an apple product :p03:04
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Milo-can't find xterm in maemo-sdk :03:17
Milo-I'm pretty sure I didn't install it myself03:18
Milo-it's not there. vim requires it but didn't bother complaining when I installed it03:19
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ifreqhmm store is on update mode atm..03:20
ifreqmayb they add n900.. .(dreaming)03:20
Milo-don't think they have any applications worth purchasing at this time03:21
Milo-how do you start your applications in the scratchbox environment since it doesn't have xterm :o03:23
ifreqit has the cmd line?03:23
Milo-not in the maemo-part03:23
Milo-[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~/MyDocs/C] >03:23
Milo-starting my apps from that won't open a thing in the maemo-screen03:24
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ifreqWe’ll be making some updates to the Store this week that will require us to take the service offline for a short while Thursday evening 12/17 at 7 PM EST. The Store will be offline for roughly three hours.03:24
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Milo-ah now it works03:25
nomisok, I somehow managed to mess up the lirc service. Not sure what I did, but I can no longer make irreco contact it, reinstalling the package doesn't seem to help.03:27
jebbanomis: apt-get remove  foo  ; then   dpkg -P foo   to make sure old configs get blown out03:30
nomisapt-get purge should be both, right?03:32
jebbaah maybe,never used it03:32
jebbasounds like it thogh cuz -P is --purge03:32
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* nezb says hello03:35
jebba     *******  very good site tons of info03:37
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Milo-I immediately started to dislike that page03:40
Milo-first word I saw was "emacs"03:40
jaem~seen woglinde03:43
infobotwoglinde <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 2h 12m 4s ago, saying: 'mameo-optify is good solution'.03:44
jebbaoh but so much info...03:44
jebbakeymapping!  kernel module info! :)03:44
jebba  !03:44
Milo-screenshot shortcut is hard :P03:44
jebbathat comes up a lot here03:44
Milo-jebba that was interesting indeed03:44
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Milo-double press power button locks the device03:46
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Milo-ctrl+shift+x is even harder than ctr+shift+p :o03:46
jebbaya, ctrl-shift-x isnt much of a shortcut more of a contortion03:47
Milo-"*  When getting a incoming call, turn over the device so the screen faces down towards the table surface = Silence an incoming call" uhm, what if the device is already face down?03:47
nomisthere are an awful lot of ways to lock the device  :)03:50
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nezbctrl+shift+x, also known as: the bane of my existence03:53
nezbjebba: thanks for the link *bookmarked*03:53
Milo-I need to try those keyboard layout stuffs03:54
Milo-add an alt-button03:54
Milo-and some other fancy buttons03:54
nezbI want to make the camera shutter button display the apps page03:54
nezbwhen not in camera mode03:54
Milo-ctrl+i should obviously be tabulator03:54
Milo-in terminal it already is03:55
nezbbtw, anyone who hasn't tried x11vnc is really missing out. I just sent an SMS from my computer.03:55
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Milo-oh it's a server-app?03:56
nezbMilo- there is both a server and client03:57
Milo-ah cool03:57
nezb(click view full size)03:57
Milo-nice :D03:58
Milo-tried to click and draw circles with my mouse to zoom in :P03:58
Milo-did not work :D03:58
nezbnope. it's pretty laggy too, even over usb networking03:58
nezbbut keep in mind VNC has no compression03:58
Milo-but the point is that it's doable03:59
nezbunless you have a server/client that specifically supports it03:59
nezbyep. which means we can always improve in the future. but for now it's nice being able to sms with my phone halfway across the room hehe03:59
nezbI'm curious if anyone has tried to dual-boot Android 2.0 on the N900 yet03:59
Milo-or while the phone is in the pocket03:59
nezbMilo- wouldn't want to try that, when you VNC to it the touch screen becomes active too!04:00
Milo-unless you have objects in your pocket, that shouldn't be a problem04:01
Milo-it's not that sensitive04:02
nezbwhat we need is a way to temporarily disable the touch screen when we connect to a VNC session and then re-enable it afterwards, of course making this optional (since you might want to use the touch screen while in VNC)04:04
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nomisnezb: x11vnc as a server really should disable blanking  :)04:15
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nezbnomis: I have blanking disabled when USB charger is plugged in so I couldn't tell04:25
nomisfor me (using gvncviewer) apparently the return key stops working at some point.04:26
jebbanomis: is your keyboard slid out?04:28
nomisjebba: ah, that indeed makes a difference04:30
nomisjebba: any idea *why* ?04:30
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jebbauh, not really.04:31
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jebbacool. Burgerspace full screen, baby.04:47
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* wiretapped just discovered ctrl-shift-I05:16
wiretappedfit-width-to-view, how i've missed you05:17
jebbathat's upper I05:17
jebbawiretapped: but where on maemo would you use this? everything is pretty much max already05:18
wiretappedjebba: in the web browser05:18
wiretappedsometimes when you zoom in you want the text rewrapped, sometimes you don't05:19
wiretappedin previous incarnations of the maemo browser there was an option in the view menu for this05:19
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wiretappednow it is hidden under a keyboard shortcut05:19
jebbaah cool05:19
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wiretappedanyone else here get email-to-SMS via t-mobile? It's extremely irritating. Every message comes from a new random four digit number05:21
wiretappedand the conversations app doesn't let you delete all conversations at once05:21
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GAN900Fit width to view is the worst.05:34
wiretappedhow can you say that?05:35
wiretappedsome times are nearly unreadable without it05:35
infobotwiretapped meant: some sites are nearly unreadable without it05:35
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wiretappedobviously i wouldnt want it on all the time, but i am relieved it is still there05:36
jaemwiretapped, it has been known to murder other sites, and make people annoyed05:36
jaemthe general impression of many was that Maemo 4's implementation, at least, did more harm than good05:37
jaemI don't really mind either way05:37
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pwnguinoh thats annoying. the bluetooth browse files is a different FS view than USB mass storage06:40
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nhg's pulseaudio is a gstreamer based plugin?07:00
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jebbano, gstreamer is a pulseaudio client07:10
jebbabut gotta go now, have fun.07:10
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johnxmornin' all07:23
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DocScrutinizer51anybody tell me what's that occasional small red marker line in xchat please08:03
tyrusDocScrutinizer51: i think it marks the chat sessions after every x amount of minutes08:04
tyruscould be wrong though08:04
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DocScrutinizer51umm. ok. thanks08:06
GAN900DocScrutinizer, tells you when your display went to sleep.08:06
GAN900So you know where you read to last.08:06
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DocScrutinizer51ahh. still a rather random function. also shows up now and then when on charger and no screen dimming at all. sometimes(!) seems to show up when switching to other task and back08:08
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DocScrutinizer51it,s so random and thus confusing I think I like to disable it then (seem to remember sth in .cfg)08:10
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* RST38h moos08:13
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DocScrutinizer51moin RST38h08:14
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DocScrutinizer51btw. I start to think I'm losing my mind. I'm sure I had a really nice numptyphysics on my N810, but now it's gone like it never was there. I'm quite sure I haven't uninstalled it. And I seem unable to reinstall it from app manager (not there). direct-install link on garage says "file not found"08:21
DocScrutinizer51anybody help me out of this weird story?08:21
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pekujadoes anybody know if it's somehow possible to join channels with account-plugin-idle? (IRC plugin for the builtin IM client)08:23
jaemwoot!  I finally got it working!08:24
jaem"it" being this:
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pekujaI can only figure out how to send private messages. It seems pretty nice for that, but then if I only wanted that, I'd probably use another IM protocol.08:26
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jaemI bought that device about a year ago, and it took until now to figure it out :)08:31
jaembut now I can display alerts from my N900 on my wrist08:32
swc|666jaem, which device is that??08:32
jaemswc|666, see flick link08:32
swc|666yea i saw it08:32
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pekujayour flickr doesn't say what it is08:32
jaemyou can get it from DX for about $3008:32
jaemit doesn't really have a name08:32
* swc|666 looks...08:32
pekujawell how do we find it on DX?08:32
jaemaside from something generic like "Bluetooth Bracelet"08:32
jaemsearch for that08:32
jaemthere's also an all-metal version08:33
pekujalooks like there are several08:33
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swc|666me thinks08:33
jaemdownside is that without some more complicated work, you can't use this at the same time as using a headset for calls08:33
siriusnovathats such a geeky bracelet08:34
jaemsiriusnova, I know08:34
jaemswc|666, yes, but it's not OLED, as far as I can see08:34
jaemoh, actually08:34
jaemmaybe it is08:34
jaemit's almost an EL color, but it can't be, given the hardware08:34
siriusnovaDX for cheap chinese goods :D08:34
jaemI bought an awesome pocket flashlight from them08:34
jaemit took over a month to arrive, but it's good, and cheap08:35
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jaemand it fits perfectly in my gadget holster XP08:35
jaemit's not supposed to be able to display arbitrary text08:35
jaemthe spec only allows numerical callerID08:35
pekujajaem: so that bracelet is basically telling the phone that it's a bluetooth headset?08:35
jaemI bought it because I had a hunch08:35
jaempekuja, yes, HFP08:35
jaemmy hunch was that since the spec says it's numerical, that the device wouldn't bother checking if it was08:36
jaemand the hardware is really simple08:36
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pekujaso how hard was it to make that work with an N900?08:36
jaemso I knew that if I could push ASCII data to the device, it would be displayed verbatim on the screen (most simple LCD controllers use ASCII, or a variant)08:36
jaemusually the letters and numbers correspond to ASCII, anyway08:37
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jaempekuja, well, I bought it a year ago, when I knew nothing about Bluetooth08:37
jaemand I haven't had a lot of time to work on it08:37
jaemI essentially figured this out between last night and right now08:37
swc|666jaem, what did you use, python?08:37
jaemand it's not hard, although I'm going to have to do a bit of work to figure out more details, and then some code to make it useful08:38
jaemswc|666, indirectly, yes08:38
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swc|666grrr...biting my nails on my n900 delivery08:39
swc|666ONTARIO, CA, US  12/17/2009  9:53 P.M.  ARRIVAL SCAN  .. lol08:39
jaemswc|666, wait... Canada is in the US?08:40
jaemor Ontario is in California?08:40
swc|666ontario, calif08:40
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swc|666i live in seattle08:40
swc|666next day air08:40
jaemcrazy Americans ;)08:40
* DocScrutinizer51 seems to remember a note about N900 BT being able to connect to multiple clients concurrently08:40
jaemswc|666, if you press F5 more often, it makes it come sooner08:40
pekujaOntario is a province in Canada also08:40
pekujaand I suppose a city in California08:40
jaemDocScrutinizer51, yes, it should be able to, but this is a separate issue08:40
jaemI'll explain in a bit, but I don't want to spill it all until I get a bit more sorted out08:41
jaemIt Will Be Blogged, in any case08:41
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DocScrutinizer51jaem: so at least time of day display possible?08:42
DocScrutinizer51like a Rdigit caller ID?08:42
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* RST38h scratches head trying to understand why display time of day08:42
DocScrutinizer514digit even08:43
jaemdockane_, in theory, most or all of the ASCII set should be available08:43
jaem12 characters wide08:43
DocScrutinizer51hmm even better08:43
pekujajaem: so what kind of software did you write for it?08:43
jaemI just have to figure out the character mapping, because these controllers usually map them oddly08:43
jaempekuja, currently?  nothing.08:43
pekujajaem: ah ok08:43
jaemit's actually pretty simple - it just took me a while to see it08:43
* jaem will be back shortly, with more news08:44
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pekujajaem: so out of the box, does it work for incoming calls?08:44
DocScrutinizer51RST38h: just because that's what those gadgets at my wrist are supposed to do usually ;-D08:44
jaempekuja, presumably, but I don't have a plan for my N90008:44
jaemDocScrutinizer51, you don't want to do that08:44
RST38hDoc: Ah...08:44
jaemit's meant for alerts - if you want to display the time constantly, you'll run down the batter in no time08:44
jaemespecially with the vibra08:44
jaemanyhow, don't bug me for a bit, so I can work on this ;)08:45
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pekujajaem: well you can still get incoming calls from Skype08:45
pekujajaem: I think08:45
jaempekuja, no SkypeIn in Canada08:45
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pekujajaem: well I mean even just regular Skype calls08:46
pekujajaem: I would guess N900 handles those the same as regular calls08:46
jaempekuja, it does, but they won't have a number associated with them08:47
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jaemlooks like most or all symbols may not be supported08:48
jaemthen again, it may just need more hackz08:49
infobotjaem meant: then again, it may just need more hacks08:49
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Ceron awsome08:49
CeronChief Executive jaem08:49
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jaemCeron, what are you implying? :S08:50
Ceronlook at link :D08:50
jaemI did08:50
jaembut I'm not following you, unless it was a wanton insult :P08:51
Ceronit wanst an insult, it was just to get you to read the link08:51
jaemah, okay08:51
jaemheh... fair enough08:51
pekujajaem: they don't have a number, but I would hope that the default behavior was to display the contact's name and not their phone number08:52
cpscottihey... can someone vote/test accdisplay? its in extras-testing and already got 6 votes. it is useful to view/record/playback accelerometer's data08:52
jaempekuja, the HFP spec doesn't support that08:53
pekujajaem: oh08:53
jaemI'm quite certain of that08:53
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jaemcpscotti, do you just need a quick "work/doesn't work", or specific things tested?08:53
pekujajaem: but, the device itself could do it, if you wrote your own module08:53
jaemI already take a look at it08:53
cpscottijust a vote..08:53
cpscottieverything is working...08:54
jaempekuja, yes, it might be doable, but it's non-standard, so it won't get included in anything Nokia distributes08:54
cpscottijust need some votes.. hehehe08:54
jaemcpscotti, sure - it looked fine to me08:54
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cpscottiis this the standard procedure to ask for the votes? or am i missing something?08:55
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jaemcpscotti, well, ostensibly you shouldn't encourage people to vote without testing08:56
pekujajaem: yeah, but I imagine you're going to want something like that08:56
jaempekuja, exactly08:56
pekujajaem: or I don't know. what do you plan on doing with the bracelet?08:56
jaemI'm not sure how I'm going to go about it yet, though08:56
jaemI don't have the knowledge or resources to maintain third-party patches to a bunch of apps08:57
DocScrutinizer51jaem: what's the datatype specified in HFP for transfering the ID?08:57
jaembut once I get something usable out as a hack for people to try if they want, then maybe people might be interested in doing so themselves08:57
cpscottiwell... so the idea is just asking for another work/don't work test?08:57
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jaembut it won't be mainstream, because there's not guarantee it will work on other devices08:57
jaemDocScrutinizer51, IIRC it's a string, but they specify that it must be numerical08:58
cpscottiok.. so now in a proper manner..:08:59
DocScrutinizer51jaem: I think that's to accomodate 7segment gadgets08:59
jaemDocScrutinizer51, probably08:59
cpscottican someone test (work/dont) n900fly? it is aok.. if u care voting:
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jaemas I said, aside from prudence, there's no real reason to validate the string on the remote device09:00
jaemalthough it seems like something might be stripping symbols from it09:00
jaemI'm looking into it09:00
jaembecause the controller, in all probability, implements at least most of the ASCII characters09:01
jaemunfortunately, IIRC it's a COG, so I can't reasonably find the datasheet09:01
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DocScrutinizer51-wtf COG09:03
jaemDocScrutinizer51, "Chip-On-Glass"09:04
jaemit's an IC packaging method09:04
DocScrutinizer51~wtf COG09:04
infobotGee...  I don't know what COG means...09:04
jaemin this case, the LCD controller is mounted on the screen itself09:04
jaemI think09:04
jaemit's been a while since I took it apart09:04
jaemthey basically just slap the die on the back of the screen, and then coat it in some protective substance09:05
jaemhence, no visible model number09:05
DocScrutinizer51The jbt6k74 COG on freerunner's display even has a label lasered into bottom of the silicon die09:06
DocScrutinizer51it's not coated09:07
* luke-jr_ wants a true RGBA display <.<09:07
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DocScrutinizer51err, no. scratch that. I remebered sth incorrect09:11
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DocScrutinizer51or it faded away during last 6 months ;-P09:12
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr_: for the "A" part you hardly find any controller supporting that09:17
luke-jr_DocScrutinizer51: hardly? you mean some exist already?09:18
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr_: depends on your definition of "controller for a display"09:20
luke-jr_oh, wait, you're talking controller only09:20
luke-jr_not the whole display09:20
DocScrutinizer51some gracas should know alpha' no? ;-)09:20
DocScrutinizer51graphics cards09:21
luke-jr_for output?09:21
luke-jr_I want a RGBA *display*, not graphics card :p09:22
DocScrutinizer51hehe. on 100% transparent the display becomes invisible09:23
* DocScrutinizer51 wonders why luke-jr_ would want to watch the PCB underneath09:23
luke-jr_I wouldn't put a PCB underneath09:24
* DocScrutinizer51 suggests to use a beamer then. Perfect implicit alphablending09:25
DocScrutinizer51the things to throw pictures on any arbitrary surface. Preferrably canvas (if thats the right word)09:27
DocScrutinizer51aka projector09:27
luke-jr_even transparent surfaces? :p09:27
luke-jr_and implicit would mean 0% alpha wouldn't work09:27
DocScrutinizer510% on black is kinda hard admittedly09:28
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DocScrutinizer51and yes. we see transparent canvas lately in some TV studios. Some sort of nano fresnell09:30
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luke-jr_I also need it to be eye mountable09:30
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jaemluke-jr_, :D09:31
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sejo_n900someone else problems with mauku?09:33
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DocScrutinizer51for a headmounted device you probably are best off with a shutter goggle plus microbeamer with prisma09:33
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sejo_n900mauku doesn't update the timeline09:34
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adeushrrhr, who turned off the heat again09:50
jaemadeus, me09:50
jaemand that, kids, is why you don't control your home automation system with an IRC bot09:51
adeuseyelashes froze shut when you blink09:51
DocScrutinizer51that's the global warming09:52
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meceadeus, I hear ya. Here's my weather:
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meceDoes anyone know if sound should work in ScummVM on N900?09:54
adeusI have you beat with a mighty one degree difference09:54
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meceadeus, I think the fucking weather is rather exaggerated. It's really only -17.909:56
adeusstill fucking cold09:56
mecenvrmind got sound now :) yay09:57
joppuHow do I add a bug tracker link on an extras-testing package?09:59
joppuNeed to rebuild?09:59
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ruskieit's a special field in the control file10:03
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meceScummVM is AWESOME!!!10:14
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: btw, why don't you try n900 hostmode with proper equipment?10:14
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: honestly? probably cause I'm a lazy asshole10:15
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: I got a powered hub here. If you want to talk me into doing it right now :-)10:16
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pekujamece: Is ScummVM in extras-devel?10:17
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: would be nice to try. First i'd enable the hostmode with the sysfs node (iirc it's called "host" and it's in the musb driver, you can easily find /sys -name \*musb\* it). Then i'd check that strong pullup is not there, that would ensure it indeed switched.10:19
fcrozatstupid question : how do you select some text in Modest mail editor ?10:20
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: then i'd check the pulldowns and added externally if they're not present.10:20
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fcrozathover browser mode doesn't work in modest10:20
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: checking pullup is beyond my tools ATM10:20
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: oh, i thought you always carry a multimeter with you :)10:21
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: I'll simply attach that hub and kbd10:21
DocScrutinizer51find musb...10:22
mecepekuja, yes it is10:22
pekujamece: I think I'll stay clear of that repo for now.10:22
pekujamece: Not in the mood to break my system yet. ;-)10:22
pekujamece: ScummVM is tempting though ;-)10:23
mecepekuja, well you can just dl the deb10:23
pekujait is pretty much a perfect fit for the N90010:23
pekujaa lot of action games don't work too well because you don't have a d-pad or similar10:23
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mecepekuja, yep. Monkey 2 works flawlessly. you can drag cursor around to hover. click to click, shift-click to rightcllick10:24
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: no host node in /sys/bus/platform/drivers/musb_hdrc10:24
meceI won't get much work done today10:24
jaemaw snap... the bracelet's battery died just when I was getting debugging stupid errors in a shiny demo10:25
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: find host...10:25
jaemmethinks this is the signal to go get food while I wait10:25
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: hmm. didn't see that10:26
DocScrutinizer51  /sys/bus/platform/drivers/musb_hdrc10:27
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DocScrutinizer51  /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/usb_host:usb_host110:27
woglindehi doc10:28
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: what is in /sys/bus/platform/drivers/musb_hdrc ?10:29
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: sorry, really gtg right atm. I think i passed you the full and correct sysfs node name earlier in here, but i can't remember it atm. :|10:29
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: uevent and unbind10:30
DocScrutinizer51hi woglinde10:30
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redeemanhave any of you seen "issues" when charging via usb cable to a computer? sometimes i have to reconnect it a few times before it begins to charge. im 100% certain its not the issues with the usb connector going loose, as it works when i do the replugging on the PC side10:32
Micha_redeeman: i've sometimes had issues both with real charger and usb10:32
jaemwoglinde, moo10:32
redeemanit never does this with real charger for me10:33
woglindehe jaem10:33
woglindejaem ready for nx?10:33
Micha_redeeman: only when i've let it go completely flat10:33
jaemwoglinde, going to grab food while I wait for my bracelet to charge, and then sure10:33
redeemanMicha_: i never let it go so low it turns off10:33
jaemwoglinde, I was just mentioning this:
jaem'tis what I've been hacking on tonight10:33
Micha_redeeman: i don't on purpose either10:34
woglindejaem lol10:34
jaemwoglinde, I've seriously wanted something like that for years10:34
jaemalthough admittedly I'd dreamed of something better10:34
jaemand without the oh-so-classy "BLUETOOTH" line above the rather small screen10:34
Micha_this thing is well cool. programming and irc while stuck on london transport :)10:34
jaemMicha_, -grin-10:35
jaemMicha_, coding on your phone is kind of awesome10:35
jaemwoglinde, anyhow, food - I'll be back in a bit10:35
woglindejaem jo take your time10:35
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Micha_If anyone wants to see my first project, mwtube on garage10:37
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jaemMicha_, YouTube client?10:37
Micha_tiny london tube status app10:37
jaemoh... lol10:37
* jaem doesn't speak Britishese10:37
Micha_no, there's ebough youtube stuff10:37
* jaem nods10:38
jaemwhat about one that shows you Youtube videos of British subways?10:38
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jaem*raises eyebrow*10:38
jaem**while you're on the train**10:38
Micha_probably get locked up as a terrorist if you try that..10:39
jaemor if you do other stuff10:39
* jaem looks shifty-eyed10:39
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jaemman, you can't even mess with circuits on the bus these days10:39
* RST38h pings X-Fade10:39
jaemyeah, it had a red 7-seg, but come on!10:39
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tyrusi have a quick on10:40
tyrusits on external mem card on the n800, os200810:40
woglindeah is nice to read10:40
woglindemoo rst10:40
woglinderst jupp10:40
tyruswhen i ran sfdisk -l /dev/mmcblkl10:40
woglinde~ping x-fade10:40
infobotpong x-fade10:40
tyrusit freezes after displaying the number of cylinders10:41
RST38hheya woglinde10:41
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RST38hlooks like extras is stuck again :((10:41
woglindeI need libxmuu moved from sdk to extras10:42
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ruskiewhy? just add the sdk repo and you have it available ;)10:45
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: you're welcome to walk me thru finding whatever sysnode might be related to usb host. I seem unable to find any promising candidate10:45
woglinderuskie on devices?10:45
woglinderuskie now way10:45
woglindeno way10:45
ruskiewhy not?10:45
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woglindebecause you cann't be shure it interferes10:46
woglindewith other packages10:46
woglindeargs my spelling today10:46
ruskieI would assume apt to be smart enough to notice those things10:46
woglindea blody mess10:46
pekujadamn, I was excited about OpenTTD on the N900, but basically the UI is designed for a much bigger screen10:46
ruskiemost ares10:46
ruskieerm are10:46
pekujaand it's not really playable at all without a stylus10:46
woglindepekuja hm wasnt there themes/patches for smaller screens?10:47
pekujaI don't know10:47
woglindeand bloody cold today10:47
DocScrutinizer51friggin charger doesn't start charging. Still unplugging it creates a event10:48
pekujaumm, wtf10:48
pekujaScreen resolution is set to 400x21010:48
woglindepekuja change it10:48
pekujaha, now we're talking10:48
DocScrutinizer51redeeman: ^10:48
pekujaalas, this is going to be utterly impossible to play without a stylus and a steady hand10:48
DocScrutinizer51redeeman: known issue10:48
pekujabut better than the half-resolution version10:49
redeemanDocScrutinizer51: but does it only affect pc usb charging? because otherwise im quite on a coincidence-streak10:49
woglindehm openvg support in qt10:49
DocScrutinizer51seems like that. See I said 'chargwer'10:50
DocScrutinizer51ever one out of R here10:50
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tyrussomeone please help me out here10:55
tyruswhat does a dmesg entry that reads10:55
tyrusFAT:FAT read failed (blocknr xxxx) mmcblk0: error 1 sending read/write command10:56
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: heh. now that I know its real meaning, the red line seems to be even useful ;-D10:56
DocScrutinizer51GAN900: thanks again10:57
meceN900 is perfect for the classic lucasarts games. Perhaps I can finally try to complete the dig. Difficult game.10:58
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Gadgetoid_mbpWoohoo, Motorola milestone arrived11:11
pekujadoes anybody know if MaStory has any special requirements from the server side? I have a WordPress blog that I'm trying to post to, but it keeps failing.11:11
pekujaMaStory just says "Error publishing" so that doesn't help much11:11
furunk3li had the same problem with mastory and drupal11:11
pekujaI can see a single POST request in my server's access log11:13
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pekujamaybe it requires Apache11:14
pekujawouldn't think that made a difference though11:14
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: from reading the sources it looks like the relevant node is called "mode"11:14
pekujajust a wild guess11:14
pekujaI'm running lighttpd11:14
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: doing find mode...11:15
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: /sys $ cat ./devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode11:18
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: b_idle11:18
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pekujawell, I'm thinking of moving away from WordPress anyhow. not that that's going to make my life much easier11:18
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Gadgetoid_mbpThe milestone is UGLY11:18
Gadgetoid_mbpBut the screen is win11:18
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: echo  host > ?11:19
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: yes, host11:21
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ruskieGadgetoid_mbp, and we care about it why?11:24
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: no effect. still reads b_idle. nothing in dmsg either11:25
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Gadgetoid_mbpEvidently *you* don't, try not caring quietly11:25
* aquatix not-so-secretly quite likes the design of the Milestone, apart from the golden d-pad11:25
Gadgetoid_mbpThe d-pad is awful, aquatix11:26
Gadgetoid_mbpand the keyboard, whilst quite sensibly big, is very, very flat11:27
Gadgetoid_mbpbeveled keys give the n900 a firm edge tthere11:27
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: :( probably disabled in kernel config. Would be nice to have zgrep /proc/config.gz MUSB or something...11:28
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: when neither HOST nor OTG is compiled in, the relevant code is ifdef'd out :|11:28
DocScrutinizer51I'd guess exactly that is the (first) problem11:29
Stskeepscheck changelog11:29
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: moin :-)    pointer?11:30
PaulFertserStskeeps: yep, what is the easiest way to get .config for the "production" kernel?11:30
floriangood morning11:30
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lucentN900 folks, how am I supposed to activate Ovi Store to get my $50 rebate pre-paid VISA offer from Nokia if the Ovi store is not available for the N900?11:31 the place to be asking about that?11:32
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ifreqits not open yet for n90011:33
ifreqjust wait11:33
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: rx51_defconfig from the "official" source has the host mode enabled but i have no idea if that's the same config used for the kernel you run.11:34
lucentthe rebate form defines that I must register for Ovi Store -or- Ovi Maps and have the application postmarked no later than the first week of January 201011:34
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: i think i can compile the kernel myself to make sure, if you want to mess with it...11:34
lucentI'm *freaking* just ever so slightly about this delay, was there any official announcement to address that from Nokia, maybe I should read up on?11:35
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: how would I possibly check the actual kernel? find some exported symbol or ???11:36
lucentbesides the rebate concern, I'm very pleased with Maemo5 and associated software as featured on the N90011:36
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: if it lacks /proc/config.gz, there's no good way i think.11:38
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DocScrutinizer51lemme check11:39
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: /proc/kallsyms is as good as it gets I guess11:42
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: at least the official package has debian/rules which states rx51_defconfig is used, so the hostmode support should be there...11:43
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meceIs there a way to modify the RDS data output for the fm transmitter? would be nice to get the artist-song name displayed11:44
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: ok, musb_srp_store is a good candidate. Should be there if hostmode is enabled.11:44
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: I can not change content of mode sysnode as explained above. Always shows b_idle no matter if I echo host > ./mode11:44
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: can you check if musb_srp_store is among kallsyms?11:45
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: hm, i'm not sure it's the function of interest anymore..11:47
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: yep. is there. among otg-timer and a lot of other promising stuff11:48
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: sorry, it's not the node, that's for peripheral. The defenitive answer is in dmesg, it should print on init something like musb_hdrc: version: blablabla listing all the capabilities.11:49
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: prolly my dmesg wrapped11:50
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DocScrutinizer51there's been a dmesg pastebin of boot somewhere in the internet. Alas have no pointer/bookmark atm11:52
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: also quite possibly musb has problems with external hubs, at least the source says a lot about various unsolved hub-related issues.11:53
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: so you suggest I should use a Y-cable then? Once we found a node to actually switch11:54
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: do you get anything in dmesg after you try to force host mode?11:57
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DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: nope. not a single line11:59
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: weird but i do not see what i expect in dmesg wrt version an capabilities in the dmesg i googled.11:59
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swc|666damnit jaem i want one of the bt bracelets now .. but i dont trust dx12:11
jaemswc|666, DX is a bit sketchy, but in my own experience, by all I've heard, they do deliver12:12
jaemthey might backorder it for a month or so, or something stupid like that, but they're as respectable as such a business can be12:13
jaemswc|666, oh by the way, I have a scrolling alert demo done now12:13
tekojomece open a bug on the RDS?12:13
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jaemI'll record a video with the N900, and upload it to my server along with the script12:14
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: the messages in question are KERN_INFO level so should be visible... mad strange why the hell they're not there.12:14
jaemgive me a few12:14
swc|666jaem niiice!12:15
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: looks like i just can't find an untruncated dmesg :|12:16
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hrw - check it people12:17
povbotBug 6823: media player won't play any video files now (.avi) divx / xvid12:17
mikhasjaem, how exactly do you record a video on your n900?12:17
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jaemmikhas, um... camera?12:17
jaemalthough you can do screencasts too12:17
jaemswc|666, darn - the text is too small to read at the distance the video camera will focus at12:17
jaemheh... silly cell phone cameras12:18
swc|666hehe, yea12:18
jaemso you'll have to take my word for it12:18
swc|666i'd like to see the text scroll12:18
jaemif you want one of them, I'd say go for it12:18
jaemwell, here's the thing12:18
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jaemit's *really* not meant for scrolling text12:18
PaulFertserCome on, guys, is it really that hard for you to provide me with full n900 dmesg please?12:18
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jaemit's meant for a phone number, and a single display per call12:19
swc|666PaulFertser, my n900 is on the way .. literally
jaemand by default it will vibrate and display that until you manually accept or reject the call12:19
jaemwhich displays a message to that effect (which is annoying)12:19
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: seems some of the first few lines always are truncated12:19
swc|666jaem, one of the things i read about it was that it had a proximity feature as well12:19
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woglindejaem wer is the qtnx log?12:19
swc|666so if the phone is X distance away, it'll vibrate12:20
jaemI'm ringing it with a substring, then sleeping, then cancelling the call, and then ringing with the new string12:20
jaemswc|666, that's actually kind of misleading12:20
jaemwhat it really does is buzz if it goes out of range without being properly disconnected12:20
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: meh :| probably if saved really early, like right after the init, they'd get to the log...12:20
jaemwoglinde, coming up - sorry to keep putting you off12:20
swc|666ah yea i can see that12:20
jaemI just got done exams recently, and I've had a lot of backlog12:20
swc|666obviously it cant measure signal with whatever chip/board it has12:21
swc|666s/signal/signal levels/12:21
infobotswc|666 meant: obviously it cant measure signal levels with whatever chip/board it has12:21
jaemswc|666, IIRC, it's a CSR chip with BT and a basic MCU12:21
jaemabout as FOSS-unfriendly as you can get12:21
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: let me reboot and pastebin what dmesg will give12:21
swc|666CSR ftw12:21
jaemwhich is too bad, because otherwise it looks reasonably easy to reflash12:21
jaemmaybe not CSR12:22
PaulFertserSane devs shouldn't have used such a damn small dmesg buffer :|12:22
jaembut at any rate, there is no free (or even cheap) way to compile for it12:22
jaemwoglinde, can I save the log from within qtnx, or do I need to capture it from the terminal?12:22
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jaemswc|666, I'll have to pull it apart again and take another look - it's been months, and I didn't document it12:23
woglindejaem its both the same12:23
PaulFertseri think i managed to find illegally copied "bluelab" or something software to build for some common BT chip.12:23
jaemwoglinde, okay - it'll be one moment12:23
jaemPaulFertser, that may be it12:23
jaemI think it said you could flash it over UART or USB, neither of which are connected to anything12:24
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jaembut I think at the time the UART looked like it might be accessible12:24
jaemas I said, it was a while ago12:24
PaulFertserjaem: if you need that software i can try to find it again, never actually tested it and it's ancient (2-3 years ago).12:24
jaemPaulFertser, I'll see - thanks for the offer12:24
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PaulFertserAh, and of course it's windows only, what else can one expect from proprietary shit.12:25
jaemheh, yeah12:25
jaemwoglinde, huh... it automagically worked this time12:25
lcukgah, maemo extras downloads page keeps reseting the description i give it?12:26
jaemthen again, NX on this server has been a bit odd from time to time12:26
lcukliqflow entered extras yesterday12:26
lcukand i changed description12:26
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lcukbut it keeps gettign reset12:26
woglindejaem coool12:26
jaemwould qtnx give a message in the GUI if Bad Things happen, or only in the log?12:26
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woglindejaem server is not my field12:26
jaemsuch as auth failed12:26
woglindejaem hm auth is in gui12:26
woglindesome errors nor12:26
woglindeargs not12:26
lcukX-Fade, any idea ^12:27
woglinde~seen x-fade12:27
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (6h 24m 52s), last said: 'RST38h: Lunch, bbl.'.12:27
jaemwoglinde, man, this is awesome :)12:28
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: :( same truncated stuff, begins with wireless already12:28
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jaemwoglinde, thanks for your work!12:28
pupnikyes thanks woglinde12:28
jaemby the way, do you know of any lighter-weight open source NX clients?12:29
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: as I said. Something spoils the msg buffer during init12:29
jaemI understand that NoMachine has released a client for the Zauri, but I'm looking at an unsupported device with more RAM, but not enough for QtNX12:29
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jaemwoglinde, is there a way to minimize the NX session without logging out?12:31
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: or it's just too small, let me check.12:31
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jaemwoglinde, yes?12:31
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woglindewhat you excatly mean?12:31
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woglindethe window disappears when you click on minimize?12:32
woglindehi cbrake12:32
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jaemwell, on the official desktop Linux client, you can click in the top-right corner of the screen to minimize it.  I didn't see any obvious way to do so in qtnx12:32
jaemI don't want to have to log out to go back to Maemo for a moment12:32
woglindethis works flawless on n81012:32
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: apt-get install syslogd??? klogd???12:33
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jaembut how does it work?12:33
woglindemaybee some window atoms changed for maemo512:33
sivangso , people, I'v managed to get my /etc/nameserver not fucked by network-manager, but everything I try to install says I don't have the python deps, do I need to add more sources?12:33
jaemthe same way?12:33
sivangI want to start with installing the ofiicial terminal for the platform12:33
woglindejaem qtnx only setups the parameters for the nx connection12:33
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: no idea, probably the buffer gets overwritten before the userspace starts even.12:33
jaemwoglinde, riiight12:33
woglindeand then calls nxssh and nxproxy12:33
jaemso it should be the same12:33
woglindeand the nxserver displays the window on maemo12:33
jaemwhat exactly is the nature of the remote window, then?12:33
jaemis it just a window, or a nested XServer, or what?12:34
woglindebecause the xserver dont know about maemo it dont sets the maemo atoms12:34
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woglindefor this window12:34
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: according to rx51_defconfig the size is 16KiB.12:34
woglindeso I run a thread in nxproxy which checks for this windows appears and sets the atoms12:34
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: n900 is so fucking constrained :)12:38
lucentPaulFertser: I have n900 in hand, what do you need and how do I do it?12:39
PaulFertserlucent: i'm afraid you're not going to recompile a custom kernel and install it, are you?12:39
DocScrutinizer51yeah. and still they dare to sacrifice a whole shitload of 16k for log buffer12:40
lucentPaulFertser: ah, sorry I don't think I can afford to do this12:40
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lucentI'm loonix savvy but that's not sounding very safe or supportable :(12:40
lucentdmesg isn't saved on the device ?12:41
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PaulFertserlucent: the buffer is too damn small, so it gets truncated before the userspace starts it seems.12:41
lucentthanks for the full explain12:41
lucentnow I can understand why this is not easy to find ;/12:41
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lucentare there serial port headers on it?12:41
PaulFertserlucent: i think that flashing kernel to n900 is as safe as to n810 which is 100% safe due to the presence of usb bootloader.12:41
lucentwell, you know that's what I would try without hesitation, messing with the firmware or kernel isn't in my comfort zone for this device12:42
lcukPaulFertser, what is it you are trying to do, or rather why12:42
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lucentPaulFertser: what is dmesg needed for though?12:43
PaulFertserlcuk: it would be nice to see the full dmesg output to see if host/otg musb driver parts are compiled in or not.12:43
lucentisn't there a .config available?12:43
PaulFertserlcuk: because i'm really unsure the production kernel uses the same kernel config as rx51_config.12:43
lcukhave you got a device yet?12:43
PaulFertserI would expect such a twist from nokia.12:43
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PaulFertserlcuk: me?12:44
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PaulFertserlcuk: unless i get one by a lucky coincedence, i am not going to have one. It's not free enough to my liking, unfortunately. And also mad expensive comparing to my freerunner.12:46
lucent$529 with $50 rebate is what I paid, hrm12:46
PaulFertserlcuk: if i had the device i'd be running my self-compiled kernel already and wouldn't ask stupid questions about musb etc :)12:47
PaulFertserlucent: FR is <$200 i think12:47
lucentso *if* Ovi store opens for N900 before and I qualify, that's $479 ;)12:47
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pekujayou can't get the rebate without Ovi?12:48
lucentthe Nokia Ovi rebate requries purchase of a qualifying phone and also activation for either Ovi Store or Ovi Maps12:48
lucent...from the device12:49
lucentcan't do it yet from N900 because N900 isn't a valid Ovi Store device12:49
mgedminnice trick12:49
lcukyou can get a hannah montanah screensaver tho12:49
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* lcuk kicks git12:49
lucentha, I thought so once I got the N900 in my hands and tried like a fervent monkey to jump through the hoops for rebate submittal12:49
woglindelcuk use it right12:50
mgedminwhat's the point of rebates, anyway?  the high likelihood that most of the customers won't bother or won't be able to figure out what hoops to jump through?12:50
* lcuk smiles at mgedmin 12:50
lucentmgedmin: really?   that's an economics discussion you could go on about like it's some kind of conspiracy against the consumer... simple enough, it encourages spending on credit12:50
lcukremind me to talk to you next time we have beers, knowing you do gtimelog as well as irc gives me some ideas12:51
mgedminuh oh12:51
mgedminlucent, to be fair, I never understood economics12:51
mgedminwell, never studied economics would be more accurate ;)12:51
lucentnor I, at least I claim to not be an expert right here and now12:51
lucentI work at a movie theater12:52
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lucentaround xmas holiday time, we sell movie "passes" which are face value12:52
mgedminwhy are rebates better (for the seller, I assume) than discounts?12:52
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lucentthey're not redeemable for cash, yet they are VERY profitable for the business12:52
jaemmgedmin, because many people don't cash them in12:53
lucenteven if every single person uses their pass, and we make no profit from people forgetting to use their pass, it's still a huge win12:53
mgedminso, what I said, basically ;)12:53
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lucentjaem: that's just the contrary to what I see for the "movie pass" use case12:53
lcukwoglinde, ive got a package which got drunk, went on a 3 month bender had patches applied and was released.  meanwhile the stable branch continued until a release, then this was also taken on a christmas party and left tied to a lamppost naked.  i have to somehow get git to first identify the missing patches, then tell it to apply those patches to the main branch12:53
lcukwithout histories12:53
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jaemlcuk, rofl12:54
lucentwe do more business by offering a form of credit-as-...  I guess you'd call it a materialized asset12:54
lucentand that sells very well12:54
lucentit's all paid for by *somebody* and exists as a voucher to be redeemed12:54
pupnikwho here has gotten libraries / dependencies into -devel?12:54
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woglindelcuk private git -repos?12:55
pupnikis there a fasttrack for stuff like that?12:55
pupnikquilt, diffstat, openal12:55
cosmo_pupnik: i've got a library in extras-devel12:55
* DocScrutinizer51 hugs his OM-debugboard12:55
lcukwoglinde, no git repos for half of it12:55
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woglindelcuk aeh?12:55
cosmo_no one knows how to promote it to extras so it's stuck there12:56
woglindeyou will find a solution12:56
lcukit was taken off git at some point12:56
lcukim jiggling now12:56
pupnikty cosmo_12:56
woglindecosmo_ ask x-fade12:56
lucentP.S. does mbarcode work for N900 currently?  Any N900 owners used it and able to comment on mbarcode?12:56
woglindeif he is around12:56
woglindemaybee he is travelling again12:56
woglinde~seen x-fade12:56
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (6h 53m 50s), last said: 'RST38h: Lunch, bbl.'.12:56
siriusnovaso my credit card just called me12:57
cosmo_X-Fade: do you know how to promote package from extras-dev to extras? wiki instructions don't work12:57 seems unhappy12:57
siriusnova"did you just do a $109 transaction in india"12:57
siriusnova"uhhhh no"12:57
lucentsiriusnova: o_O12:57
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cosmo_(although i haven't polled them for a couple of weeks)12:57
lucentbad news bears strike siriusnova :(12:57
siriusnovayeah but they blocked it12:57
siriusnovaso its good news :)12:57
mgedminlucent, I'm a N900 owner, but I've never played with mbarcode12:57
mgedminwhat's it do?12:57
RST38hX-Fade: Are you around?12:57
lucentmgedmin: supposedly it lets you take a picture of a barcode to decode it12:57
* lcuk gets in line behind RST38h 12:57
tigertwow, that maemo-geolocation extension rocks12:57
* lcuk moos quietly12:57
* mgedmin is waiting for app manager which is SLOW12:58
* RST38h considers milking lcuk but decides against it12:58
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* mgedmin installs mbarcode12:58
RST38htigert: Using Latitude webapp for iPhone?12:58
lucentmgedmin: neat concept, huh?12:58
lucentwhat's up with the built in front-facing webcam, all grainy and stuff12:58
mgedminlucent, cool programming excercise, yes, but what's the point?12:59
lucentmgedmin: some kind of buzz concept that's sweeping through advertising, specialty magazines, and some movie promotions12:59
tigertRST38h: googlemaps works nicely with maemo-geolocation12:59
tigertfollows me precisely12:59
RST38htigert: hmm...did not work for me12:59
lucenta small barcode on literature that you point your cell phone at, scan, and it takes you to bonus content via internets tubes13:00
DocScrutinizer51lucent: the frontcam is supposedly missing a better driver13:00
RST38htigert: have they got a mobile webapp as well?13:00
tigerttheres the small locate button in googlemaps13:00
lucentDocScrutinizer51: relieved to hear that!13:00
tigertthis is the real
lucentthe specs sound a little nicer than what I'm seeing.13:00
* RST38h would really like to know why Speccy and Vulture's Eye promoted to Extras yesterday still did not appear in Downloads13:00
mgedminwell, I'm pointing it at a barcode on the side of a box of tissues, mbarcode isn't doing anything (other than updating the image at what feels like 10fps)13:00
DocScrutinizer51lucent: exactly13:00
RST38hGiven that X-Fade is unavailable (or so it seems), is there anyone else able to help?13:01
Micha_mgedmin: worked for me from a Pepsi (yuck) label. Didn't work on a smaller one I found elsewhere. Seems a bit hit-and-miss.13:01
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lucentmgedmin: ah, about the same as I experienced. I found that the flash lit up momentarily, autofocus stopped working after a second or two, and then nothing13:01
DocScrutinizer51lucent: suspicion is the frontcam is completely misconfig'd wrt ASAm(sensitivity) and apperture/exposure time13:01
lucentMicha_: what is the procedure?  tap to scan?13:01
lucentMicha_: is it continuous scan?13:02
redeemanPaulFertser: are enough kernel source available that one can recompile the kernel and not loose functionality?13:02
lucentDocScrutinizer51: thanks! I am interested in that kind of rumor ;)13:02
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Micha_lucent: Yes. Then point at barcode and wait.  Seems to work better with the old-fashioned barcodes rather than the newfangled ones.13:02
PaulFertserredeeman: i'm sure there're. Because you can't really use anything non-GPL'd directly with the kernel.13:02
DocScrutinizer51lucent: just MHO13:02
redeemanPaulFertser: that hasn't stopped many before from doing it13:03
DocScrutinizer51call it an educated guess13:03
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PaulFertserredeeman: redeeman also doesn't list anything suspicious.13:03
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lucentMicha_: flash / autofocus behavior for you?   flash on would help a lot, but mine turned off. Did you need flash on?13:03
PaulFertserredeeman: those doing that shit should be sued. And it's happening more and more.13:03
redeemanPaulFertser: yes, i agree13:04
Micha_lucent: When it worked, it was a well-lit environment. I think it might have briefly used flash. Hangon, lemme find one to play with.13:04
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redeemanPaulFertser: i would very much like to try replace the kernel13:04
RST38hAh, the OSS religious conversation again...13:04
PaulFertserredeeman: should be trivial13:04
redeemanRST38h: yes... very religious.. following the license...13:04
redeemanlet's all go to the copyright church13:04
lucentMicha_: my boss at the movie theater asks "what is that?" anytime he sees a 2D barcode pattern on the movie posters13:05
PaulFertserRST38h: yeah, i see now who's the most interested in trolling.13:05
lucentwould be so fun to whip out my phone and make it go13:05
DocScrutinizer51flash is known to fail on 'macro' picture taking13:05
lucentcan't lock it to on setting?13:06
cosmo_is there navicore or any other sane navigation sw available for n900 yet?13:06
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DocScrutinizer51lucent: it will make photo over bright13:06
lucentfor scanning barcodes though...13:06
PaulFertserredeeman: have you tried simply downloading from and building the usual debian way? Or you can use opensuse autobuilder to do that for you i guess.13:06
redeemanPaulFertser: i don't really know much about debians kernel build system13:07
Micha_lucent: Ok, seems when you press scan it has about 5 seconds to try to recognise the code, after that it gives up.13:07
Micha_lucent: During those 5 seconds or so it tries to autofocus the camera on the barcode.13:07
PaulFertserredeeman: then just unpack the source, apply the patch, "export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-; make rx51_defconfig; make bzImage" blabla13:08
DocScrutinizer51which fails on low ambient light13:08
DocScrutinizer51most of the times13:08
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lucentMicha_: no luck here, thanks for trying13:10
Micha_lucent: no worries. *goes back to javadoccing (ew)*13:10
mgedminwhich is probably not accurate at all13:10
mgedminoh, wait, it's been updated13:11
mgedminmaybe it's accurate now13:11
* mgedmin ought to try and build iptable_nat.ko again13:11
lucentmikhas: ooooh! I got one, finally. Thanks for the advice again13:11
mikhasyou meant Micha_13:12
lucentmikhas: right you are13:13
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redeemanmgedmin: the guide is not finished it seems13:16
redeemanmy N900 lsmod shows lots of modules loaded13:16
redeemanbut they don't appear to be compiling the modules in that guide13:17
lucentis bluetooth any faster than EDGE for internet connectivity?13:18
lucentI only get EDGE on my cell provider, wondering if I can tether my phone to my PC when I'm at home13:19
mgedminEDGE is what, ~250 Kbit/s13:19
lucentI don't have a wifi router so...13:19
redeemanmgedmin: 23013:19
mgedminBluetooth is at least 1 Mbit/s13:19
redeemani get more than 100kilobytes/s on bluetooth13:19
lucentoh that's nice13:19
mgedminthere are various BT standards, things like "Bluetooth 2.0 Extended Data Rate"13:20
mgedminI've no clue about those13:20
anidelRST38h when did you promote your apps ? I did promote mine yesterday night at around 11:30pm UTC and it appears (Xournal)13:20
mgedminI've been tethering my 3G phone over bluetooth13:20
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lucentis what I'm thinking (tether N900 to get N900's internet connection from PC) common?13:20
lucentlike the reverse of what you'd do for a 3G connection ;)13:20
mgedmindepends ...13:20
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redeemanlucent: most people probably just use wifi13:21
mgedminthe only officially-supported tethering is over the USB cable13:21
anidelhi there Valerio13:21
pupnikwhat is this, a ddos on repositories?13:21
mgedminthere's a package that adds Bluetooth DUN profile support on the N90013:21
mgedminI'm sure it works, I just haven't tried it myself yet13:21
VDVsxanidel, hey13:21
redeemanuse PAN instead13:21
mgedminand I wonder if I can have both devices (N900 and laptop) online while using BT DUN to tether13:21
mgedminI tried setting up PAN once between by Ubuntu laptop and my N810, failed abysmally13:22
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mgedminyou have to be some kind of a wizard to figure out the config13:22
lucentUbuntu PC here13:22
mgedminadmittedly, DUN ain't point-and-click either13:22
mgedminif you use the USB cable, Network Manager detects the N900 as a USB modem13:23
mgedmingives you all sorts of nice wizards for operator setup etc.13:23
* mgedmin didn't actually try13:23
lucentoh, haven't tried either13:24
lucentthat's kind of fun you heard it does auto-stuff13:24
mgedminI wanted no cables, and I wanted to have both devices online (AFAIU USB tethering brings the N900 itself offline, and gives its modem entirely to the PC)13:24
mgedminI figured out a hack with ad-hoc wifi and SOCKS5 proxying13:24
* mgedmin tried Network Manager's USB support with real USB modems -- seemed to work, didn't retry aggressively enough, so I went back to pppd13:25
mgedmincrappy cellular access where I was, sometimes it took 30 minutes of constant retrying for the modem to get online13:25
lucentofftopic but I wondered how to get Network Manager to connect to a specific connection from commandline in Ubuntu13:25
lucentever hear of that one?13:25
mgedminis that even possible? ;)13:26
lucentsome kind of dbus kung fu13:26
lucentI would hope so13:26
mgedminIIRC I saw a command-line tool for controlling n-m once, in Google, but it wasn't packaged for Ubuntu13:26
lucentokay will look again13:26
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mgedminwhen there's no WPA, I can iwconfig/ifconfig/dhclient it up manually13:27
mgedminwhen there's WPA, I curse wpa_supplicant a lot and usually not even try13:27
mgedminhad it configured a long time ago, could probably do it again, have no wish to try13:28
lucentsort of on topic, the first "mobile device" I tried with a Linux kernel was Sharp Zaurus C300013:29
lucentwpa_supplicant from the commandline to get it going there13:29
mgedmincan you specify the PSK on the command line?  IIRC you always need to write a config file13:29
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lucentmgedmin: you can do it from a pipe and there's a way to do it from a script by controlling the stdin/out13:30
lucentnot first order of easy though13:30
mgedminand you're usually not in a position to look it up on google ;)13:31
lucentthere's an interactive mode too where you can specify the settings but it's wholly undocumented13:31
lucentha!  been there on that one enough times to agree13:31
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lucentmgedmin: OMWeather versus Foreca... your opinion?13:32
mgedmintoo many choices13:32
mgedminso -> neither13:32
mgedminI've tried omweather a long time ago, on a n80013:32
mgedminit memleaked or something, didn't leave a good opinion13:33
lucentoh okay nothing obvious to avoid Foreca13:33
lucentI rather like it but I've heard ya-ya-ya go get OMWeather killer app omg13:33
lucentdon't need 8 or 9 different theme and font choices13:33
lucentsounds consistent with what you're saying about an older version of it13:34
mgedminit's probably unfair to hold past bugs against it13:34
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lucentfew apps reduce the number of options after their first and second releases13:35
lucentI can think of gaim/Pidgin which did simplify their options13:35
lucentI'm hard pressed to think of any other13:35
mgedminwait, "too many choices" was supposed to mean "two weather applets are one applet too much"13:35
mgedminnot that any one of them has too many settings13:35
lucentoh?  didn't understand you then13:36
mgedminI installed neither because I can't decide which one to try out13:36
lucentah okay13:36
lucentany way to get a pointer in the web browser so I can hover over?13:36
mgedminswipe from the left, near the bottom of the screen13:36
mgedminthere are youtube videos that demo the brouser gestures13:37
mgedminand there's a user manual on the device13:37
lucentthanks, I've seen them, I just got confused because when I tried it didn't work the first and second times13:37
mgedminthere are three pointer modes, I don't quite understand them myself13:37
mgedminone of them is for hovering, one of them is for clicking13:37
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mgedminthe third one (normal) is for scrolling13:38
mgedmintapping the icon that appears when you swipe switches between the modes somehow13:38
lucentI've run into things like scroll box within a frame within a scrolling page within another frame13:38
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lucentand it got real confusing how to get anywhere in that document13:38
mgedminbesides, the N900 browser is not xkcd-compliant: tooltips are truncated :(13:38
lucentfor shame!  no host usb nor xkcd ALT tags13:39
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lucentnor Ovi store13:39
lucentI still love the bloody device13:39
* mgedmin wants a compass and a temperature sensor13:39
lucentcompass uses a lot of power IIRC13:40
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DocScrutinizer51anybody with a clue how to get numptyphysics for N810?13:40
lucentha okay so what I did wrong was to swipe from inside the visible portion of the screen, which naturally doesn't work?13:41
lucentgot it now by going from offscreen to onscreen13:41
mgedminDocScrutinizer51, isn't it in extras?13:42
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin: I thought it used to be. Had it some months ago. But now itMs vanished for umknown reasons from my N810 and from appman as well13:43
mgedminmaybe the extras repo got temporarily wedged again13:44
DocScrutinizer51the one-click install on  garage says "file not found"13:45
jaemand goodnight, all13:45
* swc|666 looks..13:45
RST38hAnyone responsible for managing Extras here?13:45
swc|6669te jaem13:45
woglinderst ~seen x-fade13:45
VDVsxRST38h, not me, but what do you need ?13:45
RST38hwoglinde: yea, except that I haven't seen X-Fade in two days13:45
woglindevdvsx where is x-fade?13:45
VDVsxwoglinde, lol. dunno13:46
VDVsxMIA perhaps13:46
Stskeepshe's probably stuck in some snow13:46
woglinderst maybee I should write a file13:46
RST38hVDVsx: Vulture's Eye and Speccy got promoted into Extras yesterday but they have not got pages and do not appear in downloads13:46
woglindeVDVsx you dont have a team calendar or something?13:46
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VDVsxwoglinde, humm ?13:46
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VDVsxwoglinde, I'm not his boss13:46
woglindeonly boss can see team calendar?13:47
VDVsxRST38h, that's strange, since there's a some new apps there, promote around the same times13:48
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dnaumovthis is a brilliant app13:48
dnaumovnow who dares try it? :)13:48
VDVsxwoglinde, well perhaps we need one for the stuff, available for the entire community :)13:49
lucentdnaumov: when I'm snowboarding? :P13:49
VDVsxwoglinde, you can suggest that ;)13:49
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woglindeVDVsx hehe13:49
lucentI thought it was a funny app to suggest throwing the phone into the air13:49
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woglindevdvxs hm do you know how can maintain it too?13:49
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woglindeseems we need a backup for x-fade13:49
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VDVsxwoglinde, true, we need a lot of things :(13:50
jpjokelalucent: Maybe something like "VoidYourWarranty" might have been a better name?13:50
DocScrutinizer51installs bootscreen "I survived a drop from yi feet to concrtee"13:52
SpeedEvilyou can safely use it on a trampoline13:52
infobotDocScrutinizer51 meant: installs bootscreen "I survived a drop from 8 feet to concrtee"13:53
dnaumovnext thing, there will be an app to measure how deep underwater have you succesfully dived with your phone submerged in water13:53
pupnikanybody have openal built for armel ...13:53
DocScrutinizer51I think that's an app for trasseurs13:54
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VDVsxpupnik, I think I built that once, but never used it (other deps missing), not sure if I submitted it to the repos, probably not13:56
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ruskie <-- anyone have any ideas?13:58
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* DocScrutinizer51 suggests N900 starts a terribl screaming as soon as accelmeter detects free fall ;-P14:01
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DocScrutinizer51and a "OUFF" when 0G ends14:02
pupnikVDVsx: i did too, long ago :) now it's dying cause cmake is kaputt in scratchbox14:03
HukkaHm, my N900 stopped responding to touch14:03
Hukkassh works fine, still14:03
pupniki am gonna srsly post any hard deps to a t.m.o attachment14:03
HukkaIs there anything I can restart via CLI to give it a kick?14:03
Hukka(I don't want to reboot right now, since it's in the middle of downloading stuff from my desktop)14:03
pupnikmaybe give it a minute14:04
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HukkaI gave it five already...14:04
HukkaI first thought it was the phone app, but after killing it via ssh, it seems like it just doesn't respond to touch14:04
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Hukka(Actually opening the keyboard did change the orientation of the phone too)14:04
DocScrutinizer51Hukka: low on mem?14:05
DocScrutinizer51or CPU maxxed out?14:05
pupnikruskie: i haven't seen that14:05
HukkaDocScrutinizer51: Neither14:05
HukkaDocScrutinizer51: Like I said, via ssh everything is fine14:06
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HukkaAnd status dock is updating (show loading battery, for example)14:06
HukkaAnd I just got a new mail notification14:06
DocScrutinizer51Hukka: pointe device is fairly lowlevel. No idea how to retsrat it on any *nix platform14:08
RST38hVDVsx: As I have been saying, things are majorly broken14:09
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RST38hVDVsx: It is not only the voting UI that is broken now, but the promotion mechanisms as well14:10
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VDVsxRST38h, eheh, I've to agree14:10
RST38hVDVsx: As a council member, maybe you can somehow influence the payrolled guys to get their stuff together?14:10
VDVsxRST38h, I already pushed that, but they've other priorities atm :(14:11
RST38hVDVsx: because whatever mysterious things they are doing there, it looks worse and worse to contributors14:11
RST38hVDVsx: Isn't making things work for contributors to the repos their main goal?14:11
DocScrutinizer51Hukka: I had a situation that looked like lockup when a requester opened *behind* another screen. Hitting "enter" key on hw kbd got me out of it14:11
VDVsxRST38h, I even suggested to ask some more help from nokia, but I got a 'no need', that's just a phase, let see :(14:12
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RST38hVDVsx: I would like to ask for some transparency instead14:12
VDVsxRST38h, well they're working in the new server, that's not secret14:13
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mgedminHukka, does it respond to the keyboard?14:15
RST38hVDVsx: Well, "new server" is a piece of hardware where you install LInux, some packages, migrate your code, and make sure it works14:15
RST38hVDVsx: Maybe I am missing something, but it has always been a simple job a bunch of IT guys could do for you14:16
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RST38hVDVsx: So, I am somewhat surprised that they are all doing it around the clock for days14:16
VDVsxRST38h, afaik, some people of team are those IT guys14:17
VDVsxRST38h, me too14:17
* RST38h sighs heavily14:17
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Hukkamgedmin: Hard to say, since I'm at the desktop14:17
HukkaNo, wait, I can type for contacts14:17
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HukkaDoesn't work14:17
HukkaSo I guess it doesn't14:17
w00tVDVsx: it can take more time, depending on whether they're trying to add some extra stuff to the new setup (which obviously requires extra testing and benchmarking and whatnot that could take more time), but yeah.. it would be nice to have more transparency to it14:18
VDVsxRST38h, those days, for any problem/complain I've got "hey, lets wait for the new servers"14:18
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VDVsxRST38h, w00t , about the transparency, you guys should complain about that in the ML or talk14:19
* w00t nods14:20
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VDVsxbut please note that there's a log for this things already14:20
VDVsxshort logs, but still14:20
pdrummondhi all, anyone know why I can't install imagemagick on scratchbox?14:20
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jeremiah_RST38h: We do not have complete control of the servers - some of them are still under control of the ISP.14:35
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jeremiah_There is significantly more work than you describe14:35
jeremiah_So please, have just a little patience14:36
jeremiah_I mean, Nokia is providing this to you for free, so a little gratitude wouldn't hurt.14:36
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dnearyHi jeremiah_14:37
dnearyX-Fade, Ping?14:38
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MortimeR_hi, I just got my brand new N900 ;-)14:44
Stskeepscongrats :)14:44
timeless_mbpStskeeps: did you see my splash screen package?14:45
MortimeR_btw: Does anyone know why Nokia is transfering all email credentials including passwords to _their_ servers when I am setting up email for my corporate server?14:45
timeless_mbpMortimeR_: are you reading the dialogs14:45
timeless_mbpor are you asking about something else14:45
StskeepsMortimeR_: nokia wants to take over the world and know of your penis extension emails before -you- see them, obviously14:46
MortimeR_time: I am reading the dialogs and the manual14:46
timeless_mbpMortimeR_: so...14:46
timeless_mbproughly, the dialogs are in the place they are because of lawyers14:46
timeless_mbpand to "simplify" things14:46
timeless_mbpif you choose to use Nokia Messaging services14:46
* SpeedEvil quotes Shakespear.14:46
StskeepsMortimeR_: if you're using nokia messaging, to do push email, it will have to have the passwords14:46
timeless_mbpwhich is entirely optional14:46
Stskeepsit's a technological impossibility without14:46
timeless_mbpthen nokia is your mail gateway14:46
timeless_mbpand thus needs your credentials14:46
MortimeR_time: I lack to understand. Why are lawyers asking me for my password?14:47
timeless_mbpif you choose not to use nokia messaging, then the credentials will not be sent to nokia messaging14:47
timeless_mbpand if they aren't sent to nokia messaging, they aren't sent to nokia14:47
SpeedEvil_DEEPLY_ stupid dialogs.14:47
MortimeR_Stsk: I simply want to do plain IMAP4 not Nokias services14:47
timeless_mbp(well, unless you enable the crash reporter, which has another lawyer dialog)14:47
StskeepsMortimeR_: then use that14:47
timeless_mbpMortimeR_: again, the placement was because the lawyers and friends insisted14:47
guerbyMortimeR_, lucky you :) In France and most of Europe it seems near impossible to buy one14:48
timeless_mbpnot because it's the best place for it14:48
SpeedEvilFrom a buisness perspective - as this sort of shit ifsoumeone reads it can cause organisations not to actually do it.14:48
MortimeR_time: This means that the text is missleading?!14:48
guerbyMortimeR_, where did you buy it?14:48
MortimeR_guerby: Nokia online shop14:48
timeless_mbpMortimeR_: roughly speaking it's misplaced14:48
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timeless_mbpthe text isn't ideal14:48
SpeedEvilnokia onine shop here too. uk.14:48
guerbyMortimeR_, thx! how long did it take for it to be delivered?14:48
timeless_mbpi can't remember if my localization fixed it14:48
SpeedEvilCame oct 30.14:48
SpeedEvilerr nov 3014:48
MortimeR_timeless_mbp: Did I understand correctly that in the case of plain POP§ and plain IMAP4 without Nokias push services no credentials are transmitted to Nokia?!14:49
StskeepsMortimeR_: i can't imagine that being true.14:49
timeless_mbpby mail, correct14:49
timeless_mbpwe can't make blanket statements14:49
timeless_mbpif you install crash reporter14:50
timeless_mbpand you crash14:50
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timeless_mbpand you accept the disclaimer provided by the crash reporter14:50
MortimeR_guerby: The promissed 5 days but it took 8 business days. Though I am happy about the device. It is very slick even though the phone part crashed once on me.14:50
timeless_mbpthen your crash report, which could include credentials could be sent to nokia14:50
timeless_mbpbut that's an unrelated package14:50
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timeless_mbp"Nokia Messaging is a subscription service that automatically forwards your e-"14:50
timeless_mbp"mail to your inbox. You can sign up now for no extra fee."14:50
guerbyMortimeR_, ok thanks again. In France no store with less than 3-5 weeks right now...14:50
guerbyI wonder if there's an official statement somewwhere by Nokia14:51
MortimeR_guerby: IIRC you can also use the Nokia Online Shop from France. (At least Belgium works)14:51
timeless_mbpguerby: about what?14:51
timeless_mbpthe number of units available initially was low because they underestimated demand14:51
guerbytimeless_mbp, complete lack of availability in resellers :)14:51
timeless_mbpit's a bad idea to manufacture millions of units without being certain they'll sell14:51
MortimeR_timeless_mbp: does the crash reporter send the data automatically or does it ask for confirmation every time (like windows does)14:52
guerbytimeless_mbp, if it's not due to hardware issues, that's good news for Nokia after all :)14:52
timeless_mbpdoing that is a good way to bankrupt a company14:52
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timeless_mbpMortimeR_: you get a one time warning that you have to accept, and then you have to actively choose to send crashes14:52
SpeedEvilnot unless you order a hundred million :)14:52
SpeedEvil(for nokia)14:52
timeless_mbpbut not necessarily one dialog per crash14:52
SpeedEviltimeless: what is a crash?14:52
MortimeR_timeless_mbp: this is imho great14:52
timeless_mbpif you get 10 crashes and it hasn't managed to send reports14:52
timeless_mbpthen the next time it boots, you'll get one chance for the set of 1014:53
timeless_mbpthis is iirc actually fairly close to how windows works in fact14:53
timeless_mbpbut not precisely what you wrote14:53
* timeless_mbp is not a lawyer but doesn't want anyone to misinterpret anything14:53
MortimeR_timeless_mbp: I saw N900 at the Nokia Qt developer days in Munich. Did the UI change in the meantime.14:53
* timeless_mbp shrugs14:53
timeless_mbpwhen was that?14:54
timeless_mbpbut "probably not"14:54
timeless_mbpmaemo5 will have small incremental improvements to some applications as time progresses14:54
timeless_mbpbut the platform hasn't had major changes for a couple of months14:54
MortimeR_This was from 12th to 14th of October14:54
timeless_mbpand shouldn't have any major changes (beyond apps adding portrait mode) after the final sdk and original sales product releases14:55
MortimeR_fine. I only hat the impression that some ui effects vanished14:55
* timeless_mbp shrugs14:55
timeless_mbpminor changes can happen :)14:55
MortimeR_timeless_mbp: ;-)14:55
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MortimeR_timeless_mbp: btw I really like the mail application. The presentation of mails is just beautyfull14:57
timeless_mbpanyway, i'm gone14:57
MortimeR_the only thing I am missing seems to be that I am unable to delete spam before showing the full message (e.g. judging from sender or subject)14:57
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pupnik[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/gemrb/openal] > fakeroot apt-get update15:12
pupnik0% [Connecting to (]15:12
pupniki am so wasting my time15:13
pupnikright. something productive.  something else...15:13
suihkulokkipupnik: which rootstrap did you install?15:15
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dnearyGAN900, Ping?15:16
dnearyGAN900, I have a surprise for you15:16
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andre__uargh. is kinda unreachable for me15:20
Stskeepsyeah.. :P15:20
* Stskeeps is just waiting for server move until participating more in brainstorm 15:20
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jpjokelapupnik: echo $http_proxy15:24
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pupniksorry folks, this is maemo vmware image (latest)15:27
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pupnik$http_proxy is " "15:27
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jpjokelapupnik: Do you have proxy defined in /etc/apt/apt.conf ?15:31
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pupnikjpjokela: i can wget directly, no proxy needed15:33
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jpjokelaJust wondering where did it come from in the first place15:34
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* pupnik has a new motto: "I don't do dependencies"15:35
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naxxatoebored :/15:36
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fiferboyRST38h: ping?15:45
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Stskeepsyou aren't really supposed to pong other people's pings15:46
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fiferboyThat ping belongs to RST38h15:47
cpscottiHello there... I need some funny help. Anyone there already fooled around with the mce dbus interface to trigger the vibrating device? I was just playing with it and I tried the "PatternIncomingCall" out of the blue15:47
cpscottiI dunno where is the list of all available patterns15:47
cpscottiwhat happens is that now my cell vibrates nonstop15:47
Stskeepswife will love you15:47
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cpscottiI sent req.req_vibrator_disable15:48
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cpscottiand it stopped.. but if I turn it on.. the pattern is still there15:48
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kwekcan someone verify that /usr/bin/mc-tool is pre-installed on the n90015:49
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Micha_kwek: Not installed on my n90015:50
cpscottikwek: nope..15:50
RST38hMiracle! Miracle!15:50
kwekok tnx15:50
RST38hMasterGear 2.6.5-1 is being promoted to Extras!15:50
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fiferboyHey RST38h15:51
cpscottiMore details on the nonstop-vibrating-n900: when I send request.req_vibrator_disable and then request.req_vibrator_enable, the vibration is stopped until I touch anything..15:51
cpscottithan it's vibrating nonstop again15:52
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lcukcpscotti, speak to anne summers, she might be interested15:52
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cpscottiwell.. we can turn this into an app15:53
cpscottibut it won´t stop!15:53
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StskeepsN900: Never letting you down15:53
cpscottiwe could say it's like a virus..15:53
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DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: have you "vibrate on screnn touch" enabled in settings input?15:54
cpscottibut it vibrates like when there is an incomming call15:55
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cpscottiand after first touch.. it never stops...15:55
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RST38hfiferboy: ?15:56
florianhrw: wb15:56
cpscotti(I deactivated it now.. and now I don´t need to touch the screen (after disable-enable) to start everything again..15:56
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fiferboyRST38h: I think the problem with HAM might not be that it doesn't want to upgrade a user/* app to a non-user app15:56
DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: I just wonder if it won't trigger vibration if you disable 'settings screen touchscreen-vibrate'15:56
fiferboyRST38h: With the _5 to _7 problem, maybe it doesn't update non-user at all15:57
cpscottiDocScrutinizer51: nope..15:57
cpscottiits like this.. when I send the disable and then the enable signals15:57
fiferboyRST38h: But maybe if you had fbreader*_7 depend on the specific version of libzlibrary it would pull it...15:57
mgedminHAM sources are online...15:57
cpscottiit won't resume vibration15:57
cpscottiunless I touch the screen15:58
cpscottibut then I unchecked the setting>screen>touchscreen vib15:58
pupniksometimes when i type on keyboard, contacts-app comes up.  known bug?15:58
cpscottiand it resumes automatically when the enable signal is sent15:58
DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: strange. sounds like a driver flipped a bit or sth. Rebooted?16:00
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cpscottiDocScrutinizer51: well.. I'm pretty sure rebooting will solve the prob16:03
cpscottiDocScrutinizer51: but isn't this the predicted behavior?16:04
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cpscotti(continue vibrating until receive X signal..)16:04
cpscottiand then.. I just need to know what is "X" signal16:04
cpscotti(rebooting now..)16:04
DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: just a couple of hours ago there was a report about touchscreen completely unresponsive. If I had to bet I'd say the input driver program text occasionally gets distroyed' probably by a wrong pointer or buffer overflow or sth16:04
cpscottiI'll try again in some seconds16:06
pupnikWindows NT running on N900 ;)16:06
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DocScrutinizer51pupnik: damn. thought that's a hoax :-D16:10
hrwnew n900 on a way16:10
cpscottijust got the solution: sending request.req_vibrator_pattern_deactivate string:"PatternIncomingCall"16:11
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DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: lol16:11
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DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: so now you are *the* expert to tell me which cmdline I need to make vibr kick shortly. Like on new msg16:13
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cpscotti~# dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request string:'PatternTouchscreen'16:13
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DocScrutinizer51would love to tweak xchat to not only beep but also vibrate on selected events16:14
cpscotti~# dbus-send --print-reply --system /com/nokia/mce/request string:'PatternChatAndEmail' is a little bit longer16:14
infobotcpscotti: that's too long16:14
cpscottiPatternTouchscreen ?16:15
cpscottior my cmd lines?16:15
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DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: forget that lousy bot16:16
cpscottias qwerty12 pointed on talk.maemo right now, there is a list of available patterns in "/etc/mce/"16:16
cpscottiahhh.. haha16:16
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DocScrutinizer51cpscotti: how to find out about available patterns16:17
jebbarad, cool, thx cpscotti16:17
cpscottiyup! ur welcm16:17
cpscotticheck: also16:17
DocScrutinizer51jebba: yes. for you :-D16:17
cpscotti(I took this from there)16:17
cpscottibut it's good to remember... IncomingCall only stops with deactivate16:18
cpscottiI have to leave16:18
cpscottic ya16:18
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AlainDelonWhether you are looking for London Sightseeing Tour, London Eye, London Underground, Theatre Tickets, Nightlife, Hotels in London, London restaurants or even Shopping locations - is your one-stop guide to all that makes London a great city.16:20
HukkaHmh, moving files via usb is slow as hell16:20
ifreqhow to remove conversation when its not removed by hand... got sms conv to number which is empty..16:21
HukkaI guess I should try over wlan and see if the problem is the USB or the flash inside N90016:21
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naxxatoeirc spammers16:22
naxxatoei thought i'd never seee them again16:22
naxxatoebut after 3 years, finally =)16:22
naxxatoewelcome back old friends xD16:22
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DocScrutinizer51naxxatoe: huh?16:22
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janinDid anyone manage to connect to a hidden wireless network using n900?16:24
ifreqcan anyone help on my issue16:24
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ifreqgot conversation which isnt removable16:25
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ZackMorrisflash the eMMC16:25
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fragmentjanin: yes16:26
janindid you do anything special?16:26
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fragmentjanin: not really. typed in the SSID and the key.16:26
AndrewFBlackEverything in extras needs a place to have bugs reported right16:26
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fragmentjanin: it wasn't mine but friend's AP so I've only used it once16:27
janinhm, where can you type in an essid?16:27
janini tried to add it manually to connections16:27
janinbut it won't work16:27
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andre__jeremiah_, X-Fade (unsure who of you to ask here): seeing , can someone remove that package from the -testing repo, please? it's been superseded by copernicus and there's still people voting for it :-(16:31
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ifreqanyone know how to remove conversation history entry if its stucked :) tested even reboot.. no help16:32
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andre__ifreq, what is "stucked"? what did you try before?16:33
ZackMorriswondering if my boot problems can be solved by editing the /sbin/preinit script16:33
ZackMorristried the other work arounds, to no avail16:34
ifreqandre. i cannot delete one emptry conversation16:34
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andre__ifreq, and the steps you have tried?16:34
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ifreqtried to remove it/all/rboot\make contact metc16:34
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ifreqcant see more options instead cmd line16:35
pdrummondcan anyone tell me if imagemagick is in the maemo repos?16:35
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andre__ifreq, *exact* steps. how i can try to reproduce your issue?16:35
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jebbapdrummond: I dont see it.16:35
ifreqi think u cant16:35
pdrummondjebba: it should be there shouldn't it?16:36
ifreqi have emptry conversation whis looks like not answered phonecall.. atleast the logo is red arrow16:36
ifreqit even should not be on conv window or history16:36
ifreqbut there it is and wont remove16:36
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ifreqi also filled empty history by sending sms to that number ..removedd..but it wont go away16:37
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AndrewFBlackhow do I add a new product to bugzilla?16:37
andre__ifreq, I have seen one posting about the same issue on before I think16:38
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ifreqokay pm me if you find itpleae16:40
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ifreqits not fatal prob just annoying16:41
pdrummondI don't understand - zbar depends on imagemagick and it's available!16:42
pdrummondon maemo that is...16:42
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andre__ifreq, you are also free to search for that posting yourself16:43
jebbapdrummond: well, maybe it "should" but it aint16:43
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pdrummondjebba: Thanks!  I will keep digging...16:47
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ifreqandre. i would yes. tho im at bar and will not do intensive search on my n900 now16:48
ifreqill check it later at home16:48
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HukkaHmh, I have a huge amount of messages in dmesg similar to: [1996741.753484] FAT: Directory bread(block 7165) failed16:48
HukkaGoogle doesn't find anything relevant to N900 with that, does everybody else use the mass storage mode without any problems?16:48
pupnikbad microsd?16:48
HukkaInternal flash16:49
HukkaAnd files do move, but just very very slowly16:49
pupnikwhat is broken in maemoVmware image?16:49
pupnik[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > fakeroot apt-cache search gpodder16:49
pupnikW: Couldn't stat source package list fremantle/sdk/free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/repository.maemo.org_dists_fremantle_sdk_free_binary-armel_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)16:49
pupniklets please fix16:49
hrwwhat about 'fakeroot apt-get update'?16:50
* pupnik is burning comp-sci books for heat16:50
Stskeepsjust install ubuntu vmdk and then work that16:50
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pupnikStskeeps: this is the latest maemo VM16:51
Stskeepsyeah, which isn't always good16:51
pupnikhrw, that times out16:51
ifreqokay andre got it fixed :)16:51
ifreqseems tobe a bug16:51
* pupnik is burning Informix books for heat16:52
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hrwpupnik: and you have working resolving names?16:52
hrw"ping" works?16:52
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pupnikyes, wget works16:53
pupnikthere's no ping16:53
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hrwsbox crapp...16:53
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pupnikyeah, not a big deal, i can wget .debs16:54
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* fnordianslip runs folding@home on his ps3 to warm up the house after heating boiler broke16:58
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fnordianslipits a poor effort i know.  i already have the tumble-dryer on16:59
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fnordianslipi know, i'll leave my n900 charger plugged in.  that should warm up the house :)17:00
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DocScrutinizer51use xbox!17:01
fnordianslipi would but mine broke.  i could bring my quad core box downstairs and keep building kernels17:01
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andre__fnordianslip: what's your temperature? here it's "only" -11°C17:02
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fnordianslip+1 degs C here and snow outside17:03
fnordianslipandre__:  where are you?  Finland?17:03
andre__fnordianslip, hehe, no, central europe. helsinki/finland is -19°C today :-P17:03
LaiskaFinland Helsinki -18C ..17:03
woglinde_andre in russia was -30 so what17:04
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fnordiansliptypical that boiler breaks as soon as the cold spell comes17:04
Hukkafnordianslip: Well of course17:04
HukkaIt makes sense that hardware fails under load17:04
fnordiansliptrue.  at leat i can use my n900 as a hand warmer17:05
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* fnordianslip thinks about a 'hand warmer" app for Maemo517:06
Hukkafnordianslip: Q317:06
Stskeepsfnordianslip: R&D mode and wifi powersave mode disabled does that for me17:07
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fnordianslipStskeeps: good one17:07
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andre__ifreq: and - cannot see a report in, willing to file one maybe and also refer to these postings?17:09
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siriusnovman the n900 battery life sucks on 3g17:10
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Ceronsiriusnov: it does not :P17:13
Ceronlast for over a day17:13
DocScrutinizer51 works like a charm for xchat17:13
RST38hthe iPhone has taken over 46.1 percent of the Japanese smartphone market17:13
zashRST38h: that can't be true17:14
yuizywhat is the ".bashrc" equivalent? where can i store my aliases etc17:14
bilboed-pidoes the iPhone even support CJK ?17:14
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jebbaoffhand, anyone know if F14 or F15 are used anywhere?  Like the camera button or something isnt mapped to an F key or anyhting is it?17:22
DocScrutinizer51jebba: if you like to copy the xchat config at' you're welcome17:23
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jebbaheh cool17:24
jebbawill take a look17:24
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AndrewFBlackhow do you move your package from devel to testing?17:27
cpscotti_AndrewFBlack: promote it17:28
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AndrewFBlackcpscotti_, yeah i know that how do I promote it17:28
cpscotti_on its page at garage17:28
cosmo_AndrewFBlack: promoting, but no-one can currently tell how17:29
AndrewFBlacklooked at its garage and don´t see a way to do it17:29
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cpscotti_u can go 2 ur package page at garage right?17:29
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cpscotti_there, u'll see a listing of builds17:30
Micha_Is there a way to see how often your packaged files have been downloaded through the repository?17:30
AndrewFBlackcpscotti_, yeah I see the builds17:30
Micha_Ie, not from the 'Files' section of the garage package page.17:30
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cpscotti_ubuntu has popcon ... but generally there's no way to know17:30
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cpscotti_Andrew: click on ur last armel build17:31
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AndrewFBlackcpscotti_, ok I figured it was there but Garage was timing out on me again about time I tried there lol17:32
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cpscotti_yeah.. it takes years...17:32
cpscotti_everything relating garage...17:33
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AndrewFBlackyeah I hate to say it I miss the old Diablo days when everything worked17:34 is still horribly slow17:35
cosmo_cpscotti_: hey thanks, i found the promote button!17:36
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cpscotti_but its like they know its bad... probably its getting better in a week or two17:37
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tcarl|workmorning everyone.17:47
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* pupnik_ boggles at all the devices seen in alsamixer17:48
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SpeedEvilI see only two.17:50
SpeedEvilThe freerunner had about 96.17:50
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cosmo_yeah, i got my package promoted. now everybody go vote for ppcards :)17:51
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pupnik_SpeedEvil: i installed alsa-utils and pulse utils from sdk17:54
pupnik_everything is exposed to alsa17:55
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pupnik_alsamixer -c 017:55
pupnik_otherwise you see the dummy alsa frontend provided by pulse17:56
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andre__any portuguese folks with a N900 around that could comment on ?17:57
povbotBug 7112: Enter Pin screen has two buttons that lead to confusion17:57
nhg1wondering the best way to get support for audio formats such as AAC etc. in Maemo.  We tried installing the gst-bad plugins with faad but the relevant faad elements were missing when doing a gst-inspect.17:58
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Micha_Here's a good tip for adding pgup/pgdn to the arrow keys:
Micha_Leaves more room for the xterm tip mentioned yesterday :)18:01
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Micha_PING 1261152653 81140518:10
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GAN900dneary, pong?18:16
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dnearyGAN900, I have a surprise for you18:17
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GAN900dneary, I can only imagine.18:18
dnearyGAN900, Can you try editing the "Contributing to the wiki" page for me, please?18:19
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dnearyOr maybe a different page... say, Getting involved18:20
GAN900dneary, ah, yes. I kept putting off bothering X-Fade about that.18:20
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GAN900dneary, looks good!18:21
dnearyTook me a few hours to figure out the correct way to do it in Mediawiki18:21
dnearyIf you want to change the wording, I have another surprise:
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GAN900They really need to overhaul the config stuff.18:29
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* GAN900 has tab!18:36
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xevioxis there already a release date for maemo 6?18:38
SpeedEvilpupnik_: ah18:38
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* pupnik_ bashes skull on keyboard18:39
xevioxor does anybody know if maemo6 will run on the n900?18:39
SpeedEvilxeviox: no, and no.18:40
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SpeedEvilxeviox: 6 requires multitouch reportedly18:41
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SpeedEviland n900 does not by default come with multitouch in18:41
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xevioxah k18:41
jebba*requires*  ?18:41
xevioxand is it possible to create a "kiosk-mode" app on meamo5 or 6 ?18:42
w00tnote "reportedly"18:42
w00tthere hasn't been any official news ether way18:42
jebbareportedly by who?18:42
SpeedEviljebba: To restate - key UI elements are multitouch18:42
SpeedEviljebba: AIUI it was a speech by someone important at a conference.18:42
SpeedEvilbut I forget details.18:42
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rangeUmmm. WTF? Broken UI, I'd say.18:42
w00tSpeedEvil: I very much doubt they *require* multitouch to function, otherwise I can see a severe upcoming case of foot, meet mouth18:42
w00tpeople using one hand to operate their phone for instance wouldn't be overly amused18:43
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SpeedEvilw00t: yeah - well - ...18:43
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w00tbut yeah, wait and see what comes I say18:43
xevioxand which IDEs do you use for development?18:43
SpeedEvilAt least that was the reason raised - for no 6 on n90018:43
SpeedEviland yes.18:43
SpeedEvilit's gonna be a while.18:43
w00txeviox: qt creator18:44
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w00t(or vim)18:44
lardmanafternoon all18:44
w00thi hi18:44
lardmanhi w00t18:44
w00thow goes?18:44
lardmannot bad, just back from xmas lunch18:44
xevioxw00t: thx18:44
w00txeviox: no problem :)18:45
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w00tlardman: lucky bugger!18:45
xevioxwe're planning to create a kiosk mode app for a mobile phone, and we're very unlucky with the horrible graphic perfomance of our windows mobile phones ..18:45
w00txeviox: hahaha. I feel your pain18:45
xevioxso I'm searching for an alternative18:45
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rangelardman: You already have christmas?18:45
w00tI've been stuck with winmo for 3 years now until I got my n90018:45
xevioxand maemo looks great18:45
w00tnever ever going back, ever18:46
lardmanrange: work xmas lunch thing18:46
xevioxis the performance that great as shown in the vids?18:46
w00txeviox: I've never had to wait for anything except data transmission (webpage loading etc) and webpage rendering *occasionally*18:46
SpeedEvilme too18:46
w00tbut I expect the browser will get better18:46
w00t(or fennec will replace it once it gets better)18:47
xevioxsounds good18:47
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xevioxand do you know if it is possible to create a kiosk mode application and delete all unused apps?18:47
lardmanX-Fade: ping18:47
w00tI don't, unfortunately18:47
xevioxis there a good navigation software for maemo?18:47
w00tI'd imagine you could do close to anything you really wanted, though, just root yourself up and off you go18:48
lardmanxeviox: certainly you could delete all apps, and you could probably force an app to be started automatically, though would take some work18:48
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w00tnavigation isn't that great atm. but some competition to ovi maps is on the way18:48
w00tlo, Myrtti18:48
lardmanor use maemap18:48
w00tlardman: mm. what's that?18:48
xevioxdoes google maps work?18:48
lardmanthat web page which uses Google maps18:49
lardmanisn't that the name?18:49
w00tI imagine so, xeviox, the n900 browser is pretty much the same as a desktop browser18:49
w00tlardman: ah18:49
w00tlardman: I count navigation as having GPS, though18:49
xevioxso there is no app for google maps like on iphone or win mobile?18:49
w00txeviox: it's still a very new platform.. one may come, but there isn't one yet, no18:49
lardmanw00t: works for me ;)18:50
fnordianslipis maemo-mapper useable yet, or still a bit iffy?18:50
lardmanseems to work ok18:50
xevioxmaemo seems to be a great alternative as it seems to offer great performance and seems to be much more configurable than win mobile ^^18:51
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xevioxanything I should know before I order a n900 ??? ^^18:51
lardman is maeMaps18:52
tcarl|workamazon takes a long time to ship them.18:52
w00ttcarl|work: hahaha18:52
* w00t is very thankful he ordered directly.18:52
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tcarl|workYeah, it was $50 cheaper through amazon, than directly...18:52
tcarl|workBut, directly would have had an N900 already in my hand.18:52
xevioxif I order one, I will order it in january earliest18:52
tcarl|workAmazon still hasn't even shipped mine yet :(18:53
w00ttcarl|work: woah, what country, and when did you order?18:53
tcarl|workI ordered my phone on 12/16, in the US.18:53
tcarl|workstill not shipped today.18:53
w00t16th of december?18:53
tcarl|workerr not 12/1618:53
tcarl|workhold, let me check.18:53
w00twas about to say :P18:53
GAN900It was Jose-Luiz Martinez @ BCN18:53
xevioxmaemaps looks ok, but seems to don't offer routing options18:53
* mgedmin ordered it on 16th of october, got it last friday18:53
GAN900Wasn't entirely official.18:53
GAN900More offhand, but.18:54
tcarl|workOkay, was ordered 12/1218:54
tcarl|workstill not shipped today.18:54
w00tmgedmin: christ18:54
mgedminthat was the Forum Nokia eStore, not Amazon, though18:54
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xevioxwould be great if you could change OSes on your phone like on your laptop :D18:55
MuJsoon your lptop is your phone18:55
w00txeviox: you can, to a degree18:55
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xevioxany ideas if maemo will work on a htc touch diamond 2?18:56
tcarl|workxeviox: Highly unlikely.18:56
tcarl|workhtc != nokia.18:57
tcarl|workmaemo = nokia.18:57
xevioxI know some old pocket pcs that were able to be flashed to embedded linux ..18:57
tcarl|workmaemo 5 is currently highly tailored to the N900.18:57
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lardmanxeviox: it took some serious work though18:58
tcarl|workIts possible, you could get it running on your HTC device, but it would require a considerable effort to make that happen.18:58
xevioxwork that I can't do because of lacking experience :(18:58
tcarl|workTry hundreds of hours, if not thousands to have that happen.18:58
Ceronany new intresting maps for n90018:58
lardmanwork that people with experience won't tend to do because they lack time too18:58
lardmanis that an Android device out of interest?18:59
tcarl|workmore or less, for that to realistically happen, HTC would either have to fund the port of maemo to their device.18:59
infobottcarl|work meant: more or less, for that to realistically happen, HTC would  have to fund the port of maemo to their device.18:59
lardmanwell Linux would be enough, then it could be included in Mer18:59
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woglinde_~seen x-fade19:02
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (3h 13m 43s), last said: 'RST38h: Lunch, bbl.'.19:02
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lardmanah, perhaps he had an XMas lunch too :)19:03
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xevioxwhat's the differnce between maemo and linux embedded? is it just like another dist.?19:03
* AndrewFBlack been trying to get his theme in testing for 4 hours now but page wont load19:03
tbftcarl|work: well, like nokia repeats frequently maemo5 just is the 4th step19:04
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SpeedEvilxeviox: maemo is pretty much a 'normal' linux desktop19:04
SpeedEvilxeviox: with some custom daemons andstuff19:04
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xevioxSpeedEvil: and linux embedded is a very basic dist.?19:05
lardmanhmm, is there no longer a setting on the N900 to disconnect after X minutes of inactivity?19:05
SpeedEvilxeviox: linux embedded is a specific project?19:05
Macerheroes = xmen19:05
Macerminus professor X? :)19:05
xevioxSpeedEvil: yes, but can I see both as different distris? Because both are based on linux, right?19:06
SpeedEvilxeviox: embedded linux in general is simply a term for linux in a box that the user doesn't usually touch. Say routers, or ...19:06
xevioxah k19:06
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lardmanDVD players19:07
lardmanWashing machines19:07
johnsu01yay, openvpn widget is working very nicely now19:08
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Gadgetoid_mbpI don't know.. when I put linux on a box I generally don't touch it afterwards19:11
Gadgetoid_mbpHar har19:11
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lardmanI always read embedded as meaning no gui19:14
lardmanor at least not a standard one19:14
tcarl|workif its just no standard gui, then that means all linux is embedded.19:15
DocScrutinizer51and that's the real meaning of embedded anyway19:15
tcarl|workThere is no standard guy for linux.19:15
tcarl|workerr gui.19:15
tcarl|work(on dvorak the y key is next to the i key) :P19:15
MuJlies.. all lies.. youre just drunk19:16
tcarl|workI wish.19:16
MuJoh sorry, it was me19:16
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lardmanwell no X then ;)19:17
pupnik_pasuspender don't seem to work here19:18
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Gadgetoid_mbp boom!19:19
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pupnik_pulseaudio on n900 gets respawned by /etc/event.d/pulseaudio19:20
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DocScrutinizer51lardman: no ascii keyboard. no user accounts19:22
lardmanno way of telling it's Linux in normal operation19:22
lardmanmight be another one to add19:23
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DocScrutinizer51a very good one :-)19:23
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pupnik_alsactl init19:38
pupnik_Unknown hardware: "tlv320aic3x"19:38
woglinde_still fighting19:40
woglinde_with dmix19:41
pupnik_no, trying to bypass pulse.  got alsamixer running but only geiger counter sounds from pcm19:41
pupnik_amazing, alsamixer gives us control over the speaker high-pass-filter19:42
pupnik_cutoff point19:42
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pupnik_Item: ADC HPF Cut-off [0.0125xFs19:44
pupnik_right, got aplay and amixer happy.  now to see why sdl is borking it19:45
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ml-mobilewifi now at 10mW, let's see what that does19:49
BabelOcan someone confirm me that he can see my application under extras-devel version 0.2-219:49
BabelOml-mobile: i works a lot more19:49
SpeedEvilml-mobile: prolly very little unless you are doing a _lot_ of transmitting19:49
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ml-mobilePowersave mode hates my AP though19:51
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BabelOoups my application is qlandkartem gps application :)19:52
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xevioxis there a emulator for memo?19:52
woglindethere is a sdk which can run most stuff on i38619:53
xevioxsounds good, is there a screenshot somewhere?19:53
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Micha_BabelO: Still showing as 0.2-1 here (after an apt-get update)19:54
Stskeepsdneary: i want to submit some talk re GNOME and Mer just for a heads up - i need to be back in poland to do so (back sunday)19:56
dnearyStskeeps, OK19:57
dnearyI'll ping you again Monday, I'm around until Thursday next week19:57
BabelOMicha_: ok thanks, it look strange, on my device i did not see it under navigation in app manager but i see it with apt-cache search at the good revision19:57
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Stskeepshad to hand in my master's thesis so -everything- was temporarily halted :P19:57
pupnik_grr pete's spu broken19:58
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lucentfound a bug20:03
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Micha_BabelO: Do you alrady have the latest version installed from a .deb on your n900?20:04
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lucentin N900 web browser, if you enter a password to a website and then submit the form, then hit the action (swipe from offscreen lower right to onscreen towards the left) to go back in browser history, and it asks you for your password.... it's hosed20:04
lucentno way to switch back to that task20:04
Micha_BabelO: If so, I'm fairly sure apt-cache will show the details of the installed version, not the version available in the repositories.20:04
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lucentI mean, it asks if you want to save your password20:05
GAN900lucent, bugs.maemo.org20:05
lucenthow would I search if that's an existing bug though? what search terms20:06
BabelOMicha_: ok i will look i ve no version installed, removed the one i have. and autobuilder tell me all is ok with 0.2-220:06
lucentI don't understand enough to know what to search to avoid filing a dupe report20:06
dnearyIt sucks that moblin and UNR don't work on this netbook (Samsung NC20)20:06
dnearyThe wifi's OK (atheros) but the graphics is a Via piece of closed crap20:07
Micha_BabelO: It can take a while (in my experience) for the package to be in the repository after the autobuilder completes.  But odd if you can see it via apt-cache. Let me update again.20:07
woglindedneary has it poulsbo chipset?20:07
woglindeah via20:07
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GAN900lucent, I don't think it's been filed, but use advanced search to filter to browser bugs then try some keywords.20:08
pupnik_alsamixer can also turn off/on radio20:08
dnearywoglinde, VX800/82020:09
woglindepupnik_ lol20:09
dnearywoglinde, No 3d, no MPEG4 hardware accel, lousy 2D performance20:09
Micha_BabelO: Ok, I can see both versions now.20:09
woglindehm phoronix has something20:10
woglindeabout this20:10
dnearywoglinde, My thing, or the other thing?20:11
woglindePublished today are four programming guides to cover the VX800/820 Graphics Core & 2D (100 pages), VX800/820 3D & video (157 pages),20:11
woglindeseems you can write the driver yourself20:11
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pupnik_more /var/lib/alsa/asound.state gives me the enumerated mixer devices for RX51 audio device.    /etc/init.d/alsa-util restart works without complaints, but pcm device gives me burbly garbage from sdl - fine from aplay / mplayer20:16
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mgedminpupnik_, why alsa, and not pulseaudio?20:18
mgedmindoesn't SDL have pulse support?20:18
woglindemgedmin because pulse suckz up cpu20:19
el_zilchoanyone else having problems with applications not instlaling due to the 230mb rootfs / being 100% full?20:19
mgedminand because it would suck if all apps supported needless frills like bluetooth headphones, right?20:19
mgedminel_zilcho, all the time ;)20:20
el_zilchois there a solution to that?20:20
mgedminuninstall some apps20:20
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mgedminor wait until optified apps make their way past the extras-testing gauntlet20:20
el_zilchobut its only a 230mb partition... why would apps even go there?20:20
woglindeel_zilcho its working on20:20
mgedmincomplicated technical reasons :(20:20
mgedminif you're interested, look up "the opt problem" in the maemo wiki20:21
woglindethere is an effort do convert packages to use /opt20:21
mgedminpeople are working on it20:21
pupnik_mgedmin: i'm real impressed with pulse, but it makes some things unusable, so we need an option to bypass.  i haven't had luck using pasuspend (which should let us do this on a per-app basis)20:21
el_zilchoyeah, i wo't look it up now, but i understand from your message20:21
el_zilchowhat's going on20:21
mgedminpupnik_, ok20:21
pupnik_any ideas what proper /etc/asound.conf might be for RX51 pcm device?20:22
pupnik_well not proper - alsabackend20:22
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el_zilchoi guess i'm going to try to see what is actually being put there that shouldn't be and see if i can just symlink it over to the other partition20:23
mgedminI've a sort of a script that sort of does that, sort of...20:24
mgedminbut it ignores libraries, which probably take up the most space20:25
mgedminI think currently the largest known problem is python: ~20 megs of rootfs20:25
AndrewFBlackJust pushed my Theme maemo-org to extras-testing if anyone wants to check it out.20:25
mgedminthe optified version in extras-devel had some scary faults, so it's undergoing extra testing now20:25
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xevioxis the n900 the best maemo phone for now?20:26
el_zilchoits the only maemo "phone"20:26
Stskeepsit's the only20:26
SpeedEvilit's the only maemo phone20:26
xeviox^^ k20:26
Stskeepswell, except for mer/freerunner, which doesn't function as a phone.20:26
pupnik_ty AndrewFBlack20:26
SpeedEvilYou can tell by the pixels.20:27
AndrewFBlackpupnik_, no prob20:27
SpeedEvilAnd the fact I've seen some closed-source binaries in my time.20:27
BabelOMicha_: so it is not normal to see both versions ? you see in app manager too ?20:27
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AndrewFBlackfigures I would push my theme to extras testing and they release a new copy of ThemeMaker same day lol20:29
lucentokay bug #7122 filed20:35
povbotBug Popup versus back history UI race condition in Browser20:35
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odin_does anyone have a working SDK they can compile evtest.c for me please ?20:36
mgedminI can git clone, if you wish20:37
mgedminwould be simpler for me, really20:38
GAN900AndrewFBlack, short description should be sentence case.20:38
GAN900AndrewFBlack, use Maemo-Display-Name20:38
mgedminah, sorry, I assumes it's your app you want to test20:39
yuizyhow can i watch .asf videostream?20:40
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GAN900I'd just say "A theme"20:40
AndrewFBlackGAN900, you talking about short decription on bugzilla?20:40
AndrewFBlackor package?20:40
yuizymplayer seems to be quite heavy20:40
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mgedminrather than a tool to figure something else out20:41
mgedminhow do you use autoconf?20:41
mgedminah, autoreconf -i20:41
odin_mgedmin, are you comments directed at me ?  which side of autoconf are you?  the developer or the builder/installer ?20:41
mgedminodin_, trying to build evtest-1.25 for you, yes ;)20:41
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mgedminevtest.c:195: error: 'BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP' undeclared here (not in a function)20:41
odin_is ./configure not working ?20:41
mgedminthere was no configure in the zip20:41
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mgedmin/usr/include/linux/input.h in the SDK doesn't have BTN_TOOL_QUADTAP, only up to TRIPLETAP20:42
mgedminolder api, I suspect20:42
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odin_ok but thats just diagnostic...20:43
* mgedmin ifdefs that out20:43
odin_maybe they should have #ifdef that20:43
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mgedminevtest-capture.c:563: error: 'ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR' undeclared here (not in a function)20:43
mgedminhuh, it's already protected by #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,30)20:43
AndrewFBlackGAN900, is  Maemo-Display-Name required I use py2deb to make my source packages and not sure if I know how to add a  Maemo-Display-Name20:44
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odin_add another inner ifdef should do it20:45
mgedminand the "it's already protected" bit applied to a different file than the one I got an error in20:47
mgedminso I copied the same ifdef from evtest.c to evtest-capture.c and it compiled fine20:47
odin_thanks very much, giving it a go (to diagnose my Bluetooth Keyboard for N900)20:47
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Micha_AndrewFBlack: Can you set the app-manager icon using py2deb?20:48
AndrewFBlackMicha_, yeah20:48
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Micha_AndrewFBlack: How? It's one of the few things I haven't worked out yet.20:50
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el_zilchomgedmin: there's really no way to resize this root partition either, eh? looks like moving/symlinking is not going to be a workable solution20:51
* Micha_ got it going in pypackager20:51
AndrewFBlackMicha_, line 27 p.icon = "/home/user/MyDocs/Build/icon.png" but you can put the icon anywhere thats just where I hav it20:51
mgedminel_zilcho, eh, no, not unless you find some way to solder a bigger NAND flash chip20:51
Micha_AndrewFBlack: Thanks!20:52
el_zilchoi see20:52
DocScrutinizer51the root partiton is max size you get from NAND20:52
mgedminmaybe some kind of "boot from MMC" trick might work, but I'm not touching those with a ten-foot pole20:52
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el_zilchoyeah, screw it20:52
el_zilchoi'll just uninstall more stuff20:52
AndrewFBlackMicha_, no problem just need ot figure out how todo this hildon-display-name thingy20:52
el_zilchountil something works20:52
fiferboyAndrewFBlack: I really like the theme, but some highlights seem to be missing20:52
SpeedEvilalso, reboot20:52
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SpeedEvilrebooting ofen frees space20:52
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el_zilchoi reboot like twice daily just for my wireless to connect20:53
AndrewFBlackfiferboy, its a problem with theme maker to putting them in several themes of the error20:53
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fiferboyAndrewFBlack: Ah, gotcha.20:53
odin_is there any problem with assigning a password to user "user" ?  will it break anything ?20:53
odin_will it change the behavor of anything ?20:54
fluxno idea, but I would do it :)20:54
Micha_AndrewFBlack: where i that used?20:54
AndrewFBlackMicha_, got no idea20:55
fluxodin_, currently it's configured (as you may well know) to not have a valid login password, it seems very doubtful enabling it would break anything20:55
odin_you mean SSH login, or all logins (i.e. PAM always rejects auth attempts)20:56
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fluxodin_, I mean user:!:29999:29999::/home/user:/bin/sh20:56
fluxodin_, sshing in as root works just fine, I would be surprised if it didn't work for user20:57
bigbrovar_hi guys, just got my N900 and am wondering how to take out the back cover so i can try my sim LOL20:57
odin_ah I see it just uses crypt for password storage in /etc/passwd (rather than /etc/shadow with salted hash)20:57
lcukget your stylus20:57
lcukpush it into the thumb/fonger hole20:57
lcukabout 2 inches20:57
fluxbigbrovar_, yes, it's a bit scary, but it will open once you apply sufficient force :)20:57
mgedminodin_,flux, yeah, I change it to user:*: and then ssh works20:57
lcukgive a wiggle and the case will fall off20:58
fluxmgedmin, user:*:, what?20:58
el_zilchoyeah, i'm still using root to ssh in... which i don't care for, but i've been too lazy to examine further.... one thing that really bugs me though is that from the CLI, even after setting a root password... calling 'root' does the su w/out prompting for the password i set20:58
* mtnbkr was afraid that he would break his on first attempt to open cover too20:58
fluxwouldn't simply using 'passwd user' change it so that it works, and after that it's not going to be *20:58
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odin_I am already using "root" with SSH with a password setup but using "passwd user" is best20:58
mgedminfliux, in /etc/passwd, when the password is !, user can't log in no way no how, when the password hash is *, user can login using ssh keys only20:58
infobotmgedmin meant: flux, in /etc/passwd, when the password is !, user can't log in no way no how, when the password hash is *, user can login using ssh keys only20:58
fluxmgedmin, oh, right, didn't think of that20:58
el_zilchogood to know20:59
mgedminpasswords are passe20:59
jkimball4does the n900 box have the phone's serial number on it?20:59
mgedminactually, I could probably just unlock it with passwd -u instead of editing /etc/passwd directly...20:59
mgedminstupid of me20:59
odin_but use "passwd -l user" and "password -u user" to remove !20:59
mgedminjkimball4, yes20:59
bigbrovar_this is pretty embarrassing .. not even having a clue on how to take out the back cover without making the wrong move #N90020:59
mgedminit has both IMEI and WLAN MAC outside20:59
fluxwhoa, I never looked the command line options of passwd, there are plenty :20:59
mgedminbigbrovar_, use force21:00
mgedminwithin reason, of course21:00
jkimball4mgedmin: i see.  is this information recorded when a retailer sends the device out?21:00
fluxITYM "the force"21:00
mgedminbut the cover is rather hard to take off21:00
jkimball4i'm considering buying a second phone from someone else so i can return this defective one without waiting on dell21:00
mgedminjkimball4, I've no idea21:00
fluxit'll get easier once you pop it once or twice21:00
fluxperhaps it's only more self-confidence, or it loosens up a bit21:00
fluxapparently similar covers have been great at breaking down in earlier phones, though21:01
lcukbigbrovar_, i just answered you21:02
woglindere lcuk21:02
Micha_AndrewFBlack: Thanks, that worked!21:02
lcukre woglinde21:03
AndrewFBlackMicha_, no problem21:03
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Micha_AndrewFBlack: couldn't find any reference to that option, and i spent a bit of time searching..21:03
q0shey guys. how do i remove ANY personal information and settings from my n900?21:03
Stskeepsq0s: flash both flash and emmc21:04
AndrewFBlackMicha_, sometimes the easy stuff is hard to find21:04
q0si did flash the flash ... but missed the emmc. omg21:04
q0swhat means "VANILLA" version of the eMMC content for Nokia N900. i dont understand vanilla :)21:05
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bigbrovar_heck no Nigeria in the time region.. cant even find west africa21:06
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odin_q0s, VANILLA is a "plain flavor" what Nokia's means is their default personalization21:07
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q0sodin_, that means?21:08
kkitohey, do you know if is it possible to remove the starting nokia song?21:08
kkitois very annoying21:09
jkimball4i saw something in the application manager that replaces the startup screen with ATHF stuff21:09
jkimball4don't know if it works21:09
jkimball4though, i disagree that it's annoying21:09
* hardaker does a du before and after a reboot; finds / increase in space by 15M but no good differences in du to account for it. Whee.21:10
odin_q0s, means their default wallpaper and option choices, etc...  since its possible for a Mobile Network Operator to buy the phone from nokia and customize it (to brand it) before providing the phone to the Mobile Subscriber, so VANILLA is just a plain set of defaults as opposed to a branded one21:10
q0sodin_, thanks for your description. so, i guess this is what came with my n900 by default?21:11
jkimball4hardaker: if it's in the FAT part, who knows..21:11
jkimball4even ext3 i'm not so sure21:11
odin_q0s, the nokia VANILLA defaults are more aimed at showing off the features of the phone and the stuff that the phone hooks upto (like Ovi Store, etc...)21:11
hardakerdid a du from / and compared the whole tree21:11
odin_q0s, yes, if you purchase the phone directly from Nokia, yes it is the default21:12
mgedminhardaker, / is ubifs, it does garbage collection on boot21:12
hardakerany way to trigger it?21:12
odin_mgedmin, I hope it does garbage collection more often21:12
mgedminhardaker, reboot :)21:12
q0sodin_, thanks a lot21:12
hardaker(I was doing it to wonder if they were also cleaning up disk space too; like apt caches, etc, but nope...  it's *just* garbarage collection)21:12
mgedminodin_, I think so; normally it does that slowly in the background or something21:12
mgedminI'm not really sure...21:12
hardakerthe problem is that after installing 3-4 packages I don't have any space left and the only solution is to reboot.21:13
hardakerI'd rather *not* reboot.21:13
mgedminyeah, ouch21:13
mgedminI did a backup and when tried to restore all my apps, ran out of disk space in the middle of the list21:13
odin_yes thats a real problem, afecting many users... there must be a way to force an online/mounted garbage collection of the filesystem21:13
el_zilchohardaker: :) i feel ya... same thing here... i guess patience will be our solution21:13
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mgedminworth a bug, I suspect21:13
hardakermgedmin: probably true.21:14
mgedminI assumed my problem was caused by the apps becoming bigger21:14
odin_which can be hooked into the apt package system to automatically sync-ubifs (infact a nice little tool is needed to force that)21:14
mgedminor by the fact that I'd moved the hildon-welcome startup movie into /opt by hand21:14
mgedminalthough that .avi file is only 1.5 megs21:14
mgedminand I still had 3 megs free on my old n90021:14
odin_I moved my /var/ligb/dpkg folder to /opt/maemo/var/lib/dpkg21:15
odin_the dpkg database takes up between 5% and 15% of total rootfs space, this needs to be addresses so its scalable21:15
el_zilchothat's the video of the hands clasping each other?21:15
hardakerI've wondered why /usr/lib/python2.5 isn't in /opt21:15
odin_is python2.5 provided by Nokia ?21:16
mgedminel_zilcho, yes21:16
hardakeror /usr/share/icons21:16
mgedminhardaker, *sigh*21:16
hardakerodin_: I'm not actualy sure.21:16
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mgedmin/usr/share/icons -- because rootfs must be flashable21:16
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hardakermgedmin: right... but, *that* doesn't need to come from flash21:17
hardakerI realize on a reflash they might want to use different icons.21:17
hardakerbut a after-flash script would fix that.21:17
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odin_hardaker, if python2.5 is part of the "maemo base platform"  (there was a better diagram, that listed OpenSSL)21:18
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hardakerodin_: I was just looking into that...  hadn't remember the proper dpkg line to show the origin21:19
odin_why are there so many processes running?  even my desktop doesn't have that many21:19
hardakerMaintainer: PyMaemo Team <>21:19
hardakerodin_: run more things on your desktop ;-)  n900: 160,  desktop: 21921:20
hardakerscience friday is talking about data mining from your cell phone right now...21:20
hardakervery interesting.21:20
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mgedminhardaker, python will be optified, once all the bugs are shaken out21:21
odin_hardaker, my desktop workstation has 6Gb, but 160 processes for a mobile device is a little over the top21:22
hardakermgedmin: what's the point of not doing it now though?21:22
mgedminpoint is: I restored a bunch of apps from backup a couple of days ago21:22
hardakerodin_: yeah, I was shocked the first time I saw the process count.21:22
mgedminand a bug in pymaemo-optify broke my python installation21:22
* lcuk freezes21:22
mgedminthat bug's been fixed21:22
mgedminupgrading pymaemo-optify broke my python installation again21:22
mgedminwhich turns out a leftover problem caused from the previous problem21:23
mgedminanyway, the pymaemo team decided to do some extra testing to prevent these kinds of problems21:23
el_zilchoyay npr21:23
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hardaker30480   ./usr/lib/python2.521:26
hardakerit's the 7th biggest directory in my sorted du.  (/usr and /usr/lib are 2 of the spots above them too, of course)21:27
mgedminhardaker, if you're feeling brave, add the extras-devel repository21:27
hardakerI have extras-devel.21:28
mgedminthen install pymaemo-optify21:28
mgedminI'm surprised it wasn't installed automatically21:28
el_zilchoif you have the space :-P21:28
mgedminoh, wait, no!21:28
mgedminhardaker, du -x /usr/lib/python2.521:28
mgedminpymaemo-optify bind-mounts bits of /opt under /usr/lib/python2.521:28
mgedminso du prints a sum of space used in / and in /opt21:28
hardakerFYI, it wasn't installed.21:29
odin_the mount --bind's they are used for ?  building package ?  installation ?  runtime ?21:29
hardakerso it wasn't automatic.21:29
* hardaker really needs to start writing more stuff in python21:30
hardakersweet.  Now I have 30M available in / (which is double).  THanks for the tip.21:30
hardakerthough, IMHO, I think the whole directory should be moved not just pieces.21:31
el_zilchoyeah, that's pimp21:31
hardakerit is.21:31
hardakermy bad.21:31
* hardaker wonders why the mount instead of a link21:31
woglindehardaker overlay mounts are better21:33
odin_the mount --bind's they are used for ?  building package ?  installation ?  runtime ?   (sounds like runtime, if you consider a symlink a viable alternative, at runtime must be a bad idea?)21:33 UI is insane. sharing a picture the way everyone may see it is non-trivial, it is epic fail i think21:35
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mgedminhardaker, IIRC turned out Python sees through symlinks21:37
mgedminand then fails21:37
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mgedminor something like that21:37
mgedminthere were long threads on mailing lists21:37
hardakermgedmin:  that's a bug in python if true.  There is *no* reason it should be doing a lstat when looking for modules21:38
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RST38hArkenoi: wait until you see ovi stoe....21:38
odin_can the SDK be installed on a non-linux system ?21:39
mgedminodin_, there are vmware images out there...21:39
baraujohardaker, there is an explanation here:
hardakerodin_: I've been wanting to see if I can move the contents of scratchbox to my fedora system and give it a shot; but I'm not hopeful.21:39
odin_but the vmware image allows a Linux system to run in a non-linux system21:39
mgedminubuntu with maemo sdk preinstalled, plus maybe eclipse and goodies like that, dunno, never tried it21:39
hardakerbaraujo: thanks for the link21:39
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hardakerI'd package and develop stuff a lot faster if I didn't have to have ubuntu running in a vbox21:40
* Micha_ would like to see a fully functional sb2 - based sdk image21:40
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odin_I have a vmware host I can run that on21:40
xevioxI'm trying to install maemo sdk on ubuntu x6421:41
Micha_just to see how it differs from my attempts to get it going21:41
xevioxnow I've setup stratchbox how the tutorial says21:41
pupnik_  "maemo5/rx51 High Performance Audio Output"21:41
xevioxbut receive the following error: You must close your other scratchbox session first21:41
xevioxwhen I try to run the maemo install script21:42
xevioxhow do I logout from scratchbox?21:42
odin_the is not the latest/final SDK ?21:42
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Stskeepswazd o/21:42
hrwxeviox: just press Ctrl-d21:43
wazd_n800hello all21:43
wazd_n800RST38h, around?21:43
hardakerbaraujo: thanks; you've now assured me that the python developers have their head somewhere they shouldn't.21:43
wazd_n800Stskeeps, \o :)21:43
Micha_odin_: no.21:43
Stskeepswazd_n800: fixed a lot of fuckups in mer theming21:43
RST38hwazd: aha21:43
RST38hhome, finally?21:44
Micha_odin_: it may be the latest sb1-based sdk, not sure21:44
xevioxhrw: in ubuntu or the bash?21:44
wazd_n800Stskeeps, polishing up Mer NY countdown21:44
Stskeepsthere was a '_' where it should be '-'21:44
odin_maybe I shall make an Amazon Elastic-Cloud AMI with the same21:44
wazd_n800RST38h, if only(21:44
hrwxeviox: in scratchbox21:44
odin_is there a single download with the SDK in it ?  and they recommend debian on the host?  or ubuntu ?  (I am Red Hat / Ferdoa users on everything else)21:45
wazd_n800RST38h, I've sent you file this morning, got it?21:45
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RST38hwazd: gmail address? I have not got anything21:45
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wazd_n800RST38h, hmm...21:45
xevioxhrw: I just installed scratchbox then logged off and logged in and now try to run the maemo install script21:45
xevioxhrw: there is no scratchbox window opened21:45
pupnik_hiya RST38h - you have any experience fixing burbly sound for sdl-->alsa? :/21:46
hrwxeviox: then no idea - I am lazy, hate sbox and used maemosdk vm image21:46
wazd_n800RST38h, wait a sec, I have a backup solution now)21:46
RST38hpupnik: Not really: I tried alsa on n900 but it did not work21:46
pupnik_i got aplay running21:46
pupnik_with no pulse inbetween21:46
xevioxanyone got an idea?21:46
RST38hI have got an ALSA sound driver in emulib21:46
odin_I have lots of ideas (but not about linux sound)21:47
pupnik_and full control of mixer / fmradio / speakerprot...hhhhhoooowwwweeee!  thanks!21:47
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* pupnik_ disappears in a puff of smoke21:47
odin_I had problem with fmtuner upgrade, the "stop" and "start" stuck21:47
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odin_so the install script hung, which made the UI hang also21:47
xevioxmaybe this message help: Inconsistency detected by rtld.c: 1192: dl_main: Assertion `(void *) ph->p_vaddr == _rtld_local._dl_sysinfo_dso' failed!21:48
xevioxthis message is displayed 3 times before the "E:" error21:48
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SpeedEvilpupnik_: Woo!21:50
wazd_n800RST38h, uploaded it just in case :D21:50
xevioxhow can I check if scratchbox is installed correctly?21:51
xevioxsorry I'm not that experienced with linux ..21:51
RST38hwazd: Should I simply forward this URL?21:52
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hardakerxeviox: run /scratchbox/login and then try to use it!21:55
wazd_n800RST38h, as you wish21:56
RST38hok, done21:56
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xevioxhardaker: k I'll try21:57
wazd_n800RST38h, great, thx21:57
hardakerread that; it gets you up and running quickly.21:58
hardakerand tests it.21:58
xevioxhardaker: also throws the same errors21:58
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wazd_n800Stskeeps, my improvements are a bit radical but I hope you'll like it)21:58
florianhi murrayc21:58
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wazd_n800Stskeeps, mix of fremantle, lowres screens optimisations and portrait/landscape compatibility21:59
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odin_where is the actual Freemantle SDK ?  I have some scripts and I see at the Ubuntu+SDK mixed22:00
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km82rt<-- is wondering why we need push-mail if IMAP Idle is available22:02
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Stskeepswazd_n800: cool22:04
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moo-_-odin_: has links22:04
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bigbrovar_hi guys, just got my N900 and i plugged it to my pc ,,, hoping to charge it through the usb.. and also transfer some data to it22:05
bigbrovar_I plugged it but it doesnt auto mounts on kubuntu22:06
bigbrovar_and no indication or charging on the device itself ..22:06
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odin_moo-_-, yes Ive been there, there are just 3 scripts there not the actual SDK22:07
moo-_-odin_: one script will download and install SDK... if you want to install it Some Other Way (tm) I recommend you to check what the script does22:08
moo-_-it's an installer, after all22:08
odin_moo-_-, I don't want to install it, just download it22:08
* ShadowJK would conside imap idle a push email22:09
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odin_also there is "GUI Installer", "Scratchbox Installer" and "SDK Installer" do I need all 3, are some super-sets of others ?22:09
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ShadowJKbigbrovar_: a menu should pop up on the deivce asking whether you want mass storage mode or pcsuite mode22:10
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: none popped out :(22:10
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: let me try again22:11
ShadowJKthe led in lower light glows yellow, if screen is off and device is charging. turns green when charge complete. blinks blue for missed call/etc22:11
infobotShadowJK meant: the led in lower right glows yellow, if screen is off and device is charging. turns green when charge complete. blinks blue for missed call/etc22:11
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: oh ok works now .. after charing it abit .. its working fine now thanks :)22:11
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RST38hHmmm...significant snow storm for MD tomorrow...22:12
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wazd_n800RST38h, yeah, I'm alredy praying :D22:14
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RST38hwazd: Exams and commencement cancelled in UMD22:14
* RST38h is still getting UMD-wide announcements with all the scary news22:15
wazd_n800woglinde, heya22:15
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lcukn900my nuts are freezing off22:15
wazd_n800lcukn900, sucker :D22:16
woglindelcuk run22:16
wazd_n800lcukn900, I have -24 here)22:16
woglindewazd *g*22:16
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lcukn900sent out to get tea and im fscking cold22:17
lcukn900its -t here but feels like -99o9o99922:17
fiferboyAndrewFBlack: Let me know when you need a maemo-org from the new theme maker tested...22:20
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GAN900AndrewFBlack, just a general recommendation: look at the website for more inspiration.22:21
wazd_n800not :D22:22
fiferboywazd_n800: How is marina?22:22
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wazd_n800fiferboy, well, my netbook is too  weak to manipulate with its source so I'm not currently working on it22:24
fiferboywazd_n800: Ah22:24
wazd_n800fiferboy, aking new-year series for Mer)22:24
fiferboywazd_n800: Cool!22:24
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wazd_n800fiferboy, looks like you're back to development)22:25
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fiferboywazd_n800: It does?22:26
wazd_n800fiferboy, or you're just registering facebook account for your kid? :)22:26
hrwdoes someone tried to build code to get system updates before nokia will release new FW?22:27
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fiferboywazd_n800: I don't think either?!  No facebook activity today, that I am aware of...22:27
lardmanhow are things chaps?22:27
fiferboylardman: Hi22:27
lardmanhey fiferboy, how's the family?22:28
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fiferboylardman: Pretty good, other than colds.  You?22:28
lardmanall good thanks :)22:28
woglindehe fiferboy22:28
fiferboyHey woglinde22:28
woglindere lardman22:28
lardman~seen X-Fade22:28
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (1h 7m 44s), last said: 'RST38h: Lunch, bbl.'.22:28
lardmanhi woglinde22:28
woglindelardman I wrote him an email22:28
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lardmanok, might to likewise22:29
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pwnguini wish exchange for maemo would ignore my junkmail folder =(22:31
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lardmandoes anyone know what the default location interval is?22:32
lardmani.e. what time?22:32
AnidelChristmas is almost here and we haven't got our firmware gift yet !! :P :P :)22:33
hrwAnidel: I am writing post with informations what will be in it22:34
hrwAnidel: and I am not working for Nokia and I do not have any access to internal builds22:34
lardmanhrw: asking or stating from what's in git?22:34
Anidelhrw: cool..22:35
Anidela post in t.m.o?22:35
lardmanah, there was a comment in one of the bugs about stuff being in git/having been fixed in code, but that code not necessarily making it into the next release22:35
hrwAnidel: no, my blog22:36
hrwAnidel: I do not post on forums too often22:36
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bigbrovar_can anyone confirm if the application manager for the N900 works behind a network proxy? I have set a systemwide proxy but i cant get it to update. it fails everytime i try :( saying application list partially refreshed some catagories unavailable22:39
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SpeedEvildoes proxy do http and https?22:41
bigbrovar_yep http https and ftp ( its a squid proxy)22:42
bigbrovar_SpeedEvil: it works very well on the N81022:42
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lardmanbigbrovar_: there have been problems in the past with manually set proxy servers not working for other apps22:43
bigbrovar_SpeedEvil: I want to know if its a bug so i can file a bug report22:43
lardmane.g. RSS reader wouldn't work on N8x0 iirc22:43
lardmanAre there other people out there like me who don't have a connection on all the time on their N900?22:44
bigbrovar_lardman: hmmm funny rss works fine on me N810 same as app manager.. the only apps i had problem with were 3rd party apps .. all default app worked with the system wide proxy on my n81022:44
lardmanAm just wondering whether I should force the connection off after a latitude update is sent?22:44
fiferboylardman: You mean a data connection?22:44
lardmanbigbrovar_: ah, maybe it was fixed then, no idea then22:45
lardmanfiferboy: yeah wifi or gsm/hsdpa data22:45
lardmanor however that acronym is spelled22:45
fiferboylardman: Yeah, I only ever have wifi when at home or work, no gprs22:45
bigbrovar_lardman: thanks all the same22:46
lardmannever have gprs on?22:46
fiferboylardman: Not so far.  $0.05/kB22:46
lardmanah, true22:46
lcukn900always on 3g for me22:46
fiferboyI might actually get a good plan next week, but don't know if I want to shell out for unlimited22:46
lardmanwell if it turned wifi on, would you switch it off when you're not using it?22:47
fiferboylardman: I guess if it wasn't on at the start it makes sense to turn it off again22:47
lardmanfiferboy: if you have wifi at home and work then you don't need much data, I've got a 500MB deal and I can't even manage a 10th of that22:47
lardmanlcukn900: ok, thanks22:47
fiferboylardman: Yeah, but the new provider around here only has unlimited right now :|22:47
lardmanfiferboy: yeah, shame the option to have the wifi switch itself off after some inactivity timeout is no longer there (afaict)22:48
lardmanfiferboy: oh I see22:48
fiferboyBut at least the new provder is AWS-compliant so I could get 3G :)22:48
fiferboylardman: Yeah, and the problem with temporarily switching on wifi is (potentially) the unit will start checking email, apt updates, etc22:49
fiferboyI don't think that is such a problem with switching on GPRS, is it?22:50
lardmanit will do the same over GPRS/3G22:50
fiferboyBut at least with email you can have it automatically update only on WLAN22:50
lardmancan you?22:51
fiferboyI don't know about other apps22:51
lardmanoh right, never seen that22:51
lardmanmine doens't seem to update very often at all22:51
lardmanperhaps ~1500 emails in the inbox doesn't agree with it22:51
fiferboyYeah, my inbox is huge and it will sometimes take ~5 minutes to settle down after switching on wifi22:52
hrwemail? n900? not with modest22:52
lardmanneeds must sometimes22:53
lardmanhmm, is it possible to set the minimum distance moved before liblocation calls your callback fn?22:55
Anidelhrm post the link here then.. what's your blog?22:56
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jkimball4it's hard to get nokia to tell me if they associate the imei with the order number22:57
lardmandoes it matter?22:57
jkimball4anybody tried to return a different n900 than the one they received from nokia with success?22:57
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jkimball4lardman: it does because i could get my n900 replaced more quickly if they dont22:58
jkimball4if they do and they get back a different phone, they'll probably be a bit stern22:58
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ml-maemoup 2d5h so far, much better than sunday-tuesday22:59
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pupnikthis should be the correct format for SDL audio ... spec.format=AUDIO_S16SYS;23:01
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ruskiehmmm does maemo mapper have some limit as to where one can put the offline map cache?23:02
ruskieor is there some external tool to generate a file for it23:02
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lardmanruskie: no limit, you can alter it in the settings23:02
ruskieyet the db doesn't change23:02
lardmanyou could probably also generate data for it, but it's in an sqlite db23:02
ruskieeven if I'm scrolling around23:02
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lardmando you already have the data?23:03
ruskiealso when I select manage maps it says I need to setup a valid map repository but that's setup23:03
ruskieunless I need to do something else23:03
lardmanhmm, sounds odd, dunno sorry23:03
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hrwjkimball4: I sent back my n900 from DDP and the new one is on a way to me23:04
lardmanhrw: was there a problem with the DDP one?23:05
hrwlardman: bad pixels23:06
hrwlardman: check my blog23:06
jkimball4hrw: what's ddp?23:07
Anideldevelopers discount program23:07
lardmanhrw: ok23:07
infobotsomebody said ddp was the Debian Documentation Project, at, but Datagram Delivery Protocol, using in providing AppleTalk services23:07
lardmaninfobot: you're rubbish!23:08
Anidelhrw: what was wrong with yours?23:08
jkimball4i bought mine from dell, but nokia has it in stock.  i want to return the first n900 as a defective item under a new nokia order23:08
hrwinfobot: ddp is also Developers Discount Program by Nokia23:08
infobotokay, hrw23:08
lardmanah, you have to talk nicely to him :)23:08
hrwAnidel: like I said - bad pixels23:08
Anidelhrw: sorry missed the line.. ah yes, I saw your post..23:09
hrwI wonder will DHL work tomorrow to deliveer me package or not23:09
Anidelhrw: same wondering here.. today no one was home23:10
Anidelthey should though23:10
hrwAnidel: I work from home23:11
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Anidelhrw: I don't, but this was shipped to my girlfriend's parent in Italy as I am flying there on sunday23:11
AnidelI should have sent it here.. anyway23:12
hrwAnidel: Nokia sends stuff with 'to your hands only'23:12
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Anidelhrw: we'll see23:12
Anidelif not tomorrow, I am pretty sure they won't deliver on Sunday.. and on Monday I'll be there anyway23:13
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infobotddp is, like, the Debian Documentation Project, at, but Datagram Delivery Protocol, using in providing AppleTalk services.  Developers Discount Program by Nokia23:15
GAN900hrw, Device Discount Program23:17
hrwGAN900: Disaster Developer Program too23:17
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* GAN900 is no developer.23:18
lardmanswap the Disaster and Developer there, unless you've heard about my earthquake generation app ;)23:18
hrwinfobot: no, ddp is the Debian Documentation Project, at but also Datagram Delivery Protocol, using in providing AppleTalk services, also Device Discount Program by Nokia23:18
infobotokay, hrw23:18
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, ddp is the Debian Documentation Project, at but also Datagram Delivery Protocol, using in providing AppleTalk services, also Device Discount Program by Nokia23:18
jebba Results 1 - 3 of 3 for nokia "Developers Discount Program".    hmm23:18
hrwfeel free to rephrase it to more proper englsh23:18
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lardmanhrw: sounds fine23:19
hrwjebba: what you got? I got my blog on 6th place23:19
cpscottiGood evening (or whatever it is wherever u are) fellas!23:20
infobotugt is, like, Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
infobot[n900] OMAP3430, HD camera, HSPA, Maemo 5 (Fremantle), probably Summer 2009 (or later)23:20
hrwSolarion: morning cpscotti23:20
hrw~curse autocompletion23:21
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, autocompletion !23:21
cpscottigood morning23:21
cpscotti"probably Summer 2009 (or later)"23:21
infobotit has been said that hrw is Marcin Juszkiewicz - OpenEmbedded/Poky developer23:21
hrwinfobot: forget n90023:21
infobothrw: i forgot n90023:21
hrw~factinfo n90023:22
infobotthere's no such factoid as n900, hrw23:22
wazd_n800infobot: forget infobot23:22
infoboti forgot infobot, wazd_n80023:22
hrw~factinfo hrw23:22
infobothrw -- last modified at Tue Apr  8 14:18:21 2008 by hrw!; it has been requested 3 times, last by hrw, 49s ago.23:22
Anidel~factinfo jebba23:23
infobotAnidel: there's no such factoid as jebba23:23
Anidel~factinfo anidel23:23
infobotAnidel: there's no such factoid as anidel23:23
jebbaah i thought it was googling it and parsing something, but you register with it apparently.23:24
wazd_n800~factinfo wazd23:24
infobotthere's no such factoid as wazd, wazd_n80023:24
Anidelinfobot: anidel is Aniello23:24
infobotAnidel: okay23:24
Anidel~factinfo anidel23:24
infobotanidel -- created by Anidel <> 2s ago.23:24
eitreachHmm.. A friend of mine is complaining about recieving my texts 4-5 times. Is this a known bug?23:24
infoboti heard anidel is Aniello23:24
Anidelah ah..23:24
cpscottiHey.. am I the only one annoyed by the thousand gcompris-lang files whenever I go browse the reps?23:24
jaemeitreach, not sure, but it could by your carrier's fault23:24
jebbaI'm also a city somewhere in Africa ;)23:24
jaemmine does stupid things like that23:25
Anidelinfobot: anidel is Aniello Del Sorbo - open source developer, author of the port of Xournal for Maemo23:25
infobot...but anidel is already something else...23:25
Anidelinfobot: forget anidel23:25
eitreachjaem, alright. I'll contact them in the morning, then.23:25
infoboti forgot anidel, Anidel23:25
Anidelinfobot: anidel is Aniello Del Sorbo - open source developer, author of the port of Xournal for Maemo23:25
infobotokay, Anidel23:25
cpscottieitreach: at the beginning I was receiving sms 4 times...23:25
cpscottithe same..23:25
Anidelthere it is23:25
infobot[anidel] Aniello Del Sorbo - open source developer, author of the port of Xournal for Maemo23:25
Anidelgood boy23:25
cpscotti(but no one complained about.. and this disappeared after some 2 days23:25
jaemeitreach, if it is, good luck23:26
Anidelinfobot: Xournal is a note taking application ported to Maemo by Anidel23:26
wazd_n800infobot: wazd is The Greatest Prince of the Universe23:26
infobotokay, Anidel23:26
infobotokay, wazd_n80023:26
lardmanwe should get infobot to parse maemo.org23:26
jaemTelus (for me) is just broken half of the time, so that's why things like that happen23:26
wazd_n800infobot: n900 is a wooden box with stained cans inside23:27
infobotokay, wazd_n80023:27
cpscottilardman: ok.. but forget about the garage part! bc if that is already totally jammed, imagine putting some bots to parse it..23:27
Anidelinfobot: infobot is The coolest23:29
infobotAnidel: okay23:29
infoboti guess infobot is The coolest23:29
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infobotmethinks wazd is The Greatest Prince of the Universe23:29
wazd_n800infobot, ah, good boy :)23:29
infobotaw, gee, wazd_n80023:29
AnidelI am too serious23:30
infobotrumour has it, anidel is Aniello Del Sorbo - open source developer, author of the port of Xournal for Maemo23:30
lardmanI could really do with a glass of wine23:30
nhg1should installing packages over a network work in Maemo5 and if so will it also resolve dependencies?23:31
woglindenhg1 with apt-get yes23:31
cpscottiwoglinde: nhg1: and thus the App. Manager also23:31
woglindecpscotti I know23:32
woglindebecause its uses apt-get23:32
nhg1works behind firewalls etc?23:32
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nhg1with some http_proxy?23:32
SpeedEvilIs there a way to set an alarm for an event 2 hours before?23:32
woglindeapt-get honors http_proxy23:32
wazd_n800VDVsx, around?23:33
bigbrovar_Hi guys am unable to refresh or install any application on my n900 ( which i just got today) it seems the application manager does not respect the systemwide proxy. does anyone else have this issue? and how can i file a bug?23:33
hrwI am afraid that I will not finish my blog post about next firmware things. Nokia Maemo team did lot of good work on fixing bugs23:34
jkimball4here's a deal =>
jkimball4too good to be true probably23:35
lardmanhrw: good to hear the latter23:36
SpeedEvilSeems a leetle cheap23:36
SpeedEvilIf you in fact have a credit card that covers non-delivery - then go for it23:36
hrwjkimball4: it is scam rather then shop23:36
jkimball4hrw: i figure so.. that's why i posted mostly :)23:37
* hardaker uploads his first packages into -devel23:37
SpeedEvilI find it odd they claim to be UK23:38
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wazd_n800ok, gtg, later guys23:40
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bigbrovar_I am trying to file a bug on this but I dont know if it is a connectivity bug or what category would fit. if this is a bug then it would be regression23:43
lardmanbigbrovar_: see if other apps are also affected, if not file it against the app manager23:43
bigbrovar_lardman: well other apps are affected but does are known issues .. I havent seen one on the app manager before23:44
bigbrovar_lardman: its a real deal breaker not to be able to install on the N900. its a problem i never had on the N810 :(23:45
jaemI got on the front page of Hack a Day, and got half as many hits in one day as I have total23:45
jaemthat's the way to do it :D23:45
SpeedEviljaem: remember to put adwords on before doing that23:45
jaemSpeedEvil, lol23:45
jaem~680 hits overnight, which for my blog is pretty darn good23:46
hrwwow.. my bugzilla query reports 108 bugs closed23:46
infobotjaem: I think you lost me on that one23:46
SpeedEvil'... brainstorm' ?23:46
jaemSpeedEvil, the hits graph just goes ---------------------*THUNK*23:46
ali1234jaem: which one is yours?23:46
jaemthey're quick!23:47
ali1234i recognise that yellow and blue oled screen :)23:47
jaemI sent them the message at 3am ish23:47
jaemthere's no yellow on it23:47
ali1234how odd23:47
ali1234i have an oled that has a yellow stripe at the top just like the bit that says "bluetooth" :)23:47
jaemit's almost EL-bluegreen, but it appears to be OLED, and they say it is23:48
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jaemali1234, I've seen screens like that, but not this one23:48
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* jaem moos back23:50
lcukhi jaem23:51
jaemlcuk, morning23:51
jaemI'm trying to think of good uses for this bracelet display23:51
bigbrovar_is there anywhere to get official support for the N900 beside the community. I am having a real show stopper issue here and i cant even install or use the app manager23:51
jaemdoes Modest use DBus signals when a new e-mail comes in?23:52
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jaembigbrovar_, you could try contacting Nokia I guess23:52
jaemwhat's the issue?23:52
jkimball4weather applet is broken: you can't have -0 degrees23:52
jaemjkimball4, well, you can, but it's not usually used23:52
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jaemI mean, 0 degrees is implicitly positive, and that's fairly arbitrary23:53
jaembut yes, stylistically it isn't great23:53
jaembigbrovar_, I'll take a look23:53
bigbrovar_jaem: thanks23:53
jkimball4jaem: I think you're mistaken.  zero is neither positive or negative.23:53
jaemjkimball4, I realize23:54
dolphindepending on which direction you close from23:54
jkimball4the weather applet isn't doing calculus23:54
jaembut when we write "0", by all normal numerical conventions we're putting an implicit positive sign in front of it23:54
jaemit's not technically either, but given the implicit convention, we are anyway23:54
dolphinyes, when it's not written23:55
dolphinbut when it is written, then it's negative23:55
el_zilchojkimball4: or is it both? :-P23:55
jaembigbrovar_, I need a bit more detail23:55
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jaemdoes your school require a proxy, or is this just for privacy/security reasons?23:56
bigbrovar_jaem: just let me know how i can help out23:56
bigbrovar_jaem: yeah we do, port 80 is blocked so all internet traffic has to go thru the web proxy23:56
jaemah, yikes23:56
bigbrovar_jaem: the proxy helps us to manage our tiny bandwidth23:57
jkimball4sounds like a lousy firewall to me23:57
jaemwell, if HAM is not respecting your proxy settings, that's something to file a bug about23:57
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bigbrovar_jaem: fyi app mananger works very well on the N81023:57
jaembut we haven't established that23:57
bigbrovar_even with the proxy23:57
jaemso do none of the packages refresh, then?23:57
jaempackage lists*23:57
bigbrovar_jaem: yeah non .. I can even find any application in the package list23:58
jaembut using apt-get works?23:58
bigbrovar_jaem: would have to export http_proxy but i havent tried that23:58
el_zilchoyay, i finally got things at least sorta workable.... gonna reboot and hope it clears up even more23:58
bigbrovar_jaem: hold on let me try23:58
el_zilchorootfs                  227.8M    192.8M     30.8M  86% /23:58
jaembigbrovar_, would you mind trying it?  Granted it's not ideal as a solution, but it would help with troubleshooting23:59
el_zilchohad to relocat my /var/cache/apt/archives/23:59
el_zilchoit oculnd't install because it couldn't even grab the archive :)23:59
jaembigbrovar_, I'll be back momentarily23:59
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