IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2009-12-04

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SpeedEvilel_zilcho: so you - for example rely on connecting to existing original daemons and drivers, not duplicating them.00:00
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el_zilchooh ok, ty that clarifies it00:00
el_zilchoi'll probably give it a try at some point00:00
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Mysteriousis there a vnc server that definately works with windows and vncviewer00:02
SpeedEvilMysterious: there is one in extras-testing.00:02
SpeedEvilI have not tested it00:02
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Mysteriousi meant windows-side server00:02
Mysteriousnot for me^^00:03
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el_zilchoand you've verified that it all works properly from a client that's not your phone?00:04
crashanddietimeless_mbp: do you use a graphical IRC client on OSX?00:05
Dantonichey all! just got my N900!! :)00:05
crashanddieDantonic: 'grats!00:05
el_zilchocongrats :)00:05
javispedrocongratu...die! die! die!00:05
timeless_mbpDantonic: are you using enus or engb?00:05
timeless_mbpif so, i have a package you could play w/00:05
fnordianslipcrashanddie: colloquy here too00:05
timeless_mbphold on a minute00:05
Dantonichey question... what's the password for sudo?00:05
luke-jryour user passwrod00:05
Dantonicwhy is it asking me for it?00:05
DantonicI just turned it on... I didn't create one00:05
crashanddiefnordianslip & timeless_mbp: but colloquy looks like crap00:06
Mysteriousthe program connected to my server00:06
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: it has themes00:06
crashanddiefnordianslip & timeless_mbp: I just want a irc client that works well, and won't try to do 50k things at the same time00:06
fnordianslipit works nicely and is themable00:06
fnordiansliptry it00:06
Dantonicoh I gotta get rootsh?00:06
el_zilchoDantonic: when i attempted to set/change user's password i was denied :) i set a root password, but the "root" command doesn't ask for it00:06
crashanddiefnordianslip: ok, I'll give it a shot00:07
timeless_mbpcrashanddie: i also use epic/ircii or something in screen00:07
jebbajebDantonic, ya you need rootsh from extras repo which you need to enable in the package manage ("catalogs")00:07
MysteriousIn VNCViewer the mouse-cursor appears but then the connection suddenly closes00:08
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fnordianslipany idea how to solve locale issues with ssh on  m5?00:08
Dantonicshoot ok... well before I do that is there another way to check my Mac address?  I was just trying to run sudo ifconfig to find it out...00:09
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DantonicI need it to grant access to my wifi00:09
Mysteriousel_zilcho: any ideas?00:09
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timeless_mbpDantonic: i rely on logs from the server :)00:10
timeless_mbpit's easier to copy/paste them anyway :)00:10
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el_zilchoMysterious: i'm not sure00:10
Dantoniclogs from the server?00:10
timeless_mbpyour server will reject the accesses it doesn't like :)00:10
AakashPatelare we allowed to release closed source apps?00:11
Dantonictimeless_mbp, you mean my router? not sure what you're talking about00:11
AakashPatelin the repo's?00:11
timeless_mbpAakashPatel: somehow, yes00:11
timeless_mbpDantonic: you want to find your mac address, no?00:11
Mysterious3/12/2009 21:49   Invalid attempt from client
Mysterious3/12/2009 21:49   Invalid attempt from client
Mysterious3/12/2009 21:49   Invalid attempt from client
Mysterious3/12/2009 21:49   Invalid attempt from client
Mysterious3/12/2009 21:49   Invalid attempt from client
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Mysterious3/12/2009 22:58   Invalid attempt from client
fnordianslipDantonic: don't need sudo for ifconfig, just: /sbin/ifconfig00:11
timeless_mbpshouldn't your server be nice and log it? :)00:11
luke-jrwhat happens if you hit that 5 GB cap because of crackers trying to bruteforce your sshd? ;)00:12
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javispedrosomeone now posted info on how to use openssh daemon and a sftp windows client00:12
javispedroon a fansite00:12
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fnordianslipluke-jr: run it on an obscure port00:13
javispedroso expect thousands of widely opened ssh daemons00:13
el_zilchoyeah, i need to make another user account and disable root login00:13
javispedroyour device will spend most of the time not behind a firewall... just used private key authentication00:14
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GAN900Boarded, fingers crossed that there's still a guide at the hotel to help my incompetent ass get to citilab. ;)00:16
javispedroi'm sure you'll find someone :)00:16
Dantonicall right.. thanks I got the mac address and have internet :P00:17
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timeless_mbpok people w/ n900s00:19
timeless_mbpi'm looking for testers for enus or the clock map fix00:20
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GAN900timeless_mbp, hit me with the link again when I'm in BCN.00:20
GAN900I can do some conscription there.00:20
StskeepsGAN900: have a good trip00:20
timeless_mbpGAN900: um, can i hit you by email?00:21
GAN900Stskeeps, hope I can manage to sleep. ;)00:21
timeless_mbpbecause i don't really exist on friday/saturday00:21
GAN900timeless_mbp, perfect.00:21
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* GAN900 goes offline.00:23
javispedrosee you!00:23
javispedroand sleep well hehe00:24
timeless_mbphave a safe journey00:24
xorAxAxdoes the n900 have 256 MB or 1024 MB RAM?00:24
Stskeepsand 768mb swap00:24
xorAxAxbecause various internet sources claim 1 GB00:25
Stskeepsram is really an ambigious term these days00:25
xorAxAxi.e. swap is preconfigured unlike with the n810?00:25
luke-jrRAM is not ambiguous00:25
MysteriousIt is00:25
luke-jrswap is memory, but not RAM00:25
luke-jradvertising 1 GB RAM is nothing but false advertising00:25
luke-jreven advertising 1 GB memory is borderline00:26
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luke-jrespecially considering that it will crash before you get anywhere near that if it's anything like N81000:26
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jebbajebhow with apt/dpkg can you tell which repo a package is from?00:28
Corsacapt-cache madison might help you00:29
timeless_mbpapt-cache policy00:29
Xisdibikheya timeless_mbp00:29
timeless_mbpXisdibik: new map up00:29
timeless_mbpplus package to play w/00:29
Xisdibikyea, im going to check it out once im home :D00:29
Mysteriousvnc works^^00:29
Mysterioushuh strange errors00:29
Mysteriousgood bye guys00:29
timeless_mbpi'm not sure i've updated all the different files00:30
timeless_mbpthe one we're mostly using for testing at this point is gmap.html00:30
timeless_mbpbecause we're doing lat/long verification00:30
Stskeepstrying to avoid a international crisis?00:30
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: well um..00:31
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timeless_mbpdid you see analysis?00:31
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asidjazzGAN900: awesome00:37
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w00tdoes someone mind telling me whether I'm insane and checking if they can find an account-plugin-haze package anywhere?00:53
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XisdibikAnyone here have trouble with the GPS on the n900 get it fixed?00:53
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Xisdibikw00t: its in devel00:53
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w00tXisdibik: I thought that, yet I've added devel, and I still can't find it00:54
Xisdibikstrange, i got mine from devel00:54
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w00tmy GPS seems to sort of work for what it's worth, though so far it's only getting a coarse fix, which is about 2-3 streets off00:54
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w00tmy bad00:54
Xisdibikwell, my GPS wether outside, inside with network positioning on or off,    says "searching"   and has a flashing satellite icon on the taskbar00:54
w00t-devel was disabled00:55
* w00t kicks it00:55
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w00tnot good :\00:55
el_zilchomine showed me being probably a mile from where i'm at... but i think the network data was throwing it off00:56
Xisdibikapparently other ppl have had issues with the GPS, but im wondering how to fix it, or do i need to send it back or something :/00:56
el_zilchobut it works fine now00:56
fnordianslippersmaps has stopped working over my vodaphone uk data sim but works ok over wifi00:56
el_zilchoits got me more or less pinpointed00:56
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Xisdibikel_zilcho: was there any update that helped fix yours?00:57
el_zilchowell, i'm not positive on what was causing it to be off.... mine gets a fix, doesn't sound like yours does00:58
el_zilchoi assume the network option for location is using a-gps and tower data, and i'm in kind of a dead zone00:58
el_zilchoso i think that's why mine was off00:59
el_zilchoi think i'm only barely visible to one tower00:59
Xisdibikfor the weather thing it says Valencia (GPS), which is a bit off from where i am.  im just wondering why location always says "searching"00:59
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SpeedEvilI found turning off network assist made it work for me00:59
el_zilchoyeah, i turned that off too00:59
Xisdibikill try that once im out of class00:59
el_zilchoi also put it on the window sill00:59
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SpeedEvilalso screwing up the time (as in not setting it) broke it00:59
SpeedEvilel_zilcho: some windows are quite good GPS shields01:00
luigihi all01:00
SpeedEvilel_zilcho: especially energy efficient ones.01:00
XisdibikSpeedEvil: do you mean setting it to manual, vs having it find out the time for you?01:00
el_zilchoi'll keep that in mind01:00
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SpeedEvilXisdibik: I mean it never got a fix when the date was set to 1/1/2009 - or whatever it came with01:00
Mouseyddate "+%."01:00
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luigiis there the possibility to store some settings (like aliases, prompt, etc) of Maemo busybox ?01:01
el_zilchodunno about busybox, i installed bash... then edited ~/.bashrc01:01
XisdibikSpeedEvil: ah, ive set that stuff up correctly afaik01:02
luigiel_zilcho : yes I know that in bash the settings are stored in ".bashrc", but under busybox?01:02
kalikianaluigi, try creating a .profile file instead01:03
kalikianathat should work01:03
luigimhh..ok, I'll try it01:04
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timeless_mbpok guys01:05
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XisdibikSpeedEvil: curious but, when i turn off Network Positioning,  there is no more satellite icon, and if i tap the taskbar, theres no thing saying "location" anymore, is that normal?01:05
timeless_mbpwe're done. but it'd be great if people could test the clock-map update01:05
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SpeedEvilXisdibik: it may take more time to lock in that state01:06
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* zerojay does CPR on his N900 to no avail.01:07
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XisdibikSpeedEvil: So once it igets a fix (when im outside), it should show the satellite icon again,  or location when i tap the taskbar,  or will it get a fix, but just not show either of those things?01:08
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* el_zilcho gets out the defibrillator01:08
SpeedEvilI just saw the icon when maps or photo was open01:09
zerojayIt's dead, man.01:09
SpeedEvil(sat icon)01:09
zerojayIt's dead and it ain't comin' back.01:09
el_zilchobut it was like a brother :(01:09
zerojayAt least not without a new micro USB port.01:09
XisdibikSpeedEvil: ah ok, well i have it set to supposedly show my location in my status, which i dont think its been doing, though i dont really know how taht feature is supposed to work or what it actualy works with01:09
kynkyzerojay, what  did you do ?01:10
w00tzerojay: the correct quote is "It's dead, Jim"01:10
el_zilchoeven better01:12
javispedrozerojay: so, is it really even more weak than the n810's power connector?01:12
luigikalikiana : THANKS! It works01:14
kynkybit of a hassle but you can buy bl-5j chargers for £2.50 inc shipping01:15
luigiit's not possible to install "nano" with maemo under busybox, right?01:15
luke-jrwhy not?01:16
luigiwhich repository can I use?01:16
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SpeedEvilAh - enabling network - I get a lock inside01:16
luigiI have a N900 with Maemo 501:16
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andre__why "under busybox"?01:17
kynkybusybox is default01:17
luigithe XTerminal of the N900 uses busybox01:18
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el_zilchoi don't think the shell matters01:18
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el_zilchobut i could be wrong01:19
andre__busybox provides some core functionality in the shell. for nano, i think it does not matter if it's busybox or not :)01:19
el_zilchothere are a few things i didn't see int he repos i'm going to try to install from source01:19
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kynkyso what you could do with is a nano.install ?01:19
luigiI'll try to compile nano sources01:19
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lardman|homeis it possible to start an osso app from the command line?01:20
kynkyand optify, every byte counts :)01:20
achipa_irssiis there something going on the autobuilders today ? This is getting unbearable...01:20
lardman|homeachipa_irssi: x86 not working?01:20
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achipa_irssilardman|home: working, but slow. As in 10+ hours per build slow.01:21
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lardman|homesaw that for Fremantle, then an error on the x86 build that didn't seem to be caused by anything01:22
crashanddietimeless: is there an equivalent to "free" in osx?01:22
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fnordianslippersnano is in the tools repo01:22
jebbajebkalikiana: you get a chance to confirm (fix? if i may dare ask) the midori not-purging-cache issue?01:22
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jebbajebcrashanddie: uh, top  ?01:23
jebbajebnot quite equivalent, but you can get the same info.  Is true in all the *bsds01:23
crashanddiejebbajeb: doesn't give me the cached information01:23
achipa_irssi/scratchbox/tools/bin/fakeroot: line 187: 27948 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) FAKEROOTKEY=$FAKEROOTKEY LD_PRELOAD="$LD_PRELOAD" SBOX_PRELOAD="${HOST_PRELOAD},${TARGET_PRELOAD}" "$@"01:24
achipa_irssithis can't be good01:24
el_zilchofnordianslippers: excellent ty01:25
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kalikianajebbajeb, it is fixed in the updated version. there is "web cache" in "Delete private data" now :-)01:27
kalikianaif you update it, you should see the option01:28
jebbajebkalikiana: are you packaging midori or are you midori developer too (e.g. midori upstream).  Thx btw.01:29
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kalikianajebbajeb, yep. I fixed it in git and then made a new snapshot for maemo.01:31
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kalikianaie. I'm both01:31
apolhow do I install Xephyr into the scratchbox?01:31
derfYou don't.01:31
derfXephyr should be installed on the host.01:32
el_zilchofnordianslippers: "tools" repo is extras-devel?01:32
apolmakes sense :P01:32
fnordianslippersel_zicho nope. hang on01:33
jebbajebel_zilcho: fnordianslippers   deb fremantle/tools free01:34
luigiis there a just ready text editor to use with shell (not vi) ?01:35
kalikianaluigi, vim and emacs are in extras01:36 start << how do I run that?01:36
apoli don't have it in my path :S01:36
jebbajeb   /etc/init.d/ start01:37
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jebbajeboh wait, i don't see it there. wtf. where is it?01:37
apoli get a su command not found -.-01:38
jebbajebperhaps run it like  ./af-sb-init.sh01:38
jebbajebyou should get  "su: must be suid to work properly"  ...  apol, where you running this, on the n900?01:38
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apoljebbajeb: scratchbox01:39
jebbajebsry, not sure01:39
luigikalikiana : I'm not able to find emacs under "extras" (only vim, but it's very ugly to use)01:39
zerojayw00t: I know what the correct quote is, thanks.01:40
el_zilcholuigi: they said its under the tools repository01:40
el_zilchoup a few lines jebba gave this line for apt sources01:40
el_zilchodeb fremantle/tools free01:40
mikkov__extra spoon of whipped cream to Vitaly Repin for fixing bug #645101:41
povbot`Bug Unable to change file extension in File Manager01:41
el_zilchowould go in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list01:41
kalikianaluigi, could be they are only in testing, which I have enabled01:41
mikkov__actually bug #654101:41
povbot`Bug Polish Subject line violates RFC ("Odp." prefix)01:41
kalikianaqemacs and qemacs-nox are in there01:41
Venomrush"Use Nokia Maps without data connection: Just like Nokia Maps for S60 devices you can load up maps into memory and use Nokia Maps and your GPS without a data connection when traveling."01:41
Venomrushhow exactly does this work01:42
mikkov__It doesn't01:42
Venomrushis the Maps on maemo = S60?01:42
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mikkov__Maps on Maemo is different than on S6001:42
w00tzerojay: no problem01:43
Venomrushmikkov__: how do i use it without data connection?01:43
kynkyovi maps 1.0 on n900 , ovi maps 3.0 on s60, world of difference between the two01:43
w00tit's not possible, yet01:43
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mikkov__Venomrush: it's useless without data connection as long as GPS doesn't work without data01:43
kalikianaHrm... Kandis' sound suggests some kind of fatal error took place. Not nice01:44
w00tmy GPS got a fix two streets away within a minute without data01:44
kalikianaDefinitely I need a different sound01:44
kynkyyou can get it to cache all data on pre routed jorney afaik, if you go off route then you need data connection, but think data connection helps for gps lock01:44
kalikianaOnly problem: no option :'-(01:45
naxxatoedoes anyone know if there is a working port of ruby running on maemo5 on the n900 device already01:45
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kynkythere is a company bringing out satnav with turn by turn and voice by end of year for n90001:45
kynkynaxxatoe, seen ruby and irb on a maemo rep01:45
Venomrushsynic or something01:45
kalikiananaxxatoe, existing, yes. working? no idea01:45
kynkyVenomrush, yeah :)01:46
naxxatoew00t:  your gps got a fix without data? mine didnt work at all without data (wich is pretty lame until i get data connections enabled on my phone account ;)01:46
mikkov__You can't search on Maps without data connection01:46
naxxatoebecause you dont always have open wifi01:46
w00tnaxxatoe: yes01:46
naxxatoejust to get your images tagged correctly01:46
Venomrushn900 should store location of sattelites when it uses data connection01:46
naxxatoewhen taking pics01:46
w00tI don't have data enabled at present01:46
Venomrushinstead of refreshing everytime01:46
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Venomrushleading to no gps when no data connection is available01:46
naxxatoei dont like this "should do" thing, expierience shows that it doesnt01:46
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tigertVenomrush: that assumes you dont move while gps is off01:47
w00tI think the "should do" was really an implication of what it ..should do.. not what it does01:47
tigertVenomrush: like when flying this would not help01:47
Venomrushiok then i'll change it to a must01:47
Venomrushtigert: option to refresh sattelites location, easy workaround there01:48
tigertthats what the agps is for01:48
tigertsure it needs connection01:48
Venomrushsattelites arent changing theirs positions that much anyway01:48
Venomrushonce a week update is good enough01:48
naxxatoewell, the best thing would be to build a small app to fetch maps for the countries you select initially01:48
tigertbut the whole device exists to have a connection to the net..01:49
lardman|homewhat does this mean? *(int*)"Y800"01:49
lardman|homethe value at that location?01:49
lardman|homee.g. as a long?01:49
naxxatoeand then you only need to update satilite locs once in while01:49
lardman|homeint rather01:49
Venomrushagps = pull current sattelites position = n900 knows where to look = faster fix01:49
Venomrushthe problem is01:49
Venomrushn900 isn't saving the info01:50
naxxatoebut that should be fixable01:50
Venomrushrather refreshing them everytime - i think this is to give an impression that it gets faster fix01:50
naxxatoein terms of there is a fix for the agps to fix faster XD and store locations01:50
luigiel_zilcho : emacs is not present in tools/free repository01:51
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el_zilchoNokia-N900-42-11:~# apt-cache search emac01:52
el_zilchoqemacs - Small emacs clone editor with HTML and DocBook editing support01:52
el_zilchoi dunno if that works01:52
el_zilchoits all i'm seeing01:52
el_zilchoas well01:52
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el_zilchobut with that repo i just got another 10 tools or so i was missing... screen, wget, traceroute, strace, less, htop, etc.01:53
el_zilchowhich makes me :)01:53
divinegoddoes anyone know how to get subversion and screen installed?01:53
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luigiel_zilcho : same device and same fw. "apt-cache search emac" produces no results01:54
luigiI think you have added some other repo01:55
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el_zilchoNokia-N900-42-11:~# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list01:55
el_zilchodeb ./01:55
el_zilchodeb ./01:55
el_zilchodeb fremantle free non-free01:55
el_zilchodeb fremantle free non-free01:55
el_zilchodeb fremantle/tools free01:55
el_zilchodivinegod: dunno about svn, but screen is in one of those last two lines of ^^01:55
divinegodit's in the last then01:55
jebbajebel_zilcho, luigi:  you'll want to add those repo URLs via the maemo application manager. If you just add them to that text file, they will get blown out01:55
divinegoddid try extras-testing01:55
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el_zilchojebba: that's odd functionality :) does sources.list get blown away too?01:56
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jebbajebel_zilcho: if it's named something else, I don't know. But I added them to hildon-application-manager.list, added some apps with apt, then later ran the maemo app manager and now they are gone. Plus they weren't listed when I hit "catalog"01:57
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luigibut is there a way to connect the host to the N900 console ?01:57
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luigiI mean in order to use it easily from the host keyboard01:58
jebbajebluigi: you mean to ssh in?  install openssh server/client package in extras01:58
jebbajebor via VNC01:58
luigiok, good idea!01:58
Venomrushjust got the clearprotector screen protector01:59
Venomrusheasy apply01:59
Venomrushfits perfectly01:59
Venomrushwaiting for it to dry atm01:59
Venomrushso far it seems to help reducing glare01:59
el_zilchojebba: oh, yeah, i only asked because there's the sources.list.d directory that has the hildon app's sources... but the regular /etc/apt/sources.list is actually an empty text file... i'll play around and see if it works there01:59
luigijebbajeb : on the device I have to install the server, right?02:00
Venomrushso helps the finger movement on screen (without it, it was pretty sticky)02:00
divinegodel_zilcho: thanks02:00
luigibut in repo it's present only the client02:02
el_zilchoapt-get install openssh doesn't give you client and server?02:02
* lardman|home curses the mbarcode image opening code for not opening02:03
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jebbajebyou want the "ssh" package which includes both openssh-client and openssh-server packages    el_zilcho luigi02:07
el_zilchoi used the openssh package and have both02:07
jebbajebluigi:  this may be of some help:
luigiyeh I found and installed them02:08
luiginow I need help how to use them02:08
jebbajebopenssh-common - Common files fro ssh server and client02:08
jebbajebopenssh-client - Secure shell client, an rlogin/rsh/rcp replacement02:08
jebbajebopenssh-server - Secure shell server, an rshd replacement02:08
jebbajebopenssh - Secure shell client and server02:08
jebbajebssh - secure shell client and server (metapackage)02:08
DocScrutinizergot as a desktop bookmark on N900 :-)))02:09
luigiyup! :D Thx02:09
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DocScrutinizerjebbajeb: the dbus incantations are really great02:10
jebbajebya. I didnt brew any of them myself (yet), but just hunted thru wiki/talk.02:10
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DocScrutinizerjebbajeb: any clue about device name of modem's AT interface?02:11
DocScrutinizerlike /dev*/tty*02:11
jebbajebDocScrutinizer not yet no02:12
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divinegodAre there any other VCS available instead of subversion perhaps? I would be nice to be able to have a complete dev. env. on the device.02:12
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user_w00t. irssi on the n900.02:13
jebbajebDocScrutinizer  interesting there is a /dev/ppp02:13
DocScrutinizerconfig irssi, user_!!02:13
user_extras-devel repo looking good!02:13
DocScrutinizerjebbajeb: That's for sure the HSPA data link. No "ATfoo" there :-/02:14
jebbajebuser_: just make sure you dont fill up your device or you brick it.02:14
user_DocScrutinizer: late here. will copy config from lappie tomorrow.02:14
jebbajebah duh02:14
user_jebbajeb: really?02:14
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user_anyway a more pressing q..02:15
user_is it possible to interface with /dev/video0 directly rather than via gst?02:16
jebbajebuser_: ya. i bricked mine. Well, just had to flash it, but a bit of a hassle of course02:16
lardman|homeanyone happen to know the correct GTK_RESPONSE_* value for a hildon_file_chooser_dialog ?02:16
user_i wish to build my own capture and stream handling interface rather than use gstreamer.02:17
el_zilchoindeed... i learned the powerful lesson about making usre the battery is fully charged when flashing :)02:17
user_shouldn't be a problem no?02:18
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redeemansivang: hello, are you here?02:18
lardman|homehey redeeman, get x64 working?02:18
redeemannope, and the vmware image wasnt working either02:19
lardman|homehmm, sorry about that02:19
redeemanim just gonna write my app first and then get it compiled there02:19
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lardman|hometho I think the normal SDK will install if you fiddle the scripts02:19
redeemani can setup a 32bit VM when that's done02:19
orbarronanyone know how I can pull down the full rootfs from a n900?02:19
redeemannot if its 64bit02:19
lardman|homeredeeman: the old ones could be installed on a 64bit system02:19
redeemanlardman|home: i don't have 32bit compatibility libraries at all02:20
CShadowRunI just had a bit of a realization, maemo uses telepathy for IM...telepathy doesn't support basic things like logging onto an IRC server with a username/password02:20
CShadowRunThat's gonna be a problem for me >.<02:20
redeemanCShadowRun: it supports IRC at all on maemo?02:20
lardman|homeredeeman: ah, that will be an issue then02:20
CShadowRunCan i install pidgin on it?02:20
CShadowRunredeeman: i would assume so, i thought it uses telepathy?02:20
redeemanit does, but theres no option in the UI for it02:20
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CShadowRunthat's not very good02:20
CShadowRunwhy no IRC?02:20
redeemanno idea02:20
redeemani want it aswell02:21
jebbajebDocScrutinizer, pokign at ofono, just for kicks, that (can) use  /dev/ttyS002:21
CShadowRunredeeman: can you install pidgin on it?02:21
el_zilchoorbarron: if you've got ssh installed might tryconnecting with WinSCP or similar program depending on your os02:21
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el_zilchoi dunno if that's the most efficient way02:21
DocScrutinizerjebbajeb: cool02:21
el_zilchobut it hsould work02:21
redeemanCShadowRun: yes, i've seen some pidgin screenshots on it, don't know where to obtain it though02:21
DocScrutinizerjebbajeb: thanks02:21
CShadowRunredeeman: nice02:21
orbarronel_zilcho: using ubnuntu02:21
redeemanCShadowRun: in general, it should run everything a normal linux does, if its in debian arm, you can be quite sure it will work02:21
CShadowRunredeeman: i assume i could just compile it02:21
CShadowRunworst case scenario :P02:21
CShadowRunredeeman: nice, ty :D02:22
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redeemanCShadowRun: you have a toolchain up?02:22
el_zilchoyou can do Launcher --> Places --> Connect To Server02:22
el_zilchoand it'll browse with konquerer like it was sitting right there02:22
CShadowRunredeeman: dunno what that is sorry :P02:22
CShadowRunbut i've compiled stuff on my linux box, does it not compile the same way on maemo?02:22
el_zilchoif you're using kubuntu, then i'm cleless02:22
CShadowRun(configure, make, make install)02:23
redeemanCShadowRun: maemo doesn't come with a compiler, so you need a cross compiler02:23
CShadowRunredeeman: oh02:23
CShadowRunredeeman: is there any way to have irc on maemo at all?02:23
jebbajebDocScrutinizer, in fact /dev/ttyS1 thru S4 are all owned by "dialout" group, so that's pretty good indication02:23
user_scratchbox is good for xcompilation once setup02:23
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CShadowRunbesides hacking something up :P02:23
redeemanCShadowRun: yes, xchat and irssi is  available aswell02:23
jebbajebDocScrutinizer, so is /dev/sticon0 whatever that is02:24
redeemanCShadowRun: but you can certainly get pidgin, im just not aware of where to get it precompiled02:24
user_CShadowRun: i am writing from irssi right now02:24
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CShadowRunredeeman: nice :D02:24
CShadowRunthat's all good then02:24
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luigibye all02:25
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jebbajebgoogle says   "console [sticon0] enabled "02:25
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el_zilchoi installed irssi too, problem is my most common use case is n900 --> term --> ssh --> home machine --> screen --> irssi02:25
jebbajebso likely not the modem02:25
el_zilchoso i'm likely to not use it often02:26
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user_irssi is fine on the n90002:26
el_zilchoof course, i idle a couple places so i don't keep connecting/disconnecting when i re-attach02:26
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MikeDevso basically you have to compile pidgin and any plugins but they will proably work02:27
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kynkyive just switched from using screen to using tmux instead02:27
kynkyirssi has proxy mode too, which is handy02:27
user_it does?02:28
el_zilchoI do have another good reason for running it remotely02:28
el_zilchowhen i'm at work, like now, i don't like to be connected directly to an irc server02:28
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kynkywish the n900 had more space in /02:29
user_el_zilcho: why? privacy?02:29
MikeDevso basically you have to compile pidgin and any plugins but they will proably work02:29
lardman|homeany GDK pixbuf gurus about?02:29
lardman|homebuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, &error);02:29
kalikianakynky, curiously, how does tmux compare to screen?02:29
lardman|homebuf==NULL and gerror->message is apparently blank02:29
lardman|homeany thoughts?02:29
* user_ is curious too02:30
el_zilchouser: that's part of it, although i do use the -ssl option for the servers i'm worried about02:30
el_zilchoi don't even see tmux in debian lenny02:30
kalikianalardman|home, &error == gerror?02:31
kalikianadid you typo the variables?02:31
SpeedEvilpidgin is available too02:31
SpeedEvilhowever, I can't get it to work02:31
lardman|homesorry, should be error->message02:31
el_zilchoits in ubuntu karmic though02:31
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kalikianahm.. then it's odd that both is null02:32
kynkyits good02:32
kalikianakynky, thanks.02:32
el_zilchoguess i'll be sticking with screen for the time being... i like things in the form of working across all my distros02:32
el_zilchocommon denominators02:32
lardman|homethe filename is a valid path to a .jpg02:32
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kynkyel_zilcho, tmux is bsd licensed as opposed to gpl02:33
user_its the emacs like bindings that always irritate me about screen02:34
kynkyoh, you mean it not in debian lennny ?02:34
SpeedEvili can't get pidgin to work for IRC I mean02:34
el_zilchoat work, our PBX's are centos based (yes, yuck)... i run ubuntu on my home machine (mostly for ubuntustudio apps)... and i use debian lenny on this laptop02:34
el_zilchoits not in lenny repos02:34
el_zilchomaybe sid or something02:34
kalikianaSpeedEvil, pidgin irc sucks, save the effort :-P02:35
el_zilchobut i'm running a relatively clean lenny02:35
asidjazzwe need an email widget02:35
asidjazzwhy dont we have one02:35
user_me too hehe02:35
user_lenny is great02:35
jebbajebDocScrutinizer, it's not in the repo that i see, but ttywatch may be a useful app for what you want (or for what i'm guessing you may want)02:35
asidjazzwhat is lenny user_02:35
user_best deb stable ever02:35
el_zilchoi can't figure out which distro i hate most02:35
el_zilchoasidjazz: debian 502:35
asidjazzi did ubuntu02:35
el_zilchoubuntu for dumbing everything down and disabling things like ctrl-alt-backspace to kill x02:35
el_zilchodebian for always being slow on software versions (which i understand is a perceived pro, not a con)02:36
redeemanel_zilcho: debian testing is on average newer than ubuntu02:36
jebbajebel_zilcho: oh i like having no ctrl-alt-backspace. I hit that accidentally a lot heh02:36
kalikianael_zilcho, lots of people apparently manage to kill X accidentally via ctrl-alt-backspace. arguably it's not a stupid reasoning02:37
el_zilchoi can't figure out how to re-enable it02:37
lardman|homejebbajeb: you know that can be disabled? ;)02:37
jebbajebya. I can't remember why i would all the time. maybe breaking out of a cursor locked in qemu? don't remember02:37
kynkyits an xorg.conf setting, search google for three finger salute i think02:37
el_zilcho"dumb" was the wrong word02:37
el_zilchobut not totally02:37
el_zilchobecause they dumb it down02:37
jebbajeblardman|home:  ya. and i would. But then you do a fresh install, forget to do it and POOF, aw shit again02:37
el_zilchoto protect the user02:37
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el_zilchoi understand why they have to do that too though02:38
kalikianael_zilcho, remember ubuntu is for average users, not for admins02:38
lardman|homejebbajeb: I have the opposite; it's disabled and I need to use it! :)02:38
user_ubuntu 9.10 somehow looks worse than earlier versions. quite a feat.02:38
el_zilchomy vmware modules still won't recompile in karmic02:38
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fchurcauser_: indeed02:38
el_zilchoi didn't try hard though02:38
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Venomrushhow is the process of getting apps from devel -> extras-testing?02:38
jebbajeblardman|home:  I had to teach my 5 year old how to do it on his eee cuz full screen games flake out all the time.  Funny to hear him say it cuz he has a spanish accent ("control backspace!")02:38
Venomrushi've seen apps i want to installed imported to devel since october but not yet available on extras-testing yet02:39
user_mark s for all his talents has absolutley no aesthetic talents whatsoever.02:39
jebbajebvmware? kvm....02:39
nhganyone know which multimedia codecs on the N900 uses gst-dsp plugins?02:40
jebbajebrpm -q --requires  gst-dsp      now translate into apt-speak02:40
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nhgwill that tell me which codecs are using gst-dsp as opposed to gst-openmax?02:41
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nhgbasically I'm trying to find out which codecs are HW accelerated (to use the DSP) and if so which gstreamer plugins do they use (gst-dsp, gst-openmax or something else)02:42
lardman|homedoes dpkg --list take wildcards?02:43
lardman|homein which case feed that to grep02:43
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nhggrep shows both gst-dsp and gst-openmax02:43
lardman|homefor which plugin>02:44
el_zilchogrep -i gst-dsp02:44
el_zilchoshould invert results02:44
user_apt-cache show and look for depends02:44
el_zilchoif you're saying gst matches gst-dsp and gst-openmax02:44
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nhgyes....dpkg -la | grep gst02:44
* user_ misses man pages on the n90002:45
nhgshows both openmax and how can I tell which codecs are using what?02:45
lardman|homenot gst02:45
lardman|homegrep gsp-dsp | gst-openmax02:45
lardman|homewhere | is a typing instruction, not something to type ;)02:46
el_zilchodpkg -la | grep gst | grep -i gst-dsp     (should show the gst results, excluding gst-dsp... you can extend it from there to do what you need)02:46
el_zilchoor yeah02:46
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el_zilchoreplace what i said with what you said :)02:46
kynkythere is man-db, but doesnt look like it a good idea to install, as it will prob use too much space02:46
jebbajebnhg: a more accurate way would probably be to use `ldd` on the various libraries and see which ones use the dsp library.02:47
lardman|homesounds like a loop would be needed02:47
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lardman|homeassuming the deps are correct I'd use apt-get/dpkg tbh02:47
lardman|homedpkg in fact02:48
el_zilchoyeah, i guess i made assumptions about your output02:48
nhgwhat does ldd do again?02:48
lardman|homeshould library links02:49
el_zilcho print shared library dependencies02:49
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lardman|homelooks like you've just grepped for "gst" there?02:49
kynkyhave fennec 1.0b5 which isnt optified, prob where i lost a lot of space02:49
lardman|homedoes fennec really have lots of additional data?02:50
nhgyes...not infront of the device to type the command...but I doubt "grep gsp-dsp | gst-openmax" will give me what I'm looking for?02:50
kynkyfennec was a 12.2mb d/l02:51
lardman|homenhg: no, but type one or the other02:51
kynkynightly builds are optified, so installing that02:51
lardman|homekynde: ok, pretty big02:51
jebbajebhmm, in my ultra-cruft way of searching for it I dont see anything that uses  (!)02:52
user_dpkg -S libgstdsp.so02:52
nhgwhat will that give me?02:52
jebbajebwhich just brings up gstreamer0.10-dsp, nothing else02:52
user_hmm. then do a rdpepends on it02:53
el_zilchohaha, the reason what i said doesn't work is because your dpkg -la i don't think shows the data you're looking for...02:53
* lardman|home curses gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() for not working02:53
el_zilchoafter actually typing it myself02:53
kynkyback to 40.5mb free on root, still feels too small02:54
jebbajebhow about this for bullSSSSSiiiiipz:    `for i in `find /usr/lib` ; do echo "library $i" ; ldd $i 2>/dev/null  ; done  |less`   then look for libgstdsp.  Which turns up nothing except the package that it is actually in.  I know this is a retarded way to do this.02:55
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user_install apt-rdepends02:55
nhgAre there any Nokia DSP folks hanging around in this chat by anychance?  (maybe wishful thinking..)02:55
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lardman|homenhg: I'm not, but what are you after?02:56
nhgtrying to get gst-dsp working on beagle/zoom202:56
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Venomrush"The packages hosted here are promoted from extras-devel and have gone through an automated quality check."  Is there a long queue to be 'automated quality checked' or something? Why are there still apps since September not going through?02:56
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lardman|homenhg: ah, ok, no idea then, sorry02:57
user_nhg nice. i also have a revb bb.02:57
asidjazzwhats the url that installs aother repos02:57
asidjazzother repos02:57
asidjazzonto n900002:57
el_zilchoasidjazz: in the application manager you can add repositories... there's a text file that has the addys but i'm told it can get wiped out so best to add through the application manager02:58
asidjazznah theres a url you click on from el_zilcho02:58
asidjazzand itll install em itself02:59
asidjazzi foudn it before02:59
el_zilchoo rly02:59
nhgjust curious...are you guys mostly nokia engineers or maemo open source developers?02:59
jebbajebVenomrush: perhaps they failed the automated QA02:59
jebbajebnhg: mostly random lurkers02:59
user_nhg: im an independent dev but consult to nokia a little lately.03:00
* Mousey lurks randomly03:00
Ronaldo38741I'm not a random lurker. I have medals in lurking.03:00
Mouseyman, who are you?03:01
Mouseythat's amazing, i've never seen you03:01
naxxatoethats some of the fun part of lurking03:01
Ronaldo38741If you'd seen me, I wouldn't be doing a very good job at lurking.03:01
* DocScrutinizer randoms luridly03:01
naxxatoechanging nick frequently03:01
Ronaldo38741I'm that good.03:01
Mouseywow! they're comin' outta the woodwork!03:02
kalikianaif you're good, you let a bot lurk in your place and read the logs carelessly03:02
user_Ronaldo38741: i haven't ever seen you for years and years.03:02
user_you are very good at this indeed.03:03
Ronaldo38741Medals, man. So many medals.03:03
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kalikianauser_, I know you, though. your name appears on many websites :-P03:03
naxxatoei am so happy with my n900, except for a few bugs03:03
nhgglad my question is bringing people out of the woodwork....if you guys ever get tired or lurking here...please join us on #linux-omap.03:03
naxxatoenow i gotta start hacking the shit out of it ;)03:03
naxxatoewhats linux-omap?03:04
user_Ronaldo38741: real lurkers use other ppls nicks!03:04
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jebbajebbeagle board!  wee.   I really want to build a
user_naxxatoe: linux on omap3 family03:04
kalikiananhg, do they give out free drinks there?03:04
Ronaldo38741How do you know I'm not using someone else's nick?03:04
nhglinux users on Texas Instruments OMAP processors03:04
naxxatoei see03:04
naxxatoecurrently really pissed about the agps issue on n90003:04
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DocScrutinizer /msg nickserv ghost user_ bigsecretpassword03:05
jebbajebnhg: i wanted to get a beagleboard, but they are backordered everywhere i looked, then i left the USA and getting them in argentina will be a PITA03:05
nhgfree drinks on weekends03:05
naxxatoeand that there is no good navigation system around that runs on it03:05
naxxatoethat will allow for the storage on maps on the device itself03:05
user_nokia berlin are working on it.03:05
jebbajebnaxxatoe: i would like to see tangogps. Have you tried that on another device by any chance?03:05
kalikiananaxxatoe, there is maemo mapper03:06
naxxatoeplus i am thinking about building a finance managment tool that is really simple03:06
naxxatoeto run on it03:06
naxxatoeas that would be awsome03:06
jebbajebmaemo mapper is dog slow for me I don't know what is up. Like 30 seconds just to bring up a menu.03:06
user_me too.03:06
naxxatoesomething like squirrelmap on macs03:06
user_on the n97 it is faster i hear.03:06
kalikianaI expect mapper to become better, it's not adapted for fremantle at all yet03:07
jebbajebi found GPXview to be the best mapping program so far, but it's meant for geocaching....03:07
jebbajebtangogps!  as soon as i get a good working SDK....03:07
user_kalikiana: i believe this is true.03:07
DocScrutinizernaxxatoe: agps issue?03:07
nhg jebbajeb: have two on my desk....can mail one for double the cost03:08
DocScrutinizerwhat kind of issue?03:08
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naxxatoewell the standart one03:08
naxxatoelike using agps03:08
naxxatoewith network connection03:08
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nhgdigikey might be your best bet03:08
naxxatoeso it initially gets the satilites around03:08
naxxatoeand whilst you are on your way03:08
naxxatoeyou loose lets say03:08
naxxatoenetwork coverage03:08
naxxatoebut you can still see the satilites03:08
jebbajebnhg: backordered at digikey when i checked a week or so ago03:09
naxxatoeand nothing03:09
naxxatoebecause it doesnt store sat locations03:09
naxxatoeupdating them once a day would be more than enouph for accurate navigation03:09
DocScrutinizerit doesn't store ephem and almanac03:09
naxxatoei actually researched this afer Venomrush mentioned it03:09
DocScrutinizer? o.O03:09
naxxatoealso gps stops working sometimes when the n900 goes to power saving mode due to inaactivity on ovi maps03:10
user_jebbajeb: be sure to get a BB with the case03:10
jebbajebnhg: digikey estimated ship date is february... Plus getting it thru customs in .ar is a PITA since they are idiots here.03:10
kynkydroid sans mono font look nice in xterm03:10
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naxxatoeDocScrutinizer: there is a ticket on it in bugs.maemo.org03:10
naxxatoei descided not to post in that thread because its already there and i cant add too much new info to it03:10
user_jebbajeb: protects the ports.. usb power hdmi etc03:11
naxxatoeexample: having network coverage03:11
DocScrutinizernaxxatoe: well, considering how long it took to put GPS on Openmoko  FR to decent work, I'm not surprised to find some flaws in Nokia's implementation ;-P03:11
jebbajebya. though i may not even have time to play with it til feb since my n900 arrived  ;)03:11
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naxxatoeusing maps or the photo app to geotag stuff03:11
nhgwould love to visit Argentina....can bring one along with me.03:12
jebbajebtangogps!  ;)03:12
naxxatoewith agps03:12
jebbajebnhg:  haah ok. ;)03:12
nhgfree food/lodging will be needed03:12
naxxatoethen it should save what it knows for a hour or so03:12
naxxatoebut instead you close the app03:12
naxxatoemove a couple of feet till network is out (or turn it off)03:12
DocScrutinizerjebbajeb: actually rango is great on FR03:12
jebbajebpretty much have that here...03:12
jebbajebfood is very cheap here.03:12
naxxatoeand you cant get a fi anymore xD03:12
nhglet me check with my colleagues in TI brazil and they order them.03:13
naxxatoesorry ;)03:13
jebbajebok thx03:13
jebbajebordering thru brazil would be less hassle since they are MERCOSUR country.03:13
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naxxatoeman i would so love to build awsome apps for n900 but my coding partner has close to no time at the moment, and all i am good at is implementing the background code (eg everything without graphics) and designing user interfaces on paper03:14
user_jebbajeb: bb is bueno pero el n900 es bastante mas interesante- maemo la camera etc03:14
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naxxatoeand then he does the graphical stuf03:14
naxxatoeso i am really fucked up at the moment xD03:14
jebbajebuser_: si mejor. Pero mira eso:  :)03:14
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naxxatoeenglish please, somebody else may be interested in what you are talking about too ;)03:15
jebbajebclicky clicky  ;)03:15
* user_ clicks el enlace03:15
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lardman|homenighty-night all03:15
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naxxatoeis there python already running on the n900? i mean in a state where it is not all broken?03:16
user_jebbajeb: nice site/proyecto03:16
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user_i must sleep. good night all.03:18
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el_zilchoYou know what i just realized? when you receive a call, the MUTE button is right on top of the Answer button... and above the deny button is the option to send a text.... so if you fat finger mute, you might accidentally pick up a call you intended to ignore03:19
jebbajebnaxxatoe: python i've used on there all seems fine from what i've seen (minimal, but no probs)03:19
el_zilchowould seem more logical for mute to be above reject methinks, but whatever03:19
fusiim concerned about flow control statements in compiled glsl crashing out the driver :(03:21
el_zilchoi guess it can always be flipped face down instead of using the softkey for mute03:21
DocScrutinizernever heard of that for N90003:21
fusii think theres a bug logged somewhere for it03:22
DocScrutinizerfor omnia this option was so poorly implemented I had to disable it when walking with omnia in pocket while listening MP3 :-S03:22
DocScrutinizerwinmoob noobs03:23
el_zilchoyeah, i only found out about that mute because of the ux team's youtube vids03:24
DocScrutinizerso it's actually there?03:24
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DocScrutinizer(don't want to wake the baby while trying now ;)03:25
DocScrutinizeractually it's somewhat stupid to mute on a device orientation that's covering all the optical feedback elements ;-/03:27
el_zilchoin what respect?03:27
fusiu talkin bout face down while ringing03:28
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DocScrutinizeryou could argue you *need* ringtone, when screen-down. While screen-up you see fashing screen and LED03:28
fusisome phones do loudspeaker on face down during call03:28
el_zilchoi think it only mutes if it starts ringing and then you flip it03:28
DocScrutinizerthat's a reasonable design decision anyway03:29
el_zilchothere's something more going on in the software than just checking if its facedown03:29
el_zilchobut i couldn't tell you what :)03:29
kalikianaDocScrutinizer, if you put it face down, it's because you don't have time or want to take the call. you wouldn't need a ring tone then03:31
el_zilchoits nice to see the interaction evolve beyond "push button x for feature x"03:31
jebbajebDocScrutinizer, you have any luck with the /dev/ttyS* fooo?  what you looking to do anyway? just pokin'?03:32
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fusitho i hesitate at this portrait ui stufff - bee on a pos winmo phone that autorotates ui on device orientation and it flippin annoying03:32
jebbajebturn your head03:33
DocScrutinizer51jebba. sending USSD like *100#03:33
el_zilchooh, and the thing i said about fat-fingering reject... apparently that's only in landscape mode that those two are awfully close... and i guess it sounds like that might have been a last minute type thing03:33
DocScrutinizer51not tested yet03:33
jebbajebah,it's the trailing # that is causing the bug?03:33
jebbajebcuz i do *150 fine03:34
kalikianafusi, you can disable it03:34
kalikiana(though I personally do like it a lot)03:34
fusiu mean on the n900?03:35
DocScrutinizer51*31#12345 also works03:35
jebbajebit's funny how some apps are so huge and some so surprisingly teeny. An alarm clock that weighs in at 4.9M.   Leafpad editor is a couple hundred K, yet "lightweight" vim is 20 fkn megs.03:35
fusiid like the option aye03:35
kalikianain phone it is Options > Turning Control03:35
kalikianaquite easy03:35
fusiye - what i kinda meant was the os03:36
fusinot just the phone03:36
fusialotof ppl i see moanin bout it heh03:36
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fusithat its not there  yet03:37
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fusidoesnt bother me03:38
kalikianayeah, it needs a bit of polishing. with coming updates it will receive that presumably.03:38
fusii dont mind how itt is atm03:38
fusiaye :)03:39
Pavlovanyone had problem with n900 not recognizing a simcard?03:39
Pavlovit was working a minute ago before i reflashed it...03:39
kalikianaperfectly fine here03:39
fusiis it seated properly03:39
Pavlovseems to be03:39
Pavlovi just reseated it again...03:39
el_zilchonah, only sim card problem i had was my own stupidity... at first i couldn't figure out how to latch it... i thought the battery was the only thing holding it in place03:40
kalikianaseems doubtful that flashing would affect the sim03:40
DocScrutinizer51friggin mailer doesn't show jpg attachment in html part of a multipart msg :-(03:40
Pavlovi've flashed it before, without problems03:40
kalikianathere's a whole load of testers making sure it won't03:40
fusiive heard of winmo phones doin similar things as a result of a badd flaash03:40
fusibut thats winmo :p03:41
Pavlovwelp, i have a winmo phone right here to test the sim in!;)03:41
Pavlovtho i really want to install anything other than winmo on it03:41
fusibedtime for me, nn all03:41
luke-jrPavlov: is the SIM card definitely GSM?03:42
luke-jrN900 only supports GSM SIM cards AFAIK03:42
DocScrutinizer51wtf else?03:42
redeemanin the terminal, if i start top, it says load average is 803:42
redeemanis that normal?03:42
redeemanDocScrutinizer51: theres some 3g ones03:42
Pavlovluke-jr: yes, the card was working before03:42
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: at least iDEN uses SIM cards too03:43
redeemanthe cpu usage is only reported to 1-4%03:43
Robot101redeeman: no, what is taking cpu?03:43
DocScrutinizer51duh' that's same sim. just other nb*nds the carriers provide03:43
Robot101redeeman: oh... could be some stuck tasks (D state)03:43
redeemanRobot101: seemingly nothing is taking cpu, but it just reports really high average03:43
Pavlovsimcard works fine in my htc hd203:43
DocScrutinizer51bands. damn03:44
* Pavlov goes to reflash again03:44
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redeemanRobot101: 4 D stated03:45
redeemanwhat do you have on yours ?03:46
DocScrutinizer51any way to get a better idea than small green bar about remaining bat?03:46
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DocScrutinizer51speedevil: now I start to feeel what you meant by "few mm off kbd thickness would be better"03:48
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el_zilchono sure about the battery... i was looking to see if i could find anything useful, but didn't see anything03:57
redeemanany of you that can report on the load average at you?03:57
el_zilchodoubt mine is useful since i reflashed this morning and haven't been actively using it03:58
redeemanyes, i wish to know03:59
redeemanit only samples a few minutes back03:59
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el_zilcho19:59:41 up  5:57, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.0703:59
redeemansomething is wrong here then, try ps aux | grep D03:59
Robot101redeeman: which 4?03:59
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el_zilcholooking for something specific in there? looks like sshd ohmd tonegend04:00
redeemanobexd. symc. hildon-thumbnailerd, intellisyncd04:00
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redeemanevents/0 also appears to be D stated, it says DW04:01
Robot101redeeman: seems they got stuck trying to do some sync thing04:01
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Robot101do you have any errors in dmesg?04:01
redeemannothing striking04:01
redeemanbut haven't checked thoroughly04:02
el_zilchoobexd i think is object exchange daemon04:02
el_zilchoor something04:02
Robot101yeah bluetooth stuff04:02
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el_zilchoi guess now that i'm paying attention 3 of those 4 are involved in syncing04:03
redeemani just rebooted, now its gone04:03
redeemani wonder what it did in D state04:03
redeemanit can impossibly having been doing that much IO?04:04
Robot101no no. they were blocked on IO04:04
Robot101its not causing any real load04:04
redeemanwonder why though04:04
redeemanoh well04:04
DocScrutinizer51xchat just vanished on ctrl-i. and relaunching it failed. killing failed y(no process)04:04
redeemanany of you have a working toolchain?04:04
Robot101they're runnable, not actually running04:04
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: lshal|awk '/percen/{print $3}'04:05
DocScrutinizer51had to launch from cmdline :-\04:05
SpeedEvil(though that's silly)04:05
redeemani don't have a 32bit environment yet, and i'd like to see how something runs04:06
DocScrutinizer51speedevil. why silly?04:07
el_zilchocan you relaunch it but do an strace?04:07
el_zilchooh nm04:07
redeeman <-- in case anyone has a toolchain and wanna try04:07
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el_zilchoyou said you got it relaunched from the cli04:07
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: that tapping the battery doesn't give you this info.04:12
DocScrutinizer51speedevil' right04:12
rashed2020This may seem like a stupid question. But is PyMaemo's socket module compiled with SSL support?04:13
DocScrutinizer51let's see if xchat will start from iconclick now again04:14
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jebbawish me luck.  51 packages...            for i in `cat INSTALL_THESE ` ; do echo "installing $i ....." ; apt-get -y install $i && apt-get clean && sync ;  done04:14
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kalikianajebba, if you do that on the device, it will not use the right cache04:15
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jebbakalikiana: got a better suggestoin?04:16
DocScrutinizer51yo, fixed itself [(c) Tuttle]04:16
kalikianajebba, find out what the option is to make it use it. I don't remember unfortunately04:18
kalikianaotherwise there's a chance you'll run out of space very soon04:19
jebbayou know which cache is suppose to be used?04:19
jebbaya, that's why i'm apt-get cleanign all the time04:19
jebbaseems /var/cache should not be on NAND anyhoo...04:20
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kalikianajebba, /home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache is what the app installer uses04:24
kalikianayou can symlink it04:25
kalikianaor find out the right option04:25
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SpeedEvilgmplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:height=240:width=320:device=/dev/video0 is startlingly good.04:27
SpeedEvilgmplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:height=240:width=320:device=/dev/video1 is startlingly bad.04:27
SpeedEvilit can't really be that bad?04:27
kalikianajebba, there we go: -o dir::cache=/home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache04:28
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jebbawell, i made it all the way to "maemo-mapper" til the list hit 100%  ;)04:30
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jebbakalikiana: cool thx  :)04:31
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SpeedEvilOh - I forgot I had a cling-film 'screen protector' over the camera.04:31
SpeedEvilNope, if anything, removing that has made it worse.04:32
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jebbafilled up to 100% but reboot freed up 38.3M (!)04:34
jebbai gotta read up on this ubiFS thing04:34
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kalikianajebba, you have to consider two things: 1. libraries which are being used while you upgrade 2. ubifs being conservative with estimating compressed file size04:36
el_zilchoi haven't looked since i reflashed, but on arrival i was getting lots of ubifs errors in dmesg04:36
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jebbaanyway, i hit 100%, I apt-get clean again and blow out the most recently isntalled app, reboot, clear up space, added your -o, re-run and hope for best.04:37
jebbacontinual reflashing teaches a lot anyway  ;)04:37
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jebbagotta automate my system more & more.....04:37
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jebbamkdir /home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache/archives/      fwiw04:39
jebbathe other dirs were there (couldn't find lock, which it wanted in a subdir of there, though there was anther lock file).04:40
jebbamy mind is getting a bit loose at the moment btw...,.04:40
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jebbamkdir -p /home/user/MyDocs/.apt-archive-cache/archives/partial04:40
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el_zilchoyeah, its almost 9pm and i'm at work still :)04:41
jebbaahora si04:41
* DocScrutinizer51 wonders how hard it could be to fix xchat segfault on saving preferences04:44
jebbaya considering the userbase of it...04:44
jebbaeveryone is too lazy and just edit xchat.conf  ;)04:44
jebbait's probably just looking in the wrong dir or some no brainer  ;)04:45
DocScrutinizer51keybindings works04:45
DocScrutinizer51so it,s not a general problem04:45
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jebbai did things like set freenode #maemo to autostart and not show networks at startup and such with the GUI no prob04:46
DocScrutinizer51just tried a gdb xchat... alas no gdb :-S04:46
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jebbathere's strace04:47
jebbano -dbg files or whatever debian calls debug tho04:47
jebbaneed like /extras-devel/  free debug  etc04:48
DocScrutinizer51friggin shit04:48
jebbastill filling up / a bunch even with apt cache in homedir.  lots needs to kcik over to /opt04:54
* DocScrutinizer51 does df -h04:55
jebba99% time to reboot!04:56
jebbadf -h / ; while true; do df -h / | grep rootfs ; sleep 10 ; done04:56
jebbarootfs                  227.8M    221.3M      2.3M  99% /04:56
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jebbai totally sympathize with why the problem with filling / is happening (e.g. how to reflash etc), but it is TOTALLY RETARDED to keep filling / with a stock setup on a device with 32G of RAM. </rant not over, perhaps just begining>04:57
el_zilchowatch -n 10 "df -h | grep rootfs"04:58
jebbaman `reboot` sure goes a helluva lot faster than buttons04:58
jebbaoh you and your saved keystrokes  ;)04:59
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el_zilchoi just use watch all the time04:59
el_zilchodefaults to 2 seconds typically04:59
jebbawatchout, it's getting late and i've been hacking on this fkn thing for, uh, 15 hours straight.....04:59
DocScrutinizer51jebba, couldn't agree more04:59
el_zilchothis is my third late night here05:00
el_zilchoand i've got a weekend conference05:00
el_zilcho9am - 10:30pm for friday/saturday/sunday05:00
el_zilchoand then back tow ork monday05:00
el_zilchoi think i'm just going to tell them i'm sleeping in monday05:00
kalikianajebba, complain to package maintainers. apps with big files in / won't go into extras anyway05:00
jebbaconferneces are bs anyway, doesnt really matter. unless you're giving keynote or somethign ;)05:00
jebbakalikiana: I can fill 256M with symlinks!05:01
el_zilchowell, its "the landmark forum" some thing work is paying for...05:01
kalikianajebba, If you insist, you can fill it with 'touch'05:01
el_zilchoi hope i can get wifi there05:02
el_zilchon900 to the rescue05:02
jebbakalikiana: but a strenght of this is that we can use wtf repo we want. This isn't iphone.   Would be nice if we didn't have to treat /usr like fucking eggshells.05:02
kalikianajebba, well, the filesystem is extremely optimized to handle powerloss and other bad things. you can't do that with fat obviously05:03
kalikianaso it's not surprising the cheap space is elsewhere05:03
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jebbakalikiana: ya, ditch fat05:05
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kalikianait makes perfect sense if you consider the reasoning. the problem is realizing that05:06
kalikianathere's lots of small details involved in making a phone05:07
jebbaoh, ya, like i said, i completely sympathesize with why it happened.  I can see that.05:07
jebbaBut from another perspective, i mean, free the thing up. I mean, theres 32G of space on this thing out-of-the-box, yet root is filling all the time?  think think! gotta be a way.05:08
jebbai mean, even have a shadow /usr with base stuff that gets "overmounted" by a much larger /usr or *something*05:08
jebbajust one file on NAND that is -o ro or something05:09
kalikianaYeah. I suspect there is one or two things that can still be optimized. Afterall, the the first N900 came out before it was officially done05:10
jebba5/6  .. for  sure.05:11
kalikianaI'm out, gotta be up in less than six hours. See you05:12
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jebbagot all 51 apps installed at least  :=05:13
jebbaand 26M free  :)05:13
jebbafunny, used to get the whole thing going in like 8M, and now bitch about 256M  ;)05:14
jebbabut now it's *easy*05:14
DocScrutinizer51 battery.charge_level.percentage = 8  (0x8)  (int)05:15
jebba"En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra"   yep rapier works  ;)05:16
jebbaDocScrutinizer51: if you find more dbus-sends, feel free to edit "my" page.05:16
jebbaonce i get it a bit better will do wiki/dbus-send-examples or somesuch05:16
jebbaday 1 on that page ;)05:16
DocScrutinizer51happy to help as soon as I'm smart enough ;-)05:17
redeemandamn i wish they had the SDK for x86_6405:17
DocScrutinizer51I wish they had it for RPM based systems05:18
jebbaredeeman: what disto?05:18
redeemani have gentoo and debian05:18
jebbamaemo sdk on fedora:
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jebbai tried it in qemu, but the lastest one met with fail05:18
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jebbahavent read that yet, actually05:19
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* DocScrutinizer51 wondering what's going to happen in a few minutes, when bat is down05:20
amengcan i run opengl programs with hilton-desktop runing?05:20
redeemanany of you that have the SDK?05:20
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jebbaredeeman: well, downloaded ya. installed some older versions of in in debian lenny in qemu05:21
redeemani appear to have a working arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc now, but i need all the headers and libs05:21
jebbaameng: should be ok05:21
jebbaredeeman: i think you can just apt-get within the chroot, no?05:21
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redeemanscratchbox is completely broken05:21
redeemanbut the gcc works05:22
amengjebba : do you mean there is something like dir2 of X to utilizing 3d hw?05:22
jebbaameng: i think things like evas work fine and other opengl apps, if that's what you are asking.05:23
el_zilchoto hell with you java swing :(05:27
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amengjebba: I am curious how can opengl running without shutting down X server05:28
DocScrutinizer51current decay rate: 8%/h05:30
DocScrutinizer51during last 30 min05:30
redeemanDocScrutinizer51: how do you read that?05:30
jebbaameng: sry dunno05:31
jebbaameng: this works fine:   /opt/supertux/supertux --opengl             not sure if that answers what you are talking about at all tho05:32
jebbabut supertux isn't killing X to use opengl05:33
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DocScrutinizer51redeeman, ~ $  lshal|grep  percen;date05:34
redeemanah so hal knows05:34
redeemani wonder what it reads out from05:34
el_zilchoyou just made me feel like a n00b05:35
el_zilchoi've run lshal so many times and not realized ls hal05:35
el_zilchoi never realized what the command actually said05:36
el_zilcholist hal05:36
el_zilchoor whatever05:36
el_zilchoi always saw lshal as gibberish05:36
amengjebba: thanks05:36
el_zilchoi just never connected lshal and hal in my head05:36
DocScrutinizer51see lspci, lsusb05:37
el_zilchothose are a little more obvious05:37
el_zilchojust slightly05:37
el_zilcholike i said, ifeel dumb :)05:37
DocScrutinizer51nah, sometimes it,s just hard to guess. e.g. usr/05:38
DocScrutinizer51unix system resources?? o.O05:39
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DocScrutinizer51down to 2 percent. still no warning of any kind05:41
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DocScrutinizer51hmm, 0%05:53
DocScrutinizer51aaaaah. bat ow warning. and with loupe I see one red pixel in bat icon05:55
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FlandryCouldn't help myself :P
el_zilchowhat's the deal with all that anyways? i know nintendo was pissed over drnoksnes vids... but i was under the impression the emulation software is completely legal... i thought the big question was "zomg did someone at nokia have a rom? zomg"06:05
microlithel_zilcho: nintendo is more than willing to take a case to court and burn cash over that sort of thing06:06
microlithlegal or not, win or lose, they'll make it painful06:07
el_zilchoyeah, true06:07
el_zilchojust means you can't get it from the official repos.... i don't see what all the user fuss is over06:07
microlithI think the fuss is because they were taken out of the repositories, I'm not up on all the details though.06:08
jaemyeah, I think it was overblown a bit06:08
microliththat they were in there at all kinda surprised me06:08
jaemI'd host a repo, but the only server I could do that on is in the US, and I don't want Nintendo coming after /me/ for doing something completely legal06:08
microlithjaem: nintendo doesn't really pursue the issue unless they're -hugely visible-06:09
el_zilchoi've got .debs for it anyways06:09
jaemmicrolith, true, but if they really wanted to pursue it, then they might not stop at just getting it out of the official repos06:09
jaemI doubt they would, but just saying..,.06:09
microlithand the video was just visible enough (and technically, being used to promote a possible competitor's product)06:09
Flandrythe user fuss is because most of the people who want emulators are completely incapable of installing from a deb06:09
el_zilchoit seems like emulators are in most of the major distros already06:10
jaemel_zilcho, they are06:10
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microliththis fact is not reported loudly, nor is it used in promotional videos for portable devices that could technically compete with Nintendo06:10
el_zilchothat too06:11
microlithso long as it's not in the public eye, nintendo doesn't really care06:11
microlithbecause they know they can't06:11
el_zilchothe publicity was the nail in the coffin i guess06:11
luke-jrNintendo DOES care06:11
luke-jrbecause once they lose, they can't do it again06:11
luke-jrso Nintendo doesn't want to risk it any more than necessary06:12
luke-jrthey need to weigh the risks06:12
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wrapsterhow do i port an app to maemo?06:37
wrapsterwhere can i find the details..06:38
DocScrutinizer51hmm, 50min full active with bl on a 0 charge bat06:40
crashanddie_mbpwrapster: seriously?06:40
crashanddie_mbpwrapster: you can't even use google?06:41
DocScrutinizer51must be a magic cell ;-P06:41
wrapsterthats what i found.06:41
crashanddie_mbpyeah, that's using python though, probably no good for you, depending on the language you want to use06:41
wrapsterim on python only06:41
crashanddie_mbpoh, well, then what's the issue, does that page not document it enough? (didn't look at it, honest question)06:42
wrapsternot quite well..06:42
wrapsterso if there are any external source i would like to know06:43
crashanddie_mbpwhat kind of information are you after?06:43
wrapsteri just want to know how to write a .desktop file and where in the debian pkg dir should i place it?06:44
wrapsterand supposing my app is called. should the .desktop file be called.. process_mgmt.desktop?06:45
Flandrywhatever the debian package name will be06:49
Flandrygrab a source package and look at the desktop file in the debian directory06:50
Flandrythere's an example wrapster06:55
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* DM_900 yawns07:37
wrapsterthe install command in the scratchbox does not have -t option...07:40
wrapsterhow do i specify the target dir07:41
wrapsterif that be the case?07:41
* el_zilcho joins the yawning07:42
el_zilchoalmost midnight, been here since 8am07:42
johnxel_zilcho, isn't someone supposed to come by and take the night shift from you?07:43
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el_zilchoi wish... i've got somewhat of a deadline to meet07:44
el_zilchoor my boss can't train the people he's supposed to train07:44
DM_900heh it mever ends el_zilcho07:44
el_zilchoits ok, he's getting mostly smoke and mirrors07:44
el_zilchohe knows it too07:44
wrapsterguys can anyone pls help its my first time with the maemo environment07:44
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el_zilchowhat do you need to know?07:45
el_zilchoi may/may not be helpful07:45
DM_900if someone knows the'll help07:45
DM_900still getting uaed to the hwkb07:46
wrapsterel_zilcho: the install command in the scratchbox does not have -t do i specify the target dir, if that be the case?07:46
el_zilchoits alright until i have to type non-letters07:46
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el_zilchooh.... scratchbox... i set that up but never did anything with it :-/07:47
el_zilchowhat install command are you talking about? apt/dpkg stuff?07:47
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wrapsterel_zilcho: currently im doing this.
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el_zilchohave you looked at the contents of the command "man install"?07:49
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el_zilchoi've not used that app before, but it says its just copying files and setting attributes07:49
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el_zilchoUsage: install [-cgmops] [sources] dest|directory07:51
el_zilchoso if -t is just the target/destination directory07:51
wrapsteryeah i know'07:51
el_zilchoit seems you don't need the flag07:51
DM_900el_zilcho: non letters are easy if there the blue -n non letters you dont gotta hold the Fn to use them like i thought in beginning07:51
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DM_900ahwell should go get some tea07:53
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wrapsterel_zilcho: well i found a work around.. it was just a python script that i had to place in /urs/bin/ so i manually copied it to debian/pkgname/usr/bin and chmod 755 it.. good enough... ?07:56
el_zilchoyeah, like i said, i've never used that specific command before, but it sounds like simply a cp or mv and a chmod07:58
el_zilchoat least according to the descritpion i read07:58
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RST38hWhat is this crap with Russian N900 communities lately?08:20
RST38hAre they having a competition in who opens the "oldest" one or what?08:20
johnx"I liked Maemo before it was cool"08:21
johnxcan we get that on a t-shirt08:21
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RST38hjohnx: "liked" may be bad choice of a word08:22
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* el_zilcho keeps his mouth shut and avoids making any comments about cultural stereotypes08:25
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el_zilcho<-- only 1/4 russian08:27
el_zilchoheya kmfdm08:27
johnxel_zilcho, like the top 1/4? or just some part in the middle?08:27
el_zilcholittle here little there08:27
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el_zilchounlike some other people i know IRL, i don't get into the 1-up sorta competitive attidtude like that though :)08:30
johnxha! well I get into those 1-up competitions even less than you. so there :P08:31
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Testerhow can I control the presnece in the public sdk ?08:32
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Venomrushhow easy is it to write an account plugin for Facebook?08:34
Testerarg, using mc-tool08:34
Venomrushso those Facebook contacts that aren't using IM, we can still chat to them!08:34
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luke-jrVenomrush: pretty sure IM gateways exist08:40
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wazdhello everyone09:16
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ManuelSEi hope feedback for xchat is positive.  there is much to do but good work on changes so far09:23
ManuelSEserver list..09:24
ManuelSEis nicer than on pc09:24
Venomrushluke-jr: heh?09:26
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Venomrushluke-jr: other gateways yes, don't see Facebook though09:26
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XisdibikManuelSE: whose incharge of xchat on the n900?09:31
kirmais it just me or does the cell-based locationing service n900 used congested?09:37
kirmaI mean' much more so than monday last week09:37
kirmablinky satellite dish for indefinite periods, "@ Finland" as only iformation on IM09:38
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kirmaconsidering it's nokia, it's almost... expected.09:39
cehtehmhm today is the 4th .. will the devices become available today really?09:40
cehtehi mean germany preordered :P09:40
luke-jrin your dreams09:40
luke-jrtoday the nightmare begins09:40
luke-jryou will be charged09:40
luke-jrand then your order CANCELLED09:41
luke-jrand you won't get a refund for a week09:41
cehtehi will not be charged09:41
luke-jrand then you'll need to pay $100 more09:41
cehtehcash on delivery09:41
posixninjaso what exactly is so great about the n900?09:41
luke-jrfor the same old retarded N90009:41
Xisdibikrofl luke09:41
* adeus tries not to think like a programmer when answering that character vote09:42
cehtehposixninja: its more open than the rest, native apps for best performance .. that are at least the criterias for me09:42
luke-jradeus: I did it once, not doing it again09:42
adeusthe thinking or the answering? :)09:43
posixninjai've heard about it, looks interesting, but I haven't really been following09:43
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adeusI don't understand why the reset the thing09:43
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adeuswhy not just let reanswer09:44
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luke-jradeus: cuz then I need to recalculate which I'd miss more09:44
luke-jrEuro was like the last on my list09:44
luke-jrI mean, who really uses the character?09:44
adeusthen euro09:44
luke-jrpound is needed for shell comments09:44
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luke-jrand Perl09:45
luke-jrthat pound09:45
adeussterling :)09:45
adeus~ was my first09:45
adeusneeded in urls09:45
luke-jrI was only thinking for home09:46
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cosmo_adeus: isn't it %e7 or something in urls09:47
luke-jrcosmo_: no09:47
adeusthat would be the url encoding09:48
adeusand I don't type that when I'm accessing an url09:49
luke-jradeus: ~ is a normal character in URIs09:49
luke-jrnot encoded09:49
adeusyes but you can still endode it09:51
adeustry :)09:51
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* DangerMaus just goes WOW agajn just how awsome this device is :)10:04
Stskeepswhat'd you try?10:04
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DangerMauswas messing with an app and the skype popped and ansawered a call10:05
DangerMausdidnt have to scramble to find the phone10:05
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DangerMausyesterday was listing to inet radio checking over the clock map  chatting here  popping pics of stuff figuring out the hwkb and stumbling on shortcuts10:07
DangerMausthe webcam is awful.. or the mirror app is10:08
StskeepsDangerMaus: i think its just not calibrated right in kernel10:08
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Stskeepsi might be wrong10:09
DangerMauslotta colored snow10:09
cehteha lot people say that10:09
DangerMaushey its linux get a better driver:P10:10
DangerMausnothing new there10:10
Myrttihere's a thought10:10
cehteheither just software which keeps the gain to high or its really crap10:10
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DangerMausbut when propper it'll rock!10:10
Myrttiwould Alice be portable to Maemo?
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Myrttior whatever handwaving is necessary to make it work?10:11
DangerMausgotta get on with my sister and ask her how the cam is at the other end10:11
StskeepsMyrtti: not sure perl on device is good enough for it. maybe? since irssi works10:12
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StskeepsMyrtti: it could work remotely probably though10:12
MyrttiStskeeps: was just thinking since *cough* xchat isn't really that... erm. nice. atleast to me10:12
Myrttiperhaps more variation in irc clients would make people happier?10:13
Myrttithen there's of course webirssi10:13
DangerMausbah irssi !!10:13
luke-jrStskeeps: Perl is far more efficient than PHP or Python10:13
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mece2Irssi works fine. irc eats batteries though if you're on 3G10:14
DangerMaushavent had the pleasure yet10:14
Myrttimece2: and breathing eats oxygen10:14
Myrttiyou'd better stop or we'll run out10:15
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mece2Myrtti, well it was not criticism, I just noticed that the batteries didn't last very long when idling on irc.10:15
mece2Irssi is pretty sweet either way.10:16
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DangerMausadd music to that10:16
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DangerMausgonna have to install wifi everywhere i hang out then10:17
MyrttiI just bought a new fonera 2.0n10:18
mece2DangerMaus, yeah. A huge difference.10:18
Myrttiit's pretty sweet10:18
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DangerMauswas on here allday yeasteday with inet radio going10:18
DangerMausanyone find a nice case or armor for this thing yet?10:19
Myrttiooh, good reminder10:20
MyrttiI could knit my N800 a new pouch10:20
mece2Knitta please!10:20
DangerMausfound one digicam pouch from lowepro bout $1410:21
Stskeepsi found a N-series pouch in a polish shop10:21
Stskeepsworks for me10:21
MyrttiDangerMaus: I'd be surprised if Nokia wouldn't have any10:21
DangerMausthey dont over here yet10:21
DangerMausthey got a something or other over in EU10:22
DangerMausin white  or black10:22
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* cehteh plans to DIY a rugged neoprene shell, with thermoformed abs plastic inserts and display accessible while inserted 10:25
mece2My pants have a protective case included. Some people call it a pocket ;)10:25
cehtehwhen that works well i may make a few more and sell them :P10:25
DangerMausi have one pair of cargo pants with a padded pocket10:26
DangerMauseven just a neoprene wrap10:26
ManuelSEmece2 that would be a nice t.m.o. tagline10:26
DangerMausw is t.m.o.10:26
cehtehwell i want something where the device survives falling on concrete without problems .. maybe making bike mount for it later10:27
* RST38h yawns and says hello to Myrtti10:27
RST38hcenteh: Moto RAZR? =)10:27
ManuelSEthis n900 has fallen from table onto concrete10:27
ManuelSEi see no damage10:27
DangerMausbetter you than me10:27
cehtehyeah talking about falling from bike at 30km :)10:28
ManuelSEi congratulate nokia10:28
ManuelSEbut tripping over the cable pulled usb connector off board10:28
cehtehso far i heard its quite rugged, but well its expensive and i want to be sure10:28
mece2hm pulsating yellow means charging I guess. I really like the little led :)10:28
RST38h[Dear! Please, memorize that I want CLASSIC skin, not the gaudy MAEMO skin, and DO NOT give me this shit again. Thank you.]10:28
DangerMausi used to be afraid for my old razr hitting concrete but they bounced well10:28
ManuelSEso charging is delicate10:28
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* mece2 doesn't get it10:29
DangerMausanother guy did that lastnight while here10:29
DangerMaustripped over cable10:29
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mece2ouch.. did he rip out the usb port?10:29
DangerMausdevice bounced10:30
DangerMausthis isnt a mac10:30
ManuelSEdoes anyone here see delays entering text in some webpages in browser?10:30
mece2doesn't macs bounce?10:30
pekujaisn't today supposed to be the day N900's start shipping for non-preorderers?10:30
mece2ManuelSE, in some, yes10:30
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ManuelSEonly happens in windows like google with assistance?10:30
DangerMaussome yep10:30
wrapsteri created a pkg and installed it as well..10:31
wrapsterbut i dont see the .desktop file ...10:31
wrapsterwhere should i place it?10:31
cehtehpekuja: haha .. many preorders are not yet shipped10:31
DangerMausand cant get it to highlightr easily on some text boxes10:31
ManuelSEis that some javascript we can disable?10:31
ManuelSEim not the only one!10:31
DangerMausbut that is prob me10:31
pekujacehteh: preorders directly from Nokia?10:32
cehtehprolly yes .. dunno .. but well i preordered somewhere else10:32
pekujayeah, me too10:32
ManuelSEdangermaus have you a account?10:32
mece2ManuelSE I think it's sites that have inefficient js functions on the input boxes that are slow10:32
pekujaordered from my operator10:33
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pekujawill see if it ships10:33
DangerMausnot yet ManuelSE10:33
mece2pekuja, moi ossi. I have mine at the postoffice.10:33
ManuelSEmece2 can you imagine a browser hack to disable that stuff?10:33
DangerMausnot the greatest but wrighter ManuelSE10:33
mece2ManuelSE, hmm. a shortcut key to disable javascript perhaps?10:34
pekujaI'm not in much of a rush to get the phone right now, because I'm sick anyhow10:34
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DangerMausprbo a good a time as any to set one up10:34
pekujamece2: ossi?10:34
hotaru2k3i've got a question... i hooked up my phone to the usb port on my n810 and turned on mobile network sharing. when i run ifconfig on the n810 it shows a usb network connection, but i can't seem to get it to send or recieve any packets. what do i need to do to fix this?10:34
mece2pekuja, then you would have time to play with it all day long!10:34
ManuelSEplease tell me if it works for you dangermaus10:34
mece2pekuja, "me too"10:34
ManuelSEdo you already have an account on
wrapstercan anybody tell me the name of some pkg that i can download and have a look at.. to see how to write the .desktop file10:34
ManuelSEcreate a talk account first, dangermaus10:35
DangerMausgot it10:35
DangerMausnot on this nooc10:35
pekujamece2: heh, yeah, but if I'm stuck at home, I could just as well play with my PC, which does more ;-)10:35
pekujamece2: isn't the cool part of having a fancy phone that you can do cool stuff while you aren't at home?10:36
mece2pekuja, moi ossi is peculiar to finns I guess. I meant me too, in french :)10:36
DangerMausManuelSE, too many nicks10:36
pekujamece2: yeah, because "moi" means "hi" and "ossi" is a name in Finnish10:36
* mece2 is finnish ;)10:37
pekujayeah, that's why it was confusing10:37
pekujachecked your whois10:37
* smaug_ wonders if there is some reasonable well working email client for maemo 510:37
wrapsterguys can anyone pls help me?10:37
wrapstername any app for which there is a .desktop file.. i want to look at it.10:38
mece2smaug_, Mutt?10:38
cehtehsmaug_: tell me when you found one :) .. claws mail prolly10:38
ManuelSEsomething ncurses based perhaps?10:38
ManuelSEheh mutt10:38
mece2I've been hearing good things about mutt10:39
pekujaso M5 doesn't ship with a reasonable well working email client?10:39
ManuelSEof course it does10:39
ManuelSEdepends on your use case10:39
MyrttiI use claws on my desktop ♥10:39
* DangerMaus pounds fists ... cant never find maemo buggsy10:39
mece2pekuja, depends on how you use it I suppose. Some are more demanding than others10:39
ManuelSEdangermaus - i never find bugs10:40
smaug_pekuja: maemo5's email client really can't handle my gmail10:40
hotaru2k3if it does that's one advantage it has over android10:40
ManuelSEnever succeeded at a search10:40
cehtehmodest has problems with large imap boxes, no imap idle support and no threaded view or?10:40
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cehtehand cant subscribe to imap folder induvidually10:40
smaug_pekuja: and it can't handle imap subfolders properly10:40
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smaug_fortunately gmail works well in the browse10:41
ManuelSEceteh, is the modest client open source?10:41
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ManuelSEthat stuff sounds fixable10:41
mece2cehteh, what happens with large imap boxes?10:41
pekujaeverything is fixable10:41
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pekujathe beauty of Maemo10:41
pekujaobviously some stuff takes more fixing than others10:41
ManuelSEfixable for noobs10:41
smaug_mece2: everything is *very* slow with large imap boxes10:41
ManuelSEthat might require more rework10:42
mece2well that's not good. What is a big box then? I have 1773 messages says my webmail10:42
smaug_I have 100000+ emails in my gmail10:43
adeuserror no space left on device10:43
Pavlovmodest kind of sucks for large email boxes10:44
Pavlovsmaug_: even with like 10k, you're screwed ;/10:44
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GAN900timeless_mbp, ping?10:46
GAN900(hello from BCN, by the way!)10:46
timeless_mbpyeah, in development, modest couldn't handle 40k gmail boxes10:47
timeless_mbpthey explicitly declared it a non goal10:48
timeless_mbprumor has it an update changes that10:48
timeless_mbp(tested by using the bugzilla mailbox filler algorithm)10:48
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DangerMaushey timeless_mbp10:50
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* timeless_mbp pokes GAN900 10:52
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GAN900timeless_mbp: sorry, the repo isn't working here.10:52
GAN900.install not found.10:52
timeless_mbpoh brother10:52
timeless_mbpwrong move script, hold10:53
GAN900timeless_mbp: the Transifex guy is sitting next to me.10:53
timeless_mbpGAN900: reload10:53
timeless_mbpi.e. click again10:53
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GAN900There it guys10:54
GAN900Uh, the localization software we picked for community l10n on maemo.org10:54
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timeless_mbpyeah um10:54
timeless_mbpwe definitely need to talk10:54
timeless_mbpdo they have a phone number/10:54
timeless_mbpor something like a room where you and them and i can talk10:55
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timeless_mbpbecause there's an interesting problem pending for a hypothetical service release10:55
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el_zilchobarcelona is the place to be?10:56
GAN900el_zilcho: apparently.10:57
jebba900bcn qik10:58
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mece2Man I'd love to have some Sangria @ Placa Reial right about now...10:59
timeless_mbpGAN900: is the .install working?11:00
Myrttiisn't it a bit early for Sangria?11:00
Lynouredepends on the timezone...11:00
DangerMausok gotta stop eating cheetos when playing with device11:00
mece2a tanque cerveza then.11:00
* mece2 is slightly hung over from last night office xmas party11:01
MyrttiLynoure: Finland ;-)11:02
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mece2It's 11 here already. waay past beer o'clock11:03
mece2not really though. I meant that it would be nice to be in Barcelona instead.11:04
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* Stskeeps yawns11:09
Lorthirkmen, i'm so pissed off this morning11:11
Lorthirkdell postponed a laptop shipping to 22/01/201011:11
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Lorthirki have to get back an n900 for a replacement and it seems that they're still not in stock11:12
* GAN900 doesn't have enough Spanish for this keynote.11:12
Lorthirkwho should i kill to get what I paid a lot of bucks?11:12
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GAN900timeless_mbp, yes.11:13
timeless_mbpsorry about that, my "setup repo" "script" is a commandline which has an overaggressive wildcard :(11:13
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Lorthirki definitely need to find something to do.11:15
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bilboed-tplcuk, you in the auditori ?11:16
timeless_mbpLorthirk: got an n900?11:17
Lorthirknot at the moment11:17
Lorthirki sent back mine for some headset problems11:18
Lorthirkand still waiting for the new one11:18
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* DangerMaus passes Lorthirk a punching bag11:27
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* Lorthirk appreciates a lot11:27
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SpeedEvilwith 'mplayer tv:// -tv device=/dev/video1' - the front camera - I see _horrible_ noise - unless the scene is actually sunlit, and even then the left ~128 pixels seem dark. Anyone else see this?11:29
SpeedEvilOr is mplayer doing something wrong?11:29
SpeedEvil(mirror doesn't install)11:29
mece2aah! came up with an application I want (and will make)11:32
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SpeedEvilmece2: A motion capture theramin?11:32
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mece2SpeedEvil, YES! How'd you guess?11:35
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LorthirkSpeedEvil: the dark bar is an already fixed bug in next firmware version11:40
Lorthirkfor the noise keep in mind that this is 0,3mpx camera11:40
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* andre__ confirms that it's fixed internally11:40
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StskeepsTomaszD: an irc addict always knows his way there11:41
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SpeedEvilLorthirk: irrelevant.11:42
Lorthirktechnically, yes11:43
SpeedEvilLorthirk: I have 0.3mp $5 webcams that are much, mucj better11:43
Lorthirkbut i mean, don't expect an high quality camera :)11:43
Lorthirkhowever maybe something is being fixed with next firmware as well11:43
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Lorthirkhowever i can assure you that i had a lot of noise too, so it's not a problem of yours11:44
* SpeedEvil wonders if the front camera is socketed as the back one.11:44
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anilgHi All.. I have packaging question11:47
anilghow do i specify a directory to dh_installdocs so it does not automatically install to $tmp/usr/share/docs .. I'm trying to get it to install to $tmp/opt/share/docs11:47
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anilgor is this the wrong room for the question11:47
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Stskeepsmaybe use maemo-optify?11:49
GAN900SpeedEvil, the l1/l2 pdf is up somewhere.11:50
* GAN900 really wishes they had made the nametag text bigger.11:50
* GAN900 also needs to find a pen to put his nick on here.11:50
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LynoureGAN900: where are you?11:51
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* anilg is writing an optifying script11:51
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StskeepsGAN900: more importantly, are you roaming? :P11:52
timeless_mbpLynoure: he should be @BCN11:53
Lynouretimeless_mbp: Baja California Norte?11:54
SpeedEvilGAN900: yeah - read it - but don't recall it being11:55
Lynouretimeless_mbp: asked because it sounded like some event, possibly maemo related and I have been in a barrel last couple of weeks11:55
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Lynouretimeless_mbp: nametags at airports, with irc nicks on them, seem weird.11:55
timeless_mbpLynoure: sorry, airport codes are a convenient, and often amusing shorthand for a region11:56
timeless_mbpe.g. i'm @HEL most of the time11:56
timeless_mbpit's a lot faster than writing Helsinki11:56
timeless_mbpand if i write @MEX, i can't manage to misspell Mexico's capital city as Cuidad de México, unlike e..g ...11:57
infobottimeless_mbp meant: and if i write @MEX, i can't manage to misspell Mexico's capital city as Cuidad de México, unlike e.g. ...11:57
timeless_mbpGAN900: speaking of which11:57
timeless_mbpi finally found the ovi manager for the spanish-latin america botch11:58
GAN900Lynoure, 3rd row from the front left side11:58
GAN900Between Aniello and VDVsx11:58
GAN900Stskeeps, no cellular at all.11:58
GAN900Stskeeps. reasonable WiFi here.11:58
GAN900Ah, perhaps less specific. :#11:58
timeless_mbptheir team claims they're aware they have problems and they've hired someone to help coordinate things11:58
GAN900Lynoure, Maemo Barcelona Long Weekend.11:58
LynoureGAN900: unfortunately I'm not there... stuck at work still for today.11:58
GAN900Still deserves as ass kicking.11:58
Lynouretimeless_mbp: I'm a tad acronym blind, which adds to confusion :) But got it now.11:59
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timeless_mbpas => an?11:59
timeless_mbpLynoure: i happen to use them often, it dates to my {undermac} days ( #macintosh)11:59
timeless_mbp-- the bot their would answer to airport code queries11:59
timeless_mbpsmaug_: so, lunch?12:01
LynoureSome week starting the next one, it might be delightful to have lunch with Hki maemo ppl.12:02
redeemansivang: ping12:02
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smaug_timeless_mbp: yeah, could do12:03
timeless_mbpsmaug_: pizza hut?12:03
smaug_timeless_mbp: hmm, haven't eaten pizza for awhile, so yeah, sounds ok12:04
smaug_or earlier?12:05
smaug_13:00 then12:05
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Stskeeps <312:10
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IcanCUso nokia is going to continue to bet on 2 horses?12:11
MyrttiIcanCU: huh?12:13
IcanCUsymbian and maemo12:13
Myrttiand this is news to you because...?12:13
tbfIcanCU: one horse proven to be somewhat a cash cow...12:13
petruxIcanCU: good question. :-)12:13
tbfIcanCU: and an experimental OS for the future12:14
tbfnothing wrong with that12:14
Myrttithey've never, ever said they're going to drop symbian12:14
tbfIcanCU: actually they even have 3 or 4 operating systems12:14
tbfIcanCU: all the different active symbian variants, and maemo12:14
IcanCUyou mean like s60 s30?12:14
Myrttis40 ♥12:14
tbfIcanCU: yup.12:14
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tbfMyrtti: yup, dropping symbian just was jounalist's sensationism12:15
GAN900IcanCU, Maemo doesn't work on most of the hardware Symbian does.12:15
IcanCUhow come?12:16
IcanCUmaemo need horsepower?12:16
tbfIcanCU: yup12:16
Myrttis60 doesn't work on most of the most sold handsets12:16
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Myrttieven less maemo12:16
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Myrtti*cough* or rather, maemo or s60 doesn't work on most of the devices Nokia puts its hope of gaining market share12:17
IcanCUi guess12:20
redeemanlinux can easily run on smaller hardware though, so they could create a simpler less demanding environment12:20
IcanCUbut horsepower will come standard in the future12:20
suihkulokkiThe "Cash Cow" is the dirt-cheap phones sold in volume in 3rd world countries12:20
IcanCUspecs of phons are increasing everyday12:20
redeemanN900 is pushing it12:21
redeemanthe battery life is not very good12:21
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redeemanit should ATLEAST last 24 hours with moderate usage12:21
suihkulokki..and from these profits one can afford to put R&D effort to create new shiny high-end phones like n90012:21
GAN900redeeman, realistic expectations are important.12:21
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Stskeepsredeeman: how long does your netbook last? :)12:22
redeemanthis is possible if they had done more for powersaving12:22
GAN900Currently there are limits in technology.12:22
Stskeepsredeeman: they have done quite a lot for power saving, trust me :)12:22
Stskeepsredeeman: changes are you have a wifi that doesn't support PSM for instance12:22
GAN900Nokia is a big driver of mobile power saving in Linux. :)12:22
redeemanGAN900: theres a limit to how much of that is upstreamed atleast12:23
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Stskeepsredeeman: OMAP3 PM is upstreamed quite a bit12:23
redeemanim a consulant, and i deal with companies using the same OMAP platform, granted, not with a GSM modem, but their stuff can idle 2 days on a similarly sized battery12:23
Stskeepsredeeman: idle..12:23
mece2is there "less" for fremantle somewhere?12:23
redeemanwell try that with the N90012:23
redeemanthat too includes some amount of work12:24
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Myrttiidle in n900 is a bit different than idle with a device without gsm chip12:24
Stskeepsredeeman: frankly, i'm happy that i can make my n900 sleep (charge) when i sleep12:24
Stskeepsthat's sufficient for me12:24
redeemanvery true, however, i know a radio doesn't use terribly much12:25
mece2Stskeeps, ditto12:25
redeemanan elcheapo nokia phone can idle 14 days on a battery 2/3 the capacity of the N90012:25
redeemanperhaps even a tad less capacity12:25
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Myrttihow much is the difference in battery capacity and idle time between N900 and iphone?12:26
redeemanno idea, i doubt the iphone is better12:26
Myrttiagain, comparing elcheapo and n900 is meaningless12:26
tbfredeeman: if you put the n900 really on idle, it can survive almost 90 hours12:26
redeemanMyrtti: i was using the measurements of the elcheapo phone to get an idea of what a radio takes12:26
tbfredeeman: but what's the use of an N900 with everything deactivated?12:26
glass_you're contactable12:27
Myrttiredeeman: elcheapo has wifi, bluetooth, big screen and 3G?12:27
glass_someone can call you, that is12:27
redeemanMyrtti: big screen is irellevant if unpowered12:27
tbfglass_: "everything disabled" means "even GSM" disabled12:27
redeemanand 3g is irellevant too as im not covered here12:27
glass_tbf: ah well then12:27
DM_900is there a command to send the current channels/settings in irssi to the config?12:27
glass_tbf: then it's off12:27
redeemantbf: how long with gsm on?12:27
Myrttiredeeman: ah, but do you have 3g enabled on the phone, even if you're not in the area that has 3G?12:28
tbfglass_: well, you can wake it up instantly. ;-)12:28
tbfglass_: so a little advantage is left over entirely disabling it12:28
tbfehm. turning it off.12:28
redeemanMyrtti: it writes "2.5" under the indicator12:28
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mece2what's the name of the ip widget again?12:28
redeemanMyrtti: im unaware of any way to force it into non-3g mode12:29
tbfredeeman: i once had it running for almost 2 days with only GSM enabled, but don't consider this a proper measurement12:29
Myrttiredeeman: but do you have 3G enabled on your phone? I can set my N95 to use 2G, 3G or both. Choosing either saves battery a lot, having both makes it last less.12:29
redeemanMyrtti: also when you're not in a 3G area?12:29
redeemanMyrtti: don't think i can disable 3g12:30
Myrttiredeeman: I'd assume that if you could set the n900 to use only 2G, your results would be comparable. with 3G enabled, but not reachable, I'd assume the device keeps searching for the network, and uses battery a lot12:31
plr_oh wow, just installed diskusage and noticed that / only has 6,4mb free left..12:31
tbfplr_: many non-optified packages installed?12:31
redeemani have 79MB free12:32
tbfplr_: there should be more space on /12:32
plr_tbf I haven't installed that many, there must be something big though12:32
plr_what's the best way to find out?12:32
redeeman where are apps meant to be installed?12:32
plr_redeeman root, but if they have big files, those should go to /opt or something12:32
tbfredeeman: apps are meant to install to /opt, which has 2 GB (AFAIR)12:33
SpeedEvilMyrtti: redeeman: settings -> pphone -> network mode -> 2g12:33
redeeman /opt is not a different mountpoint here12:33
SpeedEvilOr rather 'GSM'12:33
MyrttiSpeedEvil: great, so now redeeman can try to make a meaningful comparison12:33
Myrttiwell, a bit more meaningful12:33
redeemanyeah, thanks12:34
tbfredeeman: /opt is implemented as symlink12:34
redeemani think if it can withstand moderate usage and last 24 hours, that's pretty much perfect12:34
redeemanyes, opt -> /home/opt12:34
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redeemantbf: how do i check if my accesspoint is crappy?12:35
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redeemani set the power limit to 10mW12:35
Stskeepsredeeman: that's only for french, really12:35
redeemanbut it uses less power, and it works inside the house12:36
redeeman1 step outside and its dead though, lol12:36
redeemanwith full power i can go long outside12:36
SpeedEvilredeeman:    battery.charge_level.percentage = 91  (0x5b)  (int)12:37
SpeedEvilredeeman: lshal that is12:37
SpeedEvil(to see battery level)12:37
SpeedEvilIt would be nice if it would do dynamic12:37
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StskeepsGAN900: hm, did they just announce no n900 maemo6? (saw a twitter)12:40
* w00t prepares the chainsaw12:41
SpeedEvilI can't seem to find any statistics relating to retransmitted packets in /sys/class/wlan0/statistics/12:43
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Stskeepslizardo: thanks for pymaemo liblocation, you just saved my thesis a lot of trouble ;)12:44
SpeedEvilhmm. /sys/class/net/wlan0/wireless/retries ?12:44
GAN900Stskeeps, more or less.12:44
GAN900Stskeeps, who's surprise.12:45
MyrttiI thought that was no news12:45
StskeepsGAN900: any specific statement? :P12:45
GAN900Stskeeps, it was in Spanish, um.12:46
GAN900Guy asked about compat breaks between m5 and m6.12:47
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GAN900and Quim said something about multi being an issue.12:47
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lizardoStskeeps: nice :)12:48
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wazd_guys, where should I get VAT number? :)12:54
Stskeepsfor russia? :P12:55
Stskeepsin DDP i think people generally agreed to leave it out or something12:55
wazd_Stskeeps: it's required12:56
Stskeepsthere's some advice in the DDP thread i think12:57
Stskeepswazd_: yeah.. cos FN deals with companies and not individuals, and that's why this is a bit weird :P12:57
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wazd_Stskeeps: I've made it 0000000000 :)12:58
wazd_Stskeeps: whatever :)12:58
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Stskeepsmorning jeremiah12:59
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timeless_mbpsmaug_: oops, in transit13:00
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florianhi hrw13:03
sivangredeeman: pong, I will be back soon, have to run now13:03
sivangredeeman: mail me if you want13:03
redeemansivang: address?13:03
sivangredeeman: sivang ___ AT _______ gmail.com13:03
redeemanokay, thanks13:03
sivangredeeman: k ?13:03
sivangredeeman: cool, talk to you soon13:04
redeemanyeah, have fun13:04
sivangmorning all btw :)13:04
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timeless_mbpi got the nokia progress balls to appear in front of the nokia blue on white background :)13:05
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GAN900UX track starting13:07
w00ttimeless_mbp: nice one13:08
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Sho_Does anyone know if the N900 is capable of playing back 640x368 xvid reasonably comfortably?13:10
ccookeMorning, all13:10
plr_sho I would say yes13:10
X-FadeSho_: No problem at all.13:10
plr_the ones I have tried have played flawlessly without any conversions13:10
StskeepsX-Fade: welcome back from holiday, had a good one?13:11
* Sho_ prepares to throw away all transcoding software used for his n810 and g113:11
Sho_freeeee! ^^13:11
X-FadeStskeeps: Still hiding a bit today ;) Will be back in full force on monday.13:11
plr_Sho_: yeah I didn't like transcoding stuff for mobile at all13:11
StskeepsX-Fade: yeah, hiding seems like a good choice ;)13:11
X-FadeSho_: You don't need to transcode at all?13:11
X-FadeSho_: I play desktop xvids just fine?13:11
PaulFertserSho_: unless you try to run blob-free :|13:11
X-FadeStskeeps: Creating a todo list by scanning my inbox atm..13:12
X-FadeStskeeps: One month of mail backlog is quite a bit.13:12
Sho_X-Fade: not for the n810 or g1 :)13:12
Sho_X-Fade: err, I mean, for the n810 or the g1 i do have to transcode13:13
X-FadeSho_: Pfff old tech ;)13:13
StskeepsX-Fade: yeah.. some people say that people lose the effect of their holidays cos of the huge amount of work piled up while they were gone13:13
Sho_X-Fade: according to you, i no longer will have to for the n90013:13
Sho_X-Fade: hence: i can throw away the transcoding soft ;)13:13
StskeepsSho_: i play my totally legal tv episodes on my n900 just fine13:13
Stskeepssome have issues but so it is13:13
Sho_Stskeeps: :)13:13
X-FadeStskeeps: Yeah that is true. Preparing for a holiday and caching up really sets you back.13:14
X-FadeHmm this reminds me, I need to check if I can play my tv shows recorded on my dreambox over wifi on my N900 now.13:14
Sho_ah, it seems there will be an official vlc build for maemo13:15
X-FadeSeems mpeg2 ts support was added in the codec pack.13:15
GAN900Looks like the WiFi blocks IRC13:15
GAN900Think I'm the only one here that's on.13:15
StskeepsGAN900: tomaszd was on webchat earlier13:15
xorAxAxregarding the low standby time of the n900: why is the palm pre much better here (factor 2-3)?13:15
X-FadexorAxAx: Huh?13:16
xorAxAx(even though it has less battery capacity)13:16
SpeedEvilOpen device, and paste for x in lp5523\:kb*/brightness ;do echo 4096 >$x;sleep 1;done13:16
SpeedEvilinto shell :)13:16
Sho_the n810 had an awesome standby time, even with wlan on13:16
xorAxAxX-Fade: whats unclear?13:16
X-FadexorAxAx: It can stay standy on wiki and 3G for days and days?13:16
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X-Fadelol. s/wiki/wifi/13:16
ccookeHmm. My wife's n900 (on mobile phones direct) is listed as "ready for dispatch" on the order tracker.13:16
xorAxAxX-Fade: yes13:16
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frals_the pre can standby for weeks?13:17
xorAxAxfor 13 days they claim13:17
X-Faden900 should be able to do that easily?13:17
ccookeX-Fade: depends on implementation13:18
X-FadeWeren't there rundown test published somewhere?13:18
X-Faden810 was 28 days orso? :)13:18
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Stskeeps28 days with s2ram, i think13:19
xorAxAxcan somebody find the 3G rundown stats of the pre?13:21
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xorAxAxindeed, 13 days are too much to be true13:21
GAN900Stskeeps: fanoush did ~30 with normal idle.13:21
xorAxAxGAN900: whats that?13:22
X-FadeYeah, that is what I thought.13:22
SpeedEvilCan anyone work out how to force on the LEDs on the keyboard when there is ambient light?13:22
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GAN900WiFi off, screen off, no activity13:22
SpeedEvilThe fact that they are individually accessible is cool.13:22
SpeedEvilI'm unsure what can be done with this though.13:22
xorAxAxSpeedEvil: poke somewhere into /proc or /sys?13:22
SpeedEvilxorAxAx: prolly13:23
SpeedEvilthe above script gives a rather crap 'light show' :)13:24
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X-FadeGAN900: How are you doing? Joined the UX weekend?13:25
xorAxAxwhy is the n900 better than the palm pre again? :)13:26
X-FadeBetter OS? Better hardware?13:27
xorAxAxbut less apps, right?13:28
StskeepsGSM? :)13:28
GAN900GAN900: yeah, in the concepting presentation atm13:28
xorAxAxthe pre doesnt have gsm?13:28
GAN900xorAxAx: open OS, open platform13:28
GAN900No, Sprint CDMA13:28
xorAxAxthe european one as well?13:28
X-FadeThere is a gsm pre as well.13:28
Stskeepsnot sure about euro one though13:28
* Sargun wonders why MfE isn't working13:29
StskeepsxorAxAx: either way, whatever handset you choose is your own choice :P i love my n900 and it has revolutionized my mobile usage.13:29
xorAxAxStskeeps: sounds good :) in which ways?13:29
zerojayThat's why I feel so completely naked because mine's now dead.13:30
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Sargunthe good ones13:30
xorAxAxzerojay: oh, what happened?13:30
Sargunzerojay, you n900 died?13:30
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GAN900er, s/GAN900/X-Fade/13:30
zerojaySame thing that happened to Texrat.13:30
zerojayThe micro USB port is fucked.13:30
X-FadeGAN900: At least you had a passport now ;)13:30
xorAxAxhow about a moment of silence?13:30
zerojaybroke off inside the N900.13:30
frals_you had a preprod one right?13:30
GAN900zerojay, makes you feel good about DDP, right? ;)13:30
zerojayCan't charge it.13:30
GAN900X-Fade: indeed13:30
zerojayfrals_: Yes.13:30
zerojayGAN900: Yeah, no kidding.13:31
xorAxAxzerojay: too much force applied?13:31
X-FadeGAN900: And you have better weather than in Amsterdam ;)13:31
Sargunzerojay, can't you charge it by will?13:31
frals_hoping its just an issue with those ;o13:31
zerojayxorAxAx: No, I was always careful. Cable was never tugged or forced out.13:31
StskeepsxorAxAx: my usual example is that i'm a danish citizen living abroad. i travel a lot, and i roam a lot on various hotel wifis. when i'm in denmark i can use my contacts phone numbers directly, when i'm abroad, i can skype them directly with same interface. I IM the same way i SMS on msn/skype/google talk/secure jabber.13:31
X-Fadezerojay: Buy some desktop battery charger? :)13:31
zerojayX-Fade: That's only half the problem, isn't it?13:32
w00t^ same as Stskeeps13:32
X-Fadezerojay: Hehe ;)13:32
xorAxAxStskeeps: well, what about a SIP client?13:32
xorAxAxStskeeps: is there one?13:32
StskeepsxorAxAx: SIP is supported by standard13:32
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Stskeepshas been since tablet days13:32
zerojayI was disconnecting it from my N900 and the port came out with the cable.13:32
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w00tso far I've moved pretty much all my IM to my phone now13:32
DM_900ouch zerojay13:33
zerojayIf you've been noticing that your n900 doesn't always recognize that it's plugged in and should be charging, you're probably not far from having the port disconnect on you like mine has.13:33
StskeepsxorAxAx: when i'm at my desk i can access my phone with x11vnc. when i'm travelling, i watch movies/anime/tv series when on the go, without having to transcode13:33
xorAxAxStskeeps: sounds good13:33
X-Fadezerojay: Tripped over the wire while charging?13:33
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StskeepsxorAxAx: and best of all, i ssh in to my servers :)13:34
DM_900gotta love surfacemount13:34
zerojayX-Fade: Never. The cable/port has never been under any stress. I've been extremely careful because it is a prototype after all.13:34
Stskeepsand i'm able to be contacted when i'm in the supermarket or out.13:34
Stskeepsno matter if it's a local person or a remote person talking to me over the net.13:34
X-Fadezerojay: Weird. it is supposed to be rated for at least 10000 insert cycles.13:34
zerojayX-Fade: It should be rated for at least ten times that.13:35
StskeepsxorAxAx: that, and a quite good camera where i can share it instantly. :P13:35
SpeedEvilzerojay: commercially available connectors don't do that though13:35
Mekif it is the port not being properly connected on the device, how comes that repluggin the cable on my laptop side often makes it start charging?13:35
xorAxAxStskeeps: now i want an n900 as well :)13:35
StskeepsxorAxAx: along with a kick-ass community attached to it :) that's how i like my n90013:35
SpeedEvilzerojay: to get 100k, you'd need ZIF pretty much13:35
tigerthmm even13:36
tigertthe maebar wlan blocks ssh on default port13:36
tigert= suck13:36
Stskeepstigert: people are more productive then probably13:36
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zerojaySpeedEvil: Well, I don't know. All I can tell you is that the fucking thing is fucked after three months. This better not be a design flaw in the n900's retail versions or else we're going to see a wave of really pissed people in two months.13:37
SpeedEvilzerojay: 10000 you'd have to go some in 3 months to exceed13:37
SpeedEvilthat's 100/day13:37
zerojayWell, it failed. What do you want me to say?13:37
zerojayIt failed with an average of two/day.13:38
xorAxAxStskeeps: i am busy, otherwise i might have thought about travel13:38
SpeedEvilzerojay: typical connectors shouldn't fail at 300 cycles or so.13:38
X-Fadezerojay: Yeah, can just be that you are unlucky.13:38
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SpeedEvilzerojay: I mean - they are designed for way more13:38
zerojayIt's clear that it just became unsoldered from the board.13:38
X-Fadezerojay: Bad part is always possible, but I haven't seen others complain about it?13:39
zerojayX-Fade: Texrat.13:39
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SpeedEvilzerojay: you can't charge at all?13:39
w00twithout a USB port, that would seem rather difficult13:39
X-Fadezerojay: Yeah or soldering broke off because of either bad soldering or shock/vibration.13:39
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Ashenburgif it's completely unsoldered I wouldn't think bad part, but sloppy execution13:39
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SpeedEvilResoldering the USB is generally not too hard13:40
X-FadeSpeedEvil: That is what warranty is for generally ;)13:40
Markus23anyone experience with libferris on n900?13:41
zerojaySpeedEvil: I'm far from a soldering god and I'm not about to rip open a loaned Nokia prototype and get down and busy on it.13:41
mae-skoHow can i get some error logging from frematle-x86 target?13:41
Markus23and is unison-2.27.57 compiled for mamo5?13:41
andre__feri, you still send emails from the future here (one hour ahead), but maybe my Evolution is just broken...13:41
monkeyiqmarant; send me an n900 and I will have ;-013:41
andre__feri, "Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 13:19:31 +0100" but I think you are in +020013:41
monkeyiqMarkus23; err nic completion :(13:41
mae-sko..developing small python app; after started run-standalone appname -> nothing happens; no errors no gui.. :(13:41
Markus23monkeyiq: so you are lacking a n900, otherwise you would have compiled unison-2.27.57?13:42
zerojayX-Fade: I think the real issue here is how tight the cable is when it's inserted inside the N900.13:42
X-Fadezerojay: You had the n900 hanging by the connector while charging? :)13:43
andre__yay. X-Fade is back? nice. welcome! :)13:43
monkeyiqMarkus23; yes, since I compiled unison and libferris for my n810... if I had a 900 I would have it for that too13:43
monkeyiqMarkus23; I don't know if diablo debs are installable on n900, but if they are you could try my deb for unison13:44
zerojayX-Fade: Nope. lol13:44
* DM_900 yawns13:44
Markus23monkeyiq: are you related to libferris or unison or did you just compile it?13:44
GAN900tigert: proxy. ;)13:44
monkeyiqMarkus23; I wrote one of them ;)13:45
tigertport 443, yes13:45
Markus23monkeyiq: however, I also don't have a n900 at the moment, but it is on my wishlist :-)13:45
Markus23monkeyiq: don't make it so thrilling, libferris?13:46
monkeyiqMarkus23; heh, well, its probably on many wishlists13:46
monkeyiqMarkus23; yep13:46
xorAxAxMarkus23: where do you plan to order the n900?13:46
GAN900tigert: I'm connected to my irssi proxy at home.13:47
Markus23xorAxAx: not decided yet, A1 has it already for 300 eur (i am from austria)13:47
xorAxAxwow, why so cheap?13:47
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Markus23xorAxAx: additionally 10 euros for 24 month for just 300 mb13:48
* tigert hacked dropbox on his N90013:48
tigertwith sshfs and server dropbox folder13:48
* CoreFusion- just opened his N900 box13:48
tigertkludge(tm) but works nice13:48
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monkeyiqah, dropbox, the closed src juice everybody wants13:49
xorAxAxMarkus23: with the xcite zero, it is at 450 EUR13:49
Markus23monkeyiq: so you are Ben Martin? - very nice job you are doing with libferris13:49
xorAxAxthats still quite cheap13:49
tigertmonkeyiq: yeah that13:50
monkeyiqMarkus23; thanks :) patches welcome ;-p13:50
Markus23xorAxAx: yes, maybe the better option - but where to get umts data then?13:50
xorAxAxMarkus23: do you know whether they ship already?13:50
tigertjust as closed as, say, flickr13:50
xorAxAxMarkus23: i would get them from simyo here in germany13:50
Markus23xorAxAx: yeah, they seem to ship, I got a mail that it is available13:50
xorAxAxMarkus23: uhh, activation price 50 EUR13:50
monkeyiqtigert; yeah, I guess I'm just a bit surprised by some osrc zealots how love dropbox without realizing the irony13:50
monkeyiqbut each to their own13:51
xorAxAxMarkus23: so its in the same range as the cheap dealers (those do not have the phone available, yet, though)13:51
tigertmonkeyiq: yeah13:51
tigertmonkeyiq: theres ifolder too13:51
tigertwasnt that open?13:51
monkeyiqas I can mount flickr with libferris, I also use these evil services from time to time13:51
tigertthe service is the point13:52
tigertand others you can share with13:52
tigertjust like flickr13:52
tigertsure theres gallery13:52
monkeyiqtigert; I thought ifolder was a nasty complex novell C# thing last I saw13:52
tigertbut the point of flickr is to have contacts and sharingä13:52
tigertjust like facebook13:52
tigertclosed shit but has people you care about13:53
monkeyiqyeah, this is why I added support for facebook and flickr etc to libferris. I can just 'cp' images there for folks to see13:53
tigertmonkeyiq: but it is OSS iirc13:53
SpeedEvilflickr is so regrettably broken.13:53
tigertflickr workd fine for me13:53
tigertborkennesslid point-of-view dependant13:53
tigerttyops sukc13:53
monkeyiqtigert; I should take another look at ifolder at some point. if I can get any sanity from tehir marketing13:53
tigertmonkeyiq: yea, havent looked at it myself either13:54
monkeyiqI really only use flickr as a bit bucket for images I want to share with the world.. if they die I just rsync to another place13:54
tigertbut such things need someone with resources to host a big setup13:54
tigertbe it open or closed13:54
monkeyiqI can see why they close the server, otherwise there is no business model13:55
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* monkeyiq adds "check how ifolder is doing" to his todo list13:56
SpeedEviltigert: broken in the respect that intentionally, you can't do some things becase 'we don't want you to'13:56
SpeedEviltigert: For example being able to upload minority interest pictures without them appearing on your photostream as latest.13:57
monkeyiqSpeedEvil; all closed servers do that though... facebook is a prime example13:57
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tigertSpeedEvil: yeah13:57
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tigertSpeedEvil: private groups but thats a bit kludgy too13:58
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lizardomae-sko: are you running it on scratchbox ?  if so, did you start the Maemo UI environment prior  to try to run the application?14:00
* tigert installed maemo5 sdk btw14:00
tigertper instructions14:01
lizardomae-sko: and if you are using PyGTK, did you run "gtk.main()"  ?14:01
tigertbut i miss all apps14:01
tigertand af-sb-init14:01
tigertanyone seen similar?14:01
tigertthe said it ran ok14:01
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adeusnokia closed binaries missing?14:03
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jjotigert: install nokia-apps14:06
jjoit'll pull in binaries as well14:07
jjofremantle doesn't exactly work with just free components14:07
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tigertjjo: it misses everything14:14
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tigerteven af-sbafinit and hildon-desktop14:14
tigertmaybe theres something wrong with my scratchbox14:14
tigertie, looks like theres just base debian14:14
Stskeepsadded the token repository?14:15
xorAxAxso much regarding "free operating system" as an advantage compared to the pre14:15
tigerteven though it installed rootdtraps14:15
tigertstraps even14:15
tigertStskeeps: used installer script14:15
tigertbut i guess i need to do this again14:15
Stskeepstigert: and that took the url from ?14:15
mae-skolizardo: yes, i do the start it starts OK14:17
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mae-skoafter installing scratchbox locally I tested the virtualbox image of it -> the apt get does not work in it: some dns errors, sigh14:20
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Flandry~seen jeremiah14:21
infobotjeremiah is currently on #maemo (1h 22m 16s), last said: 'I wanna cookie!'.14:21
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* Flandry gives jeremiah a cookie14:21
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DocScrutinizer51damn, N900 phonelog is braindamaged :-(14:25
DangerMauswhat ehere who?14:26
DangerMaus\wait wrong channel14:26
DocScrutinizer51either phonelog or me14:27
lardmanhmm, just suffered from the wonders of mic not working14:27
jeremiahw00t, cookies!14:28
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Stskeepslardman: on preprod?14:28
jeremiahAnd not you w00t14:28
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DangerMauslardman, now your mic took a vacation??14:28
w00tjeremiah: and here was me thinking I was getting cookies14:28
jeremiahSorry. :P14:28
Flandrylook what i started14:29
jeremiahtalk to Flandry, he's giving them out!14:29
lardmanStskeeps: yeah14:29
* w00t steals Flandry's cookies14:29
jeremiahWait - there is a mic on the N900?14:29
lardmanit's bask now though, is a sw issue14:29
GAN900dmj7261: do you have your video editor mockup handy?14:29
FlandryThey were stale anyway14:29
jeremiahI didn't see anything about that on TMO14:29
lardmanfirst and touch wood only time it's happened14:29
lardmanjeremiah: what's TMO?14:30
Flandryjeremiah: sorry to be a pain, but the promotion of uqm didn't work entirely: it didn't show up in downloads14:30
DocScrutinizer51anybody share a clue how to watch *details* of a call in phonelog? like duration, *number*...14:30
jeremiahThe N900 is made of wood?14:30
jeremiahlardman: Oh, you got me. I almost answered you.14:30
lardmanDocScrutinizer: probably though an enhancement request14:30
lardmanjeremiah: lol14:30
jeremiahFlandry: You're not a pain, the promotion software should 'just work'14:31
hrwsomeone can tell me where I can find a list of maemo5 icons which can be used in toolbar/buttons?14:31
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jeremiahI think Niels is kicking it since people are reporting that it seems to be working14:31
Flandrywell i keep breaking it ;)14:31
hrwor is each developer requested to supply own play/stop/pause buttons?14:31
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DocScrutinizer51lardman, lol. k, thanks anyway14:31
jeremiahFlandry: Yeah, well, breaking software is what devs are for.14:31
redeemanhmm, shouldn't Qt be bundled on the N900?14:31
lardmanDocScrutinizer: really though, the phone interface could do with being different14:32
jeremiahredeeman: I think it is still a community project at this point, so no14:32
SpeedEviljeremiah: I have had my phone for 5 days. I have done 4 SMSs - all to setup internet - and no calls.14:32
Stskeepsjeremiah: it is in SDK, so i think it's bundled somehow14:32
Stskeepsmaybe not on device14:32
lardmanDocScrutinizer: would be good to be able to make our own phone app probably14:32
jeremiahSpeedEvil: what do you think? do you like the N900?14:33
_marcell_redeeman: There is libqt4-core on the device and the rest are in the preconfigured apps repo14:33
Flandryanywayz i am ridiculously excited about having it in extras and would appreciate it if you could poke the necessary server or person14:33
redeeman_marcell_: ah ok, can i install that from the gui?14:33
SpeedEviljeremiah: very, very nice.14:33
DocScrutinizer51lardman, ack14:33
Flandrythere you    go taking his name in vain again14:33
jeremiahredeeman: I think you'll need to use apt-get14:33
_marcell_redeeman: if you have a package that depends on qt in the repository, it will pull in all the needed qt stuff14:33
_marcell_yes, or apt-get14:34
SpeedEvilAny cheap people in the UK - tmobile - pay-as-you-go, 'boosters' - 20 quid gets you 6 months internet with 1G/mo fair use14:34
redeeman_marcell_: i haven't got my package in a repo like that, i just have a binary i compiled myself14:34
FlandrySpeedEvil: seriously?14:34
redeeman_marcell_: and installing it manually with apt-get won't fuck up stuff with the package manager later?14:34
SpeedEvilFlandry: seriously14:34
jeremiahredeeman: Did you test it in the SDK?14:34
* Flandry moves to the UK14:34
jeremiahThat is usually a good approach14:34
redeemanjeremiah: uhm no, i just compiled it14:35
lardmanhrw: no idea I'm afraid, have you dug around under /usr/share?14:35
jeremiahredeeman: You compiled in the SDK?14:35
_marcell_redeeman: you will need network connection, and root acces, then do an apt-get install libqt4-gui, or whatever else you need14:35
redeemanjeremiah: i have scratchbox installed with the sdk14:35
_marcell_it will not mess up anything14:35
jeremiahredeeman: oh okay, cool14:35
hrwlardman: /usr/share/icons/ is mess14:35
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hrwlardman: on maemo5 sdk14:35
redeemanjeremiah: how do i launch the desktop within scratchbox to test it?14:35
hrwlardman: 124x124  144x144  164x164  16x16  18x11  18x25  216x216  24x24  295x295  40x40  50x50  96x96             index.theme  scaleable14:35
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: 20bucks/6months??14:36
hrw128x128  14x14    16x12    16x20  18x18  18x36  22x22    26x26  32x32    48x48  64x64  icon-theme.cache  scalable14:36
jeremiahredeeman: I'll pass you a good link, but essentiall you launch Xephyr14:36
hrwlardman: instead of few normal sizes14:36
Flandryredeeman: see the SDK wiki14:36
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: well - $1.65*2014:36
redeemanFlandry: that's where i am14:36
redeemanit doesn't appear to have Xephyr installed14:36
redeemaninstall it inside the scratchbox?14:36
lardmanhrw: saves scaling time I guess14:36
_marcell_redeeman: outside14:36
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hrwlardman: and no usable icons found anyway14:37
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: lost me completely14:37
lardmanhrw: I don't think you need them all, just use scalable and accept the performance hit14:37
Flandryi had no clue what i was doing and got through it with the wiki. I think you missed a page14:37
Flandrythere's one on installing sdk14:37
hrwlardman: I want to have 'play' button in my app which will not be different from other apps play button. on desktop it is doable. on maemo... looks like not14:37
Flandryand one on using it14:37
DocScrutinizer~1.65 * 614:38
lardmanhrw: mail the list and ask perhaps?14:38
DocScrutinizer~1.65 * 2014:38
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hrwlardman: maemo-devel again? I hoped that I will not have to go there... ;D14:38
redeeman_marcell_: now i got that, but the wiki says to launch start, that's not there14:39
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lardmanhrw: well at least some more Nokians are about there so you may get an official answer#14:39
Flandryin scratchbox14:39
Flandryyou have to login14:39
Flandryall in the wiki, in order14:39
Flandryi'm sure of it14:39
redeemani am logged in14:39
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: err- yes14:39
redeemani just tested my app on the real N900, it works great14:39
Flandryset the target to x86?14:39
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lardmanAnyone know anything about .desktop files for Diablo, and how Fremantle versions won't work there?14:40
Flandry"$ Installer requires root preveliges"14:40
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: as I get it you pay 20 quid one time for a period of 6 months use? Still awesome14:41
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redeemanjeremiah: yeah, did that, i don't have af-sb-init.sh14:41
_marcell_redeeman: I hope that you have installed the nokia-binaries too, I do not think that the desktop comes up without that14:41
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: here 25EUR / month for 5GB - that's even considered a good deal14:41
FlandrySo jeremiah, should i just go make my own entry on Downloads?14:43
_marcell_redeeman: still, should be there. It's in /usr/bin/, coming from the osso-af-sb-startup package14:43
Andrwehi, I need help, I've copied some music onto my n900 into .sound and now there are many unidentifiable files which I can't delete because the filesystem seems to be read-only, I've also reboot some times. I tried to start an fsck for mmcblk0p1 but this asks which FAT should be tested and shows 2 FAT entries14:44
DocScrutinizerdunno if anybody's interested n it: yesterday's "stresstest" gave me 23h of UMTS standby + WLAN SIP&IRC online + 10h of backlight and moderate CPU usage +1h of GPS - on one bat-charge14:44
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DocScrutinizerquite decent I'd say14:45
Flandry23 hours wlan+irc?14:46
Flandryand 10 hrs backlight14:46
DocScrutinizerwell, those 10h bl are somewhat estimated14:46
Flandrythat's a lot different than people are complaining about in the battery thread14:46
Flandryglad to hear it works right for you14:46
Flandryi'm still blown away by tuomas' test results14:47
DocScrutinizerlast 80min were on a 0% battery ;-P14:47
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Flandry22 hours of vorbis playback... lol14:47
DocScrutinizersounds feasible14:47
DocScrutinizerwithout bl14:48
Flandry90 hours phone standby iirc14:48
DangerMausi find the battery just fine i get sofar alot more than i thiught but im pshure that will change when im on gsm14:48
DocScrutinizeralso seems correct. First 10h of idle standby ate ~10..15% of cell14:48
* Flandry grovels at jeremiah for an answer14:49
DocScrutinizerGPS seems to be a power hog14:49
Flandrythat seems to generally be the case yeah14:49
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ShadowJKit depends so much on use and network conditions :)14:51
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DyresenIm sure this has been asked a few times, but anyway. I just got a Nokia n900 and it keeps rebooting a lot. Seems to happend when there is some cpu load.14:56
DyresenAnyone had similar issues and know a fix for it?14:56
StskeepsDyresen: you might have a faulty unit14:56
jjotigert: even the open desktop stuff isn't installed by default, because it smply will not work without the closed packages14:56
DyresenStskeeps: ahh oki, this is not a software thingy? :)14:57
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FlandryDyresen: big thread about it on Talk. Seems it could be sim card, network software, or hardware fault14:57
redeemananyone that has developed with Qt for the N900? im wondering how i might switch the orientation of my application, and also, how i can detect if the application is "active" or not14:57
Flandryor maybe something else entirely14:57
xorAxAxwhats the URL of the rundown thread with battery stats?14:58
DyresenFlandry: ok, I can generate a new simcard to rule that out of the way.14:58
FlandryDyresen: i don't know anything about simcards, but i think it was a type of card14:59
StskeepsDyresen: see if it happens without SIM too for good measure14:59
Flandryanyway it's all still fairly guesses14:59
Dyresensleipnir: good point14:59
Flandryso anything you can find out would be great for the community14:59
DyresenIs this a common problem?14:59
Andrweis there someone who can help me with my problem? which FAT should I use?14:59
StskeepsDyresen: some people have lemon devices, but mine doesn't do this15:00
Flandryhard to say. Squeaky wheels are more easily heard :D15:00
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mikkov__X-Fade: around?15:00
sleipnirDyresen: ???15:00
tbfredeeman: for detected device orientation you have to listen to some dbus signal15:00
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Dyresensleipnir: wrong nick, sorry15:01
tbfredeeman: the wiki should have example code15:01
redeemani don't care about detected, i just wanna force a mode15:01
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redeemando you also know about the active part? is that dbus?15:04
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tbfredeeman: or to do it really perfect look at the root window's _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property...15:05
tbfredeeman: when the task switcher is shown, your window also isn't active, but that property gets a special value15:05
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tbfredeeman: maybe someone on #qt-maemo has better information about detecting the task switcher15:06
tbfhelpful people15:06
DyresenReboots without simcard as well. And the whole thing feels slugish15:07
ShadowJKComment by a .fi cellphone operator on N900 - "I must admit N900 hit one of the fiercest target audiences I've ever seen in this job. People are ready to sell their mothers to get their hands on i15:07
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StskeepsShadowJK: heh :)15:08
Flandrysounds like good news for Nokia?15:08
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Stskeepsor customer service nightmare15:09
ShadowJKthe latter15:09
Flandryhmm yeah15:09
tbfShadowJK: which operator?15:09
DyresenIm going to ask to get this one replaced...15:10
DyresenDoesnt stay on more than a few minutes at the time.15:10
ShadowJKeven without simcard?15:10
ShadowJKThat's not normal. I'd ask for a replacement myself too.15:11
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Flandrythere have definitely been some defective units and that sounds like one15:11
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Dyresenlock code for reseting settings?15:12
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ShadowJKI wonder if that's in the manual15:13
DyresenCouldn't find it15:14
ShadowJKMy first guess would be 1234515:14
Dyresen12345 it is, thanks15:15
ShadowJKHm, a verkkokauppa (biggest online store in .fi) rep also said they couldn't fill all preorders :)15:16
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ShadowJKScary, a flash-mob of people calling around every looking for N900s15:19
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ShadowJKs/every/every store/15:19
infobotShadowJK meant: Scary, a flash-mob of people calling around every store looking for N900s15:19
SpeedEvilHire a couple of coaches.15:19
SpeedEvilGo around in person.15:19
ShadowJK(today was release day for non-nokia stores in .fi)15:19
SpeedEvil80 people walk into each store in turn :)15:19
ShadowJKyeah they seem to be doing that too :)15:19
Andrweis there really noone who can help me, I need my n90015:20
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w00tShadowJK: it's happened in the uk twice now, too15:20
w00t(unable to fill preorders)15:20
ShadowJKAndrwe, well, if there is a correct choice, and if the other one is incorrect, then you've got 50% chance!15:20
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AndrweShadowJK: nice to know but which one is correct?15:21
tbfw00t: w00t!?15:21
AndrweShadowJK: or can I just try it because there couldn't be something damaged15:21
w00ttbf: me!?15:22
tbfw00t: just asked "what"15:22
ShadowJKAndrwe, I would say, that the fact that it's asking, is a sign that something is corrupted. Normally it doesn't ask15:22
jeremiahFlandry: Sure, that might make sense15:22
tbfw00t: "what, n900 sold out second time in uk!?"15:22
jeremiahi.e. Make your own entry on Downloads.15:22
w00ttbf: both shipments to nokia online shop have sold out, which is why I had to wait 1-1.5 weeks when they fucked my first order up15:22
AndrweShadowJK: "nicely" fsck say both appear to be intact15:23
fireswirespre order in the Regent Street shop15:23
tbfw00t: crazy.15:23
fireswiresyou should get it in a week or so15:23
w00tI already got mine, so, no need15:23
ShadowJKAndrwe, if it was me, if I had the files elsewhere, I'd just pick one and see what happens. if fsck crashes I'd try hook it up to USB and run scandisk from windows, it's a bit better than fsck.15:23
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* w00t pats his precious15:23
ShadowJKand don't forget safely remove hw etc15:24
DocScrutinizer51yes, I "want to break my device", but WTF is "RD mode"??15:24
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tbfDocScrutinizer51: you just want to install rootsh from maemo extras15:25
tbfDocScrutinizer51: no need to play with the flasher and activate Research & Development mode15:25
tbfonly drains your battery15:25
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DocScrutinizer51aah, thanks for the implicit explanation :-))15:26
ShadowJKI think you can disable lifeguard and watchdog, but you probably don't want to do that15:27
ShadowJK(after that you can actually damage the hw through software too) :)15:27
ShadowJKor atleast you could on n81015:27
tbfShadowJK: in R&D mode the device also uses keyboard LEDs to indicate sleep states15:28
tbfand some serial console gets activated and all such crap15:28
DocScrutinizer51watchdog may happily live on, as long as it doesn, start to do unsolicited reboots like on N81015:28
AndrweShadowJK: Oo unfinished long filename some hex-code. (Start may be overwritten by Zd\011"1Ü\220.> #) 1: delete LFN, 2: leave it as it is, 3: fix numbering; this message comes after I've choosen the first FAT15:28
tbfmaybe someone should file a bug to get this error message fixed15:28
ShadowJKfs corruption :/15:29
AndrweShadowJK: same with second15:29
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK, damage HW?? o.O  Please elaborate15:29
ShadowJKoh on N810 once you disable lifeguard you can kill the battery management daemon, for example :-)15:30
ShadowJKNormally, if the battery management daemon was to die, the device automatically reboots15:31
DocScrutinizer51ok, killing bat isn,t simple but feasible15:31
DocScrutinizer51in theory at least15:32
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ShadowJKGive it a year or two, and a hot summer, and the Li-Po in N810 is pretty close to death even without battery management failures :)15:32
ShadowJKmine is a bit swollen too, only noticed it when comparing to the new battery though15:34
mgedminbatteries last 3 years, no matter what you do ...15:34
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tbfmgedmin: heat dramatically shortens battery life time15:34
trupheenixhi. i'm trying to port my gtk+ application onto maemo. i seem to have hit the wall for hildon. my app compiles, i can run it in scratchbox but all i get is a black window and no widgets drawn inside. any leads on how to fix this?15:35
mgedminglobal warming is caused by a conspiracy of battery manufacturers!15:35
DocScrutinizer51the BLS-2N of my 6210 is quite decent even after 9 years15:35
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trupheenixshould i paste my code? will u guys help out?15:36
infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
lardmanrather than paste15:36
PolarFoxHow do you disable 3G in Maemo? :)15:36
trupheenixlardman, yea that's what i meant15:36
lardmanoh sorry15:36
Venomrushgo to settings -> phone15:37
Venomrushscroll down15:37
Venomrushfind network15:37
Venomrushchange Dual to GSM15:37
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Venomrushthat will disable 3G15:37
PolarFoxVenomrush: Thanks :)15:37
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Venomrushbtw anyone notice having multple account plugins drain account pretty dramatically?15:37
Venomrushi got gtalk + yahoo + msn15:37
Venomrushlasted 8 hours15:38
Venomrushbefore i could last a day15:38
DangerMausshould take out of the list it dont exist anymore15:38
toggles_wwoot! est delivery date!15:38
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ShadowJKVenomrush, 3g?15:38
PolarFoxVenomrush: Have you tried without msn only.. I have heard it generates a lot of traffic.. :)15:38
mgedmintrupheenix, I'd take a look, but I've never written a hildon app (keep planning to; find other more urgent projects all the time)15:38
trupheenixmgedmin, ok.15:39
PolarFoxVenomrush: Would have helped if there was a scrollbar so you could guess there are more setting below ;)15:39
DangerMaustoggles_w, where you get a date from?15:39
FlandryWhere do i report broken/bad links in
AndrweShadowJK: the cryptic filenames cause the error but15:41
* Arkenoi switched from scheduled mail retrieve every 5 minutes to nokia messaging push and got *HUGE* battery standby time increase. Quite strange.15:42
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Arkenoibut it is twice or so15:43
trupheenixmgedmin, my main function in my GTK+ Hildon application.
trupheenixmgedmin, please suggest15:43
FlandryArkenoi: sounds like a bug report in the making15:43
divinegodwhy is vim retarded when pressing the return key15:44
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StskeepsArkenoi: of course push is faster than poll15:44
fralswell, instead of pulling every 5min it only transfers data when needed15:44
fralsin my mind its pretty obvious push would be better15:44
Arkenoii thought waking up once a 5 minutes and exchanging some data over existing network connection should not be that power consuming15:45
mgedmindivinegod, worksforme15:46
trupheenixmgedmin, :) i pasted please see in ur free(time)15:46
Flandryjeremiah: hit a snag, it doesn't let me upload   an .install, wanting instead a URL.15:46
Arkenoii have sip registration and xmpp online at the same time15:46
rangebug 3888 says that the IMAP IDLE implementation in tinymail uses more power than pulling.15:46
mgedmindivinegod, breaks under screen, or if you use any other ncurses app before, maybe?15:46
povbot`Bug IMAP-IDLE not working15:46
mgedmindivinegod, workaround is to use ctrl-j or ctrl-m instead of enter15:46
mgedmindivinegod, I consider it an osso-xterm bug15:46
mgedminit's filed even15:46
ShadowJKfrals, I would suspect the push email variant is sending frequent keepalives to maintain the connection even through stupid NATs...15:47
Flandryjeremiah: i don't think putting a random .install off on another server is a good idea :D15:47
mgedmintrupheenix, looking15:47
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toggles_wDangerMaus: amazon just sent me an email15:47
ArkenoiShadowJK, how does Nokia Messaging bypass that?15:47
divinegodmgedmin: thanks15:47
SpeedEvilAnyone in the UK have a recommended cheap phone insurer?15:47
SpeedEvilwell - cheap insurer of expensive phones.15:47
lardmanhousehold insurance?15:47
ShadowJKArkenoi, oh wait, I read it wrong15:47
Flandryjeremiah: sorry, never mind, i can add one down below.15:48
mgedmintrupheenix, Sorry, this paste is encrypted. You will need to provide a password to view it.15:48
trupheenixmgedmin abcdef15:48
ShadowJKArkenoi, nevermind me15:48
mgedmintrupheenix, Sorry, that password is incorrect. Could not decrypt the paste. Please try again.15:48
trupheenixmgedmin, abcdefg15:48
trupheenixmgedmin, that's the passwd15:48
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mgedminyou're paranoid15:48
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mgedminbut not paranoid enough ;)15:49
SpeedEvillardman: I have not found one with accidental damage cover of phones outside the home15:49
lardmanoh right15:49
mgedminfirst time I see a C program with 1-space indents15:49
lardmandunno then15:49
mgedminhmm, don't see anything wrong off-hand15:50
mgedminthen again, I'm not an expert15:50
trupheenixmgedmin, yea but i get a black screen on scratch box....15:51
zashpush email? really? not just imap idle?15:51
trupheenixmgedmin, the window title gets set15:51
DocScrutinizer51is there any metapackage or convenience script to install all the basics to get a *real* system (less, bash, etc pp)?15:51
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LorthirkDocScrutinizer51: never heard anything like that15:52
mikkov__jeremiah: can you promote liblzo2-2 from extras-devel to extras-testing? It's needed by openvpn and the system failed to autopromote it.15:52
* ShadowJK is using openvpn on n900 :D15:53
* Lorthirk may get his n900 shipped today15:54
* toggles_w has to wait until monday15:54
toggles_wanyone recommend good bt a2dp headphones?15:54
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trupheenixmgedmin, but no widgets get drawn15:56
DocScrutinizer51toggles_w, sony HBH-DS220 just works for me15:57
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ccookeyay! MPD say my wife's n900 will arrive tomorrow15:58
DocScrutinizer51toggles_w, not tested with N900 yet15:58
toggles_wDocScrutinizer51: thanks15:58
lardmantoggles_w: see if you can get some that can decode mp315:59
toggles_wwont the n900 do that?15:59
lardmannot that bluez supports it atm afaik, but might be useful :)15:59
DocScrutinizer51btw, is mediaplayer not supposed to detect the wired headset's holdbutton?15:59
lardmantoggles_w: you've never had the pleasure of listening to SBC encoded audio have you...? ;)16:00
toggles_wlardman: nope16:00
lardmanit's not as good as a wired pair of headphones16:00
trupheenixmgedmin, why do u suppose none of the widgets are drawing?16:01
trupheenixmgedmin, would u know?16:01
mgedminI've no clue, sorry!16:01
mgedminI'd find a "hello world" app for hildon, see it it works16:02
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mgedminthen start comparing api calls, see what's different16:02
Ceron^how can i get irssi to reconnect automatically on the n900 :(16:02
Ceron^after i change from 3g to wlan16:03
w00twhy does it stop reconnecting?16:03
Ceron^I dont know :P16:03
w00twhat message does it give16:03
ShadowJKit doesn't realize it's disconnected16:03
StskeepsCeron^: add libconic support16:03
ShadowJKwould be my guess16:03
Ceron^whats libconic for?16:03
lardmanconnection handling16:03
Ceron^w00t: no message :P16:03
Ceron^Stskeeps: how does one add libconic support?16:04
DocScrutinizer51anyway IRC and roaming is a PITA with all the clients I tested so far16:04
divinegodmgedmin: adding set nocompatible to .vimrc and perhaps set backspace=indent,eol,start whichwrap+=<,>,[, will make vim behave better.16:04
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mgedmindivinegod, wanna see my .vimrc from my n900?16:04
trupheenixmgedmin, is there like no place where i can understand the fundamentals of writing a GTK+ hildon app? some writeup?16:05
divinegodmgedmin: ok16:05
Ceron^DocScrutinizer51: pita?16:05
lardmanCeron^: link to the lib, call the right functions and provide a connection callback16:05
mgedmintrupheenix, have you read the official docs?16:05
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DocScrutinizer51~wtf pita16:06
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infobotPITA: pain in the ass16:06
Ceron^lol :P16:06
trupheenixmgedmin, yea i'm seein that16:06
Ceron^i would tought someone on a n900 would already use irssi16:06
Ceron^on it16:06
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, until IPv6 the only solution is a VPN, and when IPv6 comes everyone will have had their turn to ruin it, so then we'll need VPN too! ;-)16:06
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* mgedmin too old to learn new command-line apps16:06
* mgedmin didn't learn irssi back when, and now it's too late16:06
penguinbaitwhat? too old??16:06
mgedmingive me a shiny gui16:07
sgbirchWhen I use Voip or skype on N900 with bluetooth headphone, sound quality is terrible. Is that a known problem?16:07
Ceron^DocScrutinizer51: how so?16:07
rangeCeron^: What is irssi supposed to do? At some time it will timeout and then reconnect to the IRC server.16:07
Ceron^DocScrutinizer51: irssi on 3g works fine16:07
Flandryjeremiah: by way of possible diagnostic, the extended description of the package is over 500 characters and had to be trimmed down before it would be accepted in the downloads description field. Perhaps that was what blocked the script from working.16:07
penguinbaitgive me a shell16:07
Ceron^range: suppoused to notice its disconnected and reconnect16:07
Ceron^it doesnt notice16:07
rangeCeron^: How is it supposed to do so?16:07
mgedminpenguinbait, shells are for real work, not for entertainment16:08
DocScrutinizer51yes, but handover to wifi always creating huge downtimes for reconnect16:08
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rangeSure. Because things like IP addresses change.16:08
Ceron^range: i dont know, i just tought this woul be solved :(16:08
penguinbaitno computers are for work not for entertainment ;)16:08
* Flandry is entertained by shells16:08
rangeCeron^: How?16:08
Ceron^by n900 irssi users16:09
rangeYou are changing your complete connection.16:09
penguinbaitgive me a shell on the beach and I am happy, I can work while at the beach16:09
Ceron^3g -> wlan16:09
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Ceron^and wlan -> 3g16:09
rangeAnd irssi will notice it when the limit for tcp/ip timeouts is reached.16:09
rangeEverything else would mean to *notify* irssi somehow.16:09
Ceron^well i had it for like 10 min16:09
Ceron^nothing happens16:09
rangeYes, because tpc/ip timeouts can take some time.16:10
Ceron^no status window report :P16:10
Ceron^how long16:10
rangeDepends on configuration.16:11
DocScrutinizer51then you need to reregister, reclaim your nick etc16:11
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Ceron^ /set lag_max_before_disconnect = 300016:11
DocScrutinizer51a PITA16:11
ShadowJKthat's like an hour?16:11
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Ceron^i cant make it less16:11
ShadowJKor is it in something else than seconds..16:11
Ceron^irssi says error16:11
ShadowJKI only have a lag_max_before_disconnect = 5min16:12
Ceron^invalid timestamp16:12
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rangeWell, looks like irssi and/or IRC aren't made for changing connections on the fly.16:12
Ceron^ShadowJK: what does it say at your lag_ma?16:12
ShadowJKi don't have one16:12
rangeBecause even if you can tell irssi to do so it will do a *complete* reconnect to the server.16:12
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ShadowJKit has no other choice16:13
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ccooke... Well, I think Nokia have got their money's worth from me WRT the n900 loan...16:14
rangeSo put your irssi into a screen on a server you can connect to ...16:14
Ceron^yeh :P16:14
ccookeSo far, six people have told me they're buying an n900 because I demo'd mine16:14
ccookerange: that's what I always do.16:15
* ShadowJK too16:15
w00tccooke: I didn't even need one to demo and I've got about 8 people buying them16:15
SpeedEvilccooke: Did you give them your affiliate code, so you get the discount?16:15
ccookeOh, for people doing that: I have an irssi script that'll automatically mark you away when screen detaches (and unmark when screen reattaches)16:15
w00tit seems to just sell itself16:15
ccookeSpeedEvil: heh. I don't have one :-)16:16
ShadowJKand then xchat connecting to irssiproxy over a openvpn vpn to that same server, and openvpn handles 3g-wlan-3g well :)16:16
SpeedEvilccooke: they should so do that16:16
ccookeSpeedEvil: oh yes16:16
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ccookeWould people find a link to the irssi script useful?16:16
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SpeedEvilAlso bounties on software improvements.16:16
SpeedEvilccooke: there should be a 'handy random stuff' on the wiki16:17
ccookeSpeedEvil: Good idea. Go make it :-)16:17
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DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK, sounds good16:17
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trupheenixmgedmin, do i have to necessarily convert all my GTK widgets into hildon widgets to get my program running?16:19
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trupheenixmgedmin, so why do u suppose none of my widgets are drawing? i'm seeing some hello world examples. i seem to be following everything correctly16:23
trupheenixmgedmin, probably need to debug it better16:23
redeemanhow does one get ones app on the extras repo?16:23
mgedminI can't do that for you, because (a) I don't have the whole app, and (b) I've got better things to do anyway ;)16:23
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mgedminI would suggest taking the hello world app and starting to transform it into your app bit by bit16:24
mgedminadd one widget at a time, see when they disappear16:24
mgedminand if they won't, you've got yourself a working app!16:24
DocScrutinizerbtw those meanies at Nokia *really* could have added a spare stylus to N900, no? :-(16:25
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GAN900DocScrutinizer: it shouldn't come out of the silo anyway. :P16:26
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DocScrutinizerso what's when I eat it? ;-P16:27
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DocScrutinizerfriggin 600 bucks, 3 delays, and no spare stylus worth 0.2ct16:28
w00tI personally keep forgetting there *is* a stylus16:29
Stskeepsthe phone actually only costs 0.2ct. the stylus is the expensive part ;p16:29
w00tI've used it once16:29
Lorthirkok, my second N900 is officially on its way16:30
DocScrutinizeractually me too, especially after I used it every other day and forget to reseat it to device - that's why I mention it :-D16:30
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toggles_wLorthirk: woot, but yer a greedy bastard some of us can't even get one16:31
* w00t hugs his.16:31
w00tI'm not letting my baby out of my sight16:31
DocScrutinizerhehe, same here16:31
glass_write a poem to it, on it16:31
Lorthirktoggles_w: i had to send back the first one16:31
Lorthirkheadset problems16:32
Lorthirk(bug 6360 if someone dares to read :D)16:32
povbot`Bug Headset problems16:32
w00tmy n900 is oh so sexy, screen so shiny and wonderfully flexy..16:32
w00teh.. i suck at this :-)16:32
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SpeedEviltmobile - 3.5G all bars on the sofa (if I hold the phone right - but...) 130kbytes/s from kernel.org16:33
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* w00t goes to test speed16:34
SpeedEvilAnd for 3.? quid/month. Insanely good value.16:34
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w00thow much?16:34
w00tyes, is that £3? or what16:35
SpeedEvil20/6 pounds per month16:35
SpeedEvilI couldn't be bothered doing the exact division16:35
w00thow the fuck16:35
w00tthat must have a really low b/w cap16:35
w00tyeah.. not that good16:36
SpeedEvilBut given that at least 5/6ths of the time, I'm going to be in wlan range.16:37
redeemanhow do i "register" my application with maemo and setup an icon for it and such? all i have is my crosscompiled binary which works16:37
w00tSpeedEvil: got a link?16:37
SpeedEvilw00t: ?16:37
w00tmy other half is looking for a mobile internet provider16:37
Stskeepshmm, how does people deal with the issue of 'one opengl drawing context' that was mentioned at some point btw?16:39
ccookeSpeedEvil: updated that page with a link to the irssi script16:39
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naxxatoemorining guys =)16:40
SpeedEvilStskeeps: I deal with it by not having a clue what it means. It troubles me at night though.16:40
* SpeedEvil needs to get some appage going.16:40
SpeedEvilAlso - is there a way of ordering official nokia spare parts?16:40
* SpeedEvil checks to see if accidental damage cover covers soldering. :)16:41
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ShadowJKThere are some rare stores that have them16:42
ShadowJK(at reasonable prices)16:42
ShadowJKand one or two that have all of them, at prices that would make bankers blush16:42
SpeedEvilI'm getting a probably silly urge to take a screwdriver to it...16:43
SpeedEvilWhich I will be able to resist for some time.16:43
DocScrutinizerregarding headset bug I start to be concerned about my device. Is headset button supposed to work in any application?16:43
w00tSpeedEvil: thanks16:43
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I don't think so16:44
DocScrutinizerhmm, ok then16:44
DocScrutinizerwould like to see an explanation which sysfs nodes are supposed to show which values for the different permutations of AV jack states16:45
fireswirescan anyone see what I've done wrong?16:45
fireswires[sbox-: ~] > sb-conf select FREMANTLE_ARMEL16:45
fireswiressb-conf: No such target: FREMANTLE_ARMEL16:45
fireswiressb-conf: No current target16:45
SpeedEvilIs there a generic 'hardware twiddles' page?16:45
SpeedEvilListing info about each bit of hardware?16:45
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I wish there were16:46
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: well - it's a wiki16:46
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SpeedEvilAdd a column onto the 'hardware' page of the wiki16:46
SpeedEvillinking to pages16:46
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SpeedEvilI was surprised that the individual keyboard LEDs are addressable16:47
SpeedEvilwhich is cool16:47
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: Maybe when Nokia decides to send me an NDA to sign, and gives me access to the schematics ;-)16:47
SpeedEvilyeah - well - there is that. I would give you a schematic, in exchange for a sum of money :)16:48
* SpeedEvil has DMM and hot-air-station.16:48
DocScrutinizerwhich actually shouldn't be *that* hard, given every dumbass of repair shop gets the service manuals16:48
ShadowJKhot-air-station :-(16:48
ShadowJKtrade it for a scope?16:48
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: cheap one from ebay16:49
ShadowJKthis was so cheap I just had to get it
DocScrutinizeranyway, the AV probably is very similar to N810, for which I know how the hw detects the various cables/hp/hs16:50
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ShadowJKConsider it runs video on the AV now16:51
DocScrutinizerthe missing link being the description of the sysfs nodes' semantics16:51
aquatixShadowJK: what did you pay for that scope?16:51
ShadowJKaquatix: ~30euro16:51
aquatixno case though?16:51
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yep, actually does16:51
DocScrutinizertested it ;-)16:52
aquatixstill, interesting16:52
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ShadowJKaquatix, it has faceplate and a bottom plate. Open on all sides though16:52
ShadowJKthe plates were optional16:52
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dmj7261GAN900: Yes...I'll have it in 20 mins16:53
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ShadowJKIt's $49.00 now. I guess that might've been 30 Euro when I ordered it.16:53
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ShadowJKthat site has tons of toys16:54
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: that's really interesting gadget16:55
ShadowJKI'm not sure it's actually useful.16:55
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ShadowJKI was able to see ripples in the output of a PC PSU.. though I didn't compare known-good and known-bad ones which was my original intent :)16:55
aquatixShadowJK: nice16:56
DocScrutinizerwell for 30 bucks that's still great16:56
GAN900dmj7261, too late. :P16:56
ShadowJKit's somewhat more now at today's exchange rate... i think16:56
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Ceron^does anyone use n900 phone @ work?17:00
Ceron^does mail for exhange work :P17:00
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Ceron^i have asked this question lots of times nobody seems to use it for normal sexchange emails17:01
w00tI use it at work, but we don't use exchange, so17:01
w00t... sexchange?17:01
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Ceron^doesnt anyone got a exchange account?17:02
aquatixgoogle can do exchange sync for its calendar stuff17:02
aquatixuseful, as i'm not aware of a working google calendar sync for maemo otherwise17:03
Ceron^yeh but i need emails17:03
aquatixapart from khertan's client17:03
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Ceron^i need emails and kalendar synced from microsoft exchange17:03
Ceron^on the n90017:03
Ceron^like 90% of the biggest companies in the world do :p17:03
jaskaexchange? no thanks :)17:03
StskeepsCeron^: theres a large thread on about that17:04
aquatixhell, even universities convert to exchange :/17:04
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Ceron^Stskeeps: please give me the specific thread17:05
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Stskeepshmm, interesting17:06
Stskeeps' pippuri: New from @forumnokia: #maemo developers get free Ovi publishing via a free Launchpad membership! #maebar  '17:06
v2px_.oO( Ceron^  )17:06
LeoDso many broken n900s? :(17:07
w00tLeoD: mm?17:07
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LeoDlike how many people report that their n900 reboots randomly.. but i'm probably just going paranoid :/17:09
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fnordianslipLeoD: how many don't report that it doesn't?17:10
LeoDyeah, i know :P17:10
fnordianslipthere was a fair bit of that with the N8x0s too17:11
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dmj726GAN900: you there?17:19
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dmj726GAN900: you at the UX hackfest?17:23
lardman~curse a2dp headphone manufacturers for not stating explicitly whether their headphones support more than just the SCB codec17:24
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, a2dp headphone manufacturers for not stating explicitly whether their headphones support more than just the SCB codec !17:24
orbarronmorning all17:24
lardmans/SCB/SBC of course17:24
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LeoDnext thing to go paranoid about for me would be the battery life of the n90017:25
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naxxatoei have mine now for 3 days17:26
naxxatoebattery is fine17:26
DyresenFor me is it to stop rebooting 10 times an hour17:26
naxxatoeit kinda feels like the iphone17:26
jaskanow i need to figure out if i can filter calls on n900 somehow (even if i have to code it myself).. other than disassembling the phone software parts17:26
naxxatoebecause you connect it to power when you go to sleep17:26
naxxatoeand when you wake up, battery lasts till you go to sleep again17:27
naxxatoeso its quite ok ;)17:27
LeoDlooks like some devices have really bad battery life while others are just fine17:27
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naxxatoeyou have to look at it like this17:27
naxxatoethe iphone i had was similar in battery life to the n90017:27
fnordianslipSome claim that old SIMs can drain the battery17:28
naxxatoenow when i compare the openmoko (standby time 1 hour on the freerunner)17:28
naxxatoevs the 1 and a half days i get from n90017:28
naxxatoewell.... you gotta figure that out yourself17:28
LeoDif it's really bad i guess i can still get me a second battery17:28
naxxatoeits ok17:29
jaskaid probably need a new sim card then, my current one reads "tele" (from back when sonera was tele)17:29
naxxatoejust for your notice17:29
fnordianslip1.5 days is better than i get.  do you have skype continuously  logged in or other accounts, over the cell network?17:29
jaskaas in, 11+ year old sim17:29
naxxatoei sleep 6 hours a day17:29
naxxatoe(or i am 6 hours in a bed depending on how you look at it)17:29
naxxatoeand thats more than enouph to give the battery all the power it needs for the time when i am not in bed ;)17:30
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RainCTuhm.. I'm trying to install the SDK but during the "apt-get update" the server says "permission denied" for several of the Sources files. I'm here at Citilab. Any idea?17:30
fnordianslipno good for all-night raves then ?17:30
naxxatoei just use wirless17:30
microlithare you calling apt-get with fakeroot?17:30
naxxatoeand gsm17:30
RainCTmicrolith: the installer is doing17:30
RainCTnot sure if it uses fakeroot17:31
naxxatoeas i dont have a data plan yet17:31
microlithahh, the installer17:31
StskeepsRainCT: 401?17:31
naxxatoebut i have the audio player running like 80% of the time17:31
RainCTbut it sees that some of the Sources file couldnpt get downloaded, tries setting up everything again, then aborts17:31
StskeepsRainCT: there's probably still a export filter issue. try to refresh17:31
dmj726might need fakeroot17:31
naxxatoeturned down the brightness for a bit17:31
RainCTStskeeps: yes 40117:31
naxxatoeand disabled all the annoying sounds17:31
StskeepsRainCT: if daniel wilms is around, try to poke him17:31
fnordianslipi'm having some issues with the Tools and extras-testing at the mo - could be that?17:31
naxxatoea friend of mine mentioned you can get  more powerful battery or it17:32
andre900define "some issues"17:32
naxxatoebut i am not shure about that17:32
fnordianslipi have a power-monkey that i use o top up mine if needed.  keeps the uptime going - beter than a battery swap, although bulkier than a speare17:33
fnordianslipspare, even17:33
ShadowJKi dont think there are any bigger batteries now17:34
naxxatoewhat i also have (since i travel a lot)17:34
fnordianslipi have other cheapo battery packs that will not charge it17:34
naxxatoeis a portable usb charger17:34
naxxatoewich is basically a battery pack that you can charge at home17:34
RainCTStskeeps: ok, yeah he is here. Thanks17:34
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naxxatoeand then when you are on the road it can charge all usb phones17:34
naxxatoeor ipods17:34
naxxatoeits 1/3rd the size of a zigarette pack17:34
naxxatoeand n900 charges on it like in one hour17:35
ShadowJKmy tekkeon doesn't charge the N900 via the USB cable included with N900 :)17:35
naxxatoefrom zero to hero17:35
loufoquehow long does the N900 live on battery with wifi enabled?17:35
naxxatoeone and a half days17:35
fnordianslipi also have a litlte Freeplay radio/torch with a crank that outputs 5V.  can charge the powermonkey with that, althoug would need performance enhancing drugs to give it a full charge without arm falling off17:35
naxxatoeif you use gsm17:35
naxxatoekik fnordianslip17:36
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ShadowJKloufoque, depends on use ;-)17:36
loufoqueso what's so bad about the battery life?17:36
loufoquei've read everywhere it was bad17:36
lardmanbmidgley: Have you done anything re adding support for mp3 over a2dp? I just saw a post by you here:
naxxatoeits like the iphone17:36
naxxatoeone and a half days on my average use and battery is drained17:37
naxxatoewich means recharge when you go to sleep17:37
ShadowJK3G and 30 irc channels in xchat was bad. 50% in 2 hours. Lasts entire day on edge though17:37
naxxatoeand no issues17:37
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jaskathey need to start the miniaturization of radioisotope thermal generators17:37
* ShadowJK hasn't had a phone in 5 years that hasn't been on charger at night17:37
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SpeedEviljaska: naah.17:37
SpeedEviljaska: Implantable blood-glucose powered magnetic jacks.17:38
naxxatoeoh yeah and whilst you are at it17:38
naxxatoekill the bluetooth thingie17:38
SpeedEviljaska: Clip a device on, and you're good.17:38
naxxatoethat shit drains power like really fast17:38
SpeedEviljaska: And it's diet too!17:38
fnordianslipSpeedEvil: +117:38
FiSHBoYjaska, got a line on some Pu238? ;)17:38
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SpeedEvil10W = an extra mince pie a day.17:39
jaskaid prefer pu-239, albeit not for rtgs17:39
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loufoqueShadowJK: so 4 hours for something not even CPU-intensive?17:40
loufoqueI wonder how long it lasts if you compile something over NFS over wifi17:40
SpeedEvilWhile playing bounce.17:40
naxxatoe  call me sick17:41
jaskanfs over wifi sounds... painful17:41
naxxatoebut i tried wifi - sshfs - gcc17:41
naxxatoewhilst listening to music17:41
SpeedEviljaska: works OK17:41
naxxatoeanswer is 3 hours 25 minutes17:41
naxxatoewith bluetooth enabled for the bt keyboard17:41
SpeedEvilhow do you setup the VT keyb?17:41
ShadowJKloufoque, like I said, it depends on use and network conditions. And use doesn't necessarily mean CPU use. The type of activity generated by loads of irc channels keeps the 3g radio active constantly17:42
loufoque3G requires more power than wifi?17:42
ShadowJKit's all about wakeups17:42
SpeedEvilloufoque: lots17:42
SpeedEvilloufoque: well - depending17:42
ShadowJKwifi with no psm will drain battery in a few hours too :)17:43
SpeedEvilloufoque: it is orders of magnitude less efficient for sending 100 bytes17:43
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fnordianslipanyone know how to sort out locale issues when using ssh from n900?  don't think i ever solved it for my n800, but starting to annoy slightly now.17:43
redeemanShadowJK: how can i see if my AP has psm?17:44
ShadowJKwell, is your N900 warm?17:44
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* w00t found that he had bad router positioning with his n90017:45
redeemanShadowJK: can you recommend an AP that will do PSM properly?17:47
ShadowJKmy linksys wrt54gl seems to do it17:48
* ShadowJK shrugs17:48
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ShadowJKI have a LevelOne too17:48
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redeemanohh i have a WAP54g but i don't use it17:48
luke-jrLinux doesn't support WRT54GL's wireless yet though17:48
redeemanluke-jr: the L stands for linux incase you didn't know17:48
luke-jrredeeman: yes, a proprietary fork of 2.417:48
redeemantrue :(17:48
luke-jrthat's not Linux anymore17:49
luke-jrthat's a fork17:49
loufoquefnordianslip: locales? what would you need that for17:49
redeemani should probably turn on my linksys wap54g then, and use instead of my chinaap17:49
loufoqueenglish has taken over the world already17:49
luke-jralso, WRT54GL is very low on flash :x17:49
hardakerok, newbie question I can't find the answer to: what module contains the AIM and Yahoo chat support?17:49
redeemanhardaker: telepathy probably17:49
dmj726will tomato or ddwrt work on it?17:50
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dmj726hardaker: there's a teelepathy plugin17:50
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hardakerthey're not labeled well either though.17:50
hardakerunless it's telepathy-hazy17:50
hardakerprobably, since it connects with libpurple17:51
dmj726haze...i thnk that's it17:51
fnordiansliploufoque: last night i sshed into all my linux boxes after setting up the n900s key and ran an update on them.  most of them upgraded perl, the install for which complained that i was using an incompatible char encoding (or something) complaining about the language and stuff that I don't specifically recall.17:51
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fnordiansliploufoque: i seem to remember the same issue on my n800.  note that i have installed and am using bash, so it could be to do with that, i guess17:52
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loufoquewhat do you use on your linux box17:53
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loufoqueand what do you use on the N90017:53
loufoquetry the "locale" command17:54
fnordianslip1  debian etch, and a couple of ubuntu 9.0417:54
fnordianslipoh, er,17:54
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fnordianslipi'm sure the linux box complained about LC_LANGUAGE (probably). the n900 doesn't show that when i use the 'locale' command17:55
luke-jrredeeman: correction:17:55
luke-jrb43 claims to support WRT54GL's chip17:55
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luke-jrso it's Openwrt that's slacking17:55
loufoqueLC_LANGUAGE? Isn't that just LANG?17:56
fnordiansliploufoque: ah.  all of the boxen are using UTF-817:56
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fnordianslipand the one in Dallas is using en_US not en_GB.  typcial!17:57
hardakerFYI, telepathy-extras seems to have pulled in pretty much every protocol ever developed17:57
hardaker(and I suspect it was haze that added the ones I was looking for)17:58
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dmj726How is the UX hackfest going?18:09
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RolaBladeHelp please... I cant browse the web from the maemo sdk browser. Anyone knows why is that?18:13
Andy80so nice :)18:13
Andy80and interesting18:13
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fnordianslipRolaBlade: try using dig to see if name resolution is working18:14
derflardman: Are you going to be around this weekend?18:14
fnordianslipRolaBlade: ah,  is dig even in the sdk install, not sure.  nslookup otherwise18:15
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RolaBladefnordianslip: I can install apps from repository  but the browser is not working18:16
fnordianslipfnordianslip: oh.  hmm18:17
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SpeedEvildoes ping work?18:17
RolaBladeSpeedEvil: ping: command not found18:18
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RolaBladeSpeedEvil: ping was not found18:21
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DocScrutinizer51maemo extras-devel: ERROR: no hashkey foo18:22
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DocScrutinizer51known issue?18:22
DocScrutinizer51ETA to fix? or any workaround?18:23
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Stskeepswait, retry?18:24
RolaBladesomeone... please help18:24
Andy80RolaBlade: you need to fix your resolv.conf18:25
fnordianslipRolaBlade: why do you need the browser in the SDK to work?18:25
Andy80RolaBlade: sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf18:25
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RolaBladeAndy80: have done that already. I can access the internet. I used wget to download a file but the browser specifically does not work18:26
RolaBladefnordianslip: because I want it to work.18:26
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fnordianslipok.  good enough for me.18:27
Andy80RolaBlade: are you using any proxy in browser?18:27
Andy80RolaBlade: try to start thw browser from the command line and tell me if it works18:28
RolaBladeAndy80: really dont know18:28
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RolaBladeAndy80: okay... let me start it from command line18:28
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RolaBladeAndy80: please do you know the command to start the default browser?18:32
SpeedEvilHas anyone looked at the geotagged images from the n90018:32
SpeedEvilAre the geotags snapped to a ~15m*30m grid ?18:33
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fnordianslipthe extras-testing and tools repos seem to be working again now18:34
ensiRolaBlade: i think its a d-bus message to somewhere18:35
RolaBladeensi: dont understand... can you explain please?18:35
ensiRolaBlade: you send a d-bus message to the system bus dont know the object path, sorry18:36
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ensiRolaBlade: you can try dbus-monitor and try clicking on link somewhere that launches the browser you might see the message18:37
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jebbahow can the n900 appear as a drive to a macintosh? there anything like samba for it or similar?18:38
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mgedminno, it pretends to be a USB mass storage device18:39
cehtehunfortunally :P18:39
mgedminaka "flash key" or "USB hard drive"18:39
fnordianslipjebba: i've used sshfs with macfuse before, butnot yet with the n90018:39
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cehtehthat will be the first thing to disable when it arrives :P18:39
tank-manhe probably meant wirelessly18:40
RolaBladeensi: nothing... I guess I am stuck with this one :(18:40
mgedminreally?  the n900 appears as a device on a mac, wirelessly???18:40
cehtehwell samba should be available for ARM .. and thus easy to port to maemo18:40
ensiRolaBlade: do you have Qt?18:40
RolaBladeensi: yeah... i have Qt installed18:40
* mgedmin does not believe18:40
ensiRolaBlade: is your app Qt then?18:41
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xorAxAxcehteh: what to disable?18:41
xorAxAxcehteh: did you order already?18:41
RolaBladeensi: what do you mean my app?18:41
cehtehordered a month ago :P18:42
cehtehdisable that it connects as usb storage device18:42
cehteh.. i'd prefer charging and usb networking18:42
ensiRolaBlade: well whatever you are doing is it done with Qt?18:42
cehtehi hate it when i have to turn off my music to upload new one18:43
RolaBladeensi: I just tried to surf the net with the maemo default browser18:43
orbarronping: KaKaRoTo18:43
xorAxAxcehteh: where did you order?18:43
RolaBladeensi: the browser is the problem.. i cant seem to surf the net with it.18:43
ensiRolaBlade: oh sorry i misunderstood the problem18:43
ensiRolaBlade: have you set a DNS?18:44 .. cheapest in germany and i once buyed there too, service was quite ok18:44
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ensiyou need to put a name server address in /etc/resolve.conf18:44
xorAxAxcehteh: whats the expected delivery date?18:45
RolaBladeensi: I have done that already. I can use wget to download files from the internet18:45
cehtehyou joking? :)18:45
RolaBladebut the browser is just not working18:45
ensiRolaBlade: sorry can't help then18:45
xorAxAxcehteh: well, amazon has it on stock already18:45
RolaBladeensi: Thanks a lot for your help18:46
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cehtehyes since a few days .. but 100 eur more expensive18:46
xorAxAxthe other dealers say jan 201018:46
cehtehi just wait, i dont want to pay premium for being allowed to be a alpha tester :P18:47
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cehtehmaybe i get mine before chrismas :P18:47
cehtehwell and if they dont ship when i need it or someone else becomes cheaper i just cancel18:48
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cehtehits just a nice toy but i dont must have it18:48
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* dmj726 wishes he were at the UX hackfest18:50
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mtnbkranyone know how to get "mail" on N900 to see sub folders of INBOX for an IMAP account? Or sub fulders of any folder for that matter?18:54
hardakerthey need to be "subscribed" on the imap server.18:55
hardakerhave another mail client "subscribe" the folders and they'll appear on the n90018:55
hardaker(it took me a bit to figure that out)18:55
hardakerthere is no way to have the n900 do the subscribing yet.18:55
mgedminit took me ages + reading the bug on to figure that out18:55
mtnbkrhardaker: they are - and are seen fine in Thunderbird and on my iPhone (before I gave it to my wife lol)18:55
mgedminalso, my one ancient dovecot server tells modest that all my folders are subscribed18:55
hardakerI think thunderbird and the iphone don't use the subscription mechanism.18:55
mgedmineven when I try to unsubscribe from some18:56
hardakerif you're using dovecot, go to your mail dir and edit the "subscriptions" file.  that's actually *exactly* what I did ;-)18:56
mtnbkrplus another annoyance is that when therea re LARGE amouns of email in the INBOX iphone handled it gracefully and d/l'ed the headers for only 50 or 100 or whatever I set. N900 mail seems to d/l ALL headers when mail starts and that sucks if you have 7k+ emails in INBOX  :(18:57
* SpeedEvil files his first bug.18:57
mtnbkrhardaker: this is a Zimbra server... I guess I can do some testing on my Cyrus IMAP server too for comparison.18:57
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, wooha18:59
hardakermtnbkr: try thunderbird.  I believe it actually has a "subscribe to this" drop down when you right click on the folder or something.19:00
mtnbkrhardaker: Right... they are all subscribed - just double checked19:00
hardakerah, well, then you're screwed!19:00
hardakerI'm sure there's a way to make it happen.19:01
DocScrutinizer51wired hs button actually works in dialer, at least to cut calls19:01
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hardakerI'd be tempted to use a python/perl IMAP module to try and connect to the server to figure out what it thinks is subscribed.19:01
povbot`Bug 6584: GPS geotagged pictures truncate precision of GPS reading.19:01
SpeedEvilnow to check out all the other hardware in detail :)19:01
DocScrutinizer51bt as well. plus bt hs mediakey "play" actually works with mediaplayer19:01
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embeddedhi all19:05
embeddedwho knows where are stored the shell settings for the root user under Maemo 5?19:06
DocScrutinizer51in /root ?19:06
mgedminwhat are "shell settings"???19:06
hardaker(and /etc/profile)19:07
embeddedI mean the settings for aliases, prompt, etc.19:07
hardakerthey'd be in /root/.profile if you want to create some19:07
embeddedfor the "user" they are stored into the file ".profile", but for the "root" user ???19:08
mgedminnowhere, since the root user never logs in interactively19:08
hardakermgedmin: tell that to the openssh sshd19:08
mgedminif you ssh root@yournokia, then in /root/.profile19:08
johnsqembedded: look where roots home in /etc/passwd there you can create .profile19:08
mgedminhardaker, yeah, occurred to me just after I pressed enter19:08
hardakerin fact, when you install it by default the user *can't* log in so all you can do is log in as root!19:08
embeddedI have a N900 but the strange thing is that for both users "user" and "root" the home is the same dir "/home/user"19:09
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* DocScrutinizer51 does a cat /etc/passwd19:10
ShadowJKtry su - after gainroot19:10
ShadowJKgainroot is equivalent to simple su19:10
ShadowJKsu - gives root's environment too19:10
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embeddedI have created a ".profile" file into the "/home/user" directory and when I open XTerminal the shell successfully gets the settings from it19:12
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embeddedbut it doesn't work if I do a "sudo gainroot" to switch to the "root" user19:13
FryeEvening folks19:13
hardakerif it was evening, I wouldn't be working.  sigh.19:13
FryeIs there a good irc client available for N900 yet?19:13
fnordianslipxchat & irssi19:13
Fryeis there a repo for xchat?19:14
Fryeor do I need to download the package somewhere?19:14
mgedminheh, now we can crack your root password, DocScrutinizer5119:14
fnordianslipbut u may need to go into the devel repo for that, and don't ever edit the settings in the gui19:14
hardakerFrye: it's in extras-testing I think (maybe -devel)19:14
johnsqDocScrutinizer51: you shound now change your password19:14
DocScrutinizer51mgedmin, never :-P19:14
FryeI'll take a look19:14
hardakerDocScrutinizer51: ditto what johnsq says !19:14
embeddedno one can help me??19:15
DocScrutinizer51think I,m noob?19:15
fnordianslipembedded: just "root" ?19:15
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hardakerembedded: I just type "root"19:16
FlandryWhen does the debmaster get back?19:16
derfCan not write log, openpty() failed (/dev/pts not mounted?)19:16
derfSegmentation fault19:16
Flandryit's always segmentation's fault19:17
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mgedminembedded, .profile is only used for login shells19:18
mgedminsudo doesn't spawn a login shell19:18
DocScrutinizer51su - does19:18
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mgedminembedded, I created a ~/.ashrc and put export ENV=$HOME/.ashrc into my ~/.profile on the n90019:18
mgedminthat makes /bin/sh read ~/.ashrc for non-login shells19:18
mgedminmy PS1 etc are set in .ashrc19:19
hardakerbetter yet: apt-get install bash; chsh19:19
mgedmindon't work with sudo gainroot anyway19:19
mgedminbut I edited /etc/sudoers to allow everything for my user19:19
mgedminand use sudo -s19:19
* mgedmin is scared of chsh -- what if the n900 won't boot?19:19
derfmgedmin: Test early.19:19
embeddedok, I'll try it19:19
hardakermgedmin: it did for me ;-)19:19
derfEarly versions of bash would hose the tablet if you made it user's shell.19:20
DocScrutinizer51csh is evil ;-)19:20
derfBut I think by the N810 they actually worked properly.19:20
mgedminthat looks like a secure password19:20
fnordianslipbash is nice on n900.19:21
hardakerha, no...19:21
hardakersadly it was the real crypted (now old) password.19:21
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hardakerI meant to paste: root:imnotanoobeither:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash19:21
hardakerOh, the irony19:22
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* hardaker weeps19:22
DocScrutinizer51<hardaker> DocScrutinizer51: ditto what johnsq says !19:23
* hardaker crawls under the desk19:23
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DocScrutinizer51U bet my crypt was "edited to protect my privacy"19:25
jebbawow. amazon finally lists n900 as in stock19:25
* mgedmin once pasted his password in plain text to an irc channel19:26
mgedminyou at least had the sense to paste hashes19:26
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hardakerDocScrutinizer51: yeah, mine was *supposed* to be.  Except my copy ring didn't contain what I expected.19:26
* hardaker is a big fan of the "show my password" firefox add-on19:28
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Khertanhi everyone !19:30
derfSigh... why is alarmd's svn repo in garage "developer only"?19:30
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Stskeepsderf: prod them to open it or move to maemo.gitorious.org19:31
Khertan~seen jaffa19:31
infobotjaffa is currently on #maemo (1d 5h 33m 21s), last said: 'evo: No, App Mgr only shows Section: user/* apps'.19:31
derf(note that a) I wouldn't care if alarmtool was in the repo and b) I can get it from the commits mailing list... painfully)19:31
jebbaanyone remember the X11 tool that allows you to move your mouse from computer to computer?  Sort of like xinerama, but each screen is a different computer.  Like if I move my mouse far to the left, it would move into the screen of the n900 and I would control that. If I moved it far to the right, it would be controling the computer/screen of some workstation, and in the center, controling my laptop19:32
KhertanSomeone know i can t select a treeview row when this one is put in a hildon Pannable area ?19:32
Stskeepsderf: alarmd is in SDK-free afaik?19:32
derfI don't want alarmd.19:32
derfI want alarmtool.19:32
Khertanjebba ? synergy ?19:33
derfOh, wait, it's already installed somehow?19:33
derfNevermind then.19:33
derfI thought it was a separate package, like before.19:33
derfBut apparently not.19:33
Stskeepsderf: alarmd src package has alarmtool.c19:33
ShadowJKjebba: synergy?19:34
jebbaKhertan: will check it out thx.  ShadowJK too :)19:34
derfalarmtool: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:34
KhertanSomeone know i can t select a treeview row when this one is put in a hildon Pannable area ? on row-axtivated there is nothing in the selected iter ...19:34
derfSo much for that.19:34
lardmanjebba: x2x19:34
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Stskeepsderf: libalarm installed?19:34
DocScrutinizer51  battery.rechargeable.is_charging = true  (bool)19:34
derflibalarm2: Installed: 1.1.11+0m519:34
DocScrutinizer51  battery.rechargeable.is_discharging = true  (bool)19:34
lardmanjebba: there was something else too, on the iPaqs iirc19:35
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Stskeepsderf: odd19:35
DocScrutinizer51hehe, quite fiunny19:35
derfIt's now /usr/lib/
Stskeepsderf: seems like a build script screwed up somewhere19:35
derfYes, so it would seem.19:35
derfWhere's that source package?19:35
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derfOkay, in there it's now "alarmclient".19:39
jebbalardman|gone: ya, x2x rings a bell19:39
KhertanSomeone know i can t select a treeview row when this one is put in a hildon Pannable area ? on row-activated signals there is nothing in the selection iter ...19:39
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derfThe alarmtool I got was from my partially-installed, old alarmtool package.19:40
hardakerx2x is definitely one, but I tihnk there is another not X-specific.19:40
derf(it failed during setup)19:40
hardaker(and last I looked at x2x it was still using imake)19:40
hardakernote that the n900 has a vncserver in -devel19:41
derfOkay, alarmclient works.19:42
derfNo idea why that package isn't in any repo.19:42
derfStskeeps: Thanks.19:42
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* hardaker needs an alarm that has a configurable snooze19:45
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* hardaker wishes the calendar alarm was configurable.19:45
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hardakersort of odd that the only snooze time is 10 minutes, but yet you can't set the "warn me before" time to only 5 min and 15 min!!!19:46
bilboed-tpanyone knows where/when this evening's celebrations are for the bcn long weekend ?19:46
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fnordiansliphardaker: i recall reading something about flipclock supporting variable snoozes, although i've never tried it, and its living with the wolves in extras-devel i believe19:47
hardakerI'm amazed at how much appears in -devel from one day to the next ;-)19:48
hardakerI think it doubled between 2 days ago and yesterday19:48
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Khertanjaffa : aremyou herem?19:49
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Khertan^ the space key is really too short19:50
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RST38h"Initial speculation that the caller was merely conducting a prank was quickly dispelled upon realization that the item continued operation despite the removal of its internal power supply."19:51
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RST38h"In the event a subject comes into contact with SCP-145 unaccompanied, the subject making contact will vanish instantly. ... Subsequent communication with the object has revealed that vanished subjects join the group of torture victims."19:53
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KhertanSomeone where i can found the hildon ui mode ? what is this constant ?20:02
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KhertanPlease activate JavaScript to enable the search functionality.nSearch ResultsnnYour search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories.20:04
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Khertannice core reference search feature20:04
mgedminnothing to see here, move along20:05
konttoriKhertan: what is?20:05
Khertanthis treeview will made me sad20:05
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konttorithat it didn't return any results?20:06
KhertanSomeone know whyi can t select a treeview row when this one is put in a hildon Pannable area ? on row-axtivated there is nothing in the selected iter ...20:06
Khertankonttori: nop any20:06
Khertanand i know there is as there is refence to this"ui mode" everwhere withoutsaying where i can found this constant20:07
RST38hmoo, konttori.20:08
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konttoriRST38h: sup?20:08
* konttori is happy as the first SSU update is done. Waiting to be delivered. (phew - finally - a breather)20:09
RST38hkonttori: Not much. Honestly tried compiling Vulture's Eye. The UI and the core Nethack stuff compile, but I am having trouble combining them ;(20:09
konttoriah. I loved nethack on 770.20:09
konttoriand n810.20:09
RST38hkonttori: In other words, if you ever had to deal with Nethack sources before, let me know =)20:10
RST38hOh, I have got N900 Nethack binaries, but that isn't particularly interesting20:10
konttoriI have no clue about it. I can imagine that they are quite complex.20:10
RST38hNot really, a lot of people worked on them20:10
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RST38hIt is substituing the display frontend that I cannot figure out20:11
konttoriAll I remember about nethack is an exercise on C class at the university: Create a nethack-like game.20:11
RST38hTo have this:
* Khertan always die quickly on nethack as he didn t undertood most of the text 20:11
konttoriI really hope you can pull it off20:12
Khertanif only there translated version of nethack20:12
Khertanmaybe add a google translate plugin :)20:12
* RST38h just deleted the sources: could not figure it out =(20:13
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Flandryhehe now that would be a true abomination20:13
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Khertannoone have yet made a git version that can be used to push from n900 to ?20:16
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Khertanrah and the pymaemo doc is most of the time wrong .... grrrrr20:21
Khertanthere isn t any hildon_gtk_tree_view_new in hildon !20:21
* GAN900 yawns.20:21
GAN900Fun stuff in store for docs.20:21
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lizardoKhertan: you should be reporting these errors in either pymaemo-developers or bugzilla :)20:22
redeemantbf: hello again, i tried the stuff on the link you provided, for orientation, it doesn't work20:22
Khertanlizardo : of course i do it ! :)20:22
Khertanlizardo : maybe you can help me ? in fighting with a treeview selection in a pannable area ...20:24
lizardoKhertan: I'm no gtk expert :(20:24
lizardoKhertan: I believe your doubt is generic, not even Python specific, right ?20:24
Khertani can select a treeview row when this one is put in a hildon Pannable area but on row-axtivated there is nothing in the selected iter ...20:24
Khertanlizardo oki20:24
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lizardoKhertan: I suggest you ask it on the pygtk list20:25
Khertanlizardo right20:25
Khertanit s more an hildon problem than a pygtk one :)20:25
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Flandry~seen pupnik20:26
Khertanas without using a pannable area it s works :)20:26
infobotpupnik <n=pupnik@unaffiliated/pupnik> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4d 12h 52m 27s ago, saying: 'sorry maemo'.20:26
Flandryanyone know what happened to pupnik?20:26
lizardoKhertan: do you have some simple code that I can check?20:26
lizardoKhertan: if so, paste in on pastebin20:26
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Khertanlizardo : i vent simple code but i ll try to make one quickly20:27
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wazdpartialy back :)20:27
wazdjust had heavy surgery in my mouth :)20:27
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lizardoKhertan: I have to not program much in GTK/PyGTK, but I can simply convert your snippet to C and modify it until it works, then make equivalent changes to the python code :)20:28
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lizardos/I have to not/I do not/20:28
infobotlizardo meant: Khertan: I do not program much in GTK/PyGTK, but I can simply convert your snippet to C and modify it until it works, then make equivalent changes to the python code :)20:28
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SpeedEvilAre there >2 stages for bounce?20:28
lizardoKhertan: BTW, do you happen to find what you are trying to do somewhere ?20:29
lizardoKhertan: e.g. some C example , or other application in Maemo20:29
* lizardo is more of the "learn by example" school20:30
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Khertanlizardo : me too i like the lean by example ... haven t found one in c or py doing what i m trying to do20:33
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Khertana click on a row in a treeview open a dialog showing details20:34
Khertanbut when signal : row-activated is emitted there is no selection in the gtk.Iter20:35
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lizardoKhertan: and what about something like: isn't it enough ?20:38
jebbawhich SDK do people recommend.     or             (I'm going to run this on fedora 12 x86_64...)20:38
Khertanlizardo : not really :)20:39
DocScrutinizer51seems mailclient locks up on unknown responses of pop3 server. like "minpoll: 15minutes"20:40
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lizardoKhertan: I wonder if anyone else besides you has a mental picture of what you want to do :)20:42
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Khertanlizardo : 2s i m finisshing my example20:43
Khertanit s quite slow due to the n900 keyboard20:44
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sejodid someone succeed in setting up the sdk for maemo5 on 64 xit?20:47
Khertanlizardo of course my example isn t working :)20:48
lizardoKhertan: yes, so I wonder , how can you explain to others what you want to do if it does not work?   a picture maybe? :)20:50
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Khertanlizardo yep a picture will be easy :)20:52
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jebbasejo: i'm going to do it RSN, on fedora x86_64.   Just trying to figure out which is best SDK...20:54
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sejojebba: thx found a howto for gentoo trying it now20:55
jebbasejo: URL?20:55
jebbayou should just be able to install i386 libs and be fine20:56
sejowell compiling everything20:56
Khertani m trying to get the selected row when i click on a row20:57
sejoKhertan: gtd?20:57
Khertangtd ?20:57
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sejogetting things done20:57
Khertansejo :)20:57
Khertanyep a bit like but my version20:58
jebbais the official SDK still based on scratchbox 1?20:58
Khertanwith a do it now, next (in 7 days) and future (the rest undone in the future)20:59
lizardoKhertan: and why you are trying to put the list on a pannable area?21:00
lizardoKhertan: isn't it scrollable already?21:01
lizardoKhertan: (the s/list/treeview/)21:01
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yannjKhertan : I 'll ask you a favour in a few time, I wrote an apps to receive SFR TV and I'll need testers...21:01
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Khertanlizardo : because a treeview isn t scrollable21:03
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jebbawtf is  VDSO32 anyway  (ala sysctl abi.vsyscall32=0)21:04
Khertanyannj yep of course21:05
SpeedEvilI knew that once21:05
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Khertanyannj but i did n t think i have tv in my contract21:05
yannjKhertan : illimytics?21:06
lizardoKhertan: well, It really looks strange to me to have a list item in a pannable area...  why not making a pannable list like that touch selector I sent to you?21:06
lizardo(my opinition :)21:06
Khertanyannj it s an old contract with unlimited web access ... but half the price of the illimytics contract :)21:06
yannjKhertan  : right you certainly don't have a TV access...21:07
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Khertanlizardo : touch selector have clearly not the same use21:08
lizardoKhertan: I do not mean using the touch selector, but creating a widget like it :)21:08
lizardoKhertan: in practice, you want a scrollable/kinetic check list , right ?21:08
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jebbajebanyone using SDK+ ?   scratchbox2.
SargunMy Maemo wont work with MfE21:22
Stskeepsgo state your issue on tmo21:23
RST38hjebba: yes?21:23
andre__Sargun, which Exchange version?21:24
Sargunandre900, an old one21:24
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Sargun_ScreenStill here.21:25
Sargun_Screenjust not all of me.21:25
jebbajebRST38h: how does it compare with the default one?21:25
Sargun_Screen- Ohoho! What about Exchange 2003?21:25
Sargun_Screen- Wait for sw. update.21:25
Sargun_Screenyeah, waiting for SW update21:25
RST38hjebba: it is saner21:25
jebbajebRST38h: you recommend it over the regular one?  I'm installing on fedora 12 x86_64, and both SDKs target apt/i386 world more...21:27
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RST38hjebba: x86_64 is a bad idea, so is Redhat21:30
jebbajebRST38h: well, my computer here is x86_64, so there's no real goign back.  And I have fedora installed, and that isn't going to change either. I'm working with what i've got.21:31
RST38hjebba: Well, then try installing and see what happens21:32
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luke-jrjebbajeb: uh, you can run x86_32 on x86_64 CPUs21:35
luke-jrthere's always chroots...21:35
jebbajebluke-jr: ya. Well probably just install more i686 libs etc (already have glibc.i686, for example)21:36
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luke-jrI don't do dual 32/64 mixed systems21:37
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jebbajebnormally i dont either, but i had to to install the maemo_flasher program21:40
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jebbajebi did install the older SDKs in qemu, but was painfully slow (no VT bit in my CPU)21:40
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andre__heja, anybody around with Windows 7 32-bit who can confirm bug 6453?21:42
povbot`Bug Unable to transfer file over Bluetooth from Windows Explorer21:42
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luke-jrthat's a feature!21:43
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crashanddieSDK would appear to be officially broken:
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* Arkenoi just sold my old e90. $400, about twice i expected ;-)21:48
Xisdibikandre__: have a link to bug 6453?21:48
povbot`Bug Unable to transfer file over Bluetooth from Windows Explorer21:48
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Stskeepsandre__: seems like a good way to deal with patch bugfixes is to offer them as merge requests on maemo.gitorious.org21:48
Stskeepsandre__: i got 2 patches accepted that way21:48
crashanddiethat's the 3rd install I do on Karmic Koala in about a month, once by using the command line scripts, once by using the Qt-GUI installer, same result twice. Scratchbox appears to work nicely, however Xephyr + graphical environment are dead21:48
infobotcrashanddie meant: that's the 2nd install I do on Karmic Koala in about a month, once by using the command line scripts, once by using the Qt-GUI installer, same result twice. Scratchbox appears to work nicely, however Xephyr + graphical environment are dead21:49
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andre__Xisdibik, see the link that povbot provided :)21:49
andre__Stskeeps, uh, care to elaborate? examples?21:49
Vink_Hi, I got N900 today21:50
Vink_does telepathy has a facebook/ twitter service?21:50
Xisdibikandre__: but thats too easy ;)21:50
jebbajebcrashanddie: looks like you just need to isntall qemu21:50
andre__grr. flash broken21:50
XisdibikVink_: congrats on your n900 :D21:50
* andre__ boots another machine21:50
Vink_I dont see a facebook/ twitter app21:50
andre__Vink_, what exactly do you expect for such an app? :)21:50
crashanddiejebbajeb: I'm running qemu, I'm in scratchbox ARMEL21:50
Stskeepsandre__: ,
Vink_I though the telepathy had an account manager to connect to them21:51
pwnguinoh snap21:51
pwnguinmy order status says shipped!21:51
Stskeepsandre__: i frankly expected them to be completely ignored, glad to be wrong :)21:51
* pwnguin does the happy dance21:52
Vink_I see only jabber, skype etc21:52
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andre__Stskeeps, nice21:52
andre__Vink_, again: what do you expect, and where?21:52
* Xisdibik snaps a picture of pwnguin doing the happy dance with his n90021:52
Vink_I expect a facebook/ twitter app21:53
crashanddieVink_: check in the application manager if there is no plug-in for telepathy to support twitter/facebook. It might not be installed by default -- if available at all21:53
crashanddieVink_: don't expect to be spoon fed either21:54
crashanddieor my harsh reality hammer might smash your fingers21:54
Vink_dont see it in the App manager21:54
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crashanddiehi andre__, how's it going?21:57
andre__crashanddie, busy as hell, but fine apart from that :-P21:57
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odin_what does "el" in "armel" mean ?  embedded linux ?  embedded little-endian ?21:57
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Robot101odin_: endian little. its a joke :)21:58
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Flandryi never realized that's what it meant21:58
odin_Robot101, a joke ?  I know of "mips" has big and little variants21:59
andre__Vink_, there is Hermes, but that is not ready for consumption I think, hence it has not yet reached Extras and is not yet in Application Manager21:59
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Flandrythe joke is that it's backwards21:59
andre__somebody may correct me21:59
Flandryodin_: arm does too, and armel is the little-endian target21:59
odin_so what endian is "arm" ?  are all arm CPUs little-endian ?22:00
Robot101arm can be either22:00
odin_ok like MIPS, can it switch back and forth ?22:00
Robot101so there are armel and armbe architectures in some distributions22:00
Robot101armel is *much* more common22:00
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odin_ok thanks for info22:00
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mikkov__Hermes is in Extras, but it's not facebook or twitter app22:01
Vink_andre__, I see facebook in the app Manager->uninstall, that means it is installed, but again cant find it22:01
andre__Vink_, what is the exact name of it?22:01
SpeedEvilThere isn't a way of connecting an external antenna to the n900 that I've missed?22:02
odin_is there a (good/useful) GUI based IRC client ?  to run on N900 ?22:02
mikkov__but there is pidgin and xchat22:03
SpeedEvilodin_: pidgin is there - but it won't actually login to IRC22:03
SpeedEvilfor some reason I haven't worked out22:03
Flandrybut enough requests that it seems one is due22:03
andre__odin_, xchat works more or less, but it's not ready for mainstream. it's in the extras-devel catalogue which means unstable software that might drain your battery and turn your device into a brick22:03
SpeedEvilA brick of gold?22:03
andre900odin_, because this is written from xchat on the n90022:04
andre__so it kind of works :-P22:04
odin_ah that reminds me I need to fix what I setup wrong with extras-devel catalog22:04
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andre__odin_, as long as you are aware that extras-devel IS risky, okay :)22:05
odin_you can recovery an N900 via USB cable, from a bricked state ?22:05
crashanddieodin_: mostly yes22:05
odin_I am a s/w (kernel) devel also, so thats ok, thanks for warning22:05
andre__ah, okay :)22:05
odin_I just got my N900 a week ago22:05
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Stskeepsodin_: just don't toy with NOLO/X-loader and you should be fine22:05
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* eMHa is just $HOME (installing apps on my new n900 the debian way :-)22:06
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jebbajebxchat also crashes when you save prefs, so you have to edit  ~/.xchat2/xchat.conf manually22:08
jebbajebwith maemo_flasher22:08
andre__yeah, annoying22:09
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Xisdibikjebbajeb: or just dont change the settings ;)22:11
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fnordianslipcrashanddie: how's the mac ?22:13
odin_the built in IM client will that ever support MSN and ICQ ?  or is pidgin a better bet ?22:13
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KMFDModin_, the telepathy plugin in extras22:14
Xisdibikodin_: it supports it, if you add accounts-telepathy-haze or something like that,  from extras-devel though so.. enter at your own risk22:14
KMFDMsupports msn, icq, googletalk22:14
KMFDMXisdibik, i thought that was in extras now22:14
Xisdibikif it was its within the last 1-2 days22:14
Xisdibikas i installed it like tuesday or wednesday, and it was in extras-devel22:14
crashanddiefnordianslip: awesome22:14
crashanddiefnordianslip: can't believe I ever had a laptop with less than 5 hours of battery...22:15
fnordianslipthey make a nice front end to a house full of linux gadgets22:15
crashanddiefnordianslip: the freedom of just taking it back to the hotel, without worrying about charger or anything, it's just "right"22:15
crashanddiefnordianslip: snow leopard is nice as well, the UI just works, very happy with it22:15
fnordianslipwe just need to be able to sync contacts with the 90022:16
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fnordianslipmacfuse and textwrangler ftw22:16
Xisdibiktheres laptops (aside from mac) that get 5+ hours?  i thought that was pretty much Netbooks only22:16
kurt4nusb-host on n900 ?22:17
simulausb-host is in one of the repos22:17
kurt4noh, sweet22:17
crashanddiefnordianslip: can iCal sync with google cal? Can contacts sync with google?22:17
fnordianslipdoes it work though?22:17
LorthirkXisdibik: there are many, indeed22:17
fnordianslipcrashanddie: dunno, don't use google for much but the obvious22:17
Lorthirkcrashanddie: both yes22:18
XisdibikLorthirk: ive only seen one, forget who made it, but it costed like 1-2k22:18
crashanddieLorthirk: cool, thanks22:18
DocScrutinizer51simula, really?? o.O22:18
kurt4nfnordianslip: dunno22:18
LorthirkXisdibik: i'm sure there's some dell, even something from acer and hp iirc22:18
kurt4nwould be great if it did :p22:18
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XisdibikLorthirk: those are netbooks22:18
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simuladocscritinizer53... i have a ton of repos set up, so it might be in the dev or sdk repos :)22:19
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simulai haven't installed it22:19
Xisdibikcrashanddie: completely agree with you,  less than 5 hours on a laptop/netbook is unacceptable these days :D22:19
fnordianslipand on a phone22:19
* fnordianslip ducks :)22:19
crashanddiemy old laptop had a 40 minute uptime on battery :P22:19
DocScrutinizer51simula, 8'll see in a minute ;-)22:19
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crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: keep me in the loop, I'm interested (actually, my career might change on the answer you'll give)22:20
simulaheh, that deserves some elaboration crashanddie22:20
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crashanddieI'm a security expert, my CTO is very excited about the N900, but can only really pay attention to it once it has the OTG working22:21
crashanddieI'm currently working on some technologies which might help in Nokia's deployment of "Platform Security"22:21
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user_works over wetsaw frroze :(22:23
odin_OTG ?  speaking of security... is there any "assured re-writable non-volatile memory" in the device ?  like EEPROM or special flash pages which do not have wear-leveling ?22:23
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crashanddieodin_: not that I'm aware of -- however I'm not extremely familiar with the hardware features available22:26
simulacrashanddie, when i am connected to wifi again, i'll read off the package details... i remember it saying that it allowed you to connect keyboards and mice into the micro-usb slot22:26
simulaoh wait, what's that repository search website?22:26
crashanddiesimula: which repo?22:27
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odin_crashanddie, I am looking for a "Security API" which addresses a specific security problem domain, that being a key compromise, which is then change, but due to flash and wear-leveling it is theoretically possible for someone to access older data still on a device using a previous key22:27
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odin_crashanddie, to a few bytes (maybe 64bytes) are needed in "assured re-writable non-volatile memory" which can both store the session key and a checksum/validation mechanism22:28
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odin_crashanddie, the session key would change for every re-write of the bulk data into standard a flash page (with wear leveling it means the session key for the older pages gets destroyed, due to the "assured rewrite" part of the non-volatile location22:29
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crashanddieto whomever I was talking earlier, usbcontrol looks promising -- it starts up and identifies the USB bus correctly. That being said I don't have the cable required to do a test22:32
kurtani posted the image.. klas ström at nokia in sweden posted it a couple of minutes ago22:33
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DocScrutinizer51crashanddie, usbcontrol. extras-devel22:35
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: yes, I have it installed22:35
DocScrutinizer51duh. faster than me22:35
crashanddieyeah, but that's just USB identifiation22:35
DocScrutinizer51crashanddie, does it work? or segfault? ;-)22:36
infobotcrashanddie meant: yeah, but that's just USB identification22:36
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: yeah I have exactly the same screen22:36
kurtanthats just awesome22:36
kurtan<3 infobot22:36
kurtancrashanddie: you got to try it :(22:36
crashanddie~burn kurtan22:36
* infobot pours gasoline all over kurtan, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze22:36
odin_crashanddie, he he, my cable(s) arrived today  Micro B male to USB A male  +
odin_just installed usbcontrol about to test it out22:37
crashanddiewhat cables do we need for it? Any literature about this?22:37
* SpeedEvil sighs.22:37
SpeedEvilOh well - doesn't matter if odin does it first.22:37
crashanddieWould the Nokia USB cable + a female/female converter do the trick?22:37
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* SpeedEvil could, but it'd involve getting out of bed.22:38
crashanddieSpeedEvil: get your arse out of it, right now22:38
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odin_cheap as chip on that website... like £5 for both cable and adaptor will test and report in a min22:38
crashanddieodin_: awsm22:38
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SpeedEvilcrashanddie: it's 8C, so no.22:38
* crashanddie going for a fag, later22:38
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DocScrutinizer51can,t find any icon or settings entry for usbcontrol22:41
DangerMaus___lol crashanddie22:42
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: launch it from command lind22:43
kurtanDocScrutinizer51: try starting it from xterm  :o22:43
* Stskeeps gets out his F-F adapter22:43
infobotcrashanddie meant: DocScrutinizer51: launch it from commane lind22:43
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crashanddie~lart infobot22:43
* infobot pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps crashanddie22:43
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KaKaRoToorbarron, pong22:44
DocScrutinizer51sh: cannot create /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode: Permission denied22:45
Lorthirkhi KaKaRoTo :)22:45
KaKaRoTohi Lorthirk22:45
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Lorthirkhow is it going with amsn?22:46
kurtanalso :
kurtani want mah n900 nauw :P22:47
dmj7261GAN900: How was the hackfest?22:47
arachnisti haz mah n900 nauw22:47
arachnist(for more than a week :>)22:47
Ceron^hmmph what should i install22:48
Ceron^on my n90022:48
Ceron^went and bought one like 5 minutes before 9pm22:48
* dmj7261 is jealous22:48
Ceron^when stores closed :p22:48
arachnistCeron^: first... gainroot22:48
kurtansweden will get its first batch next week22:48
KaKaRoToLorthirk, good, but I'm not debian packager expert, so I kind of don't want to start reading tons of docs to be able to create the debian/ dir for amsn22:49
Ceron^lol :D i already found one bug22:49
arachnistlol, even poland got its first batch earlier than that22:49
Ceron^first time i plugged the charger into the microusb porr22:49
Ceron^it didnt start loading battery22:49
LorthirkKaKaRoTo: unfortunately i'm not either, otherwise i would have loved to help più22:49
KaKaRoToLorthirk, someone else had written debian rules inside the makefile or amsn, so you just do 'make deb', but you can't do dpkg-buildpackage.. and in order to get amsn into maemo-extras, it needs to have a dsc package and be buildable with dpkg-buildpackage :(22:49
Ceron^then i reconnected and it started to wrok :D22:49
KaKaRoToLorthirk, thx :)22:49
Ceron^why does the sceen go black22:50
Ceron^when using ovi maps22:50
Ceron^its disturbing :D22:50
Ceron^cant navigate with car22:50
DangerMaussettings tell it not to22:51
kurtananyone try usbcontrol out yet? come on! :p22:51
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Ceron^what usb control22:51
Ceron^il try ;o22:51
kurtanits in the extra devel repos ..22:52
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Ceron^dont got devel repos22:52
Ceron^in use :P22:52
Ceron^afraid to break the device22:52
DocScrutinizer51odin_, crashanddie . any results??22:52
Stskeepscrashanddie: my nokia usb cable plus f-f didn't work. maybe if it's forced into host from first time22:53
DocScrutinizer51kurtan, fail here22:53
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Ceron^kurtan: show me the link22:53
Ceron^to the usbcontrol in devel22:53
Ceron^i wanna read on forums about it22:53
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DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps, huh?22:54
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: stays in b_idle in musb_hdrc/mode22:54
Stskeepseven with ke-recv dead22:54
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DocScrutinizer51sh: cannot create /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode: Permission denied22:55
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DocScrutinizer51now the 10000$ Q: is it app borked or hw missing feature22:56
joppu_Hey everyone!22:57
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: OTG was declared as not working. if USB host pins work, is something else.22:57
joppu_I just managed to get my brand new N900 in some sort of "black striped screen of dead"22:57
joppu_It still is visible on bluetooth22:57
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Lorthirkjoppu_: front webcam?22:57
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps, missing VBUS supply22:57
Flandryi'm guessing too much pink22:57
joppu_The screen is not coming up22:58
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: they removed otg pins intentionally for usb specification's sake i think22:58
joppu_It's black with some wierd stripes22:58
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps, dunno OTG pins22:58
joppu_And it responds to touchscreen with a click22:59
odin_usbcontrol is installed, cant find it in menus/icons22:59
joppu_I need the correct image for the flasher22:59
redeemanany of you that have tried the vnc viewer on an N900? i cant seem to input anything in the host/pass fields22:59
odin_better read instructions...22:59
joppu_For retail Fremantle.22:59
orbarronworks great22:59
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Ceron^kurtan: that package doesnt work :P22:59
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Ceron^kurtan: its made 14 07 200923:00
Ceron^its broken23:00
Stskeepsfor good measure, usbcontrol in extras-devel is a leftover from diablo copy to fremantle extras23:00
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kurtanthats what i heard23:00
joppu_RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin or RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?23:00
Stskeepsjoppu_: first one is for wiping your internal storage, second is actal flash image23:00
kurtanjust that a nokia guy in sweden linked to a pic when he ran it so.. well23:00
DocScrutinizer51odin_, cmdline23:00
Stskeepskurtan: yes,but the hub he's showing is the internal one23:00
DocScrutinizer51seems fail anyway23:00
joppu_Stskeeps: thanks, I'll try flashing it now23:01
Stskeepskurtan: i will believe him when he shows two item in that list23:01
odin_why is there a /usr/share/applications/hildon/usbcontrol.desktop file then ? Exec=sudo /usr/bin/usbcontrol23:02
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javispedroouch, they decided to go the ovella negra23:02
Stskeepsthey're going to get robbed?23:03
javispedrocannot think of a better work to describe it that "non-alcoholics death trap"23:03
RST38hmoo javis23:03
javispedrohi RST38h23:03
odin_what package is "less" and "joe" in ?23:03
javispedrobtw, finally touched a N900...23:03
javispedroactually, GAN's one :)23:04
javispedroirc is banned on the maebar building, what a pity.23:05
joppu_how 'bout SSH?23:06
Stskeepsjavispedro: port 80 and 443 is open23:06
Stskeepsjavispedro: you could probably make a living selling 5 eur ssh accesses23:06
javispedroprobably :)23:06
* pwnguin wonders if you can distinguish HTTPS from SSH23:06
javispedroI don't think DreamHost would like me using their webserver as a IRC proxy23:06
pwnguinjavispedro: linode doesn't mind ;)23:07
odin_DocScrutinizer, well I did: echo "host" > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode23:07
odin_DocScrutinizer, thats all usbcontrol does lols23:08
javispedrowell, I'm going to that death trap and see If I can find someone there23:08
joppu_Can someone give me the command line for flashing the N900 with the "COMBINED" image?23:08
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Lorthirkjoppu_: i used to do simply two flashes23:08
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DocScrutinizer51ok, checked with N90023:09
joppu_And I'm on XP if that matters23:09
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DocScrutinizer51usbhostmode doesn,t work there as well23:09
DocScrutinizer51connectivity manager does though23:10
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joppu_"flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -RIt" , correct?23:11
odin_does the power need to be turned on?  i.e. the output power?23:11
Stskeepsjoppu_: no "It"23:11
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joppu_Stskeeps: "flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f" ?23:12
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Stskeepsno, add -R23:12
joppu_Stskeeps: "flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R" ?23:13
DocScrutinizer51N900 pc-connectivity manager doesn't offer USBHOST ;-(23:13
Stskeepsjoppu_: right23:14
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DocScrutinizer51so... usbcontrol fails on both N810 and N900. con mngr doesn't support hostmode on N900, but does on N810. What should we think?23:16
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odin_DocScrutinizer, same USB chipset/family in both N810 and N900 ?23:17
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DocScrutinizer51nah. dont think so23:18
DangerMauscan it be switched on cli?23:18
odin_CLi as in: echo "host" > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode  (did nothing for me, but I still need to verify cabling)23:18
odin_nothing in "dmesg" either23:18
tarelerulzAny of you have a Google wave account ? would you like to add to your wave or me add you to mine . I just want to see it in actoin23:19
DocScrutinizer51odin_, exactly23:19
DocScrutinizer51for me that's a rather closed file now with hostmode on N90023:20
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DocScrutinizer51Nokia said N900 can't do usb host. seems they were right23:21
Lorthirktarelerulz: i have23:22
DocScrutinizer51might check with powered hub later...23:22
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CShadowRunanyone know of the cheapest UK retailer to grab an N900? Cheapest i've found is £43423:23
joppu_Ok, reflash complete, booted, nokia tune played fine. Screen still completely black. I need to return this tomorrow and ask for a replacement/money back :(23:24
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Stskeepsjoppu_: and it doesn't show anything all the way? that's bad23:24
odin_does the N810 show anything in "dmesg" after a:  echo "host" > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode23:25
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DocScrutinizer51but what' the use of powered hub when you can't evebn switch the protocol to host on the datalines23:25
DocScrutinizer51odin_, will have to wait. later. not near 810 now23:26
joppu_Stskeeps: yeah, the screen is totally black, with a backlight23:26
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: don't give up just yet23:27
Stskeepsjoppu_: not good. send to shop, may help people with later devices23:27
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: this app was probably just a port of the old n810 thing23:27
crashanddieDocScrutinizer51: Getting host on the n8x0 took quite some time as well, so I wouldn't be surprised if we finally get something working in a month or two23:27
DocScrutinizer51crashanddie, pc-conman simply doesn,t offer hostmode selection23:28
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Arkenoiso there *is* host mode hardware support?23:29
DocScrutinizer51crashanddie, yeah. my  thought. Nokia may have dropped the kernel support for it23:29
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crashanddiemy understanding is that they couldn't advertise it because they wouldn't have gotten the certification23:29
Arkenoiwave is terribly slow on n900 :-(23:29
odin_ok now for bluetooth keyboard ... I have "iTech laser virtual keyboard" ordered ... do I need this "BlueMaemo" package "bluetooth HID mouse & keyboard" to use it ?23:29
kurtanwave is slow on any pc23:30
DocScrutinizer51so, if we get a better or an additional foo.ko23:30
crashanddie(host mode is incompatible with usb charging from a standards perspective)23:30
DocScrutinizer51odin_, prollly23:30
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odin_is there an "on screen keyboard" in N900 ?  am I missing some special key press for it ?23:30
Stskeepsyes, but you need to enable it23:31
DocScrutinizer51blue ctrl23:31
hcarregafinally i get mine n90023:31
odin_enable it ?23:32
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DocScrutinizer51or simply close kbd slider and click to an input field23:32
Dantonicunder input settings23:32
Dantonichey where do I enable the switch to phone upon tilt?23:32
Dantonicor the app has to be open?23:32
DocScrutinizer51duh. maybe. forgot about such details ;-)23:32
DocScrutinizer51Dantonic, enable in dialer options. desktop needs to be acctive23:33
DocScrutinizer51didm,t work while xchat or xterm open23:34
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lardmanevening all23:35
DantonicDocScrutinizer51, I don't see it in any options23:36
Dantonicunder settings > phone23:36
Stskeepslardman: sent TI guy a mail to see if there's any other updates.. and suggested maybe publishing the omap2 drivers if they work on omap2 boards - it's first step kate suggested in discussion of drivers justificiation..23:36
DocScrutinizer51open dialer23:36
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Ceron^where in ovi maps23:37
DocScrutinizer51menu .. rotate .. enable by...23:37
Ceron^can i choose23:37
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lardmanStskeeps: ok23:37
Ceron^so that it doesnt shutdown screen23:37
Ceron^while @ car23:37
lardmanStskeeps: have been feeling pretty crap, man-flu my wife tells me, so not managed to do any hacking I'm afraid23:37
Ceron^or ovi maps is on23:37
crashanddielook at that, it's leet o'clock!23:37
Dantonicgot it... wasnt seeing that option cause I kept going into the dialer part of the phone23:37
Ceron^cant find any settings in ovi maps23:37
lardmanhey crashanddie23:37
Dantonicits before that23:37
crashanddieyo lardman23:37
crashanddielardman: what's up?23:38
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Stskeepslardman: there was an interesting convo in #mer earlier today.. got 5 minutes?23:38
crashanddielardman: finally got a new build environment running, I'll get mbarcode tonight and work on it this weekend23:38
lardmanStskeeps: sure23:38
lardmancrashanddie: am going to move to Qt, so perhaps not worth the bother atm23:38
crashanddieooooh, I wanna work with Qt!23:38
lardmancrashanddie: though I do have a couple of outstanding issues - gdk problem and Diablo .desktop not working23:39
Dantonicso is xchat available on this guy or what?23:39
derfPort it to Qt so lardman doesn't have to.23:39
lardmansee the TMO thread23:39
crashanddielardman: don't have a diablo device anymore23:39
Stskeepslardman:  search for JouniM23:39
derflardman: Are you going to be around this weekend?23:39
lardmanno, am reasonably happy to do that, learning experience23:39
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lardmanderf: yeah should be, what's up?23:39
derflardman: I've actually got my device and I'd like to get some DSP stuff going.23:39
lardmanStskeeps: ok23:39
Ceron^how to install liquid base23:39
Ceron^i want to try that tapping tool :P23:40
Ceron^lcuk was showing23:40
derfHave you actually done anything with the DSP yet?23:40
Arkenoioops. just downloaded official fbreader update hoping "volume" keys fix is already there. *NO*.23:41
lardmanderf: nope23:41
mgedminArkenoi, I've got a hack23:41
Stskeepslardman: i think it just confirms we need a displaydriver23:41
lardmanStskeeps: ah yes, he says what I was saying, the lcd driver is built into the mbx driver23:41
mgedminoops, left my n900 in the car23:41
Arkenoiyep, i installed it as well, but it was overwritten by this update now ;-) have to reinstall again23:42
lardmanStskeeps: yeah, the display class stuff23:43
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lardmanStskeeps: I don';t think that's too arduous, but would be nice to hear from Ti about what exactly is required in said display class, etc23:43
lardmanotherwise we could just hack at it, but that takes time23:43
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lardmanbut if he has contacts, that's good :)23:44
Stskeepslardman: i think our better shot would be to ask imgtec maybe23:44
Stskeepsthey do seem to be fairly open23:44
Stskeepsin terms of support23:44
lardmansure, though who should do the asking?23:44
lardmansomeone official-ish or at least known to them23:44
BernardVHi all!23:44
BernardVSorry to bump in with a question..23:45
lardmanbut yeah, if we can be told what has to be done in the display class, it should be reasonably easy to get that working, then it's just a case of fitting the two together, crossing fingers, touching wood, etc ;)23:45
lardmanderf: what are you DSP plans for the weekend then?23:45
BernardVI got my N900 today yeah! With working mic, but an error on wlan. When I look in dmesg I get wl1251: ERROR unsupported chip id: 0x023:46
BernardVIs this a common error?23:46
mgedminneeds x11-utils23:46
mgedminfrom the tools repo, iirc23:46
StskeepsBernardV: that does not look good23:46
BernardVI know23:46
RST38hmgedmin: !23:46
StskeepsBernardV: wlan doesn't work, obviously?23:46
derflardman: I'd like to get the C64x Theora port running on it.23:47
lardmancrashanddie: still an issue with the GDK fn I'm trying to use to read in random image files if you're bored23:47
BernardVNope it doesn't.. This is my second N900, first one had a broken MIC23:47
BernardVThis one no wlan :S23:47
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lardmanderf: and you've allocated a whole weekend to this ;)23:47
derfGiven my success with the C55x port of CELT?23:47
lardmanwell ok23:47
derfBut seriously, once I do there's lots of optimization work to be done, and figuring out openmax integration, and...23:48
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konttoriBernardV: can you try to reflash it?23:48
derfAnd I have other work to get done this weekend also.23:48
konttoribut that really sounds very bad23:48
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lardmanderf: me too I'm afraid23:48
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lardmanderf: but I'll be happy to help if I can23:48
BernardVYes i was planning to, but first wanted to know if it was a "common" error23:48
crashanddielardman: will do23:48
ArkenoiUQM keyboard support seems to be broken for non-english layout - arrow keys do not work in most menus23:48
DocScrutinizer-8odin_: [15615.179687] tusb_source_power 633: VBUS a_wait_vrise, devctl 81 otg 184 conf c0010001 prcm 00a8050023:48
derfI was just hoping for some "here's where you get started" pointers.23:48
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lardmancrashanddie: thanks mate :)23:48
StskeepsBernardV: hang on23:48
konttoriand I haven't heard or really any HW failures yet. But then again, us software guys, we only start to get montly reports from the field after 2 months of selling.23:49
derfI'm assuming things don't really work the same way they did for the C55x.23:49
Arkenoimgedmin: wow, that's funny. is there a way to make this persistent?23:49
mgedminpatch fbreader's sources23:49
DocScrutinizer-8odin_: on N81023:49
mgedminI rarely close my fbreader23:49
mgedminxterm + fbre<tab><enter> ain't too bad every week or so23:49
RST38hfbreader eats battery though23:49
StskeepsBernardV: i would report the bug on and start making arrangements for a return :P23:50
melmothping andrewfblack joshn53 or nathan ?23:50
mgedminwhat's bad is that "unable to connect to an account" warning disables this hack23:50
Arkenoithere already is patched fbreader23:50
mgedminand makes my volume keys control volume23:50
mgedminrandomly every 10 minutes or so23:50
mgedminfor a couple of seconds23:50
mgedminah, cool23:50
mgedmindidn't know that23:50
BernardVWill do Stskeeps .. thnx! Also will try to flash it. Will keep you updated ;)23:50
RST38hoh yes, the same occurs with maemo mapper23:50
RST38hthat is because that banner takes the focus23:50
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lardmanderf: dunno really, though other than more memory and actually having an 8bit type I think you might be ok23:51
lardmanI have to go temporarily, mother-in-law sleeping in my office and wants to go to bed23:51
ArkenoiRST38h, no really much23:52
lardmanthe wonders of weekend visitations!23:52
derfWell, no, it was more along the lines of the DSP kernel and task manager that were the stumbling blocks before.23:52
derfI can write the code, I just can't get it to run.23:52
lardmanah yeah, not sure how the current comms stuff works I'm afraid23:52
Stskeepsso, we have mic, screen, usb plug, wlan, and reboot loops issues? :P23:52
lardmanderf: hang on 10 or so23:52
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crashanddie_~seen lardman23:53
infobotlardman <n=simon@Maemo/community/contributor/lardman> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 47s ago, saying: 'derf: hang on 10 or so'.23:53
derfHe does not dawdle.23:53
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arachnist225244 !--             | <<<  lardman!n=simon@Maemo/community/contributor/lardman ["off-ski"]23:54
arachnistcrashanddie: ^23:54
arachnist(2 minutes ago)23:54
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crashanddiearachnist: and that tells me what extra? Compared to infobot's output?23:54
arachnist225227 |       lardman | derf: hang on 10 or so23:54
arachnistit tells you when he quit23:54
crashanddiearachnist: I already knew that ;)23:55
crashanddie<infobot> lardman <n=simon@Maemo/community/contributor/lardman> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 47s ago, saying: 'derf: hang on 10 or so'.23:55
arachnistyou came in after he left, and what the infobot said was his last msg23:55
crashanddieand also "47s ago"23:55
crashanddiewhich at the time was correct23:55
crashanddie~seen lardman23:55
infobotlardman <n=simon@Maemo/community/contributor/lardman> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3m 28s ago, saying: 'derf: hang on 10 or so'.23:55
crashanddieoh look, 3m 27s23:55
crashanddiecould that be the time he disconnected?23:56
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DocScrutinizer-8crashanddie: what's the fsckng rootpassword now?23:56
crashanddienoooo, that would be too awesome, no bot could calculate that23:56
Arkenoihow do i edit internet radio bookmarks?23:56
DocScrutinizer-8sudo gainroot fails23:56
Ceron^is it possible to make n900 not use any 3g and wlan at a certain time23:56
Ceron^of the day23:56
crashanddieDocScrutinizer-8: sudo gainroot doesn't use the password23:56
Ceron^i dont want it to stay connected to wlan23:56
DocScrutinizer-8it fails23:56
Ceron^when im sleeping23:56
crashanddieDocScrutinizer-8: error message?23:57
DocScrutinizer-8I'm still user after that23:57
crashanddieCeron^: offline mode?23:57
crashanddieDocScrutinizer-8: dmesg output?23:57
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Ceron^crashanddie: not offline mode23:57
Ceron^crashanddie: i want it to intercept calls23:57
Ceron^but not use wlan :P23:58
DocScrutinizer-8crashanddie: nottin interesting23:58
Ceron^internet connection only required from 09:00am->01:00am23:58
DocScrutinizer-8sudo gainroot plays jokes at me telling "if you want break your dev, enable R D"23:59
hcarreganeed some help23:59
Arkenoiwhen is koffice for n900 release expected?23:59
DocScrutinizer-8friggin shit23:59
hcarregaanyway to sync address book mac os x with n900?23:59
StskeepsDocScrutinizer-8: install rootsh.23:59

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