IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2009-11-30

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lcukcan a person who has his open source package (code or otherwise) send out a takedown notice for someone hosting it elsewhere00:03
jaemlcuk, depends on the license, but usually no00:04
jaemnot normally, anyway00:04
lcukdidnt think so00:04
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lcukidle curiosity00:04
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lcuki suppose if there were other complications it might make it valid00:04
jaemlcuk, some non-code licenses, like CC, have provisions for you to request that attribution be removed if your work is used in a way that you feel reflects poorly on you00:04
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jaembut that's the most I've seen00:05
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jaemtimeless_mbp, everything seems shiny00:05
lcukreally? thats an odd line00:05
jaeminstall went fine, and the strings aren't borked00:05
* lcuk goes reading how they ascertain that one00:05
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jaemlcuk, no, I meant that you have the right to request removal of attribution, even thought you can't request removal of the work itself00:06
lcukahhh thats different then cool00:06
jaeme.g. if I license something CC-By, and some 'shops it into porn, and I don't like that, then I can get my name removed00:06
lcukbut if you remove attributation what license is the work under?00:06
jaemthe same - it's an exception00:07
jaemthat's in there because normally attribution is required for all CC licenses00:07
* lcuk nods00:07
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LuciusMarelcuk: do you want him to put the software down or just not attribute it?00:07
lcuknothing to do with me00:08
lcuki just saw something that made me o_O00:08
lcukand wondered how it would work00:08
lcuklol frals00:08
lcukmirror services honouring takedown notices of open source packages :)00:08
jaemtimeless_mbp, getting warnings on the install: "rmdir: '/usr/share/locale/en_US.0': Not a directory", and such00:09
jaembut otherwise it seems to work00:09
jaemhowever, the dialog with two choices and Ok/Cancel buttons is rather confusing00:09
LuciusMareAnyway,as i have quickly read the gnu/gpl license - and understood the main pillars,it is impossible to make someone stop distributing the program - can you imagine what would happen if linus would go nuts and made linux commercial?00:09
* jaem imagines Linux going insane00:10
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lcukthats not the same problem at all00:10
lcuklinus ould be fully in his rights to do that00:10
LuciusMarejaem: i said Linus00:10
* lbt looks incredulously at LuciusMare....00:10
LuciusMarelcuk: he wont00:10
lcukif however he tried to retract the older open versions00:10
lcukthats where the problem comes00:10
jaemLuciusMare, typo00:10
jaemI do it all the time >_<00:11
LuciusMarelcuk: yep,he can actually make more -commercial- versions,and nobody can stop him00:11
LuciusMareI constructed the sentence bad - if he would make linux commercial,thus removing all versions but his - paid.00:11
LuciusMareThat *is* impossible under the gnu license00:12
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lcukthe license itself wont stop him from trying, the users will however be up in arms00:12
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lcukand we would prolly see a fist fight with linux and rms00:12
LuciusMarelcuk: yahoo,geek wrestling00:12
LuciusMarelcuk: wait,no00:13
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LuciusMarelcuk: the license would have to stop him:00:13
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lcuknahhh everybody breaks licenses everyday.  its people noticing thats the problem00:14
LuciusMareThe GNU General Public License is a Free Software license. Like any Free Software license, it grants to you the four following freedoms:00:14
LuciusMareblah blah00:14
LuciusMare# The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor.00:14
LuciusMareSo,he couldnt stop the users from distributing the free versions of linux00:15
AakashPatelEveryoens my neighbor00:15
LuciusMareAakashPatel: that's the point00:15
arachnistA true love will always come back:00:15
arachnist64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3603 ttl=54 time=42911 ms00:15
arachnist64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3604 ttl=54 time=41975 ms00:15
arachnist64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3605 ttl=54 time=40975 ms00:15
arachnistmy ping packets must love me00:15
AakashPatellook up the context of neighbor lol00:15
LuciusMarearachnist: what is that?Post pidgeons?00:15
lcukLuciusMare, if a piece of paper magically stopped people from breaking licenses then there would be no crime00:15
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arachnistLuciusMare: shell load issues00:16
lcuksounds like your server went to sleep00:16
LuciusMarelcuk: o'course,i don't count the possibility that Linus would buy weapons of mass destruction and destroying every single copy of the kernel00:16
slonopotamus_hmm... that could work.00:17
* lcuk respects the gpl :)00:17
LuciusMarehowever,the users would be "in law" when they would keep distribuing the code00:17
LuciusMareThat is the word00:17
* LuciusMare hides in shame00:17
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luke-jrLuciusMare: commercial != non-free00:21
luke-jrLinux is quite commercial00:21
LuciusMarein which way is linux commercial?00:22
AakashPatel...its used in commercial applications00:22
AakashPatelBAM! Commercial!00:22
luke-jrLuciusMare: you can buy it00:23
LuciusMareBut the linux itself is not commercial00:23
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LuciusMareLinux is not a whore00:23
luke-jrLuciusMare: that's accidental00:23
luke-jrit could be commercial00:23
LuciusMareThe fact that people use the *free* software in commercial applications does not make it commercial00:24
luke-jrLinus could begin charging $5/yr for a subscription to his git branch00:24
luke-jr'free' has nothing to do with 'commercial'00:24
luke-jrthey are entirely unrelated topics00:24
javispedrothis point is something most people don't understand though.00:25
luke-jr'free' has to do with rights, and 'commercial' has to do with finances00:25
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LuciusMareluke-jr: yes,so i dont know why are you mixing it up00:25
ali1234he could do that, but only one person in the entire world would have to pay00:25
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ali1234so it would be completely pointless00:25
luke-jrali1234: you're assuming that one person feels like setting up a parallel distribution00:25
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LuciusMareLinux is free - people are free to do what they want w/ it.Including using in commercial apps00:25
luke-jrand that nobody would pay for immediate access00:25
ali1234luke-jr: no, not really, all they have to do is mirror it00:25
javispedronot really (see redhat vs centos)00:26
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ali1234which is trivial with git btw00:26
luke-jrjavispedro: and many people still buy RedHat00:26
javispedroluke-jr: exactly00:26
ali1234luke-jr: for the support, not for access to the code00:26
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luke-jrali1234: true00:26
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ali1234javispedro: any idea on this:
javispedroboth _OES and _EXT mean "extension"00:28
ali1234luke-jr: and, just look at the sveasoft debacle for an example what happens when you try to charge for access to your svn00:28
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luke-jrLinus could charge $1 per 12 pulls... then any mirror would be unlikely to be latest codebase ;P00:28
ali1234javispedro: yeah, i gather that... why does 2.0 have it but 1.1 doesn't?00:28
luke-jrali1234: Sveasoft violated the GPL. totally different scenario.00:28
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javispedroali1234: so you'll have to check if the pvr sgx supports it. in which case you can feel free to pull the headers, else, die.00:29
javispedroali1234: 1.1 had many extensions which are now mandatory on 2.000:29
javispedroFBOs come to mind00:29
ali1234luke-jr: they didn;t violate the GPL. if you want the code, all you have to do is pay them, and promise not to mirror their code00:29
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luke-jrali1234: that promise is infringing00:29
ali1234anyway, the latter part is a gpl violation i guess :)00:29
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luke-jractually, I wonder how it would go in a court00:30
luke-jrtwo contracts, one granting the right, and the other promising not to use that right00:30
ali1234actually, they don't mind if you mirror the code, but if you do, you;'re banned from their club00:30
LuciusMareluke-jr: i guess,if they accepted the rights,and then denied it against the license under they got the code...00:30
luke-jrali1234: pretty sure at one point, they actively prevented mirroring00:31
ali1234anyway, i don't want to talk about this, i want to fix ogre00:31
javispedroali1234: have n900? run glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) and look for GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil00:31
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javispedroin 1.1 surface00:31
LuciusMareYes,lets get from ugly papers to beautiful software00:31
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MNX1024Anyone available at the moment?00:32
javispedroiphone supports it so my guess is that really just the headers are missing it00:32
jaemMNX1024, for what?00:33
LuciusMareMNX1024: not really00:33
MNX1024Need help with the N900 installing apps.00:33
jaemMNX1024, what's your problem?00:33
jaemI just have a minute, but I'll try00:33
MNX1024I don't know how to use dpkg -i, lol, and red pill isn't helping either.00:33
LuciusMareMNX1024: dpkg -i package00:34
LuciusMareThat was the red pill of man00:34
LuciusMareof man-ual pages to be more precise and to avoid puns00:34
ali1234javispedro: android supports it too, and it's on the khronos headers if you google it00:34
jaemMNX1024, what are you trying to do?  Install a local package?00:34
MNX1024a deb file00:34
javispedroali1234: being on the krhonos headers means nothing00:34
mikhasbe careful with that00:34
jaemMNX1024, what ali1234 said00:34
MNX1024Yea, I know the risk00:35
javispedroali1234: other than it's a ratified extension00:35
LuciusMareMNX1024: get into a terminal,then under root do "dpkg -i package"00:35
jaembut you have to use thef filename, not the package name00:35
ali1234jaem: what i said?00:35
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jaemali1234, I was concurring00:35
LuciusMareif you are not sure,list all the files by "ls"00:35
javispedroMNX1024: and don't use red pill for anything, please.00:35
MNX1024It would be nice if you can slow down and elaborate more. I've actually spent 2 hours trying to use dpkg -i and still couldn't get it to work00:35
jaemMNX1024, okay, sure00:35
jaemdo you have root access?00:35
LuciusMareMNX1024: okay,so what problems do you run into?00:36
MNX1024The only thing I was able to even get red pill to install was app installer..00:36
LuciusMareRoughly,what does it output?00:36
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MNX1024after that, it refuse to work for me.00:36
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javispedrothe question of course is, why would you want to install a .deb file?00:36
jaemMNX1024, what does it do when you try?00:36
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MNX1024give me a moment00:37
LuciusMareMNX1024: does it say anything?If so,what does it say?00:38
javispedroali1234: if it's missing from the gl2ext.h file on armel sdk repo, feel free to file a bug (and this one HAS chances of being fixed, since it's an autobuilder showstopper)00:38
MNX1024Unable to update 'gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg'. Incompatible application package00:38
ali1234javispedro: it isn't missing from that one00:38
javispedroali1234: ah yep, glext.h, sorry.00:38
javispedro(same applies, just a bad typo :) )00:39
ali1234javispedro: everything i do, is on armel repo, and tested on device00:39
MNX1024That's what I get for trying to use red pill00:39
jaemMNX1024, that sounds like an architecture error, maybe00:39
ali1234i'm trying to get the GL_EXTENSIONS atm00:39
MNX1024Same message with several different deb files.00:39
jaemthe package /does/ end in "armel.deb", right?00:39
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jaemthat's the whole message?00:40
MNX1024This is the message I got from red pill00:40
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MNX1024It's within that yellow stip00:40
javispedroMNX1024: what are you trying to install?00:40
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MNX1024yea, that00:41
javispedrowhich is on extras...00:41
javispedroso you're wasting your time.00:41
MNX1024It is?00:41
javispedrogstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.9-2maemo1Fremantle Extras free armel00:41
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MNX1024Either I'm missing something or it's not there00:41
jaemMNX1024, the App Manager won't show things like that00:41
jaemuse apt-get install packagename from a root shell00:41
jaemthe App Manager only shows "apps", not libraries and command line utilities, for the most part00:42
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jaembut there's lots in the repos00:42
javispedroMNX1024: install zoutube00:42
javispedrofrom the application manager00:42
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MNX1024I got my deb file from here:
javispedroforget about .deb files00:43
javispedroand install zoutube.00:43
* jaem is off for a haircut - good luck00:43
MNX1024How exactly does that help me?00:43
LuciusMarejavispedro: maybe it will work after installing from repos,but i would rather troubleshoot the problem00:43
javispedroit will install -flv and -ffmpeg00:43
MNX1024Oh, ok than.00:43
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javispedroLuciusMare: installing .debs is NOT the proper way00:44
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LuciusMarejavispedro: what does it do when you apt-get install it?00:44
javispedroLuciusMare: there's a reason it was removed and deeply hidden in the interface00:44
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LuciusMareit downloads and then installs the .deb file00:44
javispedroLuciusMare: from a repo, which is _signed_ (that's the keyword here)00:44
MNX1024I just realize something, when I try to use red pill, I noticed that the size is 0kb, that's a bit odd.00:44
javispedroand our ONLY hope this does not convert into a worm riden platform where everyone has a virus.00:44
LuciusMarejavispedro: actually,the .deb he downloaded was from a repo00:45
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javispedroLuciusMare: i don't mind, end users don't have to install .debs . period.00:45
LuciusMarejavispedro: why it's not the proper way?00:45
javispedroLuciusMare: do you get thousands of PMs a day from people who install OS2008 versions on N900?00:46
javispedrowell, thousands... more like dozens ;)00:46
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LuciusMarejavispedro: oh00:46
MNX1024By me installing zoutube, I would get all the codec that is in ffmpeg, and this would allow me to play videos with those codec on mediaplayer?00:47
javispedroand the day will come when they realize that a .deb is basically like downloading a binary and "sudo exec()ing" it .00:47
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javispedrothus basically I can create a 1 KiB .deb file that bricks their tablet IRREVERSIBLY00:47
LuciusMarejavispedro: .deb contains a little more then a binary and stuff00:47
javispedroso you have been warned00:47
Macerthose crazy .debs00:47
javispedroLuciusMare: a binary run as ROOT...00:48
javispedros/binary/script but that's about the same00:48
LuciusMarejavispedro: once you - or someone in this # - said that there is no problem that reflash wouldnt solve00:48
javispedroLuciusMare: well he was wrong.00:48
LuciusMareso i guess its not IRREVERSIBLY bricked00:48
LuciusMarewhat does it do exaclty,then?00:48
javispedroand I am sure today's it been explained again how to overwrite NOLO.00:48
LuciusMareIf it has been overwrited,you can write it in again00:49
javispedrohow exactly? with a hot solder station?00:49
javispedro*hot air00:49
LuciusMarejavispedro: i am sure there must be a "better" way - but anyway,even if,it is not bricked00:49
javispedroit is, until you bring me some news about cold flashing00:50
yuizyLuciusMare:except huge phone bills00:50
javispedro(currently non existant)00:50
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LuciusMareAnd booting the phone off some other system,and writing it in again?00:51
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javispedrothe phone won't boot.00:51
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ali1234javispedro: i can't seem to create a GLES 1.1 context with EGL00:51
Stskeepsif you hose nolo, i doubt even nokia care would help you00:52
Macersomeone put a piece of code in the john henry with an ascii logo!00:52
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javispedroali1234: that's interesting. what are the diferences with 2.0 code?00:52
javispedrojust the GL_ES_1 bit?00:52
MNX1024I just want to know something, can the N900 play files that have a higher resolution than its own screen?00:52
javispedroare you linking with GLES_CM ?00:52
moo-_-MNX1024: yes00:53
ali1234yes. eglCreateContext failed (12293).00:53
LuciusMarejavispedro: that is a limitation of hardware.I think that installing only trusted debs should do the trick00:53
moo-_-MNX1024: 1080p HD has been reportted to work in some cases00:53
moo-_-with hw accelerated codecs00:53
javispedroLuciusMare: so you finally agree that users should not have the ability to install debs :)00:53
* lcuk cant wait until code distribution is the norm :)00:53
MNX1024Ok than, the N900 can play any file out of the box, as long as it's within its supported codec range, am I correct?00:53
LuciusMarejavispedro: um...okay,you got me there00:54
ali1234im probably doing it wrong00:54
Macerjavispedro: why shouldn't they?00:54
LuciusMareusers should be able to do it - BFUs shouldnt00:54
LuciusMareBFUs shouldnt even get root access00:54
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javispedroMacer: chances for user error are (currently) way too large.00:54
LuciusMareBloody fuckin user,i would say00:54
Macerjavispedro: more like developer assholeness :)00:55
LuciusMareBut in my - original language it is less onfensive - like "Average User john"00:55
lcukjavispedro, but what has changed now than people doing exactly the same in previous years00:55
Macercan't really blame a user over the fact tere are evil or bad developers out there00:55
javispedroMacer: people getting the first .deb they see from the author's homepage without even checking what the target OS is ... ;P00:55
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javispedro... which is clearly written in big letters in a <h2> ...00:55
ali1234yeah, see, debs have an arch field that prevents that level of stupidity00:55
Macerjavispedro: then maybe the author should put the warning in huge bold letters? :)00:55
LuciusMarei take users as even the hackers that make a roflecopter out of from it00:55
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Macerwell. then that is the fault of an idiot user00:56
javispedroali1234: no, i mean diablo vs fremantle00:56
javispedroagain, thinking all of us n810 users don't exist00:56
javispedrothe n900 is not the center of the world dammit!00:56
LuciusMareDarn,okay,it is about 0:00 so i am going to sleep00:56
Macerjavispedro: lies!00:56
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ali1234if you don't want people to install debs, why do you put them on your webpage :)00:56
Macerspeaking of n810.. i should charge mine00:56
Maceri seriosly need to get an n90000:57
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javispedroali1234: touché. the issue is that I've removed them now but it's too late, people are mirroring them.00:57
Klowneranyone have any ideas where a person would find some slight hand-holding for developing OpenGL ES apps for maemo (or anything for that matter)?00:57
MNX1024Anyway, think someone can confirm my previous question?00:57
ali1234fair enough00:57
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ali1234javispedro: even if you never put out a deb, someone would make one00:57
javispedroMNX1024: if it's able to play a media with larger res than builtin screen it's a matter of luck and depends of codecs00:57
lcukKlowner, theres plenty of escort agencies aorund that do the hand holding, not sure how practical they would be as developers00:58
lcukbut you might get lucky00:58
ali1234i mean even if you somehow baleted every deb version on the internets00:58
Klownerlcuk: hrmm, that's a good idea regardless00:58
Klownerlcuk: that'd probably distract me from the desire to tinker with GL stuff00:58
MNX1024My previous question is actually this : Ok than, the N900 can play any file out of the box, as long as it's within its supported codec range, am I correct?00:58
javispedroali1234: and that's the reason the option for installing .debs is gone in fremantle (it was on diablo)00:58
ali1234what about .install files?00:59
kynkycodec range ?00:59
ali1234do they require the file is in extras?00:59
* javispedro hides00:59
MNX1024kynky: what ever codec the N900 supports.00:59
lcukali1234, a .install fiel can specify its own repository00:59
Macerjohn henry is a molester!00:59
javispedroso yes, in a way, it's way around all this.00:59
ali1234does the .install file have a way to check it's the right OS version?00:59
lcukthe .install doesnt but the app manager does00:59
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javispedroyeah, if the repo author knew what he was doing00:59
ali1234javispedro: which i assume you do...01:00
javispedroI actually never had a repo01:00
kynkywell mplayer supports aload of codecs , gstreamer, well it depends on the gstreamer plugins installed , and then it will depend on processing power of n900 and if it an use dsp to do any offload01:00
javispedrowell, had one but removed it nearly half a year ago01:00
KlownerI'll go bug #opengl01:00
ali1234javispedro: lol, even i have a (private) repo :)01:00
kynkythere is always dpkg i thought01:00
MNX1024Can someone tell me how come I can't play a avi file that uses h264 codec?01:01
microlithbecause avi files should never contain h264 streams01:02
kynkyMNX1024, what bitrate, what profile and what res ?01:02
kynkyavi is just a container01:02
MNX1024resolution is 848 x 48001:02
MNX1024audio codec is mpga01:03
kynkycan mplayer play it ?01:03
MNX1024Well, don't know how to access it x terminal, but when using it through kmplayer, I get sounds for the first 2 seconds01:03
MNX1024and then it goes full screen, then starts to flicker.01:04
kynkyi guess having access to logs would be handy, but i guess it might just be easier to transcode01:05
moo-_-MNX1024: probably falls "unsuppoted codec + container"01:05
moo-_-.avi is something non-standard01:05
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MNX1024I thought the N900 supports avi and h26401:05
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moo-_-h264 should be in mp4 container01:05
moo-_-that's standard01:06
kynkysupporting avi is a very vague term01:06
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zaheermMNX1024, it does support h264 in avi01:06
ccookeEvening, all01:06
javispedroevening ccooke :)01:06
zaheermMNX1024, however it only supports h264 basic profile01:06
zaheermMNX1024, h264 is a massive spec, and the n900 only supports a part of it01:06
ali1234javispedro: what was that GLES example code you linked me to the other day? was it 1.1?01:06
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javispedroali1234: no, it was 2.001:07
* ccooke has had a *busy* few days :-)01:07
ali1234i already have written a 2.0 example :)01:07
MNX1024Can someone teach me how to use mplayer through x terminal?01:07
javispedromaybe they borked 1.1 support in recent firmwares..01:07
ali1234nah, i had ogre working with the old SVN version01:08
ali1234but ogre is too huge to add a glGetString on a random line of code, and expect it to work01:08
moo-_-MNX1024: try mplayer yourfilename01:08
ali1234plus the latest doesn;t work :/01:08
MNX1024moo: just that?01:08
MNX1024no need to use cd and such on?01:08
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moo-_-MNX1024: ah naturally01:09
moo-_-but that falls outside "teach how to use mplayer" that's "teach how to use linux" ;)01:10
moo-_-but i can help01:10
moo-_-where is your video file?01:10
MNX1024That would be real nice.01:10
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pillaris apt-get install libqt4-maemo5-dev working for people? I am getting an error for missing two depencies and not knowing where to find them (libgles2-sgx-img-dev and opengles-sgz-img-common-dev)01:12
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MNX1024moo: nevermind, I forgot to put something before the slash, lol. Anyway, it's located here /home/user/documents/file.avi01:13
MNX1024And here I thought something was wrong with my connection to the channel. XD01:13
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MNX1024Well, yea, not sure how to use CD. I couldn't figure out, even after I read several post on it.01:15
moo-_-MNX1024: ok01:15
moo-_-to get your current folder use command "pwd" (process working directory)01:16
moo-_-then cd .. to go up01:16
moo-_-or cd foldername to go down01:16
moo-_-.. = parent folder01:16
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MNX1024Some example would be nice, lol.01:17
MNX1024I'm assuming it will be pwd /home/user/documents ?01:17
AakashPateli thought pwd meant print working dir01:17
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AakashPatelMNX1024: cd /home/user/documents01:18
AakashPatelif you want to get to it01:18
MNX1024AakashPatel: Ok, I get this message when I did you told me: can't cd to.....01:21
AakashPatelMNX1024: type /home/user/documents/01:22
AakashPatelin the terminal01:22
AakashPatelwhats it sa01:22
MNX1024not found01:22
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AakashPatelhm type cd /home/user/d and then press tab01:23
AakashPateloh does maemo's term have tab complete?01:23
luke-jrthat's not a term thing01:23
AakashPatelbash/ash shiz?01:23
MNX1024Does the case of the words matter?01:23
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AakashPateli shouldnt01:23
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AakashPatelMaybe try with a capital Documents01:24
ali1234yes, case matters01:24
AakashPateloh yeah then type with a capital D01:24
MNX1024should home be Home?01:24
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pH5I suspect what you really want might be /home/user/MyDocs/.documents - what you see in the UI is the /home/user/MyDocs folder only.01:26
AakashPateloh heh01:26
MNX1024Ok, I've tried this cd /home/user/Documents and cd /home/user/Documents/ , it still says can't cd to01:26
AakashPatelMNX1024: what pH5 said01:26
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MNX1024yay, I got it, finally01:27
MNX1024No wonder I couldn't get dpkg to work01:28
MNX1024because I was missing mydocs01:28
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moo-_-MNX1024: got it?01:28
moo-_-sleepytime ->01:29
MNX1024Anyway, let's get back to my current issue. If I want to use mplayer to open something, now I would just type "mplayer filename.avi" ?01:29
MNX1024good night01:29
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AakashPatelMNX1024: yeah01:29
ali1234ok, i got the latest ogre to run after adding in the missing #define. i guess i'll have to try to use it to for the glGetString01:30
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lcukhey ccooke01:38
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MNX1024Sorry to be bothering you guys again, I'm trying to access my video clip folder. I can't seem to get it to work01:38
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ali1234javispedro: ok, got it. i see these in the output: GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_stencil801:40
* ccooke discovers that mythtv actually works with the current upgrade. Well, apart from the channel data, so far...01:40
ccookeargh, EWIN. Sorry.01:40
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* ccooke is distracted :-/01:40
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MNX1024Nevermind, I got it.01:42
MNX1024Just quick question, how do I cd files from my memory card?01:43
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lcukMNX1024, cd them?01:44
MNX1024Actually, how do I get to the root of my memory card01:44
MNX1024I have some files there and I need to use mplayer to open them01:45
MNX1024not sure what the directory would look like.01:45
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ccookeMNX1024: the memory card will be /media/mmc1 IIRC01:48
* lcuk was just looking but got sidetracked by the existence of a DCIM folder on it01:48
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* lcuk changes chan01:51
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pillaris anyone here been able to integrate esbox under windows with qt development? I'm having a problem to get it recognize my share01:52
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pillarthe only thing I am able to find about the error is someone else pasting the same error, but no answers..
* lcuk curses having to search megatonnes of code for a single function i know i wrote at one point 01:56
lardmannight all01:56
lcukgnite lardman01:56
* lardman knows that feeling, good luck!01:56
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lcukpillar, thats a rly cool pastebin01:57
pillarlcuk I was excited to see there was someone else with the same problem, but then no answer :/01:58
Macerthe sarah conner chronicles. that's how they end it?01:58
Macerwtf? :)01:58
mikhaswell, I guess no one ported samba/smbclient to fremantle yet?01:58
Macerthat was a bigger let down tha jericho01:58
lcukpillar, note my sarcastic tone.01:58
Macerand bsg01:58
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lcukcheck the pastebin link you pasted01:59
mikhasperhaps just getting an armel deb from the debian repos works, who knows ...01:59
pillarlcuk ok :)01:59
AakashPatelI've made samba work for ARM before01:59
andre__samba is NOT supported in Fremantle. that's it.01:59
AakashPatelwhy not try fremantle :001:59
mikhasandre__, this is about sbox01:59
mikhasnot for the device01:59
mikhashi btw01:59
AakashPatelcompiling samba in sbox is easy peasy01:59
pillarnot trying to support fremantle samba, just trying to get esbox work with linux virtual machine and it needs a windows share in order to work01:59
AakashPatelerm the lib is lol02:00
lcuk"Unknown post id, it may have expired or been deleted"02:00
mikhas"esbox under windows" => needs samba shares to be mounted from inside sbox I guess02:00
pillarmikhas you got it02:00
mikhasAakashPatel, then you could create one of the few useful t.m.o threads =)02:00
pillarlcuk pastebin link didn't work for you?02:01
ali1234works for me :)02:01
AakashPatelHaha I'll make on when i get my n900 from nokia next week02:01
AakashPatelthis week i guess lol02:01
mikhaswhy wait?02:01
mikhasearn karma today!02:01
AakashPateltesting ftw02:01
mikhasit looks as if it would only take you 5 minutes02:01
mikhasand make an esbox user happy =)02:01
* Arkenoi wishes i'd had xterm with smaller softkeys either aligned to the right edge, not to the bottom or with <>[]=| f1-f12 there as well. 02:02
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asidjazzw/ roethlisberger out 2nite the spread/line of the steelers is ridic02:02
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pillarso this error is about smb not compiled for scratchbox?  /home/maemo/.mica/ 62: smbmount: not found02:03
mikhaspillar, yes. I think you only need smbclient, not even the server02:04
mikhaswhatever is providing smbmount02:04
pillarok good to know02:04
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timeless_mbphrm, who poked me?02:07
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dfaureN810 with diablo and Extras enabled: can't install gpe-calendar. It's looking for gpe-icons svn20080114 but only svn20080114 is available. Packaging mistake?02:12
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timeless_mbpanyone here w/ an n900 and a few mins to play around w/ something?02:16
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MrGoosewhere did all the tmobile deals go for the n90002:17
MrGooseIn UK02:17
pupniksomeone else help timeless_mbp02:17
MrGoosewhy arent there any t-mobile deals for the n900 anymore?02:18
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ccookeMrGoose: I think I heard mention of a quota being used up02:19
timeless_mbppupnik: it's fairly simple (it does require root)02:19
MrGoosethat sucks02:19
dfaureok found my answer at
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ccookeMrGoose: Well, note the uncertainty in my comment :-)02:20
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evohi, is anyone using Email app with a Gmail IMAP account?02:22
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timeless_mbpMrGoose: is more useful02:23
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mikhaslove that comment: thanks timeless for giving me a good laugh, appreciated =)02:33
timeless_mbpmikhas: i haven't read the article yet02:33
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philosohperhos easy is it to port desktop application to maemo ?02:34
ali1234what the hell? you need multitouch so you can use it one handed? are they on crack?02:34
mikhaswell, the follow-ups of that guy are a clear +5 funny:
mikhasyeah, it's great stuff02:35
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ali1234philosohper: depends on the app and the dependencies02:36
philosohperhos close is maemo from debian02:37
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philosohperdid they took out many core dependecies ?02:37
ali1234probably not as close as you would like02:37
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philosohperwould be cool to take a media player from desktop userland and put it on maemo602:38
ali1234what, like mplayer?02:38
philosohpermore amarok02:38
mikhasphilosohper, and what about UI?02:38
mikhasyeah, have fun with that ...02:38
ali1234amarok devs will probably do it for you02:39
philosohperali1234:  i thought java wasnt supported02:39
ali1234at least one of them has a n90002:39
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ali1234amarok is a QT app?02:39
philosohperhooo nice02:39
ali1234well, KDE02:39
AakashPatelphilosohper: Did you hear what i said about the rebate?02:39
tarelerulzSo there is only 2 devices that run Maemo ? is there more on the way02:39
philosohperAakashPatel:  no02:39
philosohperwhat about it02:39
AakashPatelIts till good in teh Nokia Store02:39
AakashPatelits still*02:40
ali1234tarelerulz: no and yes02:40
philosohperi still dont understand why maemo mix gnome and QT ?02:40
mikhasphilosohper, because it is possible02:40
philosohperwouldnt be easier to use a KDE derivative ?02:40
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mikhaslook at the qt blogs02:40
mikhas=> someone already did it02:40
tarelerulzali1234: What do you mean no and yes ?02:40
ali1234philosohper: sure, if you want everything in maemo to be a huge sea of buttons and scrollbars02:41
philosohpermikhas:  did what ?02:41
mikhascompile kde + plasma on the n90002:41
ali1234tarelerulz: no, there arn't only 2 maemo devices, there are 4. and yes, there are more on the way.02:41
mikhasand run it02:41
philosohpermikhas:  ok what more asking to understand if there were technical reason behind nokia decision02:42
mikhasmaemo always had  a strong gtk background?02:42
mikhaseven before trolltech was bought?02:42
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tarelerulzDo you all think Nokia is planing on doing something like google and putting out bunch of phones that run Nikia's Linux02:43
ali1234yes, previous maemo versions used gtk. then nokia bought trolltech, so they want to use what they bought.02:43
mikhasand why would you care? your qt apps will run on maemo502:43
ali1234otherwise they wouldn't have bought it02:43
ali1234tarelerulz: google don't make phones02:44
philosohperdo we have an idea on how the dev env would change with maemo 602:44
philosohperi mean how will it be compatible with maemo5 ?02:44
mikhasgo to gitorious and just take a look at the harmattan tech preview + widget gallery?02:44
philosohpermikhas:  i know the UI will be completly revolt02:45
philosohperbut i am talking more under the hood02:45
mikhaslook at the code, lol02:45
mikhasthen you know how complete and fundamental the change is going to be02:45
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mikhasthere was someone on t.m.o writing a pretty good technical review on the harmattan ui02:46
philosohpert.m.o ?02:46
jaemphilosohper, talk.maemo.org02:46
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philosohperbtw about  ovi maps and offline maps02:47
philosohperi heard it does work is that true ?02:47
mikhasthat were the 3 posts02:47
dddd1the forum need more or better mods02:48
mikhaspretty good overview, I'd say02:48
jaemdddd1, what's the issue?02:48
dddd1there are so many trolls it's ridicoulus02:48
dddd1for example this guy02:48
dddd1Hi! I am wondering if the Koran app is coming for n900.>02:48
mikhasphilosohper, it seems you can simply fetch the maps and store them on your n90002:48
dddd1>I am also worried about scrolling... Can n900 handle so much crap at the same time?02:48
dddd1just ban this idiots02:49
dddd1his newest thread:02:49
dddd1>Lack of pirated software - dealbreaker?02:49
mikhasbut again, look at t.m.o or so, I dont remember the links and dont have them in my browser's history02:49
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dddd1or just move those thread to offtopic02:49
jaemdddd1, that first link is actually kind of amusing, albeit annoying to have on the forums02:49
philosohperthe ral question is what will happened to the n900 after maemo6 is out02:51
dddd1the forums were much nicer to read 1 month ago02:51
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dddd1or the n900 - Yes it sucks thread02:51
jaemdddd1, yeah, people are stupid02:51
dddd1it annoys me because the guys just want to provoke others02:51
jaemI could easily point out big flaws in some of the Maemo 5 components, but I like it, and in any case, I wouldn't cause dissension like that02:52
dddd1it okay to point out flaws02:53
dddd1but not to provoke others02:53
dddd1it's just trolling02:53
* jaem nods02:53
dddd1or this posting02:53
dddd1it was his secind posting02:54
* timeless_mbp pokes jaem 02:54
* jaem is poked02:55
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philosohperDROID ROCKS02:58
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Pavlovdrois is pretty nice03:00
Pavlovdroid, too03:00
AakashPatelbut verizon only :(03:00
AakashPatelthats a big dealbreaker03:00
AakashPatelfor me03:01
Pavlovi'm on the fence03:01
Pavlovtheir network is fast03:01
AakashPateltheyre also commie lol03:01
Pavlovand i have a dozen other phones ;/03:01
AakashPatelGet an n900?03:01
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philosohperi am think of getting booth03:01
philosohperbtw AakashPatel  about that rebate ?03:02
AakashPatelYou can use it if you order from amazon03:02
AakashPateland nokia03:02
AakashPatelanywhere really03:02
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philosohperso nokia price is really 569 -50 = 519 ?03:06
AakashPateland tax if youre lucky03:06
AakashPatelplus 4 bucks (or 9 bucks if you're me) for shipping03:07
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AakashPatelexpress is 9 bucks, so i was like 'hell lets go with it'03:07
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philosohperAakashPatel:  what about the cybermonday rebate ?03:11
AakashPateli havent heard anything about it03:11
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AakashPatelso..i want it tuesday so im ordering today lol03:12
AakashPateltuesday or wed if they acutally mean "in stock"03:12
pupniknokia price is you must join community and help us take over galaxy03:13
AakashPatellol what?03:13
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pupnikthe "h" key injects nanite DNA patchers03:14
pupniksorry, wrong chan03:14
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GeneralAntillesHoly crap03:23
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GeneralAntillesI have one 23" screen full of Growl notifications.03:23
sp3000sounds like you need to get a bigger screen03:24
GeneralAntillesUp, and it's got a bunch queued up for me too.03:24
PolarFoxI give up.. Making programs for maemo would be easier if I could make hello world AND run it in the freaking scratchbox :P03:25
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aspiditesname check03:25
PolarFoxTime to get some sleep.. 3:25 AM and I should be working by 10AM :P03:25
philosohperhey does anyone know if droid phone sell bye amazon can be use anywhere ?03:26
GeneralAntillesphilosohper, this is #maemo.03:26
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philosohperi know03:26
GeneralAntillesphilosohper, wrong place to ask about Droid. :)03:26
GeneralAntillesIt's CDMA, however.03:27
philosohperGeneralAntilles:  ok didnt meant to troll03:27
GeneralAntillesSo it'll only work in the US.03:27
jaemGeneralAntilles, is there an extension to the IRC protocol that slaps people with trout when they ask silly questions? :P03:27
philosohperyou just prevent a catastrophy lol03:27
GeneralAntillesjaem, you tell me. :P03:27
aspiditesanyone know where i can get an iphone that....j/k03:27
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GeneralAntillesI keep clicking these things and new ones keep popping up. :(03:28
jaemGeneralAntilles, early versions of KDE4 had a bug where notifications wouldn't disappear03:28
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jaemso they'd just stack up three times the height of your screen in no time03:28
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aspiditesserious question: i know how to make a Xephyr screen that mimicks n900's resolution, but how would i go about mimicking the screen dimensions, ie 3.5 in?03:30
lcukstand further away03:30
lcukuse a smaller monitor03:30
GeneralAntillesaspidites, buy yourself an N900 LCD and wire it up to DVI?03:30
lcukincrease desktop resolution03:30
lcukuse vnc with scaling function03:31
aspiditesicuk, the vnc idea sounds more feasible, will try that.03:31
GeneralAntilleslol, crashanddie is a whore.03:31
aspiditesstanding further away wouldn't work as i'm already nearly legally blind and don't have a wireless keyboard03:31
lcukaspidites, how do you find normal ui work?03:32
cehtehsome vnc's offer a scaling feature but you loose resolution and sharpness of course03:32
lcukGeneralAntilles, which post?03:32
GeneralAntilleslcuk, the bit about the passport in here.03:32
luke-jraspidites: if you're using VNC anyway, might use Xvnc instead of Xephyr03:33
aspiditesIcuk. not sure i understand the question.03:33
cehtehdoes xvnc support enough extensions for maemo?03:34
AakashPateln900 order placed :D03:34
AakashPatelYour order is now in place and is estimated to take 1-3 days to reach you.03:34
aspiditescongrats aakashpatel.03:34
jaemAakashPatel, woot03:34
AakashPatelim excited03:34
cehtehothers wait since 1-3 months for it :P03:34
AakashPatelNokia USA ftw03:35
aspiditeswill check that out luke-jr. sharpness i'm not too worried about. i'm just trying to convert an app i am developing to maemo/hildon and wanted to get a true idea of how much screen real estate i had03:35
Chapbassgrats aakashpatel03:35
jaemAakashPatel, try getting one in Canada03:35
cehtehwell .. i wait, others can be the test bunnies :P03:35
AakashPateljaem: Pay me and ill ship one to you03:35
jaemI was lucky to get mine two days before they launched, since I'm doing a university project03:35
lcukaspidites, the firsttime i experienced maemo5 was with vnc onto my n810 :)03:35
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jaemlcuk, lol03:36
jaemfrom the SDK?03:36
Chapbassalright, noob question:  for some odd reason I cant find the place in the maemo talk user CP to edit sigs...anyone point me to it?03:36
lcukfrom qwertys sdk actually03:36
Chapbassaccording to search it should be in edit options03:36
* jaem points to a page on his screen03:36
Chapbassbut it isnt there...03:36
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GeneralAntillesChapbass, how many posts do you have?03:37
Chapbassah, that might be why03:37
Chapbassjust signed up today...3 posts i think03:37
luke-jraspidites: you should not be using pixels anyway.03:37
cehtehaspidites: you can make a screenshot and scale it down :P03:37
jaemcehteh, just push printscreen really fast, eh/03:38
Chapbasswas just about to ask if there was a restriction on that03:38
luke-jraspidites: design everything in inches (or centimeters if you like metric), and let the widgets do their job of fitting pixels03:38
GeneralAntillesChapbass, think it's 5.03:38
cehtehor use some compositing window manager which supports window scaling03:38
Chapbassalright, thanks GeneralAntilles03:38
cehteh /zooming03:38
cehtehwell i dont know any03:38
cehtehor momemnt compiz allows that? zoom out too?03:38
cehtehi dont use that crap :P03:39
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aspiditesluke-jr, well i figured i needed to match the n900's resolution to get a real idea of how things would scale03:39
luke-jraspidites: if it makes a difference, it's a bug03:40
aspiditesi'm not worried about widgets not fitting - thats what layout managers are for. i'm worrying about the interface feeling too crowded. i guess though that "perception" should be resolution independent...03:42
jaemaspidites, I missed the beginning - where are you doing your development?03:42
lcukin his bedroom03:43
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jaemlcuk, har har... I meant in what environment on his computer03:43
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* lcuk beds anyway03:43
aspiditesIcuk. your joke is wrong. that should have been mother's basement if i recall03:43
lcukgnite guys03:43
jaemg'night, lcuk03:43
aspiditesi'm developing under linux03:44
jaemaspidites, in scratchbox, or externally, though?03:44
aspidites2.6.31 kernel if that matters03:44
jaemah, I see03:44
aspiditesreally just started so i haven't really committed to a set up yet. figured it would be easiest to do everything from inside scratchbox though, other than ui design, which i do wiht designer (qt)03:45
aspiditesmay just wait until i get my device though. btw i envy all of you that have already received one03:47
jaemhmm... yeah I just checked if Xephyr supports scaling, and it doesn't look like it03:48
jaemaspidites, if I'm around, feel free to ask me to test your app03:48
jaemwhich WM are you using?03:48
aspiditesif i'm playing around or demoing linux to friends kde 4.3, if i'm working musca03:49
jaemhmm... yeah, I guess your only option for scaling would be vnc, then03:50
jaemthat must be annoying03:50
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aspiditesdamn. i'll deal. i still need to refactor the UI/UX anyways03:52
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Venomrushanyone familiar with the crash reproter?03:52
jaemaspidites, what are you working on, if you don't mind telling?03:52
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aspiditesright now its little more than a deck editor for a trading card game, but ideally it would allow you to play the tcg online with friends03:53
aspiditesran into road blocks, then i set eyes on n900 and wanted to port :-)03:53
jaemwhat was your initial target?03:54
aspiditescross platform. but linux > windows > mac (some of the libraries that the program currently depends on are a pita to install on os x)03:55
aspiditesi doubt posting urls is allowed here ,but i have a dev blog documenting my success/failure with the project03:55
jaemgo ahead03:55
jaemthere's no issue with that03:55
aspiditesaside from some coding roadblocks, i ran into life problems as well which helped stagnate development03:57
jaemit looks good, althouigh TCGs aren't really my thing03:58
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aspiditesright. kind of a niche project. really i just didn't like a similar project that runs on windows because there was no support for linux and the community was rather...rude?03:59
* jaem nods03:59
jaemthat's as good a reason as any03:59
aspiditesplus it was closed source and i figured my project was open source so if it ever picked up and i quite someone else could continue04:00
aspiditesyou developed anything for maemo yet?04:00
jaema bit04:00
jaeman initial port of a game in August that I haven't gotten back to yer >_<04:01
jaemand I'm working on a research project at university04:01
jaemunder wraps, though04:01
jaemI'm fighting with BlueZ docs right now for that project :/04:01
jaemdo you have any experience with it?04:01
aspiditesnope. never had any reason too, though i imagine i will.04:02
aspiditesi'm thinking i might want to develop some widgets before i tackle porting my project.04:03
aspiditeswhat toolkit are you leveraging?04:03
jaemyeah, I was thinking of that04:03
aspiditesnice. pyqt or is pyside usable?04:03
jaemthe backend library is done mostly in C04:03
jaemwrapped in Qt04:03
jaemand then a C++/Qt frontend04:03
aspiditesa c++ nvm04:03
jaemwe need the speed04:04
aspiditesdunno why i assumed python ;-)04:04
aspiditesesp. considering you said game. wish i had the time/patience to mess with c/++ again04:04
jaemthis isn't a game04:05
jaemthat was somethng else04:05
aspiditesnot that i remember anthing about either other than i hate semi-colons04:05
timeless_mbpjaem: so... can strace save us? :(04:07
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jaemtimeless_mbp, never used it - what do you need done?04:09
timeless_mbpapt-get install strace [probably tools repo?]04:10
timeless_mbpstrace -f /usr/bin/maemo-summoner /usr/bin/worldclock.launch04:10
timeless_mbp(something like that)04:10
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aspiditeswell thansk all. thinking about frequenting this channel more often once i get the ball rolling again.04:19
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jaemaspidites, please do - glad to help out04:20
asidjazzfast hard tough dixon me all night long04:20
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asidjazz(mistell was for #football)04:22
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philosohpersomeone know about the cybermonday thing ?04:27
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Ford_PrefectDoes anyone see libc-dev-bin in their package list?04:37
Macergrace jones was one ugly bitch04:39
cehteh'was' ?04:40
Macershe isn't dead04:40
Macerwell. if she is alive.. then damn she is still one ugly bitch04:40
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ShadowJK_anyone posted instructions for getting pipe shortcut back in xterm yet?04:52
cehtehsdk or on the device?04:53
jaemShadowJK_, that reminds me - is there a fix for vim doing strange things on the N900?04:53
jaemlike when I type :q, and it types a newline and a capital 'M'04:53
ShadowJK_I'm not a vim user really, have only used vi in a pinch :)04:54
jaemShadowJK_, ah.  vi works fine04:55
jaembut I often try to fiddle with code in CS class, remoting one of my computers, and it doesn't play nicely04:55
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ShadowJK_cehteh: device mostly. is it different in the sdk?04:55
jaemin fact, I generally have to kill it04:55 doing so, I found out that my uni's server nicely mails you a note telling you how to recover your files from vi or ed if the connection hangs up on you04:55
cehtehi read about some shortcut with the function key ... you dont have the function key on the sdk04:56
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* ShadowJK_ added | with some gconftool abuse04:59
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jaemShadowJK_, info?05:01
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ShadowJK_gconftool-2 -t list -s --list-type string /apps/osso/xterm/keys "[bar,Tab,Escape,Page_Up,Page_Down]"05:07
ShadowJK_gconftool-2 -t list -s --list-type string /apps/osso/xterm/key_labels "[|,Tab,Esc,PgUp,PgDn]"05:07
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ShadowJK_huh, pasting multiple lines from Notes to xchat didn't work :)05:08
ShadowJK_(had to manually copy both individually)05:09
jaemhmm... do you know of any Maemo apps that connect to a BT device which I could use for reference?05:09
jaemI'm trying to figure out how best to do this, and it's taking forever05:09
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ShadowJK_I saw one in extras claiming to send arbitrary files over bluetooth05:10
pupnikis there a food or drug i can take that will make video games feel like i was 9 years old in 1978?05:10
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jaempupnik, were you eating or on drugs when you were 9?05:11
jaemthat might make a difference05:11
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pupnikno, i was just new05:11
pupniksalute jaem :)05:12
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pupnikwe are on a quest05:12
pupnikjust looking at a cup my mom bought.  remembering her expression as she suggested we buy it.05:13
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ShadowJK_oh, there's bluemaemo, of course :)05:15
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jaemShadowJK_, yes, but that's the opposite of what I need05:16
jaemlol @ ad fail: "Find Zellers Store Hours at Great Prices"05:19
jaemwait... now I need to pay for that?05:19
jaemI used to just have to wait through annoying phone messages telling me to get lost and visit the website05:19
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ShadowJK_opposite? I'm not sure there's a difference :)05:22
ShadowJK_atleast not the connecting bit of it05:23
ShadowJK_also Petrovich05:24
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asidjazzthe app manager needs to detect and display new apps05:46
ShadowJK_it'd be kinda funny now when the repos die and resurrect all the time :)05:47
jaemShadowJK_, the issue is that I need to scan to see if a known device is around, and if so, connect to it silently, only asking the user to search/pair if it can't find a trusted device05:47
GeneralAntillesasidjazz, patches welcome. ;)05:48
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jaemShadowJK_, and I'm just not sure what the best way to do that is05:49
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philosohperany one know about the cybermonday thing ?05:52
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pupnikreply sent to:05:56
pupnikit makes you stupid philosohper05:56
jaemphilosohper, what's this about?05:57
pupnikmy tits05:57
philosohperpupnik:  ?05:57
pupniksorry drive by comment05:58
philosohperphilosohper:  just read some rumor on t.m.o about a cerbermonday rebate code for nokia usa05:58
pupniki hate phrases like 'black friday', 'cyber monday' and hope people who find such things meaningful have industrial accidents involving reproductive organs.05:58
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jaemFYI, qdbus tools available here:
jaemfor the N900, that is06:05
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jaemI thought they might be useful for someone06:05
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tran228who have better touch iphone 3gs or n900 ?06:06
jkimball4on how you use them06:06
tran228what do you mean depens06:06
tran228you can explain ?06:06
jkimball4i phone has multitouch and is capacitive06:06
jkimball4so your finger has to touch it06:07
jkimball4but you can use a bunch of fingers if you want and they all register06:07
tran228i dont really need a multitouch06:07
tran228just a better touch06:07
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jkimball4n900 requires pressure as opposed to requiring your finger to conduct electricity06:07
tran228for messages ( i want to use virtual qwerty keyboard) and internet and numbers..06:08
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jkimball4n900 is a better typing experience since it has real buttons06:08
jkimball4it's not really that much thicker considering it has a full keyboard06:08
tran228yes i know but i prefer virtual keyboard06:09
* rm_you|wtf boggles06:09
* jkimball4 boggles too06:09
jkimball4so you know virtual is crap, but you still prefer it?06:09
* rm_you|wtf pokes tran228 06:09
rm_you|wtfare you a REAL person?06:09
* rm_you|wtf thinks we should run a turing test06:09
tran228i love the touch06:10
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ShadowJK_I can swipe the smudges off the screen without it registering touches06:11
ShadowJK_but no problem activating context menus and picking the right option even with fingers06:11
jkimball4i guess.. might as well use someone else finger.. you'll get just as much tactile sensation06:11
ShadowJK_the n8x0 touchscreen made it hard even with stylus06:11
pupnikfix fuckin pulseaudio06:13
tran228nokia x6 will be better :)06:13
jkimball4pulseaudio = manure06:13
pupniki think we will have to live with it06:13
pupniki think we will have to live with n900 being as fast as n800 when it plays back audio06:13
pupnikwhich was slower than N770 in some ways06:14
pupnikcome on06:14
pupnikyou guys06:14
pupniktell me how to disable eq and x-prot06:14
pupniki will be an annoying ass if you don't06:15
pupniki'm a black belt at that06:15
pupnikok, unfair, 5:15 am06:16
pupnik4 weeks nokia06:16
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jaemwho's the contact for the Maemo connectivity stacks?06:17
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jaem"Think in terms of finding the double barrel shotgun in Doom, getting the Holy Grenade in Worms, looting an epic item in WoW, getting super cow powers in Aptitude." - lol06:20
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ShadowJK_with headphones the lowest volume setting on n900 isn't low enough :/06:37
ShadowJK_but the sound is much less hissy than on n8x0 :)06:37
Proteousjust turn your ears down06:37
Chaniworksforme... but... I think I was using my n810'ss headphones06:38
Proteousyour ears don't have volume controls?06:38
cehtehhuh you cant turn it to nearly silence?06:38
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* cehteh thinks thats a bug06:38
cehtehsame for lighting ... can you turn it as much down that its barely readable in a dark room?06:39
* cehteh has his laptop brightness almost always down at the lowest level06:40
* Chani thinks it's a bug that turning the volume down doesn't affect sound effects06:40
Chanihave to actually set it to sielent mode to avoid being woinken up by random messages06:40
ShadowJK_it doesn't go as low as n810 with the combined brightness and volume applet06:40
ShadowJK_I wish I could turn off ts sounds but keep the vib06:40
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GeneralAntillesShadowJK_, we're working on it. ;)06:42
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* ShadowJK_ ponders about volume06:43
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ShadowJK_the lowest isn't uncomfortably loud, but it's significantly louder than what I usually listen at, and obviously very far from a what I'd listen at f I just want something qin the background..06:45
ShadowJK_something quiet*06:45
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jaemmy issue is that I have to turn notification sounds off when I go to sleep so that a daily digest e-mail doesn't wake me up at 4am, but then I forget to switch it back on06:46
jaemChani, hi06:47
Chanio hai06:47
jaemI was just discussing my DBus problem with the folks in #qt06:47
jaemI think it's just bad docs on Nokia's part06:47
jaemwhich has made me waste quite a bit of time :/06:47
pupnikit happens06:47
pupniki know its frustrating06:47
ShadowJK_oh nice. alsamixer can make it go lower06:47
jaemwell, when the docs say a method returns something, and it apparently doesn't, and you're new enough to the technology that you don't realize that...06:48
jaemit's really frustrating06:48
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pupnikand try to take notes jaem06:48
jaemShadowJK_, is the system notification volume handled on a layer above alsa?06:48
pupniki was always bad at that06:48
jaempupnik, yes, I am going to write a long blog post about this afterward :P06:49
ShadowJK_jaem: dunno06:49
jaemand then e-mail it to myself two days ago06:49
jaemseriously, though - the lack of a good, solid, up-to-date tutorial on BlueZ is astounding06:49
ShadowJK_i have the silent profile on now anyway06:49
jaemeverything I can find is outdated, incomplete, or far too verbose for a beginner06:50
jaemthere was a book that looked helpful, but it wasn't free, wasn't in my uni's library, and was probably outdated too :/06:50
ShadowJK_and the userspace tools no longer work with bluez, so you can spend days wondering wtf06:50
jaemShadowJK_, which tools?06:51
ShadowJK_rfcomm was dead at one point06:51
jaemit would be kind of nice if you could define your own profiles, e.g. ring for calls, but not e-mail/IM alerts, but that would likely be too complicated for most users06:51
jaemwait... what?06:52
jaemyou mean rfcomm the program?06:52
jaemI thought you meant the rfcomm subsystem, and I was temporarily feeling doomed ;)06:52
cehtehno fuse on the n900 kernel?06:53
* ShadowJK_ sets PCM to -18dB with alsamixer06:53
ShadowJK_I bet it will be too quiet without headphones now..06:54
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ShadowJK_ah no. it reset eveything to 0dB.. good thing i didnt touch the uservisible sound controls or Id be deaf now :)06:55
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pupnikthe usa is a meat malignancy07:14
pupnikno wait07:15
pupnikbetter metaphor07:15
pupnikthe USA is a hive of insects07:15
doc|home^ and that kids, is why you shouldn't do drugs07:16
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GeneralAntillespupnik, :(07:19
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tigertcehteh: at least theres sshfs in repository07:19
cehtehah ok, didnt found it on the emulator07:19
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cehtehbut some packages are only on ARMEL07:19
jaemtigert, which repo?  I'd been wondering about that07:23
jaemthat would greatly simplify my testing workflow07:23
pupnikdoc|home: you sir are unwelcome here07:26
cehtehyou need kernel support for fuse, that was my initial question07:26
pupnikyou gain nothing from being here07:27
pupnikand you will cause harm07:27
doc|homenow now arnim, there's no need for that07:27
pupniknow now doc|home look at what i have for you07:27
cehtehguess no crypto in the kernel either so i have to build a kernel anyways :P07:27
pupnikdo you want to chat live?07:27
doc|homewhy would I want to chat with someone who seems to be off their meds?07:28
pupniki think you are just digging, digging, digging07:28
pupnikfor a landmine doc07:28
* ShadowJK_ recommends he use of /ignore07:28
doc|homeer, what?07:28
doc|homefair point07:29
* doc|home goes to do something productive07:29
pupnikdoc|home is quite possibly one of the most evil persons on this network07:29
pupnika so-called gatekeeper07:30
pupnikand spy07:30
pupnikfull-on evil alert07:30
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pupnikit's just my spidey senses tingling, guys07:31
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pupniky'all have to keep a sharp eye on your servers07:31
pupnika very, very sharp eye07:31
doc|homethat's libel07:31
pupnikcause the doc is here to treat you07:32
pupnikthe doc|home07:32
pupnikdoc|home and doc|work are nicks you should never, ever, ever chat with :)07:33
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doc|homeyes! I'm evil!07:33
pupniksorry maemo07:33
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doc|homewhat a whackjob07:33
doc|homewe've had run-ins in the past, he's a couple of cans short of a six-pack07:34
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tigertcehteh: tested and it worked07:49
tigertso it is in kernel07:49
tigertjaem: maemo extras maybe?07:50
GeneralAntillesdoc|home, never trust the dark liquors. ;)07:50
tigertor -devel07:50
doc|homeGeneralAntilles: hehe07:50
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* RST38h moos08:14
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* jaem is annoyed at Nokia08:22
jaemspecifically, at whoever wrote this:
jaemI've spent a good portion of today trying to figure out why show_search_dlg doesn't seem to return anything, only to find out that it looks like it /actually/ doesn't08:23
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jaembut since they didn't add DBus Introspection, I've having trouble making sure08:24
jaemalso, I had to code up the Introspection XML file myself08:24
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jaemwho would I complain to about that?  I don't want to file a bug, since part of it probably isn't one, and the rest definitely isn't, but it's rather annoying08:26
jaems/complain/talk/ :P08:27
lcukfile a bug.  its the best way to make sure devs see it08:27
jaemlcuk, okay, fair enough08:27
wrapsteri have just finished writing a python app .. would like to provide a UI for it.. would it be better to use python itself or qt?08:27
lcukand you can discuss it rationally08:27
wrapstermind you that i need to later port it to maemo as well!!08:27
jaemif they'd done things a bit better, it would have saved me a lot of frustration :P08:27
jaemwrapster, Qt's nice, although I haven't used it with Python08:28
jaemand it's about as cross-platform as you can get with that sort of thing08:28
jaemlcuk, thanks08:28
lcukjaem, bugs occur all the time in all software. only when someone else codes up new stuff (instead of using the existing) do things get discovered.  as a dev you should know that08:28
jaemlcuk, yes... but I'm still learning DBus, and I'm not entirely certain it isn't my fault08:29
jaemso I was hesitant08:29
jaembut at any rate, there are some ways they could improve it08:29
lcuknahhh from my own code08:29
lcuki know how easily i could write something like that08:29
lcukand forget to return correct result08:30
lcukespecially since theres a result variable specifically afterwards08:30
jaembut the lack of Introspection ability is annoying08:30
lcukso dbus allows it does it?08:30
wrapsterjaem: here is the thing.. i was here yday as well.. and got the pythong app running on n900 now if you could suggest what could be a good option for a UI it will be great.. im new to python (UI programming) and qt so does not make differnce.08:31
jaemintrospection? yes, but you have to implement the right interface08:31
jaemand write up some XML08:31
jaem26 lines, but I had to look it up for the first time, and do it by hand08:31
wrapsterbut if you could point me out to some links where such a thing has already been done for n900 i can take a look at it and learn faster.. pressed for time thats y.08:31
jaemwrapster, I'd say go with Qt, but I've never tried GTK08:31
jaemwrapster, I'll try - give me a sec08:32
wrapsterjaem: ok08:32
jaemwhat's the project?08:32
lcukwrapster, learn to oogle08:32
lcukno1 can show you a full ui subsystem08:32
lcukqt python thingy08:32
lcukpygame even08:32
lcukany of hte common examples will work on device08:32
jaemlcuk, I don't think wrapster wanted a complete run-down, just code for reference08:32
jaemI presume the N900 is using PySide for Qt, right?08:33
wrapsterjaem: correct..08:33
lcuki think so08:35
wrapsterjaem: im dont have the phone so some one on the IRC should only help me.08:35
jaemwrapster, are you getting one?08:35
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wrapsterjaem: should be in sometime though08:35
jaempeople here are usually happy to test, but you'll want your own :P08:35
wrapsterjaem: i know that.. but could you please let me in on this one....08:36
jaemwrapster, well, as lcuk and I said, if you want to use Qt with Python, you'll want PySide08:36
wrapsterhmm ok.08:36
jaemI'm not sure how stable that is (and thus, which repo it would be in), but a quick search should tell you that08:36
jaemQt has pretty good documentation, and if you search for "PySide examples", or some such, that should get you going08:37
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meceBoss just handed me 2 N900's :)08:53
Sargunfuck you08:53
* Sargun had his n900 ship08:53
doc|homefor the record doc|suk|dik = pupnik08:53
* Sargun is waiting for his N90008:55
doc|homeNov 29 04:05:36 *pupnik ( has joined #maemo08:55
Sargunit should get her tomorrow08:55
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GeneralAntillesdoc|suk|dik, don't make me call Freenode in on you.08:56
GeneralAntillesdoc|suk|dik, impersonation will get you a k-line.08:57
GeneralAntillesSo, let's try not to be a prick tonight, thanks.08:57
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doc|homeI should have pointed out he mispelt dick08:57
* doc|home shrugs08:57
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simula_does anyone know of a link that could help me resize my /home partition at the expense of /home/user/MyDocs?09:01
simula_or a way to make /home/user/MyDocs executable... removing noexec from the fstab entry gets the fstab file rewritten on startup09:03
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Proteousbrilliant spam filter evasion: This pills will help you "resize your /home partition"09:03
meceSargun, These are not mine as such though. It's phones for developing crap on for work. My own phone should be here friday or monday09:04
jaemmece, yeah, same for me, only I can't afford my own :(09:04
jaemthat said, I should be able to keep the loaner for a while09:04
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ShadowJK_i feel fear each time i touch bugzilla and it spews out mails to a bunch of people09:09
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* Stskeeps wtf's at
lorelei^isn't tmo a huge wtf since a few months ago? (but yeah, wtf that thread also...)09:22
Stskeepsespecially since we don't really have DRM or the likes on the platform..09:23
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Stskeepsalso, we need to ban the word 'dealbreaker'09:24
lorelei^:) that, and a few more words09:25
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ShadowJK_how about automatic word substitutions instead?09:25
ShadowJK_s/dealbreaker/squealingbadger/g on all of tmo09:26
Stskeepsand s/
* ShadowJK_ wonders how many people will shoot him if he opens a "Lowest volume is not low enough" bug09:27
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Xisdibikis qwerty still sleeping? :O09:31
Stskeepsor he's in school09:31
* Xisdibik also shoots ShadowJK_ for opening that bug ;)09:32
XisdibikStskeeps: if i had a n900, and was in school, id be on IRC :-P09:32
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* lorelei^ won't shoot ShadowJK_ (my N800 FM receiver is too loud, even with everything at the minimum...don't know for N900)09:33
Ford_Prefect<3 mem-monitor-smaps09:34
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lcukXisdibik, in my sons school they confescate tech till the end of *term*09:35
lcukimagine 3 months without new n90009:36
jaemlcuk, yikes!09:36
jaemwe didn't have fancy schmancy N900s when I was in high school09:36
luke-jrlcuk: go get it yourself?09:36
jaemwe relied on our trusty TI-83+'s for games09:36
luke-jrlcuk: if they refuse to give it to you, that's called theft09:36
Xisdibiklcuk: would you give your son a n900? :P09:36
lcukXisdibik, its any tech09:36
KenYoungI used a slide rule!09:36
jaemI was the only guy in the school with a link cable, so I supplied all the games09:36
lcukbut yeah id love to get him one09:36
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lcukhe keeps kickin mine and goin mental at what it does09:37
Xisdibiklcuk: why would you send him to that kinda school, sounds like prison :P09:37
jaem...and then laughed while everyone got busted for playing games in math class09:37
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Xisdibikbetter hope hes not kickin ur n900 :D09:37
Stskeepsjaem: and the ti83's very likely the only devices they couldn't take away as it was needed for class09:37
jaemthe usual punishment for which was to spend all of lunch break doing purposely tedious long division problems09:37
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jaemeasy, but very tedious09:37
Xisdibiki used my ti83 for games as well back in the day :)09:37
jaemStskeeps, they would, actually, but only for part of the day09:38
lcukback in my day calculators didnt come supplied with games09:38
lcukwe had to make our own up lol09:38
Xisdibiklcuk: thats an abbacus not a calculator ;)09:38
jaemI remember at one point I got someone to pay me $5 to tell him what the boss-button for one of the shells was09:38
jaemand then I laughed as he got busted anyway09:38
plr_I had ti85 and a link cable :) (well, still do - don't know about the cable though)09:38
lcukwe used to see who could get the 1++ counter upto 1000 fastest09:38
jaem...of course, the info was easily available online09:38
Xisdibikyea i still have my ti8309:38
lcukonline o_O09:39
jaemXisdibik, I do too, but I normally just use either my N810 or N900 to emulate it09:39
Xisdibikthats one piece of tech that hasnt changed much in recent years09:39
lcukthat was something psoken of in hushed circles at my school09:39
jaemlcuk, meh... apparently $5 was worth less than the time to Google it09:39
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Xisdibikjaem: well im in university now, and during exams the teacher wont let us use our mobiles,   but a ti83 is ok ;)09:39
Xisdibiki had one teacher let me use my mobile for calculating once09:40
jaemXisdibik, my uni is pretty strict09:40
Xisdibikmy uni is very relaxed09:40
jaemI think the official banned items list for exams now includes programmable watches09:40
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Xisdibikthe strictest bit is some teachers require photo id, so they know its you and not someone else taking the exam09:40
Xisdibikbut they are few and far between09:41
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jaemlast semester, when they put the extended list in place, I checked and realized I had 13 objects on my person that violated their rules :P09:41
jaemon an average day09:41
Xisdibikas long as your not actively cheating, most teachers dont care what u use on an exam09:41
Xisdibikbut god so many students cheat in the big lecture classes09:41
jaemhmm... here they care, just on principle09:41
lcuk"sorry, just need to bring my study coach in with me"09:41
meceheh found a bug!09:41
jaemwell, some cell phones have a "vibrate SMS in morse code" feature - I have to wonder if anyone has exploited that yet09:42
jaemobscure, yes - easy to get away with, also yes09:42
jaemnot that I would09:42
jaembut it is vaguely amusing09:42
Xisdibikmy econometrics teacher wont let me near a computer during an exam except the class ones,  because he knows i know alot about them09:43
Xisdibikfirst day of class i tought him how to do everything he was teaching us faster ;)09:43
lcukbuzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzz buzz09:43
lcukcould work09:44
lcukreally well09:44
Xisdibikit would work well until randomly between morse code exam answers09:44
Xisdibikyour mom texts you asking to get milk on the way home, or something to that effect09:44
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lcukdepending on where you hide the device and choice of ringtone you have, there could also be some other comical sideeffects09:45
mecehey could someone recreate this (very minor) bug on their N900?09:45
jaemlcuk, oh... let me tell you about that >:)09:46
jaemfirst year09:46
jaemI got a new cell phone09:46
jaemand the carrier gave me one free ring tone download (the most generous thing they've ever done :/)09:46
Xisdibikare you sure we wanna hear this jaem? :p09:46
jaemmost of them were stupid pop songs and celebrity quotes09:46
jaemXisdibik, yes09:46
Xisdibikhaha k09:46
jaemand the only one that looked interesting was "Air Raid Siren"09:46
Xisdibiklol09:47 can probably see where this is going09:47
Xisdibikbut continue09:47
jaemI accidentally left it on during an exam, in the front of the room09:47
jaemit rang...09:47
jaemmuffled, under a coat, and due to the acoustics of the lecture hall, it was hard to tell where it was coming from09:47
jaemmy prof freaked out and tried to evacuate the room09:47
jaemand I sheepishly say... "that's... my... phone..."09:48
jaemright before everyone runs out09:48
jaemI didn't get in trouble, though09:48
Xisdibikdid you get an A in that class? :)09:48
jaemI think the prof was too embarrassed to mention it09:48
ML-37_770 great09:49
meceHey anyone here with an N900?09:49
ML-37_770lol thats great09:49
Xisdibikno one here has a n90009:49
Xisdibikthey are vaporware09:49
mecefigured :P09:49
ML-37_770just   ordeered mine09:49
jaemmece, what do you need?09:49
meceeither way. in xterm, ssh to a server, then exit from the server.09:50
jaemwhat're you wondering?09:50
mecethe title of the xterm remains that of the remote server09:50
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jaemyeah, that happens on KDE sometimes too09:50
jaemnot sure why09:50
tigertyour local prompt doesnt set title maybe09:50
* jaem slaps mece with a trout09:50
tigertmost linux distros do that in bash09:50
meceI guess so.09:50
tigertbut n900 has ash09:51
meceit's not bash though.09:51
tigertyou can apt-get install bash09:51
tigertI guess09:51
tigertso I dunno if ash supports such prompt stuff09:51
jaemtigert, I really wish it didn't use BusyBox09:51
jaembut I guess it's reasonable09:51
tigertjaem: space reasons yeah09:51
meceok well I wont file a bug then..09:51
jaemyay!  I'm not getting the "This will probably end badly..." error anymore :D09:51
Xisdibikthought it was a dealbreaker mece ;)09:51
jaemthat's probably a good thing09:51
meceXisdibik, it got better.09:52
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meceXisdibik, e.g I'm no longer a newt09:52
Xisdibikwhat are you now? a toad?  salamander?09:53
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meceXisdibik, What are nerds no longer into monty python? Shame on you!09:55
mecenerds are just too cool for their own good these days.09:56
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Xisdibikmece: i havnt seen monty python things in years09:56
Xisdibikits also midnight so my brains on standby09:57
timeless_mbpjaem: our physics teacher had a policy about the ti's09:57
jaemmece, since nerds aren't cool by definition, a non-zero value of cool is also by definition not good for them ;)09:57
timeless_mbpwe had to reset their memory09:57
timeless_mbpor trade ours in for tests09:57
jaemtimeless_mbp, ha! there were apps to fake that09:57
timeless_mbpsince i always had programs09:57
jaemit's dead easy09:57
timeless_mbpafaik no one cheated it09:57
jaemthat's good09:57
jaemI don't endorse cheating, but I can appreciate genius as long as it's not /too/ evil09:58
timeless_mbpanyway, i always had stuff on mine that i didn't want to lose, so i always traded09:58
Xisdibikyea im against cheating, but finding loopholes isnt cheating ;)09:58
timeless_mbpjaem: formally, there's an @author line in your .h file09:58
mecejaem, yes but nerds, or at least nerdy things are seen in a very different way than they were 20 years ago.09:58
timeless_mbpi'd email it just for kicks09:58
jaemtimeless_mbp, I don't know if they still sell them, but did you ever see the "school calculator" models, with the bright orange backplates?09:59
jaemtimeless_mbp, where?09:59
timeless_mbpthe /fremantle/ url you posted over an hour ago09:59
timeless_mbpyou were complaining about dbus introspection?09:59
jaemoh, that's what you meant10:00
jaemyeah, that might be worthwhile10:00
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Xisdibikalright i cant stay awake any longer, see you all later10:00
jaemg'night Xisdibik10:00
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mece"who" doesn't seem to work properly on this thing...10:03
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luke-jrmece: or you don't know how to use it ;)10:05
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meceluke-jr, how do I use it then?10:07
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jaemluke-jr, how many ways are there to use the "who" command?10:13
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* jaem runs man who10:14
jaem....apparently a lot... nvm10:14
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meceman is not installed apparently.10:15
jaemmece, nope10:15
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jaembut manpages are usually on the web10:15
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luke-jrI actually thought he meant the IRC WHO command...10:18
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Stskeepsthat one has a lot of options too10:19
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luke-jrStskeeps: but no man page10:20
Stskeepssure it does, /who -? on some ircds10:20
ShadowJKheh, not on this one10:21
luke-jrthat's not a man page10:21
ShadowJKA man page would be useless, the syntax and features varies somewhat between servers10:22
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luke-jr[02:22:31] *** SOTFts32721 is now known as hey.10:23
luke-jr[02:22:33] <-- hey has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).10:23
luke-jrmy bot gets a LITTLE smarter?10:23
luke-jrnow if only he stuck around after renaming XD10:23
meceluke-jr, maybe he's shy10:23
Stskeepsyou are now as intelligent as people communicating through no-nickname-changes mode..10:23
meceyou think my (workplace's) phone will explode if I add the sdk tools repository and install some crap from there?10:24
jaemmece, yes10:24
jaemyes I do10:24
jaemliterally explode10:24
mecejaem, explode, really?10:24
jaemand probably blow a hole in the wall10:24
jaemmece, known bug10:24
mecejaem, well now I really have to try it.10:24
luke-jrlol10:24 "feature"10:24
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jaemin case you need to blow up a wall10:24
mecejaem, well, I could do with a bigger office10:25
jaemno, but seriously, don't10:25
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viggibasic McGyver feature :p10:25
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jaemas far as I know, you should be able to run an sdk chroot10:25
meceso where do I get x11-utils then?10:25
jaemthere's a forum thread - Google it10:25
luke-jrthe next 'hey' parted and rejoined...10:25
lcukmece i have built using my n900 since the day i got it10:25
jaemI'm not sure if they've worked it all out yet, but it should be possible10:26
jaemlcuk, how?10:26
lcukone of the first things i attempted to do was setup build-essential :)10:26
jaemon the device's rootfs?10:26
lcukon a clean device its pretty simple10:26
jaemor in a chroot?10:26
mecelcuk, figured as much. I just want some shell tools for playing around. have a couple of users logged in on the phone.10:26
jaemand it didn't eat your hamster?10:26
jaemI thought the sdk repo was prone to do that10:26
lcukadd sdk and tools10:26
lcukmake sure there was enough space10:26
lcukapt-getinstall build-essential10:26
jaemI presume they don't install to /opt :P10:26
Stskeepsyou want to grab the development SDK instead10:27
lcuki asked, they should10:27
lcuki want all the -dev ones too10:27
jaemStskeeps, link?10:27
lcukbut i havent the time or knowledge to run through them10:27
mecelcuk, I'm not gonna add the compilers and that. Just some shell tools10:27
jaemI'd like to be able to work on this project on the bus/train tomorrow10:27
lcukmece, shell tools may be more restricted i believe10:27
lcukyou have the mini shell thingy errr i forget its name10:27
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lcukthe one that screws up all gnu tools10:27
mecelcuk, well can't be more restricted than the stuff in the regular repos10:28
jaemlcuk, clue - it's busy10:28
jaemand it's a box10:28
lcukyeah lol10:28
mecelcuk, well bash was in the regular repos10:28
* jaem growls at busybox10:28
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jaemmece, yes, but busybox is like GNU utilities with an eating disorder10:28
Stskeepsjaem: i think10:28
mecejaem, lol10:28
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meceI don't want a dev environment though.. just x11-utils and bsdutils and such.10:30
Stskeepsmight get your device into a reboot loop10:30
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odin_how do you install your own "Trusted Root Certificates" in the Launcher -> Settings -> Certificate Manager ?10:33
meceoo zenity seems like fun times. I want that!10:33
meceoh well.10:34
meceI think I'll brick my own device instead, once I get it.10:34
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DangerMaushehe mece thats always fun10:40
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RST38hWell... Moo.10:55
derfMoo RST38h.10:56
odin_is it possible to change the powersaving modes depending on if its plugged in, on battery, etc.... also to increase the screen fade out delay before it goes off ?10:56
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derfI can't believe 2+ years later they still don't provide power profiles.10:57
odin_also had problem with the camera app, I think it needs to extra threading adding and checking what parts of the kernel API can block and need to be reset-able11:00
RST38hheya derf11:02
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RST38hodin: I remember seeing some setting about different behavior when being charged. Check Screen steeings11:02
odin_how many cores does it have ?  and how does threading affect battery life ?11:02
suihkulokkidude, you sound like a ricer11:03
* RST38h strokes his core11:03
odin_what is a ricer ?11:04
Oli``wtf?! I've run out of disk space! Why is the root fs only 200-odd megs big?11:04
* RST38h sighs11:04
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derfRST38h: Another day in #maemo.11:05
PolarFoxThis channel could use a FAQ that would include just that one question :)11:05
derfYou didn't expect anything new, did you?11:05
jaemOli``, don't ask me, but apps are supposed to be packaged to stash things in /opt, which is symlinked to a larger partition11:05
jaemOli``, are you by any chance installing things from repos other than extra?11:05
odin_Oli``, how did you fill it ?11:05
jaema lot of those aren't packaged in that way yet11:05
RST38hderf: Well, I kinda hoped the11:05
RST38h"newtmo" will not come here11:06
derfMaybe once I actually get my device I can fill the channel with me cursing at the DSP for you.11:06
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odin_yay my login works on now11:07
Oli``Oh I think it's because I used apt-get11:07
* RST38h should try konttori's scaling API and promptly curse it, to create some lively online content11:07
RST38hOli: No, it is because you installed lots of crap.11:07
derfI could curse garage's svn, if that would help.11:07
RST38hOli: BUT, try rebooting. There is a magic trick performed by rebooting =)11:08
jaemRST38h, what?11:08
Oli``RST38h: I didn't but hey11:08
odin_but my email address for bugs is diff from my garage email?  is that ok for karma?11:08
RST38hbug 545011:08
povbotBug Installing many packages at a time via App Manager exhausts rootfs space11:08
jaemoh, that11:09
vesaaye, but atleast it's workaroundable11:09
Oli``oh look - apt-get clean gave me 50 megs back11:09
RST38hAh, cool11:09
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jaemtimeless_mbp, hiya11:11
timeless_mbpi got my other n900 back11:11
jaemI sent that guy an e-mail - thanks for pointing out the address11:11
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tank-manother? wtf ever hear of sharing?11:12
jaemturns out BlueZ doesn't have Introspection either... :/11:12
jaemso I'm having fun writing XML11:12
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jaemmy shoulder just made a squelching noise11:15
jaemthis is probably not good11:15
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jaemtoo much time typing :P11:15
DangerMausexchange it11:15
jaemDangerMaus, warranty's up11:15
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meceanyone tried to repartition the thing so that the 256mb card is used as swap and the rootfs is on the emmc?11:17
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jaemmece, I don't know how easy or advisable that particular configuration would be11:17
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Oli``wouldn't that be really really slow?11:20
Stskeepsit's not a card, it's a NAND11:20
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ShadowJKand it's not even a block device11:21
ShadowJKAnyone noticed how in Maemo4 swappiness was set to 1, and now it's 100? :)11:22
* Stskeeps wonders idly if nokia busy shooting themselves in the foot again11:22
StskeepsPeterMaemo on twitter, Over 400 wallpapers for #n900 featured on
jaemShadowJK, have you tried messing with the swappiness?11:23
ShadowJKjaem, not really11:23
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jaemStskeeps, lol :)11:23
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ShadowJKjaem, I tried 100 on my N810 (way before N900), and it was faster at first11:23
jaemand then...?11:23
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odin_what thing should go up on brainstorm ?  any old crap ?  LOL... someone over the weekend said an idea to add the task manager (Ctrl+Backspace) function to the "Power Off Menu" would be good to put up as brainstorm ?11:24
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jaemodin_, um... what?!11:24
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odin_jaem, which part is not clear ?11:25
jaemodin_, it's clear, just silly11:25
ShadowJKjaem, well, flash memory hits, you die?11:25
jaemI was laughing11:25
odin_what is silly ?11:25
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doc|suk|dikso does anybody have a nice blog for irc law?  i don't want to spend too much money11:26
jaemthe task manager on the menu :S11:26
doc|suk|dikthreats, harrassment etc11:26
odin_which part the idea or the using brainstorm ?11:26
jaembanhammer! quick!11:26
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odin_yes a menu item to make the device to back to task manager, the issue is I had an unresponsive app, so I go for the power off button to fix device11:26
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jaemsorry, I didn't mean that to be rude11:27
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doc|suk|dikoh it's almost as good as politics on undernet11:27
jaembut if the app is unresponsive, why couldn't you still click the switcher button?11:27
jaemthat's not part of the app11:27
odin_the pointer and UI did not work11:27
jaemthen doing it from the menu probably wouldn't work, unless the touchscreen itself had locked up and you could still use the keyboard11:28
jaembut if the app, or the desktop UI is frozen, you're probably out of luck11:28
odin_Ctrl+Backspace did (but I needed to know about it) my instinct was to use power off button to force the only menu I knew I would get up11:28
jaemokay, I misunderstood you11:28
jaemyeah, that would be good11:28
jaemI thought you said that Ctrl+Backspace wasn't working either, in which case you're probably hooped11:29
odin_from ripping peaces in me to praise all in 3 mins11:29
* jaem is sheepish11:29
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odin_but it is an idea that "Brainstorm" is to be used for ?11:29
odin_for feedback ?11:29
DangerMausjaem, are you my daaaa-dy11:30
jaemodin_, not the best suited, but it's likely more relevant than a lot of what's on there, if it's like most Brainstorm sites I've seen :P11:30
jaemDangerMaus, no11:30
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jaemunless you're from the future, in which case it would be maybe, but probably not11:30
odin_so best to file a regular feature enchancement request ?11:31
jaemodin_, probably, yeah11:31
jaemit's a bit more of a picky detail than what Brainstorm's meant for, I think11:32
jaemalthough it is a good idea11:32
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julianoliveranyone else been hit by the "wi-fi setup compliant" WPA bug?
povbotBug 6173: N900 does not connect to WPA PSK (TRENDNet TEW-432BRP)11:33
julianoliverthat's the one.11:33
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Stskeepsjulianoliver: does itwork when adding network manually?11:33
julianoliverStskeeps: i have yet to check if wpa_supplicant is on board.11:34
julianoliverone moment11:34
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julianoliverlooks like i'll need to install it.11:34
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Stskeepsjulianoliver: network manually = in the control panel11:35
julianoliverahah.. ;)11:35
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julianoliverStskeeps: it seems to associate and then immediately disassociate/deauthenticate. it's an absurdly long key.. will double check.11:41
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odin_does "*#06#" not work, for IMEI check ?11:43
Stskeepscontrol panel -> about rodct..11:43
odin_ok but what about operater services and such ?11:43
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Stskeepssome work11:44
meceodin_, someone was whining that operator services didn't work.11:47
meceodin_, so I guess they don't11:47
meceodin_, all the operator services work with sms here afaik. Never used one of those #*asdf* whatnot thingies.11:48
Stskeepsmy *500 works11:48
meceStskeeps, what does that do?11:48
Stskeepspay on the go servicess11:49
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julianoliverStskeeps: no, it seems it authenticates fine and then deauthenticates. is N900/Maemo 5 known to work with WPA Version 1?11:50
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Stskeepsjulianoliver: duno11:50
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doc|suk|dikdoc|home sucks dick11:52
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* julianoliver notes that it worked on a 3rd attempt.11:53
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SpeedEvilEDINBURGH,  GB    30/11/2009        7:46      OUT FOR DELIVERY12:01
Stskeeps"NO ANSWER AT DOOR"?12:02
archebytetick tock12:02
lcuk"ahhh well, better take it home and see what goodies i have"12:02
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lcukhope theres no preloaded photos of grufty delivery drivers in compromising situations12:02
derfMy favorite was when I went to check the status of my package, and it said, "DELIVERED".12:03
derfAnd I'd been home all day, and it sure as gekk wasn't delivered to me.12:03
derfI'm checking the front stoop, looking around to see if any of the neighbors got it by mistake...12:04
* SpeedEvil wonders if stoop is a derivation of step.12:04
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derfAnd then like 20 minutes later the UPS guy pulls up. "Yeah, I was just around the corner scanning packages."12:04
SpeedEvilAh drivers.12:04
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SpeedEvilThen again, many are quite badly paid indeed and on ridiculous contracts.12:05
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DangerMausleast it didnt fall under the wheels12:05
* RST38h lost his passport, airplane tickets, and visa this way once12:06
RST38hFedEx never even apologized12:06
RST38hOpened in inquiry, said "we cannot find it", end of story12:07
DangerMausnever had an issue with them but one pkg returned ascrtched in a plastic bag   geuss it was on the pland that burned on the ground12:07
DangerMausbut i was the shipper and sent another rite off12:08
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RST38hhello hrw12:29
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odin_SpeedEvil, mine was shipped from NL by DPD12:51
rangeI'm all for UPS and FedEx doing a merger. And then call themselves FedUp. If you aren't reachable during business hours, those two are the worst to get "service" from.12:52
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DangerMauslol i call ups for a late local pickup  and just go into fedex at closing time and they pull it off the truck for me12:53
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asidjazzwhen i leave my n900 alone for a while and then try to use it i get a bunch of memory overload errors12:55
Venomrushwhat sort of apps do you have?12:56
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lcuksolution: dont leave it alone12:56
meceok, is it wrong of me to only have used the xterm on the N900 so far?12:56
meceWell actually I did use the app manager to install rootsh and openssh12:56
meceright i made a call to see if it worked. it did.12:56
DocOozePuslhhgibs auf und geh nach hause12:57
DocOozePuslhhbald kriegste deeinen kugel im kopf12:57
DocOozePuslhhdie tun son shit12:57
mikhasDocOozePuslhh, wrong channel. go somewhere else maybe12:57
hrwstill no DDP news?12:57
asidjazzmece; you lack a computer12:57
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SpeedEvilrange: fortunately - in from 9-512:58
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meceasidjazz, I have a windows machine here at work :/12:58
asidjazzlol @ DocScrutinizer12:59
asidjazzthat was odd12:59
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DangerMausmece, install Putty  on the win machine? ssh to the n90013:00
mececan one access the notification api from shell?13:00
meceDangerMaus, that's what I did.13:00
lcukStskeeps, whos got @ on here?13:00
meceDangerMaus, I actually have two friends "over". We created a quick local chat program on the N900 so we're chatting on the N900.13:01
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DangerMaushave at yeah!13:02
meceDangerMaus, meaning they are logged in on the phone. not actually here. One of them is logged in on the phone from his N900.13:02
lcukandre__, whos op round here nowadays?13:02
lcukthats awake13:03
meceDangerMaus, well it's very silly, but yeah. awesome.13:03
DangerMausi cant wait to get mine13:03
asidjazzmece: im sure theres a ay13:03
asidjazzyou dhvae to write a triger of some sort13:03
andre__lcuk, shrug13:03
DangerMausmece, whats life wwithout silly fun?13:04
meceasidjazz, but can't you directly send a message through it? that would rock.13:04
meceDangerMaus, indeed. especially if it's while at work :D13:04
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asidjazzyou mean use it13:05
asidjazzyea fully13:05
asidjazzprolly easily documented in the sdk13:05
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DangerMausohwell off to hibernate for a bit..13:06
meceasidjazz, looking aws13:06
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asidjazzmece: leme know when ya find it13:07
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meceasidjazz, will do.13:08
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qwerty12Christmas present for those of you who like disassembling their phones:
hrwqwerty12: gracias13:16
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_berto_qwerty12: is that supposed to be public? :13:17
ShadowJKshush up and download it13:17
qwerty12_berto_: Nope =)13:17
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qwerty12Still looking for the L3&L4 manual; those of you who have it know where to find me13:18
LuciusMareaw,nobody from yesterday? :(13:18
LuciusMaretimeless_mbp: o/13:19
* kirma finds it interesting that N900 seems to start the gallery application spontanteously13:19
kirmadone that at least three times already13:20
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odin_kirma, disable the control panel -> mind reader v3.4 (then it shouldn't keep opening the pr0n)13:21
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hrw_berto_: first page says "confidential"13:23
kirmatimeless: relatively soon after turning the device on it just spontaneously has the photo gallery open with latest photo, and it typically occurs after a while of no usage at all...13:23
hrw_berto_: anyway nothing other then disassemle/assemble info inside13:23
* hrw wants to know where serial/jtag are13:23
odin_clear your mind, clear you rmind13:23
kirmaI've heard of "interesting" ghost usage on developer devices, like starting of music playback middle of the night for no apparent reason :)13:24
ShadowJKit was in L3&L4 for N81013:24
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Lynourehmm, no luck unraring that.13:26
julianoliverkirma: alongside the FM receiver in the N900, Nokia devs saw to it that an EVP and ESP receivers were also in place. oddly enough i can't find the kernel interface to either.13:28
rangeOh, unraring is no problem, the password the pdf wants to have might be one if you aren't persistent.13:28
Lynourerange: it was to me.13:28
Lynourerange: unrar -e filename   resulted just in unrar help...13:29
ali1234unrar x13:29
julianoliverLynoure: unrar e fileName13:29
Lynouremaybe I'm not reading the man page right :/13:29
Lynoureoh, not -e but e13:29
julianoliverLynoure: yes, it's stupid.13:29
rangeYeah, it's rar. So it is weird per se.13:29
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julianoliverthe whole history of 'urar' is charted with being consciously difficult.13:30
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julianoliverwhat's a reccommended SIP service in Europe these days?13:35
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LynoureSeems despite doing an install of maemo5 sdk as instructed, and installing then esbox, I'm still missing hildonmm.h and gtkmm.h   Any idea what I need to install and where to get the includes working? (cannot test right now, different laptop)13:37
julianoliverLynoure: apt-cache search gtkmm dev; apt-cache search hildonmm dev13:37
Lynourejulianoliver: that is, everything that comes out as the result?13:38
Lynourejulianoliver: some things were explicitely mentioned and I installed them into the scratchbox, but maybe not all... Will check on it after work.13:39
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ccookeMorning, all13:40
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julianoliverLynoure: i'm on my work machine (Debian Lenny). you're probably after: libgtkmm-dev13:41
julianolivernot sure with hildonmm - the general rule is "ends with -dev"13:41
julianolivera non-versioned-packagename always represents the latest version.13:42
Lynourejulianoliver: they get installed into the scratchbox or to the host itself? (I guess I'm a tad confused)13:43
Stskeepslcuk: GeneralAntilles and such13:44
Lynourewhen it doubt, "both" I guess and then I'll let debfoster to sort it out later :)13:46
julianoliverLynoure: if you're building against them in scratchbox, then scratchbox is where you want them.13:46
Lynourejulianoliver: yup. Thanks. I cannot wait to test whether I'll now get my helloworld13:46
* Lynoure feels like a 5 year old geek on Christmas Eve.13:47
julianoliveryeah it's great stuff, once you get it up and working.13:47
LynoureUnfortunately still daytime job... for another 4.5 days.13:47
LynoureDamn thing keeps messing with my flow =)13:48
meceasidjazz, I guess one should just make a simple program that implements libosso and sends argument as string to libosso-osso_system_note_infoprint()13:48
suihkulokkiLynoure: which instructions are you following that need gtkmm/hildonmm ?13:48
julianoliverLynoure: tell me about it. i have a heap of X86 development to do. since i was given this phone i've been a tad distracted..13:48
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Lynouresuihkulokki: that video thingy...
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Lynouresuihkulokki: other recommendations of course also welcome, eventually it will most like be qt that I want to use.13:51
qwerty12mece: What type of notification? There's two (at least): and
mece./qwerty12, well those are the same thing afaik13:53
mece./ was not intentional :D13:53
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PolarFoxCan't get esbox to start :(13:54
LynourePolarFox: 9.10 ubuntu?13:54
PolarFoxYep :)13:54
LynourePolarFox: starting it with the instead of just esbox?13:54
PolarFoxTried but no luck..13:54
LynourePolarFox: oh, then no instant fix from me, sorry.13:54
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PolarFoxMaybe I should try that "release" version instead of integration :)13:55
qwerty12mece: Hehe, I'd be scared if you had a file called "qwerty12" in $PWD. :P No, one is just a HildonBanner and the other one is achieved with hildon-notify; the e-mail and SMS app use the HildonNotify one13:55
qwerty12tigert: Thanks for the plug =)13:55
LynourePolarFox: that's the one I played with yesterday.  Dunno if it makes a difference or if the cause is something else13:56
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* VDVsx yawns 14:00
zaheermVDVsx, i feel the same :(14:01
asidjazzmece: yup14:01
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meceqwerty12, does the hildon-notify implement libosso System notification or vice versa. or neither?14:10
meceosso_system_note_dialog is the one that requires a click, and the osso_system_note_infoprint is the banner one.14:11
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meceaaw crap. sdk installer crashed.14:17
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bnilsenAnyone else having problems with extras-devel?14:21
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* RST38h moos at VDVsx14:22
timeless_mbpbnilsen: regularly14:22
* VDVsx moos back :)14:22
bnilsentimeless_mbp: I get failed to fetch bla bla bla14:23
bnilsentimeless_mbp: ...but magically enough.. it just happened to work now! weird14:24
timeless_mbpthe repositories are regularly corrupting/fixing themselves14:24
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timeless_mbppatience is a virtue14:24
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timeless_mbp-- that and persistence14:24
lardmanmorning chaps14:24
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akshayHi, I have hosted a project at Now I want to create a project homepage. How do I do that?14:29
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timeless_mbplardman: so, i made a clock db14:30
timeless_mbpbut it doesn't seem like that db is used directly14:30
timeless_mbpat least when someone else tested it, it didn't fix things14:31
qwerty12mece: Never let it be said that I'm not anal-retentive: &
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lardmantimeless_mbp: strange14:32
lardmanqwerty12: never14:33
mikhasakshay, easiest way? create a wiki page @ wiki.maemo.org14:33
mikhasthen link to it14:33
qwerty12lardman: *grin*14:33
lardmanakshay: create a www directory in svn14:33
meceqwerty12, thanks!14:34
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akshaylardman: I am using GIT14:34
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mikhasthen you might want to use gitorious anyway =)14:34
lardmanakshay: ah, well the same may apply, but I don't know in that case, sorry14:34
meceqwerty12, also, I never denied your anal-retentiveness14:34
mikhasmany maemo projects are already tehre14:34
qwerty12mece: Hehe14:34
akshayso is it possible using GIT also? I have no experience with versioning systems14:35
meceqwerty12, I like the hildon_note_new_information() one. Are they all the kind that goes away automagically after a while? (except the one in the separate picture)14:36
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qwerty12mece: hildon_note_new_information requires you to tap outside it to dismiss it14:37
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DocScrutinizerasidjazz: huh??14:38
lardman~lart overly intrusive virus scanners14:39
* infobot does a little 'dpkg -P overly intrusive virus scanners' action14:39
lardman"A program is behaving suspiciously on your computer" blah, well tell me what the hell it's doing!14:40
akshaymikhas: I have registered on gitorious. How will it help me to create a homepage on garage.maemo ?14:41
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LuciusMareIs it possible to make a 'nokia connector>female usb'14:42
LuciusMarereduction which would act as usb master?14:43
lardmanwhich device?14:43
lardmanprobably easiest to get a full size gender changer and force host mode if you're talking about the N81014:44
lardmanthat's what I do14:44
wazdI'm kinda back again :)14:44
* qwerty12 says "hi" to a half-wazd14:45
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wazdqwerty12: o/14:45
qwerty12lardman: Look at what happens when you talk?14:45
* RST38h takes "get a full size gender changer and force host mode" out of the context14:46
lardmandid wazd half vanish?14:46
RST38hehlo wazd14:46
lardmanRST38h: ;)14:46
hashierdoes anyone know, if the music player sends a signal (eg. via dbus) which track it is currently playing?14:46
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Venomrushqwerty12 have you consider changing your name to azerty12?14:46
RST38hlardman: Hey, seen Tomaszd's gst stuff? =)14:46
qwerty12Venomrush: But I'm not French!14:47
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wazdqwerty12: dvorak95 :D14:47
Venomrushor even qwertz1214:47
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wazdRST38h: heya14:47
LuciusMaremy connection crashed,sry14:47
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LuciusMareSo,is it possible?14:48
wazdfresh vista, mmm14:48
Venomrushanyone got hold of service manual level 1 to 4 for the n900 yet?14:48
Venomrushshare pls?14:48
qwerty12Venomrush: I posted a link, a sec14:48
lardmanRST38h: not sure14:48
qwerty12Venomrush: [11:14] <qwerty12> Christmas present for those of you who like disassembling their phones:
RST38hOn page #45, that service manual level 1 says "If the caller is Venomrush, put him on hold indefinitely."14:49
Venomrushcheers qwerty1214:49
ShadowJKnot to l4 though?14:49
Venomrushthat's only level 1+214:49
LuciusMarewhat is that for,actually?14:49
Venomrushfixing your phone14:49
qwerty12The "1" confused me14:49
DocOozePuslhhbut shutting down a donkey-dick sucking american14:49
DocOozePuslhhis a nice thing14:49
qwerty12I have the flu; leave me alone!14:49
* Stskeeps ponders locating a freenode staffer14:50
RST38hplease, SHARE!14:50
lcukwhere do i go to get someone banned14:50
lcuki agree Stskeeps14:50
Venomrushhave you got level 3 + 414:50
ShadowJKi just applied a durasec protector... didn't succeed the first time, second time ended up with shitload od bubbles..14:50
qwerty12No, sorry14:50
Venomrushthat's alright, thanks14:50
qwerty12DocOozePuslhh: pupnik, I like you, but if you're gonna troll, at least have the sense to do it behind a proxy14:51
lardmanqwerty12: got the circuit diagrams anywhere?14:51
qwerty12No, schematics are nowhere to be found on the Internet14:52
lardmanah well14:52
Venomrushwhere did u find 1+2?14:52
lardmanall in good time I'm sure14:52
Venomrushdid u pay for it? lol14:52
Venomrushi found 3+4 but u need to pay to get it14:52
qwerty12Venomrush: In a misnamed torrent =)14:52
RST38hThen pay14:52
StskeepsRST38h: no surprises14:52
lardmanqwerty12 was expecting pron14:53
LuciusMareHey *waves*14:53
RST38hSts: Absolutely14:53
LuciusMareWhat is it actually?14:53
LuciusMareManual level 1,2...?14:53
SpeedEvilThe nokia transaction for my phone has dissapeared from my bank account.14:53
StskeepsSpeedEvil: but you got the n900 still?14:53
SpeedEvilHowever - UPS still says it's out for delivery14:53
lardmanRST38h: what gst stuff am I looking for?14:53
SpeedEvilAnd the shop still says 'shipped'14:53
w00tSpeedEvil: hahaha.14:53
StskeepsSpeedEvil: if you get it and you don't get charged, you owe beers14:54
DocOozePuslhhqwerty12: murder is murder14:54
asidjazzDocOozePuslhh: what are you german? wtf are you doing in here14:54
DocOozePuslhhcome here and watch it14:54
DocOozePuslhhi will kill some little animals in front of your face14:54
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Indeed - I regret that that is probably unlikely.14:54
Venomrushi think the n900 will last me at least 2 years before i need to change phone14:55
Venomrushalthough, next June, new iphone coming out might have slideout keyboard14:55
LuciusMareChanging n900 for hw kb iphone?14:56
asidjazzlol wat Venomrush14:56
Venomrushand finally theyll put 5meg camera in it...14:56
asidjazzno way apple will put a kb on that thing14:56
PolarFoxI'm still trying to figure out how to setup this SDK & Eclipse :)14:56
asidjazzit has to look like edible candy14:56
RST38hlardman: Tomaszd compiled MKV, MPEG2 TS, and FLV support for N900, as gst plugins14:56
asidjazzkb's are not edible14:56
RST38hlardman: Can be found in Extras-Testing14:56
LuciusMareIts like changing from hummer to a lowrider14:56
SpeedEvilasidjazz: naah - new iphone will have full-size fold-out ASR-33 keyboard.14:57
lardmanRST38h: ah right, yes I remember now, good stuff14:57
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PolarFoxI'm still waiting for that "Minority Report" interface for phones..14:57
LuciusMarebut it would be cool,actually14:57
glass_too much movement of hands14:58
DocOozePuslhhi want pure idiocy on n900 screen when user < 16 years old detected14:58
DocOozePuslhhrandom comix14:58
tigertqwerty12: :)14:58
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Venomrushwhat happen if we post service manual on TMO?14:58
Venomrushwill we get raped?14:58
mecePolarFox, the minority report thing looked arduous. I want brainwave controlled stuff.14:58
asidjazzSpeedEvil: how do you know??14:59
meceVenomrush, sounds like a bad idea...14:59
lardmanVenomrush: I will probably have to remove it14:59
DocOozePuslhhwe are at the interface between the nuclear bomb of global tyranny, or not, qwerty1214:59
qwerty12Venomrush: Talk is generally no-warez14:59
asidjazzoh lol asr-3314:59
lardmanVenomrush: As it is probaby illegal14:59
DocOozePuslhhover the rainbow14:59
SpeedEvilVenomrush: buttorrent!14:59
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* SpeedEvil accepts all DCCs.14:59
DocOozePuslhhway up high14:59
DocOozePuslhhthere's a land14:59
DocOozePuslhhthat i heard of14:59
asidjazzDocOozePuslhh: are u high?14:59
DocOozePuslhhonce in a lullaby14:59
StskeepsDocOozePuslhh: do us all a favour and take your medication.14:59
qwerty12SpeedEvil: I gave the link twice in this channel (L1&L2)14:59
PolarFoxmece: You would have to have some serious filtering... I wouldn't let my brain control anything without some filtering..14:59
DocOozePuslhhno i am ready to piss off some ppl15:00
DocOozePuslhhthis is my day, Stskeeps15:00
DocOozePuslhhlets start with pulse15:00
DocOozePuslhhand shitcan that pos15:00
DocOozePuslhhi'm tired of bad shit15:00
Venomrushspeedevil: lol15:00
DocOozePuslhhjust tired15:00
LuciusMarecould anyone please tell me what are the levels of manuals?15:01
Venomrushlevel 1 + 2 are really basic15:01
Venomrushwith specs15:01
Venomrush3 + 4 = dismantle the phone15:01
* SpeedEvil wants level 9!15:01
PolarFoxAll I get in eclipse is "no build targets selected." ..15:01
asidjazzlevel up!15:02
LuciusMareSpeedEvil: also went on my mind15:02
lardmanwell that manual was dissasemble the phone.....15:02
asidjazzDocOozePuslhh: if ur lookin to piss ppl off irc aint the place15:02
LuciusMareSpeedEvil: if 3-4 is dismantling,oh boy,what is 9?15:02
lardmanare the l3 and 4 not diagrams of the chip connections?15:02
SpeedEvilI would like a complete dump of all chip firmware, and circuit diagrams.15:02
LuciusMarehow many levels can i achieve in this maemo rpg?15:02
* RST38h is at the edge of starting to /ignore15:02
VenomrushLuciusMare: download N97 Service Manual Level 1 & 2 - 3 & 4, Data Sheet & Schematics here then you can tell the differences between level 1+2 and 3+4 + schematics15:03
SpeedEvilBut that seems unlikely.15:03
julianoliverthe /home/dtc.. DTC == Device Tree Compiler?15:03
LuciusMareso there are only 4 levels?15:03
lcukpupnik you fucking lost it. you are not welcome in any of my chans again.15:03
lardmanSpeedEvil: circult diagrams will come eventually, no firmware dump without your doing it yourself I imagine15:03
Venomrush4 is the highest i believe15:03
Venomrushi think after that is schematics15:03
RST38hVenomrush: Could you please be ...mmm... less talkative, more legal, and more on the topic?15:03
PolarFoxI got the esbox-eclipse running... but I can't get that SDK working.. has anyone done this with 64bit ubuntu linux system? :)15:03
suihkulokkiPolarFox: mail to the esbox mailinglist15:03
PolarFoxCan this be done :D15:04
Venomrushsorry, i'll be more legal15:04
Venomrushon Discussion forum on Nokia site15:04
Venomrushcensored so much15:04
Venomrushtheyll delete your post even without telling ya15:04
lcukStskeeps, is it just case of idling in freenode until someone gives voice or is there a different way to get him seen to15:04
LuciusMarehm,so in these is the information about system - including the things about how the system works internally?15:04
SpeedEvillcuk: you can message an op15:04
LuciusMareAnd what?that is illegal?15:04
Venomrushthat or randomly move your post elsewhere15:04
RST38hOk. I got the point.15:05
DocOozePuslhhund ich hab dich gar nicht gefickt15:05
SpeedEvillcuk: also IIRC you can talk in channels - and ops only can see your messages.15:05
Venomrushwhere nobody can find it15:05
lcuk<<< not irc dude15:05
Stskeepslcuk: poking some  people to get him ut ..15:05
Stskeepsout, that is15:05
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tigertanyone using the fuse + sshfs in n900?15:05
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tigertshould I run this as root or not?15:05
tigertseems like /dev/fuse is only writable by root, and when I chown it, it gets reset on reboot I thin15:06
Venomrushouch, my n900 refuses to unlock15:06
LuciusMareAnd what?that is illegal?15:06
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Venomrushjust got an incoming text, trying to unlock it to read, after unlock, it got to Desktop and locks itself up again15:06
suihkulokkitigert: it should work as user, then whoever has packaged it n900 should be notified to fix it15:07
* ShadowJK wonders if the camera issue is about priority..15:07
* achipa sets a personal record, 8h40m for an autobuilder run15:07
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tigertfailed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied15:07
Khertanachipa: ouch15:07
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tigertsuihkulokki: wondering should /dev/fuse be writable by me or am I just doing something wrong?15:08
qwerty12achipa: Weak! Upload WebKit and you'll know the true meaning of pain :p15:08
ShadowJKon n810 mplayer/mencoder would have the kernel buffer large amounts of video.. resulting in it being capable of recording 20 secs or so of perfectly smooth video15:08
tigertI am not very familiar with sshfs / fuse15:08
qwerty12(Until you get beaten by Qt...)15:08
ShadowJK(and it took ages)15:08
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suihkulokkitigert: on desktop it is usually writable for group fuse and users are then added to fuse group15:08
lardmanqwerty12: is Qt that bad....?15:09
suihkulokkitigert: for n900 that is not neccessary since there is only one user. it should just be setup to user:users on boot15:09
DocOozePuslhhlittle illegal girl sucking doc|15:09
achipaqwerty12: that was with some stuff (webkit incl) disabled - tonight, it will be the full thing, 12h+ expcted :)15:09
DocOozePuslhhlittle illegal girl sucking doc|15:09
DocOozePuslhhlittle illegal girl sucking doc|15:09
qwerty12achipa: :O15:09
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tigertFor this to work the mountpoint must be owned by the user.15:09
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suihkulokkitigert: where did you find the sshfs package?15:10
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LuciusMareLEAVING SPREE15:11
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LuciusMareYou ruined my punchline15:11
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tigertsuihkulokki: apt-get15:12
tigertI guess in extras-devel?15:12
tigertor where, dunno15:12
Shapeshifterthe "dealbreaker" threads get more and more absurd15:12
tigerthow can I tell with apt where something is?15:13
Shapeshifter"Lack of pirated software - dealbreaker?"15:13
glass_lack of pirated sw is only because lack of commercial sw15:13 pirate15:13
qwerty12glass_: Exactly =)15:14
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lardmanjust package up xchat and say it's pirated ;)15:14
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lorelei^nah, some people are so inclined to pirate sw that they will also pirate opensource/free software :)15:14
glass_lorelei^: i wrote a freeware asteroids clone for s60 v1...  found it on warez-irc bots later15:15
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lardman~curse either VB or MATLAB for not wanting to talk to one another15:15
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, either VB or MATLAB for not wanting to talk to one another !15:15
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tigertlorelei^: there used to be several versions of Gimp sold as packaged versions15:15
tigertin a way this is ok and allowed, but they tried to hide the fact gimp was also free15:16
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tigertso it was like $39,90 super deal photoshop killer!15:16
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tigertsuihkulokki: looks like extras-devel has it15:16
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lorelei^tigert: yes, that's true15:17
lorelei^but there it's not really pirating opens ource sw...more like taking advantage of the license...15:18
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tigerttrue, like I said15:18
Shapeshifterit might actually be that when people pay something for software they're more inclined to actually learn it and feel good about using it, and defend it against others15:18
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Stskeepslorelei^: technically you can pirate open source software by only providing binaries or remove copyright headers :P15:18
Shapeshifterlike, say they paid 40 bucks for gimp, that means they've spent money on it, which motivates them to not let that money go to waste15:19
Shapeshifterlike, "if it's free, it's probably rubbish"15:19
SpeedEvilAlso - if there is a decent non-free tutorial, support, or other stuff.15:19
Shapeshifterwhich no doubt some people believe15:19
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LuciusMareWhich is stupid15:20
LuciusMareTo defend a piece of software just because you cant take it back15:20
wazd_wow, I have 13.7 Gb of something on desktop :)15:21
LuciusMarebrb,going to get something to eat15:21
LuciusMarei mean,get some tea15:21
julianoliverShapeshifter: yes, this is a fair theory. people will tend to invest time in software relative to the cost of the software itself.15:21
LuciusMarewazd_: pron?15:21
qwerty12wazd_: Wow, where did you find a torrent with so much porn?15:21
LuciusMareqwerty12: his personal fap archive15:21
julianoliverShapeshifter: it's a fundament of the logic of consumption in a capital economy.15:21
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glass_siterip pron torrents can be much bigger15:21
wazd_pron on the desktop, are you mad? :D15:22
qwerty12LuciusMare: I don't want to know...15:22
lardmanqwerty12: because you already do? ;)15:23
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wazd_oh my, that's awesome :)15:23
julianoliverShapeshifter: anyway, the GIMP is not a good case: there is so much troubling this application before the value of free even comes into play.15:23
qwerty12lardman: I leant from the master *nudge* *nudge* lardman15:23
mece1garage seems a tad "stressed"...15:24
lardmanall the servers still seem to be15:24
* lardman kicks himself for forgetting to accept the connection15:26
lardmanfinally, it works, praise be to the FSM!15:28
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qwerty12Yoou called, laardman?15:28
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lardmanspaghetti in human form, qwerty1215:29
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* LuciusMare turns of that flood ping he had set15:29
LuciusMarejust...tried something...15:30
LuciusMarekidding of course15:32
LuciusMarehasnt been something released?15:32
LuciusMareor something that would give a lot of users reason to visit
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Stskeepswell, the n900 hapened15:32
zaheermhow do update a dep of something in extras, does the normal promotion rules apply?15:32
* zaheerm needs to push something urgent15:33
* timeless_mbp frowns15:33
timeless_mbpso, i don't get this clock thing15:33
timeless_mbpafaict cityinfo really does use this clock db15:33
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timeless_mbpok, so the database is definitely kinda used15:41
timeless_mbpi can move the timezone for seychelles from +11 to +$15:41
tigertrunning Dropbox via hack in N900 :)15:41
tigertdropbox runs in my server now, and then I access it with sshfs15:42
timeless_mbptigert: you're using fiFI right?15:42
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tigertsay again?15:42
qwerty12Finnish locale15:42
tigertenglish lang, finnish region15:42
tigertless context switching :)15:43
timeless_mbpyou local atm?15:43
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* timeless_mbp sighs15:45
timeless_mbpthis code is ....15:45
Stskeepshaving fun with libcityinfo?15:45
timeless_mbpStskeeps: have you read it?15:46
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* timeless_mbp is vaguely trying to understand why it has two distinct coordinate spaces15:46
SpeedEvilWoo! Free n900.15:47
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: for traveling to bcn?15:47
SpeedEvil(I suspect they will still actually want money)15:47
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SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: no - they've somehow cancelled the earlier transaction with my bank15:47
qwerty12SpeedEvil: They want blood15:47
timeless_mbpStskeeps: hypothetically, that function is garbage15:48
timeless_mbpi mean, it will kill you if you happen to run out of file handles15:48
timeless_mbpwhich is sad, given that historically during fremantle development, there was a rather extended period of time when we were short on file handles..15:49
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: libcityinfo would be better off being a sqlite database..15:49
* timeless_mbp shrugs15:49
timeless_mbpi don't mind the flat file15:49
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: and the fact it's closed source and that the api looks embarassing..15:49
timeless_mbpit'd be better if the city names were not stored as localizblae strings15:49
timeless_mbpStskeeps: the impl is worse than the api :)15:49
Stskeepsand bugs.. :P15:49
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: i can only imagine15:49
timeless_mbpcan't you choose not to imagine?15:50
* timeless_mbp baits Stskeeps 15:50
timeless_mbpyou know you want to see my horror ;-)15:50
julianoliverspeaking of Horror, 'Paranormal Activity' was really awful and silly.15:51
Stskeepsi have a headache already and i don't feel like crying over bad code :P15:51
w00tbad code is fun15:51
* timeless_mbp sighs15:52
timeless_mbpStskeeps: as a starting point15:52
timeless_mbpthe fact that the api doesn't let you convert from lat-lng to x-y is um...15:52
* w00t ducks15:52
timeless_mbpthat's one way to describe it :)15:52
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: i am more worried the API deals with methods related to a certaing png representation of the earth15:52
timeless_mbpoh really?15:52
timeless_mbpwhat could possibly have given you that impression? :)15:53
timeless_mbpnah, don't worry. it's a certainty :)15:53
Stskeeps'Get x position of the city on the map.15:53
* timeless_mbp decides to try to move winnipeg north15:53
ShadowJKthis is closed source because it'd be too embarassing, right?15:53
timeless_mbpShadowJK: i sure hope that's the justification15:54
timeless_mbpi happen to like how we have a city named harford15:54
timeless_mbpbecause the extra mandatory t was too expensive...15:54
timeless_mbpok, so... i'm open to suggestions15:54
timeless_mbpanyone want to guess how i should change the coords of winnipeg to move it north? :)15:55
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: i'm thinking of motivating someone to write a open implementation of libcityinfo15:55
timeless_mbpone that doesn't suck?15:55
timeless_mbpwith the missing api functions too?15:55
ShadowJKJust find some python guy and he'll make it extract city locations from wikipedia ;-)15:55
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Stskeepsthe issue is however if API documentation is non-open or not15:56
timeless_mbpStskeeps: 30EUR via paypal to the person who does it15:56
timeless_mbp(seriously, ask around, i'm good for it)15:56
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: i don't doubt it15:56
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Stskeepsposition on the map*. *) positions on the map are in relative coordinates (0.0 - most left/top to 1.0 most right/bottom) and are synchronized with Clock's world map image.15:57
timeless_mbpok, so what, i should open the map image in an image editor to get its dimensions15:57
lardmanthat's bad, would be far better to have the map itself do the conversion15:57
timeless_mbpand then multiply the coords by the dimensions to get rough pixels?15:57
lardmanthough at least the lat lon are also contained in there15:57
timeless_mbplardman: oh really?15:57
timeless_mbpyou mean have a reasonably sane design?15:57
timeless_mbpwhy would that be good?15:58
* lbt_ imagines the map image is 1:1 at 96dpi15:58
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lardmanwell as it is there's random useless data in there, useless for anyone else who wants to use the db15:59
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timeless_mbplardman: sorry, please note that i'm dripping with sarcasm15:59
timeless_mbpto say this was designed poorly is such an understatement16:00
lardmansorry, not feeling too hot, missed the sacrasm bit16:00
timeless_mbpthe spelling is also embarrassing16:01
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: please save me some effort, where's the map?16:01
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: i think in osso-icons or the theme16:02
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* timeless_mbp finds the map filename16:03
timeless_mbpit's a jpg not a png16:03
qwerty12_N900Hiya, fiferboy, long time no see! How's fiferbaby 2.0?16:04
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Damnshockhi everybody16:07
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PolarFox64bit systems don't go well with maemo development. /me is ready to kill someone :)16:08
ccookePolarFox: VMs16:08
VenomrushVagalume: client for Gnome and Maemo16:08
Venomrushapparently going to be out soon16:09
ccookeyou can run a 32-bit VM on a 64-bit system16:09
PolarFoxOk.. I'll install ubuntu on virtualbox and try that one :)16:09
VeggenAlso possible to get it to work with a 32bit chroot.16:10
ccookedepending on the dev work you need, there are VMs of the SDK around, too16:10
VeggenI keep a 32bit chroot around for all the problem-applications around there.16:10
Veggenbut VM is probably easier.16:11
Veggen...chroot is lighter on the machine of you have an old machine (and/or one without virtualization features in the processor)16:11
PolarFoxand I can move VM images around with me.16:11
hrwPolarFox: grab official maemosdk vm image16:12
PolarFoxhrw: Isn't it HUGE? :)16:12
ccookeHell, you can stick the VM image onto the n[89][01]0 and mount it from there ;-)16:12
achipacity lat lon ? if you just need that,
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Khertanhrw: the problem isn't storing ... but retriving it ... i've tryed 25 times ... each times checksum failed16:17
Khertanand i ve tryed 5 times at works with a pretty good and stable network connection16:17
Khertanif only it will be available by torrent16:18
hrwPolarFox: -rw-r--r-- 1 hrw hrw 9,8G 11-24 13:55 maemosdk_desktop_intrepid-10-08.vmdk16:18
* Khertan is discovering libre.fm16:18
hrwKhertan: I fetched it from home on first try16:18
Khertanbut it s depends on akaima "!#~#{ cache server16:19
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w00t./` I shot the sheriff.. ./`16:19
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achipa./`... but I did not compile the dependencies... ./`16:28
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VDVsxqwerty12_N900, ping16:29
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Hiya16:29
GeneralAntillesI'm in favor of moderators editing messages of people who recommend Red Pill.16:30
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GeneralAntillesThat, or anybody who does and causes somebody else to throw their device into a boot loop has to buy them a new one.16:30
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, is transmission ready for extras ? got promote by mistake in a test :)16:30
GeneralAntillesVenomrush, please don't recommend Red Pill in the future. :)16:30
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: You promoted it?!16:31
mikhasrecommend the blue pill instead?16:31
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zaheermVDVsx, it will be removed once a 30 second video of how to download a pirated nintendo rom from bittorrent happens16:31
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, not me, I don't have permissions for that16:31
KhertanGeneralAntilles: too late ... already many blogs talk about it16:31
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, should it be removed ? it's your call :P16:32
Khertanzaheerm: lol16:32
GeneralAntillesKhertan, idiocy.16:32
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Ah, I'm deferring promoting... It has its problems, still16:32
KhertanGeneralAntilles: yep what i said in comment16:32
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Yes, please16:32
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, thanks16:32
Khertandid you want a proxy for faking ratio torrent ? :)16:33
qwerty12_N900evilKhertan: I like how you think =)16:33
GAN900Khertan, can we get a list of the blogs so we can inform them of why that's such a terrible idea?16:34
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timeless_mbpWinnipeg has moved to roughly... winniepg16:36
infobottimeless_mbp meant: Winnipeg has moved to roughly... winnipeg16:36
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Shapeshifter"2g" is edge, right?16:38
qwerty12_N900The plan is to get it removed in Maemo 6, right? If so, I wonder how all these bloggers will feel like... OMG I CANT BLOG ABOUT UBER MAEMO 6 HACK16:38
VDVsxzaheerm, zoutube will be removed as too, once a 30 seconds video showing zoutube playing another 30 seconds video of a nintendo game in a n900 happens :D16:38
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: i doubt even HAM will exist in m616:38
zaheermVDVsx, awesome idea :)16:39
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: Oh, wow, miracles do happpen16:39
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: probably replaced by Ovi Megastore or something..16:39
VDVsxmegastore, lol16:39
timeless_mbpok, moving Guam, USA to somewhere near alaska protects alaska from the evil canadian invaders :)16:39
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qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: Heh, wouldn't put it past them...16:39
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, only way users can get to Extras is through an Ovi proxy that requires users to mail in a signed warranty waiver? ;)16:42
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i'm starting to be more and more for a non-ovi app store16:42
Stskeepsshould be trivial to implement16:43
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Venomrushhas anyone got the "Operation temporarilly disabled due to low memory" error before?16:43
GeneralAntillesOvi is a mess16:43
Venomrushi wasn't doing anything16:43
Venomrushdevice was locked16:43
GeneralAntillesI can't believe it got billed over h-a-m in the menu.16:43
ShadowJKShapeshifter: I think it says 2.5g on n900 in edge16:43
qwerty12_N900"I declare allegiance to the Ovi Store..."16:43
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Venomrushhad a webpage and an email opened16:43
GeneralAntillesVenomrush, probably shouldn't be playing with Red Pill.16:43
Venomrushi wasn't playing with Red Pill16:44
* bilboed-pi wouldn't mind finding again the people interested in writing a video editor16:44
Venomrushi don't even have devel repo16:44
archebyteVenomrush: any new widget installed?16:44
Venomrushor installed anything16:44
Venomrushi think there's a memory leak somewhere16:44
zaheermbilboed-pi, dmj726 wanted to16:44
GeneralAntillesWhat does htop say?16:46
Venomrushwith the main applications or the OS itself16:46
bilboed-pizaheerm, right, but he's not online16:46
archebytethe new systeminforwidget will eat memory till there is no more :)16:46
qwerty12_N900archebyte: Ah, it's that? Thanks!16:46
VenomrushI have the following:16:46
VenomrushSheet to go16:46
VenomrushSlideshow To Go16:46
VenomrushWord To Go16:46
VDVsxStskeeps, you can have something like this, hihih:
infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
zaheermbilboed-pi, the other people were (me for bringing it up in the UX meets code)16:46
VenomrushFM Radio16:46
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: You can make the first vibrator app16:46
VenomrushLocation Test16:46
VenomrushCrash Reporter16:46
VenomrushOn Desktop, there are the following that needs Web connection:16:46
VenomrushFacebook widget16:46
VenomrushRSS widget16:46
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KhertanSTOP !16:46
* bilboed-pi smells kick16:46
archebyteoh boy16:46's hammertime!16:46
VenomrushCrap there's another same error16:46
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GeneralAntillesVenomrush, don't paste things longer than 3 lines into the chat window, thanks.16:46
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: who else is deputized in here btw?16:46
KhertanVenomrush: flash it ill be faster16:46
GeneralAntillesVenomrush, use a pastebin so you don't flood the channel.16:46
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: pupnik went a bit overboard in racist slurs earlier so :P16:46
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, X-Fade and Jaffa have access, nobody else is opped.16:46
archebyteVenomrush: it is hard to do anything when that error comes up.. best to re-plug the battery..16:46
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Venomrusharchebyte: systeminfo widget?16:47
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I kicked him around 2 AM my time and had a chat with him about it.16:47
bilboed-pizaheerm, you were saying ?16:47
archebyteVenomrush yes16:47
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: ah, i was offline there16:47
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lopzhi ^>^16:47
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: He had 20l of drink... No excuse, though, I know16:47
zaheermbilboed-pi, the other people were me for bringing it up in the UX meets code discussion, and a few people on that thread that liked the idea16:47
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Venomrusharchebyte: do you mean the load-applet?16:48
zaheermbilboed-pi, personally i'd be a big user to fix my really badly created videos into youtube uploadable material ;)16:48
bilboed-pizaheerm, :)16:48
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, I've access too16:48
SpeedEvilzaheerm: err - you're missing the point.16:48
archebyteVenomrush: no.. systeminfowidget debuted into extras-testing yesterday..16:48
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SpeedEvilzaheerm: it's gotta be badly created or it's not according to youtubes TOS.16:49
zaheermSpeedEvil, which point?16:49
GeneralAntilles. . . and VDVsx.16:49
zaheermSpeedEvil, :P16:49
bilboed-piSpeedEvil, :)16:49
Venomrusharchebyte: ah, i don't have that, just the load-applet16:49
zaheerms/youtube/other more professional video hosting site/16:49
Venomrushso systeminfowidget has memory leak? why shud be kick down to devel16:49
Venomrush*it shud be kick down to devel16:50
GeneralAntillesOh, rcadden.16:50
qwerty12_N900Venomrush: It's only found in -devel16:50
Venomrushsomeone just said it's in extras-testing16:50
qwerty12_N900Is it?16:50
archebyteVenomrush: yes..16:50
Venomrushapparently since yesterday16:50
qwerty12_N900I can confirm a memory leak16:50
Venomrushin systeminfowidget ?16:51
povbotBug 6442: Memory leaks cause device to run out of memory16:52
qwerty12_N900Isn't that a given? =)16:52
derfThe expected behavior is a magical device with infinite memory.16:55
Venomrushbtw, i don't even have systeminfowidget16:55
Venomrushstill got those nasty memory errors16:55
jaskainfinite tape?:)16:55
archebyteVenomrush: I don't think there's a way out.. can you ssh into it?16:55
SpeedEvilIs there a way to turn off autocomplete?16:56
Venomrushi dont even know how to ssh :)16:56
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SpeedEvilI was entering my wifi password, and the normal behaviour - show char entered for a moment, then blank it - was sane.16:56
qwerty12_N900archebyte: For systeminfowidget ones: ctrl+shift+x and killall hildon-home allowed me to start up apps again16:56
Venomrushto find any meaning info16:56
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qwerty12_N900SpeedEvil: Text input settings in the control panel16:56
SpeedEvilThen it came up with some autosuggestions - and those came up, and were instantly *'d out - including the letter I was entering16:57
archebyteqwerty12_N900: in my case, the shortcut wouldn't register.. had to replug the battery16:57
qwerty12_N900Ouch :\16:57
Venomrushalthough i noticed this error for the first time after i installed Crash Reporter & Location-Test-GUI16:57
Venomrushi installed those 2 last night16:57
Venomrushgot the memory error today16:58
Venomrushbefore that16:58
Venomrush3 days straight16:58
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fiferboyqwerty12_N900: Hey, back at work after my "vacation"17:13
fiferboyqwerty12_N900: fiferbaby-2.0 is very good, but keeping us busy17:13
qwerty12_N900Hehe, congrats17:13
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SpeedEvilIs there anything special I need to do to get GPS working? I go to maps, and the sat dish appears with a red line through it even for some minutes outside under a clear sky17:15
SpeedEvilIs it required to use a phone internet connection?17:15
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jaemI've used it just fine with wifi17:16
SpeedEvilHmm. Maybe it's upset I haven't set the time.17:16
jaemlet me check something17:16
jaemhmm... well, it looks like A-GPS might require a cell connection17:17
jaemnot sure, but try turning that off17:17
jaemit gets a lock quickly enough anyway, if you're standing still17:17
SpeedEvilturning what off?17:18
jaemmuch better than the N810, and subsequent times-to-lock nearby in space-time are much quicker17:18
jaemSettings -> GPS -> Use A-GPS and Reverse-Geocoding17:18
jaemuncheck it, and try again17:18
jaemjust a thought17:18
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lardmanjaem: without cell data it's very slow17:21
lardmantry it with no SIM card for example17:22
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jaemlardman, I have, although maybe my opinion is skewed by how terrible the N810's time-to-lock was :P17:22
lardmanwell it wouldn't lock for me at all without a sim17:22
lardmanand yeah n810 was also terrible17:22
jaemthat said, once I got an initial fix a few days ago, it locked quite quickly later that day17:22
lardmanno sim?17:23
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jaemjust wifi17:23
qwerty12_N900jaem: To be fair, without a sim, the N900's GPS can be compared to the N810's one in that regard :p17:23
jaemI did notice that it takes forever to get a lock if you're moving17:23
lardmanthough how it obtains its initial location I don't know17:23
jaembut standing still, it was reasonably quick17:23
lardmanperhaps it uses more advanced agps and lets the supld server work out where it is?17:23
jaemfor some value of "reasonably"17:23
derfjaem: Most GPS devices work like that, AFAIK.17:23
jaemderf, yeah, I figured17:23
derflardman: You were able to update the qemu scratchbox uses, right?17:24
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lardmanderf: yep, works fine now17:24
derflardman: Any pointers to how you did it?17:24
lardmanthough not for Qt building for Diablo still17:24
lardmanderf: hmm17:24
lardmanderf: install all the diablo stuff bar the scratchbox-libs|core17:25
SpeedEvilOk - that's somewhat concerning.17:25
SpeedEvil~3 min, and no lock.17:25
SpeedEvilToo cold for longer.17:25
lardmanderf: then in fremantle sb, do sb-menu and setup a new target using the old toolchain, and old devkits17:25
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derfCan I just use my existing old target?17:26
qwerty12_N900lardman: A new target is a bit excessive; why not edit your normal target's config and switch when needed?17:26
lardmanderf: copy it across?17:26
lardmanno idea17:26
lardmanI just set up a new one17:27
bakaratgah, don't know whether or not to buy the n900, it's rather expensive and it may be obsolete in a year...17:27
jaemlardman, qwerty12_N900, why the new qemu?17:27
derfI mean, I've got like 5 targets sitting around.17:27
lardmanyeah same here17:27
derfBut anyway, go on.17:27
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lardmanjaem: old one doens't do all the instructions Qt seems to use17:27
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qwerty12_N900jaem: I haven't needed to use one for Fremantle, but in Diablo, I used one to sort out some Python issues (mainly vanity related ones)17:28
lardmanderf: home is then shared by all your targets, so I just copied the files from my diablo home to a sub dir in my main (fremantle) sb home and away I go17:28
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lardmanjaem: not new anyway, just want to use fremantle qemu for diablo building17:28
derfOkay, I missed the part where the new qemu got installed.17:28
lardmanwell I installed the Fremantle SDK, then I'm adding Diablo stuff to that17:29
LuciusMarehello i downloaded this image:  - any way how to tell if the step 3 went good? At first it told me an error,and now i let it run and it disappeared so i am not sure17:29
derfDiablo's qemu was newer?17:29
derfThat doesn't make any sense.17:30
lardmanno, I'm installing Diablo devkits and compiler in Fremantle sb (which includes the newer qemu)17:30
derfNo, I want something newer than Fremantle's.17:31
lardmanoh I see17:31
lardmanI don't know then, sorry17:31
derfWell, thanks anyway.17:31
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LuciusMarei guess it didn't go well,i have a terminalfull of errors :(17:32
jaemLuciusMare, is there a reason you couldn't use the VMWare images?17:32
jaemI've had good luck with them17:32
LuciusMaresegfaults,core dumps,uncaught exceptions17:32
LuciusMarejaem: i AM using them17:32
jaemLuciusMare, I meant these:
jaemthat's what I'd advise using17:33
LuciusMarediablo is 5?17:33
jaemdiablo is 417:34
jaemfremantle is maemo 517:34
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LuciusMarethere is no fremantle :(17:34
jaemthese images should include the SDK for both17:34
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jaemread the agreement and click through17:34
LuciusMarei didnt see it17:34
jaemthen decide which image you want17:34
jaemServer gets you a command line install17:34
jaemDesktop gets you a desktop install17:35
jaemread the readmes before downloading17:35
jaemalso note that it uses cookies for the click-through, so you won't be able to wget the links over ssh, or anything like that17:35
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LuciusMarejaem: what about wget and --cookies ?17:36
fralsgod, javaME is... >_<17:36
jaemoh yeah... that's what I was trying to look up :P17:36
jaemyeah, but I meant without that17:36
LuciusMareman wget|grep cookie17:36
LuciusMareyet another 2gbs to dl17:37
qwerty12_N900frals: Be thankful that it cannot corrupt you on Maemo =)17:37
fralsaye :)17:37
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orbarronmorning all17:40
Stskeepsmorning orbarron17:41
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* zaheerm twiddles his thumbs while a package in autobuilder takes > 1hr to build17:44
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LuciusMaredid there really appear me saying "arr" ?17:46
lbt_you said arrr17:46
derfThree r's.17:46
LuciusMarei dont remember typing it17:46
LuciusMarejust staring at the screen when it appeared O_o17:46
* lbt_ celebrates17:47
* LuciusMare looks into a mirror17:47
lbt_it worked!!17:47
Khertan <<< lol ... there is also a zelda here :)17:47
qwerty12_N900LuciusMare: Wazd is in your computer, looking for your porn17:47
LuciusMarepirate porn?17:47
LuciusMareback to what i want to intentionally...or just type17:47
LuciusMareor just want to type17:48
LuciusMareI forgot it17:48
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LuciusMareSomething is wrong with me17:48
LuciusMareoh,yes i know17:49
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LuciusMareafter i download the image,it will be an installation of the sDK?17:49
jaemLuciusMare, you'll need to unzip it using 7-zip first17:49
LuciusMareand,the 6 ui concept sucks17:49
jaembut then, yes17:49
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LuciusMarei find the good old 4 desktops better than a widgetfull dashboard or whatever it is17:50
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LuciusMarewhat about you?17:53
LuciusMareWat do you think about tit?17:53
LuciusMare*What do you think about it?17:53
jaemI haven't looked at the Maemo 6 UI concepts yet17:55
jaemI've been meaning to17:55
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yannjhey guys, my n900 does not want to turn on, I get the first nokia splash screen, then little dot blinking and it shut down17:59
Stskeepsbattery low?18:00
yannjI dont think so18:00
Stskeepsfwiw, it may sometimes go into a mode where it shuts down cos of bad last shutdown18:00
Stskeepslet it shut down, and thne turn it on18:00
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yannjI did18:01
VDVsxtry to remove the battery too, sometimes also helps18:01
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qwerty12_N900...just put in the charger before ruling out low battery issues?18:02
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yannjI just have the usb cable with me18:02
jaemyannj, were you charging from a computer, or from the wall charger?18:02
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yannjI charged from wall in the morning18:03
bolshIs Jeremiah around?18:03
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yannjI installed a kernel module yesterday18:03
yannjI did reboot from yesterday I think18:03
VDVsxok, probably you broke something :)18:04
yannjdid not*18:04
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yannjhow to acces the filesystem and remove it now18:04
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SpeedEvilGPS seems not to lock if you have wildly inaccurate times.18:05
SpeedEvil(as in last year)18:06
jaemSpeedEvil, no kidding18:06
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yannjis there a way to debug at startup?18:07
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Stskeepsfuz_ had a fbcon kernel18:11
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tbfyannj: no idea how to access the FS in such state. you might have to reflash18:20
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yannjhow do I reflash18:20
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
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yannjI'll try18:30
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LuciusMareI just finished downloading the SDK image18:45
LuciusMareHad to remove half of my movies so it would fit there18:45
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jaemwait, what?18:46
jaemit should have both SDKs18:46
LuciusMarethis is weird18:46
LuciusMarei downloaded 1246690289 Maemo PreFinal 2 Fremantle and Diablo SDK Virtual Image with Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 Desktop Part 218:46
LuciusMarecalled 1246690289 Maemo PreFinal 2 Fremantle and Diablo SDK Virtual Image with Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10 Desktop Part 218:47
LuciusMareThen why is there "diablo examples" and in readme is "Maemo Diablo SDK Virtual Image with Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex Desktop Edition installed" ?18:47
jaemone sec18:48
jaemyou grabbed part 1 and part 2, right?18:48
jaemand unzipped them?18:48
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LuciusMarethen loaded the disk18:49
jaemthose are the same files that I downloaded, and that image includes both18:49
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LuciusMareand does your readme say the same?18:49
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jaemI can't check right now, sorry, but if you downloaded the Desktop images from the link I gave you, then you have the right one18:50
LuciusMare[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~]18:50
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zaheermany1 know a direct url for promoting to extras-testing the package page for the version i want to promote keeps timing out (for last hour or so)18:57
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LuciusMarewhen i run App manager,it tells me "operation failed"19:01
yannjMy phone is back to ife19:01
yannjlife!! thanks u all19:01
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LuciusMareand so,operation failed and if i click browse installable - no apps available19:03
jaemyannj, woot19:03
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LuciusMareyes,no catalogues in use and then no apps available19:03
jaemLuciusMare, in the SDK, you mean?19:03
LuciusMarejaem: yes19:04
jaemthat's to be expected19:04
LuciusMarei didnt expect it.19:04
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jaemif you need packages from extras, you have to add the repo19:04
jaemby default it just has the tools and sdk repos19:05
LuciusMarei want any packages19:05
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LuciusMareBut i cant install any19:05
jaemand you'll want to use fakeroot apt-get in scratchbox, not the app manager19:05
LuciusMarei dont even have a terminal19:05
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jaemwait, are you using sbox + Xephyr, or the host OS (ubuntu)?19:06
jaemyou started up the SDK VM, right?19:06
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jaemthen what did you do?19:06
zaheermpackage_instance/view keeps timing out...been trying for > an hour, is there a problem?19:06
LuciusMarethen used sbox and xephyr19:06
LuciusMarei am running it19:06
jaemyou do your development inside the scratchbox shell19:07
jaemonly use Xephyr for testing graphical apps19:07
jaemit's not an emulator19:07
jaemwell, it sort of is, but not in the sense that you're probably expecting19:07
jaemdon't expect to have a "virtual N900" in the SDK - you don't19:07
jaemyou have an shell that can run ARM apps that you compile, and an X display to test/run graphical apps19:08
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jaemif you need packages from extras, then add it to your apt sources, and use fakeroot apt-get to install things19:08
LuciusMareat least i expected nrtwork functionality19:08
jaemif the VM has networking set up right, then that should work19:09
jaemare you using VMWare Server?19:09
LuciusMareand the network in vb is properly set19:09
jaemwhat happens when you try to ping something in sbox?19:09
LuciusMarein sbox?19:10
Ford_PrefectLuciusMare, you might need to copy /etc/resolv.conf into your sb target. If ping <ip> works and ping <host> does not, that should solve the problem.19:11
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jaemFord_Prefect, thanks - I was about to suggest that, and then forgot ^_^19:11
LuciusMarecommand ping not found19:12
jaemlol... right19:12
jaemI forgot19:12
jaemnot installed by default19:12
jaemwell, try what Ford_Prefect said19:13
LuciusMarewhere exatly is sb root?19:13
LuciusMareor - sb target?19:14
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LuciusMarei run /scratchbox/login19:14
jaemLuciusMare, from within scratchbox, it's /targets/[targetname]/, I believe19:14
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LuciusMareso different formulation - where should i put /etc/resolv.conf ?19:15
LuciusMareand i used dhcpclient19:15
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jaemin /, I believe19:15
jaemit's layered in some fashion19:16
Ford_PrefectErm, <path-to-sb-target>/etc/resolv.conf is where I put it19:16
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jaemgo with what Ford_Prefect said19:17
LuciusMarei dont know what is path to sb target19:17
jaemLuciusMare, look in /targets in scratchbox19:17
Ford_Prefect /scratchbox/users/<user>/targets/FREMANTLE_X86/etc/ in my case19:17
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LuciusMarecat /etc/resolv.conf # Generated by NetworkManager19:18
jaemyeah, just replace it19:19
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penguinbaitwhen I was burning you put wood on the fire.........19:42
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luke-jrpenguinbait: could have been hair spray...19:50
g^on n900 does anyone know where filemanager stores the data what to use as root folder, ie. can you change it to point / instead of MyDocs19:50
luke-jrI somewhat doubt it19:51
Stskeepsg^: you don't want to do that though19:51
luke-jrbased solely on the quality of Nokia code in the N81019:51
luke-jror rather, the lack thereof19:51
Stskeeps / should be owned by root, you run as user19:51
till-what about a symlink to / in MyDocs19:52
g^Stskeeps: yes, and... i am not talking about doing chmod -R a+rwx /19:52
greenflymaybe a better question is why you'd want to do that19:52
g^till-: MyDocs is vfat19:52
till-change the fs type :)19:53
g^till-: was thinking of that, but tought if filemanager used some .settings file to store that tuff =)19:53
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till-or maybe you can do some smb or ntfs stuff19:54
LuciusMareThat reminds me something19:54
LuciusMareHave anybody here tried reformatting the ugly vfat to ext2 or 3?Or something else?19:55
crashanddieg^: /etc/passwd19:55
crashanddieLuciusMare: yes, makes it unusable through USB19:55
jaemcrashanddie, well, for non-Linux OSes19:55
g^crashanddie: who uses windows anyways =D19:56
jaemso it's not convenient, but it'll work if you only use it on Linux computers19:56
crashanddieI do19:56
crashanddieat work19:56
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crashanddiebecause it's corporate policy?19:56
crashanddieand because you don't have outlook on Linux?19:56
crashanddieLuciusMare: I'm a suit19:56
* LuciusMare is confused.19:56
jaemg^, I don't usually, but I did that with my N810, and then forgot that I couldn't use it at the print-shop19:56
qwerty12_N900g^: $MYDOCSDIR - but it is rather stupid changing it19:56
LuciusMareYou are a piece of clothing?19:56
crashanddieLuciusMare: nevermind19:57
till-there are two ext2/3-drivers for windows19:57
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crashanddietill-: and none of those work over USB19:57
jaemtill-, yes, have you tried them?19:57
jaemcrashanddie, why not?19:57
till-i'm using a ext3 partition on both win and linux19:57
crashanddiethey don't support hotplug IIRC19:57
jaemO RLY?19:57
g^qwerty12_N900: thanks!19:57
till-even on a usb flash drive19:57
LuciusMaretill-: how?19:58
jaemtill-, are they stable?19:58
LuciusMaretill-: oh,you told me...nvm19:58
till-more or less19:58
crashanddiejaem: this was a few years back though19:58
crashanddiebut yeah, on a partition they work fine19:58
till-one has a problem with not cleanly unmounted fs19:58
zaheermi don't think i'd touch those ext drivers for windows with a barge pole19:58
till-windows wants to format them every time i tried to access :)19:58
LuciusMareIf i connect my n900 to a computer,it acts as a mass storage device,right?19:58
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till-but what about making a MyDocs/win partition with fat3219:59
LuciusMaretill-: nice feature19:59
jaemcrashanddie, were those the native drivers, or one of the weird ext hacks that isn't quite a driver?19:59
zaheermLuciusMare, yes it asks you first though, usb storage or pc suite mode19:59
till-and keeping MyDocs as ext2 or whatever19:59
crashanddiejaem: I believe the native driver or something, can't remember19:59
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LuciusMarezaheerm: great,thanks,and the mass storage mode works like it feeds the connected computer the data directly?19:59
zaheermtill-, what about /home/user as ext3 and /home/user/MyDocs as vfat ;)19:59
zaheermLuciusMare, it acts like a usb stick20:00
LuciusMarezaheerm: i know,but how does it work?20:00
till-i thought the intention was to access / in the file manager20:00
till-and there MyDocs is root20:00
LuciusMareI guess that it does not actually run the data through maemo,just into the cable20:00
g^. /home/user is already a ext320:00
jaemcrashanddie, okay.  I hadn't tried any of the, but as I understand it, there were some initial apps that allowed you to access an ext filesystem without providing a driver (presumably doing something in userspace?)20:00
crashanddieg^: edit /etc/passwd and set the user home directory to /20:00
zaheermLuciusMare, the partition is unmounted on the maemo device, then presented to the computer to do what it wants over usb20:01
crashanddieg^: don't know if that'll work, might completely break it, but hey, you asked20:01
g^crashanddie: that makes no sense20:01
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zaheermLuciusMare, so userspace in maemo doesn't proxy it, is done in kernel20:01
crashanddieg^: how so?20:01
LuciusMarezaheerm: i know,but it could also work like getting requests,reading the partition and sending them back20:01
g^besides user's homedir is /home/user already20:01
LuciusMareyes,proxy,something like that20:01
crashanddieg^: [09:50] <g^> on n900 does anyone know where filemanager stores the data what to use as root folder, ie. can you change it to point / instead of MyDocs20:02
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crashanddieg^: hence, move the homedir to /20:02
LuciusMare*sending them back > sending the recoded data to the cable as the computer would expect20:02
* AakashPatel hopes his n900 ships today20:02
crashanddiethen also patch your environment variable to change $MYDOCSDIR or whatever it is to point to ~20:02
g^crashanddie: no, that is definedly sth I would not want to do20:02
crashanddieplease use real words20:02
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crashanddieand "sth"20:03
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LuciusMaregrammar nazi20:03
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crashanddiespelling nazi20:03
crashanddiequite different from grammar20:04
LuciusMaredictionary nazi20:04
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crashanddiewhat time is it in Europe now?20:04
LuciusMarewhat part of europe?20:04
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akeripper_swe time20:04
LuciusMarei also have 7pm,butt europe is big20:05
crashanddieyeah, I'm from London20:05
crashanddieso 6PM was pretty accurate, though I always consider Paris/Stockholm time to be "Europe time"20:05
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crashanddieI landed in California last night, I have no sense of time at this point20:06
LuciusMarei am reading newspaper20:06
crashanddieinteresting, you can read?20:06
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LuciusMarei just hate when they shoot photos of handsome programmers20:06
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LuciusMarethat was not the point.20:07
qwerty12_N900LuciusMare: Turns you on?20:07
LuciusMareLike,90% of programmers are geeks20:07
crashanddieno, they're not20:07
LuciusMareshow me a handsome programmer20:07
LuciusMare(RMS :D)20:07
StskeepsLuciusMare: i do know some quite hot computer scientists20:08
Stskeepsgirls, that is20:08
crashanddieLuciusMare: elena20:09
crashanddieLuciusMare: one of my coworkers, trevor20:09
crashanddieLuciusMare: mostly, it's not about how you look, it's how you "maintain" yourself... You can be a hunk physically, if you don't wash and wear 70s clothes and haircut, you'll look like shit20:09
lbtandre__: ping.... how do I confirrm WPA2/AES? My router is runnning wrt and has WPA1+2 and RC4/AES available. dmesg doesn't help20:10
LuciusMareok,so i am in a ugly-programmer zone20:10
Stskeepslbt: iwlist wlan0 scanning?20:10
lbtunder fremantle?20:11
Stskeepswhy not? :P20:11
lardmanArgh, what's a bloody expiration date?20:11
lbtiwlist: not found20:11
Stskeepsinstall wireless-tools20:11
crashanddielardman: a date where something expires20:11
lardmanno, that's an expiry date20:11
lbtwireless is for pansies anway :)20:11
qwerty12_N900lardman: Let the generalisations begin20:11
lardmanan expiration date must be when something expirises20:12
lardmanqwerty12_N900: you ready :)20:12
lbthmm, should wireless-tools be in HAM then?20:12
* lardman thinks of architected20:12
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qwerty12_N900lardman: No, I'm rather tired, actually20:12
LuciusMareI have expired20:13
qwerty12_N900GTFO IRC, then20:13
lardmanqwerty12_N900: we'll save up the abuse-the-abusers-of-the-Queen's-English for another time then20:13
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crashanddiethe Queen can barely talk ffs20:13
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lardmancrashanddie: just because some fool who can't speak English has written expiration in that doc doesn't make it right20:14
lardmanagain, .com....20:15
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crashanddielardman: there's some .gov in those definitions as well ;)20:16
Flandryis there a way to get the information in lsof through a system call?20:16
qwerty12_N900lardman: Cook Islands is the best Google20:16
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crashanddielardman: now stop trolling, you suck at it20:16 doesn't count, they don't speak English20:16
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Flandryoops wrong channel it seems :P20:17
LuciusMare? _ ?20:17
Flandrythis is #freetrolls?20:17
qwerty12_N900Flandry: Only when you're present20:17
LuciusMarenope,i should reffer you to redirection channel #gay20:17
lardmananyone use Windows 7?20:18
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lardmanand namely how do I find the MAC of my wifi chipset?20:18
Flandryyeah asking unix questions is my way of trolling20:18
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crashanddielardman: ipconfig /all ?20:18
qwerty12_N900lardman: Sure... Oh... let me just castrate myself first20:18
Flandryin earlier versions it's in the registry20:18
Flandrynot sure about 720:18
Flandryin fact you can change it there ;)20:18
crashanddienot if the chipset doesn't support it20:19
lardmanthat worked, thanks crashanddie20:19
crashanddielardman: np20:19
Flandryworked fine when i needed it though20:19
CShadowRunSo, it's the 30th november, N900's still preorder...I thought it was out today?20:20
Flandryso there's no other way to get file open information than parsing lsof?20:20
pH5Flandry: I believe lsof just parses /proc/*/fd20:21
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lardman_mm, so that's what happens when you reboot your router20:23
LuciusMarelardman_: lemme try20:24
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LuciusMareokay,enough for me20:24
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LuciusMa1eenuff for me20:25
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Flandrywould be nice if there was something in between20:25
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CShadowRunanyone on my question?20:25
pH5CShadowRun: yes, you thought it was out today.20:26
CShadowRunindeed i did :p20:26
CShadowRunso, what's the new release date?20:26
LuciusMa1eCould anyone retell me what does the nokia EULA actually contain,and why the hell it is there on open software?20:27
qwerty12_N900LuciusMa1e: Simple: Not everything is open20:28
LuciusMa1eqwerty12_N900: what is not?20:28
StskeepsLuciusMa1e: 80% of platform is open, 20% isn't20:28
mgedminmany essential components20:28
LuciusMa1ewhat 20%?20:28
qwerty12_N900LuciusMa1e: Dunno... There's a list somewhere, can't be arsed to find it20:28
mgedmina very good question that I'd like to see answered20:28
StskeepsLuciusMa1e: if you wait a little while my openness report should be done20:28
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mgedminStskeeps, cool!20:29
Stskeepsi need to generate one for diablo as well so we have a comparision20:29
* RST38h moos20:29
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StskeepsLuciusMa1e: and that will reveal connections between open and closed and give a very good overview of things20:31
StskeepsLuciusMa1e: you don't technically need nokia-binaries to develop for maemo but it sure helps20:31
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Flandryhmm this is tricky.20:34
qwerty12_N900crashanddie: How many languages do you speak? =)20:34
crashanddieqwerty12_N900: enough20:35
mgedmin mentions some closed packages20:35
crashanddieqwerty12_N900: Speaking german is hard, however understanding it is quite easy, being dutch and all20:35
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crashanddieqwerty12_N900: I can read probably something around 8-9 different languages, speak 3 fluently, 5 if the other person is forgiving20:36
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unixSnobi keep looking for french classes, but the ads for french classes are themselves in french20:38
unixSnobyou'd think some bright instructor would try some non-french ads20:38
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julianoliverunixSnob: 'being' French and speaking French are two different things. sure the ads you saw weren't lessons in Frenchness?20:40
bazedutch is weird... reading it is easy but understanding a person talking it is something completely different ;)20:40
aSIMULAtorlike swedish20:40
unixSnobjulianoliver: the ads are in belgium, so i doubt it20:41
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unixSnobbelgium has a lot of influence from france as it is20:41
RST38h"Michael Arrington announced the death of the CrunchPad on Monday morning in a blog post heavily spiced with angst and drama. According to Arrignton, the Cruchpad, a 12-inch Web tablet expected to be priced at about $300, was just days away from launch."20:41
julianoliverunixSnob: don't be too sure.. some of the Francophones I've met in .be fly the Frenchness flag high..20:41
unixSnobwe can even drink wine at work.. served in the cafeteria20:42
julianoliverbaze: little known fact: Dutch was a spinoff project of the Dr Seuss series of childrens books.20:42
julianoliverbaze: you can read more about that here:
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julianoliverunixSnob: indeed. i appreciate this also, the same in many countries across Europe..20:43
unixSnobi haven't figured out why brits do the cheek kiss to greet in belgium.. i mean, they're not belgian20:44
julianoliverwhile not being British, i did it when i lived in Belgium.20:44
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julianoliverout of politeness mostly..20:44
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unixSnobjulianoliver: i don't mean to greet belgians.. I mean brits greeting brits20:45
andre__LuciusMa1e, for your interest:
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unixSnobjulianoliver: and i think it's a french thing.. I don't think the flemish do the cheek kiss20:45
julianoliverunixSnob: hehe. that is odd.20:46
julianoliveradmittedly i didn't notice this strange behaviour.20:46
unixSnobi get confused w/ these folks.. not sure to extend a hand, or a lip20:46
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unixSnobi know i screw it up by actually kissing the cheek.. i think i'm supposed to kiss the air around the cheek.. either way, it's strange20:47
unixSnobi'm just going to start laying sloppy wet kisses on cheeks.. that'll stop folks from trying that kind of greet on me20:48
unixSnobmy goal will be to leave somethign that they have to wipe off20:49
Flandrymy Turkish and Italian friends do that as well20:50
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Flandryi don't think it's just a French thing20:50
unixSnobit's funny to see guys do it.. the other day a guy in full leathers w/ a couple chains, looking tough, did the cheek kiss w/ another guy - normal for french folks, but a shock to an american20:50
julianoliverpeople do it here in Germany a little also.20:51
julianoliverSwiss do it a lot also.20:51
qwerty12_N900unixSnob: Maybe it was foreplay?20:51
unixSnobwell switzerland has a french population20:51
unixSnobsurprizes me about the germans though20:51
FlandryTurkey's French population is fairly limited...20:52
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unixSnobi could pull an obama, and shake hands and kiss and bow all at once to get it covered20:53
unixSnoball in one swift move20:53
julianoliverunixSnob: Berliners, at least. i dare not generalise.20:53
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unixSnobwhat do you mean berliners?  folks do that in berlin?20:54
mikhasaww, now you'll never visit us?20:55
mgedminSalut lost one of my messages20:58
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Flandryis fakeroot just a scratchbox thing?20:59
Flandryi guess what i'm trying to figure out is if HAM is root on N90021:00
Stskeepsno, used other places too21:00
StskeepsFlandry: dpkg is21:00
mikhaspart of the debian packaging tools IIRC21:01
Flandryok thanks21:01
Flandryso a post install script in a deb can run as root21:02
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unixSnobjulianoliver: can you translate this for me (babelfish is lousy): A partir du 01-12-2009, le taux d'intérêt débiteur en cas21:04
unixSnob de dépassement autorisé diminue à 11 %. En cas de21:04
unixSnob dépassement non-autorisé, le taux d'intérêt débiteur est21:04
unixSnob porté à 12,10 %.21:04
unixSnobthat was on a bank statement21:05
Flandryoh no, they got to him21:05
woglindehm even I cannot speak french21:06
woglindeseems some taxes raises from 1.12.200921:06
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woglindeah no21:06
unixSnobbelgians already tax 60% of my income.. how can they raise that?21:06
mikhasby going to 70%?21:06
woglindemore as in german21:06
unixSnobactually it's more21:06
qwerty12_N900unixSnob: Translation: Leave21:07
woglindeand we german always complain about 55%21:07
unixSnobthere's national insurance too.. it's more like 75%21:07
unixSnobie. i get to keep 25%21:07
Flandrywhat does the 75% get you?21:08
unixSnobFlandry: 50% off on medical expenses21:08
derfThat's it?21:08
Flandryjust that21:08
unixSnobyeah, it sucks21:08
* GeneralAntilles chuckles.21:08
unixSnoband when i chipped a tooth and needed a cap, quote was 1000 euro, no coverage21:08
unixSnobyou'd think they'd give me a blood crown considering i'm paying 75% in tax21:09
Flandrythat seems...excessive21:09
unixSnobbut the beer and chocolate here is quite good21:09
julianoliverunixSnob: i barely read French but it just relates to interest rates for a debt after the date given.21:10
julianoliverunixSnob: be sure to try Chimay Blue, Duvel and Leffe Brun.21:10
unixSnobjulianoliver: okay.. quite interesting.. not sure how I can even get into debt on a belgian credit card - it's not trully credit21:10
woglindeunixsnob oh my god21:10
unixSnobthey grab the balance straight out of my bank account every month21:11
woglindenow I am fine with living in germany21:11
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Stskeepsevening jaffa21:11
lardman_hey Jaffa21:11
GeneralAntillesHello, Jaffa.21:11
unixSnobjulianoliver: chimay blue is great21:11
KMFDMjuliank, those are all excellent indeed, but you also have to try chimay white21:11
KMFDMand westmalle tripel21:11
KMFDMand dubel21:11
KMFDMas well21:11
unixSnobi like hoogarden white..21:11
GeneralAntillesI think a wouldn't be an awful idea.21:12
unixSnobnever thought chimay would come in white21:12
julianoliverunixSnob: it does?21:12
* unixSnob high fives KMFDM on the westmalle triple21:12
Flandryblue beer?21:12
KMFDMFlandry, nah it is a trappist ale21:12
unixSnobjulianoliver: that's what KMFDM said21:12
KMFDMbut the blue label is a double21:12
KMFDMand the white label is as well i think21:13
unixSnobFlandry: actually we have green beer here, if you're into colors21:13
unixSnobit's cactus beer21:13
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unixSnobquite good actually21:13
KMFDMunixSnob, westmalle triple is what I always drink if I'm out and about as most cafes here don't have chimay21:13
Flandryactually i don't drink, but the thought of blue beer was odd21:13
unixSnobKMFDM: great for getting hammered quickly too21:13
KMFDMunixSnob, of course. I'm pretty buzzed after 121:14
mikhashm, cactus beer. I have to try that!21:14
KMFDMand after 2 I'm generally done for the night21:14
lardman_I had some red and green beer when I was in Berlin21:14
KMFDMbut I'm quite light21:14
mikhascould you describe the flavour for me?21:14
Flandrythey have green beer here on St Paddy's day though21:14
unixSnobmikhas: you can get it at Delerium Tremens in brussels21:14
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julianoliverunixSnob: the most honest name for a Belgian Bar, indeed.21:14
KMFDMunixSnob, chimay white is actually even tastier than the blue somewhat21:15
unixSnoblardman_: was the red beer cherry flavored?  Cherry beer is popular in belgium21:15
KMFDMbut blue gets your more hammered21:15
mikhaslardman_, that "red/green" stuff isn't actually beer, if you go by the law =)21:15
lardman_ is mine21:15
woglindelardman I dont like it21:15
KMFDMunixSnob, yeah the berry flavored beers taste good, but give me an awful hangover21:15
KMFDMbelgian ales never do21:15
KMFDMand belgian ales get me a lot more hammered21:15
lardman_unixSnob: those flavoured beers are dangerous, was at a conference and they were serving "tasters" of that and another one21:15
unixSnobKMFDM: well the cherry beer isn't good in quanity anyway.. i just have one every 6 or so regular beers to refresh the taste buds21:16
lardman_even with my vast bulk, I was very pissed by the end of the day ;)21:16
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unixSnobi made the mistake of ordering a pint of cherry beer21:16
lardman_too sweet for my tastes21:17
unixSnobfrom now on, I'll just order 33cl of cherry beer21:17
greenflyit can be good if they are making a sour beer21:17
clmntchdoes it bother anyone (else) that the battery meter doesn't display usage in percent?21:17
julianoliverclmntch: yes21:17
lardman_clmntch: the prediction is not that accurate reaslistically21:17
KMFDMyeah i'd prefer a percentage21:17
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unixSnobclmntch: it bothers me that the display is color only21:17
julianoliverclmntch: i would like to see an estimate in time left though.21:17
clmntchlardman_: yes, but they display it as battery half full/empty21:17
unixSnobthe NIT should move to the dual color/mono lcds21:18
lardmanwhat device is this?21:18
KMFDMI enver make it to 6 beers21:18
KMFDMunless I'm drinking weak stuff21:18
clmntchlardman: n90021:18
lardmanhmm, I thought it has more graduations than that...?21:18
greenflythere seems to be about 8-10 levels21:18
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, to what possible end?21:18
unixSnobideally a device would switch to mono mode when the battery is low - like switching to the reserve tank on a motorcycle21:18
lardmangreenfly: yep21:18
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, composited UI is going to look like shit in mono21:18
GeneralAntillesassuming it's usable.21:19
* lardman looks for Pleora Vista drivers21:19
unixSnobGeneralAntilles: sure, but you don't care about the aesthetics when it's about to power off21:19
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unixSnobyou just want it to function to get the info21:19
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, dual-mode LCDs add to cost.21:19
unixSnobalso, mono is better in daylight21:19
GeneralAntillesEspecially dual-mode LCDs at that DPI21:19
GeneralAntillesAssuming they even make them.21:19
GeneralAntillesBut, considering both the software and hardware costs to implement this feature it sounds like an waste considering the limited benefits.21:20
greenflyplus what % is the display impacting power consumption at that point21:20
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greenflyseems like you'd get more benefit disabling all wireless21:20
g^hmm.. it seems to be possible to mkfs.ext3 MyDocs drive & add symlinks to / & /home/user as with older tablets =)21:20
greenflyand scaling down that ARM21:20
GeneralAntillesgreenfly, depends.21:21
greenflythat's because littering / like a home directory is a unix abomination :)21:21
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GeneralAntillesRace-to-idle and all that jazz21:21
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Flandryreducing the backlight to minimum automatically would do more anyway21:23
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pH5qwerty12_N900: thanks for petrovich. you don't happen to know how to interface with libcumulus, too?21:23
Flandryunless it's already there of course21:24
qwerty12_N900pH5: No idea, sorry21:24
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woglindewhat the hell is petrovich?21:24
woglindesounds like vodka21:24
LuciusMa1eAlso went on my mind21:24
unixSnobFlandry: it depends on the daylight.  the NIT is hardly functional in bright daylight if you have a reduced backlight21:24
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GeneralAntillesunixSnob, which model do you own? :)21:25
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unixSnobthe old palms do quite fine in bright daylight21:25
unixSnobGeneralAntilles: n80021:25
lardmanunixSnob: wfm with N810 and N90021:25
julianoliverwoglinde: Petrovich is a test tube baby of Russian descent.21:25
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, yeah, not applicable to either the N810 or N900, then.21:25
Flandryseems like the reflection would overpower the backlight anyway21:25
GeneralAntillesThey're both transflective.21:25
Flandryah :)21:25
lardman~curse VB for not supporting sending arrays using winsock (slightly OT I know)21:26
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, VB for not supporting sending arrays using winsock (slightly OT I know) !21:26
qwerty12_N900pH5: You may consider asking for libcumulus-dev to be put in nokia-binaries. Looks like they've just started listening:21:26
unixSnobFlandry: it doesn't ahve to be direct light to hinder it.. just bright enough.  I have to turn the backlight up quite high to be able to read21:26
GeneralAntilleslardman, careful, we may have to do to you what we did to lcuk.21:26
qwerty12_N900bug 617721:26
povbotBug Consider pushing sharing-dialog-dev to nokia-binaries to encourage developer usage of sharing dialog21:26
fiferboylardman: cursing VB is always topical21:26
lardmanwhat's libcumulus?21:26
Flandryyes but that's because it's not reflective21:26
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, yes, because the N800 isn't transflective.21:26
GeneralAntillesWhat Flandry said.21:27
lardmanfiferboy: :)21:27
fiferboylardman: I think it is a tag cloud library21:27
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, welcome back.21:27
fiferboyThere are no headers available for it, though21:27
Flandrylooking for opinions on the best way to shutdown a background program from a script that starts it earlier21:27
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Thanks21:27
unixSnobwhat's transflective?21:27
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GeneralAntillesfiferboy, the kid graduate college yet?21:27
lardmanfiferboy: ah yes, the name sort of gives it away hey? ;)21:27
pH5qwerty12_N900: great, thanks for the hint21:28
FlandryunixSnob: the substrate is reflective so that the incident light helps make the image visible21:28
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, it's got little holes that allow ambient light to be bounced back through the LCD.21:28
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: No, we are holding him back to stay with his age group21:28
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unixSnobkinda like the 3d film that gets displayed by putting a mirror behind it21:29
Flandryi'm thinking of having the background process check a file, and die when the script deletes it.21:29
lardmanI wonder if it's libcumulus-{humilis|mediocris|congestus}?21:29
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, you're just jealous of him. :P21:29
Flandryhow's that sound?21:29
LuciusMa1epH5: np,use wiki :P%21:29
luke-jrlardman: lrn2bash21:29
pH5lardman: mediocris would explain why they don't want to show the code21:30
lardmanluke-jr: nothanks21:30
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luke-jr{a|b|c} is not valid syntax in *any* language I know21:30
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LuciusMa1eluke-jr: then we need to invent one21:30
qwerty12_N900pH5: Even the headers, forget the code! Oh, Nokia, how I love you21:30
luke-jror just use standard BASH syntax21:31
luke-jrmore readable too21:31
LuciusMa1eor,to be more accurate21:31
LuciusMa1eIf one field could contain a string separated by a comma21:31
luke-jrthat's not valid either21:32
LuciusMa1euse C,luke21:32
mikhasmy favourite bash replacement is {a,b}{1,2}{A,B}21:32
mikhasit gives the full cross product21:32
mikhasso useful when dealing with complex directory hierarchies21:32
luke-jrLuciusMa1e: it's not valid C either21:32
LuciusMa1eit is21:33
mikhas{,folder}/ for example21:33
luke-jr{blah;blah1;blah2} would be valid *Perl* for something *completely different*21:34
LuciusMa1epython fields?21:34
LuciusMa1ewait,these are separated by a normal comma21:34
luke-jrPython thinks it's gibberish too21:34
luke-jrlol XD21:35
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yuizymaybe javascript21:35
luke-jr  ReferenceError: <interactive>:1: blah21:35
lardmanargh, I hate VB21:35
luke-jrlardman: liar21:36
woglindelardman than avoid it21:36
luke-jryou love VB21:36
luke-jrwe all know it21:36
AakashPatelmmm VB21:36
luke-jrwoglinde: lardman goes out of his way to use VB21:36
lardmanwoglinde: has bindings for the hw I want to control21:36
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luke-jror am I thinking someone else?21:36
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lardmanluke-jr: sure do, especially good for work on DSPs ;)21:36
luke-jrlardman: that's a reason to reverse engineer the hw21:36
LuciusMa1eisnt that technically illegal?21:37
luke-jrLuciusMa1e: no?21:37
lardmanluke-jr: well the hw is unfortunately abstracted by the VB interface, and tbh I can't be arsed :)21:37
luke-jrlardman: fail21:37
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lardmanluke-jr: I get paid for results, not time spent ;)21:37
luke-jrLuciusMa1e: reverse engineering is technically a right21:38
AakashPatelThe chick at nokia USA's support told me to call back LATER21:38
luke-jrthat fool sign away with contracts21:38
AakashPatelcuz they were so busy21:38
luke-jrWTF AakashPatel21:38
mikhasVB together with .Net cant be that bad *runs*21:38
luke-jrmikhas: -5 + -10 = -1521:38
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LuciusMa1eoh dear,VB together with .NET?21:38
AakashPatelHow do they expect us to buy crap if they dont answer thier phoen calls21:39
luke-jrAakashPatel: you're in the wrong chanel. everyone here buys their crap despite how much it sucks21:39
AakashPatelHaha I already bought my N90021:39
AakashPatelI just want to know when it'll ship21:39
mikhasit makes total sense, luke-jr. only your math teachers were wrong, back in school =p21:39
luke-jrsee, my point exactly\21:39
woglindeargs what a mess kvm and qemu are now conflicting in debian unstable21:39
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AakashPatelhahaha good point21:40
mikhasoh wait, I think I didnt get it21:40
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luke-jrmikhas: -5 (VB) + -10 (.NET) = -15 (VB and .NET)21:40
luke-jrtwo bad things combined make a worse thing21:40
luke-jractually kinda funny point:21:41
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luke-jrthe main feature of VB6 was that it compiled to native code instead of P-code.21:41
lardmanmultiple the bad things instead then21:41
luke-jrthe main feature of VB.NET is that it compiled to P-code instead of native code... ;)21:41
mikhaslardman, brilliant!21:41
mikhasI knew it was good!21:42
lardmanluke-jr: it can be compiled to native can't it?21:42
LuciusMa1eThe pee code?21:42
luke-jrlardman: can .NET be compiled to native? not AFAIK, but I have never wanted to get anywhere near that crap21:42
lardmanVB 6.0 is compiled to P-code or Native, depending on your project choices21:43
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lardmanand I use VB 6.0, as engineering hw producers don't tend to update their drivers :)21:43
luke-jrlardman: uh, that's what I said...21:44
luke-jrlardman: VB6's main feature was its native target, yet that was removed in .NET21:44
lardmanah I see21:44
lardmanmissed it, sorry21:44
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* lardman wonders why he's doing day job at nearly 8pm21:44
aSIMULAtora mug i found at nokia:
mikhasinteresting, I thought windows programming would be easier with .Net?21:45
woglindelardman *g*21:45
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luke-jrmikhas: fail21:45
* mikhas has no clue about windows programming21:45
luke-jrI use C and Qt4 for all my Windows programming, tyvm21:45
luke-jrand I don't touch Windows at any part of the development process21:45
luke-jrleave that for the testers...21:45
lardmanwhat do you write?21:46
VDVsxluke-jr, c and Qt4, why not c++ ?21:46
woglindehm lol21:46
luke-jrVDVsx: because Windows lacks sane C++ support?21:46
woglindehow qt works with c21:46
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woglindethats intressting21:46
luke-jrbesides, C is better than C++ usually21:46
luke-jrand when it isn't, Qt4 is better21:46
woglinde??????? o.O21:47
mikhaswoglinde, I think C and Qt have a lot more in common than Qt and c++, now that I made my first steps =)21:47
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luke-jrC and Qt4 are two different languages..21:47
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mikhasI can actually understand luke-jr's reasoning21:47
julianoliverluke-jr: this is ideal, up until you have to deal with the Win32 COM or other weird abstractions over hardware and low level bits21:47
woglindewhth you are talking about21:47
lardmanC++ is indeed horrible in Windows, hence my using VB for this21:47
mikhaswoglinde, the Qt guys seem to have stripped C++ from some of its uglier parts, to make it easier to pick up21:47
woglindeafter moc its c++21:48
mikhase.g., their preference for pointers, instead of references in the API => more C-like programming, IMHO21:48
mikhasI dont look at generated c++ code21:48
luke-jrQt is to C++ what C++ is to C21:48
luke-jrC++ originated as a preprocessor to C too21:48
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lardmanGUIs are all rubbish anyway21:50
woglindelardman *g*21:50
paroneayeaMission Control is marked as proprietary here21:50
paroneayeabut that appears to be incorrect?21:50
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* lardman wonders if 2^31 will be enough characters for his variable length string21:51
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woglindelardman lol21:51
* julianoliver blinks21:51
luke-jrlardman: you're allocating 2 GB for a variable length string?21:52
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julianoliverlardman: your string is War and Peace?21:52
unixSnobi thought Qt was a C++ library21:52
lardmantouch and go, probably a bit less than that21:52
lardmanwell no, I need to pass a 3D short array and looks like winsock won't accept arrays, so convert to string, etc21:53
lardmananyway, will be less that 1GB I imagine, so should be fine21:53
luke-jrunixSnob: not quite, it's a new language21:54
woglindeunixsnob yes21:54
luke-jrunixSnob: currently implemented in C++ to some extent21:54
woglindebut it runs a praeproc called moc before21:54
luke-jrand backward compatible with C++ mostly21:54
luke-jrQt4 is a C++ library if C++ is a C library ;)21:54
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AakashPatelerm wrong iwndow lol21:56
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mikedg-blaucan i develop for maemo on my n900?22:09
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mecemikedg-blau, yes you can. Or so says lcuk, who has been doing it since he got it.22:10
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mecemikedg-blau, I haven't tried it, since the N900's I use belong to my workplace. I will when I get my own at the end of the week though.22:11
mikedg-blauwhere did you order from22:11
mikedg-blauamazon seems to have a nice deal22:11
* timeless_mbp frowns22:12
timeless_mbphow does Section: work in debian control files? :)22:12
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mikedg-blauim the best developer for android, you guys would do well to have me developer for maemo, i will appreciate any amounts of money for a n90022:12
Jaffamikedg-blau: write an app, ask for donations. probably doesn't work the other way around ;-)22:13
mikedg-blauive written many for Android22:13
lcukmikedg-blau, Jaffa is the best maemo developer, he will appreciate any amounts of money, because well hes a whore22:13
mikedg-blauperhaps you've heard of "I am Richer" or "Melon"22:13
Jaffatimeless_mbp: it's just a string. HAM uses it22:13
Jaffamikedg-blau: nope22:14
timeless_mbpJaffa: yeah, but i was using it in Source:22:14
timeless_mbpit seems that while i can do that, i really want it in the Package: sections22:14
Jaffalcuk: damn straight. I'll do owt for cash22:14
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timeless_mbpotherwise my helper packages appear in the ui :(22:14
Jaffatimeless_mbp: yup22:14
* timeless_mbp fixes22:14
lcukmikedg-blau, if you wrote "i am richer" why havent everyone bought your software and made you a millionare?22:14
timeless_mbpJaffa: are there handy variables available?22:14
timeless_mbplike i have Package: A22:14
timeless_mbpand Package: B22:14
Jaffamikedg-blau: My main schtick I use when talking about Maemo is selfishness and how that's why I do stuff22:15
pH5hej Jaffa, what do you think would be the best way to distribute maemo specific vala bindings? include them with the vala package, or create an extra maemo-vala package? (hildon-notify, libhildondesktop, libhildonmime etc.)22:15
* lbt like's OSS ... it's free :)22:15
Jaffatimeless_mbp: nope, although you could run cpp over the control file before packaging, I guess.22:15
mikedg-blaulcuk: the economy is bad22:16
AakashPatelLOL mikedg-blau you actually are taking my adivce?22:16
lcukso rename it "i am poor" and sell it for a buck a piece22:16
JaffapH5: Not sure. Upstream vala has shipped Hildon to date. I'd think a vala-hildon package would make sense tho22:16
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mikedg-blauwhats with the funky keyboard22:17
lcukwhats wrong with the funky keyboard22:17
timeless_mbpPackage-A has a Depends: B22:18
timeless_mbpbut i'd like it to have Depends: B (>= ${package-version})22:18
timeless_mbpwhich package-version is the latest version in the debian/changelog22:18
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timeless_mbpmikedg-blau: this is #maemo not #twenty-questions-about-the-n900-hardware-design22:18
timeless_mbpbut the keyboard is just a bunch of buttons, roughly 3x13 (with one button in the bottom row spanning two positions)22:18
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pH5Jaffa: so you're not very interested in keeping patches in vala mud that don't go upstream? (for example upstream doesn't seem to be very interested in libconic bindings).22:18
timeless_mbpyou can make the buttons do whatever you like22:19
timeless_mbppH5: perhaps because conic is junk? :)22:19
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mikedg-blaucan i remape the keys on the n900 so that v and b are space?22:20
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pH5timeless_mbp: junk as in "we have to live with it on n900", or junk as in "don't use it, even there"?22:20
AakashPatel..then where are you going to get the v an b keys?22:20
lcukdidnt you know, vb is dead22:20
mikedg-blauleft side of space and right side of space22:20
timeless_mbpmikedg-blau: you could22:20
mikedg-blauwell, vbnm would all shuffle over22:21
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mikedg-blauso i guess n and m would be space22:21
timeless_mbpbut the space key is one key22:21
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mikedg-blauis the maemo sms app open source?22:22
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AakashPatelthe OS is opensource22:22
mikedg-blaudoes maemo give sexing?22:22
AakashPatelonly on fridays22:22
Venomrushhmm just noticed some issues with opening PDF files > 1mb22:22
mikedg-blauvenom: on maemo, or in general ?22:22
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timeless_mbpso you're going to have to use space and shift-space22:23
timeless_mbpand then getting an uppercase letter will be hard22:23
timeless_mbpyou could use fn-space22:23
timeless_mbpnote that bn is the center of the keuyboard, roughly22:23
timeless_mbpmikedg-blau: there's a web page that lists what's open and what's closed22:23
timeless_mbpplease do us a favor and go find it22:23
timeless_mbpif you can't find it, you're not really whatever enough to be worth spending our time22:23
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rashed2020"." is punctuation. The enter key is not.22:23
JaffapH5: I don't mind either way. Less overhead for patches to be in vala, I guess :)22:23
Venomrushdoes anyone have any pdf file that's > 1mb?22:24
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Venomrushi got some but prefer not to share it around as it contains confidential info22:24
timeless_mbpVenomrush: i was going to suggest the userguide22:24
timeless_mbpbut the copyright file is 1/4 mb22:24
timeless_mbpand the userguide doesn't seem to be on my device22:24
Venomrushthe user guide on the device is in .html22:25
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mikedg-blauim out boondongles!22:25
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AakashPatelfinally :)22:25
mecewhoa. that was bonkers!22:26
JaffaMeh, we were all newbies once22:26
timeless_mbpfrom memory the maemo sdk docs are available as pdf's22:26
Jaffaof course22:26
GeneralAntillesGoogle was quite revealing about that guy.22:26
Jaffa...we weren't all INSAAANE22:26
mecejaffa, well yea, but not all of us are douches...22:26
GeneralAntillesmece, hey speak for yourself! :P22:26
meceGeneralAntilles, well some of us were. I wasn't speaking of myself :D22:27
AakashPatelWHO INSANE22:27
timeless_mbpVenomrush: so, pdf's vary22:27
* Jaffa and I aren't. Oh no; the voices tell us so.22:27
SpeedEvilVenomrush: or for a 120m one -
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Venomrushi think im gonna put n900 user guide and test it22:28
Venomrushat the moment22:28
Venomrushi cannot open any pdf files bigger than 1mb22:28
lcukJaffa, need i get the photo of you actually looking as insane as that rant22:28
Venomrushits either tells me to 'enter a password' which the pdf file doesn't have any22:28
Venomrushor it says 'file corrupted'22:28
Ceron^what kind of other purpouse than illegal card copying can that device be used for..22:29
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Jaffalcuk: best not!22:29
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* Jaffa heads back to the scary real world22:29
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kalikianaMidori is in extras devel ^_^22:30
kalikianaPlease try it out, anyone who is interested22:30
qwerty12_N900kalikiana: Sweet22:30
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julianoliverkalikiana: what is Midori? sounds familiar.22:31
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kalikianajulianoliver, a webkit based browser22:31
qwerty12_N900WebKit goodness22:31
julianoliverahah. cheers. will explore.22:31
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SpeedEvilCeron^: ideally nothing22:31
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SpeedEvilCeron^: Anyone using that sort of card for secure apps deserves all they get22:32
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mecekalikiana, is it risky to install?22:33
archebytevenomrush: the User Guide opens smoothly.. Its 4.5mb22:34
kalikianamece, you risk becoming addicted. :-)22:34
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Venomrushwhat the hell22:35
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Venomrushuser guide works22:35
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mecekalikiana, yes naturally. I've been waiting for it, and have a couple of N900's at the office, but since they aren't really _my_ phones, I don't want to mess them up too badly...22:35
Venomrusharchebyte PM pls22:35
mecehmm that one could have used some actual punctuation...22:35
VinkI have a question22:36
qwerty12_N900kalikiana: Is it actually in extras-devel's Packages file?22:36
VinkHow is the Nokia telepathy different from Google Desktop Gadgets?22:36
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mecewtf is google desktop gadgets?22:36
kalikianaqwerty12_N900, I got the confirmation that it should be. Unless it's still pending some kind of missing update22:36
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* kalikiana checks again22:37
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qwerty12_N900kalikiana: An OK from the autobuilder doesn't mean it's imported into the repo right away22:37
qwerty12_N900kalikiana: Hell, extras-devel is slow as shit nowadays22:37
kalikianaHrm.. apt indeed doesn't know it :-(22:38
Flandrycould someone with an N900 please check if /dev/uinput exists, and its permissions?22:38
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SpeedEvilIt does not Flandry22:38
qwerty12_N900Flandry: Doesn't exist22:39
Flandryis it at /dev/input/uinput?22:39
SpeedEvil /dev/input/uinput crw-rw----    1 root     root      10, 223 Jan  1  1970 uinput22:39
Flandryawesome thank22:39
meceVink, I found Google desktop and google gadgets, none of which have any similarities with telepathy afaik. Am I missing something?22:40
timeless_mbp_LHR Terminal 2 closed22:41
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SpeedEviltimeless_mbp_: Aliens?22:43
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SpeedEviltimeless_mbp_: The confiscation of liquid containers is now revealed to be a plot, because over 100ml of liquid could be dangerous to the desert-dwelling creatures come to suck peoples minds!22:43
GeneralAntillesThat Red Pill thread is ridiculous22:44
GeneralAntillesThey've been going back and forth over a question that was answered on page 1.22:44
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LuciusMa1eI am on a dilema - moving 8 windows from desktop number three to desktop number one where my terminal with irssi is - but that would take a lot of time,or moving the terminal to desktop number three thus violating my desktop standards,i keep all fun at number one.22:44
Vinkmece, I think google gadgets are just UI widgets that could be written by anyone, and available for anyone to use22:44
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Myrtti oo22:45
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timeless_mbp_LuciusMa1e: what kind of boat or plane is a dilemma? <>22:46
SpeedEvilClearly a biplane.22:46
SpeedEvilMade from lemmings.22:46
timeless_mbp_GeneralAntilles: we really could have changed the apt cache to use the mmc22:47
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp_, indeed.22:47
LuciusMa1etimeless_mbp_: dilemma:    * state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options - I can either violate my standards or spend some time at moving22:48
timeless_mbp_LuciusMa1e: dilemmas aren't platforms22:48
SpeedEvilITYM 'on the horns of a dilemma'22:48
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povbotBug 5746: symlink /var/cache/apt/archives to /home/apt-archives22:48
timeless_mbp_you're never on dilemmas22:48
timeless_mbp_you can be on a boat22:48
meceVink, so what were you asking about then? Telepathy is a communications framework, google gadgets is not.22:49
timeless_mbp_GeneralAntilles: i'm tempted to provide a package which deals w/ that22:50
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fnordianslipHmm.  The mail client running on my N900 doesn't seem to be 'marking as read' emails I read on it, from my IMAP server (  I really thought it had been doing it before, but I could be mistaken, as it was mostly stuff I read and deleted, whereas now, I'm not doing the deleting.  Any comments?22:51
timeless_mbp_fnordianslip: i've heard rumor that modest has logging you can turn on22:51
timeless_mbp_i'd suggest turning it on22:51
lcukfnordianslip, check the bugzill ( and see if its either noticed or cured or whatnot22:51
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* qwerty12_N900 would suggest not using Modest but, alas, where's the alternatives?22:52
timeless_mbp_gmail :)22:52
fnordianslipi just wondered if others are getting their mail "marked as read" on IMAP servers?22:52
lcukgmail works better in html mode22:52
lcukbut then at home its in yucky format22:52
timeless_mbp_gmail /x or /h22:52
lcukso its not ideal22:52
qwerty12_N900lcuk: Indeed, that's the mode I use it in on the N90022:52
lcukahh timeless theres an alternative link to just use html from specific client?22:53
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fnordianslipi just wish modest wasn't so unfortunately named22:53
lcukthat doesnt roll off the tongue as easy as typing gmail into address bar lol22:53
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lcukthanks timeless22:54
lcukwill bookmark it22:54
timeless_mbp_fnordianslip: unfortunately?22:54
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dieghi all22:54
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diegIve a fast question22:54
jeremiahlcuk: You're not a greeter are you?22:54
fnordianslipwell, it seems ironic, that's all. it needs to be modest, as it has nothing to shout about :)22:55
diegI have a brand new N900 and the mic is not working22:55
lcukjeremiah, you can tell?22:55
lcuk:O dieg22:55
timeless_mbpfnordianslip: that isn't irony22:55
crashanddiedieg: you're in spain?22:55
fnordianslipit is. ask alanis!22:55
timeless_mbpi'd call it "fitting"22:55
crashanddiedieg: did you buy it in the UK?22:55
rangeI'd call it humble.22:55
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timeless_mbpwe could call it apt [ly named]22:55
diegfrom nokia spain online shop22:56
timeless_mbpbut that'd confuse people22:56
fnordianslip"better than nothing"22:56
fnordianslipcall it btn22:56
rangeOh. It is much better than the first maemo mail client.22:56
rangeMuch much better.22:56
dieganybody knows something? Is it a software or a hardware error?22:56
crashanddiedieg: there are a lot of reports of this happening22:56
lcukdieg there is a thread on talk.maemo.ogr about this22:56
rangedieg: There are some discussions about that on talk.maemo.org22:57
crashanddiedieg: well, "a lot" because some people are very vocal about it22:57
mikhasdieg, can be both. one thread on t.m.o suggests it is software only, some interference with bluetooth or so22:57
* range nuknuks crashanddie 22:57
diegAnd is there any solution?22:57
lcukcrashanddie, you stateside?22:57
crashanddiehaving lunch22:57
lcukdieg, follow the thread on and see what people do ive been too caught up in other things to notice much.22:57
lcukhope you get it cured tho22:58
lcukwicked crashanddie22:58
diegthanks lcuk :)22:58
lcukcrashanddie, you say a few vocal people.  how can they be vocal if their mic doesnt work22:58
qwerty12_N900dieg: One word: nuknuk. The most whiniest guy in the world22:58
archebytetrue that...22:59
crashanddielcuk: that's my point, they're so vocal they don't actually need a mic22:59
mikhasdieg, for me pushing the mic toggle button (the mic icon) when making a call solves it22:59
diegmikhas, pushing? to silence the mic?22:59
* lcuk willhave to readup about this23:00
* qwerty12_N900 laughs at his pre-prod working better than some final devices23:00
crashanddiedieg: yeah, turn it off and on again23:00
mikhasso I would try to: A) switch off wifi + bluetooth, B) press the mic toggle button a few times =)23:00
t_s_oheh, first time i have seen that. eggtimer alarm triggered, and the N800 rebooted...23:00
qwerty12_N900Perks of having it made in Finland, not Korea, I guess23:00
mecethe two devices I got today both worked perfectly fine...23:00
crashanddieqwerty12_N900: pre-prod wasn't made in finland23:00
mikhasit's stupid, I know. but it gives me hope that it is a software bug only =)23:00
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qwerty12_N900crashanddie: The label on the back of mine says otherwise23:00
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crashanddieqwerty12_N900: only to go around EU lawas23:01
infobotcrashanddie meant: qwerty12_N900: only to go around EU laws23:01
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fnordiansliplcuk: thanks for bugzilla tip on my modest issue.  bug 2987 explains all.23:02
povbotBug Does not always mark e-mails as read (dovecot/cyrus/google IMAP server)23:02
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lcuk:) yw fnordianslip23:02
* lcuk understands bugzilla importance now :)23:02
crashanddie"fnordianslip", is that like the northern counterpart of freudian slip?23:02
Arkenoiis U.S. model really identical to european one? it is listed as "optimized for for WCDMA 900/1700/2100" (instead of 850/1900/2100)23:02
* lcuk kicks liqbase tho23:02
fnordianslipits the discordian counterpart23:03
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crashanddieArkenoi: they're not identical23:03
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GeneralAntillesArkenoi, the radios are.23:04
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diegperfect, 600€ mobile without mic...23:06
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julianoliverthese n900 screens get filthy. luckily it's resistive so you can use stylus or fingernail..23:07
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lcukjulianoliver, they show worse on white backgrounds23:09
* lcuk prefers black screens23:09
Myrttidieg: warranty23:09
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dieg3 months waiting for a phone and now it's broken?23:10
meceblack is the new black... and the old black, and the current black. So yeah, Black.23:10
diega 600€ phone... broken?23:10
lcukdieg :(23:10
mecedieg, that sucks :/23:10
javispedroPhones break, all the time.23:10
diegand now what? another month to get a working phone?23:10
javispedroInternet Tablets, on the other side... >:)23:10
mikhasdieg, have to tried toggling the mic?23:10
rangedieg: No, they should have them in stock now at nokia.23:11
diegmikhas, toggling the mic, disabling the wifi and bluettoth23:11
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mikhasthe last resort would be removing the battery for ~1h23:12
diegremoving the battery? what is the science in that?23:13
zaheermremove all capictance stored in the capacitors23:13
zaheermcapacitance even23:13
GeneralAntillesdieg, consumer electronics have failure rates.23:13
GeneralAntillesNo surprise there.23:13
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GeneralAntillesdieg, did you reflash?23:14
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
diegreflash solves anithing?23:14
GeneralAntillesDunno, but it can't hurt.23:14
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Flandrywhat's in /lib/udev/rules.d on N900? Is this documented somewhere?23:15
meceoh fer fracks sake. Again with the twitterfail :/23:16
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meceWhy the hell is it "big news" that there will only be one new maemo device 2010?23:17
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javispedromassive ignorance on maemo by the general public?23:17
diegGeneralAntilles, what image?23:17
GeneralAntillesdieg, the one for your locale?23:17
ShadowJKI doubt there will be even one :D23:17
diegGeneralAntilles, very clever, thanks23:17
meceShadowJK, how so?23:17
mikhasah yes, reflashing ... actually, that's quite easy, and GA already gave you the link23:18
returnthisI realize this is not the place but I have never dealt with nokia before, is their customer support always this bad?  cancelled my preorder of the n900 and 40min+ wait time on phone so far23:18
GeneralAntillesdieg, I can't guess what your options are.23:18
AakashPatelHow do you get into the bootloader of the n90023:18
returnthis*they* cancelled my preorder23:18
GeneralAntillesdieg, based on zero information I'm giving you the best answer I happen to have at the moment.23:18
crashanddiemece: because everyone is hyped of the number of devices that android has seen being announced?23:18
AakashPateldude redondos are you talkin about Nokia USA?23:18
Myrttireturnthis: you ordered it from their webshop?23:18
returnthisAakashPatel: yes23:18
mececrashanddie, people still care about that pong stuff?23:19
GeneralAntillesreturnthis, Nokia USA is absolutely horid.23:19
AakashPatelThey are soooo understaffed23:19
GeneralAntillesreturnthis, and the webstore is handled through a 3rd party.23:19
GeneralAntillesWhich is worse.23:19
crashanddieAakashPatel: lunch time23:19
AakashPatelI couldnt even get to a sales agent about a quetion23:19
diegthank you GeneralAntilles, seriously23:19
AakashPatelcrashanddie: I called at like 2 pm their time23:19
returnthisAakashPatel: so nokiausa != nokia ?23:19
crashanddieAakashPatel: lunch time23:19
GeneralAntillesdieg, sarcasmdar fail?23:19
AakashPatelhow long is lunch time23:19
* timeless_mbp needs to call someone again23:19
ShadowJKmece, considering that some parts of the world will get 0 maemo5 devices in 2009 ;)23:19
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crashanddieAakashPatel: 24 hours a day, but you need to take into account solar drift23:19
diegGeneralAntilles, no sarcasm here :)23:20
crashanddieAakashPatel: which can make it vary between 24 and 24 hours23:20
johnsqShadowJK: :923:20
GeneralAntillesdieg, ah, apologies, then.23:20
AakashPatel...confusing sets in23:20
Myrttireturnthis: Nokia hasn't been on the direct retail market for that long, most of their sales have gone through third parties, and I'd assume this quite recent decision to sell directly to consumers has seriously left them understaffed, or whatever company they've offshored the service to23:20
crashanddieconfusing confusion?23:20
GeneralAntillesdieg, the hordes of entitled, rude, and unpleasant new people lately have thrown off my calibration. :)23:20
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meceShadowJK, heh right. Still, shouldn't be long before one of those fancy (read pointless) slim keyboardless ones will appear I should think.23:20
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returnthisMyrtti: ok. so in other words I am screwed.23:21
AakashPatelThey're STILL busy23:21
diegI'm running and amd64 Debian, I home i386 flasher works23:21
mecereturnthis, well screwed, or at least stuck with dealing with crappy service.23:21
crashanddiedieg: me home english 223:21
AakashPatelreturnthis: Did you get a refund?23:21
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Myrttireturnthis: no, you just need to be persistant23:22
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returnthisAakashPatel: I have no idea if they charged me or not.23:22
AakashPatelThey probably didn't23:22
AakashPatelJust reorder it23:22
AakashPatelAnd if they did charge you, decline it23:22
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meceOH noes! the sdk installer added desktop shortcuts! The horror!23:23
qwerty12_N900mece: Use the text-based one, then. The GUI one... Ha23:23
meceqwerty12_N900, yes. I've learned my lesson now...23:23
AakashPatelbahaha still a busy signal23:24
AakashPatelway to go nokia23:24
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Flandryhow is security handled on N900. Is it just assumed that only the user will be able to access it?23:26
mecenot really23:27
returnthisit is truly shocking how bad nokia is23:27
returnthisI wish the freerunner didn't suck23:27
AakashPatelreturnthis: Their support23:27
diegerasing CMT...23:27
AakashPateltheir products are fine23:27
returnthisI am sending them a bill for my time23:28
meceFlandry, works pretty much like a regular debian box once you've added some users.23:28
Flandryadded some users?23:28
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Flandrydo you create a password and account when you receive it?23:28
meceFlandry, with the actual device there is no security outofbox, unfortunately23:29
FlandryI'm trying to figure out the relative merits of adding user to a group and making a file group writeable vs just making it all writeable23:29
meceFlandry, only for remote accessing23:29
meceFlandry, well if you have the ssh server...23:29
meceFlandry, there doesn't seem to be any user handling in the UI23:30
Flandrymy app needs access to /dev/uinput, which is 0660. I could change the udev rule to 0666 or add the user to a group and set uinput to that group23:31
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meceFlandry, many apps seem to have their own user23:31
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Flandrytheir own "user"? oO23:31
meceFlandry, err23:32
javispedroaccesing dbus? couldn't you use xtest?23:32
meceFlandry, I don't have the device atm, so I can't look at it. Ok not apps,23:32
javispedroer.. dbus.  I mean uinput23:32
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RST38hah, hello javis23:32
javispedrohello RST38h23:32
Flandrylet me see...23:32
javispedroFlandry: xtest is used for injecting fake events into X1123:32
javispedromay not be what you want...23:32
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javispedrobut it can be used as nonroot23:33
Flandrynot really23:33
* lcuk buys everyone a beer23:33
RST38hGood use for Lenovo notebooks:
lcuk(except for javispedro :p)23:33
Flandryi have an accelerometer joystick driver23:33
Flandryit uses uinput23:33
javispedrolcuk: thanks :)23:33
diegreflashed: mic not working23:33
mikhasah crap23:33
lcukok, is this a software problem23:34
diegreally good impression of Nokia's flagship23:34
lcuki heard mention up there about press button and release23:34
mikhaslcuk, can be both23:34
Flandry1000 brownie points for anyone who can find the udev rule on N900 that handles uinput :/23:34
lcuki mean now in diegs case23:34
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mikhasI can solve mine with above procedure23:34
mikhasothers ... cannot23:34
lcukso you also have this issue?23:34
dieglcuk, what button? this thing is full of buttons23:34
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lcukhas bug been filed23:35
AakashPateldieg: What do you mean23:35
lcukdieg, in the phone call ui23:35
lcukthere is a mute button23:35
cosmodoes mer run on n900?23:35
AakashPateldieg: really good impression of Nokia's flagship23:35
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lbtcosmo: yes23:35
cosmothe status page doesn't mention 90023:35
dieglcuk, toggling mic during call doesn't solve it23:35
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Flandrytrying to develop for this on the SDK is a joke :P23:35
qwerty12_N900Flandry: /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules23:35
lcukmikhas, which bug is it saved as23:35
lcuk:( dieg thats rly unfortunate23:36
Flandryqwerty12_N900: thanks, what's it say?23:36
qwerty12_N900Flandry: Found in the aptly named "udev" package =)23:36
diegI'm really disappointed23:36
diegI can't believe this is a hardware problem23:36
mikhaslcuk, no idea if there is already one. I only skimmed through that one t.m.o thread yesterday23:36
Flandryit's not in kubuntu23:36
diegNot in a 600€ Nokia phone23:37
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AakashPatelAre many poeple experiencing a mic problem?23:37
qwerty12_N900Flandry: Sorry, too tired to pastebin23:37
qwerty12_N900Flandry: Look in the SDK, of course23:37
lcukmikhas, then could you go onto and see if there is a specific bug about the mic23:37
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lcukthere bloody well should be by now23:37
diegAakashPatel, at least me!23:37
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AakashPatelThere's awhole thread on TMO23:37
diegI know23:37
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qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: Plus a shitton of posts in unrelated threads thanks to nuknuk23:38
* AakashPatel hopes his doesnt have it23:38
diegbut there isn't solution23:38
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GeneralAntillesdieg, where'd you order from?23:38
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: Is there any moderation going on?23:38
diegNokia Spain Shop GeneralAntilles23:38
diegordered 3/0923:38
AakashPateldieg: 3/09???23:38
diegand now: hardware error23:38
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qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: Some, but the game really needs stepping up23:38
Flandryhmm it is there alright, just doesn't do anything23:38
dieg3rd Sep23:39
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: Seriously23:39
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AakashPatelThe N900 has 2 mic?23:39
* lcuk will be speaking to people in barcelona about reining the fora in23:39
returnthiswait. are they actually delivering n900?23:39
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: For example, there was this guy named "God". Guy was whining about how he should leave. People voted yes. He then proceeded to make Talk popup dialogs using JS. Reggie gave him a 10 day ban23:40
lcukyes and they are being used happily by the majority23:40
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: not even a perm. one23:40
Flandryrein in the fauna while you're at it23:40
returnthisso if I cancel my preorder and order it, I won't lose my place. it will just be shipped23:40
javispedroand then he came back.23:40
lcukqwerty12_N900, really come on, you cannot ban god forever23:40
lcukyou dont know the repurcussions23:40
javispedroyes you can23:40
javispedroit's very easy actually23:40
javispedrojust stop praying for your n900 to arrive23:41
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: Start a moderation thread ;)23:41
* timeless_mbp looks for testers23:41
qwerty12_N900lcuk: Note I used quote marks?23:41
diegSo, this is a hardware problem23:42
diegso, tomorrow I'll call nokia care23:42
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: I nominate you to be the first poster in i23:42
diegI want another N900 by this friday23:42
javispedrogo extort it for someone.23:42
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: Haha to make the thread?23:42
javispedros/for/from :)23:42
RST38hWhat? God is back?23:43
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: Sure. I'll put my vote down for you23:43
javispedroRST38h: in a sense, he was never gone.23:43
meceRST38h, yes.23:43
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: (and then proceed to take a shitload of medication afterwards)23:43
AakashPatelOkay sweet, i'll write one up tomorrow even after my n900 (hopefully arrives)23:43
Flandryi remember seeings something about the policy of using "maemo" in app names. Link anyone?23:43
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: Tynonol ftw23:44
mikhaslcuk, there is
povbotBug 6455: Mic doesn't work after a full charge with standard n900 charger23:44
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: what section should i put it in23:44
javispedroFlandry: "maemo packing policy"23:44
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: Oh, thanks for the tip!23:44
Flandryah thanks23:44
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: Dunno, I was joking23:44
javispedroFlandry: err, "Maemo Packaging Policy", sorry23:44
AakashPatelqwerty12_N900: haha you suck23:44
mikhasbut from my reading of the t.m.o thread there is more than one thing that can affect the mic though23:44
RST38hjavispedro: definitely a ban23:45
mikhascomment/file more bugs?23:45
AakashPatel"qwerty12_N900: AakashPatel: Oh, thanks for the tip!"23:45
* Flandry has yet to unravel the secrets of searching m.o23:45
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mikhasflandry, you cant search23:45
mikhasyou have to READ =)23:45
mikhaswell, perhaps google can help with a site search23:45
Flandryi've read that several times23:45
qwerty12_N900AakashPatel: Tylenol23:45
AakashPateloh haha23:46
qwerty12_N900I will dedicate the OD to you23:46
Flandryi did a google search and found stuff on the trademark usage23:46
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Flandrybut really actually searching m.o is futile23:46
AakashPatelHow do i boot into the bootloader of the n90023:46
AakashPatelIf i wanted to reflash it23:46
nhgDoes anyone know if the N900 uses the DSP for multimedia usecases?23:46
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mikhasfor some codecs it does23:47
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mikhasnot sure about the ogg support though ... havent tried it after reflashing23:47
woglindenhg google for n900 dsp theora h26423:47
woglindeand gstreamer23:47
diegthis is a f****** s*** !!!!!!23:47
nhgmikhas:  Do you know if it uses GST-DSP or some other method?23:48
diegI want a working phone!23:48
mikhasdieg, just turn it in under warranty23:48
mecedieg, does xterm work?23:48
woglindenhg gstreamer with omap3 dsp bridge support23:48
diegmikhas, I don't want to wait another month!23:48
mikhasnhg, I have no clue23:48
lcukqwerty12_N900, post in the signal to noise thread23:48
diegyes mece23:48
lcukor make a new one23:48
lcukits on brainstorm23:48
lcuktheres 33 replies23:48
lcukso it will be heavy going23:48
qwerty12_N900lcuk: Don't have time for Brainstorm23:48
lcukit needs a proper brainstorm linking with it23:48
woglindenhg its not the gstreamer stuff from ti directly23:49
mikhasdieg, your frustration is understandable, but that's what warranty is for23:49
nhgwoglinde: do you know if its gst-dsp or gst-openmax?23:49
woglindenhg hm wasnt sure23:49
mikhasas a customer, you shouldnt be left behind with a borken device23:49
mecedieg, if xterm workm your golden. The rest is just for commercials ;-)23:49
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woglindestarted with openmax23:49
pekujadieg: there's always a failure rate with complicated devices such as the N90023:49
woglindeand now seems gst-dsp is involved23:49
lcukqwerty12_N900, i just started writing a brainstorm thread myself but it was already there.23:50
woglindebut I will google for you now23:50
lcuki wouldv added to the signal/noise ratio myself23:50
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* lcuk was just about to submit too lol23:50
diegpekuja, the failure rate must be near 0 in devices of such a HIGH cost23:50
nhgas I understand gst-dsp is relatively I wonder if its in the released N900 devices.23:50
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mikhasdieg, impossible23:50
javispedro"Dell Defect Turning 2.2GHz CPU Into 100MHz CPU"23:50
woglindenhg hm its side project23:51
nhgso I assume N900 may be using all ARM codecs?23:51
AakashPatelHaha javispedro23:51
qwerty12_N900javispedro: It's for the people to live out their nostalgic feelings23:51
pekujadieg: the problem is, while it is more expensive, it's also more complicated than most devices23:52
derfHigh failure rates drive UP costs.23:52
GeneralAntillesdieg, ask iPhone owners how high their failure rate is. ;)23:52
pekujadieg: so there will be problems23:52
javispedroI am sure it's still faster than the N810 pushing video to screen =)23:52
woglindenhg ->
pekujadieg: also, if yours is the only one that's broken, that's still a pretty low failure rate23:52
diegmikhas, I simply can't believe that they didn't test the mic before shipping this device23:52
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qwerty12_N900javispedro: Wow. Well played, sir23:52
mikhasthey did23:52
mikhasit works just fine for many others here23:52
diegpekuja, only mine? I think you must know what you are talinkg about before talking23:53
mikhasbut hardware issues are just that ... hardware issues. you could of course gamble on a software update if it is *not* hw. but why take that risk?23:53
woglindehm something new on omap2 gles stuff?23:53
nhgwoglinde:  thanks...have seen that link...but was wondering if N900 is actually using it.23:53
woglindenhg not offical23:53
pekujadieg: I don't, but neither do you.23:53
woglindeas far as I know23:53
pekujadieg: I haven't heard of other cases like that.23:53
javispedro"The problem can be substantially mitigated by pointing an external fan at the system." aah..23:54
pekujadieg: I'm saying you may be exaggarating the situation because your device is broken23:54
nhgis there a good place where I can find out which codecs are using the DSP officially on N900?23:54
diegpekuja, ....23:54
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diegpekuja, start reading:
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javispedroI wonder how much the battery will last in 100Mhz mode23:54
lcukposted in the s/n thread for kathy23:54
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javispedroeven though if it's an overheating protection probably not much ..23:54
* brbrbr warmly greet anyone[except Xenu, maybe ;]23:55
diegpekuja, I repeat: start working and know what your are talking about23:55
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pekujadieg: start working?23:56
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diegoh god23:56
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javispedrolcuk: do you seriously want to do something in bcn about tmo's s/n ratio?23:56
* javispedro will have to remember to bring in the popcorn ;)23:56
lcukno i just want to have a beer with kathy23:56
javispedroah, that's better :)23:56
qwerty12_N900javispedro: Does your idea involve guns?23:56
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andre__guns? WMD!23:57
lcukif we can do it in an official capacity with an agenda perhaps one of hte nokians present will put bartab on them lol23:57
qwerty12_N900Target: Andre's house23:57
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javispedromy idea (which I have not published yet) involves stricter moderation with an official set of etiquette rules23:57
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javispedrolike, an Oct2009er cannot insult a preJun2009er.23:57
lcuki think offtopic posters should have an omg pinies theme locked on their talk pages23:58
lcukit was discussed for trolls on slashdot23:58
qwerty12_N900andre__: Thank you :)23:58
lcukomg ponies23:58
andre__qwerty12_N900, my house, again? good that I'm in the office currently :)23:58
mikhashow is the bugmaster dealing with the flies, andre__?23:58
timeless_mbpqwerty12_N900 / lcuk : so um... i've updated my translation packages23:58
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mikhaseh, wrong channel I guess =p23:58
andre__mikhas: all eaten. where are you by the way? on holidays? yeah, probably wrong channel ;-)23:59
timeless_mbpsadly the versioning stuff is kinda bad, if you guys could pull in the package updates that'd be great :)23:59
* sp3000 enjoys the charging magic aspect of the mic thread23:59
mikhaslcuk, daily cleansing of the forum db, how is that? at least no one could say you're censoring23:59
* timeless_mbp goes back to looking at clock23:59
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: btw, the clock app is awesome in the build i have23:59
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timeless_mbpi believe it's the same in the build you have23:59

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