IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2009-11-25

Stskeepsso i'm going to assume it didn't come with warranty? :P00:00
felbutsswasnt mentioned? it said i won a brand new n900 if it didnt then thats dodgy00:01
felbutsson nokia behalf00:01
Stskeepscan you explain more about the circumstances? :)00:01
felbutsswht part00:01
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Stskeepsas in, how did you win it/what competition/etc :P00:01
lcukwhich event, competition etc?00:01
SpeedEvilSingle combat?00:02
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SpeedEvilThough that's frowned on as a means of aquisition in some cases.00:02
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javispedroit is? :(00:02
* VDVsx runs and hides from the mega trolling attack at tmo :)00:03
Stskeepsfelbutss: basically you might have some degree of luck contacting nokia care.. if your device went that hosed in a NSU flash/died in the midst, it might be of interest to developers00:03
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Stskeepsfelbutss: NSU doesn't react to it now?00:03
felbutsson i won the nokia cityman contest. it was like a little OVI promotion thing nokia were doing. they just contact me through email and im in australia by the way00:03
lcukahhhh holding your n900 upside down invalidates even the strongest of warranties00:04
javispedroVDVsx: why? we're safely hidden here. just grab some popcorn and enjoy the show :)00:04
qwerty12_N900lcuk: The same can be said for taking it to the north00:04
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lcuki need to get my head into liqbase00:05
VDVsxjavispedro, :)00:05
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* lardman decides to boot windows to rip cd, sad he knows00:05
javispedroand hpe the trolls don't invade this place, or else we have to retreat to #maemo-bunker00:05
VDVsxlcuk, are you porting liqbase to the Iphone ?00:06
lcukcya simon00:06
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lcukVDVsx, nahhh i might port iphone as an app inside liqbase one day tho00:06
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Nah, he's bringing iPhone to liqbase00:06
lcukafterall, its just a posh browser00:06
VDVsxlcuk, buhhhhhh00:06
VDVsxthat's a deal breaker00:06
Arkenoipdf reader is surprisingly smooth on n900. it was quite a nightmare on n77000:06
lcuksnot really VDVsx00:06
Stskeepsfelbutss: right. for good measure, try to mail back to them. Explain that you wanted to reflash using NSU, and it failed mid-way. Tell them that you downloaded a firmware image manually, got advice by community to try out flashing using flasher-3.5, and even tried to enable R&D mode, all of which failed. If they could advise you a way to get your N900 back in shape - maybe the problem would be of interest to them.00:06
lcukiphone on n810 sounds appealing00:07
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qwerty12_N900Arkenoi: Wasn't everything a nightmare on the 770? :)00:07
VDVsxlcuk, with sooth scrolling ;)00:07
felbutssim was writing somthing up now lol00:07
felbutssthanks ill add to that00:07
lcukfelbutss, listen to Stskeeps, he is out dist-master.00:07
felbutsslol i can tell he is amazing00:07
Stskeepsfelbutss: i'd be at a loss if i was in your situation too. i would be able to dig out a little more info but that's that :P00:08
lcukheh shush you just made his head grow a bit more00:08
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Stskeepsfelbutss: also mention you have tried to charge it etc :P00:08
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lcukhas anyone tested whether n900 is blendproof yet?00:09
lcukor waterproof?00:09
lcukor any of the things people try00:09
SpeedEvillcuk: I have submitted it to the BlendTek people as a suggestion.00:09
qwerty12_N900ladies first, *nudges lcuk*00:09
lcuk:D hahaha SpeedEvil great!00:09
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lcukbrb moving boxen00:10
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felbutsswait a minute. i was able to turn it on a few minutes ago for a few seconds. now it wont turn on at all if i press the power button. so maybe the phone didnt charge at all last night with the wall charger. it was charging with the flashing yellow light in my car last night00:13
felbutsswill it not enter flashing mode by holding U with a low battery00:13
Stskeepsfelbutss: i personally don00:14
Stskeeps't use 'u' for flashing.. :P00:14
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Stskeepsfelbutss: ok, now try to plug it in, hold down power button after plugging it in00:14
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felbutssnothing. brb guys im off to the nokia care centre. ill let u guys know later how i go. the device isnt even in australia yet. they problem have not seem one before00:16
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Stskeepsfelbutss: good luck - they may have flashing stations for it00:17
Stskeepsfelbutss: keep us updated OK?00:17
felbutsshope so. i hope they have the image00:17
felbutssi will00:17
felbutssbrbrb cyas00:17
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GAN900Arkenoi, it's not IRDA00:18
* javispedro notes that some tmo trolls write similarly styled posts00:18
ArkenoiGAN900: what is it then?00:19
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Arkenoigan900: wow. is it powerful enough?00:19
GAN900Same type of thing that's on your remote control.00:19
kynkythe kind you find on a tv remote control00:20
Arkenoii know what cir is and wonder why it is so rare in gadgets ;-)00:20
GAN900I don't have a room big enough to test the range.00:20
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kynkymore useful imho, especially considering wifi and bt for data00:20
* GAN900 shrugs00:20
javispedroI wanted IrDA :(00:20
Stskeepsjavispedro: i vote for masked IP addresses on tmo00:20
GAN900Probably because Palm made IRDA so popular.00:20
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Stskeepsjavispedro: either that, or the ability to punch people in the face over IP.00:21
javispedrothe worst part is that sometime it is trolls who bring in some sanity...00:22
kynkyirda is slow for data i thought. compared to wireless g00:22
SpeedEvilkynky: yes - generally very slow00:22
javispedroirda is slow, obsolete and useless. but I still want, I'm a geek dammit.00:22
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kynkyjavispedro, so its just the geek factor :)00:23
SpeedEvilIRDA is however _easy_00:23
SpeedEvilin that all you need is a UART00:23
kynkyand direct line of sight ?00:23
SpeedEvilthat too.00:23
GAN900and time00:24
GAN900Lots of time for anything not utterly trivial. ;)00:24
kynkyand compatability00:24
crashanddie_line it up, just a bit more, a, i got something, shit, it failed00:24
SpeedEvilAnd it also fails if you're at >0.3C with regards to the reciever, due to doppler.00:24
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kynkycir has wider angle i thought00:24
* SpeedEvil holds up a pen, which flashes.00:24
* GAN900 bemoans Florida drivers00:25
javispedrothanks for the information, I will make sure to test IrDA while on a spaceship00:25
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crashanddie_javispedro, thought exactly the same ;)00:25
crashanddie_javispedro, though that would be lowercase c00:25
* crashanddie_ is bored00:26
crashanddie_no shows to watch, nothing to do00:26
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hotaru2k3bt and wifi have the same problem with doppler, tho00:26
javispedroOH SHIT00:26
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javispedrotoo late for a show.00:26
javispedrotoo bad.00:26
GAN900crashanddie_, go counter-troll Talk.00:26
kynkywell n900 should be more powerful than computers used for original spaceshuttle program, so all you need now is some rocket fuel and some metal and a launchpad00:26
GAN900and don't hate on zerojay00:26
crashanddie_GAN900, I said I was bored, not wanting to change my habits00:26
crashanddie_GAN900, I didn't hate on him00:26
lcukim gonna do something i havent done in a long time.00:27
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crashanddie_lcuk, wank?00:27
lcuknahh im doin that now, shurrup00:27
Stskeepsyes, we need to employ some of the former trolls to counter the incoming ones :P00:27
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: I like this strategy. You first?00:27
lcuki meant try fbreader00:27
crashanddie_lcuk, stop wanking then?00:27
lcukand go through some new books00:27
* GAN900 needs to find more books.00:27
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lcukand if im unhappy i might take the backend of fbreader00:27
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: i was thinking PB could be put to use00:27
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javispedroso, microb has now an ugly and unthemed "addons" window?00:27
qwerty12_N900lcuk: You're gonna toss on books?00:27
lcukand do stuff to it00:28
Stskeepsjavispedro: yes00:28
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: heh00:28
GAN900I keep finishing them and running out.00:28
greenflyjavispedro: "now" ?00:28
crashanddie_GAN900, that sounds bad, in the wanking context00:28
qwerty12_N900lcuk: Is your library sticky?00:28
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: for facilitating them, of course00:28
lcukqwerty12_N900, yes00:28
javispedrogreenfly: Well on Diablo the extensions window was themed...00:28
greenflyjavispedro: ahh00:28
lcukit is the only reason why people want portrait phones00:28
crashanddie_wanking with the other hand while browsing porn?00:28
javispedroyou perverts, why I assume that is 90% of the n900 usecases00:29
qwerty12_N900lcuk: Yeah, lol, there was a guy on Talk asking for portrait mode support in the video player00:29
lcuknahhh javispedro its not00:29
qwerty12_N900I had to reply00:29
crashanddie_qwerty12_N900, LMAO00:29
GAN900. . .00:29
lcukthe iphone users want it00:29
lcukthey are used to one handed use00:29
crashanddie_yeah but they're wankers anyway00:29
crashanddie_not literally though00:29
lcukqwerty12_N900, me n tracy were making a video the other day00:30
Juznais there a way to create shortcuts for ssh hosts?00:30
Stskeepsthe question is rather if n900 qualifies as a proper pink page viewer00:30
Juznaor there is but is there some guide00:30
javispedroAt last, a troll who looks the part, at last, a gadget which looks good naked.00:30
lcukand fell about laughing at the capabilities of the device00:30
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qwerty12_N900lcuk: lol00:30
lcukStskeeps, testing is a hard job00:30
crashanddie_"hard" indeed00:31
kynkylcuk, especially for pimps00:31
julianoliverhi, i am getting continuous 401: Unauthorized IP errors while running the '' script. it appears to be the same problem as others are expressing here:
povbotBug 5622: extras-devel: apt-get install complains about unauthorized IP00:31
GAN900Barcelona is getting closer and I still don't know what's what.00:31
crashanddie_julianoliver, more people have reported it00:31
crashanddie_GAN900, it's a city in spain00:31
lcukGAN900, just come over and talk with us, will be good to meet you finally00:31
javispedroGAN900: ah, me neither. I don't even know what to do on friday...00:31
crashanddie_GAN900, though technically, it's not moving, so not really "getting closer"00:31
GAN900lcuk, travel arrangements.00:32
julianolivercrashanddie_: is there a workaround? the IP listed is not my own, probably an ISP proxy.00:32
crashanddie_julianoliver, not that I'm aware of00:32
GAN900Need a hotel for Sunday night.00:32
lcukim gonna be givin a run through of liqbase and explain what its capable of so we can see some upgrades and ideas spin off based on the calendar00:32
lcukoh cripes GAN90000:32
GAN900Also need to see where everything in the city is located.00:32
crashanddie_"A man in Taiwan was robbed of more than $2 million in cash that he had just withdrawn from the bank, a police official said on Tuesday."00:32
lcukconfirm in blood before you fly00:32
javispedroah well, you have ovi maps don't you? >:)00:33
hotaru2k3crashanddie_: technically, it is moving00:33
lcukcrashanddie_, you still got any left?00:33
crashanddie_He just withdrew $2M?00:33
GAN900crashanddie_, he so deserves it.00:33
julianoliverGAN900: have to act early - sort out accommodation in BCN now.00:33
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javispedroOR ELSE.00:33
lcukyou sleep on javispedro's couch00:33
crashanddie_As in what, "Hi there, I'd like to make a withdrawal" "Ah, Mr Chenoi, your weekly $2M?" "Yes indeed Julia"00:33
GAN900I sleep in the airport. ;)00:33
julianoliverGAN900: if desperate can look into the 'pensions'. sometimes dodgy but generally cheap if hotels are booked out.00:34
greenflyanyone know of a way to send libevent-style notifications via the command line? the standard Linux apps for it don't seem to be ported yet00:34
javispedrohotels booked out?00:34
greenflymaybe dbus?00:34
lcukhow do i bag a room at barca im covered00:34
lcukquim posted something about 16 rooms00:34
javispedroyeah, in NH Cornellà which is at a few meters00:35
lcukdo we need to do anything special or just turn up and play musical beds00:35
julianoliverwell it's a popular city for conferences and so on occassion you can find yourself either looking for accom at the lowest of the low end or the highest of the high end.00:35
GAN900Christ, this is the 6th accident that's stopped traffic dead in the past 20 miles.00:35
crashanddie_"A study from two Swiss human rights organizations, Trial and Pro Juventute, has found that some video games depict war and battle actions that in real life would violate international human rights laws." <-- THAT'S WHY IT'S A GAME00:35
GAN90020 mph average here.00:35
crashanddie_GAN900, stop using your N900 while driving, you'll cause less accidents00:35
greenflycrashanddie_: heh, I wonder if they are going to outlaw team killing00:35
GAN900crashanddie_, not driving.00:35
IcanCUfring ads skype videochat for s60 .. nice00:36
GAN900crashanddie_, WHAT?00:36
javispedroso I guess the hour of the "it sucks" threads has finally arrived.00:36
GAN900Yeah, they let you nuke games in MW2.00:36
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* javispedro hopes everything to die early and nokia to go back to tablets ;)00:36
* GAN900 got nuked the other night. :(00:36
crashanddie_greenfly, "You are charged with the murder of bl0kbust3r during an Elite Co-op mission of Modern Warfare 2, what do you plead?"00:37
lcukGAN900, did oyu get one of these?00:37
lcukcrashanddie_, read that link00:37
lcukand mostly the customer reviews00:37
krfkeithwhere do I get the python package?00:37
Stskeepsjavispedro: the key is to say "if you want to throw out your window, let us know where you live so we can grab a free N900"..00:37
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crashanddie_lcuk, old00:37
crashanddie_lcuk, saw that on slashdot, plus a quote of the comment some time ago00:37
lcukits worth laughin again00:38
crashanddie_there's one on TDW that made me laugh hard earlier today, lemme find it00:38
javispedroStskeeps: "but remember to add receipt, invoice,... whatever is needed for warranty stuff".00:38
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* javispedro is big fan of tdwtf00:39
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lcuki havent ready dailywtf in ages00:39
julianoliverhmm.. N900/Maemo get's a pretty incredible review on the German Engadget:
jaemme neither00:39
crashanddie_I mean, I understand you want your website to be user friendly00:39
crashanddie_but seriously, catering for every single person on the planet?00:39
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javispedrocrashanddie_: what if for whatever reason I'm a King?00:40
lcukhey timeless00:40
crashanddie_javispedro, then it means you're useless00:40
javispedroeven better00:40
javispedromore reason to register useless domains00:40
crashanddie_javispedro, name a kind alive today who has any power? There aren't any, so you're not even legally allowed to write your name down00:40
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Arkenoiis there an office application for maemo?00:41
crashanddie_Arkenoi, At the moment there are document readers00:41
crashanddie_Arkenoi, however no full blown office app as of yet, not compatible with MS Office, if that's your question00:41
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GAN900This is worse than California traffic.00:42
kynkyArkenoi, there is google apps, if a webapp for editing word files is ok for you00:42
crashanddie_GAN900, california traffic is OK00:42
Arkenoino editors? does google documents work ok with browser?00:42
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Arkenoiwell, not quite ok but better than nothing00:42
GAN900crashanddie_, not to a Florida driver.00:42
lcukwhos driving you00:42
GAN900Traffic delays are a very rare thing for me.00:42
lcukor on bus?00:42
crashanddie_lcuk, the bus00:42
crashanddie_GAN900, do you have a driving license?00:43
qwerty12_N900GAN900: Out of all the things wrong with Florida, you choose to complain about the traffic?00:43
GAN900My roommate.00:43
GAN900crashanddie_, since I was 1600:43
crashanddie_GAN900, no car?00:43
kynkythe women in florida dont wear enough clothing :)00:43
GAN9005 hour drive00:43
GAN900my car00:44
crashanddie_qwerty12_N900, you live in east london, you're not allowed to complain about other parts of the world00:44
crashanddie_qwerty12_N900, not until you've chosen to live somewhere00:44
GAN900My roommate and I split the driving time.00:44
crashanddie_kynky, your nickname sounds strangely weird with that statement00:44
lcuki hope to godyou didnt high 5 as you started your roadtrip00:44
kynkycrashanddie_, lol00:44
Arkenoiis there a torch application that uses camera flash?00:45
crashanddie_lcuk, no, he used a cheesy line, put on his glasses and walked off-camera00:45
GAN900Arkenoi, no, but dbus should be easy enough.00:45
lcukArkenoi, :'( not yet tho one has been seen.   liqtorch will include it in v200:45
crashanddie_I would love to hear a frenchman ask "I can not find the location of dbus"00:45
lcuk"dbus" is common language up north00:46
julianoliverok, that won a smile.00:46
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lcuk"im goin catchin dbus"00:46
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crashanddie_lcuk, that's just because "the" isn't part of the dictionary in those parts of the world00:46
GAN900Hrm, if you used a desktop widget to switch the flash on and off with a switch, could you catch the dbus signal to Camera and keep it from launching?00:47
lbtno - dbus is broadcast in that sense00:47
julianoliverinterestingly it's < fremantle/tools/free Sources> that fails with the "401 Unauthorized [IP: ..]"00:48
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javispedrobut it is really a signal? the camera app is down by then00:48
lcukjavispedro, e means because you need to open the cover to see the flash00:48
lcukand that starts the camera app00:49
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lcukthe camera app should simply have a flashbulb button00:49
lcukto turn it on00:49
lcuksometimes when im trying to do macro photos at night i would like the light on00:49
lcukinstead of hjust a brief pulse as i half press button00:50
qwerty12_N900To help locate your tiny knob?00:50
julianoliverdoes anyone else have other than "hosts: files dns" in /scratchbox/etc/nsswitch.conf ?00:50
lcukthat way torch app is intrinsic to camera00:50
lcukyes qwerty00:50
julianoliver .. i mean to ask "files dns" for the "hosts" line in /scratchbox/etc/nsswitch.conf00:51
lcukGAN900, that ^ will work for the camera00:51
lcuknice and simple and gives a way to do always on flash/torch utility00:51
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crashanddie_I'm going to start a new website00:51
crashanddie_registering the domain now00:51
lcukwhilst not breaking camera app or needing to curse or block00:51
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toggles_wcrashanddie_: lol too late..00:52
timeless_mbphi lcuk00:52
crashanddie_indeed00:52 Estimated Worth $489.1 USD00:52
julianoliver"", like facebook, but just you.00:52
crashanddie_qwerty12_N900, lcuk
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crashanddie_just the few 5 seconds is enough00:53
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crashanddie_and at 2:4000:55
crashanddie_"the word the"00:55
wazd_ok, now alcohol can suspend all my hate :)00:56
wazd_or surpress00:56
wazd_whatever :D00:56
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julianoliverwazd_: while simultaneously suspending your ability to spell. perfectly normal ;)00:59
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lcukwow qwerty12_N900
lcukwho woulda known01:00
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SpeedEvilUmm bullshit.01:02
SpeedEvilAh - 'we don't want to spend the money to enforce' - slightly different thing.01:03
SpeedEvilAlso the fun thing is that the spy comminunity hates this.01:03
SpeedEvilAs of course a non-negligable fraction of people will decide they'd rather VPN to russia, and do their sharing there.01:04
w00t_as a matter of course thanks to things like the IWF and other rather scary trends rumbling around in the news, all my traffic goes via ssh port forwarding, and has done now for quite some time01:07
julianoliverSpeedEvil: realistically though it is pretty tricky.. surely all you can do is log MAC addresses on the router and try and later pair those up with OS and browser fingerprints on another surveilled network, later. even if the infringer's domestic ISP is in on it, it's a hard case to push..01:07
SpeedEviljulianoliver: 3G01:08
SpeedEviljulianoliver: that was - largely - addressing01:08
SpeedEviljulianoliver: well - and GPRS01:08
SpeedEviljulianoliver: though I think anyone ripping movies over GPRS deserves them free!01:08
julianoliverright.. still waiting for the article to load. poor bandwidth.01:08
julianoliverhehe indeed!01:08
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julianoliverw00t_: have you got a link on this 'IWF'?01:12
SpeedEvilIWF - the Internet Watch Foundation.01:12
SpeedEvilSet up to deal with child porn, and of course, its remit has grown.01:13
lcukwhats the closest thing to the visual basic form editor for linux?01:13
julianoliverSpeedEvil: right01:13
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krfkeithanyone else have problems with their N900 not turning on?01:14
w00t_things like wikipedia, rapidshare, and other rather huge things going through the IWF made me feel rather uncomfortable about all that01:15
krfkeithmy shows the nokia logo, then the backlight goes off, and then it goes off01:15
krfkeithso I pugged it into to charge, and it turns on without the backlight, then shuts off every minute or so01:15
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krfkeithit does hav*pugged01:15
mikhaskrfkeith, try removing the battery?01:16
mikhasI only had those problems after reflashing01:16
krfkeithstill has the same problem01:16
krfkeithbut I'll try it again01:16
mikhasperhaps leave battery outside for a bit01:16
wazd_iiiinside my heart is breaking, my makup maybe flaking but my smile still stays on01:16
mikhasor perhaps the battery really is empty01:16
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krfkeithwell, does it need to charge a little before it can turn on?01:17
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Stskeepskrfkeith: yex01:17
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krfkeithStskeeps: thanks01:18
krfkeithso is that turn off and on thing the normal cycle for charging?01:18
kalikianatoliwhat do you mean with turn off and on?01:19
kalikianatoliit does turn on, and stays on as far as I realize01:20
krfkeithwell, it will show the nokia logo without the backlight and buzz01:20
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mikhasit takes a while01:20
krfkeithand then the screen goes balck for a few seconds and it shuts off01:20
kalikianatolikrfkeith, if you turn it on on low power, of course it will fail to boot :)01:20
mikhasgive it 15-30 minutes, I never really checked how long it really takes before I can power it up once it was really flat01:20
kalikianatolithat's a natural problem01:20
krfkeithkalikianatoli: its plugged in01:20
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kalikianatolikrfkeith, Still it will try to use battery, for whatever reason01:21
lcukn900 is always plugged in01:21
lcukits like the technoviking of mobile phones01:21
javispedrobecause it has 3 minutes of battery life?01:21
krfkeithkalikianatoli: well, what happens is whenever I plug in the USB cable it automatically goes into this cycle01:22
kalikianatoli^^ that sounds odd then. if it's normally charged it should just make a "zoom" sound and charge01:22
lcuktry power from power socket01:22
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Arkenoiwhat's microUSB advantage over miniUSB? from my POV micro sucks01:22
kalikianatoliArkenoi, tinyness01:23
Arkenoiit is almost the same size, does not really matter01:23
mikhasmore diversity, more connectors, more profit =)01:23
mikhasUSB was too universal when it came out01:23
krfkeithlcuk, for some reason they didn't send me an american charger01:23
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krfkeithwhich sucks01:24
kalikianatoliArkenoi, for all I know it may have allowed the device to be 1mm thinner :)01:24
kalikianatoliother than that I agree01:24
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Arkenoioh really? n900 is about the same thickness e90 is01:24
Arkenoinot thin at all01:24
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Pavlovit is pretty thick01:25
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iDialektFeels way better than the e90 hands down01:25
iDialektCompact, smooth.01:25
Arkenoithe keyboard is far superior on e9001:25
kalikianatoliit's thin for a phone with a keyboard imho01:25
Arkenoii'd prefer n900 to be clamshell also01:25
kalikianatoliyou seriously want the keyboard at the side of the display?01:26
Arkenoithe only design that allows the keyboard to be the same size the screen is01:26
crashanddie_it's not01:26
crashanddie_so... tough?01:26
krfkeithI'd kinda like to get an e9001:26
krfkeithhonestly, I kind of like the thickness01:26
CyZooNiCI'm selling mine as soon as I get the N90001:26
krfkeithI don't want something that breaks in half when you at it crossed eyed01:27
* Arkenoi thinks i am going to sell e90 as well, but i will surely miss its keyboard ;-)01:27
krfkeithhow much do e90's go for these days?01:27
CyZooNiCI love my E90 but it's time to move on.01:27
mikhasall I can say is that the n900 couldnt have been any smaller for my hands01:27
CyZooNiCI think around $200 on ebay, used01:28
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mikhasI cant imagine using the keyboard on a thinner device01:28
Arkenoii guess $300 is what i'd like and $200 is more like what i gonna get ;-)01:28
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krfkeithah good to know01:29
krfkeithwell I wonder what the heck is wrong with my N90001:30
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krfkeithI wonder if the USB isn't really charging it, and it jsut thinks it is, thus it turning off and on01:30
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mikhasyou try to charge it with a normal USB cable01:30
mikhasthat's most likely the problem01:30
krfkeithoh, you need a special one?01:30
mikhasusually it *works*01:31
CyZooNiCAre you using a laptop?01:31
mikhasbut it depends also on the other end, rihgt?01:31
javispedroha ha ha ha ha hah01:31
krfkeithyeah, I'm on a laptop01:31
javispedrosomeone just said the Palm LifeDrive could do torrents01:31
crashanddie_krfkeith, use the power outlet cable01:31
javispedrofor god's sake, the tcp stack had an accept bufer size of 1.01:31
javispedrojust opening the port would have reduced your handheld to ash01:32
krfkeithcrashanddie_: unfortunately I was accidently sent a UK outlet cable01:32
crashanddie_krfkeith, USB is a lot less powerful01:32
crashanddie_krfkeith, so basically, USB isn't providing enough power to boot the n90001:32
CyZooNiCSome laptops do not provide enoght power via their USB ports01:32
crashanddie_krfkeith, you can leave it charging, but you're gonna burn out your battery01:32
krfkeithdo you guys think a desktop might make a difference?01:32
ShadowJKburn out the battery?01:32
crashanddie_krfkeith, not really01:32
crashanddie_yeah, charging/uncharging too fast01:33
crashanddie_I already killed a n900 battery like that01:33
ShadowJKgood thing it has 6month warranty then I guess01:33
krfkeithshoot, did I kill mine?01:33
krfkeithI had it doing that for ~10min01:33
crashanddie_n900 was completely empty, put it on the laptop, left it 2 days connected or so, got charged, but now it holds its charge for 6 hours01:33
* ShadowJK suspects the completely empty part has more to do with it01:34
krfkeithcould I use the USB cable with one of those generic usb outlet chargers?01:35
crashanddie_krfkeith, just get a blackberry charger or something01:35
crashanddie_yeah, if it's microusb01:36
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wazd_N900 shipping delayed (4,159) - oh my01:36
krfkeithcrashanddie_: no I mean one of the ones where you just plug in the usb A into it instead of a computer01:36
crashanddie_krfkeith, i use a blackberry charger at work, nokia at home, nokia travel when I travel (mini nokia connector + adapter to microusb provided with the N900)01:37
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crashanddie_anything works really01:37
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crashanddie_krfkeith, you can even use an N810 charger with that adapter01:37
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Arkenoidoes n900 still have usb host? i need a special cable to use it, right?01:38
crashanddie_USB host is not supported ATM01:39
SpeedEvilUSB host may or may not work.01:39
SpeedEvilNobodies actually done the tests.01:39
SpeedEvilAs I understand it. The proclamations that it's not supported so far seem to indicate that it's at least partially broken, but don't say that it won't work with external power.01:40
SpeedEvilI'll have an answer this week with luck - unless anyone else does.01:40
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javispedroI'm pretty certain people have tried.01:42
javispedroiirc it's also a software issue.01:42
krfkeithSpeedEvil: great!01:42
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krfkeithso theoretically it *might* work with external power and software patching?01:43
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krfkeiththe question is how we supply the extra power01:43
crashanddie_Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Maemo-Barcelona Long Weekend - Registrations open - | New software image available:
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krfkeithI wonder if the headphone port could be used, atleast to power simple flashdrives01:44
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crashanddie_Are you on crystal meth?01:46
krfkeithI guess not :-(01:46
krfkeithdo flashdrives use a lot of power?01:46
crashanddie_more like, does the jack provide a lot of power?01:47
crashanddie_I mean, it's a signal port, not power01:47
krfkeithI suppose not01:47
crashanddie_Have you ever heard your momma say "Don't put your fingers in the audio jack?"01:47
krfkeithI'm not well versed in that sort of thing01:47
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krfkeithI don't think I could fit my finger into an audio jack ;-)01:48
crashanddie_Well, try to look at it this way: The audio jack provides just enough power to move those tiny inny bitty speakers in the earbuds01:48
krfkeithyeah I know that01:48
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crashanddie_which is the tiniest of membranes mounted on a very small magnet01:48
krfkeithI just wasn't sure how much power that takes01:48
crashanddie_we're talking milliwatts here at loudest I think01:49
toggles_wwhat about a solar panel infront of liqtorch?01:49
SpeedEviljavispedro: I've seen no reports saying 'I connected a USB device, applied power to it, and frobbed /proc - and it diddn't work'01:50
SpeedEvilYou can probably get at least 60mW from the headphone jack.01:50
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SpeedEvilBut it's going to be somewhat annoying to extract it.01:50
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crashanddie_krfkeith, these professional headphones ( use 80mW01:51
Arkenoiand there is video out as well01:52
crashanddie_which has no power output at all01:52
SpeedEvilThe video out won't supply meaningful power.01:52
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SpeedEvila half a milliwatt or so01:52
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crashanddie_So I think the audio jack power outlet -- even though a pretty good idea -- is dead01:53
crashanddie_also, it would mean outputting a very specific sound or image the whole time to keep the power steady01:53
Arkenoin900 takes looong to charge, e90 did much faster. though i am charging it via old charger and connector, maybe that does matter?01:53
crashanddie_n900 charges in a about 2 hours for me, I think01:54
Arkenoiah, so it really *does* matter as it already charges 301:54
Arkenoiswitched to original one01:54
CoreFusion-sure it does...01:55
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krfkeithI thought I saw somewhere that the power  output of a standard USB 2.0 port is ~100mA01:56
krfkeithis that correct?01:56
SpeedEvilkrfkeith: no01:57
CoreFusion-yes it it01:57
SpeedEvilkrfkeith: It's somewhat complex. Basically01:57
till-500mA is the specifiaction afaik01:58
till-and there is a low power mode as well01:58
krfkeithah, I meant low-power01:58
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SpeedEvilkrfkeith: The device should ask for no more than 100mA before negotiation. It can negotiate for up to 500mA - but the host may not grant this if it determines it can't supply it.01:58
krfkeithSpeedEvil:got it01:59
krfkeithso I'm assuming a bog standard flashdrive should be able to run on low power-mode?01:59
CoreFusion-150mA and 900mA in USB 301:59
SpeedEvilThe device can say that it can use 100mA or 300mA - for example a camera may be able to browse the FS with 100mA, but take pictures with 300mA01:59
SpeedEvilkrfkeith: often02:00
till-i'm able to use a flashdrive with my n800 on hostmode, which provides about 100mA afaik02:00
krfkeithwhat about something like a keyboard or a gampad?02:00
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till-usb-keyboard as well02:01
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krfkeithI suppose we could use some sort of button-cell battery02:03
krfkeithprobably the easiest/cheapest method02:03
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Arkenoithere is still no google latitude support, i guess? i use it much02:05
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Arkenoigoogle documents on the web work surprisingly good, i guess i can live without local office editor.02:14
* SpeedEvil ponders openoffice.02:15
* kalikianatoli likes abiword.02:15
Arkenoiis oo going to be ported soon?02:16
kalikianatoliArkenoi, you can try it with easydebian02:16
Arkenoimaybe i will try. though on 256Mb RAM desktop computer it could be quite a nightmare02:17
kalikianatoliif it works on the n800 it will surely work on your desktop computer as well02:19
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Arkenoii mean ooo is quite slow on the low-end desktops, so it should be about as painful with easydebian02:21 is slow on medium-end workstations.02:22
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kynkymy n900 is currently in brussels02:38
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w00t_mine is currently sitting in some warehouse because my order got cancelled *minirage*02:43
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toggles_wchickens arse when it's eating...02:44
shiznebit_does the skype use the front mounted camera, or the rear mounted camera ?02:44
kynkyw00t_, how many you order ?02:44
kynkyit would use front mounted for a number of reasons02:44
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shiznebit_k, but does it ?02:44
climb5462Skype can't do video calls yet shiz, as far as i know02:44
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shiznebit_thankyou climb546202:45
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* ShadowJK didn't get a tracking code for his n900 :-(02:50
w00t_ShadowJK: join me, brother :-)02:51
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kynkygot tracking info when going from nokia uk shop to order history to tracking info to ups website , the tracking info from email didnt work02:52
SpeedEvilkynky: when did you order?02:52
hotaru2k3can the n900 do bluetooth DUN?02:53
kynky20th october, standard delivery02:53
ShadowJKI wasn't able to register a username so I can't log in :-)02:53
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SpeedEvilkynky: 20th oct also - standard delivery - but I've only had 'we're processing your order' - no tracking number02:53
* w00t_ mutters about banks and nokia02:54
kynkyi ordered about 3.30 am , my friend ordered 8am on 20th std delivery, he got processing email, but nothing else so far02:54
SpeedEvilI think I ordered around midday02:55
kynkyhe hopes payment goes through, he wants his discounts02:55
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SpeedEvilpayment gone through for me02:55
w00t_I thought mine went through, until I recieved a cancellation email at 8:35am this morning, and a phone call from my bank at 10:30am asking if I wanted to authorise payment.02:56
w00t_way to give me time to authorise it!02:56
kynkyyou use all 3 discount codes ?02:57
SpeedEvilkynky: yes - bought a battery too02:58
* kynky wishes he got battery too02:58
SpeedEvilkynky: I dunno if that's important though. debit card - maybe that doesn't have as much authoriastion needed.02:58
kynkyi used debit too02:58
kynkylooks like ppl with cancelled orders cant reapply the discounts02:59
SpeedEvilThere is a 15% discound through topcashback still03:01
SpeedEvilerr - 12 I think03:01
kynkybut 3 x 15% + 10% topcashback was mega sweet03:02
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SpeedEvilI basically took the view that I could barely afford that.03:03
SpeedEvilSo not going for all 3 was foolish.03:03
SpeedEvilAnd to partially pay for it - diet. Which is working well too. -6Kg.03:04
toggles_wwhat are people doing for bluetooth headsets?03:04
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w00t_yeah, I'm quite annoyed that I'm now being put out by a considerable amount of £03:05
w00t_after all the hassle already I really was tempted to just not bother03:05
* ShadowJK hasn't found any bluetooth receiver yet03:05
kynkyi got a free bt headset via vodafone i havent used , so might use that03:06
ShadowJKI'd like one that I can use whatever headphones I want with, and one that has play/pause/next/prev controls, and batterylife of 10 hours03:06
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toggles_wyeah, I guess i mean headphones + mic03:06
toggles_wi like the new nokia one, but $200 seems like a hell of a lot for headphones03:07
w00t_(very) good headphones have a high price03:07
toggles_wi suppose, their promo says they have 10 mics in them which is pretty wild03:08
pupnik_avoid Ultimate Ears03:08
lcukw00t_, :D hiya03:08
pupnik_things corrode like crazy03:08
w00t_lcuk: evening03:08
ShadowJKthe wires die on everything I have03:08
* w00t_ bought a new pair of sennheisers and broke them in one day03:09
w00t_that was annoying03:09
ShadowJKand the plastic hardens to the point it's like a rock03:09
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lcukmy car likes the taste of gel headphone cables03:09
pupnik_i think the N900 headphones are very comfortable, stay in ear, and sound ok03:09
pupnik_but why is one side shorter03:09
pupnik_how do you wear that03:09
* lcuk hasnt got any official headphones yet03:09
toggles_wpupnik_: for the mic?03:10
ShadowJKpupnik_, the bud with longer wire goes around behind your neck03:10
pupnik_ty :)03:10
ShadowJKthat would be my guess atleast.03:10
pupnik_i like the ones that are symmetrical, loop behind ear to avoid movement noise03:11
ShadowJKYeah, I do the loop around ear03:11
pupnik_wish governments would allow a slightly stronger fm xmitter03:12
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kynkyi got some shure se-210 headphones03:12
lcukis there a way to do open source as performance art03:13
toggles_wkynky: calls?03:13
ShadowJKlcuk, you mean like the guy describing DeCSS source code by singing?03:13
kynkyhad some beyerdynamics dt250 before that03:14
lcukShadowJK, im thinking like a live exhibit03:14
kynkytoggles_w, calls, well the 3.5mm jack, has 4 connections instead of 3, so can get adapter for microphone i guess03:15
lcukbut yeah, singing the decss might be cool03:16
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kynkydecss t-shirts are art03:17
lcukbut not live performance art03:18
AakashPatelwhat's up03:18
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* qole looks around a bit03:30
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* lcuk grabs his hunting rifle03:31
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* lcuk makes funky qole sound to lure him into the open03:32
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* qole uses his camoflauge coat to make himself harder to hit03:33
lcukheh gd evening03:33
qoleanother day another homeward commute03:34
lcukhow long does the bus take03:34
qole40 mins03:34
lcukahh not that bad then03:34
qolesometimes 5003:34
lcuki spotted something from you earlier and i cant remember what it was now03:34
lcukwhen you were talking to jeremiah03:34
* lcuk will remember03:35
qoleeasy-deb-chroot packages in free repos now?03:36
lcukahhh yes03:36
lcukpushing git commits from device03:36
lcuk is this from within the chroot03:36
lcukor native live03:36
qoleand using git on-device?03:36
lcuki use git from device03:36
lcukbut only to git: sources03:36
qolebut shared home directory03:36
* lcuk nods03:36
lcukoh cool03:36
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qoleso I build with py2deb natively, and upload to garage via chroot git03:37
lcukif i wanted to hare something that wasnt home folder i guess thats just configurable03:37
qolesure just mount maemo folder in chroot03:38
lcukgarage native git: support would be a beneficial improvement there03:38
lcukcos then theres not even a chroot03:38
lcuki store my code in /home/svn/.......03:38
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lcukand it survives a flashing of main doofer03:39
lcukand is executable as well :)03:39
lcuksupposing though i was gonna use a chroot for complete dpkg support03:40
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lcukcan i just have it completely transparent03:40
qoleI have to set it all back up, flashed last night.03:40
lcukyeah is most of your normal stuff back?03:40
qolewhat does transparent mean here03:40
lcukwell i run03:41
lcuk> make03:41
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lcuk> make install03:41
lcukfor instance03:41
lcukcan i just have chroot setup to continue inline03:41
lcuk> qole_dpkg03:41
qoleyou could build in chroot, run in Maemo, just keep two terms open03:42
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kynkyscreen ftw03:42
lcukand have it take my current folderm open the chroot, run dpkg.. on it close chroot and return me to the console03:42
qoleI have a development chroot on my website03:42
lcukqole, complete sdk for me is 2 apt-get lines03:42
lcukand from flash to working is <30 mins03:43
* lcuk huggles build-essential03:43
qoleyou keep sdk in your main rootfs?03:43
lcukyeah, just like regular linux03:44
lcukmaemo is only "special" cos of busybox03:45
qoleregular linux has a bigger rootfs ;)03:45
lcukmeh, thats just a minor detail03:45
lcukoptify build-essential ;)03:45
lcukand i used to do the same on 81003:45
qoleclone your dev env to a partiton and then chroot to it03:46
qolekeep the main partiton clean03:46
qoleis mplayer optified yet? If not someone needs to do it.03:47
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lcukqole, if i had booted from sd03:48
lcukwith a nice big 4gb card03:48
lcukand made system work nicely03:48
lcukcould i chroot into that from a stock system03:48
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qolehas anyone noticed slow microSD I/O on N900?03:49
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qolelcuk, of course03:49
lcuknot yet, i got a 4g card at weekend03:49
lcukbut ive not put anything on it03:49
lcuki didnt want it as fat03:49
kynkyi got a 16gb card class 2 though, works fast on my htc tp, will try on n900 on thurs03:50
* jaem is working on a Qt app for Maemo03:54
jaemI'm somewhat confused about how Qt 4.6 handles Fremantle menus, though03:54
jaemsubmenus in Qt end up as "[TLM]/Name" buttons03:55
jaemare they all supposed to be top-level for Maemo?03:55
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b-man17~seen xnt1403:55
infobotxnt14 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 14d 14h 18m 18s ago, saying: 'awesome ;)'.03:55
qoleI don't see any submenus anywhere.03:56
lcukb-man17, you and xnt had a tiff? ;)03:56
lcuki havent seen him for a while either ;)03:56
lcukand i dont really miss his ;) lol03:56
b-man17lcuk, nah, i think he´s just busy with other things ;)03:56
jaemqole, I meant that Qt s/submenus/menuitems/ show up on Maemo as "Menu/MenuItem", rather than just the MenuItem name03:57
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lcukb-man17, cool ;)03:57
* b-man17 pokes him on twitter03:57
lcuktell him i said ;)03:58
b-man17lol, shure xD03:58
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b-man17hmm, it looks like he´s trying to mess around with twitter api´s again xD04:00
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jaemqole, any idea?04:02
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* b-man17 is soo happy to have a 5 day weekend04:04
jaemoh right, it's Fake Thanksgiving this weekend04:05
jaemlucky Americans ;)04:05
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b-man17xD ;)04:05
fernando_wait really04:05
jaemPi Day is official down there too, now04:05
jaemalso lucky04:05
jaemunfortunately, Pi Day is not a Stat :(04:06
fernando_awesome, I don't have class tomorrow04:06
qolejaem, no I just was saying there are no submenus in Maemo 5 anywhere.04:06
jaemqole, yes - I used the wrong word04:06
pekujaI'm too nerdy to celebrate Pi Day04:06
jaemthanks anyway04:06
b-man17fernando_: in collage?04:06
qoleI'm home now, going offline...04:06
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b-man17highschool here04:07
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XisdibikPi day?04:15
fernando_march 1404:16
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Arkenoihow do i quit fullscreen mode in fbreader on n900? there is no more "fullscreen" key used to control it, nor scroll keys are recognized04:19
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paroneayeaIs there an equivalent to this:04:29
paroneayeafor applications?04:29
paroneayeabesides knowing what libraries are non-free, would be good to know about applications04:29
pupnik_Arkenoi: try clicking corners, or report a bug04:32
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* microlith wonders if he will successfully restart his N900 order tomorrow, or if Nokia's system will continue to suck04:35
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AakashPatelmicrolith, how much you buy it for?04:54
AakashPatel(or are going to)04:54
microlithAakashPatel: well, if they don't screw me it'll go for $600 or so04:54
AakashPatelare you in the US?04:54
microlithwhich is $100 less than what the preorder was for04:54
AakashPatelamazon has it for the cheaps04:54
microlithright, and if Nokia can't get their order system to work04:54
microlithI'll go with Amazo04:54
microlithhowever, I don't think amazon is shipping yet and I would like it before late december04:55
acidjazzmy n900 still hasnt shipped :(04:55
acidjazzthey arent04:55
acidjazzeither is buy.com04:55
AakashPatelmicrolith, oh is the Nokia one shipping?04:55
microlithyes, apparently04:55
AakashPatelerm nokia site04:55
acidjazzthe only ppl shipping is and theyre shipping preorders from months ago04:55
acidjazzyou basically cant get one04:55
microlithI placed my preorder on September 3rd04:55
acidjazzhas yours shipped04:55
microlithand nokia screwed the whole thing up04:55
microliththey don't know how to handle fraud alerts apparently04:56
AakashPatelI didn't want mine after half of december either04:56
microlithand every subsequent attempt to reorder was rejected by their system04:56
microlithI will try tomorrow04:56
microliththat's it04:56
microlithand I stick with this because there is no other device like the N900 out there04:57
acidjazzalso nokia NY got some04:57
acidjazzbut theyre gone04:57
acidjazzits like nokia made 500 and thats it04:57
AakashPatelmicrolith, do you have thelink to the nokia usa store?04:57
acidjazztheres a rumor on the forums of the next shipment being in february04:57
AakashPateli cant figure out where to buy it04:57
acidjazztheres a link there04:57
AakashPatelLol thanks04:57
acidjazzclick usa04:57
AakashPateli did04:57
AakashPatelOH haha04:58
AakashPatelBuy online04:58
AakashPateldidnt see that04:58
AakashPatelouch 64904:58
acidjazzcomes w/ a warranty04:58
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AakashPatelso does amazon's04:58
acidjazznokia claims theres is better than amazons04:58
acidjazzthast what they told me04:58
AakashPatelYeah, I can't afford it from Nokia directly04:59
AakashPatelI heard thier stuffs shipping the end of this month :/05:00
AakashPatelmaybe i was misinformed05:00
acidjazzit has been shipping05:01
acidjazzbut only from for people who ordered months ago05:01
AakashPatelhmm thats odd05:01
acidjazznot really05:01
acidjazztheyre shipping by the priority any company would05:02
acidjazztake care of direct pre-orders05:02
AakashPatelwell, yeah but i mean they dont have it to ship out in mass quantities05:02
acidjazzthen take care of distributors05:02
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b-man17what do you think the odds are of obtaining  the device before 2010 if you ordered now ?05:03
AakashPatel^^ same q05:03
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* b-man17 really wants his device sometime by late December at the latest :(05:05
AakashPatelas all of us :05:07
AakashPatel:) *05:07
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microlithb-man17: no joke, my current phone likes to lock up randomly when the cell radio gets activated05:08
AakashPatelWhat phone you have?05:08
microlithit's a loaner Motorola Ming A1200 that was on China Mobile05:08
AakashPatel Ah05:09
microlithI'm sure dastardly experiments were run on it a couple years ago05:09
microlithonly interesting thing about it is the fact it runs linux and uses Qt for the UI05:09
AakashPatelI currently have an Android Dev Phone 105:09
AakashPatelBut it's slow as shit05:09
microlithwe have a number of those at work05:09
microliththey've gathered up a bunch of myTouch devices05:10
microlithand are looking at getting some Droids05:10
AakashPatelAh, played with my friends droid a few days ago05:10
AakashPatelreal nice05:10
AakashPatel(Thats dirty lol)05:10
b-man17microlith: where do you work?05:10
microlithb-man17: numonyx05:11
microlithwe make flash memory and whatnot05:11
b-man17sound cool :)05:11
microlithI'm not working on anything to do with the phones though05:11
b-man17that sucks05:11
microlitheh, I'm working on something far more interesting IMO, but I can't talk about it :>05:12
microlithit'll be cool when I can though05:12
b-man17heh, i got to ride in a Smart Car 2 years before it was publicly available :)05:13
acidjazzi shit n900's05:13
acidjazzwho wnats one05:13
* b-man17 ´s parents use to work for GM05:13
microlithI'll take one, when you clean it05:13
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AakashPatelb-man17, GM makes the smart cars?05:14
microlithyah this is what the guys with phones have been doing:
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AakashPatelOh taht tight05:15
AakashPatelI hit that point when my rams full all the time :/05:15
b-man17AakashPatel: to tell you the truth i´m not shure :s - i was at an international convention05:16
AakashPatelah i see05:16
b-man17and i was only 9.. i think05:16
pwnguinhas anyone actually connected the email app to exchange?05:16
AakashPatelb-man17, how old are you?05:16
AakashPatel<- 1605:16
microlithI wish I had the money for an N900 when I was 17!05:17
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pwnguinwhen i was 17 i stole technology, just like evreyone else!05:18
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pwnguinwith the mp3 players and the cd burners and the flashcarts05:18
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pwnguinand the ROMs and emulators05:19
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pwnguinkids these days, paying for things. makes me sad on the inside05:20
b-man17nah, i have $1375.00 xD05:20
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pwnguinb-man17: wait till college. that'll disappear real quick05:20
AakashPatelPLUS TAX05:21
microlithactually at 17 I bought my first PC05:21
pwnguincollege students dont pay tax05:21
microlithawesome tech like the N900 didn't exist yet :/05:21
b-man17that money is reserved for my N900 and a Laptop ;)05:21
lcukwhat waspc?05:21
AakashPatelhaha half of thats gone for the n90005:21
pwnguini didnt buy my first laptop till i was like 2705:21
pwnguinand the n900 will actually be the first mp3 player I might actually use05:22
microlithlcuk: ?05:22
lcukwhat spec was the pc you got05:22
lcukthat wasnt n900ish05:22
* lcuk started with zx spectrum and really got started with amiga05:22
AakashPatelI don't ge the point of mp3 players..if most phones modern can play music  :/05:22
microlithoh, p2-400 with 128MB of ram, with an 8GB quantum bigfoot (5.25") and cheapy rage pro graphics05:22
* b-man17 ´s first game system was a gameboy advance05:23
AakashPatelmicrolith, i've met worse lol05:23
pwnguinAakashPatel: they were cooler back when phones were massive and didnt play mp3s05:23
microlithAakashPatel: back in 1999, that was killer05:23
lcukAakashPatel, believe it or not, some people prefer to keep things apart05:23
AakashPatelmicrolith, yeah, i saw one the other day...64MB of ram...running windows xp :/05:23
pwnguinof course, they also had like 32MB of RAM05:23
AakashPatel'HEY FIX MY COMP'05:23
pwnguinor storage really05:23
AakashPatellcuk, crazies!05:23
b-man17XP Phone?05:24
AakashPatelb-man17, who speaks of such madness?05:24
lcuklol AakashPatel05:24
b-man17google it ;)05:24
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AakashPatelb-man17, i've seen it on gizmodo lol that was enought05:24
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b-man17you´ll laugh xD05:24
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pwnguini was talking with a dude and he was saying "i want a phone that i can wear like a watch. i'd never forget it."05:25
pwnguini had to tell him his idea has been done dozens of times05:26
* b-man17 could see them comming out with a Vista phone xDDD05:26
lcukpupnik_, speak to analias next time hes about05:26
lcukthats his area05:26
AakashPatelb-man17, i'd barf05:26
pwnguindidnt bother telling him that nobody wears a watch anymore since cellphones became every day carry05:26
lcuki like the idea of a bluetooth small ui display05:26
lcukso i can glance and see recent texts05:26
lcukor calls etc05:26
lcukfrom my phone05:26
lcukbut its a watch05:26
AakashPatelpwnguin, unless its a rolex lol05:26
lcukthere is already one05:26
lcukproblem is always battery05:27
AakashPatelthats that thing...inSight? or whatever05:27
AakashPateli forgot lol05:27
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pwnguinlcuk: but you'd still have to carry a headset around05:27
AakashPatelstrap it to your face05:27
pwnguinbluetooth headset05:28
lcukim talking about now interfacing with n900 hardware05:28
lcukdont care for headset05:28
lcuki dont call often05:28
AakashPatelme either05:28
lcukquick glance, get time and recent lines of irc05:28
AakashPateli have one layin around here...i think it got lost in the clutter hah05:28
* pwnguin is in 14 channels05:28
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pwnguinrecent lines of irc gets kinda pointless at that scale05:28
lcukpwnguin, is that all?05:29
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pwnguinlcuk: gnometerm starts overlapping with irssi keys05:29
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* ShadowJK wants a watch that can control mp3 player05:29
lcuklearn to xchat05:29
lcukShadowJK, yeah that would be cool05:29
* lcuk wants it so liqwidgets can show in it :$05:30
AakashPatelOR! a watch that IS an mp3 player :005:30
* AakashPatel goes to patent it05:30
ShadowJKtouchscreen is darn unusuable without taking phone out of pocket05:30
pwnguinmaybe just strap a n900 to your wrist lanscape05:30
pwnguinbracer style05:30
b-man17AakashPatel: lol, allready been done xD05:30
AakashPatelb-man17, haha i was kidding :P05:31
b-man17i know ;P05:31
pwnguinwake me up when they have bluetooth video glasses05:31
Arkenoin900 rejected my 10 years old 5v sim card05:31
pwnguinwith integrated cameras for AR05:31
lcukim gonna go to next fancy dress party as buzz lightyear05:32
Arkenoigood i had a copy on a newer chip05:32
lcukim gonna stray n900 as arm computer05:32
lcukand i better get some damned laser noises :D05:32
* b-man17 googles for the most outrageous hardware combination05:32
pwnguinpocket watch computer05:33
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b-man17AakashPatel:  - windows mobile on a watch XD05:34
AakashPateloh my05:34
AakashPatelare you sure thats winmo? lol05:34
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krfkeithwell I found a USB wall charger and it's still having the same on and off cycling issue05:35
AakashPatelWhoever made taht should be shot05:36
Arkenoib-man: still not in production05:37
* Arkenoi has nucleus-based wristwatch05:37
Arkenoicect w60005:38
krfkeithany ideas on what my issue is/05:38
Arkenoino java, not enough space in firmware for it05:38
b-man17AakashPatel: indeed xD05:38
Arkenoiaakash: actually not wm but wince6.005:38
Arkenoiand still a prototype not available for purchase05:38
Arkenoi5.0 even05:39
Arkenoiit cannot run wm programs05:39
AakashPatelit's still a windows watch05:39
Arkenoibut you cannot buy it05:39
Arkenoiall models currently available are nucleus-based05:39
AakashPatelLike people would05:39
Arkenoion mediatek chipset05:39
krfkeithI don't mind WinMo05:39
AakashPatelkrfkeith, but on a watch? ;)05:40
* b-man17 HATES Microsoft05:40
pupnik_why lcuk05:40
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krfkeithAakashPatel: that's true05:40
* krfkeith hates Apple05:41
krfkeithatleast you can (theoretically) develop for it...05:41
* b-man17 hates both ;)05:41
krfkeithbut putting WinMo on a watch is stupid05:41
Arkenoikrfkeith: not really05:41
* krfkeith hates most large American corporations05:41
Arkenoiit is not that bad05:41
Arkenoinot much worse than nucleus05:41
krfkeithwhat's nucleues?05:42
b-man17google it ;)05:42
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Arkenoinucleus is opensource in theory05:45
Arkenoibut i'd yet to see someone who managed to create working independant firmware for any device available on the market05:46
AakashPatelis the n900 screen "mushy" at all?05:47
AakashPatellike some other devices with resistive screens?05:47
krfkeithArkenoi: is it some sort of PDA software?05:47
microlithnucleus is an embedded OS targeted at phones and other consumer electronics05:48
b-man17AakashPatel: not from what i´ve herd05:48
lcukAakashPatel, no its a pleasure to use05:48
Arkenoiactually n900 screen is much more than one could expect from a reisitive touchscreen05:49
Arkenoiit really wondered me05:49
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krfkeithArkenoi: so were you saying that you have a watch with the Nucleus RTOS?05:49
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krfkeiththis is so frustrating05:49
Arkenoikrfkeith, yep, cect w600, quite nice one05:50
lcukyes the screen is the best ive ever written on05:50
krfkeithArkenoi: looks neat, does it have any sort of applications for it?05:51
AakashPatelOh yeah, another question, does maemo have an 'on screen' keyboard?05:51
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lcuki think it does, i never use it tho05:51
AakashPateloh cool05:51
Arkenoikrfkeith: there is a rumour there are some, but i never managed to install any.05:52
lcukhi Ford_Prefect \o05:52
Ford_PrefectHeya lcuk :)05:53
* lcuk has seen you somewhere else05:53
Arkenoiit lasts about 3 days standby time with GSM network, which is not bad for a wristwatch at all, SE model hardly manages that having no GSM module, just bluetooth05:53
lcukits awful for a wristwatch05:54
lcukmine used to last months05:54
Arkenoifor GSM-enabled i'd not expect more ;-)05:55
lcukit was an occasion to need to change watch battery05:55
Arkenoiit charges via USB05:56
lcukis there an sdk?05:58
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Arkenoiyep, but is is cryptic and all-chinese ;-)06:00
lcukthats ok, my code will make them scratch heads just as much06:00
lcuki just need a few baseline fns06:00
Arkenoiam i right that unlike other nokia screens n900 is not reflective at all so it is no good under direct sunlight?06:06
lcuki dunno06:07
AakashPatelit isnt?06:07
lcuki live in manchester, direct sunlight is rare06:07
AakashPatelLooks glossy to me lol06:07
krfkeithanyone know any stores that carry N900 compatible batteries?06:11
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AakashPatelkrfkeith, the Nokia store06:12
krfkeithI don't think they have one in Houston :-(06:12
GAN900krfkeith, BL-5J, same as in the 5800.06:12
krfkeithyeah, I know the model number06:13
krfkeithdo they have them at batteries plus or radioshack06:13
GAN900Probably a lot cheaper to get one online.06:13
AakashPatellook it up?06:13
krfkeithhas anyone noticed the search function sucks on most sites?06:14
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* microlith watches the short term value of Talk plummet06:57
esaym153howdy, I am thinking about using my n810 to replace my ipod.  But before I go and buy a giant sd card I would like to know if any of the media players for it support making play lists for music files?06:57
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tank-manI feel confident in saying all the music players let you make playlists07:07
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dmj726Does the aGPS on n900 only work with a data plan?07:19
dmj726microlith: talk has grown nearly useless right now.07:20
tank-manprobably works with wifi too07:21
dmj726I knew it would work on wifi, but I was curious if it required a dataplan or just regular cell service.07:21
* dmj726 guesses it's the first option.07:22
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GAN900Arkenoi, it's transflective. Fine in sunlight.07:26
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jaemanyone else geting 401s while trying to pull packages from
jaemspecifically, extras-devel07:48
jaemit's intermittent for me07:48
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RST38hreMoo all08:09
jaemmoo to you also08:09
Klownerjaem: yeah, been doing that all day08:10
jaemKlowner, mooing, or hiding?08:10
Klowneroh, the maemo repo going 401'y08:10
KlownerI've been mooing too08:10
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jaemoh... there was no subject in that sentence ;)08:11
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KlownerI should just drive to the dang Chicago store08:17
Klownerbut as soon as I get there I'll probably get a shipping notification from amazon08:18
jaemKlowner, that sounds like the typical bus problem08:19
KlownerI'd take my car08:19
jaemif you walk home, it'll pass you halfway, but if you wait, you'll wait twice as long as it would have taken to walk08:19
Klownerer, what?08:19
jaemthat problem08:19
jaemof course, that's really just psychological08:19
Klownerlike when I was on dial-up, I calculated what kind of bandwidth I could have by hiring kids to carry DVD-Rs in backpacks across town08:20
jaemwas it better?08:20
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Klownerwell, depends.. if the kids are reliable and don't break down often08:21
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dmj726Klowner: of course for small transfers increased bandwidth is offset by the high latency of the kids08:27
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dmj726A super tanker carrying hard disks has very high bandwidth too.08:28
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Klownerdmj726: loading them up with candy decreases their latency08:28
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RST38hheya Arkenoi08:37
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pupnik_maybe 22fps really isnt so bad08:44
pupnik_just speeds i see here...08:45
pupnik_i dont want to say too much :(08:45
pupnik_looks like some mistakes are present in our dosbox build08:46
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RST38hhm, are you sure this is not due to dosbox itself?08:47
pupnik_i db should use dirty buffers to only update changed regions, at least at 640x48008:48
RST38halso, real 22fps with a frameskip of 3 is just fine08:48
pupnik_since we have lovely sw scaling, that may need reenabling08:48
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RST38hYou can take the same code I have given javispedro and use it08:49
pupnik_dipping below 10 briefly hurts more yeah08:49
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RST38hit will scale in assembly language08:49
pupnik_cool and ty ?)08:49
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RST38hok, work.08:51
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pupnik_adding /dev/dsp to n900 would be a nice project08:57
Klowneradding an n900 to my pocket would be a better project08:58
Xisdibikget in line Klowner my pocket needs one first ;)08:58
* Klowner fills Xisdibik's pockets with pudding08:58
Klowneryours are full!08:59
pupnik_there is much to do08:59
KlownerI want to play with GL ES08:59
pupnik_if anyone is working on a game port lemme know08:59
pupnik_i might have useful things for you09:00
XisdibikKlowner thats not my pocket09:01
Xisdibikwho did you order yours from klowner?09:01
pupnik_but our perfolrmance situation is neither happy not moticating09:01
Klownerer, amazon09:01
Xisdibikwhat date did u preorder?09:02
Klownernov 609:02
Xisdibikah, later than me09:02
Xisdibiki did slowazon also09:02
Klownerlater than many09:02
Klowneryours shipped didn't it?09:03
pupnik_try Enigma game when u get n90009:03
Klownerthat sucks09:03
Klownerpupnik_: enigma game?09:04
pupnik_marble - puyyle - skill game with accelerometer steering09:04
Klowner2D or 3D?09:05
Xisdibikany good simulation games for the n900?09:05
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pupnik_like what09:06
pupnik_afaik no09:06
Xisdibiklike.. simcity (but not simcity)09:07
pupnik_there was openttd for n8x009:07
pupnik_and some sim city clone too09:07
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Xisdibikprobably lincity09:10
KlownerIf I could find some info regarding doing OpenGL ES stuff with the SDK I'd start tinkering now09:11
Xisdibikhow effective is dosbox on the n900, for like old win95 games09:11
Klownerhaven't had time to dig though09:11
pupnik_no windows09:12
pupnik_runs most dos games from 1981-1990 fine09:12
pupnik_mouse is broken09:12
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pupnik_turning off sound you get maybe 20mhz 386 or better09:15
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kirmais there alt-tab style window switching shortcut on n900/maemo5?09:16
Arkenoiis there pgp-enabled email client for maemo? or maybe pgp plugin?09:16
kirmathat's available on e90, and I'm missing it quite a bit09:17
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wazdhello maemo09:17
pupnik_kirma  ctrl-del09:20
pupnik_app overview  - no "tab" switching09:20
pupnik_no inferior tab switching09:21
kirmawell, I know ctrl-backspace, but that's not what I want :I09:23
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kirmaI suppose window manager (or what it should be called) is open source?09:23
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kirmamost of the applications being switched are on "top of the stack" at least for me09:24
kirmaI can imagine several ways of doing it really09:27
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JaffaMorning, all10:31
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johnxallo tlir10:35
pillargood morning10:36
tlirhow's everyone today?10:37
pillargood since my n900 is right beside me :)10:38
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pillarwondering though how to check the firmware version to see if the topics firmware is newer10:38
maexmogood morning10:38
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tigertpillar: controlpanel > about product10:40
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johnxdunno how everyone else is, but I'm ok10:42
johnxlong day though10:42
maexmohow do i start x-terminal if running maemo5 with virtualbox, the standard shortcut does not work as it seems? my deeper prob is - ubuntu has internet, resolv.conf is copied to maemo but it does not have internet connect. so i would like to see what ifconfig shows..10:42
pillartiger nice, thank you10:42
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vesamaexmo: check the resolv.conf outside scratchbox for the dns address that it's the same within scratchbox. atleast that was my solution to the same problem10:45
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maexmothanks vesa,  /etc/resolv.conf + /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf are the same. but still does not connect10:49
maexmois it possible to access x-terminal at the emulation too?10:50
detHow feasible would it be to get a n900 with only a data plan and make all phone calls over skype ?10:50
maexmo:> nice idea with skype out . . our providers here do have extra plans for skype calls on mobile phones .. so if you call 10 mins overs skype they will extra charge that 10 mins additionally to the skype-out costs.  depends on your provider if they limit / charge skype/voip calls10:51
detIs that responding to me ?10:51
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ali1234det: i heard that 3 in the UK are doing a data plan that allows you to do exactly that, and the skype usage doesn't even come out of your data allowance or cost you anything beyond what you pay for skype out, so...10:53
Arkenoimaexmo: route it over vpn and they won't notice ;-)10:53
ali1234so i guess it completely depends where you live10:54
detHow well does skype cope with changing IP address?10:54
detFor instance, I am using my home wifi, and I leave my house and change to tmobile data service ?10:54
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detall while speaking on the phone10:54
ali1234heh, no, that isn;t going to work10:55
Arkenoiactually i think extra charging for certain kinds of network traffic is very questionable practice and even illegal in most countries10:55
crashanddie_no it's not10:55
detArkenoi, ToS preventing certain kinds of service is well established10:55
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detI would expect something like SIP could be easily hidden though10:56
crashanddie_they can prove by a + b that specific kind of network traffic is more costly as more people use it at a given time (for example, their tier 2 backbone to facebook costs a lot more to manage than a simple link to
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* Arkenoi thinks network neutrality should be enforced by the law to prevent greedy telecoms from abuse10:57
tank-manwhat? isnt this what the whole network nuetrality thing is about?10:57
Myrttiit's all a global conspiracy10:57
tank-manhow does 1MB of data going to/from facebook cost more than 1MB of data going to/from google.com10:57
detdisallowing skype isnt much different than home broadband disallowing running servers10:57
Arkenoiwell, that's what i pay for10:57
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Arkenoiand if they sell me the service it is not their business how do i use it10:58
MyrttiArkenoi: er, unless you abuse it10:58
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detIt would be really nice to have VOIP only phone10:58
Myrttiand they define abuse, not you10:58
Arkenoii paid for it, therefore it is not abuse10:58
crashanddie_tank-man, I didn't say that, but facebook uses more data, and is used by more people than any other website (for the sake of example)10:58
detthat switches wifi and 3g10:58
MyrttiArkenoi: ahahah, have a lollipop10:58
Arkenoithinking voip is any different *is* abuse10:58
Myrttiyour naivite is refreshing10:58
Arkenoimyrtti: here in russia if you block voip you will probably get your ISP license revoked10:59
Arkenoiand that's right10:59
maexmoback again .. arkenoi .. yea doing a openvpn tunnel to my server and routing all internet traffic / skype traffic over it .. good idea :D10:59
crashanddie_Arkenoi, when you go to a car dealer, and the ferrari enzo is at just over a million, and you say "I want to be able to pull a caravan with it". They won't stop you, but the warranty will be void pretty soon. Same thing here really. You can pay for it all you want, that doesn't mean ANYONE on earth has to accommodate you10:59
detcrashanddie_, that is a terrible analogy11:00
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crashanddie_det, agreed11:00
crashanddie_I just woke up11:00
MyrttiArkenoi: Skype isn't all about voip, and abuse defined by isp can cover just about anything even from using google if you do nothing but refresh every three seconds.11:00
tlirhow many here have setup'ed their mobile devices to access their email/ms exchange services?11:01
Arkenoiand voip traffic is ridiculously small compared to say. blueray image download11:01
crashanddie_tlir, pretty much everyone11:01
MyrttiArkenoi: but Skype is more than just voip. it's p2p technology too.11:01
Arkenoithe difference is they are trying to sell obsolete and useless thing that actually does not exist and is not even a service, called "long distance"11:01
crashanddie_Arkenoi, no, not at all.11:01
Arkenoithere is no such kind as "distance" in the internet11:01
Myrttiyes, there is11:02
Myrttibut nevermind11:02
Myrttimoving on11:02
tliruhmm... I'm having some paranoia issues with doing it since I am then having to expose my user/pass details to the service (in my case it's gmail)11:02
crashanddie_Arkenoi, if I "max out" the available bandwidth through Skype or through any other protocol, do you think there's any kind of difference?11:02
tbfArkenoi: Myrtti: hops? latency?11:02
Arkenoicrash: so no one should care *which* protocol i do actually use11:02
tbfArkenoi: just run tracepath/traceroute against your home router, your ISP's website, your local news paper and some site on the other side of the globe11:03
Arkenoiif it is perfectly legal for me to download blueray images then skype should be as well11:03
tlirthe actual paranoia is that if the device is stolen/lost then anyone with a bit of knowledge will be able to get the user/pass details for the account.11:03
crashanddie_Arkenoi, the thing is no one actually used P2P on 3G networks -- the ISPs haven't "noticed" yet11:03
tbfthere is distance.11:03
Arkenoiactually i hate skype and prefer sip ;-)11:03
MyrttiArkenoi: but we're not talking about LEGALITY, are we?!11:03
crashanddie_tlir, no they wouldn't11:03
tlircrashanddie_: why not?11:03
crashanddie_tlir, because we only save a hash of the password?11:03
tlircrashanddie_: these details are stored in the device.11:03
crashanddie_tlir, security best practises 10111:03
maexmothe point is that if you do skype calls, you do harm the local telecom companies because you do not use their phone services where they are earning their money. since you do phone services over ip, its legal to charge a very small amount for using they dataservices for phone calls. dont know if the law is same in whole europe but in austria it is like that.11:03
MyrttiArkenoi: we're talking about the sanctions put up by the isp, not some wishywashy legal issues11:03
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tlircrashanddie_: whose "we" that save a hash of the password?11:04
crashanddie_tlir, pinky and the brain11:04
Arkenoicrash: just because we do not have true unlimited data plans here. by the way, p2p is most of 4g network traffic here in Russia as 4g is flat rate11:04
detone of the reasons I would like to use skype over 3g/wifi is so I could have 1 number at home or cell11:04
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tlircrashanddie_: seriously.11:04
crashanddie_Arkenoi, det, I use skype all the time over 3g11:04
crashanddie_I use my corporate SIM card, works fine11:05
Myrttiso the LTE/whatever adoption is going on fast in russia?11:05
Myrttioh, Wimax...11:05
maexmoi like sip more too .. since i can call trough my sipaccount and clip (show) my standard phonenumber to other users  :)  they never know if i am calling from landline or sip client11:05
detcrashanddie_, can skype switch from 3g to wifi without losing the call ?11:05
Arkenoiquite wide adoption and good coverage in big cities11:05
crashanddie_det, no11:05
detthat's too bad11:05
crashanddie_det, well, understandable really11:05
detI dont know, seems rather simple to implement11:05
crashanddie_det, it does?11:06
maexmoback to my question > how do i enter x-terminal in virtualbox maemo ?11:06
detsend some new packets from new IP address switching to new IP ?11:06
Arkenoiwimax is better than lte because unlike lte wimax networks are *not* owned by phone companies who try to sell voice traffic by reidiculously high price11:06
Arkenoiso they just do not care if someone "loses money"11:06
crashanddie_det, ignorance is bliss?11:06
detcrashanddie_, perhaps11:07
tlircrashanddie_: I'm really serious. can you explain please?11:07
detcrashanddie_, what phone do you use to make 3g skype calls ?11:07
crashanddie_det, n90011:07
Arkenoimaexmo: i do the same ;-)11:07
maexmonot available yet here :(11:07
detcrashanddie_, how does 3g/wifi work11:07
detcrashanddie_, if you move into a hotspot11:08
crashanddie_through the air11:08
maexmowhat prices did u pay? without service contract11:08
detdo you have 2 ip addresses?11:08
detdoes it ask you to switch, etc ?11:08
crashanddie_maexmo, didn't pay for it11:08
crashanddie_det, you can configure a whole lot of behaviours11:08
maexmonice testimonial? :>11:08
detcrashanddie_, can you be connected to both at once ?11:08
crashanddie_maexmo, I was in amsterdam during the summit11:08
crashanddie_det, but usually, the default, is that it connects to 3g when there is no wifi available, and disconnects 3g when there is wifi that you previously accepted or provided a key for11:09
maexmoat the coffeshop ^^11:09
ali1234maexmo: do you mean the SDK running in virtualbox, or do you mean... in the maemo running in the SDK in the virtualbox?11:09
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crashanddie_as far as I can tell, you not be connected to both networks at once11:09
crashanddie_s/you/you can/11:09
infobotcrashanddie_ meant: as far as I can tell, you can not be connected to both networks at once11:09
detcrashanddie_, so if you are making a 3g phone call and come into range of your home wifi, your call is dropped by default ?11:10
maexmoali1234: right! i run Maemo_PreFinal_2_Ubuntu_Intrepid_Desktop_SDK_Virtual_Image11:10
crashanddie_det, could be, never tried it11:10
ali1234maexmo: so, is the question how to start a terminal on the ubuntu?11:10
hrwcrashanddie_: you should be able to be connected to 3G and WiFi at same time. maybe maemo connection manager does not allow it but otherwise it is doable11:10
crashanddie_ali1234, applications > accessories > terminal11:10
detcrashanddie_, ok, thanks for the info11:11
crashanddie_hrw, my thoughts as well11:11
maexmoali1234: no, i am familiar with ubuntu + debian .. i need to access the maemo x-terminal (on that n900)11:11
hrwcrashanddie_: basically with n900 you can have 4 normal interfaces at same time + countless vpns11:11
maexmocrashanddie_ on my vers there is no terminal in the accessories11:11
crashanddie_maexmo, oh, you're talking about the n900?11:11
hrwcrashanddie_: usb0 (usbnet), bnep0 (BT PAN), ppp0 (3G,gsm), wlan0 (wifi)11:11
Stskeepsmaexmo: virtualbox/Virtual Image is not a N900 emulator11:12
ali1234maexmo: well... the scratchbox shell is exactly the same thing as running a terminal within the X session11:12
maexmomhm it looks like the n900 so it seems like emu :> even its a sdk i want to have a bit look and feel of n90011:12
hrwcrashanddie_: and of course maemo will tell you that usb0 and bnep0 are not possible11:13
crashanddie_hrw, yet11:13
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maexmoali1234: thanks so i use that scratchbox shell and will try to figure out why my maemo does not have internet connect11:14
hrwmaexmo: internet connection or name resolving?11:15
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maexmohrw:  i dont know but i think internet connection, since i have same resolv.conf in scratchbox as in /etc/11:16
crashanddie_maexmo, can ubuntu access the web?11:16
hrwmaexmo: "ping"11:16
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maexmo[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] >  bash ping command not found11:17
hrwI love sbox11:17
maexmo[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] >  ifconfig shows same ip as ubuntu ip .. hmmm11:17
maexmoits cool with ... Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800×480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -kb &  ... it looks like n900 :)11:18
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jjoyou need the same resolv.conf in /scratchbox/etc as well as in the target /etc11:18
maexmoi do have11:18
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hrwmaexmo: welcome in sbox world where things can be broken in ways you never thought that it is possible11:19
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maexmohrw: you make good mood11:19
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maexmo< afk > 5 min11:19
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zeevHi, anybody got his preordered n900 already??11:20
zeevin USA11:20
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maexmowhere is it cheapest to buy? :> no contract11:22
`0660_the question is: where can one buy it? :)11:23
crashanddie_god has starte to have a shitty service11:25
crashanddie_order placed on sunday, still says "packing", I call the service, they're saying the thing isn't in stock... "So why doesn't the website say Temporarily out of stock?" "Because we're packing them" "But you don't have them" "Correct" "..."11:26
tigerthopefully its a glitch that goes away11:27 has been good in service11:27
jjoI just had that also11:28
hrwI wish I can say same about DDP11:28
jjocrashanddie_: did they charge for it already?11:29
crashanddie_"Can I cancel the order, I'm leaving the country on sunday and won't receive the items in time" "No, as we are packing you can't cancel anymore" "But you said you didn't have them in stock" "Correct" "So why can't I cancel, it hasn't been dispatched"11:29
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jjothey did for me and when I asked them to cancel the order and refund, they didin't refund it fully11:30
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crashanddie_I'll call from the office, after calling my bank to cancel the payment11:30
crashanddie_late for work, talk later, doei!11:30
crashanddie_(Canceling the payment usually helps to have them cancel the order... They find some miraculous way to do it)11:31
maexmofor sure :P11:31
Arkenoiis it possible to have "nokia phone" style screensaver on n900 (non-backlit picture)?11:31
suihkulokkiyour battery lasts too long?11:31
Arkenoidoes it consume battery too much?11:32
Arkenoiif symbian can afford it, why maemo cannot?11:32
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StskeepsArkenoi: i always wondered how they manage to pull that off11:33
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RST38hSts: Backlight off, wake up and update every 3-5 seconeds11:35
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Arkenoirst38h: and how long will it last?11:36
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Stskeepsmorning felbutss11:48
felbutsslol its 8.47 pm where i am11:48
Stskeepstimezones are a bitch P11:48
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Stskeepsfelbutss: you don't happen to have any other phones that use the same battery type?11:49
felbutssye no luck, tryed it in linux and no hope.11:49
felbutsslol thats what i was thinking11:49
felbutssbut no i dont11:49
felbutssi does turn on fully backlit but freezs and turns off so i dont think the battery is low11:49
Stskeepsok, still got the linux machine open?11:50
infobotwell, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
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felbutssi can boot it up. got linux on a Bootable usb stick. want me 2?11:51
Stskeepsyes please11:51
felbutssjust a sec11:51
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maexmohrw: thanks that made my day :D  .. never heard about ugt since i use irc .. 14 years more or less frequently.. lol11:53
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Lorthirkgood morning guys11:54
Lorthirki was wondering... would the community take benefit from an(other?) technic blog about programming for n900/maemo?11:56
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StskeepsLorthirk: any contributions that aren't trolling are obviously welcome :)11:56
Lorthirkyes, this was my first thought11:57
Lorthirkbut then i found myself thinking about the REAL advantage11:57
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Stskeepswhich is..? :P11:59
Lorthirkwhich is the reason i asked the question in the first place :)12:00
Lorthirki mean12:00
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Lorthirkit will be "yet another programming blog"12:01
Lorthirkor maybe somehow could find it really useful?12:01
Stskeepstutorials? :P12:01
Stskeepssomeone's investigating maemo6 UI stuff too12:02
Stskeepscheck out what exists on already12:02
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Stskeepsfind your niche..12:02
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Lorthirkit's all about finding a niche, it seems12:03
Lorthirki'm a fresh-graduated programmer, and i thought that dealing with maemo would have been my niche12:04
Lorthirknow i have to find a niche in the niche :D12:04
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RST38hheya wazd, VDVsx12:14
VDVsxmorning RST38h12:14
RST38h"An Oz Outback community is battling to regain control of its town from a 6,000-strong feral camel invasion, which has seen the thirsty dromedaries cause "chaos" in their search for water."12:14
Jaffacrashanddie_: All packed?12:17
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Lorthirkthe earth is taking its revenge?12:18
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srikumar_hydcan anyone tell where can i find the kernel image file in FREMANTLE_ARMEL target?12:18
srikumar_hydi just  installed maemo SDK5 on my ubuntu and set FREMANTLE_ARMEL target....12:19
wazdRST38h: heya, hello all :)12:19
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felbutsshey stskeeps. im trying to boot linux on my laptop(ive tryed 2) and the mouse pad isnt working. i even tryed a USB mouse lol.  dam dam dam12:37
felbutsswht would u like me 2 try anyway12:37
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felbutssill  take down some notes and try it when i leave my GF's  house12:38
Stskeepsfelbutss: basically you need to grab the flasher and firmware image, try flashing there12:38
felbutssi have. same issue as windows12:39
Stskeepsdoes 'dmesg' say anything about N900 or Nokia?12:39
felbutssis there another command i can use. like a cold flash12:39
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Stskeeps(it's a command)12:39
Stskeepsfelbutss: you can only do that with a serial line i think :/12:39
felbutsslol dam12:40
Stskeepsfelbutss: at this point i would ask nokia care if they some way can charge your n900 battery12:40
srikumar_hydi just  installed maemo SDK5 on my ubuntu and set FREMANTLE_ARMEL target....can anyone tell where can i find the kernel image file in FREMANTLE_ARMEL target?12:40
felbutssgood point12:40
Stskeepsfelbutss: that's something i would think they could do12:40
felbutsslol hopfully they can12:41
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felbutssthe poeple at NCS were useless12:41
Stskeepsthe 5800 uses it i think12:41
Stskeepsand 523012:41
felbutsshhmmmmmm really????? might do some research i think12:42
StskeepsBP-5J battery12:45
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felbutsscalling my friends now for a swap of baterys12:47
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Stskeepsfelbutss: i've had a N800 doing a similar stunt for what it's worth12:49
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maexmosrikumar_hyd: why u chose armel, u have an arm proc?12:53
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srikumar_hydno.....its through scratchbox only12:54
srikumar_hydmaexmo: i checked for X86 also....but not found12:54
Stskeepssrikumar_hyd: there's no kernel installed in scratchbox12:54
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srikumar_hydso, how does a rootstrap would get kernel to build it for target device?12:56
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vesauhh, what version of glsl does the n900 support? 1.2?13:12
timeless_mbpcan someone from .uk help me call a number in .uk?13:13
zaheermtimeless_mbp, i can in 15 mins..13:13
zaheermam on a conf call13:13
timeless_mbpvesa: Is that a trick question/13:14
* timeless_mbp thinks the answer is 213:14
vesaopengl es 2.0, but within there's the shader language glsl. i'm just getting to grips with opengl programming and am having a bit of trouble with emulation vs device13:16
vesaafaik opengl es 2.0 requires 1.0 glsl but can support newer version too13:17
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timeless_mbphaving not heard any mention of a magic number13:18
timeless_mbpmy assumption would be 1 :)13:18
tbfvesa: if you just start you might want to try
timeless_mbpi'd assume based on the  other announcements i can find that we'd advertise a higher number if we supported it13:19
timeless_mbpor a higher opengl number13:19
timeless_mbpsorry :)13:19
tbfvesa: no idea what it's worth (almost clueless about opengl)13:19
timeless_mbpi haven't touched opengl since hrm... roughly 1995 ?13:19
timeless_mbpcall it 15 years ago :)13:19
vesatbf: i'm aware of the project, used ogre on desktop waaaay back. but we've got a scripting language with bindings for opengl so it's all simple stuff + shaders atm while i'm learning the ropes13:19
tbfvesa: but that stuff shall be backend independent, so you could run plain OpenGL on desktop, and use their new OGLES 2.0 backend for N90013:20
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tbftimeless_mbp: i am just astonish about all the GFX in modern games and demos...13:20
tbftimeless_mbp: ...and have to admit, that 3D GFX is one of the few programming fields where i am entirely clueless13:21
vesalast time i looked at opengl was when shaders were in assembler... es 2.0 is really clean and simple compared to that =)13:22
timeless_mbptbf: oddly, i'm mostly underwhelmed :)13:22
timeless_mbp~ when i was a little boy ~13:23
timeless_mbpi saw really cool demos13:23
tbftimeless_mbp: 2nd reality and such?13:23
timeless_mbp~ but now i say.. live and let die ~13:23
timeless_mbptbf: sounds about right13:23
tbftimeless_mbp: was quite some fun to figure out their gfx :-D13:23
tbf"now how do i do scaling real time rotation on this stupid 386SX?"13:24
mikhas2nd reality runs in dosbox13:24
mikhaswhich means ... you could demo it on the n900!13:24
tbftimeless_mbp: the tricks learned back then still help me today13:24
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SpeedEviltbf: Kids today.13:25
SpeedEviltbf: Ask them how many cycles a line of code will take, and they look at you blankly.13:25
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: otoh ARM makes that kinda hard anyway13:26
timeless_mbpsome things are async or something13:26
timeless_mbpmy impression is that things don't have to arrive at a well defined point13:27
timeless_mbp(arm really confuses me)13:27
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: yes - however it's possible to get a closely defined limit.13:27
timeless_mbpbut yeah, for the basic instructions, kids make me sad13:27
* timeless_mbp nods13:27
timeless_mbpi'd settle for Order of Magnitude statements about lines :)13:27
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RST38hOk, back. So, what's cooking?13:29
wazdRST38h: HD2 has 1GHz cpu, why n900 has only 600 btw? :D13:31
VDVsxwazd, because we don't want a toaster in our pockets :P13:33
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wazdVDVsx: seriously, someone asked this at the meetup13:34
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RST38hwazd: Different manufacturing technology probably. Most stuff on chip in OMAP3. Power consumption.13:34
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wazdVDVsx: My first thought was to evac thru the glass :D13:34
wazdRST38h: Don't take it so serious :D13:34
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KhertanHi ..13:34
VDVsx600 is more than enough IMO13:35
RST38hwazd: Well, if you want to give someone a serious answer... =)13:35
KhertanDoes extras-devel is dead ?13:35
RST38hHaving said that, those 600 or 1000 do not do you much good as long as your SDRAM is 13313:35
wazdRST38h: Now I have a bag, t-shirt and 3 stickers with lame maemo logo and cool penguins btw :)13:35
RST38hwazd <=== Other people got N900s, and all he has got is a lame t-shirt ! 8)13:36
wazdHow can I enable extras on that bag? :D13:36
RST38h(actually, we both know the guy who won N900 at yesterday meetup)13:36
wazdRST38h: yeah, bastard :)13:37
tarelerulzI have  been reading up on webos and android . How does meamo compare to those ?13:37
RST38hyes, how does it compare?13:37
wazdtarelerulz: way ahead13:37
tarelerulzWard , in what way is it ahead ?13:38
VDVsxwazd, who's was there speaking ? someone known ? :)13:38
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Khertandid i forgot somethings ?
rangetarelerulz: By having a usable and open Linux system on the machine?13:40
wazdVDVsx: no, some lame PR guy13:40
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wazdVDVsx: as I predicted :D13:40
wazdlardman: heya13:40
lardmankalikianatoli: hildon mime works wonders, but doesn't handle vcards13:40
lardmanhi wazd13:40
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crashanddieguys, remember this morning I talked about my order at that went south?13:41
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crashanddieI called my bank, had the payment cancelled, called again to tell them it had been canceled, they put me through to a manager and what not13:41
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kalikianatolilardman, how do you use/ pass those? aren't vcards just files?13:42
crashanddieI received the email confirming my order had been canceled13:42
crashanddieI just received another email, confirming my order had been posted13:42
tarelerulzWell, I have heard of maemo and read about it on wiki ,but that don't tell you its current state . That all looks good on papper ,but it would be good to know from real users13:42
lardmankalikianatoli: as a URI13:42
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lardmankalikianatoli: so yeah, if it were saved as a file it may well work13:42
lardmanI need to do that for .install files, so may as well do the same for the vcards too13:43
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kalikianatoliwhat a pity13:43
tarelerulzDoe it have any thing like multi-touch ?13:43
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Khertanhum .... still no way to debug .desktop file on maemo 5 ?13:45
Stskeepsmorning javispedro13:45
Khertantarelerulz: google is your friend13:45
javispedrodid you survive a long night full of trolls?13:46
kalikianatolilardman, btw do you know a good way to do "open xy with foobar"? ie. if you know the app and the file already13:46
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kalikianatoliosso rpc doesn't seem to be good enough13:46
Khertankalikianatoli: really ?13:46
Khertanseems working fine for pygtkeditor13:47
kalikianatoliKhertan, It is possible that my code is flawed. If it works for you, I'd love to see how you use it :-)13:47
lardmanderf: what's your TMO username?13:47
tarelerulzI am not trying to make anyone made . I am really just wondering . It sounded cool ,but a lot of Open source stuff does then you try it and its not as good as it sounded on paper.   I might get it is has enough wanted features. Not fan boy of anything13:47
lardmankalikianatoli: no sorry13:47
lardmankalikianatoli: I've been using dbus calls so far13:47
lardmankalikianatoli: but they are specific to the apps in question13:48
Stskeepstarelerulz: yeah, but most open source stuff isn't backed by a commercial company13:48
kalikianatolilardman, boo for hardcoding apps :-)13:48
Stskeepstarelerulz: nokia have had many professionals working on this platform, and i love this phone.13:48
Khertankalikianatoli: you can look in the source of pygtkeditor in at
kalikianatoliKhertan, thanks13:48
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lardmankalikianatoli: well I've moved to hildonmime now for everything bar vcards, and will write those to file to use mime too13:49
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kalikianatolilardman, okay, we're still friends then :D13:50
kalikianatoliKhertan, and good to see you were able to use the stock mapping13:51
Khertanah yes :)13:52
Khertanbut ... the application didn't launch from the menu ... surely a incorrect .desktop file13:52
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kalikianatoliKhertan, I see a mime callback there. what I need is the opposite side13:53
kalikianatoliie. open a file with app foobar13:53
Khertanarf ... no ... it  s an error in the launch script13:53
Khertankalikianatoli: ah ... ok ... sorry i didn't understand that13:53
Khertanpersonnally i open some script from pygtkeditor directly by calling a subcommand : '/usr/bin/osso-xterm'13:54
kalikianatolithe problem is that almost no app supports command line calling13:54
Khertanyep ...13:54
kalikianatoliwith arguments that is13:54
Khertanand it s clearly depends on application if they read args / dbus / osso.rpc13:55
kalikianatoliso basically I need to use osso where I would've run a file13:55
Khertanhum ... and no open command too13:55
Khertanit ll we too easy :)13:56
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kalikianatoliI guess I'll have to lookup the desktop files manually13:56
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Khertandoes this works ?13:58
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kalikianatoliKhertan, yeah, opening like that seems to be fine. what I'm missing is the case where I know the app name13:59
kalikianatoliie. the user chose it from a preference13:59
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javispedroah, with the latest xkcd I guess skifree is going to make a comeback13:59
kalikianatolireal example: the user doesn't want the default text editor14:00
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lardmanso anyone with amazon web services experience fancy doing some coding?14:01
lardmanin C14:01
Khertankalikianatoli: hum ... no documentation for python-osso ;)14:01
lardmankalikianatoli: cool mbarcode 0.0.4 just cleared the compilation bar, so now hildon mimified :)14:01
Khertanhildon momified ?14:02
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SpeedEvillardman: have you thought about contacting asda et al, and asking for a database?14:02
lardmansorry ;)14:02
lardmanSpeedEvil: not yet, not at that level of workingness14:02
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Khertankalikianatoli:      gnomevfs.mime_set_default_application(sys.argv[1]) could do the trick ?14:03
lardmanbut I'm more than happy to add that sort of functionality, or to produce dbus messages to allow another app to use the decoding, etc14:03
SpeedEvillardman: 'I would like to create an application to help shoppers at asda more easily plan food use, and scanning tins thrown away to add to an asda order' ... forex14:03
lardmanbut I don't really have the time to do the work atm14:04
achipalardman: in my other life I use AWS quite a bit, what do you need ?14:04
kalikianatoliKhertan, that would be global unfortunately. :-)14:04
SpeedEvilI need to finish my hacks on that topic.14:04
lardmanachipa: a clue mainly14:04
achipalardman: for... ? :)14:04
lardmanachipa: C code to read AWS to obtain information about an EAN14:04
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lardmanachipa: Ideally returning description, thumbnail url, price, and reviews, etc14:05
achipalardman: I see. Stand by.14:06
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* lardman prepares a flashbang14:06
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lardmantoo much MW2 I think...14:07
crashanddielardman: so you got it?14:07
kalikianatoliKhertan, I'll try sending mime_open via dbus later today, maybe that does the trick14:08
crashanddielardman: so you finished it?14:08
crashanddielardman: did you prestige yet?14:08
lardmancrashanddie: nah, only played it for a couple of disjointed hours14:08
Khertankalikianatoli: osso_rpc_run_with_defaults <<< take the applications as parameters14:08
Khertankalikianatoli: so it should do the trick14:08
lardmanachipa: if it helps, librest is available14:08
crashanddielardman: I've finished AC2, I'm around 98% or something... Stupid feathers I have to collect14:08
kalikianatoliKhertan, that's what I tried. and it says "osso_notes has no method with signature s" :-/14:09
lardmancrashanddie: on PC though14:09
crashanddielardman: I know14:09
lardmancrashanddie: am at the barrio in South America now14:09
Khertankalikianatoli: ouchg14:09
crashanddielardman: that's a bitch14:09
Khertan.... going to eat ... see you later14:09
crashanddielardman: I died countless times there14:09
crashanddieKhertan: bon app!14:09
lardmanme too!14:09
crashanddielardman: veteran?14:09
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lardmanam too much of a perfectionist, want to kill every last one of them14:09
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crashanddielardman: at least it's not like MW1, where they kept spawning continuously14:10
lardmanno, not playing on the hardest level, can't remember what it;s called14:10
lardmanyeah was wondering if they do keep respawning or not14:10
crashanddiedon't think they do14:10
lardmanbut playing for 20min at a time is fard14:10
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achipalardman: got an example EAN at hand ?14:11
crashanddielardman: though, it's amazing how "random" the AI is... They really did a good job14:11
lardmanachipa: 541032930584014:12
SpeedEvillardman: second last post?14:12
lardmantho actually that one probably won't appear on amazon14:12
lardmanwon't work in the UK?14:12
lardmanyeah, well perhaps an ASIN search, and I can scrape the ASIN from somewhere?14:13
lardmanachipa: that's just a load of garbage to me, no clue what it's supposed to mean14:14
lardmanthe example that is14:14
SpeedEvillardman: the second last post said it worked14:14
lardmantho I have looked at the docs, but they assume you know about REST, which I don't really14:14
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lardmanI'll do some work on it one day14:15
lardmanachipa: thanks for looking though :)14:18
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SpeedEvilAnyone with payment taken from got another charge on their card? Immedaitely after the ~320, I have a 2 quid charge - which I don't understand.14:25
fralssomeone needed coffee money ;)14:27
lardmanSpeedEvil: delivery cosr?14:27
SpeedEvillardman: Shouldn't be - order includes delivery14:27
LupuHow much is a quid?14:27
SpeedEvilbank says no details yet - maybe more in a couple of days.14:27
SpeedEvil$1.70 US ATM I think14:27
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lardmanLupu: more than a quid for a coffe nowadays!14:29
lardman2 is probably about right ;)14:29
achipalardman: grr, having difficulties with signing th requests14:32
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achipalardman: and the 'helper' page asks for secret keys in a plain http POST. Duh.14:33
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lardmanachipa: yeah, I was wondering about which keys to send, etc14:33
lardmanwill have to just sit down and do some testing I think14:33
achipafirst make it work it with a plain get request14:34
achipaso you know your parameters are right14:34
lardmanshould I use e.g. librest14:34
lardmanas it can handle some of the returned info parsing?14:34
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lardmanatm I do a plain request for a normal web page, then parse it using strstr, which is not very good14:35
lardmanachipa: how's Shepherd coming along?14:35
achipayes, when you got the basic stuff (=amazon parameters) already working you can move on to librest14:35
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achipain case you have not seen it14:36
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lardmanyes found it a while back, then lost it14:36
lardmanthey don't make their docs very easy to understand14:36
lardmandescriptions of services are rather opaque14:36
achipalardman: coming along, I think I'll have some code in extras-devel this week, will be enough for some basic plugins14:37
achipawhat's killing me is the hybrid Qt+GTK stuff required for the connection apis14:38
achipayou start reading the 'qt dev guide for maemo 5' and then halway through you realize there is no Qt anymore, just GObjects :)14:38
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achipabut don't let that bother you, the dbus stuff is I think OK...14:39
zaheermgtk != gobject14:40
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adeuswell after a while of gtk programming you start to see G_OBJECT and gtk_ in your sleep :)14:43
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lardmanI'm looking forward to Qt, not the C++ness mind you, but would prefer to just move in one go rather than in bits14:45
lardmanachipa: great, am looking forward to some location awareness apps :)14:46
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achipazaheerm: yes, yes, I realize, but it doesn't make it any easier14:46
kyndeWhat are these "Couldn't access keyring" failures I now get in scratchbox when doing apt-get update? Anyone seen those?14:47
zaheermachipa, they should really use gobject-introspection to make qt native shims on top of the gobject apis14:48
achipazaheerm: it's just that I need gobject-mongery in my Qt code as much as a fish needs a bicycle :)14:48
zaheerm"real" c++ programmers would say the same about qt.... ;)14:48
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achipazaheerm: right, but considering their track record they'll just drop it and use a native Qt lib, hello rewrites :)14:49
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maexmoin maemo5 i have activated the red pill and [x] assume net connection in settings, so he should try to access internet. resolv.conf is same as the ubuntu host running on virtualbox.14:50
maexmoif i do ifconfig at the scratchbox or in [sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] i get same informations as in the standard host ifconfig. somebody said if i am in that sbox its as if i were on maemo, but doesn't seems so.14:50
lardmankynde: yeah ignore that14:50
kyndelardman: ack.14:51
maexmoso i do not have internet connect in maemo, but in the ubuntu hostsystem.14:53
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adeusare you behing a proxy?14:55
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adeus[sbox-armel: ~] > cat /etc/resolv.conf14:56
adeusthis is all I have there14:56
maexmolocalhost? hmm14:56
maexmome too14:57
Khertancrashanddie: merci :)14:57
tigertcopy hosts resolvconf into scratchbox14:57
mece1adeus: I copied my resolv from /etc to /scratchbox/targets/<something>/etc14:57
mece1Is there someone here with an N900 in hand?14:58
adeusI haven't done any copying14:59
adeusand works14:59
maexmocopied resolv.conf to /scratchbox/etc  and /scratchbox/users/maemo/FREMANTLE_X86/etc .. but those are same14:59
maexmoadeus how can u get into x-terminal of maemo. it should be that sbox-armel] but if i do   ifconfig there i get same data than ifconfig at ubuntu hostsystem15:00
maexmobut not the maemo information (ppp0 , etc missing)15:01
lardmanjust to remind me, a dbus message can't start an app can it?15:01
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achipazaheerm: and there ARE plenty of pure GTK examples in the Qt guide :)15:01
maexmoit works now .. after copying same resolv.conf for fifth time and a reload.. strange15:02
maexmothanks for stabbing me to copy that resolv.conf again ;)15:02
mece1No-one with an N900.. oh well. The reason I ask is that playing a normal mp3 used a massive 35% cpu, and I was wondering if that was the case on other devices or is there some bug on the one I used.15:03
lardmanI have one15:04
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Khertanachipa: there is a reason ... as qt is for the beginner ... gtk for the real programmer ... examples show the best pratices :)15:04
lardmanwhat do you want done?15:04
mece1lardman: could you check the cpu usage of pulseuadio when playing music?15:04
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kalikianatolimaexmo, put a real nameserver in there15:05
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maexmoi have real ns there15:05
kalikianatolion localhost?15:05
maexmoon both i got external nameservers15:05
mece1kalikianatoli: He got it to work already ;)15:06
lardmanmece1: between them, mafw-dbus-* and pulseaudio use ~20-25% CPU15:06
lardmanbut I don;t know what the current speed is15:06
maexmokalikianatoli: ah yea sorry the problem is gone already ;)15:06
kalikianatolimaexmo, ah, ignore me then :)15:06
mece1lardman: Ok, thanks. It seems like a lot to me. Perhaps it isn't. version 42.11 ?15:07
lardmanbut I don;t know what cpufreq is set at15:07
lardmanlet me look15:07
mece1oh righty.15:07
mece1I didn't know it varied.15:07
Disconnectwhen running a qt mobile app on a desktop (in this case, osx cocoa qt4.6) how do you get into settings? messing with the mobile-demo weather app (for maemo)15:08
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: ping15:09
lardmanhmm is at 600MHz anyway15:09
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lardmandoes seem quite high15:11
lardmanwill try with mplayer15:11
serenitycan i redirect telephoning to the fm transmitter?15:11
lardmanprobably with a little work15:11
mece1lardman: does mplayer use pulse or gstreamer?15:12
lardmanpulse directly I assume15:12
mece1should be the same then I guess.15:12
lardmanno, the media player uses gst15:12
serenityi want to plug the mic onto my shirt und hear via car-stereo15:12
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lardmanserenity: well I imagine it would be possible to achieve15:13
serenitybut only a hack and no official way15:14
lardmanand I don't even know how to do the hack15:14
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serenityanyone an idea on how to achive this?15:16
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mece1lardman: how did mplayer do? I guess in general pluseaudio is considered pretty cpu heavy, so perhaps it's not that strange with +25%15:17
lardmanwell it would be interesting to look at how the phone app handles changing its output source - it can do BT, speakers and headphones for example15:17
lardmanmece1: need to register on my network, getting there15:17
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SpeedEvil25% is insane.15:17
SpeedEvil(for mp3)15:17
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mece1SpeedEvil: I agree. But what is the reason?15:18
SpeedEvilIn that with the right decoder - libmad? I forget - the OpenMoko GTA01 could do mp3 at 15% or so CPU15:18
SpeedEvilwhich was 15% of 200MHz15:18
SpeedEvilmece1: Please wait till I obtain my n900.15:19
rangeOn speakers or also with headphones? Nokia seems to "tame" the speakers via an EQ done with pulseaudio (pupnik has more to rant about that ...)15:19
lardmanwell pulse takes half, mafw takes the other half15:19
SpeedEvilrange: headphones.15:19
mece1range: I tested it with speakers. I don't have the device here, so I can't try with headphones.15:20
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mece1range: I got avg 24% pulse and 14% that other thing with the widget and 20% + 12% with the media player.15:20
mece1that other thing being mafw15:21
rangeI have no N900 (yet), so just relaying information (I thought there was a bug for that ...)15:21
mece1Ive gotta go get the kids, I'll read the logs later. Thanks for the info.15:22
lardmanhmm, mplayer download not looking too fast here15:22
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lardmanfyi, mplayer manages about 30% + ~10% for pulse at the same time15:26
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lardmanwhich is curious really15:28
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linfl683Hi, if I have a textview and a textbuffer with gtk..can I make auto line break when the text comes out of the widget?15:42
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jeremiahlinfl683: That seems like it should be trivially easy, unforuntately I don't know how to do that - there are some GTK hackers here though so . . .15:47
Stskeepsjeremiah: how much effort would there be in getting a signed repo on for community SSU?15:47
Stskeepsdoesn't have to have builder and so on attached, just that you or someone would upload deb+source packages to it15:49
jeremiahStskeeps: Should be trivially easy15:50
jeremiahAll we need is a gpg key I believe15:51
Stskeepssomething you could add on your TODO?15:51
jeremiahMaybe a cert.15:51
jeremiahSure, I think so, I will certainly go put it on my sprint list any way. . .15:51
wjtlinfl683: gtk_text_view_set_wrap_mode() ?15:53
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jeremiahStskeeps: What does SSU stand for in this context?15:57
Stskeepsjeremiah: seamless software update :P15:57
jeremiahseamless indeed.15:57
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lcukSSU should be "Stskeeps Software Update"16:00
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, ssu is
lardmancome on infobot16:00
jeremiahSSU == Submit to Stskeeps' Universe16:00
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lardmanwell, we will also have ssu's for the N900 I trust16:00
linfl683wjt: Does it work?16:01
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wjtlinfl683: it should do…16:04
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linfl683wjt: Thank you, it works!16:08
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: pong16:10
lardmanhmm, VSync ISR is not necessary, that's good16:11
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: nm - it was about package to add a repo and a package domain but i think i found a page that explains it (community SSU)16:11
wjtlinfl683: hooray!16:12
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RurouniJones_Warning to anyone who pre-ordered the N900 on the Nokia UK site. My sodding credit card was declined because it tripped an anti-fraud system because the money was goign overseas16:14
RurouniJones_Others might like to contact their companies and tell them not to cancel the order since any discount codes you used will become null and void on the re-order16:15
StskeepsRurouniJones_: yeah.. happened to some16:15
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w00t_quite a lot, unfortunately16:15
RurouniJones_You woulda thought the accounts used by a company like Nokia would be whitelisted fer gods sake16:15
w00t_RurouniJones_: you are eligable to get 15% put back on, though16:16
RurouniJones_going through the motions now, still a loss over the discounts I got earlier16:16
RurouniJones_Thats life...still annoying though16:16
w00t_better than nothing tho16:16
RurouniJones_Stupid CC company16:16
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mecelardman: did you get mplayer installed?16:18
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lardman~30% for mplayer + ~10% for pulse16:19
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SpeedEvilwhat does wav do16:21
lardmandunno, don't have any handy I'm afraid16:21
lardmanis the LCD on the omap2420 dev boards mounted in portrait direction?16:22
wazdoook, my phone is dead at last :) Time to buy new one :D16:22
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meceSpeedEvil: Did openmoko use pulseaudio when you got 15%?16:23
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lardmanwhat's the blizzard's native display format? Anyone remember?16:25
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lardmanor was it UYVY?16:25
SpeedEvilmece: no16:25
lardmanwell not native, but the quick one16:25
SpeedEvilmece: that was straight16:25
lardmanlcuk: ping16:25
lcukuyvy afiak16:25
lardmancool, thanks16:26
lcukcos xv has to convert from its planar format to the interleaved mess16:26
lcukand its the reason why i chose xv over direct fb banging16:26
lardmanhmm, ok I'll try defining UYVY and we'll see where we get to16:26
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lardmantypical, never have the kernel source when I need it16:28
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wazdmmm, nokia 1200, shiny16:33
jeremiahLink plz16:33
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|Rinsane specs!16:35
jeremiahshiny indeed16:35
|Rit's even thiner than the N900! :P16:35
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tigertNokia 2110 will kick ass16:35
tigertoops I said too much16:36
jeremiahThe comments on that page are teh awesum16:36
jeremiah"I need this product"16:36
bilboed-piflashlight ?16:36
toggles_wcan someone tell me about the 3x15% rebates in the UK? Still available?16:36
jeremiahmy lectures in flash light in days of load shedind.16:37
crashanddiethat phone owns16:37
crashanddie390 hours standby time16:37
crashanddieover 10 days16:37
crashanddiesay you use it mildly, you get 5 days uptime16:37
crashanddiethat still kicks the shit out of the n90016:37
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tigertthose phones had the battery for just ... the phone :)16:37
crashanddieIt's time the battery manufacturers beef up their game16:37
tigertcrashanddie: N900 goes several days standby16:38
crashanddieeverything's going up fast and we get better and more components chucked into our devices16:38
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crashanddiebut batteries still suck16:38
crashanddietigert: note the "mild usage"16:38
crashanddietigert: when you have 3g and wifi switching regularly, you don't get "several days"16:39
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crashanddietigert: my best at the moment is two days16:39
tigerti had mine be on just 3g network (phone only) in my pocket for 24 hours, almost full battery16:39
tigertdefine mild ;)16:39
tigertyea, i know16:39
setantalardman, I asked here and currently no one is maintaining the battlegwelled package16:39
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setanta(and sorry for the delay ><)16:39
bleadercrashanddie: imagine that this is the best you can do in standby with a lot of samsung phones :p16:39
bleader(2 days)16:39
tigertthis was no ip networking, just "a phone" usecase16:40
lardmansetanta: np, thanks, I'll eventually get round to updating the package then unless someone (like qwerty12_N900) fancies doing it ;)16:40
crashanddiebleader: I had a d500 or something like that, could get 3 or 4 days out of it no problem16:40
RurouniJones_toggles_w: No16:40
bleadermy f700 is one day with some usage, 2 days idle16:40
crashanddiebleader: but again, that was an older devices, few years back now16:40
toggles_wRurouniJones_: thanks16:40
bleaderI've read somewhere that it's possible to get the n97 battery in n90016:41
tigertcrashanddie: those had lots less of cpu intensive crap16:41
tigertthink of the N81016:41
crashanddietigert: I realise that16:41
tigertit goes a week standby16:41
tigertbut yea16:41
crashanddietigert: but still, I'm not oblivious to the fact the devices require a lot more power16:42
tigerti see your point too16:42
crashanddieand that being said, the N900 has a smaller battery than the n81016:42
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* tigert would trade a thicker device for beefier battery16:42
maexmoit can be smaller if it uses newer battery technology16:42
crashanddiemaexmo: not "size" wise16:43
crashanddiemaexmo: n810 battery was 1500mAh or something, N900 is 120016:43
lcuktigert, :D backpack mounted battery, uptime measured in months? :D16:43
tigertor duct taped second battery :)16:44
bleader haven't read everything :)16:44
bleaderbut may be interesting16:44
tigertmaybe one could mold a nice bumpy custom cover to the back16:44
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lcukif you are doing that, combine it with keesj's push N button and get extra keys out of it16:44
tigertthat housed a second battery16:44
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crashanddiejust use a truck or car battery16:45
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lcukcrashanddie, thats the backpack option16:45
crashanddienot extremely portable, but 12V at 90amps will keep you going for sometime16:45
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maexmohahah .. you could sell a backpack with included 12v loading station for heavy n900 users.. its a niche? :D16:46
crownhi @all i just tryed to update the sdk with the .py install wizard from the nokia homepage. the installation crashed with the following error Error 404 not found16:47
crownthe link comes out from the nokia page script16:47
crashanddiecrown: intrepid instead of intreped?16:48
tekojocrown was that from the Forum Nokia page?16:48
crownsry my fault i cant copy the link couse vmware tools wont work right so its intrepid in the link16:48
crownyes teh nokia page16:49
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crashanddiecrown: seems like you have an outdated script mate16:49
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crowni tryed booth possible install scripts the wizard and the .sh16:49
crownwhere could i get a proper new one i was take it from noka page directly16:50
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crashanddiecrown: you want the scratchbox installer?16:51
crashanddieor SDK?16:51
crownsure this script is from the nokia page too right?16:51
_marcell_crown: there is a gui install script here: but it might be the same as the one from FN16:51
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crownmarcell: i guess the scripts from the guide linking to the nokia page too yes16:53
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tigertinteresting that mugen battery thing16:53
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tigertif it really has as much juice as advertised16:54
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_marcell_crown: hmm, I will make sure that this gets fixed fist thing in the morning tomorrow. Most of the people already left the office now.16:54
crashanddie_marcell_: it's 4PM and people have already left?16:54
* Stskeeps ponders idly if the UK thread on t.m.o is going to explode over the mic issues16:54
crown_marcell_: thank you thats nice16:54
ccookemic issues?16:54
* ccooke goes to check16:54
javispedroyesterdays dealbreaker was the browser smoothness16:55
javispedrowhat's today's dealbreaker going to be?16:55
crowni just love to have a look at the n900 interface before i finally can buy it *smile*16:55
Stskeepsjavispedro: mic issues on first batch gone to UK it seems16:55
Stskeepsie, not working16:55
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javispedrowell that would be a real dealbreaker actually :P16:55
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tigert" i love my new phone, i just cannot speak"16:56
Stskeepsi could probably get by with the headset16:56
crashanddieThat's a pretty big fail on Nokia's part16:56
mecespeaking is overrated ;)16:57
ccookeit's a bit of a problem for a phone. I hope they can do a quick job of replacing the devices16:57
adeusand/or by the subcontractor who is putting them together16:57
crashanddieno sc involved16:57
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|RWhat is the difference between the Global firmware and the USA firmware ?17:00
serenitywlan sending power and fw frequency?17:01
lardmanone lacks "u" and has too many zeds17:01
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* ccooke notes that the pipe character is a bad one for use in nicks on a channel frequented by people with n900s :-)17:02
ccookeor n810s for that matter17:02
RST38htigert: BTW, any hope of a Fremantle icon theme that looks less like S60? =)17:02
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|Rccooke: oh well ;)17:03
|Rserenity: so while travelling you can flash to the frequencies of your choice? :P17:03
|Rserenity: "Global" sounds weird then... where is it :)17:03
serenityus-Version includes a backdoor for nsa ;)17:03
ccooke|R: and with it as the first character of your nick, it wouldn't even be possible to use tab completion. :-)17:04
|Rccooke: at least you read it right, most people think it's IR :P17:04
|RIt's either the Real symbol or Pipe-r ... your choice ;)17:05
tigertRST38h: tango set might be a good starting point17:05
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* |R is getting realllly impatient with the MobileCityOnline dates being pushed back every week...17:05
tigertmaybe one could use icon-naming utils to do a wrapper so one can use any gtk icon themes?17:06
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tigertdinnertime &17:06
ccooke|R: It might be taken to mean 'real or nothing', also...17:06
qwerty12_N900RST38h: Maybe you can prod wazd to work on Marina, instead (it's already looking better than the shipped themes in some respects) although I wouldn't blame him if he said no...17:06
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|Rccooke: haha how so? :)17:07
ccooke|R: Well, | is an OR symbol in many things. In pattern matching, "|<something>" means <the empty pattern> or <something>17:08
|Ryes ok, but because of the space before the nick in most IRC client you mean? :)17:08
|R(well most text ones at least ;)17:08
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wazd2330 classic, hmmm17:10
|Rccooke: So i suppose you're not typing on the N900? or that your xterm is properly configured? :P17:10
qwerty12_N900wazd: Treat yourself: Go for the 3310; its model number > 233017:10
wazdqwerty12_N900: oh, that's a good idea :D17:11
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zash3310 ftw!17:11
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ccookeRight now, I'm at work. Not on an n900. But you can *get* the pipe symbol on any of the devices: It's just harder17:11
qwerty12_N900DCT4 == awesomeness17:11
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|Rccooke: yeah, i know with my n810, gotta to unroll that symbol menu... though on the n900 (when/if i get it) i'll add a proper key i think :)17:12
|RI so wish that with the added space they would have installed a fuller system and scraped busybox though...17:12
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|R(at least core utils !:)17:12
wazd5000, ooooh17:12
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cosmohmm.. upgraded my fremantle firmware and maybe half of packages said "installation file corrupt" when restoring backup17:15
crashanddie|R: the root partition is only 256megs17:17
wazdphillips xenium x500...17:18
wazd1140 h of standby17:19
|Rcrashanddie: yeah so i heard, another weird idea17:19
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wazdseriously, 1140 hours...17:21
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cosmoextras-dev repo fails with "no hash entry in release file"17:24
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StskeepsIII, escaping from the people in the house? :P17:27
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* III going crazy17:28
IIIany luck on a patch?17:28
Stskeepsi bet you can't go more crazy than the people on over N900 deliveries :)17:28
Stskeepsno, been thesis'ing mostly oday17:28
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kalikianatoliI wonder how Quick Clip is supposed to work17:33
kalikianatoliIt does nothing and shows up nowhere17:34
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|Rdelayed n900 news of the day :P17:45
wazd5130 XM...17:46
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* RST38h has seen n900 sold at the store yesterday, discounted ;)17:46
* RST38h cackles17:46
RST38h(sales probably paid for the meetup, too =))17:47
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Arkenoirst38h: russian price is ridiculous17:48
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tbfArkenoi: no, its just russian wages which are ridiculous17:48
Arkenoitbf: 2x us price is nonsense17:49
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tbfArkenoi: guess russian price is based on EUR price17:49
wazdArkenoi: 600 euros17:49
wazdArkenoi: sounds fine for me17:50
RST38hArkenoi: Absolutely17:50
tbfArkenoi: there are crazy dependencies which cause dollar prices17:50
RST38hArkenoi: But I do not think it is going to be the .RU price for long17:50
RST38hArkenoi: No way it will cost $980 for long17:50
Arkenoiif i buy one i'd better buy in the US17:50
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RST38hArkenoi: And get those missing two arrow keys? =)17:51
wazdRecommended price for iPhone 3Gs 32Gb in Russia - 1400 USD17:51
jpjokelaRST38h: Something wrong with C64? :)17:52
RST38hwazd: Yea, right. And still no 3G ;)17:52
Arkenoirst38h: btw did i tell you n900 rejected my 10 years old 5v sim card? lucky me i had a copy of imsi/Ki on a newer chip17:52
RST38hjpjokela: ?17:52
wazdRST38h: we have 3G underground :D17:52
RST38hwazd: Not me, have not seen it17:52
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wazdRST38h: hmmm17:52
jpjokelaRST38h: Probably the most known "2 cursor keys" device ever built17:52
wazdRST38h: that dude from nokia told that he already used it17:53
wazdcmon guys, throw me some advice on the new phone17:53
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Stskeepswazd: SE K610i wasn't bad for tethering17:54
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jpjokelawazd, You can get one for cheaper: :D17:54
Stskeepsfelbutss: any luck with batteries?17:55
wazdStskeeps: not sure if I can buy this one now :)17:55
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felbutss:(. still no luck. with my bricked n900. im pritty sure it has been charging with my car charger.17:56
felbutssi have just realised something. when i plug it in. the pc sees the device but then it says there was an error installing drivers. it mentioned flash osx or something. does anyone have the drivers that are built into the phone so i can install them for it?????  i dont think the battery is flat anymore.17:56
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wazdStskeeps: it's like 3 yo now :)17:56
Stskeepsfelbutss: nokia pc suite17:56
Stskeepswazd: yes, :P17:56
felbutsshhmmmmmmm thats wht it said on my friends computer. my pc already has PC suite17:57
cosmofelbutss: at least my n900 didn't charge with car adapter + the usb power adapter for some reason17:57
cosmoprobably the usb power adapter is faulty17:57
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tbfcosmo: the n900 needs 1200 mA for charging17:58
tbfcosmo: most chargers provide only the half, if not less17:58
cosmo1.2A? thats' a lot17:58
felbutssbecause i was not able to turn it on at all. now i can switch it on for a good 20 seconds on the nokia screen then it restarts again17:58
Stskeepsfelbutss: ok, at this point i would try the linux flashing17:59
cosmothe same charger worked with n810, so i guess it needed less17:59
Stskeepsfelbutss: if it stays on for 20 seconds it definately is charged17:59
wazdNokia 5130 looks like a fine choice17:59
felbutssok. im going to turn my pc off and boot up linux from my flash drive. do u think it will matter that im booting it off a flash drive????17:59
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cosmofelbutss: no18:00
wazdRST38h: looks like I'll be back to N-store at Tverskaya tomorrow :D18:00
Stskeepsfelbutss: it's OK to just use one "?" :)18:00
RST38hwazd: Got extra $1000? =)18:01
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: ¿?18:01
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Arkenoirst38h: btw where do i get metromap application?18:01
wazdRST38h: nah, my phone is dead, have to buy new one18:01
wazdRST38h: and ironicaly the cheapest 5130 is there :D18:02
RST38hArkenoi: =)18:02
RST38hwazd: Ah =)18:02
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wazdPhillips is one big chineese trickery now18:03
paroneayeahm :(18:03
Arkenoirst38h: "rodtwennye sajty - matrasy, porno filxmy"..18:03
paroneayeawhen making an sip call you can't enter dial tones18:03
felbutssbrbb linux time18:03
paroneayeawhich I need to access my company's conference call18:03
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* kalikianatoli takes a sip of tea without even touching his N900.18:07
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AakashPatelLol the n900 is instock guise18:10
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SpeedEvilAakashPatel: there are eleven hundred different outlets offering n900.18:11
SpeedEvilInstock where?18:11
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wazdthe only confusing feature is 6h of talk time18:14
AakashPatelSpeedEvil, on nokia site18:14
wazdthat's kinda lame18:14
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* AakashPatel is gonna place is preorder on amazon tonight18:15
lardmanpH5: what use case were you thinking of btw?18:15
AakashPatelFor those of you who couldnt find it like me lol18:16
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pH5lardman: remember that cinaest app? i'd like to integrate scanning my dvd collection and looking up movies at the video store with mbarcode.18:17
lardmanah ok18:18
lardmanI started work on it to scan my books18:18
Stskeepsmorning qole18:18
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lardmanand be able to scan in the shop and see if I had one and if not to look at reviews, save it in a wishlist, etc18:18
qoleStskeeps, good morning... or afternoon for you?18:18
Stskeepsqole: afternoon18:19
crashanddieqole: morning!18:19
pH5hm. that's basically the same that i'm trying to do for movies.18:19
crashanddieqole: how are you buddy?18:19
lardmanpH5: I've been wondering if I should move my db stuff to a helper app18:19
lardmanpH5: i.e. not in mbarcode itself18:20
qolecrashanddie, hey!18:20
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tarelerulzHave any of you played  song  ogg and movies mkv on Maemo ?18:20
lardmanmorning qole18:20
Stskeepsafternoon Venomrush18:20
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VenomrushThere seems to be a problem with the mic18:21
Stskeepsyeah, we do read t.m.o18:21
rangeReally? I only write there.18:21
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qoleit is only in XChat that I realize I haven't remapped the keyboard...18:21
VenomrushNot alot of people know about the #maemo IRC18:22
Venomrushhence the spamming of posts on TMO18:22
tarelerulzI found  out about today myself18:22
julianoliverhi, i'm still having problems grabbing the maemo SDK from the repositories, this time from a different (and much faster) connection. the error is simply "Err fremantle/sdk Release.gpg"18:22
qwerty12_N900Rather Talk than here18:22
Stskeepsjulianoliver: 401?18:22
qoleI haven't gone for my morning dose of crazy yet...18:22
julianoliveryet i can ping it just fine..18:22
julianoliverStskeeps: not this time. that's on my home connection.18:22
julianoliver"Failed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''"18:23
qolewhat's the mic problem thread?18:23
julianoliveryet i can ping with a 32ms reply.18:23
Stskeepsjulianoliver: ah, that might be due to /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolv.conf being difficult18:23
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Stskeepsqole: some people in UK has broken mics18:23
julianoliverStskeeps: ok. what's the best course of action, do it from an sbox login?18:23
Stskeepsjulianoliver: yeah18:24
* julianoliver tries this18:24
Stskeepsjulianoliver: there's a FAQ on it on the wiki somehwere18:24
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pH5lardman: sounds like a good idea.18:24
pH5especially since I'm going to profit from that interface ;)18:24
qolewow 54 posts already18:24
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lardmanwell you couls still use it if it were part of the main app18:25
lardmanjust that the main app would be a bit heavier18:25
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pH5I'm wondering if we could (should?) abstract books and dvds (or audio CDs) into a common database backend, a generic "physical media" catalog?18:25
felbutsshey im having trouble launching linux18:25
felbutssill do it at work tmw18:25
Stskeepsfelbutss: alright, good luck then18:25
felbutssstskeeps: do u know any other commands i can try18:26
felbutssfor force a detection?18:26
Stskeepsfelbutss: the good news is that it's definately not completely hosed if windows registers a USB device :P18:26
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qolefirst guy with no mic was from Virginia...18:26
felbutssthank god18:26
Stskeepsqole: hmm? that's not good18:27
rangeThen it was NukNuk spamming all threads with the info that he had no mic.18:27
lardmanpH5: yes, sounds like it would be a good idea18:27
lardmanpH5: but then there are other apps which do things such as shopping lists and inventorying18:27
julianoliverStskeeps: i'm trying to run $ ./maemo-sdk-install_5.0.sh18:27
qoleoh man, nuknuk was one of them...18:27
julianoliverStskeeps: i'm trying to run $ ./, which i believe cannot be run from inside the scratchbox environment.18:27
pH5lardman: I'm interested in storing the same optional metadata about movies and books (mostly location, person and date - where do I store it or who is it lent to, and since when)18:27
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lardmanso whether they could all use the same integrated backend, or just spit the messages out over dbus and be done with it18:28
felbutsswhat about this???? -c, --cold-flash            "Cold flash" the device18:28
julianoliverStskeeps: is there another means of installing the SDK?18:28
felbutssor that?18:28
felbutss -U, --usb-device=ARG        Specify USB device to use (bus:device address)18:28
lardmanpH5: yep, same here18:28
Stskeepsfelbutss: i think cold flash is serial only18:28
lardmanpH5: just a case of deciding if it should be inside or outside mbarcode18:28
felbutssoooo. do u have the command u gave me yesterday 2 try?????? to force flashing mode18:28
Stskeepsfelbutss: i guess you can try flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode -R for fun18:29
lardmanwe could have a free-form per-table database18:29
lardmanwhich would allow a user to chose their fields, etc.18:29
pH5lardman: since there are usecases of mbarcode without any database functionality (like decoding a 2d code just to open a link), I'd say outside.18:29
pH5but it's only important if it really slows things down18:29
lardmanit shouldn't slow it down (is all in there atm but hidden)18:30
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lardmanthe other option is to allow plugins, which can then do what they want with the data18:30
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qoleVenomrush, is your mic one of the dead ones?18:30
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lardmanthe problem I see with having the app external is that it would then be better to remove all of the lookup code from mbarcode, and just have it decode, but in that case the user won't get quick feedback about what they've scanned18:31
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derflardman: I like the plugins idea.18:32
lardmanmy thought was to give each plugin a window/notebook tab in which they can do what they want, and have them register a callback which is passed a piece of barcode data18:33
derfPrimarily for two reasons: 1) the user can install the ones they want and 2) they can activate the ones they want at any given time.18:33
lardmanif that's the best approach, the next question is the plugin framework18:34
crashanddiethey require a good architecture though18:34
lardmanany thoughts?18:34
lardmanemerillon uses libethos for example18:34
derfThat's the hard part, of course.18:34
crashanddielardman: easy18:34
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crashanddielardman: MyPlugin extends Plugin implements ViewableWindow18:34
lardmancrashanddie: well they won't really have any co-dependencies other than a window to draw in and a callback to accept a string18:34
lardmanwhat are these odd extends and implements words of which you speak?18:35
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lardmanthis is C afterall ;)18:36
felbutssi cant turn the device on anymore :S maybe the battery really is dead18:37
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felbutssill try more things tmrw. off to bed18:37
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lardmanlibethos is quite nice in that you can write plugins in different languages18:38
lardmane.g. C, momo, python18:38
lardmanmono even18:38
lardmanmight open it up to more people developing plugins for it18:39
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qoleStskeeps, ha, "Yeah, many of us hang out on #maemo on Keep the tone sober and non-trollish though."18:40
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Stskeepsqole: i did realize that may attract trolls instead.18:40
qoleheh, sober tone... heh heh heh18:41
qoleI want a moment of silence for all of our comrades who received N900s with dead mics.18:42
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Robot101qole: surely they've got the silence all under control?18:43
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slonopotamusuh oh, new ringtone for n900. meh.18:43
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slonopotamushehe. n900 sales started here. $1k.18:44
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qoleI personally would be torn; send it in for repairs, maybe see it before Christmas, maybe after, or...18:45
w00t_sales are underway here, it's just a matter of trying to *get* one18:45
* w00t_ has spent pretty much 1/2 of the day on the phone trying to make that happen.18:45
qole...use the headset for phone calls and wait till the new year to send it in...18:45
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slonopotamusw00t_, you won't lose anything if wait for a month, when all hysteria (not sure about spelling) calms down :)18:47
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mikecanyone with a n900 tell me what the driver for the mic (audio ) is. dmesg should show a problem18:47
w00t_slonopotamus: I can't wait that long, travelling18:47
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w00t_(spelling is right :))18:47
VDVsxah, another nice finding, nokia completely removed the support for generic kb from maemo5 :( if you want to use a BT kb without issues you've to buy a expensive nokia su-818:47
julianoliverslonopotamus: wow.. expensive. glad i didn't have to pay for mine..18:47
Stskeepsmikec: you ran into mic issue too?18:48
qoleinteresting, xchat on N900 triggers a pegged CPU...18:48
mikecnope, but want to help trouble shoot hardware or software issue18:48
qole...turns out a process called maemo-xinput-sounds is the culprit...18:48
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slonopotamusVDVsx, hehe. you what, thought it'll be backward-compatible?18:49
mikeci dont have a n900, but have experience with no audio issues under linux a lot LOL18:49
mikecah is it software then?18:49
qoleStskeeps, What do you mean "without issues"18:50
VDVsxslonopotamus, the mapping for the nokia one is there, the other kb are seeing as the hw kb on the n900, so no numbers and special chars18:50
qoleVDVsx, what do you mean "without issues"?18:51
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qoleoh, didn't try my bt kb much18:51
VDVsxqole, numbers and special chars don't work for me and seems that I'm not the only one18:51
VDVsxI can type small letters and commas and dots :p18:52
mgedminwhich is kinda dumb, since X supports different keymaps for different hardware keyboard devices18:52
lardmanam heading home18:52
lardmanshould be back online in a bit18:52
qolekeyboard mapping has been my biggest problem on the N900 so far...18:52
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VDVsxmgedmin, yes, can understand that decision18:52
* mgedmin ought to pull his apple bt kbd from the table, blow the dust off, and experiment18:52
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Is your Bluetooth keyboard listed in "hildon-im-xkbtool --list"?18:53
mgedminVDVsx, simple: do we do extra work here, or do we work on something we consider more important18:53
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, let me check18:54
Stskeepsmikec: i -think- audio is built-in in the kernel18:54
VDVsxmgedmin, it works under maemo4 dunno why they can't leave the things there18:55
mgedminnow that is a good question18:55
mgedminand I'd love to hear the internal story18:55
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slonopotamusVDVsx, that's too simple :)18:56
kalikianatoliHm... no Japanese IM for Fremantle yet, is there?18:56
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microlithkalikianatoli: not yet18:57
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, yes18:57
kalikianatoliI guess it's amazing enough what we have before the device even ships :-)18:58
slonopotamusneither as Japanese browser, yep.18:58
wazdchaps. is there any software for fan speed control?18:58
wazdfor win18:58
slonopotamusassuming im = instant messenger :)18:58
crashanddiewazd: the n900 doesn't have fans18:58
microlithslonopotamus: the device should support JP in the browser no problem18:58
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Does "hildon-im-xkbtool -g" say it's using the su-8w layout?18:58
Robot101slonopotamus: input method18:58
qwerty12_N900wazd: SpeedFan18:59
kalikianatolislonopotamus, I have a Japanese browser, I just need to upload the package :P18:59
lcukwazd, mmm fan speed of which device18:59
kalikianatolijust the input is missing18:59
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VDVsxqwerty12_N900, yes18:59
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: See if using hildon-im-xkbtool lets you set it to the gb layout :)18:59
mikecStskeeps: i'm sure audio is, but on boot it will want to load the driver, and if it hits a prob dmesg should show problem,18:59
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wazdqwerty12_N900: it shows some activity but I can't change anything19:00
wazdlcuk: PC obviously :D19:01
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mikecok just found dmesg output from a good unit on T.M.O19:01
qwerty12_N900wazd: Ah, it was the same for my old PC but with this PC I get nice spinbuttons on its main screen which work to adjust the speed19:02
slonopotamuswazd, speedfan?19:02
wazdslonopotamus: speedfan 4.3919:02
slonopotamuswazd, i used  it ~5 years ago, though.19:02
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VDVsxqwerty12_N900, well,I probably can hack it and add the generic-105 layout, this is a very simple and unharmful thing, dunno why they need to remove a layout, lolo19:02
wazdslonopotamus: I've set bot fans to 50% but nothing helps19:02
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slonopotamuswazd, i guess you're need to sacrifice a couple of virgins in the name of glorious Windows then. that possibly will help.19:04
infobotslonopotamus meant: wazd, i guess you need to sacrifice a couple of virgins in the name of glorious Windows then. that possibly will help.19:04
Klownerwtf are morons posting about getting their N900's from Dell on the Amazon discussion boards19:05
* Klowner shakes fist19:05
wazdslonopotamus: no, I'll try Gigabyte utility first :P19:05
slonopotamuswazd, that's less fun :)19:06
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slonopotamuswazd, should desktop automagically control fans based on temp?19:06
slonopotamuswazd, maybe you're missing some mysterious driver?19:06
Pavlovnone of the ones i ordered from dell have shipped :(19:06
wazdslonopotamus: maybe19:07
wazdslonopotamus: but my CPU is at 41 and GPU is at 4319:07
wazdthat's kinda too cold :)19:07
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Flandrys/n on t.m.o is asymptotically approaching 019:08
crashanddielardman|gone, or anyone else, do you know of any very fast lightweight HTTP library that would allow me to provide basic HTTP services?19:09
crashanddie(such as receive GET/POST requests)19:09
Flandrypython has a few19:10
Flandrydo you mean c19:10
Stskeepscrashanddie: libcurl19:10
slonopotamusif client-side, then curl.19:10
crashanddieserver side19:11
slonopotamusStskeeps, debianer :P19:11
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crashanddieanyone ever worked with Mongoose? (
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qoleweird, I'm just getting to work, making my first coffee, settling in... and others are going home for the day...19:18
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qoletest something19:19
Markus23Does synchronization with kde pim works using n900 with maemo5?19:19
qoleok bye all19:20
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pupnikwb konttori19:22
Khertanhi !19:22
pupnikthe new uqm port is nicely done btw19:22
Khertan <-- require testing19:22
Klownergarrr, can't get the token-number for the Nokia binaries because the site is exploding19:22
pupniknice Khertan19:22
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Markus23So nobody is syncing n900 with kde pim?19:23
Khertanpupnik there is still some optimization todo on the syntax parser ... but works fine ...19:24
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* brbrbr warmly greets everyone19:24
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Klowneranyone know if the Fremantle token number is unique for each person?19:25
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StskeepsKlowner: yes, don't share it19:26
Markus23has someone tried to sync n900 using multisync?19:26
Khertanhum 10 minutes that mastory is publishing a post ... my connection is really slow19:26
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* Klowner waits for the site to function :/19:26
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microlithto hell with nokia usa19:27
microlithfour month preorder up in smoke19:27
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microliththey can shove their horribly broken ordering system up their ass19:27
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microlithand if anyone here can forward that message to someone that works there19:27
microlithpelase do19:27
Khertanhum ... it s not so bad19:27
microlithit is bad19:28
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Khertanthere is worse than the nokia one19:28
microliththey're the only place that I have been unable to actually submit my order using my debit card19:28
crashanddiemicrolith: language, and calm down please too19:28
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crashanddiemicrolith: there's also something known as pre-paid credit cards19:28
microlithI have a credit card as well19:28
microliththey rejected that instantly too19:28
Markus23Ok, then another question: Has someone experience with openstreetmap cards on n900?19:29
crashanddiemicrolith: website?19:29
wazdI've killed bios!19:29
crashanddiemicrolith: what's the website?19:29
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microlithfor what?19:29
crashanddie"Nokia USA"?19:29
KhertanMarkus23 ... is it available ?19:29
Stskeepswazd: ..19:29
SpeedEvilMarkus23: cards?19:29
Klowneris|Maemo  busted for anyone else?19:29
wazdShit! It just shows no signal19:30
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Markus23Khertan: SpeedEvil: maps, sorry for my english19:31
crashanddieoh wow19:31
crashanddieI'm having an identity crisis so it seems19:31
Markus23have you used it?19:31
crashanddiemicrolith: moaning about any kind of websites in here really doesn't have any real use19:32
konttoripupnik: thanks19:32
microlithcrashanddie: I'm more than a little irate at Nokia proper now19:32
crashanddiemicrolith: if you need to get something out of your system, go to the local gym or use those rusty dumbells19:32
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microlithsince it is part of their business19:32
SpeedEvilMarkus23: the browser should work on the openstreetmap site - however - I have not tried other software.19:32
konttorihas been a long week. We have been preparing things for SSU for you guys.19:32
crashanddiemicrolith: but this channel isn't part of their business, and neither is the Maemo community19:32
konttoriLooks like we finally have just the right receipe.19:32
xorAxAxhmm installing the nokia binaries fails for me with gateway errors19:33
greenflyyeah I thought this channel was for all things maemo, not all things nokia19:33
Markus23SpeedEvil: something using GPS would be nice19:33
crashanddiemicrolith: so call them and yell at a rep, I don't care, but please don't disrupt this channel, thanks19:33
lardmando I need a DBUS Interface for mbarcode?19:33
greenflya nokia storefront really has zero to do with the maemo platform19:33
xorAxAxwhen will the repository server work again?19:33
crashanddielardman: why?19:33
lardmanwell to send and receive messages19:33
Khertankonttori oh ssu for fremantle ?19:33
crashanddielardman: again, why?19:33
lardmanjust wondering about what bits are necessary19:33
crashanddielardman: let's not overcomplicate it at first19:34
lardmanovercompilcate what?19:34
crashanddiewords? :P19:34
xorAxAxah, now it works19:34
konttoriKhertan: yea19:34
lardmanInterface is one of the DBus terms19:34
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SpeedEvilMarkus23: I'm planning on doing things like that - but my n900 hasn't arrived yet19:34
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crashanddielardman: do you see an initial benefit, an immediate benefit that would come from having DBUS integration?19:35
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Khertankonttori any details ? big improvment ? surprize ?19:35
Markus23SpeedEvil: ok, thanks - seems to be too early to ask this kind of questions19:35
Arkenoiis ms exchange emulation the recommended way to sync with google at the moment?19:35
lardmancrashanddie: I won't have to write any webscraping code19:35
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greenflyArkenoi: depends on what you are synching19:36
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greenflyArkenoi: with the calendar, you will only sync one calendar, not all19:36
KhertanArkenoi : for contacts only ... yes19:36
lardmancrashanddie: and other people could use barcodes more easily than writing their own gst code19:36
Arkenoicalendar, contacts19:36
greenflyArkenoi: which is a limitation on Google's end (arguably on the exchange gateway protocol?)19:36
Flandryi think from the response in the talk thread, you should go ahead with it Lardman19:36
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kalikianatoliKhertan, the new pygtkeditor doesn't run here, it crashes :-/19:36
Arkenoitodo would be nice also19:36
crashanddielardman: MoSCoW?19:36
Khertankalikianatoli ? really ?19:37
Khertangreenfly : calendar sync is working for you ?19:37
pupniki think the barcode app is the most hitech thing to come out of the community in a long time19:37
kalikianatoliKhertan, it loads forever and vanishes if I tap the task launcher19:37
greenflyKhertan: if you use the exchange gateway, google will only sync one calendar19:37
lardmancrashanddie: enough with the pseudo-business babble :p19:37
Khertanarkemoi google doesn t support todo19:37
lardmancrashanddie: what was your real point?19:37
Arkenoidoes it read "classic" 1d barcodes?19:37
greenflyKhertan: but I've been using the GPE calendar and you can add all your google calendar private ical urls to it19:37
Venomrushbest unboxing pics so far!
Arkenoikhertan well, i can live without it19:37
Flandryhaving something like that available as a service on dbus is a great building block for future apps19:37
crashanddielardman: how about you start by fixing what is required for this app to be 100% usable19:38
lardmanlike what?19:38
Khertankalikianatoli can you launch it from xterm ?19:38
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lardmancrashanddie: have you used it recently?19:38
crashanddielardman: I'm tired of having apps which are awesome in concept, but never in execution. I love the fact you can scan a barcode with it, but I hate I have to use the camera app to focus and can't launch the camera app after mbarcode is launched19:38
Arkenoigreenfly: is GPE suite reasonable replacement for builtin PIM? are there any integration problems?19:38
kalikianatoliKhertan, "no module named dbus"19:38
crashanddielardman: nope, only the one from the summit19:38
Khertandid you use package 3.0.0-3 ?19:38
lardmanwell there we are19:38
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Arkenoifocus is terrible19:39
crashanddielardman: then advertise your work, man!19:39
Khertankalikianatoli arg a dependancy error19:39
crashanddielardman: is it in the repos?19:39
greenflyArkenoi: seems to work fine for me, it's just choosing to launch one program versus another19:39
Arkenoiactually i never managed to focus on a barcode which is directly nearby within 20cm19:39
Khertankalikianatoli thx19:39
Flandryhe did, on t.m.o19:39
greenflybut I haven't tried anything beyond the calendar19:39
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kalikianatoliKhertan, no problem.19:40
Arkenoigreenfly, is there any object integration? can i, say, attach a contact card to an appointment?19:40
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lardmancrashanddie: yes, maemo-devel19:40
waz1Damn, any ideas?19:40
greenflyArkenoi: *shrug*19:40
greenflyArkenoi: haven't tried any of that stuff19:40
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waz1No ideas?19:45
Stskeepswaz1: what exactly did you do?19:46
konttoriKhertan: no details yet.19:46
konttoriI'll check if I can leak something next week.19:46
Arkenoibtw i have contacts sucked out from my old phone19:46
Arkenoiit was synced with google19:46
waz1Stskeeps: erm, used gigabyte's facereplace utility19:47
konttoriyou won't be getting it next week if that's a good detail ;)19:47
Arkenoiif i enable google sync now, will i get zillions of duplicates19:47
waz1Stskeeps: it just replaces boot image19:47
waz1Stskeeps: that's all :(19:47
Arkenoior even worse contacts dropped out due to a conflict19:47
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lardmanok, have added some thoughts to the TMO post19:48
lardmanyour thoughts appreciated19:48
* lardman goes to compile an up-to-date Diablo version for the repo19:48
Stskeepswaz1: not sure what facereplace is19:49
Stskeeps(google doesn't tell me)19:49
Khertankonttori: arf :)19:49
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t_s_ohmm, new garnet vm beta?19:50
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crashanddielardman: can I report bugs? :D Works nicely!19:50
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lardmancrashanddie: sure19:50
crashanddielardman: the app crashes when you lock on a code it doesn't find the lookup for, and then you scan one for which it does find the lookup19:51
_claesbast_s_o, yea, saw that I wonder if there are some news this time19:51
lardmanyeah, that's my crappy webscraping code19:51
t_s_o_claesbas: going to download now...19:51
lardmanI need to work out what to do with that, see my post here:
crashanddielardman: and the field which displays the EAN code shows some funky characters sometimes after the webscraping19:51
_claesbast_s_o, ok, please report if you find something useful.. :-P19:52
lardmancrashanddie: yeah, same issue19:52
lardmancrashanddie: probably best to display the raw data there and let another app/plugin handle the real data19:52
lardmans/real/looked up19:52
waz2Gb has some virtual bios feature19:52
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Stskeepswaz1: know how to reset a CMOS? :P19:54
crashanddielardman: code?19:54
Khertanouch extras-devel is still broken ?19:54
waz2Stskeeps: didn't help19:54
greenflyKhertan: it's not so much that it's still broken, just that it's intermittently broken19:54
Khertanstskeeps : with a powerfull ultra violet lamp19:54
lardmancrashanddie: Garage, maemo-barcode19:54
Khertangreenfly: thx for the information i ll try a bit later so19:55
StskeepsKhertan: true19:55
waz2Stskeeps: can you help me a bit by googling gigabyte dual bios plus feature19:55
waz2Stskeeps: how to use it19:55
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Stskeepswaz2: yeah, i am reading the manual19:55
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waz2Stskeeps: mb: GA-M57SLI-S419:56
Markus23have that board too :-)19:56
Stskeepswaz2: symptoms are that nothing at all shows on screen? :P19:56
Markus23do you know where to buy a bios chip for it?19:56
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waz2Stskeeps: yep, no signal19:57
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Khertandoes there is kmow bugs with mastory and wordpress image upload or does myh wp is broken ?19:57
waz2Markus23: it has bios restore feature19:57
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waz2Markus23: but I don't know how to trigger it19:58
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waz2Damn, this is so lame19:59
Markus23waz2: ok, would be important to know before trying to flash :-)20:00
waz2Stskeeps: anything useful?20:00
Khertanauto  builder is really slow this evening20:02
Stskeepswaz2: it should fallback to second BIOS, not fail completely :P20:02
Stskeepswaz2: put back CMOS jumper btw?20:03
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Stskeepswaz2: ok, take out the CMOS battery for a minute20:06
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Markus23isn't that just to reset the settings?20:06
Stskeepsyeah, but chances are that the ettings currently in use don't work the backup bios20:07
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Stskeepswazd: ok, take out the CMOS battery for a minute20:07
Markus23but how to get the backup bios?20:08
Markus23(restore it)20:08
StskeepsMarkus23: normally it would failover to backup if first one failed20:08
Markus23ok, nice20:08
Markus23should really try to flash it then20:08
Stskeepsi think he wish he could :P20:08
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lcukwazd, remember to take out the power cable too20:09
lcukjust removing the battery on its own whilst power is still in doesnt reset on all mobos20:09
ali1234i wouldn't have thought that would work on any board...20:10
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Markus23there is also a jumper for resetting it20:11
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lcukyeah but jumpers need specific knowledge, the battery is most universally understood and recognisable20:11
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lcukeven by wazd :D20:12
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ali1234i've used dualbios as an adhoc eeprom copier20:13
Stskeepswazd: any luck?20:13
ali1234the backup bios has to be bit for bit identical to the main, otherwise it trigger an error20:14
Markus23CLR_CMOS is next to the battery20:14
Stskeepsali1234: won't a bios update hose it then? :P20:14
Stskeepsif it's a bad update20:14
wazdDidn't help20:14
AakashPatelDoes the N900 support SPP bluetooth profile?20:14
ali1234no. it first checksums the main bios. if that's good, it compares it with the backup and if the backup doesn't match, it copies main->backup20:14
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ali1234if the main fails checksum it copies backup->main20:15
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Markus23wazd: it is directly above it (not where the SYS_FAN connector is, the other side)20:15
wazdMarkus23: already tried  it20:15
* SpeedEvil became confused about the above conversation before realising it was not n900 based.20:15
Markus23ohh.. don't have any more ideas20:16
StskeepsSpeedEvil: we do think of other things than n900. like bacon.20:16
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Cheese.20:16
Stskeepsali1234: so it is actuallly a hw failure protection, not a bad bios update protection?20:16
ali1234yeah basically20:16
Stskeepswell that's kinda shitty :)20:16
lcukStskeeps, you know better than anyone, the unused feature of n900 is the bacon grill on the slideout keyboard20:16
ali1234if you flash something wrong but with a valid checksum into the main bios, you are screwed20:17
Khertanoh shit it s my wordpress which is broken20:18
ali1234although in that case, it wont get as far as running the copier20:18
Markus23is there a usenet reader on n900?20:18
ali1234so you can pull the main bios and force to boot from the backup20:18
timeless_mbpMarkus23: google groups should work :)20:18
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ali1234also loads of these dual bios boards don't come with two bios chips installed... they have one empty socket (mine did anyway)20:19
Markus23:-) and something local also?20:19
Markus23ali1234: yes, noticed that already, where do i get another chip?20:19
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ali1234i got one from another dead board20:19
ali1234any computer scrap dealer will have loads of them :)20:19
timeless_mbpMarkus23: gmail subscription to google groups? :)20:19
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KhertanMarkus23: microb :)20:20
Markus23timeless_mbp: thats not the spirit of usenet :-)20:20
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Stskeepswazd: next to the middle PCIE slots in direction of nVidia chipset, is there one or two bios chips?20:21
AakashPatelhahah RST38h20:21
RST38hThe spirit of usenet has long turned to vinnegar20:21
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RST38hWAIT. Is KOffice finally out?20:22
* Khertan is waiting autobuilder20:22
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Markus23I will just wait for kde on n900 and use knode  :-P20:23
* kalikianatoli is waiting for dpkg before sending it to autobuilder20:24
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RST38hyou can probably port knode right away, it does not depend on kde much (or didn't, anyway)20:24
KhertanMarkus23: i think you will wait a long time20:24
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* RST38h is usually waiting for dput not to fail =)20:24
waz1so, I'm screwed then20:24
Stskeepswaz1: virtual dual bios you say?20:24
waz1Stskeeps: yep20:25
Khertandput didnt work with a 3G phone connection due to limitation on port different than 8020:25
ali1234you have to do the bios hotswap trick :)20:25
Markus23RST38h: yes, don't think it will be too hard20:25
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* Klowner hunts for the admin so he can beat them with a rubber hose20:26
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Stskeepswaz1: you -may- be able to rescue from a usb20:27
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lcukwhats actually happening?   and i hope oyu have the speaker plugged in so you can hear the beeps20:28
RST38hAnyone knows if KOffice is in Extras already?20:28
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waz1I'd better take it to the service20:29
Khertanrst38h ... it s not20:29
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RST38hThen why announce it? :(20:29
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Khertanwho do it ?20:29
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Markus23Stskeeps: how should that work? booting from usb needs bios too?20:31
RST38h"Wikipedia bans Volvo's IT over racist rants"<== eek20:31
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StskeepsMarkus23: noone says there can't be a small bios somewhere.20:32
AakashPatelRST38h, where'd you read taht?20:32
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* Stskeeps passes waz1 a cookie and hopes for the best20:33
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Khertanmaemo-freaks is like maemo-experts nothing more than a blog made from people which don t know what they are talking about20:34
javispedrolike the rest of the maemo fansites..20:34
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javispedrowell, most of them.20:34
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javispedrobut I guess that comes with mainstreamness, as usual.20:35
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RST38hjavis: Seen that Mowgli wiki link?20:36
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bitcrusherhi guys20:39
AakashPatelyo bitcrusher20:39
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bitcrusherhi there Patel20:39
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waz1Daaaaamn, why am I such a looser20:40
Stskeepsat least you still have your tablet20:41
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Khertanrst38h: they announce that it ll be available one day on n90020:41
Khertanbut of course maemo-freaks announce that it s available20:42
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javispedroRST38h: nope20:42
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* Khertan didn t read anymore talk.maemo.org20:42
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* Khertan realize that he didn t read anymore maemo planet due to all this false info from dumb blog20:43
BBNSmmm seems a few people got 'memory card corrupted and low memory' issues ...20:43
StskeepsBBNS: worse one is the mic failure, i'd sa20:43
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BBNSStskeeps: that's kinda scare me actually. :3 didn't korean factory do some QA test?20:44
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* Khertan fear is one week waranty device will have default20:46
Khertan+that is20:47
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detectivehey guys, where are the perl libarys for arm? if i'm trying to build an application with perl support, it always chooses  /scratchbox/tools/lib/perl5/5.8.4/i686-linux-thread-multi while configuring20:48
BBNSKhertan: it's kinda give bad impression for people, especially for the new comers.20:48
javispedrowell in one week warranty you can test if the mic works or not ;)20:48
bitcrusherhey javispedro, you did the DrNokSnes for the N900, right?20:48
javispedrobtw, so the mic issue is definitely hardware?20:49
bitcrushergot any pointes in starting c++'ing, especially for the n900?20:49
RST38hdo you know c?20:49
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bitcrushersadly no, some light C#/.net and lots of php20:50
RST38hget K&r c book and read it first20:50
Khertanbbns but i can understand it as it s for dev20:50
RST38hsomebody give him amazon link20:51
* RST38h is eating as he types20:51
Khertanor learn python20:51
derfReally, just don't bother learning C++.20:51
RST38hwell he wants c++, c is the spot to start from20:51
derfUnless someone is paying you a lot of money, it's almost always the wrong language for the job.20:51
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_berto_c++ ->
mecewhat's wrong with c++?20:51
RST38hc++ is the 2nd step, thanks speedevil20:51
Khertanderf lol20:52
bitcrusheri've just set up a pygame environment, and I find the tutorials very lacking for pygame20:52
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Khertanit s seems the recommended one for qt dev20:52
bitcrusheri definitly want an OOP language like C++ over just C20:52
_berto_c++ is usually criticized for being too complex20:52
Ceron^:D got damn im so tierd20:52
Ceron^no n900 yet20:52
bitcrusherthanks for the link _berto_20:52
mece_berto_: bah. Same as the rest.20:53
Ceron^i guess il wait no n99020:53
RST38hc++ is ok as a better v20:53
Khertangoto++ powa !!20:53
Ceron^i wont buy this n900...20:53
derfRST38h: No one uses it like that, though.20:53
Ceron^want the next version with qwerty that has maemo 620:53
* RST38h does20:53
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Khertanhow to say ... it s your problem20:53
derfAnd really, for the shittier compiler tools you have to work with, it's not worth it.20:53
lcukRST38h, you?
derfRST38h: You're no one.20:54
* greenfly sits back and watches C++ holy war #198598023483220:54
bitcrusheri've heard that C++ is complex as well, from a very skilled programmer, whos used coding for the last 20 years20:54
suihkulokkiCeron^: you mean you actually enjoy waiting so much you'll keep waiting?20:54
RST38hderf: Screw stl, exceptions, rtti, 99% templates, multiple inheritance, and you have got a better c20:54
bitcrusherwhich ofcourse scares me at bit that HE says that20:54
RST38hderf: not to my employer and clients though20:54
derfAlso constructors, destructors, ...20:54
bitcrusherso any pointers on pygame then?20:54
Ceron^suihkulokki: yeh waited like a year20:54
Ceron^so why not wait 2 years?20:54
_berto_bitcrusher: it's easier if you read the book first ;)20:54
javispedroah... no Java, no C++ :)20:55
bitcrusheranyone had experience with that on the N900 or N8xx devices?20:55
RST38hderf: keep the constructors and destructors. they are useful20:55
derfRST38h: Except their design is basically broken.20:55
* Lorthirk` agrees20:55
derfSo you can't actually do anything useful in them.20:55
RST38hderf: I would disallow use of new and delete, but...20:55
RST38hderf: it is ok, many broken things are useful20:55
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Lorthirkok, i'm gonna take some chips20:56
bitcrusher_berto_ i've found out im not very good at "theoretical" knowledge, but I am with practical knowledge = when i need to use it20:56
Lorthirkthis is going to be funny to watch :D20:56
Markus23RST38h: C++ does not disallow that because at some point you may need it20:56
RST38hbitcrusher: K&R book is pretty slim and very practical20:56
Jaffalbt: good points on QA and non-free20:56
Markus23e.g. implementing containers yourself20:56
RST38hMarkus: Yea, I guess so :)20:56
LupuLorthirk: Just let me know who wins in the end, ok? ;)20:56
_berto_bitcrusher: c++ introduces quite a few concepts when compared to c so it's a good idea to read about them first :)20:56
Lorthirkok lupu, i'll try :)20:56
greenflyit's a shame, because someone asks for help and he gets a teaspoon of help and a gallon of know-it-all language cops20:56
* Lupu suspects Haskell20:56
* Lupu hides20:56
RST38hbitcrusher: Anyway, disregarding whether C++ is actually worth learning, you should start with C in order to learn C++20:57
javispedrogreenfly: that's what you can expect when asking for C help in #maemo ;)20:57
mikecanyone got a good n900 that can run     cat /proc/asound/devices for me20:57
* lcuk compares c to visual basic then runs20:57
greenflyyou might as well be arguing about which superhero can beat up which other one20:57
bitcrusher_berto_ id imagine it would be different, as C would introduce new concepts, because of the lacking OOP20:57
RST38hbitcrusher: Whether you want to proceed to C++ and how far is a personal business of yours20:57
greenflywell he did want help with c++ on the n900 specifically20:57
Markus23bitcrusher: and mainly lacking references and templates you see lots of pointers and macros there20:57
greenflywhich makes sense considering the move to qt20:57
Khertangreenfly please define good20:57
lcukmikec, ive got a bad one that i can try it with but afail asound isnt there20:58
RST38hWell, n900 is no different from generic Linux as far as C++ is concerned20:58
RST38hSo, that was really a no-question20:58
greenflyKhertan: ?20:58
bitcrusherRST38h: ofcourse, but its always good to hear others arguments for and against, before making up you own mind i think :)20:58
javispedro(or QTC++)20:58
_berto_bitcrusher: I'm talking about the language itself, of course creating a basic class and doing inheritance is easier in c++20:58
meceI think we're talking Qt here, amiright bitcrusher?20:58
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Khertangreenfly : good n900 device20:58
mikeclcuk:cheers  trying to find out what the device names are for the mic20:58
greenflyKhertan: I don't think I said that20:59
lcukthere is acutally hold on20:59
RST38hbitcrusher: Whether C++ is of any use is everyone's favorite flame war argument20:59
lcuklemme do this from ssh20:59
Khertangreemfly oh sorry20:59
RST38hbitcrusher: i.e. you will not get anything useful by listening to it20:59
RST38hTo each his own20:59
mikecok cheers20:59
javispedro(aka as religious flame war)20:59
bitcrushermece: depends, till i got my eye on the N900 i had never heard of Qt, but if Qt is mandatory to get code running on the N900, the yes ;)20:59
Khertansomeone have error ?20:59
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lcukdamn its not setup, someone else will have to20:59
greenflybitcrusher: it isn't, you can also use GTK libraries for GUI programming20:59
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mecebitcrusher: it's not.20:59
greenflywhich would (generally) be in C or python20:59
bitcrusherif ive gotten this right, Qt is the window manager, right?21:00
_berto_bitcrusher: Qt is not mandatory, in fact all built-in apps are written in plain C21:00
bitcrusherGUI manager then21:00
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* RST38h can argue both for and against C++ for example, depending on the accumulation of bile21:00
greenflybitcrusher: QT is a GUI library that you can use to draw buttons, windows, dropdowns, etc.21:00
bitcrusherlike Gnome/KDE21:00
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greenflya window manager is different21:00
LupuQT is so much more than that...21:00
greenflybitcrusher: no, KDE /uses/ the QT library21:00
Khertannot like gnome/kde21:00
mecebitcrusher: And it's pretty nice, especially since it has some nice stuff that makes you want to kill yourself less when programming c++. IMO.21:00
Klownerand Gnome uses GTK21:00
Lorthirki was writing, qt is a framework21:00
_berto_bitcrusher: for the n900 you can use C, C++, Python, ...21:00
Lorthirknot only for gui21:00
bitcrusheroh it does, i thought it was "its own" code it used21:01
bitcrusher<-- at the KDE comment21:01
acoutohi all, i have a n800 and i'd want to know if is there a command that show if is chinook or diablo?21:01
lcukbitcrusher, i believe gcc also has FORTRAN built in21:01
_berto_bitcrusher: and you can choose gtk, qt, efl, ... although the official toolkit is gtk21:01
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jeremiahJaffa: Personally I think non-free apps suck, but I suppose everything should go through -testing.21:01
Khertanperl is an other option21:01
greenflybitcrusher: ncurses:command line::qt:GUI21:01
KlownerNokia bought Trolltech didn't they?21:02
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bitcrusherKlowner: yes they did21:02
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jeremiahKhertan: \o/21:02
Lorthirkin fact now you can download qt from
LupuWhich reminds me, has there ever been an obfuscated perl code contest?... *hmm*21:02
_berto_Lupu: of course21:02
KlownerLupu: you mean regular perl contest?21:02
kynkyis the mic not working fault happening to a high percentage of uk orders ?21:02
RST38hLupu: not considered an accomplishment21:02
javispedrowriting unofuscated perl code would be an accomplishment ;)21:03
jeremiahperl poetry FTQ21:03
mecebitcrusher: You might want to check Qt out, since maemo6 will be using that stuff.21:03
_berto_RST38h: oh, it is ->
mecebitcrusher: Here :)21:03
LupuThat was my point, I can understand an OCCC, but doing the same with perl would just be... *unfair*21:03
bitcrusherhmm, i guess ill try and start out with Pygame first, then maybe move on to Qt ;) v. 1.8.1 of pygame is available to the N900, right?21:03
mecebitcrusher: but if you just want to hack some stuff on your device, I'd go with python.21:04
meceAren't there pyQt stuff too?21:04
Khertanjeremiah : : Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /mnt/netapp/pear/midcom/lib/org/maemo/packages/handler/repository/repository.php on line 54221:04
RST38hberto: looks like normal perl to me21:04
jeremiahThat error again. :/21:04
_berto_RST38h: heh :)21:04
_berto_actually you can write readable perl code21:04
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_berto_but people like to obfuscate it21:05
mece_berto: *GASP*21:05
slonopotamuscomment  out line 542 then :)21:05
jeremiahKhertan: You can see from the beginning of that path that it is on /mnt/netapp21:05
bitcrusherfor starters, just to get a feeling with the device, my skills and making apps, as im a webdev/php whore and not used to writing to displays, check inputs and whatnot21:05
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jeremiahWhich means it is actually on another machine21:05
jeremiahKhertan: I am not sure I have access to that, but I will check.21:06
_berto_i have to leave, guys21:06
_berto_see you21:06
mecebitcrusher: just start small.21:06
LupuI recently got my hands on a 4k perl POS. An interesting statistic: 30% of its lines included "$_".21:06
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jeremiah$_ is the default variable in perl21:06
LupuThat's not including other default variable references, such as plain "/something/"21:06
waz1oh, found service that restores bios for 10 bucks21:06
bitcrusheryes, definitely, learned that the hard way with php back in the day ;)21:06
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LupuTalk about readable code...21:07
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jeremiahPerl is very readable.21:07
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bitcrusherbut anyone know of some pygame on Maemo devices ? as the pygame site itself, seems very lacking and out of date in its tutorial section21:07
jeremiahMost people who complain about its syntax don't know much about perl21:07
bitcrusherwhat i meant was, some pygame tutorials on Maemo devices21:08
RST38hmost people who know enough perl can be consiered crazy21:08
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RST38henough not to complain about the syntax that is21:08
jeremiahRST38h: Yeah, like Amazon, BBC, NYTimes and Ticket Master21:08
LupuUsing the default variable is no better(or worse) than using function and variable names such as "$a", etc.21:08
RST38hare these all people?21:08
greenflyreally? a perl holy war too? really?21:08
greenflysad guys....21:09
greenflyreally sad21:09
* RST38h is lazily choosing a topic to troll in21:09
Klownerbitcrusher: pyglet has very few dependencies, might be worth seeing if that compiles21:09
meceI refuse to touch anything other than sml.21:09
Lorthirkis this the flame language evening?21:09
RST38hperl or c++ is ok, but can we have a political flame war for a change?21:09
tekonivelfiddled with production n900 at nokia flagship store today21:10
mecehow about religion?21:10
javispedroreligious. I vote religigous.21:10
* RST38h throws up all over mece. Don't you EVER...21:10
tekonivelmaybe shipping on friday, they said21:10
* kynky likes haskell21:10
KlownerObama is a cylon!21:10
Lorthirkreligious is overrated, everyone flames about religion21:10
javispedrowell and why we can't be like everyone21:10
meceKowner: What? He likes all along the watchtower or what?21:10
RST38hReligious? What is there to argue about? The Tentacled One finds all confessions tasty21:10
Klownermece: yes, from bollywood soundtracks21:11
javispedrofortunately, the mic issue is concentrating most trolls in one single true thread21:11
RST38hExcept for protestants maybe, too dull...21:11
Lorthirkjavispedro: being like everyone? then we should all dump maemo to buy an iphone!21:11
greenflyorrrrr you could talk about maemo and talk about those topics in the channels already devoted to them!21:11
RST38hwe talk about maemo day and night, can we all have a rest?21:12
javispedroyes! my mainstreamy me always wanted an iphone!21:12
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Lorthirkgreenfly: this is our evening off, it seems21:12
mecehey yeah I was chatting earlier about this. Any good ideas how to improve the efficiency of playing mp3s? I mean 35% cpu? That is just ridiculous!21:12
greenflyRST38h: sure can, it's called /part21:12
RST38hWhat part?21:12
kynkythere is always #thisisnotmaemo for non meamo talk21:12
greenflyno, the /part command21:12
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RST38hFront part or hind part maybe?21:12
greenflyie, you aren't forced to stay here :)21:12
RST38hWhat is that part of the command?21:13
kynky /part21:13
RST38hI am not?21:13
greenflyonly one way to find out21:13
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* Arkenoi tries to sync with google.. shen syncing "calendar and tasks" progress bar sticks near 100% and never completes :-(21:13
* RST38h finally found a good trolling strategy for today. Let us call it The Mad hatter Style21:13
qwerty12_N900Let's go all philosophical: What is the purpose of the /part command? Where did it originate from? Who used it first?21:14
RST38hgreenfly: what way? left or right?21:14
RST38hqwerty: Who were the parents?21:14
javispedrowhat about good cop bad cop trolling? =)21:14
greenflywell it was only a matter of time before this became like t.m.o21:14
RST38hqwerty: Were they of different genders?21:14
Lupuqwerty12_N900: Jarkko Oikarinen?21:14
derfRST38h: Palin already has you beat in spades.21:14
kalikianatoliArkenoi, sounds better than here. it never made any progress when I tried21:14
derfSince you wanted to troll about politics.21:14
waz1RST38h: childhood :D21:14
RST38hderf: Palin is unprofessional at this21:14
RST38hderf: I.e. she can't control the flow21:15
qwerty12_N900Lupu: But, on a philosophical level, how can we be sure that it was him?21:15
derfAre you crazy? Look at how much people talk about her.21:15
derfShe is a consummate politician.21:15
Lupuqwerty12_N900: Can't you apply the duck principle on this somehow?21:15
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pwannellhi all21:15
RST38hderf: Lots of people talk about dinosaurs, and those do not even exist21:15
meceTop Palin headline today "Palin tells Marg Delahunty Canada should 'dismantle' public health-care system"21:16
meceor was it yesterday? Anyway. Good one.21:16
RST38hderf: And diarrhea gets more TV broadcast time than Palin ever will21:16
pwannellanyone received their n900 yet21:16
RST38hDoes this imply that diarrhea would beat Palin at presidential race?21:16
derfI'm not sure what channels you're watching.21:16
derfBut you make me glad I don't watch TV.21:16
qwerty12_N900Lupu: How can we be sure that applying the duck principle will benefit us all?21:16
RST38hderf: The local TV is showing some low budget movie about the end of the world21:17
Lorthirkand what if the duck is sick, anyway?21:17
Lorthirkmany birds always dies from strange diseases21:18
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lcukbiggest problem with relying on the duck is that its afk normally21:18
RST38hWell, if the duck has no medical insurance, it has got a problem21:18
javispedroduck has H1n121:18
* qwerty12_N900 throws it on javispedro's place of residence21:19
LorthirkRST38h: maybe obama will let her have some treatment too21:19
kalikianatoliIs it useful to upload a package depending on a currently-building package?21:19
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* javispedro grabs baseball bat21:19
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qwerty12_N900javispedro: put it down!21:19
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meceI had that piggy stuff already. it wasn't that bad.21:19
kalikianatoliOr maybe I should just wait patiently21:19
qwerty12_N900Look what you caused, javispedro21:19
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kalikianatolijavispedro, you caused the netsplit!21:19
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RST38hLorthirk: Sex changes are not covered by Medicare/Medicaid. I *think*.21:19
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meceis it just me or does this channel seem a little trippy atm?21:20
RST38hqwerty: Yes, the Mad Hatter trolling is known to do that21:20
* javispedro kicks freenode21:20
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Lorthirki'm not about to find it out anyway21:20
Arkenoitried contacts-only sync, got "exchange server not responding" at something like 50%21:20
* RST38h pushes javispedro back into the kettle21:20
* kalikianatoli is sad that he can't install FrozenBubble due to missing perl deps21:20
Lorthirkoh, by the way, is there some irc client for n900?21:21
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RST38hLort: XChat21:21
javispedrothere's not. all those people with n900 in the nick are lying.21:21
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RST38hArkenoi: I am not sure, but your best bet may be talking to Jaffa21:21
RST38hHe did some work on syncing21:21
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Lorthirkjavispedro: or maybe, those people put a duck in front of the pc just to blame them when we say they're lying21:22
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Arkenoiis he around atm?21:22
kalikianatolior maybe they are lying in a hamock, with their n90021:22
RST38hOMG someone has got an N900 from DDP!21:22
* javispedro has heart attack and dies21:23
RST38hArkenoi: no idea21:23
* javispedro 's ghost will haunt RST38h for saying that21:23
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* RST38h adds ghost to the BOM21:23
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javispedroI have to wonder why useless bloggers receive it before useless coders like me!21:24
unixSnobanyone like garnet enough to not return to maemo?21:24
RST38hBecause bloggers will inherit the world21:25
javispedrounixSnob: what?21:25
qwerty12_N900javispedro: Start the DrNokSnes blog ;)21:25
* javispedro would like to but he has a hard time to even keep his own blog updated 21:25
unixSnobjavispedro: anyone like garnet enough to not return to maemo?21:25
lcukif i am using Qik and my internet connection dies (say im at a wedding) does recording continue, or do i have to get them to stop what they are doing and redo vows when connection is restored21:25
javispedromaybe I need to open a twitter account and start talking about my frequent toilet visits.21:25
Lorthirkspeaking of useless bloggers21:26
Lorthirki was thinking of another blog21:26
mecelcuk: why don't you try it?21:26
lcukjavispedro, no, just get the toilet itself twitter enabled21:26
RST38hjavispedro: BTW (SDL, Nethack based)21:26
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lcuklet it post logs when you flush21:26
Lorthirksome tutorials, focused on coding for 90021:26
lcukmece, multitple reasons, was just a question21:26
Lorthirknow, strike me down!21:26
kalikianatolilcuk, "uptime" :-)21:26
javispedrounixSnob: "garnet" is dead. garnet vm is a maemo app.21:26
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Mouseylong live garnet!21:26
javispedrooh, I've never played nethack...21:26
qwerty12_N900"A big one entered me. Needed to be flushed a couple o'times."21:26
Oli``Random question but does anyone here know how to quit DrNokSnes?21:27
* kalikianatoli looks disgusted at qwerty12_N900 21:27
lcuk3.58:  OVERFLOW ERROR21:27
RST38hjavis: aka Moria, Angband, ZAngband, Slashem21:27
Oli``Never minf.. figured it out randomly pressing the screen =)21:27
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unixSnobjavispedro: ah, yeah, looks that way.  i thought it was something that would run natively on nit21:27
lcukim gettin an arduino for this very purpose21:28
javispedroOli``: you can exit drnoksnes by tapping the screen?21:28
javispedrowho implemented that?21:28
lbtJaffa: yeah; it has the potential to become complex21:28
javispedroI didn't...21:28
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mecejavispedro: It's never too late to play nethack21:29
* Arkenoi feels like i need an extended battery, n900 does not seem to last longer than one day of not-so-active use21:29
RST38hjavis: Actually, Diablo too (the game not the OS)21:29
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RST38hArkenoi: that is correct21:29
* javispedro never played Diablo either.21:29
SpeedEvilArkenoi: You're regularly more than a day from a power socket?21:29
mecejavispedro: What DID you play??21:30
Arkenoispeedevil, sometimes. if it had a standard miniUSB..21:30
RST38hArkenoi: If it is any consolation, iPhone does the same :(21:30
Arkenoifor e90 i purchased huge and ugly 3.6A*H battery21:31
SpeedEvilArkenoi: why not carry an adaptor?21:31
Arkenoispeedevil, it is not handy. having one in the pocket is quite annoying21:31
RST38hArkenoi: It will probably take 4-6 months for something like this to appear for N900, from Mugen21:31
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Oli``What *is* the USB plug format? Is it standard or something Nokia made up?21:32
RST38hYou do not need an adaptor. I plug mine into my work PC at work.21:32
meceOli``: It's micro-USB21:32
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Lorthirkok, dinner is done for today21:33
RST38hGet yourself a USB cable and keep it at work. It solves the problem of running out of power.21:33
kalikianatolithere was a cable in the package even21:33
kalikianatoliyou don't need to buy one21:33
Lorthirkinstead, i think i fried my ac charger21:33
Lorthirkit doesn't work anymore :!21:33
kalikianatolibon appetit21:34
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javispedrobut at 500mA does it charge or discharge ? ;)21:34
Oli``mece: does anything else use it? I mean I've got cameras, phones, tomtoms more cameras... most very modern - and none of them have that adapter. Some have similar ones but they're not quite right21:34
* Arkenoi has no job and no workplace ;~( so it is completely unpredictable how i am gonna spend the day and where to get charger :-(21:34
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kalikianatoliOli``, other mobile phones do21:34
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RST38hIt will work through the day, so the cable is mostly for mental piece :)21:35
meceOli``: Well it is a standard. I have some small crap that uses micro USB. A bluetooth headset has a microUSB connectod for some reason.21:35
Oli``I'm sure it's a matter of time... It's a shame people can't settle on one format.21:35
Oli``mece: random!21:35, how does it sound for a maemo programming blog?21:35
meceOli``: Indeed.21:35
meceLorthirk: Sounds pimp21:36
kalikianatolimece, and it's not used for loading?21:36
meceKalikianatoli: yes for charging, and some other stuff that I never bother with. There is some software I think, but I've lost the cd.21:36
Arkenoirst38h, if you leave home at the morning and forgot to charge it to 100%, and then you spend all the day someplace with no charger, and use casual navigation and IM all the way, you are likely to run out of battery21:36
kalikianatolimece, so it's not random but very useful. at least I would love if everything charged via usb21:37
Oli``While I'm rabbitting on about chargers, has anybody used their old-to-microusb adapter and noticed it getting really hot? If you have and it's not getting hot, is mine faulty?21:37
Lorthirkmece: you think?21:37
Lorthirkok, now i just need to build some knowledge to put in there :D21:37
Oli``kalikianatoli: as long as they were the same USB plug >_<21:37
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meceLorthirk: Well it's an old thing, and there was a cd and a cable with it. I never needed it because it did what it was supposed to do without it.21:37
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Lorthirkmece i was talking about the blog :D21:38
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kalikianatoliOli``, Two kinds of USB are still better than proprietary chargers21:38
meceLorthirk: LOL ok that makes much more sense. Yes I think it sounds quite professional.21:38
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Arkenoiwell, the old time "thick" nokia charger was so widespread for awhile you could expect it anywhere21:39
Lorthirki think i'm gonna register it as soon as i am convinced with this project21:39
Arkenoiyou walk into any cafe and ask them if they have "nokia charger" and they probably do21:39
Arkenoiif you have "thick to thin" converter you may still have some luck these days21:40
edgar2those were the days.21:40
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qwerty12_N900Stop it. This touching reunion is making me cry.21:41
Lorthirkif we were in italy i'd say "carramba che sorpresa!"21:41
Lorthirkbut it's good we are not, believe me21:41
Arkenoino luck with google sync. well, as the phone is my main PIM i may probably live without it until it will be fixed, nothing really urgent21:42
meceqwerty12_N900: which reunion? The chargers?21:42
qwerty12_N900mece: Yours and edgar2's21:42
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edgar2it's ok, you can cry now.21:43
meceqwerty12_N900: I actually had lunch with him today, and haven't seen him since! So it's pretty emotional.21:43
Lorthirk8 hours of empty and dark lives21:43
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pwannellwhos mic is faulty21:44
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edgar2this is how dark it is.
Lorthirkwow. that's a new concept of dark.21:45
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edgar2taken from my window view 30 sec ago. with the n900 of course :)21:45
RST38hArkenoi: BTW you can use Google Calendar directly21:46
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LorthirkRST38h: how?21:48
RST38hLorthirk: Use Google Mobile Calendar URL for Android/iPhone. Works beautifully on N90021:48
Lorthirkthere's an app, too...21:49
meceI guess the none mobile one works too.21:49
Lorthirkgpe calendar21:49
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Arkenoitoo bad there is no Latitude and Google maps. Builtin "location sharing" is a) incompatible and b) pretty dumb and drains the battery quickly21:51
RST38hArkenoi: Of course it is b), probably keeps GPS running21:51
RST38hArkenoi: My guess is someone will eventually take care of it though21:52
Arkenoilatitude is smart21:52
javispedroin what sense?21:52
RST38hArkenoi: That Google sync, are you syncing calendar alone or calendar+contacts?21:52
Arkenoii walk with latitude on all the day and it powers gps on for just a brief periods of time21:52
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javispedrothe brief period is the warm startup time.21:53
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javispedroso it all depends on "how often"...21:53
RST38hit may use cell info as well21:53
Arkenoirst38h: i tried both, the same symptoms: it runs progress bar until a certain position, then it is stuck, then there is disconnect after some minutes21:53
RST38hand probably does21:53
RST38hArkenoi: How big is your calendar?21:54
Lorthirki have problems with google too21:54
Lorthirkand other italian people i heard on a forum21:54
Lorthirki think it's something on google's side21:54
Arkenoinot really big. contacts are quite big (you've probably noticed that)21:54
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Arkenoijavis: they found a reasonable solution so i have both semi-accurate location info and my battery does not drain fast21:55
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javispedrothere's not much to do here.21:56
toggles_wyou can also get rough gps from the gsm modem without waking the gps, so if you don't need accuracy you can just use the towers21:56
toggles_wat least, thats how the jme worked years back21:57
Arkenoifunny thing is that if i set "district level" it still runs gps constantly even though it does not need it at all to get position that rough21:57
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toggles_wyeah, shouldn't do.. but i haven't looked at the api to know21:58
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RST38hArkenoi: Well, it managed the contacts21:58
RST38hArkenoi: On the calendar problem, I suggest you do some debugging on it and submit a bug21:58
RST38hArkenoi: It is bugs.maemo.org21:58
Arkenoirst38h: there is almost no fine trace :-(21:58
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Arkenoino diagnostic messages at all21:59
RST38hArkenoi: There is strace for N90021:59
RST38hArkenoi: You can get at least that21:59
RST38hArkenoi: Also, if you start the sync process from command line, it will most likely print a few things to stdout/stderr21:59
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RST38hArkenoi: That is the nice part about it - inside it is pretty much a generic Linux22:00
Arkenoiwhat is the program i need to run and parameters?22:00
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RST38hGood question, I do not know :) But let us find out22:01
RST38hbtw, could you run "df" from xterm and tell how much space is left on / ?22:01
Oli``When Maemo 6+ come out, do you think it'll be possible to upgrade the N900?22:03
* Arkenoi wonders how long will it take for google to make google maps maemo port22:03
Arkenoibtw is there j2me vm for n900?22:03
RST38hGnuite may be working on it right now =)22:03
kalikianatoliArkenoi, try emerillon22:03
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RST38hArkenoi: Better yet, install eCoach, it should satisfy most mapping needs, but not navigation22:04
LorthirkOli``: we all really hope i think :)22:04
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LorthirkRST38h: i ran df on my device too... but i found it strange: which line should be relative to the mass storage?22:05
kalikianatoliOli``, even if not, there will be Mer, just like it is there for the N800 now22:05
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Oli``kalikianatoli: there'll be what? What's Mer?22:06
kalikianatolibasically an alternative distro for Maemo22:06
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Arkenoirst38h: i am quite satisfied with mapping but i need latitude, that's why i am waiting for official google map application22:07
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* Stskeeps pokes fleenode 22:08
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kalikianatolinot yay for netsplit22:08
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RST38hArkenoi: Let us hope it arrives...22:08
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RST38hIn the meanwhile, I am trying calendar sync to see what executable you need to strace22:08
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* lbt applauds RST38h22:10
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Lorthirksplitty evening, huh22:11
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RST38hArkenoi: sync ran for me, did not hang22:14
RST38hSeems to do it through a dbus call22:14
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RST38hArkenoi: Fiddle with settings a little bit, set it up as follows:22:16
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* Lorthirk listens carefully22:16
RST38hExchange server: | Email: | user: | Password: <your password>22:16
RST38hDomain: <empty> | Port: 443 | Secure connection: YES22:17
LorthirkRST38h: same username and email address?22:17
RST38hIt hangs if not22:17
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RST38hArkenoi: Disable all sync except for Calendar. Make sure that your / is not 100% full. Then click on "Sync manually" and see what happens22:18
Shapeshifter Quite a few DOA devices, at least if you believe the forums. >.>22:18
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* RST38h stopped believing the forums about 1 month ago22:19
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__jack1010i get "no hash entry in release file" when i try to add the extras-devel repositories. is that correct ?22:19
RST38hAh here he is!22:19
qwerty12_N900RST38h: There he *was*22:19
RST38hHe knew what was coming...22:19
LorthirkRST38h: you mean for first sync?22:20
Lorthirki should only check calendar?22:20
RST38hFor all syncs, afaik22:20
Arkenoirst38: done exactly that, will try again now22:21
RST38hYou should only check Calendar because this is what I have done and it worked. Have not tested the rest.22:21
RST38hArkenoi: Notice the username - it has to be the same as email address, with @gmail.com22:21
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RST38hArkenoi: I made this mistake first and it hung, then timed out after a few minutes22:21
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LorthirkRST38h: i did that too, let me check now with full username22:21
Arkenoiyep, it was the same i am pretty sure22:22
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Arkenoisame thing - progress bar goes to almost 100% and sticks there :-(22:24
RST38hwait then22:24
Arkenoii set conflict resolution to "device has priority"22:24
RST38hchange to server has priority22:25
Arkenoii am afraid it will damage my local data22:26
Arkenoiwell, will try anyways.22:26
pupnik  The REAL Price of Trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed22:26
RST38hback it up :)22:26
AakashPatelOh god he's everywehre22:26
pupnikthe price of this trial is that the us governmewnt can torture you and then use the confessions in your trial.  Goodbye civlization.22:27
pupnikwas fun22:27
Arkenoi"Exchange server is not responding"22:27
Arkenoiwell, will back up the calendar and try "server has priority" now22:27
RST38hpupnik: What if he gets BAD defense attorneys?22:28
RST38hArkenoi: I greatly suspect you are doing something wrong22:29
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RST38hArkenoi: are you firewalled by any chance? Is port 443 open?22:30
Arkenoisure yes22:30
Arkenoiand it works until progress bar reaches almost 100%22:30
crashanddie__Arkenoi, which options did you select?22:30
crashanddie__Arkenoi, email as well as contacts and calendar?22:30
Arkenoino error diagnostics until then22:30
RST38hArkenoi: Would you try this over GPRS?22:30
Arkenoinope, just calendar this time22:30
Lorthirkwell, RST38h and Arkenoi, i'm pleased to announce that it worked for me22:30
Arkenoiok, will try22:31
Lorthirksynced contacts, mails and calendar22:31
RST38hIt worked for me as well, after the first try22:31
mecepupnik: who cares about KSM when katee sackhoff was in the latest tbbt!22:31
Arkenoichanging conflict resolution did not help22:31
__jack1010This all only applies to EX2007 right ? Still no fix for EX2003 initial sync ?22:31
crashanddie____jack1010, correct22:32
Arkenoimaybe there is something in my calendar that google does not like :-(22:32
crashanddie__Arkenoi, which software version are you running?22:32
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__jack1010i'm trying to add extras-devel, but got a 'no hash entry in release file' error.22:34
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Lorthirki think, however, that a dedicated app for google calendar should be useful22:35
Lorthirkwith multiple calendars sync and so on22:35
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KenYoungCan anyone point me to a page giving instructions on how to configure an N900 so that one may remotely log INTO it from another machine, using ssh?22:36
LorthirkKenYoung: i think you just need openssh server22:38
KlownerKenYoung: install openssh-server I would assume22:38
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Lorthirkwow, i gave the correct answer! :D22:40
qwerty12_N900~fine Lorthirk22:41
* infobot requires Lorthirk to provide everyone else in the channel with fresh triple fudge brownies22:41
KlownerLorthirk: are you right? :)22:41
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Lorthirkwell i told the same thing you did22:41
Klownerwe could both be equally wrong22:42
Lorthirkand yes, i'm heading over the kitchen22:42
crashanddie__KenYoung, You've got two options, dropbear or openssh. Dropbear is more a lightweight, embedded device-oriented SSH server22:42
KenYoungLorthirk, I've installed openssh server and client, does that mean anyone who happens to know the IP address of my phone can log in as the default user?22:42
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Lorthirkwell, if on n900 there's a default user/pass combination, then yes22:42
Lorthirk(i don't if there's any, like mobile/alpine on iphone)22:43
KenYoungcrashanddie__, Yeah, I went with openssh, because dropbear doesn't support X11 forwarding (at least the last time I tried it).22:43
crashanddie__KenYoung, I didn't get X11 forwarding to work on the N900 using openssh either22:43
Arkenoinow trying over gprs, exactly the same thing22:43
meceyou can just add a user if you want..22:43
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crashanddie__Lorthirk, username "user", no password set, same for root22:44
crashanddie__Lorthirk, thus, you can't login unless you specifically set a password for either22:44
crashanddie__or what mece said22:45
Lorthirki see on wiki that there's some rsa magick you can use too...22:45
kalikianatoliHm.... "Package libsoup2.4-1 provides binary package libsoup2.4-1 which is also available on the device"22:45
kalikianatoliSeems I'm screwed22:45
qwerty12_N900kalikianatoli: Ooh, this Midori?22:45
kalikianatoliqwerty12_N900, It should be, if I overcome the build failure :)22:46
Lorthirksince i have to wake up tomorrow, i'm wishing you goodnigh (or good-whatever-you-want according to your timezone)22:46
Lorthirksee you :)22:46
crashanddie__Lorthirk, certs are highly not-magic ;)22:46
qwerty12_N900kalikianatoli: Heh, nice :)22:46
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crashanddie__Lorthirk, and highly non-RSA as well22:46
kalikianatoliqwerty12_N900, any idea if/ how I can solve this conflict? it seems unlike dpkg, the bot doesn't want to update libsoup22:46
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crashanddie__kalikianatoli, try libvegetables instead?22:47
LorthirkBack on the remote *NIX computer run the following command:22:47
Lorthirk ssh-keygen -t rsa22:47
Lorthirki was talking about this, basically :)22:47
kalikianatolicrashanddie__, but then the filenames will conflict22:47
Lorthirksee you tomorrow guys22:47
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crashanddie__I may have grown up with technology22:48
crashanddie__but the other day I discovered my ps3 booted up when you turned on one of the controllers22:48
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crashanddie__and was the happiest kid in the block22:48
qwerty12_N900kalikianatoli: No idea, sorry22:48
qwerty12_N900Looks like this is one of X-Fade's own checks :)22:49
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qwerty12_N900Which makes sense, actually, if you read the last parts of
Arkenoithere is one s60 application i miss on maemo, spb brain evolution22:51
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KhertanHi again ...22:51
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KhertanHow did you do to promote packages from extras-devel to testing ?22:51
Khertanis there only the web interface ?22:52
kalikianatoliqwerty12_N900, Thanks. I suppose there is a point22:52
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jhfordis there a facility similar to ps -eo args,rss on maemo?22:53
* jhford is trying to figure out RSS of a running process22:53
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* Khertan is trying to use ... it s slow ... php 30s execution limit ... yeah ...22:56
Khertanhow can we expect users to votes for applications with a so slow thigns22:57
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hexajhford, try cat /proc/<pid>/status ?22:59
jhfordhexa: thanks :)23:00
* Khertan will create his own repository ... will be easiest for everyone !23:00
madmikeuki will probably get shot for asking, but is this supposed mic problem widespread or fairly isolated?23:01
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crashanddie__madmikeuk, I think you should rename to "mad-mic-uk"23:02
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crashanddie__madmikeuk, the mic issue seems to come from a batch delivered to the UK23:02
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julianolivermadmikeuk: mine is fine.23:02
mecehow many have actually reported it?23:02
madmikeukhave to hope the one i get wasn't in the dodgy batch then23:02
madmikeuki'm not sure, hence the asking23:03
meceI just saw that nuknuk on tmo had the problem. The only one I know of.23:03
mecehaven't been following today though.23:03
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madmikeukit's hard to differentiate between a majority and a vocal minority23:03
meceprecisely. I'm thinking it's one or two devices.23:04
qwerty12_N900Will this become the next epidemic, like H1N1?23:04
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madmikeukproblems i've seen so far are serveral reporting mic failures, some reports of spontanous power cycling and a DOA screen23:05
madmikeukmain reason the mic and reboot threads are so massive is because the same people are reiterating their problems though23:05
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javispedroand it doesn't scroll smootly!23:06
* suihkulokki is begining to wonder what is the value of tmo..23:06
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KhertanError 500 Wed, 25 Nov 2009 23:06:37 +0200 Apache/2.2.3 (Debian) PHP/5.2.0-8+etch13 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8c Midgard/8.09.423:06
Stskeepsin advertisment? probably a lot :P23:06
javispedroI have to wonder..23:07
meceShit! Ronnie James Dio has stomach cancer!23:07
madmikeukif i'm honest, the browser isn't the biggest draw for me23:07
julianoliverjavispedro: seems to be ok here, though apparently a firmware upgrade improves things.23:07
meceerr. sorry wrong window.23:07
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julianoliverscrolling seems smoother than on Android devices i've seen, admittedly only HTC's offerings.23:08
julianoliveriPhone has smoother scrolling indeed, however browser and media playback seems much better on the N900.23:08
javispedroI was being ironic, what do you think I am, a stereotypical tmo poster?23:09
qwerty12_N900Wow. You just took the words right out of my mouth23:09
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julianoliverseems i dropped in a little late. i'll pull down my Literal Reading Fader.23:10
admiral0is the n900 kernel entirely open?23:10
mecehehehe sarcasm translates poorly sometimes :)23:10
Stskeepsadmiral0: yes23:10
julianolivermece: no, really?23:11
RST38htranslates well with cackling23:11
* RST38h cackles evilly23:11
madmikeukianal, but it'd be illegal not to iirc23:11
admiral0where can i find sources?(no debsrc please)23:11
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madmikeukthough i'd imagine a few of the kmods are closed23:11
Stskeepsadmiral0: , package is 'kernel'23:11
Stskeepsno, they're all open, afaik23:12
meceJulianoliver: case and point23:12
javispedroSince Qgil said that is the place "for those willing to get involved in an open source community way",23:12
madmikeukyou know, i'm sure i've heard of you before stskeeps23:12
julianolivermece: ;)23:12
javispedrocan we dump everyone on those tmo threads already? :)23:12
madmikeukbut not around maemo23:12
pwannellmadmikeuk could i ask what serial number ur phone is on?23:12
madmikeuki've not got mine yet.23:12
pwannellagh ok23:12
admiral0Stskeeps:no other source, i just hate unpacking debs23:13
mecepwannell: trying to find a pattern?23:13
Stskeepsadmiral0: it's .dsc, .diff.gz and .tar.gz23:13
pwannelljulianoliver could i please ask what ur serial number is on n900 to find out if there is pattern with serials23:13
Stskeepshow difficult can it be? :P23:13
pwannellyes mece :)23:13
Stskeepsmadmikeuk: if it is anything to deal with IRCd, it wasn't me23:13
RST38hjavispedro: dump'em where?23:13
admiral0i am a more minimalist guy : tar.gz is the way23:13
javispedroRST38h: Ovi.23:14
madmikeukhahaha, just a name coincidence then?23:14
admiral0kiss principle :P23:14
javispedrolet's create a brainstorm item for "Ovi Talk"23:14
RST38hjavispedro: can we use large bodies of water instead?23:14
madmikeuknokia messenger uses telepathy, right?23:14
archebyteI thought its the kernel modules that are closed.23:14
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javispedrosince Ovi is "the face for "everybody" (default destination)"23:14
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admiral0madmikeuk, yep and i saw python sucking 30%+ CPU23:15
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Stskeepsarchebyte: no, kernel is fully open as far as i can tell23:15
archebyteLike g_nokia..23:15
admiral0other 35% was sucked by pulseaudio23:15
admiral0and then choppy audio -.-23:15
meceyeah pulseaudio hogs like crazy23:15
mece35% is not cool for mp3 playback imo.23:16
admiral0not for mp323:16
admiral0for talking fin skype23:16
meceadmiral0: for what then?23:16
SpeedEvilIs this 35% at 100% CPU speed though23:16
SpeedEvilOr is it 35% clocked down to xMHz23:16
madmikeukgtalk call?23:16
madmikeukoh skype23:16
admiral0never tried23:16
meceis 600Mhz full speed?23:16
archebyte@Qwerty @stskeeps tks. Checking it out..23:16
javispedro#include "composite.c" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh23:17
admiral0SpeedEvil, doesn't count, as long as you get crappy audio23:17
archebyteThats cool to know its fully open..23:17
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julianoliverpwannell: i have the box here.. i don't see an SN/ but rather the IMEI.23:17
archebyte C yall..23:17
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pwannellsame thing mate23:18
julianoliverthought so..23:18
* AakashPatel watches the maemo sdk install23:18
pwannellobv only if u wanna disclose23:18
julianoliverwill pm23:18
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madmikeukn900 owners: how's the audio quality through the 3.5mm?23:21
julianolivermadmikeuk: incredible.23:21
mecehere's what was said regarding pulse:23:21
mecelardman: mece1: between them, mafw-dbus-* and pulseaudio use ~20-25% CPU23:21
mecelardman: hmm is at 600MHz anyway23:21
julianoliverit has a brilliant preamp23:21
Khertanmadmikeuk: Incredibly good23:21
* Klowner attacks julianoliver and takes his n90023:21
lbtpretty good - not loud23:21
julianoliverno it's really a new thing coming out of any device this size. you can safely believe the reviews.23:21
madmikeukcan't wait to replace my tired out n73 and it's annoying nonstandard pop-port23:22
Khertanbut ... the default in ear headset have a low sound level on the right23:22
pwannellnp with pm julianoliver23:22
madmikeuklbt: judging by my experience, that's generally true of most nokia phones23:22
lbtKhertan: wash that ear...23:22
frals9 pages of unread topics on talk.. whats the chance i missed anything useful while drowning in java? :P23:22
julianolivermadmikeuk: the headphones it ships with are really quite good also. great low end response.23:22
Khertanbut with my seinheiser headset the sound is clear ...23:22
Khertangood ...23:22
julianoliverpwannell: i just did23:22
Khertanand can be loud23:22
madmikeukcan you give it a bit of a boost through alsamixer anyhow?23:23
Khertanit s a good headset ... and i never get a so good sound with it with many other device.23:23
julianolivermadmikeuk: overall the media handling and reproduction is really good. video looks really impressive.23:23
Arkenoiand sure after failed sync attempt i got tons of duplicate addressbook entries23:23
Arkenoii was almost sure that will happen23:23
RST38hwhy did you let it sync address book?23:24
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xorAxAxis the maps app on n900 better than the one on n810?23:24
xorAxAxdoes it have as much maps?23:24
madmikeuki'm not going to bother trying to sync my IMAP inbox, i'm horrible at mantaining things23:24
RST38hbut, as you have done it already, try syncing calendar or address book separately23:24
xorAxAxi read that it is quite slow23:24
RST38hsee which one hangs23:24
madmikeuklong story short: most desktop clients hang trying to download my headers23:25
pupnikif we could only have ease of python and speed of c23:25
pupnikcan we compile python to c-hildon?23:25
julianoliverpupnik: py++ or pypy may save us there.23:25
julianoliverxorAxAx: i think the maps application is a weak point.23:25
xorAxAxpypy does not compile python to C23:26
madmikeukpypy is a python interpreter in python.23:26
xorAxAxjulianoliver: is it really worse?23:26
julianoliverxorAxAx: i don't know, i never played with the 810.23:26
pupnikwhat else could be done to translate to natice hildon programmatically.23:26
madmikeukc++ module?23:26
xorAxAxjulianoliver: it was smooth, the app. and it could locate addresses23:27
pupnikhmm  how madmikeuk23:27
bitcrusherhow does one catch the input from touching the screen in python/pygame on the N900? any code examples?23:27
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Arkenoirst38h: that was before i tried to sync calendar23:28
julianoliverxorAxAx: madmikeuk you're right. i mixed it up with another py++ like project. i don't recall it's name.23:28
Arkenoiboth do.23:28
madmikeukpupnik: i don't write C++ modules for python my self, but pygtk and pygobject are both c++ modules23:28
xorAxAxbut pypy has a jit23:28
xorAxAxwhich is becoming faster every 2-3 weeks23:28
sjaenschbitcrusher: I have no experience with pygame, but usually touching the screen equals mouse click23:28
madmikeuksorry, that was directed at julianoliver23:28
bitcrushersounds logical23:28
julianolivermadmikeuk: i've only played around with JIT compilers like Psyco and at one point PyPy, if i remember correctly.23:30
madmikeukanyway, since hildon is an extension of gtk, i'd imagine you could base it on pygtk23:30
xorAxAxjulianoliver: so, is the mapping app on n900 usable?23:30
julianolivermadmikeuk: Psyco is good for speeding up big iterations and number crunching.23:31
madmikeukjulianoliver: not played with pypy myself, but i've tried psyco and unladen swallow23:31
xorAxAxunladen swallow is much slower than pypy's jit currently (see )23:31
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julianoliverxorAxAx: i was in Amsterdam a few days ago, trying to use it, and gave up after a few minutes. it was far too slow, at least over Vodafone's internet offering.23:32
madmikeukthe jit is pretty slow, i tried running the django test server as a test23:32
madmikeuktook about 3-4 minutes to load up23:32
madmikeukusing -j always23:32
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madmikeukonce it cached the code it was pretty fast though23:33
xorAxAxjulianoliver: it cannot download the map data at once?23:33
julianoliveryeah. makes sense.23:33
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xorAxAxin the n810 app, you can download map data for regions23:33
julianoliverxorAxAx: i just remember searching and scrolling/zooming being relatively useless.23:33
xorAxAxand then you have it locally23:33
xorAxAxcan somebody confirm this?23:33
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xorAxAxi dont want to have internet enabled for mapping23:34
julianoliverxorAxAx: i think it's early days yet. i feel it's very beta.23:34
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: do you know if the mapping app can download the mapdata in advance?23:34
madmikeukxorAxAx: from what i've heard (not first time) it's very hard to get a lock on without a-gps23:34
madmikeuk*not first hand23:35
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: maemo mapper23:35
julianoliveryes getting that GPS lock took a long time also. perhaps a minute or two.23:35
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp:  no, not maemo mapper :)23:35
timeless_mbpor ovi maps using the Windows Nokia Map Downloader23:35
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: ovi maps23:35
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: so there is a way to get offline map data?23:35
timeless_mbpi should say "in theory"23:35
timeless_mbpa number of ways23:35
timeless_mbpthe device comes w/ data pre cached for your region23:36
xorAxAxnone of them official? :)23:36
timeless_mbpe.g. a USA purchased device comes with maps for the whole USA23:36
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timeless_mbp<timeless_mbp 1 minute ago> or ovi maps using the Windows Nokia Map Downloader23:36
timeless_mbpthat's the official way23:36
* timeless_mbp grumbles23:36
timeless_mbpdo me a favor and actually read all of what i write, don't be selective23:37
ShadowJKlooks like my operator is getting 3G to me before Nokia is delivering N900 to me :-)23:37
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: i read that, you didnt say that it is official, before23:38
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madmikeukis voda uk's 3g net limited to 7.2mbps?23:38
ShadowJKthe glorious 3G, my E75's 1000mAh battery lasted 6 hours today..23:38
* ShadowJK refreshes mugen power website hoping for batteries23:38
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: do you like the n810 maps app or the n900 ovi one better?23:39
timeless_mbpthe n810 app23:40
* julianoliver thinks sb-conf select is pretty nifty.23:40
timeless_mbpbecause it doesn't negatively affect the browser23:40
xorAxAxhow is the browser affected?23:40
timeless_mbpthe ovi maps app is built around the browser23:40
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KenYoungIs there anyone online who can successfully ssh into their N900 from another machine, and who has time to answer a few questions?23:40
timeless_mbpand the idiots who wrote a piece of it used an ancient obsolete api23:40
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timeless_mbp(one that had been deprecated for roughly 5 years)23:41
KenYoungkalikianatoli, Was that yes directed to me?23:41
kalikianatoliKenYoung, yes :)23:41
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timeless_mbpbecause of that, the browser team couldn't update the browser for some service release23:41
timeless_mbpbecause the updated browser dropped the api they should never have used23:42
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xorAxAxhow have they solved it nowadays? do they still ship an old browser?23:42
KenYoungkalikianatoli, Thanks!   I've installed openssh server & client, but I cannot log in from a remote machine using either ssh user@{device IP} or ssh root@{device IP}.23:42
xorAxAxand which one do you like better from a user POV?23:42
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madmikeukdoes fennec have flash on the n900?23:43
julianoliverKenYoung: it works fine here. can you ping it?23:43
timeless_mbpmadmikeuk: define 'have'23:43
timeless_mbpfennec can 'use' system flash23:43
KenYoungkalikianatoli, Do I need to do something like modify /etc/ssh/ssh_config to enable remote logings.   I can see ssh -D is running.23:43
timeless_mbpbut the perf last i heard sucked23:43
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: see above23:43
madmikeukusable in browser23:43
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: i'm thinking23:43
kalikianatoliKenYoung, no. it should just work23:43
KenYoungjulianoliver, I can't even ping it.   Another strange thing is that the IP address reported by ifconfig does not seem to be correct.23:44
timeless_mbp(actually, i'm watching blade)23:44
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: so, the n810 maps app let you buy navigation23:44
kalikianatoliKenYoung, install the IP desktop widget :-)23:44
KenYoungkalikianatoli, I suspect ifconfig gives me the wrong IP address, is there a better way to find my IP address?23:44
timeless_mbpif you want navigation, then of the two, only that one had it23:44
kalikianatoliKenYoung, Yes, I am reading your mind :-)23:44
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xorAxAxoh, i though the n900 ovi one would have navigation23:45
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timeless_mbpwas it listed on the box?23:45
julianoliverKenYoung: i doubt ifconfig is giving you the wrong address. are you sure?23:45
ShadowJKnope, it wasn't listed :)23:45
KenYoungkalikianatoli, Where does one find the IP desktop widget?23:45
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: ovi maps can give you directions23:45
timeless_mbpbut that's not the same as navation23:45
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: isnt that like navigation?23:45
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xorAxAxit cant match the way points with your current position?23:45
timeless_mbp"like", yes, but *NOT REALLY*23:46
timeless_mbpit doesn't say "turn right *NOW*"23:46
kalikianatoliKenYoung, Should be in the Desktop category23:46
julianoliverKenYoung: on the remote box type 'nmap -sP 192.168.1.*' and look for it. (assuming you're on a nework.23:46
timeless_mbpor "turn in 5m"23:46
xorAxAxbut? :)23:46
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ShadowJKSomehow I get the idea this whole ovi maps thing is a bad idea, I hope Nokia Maps doesn't die :)23:46
KenYoungjulianoliver, It sure looks like it's giving me the wrong address.   When I go to a webstire that will report my IP to me, if gives a different number, and when I do a client ssh from my N900 to another machine, the remote machine reports my IP to be different than what ifconfig gives me.23:46
xorAxAxKenYoung: sounds like multiple IP disorder23:47
julianoliverKenYoung: a website will give you an external, internet-side address.23:47
timeless_mbpShadowJK: nokia maps is dead23:47
julianoliverxorAxAx: hehe23:47
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, aw :(23:47
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ShadowJKxorAxAx, or then he's behind NAT23:47
timeless_mbpShadowJK: roughly, ovi is just branding23:47
xorAxAxis there a maemo mapper for maemo 5?23:47
KenYoungjulianoliver, But that's what I want in order to use a desktop machine to log into the N900, isn't it?23:47
timeless_mbpbut it's basically Nokia Foo v. N + 1 = Ovi Foo v123:47
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: afaiu maemo-mapper is open source23:48
timeless_mbpyou can in theory build it for n900, i suppose23:48
ShadowJKAh so it's just that the new version is more of a rewrite for the worse then :)23:48
julianoliverKenYoung: is the N900 NAT'd?23:48
timeless_mbpShadowJK: dunno, did nokia maps ever have useful navigation support?23:48
ShadowJKtimeless, yep23:48
timeless_mbpat one point nokia shipped "Route 66" (?)23:48
timeless_mbpwhich i heard was pretty good23:49
KenYoungjulianoliver, I'm afraid I don't even know what that means.23:49
timeless_mbpiirc people complained about the replacement23:49
timeless_mbp(nokia maps)23:49
julianoliverKenYoung: ok. if the N900 and the Desktop machine are on the LAN then ssh should work fine.23:49
julianoliverKenYoung: try pinging it from the desktop machine23:49
KenYoungjulianoliver, No, my N900 is going over the GSM 3G network.   Does that make remote logins impossible?23:50
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julianoliverKenYoung: ahh.. that's another kettle of fish altogether.23:50
julianoliveryes, that may be very tricky.23:50
timeless_mbpanyway, ovi maps is getting better23:50
timeless_mbpthe versions i've seen internally are better than what's in sales23:50
ShadowJKtimeless, what's better, Wayfinder had the address wrong  Nokia Maps had the address wrong, but in the other direction. So, if I wanted to go to BlehRoad 300, when Nokia Maps said 250 and Wayfinder said 350, I knew I was close :-)23:50
KenYoungjulianoliver, OK, maybe that's my problem.  Perhaps T-mobile blocks that.23:50
crashanddie__KenYoung, most 3G signals give you a NAT'd address which isn't routed publicly23:50
timeless_mbpShadowJK: heh23:51
julianoliverKenYoung: highly likely it's NAT'd to hell.23:51
crashanddie__KenYoung, get your IP address and attempt a ping from your laptop, you'll know immediately23:51
julianoliverKenYoung: NAT == Network Address Translation23:51
KenYoungcrashanddie__, julianoliver Thanks, I guess I'll try to go over a LAN then.23:51
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, it's pretty funny too, considering that 300 == 3000m from start of road. You'd think they'd be able to measure that better, or atleast with better consistency :)23:51
Proteousyou can remote login if you use a reverse connection23:51
julianoliverKenYoung: proteus has a good point.23:52
KenYoungcrashanddie__, I did get my IP address that way, and I did ping.   No joy.   So it probably is blocked by the phone company.23:52
Proteoushave the client on your phone call out the server23:52
KenYoungProteous, How do you do a revers connection?23:52
ProteousI've only done it with VNC23:52
ShadowJKNokia Maps was slow on my old E70, and it ate all RAM. It's smooth on my E75, and the E75 isn't as memory starved..23:53
Proteousyou can set the client up in listen mode then have the server connect to it23:53
KenYoungProteous, client ssh from my N900 to my desktop works like a champ, but I have no idea how to reverse that.23:53
ProteousKenYoung, what are you trying to do exactly?23:53
KenYoungProteous, I want to be able to log into my N900 from a desktop machine, get a shell on my N900, forward X11 to my desktop, and run code on the N900 using my nice desktop keyboard and big display.23:54
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: there are ~4 sources for data/maps23:55
timeless_mbpime they all suck23:55
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timeless_mbpbut i had a similar experience w/ nokia maps v. wayfinder here in finland23:55
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timeless_mbp(n81 8g v. n800)23:55
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DantonicI just got off the phone with a customer service rep from amazon about the N900. long conversation, I was asking about the details or re-ordering, he couldnt understand what I was asking... finally I said ok nevermind everything I've asked, it's not worth it.  I said goodbye and closed my phone and started swearing "F***ING WORTHLESS!!"  a few times... 20 seconds later he's like: "Sir I think you left the line open could you end the cal23:56
Dantonicl..."    ROFL23:56
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timeless_mbpDantonic: oops23:57
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DantonicI guess when I'm on speaker phone my current phone doesnt hang up when closed23:57
Dantonicits' a clamsheel23:57
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timeless_mbpthat's actually fairly useful behavior fwiw23:57
timeless_mbpyou don't really want to drop the call w/ that clamshell23:57
Dantonicjust havent used it much23:58
Dantonicomg I'm still laughing23:58
ShadowJKmy last clamshell had this annoying behaviour of closing IRC when I closed clamshell :-(23:58
Dantonichow embarassing23:58
ShadowJKbut it still fit well in pocket when open23:58
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: anyway, i personally would use google maps in the browser23:58
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: hmm, but i dont have a flatrate23:58
timeless_mbpbut it'd be bad for people to think i really dislike the ovi maps app23:58
ShadowJKit'd be kinda useable if the google maps would be cached23:59
timeless_mbpShadowJK: it should be cachable23:59
ShadowJKtimeless, the data maybe but probably not the roundtrip?23:59
timeless_mbpyou have to enable disk cache (it's off by default but you can configure it)23:59
timeless_mbpShadowJK: right23:59
madmikeukxorAxAx: apparently gps can't lock on well without pulling down the AGPS directory over the net anyway23:59
timeless_mbpwell, which roundtrip?23:59
timeless_mbpyeah, you're generally going to want to use AGPS23:59

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