IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2009-11-03

VDVsxsearch for first Qole post00:00
Jaffalcuk: I'd've thought the paths'd be hardcoded in one or two places only00:00
JaffaVDVsx: Nah, I started it :-/00:00
javispedrolcuk: The problem with "my way" is that you may need to use Pre-Depends (else library package may get unpacked before -opt package and chaos ensues)00:00
VDVsxjavispedro, out dated too00:01
GeneralAntilleswazd, I'd swap Downloads and the maintainers field for the description.00:01
VDVsxjavispedro, subscribe the damn ML, you lazy bastard !!! :P00:01
* VDVsx hides00:01
javispedroVDVsx: I'm subscribed to the digest.00:01
* javispedro relaxes00:01
javispedrobut lately the digest manages to slow down modest to a crawl... need more cpu just to read latest ramblings.00:02
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* javispedro patiently waits for the ML flames to arrive00:03
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pupniksome things do not work well00:03
qwerty12_N900javispedro: Only place where digests are useful are for those lists that just has a bot posting everytime when someone has commited something to their VCS and there is no point in replying00:03
VDVsxjavispedro, teaser: "PS. I wrote this on the train. There's no Maemo offline client for vBulletin ;-)"00:03
pupnikgo ahead an be a real pain in the butt00:03
* VDVsx ROFL again00:04
* SpeedEvil stabs all forums.00:04
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SpeedEvilGlobal distribution of messages.00:04
SpeedEvilDoesn't matter if a server goes down00:04
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JaffaVDVsx: I couldn't resist making the troll. I'm a bad man.00:04
javispedronews rules. Reason I use gmane.00:04
SpeedEvilAdd global archiving by google et al, and it's so much better than forums...00:04
VDVsxJaffa, eheh00:05
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JaffaI barely count Modest as an offline email client, but it's still more pleasurable on spotty connection and/or N900 than a big complex forum transferring tens of KB of data00:05
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javispedroMaemo Pan!00:05
* lcuk gulps00:06
qwerty12_N900Jaffa: "pleasurable" and Modest in the same sentence? 0.o00:06
* javispedro adds "hildonizing pan" to long-term projects agenda. 00:06
lcukall the user side stuff is relative and stuff :$00:06
lcuk186 instances found00:06
* lcuk ducks00:06
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* javispedro would subscribe to mailing list only if he could ensure that the blinking led wouldn't be always blinking00:07
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, geneven was right all along, eh? ;)00:08
VDVsxlcuk, lolol00:09
* lcuk thinks that is the best twit feed evar00:09
VDVsxlcuk, are you following big ben clock on twitter ?00:09
lcukhell yeah00:09
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VDVsxwho's the friends that gives 'good' suggestions ;)00:10
lcuknd ive now gotta find a way to do a recursive fixup of all source files using /usr/share/liqbase00:10
qwerty12_N900He wants to hear what he will never be able to hear in Manchester00:10
lcukare you following it too00:10
VDVsxlcuk, no00:10
lcukyou should!00:10
GeneralAntillesRandom off-topic fun:
johnsqlcuk: vim look for global search and replace or cscope00:11
qwerty12_N900GeneralAntilles: Strike #1. We do not do random off-topic fun00:11
javispedro"Distribute Fixed In Fremantle shirts to contributors that didn't make it to the Summit" hey.00:11
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, MINE!00:12
javispedroI want a "my bug didn't get fixed in fremantle" t-shirt :)00:12
lcukluke wants to go to the cadburys factory00:12
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SuurorcaI'd rather have a "Fixed in "$" +1" shirt ;p00:13
* VDVsx likes some of the new features in firefox for maemo 00:13
javispedro"Fixed in Mistral. Now, get out of my lawn!"00:14
lcukjohnsq, never used vim00:14
qwerty12_N900VDVsx: Does it have one-hand usage yet?00:14
lcukand its not just direct string matches, it would need something a bit more adventerous00:14
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, doubt00:14
javispedrolcuk: outsource.00:14
* qwerty12_N900 puts his plans on hold00:15
lcukif i was changing it i wouldnt just change the /usr/share/liqbase for /opt/liqbase00:15
lcuklol javispedro00:15
lcuktheres code here thats not in any package00:15
VDVsxqwerty12_N900, syncs with the FF in your pc ;)00:15
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qwerty12_N900I use IE500:15
lcukwhat new stuff did they add in ie500:16
lcuki still have ie400:16
wazdfirefox almost did it00:16
javispedroqwerty12_N900: looked at how renders at ie5 lately? I doubt you use it to earn your daily intake of karma ;)00:16
wazdnow one more step - a button in desktop firefox to open all current tabs on n90000:17
qwerty12_N900javispedro: I turn off images, no need for them on a dial-up connection00:17
javispedroall we need now is a button in desktop firefox to initiate autodestruct in n900 and everything will be set!00:17
SpeedEviljavispedro: unfortunately, due to closed source, you can't do that.00:17
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* lcuk ponders 00:18
SpeedEviljavispedro: the self-destruct is binary only.00:18
Suurorcawhat, you can't do rm -rf? ;p00:18
johnsqjavispedro: just run at full cpu clock speed 100% time00:18
Suurorcaor do you mean the detonation switch ;D00:18
qwerty12_N900Open-source it so I can add it to liqbase's postinst00:18
SpeedEvilI was meaning the battery charging hardware00:19
qwerty12_N900lcuk: The one which insulted northerners00:19
javispedrothe n nine hundred self destruct sequence.00:19
wazd aaahaha, nerdalert! :D00:19
lcukthats already in svn somewhere00:19
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* Jaffa beds. Night all00:19
javispedrohey, that's my n900, he stole it!00:19
javispedrognite Jaffa00:19
Suurorcahmm, I wonder if the iphone has a switch to short-circuit the battery if carrier is a terrorist suspect ;P00:20
wazdJaffa: cya00:20
VDVsxgnite Jaffa00:20
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javispedroSuurorca: Steve Jobs calls it "order 66"00:20
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Suurorca...of course00:21
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qwerty12_N900There's an app for that00:21
Suurorca"Wanna have some funky fun? Explode your friend's phone!"00:23
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Jaffajavispedro: Heh. Watched Ep3 yesterday00:25
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javispedroJobso: "Execute Order 66" iPhones: "boo boom boom! And boom."00:27
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wazdit's UN. beleivable.00:30
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VDVsxno fan, woooooowww ;)00:32
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javispedroit's huugee00:34
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* javispedro triggers Pan displaying bug. I am reading messages posted at "12:N" am00:35
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serenityis there a package for a vm to test maemo 5?00:40
* javispedro already getting first negative votes for missing openttd-opengfx package in -testing :(00:40
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jeremiahserenity: I think really the closest is create a debian lenny virtual machine and install the SDK00:41
jeremiahI don't know of any pre-packaged VM images.00:41
jeremiahThough there must be some out there . . .00:41
serenityor just my running karmic00:41
jeremiahserenity: Sure. :)00:41
serenityok, thanks00:42
serenitybtw: Thanks to all devs, maemo is so great.00:42
jeremiahserenity: I agree - this is a good community with some great devs. :)00:43
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jeremiahAnd some friendly people.00:43
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serenityas usual in oss-"business".00:43
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* GeneralAntilles wishes Fennec weren't so choppy.00:45
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guakahi, I just bricked my N900 :/  any options apart from waiting for Nokia to come out with an image for the N900? (or is there one already?)00:46
ShadowJKsql \o/00:46
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javispedroah, we passed bug 6000 already00:47
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mfinkleGeneralAntilles: we're working on it00:49
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kamiserenity: is this helping?
VDVsxguaka, did you try to turn it on while connected to a plug ?00:52
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serenitykami: hmm, seems so :)00:52
infobotVDVsx meant: guaka, did you tried to turn it on while connected to a plug ?00:52
guakaVDVsx: yes, then it starts a loop (just added that to the bug)00:53
guakait actually turns itself on when I connect it, really weird00:53
VDVsxguaka, tried to remove the battery ?00:53
VDVsxprobably you ran out of space in the rootfs partition00:53
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guakaVDVsx: yeah, took out the battery out a couple of times, also tried both USB and power cable, and well, I think I had 22,9M free on / - pretty lame if that bricks the device still, plus I already put apt/cache/archives on another fs00:56
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guakabut... does this mean I'm now at the mercy of Nokia releasing an image to reflash the N900 with, or do I have other options?  (I don't want to use my crappy old phone again...)00:58
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VDVsxguaka, well, I think the only solution here is flash the device :(00:59
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guakaVDVsx: is there anything I can flash it with?01:01
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VDVsxguaka, some folks have signed images, but afaik they can't provide them, so you have to ask someone from Nokia :(01:03
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wiretappedLOL non-free OSes01:04
wiretappedluke-jr: ping?01:04
kynkyso you can download maemo flasher, but cant get fremantle images till official release, would think there should be a way to dump image from a new phone01:04
wiretappedGeneralAntilles: ping?01:04
GeneralAntillesguaka, the release should be really close now.01:04
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GeneralAntilleswiretapped, pong?01:04
wiretappedFIGHT WITH KNIVES!01:04
luke-jrwiretapped: what?01:04
javispedrodamn. damn. damn.01:04
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VDVsxkynky, you can use maemo flasher for the n8x001:05
GeneralAntillesguaka, apt-cache is already on another partition if you use h-a-m.01:05
* qwerty12_N900 likes wiretapped's style01:05
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guakaGeneralAntilles: h-a-m?01:05
GeneralAntillesHildon Application Manager01:05
kynkyVDVsx, yeah, but was implying n900 when i said fremantle01:05
VDVsxkynde, when they release the phone, I bet the images will be available in the same day ;)01:06
GeneralAntillesguaka, apt-get upgrade is not supported.01:07
GeneralAntillesParticularly when you have evil repositories installed.01:07
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kynkyVDVsx, hopefully so, i plan on doing some tinkering when i get my phone01:07
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: evil repositories are required for N900!01:07
* VDVsx has unable to brick his N900 so far, damn :P01:08
luke-jrVDVsx: dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/mtdblock101:08
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zashVDVsx: you say it like it's a bad thing01:08
GeneralAntillesguaka, providing a public image is, unfortunately, more complicated than it might seem.01:08
tekonivelnice to hear n900 has qik preinstalled01:08
GeneralAntillestekonivel, it doesn't.01:08
VDVsxzash, kidding, of course ;)01:08
guakaGeneralAntilles: I would expect to be fine, and I wasn't expecting my device to be bricked by using fremantle/free01:09
tekonivelGeneralAntilles: does too01:09
GeneralAntillesguaka, your device isn't bricked.01:09
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GeneralAntillesI know people like to play fast and loose with the term, but let's go for technical accuracy for the time being.01:09
qwerty12_N900tekonivel: Available for install from the app manager, not preinstalled01:09
GeneralAntillesguaka, that's the SDK repository.01:09
tekonivelqwerty12_N900: oh!01:10
GeneralAntillesIt's for use with the SDK ONLY.01:10
* javispedro angry. print (size_t)&(client->req_len) - (size_t)client = 256 on one stack frame, = 248 on another stack frame.01:10
GeneralAntillesPackages in there can and will harm your device when.01:10
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tekoniveli was adamantine it's preinstalled01:10
guakaGeneralAntilles: ehm, well, yeah it's a brick that makes light and vibrates if I want it to01:10
VDVsxtekonivel, don't worry it's easy to install :P01:10
GeneralAntillesguaka, brick is non-bootable non-recoverable.01:10
GeneralAntillesYou're effectively in the N900 equivalent of a reboot loop.01:10
GeneralAntillesExcept, less loopy.01:10
tekonivelVDVsx: i know (and i'll manage), bur how many n00bs will?01:11
guakaGeneralAntilles: I can't recover it until Nokia releases an image, which could be another month for all I know01:11
tekonivelotoh n900 isn't necessarily something a n00b would pick up01:11
GeneralAntillestekonivel, there will be links to Maemo Select and Ovi right from the desktop.01:11
GeneralAntillesIt will be available in the application manager with zero effort.01:11
GeneralAntillesguaka, it'll be this month.01:11
VDVsxtekonivel, the basics are pretty easy to use ;)01:11
kynkyhopefully this month01:11
tekonivelanyway, nice to get qik on n900 straight from the start01:12
GeneralAntillestekonivel, getting software on the N900 is dead simple.01:12
GeneralAntillesIf people can manage to find software on an iPhone, they can find software here.01:12
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wiretappedguaka: was the n900 your primary phone?01:12
wiretappedthat sucks in any case01:12
tekonivelGeneralAntilles: yeah sure, but i know maybe a million people who never thought about installing programs on their telephones01:12
VDVsxtekonivel, they did the core of the app in 3 days ;)01:13
tekonivelbut i must educate them :)01:13
guakawiretapped: yes, I was happy to dithc my crappy old phone01:13
* wiretapped says a temporary brick is still a brick, temporarily01:13
GeneralAntillesNokia probably should've figured out a way to get FIASCO images to Summit lessees if they expected them to do testing.01:13
GeneralAntillestekonivel, because it's complicated and non-obvious?01:13
javispedroGeneralAntilles: maybe they expected you to overjelously hide them in your safes... who knows :)01:13
tekonivelGeneralAntilles: non-obvious01:13
wiretappedguaka: I hope one of the people in this channel who is able to give you an image will do so01:14
GeneralAntillestekonivel, like I said, there are prominent links to both the Ovi Store and Maemo Select available on the desktop right out of the box.01:14
tekonivelGeneralAntilles: to many people is't like suggesting installing prograams on their door01:14
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, no one in this channel is able to distribute images.01:14
* tekonivel is looking for good videos of the n900 calendar01:15
GeneralAntillestekonivel, those people are unlikely to be buying a $600 phone.01:15
wiretappedlegally, maybe, but that is no reason not to help out an early adopter who's main phone is now non-functional01:15
* tekonivel has seen the two obvious ones01:15
kynkyiphone is more expensive i thought01:15
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, actually, it's an overwhelmingly important reason not to help.01:15
wiretappedI can't believe guaka is the first early adopter to need to reflash01:15
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GeneralAntillesHe's not.01:16
GeneralAntillesand he's not an early adopter.01:16
GeneralAntillesHe was loaned a free device from Nokia. ;)01:16
kynkywill nokia want it back ?01:16
wiretappedi don't see the difference01:16
wiretappedhe's using it01:16
guakamany of my friends are very interested in getting an n900, many of them never really did anything in a terminal and can be considered noobs...01:16
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GeneralAntillesguaka, OK?01:17
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GeneralAntilleswiretapped, either way, encouraging redistribution of pre-release Nokia firmware images is not an appropriate subject for this channel. :)01:17
* wiretapped wonders how many currently-bricked N900s there are out there01:17
GeneralAntillesI know of 2.01:17
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guakaif anyone feels with me and has some kind of solutions... kasper.souren@gmail.com01:18
luke-jrjavispedro: void* is not a size_t01:18
* wiretapped will encourage disregarding EULAs when he sees fit01:18
tekoniveli wonder if it's possible to develop a more advanced Phone-application for Maemo 501:18
wiretappedshame on anyone with an image who doesn't help guaka01:18
* kynky wonders how often ppl will com here saying they bricked their phone when its officially released01:18
tekoniveli've understood the telephony is where the Nokia Sikrits exist01:19
javispedroluke-jr: the issue was two conflicting struct declarations (due to one preprocessor usage in the struct declaration)01:19
javispedrothus the different member offsets.01:19
javispedroand I've spent four hours at this...01:19
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, not here you wont. :)01:20
VDVsxwiretapped, people with images probably don't want to take the risk to pass them around01:20
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javispedro(this is xorg I'm talking about :P)01:20
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wiretappedVDVsx: I can understand they might not want to say they are in channel01:20
wiretappedbut i would hope someone does the right thing and emails guaka one01:20
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, we want Nokians in the room to continue being able to participate without being at risk for job loss or legal action. :)01:20
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lcukguaka, where abouts are you.   ie are you in helsinki or something where an easy solution might be practical01:20
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, ++01:20
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, so consider this your first and only warning.01:21
wiretappedGeneralAntilles: AFAIK nokia is not responsible for my comments in this channel01:21
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guakalcuk: Brussels, Maastricht, Amsterdam01:21
lcukand have you contacted nokia themselves01:21
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, unfortunately management may not agree with that assessment for Nokians who participate in or around your conversation.01:21
GeneralAntillesThis channel is publicly logged and google-indexed.01:21
* wiretapped knows01:22
GeneralAntilleswiretapped, you choice of conversation subject makes it more difficult for them to participate here.01:22
luke-jrof course, the EULAs wiretapped is referring to have no binding force to them01:22
GeneralAntillesSo, again, first and only warning. We're not going to be encouraging redistribution of pre-release Nokia firmware images. Thanks.01:22
kynkyso in essence its warez01:22
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lcukguaka, was it you that made the bug report?01:22
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luke-jrkynky: not really01:22
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, there are no EULAs involved here. :)01:23
lcukkynky, it would be warez if anyone passed them on01:23
GeneralAntillesSigned legal documents are binding.01:23
realitygapshi guys, could upgrading the rootsh package on n900 cause me to join guaka and the other bricks? (i already dist-upgraded the long list of updates a while ago without knowing the risk)01:23
GeneralAntillesrealitygaps, no, it wasn't rootsh. :)01:23
kynkylcuk, thats what i was inferring, hence the off topic nature01:23
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: don't need to sign things to buy01:23
GeneralAntillesIt was dist-upgrading with the wrong repositories enabled.01:23
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: though I guess those "free" loans might have terms01:23
* wiretapped is extremely disappointed that guaka hasn't reported this problem has been solved yet01:24
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, but both RX-51 lessees and Nokia employees have.01:24
realitygapsGeneralAntilles: thx. which repos to avoid (devel?)01:24
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, no devices have been sold yet so no EULAs are involved here.01:24
GeneralAntillesrealitygaps, the SDK repository mostly.01:24
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: oh well01:24
GeneralAntillesrealitygaps, Extras-devel probably, although that status may change from week-to-week.01:24
* VDVsx has extras-devel enabled ;)01:24
guaka fremantle/free01:24
GeneralAntillesrealitygaps, generally speaking, apt-get upgrading or dist-upgrading is unsupported and likely to make your device unbootable.01:25
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lcukthats a bug in itself to be discussed another day01:25
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mtnmanhello everybody </drnickmode>01:25
lcukmer supports upgrades such as this doesnt it01:25
tekoniveli wish qik could be used to record the screen01:25
GeneralAntilleslcuk, bit unstable for them to be reliable just yet.01:26
lcuktekonivel, good idea01:26
guakalcuk: hmm, can I install mer at least?01:26
lcukbut compression doesnt work as well with ui01:26
tekonivellcuk: for tutorials etc01:26
lcukGeneralAntilles, its never been stable afaik01:26
realitygapskynky: yep im familiar with that thx01:26
lcuktekonivel, vnc2swf01:26
lcukor similar01:26
wazdis tpb down?01:26
tekoniveli better send them feedback straight away01:26
GeneralAntilleslcuk, OK, and that adds to what I said how?01:26
realitygapswazd: its down for me01:27
lcuki just said its a bug in itself01:27
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GeneralAntillesNokia is working towards an architecture that wont be quite so brittle01:28
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GeneralAntillesBut there's a lot of inertia in the wrong direction behind our current arrangement, so it will take a little time.01:28
lcukgen preaching to the choir, we read ML and stuff too :P01:29
wazdrealitygaps: thx01:31
tekonivelthere, sent email to qik01:31
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lcuknow, onto serious business, moobox updated code ontop of bug reports (as did many people)01:31
lcukplease have a look down list and install apps and test01:32
GeneralAntilleslcuk, not everybody here does, no.01:32
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* GAN900 sighs01:34
GAN900I lost my N900 for a couple of minutes.01:34
lcukat least nowadays you can call it01:35
GAN900It was the thing playing internet radio on the kitchen counter. <_<01:35
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pupnikmer is the true god01:35
VDVsxpupnik, are you using mer in your bricked n900 ? :P01:36
* guaka thinks there should be a USB slave mode, where the device is just a dumb drive (just like apples do with firewire)01:36
pupniki should start a summer programming camp in the nature for college girls01:37
pupnikwhonwill invest?01:38
tekonivelsecond life for n900?01:39
tekonivelbad idea01:39
lcukpupnik, Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.01:40
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zashlcuk: +101:41
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qwerty12_N900pupnik: Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to watch your live webcam feeds01:41
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pupnikno real01:43
pupnikteach their minds some discipline01:43
lcukqwerty12_N900, pupnik will happily sit in his chalet showing you movies, meanwhile the rest of us will be in the forest ummmm coding01:43
pupnikyes chalet01:44
pupniklets do it in austria or smth01:44
pupniknorthern italy?01:44
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guakado hardware bugs also go into  I find the back of the battery of the N900 very flaky already01:45
pupnikoh yes, and ski party as long as we relocate to mountains01:45
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GeneralAntillesguaka, flaky?01:45
* wiretapped is sure females in the channel are all encouraged to become programmers by this conversation01:45
lcukim sure males are encouraged to become programmers by this conversation too01:46
lcukso its all fair!01:46
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qwerty12_N900pupnik's summer programming camp in the nature for college girls will become a meatfest01:46
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lcukwinter camp consists of role reversal01:47
guakaGeneralAntilles, yeah, the thin surrounding of the battery is coming off already...01:47
* lcuk giggles @ xkcd01:48
guakaGeneralAntilles, so I wonder if that goes into or somewhere else?01:49
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GAN900guake, the back cover or the BL-5J?01:50
guaka(or maybe it will delay the release of the device and consequently the release of the image my communication life depends on... and I shouldn't report it)01:50
GAN900And it can go into b.m.o, but it's unlikely that anybody will ever look at it.01:50
guakaGAN900, if you mean the battery inside the N900 by BL-5J: yes01:51
lcukguaka, pics?01:51
lcukthe battery isnt a new component for this device01:51
lcukits in many things, i dont get what you mean01:51
GAN900The plastic wrapper?01:51
guakalcuk, since I got the N900 I stopped carrying my Canon Ixus around as well01:51
GAN900Who cares?01:51
guakaGAN900, yeah, plastic wrapper01:51
GAN900lcuk, two things, actually.01:52
GAN9005800 and N90001:52
guakaGAN900, the plastic wrapper on which BL-5J is written01:52
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lcukguaka, wtf have u been doing with your device, you kill it metaphorically, now you are gnawing on the battery :P01:54
tekoniveldoes n900 ship with one of those little remote controllers, that go between the device and headphones?01:54
tekoniveli can't find it mentioned01:54
guakalcuk, well, this has started when I got it... every time I have to take out the battery (which is often, since I'm between two countries/two SIMs) it's coming off a bit more01:55
lardmaninteresting, an AD-43 (I think) headset doesn't even work as a headset01:55
* guaka never understood why the SIM slot needs to be _under_ the battery01:56
lcuklardman, time for more of your  bt coding?01:56
lcukdunno guaka but there is usually method in most madness01:56
lardmanlcuk: wired headset01:57
lcukahh is this the one hrw mentioned earlier01:57
lardmanI think so01:58
lardmandmesg shows a gpio 177 and says a headset is plugged in, but no status area symbol and sound out of the main speakers01:58
lcuki wonder whether its just software ignore the signals01:58
lcukor if its not wired through in the first palce01:58
* lcuk should lookup01:59
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lcukraise as a bug then01:59
GAN900Anybody else always losing UPnP shares?01:59
lcukif it detects it as a headset01:59
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lardmanGAN900: yeah02:00
lardmanlcuk: works as a headset on the N81002:01
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lcukand half works as a headset here.  bug02:01
guakawould it work just to copy everything from a N900 root system, put that on a memory card and boot from that, somehow?02:01
lcukbut you do not have a spare n900 to even consider it02:02
lardmanhow long does it take for a package to get moved to extras-devel after building?02:02
lcukfollow up on your bug02:02
lcukabout 40 mins i think02:02
lcukdepends on timing02:02
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lardmanah ok, no wonder I can't get emerillon to build yet then02:02
guakalcuk, but there are plenty of people who have an N900 that's still working...02:03
lcuklibs are hard02:03
lcukthe delay gets me everytime02:03
lcuklardman, packages interface shows events.
lcukwith timestamps02:04
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lardmanI get 4 lines, top two are i386, bottom two armel02:07
tekonivelwhat's the use of pixelpipe, if sharing is already supported by maemo?02:07
tekonivelwhat's the extra value?02:07
lcuklardman, missing "imported" event02:08
lardmanah, ok02:08
lcukso its passed through autobuilder02:08
lcukbut in limbo02:08
lardmanin which case I'll hit the sack and upload emerillon again tomorrow02:08
realitygapslardman: i had the headset problem when i upgraded the packages with apt-get but it was fixed when i upgraded the held back packages02:09
lcukgnite simon02:09
tekonivelsome evil middleman will get to know what i'm sharing...02:09
lcuki thought pixelpipe was automatic?02:09
lcukor am i mixing that up with the vid one02:09
lardmannight all02:10
lcukRT: @big_ben_clock02:10
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tekonivelthe web is useless for finding information about fresh products like pixelpipe, it's all copy/paste from the marketing material and the product blog or someone hyping it up at a fair :(02:11
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guakacould I try flashing the n810 bootloader onto my temporary fancy brick?02:11
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GeneralAntillesEven if it would let you, no.02:12
GeneralAntillesDoing that would turn it from a pseudo brick into a real brick.02:12
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lcukgnite folks \o02:14
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VDVsxbed time, gnite :)02:15
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kamiI'm leaving too, gn8 @ll02:21
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GeneralAntillesThe Mozilla guys are super spammy.02:25
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* stelt wonders how well simulating a compass based on gps+map+accellerometer would work03:37
SpeedEvilAccellerometer is essentially useless for this.03:37
SpeedEvilUnless you can say something about its reference frame - for example that it's in a car holder03:38
SpeedEvil(and you assume the car isn't doing drifts)03:38
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stelti'm assuming calibration indeed03:38
Sho_SpeedEvil: unless you can get the user to run in a circle03:38
SpeedEvilstelt: if it's in a car holder, it's not impossible.03:39
SpeedEvilstelt: If it's handheld it's useless.03:39
SpeedEvilYou can't disentangle the way the user is holding the phone from the movements of the phone.03:39
SpeedEvilAnd in principle you can't detect rotations about the gravity axis - which is a kind of key feature for a compass.03:40
pupnik_have you seen video feedback?03:40
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* GeneralAntilles chuckles at the Android thread.03:40
GeneralAntillesAndroid people are so silly.03:40
steltI thought the acc... worked on all axes03:41
SpeedEvilYou can fake it in a car, as you can read the lateral accelleration, and you know the minimum turrning circle, and that it's actually more-or-less flat.03:41
SpeedEvilstelt: it does - but that doesn't help at all03:41
GeneralAntilles Classic03:41
SpeedEvilstelt: it tells you where a pendulum hung off the bottom of the device would point.03:41
SpeedEvilstelt: however it cannot tell you any more information than this.03:41
SpeedEvilstelt: If you rotate the device about the vertical axis - then there is no change in output from the accelerometer - as down is always pointing the same way03:42
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stelti understand, thanks. No Layar type of  applications on the n900 then :-(03:42
SpeedEvilWell - they're not so easy in some ways.03:43
SpeedEvilIf you can cope with forward = up - then it can be faked03:44
SpeedEvilbut - you can't  get it so that you can turn in a circle holding the device and it tracks your turn. Unfortunately.03:44
SpeedEvil(barring wackiness with the camera)03:45
ali1234actually.... you could do something. if you compare the direction of motion from gps with the accelerometer reading, you can calculate the relative rotation03:45
SpeedEvilno, you can't.03:46
ali1234yes, you can03:46
SpeedEvilYou have to start making assumptions about the way the n900 is being held.03:46
ali1234only while moving though03:46
steltwhen you're rotating on the spot, there's no difference in gps coordinates03:46
ali1234because if you're moving in a constant direction, and the orientation changes, that will register as an accelration03:46
SpeedEvilThe problem with that sort of approach is that in principle some of them might work.03:46
ali1234it only works while moving03:47
SpeedEvilBut, the accellerometer is quite noisy. And the GPS position updates once a second, and is very noisy03:47
SpeedEvilthis pretty much wrecks any attempt at being clever.03:47
steltvideo camera might help, though more complex03:48
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SpeedEvilI've done some numbers a while back - in some limited situations you can use it. That's the case when it's in a car - as you can solve for lateral accelleration, and lateral accelleration = turn, if you assume you knew the speed, then you can work out the turn radius.03:48
SpeedEvilBut noise rapidly builds up then. The accelleration noise is of the order of 1cm/s^2 - after 100s you're 1m/s out, and 50m out of position.03:49
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steltcalibrate it by aiming the videocamera at an old-fashioned compass every time you stop to do a slow 'augmented reality' look around then03:54
SpeedEvilAR is some way off - you need a hell of a lot of data for it to work03:54
SpeedEvilwork well03:54
ali1234even with a digital compass AR would still suck03:55
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SpeedEvilali1234: why? - other than the lack of data?03:56
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steltjust some floating textboxes superimposed on video of the camera (like in layar) would be nice already03:56
ali1234lack of data (accuracy and speed)03:56
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fureddoHi Mikkov_03:57
poiuytstelt: the biggest problem with using gps as compass is resolution03:58
poiuytif you stand still and turn round you will not have a new position03:58
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steltOK, next n900 'problem', i can't connect a USB keyboard, is there a way to workaround ?03:59
Proteousget a bluetooth keyboard?03:59
fureddomikkov_, Could you tell me what are the file permissions for the /opt directory?04:00
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GAN900stelt, unknown at this point.04:02
fureddomikkov_, Could you also tell me if you have a existing directory named /opt/tomotko?04:02
poiuytis the usb totally useless then?04:02
GAN900Likely, but it has the potential to inolve hardware modification.04:02
poiuytGAN900: like the 770 power injector type modification?04:03
poiuytor something more drastic04:03
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dmj7261I would be happy if it can be done via simple software hack and power injection.04:05
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steltWifi-stream the N900 screen to a big screen is an idea i really like, combine that with a bluetooth keyboard and your N900 can act as a desktop. Not as fast, not as high resolution, but certainly usable already.04:07
GeneralAntillespoiuyt, possibly something more drastic, but I really have no idea.04:07
poiuytarg, ok i have a blutooth keyboard, hope it works better than on my N81004:08
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poiuytstelt: wifi strem to where vnc works now on n81004:08
poiuytand i think the n900 has video out04:09
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poiuyti have seen videos04:09
steltit does with cable or Wifi/DL..04:09
steltDigital Living something04:10
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steltNetwork Alliance04:10
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steltthen you really need only one computer: the N90004:11
poiuytbut you need a tv that supports it to?04:12
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poiuytstelt when i get an n900 i will use it for everything04:13
poiuyti have been saving up for a long time04:13
steltor a monitor hooked to a PC that does it.04:13
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poiuytbut you said i only need a n90004:13
poiuyti cannot buy both04:13
steltjust a dusty old computer will do for the DLNA 'receiver' i guess04:14
poiuytwait there i will check what i have04:14
poiuytmy computer is a fast one, it says it has double the rom04:16
fureddoAnyone with a N900 would have time to test something?04:17
poiuytit says it is a celeron and is 466mhx and has 265mb of memory.  will that work?04:17
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poiuytstelt will my computer run dlna to my n900?04:18
stelti have no idea04:18
poiuyti think it will, the man who i bought it from said it was top of the range04:19
poiuytwhen is the n900 available to buy stelt04:20
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steltthis month they say04:26
poiuytthat will be good everybody must be very excited04:27
poiuyti must go again now.  my high speed internet is used up.04:29
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poiuytstelt can you send me an email when it is released?04:30
steltask nokia instead04:30
poiuytwill they send me an email?04:30
poiuytthe man is hurrying me, i dont have more money to pay for internet, please email me at when it is released.04:31
poiuytgoodbye stelt i wait to hear from you04:32
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steltyou can pre-order04:37
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dmj7261Anybody have any questions they want asked at the Chicago Nokia event?04:54
GeneralAntillesOf whom?04:56
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dmj7261I don't know.05:03
dmj7261I don't know who's there, but I can try and have questions asked.05:03
pupnik_coing to helsinki?05:04
dmj7261nope, I just have family attending the Chicago event today.05:05
samadhello all05:05
GeneralAntillesdmj7261, my suspicion is that whoever's there wont have anything useful that I don't already know. :D05:06
GeneralAntilles /brag05:06
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dmj7261 /jealousy :P05:06
samadi am implementing camera for N900 but i got the error GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(message) == GST_MESSAGE_ERROR plz help me05:07
dmj7261I couldn't attend, so I sent my parents.05:07
mtnmanhello everybody </drnickmode>05:07
samadi think i can't initialize pipeline properly whats the procedure05:08
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dmj7261samad: I'm curious, what kind of camera app are you writing?05:18
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samaddmj7261: to take a picture05:20
dmj7261any special aspects of taking a picture or just a simple test app?05:21
samaddmj7261: this is the part of another application05:22
dmj7261ah...which one?05:23
samadActually if u dont ask me i will be happy05:24
* mtnman doesn't ask anything05:24
uhsfis it possible to use the n##0 as a bluetooth keyboard + pointing device for a pc?05:25
dmj7261okay, forgive my curiousity.  It is deadly to small, domesticated felines.05:25
samaddmj7261: plz dont mind05:25
dmj7261I don't mind, I just figured that it would be neat to know if you were interested in sharing details.05:26
mtnmanuhsf i would imagine with vnc you could do that05:26
uhsfmtnman: i know obviously that i can ssh or use synergy through network connection05:28
`0660uhsf, check BlueMaemo05:28
uhsfi'll check bluemaemo05:28
samaddmj7261: Anyway could u help me regarding this issue05:28
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dmj7261samad: I was looking at doing camera stuff myself, but I don't have a device to actually start working on so I haven't done much.05:30
uhsfbluemaemo is exactly what i was looking for. turn n##0 into a bluetooth keyboard + pointing device, ty `066005:30
dmj7261I can tell it's some sort of Gstreamer error I think but someone else might know a lot more than I.05:31
samaddmj7261: i have also no device05:31
dmj7261how are you able to test the camera app then?05:31
samaddmj7261: thanks05:32
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sarowerGood morning all,06:15
sarowerusing the API, gst_element_factory_make("v4l2src" "camera_src");06:16
sarowerProducing error!06:16
sarower: gstbasesrc.c(2551): gst_base_src_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstV4l2Src:camera_src:Check your filtered caps, if any06:16
sarowerAnybody, any help?06:17
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dmj7261I'm sad! :(06:41
dmj7261It sounds like a hardware type issue caused the n900 delay. :(06:41
microlithdmj7261: any more info on this or?06:44
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ShadowJKor just pure speculation?06:44
* ShadowJK thought they wanted to fix more software issues first after non-nerds started wanting the device06:45
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dmj7261This is just what seemed to be what they were implying based on what my family that got to attend the nokia event said.07:07
dmj7261My family was very impressed by the video out and the video webcasting though.07:08
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dmj7261also verizon is definitely not supported.07:11
dmj7261I previously thought it was, but the verizon (cdma) frequencies are only supported on n900 as gsm, and the cdma component uses other frequencies.07:12
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ShadowJKverizon was known07:13
dmj7261I hadn't been able to find info about it.07:13
ShadowJKcdma was never in any n900 specs07:13
dmj7261yes it is.07:13
dmj7261just different frequencies.07:13
ShadowJKthere's wcdma which isn't the same thing07:13
dmj7261look at operating frequency07:13
GeneralAntillesdmj7261, WCDMA != CDMA07:14
dmj7261Oh...didn't realize07:14
dmj7261what is the difference?07:14
ShadowJKcdma is only used in like USA and maybe Japan07:14
GeneralAntillesChina, too.07:15
asjhong kong I think?07:15
ShadowJKI thought that was tcdma?07:15
dmj7261wcdma is where?07:16
asjcould be. I was talking with a motorla rep and I guess some small 3rd world countries really like iDEN since it's cheap to deploy. go figure.07:16
ShadowJKrest of the world07:16
dmj7261ah...usa carrier shenanigans are awful07:17
ShadowJKbasically the n900 3g will work in usa on tmobile and nowhere else07:18
ShadowJKthe gsm/edge works on at&t too07:18
dmj7261ah okay07:19
asjShadowJK: what's the umts freq of the world n900? 900/2100?07:19
asjsorry, wcdma07:19
ShadowJKall n900 have the same bands07:19
asjthere isn't a nam/rest of the world?07:19
dmj7261grrr...why do they do this?07:19
ShadowJK900/2100 is probably most used07:19
ShadowJKasj: nafaik07:19
asj850 is popping up down here a lot, I think both AU and NZ have 850 deployments.  Allows for competion around the 850/900 range by different carries in rural settings07:20
dmj7261I suppose the project black plans don't look too bad.07:20
dmj7261What do you other americans think?07:20
GeneralAntillesT-Mobile doesn't have any coverage.07:21
asjno 3g coverage07:21
dmj7261how will calling coverage be?07:21
GeneralAntillesDepends on where you are.07:22
dmj7261I'm not terribly concerned with having 3g absolutely everywhere, since I spend most of my time in university buildings/dorms/apartments where wireless is plentiful.07:22
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dmj7261I'm in Illinois.07:25
asjtmobile used to be good with regional companies providing coverage in the midwest, with like centenial wireless and dobson. since they've all been/being up by att....I think each company has it's stronger areas, att is very weak in the south for example07:27
GeneralAntillesBetter than T-Mobile for me, however.07:28
dmj7261used to be?07:28
dmj7261It looks like you will not be able to make a call very far from the highway.07:30
microlithI'll probably jump to T-Mo in december, as I'm gonna be on edge regardless with AT&T as it is07:34
microlithand they offer 3G service in the places I tend to go, anyway07:34
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dmj7261GeneralAntilles: where do you live?07:39
anvith3i just installed openSSh on my N810 and connected it to my laptop.i'm running Ubuntu 9.04. now everytime i connect the device thru usb cable it gets detected as a network device07:40
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anvith3what if i want to connect it as a USB mass storage07:42
anvith3can anybody guideme?07:42
johnxinstalling ssh was not what caused it to be detected as a network device, I'm pretty sure07:42
johnxalso: mornin' all07:42
GeneralAntillesHey, johnx.07:43
anvith3well i followed the maemo diablo trainig guide07:43
johnxanvith3, can I have a link to that? not familiar with it...07:43
GeneralAntillesPretty sure it guides you through setting up USBnet.07:43
anvith3General antilles07:43
johnxanvith3, so you want to use usb net sometimes? or just ssh over wifi?07:44
anvith3i was going through the guide step by step so i went thru with it07:45
anvith3am still a beginnerbut want to learn how to develop for the Maemo platform07:46
dmj7261so has tmobile coverage gotten a lot worse in the last year?07:47
johnxdmj7261, seems the same here (seattle-ish)07:48
anvith3GeneralAntilles : do I delete the entries i made in the /etc/network/interfaces on my laptop to revert?07:48
anvith3johnx : ?07:48
GeneralAntillesBrrr, it got cold out.07:48
johnxanvith3, just read the guide. try this (on the tablet): ifdown usb0 && rmmod g_ether07:49
johnxyou'll need to be root for it07:49
dmj7261their coverage map seems to ndicate that you need to go near highways and major cities to make calls.07:49
anvith3 ifup sets it up ifdown disable?07:49
johnxdmj7261, well, that covers me pretty well :)07:49
johnxanvith3, correct07:49
johnxit's short for InterFace down07:49
dmj7261me for the most part too, but I have occasionally been further outside that area.07:49
johnxdmj7261, only time I was really out of coverage in any semi-populated area there was no AT&T coverage at all07:50
johnxthe verizon/sprint phone owners weren't having any trouble though07:50
johnxit was really weird ...07:50
dmj7261so tmobile will have coverage in the same places as att?07:50
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johnxnot necessarily07:51
dmj7261I have verizon now, but the phones suck07:51
anvith3can java apps be run on the device ? i know its not natively supported but  saw a Dr Dobbs page abt how we can install Jalimo VM and run java class files07:51
dmj7261(Droid is uninteresting to me until they have an official maemo or ubuntu port that makes phone calls)07:51
johnxanvith3, anything you've read about java is more than what I've read :)07:51
microlithdmj7261: T-Mobile's coverage is significantly smaller than AT&T's in the US07:52
Xisdibikmicrolith: but AT&T sucks ;)07:52
johnxanvith3, this looks interesting though, but obviously has limitations:
microlithXisdibik: that and it doesn't do 3G with the N90007:52
Xisdibikid say the 2nd reason is most important ;)07:53
Xisdibikthey have honestly been going rapidly downhill ever since they took on the iphone07:53
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johnxOTOH, when you do have coverage, t-mo doesn't seem to drop calls as much as at&t07:53
dmj7261so the tmobile affiliates that att bought don't work anymore?07:53
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anvith3well the java query was for a friend . i'm personally interested in developing in either python or Qt07:53
anvith3problem is i dunno both07:53
anvith3 so learning07:54
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johnxanvith3, do you know a programming language?07:54
anvith3a bit of C+07:54
anvith3am an under grad in my final year07:54
anvith3 learnig java and C# now07:54
dmj7261has anyone compared tmobile coverage to verizon (no n900 but reference point for me as it's what I currently have)?07:54
Xisdibikwhat no C# anvith3 ? :P07:54
Xisdibik i learned that in my 2nd year i think07:55
anvith3i'm frm india07:55
anvith3syllabi are different07:55
Xisdibiki quit comp sci after my 2nd year ;)07:55
johnxwell, C, C++, C# (mono) are all there07:55
microlithwhat I want to hear is if the N900 works properly on softbank or any of the other GSM providers in Japan07:55
johnxsyllabi are waaay different even in different US universities07:55
johnxmicrolith, frequencies?07:55
johnxalso, pay as you go?07:55
Xisdibikmicrolith: DoCoMo uses 2100 mhz WCDMA which the phone gets07:56
Xisdibiki know this as my AT&T phone has 2100 Mhz HSPDA and i got signal on SOftbank AND NTT DoCoMo07:56
Xisdibikfor all i know AU also supports it, they just may not have a contract with AT&T ;)07:56
Xisdibikyou in japan microlith or planning to travel there?07:56
johnxAU is CDMA I thought?07:57
anvith3i have plans of developing a text to speech app or something on the same lines . Flite was ported to N770 but dunno if i'll be way in over my head if i take it up as my final year project07:57
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microlithXisdibik: floating my resume with some recruiters, trying to work my way over there07:57
johnxflite is in the n800/n810 as well, but yeah, would be neat to have a more natural text to speech engine, optimized for ARM07:57
Xisdibikjohnx: WCDMA =/= the same CDMA u find in USA07:57
Xisdibikbut they could be07:57
johnxXisdibik, that was my point :)07:57
Xisdibiki thought only one other country uses CDMA and it wasnt japan07:58
anvith3is there a flite app or the N8x007:58
johnxXisdibik, S. Korea does, as does some Canadian carrier07:58
microlithJapan uses CDMA, I know for a fact that at least in 2003 AU did07:58
johnxanvith3, think so. I believe I used it once for a quick hack07:58
Xisdibikah then maybe AU does07:58
dmj7261this is not good:
Xisdibikno one uses AU anymore anyways ;)07:58
microlithmy cheap sanyo and its 3G qualcomm chipset says so at least07:59
johnxXisdibik, I did up to 5 months ago :P07:59
johnxloved my phone at the time07:59
Xisdibikwhy did u switch from them :P07:59
johnxI moved to the US :P07:59
Xisdibikwhy the hell would you do something stupid like that :P07:59
johnxbecause I wanted to stop teaching english and get back into IT08:00
Xisdibikdo IT in japan!08:00
johnxcouldn't at the time. tried for sure08:00
Xisdibikah ok08:00
Xisdibikthen your excuse is acceptable08:00
johnxheh :P08:00
Xisdibikmy gf refuses to let me teach english in japan though08:00
Xisdibikshe says they have a bad reputation :P08:01
johnxyeah. we were pretty tough08:01
Xisdibiknot that kinda reputation08:01
johnx...wearing our leather jackets, smoking and ... carousing?08:01
Xisdibikmaybe that one08:02
johnxyeah, and for me at least it was high stress, low pay and crappy hours08:02
* microlith shuffles through the now empty memory of his old japanese cellphone08:02
johnxwhy are japanese cell phones so freaking huge?08:02
Xisdibikthey are no bigger than the n900 imho08:03
johnxthinking JP dumb phones vs US dumb phones...08:03
Xisdibikbecause JP dumb phones get 500x more use than a US dumb phone08:04
johnxbut then there's the xperia x10 which is *not* smaller than an n900 I think08:04
johnxyeah. I don't think the battery was bigger on my W51S though ...08:04
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Xisdibiki ment more like, wear a tear08:05
Xisdibikthe japanese build their phones to last a bit longer08:05
Xisdibikthe ones ive seen have thick plastic08:05
Xisdibikstrong clamshell joints etc08:06
johnxI have two SE phones here...but yeah, I guess I could believe that08:06
Xisdibikthat oh so joyous click sound when you shut them08:06
Xisdibikim heading back over there for a bit in january08:06
Xisdibikcant wait08:06
Xisdibikim gonna stand in tokyo showing off my awesome n900 that no one can get ;)08:07
Xisdibikassuming the release it in time -_-08:07
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johnxmmm...I'd love to go on vacation there...with money this time :)08:07
johnxheh, I've been doing that here. I have to admit, it's kinda fun :>08:08
Xisdibikjohnx: having been there up until 5 months ago, theres no way to rent a sim card for like unlimited net access for a few month or something?08:08
Xisdibikfew = 1 month , sorry08:08
anvith3johnx:  ifdown usb0 && rmmod g_ether   do i type this on one line08:08
anvith3this is what i typed earlier   insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/g_ether.ko08:08
anvith3# ifup usb008:08
johnxXisdibik, I honestly don't know. might be easier to do it with a company from over here, but the prices will be highway robbery...08:09
johnxanvith3, seems right08:09
RST38hmoo all08:09
Xisdibikjohnx: well Tmobile has the like $10 per meg or something like that08:09
anvith3so do i type  ifdown usb0 && rmmod g_ether on on eline?08:09
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Moo___RST38h: yes08:10
XisdibikAT&T had the plan of like 29$ for 20 megs + $5 /meg after that08:10
johnxanvith3, yeah. or:08:10
johnxifdown usb008:10
johnxrmmod g_ether08:10
johnxRST38h, m00f08:10
RST38hUmgh =)08:10
anvith3because everytime i k08:11
anvith3sorry abt that08:11
johnxno worries08:11
anvith3everytime i connect the device i get diconnected from my internet connection08:11
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RST38hInteresting, I experienced the same a few times08:12
johnxyour laptop disconnects from the inet, or your tablet does?08:12
RST38hN900 connects to the router, router shortly drops all connections08:12
anvith3my laptop08:12
anvith3yeah i have a wireless router08:12
RST38hThen reestablishes them, apparently rebooting08:12
johnxRST38h, power saving mode?08:13
RST38hjohnx: Don't think so, why would it drop all the other connections?08:13
johnxanvith3, is your tablet still being detected as a network device?08:13
RST38hnot as in "disconnect tcpip session" but as in "disconnect all wireless clients"08:13
samadi need to know the difference between VIDEO_SRC "v4l2src" and  "v4l2camsrc"08:13
anvith3just a min08:13
johnxRST38h, PSM fills up the buffers, router dies, reboots, all is rosy08:14
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RST38hjohnx: But isn't PSM already running for the other clients? What changed?08:14
johnxRST38h, depending on the other clients, they probably aren't being nearly as aggressive with their PSM settings08:15
anvith3now its not getting detected at all08:15
johnxanvith3, that's a start :)08:15
RST38hhmm true08:15
anvith3now what do i do?08:16
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anvith3if i connect this device on another sysytem say a windows one it should detect the usb mass storage rt08:17
johnxanvith3, well...I kind of expected it to work already. we can keep troubleshooting or you can try rebooting the tablet. your choice08:17
anvith3thanks Johnx08:19
anvith3it worked08:20
anvith3so every time i have to connect the device as a USBnet i enter the up command and to disconnect the down command08:20
johnxanvith3, yes. and you shouldn't have to reboot...but I don't know what happened08:20
johnxto bring it up: insmod, ifup08:21
anvith3and ifdown and rmmod to shutdown08:21
johnxyeah... no idea why it doesn't work08:22
johnxanyways, later08:22
johnxwatchin' tv :)08:22
anvith3whre are u frm?08:22
dmj7261anyone have advice for getting inexpensive phones for use on tmobile?08:26
dmj7261preferably with reasonably large, high contrast keys.08:28
dmj7261since this would be a grandma phone.08:28
RST38hGoogle then.08:28
dmj7261that's what I'm doing.08:28
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wazdheya all08:55
* RST38h moos at wazd08:58
RST38happlication menu stuck again =(08:58
wazdAhaha, I have 641 karma, hehe :)08:59
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RST38hwazd: you are welcome :)09:02
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wazdRST38h: :P09:03
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wazdI wonder if membership in garage project affects the counter09:08
sarowerGood morning all, using the API, gst_element_factory_make("v4l2src" "camera_src"); Producing error! : gstbasesrc.c(2551): gst_base_src_start (): /GstPipeline:pipeline/GstV4l2Src:camera_src:Check your filtered caps, if any09:09
sarowerAny help or any comments?09:09
sarowerAnother thing: I want that when debian package1 will be installed then package2 will be installed automatically after package1.09:14
sarowerHow it could be done09:14
sarowerHow package2 could be integrated with package1?09:14
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dmj7261I guess the comment in this post was what I heard about09:22
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tigertsarower: package dependencies09:45
sarowertigert: in the control file?09:46
tigertwherever package dependencies are set09:46
tigertI think its there09:46
sarowertigert: But in that case it is needed the package must be in a repository09:46
sarowertigert: right?09:46
tigertthe same place you specify you depend on libgtk or whatever09:46
tigertsarower: yes09:46
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tigertsarower: your packge needs to be in a repository anyway09:47
sarowertigert: But i do not want that09:47
tigertfor users to be able to install it09:47
tigertbecause application manager doesnt let you install a .deb in maemo5 as far as I know09:47
sarowertigert: I want to do that locally09:47
tigertand repository has the advantage of delivering updates to the user too09:47
sarowertigert: But possible from command prompt09:47
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tigertthen you need to dpkg -i mypackage.deb myotherpackage.deb09:48
tigertthats what repositories are for09:48
sarowertigert: This is separately09:49
tigertso you can just apt-get install foobar09:49
tigertand it figures out the other stuff needed for you09:49
sarowertigert: Ok, i know about that!09:49
Anvith3xchat for the first time on n81009:49
Anvith3i'm loving it09:49
tigertsarower: but I dunno if there is a way to make dpkg automatically install another package09:49
tigertit will complain at least that you need the other installed first09:50
sarowertigert: hmm thats the problem09:50
tigertso if you do dpkg -i one.deb two.deb it works09:50
tigertbut you need to know you have to do both09:50
sarowertigert: yes09:50
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Anvith3u there johnx?09:57
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johnxsarower, make a local (file:///) repository?10:06
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johnxstill not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish overall...10:06
sarowerjohnx: How it could be? can you have an example10:06
johnxdeb file:///home/user/MyDocs/debs diablo free10:07
johnxsarower, let me guess your goal: to distribute your program to a limited group of people and have it install in one click10:08
johnxput it all in one .deb10:08
johnxanything else will be unnecessarily complicated10:09
sarowerjohnx: yes..10:09
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johnxapt wasn't really conceived with the idea of non-public repositories I think...10:10
sarowerjohnx: Yes I think so10:10
johnxso is there a reason you can't combine your program into one .deb?10:11
sarowerjohnx: Actually i did not find any way to combine yet10:12
sarowerjohnx: That means i do not know how to combine10:12
johnxwell, you did the packaging once right?10:12
sarowerjohnx: yes....10:12
johnxI assume you wrote your own makefile and everything?10:13
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sarowerjohnx: ya10:13
johnxso your have src1/ and src2/ and both contain a makefile and a debian/ directory?10:13
johnxah. hey andre__ :)10:15
johnxI think I owe you a clarification on my bug report O_o;10:16
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sarowerjohnx: Sorry i was not here.10:30
sarowerjohnx: Yes i have so10:30
sarowerjohnx: have src1/ and src2/ and both contain a makefile and a debian/ directory10:31
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KhertanHi !10:32
johnxcreate a makefile one level up from src1/ and src2/ and make a new debian/ directory at that level. or was the problem something else?10:32
johnxhey Khertan10:32
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sarowerjohnx: I have not tried so?10:34
johnxwell, you were asking how to combine your stuff into one .deb10:34
johnxthat's how you do it10:35
* Khertan require some help to resolv his networking connection problem do to an install of pc-connectivity-manager which is a #:!"é'é"'é"10:35
Khertanhi johnx10:35
Khertanwhat is the content of /etc/resolv.conf on your n900 ?10:35
sarowerjohnx: Hmm but what will be there in the newly created makefile and debian directory?10:36
Khertanstill no image available for n900 for flashing ?10:37
johnxsarower, use the top level makefile to build and install the contents of src1 and src210:37
sarowerjohnx: and debian directory?10:37
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Khertannoone can help me ?10:38
johnxit needs to call the new top-level makefile appropriately10:38
johnxKhertan, I'll tell you the contents in a sec. hang on10:38
Khertanthx johnx10:38
Khertanhum ... microb still didn't connect to google.com10:40
Khertanthere is something else10:40
johnxKhertan, is dnsmasq running?10:40
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Khertanbut maybe pc-connectivity manager scratch also the config10:41
johnxcan you ping out from the terminal?10:41
Khertani can't due to the limitation of the isp10:42
Khertanso difficult to test10:42
Khertangprs0 is up10:42
Khertanseems connected10:42
johnxwait, IRC works?10:42
Khertanok ... everythings is commented in the dnsmasq config file10:42
Khertanmy isp blocks everythings that isn't http https or dns10:43
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Khertani m connected with a pc right now10:43
johnxah, got it10:43
johnxif you could install a telnet client on the n900 it might help you debug10:43
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Khertanyep but without networking it s difficult to install something10:44
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johnxnot too bad. telnet shouldn't have deps (if it even exists)10:44
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Stskeepsdanielwilms: thanks :)10:45
danielwilmsStskeeps :) you're welcome10:46
Khertanit s clearly a dns resolv problem10:46
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Khertani was able to connect to google by an ip of their server10:46
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danielwilmsStskeeps I visited denmark last week! it was really nice ;) just as a comment :)10:47
johnxKhertan, nslookup @127.0.0110:47
Khertancould you put me in pastebin the content of dnsmasq.conf file on pastebin ?10:47
Stskeepsdanielwilms: hehe, must have caught us on the right time then ;)10:47
Khertanjohnx: can't resolv google.com10:48
danielwilmsStskeeps hehe...yeah...saw the sun...this was unbelievable :D10:48
KhertanServer :
KhertanAddress 1 : Nokias-N900-41-1010:48
johnxpastebinit is the coolest thing ever!10:49
* johnx must live in a cave or something10:49
samadi need to restart the n900 device from an aplication popup menu dialog , any help plz?10:49
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johnxsamad, put your program in /etc/sudoers.d/ or run with suid root10:51
johnxor wait for someone to suggest something that's not a hack10:52
suihkulokkisamad: you _are_ doing something wrong if you need to restart from app menu10:53
samadjohnx: if i use suid the how i can give password ?10:53
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johnxsuihkulokki, what if he's writing an advanced power management control panel?10:54
johnxif the binary is suid root that means you can run with root privileges with no password10:55
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johnxconversely, if you're not writing an advanced power management control panel, you are most assuredly doing it wrong :)10:57
samadjohnx: that means according to you system("sudo reboot"); should work10:57
johnxif you put an entry under /etc/sudoers.d for it10:58
johnxnow. tell me why you want to reboot from a dialog?10:58
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samadjohnx: i need to write custom vibration pattern to the mce.ini file so need to restart10:59
* johnx wonders if he can just restart mce ...11:00
samadi am not clear11:01
johnxheh...I tried /etc/init.d/mce restart11:01
johnxcrashed my phone11:01
johnxit *did* trigger a reboot though :>11:01
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johnxyeah, probably the least ugly way is to avoid the whole suid root thing and just make an entry for 'reboot' under /etc/sudoers.d/ and then sudo reboot11:02
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samadjohnx: that means i have to create file and have to write sudo reboot ?11:04
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mgedminsamad, look at other files for examples11:06
mgedminor read man sudoers11:06
* RST38h found a terrible, TERRIBLE bug11:07
RST38hnot sure whether it is in my code or the system code though11:07
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Khertanjohnx: thx sorry boss was entering in the office room :)11:09
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KhertanRST38h: ?11:13
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Khertanjohnx: THANKS A LOT ! YOU RESOLV MY PROBLEM !!!11:15
Khertanjohnx: THANKS A LOT ! YOU RESOLV MY PROBLEM !!!11:15
Khertanjohnx: THANKS A LOT ! YOU RESOLV MY PROBLEM !!!11:15
Khertanjohnx: THANKS A LOT ! YOU RESOLV MY PROBLEM !!!11:15
Khertanjohnx: THANKS A LOT ! YOU RESOLV MY PROBLEM !!!11:15
Khertanyep but a flood of thanks !11:16
RST38hKhertan: When media player is playing music, go to iNES, open the menu11:16
RST38hKhertan: It will get stuck in the menu and you won't be able to kill it because "Program not responding" dialog pops up UNDER the menu11:17
RST38hThe second part is definitely Maemo's problem11:17
Khertanin the same way try quake3 and open the camera ... :)11:17
RST38hNot sure about the first part though, have to research11:17
* RST38h has nto found a way to exit Quake3 btw11:18
Khertanthis is why i ve try with the camera :)11:18
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Khertani ven't found a way too11:18
StskeepsRST38h: i think those might be fixed in later hildon-desktops11:18
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mgedminRST38h, to quit quake 3, press fn+ctrl, then type /quit11:19
RST38hmgedmin: Oh. Thanks!11:19
Khertanfrom what i can see there is update available for hildon-desktop11:19
RST38hSts: To me it looks like pulseaudio init/shutdown problem11:19
Khertanbut i ll let other trying it before me :)11:19
RST38hSts: But I will have to recheck when I get home tonight11:19
Khertanthere is also update for kernel pulseaudio11:20
Khertanthx mgedmin11:20
RST38hApp-menu-not-scrolling bug appeared again today, btw. Fixed it by restarting hildon-desktop11:20
RST38hKhertan: Update where? =)11:20
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RST38hKhertan: apt-get upgrade hildon-desktop ? =011:21
* mgedmin would not risk apt-get upgrading hildon-desktop11:21
Khertanapt-get upgrade11:21
Khertangive at least 61 new packages11:21
Khertandon't know if it s come from extras devel or nokia rep11:21
Khertanbut i ll be the first to try :)11:22
RST38hwell, you should definitely DISABLE extras-devel if you do decide to do an upgrade11:22
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qwerty12Khertan, unless you have a image with which you can flash your N900 with, I wouldn't advise it11:23
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Khertanqwerty12: yep ...11:23
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KhertanThere is no news of available images ?11:24
SpeedEvilthat really needs to be in the topic.11:24
SpeedEvilDO nOT APT-GET upgrade11:24
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Khertanspecially hildon-desktop when doing apt-get upgrade from xterm :)11:25
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RST38hSpeedEvil: Well it works on Maemo4 if you are careful11:26
mgedminI think people who know enough *how* to be careful with apt-get are those who can disregard a "do not apt-get upgrade" warning11:26
SpeedEvilyeah - I mean - if there are apparantly sane things to do that brick the device, they should be in the topic11:26
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SpeedEvil'don't rm -rf /' shouldn't be11:27
* RST38h is afraid to upgrade maemo5 though. No 41.10 image to flash11:27
qwerty12SpeedEvil, alas, many people come here *after* they have bricked their device...11:28
cvandonderenis there a DBUS command to test the notification LED?11:28
johnxSpeedEvil, not having it there separates the sys admins from the users :)11:28
SpeedEvilqwerty12: yes, true.11:28
cvandonderenmy blue flash does not work anymore11:28
SpeedEvilqwerty12: in which case we can point at the topic and say they should have used IRC.11:28
SpeedEvilqwerty12: :)11:28
cvandonderen(or there is a bug somewhere)11:29
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johnxuser: "Why would they put it there if it didn't work?" sys admin: "Why would you think it would work if you've never seen it work?"11:31
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SpeedEvilI do like the Openmoko Freerunners approach.11:32
SpeedEvilA hardware button held down gives you a seperate boot, from flash that the user can't update without a debug board.11:33
johnxyup. that's the beagle method11:33
johnxvery nice setup11:33
fatal^anyone feel like reporting a bug on LBreakout2 (from extras) for me? ... postinst needs (the now apparently deprecated) maemo-select-menu-location, but apparently there's a missing dependency.11:33
SpeedEvilOf course, this costs $2 or so more.11:33
johnxSpeedEvil, should be cheap to implement it as part of the 1st stage bootloader11:34
johnxnot totally bulletproof, but much more bullet resistant ;)11:34
SpeedEviljohnx: yes - however the FRs approach is bulletproof, that's not. (but yes, a first stage bootloader would be good for most cases)11:34
* johnx is all about 80% solutions11:35
SpeedEvil(well, almost bulletproof, if you flash the first sector of the flash over 1000 times, you may need to always boot from teh rescue ROM.)11:35
SpeedEvilBut if you're trying that hard...11:35
qwerty12Most "bricks" on the N8x0s come from people doing apt-get upgrades, and the like; they don't come from people writing to /dev/mtd011:36
johnxthough, writing to the "correct" part of flash should be able to blow away things like your MAC address, correct?11:37
SpeedEviljohnx: addressing the FR case - no - that's not part of the usual flash. it's held in the wireless NIC11:37
johnxyou'd think that ...11:38
SpeedEvil(the random 'usb-ether' ID will of course change)11:38
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johnxon the n8x0, I was under the impression that channels available, WLAN MAC address, and the lock code were held in flash, in a separate partition from the rest of the system11:39
johnxobviously one that wasn't reflashed by the flasher11:39
Stskeepsjohnx: flasher can edit partition table in CAL11:40
johnxI should add "in the case of a normal flash"11:40
johnxis that more correct?11:40
* Stskeeps surfs gadgets to buy11:40
johnxheh :P11:41
johnxmaybe a sharp netwalker?11:41
Stskeepsso far i have a openrd client, a beagleboard, rebated n900, sheevaplug on my list11:42
johnxyeah, the openrd/sheeva look really interesting11:42
Stskeepsthe issue is really i can't find a decent polish electronics shop11:42
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johnxIf I end up getting paid more soon, the first think I'll need is pants with more pockets for more gadgets :>11:42
SpeedEvilStskeeps: bifferos.com11:43
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SpeedEviljohnx: custom pants!11:43
johnxSpeedEvil, I actually have a good idea of how ungodly slow that would run android ...11:43
qwerty12Big gun holsters11:44
SpeedEviljohnx: yeah - it's not really for that. I've contemplated using it to repair my nice microwave with.11:44
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johnxmy favorite microwave had a hardware dial on the front. my penchant for tactile feedback is starting to make me feel old ...11:45
wazdmobilementalism website  told me to ckeck my n800 for spyware11:46
RST38hfound any?11:46
qwerty12wazd: Yeah, they've started tracking that one called "OMWeather"11:46
qwerty12It uses the GPS... I do not trust it11:47
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johnxwazd, you'll probably need wine and bochs to run their software, but it's totally worth it. and if it doesn't work, be sure to submit a bug report to them11:47
wazdqwerty12: yeah, we can follow you! :D11:47
SpeedEviljohnx: The existing one has an irreparable fault in the - unavailable - control module - but the hardware - large stainless microwave - is fine - hence the thought.11:48
qwerty12wazd: *gulp*11:48
SpeedEviljohnx: plus there are some things that would be nice to add - for example being able to set a rate at which it simmers off some food, based on humidity in the exhaust.11:49
johnxog spin dial, food get warm, then explode11:49
qwerty12Microwaves and toasters are so last year. They should make computers run Linux11:50
johnx^that is how I like my microwaves^11:50
SpeedEvilyeah - I mean for stuff like stock-making.11:50
johnxnow all you kids get off my lawn11:50
SpeedEvilIf for example I've got a covered bowl, I want to barely heat it enough to boil, and no more for a long period.11:50
johnxI'll leave you to create the toaster of your dreams, then :)11:53
johnx'night all11:53
LupuHas anyone had success with OpenVPN on Fremantle?11:56
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LupuThe N900 prints warnings when openvpn is started:11:58
LupuTue Nov  3 11:49:33 2009 /usr/bin/openssl-vulnkey -q -b 1024 -m <modulus omitted>11:58
LupuTue Nov  3 11:49:34 2009 ******* WARNING *******: '(null)' is a known vulnerable key. See 'man openvpn-vulnkey' for details.11:58
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LupuI thought it would be a configuration(or key) issue, so I copied the keys and configuration from the N800 which connects to the same OpenVPN server.11:59
LupuSuch an error is not printed on the N800(chinook) but it is on the N900(fremantle)12:00
Stskeepson n900 it is maybe actually checking it12:00
Corsacbecause n800 has not the openssl-vulnkey tool12:00
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Corsacbasically you have an openssl key which was generated with the buggy debian openssl12:01
Lupuand the N800 connects nicely, yet the N900 produces "TLS Error: incoming packet authentication failed from ..." prints on the server12:01
Corsacregenerate your keys12:01
Corsac(or have them regenerated by the admin if you're not in control of that part)12:01
LupuInteresting. I wonder how that's possible since the OpenVPN server(and key generation server) is running Gentoo and I regenerated all keys just a few weeks ago.12:02
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LupuThat's why I'm wondering if it's a problem with Fremantle's OpenVPN.12:02
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Stskeepsmaybe client key is brok?12:03
Luputhe same configuration and keys work with Chinook but not on Fremantle.12:03
Lupuand both are connecting to the same OpenVPN server.12:03
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Stskeepsyes, but fremantle updates ssl libs and verifies keys now after the debian snafu12:03
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LupuInteresting; /usr/bin/openssl-vulnkey doesn't exist and yet OpenVPN is giving the forementioned error.12:07
Stskeepsmaybe that's why then12:07
LupuMissing dependency?12:07
Stskeepstry #!/bin/sh   newline  exit 0 in /usr/bin/openssl-vulnkey and chmod +x it;p12:08
qwerty12Stskeeps - master of security12:08
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Stskeepsdisastermaster, thnak you very much12:09
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michele_hi all12:10
samadjohnx : i have created reboot.sudoers  how i can be executed it ? plz help12:10
michele_anyone know how use mobile version of hosted gmail? with n900?12:10
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LupuStskeeps: Right on track, but then again, that's only a cosmetic change.12:11
LupuAka "it worked", the complaint stopped. Yet the TLS error persists.12:11
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LupuLike I said, the same keys and configuration allow the N800 to connect, but the same server complaints of the TLS error when the N900 tries to connect.12:13
LupuThere is one difference though: the N800 connects over WLAN whereas the N900 connects over 3G. That couldn't make such a difference, could it...?12:14
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SpeedEvilUnless your 3G provider is trying a man-in-the-middle attack :)12:17
Stskeepsthat does happen occasionally12:17
Stskeepswe have a danish "free internet" provider that does that12:17
LupuHmm... :D12:19
Lupu*switching SIM, retrying...*12:20
adeusjust to be sure couldn't you just test the n900 with a wlan12:22
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LupuI don't believe it. You were right. My operator(Elisa/Finland) is the problem.12:25
LupuI really wouldn't have thought of that.12:26
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adeussome funky autoproxy?12:27
LupuUsing a different operator's SIM fixed the issue.12:27
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Corsacand what's really bad is that they do craps with crappy keys12:28
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LupuI just experienced a hard crash from laa-laa land to reality :)12:32
StskeepsLupu: you should complain to your operator about that12:32
Stskeepsit interferes with netbanking and a shitload of other stuff12:32
LupuI intend to.12:33
Stskeepsit might even be borderline illegal :P12:34
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Myrttiwhich bank? if you're using Sampopankki, you yourself are to blame :-D12:36
* mgedmin is strongly tempted to thumb down every post that is truncated in the RSS feed12:37
LupuSampo is not a bank. At least their web site is not a banking website. It's swiss cheese with a banking site-like interface.12:38
ccookeMorning, all12:40
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zaheer_"In other words, major positives of N900 are solid battery life (better than any iPhone)"12:45
* mgedmin still charges his n900 twice a day12:46
zaheer_now sure how they measured "better"12:46
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Lupumgedmin: Is your device in RD mode?12:47
mgedminmy device is in frequent use12:48
zaheer_mgedmin, i usually do once a day but i probably don't use it as frequently as you12:48
mgedminbrowser + google reader = good way to reduce battery life12:48
LupuRight :)12:48
_berto_yeah, if you use the browser for a few hours you kill the battery12:49
zaheer_but last week i struggled when i went to stackoverflow dev day as i was using it to tweet, read web etc. most of the day12:49
LupuToo bad MMPC is always polling constantly, not supporting the event-based updates in the MPD protocol.12:49
_berto_what's the biggest battery drainer? the screen?12:49
zaheer_what is mmpc?12:50
mgedmin_berto_, the user :)12:51
mgedminmmpc is a client for mpd (
_berto_no, but seriously? is it the screen? wi-fi? both?12:52
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mgedminwell, _worst_ possible battery life happened to me when I was using 3G and ad-hoc wifi at the same time12:52
mgedminwith an ssh session using the openssh built-in SOCKS proxy12:53
mgedminbattery went to ~10% in about 2 hours12:53
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SpeedEvilTry playing movies with the sound on loud too!12:54
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xcihey guys, what can be the problem when example_wavlaunch segmentation faults when trying to open a file?12:54
SpeedEvillibrary problems?12:55
xciI am running on a 64-bit system. Someone guessed it could be because of dbus not starting but it seems it wasn't that.12:55
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xciSpeedEvil: maybe, though it does not give any info about the problem12:56
ShadowJKLupu, odd, I use Saunalahti and they use Elisa's network, and openvpn goes through unmodified there.. or atleast it used to12:59
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Myrttiohai gummi13:08
Gummidoes anyone know if there is port of screen & irssi available for N8x0? thinking about running own screen on my old N810..13:08
Gummilong time no see Myrtti13:08
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MyrttiGummi: indeedy13:08
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MyrttiGummi: AFAIK atleast irssi is available13:09
mgedminscreen exists for the N810, don't remember which repo13:09
mgedmincould be the tools repo13:10
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mgedmincould be extras13:10
Gummithanks - i will keep on searching then :)13:10
ShadowJKit has some quirks13:10
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Myrttihere's a shock horror revelation: I think I might replace emacs with geany13:15
Myrttidoes geany do colour themes? I want mine pink.13:15
mgedminokay, I'm hearing that name for the second time today13:15
* mgedmin googles 'geany'13:15
JaffaMorning, all13:17
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VDVsxgeany has serious problems with indentation, at least with python.13:17
VDVsxif you open the file in another editor, everything is a mess :( (dunno if this is already fixed)13:17
jeremiahIDEs are too much for me, too many windows13:19
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jeremiahI just want to see the code13:19
Myrttijeremiah: which has been one of the reasons I've used emacs13:19
jeremiahYeah, me too. :)13:19
Myrttibut geany does show functions and latex headings nicely13:20
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Myrttiwhich is lurvely13:20
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DerSaidinmgedmin: how long does your n900 last without adhoc wifi on, just 3G?13:20
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jeremiahMyrtti: Ah, well, that is definitely a benefit.13:20
jeremiahI don't do a lot of Latex stuff though. :/13:20
jeremiahI should I suppose.13:20
DerSaidinor wifi without 3G13:20
Myrttijeremiah: you might be forced to, once we get what we have been preparing done13:20
Myrttisorry bout that13:21
jeremiahMyrtti: Oh cool!13:21
jeremiahI want to learn Latex, just never really had the need13:21
Khertanwait a bit ... i 'm still coding PyGTKEditor for Fremantle :)13:21
Myrttiit's not pretty and it's all my fault13:21
inzjeremiah, \LaTeX is all you need =)13:21
Khertanthe port is a bit slow as it s a complete rewrite13:21
jeremiahinz: For code too?13:21
hrwjeremiah: start making presentations using latex-beamer13:21
Myrttibeamer ♥13:21
jeremiahhrw: Yeah, I have seen that at conferences - amazing!13:22
Myrttimy beamer template is pink ♥13:22
jeremiahI am totally impressed by beamer13:22
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jeremiahMyrtti: What a shock! Pink presentations? From you?13:22
Myrttimais bien sur13:22
* jeremiah recoils in mock horror13:22
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* lbt is in shock that someone would abandon emacs13:33
wazdreheya all13:33
wazdI'm oficcialy got away from the army :D13:34
lbt'grats wazd13:35
lardmanso, any map fiends about?13:36
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lardmanemerillon is in extras-devel, not hildonised yet, but has a menu entry so you can start it from the ui at least13:36
lardmanalso seems to not find its plugins, so not much use for much other than looking at OSM maps yet13:36
lardmanfremantle only too13:36
wazdtime to get drunk! :D13:38
* Stskeeps passes wazd the champagne13:39
lardmancongrats wazd13:39
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lardmanso it's "official" not AWOL then? ;)13:39
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wazdlardman: yep :)13:41
wazdStskeeps: I like champagne :D13:41
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JamieBennettany web guys around now that Niels is on holiday?13:43
VDVsxJamieBennett, need help with ?13:45
JamieBennettVDVsx: Need help uploading to a repository that Niels setup13:45
VDVsxJamieBennett, frenc is substituting X-Fade this month, dunno if he knows about it, try to contact him13:47
JamieBennettVDVsx: Yep, knew he was but as he's not here at the moment I wondered if someone else was about.13:48
VDVsxJamieBennett, maybe jeremiah has access to the repo as well :)13:49
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jeremiahVDVsx: Yeah, I have access to the repo14:12
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jeremiahDo we need a manual upload?14:13
jeremiahOr does the repo need kicking? ;)14:13
jeremiahwazd: Congratulations on being free man!14:13
VDVsxJamieBennett, ^14:13
jeremiahOh, right. Sorry.14:13
jeremiahJamieBennett: Can I help somehow?14:13
fluff2009-11-02 10:19:06.181 [5976]Connecting to remote SMTP server (
fluff2009-11-02 10:20:06.197 [5976]WARNINGTemporary error while transfering mail to remote server, we'll try again later... :: failed to connect to SMTP server or failed to handshake14:14
fluffsorry about that.14:14
Gummiok - next problem: how to fix backspace when running screen in N810... ctrl+h works but how to fix backspace too :)14:14
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aepare there any emulators for maemo based phones with opengl es 2.0 ?14:17
JamieBennettjeremiah: see PM14:17
jeremiahright o!14:18
wazdjeremiah: thanks :)14:18
SpeedEvilstty erase <pressdeletekey>14:18
Stskeepsaep: yes, the SDK14:19
aepcool.  thanks14:20
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aepthe n900 is maemo5, right?14:22
GummiSpeedEvil: thanks for the tip but it didn't make any difference14:23
* SpeedEvil must have been confused14:23
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SpeedEvilaep: yes14:23
GummiSpeedEvil: if you meant that for me :)14:23
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GummiSpeedEvil: I tried it but pressing backspace does not give any character into screen so the stty sais that it needs an argument14:26
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Gummijust found some old irclogs... there might be some help - brb14:27
wazdwow, vista sp2 has new BT manager!14:28
* wazd loves Vista :)14:28
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lcukmurrayc, did you see what happens when you put the flows together?
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murrayclcuk: How do you put them together?14:46
lcukjust move the devices in proximity :D14:46
dnearyhi all14:46
lcukhi dneary \o14:46
murrayclcuk: Wouldn't it need some kind of authentication or pairing?14:47
dnearyAnyone know what time it is UTC now?14:47
dnearyTZs and changing clocks and vacation have screwed me up14:47
lcukmurrayc, its fakey networked for now, but its letting me think about lots of technical things relating to networking and location awareness14:47
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VDVsxdneary, 12:4814:48
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murraycdneary: 12:48. I added GMT (== UTC) to the clock applet's locations.14:48
dnearyVDVsx: So the sprint meeting is in sligtly less than 2 hours?14:48
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VDVsxdneary, yes, 14:3014:48
dnearymurrayc: I'm in CET, like yourself14:49
murrayclcuk: All in the name of swooshiness?14:49
dnearyBut just back from GMT14:49
murraycdneary: The clock applet can list extra locations.14:49
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murraycIt's in Ubuntu Karmic, at least, maybe in Jaunty.14:49
dnearyAh, I see what you mean14:49
lcukof course murrayc!14:49
VDVsxfor those blaming maemo about the space for install app, see the new shiny Android 2.0 :P14:50
lcukdoes java need +x bits, cant it live on the main drive for them?14:50
dnearymurrayc: Not in 9.04 I think :(14:51
dnearyAnd funny, in the applet, London't timezone is currently set to "12:52 GMT-1"14:52
dnearyLyon is "13:52 CET", as expected14:52
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VDVsxdneary, "UTC time" in google does the trick as well, no need to open extras pages ;)14:53
murraycdneary: Yeah, I think the -1 means -1 compared to your own location.14:53
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Stskeepsyeah, n900 allows me to go outside and play :P15:05
* Stskeeps looks after proper electronics stores in .pl.15:05
hrwspeaking of timezones... does n900 calendar allows to select timezones for start/end of event?15:05
hrwStskeeps: is one of popular ones15:05
hrwStskeeps: not cheapest but one of those with big amount of stuff15:06
Stskeepshave to try and minimize my tax :P15:06
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hrwStskeeps: I did that in last quarter15:06
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Stskeepsyeah, we have our first tax quarter coming up so15:07
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mgedminhrw, nope, can't specify timezones in the calendar15:09
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mgedminI kinda missed a meeting that way15:09
hrwmgedmin: suxx15:09
mgedminentered it as 19:30, then flew to a different timezone and the calendar told me 20:3015:10
hrwI missed meeting last week due to US being on other side of DST15:10
mgedminthere was an ubuntu bug about somebody missing a meeting because ubuntu shipped a timezone update with wrong DST info15:10
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hrwspeedup nokia... I want to complain more!15:11
lcuklol hrw @ outside and that last comment ;)15:11
hrwlcuk: I do not feel ready to complain about maemo bugs without device which runs it15:12
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* Stskeeps wonders if he should go for the lcd screen and then a laptop and usb keyboard, or for an actual stationary..15:13
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lcukStskeeps, i think it depends on the order you buy things15:14
lcuka monitor on its own isnt useful15:14
lcukbut if you have the laptop already and need to make it static then yeah keep with what you have15:15
mgedminlaptops rule15:15
lcukhandhelds rule moar15:15
hrwmgedmin: laptops suxx15:15
Stskeepswell, i'm actually laptopless15:15
Stskeepsthe laptop that i can take along for work may seem like a good idea though15:15
mgedminmaybe laptops suck for gaming15:15
mgedminlaptops rule for work15:15
mgedminand web browsing15:16
mgedmintherefore the ideal combination is an ubutu laptop and a windows pc (or xbox, or wii, or whatever)15:16
mgedminand a n900 of course15:16
lcukonly 1?15:17
hrwmgedmin: I work at home and laptop which will make work doable outside is usually too expensive/big15:17
lcukhrw, i hope nokia surprises you and gives a device which manages most of what you need15:17
lcukor which can be bent to your will at any rate :P15:18
Stskeepsit's a shame otg doesn't work15:18
hrwlcuk: 12" (1680x1050) laptop with fast dualcore, 4+gb ram, big hdd and 8h battery life?15:18
hrwlcuk: at low price?15:18
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lcuki meant the n900 :P15:19
* mgedmin doesn't believe in 8h battery life15:19
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lcukbut, yeah the n923420342 will include those features as standard15:19
lcukand even come with a flying car!15:19
lcuk8hr battery life is possible, but you need one of those wheely trucks to cart it around15:19
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LupuI get about 5h with a Thinkpad X301 -- no idea how much it would be with the additional battery in the DVD bay15:21
practisevoodoook so I have been using hte easy debian image on my n810 and that was working fine, but I am running into issues regarding free space so that I can install the apps that i want15:21
* mgedmin never got more than 3 hours from this Thinkpad T61, even when the battery was new15:21
lcukyeah different use cases, the x41 ive got here is actually the first laptop ive had which lasted longer than about 5 minutes15:21
zaheer_lcuk, it lasts 7 1/2 mins? :)15:22
mgedminzaheer_, don't diss thinkpads, 15 mins easily!15:22
lcuklol zaheer_15:22
practisevoodooso I have been googling and looks like the general consensus is that the solution is to extract the image to a seperate partition on my ext memory card instal chroot and then change the chroot file in the home dir to point to the extracted image15:22
practisevoodoois that all that I have to do to make it work?15:23
lcukpractisevoodoo, did you install it into the 2gb internal?15:23
zaheer_i wonder if people will make a strap on extra battery for the n900 like people have done for the iphone15:23
lcuki hope so15:23
practisevoodoolcuk, yes15:23
lcuki went on train journey and watched entire series of tv show15:23
lcukbut i had to switch batteries15:23
rangeMake it thicker! :)15:24
lcuki prefer transcoding to see15:24
lcukill check how a lower bitrate series lasts next time15:24
practisevoodooi was planning on just wiping the whole tablet before i started on this experiment though so I would want to be using the ext card this time round15:24
zaheer_i have one of those proporta batteries that can charge over usb, now i need a microusb end for it15:24
lcukpractisevoodoo, if you are starting again, get a large mmc and try.15:25
lcukive got a charger unit for my n810, it looks like a stick of dynamite15:25
lcukand doesnt help that it glows red when charging from it15:25
mgedminall it needs is a countdown timer15:26
practisevoodoolcuk, previously i was using the easy-deb image15:26
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practisevoodooand as i understand it the debian img doesnt have much extra space in there and it cant be increased15:27
lcukpractisevoodoo, it might be best asking in one of the debian threads on tmo15:27
practisevoodoothat was why i was thinking about extracting to a seperate parttion on a card15:27
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mgedminI'm wondering about the "can't be increased" bit15:29
mgedminwhat about resize2fs?15:30
vesahmm, pulseaudio does not support mp3s. is there some other lib that can be used for mp3/compressed audio?15:30
mgedminvesa, gstreamer15:30
Gummihmm... I've an old N810 that has broken screen (ok not totally blank but still) and I'm thinking about making a low energy server of it. Anybody done it already? I remember there was some server kind of firmware images already for 770 but now I can't find any....15:33
ensigstreamer is quite nice15:33
StskeepsGummi: could technically take a mer installation and cut away the ui initialization and you have yourself a small ubuntu server15:34
Gummiyeah I was thinking about that already. Still wondering if anybody have already done it :)15:35
ensihow final is the Qt theme engine for n900? For example buttons in qt have the theme colors but just flat rendering instead of having gradient rendering like hildon buttons15:35
lcukensi are you an app developer or a system engineer?15:36
hrwensi: in qt4.6 or qt4.5.x?15:36
lcukcos if its something you think is a bug, file it!  and just carry on developing app and see if it gets fixed :D15:36
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ensii have Qt 4.5.315:37
ensilcuk: app dev right now15:38
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hrwensi: wasnot qt4.6 expected to have maemo stuff merged into official release?15:38
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ensihrw: i dont know...15:39
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ensiis it going to ship with 4.6?15:41
ensiand does 4.6 make things any better?15:41
hrwno idea, no maemo5 here yet15:41
* hrw -> coffee15:41
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* SpeedEvil =&coffee;15:43
Macerhas anybody here tried making an oe kernel on something native?15:46
Maceri wnated to see about building a touchbook kernel on the touchbook15:46
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tekojoMacer that should work15:49
tekojoask lcuk about native compiling15:49
Maceryeah but i've never built an arm kernel before15:49
Macerwas just wondering if it was similar to normal x86 building15:49
Macerwhere you just do a make menuconfig etc15:49
Stskeepsfairly similar15:50
Stskeepswell, if it hasn't been messed up.15:50
tekojoyes if you have the compiler on board15:50
Maceri'm running ubuntu on it15:50
Macerso i figured getting the stuff to build one should be fairly easy15:50
Maceri've just never done it15:51
Maceranybody have a site with instructions15:51
Maceri was hoping to build audio/video right into the kernel too instead of using modules15:51
SpeedEvilAIUI, it should be 'just' make menuconfig15:51
Maceri don't really see a point in using modules :)15:51
SpeedEvilif everything is there15:51
tekojowith Ubuntu it should be pretty much the exact same experience as with normal machines15:51
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SpeedEvil(and make bzimage/...)15:52
SpeedEvilI've done this way back in the past.15:52
Macerit uses uimages15:52
tekojoat least beagleboard ubuntu was same15:52
Maceru-boot to boot15:52
SpeedEvilyeah - /...15:52
tekojoso make uimage at the end15:52
Macerhm... have a  site that has instructions on how it is done?15:52
Maceri know ai has a few patches for some of the stuff15:52
SpeedEvilI did this ages ago for the openoko neo1973, and it wasn't challenging.15:53
SpeedEvilI forgot what I did though.15:53
StskeepsMacer: use the kernel from mer?15:53
Stskeepsit has patches and all that jazz15:53
Macerdo you have the src wherre i can get to it without making an acct somewhere? :)15:53
Maceror a place where i can dl the mer kernel?15:54
Stskeepsgitorious maybe. but don't be picky about logins15:54
Macersorry. i am just paranoid :)15:54
Maceri'm not a big fan of logging in for "open" source stuff15:55
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Maceri'd love to natively build a kernel though15:55
Macerit would be a good learning experience.. just not now. i have to sleep. i'll do the research when i wake up15:56
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lcukMacer, talk to luke-jr or slonopotamus, they have gentoo on device :)
lcuktekojo :D compiling my little things on device is easy!  building a kernel scares the crap out of me!15:59
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lcukhiya penguinbait15:59
tekojolcuk, small things? liqbase isn't small, and a kernel is just a big small thing16:00
SpeedEvilkernel is small16:00
SpeedEvilSo it takes an hour to build.16:00
SpeedEvilIf that.16:00
SpeedEvil600MHz is not slow16:00
lcuklol liqbase is tiny, it builds entirely in just a couple of minutes and incremental apps are practically realtime16:00
SpeedEvil(admittedly the disk is)16:00
* tigert suddenly rememebered Compaq Itsy, Jim Gettys and the first linux-on-handheld he saw on Atlanta Linux Showcase16:01
lcukyeah speed, i never considered even the n810 slow16:01
tigertits been an interesting journey since :)16:01
mgedminit wasn't slow, it just wasn't fast enough16:01
lcukworked for me! :D16:01
tigertI think it was 1999 or so16:01
lcuki still have amiga style speeds in mind for c, so many things are quick nowadays :D16:02
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lcukmmmm i have encountered a problem.  my phone has stopped ringing or buzzing and only lights up.  its like its stuck in silent mode16:04
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FlandryGood morning. I have a question about app promotion to extras. How does it work with dependencies of the app package that don't get used in any other context?16:14
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* RST38h moos16:19
* RST38h gives OpenTTD his vote and suggests everyone does the same, OpenTTD rules =)16:20
hrwRST38h: openttd on wvga? small wvga?16:20
RST38hhrw: It now supports both 800x480 and 400x240 (pixel doubled)16:21
hrwI last time played it on 1280x1024 and it was ok resolution16:21
RST38h800x480 is somewhat unplayable on N90016:21
RST38hHmm, javispedro apparently forgot to promote a few packages from -devel16:21
hrwI think that games like openttd are nonplayable on n900 screen16:21
RST38hhrw: Very playable16:22
hrwI can imagine playing doom on it.16:22
RST38hhrw: OpenTTD even runs on S60 phones with 320x240 screens16:22
JaffaFlandry: If they are non user/ sectioned, they get promoted as well16:22
RST38hhrw: it has got multiple zoom levels inside the game16:22
hrwRST38h: with magnifing glass?16:22
hrwRST38h: I saw screenshots from S6016:22
hrwRST38h: I know that people like to do crazy things16:23
Flandryok thanks16:23
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RST38hhrw: 400x240 Maemo version plays just fine on N90016:24
RST38hhrw: And you can play 800x480 on N8x0, although it is a bit small indeed16:24
hrwRST38h: you know what? I can agree that it can be played on nxx0. but I played it on 17" with high res so I would not be able to play on phone16:25
hrwwhat is a use of game when you see very small amount of map or you see big amount of dots as map16:25
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RST38hhrw: I am playing it on N900.16:26
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RST38hhrw: So yes it is ok16:26
andrewgodwinit was fine on my n800 when I originally ported it16:26
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RST38hhrw: You can change zoom preference inside the game (use +/- icons) and then you see more land with less detail16:26
andrewgodwinalthough I can imagine the text being teeny tiny on the n90016:26
rap1dshello, does anyone know how to use the video camera of the n900 device with Adobe Flash?16:27
RST38handrew: javispedro pixeldoubled it for N900, so it is running in 400x240 effectively16:27
RST38handrew: text is fine16:27
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rap1dsor does anyone know if it is even possible to use the video camera in Flash?16:27
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Stskeepswb qwerty1216:29
qwerty12Thank you, Stskeeps16:29
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andrewgodwinRST38h: yes, I read that, although I can't imagine the entire interface fitting on 400 :)16:29
cosmo_name a package that doesn't exist on maemo but exists on all desktops (ubuntu and debian)16:29
RST38handrew: He had to make a few layout changes of course16:29
cosmo_i'm trying to do different build dependencies for maemo & desktop16:29
RST38handrew: But it fits, given that other people ported it to S60 phones and Nintendo DS...16:30
RST38handrew: more pleasant to play than N8x0 version even, because graphics are bigger16:30
* RST38h will have to fix the bug that hangs up N900 hard (needs battery removal) today16:31
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hendryhow do i measure a processes exact use of memory on diablo? i am not sure top gives me the right result and `time` is busybox crippled16:40
ccookehendry: exact use isn't possible on diablo16:42
ccookeit needs kernel features the diablo kernel doesn't have IIRC16:43
ccookeI'm not actually sure they've hit distro kernels yet16:43
mgedminwell, if you're on an idle system, and run free, then start the process and run free again16:43
mgedminthe difference ought to tell you something16:43
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Khertanpowertop : unknow job pmtrackerdaemon16:44
VDVsxJaffa, ping16:44
mgedminmeasuring memory usage is very hard16:44
ccookemgedmin: depending on what shared libraries the app uses and if any of them have already been used, yes16:44
KhertanMounting defugfs...FAILED16:44
Khertanhum ... power cannot be used on device ?16:44
Khertani think it was the main purpose16:44
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hendryccooke: oh, hmm I wonder what kernel feature that is16:46
mgedmin'sudo powertop' worksforme on the .41-10 fw16:46
Khertansudo gainroot16:46
Khertangive me the error i report before :)16:46
mgedminhendry, /proc/$pid/pmaps (or was it smaps?)16:46
JaffaVDVsx: pong16:47
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mgedminit's smaps; pmap is the name of a command16:49
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qoleJaffa, can you just drop in on the #maemo-meeting for a second?16:53
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mihuHi. Doing scp from my host to the N900 I get about 1.1Mb/s. Is that ok? Shouldn't it be more if the wifi is 802.11g ie. 54Mbit/s. I was expecting to get around 2-3 Mb/s instead.17:11
mgedminI've never seen scp do more than ~1.1 mega_bytes_ per second17:11
mgedminover wifi17:11
mgedminalthough, when transferring large files to a N900, I suspect the bottleneck is eMMC write speed17:12
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SpeedEvilmihu: top17:12
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SpeedEvilmihu: scp also encrypts17:13
SpeedEvilmihu: which may be very undesirable for perforemance rasons17:13
mgedminand there are issues with small window sizes for ssh17:13
mgedminBTW the 1.1 MB/s I've seen were not necessarily to a N90017:13
hrwso syncing music/movies can take over night...17:13
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SpeedEvilIIRC I was about 4, over wired to my slow laptop17:14
mgedmintransferring gigs of audio/video to a n900 is painful, even over USB17:14
mgedminespecially since tracker then starts indexing, and thumbnailer then starts thumbnailing17:14
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RST38hDisabling the tracker should help17:16
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RST38hAnyone knows what backup.vcf file is?17:17
mihuiperf says:  1.05 Mbits/sec for UDP, 5.02 Mbits/sec for TCP. Whut?17:17
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mihuRST38h: It just artifical data to/from /root/, so no tracker/indexing involved.17:17
cosmo_vcf is vcard17:17
RST38hI know17:19
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RST38hI even modified backup.vcf contents hoping to change my address book entries17:19
RST38hbut it does not seem to work17:19
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mgedminRST38h, is that backup.vcf what you get in your zipped backup?17:22
mgedmindid you restore after modifying it?17:22
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RST38hit restored with no rw persmissions17:25
RST38hlike ----------17:26
RST38hand does not seem to get imported17:26
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Khertanhum ... my N900 is draining more power than the ac charger can deliver17:36
hrwKhertan: n900 charger?17:36
Khertani think something is draining power17:37
hrwhow you measure power use?17:37
Khertanby plugin the nit with 3/4 fully charged17:37
Khertanjust getting low battery warning when i unplug it17:37
Khertansome minutes ago17:37
RST38hCrazy stuff17:38
Khertan3 hours of charges17:38
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Khertansurely something working in background17:38
Khertanwith the 3G connection17:38
user__hi all, how can i Fix an empty program menu in my N800 diablo?17:39
user__it happened after installing diagweb17:40
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qwerty12cp /etc/xdg/menus/ /home/user/.osso/menus/, become root, run update-desktop-database17:41
user__is this a common issue?17:41
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qwerty12I've only encountered it once, myself, but it does happen to many people's tablets17:42
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pupnik_Khertan: perhaps that was what i had?17:49
pupnik_battery just not coming up17:49
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Khertan? you mean which didn't charge but plugged ?17:50
Khertani ve verify that the os see the charging17:50
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lardmanam just recompiling libethos, and adding in the bindings17:55
lardmanit wants libvala-dev, does anyone know if this exists?17:55
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mgedminlibvala-dev exists in ubuntu, not in maemo extras17:57
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qwerty12lardman: The files provided by "libvala-dev" in Debian should be provided by the "vala" package in extras-devel17:57
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lardmanyeah, that's the theory I was just going to tesyt17:58
mgedminalthough there is a 'vala' package in extras that doesn't exist in ubuntu17:58
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mgedmin(ubuntu has 'valac', 'vala-utils', 'libvala0' etc.)17:58
qwerty12lardman: Just checked: the files are indeed provided by "vala" under Maemo17:59
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mgedmin5 PM, 50% battery gone17:59
lardmancool, thanks chaps17:59
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orbarronmorning all18:00
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suihkulokkiKhertan: most certainly a case of "not really charging the batter" rather than consuming more than wall adapter provides...18:02
Khertanyeah but "not really charging the batter" didn't show a the charging logo18:03
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wazdhehe, bugsquad, hehe :)18:06
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Khertanwazd: ?18:07
wazdfunny name :)18:07
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lardmanhmm, what was the fix to get python2.5 seen before python2.3?18:17
* lardman renames /scratchbox/tools/bin/python and crosses fingers18:19
qwerty12What package?18:19
lizardolardman: call python2.5 directly ;)18:19
hrwlardman: apt-get remove --purge python2.3?18:19
lizardolardman: calling just "python" will call scratchbox's internal python version instead18:20
lardmanhrw: it's part of sb I think18:20
lizardolardman: which can't be removed because sbox depends on it :(18:20
hrwthen live with it18:20
hrwI wonder when maemo will finally drop that sbox crap18:20
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lizardohrw: sb2 is there, but is not officially supported, I think18:21
DerSaidinis whatever/bin/python a link?18:21
lardmanhmm, don't rename it, it breaks other random things like mkdir18:21
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hrwlizardo: but it is still sbox18:21
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lardmanso how do I get my configure to see the right version of python?18:22
lardmanalter the configure script itself to check for python2.5?18:22
fiferboylardman: Are you talking about during the build process of a package?18:22
pupnik_   haha haha tablet, with touchpad hahaha18:22
hrwlardman: add --with-python stuff into it and tell which python binary it has to use18:22
lardmanah that works does it, cool18:23
qwerty12pupnik_: maybe if I make my finger really, really tiny, I may be able to use it...18:23
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pupnik_there's some n810 styling copying going on18:24
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lizardolardman: another option (usually works for me) is to call ./configure like this :    PYTHON=python2.5 ./configure ...18:25
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fiferboylardman: I export the python variable in the debian/rules file18:25
fiferboyexport PYTHON18:25
GiantTalkingCowpupnik: In that photo? Nah, that's a generic Pmp look.18:26
pupnik_i see 800x480 all over now!18:26
hrwfiferboy: and when python2.6 will land in maemo8 you will have to adapt again?18:26
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fiferboyhrw: It was one package for chinook :)18:26
Jaffalizardo: I thought about playing with a mv /usr/lib/python2.5 to /opt/python2.5 and then setting up the bind mount and running every Python app I have installed.18:26
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Jaffalizardo: Hell, I could even create a meta-package which did it in its postinst.18:27
hrwbtw - what do you think about using repository with packages for maemo which will not be built using maemo buildsystem?18:27
hrwhow many of you would use such one?18:28
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hrwthere will be no "deb-src" for it I mean18:28
lcukJaffa, that sounds like the thing i wanted to do with liqbase that you warned me against :P18:28
Jaffahrw: Extras can have non open-source apps in it.18:28
qwerty12hrw: I'd just upload a deb to non-free, where I can also upload the source, too, if I wish18:28
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lizardoJaffa: I plan to play with the zipimport + prefix=/opt approach this week (unfortunately on my free time for now)18:28
lardmanhrw: OE builds, fine by me18:28
Jaffalcuk: Python isn't under the control of a single person; and there are lots of modules already existing (and Python can't use symlinks, hence the bind mount)18:29
hrwJaffa: does not extras wants to be autobuildable?18:29
lcukjaffa i dont expect liqbase to remain under my control either18:29
Jaffalizardo: What'd be the impact for existing Python apps & addons? Have to have prefix=/opt or will it pick it up from Python's own path?18:29
Jaffalcuk: No, but it is *now* - so you can set the standard.18:29
Jaffahrw: extras non-free doesn't have to be, no. Ask RST38h18:30
lcuki have and changes would be in 100 or so files18:30
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Jaffalcuk: Then the best architecture is scuppered by sub-optimal code ;-)18:31
lizardoJaffa: the good thing about Python is that is does not care about where the modules are located (as long as it is in PYTHONPATH or on the built-in module path), just that all application expect to find python under /usr/bin/pythonX.Y18:31
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lcukisnt that always the way18:31
Jaffalizardo: So, with the prefix=/opt; would you also ensure PYTHONPATH was set to include /usr/lib/python2.5/? No, that wouldn't work. So, need to consider how the build of something like python-evolution would be impacted. I assume can take prefix?18:32
lizardoJaffa: about the python2.5 symlink issue, we could try using a wrapper script instead of a symlink, might work18:32
lizardoJaffa: that's write, has a --prefix option (and python2.5 also uses , is that your question?18:33
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Jaffalizardo: Yeah, so that modules will be changed to have --prefix=/opt too (or some subpath)18:34
Jaffalizardo: That'd be OK18:35
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greenflyI see a lot of references to xmodmap in previous maemo releases but I didn't see that it was available on the n900 shell. I'd like to bind ctrl to send Meta and was wondering how to go about that w/o xmodmap18:35
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pupnik_xmodmap was kind of the wrong way anyway greenfly18:39
pupnik_you can edit kbd layout for different languages in some file in /etc or /usr/share18:39
greenflypupnik_: ok so what do you think I should do?18:39
pupnik_there was a blog post that mentioned xmodmap, and one of the comments had the *Right* way18:40
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pupnik_dont member18:40
greenflyoh but on if so I can just track it down18:40
pupnik_nah someone else's personal blog18:41
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greenflyheh super :p18:41
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qwerty12/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-51 means fuck all on the N900. My N900 is working fine - and having all of its keys working even with that file deleted18:42
greenflyessentially I'm trying to work around the lack of an Alt key on the terminal18:43
woglindeqwerty12 he where did you get it?18:43
greenflyby binding ctrl to send Meta18:43
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qwerty12woglinde: Pre-Summit device program thing. It's only a loan, either way18:43
pupnik_  greenfly18:43
pupnik_ah hmm18:43
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greenflyqwerty12: so where do you think I'd tweak the keymappings if not in that file?18:45
darklingI've got an N800 running Diablo, and recently installed the maemo-pc-connectivity stuff (version 2). However, after running out of battery, I now can't find/start the status bar applet for it.18:45
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darklingI've tried googling with any number of different search terms, but haven't found anything that tells me how to start it. Anyone able to give me some pointers?18:45
qwerty12greenfly: No idea. I've been wanting to add a tab key to the keyboard, myself...18:45
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greenflyqwerty12: if I find it I'll let you know18:48
greenflyI think the secret will be finding a file that references the fact that the key layout is different18:48
greenflyie the euro sign is on the c key instead of m18:48
SpeedEvilis htere a way to switch keyboard layouts?18:48
woglindedarkling maemo-pc-connectivity stuff was windows?18:49
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qwerty12Myself, I'm just hoping it's not handled by hildon-input-method; at least I couldn't find stuff referencing the hardware layout when I looked in the en_GB.vkb, but maybe I wasn't looking properly18:49
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darklingwoglinde: Nothing to do with Windows, as far as I know. When I first installed the package on the N800, I got a little applet for switching connectivity setups, that appeared next to the battery monitor, wireless connection monitor, speaker volume and screen brightness controls on the top of my desktop on the N800. I now don't have it, and I can't find out how to start it.18:51
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woglindedarkling deinstall it18:52
woglindeand install it again18:52
darklingWTF? Really? Is that the *only* solution?18:52
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darklingSorry, that wasn't particularly politic.18:53
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lardmanfiferboy: cheers, that worked18:54
woglindedarkling waiting 30 min that some one has a solution ist int worth18:54
woglindeisnt it18:54
lardmanbut still didn't fix my debian/rules slash Makefile problem18:54
darklingUninstalling and reinstalling seems to be rather a heavy-handed approach, that's all. Surely there must be some way of starting an applet?18:54
woglindelardman hm let me fix it?18:54
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lardmandh_installudev -ppython-ethos18:55
lardmandh_install -ppython-ethos18:55
lardmancp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/share/pygtk/2.0/defs': No such file or directory18:55
lardmandh_install: command returned error code 25618:55
lardmanmake: *** [binary-install/python-ethos] Error 118:55
* lardman creates some source packages18:55
woglindehm intressting18:55
woglindeare you packing pygtk?18:55
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lardmanno, ethos18:56
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fiferboylardman: I thought the ethos package built?18:56
lardmannot sure what the pygtk stuff is all about18:56
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lardmanfiferboy: yeah, but I think there's a problem with it, as the plugins for emerillon won't load18:56
woglindelardman then why its searching for pygtk?18:56
lardmanso I'm going for a slightly later version18:56
woglindein your installed tmp stuff18:56
lardmanwoglinde: your guess is as good as mine18:56
lardmansomething to do with .def files18:57
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woglindelardman please pasetbin whole rules18:57
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woglindenever saw such an ugly rules18:58
lardmanlatest 3 files18:58
achipaBaboon question of the day - how does one add screenshots to stuff in extras ( ?18:59
lardmanI thought the fewer the lines the better ;)18:59
qwerty12Does pycentral work in Fremantle? I was always using hacks to install stuff w/out it in Diablo18:59
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qwerty12lardman: Ha. It's CDBS. Think again18:59
mgedminachipa, when you log in, there's a floating menu bar with the option to edit19:00
lardmanyeah, well not mine, just using what came with the original package19:00
woglindeqwerty its ugly anyway19:00
mgedminat least that's what existed for older OSes19:00
mgedminMaemo 5 may be special19:00
lardmanat least this one has better version numbering, rather than the karmic 1.0.0-0.2.0 crap19:01
lardmanoh I spoke to soon, looks like this one will also end up like that19:01
fiferboylardman: I think we are using binary version number in maemo now.  Either version 0 or 119:02
woglindelardman ethos is the source package?19:02
achipamgedmin: a-Ha ! thx.19:03
woglindeand you want it for diablo? or fremantle?19:03
lardmanfiferboy: but why?19:03
qwerty12Because we don't like that "karmic 1.0.0-0.2.0 crap"19:03
fiferboylardman: Joking.  Did you see the mailing list discussion for version numbers?19:04
lardmanI saw the tail end of it19:04
lardmanI have no clue why they have tacked the 1.0.0- on the front tbh19:04
fiferboyThere were some doosey version numbers listed in the eraly going19:04
infobotfiferboy meant: There were some doosey version numbers listed in the early going19:04
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lardmanI fear libchamplain also suffers from this19:05
achipamgedmin: can't get used to midgard, duh19:05
mgedminwasn't midgard the name of hell in norse myhtos?19:06
mgedminwould be appropriate19:06
woglindeat least boost is buildable with cmake19:06
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qwerty12mgedmin: Oh, you too have experienced the wonders of uploading a screenshot? :)19:06
mgedminI uploaded maybe five of them19:07
* lardman again ponders how many man-years have been lost in the mire known as debian packaging19:07
lbtlardman... blasphemy19:08
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woglindelardman hms19:08
qwerty12lardman: Want to know a funny thing? It builds fine in my FREMANTLE_ARMEL SB target...19:08
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* lbt looks at autotools...19:08
woglindelardman compare the debian kernel-source package with the redhat rpm19:08
lardmanqwerty12: really? Packaged too?19:08
woglindeyou will scream and run away from redhat19:08
lardmanwoglinde: in the same way that being stabbed by 10 red hot pokers is worse than just the one; yes19:09
Flandryi did that long ago but that doesn't make his pondering less funny19:09
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woglindelardman hm its only maemo/fremantle which isnt working19:09
achipalardman: or, in other words, 'you should have seen the other guy !'19:09
woglindelardman for debian sid its fairly easy to package your python stuff19:09
lardmanwoglinde: have not tried for Diablo19:09
woglindeif you use setuptools19:09
lardmanwoglinde: this isn't Python stuff really, it's a C lib with some bindings19:10
woglindelardman yes19:10
lbtlardman ... have you tried debhelper?19:10
lardmanqwerty12: Fremantle?19:10
lbtcdbs is supposed to be much less pleasant19:10
lardmanlbt: I'm just using what the package came with19:11
qwerty12lardman: "It builds fine in my FREMANTLE_ARMEL SB target"19:11
fiferboylbt:  Be nice.  His name is jeremiah19:11
lbtah, right19:11
lardmanlbt: I just need it as a dep19:11
woglindelbt ->
lardmanqwerty12: sorry19:11
woglindeqewerty lol19:11
woglindeqwerty upload it for lardman19:11
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lbtwhat's wrong with it ?19:12
* lardman tries a rebuild from the .dsc19:12
lardmanstill got an error here19:13
woglindelbt lardman has some referneces for pygtk19:13
woglindewhich should have nothing to do with it19:13
woglindelardman as I said19:13
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woglindelet qwerty it upload for you19:13
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lbtgot to run... train... l8r19:14
woglindeits lesser pain19:14
woglindenite lbt19:14
lardmansure, but would be nice to know why it won't build here19:14
lardmanbye lbt19:14
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lardmanthe other thing to work out, is how to remove the rubbish versioning on the lib19:14
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qwerty12lardman: This is what I got: - nothing done to the actual package19:14
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lardmanhmm, apparently as it should be19:15
woglindelardman update-version functuon19:15
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woglindeethos (${VERSION}-1~${DIST}0) ${DIST}; urgency=low\n\19:15
timeless_mbphas anyone here installed flasher-3.5 on os x?19:16
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lardmanwoglinde: should I remove that?19:17
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qwerty12timeless_mbp: OS X? Good luck in this channel with that...19:17
GeneralAntillesI love Talk.
qwerty12GeneralAntilles: TEH WAVEZ; DEY KILL ME19:17
GeneralAntilleslizardo, ping?19:17
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, yes, it works fine.19:18
timeless_mbpwhere does it install?19:18
GeneralAntilles /usr/bin/19:18
lardmanqwerty12: apt-get upgrade seems to have sorted that out19:18
* achipa does happy dance, first actual app in Fremantle extras19:19
qwerty12lardman: Old packages, for older people... Makes sense19:19
pH5Hi, could anybody with an N900 help me out?19:19
pH5I'm trying to build this movie list thing - and I'd like to know if it hangs on startup from the launcher like it does in the SDK (running from cmdline is working), and if not, how well the device copes with downloading and parsing into an SQLite database a copy of the IMDb. (packages cinaest and cinaest-plugin-imdb in extras-devel)19:19
mgedminachipa, which app?19:19
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woglindelardman hm you could remove it and set debian.changelog manually19:19
timeless_mbptimeless$ sudo /usr/bin/flasher-3.519:20
timeless_mbpdyld: unknown required load command 0x8000002219:20
timeless_mbpTrace/BPT trap19:20
timeless_mbpis that expected?19:20
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achipamgedmin: mirror :) Not the most complex piece of software but served the purpose of icebreaker pretty well19:20
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lardmanwoglinde: -1.0-0 is liberally scattered everywhere under debian, shall I just remove all of them?19:20
mgedminPalmOS had a mirror app, very useful19:20
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: ?19:21
andre__GeneralAntilles, ahaha, great talk link.19:21
andre__must... comment...19:21
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wazdandre__: oh, hey there :)19:21
andre__wazd, heja19:21
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, which version are you using?19:21
woglindelardman hm one mom are you changing only the package name or do you want change the library-name too?19:21
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wazdandre__: what do you think bout that concept?
GeneralAntilles(and somebody needs to teach Nokia how do figure out the architecture in the installer)19:22
achipamgedmin: well, yes, would be MORE useful if the user-cam wasn't the worst webcam I've seen, ever :)19:22
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: or to use apps which are apps instead of /usr/bin crud19:22
mgedminooh, that's what it does?19:22
lardmanwoglinde: lib name too probably, to give it a sensible name without the initial 1.0.0 stuff19:22
timeless_mbpmgedmin: you asked about something19:22
SpeedEvil1achipa: There is a simple software fix.19:22
timeless_mbpthinking it wasn't possible, but it is19:22
SpeedEvil1achipa: You display 'Please turn over' on the screen.19:22
timeless_mbpsadly, it was a while ago, and my memory doesn't last that long :)19:23
woglindelardman then you need to change to too19:23
achipaSpeedEvil: :D19:23
woglindeand Makefile.an19:23
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, get Jaffa to update 770 Flasher.19:23
woglindeargs .am19:23
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: did i do something wrong?19:23
achipamgedmin: yeah, THAT sort of mirror19:23
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I have no idea.19:23
andre__wazd, whouah. looks cool.19:23
andre__and i like ladybugs ;-)19:23
qwerty12andre__: You may find buying bananas and keeping the peel to be even more cheaper...19:23
timeless_mbp /usr/bin/flasher-3.5: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_6419:24
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* achipa does a facepalm. Somebody asked for a screenshot. Again.19:24
andre__qwerty12: in my small country there is no bananas, no coffee, no butter19:24
mgedminhow on earth is app manager sorting the things?19:24
wazdandre__: hehe :)19:24
mgedminjammo, wormux, gcompris, frozen bubble19:24
lardmanfiferboy: am I to assume that removing the initial 1.0.0 is the right way to go? Not having read all of that thread19:24
qwerty12andre__: haha19:24
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timeless_mbpmgedmin: alphabetical by a field you can't see? :)19:24
andre__wazd, cool. can i just use that?19:24
timeless_mbpthat's the typical maemo way19:24
andre__qwerty12, typical jokes about czech republic and communism ;-)19:25
mgedminah, by size, duh19:25
lardmanpH5: Give me 30min or so and I will see if I can help you19:25
mgedminI changed that a week ago when I was trying to free up some space19:25
mgedminnice for it to remember19:25
qwerty12andre__: In the Czech Republic, bugs fix you19:25
fiferboylardman: I honestly don't know what the resolution of that thread was.19:25
mgedminso the bug that my coworker found (non-alphabetical list) was not a bug at all19:25
andre__wazd, cool. you should get icecream for free. thanks a lot! :)19:25
fiferboylardman: I would think simplifying the package number would be good, but I don't think you need to touch the library name19:25
lardmanfiferboy: I still think a redundant extra few numbers on the front are pointless19:26
andre__qwerty12, okay, but where's the party? :-)19:26
wazdandre__: well, I can make it less or more "3D"19:26
fiferboylardman: Nobody should care what the library is called, but the version number is much more visible19:26
andre__wazd, as i'm not a designer you're free to do what you think is cool. i'm going to like it anyway :)19:26
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, hrm, Google has interesting results when you search for that error.19:26
mgedmin500 kb for mirror?  it's bigger than I expected19:26
* timeless_mbp looks at them19:26
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qwerty12andre__: The would-be attendants are dead due to putting their phones to their ears19:27
andre__ah, shit.19:27
wazdandre__: what sizes will you use?19:27
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: i'm running 10.5.819:27
lizardoGeneralAntilles: pong19:28
GeneralAntilleslizardo, did you get an email/msg about the boost libs needing to be optified?19:28
andre__wazd: damn, you really think i have a concept already. idea was just "let's have bugdays. i want a logo" so far :-D19:28
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: ok, how do i uninstall this broken PoS?19:29
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* lardman crosses fingers and hopes he's not broken it this time19:30
wazdandre__: hehehe19:30
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, kill the binary and figure out which libs it stuck where?19:30
* timeless_mbp grumbles19:30
woglindelardman *g*19:30
wazdandre__: ok, I'll make an .svg with more unified version19:30
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, out of interested, have you tried on the G5?19:30
lardmanwoglinde: all good, worked fine from the looks of it19:30
timeless_mbpi've always used vbox here w/ Mer to do flashing19:31
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GeneralAntillesI recall it working for me on my 1.8GHz.19:31
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timeless_mbpwhich works unless i use my n900 that has power over the air19:31
GeneralAntillesIn 10.519:31
andre__wazd, thanks so much for this! i appreciate it19:31
* GeneralAntilles is away for about 10 minutes.19:31
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lardmanin the absence of X-Fade, whom should I talk to about removing a package from extras-devel?19:32
qwerty12Does it really need to be removed? You may get away with uploading a newer version19:32
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lardmanqwerty12: well as I've removed the 1.0.0 stuck on the front, my newer version will now look older19:33
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fiferboylardman: epcoh!19:34
Jaffalardman: jeremiah?19:34
infobotfiferboy meant: lardman: epoch!19:34
lardmanfiferboy: epoch?19:35
lardmanJaffa: ok, thanks19:35
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fiferboyYou can use an epoch number in your debian package to indicate that it is newer19:35
pH5lardman: thanks19:35
lardmanfiferboy: ah, I see, I'll do some googling19:35
fiferboylardman: The epoch number is not visible (IIRC) in the app manager19:35
lardmanpH5: which app is this?19:35
fiferboyLook at the version section19:36
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pH5lardman: it's cinaest and cinaest-plugin-imdb. they probably don't show up in ham as I forgot to change the user/media section to something allowed.19:40
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: right... so how the heck do i uninstall this crud?19:40
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lardmanpH5: command line though should work?19:41
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pH5lardman: I do hope so. apt-get installing in the SDK does work.19:43
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lardmanhmm, apt-get install cinaest doesn't work for me19:44
lardmanextras-devel enabled19:44
lizardoGeneralAntilles: yes, I'll talk to other PySide devs so that we can upload an optified version... BTW, regarding optification: the current status is that each package will do this manually? I was out-of-office last week, and I read plenty of discussions about this, but there seemed not to have a conclusion19:46
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GeneralAntilleslizardo, as opposed to doing it autobuilder-side?19:47
lardmanpH5: have they been uploaded recently, just doing an update19:47
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lizardoGeneralAntilles: yes19:47
GeneralAntilleslizardo, yes, for now, the work to implement that still needs to be done.19:47
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lardmanpH5: yeah, my fault, sorry19:48
GeneralAntilleslcuk, I'm sorry, but you long ago forfeited your right to complain about anything related to "feature creep". ;)19:49
lardmanpH5: ok all installed; just started and it's asking to download a copy of the db19:50
pH5lardman: oh good.19:50
Firebirdoh, thanks GeneralAntilles...19:50
lardmanso shall I go for it?19:50
pH5so this hangup when using threads is really just a SDK thing.19:50
pH5lardman: please. it will download the plaintext database from IMDb and sort it into an SQLite database (~/.cache/cinaest/imdb.db)19:50
* GeneralAntilles finds the reaction from developers to -testing a little over-the-top.19:51
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lardmanok, says it's downloading - very empty bar still...19:51
pH5as the license doesn't allow redistribution of the IMDb, I have to do this on the device :/19:51
lardmanyeah, that's fair enough19:51
lardmanis it optified? ;)19:51
achipalizardo: can it go through autobuilder on it's own or is it still manual push via Jeremiah ?19:52
pH5not yet :) have to make this a bit more useful before pushing into testing.19:52
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lardmanhow large is the db?19:53
pH5lardman: does the download advance at all?19:53
lardmanjeremiah: ping19:53
pH5(the downloader is an external dbus service)19:53
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lardmanjeremiah: I'd like you to scrub some packages from extras-devel if pos19:53
lardmanpH5: yeah it's progressing slowly19:53
GeneralAntillesThe process is going to take a little while to get up to speed.19:54
lcukGeneralAntilles, im only pushing minimal components which work as prescribed :P19:54
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GeneralAntillesJumping instantly into rant-mode isn't a productive way to help it there.19:54
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pH5lardman: the resulting database is 21M here.19:54
GeneralAntilleslcuk, being too quick to decry anything relating to new features as "feature creep" isn't healthy.19:54
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pH5lardman: and that's with all the porn and series removed ;)19:55
lardmanwhere does it download to?19:55
lardmanI'm not sure I have enough space on the rootfs....19:55
pH5lardman: $HOME/.cache/19:55
lizardoachipa: did you mean the question to lardman ?19:55
lardmanpH5: will have to stop it then19:56
fiferboylardman: If you want to fill up your rootfs, I can send you the non-optified version of the birdlist program...19:56
fiferboylardman: $HOME should be okay19:56
lardmanpH5: if you make it put it under /opt or even ~/MyDocs/ then I'll try again19:56
pH5lardman: oh, isn't the home partition the ext3 one?19:56
lardmanonly ~/MyDocs19:57
fiferboylardman: Oh, it is only $HOME/MyDocs that is on the big partition?19:57
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lardmanI think so, let me check19:57
* pH5 proposes "df -h $HOME/.cache"19:57
lardmanyeah, it's mounted on ~/MyDocs19:57
lardmanso either /opt or ~/MyDocs/*19:58
lardmanah no19:58
lardmancan do it19:58
lardmanlooks like home is mounted on something else too19:58
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lardmanso how do I make it start again?19:59
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pH5lardman: rm ~/.cache/cinaest/imdb.db19:59
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woglindere lbt20:00
GeneralAntillesSomebody should tell dneary LiMo is evil. ;)20:00
lbto/ woglinde20:00
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: could someone please stab jarmo for me?20:01
timeless_mbpyou're probably closer than i am :)20:01
lardmanpH5: done, and starting again; got to go do the washing up now20:01
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, unlikely.20:01
timeless_mbpunlikely re closer?20:01
timeless_mbpi'm in Santa Clara, CA, US20:01
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I'm about as close as email here.20:01
GeneralAntillesSo I think we're probably tied. :P20:01
timeless_mbpstab by mail20:01
timeless_mbpworks for me :)20:02
pH5lardman: appreciated20:02
timeless_mbpespecially if i'm not the one doing the stabbing20:02
* GeneralAntilles aint yo flunky.20:02
timeless_mbpyou know you wanted to stab him anyway20:02
timeless_mbpi'm just encouraging :)20:02
timeless_mbpbeing supportive and all20:02
* GeneralAntilles is trying to reduce the number of Nokians stabbings he commits.20:03
GeneralAntillesI think I used up all of my karma as far as that's concerned. ;)20:04
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timeless_mbpavs: hey20:05
timeless_mbphave you tried installing flasher-3.5 on os x?20:05
timeless_mbpi tried and failed, someone needs to stab jarmo for us20:05
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I'm amazed that they managed to release an OS X flasher, personally.20:05
GeneralAntillesThe package is really messed up.20:06
timeless_mbpdon't suppose you know of a pkg decompiler20:06
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lardmanpH5: not sure it's going to go again20:09
lardman6pm in the uk is probably not a good time to download large amounts of data20:09
lardmanthe progress bar hasn't moved/appeared20:10
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, at one point in time you could right-click and Show Packages Contents.20:10
GeneralAntillesBut somehow that's not in my contextual menu anymore.20:10
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timeless_mbpxar -t -f /Volumes/maemo_flasher-3.5_0.5.2.2/flasher-3.5.pkg20:11
timeless_mbp<pkg-info format-version="2" identifier="" version="1.0" install-location="/usr" auth="root">20:12
timeless_mbp    <payload installKBytes="184" numberOfFiles="13"/>20:12
pH5lardman: ok, you already helped me. maybe I can reproduce this download problem in the SDK.20:13
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lardmanpH5: I think it's on my end20:14
lardmanmy connection is just very slow from my N900 atm20:15
lardmanI'll reboot and try again, just have to pop to the shops, back in 1020:15
pH5oh, good point. me too.20:16
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: so in the end, i need to mv Payload Payload.gz; gunzip Payload.gz; cpio -it -F Payload20:16
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timeless_mbpthat tells me about bin/flasher-3.5, libusb* share/man/man1/flasher-3.5.1.gz20:17
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goshawkhi, what is the best bitrate and screen resolution i can use to play a video on my n810 with maemo?20:32
goshawkdoes anybody know?20:32
Stskeepsgoogle for transcoding?20:33
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* goshawk looks20:33
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GeneralAntillesOLPC going ARM?20:35
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Sargun_Screenis it?20:38
Sargun_Screenwho cares, that's a stupid, fucked up, dead project.20:38
Sargun_ScreenTheir economic stake is so tiny, that you could remove it with absolutely no effect...20:39
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kamihi guys20:42
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* RST38h laughs maniacally at the mention of OLPC20:45
RST38hThat was a really fucked up project, from the very beginning20:45
Stskeepsfrankly, send a bunch of openrd clients and screens..20:45
RST38h"How not to save the world. Illustrated guide."20:45
RST38hSts: There are several ways to approach the problem, not a single one involves OLPC20:46
Sargun_ScreenWell, it was an ok idea20:47
Sargun_Screenthey just needed to be nicer about the hardware, and sell it on a consumer side20:48
Sargun_ScreenIf someone has a totally open platform that's low power, and low cost20:48
Sargun_Screenthey could have branded it as IP, and sold it for thousands of dollars.20:48
Sargun_ScreenI mean, I could build a high end access point on top of it20:48
Sargun_ScreenI could build a little internet appliance, etc..20:48
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RST38hIt was a stupid idea20:52
RST38hIf you want to give those kids a useful PC, go with a used Wintel desktop running Windoze20:53
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lcukthen things will never change20:53
RST38hIf you want to give them a computer, build a $25 ARM9-based gadget that takes $10 PC keyboard and plugs into a TV (they all have TVs nowadays)20:53
lcuki like the sugar ui and what it aims to do20:53
lcukthe tv takes more juice and adds complexity (i know) by requiring different things20:54
RST38hIf you want to give them a study device, build a shitload of TI89s (TI will be delighted) and hand them out20:54
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RST38hlcuk: TV is something they already have20:54
RST38hthis is the main point20:54
Stskeepstbh low cost linux cellphones would probably do the trick..20:55
Stskeepsimagine the chinese doing cheap mids moving on to data modems20:55
RST38hThe idea is not to look cute, not to write academic papers, not to make profit, not to "work toward technological advancement"20:55
RST38hThe idea is to give poor kids dirt cheap computing device20:55
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Sargun_ScreenTI-89s are pretty kickass, but they're $20:56
GeneralAntillesYeah, TI really needs to get serious with the prices on their calculators.20:57
GeneralAntillesThe TI-84 should cost $60 max.20:57
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ali1234Z80 based?20:57
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RST38hSargun: TI89 is pretty much 2 chips and an LCD20:57
ali1234if you want a nice programmable Z80 you can do a lot worse than a ATJ2085 based device20:58
* GeneralAntilles <3's his TI-89ti despite the price.20:58
RST38hGeneral: There isn't much difference in cost between TI89 and TI8420:58
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, I could see them justifying some price hike for the software, though.20:58
RST38hGeneral: The difference in price you see at the store is based on perceived value to the customer20:58
RST38hGeneral: Exactly20:58
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RST38hGeneral: So, making a cheapo TI89 for developing countries for <$50 apiece is totally feasible20:59
lardmanpH5: not interested in downloading; even if I remove all the stuff under ~/.cache/cinaest20:59
pH5lardman: is there still an imdb-plaintext-downloader process hanging around?21:00
ali1234RST38h: it's more than feasible, for $50 you could also put a few GB of flash in it and make it play mp3s and videos and have a colour screen21:01
ali1234assuming you build enough of them21:01
Sargun_ScreenRST38h: What competes with the TI089?21:02
pH5lardman: looks like it's my fault after all. does it work if you kill the process and then try again?21:02
Stskeepsali1234: and put maemo on them, and convince nokia to invest in it? ;)21:02
ali1234Stskeeps: hell no, linux won't run on a z8021:02
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johnsqali1234: but unix21:02
johnsqali1234: or cp/m21:03
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ali1234johnsq: cp/m is the only thing that's close to feasible, and the z80 port is not open source21:05
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ali1234but it doesn't matter, you barely need an OS on something as simple as Z8021:06
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wazdandre__: around?21:07
Stskeepswazd: when you have a moment, could you mail me the final marina template and background?21:08
pH5lardman: hm. I can't reproduce that. after aborting a running download, deleting the db and starting again, the download proceeds.21:09
wazdStskeeps: I'm still drawing icons :(21:09
Stskeepswazd: alright21:09
wazdStskeeps: but I'll finish it asap21:09
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Stskeepsno rush, we're a bit behind schedule anyway :P21:10
Stskeepssince n900 is not yet out ;p21:10
andre__wazd, nice! two comments: the original maemo orange colour is probably too bright? and i'm somehow thinking that i'd like to have it rotated to the right by 30 degrees or something. don't know why, just my feeling :)21:10
wazdandre__: rotation will cause some problems on low resolutions21:11
andre__oh, i see21:12
wazdandre__: do you like dark or bright one more?21:12
Stskeepswazd: that bug is going to haunt me :(21:12
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andre__wazd, the brighter one. hey, we're a shiny and welcoming community :-P21:12
wazdeheh :)21:13
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RST38hwazd: Make it animated21:15
RST38hso that it haunts more people21:15
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wazdRST38h: Michael Bay is on vacation now :D21:16
Sargun_ScreenIs he?21:16
* Sargun_Screen chills waiting for N900 to come out21:17
andre__wazd, oh yeah. i like that one!21:17
qwerty12_N900wazd: Make one showing andre being attacked by the bug. " So tough, our Bugmaster could not handle it"21:19
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lardmanpH5: killed the thread and it started again21:19
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Stskeepslo kalikiana, was good seeing you on summit :)21:19
lardmanbut looks like it died21:19
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kalikianahey Stskeeps21:20
wazdFirst I thought to make burning bug under magnifier glass :D21:20
andre__qwerty12_N900, highly unlikely with my superpowers. could only happen if i run out of chocolate.21:20
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* qwerty12_N900 takes andre_'s chocolate away21:21
andre__how dare you?21:21
qwerty12_N900Mmm... They taste good21:21
andre__evil man!21:22
RST38hwazd: Some wikipedian may claim that you have stolen DDD icon =)21:23
kalikianayou ought to be careful stealing from a chocolate addict :P21:23
andre__got to leave now, buy new chocolate. see you tomorrow :)21:23
wazdRST38h: dd what? :)21:23
wazdRST38h: ah, oh :D21:24
wazdRST38h: that's cool :D21:24
wazdandre__: cya21:24
pH5lardman: aye. looks like I somehow need to stabilize that downloader a bit. thanks for testing!21:28
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lardmanpH5: np21:37
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javispedrowell, I guess I'm finally going to know the answer to the question "Is anyone in my alma mater interested in Maemo?"21:41
RST38hEvening at t.m.o:
RST38hjavis: you may have forgotten to promote some openttd dependencies to -testing - there are a few comments complaining21:42
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javispedroRST38h: this is due to the m.o/packages bug I was discussing here yesterday. the autopromoter forgot, I didn't.21:43
javispedroin fact, there's no way for me to promote the deps without creating an extra QA page for an stupid gfx package :(21:43
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javispedrooh, I guess I should file this.21:44
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woglindehi rst andjavis21:44
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javispedrohiyo wogline21:44
javispedroer.. woglinde :)21:44
RST38hwazd: BTW,
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VDVsxjavispedro, did you tried to promote the lib ?21:49
wazd vote positive please :D21:50
wazdRST38h: jeez :D21:50
VDVsxjavispedro, or there's no promotion button in the lib page ?21:50
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* javispedro waits for m.o server to respond...21:51
javispedroVDVsx: promoting it would cause it to enter the non user/* QA queue.21:51
woglindehm what lib?21:52
javispedrothus I would need 20 votes...21:52
VDVsxwazd, last time I tested this package it crashed my desktop and removed some of the widgets there :(21:52
VDVsxjavispedro, well no, promote it from -dev to -testing21:52
javispedroah, I see your plan. They'll be able to install it at least.21:53
VDVsxjavispedro, are you sure you don't have any problem in your rules file ? that seems a bit odd21:53
javispedroVDVsx: the fact that people can't install it proves i didn't forgot the package in the deps.21:54
VDVsxjavispedro, humm, ok, I'll take a look later :) football time now ;)21:54
javispedrosee you :)21:54
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* javispedro files bug and does the promotion... 21:58
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* GeneralAntilles sighs at the QA discussion.22:07
GeneralAntillesThe poutiness isn't particulary productive.22:08
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woglindehi gnuton22:11
gnutonwoglinde: hi ;D22:12
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* AndrewFBlack is bad for some of the things he thinks about some of the new people on t.m.o22:17
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GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, give in to your anger!22:21
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles, Well if you remember my early days over at itT I was very much against treating new people in certain ways like saying just search it, but now I have to say I feel my self turning on new people who think they are the big dog because they have don one little thing for Maemo22:23
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GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, it's amazing how that patience evaporates over time, isn't it? ;)22:23
GeneralAntillesI always love people that condemn from the peanut gallery.22:23
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles, very amazing22:24
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AndrewFBlackThere are some day I don't even like t.m.o anymore22:26
GeneralAntillesThat's most days for me.22:27
RST38hOk, PulseAudio is totally fucked up =(22:27
RST38hI am not even sure how to work around this problem =(22:28
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ali1234do i have to register seperately for t.m.o?22:28
woglinderst *g*22:28
GeneralAntillesali1234, yes.22:29
* AndrewFBlack need to learn to get more patience, or leave t.m.o22:29
StskeepsAndrewFBlack: at some point i thought you were actually leaving maemo community, heh :)22:29
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AndrewFBlackStskeeps, I did that one time when I put my N810 up for sale because at he time I was only use n810 for work on community stuff and I didn't really think anyone used my stuff or liked it22:31
Moo___does maemo support encrypted folder e.g. for saved web passwords?22:31
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AndrewFBlackIt was the responces I got for certain people that kept me here22:32
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GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, nah, we like your stuff, we just don't like /you/. :P22:32
Stskeepsat least i hope you've been sent on some exciting trips like SELF and FLS :P22:32
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AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles, lol ohh that explains it22:34
AndrewFBlackStskeeps, yeah me leaving the community was way before SELF and all that22:34
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AndrewFBlackI think it was about Mer 0.11 lol22:34
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AndrewFBlackor earlier don't remember now22:34
gnutonhey guys, why Fremantle SDK VMware image have not been updated at
GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, that "I'm leaving" post cut me to the core. :(22:35
woglindegnuton seems a case for stskeep now22:35
Stskeepserr, no22:35
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gnutonStskeeps: ;D22:35
Stskeepsdeveloper offerings from nokia is so not my area22:35
gnutonStskeeps: do u work for Nokia?22:35
Stskeepsgnuton: no, distmaster22:36
qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: Already downplaying your role... *tut* :p22:36
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: disastermaster22:36
gnutonStskeeps: so you are the DIS--Aster... well nice to meet you ;D22:37
GeneralAntillesMaster Blaster22:37
qwerty12_N900Master... nah, forget it22:37
gnutonStskeeps: I'm just kidding ;P22:37
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Stskeepsthat said, the sdk vmware image should be updated, just dunno who would do that :P22:38
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* qwerty12_N900 still does not see how it is exactly hard to make your own VMware image...22:39
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles, yeah well I'm no going any where now I get aggervated at t.m.o but not leaving community look at timeless he has o posts on t.m.o lol22:39
GeneralAntillesThe lists are where it's at.22:40
AndrewFBlackyeah need to start reading them more22:40
Stskeepsqwerty12_N900: it is actually not always easy to do cleanly :P22:40
GeneralAntillesAlthough currently -developers is a bit whiny.22:40
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qwerty12_N900Stskeeps: I'm not talking about Mer images... :p22:41
* qwerty12_N900 ducks22:41
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RST38hAnyone knows the bug tracker # for that bug that prevents SDL apps from shutting down when Media Player is playing music?22:42
RST38hBecause I have just been hit by it, hard22:42
* Stskeeps wonders if one of the motivations for initiating open sourcing something should be "it's embarassing this isn't oss."22:42
RST38hSts: No.22:43
qwerty12_N900RST: You want #552422:43
RST38hqwerty: Ack.22:43
StskeepsRST38h: as in, so embarassingly simple that it's silly that it isn't just out in the open22:43
azorianhi, I have mounted a cifs remote directory uder /mnt, however node of the media player applciation for maemo that I've tried for os2008 (defualt media player, canola, etc) seems to allow reading media from anything other that the memeory cards. is there any way I could open my media from /mnt? thanks.22:43
gnutonHey finaly seems that CMake works fine in scratchbox...22:45
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ali1234gnuton: what are you using it for?22:46
gnutonali1234: I'm trying to compile Quassel22:46
gnutonunfortunatelly is not provided by CDBS... ;/22:47
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fiferboygnuton: :D22:47
fiferboyI looked at compiling quassel for maemo before, but didn't make it far22:47
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gnutonfiferboy: I compiled it for Diablo.. but the UI have to be rewritten..22:48
gnutongnuton: and this time I'm going to rewrite it.. since I'm enough sad this evening to do that..22:49
RST38hSts: this is stupid idealistic crap22:49
fiferboygnuton: It would be nice to have an IRC client with a fremantle-specific UI22:49
RST38hSts: It is ok when an aging Boston hippie who always walks around with a personal kettle and a supermarket plastic bag filled with tea bags says that22:49
fiferboyX-Chat is fairly usable, but that's aboot it22:50
StskeepsRST38h: okay, true. i turned into luke-jr there for a second.22:50
RST38hSts: But claiming this as some kind of a worldwide rule is silly22:50
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gnutonfiferboy: we need something better that the current Fremantle XChat..actually I don't know if Quassel can be better.. but I can try do hildonize it a bit..22:50
RST38hqwerty12: Left comment on #5524. Check it out, you will like it, in a macabre kinda way22:51
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luke-jrStskeeps: -.-22:51
GeneralAntillesgnuton, what's wrong with qwerty12_N900's port?22:51
RST38hGeneral: It crashes when saving config22:51
gnutonGeneralAntilles: it's not finished yet...22:51
lcukit needs help!22:52
RST38hSo, I can't really configure it :)22:52
GeneralAntillesI works well here. . . .22:52
RST38hMgedmin's port is more stable22:52
RST38hGeneral: Try saving config :)22:52
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: It works well here. . . .22:52
GeneralAntillesI got my config how I wanted on an older version, I guess.22:52
RST38hsee? lucky.22:52
lcuktherein lies the testing thing with apps lol22:52
qwerty12_N900RST38h: This is probably the same thing I touched on (but did not know it) when I said that VGBA used to hang for me when I opened the menu22:52
RST38hI had to delete all the old config because some setting there screwed XChat-N900 up22:53
* qwerty12_N900 's version is pretty shitty22:53
RST38hqwerty: Yea, that may be it22:53
GeneralAntillesThe only thing I wish for in XChat would be a proper viewport widget.22:53
lcukis there a nice diagram showing the history of the xchat developments into maemo 522:53
RST38hqwerty: I am at loss figuring out how to avoid this stuff :(22:53
lcukor did both qwerty and marius both start from same src22:53
qwerty12_N900RST38h: At least the backend of the Media player is out in the open :\22:54
RST38hqwerty: I doubt it has anything to do with the problem22:54
Moo___will production device ship with qt libs installed?22:55
RST38hqwerty: Looks like PA problem. There is an updated PA package in the repo but I am scared to upgrade it22:55
StskeepsMoo___: if not, very very easily to depend on them22:55
lcukhow far back does qt compatability go22:55
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w00tdepends, really22:56
qwerty12_N900RST: True, just wondering if it is specific to the Media player only; does this happen when you leave other PA-utilizing programs in the background22:56
w00t4.x goes all the way back, and it also has QtSupport for a bunch of 3.x stuff22:56
RST38hqwerty: Lemme try two emulators22:57
lcukw00t, w00t22:57
RST38hbecause they shut down sound when losing focus :)22:57
Moo___Stskeeps: so basically it is possible to roll out qt basic apps without too much effort on the end user (e.g. sources.list hacking)?22:57
Moo___qt is nice22:57
qwerty12_N900RST: Hehe22:57
RST38hqwerty: If you have something installed that does not shut down audio, give it a try =)22:58
lcukluke scared himself shitless before.   he was lookin round the n900 and put moobox on, didnt know and put it to his ear and it went off22:58
lcukshould i mark that as a bug22:59
lcukor feature22:59
* qwerty12_N900 is using the Media player, ATM. XChat in one window, Media player in the other22:59
Moo___lcuk: there is a product called moobox? :o23:02
* Moo___ dances23:02
kalikianadoes it give milk when you squeeze the device?23:02
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lcukMoo___, yes23:03
lcukand its amazing23:03
lcukthe most simple app known to gtk23:03
lcuk:) a static picture, a bit of accelerometer magic and a moo sound23:04
lcukit will spawn 100 clones23:04
qwerty12_N900You're just biased: It uses your accelerometer code23:04
Moo___lcuk: hey... that's ported to openmoko also ;)23:04
lcukand now our patch for focus lol23:04
lcukits maemos app now!23:04
lcuklol Moo___23:04
Moo___I think I need to create patch for this moobox... for just the sake of the name23:05
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lcukwhy cant we have apps running in the task switcher all the time btw23:05
lcukMoo___, you should port bullshitbingo23:05
lcukthats another favourite23:05
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lcukwhy cant attitude show me accelerometer orientation whilst im running moobox23:06
lcukso i could then see the orientation changes needed whilst playing23:06
ali1234probably moobox holds the device open for reading23:06
lcukits solid reliable code23:07
lcuki use it 247 in liqbase23:07
woglindehe lcuk23:07
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lcuki can understand not wanting to update screen too often23:08
lcukbut think we must find a way to allow some multitasking rather than just task switching23:08
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lcukwhich is what we are rounding on23:09
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Moo___lcuk: how so?23:12
lcukapps are being asked to stop running when they havent got focus23:13
lcukto stop running down the battery23:13
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Moo___but they can opt-out from this behavior, right?23:13
Moo___like... background apps23:13
lcukso - if all apps follow that advice, the dashboard becomes a task switcher23:13
lcukand not a live overview23:13
Moo___or do they need different process for background tasks like on symbian?23:13
lcukbut that was a blocker for some apps in the testing marathon23:13
Mekyeah, it's already quite annoying that the clock in the dashboard is always not displaying the current time..23:14
lcukno apps can exist in the background23:14
lcukand thats easy from a technical basis to achieve23:14
lcukits how you warn the user tho23:14
Moo___because the world needs background apps23:14
* lcuk nods23:14
Moo___I will run moobox on background 24/723:14
lcukno, you wont23:14
lcukwe patched it23:14
lcukits only a part time moo23:15
Moo___aaah---- what have you done???23:15
lcukyou have to give it all your attention23:15
* Moo___ *sob*23:15
lcukonly run between focusin..focusout23:15
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lcukyou can install old versions :)23:15
lcukspeaking of old versions,  hi jeremiah \o :p23:15
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lcukwhat would happen if you built an OS out of tag definitions only23:17
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kalikianatolilcuk, so what would true multi-tasking be? windows side by side?23:17
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qwerty12_N900lcuk: Already looking at liqos?23:17
lcukno qwerty12_N90023:17
lcuki just think of the same thing when i think of app versions23:17
lcuki have multiple clocks23:18
lcukand multiple versions of flow23:18
lcukif an area of the system just said i need a clock, dont care which, just a clock23:18
lcukand then as new variations and things came out a user could just change23:18
lcuklike ciro with his monster mission23:19
lcukkalikianatoli, maemo does it now23:19
lcukthe dashboard shows multiple parallel running apps23:19
lcukbut we are being moved away from that model23:20
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lcukand asked to stop running apps when they are not in focus23:20
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kalikianatolilcuk, ah. I guess to save power it's not a bad idea23:21
kalikianatoliyou just have a problem when you have something like irc or music23:21
woglindepowersaving is essential23:22
lcukyeah i know its for that23:22
qwerty12_N900lcuk: It's a fair request, I mean, not everyone is going to be looking at the Dashboard 24/723:22
lcukbut it prevents Moo___ from running moobox and being able to tip his machine upside down when he wants a laugh23:22
lcuki know23:22
lcukim not saying its bad, im just thinking if theres a variation idea23:23
lcukon the dashboard, a user would expect to see all his apps running23:23
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lcukwould it be reasonable to allow that, and busy running apps continue when on dashboard23:23
kalikianatoliapps can detect that easily, you could special case it23:23
SpeedEvilOr make expose events also expose when the dashboard is about to be shown23:24
lcukbut have those same apps start to idle once another app actually fullscreens23:24
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SpeedEvilthough care'd have to be taken to avoid swap hell23:24
lcukso, you are running supertux, moobox, mario, mplayer etc.23:24
lcukall could run in the dashboard if a user wants23:24
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lcukwhen you click to maximuxe moobox23:25
lcukthe others then go to sleep23:25
woglindelcuk yo23:25
woglindethats how it should work23:25
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lcukbut, then you have the other thing23:25
qwerty12_N900I still don't get the drama over an app that displays an image of a cow-in-a-box and makes a sound when you turn the N90023:25
lcukpeople will just leave the dashboard on23:25
Moo___qwerty12_N900: I also assume you don't understand why iFart sold 300 000 copies >_>23:26
SpeedEvilIt'd also be nice if they could say 'I'd like 10ms/10s of timeslice when idle to paint my dashboard icon.23:26
lcukqwerty12_N900, its something quick simple and able to explain a concept well with code we can all understand23:26
woglindeqwerty *g*23:26
lcukand make hundreds of copies of23:26
Moo___qwerty12_N900: we call it "humanity"23:26
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woglindere javis23:27
qwerty12_N900Moo___: Ah, I see... I come from Mars so this concept of "humanity" is alien to me :-)23:27
lcukno, you just get the concepts explained over first beer ~ 18 :P23:27
kalikianatolilcuk, if people leave the dashboard on the screen will still fade, so it could be "if in foreground or task switcher but screen not blank"23:27
* lcuk nods23:27
Moo___qwerty12_N900: you will be disappointed...23:27
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lcukqwerty12_N900, the moobox is the same principle as the torch23:28
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lcukkalikianatoli, the sleeping app problem has one defined bug to date23:30
lcukthe clock app sleeps23:30
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lcukso it remains locked at the time it was when you opened the dashboard!23:30
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lcukhey fiferboy yerga23:31
kalikianatolilcuk, what I find "fascinating" is that it even keeps the same time when you switch to the desktop and see the time and go back to the switcher23:33
yergaN900Hi lcuk23:33
lcukkalikianatoli, i nearly missed a train cos of that23:33
lcukin liqbase i had to create the entire timer class specifically for it!23:33
lcukhows it goin yergaN90023:34
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wazdwhat a game, what a game23:38
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kalikianatolitell me about it23:41
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wazdevery reviewer told that Droid's keyboard sucks balls23:45
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wazdThe question is - why it's there23:46
RST38hwazd: even Eldar? :)23:46
nikosapiIs there some documentation for osso-media-server's dbus api?23:46
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nikosapia list of available member functions would be nice :S23:46
Moo___wazd: lonely nerds would like such a keyboard ;P23:46
GeneralAntilleswazd, worse, it's /ugly/.23:47
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wazdRST38h: no, but he told that it's "way better than n97" and since they are practicaly has the same design I really ponder bout his adequacy :)23:48
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RST38hwazd: probably attempting to sucking up to Motorola23:50
RST38hwazd: Samsung alone won't suffice a income source23:51
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wazdRST38h: btw, he has some stolen unit again, since he has no backlight for bottom symbols23:51
wazdRST38h: and I saw youtube videos with it23:51
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RST38hlet us see =)23:52
wazdThat's what he called "way faster than n900" meh23:52
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RST38hsifficult to judge by the video23:53
wazdRST38h: well, at least desktop scroll lags23:54
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jeremiahSo much extras-testing hate.23:59
RST38hjeremiah: surprised?23:59
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jeremiahRST38h: heh. Well, a little I have to admit.23:59
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jeremiahhello GeekShad__23:59

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