IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2009-10-13

EspadaV8_N900hmmm crash00:00
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ShapeshifterHas anyone who got an n900 tried putting on some screen protector? From past experience, does anyone have a clue how a screen protector would affect the touch screen?00:01
EspadaV8_N900shouldn't make a difference00:01
EspadaV8_N900but no, i didn't try00:02
ShapeshifterI wonder if these inivisble shield kinda covers are any good...00:02
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, my Boxwave anti-glare had no effect on my tablets.00:04
GeneralAntillesI recommend Boxwave, personally.00:04
ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: okay.00:04
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ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: gizmo does video as well on the n900?00:06
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, no Gizmo client yet.00:08
GeneralAntillesBuilt-in client doesn't do video so far.00:08
GeneralAntillesI think it may be coming later.00:08
tbfwhere do i file bugs about bounce?00:09
GeneralAntillestbf, good question.00:09
tbfit's not kid compatible yet, 'cause they touch the screen with their thumbs too easily00:09
GeneralAntillesandre__! :P00:09
tbfso probably some border on left and right should be insensitive00:10
sheepbatI have an invisibleshield on my ATT Tilt, Shapeshifter00:12
sheepbatit's not exactly as scratch resistant as they say00:12
sheepbatand I actually wouldn't recommend it as a screen protector00:12
sheepbatit's very grippy, which is nice for the outside surfaces00:12
sheepbatbut it's bad if you actually want to slide around on a surface, like on a screen00:12
Shapeshifterjkk seems to be a bit... uhm... dumb?00:13
SpeedEvilPersonally I like to go to dealextreme - and pick up 4 or 5 protectors for the display cheap00:13
SpeedEviland just swap them00:13
Shapeshifter>.> I mean seriously, complaining about not being able to change things as a noob - well, of course you can't. but you can't change things on a closed system _at all_00:14
fralshe's not understanding the usage of *open*00:15
GeneralAntillesNo kidding, he's clueless.00:15
GeneralAntillesand I find it rather offensive that he's impinging my willingness to help newbies.00:16
GeneralAntillesWhen I've spent hundreds of hours doing so.00:16
fralsand if you are not willing to even try to learn something new, the old familiar winmo is obviously gonna be easier for you00:16
Shapeshifterthe n900 is about 60% of the price of a 3gs >.> at least here.00:17
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GeneralAntillesWell, at least I learned that JKKMobile is clueless. ;)00:19
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, ping?00:19
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Yep?00:19
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, where do I drop the .pk3s?00:20
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andre__tbf, Bounce is nothing official00:20
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: /home/user/baseq300:20
tbfandre__: i know. that's why i have to ask ;-)00:20
andre__but not me....00:21
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: But you may wanna symlink the pk3s from MyDocs into there instead...00:21
andre__maintainer address of package :-P00:21
tbfandre__: i just asked lazychat, the general fingered you ;-)00:22
Shapeshifterwhat a windows fanboi.00:22
timeless_mbpandre__: we really should support accepting bugs00:23
GeneralAntillesI like him laughing when I mentioned open.00:23
timeless_mbpand he's right, bounce did have that problem00:23
GeneralAntillesIt's Navicore all over again, andre__.00:23
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: btw, navicore is better than nokia maps :)00:23
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, yes, so I've noticed.00:23
timeless_mbpbut oddly00:24
javispedrosigh then.00:24
timeless_mbpthey agreed to fix some of my strings :)00:24
timeless_mbp"Ok" will not be written as such :)00:24
timeless_mbp(one small victory)00:24
qwerty12_N810yerga: Wow, nice job with the Fremantle version of StockThis!00:24
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andre__yeah, it's sweet00:25
tbfhmm. the fremantle port of maemo mapper is not in -devel yet :-/00:26
timeless_mbpspeaking of Ovi Store00:27
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timeless_mbpif you go to store.ovi.com00:27
suihkulokkidon't speak of the devil00:27
timeless_mbpyou'll find that we don't translate "Store" in French or German00:27
tbfsuihkulokki: he's just behind you00:27
timeless_mbpanyone want to bet whether we do in the n900?00:27
tbftimeless_mbp: it will become "ovi Lager" for sure00:28
Stskeepsi thought it was ovi aldi or something :P00:29
andre__"Ovi Kolonialwarenhandel"00:29
tbfrange: you overestimate the german language team00:29
rangeStskeeps: Haha.00:30
Ceron^so when can i go buy n90000:30
SpeedEvilCeron^: now00:30
Shapeshifterrange: you can download binaries at bin.laden.ovi.de00:30
Shapeshifterbinaries for DESTRUCTION :D00:30
timeless_mbpso we don't translate it for french or german on our device either00:31
andre__Store is Store in the German version00:31
andre__kind of surprises me after seeing the worst german translations00:31
timeless_mbpoh cute00:31
Ceron^but in finalnd its Kauppa00:31
Ceron^Ovi Kauppa00:31
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Ceron^Door Store00:31
timeless_mbpFR CA does translate it !00:31
solarionmy karma royally sucks. :(00:31
andre__in Czech it's also translated (Obchod which means Shop)00:32
timeless_mbpandre__: yeah, i'm reading the po's :)00:32
timeless_mbpor perhaps i'm reading msgunfmt mo's00:32
timeless_mbpwhatever, anyone w/ a device can do it :)00:33
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, not launch. <_<00:33
javispedroOuvi Divulgacao e Marketing em Celulares Ltda00:34
timeless_mbp"What Nokia apparently has not realized is that the 190 million inhabitants of Brazil speak Portuguese and not Finnish," said Tore Haugland, chief executive of Ouvi, which is owned by Norwegian investment firm Diem Telekom.00:34
rangeHmm. A store in german is a certain kind of curtain.00:34
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Using symlinks?00:34
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rangeovi means door? So it is a curtain for a door?00:35
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, yeah.00:35
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GeneralAntillesAh, no wonder.00:35
GeneralAntillesCopied the wrong stuff over.00:35
GeneralAntillesCarry on. :D00:35
andre__timeless_mbp, what's that weird quote refering to?00:35
timeless_mbpurl above00:36
andre__too many conversations at the same time...00:36
timeless_mbpit's an awesome quote00:36
qwerty12_N810Someone needs to tell konttori_ that the Type field in a desktop file does not go at the bottom...00:36
Ceron^now give me  n900 ;)00:37
timeless_mbpwho is she?00:37
qwerty12_N810Ceron^: I can get you a picture of one. Sound fair?00:38
Ceron^nah, ;\00:38
SpeedEvilCeron^: you can buy one now - in your local nokia webshop.00:38
javispedroCeron^: aw, come join #idonthaveann90000:38
SpeedEvilCeron^: It won't of course be delivered now.00:38
Ceron^am i delaying the phone by asking about it?00:39
Ceron^you guys fixing the bugs!00:39
javispedrothere's a 50% chance you are.00:39
vandenoeverCeron^: did you take that pic with n900?00:39
andre__Ceron^, no, just maintaining them actually00:39
Ceron^vandenoever: sure ;=) il tell you her name for another n90000:39
javispedroqwerty12_N810: you're evil.00:40
timeless_mbpdinner time00:40
qwerty12_N810javispedro: yep, and I'm still grinning00:40
GeneralAntillesAh, there it goes.00:40
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* javispedro goes back to cursing xerces00:41
Macerperl.. another scripting abortion00:42
fralshmm, wonder if you get a dbus signal when theres an incoming sms00:42
Shapeshifterclueless people should be disallowed to report about open platforms.00:42
vandenoeverCeron^: no thank you00:43
Macerevery time i think of perl it reminds me of years ago when this perl "developer" brought in his redhat box which had a broken hard drive00:43
Macerand i explained to him the hard drive was broken and i doubt it coudl be saved and that we would reinstall redhat on a new drive for him. and when he got the system back he was askign "where did my perl  stuff go?"00:44
* Macer looked around his office for a perl for dummies book00:44
eichidoes theremin works on latest maemo? it gives me a segment fault00:44
Firebirdbah, I give up trying to get any sort of 3d accel in Xephyr :|00:44
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GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, it's sad.00:45
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, the worse part is that their preconceptions and bias means they will never listen to reason.00:45
javispedroDoes anyone know of a "Maemo 5 Emulator" called Zephyr? sigh.00:45
GeneralAntillesDid you see jkk laugh when I mentioned open source?00:45
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ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: no. but what I read was enough >.> What ignorance00:46
Shapeshifterreally bugs me.00:46
Maceri think arrogance would be a better choice of word00:46
Macerbut then again ignorance and arrogance walk hand in hand00:47
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GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, it was really condescending. ;)00:47
Shapeshifter"I'm too dumb to learn a new device, therefore, an open system is inferior to a closed one, because with open systems, the community calls you ignorant if you're ignorant"00:47
Shapeshifteroh, and of course community support is virtually non-existing anyway00:48
javispedroI demand URL!00:48
Shapeshifteryou all don't exist.00:48
Shapeshifterstop talking.00:48
wazdDamn, I have a freaking full drawn theme and can't build it!00:48
wazdWhy world hates me :(00:48
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javispedrowazd: that ThemeMaker problem?00:49
wazdjavispedro: yep00:50
Firebirdjavispedro, do to get glx you killed the main X :0 then started one just for scratchbox?00:50
javispedrowazd: tell RST38h to forget his Java hateness for a day and to fix the issue, should be easy enough considering OS X and Linux should be nearly same. ;)00:50
javispedroFirebird: yep00:51
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javispedrothe reason was to prove that Xephyr is not related at all to color channel's bug.00:51
javispedroand also see how accelerated Fremantle was :)00:51
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qwerty12_N810javispedro: That's a little hardcore when you could've just gotten an... oh, wait00:52
javispedroFirebird: the reason Xephyr GLX passthrough doesn't work in my system is because too old version, and trying to build a newer xorg means pulling too many dependencies for my debian lenny.00:52
cvandonderenusing QtNetwork in my app causes a QMaemoInternetConnectivity error: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported "Unsupported interface or method"00:53
javispedroFirebird: but you may want to try the newest Xephyr and maybe Xglx00:53
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cvandonderenare there any docs on that?00:53
javispedroqwerty12_N810: qwerty12_N810.evilJavaPoints++;00:53
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* qwerty12_N810 doesn't drink tea/coffee00:53
kynkyiv drip ?00:54
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solarionmmm, coffee.00:55
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kynkyin uk ?01:05
code177it's like01:05
code177oooh, you01:05
code177you're in  canada?01:05
code177that'll be a thousand bucks01:05
Macercode177: that should say it all :)01:05
Macercode177: which means in the US they'll be 120001:06
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qwerty12_N810wazd: I call it the "parent problem" :)01:06
zerojaycode177: I hate that we have to pay just to import things. Ugh.01:06
code177I'm getting increasingly tempted to order one to somewhere in the US and just go down and get it =/01:06
Macercode177: close to detroit?01:06
zerojayMy N900 cost me $30... which isn't bad, but they once charged me $120 for a computer that cost that much.01:06
Macerdoes canada really pay that much in an import fee?01:06
qwerty12_N810Macer: I remember you trying to package on the N810... Please :p01:06
Macerwhat happened to free trade? :)01:06
code177nope, I'm in vancouver01:07
Macerqwerty12_N810: hahahaha01:07
zerojaycode177: Meet up with qole.01:07
ds3is the N900 shipping in the US yet?01:07
Macerqwerty12_N810: don't remind me. it's something i am trying to forget01:07
zerojayds3: No.01:07
Maceri can package on the touchbook :)01:07
ds3is the N900 FCC approved yet? ;)01:07
Macerso far the touchbook is fail01:07
GeneralAntillesds3, been approved for a while.01:07
GeneralAntillesds3, not shipping yet.01:08
MacerIT NEEDS MER! :-D01:08
ds3so it is potentially shippable01:08
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GeneralAntillesI'd say it'll ship soon.01:08
ds3is there decent pictures of it up yet?01:08
MacerGeneralAntilles: i sure hope so01:08
code177zerojay: and what, mug him? ;)01:08
Maceri really want to get one :)01:08
Maceryeah. where are all the pictures?01:08
* Macer wants to see n900 pics that aren't renders01:09
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zerojaycode177: lol01:09
code177my priority for my n900 is getting final fantasy 7 running01:09
Maceror is this a massive conspired lie01:09
code177so I can play it on the plane back to england this christmas01:09
Pavlovcode177: please please don't01:09
Macercode177: ff X !01:09
Macerscrew 7 :)01:09
Macer8 was good to01:09
Pavlovi'll never get work done again01:09
code177whatever Macer, 7 was the best.01:09
Macer7 wasn't 3D01:09
solarionguess nobody's interested in floating-point01:09
code177it sort of was01:09
woilokMade 5 posts01:10
code1777 would run nicely though, I think01:10
woilok6 actually01:10
wazdwoilok: inertia? :D01:10
Macerscrwe that... ff1!01:10
woilokBut no "private message" ability :(01:10
Macertold you :)01:10
code177hey also side note01:10
Macer"How do you pronounce maemo?"01:10
code177side side note, i forgot how much irc destroys my grammar01:10
qwerty12_N810woilok: Sorry, it may be 10 then. But I'm not BSing you, I promise that there really is a post limit :p01:11
code177but actual side note, there's 585 wallpapers up now :)01:11
Maceri'm going to be american and say MayMoe01:11
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GeneralAntillesFirebird, h-a-m got demoted too. :roll:01:17
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Please give Nokia one of your famous responses01:17
wazdreliable QA process01:17
wazdhave they seen fucking Amazon widget?!01:17
FirebirdGeneralAntilles, demoted?01:17
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, no energy left for that.01:17
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GeneralAntillesFirebird, they replaced it with Ovi Store in the root level of the applications manager.01:18
GeneralAntillesWhich is just a freaking hyperlink.01:18
MrGoose1hmmm, makes me wonder whether buying an n900 is worth it01:18
GeneralAntilleswazd, they don't care if they're hypocrits.01:18
Firebirdoh, so the h-a-m isn't in the app menu anymore?01:18
GeneralAntillesIt's hidden down a level.01:18
luke-jrMrGoose1: probably not.01:18
FirebirdGeneralAntilles, under "More" ?01:19
johnsqMrGoose1: sure not01:19
GeneralAntillesWhy didn't anybody bring some frozen trout to the Summit?01:19
javispedroeven more clear marketdroids have realized they have something between hands.01:19
GeneralAntillesI dunno who the managers at Nokia are that keep screwing us over but they need to get the whole can. :\01:19
wazdGeneralAntilles: and let me guess, Foreca will be distributed thru Ovi01:20
Firebirdovi = money = win for nokia?01:20
javispedropreinstalled wazd, preinstalled ;)01:20
Macer3rd world countries should be exempt as being official repositories01:20
zerojayForeca isn't preinstalled.01:20
Firebirdblarg, this Xgl stuff is too much, /me gives up and uses the SDK un accelerated01:21
* Macer starts to remove all of the eastern european countries from his repo list01:21
zerojayThe shortcut which installs Foreca from the app manager IS preinstalled.01:21
Macerfbsd is trying to download a file from .cz01:21
javispedrozerojay: just teasing poor wazd :)01:21
Shapeshifterquim gil says "If the Maemo community is able to put a decent QA process in place for Extras,01:21
Shapeshifterthen Nokia will trust it and enable this reository by default. This is the01:21
Shapeshifterdesired scenario for everybody, but requires work (and Nokia is willing to help01:21
Shapeshiftersorry spam >.>01:21
Shapeshiftere.g. funding the work needed)."01:21
Shapeshifterso apparently, if a QA goes in place, it should be enabled.01:22
FirebirdI thought we already had a "decent" qa process01:22
Macerlike android? :)01:22
wazdjavispedro: hate you :D01:22
GeneralAntillesFirebird, so did I.01:22
Macerwith its horrible market01:22
Firebirdno, like the one on
* javispedro wins one extra Evil point. take that qwerty12!01:22
GeneralAntillesI though the legal warning were going to be less obnoxious in Fremantle.01:22
GeneralAntillesThat didn't pan out either.01:22
wazdjavispedro: seriously, we have a bunch of such cool ideas that user will learn how to enable extras just to install OMWeather :D01:22
MrGoose1so how'd the n900/arduino hacking competition go?01:23
* qwerty12_N810 considers sending javispedro a picture of the N900 in his hands01:23
* Firebird never bothered reading the legal stuff on his N81001:23
javispedrowazd: at least OMweather is in maemo-select. :P01:23
wazdbut really, QA process!01:24
wazdSounds like a joke01:24
GeneralAntillesThey just wanted to see if they could get us to do it.01:24
javispedro"mass user"-ification.01:25
javispedroyou get what you ask for :)01:25
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wazd <- Quality01:25
GeneralAntillesI'm not sure what the point of disabling it is anyway.01:25
GeneralAntillesIt's not like Maemo Select isn't right there on the desktop.01:25
Firebirdto protect users?01:25
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ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: so that people don't brick their phones01:26
wazd <- maybe this is quality01:26
Shapeshifterbrick on a noob level01:26
wazd <- or this01:26
javispedroeasy. why does Dataviz offer DocsToGo when they have seen how easily KOffice can be ported?01:26
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, how is shipping Extras disabled preventing brickings?01:26
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javispedrobecause DataViz/Nokia knows KOffice will remain a geek thing. Nokia will take care of that.01:26
wazd <- no commentws01:26
qwerty12_N810Well, I do hope someone uploads a dodgy app to Ovi just to teach Nokia.01:26
ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: it's an excuse01:27
Firebirdwow, so many things already in the fremantle QA, I should probably hop on board :o01:27
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wazdqwerty12_N810: like dog porn feeder :D01:28
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javispedroqwerty12_N810: gnaughty.01:28
qwerty12_N810wazd: I like that idea...01:28
qwerty12_N810javispedro: haha, I'm still waiting for your port01:28
qwerty12_N810(of course, including x11vnc with it is not needed any more, but...)01:29
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wazdqwerty12_N810: or redtube plugin for MAF :D01:30
qwerty12_N810Aim higher: RedTube plugin for the desktop!01:31
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zerojaySomeone say "redtube"?01:31
VDVsxqwerty12_N810 , +1 :P01:31
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GAN900Somebody should do a calculator applet.01:33
qwerty12_N810RedTube applet has higher priority01:33
wazdGAN900: who needs calculator when you have redtube?!01:34
qwerty12_N810Although, I think someone made a one-line one for OS2008:
wazdGAN900: quick tip: place calc shortcut to the desktop01:34
VDVsxGAN900, what are you using in the N900 for IRC ?01:34
GAN900VDVsx, how was your roommate? ;)01:35
crashanddieGAN900, how was yours?01:35
* qwerty12_N810 will upload XXXChat to Ovi, and integrate VDVsx's library into it01:35
GAN900He's a dumbass.01:36
GAN900Ovi on S60 is so horrifying.01:37
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wazdGAN900: so you've made it to the summit? :)01:37
javispedroI don't think the summit was full of dumbasses.01:37
GAN900ls: IRC: usuk01:37
Macerjavispedro: beauty is in the eye of the beholder :)01:37
Macerdamn i want to get some taco bell but it's rush hour01:37
GAN900wazd, passport was 28 hours late01:38
Macerand raining01:38
Macerit would be faster to walk there01:38
GAN900I wonder if Ovi for Maemo will be any better.01:38
VDVsxGAN900, was fine ;), timeless gave me the N1000 :P01:38
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javispedroThe Maeminatrix. Did she try to kill you after you tried to install non-DRM'd app?01:39
crashanddieI've started trolling tmo01:39
Maceranybody watch the philanthropist?01:39
* GAN900 high-fives crashanddie.01:39
crashanddieis that like the mentalist on steroids?01:39
qwerty12_N810samppa: please, please, please, use maemo-optify on mplayer01:39
GAN900Did anybody get xmodmap working at the Summit?01:40
crashanddiethe keyboard stuff?01:40
crashanddiedon't think so, but Khertan said he remaped ctrl + space to be tab01:40
GAN900I want tab01:40
crashanddiejust by editing a text file01:40
crashanddiedon't remember which one, I was drunk01:40
GAN900I couldn't get it to take changes to the symbol file01:41
GAN900It does seem to play nice with whatever evil shit Nokia did.01:41
crashanddieI'm thinking about writing a LinkedIn app01:42
crashanddiecreate a new contact, invite him on LinkedIn immediately (or facebook/whatever)01:42
crashanddiebloody hell, it's like everyone from the summit is looking at their LinkedIn at the same time01:43
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crashanddieVDVsx, jussi, harri, kees, they're all accepting at the same time01:43
code177So.. guys01:44
code177does anybody know if there has been any progress with a PSX emu on the n900 yet?01:44
VDVsxcrashanddie, I'm running through my 300+ e-mail at the moment :(01:45
code177I can't find out anything useful on TMO or google01:45
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VDVsxcode177, afaik, anyone in the community is working on this01:45
VDVsxbut the pandora guys are (same chip as the n900)01:46
code177did you mean nobody in the commity?01:46
wazd <- lulz01:46
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VDVsxcode177, yeah, nobody, but I can be wrong01:47
code177well.. that sucks.01:47
VDVsxand I'm referring to the Maemo community of course01:47
code177I wonder how compatible pandora would be01:47
code177the pandora version i mean01:48
wazdcode177: I think it will be near full compatible01:48
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wazdcode177: if not fully01:48
VDVsxcode177, me too ;)01:48
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zerojayqwerty12_N810: Working on packaging my stuff up myself. What kind of package do I tell dh_make it is?01:49
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qwerty12_N810zerojay: single binary01:50
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zerojayTesties, 1 2.01:53
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zerojaySomething I said? :/01:53
Xisdibikyou forgot his third, mean01:53
GAN900zerojay, do it right.01:53
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javispedroi boot windows for the first time in months and it hangs at startup01:54
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zerojayGAN900: I'm working on it. Should be done soonish.01:55
wazdjavispedro: you hate windows - windows hates you :)01:56
* javispedro hits reset button01:56
qwerty12_N810In Soviet Russia, perhaps...01:56
javispedroi had to find it, dammit01:56
javispedroall glory to magic sysrq01:57
GAN900zerojay, yeah, but is it done now?01:58
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zerojayGAN900: I'm in the middle of editing a few of the files needed for the packaging, like control.02:01
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GAN900blah blah blah still lazy. :P02:02
crashanddieoh you can talk mister I don't do squat02:03
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GAN900blah blah blah jealous.02:04
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crashanddie_garage.m.o down for anyone else?02:15
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timeless_mbpnot very up at least02:19
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DocScrutinizerwhere are the photos of N900-inside? with all cans removed and really closeup macro so you can read the chips names02:20
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DocScrutinizergimme a pointer to these photos, and 30min later I tell you what we might expect from usb-hostmode02:21
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crashanddie_DocScrutinizer, it won't happen02:23
DocScrutinizerwhy not? (lol) NDA?02:24
code177i changed the attribution system on these wallpapers and now i have to go back through them all and update them =/02:24
crashanddie_DocScrutinizer, no, the hardware doesn't allow for it02:24
DocScrutinizerplease elaborate02:24
crashanddie_DocScrutinizer, usb charging is a solid XOR with host mode02:24
DocScrutinizernot really02:25
crashanddie_simply put, you can't have a port that supports host mode and usb charging02:25
DocScrutinizersee OM FR02:25
crashanddie_well, I had 3 Nokia hardware engineers tell me that02:26
crashanddie_and one ARM guy too02:26
GAN900You can, actually.02:26
crashanddie_not on this device apparently02:26
GAN900The USB hardware we have supports it.02:26
crashanddie_from what they said02:27
crashanddie_I'd love to see it though02:27
GAN900May require a different type of port or something though.02:27
GAN900Stupid USB consortium.02:27
DocScrutinizercrashanddie_: And here is an Openmoko EE telling you that's nonsense ;-D02:27
crashanddie_one of they guy said "not possible unless you go scraping at the hardware connectors"02:27
crashanddie_s/they guy/the guys/02:27
infobotcrashanddie_ meant: one of the guys said "not possible unless you go scraping at the hardware connectors"02:27
crashanddie_DocScrutinizer, and I should take the success of OpenMoko as proof that you're right?02:28
DocScrutinizerplease don't play kidding games on me02:29
crashanddie_oh sorry, I forgot the smiley02:29
sheepbatI think it'd matter most just if it worked from a technical standpoint02:29
sheepbatbut I don't know if an openmoko can do both charging and USB-host02:30
crashanddie_DocScrutinizer, if someone told you "I work at Microsoft, which is why I can assert that Linux doesn't support USB", would you take their word for it?02:31
DocScrutinizercrashanddie_: refer to p.7 LOCATION:49XX, particularly U4904, U4905 - you'll see it's there. And I tell you it works02:32
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mikmaanyone knows a way to get in touch with canola2 devels?02:33
DocScrutinizerand for my word: and p.1 of aforementioned schematics02:33
crashanddie_mikma, #canola might be a good place to start02:34
crashanddie_DocScrutinizer, god you're obtuse02:34
mikmacrashanddie_: thanks mate!02:34
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GAN900mikma, go harass etrunko until he answers. :D02:34
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crashanddie_oh well, garage won't reply tonight it would appear02:35
DocScrutinizercrashanddie_: to fulfill your expectations: how am I obtuse?02:35
GAN900Holy crap02:35
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GAN900All of MST3k is on Netflix.02:36
crashanddie_clayton is alive?02:37
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DocScrutinizersheepbat: charge at max 1A from USB. Hostmode with max 500mA supply from Openmoko Freerunner02:39
sheepbathunh, interesting02:39
javispedroopenpandora had a load of problems with it too02:40
javispedroand they're using omap.02:41
javispedroso guess the culprit...02:41
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* DocScrutinizer considers to apply at Nokia, for the next senior hw developer job02:46
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crashanddie_it must be mindblowing to work in such an environment02:48
johnsqDocScrutinizer: you forgot the point, develope bad machines, sell them, fix 1 failure and a new bug sell new machine, ...02:48
crashanddie_I mean, not to diss your previous work or anything02:48
SpeedEvilThe hardware of OM wasn't ever the major malfunction.02:49
DocScrutinizerjohnsq: hmm, sounds familiar -though highly disgusting to me02:49
crashanddie_SpeedEvil, nope, however rewriting the software stack from scratch every other week and never allowing people to use the phone as a phone was02:49
DocScrutinizercrashanddie_: you bet it is (mindblowing). Just I joined too late to really make a difference02:50
DocScrutinizercrashanddie_: and no insult taken. I agree with your notion about slow and really bad EE at OM02:51
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DocScrutinizerthough SpeedEvil is right it's not primarily the hw that's the problem. we had 1 or 2 major issues, but that's not been the *real* showstoppers02:53
crashanddie_OpenMoko was a project started with noble intentions02:53
Mouseyand ended with WebOS02:54
crashanddie_the problem is noble intentions don't solve the massive coordination issues that ensue with a project such as that02:54
DocScrutinizerwith a vastly underpowered sw development department02:54
SpeedEvilThat diddn't communicate what it was doing.02:55
DocScrutinizereverybody underestimated the amount of effort it would take to get such a simple thing like standby right02:55
DocScrutinizeror a dialer, a last-calls-history, etc02:56
DocScrutinizerand EE had no single guy to tell sw devels how to use the hw02:56
DocScrutinizer(as mentioned above: I joined way too late)02:57
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DocScrutinizerwell, nokia has an easy going on these parts. They just do it closed source, and I still don't see ofono anywhere around03:01
GAN900Harmattan timeframe, probably.03:02
DocScrutinizerwell, if any of the Nokia guys (or maemo heads) are listening: manpower for hire. email: see
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zerojayQuestion.. if I make a file in my home directory in the SDK... why is it that I can't see those same files when I open Nautilus? Where are they?03:10
crashanddie_zerojay, Nautilus on the host?03:11
crashanddie_zerojay, probably something like /scratchbox/users/$LOGNAME/03:12
crashanddie_you get the idea03:13
crashanddie_just do a find /scratchbox -name filename.ext to find it03:13
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zerojayYeah, I figured it out.03:14
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b-man17~seen xnt1403:15
infobotxnt14 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 3d 14h 1m 21s ago, saying: '~seen lcuk'.03:15
zerojayLove triangle.03:15
GAN900Is it in the builder yet?03:16
* b-man17 is experimenting with video chat.... pretty interesting.... o.o03:17
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zerojayGAN900: I have the deb made.. just need the wiki page for it... Uploading to Extras, I think it was called.03:19
zerojayAnd virtualbox just froze my ass.03:21
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zerojayeven my term is dead... screen is no longer updating... wtf... i can't even see this and it's probably being typed directly into a command line that will somehow erase all my shit at once and i don't even care aarrrrrrrrrrrr03:26
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zerojaykillall Virtualbox03:27
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zerojayshutdown -h now03:27
b-man17"Segmentation Falt"03:27
zerojayfuck you03:27
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zerojaysoooo blank screen... it's just you and me now, huh03:28
zerojayi don't like you, you don't like me.03:28
zerojayi'm going to make you my bitch.03:28
* GAN900 watches with interest03:28
zerojaysee this fucking plug?03:29
b-man17"/sbin/init: Segmentation Fault"03:29
zerojayYOU LOSE.03:29
b-man17~burn his computer03:30
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* infobot pours gasoline all over his computer, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze03:30
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b-man17wb xD03:31
zerojayVirtualbox decided to get stoned.03:31
zerojayFuck it.03:31
b-man17VMware? :)03:32
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Macergetting my damn web server back up and running has wound up being a total pain in the ass :)03:36
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Maceri hate mysql03:37
zerojayAnyone awake right now that can send me my invite to upload to extras?03:38
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frewsxcvwhat is most stable for nokia 770, 2008HE 2007HE or 200604:09
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b-man17frewsxcv: OS2006 i'm assuming04:16
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Firebirdwoa, didn't know the brainstorm was for hardware ideas too...05:12
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vladovgneed instrucktions to install Android on 81005:31
microlithheh, those would be fairly intricate instructions05:33
zerojaylove that.05:35
microlithit's handy05:35
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vladovgsearch allredi05:36
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vladovgno matter05:37
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Macerthe big rip doesn't seem like the probable end of the universe05:42
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jennyfast2Is there a way to install international virtual keyboards on the N800? (i.e. Japanese)05:45
falmeidaWhen is Maemo going to change to Qt?05:46
derfjennyfast2: You probably want maemocjk.05:48
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luke-jrfalmeida: 605:51
luke-jrgah, watchdog killed me05:52
luke-jrcan't link kate anymore? :/05:52
zerojayfalmeida: Maemo 6 signals the switch to QT... the Harmattan release. QT is going to be supported by the community in the meantime.05:52
falmeidaWill it have different look&feel for maemo 5?05:52
jennyfast2derf: I'll check it out, thanks05:52
zerojayIt will have a different look and feel FROM Maemo 5, yes.05:53
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zerojayIs there a syslog daemon on the N900 yet? :/05:53
falmeidaSo if I develop a Qt application for maemo 5, it will look different from other applications?05:54
jennyfast2Anyone get an N900 yet?05:54
vladovganother queston05:54
luke-jrjennyfast2: yes05:54
jennyfast2Is it worth the huge amount of money?05:54
luke-jrjennyfast2: probably not.05:55
falmeidaI sure want one :)05:55
vladovgis thear a wai to acses the config file of installet them05:55
vladovgand for exemple change the font size05:55
zerojayfalmeida: I don't know.. check out the QT release on the SDK to find out.05:55
luke-jrI sure want a clamshell, open source N900 :p05:55
jennyfast2luke-jr - It's cool that it can run quake 305:55
jennyfast2But meh.05:55
luke-jrjennyfast2: can it?05:56
zerojayjennyfast2: It's quite worth the money.05:56
zerojayAnd yes, it can... even though it has autoaim in the worst way. lol05:56
falmeidaN900 is all that I wanted for a long time. A mobile that's also a very portable computer05:56
zerojaySeriously, it's completely cheating. lol05:56
luke-jrI'm leaning toward OpenPandora with MiFi when it becomes available05:56
zerojayAnytime anyone's in sight, you're locked on.05:56
luke-jrfalmeida: Zaurus was doing that 10 years ago05:56
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luke-jrfalmeida: but don't expect to use Maemo in that way05:57
zerojayluke-jr: Wha?05:57
luke-jrzerojay: ?05:57
zerojayluke-jr: Don't expect to use the N900 as a very portable computer?05:57
falmeidaluke-jr: what do you mean?05:57
luke-jrzerojay: no, "computer" in that context means running KDE, arbitrary apps, etc05:58
jennyfast2luke-jr: Yes it can play Quake 305:58
luke-jrnot running only custom made software05:58
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jennyfast2Quake III on the N900 ->
zerojayluke-jr: And... why not? I was able to do that in previous tablets.05:58
zerojayjennyfast2: You got me in the mood to play. lol05:58
luke-jrzerojay: not with Maemo...05:58
zerojayluke-jr: uh... okay there.05:58
falmeidaIt seems it's not that hard to port most GTK applications to maemo, and the most important already are05:59
* luke-jr thinks if Nokia wants to send him a N900 free of charge, he'll take the time to get Gentoo/KDE up and working with it, but probably not otherwise.05:59
luke-jrfalmeida: but they do require porting05:59
falmeidaluke-jr: Well, I consider it a platform. All platforms need porting. It still is a small computer anyway06:00
falmeidaluke-jr: With emacs ported, I don't even need much else lol!06:01
luke-jrfalmeida: general purpose OS shouldn't need porting06:01
falmeidaluke-jr: You need porting from win32 to linux, both are general purpose OS06:01
luke-jrjust packaging06:01
luke-jrfalmeida: Win32 is an exception to the rule because Microsoft can't support standards properly06:02
luke-jrbut even then, if you properly write a Qt app in Windows, it will build fine on Linux-based OS06:02
luke-jrI write apps for Win32 all the time, but I write them 100% on Linux, including building the EXE and installer06:03
luke-jrthe difference between outputting an EXE and outputting an ELF bin is merely qmake spec06:03
falmeidaluke-jr: If you use a portable layer, then ok. But you do need that. Besides, Qt doesn't have the same look&feel06:03
luke-jrQt has a native look/feel on any platform06:04
falmeidaIt doesn't look that native to me :P06:04
luke-jr"portable layer" would be standards. you could write a C app too, but C doesn't support GUI06:04
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luke-jrfalmeida: what OS?06:04
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falmeidawin32 (XP common controls 6 or earlier)06:05
luke-jrQt4 supports Windows, OS X, GTK, Symbian, WinCE, and I think a few others06:05
falmeidaSymbian seems quite alpha too06:05
luke-jrwell, I can't say I've used XP more than a week after it was released06:05
luke-jrnor at all since I learned Qt06:05
luke-jrso I guess who knows :)06:06
luke-jrit looks the same as other Win32 apps in WINE06:06
falmeidaI have my own GUI library for qt, win32 and porting to hildon and gtk06:06
falmeidaunfortunately most look&feel can't really be abstract away with widgets06:08
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GAN900zerojay, actually, Qt is official now.06:16
GAN900and themeing should be transparent.06:16
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philosopherare they planning to get a dev version of the n90006:34
philosopheror sould i get the beagleboard ?06:35
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jennyfast2Anyone in here use ePassporte?06:40
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jennyfast2No one uses ePassporte?06:44
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philosopherGeneralAntilles:  ?06:48
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johnxphilosopher, you mean like a developer program?06:56
johnxno one outside Nokia has heard anything06:56
johnxand no one inside Nokia is talking ;)06:56
philosopheri mean what is the prefered platform to start develloping on meamo ?06:56
jennyfast2Does stuff that's compatible with the N800 work for the N900?06:58
johnxfor maemo5? I guess the beagleboard. though it seems like actual product will be shipping in a matter of weeks06:58
johnxjennyfast2, at a source level: yes (with some small tweaks if any). at a binary level: maybe06:59
jennyfast2So I can run any program, but I may have to go into terminal to run it?06:59
johnxthat's exactly not what I meant :)07:00
jennyfast2Uh oh....07:00
jennyfast2I'm not very good with linux.07:00
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lopzgst.ElementNotFoundError: jpegenc07:01
johnxI'm just trying to set your expectations low, so that in the vast majority of cases when someone does the (very small amount of effort) to make things work you'll be pleasantly surprised07:01
lopzany idea?07:01
jennyfast2johnx - lol OK07:02
jennyfast2Is it worth it to upgrade from the n800 to the n810?07:02
clearyjennyfast2: I've got both, but only used them fairly lightly07:03
johnxif you want the keyboard and better screen: yes07:03
clearyI like tactile keyboards, the n810 has it07:03
jennyfast2cleary - looking to sell???07:03
clearyjennyfast2: they're not mine to sell07:03
cleary-> work07:03
jennyfast2If anyone has a n800 or n810 they want to sell then let me know :)07:04
johnxthe downside is ending up with the mini-sd slot instead of two full-size sd slots07:04
johnxjennyfast2, though how about this: what apps are you worried won't run on the n900?07:04
jennyfast2johnx - Anki07:04
philosopherjennyfast2:  now why would you like to bye an n800 ?07:04
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johnxah, the flashcards thing07:04
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johnxjennyfast2, my gut feeling is that anki is one of the apps that will just work on the maemo5 (n900) without any effort. So just a question of waiting for it to show up or asking the person who put it together for maemo4 to make it happen07:12
microlithoh that's cool07:14
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johnxgah. 500+ items in my RSS reader07:27
johnxat least work didn't burn down while I was away07:27
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GeneralAntillesHoly crap, it's my birthday. <_<07:44
GeneralAntillesI can't believe Talk reminded me. . .07:44
RST38bisOh really?07:44
* RST38bis congratulates General on another year lost =)07:44
GeneralAntillesThe slow march towards death continues onward.07:44
ProteousIT'S A TRAP!07:45
Proteoussorry, had to be said07:45
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jennyfast2Can you run debian or fedora on a n800 and get everything to work, even the camera?07:49
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Proteousthe site to site transporter even works if you can get Mr. Scott to fix it from time to time07:50
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cmug nice07:55
jennyfast2Anyone run Fedora on their Nokia?07:56
microlithaugh the flicker07:56
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Proteousjennyfast2: according to the wiki there is not support for the camera07:57
jennyfast2Yeah I saw that :(07:57
jennyfast2But thanks though07:57
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RST38bisWho is working on Transmission for Maemo?08:06
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zerojayI think its qwerty.08:11
zerojayFaheem Pervez.08:11
RST38bisNot fiferboy?08:15
RST38bis'cause I wanted to ask the maintainer to make some adjustments08:15
* GeneralAntilles sighs.08:15
RST38bisIt literally brings N900 to the edge of meltdown08:15
GeneralAntillesIt's qwerty1208:15
GeneralAntillesRST38bis, he's looking into the "lock everything up" issue.08:16
GeneralAntillesI'm sure he'd appreciate some input.08:16
RST38bisOh this is how he calls it :)08:16
zerojayI just decided to drop the amount of seeds I'll accept down to 20 from 60.08:16
RST38bisI think it is as simple as doing a usleep() every now and then08:16
GeneralAntillesOn that note, can we make sure we're getting as many of the new people with N900s as possible to test stuff in Extras?08:16
GeneralAntillesI don't know what "basically" means, but. . . .08:17
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* GeneralAntilles kinda feels like Nokia is moving the goal posts.08:17
RST38bisWe cannot, unfortunately. This is what I meant when I said that the current conditions for Extas admission are too strict08:17
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GeneralAntillesWhy can't we?08:18
RST38bisQuim just posted on t.m.o that he does not want ordinary guys with n900s use Extras-testing08:18
GeneralAntillesGo to and test.08:18
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RST38bisI have separate problems with the stuff at that URL08:18
RST38bisThe interface has to be fixed so that it is no so hellishly tedious08:19
RST38bisBut the bigger problem is here:
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RST38bisMourning, Stskeeps08:28
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: happy birthday08:29
GeneralAntillesThanks. ;)08:30
GeneralAntillesThe meaningless 22.08:30
* GeneralAntilles feels like an old man.08:30
Stskeepsmeh :P 25 here08:31
GeneralAntillesYou can rent a car at least!08:32
Stskeepsnot without a license08:32
GeneralAntillesOh, right, getting a drivers license over there requires selling your first born.08:32
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: re app manager placement.. see why we need community variants and a os the community controls? :P08:32
RST38bis11 more years until crucifixion08:32
GeneralAntillesWe just give them to everybody and let the road wars slim down the numbers. ;)08:33
jaskao, happy bday ga :p08:33
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, no, this is why we need to beat Nokia managers about the head and shoulders with blunt objects until they see it our way.08:34
GeneralAntillesjaska, thanks! :)08:34
GeneralAntillesA freaking hyperlink in the _APPLICATIONS_ menu08:34
* GeneralAntilles mutters.08:34
jaskaoddly enough mines tomorrow :)08:34
GeneralAntillesjaska, lot of people seem to have it around this time.08:34
jaskayea, b-man's was a couple days ago08:35
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, too.08:35
RST38bisGentlemen, fighting Ovi store is a lost battle.08:36
RST38bisSo, just sit tight and wait until it withers and dies on its own08:36
RST38bisWell, maybe suggest to Nokia to swap App Manage with some other first-tier icon08:37
* GeneralAntilles still favors the blunt objects.08:38
RST38bisYou had your chance and you missed it08:38
* RST38bis on the other hand, has got the Modest manager. Twice.08:38
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Stskeepslet us move ovi maps to second layer08:39
Stskeepsit should be kept out of the publics eye until they fix it.08:40
RST38bisIf they ever do08:40
Stskeepsor just fork maemo mapper08:40
GeneralAntillesI can't believe they screwed up Ovi Maps so horribly.08:40
GeneralAntillesI mean, really?08:40
RST38bisSome really pretty things at
jaskawhatd they do?08:41
GeneralAntillesThey couldn't just take what works reasonably well on S60 and move it to Maemo?08:41
GeneralAntillesjaska, they mutilated it with a meat grinder.08:41
RST38bisGeneral: What is surprising there?08:41
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GeneralAntillesIt's a study in how not to make software.08:41
GeneralAntillesRST38bis, always the optimist. ;)08:41
RST38bisYou have got a team of people who have never done anything for the tablets and do not care08:41
RST38bisAnyways, among the bugs I carpet bombed bugzilla with, there is a bunch of Maps bugs08:42
RST38bisGo, vote, comment08:42
GeneralAntillesRST38bis, is there an Ovi Maps component?08:42
GeneralAntilleszerojay, ping?08:42
RST38bisNokia Maps08:42
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GeneralAntillesWhere did we decide we're hiding background images?08:43
RST38bisGeneral: Bugs 5332,5333,5336,533708:43
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: yo.08:46
zerojaySorry... was playing snes with wiicontrol.08:47
GeneralAntilleszerojay, where are we hiding the backgrounds?08:47
zerojayAnd the stuttering makes it unplayable.08:47
vandenoeverhow can i take a screenshot in the N900? esp of the 'window manager'?08:47
GeneralAntillesOr the statusbar cpu applet is also an option.08:47
jaskalol, the ovi maps program is even less useful than the n810 wayfinder thingy?08:47
zerojayGeneralAntilles: I put the backgrounds in /opt/maemo-backgrounds/[set name]/08:47
zerojayGeneralAntilles: And the .desktop files in /usr/share/backgrounds/08:47
vandenoeverGeneralAntilles: perfect!08:48
zerojayThe SNES emulator is so stuttery that trying to fly in Super Mario 3 is impossible. :/08:48
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RST38biszerojay: Controls stutter or gameplay stutter?08:50
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RST38biszerojay <-- can hardly be pleased (yes, I have read the comments on downloads)08:50
zerojayWhen frames aren't drawn to the screen, input is ignored.08:51
zerojayI haven't a clue to what you're refering to.08:51
RST38biszerojay: Ok. start by setting a fixed frameskip of 308:51
RST38bisDo not use BT controllers, they lag08:51
zerojayYeah, I figured there was some lag anyways.08:52
RST38bisSee if you have anything running in the background08:52
RST38bisIf you are, kill it08:52
RST38bisAside from that, I have no idea what you are talking about: DrNokSnes works pretty well for me08:52
RST38bisFor anything smoother you will have to visit a fleamarket and get a real SNES08:53
zerojayPerhaps the flying problem is caused by BT lag then.08:54
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zerojayWhat framerates are you seeing?08:56
RST38bisI am skipping 2 out of 308:58
RST38bisSkipping more will make gameplay jerky. Skipping less will make it slower. Autoskeep often leads to what you call "stuttering".08:59
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* RST38bis out to work08:59
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wazdheya all09:06
Stskeepsmorning wazd09:07
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GeneralAntillesHrm, Eero needs help with the descriptions for the crash reporter.09:10
vandenoevercan i just put an installfile anywhere? i put one on an apache but n900 browser just shows it as a textfile09:12
Stskeepsyou need a certain mimetype i think09:12
vandenoeverStskeeps: maemo server sends text/html as mimetype09:14
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: the crash reporter ui needs to get an update for maemo509:16
timeless_mbpand keep in mind that it probably doesn't ship in the final box09:17
timeless_mbpit'll probably be in my translation pack, which of course, makes things much more fun09:17
* timeless_mbp hates debian packaging09:17
GeneralAntillesWhat's the proper term for desktop widgets in Maemo 5?09:19
timeless_mbpum, dunno, they're probably just widgets09:19
GeneralAntillesWidget or desktop widget?09:19
timeless_mbpif you tap the desktop and hit the menu area09:19
timeless_mbpyou'll get a menu w/ a chance to add one09:20
vandenoeverusing 'text/html' for the $package.install file does not help09:20
timeless_mbpmsgid "home_me_select_widgets"09:21
timeless_mbpmsgstr "Add widget"09:21
timeless_mbpvandenoever: yeah well, the browser will helpfully render that ;-)09:21
StskeepsFiles with the extension ".install" are09:21
Stskeepsrecognized to have the mime type "application/x-install-instructions".09:21
GeneralAntillesWe should probably try to clean up the version strings for Extras.09:23
vandenoeverStskeeps: thanks, that opens the installer, now it says 'cannot install qtup, package not compatible'09:24
Maceri hate laundry09:25
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Stskeepsvandenoever: means it couldn't satisfy dependancies or your package isnt in user/09:25
vandenoeveri think it means, i forgot Package.gz, will add that09:25
vandenoeverStskeeps: it should be in dists/fremantle/user ?09:26
GeneralAntillesHrm, Mauku doesn't like Qaiku.09:27
vandenoeverhere's the install file:
vandenoeverhere file: actually09:29
* GeneralAntilles hits zerojay.09:30
timeless_mbpvandenoever: tap the app's menu09:30
timeless_mbpselect 'log'09:30
GeneralAntillesPromote the Mauku desktop widget, really? :P09:30
vandenoevercatalogue 'user' not found09:30
timeless_mbpyour repo is 'main' not 'user'09:31
timeless_mbperr fremantle?09:31
* timeless_mbp frowns09:32
* timeless_mbp can never remember how to parse those things09:32
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timeless_mbpso i think components is 'user'09:33
vandenoevertimeless_mbp: i changed say 'components = user' now09:33
timeless_mbpas for catalogues, i think it's probably 'apps'09:33
timeless_mbpask mvo :)09:33
vandenoeverfrom it is 'extras'09:34
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* timeless_mbp ponders09:37
timeless_mbpwhat the heck?09:37
timeless_mbpdoes tmobile use WCDMA?09:37
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timeless_mbpWCDMA frequencies 900/1700/2100 MHz (Europe, Asia, T-Mobile US)09:37
Ceron^n900 in stores yet?09:37
timeless_mbpwill you ask every day?09:38
Ceron^not sure yet09:38
wazd <- vote!09:38
vandenoeveri want to blog about a package, could some one test it?
GeneralAntilleswazd, still lingering UI issues.09:40
vandenoeverit is a 3d object that listens to the accelerometers09:40
GeneralAntillesvandenoever, you should send it to the autobuilder and Extras.09:41
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vandenoeverGeneralAntilles: it's bit small for that, just some funny app09:41
GeneralAntillesvandenoever, doesn't matter, send it to Extras-devel and just leave it there.09:42
GeneralAntillesBetter than more 3rd-party repos. ;)09:42
vandenoeverok, i'll have a go09:42
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GeneralAntilleswazd, the over/under widget style also doesn't fit vertically.09:43
GeneralAntillesSince the size that Hildon thinks the widget is and the size it actually is don't seem to match up.09:44
wazdGeneralAntilles: I haven't seen OMWeather under Fremantle so I don't understand what does it mean :)09:44
wazdGeneralAntilles: better report Vlad09:44
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Macerawesome. new episode of castle09:46
GeneralAntilleswazd, see:
Macercastle is awesome09:46
Macerthis damn xfce4 desktop that is ont he touchbook seriously needs a pager :)09:47
Maceri need multiple screens damnit09:47
Macerif my crappy g1 can do it in android then so should this09:47
Macerthe android market cracks me up.. every time a video player comes out people leave comments like "Will this play flash????????"09:48
Stskeepsfremantle desktop on touchbook could be nice09:48
Macer"1 star.. doesn't play flash!!"09:48
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Macerit's a riot09:48
MacerStskeeps: yeah.. too bad i don't know how to instal it09:48
Macerit uses some u-boot setup that i haven't quite bothered to learn yt09:48
GeneralAntillesHopefully the Beagle project gets updated soon.09:48
MacerGeneralAntilles: that is what the touchbook is. a beagleboard in a laptop :)09:49
wazdGeneralAntilles: well, that's a feature I guess, ask unknown designer how that happened :D09:49
Macerwith a touchscreen09:49
Macerand a huge battery09:49
Macerwhich realistically lasts for like 7 hours in use09:49
Macerprobablyt because of underdeveloped kernel power management09:49
GeneralAntillesHow big is the battery?09:50
wazdany kind people to help me with theme deb btw?09:50
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Stskeepswazd: if mail me the template.png and what settings to use i can probably get it going09:50
wazdStskeeps: cool!09:51
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wazdStskeeps: catch with gmail :)09:53
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wazdStskeeps: some key shots like vkb, phone and some others would be super awesome :)09:55
Ceron^timeless_mbp: il stop asking when its released :\09:56
Stskeepswazd: trying to build09:56
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wazdtimeless_mbp: any updates on icons size btw?09:57
timeless_mbpwazd: sorry, i really don't know, maybe GeneralAntilles  or Jaffa  or Stskeeps  know?09:57
GeneralAntilleswazd, icon size?09:57
timeless_mbpi'm poking google wave for a few mins and trying to read email09:57
wazdGeneralAntilles: HAM icon09:59
GeneralAntilles48x48, no?10:00
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: also the icon size for things in control panel :)10:00
GeneralAntilleswazd, hrm, want to try beveling the wind direction arrows a little bit more?10:00
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wazdGeneralAntilles: I want t replace this whole thing honestly :D10:02
Stskeepswazd: .deb sent back to you10:02
wazdStskeeps: cool!10:03
wazdStskeeps: everything works?)10:03
Stskeepswazd: well the build did.. i cannot test rightnow as i don't have an updated flash image10:03
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Stskeepsand i don't want to risk my work ability today :P10:04
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GeneralAntillesAh, whore.10:06
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GeneralAntillesOmniWeb crashed with 3 unsubmitted bugs. <_<10:06
Stskeepsdear god, frost on the windows..10:07
fralsyey its snowing here \o/10:07
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fralsthe snow flakes are kinda tiny and melt as soon as they hit the ground, but still10:07
wazdStskeeps: well, thanks!10:07
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Stskeepswazd: did you do any changes to the template since the first rst sent me?10:07
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wazdStskeeps: yep10:08
Stskeepsthen we need to change the mer version too i guess :)10:08
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wazdGeneralAntilles: wat to test fresh theme? :)10:11
GeneralAntillesHit me.10:11
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wazdGeneralAntilles: e-mail?)10:11
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GeneralAntillesrabelg5 at gmail.com10:12
jennyfast2What OS do you guys have installed on your Nokia?10:12
GeneralAntillesMaemo 4 and Maemo 5.10:12
GeneralAntillesDepending on the Nokia in question. ;)10:13
Stskeepsmorning johnx10:13
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: so are all the icons 48x48 in Maemo 5? :)10:13
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Happy birthday! :)10:13
* johnx sets mode +zombie10:13
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, not the statusbar ones?10:14
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, thanks!10:14
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: ok :)10:14
wazdGeneralAntilles: oh!10:14
timeless_mbpbut both HAM and normal launcher icons?10:14
XisdibikGeneralAntilles: I want your nokia device with maemo 5 ;)10:14
wazdGeneralAntilles: happy birthday too then! :D10:14
Stskeepsjohnx: still ill10:14
GeneralAntillesXisdibik, cold dead hands!10:14
timeless_mbphappy birthday GeneralAntilles10:14
johnxStskeeps, feeling better...just drained10:14
Xisdibikand apparently happy birthday GeneralAntilles10:14
johnxwhat about you?10:14
GeneralAntillesHehe, thanks everybody. :)10:14
wazdqwerty12_N810: you're the only man that follows tmo reminders I guess :D10:14
GeneralAntillesjohnx, less sick now?10:14
Stskeepsjohnx: meh, coughing a bit but nothing bad10:14
* johnx faxes GeneralAntilles a cake10:15
GeneralAntillescolor fax!10:15
johnxGeneralAntilles, well, less sick in a physical sense ...10:15
GeneralAntillesjohnx, did the Nokians poison your mind?10:15
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johnxnah, just made sure I had lots to drink O_o;10:16
johnx(and rain to walk home in)10:16
johnxyup, heard it here first: Nokia engineered weather in Amsterdam10:16
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* GeneralAntilles loves Flickr sharing.10:17
MacerGeneralAntilles: both of them combined is 16ah10:17
GeneralAntillesMacer, gawd, that thing will run forever on Maemo.10:17
Macerlol. i guess if the kernel would run with proper power management10:18
Macerthe touchbook os is worse than mer :)10:18
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Macerlike.. random blanking of the screen.. misconfigured python network management scripts.. all types of beta type probelsm.. i sure hope it gets better soon10:19
Macerlike.. at the very least a battery monitor would be nice heh10:19
GeneralAntilleswazd, startup animation is h264 avi, apparently.10:19
StskeepsMacer: what does lshal | grep battery say?10:20
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GeneralAntillesHrm, OK, time to mock something cool up in C4D10:21
MacerStskeeps: a lot10:21
Macerwhat's another pasting site other than pastebin10:21
Macerpastebin turned gay as hell.. it has a ton of popups now10:21
wazdGeneralAntilles: oh :(10:21
GeneralAntilleswazd, yeah, qwerty12 is going to start shipping porn clip startup screens to Extras now. :(10:22
Ceron^any news on USB OTG10:23
qwerty12_N810Look, I told you GeneralAntilles that I do not want videos of you in my Gmail inbox10:23
mvo"son, what are you doing there in your room?"  "Nothing, just rebooting my tablet..."10:23
RST38hGeneral: Just out of pure masochism, I will try pushing an app into Ovi store (they say it will contian10:23
RST38hfree apps first)10:23
Macerthere you go Stskeeps10:23
Stskeepsmorning mvo :)10:24
RST38h(shit, it was the buffer)10:24
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mvoStskeeps, morning!10:24
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aSIMULAtorhwhere is dr nok snes?10:25
aSIMULAtori mean in the repositories10:25
StskeepsMacer: looks fairly sane to get a battery applet on10:25
aSIMULAtori can't seem to find it anymore10:25
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MacerStskeeps: oh i'm sure10:25
Ceron^i get so depressed reading Maemo Talk forums only bad news10:25
Maceri'm watching the NG special on hitler's stealth fighter10:25
Ceron^no usb otg, no digital compass10:25
johnx16Ah? O_o;10:25
johnxlike, a couple car batteries?10:25
Macerthe horton 22910:25
qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: Make sure it's a Python one10:25
Macerjohnx: no. just 2 normal batteries10:26
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: i still wonder if status area allows python plugins10:26
RST38hTes test test10:26
glassMacer: secret weapons of luftwaffe was a fine pc game10:26
StskeepsMacer: how do you install software on it btw?10:26
RST38hglass,Macer,wazd,zap: Moo all10:26
StskeepsMacer: like, do you have serial access to it or something?10:26
MacerStskeeps: to install the os you write an image to it10:26
Macerto an sd10:26
Stskeepsand it flashes it or boots everything from sd?10:27
MacerStskeeps: it keeps its os on an sd10:27
Macerboots from the sd i'm sure10:27
johnxCeron^, pretty sure usb otg is just a software issue (people: correct me if I'm wrong)10:27
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qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: Dunno, not really fussed about Python TBH :)10:27
MacerStskeeps: i'm pretty sure putting another os on it would be fairly easy but i just haven't figured out how to do it yet10:28
StskeepsMacer: let me just look up some info on it..10:28
Maceri guess however you would boot a beagleboard with a different os10:28
MacerStskeeps: so i can put mer on it? :)10:28
Macermer would probably run a lot better on it than this touchbook os crap10:28
StskeepsMacer: i'm pondering how to do a port easiest without having access to it physically10:28
Macerwith its xfce interface and horrible "tablet mode"10:28
johnxMacer, should be able to use the beagleboard mer, but a somewhat modified version might be more friendly10:29
MacerStskeeps: haha.. if you want i'm sure i can give you ssh access to it.. but i'm not too sure if that would help you much10:29
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johnxMacer, you know fremantle desktop is open source, right? ;)10:29
StskeepsMacer: got any online documentation for it/10:29
Macerjohnx: yeah but i'm not hardcore enough to get it working on this10:29
MacerStskeeps: not really. only place i can think of are the forums on alwaysinnovating.com10:29
wazdGeneralAntilles: so, how's it overall?10:30
Macerunder "support" on their site10:30
GeneralAntilleswazd, 2 steps forward and a couple steps back, as usual.10:30
Macerthe nazi stealth fighter was made of wood haha10:30
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: wazd, 2 steps forward and a one steps back, as usual.10:30
wazdGeneralAntilles: can you give me some shots in return so I can finaly see it for myself :D10:31
GeneralAntillesOh, theme?10:31
wazdGeneralAntilles: VKB, HAM< Phone and with something you don't like10:31
wazdGeneralAntilles: yep :)10:31
GeneralAntillesDidn't get the email.10:31
StskeepsIM view is a good one to check too10:31
wazdGeneralAntilles: oh10:31
GeneralAntillesAh, wait.10:31
GeneralAntillesJunk mail10:31
johnxMacer, convince AI they should send some mer dev a touchbook10:32
GeneralAntillesYou got sorted in with all of the Cyrillic spam that I was getting about 6 months ago. :P10:32
Macerjohnx: haha10:32
crashanddie_whassup johnx !10:32
wazdGeneralAntilles: crap :)10:32
Maceri'm not that good of a minipulator10:32
Macerthey are backed up enough as it is10:32
Macerit took me like... 5 months to get it :)10:33
Macerall the people are screaming about not getting theirs.. it's anarchy10:33
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Maceri was watching a west wing episode where someone managed to shoot down a stealth fighter10:34
Macerand everybody keeps asking "how did they even see it to shoot it down?"10:35
GAN900wazd, get this installing, not sure if it's meaningful.
Macerooo.. i found hd versions of the original star trek10:35
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RST38hAnyone knows how to sense if the tablet is being locked via DBus?10:36
qwerty12_N810GAN900: That's a Theme Maker problem; I had the same with another theme made with it10:36
RST38hThere should be a DBus message for that (and unlock too)10:36
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Fire up dbus-monitor over SSH and watch?10:36
Macerthe nazis didn't know the british had radar when they first attacked10:36
Macerhow awesome10:36
Maceri guess radar was a new thing back then :)10:37
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GeneralAntillesHrm, weird, theme change didn't go so well.10:37
RST38hqwerty: I really want the "official" way10:37
GeneralAntillesLot of stuff is out of alignment.10:37
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: reboot, usual problem10:38
RST38hqwerty: Btw, tried Transmission. Works beautifully, bring the tablet to meltdown almost10:38
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inte_anything new on AlternateLineService support by the N900?10:38
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inte_Just curious...10:38
RST38hqwerty: You may want to insert some usleep() statements here and there, or show me where to look for the main loop and I will try to think of something sensible10:39
Stskeepsinte_: there's a talk thread on it10:39
StskeepsMacer: touchbook installation seems like fun.10:39
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Good luck with that. You *may* have some service names and the like hardcoded in the headers with the mce-dev package, but I don't think you're get any better than that10:39
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Macerare you being sarcastic? :)10:39
inte_Stskeeps you got a link?10:39
Stskeepsinte_: search for alternative line service10:39
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Yeah, I've shortened the time it locks up for, but it's still a problem10:39
StskeepsMacer: it uses a unionfs on ext3 over a squashfs10:40
RST38hqwerty: It does not really lock up. The way it looks to me, it is making shitloads of system calls10:40
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GeneralAntillesI'd lighten up the level selection widgets.10:40
RST38hqwerty: If you simply point me to the source file (URL) which implements the main loop, I can try doing something about it10:40
StskeepsMacer: well, aufs10:40
StskeepsMacer: so it's always possible to revert to factory settings10:41
inte_Stskeeps ah i opened that one :-)10:41
qwerty12_N810RST38h: I'll have to look later, I'm not on a computer right now10:41
Macerby wiping the ext3 partition on the sd10:41
Maceri suppose it automatically rewrites to it10:42
Meiz_n810i wonder if the aufs makes the Touch Book os so vunerable for hard-reboots10:42
Macerso does that mean you have to figure out how to access whatever it uses internally for the os?10:42
wazdGeneralAntilles: level selection?10:42
GeneralAntilleswazd, sliders and progressbars.10:43
inte_is the n900 phone app open source?10:43
qwerty12_N810Oh, BTW, any idea why the SDK repo is lacking source for so much stuff that comes on the N900?10:43
qwerty12_N810Like powertop and hildon-welcome10:43
Stskeepshildon-welcome is in stage10:43
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qwerty12_N810I remember seeing hildon-welcome code somewhere...10:43
StskeepsMacer: nah.. i pretty much get how it is done, but it's annoying way to do it10:43
MacerStskeeps: heh10:43
wazdGeneralAntilles: oh, ok10:43
Macerthen make me a mer intall for it :)10:44
Maceror better yet.. maemo5 :-D10:44
Macerthat would kick ass.. might be able to find a compatible 3G modem for its internal usb port10:44
wazdGeneralAntilles: I think I'll post it on t.m.o. for public test10:45
Macerthe screen on this thing keeps blanking on its own10:45
wazdGeneralAntilles: but I need some shots to showcase :)10:45
Macerit is absolutely annoying10:45
GeneralAntilleswazd, I'd also brighten up the button gradients and take the severity down by about a notch.10:45
timeless_mbpwazd: so, did you make a 48x48 icon?10:45
* timeless_mbp finished reading 1 mailbox10:46
StskeepsMacer: how long are you awake for?10:46
wazdtimeless_mbp: oh, so it's 48x48 :)10:46
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timeless_mbpwazd: i really don't know10:46
timeless_mbpbut if GeneralAntilles says so, then trust him :)10:46
RST38hqwerty: Acknowledged. Let's get back to it tonight.10:47
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MacerStskeeps: i actually have to go to work soon... why?10:47
timeless_mbplooks good :)10:47
timeless_mbpit actually feels fairly close to the one we used before10:48
StskeepsMacer: i'll make you a ssquashfs image and you can try it later10:48
timeless_mbpi bet it was the same one :)10:48
inte_is the n900 phone app open source?10:48
MacerStskeeps: ok :) sounds good10:48
RST38hwazd: is it for the "Call The Marines!" application? =)10:48
RST38hinte: no10:48
wazdRST38h: yep :)10:48
* qwerty12_N810 laughs at the "2.5" in GeneralAntilles' screenshots10:49
Macerhave to go into the office at 6am .. i will be back pretty soon afterwards.. Stskeeps if you want i'll open up ssh on it and you can have all the fun you want with ti.. i have tow ork on getting my damn web server back up later though.. has been down for like 3 weeks because i haven't had time to work on it10:49
timeless_mbpqwerty12_N810: i had 2's10:50
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, Imma fly over there and kill you with a rusty spoon.10:50
Maceri'm almost done getting it back up10:50
wazdGeneralAntilles: are gradients screwed up the same way on the device? :(10:50
timeless_mbpmarina looks nice10:50
timeless_mbpis it in extras?10:50
Macerbut i'm going to have to start from scratch.. which i guess is good i only had 10 articles on it :)10:50
GeneralAntilleswazd, yeah, it renders in 16bit10:50
timeless_mbpi'm not a fan of some of the art though10:50
inte_RST38h thx10:50
timeless_mbpthe icons are mostly old/blocky10:50
GeneralAntilleswazd, overall, I'd say the theme is a little too dark.10:50
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Have a look at what you will never get:
* GeneralAntilles didn't even get to go to the Summit to bitch about it.10:51
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, those icons are way better than that godawful S60 garbage. :P10:51
inte_RST38h so I will have to contact nokia to get them integrating ALS-support in the phone app I guess10:51
Xisdibikqwerty12_N810: diaf, i want that :(10:51
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RST38hinte: Depends on what ALS support is10:52
GeneralAntillesBe nice if changing the theme didn't also change the background.10:52
RST38hinte: What is it?10:52
timeless_mbp------- You are receiving this mail because: -------10:53
timeless_mbpYou are the QA contact for the bug, or are watching the QA contact.10:53
timeless_mbpYou are the QA contact for the bug, or are watching the QA contact.10:53
timeless_mbp--- does it really need to tell me twice?10:53
GeneralAntillesOtherwise you might forget.10:53
inte_RST38h Alternate Line Service:
inte_RST38h you only get it from certain providers, like Orange, A1, One, Eplus, Rogers... but not from all - this is why it is so less known10:54
RST38hinte: This is something that has to be resolved between Nokia and Rogers10:54
inte_RST38h but its a great service10:54
timeless_mbpRST38h: so10:55
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timeless_mbphaving translated the ui10:55
inte_RST38h I'm with Eplus (Germany) but I have the service as well10:55
timeless_mbpwe'd need to have some more strings for it10:55
RST38hinte: However great it is, I doubt you can add it yourself or make Maemo people add it for you10:55
timeless_mbpwe definitely don't support the outbound10:55
wazddamn, I need to remake buttons again then :(10:55
inte_RST38h I only think that the Rogers description is very nice10:55
timeless_mbpyeah mostly sucks10:55
inte_RST38h this is wikipedia:
RST38hinte: This is something that needs to get resolved at the baseband module level10:55
wazdI don't get it10:56
inte_RST38h and this is the official specification:
wazdgradients  are fine10:56
RST38hinte: If the baseband chip supports it, then the next team would be core/kernel people at Maemo10:56
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andre__timeless_mbp, known and not important enough to take a look at currently10:57
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wazdGeneralAntilles: would you mind to make vkb shot?)10:57
inte_RST38h ah cool. since all nokia symbian phones support als, and the baseband chipsets are probably the same, the core/kernel people should work on it!10:57
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GeneralAntilleswazd, was trying to but couldn't open the keyboard to hit ctrl-shift-p then got too lazy to do it through the applet. :P10:58
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inte_RST38h I guess they are working on the phone app anyways, in order to allow video calling. how do i contact these people?10:58
timeless_mbpyou can half open the last row10:58
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timeless_mbpenough to get ctrl and p but w/o losing the vkb10:58
RST38handre: I am going to change some bug summaries and change them back from enhancements to bugs10:59
timeless_mbpinte_: the wiki page for attendees should have listed the marketing / sales people in attendance10:59
RST38handre: Hope you will not be offended too much10:59
timeless_mbpRST38h: anything that's not part of the spec and requires feature work is an enhancement request10:59
timeless_mbpchanging them away from enhancement will cause serious animosity10:59
RST38hit is different11:00
Ceron^is there software for the fm transmitter11:00
Ceron^people say it works but i see no screenshots11:00
timeless_mbpCeron^: yes11:00
GeneralAntillesIt's built-in.11:00
RST38hThere are a few bugs that I erroneously started with a verb, which makes it possible to mark them as enhancements11:00
timeless_mbpbut the software is basically a control panel that lets you turn it on11:00
timeless_mbpand then some portion of audio is routed out via the radio11:01
timeless_mbpthe ui lets you say on/off and frequency11:01
timeless_mbpincredibly boring, except to a localizer11:01
* timeless_mbp changed at least one of those strings11:01
Ceron^GeneralAntilles: how come no screenshots or videos of fm-transmitter in use11:02
GeneralAntillesCeron^, because they're really boring.11:02
GeneralAntillesIt just works, basically.11:02
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Ceron^GeneralAntilles: it has a GUI ?11:03
Ceron^you can stream any audio to the fm transmitter?11:03
Ceron^even movies? :P11:03
GeneralAntillesYou just turn it on.11:03
GeneralAntillesThe GUI consists of exactly what timeless described.11:03
timeless_mbpit only streams the audio11:04
timeless_mbpvideo doesn't get broadcast via fm ....11:04
Ceron^ofcourse :D11:04
Ceron^but audio from the movies11:04
johnxtimeless, are you sure it isn't streaming the video to your radio?11:04
johnxhave you tested?11:04
timeless_mbpyou're accusing my radio of being old and needing an upgrade?11:04
Ceron^timeless_mbp: what about hands-free using the car radio as speakers11:05
Ceron^does it work well11:05
timeless_mbpi don't have a license, or a car, or a car radio11:05
timeless_mbpor car radio speakers11:05
johnxjust making sure you've tested on a wide variety of video-radios11:05
Ceron^you would use the phone as a microphone and car-radio as speakers11:05
johnxthough I think to stream video to one of those video-radios you need to use included cables ...11:05
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Ceron^johnx: stop trolling!11:05
* johnx gremlins instead11:06
Proteousif it's anything like the FM trasmiter in my n97 then it sucks unless you have your phone taped to the radio anttenna11:06
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johnxProteous, probably has more to do with FCC/CE regulations than poor construction of the transmitter11:07
LupuCeron^: I don't have a radio lying around, but when the FM-transmitter is enabled the device's internal speakers are silent11:07
GeneralAntilles10' works just fine with my shitty clock radio.11:07
Proteousjohnx: I've used extrnal fm trasmitters that worked much much better11:07
timeless_mbpProteous: is your n97 targeted for Europe11:07
timeless_mbpsomeone explained that radio transmitters for the USA are allowed to be more powerful than equivalent European products11:07
timeless_mbpyay CE11:07
LupuThere's no UI for the FM transmitter while playing video, but if you enable it in the Music player at least the internal speakers are silent while playing video11:08
Lupuwhich leads me to thinking it's broadcasting to FM..11:08
Proteousmy n97 has funtionality in the music player to turn on the FM transimter but you can also use a seperate app to just turn it on and off when you want11:09
Proteousand it routes all audio out to the transmitter11:09
timeless_mbpProteous: does it persist across power off?11:09
Proteoushmm, I don't know, I don't usualy turn off my phone :)11:10
ProteousI can see11:10
timeless_mbpset an alarm :)11:10
* GeneralAntilles chuckles at Proteous's N97.11:10
timeless_mbpi want to know if it sends the alarm to your fm radio if your device is off :)11:10
johnxtimeless, actually that's a pretty cool idea :)11:11
GeneralAntillesLeaving your radio on all night tuned to a non-existent station or setting an alarm on both?11:11
johnxusing my FM alarm clock's alarm along with my N900's music11:11
johnxand the failure mode is terrifying static that will wake me up anyways11:11
GeneralAntillesMy wakeup time varies by day, unfortunately.11:11
johnxGeneralAntilles, play music on the n900, set the radio alarm on the clock11:11
timeless_mbpmy wakeup time varies by sun11:11
timeless_mbpwhat varies more is my getting out the door time11:12
GeneralAntillesjohnx, why involve the radio?11:12
johnxin that case you want a phone alarm11:12
GeneralAntillesjohnx, N900's speakers blast great.11:12
wazdGeneralAntilles: ta11:12
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: fwiw, the n900's screen works to wake me up11:12
timeless_mbpi've had my device on silent but calendar had alarms11:12
johnxI have a soft spot for rube goldberg (sp?) style solutions11:12
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, you tape it to your eyes?11:12
timeless_mbpthe alarm caused the screen to wake up, and that woke me11:12
johnxtimeless, sometimes...11:12
GeneralAntillesjohnx, don't we all. But still. :P11:12
Proteousnope the FM transmitter doesn't stay on after power cycling my phone11:13
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: does fm on persist for the n900?11:14
timeless_mbpi suspect it does11:14
Proteousprobably not11:14
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I've just rebooted about a half-dozen times. :P11:14
Proteoussince it uses up battery quite fast11:14
GeneralAntillesNo, I'm not testing that. :D11:14
timeless_mbpone more won't hurt :)11:14
* wazd 's tired of fixing gradients :(11:14
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GeneralAntilleswazd, make a monochrome display theme!11:15
Stskeepswazd, afb said he had a svg version of template11:15
* johnx tests11:15
johnxGeneralAntilles, for ebook readers?11:15
GeneralAntillesjohnx, I want a theme that look like an old calculator.11:16
wazdStskeeps: and? :)11:16
Stskeepswazd, true, ps guy..11:16
johnxand I want the ringtone from the newest star trek :>11:16
wazdI'll try one dirty trick11:16
johnxnope, fm transmitter is set to off on reboot11:18
johnxprobably to save people who forget it's on and "fix" the problem with a reboot11:18
LupuHow about a theme with some fingerprints 'preinstalled'? Perhaps that would help me spend less time trying to clean the screen.11:18
Proteousit's the same reason all your other apps don't just start up when you reboot11:18
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timeless_mbpLupu: heh11:19
timeless_mbpProteous: um11:20
timeless_mbpmost of our apps *do* start :)11:20
johnxProteous, yeah. reboot is much more of a first-round troubleshooting trick these days than something that people do for power reasons (or it's becoming that way at least)11:20
GeneralAntillesNeed some documentation on the hildon-welcome conf.11:21
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sarowerI have a server program and i am trying to bind it to port 8011:26
crashanddie_sarower, bit more information?11:26
sarowerBut it is giving following error "Transport endpoint is not connected11:26
sarowercrashanddie_:  When running the server program inside scratchbox it can not bind using port 8011:27
sarowercrashanddie_: Giving above error11:27
RST38hOk, I moved this bug: from enhancement to normal11:27
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crashanddie_is there socket connectivity in scratchbox?11:29
crashanddie_can't remember11:29
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sarowercrashanddie_: If i bind it to another port say 3024 it is ok11:30
sarowercrashanddie_: but binding to port below 1024 is problem11:30
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JaffaMorning, all11:31
wazdwell, dirty tricks doesn't work for .pngs :)11:31
wazdlet's use some more advanced11:31
crashanddie_sarower, are you root/fakeroot?11:31
RST38hwazd: BTW, Maemo6 is supposed to go .svg11:32
sarowercrashanddie_: inside scratchbox in PC11:32
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sarowercrashanddie_: So it is as normal user mode and it is appplet11:33
crashanddie_sarower, sorry, I never use scratchbox11:33
crashanddie_anyway, I need to get to work, talk later11:34
sarowercrashanddie_: Oh ok i am developing applet....11:34
crashanddie_o/ Jaffa11:34
johnxsarower, you're trying to bind to :80 as part of your applet?11:34
sarowerjohnx: yes...11:34
Myrttiquestion is, *why*11:34
sarowerjohnx: right11:34
RST38hmoo Myrtti.11:35
johnxyou'll need root access to do that, and also it is very likely to conflict with other programs that might be "real" web servers11:35
Myrttibaa RST38h11:35
sarowerjohnx:  That could be.. but I need this cause another application connects to this port so i must listen to this port11:36
sarowerjohnx:  So how i can ndo this?11:36
johnxyou need to run your program as root11:37
MyrttiI wonder what he's up to11:37
johnxand you'll need to be running it as root on the device11:37
johnxbut you app will also likely need to have some kind of code to make it conflict with anything that provides a web server11:37
johnxI would *highly* suggest that you separate it out into a daemon process and an applet process11:38
RST38hMyrtti: Asking a lot of questions, as always? =)11:39
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sarowerjohnx: Ok, But in the pc as root user i am using port 80. And first time it is working fine but second time immediately when i am trying to bind again it is producing the same error11:39
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sarowerjohnx: Why this error even i am root11:40
johnxand also it will definitely need to elegantly handle the situation where something else is already bound to :8011:40
johnxI assume you can't change the code of the other program, sarower?11:40
sarowerjohnx: yes...11:40
sarowerjohnx: You are right11:41
wazdRST38h: ok, I'll wait until 2011 then :D11:41
RST38hwazd: You said earlier that you hated SVG? =)11:41
johnxif it works once then fails a second time, maybe the first instance is still hanging around somehow?11:41
andre__RST38h, still bug 5336 remains an enhancement11:41
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johnxmight want to try: netstat -tnap | grep :8011:41
sarowerjohnx: Yes I think so.... but i can not find the reason...11:42
RST38handre: And Maps remain disfunctional wherever I need to travel. Thank you.11:42
andre__i never disagreed with that.11:42
andre__no "Thank you".11:42
RST38hWell, anything that makes application disfunctional is a defect and needs to be fixed.11:43
andre__your definition of disfunctional is VERY wide.11:43
andre__maybe that also explains why you file no reports as enhancements ;-)11:43
RST38hMy definition of disfunctional is "Cannot make use of the application"11:43
* RST38h does not file for enhancements because enhancements never get looked at11:44
andre__don't get me wrong, you have a very good point. but it simply was never announced or planned by nokia to provide that, i think. hence by that definition it's an enhancement11:44
andre__so you want me to correct your severity every time?11:44
RST38handre: Nokia provides offline map set downloading for its Maps application on Symbian phones11:44
GeneralAntillesRST38h, bugs in bugzilla never get looked at by Nokia enhancement or not.11:45
andre__aha. so why isn't that written in the bug report?11:45
GeneralAntillesSo who cares?11:45
RST38handre: Because I do not get exceedingly anal in my buug reports unless forced to.11:45
sarowerjohnx: It is showing first something like:  CLOSE_WAIT11:45
GeneralAntillesOh, vote for this please:
sarowerjohnx: Then like  TIME_WAIT11:45
johnxyeah, looks like something is holding the port open11:46
andre__RST38h, yeah. and that makes me waste a lot of time. be exact if you want your stuff to get fixed.11:46
RST38handre: but yes, in a Symbian version there is Map Downloader that lets you download maps before you travel11:46
crashanddie_sarower, i take you've never written socket applications for linux?11:46
johnxsarower, it should list the PID as well11:46
cvandonderenwhere can I find docs about QMaemoInternetConnectivity? it gives me an error (with the Qt 4.6 alpha maemo version)11:46
andre__RST38h, then please mention it. dude, it's way easier to convince people when having such arguments. really. it helps getting your reports fixed if you are exact...11:46
crashanddie_johnx, no, not necessarily11:46
crashanddie_sarower, add proper error handling to your application, and signal handling as well. Catch SIGTERM and make sure to close every socket in your app before giving up the ghost11:47
RST38handre: Ok, I will. Although back here at work, anything that does not let people use our product is a showstopping bug11:47
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johnxRST38h, if I "file a bug" that I can't use a core 2 duo because it won't run off 2 watts, how seriously will I be taken?11:47
sarowerjohnx: No PID11:47
RST38handre: The only loophole is if you can prove that your user intends to do something unusual to the product11:47
andre__RST38h, different definitions... i also have a different definition of such stuff when it comes to gnome instead of maemo...11:47
RST38handre: But this loophole can't be taken here, I am afraid11:48
RST38hjohnx: You will be directed to buy an Atom11:48
andre__heh. yeah, looks harder :-/11:48
johnxRST38h, try maemo mapper11:48
crashanddie_let's put it another way: networking is a requirement for the maps application11:48
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* GeneralAntilles hands andre__ and RST38h 2x4s to fight this out with.11:48
RST38hjohnx: Not available for N900. Not a Nokia product.11:49
crashanddie_it's like browser, you don't see people moaning browser doesn't work as soon as there is no connectivity, right?11:49
RST38hjohnx: I.e. it is like me suggesting you to switch to Arm ;)11:49
Corsaccrashanddie_: well, no11:49
Corsaccrashanddie_: you can browse local content11:49
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Corsacat least you should be able to11:49
sarowerjohnx: Any way what does this means........? Is it meaning that the previous binding is not yet closed yet?11:49
RST38hand some people do browse local content11:50
Corsaccrashanddie_: wether maps or html pages11:50
crashanddie_sarower, yup11:50
andre__maps IS based on browser afaik11:50
andre__in fremantle11:50
johnxRST38h, heh...well I'd be terribly surprised to see even an atom-based board hit 2 watts max draw11:50
sarowercrashanddie_: Thank you11:50
crashanddie_anyway, maps is shit, who uses it anyway?11:50
johnxcrashanddie_, why wouldn't it show a PID? is it the busybox netstat?11:50
andre__i agree that it could be in a way better state, yeah11:50
johnxcrashanddie_, not much choice for maemo5 yet ...11:50
tekojomorning all11:51
crashanddie_johnx, there is no process associated with it IIRC11:51
RST38hjohnx: I won't11:51
frals*votes for maps working offline*11:51
Stskeepsmorning tekojo11:51
RST38hjohnx: As long as it is only the Atom11:51
andre__frals, voting is highly welcome, really11:51
crashanddie_johnx, the process is effectively dead, it's just an ancient thing to allow clients to disconnect/notice there's a problem before allowing anyone else to use the port11:51
Corsacmaemo mapper (or mapper) aren't ported yet?11:51
andre__morning tekojo11:51
Corsacor not maintained at all?11:51
fralsyeah, im voting whenever i see something good, like maps working offline :)11:52
crashanddie_johnx, say you cause apache2 to crash, and then very quickly jump in and grab the 80 port, if the timing is right, you intercept a mouthful of posted data or whatever11:52
andre__Corsac, haven't seen it yet for Fremantle, but would certainly be nice to have it11:52
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JaffaIt's a Fremantle Star, so it should be coming.11:52
Stskeepsmaemo mapper is ported but in a bad state last i checked11:52
johnxsarower, can you paste the whole output of netstat -tnap somewhere?11:52
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crashanddie_anyway, off to work, have fun everyone11:53
tekojoCorsac there was a blog post in italian telling that there is work going on for MaemoMapper on Maemo 511:53
johnx'later crashanddie_11:53
Corsac;a=summary that doesn't look very good :)11:53
johnxthe new map viewer for gnome might be reasonable11:53
crashanddie_(just 2 hours late :-*)11:53
StskeepsCorsac: it's in garage11:53
Corsacyeah but I don't see any code there:
Corsac(this is mapper, not maemo mapper)11:54
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fralsanyone with a device (or without) who could help me with ? :) (MMS support research stuff)11:56
* frals heads off for a while to do an heuristic evaluation11:57
RST38hfrals: Was discussed at Summit11:57
RST38hfrals: Basically, sending part can be done right now in user space by implementing a sharing plugin11:58
RST38hfrals: Receiving part requires kernel work (as you probably know)11:58
RST38hfrals: Nokia will not implement half-the-MMS because it will be a support nightmare11:58
RST38hfrals: But if you wish to code a sharing plugin, help yourself, I can tell you whom to ask for documentation if there is something missing in the SDK11:59
fralsshould be possible to do receving only over http thou, which should work without kernel work right?12:00
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fralsthanks, ill take a look at the sharing stuff when i get home :)12:00
RST38hreceiving over http is useless12:00
RST38hsending over http to an internet connected MMSC is somewhat useless though as long as you find a free-MMS-forwarding service12:01
infobotRST38h meant: sending over http to an internet connected MMSC is somewhat useful though as long as you find a free-MMS-forwarding service12:01
sarowerjohnx: tcp             0                0             CLOSE_WAIT12:02
johnxand nothing on the line below it?12:02
sarowerjohnx: tcp             0                0            TIME_WAIT12:03
sarowerjohnx:  nothing12:03
wazdlet's rock12:03
johnxnetstat wraps lines in an 80 column terminal12:03
wazdStskeeps: have time to make another .deb? :)12:03
fralsRST38h: thanks for the input :) do you have time to post it in the topic or should I?12:03
RST38hfrals: Please do not post it verbatim12:04
johnxsarower, I think crashanddie's advice is probably closest, that somehow you're not closing the port when the applet dies12:04
RST38hfrals: Also, it is all pretty useless information unless you are willing to code the actual plugin12:04
fralsi was just gonna add the sending part could be done via the sharing pluginsystem pretty much and that receving requires kernel work12:05
sarowerjohnx: The thing is that it probably close the port after some time say 1/2 min12:05
RST38hfrals: If you want to add the sending part properly (i.e. to your proivder's MMSC) it also requires kernel work12:06
sarowerjohnx: So when i am trying again very immediateky12:06
wazdwow, new .png is huge12:06
johnxdon't know what to tell you...12:06
sarowerjohnx: It is giving this error12:06
sarowerjohnx: Cause if i try after some time sday 1/2 min it is again working fine12:07
fralsRST38h: oh, right, the sharing plugin would require a free MMS-forwarding service..12:07
sarowerfor once12:07
johnxsarower, sorry, but I'm off to sleep. make sure that your program is carefully closing sockets when it's killed12:08
johnxgood luck12:08
johnx'night all12:08
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sarowerjohnx: Ok thank you12:08
sarowerand good night12:08
Stskeepsmorning sopi12:08
sopigood morning ;)12:09
andre__RST38h, actually Map data should be cached so if you are in phone offline mode you should be able to use it if you have used the Maps app before. and that's a bug. maybe we can agree on that and we're both fine? :-)12:09
wazdStskeeps: I've sent you new .png if you don't mind :)12:09
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Stskeepswazd: buildin'12:09
wazdStskeeps: awesone12:09
GeneralAntillesDamn, what do I need to do to get XTerm to see a new ttf?12:10
wazdStskeeps: it's much heavier now though :(12:10
wazdStskeeps: dithering is a bad thing for .pngs12:10
wazdStskeeps: they are optimized for gradient rendering12:11
fralsregarding Map data: is it possible to preload it with eg. nokia maps loader? or was that not supported12:11
RST38handre: When I fly in from a different country, I do not have any cached data for the destination country12:11
RST38handre: So, technically, what you have written is not the situation described by the bug report12:11
andre__RST38h, I'd assume that you have GPRS available at an airport12:11
RST38handre: I do not.12:11
wazdRST38h: buy a paper map :)12:11
RST38handre: Do not assume that I have connectivity available.12:11
johnxRST38h, if you file it as an enhancement request, I'll vote for it12:12
Jaffafrals: There's a blog post I've found which makes it easy12:12
RST38handre: The bug report explicitely talks about Maps being unusable when there is no connectivity (GPRS included)12:12
JaffaYou can just copy the maps over, no need for an app12:12
wazdGeneralAntilles: ready for round two? :)12:12
GeneralAntilleswazd, sure.12:12
andre__RST38h, okay. that's simply not supported and not planned as far as I know.12:12
fralsJaffa: ah, awesome - got a link?12:12
RST38hjohnx: I ultimately have no control on whether it is a defect or an enhancement12:12
RST38hJaffa: The original bug description said "Document way to copy maps offline"12:13
wazdGeneralAntilles: gradients should look way better now12:13
RST38hJaffa: See, it is not supported and not planned.12:13
Jaffafrals: Trying to find it12:13
RST38hjohnx: To me, not being able to use Maps in exact situations where I NEED Maps is a bug, really12:14
Jaffa^frals etc.12:14
andre__Jaffa, interesting. Does that also work on the N900?12:15
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Your energies would be better spent getting a real company, who actually knows what they're doing when it comes to navigation software, to port their map app to the N90012:15
johnxRST38h, but it's outside their planned use-cases. Just like using an atom-based system on 2 watts is outside Intel's use case. Both situations which they'd probably like to support, but don't currently12:15
RST38hqwerty: I simply want the included software to work as advertised12:15
andre__hmm. was that advertised?12:16
RST38hjohnx: 2Wt Atom system is not outside Intel's use case12:16
RST38hjohnx: Just  trust me on this :)12:16
qwerty12_N810RST38h: If it's using the browser... C'mon, we both think the same way about browserd :)12:16
RST38hJaffa: Will this work on the tablet though?12:16
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RST38hjohnx: And, unlike writing a document on how to download map sets, it is a hard physical problem12:17
johnxRST38h, but the point remains that, it's an enhancement, rather than something they promised but didn't deliver12:18
andre__basically Maps IS a webservice. hence you need web (data connection).12:18
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Stskeepswazd: look in your inbox12:18
RST38hjohnx: Haven't they promised the map use? =)12:18
* RST38h will actually try Jaffa's directions on the tablet12:19
Corsacbrowser can't work in offline mode at all?12:19
Corsac(though using midori or tear it'll work, I guess)12:20
wazdStskeeps: thanks a lot!12:20
wazdGeneralAntilles: check your spam section :D12:20
johnxRST38h, it can be used under certain circumstances. you could take them to court and try and get money back, but if you want them to fix bugs it's probably better to work within the system rather than ending up with the bugmaster resenting you :P12:20
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wazdGeneralAntilles: And enlarge your penis now for $9.99 btw :D12:20
JaffaRST38h: Yeah, should o12:21
qwerty12_N810wazd: Stop being a tight-ass: It's his birthday, you pay for it :p12:21
JaffaWhat's the bug, I'll add a link to
wazdqwerty12_N810: oh! I almost forgot :)12:21
RST38hjohnx: Given that this will never be implemented if filed as enhancement, neither route looks fruitful12:21
johnxRST38h, but the situation where the bugmaster doesn't automatically assume bugs filed by you are mis-catagorized might be more beneficial, if we look at this as a positive sum game12:22
andre__RST38h, if you want to keep me away from work you could not only not set the priority correctly but also file it under wrong product ;-))12:22
RST38hAh, btw, GPS also seems not to work if there is no connectivity12:22
RST38handre: That is not my goal when filing bugs.12:23
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johnxRST38h, though I suggest engineering a situation where the maps lead programmer ends up being sent to a conference in a country where he doesn't have cell access :)12:23
andre__i was ironic of course. but saying that enhancement will remain totally ignored is not true either :)12:23
fralsgood thing im gonna be broke after getting my n900 so i wont have to worry going abroad with maps and get charged an arm and a leg for roaming ;)12:23
RST38hjohnx: AFAIK, the strategy is to change any bug that even remotely asks for something extra as an enhancement, so it does not really matter what YOU mark them with12:23
GeneralAntilleswazd, much better.12:23
andre__RST38h, that's not true12:24
andre__bugs are bugs.12:24
andre__but if stuff was never planned to be implemented it's an enhancement12:24
GeneralAntillesandre__, wants to steal all of our pocket lint!12:24
RST38handre: Sorry I cannot believe that using maps without connectivity has never been planned12:24
wazdGeneralAntilles: I think ubersharp screen makes things even better12:25
andre__RST38h, it IS planned, by caching. that is a valid bug, i already wrote here12:25
RST38handre: Some other things I can believe, by stretching my imagination a little, but not this one12:25
Stskeepsi thought there was preinstalled maps? :P12:25
wazdJapan phones have 848x480 2.5" screens though :D12:25
RST38handre: Especially considering that Symbian phones HAVE this feature12:26
johnxgetting this hildonized/maemo-ized seems like the answer:
qwerty12_N810Stskeeps has a point. We've been recieving generic eMMC images, remember12:26
wazdiPhone look like tetris near them12:26
ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: your bug has been demoted to an "enhancement"12:26
ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: :|12:26
johnxGeneralAntilles, fixed in harmattan :D12:27
* johnx is joking. don't kill me12:27
qwerty12_N810Enhancement, my arse12:27
johnxqwerty12_N810, "enhance your arse for $7.96!"12:27
* GeneralAntilles just really hates Nokia.12:27
qwerty12_N810johnx: Only if you pay12:27
andre__RST38h, comparing to symbian does not really mean a lot in the context of a maemo bug report, i think. though of course it's still definitely helpful to mention it, to push devs a bit12:28
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Corsacwell, the apps is called the same way12:29
Corsacone could even assume it's the same one12:29
fralswell, to the average user they see  "Ovi Maps" and expects it to work the same way imo12:29
* rmt_ notices that gmail is (now?) replacing links within emails to google redirects .. maybe time to setup my own webmail.. any suggestions?12:29
andre__True. Well, I'm not here to defend Nokia. I'm more trying to explain how processes work (and they of course can be criticized)12:30
* RST38h already got how processes work =)12:30
qwerty12_N810andre__: Don't worry, we've already learnt how two-faced Nokia is12:30
wazdGeneralAntilles: some new shots and I'll leave you alone :D12:30
fralsim just here so i wont have to do this heuristic evaluation im suppose to :p12:30
andre__RST38h, I personally think that your point of view is a bit too negative. But I think most here have a certain level of frustration as we all faced some weird decisions in the past12:31
johnxqwerty12_N810, I kind of want to photoshop that batman villain's head on to one of the Nokia guys who was at maemo summit :D12:31
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qwerty12_N810johnx: Since you're having doubts about doing it, I dare you :D12:32
johnxthanks :)12:33
johnxmovie or comic?12:33
qwerty12_N810Maybe that way they can include it with the N90012:33
johnxjust did the GIS for that...12:33
RST38handre: You want positive viewpoint for a change, talk to General =)12:34
RST38hAlthough I suspect he is slowly crossing to the dark side as well...12:34
Corsacthere's no dark side12:34
Corsacmatter of fact, it's all dark12:34
RST38hCorsac <-- has seen the light of truth =)12:34
RST38hor blacklight of truth, anyway12:35
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Stskeepswb lcuk12:35
Myrttilcuk: ohai, hows things?12:35
truaccording to the place where I ordered a N900 it will ship on thursday. let's hope they are right :-)12:35
RST38hdid they tell which thirsday?12:35
johnxbacklight of truth?12:35
lcukhi Stskeeps, Myrtti \o12:36
lcukRST38h, johnx \o12:36
Corsacwhich place is it?12:36
* qwerty12_N810 meows at lcuk12:36
RST38hheya lcuk12:37
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wazdlcuk: heya12:38
lcukhi wazd \o12:38
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* wazd just read Mer slides12:38
Stskeepsgiving up all hope? :P12:38
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Stskeepsi didn't spell it with two l's did i? ;)12:39
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talented_russianStskeeps: :P12:39
Corsacare all the MS slides available somewhere?12:39
Corsac(especially the security track)12:40
* lcuk still hasnt got over the lack of bacon in amsterdam12:40
RST38hJaffa: I *think* this trick with the maps may work12:40
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javispedrosecurity track... ohmy.12:41
lcukCorsac, the security slides are available, but you need a license to view them12:41
RST38hJaffa: And may even be automated with a really small Python program12:41
johnxlcuk, you missed the bacon pancakes or bacon waffles or whatever they were?12:41
RST38hJaffa: Will tell more in a few moments12:41
lcukthe quiche things?12:41
javispedroi wish i had been there to facepalm at the mention of capacitive then suicide at the next slide (about drm)12:41
wazdGeneralAntilles: awesome-o!12:41
RST38hjavispedro: You will have your chance next year =)12:42
qwerty12_N810javispedro: And not to get an N900? :p12:42
wazdGeneralAntilles: simple button failed though12:42
javispedrothat too, ok >:)12:42
Myrttimmmm quiche12:42
Stskeepsyeah, the n900 helped pretty well as a bribe12:42
Corsaclcuk: so I need an N900 first?12:42
Corsaclcuk: or which kind of license is it?12:42
lcukand 2 pints of blood from your firstborn12:43
* qwerty12_N810 yays at seeing Simple Brightness Applet12:43
GeneralAntillesCapacitive at 800x480 and 3.5" will SUUUCK12:43
* RST38h does not see what is the problem with capacitive screen option BTW12:43
Corsacit's not yet born but I can give mine in advance12:43
lcuki dont see problem with the option either12:43
RST38hThey have got the precision problem more or less solved by now12:43
GeneralAntillesRST38h, what if it isn't an option?12:43
RST38hGeneral: Still ok with me12:43
javispedroi. want. stylus.12:43
RST38hGeneral: With a tiny screen like this, you are not gonna use it as a tablet anyway =( =)12:44
GeneralAntillesI want to be able to sketch.12:44
* lcuk does too12:44
johnxjavispedro, the DRM situation is only going to be lame for people who get the phone as part of a subsidized deal with a SIM lock12:44
johnxlcuk, nah, it was a restaurant. I tried to tell you about it. was like a block from the hotel12:44
lcuko_O thats close12:44
RST38hjavispedro: There is a certain door at Nokia HQ tat you can stick your finger into, and make it into a stylus12:44
Corsacjohnx: which is the majority of people imho12:44
lcukshould i fly back and try it ?!12:44
RST38hjavispedro: it will work on capacitive screens too12:44
johnxCorsac, then the phone isn't really yours. so as of now Nokia can't be in that market at all12:45
CorsacNokia already is in that market12:45
lcukwazd Marina looks excellent!12:45
johnxCorsac, name a SIM locked, maemo-based phone12:45
RST38hGeneral: You will probably be able to sketch with capacitive. Not like draw blueprints, but then it is not possible on such a small screen anyway12:45
CorsacI don't know about other countries, but in France the vast majority of phones are subsidied12:45
wazdlcuk: thx :)12:46
Corsacjohnx: oh, maemo based :)12:46
wazdlcuk: lot's of small faults though12:46
* lcuk nods12:46
johnxCorsac, cause, I bet that you can't software unlock your Symbian SIM-locked subsidized phone, without some hacking12:46
lcukRST38h, liqflow type stuff works with capacitive12:47
lcukbut not the kind of note taking and precision stylus work i do12:47
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Corsacjohnx: I don't own a symbian phone so I can't really tell12:48
Corsacjohnx: but unlock is free after 6 months in France12:48
johnxCorsac, then it'll be the same for a maemo based phone12:48
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johnxonce it's not SIM-locked you never have to worry about any DRM-related software on your device12:49
Corsacjohnx: btw, I think the DRM stuff won't be a problem for the same majority of people which will buy the n900 subsidied12:49
qwerty12_N810Corsac: Wow, congrats to the French for not actually surrendering on something12:49
GeneralAntillesSupporting the locked-device users is going to be hell.12:49
javispedroGeneralAntilles, why we'd need to do that?12:49
johnxCorsac, I could see it being kind a bummer in some specific circumstances, but keep in mind their implementation is still at least a year out12:49
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, because they're going to come to us.12:50
javispedrothey won't be able to install extras apps either way.12:50
johnxjavispedro, LOLwut?12:50
javispedronor swap the kernel, nor modules, nor...12:50
Stskeepssigh.. so much misinformation12:50
johnxnot install extras apps?12:50
glasseh.. the simlocked would also lock user installation of any debs?12:50
javispedrowait and see :)12:50
johnxjavispedro, I talked to the guys implementing this. back up your claim12:50
* qwerty12_N810 wouldn't be surprised if that was true12:51
johnxglass, no12:51
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Corsacit might depend on the carriers, too12:51
glassthat would be even bigger shaft than symbian platsec. so can't see it really happening that way12:51
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qwerty12_N810I mean, Application Manager is already becoming a second-class citizen to the Ovi Store12:51
CorsacI'm a bit wondering what will be the carrier power on the locking12:51
javispedrothis is just a foresee. don't want to create a rumour.12:51
GeneralAntillesOvi Store _hyperlink_12:51
Corsacqwerty12_N810: does it only works online?12:51
* Corsac hides12:51
johnxqwerty12_N810, does it on symbian? or android? or winmo?12:51
GeneralAntillesCorsac, yes.12:52
johnxjavispedro, then don't phrase it like it's fact and confuse people...that's exactly how rumors start12:52
javispedrook, hint got.12:52
qwerty12_N810johnx: How would I know? But you have 1001 links to the Ovi store, and one icon for the Application manager hidden away with Extras disabled12:53
qwerty12_N810So, yeah, I'd say it's a second-class citizen.12:53
johnxqwerty12_N810, not sure I really follow. there was the big "tableteer" link on the N800 desktop and look how it totally took over everything *rolls eyes*12:53
johnxjavispedro, :) not meaning to be harsh...12:53
johnxqwerty12_N810, the kind of people who actually *want* to install apps tend to be pretty good about finding this stuff12:54
johnxbut I guess I didn't realize it was going to be off by default on shipping devices12:54
johnxthink I'll wait and see12:54
MacerStskeeps: did you seriously make a mer image for the tb ? :) like. won't the hardware like not work?12:54
Stskeepskeep in mind this is not the final sw though12:54
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StskeepsMacer: i made a generic ARM image. it might work.12:55
Maceri would figure you would need a kernel for it12:55
Stskeepswant it?12:55
IcanCU_so is maemo linux?12:55
Macernot now but later today yes12:55
javispedrojohnx, no no, you're right. it shouldn't let my pesimism out so much.12:55
Maceranything to get away from this tb os12:55
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, Quim basically said it wont.12:55
javispedrospecially with the recent news about the 3d drivers :)12:55
Macerit won't break my tb will it? :)12:55
StskeepsMacer: you'll have to take your chances.12:56
Corsacisn't it already broken? :)12:56
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, I keep getting burned every time I try to be optimistic.12:56
GeneralAntillesGetting hard to not be pessimistic.12:56
MacerCorsac: haha.. depends on whgat you consider broken12:56
Macertechnicallyl.. i can boot it and i can use stuff on it12:56
johnxjavispedro, did they have a video of the security presentation online? or just the slides?12:56
Macerso i guess it's not broken.. just not working to its full potential12:56
johnxthe slides look admittedly grim when viewed alone12:56
Macerit could be awesome if it could run maemo or even android12:56
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javispedrojohnx, dunno.12:57
Macerbut i need information on how to install other operating systems12:57
johnxIcanCU_, yes12:57
MacerStskeeps: where did you find the info on how to install different operating systems?12:57
StskeepsMacer: i read the stuff to use to make a SD card and drew my own conclusions12:57
qwerty12_N810wazd: iwannattestiwannatest12:58
Macerso realistically it won't really affect anything since it's all sd huh?12:58
wazdqwerty12_N810: oh shit12:58
wazdqwerty12_N810: forgot to attach deb :D12:58
Maceri could just use another sd :)12:58
Macerawesome.. i have one handy12:58
qwerty12_N810wazd: :D12:58
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Maceri'll try it out when i get back. thanks Stskeeps ... i sure hope it works12:58
Stskeepswazd: one twist to theme that would be nice.. something that indicates it's definately not nokian or something12:59
Macerbut i suppose if it doesn't i can always just build a new kernel with the mer omap kernel src12:59
Stskeepsit having Droid Sans on Mer probably helps12:59
Macersince all the hardware in it is supposed to be "open"12:59
qwerty12_N810Ah, I should promote it12:59
johnxStskeeps, wazd, thoughts about keeping the "mer" button for the task switcher and/or launcher?13:00
wazdStskeeps: I'm thinking bout adding that nokia ship wallpaper :D13:00
Stskeepswazd: panoramic version ;p13:01
RST38hwazd: Replace the boot up logo with the crazy fish!13:01
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StskeepsMacer: uploading squashfs. eta 4m13:01
wazdUpload of file failed.13:01
JaffaRST38h: A little Python app which had a list of countries and a "Download" button would be cool indeed13:01
qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: I remember a time when you had rootfs' uploaded in minutes :p13:02
Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: i live in poland now and i need to upgrade my internet connection.13:02
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wazdah, max file size 488 kb13:03
wazdwtf :)13:03
Stskeepswb jeremiah13:03
qwerty12_N810jeremiah: Loooong journey? :p13:03
Stskeepsjeremiah: when you have a minute, send the notes from the community SSU to maemo-developers13:03
RST38hJaffa: Exactly13:03
jeremiahqwerty12_N810: heh, not too bad. :)13:04
RST38hJaffa: The really good question is *how the hell do you remove*???13:04
qwerty12_N810wazd: Your theme is too good for Talk? Make it lame! :p13:04
jeremiahThunderstorms over Amsterdam made it a little bumpy though.13:04
qwerty12_N810jeremiah: Heh, well, wb :)13:04
jeremiahStskeeps: I am going to do that soon, today.13:04
Stskeepsjeremiah: yeah, that was a bit nasty :P13:04
jeremiahStskeeps: You had more of that than I since we flew away from it, you flew into it!13:04
fralsRST38h: sorry im a bit thick, but what is needed in the kernel to get the mms send/recv to work? from reading the MMS spec, this could all be done over http, assuming your carrier gateway supports it13:05
wazdqwerty12_N810: there you go :)13:05
qwerty12_N810Thank you, wazd13:05
wazdStskeeps: sure we'll still have mer logo in the corner :)13:05
jeremiahwaxd rocks13:06
wazdStskeeps: btw, I was thinking bout slight restyling :)13:06
jeremiahsorry, I meant wazd rocks. :)13:06
Stskeepswazd: in what sense?13:07
wazdStskeeps: what if I'll make small bubbles around "e" to move like galaxy? :)13:07
Stskeepshmm not sure13:07
wazdStskeeps: it will reduce logo height and add some more subliminal sense :)13:07
crashanddiewhat a fucking wanker:
johnxwazd, pics! :D13:08
crashanddiehe doesn't have the device, doesn't plan on buying it, and wants to organise a "class action"?13:08
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GeneralAntillesClearly we should support him in any way possible.13:09
johnxcrashanddie, where's the "please fall in a hole" tag?13:10
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ccookea class action for... what?13:10
GeneralAntillesSomebody needs to yank the stylus control code from Quake 2 for Quake 3.13:10
ccookewhat is his alleged grievance?13:10
johnxGeneralAntilles, support him right into a passing bus?13:10
ccookeStskeeps: oh, well. Sign me up!13:10
qwerty12_N810When did Maemo start attracting tossers and losers? :(13:10
ccookeqwerty12_N810: ... you've *read* the forums, right?13:11
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I actually like the q3 one.13:11
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, ever since you got interested. :P13:11
Myrttiqwerty12_N810: age ago13:11
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Takes a bit of practice, but then it rocks ;)13:11
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, whenever I pick up my stylus and set it down somewhere else I look at the ceiling or the floor.13:11
GeneralAntillesI don't like that.13:11
qwerty12_N810ccooke: Yes, and I refuse to believe what I'm seeing :(13:11
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: But I purely do that because I need to QA the package, of course :D13:11
qwerty12_N810Myrtti: True :(13:11
johnxqwerty12_N810, just tell your friends that you liked maemo before it was cool13:11
ccookeqwerty12_N810: I'd have to refer you to Sturgeon's law at this point :-/13:12
glassqwerty12_N810: with the sexy adverts of course13:12
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: What would you use the stylus for anyway?13:12
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, mouselook?13:12
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Ah, don't use that.13:12
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I always hate it when things obscure your image.13:13
JaffaRST38h: Download the zip, unzip -l to find files and delete? Or, don't support removing ;-)13:13
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glassmouselook is pretty essential unless you want your ass whooped13:13
X-Fadeglass: This one has autoaim.13:13
GeneralAntillesHoly shit.13:13
glassX-Fade: even then13:13
GeneralAntillesNokia actually fixed a docs bug. <_<13:13
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, yes, I know how much you love gazing upon my glorious visage. :P13:14
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: Nokia fixed a bug?13:14
glassX-Fade: mouselook was the key to whooping ass on duke3d even if it didn't support up/down on it properly, and even on doom13:14
qwerty12_N810This calls for celebration!13:14
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, hooray, mediocrity!13:14
* Stskeeps should try on his fixedinfremantle tshirt13:14
* GeneralAntilles wants his Summit goodies. :(13:15
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Btw, did Murphy kick in and deliver your passport on the day the plane was supposed to leave?13:15
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Or is it still not there yet.13:15
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, it was 28 hours late.13:15
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Aw... sucks.13:15
johnxahaha...I just got spam that told me to "go back to school"13:16
ShadowJKfrals, I'm nots ure what kernel stuff you'd need even for non-http mms transport... it's "just" about opening a new ppp session with the mms APN and doing wap on that? ;-)13:16
qwerty12_N810johnx: Sure it was spam? ;D13:16
ccookeReceiving MMS properly will be harer13:16
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fralsyeah shouldnt have had the http stuff in there13:16
fralsi mean, as long as you dont have a current connection it shouldnt be a problem to just fetch the message i though13:17
johnxqwerty12_N810, yeah, yeah. you can go back to school too...oh wait, too soon for that one :P13:17
ShadowJKand multiple connections depends on the interface to the gsm/3g bits...13:17
qwerty12_N810johnx: College kicks its ass :p13:18
johnxnot getting fed up with non-compsci classes yet?13:19
qwerty12_N810Nope :)13:20
GeneralAntillesGive it a semester. :P13:20
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qwerty12_N810wazd: It's almost blasphemous in Nokia-land to have a picture of a Sony Ericsson as your phone icon13:21
* GeneralAntilles wonders who it is that adds all of these ridiculous tags.13:22
GeneralAntilles"pandora v linear time war"13:23
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lardmanmorning all13:25
Stskeepsmorning lardman13:26
lardmanhey chaps13:26
lardmanJamieBennett: you'll be glad to hear the laptop survived the trip back13:26
JamieBennettlardman: The footage isn't great though :(13:26
lardmansome post processing for you to do then?13:27
JamieBennettaudio and positioning of the camera's is off and there is no n810 footage from the first day :(13:27
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X-FadeNext time we need to make sure we take auto from the mixer.13:27
X-Fade*audio ;)13:27
JamieBennettX-Fade: Yes13:27
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lardmanandre__: ping13:28
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lardmanor indeed everyone with an N900 w/ new sw, could someone take a look at bugs #5369 and #5368 and check it's valid for the latest, and if so change the target?13:29
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JaffaJamieBennett: I thought they were supposed to be professionals?!13:30
JamieBennettSo did I Jaffa13:30
JaffaWhere did they take the audio from if not the mixer?13:30
JamieBennettFrom the camcorder mic without a directional setting so you get the audio from the camera position which was the back of the room for the n800 room :(13:31
andre__lardman, yes, but what is "nigh-on"?13:31
JaffaBut what were the mics for then?13:31
JaffaThat's fscking ridiculous.13:32
lardmanandre__: ah, nearly13:32
lardmanandre__: sorry for my old-school English ;)13:32
JamieBennettJaffa: Maybe the keynote footage from the n900 room will be mixed with audio when it comes back (I'm not doing that) but as for the other talks/rooms its only on the camera's.13:33
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JaffaThey shouldn't be paid.13:33
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JamieBennettlardman: Are you in front of your computer for a while today? I can't get into Bath before the weekend and I need day 2's footage. Can you uploaded it if I set up a ftp server?13:34
SpeedEvilandre__: It is close in meaning to 'near to'13:34
JamieBennettJaffa: You'll soon see the footage :(13:34
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qwerty12_N810wazd: ping?13:36
lardmanJamieBennett: yeah sure, will have to be after lunch tho as I left the laptop at home13:37
lardmancan pop home and pick it up13:38
JamieBennettlardman: great.13:38
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ensihmm are there some security policies or something on Maemo? I try to create a new file with QFile and it fails.13:41
X-Fadeensi: no, not in Maemo 5 or lower.13:41
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ensiso its just the normal *nix file permissions that apply then?13:42
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X-Fadeensi: yes. Apps run as 'user'13:42
SpeedEvilAre tehre plans to make different apps run as different users?13:44
crashanddieElena, during her talk about Platform Security mentioned that it would be interesting to have application-level identification, allowing access to specific resources based on which application is running13:45
jaskasounds rather national-socialist13:45
jaskadown that slope lies crap like symbian signed13:46
glass__sounds rather symbian platsec shitness, yes13:46
zaheermyou know it is coming though...13:46
crashanddiedepends, it depends on the implementation13:46
jaskaalso i wonder what api i need to fiddle with to filter calls13:46
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glass__crashanddie: and then letting webruntime to do it all regardless of it13:46
jaskaor do i have to go poking around in other processes memory spaces13:46
wazdqwerty12_N810: yeah, I already noticed that, but that's oxygen icons, I'm still making my own :)13:47
crashanddieby the way, wazd, were you at the summit?13:47
wazdcrashanddie: nope13:47
qwerty12_N810wazd: Awesome :D13:47
keesjThe idea is apparently to perform application signing and even runtime in-memory checking13:47
crashanddiewazd: shame, a lot of people wanted to see you there13:47
wazdcrashanddie: my army dep didn't :D13:48
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crashanddiekeesj: don't think that will be the actual implementation13:48
crashanddiekeesj: not if I have anything to do with it13:48
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keesjthey need to indentify processes so there is no real choice if you ask me13:49
crashanddiethere is, actually13:49
ensiyou guys are pretty intimately involved with maemo?13:49
glassthe signin houses will push for that anyhow(and some of them do maemo contracting)13:49
crashanddieI've been tinkering about it, and will expose my thoughts, still waiting for the thread to pop up any interesting ideas though13:49
keesjcrashanddie: like what?13:49
jaskathat kind of stuff was why i ran away from symbian as fast as i could13:50
wazdqwerty12_N810: as for SDK - I've made it work, but it crashes with segfault13:50
qwerty12_N810wazd: Hmm, where? I use it VMware fine13:50
wazdqwerty12_N810: vmware too13:50
wazdqwerty12_N810: ubuntu vmware13:51
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wazdqwerty12_N810: oh13:51
keesjcrashanddie: like what?13:51
wazdqwerty12_N810: vmware ubuntu :D13:52
qwerty12_N810wazd: Oh, when reporting bugs, do you want me to be anal (you know, little things and such)?13:52
wazdqwerty12_N810: sure13:52
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wazdqwerty12_N810: you can even invite infobot and make out :D13:53
qwerty12_N810wazd: rofl :D13:53
keesjthey will also have some closed storage and such but what they are trying sounds like a silver bullet. nothing like selinux or other stuff targeted at protecting some webserver from doing weird stuff13:53
jeremiahkeesj: Well, a little bit. They do want to have priviledges which sorta says; "You can use the 3g modem, but you over there cannot."13:55
Jaffajeremiah: "*should* be painless". This is a production system running a variety of websites, don't want to suffer a lot of pain ;-)13:55
jeremiahJaffa: Yeah.13:55
jeremiahI hear you.13:55
jeremiahWell, it really should be painless.13:55
* Jaffa should do it, but he'll need to allocate a weekend and notify everyone13:55
jeremiahYeah, you may need to do that.13:56
jeremiahDebian works really hard to make sure the transition from old-stable to stable goes smoothly.13:56
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jeremiahBut of course, things break. :)13:56
jeremiahAlthough I didn't have any breakage.13:56
wazdqwerty12_N810: let's test your tiny detail notice skills :)13:57
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qwerty12_N810wazd: Fine! But I can't promise that you'll like what you see :p13:58
wazdqwerty12_N810: for example grey arrow in the URL is a large detail - wrong background of the combobox is tiny detail :D13:58
wazdqwerty12_N810: well, the only way to fix something is to locate it :)13:59
qwerty12_N810True :)13:59
wazdqwerty12_N810: how's it overall?14:00
qwerty12_N810Really good, I'm seeing no major issues that would make me need to switch back14:01
Stskeepscheck the IM window and see if it is better14:01
qwerty12_N810I haven't added any accounts14:01
Jaffajeremiah: Cool, thanks for the reassurance14:03
crashanddiekeesj: doing full blown PKI on process level is going to be a CPU hog14:05
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crashanddiekeesj: if it's not implemented correctly, we're going to criple the whole system14:05
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X-Fadecrashanddie: OMAP3 has hardware for that.14:06
RST38hJaffa: If you told me anything about that Map Loader app after I was called to the meeting, please repeat (and I am sorry :))14:06
crashanddieX-Fade: I don't believe signing/verification of 2048 keys is going to be fast enough14:06
X-Fadecrashanddie: It can do all kinds of encryption/decryption on separate hardware.14:06
X-FadeWe might even want to try to get openssh to use it ;)14:07
crashanddiewouldn't be a bad thing14:07
JaffaRST38h: Nah, don't think so. Apart from a really hacky idea on removal ;-)14:07
crashanddieif it does have a cp, I'm definitely going to have fun with it though14:07
lardmanI thought the idea was to validate the source repo (e.g. or ovi stores) and that automatically validates the permissions, which are all stored in the central protected storage. i.e. 2x key validations per app?14:07
Jaffacrashanddie: Elena's talk had it doing a SHA-1 hash on a process binary and using that, rather than signing every single binary14:07
Corsacyeah, I'd be interested in using that for ipsec stuff14:07
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crashanddieCorsac: VPN would definitely be a big bonus14:08
X-Fadecrashanddie: M-Shield. Security Technology: SHA-1/MD5,14:09
X-FadeDES/3DES, RNG, AES, PKA, Secure WDT, Keys14:09
crashanddieI'd like to have 2FA soft-tokens on the device14:09
crashanddieJaffa: sha-1 would be stupid IMHO14:09
Jaffacrashanddie: This was discussed in this channel at the time ;-)14:09
JaffaAlthough "currently" was emphasised.14:09
lardmanwhy stupid? slow?14:10
crashanddieJaffa: 3DES would be sufficient, if regenerated and salted properly14:10
JaffaWe need to link to Elena's slides and video when they're published14:10
RST38hJaffa: Well for removal we can store file names when adding and then delete these same file names14:10
RST38hJaffa: Actually, it is even easier: we can make deb packages of these4 map sets and place them into repo14:10
zerojayCan someone approve me for extras uploading?14:10
Jaffalardman: Trivial to get one process signed which does A and then replace it (without changing SHA-1 signature) with binary B14:10
RST38hdpkg will then take care fo installaiton AND removal14:11
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lardmanJaffa: ok, not very unique then14:11
Jaffalardman: Collisions are engineerable, yes.14:11
lardmanfair enough, was only an example tho wasn't it14:11
lardmanthe use of this algo14:11
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Jaffalardman: It said "processes verified using checksum stored in Aegis Protected Storage (currently SHA-1)"14:12
* Jaffa could try uploading the few photos he took on his N90014:12
lardmanyeah, but the algo used for the hash can be changed was my assumption, and they were using sha-1 for whatever reason during testing14:13
Jaffalardman: agreed14:13
X-FadeYeah, and maybe they just use multiple hashes.14:13
X-Fadealthough that would be slow ;)14:13
JaffaPhotos on their way to flickr14:13
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crashanddieIs gcobb around?14:16
crashanddieI just realised14:16
crashanddieHe wrote GPE, did he?14:16
zaheermJaffa, your maps trick actually works?14:16
X-Fadecrashanddie: s/wrote/works on/14:17
zerojayX-Fade: Can you approve me for extras uploading?14:17
X-Fadezerojay: Did you ask an invite?14:17
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zaheermJaffa, i do that on my e71 all the time, but didn't expect the n900's one to support downloaded data14:18
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Jaffazaheerm: Yup. Definitely.14:18
Jaffacrashanddie_: He did.14:18
zerojayX-Fade: I did.14:19
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zaheermhere goes, putting the whole of usa on for my upcoming trip to SF14:19
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tekojoJaffa what maps trick, saving maps to device? you got me curious :-)14:21
X-Fadezerojay: When did you do that? I didn't see anything?14:21
qwerty12_N810Hiya, tekojo14:21
zerojayX-Fade: Last night.14:22
tekojoqwerty12_N810 Hi!14:22
zerojayX-Fade: I'll request it again, I guess.14:22
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Jaffatekojo: The URL pointed to by zaheerm documents how you can pre-download Ovi Maps maps to your device14:22
tekojoNice, I didn't know that :-)14:23
Jaffatekojo: heh14:23
* Stskeeps bookmarks14:23
lardmanwhat we need is the api of the map renderer then we can get rid of crappy ovi-maps14:23
lardmantho the renderer is probably part of the crappy app too14:24
X-Fadelardman: it looks like maps is a c++ app with a javascript frontend.14:24
lardmanhmm, interesting, so it might be doable then14:24
X-FadeSo you might be able to use a different frontend ;)14:24
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Stskeepslike maemo mapper ;p14:25
lardmanand most importantly a different backend to do searching14:25
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lardmansometimes not finding "Amsterdam" is not really good form in my book ;)14:26
suihkulokkiX-Fade / tekojo, maemo extras seems to have pulled in a upgrade for a package that is included in PR configuration (libffi5)14:26
CorsacJaffa: urf, flash only?14:26
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X-Fadesuihkulokki: Hmmm need to investigate that.14:27
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Corsacha no, I can request a link to download the pdf14:29
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RST38hlardman: Such API already exists14:30
lardmanRST38h: cool, do you have a link?14:30
RST38hlardman: And there is a viewer for it in GNOME14:30
RST38hPort the viewer, add a few more datasources and you are done14:31
lardmanbut does it understand the OVI maps?14:31
RST38hOf course not14:31
RST38hThis requires hacking .cdt files14:31
lardmanbut is doable?14:31
lardmanproven at least?14:31
RST38hI have not looked at .cdt yet14:32
RST38hMay try, if I have time14:32
RST38hNokia will be pissed off, too14:32
lardmanah ok, was wondering if we could just re-wrap the app, so no treading on toes by reversing the format, etc14:32
RST38hgimme a moment14:32
RST38hNothing on global forums. Looks like I will have to try Russian GPS forums next14:34
ensiim looking for a way to backup device contacts, what would be the best way? find the system addressbook file and simply copy that file, or manually get a list of contacts and write another file or possibly through the backup api?14:35
wazdAnyone related to FM radio app for n900 here?14:35
Stskeepsensi: it has a bxport thing14:35
qwerty12_N810wazd: No, but you can find pycage on Talk14:35
ensiStskeeps: contact book?14:36
Stskeepson n900 at least14:36
RST38h.cdt is a Smart2Go file format14:37
ensiStskeeps: what function should i look at, somewhere in osso-abook?14:37
RST38hAlso a CorelDraw drawing, which may not be a coinicidence14:37
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Jaffaensi: Run "Backup" and select "Communication and Contacts" (top option in a backup, IIRC)14:40
Jaffaensi: Or, within Contacts "Export contacts"14:41
ensiJaffa: erm, im looking for a way to do this programmatically14:41
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wazdqwerty12_N810: I have a cool idea for FM ui :)14:41
qwerty12_N810wao: Nice, it's a little barebones ATM :)14:42
qwerty12_N810sorry, wao14:42
lardmanwhy is "Python for S60" the top download on Garage?14:42
GeneralAntillesWho the hell knows.14:42
qwerty12_N810Why is it even on Garage?14:43
GeneralAntillesNot sure how it got approved in the first place.14:43
GeneralAntillesWasting our bandwidth for S60. . . .14:43
lardmanX-Fade: any thoughts?14:43
zaheermensi, libosso-ab is probably api you want14:44
lardmanso libchamplain or osm-gps-map for a map widget? Anyone have any experience with these (or others)?14:46
zaheermlibosso-abook even14:46
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Jaffaensi: Iterate over all EContact records and save the vCard? Invoke the osso_abook API/backup API?14:47
Jaffaensi: 3) Don't write s/w which'll fuck it up ;-)14:47
Shapeshifterdoes maemo have libio?14:48
X-Fadelardman: They needed a home.14:48
ensiJaffa: sorry, dumb question whats s/w? :)14:48
X-Fadelardman: We gave it to them ;)14:48
zaheermensi, s/w == software14:48
ensioh yeah well this will probably fuck it up14:49
lardmanX-Fade: I see14:50
lardmanX-Fade: is there no equiv to Garage for the Symbian guys then?14:50
qwerty12_N810lardman: Looking at Python, I'd guess Garage itself is the equivalent...14:51
Jaffaensi: Warn the user about backups/do it yourself, if your app needs to programmatically back it up, your app is buggy ;-)14:51
X-Fadelardman: not at that moment at least.14:51
lcukX-Fade, community assistance to evil operating systems is great! :D14:51
ensiJaffa: im just doing what im told to do :)14:51
lardmanlcuk: it's open source!14:51
X-Fadelcuk: We all love python, right?14:51
JaffaX-Fade: So, what's wrong with them using or or or ...?14:51
CorsacJaffa: erf, just noticed14:52
CorsacJaffa: the slides are about Maemo 6, not Maemo 5 :)14:52
X-FadeJaffa: They had problems with sourceforge, where they were before.14:52
Corsacis it the same in Maemo5 ?14:52
* lardman heads for lunch14:52
JaffaCorsac: Yeah, there's no DRM in Maemo 5; or signed kernel or signed image or ...14:52
lardmanJamieBennett: will ping you when I get back online there14:52
lcukjaffa, cos is a friendly place and offered things no other hosting service did14:52
X-FadeJaffa: But I don't know the reasoning anymore, long time ago.14:52
CorsacJaffa: oki14:52
lcukafterall, there is only one X-Fade14:52
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JamieBennettlardman: great, thanks14:52
CorsacJaffa: so the N900 has no security architecture at the moment?14:52
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JaffaCorsac: It has root. It has not-root.14:53
Corsacok :)14:53
tbf...i wonder if the clueless and aggressive trolling of the qt fanboys made them start thinking of DRM14:54
xzshHow/Where is contacts stored in Maemo?14:54
tbfxzsh: ~/.osso-abook14:54
tbfxzsh: have a look at libebook or libosso-abook to access them14:54
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tbfensi: Jaffa: backup scripts are in /etc/osso-backup14:58
CorsacJaffa: erf, so you removed everything from the Discussion page?14:58
tbfensi: and you should seriously consider using/adoption those scripts unless you want proper backup/restore14:58
JaffaCorsac: There wasn't anything on the discussion page (which confused me)14:59
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tbfensi: there are dozens of tiny race conditions to consider for proper backup/restore14:59
JaffaCorsac: Unless something went weird on the intertubes14:59
zerojayN900fucking xchat crashing left and right..14:59
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JaffaCorsac: Ah, maybe Talk:MaemoSecurity wasn't moved to Talk:Maemo_security?15:00
Corsachmhm, maybe15:00
Corsacdefinitely :)15:00
ensitbf: basically im working on application that will do some stuff with the contacts in the addressbook and one of the requirements is that it needs to create a backup and be ableto restore the system addressbook from that backup15:01
ensitbf: is there a C "backup" api or something?15:01
CorsacJaffa: why Maemo_Security and Talk:MaemoSecurity? :)15:01
JaffaCorsac: It's not, MaemoSecurity is not conformant with the naming standards.15:01
JaffaIt's now Maemo_security and Talk:Maemo_security - I've merged the content across from the earlier discussion page15:02
tbfensi: execl() :-D15:02
tbfensi: afaik there also is some dbus API, but never really cared15:02
ShapeshifterHow can I find out versions of apps and libs and such in maemo with apt-get? apt-get seems a bit broken, like it doens't know "apt-get search"15:02
ensitbf: so the backup application is built on those scripts in /etc ?15:02
tbfensi: but my brain still hurts from all the "getting backup right" discussions15:03
tbfensi: yup15:03
ensitbf: you mentioned race conditions before, can you clarify? I presume you mean something like application running a backup while some other service/user is adding/deleting contacts from the system address book?15:03
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tbfensi: there are some dbus signals telling the system about backup running. afaik hildon-desktop reacts by killing apps and freezing the task launcher15:05
tbfensi: but background daemons like EDS must be killed manually. all this concurrency. big mess.15:06
Corsacpff, I really don't like forum-based community, I so much prefer irc and mailing lists :)15:06
tbfensi: what we do now for proper backup/restore is copying the raw db files on backup and restoring them under special name during restore15:06
tbfensi: when EDS is started the next time it moves those special files at the right place15:06
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tbfensi: but that's all implementation details, so i really encourage you do find docs on osso-abook or to figure out how to run those backup scripts manually15:07
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tbfensi: if there is no documentation for the backup process it might be worth to ask15:07
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tbfensi: (,, facebook, ... you get the idea)15:08
wazd <- tada!15:08
timeless_mbpandre__: ping15:08
timeless_mbpwhere do i file language bugs in :)15:08
ensitbf: oh you are talking about backup from the backup perspective, i.e. when the backup scripts are run it emits signals through d-bus to make sure that no applications are messing about with the global state?15:08
RST38hwazd: Hurrah! Does it work?15:09
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Corsacwith kinetic scrolling?15:09
Corsacand logarithmic stuff15:09
tbfensi: yup15:09
wazdRST38h: sure not)15:09
tbfwazd: WTF? Radio plugin for the media player?15:09
tbfwazd: how is that possible?15:10
RST38hbut definitely want it15:10
wazdtbf: UI concept for FM15:10
tbfah, "just" a mockup15:10
tbfbut looks awesome15:10
ensitbf: so your opinion about taking a static list of contacts from the system addressbook and dumping those to a file? and when user wants to restore just read the file and insert back into system addressbook?15:10
ensitbf: doomed to fail?15:10
wazdcan't find pycage theme15:10
tbfwazd: well, you might want to hide "Settings" button in the app menu15:10
andre__timeless, Translations maybe? ;-)15:11
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timeless_mbpwhich meta thing is that?15:11
tbfensi: doomed15:11
wazdtbf: maybe15:11
RST38hwazd: If it is a mockup, you can light it up with warm vacuum tube glow =)15:11
wazdRST38h: well, it's "realistic" mockup :)15:12
tbfensi: UIDs will be wrong, IM contacts will break.15:12
tbfensi: also it will take quite some time15:12
RST38hwazd: there is no such widget as you have drawn, so there is no problem doing it either way you like15:13
tbfensi: initially we did the same, but it just doesn't work15:13
RST38hwazd: you are not limited with system theme there15:13
ensitbf: IM contacts refer to their master contact through the contact uid ?15:13
ensitbf: and that would change in the process?15:13
wazdRST38h: Pannable area :)15:13
tbfRST38h: wazd: it's just a matter of putting a GtkViewPort into a HildonPanneable area and putting some little cairo code into the ViewPort's expose-event handler15:14
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tbfensi: yup. you have to preserve UIDs.15:14
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RST38htbf: Yea but may point is that you can draw whatever you want there15:14
tbfJaffa: ^^ btw, that also applies for Hermes ;-)15:14
RST38htbf: solid background, lit up "paper" panel, huge oiled screw, live animated snake etc15:15
tbfJaffa: guess writing a Facebook/Twitter/GData CM for Telepathy would be a more robust approach to integrate those services15:15
wazdRST38h: yeah, retro style would be cool :)15:16
tbfJaffa: investigating this15:16
fralsRST38h: sorry to bother you again, but when you said kernelwork was needed for MMS, i assume this is for correct routing/setting up connection to the right apn, is this right?15:16
wazdRST38h: with rotating nub :)15:16
tbfJaffa: with a Telepathy CM facebook and co would show up in the addressbook's group dialog15:16
jeremiah^^ Are app stores evil?15:16
tbfjeremiah: there is an app for this!15:17
Jaffatbf: Hermes doesn't add any contacts, or touch UIDs15:17
RST38hfrals: yes it is for establishing network connection to the provider's mmsc15:17
Jaffatbf: But a Telepathy CM and then manually merging could be interesting15:17
fralsalright, thanks15:17
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tbfJaffa: ok? thought it would. didn't try yet.15:17
RST38hwazd: well, as you showed the horizontal panel, it seems more logical to go with the paper panel those old consumer radios had15:18
Jaffatbf: No, since there's pretty much no useful information (apart from some URLs and birthday and picture) that you can get from the Facebook & Twitter APIs15:18
Jaffatbf: So no use in creating new contacts you don't already have (unless people *want* to use Contacts to be a bookmark manager for social network URLs)15:18
tbfJaffa: ah, ok.15:18
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RST38hlardman: the libchamplain thing has already got an application for gis browsing15:19
lardmanis that the same stuff as the ovi maps then?15:21
ensitbf: so in order to recap in order for this application to fully support proper backup and restore it would have to interact with the /etc/ backup scripts and that would involve copying the contacts db file and starting and stopping ESD (among other things?15:21
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RST38hlardman: no unfortunately, more like maemo mapper15:21
lardmanJamieBennett: doh! just realised I had them all along on my N900, plus my Uni network is much faster, so will do it when I get back15:21
lardmanand try to work out the wonders of WinXP ftp client15:21
lardmanRST38h: ok15:21
JamieBennettlardman: thanks15:22
lardmanRST38h: not a problem, was just interested in the ovi map stuff, but I do want a map widget for something else15:22
GeneralAntillesAw, rcadden wants back in the club.15:22
RST38hSomebody kicked him out or what?15:23
lardmanRST38h: looks cool, but might be overkill for my first bit of testing15:23
JaffaRST38h: Stormed out15:23
JaffaGeneralAntilles: He's been wanting back for ages, surely?15:24
RST38hJaffa: What was the problem? (sorry for asking)15:24
JaffaRST38h: Didn't think Maemo had a future15:25
tbfensi: yup, i think so15:25
RST38hlardman: libchamplain probably isn't an overkill, but the emerillon is15:25
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Ah15:25
RST38hlardman: Would still be nice ot see it ported of course :)15:25
JaffaBah, Slideshare really doesn't work through our proxy :-(15:25
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ensitbf: thanks a million15:26
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RST38hJaffa: He still has a chance to be proven right =)15:26
JaffaRST38h: True :)15:26
tbfRST38h: barisone tried to make it easily portable to fremantle15:26
* RST38h laughes diabolically. Hello, zap15:26
RST38htbf: No success?15:26
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tbfRST38h: he just got distracted too much after starting emerillon15:27
RST38htbf: Fame!15:27
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lardmanhmm, one of my monitors looks very blue15:29
qwerty12_N810Stop playing blue movies on it15:30
lcuktell it a joke15:30
lardmanhmm, vga cable falling out15:30
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ensitbf: you got any idea where to start studying how to invoke the backup process (either manually through xterm) or programmatically. is there like a single "master" script how does it work?15:32
* lardman twiddles thumbs waiting for Garage15:33
RST38hFolks, I have got a question: if my project supports both Maemo4 and Maemo5, am I supposed to create a new project in Downloads?15:34
lardmanso did I hear correctly when a Nokian said that reverse geocoding was a service provided by a Nokia server somewhere?15:34
RST38hBecause the interface does not let me add more than one supported platform15:34
Stskeepsprobably supl15:34
lcuksupl and i think it was timeless15:34
lardmantimeless: ping15:34
timeless_mbpthat's correct15:35
lardmandoes the supl server do reverse geocoding?15:35
lardmanah cool15:35
timeless_mbpit does15:35
Jaffalardman: libaddress15:35
timeless_mbpbecause that's how the camera works15:35
timeless_mbpfor geotagging15:35
lardmanlibaddress, wunderbar15:35
Stskeepswhy can't it just tag GPS coordinatees..15:35
lcukbut if timeless gets his way it will be tweaked15:35
timeless_mbplcuk: i don't have time to get my way15:35
* timeless_mbp needs to file bugs15:35
* lcuk nods15:35
lardmanJaffa: is that on gitorious?15:36
* lardman fires up scratchbox to see if the headers are lurking there15:37
Jaffalardman: Dunno. "libaddress" was the answer to the question that I asked on the liblocation talk; and I'm sure I'd heard of it before, too15:37
zaheermah is that why geotagging is so fast? :)15:37
lardmanJaffa: ok15:37
lardmanzaheerm: ;)15:37
JaffaX-Fade: Do you know how long it takes for a git push to www to appear on <project>.garage.maemo.org15:38
X-FadeJaffa: I think it is an hourly cron job.15:38
RST38hX-Fade: So, what do I do about a Downloads project that supports both Maemo4 and Maemo5?15:39
X-FadeRST38h: ?15:39
JaffaX-Fade: ta15:40
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tbfensi: not really. guess you have to strace osso-backup or google for docs15:40
ensinice :/15:43
tbfensi: well, "strace -e exec" should tell you quickly what gets launched15:43
ensii only got backup scripts on the hw but  they wont run (at least not through the backup  application but it fails with some error)15:43
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RST38hX-Fade: Downloads now allows to create projects for OS2008 and Maemo515:45
RST38hX-Fade: Separate platforms.15:46
RST38hX-Fade: But the problem is that you can't select two platforms for a project15:46
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X-FadeRST38h: They always have been separate15:46
RST38hX-Fade: So, is it a bug or are we really supposed to create the second project?15:46
X-FadeRST38h: What do you mean wih 'project'?15:47
RST38hX-Fade: Let us take fmsx. There is a Downloads page for it.15:48
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RST38hX-Fade: It says OS2008. If I have now got VGBA for Maemo5, what do I do?15:48
X-FadeRST38h: Nothing15:48
X-FadeRST38h: Maemo 5 version will be created automatically when it ends up in extras.15:48
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RST38hX-Fade: Will it become a copy of Maemo4? And how do I manage them?15:49
X-FadeRST38h: No, it will copy from packages.15:49
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X-FadeRST38h: All info there will be copied15:49
X-FadeRST38h: So make sure your package contains all the right info.15:49
lardmanStskeeps: do you plan/envisage clutter support for the old devices?15:50
RST38hit does.15:50
X-FadeRST38h: And of course you need to manually add a screenshot when it is in Downloads.15:50
X-FadeRST38h: Then you are all set.15:50
RST38hwhich is probably never given the current extras promotion scheme :(15:50
Stskeepslardman: for N8x0? of course15:50
X-FadeRST38h: I missed you at the round-table15:50
lardmanStskeeps: I thought so, just checking...15:50
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RST38hX-Fade: Sorry, probably ended up attending something else15:53
RST38hit was often a difficult choice =)15:53
lardmaninteresting, clutter 0.8 and 1.0 are on-device15:53
lardmanone for Python, one for the rest?15:53
RST38hhmmm...why would it need a different one?15:54
lardmanprob not, was just looking at which versions of libchamplain support python, was some issue with clutter, but looks to be sorted now15:55
lardmanso I don't know15:55
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zgold_crashanddie: is this US/EU/?16:19
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zgold_(the t-mobile conversation)16:19
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SpeedEvilDoes the camera app by default fill in the GPS exif - if the GPS is on?16:21
RST38hit will turn on the gps16:21
RST38hif you have geotags enabled of course16:21
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lardmanI can't find any libs called libaddress16:24
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jeremiah"Enable RD mode" ?16:28
jeremiahif you want to break your device16:28
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lardmanjeremiah: old page text16:29
jeremiahSo why is 'sudo gainroot' spitting that out at me?16:29
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X-Fadejeremiah: install rootsh16:29
Stskeepsjeremiah: because you didn't install rootsh16:29
* jeremiah goes and installs rootsh16:30
crashanddiezgold_: eh?16:30
X-Fadejeremiah: It is about as bad a warning as debian does when doing sudo su ;)16:30
jeremiahheh, :P16:30
jaskawhy sudo su anyway? why not sudo -s?:)16:30
* RST38h yawns and types ssh root@localhost16:31
jeremiahI like sudo su since it logs a lot of good stuff to /var/log/auth.log16:31
jeremiahRST38h: "ssh: not found"16:32
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RST38hjeremiah: then install it16:32
RST38hit is in the extras16:33
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RST38hab: Hello?16:37
abRST38h, hey16:38
RST38hab: Ready to take a look at the Spacic stuff?16:38
abRST38h, yep, have links?16:38
RST38hab: /msg me your email address, then we will have to spend ~15 minutes going over the code16:38
abRST38h, you have my email16:39
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lardmanJamieBennett: still copying from N900 to PC, ~17min to go it reckons16:39
JamieBennettlardman: thanks16:40
fiferboyhey lardman16:40
RST38hab: Not really =)16:40
lardmancrap spoke too soon, just run out of space16:40
lardmanperfect timing16:40
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zerojayn900extras-devel's release file is broken again.16:41
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zerojayn900and changing preferences in xchat causes a segfault.16:41
jeremiahyeah, I noticed that too.16:41
X-FadeDamn racecondition because of load.16:42
jeremiahi.e. extras-testing's release file.16:42
qwerty12_N810zerojayn900: My fault, a downgrade is probably best ATM16:42
clmntchgood morning16:42
jeremiahclmntch: Good afternoon. :) (here anyway it is afternoon - I guess you are on the other side of the Atlantic)16:43
clmntchit's not early enough to say good mornng, but it's morning to me16:44
zerojayn900x-fade: got the invite now, btw. thanks.16:44
jeremiahclmntch: :)16:44
X-Fadezerojayn900: good16:44
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epictetusare you guys excited about n90016:52
X-Fadeepictetus: We all have one already ;)16:52
Anunakinme not16:53
* SpeedEvil not either.16:53
* SpeedEvil will not be getting one.16:53
* Corsac either16:53
SpeedEvilOwing to the whole needing to eat thing.16:53
Corsacwe still don't have any official release date either :)16:53
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X-FadeCorsac: Well the month is getting shorter and shorter.16:53
zerojayn900nokia doesn't do that.16:54
FargusAnyone know the state of RTCOMM on Maemo 5?16:54
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zerojayn900yes. what do you wanna know?16:54
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FargusWas wondering if it was running stable enough to play with yet ?16:55
GeneralAntillesepictetus, don't let them fool you. They have N900s too. :P16:55
FargusNot had time to do much play yet but that would save me running pidgin up all the time and a simple one to test to hell16:55
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GeneralAntillesFargus, yes, there's no need for Pidgin.16:55
FargusAt last!16:56
FargusKnow it solved a lot of problems but ate resources!16:56
zerojayn900for the most part, its stable.16:56
FargusTa for that GA! Will go apt get now! :)16:56
zerojayn900msn likes to die.16:56
zerojayn900install telepathy-extras.16:56
FargusAh well as long as it doesn't brick things too quickly be able to get some testing in16:56
FargusMSN likes to die with MS client so that nothing new16:57
FargusI'm more interested in IRC/ICQ and Yahoo at mo16:57
Fargusbut thanks for the heads up - assume Jabber fairly stable though?16:57
X-FadeIRC doesn't make much sense in RTCOMM.16:57
Farguslegacy code that I wanted ot play with - someone else using RTCOMM as a hook16:58
zerojayn900irc doesn't work.16:58
zerojayn900multiuser chat ui is gone.16:58
FargusSo have to have a single thread for each contact?16:58
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GeneralAntillesXCaht for IRC16:58
Stskeepszerojayn900: i had multiuser chat in skype though16:59
* javispedro likes recent bugzilla activity. thanks andre!16:59
FargusUsing xChat at mo but wanted as little clutter as possible16:59
lardmanmsn is so gay16:59
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zerojayn900stskeeps, its what we were told.16:59
lardmanI've just updated and now I can't log in with the Nxxx any more and stay logged in16:59
FargusCheers peeps - off to go play now16:59
RST38hIRC in RTCOMM makes sense as long as you send.receive private messages16:59
amr - this is the charger adaptor for the tablet isnt it?16:59
RST38hWhich is what modern IM is about anyway16:59
amri actually cannot find it ANYwhere16:59
Farguslardman - my n810 stays on for at least a couple of hours without disconnect16:59
lardmanFargus: I updated my Windows box version, now it logs out when I connect N90017:00
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X-Fadeamr: for N8xx yes17:00
amrsweet, thanks17:00
FargusThanks RST38h - was what I was after - actually process to process comms17:00
lardmancan someone tell me what my IM status message says please?17:00
amri just know as soon as i purchase it, i'll find mine in a drawer or something17:00
X-FadeN900 has a nice one in the box. But then for all old nokia chargers to micro usb.17:01
FargusCheers guys - off to go play and file bug reports now! ttfn17:01
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RST38hlardman: "Another ViRC 2.0 user"17:01
* RST38h cackles17:01
lardmanRST38h: ah no, I meant on Google talk17:01
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GeneralAntillesAh, yes, "butt ugly" always productive.17:05
zerojayn900does gtalk show location info?17:05
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RST38hif you choose to share it it does17:06
X-FadeAs comment it seems.17:07
X-FadeNot sure if it uses
zaheermno it doesn't17:07
X-FadeWould be cool if it did though ;)17:07
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zaheermyah, you have to run your own jabberd to have it, most don't support it17:08
RST38hIsn't Google Latitude about sharing location?17:08
zaheermit was mentioned at telepathy talk at maemo summit17:08
X-Fadezaheerm: Hmm..17:08
zaheermso the teleptahy stuff fiddle with the status for geolocation17:09
X-FadeImplementing it should not be that hard. But it would be nice if servers supported it ;)17:09
lardmanI'm just hacking together a quick Friend finder app, would have been useful for the summit17:09
lardmannot sure what to do about the location info though, shame the lat/long isn't provided directly17:10
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RST38hMake it possible to shoot friends with IR module once you find them17:10
X-Fadelardman: Parse it?17:10
lardmanso reverse geocode might be the only way; though also some location accuracy data will be necessary to be really useful17:10
lardmanX-Fade: doh!17:10
lardmanX-Fade: I meant that a lat/long would be more useful17:10
X-Fadelardman: hehe ;)17:11
X-FadeThere is this site that does that for you.17:11
lardmanthe reverse geocoding, yep17:11
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lardmanyeah, that looks like the one17:13
javispedrowow. I can put in the "patch" permission by myself in bugzilla.17:14
* javispedro feels like an idiot now17:14
RST38hjavis: DrNokSnes eats battery when the tablet is locked btw17:15
RST38hjavis: You may want to block execution17:15
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javispedrothat may be easy if the dbus event is captured by hgw, which I don't know.17:16
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javispedrosystem_inactivity_ind, ok.17:18
javispedroBTW, it already dumps a freeze file if the battery runs out. Never tried though ;)17:19
Ceron^is there a working google earth for maemo5?17:19
Ceron^iphone has google earth17:19
suihkulokkiask google, not us...17:19
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lcuklardman, LAN based, not internet17:23
lcuk"hello, im lardman"17:23
lcukon the ap17:23
nicktasticI've installed OS 2008 on my N770 and it appears to be using Linux 2.6.16. Shouldn't it be using 2.6.21?17:23
lcukanyone else on same ap can see you17:24
lardmanyeah, but I want to know which pub people are in17:24
lcukthe same one as you if they are on same ap usually17:24
lardmannot all that useful for this use-case, but fine once I find them and want to share videos of Qole singing, etc17:25
lcukit wouldv been good to use at the tracks17:25
lcukto know who was in which room17:25
* lcuk was trying to code it up17:25
lardmana Nokian said they would implement wifi ap recognition iirc, so that could be used as part of thier location framework, just needs to transmit the lat/long + lock quality17:26
lcuklardman, a step up from there could be one machine pushing these lists to the internet17:26
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lardmanI'd prefer to piggy back on something everone already has - IM17:27
javispedroRST38h: nah, hard. actually hgw gets the display off and inactivity signals only, but not the "locked" one. If I listen to the inactivity signal the game would pause itself every too much often.17:28
RST38hjavis: display off is sufficient afaik17:29
crashanddielardman: automate the status update with the name of the room, could be done with Skype/Jabber17:29
RST38hjavis: you are not playing when the display is off, are you?17:30
javispedroRST38h: yes.17:30
javispedromost inefficient spc player ever done, I know.17:30
lardmancrashanddie: if you have ap triangulation/etc., could just return very accurate lat/long and see where they are on a map, less complicated17:31
javispedroso if you want I can just force enable frameskipping...17:31
javispedrowell, or make it user selectable.17:31
RST38hjavis: I do not think this will reduce battery drain17:31
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crashanddielardman: how would you have triangulation? Getting signal strength from wifi from multiple APs is very hard and inaccurate17:31
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lcuklardman, "simon arrived at the n900 party"    "simon left the n900 party"17:32
RST38hjavis: I currently added while(FocusOut) gtk_main_loop_do(TRUE); to the code, this will block until the focus is back in17:32
crashanddielardman: 2.4Ghz just doesn't lend itself that well for those kind of experiments17:32
crashanddielardman: turn on a microwave and everyone just teleported themselves 2 miles north17:32
lcuksomeone just has to make a beacon to indicate the event type17:32
crashanddieRST38h: wouldn't that be the other way around?17:33
lcukonce the beacon is switched off your IM stops sending those messages cos theres no trigger17:33
RST38hjavis: it looks like the focus does go out when the device turns its screen off17:33
javispedroRST38h: SDL and battery savings never play along.17:33
javispedroonly way would be to flush freeze state and quit.17:33
RST38hjavis: There is another way17:33
RST38hjavis: You still have functions that are called periodically even with the SDL17:34
RST38hjavis: You can check for device activity in any of these functions and block there17:34
kirmanokia research center has certainly looked at the subject of wlan indoor positioning. last time I checked, their system was capable of at maximum per-room resolution, and was based on arduous manually defined coverage areas...17:34
javispedroI need to read if Fremantle SDL still has that 10ms tick17:34
RST38hjavis: SDL or no SDL, this will work17:34
kirmabut that's over a year ago.17:34
RST38hkirma: Did that back at the university. Does not work well.17:34
RST38hkirma: In fact we did it more like 5-6 years ago :)17:34
kirmaI know...17:34
crashanddiejust use directional antennas from the top of the room that goes straight down, irradiating the floor below17:35
kirmanothing new really. the "new" part was that nokia was interested pushing indoor positioning applications to regular phones.17:35
crashanddiethat way you don't get wifi leaks that would result in false positives17:35
lcukwhy are you trying to do it with gps - an event can occur in multiple zones17:36
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lcukits the event thats important, not the location (thou events can exist over very long timespans)17:36
crashanddiemake sure you have wifi all over the place, and that transitioning from one room to the other doesn't cause a wifi-bloop like we had at this summit17:36
RST38hkirma: The best bet would be tagging17:36
ShadowJKKirma: iirc nokia did some live experiment with indoor positioning at that big mall in helsinki recently?17:36
RST38hkirma: Either RFIDs or reflective IR tags17:36
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kirmashadowjk: yes, I think or something might have it.17:37
crashanddieyou know where each AP is. Simply have a machine look at all the traffic, and look which device is coming from which mac address17:37
ShadowJKIirc you were supposed to visit some website with s60 browser17:37
lcukhide an n900 with adhoc enabled at the top of everest and let people come and join the event17:37
kirmathey have been experimenting it quite a time earlier on their own buildings though as far as I understood, or dare to disclose.17:37
lardmantbh if I'm at a party and know someone else is nearby I can just walk around and find them, I don't need to know exactly where they are (unless they are at the bar)17:37
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crashanddielardman: my point exactly17:37
lcuklardman, browse other events17:38
lardmanmy interest is more in making it easier for people to find one another in town, etc17:38
crashanddielardman: you don't need "to the meter" precision, just a rough location so you can try to find them17:38
RST38hlardman: Google Latitude17:38
lardmancrashanddie: yep17:38
crashanddieit was always a pain, having to wait for people, or getting somewhere and the people had already left17:38
RST38hlardman: Or use larger payloads, a 100Mt one will generally not require positioning17:38
lardmanRST38h: exactly17:38
crashanddieRST38h: lmao17:38
RST38hopenMoko is still alive and producing hardware!17:39
kirmawith precise delay measurement, slightly augmented wlan base station group could perform amazingly precise positioning, but that would be, first of all, a network service, and secondly, would need to be implemented...17:39
RST38h$99 WikiReader!17:39
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kirmajust look how poorly network-based positioning technologies have catched on in GSM networks. :/17:39
RST38hkirma: They have caught pretty well in Moscow17:40
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RST38hkirma: both Google Maps and yandex Maps will happily locate you in the city, without GPS17:40
lardmanusing IP address?17:40
RST38hNo, using cell IDs17:40
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lardmanok, but we already have that17:40
kirmaRST38h: but I suppose that's cell location, not stuff like network delays etc, that are theoretically existing technologies17:41
ShadowJKNokia maps on s60ed3fp2 iirc does network based positioning first while waiting for gps lock :)17:41
kirmacell location databases don't require base station support17:41
RST38hkirma: No, because the network delays stuff is damn unreliable17:41
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RST38hkirma: Well, they seem to do some triangulation as well17:41
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RST38hkirma: But if you are receiving a reflected signal (especially true outdoors or in urban setting) there go your signal delays17:42
kirmaRST38h: well, regarding delays I mean the real radio delays measured with well synchronized base station clocks17:42
RST38hyes, I understand17:43
kirmawell, of course you would need redundancy to work that out. I think all of this would work in wlan setting much better than with GSM/3G17:43
RST38hthey still do not work very well inside concrete labyrinths =917:43
solarionclocks suck17:44
solarionmost of 'em aren't even right twice a day17:44
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RST38hor half the day :)17:44
solarionbut yet they rule your life17:44
solarionhow often dos karma get retabulated?17:45
lardmanagain, even inside a city, once you are within a street or two you can always look at the map and ask your friend to tell you their exact address, unless of course you're stalking someone17:45
RST38hlardman: In short: friend location by map is rarely useful17:45
RST38hSo are computer based maps, if you have got a paper one :)17:46
lardmanhmm, would have been in Amsterdam, assming it could locate to within a street or two17:46
AndrewFBlackdoes anyone have or can anyone get a copy of the Fremantle Default gtk-2.0 file I need to debug someones theme for and I think there problem is in there.17:46
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orbarronmorning all17:47
kirmainteresting locationing network support would be if wlan client node could request a wlan base station to send the node-specific time timestamp when it received specific locationing packet... and for the same packet, information from multiple base stations could be combined with their ideas about the relative timescales between neighbors and their coordinate information17:47
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RST38hkirma: Can it be done within the current MAC protocol?17:48
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kirmato me, it doesn't sound like an extremely hard or kludgy feature to implement on the hardware/station microcontroller, but it should get some acceptance to get implemented :)17:52
solariondoes maemo have gio, particularly the ssh: url?17:52
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kirmathe things, in addition to software parts it requires (which would be relatively simple) would be ability to send packets with precise delay and to timestamp them reliably by hardware on reception. I kind of think current base station chipsets could support it straight away with suitable firmware code if device manufacturers were interested.17:56
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X-Fadelardman: ping18:01
lardmanX-Fade: pong18:01
X-Fadelardman: Just to be sure, you know about liblocation, right?18:01
lardmanyes, but it doesn't do reverse geocoding afaik18:02
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lardmanit does pass back fix quality info though, but one thing at a time18:03
lardmanproof of concept using that website for the reverse geocoding, then look at how to improve things18:03
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X-Fadelardman: yeah indeed. Something else seems to do the street thing.18:03
lardmansupl was mentioned before18:04
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lardmanno, not the right thing18:06
lardmanreturns info about a city, including position on the world map18:06
X-FadeWell that helps you a bit with geocoding ;)18:07
lardman(should probably return a lat/long and have another fn to convert that to world map offsets, would make it more useful for other people then)18:07
lardmanX-Fade: I'm relying on the built-in stuff to do the geocoding for me ;)18:07
X-FadeIndeed, seems that cityinfo is used for the clock.18:08
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lardmancome on Garage!18:12
lardmantwiddle, twiddle, twiddle18:12
lardmanall those Symbianites downloading Python I bet ;)18:12
X-Fade25 is the number you are looking for ;)18:13
wirelessdreameranyone with a trial n900 try out usb host support yet?18:13
javispedroPython I lol.18:15
javispedro(na, just remembered me certain sketch...)18:15
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javispedrohiyo johnq18:24
lardmanJamieBennett: ping18:24
javispedroer..johnsq (damn tab completion)18:24
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zaheermthe version stuff in settings, general, about device18:25
zaheermwhere does it get it from?18:25
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zaheermmy wife's n900 has (null) there, noticed when she reported a bug18:25
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solarionzaheerm: are you the gupnp guy?18:26
zaheermthat is zeenix18:26
solarionah, the z confused me18:26
zaheermlots of people get us confused18:26
solarionI think I know you, tho18:26
zaheermi work on gstreamer18:26
solarionand #gnome-hackers. :)18:27
solarionso, back to it. Zaheerm! :)18:27
zaheermsolarion, aah :)18:27
solarionhow hard is it to put a video into a widget?18:28
solarionis it better to use clutter?18:28
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zaheermdepends if you want to do anything funky with the video18:29
zaheermxvimagesink will probably work for most use cases18:29
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zaheermif you want to composite on top of the video, rotate the video, do animations with it then clutter will be a good fit18:30
solarionxvimagesink is a gtk widget?18:30
zaheermxvimagesink is a gstreamer element18:30
solarionhow does it hook into gtk+?18:30
zaheermwhich you can embed in say a GtkDrawingArea or other gtk widget18:30
andre__err, what is the "Rubber-banding effect" in Maemo5?18:30
zgold_zaheerm: i think that it'd be awesome if you could put up a sample widget that does that on the wiki18:31
* andre__ gets lost in wordings18:31
* solarion hopes he can afford an n900; the likelihood of a dev discount is very low. :(18:31
lardmanandre__: when a kinetic scrolling list reaches the end and bounces back18:31
solarionmaye if t-mobie bundles it18:31
solarionzaheerm: I second zgold's idea18:32
andre__lardman, ahhhh!18:32
lardmanzgold_: which lang do you want?18:32
zaheermzgold_, sure18:32
lardmanandre__: and also when you grab the list and pull it too far and it springs back, etc18:32
zgold_lardman: c/python, anything works18:33
lardmanzgold_: maemo camera does this18:33
lardmanI can give you Python or C, whichever you want18:33
lardmanmaemo-barcode basically, with everything scraped out18:33
zgold_why not both?18:33
lardmanmore work for me to scrape, but if you want both that's not a big issue18:33
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zaheermlardman may be a better guy to provide it, i haven't used video inside maemo yet18:35
DocScrutinizerkirma: refer to GSM TimeAdvance for basics about delay-based distance to AP/BTS. Also be aware 1m of precision means a resolution of ~3*10^-9sec. And atm 802.11 OTA prot doesn't support any timeslice scheme to base such delay measurement on18:35
zaheermdo we not have a HildonVideoWidget ?18:35
lardmanno idea18:35
lardmanI just went with the maemo camera app and hacked at it18:36
Ceron^ boobs(nsfw) n900 roadmap is bumpy enough18:37
DocScrutinizerkirma: see if you're interested in more info and links18:37
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DocScrutinizerkirma: and especially
johnsqnice hacks18:40
lardmanzgold_: am heading home now, ping me when I come back online (likely to be 30min or so) and I'll dig out some code for you18:40
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zgold_lardman: cool, tks18:41
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zeenixsolarion: anything you wanted to saw to me? :)18:49
infobotzeenix meant: solarion: anything you wanted to say to me? :)18:50
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solarionzeenix: gupnp is aweome? :)18:50
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solarionzeenix: thanks for your hard work.18:51
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zeenixsolarion: always glad to hear some appreciation, thanks :)18:53
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bfrogany chance maemo 6 will run on n900 for sure?19:00
bfrogI'm not going to get n900 unless it can run maemo 6, no point19:01
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Stskeepsthere's always Mer if nokia doesn't want to support it :P19:01
glass__how much you know of m6 anyhow19:01
bfrognot going to buy it then19:01
glass__m5 is barely out?19:01
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Stskeepsbfrog: noone knows if it runs maemo 619:02
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luke-jrbfrog: look at Nokia's history. they don't support devices even up till the next model19:02
bfrogthe only reason I'd buy a nokia phone is if it were based on Qt, so nice to program with19:02
Stskeepsbasically, it is OMAP3, GLES based19:02
ccookebfrog: I doubt nokia know yet.19:02
Stskeepsand so is maemo619:02
Stskeepsso it -could- technically19:02
luke-jrbfrog: if Nokia bothers to donate a N900 to me, I'll get Gentoo w/ KDE up on it19:02
Stskeepsbfrog: noone knows if it runs maemo 6 basically. nor does nokia.19:02
bfrogyeah but the whole resistive vs capacitive touch screen or whatever19:02
ccookeThere will definitely be features of maemo6 that the n900 cannot support - multitouch and drm, for instance19:02
ccooke(the drm will require hardware support that is not present in the n900)19:03
bfrogdrm... ?19:03
Stskeepsbut most interaction is singletouch19:03
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bfrogwhat do they need drm for? drm is evil evil evil19:03
Corsacccooke: ha, I didn't notice that19:03
Stskeepsnokia's DRM is less evil.19:03
SpeedEvilDRM not under the control of the user is evil.19:03
bfrogthats pretty much all drm19:03
SpeedEvilDRM can also mean nobody can use your stolen phone.19:03
Corsacccooke: so all the security architecture won't be available *at all* for n900?19:04
SpeedEvilEven if they reflash it.19:04
Stskeepsor hardware enforced security19:04
SpeedEvilDone right19:04
Corsacccooke: doesn't this mean that n900 won't have maemo6?19:04
EspadaV8if you don't like drm, don't use anything that comes with it, surely?19:04
bfrogdrm inherently means you don't have real ownership19:04
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ccookeCorsac: unless there's hardware we don't know about. Which there may be.19:04
SpeedEvilbfrog: No, it doesn't.19:04
EspadaV8just use the free apps?19:04
ccookeCorsac: even that doesn't follow.19:04
luke-jrbfrog: that's always been the case with NITs19:04
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ccookeNokia said there'd always be an open mode19:04
|RIf the next n9x0 has a TPM chip and we can run it openly without caring for DRM and use it to secure encryption process for our own good, then yé!19:04
zaheermwell ovi store and stuff is coming for maemo05, so not sure re: drm what they will do for ovi store19:04
bfrogI go buy a cd, I can do whatever the hell I want, some drm'd crap has all sorts of odd restrictions19:04
SpeedEvilbfrog: Much like locks don't mean you have less freedom in your house.19:04
ccookeThe n900 would, therefore, be in that mode all the time19:04
luke-jrbfrog: even without DRM, the specs are missing19:04
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Corsacccooke: yeah but I'm interested in the security architecture for personal stuff19:05
Corsacwell, personal/corporate19:05
ccookeSo am I19:05
ccookeit's a nice architecture on paper19:05
bfrogso basically there's no point in buying a n900 then19:05
bfrogwhy'd nokia even bother making it then19:05
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luke-jrbfrog: #FreeHandheld ;)19:05
ccookebfrog: that's entirely up to you.19:05
Corsacif I can do secure communications over mail/phone/im/whatever it'd be really nice19:05
ccookebfrog: because they can't make the next device without getting lots of feedback from *this* one, at the very least19:05
zaheermbfrog, if you want a nice phone, then you can get a lot worse than an n900...which has a very nice user experience19:05
luke-jrccooke: if the point is to help Nokia, then Nokia can fund it19:06
* EspadaV8 n900++19:06
bfrogit also requires a stylus doesn't it?19:06
* EspadaV8 had to ships his back :(19:06
glassthe drm is needed for commercial stuff, thats where the pressure comes19:06
zaheermn900 does not require a stylus19:06
ccookethe way things are going, I would expect to see maemo 6 on the n900 - in fact, it seeme to me that Nokia were being *very* careful with what they said at the summit19:06
zaheermEspadaV8, what happened?19:06
bfroghow would it not with a resistive touch screen and all those tiny little buttons19:06
EspadaV8zaheerm: i'd say that there are some apps that need the stylus19:06
bfrogmy fingers are fat19:06
EspadaV8zaheerm: end of the loan time19:06
rangebfrog: Which tiny little buttons?19:07
ccookethey never once said that maemo6 will run on the n900. However, they carefully listed many times that the hardware would be basically the same19:07
zaheermEspadaV8, none of the default apps need a stylus19:07
rangebfrog: Have you even looked at some of the videos and screenshots?19:07
bfrogthose are tiny buttons19:07
ccookeand the language all the way through implied multiple streams of hardware19:07
zaheermEspadaV8, only ones people haven't ported to the ui guidelines19:07
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ccookeFor instance, the thing about supporting multitouch was "On capacitive screens"19:07
glasssony-xperia, now thats tiny buttons..19:07
zaheermi haven't used my stylus yet on n90019:07
ccookewhich rather implies that they'll have devices which don't have capacitive screens and therefore don't have multitouch19:08
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glassyou should by the device based on what you get on it right now though19:08
zaheermccooke, what they did say however was screensize would remain same and so would the processor architecture19:08
glassyou always get shafted if you buy devices based on what they may have in 1-2years19:09
lardmanzgold_: ping19:09
ccookezaheerm: and use of gles19:09
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zaheermccooke, yes and use of gles19:09
bfrogif I write an app for maemo 5 in Qt will it look the same as the gtk apps?19:09
zaheermbfrog, yes19:09
ccookebasically, they said very loudly that maemo6 *could* run on the n900, but very carefully didn't say it *would*19:09
bfrogor will it be a crappy tacked on step child19:09
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luke-jrbfrog: why the obsession with Maemo specifically?19:09
zaheermbfrog, the screenshots i have seen show it looking native19:09
orbarronhi all: need some input. please correct me if I am wrong but Maemo SDK and scratchbox seem to be geared to app development. Does anyone know how I might be able to get, build, or test a Maemo filesystem? I was told that someone had created such a environment for beagle but I am not sure where to look. I'll take any pointers...19:10
EspadaV8bfrog: it'll look native19:10
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luke-jrbfrog: I would assume Qt on Maemo5 uses QGtkStyle19:10
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EspadaV8Qt4.5 isn't 'offically' supported though19:10
EspadaV8but i use it for my app and it looks at home19:10
bfrogyeah, thats still not as good as just using gtk then19:10
luke-jrbfrog: yes it is19:10
ccookebfrog: you'll need to port the app to harmattan, but I suspect that will not be hard19:10
EspadaV8using Qt is better than using Gtk though ;-)19:10
* EspadaV8 hides before the Gtk dudes popup19:10
luke-jrbfrog: I would run KDE, if you're going to get one19:11
ccookeI think a lot of people will use qt on maemo 519:11
lardmanzgold_: try here actually to save me some typing
bfrogwell thats my thought right... why bother getting n900 when it sounds like in another 6 months to a year maemo 6 with purely qt will be around19:11
EspadaV8i can't see any reason not to use Qt now19:11
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luke-jrbfrog: why not KDE?19:11
microlithbfrog: because that's 6 months to a year away19:11
bfrogand I'll probably need a new $500 device19:11
EspadaV8bfrog: so you have something to play with now :-)19:11
lardmanzgold_: one you've got that running, I'll give you some mods (switch off double buffering for the camera sink widget, etc.)19:11
luke-jrmicrolith: some of us are patient19:12
bfrogluke-jr because I want a phone not a desktop19:12
luke-jrbfrog: then get a phone19:12
luke-jrN900  isn't even supposed to be a phone19:12
luke-jrthat's just a bonus app19:12
microlithluke-jr: my current phone is a moto ming loaner, and before that I last bought a phone in 200419:12
* EspadaV8 will be buying the n90019:12
microlithignored all teh smartphones from 2006 to now, I think I've been plenty patient :)19:12
lardmanluke-jr: no, it is designed to be a phone; the phone app is all-powerful19:12
luke-jrmicrolith: I've had my current phone since 200119:12
EspadaV8and probably the n910 and then whatever has maemo19:12
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luke-jryayz, my N810 has finished upgrading to KDE 4.3.219:17
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slonopotamusluke-jr, hehe :) how it goes?19:17
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luke-jrslonopotamus: Xorg 7.5 is not practical yet19:18
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slonopotamusluke-jr, why?19:18
luke-jrslonopotamus: supposedly the server 1.7 is supposed to work with the Xorg 7.4 framework, but not19:18
luke-jrand even the bleeding edge evdev driver still filters keys > 25519:18
slonopotamusluke-jr, you need to use xinput2 somehow19:19
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luke-jrslonopotamus: irrelevant if the keys are filtered at the driver19:20
slonopotamusluke-jr, dunno. i haven't dug into this problem deep19:22
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lardmananyone got usbnet working for N900 yet?19:23
luke-jrslonopotamus: any clue how to get bluetooth to not start at boot?19:23
johnsqluke-jr: it should be run by udev19:24
slonopotamusluke-jr, tweak udev rules?19:24
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luke-jrslonopotamus: meh19:24
slonopotamusluke-jr, remove bluez-utils? :D19:24
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johnsqluke-jr: problem is bluez-4, very broken.19:25
luke-jrslonopotamus: meh19:25
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luke-jrjohnsq: I wouldn't know, BlueTooth is too user unfriendly19:25
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slonopotamusjohnsq, gentoo only has 2.25 and 3.x...19:27
johnsqslonopotamus: my has bluez-4 unmasked19:27
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johnsqslonopotamus: I mean from gentoo unmasked, not by me19:27
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lardmananyone compiled g_ether for N900?19:32
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Stskeepslardman: i have a sneaking suspicion g_nokia is actually a g_ether composite too19:33
Corsac(what's g_ether?)19:33
lardmanreally, hmm, might give it a go then19:33
lardmanCorsac: ethernet over usb19:34
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lardman usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether19:35
lopzgst.ElementNotFoundError: jpegenc any idea?19:37
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lardmanlopz: install jpegenc?19:45
andre__whoah. 100 bug reports in 3 days.19:45
lardmanandre__: we thought you looked bored at the summit ;)19:46
zaheermandre__, it's good, right? :)19:46
andre__looks like a long evening19:46
zaheermi reported 2 of them, my wife reported 119:46
andre__yeah, i've just triaged them19:46
lardmanI reported 5 or so this morning19:46
zaheermandre__, thx for your comment, my wife was chuffed to read a thank you19:46
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zaheermandre__, i had to hand hold her into using bugzilla, she was scared of writing wrong stuff19:47
lopzlardman yes :S19:47
andre__i normally try to always write Thank you, except for those folks that I definitely know. I need a Thank you script :-P19:47
VDVsxandre__, seems that everybody wants "fixed in harmattan" t-shirts ;)19:48
lardmanlopz: ah, well which plugins set should it be in?19:48
andre__I mean - for many people this will be the first time to be in contact with open source. So let's be friendly...19:48
lardmanVDVsx, andre__: the colour of yours was soooo nice ;)19:48
zaheermandre__, yes, thx i really appreciate it19:48
luke-jrandre__: what open source?19:48
luke-jrN900 better not be marketting as open unless Nokia is going to actually open it.19:49
andre__luke-jr, these 85% in the device. you have to open it to see it19:49
andre__i know that you can only see the other 15% otherwise19:49
luke-jr"85% open" is closed.19:49
luke-jrespecially when the 15% not included is the important bits19:49
andre__lardman, i think that orange is color that i don't look good in at all :-P but tonight is a dutch party here so it wil fit19:49
andre__luke-jr, i don't agree at all with your view.19:50
andre__but that's no news.19:50
luke-jrandre__: then you're missing the point of free software19:50
Stskeepspretty orange19:50
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wiretappedluke-jr: what do you think of android?19:51
andre__luke-jr, freedom does not mean "everything must be free" to me. it's the freedom of every writer to decide which license to use.19:51
andre__"everything must be free" is exaclty the contradiction to freedom.19:51
wiretappedand freedom of users to not buy it19:52
* wiretapped wishes someone would sell him a phone with all free software19:52
luke-jrwiretapped: I hate Java.19:52
wiretappedme too.19:52
microlithwiretapped: only hope there is openmoko, enjoy a mediocre phone :)19:52
luke-jrandre__: your freedom to decide sale terms ends when it infringes on the recipient's freedom to decide what he does with it19:53
wiretappedi've held off getting an android phone waiting for maemo... even though it is less free, it is more of a real linux platform19:53
andre__luke-jr, you can do whatever you want to with your device. feel free to. just do it.19:54
zaheermandroid is much less developed in community than maemo19:54
luke-jrandre__: Nokia denies me the information on how to use it.19:54
wiretappedzaheerm: that may be, but I know more android devs in person than I do maemo devs19:55
wiretappedbut many of them are drooling over the n900 now :)19:55
Corsachmhm, is the SDK available for armel hosts?19:55
StskeepsOK, so, in /pool/maemo5.0 there is maemo5.0/tools and maemo5.0/tools19:55
Stskeepswhat other ones are there?19:55
lopzlardman I quickly install extra plugins has been fixed, thanks19:55
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Stskeepsi don't care for the tokens, but i am missing what category busybox is in19:56
andre__luke-jr, like?19:56
lardmanlopz: good; was going to mention that some of the packages don't contain all of the components19:56
zaheermi have an android device too19:56
zaheermdoesn't even compare to the n90019:56
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luke-jrandre__: like specifications on what to send to the modem/GPS/etc to get it to do stuff19:57
lopzlardman yep19:57
lopzlardman ok, thanks again19:58
andre__luke-jr, that was never promised.19:58
andre__i talked about the software when i said 85%. :)19:58
luke-jrandre__: thus, Nokia denies me the right to use my own hardware.19:58
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luke-jrandre__: modifyable drivers would qualify as specifications to me19:59
andre__luke-jr, you can do whatever you want with the hardware20:00
microlithandre__: without specs it is exceedingly difficult20:00
andre__expecting that all specs are available to me is a very busted point of view. do you also get that for your car_20:00
andre__of course it's difficult. and i agree with the point, sure. but...20:01
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andre__"it's my hardware so they must give me all the specs" is just wrong. because there's a big difference.20:01
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microlithnot really20:01
andre__anyway. we all have our opinions on this :)20:01
luke-jrandre__: yes, I get a manual for my car. if I look online, I can probably even get details on the individual components.20:01
|Rwell actually there are laws for cars to be easily accessible, forcing them to open the computer specs, so not to put every car fixer / garagist out of business ;)20:01
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lardmancan I upgrade my fremantle beta to fremantle-1.0/20:02
lardman(sorry, was out of the country when it was released)20:02
lardmanah, SDK that is of course20:03
zaheermandre__, am i meant to remove moreinfo keyword when i provide the info you asked for?20:03
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zaheermlardman, i had issues when i did that, had to install afresh20:04
lardmanzaheerm: ok, thanks20:04
andre__zaheerm, yes :)20:04
zaheermandre__, done, thx didn't know the maemo bugzilla etiquette20:05
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andre__zaheerm, after update we'll have a needinfo state, finally20:11
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ccookeFYI: mauku on my n900 is a complete battery killer. Just found that it's left a process using 90% of the cpu, permanently20:18
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wiretappedlol @ nokia's meetup locations20:19
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lcukwiretapped, at the flagship stores?20:20
ccookeAnyone running mauku: Check 'top' in the terminal for a process running at 90% cpu. you'll need to drop to root and apt-get remove microfeed to get rid of it.20:21
wiretappedyeah i guess i mean lol @ their flagship store locations20:21
ccooke(this will remove mauku, of course)20:21
ccooke(actually, I needed to kill the process, too)20:23
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* lardman wanders off for a glass of wine while the 1.0 Fremantle SDK installs20:24
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* fiferboy goes for a three-hour coffee break while Qt 4.6 compiles in scratchbox20:31
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* lardman wonders if the length of the coffee break actually has anything to do with Qt compiling.....20:31
clmntchqt takes some time to compile20:32
clmntchpossibly more than a coffee break20:32
clmntchunless he's going to columbia to pick the beans himself20:33
fiferboyIt is a lot better than before.  3 hours now versus 3 days (and not actually completing) before20:33
Corsac“i'm not slacking off, my code's compiling!”20:33
SpeedEvilIf anything takes more time than a coffee break, you need a faster compile farm.20:33
lardmanIs this the latest relases?20:33
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fiferboy4.6 alpha20:33
fiferboyThe "technology preview"20:34
lardmanI thought it was still missing some bits & bobs that will be added soon?20:34
fiferboyMost likely.  I am compiling for x86 right now to test in scratchbox20:34
fiferboyIf it runs my program well enough and is finger friendly, I will compile it for arm and try it on my device20:34
lardmancool, am looking forward to Harmattan goodness :)20:35
fiferboyMaybe they will go back to Qtopia for Harmattan :)20:36
fiferboylardman: You are (were?) a Zaurus user, right?20:36
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lardmanyes, was20:37
lardmandon't think they will even boot now, batteries so old & dead20:37
fiferboyI thought I remember the nickname from somewhere.  I have two SL-5000Ds that won't boot20:37
lardmanyeah, I was very active on the oesf forums, and did some stuff in OpenZaurus, etc20:37
fiferboyI was somewhat active on the forums and wrote a couple Qtopia apps20:38
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fiferboyI used to use it as a LAMP stack to serve PHP and Mysql to myself :)20:39
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lardmanI seemed to spend lots of time getting Octave and R to run20:40
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lardmanall the while cursing fpa for always having bigendian ordering even while the processor was littleendian (or at least running in that mode for the pedants)20:40
lardmanand also cursing the two above for using fp ordering to decide device endianness20:41
lardmanall good fun20:41
fiferboyI had a CL-1000 before my N810, but I sold that too my brother.  It was a pretty nice computer, but CF wifi cards didn't seem to last long on it20:41
* microlith remembers drooling over the C-86020:43
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lardmanwifi cards sticking out drove me mad/to the 77020:43
lardmanbut no kb really was a step back20:43
luke-jrI really really want an upgraded Zaurus clamshell20:43
microlithwasn't the C1000 the first with an internal hard drive?20:43
luke-jrmicrolith: I think so20:43
luke-jrthe new one is just SSD again, isn't it?20:44
microlithare there new ones?20:44
luke-jrbut still no Bluetooth or phone capability20:44
lardmanC1000 also had usb host iirc20:44
microlithI thought sharp killed the zaurus line20:44
ccooke_the new sharp clamshell is not a Zaurus, though20:44
luke-jrmicrolith: they did, until recently20:44
fiferboyC3000 had the HD, C1000 did not20:44
ccooke_and it's... not looking very good, to be honest20:44
luke-jrmicrolith: the new one is also larger IIRC20:44
ccooke_a bit of a missed opportunity20:44
luke-jrand has a crappy keyboard from the reviews20:44
microlithI was always tempted to try and get one, but even the C700s in used shops were expensive as all get out20:45
microlithoh, those things20:45
lardmanmicrolith: c700 was crippled20:45
luke-jrI have a SL-C76020:45
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lardmanmicrolith: I bought a c750 which was not too bad, was considering upgrading to to C1000, but went for Nokia instead20:46
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microlithlardman: cool. this is my first move on a portable device like this (with the N900)20:46
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trautis there python-abook build for PyMaemo5 ?20:46
lardmanI still quite fancy a Psion 5 replacement mind you :)20:47
lardmanmicrolith: it's a good bit of kit20:47
lardmanthe N900 that is20:47
trautdesperately trying to build it by my own20:47
lardmanPsion 5 is a bit old now ;)20:47
luke-jrthe OpenPandora would be tempting if it had phone chip :/20:47
microlithit's replacing my phone and my iPod20:47
lardmanor ever got released :p20:47
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microlithand my aspire one to some extent20:48
* microlith grumbles, stupid cheap fan20:48
lardmanI put a CC order down for one a year ago, got money back and never bothered to re-order, and here we are one year on20:48
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luke-jrlardman: it seems to be shipping soon for real :p20:48
lardmanI've heard that before20:48
luke-jrlardman: supposedly it's actually physically existing now20:48
lardmanwell that's a step closer at least20:48
lizardotraut: currently, no , but see this thread:
luke-jr"1. ALL parts (including the nubs) have arrived at the factory! For ALL 4000 Pandoras!"20:49
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trautlizardo: thank you, I'll take a look20:49
luke-jr"CE testing will take place next week on Wednesday and will probably take about 1 - 2 hours."20:50
luke-jrthat's tomorrow20:50
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Jaffaqwerty12: good find on the pvr cache thing20:51
SpeedEvilI personally have taken the approach of not believing any hardware is real until I can buy it for 40 quid on ebay.20:51
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luke-jrwtf is 40 quid20:52
Xisdibikheadless Squid20:52
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timeless3-4 years late20:52
SpeedEvil$60 or so dollars20:52
timelessor 2 years after warranty and support end20:52
lardmanwhy do you foreigners not know what a quid is? Madness! ;)20:52
luke-jrI wonder if OpenPandora will have headers that might allow adding a cell phone20:52
Xisdibiklardman: Why do you pronounce colour  color,  but spell it colour ;)20:53
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lardmanXisdibik: ah no, I say it cooolooooeeeerrr, like a Frenchman ;)20:53
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Xisdibikah a frenchie, nvm then your cool ;)20:53
Jaffatraut: If you get the Hermes sourcde tarball you'll find a basic osso-abook example in Python using ctypes20:53
lardmanno, am English tbh20:53
glass__luke-jr: does it have bluetooth? just glue one bt phone to backside if it has20:53
Xisdibikphail then ;)20:53
* GeneralAntilles waits to see where the wiki whining goes.20:54
timelesswiki whining?20:54
Xisdibikand yea, I do my your/you're wrong on purpose for my friend ;)20:54
JaffaGeneralAntilles: seen rcadden's tweet about tmo for consumers?20:54
trautJaffa: I'll ask him by email, thanks20:54
timelessyou only have one?20:54
Xisdibikonly one what?20:54
GeneralAntillesJaffa, don't follow twitter generally.20:54
RST38hThese ssh problems are contagious20:55
Jaffatraut: Him? I wrote it ;-)20:55
RST38hFirst Extras-Devel, now Komkon20:55
timelessssh problems?20:55
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trautJaffa: oh, sorry :)20:55
luke-jrglass__: yeah20:55
trautJaffa: can you please point where I can get the code?20:55
qwerty12_N810RST38bis: I blame Russia and Finland being next to each other20:55
lardmanhow do I change sb target?20:55
* lardman never uses x86, wants to escape asap20:56
GeneralAntillesJaffa, not jumping out at me in his history. Timeframe or link?20:56
Jaffatraut: It'll be in git soon enough, but the existing source is either in /opt/hermes/lib once installed or on - more info at
lardmantimeless: thanks :)20:56
RST38bisqwerty: Komkon is in CT.US how did it get into this picture?20:56
VDVsxJaffa,  ehhehe20:56
GeneralAntillestimeless, another round of "everything at sucks"20:56
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Would've been under maemoguru account at about 1700 UTC20:57
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qwerty12_N810RST38bis: Meh, I thought it was in Russia.20:57
fiferboylardman: armel will not display anything if you are trying to use Xephyr20:57
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, proof! You're trying to steal my pocket lint!20:57
lizardoI suppose X-Fade is AFK, so anyone else could take a look on this build:  on fremantle autobuilder and see why it is taking so long (it is building for a long time, and usually is very quick to build)20:57
fiferboyUnless that was fixed in the final SDK20:57
trautJaffa: thanks20:57
GeneralAntillesJaffa, interesting.20:58
trautJaffa: I'll take a closer look tomorrow. Thank you once again.20:58
Jaffatraut: I'll try and push the existing versions into git at tonight20:59
lardmanfiferboy: command line only ;)20:59
trautJaffa: ok, great20:59
fiferboylardman: Ah yes, you don't do GUIs20:59
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Jaffatraut: just shout if you have any questions; took me ages to get it working so happy to share my learning20:59
* GeneralAntilles starts shameless ripping Apple logo animations off.21:00
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: startup screen?21:00
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GeneralAntillesGonna try to animate something interesting with the logo.21:00
GeneralAntillesWhere's our sound artist to mix us up a tune to go with it? :P21:01
* qwerty12_N810 gets his amplifier, microphone and rigs it up to the toilet21:02
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javispedroqwerty12_N810: great discovery! I love the documentation for hildon_gtk_window_take_screenshot(). you'd never guess what the function is for from reading it. ( ).21:03
qwerty12_N810javispedro: lol, yeah, I thought it was what ctrl-shift-p did when I first saw it :)21:03
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lizardowell, pygtk now happily continues its building now :D thanks to the anonymous (or to the OOM Killer?) for letting the build continue :D21:04
lardmanfiferboy: well I try very hard not to anyway21:05
GAN900How is text rendering in the browser so broken. . . .21:05
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GAN900This should really be a blocker bug.21:06
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lardmanwhy do we still have an old version of debhelper?21:11
javispedroin SDK? mostly.21:12
Stskeepscos of noone knowing how on earth to upgrade it in scratchbox21:13
javispedroyep, still debian-etch here.21:13
lardmanhmm, curious, clutter-1.0 is on the device, but not in the SDK21:14
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javispedrowell, debian lenny devkit is there at least (without debhelper)21:14
javispedrolardman: because someone uploaded it to extras iirc.21:14
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lardmanah, ok21:14
javispedroat least I got some OGLES2 tips from him.21:14
timelessgan: we don't really know much about kerning21:15
timelesshave you installed fennec?21:15
GeneralAntillestimeless, I did, it wasn't optfied and it was slow.21:15
GeneralAntillesThe text rendering in MicroB has to be fixed.21:16
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GeneralAntillesIt makes the whole zooming thing pretty useless.21:16
timelesswas kerning better there?21:16
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GeneralAntillesDidn't bother to test that far.21:16
GeneralAntillesIt was really slow and my rootfs was full by that point.21:17
* timeless nods21:17
timelessoh, i found my skypename21:17
timelessit was very creative21:18
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lardmanhmm, I get: W: GPG error: fremantle Release: Couldn't access keyring: 'No such file or directory'21:18
lardmanany thoughts as to what that might be trying to tell me21:21
lardmanseemingly something to do with my trying to add extras21:21
* qwerty12_N810 's carefree side points out that it is a warning, and not an error21:21
lardmanah, that's good, thanks21:22
fiferboyI think it is just letting you know that anything signed in that repo won't be verified when you install it, since you don't have the key21:22
fiferboyI can't remember whether extras is signed or not21:22
lardmanah ok21:22
lardmanstill no clutter-1.0 anywhere though, perhaps I need extras-devel/testing/etc21:23
wazdfiferboy: heya, traveled back safely? :)21:24
fiferboywazd: Yes.  Now I just need to get my timezone adjusted again21:24
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fiferboyAnd there was a hectic (and expensive) cab ride to the airport when the train to the airport was cancelled...21:24
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wazdfiferboy: yeah, can't imagine :)21:25
lardmanballs, can't install libclutter-1.0-dev due to missing deps: libgles2-sgx-img-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl-dev21:26
lardmanhmm, supper first21:26
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, while you're doing that, think about a calculator widget.21:26
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GeneralAntilleswazd, now is the time to pick up 3D. :P21:26
fiferboyGeneralAntilles: Desktop widget?21:26
fiferboyI would need to see a sensible layout to make it finger-friendly yet small enough.  I can't picture that21:27
wazdGeneralAntilles: what? :)21:27
GeneralAntilleswazd, for startup animations.21:28
GeneralAntillesfiferboy, it can be stylus friendly.21:28
wazdGeneralAntilles: oh, yeah, wish I had time :)21:28
GeneralAntillesClose something like this:
timelessphone keypad 4x321:28
fiferboyTrue.  A basic calulator has, what - 18 buttons21:28
timeless* changes numbers to operator21:29
fiferboyI'll take a look and see what I can come up with21:29
timeless# as =21:29
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javispedrolardman|gone: for when you return, it's funny, because the first one will only be avail in armel and the other two ones in x86 sdk.21:30
GeneralAntillesCrap, I forgot how to animate.21:30
aSIMULAteromg haihai21:32
lcukGeneralAntilles, onion skinning!21:33
lcukhi aSIMULAter21:33
aSIMULAterhai lcuk21:33
Corsachmhm, has the n900 some videochat soft?21:33
Corsaclike, jabber video support?21:33
RST38hwell, ssh seems to have sorted itself out21:34
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lcukaSIMULAter, was it as big as you expected21:35
qwerty12_N810We're talking about the Summit, right?21:35
* qwerty12_N810 hides21:35
aSIMULAterwell it was an ok size21:35
RST38haSIMULAter <== met RST38h at the summit but apparently didn't make a connection21:35
aSIMULAteri had a good time21:35
aSIMULAtermaybe if i saw a photo of you i would remembmermelkt?21:36
aSIMULAtermaemo crew \o/ big upppps21:36
lcukyikes!  i have been photographed21:37
RST38hasim: the fellow at the left is me21:37
fiferboyI'm in there too21:37
aSIMULAteroho! :)21:37
lcukand Stskeeps21:37
aSIMULAternow i remember u21:37
SpeedEvilMaybe the revolution will be televised.21:37
aSIMULAteri'm using the n900 as my primary device now21:37
aSIMULAter<3 it21:37
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lcukabout bloody time!  you cant go designing conversations without using it yourself!21:38
aSIMULAterdid u guys see our videos yet?21:38
JoeBrainI thought Maemo 6 was announced?21:38
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javispedroit was "announced" a few years ago.21:38
JoeBrainlol k, just reading the topic21:39
aSIMULAterplease try and spread the url about our videos :D21:39
* GeneralAntilles has a cheesy logo animation on the way.21:40
luke-jraSIMULAter: where'd you get it from so fast? O.o21:40
javispedroGeneralAntilles: if it's anything Apple related prepare to die >:)21:40
aSIMULAterthe device?21:40
aSIMULAteri uh...attended the maemo summit :P21:40
luke-jroh, right21:40
* lcuk giggles21:40
javispedroaSIMULAter: the turn down to silence idea looks pretty!21:40
GeneralAntillesandre__, looool21:40
GeneralAntillesaSIMULAter, why can't we organize the applications menu? :(21:40
aSIMULAtergood question21:41
aSIMULAterwasn't taht also a question at the summit21:41
aSIMULAterto the ux panel21:41
andre__GeneralAntilles, hmmmm?21:41
RST38hthe app menu is weird21:41
GeneralAntillesandre__, Harmattan, really? :Y21:41
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andre__GeneralAntilles, FIXED in Harmattan! yay!21:41
RST38h1-2-3-4 taps to get to an app21:41
* lcuk facepalms21:42
GeneralAntillesBy that time Nokia's going to have built-in bricking devices that activate if you try to install things from Extras testing.21:42
VDVsxfiferboy, didn't knew that you was at the summit o_021:42
lcukadele, in the conversations vid, you answer the call - have a think and tell me how long you had been using the device21:42
fiferboyVDVsx: Yep, I made the trip.21:43
lcukVDVsx, he was lurking21:43
aSIMULAterlcuk: :PP21:43
qwerty12_N810VDVsx: How long have you been helping organising it? :p21:43
lcukaSIMULAter, serious question21:43
aSIMULAterare you refering to the time stamps21:43
VDVsxqwerty12_N810, how long I spent in the org ? lol21:44
lcukVDVsx, we didnt do the signing thing21:44
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lcuki have just been reminded now21:44
fiferboyVDVsx: I walked back to the hotel with you guys after the last summit day :)21:44
VDVsxfiferboy, .(21:45
fiferboyI was with qole when we caught up to you guys.21:45
fiferboyI don't think we were ever properly introduced, though.21:45
VDVsxfiferboy, yeah, it happened to me a lot, 'I missed a lot of introductions' lol21:46
aSIMULAterlcuk: well, technically for quite some time now21:46
lcuki see - whats this also lol21:46
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aSIMULAterokok i kid........but today i actually started using it at my primary device21:48
aSIMULAteri have 2 sim cards, using it with my personal sim now21:48
aSIMULAterfinally took the plunge21:48
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aSIMULAterer oops wrong channel21:50
JosefAssadthat was for #bigmac huh21:50
* lcuk wants one of those scooterbikes21:51
aSIMULAteri'm talking about the stroopwafels i bought21:51
aSIMULAterin amsterdam21:51
aSIMULAteri bought a box of 6 packages21:51
aSIMULAterand each is 178kcal21:51
SpeedEvil np: Scooter - The Logical Song.21:51
aSIMULAterand i ate 4 today :O :(21:51
lcuki didnt eat a single rasher of bacon on this trip21:51
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aSIMULAterthat's more dutch food...bad for your health21:51
aSIMULAterno bacon at your hotel?21:51
lardmanjavispedro: indeed, slightly strange21:51
lcukand no pineapple either21:51
aSIMULAterwhat in tarnation21:52
lcukbreakfast consisted of a cup of coffee :D21:52
lardmanjavispedro: ah, they are OR deps21:52
lardmanmy mistake21:52
javispedrothat'd make sense.21:52
* lardman wonders if he needs to install nokia-binaries or somesuch21:52
javispedrolardman: either way, why 1.0? iirc the compositor uses 0.821:52
lardmanI have 1.0 on device and libchamplain wants it21:52
javispedroa, just curious.21:52
fiferboylardman: Sounds like you are doing gui work...21:53
lardmanyeah, I may go to an earlier version of libchamplain21:53
lardmanfiferboy: yeah, nasty isn't it!?21:53
qwerty12_N810fiferboy: Did you get the same bad feeling as me?21:53
javispedrofiferboy: so, would you like to get help on writing a formal letter? (couldn't resist) ;)21:53
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fiferboyjavispedro: I don't get it...21:54
* RST38h still has not renamed his n900 into a real phone21:54
RST38hStill called neopadlog21:54
javispedrofiferboy: office clippo reference, probably mistranslated.21:54
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javispedroClippo: "It looks like you are doing GUI work... would you like some help on Hildon? NIAHIAHIAHIA"21:55
lcuklardman, wine21:55
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lcukmuch more wine21:55
lcukand ask fiferboy and aSIMULAter ;)21:55
lcukaSIMULAter, :O you will soon have to stand outside to check facebook, good thing you can with n90021:56
tbfandre__: can we get one to package
aSIMULAter<3 unlimited data plan21:57
lardmanhmm, I wonder what I've broken?: > fakeroot apt-get install nokia-binaries21:57
tbfandre__: having them in fremantle-extras would help greatly in debugging contacts related bugs like 536521:57
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lardmanE: Couldn't find package nokia-binaries21:57
andre__tbf: asking in is usually a good way21:57
fiferboylardman: Did you install the EULA repository?21:57
aSIMULAtergeez, from roughly 10 mins of usage, i clocked in 8mbit of downloads (yay for hte data counter) that was 2,60e per mb21:57
lardmanah, reading the docs21:57
lardmanI see my error now ;)21:57
tbfandre__: what would be a good forum?21:58
RST38hThey marked this as WONTFIX:
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andre__tbf: as i said: talk.maemo.org21:59
RST38hAnd this is an "enhancement":
andre__"Request for packaging foo"21:59
GeneralAntillesRST38h, holy shit.21:59
GeneralAntillesThat's so awful.21:59
tbfandre__: YES! but which forum there?21:59
GeneralAntillesI still see those damn popups all of them time.21:59
javispedrothat's why I still put my n810 in flight mode & silence at nights.21:59
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GeneralAntillesAll they tell you is that Modest is buggy.21:59
andre__tbf: don't know :)21:59
aSIMULAteromg kmfdm21:59
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* RST38h sighs at the absolutely ridiculous manner in which reports are treated21:59
tbfandre__: trying devel -
KMFDMhey aSIMULAter22:00
andre__RST38h, i'm around for direct criticism :-P22:00
lardmanok, hopefully that will fix things22:00
* lardman goes for more wine to help the process22:00
andre__RST38h, with regard to 5321: nice that it works for you. bad that it does not work for many other people22:01
* fiferboy wonders if the wine is at all related to the process22:01
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aSIMULAterhuh simula22:01
RST38handre: I22:01
fralshmm, does it matter if people vote for a "WONTFIX"?22:01
tbfweird? do i have to register separately for
fralsye tbf22:02
RST38handre: I have moved beyond direct criticism of you because it does not seem to produce any results22:02
andre__tbf: SSO is not in place yet i think22:02
lcukbesides, shooting the messenger doesnt really solve anything22:02
andre__RST38h, well, most of the time I'm only the messenger, yeah22:02
andre__but I still love getting flamed :-P22:03
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GeneralAntillesI dunno, I'm still willing to put a few more rounds in andre__ to see if it changes anything. :P22:03
andre__GeneralAntilles, just do. I'm also for changing some stuff. But it's complicated. We all know.22:03
javispedroandre__: btw, sorry for not putting any patch keyword. today I just realised how to use it :)22:03
andre__nokia is not the small startup with 30 people where you can easily change everything...22:04
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fralsdoes it matter if i vote for a "WONTFIX" or is it like talking to a wall?22:04
andre__but i repeat myself :)22:04
andre__javispedro, no problem22:04
frals*repeats himself*22:04
lcukare you voting for the wontfix or the problem22:04
qwerty12_N810/ignore frals22:04
javispedrofrals: I guess it matters, but I don't think it will appear in the most N reports.22:04
andre__basically it does not change anything. but i like the idea to cover also WONTFIX tickets in the statistics. might make sense to show Nokia where they are completely wrong22:05
andre__i should consider that22:05
andre__because some decisions are just plain braindead22:05
fralsvoting for the bug22:05
lcukthe decisions may have been made on the specific request22:05
lcukbut with more work a better solution might appear22:05
Mozillionhmm, I just cannot find how to set my presence in the SDK so I can get online on Jabber and start doing things :)22:05
lcukie - fi rst asked for a configuration option instead of just saying its too much ?22:06
javispedrothis is why I love OSS: because when not even smashing the developer against a wall to force him fix "feature" X, you can fix it yourself! :)22:06
javispedrounfortunately, telephaty-ui is closed source :(22:06
lcukeven if it were open source, it would be a long path to get anything in the official flashable image22:07
GeneralAntillesDoes anybody get more than 3 seconds out of this one?
javispedrolcuk: but it would solve the hard situation of bug 532122:08
fralsGeneralAntilles: i get all 4 seconds22:08
aSIMULAterwell 4 seconds, but the animation stops at 3 seconds22:08
javispedroa novice user may prefer alt A, an advanced user prefers alt B, and Nokia prefers not to clutter the options dialog with settings for user B for reasons I'll never understand but marketdroids might.22:08
GeneralAntillesWeird. :\22:08
fralsyeah same as aSIMULAter i guess22:09
andre__bug 5321: a gconf setting would be nice22:09
andre__for advanced users to tweak22:09
andre__you could reopen and ask for a gconf setting as enhancment.22:09
* GeneralAntilles hasn't had any success with that path.22:09
javispedroGeneralAntilles: blender I guess?22:09
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, Cinema 4D.22:10
javispedroah ,dunoo.22:10
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andre__yeah. probably it's too deeply in the system and a dirty implementation that would require a lot of work to respect a simple gconf key...22:10
lcukit would be tough to get that right as you say andre__ and especially because its all tied into the real phone too22:11
andre__yeah :-(22:11
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qwerty12_N8103 or 4 lines max, if even that22:12
andre__tbf, thanks. feel free to subscribe to that thread too if you want22:12
javispedrojust put an if(!user_said_no) before hildon_banner_*22:12
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andre__i see somebody cooking a patch ;-))22:12
javispedroit was qwerty12_N810! qwerty12_N810 first!!!22:12
tbfMozillion: but Mission Control is FOSS22:12
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, movie's fine here, YouTube is having trouble.22:13
aSIMULAtergood night my open source pals22:13
tbfMozillion: the presence UI just is a frontend for MC22:13
javispedrognite aSIMULAter22:13
lcukgnite aSIMULAter22:13
qwerty12_N810andre__: You can't patch source you don't have ;)22:13
qwerty12_N810'night, aSIMULAter22:13
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andre__yeah. that sucks22:14
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Mozilliontbf: where is the presence UI? I found the config part... problem is that mc-tool is also not working22:16
tbfMozillion: it's the stuff you access from the status menu to set your presence status22:16
* fiferboy just spent three hours compiling Qt 4.6 alpha, and it fails on the last step!22:16
Mozillionah ok.. but the status menu only has clock+alarms in the SDK AFAIK22:17
qwerty12_N810fiferboy: wow, that... nah, forget it: HAHA22:17
Hydroxidefiferboy: it's always the last step if it's a fatal error :)22:17
fiferboyHydroxide: Okay, one step before it would have finished :P22:18
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tbfMozillion: oh. ok.22:22
tbfMozillion: :-(22:22
MozillionI might just be missing something here22:23
Mozillionyesterday when i configured the account it went online immediately :)22:23
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* timeless_mbp sighs22:29
lcukfiferboy, speak to mek, he got it working and showed me some cool desktop widgets22:29
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Mekfiferboy: what's the problem?22:30
fiferboylcuk: The SVG widgets?  Sliders and such?22:30
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lcukand i found out the eyes widget uses the accel smoothing i posted to wiki :D22:30
lcukoh, hi mek \o22:30
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fiferboyMek: I got a dh_strip error on libQt4Core22:30
Mekah, you're trying to actuallly build packages? I didn't do that...22:31
fiferboyI basically just downloaded the tech preview and did "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc -b"22:31
fiferboyMek: Yes.  The actual compile went fine.22:32
MekI hadn't even noticed there was a debian directory in there...22:32
fiferboyThat was the first thing I checked.  I don't like playing around with the config in Qt22:32
fiferboyI'm trying it again in case it is a one time thing22:33
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Mekit might just be that the debian stuff is not yet supposed to work; if they had got it to work why wouldn't they also ahve provided binary packages. Also the build isntructions in the press release told you to compile manually with certain configure options...22:34
fiferboyThat is true...22:35
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fiferboyI hadn't thought of why there would be a delay to release binary packages22:35
Stskeepsisnt the idea of tech preview to look at src?22:36
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fiferboyHmm, same problem.  Trying a make install22:37
fiferboyNope, have to start clean.22:37
fiferboyMek:  What configure line did you use?22:38
fiferboyJust -maemo5 -opengl es2?22:39
Mekfiferboy: configure -maemo5 -opengl es2 (and I also added a -prefix to specify where I wanted it to install)22:39
fiferboyCool, thanks :)22:39
Mekas long as you don't need libQtUiTools and/or qdbuscpp2xml or qdbusxml2cpp that sohuld be enough22:39
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fiferboyI don't think I need those22:40
ds3talk of kcals? hmmmm are we measuring battery output now? ;)22:43
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fiferboyMek:  "The EGL functionality test failed!" I installed libgles2-dev and libgl-dev22:47
fiferboyThis is building for X86 in scratchbox22:48
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Mekfiferboy: I think installing opengles-sgx-img-common-dev fixed that error for me22:48
Mek(but I only did an arm build anyway)22:48
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lbto/ fiferboy22:52
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fiferboyHey lbt!22:52
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lbtback home and awake?22:54
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* Jaffa plays ever so slightly with Qt Creator on Ubuntu.22:54
JaffaSeems reasonable. Need to work out if I can change its keyboard shortcuts to match Eclipse's.22:55
Jaffalbt: sorry I messed up Maemo_security's talk: page. You may still want to do some housekeeping22:55
fiferboylbt: Indeed.  Well, barely awake ;)22:55
* lbt adds access control to Talk:Maemo_Security and blocks Jaffa22:56
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fiferboyMek:  No dice.  Maybe this is a sign I should wait until the binaries are out...22:58
fiferboyAlthough it is weird that the dpkg build didn't have this problem22:58
* GeneralAntilles can't get DoF to play nice.22:58
GeneralAntillesNor YouTube.22:58
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lcukJaffa, settling in period is always the worst for an ide.  vb has a very high benchmark for me, and obviously eclipse for yourself23:04
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fiferboyMek:  Actually, that seems to work after cleaning up the directory.  Thanks23:06
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GeneralAntillesNice, Media player now shows a banner whenever you open a folder on a UPnP server.23:16
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timeless_mbpdidn't it always do that?23:18
* timeless_mbp waits for crash reporter to send 100 useless reports23:18
GeneralAntillesIt's new to me.23:18
GeneralAntillesand it makes me want to stab my device to death.23:18
GeneralAntillesNow why in the world wont it see my movie shares. . . .23:19
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qwerty12_N810Have you turned its parental filter off?23:20
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GeneralAntillesImma turn you off in a second, qwerty12_N810. :P23:20
luke-jrsame thing23:21
fiferboyMek:  Did you use -prefix /usr ?23:24
* GeneralAntilles waits to see if any of this wiki talk actually results in any progress this time.23:24
Mekfiferboy: no, I installed it all in some seperate prefix in /opt/something23:24
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timeless_mbpanyone here know Spaniards or Latin Americans?23:26
timeless_mbpi'm looking for a common male first name for which there's a shorter nick name23:27
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MrGoose1are you pretending to be someone spanish?23:28
javispedrotimeless: Javier and Javi (proof: )23:28
MrGoose1timeless you lie23:29
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timeless_mbpMrGoose1: why would you accuse me of such a thing?23:30
* timeless_mbp quickly issues: /part #mozilla-hispano23:30
javispedroi'm intrigued too.23:31
qwerty12_N810The MBP part gives you away. The Spanish use real computers23:31
lardmanhmm, dh_install: libchamplain-0.4-0 missing files (usr/lib/*), aborting23:31
javispedroqwerty12_N810: you wouldn't know.... ;P23:31
* lardman curses debian building for the umpteenth time23:32
qwerty12_N810javispedro: What? I can pretend to be Spanish too!23:32
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* qwerty12_N810 changes the name displayed on his /whois info23:32
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Firebirdtimeless_mbp, what's the expected outcome?23:34
timeless_mbpFirebird: that's included somewhere in comment 123:34
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fralsvoting for bugs is a great way to fill your email appearently.. :D23:34
timeless_mbpFirebird: do you have a device?23:34
timeless_mbpfrals: not necessarily23:35
javispedroah, you mean instead of examples generic names have been put in the translation...23:35
timeless_mbpjavispedro: so...23:35
timeless_mbpusing things instead of names was insane23:35
timeless_mbpthe English is much worse23:35
fralsyeah, could change so i dont get notices.. but thats no fun ;P23:35
timeless_mbpi'm using David Smith in my English because it's much easier for humans to understand23:35
qwerty12_N810frals: Ah, brilliant! You sound like just the person I need for testing my spambot23:35
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thpis it possible to get the current connection type (wifi, cellular) without having to watch events using conic? (on maemo 5)23:36
timeless_mbpthe english nokia ships has:23:36
timeless_mbp"First name Last name"23:36
fralsqwerty12_N810: ;D23:36
timeless_mbpwhich is um.... strange23:36
timeless_mbpit's also probably poor british english, where it should probably be surname and family name23:36
javispedrowell the whole dialog is a mess either way.23:36
javispedrowith the repeated entry in the screenshot at least.23:37
javispedroI'd just remove #3, unless it's common in certain countries.23:37
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timeless_mbpjavispedro: so...23:38
timeless_mbpsome countries are stupid and really use that format23:38
timeless_mbpyou can't remove it23:38
javispedrothen, since I assume localisation can't hide it...23:38
timeless_mbpbecause if a user picks that format and then changes locale to esES23:38
timeless_mbpwhat should the locale show23:39
timeless_mbp"you haven't picked a setting" ?23:39
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timeless_mbpthat'd be worse23:39
javispedrotouché I guess.23:39
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luke-jrtimeless_mbp: "I like pizza"23:39
timeless_mbpit could say "Sanchez Javier [no es usado en Espanol]23:39
timeless_mbpor something23:39
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javispedroactually, I'd be fine with the use of "Nombre" & "Apellido".23:39
timeless_mbpbtw, if Sanchez is a bad choice for a last name, feel free to comment, but please try to keep the comment count low on bugs i file23:40
timeless_mbpjavispedro: anyway, the English form is really bad23:40
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timeless_mbpsince it has 4 words :)23:40
javispedroyeah, Ic.23:40
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Mercury_Funky issue with my N810, the theme appears to have gotten, screwy.  The hilights for selected areas in the menus are not showing up, making it a whole lot more interesting to use, since you can't tell what is selected.23:40
timeless_mbpand i claim the spanish form is bad since the localizer didn't understand what it meant23:40
Mercury_Powercycle doesn't seem to help any.23:40
timeless_mbpif the localizer can't figure it out, the odds that the user will aren't great23:40
javispedrograb a sample name from first contact having both fields filled in?23:40
javispedroor from currently selected contact if any.23:40
timeless_mbp"Tell Me"23:41
timeless_mbpassume "tell" is first name and "me" is last name23:41
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timeless_mbpand yes, i really have a card like that23:41
javispedro"Tell Me";  "Tell, Me"; "Me, Tell" would be easy.23:41
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timeless_mbpplus because of the stupid format messes23:41
javispedroto understand what's going on I mean.23:41
timeless_mbpit's quite likely that people have cards that aren't properly entered :)23:41
MercuryIs this a known issue with a known fix? :)23:42
timeless_mbpsomeday i'll find someone w/ 2 contacts "John Doe" and "Doe John" (distinct people w/ the obvious name parsings)23:42
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timeless_mbpMercury: change theme?23:42
timeless_mbpthe device ships w/ 4 iirc23:43
timeless_mbppick one of the other 3 ...23:43
javispedrowhen in doubt, look at how Bill Gates does it (they introduced most computer terms either way)23:43
timeless_mbpi have multilingual w723:43
timeless_mbpbut i don't think i have a spare license for outlook23:44
timeless_mbpi suppose OWA would work23:44
Mercurytimeless_mbp: Hrm, worth a shot.23:44
javispedromy Palm has a dialog like that and just has "Apellidos, Nombre";"Compañía, Apellidos".23:45
Mercurytimeless_mbp: Nope, same identical problems.23:45
javispedrolastname - firstname , company - lastname23:45
Mercurytimeless_mbp: The scroll bar in the control panel is also not getting drawn.  It's there and you can interact with it, but it's not being drawn.23:46
javispedroMercury: rebooting?23:46
timeless_mbpi don't recognize that bug23:46
qwerty12_N810Mercury: Erm, is your problem anything similar to: ?23:46
timeless_mbpjavispedro: he tried23:46
Mercuryjavispedro: Tried that.23:46
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: Reading, one moment.23:46
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: Yeah, that looks similar.23:47
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: But I didn't install or update anything before this happened.23:47
timeless_mbpqwerty12_N810: glad to see it was filed in talk instead of bugs23:47
timeless_mbpthis way no one will do anything about it23:47
javispedroOutlook grabs the actual first/last names from contact. I knew I used a program that was doing that :)23:47
timeless_mbpin my case, David Smith is almost certainly in my contacts...23:48
qwerty12_N810Mercury: #2 says installing bash fixed it...23:48
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: Yeah, doing that now.23:48
javispedrotimeless: it's a bit more intelligent and if you don't fill the last name it won't show up in the list.23:48
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: He also changed the /bin/sh symlink, which is, interesting.23:49
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javispedro(I mean, it only shows "Show contact as: David [end of list]")23:50
GAN900timeless_mbp, nobody's going to do anything about it either way. ;)23:51
javispedronot the exact same situation though, outlook allows one to set "Show contact as" individually for each contact.23:51
mikhashm, how would I send a file via bluetooth to another device? cant find anything useful in the file manager23:51
qwerty12_N810GAN900: You voiced what I was thinking, thank you23:51
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javispedrooh, cmon. you don't know about that prize Nokia gives you when you report in the # 5000 WONTFIX/ignored bug.23:52
GAN900Still, it is 4 karma points. :P23:52
RST38hNo sense in karma points if nobody is listening23:53
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thpmikhas: for images use the image viewer's share option23:56
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: Yep, that fixed it.23:56
Mercuryqwerty12_N810: I'd love to know what started requiring bash on me.23:56
thpmikhas: for everything else,
mikhasthp, thanks!23:57
qwerty12_N810Mercury: No idea. I stopped booting from SD because I'd run into race conditions involving themes23:57
javispedrosigh. sigh. sigh.23:57
javispedrono sending via bluetooth of .txt files?23:57
javispedroand the file manager gui is still closed....23:57
qwerty12_N810FFS, that is a fucking joke23:57
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mikhaslooks like a potential WONTFIX bug though23:58
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thpmikhas: please vote for that bug if you want to get it fixed ;)23:58
qwerty12_N810thp: I'll vote, but seeing that fixed? Ha!23:59
mikhasbribing always worked better than voting, as history has shown ^^23:59

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