IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2009-09-21

AStormport access?00:00
AStorm*and* other computation00:00
AStormthe idea is that it will allow to parallelize that other computation with screen updates00:00
felipecAStorm: otherwise ARM and DSP caches will not be coherent00:00
RST38haudio, timers00:00
AStormfelipec: they don't have to be.00:00
RST38hbtw you are forgetting sprites00:01
AStormsprites are clean moves in DSP space.00:01
RST38hclean moves?00:01
RST38hwhat about sprite priority?00:01
AStormsee, you abuse the DSP to be your Copper chip00:01
felipecAStorm: at some point you'll need to send some data to the DSP, that will require a cache flush00:01
AStormsprite prio is precomputed00:01
RST38hAStorm: I can abuse a cat, but it does not mean it will bear my children00:01
AStormfelipec: true, some point00:01
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AStormthe idea is to make "some point" rare00:02
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AStormand it will be rare enough00:02
AStormactually, I don't need a cache flush, but a sync00:02
RST38hAStorm: I suggest you actually try implementing this :)00:02
AStormRST38h: I will. :>00:03
AStormbut IMO it'll be more fruitful to move sound emu there first00:03
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RST38hThat may well be true00:03
RST38hBut Amiga has got pretty simple sound, 8 channels of wave audio or so00:03
AStormluke-jr: some back door into the dsp:,oc54x,overview00:04
AStormRST38h: someone has to mix that00:04
AStormand apply the necessary FIR filter00:04
AStorm(so that it sounds like amiga)00:04
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AStormI knew I've seen it somewhere00:07
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epilidois there a way to search multiple terms with the and operator on t.m.o.  when I tried say usb host mode.  I get all instances of usb or host or mode. I would like to be able to search for multiple words and get specific results....00:12
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AStormspru374g is also on TI servers.00:12
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bobbydI've got the maemo 5 sdk, and I'd like to write a little app for the n900 that counts how much data I've transferred in a set time period, then disables the cellular modem when it hits a limit. It's to ensure I don't get charged too much based on the data plan I've got.00:14
bobbydI thought it would also be nice to make a desktop widget that looked like a fuel gauge to show how much data I had left00:14
bobbyddoes anyone have any pointers on getting started?00:15
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bobbydI can write C++ and python00:15
bobbyd(and lots of other things, but I suppose they're the most relevant)00:15
johnxbobbyd, so you want pointers on how to count data transferred? or where to find the docs on making a widget?00:15
bobbydyep, both :)00:16
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bobbydand if it's possible to disable one type of network connection00:16
johnxthat last part I don't know00:16
bobbydI'll also finally be able to write an app that turns my ringer off during set time periods :)00:16
johnxyou cound munge the users settings with gconftool maybe00:16
AStormmaybe over dbus?00:16
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bobbydI've wanted to do that on my phone for years00:16
AStormNokia seems very fond of dbus, you could check if there are some dbus control apis there in SDK00:17
bobbydI'll have a poke about. What about the data transfer and widgets, should I just RTFM? :)00:17
johnxfor data flow...dunno if there's a maemo-specific way, but if it were me (from my shell-centric point of view) I'd run /sbin/ifconfig and parse the output00:17
bobbydand is qt the preferred way to write stuff now?00:17
AStormbobbyd: nobody knows yet00:17
johnxgtk is "preferred" but qt is probably more future proof00:17
AStormMaemo 5 is gtk00:18
AStormbut next one will likely be mostly qt00:18
johnxand there's some pretty good docs on making widgets, that can be found from the sdk page00:18
bobbydok, I thought someone said it's possible to write qt stuff on maemo 500:18
AStormwhat was the codename? Harmattan?00:18
bobbydI'll check those out00:18
johnxand some HIG-type docs about widgets as well00:18
johnxmaemo 5 sdk beta 2 (newest as of now, but there's a new release coming "real soon now"):
bobbydyep, installing that now00:20
johnxwidget docs here:
bobbydI'm also going to port some opengl stuff I did, and hopefully write a nice flashy remote for squeezecenter00:21
bobbydshould be the perfect device for that00:21
bobbyd(the n900)00:21
AStormbobbyd: make sure it works with OpenGL 2 ES00:21
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bobbydI'm pretty sure it will, I think most of the stuff they chopped out in ES was useless crap like quad-buffer rendering00:22
javispedroAStorm: actually, I think the final device comes with both APIs (1 & 2)00:23
bobbydbut I should read the spec :)00:23
javispedro(actually 1.1)00:23
AStormjavispedro: :)00:23
javispedro1.1 & 2, I mean.00:23
bobbydI'd like to get data out of the game I'm working on and write some widgets for that00:24
bobbydbut one thing at at time eh? I think the bandwidth monitor would be a simple thing to start with00:24
* AStorm instead rewrites the sox resampler plugin for alsa... again00:24
* AStorm should port it to DSP just for fun00:24
* javispedro now has system wide bad quality equalizer :)00:24
AStormit's a mip-mapped fir filter after all00:25
bobbydmaybe I'll write a pointless visualisation of the data00:25
bobbydI really want to see if zynadsubfx works well on the n90000:25
AStormthe task DSP is extremely well suited for00:25
felipecsomebody should port some video decoder from FFmpeg :)00:25
bobbydand then see if my Korg nanokey will work with the USB port00:25
felipecto the DSP00:25
AStormfelipec: hmm.00:25
bobbydwhat are the specs of the DSP?00:25
AStormwhat about some scaler?00:25
AStormor should we rely on GPU to do that well now?00:25
bobbyddoes the flash port use it?00:25
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bobbydGPU must be faster for scaling...00:26
bobbydunless it draws too much power00:26
javispedrobobbyd: i don't know for sure.00:26
AStormbobbyd: DSP is the same as in OMAP2 apparently00:26
javispedroof course, it's faster for "good quality" scaling.00:26
bobbydI did some hacking on the PSP to run stuff on the media processor00:26
AStormoh, no, it's not00:26
AStormit's C64+00:26
bobbydAStorm: *another* 600Mhz chip?00:27
bobbydahh :)00:27
AStormomap2 has TMS320C55x00:27
lcukyeah lardman was delirious with joy lol00:27
lcukit has nicer byte format than the one in omap242000:27
SaBerbobbyd: I've heard zynaddsubfx is not very well coded (regarding it is supposed to be a real-time synth)00:27
AStormlcuk: true :)00:27
AStormbut one important thing is that it's backwards compatible00:27
bobbydSaBer: I'll have a look at porting it anyway, then probably just profile it and see what it's like00:27
AStormfrom wiki:00:28
AStormOMAP3430 - 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8 + PowerVR SGX 530 GPU + 430MHz C64x+ DSP + ISP (Image Signal Processor)00:28
bobbydAStorm: so it's the C64+ ?00:28
AStormOMAP2420 - 330 MHz ARM1136 + 220 MHz C55x DSP + PowerVR MBX GPU00:28
bobbydmaybe I can use the DSP for the synth :)00:28
javispedroplus the IVA.00:28
SaBerbobbyd: there's a bunch of LV2 plugins that are supposed to be better:
javispedroimage & video accelerator iirc.00:29
AStormjavispedro: it's called ISP00:29
javispedro(they all sound like cpus to me)00:29
AStormthe problem is that I don't have the DSP bridge docs for OMAP343000:29
AStormjavispedro: they are00:29
AStormbut specialized ones00:29
bobbydSaBer: hadn't seen that, thanks00:29
johnxand the SGX has some interesting twists00:29
felipecthere's an IVA and a ISP... they are separate00:30
johnxtile based renderers are so cool :D00:30
AStormfelipec: hmm? funny. is IVA running PowerVR firmware or something?00:30
felipecAStorm: no, that's a separate chip :)00:30
bobbydSaBer: I've done some ARM programming in the past, so hopefully it'll be possible to get it running well00:31
lcuk/core you mean - they are all on same silicon00:31
lcuk(so i understand00:31
bobbydI'd love it if the nanokey would work, apparently it only draws 100mA, so it might00:31
felipeclcuk: right00:31
AStormbobbyd: the DSP is not truly an ARM00:31
bobbydright, but the CPU is right?00:31
AStormyes, it is.00:31
bobbydseems like a great device regardless00:32
AStormwith VFP and other extras00:32
bobbydI'm ordering tonight. Does anyone know the official date they start shipping?00:32
johnxthe OMAP3 is a tiny beast :)00:32
Pavlovill take a snapdragon over omap3 any day00:33
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johnxPavlov, any linux devices with a snapdragon in a decent formfactor yet? (ie, not a devboard)00:33
johnxfailing that, any snapdragon-based devices with a linux port?00:33
Pavlovnot that i know of ;/00:34
Pavlovonly production thing i've got is the toshiba tg0100:34
AStormPavlov: yes, it's neat00:34
Pavlovand it is super fast00:34
AStormexcept it eats more power00:35
johnxand my days of playing with things that have crappy linux support are in the past00:35
AStormit won't scale down to N900-sized device00:35
AStormunless they produce a clocked-down version00:35
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AStormthat's why there are no cell phones with this cpu yet00:36
johnxthe i.mx515 also looks pretty interesting00:36
johnxwonder if it has 3D accell00:36
PavlovAStorm: the tg01 is a cell phone (sort of)00:36
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Pavlovonly marginally bigger than my iphone00:37
* lcuk looks at n810, looks at n899.5 and looks at n900 and thinks WOW what an evolution00:37
Pavlovn900 is nice, don't get me wrong ;)00:37
luke-jrwtf is N899.5?00:37
AStormcheck the run time on that00:37
lcukbut i cant update the software on it cos i need sdk libs from the beta repository00:38
luke-jrjohnx: if there is 3D support, I hope to get specs ;p00:38
johnxluke-jr, well, get back to me when you do ;) it might convince me I want a netwalker more than a netbook00:38
lcukyou will never get specs00:38
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luke-jrjohnx: reviews of PC-Z1 seem to suck00:39
luke-jrespecially kb00:39
Pavlovthe problem with both the mx51 and omap3 chips is their memory architecture is too slow00:39
luke-jrjohnx: I'm planning to hack my dev board into a pseudo-wearable XD00:39
Pavlovif they could double it they'd be nice chips ;)00:39
luke-jrPavlov: wtf?00:39
lcukPavlov, ?00:39
AStormPavlov: true. and you say that Snapdragon's is better?00:39
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PavlovAStorm: yeah, much00:39
johnxluke-jr, yeah, think I'll take a crappy keyboard over a DIY in a wooden box00:39
luke-jrPavlov: memory is too slow?00:39
AStormluke-jr: not memory, bus.00:39
* lcuk looks for places where its slow00:39
luke-jrjohnx: C760 thin-client? :p00:39
johnxluke-jr, not so much :P00:40
lcukcare to qualify that statement properly Pavlov00:40
luke-jrjohnx: hm?00:40
Pavlovlcuk: yeah, its bus is pokey00:40
johnxluke-jr, as in: no interest00:40
javispedroand the tiny dcache doesn't help much00:40
luke-jrjohnx: my plan is SL-C760 X server, with the rest hosting the real system00:40
johnxluke-jr, over what? wifi?00:41
Pavloveven the tegra arm11 chips have faster memory buses00:41
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lcukdefine pokey - it runs a 3d composited x11 desktop with multitple apps running at fullspeed - which part is slow00:41
lcukiphone manages 1 app + a menu00:41
luke-jrjohnx: USB? <.<00:41
Pavlovim not sure what you're comparing00:41
lcukwell you say its slow00:42
javispedrolcuk: iphone is slower :)00:42
lcuktheres clear evidence its now00:42
johnxluke-jr, wow...great. all for the keyboard?00:42
Pavlovthe iphone excluding the 3GS is also pretty slow00:42
luke-jrjohnx: XD00:42
luke-jrjohnx: well, hopefully Sharp won't be the only ones to use i.MX515?00:42
lcuki thought they had same chips now00:42
javispedrothe problem is that every day I tell myself "now this gadget, at 350Mhz/400Mhz/600Mhz, will finally be faster than my 333Mhz Celeron.00:42
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javispedro". it never is.00:42
lcuklol javispedro i always considered the 810 to be amiga rated (H)00:43
Pavlovlcuk: stuff is getting faster00:43
johnxluke-jr, not really directed at you, but if there's one thing I learned from the whole zaurus vs n8x0 situation it's: "It's the software, stupid!"00:43
lcukand coded as if it was!00:43
luke-jrjavispedro: what?00:43
lcukit worked tho :D00:43
Pavlovand you can get away with doing a bunch now00:43
AStormno, it's far more powerful than Amiga00:43
javispedroluke-jr: random ranting :)00:43
luke-jrjohnx: no way, it's definitely the hardware.00:43
Pavlovbut there are several chips out that are substantially faster00:43
AStormit's probably comparable to some Pentiums00:43
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luke-jrjohnx: the software is just KDE 4.3 :D00:43
AStormincluding bus speeds00:43
lcukhahahahaha lbt00:43
Pavlovi hope TI speeds up their memory bus00:43
AStormyeah, they should00:44
AStormthat's the main bottleneck00:44
Pavlovthe chip otherwise is fine00:44
johnxluke-jr, we obviously have very different use cases00:44
bobbydI think the n900 will be pretty good for a year or so though00:44
ShadowJKAlthough for users, the main bottleneck is RAM /size/, when they open up the 20th tab in the browser :)00:44
AStormbobbyd: probably longer00:44
AStormShadowJK: not if that user is doing video playback00:44
lcukbobbyd, code round any roadblocks - that is the linux way00:44
luke-jrShadowJK: PC-Z1 has 512 MB RAM00:45
lcukthe 810 had a slow screen00:45
lcuki smashed it00:45
AStormwhy would you do that?00:45
javispedroShadowJK: my laptop has 196MiB. It runs Eclipse.00:45
AStormpersonally, I'd just replace the damned EPSON chip with something faster00:45
johnxAStorm, smashed the barrier00:45
ShadowJKI think he means he smashed the roadblock00:45
AStormjohnx: ahhhaha00:45
lcukothers will find ways to get round whatever bottlenecks on this platform00:45
javispedro(fast hdd swap partition compared to the slower sd swap helps here)00:45
johnxand the omap3 has already been *shown* playing 720P00:46
AStormjohnx: true00:46
AStormnot barely, cleanly.00:46
javispedrowith DSP help I think.00:46
johnxPavlov, yeah, it wasn't even touching the DSP, IIRC00:46
AStormw/o DSP00:46
ShadowJKI'd say barely in real life :)00:46
javispedrojohnx: a.00:46
Pavlovjohnx: yep00:46
AStormShadowJK: oh yes, a dev preview more like00:46
Pavlovnow try playing that video non-fullscreen inside an interactive app ;)00:46
AStormjavispedro: DSP help was unnecessary waste of power ;>00:47
johnxPavlov, find me a gadget with a 720P+ screen :P00:47
AStormit will be necessary only for h26400:47
AStormjohnx: try that TV output00:47
Pavlovjohnx: does my 9" netbook count? ;)00:47
ShadowJKIt might be able to do 720p, but I wouldn't trust it to do 720p through layers of UI and compositing shite, and I wouldn't expect it to do 720p while running some monstrous interpreter for actionscript/javascript/whathaveyou00:47
luke-jryeah, without a 720p screen, you're not REALLY playing 720p :p00:47
johnxAStorm, what, the 480P output? :P00:47
javispedrobut decoding it.00:47
lcukPavlov, if an interactive app NEEDS that video at fullres its doing it wrong00:47
AStormjohnx: hmm, it's that low res?00:47
lcukit was years before i could get fullscreen video on pc00:47
AStormI meant that composite00:47
lcuki remember quarter screen stuff00:48
AStormthat should be able to push 720p... maybe00:48
johnxAStorm, huh? composite, not component00:48
ShadowJKI mean the desktop compositing00:48
lcukcompositing adds lots of extra overheads00:48
luke-jrI don't use compositing on my desktop machine.00:48
luke-jrit's useless cruft so far00:48
AStormlcuk: mostly in memory use00:49
ShadowJKIt adds lots of bandwidth requirements too00:49
lcukAStorm, no, in more than memory00:49
felipecShadowJK: the video is rendered through an overlay... the UI has nothing to do with that00:49
AStormyes, each visible update goes to some back buffer00:49
felipecthe DSP is quite capable of 720p... you just need the right codecs00:49
AStorminvisible as well00:49
lcukthen is transfered to the pvr and then transformed and sent out00:49
AStormfelipec: heck, you don't even need the right codecs00:49
bobbydthink I'll buy two n900's :)00:49
ShadowJKfelipec, even with the compositing effects? On regular desktop overlay isn't used with compositing :/00:49
bobbydone for my wife too00:50
Pavlovbobbyd: you should00:50
AStormShadowJK: no idea if the bus is fast enough to allow textured video00:50
bobbydI wonder if skype video, or ekiga would work well enough to use regularly00:50
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AStormif it is... then compositing it might work00:50
lcukShadowJK, depends on which system you are using for compositing, most will allow video in the cube - but it depends on which render pathway used00:50
bobbydI suppose ekiga has more chance of being ported well00:50
felipecShadowJK: we are not doing anything fancy with the video like compiz00:50
AStormbobbyd: yes, it has00:50
luke-jrhow hard would it be to get my N810 to hijack whatever random MAC is already authenticated to an open wifi network? :p00:50
ShadowJKfelipec, oh ok00:51
bobbydbut people are lazy, as the 1000 bad emulators on the PSP show :)00:51
AStormbobbyd: or pidgin's v&v00:51
luke-jrjust for a simple UDP xmit00:51
AStormluke-jr: easy00:51
bobbydAStorm: oh yeah :)00:51
luke-jreg, if I want to xmit my lat/lon every 5 seconds over DNS :p00:51
luke-jrAStorm: really?00:51
AStormbobbyd: but the contacts app does that already (telepathy)00:51
AStormluke-jr: yes, try arping00:52
luke-jrAStorm: I'm thinking just pcap-inspect what it sees, and hijack the first client00:52
bobbydAStorm: it does pidgin v&v?00:52
AStormI did that to hijack MACs over wifi00:52
AStormbobbyd: no, but pidgin also uses telepathy for v&v00:52
luke-jrarping is for hajacking IPs to your MAC00:52
AStormluke-jr: or the other way around00:52
luke-jrAStorm: I mean spoof the MAC of some already-connected client00:52
AStormyou ping the other IPs00:52
bobbydso it's got some kind of video chat that's not skype00:52
AStormand get the reply with macs00:52
luke-jrto skip the whole auth+DHCP00:52
bobbydthat's really great00:52
bobbydthis is just getting better for me :D00:52
AStormluke-jr: I did that myself.00:52
AStormto "borrow" a few external IPs in our uni net00:53
luke-jrAStorm: I mean automated.00:53
AStormarpinged the ip range and received MACs00:53
luke-jrso if I'm in range for 500ms, it can xmit an update00:53
AStormwaited for one to go down00:53
RST38hRST38h 3 : VAX 000:53
javispedrogo RST!00:53
AStormluke-jr: it's scriptable00:53
luke-jrAStorm: what is? :p00:53
AStormstill, if you could get kismet running...00:53
bobbydam I right in thinking the n900 can act as a USB host for devices that draw 100mA or less?00:53
johnxRST38h, VGBA for the VAX?00:53
AStormluke-jr: arping00:53
luke-jrAStorm: kismet tends to require monitor mode00:54
RST38hok, until I fall asleep, I owe javis some code00:54
johnxbobbyd, no, that's incorrect00:54
luke-jrwhich prevents xmit altogether I think00:54
ShadowJKbobbyd, current info says no00:54
AStormluke-jr: not for basics.00:54
RST38hjohnx: Kinda more advanced really00:54
AStormluke-jr: which is receiving packets00:54
johnxseems like no usb host on the n90000:54
javispedroRST38h: i'm going to fall sleep soon, so if you want to sent me something, better use email00:54
AStormjohnx: huh? check kernel driver for the USB controller.00:54
AStormit's still there.00:54
johnxAStorm, check maemo-developers00:55
AStormit's dual-mode00:55
bobbydjohnx: I thought it supported this:
timelessout of the box usbotg is proably not exposed00:55
lbtShadowJK: you missed the next line I posted00:55
timelessnot certain00:55
johnxtimeless, thoughts about whether one could work around the problems in software?00:56
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timelessi'd assume so00:56
AStormbla bla bla00:56
AStormnot hardware limitation00:56
johnxI retract my statement00:56
AStormjust laziness in testing00:56
timelessremember, i'm not an expert in the area00:56
AStormthey hit some problems likely and just didn't have the time to correct them00:56
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javispedroyeah. good luck finding the proper non-standard cable00:57
* javispedro sighs00:57
SpeedEvilIt's available on specialist websites00:57
AStormjavispedro: non-standard? USB OTG is standard.00:57
timelessiirc the strings are present but the path is disabled00:57
AStormtimeless: hmm :)00:57
javispedroAStorm: but basically -devels tells us it's not going to be "standard" OTG.00:57
ShadowJKlbt: "fuck"?00:57
johnxjavispedro, micro b to host a + female host a to female host a00:57
AStormjavispedro: no. the port is OTG00:57
AStormjust the chip is set in client mode00:58
javispedroAStorm: how do you know? you seem to contradict qgil.00:58
lbtShadowJK: well, I have spent all day on a PUSH project assuming a 2009 consumer 'computer' can do usb host mode00:58
AStormjavispedro: qgil said there's no OTG *now*00:58
AStormbecause they hit issues w/ USB chip00:58
lcukyou have spent the day hacking on a control module you had to hand00:58
SpeedEvilNo OTG now may mean that the required hardware isn't there.00:58
johnxlbt, well you know what they say about people who assume things ...00:58
SpeedEvilIt needs a couple more resistors or something.00:59
AStormnot really even00:59
javispedroAStorm: yes it may.00:59
AStormI bet they connected everything ok00:59
RST38hjavis: Is ARM SDT syntax ok?00:59
SpeedEvilIn the absence of a positive statement that USB host mode works.00:59
AStormit'd be crazy to break the design00:59
* javispedro was doing things in Palm T|X00:59
SpeedEvilIt's not breaking the design.00:59
ShadowJKBut does it mean OTG wont work, that is, OTG adapters wont work... does it also mean that it wont work with F-F adapter?00:59
AStormbecause they hit a problem while developing USB chip driver00:59
johnxSpeedEvil, if they were planning on having it working, right up until the end, it's probably cheaper to keep the same board design00:59
javispedroRST38h: can gnu as compile it?00:59
RST38hjavis: Ok, no ARM SDT syntax01:00
SpeedEviljohnx: indeed - it depends when the decision came - and if the required fix involved not populating components forex.01:00
timelessboard designs don't change often- especially not late01:00
AStormShadowJK: yes, it means OTG won't work until you fix the kernel01:00
ShadowJKAStorm, I don't give a shit about OTG01:00
AStormat least that's what I can see.01:00
javispedroAStorm: why do you believe it's a kernel bug? it may be as well a udc bug.01:00
SpeedEviltimeless: Sure - not populating pullup resistors and ... is free though.01:00
johnxSpeedEvil, I gather the required fix was like the N800: "You can't use an 'A' socket or call it USB-OTG"01:00
* javispedro wouldn't be surprised01:00
lbtcommunity kernel hack to enable host mode and not be 'usb certified'01:01
SpeedEvilIf the hardware is there - sure.01:01
AStormlbt: something like that, yes01:01
johnxlbt, give it 80% odds, and hope they can get kexec working :)01:01
AStormsince the kernel driver has the support apparently01:01
lcuktimeless, wouldnt a board change require a new rx number01:01
lbtkexec is enabled - I  saw that01:01
AStormnot sure if that support works, I don't own an N90001:01
timelessjohnx: afaik the n800 was never going to have a micro port01:01
RST38hjavis: Email address?01:01
timelesslcuk: dunno01:02
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johnxtimeless, fair enough, but what I'm saying is that the USB host stuff is populated anyways01:02
SpeedEvillcuk: you may not require any board changes in some cases, simply not put some components on.01:02
* lcuk nods01:02
AStormwhat I suspect is that the kernel driver had some bug and they lacked time to iron it out01:02
RST38hEmail address, javispedro, quick, for I am already sleep typing01:02
ShadowJKMaybe the fix for USB host mode required a board change, and it wasn't done01:02
AStormso instead set it to client mode01:02
* timeless is listening to live guitar music01:02
AStormthat maemo-developers post sure sounds like that01:03
timelessif the right people wrote there, i'd trust them01:03
SpeedEvilTo quote from the second - [one of the requirements of the USB peeps] One of them being that the certification with A connector can be passed only if full functionality is provided by the SW.01:03
bobbydso it's opengl es 1.1?01:03
timelessi just don't read that list01:03
johnxAStorm, that's the way it reads to me too01:03
javispedrobobbyd: I don't have a device, but: there is ogles v2 support _for sure_, and then I believe there's ogles v1.1 support _too_.01:04
johnxbobbyd, I know there is ES 2 drivers, I don't know if there are ES 1.1 drivers01:04
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SpeedEvilSo it couldn't be done in the timescale - as the software wasn't there. This would have meant a connector change at that time AIUI.01:04
RST38hjavis: Sent.01:04
javispedroRST38h: ack01:05
GeneralAntillestimeless, Igor.01:05
SpeedEvilWhich implies to me there has been one board rev since the decision. But I could be completely wrong.01:05
bobbydOGL ES 2 is all about having a programmable pipeline, so it'll be interesting to get a "glxinfo" from the n900 :)01:05
johnxSpeedEvil, a last minute board change to save a couple cents on a $600 non-mainstream device?01:06
timelessbobbyd: how do i get that?01:06
AStormhm, so to use host mode, we'd need a hacked cable01:06
johnxI don't really buy it01:06
johnxAStorm, at the very least01:06
johnxor "non-standard" connectors01:06
AStormyes yes01:06
SpeedEviljohnx: I read that as they needed to change the connector they were considering for usb-host01:06
ShadowJKAStorm, shouldn't a F-F adapter at the end of the included cable work?01:07
bobbydtimeless: just run "glxinfo" from a terminal if it's installed01:07
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AStormShadowJK: no, the other side won't detect the USB host01:07
johnxSpeedEvil, ah, I agree with you there01:07
timelessit isn't in path01:07
ShadowJKAStorm, but it works fine on N810 with usbcontrol?01:07
AStormN810 has a different setup01:07
javispedrobobbyd: glx and opengles don't mix01:07
ShadowJKI mean, to me it sounds exactly like the detection is what has been removed01:07
AStormyou will be able to force set the host mode as well I think01:08
SpeedEviljohnx: Hopefully it's at the moment at worst not providing power and needing a wierd cable. Rather than not being able to work at all.01:08
bobbydjavispedro: ah, ok, then I don't know how to get a list of device caps01:08
johnxit's the same situation as the N80001:08
javispedrobobbyd: opengles uses egl.01:08
bobbydjavispedro: yep, I get that now01:08
AStormvery similar indeed, johnx01:08
ShadowJKN800 also didn't provide power?01:08
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johnxSpeedEvil, I bet it provides the power and doesn't need any internal mods01:08
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AStormShadowJK: exactly that01:08
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GeneralAntillesShadowJK, N800 provided 100mA01:08
ShadowJKMaybe you're thinking of 770?01:08
johnxfeature I want to see for t.m.o: wagering karma01:08
SpeedEviljohnx: Possibly. Looks like I'm not going to be able to get one till the n920 though, so it doesn't matter so much for me :/01:08
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timeless770 required a hacked hub01:09
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AStormanyway. what I need is the device itself01:09
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AStormthen I could check it01:09
timelesspowered hub01:09
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ShadowJKtimeless, one that supplied power in both directions? I think that's a standard feature of chinese hubs ;)01:09
AStormbarring that, schematics ;p but this might be much harder to come by01:09
AStormall that NDA stuff01:09
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timelessreally? heh01:09
AStormI had a hub like that which had a switch to enable such behavior01:10
ShadowJKtimeless, yeah. I had huge problems finding a hub that DIDN'T do it.01:10
lbtAStorm: This was the point:
ShadowJKNeedless to say, when I switched off my PC, the usb hub was trying to power the entire +5V bus of the PC. It burned itself out in a few days :)01:10
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* timeless rotfl01:10
AStormlbt: what is this thing?01:11
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AStormlbt: port checker?01:11
lbtthe board?01:11
timelessquality, that :)01:11
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lbtno, it's a usb I/O board01:11
ShadowJKIt's also fun to see people commenting on cheap powered hubs on Amazon.. "hey when I connect this to my PC the Fan on my graphics card starts spinning even if computer is off? plz help"01:11
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AStormlbt: mhm01:11
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AStormso I guessed almost right :)01:12
lbtit makes it easy for us SW types to interface with electronics01:12
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AStormthat should be possible in client mode if you squint hard enough01:12
AStormand force the kernel a bit01:12
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lbtAStorm: actually :
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AStormwhat kind of pointlessness is this?01:14
lbtgee thanks.01:15
AStormwell, it looks fun01:15
AStormbut otherwise pointless01:15
lbthaving a computer able to switch switches?01:15
lbtthe basis of all computer controlled automation?01:15
AStormbut having N900 do that? wasteful.01:16
lbtah, but plugging it into a speak-n-spell?01:16
lbtthat's sane?01:16
lcukit sends text messages01:16
javispedrobuilding a k.i.t.t. clone is pointfull enough. always.01:16
lcukthe radio one has real practical benefits01:17
lbtjavispedro: absolutely01:17
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lcukit allows recv a text message, query use real radio to transmit music01:17
johnxI want my device to start the coffee whenever my wakeup alarm goes off01:17
lcukfrom a simple - look incar use will work01:17
lcukits a kickass start01:17
javispedroI just want it not try to kill me.01:17
javispedroa, and also manage my calendar.01:18
lbthmm lcuk another idea...01:18
lbtn900 controlled car...01:18
lbtreal car01:18
* javispedro hides01:18
wazdn900 ISS :D01:18
lcukKITT for reall01:18
* javispedro though the webserver for a moment01:18
bobbydgot to be rockets01:18
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lcukejector seat01:19
GeneralAntillesjohnx, coffee makers with internal clocks are cheap. ;)01:19
timo2how about something a tad simpler like automatic hdr capture for the camera01:19
lcukand turbo boost01:19
johnxGeneralAntilles, nah, but I get up at *different* times each day01:19
AStormlbt: now THAT's more like it01:19
AStormlbt: I'm all for making N900 into a car diagnostic tool01:19
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AStormlbt: btw, did you manage to control the speech synth in Speak&Spell?01:20
mavhkI want a device that works out what time to wake me up based on my appointment calendar01:20
lbtdiagnostic? I was going to connect that usb controller to the electronic throttle on a supercharged Jag01:20
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AStormlbt: that might be actually easier01:20
johnxAStorm, I actually got a borrowed netbook hooked up at one point, but it turns out my car doesn't emit anything except "CEL" codes01:20
lbtAStorm: that's not my speak'n'spell01:20
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AStormjohnx: hehe01:20
lbtthey got a pro HW dev to do that01:20
johnxit was nice to see my car isn't broken at least...but still01:21
AStormlbt: ...01:21
AStormthey could've made an N900 controlled car just as easily01:21
johnxhmm, what might be more fun is a "ghost" speak and spell01:21
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lbtAStorm: yeah, but that's not what they want inside their flagship stores saying "hacker toy"01:22
lbtoutside maybe...01:22
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AStormnow *that* would be quite a trick01:22
AStormmake a car that has the UI from one of those sci-fi movies01:22
johnxever seen the grand challenge?01:22
AStormwith routing and whatnot01:22
AStormjohnx: I did.01:22
johnxdunno if the n900 has the guts for it, but it'd certainly make a good remote :D01:23
johnxset way points on a neat little scrolling map01:23
AStormsure it has01:23
johnx(I mean I'm sure it has the guts to be a remote)01:23
AStormdriving a car requires suprisingly little CPU power01:23
johnxbut not to be the main onboard computer for one of those things01:23
AStormbut it requires very good realtime capabilities instead01:24
johnximage analysis? lidar interpretation?01:24
AStormand some additional sensors01:24
AStormlidar and radar01:24
lbtBFG scheduler...01:24
lbtpractically RT01:24
AStormmaybe doppler can be used.01:24
johnxAStorm, uh huh. I'll believe it when I see it01:25
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AStormjohnx: not as hard as you'd think01:25
AStormthe real challenge is making the car run w/o those sensors01:25
AStormon pure optical and acoustic data01:25
johnxi guess that's why everyone who entered the grand challenge did fantastically on their first try01:25
AStormno, they just coded in Java.01:25
AStormreally, one team had their robot overload its memory01:26
AStormwith recognized objects01:26
AStormtalk about poor coding01:26
javispedroyou see poor coder, i see the language still could do better.01:26
javispedro(start the flame :D )01:27
AStormanyway, the problem is that they're driving over flat surface with almost no guidance01:27
AStormnow, we have a GPS in N90001:27
johnxthey could make as many waypoints as they wanted01:27
johnxand yes, I think they had GPS01:27
AStormso we get accurate enough position data if we combine this with some extra lidar/radar/doppler sensors01:28
AStormjohnx: so what was the actual problem? avoiding rocks?01:28
johnxAStorm, you tell me, since you seem to think it's so easy :P01:28
javispedroGPS without DGPS isn't around 4-5 meters? that's hardly precise enough data for a robot.01:29
AStormit's ~1m01:29
derfjohnx: AStorm is in grad-student mode, where everything seems easy.01:29
AStormderf: it's not *too* easy01:29
AStormand definitely not a job for one person.01:29
derfBecause you haven't had to actually _do_ it yet.01:29
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johnxAStorm, you watched the grand challenge video (the second one), right?01:30
AStormjohnx: checking now...01:30
derfYou know there was an Urban challenge, too, right?01:30
johnxAStorm, totally worth watching :)01:30
AStormderf: that's harder I think, yes01:30
javispedroAStorm: sure about 1m? I remark I said "without DGPS".01:31
AStormthe whole problem is that you have to recognize artificial stop conditions01:31
AStormjavispedro: yes, with 3D fix.01:31
AStorm5 sat lock or so01:31
javispedro5 sat only??01:31
javispedrono way.01:31
CShadowRunlol i've just been having a hilarious conversation with my brother, he thinks hes going to plug an SDXC card into the SDHC slot on the g101:31
CShadowRunand have 512GB+ of storage space01:31
AStormjavispedro: check HDOP data please :)01:31
lcukis stanley still the lead car in those urban challenges?01:32
johnxCShadowRun, yeah, it'll work after he 1) finds a 512GB card and 2) formats it to something non-exfat01:32
johnxmight need a hacked kernel01:32
CShadowRunreally? i thought the hardware was diffrent01:32
AStormjohnx: could you give me a more direct link to the videos?01:32
johnxCShadowRun, nope, SDHC->SDXC is an artificial change01:32
CShadowRunoh, well there we go then01:32
johnxAStorm, here's one:
CShadowRuni assume the n900 can do that too?01:32
johnxAStorm, the discovery channel coverage is a good start01:33
johnxCShadowRun, linux-based devices should have no trouble01:33
johnxthe linux sd/sdhc/sdxc hackers don't believe in artificial limits :)01:33
javispedroAStorm: 0.5 meter - 1 meter is what I get with DGPS. I can't see how GPS could get that.01:33
* ShadowJK has lots of card readers that don't do sdhc reliably :)01:34
ShadowJKjavispedro, I guess it depends on if you want 1m absolute precision or 1m relative precision01:34
johnxShadowJK, sd->sdhc is a whole different story01:34
johnxthat was actually an addressing change01:34
javispedroShadowJK: absolute. I can believe 1m in relative.01:34
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ShadowJKon maemo mapper the tracks look really accurate from when I park the car.. you can see exactly how I moved. BUT, the next day, the exact same shape tracks will appear with 10m offset :)01:35
bobbydhow do I close a scratchbox session?01:35
bobbydI'm trying to select the X86 session in the SDK, but it says I have to close my current session...01:36
javispedroactually, iirc a common "household" gps may get 0.5m relative01:36
ShadowJKonce I put N810 in my pocket though, the tracks become a bit more irregular :)01:36
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ShadowJKBut it has quite awesome relative performance when in the carstand01:37
johnxbobbyd, logout from the sb shell?01:37
bobbydjohnx: got it :)01:37
AStormjavispedro: by abusing different frequency signals to correct for ionospheric errors01:37
ShadowJKAll the satellites transmit on the same frequency..01:38
AStormand using very high precision maths to remove computation error01:38
AStormShadowJK: WRONG.01:38
ShadowJKBut I heard they were adding a second frequency in the future?01:38
AStormthey don't anymore01:38
AStormthere are at least 2 freqs01:38
AStormone is the encrypted P(Y), whose carrier wave you can use to correct the ionospheric error01:38
SpeedEvil1Common household GPSs don't do multifrequency01:39
SpeedEvil1L1 and L201:39
AStormyes, they don't.01:39
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SpeedEvilThey may do WAAS or EGGNOG01:39
SpeedEvilor whatever it is01:39
ShadowJKgps high on eggnog01:40
SpeedEvilIt'd be so nice if GPS worked properly indoors.01:40
AStormSpeedEvil: hmh, that's far harder than getting ~1m precision01:40
luke-jrN810's does, when it works01:40
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, what, give directions at the grocery store?01:40
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: why not.01:41
GeneralAntilles"The milk is in aisle 10."01:41
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: I _want_ that.01:41
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: you say that as if software exists for directions on Linux01:41
AStormjavispedro: hey, and we'll get Galileo+GPS receivers01:41
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: I suck at shopping.01:41
AStormthat will allow for even more precision01:41
javispedroAStorm: hopefully.01:41
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, because it does.01:41
SpeedEvilluke-jr: It does.01:41
luke-jrlike what? O.o01:41
GeneralAntillesMaemo Mapper01:41
SpeedEvilluke-jr: tomtom has shipped millions of navigation on linux.01:41
luke-jrclosest I saw was Maemo Mapper that relied on Google01:41
GeneralAntillesHell, Ovi Maps, TomTom and Garmin.01:41
luke-jrSpeedEvil: tomtom's is tied to their hw, no?01:42
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Well - yes. :/01:42
SpeedEvilluke-jr: you can buy it for the PC - but not for arm :/01:42
ShadowJKtomtom works on symbian too ;-)01:42
javispedrotomtom soft is not tied to their hw01:42
javispedrobut to their linux userland01:42
luke-jrjavispedro: effectively01:42
javispedroi would compare it to android.01:42
javispedroonly closed.01:42
luke-jrlegally, too, afaik01:42
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: Ovi Maps website says it's not available for Linux01:43
javispedroluke-jr: there was a project to port it to zaurus iirc?01:43
SpeedEvilAlso there is the maps - which can be tied to a SD card in some cases.01:43
GeneralAntillesArguably that's inaccurate.01:43
javispedrodo you know if it ever produced something?01:43
AStormluke-jr: all TomTom devices are Linux on MIPS.01:43
SpeedEvilAnd openstreetmap based devices.01:43
SpeedEvilBut that is debatably functional.01:43
luke-jrmy point was mainly that driving directions are impractical on N810 anyway, regardless of inside a grocery store -.-01:43
SpeedEvilAt the moment in various laces.01:43
luke-jrit was not about proprietary products that happen to (ab)use Linux01:44
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javispedrobut don't worry, we'll get k.i.t.t. emulation software to guide us in those grocery stores.01:44
AStormluke-jr: hehehe, they are practical01:44
SpeedEvilAn app that did routing, and barcode reading, and price lookup would be nice.01:44
AStormif we get good enough maps in vector format01:45
luke-jrSpeedEvil: indeed01:45
javispedroSpeedEvil: add a robot and we have a winner.01:45
SpeedEviljavispedro: I have one of those. Employed by tesco.01:45
javispedrothose damn internet shops.01:45
luke-jrSpeedEvil: but I just make one round through the grocery store, noting which items are nearby, then use that for categories01:45
AStormjavispedro: "add a robot" haha01:45
AStormeasier said than done01:45
SpeedEviljavispedro: I'm currently doing my shopping over the internet about monthly.01:46
AStormalthough my autonomous 4-wheeler worked very well in a crowded environment too01:46
AStormand it had less CPU than N90001:46
SpeedEviljavispedro: relying heavily on buy-one-get-one free offers that I buy 6 months of.01:46
SpeedEvilBut I'd like to be able to take my scraped pricelist for tesco, and walk round other shops.01:46
AStormthe most problematic part was actually responding fast enough to people moving about01:47
AStormneed hard RT for it, the CPU had barely enough power01:47
javispedroAStorm: so, what? tease them before they even have the chance to move.01:47
AStormjavispedro: tease them = hard RT01:47
AStormavoid them, also hard RT01:47
javispedrothen taze them.01:47
SpeedEvilSmash through the puny humans = soft RT.01:47
lcukthe laser tracking should cut down puny bags of mostly water01:48
lcukno point in messing the paintwork up01:48
AStormhmm, not01:48
AStormit would need to be quick enough in tracking01:48
lcukor powerful enoug hat vaporising01:48
AStormotherwise smashing becomes a good option01:48
javispedro= priceless RT.01:49
AStormneed some nice realtime routing algo as well01:49
AStormwe had to resort to simple smooth avoidance01:50
AStormanything else was too slow01:50
johnxAStorm, watching the video?01:50
AStormit had only the tiniest bit of prediction in01:50
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AStormjohnx: not yet, dling01:50
AStorm75% done, so I can start to watch it01:50
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johnxah, the one I linked? the stanford one?01:51
johnxor the discovery one?01:51
AStormthe stanford one I think01:51
johnxyeah, lots of good tech stuff in it01:51
AStorm"Winning the DARPA Grand Challenge"01:51
johnxwatching it online. lots of stuff I hadn't heard before01:52
AStormI think DARPA requires use of optical info01:53
AStormthat is hard, very.01:53
johnxfor this one they used GPS and LIDAR01:53
SpeedEvillidar = optical01:53
AStormneat :)01:53
AStormSpeedEvil: not really01:53
AStormit's distance info01:53
SpeedEvilbut it is optical01:53
* SpeedEvil has a LIDAR under design for ebay01:53
SpeedEvilWell - laser-ranger01:54
SpeedEvilIt can of course be scanned01:54
AStormwhat was the "No dynamic" rule?01:55
AStormI can't read it from the movie01:55
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AStormblah blah nice steering idea02:02
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AStormexcept it's too sensitive to noise :>02:02
johnxwait til you're ~25 minutes in02:02
AStormhm, nice fluid-based system02:03
AStormsimilar to our simple avoidance code02:03
AStormbut it's not good enough, yes02:04
AStormhave to track "centripedal force" instead02:05
AStormotherwise you can't go fast at all02:05
AStormpeople have a built-in accelerometer, you know02:06
lcukthe overview and the massive problems they solved is impressive02:06
lcukreally really strong teamwork02:06
AStormheh, their car has too short lookahead02:10
AStormit drives like my mom02:10
johnxthey fixed it later02:10
johnxtheir fix is really cool :D02:10
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lcukyeah johnx02:12
AStormwhy the hell didn't they use a Z accelerometer?02:15
johnxthey do02:15
AStormnot precise enough? :>02:15
johnxfor what?02:15
johnxerrr, what are you calling z?02:16
johnxleft/right? up/down?02:16
AStormleft-right is very useful too02:17
johnxyeah, they're using up/down02:17
AStormthe problem is of course that's "old data" :>02:17
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johnxyeah, the react to it to slow down, assuming that "bumps come in groups"02:19
AStormneat stuff for vision02:20
AStormstill a cheap hack02:20
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johnxsorry, AStorm, you're still falling into the whole "armchair" "roboticist" group :P02:21
AStormno no02:21
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lcukjohnx, look at Benoît Mandelbrot's work on fractal clustering of noise within modem signals02:21
AStormI'm failling into "face detector" group02:21
SpeedEvilRobotic armchairs are cool.02:21
johnxSpeedEvil, I want one :D02:21
AStormjohnx: my expertise field is AI ;p that's why I said it's a neat hack02:22
johnxcalling it "cheap" though?02:22
johnxSpeedEvil, maybe a nice la-z-boy mounted on top of an AI controlled car02:22
AStormcheap it is02:22
AStormit's a threshold detector02:22
johnxSpeedEvil, heh...I'm thinking more like a perfectly normal arm chair on top of a perfectly normal roof rack on a perfectly normal looking car :)02:24
SpeedEvilCool sideways wheels02:24
johnxthose wheels are darn cool though02:24
johnxjust saw that after I commented02:25
AStormoooh, UCB just sunk :)02:25
SpeedEvilUnited Colours of Bennaton?02:25
AStormno, Berkeley's bike02:26
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lcukAStorm, kind of expected02:28
lcukbikes have more than 2 wheels for some fraction of the time02:28
AStormoh no no no, they still have 202:31
AStormbut 4 points of support02:32
AStormhm, I have some fun ideas for "road vision problem", hehe02:37
lcukput them towards a nush n900 interaction instead02:39
AStormmeh, rather toward my eng degree: hwr02:40
lcukjave a mini rc car using camera drivign around store and not knocking legs02:40
AStormmmmm, hey, we've done it already02:40
AStormbut with a weaker armel02:40
AStormI found some company selling cheap OMAP 3 boards02:41
lcukyeah they are called beaglebords :P02:41
AStormmore powerful than beagleboards and far cheaper02:41
ShadowJKmore powerful? o rly02:42
AStormwhat was the company name... hmm, yes, I wrote that down02:42
ShadowJKwhat cpu then?02:42
lcukand how cheap02:42
AStormlike, half the price of a beagleboard02:42
microlithdo tell02:42
ShadowJKwhat cpu?02:43
AStormor was it EmiLL, or something like it02:43
AStormShadowJK: I think OMAP 353002:43
AStormDev Kit 8000 that is.02:44
AStormI've seen it work really well irl02:44
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AStormdamnit, what's the name of the company again02:47
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AStormI'll have to ask that friend for the url for the retailer02:50
AStormyeah right, TimLL not TmiLL ;p02:50
* AStorm failed02:50
AStormand I still can't find that retailer02:53
AStormthat was likely that Embest kit02:54
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SpeedEvilembest - IIRC - was quantities of 100 only03:00
SpeedEvilAnd it's got a horribly limited peripheral set IIRC.03:01
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johnxgah! flying to summit is going to be insane03:10
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AStormSpeedEvil: horribly limited? :>03:21
AStormI checked - it's actually better than BeagleBoard03:21
AStormbut it has less RAM and Flash, and is larger03:21
johnx*less* RAM?03:22
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johnxaka 128MB?03:23
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pupnikhow do i interrupt ubuntu maemo vmware sdk image and get to console?  i see splash screen, then desktop 0.2 second, then reboot03:24
pupnikdon't see any grub screen either03:25
lcukpupnik, dunno03:25
lcukreboot the vmware image and use normal key combos to stop/halt linux03:26
ccookeHmm. I was a bit worried by the n900's keyboard layout, but it really works very well (just seen an n97 mini, which is almost identical)03:26
luke-jrAStorm: $259 < Beagle?03:26
AStormluke-jr: not.03:27
ccookeAlthough I kept thinking I still had to press space, even though I'd rememered to hit the off-centre space key :-)03:27
AStormbut this includes screen03:27
luke-jrAStorm: DevKit 8000 is $259...03:27
AStormthat's the package with the screen and camera03:27
luke-jr$149 then03:27
AStormwith the 7" screen actually03:27
lcukccooke, yeah they are samey03:27
AStormyes, and that's exactly same as BeagleBoard latest03:27
AStormI guess they cut the pricing on that.03:28
ccookelcuk: different keys and a different symbol key. The layout's identical.03:28
lcuk97 mini looks smart too - nokia "getting" design a bit :)03:28
ccookeI'm really surprised it works so well03:28
pupniki don't see any grub menu just loading... for a split second03:28
lcukyeah me too03:28
pupnikk thanks lcuk03:28
lcukwas given a run over of a few things whilst in london, looked nice03:28
AStormlcuk: indeed03:29
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ccookekeys on the mini were very nice - much nicer than the n810. I hope that carries through to the n900 - it seems to be a little closer to the n810's type from photos I've seen.03:29
AStormso N97 mini has the same design?03:29
ccookeOf course, that might not be final!03:29
AStormccooke: yes, they are very similar apparently03:29
lcukvery similar03:29
AStorm*same keyboard03:29
AStormor very close03:29
ccookeAStorm: keyboard-wise, they're identical in layout except for one key03:29
AStormwhat about non-mini N97?03:29
AStormccooke: mmmmm03:30
* lcuk cannot see himself not carrying n900 now03:30
AStormthis means the PL layout might be similar as well03:30
lcukit works on a lanyard too!03:30
AStormI'll have to check03:30
ccooke(the n97 has the symbol key at top-left, the n900 has that as ctrl with symbol as a secondary function)03:30
ccookelcuk: the interface on the n97 mini was *terrible*, though03:30
ccooketons of wasted space most of the time03:30
lcuki think linux should be everywhere03:31
ccookealthough it was a pre-production model, so I guess it might be better in the final build03:31
lcukso i wasnt exactly looking at symbian :D03:31
AStormN97 has a keyboard similar to N810 though03:31
AStormnot that great, but somewhat improved03:31
lcuki would love to see maemo on more devices like the 97 mini03:32
lcukone day allow current owners to do an update :D03:32
ccookelcuk: it's a nice bit of hardware. Shame about the OS :-)03:32
johnxthe n900 vs the n810 is no contest. n900 wins hands down in terms of keyboard. really impressive improvement considering they actually shrunk it a bit03:32
lcuk1 loss03:32
lcukip addresses with dots03:32
ccookejohnx: my only worry is the lack of escape key03:32
lcukthat is the only time in the lifespan of this machine i have actually cursed03:33
johnxccooke, hmm. I didn't consider that in my brief hands on03:33
ccookejohnx: I use console stuff a lot...03:33
johnxI try not to, but I inevitably do03:33
johnxno escape key will make vi less than fun03:33
lcuksampo made a shake2control app for media player03:33
AStormlcuk: fixable with modal input03:34
lcukshould we make you a shake2escape app03:34
AStormlet's have modal keyboard layouts03:34
johnxlcuk, brilliant!03:34
lcukso when you get frustrated with emacs, you can close it by shaking it03:34
ccookelcuk: heh. I used to keep n810 and HTC magic in the same pocket... I figure I'll manage with just the n900 :-)03:34
AStormlcuk: my wrist won't like that03:34
AStormmaybe use the "red call" button?03:34
AStormthe one that disconnects a call03:34
johnxbut really, in the case of the terminal, escape is on the bottom row of the touchscreen03:34
johnxtotally usable03:35
AStormbut takes screen03:35
lcuki actually think a generic global strong shake2escape would be good03:35
lcuksomething that didnt trigger normally03:35
ccookejohnx: I'll be disabling that at the earliest opportunity.03:35
AStormwrist will hurt03:35
lcukyou can use the device happily already03:35
lcukcurrently without it03:35
Pavlovccooke: the n900 is nicer than the magic in most ways imho03:35
johnxccooke, have you played with their terminal app?03:35
AStormagain, can't we adapt the call buttons?03:35
lcukim talking about the "damn" moments03:35
wazdnot shake but "rotate 180" :)03:35
lcukwhere you need escape and havent got it03:36
Pavlovthe lack of a ~ key is my single biggest n900 keyboard complaint03:36
ccookejohnx: I've not seen an n90003:36
AStormPavlov: fixable too, but, yeah03:36
lcukwazd i hold and draw on my device in all different orientations03:36
Pavlovbut perhaps i spend too much time in a browser03:36
wazdI want to have "makeitcoolrightnow" button03:36
lcuki have the flow in different directions (colors change..)03:36
johnxccooke, the bottom toolbar on the terminal also includes a nice button to switch between "drag to scroll" and "drag to select"03:36
PavlovAStorm: yeah, totally fixable03:37
ccookejohnx: too much screen space :-)03:37
AStormWe need 1) more modes from the keyboard03:37
johnxuse shorter fonts :D03:37
lcukand just hold it and rotate n stuff so just saying one orientation change wouldnt work for everything03:37
wazdlcuk: even with screen facing the floor? O_o03:37
lcukyeah actually03:37
ccookejohnx: I do...03:37
lcuki lie in bed :$03:37
lcukwith it above lol03:37
AStorm(that is, tie more shift states to certain buttons - the arrow one comes to mind)03:37
lcukits rather fascinating03:37
wazdlcuk: dude...03:38
lcukwatching the curls and ebb and flow :)03:38
lcukyou havent played with it03:38
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AStormjohnx: hmmh03:38
PavlovAStorm: 2nd most annoying thing about the keyboard is when you want to hit ~ you have to pop up the symbol vkb, and then hit ~ and then space03:38
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AStormPavlov: space? what for03:39
ccookePavlov: the HTC magic is a very nice phone and I like android... but it's chronically underpowered and lacking in battery.03:39
AStormit thinks VKB ~ is a dead key?03:39
Pavlovincase you want to type ~ + e03:39
wazdlcuk: you lie in the bed and hold the tablet above you? :)03:39
AStormvkb sucks anyway03:39
ccookethe other day... my Magic ran out of power while I was trying to answer the phone. So I scrambled to put it on charge...03:39
AStormhave another shift key03:39
lcukwazd, all you have seen on any videos are a single linear flow - each particle goes on its own path and each is effected by where it is how fast its going and what the accelerometer is doing03:39
wazdlcuk: not on the side or else, above? :)03:39
Pavlovthe number of hours wasted on that that i've personally seen is high03:39
Pavlovccooke: yep, the hardware for the magic is great03:40
ccookeas soon as it was responsive, I called them back.03:40
Pavlovccooke: i recently stopped carrying mine around03:40
ccookeI was a little impatient when it did nothing, though... so I ended up placing three simultaneous calls.03:40
lcukdepending on the complexity of the flow sketch drawn the pathway is completely dynamic03:40
lcukand yes sometimes i do when i get curious03:40
ccooke(yes, it actually *did* place three calls to the same number. Each of them activated, then put the previous call on hold)03:40
lcuknormally i am lay on back reading or writing03:41
AStormccooke: mwhaha03:41
AStormdumb dumb dumb ui03:41
ccookeit ended up getting confused enough that I restarted it...03:41
AStormthis phone will be loads of fun03:41
wazdanyway, that wierd situations are not counted in UX tests :)03:41
b-man16  <<this is scary 0.o03:42
ccookeOh, and the google app store and its handy ability to "sit there not downloading"...03:42
wazdlike zero gravity or twittering while downhilling :D03:42
lcukwazd this was before i added accelerometer:
lcukthat is the n810 app basically03:43
AStormoh btw03:43
AStormI wonder if accelerometer is used for analogue camera stabilization03:43
lcukless than 24hours after first built :)03:43
AStormor maybe it's not precise enough03:44
lcuki am incapable of taking stable shots with camera03:44
lcuktracy can03:44
lcukthe accel count really help much03:44
luke-jrlcuk: fancy, but what's the point?03:44
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wazdlcuk: no, seriously, you're gonna win the nomination "the coolest tech used in the most senseless way" :D03:45
lcukthe point of liqflow?   it gets over my doodling fetish.03:45
AStormpity they couldn't fit a liquid gyro stabilizer03:45
lcukwhats the point of a rubics cube03:45
lcukor tetris03:45
lcukor anything else03:45
wazdlcuk: they develop brain :)03:45
AStorma small thing called fun03:45
lcukwazd - the code is open - make other useless crap with it03:45
lcukdevelop your brain03:45
lcukim developing mine!03:46
AStormI prefer harder code than that (conceptually-wise)03:46
lcukthat IS hard code03:46
AStormliqbase is mostly drudgery IMO ;p03:46
lcukyou make a particle field react like that03:46
lcukit has to be03:46
AStormah, you mean particle field? that's fun03:46
lcukto allow me to make anything else03:46
lcukits an ideas generator03:47
lcuki can prototype on device quickly and know if something works03:47
AStormhm, maybe make a flow simulator as well03:47
wazdWell, whatever, I'm not the judge03:47
lcukif it does i can spend a bit more time developing it03:47
lcukwazd - the best part is now standalone apps can be made03:47
wazdlcuk: let's hope they will03:48
AStormlcuk: now that would be liqliq ;)03:48
AStormI mean, flow simulator widget03:48
lcukheh astorm03:48
AStormalso usable for those sliding gestures03:48
lcukyou havent seen the onedotzero app03:48
lcukit has full tilt and shake stuff03:48
AStormwhich one?03:48
AStormah, no no03:49
wazdlcuk: cause the only app that reached 1.0 with all liqbase awesomeness is fricking remote :D03:49
AStormI meant for dragging stuff around03:49
lcuki spent time working out how to handle the accelerometer03:49
Pavlovlcuk: that stuff is cool03:49
lcukyeah wazd :)03:49
AStormand calculate resistance using fluid equations03:49
lcuki have had no motivation to make an app for anyone03:49
lcukbeyond myself03:49
AStormyou know what I'm talking about, you did that once in VB03:49
lcukand i use it everyday03:49
lcukyeah AStorm03:49
luke-jrAStorm: earlier today, it was noted that liqbase is basically VB03:50
AStormthat is for extreme window dragging :)03:50
AStormluke-jr: mwhahaha03:50
luke-jrAStorm: literally, that's the IDE03:50
lcuklol AStorm hes almost right03:50
AStormyes, yes he is03:50
AStormI read some if liqbase code03:50
lcukits a small library of everything i need ->   msvbvm60.dll  ;)    and i use vb for give me basic layout panels03:50
lcukim a hacker - i use whats at hand03:51
AStormI actually preferred Delphi VCL03:51
wazdlcuk: You're cunning a little, you do liqbase for yourself but make noise that can't be ignored, so people share their opinions03:51
lcukwazd i make noise because i am doing things which people want03:52
lcuki cant do everything on my own03:52
AStormsince we have such a powerful CPU in N900, that opens a few interesting HWR options03:52
AStormlike resonance networks03:52
wazdlcuk: you just told me to make something I want on my own :)03:52
lcuklike i see people moaning about this that or the other - i speak up because ive done it03:52
lcukyeah flex your brain - the hard work is basically done now03:52
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lcukthe library can pretty much handle everything i can code into it03:53
AStormlcuk: code a video player then? ;p03:53
lcukive built a fuckload of shit with it03:53
AStormusing liq as the drawing engine for uber speed03:53
wazdlcuk: I'm not a coder in any way :)03:53
lcukAStorm, gstreamer sink in yuv format to liqimage03:53
AStormyes yes03:53
AStormsomething like that03:53
AStormor mplayer output03:53
lcuki know wazd, so think about simple layouts for simple apps - like you do already03:53
lcukthings which it doesnt matter what toolkit its done in03:54
lcukmaemo has needs for your excellent services all over hte place03:54
lcukfrom gtk to qt to things in liqbase even and probably edje canola stuff03:54
AStormhm, I wonder if resonance network will be powerful enough to handle continuous hwr w/o huge database03:54
wazdlcuk: my services are far from excellent in fact03:54
AStormthat could be the necessary break03:54
wazdlcuk: I just do what I can :)03:55
* lcuk nods03:55
AStormhm, it's not O(feature), but instead O(log db-size), hmmh03:55
AStormthat's not good.03:56
lcukAStorm, mplayer would be more tricky because it creates its own surface03:56
lcukim not sure yet how yuv overlay on yuvoverlay will play out03:56
AStormno, it tells the output plugin to do so03:56
lcukand liq* is recursive so the same movie could be visible in 10 places03:56
johnxlots of crazy mplayer output plugins03:56
AStorm(check gl plugin code for example)03:57
wazdlcuk: how's it going with GSoC project?03:57
AStormlcuk: hahaha03:57
lcukwazd, zach completed with flying colors :)03:57
lcukhe helped get me started with documentaiton03:57
lcuki now have basics in place and knowledge of how to document - which was essential03:57
wazdlcuk: good03:57
lcukhe completed his app (roughly), it works well - like other liq* stuff still rough round the edges, but he designed it right and used all the liq* principles03:58
Macergo bears!03:58
lcukhe wrote a getting started guide and had a great time over the summer03:58
AStormhm, any idea how to quickly calculate cepstrum over generic features?03:58
lcukwazd, i had a beaming grin when i saw his app for the first time03:59
AStormin other words, inverse fourier transform over generic stuff03:59
lcukit showed me the first glimpe of what liqbase stuff with a nice coat of paint could do :)04:00
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AStormhmmhmm, I wonder if analyzing the recognized characters by frequency content will be fruitful04:03
lcukall in all, z4chh did an amazing job this summer and gsoc to me was a huge success!04:03
AStormlikely yes04:03
AStormand finally implement a mip-mapped lifter which I wanted to do04:05
AStormhmmh :>04:05
AStormsince convolution -> cepstrum addition, I could... detect whole phrases by subtraction.04:06
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SpeedEvilAStorm: Ah - they used to only sell eval kits in qty 25 IIRC04:06
AStormSpeedEvil: hehe04:07
AStormnow, the cepstrum loses time information, so the actual order of symbols is to be determined with another algorithm04:07
AStormbut it tells me which features compose a symbol04:08
AStormso at worst an O(n) search over the phrase will give me exact locations04:08
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SpeedEvilNeural network!04:09
SpeedEvilOr ship it live to some poor sod in china with a keyboard.04:09
AStormNN aren't good enough or fast enough.04:09
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AStormand they require tons of tuning I can't afford04:10
AStormI need self-tunable and stable algoritms, NNs aren't either04:10
SpeedEvilYeah - I was more commenting ont he fact that some seem to think it's a solution to everything04:11
SpeedEvilAlso they fail at being predictable and transparent.04:11
SpeedEvilI was reading about using NN to control aerodynamically unstable planes.04:11
AStormsilly, I beat NN-based classifier with 2nd degree Winnow with gaussian weights already04:11
AStormbut that's not good enough04:11
SpeedEvilHave you considered shorthand?04:12
AStormshorthand is not interesting04:12
AStormI want to attack normal continuous handwriting.04:12
SpeedEvilWhy not?04:12
AStormsince shorthand gets 99,5% hit rate here04:12
SpeedEvilI was simply meaning from the POV of speed04:12
AStormwith the basic Winnow.04:12
SpeedEvilthat's not bad at all04:13
lcukastorm you need data04:13
lcuklots of data04:13
AStormlcuk: no, I don't. I need to finish the structure04:13
AStormthen I can gather data04:13
lcukyou have been on that stage for as long as we have spoken04:13
AStormI mean, I do have data gathering already04:13
lcuki am already collecting data04:13
lcuki can give it you in svg format04:14
lcukor native sketch04:14
AStormdoesn't really matter04:14
lcukyou can store/record your own too04:14
AStormI have to finish the structure because the algorithm can't run w/o it ;p04:14
* lcuk understands04:14
lcukbut seeing other peoples handwriting may help you - if you are coding something thats making assumptions on your hw04:15
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AStormno, I'm never doing that04:15
AStormthat's why my cepstrum will be done at various sliding window sizes04:15
SpeedEvilI assume it's user-trained?04:16
AStormcepstrum? definitely04:16
AStormWinnow? obviously.04:16
AStormwindow sizes for cepstrum? tunable, but not trainable04:16
lcukSpeedEvil, with me, i just want to turn on hwr one day04:16
lcukand have my entire back catalog working04:16
SpeedEvillcuk: nice04:16
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lcuki will get round to it one day04:17
lcukor astorm can plug his in and see what rates he gets04:17
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AStormsince cepstrum is linearly separable...04:19
AStormI could run any kind of machine learning on that04:19
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AStormthis includes abusing Winnow once again04:19
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lcukAStorm, your detection algo could be abused to do shake gestures04:21
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lcukif its simple enough04:21
lcukcos thats a continuous stream of data04:21
AStormactually, cepstrum was created to discern shakes04:22
AStormactually, earthquakes from bomb explosions etc.04:22
AStormseismic data04:22
AStormit's perfect for that04:22
lcukon the back of a discussion with rogers04:22
AStormor voice analysis04:22
* lcuk nods04:22
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AStormlcuk: extend that to 3D please :)04:24
AStormor are those already 3 components?04:24
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lcuk3 components04:24
MaceN8x0eureka is so damn funny some times04:26
AStormsee, by abusing cepstral analysis, I can detect filter changes as well04:26
lcukMaceN8x0, i just watched the final ep04:26
lcukits been a great series04:26
lcukfinal in series wasnt it04:26
MaceN8x0this is the last one??04:26
AStormlike e.g. skew due to fast writing etc.04:26
AStormand ignore them somewhat04:26
AStormhmmh :)04:26
MaceN8x0no way04:26
lcukthe one where they tied everything up04:26
MaceN8x0it got cancelled??04:27
lcuki hope not!04:27
lcukjust end of series04:27
MaceN8x0i'm watching the one with the colider04:27
lcukbut they left it with the team splitting up :'(04:27
MaceN8x0no way... i sure hope it doesnt end04:27
MaceN8x0i love this show04:27
lcukme too!04:27
lcukits funny as hell04:27
lcukgood relaxing tv04:28
MaceN8x0it sure is04:28
lcuktime for the serious series now04:28
lcuktracy got ep of bones04:28
MaceN8x0bones is good by the middle of the first season04:29
MaceN8x0it got a little crappy after the 3rd04:29
MaceN8x0but got better now04:29
lcukits kindof an ideal show for me n tracy04:30
lcukneither of us watch for the story04:30
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MaceN8x0watch ncis04:31
MaceN8x0it's pretty funny04:31
AStormheh, what I'll attempt (resonance recognition) is in essence a SETAR model ;p04:31
MaceN8x0lcuk, i don't think it was cancelled04:34
lcuki didnt think it had04:35
lcukit just finished the series04:35
lcuklike i said :P04:35
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MaceN8x0season ;)04:39
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GAN800Series/season confusion04:41
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MaceN8x0that is an old season04:52
MaceN8x0you in eastern europe?04:53
MaceN8x0miami wice.... new number one show!04:53
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MaceN8x0the daughter did leave tho04:57
MaceN8x0and the blonde girl04:57
xnt14[Core]hello world!04:57
xnt14[Core]long time, no see :P04:57
xnt14[Core]I hate this new keyboard04:58
xnt14[Core]haven't been on irc in a while04:58
xnt14[Core]~seen b-man1604:58
infobotb-man16 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 1h 16m 36s ago, saying: '  <<this is scary 0.o'.04:58
xnt14[Core]one hour :P04:58
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pupniki got my maemo vmware sdk image mounted in regular linux as loopback!05:27
pupniklosetup -d /dev/loop0   # delete existing loop mount05:28
pupniklosetup -o32256 /dev/loop0 /media/disk1part4/Old80/b5/vmdk/maemo-sdk/maemo-sdk.bin05:28
pupnik32256 to offset to first partition05:29
pupnikmount -t ext3 /dev/loop0 /media/loop05:29
ShadowJKnot sm05:35
ShadowJKnot simultaneously running the image, i hope05:36
pupnikto create the bin i used
johnxanyone ever play with Intermec tablets from ~10 years ago?05:36
pupnikeh pastefail05:37
pupnikqemu-img convert /path/to/vmdk myname.bin05:37
pupniknot i05:37
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mlewisVOTE LCUK for Maemo Community Council05:47
mlewisVOTE LCUK for Maemo Community Council05:47
johnxaren't you running as well penguinbait?05:48
mlewisI am voting for lcuk :)05:50
johnxchanged your mind at the last minute or ... ?05:50
luke-jrjohnx: he's trying to get his opposition disqualified for spamming05:50
johnxluke-jr, just wanted to make sure it didn't look like that to someone reading the logs who can't WHOIS :)05:51
mlewisI am not voting for myself thats lame05:51
mlewisWhy didnt qwerty run?05:51
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timholumhello, I am wondering if anyone has had any luck hacking the n770 to have a usb webcam and view the video on it?06:03
pupniki haven't built any kernel modules for it yet06:03
timholumI made the cable to do so, and can get a keyboard to work thorught it06:03
pupnikhave you used the camera on standard linux before?06:04
timholumbut i always use it with vlc which I can not get to install06:05
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pupniki don't know about the cameras and where v4l or v4l2 is for maemo06:05
pupnikgoing to use 770 as an ip-camera?06:07
timholumi googled for v4l for maemo and did not find any deb's :(06:07
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luke-jrv4l is a kernel thing06:08
timholumI am actuly going to mount a webcam to my paintball gun and then be able to shoot it arount corners and such06:08
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luke-jrdevice abuser06:08
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timholumI would protect my n770, well, I am sorry to run so soon, but I have to go.06:09
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johnxI like the idea of a webcam on a stick :)06:13
Firebirdoh neat, an idea for nokia PUSH >_>06:17
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GeneralAntillesAh, iPhone users.06:47
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GeneralAntilles320x480 is the one true resolution! :roll:06:48
johnxGeneralAntilles, is the default summit situation still 2 per room?06:48
johnxah, good deal06:48
johnxyou already got a roommate?06:49
GeneralAntillesNot that I know of.06:49
GeneralAntillesLet me check06:49
johnxah, knowing where to signup would be good06:49
GeneralAntillesNo, no roommate.06:49
johnxthough now that I recall, I think rm_you and I are rooming together06:50
GeneralAntillesYeah, he mentioned something along those lines. ;)06:50
luke-jrwhat's the diff between hotel and hostel? O.o06:50
johnxluke-jr, never heard of a hostel?06:50
johnxdon't travel much outside the US, huh?06:51
johnxit's 6+ people in a single room full of bunk beds06:51
luke-jrnot much within the US06:51
johnxusually goes for cheap06:51
zerojayGeneralAntilles: I won't be able to make it after all. :/06:51
GeneralAntilleszerojay, :\06:52
* GeneralAntilles grits his teeth at Talk.06:53
GeneralAntillesWhy are all of my card readers broken? :(06:53
zerojayGeneralAntilles: Major milestone at work got moved around... bleh.06:53
* luke-jr only has handheld devices as card readers :x06:53
GeneralAntillesThat sucks.06:53
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: Avenge me!06:54
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* RST38h moos07:48
johnxmicrosoft sure makes up great "this is the future you'll never live in" videos07:49
* GeneralAntilles is continually balked by technology.07:49
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* RST38h would avoid living in MS' future07:52
RST38hX-Fade: here?07:52
johnxRST38h, but it seems so peaceful, and utopian, and so full of totally unnatural glitzy interfaces!07:53
RST38hjust means they ar putting prozac in the water07:55
johnxwell, if they're doing that, it's surely for our own good07:55
RST38hand probably some hallucinogens too, to make those glitzy interfaces materialize07:56
GeneralAntillesWhy is it that card readers refuse to work when you need them?07:56
johnxGeneralAntilles, they want you to go buy the upgraded one07:58
RST38hohhohoh, tmobile offers n900 for free with the contract in uk07:58
johnxRST38h, yup. you're a couple days late to the party :P07:58
RST38hthat is extreme marketing =)07:58
RST38hjohnx: I was in the air and otherwise in transit07:58
johnxno excuse :P07:59
disco_stuwow.. you can get it for free.. that's awesome08:00
RST38huk maemians are suddenly quiet and pacified?08:00
disco_stujohnx, how much per month?08:01
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johnxgo check out the site though :P08:02
johnxI don't even live in the UK08:02
RST38hhard to beat that...if n900 works of course08:02
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disco_stuN800£30.. wow.. living in AR is shit :-(08:03
RST38hUS offer of $582 unsubsidized is also not that bad08:04
johnxI'd have to pay ~$50/month for the minimum voice plan + t-zones data08:05
RST38hjohnx: I can't get 3G at all around here, not until they figured out with the military.08:06
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johnxRST38h, yeah, that was the hold-up on t-mo's US 3G as well08:06
johnxreally, the whole global frequency allocation situation is a massive clusterfuck08:07
RST38hthere is no global frequency allocation, every country has its own =)08:07
johnxyes, that's what I mean08:07
RST38h+ there are weird limitations on reception, with US still having that Newt Gingrich law08:08
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RST38hjohnx: Long time ago, some journo overheard details of Newt's private life by listening to the analog cell phone band08:09
RST38hjohnx: So congress made a law prohibiting unauthorized reception in the 850-900Mhz band08:10
RST38hWhich is kinda silly nowadays :)08:10
johnxyeah, just like laws that keep you from tying up your horses within a certain proximity to the opera house entrances08:11
RST38hjohnx: yes, except that nobody has a horse now, but everyone who wants a full-range scanner has to buy contraband08:16
johnxi bet there's more of the first group than the second08:16
RST38hjohnx: Prolly not, given that horses are way bigger and hungrier than scanners :)08:16
johnx(also, I of course just made that horse/opera law up)08:16
RST38hah, there is plenty of these, the latest ones regulating the use of laser pointers08:17
johnxRST38h, let's put it this way: I know lots of people with one or more horses. I don't know anyone with a full range radio scanner08:17
disco_stuN800i've got a 500mW pointer that sets things on fire. with a law i wouldn't be able to use it08:18
RST38hjohnx: they are easily concealed :)08:19
RST38hjohnx: But I bet 2/3 HAM people have one08:19
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RST38hdisco: Actually, you can own it, but using it in public is considered some kind of offence (I do not remember details)08:20
johnxs/full range radio scanner/ham radio/08:20
infobotjohnx meant: RST38h, let's put it this way: I know lots of people with one or more horses. I don't know anyone with a ham radio08:20
RST38hjohnx: Hiding! =)08:22
* RST38h only knows one person with horses and another guy with sheep.08:22
johnxRST38h, sorry, but I kinda feel like ham radio operators are a dying breed08:22
RST38hjohnx: More or less, yes08:23
RST38hjohnx: But far from dead yet.08:23
RST38hI guess bowling parlors will go first =)08:23
johnxdepends on your locality08:23
johnxthey're still doing great around here08:24
RST38hjohnx: Guess so, NPR had a segment on their inevitable extinction a few years ago08:24
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johnxRST38h, we still have a drive-in movie theater in this area08:45
johnxmore surprisingly: it's really popular08:45
johnxyeah, crazy huh?08:45
jaskaonly seen those in american movies08:45
qwerty12_N810johnx: only *you* still frequenting it does not make it popular :p08:45
johnxqwerty12_N810, it was 90%+ full last time I went08:46
johnxjaska, in America you see american movies in drive in :D08:46
jaskaand in those american movies you see drive-in theaters!08:46
jaska(pushing it further)08:47
johnxnot usually :P08:47
jaskanot usually true, 4h sleep makes me make even less sense than usual08:47
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thuxsome reason python apps doesn't seem to run in my diablo09:51
thuxtried mnotes and keepnote09:52
johnxthux, tried running any from the command line?09:52
thuxyes some dom module import problem09:53
johnxdid you see if that module is missing? tried reinstalling python?09:53
thuxwhat app you use for notes?09:53
johnxbut it's python :)09:54
thuxmcalender seems to run thou09:54
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thuxjohnx: quicknote seems to run thanks09:58
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wazd_hello Maemo10:21
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keesjHello world10:30
wazdkeesj: heya10:30
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RST38hmoo wazd10:33
wazdRST38h: heya10:37
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keesjwazd is the world!10:44
wazdkeesj: news to you? :D10:45
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keesjperhaps he is just a council member representing the world, or some decotator design pattern10:46
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Stskeepswazd for council~!10:51
johnxit's 2009. why don't I have a good way of wirelessly displaying an image on my TV from my handheld?10:51
johnx(looking for ideas, workarounds, projects people have heard of)10:52
keesjthe picoflamego stuff perhaps?10:52
johnxnever heard of that (and tried googling it with no success). what is it?10:53
alteregojohnx, I'm working on something like that with UPnP.10:54
keesja idea contest winner for a wireless presentation system10:54
johnxalterego, ah! very cool. so what's the scope?10:54
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alteregoAnd by something like that, exactly like that ;)10:54
johnxkeesj, alterego. thanks very much for the quick responses. I've been beating my head against a wall trying to think of a good way to do this :)10:54
alteregoNot just images though, the idea is to be able to send URI's to different devices connected on a UPnP network, for instance, I could be looking at a web page on my tablet and want to view it on my laptop, I just cut and paste it into a widget and it tells me what devices are capable of web browsing.10:55
alteregoSame with images, youtube videos, all sorts of stuff.10:55
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wazdthat omap Zoom 2 costs about 800 bucks as I recall10:55
wazdbetter buy n900 :DD10:56
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keesjnice price right :p10:56
johnxso, pretty generalized? what about sending it a vnc:// URL?10:56
alteregoMaybe :)10:56
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johnxhmm, now the other part is moving windows between x servers without an app restart that loses state10:58
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johnxor maybe there's a different way10:58
wazd$1150 :D10:58
wazd2 n900's :)10:58
johnxor an n900 and a sharp netwalker, and a netbook to round it out :)10:59
wazdthat's kinda wrong POV on developer attraction :)11:00
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wazdbut at least it's shiny :)11:00
johnxalterego, sooo, how's that going?11:00
alteregoThe extensions are available in X now to do that, unfortunately not everyone is taking advantage of it yet, Just a handful of applications provide that functionality,11:00
johnxyeah, libdisplaymigration11:00
johnxI assume you're referring to that?11:01
alteregojohnx: hopefully have something usable by Christmas, work is pretty insane for me.11:01
johnxdefinitely understand that :)11:01
alteregoNot sure if that is it exactly ;)11:01
alteregoWhat I'm thinking of is something that is actually in X11, though, without reading abotu that library, it might be a nice abstraction layer for that same extension :)11:02
johnxit calls itself "display migration support for gtk"11:02
johnxso maybe not11:03
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johnxand it seems to be attached to a project that's kind of in hibernation ...11:03
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* lcuk forgot about the council election o_O11:06
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alteregoI wonder how cross-platform that is, obviously Gtk is supposed to support Win32 etc. I wonder if it's possible there too, that'd be neat.11:06
johnxbut it seems to be available from debian/ubuntu11:07
johnxso easy to find the source at least11:07
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johnxhmm, xmove appears unmaintained :(11:10
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johnxanyone here remember the sharp zaurus 5500?11:21
johnxBTW, if anyone here is on the qemu project (specifically qemu arm/armel): you guys rock really hard11:22
RST38hO fcourse11:22
johnxgetting debian lenny on it :)11:23
suihkulokkiz5500 was strongarm iirc?11:23
suihkulokkithen you need arm rather than armel port11:23
johnxyeah, debian lenny looks like the last debian/ubuntu release for it :)11:24
johnxI already debootstrap'ed11:24
johnxchroots just fine11:24
johnxmaking it bootable11:24
johnxthen wifi, then ... i dunno, maybe run a little wiki on it or something11:24
johnxor maybe a upnp server that serves up files from NFS on my NAS11:24
johnxideas? :D11:24
suihkulokkithe next zaurii is more futureproof with a pxa cpu11:25
johnxgot one of those as well :)11:25
RST38hstill strongarm isn't it?11:25
johnxstrongarm is an armv411:26
alteregoPXA is StrongARM yeah11:26
alteregoIntels abomination :P11:26
johnxhmm, pxa25x and newer is armv511:26
suihkulokkipxa was armv5t + intel extenstions compared to strongarm's armv411:26
RST38hAlthough Intel still owns rights and produces some specialized XScales11:26
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JaffaMorning, all11:26
Stskeepsmorn jaffa11:27
johnxmornin' Jaffa11:27
alteregoGoat moaning.11:27
johnxah well, I think lenny will be a fitting final distro for my little zaurus11:29
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JaffaHave I missed nything in the last week?11:33
johnxi guess that's a 'not really'11:33
* lbt checks backlogs11:33
johnxthere's some discussion about whether the n900 will have usb host11:34
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RST38hjohnx: it charges from that connector, so the answer is most likely no11:34
lbtwith quim saying "It won't"11:34
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johnxi bet half my karma points it'll be activated with a software hack/change11:35
SpeedEvillbt: other than the comments to the mailing list?11:35
RST38hjohnx: it will require schematics change11:36
SpeedEvilThere is debate if it can be hacked - if it's an external cable and power, and just software or something impossible.11:36
johnxRST38h, that's an interesting comment. why do you say that?11:36
lbtit was clearly intended to support otg11:36
lbtand the hardware will have been setup to do so11:36
lbtbut the question is11:36
lbtwas there a board mod late(ish) in the design11:37
SpeedEvilOr were there bugs that weren't fixed.11:37
lbtthat can't be worked around11:37
lbtSpeedEvil: yep - but most important is whether the issue is HW/SW11:37
SpeedEvilhw bugs of course I mean :)11:38
lbtalso, the follow on from Ingor(?) implied that the certification process11:38
lbtmay have affected things11:38
RST38hjohnx: Quim says so AFAIK11:38
lbtso it may be playing dead11:38
RST38hlbt: The name is Igor11:38
lbtIngo/Igor... too confusing ;)11:38
johnxRST38h, I read his comments as well, and my bet stands.11:38
RST38hlbt: When in doubt, refer to the Frankenstein11:38
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RST38hjohnx: Well, we will find out soon enough =)11:39
lbtI usually get the vowels right DWR28i11:39
johnxany takers on the bet? we can get someone at m.o to move the karma, right?11:39
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* lbt checks johnx's karma....11:39
johnxthe real question is: without any hardware changes, can usb mode be made to work *reliably* :)11:39
johnxI'll make *no* bets on that11:40
lbtoh, wait, I'm on your side11:40
* RST38h would like someone at m.o, namely XFade, to do something about non-free uploads to fremantle extras-testing11:40
lbtjohnx: usb-mode... do you mean full auto OTG ?11:40
johnxauto won't happen11:40
lbtor SW toggled host/client ?11:40
RST38hmanual otg will do11:40
johnxthe sense wire can't be brought out to a micro-b socket11:40
lbtyeah - I'd be happy with a manual toggle11:41
lbtjohnx: see, I'm not a HW geek11:41
johnxI started learning about the ways OTG can be sub-optimal as far back as 2005 :)11:42
* Corsac thinks about discharging DSLR to n90011:43
lbtCorsac: indeed11:43
lbtor a usb printer :(11:43
lbtalthough cups...11:43
johnxusb printers often have host mode ...11:43
johnxin that case, your answer is simple :)11:44
Corsacthough using sd-card it should be possible to do that11:44
Corsacexcept my 350d doesn't really use sd-card ;p11:44
johnxas for DSLRs, those wifi-enabled cards are pretty neat11:44
johnxthere are CF->SDHC adapters11:44
johnxnot too expensive either11:44
* johnx <3 CF11:45
SpeedEvilThere are SD->wifi adaptors.11:45
Corsacjohnx: which would fit in a CF slot?11:45
Corsacthat's nice11:45
SpeedEviljohnx: yes11:45
johnxCorsac, yup :)11:45
SpeedEvilCorsac: yes11:45
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johnxI'm lost O_o11:45
SpeedEvilEbay works well.11:45
SpeedEvilJust search for x y converter.11:46
SpeedEvilAnd it tells you if they exist.11:46
johnxor google shopping11:46
johnxkinda hate ebay11:46
johnxbut you're right. good way to check something exists11:46
SpeedEvilbetter for searching IMO - but I do way too much shopping on ebay.11:46
Corsacthat's nice11:47
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Corsacwhen I receive my TB and my n900 I'll have to do quite some sd-related shopping11:47
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SpeedEvilThere are even several n900s on Though nobody stating that it's not a preorder.11:48
SpeedEvilOh - one. :)11:48
Corsachmhm the subsidized n900s I found in france are stated for "end of october"11:48
Corsacexpansys has oct 1911:49
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suihkulokkihas anyone experience with this or some similar device (with bigger battery, solar charging not needed)
alteregoWhoops ^_^11:50
SpeedEvilsuihkulokki: have some larger ones11:52
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SpeedEvilsuihkulokki: I don't know anything about the quality though - look at the reviews11:53
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johnxsooo, if the nokia travel agent got me tickets that depart amsterdam on the 12th does that mean I should find my own lodging for the night of the 11th?11:58
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lbtonly if you snore12:00
lbtor your roommate gets lucky12:01
Jaffajohnx: 3 nights accomodation is paid for, IIRC. So depends on when you arrive12:01
alteregoscht, the touch screen on my N810 is broken O_O12:01
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SpeedEvil:/ Actually cracked - or stopped working?12:01
alteregoStoppe dworking.12:01
alteregoThe screen works, it just isn't responsive to touch >_<12:02
johnxJaffa, well, guess it's a hostel for me. :) I'm not going to complain. I bet that the flight-pool nokia's travel agent could draw from was pretty limited12:02
johnxand I have no problem finding something to do at night in a foreign country :D12:02
SpeedEvilReboot, and then if that doesn't help - stuff trapped round the outside of the screen bezel look for.12:02 does have a few recreational opportunities.12:02
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Jaffajohnx: I'm getting a 6am flight on the Thursday, and arrive in Amsterdam at 0820. And then leave Sunday night at 2120. Long time for me!12:03
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johnxI arrive right at the same time12:03
johnxbut my flight out is ~10AM monday12:03
SpeedEvilThe Van Gogh museum?12:04
johnxhow did you guess?12:04
lbtjohnx: there was a thread on this... summary: be sensible and minimise cost but you're covered12:04
johnxlbt, i read one of the threads, but I guess I didn't understand if there was a real conclusion12:05
alteregoCrap, now it's off my half an inch ^_^12:05
johnxfreudian slip?12:05
lbtalterego: there's a calibaration tool12:05
lbtjohnx: yep.12:05
johnxanyways, I'll just get a youth hostel. that's no big burden :)12:06
lbtThe problem johnx is that people are used to dealing with dipshit companies12:06
alteregoUnfortunately that fails, as it wants me to tap "closer" to the calibration points O_O12:06
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johnxalterego, is it warm?12:06
lbtand Nokia/council are being rational/sane12:06
johnxdid you drop it recently?12:06
alteregoI guess I might have knocked it, but I don't remember it happening.12:06
johnxtry squeezing the top and bottom together gently, but firmly12:06
johnxtop = side with the zoom buttons12:07
alteregoTried all that.12:07
johnxbring it to the summit and swap it for a nokia employee's n810 when no one is looking :)12:08
SpeedEvilIs it easy enough to dissasemble?12:08
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alteregoI might fly to NY, break into the flag ship store and steal their N9-00 ^_^12:09
Corsacjohnx: nokia employee's all have n900 now!12:09
johnxthen they won't miss their n810!12:09
* RST38h missed tekojo =(12:10
RST38h...recent glitch during the move of a number of colleges onto Google's email service that allowed a number of students to see each others' inboxes for a period of more than three days...12:12
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lcukRST38h, yikes!12:59
lcukjohnx, n810 still has a future, just as the 770 is used by many people.13:00
lcukdifferent uses now, one of my 810s is being kept charged in the car for gps purposes13:00
lcukthe other will be the first attempt at wall mounted liqbase :)13:00
RST38hlcuk: It was a fff... ffff... feature.13:01
lcukcollaborative email!13:01
ccookeRST38h: How did they manage to convince anyone of that?13:01
RST38hccooke: I guess they only needed to convince a manager13:01
RST38hAnd that is usually easy13:01
ccooke*sigh* poin13:01
RST38hthe non-working vkbd thing is actually promising to be way funnier13:02
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RST38hBut I need to check one more thing before I follow up on that13:02
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keesjjohnx:  nokia employee's all have n900 now! .. thats WoW13:03
RST38hWord Of Warcraft on N900s? Please?13:03
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ccookeRST38h: technically doable, actually13:05
lcuki hope nokia supply branded sickbags13:05
RST38hccooke: just reuse the damn palette from S6013:05
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* lcuk wants unreal tournament before WoW13:06
RST38hccooke: it works well, keeps recently used chars on top of the list...13:06
* RST38h will be quite satisfied with Angband, really13:06
ccookeRST38h: I've never really used an S60 phone... Hell, last night was probably the longest I've used one, and I was mainly playing with the keyboard :-)13:07
RST38hthey are usually ok, although some iPho^H^H^Hpeople find them boring =)13:07
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ccookeI wasn't impressed with the interface on the n97 mini. It wasted a huge amount of screen space with a five button menu-bar on the right... which usually had no more than two buttons on it.13:08
lcukccooke, isnt that the same as the dialog boxes on maemo13:09
ccookeer... not in any way I understand13:10
ccookeit was always present in the apps13:10
lcukahhh - photos or it didnt happen13:10
lcuki suppose things like that make you want to push maemo onto the n97 hardware ;)13:10
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ccooketo be honest, it's nothing new - IIRC the e90 a friend showed me ages ago had the same thing13:12
lcukfair enough13:13
ccookeand I am perfectly willing to believe that my rabid desire for MOAR SCREEN is not universal.13:13
lcuki have a strong desire for moar screen too :)13:14
lcukand im trying to build technical capabilities to achieve that :)13:14
ccooke(Actually, MOAR PIXELS. I don't think I'm all that bothered by reducing the screen to 3.5")13:14
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* lcuk wants collaborative networked cells of nXXX devices working together13:15
lcukccooke, ever since i did this:
ccookewith a unified screen buffer windowing onto a larger virtual screen, using fine-grained triangulation to make each nXXX display exactly the bit it's over?13:16
lcukthe layout in a grid could be done in 2 ways13:17
lcuktheres no real way for them to communicate and talk and know their overall location (nothing sensitive enough)13:17
ccooke(admittedly, that would require the GPS and accelerometer, so n900 only :-/)13:17
lcuki considered bt signal strength and audio chirps and cflasses13:17
lcukbut the best way i could come up with to allow one of the cells to know its position in a massive grid13:18
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lcukhold a barcode/unit square bove the devices13:18
lcuklet them take a pic of the unitsquare13:18
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ccookewthat could do it, yeah13:18
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lcukand the position/size of the unit square gives the relative position in the overall grid13:18
lcukand its almost zeroconf13:19
ccookeit's limited to the n900 again, though13:19
lcukn810 has camera facing right direction13:19
ccookeyou'd need a good camera on the back of the device, surely?13:19
lcukyou are thinking the wrong way13:19
lcukthis is to get a collaborative single surface for drawing on or displaying stuff13:19
wazd_n800reheya all13:20
lcukdrawing is then fun!   draw on one, and it transmits a bit of a combined sketch to the others13:20
lcukwhat those others do with the sketch is upto them..13:20
lcukhiya wazd_n80013:20
Robot101this should sooooooo be like telepathy :)13:20
lcuklol Robot101 does telepathy do multicast lan communications?13:21
* lcuk is in process of using opensoundcontrol as a backend atm13:21
Robot101salut has a reliable multicast layer called clique, with retransmissions13:21
Robot101if you set up a d-bus tube with a room, you can invite people on the local network into it13:21
lcuklol multicast udp with retransmissions is tcp isnt it13:22
lcukthis is zero conf13:22
Robot101no, because its multicast13:22
Robot101yes, so is salut13:22
lcukas long as they are on the same lan it works13:22
Robot101you can still lose packets on a LAN13:22
* lcuk nods13:22
lcukwe dealt with it for onedotzero too13:22
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lcukthere it was tested and proven between multiple n900s and multiple big iron pcs for the heavy rendering13:23
lcukworked well, apart from the random times tv cameras were pointed at us!13:23
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lcukRobot101, there are some very cool things your telepathy backend will come in handy for13:24
lcukcollaborative sketching and stuff off the lan13:24
lcukand across the world13:24
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wazd_n800meaning of collaborative sketching for the world is exagerated :) Tic-tac-toe, that's all :)13:27
lcukRobot101, is telephathy having a qt interface?13:27
lcuklol wazd_n800 of course i mean tictactoe - what other use of collaborative sketching is there13:27
zerojayRobot101: Any idea if Jonny's close to having the UI configuration stuff done for the telepathy plugins yet? I'm missing butterfly badly. ;)013:28
lcukits something people of all ages and languages and backgrounds know how to play - it crosses more boundaries than any corporate text and connects us at a low level :)13:28
* lcuk plays tictactoe with jacob often :)13:29
wazd_n800it crosses and circles :D13:29
lcuklines in the sand :)13:29
lcuki just dont know how to get it all working on my own - i am out of time, out of money, out of a job.13:31
lcukill bbl13:31
wazd_n800Ported skype plugin for collaborative work would be great though. I forgot the name13:32
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wazd_n800my chances to avoid army dramaticaly increased btw :)13:34
zerojaywazd_n800: Told 'em  you like men? lol13:35
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Stskeepswazd_n800: sued them?13:41
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wazd_n800Stskeeps, nope, found medical solution13:45
Stskeepstaking antidepressives?13:47
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thuxwazd_n800: you don't like the army? here in fi even women go army even they don't have to13:47
RST38hwazd: getting passport?13:48
MyrttiI'd go, but I'm too old13:48
Stskeepsrussian army? :P13:48
RST38hpossibilities for disaster boggle the mind...13:48
wazd_n800thux, I'd love to serve, not in russian army though13:49
wazd_n800RST38h, not yet13:49
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wazd_n800in soviet russia army serves you13:49
thuxwhat is wrong with famous red army? is it now worst than sovjet times?13:50
RST38hthux: hazing, having to participate in dangerous civil conflicts13:51
thuxok i see13:51
RST38hbad food, bad clothing, usually bad weather13:52
thuxi have only see couple sukhoi pilots visiting here, they seem to do ok13:53
wazd_n800thux, red army has nothing common with russian one :)13:53
thuxok :)13:54
wazd_n800thux, you don't need to visit battlefield to be dead in RA :)13:55
RST38hthix" Pilots != Army13:55
thuxthey didn't even took coffee before flight show13:57
adeushmm what did I update incorrectly now..13:58
adeus/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found13:58
thuxsaid "we don't do drugs' as if coffee were drug?13:59
RST38hit is not?14:01
thuxi don't know, we use it a lot here iin fi14:01
zerojayIs .fi's army an active one? I don't think I've ever heard about them being in any of the warzones out there.14:03
Myrttiwe have active conscription army14:04
Myrtti"defensive forces"14:04
zerojayAh.. yeah, just defending... okay, makes sense.14:04
thuxzerojay: in wwII we participe14:05
zerojaythux: I have no doubt. I just never heard of fi participating in anything recently and I was trying to see if that was because I'm in North America (the "ME ME" capital of the world) or because they haven't participated in anything for a while.14:06
MyrttiUN troups in Afganistan and other peacekeeping stuff though14:06
suihkulokkione of the russian friend said he saved money for years to have enough to bribe his way of the army.. his friend didn't and ended up Chechnya14:06
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thuxin us you don't have to go army?14:09
zerojayNot unless there's a draft.14:09
thuxand draft was last in vietnam war time?14:10
zerojayBelieve so.14:10
zerojayOne of my friends joined and ended up shipped to Afghanistan for a year or two.14:10
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RST38hsuihkulokki: Very touching, but it usually does not get THIS bad :)14:11
RST38hthux: Yes. Where they learned the hard way what draft does to public opinion.14:11
derfWith the current political climate, there will not be another draft in this country until WWIII.14:12
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thuxfor ict people could have electronic war troops14:13
thuxwhere weapons were laptops :)14:14
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sebahi there folks! Does anyone know possible cause of not having net connection in latest maemo5 running under scratchbox?14:38
sebatesting applications with xephyr i cant connect to internet from any app14:38
Mekno net conneciton, or just not resolving any hostnames?14:43
Mekif hostnames is the problem, check if /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf is correct14:43
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jjothe applications might need the resolv.conf on the target to be correct also14:45
sebacat /etc/resolv.conf14:46
Mekyeah, but as far as I know, /etc/resolv.conf inside scratchbox is usually ignored, and whatever is in /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf (both from inside and outside scratchbox in the same path) is what is used14:46
sebaapt-get update from xterminal shows 'Temporary failure resolving' etc14:47
lcukhiya mek \o14:47
jumpulathe host tools use /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf14:47
Meklcuk: hi :)14:48
jumpulaand stuff that's on target (rootstraps) use /etc/resolv.conf14:48
lcukhows it goin in qt land then14:48
Meklcuk: well, the thing I've been somewhat involved with (koffice on maemo) is at least no longer a complete secret :)14:48
jumpuladevice has dnsmasq running, hence the nameserver
lcukyou are coming to the summit i gather14:49
lcuk:D top banana14:49
adeuscan someone use that?14:49
sebamh. what to do... I haven't change anything after install14:49
lcukadeus, im sure some folks can14:50
lcukbut from what i understand the wimax rollout was rolled back up again.  tho it looks like its making a comeback14:50
adeusdoh wimax14:51
adeushow did I click that14:51
lcukmek, the interesting stuff on the ML recently about simplified qt classes and widgetsets makes me smile :)14:51
jjoseba: you might want to copy /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf to /etc/resolv.conf inside scratchbox14:51
jjoon the target you want to use the applications14:51
adeusmy qt app suddenly stopped to work on the device, I get that glibc version error14:52
Meklcuk: yeah, not that I've been following it much, but to get the office viewer thing look somewhat native was quite an interesting experience...14:52
lcukheh @ "interesting"14:52
lcuki bet you sweated and strained for ages with it - but i have confidence you will have done a great job14:53
lcukmek, i have been trying something completely different..14:54
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lcukhave a look, im trying to expand on the idea atm
sebajjo: that helped! thanks a lot!14:55
Mekah, looks cool14:55
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Jaffalcuk: It definitely works better when the music's loud and the booze has been flowing.15:01
lcukhahaha yeah15:01
lcukthen i shall supply a voucher for beer with every download!15:02
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aSIMULAtoro hai15:11
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lcukhiya aSIMULAter \o15:13
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dnearyhi de hi15:27
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lulzmachineok so I'm going to start a project on the n810... i'll be running in a couple of different processes, how do u suggest I keep a common data store? is running a postgres db a bad idea?15:57
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lulzmachineI guess I could try to do some tricking to get sqlite to run, but it doesn't love concurrency15:58
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RST38hadd a lock.15:58
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adeussqlite doesn't lock the data for you?16:00
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dnearycrashanddie_: In that case, nothing to do with me16:35
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crashanddie_sorry, got pulled in on a call16:42
crashanddie_dneary: I don't know if you have anything to do with it, your name just seemed to pop up into my mind when thinking of the summit organisers16:43
dnearycrashanddie_: Thanks for the vote of confidence16:43
crashanddie_dneary: tu sais tres bien que j'ai rien contre toi specifiquement16:43
dnearyAnd the nice way of bringing up the issue16:43
dnearycrashanddie_: Ouaip16:43
crashanddie_dneary: well you nailed it in your first response "frsutration"16:44
LoCusFis there any other alternative for file choosing dialog than GtkFileChooserDialog on diablo?16:44
infobotcrashanddie_ meant: dneary: well you nailed it in your first response "frustration"16:44
dnearycrashanddie_: I guess you didn't see my blog post?16:44
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LoCusFHildonFileChooserDialog is not available for diablo, although it is for fremantle16:45
qwerty12LoCusF: Erm:
crashanddie_dneary: I don't follow blogs other than my own, and when I register for an event, give all my details 2 times in a row, i expect to receive an email when I get booted off the list16:45
dnearycrashanddie_: So you've decided you were kicked off?16:45
dnearyNo chance it was an oversight?16:45
dnearyAn accident?16:45
crashanddie_does it matter?16:45
dnearySomething which will be rectified when you send an email to the right person?16:46
crashanddie_the end result is the same, isn't it?16:46
dneary(who would be Quim, I think)16:46
LoCusFoh its in hildon-fm :)16:46
LoCusFqwerty12: thanks :)16:46
crashanddie_well if it's Quim, there's no chance in hell I'm going to get added...16:46
dneary"the end result" is October 9/10/1116:46
dnearySo it's up to you what happens next16:46
qwerty12LoCusF: :)16:47
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pupnik_"The role of the council is not to say "you should read this, this, this, this, this and that". It's to ensure that people following any of the mailing lists,, news, the council blog, the wiki, meeting logs, IRC or ITT/talk are aware of what's going on." - Jaffa16:47
wazdkonttori_: heya, around? :)16:47
pupnik_never thought of that aspect before16:48
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konttori_wazd, yeah16:48
konttori_at work16:48
crashanddie_dneary: thanks, I'll sort it out16:48
dnearycrashanddie_: You're welcome16:49
wazdkonttori_: I have another stupid question bout template, sorry I've no device and I've never seen Fremantle live so I don't know how everything acts :)16:49
wazdkonttori_: what is "control bar"?16:49
VDVsxcrashanddie_, ping X-Fade_ about that, he's the responsible for the registration process16:50
konttori_umm.... care to point what you mean? what part of the template?16:50
wazdkonttori_: far left16:51
wazdkonttori_: right next to checkboxes and stuff16:51
konttori_oh. that.16:51
konttori_no recollection. sorry16:51
wazdkonttori_: two weird looking icons and weird looking something :D16:51
konttori_i'll ask around16:51
wazdkonttori_: cool :)16:51
wazdMacer: heya16:51
Macerhm... i had to go to work16:52
Macerhow lame16:52
wazdMacer: cya :D16:52
Maceri'm there now16:52
wazdMacer: heya again :D :D16:52
Macerabout to leave tho16:52
Macer2 hours is enough16:52
Macerhow i am not fat i will never know16:53
Maceri haven't been to the gym in a while16:53
Macerand should be turning into a sloth16:53
crashanddie_dneary: why specify a date for people who take care of their own accomodation and transport?16:54
crashanddie_dneary, X-Fade_, VDVsx, lcuk: apologies, most sincere, utter, incredibly humble apologies16:58
crashanddie_I kneel, I bow, I kiss the ground16:58
crashanddie_please forget I ever brought this up16:58
dnearycrashanddie_: Sorry?16:58
crashanddie_and forget my conspiracy theories16:58
crashanddie_I'm on the bloody list16:59
* qwerty12 claps, slowly16:59
* crashanddie_ hides16:59
dnearydneary: Maybe one of the conspiracy theorists was in here & added you back after you complained, just to fuck with your head17:00
crashanddie_i just need to learn to turn off "match case" in the firefox search feature17:01
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dnearycrashanddie_: That's just what they want you to think17:01
crashanddie_fair enough17:01
crashanddie_anyway, back to work, again, sorry17:01
* crashanddie_ goes to take his pills17:02
lopzmorning ;)17:03
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Jaffacrashanddie_: Tsk17:10
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qwerty12You now see what kind of "man" you've invited to the Summit. Was this the right decision?17:11
JaffaStanding down from the council obviously was ;-)17:12
JaffaLast week, woohoo! :)17:12
JaffaVDVsx et al FTW17:12
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* qwerty12 asks penguinbait to get Jaffa a drink from the Council's bar17:13
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* Jaffa twitches17:14
RST38hJaffa: You are standing down? Why? Too much trouble?17:15
qwerty12RST38h: It caused him a lot of stress. I mean, you have seen his hair?
RST38hqwerty12: You mean, playing Bounce caused him a lot of stress? =)17:19
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qwerty12RST38h: Nonsense! Bounce is loveliness  ^-^17:20
wazdreplace red ball with blue, crystals with rings and voi la! It's a Sonic! :D17:20
AStormhmmh guys17:21
AStormknow any company making PCBs on demand?17:21
AStormshort series at most17:22
AStormlike, 10s17:22
qwerty12AStorm: Sure, I have a friend in Nigeria. All he requires is a $100 deposit and he'll make $10,000 worth of PCBs17:22
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KhertanHello !17:23
wazdasedeno_work: tired of waiting for pandora and decided to make one yourself? :D17:23
wazdAStorm: ^17:23
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asj_wrk-AStorm: PCBpool in europe does it17:23
abwazd, if I understand correctly, "Control bar" is about volume in status menu, see Hildon 2.2 UI Style Guide, page 17.17:23
Khertan <<< ?17:23
RST38hAre these full-metal Pandora replicas for the diehard fans?17:25
wazdab: oh, thanks17:25
asj_wrk-AStorm: they are about $150 for a standard size board, I can't remember the dims exactly, but we used to get about 10-20 of our PCBs on it.  I have a chinese contact that's we've used and they can turn 100 pcbs for about 250 with overnight shipping to the US.  Sometimes small run guys are expensive.17:25
abwazd, you know where to find those docs, right? :)17:25
wazdab: that's my bible :D17:26
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abwazd, be careful with religion which places Nokia design gods above others :)17:27
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RST38hwazd: have you got screenshots of your theme already? =)17:28
* RST38h overhears wazd doing something to the volume control17:28
wazdRST38h: no, I can't make a .deb :)17:29
RST38hmaking a deb is not a problem, do you have the sdk already?17:30
wazdRST38h: funny joke :D17:30
lcukyou  can make a screenshot tho17:30
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AStormqwerty12: lol17:31
AStormwazd: not pandora17:31
AStorma battery power supply for mobile devices17:32
AStormbetter than the ones on market (which almost invariably are heavy and require 4x AA)17:32
RST38hwazd: Ok, should I make a deb for you once I get home?17:32
AStormi have just the perfect chip for that and other stuff17:32
AStormand a PCB as well17:32
AStorm(the chip is by TI btw)17:33
RST38hbut what is going to be the battery?17:33
AStorm2x AAA I think, maybe more17:33
pupnik_nice reference, pcb pool17:33
AStormasj_wrk-: thanks :)17:33
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wazdRST38h: well, I haven't drawn that much to cause problems to others, maybe tomorrow?17:34
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pupnik_AStorm: another nice timing problem:  need an OS to flash onto boards before production run17:34
AStormffs, 50 Euro for 1dm^2? :>17:35
RST38hwazd: acknowledged17:35
wazdRST38h: great, thanks :)17:35
AStormthat's 10x10 cm17:35
pupnik_that is a screwup that is solidly on their end17:35
AStormshould fit maybe 4 boards17:35
AStorma bit expensive per part ;p17:35
AStorm(I could tighten up and make 6, but soldering by hand will become... far harder)17:36
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asj_wrk-I had good quality from pcb pool.  Well, small run stuff is pricey.  When we run boards we do it for $1.50/board with e-test but there's a $250 setup fee.17:36
asj_wrk-(or $400 setup for 6 layer stuff)17:36
AStormok wait17:37
AStormthey give a solder mask17:37
AStormso  I can tighten up easily and use hotair to solder17:37
asj_wrk-AStorm: you could just etch one at home with a laser printer if you have tons of time17:38
asj_wrk-(and don't need a solder mask)17:38
AStormasj_wrk-: I know17:39
AStormbut I'm fresh out of supplies17:39
AStormand this PCB I want to make requires very good precision17:39
AStormTSSOP and it's high frequency17:39
AStormplus power.17:39
Khertanhum ... the actual council representant does register an other time ?17:39
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AStormyou know, SEPIC topology SPS17:40
asj_wrk-AStorm: what freq?17:40
AStormas far as I can17:40
SpeedEvilAStorm: tssop isn't very small17:40
AStormup to 2 MHz17:40
asj_wrk-heh ;)17:40
SpeedEvilAStorm: you can do that on a laser printer typically carefully - if you can do single layer design.17:40
AStormbut it's SPS, so stray inductance and capacitance are critical17:40
AStormyes, I can.17:41
SpeedEvilVarious people claim good results with toner transfer, or you can go photoresist.17:41
RST38hEtch by hand!17:42
AStormI did photoresist earlier17:42
AStormRST38h: can't do that really17:42
SpeedEvilhand-drawn is tricky for ssop pitch.17:42
SpeedEvilDIP is easy17:42
AStormthat's TSSOP, so even harder17:42
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SpeedEvilit's identical footprint to SSOP17:43
AStormnot really :)17:43
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AStormalso, this tssop is the exposed pad variety17:44
AStormpity I can't use that for the ground in single layer design17:44
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asj_wrk-SpeedEvil: I've had good luck with toner transfer, including some fine parts, can't remember the package anymore, but it was 10mil traces into it I think.17:46
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asj_wrk-(which I thought was pretty good for soemthing done with such crude work)17:46
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AStormasj_wrk-: 10mil = x mm?17:56
AStormah, 0.2517:56
AStormmore than fine enough17:57
AStormI might try.17:57
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AStormI need 0.4 mm pitch here18:00
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SpeedEviltssop/ssop is .65 I thought18:01
asj_wrk-it took a little practice and the right paper.  The biggest problem was single sidded and the time it took.  For work I wasted half a day on it once and that make a run through pcbpool cheaper/easier18:02
AStormSpeedEvil: not -24.18:02
AStormand not -2018:02
asj_wrk-I did some double sided, but that's a real pita18:02
AStormthose are smaller.18:02
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CShadowRundoes anyone know if the n900 can charge by usb?18:06
Stskeepsyes, it is only chargeable through usb or convertor plug i think18:07
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tuukkahok, got python working with fremantle scratchbox and diablo sdk by editing DIABLO_ARMEL.config SBOX_CPUTRANSPARENCY_METHOD=/scratchboc/18:09
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AStormStskeeps: yes, seems so, and it supports that new USB charger protocol18:14
AStorm*USB charger extension18:14
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sniff__is there a debian/ubuntu repository for fremantle extras? so far i only found diablo repo, but i'd like newer versions of *mm (c++ interface) libraries. is there such repository or am i forced to compile maemomm/gtkmm by hand?18:15
sniff__the tarballs are on maemomm project page but no instructions for fremantle addition to sources.list, just diablo18:16 and find fremantle?18:16
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sniff__ah, thank you, was looking in the wrong place :) maybe now the tutorials work :)18:17
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asj_wrk-TI isn't a real calculator, if you want a real one you have to buy HP ;)18:41
asj_wrk-pre Fiorena18:41
AStormblah blah.18:42
AStormeither one is good18:42
qwerty12Calculator? Wikipedia has him as a rapper18:42
asj_wrk-if it doesn't have a stack it ain't any good ;)18:42
AStormasj_wrk-: it does have one, so.18:43
asj_wrk-AStorm: ok, RPN ;)18:43
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lcukhalves, wouldnt you be quarters?18:45
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RST38hlcuk: It uses keys?18:50
* RST38h had no idea18:50
lcuki havent read it rst18:50
lcuki just spotted it and thought of our discussions in the past and your emus :)18:50
RST38hTI83+ firmware is just a bunch of 16kB pages thrown together, in hex format18:51
RST38hThe ROM image that comes with the SDK is similarly unencrypted18:51
* lcuk shrugs18:51
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RST38hOh well let'em fight18:53
sniff__i'm trying the simplest maemomm/gtkmm example from tutorial to compile, but osso_initialize() fails for some reason.. any ideas why that might be? the program itself seems to work as expected even without the osso-function-calls18:54
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SpeedEvilGPS ideas for N900
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sniff__well, correction, the program compiles fine with the osso calls, but at runtime it returns zero for osso_context18:57
lcuksniff__, you need the proper osso file18:57
lcukie \usr\share\dbus-1\services\org.maemo.liqbase_playground.service18:58
lcuklook in that folder at how other apps register themselves with osso18:58
sniff__aa, alright, i'll look into that, thanks again :) (n00b me) :)18:59
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lcukthen make your osso_initialize call match the osso name you specify18:59
lcukSpeedEvil, thats cool!18:59
* lcuk goes to bed18:59
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jjardonDoes someone know a workaround to build hildon in a normal gtk+ environment? (outside the SDK)19:01
* Jaffa uploads his first maemo-optify using app to the auto-builder19:02
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qwerty12Jaffa: Good job, "Jaffa's porn archives" took way too much space up on the flash. Using /opt will help19:03
Jaffaqwerty12: Indeed. I look forward to the karma ;-)19:03
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qwerty12Oh, yes, you will certainly get a thumbs up from me - it was good stuff19:03
SpeedEvilthumbs up where?19:04
Jaffaqwerty12: Going to put maemo-optify in Droid Fonts' debian/rules?19:08
* Jaffa has reflashed and sees "4.4 MB" in the "space required" column19:08
qwerty12Good point. Will do soon19:08
lcukjaffa, as qwerty says, delete your pron19:09
Jaffalcuk: That's on VFAT ;-)19:09
Jaffa"VFAT Girls"19:09
rm_you|Jaffa: so, i'm in the Shared Room Accomidations table19:09
rm_you|Jaffa: do i need to also be in the other table at the top?19:09
Jaffarm_you|: I'm not.19:09
crashanddie_I've just shelled out a few hundred quid for my hotel, lol19:09
crashanddie_and just realised I have no idea where the hotel actually is19:09
JaffaYou only "need" to be in the bottom one, so we can print that off and give to the hotel19:10
JaffaWell, I say "we". But in 6 days' time it's not my problem ;-)19:10
* lcuk still cannot book travel cos i dont know when im goin19:10
qwerty12crashanddie_: "We look forward to your stay" :)19:10
Macerwonder if i could put maemo or symbian on my g119:10
Macerthat would be neat19:10
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rm_you|lcuk: T_T19:11
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pupnik_"in Amsterdam, Botswana"19:11
rm_you|Macer: yeah maemo on g1 would be interesting but I don't know if i'd really want to be without my properly working phone >_>19:11
Macerwell. if the drivers were there...19:12
Maceri mean.. it android uses linux for the hal doesnt it?19:12
rm_you|IIRC the problem is kernel related19:13
rm_you|don't remember specifics19:13
rm_you|like, one of them is too closed19:13
Macerwould be great19:13
Macerright about now i'd switch to winmob19:13
rm_you|i like android19:14
qwerty12/ban rm_you|19:14
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rm_you|i don't PROGRAM for android... but i like it19:14
MyrttiI accidentally launched "Get Started" app19:14
Maceri donlt19:15
rm_you|will continue programming for maemo only, mostprobably ;P19:15
qwerty12Myrtti: your reward: the lovely music19:15
Maceri did at first19:15
Macerbut it seems lacking all over the place19:15
luke-jrGentoo ftw19:15
Maceroh fuck gentoo19:15
luke-jrI just need good hardware :/19:15
AStormnah, you'd need all the arm speedup patches19:15
luke-jrdecent keyboard and RAM really19:16
rm_you|gentoo is dieing19:16
rm_you|all the good community seems to have left19:16
luke-jrrm_you|: has been for years.19:16
rm_you|and their repos are falling apart19:16
AStormetc. etc.19:16
luke-jryet there is nothing out there to replace it19:16
rm_you|binary or hybrid distros are going to be the new winners19:16
AStormluke-jr: exherbo is on horizon19:16
rm_you|luke-jr: Arch19:16
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luke-jrrm_you|: Gentoo is hybrid19:16
AStormslowly moving to replace it ;p19:16
rm_you|Arch IMO19:16
AStormluke-jr: orly? it's binary support is highly rudimentary19:17
luke-jrUtopios IMO, but it doesn't work yet19:17
luke-jrAStorm: true19:17
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luke-jrbut it's on par with Debian/etc's binaries19:17
Macerluke-jr: if nothing is replacing it....19:17
Macerthat should tell you something19:17
AStormMacer: no, there are projects that replace it19:17
AStormlike, say, exherbo.org19:17
rm_you|well, i'll distro flamewar later, gotta run to lunch :P19:18
luke-jrAStorm: Arch and Exherbo have USE flags and such?19:18
rm_you|been fun19:18
AStormluke-jr: Arch not19:18
AStormExherbo has OPTIONS, which are equivalent19:18
luke-jrPaludis based19:18
AStorm(but Exherbo doesn't do binaries yet)19:18
luke-jrtoo bad Paludis is too buggy to work on ARM19:18
AStormyou mean g++ is too buggy to build it for arm19:18
Macergentoo is too buggy to work on arm :-P19:18
rm_you|and i'm out :P19:18
luke-jrPortage is slow, so I tried it :p19:18
AStormsourcesuckage? ;P19:19
rm_you|i just think it's hilarious :P19:19
AStormluke-jr: why wouldn't paludis build there?19:19
rm_you|who cares if it works or not19:19
AStormI did a cross once19:19
luke-jrAStorm: it built, but crashed19:19
rm_you|it's full of lulz19:19
* rm_you| runs19:19
AStormluke-jr: so compiler failed? interesting19:19
AStormI tried that cross with 4.4.019:19
Macerso any official n900 announcement?19:19
luke-jrAStorm: compiler succeeded IIRC19:19
AStormsince it doesn't crash on x8619:20
AStormunless you had some broken version19:20
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AStormold, but didn't die19:20
Maceryou have to use
AStorm(and later)19:21
AStorm"The current version is 0.40.1"19:21
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Macerthey all suck19:22
AStormprobably that new memoisation code overloaded your arm's ram19:22
Macerexcept maemo19:22
AStormnah, maemo's package manager sucks19:22
AStormand badly at that.19:22
Macerisnt it just apt?19:22
AStormit is.19:22
AStormthat's why it does.19:22
Macerbetter than most19:22
AStormdefine "most"19:22
AStormapt IS the most.19:22
* Corsac laughs at yum19:23
AStormyes, it is better than rpm and yum19:23
Macerwindows live?19:23
AStormpkg? not really sure it's a package manager ;p19:23
Macerpkg on opensolaris?19:23
AStormit attempts to be one, but fails.19:23
Macerso apt is better?19:24
AStormmuch like those Slackware tools19:24
AStormthan pkg? any day.19:24
Macerso... better than most19:24
AStormwhere by most you mean the other "major" package managers.19:25
AStormwhich is only rpm/yum19:25
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AStormthere are no others.19:25
Macerpkg counts :-P19:25
AStormother package managers are a minority19:25
ccookeAStorm: portage.19:25
AStormby the same logic, freebsd ports would count19:25
Macerah.. portage19:25
AStormccooke: minority, but yes, it's better than apt19:25
AStormas in, far better19:26
AStormpacman is better as well19:26
Macerfbsd ports doesnt  count?19:26
ccookeAStorm: having used both... it *really* depends what you're doing.19:26
AStormwhat was the use case where apt was better?19:26
wirelessdreamerafik ports is usually used to build from src, apt, usually deals with binary packages, both can do the other though19:27
ccookeAStorm: some of the management things are much harder to do with ports19:27
AStormccooke: with portage you mean19:28
wirelessdreamerports != portage19:28
AStormlike what things?19:28
wirelessdreamerports = bse, portages = gentoo19:28
Maceri think apt is good19:28
AStormwirelessdreamer: that's not counting srcpkg that is NetBSD.19:28
AStormports are FreeBSD.19:29
AStorm(and Dragonfly too I think)19:29
JaffaX-Fade_: Are promotions to extras-testing still happening manually?19:29
ccookeI was meaning ports, yes. Sorry.19:29
Macerand darwin19:29
AStormccooke: that's true, ports are clunky19:29
ccookeYou can tell it's a while since I've used either gentoo or *BSD :-)19:29
* unixSnob casts his vote for portage19:29
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wirelessdreamerundating portage on a year old install is an adventure19:29
* AStorm casts his vote for paludis w/ exheres style repositories19:30
Maceroh great, here comes all the gentoo whores19:30
AStormwirelessdreamer: true :)19:30
ccookebut if you're talking about portage as excellent... well... it's nice, I'll give you. But it's hard to separate it from gentoo and see where the failings are19:30
wirelessdreameri've had less problems updating old installs with apt then portage19:30
ccookefor instance: On a debian-based system, I can trivially make one machine become a package-level copy of another.19:30
AStormsince apt changes like, never19:30
wirelessdreamerat least from an enterprise view apt > portage because of maintaining old systems19:31
AStormccooke: correct, so can I with portage: buildpkg + shared package directory + usebinpkg19:31
AStormor what was that option.19:31
wirelessdreamerapt also has less variables then portage, so less issues you can run into19:31
ccookeAStorm: That's not really the same thing :-)19:31
AStormhmm, that is true19:31
slonopotamusyou decided to base mer on exherbo? :)19:32
AStormccooke: it is, package-wise copy19:32
AStormslonopotamus: wtf?!19:32
ccookeI'm talking dpkg --get-selections | ssh root@newserver dpkg --set-selections19:32
infobotslonopotamus meant: you decided to base maemo on exherbo? :)19:32
AStormccooke: oh, for that you need to copy the world file.19:32
AStormthat's all.19:32
AStormthen portage -eKD world19:32
AStormalternatively, copy whole vdb and run the abovementioned command19:33
ccookeAStorm: I've never seen that work on a box that's more than 18 months old :-)19:33
AStormit will not copy packages you didn't add to the package list in any way (world file or the dependency)19:33
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AStormccooke: I did, since first you install portage and sandbox19:33
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AStormfrom a binary package, by hand.19:34
AStormthen do the rest.19:34
AStormthe trick is that apt almost never changes19:34
AStormwhile portage does.19:34
ccookeAStorm: yes. Not changing is a strength.19:34
AStormand a weakness as well ;p19:34
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ccookeportage is perenially bleeding edge, which is nice for hobbyists or people who want to spend a lot of time on admin work (comparitively)19:35
AStormpeople who spend little time on admin work don't do it properly19:36
AStormyou get to update the systems, check security measures, etc.19:36
AStorma lot of this stuff is automatizable, but most is not19:36
ccookeapt is better for sysadmins... which is what I am. And before you say it, yes - I know a few sysadmins using gentoo. Well, I know a few who did it for a while. None of them kept it up for more than four years.19:36
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ccookeAStorm: people who don't spend a lot of time on admin work can admin thousands of servers.19:37
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AStormyou mean "can appear to admin"19:37
ccookeA good sysadmin is a lazy sysadmin.19:37
AStormno, that's a lousy sysadmin working with scripts19:37
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AStormor rather, only with scripts until stuff breaks19:37
AStormthat kind of admin work means security holes here and there19:38
AStormI had fun enough with those some time back19:38
ccookeheh. I'll admit to scripting things occasionally, but in no way am I lousy :-)19:38
AStormhehehe, see, the whole idea is to tweak at least one "test server" to the maximum security attainable with lowest work19:39
AStormthen copy and improve that design19:39
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lupine_85if you have to individually log into 500 servers to fix a remote kernel exploit bug, you're a lousy sysadmin. If you do it in one command and don't test, you're also lousy19:39
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* lupine_85 is worse than lousy at sysadmin19:39
ccookeAStorm: yes. That's lazy. I approve.19:39
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AStormlupine_85: actually, that script way is ok19:40
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AStormassuming the script checks if the hole was fixed19:40
AStormand you test everything for backdoors etc.19:41
AStormstill, the server after the fix must be considered unsafe19:41
GeneralAntillescrashanddie_, nice. :P19:41
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AStormso you probably still get to log in to each and check more precisely19:41
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ccookeAStorm: I'd tend to rebuild anything that was compromised, and anything that could talk to if it's a serious problem (recursively, depending on the nature of the break-in and the importance of the servers)19:42
ccookeAStorm: you?19:42
AStormyes, correct19:42
AStormthe problem is that you get to copy all the configuration19:42
AStormand check that19:42
AStormthen rebuild from scratch (or rather, from a good image)19:43
ccookeno, that's no problem19:43
AStormor restore from the backup19:43
slonopotamususe netboot from single image! :)19:43
AStormand offline apply fixes19:43
AStormslonopotamus: won't work with various servers19:43
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AStormwith a server farm, might.19:43
ccookeyou have a Known Good Image and a Known Good configuration on a seperate network, that the compromised servers can't contact. You run an automated check against that - using disk images for preference, since things can hide in the kernel.19:44
AStormthat's also "offline apply fixes"19:44
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AStormthe problem is that you get to move that image somehow to the target machine19:44
slonopotamusif you have a thousand of them, chances are they can be split in identical-hw groups19:44
luke-jrMacer: what's the big minus of the G1?19:44
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SpeedEvilAnd then you get BIOS theoretical issues.19:44
AStormslonopotamus: lucky you :>19:44
ccookeAStorm: I prefer "servers as commodity". Minimal OS install which gets config from the network on bootup. Then you never patch them: You just reboot using the newer image you've built.19:45
slonopotamusAStorm, i just have a dedicated admin for my project :P19:45
AStormccooke: good approach19:45
AStormI do something like this with virtualization19:45
AStorm(where applicable)19:45
ccookeYou have enough of them behind load balancers so you can take them in and out of service (in a scripted fashion, with tests) safely.19:45
AStormI'm not a sysadmin anymore.19:46
ccookeAStorm: yeah. I've been building environments like that since before virtualisation was really workable. Oh, god - the first iteration used root-from-a-cd and the context patch (linux-vserver). That was fun.19:46
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ccooke(and scarily enough, the company were still using it as of last year. Terrifying :-)19:47
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javispedrolol Xen ARM19:47
AStormccooke: hehehe, vserver is nice and light, but that's no virtualization19:48
AStormthat's just separation19:48
javispedroit exists O.o19:49
ccookeAStorm: it has some nice features, though19:49
ccookeAStorm: chbind and chcontext I'd love to use inside a VM19:49
AStormjavispedro: why not?19:49
AStormit's not heavy19:49
luke-jrXen is no more virtualization than VServer or OpenVZ19:50
javispedroAStorm: so now all the components for doing the same video vmware did are already there.19:50
luke-jrthey're just different kinda19:50
ccookejavispedro: we should get it running on the tablets :-)19:50
AStormluke-jr: ...19:50
AStormno. Xen is para-virtualization, OpenVZ, VServer or Linux Containers are no virtualization, just some separation on kernel level19:50
AStormthey don't simulate any hardware19:51
luke-jrAStorm: neither does Xen19:51
javispedroluke-jr: it does.19:51
luke-jrvirtualization is about running multiple OS, not emulating hardware19:51
AStormit does!19:51
javispedroluke-jr: notice the use of word "simulate", as usual.19:51
AStormyou can run different OSes19:51
AStormnot just Linux.19:52
luke-jrLinux isn't an OS19:52
luke-jrLinux is a kernel19:52
ccookeAStorm: um. You know that Xen is both para-virtualised and full-virtualised now?19:52
javispedroccooke: without pacifica/intel vt?19:52
AStormluke-jr: now you're twisting words19:52
AStormccooke: yes, I do. I'm not even mentioning that, this is obvious.19:52
ccookejavispedro: no, they currently need hardware support. Doesn't make any difference, really19:52
* SpeedEvil realises luke-jr is RMS!19:52
AStormI'm talking that even Xen in para-virt mode can run a few OSes.19:53
* javispedro doesn't have a "modern" processor by 2009 standards19:53
AStormas in, full FreeBSD, Linux distro (luke-jr, happy now?)19:53
luke-jrSpeedEvil: no, I'm realist19:53
ccookeAStorm: good point, yes19:53
javispedroSpeedEvil: don't ask ;) just one without vt19:53
AStormoh, and some other more exotic ones as well19:54
AStormthat's w/o hardware virtualization support19:55
javispedroand a idiot OS I made a few years ago when I was into it.19:55
javispedro(based on the Xen linux-based kernel example)19:55
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javispedroand, as I was saying, we now have the needed tools to do what vmware did. xen, maemo, and windows ce source (90 day trial). who is up to the job? ;)19:56
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Khertan_n810Hi !19:57
AStormjavispedro: you mean like, run WinCE in Xen?19:57
AStormno can do yet19:57
Khertan_n810There isn t many candidates for the council election ...19:57
ccookejavispedro: Wish I was, sounds interesting. Why not do mer and android, though? That'd be more interesting :-)19:58
AStormARM cpus don't have hardware virtualization support (yet)19:58
javispedroAStorm: I remark, WinCE source is open.19:58
AStormyou could abuse virtualbox maybe19:58
AStormport it to ARM.19:58
AStormjavispedro: it is? links.19:58
javispedroAStorm: i got a 90-day trial at least.19:58
AStormluke-jr: too slow to be useful19:58
luke-jrVirtualBox is just a more closed fork of qemu19:58
AStormluke-jr: wtflol19:58
AStormit's not.19:58
luke-jrit is.19:59
javispedroAStorm: google for "windows platform designer" iirc.19:59
AStormvirtualbox uses hot patching of code19:59
luke-jrwith some KVM patches19:59
AStormqemu is a JIT.19:59
javispedro"platform builder" sorry.19:59
luke-jrAStorm: qemu is modular19:59
AStormluke-jr: no, and really, READ THE CODE.19:59
luke-jrAStorm: I have. Written patches for it, even.19:59
AStormthey're nothing alike, algorithmically and what not19:59
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AStormfor vbox? or for qemu?19:59
luke-jrAStorm: so Wikipedia is totally wrong? :p19:59
javispedrovbox has qemu code for sure20:00
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AStormunless some enterprising person copied vbox patching algorithms.20:00
AStormjavispedro: yes, it does.20:00
AStormthe other way around, really not.20:00
luke-jr"In January 2007, VirtualBox was released. It uses some of QEMU's virtual hardware devices and has a built-in dynamic recompiler that is based on QEMU. As with KQEMU, it runs nearly all guest code natively on the host via the VMM (Virtual Machine Manager), and uses the recompiler only for special situations as a fallback mechanism (this holds true for guest code that executes in real mode and some other rare scenarios at runtime)."20:00
javispedroAStorm: at least I remember vbox doing qemu emulation for 16 bit code.20:00
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AStormjavispedro: true.20:00
AStormluke-jr: that was a long long time ago20:01
luke-jra long, long time ago20:01
luke-jrin a galaxy far away20:01
javispedroin a far, far20:01
AStormnot that far away20:01
AStormvirtualbox actually now has a better recompiler20:01
AStormand I do mean that.20:01
luke-jrAStorm: doesn't change the fact that a qemu port would be far more straightforward ;)20:02
AStormincluding funny code patching20:02
* javispedro still considers dosemu the best x86 virtualizer ever :)20:02
luke-jrjust need to implement the small kqemu bits for ARM20:02
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AStormwhich is almost like paravirtualization, except the other OS doesn't know it's been done20:02
AStormluke-jr: you know, kqemu unfortunately is limited to running same-arch code. but yes, that would allow WinCE at reasonable speeds20:03
luke-jranyhow, OpenVZ is enough for pretty much every useful purpose <.<20:03
AStormwhat is more lacking, is memory20:03
AStormexcept having multiple OSes inside20:03
luke-jrAStorm: what? everything you're talking about in VBox is same-arch limited20:03
AStormluke-jr: no, code patching is not20:03
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luke-jrOpenVZ supports pretty much all Linux-based OS20:03
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luke-jro hai johnsq! :P20:04
AStormluke-jr: virtualbox could run x86-64 on x86 I think... though I'm not sure20:04
AStormyes, it can.20:04
javispedroAStorm: on a x86 cpu? O.o20:04
AStormbut w/ KVM.20:04
AStorm*VT-X and such20:04
javispedroon a x86_64 cpu.20:04
AStormcheating then.20:04
javispedrothat's not trivial, but fully documented.20:05
AStormreally, they had that pseudo-paravirt code patching scheme20:05
AStormthat replaced parts of IO drivers and other code20:05
AStormfor extra speed20:05
javispedrothere was this vm86dev kmod that did the opposite (switching real mode code from long mode)20:06
javispedros/switching/switching to20:06
javispedromessy stuff, even amd says so, but works.20:07
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* javispedro googles for vm86dev and finds his only his own mailing list post :O)20:08
fiferboyDoes anyone know how current Fremantle apps are handling color and font selection?20:09
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lcukfiferboy, i would imagine using color and font selectors in whichever toolkit de jour20:09
Khertan_n810'de jour'  ?20:10
Khertan_n810hi lcuk :)20:10
fiferboyIn Gtk, they didn't hildonize the dialogs or provide a "hildonized" version...20:10
lcukdu vour even20:10
lcukhiya khertan20:10
Khertan_n810i see that you are a candidate for the maemo council ...20:10
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lcukgood to know someone is picking up my international mistakes20:10
* lcuk nods :)20:10
javispedrotoday is voting day20:10
lcukabout time i drew a line in the sand20:10
derfVote early, vote often!20:11
javispedroso hooooow are the candidates going20:11
lcukim suffering a massive headache20:11
lcuklol derf20:11
derfI'd just like to let candidates know I can be bribed.20:11
GeneralAntillesWe need somebody to harass them more.20:12
derfThe first person who arranges it so I get an N900 gets my vote.20:12
* javispedro notes "has massive headache" in "cons" list in candidate lcuk's page20:12
lcukive got no pros in my section20:12
lcukbut there should be some in amsterdam!20:12
javispedrothat's a pro I think :)20:12
lcukdo i even have a pro/con section?20:12
* lcuk cannot remember his campaign bit20:13
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javispedronot yet ;) lol20:13
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lcuklol, i did post this this morning:
lcuktim wants me to do it as a youtube vid20:13
Khertan_n810_2grr stupid peer20:13
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lcukim trying desperately to get flite or subtitler installed so everyone can understand it20:14
Khertan_n810_2please remove him his 'reset' button20:14
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javispedrolcuk: i want "vote lcuk" buttons and pins20:14
javispedroyour campaigning could be better, truly!!! ;)20:14
lcukthere can be an app for that!20:14
lcuki hang my n900 round neck on a lanyard20:15
lcukliqflow is quite cool and dynamic that way :D20:15
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javispedrono political debates on abortion in downloads apps? *yawn*20:15
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lcukjavispedro, im not really campaigning tho - im just speaking from the heart :)20:15
* derf puts down "has a heart" in the Cons list.20:16
javispedroso, lcuk, what's going to be your first action as chairman of the Troll Council?20:16
* javispedro proposes enslaving and trolls and make them build a giant mud ball to be thrown at nokia headquarters when they release the n910 without keyboard.20:17
AStormlcuk's pro: he's not khertan20:17
lcukim gonna try to make a hackers group to ensure we make best use of this platform20:17
AStorms/group/slave team/20:17
GeneralAntilleslcuk, if I vote for you, how do I directly benefit? :P20:18
lcukyou dont gan20:18
lcukand you have special dispensation as being former council20:18
lcukill bbl tea ready20:19
* GeneralAntilles loves how his university _requires_ Visual Studio for the first semester programming class.20:19
Khertan_n810_2GeneralAntille are you thinking of n900 rebates ? :)20:19
GeneralAntillesKhertan_n810_2, I'm thinking of lcuk giving me candy or something.20:19
Khertan_n810_2GeneralAntilles if they ask you visualstudio avoid it :)20:19
javispedroGeneralAntilles: today on my alma mater 40 people were asked if the had every used visual studio. only two hands.20:19
GeneralAntillesMy friend lost points on his first project because XCode managed to kick Visual Studio's ass.20:19
Khertan_n810_2Expect more a beer20:19
Khertan_n810_2or bacon :)20:20
GeneralAntillesThe head of the department is in Microsoft's pocket.20:20
* javispedro is rewriting his last message.20:20
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GeneralAntillesShe's come close to admitting such on a number of occasions, too.20:20
derfRequiring MSVC is pretty standard by this point.20:20
derfThey were doing it all the way back when I was in school.20:20
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GeneralAntillesWhich is interesting, because the rest of the department is entirely Linux and OS X users.20:20
wazdI have a great poster for lcuk's campaign20:21
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AStormGeneralAntilles: huh?20:21
AStormhow did he manage to lose points?20:21
Pavlovthat tmobile uk subsity link is now saying vodafone20:21
AStormcode didn't build under MSVS?20:21
_berto_GeneralAntilles: requires visual studio? and you're supposed to purchase it?20:21
Khertan_n810_2lcuk i could design you a nice maemo logo as my tshirt at the first summit :)20:21
AStorm_berto_: MSDNAA.20:21
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luke-jr_berto_: well, they require you to purchase books... so the stretch is really just that it's a crappy Microsoft product20:22
_berto_ah, I think I imagine what that is20:22
GeneralAntillesAStorm, apparently XCode automatically does the string preprocessing and MSVS doesn't.20:22
GeneralAntilles_berto_, it's the educational edition.20:22
javispedronot only MSDNAA, Visual Studio Express is now free.20:22
GeneralAntillesWhich is "free".20:22
_berto_don't know in other countries, in spain at least my university was special in that we used unix for almost everything20:22
Khertan_n810_2not only that xcode is better20:22
GeneralAntillesI managed to get through that class using only gcc++, thankfully.20:23
* javispedro watches a wierd spam where the text mime part is about v1iagra pills, but the html part is about some awful social site.20:24
qwerty12viagra + social site = adultfriendfinder?20:25
luke-jrjavispedro: free, or merely gratis?20:25
javispedroluke-jr: gratis.20:25
javispedroand I'd assume the "limitations" are arbitrary and plainly designed to piss you off.20:25
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javispedro(limitations "fixed" in the paid versions, of course)20:26
* javispedro remembers the days when the vb version that let you use the common dialog controls was more expensive.20:26
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lcukwazd khertan GeneralAntilles anyone else - sure! get involved have fun do whatever you can.  thats all i am doing.20:29
lcukto qualify my hacking group statement - thats exactly what happens in #liqbase now ;)20:29
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lcuklol wazd that white is not quite white20:30
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lardmanqwerty12_N810: what was that focus library called? Can you remember?20:33
* lcuk waves at lardman \o20:33
lardmanh lcuk20:33
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lcuksimon, hows work goin20:37
lardmanday job? Good thanks20:37
lcukdid you finish your zillion frames import20:37
lardmannah, going to go another method20:38
lardmantalking to the company to do something different20:38
lcuklike get them to number their movie frames correctly ;P20:38
derflardman: Do you have some example images of barcodes that decode with batoo but not with zbar?20:40
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lardmannothing handy20:44
lardmanzbar 0.8 wouldn't decode any barcode, well it would decode them as ean820:45
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derflardman: If you get a couple, I'd be interested in taking a look at them.20:49
lardmansure, have been away at a conference, hence the general tardiness, but should have some odds and ends for you by the end of the week20:50
* lcuk thinks tardiness is just an excuse and the conference was a wine drinking cheese eating festival with his new wife in a hotel somewhere20:50
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pupnik_i believe a fondue should be part of every honeymoon20:51
lardmanI'm not sure the Norbreck Castle in Blackpool is the type of place you'd want to take your wife20:51
qwerty12_N810s/the Norbreck Castle in //20:51
derfI was on travel all last week, also.20:52
lardmanindeed :D20:52
lardmanHolly was going to come with me, but thankfully she didn't - wasn't the nicest place20:52
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lardman~lart gedit for crashing20:55
* infobot does a little 'dpkg -P gedit' action for crashing20:55
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lcuklardman, on desktop?21:06
lcukor on tablet?21:06
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lcuki think thats the normal on on ubuntu isnt it21:08
lcuki prefer komodo but ive been lazy recently21:09
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* GeneralAntilles pours some capital letters down lcuk's throat.21:13
lcuki need a textmessage/keyboard filter to automatically do it for me21:14
lcukbecause i rarely use em21:14
lcukand im not about to start now21:14
fiferboyGtkColorSelectionDialog and GtkFontSelectionDialog work but are useless in Fremantle21:15
javispedroand deprecated.21:16
fiferboyYes.  So what are we supposed to use?21:16
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javispedrofiferboy: you're supposed to dumb your app down :)21:16
javispedrolike the rest of fremantle apps21:16
javispedrodoes Notes have a font selection dialog now?21:16
fiferboyI can't tell.  Could someone with an N900 look?21:17
lcukfiferboy, build me an exe21:17
lcukadd debug info21:17
lcukand send it me21:17
lcukor do you just want a visual look at the dialog21:18
fiferboylcuk: I just want to see what Nokia and/or other people are using to do font and color selection21:18
lcuktheres 2 things21:18
lcuka font select combo21:18
lcukand a "font" menu item21:18
lcukthe font menu item21:18
lcukopens a full font select21:18
Pavlovand a color palette selector thing21:19
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lcukwith font face, font size, colour bold italic underline strikethro and positioning21:19
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lcukyeah "colour palette"21:19
fiferboylcuk: Are those lists pannable?  Or do they have tiny scroll bars?21:19
lcukopens up a window with selection of colors21:19
lcukerr dialog21:19
lcukthe color boxes are tiny tho21:20
lcuknot finger friendly21:20
lcuklists pannable21:20
lcukthe combo?21:20
fiferboyThe "font face", "font size" etc21:20
lcukcombo is mouse oriented combo21:20
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sniff__i would like to implement a kind of "hotkey" for bringin up a running application window in maemo5 running in xephyr, is there some dock available in the sdk that i could use to display a small icon that shows main window of my app? preferably similar that to task panel in real nokia tablets or the coming n90021:21
johnsqsniff__: you can run the windowmanager of maemo in xephyr21:22
sniff__johnsq: what is it called, or how is it launched?21:22
lcuksniff__, the tiled app view thingy is just part of the operating system21:22
lcukthe beta doesnt have it21:22
johnsqsniff__: matchbox was it for maemo421:23
fiferboylcuk: Thanks.  It looks like Nokia wants each application to roll its own colour/font selector :|21:23
lcukthe sdk isnt geared around being a multitasking replacement21:23
RST38hdoes it?21:23
lcukfiferboy, not really21:23
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lcukisnt there a posh selection dialog somewhere21:23
RST38hAFAIK, it offers default color and font selectors21:23
lcukdidnt i see it in the gtk controls thing21:23
lcukhang on21:23
fiferboylcuk: There are date and time selectors that use multiple pannable lists, but not for color or font21:24
lcukand there ARE21:24
lcukthey are just not yet optimized21:24
lcukso use the default one21:24
lcukand complain loudly its not optimized ;)21:24
lcukif you fell really strongly, make proposal for how one should work21:25
lcukand include some layouts and test cases21:25
fiferboyDEPRECATED | GtkFontSelectionDialog | REPLACED by HildonPickerButton and HildonPickerDialog. Build the font picker (device has only 4 fonts!) using a generic Hildon Touch List Picker.21:25
infobotfiferboy meant: DEPRECATED | HildonFontSelectionDialog | REPLACED by HildonPickerButton and HildonPickerDialog. Build the font picker (device has only 4 fonts!) using a generic Hildon Touch List Picker.21:26
lcukthe font select dialog is more than just a list of fonts21:26
lcukthey are smoking crack surely?21:26
RST38hfiferboy: this is temporary21:26
lcuki can understand it for the font combo box21:26
javispedrotemporary until maemo 6, that is ;)21:27
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fiferboyRST38h: I hope so21:27
* lcuk grumbles that even with maemo6 people will still need a way to select fonts in gtk21:27
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* javispedro envisions a common dialogs gtk library written in qt21:27
luke-jryou mean kgtk?21:28
fiferboyQt4 for maemo5 will use Hildon file open/save dialogs natively21:28
javispedroheh, but not qt4 for diablo?21:28
* javispedro was surprised to find native _gtk_ open/save dialogs in qt.21:29
fiferboyI don't think it is turned of for Diablo, I'm not sure why21:29
lcukok - what would a qt font dialog look like21:29
lcuksince there is no need to stick with gtk21:29
lcukcan just open a qt dialog cant we if needbe?21:29
lcukstick a gtk wrapper around it21:29
lcukso the api remains21:29
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fiferboyFor maemo5 you would be adding a lot of dependencies just for a decent font/colour selector in Gtk :)21:30
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javispedroso just write the damn font touch selector, call it "libhildon-things-nokia-did-not-want-to-do-for-unknown-reasons" and upload it toextras ;)21:32
lcukfiferboy, we have that anyway21:32
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lcukthere is gtk and qt mixed21:32
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lcuklets get over the practicalities and SEE what a proper nice dialog would look like in any framework21:32
lcukhell, i could even have a go in liq*21:32
AStormGTK wrapper around Qt is harder than you'd thing21:33
lcukonce we have something that people can look at and more importantly touch21:33
lcukwe can work out how to get it used21:33
lcuknot at all astorm21:33
* javispedro was considering the name "libunfsckedSDL" for the special version of the SDL that is backing off removing the need for some of the maemo specialities + ogles surface support.21:33
AStormlcuk: trust me, I tried21:33
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AStormas long as the app does nothing special, you'll be fine21:33
lcukAStorm, its entirely feasible to compile up c++ into a sharable .so21:33
fiferboyFonts for maemo5 it could be a dialog with 3 columns: "familt", "style", and "size" - all flickable21:34
lcuki could have people using qt to create liq* widgets if i wanted21:34
AStormbut once owner-drawn stuff, surfaces and so on are on the table...21:34
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fiferboyThat wouldn't be too hard, unless you wanted a user selectable font size21:34
javispedroAStorm: gtk wrapper around qt? qt-gtk-style?21:34
lcukok, the one in "notes" has more than  family style size21:34
fiferboyColours would be harder, I think, because everyone wants a colour wheel, RGB, CYMK, Hex, etc21:34
lcukit has color and bolds etc21:34
AStormgtk wrapper as in build gtk app with it, and it runs on qt21:35
wazd_damn, I've almost burned down my videocard21:35
AStorma theme engine is a lot easier21:35
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lcukfiferboy, look at how i did colors in liqbase original21:35
lcuknice, pretty hired and not a wheel21:35
javispedroAStorm: that is hard indeed. then you notice you need to pull so much qt code you're basically better off with the engine idea.21:35
fiferboylcuk: bold, italic, etc is in "style" in the basic Gtk Font selector21:35
AStormjavispedro: pull? wrong way around21:35
lcuki wait almost 3 weeks in windows for font dialog to open21:36
lcukahhh fifer21:36
javispedroAStorm: yep, sorry hehe21:36
AStormthe other way around isn't even remotely possible21:36
AStormqt is too large21:36
lcukhow long does a qt app take to open21:36
AStormas long as it takes to load the libs21:36
lcuk(to the nearest minute if reqd)21:36
AStormwhich are some 10-20 MB21:36
AStormdepending on which libs are in use21:37
lcukfiferboy, you say you could hack something quick and standalone together?21:37
AStormplus deps like cairo21:37
javispedrowant a flame? gtk is slower >:)21:37
lcukor at least try to21:37
AStormjavispedro: blah blah, not gtk, cairo21:37
fiferboylcuk: For fonts it shouldn't be a big problem.  I'll have to see what I could do about colours21:37
AStormqt uses its own drawin engine, which is usually faster21:37
lcukdont worry about colors for now21:38
lcukthat could be a totally different dialog21:38
lcukbut just a test21:38
lcukto show what a nice dialog should be based on21:38
AStormfiferboy: what about simple touch picker + a few dials?21:38
fiferboyI'll try to work something up tonight21:38
* javispedro remembers21:38
keesjpupnik_: ping21:38
fiferboyAStorm: I am thinking of a three column touch picker21:38
AStormcolumn? heh21:38
javispedroi uploaded a new gui to fremantle drnoksnes and i'd like a main gui screenshot / comment.21:38
AStorm1 column and a square21:39
javispedroplease :)21:39
Jaffajavispedro: Solved the scaling issue?21:39
javispedroJaffa: no, not yet (i'm going to try sw scaling in openttd first)21:39
qwerty12_N810fiferboy: You should look at Fremantle's osso-xterm, then21:39
AStormqwerty12_N810: do you have screenshots of it?21:39
javispedrojust a new gui, having read the fremantle layout guide21:39
javispedro(more like: "Having glazed at the screenshots" ;) )21:40
qwerty12_N810AStorm: No, I'm looking at it on device and it's not my software... so no screenies, alas21:40
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fiferboyqwerty12_N810: It is installable in the SDK, but I don't know how to launch it21:42
AStormI mean, osso-xterm from fremantle21:42
qwerty12_N810fiferboy: Hmm, it should launch? I had a brief stint with it in the SDK making its shortcut bar vertical21:43
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fiferboyqwerty12_N810: There is no desktop file for it, or it is in the wrong place...21:43
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qwerty12_N810Build it manually, then, and use maemo-invoker on the osso-xterm.launch file (can't remember if it has a no-launcher DEB_BUILD_OPTION or equivalent)21:44
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wazd_I wonder who will make interface builder with maemo widgets and themes applied21:46
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fiferboyHmm, actually maybe it does work in the SDK, it didn't install for me since my network connection is borked21:47
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javispedrofiferboy: WORKSFORME, FREMANTLE_X8621:50
fiferboyjavispedro: Excellent, I will check it out21:50
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akshayHello, I recompiled the scribble example of Qt to run on n810. It is working but the scribbling is not smooth. It seems the mouse press, mouse move and mouse released events are not triggered properly. I hope the problem is clear. Is there any solution to it?21:51
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javispedronot very stable here though.21:52
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lcukakshay, mmm?21:52
CutMeOwnThroatGeneralAntilles, hmm?21:52
lcukexplain not smooth21:52
Mouseyso its true, no more n810 production21:53
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CutMeOwnThroatis it?21:54
CutMeOwnThroatactually, now that GeneralAntilles woke me...21:54
akshaylcuk: if say u draw an arc it will not draw a smooth arc. It will draw 2-3 conected lines21:54
GeneralAntillesCutMeOwnThroat, what?21:54
CutMeOwnThroatI wonder if there's a way to track power-consumption and what causes it on the n81021:54
CutMeOwnThroatGeneralAntilles, you highlighted me!21:54
lcukakshay, which system/os/hardware?21:54
javispedrothat's such a fine art.21:54
GeneralAntillesCutMeOwnThroat, I did? I thought I highlighted crashanddie. Oh well.21:55
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CutMeOwnThroat"* GeneralAntilles pours some capital letters down lcuk's throat." lcuksMeOwnThroat?21:55
akshaylcuk: i am running this application on maemo 4 running on n81021:55
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lcukakshay :) you are limited by cpu and graphical constraints.21:56
lcukwhich was the principle reason i started liqbase ;)21:56
CutMeOwnThroatSometimes the battery in my n810 gets drained within... perhaps even just 2 hours and I don't really know whats causing it21:56
CutMeOwnThroatGPS seems to drain a lot....21:56
akshaylcuk: But if i use Xournal it scribbles properly ?21:56
lcukdefine properly.  you mean more points i gather21:57
CutMeOwnThroatbut there I nearly think it might be the constant recalculation of the map app that's causing that21:57
* lcuk was never happy with drawing a circle and getting a diamond21:57
fiferboylcuk, I think it is a bit wierd to list a font four times, once for normal, once for bold, once for italic, and once for bold AND italic21:57
akshaylcuk: So it seems to be a limitation of Qt21:57
* CutMeOwnThroat would sell the diamond and be quite happy!21:57
fiferboyThat would not pass an introduction to data normalization course!21:57
lcukfiferboy, mmm who said list like that? lol21:57
fiferboyThat is what it looks like in xterm in the SDK21:58
fiferboyPannable, yes, but very repetitive21:58
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akshaylcuk: Is this one for me "define properly.  you mean more points i gather" ?21:58
fiferboyOops, bbiab21:58
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timo2I'd imagine the font types are in separate files and there's no clearcut way to find out what files are part of the same font face21:59
lcukyeah akshay it was a rhetorical question really21:59
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Jaffapvanhoof: ping22:12
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akshaylcuk: See.... In Scribble example of Qt, we can draw over an image using mouse. It starts the drawing when mouse press event is triggered and as we move the mouse (while it is pressed) the application keeps on connecting the coordinates(using drawLine()) through which the mouse passes. This stops on moouse release. It works perfectly on my x86 laptop. Now I have recompiled for running on maemo 4 running on n810. When I try to draw22:12
akshaylcuk: If say I try to make a circle, it wont draw a circle. It will connect a few dots on the circle by using lines. Possibly this is because mouse move event is NOT triggered at each little movement of the stylus.22:12
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akshaylcuk: link to Qts scribble example-
lcukno akshay its probably caused by lag and slowness22:13
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akshaybut the Xournal application which runs on the same hardware and OS does the job perfectly well22:14
johnsqakshay: did the example use the time of event as timebase?22:14
lbtakshay: it is22:14
lbtit is triggered at each little move22:14
akshayjohnsq: nop22:14
lcukakshay, ;( that looks simple enough to eat22:15
lcukshame it cant handle it22:15
lcukakshay, qt is obviously doing much much more22:15
lcukturn off AA and blending and stuff22:15
akshaylcuk: and there is no bug files on this22:16
lcukif you think xournal is fast, you should try liqbase ;)22:16
lcukakshay, i think its not a bug that can be cured easily22:16
akshaycan it be done on Qt?22:16
lcukwith the current widgetset?22:17
akshayi mean can liqbase be used with Qt ?22:17
lcuknot yet22:17
lcukits a c library22:17
lcukand very simplistic22:17
lcukit would need lots of hacking help to add the functionality required22:17
lcukand then a nice qt wrapper22:18
lcukit does lots already tho22:18
akshayand is there a seperate IRC channel for maemo-qt22:18
lcuki dunno22:18
akshayand any idea will this scribble example work on n900 ?22:19
lcukno idea at all22:19
lcukand i dont know how to compile qt apps22:19
lcukto be able to tell you22:19
akshayok. thanks for all the information22:19
lcuknp :)22:20
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lardmanhmm, so v4l2camsrc is where it's at22:28
lbtakshay: qt will work fine on the N90022:29
lbtI'm 100% sure that scribble will work :)22:29
lbtit may need some tweaking to make sure the menus appear correctly etc... but that's all22:29
akshaylbt: ok, thank you :)22:29
akshayany idea why it is not working properly on n810 ?22:30
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lbttry debug prints22:32
lbtin mouseMoveEvent()22:32
akshayokay. thanks22:32
lbtlatest Qt from extras?22:32
akshayu mean in the sdk? yes22:33
lbtif you get some debug output then please yell and pastebin it for me22:33
akshayokay. i will do that22:33
lbtinterpret the *event and pull out relevant data - including timestamps22:34
lcuk20:08 Mousedown22:34
lcuk20:34 MouseMove22:34
lcuk21:46 Mouseup22:34
akshayokay okay i got22:34
lbtthere should be a *lot* so maybe only print if LeftButton22:34
lbtand don't vote for lcuk22:35
lcukon device there should only be left button22:35
lcukreally, dont - i'd rather have money22:35
lbtnot if you're right handed22:35
lbtmy FAN is whirring22:35
* lcuk just realised22:36
lbtit goes fast22:36
lbtthen it goes slow22:36
lbtthen it goes fast22:36
lbtthen it goes slow22:36
lbt(there's a loop)22:36
lbt(for the harware types that probably don't realise)22:36
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* lcuk just had lights come on like a frikkin nuclear bomb!22:37
slonopotamuslbt,they usually use overlap to prevent such behaviour22:37
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lbtwhat? hardware types?22:37
slonopotamuswho is it?22:38
Stskeepslcuk: aliens are coming22:38
slonopotamusi didn't mean anyone particular22:38
lcukslonopotamus, depending on location they can be travelling in opposite directions22:38
slonopotamuslike 'they say'22:38
lcukStskeeps, i know that22:38
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slonopotamuslcuk, o_O22:38
* lbt is confused22:38
lcuki tohught one was heading upstairs speaking in tongues.  until i realised it was jacob talkign to the kitten in babytalk22:39
* lcuk needs typocure22:39
slonopotamuslbt, just write proper fw for your fan :)22:39
lcuki think he has22:39
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slonopotamuswho he? has what?22:39
lbtyeah... isn't that how the n900 got a usb otg that should be called off the go22:39
* slonopotamus is confused22:39
* lbt writes fan fw in python22:40
lbt2nd articl22:40
slonopotamusi won't start up browser22:41
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dastaggI have a question please. I currently use two programs for task management: etm and Remind on my laptop.22:42
slonopotamus'task management'?22:43
dastaggetm is python so I'm guessing that will work on the N900 but I've looked for remind but I don't see it.22:43
slonopotamuslike... todo notes?22:43
lbtremembering things22:43
dastaggCan anyone tell me if remind will work on the N900?22:44
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slonopotamusout of the box - no22:44
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Stskeepsremind is what again?22:44
slonopotamusi mean, without patching22:44
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* lcuk makes a note to check out remind22:45
dastagga program that displays events like birthday's and anniversaries and display them22:45
slonopotamuslcuk, you don't have remind so can't make a note22:45
lcuki have liqbase22:45
* lbt does apt-get install remind on Mer just because it works22:45
lcukand i take notes in it everyday22:46
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lcuklol lbt :D22:46
* lbt is now running remind dastagg.... :)22:46
pupnik_keesj: pong22:46
lbtREMIND 03.01.05 (English version) Copyright 1992-1998 David F. Skoll22:47
lbtCopyright 1999-2008 Roaring Penguin Software Inc.22:47
lcukdastagg, go have a look round the maemo apps list
dastaggThat's the one. Are you running it on N810?22:47
johnsqis it defined that c arguments are executed from left to right?22:47
lcukjohnsq, exectued? you mean evaluated?22:48
lbtit pulled in tkremind wyrd22:48
dastagglcuk: Thats were I am on and did a search for it but it came back blank.22:48
lbtso they'd need porting to the N90022:48
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johnsqyes evaluated (no native english speaker)22:48
lbtah but you're not running a cool OS22:48
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lcukdastagg, its not been specifically ported22:48
lardmanhow hard is it to wrap an entire GStreamer class for Python?22:48
lcukbut im guessing as a console app it should work22:48
lcuktho wouldnt be optimal for platform22:48
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lbtdastagg: I'm running Mer which is essentially ubuntu22:49
lcuklbt is working in the hacker edition of maemo - called mer - its not the default os (yet?!)22:49
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lbtOTOH this will tell you that running it on the N900 will be fine22:49
dastagglcuk: perhaps not but I've been using them and they work really well and work together really well.22:49
* lcuk nods22:49
derfjohnsq: No, it is not.22:49
lcukthen get the maemo sdk and try to build it22:49
lcukif it works great for you22:50
lcukit can be pushed to extras22:50
lcukand others that follow will be able to find it22:50
johnsqderf: than i know the failure, i do eval(pop, pop).22:50
dastagglcuk: one more followup question please: if those apps were installed, would I be able to rsync the data files22:51
dastaggbetween my laptop and the N900?22:51
lcukwith rsync.. ?22:51
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lcuki use ssh between desktop and nxxx22:51
lcukbut you could setup one of many transport mechanisms22:51
lcuki think the n900 has a pigeon coop port22:52
lcuknote, they have to be small pigeons22:52
dastaggI'm not familiar with that program.22:53
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dastaggbut thank you for the answers about remind and rsync.22:54
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* lcuk rests22:56
lcukcyas later \o22:56
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akshaylbt: Plz check this link- This guy faced the same problem and has done some debugging too.23:01
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lbtakshay: looking BTW23:05
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johnsqaua, people have too much money.
asj_wrk-I want to see the front...23:11
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SpeedEviljohnsq: it was a demo23:12
SpeedEvilIt wasn't a practical project23:12
lcukasj_wrk-, it looks the same as a regular one - down to the typeface, except it sends text messages23:12
SpeedEvilTo do 'cool/ things with the n90023:12
lcukit was really practical23:12
asj_wrk-lcuk: sweet23:13
lcukleave it in the kids room and see how many swear words they try to do23:13
SpeedEvilI mean - it wasn't a practical project in terms of the marketplace.23:13
lcukit was a hack23:13
johnsqlcuk: hehe23:13
* lcuk loves hacking23:13
asj_wrk-I can't imagin typing on the alphabetic key board23:13
lcukim not meant to be here tho23:13
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* lcuk goes again23:14
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johnsqI'm searching a kinetic scroll example source code (if possible in C).23:24
javispedrojohnsq: HildonPannableArea23:24
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johnsqjavispedro: very much gtk, but better than nothing.23:32
javispedrosame I though.23:32
javispedroif you want to read it with "very much C++ and openttd" you can read the implementation of that I made in openttd ;)23:33
javispedrobut it's nearly the same algorithm (the simpler one)23:33
johnsqjavispedro: I want to add it to my picture viewer to scoll the pictures.23:33
javispedrothat's the best sample I could find.23:34
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tush726I am not new to open source but I have read stuff about everything from the linux kernel to embedded systems but personally feel that i have not been able to contribute to any open source project till date . I find maemo very interesting as it involves embedded systems. How do I actually start contributing ?23:35
tush726I am a third year undergraduate Computer Science student23:36
johnsqtush726: that depends on your skills, when you understand C/C++/Python, than look what you miss or dislike with existing projects than try to fix this problem.23:36
keesjor ask, learn, listen, evolve and help people23:37
johnsqtush726: even non developer are a help, find bugs and report them.23:38
SpeedEvilIn many ways it's not an embedded project.23:38
SpeedEvilAt all.23:38
javispedroSpeedEvil: it still gets some of the fun.23:39
SpeedEvilIt's a desktop project that happens to run on a phone.23:39
* javispedro always wondered why coding for pdas is more fun than coding for desktop. 23:39
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javispedrobecause users expect simpler programs? simpler apis? simpler toolkits? because you can take your apps "on the go"?23:39
javispedroI dunno.23:39
johnsqjavispedro: perhaps you can build smaller projects?23:39
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javispedrojohnsq: yeah, that may be it :)23:40
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mk8Hi guys ... I'm test a VirtualPC ready for maemo .... 'cause I am on Linux environment I use VirtualBox to run VirtualPC Image (yes, it run) .... unfortunally I have problem to run Install_Nokia_Binary ...23:52
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mk8The shell wait forever in "99% [8 Packaged gzip 0] ...23:53
mk8anyone can help me?23:53
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