IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2009-09-09

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mecenice, not all idles :D01:23
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GoodStudentwhat software other than PC Suite can I use to access and backup my "stopped to appear" contact list?01:25
meceon what system?01:26
meceerr.. device I mean01:26
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GoodStudentNokia N9701:27
GoodStudentI'm really screwed up01:28
GoodStudentsepcially if I can not get my contacts back01:28
meceno idea. maybe you should try some symbian forums?01:28
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GoodStudenti'm into the symbian channel but doesn't seem like there is any living creatures to answer out there01:29
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GoodStudentall my contact are vanished01:29
woglindeGoodStudent next time make a backup01:29
GoodStudentthere won't be next time if I couldn't get the current contacts list.01:30
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meceGoodStudent if you use ovi then your contacts might be saved there. check it.01:31
GoodStudentwhat is ovi?01:32
meceI on the other hand actually have a maemo sdk related question, so it might be more up this channels alley.01:32
meceGoodStudent http://www.ovi.com01:32
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GoodStudentwhat about those thired parties softwares like oxygen?01:32
meceI'm a big spotify user, and I thought I'd make a simple despotify client for maemo5 while I wait for my N900.01:34
Captain_Picardim a small spotify user!01:36
meceanyway, I built despotify in the sdk, and turns out that there acutally is a maemo client, maemify that seems to somewhat work in maemo01:36
mecebut I was wondering, does one get sound from scratchbox? i built despotify in scratchbox/fremantle and it compiled nicely, and I was able to run everything, and the log said that songs were played.01:37
mecebut no sound.01:37
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meceno errors either, so it seems that despotify works out of the box, atleast with default and simple client01:37
meceyou need a premium account though.01:38
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Captain_Picarddo you need a premium account01:38
mecedunno. spotify demands it. despotify doesn't work with free or even daypass accounts01:39
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meceeither way, does anyone know if you can get sound from fremantle sdk on scratchbox?01:40
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meceno? Well I'm off anyway. have a good one.01:51
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pacopilonline boxing game
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LiraNunaN900 Preorder03:21
LiraNuna$650 o_o03:22
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xnt14LiraNuna, :P03:29
xnt140.o xD03:29
lcukx41far too many lcuks03:29
LiraNunawill it be subsidized by T-Mobile?03:29
xnt14;/nick lcukx4303:29
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lcukx41i know ive been drinking but lol03:30
* xnt14 spent way too much time in the terminal today :P03:30
lcukx41i finally saw onedotzero in action today :)03:30
* lcukx41 was blown away03:30
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lcukx41tiagofalcao[AWAY, fuck off03:31
lcukx41my god laptop is annoying if you delete whole line it gives a death rattling BEEP03:32
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LiraNunalcukx41, you can disable PC speaker03:33
lcukx41you mean without ripping it out i hope03:33
LiraNunahaha no03:33
lcukx41which is my normal course of action03:33
LiraNunajust disable the kernel module03:33
lcukx41mmm should i try while drunk?03:33
lcukx41or best to wait till morning03:33
javispedroyou can, if you remember your root password :)03:34
LiraNunarmmod pcspkr03:34
lcukx41yeah thats easy03:34
LiraNunasudo rmmod pcspkr03:34
lcukx41my root password is xnt14smellsofpee03:34
javispedrowell, depending on the drunkness I say :D03:34
* LiraNuna ssh's and >:Ds03:34
lcukx41holy crap03:35
lcukx41you did it!!!!03:35
lcukx41thank you03:35
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lcukx41now i wont know i pulled the dodgy cord out either03:35
javispedroOH GOD NO03:35
lcukx41normally i can hear that from mars03:35
javispedro :(03:35
LiraNunalcukx41, linux wins03:35
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lcukx41thats not a win, thats a massive fail03:35
endorphinumi am a massive  fail !03:36
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lcukx41actually i want the keyboard electrified and games turning off03:36
lcukx41cos its the kids that screw around with it03:36
lcukx41endorphinum, nahhh03:36
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lcukx41you cant be any worse than me03:36
endorphinumtrbs: :D03:36
endorphinumnah nah! I am the biggest fail of all fails !03:36
lcukx41i cant believe i managed to enter the password correct and can seemingly type on this keyboard03:36
endorphinumi cant believe i managed to type and read at the same time !03:37
derfThe problem I have is my laptop beeps on startup before the local initscript runs that rmmods pcspkr.03:37
lcukx41but thats cos im concentrating and cannot move hands off anyway cos ive got no mouse and i hate touching artificial nipples03:37
* javispedro sighs03:37
lcukx41derf, thats not a problem03:37
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lcukx41its just backspace makes it go BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP03:37
derfWell, I think my final solution was to rm -f pcspkr.03:37
lcukx41when line empty03:37
lcukx41i normally go with hardware mods03:37
derfpcspkr.ko, that is.03:37
lcukx41i wouldnt mind it was more reasonable03:38
derfWell, there's also this thing called "visual bell".03:38
lcukx41is that a picture of george bush?03:38
endorphinumLet me start where i finished this afternoon: anyone in here owning a n810 and willing to test out the latest mojocafe site ?03:38
derfAlthough that can have its own annoyances if implemented poorly.03:38
LiraNuna<derf> Well, there's also this thing called "visual bell". < that's even more horrible than PC speaker03:38
javispedroendorphinum, I have one, but what do you want to test?03:39
lcukx41does it blind you03:39
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endorphinumjavi: http://m.mojocafe.net03:39
lcukx41mojocafe is a site of flash widgets03:39
LiraNunait can trigger epileptic seizure03:39
lcukx41very nice idea03:39
LiraNunaEither your screenresolution could not be detected or your gadget screen size is not supported by the MOJOCAFE.03:39
LiraNunait can't detect 1920x1080?03:39
endorphinumjavi: enter 31-nlft as code03:39
lcukx41why enter a code03:40
luke-jrendorphinum: Flash = fail03:40
derfWell, the problem I've had with visual bell is not the flashing, but that in some implementations it will freeze all input for multiple seconds if you accidentally hold down a key too long.03:40
endorphinumLira: LOL - you have to check it with your mobile device03:40
javispedroah, so I better enable flash03:40
derfBut whatever I'm using now doesn't do that.03:40
lcukx41endorphinum, my laptop is a mobile device03:40
lcukx41it has 3g broadbnd03:40
LiraNunaendorphinum, never seen a laptop with 1920x1080?03:40
endorphinumluke: i know, i had that discussion allready one year ago. But as no one else developed something similiar i am still depending on Flash :(03:40
derfI can't remember if that's because I configured it properly at some point, or it just didn't suck to begin with.03:40
luke-jrendorphinum: nonsense03:40
lcukx41endorphinum, :) liqbase03:40
javispedro"Playlist created by John Doe"03:41
endorphinumlcukx: yeah, but the service is mainly mentioned for small mobile devices :D  .... gear <= netbooks03:41
endorphinumjavi: do you see the full screen clocks ?03:41
lcukx41but whats up with lettin it be seen.usd on bigger03:41
lcukx41is it illegal03:41
luke-jrlcukx41: liqbase is not an alternative for Flash03:42
LiraNunaanyone saw/used N900 yet03:42
javispedroit just disappeared03:42
lcukx41luke-jr, why not03:42
endorphinumjavi: thanks a lot. sounds better then i thought.03:42
lcukx41it has vectors and code03:42
javispedroand now it says "Spicing up your device"03:42
lcukx41and can do pretty much anyw=thing03:42
lcukx41oh, and its better than flash :P03:42
endorphinumjavi: doesnt it stop ? it should only play the clocks03:42
lcukx41cos it can do fullscreen tear free updating ;)03:42
javispedroendorphinum: there are scroll bars though03:42
luke-jrendorphinum: there is nothing Flash can do that ECMAscript cannot03:42
javispedroit seems you used 800x480 res but the browser window is a bit smaller because of toolbars03:42
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luke-jrlcukx41: it lacks browser support03:43
endorphinumjavi: i know. you have to change it manually into full screen. i am still too dumb to develop a browser app for maemo :(03:43
lcukx41luke-jr, then write a browser in it ffs03:43
luke-jrendorphinum: also, assuming users have their browser maximized = fail03:43
lcukx41you are thinking the wrong way round ;)03:43
javispedroendorphinum, not only that, but disabling toolbar when fullscreen03:43
endorphinumluke-jr: can ECMAscript assimilate with my brain so that i develop the whole project within 48 hours for maemo ?03:43
LiraNunainstead of scaling up, why don't you scale down?03:43
lcukx41LiraNuna, i am03:43
luke-jrendorphinum: Qt could ;)03:43
javispedrowith that, it fills the screen nicely, no scrollbars.03:43
lcukx41#all liqbase stuff is standalone apps03:43
lcukx41go see the onedotzeroa= app i just got to see myself today03:44
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lcukx41its fucking amazing03:44
lcukx41my app was controlling a massive projected display03:44
lcukx41its awesome03:44
javispedroendorphinum, so, anything else ? :D03:44
endorphinumyou ppl can not imagine how desperatyl i would like to develop a framework based on the "standard" browser but realy... MY BRAIN IS JUST AS SMALL AS MY JINGLE BELLS ARE.... doh *crying*03:44
endorphinumjavi: nah thanks a lot mate. That will let me sleep easier now03:45
javispedrowant a screenshot?03:45
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lcukx41javispedro, its better than i thought03:45
lcukx41its fluid and the app is rock solid03:45
lcukx41and it runs like a dream on the n90003:46
javispedrolcuk*, is that a n900 video? :D hope so03:46
* javispedro still waiting for vimeo to load03:46
lcukx41which, might i add is fucking awesome too (got hands on real one for the first time03:46
lcukx41hell yeah03:46
lcukx41much nicer than my prototype03:46
* lcukx41 huggles his proto03:46
lcukx41i nearly nicked the shiny one :$03:46
lcukx41this is gonna kick ass tomorrow night (grand opening of the exhibit03:47
lcukx41i just have to fix the profanity filter03:47
lcukx41it ummm blocks "hello"03:47
lcukx41cos it has hell in it03:47
javispedroand "fk" :)03:47
lcukx41it was fun coming up with the word list03:48
javispedrolcukx41: clbuttic!!03:48
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lcukx41you read dailywtf too03:49
javispedroone of the few sites I read with full articles in the rss feed03:49
lcukx41i go there03:49
lcukx41i like the coments03:49
lcukx41the community are ocol03:49
lcukx41cool even03:49
javispedro(no wonder: they're slightly pro-microsoft)03:50
lcukx41my god i can barely type tonight03:50
lcukx41doesnt matter03:50
lcukx41ms has done a great many good tihngs03:50
lcukx41and kept a lot of people in jobs03:50
* lcukx41 will not say a bad word about ms03:50
javispedrolol today's sidebar wtf about semantic extraction is priceless03:51
lcukx41lol i didnt see03:51
lcukx41been too busy getting onedotzero reayd03:51
lcukx41to the detrement of the playground03:51
lcukx41it crashes now03:51
lcukx41im really upset03:51
javispedro(that was the wtf)03:51
javispedroIf you look at the pros of AIDS (yes, it thinks here are pros to having AIDS), it comically lists the “Spanish Civil War.” rofl03:52
* lcukx41 facepalms03:53
lcukx41is it safe to go walking the streets of london03:53
lcukx41ive walked the streets of every other city ive been in03:53
javispedrothey've tried to steal your n900 twice? no wonder :)03:54
lcukx41no i stole one03:54
lcukx41i walked off with it03:54
javispedrowell done, we may even accept you in our evil we-dont-have-an-n900 club for that03:54
lcukx41sermad and karsten were worried my hacker device would intefere lol03:54
lcukx41i dont have an n900 tho03:55
lcukx41i nearly do03:55
lcukx41its like an n899.503:55
lcukx41in its cacoon waiting to emerge03:55
lcukx41i hope jussi brings enough devices to let me nab one :D03:55
lcukx41mmmmmmm room services03:56
* lcukx41 fell asleep on the train!03:56
lcukx41i manage to not fall asleep on the plane or anything03:56
* xnt14 shoots jubilee in the head......03:56
xnt14finally, its up.... ;)03:56
lcukx41im goin walkin03:57
lcukx41seeing what i can find03:57
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Macerholy crap04:02
Macerlike writing to the external sd through a usb cable04:02
Maceris topping out the n810 cpu04:02
Macerat 2MB/s ?04:02
Maceri should hve just pulled the microsd and shoved it into a damn usb reader04:03
endorphinumok guys. gotta go - still have some mojos to develop. hugs and thanks for your big support. have a good day a good night a good life.04:04
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Macermaybe it is just the way debian is using the sd?04:07
Maceri'm only getting 5-6MB/s in the adapter on avg04:08
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Robot101Macer: usb is designed to use as much CPU as possible - Intel made it after all :P04:34
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_toticHi I have an old N770 how far can I upgrade it?04:43
_toticthe OS I mean04:43
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GeneralAntillesOS2008HE or Mer04:46
infobotsomebody said mer was, or on #mer04:47
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_toticoh the knew ones will run on it?04:49
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usulwhat does the 768 MB "virtual mem" on n900 consist of?  slow flash?05:15
GeneralAntillesA swap partition on the 32GB eMMC.05:16
usuli hate ppl saying it has 1gb memory05:17
javispedrooh, here even Nokia says it has 1gb RAM.05:18
javispedroso you'd hate Nokia :)05:18
GeneralAntillesWell, Nokia says it has 1GB of application memory.05:18
GeneralAntillesIn some locales it's more or less clear about what that means, though.05:18
GeneralAntillesIt's the retarded marketing department being retarded again.05:18
usulfine.  ill increase swap size and sell "2GB" versions on ebay for 100eu markup05:19
javispedroonly the geeks will care about that, and geeks will know about the issue.05:20
usulnp.  i can order them as i sell em05:21
javispedrowell, gnite :D05:21
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GeneralAntillesAnyway, the eMMC should be pretty quick.05:21
usul1/2  million views on n900 youtube05:24
ShadowJKyou'd need heavy modifications to linux to make swap on SD/MMC of any type fast05:24
usulyou say eMMC is faster than my n810 minisd?05:25
usultop row of keys on n900 looks pressable05:27
usulbut it's close05:27
* ShadowJK had completely forgotten about top row on n81005:27
ShadowJKI guess it just took a few weeks to get used to it05:28
ShadowJKluke-jr, alot of people push on the bottom screen bezel when trying to hit the top row05:28
usulneed to orient thumbs vertically05:28
luke-jrI just showed someone my Zaurus SL-C760 the other day. Even after I've grown used to the N810's kb, the Zaurus one is still like a dream in comparison05:28
usulif thumbs kept flat, no chance05:29
* ShadowJK still has not seen a device with better keyboard than Nokia E/005:29
ShadowJKunfortunately the joystick on it is crap and has rendered the device unusable now :)05:29
luke-jrE70 doesn't look too usable05:29
luke-jrlook at that sweet kb05:30
usulthe screen prevented me from buying a yaurus05:30
luke-jrusul: ...05:30
usuloh the fancy 640x480 zaurus05:31
luke-jrif someone makes a handheld with N900-like specs, with open spec hardware and a Zaurus like kb, I'm buying05:31
usullook at all the space a clamshell buys you05:31
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usulstill, a landscape clamshell phone... wouldnt sell05:36
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usulnice job on maemo 5 browser ui05:37
divide_b1_zerohow do I check what version of Maemo is currently installed in my system?05:37
usuluname -a05:39
divide_b1_zerooh, thanks :)05:40
divide_b1_zero47.3 is the latest, right?05:42
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usulmine says 47-305:55
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divide_b1_zerogreat, thanks...05:55
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usulwahha  it's Quim on youtube! :)  but he doesnt say nuthin :)06:00
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usuloh there he goes :)06:01
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GAN800Quim is such a creeper in that video.06:05
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Firebirddoesn't he say he's taking a picture? and explains the rest of that....06:07
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* usul still has never bought a phone yet :)06:19
usulpage scrolling on n900 browser looks great06:20
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HeckleJecklehas anyone been able to successfully patch and compile Xephyr for ubuntu07:07
HeckleJeckleseem to be missing a step07:07
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johnxHeckleJeckle, why doesn't the packaged version work? what is it missing?07:10
HeckleJeckleJohnX, a known bug that cause Xephyr to crash when clicking on textview areas07:11
HeckleJeckletheres a patch that is reported to work, but I can't get it to compile, thought I might be missing something07:12
johnxdid you start with the ubuntu source package and patch that or something else?07:12
HeckleJecklei apt-get source xserver-xephyr and apt-get all necassary dev packages07:13
HeckleJecklethe patch is at:
HeckleJecklesorry, meant
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johnxhuh. could you pastebin the part where it fails to build?07:14
HeckleJecklesure, let me run it atain07:14
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HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c: In function ‘DGAProcessPointerEvent’:07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c:1090: error: ‘de’ undeclared (first use in this function)07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c: In function ‘DGAHandleEvent’:07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c:1189: error: ‘dgaEvent’ undeclared (first use in this function)07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c:1189: error: ‘de’ undeclared (first use in this function)07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c:1189: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c:1211: error: too many arguments to function ‘DGAProcessKeyboardEvent’07:21
HeckleJecklexf86DGA.c:1214: error: too many arguments to function ‘DGAProcessPointerEvent’07:21
infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
fernand0_HeckleJeckle, check this ubuntu ppa
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HeckleJecklethanks johnx, i'll learn pastebin next time. Thanks fernand0, that'll work for now!07:26
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* lcukx41 waves at johnx07:26
johnx\o/ @ lcukx4107:27
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lcukx41:D i have no idea how or why i am awake07:28
lcukx41i should technically be sleeping off an excellent successful launch test evening of the onedotzero interactive exhibit07:28
lcukx41which uses liqbase as its engine :)07:29
lcukx41johnx, the app ran perfectly from start to finish :)07:29
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brbrbrMatrix has you :)07:29
lcukx41full battery draining goodness07:29
brbrbrand Maemo ;)07:29
johnxlcukx41, fantastic :D07:29
johnxno real surprise coming from you though ;)07:30
johnxany video?07:30
brbrbrprOn ?07:30
lcukx41not from last night, but theres example vid somewhere, just a mo07:30
lcukx41tech porn yeah07:30
brbrbrwhat i mean :)07:30
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lcukx41johnx i was so proud to see the first ever polished liqbase app :)07:32
brbrbrgood video07:33
* brbrbr horny07:33
lcukx41i had developed it almost blind and whilst knew technically it would work and validated all areas as i went along never actually saw it all together07:33
lcukx41you have only seen a small part of it there :) tis great07:33
lcukx41you can come down to londons nft southbank and hve a play07:33
lcukx41its running on nokia n90007:33
johnxwow. sooo, I assume Nokia had a big hand in this and had been planning to have you do this for a while?07:34
johnxsure as heck wasn't last minute :)07:34
lcukx41i was asked recently and as you know ive been building the liqbase engine all along07:34
lcukx41its geared to do fast responsive apps07:35
lcukx41you only ever see what i can do with it :) i am so proud to finally see what its really capable of07:35
lcukx41and the hardware on the n900 makes it even better07:35
lcukx41the accelerometer is amaxing07:35
lcukx41i never thought i would need/want it07:35
lcukx41but i can see uses for it in lots of areas07:35
lcukx41amazing ^07:36
johnxand all that without even using textured polygons. :D07:36
johnxthat's pretty freaking slick07:36
lcukx41those will come later07:36
lcukx41have yo useen javispedro going to the core of opengles07:36
lcukx41i want rotatable liq* apps07:37
lcukx41and know ill get then with a decent polyfill and texturemapper - which gles can provide07:37
lcukx41so if i replace the engine underneath all my existing liq* apps should just evolve :)07:38
johnxso how long has this been in the works?07:38
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johnxwas this even before the Danish weekend?07:38
lcukx41i was first contacted about 6-8 weeks ago07:38
johnxwow. darn short notice, huh?07:38
johnxor were they working on it on their own?07:39
lcukx41not on this07:39
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lcukx41ive been working on liqbase for ages, you know that07:39
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* lcukx41 ponders - it might be a bit longer07:39
lcukx41ive been working solidly on this tho07:39
johnxyeah, but this is some pretty deep changes/enhancements to it isn't it?07:39
lcukx41making sure its solid and reliable and polished07:39
lcukx41they are standard liq* screens07:39
lcukx41just with nice graphics07:40
johnxcomplete with that 3D perspective stuff?07:40
johnxand accelerometer control?07:40
lcukx41accelerometer control i had when i was in denmark07:40
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lcukx41ive been learning about the accel since the wiki page first went up07:40
johnxand is that N900 hooked up to the projector running the whole thing? or is it remote control?07:40
lcukx41i wrote a tiny liq* widget and have had it on my playground since07:41
lcukx41just wondering what to use it for07:41
lcukx41you should see liqflow07:41
lcukx41its impressive07:41
lcukx41and runs on n810 too07:41
lcukx41(tho no accel element007:41
lcukx41liqbase-playground is in extras devel07:41
johnxwell, I have a couple accelerometer-enabled input devices here :>07:41
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lcukx41yeah well make some symlinks and compatible input areas and play07:42
radicqwerty12_N810: you'r here?07:42
lcukx41on this n899.5 i have here, liqflow is a starfield07:42
lcukx41and the stars always fall towards earth07:42
lcukx41down like rain07:42
johnxso that demo with the 3D text isn't even using GL?07:42
lcukx41you can draw strokes and the stars follow the contours of your stroke07:43
lcukx41thats not the n900 :)07:43
lcukx41the n900 is just a control unit07:43
johnxright, that's what I asked a minute ago :P07:43
johnxso what's it running on?07:43
lcukx41its good, but not that good lol07:43
lcukx41the display is written in processing07:44
lcukx41and that preview runs from his laptop07:44
lcukx41tomorrow and for the few days it will be projected onto the side of the bfp southbank07:44
johnxaaah, so the control point part is liq* and the display part is all processing?07:44
lcukx41and it will be using some heckabeefy quadcore jobbies07:44
johnxgot it07:45
lcukx41we talk using a lovely lan broadcast network library07:45
lcukx41could use the same library for allowing devices to talk on a lan and do gaming etc07:45
johnxstill, I need to get you some info on the fb format for this little PPC box I have :D07:45
lcukx41but it happily deals with the transport and data type parsing07:45
lcukx41heh yeah07:46
* lcukx41 would like to see liqbase somewhere other than nXXX and this duffer of a laptop07:46
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JoeBrainlcukx41: how do you find the performance of Processing?07:50
lcukx41i dunno07:50
lcukx41i dont touch it07:50
lcukx41im less impressed by desktop07:50
JoeBrainHave you tried Adobe AIR applications or whatever?07:51
lcukx41i said in tmo the other day - i was more impressed at seeing 2 rotating boxes on n10 than i have been at full glorious 3d ondesktop devices07:51
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JoeBrainah i see, yeah embedded is fun, but I need to write a desktop app & wasn't sure if Processing would deal with massive data sets well07:52
lcukx41oh yes07:52
lcukx41its amazing in that regard07:52
lcukx41as you see from the video07:52
lcukx41that was run on his laptop07:52
JoeBrainMissed the link I think :(07:52
JoeBrainThanks :)07:52
JoeBrainTime to go home :) spent too much time in the office, & productivity goes down when I'm on IRC hehe07:55
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radicthere are files anywhere else except /home/user that should backuped?07:56
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lcukx41radic, ?07:57
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johnxradic, reflashing? might want to back up /etc if you want to keep system configuration07:59
radicok, solved07:59
radicnot solved...07:59
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lcukx41whats problem07:59
radicthe backup-tool dosn't work ...08:00
lcukx41what do you mean08:01
radicit stops with "error occured"08:02
lcukx41out of space to store ?08:02
RST38hit needs a sacrifice.08:03
lcukx41first born, or n899.5?08:03
RST38hActually, I know why it may stop, even if there is enough space.08:03
RST38hlcuk: n899.5 to me, first born to the backup tool.08:03
RST38hradic: If any of the config files you are backing up contains '@' (and modest config usually does) backup will fail.08:04
lcukx41heh ok08:05
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radicRST38h: no, the @ in the filename was not the problem08:13
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RST38hnot in the filename08:14
RST38hin the XML config file08:14
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chxhi. anyone has the full size SD adapter? i try to install it and the mini SD adapter does not click in place. i can feel it going as deep it can and does not click :(08:22
lcukx41:( chx08:23
chx this here.08:23
lcukx41i have not got one08:23
lcukx41send a mail to craves108:24
lcukx41im sure he ill help08:24
lcukx41he will08:24
chxyeah no doubt08:24
chxjust hoped someone is here who did this before08:24
* lcukx41 likes his hardware mods08:24
lcukx41its a bit quiet atm08:24
lcukx41you could wake em up tho08:25
lcukx41just offer em a free n900 to the person who gets it working lol08:25
zerojayPCFree N900? Where?08:25
* zerojayPC gently falls back to sleep/idle.08:26
lcukx41theres some at the bfi southbank today08:26
lcukx41and you can get hold of em and play08:26
lcukx41tho no doubt there will be big burly guards08:26
lcukx41and black helicopters08:26
lcukx41why does google suggest testicular cancer as the first thing when you type "test"08:27
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RST38hbecause Google cares!08:29
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johnxenlightened self interest: users who die of testicular cancer view far fewer ads08:31
RST38hsame amount, I guess, until they die08:32
johnxthat's what I said :)08:33
johnxI was purposefully avoiding the past perfect to emphasize the android-like logic involved :P08:34
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johnxbeing an english teacher of inquisitive students gives one lots of opportunities to consider *why* we say things the way we do. I recommend it :)08:36
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johnxallo myrtti08:40
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myrttiallo allo08:41
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chxhumm the tablet recognized the 32GB card.08:42
chxdid not click but still.08:42
johnxrockin' :)08:42
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chxthe N810 audio jack, how can i connect a normal headphone? i presume it's some sort of trick to be able to accomodate a mic and speakers too08:50
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chxor is it a normal 3.5 speaker jack?08:50
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chx i see.08:51
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msh_normal headphones work08:54
RST38hAnyone knows what STMIA with the empty register list may mean?08:55
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RST38hOh wait it is simply ARM32 code shown as THUMB08:57
RST38hForget it08:57
chxsexually transmitted missing in action? that does not sound too bad.08:57
* chx runs08:57
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RST38hHmmm...omebody seems to be using wrong LDM encoding09:00
RST38h0xBEFF where 1011L10Rrrrrrrrr is mandated09:01
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newbie002Hi, I'm wondering if it would be possible to.. use a flat laser to scan the inside of a room, then associate that room with a gps coord. Then using something like blender super impose images in the model, then have the OS recognise where it is and then display and the rotate the model in coordination of the actual device09:09
RST38hwhat is flat laser09:10
newbie002a laser pointer with a lense that makes a flat line09:10
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newbie002this ability already exists, mostly to scan in a 3d model09:10
newbie002what I want is augmented reality09:11
Myrttinewbie002: lidar?09:12
tigertmoi Myrtti09:14
Myrttialso, this is a bit broad question for this channel09:15
Myrttitigert: ehlo09:15
RST38hnewbie: the answer is "yes it would be possible but not in this life"09:15
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* tigert likes hdspa09:20
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* Stskeeps would too but needs to find a better data plan in .pl09:26
newbie002Myrtti: not familiar with lidar, I'll look into it. I don't know maemo at all,09:27
newbie002I just found out about the n900, and ordered one09:27
newbie002what I would like to do is super impose a green line over the corners and edges of a room09:28
Myrttinewbie002: Radiohead - H09:29
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newbie002a band?09:30
Myrttinewbie002: Radiohead - House of Cards09:30
newbie002I don't know to what your reffering, perhaps a music video?09:30
newbie002I don't watch any tv, ever since I learned about wtc7. the boob-tube is off09:30
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MaceN8x0good morningish10:23
ProteousI mean, mornin10:23
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Proteousdon't read jerkcity I guess10:23
MaceN8x0must have been speaking ukranian10:24
Proteousjust typing on my outdated n9710:24
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MaceN8x0didnt they release it like a year ago?10:25
MaceN8x0my n810 is older than that and i use it 10x more than my G110:25
MaceN8x0didnt they take steps backwards with N97?10:26
MaceN8x0got rid of 3D accel10:26
Proteousmy n810 gets a lot of use as a podcaast playback device10:26
MaceN8x0and other stuff?10:27
MaceN8x0i watch mp4s on mine all the time10:27
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MaceN8x0i think it does a good job of playing video10:27
MaceN8x016G is quite a bit of space for it too10:27
Proteousthr n97 does better10:28
MaceN8x0my N95 did great video10:28
MaceN8x0i miss it10:28
Proteouswell it can playback higher rez/bitrate video10:28
MaceN8x0too bad att had a penis in nokia's ass10:28
MaceN8x0i didnt have to scale down on the n9510:29
Proteouswhat happend to your n9510:29
MaceN8x0sold it after i got rid of att10:29
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MaceN8x0tmob has a different 3G freq10:29
Proteouswho are you with now10:29
* timeless_mbp sighs10:29
* timeless_mbp kicks someone10:29
MaceN8x0wasnt worth it in only edge10:29
MyrttiN95 ♥10:30
ProteousI use my n97 in edge mode10:30
MaceN8x0awesome phone10:30
MaceN8x0Proteous, i couldnt do it10:30
Proteousdon't really do much web browsing10:30
MaceN8x0yeah but once you get used to the speed10:31
MaceN8x0you simply cant go back10:31
Proteousand a constant ssh connection on 3g eats battery fast10:31
MaceN8x0but att 3G was horrible10:31
MaceN8x0yeah heh10:31
MaceN8x0i really just use my G1 as a modem10:31
MaceN8x0are N900s for sale now?10:31
Proteousjust preorder10:31
MaceN8x0i want to buy one if it supports tmob10:32
Proteousit does10:32
MaceN8x0the preorder curse10:32
Proteousit is tmoble 3g freq10:32
MaceN8x0does that mean they wont be available for a year?10:32
MaceN8x0so ive heard10:32
Proteousdespite much nashing of teeth of att customers10:32
lcukx41i hope not10:32
MaceN8x0but it would suck to spend 70010:32
MaceN8x0fuck att10:32
lcukx41i finally saw a real n900 last night10:33
MaceN8x0i hope they go bankrupt10:33
lcukx41makes me n899.5 look poor in comparison10:33
lcukx41the build quality on those things is hot (H)10:33
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lcukx41well its got the innards of an n900 but not a pretty shell10:33
MaceN8x0lcuk2, how is battery?10:33
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lcukx41i dunno, im running a firmware build which is almost a year old10:34
MaceN8x0opengles right?10:34
lcukx41i still need access to the public sdk repository10:34
MaceN8x0im anxious to buy one10:35
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lcukx41everyone is10:35
lcukx41i also got hands on an n97 mini last night too10:35
MaceN8x0although, i am still waiting on my touchbook preorder ;)10:35
lcukx41they are strange beasts10:35
MaceN8x0which is why i dont really care much for preordering10:35
ProteousI just need to find someone who wants to buy a slightly used n9710:35
Myrttioh lord, I'm trying to fight my urge to preorder N90010:36
lcukx41i still wanna know when we hack those n97s and get maemo/mer on em10:36
MaceN8x0i sold my n95 for 150 a month ago10:36
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lcukx41it would be quite a coup10:36
MaceN8x0ironic though10:36
Proteousbah, the n97 cpu is too slow10:36
lcukx41well, linux is meant to work everywhere10:36
MaceN8x0nokia would probably applaud it10:36
lcukx41it seems odd we dont taret our brothers and sisters10:37
Proteouscompared to the n90010:37
lcukx41some in nokia may applaud it, others will think its a virus10:37
MaceN8x0n900 is a beast10:37
lcukx41and a civil war will erupt10:37
MaceN8x0lcuk2, haha10:37
RST38hlcuk: no mmu -> no linux10:37
lcukx41that bad10:38
RST38hor very limited pseudo linux at least10:38
lcukx41i thought the primary reason was resolution10:38
* lcukx41 doesnt care about that tho10:38
lcukx41i just want tux on other nokia devices10:38
MaceN8x0use gentoo10:38
Proteousjust  n900 for me plz10:39
MaceN8x0wow was that a week of my life i will never get back10:39
MaceN8x0gentoo was fail10:39
lcukx41i just had most expensive breakfast ever10:39
* timeless_mbp rotfl10:39
Proteoussure blame it on the distro10:39
MaceN8x0Proteous, damn straight10:39
lcukx41why not, everyone else does10:39
Proteoushow much is that in US dollars?10:40
lcukx41about 6 gazillion10:40
MaceN8x0was it a good breakfast?10:40
Proteouswas it good at least10:40
RST38h"...and the Tux kept coming to him for three nights. And on the third night, he finally succumbed to Tux and lay with Him, and felt that it was good."10:40
Proteousbow chicha chicha bow10:40
MaceN8x0same deal10:40
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MaceN8x0overpriced and overrated10:41
lcukx41mornin lbt10:41
lcukx41i wouldnt normally know10:41
lcukx41but my name wasnt on the list10:41
MaceN8x0airports are bad for that10:41
lcukx41:D unlike last night10:41
MaceN8x0at ohare the food sucks10:41
lcukx41i went to a club with a big list and when i said my name she didnt even have to check the list10:41
MaceN8x0and is not a good representation of the city10:41
lcukx41big underground club with loads of people and the onedotzero identity on the wall being played with10:42
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lcukx41test run for the big one tonight10:42
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lcukx41it worked with only one flaw10:42
lcukx41the profanity filter wanted to prevent "hell"10:42
lcukx41so no1 could write hello10:42
* lcukx41 facepalmed10:42
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RST38hEHLO would work though10:43
lcukx41:D lol10:43
lcukx41i bet HELLO wouldv too10:43
Proteousso would OMGHI2U!10:44
* lcukx41 doesnt see the point in profanity filter10:44
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lcukx41but its a massive interaction - probably visible from roads somewhere10:44
lcukx41but the word list comes from some site somewhere, so theres probably a zillion ways round it10:44
* Proteous fu*************************'s10:45
lcukx41fu is blocked :P10:45
lcukx41so no fun10:45
lcukx41oh, no its not10:45
lcukx41there was one similar10:45
RST38hdoes it work in unicode?10:45
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lcukx41if you can enter unicode into liqbase then im sure it will get past the filter10:45
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Proteouscharacter encoding exploits ftw10:46
RST38hthen it is easy to fool10:46
lcukx41but since liqbase doesnt support unicode10:46
lcukx41thats a bit difficult10:46
RST38hjust use cyrillics for EPTOADHKXCBM10:46
lcukx41all hail the hypntoad10:46
RST38hhere you go10:48
lcukx41you dont have to tell me10:48
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Proteousthe text encoding for this terminal is wack10:52
MaceN8x0RST38h, hahaha10:53
MaceN8x0that is awesome10:54
Proteousyeah, software updates are hard in linux10:55
RST38hand no Windows Live10:55
MaceN8x0Linux is safer than Windows. Fact. INCORRECT10:55
MaceN8x0doesnt ubuntu and like... debian10:55
MaceN8x0and rh10:55
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MaceN8x0have software updating?10:56
MaceN8x0like the same way as win?10:56
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MyrttiMaceN8x0: er, better.10:56
RST38hwindows software updates are somewhat of a mess10:57
MaceN8x0well, it is odd that ms would go through the trouble10:57
gomiamRST38h: s/somewhat/all/ :P10:57
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MaceN8x0is linux seriously that much of a threat10:58
MaceN8x0figured they would target osx10:58
gomiamMaceN8x0: yes, because it changes the nature of the game10:58
RST38hgomiam: well they are not completely crazy10:58
gomiamOS X they can compete against, it's a private company with propietary software you have to pay for10:58
infobotgomiam meant: OS X they can compete against, it's a  company with propietary software you have to pay for10:58
MaceN8x0i dont see how10:59
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MaceN8x0linux is years old10:59
MaceN8x0and still has a very small share10:59
VeggenMac: Simple. "Linux" can use years to improve, and not go bankrupt.10:59
glass_MaceN8x0: think of it this way, you got money and budget and people who have to do some pr to some way or else they'll be sacked eventually10:59
glass_as to why "target" anything10:59
Myrttithere's no Mac OS X netbook10:59
gomiamLinux they can't fight against. If they bought all the companies selling Linux distirbutions, there would still be distributions to use.10:59
VeggenCanonical, RedHat et al can go bankrupt, but their code will live.10:59
Myrttithey don't need to target it10:59
MaceN8x0Veggen, fair point11:00
glass_advertisement targetting isn't that well thought of usually, especially when a company doesn't really need need it..11:00
MaceN8x0i mean but to go store to store11:00
Meiz_n810 xDD11:00
MaceN8x0sending a rep with a misinformed biased questionaire11:00
glass_the rep might well have made up the stuff himself11:01
Meiz_n810see the "Windows works with more devices" picture of that arcticle11:01
RST38hwhat percentage of desktops run linux?11:01
MaceN8x0seems petty11:01
VeggenActually, for many slightly curious people who has barely heard about Linux, I guess that sales pitch *will* work.11:01
Veggenthat's the reason we need to refute such things.11:02
MaceN8x0Veggen, still seems petty11:02
gomiamVeggen: actually, I think if someone starts talking about something I don't know and tells me not to use it, I might get curious about it and test it11:02
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RST38hgomiam: never ever taste cyanides11:02
glass_besides, sales people themselfs don't quite often have much technical knoweledge-. if they had they wouldn't need to do shit sales work11:02
RST38hgot it?11:02
gomiamRST38h: I already did. Fortunately, the bitter almond I ate didn't have enough to do more than give me some stomach ache :D11:03
MaceN8x0glass, so so true11:03
MaceN8x0although some people get a kick out of sales11:03
RST38hgomiam: bigger amounts are deadly, do not consume!11:03
gomiamRST38h: I don't need to try that. Small quantities are disturbing enough :D11:04
RST38hMace: but the do not work on the floor of Best buy11:04
glass_hehe yeah11:04
glass_selling fighter planes for example, that wouldn't be so sucky i suppose11:04
Veggengomiam: you're not a typical user.11:04
MaceN8x0i like the way they categorize it as11:04
MaceN8x0"such as an alternate os like linux"11:05
gomiamVeggen: yeah, everyone tells me I'm weird. I think it's something having to do with everybody else, of course :P11:05
MaceN8x0that was magical11:05
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RST38hglass: Selling fighter planes to Saudis11:05
MaceN8x0as if windows is what is meant to be run on a system11:05
RST38hglass: Good food, camel races in the desert, expensive cars, private jet... =011:05
Veggengomiam: As in - most people in here might be like you, but your average windows user has been taught to not be curious and just accept for very many years.11:06
gomiamVeggen:I know, I was just joking about it :)11:06
inzrst38h, joys of polygamy...11:06
VeggenI did a Windows-to-Ubuntu-conversion yesterday. Target user was a prime target: Non-advanced, 5-6 well-defined tasks, all of which can be done in Ubuntu.11:06
gomiamVeggen: yup, those are usually the easiest ones11:07
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VeggenI rarely do things like that, but my girlfriend was about to clean up her Vista computer, and she's not that profient in Windows either. And I figure as long as you'll still have to help them, you're better off giving them Linux :)11:08
gomiamand if you manage to somewhat resemble the Windows desktop look, you've already gone most of the way too.11:08
gomiamVeggen: I try to be more subrepticious11:08
RST38hinz: ...and bestiality...11:08
gomiamI install Open Office11:08
gomiamInfra Recorder11:08
gomiamFirefox and Thunderbird11:08
gomiamso they get used to not having to either pay or wonder whether a new update will get Microsoft all WGA on their asses :)11:09
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gomiamunfortunately, none of them want Pidgin yet, but I'm still working on that (maybe I should install aMSN)11:10
infobotgomiam meant: unfortunately, none of them wants Pidgin yet, but I'm still working on that (maybe I should install aMSN)11:11
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gomiamanyway, time to try and find out which DLLs are missing at the XP laptop I'm fixing...11:13
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vladovghaving question11:51
wazdHello all :)11:51
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vladovgdi exsist app theth control the cpu clock11:52
wazdPalm is surprisingly stupid to release smartphone without WiFi11:52
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vladovgtested power manager and its not working fine11:52
RST38hmoo  wazd11:53
RST38h who needs wifi when you have got an all you can eat 3g contract?11:53
vladovgnew model11:53
vladovgor pre11:53
vladovgay need11:53
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wazdRST38h: well, to surf at home for example :)12:00
wazdvladovg: new "Pixi"12:00
wazdRST38h: I don't think that WiFi chip costs loads of cash12:01
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lcukx41vladovg, what device are you wanting cpu control on12:07
floriangood morning12:08
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X-Fade            $_MIDCOM->relocate("event/list_registrations/{$this->_event->guid}/");12:12
X-FadeOops ;)12:12
lcukx41vladovg, what device are you wanting cpu control on12:13
lcukx41mornin again lbt12:13
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lcukx41hi X-Fade12:13
lcukx41and florian12:13
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lbthey lcukx4112:13
* lcukx41 is doomed12:13
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* lbt is building Qt using the OBS acceleration (native gcc running in armel qemu generating armel code)12:14
lcukx41johnx and i were talking about ps3 earlier12:14
RST38hBTW, how will Clutter live with Qt? I though Clutter was a GLib-dependent "technology"?12:14
lcukx41it would be good to use all 8 or so cores of it for qt builds ;)12:14
lbtRST38h: clutter is for Gtk AFAIUI12:15
lbtQt has an animation framework and GL integration12:15
lbtwhich I think would be the native way12:15
RST38hSo, Clutter will die by Q4/2010?12:15
Corsacclutter will die by qt412:16
lbtwell, Moblin uses it12:16
lcukx41i thought clutter was standalone12:16
lcukx41then had a gtk bit added on12:16
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RST38hlcuk: It seems to be all dependent on GLib12:16
RST38hGObjects etc12:16
thpwell, depending in GLib isn't really the same as depending on Gtk+12:16
lbtQt and GObjects co-exist12:16
RST38hC programmers desperately trying to simulate C++ in C12:16
thpeven symbian has GLib, I think12:16
andreclutter is standalone afaik. that's why there's e.g. a clutter-gtk package12:17
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RST38hlbt: Yes but is there point in that?12:17
andreand you can plug qt into the glib mainloop12:17
RST38handre: the quesiton is though: will harmattan still use clutter?12:17
lbtRST38h: the point is choice really12:17
andredon't know...12:17
lcukx41it may still be a viable backend because it nicely handles talking to gles12:18
RST38hlbt: Screw choice, the point is consistent software platform12:18
andreand i just saw for clutter 0.9.8 at least that glib is listed as a dep12:18
andreif is still correct12:18
lbtRST38h: change is hard. Deal with it.12:18
RST38hlbt: generally, it is not a good idea to pull whatever framework you see into your system12:18
lbtequally it's not good to use it " 'cos we always have "12:19
thpRST38h: well, it is a good idea if the alternative is to reinvent the wheel12:19
RST38hlbt: exactyly12:19
RST38hthp: If I understand things correctly, Qt offers some 3D framework on its own12:19
lbtyes - openGL12:20
lcukx41so does gtk - it has 3d borders on boxes! :D :p12:20
lbtand it can use GL as the native 2D rendering engine too12:20
RST38hDoes Clutter offer anything on top of OpenGL? I have looked at some Clutter examples and left unimpressed12:20
lbt<grin> lcukx4112:20
lbtRST38h: Clutter is a 'fancy effects' framework12:21
lcukx41i always expected wow effects in visual basic when i selected bordertype 3d12:21
lbtthat uses GL to get speed12:21
RST38hlbt: But you can do the same by writing a few functions using OpenGL, can't you?12:21
lbtbut openGL is hard12:21
lbtit's a 1990's12:21
lcukx41bad hair and shoulderpads?12:21
RST38hYou mean 2000's APIs are all sparkling and not hard at all? :)12:22
lbtI like shoulderpads12:22
RST38hOr do you mean that OpenGL does not involve XML and JavaScript? :)12:22
lbtRST38h: I mean it was invented to map to the graphics pipelines on SGIs AFAIK12:22
lbtWe now have MVC type concepts12:23
lcukx41its 3d, has transforms and rotations and lighting12:23
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lbtwhich wouldn't have been in vogue back then12:23
lcukx41ahh vladovg dont go anywhere12:23
lcukx41vladovg, what device are you wanting cpu control on12:23
wazdFlashback for iPhone costs fucking 5 bucks12:23
wazdHow they still use this thing I wonder12:24
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lcukx41wazd, why do i want to know how much an app costs12:24
lcukx41hes a fucker12:24
* lcukx41 wont ask him again12:24
wazdlcukx41: well, I play same thing on m800 for free :)12:25
lcukx41is it free on clamidia? or whatever the illicit appstore is called12:25
wazdlcukx41: I just don't understand why people are blind to see that they're paying twice for one thing12:26
lcukx41not blind12:26
wazdlcukx41: Cydia I think :)12:26
lcukx41simply easier to just use a bit of credit getting that12:26
lcukx41than fucking with tonnes of stuff12:26
wazdlcukx41: dunno, but mabe there's an emu in it, yep12:26
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lcukx41people like a simple life12:27
lcukx41and if it costs them $5 to just go "meh!" and play something12:27
lcukx41why should we complain12:27
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lbtwazd: time is valuable12:28
lbtand, amazingly enough, not everyone finds playing with linux on their phone "fun"12:28
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lbtwhich I think is step 212:28
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RST38hwazd: iPhone itself is $800+12:30
* lbt is going to buy some SW when he gets the N900... just for the novelty value :)12:30
RST38hoffice software?12:30
lbthaven't decided yet...12:30
lbtI'd like to buy some GPL sw12:31
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lbthmm qmake is slooooow12:31
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* RST38h will sell lbt some GPL software12:34
RST38hWhat GPL software would you like to buy? =)12:34
lbtexcellent - what's the value proposition that makes it worth buying from you?12:34
gomiamlbt: support, at most :P12:34
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RST38hlbt: I have got the most GPL software on the planet!12:35
RST38hlbt: And a powerful search engine to find it, at!12:35
lbtRST38h: so you're not very focused then12:35
gomiamRST38h: and what you don't have you can get :D12:35
gomiamlbt: RST38h is very focused... on money :D12:35
RST38hlbt: On the contrary, we have got multiple departments, each focused on a separate class of GPL software12:36
RST38hlbt: What kind of GPL software would you like to acquire today?12:36
lbtcontact management SW that links my N900 contact DB to my openLDAP inetOrgPerson one12:37
lbtsince you ask12:37
jrochaI read about some initiative a while ago where you could "buy" GPL software you value and the money would go to help third-world countries12:38
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lcukx41in other news, jrocha declared himself a 3rd world country12:40
jrochalcukx41, funny guy!12:41
lcukx41lbt, :) i like the idea of commissioning open source software12:41
lcukx41that way, the dev gets some money and incentive to complete a project12:41
lcukx41is your ldap stuff existing already12:41
lcukx41nd would it need tweaking to fit n90012:41
RST38hlbt: Please, use our search engine and, then come back and make an order12:43
lbtlcukx41: I've held off on the ldap idea for now12:44
RST38hThere isn't any money in open source software, unless you take somebody else's open source software, repackage and sell it (see Redhat, etc)12:44
lcukx41lbt, the principle is there tho12:44
lbtRST38h: not true!!12:44
lbtlcukx41: yes indeed12:44
RST38hlbt: Support business model does not work, sorry12:44
lbtRST38h: the biggest OSS revenue space is consulting/bespoke installations12:45
RST38hBecause users very soon find out that they can get free support from the forums12:45
lbtRST38h: rubbish :)12:45
RST38hlbt: And how does this revenue compare with let us say Microsoft revenue?12:45
lcukx41i cant see busy people trolling a forum12:45
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RST38hlcuk: they do not troll the forum12:45
lcukx41digging through then12:45
RST38hlcuk: they google for answer and usually find it. in the remaining 5% of cases, they ASK.12:45
lcukx41unfortunate word12:45
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lbtRST38h: max revenue isn't everything...12:46
lcukx41"how is babby formed"12:46
RST38hlcuk: Believe me it is not more difficult than having to contact support12:46
lbtreliable revenue OTOH12:46
RST38hlbt: OSS support revenue is neither big nor reliable12:46
lbtOSS is part of a service model12:46
RST38hlbt: Because at any moment of time somebody else can take your product and start supporting it12:47
lbtOSS support is a vague term12:47
lbtyes, they can12:47
lbtso people are paying for *your* support.... and if you suck... tough12:47
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lbthowever the value you offer can be very very high12:47
lcukx41wazd, wtf12:47
RST38hlbt: wazd: Oh shit the arrows the arrows!!!12:47
lcukx41that hurts my brain12:47
RST38hlbt: Ok, let us leave vague and relative terms at peace12:48
wazdRST38h: well, at least "Á" is not under sym :)12:48
RST38hlbt: And consider a specific case12:48
lbtRST38h: just for a minute or 2 then12:48
RST38hwazd: Yu and the hard sign are though12:48
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RST38hlbt: You write a piece of software and sell it. You get revenue until someone else writes a better, cheaper, or free piece of software for similar purpose.12:49
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RST38hlbt: Now, you write a piece of software and let people use it for free. Do you get revenue from that? No.12:49
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RST38hNext step12:50
lcukx41actually still not true.  people can and do continue to purchase more expensive software if the perception of quality exists12:50
lbtRST38h: yes12:50
RST38hlbt: You sell a piece of software and ALSO sell support.12:50
lcukx41how long did it take linus to goto git?  did he not have a pay for source control before?>12:50
lbtyes, he paid with his soul12:50
RST38hlbt: Because you are the only one having access to the source code, you can provide better support for your software than the other guy, so you get "insurance" that nobody will steal your support business12:51
lbtseriously, they got bitten by "tie-in"12:51
Myrtticappuccino ice cream ♥12:51
lbtRST38h: me, me, me12:51
RST38hlbt: Result: reliable revenue (unless you totally fuck up on support quality)12:51
lbtwhich is why a business won't buy from you12:51
lcukx41mmm Myrtti12:51
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RST38hlbt: Business buys a lot of commercial software12:51
lbtyou present me with a win-lose scenario12:51
RST38hlbt: And support for it too12:51
lbtI'm not arguing that it doesn't work12:52
RST38hlbt: I present you with a scenario where YOU, the developer win12:52
lbtjust that it isn't optimum12:52
RST38hlbt: Let us now consider the OSS alternative12:52
lbtOSS is not about software12:52
lbtit is about service12:52
RST38hlbt: You give software for free but charge for support. First of all, you will notice that in order ot make as much money as in the first case, you have to charge MORE for support.12:52
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lbtand that is where you miss the entire point12:53
jrochaRST38h, if you charge for support AND for the source, your users number is likely to be lower than if you just give away the source code12:53
RST38hlbt: Yes, we are talking 'service" now. Support is service.12:53
lbtno-one buys software12:53
RST38hlbt: really? :)12:53
lbtthey buy functionality and service12:53
_berto_well, I'm as a costumer don't like the idea of depending solely on the author to give support to a particular piece of software12:53
RST38hOk, let me finish with concrete example first ok?12:53
lbtno, printing a memo is service12:53
RST38hTHEN we will talk about service12:53
lbtor writing a report12:53
lbtthey are services12:53
RST38hyou think so but not the customer12:53
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lbtno, the customer thinks so too12:54
RST38hCustomer buys a product. In a box. The product does something for him.12:54
lbtthey usually specify software12:54
lbtbut they want a service12:54
RST38hlbt: You are leading discussion in a different direction12:54
_berto_a product + a dependency on the vendor12:54
lbtyes, i know12:54
RST38hlbt: So let me shortcut to that example again12:54
lbtthat's because the economic model of OSS12:54
lbtis not boxes of SW12:54
jrochaRST38h, if you're software is open, you'll get a large number of users and you'll be able to offer support to those interested, and unless you screw up big time, customers will always prefer the support from the person who wrote the software and knows it better than anyone12:55
lbtit is provision of business services12:55
RST38hlbt: And just summarize for you that "free software, paid support" model does not work because you no longer have exclusivity as support provider12:55
lbtin a way that lets the business win12:55
lbtsoftware is for the benefit of the developers12:55
RST38hlbt: so, neither reliable big revenue stream12:55
jrochaRST38h, yes it works!12:55
RST38hlbt: Ok, now your "service" stuff12:55
lbtyour arguments all focus on the benefit to the SW developer12:55
RST38hlbt: Of course12:56
lbtwhich is where you fail12:56
RST38hlbt: Because I am a sw developer12:56
_berto_the garage when they repair my car don't have exclusivity as support provider either12:56
glass_theres no saying that the guy who wrote the sw knows it better than someone else12:56
lbtyes I know12:56
lbtthis is the problem12:56
infobot_berto_ meant: the garage where they repair my car don't have exclusivity as support provider either12:56
RST38hlbt: That I am a software devloper?12:56
jrochaRST38h, like I said, unless you screw up for real, customers are gonna choose you to pay for support over someone who "learned" about the software but didn't write it12:56
lbtyou are not thinking of your customer12:56
lbtyou are not looking to benefit them12:56
RST38hlbt: Well, if everybody just used software there would not be anybody to write it12:56
lbtyou are looking to benefit you12:56
RST38hlbt: I am looking ot make money by benefitting my customers12:56
_berto_it also happens that companies pay developers to write free software12:56
glass_customers always prefer sw that doesn't actually need any support12:57
lbtyes, that's alllowed12:57
RST38hlbt: If you skip on the "money" part, you will just be doing work for free12:57
lbtbut your business should be based on benefitting them12:57
lbtno it should be based on value12:57
RST38hlbt: My business should be based on making money.12:57
lbtyou see "tie-in" as a good thing12:57
RST38hlbt: Otherwise it is charity12:57
lbtQ: for who?12:57
RST38hlbt: For myself.12:57
glass_as long as the sw makes money for the customer, he can pay to make it better..12:58
lbtI see it as a -ve for the customer12:58
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lbtso do they12:58
jrochaRST38h, you're business mind lives in the 60s, software is not fish, you don't sell it by the Kg12:58
RST38hlbt: Sorry, but if you create a business you do it to make money for yourself12:58
lbtI understand your fear12:58
lcukx41write the open source software because YOU the #1 customer wants it, if others feel it would benefit them after that and want to offer you money to alter and/or support them in it, that is the benefit and bonus12:58
lbtyes, don't dispute that12:58
RST38hWhat fear?12:58
lbt[10:51] <RST38h> lbt: Because you are the only one having access to the source code, you can provide better support for your software than the other guy, so you get "insurance" that nobody will steal your support business12:58
lbt^^ that fear12:59
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RST38hlbt: This is fear?12:59
_berto_yes it is12:59
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Myrttithis is sparta12:59
lbtyou are worried that someone is better than you12:59
lbtthey're not12:59
lbthave no fear12:59
RST38hlbt: No. I am worried about keeping my revenue stream intact12:59
lbtgo boldly into the GPL my son12:59
lbtthrough defence12:59
Myrttiluke, come to the dark side12:59
lbtnot through merit12:59
RST38hOh, shit, he is proselytizing now13:00
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lbtignore that - being silly - sorry13:00
_berto_I said it before, the guys that fix my car don't have the exclusivity to do it13:00
_berto_yet they make money13:00
RST38hlbt: have you considered that customers may choose different support sources for reasons different from the quality or knowledgeavility?13:00
lbtme too - the guys who fix my car are not the cheapest13:00
jrochaRST38h, you clearly don't understand Free Software and misunderstanding something creates fear!13:00
lbtRST38h: yes - don't you wan them to13:01
RST38hlbt: As in, the other syupport source (like internet forum) is free and you charge money?13:01
_berto_internet forum is free?13:01
lbtRST38h: and when they reach a size where the business can't risk ad-hoc forums13:01
_berto_will the guys at a forum write code for me?13:01
lbtthen they come to you13:01
RST38hlbt: Not really, they won't13:01
_berto_does nokia depend on an internet forum when they need to adapt gtk+ for the n900 ?13:01
RST38hlbt: They will hire an IT guy who will keep it running by consulting forums13:02
lbtno, too expensive13:02
lcukx41RST38h, your closed software could be challenged any day by an open source alternative.  most of the time you would have to go on the defensive13:02
RST38hlbt: Not really13:02
lbtdedicated IT resource costs13:02
lcukx41with oss gpl :) its great because you share and build together13:02
RST38hlbt: Because the same guy will keep running the rest of infrastructure13:02
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lbtyes, and he'll write OSS sw13:02
lbtin fact he may be you13:02
RST38hlcuk: That is not the point though13:02
lbthired by the company13:02
lbtto manage the OSS sw13:03
lbtwhat's the difference?13:03
lbthe's hired to code OSS isn't he?13:03
RST38hlcuk: The point, again, is that if you intend to make money, doing job for free is not a good way to make money13:03
lcukx41in a way it is - if you had your calculators as your revenue stream, it would be pretty sickening to have an oss model come up and replace it13:03
_berto_who's talking about doing job for free?13:03
RST38hlcuk: Not really. It is life.13:03
RST38hlcuk: Something else comes up, you move on13:03
lbtexactly _berto_13:04
lcukx41but if both were open source yo ucan still have your revenue stream, and you get to include the same improvements your opponent added13:04
RST38hlcuk: No, you cannot have your revenue stream13:04
RST38hlcuk: Because you are not selling what you make, you are giving it away for free13:04
X-FadeThat's why a lot of OSS apps have bad/no documentation :)13:05
lbtRST38h: you do have a point. Traditional SW models do work. However, you should really look to understand where OSS fits around them. Otherwise your traditional model has a *huge* risk13:05
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lcukx41no, you are ensuring it is not lost if you go under13:05
jrochaRST38h, customers often pay for customization/improvements they need, they don't come to a developer and say: well, so, if you could just write me this library until the end of the month, you'll be the coolest open source guy!13:05
X-FadeTo charge on the service/maintenance ;)13:05
RST38hlcuk: Again, insuring it not being lost is not my goal.13:05
_berto_hey, it's amazing that we're having this discussion on #maemo13:05
jrocha_berto_, :D13:06
lcukx41RST38h, is any of your software oss?13:06
RST38hX-Fade: as said previously, you can't make money on service because it becomes a commodity, everyone can offer service on an OSS product13:06
RST38hlcuk: Yea13:06
* lcukx41 smiles :D13:06
X-FadeRST38h: Sure, but the developer knows the software best.13:06
lbtyou can make money on service13:06
RST38hlcuk: But I am not making money on OSS software13:06
lbtmost industries do13:06
_berto_well, I am13:06
msh_the best solution - sell a device, not software ;)13:06
RST38hlcuk: Only making money on commercial software13:06
X-FadeRST38h: Once software gets complicated, knowledge is what is giving you the edge.13:06
lbtand knowledge is the basis of service13:07
RST38hX-Fade: Not really. When everyone has the source, everyone can learn, again, service commodotized.13:07
_berto_it looks like we're discussing about theory13:07
X-FadeRST38h: Sure, but not everybody does :)13:07
_berto_i'm developing free software, and hell, I can tell you that i'm not working for free13:07
jrochaRST38h, all the open source software I wrote for free, I wrote it because I wanted to do it! I never wrote anything for anybody for deliberately for free because that'd be doing a job, and in my job, I get paid13:07
lbtRST38h: you can't learn all the source13:07
lcukx41omfg the database has gone down again, HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP13:07
RST38hberto: We are discussing hard facts vs OSS theory13:07
X-FadeRST38h: And if you are the developer, you decide the roadmap.13:07
lcukx41"sorry, gotta spent 3 months in code review"13:07
_berto_hard facts is that OSS is paying my bills13:07
_berto_but now I got to go back to work13:07
RST38hX-Fade: No, anyone can fork and decide his own roadmap (see mySQL)13:08
jrocha_berto_, and me too13:08
X-FadeRST38h: Yeah, so? Plenty of business sell services.13:08
jrochamy code was compiling :P13:08
RST38hSomeone is paying your bills to write OSS, right?13:08
X-FadeRST38h: And make a lot of money.13:08
RST38hIs OSS paying that guy's bills though?13:08
lbtjrocha: luckily Qt is *big*13:08
jrochalbt, I'm not working on Qt13:09
RST38hX-Fade: I would prefer not to repeat what I said earlier13:09
lbtjrocha: I am!13:09
lbtand it's buildign13:09
X-FadeAnd people pay for speed of implementation, they can do it themselves but that would take twice the time.13:09
_berto_I'm not the person to care about that guy's bills, he'll probably know better than me whether OSS is paying his bills or not13:09
RST38hX-Fade: But the summary is: when everyone can offer the same or similar service, it becomes a commodity, and you can't make much money from it13:09
X-FadeSo then it is money well spent.13:09
jrochalbt, sorry for that :P (just kidding)13:09
X-FadeRST38h: There are so many things you can specialize on.13:09
lbtheh - at least it's now cross-compiling and not using emulated g++13:10
RST38hX-Fade: We are talking about exactly one thing: supporting OSS package X.13:10
X-FadeRST38h: Not everybody will do the same.13:10
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lbtRST38h: "when everyone can offer the same or similar service, it becomes a commodity, and you can't make much money from it" .... ain't that the truth13:10
lbtgues what OSS is doing13:10
X-FadeRST38h: Ok, give me an example of an app which is 'over'supported then?13:10
RST38hX-Fade: theoretically, yes. in practice, everyone does the same, just cheaper, until it loses any point13:10
RST38hX-Fade: mySQL13:11
RST38hX-Fade: QT13:11
RST38hX-Fade: Gtk+13:11
RST38hX-Fade: Apache13:11
X-FadeRST38h: I know plenty of people making a living of those projects.13:11
RST38hX-Fade: Getting a salary supporting an Apache installation or writing an app?13:11
RST38hX-Fade: Or actually supporting other people who use these projects, fo rmoney?13:12
RST38hBecuase the first guy is a USER and the second is in business of SUPPORT13:12
* lbt is right now looking at a £400/day job supporting OSS13:12
RST38hOSS benefits users, we know that already13:12
X-FadeRST38h: If you take mysql for example. They work in tuning, setting up replication schemes, query optimization whatever.13:13
RST38hX-Fade: This is called a database administrator. He uses mySQL13:13
lbtwhen a business spends less on licenses they can spend more on service13:13
lbtthis is part of the model13:13
RST38hX-Fade: Does the original author of mySQL make money supporting mySQL though? And how much? How does it compare with what Oracle makes on its db?13:13
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X-FadeRST38h: They made a few 100M ;) Bad example ;)13:14
RST38hlbt: Business will not spend on software OR on service, if it can.13:14
RST38hX-Fade: By selling the whole thing to Sun? And what does Sun make on it?13:14
RST38hAnyway, lunch time13:15
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X-FadeRST38h: Sun just buys things for the fun of it, it seems.13:16
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_berto_I wouldn't have expected this discussion on #maemo :)13:17
lbt_berto_: why not?13:18
_berto_feels like one of those arguments we used to have back in the 90s13:18
lbtI expect more of it as more non-OSS people get drawn in13:18
X-Fade_berto_: RST38h is our local advocate of the devil. That is why we love him so much :)13:18
_berto_lbt: you're probably right, but still ... :)13:19
lbta lot of new maemo users will need to be hand-held into the OSS world13:19
lbt(excuse the pun!)13:19
* lcukx41 was an oss virgin just 18 months ago13:20
* lbt recalls13:20
lcukx41it was marius and rmyou who convinced me :)13:21
lcukx41marius with a strong argument relating to diving in and trying to fix13:21
lcukx41and rm wore me down through constant pestering13:22
ccookelcukx41: and do you find it worth it? ;-)13:22
lcukx41ccooke you will not find a stronger advocate of OSS than myself now :)13:24
* ccooke grins13:24
lcukx41i believe wholeheartedly in it to the extent of walking out of my job when given an ultimatum13:24
zerojayPCmust be nice.13:25
lcukx41yes.  i still have no idea where my next pay cheque is coming from13:25
lcukx41but i will find a way :)13:25
ccookelcukx41: Good luck, then13:25
lcukx41zerojayPC, it was the hardest decision ive ever made13:25
lcukx41i worked there for 10 years13:25
zerojayPCI bet it was. I hope it turns out for the best.13:26
* lcukx41 has everything crossed13:26
lcukx41it has unbound me from certain limitations now :)13:26
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lcukx41hi crashanddie \o13:27
crashanddiehey lcukx4113:27
crashanddielcukx41: we need to touch base for tomorrow13:27
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crashanddiehi all o/13:27
lcukx41im meeting simon at about 6pm i think13:27
lcukx41when are you around13:27
crashanddie6PM tonight?13:28
lcukx41tonight im going to the onedotzero opening13:28
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crashanddiewanna meet up for beers?13:28
lcukx41was at a massive party lastnight with an idoor test13:29
lcukx41and its fucking impressive13:29
crashanddieso you're around london and you don't even come and say HI/13:29
crashanddieI'm offended13:29
mgedminapple makes doors now?13:29
lcukx41i got here, picked up by a car taken to party13:29
crashanddiemgedmin: nice13:29
lcukx41came back crashed13:29
lcukx41mgedmin, :) hiya - just mentioned you up there13:29
mgedmingood morngrmblh13:29
lcukx41crashanddie, my hotel room has bed in different timezone to the wardrobe13:29
crashanddiewhich hotel you at?13:29
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lcukx41a thistle somethin or other13:30
lcukx41im not due anywhere till about 2 - you allowed out to play for a bit13:30
crashanddiewe can do lunch if that works for you13:31
crashanddieI wanted to shoot off to HMV to buy a PS313:31
crashanddiebut will have to do tonight I guess13:31
lcukx41pm me address ill get some maps up and see where im meant to be13:31
lcukx41no can do tonight13:31
lcukx41v heavy night13:31
crashanddielcukx41: no, I meant I'll have to do the PS3 tonight13:32
lcukx41ahh lol13:32
lcukx41when you get ps3 help lbt to compile qt on it13:32
crashanddielcukx41: 117 Waterloo Road, Waterloo Business Centre, just ask for Sebastian at the airhead13:32
crashanddielcukx41: nha, getting a slim one, no Linux on it anymore13:32
crashanddieSebastian from ActivIdentity13:33
lcukx41lemme dig up some maps then13:33
zerojayPCcrashanddie: Yeah, no Linux on the slim sucks. :/13:33
crashanddieit's right in front of the Waterloo train station, literally 3 minutes walk from BFI, opposite the Fire Station Pub13:33
crashanddiezerojayPC: yeah well13:33
lcukx41crashanddie, you are talking in alien13:34
crashanddiezerojayPC: had the phat PS3 and never got 'round to installing Linux on it13:34
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crashanddielcukx41: number 117, postcode se1 8ul13:34
zerojayPCcrashanddie: I set up my PS3 Linux as a emulator box, complete with a scaler program that runs on the SPUs to offload the burden from the CPUs.13:35
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crashanddielcukx41: found the place?13:39
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crashanddielcukx41: ?13:44
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crashanddieMaybe he's f'd off and come to pick me up already.13:44
ccookeHmm. So it's looking like nobody with preorders will have an n900 by the summit?13:48
johnxonly people with five-fingered "pre-orders" :>13:49
RST38hwho knows...13:49
* RST38h quickly cuts the sixth finger off.13:49
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crashanddiewhy is that?13:49
johnxRST38h, been hanging around old nucular power plants? :)13:50
ShellEvilRun quickly off with it while throwing 599e over your shoulder - and it's legal.13:50
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RST38hjohnx: prophetic crystal balls come at a price, yes13:50
crashanddieI didn't know you wore bling bling ;)13:51
RST38hMeanwhile, the Tentacled One seemingly decided not to boil its unch:
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johnxRST38h, I figured having mine bronzed was enough, but wow ... crystal13:51
RST38hjohnx: for gazing, you know...13:52
johnx"gaze deeply into my crystal balls"13:52
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_berto_btw, in case you didn't see it, here's a video taken with the N900 camera:
johnx_berto_, keen. thanks for the link13:54
* ShellEvil sighs.13:54
ShellEvilNot _bad_ - I just wish the normal lack of shutter artifacts weren't there.13:55
ShellEvil(when the camera is panning rapidly - the top of the frame is exposed first - so you get skew to the right when panning right13:56
fralsyou sure thats the nokia n900 and not the wistron n900z that the user uploaded another video off at the same time?13:56
RST38hcamera looks ok so far13:56
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RST38h(also, tigert seems to be real good at photography)13:57
_berto_frals: no idea13:57
_berto_yes, tigert is good13:57
crashanddielcuk2: I'm disappointed14:00
crashanddielcuk2: just told the VP to f off because I was having lunch with you14:00
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* ccooke notes that none of the wikipedia articles on the tablets mention the five device plan14:05
X-Fadeccooke: There is no 5 device plan ;)14:06
ccookeSo it's an interesting fact that's omitted.14:06
X-Fadeccooke: 5 steps, yes.14:06
ccookeX-Fade: okay, point14:06
X-Fadeccooke: Who knows, maybe there will be 10 devices in step 4 :)14:06
ccookeX-Fade: Bad wording, yes. Sorry.14:07
X-Fadeccooke: Nokia morph could be step 5 ;)14:07
wazdX-Fade: I think you've just spoiled secret strategy :D14:07
johnxccooke, also, in their development process at least they skipped a release, so I'm not sure if looking back and trying to piece together the steps so far is helpful14:07
ccookeRST38h: So I'm bored. Anyone know when Nokia first mentioned the plan? If I can find that, I'll update the articles with the information.14:08
X-Fadeccooke: At least at the summit last year.14:08
wazdccooke: it was long time ago, in a galaxy far away14:08
ccookeX-Fade: it was mentioned well before then14:08
ccookeI remember reading about it before I received my n810, which was preordered14:09
ccookebut that's the first time I really paid any attention to the devices14:09
RST38hX-Fade: Even 5-step thing is not set in stone. It was a cool figure of speen jaaksi came up with at some point14:09
RST38hX-Fade: So, they are free to interpret it any way they like.14:10
X-FadeRST38h: Sure.14:10
RST38hFor example, by calling the first Harmattan device part of step #4, and making something new for step #514:10
ShellEvilI think step 4 is to give everyone who knows what a kernel is a free one.14:10
RST38hShellEvi: No.14:10
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ShellEvilSquirrels will be _way_ confused.14:11
RST38hNobody cares whether you know what kernel is. That was a misunderstanding.14:11
X-FadeRST38h: Yes, like I said. Maybe even 10 devices.14:11
RST38hX-Fade: Well, here is what I heard from Murtazin and a few other sources:14:11
ShellEvilRST38h: I know - that was an attempted joke :)14:11
RST38hX-Fade: There is going to be one more Fremantle device by the end of 1Q201014:12
RST38hX-Fade: And a Harmattan device in Q3/Q4 201014:12
RST38hX-Fade: As we know at least two device numbers (RX-56 and RX-71) that gotta be them I guess14:12
wazdRST38h: Eldar sometimes trying to attract more attention than he really deserves :)14:12
RST38hwazd: Yes, he imagines a lot14:12
wazdRST38h: See his last quote bout Samsung :)14:12
RST38hwazd: Maybe he did see something nice14:13
fralsany link to the Q1 -10 info?14:13
RST38hX-Fade: On further plans, Murtazin says there are plans for 12-15 devices based on Maemo14:13
wazdRST38h: well, I can say "Maemo 5 devices will face tough competition in 2035" :D14:13
ZogGis there any chance that once nokia would support multitouch14:13
X-FadeEldar is all over the map. Sometimes he has something, sometimes he speculates really hard.14:13
johnxwazd, from neural implants14:13
RST38hX-Fade: but I guess that in this case he must have been imagining things as wazd says14:13
ccookeZogG: Doesn't look likely on the current platform.14:13
RST38hwazd: From spinal interfaces !14:14
ShellEvilZogG: It'll happen - soon is the question.14:14
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ShellEvilZogG: most multitouch systems have other issues.14:14
X-FadeZogG: Why would you use multitouch anyway?14:14
ZogGas i understand it has apple patent things14:15
fralsi have yet to see a need for multitouch on a phonedevice :+14:15
X-FadeMultitouch is nice when you sit down, not really when you are on the move.14:15
RST38hX-Fade: He really thinks of himself as a great analytic, so whatever he says has to be taken critically14:15
glass_ZogG: the apple patents are not exactly valid or enforceable to ban multitouch from others14:15
wazdRST38h: I think from energy spheres that will conquer the Earth :)14:15
X-FadeAlso pinching without obscuring the underlying image is hard ;)14:15
RST38hX-Fade: But he also knows a lot of facts or half-facts or rumor-facts14:15
glass_ZogG: and plenty of mt stuff coming/out from others, in media players and such14:15
* frals goes back to reading "The design of everyday things"14:15
ShellEvilMultitouch - if it cold detect the touching finger - would be awesome.14:15
RST38hwazd: hypnotoad will conquer earth14:15
ShellEvilA finger for zoom-in, zoom-out, ...14:15
X-FadeRST38h: Yeah, I'm sure he has some lines to people who tell him things.14:16
RST38hwazd: And declare itself the prophet of the great Cthulhu14:16
wazdNokia has 3G patents, I think they can make a deal with Apple if they want :)14:16
X-FadeShellEvil: Check the nokia patent for detecting fingers on the back of a device.14:16
RST38hX-Fade: just put damn dpad on the back.14:16
X-FadeShellEvil: Some nice things can be done with that too.14:17
ShellEvilX-Fade: when was that granted?14:17
X-FadeShellEvil: about a year ago. Was on engadget too.14:17
RST38hYea transparent 800x480 screens with touch screen on the back =)14:17
* ShadowJK thougnt n900 was step 4 :-)14:17
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ShellEvilI remember noting that would be a cool feature in 2007 sometime on #openmoko14:17
* ShellEvil stabs obvious patents.14:17
* ShadowJK wants eye-implant, goggles, or projector14:17
ccookeShadowJK: They've said it is...14:17
wazdRetinal projectors will rule the gallaxy :)14:18
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wazdsafe for eyes, super small, bright, can be used as agumented interface14:18
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X-Fadegestures in front of the front facing camera is also an option btw.14:19
ShellEvilwazd: only if the lens of the projector covers the projected object in the field of view.14:19
X-FadeYou could do some multitouch like things without even touching the device..14:19
ShadowJKCPU intensive :)14:20
crashanddieOpenCL ftw14:20
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ShellEvilCPU is cheaper every year though.14:20
X-FadeThis one is fun too:
ZogGi waqs on phone, sorry14:20
lardmancrashanddie: ping14:20
wazdShellEvil: you have 2 eyes, remember?)14:20
ShadowJKon-desk keyboards? Like the one sold on thinkgeek?14:20
lardmanlcuk2: ping14:20
RST38hShadowJK: Would you also like huge cubical starships laid with green LEDs with that?14:20
crashanddielardman: pong14:20
ShadowJK(laser projecting keyboard onto desk)14:21
ZogGbut multitouch is a good thing not only for use but to make device more popular14:21
lardmancrashanddie: you about tomorrow late afternoon for beer then?14:21
X-FadeShellEvil: No, it uses the camera to show alternative reality ;)14:21
ShadowJKRST38h, no they can be other shapes than cubical too14:21
ZogGmore people buy - better support14:21
ShadowJKspherical, for example14:21
RST38hLaser projected keyboards have not caught up...14:21
ShellEvilX-Fade: oh14:21
crashanddielardman: yeah, sure14:21
X-FadeShellEvil: So the keyboard is overlayed on the image on your screen.14:21
ZogGand it's nice, althougth execpt to work with photos i don't see any use for now for multitouch14:21
X-FadeShellEvil: You use the camera to see where your fingers are and guide them to the right spot.14:22
RST38hZogG: You do not understand things!14:22
crashanddielardman: got any place you would prefer to meet up?14:22
RST38hZogG: Mighty iPhone has multitouch and capacitive screen14:22
ZogGthat's why i ask =)14:22
crashanddielardman: my office is across the road from Waterloo Station14:22
ShellEvilthe nokia patent is cute - but I think it's going to be even worse than the laser keyb.14:22
lardmancrashanddie: you're the Londonite :)14:22
lardmancrashanddie: though it depends on where lcuk2 is going to be14:22
ShellEvil- as you have now added >50ms of delay in there14:22
RST38hZogG: So Nokia absolutely HAS to have them, or it will be an epic fail in the eyes of the Faightful14:22
ZogGRST38h, that's why everyone want it =)14:22
crashanddielardman: he's in the area, plus I'm a 3 minute walk from BFI, so he should be close14:22
X-FadeBut i've seen an app on N810 where somebody switched to the next image in the galery by his hand swiping over the camera?14:23
RST38h(frankly I have no idea why I would need a capacitive touch screen)14:23
ZogGRST38h, that's what i say, cuz for now apple sets the rules, and it's unfair =)14:23
lardmancrashanddie: I wasn't sure if he'd be there tomorrow though14:23
RST38hResolution sucks and you are supposed to press it with your nose in winter14:23
ShadowJKi've become frighteningly proficient at typing on the N800 /stylus/ keyboard with thumbs without using nail14:23
lardmancrashanddie: but I'll be at Regents Park, so only a couple of tube stops away14:23
crashanddielardman: he's been there since yesterday apparently14:23
lardmanah ok14:23
ZogGX-Fade it's not multi. it can be just touchscreen14:23
lardmanare there beer facilities near BFi?14:23
Myrttioh christ this coffee is awful14:23
RST38hMyrtti: tea/14:24
ShadowJKYou know, this N900/RX-51 stuff is getting old, can we start speculating about RX-71? ;-)14:24
RST38hShadowJK: And RX-5614:24
ShadowJKI didn't know there was a 56 :)14:24
RST38hShadowJK: But there are only two bets you can make14:24
MyrttiShadowJK: how about we speculate about light-speed travel?14:24
ShellEvilShadowJK: It comes with a personal tracker system enabling the phone to follow you round if you forget it.14:24
crashanddielardman: yeah, there's the fire station which is expensive, brasserie which is classy and cheap and trendy, anchor and hope which is cool, and probably 3 or 4 other pubs in the area14:24
RST38hMyrtti: we all know it is impossible14:25
ShellEvilShadowJK: With integral battery storage strapped to the side of the sheep.14:25
lardmancrashanddie: cool, sounds good14:25
MyrttiRST38h: faster than lightspeed then?14:25
ShadowJKMyrtti, FTL is like most software, a giant hack if it works at all14:25
crashanddielardman: or across the river from BFI, there's a wine bar which is pretty good as well14:25
lardmancrashanddie: what time do you finish work then?14:25
RST38hShell: Really advanced tracking system should run on sugar from the subject's blood stream14:25
crashanddielardman: whenever I want to14:25
lardmancrashanddie: as long as there's stuff abotu that,s good14:25
RST38hMyrtti: Only on certain drugs14:25
ShellEvilRST38h: naah - grass.14:25
lardmancrashanddie: ideal :)14:25
RST38hMyrtti: Powered by braincells, until the subject runs out of them14:26
ShellEvilI have an idea for a _great_ nokia product.14:26
ShellEvilThe babelfish!14:26
ccookeHmm. First mention I can find of the five step plan is from October 2007, saying the n810 was the third of five.14:26
ccookeI wonder if the plan actually originated around then or earlier :-)14:26
crashanddielardman: apparently tomorrow evening it's the opening of onedotzero, so lcuk wants to attend, I don't have any tickets so unless it's very well organised or we get through the VIP, we won't get in (I called, fully booked)14:27
ccooke( seems to be the first mention on the forum)14:27
lardmancrashanddie: ah I se14:27
crashanddielardman: however, friday there doesn't seem to be anything that concerns us, so that would be ideal for a small meetup14:27
lardmancrashanddie: I've got a conf next week so can't really head back to London14:28
lardmanjust happen to be there tomorrow14:28
crashanddiethought you said friday on the forum?14:28
lardmanis this opening thing the talk at 7pm?14:28
lardmanno, defo Thursday :)14:28
crashanddiemy bad then14:28
lardmanwell don't worry too much, if no-one's about I can head back, lots of work to do still :)14:29
crashanddienha, I'm available14:29
crashanddieJaffa: you around tomorrow night?14:29
lardmanok, I'll see if we can scare up lcuk2 for at least a quick beer too14:29
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crashanddieshould be doable14:29
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Stskeepsfinally some info on /opt out14:51
Stskeepsit was on maemo-developers i think14:52
Stskeepsfrom quim gil14:52
RST38hSts: the 5-step thing?14:53
frals there we go, about the /opt14:53
Macer /opt?14:53
Stskeeps_marcell_: question, is it /opt/packagename like in LSB?14:55
RST38hThis all sounds weird. How many partitions is N900 going to have?14:55
Stskeepsbecause it does not tell anything about /opt structure at all :P14:55
RST38hOk, MyDocs points to mmc2 now. I am getting it.14:56
RST38hBut where has /opt come from?14:56
Macerwhere is the 1G from?14:56
StskeepsRST38h: internal nand is similar to n810, and /opt is on the MMC14:56
RST38hIs it also part of mmc2, just formatted in ext3?14:56
Stskeepsseems so14:56
_marcell_Stskeeps: I am not sure, but mvo's tool might give some answers:
X-Fadeopt is used to not use app install space on root.14:56
RST38hSts: Ok, so mmc2 is divided into two partitions14:56
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Macerhow open will the repartitioning be?14:56
Macerwill people be able to make opt bigger ? :)14:57
RST38hSts: how is wear leveling doing with ext3?14:57
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RST38hMacer: of course, just like extending their penis14:57
Maceri mean "users can not mess with it"14:57
StskeepsRST38h: ext2 on a SD will blow up your data quite often14:57
Macerseems rather set in stone14:57
RST38hSts: then how does it work?14:57
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RST38hSts: mmc2 is pretty much an SD card14:57
RST38hSts: It has got an ext3 partition mounted as /opt14:57
StskeepsRST38h: ok, leveling is done by the SD card itself14:58
Stskeepsfact is that not using a journal on SD will cause data loss :P14:58
RST38hSts: But as I understand it is tailored for VFAT14:58
StskeepsRST38h: we haven't had trouble with ext3 and mer. ever. that's enough proof for me :P14:58
RST38hSts: Change the access pattern and card's wear leveling goes wrong14:58
Stskeepsext2 has lost data often14:58
RST38hSts: Understood14:58
StskeepsRST38h: Someone Else's Problem14:59
RST38hSts: ext2 wasn't working too well for me as well14:59
Maceri wonder why 1G :) seems rather... low14:59
RST38hSts: unless I umount of course :)14:59
StskeepsMacer: for apps it's more than enough, rest go into Documents14:59
Macerdon't get me wrong. i'm sure apps are a little small but 1G?14:59
lbtseems a bit nuts...14:59
RST38hSts: I now mount ext2 / as read-only -  seems to work pretty well14:59
MacerStskeeps: what about libs etc?14:59
Macer/opt/lib? :)14:59
lbtwhy not have /opt contain the 'as shipped' code and /usr be 1Gb14:59
RST38h /opt/include ;)15:00
MacerRST38h: haha15:00
StskeepsRST38h: i bet there's nothing stopping you from changing /opt to external microsd15:00
lbtthen instead of having to hack "every" package you just hack the core code15:00
RST38hlbt: because /opt is usually used for optional packages15:00
Maceri hope not ;)15:00
lbtwell /opt isn't normally used15:00
Macermeaning i hope you can just symlink opt somewhere else15:00
Macerhow much space will the device have on its own without an sd?15:01
Stskeeps256mb internal, 32gb sd AFAIK15:01
Maceroh so it's coming with just an SD?15:01
Stskeepsand whatever microsd can take in external slot15:01
Stskeepsinternal mmc, like in n81015:01
Maceri was hoping it was 32G internal "SD"15:01
Maceroh ok15:02
Stskeepsit is15:02
Macerso yeah. that's good :)15:02
RST38hlbt: it is used all the time15:02
Macerso you still get an SD slot?15:02
RST38hlbt: Maybe not on your Linux15:02
Stskeepsi like /opt for the simple reason that game graphics shouldn15:02
Stskeeps't be in MDocs15:02
* ShellEvil wishes there were SD-raw available - that exposed the raw block device.15:02
lbtRST38h: my linux being Debian, the upstream for Maemo...15:02
RST38hlbt: afaik, /opt was originally Sun's invention, later adopted in Linux15:02
Macersun ftw15:03
ShellEvil(doing your own wear leveling can be good in some circumstances where you care about where erase blocks are and optimisation with them for writes)15:03
RST38hHell, I even saw /opt used in FreeBSD :)15:03
Maceropt in fbsd was for off the wall stuff15:03
Macerlike glftpd or something :)15:03
RST38hsome freaky package wanted it15:03
Macerthere were a few that used it15:03
Maceri guess they just wanted to make sure those types of pkgs were away from anything else structure wise15:04
RST38hlbt: Anyways, /opt was originally created by Sun for installing LARGE packages. Sun dev tools, KDE, that kinda stuff15:04
Maceryeah. and now maemo gets 1GB :)15:04
Maceri pray you can resize that15:04
RST38hlbt: Mounting part of internal mmc to /opt is a pretty vegetarian option15:04
RST38hlbt: I can think of worse ones15:04
* Macer watches maemo5 turn into java by accident15:06
Macerit starts with little sun things like /opt15:06
* RST38h hits Macer with an eclipse15:06
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Macerand soon turns into an overbloated android-like os15:06
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Maceri think my G1 has 192MB of internal storage. and only 14MB were free after i installed what i would consider crucial apps15:07
Macerhow sad15:07
RST38hyour G1 can't have 192MB of internal storage. It has 256MB15:07
lbtRST38h: see reply15:07
Macermy mistake15:07
Macerthat makes it even worse ;)15:07
RST38hlbt: ?15:07
Macera while back someone sold an "application" to copy apps to your sd15:08
Macerwhich was just a front end for a script that links the sd15:08
Macerpure genious15:08
lbtRST38h: to ml15:09
Macerwhat is  that.. like an 8 line script? :)15:09
Jaffacrashanddie: Nope. Will be coming back fgrom Stockholm, late.15:09
RST38hlbt; URL? (sorry, I am stupid, I rarely read ML)15:09
glassMacer: back in the day for s60 1st ed there was a popular taskswitching application which was popular due to people not knowing that they could taskswitch without it too15:10
RST38hglass: People still do not know they can task switch in S6015:10
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RST38hIt is S60's best kept secret15:10
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Macerthat is awesome15:10
Macersee? making money off ignorance has worked since the dawn of time15:11
lbtsame :
glassyeh. prob is, you can't make long term business on selling apps like that15:11
Macerglass: i don't think people who make apps like that are in it for the long haul ;)15:11
RST38hglass: You can come up with new and new shitty apps15:11
Macerand even if they were.. who would know a developers name?15:11
RST38hglass: this is what a lot of iphone devs seem to be doing15:11
glassMacer: you wouldn't believe what kind of losers think they can make a living in sw dev :D15:11
RST38hglass: MIDP devs too15:12
Macerglass: haha15:12
jaskayeah, iphone is all about spamming crapplications15:12
Macerjaska: you must have never seen the android market ;)15:12
RST38hjaska: That is because app stores suck. But I think I already stated my opinion of these on t.m.o15:12
jaskamacer: nope15:12
jaskarst38h: agreed.15:12
Macerjaska: i'm sure it is just as bad15:12
Macerif not worse15:12
crashanddieJaffa: Friday then?15:12
glasstrend followers are always trend followers, not trend makers15:12
RST38hThere is simply no way a mobile app store can present Nx10000000 applications to a user15:13
crashanddiethat's not entirely correct, glass15:13
Macerglass: the trend makers know what they are doing though15:13
glassgolddigging with crappy app on appstore is exactly the kind of 'idea' you get if you read it press15:13
Macergoogle makes a ton off of its market as i am sure apple does also15:13
crashanddie[Citation needed]15:13
Maceri think they take 30% of each sale or something like that :)15:14
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glassMacer: ye, about so15:14
glassthats better than what you get if you sell crap via psms though..15:14
glassmaking good sw is a good way to land a job though15:14
glassno matter if you make money on it or not15:14
crashanddieit's a way to land a job15:15
jaskatheyve been doing it with ringtones etc here for years... sms-order a ringtome, end up paying 10eur/4weeks which autorenews15:15
crashanddiebut being a good coder doesn't make you employable15:15
RST38hlbt: Sorry but I cannot find your answer. There are answers from Anidello Del Sorbo and Attila Csipa15:15
MacerOn 31 March Google has banned tethering application from the Android Market for violating the developer distribution agreement.15:15
MacerAfter few days Google restored tethering app for Android users outside the T-Mobile US network.15:15
MacerIt was a result of violation the T-Mobile terms of service - this wireless carrier doesn’t allow tethering.15:15
RST38hlbt: Simply tell why you think /opt is such a bad idea15:15
Macerthank god i installed it in time i suppose? :)15:15
jaskathat not-allowing-tethering must be an us thing15:15
jaskanever heard of it here15:15
Macerjaska: oh yeah15:15
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crashanddieglass: "If you make something they will come" is a myth, and anyone who believes it is an idiot. If you want a job, you have to fight for it15:15
Maceratt for example charges more if you request to tether15:16
glasscrashanddie: bullshit ;)...15:16
Macerand if you don't pay for it they throttle your bandwidth if it detects long xfers over 3G15:16
crashanddieglass: what do you do for a living?15:16
Maceryou use a different gateway for actual tethering15:16
glasscrashanddie: mobile dev15:16
glasscrashanddie: got the career with mobile sw i gave for free15:16
RST38hglass: You do know Apple threw C64 emulator out AGAIN because it runs BASIC which can theoretically be used to compromise iPhone?15:16
glassRST38h: huh, quite apple like though15:16
jaskai just troll on irc for a living15:16
Macerjaska: me too!15:17
Macer(high five)15:17
crashanddieglass: and you got that job how? Through sending your CV and landing an interview? Or because they contacted you and offered you a job without any further adue? If it's the second option, you must be the first one I meet15:17
glasscrashanddie: i'm on my second job, never got a job by sending a cv15:17
Macermy buddy was called by nokia15:17
lbtRST38h:  and you expect me to buy GPL code based on your google-fu?   hah
Macerand they called it a "chat"15:17
Macerhow odd15:17
Macer"not an interview.. a chat" literally said that :)15:17
glasscrashanddie: a guy emailed me first time, the second time i got told to call a guy15:18
RST38hlbt: of course! <evil cackling>15:18
jaskayeah, ive always got my jobs thru people asking for me to come work for them, thus i suck at finding jobs on my own and so i dont have any now :)15:18
Jaffacrashanddie: Yup. After work I'm meeting with Jussi and lcuk to go through our presentation on Saturday15:18
Macerhe said they were asking him about "CLOUD" or something like that15:18
RST38hMacer: I always treat interviews as chats15:18
Maceris that like the whole social networking thing the guy kept going on about?15:18
RST38hMacer: Otherwise you get all formal and strung up and interviewers hate that15:18
crashanddieJaffa: I might join you then15:18
lardmanJaffa: you're not about tomorrow are you?15:18
lbtjaska: me too ... sadly I seem to have lost them all :(15:18
MacerRST38h: heh. well. i told him that he better get the job and send me a box of n900s if he does15:19
RST38hlbt: Yea, I agree with your reply. There is a hidden problem though.15:19
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RST38hlbt: What if Nokia decides NOT to ship mmc2 in the next device?15:19
crashanddielardman: nope15:19
RST38hlbt: Also, how will firmware update work?15:19
MacerRST38h: quit being so negative :)15:19
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lbtall dealable with -15:20
Macernokia knows what they are doing!15:20
glassRST38h: for all we know next device could run maemo666 in a beos virtual environment, :p15:20
lbtand actually ensures that / is clean15:20
RST38hMacer: You should try being negative, it saves your from disappointments15:20
RST38hglass: Will run Fremantle =)15:20
crashanddieRST38h: it prevents you from hope as well15:20
MacerRST38h: heh. trust me. i've been through the worse ;) nothing is disappointing15:20
RST38hlbt: Dealable all right, but I doubt Maemians want to deal with all this15:21
RST38hlbt: whole /opt proposal sounds like a quick plan to fix the current problem at hand15:21
RST38hlbt: Without interfering with their production/development schedule15:21
MacerRST38h: it works for me as long as you can resize it15:21
Macer1GB sounds small15:21
lbtno, it sounds like making life hard for many people for the benefit of the few15:21
RST38hMacer: Should be able to resize it up to the whole mmc215:22
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RST38hlbt: What would be the problem of /opt?15:22
MacerRST38h: then i'm sold ;)15:22
lbtOTOH, I understand they'll have deadlines15:22
Macerlbt: is it really that difficult to have pkgs install in /opt? :)15:22
RST38hlbt: Deadlines and plain unwillingness to set the whole system upside down for a couple third party developers15:22
ShadowJKMacer, agreed :-)15:23
X-FadeYou shouldn't have to do anything to physically place files in /opt.15:23
lbtYes, it is difficult15:23
X-FadeThe optify script will probably run after the builder.15:23
MacerX-Fade: well. that would be up to the developers wouldn't it?15:23
RST38hX-Fade: You are complicatign things15:23
X-FadeSo the package in extras will automatically have large files in opt.15:23
X-FadeSo the app can just assume the file is in /usr/* as normal.15:23
lbtsee what I mean15:24
X-FadeNo code change, just packaging change.15:24
RST38hX-Fade: Do not change file locations after the fact. If developer submits the package, builder should not change what developers does there15:24
crashanddieDeadline: In international markets, a deadline is literally that: a line or cable made of liquid uranium that is hung at neck level in front of the development team. As time goes buy, the "deadline" approaches slowly, and as the developers are chained to their desks, slowly decapitated if no delivery is made.15:24
lbtwhat could possibly go wrong...15:24
Macerlbt: haha15:24
RST38hlbt: Frankly I do not expect much to go wrong15:24
Macerpoint taken :)15:24
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RST38hlbt: We already HAVE large packages installing to mmc1/mmc215:24
X-FadeRST38h: Will only run when enabled in the control file of the package.15:24
RST38hlbt: /opt is not gonna be worse than that15:24
RST38hX-Fade: Oh...screwy15:25
X-FadeRST38h: So the developer has to point to it.15:25
Macermost developers are smart guys15:25
X-FadeFiles in opt will just be symlinked in /usr/15:25
Maceri'm sure they'll get it by 0.00000215:25
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lbthey, it's a solution.. I just think it's sub-optimal15:25
X-Fadelbt: I agree.15:25
Macerlbt: it is a common solution15:25
Macerran out of space15:25
lbtMacer and...15:25
Macerlink to new drive :) i don't see why it is a bad thing at all15:26
ShadowJKhow about clone to mmc ;D15:26
lbtI think the solution I outlined needs testing once and then requires no hackery15:26
lbtthat's all15:26
crashanddiebecause cross-mount symlinking is Evil15:26
lbtno mods to builder15:26
lbtno "optify"15:26
lbtno "where did that file end up"15:26
RST38hlbt: One can only hope they will change it for Harmattan but I wouldn;t hold my breath :(15:26
X-Fadelbt: Problem is that the device side can't change anymore.15:26
Macercrashanddie: that it is :) but works15:26
lbtno cd /usr/blah/; pwd >>> /opt/blah15:26
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Maceri believe Stskeeps told me "make it work, smooth it out later"15:26
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X-Fadelbt: So only option is to do it on our side.15:27
Macernot in the same words though :)15:27
lbtcd /usr/blah; cd ..; pwd >>> /opt15:27
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crashanddieMacer: I was more thinking along the lines of "if it ain't broken; don't fix it"15:27
lbtanyhow... like I said... I understand :)15:27
GeneralAntilleslbt, feel free to push unionfs.15:27
X-Fadelbt: I think only the files are symlinked.15:27
X-Fadelbt: Not the dirs.15:27
* crashanddie pushes GeneralAntilles 15:27
crashanddieGA for President15:28
lbtX-Fade: that will help15:28
* GeneralAntilles falls off the cliff.15:28
X-Fadelbt: Anything above a certain size.15:28
crashanddieGA for dead President15:28
RST38hthat's what a good president should do15:28
Macercrashanddie: heh. i think their resolve was to prevent reengineering the phone15:28
* GeneralAntilles "braaaiiins"15:28
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: you're the president, you don't need those15:28
lbthow does AppMgr sort out disk space then?15:29
Macerlbt: interesting problem :)15:29
Macerdidn't take that into consideration15:29
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: "You have a brain, it's not stupid. It's just lazy. Try using it sometimes instead of just letting it use up space in your skull"15:29
Macerfollows the link to the device?15:29
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: (TB quote)15:29
Macerand determines space on both?15:29
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RST38hcrashanddie: most people do not have brains, what they have is known as transaural cartilage15:31
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crashanddieRST38h: or as we call it in medical circles: "The vast nothingness that separates your ears"15:32
crashanddiebut I was actually complimenting our good General15:33
crashanddiehe seems to have lost his mojo, I want him to grow it back15:33
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RST38hhe is already a chair, what piece of furniture do you want ot make him next?15:33
crashanddieGAN800: fancy being a dildo?15:33
Vanadissomebody knows if the new maemo (on N900) supports the current applications?15:33
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StskeepsVanadis: if the apps doesn't use deprecated APIs it should be fine15:34
crashanddieVanadis: will probably require a recompile to take into account the updates to the libs and API, but that's about it15:34
Vanadisnever had a maemo device15:34
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Vanadisi always was into symbian s60 but the n900 is quite awesome15:34
crashanddiepre-ordered the n900?15:34
crashanddielardman|lunch: we've got Aniello joining us tomorrow as well15:35
crashanddielardman|lunch: he's coming up from Chiswick thugh15:35
infobotcrashanddie meant: lardman|lunch: he's coming up from Chiswick though15:36
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RST38hcrashanddie: You surely got weird furniture...15:36
crashanddieRST38h: you have no idea how confused the Ikeas guys are when they see me coming15:37
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* Jaffa would rather developers specifically started putting everything except icons, .desktop, launch scripts and .service files in /opt/_application_ rather than any automagic stuff15:38
* RST38h agrees with Jaffa15:38
Stskeepsi'm not sure optify is sane15:38
JaffaAlthough, does it become a pre-req of the Extras QA that it uses /opt and doesn't waste space15:38
RST38hAutomagic stuff is confusing.15:38
JaffaSymlink pollution is bad.15:38
* Jaffa guesses it is a QA req. now. (Having played with an N900 which filled up awful damn quick)15:39
Vanadishaven't preordered it yet15:39
JaffaAnd HAM/apt don't like full partitions very much (having tried to dpkg-repack map on an N810)15:39
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Vanadisbut i need a new cell phone in about 2 months15:39
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RST38h...Attempts to recover the surviving portion of the agents body from the ship ultimately resulted in his death.15:43
lbtVDVsx: ping15:44
StskeepsJaffa: will be interesting if some apps will try to rm the original symlink ..15:44
JaffaStskeeps: Hmm, yes. Bind mount would've been better IMHO15:45
JaffaIn fact, that might be worth a bug in Bugzilla15:45
* lbt waits for /opt and optify carnage...15:45
JaffaAnyone looked at the optify source yet?15:45
* lbt watches Qt build some more on his OBS/accel15:46
X-FadeJaffa: It is a repack like script.15:46
lbtfind /usr --size +5M --print0 | xargs -0 move_and_linkback15:47
* wazd has finished OSM2Go icons15:47
mgedminicons are good15:48
X-Fadelbt: even smaller, 100 1MB files fill it up too ;)15:48
mgedminwhat's up with latest osm2go refusing to install on latest diablo?15:48
* mgedmin re-runs apt-get update to make sure it's the latest one15:49
lbtdpkg-deb -x ; run script; dpk-deb -b15:49
wazdmgedmin: you better ask Till, I'm just helping with icons :)15:49
VDVsxlbt, pon15:49
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X-Fadelbt: I would prefer AM to just install to a certain location. But that would mean apt would need changes too.15:50
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X-Fadelbt: Which is a big risk :)15:50
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X-FadeBut installing files on a removable media like some apps want to do, is not always a good idea either.15:51
GeneralAntillesRST38h, Jaffa's the chair now.15:51
* lbt seriously thinks that /usr on a 1Gb is much saner - even at this late date.15:52
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X-Fadelbt: Agree.15:52
X-Fadelbt: But I'll let others explain why that is not an option :)15:52
Stskeepslbt: /usr on another partition is something linux isn't very fond of doing :/15:52
ccookeStskeeps: depends on the distro15:53
* mgedmin sudo apt-get install osm2go=0.7.18-maemo1 # .19 and .20 won't install due to libssl version conflicts15:53
Stskeepsand i'm willing to bet Maemo is not crazy about it15:53
ccookeTraditionally /usr *should* be a different partition15:53
X-Fadeumount /usr and your shell is kind of dead ;)15:53
lbtStskeeps: I know -
ccookeStskeeps: well, no. But maemo is designed to be a single partition15:53
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mgedminX-Fade: /bin and /lib are supposed to have sufficient stuff for system boot15:54
mgedminwhich means you can remount /usr and bring your shell back15:54
ccookeIf we're talking putting apps onto a larger filesystem, why not use a unionfs?15:54
mgedminnow NFS-mounted /home does kill shells pretty nicely15:54
mgedminwhen it goes down15:54
mgedminccooke: could be because there's no stable working unionfs?15:55
ccookemgedmin: Use the right mount options and that's fine.15:55
mgedminall implementations are incomplete external patches15:55
ccookemgedmin: there are stable ones - it's just not mainline.15:55
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ccookeIt's used in a number of production environments, for instance15:55
RST38hGeneral: Ah, there has been a suggestion to establish other furniture positions =)15:56
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GeneralAntillesCan I be the couch?15:56
GeneralAntillesI'm lazy.15:56
* lbt likes various positions on furniture15:57
RST38hLeft untended, it starts dragging victims into the fueling chamber and [DATA EXPUNGED]....15:57
X-Fadelol, Quim's mail contains the edit button from the wiki article he pasted it from ;)15:58
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aquatixX-Fade: opensource mail, yum15:58
asj_wrk-MySQL was an evil company that didn't play well with others in the OSS market place15:59
asj_wrk-in my experiance with them anyways15:59
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luke-jrMySQL is all embrace and extend too16:00
luke-jrand refuse to follow the standard in the first place16:01
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Vanadishow's the exchange support on maemo?16:03
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mgedmintigert's ascii-art powers are awesome16:13
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JaffaVanadis: It's very similar to _Mail for Exchange_ on S60 (in Maemo 5, at least)16:14
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mgedminwhat is apt doing for so long?16:25
mgedminthe system is idle16:25
X-Fademgedmin: extract Packages and parse it?16:25
mgedmin"Setting up osm2go ..." "Cache file created successfully."16:26
mgedminand now it's sitting there doing apparently not16:26
mgedminoh crap it's the dreaded GUI dialog waiting for me to select the menu16:26
mgedmingets me every time I ssh + sudo apt-get install something16:26
mgedminit's soo good it's gone in maemo 516:27
X-Fademgedmin: Yeah, but there are still apps to prompt the user.16:27
aquatixmgedmin: same here16:27
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RST38hBetween 24 and 48 hours after being stung, the subject will begin to experience abnormalities in the regular flow of spacetime, with events around the subject happening slower or faster than normal.16:36
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RST38hX-Fade: the system should be clever enough to see that installation was started from command line and show prompts in terminal =)16:36
GeneralAntillesSomebody should take "e.g." away from non-native speakers.16:37
GeneralAntillesTalk abou Latin abuse.16:37
asj_wrk-non-native latin speakers?16:37
mgedminthe only thing wrong with e.g. is that people confuse it with i.e. and vice versa16:38
mgedminalso, I've no clue how to pronounce it16:39
mgedmin"exempli gratia"? "for example"?16:39
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, that, and randomly inserting it in the middle of sentences where it doesn't belong.16:39
* RST38h e.g.g.s General16:39
GeneralAntillesasj_wrk-, non-native English speakers using it when writing English.16:39
asj_wrk-ok just checking :)16:39
GeneralAntillesThe most recent example:
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fiferboyThere are proper ways, e.g making lists, to use it though ;)16:43
aquatixe.g., spelling it the right way?16:43
fiferboyGood example16:43
RST38hGoogle claims .e.g stands for Evil Geniuses16:43
asj_wrk- -- I should use more of these in emails through the ond of this annus mirabilis ;)16:44
aquatixRST38h: that's because of the placement of the dots16:44
RST38haquatix: no, the placement of dots is due to my lousy typing16:44
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RST38h"It must have been lost somewhere in the specs, but the Nokia N900 actually does have an Infrared (IR) port." (C)Reggie16:47
RST38hHey, Nokians, confirm, deny?16:48
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StskeepsAbort! Abort!16:50
RST38hI guess this is the expected easter egg, isn't it?16:50
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RST38hhey javis16:51
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X-FadeRST38h: I guess this is because reggie saw the irreco movie (n900) on youtube16:51
X-FadeRST38h: but irreco works on n8x0 too :)16:51
RST38hX-Fade: irreco's author is on t.m.o confirming that there is an ir transmitter16:52
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X-FadeAlthough the n900 is using a local lirc device.16:52
X-FadeSo it could be true.16:52
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RST38hit is apparently that mysterious window at the top16:52
X-FadeIt was mentioned when the first kernel came out?16:52
RST38hno idea, ask our kernel hackers :)16:53
X-FadeA real CIR port..16:53
Stskeepsall we know is from prototype devices though? :P16:53
RST38hSts: You mean, consumer version will have that window taped over? ;)16:53
ShellEvilYou could use a IRDA device as a face sensor quite easily16:54
Stskeepshow did that proximity thing work anyway?16:55
javispedroir transmiter?16:55
* javispedro reads logs16:56
RST38hSts: probably a field effect transistor or something16:56
GeneralAntillesIt works the same way as the proximity sensors on synthesizers and keyboards.16:57
GeneralAntillesJust an IR transmitter and receiver.16:57
RST38hso, it can ALSO be used as an IR receiver16:58
RST38hIR joypads anyone?16:58
ShellEvilRST38h: it depends - if they thought of it - yes16:58
RST38hprobably didn't...16:58
ShellEvilRST38h: a IRDA and a face sensor can be combined almost free16:58
GeneralAntillesUnless you want your screen to turn off everytime you try to game.16:58
wazdeven irreco author has a n900 :D16:59
ccookeI still find it slightly odd that the n900 has gained an IR port :-)17:00
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GeneralAntillesWow, so HAM did get a bit of  a UI overhaul.17:02
RST38hjust a little bit it seems, not enough17:02
GeneralAntillesStill sucks for package management.17:02
RST38hstill no icons for categories for example17:02
GeneralAntillesPrettified, not made more useful.17:02
GeneralAntillesPatches welcome, I'm sure.17:02
RST38hmade less useful, in fact17:03
wazdcan anybody give me a shot with that blueish icons in media player/HAM?17:03
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wazdsince they are exposed in every way I don't think that it will be legal problem and stuff17:03
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RST38hthese or the other bunch?17:05
wazd*fail* :D17:05
wazdRST38h: yeah, thanks :)17:05
wazdRST38h: somehow missed them in review17:06
RST38horiginal Canola icons looked better, indeed17:06
javispedroah, /opt .17:08
aol_I'm very sorry :(17:08
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aol_the SDK instructions say run ./ start17:08
aol_but I don't seem to have that script17:08
javispedroso, we have to decide17:09
javispedrowheter to start changing every pkg now17:09
javispedroor just put maemo-optify-deb in the autobuilder17:10
aol_only ARMEL has that scrip17:10
javispedroaol_: you have to install nokia-binaries in x86 too.17:10
RST38hI vote for manual changes17:10
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javispedroRST38h, I too. But I see it will suck for some people.17:10
RST38hjavis: You have to redo packages for Fremantle anyway17:11
RST38hjavis: And absolutely nothing can suck more than current habit of installing data to mmc17:11
javispedroRST38h: not really. e.g. lcuk did not17:11
RST38hyes but he had ot change the code, didn't he?17:12
javispedroyeah, but no conditional compilation17:12
GeneralAntillesThere's that damn e.g. again!17:12
javispedroGeneralAntilles: what, you don't like Latin?17:12
RST38hjavis: As he had to screw with it anyway, he could just as well change to opt (if needed of course)17:13
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, scrollback. :P17:13
javispedrobut now he will need to cond. compilation/installation17:13
aol_javispedro: ah so the scrachbox can be in arm/x86 mode ....17:13
Jaffajavispedro: Nothing wrong with using /opt on diablo17:13
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aol_javispedro: thanks, probably saved me lot of time!17:14
javispedroGeneralAntilles: do you know a page with examples for proper usage?17:16
javispedroah, wait, wikipedia itself.17:16
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RST38hScary stuff:
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javispedroe.g. (exempli gratia): literally "for the sake of example" but in the modern it would be "for instance." It is used correctly to introduce an example. It is used incorrectly to mean "that is". well...17:20
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lopzgm ;)17:21
RST38h"that is" == i.e.17:21
* RST38h still hasn't grasped the usage of "sic!" though17:22
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nomisRST38h: (sic!) is an empasis that the preceding error is not yours, but from the original source.17:24
javispedroI've never seen "sic!" though. OTOH, [sic]...17:25
Jaffa"'sic!' [sic] is an indication that the preceding error is not yours."17:25
RST38hIs it a written substitute for snickering then? =)17:25
nomisRST38h: not necessarily.17:26
JaffaRST38h: It's Latin equivalent of "as-is"/"as-it-was"17:26
RST38hSee, finding something new every day...17:26
* javispedro did not learn a thing yet. well, other than finding the n900 possibly has some kind of ir...17:26
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javispedroso, from reading the optify source, the final /opt layout is going to be /opt/maemo/usr/{bin,lib,etc}, seems17:30
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javispedrowithout neither PATH nor LD_LIBRARY_PATH nor ld.conf tricks: only symlinks17:31
RST38hmaemo/usr is completely useless there17:31
lardmanjavispedro: IR?17:31
ShellEvilOn the N900 - is there a bottom-left wifi indicator?17:32
Corsacjavispedro: it's consistent with FHS, it seems17:32
ShellEvilA LED - a little bit from the bottom-left corner - held as you'd use the keyb17:32
Corsacwhich recommends /opt/<vendor>/ layout17:32
GeneralAntillesShellEvil, that's the notification LED.17:32
GeneralAntillesDon't think it has any notifications for WiFi, although you could certainly arrange some.17:33
lardmanjavispedro: hmm, interesting17:33
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ShellEvilk - it looked the same 'colour' as IR renders on many cameras. - on some videos I saw17:33
lardmangood good, still lots of old hw with IR ports17:33
JaffaCorsac: Yeah, I'm going to directly put stuff in /opt/attitude or /opt/bue, for example.17:34
Jaffae.g. /opt/$PACKAGE/<whatever I want>17:34
javispedroI smell mess.17:34
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JaffaSymlinking is ugly in the case of a Maemo-specific app17:34
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javispedroso finally the N900 is now a proud descendant of GoboLinux ;)17:35
RST38h /opt/kde and /opt/android are definitely coming...17:35
* Jaffa has an advantage in that those two apps are Python-based, and the python libs they depend on will go into /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/17:35
RST38hand then /opt/java seems inevitable =)17:35
Jaffajavispedro: If you're going the /opt route, you might as well do it properly.17:35
* Jaffa has heard of /opt/qt4 on Maemo 5 too17:35
usulwhat is GoBoLinux?17:35
RST38husul: another silly linux distro I guess17:36
usulgo-bot linux?17:36
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javispedroI still smell mess though. Python applications will use / memory, the app mgr won't let you install any app if you don't have enough / space left, und so weiter.17:37
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asj_wrk-Gobolinux must have the most complicated ./configure strings on the planet17:37
Jaffajavispedro: Python *libraries* will use / memory, by default.17:38
RST38hGoboLinux was probably done by MacOS fanatics or something17:38
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* javispedro considers doing a special dh_installopt that installs things to /opt and creates symlinks17:39
asj_wrk-I wonder how they take care of a users PATH? I wonder what it's max size is...17:40
javispedrothus in debian folder, package.install for things to / and package.installopt for /opt things17:40
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javispedroon diablo, dh_installopt calls dh_install .17:40
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asj_wrk-oh, they put symlinks of everything into /System/Links/Executables essentially creating /usr/bin again17:40
javispedroasj_wrk: yeah. there are some talks about doing that with a FUSE fs.17:41
usulok that was worth opening a 7th browser window on tablet :)17:41
Jaffajavispedro: Why not start using /opt on Diablo? Then we can mount it as a loopback FS or partition on the internal eMMC17:43
javispedrohow you convince users to mount it?17:43
JaffaIt gets created on internal / if they haven't. Gives power users ability to get benefits without moving whole FS to mmc17:44
JaffaUsing a *different* bit of rootfs on diablo in default case doesn't seem to me to be a problem17:44
javispedrothis is not exactly the same situation as the "installing to card" issue. We (well, at least I) used to left >1 MiB binaries in /, which is now not recommended in Fremantle17:44
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* Jaffa 's point is that diablo doesn't need any special treatment. /opt will work there too, it's just that most users won't see the benefits it gives on Fremantle (though it is relatively easy for users to get those benefits). However, it's a zero-cost game if your package is capable of working on diablo or fremantle.17:46
javispedrobtw, the only reason I can think of for a shared /opt/maemo/ $PREFIX is "future" unionfs compatibility17:49
RST38hJaffa: One can create a special package that will resize current mmc2 partition, create a new ext2/ext3 one and mount it aas /opt17:50
RST38hJaffa: after which more space becomes available for the apps on Diablo17:50
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RST38hcoming: maemo-mortify (for rendering packages inactive) and maemo-transmogrify (for binary-translating i386 packages into armel)17:57
javispedroas Macer said, some day we will wake up and find Maemo is now Android17:57
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StskeepsRST38h: maemo-transmogrify could maybe be done with qemu :P17:58
thpabout that /opt thing.. i thought they wanted to "align with mainstream linux"?17:58
javispedroah well.17:58
javispedrothat will be Fixed in Harmattan, of course.17:59
JaffaRST38h: Exactly17:59
Jaffajavispedro: We've not heard anything about a shared /opt/maemo prefix. We've been told to use /opt. maemo-optify needs to prefix all the paths with something in its initial implementation, so sticks /opt/maemo on as a qualifier.18:00
Jaffajavispedro: I'd bet that a patch to make it use /opt/_package_/bin rather than /opt/maemo/usr/bin would be accepted18:00
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javispedroJaffa: patch? unless Perl does not allowing accessing global vars from functions, that is a one-liner.18:01
chxRST38h: are you serious about that maemo-transmogrify?18:01
javispedros/allowing/allow/ :P18:02
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Jaffajavispedro: Well, perhaps the author didn't consider it (I've not looked at the source yet)18:03
javispedroJaffa: that'd be my guess too (well, that, or overlooking something ;)).18:03
javispedrobut the question is: why?18:03
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X-FadeMarius is probably open for suggestions.18:04
Jaffajavispedro: Because mvo is god, and it's been quickly hacked?18:04
X-FadeJust propose it..18:04
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, if we want to be involved in the process, then we have to get involved. :P18:05
JaffaX-Fade: Mail is being written now!18:05
javispedroI really dunno, maybe there's a reason I don't know.18:05
javispedro(proper reason)18:05
X-FadeJaffa: it is not a coincidence that this code is in a public git repo :)18:05
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, are you subscribed to maemo-developers?18:05
javispedroGeneralAntilles, yes18:05
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, the thread there is the place to make proposals.18:06
wazdjavispedro: I want quicksave/load functionality in DokSNES :)18:06
VDVsxinteresting, someone from Google's Partnerships Team is registered for the summit o_018:06
javispedrowazd: noted18:06
wazdjavispedro:You can bind it to zoom buttons for example :)18:07
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wazdjavispedro: have you seen that Flashback for iPhone costs 5 bucks?)18:07
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javispedrowazd: I don't even know what's that18:08
javispedroI seee.18:08
StskeepsVDVsx: they are in odd places sometimes18:08
RST38hVDVsx: I am sure there will be a passionate speech from 'em18:08
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RST38hVDVsx: Meanwhile, looks like N900 has got an IR transmitter, so you may be interested to add support ;)18:09
RST38hVDVsx: BTW if you add IR support to BlueMaemo, will you have to rename it to VioletMaemo? =)18:09
javispedrowazd: but the iphone version is not emulated, it's native from what I read18:09
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VDVsxRST38h, lol :P18:09
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wazdjavispedro: well, thanks to DokSNES emu it runs on n800 just like native :D18:11
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* RST38h wonders if BT HID devices still lag on Fremantle18:13
aquatixwow, that game looks awesome18:13
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RST38hMaemo team made its best effort insisting that the problem does not exist on Diablo, related to a particular keyboard brand etc18:14
RST38h(in spite of multiple people reporting it, with BT and USB keyboards alike)18:14
* javispedro likes to hear that even the partition size is still negotiable at this stage18:15
RST38hjavispedro: you can resize later as you want, it is still part of mmc218:16
VDVsxRST38h, read somewhere that HID isn't a supported profile by default18:16
RST38hVDVsx: Eh???18:16
RST38hNo way?18:16
VDVsxyou have to hack something AFAIK18:17
javispedroRST38h, yeah, but won't somebody think of the users!?! ;)18:17
RST38hHere goes quick desktop replacement use case...18:17
javispedro(either way I don't really have an opinion)18:18
aquatixVDVsx: the fsck?18:18
RST38hjavis: screw the users, it is the canonical way to handle them18:18
ziyourenxianggoogle schoogle18:18
ziyourenxiangsorry, didn't realise i was 1hour behind :-)18:19
derfRST38h: At least with Maemo the users have a fighting chance to fix things on their own.18:19
RST38hNo keyboard. No tethering. Aaaarghhh18:19
* RST38h facepalms18:19
RST38h"act of changing config files and random hacking"18:20
javispedroRST38h, as you can see, Maemo loves that "screw the users" motto too :)18:20
derfEveryone does.18:20
X-FadeSounds like a nice Extras package to me ;)18:20
derfIt's only natural. Their interests are only tangentially related to yours.18:20
* RST38h can see those trackers coming to bugzilla, with the vengeance18:20
VDVsxshould be easy to change, dunno why it isn't supported18:20
javispedroSounds like Engadget complaining in its first review...18:21
RST38hVDVsx: but Diablo also has support for these in UI18:21
X-FadeIf Johan can show those working at a presentation, we can package it too.18:21
RST38hVDVsx: Of course you can hack them to work, but will there be the status icons, device selection, etc?18:21
X-FadeRST38h: Something for bluemaemo ;)18:22
RST38hOk, I have fixed stupid WinXP boot sequence, time to go home18:22
VDVsxjhe, why isn't HID supported in Fremantle, can we have some valid explanation ? ^^  :)18:23
RST38hVDVsx: You can, a moment18:23
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RST38hVDVsx: (I have no idea why they dropped the tethering though)18:24
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Stskeepsshould be fairly easy to readd though18:24
StskeepsRST38h: simple reason is probably time18:25
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VDVsxRST38h, well, I've controlled my n810 with my OM and never noticed that, only happens for some KB ?18:26
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RST38hVDVsx: Seems to depend on the application and overall load18:26
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RST38hVDVsx: Gtk dialogs with a lot of widgets are the worst18:26
RST38hVDVsx: Emulators and games are unplayable too, the kbd lags too much18:26
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X-FadeI only tested my bt keyboard with the terminal and that worked fine.18:26
RST38hTerminal kinda works, especially if you turn off all the other apps18:27
X-FadeBut bt isn't low latency anyway?18:27
RST38hSymbian has no problems with bt keyboards.18:27
RST38hLatency or not.18:27
RST38hBesides, Maemo seems to have the same problem with USB keyboards (see reports)18:28
Stskeepsprobably HIM's fault18:28
X-FadeIt can even be that the bt daemon has a too low priority ;)18:28
VDVsxhumm, so probably isn't a problem with the profile himself, but we have fast HW now :P18:28
javispedroI can't see why it does not happen with the builtin keyb then18:28
RST38hX-Fade: There are several possibilities - HIM (as Sts says), the Gtk event loop, the scheduling, etc18:28
RST38hjavis: Does not seem to happen with builtin one18:29
RST38hjavis: but then you can't touch-type on the built in keyboard18:29
RST38hjavis: so it is difficult to tell for sure if it happens18:29
RST38hok, home calls18:30
VDVsxthey (nokians) should know ;)18:30
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Ramadyis it easy to port a linux application to maemo18:54
ccookeRamady: depends on the app18:54
Stskeepsif you have a machoistic streak, yeah18:54
ccookeconsole apps, for instance, generally don't need much porting at all18:55
jheVDVsx: iirc the reason was related to lack of testing resources and the need to get rid of anything which isn't absolutely critical. but don't quote me on this :)18:55
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VDVsxjhe, so the plugin will be only disabled at the conf file level ?18:56
jheVDVsx: yes. the bluez package installs it but it's disabled in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf18:56
VDVsxah, ok, np then ;)18:56
Ramadywhat makes an application difficult to be ported18:56
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jheVDVsx: however last time I checked it seems we may have something wrong the the X server config. I need to check with oliver about this (maybe he could even join in to the session if my proposal gets approved)18:57
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VDVsxjhe, ok, thanks :)18:58
jheno problem18:58
ccookeRamady: any number of things. Assumptions on screen size, use of libraries that aren't ported yet, use of toolkits that aren't holdonised...18:58
ccookeRamady: what's the app?18:59
usul microsoft word?18:59
ccookeusul: *laugh*19:01
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RamadyI have no specific application  in my mind but I like to have linux in my pocket19:01
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GeneralAntillesRamady, for the most part they just need to be compiled.19:01
JaffaSheesh - I can't upload an ODP doc to Google Docs19:01
ccookeRamady: Well, for instance... Pretty much anything console-mode will work with nothing but a recompile.19:01
GeneralAntillesOf course most of them wont be very usable @ 800x480 on a 3.5" screen.19:02
GeneralAntillesBut the rest is just gravy, really.19:02
usulctorrent for eg19:02
RamadyOpen office19:02
VDVsxjhe, the only problem that I see here, is that we need to restart the BlueZ subsystem in order to enable/disable plugins :(19:02
ccookeRamady: X apps will work after recompilation, but will not support some of the tablet's features properly (they might not work well with the task switcher, say)19:02
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usulhas anyone tried OO?19:02
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ccookeRamady: to get full support, they need to use hildon-aware libraries.19:03
mgedminon maemo?  I've seen people do presentations with OO during the last Maemo Summit19:03
usullast i remember someone had abiword almost stable19:03
usulOO on a tablet?19:03
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usulmaemo should play a floppy drive sound when swapping19:05
jheVDVsx: true. that could be a feature (loading/unloading during runtime) worth suggesting upstream. otoh we haven't encountered too many use cases for it yet but at least the maemo one seems pretty valid.19:05
mgedminusul: T-shirt!19:05
mgedminwith that quote19:05
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usulat least that way i'd have some ingrained patience when switching to browser19:05
* mgedmin would buy19:05
VDVsxjhe, my app need that too ;)19:05
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johnsqusul: but no fault of the hardware.19:07
usulfault of evil webmonkeys, flash and js19:08
RamadyI did no see any office software in Maemo official site19:08
usulyou know, "office software" contains a gigantic amount of expectations for a handheld device19:09
RamadyWhat people usually use for creating documents19:09
StskeepsRamady: it can read powerpoint/excel/word afaik with a 3rd party program19:09
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vladovgany one traiet abiword19:09
usulhappily, i have no contacts who insist on .doc19:10
usulcheck for abiword status, afaik19:10
vladovgits working great19:10
usulwhat version / release date?19:11
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Ramadythank yuo guys you are very helpful19:11
vladovgfaind it in app manager19:11
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vladovgay have added mani app suorces19:14
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vladovgand its working great19:14
usulty vladovg19:15
usuli hope word processors die out completely some day, along with printers19:15
usulfor the info19:15
usullast i tried abiword was 200719:16
vladovgglad ay kane help19:17
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vladovgay getting a lot help from yo  gais19:17
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amryo yo yo19:26
amri leave for a week and the n900 is announced19:26
ShellEvilBut not as of yet picked up by carriers.19:26
amrwhat have i missed!"?19:27
amrim watching the video now :o19:27
ShellEvilamr: The laser cannon was an unexpected feature.19:27
fralsi think you have a few dozen videos to watch ;-)19:27
amri love videos, link me up19:27
ShellEvilSeriously - it has everything you might want on a phone.19:27
johnsqamr: time to rob a bank19:27
usulyoutube, n90019:27
ShellEvilApart from magnetometer, ability to work in the US on 3G networks other than t-mobile19:27
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vladovgmy personal ay dont like so mach the900 dont like the aidia with gsm modul19:28
ShellEviland being half the price19:28
frals this guy got a few nice ones19:28
usul"gimme links" sheesh19:28
vladovgit is not a tablet ani mor19:28
amrit isnt?19:28
amris it an actual phone now?19:28
usuland it has speakers19:28
vladovgits lucking like somo krapi n series19:28
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usuland it has a display19:28
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amri liked the fact it wasnt a phone19:29
vladovgsmal scrin19:29
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usullet me type everything the n900 has for you amr19:29
fralsi dont see how adding a gsm-chip makes it worse tbh19:29
usulit will take some time19:29
amrwell i wasnt really ever interested in a tablet being my phone19:29
vladovgay have olmost 20 pda from now19:29
ShellEvilamr: don't have to use it.19:29
amrit doesnt make it any worse19:29
ShellEvilamr: well - other than price of course19:29
vladovgand 1-2 with gsm moduls19:29
simulait's smaller than the 81019:30
fralsput it in offline mode and you wont notice the gsm i guess ;)19:30
amrdare i ask the price?19:30
usulups the price a bit - but with a flat data plan, n900 could loosen my wallet19:30
ShellEvilamr: 499euro, 699$19:30
frals500€ before taxes n stuff19:30
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ShellEvilor is it 599e19:30
ShellEviland 499 pounds19:30
usulheavy phone19:30
vladovg600 euro in europe19:31 599.9919:31
amri like the android style desktop19:31
vladovg900 $19:31
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fralscloser to 599€ in sweden if i convert SEK to € from nokia.se19:31
usuln900 uses a neutron-star case19:31
usulkeep all objects 6 meters away19:31
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usulbtw why do so many youtube commenters want a crapacatice screen?19:32
mgedminbecause iphone has one19:33
amrthe ui seems so much better19:33
qwerty12_N810usul: you answered your own question: they're YouTube commenters :)19:33
fralsbecause engadget is in love with it due to iphone having it, i think19:33
* mgedmin is know to have referred to his n800's touchscreen as "stabscreen"19:33
mgedminsince you had to use A LOT OF FORCE to force stylus taps to be noticed19:33
mgedminand that's after adjusting sensitivity to the maximum19:33
fralsby the looks the n900 screen seems pretty sensitive thou19:34
usulmgedmin, i think there was some manufacturing variance on  n800 screens19:34
mgedminI don't seem to have the same problem with my n81019:34
mgedminneither the new one nor the old one with the touchscreen replaced19:34
usulyou have seen the sketches on tmo with dead-zones?19:34
mgedmin(the new one suffered from a fall to the floor and now the stand doesn't have intermediate locking positions)19:35
amroo and FINALLY a calendar19:35
usulmy n810 has survived 6 crashes to concrete/pavement19:35
amrand a nice one by the looks of it19:35
usuland the n810 screen is amayingly scratchproof19:36
amri love my n81019:36
* mgedmin once decided to test the scratchability of his first 77019:37
* mgedmin discovered that the screen can be very easily scratched if you push the plastic stylus a bit too hard19:37
* mgedmin stopped testing such things intentionally19:37
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* javispedro suggest you test if it blends instead.19:38
usuli was sad they dropped the aluminum shell, but the n810 doesnt need it19:38
usulit can go in a pocket with keys19:38
* mgedmin wouldn't19:38
* Stskeeps hopes n900 comes with a pouch19:39
* mgedmin assumes it will -- every prior device did19:39
usuli think i will have the most beat-up n810 in amsterdam19:39
vladovgay protect may like my ays19:39
mgedminalthough phones usually don't19:39
mgedminhmm, is n900 more like a phone or more like a tablet?19:39
fralsmobile computer, duh! ;)19:39
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johnsqmgedmin: screen too small19:39
Mekin its pouch you can throw an n810 on the street with 30km/h from 1.5 meters up without any noticable effects :P19:39
Jucatotablet with phone features19:39
* Jucato hides from Mek19:40
MekJucato: why? :)19:40
* luke-jr wonders what it will take for some company to create a N900-SL860 hybrid19:40
mgedminhey, does it charge from microUSB, or does it also have a standard thin nokia charger slot?19:40
Mekn900 only has microUSB19:40
fralsonly the usb19:40
Mekbut it can't be usb host and charge at the same time19:41
usulhas anyone recovered a stolen n810 by ssh-ing in and getting gps coordinates? :)19:41
Mekgetting gps coordinates from a n810's gps? :P19:41
usulpoint taken19:41
jaskamy thoughts exactly19:41
luke-jrusul: unlikely19:41
fralsawesome, need to get an app like that for the n900... :D19:41
amrlol the zoom gesture is stupid19:42
usulwhat would be better19:42
usulshow us your brilliance19:42
amrthe pinch thing from apple is actually quite nice19:42
amrlots of things use it19:43
Jucatorequires multi-touch19:43
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luke-jrso implement multi-touch19:43
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mgedminhow hard can it be?19:44
Stskeepsor two touch?19:44
simulathe hardware doesn't support multi-touch19:44
* mgedmin remembers that sarcasm doesn't work well in a text-only media19:44
vladovgwhi not 3 ?19:44
Jucatoyeah two touch would be enough for pinching :)19:44
luke-jrmgedmin: well, multi-touch on resistive screens is at least patented19:44
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mgedminbut but but patents encourage innovation!19:44
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usulStrphan Kinsella is an IP lawyer with interesting thoughts on patents19:45
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luke-jrsimula: how can it not?19:45
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simulalooking for my source19:48
ShellEvilfour wire resistive screens - the majority - can return at best a rough boundingbox of all touches19:49
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usul80 seconds to switch from xchat to browser and close 5 windows19:49
mgedminswapping is fun19:49
mgedmindiablo lets you close windows without switching to the app; what about fremantle?19:50
usulpausing inactive webpages, not an option?19:50
amrthe double tap for zooming is fine19:51
amrthis corkscrew shit is awfult ho19:51
luke-jrmgedmin: even so, the app needs to swap out to close..19:51
mgedminbut swapping in code needed to close may be faster than swapping in code needed to redraw + code needed to close19:52
mgedminin theory19:52
luke-jrprobably in the same page19:52
usulu are browser expert here right mgedmin?19:52
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amrthe device hands on still show it stuttering when scrolling and on this panoramic desktop thing19:52
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amrwhat a let down19:53
mgedminusul: you're thinking about timeless (or timeless_mbp he was using recently for reasons I don't know)19:53
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usulit is running apps19:53
usuloh yes, sorry mgedmin19:54
Stskeepsmgedmin: it's simple - macbook pro :P19:54
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, MacBook Pro19:54
GeneralAntillesamr, the software isn't final.19:54
mgedminah; I thought it was a nickserv collision or something19:54
GeneralAntillesamr, apparently the software on the demo units is actually out of date.19:54
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usulbtw the interface is exactly what i hoped they would do19:55
amri hope it does well19:55
amrthe ui seems thought out, consistent and pretty19:55
amra step up19:55
usuli like how nokia generally follows my telepathic instructions19:56
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mgedminusul: can you please think about them sending a n900 to me?19:56
jaskaand me19:56
MyrttiMe too19:56
luke-jrheck, if there's no cost, I wouldn't mind one19:56
Corsaccount me in19:56
usuldont waste my powers19:57
luke-jrusul: more importantly, get them to put in a decent keyboard someday19:57
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usulthe 3 line kbd could work ok.  who here has used it?19:57
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luke-jrusul: decent kb =
Mekthe international/us version with 4 arrow keys was not too bad... the spanish version with only 2 buttons for all arrows was a bit more annoying...19:58
GeneralAntillesusul, everybody I've heard of whose used the 3-row US version has liked it more than the N810 version.19:59
usulno dpad is awesome too :)  after all the complaints...  "ok, we wont include one next time"  :)19:59
usulcool GA :)19:59
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usulluke-jr you would prefer a clamshell landscape n900? :)19:59
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luke-jrusul: by far20:00
luke-jrclamshell also protects the screen better than having to slide it in a case20:00
usulok, they would then sell at least one unit20:00
usuli know the clamshell advantages.  but they dont look cool.  need to look cool to sell units.  sorry20:02
usuldid you order a pandora luke-jr?20:02
luke-jrsure they do20:02
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luke-jrusul: I don't pre-order anything20:02
Mizoois there any developper on Smartq devices ?20:03
Stskeeps-> #mer20:04
Mizoothanks ;)20:04
usulsoes anyone know what physocal constraints prevented them from letting n900 slide open 1cm more and yield 4 rows?20:05
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pcfehow does one list all files belonging to a pkg? (not sure how, but I just lost my /etc/openvpn/maemo-update-resolvconf and want to check my sanity as I think that file is from the openvpn pkg)20:05
usuldpkg - something20:05
qwerty12_N810dpkg -L20:06
Mek`dpkg -L packagename`20:06
GeneralAntillesusul, Peter said something about consistent keyboard designs across devices.20:06
GeneralAntillesusul, so it may have actually been able to accomodate a 4-row keyboard. :\20:06
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pcfeusul, qwerty12_N810: Thanks20:07
usulId have to give away my n810 or go nuts switching20:07
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Stskeepskeyboard we felt was a lot better than n810 one though20:07
usulcool.. looks like more space btwn keys for less typos20:08
JaffaKeyboard on the N900 is leagues better than N81020:08
JaffaDid a side-by-side comparison at Nokia World, and I couldn't go back to the N810 afterwards20:09
RST38hJaffa: How does it compare to E90 though?20:09
jaskamy big sausagefingers dont work terribly well on n81020:09
JaffaRST38h: Dunno, sorry20:09
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usulgreat link GA:  "i dont think it was some kind of religious decision" LOL20:11
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pcfeif -L shows me /etc/openvpn/maemo-update-resolvconf being in openvpn pkg and I remove he package and then re-install it, but /etc/openvpn is still empty after install, what am I doing wrong?20:14
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mgedminpcfe: did you manually rm /etc/openvpn/*?20:15
pcfemgedmin: after I uninstalled the package but before re-installing it, yes20:16
mgedminif so, to get it back, you'll need to reinstall the deb with --force-confmiss20:16
mgedmindpkg -i /path/to/file.deb --force-confmiss20:16
pcfemgedmin: thank you20:16
mgedminor use midnight commander's built-in .deb browser to go into the .deb and copy the config files manually20:16
pcfe(that will teach me to do manual cleans when trying to make sure docs for end users are idiot proof)20:16
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mgedminI wonder if you can ask apt to pass the --force-confmiss stuff down to dpkg...20:17
RST38hPeter sounds almost shy in this video20:17
mgedminit's a really irritating use case; people assume that they can rm the config files they damaged in order to get apt/dpkg to restore pristine versions20:17
RST38hMust be the Finnish thing20:17
pcfeapt-get probablyt has a download only flag, let me see20:17
mgedmininstead dpkg assumes that if you rm, you want it *gone* forever20:17
jrocha-d is the flasg20:17
jrochashit! :)20:18
pcfemgedmin: dpkg makes assumption on what I do _after_ I uninstalled a package?!?20:18
mgedmindpkg gives precedence to the sysadmin over files in /etc20:18
mgedmininstallation status doesn't matter20:18
mgedminor, rather, dpkg distinguishes "purged" and "removed"20:18
pcfecoming from the rpm world I expected it to remove /etc/openvpn itself when I uninstalled the paclage foirst time20:18
jrochabye guys, see you tomorrow20:18
mgedminwhere "removed" means everything was removed but /etc files are kept and still maintained20:18
* pcfe learned sth new20:19
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javispedro~seen pupnik20:23
infobotpupnik <n=pupnik@unaffiliated/pupnik> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4d 18h 11m 59s ago, saying: 'gives you a feel for what the kidz think'.20:23
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* mgedmin thinks the irreco demonstration successfully demonstrates that the software is way too complicated...20:24
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mgedminstill cool20:25
GeneralAntillesRST38h, he's German.20:26
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pcfemgedmin: hmm, this is a bit more hassle than I thought. Is my presumption wrong that 'apt-get purge openvpn && apt-get install openvpn' would be the fastest way to solve this (as opposed to looking for a downloadonly flag)20:27
mgedminyou're absolutely right!20:27
mgedminI only recently learned about --force-confmiss20:28
mgedminI guess in my desire to show off the knowledge I completely forgot about this older and clearer solution20:28
javispedroirreco + portrait mode = my m130 can finally rest in peace20:28
javispedrohopefully the ir transmitter is real and has proper tx power20:29
mgedminbloody xchat gives me the maemo summit link instead of the irc logs link20:29
pcfehmm, invalid operation purge20:29
javispedro"apt-get --purge uninstall" iirc20:29
mgedminnewer apt has apt-get purge; older apt needed apt-get remove --purge20:30
javispedromgedmin, newer apt is aptitude20:30
mgedminnah, aptitude is a weird beast20:30
javispedroapt-get never got purge, unless you're talking about squeeze or sid20:30
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mgedminapt has purge20:31
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javispedroah well, seems you're right, sorry20:31
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mgedminmaemo apt might not have it20:31
mgedminit was a rather recent addition20:31
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javispedroso, why did they put ir in there? O.o20:32
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pcfeapt-get remove --purge openvpn seems top have worked20:33
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pcfeThanks for your help people, my docs are now hopefully idiot proof20:48
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RST38hjavis: they had to compensate for the lack of BT HID? :)20:58
javispedrostill, something as visible...20:59
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wazdwow! FM Radio in an iPod!)21:03
* wazd waits for Archangels :D21:03
asj_wrk-no no it's a video camera with the lens of the size of a pin head21:05
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glasswazd: 160gb classic made me chuckle. since i already got a 160gb classic...21:06
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* RST38h promises to himself to stop watching n900 walkthrough videos21:08
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wazdRST38h: pointless drooling :)21:12
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fralsi know the feeling >_<21:14
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_berto_"Nokia will not customize the N900 for carriers"
_berto_i guess it's official now21:32
timeless_mbp_berto_: who is being cited there?21:33
_berto_David Rivas apparently21:34
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_berto_"Nokia's vice president for devices R&D"21:34
* timeless_mbp chuckles21:34
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles, Ping21:34
GeneralAntillesAndrewFBlack, pong?21:35
AndrewFBlackGeneralAntilles, talked to guys at FLS and they said they will give me all the free tickets I need for people just let them know how many are coming21:36
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GeneralAntillesPreliminarily I'll say 3 (me plus 2 friends)21:37
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AndrewFBlackLooks like someone on forums is coming as well21:38
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RST38hThe reason for not customizing, given by nokia honcho, was "to avoid having to maintain multiple versions"21:42
RST38hwhether it is a real reason or a made up one, decide for yourself21:43
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GeneralAntillesI suspect that the whole (applications that you can't ever remove) thing is an issue, too.21:44
* mgedmin is considering changing his hotel booking to Hotel Art21:44
mgedminfree wifi!21:44
ShellEvilAnd if you do want to customise - writing the needed trusted code model to allow it to be done.21:45
RST38hGeneral: Lockdown has never been cited by any of the Nokia people, so far21:46
RST38hGeneral: Only "customization"21:46
RST38hSo I would not assume that they necessarily mean lockdown21:46
ShellEvilI would asume that carriers mean lockdown when they say customise.21:47
RST38hnot necessarily21:47
ShellEvilAs in - at least lockdown the added menu items/...21:47
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ShellEvilAlso - in principle - the carrier could simply buy 10K phones at a _steep_ discount, and reflash surely?21:48
RST38hcarriers do not do that21:48
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RST38hwhy would they? there is always samsung, lg, etc perfectly ready to customize their phones for them21:49
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RST38hwhy would a carrier pay money to hire special people to modify some special phone model?21:49
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RST38hpen1234 <--- spammer21:53
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wazd~burn pen123421:54
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* infobot pours gasoline all over pen1234, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze21:54
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qwerty12_N810FINISH HIM21:54
jaskajust dont finnish him21:54
jaskadont want him here21:54
tlaxkynä1234 ?21:55
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SpeedEvilRST38h: I was assuming that the N900 was a wild success, and people were storming mobile shops worldwide demanding it.21:55
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Myrttihe's been reported to #freenode and will undoubtedly be catching the k-train soon21:56
fnordiansliplol.  i wondered what all the strange noises were coming out of my macbook pro, whooshing and shooting sounds.  i guess it was the spammer going to meet his maker ;-)21:56
Myrttithere we go21:57
MyrttiGeneralAntilles: take the ban off ;-)21:57
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RST38hSpeed: I would not assume21:58
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wazdApple shoud put a camera on Shuffle22:01
wazdThat would be shocking innovation :D22:02
johnsqone more unused camera22:02
RST38hwazd: considering where women usually clip it...22:03
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asj_wrk-yay, pixel porn since it's 640x48022:04
wazdThe weirdest thing that nano's camera is actually on the bottom22:04
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wazdI don't really know how "camera man" should hold that tiny plank to see the screen and not cover the camera22:04
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wazdiTouch 32Gb is $300 now, well, kinda fair22:08
johnsqwazd: cheaper than n90022:08
RST38h$400 for 64GB22:08
wazdjohnsq: well, n900 has much superior hardware22:09
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wazdRST38h: well, 64gb n900 can be easily done with cards :)22:11
roundyzCan you run maemo in a vm like qemu?22:12
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johnsqroundyz: yes, look in the wiki22:12
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fiferboytimeless_mbp: countdown-home 0.4-4 is making its way to extras-devel22:24
fiferboytimeless_mbp: It should have all the corrections you noted - thanks for that, BTW22:24
fiferboytimeless_mbp: 0.4-3 may be in -devel now, and contains the corrections but has a bug when changing the event22:25
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fiferboytimeless_mbp: I should say, it has all the corrections you noted EXCEPT for transparency and multiple desktop support22:25
fiferboyI'll tackle those next.22:25
timeless_mbpdid you figure out how to get into that add dialog?22:25
timeless_mbpor rather, how to be in it repeatedly22:26
fiferboytimeless_mbp: No, I have'nt gotten multiple instances working22:26
fiferboyAnd transparency SHOULD be working (it is a fairly simple addition) but it crashes hildon-home in scratchbox22:27
fiferboytimeless_mbp: If you could let me know if it looks better in the app manager (icon, name, description) and whether the interface improvements are all working22:28
fiferboyIf you have time, of course22:28
* timeless_mbp is sick at home...22:30
* timeless_mbp has time22:30
* timeless_mbp does need to try to work on strings a bit22:30
* timeless_mbp pokes Stskeeps 22:30
fiferboytimeless_mbp: That sucks22:30
* timeless_mbp looks for anyone else who has maemo5 handy22:30
luke-jrtimeless_mbp: I'm here if you want to send me a N900, then I'd have it handy22:31
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* timeless_mbp sighs22:31
timeless_mbpfiferboy: 0.4-2 is all my device found22:32
fiferboytimeless_mbp: I just got notification from the builder that 0.4-4 finished successfully22:34
fiferboyIt might be a little bit before extras-devel picks it up22:34
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timeless_mbpwell, 0.4-3 arrived22:43
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fiferboytimeless_mbp: It should have all the fixes, just a bug with saving time and date when editing an event22:43
timeless_mbpoh, did i tell you that the date format looks wrong? :)22:43
fiferboytimeless_mbp: No :)22:43
timeless_mbpok, it's wrong :)22:44
fiferboyI used the default hildon_date_button, but I didn't really like how it looked22:44
fiferboytimeless_mbp: What format do dates usually take?  Is it localized?22:44
timeless_mbpyes it's localized22:44
fiferboyTime, too?22:45
timeless_mbpit should be, yes22:45
timeless_mbpfor full, you should use wdgt_va_date_long22:45
timeless_mbpfrom hildon-libs22:45
timeless_mbpand yuck22:46
timeless_mbpyou managed to pull in a 24hr clock on a 12hr device22:46
timeless_mbpso, in the version of strings i have, you have 3 strings available:22:46
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timeless_mbpi'm not quite sure how to figure out if you're in 12 hr or 24 hr mode22:47
timeless_mbpbut you need to figure it out22:47
timeless_mbpif you're in 24 hr mode, use the first string22:47
timeless_mbpotherwise, figure out if you're in am or pm and use the proper string :)22:47
fiferboyOk, that makes more sense then what it defaults to22:48
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timeless_mbpfiferboy: an advantage of talking to someone who localized the product recently :)22:48
fiferboyYes, definitely22:48
timeless_mbpoh, you probably want to do something to prevent people from creating countdowns w/ empty strings22:49
timeless_mbpi seem to have broken your dialog :)22:49
fiferboytimeless_mbp: Got it.22:50
fiferboyDid it look okay in the application manager?22:50
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timeless_mbpno icon, and of course ham itself is broken as someone mentioned22:52
timeless_mbpbut otherwise, good :)22:52
ProteousMmmm, ham22:52
fiferboyI read somewhere that Maemo-Icon-26 worked, but I guess it has to be XB-Maemo-Icon-2622:53
timeless_mbpfiferboy: you know you can setup your own repository for such testing, right? :)22:53
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fiferboytimeless_mbp: You mean, for test in HAM under scratchbox?22:54
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timeless_mbpwell w/ a ham anywhere22:58
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timeless_mbpfiferboy: something bad is happening23:01
fiferboytimeless_mbp: How's that?23:01
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timeless_mbpi'm trying to set the time as 11:04pm,sep 9, 200923:02
timeless_mbpbut it keeps converting that to 01:01 (time)23:02
fiferboytimeless_mbp: On a new event?23:02
timeless_mbpand the date is "Tuesday 02 January 1"23:02
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timeless_mbpi'm editing an existing event23:03
fiferboyThat is broken in version 0.4-323:03
timeless_mbpthat seems to be "The year 1"23:03
timeless_mbpif i delete events23:03
fiferboyWhen 0.4-4 comes through it should work23:03
timeless_mbpthe box doesn't shrink23:03
fiferboytimeless_mbp: Yes, vesa pointed that out yesterday.  I haven't figured that one out yet23:04
timeless_mbplastly, in "edit" mode23:04
timeless_mbpyour x is not at the top right corner of your widget23:04
timeless_mbpinstead it's at +x pixels to the right of the top left corner23:05
timeless_mbpwhere x is fixed but i'm too lazy to get out a ruler23:05
fiferboytimeless_mbp: I noticed that too.  I think it is something to do with the sizing issue23:05
timeless_mbpat least you don't seem to be crashing desktop :)23:06
fiferboyIt looks like it is using the initial widget size, and when it resizes bigger after populating it doesn't change23:06
timeless_mbpsounds likely23:06
fiferboytimeless_mbp: Yes, I fixed the crash on remove!23:06
fiferboyomweather has that "x" alignment problem too23:06
* timeless_mbp hasn't installed omweather23:06
timeless_mbpwhat's the point, i either have to go out, or i don't23:07
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fiferboytimeless_mbp: wdgt_va_date_long prints the same format as what I had in the SDK, no wonder I was confused23:18
fiferboyThey use a simple default format in the SDK23:18
timeless_mbpfiferboy: you want my localization :)23:19
timeless_mbpi can give you .mo files, is that sufficient?23:19
timeless_mbpno packaging because i don't want to deal w/ it atm23:19
fiferboyI think it should be23:19
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timeless_mbp /usr/share/locales/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES23:20
timeless_mbpor something like that23:20
* GeneralAntilles looks at the Summer of Code t-shirt.23:20
* GeneralAntilles gives it to his sister.23:20
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: heh23:21
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timeless_mbpi had a maemo shirt or two that i tried to give to my sister23:21
timeless_mbpshe didn't take it back w/ her :(23:21
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, your maemo shirt is still tops. ;)23:21
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* qwerty12_N810 wouldn't want to be walking around in a shirt that says "emo" :)23:22
SpeedEvilYour ma is emo!23:24
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fiferboyThanks for all the help, timeless_mbp23:33
fiferboyI'm off23:33
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acoutowhich packages have to install inside the N810 to compile cpp files?23:44
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JaffaMmmm, beer.23:47
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lbtmy cat is 16 next month23:59

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