IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2009-08-24

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orangeyany idea how I can get my home directory onto MMC?00:09
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orangeymy mmc2 is ext300:09
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pupnik_i wouldn't try it00:11
pupnik_just symlink subdirs of /home/user to /media/mmc2/whatever00:11
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FireFox16people on FEFNet are sssooooooo rude >:(01:08
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eichiFireFox16, ?01:13
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andre__Sigh, there's so much stuff in Fremantle Extras-Devel that does not install in Fremantle because of missing python2.5-osso or python2.5-gstreamer... and I wonder how to work this out.01:15
qwerty12_N810andre__: I may be able to help if you were to send the kitchen sink this way =)01:16
andre__well, currently testing some extras-devel apps here. and many fail to install01:17
FireFox16eichi: the moment i joined a channel on that server someone banned me01:17
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andre__qwerty12_N810, especially the python app situation still looks ugly :-/01:17
andre__...and filing a few bug reports / sending emails to maintainers about other stuff...01:18
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qwerty12_N810I thought the Fremantle python packages were meant to provide python2.5-<module>01:19
andre__good question01:19
andre__python-osso *is* available. python2.5-osso is not.01:19
andre__don't know about the naming scheme here, and wondering who to ask01:20
qwerty12_N810IIRC, lizardo (who doesn't appear to be around) does the packaging01:20
andre__i should ping him tomorrow. or just file a bug against pymaemo now. well, probably first option is better...01:21
andre__because this has been a problem for weeks...01:21
qwerty12_N810Yep, took a quick look through and python2.5-hildon is provided by python-hildon but python-osso does not provide anything01:24
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MaceN8x0gentoo is kicking ass again haha02:35
Robot101MaceN8x0: at what?02:35
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MaceN8x0i can use the n810 qwerty02:36
erik____1I am using GTK+/hildon, I am putting different gtkwidgets into containers such a GtkHBox02:36
MaceN8x0so that is a treat02:36
erik____1How do I specify the size allocated to the objects ?02:36
MaceN8x0i need to make a hax0r theme for fluxbox02:36
MaceN8x0mer is better for that portable device feel but gentoo feels more like a slow computer haha02:37
javispedroerik____1, I don't believe there's any difference between normal Gtk and Maemo Gtk in GtkHBox.02:38
javispedrocheck gtk_widget_set_size_request02:39
erik____1javispedro: ok, thanks02:39
erik____1I am still a bit lost in gtk api02:39
javispedroyep, it's hard02:40
erik____1I did a bit of swing (java) but it was a while02:41
MaceN8x0i need  to learn how to turn the mouse pointer off02:41
javispedroMaceN8x0, it is my belief they do that in Maemo by just setting a 100% transparent cursor02:42
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lcuk           ..02:47
lcuk          ( '`<  hello rkirti02:47
lcuk           )(02:47
lcuk    ( ----'  '.02:47
lcuk    (         ;02:47
lcuk     (_______,'02:47
MaceN8x0go gentoo go02:48
MaceN8x0building stuff again blh02:48
* lcuk is building a package over ssh02:49
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FireFox16lcuk: LOL02:51
rkirtilcuk: wow :)02:51
lcukwell you started the war :P02:52
rkirtilcuk: well, I am not cribbing - helps me better my ascii art :P02:52
javispedrois that the titanic?02:54
rkirtijavispedro: looks more like a speaking duck to me02:55
lcuki'd go with duck :)02:56
javispedroit all depends on your monospaced typeface02:56
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ronisonhi guys03:03
ronisoni'd like to know about mer 0.16 release...03:03
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ArSawhat do i have to do to run ARMEL QT4 in maemo vm? (in scratchbox). is that even possible, or should i switch back to x86 target for development.05:02
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Luke-JrArSa: you should probably really just be writing a normal Qt4 app05:32
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ArSai am ok, no problem. just trying to figure out the darn issue with esbox not finding the module i installed (pyqt4). it's visible everywhere, but for some reason not visible to esbox. trying to narrow it down.05:44
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zerojayPCArSa: Did you install it IN scratchbox?06:16
ArSayep, apt-get of all things that i think are neccesary too06:18
ArSaactually, i installed it in the VM running scratchbox06:18
ArSawas looking for a way to install it in scratchbox, but haven't foudn one06:18
zerojayPCfakeroot apt-get install pyqt406:19
zerojayPCRun from scratchbox.06:19
ArSadamn, /scratchbox/login06:20
ArSayeah, i am all new to this, sorry :) haven't dealt with scratchbox before at all06:22
zerojayPCIt's cool. it's all in the development manual on the wiki.06:22
ArSaoh... i thought i read it all06:24
ArSayou mean scratchbox wiki?06:24
ArSamaemo wiki probably06:24
zerojayPCYeah, maemo wiki.06:25
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johnxmorning tigert08:39
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johnxI live in the future: streamed while tethered, going down the freeway at 60mi/h, and wasn't even getting 3G. put a real smile on my face :D09:26
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Proteous_livin the dream09:27
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aolI've IRCed from airplane over atlantic09:40
aolthat was the future, but sadly nowadays it's the past09:40
johnxit's the future again09:41
aolas the Connexion by Boeing was discontinued09:41
aolwell yeah, distant future :)09:41
johnxseems like most everything is getting wifi/aircell these days09:41
johnxnah, virgin has it again already09:41
johnxsome others too09:41
aolover atlantic too?09:41
aolor just mainland usa?09:41
johnxactually, probably only over land.09:41
johnxdidn't really think about that09:42
aolyeah, the connexion was cool as it worked over seas too, it was satellite based09:42
johnxI'm just mad I just missed out on the freaking concorde09:42
aolI used it on my way from home (Finland) to Usa on my conference trips few times09:42
aoltime just flied surfing and chatting09:42
Luke-Jrthat would really suck for ping times while you're gaming09:42
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aolwell yeah round time was preeeetty long09:43
aolbut that was satellite so it's expected09:43
johnxwhen I was a kid I was like "and I'll save up enough money to fly on the concorde one day!" then they go and cancel the whole thing09:43
aoljohnx: :D09:43
Proteous_that ping can mean the difference between wining and getting pwoned when playing scrabble on facebook09:43
aolProteous_: :D09:44
johnxProteous_, for sure. anyone who plays scrabble "turn based" must be a nub09:44
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* slonopotamus drinks morning coffee and yawns09:50
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ds3better ways to go mach1+... you can always sign some papers and fly it for free ;)09:56
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johnxor maybe old uncle sam wouldn't mind if I took one of those keen F35 prototypes for a little "test drive"09:58
johnxstill the concorde had range and style09:58
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brbrbrkeep in mind, for what Concorde intentionally designed for ;) as strategic bomber ;P09:59
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brbrbrforgot exact number. B-49 ?09:59
johnxmaybe I could pick up an SR71 at auction when I get stupid-rich09:59
jaskai want a revamped xb-70 :)09:59
brbrbrnot may SR71 left operational. and only one F1210:00
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Andy80hi all10:09
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ds3concordes don't do midair refuel so range is a tad bit limited10:17
ds3then there is the issue of those fragile fuel tanks that can't handle a little debris10:17
brbrbrbecause load alot less, they dont need mid-air refuel, like modern strategic bombers doesnt, until ridingh thru diffirent hemipheres10:18
brbrbrbut medium mombers need refuel, like backfire, volcano, and etc10:18
brbrbrmeant"less than in passenger variant"10:19
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JaffaMorning, all10:28
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Andy80Jaffa, morning10:37
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tigertwho was hacking on the fremantle version of gpodder?11:16
tigertI have a suggestion for the ui11:16
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JamieBennettThat would be Thomas Perl -
tigerthe doesnt irc?11:18
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inztigert, seems to irc, but not on #maemo11:18
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Andy80where can I find an updated devhelp file for Hildon docs?11:24
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Macerlibproxy failed to build12:11
Macerwtf. not even going to use a proxy12:12
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AchipAis it just me, or is the autobuilder (at least for diablo) being quirky ? uploaded into queue, disappeared from queue, but no report nor package...12:35
X-FadeAchipA: What package?12:38
AchipAX-Fade: fftw312:41
X-FadeAchipA: That is still building.12:41
X-FadeAchipA: The queue page actually shows package in the waiting queue.12:42
X-FadeI know, a bit lame :)12:42
AchipAX-Fade: ah... I didn't see it in the 'build queue' on that assistant page and presumed it's done...12:43
eichi_i hate the fuc*ing foil on display. dont get it on the display without a lot of crab between foil and dispkay12:49
X-Fadeeichi_: Heh, make sure you're not in a dusty environment.12:50
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eichi_then i should leave my room and go to the bathroom maybe12:54
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RST38hMoo all again13:29
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pupnik_speedups, added --audio-rate=Hz13:31
pupnik_check out how the audio continues even if system is overloaded13:32
pupnik_24000 hz is my current favorite (1/2 of native 48k rate)13:32
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RST38hpupnik: Still in .GR, can't check :(13:39
RST38hAnd I have found that Vodafone only gives you 30MB of traffic on their "internet plan" and then starts charging about 1 euro per MB13:39
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pupnik_yeah my provider hid that from me13:40
* RST38h is currently trying to use the SIM card, but these guys appear to be terminal idiots who actively DO NOT want anyone to use their "services"13:40
radicStskeeps: you're awake?13:40
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jophishIS it possible to use /dev/mtdblk4/ as swap, the internal flash. I am booting off the internal card13:46
RST38hGod, please, kill them all.13:49
RST38hBurn their wireless towers to the ground and seal the spots where they had those towers with huge iron corks13:50
RST38h(not asking God to do anything about their website as it is already taken care by the Satan)13:50
jophishit does look pretty bad13:51
RST38hIt looks even worse once you try to find anything there13:52
RST38hLike, try finding a way to enable internet access13:52
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andre__lizardo,  there's a lot of stuff in Fremantle Extras-Devel that does not install because of missing python2.5-osso or python2.5-gstreamer... are there any plans to provide these?13:52
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RST38hAnd customer support does not answer at all, I have waited for 30 minutes in a row13:53
lizardoandre__: actually they are there ... with the Provides AFAIK, can you give some examples so we can take a look?13:53
andre__lizardo, moment, sure13:54
andre__lizardo, is there a better channel? like #pymaemo or something?13:54
lizardoandre__: we have #pymaemo ;)13:54
lizardoandre__: but now I see that python-osso is missing a Provides... will fix it13:55
andre__lizardo, oh cool13:55
andre__so there's python2.5-gstreamer and python2.5-libxml left on my list13:55
lizardoandre__: yeah, pygstreamer is also missing the Provides... how strange, I was almost sure they were there :/ let me see python-xml now13:56
AchipAX-Fade: whoa, finished, took almost 2 hours. Not gonna rebuild that anytime soon :)13:57
lizardoandre__: python-xml has Provides: python2.5-xml , so could you provide an example package that is not finding python2.5-xml ?13:59
lizardoandre__: oh, you menat libxml13:59
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javispedromoo all13:59
andre__lizardo, yeah, i try to remember which package that was yesterday. damn. give me a few minutes :)13:59
lizardoandre__: we only have python-xml :/ no python-libxml (they are different bindings)14:00
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* lcuk waves @ andre__ 14:02
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pupnik_i understand telecoms playing god with their users14:03
pupnik_it's evil but certainly a human temptation14:03
pupnik_as any admin should know14:03
lizardoandre__: that package depending on python2.5-libxml is very strange... this never package was never imported to extras/extras-devel, even on Diablo14:03
javispedropupnik_, hi. have you seen what happens with 8000hz and esd? lol14:04
javispedrosomething is rotten in libesd/sdl esd backend.14:04
javispedroi've put my headphones on and am trying to understand what's going on14:05
pupnik_well there's some mechanism for a sound server to notify app that buffer is empty14:05
pupnik_then it gets complicated with the layers14:05
pupnik_heck dude, ship it. :)  it's so good.14:06
pupnik_well, for commandline folks14:06
javispedroyeah (damn I could not believe mario kart intro music sounds so good), but alsa wreacks every often14:06
javispedrorequiring a reboot14:07
pupnik_yes here too14:08
andre__lizardo, flipclock in Fremantle Extras-Devel says "App packages missing: python2.5-osso, python2.5-gstreamer, python2.5-xml (>= 0.8.4-1osso8)"14:08
andre__lcuk, hej hej :)14:08
pupnik_javispedro: usually after i let the device go into powersave while emu is running - perhaps14:08
javispedromplayer is using sdl & esd backend afaik, so maybe I could learn a thing from them.14:08
RepMacemy fucking server went down14:09
RepMaceand i cant get there14:09
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javispedroor maybe discard sdla and drive libesd directly.14:09
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javispedroI think I got it14:14
javispedrohow does n8x0's alsa dsp calculate mmap_buffer_size?14:15
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RepMacei had to14:17
RepMaceget someone to restart it14:17
RepMacethis sucks14:17
X-FadeNokia Booklet (Netbook):
X-FadeSo there it is ...14:18
javispedrowow, fresh news again14:18
RepMaceis it x86?14:18
javispedroatom... fail.14:19
Jaffa12hr battery life apparently14:19
RepMaceit fails14:19
javispedroenuff said.14:19
Jaffaqwerty12_N810: I was scanning for that - didn't see it in the press release14:19
javispedroJaffa, check first paragraph.14:19
RepMacewho cares about hdmi when an atom cant even play hd movies?14:19
JaffaYeah, just saw it :-/14:19
RepMacetoo bad14:20
RepMaceand i bet nokia is going to take the apple route14:20
RepMacewhere they charge 2x the price for hardware14:20
qwerty12_N810I'm glad this announcement is over with, but where's the announcement that we all want to see ;)14:21
javispedrotoo bad. i was pondering wheter they'll ship maemo or moblin due to their intel deal. but guess again.14:21
pupnik_javispedro: wasd takes getting used-to, but saves years of wear on the thumb14:21
javispedrowill try :)14:22
pupnik_might even consider a diagonals-hack14:23
pupnik_using qweasdzxc14:23
pupnik_that would require remapping 'L' though14:24
javispedroyou can do all that already14:24
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pupnik_there is a way to map a key to a combination of 'right + up'?14:26
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javispedrosee the config file, search for "Uber combo" iirc14:26
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javispedroi currently map the return key to B+R, does wonders in mario kart :)14:28
RepMacei have to find out wtf is up with this friggin server14:28
javispedroso, this esd thing is a buffer size issue I think. but how to know a reasonable buffer size is over me, since reading the code the buffer size seems to be decided by the dsp...14:30
Macerhave to find the error14:30
Maceri think i know what it is14:30
javispedro--audio-buffer-size ;)14:31
javispedro(snes9x pc has it :P)14:31
* javispedro looks up maemo mplayer source14:32
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pupnik_oh javispedro also turbo button should be easy to implement14:41
pupnik_i dont have mario kart - is it faster now?14:43
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pupnik_i need to find something mode7 to compare14:46
javispedroyep, normal mode7 is the one I centered most14:47
javispedroit is nearly 10fps faster14:47
javispedroI still expect any other kind of mode7 to suck :(14:48
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javispedro(I saw color adding & substracting ones, but I don't know which games use them).14:48
lcukok, who is gonna get Mer on Nokbook?14:49
javispedroalso, there is interpolated mode7 support, but seeing how slow the normal mode7 was I am considering even #if 0'ing it.14:49
lcukdoes it have touchscreen, or is it a me too?14:49
javispedrogood question lcuk, the press release doesn't say14:50
lcukX-Fade, thanks for linkage14:50
lcukif its not touchable theres not much point14:50
* lcuk only wants to stroke devices14:50
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javispedrothere was not much point either, it is a "me too" as you said.14:51
lcukhey lardman \o14:51
AchipAlcuk: me too with high(er) res screen, and a glossy one at that :(14:51
javispedrohi lardman14:51
lcukwheres the res14:51
javispedrolardman, wanted to ask, do you know how the mmap_buffer_size is calculated in alsa dsp?14:51
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lardmannot off the top of my head14:52
lardmannot my code14:52
lardmanthe buffer will be fixed though as the DSP tasks have it hardcoded14:52
javispedrothat'd be my guess.14:52
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* javispedro builds debug libesd...14:53
lardmanI missed the Council election deadline14:53
lardmanschool-boy error there :)14:53
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lardmanjavispedro: the size will be hardcoded in the source (just reading the backlog here)14:57
lardmanhmm, or perhaps not, as the DSP task could be asked what size it has set of course14:57
javispedroi think it does, I admit i've been only skimming through it but couldn't easily see the value14:58
lardmans/source/arm-side GPL source14:58
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javispedroalsa-plugins, dsp14:58
lardmantake a look at the gstreamer-dsp source14:58
lardmanit also uses the pcm sink14:58
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javispedrok, thanks.14:59
lardmanshould be reasonably straightforward, though I've not looked at it for a long time14:59
javispedroAUDIO_INIT_STATUS rings any bell?15:00
lardmanthe DSP is reporting whether the pipeline has been setup iirc15:00
javispedro(esd) seems to read the size from it15:00
lardmanyeah, might be returned in there too15:00
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lardmanhang on, let me look at the source15:00
javispedrodon't want to waste your time either15:01
lardmannah that's ok15:01
javispedroit's just that I believe esd is cropping the buffer without a warning15:01
javispedroand as such I need to guess a "nice" buffer size15:02
AchipAlcuk: not specified, but indirectly hinted to be 10" 1280x72015:02
lardmanhmm, l272 of gstdsppcmsink.c15:03
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lardmanlooks like the ARM side specifies...15:04
* javispedro points mxr :)15:04
lardmanl.407 codec.mmap_buffer_size15:05
javispedromxr doesn't seem to have gst-plugins-dsp0.1015:05
lardmangrab it from the url above15:05
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lardmanwe're still missing the dspaudio.h header of course15:07
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javispedroesd outputs to task pcm1 instead of pcm215:07
lardmanI don't know what the difference is15:08
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javispedroI don't either ;)15:08
lardmanthis code seems to handle raw, ulaw and alaw15:08
javispedro(then, later on, line 182)15:09
lardmanI see where it's mmaped:
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pupnik_what sets statInfo.bridge_buffer_size;15:11
lardmanhmm, I wonder if there are a couple if tasks that are identical, so that multiple audio streams can be passed over and mixed on the DSP15:11
pupnik_we have multiple source mixing15:12
lardmanI'm not worried about the bridge_buffer, whatever that is15:12
lardmanyeah, so that might be why we have a couple of tasks15:12
javispedromay be, according to alsa.conf alsa uses pcm315:12
pupnik_i can't recreate the sound stopping bug15:13
pupnik_running emu almost constantly15:14
javispedroI guess the alsa problem I was having is that alsa does not do mixing then, and from time to time a program(or _my_ program :P) does not close the stream properly15:14
javispedroand the pcm3 task remains "busy".15:14
pupnik_i can hear keypress clicks while playing emu15:14
lardman is where the DSP tells the ARM-side the buffer size15:14
pupnik_ /* This pcm task node is busy. Try to use another one. */15:15
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* pupnik_ just got thrown against the wall by 'Ayla'15:16
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RST38hWhat is Ayla?15:16
lardmanI've no idea what the bridge_buffer does, but I guess it may be used to pass commands15:16
javispedrodamn, mplayer uses a hardcoded 1024 buffer_size. that can't be true.15:17
pupnik_Chorno trigger cavewoman from 65000000 BC15:17
javispedro(esd side)15:17
lardmanmight be, it was initially a hack15:17
RST38hFollowing months of speculation, Nokia has officially launched its first laptop - Booklet 3G15:17
X-FadeRST38h: old :)15:18
javispedrowhat's worse is that at least in my tests  1024 sample buffer results in horrid sound in 8000hz, so I'm going to try in mplayer to see15:18
lardmanah, on Talk np15:18
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RST38hNot very iteresting though15:18
lardmanjavispedro: there was some logic in there which specified the buffer size, etc., depending on the audio framerate15:19
jaskathey should have named it nokia mikromikko15:19
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lardmanin the code we were just looking at15:19
javispedrogst? will see.15:19
lardmanthe DSP needs to be told what the rate is of course, I don't know if that might be your problem15:19
RST38hAtom, 2cm thick, 1.2kg, Windows15:20
RST38hWhy are they releasing this thing anyway?15:20
javispedrona, with a 10 sample buffer it works perfectly15:20
jaskamakes very little sense..15:20
javispedrobut of course 10 sample buffer is crazy ;)15:20
jaskathey stopped making puters years ago.. and the business went to icl15:20
pupnik_maybe their add-on services will sell some units15:20
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Myrttijaska: *ROFLKOPTER*15:21
pupnik_maybe the design/construction also15:21
wazd_hello all :)15:21
wazd_Booklet looks hot :)15:21
RST38hpupnik: Add on WHAT? :)15:21
RST38hmoo wazd15:21
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javispedrosee, something is wierd. mplayer outputs "4 bytes of audio data lost due to buffer overflow, len = 4500" then works fine.15:23
javispedroand I can't make sdl link to my debug libesd, but that's another problem ;)15:24
lardmanbuffer probably needs to be 2^n in size15:24
javispedrooh, I think I read that somewhere15:24
wazd_why no nokia netbook speculations on the channel? :)15:24
lardmanand aligned15:24
javispedropage aligned or sample size aligned?15:25
qwerty12_N810wazd_: because we want the goddamn N900! :)15:25
lardmanhard to know if the byte there is an ARM one or a DSP one15:25
lardmanjavispedro: who knows! :)15:25
wazd_qwerty12_N810: oh, yeah15:25
javispedroeither way, dsp hides the real buffer from me (yes, it does an extra memcpy)15:25
javispedro*esd (not dsp)15:25
lardmanjavispedro: probably need to be 32bit aligned at least15:25
wazd_qwerty12_N810: BTW, I've heard on the radio that n900 ill be announced this week15:25
wazd_qwerty12_N810: so keep wanting :)15:26
tbfwazd_: which radio?15:26
lardmanand you may find that page aligning the frame makes it faster too? dunno15:26
wazd_tbf: local Moscow radio :)15:26
wazd_tbf: Business FM15:26
X-Fadewazd_: Ah, then it must be true ;)15:27
RST38hwazd,X-Fade: Sep 215:28
javispedrolol mplayer hangs at end of file with 8000hz srate.15:28
wazd_As for me, 12 hours of work, aluminium body, 1.2 kg weight - I'm sold :D15:28
RST38hwazd: naah15:28
RST38hwazd: Dell one is better15:28
wazd_RST38h: Dell's is plastic - next :)15:28
RST38hwazd: Nokia will also be plastic15:28
lardmanjavispedro: what do you see in dmesg after 20s or so?15:28
wazd_RST38h: nope15:29
wazd_RST38h: aluminium case15:29
lardmansee if the DSP has rebooted with a polling error15:29
RST38hwazd: Aluminium frame, plastic with cheap silvery crap on top15:29
RST38hcheck out the images15:29
RST38h"First up, this is not going to be another 'nail in the coffin of Nokia using Symbian'" (C)AllABoutSymbian15:29
tbfwazd_: why should they announce it this week, if nokia world starts next week? maybe they'll even wait for the summit?15:30
RST38hThis, folks, is how you know that IT IS going to be another nail :)15:30
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wazd_RST38h: well, it looks nice anyway :)15:30
lardmanjavispedro: I get a fair few hangs caused by a variey to things: ARM side waiting for message that never comes (i.e. ARM and DSP out of sync), I was just suffering from a problem where the ARM decided to hang as it was reading too little data from the mmap buffer15:31
lardmanneeds to be 32bit aligned read, etc15:31
javispedrolardman: nothing appears. I also can kill it with Ctrl+C easily.15:31
wazd_tbf: well, I'm saying what I've heard :)15:31
lardmanjavispedro: would be interesting to know where it hangs15:32
javispedroit's busylooping15:32
javispedrona, no debug symbols15:32
AchipAlardman: sorry to barge in on the discussion, just a quick q - have you used the DSP Imaging library by any chance ?15:32
lardmancan't you recompile mplayer?15:32
lardmanAchipA: no, am currently trying to battle with DSL lib though15:33
javispedroit's going to take a while and I don't have that many time now15:33
lardmanjavispedro: same here, let me know how you get on though15:33
lardmanAchipA: what are you planning?15:33
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javispedrofrom what I can see visually, it's continually printf'ing the usual "A: 279.9 (04:38.9) of 279.0 (04:39.0)"15:34
javispedroA: _278.9_ (04:38.9) of 279.0 (04:39.0)15:35
javispedro^^^ notice that.15:35
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lardmandoes the gui run in a separate thread?15:35
javispedrothere are two threads but I am left to guess what they're for.15:36
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lardmanah the man himself15:36
lardmanhi ssvb15:36
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AchipAlardman: need some motion-estimation routines and the CPU only ones are dog slow... hoping to speed stuff up by the ASM routines in the lib15:37
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lardmanAchipA: I was just writing some code to use those, haven't got round to finishing it though15:37
javispedrolol now hildon-desktop crashed. that's what I get for replacing libesd on the fly ;)15:37
lardmanI was planning a hand tracker sort of thing15:37
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lardmanjavispedro: you could see if ssvb can answer your questions, assuming he has the time15:38
vasily_pupkinhildon-desktop crash at every new for it situatuion )15:38
lardmanAchipA: email me15:38
vasily_pupkinif you change libc, it will be crashed for ages )15:38
AchipAlardman: ok15:39
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javispedrothanks lardman! gotta go lunch too.15:39
Andy80Nokia just announced their netbook :)15:40
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crashanddieStskeeps: how old are you?15:44
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* pupnik_ is playing snes tunes at 48khz over VMPS RM-2 speakers :)15:48
wazd_ <- horde of useless Canola stuff is out :)15:48
wazd_pupnik_: absolutely :)15:49
Stskeepscrashanddie: mentally about 1215:49
wazd_Stskeeps: you're exagerating, 10 at most :D15:50
lcukthe canola stuff is good for the whole ecosystem.  congrats to all students who took part15:50
lcukwazd, having a nice set of polished ui libraries which work well is not useless15:51
tigertcanola instant messaging client? :)15:51
lcukalbeit i understand  - they arent standalone which is the only downside15:51
crashanddieit is when they are sluggish and iphone inspired15:51
tigertlooks like CanolaOS :=15:51
wazd_lcuk: having twitter client in a media player is pff :)15:51
vasily_pupkinI alraedy have emacs for that stuff :D15:51
lcukwazd_, if that code can be lifted and put into a standalone app tho15:51
crashanddietools are only as good as the imagination that fed them. Sadly, all the stuff in Canola is blatant copies of iPhone-originals15:52
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lcukthe principles should be there - its a shame it needs canola15:52
lcukthe liq* modules might be less featureful atm, but they have at least the capability to be standalone :)15:52
* RST38h would rather see Canola people work in startup time (40 seconds is too long) and better control of mplayer (tends getting out of hands after active usage)15:52
wazdlcuk: Anyway, I'd rather sugget sudents to put their efforts in some really useful and unique apps15:52
RST38hcrash: what is wrong with being a blatant copy of iphone?15:52
wazdlcuk: but who am I to suggest15:52
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crashanddiewazd: someone with a really bad keyboard?15:53
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lcukwazd, have you seen the zachmon app he created :)15:53
wazdcrashanddie: shut up! :D15:54
wazdlcuk: nope15:54
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lcukcompletely unique (if still a little rough) :)15:55
RST38hOk, Cosmote woman spent 20 minutes on the phone with me and finally said that GPRS access will be enabled in 3 (three) days and will cost $10/MB15:55
jeremiahlcuk: Fun - never saw those "moncells" before.15:55
RST38hWho are these people? Do they really think this is normal?15:55
jeremiahNot sure how useful they are though. :)15:55
crashanddielcuk: gotta love the first day in suit and tie, second day in socks and shorts, feet on the desk15:56
crashanddielcuk: looks like he's going to be a real propper system engineer one day15:56
lcukjeremiah, for sitting on your desk and keeping an eye on all your machines15:56
lcukability to focus on one or get an overview of all15:56
lcuk:) he did well15:56
crashanddiejeremiah: I know a lot of people who'd love stuff like this -- even though nagios or whatever already does it15:56
lcukand hes documented a hello world for liqbase and done some excellent groundwork with me on the textbox support in liqbase15:57
jeremiahYeah, there are never too many of these types of apps.15:57
lcukand his styling is impressive :)15:57
RST38hoh well, back to Vodafone, "just" 1 euro per MB15:57
jeremiahWhy can you guys use something other than primary colors though?15:57
lcukjeremiah, proof of concept really, and it has  a novel stance :)15:57
jeremiahC'mon infobot!15:57
jeremiahAre you sick?15:57
lcuk~sick jeremiah15:58
lcuk~lart jeremiah15:58
lcukyeah he is15:58
jeremiah~bacon /me15:58
lcukdead in a ditch somewhere15:58
jeremiahAwwww. Poor infobot15:58
crashanddieI'm using infobot to do my regex15:58
jeremiahI'm using infobot to clean my toilet.15:59
crashanddieso that's where the foul smell comes from15:59
qwerty12_N810I'm using infobot to hustle for me15:59
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jeremiahWhy would they release a netbook with Windows 7 when any profit would get eaten by licensing costs?16:00
jeremiahWhy doesn't Nokia just use Maemo?16:01
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jeremiahDoesn't make any sense.16:01
X-FadeLicense costs are just a very small amount.16:01
jeremiahNo, they are a large amount.16:01
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jeremiahThis is why the asians started selling linux, the license ate profit.16:02
X-FadeI'm pretty sure Nokia won't be marketing this as cheap.16:02
jeremiahSurely not.16:02
lardmanAchipA: great minds think alike, I was writing the same sort of thing16:02
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JaffaX-Fade: You're Amsterdam-based?16:03
X-FadeJaffa: No.16:03
JaffaX-Fade: Doh.16:04
* keesj can't really find time to do real usefull maemo stuff atm16:04
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AchipAlardman: :) I'll make small demo with the existing setup...It does work, after all, just needs a little DSP oomph to be really cool16:10
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pupnik_javi[tab] [tab]16:10
JaffaDo we know of any other Amsterdam-based community members?16:11
pupnik_the unlicensed stuff will tend to be cheap - asian domain16:12
lcukjeremiah, technically, the existence of a nokia branded windows machine is not detremental to maemo or you personally and if and when maemo/mer gets strong enough to support/run a full desktop im sure it will be offered as an alternative16:13
Corsacnot sure it makes much sense to run maemo on a full desktop16:13
* lcuk wants a maemo slate16:13
pupnik_will smartq deliver omap3 tablet?16:13
Corsacthough I guess I'll try to run it on the touchbook16:13
crashanddieyeah, just like Acer Revo being offered with Linux and then not anymore...16:13
lcukCorsac, for now i agree16:13
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lcukthe apps are too geared towards small screens16:13
crashanddielcuk: only because of bad design16:13
lcukfor instance, liqbase on 12" - looks weird16:14
pupnik_lcuk: yeah but maemo can be easier than windows - and with large icons, a perfect match for old folks16:14
lardmanAchipA: I'll plumb in the DSP stuff to my demo, it should work pretty much out of the box as I've just done one to perform FFT analysis on audio data16:14
lcukoh totally agree pupnik_16:14
lcukbut old folks are the only market16:14
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pupnik_very un-tapped16:14
wazdlcuk: ah, that one, well, it looks pretty :)16:14
pupnik_i know many computer-avoiders in the above 45 bracket16:15
lardmanAchipA: what method do you use btw? least squares error?16:15
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lcukhaving a 2" button is fun for old folks16:15
crashanddie"But I can't watch this program that my grandson sent me" "What's that granny? Oh hang on, you don't have Windows, wait, I'll install it so that you don't have any issues anymore" "Nokia support good morning: Yeah hi, this computer doesn't work anymore, windows died on it, can we have a new one?"16:16
lcukand me too16:16
lcukits simple to use16:16
pupnik_man, i need to see that on x4116:16
pupnik_well put crashanddie16:16
lcuknew one is more spectacular16:16
lcuk"my virus wont work"16:16
pupnik_which is why you don't issue x86 to people16:17
pupnik_you kill x8616:17
pupnik_like the demon plague it is16:17
AchipAlardman: actually, I went with phase correlation in the end, that gave best results with GME16:17
roopeHi everybody.16:17
crashanddiedammit, i never know when to stop when writing bananana16:17
AchipAlardman: coincidentally, FFT is enough for that, so if I can have 2D FFT via DSP, that's a \o/16:18
crashanddie"bana", keep going, "nana", damn16:18
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lardmanAchipA: iirc there is, so that's another one to try16:18
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lardmanAchipA: though my 1D FFT doesn't return anything useful, which may mean I need to rebuilt the lib and make sure I place the twiddle tables in the right place16:19
crashanddie1 dimension fourier transform?16:19
crashanddieI thought 2D was the minimum to make anything funky?16:20
AchipAcrashanddie: audio is not funky enough for you ? :)16:20
crashanddieoh hang on, communication barrier16:20
lardman2D is just lots of 1Ds16:20
crashanddieyeah, I'm being thick, sorry16:20
lardmannp :)16:21
crashanddieI wrote some FTT stuff on the DSP some time ago16:21
crashanddiedunno if I still have it at home16:21
lardmanwould be interesting to see16:21
javispedrook, I lol'd at the Home alone picture in the NokBook thread, sorry ;P16:21
lardmandid you use the DSP lib?16:21
lardmanand it worked without a recompile?16:21
ShadowJKlardman, what are you going to use the fft for? :-)16:21
lardmanaudio processing16:22
lardmanI've got a pretty waveform of the mic input, want a pretty FFT power spectrum to go with it16:22
crashanddiethis was when i was writing this graphical equalizer16:22
lardmannot for any reason, just as it can be done16:22
AchipAlardman: the block based should be faster, but the phase correlation is more immune to background changes16:22
crashanddielardman: I wrote that ;)16:22
lardmancrashanddie: cool, would like to see the code16:22
lardmansave me the effort :)16:23
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crashanddielardman: can't remember the details, but lcuk should have a screenshot somewhere in his logs16:23
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lardmanand so I can work out what's wrong with my FFT for that matter16:23
crashanddielardman: I'll see if I can dig it up at home16:23
lardmansounds good, cheers16:23
AchipAsave me the effort 2 :)16:23
lardmanAchipA: will be interesting to see how quick the motion compensation functions work, and whether they can be coopted to do this16:24
VDVsxX-Fade, ping16:24
X-FadeVDVsx: pong16:24
crashanddielcuk: remember what I'm talking about?16:24
lcukcrashanddie, need a keyword to search folders16:24
lcukif you ever gave me code ill have it16:24
lcukive got everything from day116:24
crashanddielcuk: not code, just a screenshot16:24
VDVsxX-Fade, can you remove a package that I sent by mistake for the chinook-extras repository ?16:24
crashanddielcuk: the one with the green bars16:24
lcuknahhh wont keep those16:24
crashanddielcuk: in IRC logs16:24
lcuki remember seeing an fft from you16:24
lcukdidnt get into specifics16:25
crashanddielcuk: project was called firestarter16:25
AchipAlardman: fun fun fun :)16:25
crashanddielcuk is is my repository :D16:25
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lcukim betting it would be in maemo16:25
lcukand i havent got logs16:25
crashanddielcuk: nope, private prolly16:25
lcukgoogle does16:25
lcukyou wouldv flashed it around16:25
lcukits a screenie16:25
lcukit doesnt help16:26
crashanddieyou don't help either :(16:26
andre__firestarter? reminds me of a firewall application in gnome that is dead.16:26
* lcuk demonstrates16:26
lcukhere is a screenie for something im working on:
lcukwhats the algo16:27
* lcuk added alpha blending to liqflow :)16:27
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javispedrolcuk: i think you copied that from the iphone ;)16:28
Jaffalcuk: Ah, the grey line is drawn?! I thought my screen must've been *really* dirty!16:29
javispedrothe new button style already looks fremantle-ish16:29
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lcukhahah jaffa16:31
lcukthe line is a sketch :)16:31
lcuki told you :P16:31
lcukjavispedro, better than the crap i had for buttons before16:31
javispedrowtf that was fast jeremiah ;)16:32
lcukor rather lack of any style i had before16:32
javispedroah, not the same jeremiah, sorry!16:32
X-Fadejavispedro: it is the same.16:32
javispedroah, sorry, i got his last name wrong :P16:33
lcukyou live in a cave?16:33
wazdthat's kinda funny statement :)16:33
lcukwazd, your parents might and your friends might16:33
wazdlcuk: no, I will, johnkzin won't :)16:34
lcukand being dispariaging to people cos of their os choice isnt nice :P16:34
lcuk(tho u havent yet lol16:34
fiferboyMy wife just got a new laptop and didn't even boot into Windows before she had me put Linux on it16:35
javispedrothe good news is that now half the black helicopter fleet will be destinated to pursue those who criticise windows, so we have a change of stealing the n900 prototype now ;)16:35
X-FadePeople in general have great problem imagining that products can be targetted towards other people then themselves.16:35
fiferboyMy dad just had me put Linux on his netbook because it CANNOT handle Vista that came preloaded16:35
lardmanI need a Windows netbook16:35
lardmanI'm ashamed to say16:35
wazdAnd i wonder if there's any sync tools for nokia phones on Linux16:36
tbfX-Fade: ran quite well with letting its employers design products for them self16:36
crashanddieandre__: yeah, I realised afterwards that my project naming wasn't that original...16:36
crashanddieandre__: and it would appear that all projects named after Prodigy songs go the way of the dodo16:36
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wazdfiferboy: XP maybe? :)16:37
andre__crashanddie, haha. i vote for "narayan" :)16:37
wazdfiferboy: or Win 716:37
fiferboywazd: For the netbook?  Probably would have been better.16:37
VDVsxlizardo, ping16:37
tbfX-Fade: on the other hand: customers don't know what they want - or like henry ford said: "if i had ask my customers what they want, they'd have told me: 'a faster horse'"16:37
fiferboywazd: Vista would freeze hard every couple of hours, and took well over three minutes to boot into a usable state16:37
wazdfiferboy: well, Vista is a pain in the ass on a netbook, that's the sad truth16:38
X-FadeVDVsx: Which app exactly?16:38
fiferboywazd: Truer words have never been spoken16:38
VDVsxX-Fade, python-configobj16:38
wazdfiferboy: I bought HP Mini with SUSE, tried to use it and broke down X after 10 minutes or so :)16:39
wazdfiferboy: And then decided to install XP :)16:39
fiferboywazd: It took me a while to find the right distrubution that would do wireless and the proper screen resolution...16:40
X-FadeVDVsx: Don't see it in Extras?16:40
VDVsxX-Fade, sorry should be in configobj folder16:41
wazdArSa: it was showing me something like "X server is not responding, try to reboot and I don't know exatly it was year ago" :)16:41
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lardmanwazd: I've had troubles, by proxy, with Vista on laptops too16:41
X-FadeVDVsx: Both versions?16:41
VDVsxX-Fade, yup16:41
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VDVsxI only need it for diablo and Fremantle, but some build deps are missing in diablo atm16:42
lizardoVDVsx: pong16:43
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X-FadeVDVsx: Please be careful next time, this requires reindexing. Which is a big pain...16:44
VDVsxX-Fade, ok, thanks and sorry16:44
X-FadeVDVsx: No problem ;) Just a word of advise..16:45
VDVsxlizardo, will python-central be available for diablo soon ?16:45
VDVsxor sould I make a request16:45
ArSa_hm... wtf, nokia laptop16:48
lizardoVDVsx: unfornately, there are no plans to it :/ having the same version as Fremantle would require updating a lot of packages, and risk breaking existing packages... So it was basically decided to leave Diablo in "maintainance mode"16:48
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javispedrodamn, damn, damn, and damn. so I put debug statements in esoundd and blindly expect esd clients to output those. wasted half an hour for this...16:48
lizardoVDVsx: OTOH, if demand justifies, we can put some effort to "backport" (actually repackage from scratch) to Diablo some packages16:49
VDVsxlizardo, ok, np, more work for me :P16:49
VDVsxlizardo, nah, I will change the build instructions of the package16:50
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javispedroesd is run as _root_???? thank god it does not listen to tcp16:50
crashanddiejavispedro: actually it does, but it only executes every command coming from the network with sudo, so you're safe16:51
lizardoVDVsx: I know it can be a PITA to maintain the same packaging in both repositories, but we had to break full compatibility at some point to allow using packages following the Debian Packaging policy , without risking breaking existing third party packages in Diablo (which is important IMHO)16:51
vasily_pupkini couldn't install canola216:52
VDVsxlizardo, I need python-configobj, so I made some rules based in pycentral, thinking that can support both distros this way, but I'm was wrong it seems ;)16:52
vasily_pupkinsome deps were updated to 0.3.0-maemo316:52
lizardoVDVsx: as I said, we can make a sort of "compatibility layter" in Diablo to allow the same packaging in both cases, but the chances are that you have to change many things just for Fremantle anyway :)16:53
wazdEldar told that Booklet will start from 399 Euro without contract16:53
javispedrolardman, ok, got it the printf way, mmap_buffer_size is 4096 (PAGE_SIZE, makes sense) on esd.16:53
VDVsxlizardo, this package is very simple anyway, so no need to worry :)16:54
lizardoVDVsx: I see... did you try CDBS (without that python-central/python-support enabled)?16:54
VDVsxlizardo, nop16:54
VDVsxlizardo, I've to give a look on one of your rules files :)16:56
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VDVsxX-Fade, btw, the latest builds 'box' seems stalled ->
X-FadeVDVsx: Yeah, there is a bug in the display algo. And I had shut down the log parsing because of debugging the autobuilder issues we had.16:58
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X-FadeVDVsx: Log parsing has been restarted since this morning, but I still need to fix the display bug.16:59
VDVsxX-Fade, ok, no worry's, this package interface is very very useful ;)17:00
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crashanddieno worries17:01
lardmanjavispedro: good good17:01
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javispedrodoes not explain anything tho, so i'm looking at the non-nokia parts of esd as culprit.17:02
lardmanjavispedro: what's the problem? The mplayer thing?17:03
javispedroesd seems to clip parts of my buffer depending on audio rate17:03
VDVsxcrashanddie, thanks for the correction :)17:03
javispedrotherefore resulting in blips, blops, or random silences17:03
lardmanjavispedro: ah, ok17:03
javispedro*depending on audio rate and buffer size. smaller buffer sizes means less blips, as do higher audio rates.17:04
lardmanhave you tried fixing the cpu freq?17:05
javispedrohm, not really. but switching to alsa fixes it.17:06
lardmanwhen the cpu clock changes, which it can do for the static tasks (not sure which one you're using) it is supposed to produce pops and the like17:07
javispedrona, tried it and does nothing.17:08
lardmanok, just checking17:09
javispedroit's doing something wrong with the audio data, it is really noticeable when outputting 8000Hz with a 4096 samples long buffer size.17:09
javispedrosounds like samba ;)17:09
javispedroinstead of like an old radio.17:09
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lardmanit's 16bit data?17:10
javispedromplayer seems to work ok at those rates, even tho we're using the same audio path (sdl->esd); mplayer only says "buffer overflow" and then hangs at file end.17:12
javispedrobut nm, you helped me lot with the dsp already :)17:12
Jaffajeremiah: X-Fade: did TuxPaint from diablo Extras get put through to Fremantle? (Thinking of apps my son likes ;-))17:13
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lardmanjavispedro: I have stuff I should really be doing today, but if you've not worked it out by midweek I'll have a look at the code again and see if I can help17:14
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javispedrodon't worry, i think i'll have it by then or have forgotten about the whole issue ;)17:15
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lardmanlol, ok17:15
lcukjaffa you will tell us anything17:16
lcukwhere did you pickup the code for attitude from btw17:17
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javispedroheh, with attitude being shown in the preview nokia'd better put it in ROM now or they'll get all those support calls asking for it ;)17:18
lardmanAchipA: can do 2D DCT/iDCT which should be of use17:18
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doffmDoes anyone know anything about Qt on maemo 5 (The community supported version)?17:19
X-FadeJaffa: Nope, not entries in packages search.17:19
doffmI'm getting the following message when trying to use the QFileDialog QGtkStyle cannot be used together with the GTK_Qt engine.17:21
ArSa_doffm anything specific? qt is included iirc17:21
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doffmArSa_: Yeah issues when running a program that uses the file dialog.17:23
AchipAlardman: \o/17:23
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lardmanI take that back, is only for 8x8 blocks17:24
lardmanbut can still do the 2D FFT using combinations of 1D FFTs17:24
lardmanthere's also the motion compensation and the MAD routines that could be tried17:24
lardman &
AchipAi'll try make it a bit more plug-in-ish so we can easily adapt different algos17:25
lardmannot sure whether to encapsulate all the techniques in a given dsp task, or have different tasks for different methods though]17:26
AchipA37c is what I was looking at originally, and within it, specifically17:26
AchipAvoid IMG_mad_16x16_4step(short *src_data, short * search_window, unsigned int *match)17:26
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AchipAIs Qt a problem for you ? I used it as I'm more familiar with it than with gtk...17:28
lardmanDunno, I don't tend to write GUI code at all ;)17:28
lardmanif I can install the deps and get it running then that's fine17:28
lardmanOtherwise I have some test code for GTK17:28
AchipAit's all in extras (not devel), so no big deal17:29
lardmanok np17:29
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AchipA(i), alternatively, we can make it write in /proc17:30
AchipAand use fremantle accelero stuff to test :)17:30
lardmanI've not paid much attention to the Fremantle stuff yet as I have no hw17:31
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AchipAme neither, but the data format in /proc is given so it will help for any backports17:33
AchipAlike Jaffa's altitude (?)17:33
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lardmanah, you're talking about accelerometer aren't you, of course; I thought you meant make a DSP task for the new device17:34
lardmanwell in Jaffa's code we can write a new provider to read from anything17:34
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crashanddieJaffa actually made code that allowed for resource adapters?17:37
lardmanYou add in a wrapper to present the data to the rest of the code17:37
crashanddiewow, I'm surprised, that's pretty awesome17:37
lardmanI wrote one for the Wiimote17:38
lardmanthough it doesn't work very well (my wiimote code)17:38
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Jaffalcuk: Attitude was written all on my lonesome (apart from lardman's wiimote code, which I'm not shipping yet due to laziness on my part)17:48
FirebirdHmm, anyone know why I'm getting warnings/errors with my control file?
Jaffacrashanddie: My Java background leaking through by having clearly separated bits of the code (and the desire to test it on non-accelerometer hardware)17:48
lardmanJaffa: don't forget laziness on my part, not having cleaned it up ;)17:49
JaffaTrue. Shared laziness from lardman and mysefl.17:50
qwerty12_N810Firebird: for one, at least: s/Architechture/Architecture/g :p17:50
Firebirdoops >_>17:51
crashanddieJaffa: yeah, but it's pretty cool to hear stuff like that.17:52
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jophishin Nitdroid, about how long does populating the dalvik cache take?17:52
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crashanddie18.3 seconds17:53
jophishreally? mine has been going for about 2 hours17:54
* lardman is unimpressed with the dark weather today17:54
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crashanddiejophish: you should know I always tend to answer questions I have absolutely no idea about, just with made up figures17:54
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qwerty12_N810lardman: it's not bad down south17:55
crashanddieit makes discussions more interesting, as people are always doubtful of my honesty17:55
jophishcrashanddie, you know that 85% of statistics are just made up on the spot17:55
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crashanddieLast time I checked it was 93%17:55
lardmanqwerty12_N810: I live in Bath though, always rains here17:55
vasily_pupkinall my hildon*.launch applications crahed17:57
vasily_pupkinwith segmentation fault17:57
vasily_pupkinat start17:57
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qwerty12_N810In what way have you been abusing maemo-launcher? :)17:57
vasily_pupkini tried to install canola2 with extras-devel17:58
vasily_pupkinthen disable it17:58
vasily_pupkinremove canola17:58
vasily_pupkininstall it17:58
GAN800Man, Nokia could've had something with an Ubuntu ARM netbook, instead they try to compete with the already ridiculously oversaturated netbook market.17:58
javispedroI predict failure.17:58
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vasily_pupkinhow can i search packages with versions from extras devel?17:59
* X-Fade wonders what the actual percentage of netbooks running linux exclusively is.17:59
lardmanGAN800: battery life is good though isn't it?18:00
crashanddieX-Fade: low18:00
lardmanGAN800: on the new Windows based one? If so, I don't really see it failing18:00
crashanddieX-Fade: most people can't be bothered the trouble of understanding or re-learning another OS, and just give up once the buzz of "new, shiny" has worn off18:01
GAN800lardman, we'll see.18:01
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lardmanWell I need to use a Windows laptop, so it would work for me18:01
X-Fadecrashanddie: I think so too.18:01
crashanddieThe only people who use Linux on their netbooks are people who would use Linux on any machine anyway, and they never use the default OS18:01
wazdlooks like johnkzin is a serious windows hater :D18:02
crashanddiewether it's Linux or Windows that ships with the hardware, savvy users install their own flavour. Manufacturers just need to realise that, and stop installing a default OS18:02
ArSa_GAN800 i don't think a netbook like that exists, all the salivation over apple's netbook was based on similar concept imho.18:02
ArSa_aluminum and all18:02
ArSa_that is, i'd buy it18:03
wazdArSa_: HP 2140? :)18:03
lcukbah, i dont see the point in  it (mee too) but i also dont see why they *shouldnt* have it out18:04
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VDVsxX-Fade, did I or someone killed the builder ? :P18:04
GAN800lcuk, brand dilution.18:04
lcuktheres a market for them and nokia brand is v strong and assoc. with reliability18:04
crashanddiebecause Nokia is losing millions and jumping on a bandwagon where margins are razor-thin is ludicrous18:04
lcukmight actually work18:04
GAN800Something Nokia has always had a problem with.18:04
ArSa_i hate HP, for reliability.18:05
X-FadeVDVsx: Why?18:05
lcukthere are so many people and departments within nokia, i would rather they tried something new than decide to fire a metric shittonne of people18:05
crashanddielcuk: they will fire shittones anyway18:05
lardmanAchipA: in your code to do return a single number (or three) giving the motion vectors in different directions?18:05
lcukso guys, please stop with the bitching - just because it doesnt satisfy your own particular spot18:05
lcukdoesnt mean its wrong18:05
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VDVsxX-Fade, is taking ages to build a package :P18:05
X-FadeVDVsx: What else is new? :)18:06
crashanddielcuk: that's the problem, it is wrong from a business perspective18:06
lcukcrashanddie, trying is better than giving in18:06
crashanddieno, trying to be original is better than giving in, copying is just stupid18:06
VDVsxX-Fade, I don't have complains until now :)18:06
lcukthe people with their energies in the netbook are not the same people with energies elsewhere18:06
lcuklet them try to succeed18:06
crashanddieThe netbook is going to die very soon anyway18:07
ArSa_nokia is 768 lines, versus HP's 576 lines. pretty huge deal, 567 won't fit lots of apps.18:07
lcukso you think, obviously they dont18:07
crashanddieI'll take a wager18:07
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lardmancrashanddie: why will they die18:07
GAN800lcuk, lol.18:07
GAN800Don't get all bleeding heart on us.18:08
lcukcrashanddie, if nokia as a company did not try other things they would still be a tyre firm and we wouldnt have a tablet at all18:08
lcukfeck off gan18:08
wazdArSa_: it fits all of them18:08
wazdArSa_: I mean all18:08
* GAN800 sighs and watches Ubuntu boot to a blinking cursor.18:08
crashanddielardman: because you either have something small that does a lot (n8x0, probably n900 as well, PDA, etc) and that is very portable, or you have a laptop, none of them has provided anything useful for the past 3 years they've been around. Yeah, they're fun and cool, but they're not comfortable (keyboard/screen) nor powerful. Nobody uses them for what they were supposed to18:09
* lardman gives a small Ubuntu curse that it won't start all 3 monitors without a reboot and that it won't give me the latest FF either18:09
crashanddielet's not forget, the old motto was "if you want to check something out quickly, just dash our your eee and google it", however, how many of you konw people who'd rather take out their iphone / n series nokia or blackberry?18:09
lardmancrashanddie: sw compatibility is a big problem for ARM machines18:09
lardmanWell I'm going to buy a netbook to take to conferences, so I can tweak presentations18:10
lcukafter last time :P18:10
lardmansmall is good, fits in a bag, easy as that18:10
crashanddieyou can get a 15" laptop for £300, which is damn close to the price of a netbook, but you get more screen real-estate, and CPU/memory18:10
lardmanlcuk: yeah :D18:10
lcuk15" is massive!18:10
lardmanheavy, big18:10
lardmanI don't want to have to take a large machine with me18:11
ArSa_and power consumption is not same, atom is way better (but not as good as arm obviously)18:11
lcukmy 12" x41 is even too big18:11
crashanddiejust give people a phone that does a lot, and a laptop that weighs a lot, they can do everything they want, netbooks are going the way of the dodo, and that's that18:11
derfMy opinion has certainly been that I either want a) a powerful laptop or b) something that fits in my pocket.18:11
lardmanIf I go to London for the day, I've no desire to lug something large around all day18:11
X-FadeLugging around my 4.5kg laptop starts to annoy me pretty fast ;)18:11
crashanddieby phone I mean n8x0/n900/iphone18:11
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derfAnd a netbook is exactly the wrong midpoint between those two.18:11
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crashanddiederf: thank you :)18:12
ArSa_btw, what kind of tvout is in n900? is it going to be in production model?18:12
* lcuk is an ardent nokia tablet fan, but its not the solution to everyproblem18:12
derfBut not everyone is me. A lot of people only want to buy one thing.18:12
lardmanphone/palmtop for email/web, netbook for presentations/more useful work18:12
crashanddieoh come on, you don't work on netbooks18:12
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lardmanno, I work with 3 22" monitors18:13
lardmanbut sometimes I'm not in the office18:13
* GAN800 stabs Ubuntu to death.18:13
crashanddiewell, maybe green-tree-hugging web designers want an eee for work, but real businesses use something that actually allows you to do some work18:13
GAN80022" is exactly the wrong size.18:13
lardmanwell that's one concern, how slow one of these beasts really is18:13
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ArSa_what exactly is the problem with netbook? screen size, that's all?18:14
GAN80022" = lower DPI, higher costs.18:14
derfArSa_: Keyboard size, CPU power, RAM...18:14
lardmanGAN800: ah well, all I could afford18:14
GAN800Wow, I didn't realize Intel machines could reboot loop.18:14
crashanddieArSa_: screen size, mouse pad is shit, and keyboard is very uncomfortable, and no power to do anything useful (oh yeah, my laptop is running short of memory when I try to launch office and firefox at the same time, woohoo)18:14
GAN800lardman, you're supposed to buy 20" or 23"/24". 22" is more expensive for exactly the same thing as the 20" for more money.18:15
lardmanhmm, my 4Gb machine runs short of memory with bloody FF running18:15
ArSa_well. to me any laptop keyboard is uncomfortable, i am a natural keyboard elite user :P18:15
lardmanGAN800: oh well :)18:16
crashanddieArSa_: maybe because you're 12, call me again when you're 3018:16
derfI actually like laptop keyboards because they have trackpoints.18:16
crashanddieno offense intended18:16
lardmanI don't much like laptop kbs I must admit18:16
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derfI've considered buying one of those regular keyboards with a trackpoint built in.18:16
lardmanbring back the Psion 5!18:16
ArSa_the nipple :)18:17
derfcrashanddie: Nipple-mouse.18:17
crashanddieah, clit18:17
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derfThe important point is, I don't have to move my hands to use the mouse.18:17
Corsacyeah, a netbook with a trackpoint would definitely be an improvement18:17
GAN800Out of the 5 computers in this apartment, only one is functional.18:17
* GAN800 sighs.18:17
derfBut, as it turns out, I almost never use an actual desktop anymore.18:17
ArSa_Corsac sony makes one with trackpoint18:17
Corsacyeah, correct18:17
lardmanderf: if I have to use my laptop I plug in a mouse, can't stand the trackpad thing18:18
ArSa_it's actually much smaller than netbook, having seen it. very odd form factor.18:18
derflardman: Oh, I hate the pads.18:18
lardmannipples are better then?18:18
derfAnd I hated the trackpoint, too, the first time I used it.18:18
ArSa_psion had trackball, right? :)18:18
derfBut after a week, I really started liking the thing.18:18
lardmanno, touchscreen18:18
ArSa_oh, that one18:18
lardmanderf: fair enough18:18
derfI still hate the pads, though.18:18
derfI've actually completely disabled the one on my laptop.18:19
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derfWhich pisses people who try to use my computer off to no end.18:19
Corsacsame here :)18:19
derfThe problem with "X has a trackpoint", though, is that there are a lot of poorly-engineered trackpoints out there.18:21
derfLike, Lenovo seems to do pretty good, but the last Dell I used had _serious_ drift issues.18:21
ArSa_i thought there were just two - ibm and synaptics18:21
Corsacsynaptics does trackpoints?18:22
ArSa_for dell, yeah18:22
Andy80ArSa_, where did you read about x768 resolution of the netbook?18:22
ArSa_i think even ibm uses them ... hm18:22
ArSa_Andy80 in the new Nokia netbook18:22
javispedrodamn, the alsa pcm task got BUSY'd again,18:22
ArSa_and also HP's higher end netbook has HD screen like that too.18:22
derfMy Thinkpad has a synaptics touchpad. I have no idea who makes the trackpoint.18:22
Andy80ArSa_, yes, but which website?18:23
ArSa_Andy80 google news, forgot which exactly18:23
ArSa_i think wired18:23
aol18:17 <aol> "Nokia Booklet 3G first from 2 netbooks for this year. Price is not known yet :( Intel Atom, 10" HD glass screen, 120Gb etc. Do you like it?"18:23
aolalso price is 400e+ in europe18:23
aolthis info is by Eldar, he knows his shit18:24
ArSa_i wonder how much in $$... i can't get any nokia phones here :(18:24
aolroughly euro translates to $18:24
ArSa_it's commodity hardware really, they can drop prices in us18:24
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ArSa_as they generaly do to grab the market18:24
aolin electronics18:24
ArSa_yeah, i guess you are right18:24
aolso if it's 499e here, I'd exdpect 499$18:25
ArSa_i remember tom's hardware had an article comparing laptop prices, where you could buy ticket to US and still be in price difference.18:25
ArSa_but i think that changed now18:25
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crashanddieaol: please change your nickname, you are hurting most people's eyes18:26
crashanddieaol: please remain courteous, no need to start swearing just because of a small joke :)18:27
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aolwell think about this; what are the chances you're first one complaing about it?18:27
aolthose are my initials.18:27
crashanddierelatively slim18:27
ArSa_mine too, and it's almos a swear word18:28
crashanddieAaron Oberthur Livingstone?18:28
aolsomething like that yes18:28
aolbut let's not talk about my name, ok ?18:28
crashanddiehey, you brought it up18:28
ArSa_at least it's not all caps18:29
aolwho cares18:29
aolit's just a nick18:29
crashanddieaol: and it was just a joke, chill, take a pill18:29
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aolwell I tend to get this same shit from everywhere I go in #freenode18:30
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crashanddieaol: then stop being thick and take the hint18:30
qwerty12_N810aol: change your name, then :p18:30
crashanddiedeed poll, two signatures, done18:31
crashanddiedo it for the strangers on Freenode, they need it18:31
aolyeah,I should go to the Finnish department for name changing and say they are teasing me in freenode :)18:31
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crashanddieactually, that would be funny as hell :D18:31
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crashanddieIt's like the guy changing his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined"18:32
ArSa_btw, what kind of tvout is in n900? is it going to be in production model?18:34
MyrttiArSa_: let us go search google and read the same specs you have read18:35
ArSa_yeah yeah, NDA18:35
javispedrooh well. this whole esd thing may have actually been my fault.18:36
javispedroI noticed that alsa forces sdl into a different, smaller buffer size.18:36
javispedrotherefore what I though was exercising the same code path wasn't.18:36
MyrttiArSa_: as surprising as it may sound, this channel isn't cohabited by only Nokia (and their subcontractors) employees ;-)18:37
Myrttialthough, I wouldn't be surprised to see high percentages ;-)18:38
ArSa_i am just wondering what is the point of non-digital tvout these days.18:38
ArSa_it is surprising that they _are_ here and there.18:38
jeremiahThank you - The Adminitrators.18:39
Myrttidisclaimer: I'm working for a subcontractor but I don't know jack shit18:39
qwerty12_N810Down with them!18:39
* crashanddie gets the ropse18:39
* Myrtti gets the pithchforsk18:39
jeremiahI would kick you all, but I don't have any kicking powers. :-(18:39
crashanddiecorpse/ropes, so close18:39
ArSa_you can still slap us all18:40
javispedrohe can't, infobot is on holiday :D18:40
Myrttijeremiah: here, have a kanelbulle18:40
* crashanddie bitchslaps ArSe_ 18:40
jeremiahTack! Myrtti!18:40
jeremiahNow I am much sweeter. :)18:40
* Myrtti curtsies18:41
* javispedro has been listening to the cheesy mario kart intro tune all day long.18:41
javispedrodisturbed & corrupted versions included.18:41
ArSa_it will give you brain cancer18:41
jeremiahOr cure it.18:41
Myrttino, mobile phones will18:41
Myrttidiudiudiudiu </twilight zone>18:41
* javispedro modifies his "make test" script to use the mario paint cheesy tune instead...18:42
Myrttiremember not to compile stuff on your maemo devices while sidetalkin' folks, you'll get a cancer and the device will probe your brainwaves and send them to Nokia18:42
ArSa_it probably already does18:43
qwerty12_N810Will they hear my cries of "Bring the fucking N900 out already"? :)18:43
ArSa_no, not until you change your nick18:43
vasily_pupkin550 E for n900 is toooo much18:43
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Myrttivasily_pupkin: I'd say 700€ for N97 is too much18:44
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javispedrooh my18:44
vasily_pupkinholy shit.. (%18:44
javispedro700€ ??18:44
ArSa_it's ok, n810 cost how much initially?18:44
Andy80vasily_pupkin, where did you read about the price?18:44
vasily_pupkinsome overview18:44
crashanddien810 was 350e initially IIRC18:44
Myrttioh, 649€, my bad18:44
javispedro649€ for a phone18:45
ArSa_now throw in 3g, for another 10018:45
Myrttiso, you were saying...?18:46
javispedrolololo what are they thinking?18:46
javispedrothe n900 is way better, it's gonna cost way more than that.18:46
ArSa_what's the tax situation in .fi?18:46
ArSa_or they don't tax nokia products :P18:46
MyrttiArSa_: VAT 22%18:46
jeremiahMyrtti: Are those html entities you  are inserting?18:47
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jeremiahI bet a lot of companies are going to subsidize the N90018:47
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ArSa_i don't like subsidized phones unless of course they also give you good data plan18:47
ArSa_which is like... never18:48
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Myrttiof course there are shops that sell the N97 cheaper than, but *ahem* if someone says 550€ for N900 is too much... hahahaHAHAHAHAHAahhahahaa... ahahha... hah.18:48
javispedrothe devil itself is going to make you a better plan than most carriers.18:48
qwerty12_N810javispedro: I can get mates rates if you're interested18:48
crashanddieArSa_: since when do subsidized phones not have a good data plan?18:49
jeremiahMyrtti: :P18:49
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Myrttijeremiah: what are *you* inserting?18:49
crashanddieArSa_: £30 monthly is hardly a bad offer for unlimited data and god knows how many minutes/texts18:49
jeremiahJust some random crud. :)18:49
Myrttijeremiah: figures18:49
Luke-Jrcrashanddie: that doesn't include tethering18:49
crashanddieLuke-Jr: so?18:50
jeremiahIs it showing up as html entity for you? Or just crud?18:50
ArSa_too bad i don't reside in eu :-\ in between CIS and US, they have pretty shitty plans.18:50
Luke-JrMyrtti: I'd pay at most $250 for a N90018:50
crashanddieLuke-Jr: tethering is on company expenses, end of that18:50
jeremiahThey have pretty good tethering plans here.18:50
vasily_pupkinLuke-Jr: 350$. Max :]18:50
ArSa_btw, compared to n810 (and same as n97) it comes with 32gb of flash (wonder how fast that is though)18:50
Luke-Jrcrashanddie: not everyone is a slave to some company18:51
crashanddieLuke-Jr: we can see what that brings you ;)18:51
jeremiahYeah, some peole are looking for companies to be slaves for!18:51
MyrttiLuke-Jr: I'd rather pay 550€ so I'm not force fed any phone company or their 18/24month deal with tied in stuff I'd never use18:51
* Luke-Jr has plenty of such opportunities if he wanted to be a slave. :þ18:51
ArSa_i actually enjoy not having a company cell, and not having to give my private cell to my company.18:51
crashanddieLuke-Jr: tethering should always be work expensable, regardless of what you do. Even if you're self-employed (read: struggling for work), you should expense it18:52
Luke-JrMyrtti: $250 without a contract.18:52
ArSa_let's have a reverse auction, ok18:52
MyrttiLuke-Jr: welcome to Finland \o/18:52
Luke-Jrcrashanddie: self-employed is not struggling for work18:52
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crashanddieLuke-Jr: yeah right ;)18:52
javispedro350€ without contract. :) next.18:52
crashanddie£300 with contract18:52
crashanddie1 year contract though18:52
crashanddienot more18:53
crashanddiepreferably with vodafone18:53
Luke-JrI'll go up to $300 if there's open specs for all the hardware in it18:53
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ArSa_that's up to part vendors18:54
Luke-JrArSa_: not entirely18:54
ArSa_yeah, nokia could force them18:54
Luke-JrNokia could easily shop around and only consider open components18:54
javispedrothere are not going to be open specs for the powervr, that's for sure.18:54
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ArSa_yeah, i was just thinking about parts of cortex that are really private18:54
Luke-Jrjavispedro: there has to be, to some degree18:54
Luke-JrArSa_: that's bogus18:55
javispedroLuke-Jr, probably open sourced kmod but big libGLes blob library.18:55
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lcukfrankly i couldnt care less whether anything was open/closed or inside out - as long as this time every damn piece of silicon is usable on the day i buy it18:55
ArSa_it's same as with desktop video drivets18:55
Luke-Jrlcuk: that's never been the case with anything along these lines18:56
crashanddieGAN800: it's funny to see everyone still so naive and going "I would like a major corporation to use only open hardware and give me everything I want, regardless of market value"18:56
javispedroI actually would be happy with a binary everything for the n8x0 :P18:56
Luke-JrI dont think N900 will be a first18:56
Luke-JrArSa_: not at all?18:56
Luke-JrArSa_: desktop video drivers all use the same standard libGL18:56
Luke-Jrat least for Linux18:56
javispedroLuke-Jr, not nvidias.18:56
lcukLuke-Jr, so which part of the laundry list of stuff do you think will be missed18:56
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Luke-Jrjavispedro: those are illegal drivers and don't count18:56
ArSa_you know how long it took to get away from binary blobs18:57
javispedroillegal :P18:57
javispedrothen you're going to find illegal drivers in the N900 too I guess18:57
Luke-Jrjavispedro: as illegal as your pirated movies18:57
ArSa_and now Rage won't work on linux because oss drivers won't support shit that it needs18:57
javispedrosince we have not seen any talks about Vincent or the like18:57
Luke-Jrjavispedro: then I hope someone will sue Nokia finally18:57
Luke-Jrhey, maybe my kernel patch will be in N900's kernel and I can have grounds for suing myself18:58
brbrbrfor satysfying customers ? :)18:58
MaceN8x0Luke-Jr: im trying to build arora18:58
brbrbrthey tried sue Nokia ;)18:58
javispedroLuke-Jr, btw, how did you know about my pirated movies?? ;)18:58
Luke-Jrjavispedro: your filesystem is exposed18:58
MaceN8x0cc1plus is a whore18:58
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: yes. use my binpkg18:58
MaceN8x0how do i use them?18:58
javispedrodamn, all my porn gone.18:59
MaceN8x0just dl them and extract to /18:59
Luke-Jrno -.-18:59
lcukjust got an email through:18:59
ArSa_time to get fresh stuff18:59
lcuk"Greetings all! Just arrived this morning is much more genuine hemp jewelry. "18:59
MaceN8x0ive never used binpkgs in gentoo18:59
lcukdo you smoke it or wear it?18:59
MaceN8x0or do you have an ebuild on your repo?18:59
crashanddielcuk: it's meth stones19:00
MaceN8x0well. except openoffice-bin19:00
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: make.conf: PORTAGE_BINHOST=""19:00
lcuki say again, WAT?19:00
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Luke-JrMaceN8x0: emerge -gk qt-webkit -a119:00
crashanddielcuk: you haven't been young for too long, you've forgotten the basics19:00
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crashanddieoldie :P19:00
qwerty12_N810lcuk: it's another trick to make you lose a finger. You're meant to wear it and light it when it's on your finger19:00
ArSa_how about friggen webkit-eal instead? come on :)19:01
crashanddiewebkit-eal? Is that even edible?19:01
Luke-Jrwtf is that19:01
lcukalso of note:19:01
lcuk"It is imported from Hungry - NOT CHINA! "19:01
lcukhaha qwerty19:01
crashanddiehungry, nice19:01
Luke-JrArSa_: cuz Maemo sucks19:01
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ArSa_i want simple browser19:02
crashanddieI'm betting Turkey was the other hungry country19:02
Luke-JrArSa_: Arora is simple19:02
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lcukwb infobot19:02
* infobot pulls out the cookie jar and finds zip 21754... Ijamsville Frederick MD19:02
Luke-Jrinfobot: botsnack19:02
infobotLuke-Jr: thanks19:02
* infobot humps the channel19:02
crashanddie~hump qwerty12_N81019:03
lcukhe leaves because you lot harrass him whenever he enters19:03
javispedroso, nokia already did computers19:03
qwerty12_N810~fuck crashanddie19:03
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ArSa_javispedro who didn't19:03
qwerty12_N810Grr... it doesn't wish to go near either of us19:03
ArSa_goodyear made TV's19:03
crashanddieis that like reversed peadophillia?19:03
Myrttimy friend had a mikromikko19:03
MyrttiI wanted one so bad19:03
brbrbrfatherphilia ? :PP19:04
Myrttididn't look like that though19:04
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crashanddieI guess it would be 1/-1819:04
javispedroslashdot comment: "so, how do they do 12 hours of battery life?" "using Marketing Energy, of course".19:04
javispedroit's like Free Energy only better, and twice as surreal.19:05
crashanddiejavispedro: slashdot comments are only +5 funny on the website. IRC has no concept of funny by moderation19:05
GAN800crashanddie, people are hilarious.19:05
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MaceN8x0Luke-Jr: do i have to sync after adding that line?19:06
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: no19:06
crashanddieGAN800: think it'll ever change?19:06
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: emerge -gk qt-webkit -a119:06
ArSa_Luke-Jr hehe19:06
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: paste the line19:06
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crashanddieGAN800: not to be cynical really, but all the "happy people" dreams and precious ideals are getting quite old19:07
ArSa_i wonder what kind of CD's he has in that holder, probably some of that country he sings.19:07
GAN800crashanddie, nope.19:07
GAN800crashanddie, I think it has something to do with getting old. :D19:08
crashanddiebut I'm just 2319:08
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crashanddieI think it's something to do with learning words like wage, or male pattern baldness19:08
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Luke-Jrcrashanddie: more like being broken19:09
crashanddiefor other people not understanding the conversation: yes, people working at nokia are paid with flowers and Nokia is the only cor poration on the planet that is trying hard to go bust by selling things without any profit, but just can't, because they're so damn bad at it19:10
GAN800crashanddie, here's one now.19:10
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crashanddiethey have cars that run on the pure power of love, and all live in lala-land19:10
crashanddieanyway, time for my cancer-stick, bbiab19:11
Luke-Jrcrashanddie: as you get more idealistic, the world will eventually break you19:11
Myrttisince I work for subcontractor, I get paid in chocolate19:11
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MaceN8x0waiting for it to do stuff19:12
MaceN8x0i hope cups works19:12
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MaceN8x0im sure by now they must have fixed the ebuild bug19:12
lcukjavispedro, "12 hours of battery power from marketing energy, is that any different from sucking energy from  a reality distortion field of steve jobs?19:12
* lcuk likes the marketing energy line tho19:12
GAN800How is it that modern Celeron machines can't boot from a USB stick. . . .19:13
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Luke-JrNokia should learn from Full Metal Alchemist19:13
Luke-Jrand leech energy off the mass genocide of alternate dimensions19:13
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MaceN8x0Luke-Jr: it will only grab the qt webkit?19:14
GAN800Luke-Jr, should learn from reality.19:14
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: should, see -g19:14
MaceN8x0still has to build the rest19:14
Luke-JrGAN800: reference fail19:14
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: "the rest"?19:14
Luke-Jrif you use -g, that emerge command will fetch binpkgs19:14
MaceN8x0i have other deps that havent been built19:14
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: so build those first19:15
MaceN8x0like qt-core19:15
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ArSa_hm... i can't believe they didn't put that "You Ain't Woman Enough" song from "be cool" somewhere. do they take down movie clips off youtube?19:15
Luke-Jror use binpkgs19:15
Luke-Jrbut to cover my legal buttom..19:15
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Luke-Jruse emerge -f to get srcs first19:15
MaceN8x0just was wondering if it would grab19:15
Luke-JrMaceN8x0: it will grab anything it needs for that cmd19:15
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MaceN8x0dep bin pkgs automatically19:15
Luke-Jrcheck the output from -a19:16
Luke-Jrit should say "binary" instead of "ebuild"19:16
ArSa_oh, there it is
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wazdwow, I've jsut made "drift brake" on a bike for the first time :)19:18
MaceN8x0all are ebuilds19:19
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Luke-JrMaceN8x0: you're doing it wrong19:19
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Luke-JrMaceN8x0: exact cmd?19:20
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MaceN8x0restless portage # emerge -gk qt-webkit -a119:21
Luke-Jrand exact output?19:22
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MaceN8x0[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.5.1  USE="-debug (-kde) -pch"19:23
MaceN8x0doesnt seem to want to pull the bin19:24
MaceN8x0i will just build what i can for now19:24
Luke-Jrtry adding -K maybe19:24
MaceN8x0have to go and will work on it more when i get back19:25
Luke-Jrun-mask the KDE use flag19:25
Luke-Jrmine has USE=kde19:25
mcpihave you tried with an capital -G to foce binary?19:26
Luke-Jrecho -kde » /etc/portage/profile/use.mask19:26
Luke-Jrmcpi: isn't that -K19:26
mcpi-getbinpkgonly[=n] (-G)19:26
mcpiman emerge19:26
Luke-Jrno u19:26
Luke-Jr       --getbinpkgonly (-G)19:27
Luke-Jr              This option is identical to -g, as above, except  binaries  from19:27
Luke-Jr              the  remote server are preferred over local packages if they are19:27
Luke-Jr              not identical.19:27
mcpioh, i see :)19:27
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lardmananyone know how an RGB GdkPixBuf is arranged in memory?19:32
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lardmanor actually, is there an easier way of displaying grayscale data?19:33
mcpiLuke-Jr: is this gentoo just in a chroot env or stand alone?19:33
crashanddiegreyscale :P19:33
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lardmanwell I thought I'd spell it for our American cousins19:34
GeneralAntillesGoes either way over here, honestly.19:34
crashanddieI'm probably the only idiot who corrects people on that, tbh19:35
lardmanshould be spelled gray in English afaik19:35
lardmanother way round19:35
lardmanshould be spelled *grey*19:35
crashanddiewrong time to typo :P19:35
qwerty12_N810lardman: indeed19:35
lardmansure was :D19:35
Luke-Jrmcpi: standalone19:36
fiferboyI can never remember how we spell it in Canada19:36
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crashanddieok, how the fuck I apply an ldif through ldap admin?19:36
crashanddiedo I**19:36
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SamPieterhi all, I have a 'home city' question... My city does not appear in the list. Can I add it myself?19:37
crashanddieSamPieter: context19:37
SamPieterehm, Nokia N81019:38
lardmanI think he means which list ;)19:38
GeneralAntillesSamPieter, timezone issue.19:38
GeneralAntillesJust pick a major city in your timezone.19:38
qwerty12_N810SamPieter: perhaps19:38
SamPieterah, the location, in 'Date & Time'19:39
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lardmansee qwerty12_N810's post or do as GeneralAntilles says for the easy route19:39
lardmanunless you live in Adelaide of course, in which case your timezone doesn't exist at all ;)19:39
SamPieter(btw: I want to add a city in the Antilles)19:40
lardmanwhat's the timexone?19:41
crashanddielardman: I live on Adelaide road, am I in trouble?19:41
SamPieterwow, QWERTY's solution is a biggie19:41
SamPietertimezone is GMT-419:41
lardmancrashanddie: might be :)19:41
qwerty12_N810Not my solution :p19:41
SamPieterah sorry qwerty19:41
lardmanGMT-4 in the Caribbean? really?19:41
SamPieteryes lardman, really19:41
crashanddieyou sure it's not +4?19:42
SamPieterWillemstad, Curaçao to be exact19:42
SamPieteryes I'm sure it's not +419:42
SamPieteror am I?19:42
lardmanmust be +4, but anyway, only 4 hours different19:42
crashanddieis correct19:42
crashanddie+4 would put it somewhere in asia19:42
SamPieterehm, GMT right now is? 17:42?19:42
crashanddieno, BST is19:43
crashanddieBST is 17:4319:43
SamPieterit's 12:43 here local tome19:43
ArSa_SamPieter that's same as EST19:43
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Luke-JrGMT is for Greenwich people only19:43
SamPieterbut NO daylight savings time thank you very much19:43
jeremiahMon Aug 24 16:43:33 UTC 200919:43
Luke-JrArSa_: not EDT?19:43
crashanddieLuke-Jr: lol, only hoodies and chavs?19:43
ArSa_well, i don't know difference, forgive me :P19:44
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ArSa_it's EDT now, i guess19:44
SamPieterah UTC -419:44
crashanddieSamPieter: yup19:44
lardmanhmm, it is -, strange19:44
lardmanah well19:44
Luke-JrI think EST is UTC-519:44
crashanddielardman: + goes to east, - goes to west19:44
lardmanUTC is rubbish, it's called GMT, we invented it after all :p19:44
* GeneralAntilles hits lardman with a timezone cluebat.19:44
ArSa_i like UT better19:44
SamPietergo lardman!19:44
Luke-Jrlardman: no, GMT has daylight savings time19:45
Luke-JrUTC does not19:45
crashanddielardman: no, GMT != UTC19:45
ArSa_now, that's a topic for discussion, UT that is.19:45
GeneralAntillesArSa_, pew pew!19:45
crashanddielardman: because GMT disappears for a few months each year19:45
lardmanluckily lardman had just fallen to the ground in exhaustion and the bat missed19:45
lardmanno it doesnt19:45
crashanddieyeah it does, because BST19:45
SamPieterhow do I get root access? do I need to install something first?19:45
lardmanyeah, but BST = GMT+119:45
lardmanso GMT is still there19:45
Luke-JrSamPieter: install GentoO!19:45
infoboti guess root-access is
crashanddielardman: no, BST = UTC + 119:45
Luke-Jrlardman: no, BST = UTC+119:45
SamPieterBST = Bull Sh*t Time??)19:46
lardmanno, UTC = rubbish19:46
Luke-Jrlardman = rubbish19:46
crashanddielardman: you're rubbish19:46
Luke-Jrtimezones are rubbish too19:46
qwerty12_N810SamPieter: I was thinking the exact same thing *grin*19:46
Luke-Jrall that matters is UTC and UGT19:46
GeneralAntillesLuke-Jr, take that to #gentoo, please.19:46
lardmanbloody colonies19:46
SamPieterthank you infobot19:46
infobotSamPieter: my pleasure19:46
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SamPieterok i love you guys19:47
GeneralAntilleslardman, we kicked your ass in 1776 then saved it twice in 1918 and 1945. :P19:47
qwerty12_N810lardman: you'd think that they'd have respect for their owners19:47
crashanddieSamPieter: in that case, I'm happy you're in the carribean19:47
lardmanah that's true isn't it, UTC != GMT as one has some microseconds added to it19:47
Luke-JrGeneralAntilles: nonsense, England just didn't make a sincere effort19:47
crashanddielardman: yup19:47
Luke-Jrat least for the first one19:47
lardmanGeneralAntilles: you lot only got involved because it suited you19:47
SamPietercrashanddie: I'm glad myself! great weather all year round, superb diving...19:47
crashanddieSamPieter: and hurricanes19:48
Luke-Jrand the crimes in the 1900s are hardly praise-worthy19:48
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lardmanSamPieter: does sound good, what about hurricanes though?19:48
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: if you want to go that route (pronounce: root), don't forget you got your independance thanks to the French, which is less than honourable19:48
ArSa_you hide?19:48
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SamPietercrashanddie: NO hurricanes! we live below the hurrican belt, hasn't been a hurricane here in about 125 years19:48
lardmanquick Nokia, give us new hw so we stop abusing each other!19:48
crashanddieActually, I think you're the only country on earth that actually needed the french to win any kind of war19:48
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Luke-Jrif England *really* wanted the colonies they could have won19:49
derfOther than France, you mean.19:49
GeneralAntillesThe saddest part about it is that we've now gone and squandered away everything that we gained.19:49
Luke-Jrbut they figures the USA would just collapse shortly anyway and then would be a better time19:49
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lardmanderf: did they ever win anything?19:49
derflardman: Charlemagne did alright.19:50
Luke-Jranyhow, we all agree on UGT at least, right?19:50
lardmanwell actually I seem to remember they invaded us of course... :)19:50
lardmanAnyway, back to business19:50
Luke-Jrlardman: RIGHT?19:50
lardmanyeah, "morning all"!19:50
SamPietercrashanddie: that reminds me of this:
Luke-Jrmorning, lardman19:50
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* lardman can't see that, not having unicode and all19:51
pupnikmytube broken for anyone else?19:51
Luke-Jrlardman: fail19:51
crashanddieSamPieter: hehe... I'm about 50 feet from Waterloo :P19:51
SamPieteryou are?19:52
lardmanLuke-Jr: too new-fangled for me19:52
Luke-JrUnicode is what? at least 10 years old by now19:52
SamPieterhad a great leugh when they got scared from the sound of the cannons19:52
crashanddie"Unknown meaning for error number -1642; Please call a Novell support provider" <-- That's just making errors profitable19:52
lardmanLuke-Jr: as I said :)19:52
Luke-JrUnicode 1.0.0 is dated 199119:53
Luke-Jrso 18 years old19:53
Luke-Jrit's an adult now19:53
crashanddiebut it still gets raped all over the internet19:54
crashanddiemostly by bolding americans19:54
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lcukkonttori, ping19:56
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* lardman opens a beer20:05
* lardman offers some around20:05
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lcuklardman, oh yessssssssssssssssss please20:10
* lcuk really needs one20:10
lardmanmmmm, beery and cold, mmmm20:10
lardmanhi johnsq20:11
lcukbrb bud in fridge lol20:11
darkHow i can install nmap20:11
lardmanapt-get install nmap20:11
Corsacis bud really a beer?20:11
lardmanyuck, what's wrong with you lcuk! ;)20:11
lardmantoo sweet for my liking, am imbibing a Becks20:12
lcukits cold and in bottle form20:12
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* mgedmin sips his earl grey tea20:18
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* lbt has a snowball20:22
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GeneralAntillesToo hot for tea.20:22
johnsqany nice photo-frame software for n810?20:22
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lbtjohnsq: not yet AFAIK... it's on my todo list20:22
* GeneralAntilles needs to harass Chad.20:22
SamPieterqwerty12_N810: your helpful link tells me to do some stuff with a file on a linux box20:22
SamPieterwhich I do not have20:22
SamPieterwhat else can I do?20:23
lcukjohnsq, you mean a poto slideshow tool20:23
lcukor including uploads/downloads20:23
johnsqlcuk: only photo slideshow20:24
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lcuktheres plenty for slideshows - even default desktop stuff should work20:24
qwerty12_N810SamPieter: Choose a city in your timezone? =)20:24
lcukbut a photoframe where you have to keep screwing with settings in the console isnt useful lol20:24
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johnsqlcuk: but none, like a photo-frame, only random slideshow20:25
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johnsqlcuk: I want also directory and photo frontend.20:25
lcukdoesnt canola have slideshow20:25
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johnsqmmm feh has also a thumbnail mode, i will try it.20:27
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wiretappedfeh is great20:27
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wiretappedfor flipping through a large collection of images very quickly20:28
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johnsqwiretapped: yes i thought it runs only automatic, has no interactive mode20:28
* mgedmin things feh is a poorly-chosen name of low googlability20:29
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rkirtifeh reminds me of the physicists top-rated articles about being  f-e-h smart (feynman-einstein-hawking)20:30
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johnsqdirectory up and directory selecting is missing in feh thumbnail mode.20:33
wiretappedWOW, a java x86 emu:
qwerty12_N810I would click but I kinda need Firefox not to crash...20:35
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lcukkotcomix does images20:38
lcuktho its not featureful yet20:38
lcukshortest tea on record20:39
johnsqthere are no much features needed, slideshow and index/thumbnail modus, zoom and rotate, and everything touchscreen friendly.20:39
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lcukthen you have the bulletpoints for your app, choose a toolkit, make johnsqview and you win20:41
lcuk(or make your own lol)20:41
johnsqlcuk: yeah, but I have already 10 started and incomplete projects, i must first finish something before i start something new.20:42
lcukthen shurrup waffling on irc and get on with it20:42
* lcuk wiped the slate almost clean the other night20:43
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FirebirdCan anyone test these two files ( ) for me? Specifically the Menu->Internet Game->Change nickname dialog20:50
FirebirdI can't get keyboard input to work on any qt dialogs20:50
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* Firebird hopes for someone to be glancing at IRC while working in the maemo5 SDK :o20:52
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konttorilcuk: pong20:54
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lcukkonttori, hiya \o pm waiting20:57
konttoriwaiting for what?20:57
lcukyour response20:57
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plastunhello, I when I try to copy any file from Tablet to Desktop via USB connection using scp command, I get error: 'port 22: connection refused'. What's wrong?20:59
johnsqplastun: have you started the ssh server on the tablet, when you type scp on your desktop computer?21:00
plastunsshd daemon working21:01
plastunbut scp from Desktopt ot Tablet working21:01
johnsqplastun: you want to use scp on the tablet and copy to the desktop pc?21:02
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johnsqplastun: than sshd server on your pc must be running. firewall on pc?21:03
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plastunoh. yes21:05
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GeneralAntillesGoddamn 5800 doesn't have the alpha letters on the dialer. . . .21:06
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* Stskeeps yawns and ponders making coffee21:08
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VDVsxdifferent theme ?21:09
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plastunwhat GTK engine is native for N900? for N800, 810 it is sapwood21:09
Stskeepsgo look in SDK?21:10
GeneralAntillesChad's fucking voicemail is full.21:10
VDVsxStskeeps, errr, sometimes the SDK lies :P21:10
StskeepsVDVsx: ah, yeah, your bluemaemo stuff21:11
Stskeepsisn't it more like published SDK is out of sync with current internal snapshots?21:12
VDVsxkudos to the bluez dev's should be solved ;)21:12
Stskeeps(which does happen in beta sw)21:12
* GeneralAntilles dreams up nasty things for Apple.21:13
GeneralAntillesMan that statusbar is the worst21:14
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GeneralAntillesFirebird, see VDVsx's link above21:14
GeneralAntillesJust interesting to finally have the model confirmed.21:14
VDVsxcan be PS :)21:14
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, true, but it seems unlikely21:14
Firebirdwow, that looks really nice21:15
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javispedrohow many sensors this thing has?21:16
GeneralAntillesAh, Engadget commenters, how I love you guys.21:16
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javispedrobtw, is it known what the "IrDA" one is for?21:16
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, LED, ambient light, proximity and VGA camera on the front.21:16
javispedroah, left is on upper corner then :P21:16
infobotjavispedro meant: ah, LED is on upper corner then :P21:16
GeneralAntillesRather, LED, proximity, VGA, ambient.21:16
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, look at the return button, this version has the first one that we saw in the SDK, now the SDK and Eldar shots have a different one :)21:17
t_s_ojavispedro: irda? that infrared data21:17
qwerty12_N810javispedro: an icon in the SDK shows a blue LED lighting in the bottom left corner21:17
lcukthat mockup looks sweeeet - i especially like how the buttons look like original liqbase lol21:17
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N810, Eldar's shots also show the LED.21:17
javispedroyeah, I'm talking my ass ;P it must be that blob on the "upper left while in portrait mode" corner.21:18
qwerty12_N810GeneralAntilles: interesting, I was paying too much attention to the screenshots...21:19
GeneralAntillesI really hope Fremantle can keep up with the hype the press has been generating21:19
javispedroscreenshots which tell that it is a multicoloured one at least.21:19
GeneralAntillesIt'll be a deathblow for the platform if Fremantle turns out to be an abortion.21:19
andre__some stuff WILL suck. i mean, that's with every single platform out there. ;-)21:19
andre__i even promise that some stuff will suck. ;-)21:20
GeneralAntillesandre__, of course, there's plenty of wiggle room.21:20
GeneralAntillesBut it'll turn into a Newton if it sucks too badly.21:20
lcuknewton didnt have a BJ port did it?21:20
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GeneralAntillesEven though they really turned the platform around with the MessagePad 2000, the stigma the 100-series created prevent it from being successful.21:20
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qwerty12_N810lcuk: somewhere in the back21:21
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lcukmustv been small then.  trust you to find it21:21
Gadgetoid'ello 'ello old friends! I've finally actually bought myself an N810!21:21
VDVsxandre__, btw, still testing extras-devel stuff for Fremantle ?21:21
andre__VDVsx, always a bit, sure21:22
lcukGadgetoid, :) excellent21:22
GadgetoidI've been lusting after one for about 2 years, a £130 price tag is too good to pass up21:23
lcukhope you have a long and happy life with it.  they are excellent versatile machines.21:23
Luke-JrGadgetoid: £130 isn't even close to a good deal anymore21:23
GadgetoidIts life might be cut short by Pandora... *might*21:24
lcukLuke-Jr, you wouldnt know a good deal if it dropped to its knees and pulled your pants down21:24
Stskeepspfft pandora :P21:24
Luke-JrGadgetoid: uh, no21:24
GadgetoidI know they fire sold from PC World for about £80 in January Luke-Jr21:24
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Luke-JrGadgetoid: Nokia doesn't even support N810 anymore21:24
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, what, Pandora and not
GadgetoidThe whole N900 being a phone thing really turned me off21:25
Luke-JrGadgetoid: too bad N810 is closed so without Nokia's support the community is left in the water21:25
GeneralAntillesLuke-Jr, the trolling has to stop.21:25
GeneralAntillesLet's call this warning number 1.21:25
Luke-Jronly the truth21:25
GadgetoidI never thought Nokia's support counted for much anyway, particularly with the community simply writing entire alternate OSes for NITs and ITs in general21:26
Luke-Jrif Nokia doesn't want it said, they should provide us specs21:26
GeneralAntillesDoesn't have anything to do with Nokia.21:26
Luke-JrGadgetoid: yeah, but we lack the specs to support the key features21:26
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GeneralAntillesIt has everything to do with me being tired you you spending all day trolling in here.21:26
lcukout of the box, the nokia is strong and stable and capable and has a wide range of software for a magnitude of different things.  its very rare a support issue comes up21:26
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GadgetoidTried reverse engineering? It's like engineering, only in reverse...21:26
Luke-JrGeneralAntilles: truth != troll21:26
Luke-JrGadgetoid: yeah, a slow process21:27
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Luke-JrGadgetoid: working on the battery first21:27
GadgetoidIt builds character!21:27
lcukLuke-Jr, its not the words, its the attitude that you say them with21:27
GeneralAntillesLuke-Jr, define it however you wish to define it. Just remember this is warning #3.21:27
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Luke-Jr, define it however you wish to define it. Just remember this is warning #1.21:27
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Luke-Jrif anything, the real trolling is the supression of the facts with threats.21:29
Gadgetoidlcuk is correct, anyway, it's still a solid device out of the box, as interesting as alternate OSes are they will be low on my priority to play with21:29
GeneralAntillesLuke-Jr, drop it and move on.21:29
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X-FadeLuke-Jr: Had you have followed the forums or been to the meetings, you know that Nokia is going to provide us with as much as possible to provide a community image.21:29
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johnsqMmm out of the box? It seems that i have another definition of good / usable software.21:30
Luke-JrX-Fade: I followed the bugs, where the conclusion was just basically "no, we don't support N810"21:30
Luke-Jrjohnsq: admittedly, it is useful as a notepad out of the box ;)21:30
qwerty12_N810A notepad that is able to go on the internet and do tons of other shit, that is?21:31
johnsqLuke-Jr: I played with the notepad, its not touchscreen useable.21:31
GadgetoidOkay johnsq, it's fair to say that it'll need a firmware update and some software downloads!21:31
* Stskeeps is getting fond of conboy.21:31
Luke-Jrjohnsq: huh?21:32
johnsqGadgetoid: yes, you need a good music player, good video player,,..21:32
GadgetoidAnyway, I've tried an N810 before (review loan) and adored it... perhaps I've yet to become jaded!21:32
Gadgetoidjohnsq: All part of the fun!21:32
qwerty12_N810If that screenshot is not a Photoshop, then we can take the final device name to be "N900".21:32
Luke-Jrqwerty12_N810: the browser is a joke, IMO; the IM doesn't even work21:32
lcukjohnsq, 90% of the time, my devices are used with default games and default browser and default apps21:32
johnsqLuke-Jr: I aspect something like xjournal on a touchscreen device, note a notepad.21:32
lcukstuff you can pickup and use21:32
lcukthey are just left around the house and someone walks up to it21:33
lcukand uses it for whats needed21:33
lcukeven shitty stuff like calculator etc21:33
qwerty12_N810Luke-Jr: Not gonna disagree with you on the browser, but it can be used for downloading Tear, at least21:33
qwerty12_N810But I have higher hopes for the browser in the Rover.21:33
qwerty12_N810browser-ui will be open-source this time around, at least21:33
lcukjohnsq, now thats where we agree, i want liqbase on device when you buy it lol21:34
johnsqnot possible to take a phote with the original firmware.21:34
Luke-JrI bought the N810 mainly for the GPS, which is probably why I'm so annoyed21:34
GadgetoidHaha Luke-Jr, for the GPS!?21:34
GadgetoidIt's all so clear now...21:34
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vasily_pupkinepic fail ^_^21:35
GadgetoidDid anyone ever actually get a bluetooth mouse working with an N810, for giggles?21:35
Firebirdthey make bluetooth mouses?21:35
lcukyeah with green tails21:35
GadgetoidYeah, they're small, squeaky, and completely wireless21:35
GeneralAntillesWhat do you think Apple uses?21:35
wiretappedARE WE THERE YET?21:35
GadgetoidApple mice communicate using smugness waves21:35
GeneralAntillesFirebird, Bluetooth is RF. ;)21:36
GeneralAntillesBut, yes, they make Bluetooth mice.21:36
GeneralAntillesUsed to be that most wireless mice were Bluetooth.21:36
GadgetoidI've never been inclined to buy an Apple mice, they're awful... but their keyboards are delicious21:36
FirebirdGeneralAntilles, meant the cheapo RF stuff, but meh21:36
* wiretapped has had the same not-smart phone for years21:36
GeneralAntillesFirebird, yeah, I know.21:36
GeneralAntillesLike Logitech.21:36
GeneralAntillesWith dongles.21:36
GeneralAntillesApple uses Bluetooth.21:36
* wiretapped is ready for this new device21:36
GadgetoidI despise the fact that most wireless mice are now RF and most laptops now contain bluetooth... the solution is to make small RF dongles... WAH!!?21:36
GadgetoidIf they insist on going that way, why don't they just build RF into laptops...21:37
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, yeah, I don't get that either.21:37
lcukGadgetoid, there might be many with, but theres also many without21:37
GadgetoidMicrosoft showed me their Bluetrack RF notebook mouse and I told them "boring! come back when you have a bluetooth version"21:37
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GadgetoidYeah, lcuk, the solution is to bundle the mice with a bluetooth dongle21:37
GadgetoidOr simply stipulate it as a requirement... granted bluetooth isn't always easy to set up either whereas RF is idiot-proof plug-n-play21:38
lcukbut bluetooth stack is heavy and complex and increases support costs21:38
lcukcos they have to maintain the entire stack21:38
Firebirdalso, dongles are config free21:38
GadgetoidSurprises me that some genius doesn't come up with a recessed USB port in notebooks21:39
GadgetoidFlip a switch, plug in your dongle, flip it back and it's completely concealed inside the laptop21:39
johnsqGadgetoid: use the internal usb port21:39
Gadgetoid(patent pending)21:39
StskeepsGadgetoid: Touch Book21:39
X-FadeThe dongle prevents the usb from sleeping, thus using a lot of energy.21:39
Gadgetoidjohnsq: yeah, because that's infinitely more user friendly!21:39
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FirebirdGadgetoid, then there would need to be a standard dongle size21:40
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MaceN8x0Swap:  1151180k total,   189704k used,   961476k free,     3864k cached21:40
GadgetoidIt seems peripheral manufacturers should simply license Apple's "Smugness" data transmission chips21:40
GadgetoidMost dongles are pretty similar in size21:40
MaceN8x0getting up there21:40
MaceN8x0luke when does it crash?21:40
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X-Fademikkov_: Did the permalinks in the notification mails resolve now?21:45
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Luke-JrMaceN8x0: eventually21:49
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Firebirdinteresting, maemo5 QT turns colors from green to blue22:05
aquatixhm, the other way around would be cooler22:05
lcukin the scratchbox install?22:05
Firebirdyea, maybe I forgot to close a styling tag22:06
Firebirdit also makes the font HUGE :/22:06
lcukthe scaratchbox xephyr thing has an issue where colors are inverted22:07
lcukor wrong rather22:07
lcukso dont go fixing your code to compensate lol, or you will have it wrong on hardware when it comes lol22:07
Firebirddo dialog boxes not work or something? I can't get qt to pop any up22:08
lcuksee qt for that22:09
lcukits not officially supported so there may be bugs22:09
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keesjanybody played with pyside yet?22:10
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Firebirdhmm, is the panel thing that pops up from the bottom hildon gtk dialog boxes?22:12
lcukno keesj certainly looks interesting22:12
lcukand you are smiling happily lbt lol22:12
lcukFirebird, assume so, but without seeing cannot tell22:13
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javispedroFirebird, the weird xephyr colors bug: (vote for it if you want) ;)22:13
javispedroit does not only affect sdl now...22:13
Firebirdah, thanks javispedro22:14
X-Fadekeesj: pyside is building on the autobuilder now. So it should be in extras-devel soon(ish)22:14
GadgetoidI want Maemo 5 on my netbook, whee!22:16
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X-FadeGadgetoid: Do you think the interface would make much sense without the touchscreen?22:17
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GadgetoidX-Fade: Touchscreen mod isn't so hard though22:17
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X-FadeGadgetoid: And at 10" one really wants 3000x1200px orso ;)22:25
X-FadeBeautiful fonts...22:26
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lcukwant multiples of 800*480 :P22:26
lcukusing same 225+dpi screen22:26
X-Fadelcuk: Yeah, well 200+ at least..22:27
lcuki cant look at only 200 any more22:27
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lcukhurts my eyes :P22:27
GeneralAntillesI want 300dpi at least.22:28
X-FadeWell, new device should help then :)22:28
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lcukyeah, its got slightly higher dpi than 810 doesnt it22:28
GadgetoidAt 10" I must say that 1024*600 is pretty depressing22:28
GadgetoidI used to have a VAIO picturebook closing on that, and it was 10 years old22:29
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X-FadeMy 1920x1280 15.4" laptop screen feels very low res.22:29
GadgetoidThat reminds me, Sony haven't got back to me regarding their P series, grumble22:29
* lcuk uses 1280*1024 normally, and 1024*768 on the move22:29
GadgetoidI use 1920x1200 on my desktop, haha, at 24"22:29
X-FadePixel galore..22:30
GadgetoidPlus whatever the hell resolution the 13" MBP runs at22:30
GadgetoidBut, yeah, the pixel density of mobile devices absolutely stomps on the nonsense we're used to on desktops22:30
pupnikbleh  fps counter nshows lower nhumbers than my eyes say22:31
lcukhack it then22:31
mikkov_X-Fade: permalinks are still in subject22:31
pupniki cant22:32
lcukthen trust it lol22:32
X-Fademikkov_: But now at least they work, right? :)22:32
pupniki think it is right22:32
lcuktake less drugs22:32
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lcukor more drugs22:32
lcukwhichever is required so it looks right22:33
GeneralAntilles2048*1152 is nice22:33
keesjI need some help finding hotel/hostel location in amsterdam for the summit22:33
pupnikjust that nobody will be impressed with 10-17 fps, tho rpgs play fine22:33
pupniki have a huge list of bookmarks22:33
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pupnikwhat pricderange22:33
GadgetoidHmm, I might have to get a touchscreen kit for my NC10... touch screen Diablo 2 is mighty tempting22:34
keesjI guess more the cheap stuff22:34
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* Gadgetoid engages blag mode22:35
pupnikyou want to sleep in a room with 8 partier college backpackers?22:35
lcukdo we get to choose gender?22:35
keesjit's not for myself . more a list of possible location from cheap to doable22:36
pupniki dont have bookmarks on n810 - how bout wiki links22:36
keesjlcuk: it; easyer if you you get to choose you own gender22:37
lcukthats harder to change mind afterwards22:37
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lcukits not like you can say "ooops, wrong room"22:37
keesjwe currently have but that's not a lot22:38
lcukwho did planning for the copenhagen hackfest22:38
Stskeepsi wrote up like 3 hotels that i knew of, and i think nokia ended with one of them22:39
keesjor shagg it baby perhaps (works better I guess)22:39
Stskeepsactually mozilla guy did22:39
keesjlcuk: some smart guys . I was very happy with the maemo-mapper cards and the whole experiance22:39
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keesjStskeeps: for copenhagen or amsterdam?22:40
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lcukkeesj, it was an example of on a budget all in one - obviously accom couldv been bigger, but that was budget related22:41
lcukthey *did* do really well22:41
lcukperhaps having a word with them might help22:41
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pupnikat what framerate would you say...22:47
pupnikit is worth while to skip sdl22:47
pupnikabove 20?22:48
lcuki dont understand the question really, because different games play differently22:48
pupnikhigher fps from emu means  more percent time spent in render22:49
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lcukok, we are talking about fullscene single rectangle updating22:49
lcukwhat res?22:49
lcukwell, what resolution are you rendering22:50
pupnik320x200 mostly for dos22:50
lcukrecall liqbase at 800*480 can push max 27fps, at 640*480, it can push 33fps, at 400*240 it can go way over 50fps22:51
pupniknot much eh22:51
lcukobviously those are lazy updates22:51
lcukthe emu work in between is what controls screen refresh for you22:51
pupnikyeah - push22:51
lcukthat work you cannot get away from22:51
pupnikwould prefer triple buffer with HW page flipping22:52
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lcukextra effort, how many fps at you seeing in practice22:52
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lcukand what would "skip sdl" entail22:53
pupnikdos games-- eh 10-3022:53
pupnikfast asm copy / conversion from 8-bit palletted to 16-bit 56522:54
Maceri'm home22:54
Macerguess it did crash :)22:54
Macerwtf is up with that Luke-Jr22:55
Macerit just randomly crashes when building? how lame22:55
Maceri'm going to try your bins again22:55
Macerwith -K instead of -k22:55
GadgetoidMacer: My head esplode.22:55
MacerGadgetoid: yeah. that's an n810 for you :)22:55
pupnikpreferably with hw fullscreen from 320x200 or 240 (or 320x400 or other strange modes)22:55
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pupnikbilinear filtered22:56
Maceri have to boot it back into gentoo22:56
Macerbastard :)22:56
pupnikto n00x48022:56
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pupniklcuk did you say you could get arbitrary resolutions on display?22:57
Luke-JrMacer: it didn't crash; the watchdog rebooted it22:57
Luke-Jrexactly liek I said it would22:57
Maceroh :-\22:58
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Macerwould it have crashed? :)22:58
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Macerif watchdog was disabled? heh22:58
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Maceremerge -gk qt-webkit -a122:59
lcukbut they are yuv surfaces22:59
lcukthere was talk of offering rgb surfaces in XV22:59
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lcukbut i have not followed this path tho22:59
lcuki dont know if it got put in or not22:59
MacerLuke-Jr: you said it should say [binary] instead of [ebuild] right?23:00
Macer[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.5.1  USE="-debug (-kde) -pch"23:00
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Luke-JrMacer: I said to unmask the KDE useflag23:01
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Macerhm. thought i did. my bad.23:02
Macermust have crashed in the middle of doing it haha23:02
pupniklcuk you have this -set yuv- code onlines? and some thing i can use for rgb->yuv?23:02
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Maceryeah. i did already23:03
Macerit's unmasked23:03
pupniki want to remove any bottleneck in render23:03
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Maceri added it to USE23:03
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pupniksorry for being not present for those things-- i had other issues23:03
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lcukpupnik, of course, all code i do is online23:04
lcukunderstood :)23:04
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lcukproblem is libliqbase current has *shock* removed the default mechanism for choosing screen res23:04
MacerLuke-Jr: you sure that's the right name for the pkg? or do i need a full name for it or something?23:04
lcukit was a reature i used less than i intended23:04
Macerbecause -G isn't finding the bin pkg23:04
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lcukpupnik, the rgb->yuv code would be the biggest kicker23:06
lcuki could show you a fairly simple standalone yuv project23:06
Luke-JrMacer: I said to unmask the KDE useflag23:06
Luke-JrMacer: I said to unmask the KDE useflag23:06
Luke-JrMacer: I said to unmask the KDE useflag23:06
lcukand give you direct access to the pixels23:06
lcukfor you to see how quick you can do stuff23:06
lcukto test23:06
Luke-Jrecho -kde » /etc/portage/profile/use.mask23:06
lcukand if that works, we can re-insert a function to open a display of different size to screen23:06
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lcukok pupnik23:08
lcukthere is a liq* project in extras devel23:08
lcukits called liqtorch23:08
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lcukit is perhaps the simplest liq* app available23:09
lcukafterall, its a white screen :)23:09
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Firebirdhurray, finally, something to turn my tablet into a flashlight23:09
pupniki try to get increase w/o reschange23:09
lcuki doubt you will transplant the whole working thing into your project in one go - walk before run23:10
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lcuksee how feasible it is converting image from rgb to yuv first23:10
Maceremerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "x11-libs/qt-webkit".23:10
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lcuki know its not gonna be fast23:10
Macerrestless portage # cat /etc/portage/profile/use.mask23:10
lcukbut whether the work to do that for such a low res sceen is better than using sdl23:11
lcukis the question23:11
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lcukbtw, if theres anything wrong with liqtorch could someone let me know/have a go at fixing self :)23:12
lcukhaving a decent good stable "hello world" would help for the other packages later - its all from a template23:13
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Stskeepswb timeless_mbp_23:13
GeneralAntillesFirebird, need something to toggle the LED, flash, and screen on/off.23:13
GeneralAntilleslcuk, not GTK23:14
lcuk? who said gtk23:14
GeneralAntillesI did23:14
lcukwhat about it23:15
GeneralAntillesI don't want to load up a custom UI for a flashlight.23:15
lcukbut its the fastest damned flashlight on maemo!23:15
lcukinfact, its the ONLY damned flashlight on maemo23:15
javispedroyeah, it refreshes the flashlight at nearly MAX_INT frames per second!!!23:15
lcukso you can sit in the dark23:15
lcukwhilst others step into the light23:16
* Firebird used a 800x480 white image before23:16
lcukahhh custom hack job23:16
lcukjavispedro, worst part about such a simple app - it had a bug!23:16
lcukwhite was not white23:16
lcukGeneralAntilles, so you have never used canola nor used any of the qt stuff , nor gpe (i think) nor any of the palm stuff?23:17
Firebirdhmm, what does the gear button do23:17
lcukprobably breaks it in that version23:17
lcukit should drop down the context help and sketch pad and stuff23:17
lcukbut theres a clanger in there23:17
GeneralAntillesGPE is GTK23:18
MacerLuke-Jr: wow like everything takes 30 minutes of editing files and unmasking a ton of shit23:18
GeneralAntillesQt is now mostly native.23:18
GeneralAntillesYes, I've used Canola23:18
GeneralAntillesBut Canola is not a flashlight application.23:18
FirebirdMacer, autounmask!23:18
lcukno, it should be though!23:18
GeneralAntillesActually, ideally, a flashlight should be an applet.23:18
lcukgsoc students should toil until canola is a flashlight23:18
lcukit is an applet23:18
derfOpen up a text editor to a blank document and maximize it.23:18
Macer!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy ">=kde-base/automoc-0.9.87" have been masked.23:18
GeneralAntilleslcuk, I really don't feel like arguing about your pet project, though.23:18
lcukit wil sit happily in liqbase-playground23:18
MacerFirebird: can you do that? :)23:18
lcukits not gan23:19
derfI've actually done that while trying to fix my car in the dark before.23:19
GeneralAntillesYes, I get that you love it, but no, everybody doesn't share your utter excitement.23:19
lcukits a 20 minute quick thing23:19
lcukto prove a point23:19
GeneralAntillesderf, LED flash.23:19
FirebirdMacer, yea, there's a utility called autounmask in portage23:19
derfGeneralAntilles: I had a flashlight in the glove box, but the batteries were dead.23:19
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GeneralAntillesderf, no, on the N900.23:19
lcukEVERYBODY needs a flashlight on phone at some point23:19
GeneralAntilleslcuk, nor do I want to replace Hildon Desktop with liqbase.23:19
derfI've got one in there now that you can wind up.23:19
javispedroare you discussing with flashlight application is more feature-full or lightweight?23:19
Firebirdmake a laser next23:19
lcukwho hasnt crawled on knees with a dim phone screen23:20
infobotjavispedro meant: are you discussing which flashlight application is more feature-full or lightweight?23:20
Luke-JrMacer: [15:10:41] <Macer> emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "x11-libs/qt-webkit".23:20
Luke-JrMacer: wtf did you do23:20
Macerinstead of -g23:20
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, I'm discussing why I don't want to see everything implemented in the liqbase framework.23:20
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lcukjavispedro, i dont know what GeneralAntilles is discussing, hes been a grump for a while now23:20
Luke-JrMacer: you might need to unmask KDE too ☺23:20
lcukand not at all community spirited23:20
Luke-Jrsorry, my qt-webkit is KDE-based23:20
Macer- kde-base/automoc-0.9.88 (masked by: missing keyword)23:21
Maceri can't get that one unmasked23:21
GeneralAntilleslcuk, :roll:23:21
Maceri don't know where i'm losing it but i checked package.keywords and can't figure it out23:21
lcukGeneralAntilles, this is linux, where letting variation and difference thrive23:21
lcukwhere we have multiple valid desktops and CHOICE23:21
GeneralAntilleslcuk, that doesn't mean every variation is desirable or useful for everybody.23:21
lcukand so dont download it23:22
GeneralAntillesI'd prefer a desktop applet that doesn't involve a liqbase framework.23:22
GeneralAntillesThat's my only point.23:22
lcukthen write one23:22
lcukwhy would it need to be on the main desktop btw23:22
* GeneralAntilles goes to do something productive.23:22
lcukdo you sit in dark that often23:22
javispedrothe flashlight example is such a bad one... I'd prefer a native one, directly implemented in the LCD controller.23:22
GeneralAntillesBecause when you need a flashlight, you need it quickly.23:23
GeneralAntillesYou don't need to spend a bunch of time launching the flashlight application.23:23
lcukyeah - before now, you had to open a paint program, serlect a color23:23
lcukpaint over all the bits23:23
lcuk"bunch of time"23:23
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lcukliqbase apps start quicker than anything else23:23
javispedroI guess he means loading time, but last time I tried liqbase was not very slow to launch.23:23
GeneralAntilleslcuk, get back to me when you can move past the personal insults and pettiness.23:23
* Macer bangs his fucking head on a desk23:24
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, anything that's not an applet takes time to launch.23:24
Macer!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy ">=kde-base/automoc-0.9.87" have been masked.23:24
GeneralAntillesGotta bring up the app menu, open it, toggle the light on.23:24
GeneralAntillesI want a little switch on the desktop that toggles the LED flash on and off.23:24
Maceris there seriously an autounmask? :)23:24
FirebirdMacer, yes23:24
Macerthat would be nice to have considering you have to unmask everything to work right on this heh23:24
lcukif you need it that often, just set your desktop background to white23:24
lcukall the time23:24
MacerFirebird: awesome23:24
lcukGeneralAntilles, i dont see where im insulting you?23:25
Maceri'll try that out instead of trying to do it manually23:25
Macer!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "app-portage/autounmask" have been masked.23:25
Firebirdyou killed gentoo >_>23:25
Macerall the stuff is masked for arm23:25
Macereverything requires adding it to some sort of unmasking file23:26
lcukanyway pupnik, the flashlight is a good enough hello world to confirm if using it as a base for your emu stuff is viable23:26
Macerall this just to install a browser haha23:26
Macer- app-portage/autounmask-0.27 (masked by: missing keyword)23:27
Macerwtf. i don't know wtf the "missing keyword" is23:27
lcukhang on, GeneralAntilles you installed it!23:27
lcuki thought you said you wouldnt23:27
lcukelse how would you know it needed toggling23:27
FirebirdMacer, did you add =app-portage/autounmask-0.27 **23:28
Firebirdto package.keywords23:28
lcukall you need is the desktop menu app starter thingy23:28
lcukand you can have a button on your desktop23:28
Maceri didn't know you had to add stuff like that to package.keywords23:28
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Maceris the ** to unmask everything?23:29
FirebirdI think it unmasks the flags for the package23:29
Maceri thought it was just really for arch problems23:30
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Macerdidn't know i could use a ** for it :)23:30
* Macer changes everything to **23:30
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Macer[binary  N    ] dev-util/cmake-2.6.4  USE="qt4 -emacs -vim-syntax"23:31
Macer[ebuild  N    ] x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.5.1  USE="kde -debug -pch"23:31
Macerqt-webkit is still picking up as an ebuild23:31
Firebirdthe ( ) are gone I guess23:31
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Maceri wonder what vers he has23:31
Macerlet me try with -G23:32
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Maceremerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "x11-libs/qt-webkit".23:33
Maceroh blah. fuck this for now23:33
Macergoing to take a shower23:33
Maceremerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "x11-libs/qt-webkit".23:33
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Macerrestless portage # emerge -Gk =x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.5.1 -a123:34
Macerlet me try that before i go :)23:34
Macernope. fail23:34
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pupnikty lcuk -23:37
jhfordis there any difference between issuing 'reboot' and 'init 6' on maemo devices?23:38
lcukif you can get it building and stuff ill run over how close to the metal you can get23:38
javispedroi was planning to use liqbase too to abstract xv for me, but I think rgb->yuv is dealkiller here :(23:39
lcuktheres 2 sets of functions, one is v low level and the other is scaled so render ops occur23:39
lcukyeah javispedro its why ive not pushed too much23:39
lcukbut at your low resolutions it might be feasible23:39
pupnik what if it is only 256 colors - one could dynrec the xversion23:39
javispedrodynrec the xversion?23:39
lcuki couldnt get any omapfb 256 color screen23:40
lcukwhich is why i went xv23:40
lcuki wouldv been happy in greyscale23:40
lcukand was for a long time :)23:40
javispedroI didn't find any paletted mode in the lcd controller23:40
pupniki will be happy when omap2420 is history23:40
pupnikhmm.  weak, dizzy.  means need food  bbl23:41
javispedroyeah. I also want the 3D drivers so badly, even if nothing can be done with them.23:41
lcukeven if its history now, the lessons learnt here and extreme optimizations you guys put in now will only help further in the future23:41
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MrGooselcuk: liqreader doesnt open files. Just the one that has all those spelling mistakes :D23:42
lcukits only a test23:42
MrGooseokay. Its supposed to do that :D23:42
lcukyeah - im a coder not an english majot23:43
lcukyou in the new playground, or original liqbase23:43
MrGooseIm just kidding.23:43
lcukcos original should allow selection of .txt files23:43
lcukand that works23:43
lcukcos up until really recently i used it every day :)23:43
MrGoosehmmm... I think I tried the playground and am looking at the original code23:43
lcukstrange combination23:44
lcukyour mind will prolly explode23:44
MrGooseI'll try the original application then23:44
MrGoosewhich ones better? the playground or the original app?23:45
lcukthe playground is not in extras because its not complete23:45
lcukits not an application23:45
lcukand more a set of ideas - theres about 50 individual distinct widgets in it23:45
lcukthe application is coming soon :)23:45
MrGooseoh okay23:46
lcuki had to use all the pieces to actually confirm the library was strong23:46
MrGooseso what do I use? liqbase or liqbase_playground23:46
lcukto use, liqbase, to play and have a look at 3d ui on your 810, go into the playground23:46
lcukall of the pieces in the playground are plugins :)23:47
lcukand will be available in small standalone apps23:47
lcukbut then when run in the playground will integrate together into a cohesive system (hopefully)23:47
MrGooseI really liked the torch application :D23:48
lcukimprove it then23:48
lcukits small and still lacking polish23:48
javispedroluck: liqbase needs windowed mode :)23:48
lcukie icon and descriptions and styling23:48
lcukjavispedro, liqbase in windowed mode is possible :)23:48
lcukbut the mouse ops would currently break23:48
lcukerrr - be wrong - aspect ratio bugs23:49
lcukits only 1 switch in the app for windowed/fullscreen and probably a tweak in the mouse code23:49
lcukbut i cant be arsed23:49
lcuki like fullscreen23:49
* lcuk has many other things to do23:49
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javispedrobecause it may be easier to do "iphoneish"/"fremantleish" animations in it than using clutter23:50
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Woollyhowdy hotdawgs23:51
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lcukjavispedro, very likely, but its also still very young23:52
lcukand theres a lot of work remaining23:52
FireFox16hello, woolly23:53
javispedrothere's work everywhere, that's usually a good signal :)23:53
WoollyFireFox16: salutations23:53
lcukand ive probably made some huge cockups!23:53
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lcukjavispedro, #liqbase is where most discussion goes on nowadays :)23:59

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