IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2009-07-31

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lbtmeh, I hate spammers00:07
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taliglbt: What's the occasion?00:11
lbthad to disable registration on the linux-raid wiki00:11
lbtjust ..... GRRR00:12
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Macerthere is a linux raid wiki? ;)00:14
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konttori_lcuk: you can easily go to non composited mode00:21
konttori_you can just set a property of the x window.00:21
konttori_and at the moment (at least), there is also a key combo to toggle non-composited mode for any windo.00:21
konttori_atm the speed diff is 20-30%00:22
konttori_hopefully it's less when I come back from vacation.00:22
lcukso in a non composited mode the powervr is available for apps to use?00:22
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wazdAnybody familliar with maemo5 sdk in here?)00:26
konttori_lcuk: opengl is available in composited and non composited mode, both00:27
wazdkonttori_: hey, how's the work on ThemeMaker going on? :)00:28
konttori_and that is running hw accelerated through the powervr00:28
lcuki know its available in both, but does turning off compositing actually give you exclusive access to it00:28
konttori_wazd: haven't had time to improve it lately. Also, theme template has been changing recently.00:28
javispedroi assume there's no really "exclusive mode"00:29
konttori_nope, but when you are drawing in that mode, all the rendering is direct.00:29
wazdkonttori_: can't wait to draw something for fremantle :)00:30
konttori_wazd: you should, definitely. Hmm.. I wonder how open the theme is already in sdk beta 2.00:30
* lcuk made himself a new background00:30
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wazdkonttori_: dunno, it's impossible for me to install it :)00:33
konttori_wazd: no vmware image available?00:34
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lcukwazd, whats actually up?00:34
wazdlcuk: konttori_ old hands.sys drivers :)00:34
wazdlcuk: old joke :D00:35
wazdlcuk: I mean I'm too dumb to install it :)00:36
lcuk:) at least im not alone lol00:36
lcuki have failed at installing practically everything ever in the history of mankind00:36
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wazdlcuk: I've installed m4 sdk though :D00:38
lcukheh, me too00:38
lcukbut the first time i tried i destroyed the laptop OS and mustv killed at least 3 kittens00:38
lcukfull reinstall was needed00:38
lcukbut ubuntu install was refreshingly simple00:39
lcukand quick00:39
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wazdoh my god, firefox has crashed!00:42
wazdfirst time ever I think :)00:42
lardmanhmm, you must have more RAM than me then...00:42
qwerty12_N810You're not using enough extensions, then, in that case...00:43
wazdlardman, I have more RAM than any human xD00:43
lardmanthat's quite a bit then :)00:43
lardmancertainly beats my 4Gb00:43
lcuklol @ more extensions00:43
wazdlardman, oh noes, another super-human! :)00:44
lcukmore ram than your operating systems can cope with00:44
lcuksimon, you have access to university mainframe dont you?00:44
wazdlcuk: x64 systems can cope with a fricking load of ram :)00:44
lcukhow much memory has your stuff got00:44
lardmanlcuk: true, mine can only see ~3.5Gb as the graphics card takes up ~0.5Gb00:45
lcukthe operating system dictates that00:45
lardmanstrange address space on 32bit XP00:45
lcukthats normal - the .5 missing is for shadow bios holes and stuff isnt it00:45
wazd <- new maemo 5 logo00:45
lcuknot directly vid card memory00:45
lardmanlcuk: can't remember to tell the truth, couldn't work out if it was the shadow stuff or graphics cards or whatever00:46
lardmanM$ planned ahead with that decision either way ;)00:46
lcuknahhh, thats global, even the linuxs cant i believe00:47
lcukunless you move to 64b as wazd said00:47
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lcukwazd:   my god, i need sketching on desktop, i'd forgotten how hard it is to write using mouse00:48
wazdlcuk: lawl :)00:48
wazdDoes anybody know if fremantle has some divider widget that separates rows in categories?00:49
lcukwhat rows?00:49
lcuki would assume it would depend on the control you are using that needs dividing00:50
lcukie one for toolbars, one for listviews, one for normal ui elements (a frame..)00:50
wazdlcuk: something like this for example00:50
lardman~lart BBC weather for claiming it was sunny and 19C here today when in fact it was ~15C and raining cats and dogs00:50
* infobot takes a rusty axe and swings it violently, taking BBC weather's head off for claiming it was sunny and 19C here today when in fact it was ~15C and raining cats and dogs00:50
javispedrothe 32bit 4GiB issue is windows professional only00:51
lcukwazd, those are just alternative kinds of row elements in a list type control00:51
lardmanI hope he competes and gets his ass handed to him on a plate00:51
javispedroeven windows server can fully use the 4GiB (PAE to the rescue)00:51
lcukahh thanks javispedro00:51
lardmanPAE, yes I remember reading about that00:51
wazdlcuk: I want to make something like this:
lardmanPhysical Address Extension or somesuch?00:52
lcuklardman, who gets whos ass handed?00:52
lcuki gather you are sticking up for hamilton00:52
wazdlcuk: I hope you understand that I should kill you now xD00:52
lardmanHamilton by Schumacher of course00:52
lardmanno was, he's a c*ck00:52
lcukschumacher is god00:52
lardmanindeed he is00:52
lardmannot quite up there with Senna, but still very God-like00:53
wazdschumacher is a german racer :)00:53
lcuki whooped and swerved the car when i heard he was racing again00:53
lcukgoosebumps almost00:53
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lardmanwhen's the next GP then?00:53
lcukwe have seen his entire career00:53
lardman2 weeks or so?00:53
lcukno, its a bit longer00:53
lcuknearer the end of the month00:54
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lardmanwill have to make sure I'm about to watch it :)00:54
wazdso, what's about the divider?)00:54
lcukim tempted to see if i can get tickets tbh00:54
lardmanValencia, 21st Aug onwards00:54
javispedrolooks like buildin scratchbox1 itself is a years old art, hopelessly forgotten at the turn of the century00:54
lcukwazd, it looks like you already have that00:55
javispedroanyday you'll see cave paintings telling you to "cd scratchbox; ./build"00:55
Stskeepsjavispedro: be happy you don't have to build toolchains and tools for sb1.00:55
lcukwhich part of it do you mean00:55
Stskeepsthat part -really- gets you00:55
lcukcos those ui elements dont look like they need to slide out00:55
wazdlcuk: that's just a mockup :)00:55
lcukyou can just make a section thats larger than the screen and place your stuff00:55
lcukeven a stylised label that looks like a divider ;)00:55
Stskeepser, devkits, i mean00:55
javispedrofinding debian sarge was hard enough ;)00:55
* Stskeeps hugs OBS.00:56
lcukwazd, the dividers dont have to be anything complex i expect, just get something stylised and the effect will come easily00:56
wazdlcuk: well, it would be better if there would be dedicated widgeet in terms of theming00:56
lcukthat mockup reminds me greatly of the ui test i put in the first liqbase vid ;)00:56
lcukcan you retheme an iphone?00:57
lcukor just use whats there?00:57
lcuki mean beyond changing desktop and positioning of icons00:57
wazdlcuk: non jailbroken iphone is unthemable ;)00:57
lcukcan you use a different widgetset00:57
lcuki didnt think so00:57
lcukthey got a decent theme that works - and it makes everyones life simpler ;)00:58
lardmanpysqlite is so much more succinct than C00:58
lcukwazd, with that mockup, i would see if you could get it coded up simply in gtk00:59
lcukusing that style locally as best as possible00:59
lcukand i bet you can have it looking really good and actually working nicely quickly00:59
wazdlcuk: I don't want to code it, I just asked if it's already exists :D00:59
lcukthat looks 100000000% better than the preferences screen i remember from omweather00:59
lcuki know you dont00:59
wazdlcuk: if not - i'll find another way :)00:59
lcukits not really coding anyway01:00
lcukjust use the gtk dialog editor thingy that ive forgotten the name of01:00
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lcukyou can see quickly how it would play and export directly to pygtk and i believe get a mockup actually running without a simple "real" line of code01:01
lcukwazd, everything i code i build in 2 principle steps:  get the effect working in a specific case, then using the knowledge and experience of doing that, look at turning it into a generic model01:02
lardmanlcuk: don't forget the crossing of fingers01:05
lcuki never forget my fingers :)01:05
lcukbut yeah, theres lots of that01:05
lcukwazd, corners of your tickboxes arent alpha blended correctly :P you are slacking lol01:08
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lcukscrollbars in liqbase are about that size too, but they are transparent01:08
wazdlcuk: say hello to fremantle :)01:09
lcuklol, which the missing alpha or the scrollbars01:09
wazdlcuk: scrollbars, alpha is just lazy me :)01:10
lcukyeah ive seen the bars and stuff i dont recall though if the lists had a direct addressing mode01:11
javispedroso, compatibility with the randomized vdso was added in glibc 2.3.301:11
javispedrobut scratchbox is using... 2.3.201:11
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lcukhi VDVsx \o01:11
javispedroand the sb glibc patch seems to be 483 lines "only"01:11
VDVsxmorning lcuk01:11
* lcuk is goin camping this weekend01:12
lcuki bought a lilo today!01:12
lcukerrr inflatable bed01:12
lardmanhmm, I hope you've got a dinghy to take with you01:12
VDVsxlilo ?01:12
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lardmanyou can use a lilo in a lido01:12
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lcuklardman, yeah, thankfully we are on a hill and not in the bottom of a valley01:13
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* lardman sees mud slides01:13
lcukjust hope its not something like a dried up stream01:13
lcuk:D oh yeahhhh01:13
lcuk\o/ water park01:13
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lcukit was bad last year01:13
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lcukthis year cant be any worse01:14
lardmanlol final words01:14
lcukyeah lol01:14
florianlcuk: repeat this afterwards ;)01:14
lcuk:) heh florian01:14
lcuklardman, its the lake district too..01:14
wazdVDVsx: heya01:15
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lardmanwell at least it will be pretty when you're swept away01:15
wazdVDVsx: how's the keyboard? :)01:15
lardmanbe thankful for small mercies01:15
lcukyeah, 3am pitch dark travelling at 40mph through a mud torrent on an inflatable matress01:16
lcuksomething tells me im best not taking any technology i would like to continue using01:16
lardmanwell it will certainly make their summer holiday sound cool when they get back to school!01:16
lcuknot goin with the family, tis lads weekend01:17
VDVsxwazd, didn't started yet, after a full day of coding is difficult to code again at night, I know, I'm a lazy guy :)01:17
lardmanSAR beacon perhaps, flare gun, heliograph01:17
lardmannah no point with the heliograph not enough helio about01:17
lcukSAR bacon more like01:17
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lcukflar gun can cook it in a sinch01:17
lardmanpay the heli driver you reckon01:17
lcuknahhh if the weather is that bad, id rather be on the ground01:18
lardmanI can just see the chap dangling on the end of the wire asking "do you have any bacon", "yes", "right pilot, set us down, lunch time"01:18
lcuki need one of those mountain rescue dogs01:18
lcuk"right, the cafe was swept away and is somewhere under all this, FIND THE BACON!"01:19
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lcuki got home before and went into the kitchen01:19
lcuktracy had noncholently told me they had just eaten and so no tea..01:20
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lcukshe ate bacon and didnt make me one!01:20
javispedroagain talking about bacon01:20
javispedrowhat's with bacon?01:20
lcukjavispedro, hell yeah01:20
lcukfood of the gods01:21
lardmanhad you not stashed a secret supply somewhere, above the kitchen cabinets for example?01:21
javispedrodid they release Maemo Frebacon and was the best release ever?01:21
lardmannot yet, they're working towards it01:21
lcukno lol, it never stays up there, and oinks to get down when i try01:21
lcuk"spider pig, spider pig"01:21
lardmanI've still not seen that film01:22
lcuktis worth it :)01:22
lcukif for nothing else than a whole simpsons story and no stupid adverts in the middle01:22
* lcuk hates paying for cable tv and having adverts as well01:23
lardmanno cable here, just don't-lie-the-rain-at-all over the air waves01:23
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lardmanI've often sat trying to watch CSI (or anything on 5 for that matter) thinking about the failure mode of the MPEG2 decoder in my box, and why it produces green squares01:24
VDVsxlcuk, lcuk, buy the simpsons dvd, they come without adverts :P01:24
lcuklardman, yeah digi is worse OTA than the gradial degreding analog had01:25
lcukyeah VDVsx but im a skinflint01:25
lcukthe movie was enough01:25
javispedroi've often tried to sat and watch ANY modern tv series at all; I can't stand this "fuzzy cameraman" syndrome most series now come with01:25
lcukits hip tho!01:25
lardmanyou don't like men with cameras and beards?01:25
javispedroi don't like they're ALWAYS shaking the whole image01:26
Jaffalardman: All the DVB-T boxes I've seen (or, indeed, any degraded MPEG2 transmission) always ends up with those green squares IME.01:26
javispedro(and it's NOT my tv set ;) )01:26
lcukgreen is uninitialized yuv :)01:26
lardmanjavispedro: yeah agreed on that, same with films - to make the action seem actionish, but in fact you just can't see a bloody thing01:26
lcuk0,0 on the UV planes01:26
Jaffalcuk: Ah, of course.01:26
javispedrolardman, i actually saw one battlestar galactica ep where they camera DID NOT stop moving the whole ep01:26
* lcuk learnt that quickly with liqbase01:26
lardmanis that what colour it comes out then?01:26
lcukyeah lardman01:27
lcukits why also when codecs on windows break you normally get a green back too01:27
lardmanjavispedro: BSG is better than say the start of the latest Bond, or the fight in the last Bourne01:27
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lardmanah, learn something new every day01:27
lardmanmmm, Python is nice01:30
lcukit has its advantages01:30
lardmanless typing01:30
lcukgreat as a binding glue between libraries01:30
jaskaglue sniffing01:31
lcukdoes python have introspection?01:31
lcuko_O it does01:31
lardmanI don't really know what it is01:31
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Stskeepsit has insane introspection, too01:31
lardmanknowing what class a given variable is?01:31
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lcukyeah, ability from code to recognise and do things based on the class its coming from01:32
javispedroyes, but a bit "beefed up"01:32
javispedrocause those days even C++ has typeinfo01:32
lcukso the ability to pass an anonymous object in and have the ui show the available actions in a toolstrip is easy01:32
* Jaffa thinks - in the absence of a decent Java runtime - most of his Maemo dev is going to be in Python from now on01:32
JaffaAnyone with a Fremantle device want to test and let me know if it's still works, post-rename (from Horizon)?01:33
JaffaIf so, I'll try X-Fade's extras-testing promotion thingy01:33
lardmanyeah, give me 5 min01:33
javispedroattitude install "fear of flying"01:34
lardmanif only01:34
Jaffajavispedro: :)01:34
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JaffaOh, wow. Channel 4 OD has a Flash-based version which works in Linux now01:35
javispedroit's a nice name :)01:35
wazdVDVsx: oh, np :)01:35
lardmanhmm, still need to build a box for under the TV so I can sit in comfort and watch the OD stuff01:36
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lcukwhat kind of box would you build01:37
lcukand how would you control it01:37
* Jaffa 's got a nice box under the telly. Which had its mobo sent back for ages; and now is PSUless.01:37
lardmanis it quiet?01:37
lcukim guessing, very01:37
lardmanlcuk: wireless kb for the serious stuff, otherwise IR + remote01:37
lardmanquiet is usually expensive01:38
lcukthat wasnt a trick q by the way - you have nokia tablets01:38
lardmanah I see01:38
lcuki use mine to control the computer01:38
lardmanyeah might be good, glorified remote control :)01:38
lcukyeah bluemaemo or something01:38
lardmanI might be able to use mine to override the wife's choice of viewing - no Ugly Betty for example, switch to World at War or the like01:39
lcukive got a little something that talks via sockets01:39
lardmansockets through the sockets?01:39
Jaffalardman: Yeah. I used to have a fanless Mini-ITX; but I've now got an AMD with a quiet fan and an Antec quiet case01:39
lcukno little remote control, ive got a silly little daemon on windows01:39
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lardmanJaffa: next time round, now that digiral tuners are getting more reasonable01:40
lcukthat converts the commands to "sendkeys" operations to control the media player in front01:40
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lardmanlol no automation objects?01:40
lcuk   nahhh01:40
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lardmansendkeys is a bit old-skool01:40
lcuki had to watch a movie the night i wrote it01:40
lardmanfair enough01:40
wazdis there any screenshot of fremantle's volume/seek bar?01:41
lcukbesides, the ir remote control it replaced used to also work on keys01:41
lcukit was great because it worked on multitple things almost without config01:41
lardmantrue, that is useful01:41
lcukvolume seek bar?01:41
lcuki havent seen anything media01:41
lcukit used to sit inline with the keyboard itself01:41
lcukwas a great little thing i had it for years01:41
lcukos agnostic and reliable01:42
JaffaX-Fade: ping01:44
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esaym153what is the latest version of os2008?01:48
esaym153Just got my new 810 in01:48
lardman <unknown> in my case01:49
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lardmananyone got a non-Mer kernel flashed?01:51
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lcuki have, but im out of juice01:52
lcukim goin anyway, gotta pack and stuff for tomorrow01:54
lardmanesaym153: I reckon it's probably DIABLO_5.2008.43-701:54
lcukgnite chaps (emulating lardman!)01:54
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esaym153lardman: yea that is what I think I got.  I didn't know they put the latest on new 810's?01:55
esaym153guess so?01:55
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lardmanwell there are some updates since then, over the interweb01:56
lardmanI imagine they would put the latest build on the machines if they can01:56
Jaffaesaym153: Depends on when things are manufactured, I guess.01:57
esaym153for some reason I thought that ssu was never put on new 810's01:57
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wazdoh, I've found it!02:16
lardmannight night all02:17
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esaym153anyone use psp screen protectors on these?02:18
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wazdesaym153: I've used for a while02:23
esaym153any good?02:23
wazdesaym153: well, psp protector definitely not made for stylus using :)02:23
esaym153well waht are some good protectors? Or do I really need any?02:24
wazdesaym153: well, I'm using my n800 without protector02:25
wazdesaym153: yes, screen is slightly scratched but I've bought it to use, not to store or resell :)02:26
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caoticahh if there only where a way to integrate a cellphone to the n810, mabe controlling the cellphone using  bluetooth02:45
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esaym153hmm, I can't seem to play any of the audio files that came with my 810.  Do you have to install audio codecs or something?02:49
Jaffaesaym153: Not for WAV/MP3/AAC files, no. How are you trying to play them? What happens?02:50
esaym153I am trying to set the alarm clock, when I select any of the supplied sound files it says "nothing to play"02:51
esaym153same in media player02:51
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k-sdo you like it? share please ;-)03:02
GeneralAntillesk-s, it's awful.03:03
VDVsxk-s, just twity it :P03:04
GeneralAntillesI'm predicting the album art Ken Burns effect will end with me putting my tablet through a concrete block.03:04
javispedroof an apple store wall.03:05
k-sGeneralAntilles: it's for cars03:05
k-sin car entertainment systems03:05
GeneralAntillesk-s, interesting selection of pictures. :P03:05
k-swe'll publish videos running on N810 and imx31/3503:05
GeneralAntillesk-s, well, my tablet is my in-car entertainment system.03:05
k-sGeneralAntilles: everybody loves it03:05
GeneralAntillesk-s, maybe if it didn't start over every time you changed screens.03:06
GeneralAntillesAs it stands, it feels really jerky and irritating.03:06
javispedrothe first 15 seconds of the video03:06
VDVsxthe paris pthoto, I guess03:06
k-sehehe, i see03:07
javispedroit reminds me of some arcade machine, dunno why03:07
k-sit's defined by theme, so we can change that without changing code03:07
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, yeah, me too.03:09
lcukk-s, :) very slick.  my hat is off dude03:11
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esaym153yea I copied an mp3 file over and I can't play that in the media player either :(03:15
esaym153any tips?03:15
esaym153hmm, maybe a restart will fix it....03:17
esaym153yes, restart fixed it....03:19
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esaym153is RoxTerm the only other terminal that one can install?03:30
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* esaym153 lost his stylus already03:36
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wazdk-s: efl? :)03:40
wazdk-s: in fact it's restyled canola, isn't it? :)03:41
k-soh yeah03:41
k-swazd: not restyled, reworked03:41
k-sit's not just a face lift03:41
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wazdrunning video previws are a bit scarry :)03:42
wazdk-s: btw, quick usability tip03:44
wazdk-s: since it's in-car system - try to orient playback controls on the left03:45
Stskeepsyeah, wouldn't want the missus to change songs.. ;p03:45
wazdk-s: since you'll sit on the left to the screen in most cases03:45
k-swazd: eh, this is a demo... for cars we have real hw keys :-)03:45
wazdk-s: anyway, for those poor people without keys :)03:47
k-sehehe :-)03:48
wazdk-s: like me :) I have to pay fracking zillion of dollars to connect my steering controls to the media center03:48
wazdk-s: screw it :)03:48
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k-sehehe, ok03:49
k-sgotta run, SIGWIFE03:49
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wazdk-s[AWAY]: cya :)03:49
wazdomg, it's dawn already03:50
esaym153where is the pipe key?? "|"03:50
javispedropress "Chr"03:50
esaym153javispedro: not there03:51
javispedrothere is a03:51
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esaym153I never knew how much fun I can have using vim with this keyboard....03:56
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esaym153anyway to use arrow keys or make a short cut?04:27
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ml-37i just got a quick Q  i have a palm foldable btkb beleived to be HID and a n770 that worked outta the box on  OS2006SE  but earlier today i installed OS2008HE  and i cant get it to pair for the life of me. any ideas07:16
esaym153does the web cam on the 810 work with any im clients?07:19
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MacerStskeeps: awake?07:37
Macerwhere did you say i culd get a q707:37
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Macerfound a few different places07:41
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Macerblah. sure wish tigerdirect just had some n810s07:41
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esaym153I just bought a new 810 from shopcell.com07:48
chxi found an affordable one on eBay07:49
chxso glad to have one07:49
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IzyHi everyone07:51
Maceresaym153: i thought they only sell accessories07:52
Macerwhere do they sell the n810s?07:52
Luke-Jresaym153: wow, ripoff07:52
esaym153Macer: I don't know but that is where I just bought mine at, got it today07:53
esaym153Luke-Jr: I am happy07:53
Luke-Jresaym153: watch teh video07:53
ml-37amazon has them07:55
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Luke-Jrso do I07:55
k-s <-- help :-)07:56
IzyHi everyone07:58
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IzyIs there anyone ready to help me trying wormux over hamachi?07:59
IzyIthe game08:00
IzyLuke sounds french08:01
IzyAre u french?08:02
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Luke-Jrok going to bed 4 real now08:23
* RST38h yawns08:25
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* ml-37 shoots self ... shoots self again for not hitting ENTER after putting in the passkey in the btkb to make it pair.08:47
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t_s_ohmm, did just flatline, or is it just the forum thats having issues?08:48
t_s_ook, its just the forum...08:50
ml-37slow but just loaded08:50
RST38ht_s_o: This is the last days.08:51
caoticesaym153: so you finally got your n810, congrats !08:51
caoticesaym153: it nice when shippments get on earlier than expected08:51
caoticesaym153: after you get familiar with your n810, you may want to take a look at
caoticits fawesome08:53
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caotick-s: who the hell needs so many pictures of victoria secret models ... IN A CAR09:02
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rmt__Holiday in southern Italy starts now! Ciao all!10:38
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aquatixmorning all10:44
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X-Fademikkov_: ping?10:51
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timeless_mbphello world10:54
timeless_mbpdoes Maemo 4.1 support GIO?10:54
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timeless_mbpanswer: no10:56
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JaffaX-Fade: ping11:14
X-FadeJaffa: Pong11:14
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JaffaX-Fade: I can't promote as it says "dependency python2.5-osso could not be found in the database".11:15
JaffaX-Fade: Even though it's got an "|" dep which can be satisfied.11:16
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X-FadeJaffa: You get this error on promotion, right?11:16
JaffaX-Fade: Correct11:17
X-FadeJaffa: Ok, then there is a bug ;)11:17
X-FadeJaffa: I'll import the data into the internal test machine and will check it out.11:18
JaffaX-Fade: Thanks11:18
X-FadeJaffa: At least it is getting tested now :)11:18
filip42Hi everyone11:19
JaffaX-Fade: :)11:19
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filip42Just found this picture : wich remind me of : rover11:20
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Jaffafilip42: See the last few posts on - basic conclusion is it looks similar, but probably isn't11:23
X-FadeBrothers or cousins likely.11:24
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filip42thx for the link Jaffa, and sorry to not have found the post at maemo :)11:27
X-FadeJaffa: It seems that OR checking is missing for that part ;)11:27
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X-FadeJaffa: So I know now what to fix.11:28
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floriangood morning11:29
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cpmHi, for Maemo4 SDK, can I install another gcc? Currently gcc 3.4 is installed, how can I install gcc 4?11:34
JaffaX-Fade: cool11:34
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X-FadeJaffa: Ah, the plot thickens. As you are the first app using python, it needs to promote that too.12:39
JaffaX-Fade: Ah. So it can't work out the dep graph in that circumstance?12:41
X-FadeJaffa: Well it didn't because there was a bug in the OR part.12:42
X-FadeJaffa: Looks fixed on the test system now. Altough I have to verify each package by hand to be sure ;)12:42
X-FadeJaffa: 17 packages in all ;)12:43
JaffaAutomated regression testing FTW12:43
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X-Fadejeremiah_afk: ping?12:57
lardmanbloody camera settings13:00
wazdhello maemo :)13:01
X-Fade~seen jeremiah_afk13:02
infobotjeremiah_afk is currently on #maemo, last said: 'It is a little disappointing that the screen is getting smaller.'.13:02
lbtjeremiah_afk: fancy helping out on Mer at all?13:02
X-Fadeinfobot, dude your missing important information.. When? :)13:02
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lardmanany pysqlite experts about?13:14
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timeless_mbpX-Fade: irc log can answer that question :)13:23
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Yeah, it can. But I'm lazy.13:23
timeless_mbpat least you aren't out of disk space.
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lcuklardman, don't ask to ask :P14:09
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RST38hmoo lcuk, lardman14:09
lcukhey rst14:09
wazdRST38h: heya14:10
RST38hheya wazd14:11
* RST38h watches disoriented bloggers bury the filesystem14:11
RST38hI mean, folks, just because you happen to use a bunch of badly engineered apps does not mean that the filesystem is coming to the end14:12
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lardmanlcuk: it was more not wanting to flood the channel with stuff that no-one's interested in14:17
lardmanhi RST38h14:17
lardmananyway must go do some testing now, bloody camera14:17
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lcukive just done a load of sqlite stuff14:17
lcuknot pysqlite, but sqlite stuff all the same14:18
* RST38h just had to delete a few FireFox sqlite files as they got corrupted14:18
RST38hWhich pretty much summarizes the problem with apps refusing to use the filesystem14:18
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lcukRST38h, im just moving towards database now14:19
lcukfiles are great until the quantity grows14:19
RST38hlcuk: Expect the above problem.14:19
lcukand theres no indexing allowed14:19
lcuki understand entirely14:19
RST38hlcuk: the optimal strategy is to mix both14:20
RST38hlcuk: In a logical way14:20
lcukthe only practical way to keep files is to abstract the filename itself14:20
lcukand then you are left with an anonymous datafile14:20
lcukwhich is just as bad in a way14:20
RST38hThere is no need to abstract filenames14:20
lcuksure there is14:20
lcukive got 1 sketch "blah"14:20
RST38hIf you can't clearly tell what your file contains in a few words, your design is wrong14:21
lcukbut it has been edited 20 times over different periods14:21
lcukcurrently that would make 20 records14:21
RST38hok, so you keep all edits in a single file14:21
RST38hcalled blah14:21
lcukso each file type must implement its own version control14:22
RST38hif you are smart, you will keep the most recent version at the beginning of the file, then have some kind of a termination tag, and THEN store optional history14:22
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lcukand how do you do that with existing filetypes - jpeg/png etc14:22
RST38hlcuk: And why is it a problem?14:22
RST38hlcuk: Store them as blobs inside file14:23
RST38hIf this is what you want to do14:23
lcukbut that is just a database14:23
RST38hI would just link to them, by name14:23
lcukthat does not help14:23
RST38hthis isn't a database14:23
RST38hIt is a set of data items embedded into your document14:23
lcukjust because you make your own custom database format14:23
lcukyou just defined a database14:24
RST38hit is still really far from the database14:24
lcukjust because it doesnt use tables and fields..14:24
RST38hwell, you see, relational db uses tables and fields by definition14:24
lcukbut thats not what the database rant was about14:24
RST38hand also introduces a lot of other stuff14:24
lcukit was generic blobbing of data into one abstract file14:24
RST38hOh I know what the database rant was about14:24
RST38hdepends on what data14:25
RST38hthere is just a bunch of data types that require blobbing14:25
lcukso, going back - how do i reproducably manage a set of individual files14:25
RST38hlcuk: tar14:25
RST38hlcuk: This is what OpenOffice does I think14:25
lcuki already know this because i do it myself with sketches, but it becomes unmanagable beyond a limit14:25
RST38hlcuk: Again depends on what you are doing14:25
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RST38hI do not see why you would need a real relational db here though14:26
lcukgrouping and tagging and evolution of sketches from others14:26
lcukhard with just files (believe me, i tried...)14:26
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lbt1 directory/file14:36
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lbtif you put something 'in a file' use a directory... they nest too14:38
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lbtand symlink14:38
lbtand link14:38
lbtand .. other stuff14:38
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lcuklbt, rather complex tho lol14:39
lbtwhereas inventing your own db is easy14:39
lbtit's not complex... it's transparent14:39
lcukusing an existing database is quite logical14:39
lbtsure, a filesystem is a db14:39
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lbtpeople just don't think of it as one14:40
lcukand gives you the functions for processing them in a nice little compact syntax14:40
lbtgrep -R14:40
lbtjust sayin'  ;)14:41
lcukcan handle many thousands of things more efficiently than files14:41
lcukyou are right14:41
lcukfor just sayin14:41
lcukand i used it quite well for some things14:41
lcukbut theres other stuff that i couldnt do14:42
lbtinvestigate hash dbs like gdbm14:42
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lbtsql is rarely the right answer14:43
lbtit's just a common answer14:43
lbtsql sucks14:43
javispedromissing the BeOS again? (database as filesystem and all that)14:43
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lcuksql is an ondisk reprecsentation of c structs.14:44
javispedrowhat a weird definition14:45
lcukwell i would in the past have written "records" as being multitples of structs14:45
lcuknow, i gain a nice thing where i can do indexing and searching without having to write it myself14:45
javispedroI kinda liked the be approach to this topic14:46
javispedromails (as read by the mail client) were "files"14:46
lcukbut at the low level, they are just my structs14:46
javispedrofiles = records on a database14:46
javispedrothe mail client just cared about his own namespace of fields in that database14:46
javispedrobut you were free to add any fields you wished14:46
javispedrogives in a new light to this "where are my files????????" problem ;)14:47
* lcuk doesnt like files anyway and named most stuff with a big long practically guid name anyway14:48
lcukill have to vanish tho14:48
lcuk\o cyas later14:48
javispedrothink about it: store your sketches in a database; but let other programs add their own fields to each sketch record14:49
lbtand store indexes in gdbm14:49
RST38hos does not provide apis to access db files14:49
javispedrothe new tracker is going to be cool :)14:49
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RST38hos also cant change db files for integrity and repair them14:50
lbttrue RST38h - but indexes are optimisations, not data14:50
RST38hso using db files is a bad idea14:50
javispedroRST38h, then standarize14:50
lbtdelete them and nothing should be lost14:50
RST38hyes, having a separate optional index is ok14:50
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javispedrostandarize not as part of the kernel but as part of the Operating System14:50
javispedroe.g. Access Linux Platform says sqlite is the OS "file format"14:50
RST38hjavis: people tried that before14:51
RST38hflopped every time14:51
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RST38hmainly because this crap is so complicated that it becomes unreliable14:51
RST38hadding db features to the filesystem is more realistic and has also been tried (beos)14:51
RST38hbut having a separate index file that can be rebuilt is really the way to go14:52
javispedroseparate index = use tracker14:53
RST38htracker will be a disaster btw14:53
RST38hremember my words :)14:53
RST38hwill make you long for the metalayer crawler14:53
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javispedroso you're asking for some software that "indexes files", get some, and say it's crap?14:54
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RST38hI am not asking for anything actually14:55
RST38hI am saying that if you absolutely want to index your stuff, make a separate optional index14:55
RST38hrather than bind it with your files14:55
RST38hPersonally, I never you system wide file indexing and always end up turning it off for performance and space concerns14:56
javispedrome neither as is now14:56
javispedrocause I virtually have to battle with the indexer for _each_ file format I want to index14:57
RST38hnamely, I spent a few days killing tracker on my ubuntu system and deleting 300+MB of indices it creates14:57
RST38hso, if anything like this repeats in fremantle (and it will given that fremantle tracker is developed by modest author)...14:57
javispedrowell, to repeat myself, I kinda licked the Be way...14:58
infobotjavispedro meant: well, to repeat myself, I kinda liked the Be way...14:59
* lbt preferred the first version14:59
lbtgcc is scary15:00
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javispedroand takes ages to build15:01
lbtdo we need fortran on Mer?15:01
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RST38hand ada too15:05
lbtexcellent, a volunteer :)15:05
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lbtfirst you need a Mer Build setup...15:06
lbtlet me know when you're there :)15:06
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thuxwhat about cobol15:09
lcuki say we nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure.15:09
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VDVsxwhen should be the next council election ?15:18
infobotVDVsx meant: when will be the next council election ?15:19
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VDVsxhumm, election in September and assignment in October ?15:23
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lcukVDVsx, with a pyr for formercouncil members in november (5th afiak)15:26
lcukpyre *15:26
VDVsxlcuk, lol, bad lcuk15:27
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lcukVDVsx, burning lardman was the only way we managed to get through the cold spring months ;)15:35
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hendryi'm looking for a screen capture tool for diablo15:38
jaemsingle image, or video?15:39
VDVsxlcuk, lol, poor lardman ;)15:39
hendryjaem: both ideally actually15:39
jaemhendry: the LoadApplet will give you screenshooting abilities15:40
hendryjaem: which package is it a part of? apt-cache search LoadApplet revealed nadda15:41
jaemas for recording, my guess is that you'd best do that over VNC or similar - I doubt the N810 could record screencap videos well15:41
jaemone sec - sorry, I've stayed up all night, and my thinker isn't thinking so well15:41
JaffaVDVsx: Yup, next election in September; so next sprint is going to be gearing up for it (bergie fixing karma bugs, someone sorting the tmo accounts etc.]15:41
bergieI wonder if the plan is to integrate TMO accounts to the rest of and when15:42
VDVsxso, new council at the summit ;)15:42
jaemhendry: load-applet15:42
jaemit's good to have anyway, especially so you know when your tablet is under heavy load, so you don't make it worse ;)15:42
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Jaffabergie: For the purposes of the election, I think it's going to have to be treating them specially (if the profile isn't linked to from a account)15:44
JaffaVDVsx: Yup. And maybe lots of new faces (some'd be better than others)15:44
VDVsxJaffa, people can link accounts15:44
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hendryjaem: and what about video?15:44
jaemhendry: as I said, you're probably better off remoting the screen to your desktop, and recording it there15:45
bergieJaffa: if users supply their TMO URL then they get karma for that too15:45
jaemalthough I haven't tried15:45
JaffaVDVsx: Indeed. However, the basic rule is that any tmo account older than 3 months, with more posts to meet the karma threshold, they should be able to vote.15:45
VDVsxJaffa, ah right :P15:45
hendryjaem: ah vnc15:45
JaffaNow, perhaps a mass mail to all eligible tmo accounts which aren't already linked to a account is appropriate.15:45
jaemhendry: yep15:46
JaffaAnd then the account age stuff needs to take into account it might be a new account linking to an old tmo account. Which should therefore be eligible to vote.15:46
VDVsxJaffa, last year presentation of the council at the summit was a LT, right ?15:47
JaffaNo, it was a half hour session15:50
JaffaIntroducing the council, the members and a Q&A15:50
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* Jaffa would say the council should be expected to do a kick-off presentation towards the start of the community day15:50
JaffaAnd if they aren't willing to, should be executed.15:51
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jaemJaffa: sh ./maemo-council ?15:53
jaemoh wait15:53
jaemyou meant that the other way15:53
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Veggenmmm, wish I could be at Dolomite mapping weekend.15:55
VeggenBut alas, my dolomite visit was a week ago, and far too short for any mapping at all, since I had people to visit there.15:55
Veggenurk, #wrong channel.15:55
Jaffajaem: :)15:59
jaemkill -9 `pidof maemo-council`15:59
jaemthat's better15:59
Jaffajaem: Yeah, let's not test it yet. I'm still enjoying the power *cough*15:59
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jaska-11 and leave a core to debug16:00
VDVsxjaem, you don't need the pid, just use pkill ;)16:01
jaemVDVsx: I think I vaguely remember that ;)16:01
jaskaor killall.. unless youre on solaris :)16:01
jaemso, did you folks hear about the big iPhone vulnerability?16:07
jaskayes.. and hah16:08
jaemand they haven't patched it, given a month's notice >_<16:08
jaemthat's just terrible16:08
jaskadont see why people give more than 72 hours anyway16:08
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VDVsxjaem, link ?, what vulnerability ? :)16:14
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jaemSMS exploit16:15
jaemthey can own your phone by sending crafted messages, most of which you won't see16:15
jaemfull control, including dialing16:15
jaemand, of course, your address book, to spread the love16:15
VDVsxneat, lolol16:16
jaemwell, not really16:16
Jaffajaem: Of course, if Rover contains SMS functionality I wonder if it'll have anything similar16:16
jaemif they sploit gets out before they patch it, we could have chaos, considering how many iPhone users there are out there16:16
jaemJaffa: that's an interesting thought16:16
jaemthe Forbes article linked to in that post mentions that very little thought has been given to SMS security, because it didn't used to be an issue16:17
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jaembut then smartphones came along... :P16:17
jaempretty nasty, though - worse than a drive-by, given that all you have to do is have a vulnerable phone *turned on*16:18
VDVsxis apple trying to reach a new market - terrorists16:18
JaffaIf you get control of a remote phone, not just sending it to everyone in the address book; but also random numbers16:18
VDVsxalso :
lcukis it possible to actually send a virus down this vector?16:20
lcukie target other iphone users on same network with dodgy sms messages..16:20
jaemlcuk: that's what the article said16:20
jaemlcuk: btw, the liqbase-playground package in extras-devel is looking mighty cool16:21
lcukif i wrote that virus - i would have it do a lawnmower man and ring everyones phone at same time :$16:21
jaemeveryone?  everywhere?16:21
lcukjaem :D its only an engine :) the apps are being built right now16:21
jaemdo it16:21
jaemlcuk: what sort of apps?16:22
jaemmaybe I'm just missing things, but I haven't found much concrete information about where you're heading with it16:22
lcukdatabase enabled:   full proper tagging/rating/searching of scketches16:22
jaemalthough whereever it is, it's cool16:22
lcukgraffiti wall now allows viewing sketeches+photos+cal +text entries16:22
lcukall in the same wall16:22
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jaemwhat was that that you were alluding to about multitouch the other day?16:23
lcuk   and network syncing and web interface for those without tablets :)16:23
jaemon that blog comment16:23
lcukno, that is relating to the interaction in the graffiti wall :)16:23
lcukim trying to allow lists to have various views.  switching between those views should be slick and smooth, i think i have the mechanism, and i certainly have the multitouch swipe ready :)16:24
lcukanyway, im off camping, cyas monday \o16:25
jaemhave fun!16:25
dnearybaloo around?16:25
dnearyVDVsx: Ping?16:25
VDVsxdneary, pokrKna16:26
VDVsxsorry pokrKna :(16:26
VDVsxqt dev days registration - €499 ouch :(16:27
Macerwtf does it take to start to lose a bid haha16:28
Macersomeone has to want this n810 for 222.5016:28
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Macersomeone bid on that :)16:29
Macerso i'm not the highest bidder anymore16:30
dnearyVDVsx: I'm pretty down on most of the proposals in the queue now16:30
dnearyNot ranking my own16:30
qwerty12_N810Macer: If you pay me 223.50, I'll do it16:30
dnearyI think the schedule is far too developer-only heavy16:30
VDVsxdneary, same opinion :(16:31
Macerqwerty12_N810: 222.50 ;)16:31
Maceris what the next bid has to be16:31
Macerit just sucks that i know someone is going to do it at the 11th hour right before it ends16:31
Macerand i'm going to lose.. and i could have used this time to just order it direct frm somewhere16:31
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Macerhave to admit though. pkt auction ebay is pretty awesome for android :)16:32
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Macerreally. to tell the truth. android hasn't been bad at all16:34
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Macerit's pretty good minus teh flood of bullshit apps that really suck16:34
Macerbut i suppose that's any OS16:34
dnearyVDVsx: Worried the gang of 4 proposals are getting an easy pass :)16:34
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VDVsxdneary, Well, I think your presentation (doc's co-creation) and Andre's is really useful and needed16:37
Macera san antonio woman16:37
sgeon n810 my aplay says device or resource busy, and when I do /usr/sbin/dspctl suspend or resume it suddenly starts working. Does anyone know what is really going on and how that aplay should work?16:37
Macerkilled and ate her 3wk old baby?16:37
jaemgood morning16:37
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dnearyMacer: Is there a famine going on out there?16:38
javispedrosge: I would suggest esdplay16:38
sgejavispedro: I'm kinda forced to use alsa..16:38
dnearyMacer: I don't mean to be rude, by the way, but do you realise that for the past 10 minutes you've been talking to yourself about non-Maemo related stuff in the #maemo channel?16:38
Macerdneary: i don't know man16:38
dnearyMacer: Just making sure you realise what channel you're in16:38
Macerdneary: :) that's not true16:39
Macerthe first 5 minutes was me trying to get someone to bid higher on an n81016:39
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Macerbut the pkt auction ebay and the baby brain woman... i'll give you those 216:39
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Macerand i need a damn n810 NOW.. my scan tool is going to get here soon16:40
Maceri should have never bid on this one :) i just don't want to buy one somewhere then win the bid on the n810 on ebay then be stuck wtih 216:40
Macercarman made maemo worthwhile to have again16:41
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javispedrosge, I just confirmed than I cannot play more than one stream at once with alsa as configured by default on my n81016:42
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Macermaybe i can spray paint it and sell it off as a wimax editin for $1500 on amazon16:42
javispedroso it's esd or nothing16:42
Macerbaltimore seriously has that much of a demand?16:44
VDVsxdneary, I'll comment the rest of the proposals in the queue until the end of the day, to see if we can agree in a few more ;)16:46
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MacerVDVsx: are you developing for maemo?16:47
VDVsxMacer, sort of, but I'm not a nokian ;)16:48
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Maceri was just curious since the newer maemo won't really support the older hardware16:48
Macerwas wondering if people were still going to dev for it or if mer was the only valid solution16:48
javispedromy egocentric answer for that is "i will develop for it as long as I use it"16:50
Macerjavispedro: haha16:51
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JaffaVDVsx dneary: I'd noticed the dev. heavy slant as well :-/16:51
Maceri suppose that is one answer for it.. i mean.. i'm sure that soon after the release of the newer IT .. support for old maemo will drop to null as the flies go towards the brighter light16:51
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javispedrothis is not the first time this happens -- see 77016:52
Macer770 was still supported by newer vers of maemo16:52
VDVsxJaffa, time to propose a users talk :P16:52
Macernext ver of maemo will stop working altogether16:52
Macerso it's either mer or hope that someone will still do something with older maemo.. which i doubt will hold on to many developers16:53
dnearyJaffa: Yup16:54
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dnearyJaffa: The best way to avoid a dev heavy slant is to have people presenting the cool stuff you can do with their apps or their tablets; tablet hacks, cool apps, things like that16:55
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VDVsxdneary, I will propose a BlueMaemo LT, a session is too much IMO :)16:57
dnearyI'd like to see more people proposing lightning talks rather than defaulting to presentations16:58
Jaffadneary: 25 mins is /quite/ a lot to fill with user-focused stuff on a single app (unless it's a big app like OOo etc.)16:58
dnearyVDVsx: What do you think of America's got Talent lightning talks?16:58
dnearyJaffa: Not really16:58
dnearyJaffa: I have given full-day workshops on the GIMP where people were howling for more16:59
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VDVsxdneary, lol, depends16:59
dnearyJaffa: It's fairly simple: 2 minutes introduction, 5 minute segments on "here's a cool thing someone did with the app, here's how"16:59
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VDVsxdneary, "There's already a pymaemo presentation"  ?,  this isn't true , pyQt :)16:59
dnearyJaffa: Let's take the example of NumptyPhysics16:59
dnearyVDVsx: I was sure we'd approved a pymaemo presentation17:00
dnearyVDVsx: Maybe I was wrong... checking17:00
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VDVsxdneary, anyway, this is a clearly no for me, by the reasons pointed in the wiki, don't mean to be harsh, but by the maemo-devel flow, the proponent don't seems to master the proposed topic, at least atm17:06
dnearyYes, you're right, no pymaemo presentation17:07
dnearyVDVsx: Very good point17:07
dnearyIt's not just the topic we're evaluating, also the proposer17:07
dnearyJaffa: OK - Numpty17:07
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dnearyStart with the background story of Crayon Physics17:07
dneary2 mins17:08
dnearyExplain the principle. 2 mins17:08
dnearyMaybe 4 if you want to explain all the various stuff you can do like hinges17:08
dnearyThen play a level, and see people go "aaah"17:08
dnearyMention the attention to details, the background like crumpled paper17:09
dnearyUp to 10 mins already17:09
dnearyNext, level editor - show how it's a simple png editor (more or less)17:09
dnearyAnd create a new level, from scratch, in 5 minutes17:10
dnearyShow a kid playing with it :)17:10
dnearyCall up an audience member for a live demo17:10
Jaffadneary: I'd count "GIMP" in the "complex apps" category. NumptyPhysics probably too. But, Tear; Modest; Doom; Vagalume; Mauku etc. (thinking about the apps I use most)...17:10
dnearyAnd you've made a very entertaining 25 minute presentation, with 3 cool segments - the game principle, the game itself, and the level editor17:10
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dnearyWhat does Tear do?17:11
Jaffadneary: I don't doubt there are some apps which can fill plenty of time; I don't doubt there are some of those on Maemo. My feeling is that many Maemo apps are a bit too trivial.17:11
Jaffadneary: Web browser.17:11
VDVsxJaffa, dneary as a example LT at Fosdem are 15 min long, and basically most of the presentations are about single apps17:11
dnearyI'd love to see someone give a proper presentation of Xournal17:11
dnearyI'm sure there's a bunch of stuff people can do with that that I don't know about17:11
dnearyVDVsx: Indeed, 15 minutes is even short, if you're giving a well prepared demo17:11
dnearyJaffa: In the GIMP, typically I had segments of 30 minutes, which went:17:12
dneary1. Show cool effect I did17:12
VDVsxxournal for maemo is a bit abandoned, at lest seems17:12
dneary2. Explain how I did it in 10 easy steps, live demo style, describing what each filter & effect I apply does17:12
dneary3. Get the audience to do the same thing (or something similar)17:12
dnearyThe hard part was the preparation, which took me about 30 hours for an 8 hour workshop17:13
Jaffadneary: As I said, I believe there are apps which you could do it with. But there're very few apps (OTTOMH) on Maemo which even have half the features of GIMP's features.17:13
dnearyAnyway, gotta go17:13
Jaffas/GIMP's features/GIMP's filters/17:13
infobotJaffa meant: dneary: As I said, I believe there are apps which you could do it with. But there're very few apps (OTTOMH) on Maemo which even have half the features of GIMP's filters.17:13
hugoplstatic void sip_api_transfer_to(PyObject *self, PyObject *owner)17:14
dnearyJaffa: Perhaps lightning talks are a better format. Or grouping people together to give presentations by use-case: tablet as internet device, tablet as creative device, tablet as personal media device, tablet as accessory to your PC17:14
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dnearyAnd group different apps in the same usecase together for "showcase" type presentations17:14
dnearyIt's a nice idea, tough to organise17:14
dnearyAnd no-one's been proposing sessions like that17:15
Jaffadneary: indeed :(17:15
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lcuk_campingi would love to have an interactive presentation segment where people from the audience with their devices actually get involved somehow, but wifi and live demo stuff usually throws that out17:19
lcuk_campingalong with no time to set it up beyond what im already working on ;)17:19
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dnearylcuk_camping: Do you knnow if there's any P2P IM software out there that we can use for conferences?17:22
GAN800dneary, I'm thinking it might end up being too unpleasant for the presenters.17:22
dnearyNo server, just if you're on the same subnet, you get seen in pidgin17:22
dnearyGAN800: Depends on whether they're good or not17:22
lcuk_campingold school net msg thing used to work17:23
dnearyGAN800: 25 minutes is a short time slot, believe me it goes *really* fast17:23
dnearyGotta go17:23
lcuk_campingi was playing with broadcast address stuff a couple of weeks ago17:23
qwerty12_N810dneary: avahi?17:23
dnearySee you all tomorrow (I'm babysitting this evening)17:23
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dnearyqwerty12_N810: Avahi is the zeroconf implementation17:24
dnearyIt does service discovery, not services17:24
nomisdneary: you can register services with avahi of course. Avahi then announces them to the outside world.17:24
qwerty12_N810IIRC, it can be used for chatting, I had an session between rtcomm-beta running on the tablet and Pidgin on the desktop17:24
qwerty12_N810Or something uses it, dunno17:25
javispedroI assume you're talking about salut?17:25
javispedrodidn't know it was on rtcomm17:25
lcuk_campingdneary, i know you are going, the problem is that users wont all be on the same subnet, most wont configure to the same subnet unless they are talking to infrastructure anyway17:25
lcuk_campingi know you aint here (like me lol)17:25
qwerty12_N810javispedro: yep, that's the one, thanks. rtcomm beta has it listed as link-local (xmpp)17:27
javispedrooh, nice. that's a good reason now to download rtcomm :)17:28
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javispedro<<"Windows Mobile" to become "Windows Phone">> heh.17:31
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* GAN800 personally doesn't much love the idea of people getting buzzed off.17:31
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RST38hjavis: they finally renamed winmo into windows te?17:42
javispedrowindows te?17:45
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RST38hjavis: the Turd Edition17:52
javispedrolol :)17:52
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RST38handroid will hopefully savr us from it...17:55
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fiferboylbt: I have fingerscrolling working smoothly with photos in birdlist now18:20
fiferboyAs smoothly as without, on the device18:20
woglinde As smoothly as without?18:25
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fiferboyAh.  I had an issue with my tableview using fingerscrolling18:25
woglindecan you make some video?18:25
fiferboyIt worked quickly enough with no photos, but when I had them enabled it was extremely jerky18:26
woglindeyeah I read on the qt4-maemo list18:26
woglindewhat was the error exactly?18:26
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woglindethe 16/24 bit xserver stuff?18:27
woglindeor more18:27
fiferboywoglinde: It was my own program, generating a thumbnail each time it was needed from a larger file18:27
woglindecaching rockz18:27
fiferboyI switched to generating the thumbnails at load time (which lengthen the load but I am working on that)18:27
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lcuk_campingstore thumbs in db and move the time to "insert into" stage18:35
fiferboylcuk_camping: Storing thumbs in the db is a pain, especially since I can change the thumbnail size at any point as a user18:36
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fiferboyThere is also the issue of how to determine if the file is still in existance, the thumbnails can get out-of-date18:36
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lcuk_campinghow many thumbs are you going to generate when opening the list tho?18:37
fiferboyI think I am going to load the list as normal, then load the thumbnails as a separate thread and have them appear as-they-load18:37
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lcuk_campingthats a tough problem to overcome and one which gets worse as the db grows18:37
fiferboylcuk_camping: It depends.  Right now about 100, I think18:38
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lcuk_campingare these images taken with onboard camera or imported from anywhere?18:38
fiferboylcuk_camping: imported from anywhere18:38
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lcuk_campingso dynamically loading and thumbing 100 images in a thread just because you opened a screen?18:39
lcuk_campingeven if they just sit at the top only showing the first 5 pictures18:39
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fiferboylcuk_camping: Yes.18:40
lcuk_camping(i have been through all these questions myself..)18:40
fiferboyBecause it takes too long to load them when fingerscrolling, I end up losing many frames18:40
lcuk_campingis there a "showing" event for a single cell in a list..18:40
lcuk_campingbut thats only whilst actually scrolling - you COULD have your image loading thread be smart18:40
fiferboylcuk_camping: I think so, but I want the thumbnail to be avialable for the showing event, not generated on it18:41
lcuk_campingand say "if kinetic in motion, wait"18:41
lcuk_campingthat way you get dynamic load on demand, but it just delays itself whilst you smoothly scroll18:41
lcuk_camping(thats how liqbase has done it for ages)18:41
lcuk_campingshowing event != shown event18:41
fiferboylcuk_camping: But what if I am scrolling through the list looking for a particular photo?  I won't be able to find it if I delay showing while scrolling18:42
lcuk_campingbut you wont anyway because your thread wont have caught up with as fast as you can scroll18:42
lcuk_campingi guarantee whichever speed you do it you can scroll faster :P18:42
fiferboylcuk_camping: It could have if I have been doodling around with other things at the start18:42
lcuk_campingthumbing 10mpixel images18:43
fiferboylcuk_camping: That is only an issue right after the program loads.18:43
lcuk_campingthen it would have worked anyway18:43
lcuk_campingbecause the thread only pauses when you are scrolling18:43
fiferboylcuk_camping: Ah, you are saying pause my thread while scrolling, I missed that18:43
lcuk_campingyeah :) you get best of both18:44
fiferboylcuk_camping: I could give my thread an idle priority, then it won't process while other things are going on (I think)18:44
lcuk_campingthreading isnt perfect lol18:44
fiferboyThe N900 is going to have multiple cores, right :)18:44
lcuk_campingi dunno18:45
lcuk_campingand i dunno if we can use em18:45
lcuk_campingthere might be a nokia virus checker lol18:45
lcuk_campingespecially after the news of sms hacking18:45
lcuk_campinganyway im goin properly for the weekend now ;)18:45
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fiferboylcuk_camping: Thanks for the advice18:49
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cpm_Is there a way to get gcc 4 into the Maemo 4 sdk? per default gcc 3 is in there18:58
woglindecpm for which target?18:59
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cpm_woglinde: for the armel target19:03
woglindecpm chinook diablod cococaam,ma?19:03
cpm_we are having problems with g++ 3.4 and static object initialization19:04
cpm_Maemo 4.1.2 Diablo19:04
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woglindecpm nope its no possible19:15
woglindedevices are running to old gcc and libc19:15
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cpm_so if i would update the device to Maemo 5, this would be the only way?19:16
derfgcc 3.4 on ARM is seriously broken.19:16
cpm_derf: is there any way to get another gcc running in Maemo 4 SDK?19:18
cpm_I have severe issues with static object initialization and crashes when loading the program (not even running ...)19:18
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derfUse a newer scratchbox.19:19
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derfThere's gcc 4 modules even for sb1.19:19
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woglindederf how will this work on the device?19:20
woglindewhen it comes to libgcc needs19:20
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kvalohello. I want to run vanilla debian on n800, basically I need just working serial console, sshd and udev. any tips where I could find a ready debian rootfs image?19:21
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derfwoglinde: For C I've had no issues with it. For C++, I dunno. I don't use C++.19:24
woglindedef intressting19:24
woglindefor c++ you surely needs a newer libstdc++19:24
derfI assume they changed the C++ ABI 8 times between each gcc release.19:24
derfThis is one of the reasons I don't use it.19:24
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lbtfiferboy: cool.19:25
qwerty12_N810I built aptitude using it and it didn't work with the libstdc++ on the device. Out of laziness, I just LD_PRELOADed the libstdc++ from the gcc4-using target19:26
lbtkvalo: hi..19:26
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derfqwerty12_N810: Right, it can be worked around... but heaven help you if you need to link with another C++-based library.19:26
woglindeqwerty that might work19:26
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lbtwould almost vanilla Ubuntu be good enough ? Mer would give you that. Key thing is that apt-get install <anything> will work19:27
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kvalolbt: the thing is that I don't have display working yet (working with 2.6.30 kernel) and I would like to have as simple installation as possible19:31
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lbtHmm - have you used Mer?19:32
cpm_thanks for all your comments!19:32
lbtthe boot process includes telnetd etc19:32
kvalolpt: I flashed it once and tried for five minutes, so not much19:33
lbtalthough technically that's bootmenu19:33
lbtso you can boot and get ssh via usb19:33
lbtmost of the time my N800 display is off19:33
lbtI use ssh19:33
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kvaloI have hw serial console, so that's not a problem19:34
lardmanJaffa: ping19:34
lbtkvalo: so what are you doing?19:34
lbtis a new kernel the objective?19:34
kvalolbt: yeah, the goal is to have n800/n810 support to linus' tree19:35
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lbtyou should really be working with Mer19:35
lardmanJaffa: re 1 year terms, am thinking about it19:35
* lardman pops to the shops quickly19:35
kvalolbt: thanks. I'll take a look at it again.19:36
lbtwe use Ubuntu as it is armv5el whereas Debian is armv419:36
lbtWe're doing work in the kernel space19:36
lbtThe SmartQ guys commited their kernel to the Mer Gitorious repo19:36
Stskeepskvalo: your effort is much appreciated btw :) been trying to direct people to it extensively19:37
lbthere you go
lbtah, Stskeeps is back :)19:37
lbtthought you were still on the train19:37
lbtBTW, Adrian is reviewing my patches for the OBS build19:38
kvalolbt: ok, thanks.19:38
Stskeepslbt, kvalo=kalle valo=guy from stlc45xx and
lbtah.... hi kvalo19:39
Stskeepskvalo: simple debian install? our old method was debootstrap from within a qemu-system-arm image19:39
kvaloStskeeps: well, this is an on/off project of mine and I have been slow. doing other stuff than computers for the whole july.19:39
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Stskeepsand putting that on sd, pointing root= the right place19:40
kvaloStskeeps: any tarballs or rootfs images around? like I said, I need only sshd and udev for now.19:40
kvalommc is not working yet for me. maybe I need to add that next :)19:41
Stskeepskvalo: ah, then i would grab a mer jffs19:41
kvalook. two votes for mer :)19:42
Stskeepswe're also more than happy to be guinea pigs19:42
Stskeepssince mainlining will help us a lot :)19:42
kvaloI don't know if this ever is going to be usable for anyone. but let's see how it goes19:42
kvaloomap power management will be tricky. nobody supports it properly19:43
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kvaloand the bloody dsme and bme interface. man I hate them19:43
infobotkvalo meant: and the bloody dsme and bme interfaces. man I hate them19:43
Stskeepstake a look at solca's nitdroid patches and nthcode's android patches. some of the effort have been done before19:43
woglindekvalo for the n8xx pm works well by only using the lowest freqency of the cpu19:43
Stskeepsdsme is OSS now, bme we probably need to talk with nokia about interfaces19:44
Stskeepsor how it can be used in modern kernels19:45
kvaloyeah, we will figure out something in the end19:45
kvalowoglinde: but what about retention etc?19:46
Stskeepsi don't personally see sense in developing specifically so we can get diablo going though19:46
lbtwhat kernel is fremantle targetting BTW?19:46
* kvalo looks away...19:47
kvalooh yeah, now I remember. mer didn't gave getty running on ttyS0. that was my problem.19:48
lbtI was wondering about that19:48
lbtshould be trivial to fix :)19:49
kvaloyes :)19:50
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Stskeepskvalo: /etc/event.d/tty1 , copy and edit for ttyS0 :)19:56
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Stskeepsgrab our rootfs, untar, re-mkfs.jffs2 it19:57
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carlosroundelhello i'm newbie owner of n81019:57
carlosroundelc'e' qualche italiano online?19:58
kvaloStskeeps: thanks a lot!19:58
Stskeepskvalo: anytime19:58
carlosroundelcan i place ext2fs on internal mmc?19:58
Stskeepskvalo: we hang out in #mer as well19:59
kvalogood, I can ask my stupid questions there instead :)20:00
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Saviqhi guys, do you know if there's some kind of a simple gps logger available for maemo?20:03
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SaviqI use maemo-mapper to track but it's not crash-proof20:04
Saviqit happened to me twice recently that something went wrong and maemo-mapper got interrupted20:04
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Saviqand so I lost the track20:04
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Saviqalso maemo mapper causes the screen to light up when gps is enabled and I'd like to keep power usage to the minimum20:05
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derfSaviq: There's a maemo-mapper setting that controls that.20:06
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derfAlso, I thought it stored the track in a database for exactly that reason, and has for over a year.20:07
Saviqwell it probably does but when it crashes it got lost20:07
Saviqprobably something got corrupted20:07
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Saviqso I'd like something that writes directly to file20:07
derfThe point of databases is not to get corrupted when things crash.20:07
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derfAnyway, the source is open.20:08
Saviqwell that doesn't seem to have worked for me...20:08
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Saviqalso, the cpu usage of wayfinder + maemo-mapper + canola is big enough to cause hiccups in playback from canola so I wanted something with a lower footprint20:09
Saviqjust wanted to know if there's something like that done already20:09
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leandroalI need to download the latest image (.bin, the diablo?) for my n810, where can I download it?20:11
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leandroalStskeeps, where can I get instructions to flash it? I already download the flash program...20:14
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Saviqleandroal: google20:14
infobotwell, flash is For an EEPROM (flash) programmer that can handle any chip except +12V ones, go to, or a proprietary format for online animations by Macromedia. However "GPL Flash" has now been released @, or wget, or ap20:14
Saviqthere's a ton of sites describing that20:14
leandroalSaviq, this is not what I asked20:14
GAN800Damn. This Celeron machine is putting out enough EMI to scramble two FM radios from 30' away.20:15
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, flashing is
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ShadowJKGAN800, try unplugging the ethernet switch20:35
GAN800ShadowJK, oh?20:35
GAN800ShadowJK, changed the quality of the interference, but didn't stop it.20:37
ShadowJK(Ethernet runs at 100MHz, if it leaks it leaks right on FM)20:39
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ShadowJKAt work there's a ~10 metre radius area from one of the ethernet jacks that has FM blacked out :)20:40
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* lardman will have to proof read his emails better20:42
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* GAN800 doesn't love the idea of year-long terms.20:55
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* StsN810 likes the change. if year long, resignation should be possible20:56
GAN800I know I certainly wouldn't wish to sign on for a year's time.20:56
GAN800That's an awfully long obligation to ask people to commit to.20:56
StsN810i'll vote for the GAN party.20:57
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* GAN800 cringes at the reservered spot for women idea.20:57
GAN800Talk about sexism . . .20:57
StsN810i demandspace for transsexuals!20:58
GAN800StsN810, the GAN800 party ensendorsing sjgadsby. ;)20:58
* sjgadsby hides.21:00
raulherbsterhi, does anyone here have an example with libaccounts library? This package is included on nokia-binaries metapackage.21:00
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dennydo I want diablo_5 from the firmware page?21:05
dennyhaven't updated this thing in a year or so  :)21:05
* denny checks... 2.2007 - I guess two years then21:07
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VDVsxdenny, there's a diablo firmware from the end of 200821:10
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* denny nods21:11
dennygrabbing that, thanks21:11
dennyI meant the version currently on my tablet is 2.200721:11
dennyslightly out of date  :)21:11
dennyanything else good I should know about, while I'm spring-cleaning it?21:11
VDVsxdenny, true21:11
dennyrecommended email client maybe?21:12
dennyStsN800: what's that?21:12
VDVsxGAN800 recomends modest as a mail client :P lolol21:12
VDVsxjust kidding ;)21:13
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* denny watches the flasher run21:16
dennythis is always mildly terrifying  :)21:17
dennyI dunno why, it's not like I keep anything important on there21:17
StsN800only on 77021:17
dennyewwww, nokia start-up sound21:17
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dennythe applications manager seems quite empty compared to what I remember...  had I added extra repositories?  where would I find a list of good ones?21:32
qwerty12_N810enable Extras21:33
qwerty12_N810(it's disabled by default)21:33
* denny reloads the list21:33
dennywhee  :)21:34
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Macerstrange that cell companies can offer unlimited net21:37
Macerbut not unlimited voice for a reasonable rate21:37
StsN801it's not really unlimited21:38
dennyyah, see the fair usage policy21:38
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dennyalthough I guess they could say 'unlimited calls, fair usage policy applies' and then in the fair usage policy say 'up to 200 minutes per month' or whatever21:38
Macerwell. it's like 5-10G21:38
dennythe fine print has got ridiculous these days, they might as well scrap the truth in advertising laws in the UK, dunno about elsewhere21:39
dennyI'm on Vodafone UK, my 'unlimited' data is 500MB21:39
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Macerfor tmob it is about 5-10G21:40
Macerthat is more than enough to talk for the entire month the entire time @ 64kbit/s21:40
StsN801unlimited just means you can access whole net, just like old aol ;p21:41
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* ShadowJK pushed 40 gigs over EDGE last month21:58
ShadowJKI guess "fair use" restrictio nis somewhere above that then21:59
RST38hthst should have taken time22:00
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dennyis canola still the best mp3/ogg/etc player?22:01
yigalif I want to remove items from the menu do I remove their desktop file from /usr/share/applications/hildon/, also if so what else do I need to do to remove it?22:02
RST38hjust that22:03
RST38hand jpdate the app cache22:03
yigalRST38h: how do I update the app cache?22:04
yigalI know it isn't update-desktop-database, but I don't know what it is?22:05
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RST38hthats it22:07
yigalmaybe I should run it as usr not root, let me see22:07
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yigalno that's not it22:08
RST38hno run it as root22:08
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yigalno that's not it22:11
yigaldo I need to restart the it?22:11
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* VDVsx breaks the rule "don't feed the troll" for the first time in tmo :(22:16
yigalthis didn't do it?22:16
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qwerty12_N810VDVsx: It happens to many of us. There are support groups and charities available to help you with your decision.22:18
VDVsxthanks for your kind words qwerty12_N810 :)22:18
* denny reads about email clients, can't find anything definitive22:19
dennymodest has some good write-ups, but I assume from what you said in here that I should skip that?22:19
dennyclaw-mail is what I was using before, is that still my best bet?22:19
yigalit depends on what you want from a mail client.22:20
RST38hVdv: actually driving trolls to suicide is fun22:21
dennyyigal: to read my email?  :)22:22
yigalyes, one should drive trolls to suicide, this is best if possible22:22
dennyI've got a few different inboxes, with different outgoing address for each one22:22
VDVsxRST38h, lolol, I'm not so mean22:23
yigalVDVsx: it's for their own good22:24
yigalit's not mean to help them, if they won't help themselves22:24
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yigaldenny: try Claws, I guess, though I find Modest perfectly usable22:25
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VDVsxdenny, please don't get a wrong impression about modest, I only made a joke because GAN800 is always complaining about modest, to be fair I never used modest in diablo22:27
RST38hVDV; ah once you stop considering trolls human and start -ooking at them as brainboxes with locks to pick, it simply becomes an intellectual puzzle of sorts22:27
yigalRST38h: I had the .desktop files I wanted gone in a subdirectory of /usr/share/applications/hildon/, and I guess update-desktop-database recursively searches in this folder for .desktop files22:27
dennyah, okay  :)22:27
RST38hyigla: correct22:27
yigalRST38h: snap22:28
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yigalRST38h: I switched out iceweasel, and openoffice for texlive in the easy debian chroot so I wanted to delete these choices from the menu.  I'm glad this can be done pretty easily.22:30
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RST38hit is usually automated in postinst and whatever other script runs at package removal22:32
yigalRST38h: yes I understand, it's just that Qole, I assume it was him, manually installed these .desktop files for use with the chroot, but now they are a pain rather than a use to me.22:33
* javispedro is waiting for glibc to build 3 times in a row (~burn complex build systems)22:35
lbtjavispedro: try waiting for gcc; glibc; libcurses; bash; build to cycle round about 3 times22:37
javispedroand to think I'm not using gentoo because of his long build times22:38
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javispedro(*its long build times; that's enough humanization for today)22:38
dennythanks for the tips people - got to head off now, but I'll be back another day no doubt  :)22:39
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javispedroccache does nothing but waste disk space. i think it's using mtime to decide if a file is modified or not22:40
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RST38hQ: I think makefiles suck and cant do what I want so I made my own super duper build system in xml, perl, python, and java. What should I do next?22:50
StsN800become a j2ee professionnal22:52
* qwerty12_N810 had to make changes to a program using WAF. Hated it.22:52
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RST38hA: Stick it ... ... .... ... ...22:58
RST38h(and yes, this includes automake)22:58
derfI know when I think, "What's better than XML, Perl, Python, and Java?" I think "M4!"22:59
StsN800oh dear22:59
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* RST38h murders derf in absentia23:04
RST38hnext: lisp. then probably prolog.23:05
derfYeah, why _don't_ we have a logic induction engine in our build system?23:05
RST38hthe moment somebody makes a production build system in prolog will be the apocalypse23:05
RST38hderf: easy answer to that23:06
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RST38hderf: so that our build system Jalready evil enough) DOES NOT GET ANY IDEAS ON ITS OWN23:07
derfNo, no, see, if the _build_ system does the thinking, I don't have to, right?23:07
derfI don't see how this plan could possibly fail.23:07
RST38hreplace "don't" with "didn't" and you are absolutely correct23:08
RST38hor how about a probabilistic build system?23:09
derfAre you trying to suggest it's not a good idea to have a complicated and hard to predict system control a highly structured, fragile process?23:11
RST38hyes, I know it is heresy23:11
derfWhat we need is for Wolfram Alpha to be our build system.23:11
RST38hWolfram will do a reiser before that23:12
coldbootDoes anyone have the GoF Design Patterns book in eBook format?23:13
coldbootA PDF is best.23:14
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chxooooooooh an N811!23:38
chxMay i get an upgrade too?23:38
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qwerty12_N810No, :P23:39
Macer13:56  * ShadowJK pushed 40 gigs over EDGE last month23:43
MacerShadowJK: for some reason they don't care that much about edge23:43
Maceri think all their monitoring is done with 3G23:43
Macereven so. the slowest edge has the ability to support more than enough data to stream voice comm23:43
Macerand its use isn't considered "minutes"23:44
ShadowJKI'd think they'd care less about 3G since it has greater efficiency23:45
Macerawkward isn't it? ;)23:46
Maceri think it's more of the "too much of a good thing" mentality23:47
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Macerkind of like if people were able to keep batteries underneath their homes23:47
Macerhuge batteries that could run the house for months23:47
Macerand they only drew power during low cost months23:47
Macerto fill the batteries23:47
Macerthat similie was way overcomplicated23:48
* Macer goes to take a nap while he waits on his pizza to show23:48
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ShadowJKbatteries are too expensive :)23:59

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