IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2009-07-30

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xnt14[work]VDVsx, noooooo00:01
* xnt14[work] kills infobot00:01
xnt14[work]first ill kill VDVsx00:01
xnt14[work]~kill VDVsx00:01
* infobot shoots a super-inverse fluxpositrino gun at VDVsx00:01
* infobot takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.00:01
infobotfrom memory, zombie is a zombie process is one which has issued an exit(), but whose parent has not yet issued wait() (or one of its variants) to retrieve the exit code.  This usually means the parent process is buggy.  You can't kill a zombie, because it's already dead; you have to kill the parent,just ignore the zombie.00:02
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* xnt14[work] gets in his flightsim and then kills VDVsx with a f22, via his x5200:03
VDVsxxnt14[work], I'm still alive :P00:04
* VDVsx lives in a bunker :)00:04
* xnt14[work] lives on mars00:04
xnt14[work]~nuke VDVsx's bunker00:05
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at VDVsx's bunker ... B☢☢M!00:05
xnt14[work]oh wait00:05
xnt14[work]thats my autotab completion xD00:05
xnt14[work]~stab VDVsx00:06
* infobot runs at VDVsx with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.00:06
xnt14[work]~chase VDVsx00:06
* infobot chases VDVsx00:06
* xnt14[work] glances at GA, then runs....00:06
xnt14[work]ok ill stop00:06
VDVsxxnt14[work], ok, I surrender, enough IRC spam for today :P00:07
lcuklike you dont send your robotic army off in #mer every 5 minutes :P00:07
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Maceri really need to get an n81000:12
Maceri actually hope i get outbid in a minute00:12
Macerthen i'll just order one from amazon next day or something00:12
Macerjust so i can use the scan tool with my car haha00:12
* Macer is about to spend $450 just to watch his car stats00:12
Stskeeps450 for a n810?00:13
Stskeepsback off :P00:13
qwerty12_N810More like run00:14
LinuxCodeI seell you mine for that00:14
LinuxCodeand buy a new one00:14
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LinuxCodeand save money00:14
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mavhcI checked uk prices, they're 150ukps, down from 240 a year ago00:41
mavhcat that price I considered, for a moment, buying another00:42
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javispedrook, the time has come. I need to install the fremantle sdk.01:02
javispedrooh, why do scratchbox targets share $HOME01:03
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lardman~lart WinXP for rebooting without asking permission01:06
* infobot acting on orders from an unspecified client drags WinXP into court suing for $200 million for rebooting without asking permission01:06
lardmanJaffa: ping01:08
Jaffalardman: pong01:09
lardmanJust wondering how I should submit my wiimote patch to you01:10
lardmanmight be worth getting it out for some testing01:10
JaffaWhatever's easiest for you: tarball of the whole lot and I'll pick it apart, patch against svn, <whatever />01:10
JaffaIs there a good page on pairing and using a Wiimote with an N8x0?01:11
lardmancool ok, will sort something out tomorrow when I reboot to Linux01:11
lardmanThe pairing is all done in sw, just make sure BT is on, hit the 1&2 keys on the wiimote and off it goes01:11
lardmanin sw meaning the sw on the N8x0 does the pairing without needing any input from the user01:12
JaffaAdditional s/w required on the tablet? (I see a reference to 'wiicontrol' here:
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lardmannot for your code no, it can all be done in the Python code01:12
lardmanhang on a tick and I'll upload it so you can have a look-see01:12
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* Jaffa may have to justify buying a Wii. Or at least a wiimote ;-)01:14
lardmanI only bought a remote01:14
* javispedro remembers he has to read about how the new wiimote+ works01:14
* qwerty12_N810 would recommend just the remote. The games suck01:15
lardmanI nicked the code from here:
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Jaffalardman: Did you solve the lag problem?01:16
lardmanno, not really01:16
lardmanI thought perhaps more eyes might help things01:16
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lardmanI can't work out why the accel readings seem to backup when the display is drawn, almost as if my buffer emptying before reading isn't doing it's job01:17
Jaffalardman: I'll have a look through and think about it01:18
VDVsxqwerty12_N810, the games may sucks in terms of graphics compared to the ps3 ones, but believe that the wii provides much more fun :P01:18
lardmanThere are lots of different files scudding around, all doing various clever things with the output data to scale, etc01:18
lardmanJaffa: cheers01:18
javispedroVDVsx, let the flamewar begin! I move myself to the Wii side01:18
qwerty12_N810VDVsx: only fun game that I have is the Wii Fit :\01:19
lardmanJaffa: here's the technical nitty-gritty on the wiimote:
lardmanqwerty12_N810: are there any sword fighting games, that sort of thing?01:19
qwerty12_N810dunno, not really into sword fights ;)01:19
lardmanthough as with the tennis games, it's probably more fun to actually go outside and do it for real01:20
VDVsxqwerty12_N810, mario kart, tennis...:)01:20
lardmanqwerty12_N810: come to the summit, I'll teach you :)01:20
Jaffalardman: There's a Star Wars game where you use the wiimote as a lightsabre01:20
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lardmanhmm, sounds promising, but still, outside :)01:21
JaffaDifficult to get in reality01:21
VDVsxI think in zelda, you can also use the wiimote as a sword01:21
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qwerty12_N810VDVsx: Mario Kart is too repetitive, but tennis isn't bad, granted01:21
lardmanJaffa: lightsabres? Paint your broomstick day-glo, works a treat and very little chance of losing a wrist01:21
Jaffalardman: You've never played stick fights with my brothers...01:22
VDVsxqwerty12_N810, I don't own a wii, can't argue your last point, but I has a lot of fun playing mario kart in a friend's place :)01:23
lardmanJaffa: aikido boys play hard, chipped fingers, etc. - I need to buy some ice hockey gloves01:24
lardmanshould be "The aikido ..."01:24
* Jaffa had a school friend who, at university, nearly got his hand chopped entirely off whilst doing sword-based jujitsu (IIRC)01:24
lardmanwell it's a learning experience I guess01:25
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lardmanchanging topic, do we reckon the shrunk-in-the-wash N97 thing is not the N900?01:26
JaffaI dunno; a more interesting slide than the N810 appeals - and the keyboard layout matches the rumours01:27
Jaffabaloo's point about the logo being apt for portrait, but not landscape was a good'un01:27
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lardmanit is smaller though, screen-wise01:28
qwerty12_N810We all know that Fremantle will support portrait, very well... /s01:28
lardmanperhaps 3.5" is rounded to the nearest 1/2 inch :)01:30
javispedrothis just in: n1000 with a 0.5'' screen01:30
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Jaffalardman: The rumours of the RX-51 had a smaller screen (but higher res) than the N97?01:32
lardmanI thought the rumour was for a 3.5" screen at higher res?01:33
JaffaRumour was for a 3.5" screen at 800x480; but I dunno what the N97's specs are01:33
Jaffayerga's posted this to tmo:
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lardman 3.5" too01:34
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lardmanhmm, is there a model number on that image?01:37
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lardmannaming reboot? :)01:38
lardmanNInf surely01:38
Stskeepsis it just me or does label seem fake? :P01:39
JaffaThe N810 prototypes that I saw pictures of had "N00" as the model code too01:40
javispedroevery one of these "leaks" usually has some degree of fakeness -- scapegoat?01:40
lardmanthe two images are very similar01:40
lardmanor rather the n97mini looks very similar in both01:41
Jaffa <- N810 prototype with "N00" brand01:41
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lardmanJaffa: I'll also push the zbar MUD xml to you if that's ok, tomorrow though01:46
Jaffalardman: sure01:46
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Macerman my son was a punk just now01:49
Maceri had to drag him away from the playground kickin gand screaming01:49
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Macerand now he's grounded for being stupid01:49
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lardmanwhy does it always get to this time of night and then I decide to "just test this little program" knowing full well that I'll want to debug it into the early hours?01:57
Macer Apple earlier this month responded to Copyright Office queries about the exemption under consideration by warning that unsanctioned iPhone alterations could allow hackers to crash cell towers.02:01
javispedroah, yes. we already burnt some cell towers a few hours ago ;)02:01
Macerapple says that illegal apps run on a "jail break" phone02:01
Macerwill take out entire cell phone towers!02:01
Macerwhat a load of bullshit02:01
javispedro~seen timeless_mbp02:01
infobottimeless_mbp is currently on #maemo (4h 51m 20s), last said: 'ECLOSED'.02:01
lardmanwell it is possible, not sure if the jailbreaking allows enough access to the hw to allow it though02:01
Maceri think they are full of it :)02:02
qwerty12_N810Hi, I'm Apple. I love to talk out of my ass.02:02
Macerbecause they are trying to make it illegal to jailbreak phones02:02
Maceri mean..are cops going to randomly stop iphone users02:02
lcukwould be one hell of a coup if maemo knocked out the towers first02:02
lardmanlcuk: I guess we won't get low enough level access to do that02:03
Macerlike people don't have enough to worry about.. rapists.. murders afoot.. and people romain around with their jailbroken iphones02:03
lcuklardman, you should follow luovanto on twitter :D02:03
Macerarmegeddon incarnate02:03
lardmanI'm not a big twitterer, as anyone who's following me will have noticed :)02:04
javispedro" ClutterX11 - Failed to get XImage of pixmap" I knew it wasn't going to be easy02:04
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Jaffalcuk: I do, and I'm not sure the Finnish jazz scene is what I expected :-/02:04
lardmanMacer: it is theoretically possible to crash a cell tower though02:04
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lcukJaffa, look down a bit :D02:04
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lardmanMacer: but I guess Apple are mainly looking for an excuse, as the radio hw is probably pretty much hardwired02:05
Jaffalcuk: ah, true02:05
Macerlardman: i'll believe it when i see it02:05
Macerlardman: i am sure it is02:05
Maceri think they are full of crap02:05
Macerjailbroken iphones taking out cell towers :)02:05
javispedrothey are:
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javispedro(full of crap, I mean ;) )02:06
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Maceralthough the baseband stores their MAC addresses in it's NVRAM02:08
Maceri stopped reading at the "it's" :)02:08
Macersomething about people misusing words in wikis totally makes me lose interest02:09
javispedroyet another xephyr&fremantle problem... "hildon-desktop: ClutterX11 - Failed to get XImage of pixmap: 80002b, removing", 0 google hits02:11
javispedromore fun02:11
javispedroah, already fixed02:14
javispedrotake note: clutter doesn't like the X server being on another computer02:14
javispedroprobably it uses Xshm or something like that to "get XImage of pixmaps"?02:15
javispedrocause running without 3d is slooooooooooow02:16
mavhcapparently only root on an iphone destroys the cell phone network, all those other phones must be better02:16
javispedroi'm going to try and test a new method for the "one universal source package multiple maemo versions" idea: using m4 to fill debian/control debian/postinst and all that02:17
lardmanright, am going to pull myself away from zbar + python (mainly because the Maemo camera example doesn't seem to work)02:17
lardmannight all02:17
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Jaffajavispedro: Seen what grahamcobb does with GPE (using MUD) to support bora, chinook and diablo (IIRC)02:24
VDVsxlcuk, lol02:25
javispedroJaffa, nice02:27
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Macerlooks like the touch book is just more vaporware03:32
Maceralthough thye have a day or 203:32
Maceri guess if they are going to make the "by july" deadline they lied about :)03:32
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javispedrowow is the werid palette swap for sdl applications actually a maemo 5 feature? ;)03:43
javispedroopenttd "jupiter" editor -- blue trees!!03:43
infobotjavispedro meant: openttd "jupiter" edition -- blue trees!!03:43
javispedrothe #if MAEMO_VERSION > 5 then "assume-there-is-no-task-navigator-and-use-all-avalaible-screen-width" I put in there works pretty well03:46
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Macerwaiting for this scan tool to get here04:18
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parsimoniaehello, I have a question04:40
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genewitchI did a cursory search on my n800, and found nothing on this: How do i get it to use an iPhone as it's internet connection?07:09
genewitchi got the bluetooth connected and it was set as the "phone"07:09
genewitchBut no finagling could convince it to use it as an internet connection07:09
Luke-Jrif I had to bet, iPhone fails it07:10
genewitchi tried connecting it to a samsung phone with bluetooth and internet capability as well07:10
genewitchbut i didn't have a chance to ask him what provider he used07:10
genewitchthe help in the connectivity control panel wasn't helpful at all, either07:11
GAN800Tethering is dead easy on Diablo.07:14
genewitchi'm not sure if i have diablo07:19
genewitchLinux Nokia-N800-43-707:21
chxgenewitch: try go to Control Panel , About.07:22
chxbut 43 7 sounds pretty recent...07:22
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genewitchVersion: 5.2008.43-707:24
genewitchOs maemo linux based os200807:24
genewitchThe actual connection to the iphone and samsung worked, i just can't figure out what sequence of buttons on both devices i need to press to make the little internet icon light up without giving me an error07:25
genewitch"Read is now available for iPhone that for around $40 turns it into a wireless router."07:27
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genewitchso out of the box, the iphone is still worthless as anything useful07:27
genewitchI'll have to see if this other windows based phone will let me tether07:27
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aquatixmorning all10:15
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JaffaMorning, all10:48
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Avemeh, I've seen to destroyed ANOTHER n810 battery10:52
Avethe device sat in car for a week (initially full charge) and when I got it in, totally dead, won't boot etc it just power cycles when you connect charger10:53
Avehow the hell does the battery get deep discharged in that way10:53
Ave1st one was authentic nokia one and tne second one was some cheap replica10:53
RazumihinAve: It's hot outside? Lithium batteries can't take heat.10:53
Avecan't be sure, but it hasnt been particularly hot lately10:54
Aveluckily I have another battery in reserve10:54
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AveI get 2,55 volts from the battery terminals10:59
Aveand that's under no load ..10:59
X-FadeAve: That is pretty much dead.11:00
Aveand I thought the device and/or battery are guarded against deep discharge11:00
RST38hEHLo X-Fade11:00
X-FadeAve: You might be able to recover, but generally the battery shouldn't go under 3.0v.11:00
X-FadeAve: It should be.11:00
Avewith the replica-battery I can believe they'd skimp on protection like that11:01
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Aveis there a way to recover?11:01
X-FadeAve: Protection is only in software in the device, I think.11:01
Avelipo/lion is pretty sensitive11:01
X-FadeAve: If you have a lipo charger ;)11:01
Aveheh, sadly no11:02
AveI think I'll try warranty exchange..11:02
X-FadeAve: Sounds like the most sensible option.11:02
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AveBP-4L is a bloody expensive battery fwiw, and rare these days as it only fits around 3 nokia models11:07
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AveE90, E61 and the n8xx?11:08
RazumihinAve: N97 uses it also11:08
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X-FadeAve: But anyway, leaving it in your car is a bad idea if it gets hot.11:08
Avethats good to know, meaning they'll soon be everywhere11:08
Razumihinyeah, at least the one on my desk ;)11:08
X-FadeAve: hot -> voltage goes up, device thinks it isn't empty. Cool down -> voltage too low.11:09
Razumihinbtw anybody got ideas how to hide scratches from touchscreen.11:09
Aveah yeah11:09
Aveer no for scratches :|11:09
RazumihinI dropped my n97 from carstand to floor and now i've got 1cm x 1cm scratched area on the screen.11:09
Razumihin(so much for the scratch resistance)11:10
RST38hRazumihin: Should have bought 580011:10
Avethese new phones (no matter what manufacturer) cant stand any abuse ..11:10
X-FadeRazumihin: Hehe, it is probably not intended for that ;)11:10
RST38h5800 survives abuse pretty well11:10
RazumihinRST38h: Yes many guys at the office have 5800s11:10
X-FadeI used toothpaste to remove scratches before, but I wouldn't use that on touchscreens :)11:11
Razumihinn97 is pretty rugged except the screen.11:11
RazumihinI tried toothpaste, but didn't help as the scratches are too deep.11:11
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Avetheres a new rugged phone coming from nokia, no frills11:11
RST38hX-Fade: I do not remember what N97 screen cover is but 5800 has got simple flexible plastic over the screen11:11
Avefinally I'd say11:11
RazumihinCarwax came to my mind but haven't tried yet.11:11
RST38hX-Fade: Nothing like n8x011:11
X-FadeRST38h: Yeah, and you don't want to go through that one ;)11:12
RST38hX-Fade: I doubt toothpaste can do that =)11:12
RazumihinIf you don't use drill with the paste i think that is impossible ;)11:12
AveX-Fade: well in theory, I should be able to heat the battery up (to get its voltage >3 volts) and then apply charger11:12
X-FadeRST38h: Depends on how deep the scratches are. (cuts)11:12
Ave.. and have it explode on my face11:12
RST38hAve: You forgot the piece where you shoot it on video11:13
RazumihinI think i might try wax with that. It might fill the holes.11:13
X-FadeAve: Yeah, applying constant voltage with regulated current is a much safer way.11:13
X-FadeAve: But try the warranty route first.11:13
Aveunfortunately I dont have a lab power supply at hand either11:14
X-FadeAve: You can also parallel another battery with has a slightly higher voltage.11:15
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X-FadeAve: But that is also _very_ tricky.11:15
Avewouldnt that qeual short circuit situation11:15
RST38hnot exactly11:15
X-FadeNo, parallel.11:15
Aveeven so11:15
X-FadeBut if the voltage difference is too high, the current will be too high.11:16
AveI mean, should there be something inbetween to limit current further11:16
RST38hI guess the voltages will even out with respect to batteries' internal resistances11:16
X-FadeAve: Use thin wires ;)11:16
Avesounds advice there11:16
RST38hAh just exchange the damn thing11:16
X-FadeBut the internal resistance of a lipo limits the current somewhat.11:16
RST38hOr blow it up, but do it spectacularly =)11:16
AveI've gotoriginal packaging, now if I can dig up the receipt ..11:17
X-FadeI regularly charge my RC lipos in parallel, but you have to know what you are doing.11:17
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Aveha, I found the purchase proof/receipt for the battery, by accident11:40
Avein your face, deep discharged battery11:40
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RST38h'There is little difference in nutritional value and no evidence of any extra health benefits from eating organic produce, UK researchers found.'12:21
* RST38h rotfls slightly12:21
ProteousWHO KNEW!!!12:22
RST38hAnd who will know...12:22
MacerRST38h: i never understood it either12:23
Macerthe body seperates ... absorbs.. and discards12:24
RST38hMacer: The idea is that all normal food is genetically engineered and artificial genes are bad =)12:24
RST38hMacer: (of course, this is bullshit on multiple levels)12:24
Macernormal food is genetically engineered?12:25
Macerlike.. cows are bred?12:25
Maceror are we eating the cloned meat yet?12:25
RST38hMacer: that is one level at which it is bullshit12:25
Macerthe body just takes what it needs and discards teh rest12:25
RST38hPeople bred their food stuffs for centuries12:25
Proteousevery kind of produce you find in the store has be selectivly bred to be in the form it is in12:25
Maceri don't see how even genetically "broken" food would change that12:25
MacerProteous: like.. a tomato is bred to look like a tomato? :)12:26
RST38hAnother level is that the stomach does not care what genes it converts to calories12:26
Macerthat's darwinism isn't it?12:26
MacerRST38h: it doesn't12:26
Macerwell.. although the stomach is just one step in teh digestive process12:26
ProteousI don't think the body uses genes for calories12:26
Macerbut the entire system in whole doesn't care ;)12:27
Macerpersonally i am not a fan of the "calorie"12:27
RST38hMacer: I still wouldn't eat US chickien though - it has got 6-12 legs for a reason =)12:27
Macerwe should be using joules12:27
Proteouseven then, the measuing methodes that are used to determin joules/calories is pretty bogus12:27
RST38hwould have to use a shitload of joules12:27
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RST38hbetter go straight to watts12:27
Proteousit doesn't represent the way the food is converted into energy in the body12:27
MacerRST38h: heh.. KJ ;)12:27
MacerProteous: i suppose not12:28
X-FadeAny objections to disable promotion for packages starting with lib* and are in a user/* category? :)12:28
Macerthere isn't a good conversion to input to output for food12:28
ProteousX-Fade, can't you see we are talking about food?12:28
Macernot enough factors really12:28
RST38hProteous: One funny detail is that what "health" people call "calories" are in fact Kcal :)12:28
Maceryou can't determine the huge variable of the human laziness as opposed to a human that works12:28
RST38hX-Fade: Why don't you ask respective package maintainers?12:29
Proteous"eat food, not too much, mostly plants"12:29
ProteousMichael Pollan12:30
X-FadeRST38h: I want to set it as a rule, but am wondering if there are packages starting with lib which aren't a lib ;)12:30
Macereat what you want when you want when you are hungry12:30
RST38hX-Fade: Maintainers should know12:30
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RST38hX-Fade: And, btw, the package name does not necessarily mean it has got a lib inside12:30
Proteouslet healthcare sort out the rest right?12:30
RST38h*or* not12:31
Maceri have seen people eat like slobs and not be fat because their body adapts to it and they aren't fat sloths that sit there on a computer or couch12:31
X-FadeRST38h: Well some maintainers don't know, that is the reason they set it in user/*.12:31
RST38hMacer: it is individual12:31
Macerif you are fat it is either because you yourself have a genetic problem12:31
Macerbecause you are a lazy bastard that eats more than you work out12:31
X-FadeRST38h: You are right that it doesn't catch everything, but at least it should catch simple mistakes.12:31
RST38hX-Fade: Another idea: write a little script that lists all package contents and hunts for libs :)12:31
Macerso there is more input than output :)12:31
Macerfat people just don't know how to maintain the healthy balance12:31
Proteousif it was only as simple as that12:32
Proteoussadly the body is a complex thing12:32
Macerthen they get fat and become even worse12:32
Proteousit regulates it's calorie buring based on many variables12:32
Macerbecause they are too tired to move all teh disgusting slothlike weight around12:32
Macerthey they decided to build up by living like friggin' polar bears12:32
Proteousdon't disrepect the polar bears12:32
Macerwhere they eat and eat and eat and sit somewhere doing nothing12:32
Macerat least polar bears fish12:33
Macerpeople don't need to fish12:33
Macerthey go to the store :)12:33
Macerok.. i gotta go12:33
Proteoushah, cya12:33
Proteousrant and run as they say12:33
JaffaRST38h: Shipping a lib as part of a user/* package is fine, as long as there's user accessible content.12:35
JaffaX-Fade: I know I originally proposed it, but I say let's do that until it causes a problem for a user-facing package like "libertine" (made up)12:36
X-FadeYeah, it is just to prevent libs showing up in AM.12:36
JaffaX-Fade: The heuristic could be smarter: it requires more manual intervention by the QAers; or it checks for a /usr/bin or .desktop entry. If there's a .desktop entry in a lib... it can go into user/*12:36
rkirtimaybe its a naive question, but what package provides the camel libs ?12:36
X-FadeJaffa: yeah, with additional parsing it should be possible. But I was looking for the quick fix :)12:37
JaffaX-Fade: Start with the quick fix and we can develop over time ;-)12:37
RST38hJaffa: I find it difficult to draw the line then12:38
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taligGood day everyone :)12:38
X-FadeRST38h: I'm all for let's see when we get there.12:38
JaffaRST38h: We've seen lots of libs which a dumb package maintainer puts in user/* along with the rest of their packages. extras-testing is supposed to have as much automated QA (perhaps warnings or tools) to make human QA as easy as possible.12:39
RST38hJaffa: I think this stuff is so fuzzy that it should be decided by humans when promoting package to Extras12:41
RST38hJaffa: I can even think of user/* packages that only contain libraries12:41
X-FadeRST38h: Problem is that the person who is doing the promotion, did it wrong in the first place.12:41
JaffaRST38h: But if we can make the tool say "warning: this package looks like a lib and is in user/* - extra care needed", that streamlines the human QA12:41
RST38hX-Fade: Well, then the person has to get back and fix it :)12:41
X-FadeRST38h: I can't. Then another package should pull it in as dep?12:42
RST38hJaffa: Yea, automated warnings are ok, as false positives are safe to have there12:42
X-FadeWell maybe in the plugin case.12:42
RST38hX-Fade: No, plugin or a Java framework12:42
RST38hX-Fade: Let us say you want MIDP12:42
X-FadeStill, an admin can always override.12:43
JaffaRST38h: Then you're either installing a deb-packaged MIDP app which pulls in the framework; or a GUI app which allows you to run them (which pulls in the framework)12:43
X-FadeSo then the dev can ping one to get it in.12:43
X-FadeAs said: let's see when we get there.12:43
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RST38hJaffa: Not entirely true12:48
RST38hJaffa: You may install Java runtime (with all the gui launcher crap, although I would prefer a mime type definition)12:48
RST38hJaffa: And then you would install a bunch of optional frameworks12:49
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RST38hJaffa: These really do not have obligation to come with any executables12:49
RST38hJaffa: Same goes for optional data like fonts12:49
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RST38hSo, as I said, the distinction is kinda fuzzy and I would suggest to decide on per-package basis rather than raise another set of iron rules12:50
JaffaPoint taken. No-one's suggesting iron rules; just some heuristic guides to stop the common cases.12:52
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JaffaX-Fade: What am I looking at (oh, the section's right now?)14:04
JaffaX-Fade: I look at - and it shows the python2.5-runtime as red (because that's not right on Fremantle). Will I need to produce different package sources, or is the UI happy that one of the | is satisfied?14:06
X-FadeJaffa: The OR is satisfied indeed.14:07
X-FadeJaffa: That is one of the parts of the logic that took some time to develop, but now it works ;)14:07
JaffaGoodo. Re-implemented your own dpkg algorithm (like HAM) or using dpkg's properly14:07
X-FadeWalking the tree in the database.14:07
JaffaFair enough14:08
JaffaSo, that's in extras-devel. I click "Promote" and it goes into the QA queue and extras-testing?14:08
X-FadeYeah, if I run the promotion.14:08
X-FadeWhich I will do later today hopefully.14:09
VDVsxkonttori_, ping14:09
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JaffaX-Fade: I'll let you do more testing first. Let me know when you need some help, and I'll then help you write some docs (if you want)14:11
X-FadeJaffa: Great that would be very helpful actually ;)14:11
VDVsxX-Fade, very cool feature :)14:15
mikkov_Jaffa: you shouldn't use python-runtime as depency but the real depencies14:15
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X-Fadeah yeah, python-runtim is the meta package. Which pulls in quite a lot.14:16
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mikkov_X-Fade: I promoted one package, should I see it QA-queue or somewhere?14:19
Jaffamikkov_: Is there a list of what Python package provides what (hildon, osso, bluetooh etc.) or do I have to figure it out?14:24
* Jaffa thought he'd seen documentation saying python-runtime was the preferred approach14:24
mikkov_see I think you just have to figure it out, but it's quite simple14:25
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Jaffamikkov_: Should be able to use dpkg-depcheck (or whatever it is) and run the app ;-)14:26
qwerty12_N810python2.5-runtime just brings in everything. osso and hildon are python2.5-osso and python2.5-hildon, respectively. I remember that much14:26
Jaffamikkov_: Presumably there are corresponding packages between diablo & fremantle with just the "2.5" present or not?14:26
mikkov_Jaffa: package names are the same except the 2.5 thing14:27
Jaffamikkov_: Cool, thanks14:28
* Jaffa will try and sort that this evening then14:28
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andre__Stskeeps, where's the difference between 4856 and 4520?15:44
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taligGuys, did anyone ever try using ctypes in scratchbox? Looks like it's not installed, and since it's included in python there are no installation instructions online [None that I could find, anyways...]15:45
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konttori_VDVsx: pong15:48
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Stskeepsandre__: let me just see15:48
Stskeepsandre__: my bad, duplicate, but more reasoning in 485615:49
VDVsxkonttori_, can you test a game on the maemo5 device for me ? it's a easy one, it runs in the SDK but has some problems, if it runs ok on the device I'll make a package15:49
Stskeepsjust close 485615:49
lardmanVDVsx: ping15:49
andre__ok :)15:49
konttori_VDVsx: I can try.15:49
VDVsxlardman, pong15:49
Stskeepsandre__: i went on a bit of a bug spree yesterday :)15:49
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konttori_lemme see. I'll need to reflash the device.15:50
konttori_it's in an infinite reboot loop15:50
andre__Stskeeps, yeah. appreciated!15:50
VDVsxkonttori_, only need pygame15:50
VDVsxkonttori_, I've colour issues and fullscreen issues on SB, the rest works15:50
Stskeepskonttori_: it's good to see reboot loops feature is still there ;)15:51
konttori_if it's pygame, then it will work.15:51
lardmanVDVsx: is the shop-mate stuff reasonably uptodate atm?15:51
Stskeepsandre__: i have 3-4 sb-has-it-isms in queue but i'm waiting for answers to the current one :)15:51
lardmanVDVsx: I see some pushes from yesterday so I'm assuming so15:51
VDVsxkonttori_, also I've problems with sound15:51
VDVsxlardman, yes15:52
andre__Stskeeps, Nokians put them to low priority currently (guess they're pushed getting Fremantle in a usable state)15:52
Stskeepsandre__: it's fine, this is good for us in the longer run15:53
Stskeepsless patches to maintain15:53
Stskeepsin the shorter run people will come to mer instead of maemo for source packages ;)15:53
VDVsxlardman, but don't expect too much, the student faced several 'beginner problems', but you know15:53
lardmanVDVsx: how much longer does the project last for?15:54
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VDVsxlardman, ~ 20 August15:55
VDVsxlardman, he's working in the UI right now15:55
lardmanok, I'll have a look see15:55
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X-Fademikkov_: ping?16:10
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Stskeepsandre__: nice opening to the side of bugs that you can actually test the bugs on a fremantle device :P16:13
* Stskeeps applauds that choice by nokia :)16:13
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mikkov_X-Fade: pong16:14
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andre__Stskeeps, it was very helpful to clean up and retest, and if it still happens to forward16:14
X-Fademikkov_: Just to check. You promoted both armel and i386 versions of crimson separately, right?16:14
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andre__cleaned about 80 bugs by that, plus >100 enhancement reqeusts16:14
lardmanbergie: ping16:14
andre__i plan to blog about bug number changes since that happened, and in general in the last year...16:15
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mikkov_X-Fade: yes, since it taking minutes (literally) I promoted the other one too16:15
andre__still many diablo bugs are with specific hardware (e.g. routers), and of course i can't test that in fremantle :-(16:15
X-Fademikkov_: Yeah, that was because the db was loaded last night. Should be better now.16:15
mikkov_X-Fade: should I promote just the other one?16:16
Stskeepsandre__: the question is also the seperation of Maemo HW vs Maemo SW in software.. some bugs may simply not be there because Maemo HW was changed, and Maemo SW evolved16:16
X-Fademikkov_: No, I will start to process the queue manually in half an hour orso.16:16
X-Fademikkov_: But I wanted to be sure that what I see in the queue matches with what I expected.16:16
mikkov_X-Fade: I mean generally, if I happened to promote someting else16:16
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X-Fademikkov_: Normally you would only need to promote the armel one, the other archs should follow automatically.16:17
mikkov_X-Fade: what about the depencies?16:18
X-Fademikkov_: Every non user/* dependency will be promoted with it.16:18
bergielardman: pong16:18
X-Fademikkov_: But it will refuse to promote if there are user/* dependencies.16:18
mikkov_X-Fade: cool, thanks16:18
lardmanbergie: just wondering about bug #369216:19
X-Fademikkov_: crimson pulled in for promotion: libsdl-net1.2, libsdl-ttf2.0-0 and zlib1g16:19
mikkov_X-Fade: zlibg should be in nokia repositories, I believe16:20
bergielardman: we need to make tool that will periodically check and try to reassociate authorships of discussion messages16:20
bergienow that is only done on import time16:20
bergieso if it didn't recognize the sender, then nobody gets karma16:20
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lardmanbergie: any thoughts as to why that might happen - I've not changed my account at all16:20
Jaffabergie: There's another election shortly, and a device programme (hopefully); we need to iron out as many of the outstanding karma issues as possible16:21
X-Fademikkov_: Ah, yeah that was before I fixed the bug this morning. I think. Let me check :D16:21
bergieJaffa: agreed16:21
lardmanbergie: I guess it could be any random thing really couldn't it with the original import process16:21
mikkov_X-Fade: there is newer zlib1g in sdk repo than in extras-devel16:21
mikkov_which is not good16:21
X-Fademikkov_: Yeah, the bug was that it would prefer any local version over newer versions in 'neighbour' repositories.16:22
bergielardman, Jaffa: the karma calculation itself is fairly straightforward:
X-Fademikkov_: Like SDK in this case ;)16:22 the issue must be in the dataset (imported mailing list messages) instead16:22
mikkov_X-Fade: refusing to promote when there is user/* depencies is going to cause problems with plugins16:23
X-Fademikkov_: and they are not promoted already.16:23
lardmanbergie: yeah, well in my case I have ~68 discussion karma, and I've sent a couple of emails recently that were added, I have sent >200 emails overall though, so some must have got lost before the count16:23
X-Fademikkov_: If they are already in the target repo, it will allow promotion.16:23
mikkov_X-Fade: ah, that should work16:24
bergielardman: database says you have written 68 messages16:24
lardmanbergie: my outbox says more ;)16:24
bergiewhat email address do you use when sending?16:24
X-Fademikkov_: You can see now that zlib is indeed matched from sdk if you hover over the link.16:25
lardmanbergie: always
X-Fademikkov_: And it wasn't before this morning.16:25
bergielardman: only 68 messages imported from that email address16:25
bergie(looking at the DB)16:25
lardmanyeah, that's the problem16:25
lardmancan you see the earliest date?16:25
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bergiefirst is from 2008-08-27 15:01:35 and last from 2009-06-03 19:25:0916:26
mikkov_X-Fade: zlib1g should be removed from extras-devel16:26
lardmanbergie: let me check my outbox16:27
lardmans/outbox/saved messages16:27
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X-Fademikkov_: I agree, although I still have to write the script to remove packages from the repo and update the database ;)16:27
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wazdanyone knows Khertan's mail?16:27
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lardmanbenoit hervier?16:28
X-Fadewazd: ;)16:29
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X-Fadewazd: Where you replace username with his username ;)16:29
wazdX-Fade: thanks :)16:29
lardmanoh yeah, my email is now going to get even more spam, oh well16:29
X-Fadelardman: Heh, yeah that is why I didn't want to paste his email in the channel.16:30
lardmanI get loads anyway16:30
lardmana little more will make little difference, and you never know I am getting older, those little blue pills may be useful one day :D16:30
X-FadeWho knows ;)16:31
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lardmanbergie: my first email, so far, was to maemo-users on 21/11/2005 @17.4416:32
X-FadeAnd what's with these berries lately? I get those a lot.16:32
bergielardman: actually the first date from your emails is 2008-08-0816:33
lardmanbergie: and I don't even seem to have the one sent on 27/8/2008, so there are probably a few more than the 288 I have counted here16:33
bergiebut first overall message in the DB is from 2005-05-0216:34
lardmanthough actually a few of these might be to GSoC and things, dunno16:34
bergie(I checked the import timestamp instead of message timestamp initially)16:34
lardmanbergie: so mine should be there really16:34
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X-Fadebergie: What happens if you select the messages based on the email instead of the matched author guid?16:35
bergienothing from before 2008-08-0816:35
lardmanX-Fade: all the messages come from the same email address though16:35
bergieX-Fade: same numbers, I've been checking both16:35
lardmanhmm, strange16:35
bergiethe issue seems that we don't have all messages imported16:35
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X-FadeLooks like they need to be wiped and re-imported from mbox :(16:36
bergieyep, most likely16:37
bergieI'd propose a CLI-based importer this time :-)16:37
lardman is my first post to -dev16:37
lardmanso it does exist somewhere ;)16:37
X-Fadelardman: Yeah, we have all the mbox files backed up ;)16:38
lardman and to -users there16:38
bergieX-Fade: can you check how many messages there are in the mbox files?16:38
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bergieso we have some idea of what % we're missing16:38
X-Fadelardman: So while they are not in the database, they are in the mbox.16:38
xnt14~seen b-man1616:38
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infobotb-man16 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 7d 10h 30m 26s ago, saying: '  '.16:38
lardmanX-Fade: yep16:38
X-Fadebergie: Hmm let me check.16:38
xnt14hmm :P16:38
lardmancheers chaps16:38
bergieanyway, sounds like we just need to reimport them all ;-)16:39
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lardmanshall I add the above to the info bug?16:40
lardmanabove info to the bug that should read16:40
X-Fadebergie: developers: 2201216:41
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bergieX-Fade: maemo-developers forum in DB: 1261816:44
bergiemaemo-users in DB: 1046816:45
bergiemaemo-community in DB: 186916:45
X-Fadebergie: I see 173 mails for simon in -developers.16:46
lardmanI guess some of those emails will be from non-members so it's not quite as bad as it seems16:46
X-FadeWhen grepping for From: and ;)16:47
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lardmanchanging topic, does anyone have /etc/mce/mce.ini online somewhere?16:50
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lardmanactually don't worry, have found some other code to change the LEDs directly16:52
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RST38h"Lance Davis, the main project administrator for CentOS, a popular free "rebuild" of Red Hat's Enterprise Linux, appears to have gone AWOL."16:58
Stskeepshe probably converted to debian or something16:59
RST38hSts: Probably tried upgrading Python on his system16:59
RST38hSts: With CentOS (did not check on Redhat) it is usually catastrophic16:59
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X-Fadejeremiah_afk: ping?17:03
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lardmanrandom python question, can I split my code into multiple files, then use "import" + filename ( to import it into my main file?17:14
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lardmanyes I can apparently, for anyone awake ;)17:17
RST38hyes you can17:18
RST38hbut would you? <cackle>17:18
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* lcuk puts a shoe on his head17:19
lcukoh, hi  lardman \o17:20
lcukdon't mind me17:20
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* lardman wonders if a kopfschuh exists like a handschuh, might explain lcuk17:21
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lcuka vacuum guide?17:25
taliglardman: Sorry - indeed, as you already figured out - you can :)17:26
taliglardman: However as RST38h implied - this isn't necessarily the best practice.17:26
lcukwhy isnt it best practice?17:28
lcukits always a good thing to break down your code instead of having it in one monolithiclump17:28
taliglcuk: Importing a file costs in terms of performance. Some break-downs are good, better for maintenance, etc. But you shouldn't overdo it.17:29
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nomistalig: well, python is not really about high performance anyway IMHO.17:30
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nomisas long as you have a sane structure inside your modules I don't really see a reason to avoid splitting up.17:30
lcuktalig, fix the performance then17:31
talignomis: saying "python is not about high performance" is like saying "N810 is not about usability". Who cares what it's about? You want to make the most of what you're given.17:32
lcukdoes that also mean you should cut back on comments and stuff?17:32
* lcuk can do that part :D17:32
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taliglcuk: If you want to re-read your code tomorrow and spend a day re-figuring it out - sure.17:33
jpt9Hey.  I'm trying to install Pidgin on my Nokia 770; it's running OS 2007HE.17:33
lcuki re-read my code all the time and routinely pickup 1-3-5-10 year old modules and know whats happening17:33
lardmanI'll probably do all my imports at the top anyway, so the slowness will be with startup then I imagine17:33
lcukbut i understand17:33
jpt9For some reason, seems to be down, which is where (I think) the actual files it need to install are hosted.17:33
taliglcuk, nomis: The point is tradeoffs. Everything has a price - take that into consideration. If you're willing to pay it - great.17:34
jpt9I can install 2.4.3 for some reason, but it segfaults...17:34
nomistalig: well, I prefer sacrificing speed over code clarity.17:34
jpt9Any ideas?17:34
taliglardman: yes, slowness will be in startup17:34
lcuktalig, i most certain am not, im a performance junkie, but there is a line and just bulking everything into one file is a bit ott17:34
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lardmantalig: I can live with that while I develop the code anyway17:34
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lardmanthanks chaps17:35
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taliglcuk:  No one said bulking in one file IS good practice. I'm just stressing that you need to maintain balance.17:36
taliglardman: Makes sense to me :) NPO17:36
taligSpeaking of python, anyone ever tried working with ctypes on the N8x0? [specifically, scratchbox?]17:37
lardmanalso speaking of python, can I exclude the self. everywhere if there are no variable clashes?17:38
lardmanand no to the ctypes thing, I think17:38
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lardmananyone use pysqlite here?17:46
lardmanshould I wrap my calls with try, except to catch errors?17:46
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taliglardman: That depends (on the self. thing)17:51
taliglardman: if you're referring to the java-like this.var - then inside a defined class/module - you can - same as java. There's more subtelty regarding things like def self.method (which is the equivalent of a static method if I recall correctly, but I may be confusing with RU17:52
infobottalig meant: lardman: if you're referring to the java-like this.var - then inside a defined class/module - you can - same as java. There's more subtelty regarding things like def self.method (which is the equivalent of a static method if I recall correctly, but I may ...17:52
lardmanyeah I was just thinking about variables within class methods17:53
taliglardman: then yes :)17:53
lardmananother quick question, " or ' are they the same?17:53
* lardman wishes he'd brought his Python book to work17:53
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X-Fadelol, a judge in NL has just ruled that The Pirate Bay may not be available within 10 days for people in NL.18:05
StskeepsX-Fade: similar to danish one, except all of the telecom business has gone together and taking the case to supreme court :P18:06
qwerty12_N810Not like it'll be worth going to TPB anymore, anyway :)18:06
X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: Indeed.18:06
* Stskeeps loathes tpb personally but that's another issue18:06
X-Fadeqwerty12_N810: and now the want to go legit, it might create a new case.18:07
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X-FadeOne of blocking a legit company ;)18:07
Stskeepsi doubt that trade will happen tbh18:07
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Stskeepsespecially after the magic "open tracker" stuff18:07
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X-FadeIt will be interesting to see where they want to enforce the block though.18:08
Stskeepsprobably DNS level18:09
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X-Fadeheh, that would be lame ;)18:09
Stskeepsin .dk it'll be a truely interesting case in the danish supreme court - censorship is explictly forbidden in the danish constitution :P18:09
Stskeepsyeah, but effective18:09
X-FadeStskeeps: opendns?18:10
Stskeepsfor those who know how to use it :)18:10
pablowhere I find a repository Qtkinetic for fremantle?18:11
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yigali'm installing easy deb. now is it possible to copy the image file to another image larger in size, and use the larger image?18:36
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fiferboylbt: Hi!18:59
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andre__uargh. braindead nokia specs19:22
andre__signature above the quote in email composer. crap.19:22
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GAN800andre__, Modest is still going to be a piece of shit, isn't it?19:27
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konttori_Stskeeps: what is nick of the guy who wanted me to test
andre__GAN800, it's definitely better than in Diablo19:28
andre__but some stuff is... urgh19:28
RST38hwhy would anyone put signature on top?19:28
GAN800Composing and viewing is still going to be broken as all get out.19:28
andre__"In the case of a reply or forward, the signature shall appear immediately above the "Reply" or "Forward" separator"19:28
andre__"This will allow the user to edit or delete the signature prior to transmission if required."19:29
konttori_modest is really quite nice now.19:29
andre__it's a feature, it's a feature! ;-)19:29
konttori_in actual use19:29
GAN800It's like these people have never used a real email client in their lives.19:29
andre__damn. somebody hand over an argumentation against this please19:29
GAN800At least GMail will be usable.19:29
RST38hkonttori: Still hangs checking email via intermittent connections?19:29
RST38handre: What are Reply/Forward separators?19:30
GAN800konttori_, does it manage not to double-wrap plaintext emails?19:30
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andre__RST38h, Stuff like "---Forwarded message---"19:30
konttori_GAN800:  i'll test19:30
GAN800andre__, "use any real email client on the market."19:30
RST38handre: I know why it is on top of that19:30
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andre__GAN800, these are non-arguments, and you know that :)19:31
Jaffaandre__: Point to the various arguments on top-posting.19:31
Jaffaandre__: There's an argument for forwarding, fine. But replies shouldn't be being separated like that - especially if there's a quote character.19:31
andre__oh no, that means i have to google myself :-P19:31
* Jaffa is about to get on a train ;-p19:31
JaffaThe problem is that the modest spec authors and developers seem fixated on an HTML email world.19:32
andre__a cunning excuse, young man!19:32
Jaffai.e. hell.19:32
RST38handre: I think they suppose you to type in your reply on top, above your signature19:32
andre__yeah :-(19:32
RST38handre: While the original message goes under the signature19:32
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VDVsxkonttori_, any luck ?19:32
GAN800Basically, what Nokia is slowly pounding into my skull is that I should _never_ be optimistic about any product they lay their hands on and _never_ bother wasting my time trying to help improve them.19:32
andre__too many broken promises, eh? yeah :-/19:33
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ShadowJKWhat IS a reply or forward separator?19:35
andre__ShadowJK, stuff like "---Forwarded message---" or "---Replied message---"19:35
andre__A: No.19:36
andre__Q: Shall I top-post?19:36
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ShadowJKand surely your forwards are base64 attachments anyway :-(19:36
ShadowJKso you don't lose headers19:36
* ShadowJK is in the middle of replicating the email system from his home server onto his dedi server, adding imap..19:37
ShadowJKI guess i should give up on using modest to read that then eh?19:37
* ShadowJK hasn't used email on tablet before19:37
RST38hGAN800: Hello, Captain Obvious.19:37
andre__Wikipedia says "Top-posting seems to be the most common style in business e-mail correspondence."19:37
RST38handre: Here, Wiki solved it for you :)19:38
thuxis there lot of strings which effect email programs like begin space space to old oe?19:38
RST38hAnyways, Modest is utterly useless until its background mailcheck process is fixed19:38
thuxold oe made attachment for any email where was begin space space in beginning19:40
ShadowJKFedex has funny email practices. SMSd me, called me. I called back, she gave me an email address to email. She also snailmailed a letter with the email address. I reply via email, and a few weeks later she replies, via snailmail.19:40
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RST38hShadowJK: They rotate communication methods in a round robin fashion.19:44
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andre__anybody knows about signature top-post/top-bottom defaults in other mailers? like thunderbird or outlook?19:49
ShadowJKThe more interesting question is... which mailers automatically trim the other person's signature? :)19:50
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andre__oh yeah, that's also very interesting!19:51
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andre__eeks. starting thunderbird for the first time since years. still account preferences are messy as in netscape 4 :-(19:51
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RST38hHere, salivate:
javispedroI salivate over the 4 row keyboard but not the general design of it19:53
javispedrohidden dpad, for example :(19:53
ShadowJKI just enabled signature in kmail. I clicked reply on a message. Kmail inserted "On Tuesday" ... "You wrote:" etc on the first line, then quoted the message I was replying to, but trimmed the signature away. It placed the cursor below the message, and the signature at the end.19:54
RST38hjavispdro: It is still better than n810 dpad19:54
RST38hjavispedro: and N97 dpad too19:54
andre__ShadowJK, thanks a lot! Need data to convince managers....19:55
ShadowJKThe first signature being the signature of the person I was replying, and the second signature being my own19:55
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konttori_VDVsx: I just wanted to let you know that I'm now starting to test19:57
RST38handre: I think you will have better luck making suggestions that make Modest as absurd as possible19:57
VDVsxkonttori_, cool thanks :)19:58
RST38handre: For example, it may be worth suggestion bottom placement of From:/To:/CC: widgets19:58
andre__RST38h, seen that one, yeah19:58
andre__RST38h, yeah, but as I said, the kitchensink feature is still leaking, hence the N900 cannot be sold yet ;-))19:58
RST38handre: mmm?19:58
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andre__Re absurd suggestions ;-)19:59
RST38handre: Seriously though, somebody has to do real testing on the mailcheck part (Camel)19:59
javispedrobtw, can any of those with the "nokia mobile kitchensink device" test the openttd package i just uploaded to fremantle? ;)19:59
RST38hjavispedro: btw, have you promoted the newest openttd into diablo extras? =)20:00
javispedroRST38h, not yet :) the newest opengfx instead20:00
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RST38handre: Not just address bugzilla trackers but seriously stress test it20:00
RST38handre: As in placing the device just outside wifi range, keeping it there for a week or so20:00
javispedroi'd like to know if the sdl 8-bit palette "swap" i'm experiencing it's just a xephyr thing or happens on real device20:00
andre__javispedro, hmm, cannot see that package in Application manager, but i guess that's because it's a library and not an app20:01
ShadowJKhm... does modest use / or mmc for storage? what about claws?20:01
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javispedroandre__, try openttd (it's user/games)20:01
javispedro(it'll pull opengfx)20:02
javispedroso no commercial files needed :D20:02
andre__cannot see it yet20:02
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javispedroah, it build an hour ago20:02
andre__javispedro, ping me tomorrow again :)20:03
javispedro btw nice job with that20:03
andre__kudos to X-Fade and jeremiah for that iirc20:03
andre__yeah, sexy20:03
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ShadowJKOK, I give up. I'm trying to make an account in modest. It says "Unable to discover supported secure authentication methods". But, uh, with tcpdump I see it's not even trying to contact server? wtf?20:27
javispedroVDVsx, sorry, I just request by accident to be the maintainer for Bluemaemo. Was just testing around the packages interface and didn't expect it would "store my request" without confirmation20:27
StskeepsShadowJK: claws ftw20:28
javispedroI guess I should file a bug since an HTTP GET request "SHOULD NOT" do any action20:28
RST38hClaws is really decent20:28
RST38hIncluding the UI even20:28
andre__ShadowJK, thanks again for the kmail info. was very appreciated as i only have evo and thunderbird here20:28
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VDVsxjavispedro, np, but I didn't received any notification20:29
ShadowJKok, so no secure authentication. Now how the hell do I make it connect20:30
* ShadowJK pushes the refresh icon and it does... nothing20:30
javispedroah, the bug was already filled ;)20:31
RST38hyou don'y20:32
ShadowJKhm.. restarted it... now it connects to the imap server, queries its capabilities, and then disconnects20:32
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ShadowJKwith no telling me the user if there was something unsatistfactory about the server's capabilities...20:32
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* ShadowJK installs claws20:34
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ShadowJKclaws is neat :)21:02
Stskeepsyes it is21:03
Stskeepsi'm thinking of adopting on my desktop too21:03
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Jaffaandre__: Google Mail puts signatures after replies' quoted text21:40
konttori_VDVsx: so, have you developed that game?21:40
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fiferboylbt: I just created a git repo for my birdlist project :)21:43
Luke-JrJaffa: uh, of course it does? where else would you put a sig? :þ21:44
qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: nice21:47
Stskeeps(saju seems to be quite good at this stuff21:47
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Luke-JrStskeeps: what is it?21:49
Luke-Jran image viewer showing a blank ?21:49
Stskeepsgpicview hildonised21:50
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JaffaLuke-Jr: We were discussing earlier what Modest's spec says it should do. It does not do what we'd actually want21:52
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konttori_nice. python clutter packages are now available for arm:
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Luke-JrJaffa: there's not really many possibilities...? sigs are always at the bottom :þ21:54
JaffaLuke-Jr: Is that a smiley at the end, cos it looks like a character not supported by my terminal21:55
Luke-Jra :P21:55
Stskeepsluke uses utf-821:55
JaffaHow can :P be a utf-8 character?21:56
Stskeepsshows correctly on my terminal :P21:56
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Luke-JrJaffa: I've been here for weeks, I have my own logs -.-21:58
* Luke-Jr stabs IRC client for screwing up links21:59
VDVsxkonttori_, nop21:59
Luke-Jrwtf would you want a sig at the top of an email?22:00
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konttori_ardenthyst starting. opens screen.22:01
konttori_... and crashed.22:01
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qwerty12_N810Can I have the rights to that movie?22:01
VDVsxkonttori_, sound problem ? try with -ns22:01
konttori_it was able to show something on the screen for a sec.22:02
konttori_ok. testing22:02
konttori_it shows now the logo22:02
konttori_which seems to linger on the screen.22:02
konttori_what should I do? wait?22:02
VDVsxkonttori_, yes wait a bit22:03
VDVsxit's a loading screen22:03
konttori_hmmm.. ok.22:03
konttori_how long is it supposed to last?22:04
VDVsxkonttori_, just a few seconds, at least in the sdk22:04
konttori_hmm... seems to take much longer on the device.22:04
konttori_I'll retry opening it.22:04
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VDVsxkonttori_, can you check the console output ?22:05
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konttori_it's just saying that not starting sound module22:05
konttori_it's not taking any cpu.22:06
konttori_... around 6%22:07
VDVsxit also works in my n810, but is tooooooooo slow :P22:08
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konttori_any way for it to be more verbose on command line?22:09
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VDVsxkonttori_, don't tink so, you can try with -q22:10
VDVsxslow mode :)22:10
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Macerok ebay auctions are scammed22:15
Macerpeople get their buddies to bid to drive the price up22:15
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Stskeepsyou're at 700 usd for a tablet atm?22:16
Macernow i am hoping i lose already22:16
Stskeepsif so, i'd like to sell you one for 69922:16
Macerfor a new one22:16
konttori_trying now with -q option. it's consuming now 30% cpu. so, more than previously ;)22:17
Maceran n800? ;)22:17
Stskeepsnah, n810 :P22:17
Macerno thanks22:17
Macerthere is a wimax ed on amazon for 150022:17
Stskeepsyou can also buy a slightly broken n800 for 230 .. ;P22:17
Stskeeps1500? wtf22:17
Maceri know22:17
Stskeepseven though it's a rarity..22:17
Macerguess demand is pretty high22:17
Macerin baltimore22:17
Stskeepsiphone 3gs is like 1500 or something with subscription for 6 months included22:18
Stskeepsin .dk22:18
Macersll that for a compass?22:18
Maceri just want the n810 for carman22:18
Stskeepsin .dk they have to state the total cost of phone including the obligatory subscription22:18
Maceri already ordered my by scan tool22:18
Stskeepsand it's like 1000-1500 or something22:19
Maceri see22:19
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Stskeepswhich means i'm never going to complain about nokia tablet pricing again22:19
Maceratt in dk?22:19
Stskeepsnah, we don't have att22:19
Maceror some other co?22:19
Macerah. i see22:19
Macerlike canadian rogers22:19
Macerlots of people seem to have problems with htc and rogers22:20
Macerah well.. bbl22:20
Maceri need a damn n810 tho22:20
Macershould have gotten one sooner ;)22:20
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konttori_VDVsx: it opened!22:20
konttori_the menu ran with decent speed.22:21
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konttori_but then it jammed. I think there is something that is not working correctly22:23
konttori_oh, now I see text coming from bottom.22:23
konttori_but really slow.22:23
VDVsxthat part is also very slow in the n810 :(22:24
konttori_I think there is something that is not written very optimally in that game.22:24
konttori_how do I skip it?22:24
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konttori_c does not help22:25
VDVsxkonttori_, sorry esc or return22:26
VDVsxc in the following screens (c acts like enter, lolol)22:26
lbtfiferboy :)22:27
konttori_ok. well, I cannot skip it.22:27
VDVsxkonttori_, don't have the return key :P ?22:27
fiferboylbt: Now I can make major changes that I was putting off because I had no easy way of backing them out if they didn't work.22:27
konttori_I have return key, but it doesn't work22:28
VDVsxkonttori_, :(22:28
lbtusing branches of course22:28
fiferboylbt: Of course :)22:28
konttori_well, key works, but the app is not responding to it.22:28
fiferboyAn experimental branch for the changes, a build branch to merge onto, and a separate clone to do the actual build22:28
konttori_and I know that pygame gets the key correctly as I use it in ukmp22:28
VDVsxkonttori_, probably it will run slowly anyway, thanks for the effort22:29
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lbtexplore branches that add a specific feature22:29
lbtonce the feature works you merge back to master and discard22:29
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fiferboylbt: I am trying to determine how to best branch my application22:30
fiferboyDo I really need anything more than master (besides temporary branches) on a project this size?22:30
konttori_VDVsx: you can estimate that the device is 2-3 times faster than n810.22:30
fiferboyShoudl debian (and debian-maemo) be permanent branches?22:30
lbtif you maintain it22:31
konttori_some perf is lost on the compositing, but, if you run non-composited, of course, you gain it back.22:31
lbtnot those, no22:31
lbtbut I'd consider master=stable22:31
konttori_and that game runs quite a bit better in non composited mode.22:31
lbtand what you publish to extras22:31
lbtand then consider what features you want to add22:31
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lbtand branch-per-feature is common22:31
lbtuntil you are happy it's 'done'22:32
lbtthen merge+discard22:32
fiferboylbt: Right now I have a database-revamp branch22:32
fiferboySo when I am done the changes, I'll merge and discard22:32
fiferboyIf I have problems with it down the line (say after several other changes) I can still back it out, right?22:32
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lbtequally you can branch master to fix a bug22:33
lbtand not have to disrupt db-revamp22:34
VDVsxkonttori_, strange it 'runs' on my n810, probably some mad programming :), did you ran any game with decent graphics on the device ?22:35
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fiferboylbt: I am finally confident when deleting vast swaths of code22:37
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ShadowJKanyone got any experience with how much mail claws can handle?22:40
derfLess than 20,000 messages.22:43
derfAt 20,000, it would load up my mailbox just fine, but as soon as it went to check mail, it started swapping and never stopped.22:43
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StskeepsShadowJK: it handles my email fine22:44
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fiferboylbt: How is OBS going?22:44
ShadowJKderf: tried it with less?22:45
derfShadowJK: No.22:45
lbtgood - I'm almost done with phase one of the crossbuilding22:45
derfI didn't feel like deleting mail to test out a mail program that was obviously going to be unsuitable for me.22:45
ShadowJKderf: was that in one folder or spread across many?22:45
derfThat was 3 folders.22:45
* ShadowJK abandons idea to import his email then22:46
ShadowJKI'll just limit myself to new emails during holiday22:46
fiferboylbt: Phase one?  I take it all subsequent phases are simple by comparison?22:46
Maceri didnt know pandora was a damn game system22:47
Macerlike some handheld gaming crap22:47
lcukkonttori_, you sound like you can run in both composited and non composited modes,  or was that part hypothetical22:48
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* lcuk waves at everyone as well \o22:48
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lbtfiferboy: phase 2 will be hard :)22:55
lbtfirst bit was getting i586 packages built in a way that they install "out of the way" on armel chroot22:56
lbtand then symlink over the armel variant22:56
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lbtand use .so libs that have been pushed to one side22:57
lbtall as part of the OBS build system and so you can use them seamlessly :)22:57
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fiferboylbt: This speeds up compilation?23:02
lbtthat's the idea23:02
lbtlike sb223:02
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lcukqwerty12_N810, can i have a word23:05
qwerty12_N810lcuk: sure23:06
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fiferboylbt: Is this something that needs to be maintained as packages change?23:08
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lbtlightly (I hope)23:09
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