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t_s_o | hmm, will future maemo use eglibc? | 00:09 |
GAN8001 | t_s_o, way too early. | 00:11 |
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luke-jr | t_s_o: probably | 00:13 |
luke-jr | even Debian is using eglibc now | 00:13 |
t_s_o | i spotted the "news", thats why i asked | 00:14 |
pferrill | anyone get 5.0 SDK running on Ubuntu 9.04? | 00:14 |
pferrill | beta | 00:14 |
cheng_99 | hi is there anyone how to use animation banner? i wrote some code to use animation banner with timeout function, but it is disappeared just showing a second | 00:15 |
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Corsac | luke-jr: “even”? | 00:16 |
Corsac | luke-jr: who else uses it? | 00:16 |
luke-jr | Corsac: uh, Debian's only one of the top 2 distros… they're enough | 00:16 |
Corsac | ? | 00:17 |
xnt14 | ~seen xnt|school | 00:22 |
infobot | xnt|school <n=xnt_atsc@> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 4h 18s ago, saying: 'GAN: ok thanks'. | 00:22 |
xnt14 | :P | 00:23 |
VDVsx | pferrill, what is the problem ? | 00:26 |
pferrill | seems like an issue w/ repositories under the x86 target | 00:27 |
pferrill | works under Armel | 00:27 |
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VDVsx | pferrill, it should be a problem in resolve.conf | 00:28 |
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VDVsx | pferrill, check /etc/resolv.conf | 00:30 |
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pferrill | nameserver | 00:30 |
pferrill | I got down to the portion in the install where you install the nokia-binaries on both target | 00:32 |
pferrill | apt-get update | 00:32 |
pferrill | fakeroot apt-get install nokia-binaries | 00:32 |
pferrill | worked fine on armel | 00:32 |
pferrill | then I get Err http://repository.maemo.org fremantel/sdk Release.gpg | 00:33 |
pferrill | Temporary failure resolving 'repository.maemo.org' | 00:33 |
pferrill | under sbox-FREMANTLE_X86 | 00:33 |
VDVsx | pferrill, ping works ? | 00:34 |
pferrill | resolves to an akami address | 00:34 |
pferrill | for the repository.maemo.org | 00:34 |
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pferrill | | 00:35 |
VDVsx | pferrill, and what do you have in resolv.conf in the armel target ? | 00:36 |
pferrill | same in both | 00:36 |
pferrill | nameserver | 00:36 |
cheng_99 | is there anyone know how to make hildon_banner_show_progress() showing the correct progressing?; | 00:36 |
VDVsx | pferrill, try to put your host address in the nameserver field (router address) | 00:38 |
pferrill | as in nameserver | 00:39 |
VDVsx | yup | 00:39 |
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pferrill | hehe | 00:40 |
pferrill | working now | 00:40 |
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VDVsx | nice, I had a similar problem with the diablo SDK | 00:41 |
pferrill | wonder why Armel worked and X86 didn't | 00:41 |
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pferrill | thx for the help VDVsx | 00:42 |
VDVsx | pferrill, np | 00:42 |
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pferrill | uh oh | 00:43 |
pferrill | got to the bottom and said | 00:43 |
pferrill | update-rc.d not found on PATH | 00:43 |
b-man16 | try running PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin and see if that helps ;) | 00:44 |
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pferrill | can't find fakeroot now | 00:46 |
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b-man16 | try this then: PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11 | 00:47 |
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pferrill | nope | 00:49 |
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b-man16 | did you see if you had update-rc.d? try running 'ls /usr/sbin' and see what comes up | 00:50 |
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thopiekar | I'm now going to take some sleep.. see you soon :) | 00:54 |
b-man16 | see ya thopiekar | 00:55 |
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pferrill | I think I'm going to reinstall as I'm not sure what's what | 00:55 |
pferrill | tnx | 00:55 |
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VDVsx | pferrill, did you try to run the UI ? | 00:57 |
VDVsx | or did you got some critical errors during the installation of the nokia binaries | 00:58 |
pferrill | there was a problem at the end | 00:59 |
pferrill | got the message | 00:59 |
pferrill | update-rc.d not found on PATH | 00:59 |
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VDVsx | pferrill, and you don't have fakeroot now ? | 01:02 |
qgil | I'm starting to think whether it's perhaps counterproductive that I put so much time in talk.maemo.org discussion and work | 01:02 |
Stskeeps | qgil: ah - i think that's a pretty common feeling amongst many active people at the moment | 01:02 |
qgil | the last one I read is that the merge of subforum under Alternatives was done as an attempt to minimize the critique to Nokia, or something like that | 01:03 |
Stskeeps | conspiracy nuts :) | 01:03 |
qgil | many things I'm doing are seen as part of a Nokia doctrine or something | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | qgil, you're a part of the evil maemo.org conspiracy, didn't you hear? | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Probably worth steering clear for the next month or so while people settle down. | 01:04 |
Stskeeps | btw, whoever added the "X people viewing" to forums list should get a medal | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | The inmates have taken over the asylum at the moment. | 01:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Stskeeps, that's been around forever. | 01:05 |
Stskeeps | i think it's interesting maemo.org, Applications, Alternatives and N800 has same amount of people viewing :) | 01:05 |
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VDVsx | GAN is the leader of this conspiracy :) | 01:05 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, you have an appointment in room 101. :) | 01:06 |
yerga | it's being a funny week in Talk :) | 01:06 |
lcuk | gan is a conspiracy all of his own | 01:06 |
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qgil | lately I even feel bad moving a thread from General to OS2008... | 01:06 |
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Stskeeps | in any case, i am starting to see nice synergies between maemo.org and iTT, and some people just have trouble accepting change. it's important for the community to organize because else there won't be a community eventually, as it'd die out | 01:06 |
lcuk | on that point qgil, what happens to thanks in a thread if its moved to one without? | 01:06 |
qgil | lcuk: no idea | 01:07 |
qgil | but I think you agree that your finger cut is more an off-topic than a general topic :) | 01:07 |
lcuk | heh ive got no qualms, but i did notice in the sticky it said "if you arent sure post in general" | 01:08 |
lcuk | i wasnt posting about my finger though - i want tech in here! | 01:08 |
Stskeeps | but as i've said at some point, the community is going through puberty and is kicking and screaming for no reasonable reason :P | 01:09 |
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VDVsx | qgil, on your first point, it's a shame that some of the maemo.talk users don't value the big volunteer contribution that some nokians give in those forums :( | 01:09 |
GAN8001 | VDVsx, volunteer? Ha! It's a conspiracy to strip them of their free will! | 01:10 |
qgil | anyway, I think I should do just work in the background, keep highlighting existing work and information at maemo.org and answer as Nokia rep only when a Nokia rep is asked | 01:10 |
VDVsx | GAN8001, the SW developers, I think they don't have some kind of contract clause that obligate them to discuss in forums | 01:11 |
lcuk | qgil, in your freetime you should do whatever makes you happy :) you can post gleefully from an iphone if you want etc :D | 01:11 |
qgil | the fact is that being a community member in tmo makes me happy - this is why I'm here just like you at this time of the day/night | 01:13 |
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qgil | but at some point... | 01:13 |
Stskeeps | i think the fires just need to die down right now, people will get back to their happy iTT addiction soon enough | 01:14 |
Stskeeps | and start doing something constructive instead | 01:14 |
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qgil | I know all this is a conspiracy to make us launch a device, so everybody has something better to discuss about ;) | 01:14 |
VDVsx | Stskeeps, agreed, but this will only happens when the fremantle device hit the shelf's :) | 01:15 |
Stskeeps | qgil: it's community psychosis because there's no rumours to make us discuss sanely :P | 01:15 |
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Stskeeps | blurry pictures are more than welcome ;) | 01:15 |
VDVsx | Stskeeps, you can help on that | 01:16 |
qgil | actually I enjoyed these pictures a lot: http://forum.openhandhelds.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=924 | 01:16 |
Stskeeps | initially i thought lcuk's finger picture was the rx-51.. | 01:16 |
Stskeeps | :P | 01:16 |
lcuk | :D | 01:16 |
Stskeeps | (the x-ray) | 01:16 |
lcuk | !! i am allowed beer finally btw | 01:17 |
* lcuk raises a glass | 01:17 | |
Stskeeps | yay beer | 01:17 |
VDVsx | Stskeeps, take some blurry pictures of the smartQ and post them somewhere :P | 01:17 |
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Stskeeps | VDVsx: hehe :P | 01:17 |
VDVsx | claiming that is rx-51/71 | 01:17 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, ive missed it more than anything | 01:18 |
VDVsx | OMG no d-paf | 01:18 |
VDVsx | eheheh | 01:18 |
Stskeeps | VDVsx: oh, people would get into a fit. but honestly, fremantle could work without a dpad | 01:18 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, yeah, post somepics, but include a few diamond keys | 01:18 |
Stskeeps | i realized it with playing with mer on it | 01:18 |
Stskeeps | and it'd actually work quite well | 01:18 |
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VDVsx | Stskeeps, the true: I only used the d-pad of my device to test keystrokes for bluemaemo :P | 01:19 |
lcuk | steps to zen: download fremantle sdk. install. install vncserver into scratchbox. install vncclient on tablet. figure out the rest | 01:19 |
Stskeeps | morning timeless_mbp | 01:19 |
timeless_mbp | afternoon localtime | 01:19 |
* lcuk loves that trick :) | 01:20 | |
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luke-jr | is it possible to do a git checkout that doesn't eat a ton of space for old revisions? :/ | 01:20 |
luke-jr | eg, just the specific tag/HEAD | 01:20 |
lcuk | luke-jr, git is all about history | 01:20 |
luke-jr | does that mean "no"? | 01:21 |
lcuk | ask the almighty google | 01:21 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: btw, where is it you can ignore people on iTT? :P | 01:21 |
luke-jr | lcuk: Google is useless more often than not for these things | 01:22 |
luke-jr | and in this particular question | 01:22 |
lbt | Stskeeps: I thought that was IRC ? | 01:22 |
lbt | http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html | 01:22 |
* VDVsx noticed a new theme in the fremantle sdk | 01:22 | |
Stskeeps | lbt: my head would be a lot better if i didn't have to slam it into the table over some posts on talk.. | 01:23 |
Stskeeps | :P | 01:23 |
lbt | go on, what thread? | 01:23 |
Stskeeps | lbt: ah, multiple :) | 01:23 |
lcuk | thats whats needed, not a FOAD button, but a facepalm button | 01:24 |
qgil | VDVsx: you mean updated in the repository? | 01:24 |
VDVsx | qgil, yup, I updated now | 01:25 |
lbt | X-Fade were you having issues reproducing a login bug on talk | 01:26 |
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qgil | VDVsx: yes, there was some bug and that was the fix, Soumya commented in some bug I can't remember, this morning | 01:26 |
VDVsx | qgil, is the same buttons and colours shown in your last fremantle post(modest screen), I got the old one's when install the fremantle beta, now seems prettier | 01:27 |
VDVsx | :) | 01:27 |
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qgil | yes, that could be VDVsx - I think the close window button was missing or something like that | 01:28 |
qgil | anyway, time to zzzz | 01:28 |
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qgil | thanks for the chat and please throw me a stone if you see me posting too much in tmo - I definitely need to mov more to quiet and productive backstage work | 01:29 |
GAN8001 | qgil, Stskeeps is right. Give it a month. | 01:30 |
lcuk | agreed, this will settle down | 01:30 |
GAN8001 | Stskeeps, somewhere in control panel. | 01:30 |
timeless_mbp | Stskeeps: i'm now in us eastern tz :) | 01:31 |
sp3000 | lbt, was it something about semi-sso js magic vs how enter happens from vkb / fkb? | 01:31 |
GAN8001 | qgil, and although there's a very vocal minority who love to spew the bile around, you can rest assured that the vast majority of people appreciate your contributions. ;) | 01:31 |
lbt | sp3000: I had a blank page on a desktop and think I got httpheader trace | 01:31 |
qgil | na ja, gute nacht! | 01:32 |
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StsN801 | i've seen this phenomena before, heh. oss project. we changed config format | 01:33 |
luke-jr | hmm | 01:33 |
StsN801 | people went insane. | 01:33 |
luke-jr | [17:30:24] <qgil> ah, that would do ☹NULL)) | 01:34 |
* luke-jr stabs his replace | 01:34 | |
StsN801 | after release people was happy. | 01:34 |
luke-jr | [17:30:24] <qgil> ah, that would do :) | 01:34 |
luke-jr | does that mean "yes"? | 01:34 |
StsN801 | .. context? | 01:35 |
* sp3000 wonders what gets you from :) to sadface null double close paren | 01:35 | |
luke-jr | I was asking about gpsdriver source w/ TI bits replaced with "// FIXME: TI IPR" | 01:35 |
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luke-jr | sp3000: to disable the auto-replace, I insert -NULL-, but did (NULL) instead | 01:35 |
sp3000 | that sounds slighlty arcane, but ok :) | 01:37 |
lardman | re | 01:38 |
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luke-jr | sp3000: ? | 01:38 |
sp3000 | fighting replaces with a -NULL- that is | 01:39 |
sp3000 | but it does explain how you get from :) to :( :) | 01:39 |
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pferrill | Hey VDVsx I reinstalled and all works now! | 01:41 |
luke-jr | ☺ | 01:41 |
VDVsx | pferrill, odd | 01:41 |
pferrill | didn't even have to do the resolv.conf change | 01:42 |
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VDVsx | eeh, I had to do that change in diablo, but no need in freemantle :P | 01:42 |
* b-man16 | 01:43 | |
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* GAN8001 steals on of VDVsx's e's. | 01:44 | |
GAN8001 | s/on/one/ | 01:44 |
infobot | GAN8001 meant: qgil, and although there's a very vocal minority who love to spew the bile around, you can rest assured that the vast majority of people appreciate your conetributions. ;) | 01:44 |
GAN8001 | infobot, no. | 01:44 |
GAN8001 | infobot, bad bot. | 01:45 |
infobot | Bad bot., bad! No cookie for you! | 01:45 |
VDVsx | lol | 01:45 |
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xnt14 | rofl | 01:47 |
xnt14 | no I really loled | 01:47 |
xnt14 | :P | 01:47 |
xnt14 | infobot, good bot | 01:47 |
infobot | xnt14: :) | 01:47 |
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xnt14 | :P | 01:47 |
xnt14 | infobot, bad bot | 01:47 |
infobot | Bad bot, bad! No cookie for you! | 01:47 |
xnt14 | roflzomg :P | 01:47 |
xnt14 | ok ill stop | 01:47 |
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xnt14 | ~seen b-man16 | 01:57 |
infobot | b-man16 is currently on #maemo (1h 16m 47s). Has said a total of 12 messages. Is idling for 1h 2m 46s, last said: 'see ya thopiekar'. | 01:57 |
xnt14 | :P | 01:57 |
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VDVsx | ~burn xnt14 computer | 02:01 |
* infobot pours gasoline all over xnt14 computer, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze | 02:01 | |
VDVsx | heheheh | 02:01 |
xnt14 | ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 02:01 |
xnt14 | where the hell did that come from? :P | 02:02 |
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VDVsx | xnt14|compburned, just kidding, no offence :P | 02:02 |
xnt14|compburned | oh ok :P | 02:02 |
xnt14|compburned | none taken | 02:02 |
xnt14|compburned | just that I was like that was random :P | 02:03 |
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xnt14|compburned | ~fix xnt14's computer | 02:03 |
* infobot opens the hood of xnt14's computer , looks inside and says "that'll be 500 dollars." | 02:03 | |
xnt14|compburned | :P | 02:03 |
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* xnt14|compburned swipes VDVsx's creditcard and charges it on that :P | 02:04 | |
VDVsx | xnt14|compburned, 'infobot' have a lot of funny commands, but I don't remember them, qwerty and b-man are the masters in that area :P | 02:04 |
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xnt14 | yup | 02:05 |
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b-man16 | ~fix xnt14's head | 02:05 |
* infobot opens the hood of xnt14's head , looks inside and says "that'll be 500 dollars." | 02:05 | |
b-man16 | lol | 02:05 |
xnt14 | ~nuke b-man and VDVsx | 02:05 |
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at b-man and VDVsx ... B☢☢M! | 02:05 | |
xnt14 | lol | 02:05 |
xnt14 | infobot, smartbot | 02:06 |
b-man16 | ~kill xnt14 | 02:06 |
* infobot shoots a magneto-ionized pseudoneutron gun at xnt14 | 02:06 | |
b-man16 | lol | 02:06 |
xnt14 | lol | 02:06 |
xnt14 | ~stab b-man | 02:06 |
* infobot runs at b-man with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut. | 02:06 | |
xnt14 | ~screw b-man | 02:06 |
b-man16 | ~attack xnt14 | 02:06 |
* infobot asks b-man to bend over | 02:06 | |
* infobot grabs a pen, screams like she's possessed, and begins chasing xnt14 | 02:06 | |
b-man16 | ~screw xnt14 | 02:07 |
* infobot asks xnt14 to bend over | 02:07 | |
xnt14 | 0.o | 02:07 |
b-man16 | hahaha!! | 02:07 |
* b-man16 lols | 02:07 | |
xnt14 | lol | 02:08 |
xnt14 | that was wierd | 02:08 |
xnt14 | ~destroy b-man16 | 02:08 |
infobot | no | 02:08 |
xnt14 | :P | 02:08 |
xnt14 | rofl | 02:08 |
b-man16 | XD | 02:08 |
xnt14 | DX | 02:08 |
xnt14 | ~rearrange b-man16 | 02:08 |
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xnt14 | ~rearrange b-man16's innards | 02:09 |
xnt14 | :P | 02:09 |
xnt14 | wait | 02:09 |
xnt14 | ill get xntbot up | 02:09 |
b-man16 | ~mess up xnt14 | 02:09 |
xnt14 | ~overclock b-man16 | 02:09 |
* infobot overclocks b-man16 until b-man16 burns out! | 02:09 | |
xnt14 | :P | 02:09 |
xnt14 | XD | 02:09 |
* b-man16 needs to eat dinner - i'll be back | 02:10 | |
xnt14 | ok | 02:10 |
b-man16 | (soon) lol | 02:10 |
VDVsx | time to sleep, good night folks :) | 02:11 |
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xnt14 | VDVsx: bye | 02:14 |
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lardman | night all | 02:19 |
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jeremiah_ | g'night! | 02:20 |
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lcuk | jeremiah_, you have to be quick with lardman! | 02:26 |
jaem | Stskeeps: are you going to be around in 6 or 7 hours? | 02:27 |
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*** also is now known as xnt14 | 02:27 | |
xnt14 | :P | 02:27 |
* xnt14 also has to eat dinner -brb, :P | 02:27 | |
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GeneralAntilles | lcuk, he doesn't daly around. | 02:29 |
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jaem | I have to run to catch a bus - can someone poke Stskeeps and tell him I'll be around in about 6-7 hours, if he wants to discuss whatever it was he wanted my help with? | 02:31 |
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lcuk | GeneralAntilles - sometimes im sure he exits so fast his message never actually hits freenode servers | 02:39 |
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dmsuperman | Does maemo use something beside X? | 03:54 |
dmsuperman | What's the window manager / desktop environment called? | 03:55 |
x29a | hildon? | 03:56 |
x29a | i have no clue actually | 03:56 |
penguinbait | matchbox | 03:56 |
penguinbait | is the WM | 03:56 |
penguinbait | hildon is the desktop | 03:56 |
dmsuperman | What's hildon, I know I've seen that | 03:56 |
dmsuperman | IS that the DE? | 03:56 |
GAN8001 | There's a Wikipedia article on it | 03:56 |
GAN8001 | It's the DE and a mobile GTK extension. | 03:57 |
dmsuperman | Ah | 03:57 |
dmsuperman | Thanks :) | 03:57 |
* dmsuperman wanders over to wikipedia | 03:57 | |
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x29a | i wonder if he knows he can be on multiple "locations" on the internet | 03:58 |
x29a | like irc AND wikipedia | 03:59 |
locutus | and he could probably have found this on wikipedia in the first place | 03:59 |
GAN8001 | Nah, he's just using us for information. :( | 03:59 |
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luke-jr | can the N810 be overclocked? | 05:43 |
luke-jr | (safely) | 05:43 |
GeneralAntilles | No | 05:43 |
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KurtKraut | luke-jr: why do you need more processing power? | 05:44 |
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luke-jr | KurtKraut: Portage is too slow | 05:45 |
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* luke-jr glares at Python | 05:45 | |
locutus | urgh | 05:48 |
locutus | i've spent the last 4 hours trying to get Python to build on OSF/1 | 05:48 |
locutus | HATE PYTHON | 05:48 |
locutus | MUST | 05:48 |
locutus | KILL | 05:48 |
Firebird | what the | 05:48 |
locutus | when i come to Power, things will be Different! | 05:48 |
luke-jr | … | 05:50 |
luke-jr | please, by all means do | 05:51 |
luke-jr | but first replace it with Perl | 05:51 |
luke-jr | :D | 05:51 |
locutus | no Perl is higher on the list of languages which will be forbidden on penalty of death | 05:51 |
locutus | dude, PERL, SICK | 05:52 |
luke-jr | Perl is awesome | 05:53 |
locutus | i think theres a special place in hell for perl-lovers | 05:53 |
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Firebird | eh, interpreted languages | 05:54 |
luke-jr | locutus: you've just never bothered to learn it! | 05:55 |
luke-jr | Firebird: well, Python is compiled | 05:55 |
luke-jr | Perl can't eb | 05:55 |
luke-jr | be* | 05:55 |
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mtsu_Matt | python is compiled into byte code for the python interupter | 05:56 |
mtsu_Matt | not the same as just "compiled" because most people take that to mean machine code | 05:56 |
luke-jr | it can be compiled to machine code ;) | 05:56 |
mtsu_Matt | through what, pyscho? | 05:56 |
mtsu_Matt | (that wasn't name calling, theres a program/module called pyscho) | 05:57 |
luke-jr | pretty sure there's a full compiler too somewhere | 05:57 |
luke-jr | maybe incomplete | 05:57 |
Firebird | more complete than lets say.. gcc? | 05:58 |
mtsu_Matt | not stable, standard | 05:58 |
mtsu_Matt | hey I love python, but if its compiled, it probably isn't 100% python at that point | 05:58 |
luke-jr | mtsu_Matt: Python has a spec now, and at least 2 implementations | 05:59 |
mtsu_Matt | also, if it's "compiled" by embedding the interupter into the exe, thats cheating | 05:59 |
mtsu_Matt | it has many implementations | 05:59 |
mtsu_Matt | mostly of interupters | 05:59 |
luke-jr | whatever | 05:59 |
luke-jr | I don't even like Python | 05:59 |
mtsu_Matt | if you keep all of its features, those features are hard to compare to compiled code | 06:00 |
locutus | now can i get a lisp machine again? ;-) | 06:00 |
* locutus ducks and runs for cover | 06:00 | |
mtsu_Matt | (((((((sure)))))) | 06:00 |
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locutus | \o/ | 06:01 |
luke-jr | you scared b-man off! | 06:01 |
luke-jr | I hope someone implements a major breakthrough in battery storage so I can get a handheld with that nice 1.3 GHz MIPS CPU in it | 06:02 |
mtsu_Matt | hell yeah | 06:02 |
luke-jr | the one with hardware-assisted x86 emulation | 06:02 |
mtsu_Matt | and if anyone fucks with you, hit a button and turn it into a grenade | 06:03 |
Firebird | a pretty expensive grenade | 06:03 |
luke-jr | Loongson 3 | 06:03 |
luke-jr | The 65nm Loongson 3 (Godson-3) is able to run at a clock speed between 1.0 to 1.2 GHz, with 4 CPU cores (10W) first and 8 cores later (20W), and it is expected to debute in 2010. | 06:03 |
GeneralAntilles | MIPS is shit | 06:03 |
mtsu_Matt | depends | 06:03 |
luke-jr | Loongson 3 adds over 200 new instructions to speed up x86 instruction execution at a cost of 5% of the total die area. The new instructions help QEMU translate x86 instructions by lowering the overhead of executing x86/CISC-style instructions in the MIPS pipeline. With additional improvements in QEMU from ICT, Loongson-3 achives an average of 70% the performance of executing native binaries while running x86 binaries from nine benchmarks. | 06:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Why in the world would you want MIPS? | 06:03 |
Firebird | doesn't VGBA have an option to use it? | 06:04 |
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luke-jr | Firebird: I fail to see how VGBA could benefit from it -.- | 06:04 |
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Firebird | nvm its something else | 06:05 |
churl | so on the command line, where are the "shared folders" (if you were looking at them with "file manager"? | 06:05 |
GeneralAntilles | I dunno why anybody would want MIPS over ARM | 06:05 |
luke-jr | GeneralAntilles: licensing costs? | 06:06 |
churl | i want to reach out and touch my server | 06:06 |
GeneralAntilles | I really don't know why somebody ho takes such a hard line about open source would care about x86 emulation. | 06:06 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, MIPS is slow compared to ARM. | 06:06 |
Firebird | churl, like the Documents Games all those folders? ~/MyDocs/.* | 06:07 |
luke-jr | GeneralAntilles: I highly doubt the 600 MHz ARM planned for RX-53 will be faster than a quad-core 1.2 GHz MIPS | 06:07 |
GeneralAntilles | luke-jr, RX-51, and the Cortex A8 is 2 years old at this point | 06:07 |
luke-jr | exactly :p | 06:07 |
GeneralAntilles | Comparing a 2 year old tech to unreleased tech is silly. | 06:08 |
GeneralAntilles | If you want a useful comparison, compare a 1GHz quad-core 45nm Cortex A9 (OMAP4). | 06:08 |
GeneralAntilles | Which will kick the shit out of that MIPS. | 06:08 |
locutus | heh | 06:08 |
churl | Firebird: um, not sure, i have my server to auto mount (i think!) with my tablet. so, when in "file manager" navigation takes forever, so i was thinking i would just get there with the command line. | 06:09 |
Pavlov | there are no cortex a9 chpis shipping are there? | 06:09 |
GeneralAntilles | Pavlov, I think they've got very early engineering samples, but, no, production stuff wont be seen until 2010. | 06:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Which fits right with the timeline for luke-jr's MIPS thing. | 06:10 |
churl | Firebird: i want to get to my server, but not any of the other computers on the network, (all these things that are under "shared folders" in "file manager" | 06:10 |
Pavlov | mostly cause i want one if someone has one ;) | 06:10 |
locutus | lets forget that the longsoon is a superscalar design, the OMAP4 isnt | 06:10 |
locutus | so the MIPS will probably be *significantly* faster | 06:10 |
churl | Pavlov: it's all about how you respond to things, right? | 06:10 |
GeneralAntilles | locutus, since when? | 06:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Cortex is superscalar. | 06:11 |
luke-jr | superscalar? | 06:11 |
locutus | ah my bad, Cortex is superscalar yeah | 06:11 |
GeneralAntilles | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARM_Cortex-A9_MPCore | 06:11 |
churl | Pavlov: what? My poor joke doesn't ring a bell? | 06:11 |
mtsu_Matt | seems like in alot of ways, when we say faster, we ought to be talking about speed in terms of computation per watt, and for most systems, how well it runs multi-core | 06:12 |
locutus | GeneralAntilles: still, only 2 issues | 06:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Pavlov, I bet you'll be able to get your hands on SOMETHING by the end of this year. | 06:12 |
locutus | GeneralAntilles: the Loongson does 4 issues | 06:12 |
Pavlov | GeneralAntilles: yeah, most likely | 06:12 |
Firebird | churl, try typing mount in the console and see where that gets you | 06:12 |
mtsu_Matt | system are going to either really care about power, or are going to have a bunch of cores | 06:12 |
mtsu_Matt | or both | 06:12 |
GeneralAntilles | mtsu_Matt, the thing about multicore ARM is that you can achieve really epic powersaving. | 06:13 |
GeneralAntilles | A dual-core ARM chip clocked at 500MHz will use SIGNIFICANTLY less power than a single-core 1GHz one. | 06:13 |
mtsu_Matt | only thing we need super fast procs for at this point is algorithms that are impossible to parallel well | 06:13 |
GeneralAntilles | Since the voltage doesn't scale linearly. | 06:13 |
mtsu_Matt | good to know | 06:13 |
luke-jr | anyone know what mtum.ko is? | 06:14 |
churl | Firebird: thanks, i see my two sd cards, maybe i can figure out which of all that other stuff is what i need :) | 06:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Power saving over multiple cores scales well to demand, too. | 06:14 |
mtsu_Matt | yep, usually you can just turn a core off if not needed, can't you? | 06:15 |
GeneralAntilles | mtsu_Matt, ARM core are basically off when they're idle. | 06:15 |
mtsu_Matt | finer granularity to how you schedule things | 06:15 |
mtsu_Matt | with more cores | 06:15 |
GeneralAntilles | It's hilarious that powersaving features that have been in ARM for years that are now just appearing in x86 are being touted as revolutionary new stuff. | 06:15 |
mtsu_Matt | yeah, thats what I mean GA | 06:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Like shutting off idle cores. | 06:15 |
luke-jr | mtum? | 06:16 |
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fireun | "that stupid embedded crap" | 06:16 |
churl | what's the native text editor in maemo lol im sorry! | 06:17 |
luke-jr | ? | 06:17 |
mtsu_Matt | vi | 06:17 |
churl | ok | 06:17 |
churl | lol | 06:17 |
mtsu_Matt | I'm not sure if I was joking there or not... | 06:17 |
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mtsu_Matt | I got ssh client and server running on my new N810 today at school, ssh'd into it, and then back to the linux box I was on. my Boss was there and was just shaking his head at me | 06:18 |
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jackn00bie | thanks again guys the the vi inf0 | 06:19 |
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mtsu_Matt | you use vi much? | 06:19 |
mtsu_Matt | main problem I have with vi is on the N810 there is no keyboard ESC | 06:20 |
GeneralAntilles | mtsu_Matt, kidding, right? | 06:20 |
mtsu_Matt | and using the virtual one makes it much more awkward | 06:20 |
mtsu_Matt | about vi? | 06:20 |
churl | my girlfriend uses vim and teases me about using nano...... just to let everyone know | 06:20 |
mtsu_Matt | heh | 06:20 |
GeneralAntilles | mtsu_Matt, hint: there's a dedicated escape button right on the face. | 06:20 |
mtsu_Matt | oh, sweet | 06:20 |
mtsu_Matt | well, glad I said something then, huh? | 06:21 |
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mtsu_Matt | like I said, I just got it | 06:21 |
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fireun | pico! | 06:22 |
churl | *now teasing girlfriend that she told me to check /etc/hosts and not fstab | 06:23 |
luke-jr | mtsu_Matt: is your Fn key working? | 06:23 |
mtsu_Matt | yeah | 06:23 |
luke-jr | how? | 06:23 |
mtsu_Matt | when I press it it changes input modes? | 06:24 |
mtsu_Matt | am I missing something? | 06:24 |
luke-jr | oh wait | 06:24 |
luke-jr | nm | 06:24 |
luke-jr | I thought you were using console for some reason XD | 06:24 |
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churl | i want to get to my samba server from the command line on my tablet. can i follow something similar to this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=939732 to get it working, or is there a better way? | 06:41 |
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churl | dogzilla? | 06:42 |
churl | sudo apt-get install dogzilla? | 06:42 |
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error_23 | that's not all we're apt-get-installing around here | 06:43 |
churl | i hear they're working on a new maemo | 06:44 |
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churl | and that might be why no one's talking in here anymore | 06:44 |
churl | that and it's past my bedtime | 06:44 |
churl | ive got an algebra test tomorrow and a englesh test im sure to fail! | 06:45 |
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penguinbait | viva la communidad | 06:49 |
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luke-jr | MTLM vs LMAC? | 07:16 |
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pjrm | how can i get my garage.maemo.org wiki password reset or mailed to me? | 07:56 |
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RST38h | Kabul Zoo Quarantines Afghanistan's Only Pig! | 08:22 |
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Meiz_n810 | morning all | 08:30 |
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RST38h | morning meiz | 08:36 |
StsN801 | heh, just received qi, uboot src in the mail | 08:37 |
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GAN8001 | Ordered a 5800 | 09:12 |
GAN8001 | I'm such a tech junky. | 09:12 |
fireun | admitting your problem.... | 09:12 |
luke-jr | a what? | 09:12 |
fireun | nokia phone? | 09:13 |
Stskeeps | GAN8001: pre-rx-51 psychosis? :P | 09:13 |
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GAN8001 | Stskeeps, that, and crazy discounts on Nokia USA | 09:14 |
GAN8001 | 35% off | 09:14 |
pjrm | you do know that it's what it costs that counts, not what number they make up for "x% off", don't you? | 09:15 |
kfx | with 35% off that phone only cost around nine million dollars! | 09:15 |
GeneralAntilles | pjrm, yes, I'm not an idiot, thanks. ;) | 09:17 |
pjrm | :) | 09:17 |
GeneralAntilles | The price was cheaper than any place else on the net. | 09:17 |
GeneralAntilles | and vaguely competitive with Dell's ~$200 sale they had last week. | 09:18 |
fireun | ahha! relativistic sales | 09:19 |
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radic_ | Stskeeps: you are awake? | 09:45 |
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GeneralAntilles | I like how your avatar ended up cropped, Stskeeps. :P | 09:58 |
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Stskeeps | yeah, grr :P | 09:59 |
Stskeeps | it's a neat "me" though. | 09:59 |
Stskeeps | me me me me ;) | 09:59 |
GeneralAntilles | It's so appropriate, though, what with your massive ego and all. :P | 10:00 |
Stskeeps | yup | 10:00 |
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Stskeeps | .. u-boot is huge. | 10:00 |
Stskeeps | who the fuck needs reiserfs on a embedded device? :P | 10:00 |
luke-jr | ROFL | 10:00 |
GAN8001 | Stskeeps, I feel a wife murder joke coming on, but I'm too tired to do it myself. ;) | 10:02 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 10:02 |
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jaem_N810 | hey folks | 10:08 |
jaem_N810 | Stskeeps: so, what was it that you wanted help with? | 10:09 |
Stskeeps | er. what exactly it was escapes me right now | 10:09 |
Stskeeps | sec | 10:09 |
jaem_N810 | lol | 10:10 |
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Stskeeps | .. | 10:12 |
Stskeeps | so penguinbait forked a forum, interesting | 10:12 |
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Stskeeps | i'd like to go on record and say that that forum makes my eyes hurt bleed more than the orange link iTT | 10:13 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: where? | 10:14 |
Stskeeps | http://tablethacker.com/forum/ | 10:14 |
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qgil | bergie good morning | 10:16 |
Stskeeps | heh, just quit ;) | 10:16 |
qgil | argh, missed for 8 seconds | 10:16 |
qgil | 7 actually | 10:16 |
qgil | meh | 10:16 |
kfx | so uh | 10:17 |
kfx | I'm reading this blog post | 10:17 |
kfx | where all he talks about is how much he misses the dark theme | 10:17 |
kfx | ...which I currently use at maemo.org ... | 10:17 |
qgil | oh no, here as well ;) | 10:18 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 10:18 |
kfx | ...and which is basically the opposite of the theme his forum is using | 10:18 |
Stskeeps | qgil: at least the tone is better here :) | 10:18 |
luke-jr | >_< | 10:18 |
kfx | I'm gonna go a head and not try to understand this | 10:18 |
qgil | just wait ;) | 10:18 |
kfx | s/a head/ahead/; | 10:18 |
luke-jr | kfx: s/(?<=a)\s(?=head)//; | 10:19 |
* luke-jr runs. | 10:19 | |
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* Stskeeps ponders if he should wake the gf or let her sleep | 10:20 | |
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kfx | do you have any idea how much memory you just wasted with that regex >:( | 10:20 |
luke-jr | kfx: depends on your PCRE implementation, of course | 10:20 |
kfx | oh, it's all perl in this house | 10:21 |
luke-jr | I still don't know. ;p | 10:21 |
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luke-jr | my wife is going to be pissed I'm up this late ^^ | 10:25 |
luke-jr | oh well | 10:25 |
* luke-jr goes back to fiddling with newer wifi firmware | 10:25 | |
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mtsu_Matt | well, its past midnight and I still haven't bricked my n810 | 10:27 |
kfx | mtsu_Matt: you're not trying hard enough | 10:27 |
mtsu_Matt | (there were bets this morning I would by then) | 10:27 |
kfx | remind me to give you a screenguardz thing tomorrow | 10:27 |
mtsu_Matt | woot, thanks | 10:27 |
mtsu_Matt | lan party at 2pm | 10:27 |
mtsu_Matt | I might just show up and sleep | 10:27 |
kfx | classy | 10:28 |
luke-jr | mtsu_Matt: wanna be Gentoo user number 4? | 10:28 |
luke-jr | or maybe number 5, not sure if that other guy installed | 10:28 |
mtsu_Matt | indeed, I'll probably do better that way | 10:28 |
mtsu_Matt | gentoo user #5 in general, or on the n810? | 10:28 |
luke-jr | N810 | 10:28 |
luke-jr | :p | 10:28 |
luke-jr | well, N8x0 | 10:28 |
mtsu_Matt | not atm, hows it running so far? | 10:28 |
luke-jr | I think 2 of the others only have n800 | 10:29 |
luke-jr | it's working | 10:29 |
mtsu_Matt | are you cross compiling? | 10:29 |
luke-jr | no | 10:29 |
luke-jr | too lazy | 10:29 |
mtsu_Matt | on the phone? | 10:29 |
mtsu_Matt | well, "device" | 10:29 |
luke-jr | yeah | 10:29 |
mtsu_Matt | heh, you crazy peoples | 10:29 |
luke-jr | ;) | 10:29 |
mtsu_Matt | how long does it take usually? | 10:29 |
luke-jr | dunno | 10:29 |
luke-jr | do you want all KDE 4.2? probably a few weeks | 10:29 |
mtsu_Matt | meh, I want a light weight wm for it | 10:30 |
luke-jr | unless you steal my bin pkgs | 10:30 |
luke-jr | heh | 10:30 |
luke-jr | I wouldn't mind light weight | 10:30 |
luke-jr | but it has to be Qt4 ö | 10:30 |
mtsu_Matt | its not like we're all running different hardware on it, not much need to all be compiling the same software | 10:30 |
mtsu_Matt | unless theres some customization you want | 10:31 |
luke-jr | heh | 10:31 |
luke-jr | I think we've unified on -Os | 10:31 |
kfx | mtsu_Matt: you want a lighter-weight wm than matchbox? | 10:31 |
mtsu_Matt | no, that was in response to "KDE" | 10:32 |
kfx | oh | 10:32 |
kfx | cos I've almost got dwm ported | 10:32 |
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mtsu_Matt | I mean, I could try one, but I wasn't complaining | 10:32 |
kfx | the drawback to a tiling wm on this thing is the constant out-of-memory notifications I get | 10:33 |
RST38h | reMoo | 10:33 |
mtsu_Matt | I installed ntpdate and it left a script in if-up.d but it doesn't seem to run on network connections | 10:34 |
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mtsu_Matt | are you running too much at once kfx? | 10:34 |
kfx | I've been using conler to handle that | 10:34 |
mtsu_Matt | ah, thx | 10:35 |
kfx | apparently if you run the browser, e-mail client, chat app, and garnet vm at once it's too much | 10:35 |
luke-jr | mtsu_Matt: why ntpdate? | 10:35 |
luke-jr | I love that ntpd works with gpsd | 10:35 |
kfx | the problem with gpsd is getting a gps fix | 10:36 |
luke-jr | shrug | 10:36 |
luke-jr | I just leave it running XD | 10:36 |
mtsu_Matt | so, installing with apt-get seems so much quicker/easier some times that the app manager | 10:37 |
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kfx | the app manager seems to be some kind of stripped-down synaptic-like thing | 10:37 |
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mtsu_Matt | seems like it | 10:38 |
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RST38h | Nokia N97 pre-order falls to $524.25 in the US | 10:39 |
RST38h | (there is still hope!) | 10:39 |
RST38h | $400 and I am taken =) | 10:40 |
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mtsu_Matt | I can't get conler to save any of my changes | 10:58 |
mtsu_Matt | at all, not even adding APs | 10:58 |
mtsu_Matt | and I have rebooted | 10:59 |
mtsu_Matt | guess I need to reinstall | 10:59 |
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pupnik | get people to buy those top end nokia phones :) | 11:17 |
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* thux grr, nokiaplayer doesn't like sound-juicer's m4as | 11:30 | |
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radic_ | why is the maximum volume lower withe os2008 as withe os2007? | 11:46 |
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mtsu_Matt | sweet, I got conler to work | 11:55 |
mtsu_Matt | all I had to do, was chown .config in /home/user to user from root, and make a blank conler.xml which it was missing | 11:55 |
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RST38h | Awfully quiet here | 12:41 |
jeremiah_ | RST38h: Yeah, what's up with that? | 12:42 |
RST38h | jeremiah: Dunno, although it makes me feel like pasting SCP quotes. | 12:43 |
jeremiah_ | heh | 12:43 |
jeremiah_ | We need to create some kind of 'controversy bot' that emulates old discussions | 12:43 |
florian | good morning | 12:44 |
Stskeeps | jeremiah_: bacon? | 12:44 |
Stskeeps | :P | 12:44 |
jeremiah_ | Hello there. | 12:44 |
jeremiah_ | Stskeeps: How could you possibly say "bacon"? | 12:44 |
jeremiah_ | I am shocked! | 12:44 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 12:44 |
jeremiah_ | SHOCKED! | 12:44 |
RST38h | jeremiah: Ah we can do it pretty well without the bot | 12:45 |
jeremiah_ | yep | 12:45 |
RST38h | DARK ITT DESIGN NOW!!! =) | 12:45 |
jeremiah_ | true dat | 12:45 |
* RST38h ducks | 12:45 | |
jeremiah_ | If you want dark, use irssi | 12:45 |
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* RST38h is already isung ircii | 12:45 | |
Stskeeps | 'I think PB has been around long enough and done enough for this community to be trusted. He's done more for the tablets and the people here than any of the council members, I might add.' | 12:45 |
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Stskeeps | after linus.wav.. | 12:45 |
jeremiah_ | PB? | 12:46 |
Stskeeps | jeremiah_: iTT wars | 12:46 |
RST38h | Sts: I am all for PB, but maybe it will be more entertaining if I just cut&paste from dailyrotten.com ? =) | 12:46 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: it's kinda similar i guess | 12:46 |
jeremiah_ | I suck at staying up to date with iTT | 12:46 |
Stskeeps | jeremiah_: i would just skip the last week :) | 12:46 |
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jeremiah_ | Is it all about the look of talk.m.o? | 12:47 |
RST38h | Afghanistan's only known pig has been taken off display at Kabul Zoo and locked away to avoid panic among visitors who may be worried about swine flu... The interned animal -- known simply as Pig -- was one of two given to Afghanistan by China in 2002, months after the ouster of the hardline Taliban regime | 12:47 |
Stskeeps | jeremiah_: still.. :P | 12:47 |
jeremiah_ | w00t | 12:47 |
RST38h | Sts: I am sure you won't argue that dailyrotten is way more entertaining =) | 12:47 |
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derf | RST38h: The bit about the lion is sad. | 12:47 |
RST38h | derf: Yea, but it is 2004 dailyrotten | 12:48 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: there's definately several people that are close to ending up on a ignore from me :P | 12:50 |
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lardman | morning | 12:52 |
Stskeeps | morning lardman | 12:52 |
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lardman | I hope I'm not one of them! ;) | 12:52 |
samueldr | there's always a way to test | 12:52 |
Stskeeps | yeah, - "did you see my post on X"? "which post, can't seem to find it" :P | 12:53 |
lardman | samueldr: I should abuse Stskeeps and see if he reacts? ;) | 12:53 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, you want me? | 12:53 |
Stskeeps | ah, control panel -> edit ignore list | 12:53 |
Stskeeps | lcuk: huh? :P | 12:53 |
lcuk | my baconphone was flashing | 12:53 |
samueldr | yup lardman | 12:53 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 12:53 |
lardman | lcuk: don't we all! | 12:53 |
samueldr | oh, bacon | 12:54 |
lardman | mmmmm | 12:54 |
samueldr | are you bacon lard, lardman ? | 12:54 |
lardman | I'd like to think that's the majority | 12:54 |
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lcuk | lardman, your idea to make bacon an automatic highlight word in irc was inspired | 12:55 |
lcuk | now wherever in the world bacon is mentioned i hear about it ! | 12:55 |
lardman | I wonder what infobot thinks...? | 12:55 |
lardman | ~bacon | 12:55 |
infobot | bacon is, like, a filling substance which will make you even fatter than you already are... Take my advice, bacon is a food for the gods or for underweight models such as that McBeal chick... | 12:55 |
lardman | yay! | 12:55 |
Stskeeps | lcuk: what framebuffer stuff btw | 12:55 |
samueldr | hmmm, I /am/ underweight, I think... | 12:55 |
lcuk | where, what? | 12:55 |
Stskeeps | lcuk: you mentioned something about my framebuffer.. :P | 12:56 |
Stskeeps | (liqbase related) | 12:56 |
lcuk | was i drugged up? ahhhh yeah i will have been | 12:56 |
Stskeeps | probably. | 12:56 |
Stskeeps | i canáº't tell occasionally ;) | 12:56 |
lcuk | :O | 12:57 |
lcuk | should be less now, had everything redone and its all padded and bandaged properly i cant bend it if i want anymore | 12:57 |
lcuk | so im not needing the meds :) | 12:57 |
* lcuk casts his mind back tho | 12:58 | |
lcuk | your framebuffer currently does fullscreen refreshes each time doesnt it | 12:58 |
lcuk | unlike the one in diablo which uses small rectangles and stuff | 12:58 |
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Stskeeps | lcuk: .. in mer/n8x0 yeah | 13:00 |
lcuk | does it do 16 or 24bit updates do you know | 13:00 |
Stskeeps | no idea sorry | 13:01 |
lcuk | heh tis ok, it was just an idea | 13:01 |
lcuk | did you see i put the playtest up last night in #liqbase | 13:02 |
Stskeeps | no sorry, collapsed in bed :P | 13:03 |
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lcuk | bbl work | 13:09 |
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RST38h | Sts: me? [winks] | 13:12 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: nah | 13:14 |
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samueldr | what holiday Stskeeps ? | 13:17 |
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lardman_ | ooh, freewire looks cool | 13:27 |
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lardman_ | Stskeeps: is it just me or has there been little Mer-chatter? | 13:46 |
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Stskeeps | lardman: two digests in the last 24 hours i think | 13:50 |
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lardman | hmm, not working for me then, will have to look and see if I need to confirm my joining | 13:52 |
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qgil | If removing a dot takes a whole thread - http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=28829 | 13:55 |
qgil | then no wonder we need to improve other processes, more complex | 13:56 |
X-Fade | qgil: ;) | 13:57 |
Stskeeps | at least it didn't evolve into a poll. | 13:57 |
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X-Fade | qgil: Change it to 18000 btw ;) | 13:58 |
lardman | Stskeeps: school-boy error, forgot to confirm my join | 13:58 |
Stskeeps | hehe, archives should have what you missed :) | 13:58 |
Stskeeps | this habit of logging into chinese forums with translate.google.com must stop. then again, a community that friggen xrays the device it's for, is rather fascinating. | 14:00 |
pupnik | wow the casio ex-f1 records pics continuously to a 60fps buffer | 14:01 |
pupnik | so you can capture the picture before you hit the shutter button | 14:01 |
pupnik | that is AWESOME | 14:01 |
qgil | X-Fade: 18000 done (whatever you say, I'm easy) :) | 14:01 |
RST38h | moo pupnik | 14:01 |
RST38h | heya lardman, X-Fade | 14:02 |
pupnik | hi hi | 14:02 |
X-Fade | qgil: Yeah, it keeps growing so ;) | 14:02 |
lardman | hey RST38h, pupnik | 14:02 |
RST38h | pupnik: Casio had that for a while | 14:02 |
RST38h | pupnik: Even my late 750 had it | 14:03 |
pupnik | ah cool | 14:03 |
pupnik | what's goin on you guys? :) | 14:04 |
lardman | but at 60fps? | 14:04 |
lardman | that is pretty quick | 14:04 |
pupnik | the thing records up to 1200fps | 14:04 |
lardman | and it's full res too | 14:04 |
lardman | wow, that is quick | 14:04 |
RST38h | lardman: 750 did either 30 or 60 fps in video mode, I no longer remember | 14:04 |
RST38h | and yes, f1 records at frigging 1200fps | 14:05 |
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pupnik | full HD recording. H.264 encoding in addition to mpeg4 | 14:05 |
Stskeeps | morning b-man | 14:05 |
pupnik | lgalglgaglgagl | 14:05 |
b-man | morning Stskeeps :) | 14:05 |
* RST38h would still prefer a Canon to that Casio: Casios have become extremely gimmicky over the years | 14:08 | |
lardman | yeah, but a cool gimmick for watching rocket launches (models that is) | 14:09 |
RST38h | The one we have right now produces images that are slightly better than ones from a good smartphone | 14:09 |
lardman | not sure I can justify that sort of money though :) | 14:09 |
* Stskeeps ponders how to emulate the blurred background to mean esc on a non-dpad + back button tablet | 14:14 | |
lardman | blurred background? | 14:16 |
lardman | click there for escape? /me has ignored the talk of the new dialogs without cancel buttons | 14:16 |
lardman | could always just change the brightness of the background | 14:17 |
Stskeeps | mm | 14:17 |
Stskeeps | well you know that in a dialog that the window behind fades | 14:17 |
Stskeeps | in fremantle | 14:17 |
lardman | nope | 14:17 |
Stskeeps | the idea to click "esc" is to click outside the dialog | 14:17 |
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Stskeeps | which when you try it actually makes a lot of sense | 14:18 |
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lardman | yeah I saw the "discussions" about that | 14:20 |
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* aquatix wouldn't mind having some demo video of fremantle | 14:22 | |
aquatix | ares there any online? | 14:22 |
Stskeeps | there's a modest screencast i think | 14:22 |
aquatix | *are | 14:22 |
* aquatix googles | 14:22 | |
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RST38h | Rumor on the street has it that Wal-Mart has sold more ammo year-to-date than any other year in its history. | 14:27 |
* cosmo wonders why people use /me | 14:27 | |
Stskeeps | it's irc. :P | 14:27 |
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* RST38h brings out a huge cannon, places cosmo inside and sends him straight to the Moon | 14:27 | |
RST38h | THAT is why. | 14:28 |
lardman | derf: ping | 14:28 |
X-Fade | /me is an early for of microblogging really. | 14:28 |
X-Fade | *form | 14:28 |
Stskeeps | yeah, except not restricted to 160chars ;) | 14:28 |
derf | lardman: Pong. | 14:28 |
lardman | derf: does the QR code test app produce output? | 14:29 |
derf | Yes. | 14:29 |
* lardman is thinking about those chocolates :) | 14:29 | |
lardman | cool | 14:29 |
* cosmo thinks it's friday afternoon | 14:30 | |
derf | For example: | 14:31 |
derf | ./qrreader ../data/zxing-1/1.png | 14:31 |
derf | MEBKM:URL:http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page;; | 14:31 |
lardman | does it output to the UI too? | 14:32 |
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derf | Is it even hooked up to the UI? | 14:32 |
lardman | yeah I just wondered that | 14:32 |
lardman | :) | 14:32 |
derf | AFAIK, it is not. | 14:32 |
lardman | I'll have to plumb it into the UI for a quick and hacky chocolate hunt app | 14:32 |
lardman | :) | 14:32 |
derf | I'd probably have to also actually do DoCoMo tag parsing for that. | 14:33 |
lardman | well I'm happy if I can read the output and then copy& paste it, etc | 14:33 |
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derf | Right, but somewhere down the line the users are not going to want to stare at "MEBKM" crap. | 14:33 |
lardman | indeed, that should be reasonably straight forward though | 14:34 |
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lardman | is there an authoratitive list anywhere that you know of off hand? | 14:35 |
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lardman | i-mode codes? | 14:38 |
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Stskeeps | 'lo t_s_o | 14:40 |
t_s_o | Stskeeps | 14:40 |
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xnt14 | :P b-man kept his acer on all night I guess | 14:41 |
xnt14 | Hello world | 14:41 |
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lardman | http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/english/service/imode/make/content/barcode/function/application/ | 14:43 |
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xnt14 | http://gizmodo.com/5245315/miniaturized-hdmi-connector-is-as-small-as-micro-usb-still-drives-your-hdtv omap3 hd + rx-51 + this? | 14:46 |
Stskeeps | interesting | 14:47 |
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* lardman would be happy with just rx-51 on its own ;) | 14:48 | |
Stskeeps | Âsomething's wrong in the world if a bootloader has 50mb source | 14:49 |
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lardman | lots of comments? | 14:49 |
Stskeeps | u-boot | 14:49 |
Stskeeps | it's practically it's own OS. | 14:49 |
lardman | :) | 14:49 |
xnt14 | :) yup, I would just like it as an option, but im not going to kill my self if it isn't there :P | 14:50 |
xnt14 | http://gizmodo.com/5245112/oregon-man-used-an-electric-dog-collar-to-shock-his-kids-because-he-thought-it-was-funny really messed up | 14:50 |
Stskeeps | homer? :P | 14:50 |
xnt14 | :P | 14:50 |
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ShadowJK | you know, youtube is full of people with electric dog collars | 14:52 |
xnt14 | :P yeah, but a 3 year old? | 14:53 |
xnt14 | <quote> | 14:53 |
xnt14 | 2:43 AM | 14:53 |
xnt14 | does anyone else thinks that he should be wearing the collar, and the kids should be in charge of the remote? Now that would be a hoot! Nothing like watching a fat guy squirm in pain. | 14:53 |
xnt14 | </quote> | 14:53 |
xnt14 | yup I agree with him | 14:54 |
xnt14 | 3 yr old mashing the remote | 14:54 |
xnt14 | that guy really deserves it | 14:54 |
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Mikho | would anyone know how to type '|' with N810? | 14:58 |
xnt14 | the Chr Key | 14:58 |
xnt14 | to the bottem left or the kb | 14:58 |
xnt14 | *of | 14:58 |
Mikho | nothin happens when I press it | 14:58 |
xnt14 | press it and a menu should come up | 14:58 |
Mikho | I'm using the X terminal, and nothing comes up | 14:59 |
xnt14 | then scroll until you find the "|" and just tap it | 14:59 |
Mikho | scroll? | 14:59 |
xnt14 | well I really don't remember exactly I don't have my n810 with me | 14:59 |
xnt14 | left right arrows on the screen | 15:00 |
ShadowJK | <Mikho> nothin happens when I press it | 15:00 |
ShadowJK | There's nothing to scroll because of that ^ | 15:00 |
ShadowJK | btw, Ctrl (on the right) is not same as Chr (on the left) | 15:00 |
Mikho | I get a key sound, but otherwise there's no effect | 15:00 |
xnt14 | soft kb? | 15:01 |
xnt14 | enable the finger keyboard or stylus if you prefer | 15:01 |
ShadowJK | why | 15:01 |
Mikho | hm, I have japanese input installed | 15:01 |
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Mikho | maybe it conflicts somehow | 15:02 |
xnt14 | well I don't know, I don't have it right now (my n810) | 15:02 |
ShadowJK | btw, a better way to use xterm: xterm menu -> Settings -> Toolbar Shortcut -> New -> Title: bar Value: bar -> OK -> Close -> OK | 15:03 |
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Mikho | ah, scim, the source of all evil | 15:16 |
Mikho | uninstall + reboot promptly resolved all my worries | 15:17 |
xnt14 | :P | 15:17 |
xnt14 | :) | 15:17 |
xnt14 | MAJOR FAIL: http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/07/mpaa-suggests-teachers-videotape-tvs-instead-of-ripping-dvds-se/ xD | 15:17 |
Mikho | earlier scim prevented me from typing anything into some certain java password fields | 15:17 |
xnt14 | root of all evil indeed | 15:18 |
Mikho | I have a doubt it also destroys my ubuntu upgrade processes without fail | 15:18 |
xnt14 | to what? 8.10 to 9.04? | 15:18 |
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Mikho | all my friends are able to upgrade without problems, but for some reason, 100% of my upgrades fail and destroy the os | 15:19 |
Mikho | every time since 7.04 or sth | 15:19 |
* xnt14 is still on 8.10 | 15:19 | |
xnt14 | :( | 15:19 |
Mikho | no, since 6.something | 15:19 |
* xnt14 's first linux distro that wasn't hard for a 7/8 year old to learn was ubuntu 7.04 | 15:20 | |
xnt14 | my dad was like oh look at this thing called fedora :P so hard back then | 15:20 |
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xnt14 | now f11 screwed up grub on my xps, now to boot I have to do "configfile (hd0,4)/boot/grub/menu.lst" :P | 15:21 |
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xnt14 | ok guys I have to go to school, Ill try to get in here via xnt|school at 11:00 | 15:31 |
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qgil | wow, penguinbait is now a secessionist - http://tablethacker.com/forum/ | 15:39 |
ShadowJK | the hell, it's a forum about itself? | 15:40 |
* qgil really thinks he needs new hardware in his desk. Pandora or someone, please do something :) | 15:40 | |
RST38h | qgil: Get a SmartQ. | 15:40 |
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ShadowJK | "get" is easier said than done :) | 15:41 |
ShadowJK | Although I guess one could fly to hongkong :) | 15:41 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Sts has got agents all over China, he corresponds with them via Google Translate | 15:41 |
RST38h | So, he should know where to get it =) | 15:41 |
qgil | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=285479#post285479 | 15:41 |
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RST38h | qgil: Well, is it somehow unusual? | 15:42 |
t_s_o | i have seen online tantrums, but this is getting silly... | 15:42 |
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ShadowJK | I mean, it's a bit silly (but mostly harmless) when people talk about doing things they aren't... but now talking about talking about things they aren't doing... | 15:43 |
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lardman | GeneralAntilles: you about? | 15:50 |
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lardman | hmm, what threading model does one using in GTK+? | 15:57 |
lardman | is there a default? | 15:57 |
lardman | s/using/use | 15:57 |
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RST38h | why would it use a certain threading model? | 15:57 |
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lardman | well does one use POSIX threads for example? | 15:58 |
lardman | as opposed to LinuxThreads? | 15:58 |
lcuk | lardman, you broke my image renderer \@ | 15:59 |
* RST38h does not think GTK+ uses threads at all | 15:59 | |
lardman | ah, pthreads is part of glibc | 15:59 |
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lardman | lcuk: what my picture? :D | 15:59 |
RST38h | Linux Threads are dead if you choose to believe Wiki | 15:59 |
lcuk | ur greyscale picture broke the renderer :$ | 15:59 |
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lcuk | "E: lardman, too fat to fit color data, seg phault" | 16:00 |
lardman | lcuk: finally someone spotted the EasterEgg in my picture, hmmm | 16:00 |
lardman | lcuk: oi! | 16:00 |
lcuk | heh | 16:00 |
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lardman | if I were a lesser man, or less of a man, or less fat bascially, I could become offended | 16:00 |
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lardman | :) | 16:00 |
lcuk | :) you and a few others broekd the renderer | 16:01 |
lardman | doesn't like grayscale then? | 16:01 |
lcuk | i suppose at some point it will need fixing, but for now it meant you werent included in the zooming wall | 16:01 |
Stskeeps | i'm seriously wondering if i should bother answering to the hacker forum thread or just keep banging my head in the table over it. | 16:01 |
lcuk | no, my fail | 16:01 |
lardman | I don't see why we don't just create some subcategories and be done with it | 16:03 |
Stskeeps | the whole collapse of subcategories was because they had stalled | 16:03 |
Stskeeps | wasn't it? | 16:03 |
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lardman | yes, but I see no real problem with sticking them back in if people want them to more easily categorise information | 16:04 |
lardman | I mean a Mer category should get some use | 16:04 |
lardman | Android may get some little use, at least it would keep the threads together | 16:04 |
qgil | lardman, define "people" | 16:05 |
lardman | well probably not many people | 16:05 |
Stskeeps | lardman: no Mer category until we get enough threads in all sorts of different topics about Mer | 16:05 |
Stskeeps | we're getting there, but not yet :) | 16:05 |
lardman | hmm, would be better to create it (assuming there's no real problem) rather than having to move stuff later on | 16:05 |
lardman | anyway that's just my opinion | 16:08 |
Stskeeps | yeah.. the discussion was already there when the sub-categories stuff was up and talking | 16:08 |
qgil | qole is supposed to a sticky in the Alternatives forum. There you can put the pre-defined searches for each alternative and core users interested in Android and nothing else could just bookmark them | 16:09 |
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Stskeeps | i agree with stickies, they're immensely useful | 16:09 |
qgil | e.g. http://talk.maemo.org/search.php?searchid=4910930 | 16:10 |
Stskeeps | well, or even interesting threads that's far away in the archive as well | 16:10 |
lcuk | is it possible to actually put links to the stickies when you actually go to create a thread | 16:10 |
Stskeeps | with a proper editor in charge of it (qole would do a good job on this i think) it'd be good | 16:10 |
lardman | yes | 16:10 |
lardman | well the other option is to use those tag things properly (do they still exist) | 16:10 |
qgil | android tag: http://talk.maemo.org/search.php?searchid=4910933 | 16:11 |
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lardman | I can't see it atm, Firefox not working | 16:11 |
lardman | will have to shutdown and will look when I get back in work in a bit | 16:12 |
lardman | hold those thoughts! ;) | 16:12 |
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Stskeeps | since when does community-owned mean that you get root? | 16:15 |
Stskeeps | :P | 16:15 |
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qgil | I also would like to be thrown away from my moderator throne by a legion of volunteers not willing Nokia employees to have any reigns of power in maemo.org | 16:17 |
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qgil | I really have better things to do that move threads and write stickies | 16:18 |
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qgil | but apparently is easier to set up a new forum and get admin rights | 16:18 |
Stskeeps | i'm not sure i'd like a community that couldn't include the people that actually makes their devices and software | 16:19 |
qgil | anyway, my mistake not to keep my promise yesterday night of not following that discussion anymore :) | 16:19 |
Stskeeps | http://xkcd.com/386/ applies :) | 16:20 |
qgil | ah yes, totally these days | 16:20 |
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kfx | man I gotta figure out how to reign this browser in | 16:21 |
kfx | s/reign/rein/; | 16:23 |
mikkov_ | new forum doesn't look very dark to me | 16:26 |
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kfx | minimalist theme is dark | 16:27 |
RST38h | qgil: Let PB be a volunteer - invite him in. | 16:27 |
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RST38h | qgil: That will give him something to do and let him work on his own theme too | 16:28 |
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Stskeeps | RST38h: he was in sprint meeting the other day and could easily have taken up tasks too | 16:29 |
Stskeeps | (as could i but i have other non-sprint-listed stuff to do :P) | 16:29 |
RST38h | Sts: I guess it hasn't hit him then...yet. | 16:30 |
RST38h | Ah, SmartQ should have got Jazelle! | 16:31 |
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RST38h | Anyone knows what -Z designation is in ARM part numbers? | 16:32 |
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RST38h | There is also a TV-out and a built-in keypad debouncer somewherein that Samsing chip | 16:33 |
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booxter | what libc does maemo use? | 16:36 |
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ShadowJK | 2.5.0? | 16:37 |
booxter | glibc? | 16:37 |
ShadowJK | yes | 16:37 |
booxter | tnx | 16:37 |
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lardman | re | 16:42 |
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qgil | RST38h: I do believe that PB and few others see me as the ambassador of Nokia (meaning not a real community member) and nothing else. | 16:46 |
qgil | I think what I should probably do is do more work behind the courtain | 16:47 |
qgil | equally for the community (Danish Weekend, pre-releases, summits, etc) | 16:47 |
qgil | but definitely things no non-Nokia can do, by design | 16:47 |
qgil | forum reorgs, moving threads and killing spam can be done by many people | 16:48 |
RST38h | qgil: It does not matter what they see you as | 16:48 |
lardman | qgil: I agree with you that you don't need to be doing that stuff | 16:48 |
RST38h | qgil: At this point, you could be a purple martian monster and it wouldn't change a thing | 16:48 |
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lardman | really we should put it to the council and let them decide about it | 16:49 |
RST38h | qgil: PB wants participation and feels locked out, based on Reggie, Jaffa, et all blowing his requests off repeatedly | 16:49 |
qgil | RST38h: actually I disagree - I believe that if qgil would be fired this weekend then I would get some karma from some people just because | 16:49 |
lardman | i.e. this particular item | 16:49 |
RST38h | qgil: From some, yes, not from PB | 16:49 |
twilightNoir | council this, council that, just stfu and dev more apps for maemo | 16:49 |
RST38h | qgil: But PB just wants to make a difference and he is qualified enough for that, so why not let him? | 16:50 |
lardman | me in particular? :) | 16:50 |
qgil | I don't know what problem has PB with me these days, as we have got an excellent relationship since I knoew about his hacks | 16:50 |
qgil | RST38h: who is not "letting in"? | 16:50 |
Stskeeps | twilightNoir: ah, but the fact is the maemo.org community aids the people deving the apps (hosting, promotion, tshirts, summits, etc) :) | 16:50 |
Stskeeps | twilightNoir: but yes, less talking, more development | 16:50 |
* sp3000 has too much free time | 16:50 | |
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Stskeeps | there's still a need for someone to organize | 16:50 |
sp3000 | stupid vacations | 16:50 |
sp3000 | http://nullfield.dyndns.org/~tt/meh | 16:50 |
lardman | sp3000: give me some please! | 16:50 |
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RST38h | qgil: Well he can't change the site himself and whatever he asks for is being mmarked as WONTFIX | 16:51 |
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qgil | RST38h: he has been invited to come up wioth a mockup and Reggie or Andrew would code it | 16:51 |
RST38h | qgil: So, let him moderate things, let him work on a theme, etc | 16:51 |
twilightNoir | Stskeeps: alright, then, send me a t-shirt | 16:51 |
qgil | I'm asking for moderators: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=28675 | 16:51 |
qgil | no special invitation to PB, that's true... but not for anybody else either | 16:52 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: personally i wouldn't trust PB near a root account, but that's me :P | 16:52 |
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qgil | besides, who am I to invite? I'm just a guy doing stuff like the rest of you | 16:52 |
RST38h | qgil; he actually proposed himself as a moderator there | 16:52 |
qgil | the only difference is that I'm a Nokia employee - well, that doesn't qualify to invite someone to do maemo.org work | 16:52 |
RST38h | Sts: he is quite ok, as far as roots go =) | 16:52 |
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RST38h | qgil: Ok, PB asked to be a moderator | 16:53 |
RST38h | qgil: So, who exactly lets him be a moderator? | 16:53 |
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RST38h | Who does the actual privilege config part? | 16:54 |
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Stskeeps | well, if talk is owned by the community, the community council makes a vote, ideally | 16:54 |
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qgil | RST38h: reggie is admin, he is the one | 16:54 |
Stskeeps | or the admin, delegated by the council decides based on merit | 16:54 |
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RST38h | qgil: Then somebody has to ask Reggie make a decision - either create a poll or make decision on his own | 16:55 |
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qgil | truejournals and mobiledivided also volunteered | 16:55 |
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qgil | http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=284138&postcount=21 | 16:56 |
lardman_ | as did I | 16:56 |
lardman_ | and I am an admin | 16:56 |
qgil | well, you asked Reggie and you got it, and so did I | 16:56 |
qgil | it's not that difficult | 16:56 |
lardman_ | ah, different path, I forget, was a long time ago | 16:56 |
qgil | but well, I will send an email to Reggie asking to consider these three volunteers | 16:57 |
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lardman_ | the council probably ought to get involved and decide if they think people are suitable before putting them forward to reggie | 16:57 |
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ShadowJK | in car, fired up the notorious n810 gps. from gps->enable in maemo mapper: "searching for gps" 12 seconds, first fix 9 seconds later. 21 seconds total. | 16:58 |
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ShadowJK | not bad id say | 16:58 |
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RST38h | qgil: Please do send him an email | 16:58 |
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RST38h | ShadowJK: I am sure this is using AGPS? | 16:59 |
* lardman_ wonders if all the planets were in alignment just then...? :) | 17:00 | |
Stskeeps | ShadowJK: you must have mistaken your n96 and your n810 obviously ;p | 17:00 |
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qgil | RST38h & others, please go to http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=28675 and ask the same to Reggie | 17:01 |
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qgil | really, I'm no different than you to ask that | 17:01 |
lardman_ | or the n810 was accidentally linked to a SirfStar3 gps which happened to be in the car ;) | 17:01 |
qgil | I will send the email as promised, but anybody of you can do it | 17:02 |
qgil | RST38h: or why do you think it makes a difference that *I* do it? | 17:02 |
Stskeeps | maybe rst38h doesn't know reggie's email ;) | 17:02 |
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lardman_ | VDVsx: ping | 17:03 |
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Stskeeps | maybe we need a maemo.org proof points of what the community does for you :P (it may already exist), summit(s), gsoc, garage.maemo.org, repository.maemo.org (extras), talk, etc :P | 17:04 |
lardman_ | s/community/council ? | 17:05 |
lardman_ | oh, perhaps you do mean community | 17:05 |
Stskeeps | yeah, i mean community | 17:05 |
lardman_ | surely it's pretty self evident? | 17:05 |
Stskeeps | sure, but to newcomers? | 17:06 |
lardman_ | it's either you alone, or you + others to help, support, etc | 17:06 |
lardman_ | I think mentioning some of the cool stuff the community gets up to would be good, but not as a sales point for why a community is good | 17:06 |
Stskeeps | council is just the faciliators to make the community work - someone to lead the work as such | 17:06 |
lardman_ | yeah | 17:06 |
Stskeeps | so we don't have to do polls every single dady | 17:06 |
Stskeeps | day | 17:06 |
lardman_ | weekly/monthly tribunal? | 17:07 |
RST38h | qgil: The moderation access is something Reggie should do | 17:07 |
RST38h | qgil: As to why you should ask him, Reggie trusts you and listens to you | 17:08 |
RST38h | qgil: he does not listen to me. | 17:08 |
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Stskeeps | btw | 17:08 |
Stskeeps | "Legal" is 404 on talk :P | 17:08 |
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Stskeeps | and terms of use :> | 17:09 |
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fiferboy | lbt: ping | 17:09 |
RST38h | that's because you can't use it =) | 17:09 |
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k-s | anyone willing to test canola2 on ubuntu? | 17:20 |
k-s | https://launchpad.net/~barbieri-profusion/+archive/canola2 please help | 17:20 |
pferrill | 9.04? | 17:22 |
k-s | yes | 17:22 |
pferrill | I'll give it a whirl | 17:22 |
Stskeeps | the python-efl repos came up? | 17:22 |
pferrill | I'm also interested in the book reader plugin I saw on maemo.org | 17:22 |
pferrill | how do you install that? | 17:23 |
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aquatix | k-s: ooh, canola2 on ubuntu? | 17:23 |
* aquatix clicks link | 17:23 | |
k-s | yeah | 17:23 |
k-s | I'm doing the packages | 17:23 |
k-s | first round is there, just read the instructions | 17:23 |
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aquatix | k-s: instructions? :) | 17:26 |
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aquatix | erm, 0 upgraded, 56 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded. | 17:27 |
aquatix | sounds a bit much | 17:27 |
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aquatix | complete enlightment it seems :) | 17:28 |
k-s | aquatix: lots of small libs | 17:28 |
k-s | aquatix: debian/ubuntu is like that, lots of small packages | 17:28 |
Stskeeps | k-s: how stable is it? | 17:28 |
Stskeeps | good job btw | 17:28 |
k-s | some packages like edje are split into 2-3 binaries | 17:29 |
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k-s | Stskeeps: well, I did some tests and works on hardy (netbooks) | 17:29 |
k-s | need someone to test on jaunty | 17:29 |
k-s | so you tell me | 17:29 |
Stskeeps | question, is this the famed project where people actually cooperate on enlightenment packages? | 17:29 |
Stskeeps | as in, their packaging | 17:29 |
k-s | enlightenment packages are done in svn | 17:29 |
k-s | in their svn | 17:29 |
Stskeeps | ok, so they have debian/ now? | 17:29 |
k-s | I'm the release manager of e17, but not doing packages atm | 17:29 |
k-s | just fixing them | 17:30 |
Stskeeps | k | 17:30 |
qgil | RST38h: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=285537&postcount=29 | 17:30 |
k-s | I was required to setup this ppa by canonical guys that wished to test it | 17:30 |
k-s | so there it is :-) | 17:30 |
Stskeeps | we can try to load them into OBS and try it out on Mer (which is 9.04 based) as well :) | 17:30 |
k-s | Stskeeps: obs (suse, fedora) is already packaging efl stuff | 17:30 |
Stskeeps | *nod* | 17:31 |
k-s | Stskeeps: we have a obs maintainer (sda) | 17:31 |
k-s | http://trac.enlightenment.org/e/wiki/E17%20binary%20packages | 17:31 |
Stskeeps | thanks | 17:31 |
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aquatix | k-s: yeah, i know | 17:32 |
k-s | Stskeeps: join #edevelop or #e and ask quaker66/rbelem/etrunko/Lutin about debian/ubuntu and sda about obs/fedora/suse/mandriva | 17:32 |
aquatix | just thought it'd have some less deps | 17:32 |
aquatix | current connections isn't that fast :) | 17:32 |
k-s | aquatix: canola is a huge beast :-) | 17:32 |
* aquatix installs | 17:32 | |
Stskeeps | k-s: yeah - i'm more interested in the ubuntu packaging though, we just use OBS as build system and repo so :) | 17:32 |
Stskeeps | good to see though! | 17:33 |
pferrill | seems that the evas dependencies won't install | 17:33 |
pferrill | libevas-svn needs libevas-engines | 17:34 |
kenne | k-s, when will it have a webbrowser :) ? | 17:34 |
pferrill | and vice versa | 17:34 |
k-s | kenne: when you stop chating and finish coding :-) | 17:34 |
k-s | pferrill: other people tried it and it worked :-/ | 17:35 |
lcuk2 | aren't you meant to implement email as a final straw | 17:35 |
kenne | hehe | 17:35 |
* lcuk2 has just added smtp ;) | 17:35 | |
pferrill | hmm | 17:35 |
pferrill | I'll try again | 17:36 |
fiferboy | k-s: It works much better for me (in a virtualbox session) in windowed mode | 17:36 |
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aquatix | k-s: just have to launch `canola2' ? | 17:37 |
lopz | hola | 17:37 |
aquatix | hm, i can't set an audio folder? | 17:39 |
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aquatix | k-s: it seems i can't enter non-default directories for my media files :/ | 17:42 |
k-s | fiferboy: canola -n is your friend | 17:42 |
fiferboy | Yup, that works fine. | 17:42 |
fiferboy | Actually, after the first start it works in fullscreen mode too. | 17:43 |
k-s | aquatix: cnl-set-prefs settings audio '["/a/b", "/c/d"]' | 17:43 |
aquatix | hm | 17:44 |
fiferboy | k-s: That works for me | 17:45 |
fiferboy | You have to go into media folders and enable it after, though. | 17:45 |
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fiferboy | I get a player error when trying to play music | 17:46 |
aquatix | k-s: awesome | 17:46 |
fiferboy | 1241793988.6146 ERROR controller:588:_player_error() Player's ControllerError: 11 - Player error. | 17:46 |
* aquatix has music, trying video now | 17:47 | |
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k-s | fiferboy: yes, or cnl-set-prefs scan_folders audio and the same thing as before | 17:47 |
k-s | fiferboy: run with -vvv, but usually it means you lack codecs in gstreamer? | 17:47 |
fiferboy | I'm running in KDE, so maybe gstreamer isn't installed. | 17:48 |
fiferboy | I'll check | 17:48 |
fiferboy | Not installed. What plugins do I need? | 17:49 |
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k-s | fiferboy: mplayer? | 17:50 |
k-s | if so, even better | 17:50 |
fiferboy | Installing mplayer now | 17:51 |
k-s | ok | 17:51 |
fiferboy | Now it says "Error trying to play" | 17:52 |
k-s | errr... | 17:53 |
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k-s | fiferboy: could you try gstreamer and gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly ? | 17:54 |
k-s | sorry, and thanks to help with testing... | 17:54 |
fiferboy | Installing now | 17:54 |
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aquatix | k-s: video works :) | 17:55 |
k-s | aquatix: good! | 17:55 |
fiferboy | No more error, but it doesn't actually play | 17:55 |
k-s | fiferboy: which kind of media is that? | 17:56 |
fiferboy | mp3 | 17:56 |
k-s | one of the things I realized is that mplayer in ubuntu is not that good, since it is not compiled with lots of codecs | 17:56 |
k-s | fiferboy: ah... I guess for mp3 you need another gstreamer plugin... let me see | 17:57 |
k-s | fiferboy: gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 and gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg should do | 17:57 |
k-s | I have a call, bbl | 17:57 |
* aquatix heads home | 17:58 | |
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* lardman_ too | 18:01 | |
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etrunko | kenne: owned | 18:02 |
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kenne | hehe | 18:05 |
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xnt|school | hi everyone | 18:08 |
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lbt | fiferboy: pong | 18:32 |
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mib_6aorjz | I am having a hard time to get numptyphysics to work. | 19:08 |
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mib_6aorjz | I use Diablo in a N800 | 19:08 |
mib_6aorjz | I have tried to purge and reinstall, but it always crash during startup. It says there is an invalid stroke definition on terminal. | 19:10 |
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ShadowJK | Stskeeps/RST38h: yes I have a-gps installed, no it was N810 for sure, and I don't have an N96 :) | 19:44 |
ShadowJK | (I'd probably have a N95 8G instead of N96, it's almost the same hw anyway?) | 19:45 |
ShadowJK | lardman|gone, no it was internal gps for sure, the sirfstar was in the house out of bluetooth range ;) | 19:45 |
kfx | 8G | 19:48 |
kfx | man we only have 3G here | 19:48 |
ShadowJK | internal mmc | 19:49 |
ShadowJK | The first N95 had pitiful amount of SDRAM | 19:49 |
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ShadowJK | N95 8GB deletes the card slot, adds 8GB internal mmc and expands SDRAM to full 128M | 19:49 |
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luke-jr | "full 128M"? | 19:50 |
luke-jr | that's hardly full | 19:50 |
luke-jr | that's patheticly low | 19:50 |
ShadowJK | it had even less before | 19:50 |
ShadowJK | 128 probably was the biggest available at the time though? | 19:50 |
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VDVsx | lardman|gone, pong | 19:53 |
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mib_1fy3cv | Did anybody else have problems with numptyphysics | 19:58 |
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mib_1fy3cv | It crashes instantly here. 0.2 is fine though. | 19:59 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Still here? | 19:59 |
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danilocesar | ls | 20:06 |
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luke-jr | why do normal stlc4560 firmwares not work on N810? | 20:08 |
Stskeeps | different softmac maybe | 20:08 |
Stskeeps | is it cx3110x or stlc45xx? | 20:09 |
luke-jr | cx3110x | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | which kernel? | 20:09 |
luke-jr | Maemo | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | k | 20:09 |
Stskeeps | well then it's probably the difference in softmac | 20:09 |
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luke-jr | speaking of which | 20:09 |
Macer | watching wolverine now | 20:09 |
luke-jr | Macer: I saw that a month ago | 20:09 |
Macer | i guess a workprint leaked out.. so no cgi :) | 20:09 |
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luke-jr | where is a new kernel image? | 20:09 |
luke-jr | :/ | 20:10 |
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Macer | luke-jr: same one? :) | 20:10 |
luke-jr | Macer: no, mine had *some* CGI | 20:10 |
Macer | the one where the airplane doesn't look like a complete airplane? | 20:10 |
luke-jr | I didn't notice that | 20:10 |
Macer | yeah.. it does.. but it is incomplete | 20:10 |
Macer | you can tell it was just a rough draft | 20:10 |
luke-jr | after watching it | 20:11 |
Macer | wolverine was in every single war haha | 20:11 |
luke-jr | I think I'd pay for DVD with source ;) | 20:11 |
luke-jr | so I can see the different levels of progression | 20:11 |
* RST38h moos | 20:11 | |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: where is the kernel image I compiled? | 20:11 |
luke-jr | ARM doesn't use bzImage.. | 20:11 |
Macer | i guess in the movie sabertooth and wolverine are half brothers? | 20:12 |
luke-jr | yeah | 20:12 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: it uses zImage | 20:12 |
Stskeeps | arch/arm/boot? | 20:12 |
Macer | cupcake came out for G1 | 20:12 |
Macer | and there still isn't direct hid bt support | 20:13 |
Macer | it is the only thing holding android bak | 20:13 |
Stskeeps | heh | 20:13 |
Macer | at least you can use stereo bt headphones now | 20:14 |
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GeneralAntilles | Well, that, and Google, Java, etc. . . . | 20:14 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: it isn't there :< | 20:15 |
Stskeeps | you're not doing it right then | 20:15 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:15 |
luke-jr | :/ | 20:16 |
luke-jr | 'make' rebuilds! | 20:16 |
Macer | android has a soft keyboard now | 20:16 |
luke-jr | how is it that my build disappeared? :/ | 20:16 |
Macer | i still hate the way it shoves things into the background and kills them when it needs more memory | 20:16 |
luke-jr | I even have modules install :/ | 20:16 |
Macer | haha | 20:17 |
Macer | you can see the strings in this copy of wolverine | 20:17 |
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ShadowJK | I presume that android apps actually do save state? :) | 20:17 |
RST38h | General: Google isn't holding it, it seems | 20:17 |
RST38h | General: When random Chinese shops are starting to sell their hw with android inside, it is a good sign that Google does not mind | 20:18 |
* ShadowJK vaguely recalls reading somewhere that maemo apps should save state | 20:18 | |
ShadowJK | but I've seen none that do so? :P | 20:18 |
RST38h | Yea :) | 20:18 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: notes | 20:18 |
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RST38h | I do not think anyone does that though | 20:18 |
luke-jr | I'm surprised Android isn't 100% webapp-based | 20:18 |
luke-jr | RST38h: KDE | 20:18 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, Google is associated with it, which is all that matters to me. | 20:19 |
RST38h | The Maemo tutorial starts with a huge section on how you are supposed to save state etc | 20:19 |
RST38h | The whole thing appears to be some specialized replacement to simply paging app out | 20:19 |
* lcuk2 shakes head at hailstones | 20:20 | |
RST38h | General: Mind if I ask what is wrong with Google/? | 20:20 |
RST38h | (other than their tendency for accumulating personal data and letting government search it) | 20:20 |
luke-jr | RST38h: what isn't? | 20:20 |
luke-jr | they can't code for crap, at least | 20:21 |
RST38h | Google? Who says? | 20:21 |
luke-jr | me | 20:21 |
RST38h | Can you code? | 20:21 |
luke-jr | just look at GMail | 20:21 |
ShadowJK | RST38h, paging app out is fucking slow | 20:21 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, they're too big and they've got a hold over too much stuff. | 20:21 |
ShadowJK | Although if you modified the linux kernel to halt an app and swap out all of its anonymous memory in one big chunk at once, it might be fast-ish... | 20:22 |
luke-jr | ShadowJK: that's not a kernel thing really | 20:22 |
luke-jr | teh WM could easily send SIGSTOP to apps that aren't in use | 20:22 |
ShadowJK | Yeah, I've been thinking of writing something that sends SIGSTOP during heavy paging | 20:23 |
ShadowJK | say microb kicks off a swapfest, thingy would stop it until the windowmanager and others get their pages back | 20:23 |
lcuk2 | how do you know an app isnt in use | 20:23 |
RST38h | General: Their declared goal is to index Everything =) | 20:24 |
luke-jr | lcuk2: minimized and not marked as "background-active" :p | 20:24 |
ShadowJK | (and most importantly, until dsme gets its pages back so it can prod the watchdog so that the tablet doesn't reboot) | 20:24 |
Macer | so do they have the whole weapon x thing? | 20:24 |
luke-jr | Macer: ? | 20:24 |
Macer | in wolverine | 20:24 |
luke-jr | … | 20:24 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Yes, but this saving state stuff is basically a custom way to save app state, terminate it, then restart it and restore the state | 20:24 |
Macer | like in the comic :) | 20:24 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: In other words, it is like semiautomatic paging | 20:24 |
luke-jr | Macer: uh, yeah | 20:24 |
luke-jr | Macer: but I don't know the comic | 20:25 |
RST38h | or swapping rather | 20:25 |
ShadowJK | RST38h, yeah, on the other hand state saving works across reboots, resets and "oops my battery is empty" :) | 20:25 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: possibly, if your kernel state is portable across these eventsd | 20:27 |
RST38h | If the kernel state changes from reboot to reboot, then you are fucked anyway | 20:27 |
ShadowJK | Eh you don't save kernel state | 20:27 |
ShadowJK | you just want to save the state of your UI and all user data | 20:28 |
RST38h | Yes, but if it is at least portable (i.e. has no parts that affect application state) then you are ok | 20:28 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Yes, but when saving state of your UI, you actually save pointers | 20:28 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Consider what happens if one of these pointers refers to kernel space and kernel state changes between reboots | 20:29 |
RST38h | does not have to be a direct pointer, a handle is fine | 20:29 |
RST38h | now, consider the same for x11 stuff | 20:29 |
ShadowJK | You never want to save pointers | 20:30 |
ShadowJK | ever | 20:30 |
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RST38h | ShadowJK: But Maemo app state save mechanism appears to save pointers | 20:34 |
mithrandir1 | When I have the charger connected to my n810 it displays (after the nokia logo) booting from flash (I have bootmenu installed), then restarts. This reboot loop does not occur when the charger is not connected. Any ideas how I can track this down? | 20:34 |
RST38h | shadowJK: Which is actually fine if you restore application at exactly the same addresses and there are no external pointers (i.e. kernel handles, x11 handles, etc) | 20:35 |
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luke-jr | RST38h: cryopid? | 20:36 |
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piratenflorian_ | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< | 20:44 |
piratenflorian_ | hi | 20:44 |
piratenflorian_ | hi | 20:44 |
piratenflorian_ | ksad fäfjsd gsf s | 20:44 |
piratenflorian_ | f safd | 20:44 |
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piratenflorian_ | f sa | 20:44 |
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piratenflorian_ | g | 20:45 |
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piratenflorian_ | j | 20:45 |
piratenflorian_ | ggfj | 20:45 |
piratenflorian_ | gfjfgjfgj gfj | 20:45 |
piratenflorian_ | fg | 20:45 |
piratenflorian_ | gf h | 20:45 |
piratenflorian_ | gfj | 20:45 |
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piratenflorian_ | fg | 20:45 |
piratenflorian_ | jg hj | 20:45 |
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lopz | xD | 20:45 |
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RST38h | hmmmm | 20:46 |
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GAN8001 | I'm going out, you guys are on your own if it comes back. :P | 20:47 |
RST38h | at least ban it | 20:47 |
lcuk | take your n800 with you | 20:47 |
GAN8001 | Meh | 20:47 |
GAN8001 | lcuk, if I have time to tether. | 20:47 |
* lcuk gets the rope | 20:48 | |
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luke-jr | GAN8001: op someone | 20:48 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: not customary to have ops in freenode channels per automatic | 20:48 |
luke-jr | maybe RST38h? | 20:48 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: better safe than sorry? | 20:49 |
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luke-jr | Stskeeps: our policy over in #anime works pretty well | 20:49 |
Stskeeps | maybe | 20:49 |
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Stskeeps | i vote we op penguinbait | 20:49 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:49 |
mithrandir1 | When I have the charger connected to my n810 it displays (after the nokia logo) booting from flash (I have bootmenu installed), then restarts. This reboot loop does not occur when the charger is not connected. Any ideas how I can track this down? | 20:49 |
luke-jr | #anime -- 49 nicks (23 ops) | 20:50 |
luke-jr | troll/flood problems are pretty rare :D | 20:50 |
Stskeeps | i really should pick up anime watching again .. maybe when i am done with my thesis | 20:52 |
Macer | hahahaha | 20:52 |
Macer | he accidently sliced the sink and heater apart :) | 20:52 |
luke-jr | XD | 20:53 |
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luke-jr | Macer: Striker lives | 20:53 |
luke-jr | oops, spoiler | 20:53 |
luke-jr | penguinbait: you were just nominated for being op | 20:53 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: thanks for the invite but last time i was near anything remotely anime related a korean girl with severe adhd started hitting on me | 20:53 |
Stskeeps | which is not pleasant. | 20:53 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: LOL | 20:53 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: this is IRC, we don't have girls here | 20:53 |
Macer | Stskeeps: hahhaha | 20:54 |
penguinbait | hook it up | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | yeah, that's what i thought when i started on irc as well | 20:54 |
penguinbait | ;) | 20:54 |
luke-jr | ;) | 20:54 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: seriously, all we do in #anime is play IRC games all day | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: now that doesn't sound scary at all | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | furries? | 20:54 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:54 |
luke-jr | O.o | 20:54 |
* Stskeeps runs | 20:54 | |
luke-jr | Mafia-based | 20:55 |
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* penguinbait slaps luke-jr around a bit with a large trout | 20:55 | |
luke-jr | florian: O.o; hi | 20:55 |
penguinbait | heh, sorry I had to install mirc at work | 20:55 |
luke-jr | "had to" | 20:55 |
penguinbait | there is something fishy goin on? | 20:56 |
florian | re | 20:56 |
luke-jr | florian: LTNS, you here often? :p | 20:56 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: not the same guy i think | 20:56 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: no? /whois says it is | 20:56 |
penguinbait | chose to? | 20:56 |
Stskeeps | luke-jr: the guy flooding before | 20:56 |
penguinbait | felt compelled to | 20:56 |
luke-jr | Stskeeps: ⁇? | 20:57 |
* Stskeeps tries to flash new firmware on his smartq | 20:57 | |
fiferboy | lbt: re-ping? | 20:57 |
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penguinbait | I can't wait to get some new hardware | 20:58 |
Stskeeps | i'd invest in a smartq5, heh | 20:58 |
Stskeeps | have to ask them who's reselling them | 20:58 |
luke-jr | I want a SmartQ X | 20:58 |
luke-jr | :p | 20:58 |
Stskeeps | q12? ;p | 20:58 |
RST38h | SmartQ M | 20:59 |
Stskeeps | there's nothing like a upgrade program that uses chinese characters | 20:59 |
RST38h | The TV edition | 20:59 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: i really have to figure out if this thing does tv out | 20:59 |
Stskeeps | the casing says it does | 20:59 |
luke-jr | ö | 20:59 |
Stskeeps | (it has a tv and a headphones thing) | 21:00 |
RST38h | Sts: ah, just use a 3.5" a/v cable | 21:00 |
luke-jr | $()#*$)#% | 21:00 |
RST38h | Sts: Comes with camcorders | 21:00 |
luke-jr | I think I give up on a new kernel :< | 21:00 |
luke-jr | every time I run make it rebuilds everything | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: hmm | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: fits in normal headphone slots? | 21:01 |
RST38h | Sts: Yep | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | interesting | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | i wonder if i have one downstair | 21:01 |
RST38h | has got one more band, afaik | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | s | 21:01 |
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Macer | no shit. cyclops is in this too? | 21:02 |
RST38h | Sts: http://freespace.virgin.net/matt.waite/resource/av/4poleav.htm | 21:02 |
luke-jr | … | 21:02 |
luke-jr | Macer: so is Xavier | 21:02 |
luke-jr | and Gambit | 21:02 |
Macer | no shti.. gambit?? | 21:03 |
Macer | gambit is awesome :) | 21:03 |
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luke-jr | Macer: and Logan's gf/wife | 21:03 |
Macer | i saw that part | 21:03 |
luke-jr | i c | 21:04 |
luke-jr | and her sister | 21:04 |
luke-jr | the one w/ diamond skin | 21:04 |
Macer | i thought he met his wife in japan in the comic | 21:04 |
luke-jr | Macer: and Deadpool or whatever his name is | 21:04 |
luke-jr | aka Weapon XI | 21:05 |
penguinbait | la la la la la la la la la | 21:05 |
Macer | yeah. deadpool kicks ass | 21:05 |
luke-jr | Macer: more like gets his ___ kicked | 21:05 |
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RST38h | Oh...XMen fans... | 21:05 |
RST38h | heya pupnik | 21:05 |
Macer | i was disgusted with x3 | 21:06 |
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RST38h | another attempt on making a kernel... | 21:21 |
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ShadowJK | RST38h, unless there's some "security enhanced" stuff going on, apps would load at the same address all the time anyway? :-) | 21:22 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: Not necessarily | 21:22 |
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RST38h | Well, the segments will actually load at the same addresses but the heap is not guaranteed to be the same | 21:23 |
ShadowJK | right | 21:23 |
RST38h | At least unless you are running Win7 :) | 21:23 |
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ShadowJK | Fedora did at one point load libraries in different place each week.. | 21:24 |
slonopotamus | hmm | 21:25 |
* RST38h uses this opportunity to curse RedHat and all its incarnations | 21:25 | |
slonopotamus | someone here was a developer of xf86-video-omapfb | 21:25 |
Stskeeps | slonopotamus: saw meiz's fbdev video? | 21:26 |
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slonopotamus | yes | 21:26 |
Stskeeps | k | 21:26 |
slonopotamus | as far as i understand, he didn't change anything, right? :) | 21:26 |
penguinbait | RST38h RedHat kicks ass :) | 21:26 |
Stskeeps | he changed to fbdev instead of omapfb | 21:26 |
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Stskeeps | and fb_update_mode auto | 21:26 |
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slonopotamus | so... xf86-video-omapfb isn't needed? | 21:31 |
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Stskeeps | i'm not sure what the actual advantage is | 21:31 |
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Stskeeps | if it had manual updates, sure | 21:31 |
Macer | hm | 21:31 |
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slonopotamus | any disadvantages? | 21:32 |
Stskeeps | it plays video it seems | 21:32 |
slonopotamus | i mean, does fbdev has any? | 21:33 |
slonopotamus | in current state of both | 21:34 |
Stskeeps | it works with video and seems to perform as well as with -omapfb | 21:34 |
slonopotamus | okay | 21:35 |
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Macer | yah. wolverine was pretty good | 21:45 |
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ssvb | Stskeeps: blizzard overlay is needed for good video support | 21:52 |
ssvb | Stskeeps: omap dispc overlay is slower | 21:53 |
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ssvb | Stskeeps: afaik, *-omapfb only uses dispc overlay | 21:54 |
Stskeeps | ah | 21:56 |
ssvb | Stskeeps: that is of course only true for n8xx devices with external LCD controller, beagleboard works fine with dispc overlay for example | 21:56 |
Stskeeps | i'm really considering to go back to xomap these days to get some of the performance back | 21:56 |
Stskeeps | if i can figure out the xsp problem with HIM | 21:56 |
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Stskeeps | think there's simply something awry in the fremantle alpha HIM we used | 21:57 |
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Andrewfblack | GeneralAntilles: you around | 22:10 |
Stskeeps | evening Andrewfblack :) | 22:10 |
Stskeeps | how is it going? | 22:10 |
Andrewfblack | Hey Stskeeps not much | 22:10 |
Andrewfblack | I'm ready to get minimalist 2.0 launched | 22:11 |
RST38h | Andrewfblack: I have noticed something today | 22:11 |
Stskeeps | Andrewfblack: woo :) | 22:12 |
sjgadsby | Thanks for all the work you've done on Minimalist, Andrewfblack. | 22:12 |
RST38h | Andrewfblack: The current incarnation of Minimalist takes about 100kB/page to download | 22:12 |
RST38h | Andrewfblack: Any way to shrink to to 30kB or less? | 22:12 |
mithrandir1 | solved, borked init scripts... | 22:13 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: 100? really? even without images? | 22:13 |
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Andrewfblack | the quick menu was huge | 22:13 |
Andrewfblack | anyone know of a site to check amount of data to download? | 22:14 |
RST38h | Sts: Without images | 22:14 |
RST38h | Andrew: A moment... | 22:14 |
Andrewfblack | well there was alot of code on old theme that didn't work but wasn't removed I've been removing alot of that | 22:15 |
RST38h | Andrew: http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/ | 22:15 |
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Andrewfblack | alot of old iphone stuff left in there | 22:15 |
RST38h | ah | 22:15 |
RST38h | Hohoho, penguinbait, are you here? | 22:16 |
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RST38h | Look what I have found: http://talk.maemo.org/?styleid=13 | 22:17 |
Stskeeps | hah | 22:18 |
sjgadsby | Yes, Reggie just announced that, RST38h. | 22:18 |
RST38h | sjgadsby: ah, thanks god | 22:18 |
Stskeeps | but the orange.. | 22:18 |
Andrewfblack | Its been worked on for several days we just wan't going ot tell anyone | 22:18 |
Stskeeps | ah, and meanwhile the theme wars raged | 22:18 |
* sjgadsby laughs. | 22:18 | |
RST38h | sjgadsby: it hopefully means that the flames are gonna calm down | 22:18 |
Stskeeps | and replaced with orange writing. | 22:18 |
Andrewfblack | classic blue is back also | 22:18 |
RST38h | yea, found it | 22:19 |
RST38h | now, just add a mobile theme and it is all set | 22:19 |
Andrewfblack | well we didn't want PB to think he won now did we | 22:19 |
sjgadsby | Well, as penguinbait has been asking for a dark version of the talk.maemo.org theme, not classic... | 22:19 |
Andrewfblack | I"m working getting approval to do a better mobile then the old ones | 22:19 |
RST38h | sjgadsby: I do not think he cares | 22:19 |
RST38h | it is the color he craves not the layout afaik | 22:19 |
Andrewfblack | I was hoping to get someone to donate me there old S60 phone to test a mobile theme on lol but no luck | 22:20 |
RST38h | Andrew: the old one (the more colorful one) is actually a good theme if somewhat simplistic | 22:20 |
Macer | how did they make stuff in the older star wars movies? | 22:20 |
RST38h | Andrew: just shrink FF window to 240x320, it is enough | 22:20 |
Macer | just use models? | 22:20 |
RST38h | S60 has got relatively decent browser, it is just low on hw resources | 22:20 |
Macer | depends on the phone | 22:21 |
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RST38h | Macer: Anything with S60e3 is ok | 22:21 |
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Andrewfblack | RST38h: yeah but if I can get a free phone out of it why not I mean someone gave me a free 770 for testing some stuff on lol | 22:21 |
Macer | i got sick of symbian | 22:21 |
Macer | has way too much of a mid 90s look to it still | 22:21 |
Macer | they need to revamp the gui | 22:21 |
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RST38h | Andrew: true, although I doubt anyone will donate =( | 22:22 |
* RST38h is ok with Symbian - it does the job. | 22:22 | |
Andrewfblack | RST38h: I'd take a windows mobile on also lol | 22:22 |
Macer | RST38h: yeah that's true | 22:22 |
Macer | but the same could be said for windows 3.1 ;) | 22:22 |
Andrewfblack | RST38h: not going to be able to shrink it | 22:22 |
RST38h | Andrew: Oh, you wouldn't, winmobile is a serious pain :) | 22:22 |
Andrewfblack | not that much atleast | 22:23 |
RST38h | Macer: Symbian is no windows. | 22:23 |
Andrewfblack | RST38h: better then my phone | 22:23 |
RST38h | It is designed by seriously sick people but not by idiots | 22:23 |
Macer | RST38h: i know.. but your analogy that it "gets the job done" | 22:23 |
Macer | that's no excuse to remain the same for over a decade :) | 22:23 |
RST38h | Macer: Actually it is | 22:23 |
RST38h | Macer: For example, Unix gets the job done. | 22:23 |
Macer | true | 22:24 |
Macer | good point.. but most people use "UNIX" for serving | 22:24 |
Macer | :) | 22:24 |
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Macer | phones are supposed to be an end user device.. and sometimes it helps when things are updated to look frewsh instead of being stuck with the same interface for over 10 years | 22:25 |
penguinbait | wooohoooo | 22:26 |
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RST38h | penguinbait <-- obviously met the dark theme of his dreams | 22:27 |
penguinbait | heheheheh | 22:27 |
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RST38h | Macer: Most people do not get erection from an operating system | 22:28 |
Andrewfblack | RST38h: can't get that site to test the minimalist reverts back and tests the main theme everytime | 22:28 |
Andrewfblack | I wonder if there is a ff plugin for something like that | 22:28 |
RST38h | Andrewfblack: easy | 22:28 |
RST38h | Andrewfblack: pass styleid in the URL | 22:28 |
RST38h | Andrewfblack: it definitely worked for me | 22:28 |
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sjgadsby | Andrewfblack: You might try Extended Statusbar: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1433 | 22:30 |
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Andrewfblack | RST38h: I tried that and it is removing the style id part | 22:31 |
RST38h | lemme try again | 22:31 |
Andrewfblack | ok brb restarting ff and I'm using mibbit so.. | 22:31 |
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Andrewfblack | RST38h: right now loading a form with 5 threads on a page is taking 14k according to this now more text and longer the page more that will go up but that is going to be about as low as I can take it I would say | 22:34 |
Andrewfblack | not sure if that status bar is right or not | 22:35 |
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RST38h | Andrewfblack: 14k sounds pretty nice | 22:40 |
RST38h | that site indicates 70kB for the main page of Minimalist 1.0 | 22:40 |
RST38h | of that, 59kB is JavaScript | 22:41 |
RST38h | Can you give me an URL of Minimalist 2.0 to try? | 22:41 |
Andrewfblack | no sorry Reggie's rules no one can even know the address of our sandbox | 22:41 |
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RST38h | ok | 22:41 |
Andrewfblack | give me the link again to the site | 22:42 |
RST38h | http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/ | 22:43 |
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Andrewfblack | nope still can't get it to work but I don't think this status bar is working right | 22:48 |
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RST38h | no the status bar seems to be fooling you | 22:49 |
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* RST38h curses the tracker | 22:51 | |
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* RST38h suspects that the first advice to Fremantle users will be "Disable Tracker" | 22:52 | |
RST38h | Andrew: I have tried it again and it definitely worked. Try typing in http://talk.maemo.org/?styleid=13 | 22:55 |
Stskeeps | woo, weird tablet-like pictures on itt | 23:01 |
Stskeeps | rumour galore | 23:01 |
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RST38h | Where, oh WHERE? | 23:03 |
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Stskeeps | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=28846 ;p | 23:03 |
darkblue_B | hi all- back to the N800 dev.. I desire to write a control panel.. prefer python... is this possible? examples? leads appreciated | 23:04 |
Stskeeps | darkblue_B: i have a dummy example i think | 23:04 |
RST38h | Sts: this looks tasty, apparently has wider screen too | 23:04 |
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darkblue_B | Stskeeps: that would be *great* | 23:04 |
Stskeeps | darkblue_B: http://repository.mer.tspre.org/pool/main/h/hildon-cpa-dummy/ , but im not sure it works on diablo | 23:05 |
darkblue_B | looking | 23:05 |
RST38h | Sts: making faceplate out of a bicycle reflector is a bad idea though | 23:05 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: a tablet really really needs to be sturdy and able to take some beatings though | 23:05 |
Stskeeps | and who knows if you need to find your tablet in the dark while drunk ;) | 23:05 |
RST38h | Sts: I absolutely agree on it but sturdy != stylish :( | 23:06 |
ShadowJK | touchscreens are bloody impossible when drunk | 23:06 |
Stskeeps | i'm inclined to think i could do the fremantle interface while drunk. | 23:06 |
RST38h | Sts: Personally, I would prefer the case to be made of the same stuff as 770 but there is no way Nokia will do THAT again | 23:06 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: it looks a bit like n800 | 23:06 |
RST38h | Sts: 5900 does? Well, it looks like a fat 5800 to me | 23:07 |
ShadowJK | n800 feels sturdier than n810, even though n800 feels more plasticy :P | 23:07 |
RST38h | N810 is flimsy | 23:07 |
RST38h | that ugly, chipping silvery stuff they definitely have to get rid of =( | 23:08 |
Andrewfblack | RST38h: it might be becuase our sandbox has a rather complex addy to why its dropping part of it | 23:08 |
RST38h | Andrew: try it on the non-sandbox stuff and see if it works | 23:09 |
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RST38h | If it does, then it is the sandbox to blame | 23:09 |
ShadowJK | the chipping silvery stuff is a nokia trademark! | 23:10 |
ShadowJK | It's been years since I've seen a nokia device without it | 23:11 |
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darkblue_B | Stskeeps: so.. there is a .so library in /usr/lib/hildon-control-panel/ ; a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications/hildon-control-panel/ ; and a libexec something.. where is the GUI defined? .. and.. this wont build on the recent OS ? | 23:12 |
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darkblue_B | I don t have a scratchbox.. but I was thinking I would run mer in a VM, if thats straightforward | 23:13 |
darkblue_B | (I dont want to get caught up in having to do a bunch of non-obvious things to mer to get started) | 23:14 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: E70 has got higher quality chipping silvery stuff than n810! | 23:14 |
RST38h | ShadowJK: In fact lots of their new devices do not have it. Ironically, these are mostly budget devices :) | 23:14 |
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ShadowJK | I haven't seen any chipping yet on my N810 and I've used it more than my E70, which has lost the silvery stuff on the joystick :) | 23:15 |
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RST38h | Same here but aside from joystick (different kind of silvery stuff) it holds pretty well | 23:17 |
ShadowJK | I suspect the silvery panels on the sides are about to come off entirely soon | 23:17 |
ShadowJK | in one go | 23:17 |
ShadowJK | skipping the chipping stage | 23:17 |
Stskeeps | darkblue_B: its a stub to build on top of | 23:17 |
RST38h | side panels are metal | 23:18 |
RST38h | they are coming off last :) | 23:18 |
ShadowJK | feels plastic? | 23:18 |
RST38h | they are metal indeed | 23:18 |
ShadowJK | ah maybe that's why it's not chipping and just loose then :) | 23:19 |
darkblue_B | Stskeeps: yes.. I dont know where the GUI goes though | 23:19 |
RST38h | mine has no loose parts so far. it is creaking a bit, but that is to be expected from such a convoluted design | 23:19 |
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ShadowJK | most models have a creak :) | 23:20 |
ShadowJK | (N810 has battery rattle instead) | 23:20 |
ShadowJK | hm, the paint on the softkeys on my E70 is vanishing | 23:20 |
RST38h | yes, same here but just a tiny bit | 23:21 |
ShadowJK | Speaking of vanishing paint, the paint on my roof detached itself this spring :-( | 23:21 |
* RST38h glances at TV and find that some guy in cardboard knight armor just slaughtered a room fool of arts students. Good. | 23:21 | |
RST38h | oh...s/fool/full s/find/finds | 23:22 |
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