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qwerty12_N800 | X-Fade: happen to be around? | 00:01 |
ShadowJK | I suspect if wizardmounter can mount it, it should work in mplayer | 00:02 |
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Stskeeps | qwerty12_N800: did you kill builder again? :P | 00:02 |
qwerty12_N800 | Nah, it's building for i386 when it shouldn't be. I know it's gonna fail so I was hoping he was around so I could tell him to kill the build. | 00:03 |
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qwerty12_N800 | He can't use his tar & feathers on me this time ;) | 00:04 |
Stskeeps | qwerty12_N800: hmm, does packages normally accept CC= or how is it? | 00:06 |
VDVsx | lcuk, ping | 00:07 |
lcuk | pong | 00:07 |
qwerty12_N800 | Stskeeps: can't see why not | 00:08 |
Stskeeps | qwerty12_N800: i have a crazy idea, so | 00:08 |
Stskeeps | (..famous last words) | 00:08 |
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lcuk | qwerty12_N800, they should give you a login, you use the lions share of the cpu quota anyway | 00:09 |
qwerty12_N800 | hardly :), this is the only massive thing i've uploaded and i'm already fucking it up | 00:10 |
lcuk | heh yeah yeah | 00:10 |
VDVsx | lcuk, I will pm you :) | 00:12 |
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qwerty12_N800 | mikkov_: I'm guessing that if I wish to build for armel only, I add Architecture: armel to the top of the control where the source package definition is? | 00:20 |
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lbt | night all | 00:47 |
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mikkov_ | qwerty12_N800: that's right. Usually there is Architecture: any | 00:57 |
qwerty12_N800 | mikkov_: thanks. this one didn't have t there and I thought changing it for the binary packages would suffice but it never occured to me to look at the changes. Doh! Thanks again :) | 00:59 |
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qwerty12_N800 | And the .changes do say any :( | 01:00 |
Macer_ | there is a law and order UK? | 01:04 |
Macer_ | :) | 01:04 |
Macer_ | does it teach the complexities of parliment or something? | 01:04 |
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RST38bis | could someone tell me the latest usable fbreader version? | 01:27 |
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mgedmin | what's wrong with the laltest one? | 01:27 |
RST38bis | 0.10.7-1 i have behaves erratically | 01:28 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38bis, the latest one, or the one before it, or the one before that. | 01:28 |
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RST38bis | one you are using. | 01:28 |
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RST38bis | mine no longer scrolls right and goes haywire when i click on title bar | 01:29 |
* mgedmin uses... let me see... 0.10.5-1 | 01:29 | |
RST38bis | ok... | 01:29 |
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cheng_99 | hi, can anyone tell me how to use hildon_banner_show_animation, i made it showing on the windows, but i have i can tie it to my progress, say after 30 seconds, destroy the animation banner | 01:49 |
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Macer | the saga continues | 02:56 |
Macer | wu tang | 02:56 |
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nikosapi | Did anybody who submitted proposals for the GSOC get any comments on their proposals yet? | 02:58 |
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VDVsx | nikosapi, | 03:01 |
VDVsx | almost all the proposals have comments right now | 03:01 |
VDVsx | nikosapi, are you a GSoC student ? | 03:01 |
nikosapi | VDVsx: yes | 03:01 |
nikosapi | I haven't recieved a comment yet | 03:02 |
nikosapi | VDVsx: are you a mentor? | 03:03 |
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VDVsx | nikosapi, humm, I think we already reviewed all proposal, except the barcode proposal, so you probably submit a proposal for barcode ? | 03:04 |
VDVsx | yes | 03:04 |
nikosapi | nope, mine is the gPodder and Panucci integration one | 03:04 |
VDVsx | nikosapi, let me check :p | 03:05 |
nikosapi | thank you | 03:05 |
VDVsx | nikosapi, ok, is under review, no concerns/questions raise by now, so no comments, everything seems to be ok, don't worry | 03:07 |
nikosapi | alright, thanks again VDVsx | 03:07 |
VDVsx | nikosapi, but please subscribe to the updates (if you don't do that already) | 03:08 |
VDVsx | do -> did | 03:08 |
nikosapi | I have, but I've been checking the page every day thinking that the updates weren't working :P | 03:08 |
VDVsx | sometimes they work, lol | 03:09 |
VDVsx | nikosapi, did you aplied for other org's too ? | 03:10 |
nikosapi | no, I may have but I didn't have any time | 03:10 |
nikosapi | I found out that I lost my summer job two nights before the deadline so I wrote a proposal and now I'm hoping for the best | 03:11 |
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VDVsx | IT job or other ? | 03:12 |
nikosapi | not really IT, it's just some boring job that looks good on a CV and pays well | 03:13 |
nikosapi | but because of the current economic climate they had to lay off a bunch of people and cancel their summer student program | 03:13 |
VDVsx | well, GSoC looks good on a CV :) | 03:14 |
nikosapi | indeed it does | 03:14 |
nikosapi | It's just that I agreed to take the job a long time ago, I didn't think about the GSOC | 03:15 |
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Macer | well.. that kinda sucks | 05:03 |
Macer | damn artigo can't use opensolaris | 05:03 |
Macer | what a let down | 05:04 |
Macer | maybe i will use fbsd 7.1 on it | 05:04 |
* b-man` has decided to use angstrom as a base for Plawzix - the original LFS base would not function properly and was too large for what it provided :P | 05:09 | |
b-man` | lots of debugging junk :P | 05:10 |
Macer | i honestly don't know what any of those things are | 05:10 |
Macer | what is plawzix? | 05:10 |
b-man` | a distribution that i'm creating | 05:10 |
Macer | for? | 05:11 |
b-man` | embedded devices | 05:11 |
Macer | oh.. i see | 05:11 |
Macer | someone needs to start making opensolaris embedded distributions :) | 05:11 |
b-man` | :) | 05:11 |
Macer | i love opensolaris a lot. it really is pretty badass | 05:12 |
Macer | if anything just for zfs | 05:12 |
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Macer | when is linux going to get some real type of zfs support? the world should run off zfs | 05:12 |
Macer | damnit. i started to install gnome and now i am regretting that i did | 05:13 |
Macer | lxde is better for this box | 05:13 |
Macer | i'm going to use it as a small server and i don't know what i was thinking but now i'm too far into it to go back | 05:14 |
Macer | was thinking about using the artigo as a desktop before i thought it rhough | 05:14 |
Macer | through too | 05:14 |
Macer | something i do need to learn how to do is set up an auth server using something | 05:14 |
Macer | maybe ldap | 05:14 |
Macer | right now i wouldn't care if i was able to getit going with nis :) | 05:15 |
b-man` | if your using it as a server wouldn't you think it's not nessasary for a desktop env? | 05:15 |
Macer | in hindsight.. yet :) | 05:15 |
Macer | yes | 05:15 |
b-man` | XD | 05:15 |
Macer | but i wanted to see it as a desktop first | 05:16 |
Macer | i am trying to move my company to zimbra using small systems as clients.. like an artigo | 05:16 |
b-man` | hmm | 05:16 |
Macer | and i am working on setting everything up to present it | 05:16 |
Macer | lxde would have been a better choice though.. hopefully debian won't just start using gnome | 05:17 |
Macer | so far i have finished the main server and am working on clients | 05:17 |
b-man` | it probably will :( | 05:17 |
Macer | it is hard to wean companies off the microsoft machine | 05:17 |
Macer | it's ok. i have time to re-install | 05:17 |
Macer | lxde is very lightweight for something that is a "bulky" enviroment | 05:18 |
b-man` | heh | 05:18 |
* b-man` needs to start building a repository for Plawzix | 05:18 | |
Macer | what type of embedded systems are you looking at? | 05:18 |
b-man` | Nokia n8x0, Zerus, ect | 05:19 |
Macer | what is your distro based on? | 05:19 |
b-man` | angstrom | 05:20 |
b-man` | (was originally Linux From Scratch) | 05:20 |
b-man` | LFS | 05:20 |
Macer | ouch | 05:20 |
b-man` | yeah | 05:20 |
Macer | so you are basically making a whole new distor with pkg management? | 05:20 |
b-man` | yup :) | 05:21 |
Macer | heh | 05:21 |
Macer | what was wrong with mer? | 05:21 |
Macer | :) | 05:21 |
Macer | you should have based it off of an opensolaris kernel.. at the very least to be "different" | 05:22 |
b-man` | nothing, i just wanted a to create a non-apt distribution for the NIT's really | 05:22 |
Macer | there are already 9234809237823749279 embedded linux things out there | 05:22 |
b-man` | not shure | 05:22 |
Macer | i'm honestly sick of seeing linux stuff haha | 05:22 |
b-man` | XD | 05:23 |
Macer | it's like pokemon.. it was cool when nobody knew what it was .. but now it has become this behemmoth that is just... almost irritating | 05:23 |
b-man` | hahahahahahahahaha | 05:23 |
Macer | i mean i am trying to think of how many devices don't use a linux based embedded system | 05:23 |
* b-man` wonders if linux would sometime even take over microsoft XD | 05:24 | |
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Macer | i doubt it | 05:25 |
Macer | i was very nervous about ms buying yahoo tho | 05:25 |
Macer | because they would squash zimbra | 05:25 |
GeneralAntilles | The issue is not that too many people are using it | 05:25 |
Macer | that would be horrible | 05:25 |
GeneralAntilles | the issue is that there are too many Linux distributions that nobody uses at all. | 05:26 |
Macer | GeneralAntilles: true | 05:26 |
Macer | it is overdone | 05:26 |
Macer | that is from nazi distribution tactics | 05:26 |
GeneralAntilles | and, especially in the embedded space, there's just too much fragmentation. | 05:26 |
Macer | people get sick of the distro's rules and say "screw you i will make my own" | 05:26 |
Macer | then they turn into the hitlers | 05:26 |
GeneralAntilles | We need a strong embedded distro | 05:26 |
Macer | and someone else does the same | 05:26 |
GeneralAntilles | that isn't Atom pandering silliness or Java insanity. | 05:26 |
b-man` | GeneralAntilles: Mer? :) | 05:27 |
Macer | don't forget the C7 | 05:27 |
Macer | ;) which is the same thing as an atom.. my artigo is considered an "embedded system" | 05:27 |
Macer | personally it hink it works more as a desktop. but i suppose that is just me | 05:27 |
Macer | GeneralAntilles: i think you are right | 05:28 |
Macer | there are too many out there.. but like i said that usually spawns from someone starting a distro and then making a developer disgruntled.. which winds up being a fork | 05:28 |
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Macer | didnt't they use angstrom on a n770 | 05:29 |
Macer | ? | 05:29 |
GeneralAntilles | s/n770/770/g | 05:30 |
Macer | someone needs to make a new os with new tools :) | 05:30 |
GeneralAntilles | E17 just isn't all the pleasant to use. | 05:30 |
Macer | i mean.. looking at it... it seems that the world uses 20 yr old tech | 05:30 |
Macer | as far as software goes | 05:30 |
Macer | i mean the whole "well.. it works" argument only goes so far | 05:30 |
* b-man` gets a "bash: /usr/bin/sudo: cannot execute binary file" in his terminal O.o | 05:31 | |
Macer | there hasn't been a new thing in a long time | 05:31 |
Macer | just enhancements of the same old things | 05:31 |
b-man` | yup :P | 05:31 |
Macer | i mean it would be good if i could see just a completely new os that isn't based on anything come out | 05:31 |
GeneralAntilles | That's a rather excessive generalization | 05:32 |
Macer | GeneralAntilles: is it? :) | 05:32 |
GeneralAntilles | It is. | 05:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Besides, why? | 05:32 |
Macer | name one service that is out there that has been made in the last year | 05:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Is there really such a huge advantage to just starting from scratch on everything that it'd be worth all that extra effort? | 05:32 |
Macer | (such as httpd... dns... ftp.... etc) | 05:32 |
Macer | maybe considering that everything is all the same | 05:32 |
Macer | that is like saying "we can make red shirts.. and they work.. so why make any other color | 05:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Network services hardly make an OS | 05:33 |
Macer | ok | 05:33 |
Macer | name something that has been made new as far as an "operating system" in the last year | 05:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Your argument seems to be that there's been zero inovation in the past 10 years | 05:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Which is clearly false. | 05:33 |
Macer | not really | 05:34 |
Macer | enhancement on old innovation is new innovation | 05:34 |
Macer | obviously there have been advancements in order to keep up with hardware | 05:34 |
Macer | but i would still only consider it enhancement of old tech | 05:34 |
GeneralAntilles | Wee, another silly #maemo discussion. | 05:34 |
Macer | isnt that what irc is for ? :) | 05:34 |
b-man` | lol | 05:34 |
* GeneralAntilles switches to watching the Office for his doesn't of silliness. | 05:34 | |
GeneralAntilles | s/doesn't/dose/ | 05:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Hardly | 05:35 |
* Macer wonders how old ircd is | 05:36 | |
Macer | if someone made a flying car that can warp space in order to defeat gravity as an innovation | 05:36 |
Macer | that would be something new :) we are all stuck with the same old | 05:37 |
Macer | or better of the same old | 05:37 |
Macer | nothing more | 05:37 |
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b-man` | hehe | 05:38 |
Macer | realistically speaking.. other than the atom bomb and PCs .. there hasn't been anything really innovative in decades :) | 05:38 |
Macer | einstein was the last innovative person | 05:38 |
Macer | even in science .. people have just been enhancing his work :) | 05:39 |
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Macer | actually. all they have been doing is proving it | 05:39 |
Macer | we need another einstein | 05:39 |
b-man` | step one: start using 0?1!6Ω34 instead of 100110 machine languages in computers for better prosessing XD | 05:43 |
b-man` | lol, jk XD | 05:43 |
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* b-man` figures out the sudo issue: the file was somehow marked read-only during installation in Plawzix :P | 05:47 | |
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Macer | ok... what is this xd crap people are doing? | 05:53 |
Macer | i think i am out of the loop | 05:53 |
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genewitch | i want to get a GPS receiver for my N800, any idea what i should be looking for? | 06:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Something MTK-based | 06:31 |
GeneralAntilles | i-blue 737 is a good choice | 06:31 |
genewitch | does that have a screen? | 06:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Um? | 06:32 |
GeneralAntilles | You want a GPS receiver for your N800, why do you need a screen? | 06:32 |
genewitch | Just checkin :-) | 06:32 |
genewitch | $60 on ebay | 06:32 |
genewitch | that works for me. | 06:32 |
genewitch | one other thing, anyone know the amp/volt rating of the charger? | 06:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Amazon should have it cheaper | 06:33 |
GeneralAntilles | 860mA | 06:33 |
genewitch | 3 volt? | 06:33 |
GeneralAntilles | er 890 | 06:33 |
GeneralAntilles | 5.7v, I believe | 06:33 |
genewitch | Hmm | 06:33 |
genewitch | my car adapter doesn't have that feature | 06:33 |
GeneralAntilles | You can get Nokia adapters for about $2 from Amazon. | 06:34 |
genewitch | i just ran a new 8 gauge cable in my truck to wire in a 3 outlet 12v adapter thing | 06:34 |
genewitch | I'm making my first n800 into a car stereo | 06:34 |
genewitch | with gps | 06:34 |
genewitch | and my second one as my "PDA" | 06:34 |
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genewitch | the i-blue 820 is cheaper | 06:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Not familiar with it. | 06:39 |
genewitch | i couldn't find specs | 06:39 |
jaem | hello folks | 06:39 |
genewitch | $10 at the risk of it not working is not good savings | 06:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Smaller battery | 06:39 |
genewitch | I'll get the one you mentioned, thanks for your help you're awesome | 06:39 |
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fireun | genewitch: you have a fuse inline as well, right? | 06:44 |
fireun | hopefully a small one | 06:45 |
genewitch | fireun: there's two fuses | 06:45 |
fireun | oh good, you made it sound "simple" | 06:45 |
genewitch | 15A on the 8 gauge and then a much smaller one on the outlet box themselves | 06:45 |
genewitch | Oh, i've run plenty of electric stuff in cars, i even resealed the firewall! | 06:46 |
genewitch | :-p | 06:46 |
genewitch | I ran 8 gauge cause i want a small amp in there too | 06:46 |
fireun | you know how it is | 06:46 |
genewitch | yup | 06:47 |
fireun | some people are more enthusiastic than actually 'wise' | 06:47 |
genewitch | now i just gotta get a new cellphone that supports bluetooth and a data package and i can stream music while i drive. | 06:50 |
genewitch | Ahhh, luxury. | 06:50 |
fireun | I'm having a hell of a time finding COTS low power data acquisition nodes - I thought TI had a decent widget, the MSP430-2500, but it only has one ADC and i2c, and problems with linux support. Close, but not quite. | 06:51 |
GeneralAntilles | That's hit and miss | 06:51 |
GeneralAntilles | Highly dependent on the quality of your local 3g coverage | 06:52 |
GeneralAntilles | and most areas with good coverage tend to be spotty anyway. | 06:52 |
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rm_you | anyone know if pandora works on G1? | 06:58 |
rm_you | or last.fm? | 06:58 |
rm_you | or SOMETHING of the sort? | 06:58 |
fireun | what does it have for music? | 06:59 |
rm_you | dunno :/ | 06:59 |
fireun | well, >look< (: | 06:59 |
rm_you | was just thinking about getting one | 06:59 |
rm_you | so i can tether it to my n800 | 07:00 |
* fireun points to the #maemo | 07:00 | |
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rm_you | i know where i am :) | 07:00 |
* rm_you pokes GeneralAntilles | 07:00 | |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, wait for the RX-51? | 07:01 |
rm_you | yeah i know, right? | 07:01 |
* GeneralAntilles stabs rm_you with a steak knife. | 07:01 | |
rm_you | was poking through ITT threads today | 07:01 |
rm_you | reading your post about Council Bacon rations made me hungry :P | 07:01 |
GeneralAntilles | You can't have any of mine. | 07:01 |
rm_you | anyway yeah, was just thinking about how i haven't heard ANYTHING new about the RX-51 since the summit :/ | 07:01 |
rm_you | been too long away from the scene :/ | 07:02 |
rm_you | summer should change that again | 07:02 |
rm_you | especially since I think johnx has designs on my time (something about Mer) | 07:02 |
GeneralAntilles | lol? | 07:02 |
GeneralAntilles | Since the Summit? | 07:02 |
GeneralAntilles | Clubbat | 07:02 |
rm_you | lol | 07:02 |
GeneralAntilles | There's an RX-71, too. | 07:02 |
rm_you | lol? | 07:03 |
GeneralAntilles | http://maemo.org/midcom-permalink-9edfb716df5e11ddac642b2e5199d2f3d2f3 | 07:03 |
rm_you | well, feel free to fill me in / link me to anything (no rickrolls tho plz :P) | 07:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Covers the relevant kernel info | 07:03 |
rm_you | hrm | 07:03 |
GeneralAntilles | RX-71 we only have a single mention of | 07:03 |
GeneralAntilles | so it could be anything | 07:03 |
rm_you | i thought i read this | 07:03 |
GeneralAntilles | Well, then, [12:01am] <rm_you> anyway yeah, was just thinking about how i haven't heard ANYTHING new about the RX-51 since the summit :/ is a lie. :P | 07:04 |
rm_you | well, this isn't really new, it's recap :/ | 07:04 |
rm_you | most of this was said at the summit | 07:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Not from the Summit | 07:04 |
GeneralAntilles | No it wasn't | 07:05 |
rm_you | i was hoping for more like... a release date and pics :P | 07:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Summit was: Fremantle will support OMAP3, HSPA, and HD cameras | 07:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Well | 07:05 |
zakkm | whats HSPA? | 07:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Nothing about a second camera, FM RX/TX, accelerometers or anything else. | 07:05 |
GeneralAntilles | 3G data | 07:05 |
zakkm | so like wimax, but relying on cellphone "data plans" ? | 07:06 |
GeneralAntilles | Um? | 07:06 |
GeneralAntilles | It's cellular data. | 07:06 |
zakkm | so no phone at all? | 07:06 |
GeneralAntilles | Unknown | 07:06 |
zakkm | and cellphone data is expensive. | 07:06 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, review http://maemo.org/community/council for the bullet point highlights | 07:07 |
rm_you | probably will be able to do what G1/iPhone do | 07:07 |
GeneralAntilles | I pay $20/mo for mine. | 07:07 |
rm_you | get a contract with a carrier via nokia negotiations | 07:07 |
zakkm | GeneralAntilles: how much you get? GB? | 07:07 |
rm_you | yeah i'm there now GA :P | 07:07 |
zakkm | here you get only like 3gb for $20 a month | 07:07 |
GeneralAntilles | "unlimited" | 07:07 |
zakkm | dang where do you live? :P | 07:07 |
GeneralAntilles | In practice, it's probably about 25GB | 07:07 |
GeneralAntilles | US | 07:07 |
* GeneralAntilles stabs Comcast repeatedly. | 07:08 | |
zakkm | i live in Toronto, Canada and cant get anywhere near that | 07:08 |
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rm_you | ah i missed the april sprint :( sadness | 07:08 |
rm_you | ah well | 07:08 |
zakkm | 25gb would be like $100 if your lucky | 07:08 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, wait for the RX-51/71 | 07:08 |
GeneralAntilles | Don't be a Google whore | 07:08 |
rm_you | well. | 07:08 |
rm_you | GA: I need a PHONE >_> | 07:08 |
zakkm | get a iphone :) | 07:08 |
GeneralAntilles | AT&T just got the E71 | 07:08 |
rm_you | and the N97 is like a billion dollars >_> | 07:08 |
rm_you | my phone is basically falling apart | 07:09 |
Khertan | mikkov_: Hey thks mikkov for the comment on pygtkeditor | 07:09 |
Khertan | Hello | 07:09 |
rm_you | sometimes it just doesnt tell me about calls, it just vibrates and says "missed call" | 07:09 |
GeneralAntilles | What carrier are you on? | 07:09 |
Khertan | mikkov_: i receive the mail and can see the comment on maemo.org | 07:09 |
rm_you | and it turns itself off like 4 times a day from me bumping it too hard | 07:09 |
rm_you | T-Mobile | 07:09 |
rm_you | thus G1 | 07:09 |
zakkm | you have a G1? | 07:09 |
zakkm | wow | 07:10 |
jaem | rm_you: my phone is worse... it doesn't even vibrate | 07:10 |
jaem | at all | 07:10 |
rm_you | oh and about 50% of the calls I make, the other person can't hear me | 07:10 |
zakkm | i like the browser but it was so weirddd android | 07:10 |
jaem | except when I put it on vibrate, as an indicator - just not for calls | 07:10 |
rm_you | zakkm: no, don't have one yet. thinking about it | 07:10 |
zakkm | if someone can put that browser in maemo, ill be so jealousss :p | 07:10 |
zakkm | the android browser is so cool | 07:10 |
GeneralAntilles | G1 seems like a lot of phone (and expensive) to pair with a tablet | 07:10 |
rm_you | if it can do Pandora i'd bite, cause then i'd a2dp the audio to my car and listen to pandora everywhere :P | 07:11 |
rm_you | G1 is like $179 | 07:11 |
rm_you | which is cheap compared to anything else with those capabilities :/ | 07:11 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm biased against Google, though. | 07:11 |
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rm_you | I'm biased against bias? >_> | 07:11 |
rm_you | i guess that makes me a hypocrite, since i'm biased against something, even if it happens to be bias | 07:11 |
rm_you | <_< | 07:12 |
jaem | I'm not overly paranoid about Google, but I prefer to only use their services when there is no better alternative | 07:12 |
rm_you | oh, yeah, i'd probably sign over my soul if they asked nicely enough O_o | 07:12 |
jaem | at least Android is (mostly?) FOSS, so you can /check/ how much of your info you're giving them | 07:12 |
rm_you | i should try to keep that from happening | 07:13 |
GeneralAntilles | rm_you, honestly, there seems to be an increasingly large possibility that one of the next tablets could be a phone. | 07:13 |
rm_you | well... | 07:13 |
rm_you | then it'd be a slightly larger N97 with a different OS | 07:13 |
rm_you | lol | 07:13 |
rm_you | i'd buy that :) | 07:13 |
jaem | GeneralAntilles: that would indeed please me, given that I don't have money for a new tablet AND a new phone | 07:13 |
GeneralAntilles | With a dev discount | 07:13 |
jaem | what have you heard? | 07:13 |
rm_you | lol | 07:14 |
rm_you | maybe | 07:14 |
GeneralAntilles | jaem, nothing that nobody else hasn't. | 07:14 |
rm_you | depends on if i get off my ass and do something, and continue to | 07:14 |
jaem | there hasn't been any more information in the last two or three weeks, has there? | 07:14 |
rm_you | this semester sucks. of course, i say that every semester. probably because school in general sucks. | 07:14 |
jaem | I've been a bit out of the loop | 07:14 |
rm_you | summer is usually good | 07:14 |
zakkm | College/Highschool? | 07:14 |
rm_you | i get 99% of my work done during the summer | 07:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Release whatever queued adv-backlight patches you have as individual updates. | 07:14 |
GeneralAntilles | jaem, no. | 07:15 |
zakkm | the new gmail is awesome :D | 07:15 |
zakkm | from G1 / iphone | 07:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Some flags in the code from the alpha SDK, various comments in a few places. | 07:15 |
zakkm | they redid the site for it | 07:15 |
rm_you | zakkm: I would be about to graduate from college if i hadn't slacked off a bit the last few years... one extra semester, so i'll be done in december | 07:15 |
zakkm | haha | 07:15 |
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zakkm | isnt it expensive? | 07:15 |
rm_you | spent too much time on #maemo :P | 07:15 |
rm_you | err, yes technically >_> | 07:16 |
rm_you | dont make me think about it | 07:16 |
rm_you | i'm happy in denial/ignorance :) | 07:16 |
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rm_you | and theres nothing i can do about it now | 07:16 |
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rm_you | $15k a semester, approx >_> | 07:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Sheesh | 07:16 |
GeneralAntilles | No scholarships? | 07:17 |
zakkm | :O | 07:17 |
rm_you | fortunately no loans till this semester | 07:17 |
rm_you | well, mine run out after this year | 07:17 |
rm_you | so next semester is all me | 07:17 |
GeneralAntilles | Funtime | 07:17 |
zakkm | ? | 07:17 |
GeneralAntilles | Shoulda signed up for GSoC. :P | 07:17 |
zakkm | you donthave to pay back post? | 07:18 |
zakkm | most* | 07:18 |
rm_you | just next semester | 07:18 |
rm_you | so i should be graduating with only 15k or so in debt >_> | 07:19 |
zakkm | wow why? | 07:19 |
zakkm | how? | 07:19 |
GeneralAntilles | School costs mony | 07:20 |
zakkm | no i mean | 07:20 |
zakkm | at 10k a year, and graduating with only 15k in debt? | 07:20 |
zakkm | what am i missing | 07:20 |
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Khertan | Stskeeps: are you here ? | 07:25 |
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fireun | zakkm: grants, scholarships, other outside sponsorships? | 07:30 |
fireun | pimp'n | 07:30 |
GeneralAntilles | work | 07:30 |
zakkm | thats amazing | 07:31 |
zakkm | oh | 07:31 |
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rm_you | zakkm: anyway, i said 15k per semester.... it's actually more like 30-35k per year | 08:11 |
rm_you | thanks to my grandmother, i had a college fund <_< | 08:11 |
zakkm | oh snap | 08:11 |
rm_you | i did have a total of 20k in scholarship over the whole 4 years... | 08:12 |
rm_you | which helped some or i would have depleted that fund even earlier | 08:12 |
rm_you | ah well gotta run to bed | 08:12 |
rm_you | l8r | 08:12 |
zakkm | night | 08:13 |
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Jaffa | Wifi on trains, whatever next. | 09:46 |
Jaffa | Morning, all | 09:46 |
Jaffa | (and this one is free for the moment which is practically unheard of in the UK) | 09:47 |
LinuxCode | on buses | 09:47 |
qwerty12 | ^ | 09:47 |
LinuxCode | Jaffa, virgin ? | 09:47 |
LinuxCode | or first ? | 09:47 |
qwerty12 | Oxford tube has it iirc | 09:47 |
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Jaffa | LinuxCode: Virgin Pendolinos. Suppose to be free in first class, but I got on for free in coach E by just hitting the "logon" button | 09:48 |
LinuxCode | haha | 09:48 |
Jaffa | But it's not fully launched yet | 09:48 |
Jaffa | So mebbe they'll fix that (and I'll go and stand in a vestibule ;-)) | 09:49 |
LinuxCode | rofl | 09:49 |
LinuxCode | whats wrong with 3g/gprs ? | 09:49 |
LinuxCode | ok its not free as in FOSS | 09:49 |
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Jaffa | West Coast mainline really bad for reception, and I don't have any inclusive data on Vodafone | 09:50 |
Jaffa | 1.50ukp per day for up to 15MB - ooooh :-/ | 09:51 |
qwerty12 | "Normally it takes about 15-30 minutes for the package to be processed." <- Oh, I wish that was the case. | 09:51 |
* Jaffa has his eye on three's PAYG 5ukp a month data plan for a couple of gig when the RX-?1 is released | 09:53 | |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: ping | 10:02 |
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b0unc3_ | good morning | 10:06 |
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* Myrtti gives X-Fade a mug of coffee | 10:31 | |
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anders_gud | Hi Stskeeps! I get pressure information from tslib, xinput on Mer, but gtk does not pick it up? | 10:32 |
StsN800 | hmm, that's interesting | 10:33 |
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StsN800 | can you file a bug on it on bugs.maemo.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=Mer ? | 10:33 |
anders_gud | you have to compile gtk with xinput yes? | 10:34 |
anders_gud | if something is missing there...? | 10:34 |
StsN800 | hmm, that could be a reason | 10:34 |
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StsN800 | libxi-dev is a dependancy at least | 10:39 |
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anders_gud | I'll file a bug | 10:48 |
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StsN800 | ta | 10:50 |
anders_gud | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4256 | 10:51 |
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StsN800 | :) | 10:52 |
anders_gud | Sparse info - I'll fill in more later, have to go... Bye! | 10:53 |
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X-Fade | Myrtti: Thanks, I needed that. | 10:55 |
Myrtti | X-Fade: I'm going on my second pot | 10:56 |
Myrtti | I'm not particularly happy this morning | 10:56 |
X-Fade | Myrtti: We'll me neither. After almost seeing my car and house go up in flames, not so great. | 10:56 |
Myrtti | :-( | 10:56 |
Myrtti | I had to wake up at Stupid O'Clock because He had a conference call with someone who didn't think about the time difference between UK and Finland | 10:57 |
Myrtti | but no, not going to complain more about that | 10:58 |
Myrtti | I just need more coffee and painkillers | 10:58 |
X-Fade | http://breet.com/07042009902.jpg | 10:58 |
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Myrtti | owch | 10:59 |
X-Fade | My house is on the left. The little twingo's bumper and tail lights melted.. | 11:00 |
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LinuxCode | X-Fade, got nicked and they then torched it ? | 11:00 |
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X-Fade | LinuxCode: Yes, looks like it. The car was there for about 3 days. (Well parked correctly) | 11:01 |
X-Fade | And after the fire we notices the plates were gone. (Foreign plates) | 11:01 |
LinuxCode | some stupid kids probably just torched it | 11:01 |
LinuxCode | looked foreign so they thought, lets burn it | 11:02 |
X-Fade | And moved it forward 3m first? :) | 11:02 |
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Myrtti | joy and happiness without painkillers is pretending | 11:03 |
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LinuxCode | X-Fade, hehe yeh thats very interesting | 11:09 |
LinuxCode | but maybe it caught fire and then the breaks went | 11:09 |
LinuxCode | before it really got bad | 11:09 |
X-Fade | Nah, the parking spaces aren't level. They go up and then go down. So that is not really possible. | 11:10 |
LinuxCode | k | 11:11 |
LinuxCode | peculiar for sure | 11:12 |
X-Fade | Yeah, I guess I was lucky. If the car had been in it's original space, it would have been 50cm from my outer wall. | 11:12 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: there were sxome karma changes yesterday, weren't there? There seems to have been a big drop and change in the top 10 | 11:19 |
* Jaffa reads some scroll back and erks | 11:20 | |
X-Fade | Jaffa: bergie fixed a bug in karma for these ghost users. Maybe some people benefited from ghost mails too? | 11:21 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: or the mail detection code is broke | 11:22 |
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X-Fade | Jaffa: He applied patches for bugzilla and media wiki numbers. | 11:23 |
X-Fade | https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/midgard-data/snippets/karma_plugins/bugzilla_reported.php?root=maemo2midgard&r1=913&r2=1235 | 11:23 |
X-Fade | Looks pretty sane to me. | 11:23 |
X-Fade | Ah, I know what happened ;) | 11:25 |
X-Fade | It is the correction I applied a while ago to give discussion(mails) a karma modifier of 1. | 11:26 |
X-Fade | To get it in line with the what was written in the wiki. | 11:26 |
X-Fade | But it just got applied now. | 11:26 |
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Jaffa | Ah | 11:28 |
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X-Fade | Was not applied to not affect the election IIRC. | 11:29 |
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aquatix | X-Fade: that Opel is on fire! | 11:39 |
aquatix | </lag> | 11:39 |
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X-Fade | aquatix: Mercedes Vito, but close ;) | 11:40 |
aquatix | ah yes | 11:40 |
aquatix | thought those wheels looked ancient | 11:40 |
aquatix | old opels have similar looking ones | 11:40 |
aquatix | weird stuff though | 11:41 |
X-Fade | Tried to push that audi away, but it was in park... | 11:41 |
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aquatix | meh, can't read that Dutch looking street sign :) | 11:43 |
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wazd_n800 | hello world | 11:53 |
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Stskeeps | hello mobile wazd | 11:54 |
lcuk | X-Fade, you dont have to set fire to everyone who wont buy nokia | 11:54 |
X-Fade | lcuk: Heh ;) | 11:55 |
lcuk | or is that where the maemo.org server resides and its the aftermath of qwertys latest experiment | 11:55 |
RST38h | moo all | 11:56 |
RST38h | heya wazd | 11:56 |
lcuk | mornin rs | 11:56 |
lcuk | t | 11:56 |
lcuk | 38h umm | 11:56 |
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X-Fade | lcuk: Nah, qwerty12_N800 's package compiled without breaking the builder this time ;) | 11:57 |
X-Fade | Although it failed in the i386 part, but still ;) | 11:58 |
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wazd_n800 | such a perfect day in moscow | 12:04 |
wazd_n800 | sun is shining, birds are singing and i'm standing in a fucking jam | 12:04 |
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mgedmin | all you need is some pancakes to go with that jam | 12:05 |
RST38h | mgedmin: Update on the yesterday problem: | 12:06 |
RST38h | mgedmin: I now do not think FBReader 0.10.7 was to blame, looks like it crashed at some point and corrupted config | 12:06 |
* mgedmin doesn't remember any yesterday's problems | 12:06 | |
mgedmin | ahh | 12:06 |
mgedmin | uh oh, scary | 12:06 |
RST38h | Once I manually tweaked config values, it started behaving normal | 12:07 |
lcuk | RST38h, accepting corrupted input as valid is a blamable offense isnt it | 12:08 |
* lcuk has been stung by that one also in the past | 12:09 | |
RST38h | lcuk: it is, but I feel like excusing FBReader for it | 12:09 |
RST38h | it was intenral config data (not easily corruptable) and the app itself is very useful | 12:09 |
lcuk | :) indeed, if it is a bug with it saving its prefs or loading incorrectly the guys are quite responsive | 12:10 |
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lcuk | i filed a bug once when they updated and had wiped out my ability to read past a certain page on any book | 12:10 |
lcuk | it was torture | 12:10 |
Stskeeps | and hence lcuk never finished harry potter | 12:11 |
wazd_n800 | ...and tablet is hanging) | 12:11 |
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RST38h | is it possible to FINISH harry potter? | 12:14 |
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RST38h | could somebody do it already? please? | 12:14 |
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Stskeeps | RST38h: i think the latest case of another HP child actor growing his own marijuana plantage in his UK home probably helps | 12:15 |
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RST38h | Sts: this is way to weak to affect the timeline, unfortunately | 12:16 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, it was bad (but i havent read any of the harry pothead books) | 12:16 |
glass | i've read 'em | 12:16 |
glass | read the first 3 or so while in military | 12:16 |
lcuk | my son has | 12:16 |
glass | the english in them is super easy | 12:17 |
glass | but the books are printed on purpose to be thicker than they should | 12:17 |
glass | that sucks bigtime | 12:17 |
mgedmin | e-books solve that particular problem ;-) | 12:18 |
RST38h | The English is pretty bland there | 12:18 |
glass | yeh | 12:18 |
mgedmin | although I have seen e-books where all the text was *in bold* | 12:18 |
RST38h | Feels like it has been written by an accountant | 12:18 |
glass | RST38h: yeah so they make for easy reading for non english folk | 12:18 |
glass | and fast to read too.. | 12:18 |
* RST38h , as non-English folk, prefers good English | 12:18 | |
lbt | meh - got a lot of people reading again - can't be all bad | 12:19 |
mgedmin | it's better than, say, the da vinci code | 12:19 |
RST38h | glass: leaves the aftertaste of toilet paper though =( | 12:19 |
glass | hehe | 12:19 |
RST38h | mgedmin: well, THAT goes without argument | 12:19 |
glass | RST38h: yep but still, i've read crappier books | 12:19 |
lbt | the bible? | 12:20 |
* RST38h especially liked how the Da Vinci Code movie was financed by the Church of Scientology =) | 12:20 | |
* lbt ducks | 12:20 | |
RST38h | lbt: Which version? What translation? | 12:20 |
RST38h | glass: Oh definitely | 12:20 |
lbt | there's more than one? | 12:20 |
mgedmin | heh, when I was in SF, I walked past a building with that label | 12:20 |
mgedmin | I was kinda afraid somebody might jump out and kidnap me | 12:21 |
RST38h | glass: Like that old guy writing endless stories about medieval armored mice | 12:21 |
glass | RST38h: haha | 12:21 |
glass | RST38h: http://www.amazon.com/Year-Zero-Jeff-Long/dp/0743406125 this book is my number 1 on suckage | 12:21 |
glass | got it as a gift | 12:21 |
glass | kept getting stupidier and stupidier | 12:21 |
RST38h | glass: Well, my top of the suck list is occupied by Russian "SF" writers | 12:22 |
glass | hehe | 12:22 |
glass | i like some of that stuff | 12:22 |
RST38h | glass: Can't beat those, although I can theoretically conject on how you would do it in English | 12:22 |
glass | they had a good reason to write sf though, censorship | 12:22 |
RST38h | glass: I do not mean Soviet ones | 12:23 |
glass | oh | 12:23 |
glass | you mean like, that one thing that had those movies made out of iti? | 12:23 |
RST38h | glass: I mean the current crap, like Lukyanenko, attempts to plagiarize badly translated mediocre English SF stories | 12:23 |
glass | forgot it's name | 12:23 |
glass | nightwatch or something | 12:23 |
RST38h | glass: That is Lukyanenko | 12:23 |
glass | ah :) | 12:23 |
RST38h | glass: Former child psychologist | 12:24 |
glass | aha, i'm not too familiar with it | 12:24 |
RST38h | glass: no reason to get familiar | 12:24 |
glass | most sf i've read was written in 50-90 | 12:24 |
glass | yeah i figured | 12:24 |
RST38h | glass: It was good back then, but currently there is at most 2-3 decent Russian-language SF writers | 12:25 |
RST38h | Apparently, censorship helped weeding out obvious crap | 12:25 |
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svu | there were Strugatsky brothers... | 12:38 |
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RST38h | svu: And the stuff they have written is still mighty good and even relevant | 12:43 |
svu | well, to some extent... | 12:44 |
Myrtti | I can't help but to think I'm with stupid (and I'm alone) | 12:44 |
svu | no there at least 2 of us | 12:45 |
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* svu just did smth stupid | 12:45 | |
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Stskeeps | jeremiah_: good post - hope it'll lead to a proper definition of how things are | 13:18 |
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Myrtti | and of course, no one of the people I need is online *GRRRRRRR* | 13:24 |
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t_s_o | ? | 13:28 |
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RST38h | Myrtti: Won't cheap synthetic substitutes do? | 13:39 |
Myrtti | fuck this, I'll go and have a bacon butty and some cranberry juice. | 13:40 |
Stskeeps | http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS5060610965.html <- want. | 13:40 |
Myrtti | atleast I'll be annoyed *AND* wellfed | 13:40 |
lcuk | did someone mention bacon? | 13:40 |
RST38h | hehe | 13:41 |
RST38h | Sts: Probably costs a fortune | 13:41 |
Stskeeps | probably | 13:41 |
Stskeeps | still | 13:41 |
* RST38h wonders if it has a built-in catheter | 13:42 | |
lcuk | Myrtti, anything we can help with | 13:42 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: hw wise it's kinda like a tablet though | 13:42 |
lcuk | wow Stskeeps that has to make buzz lightyear laser noises | 13:42 |
Stskeeps | ah, militaryaerospace | 13:42 |
RST38h | Sts: tablet isn't very special hardware wise, so just about any ARM-based gadget will look like it | 13:43 |
lcuk | wow, it runs linux and wince, is this one of those vmware jobbies :P :D | 13:44 |
RST38h | Sts: bringing back the SF topic, this looks like something out of Hyperion Cantos | 13:44 |
Stskeeps | it looks like something out of futurama | 13:44 |
Stskeeps | :P | 13:44 |
RST38h | Sts: So, it has to have built in med diagnostics and ways to transfer medication | 13:44 |
Stskeeps | automatic morphine injection | 13:46 |
RST38h | Sts: that too (it was part of the military suit) | 13:46 |
RST38h | and a beta-voltaic power source to feed it all =) | 13:47 |
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Myrtti | BWHAHA | 13:56 |
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Myrtti | grilled cheese bacon butty nomnom | 13:56 |
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* Stskeeps ponders idly if jaiku has become more sucky after move to google engine | 13:57 | |
Stskeeps | can't find api info, can't see beyond 25 people in the channel, etc | 13:57 |
Stskeeps | X-Fade: what service was it you maemo.org people were on again? | 13:58 |
X-Fade | http://www.qaiku.com | 13:58 |
Myrtti | ♥ qaiku ♥ | 13:58 |
X-Fade | Better than jaiku ;) | 13:58 |
Stskeeps | microblogging really need federation | 13:59 |
Stskeeps | and interoperability | 13:59 |
Myrtti | dream on | 13:59 |
Stskeeps | yeah, i know | 13:59 |
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X-Fade | Well, it will probably work with Mauku in the near future. | 14:00 |
* RST38h still does not understand what the purpose of microblogging is | 14:00 | |
X-Fade | As soon as bergie designs the api ;) | 14:00 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: it's a good way to ad to awareness in a team | 14:00 |
Stskeeps | for instance | 14:00 |
Stskeeps | add | 14:00 |
Myrtti | </twitter> | 14:00 |
RST38h | Myrtti: <twitter><time>12:00</time>Taking a shit.</twitter> | 14:01 |
andre__ | if you're too lazy to write a blog post and if you think that a one-liner is not worth a blogpost, you use a microblogging service | 14:01 |
X-Fade | http://www.qaiku.com/channels/show/maemo/ | 14:01 |
* RST38h never feels like writing a blog post | 14:01 | |
Myrtti | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALbH63Ali9U | 14:01 |
aquatix | andre__: or just don't post it ;) | 14:01 |
andre__ | yeah. that's the issue here :-P | 14:01 |
* aquatix sticks with regular rants on his weblog | 14:01 | |
suihkulokki | you could do like Grg, just pipe shell commands to microblogger: http://twitter.com/gregkh/ | 14:03 |
* Myrtti puts everything on qaiku and lets twitterfeed and ping.fm federate it all over | 14:05 | |
* Stskeeps tries a apt-get install hildon-desktop-env to see if today might be the day the freerunner becomes a mer/hildon device | 14:05 | |
Stskeeps | excellent. :) | 14:06 |
* RST38h imagines his shell commands blogged: mail; mail; mail; pine; mail; pine; rm -rf; mail; ... | 14:06 | |
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Stskeeps | mm, pine | 14:06 |
suihkulokki | for emacs users it is "08:30 emacs" and "16:30 logout" | 14:08 |
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RST38h | 16:32 while my user is taking a piss let us see what this command does... -- emacs | 14:09 |
Myrtti | my top ten doesn't even have emacs :-) | 14:10 |
* Myrtti kicks debian installer in the groin | 14:11 | |
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Myrtti | please be a good little installer for mommy and I'll give you more physical ram to use | 14:12 |
_berto_ | can you actually use a computer without emacs ?? :-m ;-) | 14:14 |
* RST38h suggests Myrtti tries Win7 installer for a change | 14:14 | |
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Myrtti | ew | 14:15 |
* RST38h picks up his rattle and continues dancing around the sacrifical fire | 14:15 | |
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Myrtti | installing one little debian in virtualbox shouldn't be this hard | 14:16 |
_berto_ | there are already pre-installed debian images to download at oszoo.org | 14:17 |
* Myrtti stares _berto_ maliciously | 14:18 | |
Stskeeps | suihkulokki: btw, - we're verifying mer packages build on both lenny and jaunty, so it should be easier to adopt packages if need be | 14:18 |
Stskeeps | / bring upstream | 14:18 |
_berto_ | Myrtti: why? (I haven't read the full conversation, have I said anything wrong?) | 14:19 |
Myrtti | _berto_: ok, sorry, checked what images were available there and none are the kind I want, I apologize | 14:19 |
Myrtti | _berto_: the stare was of the "why did you tell me that now when I've tried to install this piece of junk for three hours now" | 14:20 |
_berto_ | :D | 14:20 |
_berto_ | it wasn't that difficult to install debian in a virtual machine last time I tried | 14:20 |
Myrtti | _berto_: sure, but mine seems to halt in some point of the installation without explanations | 14:21 |
Myrtti | like now when trying to set up grub | 14:21 |
_berto_ | (never tried with virtualbox actually, only with KVM) | 14:21 |
RST38h | "...and the Penguin came to him for the three nights and tempted him...and on the third night he succumbed to the Penguin..." | 14:22 |
* Myrtti gives up and installs kvm and all the other possible solutions | 14:22 | |
RST38h | "...and paid dearly for his fall by having to write shell script and wait video in xterm for the rest of his life." | 14:22 |
RST38h | s/wait/watch | 14:23 |
_berto_ | Myrtti: do you have hardware virtualization support? | 14:23 |
Myrtti | _berto_: yes. | 14:23 |
* RST38h giggles at the mention of hardware virtualization | 14:23 | |
Myrtti | I have SuSE running on the same host fine | 14:23 |
Mikho_ | would anybody know how to pair fixed pin code bluetooth devices with ubuntu 8.10? | 14:32 |
Mikho_ | the bluetooth wizard tells me to enter a random pin on the device to be pairedm, and won't let me input the pin fixed in the device | 14:33 |
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tank-man | solution is don't use the wizard and manually edit the config file ;) | 14:33 |
Mikho_ | which config file? where are the pairings | 14:33 |
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qgil | hi, thanks X-Fade and Eero for the work done in the sponsorship request form | 14:34 |
qgil | http://wiki.maemo.org/Mozilla_Maemo_Danish_Weekend#Sponsorship is open now | 14:35 |
tank-man | Mikho_, well that probably depends on the distribution | 14:35 |
tank-man | and i dont use ubuntu | 14:35 |
tank-man | maybe in /etc/bluetooth/passkeys/ | 14:36 |
Stskeeps | qgil, X-Fade: http://maemo.org/news/events/registrations/ says "registration closed" | 14:36 |
Mikho_ | there's no such directory | 14:36 |
tank-man | yea different distro, different setup | 14:37 |
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Stskeeps | but then again, i might be chained in with my login | 14:38 |
Myrtti | atleast qemu is a bit faster than virtualbox. | 14:38 |
Myrtti | sigh | 14:38 |
qgil | Stskeeps: mmm maybe because of timezones? wait | 14:39 |
Stskeeps | ah, open for registration 2009-04-08 14:16:38 might be why | 14:39 |
qgil | sts changed and seems to be that, yes | 14:40 |
qgil | now is open | 14:40 |
Stskeeps | alright - ta | 14:40 |
Stskeeps | just probing around | 14:40 |
qgil | thanks! | 14:40 |
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Stskeeps | i'll make a writeup of the generic goal of Mer on the weekend later and use that as a guideline for activities relating to Mer in that weekend | 14:42 |
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Stskeeps | qgil: also, now there seems to be a conflict between registered on mozilla-europe.org and on maemo.org | 14:44 |
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Stskeeps | like, - the maemo.org one acts like it's the primary registration sortof | 14:45 |
qgil | Stskeeps: no, no, this one is only about request sponsorship | 14:45 |
Stskeeps | alright, might be worth noting then | 14:45 |
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qgil | a bit confusing yes, but we wanted to avoif having to register to maemo.org for the Mozillas only folks | 14:45 |
Stskeeps | *nod* | 14:45 |
qgil | and they didn't have something to deal with sponsorship requests | 14:45 |
Stskeeps | as it says Register for this event | 14:45 |
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qgil | Stskeeps: but that page will be only linked from http://wiki.maemo.org/Mozilla_Maemo_Danish_Weekend#Sponsorship | 14:46 |
Stskeeps | ah | 14:46 |
Stskeeps | fair enough | 14:46 |
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Stskeeps | ignore my registration saying no sponsorship needed then ;) | 14:47 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: Quick hack to do this ;) | 14:47 |
qgil | I will use it as a test Stskeeps | 14:47 |
Stskeeps | alright | 14:47 |
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qgil | Stskeeps: let me know when you receive an email with the rejection :) | 14:48 |
qgil | so is this page visible to everybody? https://maemo.org/news/events/registrations/event/list_registrations/8352ee2c242e11de8f60a7c7088bfc14fc14/ | 14:49 |
qgil | or wait http://maemo.org/news/events/registrations/event/list_registrations/8352ee2c242e11de8f60a7c7088bfc14fc14/ | 14:49 |
qgil | this one with http | 14:49 |
Stskeeps | with login, yes | 14:50 |
Stskeeps | or not, hmm | 14:50 |
Stskeeps | nop, not accessible | 14:51 |
X-Fade | Stskeeps: Shouldn't be? | 14:51 |
X-Fade | Should present you with the login screen only. | 14:51 |
Stskeeps | yeah - login screen only | 14:51 |
Stskeeps | can't log in | 14:51 |
Stskeeps | was too quick on the trigger :) | 14:51 |
RST38h | it does | 14:53 |
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VDVsx | X-Fade, seems that the discussion karma gone again :) | 15:00 |
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RST38h | Anyone installed Digia already? | 15:07 |
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Stskeeps | qgil: approved registration, additional information with title/description/start/end date blank | 15:22 |
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qgil | Stskeeps: do you say you received an approved registration but not an email rejecting you? anyway, X-Fade will test more | 15:29 |
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qgil | I need to leave now | 15:29 |
Stskeeps | X-Fade: yeah, approved registration | 15:30 |
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qwerty12 | Finally! https://garage.maemo.org/builder/diablo/webkit_1.0-svn41128-1maemo3/ | 15:37 |
qwerty12 | Shame it's an v.old revision now though... | 15:38 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: At least it worked ;) | 15:38 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade, and didn't destroy the autobuilder in the process (this time) ;) | 15:38 |
Stskeeps | http://wiki.maemo.org/MozillaMaemoDanishWeekend#Mer <- comments? | 15:38 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: Only armel? | 15:39 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade, yeah, i386 build fails (ironic, I know...) | 15:39 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: But you need that for SDK compilation? | 15:39 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade, I never touch DIABLO_X86 ;) | 15:40 |
qwerty12 | Only annoyance is that packages depending on it will have to have their arch set to armel... | 15:40 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: Any idea why it failed? | 15:41 |
qwerty12 | But let's give it a test: I've fixed up midori 0.1.4 to compile under Diablo... | 15:41 |
qwerty12 | g++ couldn't handle it | 15:41 |
qwerty12 | "sbox-i686-linux-g++: Internal error: Killed (program cc1plus)" | 15:41 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: OOM ? | 15:42 |
qwerty12 | And it was building for i386 twice so it's not a one time only incident | 15:42 |
qwerty12 | No idea, I'd have thought ARMEL builds would be more prone to an OOM :) | 15:42 |
X-Fade | Only 1 GB ram in there :( | 15:42 |
qwerty12 | Heh, would explain a bit :) | 15:43 |
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lardman | afternoon chaps | 15:50 |
Stskeeps | afternoon | 15:50 |
RST38h | moo lardman | 15:50 |
qwerty12 | ello lardman (and props for using BST ;P) :) | 15:50 |
lardman | even without BST it's afternoon ;) | 15:50 |
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RST38h | So, any thoughts on Digia? | 15:51 |
Stskeeps | X-Fade: hah @ activity log: monitored autobuilder for qwerty12 ;) | 15:52 |
qwerty12 | What can I say? I obviously get the VIP treatment ;P | 15:52 |
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X-Fade | Stskeeps: Yeah, that is an active job as it can really die on the spot ;) | 15:52 |
* lardman wonders what Digia is | 15:53 | |
RST38h | lardman: A webkit based browser, originally for UIQ, it has just appeared at maemo downloads | 15:56 |
RST38h | does not look like it is in the repo yet though (trying to find and install) | 15:56 |
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RST38h | "A study has determined that, although smokers cause a considerable and obvious burden to the health care system, nonsmokers live too long and present a burden due to their longevity." | 15:57 |
X-Fade | Yeah is a closed source app. The company contacted me to upload to Extras. | 15:57 |
jeremiah_ | Stskeeps: Heh, just friended you on Fajsbook. | 15:57 |
RST38h | Bastards. | 15:57 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Can't they do it themselves same as I do? | 15:57 |
X-Fade | RST38h: Sure.. And they did. | 15:58 |
Stskeeps | jeremiah_: added | 15:58 |
X-Fade | RST38h: But they aren't used to the community way. They tried to do it the business way ;) | 15:58 |
* RST38h obsessively hitting Update on the app manager =) | 15:58 | |
lardman | RST38h: ah cool | 15:59 |
X-Fade | RST38h: Probably only in extras-devel | 15:59 |
jeremiah_ | Stskeeps: Now I am going to go through your friends list to see what kind of company you keep. =) | 15:59 |
X-Fade | As QT support isn't in Extras. | 15:59 |
RST38h | X-Fade: May be good stuff though, especially if they have done it for Symbian devices | 15:59 |
RST38h | Oh | 15:59 |
Stskeeps | jeremiah_: freaks and weirdoes :P | 15:59 |
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jeremiah_ | Sounds like my kind of people. | 15:59 |
Stskeeps | think i have andre on from here but that's about it | 15:59 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Are they at least compliant with the current library versions in extras-devel? no need to install a separate copy of qt just for their stuff? =0 | 16:01 |
andre__ | yeah. i'm sorry i don't have more maemo friends over there :-P | 16:01 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade, their install file suggests that they're trying to upload to Extras | 16:01 |
X-Fade | RST38h: They only uploaded their bin, not the libs. | 16:02 |
* Stskeeps usually prefers meeting people first (i actually have a 95% rate of that on my facebook list) and talking to them, but since i'm probably meeting andre and jeremiah_ in cph .. :) | 16:02 | |
* RST38h beats on his rattle woefully and restores from the previous savepoint. Shit. | 16:02 | |
RST38h | Sts: What if I am a dog or a hamster typing on the keyboard? | 16:02 |
* lcuk has no facebook | 16:02 | |
RST38h | X-Fade: I.e. no guarantees it will even install? | 16:03 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: i hold no prejudice. you could be an uploaded lobster for what i care :P | 16:03 |
lcuk | tho i probably do lol | 16:03 |
X-Fade | RST38h: No guarantees for everything in non-free | 16:03 |
jeremiah_ | I am extremely prejudicial against uploaded lobsters. | 16:03 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Ack. | 16:03 |
lcuk | X-Fade, so someone from outside the community contacted you and tried to directly get some binary malware installed without any testing phase or anything? | 16:03 |
RST38h | jeremiah: Gastronomically, or in some other aspect? | 16:04 |
X-Fade | RST38h: But I think it will work with our version. At least they hinted at that in their mail. | 16:04 |
jeremiah_ | Other aspect, yesterday I explained my gastronomical biases, weren't you taking notes? | 16:04 |
X-Fade | lcuk: This is done via the official way. Just uploaded to non-free. | 16:04 |
RST38h | X-Fade: umgh... | 16:04 |
RST38h | jeremiah: Yeah... | 16:04 |
lcuk | o_O can anyone get untested app installed into extras? | 16:05 |
RST38h | lcuk: like me | 16:05 |
X-Fade | lcuk: Sure. | 16:05 |
RST38h | lcuk: although I test my stuff before committing :) | 16:05 |
Stskeeps | lcuk: yeah.. it's that or deep paranoia | 16:05 |
Stskeeps | :P | 16:05 |
* lcuk creates a new account and sends over hte binaries | 16:05 | |
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lcuk | how would an unknown party get approaval from you then x-fade | 16:09 |
lcuk | do you get random requests often? | 16:09 |
X-Fade | lcuk: Just use the extras invitation form? | 16:09 |
X-Fade | Anybody can do that? | 16:10 |
lcuk | have you ever turned any applications down? | 16:11 |
X-Fade | I've requested more info from some, where there was no history known. | 16:11 |
X-Fade | And then they just didn't respond etc. | 16:11 |
lcuk | fair enough :) good to see you are covering our backs \o/ | 16:12 |
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X-Fade | But we are now at the same level as a wiki. Anybody can 'contribute' | 16:13 |
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RST38h | X-Fade: scary | 16:23 |
X-Fade | RST38h: Well, clicking on a random .install does the same. | 16:24 |
RST38h | true, but then it is not your repo | 16:25 |
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X-Fade | So, yes you can protect people a bit by carefully protecting Extras. But if they just click on a random .install it is all over. | 16:25 |
* RST38h does suggest checking people's background (with google) before giving them access | 16:25 | |
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X-Fade | One thing to note is that uploading is not anonymous. | 16:25 |
RST38h | true | 16:26 |
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X-Fade | RST38h: But that is why I still like this idea of letting people vote (karma) for uploaded applications before they get promoted. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MyFedora/Mockups#Package_Details | 16:31 |
X-Fade | Community testers. | 16:31 |
lcuk | how about: the person who uploads the app is different to the person who promotes it :) | 16:32 |
X-Fade | lcuk: I was thinking about a few votes, yes. | 16:33 |
lcuk | when it came to promotion time for liqbase i wasnt sure if i could do it myself or if someone else had to | 16:33 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Sounds like a good idea but the problem is that people seldom vote at all | 16:33 |
RST38h | X-Fade: I would rather suggest negative voting | 16:34 |
X-Fade | RST38h: Well, we can generate a list of packages that are being 'forgotten' | 16:34 |
lcuk | "you can do it unless you break the rules" | 16:34 |
X-Fade | And if that list is not to large, we can test those ourselves. | 16:34 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Automatically open an iTT thread, wait for two weeks and if the thread is not seething with the fecal matter, promote | 16:34 |
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X-Fade | The point is that Jeremiah and I don't scale. | 16:34 |
lcuk | 2 weeks is such a long time | 16:34 |
X-Fade | We need more people helping with testing ;) | 16:35 |
lcuk | sure you do X-Fade !!! | 16:35 |
Jaffa | More pizza | 16:35 |
lcuk | we have racks and stuff | 16:35 |
RST38h | X-Fade: iTT crowd will do testing | 16:35 |
lcuk | RST38h, loyal friends will help | 16:35 |
RST38h | X-Fade: Just go over forums once every two weeks and promote everything not marked poisonous | 16:35 |
X-Fade | RST38h: Yeah, so if 5 people all say OK or 5 people say NO, we act. | 16:35 |
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RST38h | X-Fade: if more than 1-2 people say No, you investigate | 16:36 |
RST38h | X-Fade: well, depending on what they say really | 16:36 |
X-Fade | RST38h: Reason text field might help. | 16:36 |
lcuk | 2 weeks is a long time in prep, but maybe thats reasonable for first time uploaders | 16:36 |
RST38h | X-Fade: to save yourself work, make each thread a vote | 16:36 |
lcuk | first time promotion of a project rather | 16:36 |
X-Fade | lcuk: Debian takes much longer ;) | 16:36 |
X-Fade | The delay is part of the stabilisation though.. | 16:36 |
qwerty12 | I thought the point was not to expose end-users to -devel? I bet that there'd be a few n00bs screaming that this package made them need a reflash when it was really them dist-upgrading with -devel repo enabled. | 16:36 |
RST38h | lcuk: Once it is in Extras, the author can update it there without this stuff | 16:37 |
lcuk | yes rst :) | 16:37 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: This is of course only for promotion.. | 16:37 |
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X-Fade | RST38h: I would let it go through voting for each update too. | 16:37 |
* RST38h satisfies Win7 with gentle rattling | 16:37 | |
qwerty12 | X-Fade, yeah, I'm referring more to the itT aspect :) | 16:37 |
RST38h | X-Fade: For some apps maybe | 16:37 |
lcuk | X-Fade, if you could get those votes sooner "omg, let us have the uber package NAOW!" you could let it through early ;) | 16:37 |
RST38h | X-Fade: especially if developer changes | 16:38 |
RST38h | X-Fade: I would not do it for everything | 16:38 |
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X-Fade | RST38h: Every update can contain a major bug. | 16:38 |
RST38h | X-Fade: And would not force extras-devel-only uploads either, rather keep this whole thing as "best practice" | 16:38 |
RST38h | X-Fade: It can, but you do not want to burden yourself or developers unnecessarily | 16:38 |
RST38h | X-Fade: So once everybody agrees that things have calmed down, promote and forget | 16:39 |
X-Fade | RST38h: How about time delayed always, sped up when voted up or down. ;) | 16:39 |
lcuk | RST38h, this isnt bugs, this is maliciousware/trojan/griefer software | 16:39 |
lcuk | x-fade ^ | 16:39 |
X-Fade | And we can use user karma to value the votes if really needed. | 16:40 |
lcuk | someone uploads new "iphone emulator" but it turns out to be pornware | 16:40 |
lcuk | which wouldnt be such a bad thing but its false advertising :P | 16:40 |
* RST38h suggests against going overly paranoid | 16:41 | |
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RST38h | Current scheme works just fine, so no immediate reason to change it radically | 16:41 |
RST38h | Just add a few whistles | 16:41 |
lcuk | certainly | 16:42 |
RST38h | promotion from extras-devel is definitely needed | 16:42 |
lcuk | was just a bit *eek* when i heard about unknown parties uploading binaryt only directly to extras without any real oversite | 16:42 |
RST38h | BUT ALSO attention from developers marinating their projects in -devel forever (Abiword, anyone?) | 16:42 |
lcuk | thats because its not ready for the push | 16:43 |
lcuk | or is it? | 16:43 |
RST38h | lcuk; Will it EVER be ready? | 16:43 |
RST38h | Still not, afaik | 16:43 |
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lcuk | so it stays in -devel until someone has another push at working on it | 16:43 |
qwerty12 | Hence it still being in -devel. | 16:43 |
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RST38h | see comment above about developers' attention | 16:44 |
lcuk | what coulkd happen though with that, is old packages in devel could be expired.. | 16:44 |
lcuk | if you havent moved it on or removed it yourself after 2 months go back to the drawing board and try again later | 16:44 |
lcuk | that prevents users seeing things which arent obviously ready | 16:45 |
RST38h | good idea btw | 16:45 |
RST38h | "About a maid I sing a song who didn't have her family along / Not only did she do them wrong / She did every one of them in." | 16:46 |
RST38h | Why the hell did this guy stop performing... | 16:46 |
Jaffa | We'd want to keep the source in -devel, though - one of the aims of *having* the source is to stop old projects disappearing | 16:47 |
Jaffa | That starting point of Abiword could still be useful, even if it's not got a binary package | 16:47 |
lcuk | yes jaffa that point isnt lost on me | 16:47 |
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RST38h | so just expire binaries | 16:48 |
Jaffa | And a broken binary might attract a developer's attention more than an unbuilt tarball | 16:48 |
Jaffa | Although, on the flip side it may attract users | 16:48 |
lcuk | jaffa, its not the developers, its the users who add -devel for some other reason, then think abiword is there and have a bad experience | 16:48 |
lcuk | (canola was the big reason ppl had -devel last year wasnt it) | 16:49 |
RST38h | that is because many developers post instructions that say "add extras-devel repo and install" | 16:49 |
lcuk | or have a big green button ;) | 16:49 |
RST38h | maybe we need multiple devel repos? :) | 16:49 |
lcuk | bbl | 16:49 |
RST38h | extras-devel-usable, extras-devel-shite, extras-devel-shite-forte... | 16:50 |
X-Fade | The extras-devel repo should automatically drop from the application manager after install.. | 16:50 |
RST38h | does it? | 16:50 |
X-Fade | So newbies won't get bitten. | 16:50 |
ShadowJK | extras-devel-myshitisincompatiblewitheveryoneelsesoIneedthisrepoallformyself | 16:50 |
X-Fade | RST38h: It doesn't now, but it is being discussed. | 16:51 |
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timeless | andre__: yeah 4049, you got the right internal bug | 16:52 |
timeless | the actual bug is that the spec specifies something that doesn't make sense | 16:53 |
timeless | text editors should open whatever file the user picks, unless they don't have enough memory to do so | 16:53 |
RST38h | Ahhhahahaha | 16:53 |
* RST38h found a wonderful bug in Canola | 16:53 | |
andre__ | k | 16:53 |
timeless | well.. they're allowed to refuse to open files that they can't read/reach | 16:53 |
timeless | but otherwise | 16:53 |
RST38h | Simple, but absolutely evil and harmful like hell | 16:54 |
aquatix | ah? | 16:54 |
RST38h | Will screw up your memory card in no time | 16:54 |
RST38h | OR your ~ | 16:54 |
ShadowJK | What, you've got no way to file bugs against the spec? :-) | 16:54 |
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RST38h | Ok, go to playlists, click on any playlist and hold. | 16:55 |
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RST38h | See what happens ;) | 16:55 |
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qwerty12 | I'm guessing it will screw up your memory card in no time? | 16:56 |
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RST38h | well, you will still have chance to stop it | 16:56 |
RST38h | just click cancel when it starts doing its shit | 16:56 |
qwerty12 | I don't use canola anyway, lovely effects but all I want to be able to do is listen to my tracks without any high CPU overhead | 16:57 |
RST38h | the playlist you are clicking on will be ruined and require manual fixing though | 16:57 |
* ShadowJK uses mplayer on his desktop for playing mp3s.. | 16:57 | |
RST38h | qwerty: Same here, but I still hate builtin player | 16:58 |
etrunko | RST38h: could you please report it | 16:58 |
RST38h | etrunko: bugs.maemo/org? | 16:58 |
etrunko | RST38h: yup | 16:58 |
lcuk | jaffa, VDVsx has mentioned something about the copenhagen meeting about food whilst we are there - am i right that this is a council matter (like the tshirts should be as well ) | 16:58 |
qwerty12 | RST38h, oh yeah, but on the tablet: I'm a mpd fan through and through :) | 16:58 |
RST38h | etrunko: ack | 16:58 |
Jaffa | lcuk: raise it on -community? | 17:00 |
timeless | what are you doing on community? :( | 17:00 |
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Jaffa | timeless: money for food & tshirts at the Copenhagen meeting | 17:01 |
* Jaffa is up to his eyes in SVG workflow visualisation atm | 17:01 | |
timeless | ok, i don't have any money :) | 17:02 |
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RST38h | etrunko: https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4257 | 17:04 |
etrunko | RST38h: thank you | 17:04 |
RST38h | etrunko: sorry for not providing Maemo version, but it is the latest one and I do not think it matters anywya | 17:04 |
etrunko | RST38h: no problem :) | 17:05 |
timeless | anyway, i'm gone for the weekend, i'll be vaguely around for the middle of next week. happy holidays/holydays to all | 17:06 |
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guysoft42 | j #kde | 17:12 |
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Macer | awesome. complete 1080p firefly collection :) | 17:18 |
Macer | makes me want to watch it over | 17:18 |
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mgedmin | ooh | 17:19 |
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* mgedmin plugged an asus eeepc 900 into a 1080p TV last night | 17:19 | |
mgedmin | 2 frames per second aren't exactly nice to have | 17:19 |
RST38h | Get yourself a real computer. | 17:20 |
Jaffa | Macer: oooh, shiny | 17:20 |
* mgedmin is kinda looking for one | 17:20 | |
qwerty12 | hannesw, if you wanna upload pywebkitgtk, webkit is in extras-devel for diablo now. But you'll have to set the arch to armel. | 17:20 |
hannesw | qwerty12: hey, that's great news! | 17:21 |
hannesw | i'm a bit out of maemo dev because of day job | 17:21 |
qwerty12 | Ah :) | 17:21 |
hannesw | but i hope to pick it up over the easter holidays. | 17:21 |
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qwerty12 | Gonna upload midori to test it out, I've already got fullscreen, zoom in and out properly binded without needing to enable-accels | 17:23 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: webkit-eal, please ;) | 17:24 |
qwerty12 | X-Fade, that's hannesw's area ;) | 17:25 |
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gnuton2 | Hi there | 17:25 |
X-Fade | Current version is a long way, it just needs a few fixes. | 17:25 |
hannesw | oh yes, gotta put out a new release. | 17:25 |
X-Fade | Hi Antonio. | 17:25 |
gnuton2 | Hei Niels :D | 17:25 |
hannesw | i'm almost done, just want to support a few more settings via gconf. | 17:26 |
X-Fade | gnuton2: How are things in QT4.5 land? Looking good? | 17:27 |
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X-Fade | Pretty sweet to see that animation demo running on N810. | 17:27 |
qwerty12 | hannesw, I wondered why you let dh_strip strip webkit-dbg. Now I can see why. :) | 17:27 |
X-Fade | qwerty12: That one was pretty HUGE! | 17:27 |
qwerty12 | Yeah :D | 17:28 |
qwerty12 | If I upload (or anyone else) newer version, I'll stop that package from being built | 17:28 |
hannesw | yeah, i tried to use the debug symbols to debug the crashes i had | 17:28 |
gnuton2 | X-Fade: There are still some things to fix in fremantle.. but it's usable. | 17:28 |
hannesw | but when gdb started loading, it took 2 minutes and then everything crashed. | 17:29 |
qwerty12 | heh | 17:29 |
hannesw | so it's rather pointless. | 17:29 |
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Stskeeps | kozak: saw new 0.11 ui? :) | 17:44 |
kozak | no!!!!! its been a long time... feeling like I rediscovered internet here :) | 17:45 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 17:45 |
Stskeeps | kozak: http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer/Releases/0.11#Screenshots | 17:45 |
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kozak | good to see network manager!!!!!!!!!! | 17:46 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 17:46 |
Stskeeps | that was in already from start :) | 17:46 |
qwerty12 | Good? I remember me saying it sucked many animals balls yesterday... | 17:47 |
qwerty12 | :) | 17:47 |
kozak | oh ok | 17:47 |
Stskeeps | yeah, room for improvement :> | 17:47 |
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kozak | Stskeeps: is there aUSB host support on maemo? | 17:50 |
Stskeeps | kozak: yeah - we don't have functionality for it beyond terminal echo | 17:51 |
Stskeeps | i think the beagle kernel right now is stuck to gadget | 17:51 |
dneary | Hi | 17:51 |
kozak | hmmm would be great to haev that especially on an internet tablet... | 17:51 |
dneary | X-Fade: How high a priority is the site redesign for you these days? | 17:51 |
Stskeeps | kozak: internet tablets have usb host, but not a lot of power budget | 17:51 |
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X-Fade | dneary: Neithan and I reserved tomorrow for it. | 17:52 |
dneary | X-Fade: How many days do you think it'll take to clear the most urgent items? | 17:52 |
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dneary | X-Fade: Is the end of next week a realistic deployment date? | 17:52 |
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X-Fade | dneary: As said in the meeting, we try to be ready for a go/no go for the next meeting. | 17:53 |
dneary | OK | 17:53 |
dneary | Great | 17:53 |
dneary | Thanks :) | 17:53 |
kozak | yeah I agree.... but one use case is to share photos from my digital camera without actually copying it to a PC | 17:53 |
dneary | Have a nice day everyone! | 17:53 |
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aquatix | Stskeeps: hm, nice shots | 17:54 |
aquatix | some talented should come up with some nice network-manager icons | 17:55 |
Stskeeps | yeah - wazd and oxygen icons sound like a nice bet | 17:55 |
aquatix | yep | 17:55 |
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kozak | stskeeps: http://www.itechnews.net/tag/omap3-netbook/ -- things like these for example have 15 hours battery life! | 17:56 |
kozak | at least they claim | 17:56 |
Stskeeps | the Touch Book? | 17:57 |
aquatix | Stskeeps: as long as the icons aren't too shiny | 17:57 |
kozak | stskeeps: for these things it makes sense to have a host mode! | 17:57 |
Stskeeps | yeah - it would probably have better batttery life with Maemo | 17:57 |
aquatix | maybe even have monochrome ones | 17:57 |
aquatix | can the n810 drive a 2.5" hdd over host usb btw? | 17:58 |
kozak | stskeeps: exactly! unlike atom based stuff ;) | 17:58 |
Stskeeps | kozak: http://i.gizmodo.com/5162584/first-hands-on-touch-book-is-part+netbook-part+tablet | 17:58 |
* aquatix guesses `no' | 17:58 | |
Stskeeps | aquatix: doubt it, with a powered usb hub maybe | 17:58 |
qwerty12 | aquatix, I've seen a HD connected to an N810 before by bunanson on itT. Need a powered USB hub though | 17:58 |
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aquatix | qwerty12, Stskeeps: yeah, guessed so | 17:59 |
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Macer | Stskeeps: it is tracking now | 18:00 |
Macer | ;) | 18:00 |
Stskeeps | Macer: woo | 18:00 |
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Macer | sure is some pretty weak tracking tho haha | 18:00 |
Macer | then again. im sure ohare is a big usps hub for international usps flights | 18:01 |
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aquatix | 16:18:27 Macer | awesome. complete 1080p firefly collection :) | 18:01 |
aquatix | awesome! | 18:01 |
* aquatix has the dvd's, but hey | 18:02 | |
Macer | yeah.. it's 70G | 18:02 |
Stskeeps | i'm sure they enter a black hole, exit on the other side of the universe, gets mashed by giants on Planet X, and gets sent back | 18:02 |
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Macer | hahahaha | 18:02 |
aquatix | Stskeeps: and then encounter some Reavers? | 18:02 |
Stskeeps | probably | 18:02 |
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Macer | it is going to take 8 hours to download this | 18:03 |
Macer | with my cable modem maxed out | 18:03 |
aquatix | and then you're going to convert it to watch on your n810? | 18:03 |
Macer | haha | 18:03 |
Macer | no. i have shitty mp4s for that ;) | 18:04 |
aquatix | ;) | 18:04 |
Macer | this is for the plasma with surround sound | 18:04 |
* aquatix thinks 1080p has shitty resolution | 18:04 | |
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aquatix | doesn't even fill my tft | 18:04 |
Macer | it is still much better than standard tv | 18:04 |
aquatix | but i think my pc won't cut the load of full res video | 18:05 |
aquatix | certainly | 18:05 |
aquatix | i rather like it :) | 18:05 |
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Macer | heh | 18:05 |
* aquatix has an oldfashioned crt tv yet | 18:05 | |
Macer | my gf has a sony.. uhm.. bravia? | 18:05 |
aquatix | standard definition :) | 18:05 |
* aquatix has something similar | 18:05 | |
aquatix | JVC | 18:05 |
Macer | that thing has an amazing picture. puts my panasonic to shame | 18:06 |
aquatix | i saw an 108" plasma the other day | 18:06 |
aquatix | quite amazing | 18:06 |
Macer | jvc != sony | 18:06 |
aquatix | 1080p is shitty though :) | 18:06 |
Macer | haha | 18:06 |
aquatix | Macer: i know | 18:06 |
Macer | on a 108" 1080p would look like standard def =) | 18:07 |
aquatix | worse | 18:07 |
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Macer | that bad huh? | 18:07 |
aquatix | the stupid thing was that you could notice mpeg artifacts, of the official Panasonic video running on it | 18:07 |
Macer | lol | 18:07 |
aquatix | kinda defeats the whole purpose | 18:08 |
Macer | sure does | 18:08 |
* aquatix strolled around in Harrods a while ago | 18:08 | |
* RST38h feeds Win7 installer another sacrificial lamb | 18:08 | |
Macer | this download is going 2500K/s | 18:08 |
Macer | and is going to take 8 more hours | 18:09 |
Macer | weak | 18:09 |
aquatix | whoa | 18:09 |
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aquatix | what kind of link are you on? | 18:09 |
Macer | business class cable modem | 18:09 |
* aquatix only does 1230K/s at home | 18:09 | |
aquatix | ah | 18:09 |
Macer | sometimes it busts a nut and goes 2800 | 18:10 |
Macer | ah well. i need food. ttyl | 18:10 |
Stskeeps | ah, right, ordering pizza | 18:11 |
Stskeeps | knew i had something to do | 18:11 |
aquatix | ciao | 18:11 |
* aquatix thinks he should go home | 18:11 | |
jeremiah_ | Stskeeps: Get some pepperoni for me. | 18:12 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 18:12 |
aquatix | yummy | 18:13 |
* aquatix seconds that motion | 18:13 | |
Macer | denmark pizza :) | 18:13 |
Macer | i could only wonder what that must taste like | 18:13 |
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Macer | when i was in california.. i went pizza place to pizza place trying to find one that didn't suck | 18:14 |
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Macer | i found one in oceanside :) | 18:14 |
qwerty12 | Stskeeps, does your pizza come in a box like: http://hitman47.3dactionplanet.gamespy.com/hitman2/cheats/images/pizza.jpg | 18:14 |
jeremiah_ | Macer: Wha? American pizza rocks. | 18:14 |
Macer | er | 18:14 |
Macer | i live in chicago | 18:14 |
Macer | not all american pizza is good | 18:14 |
jeremiah_ | Chicago deep dish is famous. | 18:15 |
Macer | i'm from chicago :) where pizza is good haha | 18:15 |
Macer | nyc has some good pizza too | 18:15 |
Macer | but every time i went to another place.. it has always sucked | 18:15 |
Stskeeps | qwerty12: almost, but without the turd | 18:15 |
jeremiah_ | I prefer New York, Famous Ray/s | 18:15 |
Macer | especially california | 18:15 |
qwerty12 | Stskeeps, lol | 18:15 |
Macer | jeremiah_: the best pizza comes from the 20 yr family owned dive | 18:15 |
jeremiah_ | In New Haven CT.! | 18:16 |
t5vaha01 | self made pizza is best | 18:16 |
Macer | i can't stand shit like ... papa johns | 18:16 |
Macer | and pizza hut | 18:16 |
Macer | that is not real pizza :) | 18:16 |
jeremiah_ | That is just dough and lots of cheese | 18:16 |
jeremiah_ | I mean lots of cheese, | 18:16 |
Macer | bad dough at that | 18:16 |
jeremiah_ | no really, lots of cheese | 18:16 |
Macer | haha | 18:16 |
Macer | then to cover up the taste of their mass produced sauce.. they shoved cheese into the crust :) | 18:17 |
X-Fade | jeremiah_: Artificial cheese at that. | 18:17 |
Macer | is there a such thing as artificial cheese? | 18:17 |
jeremiah_ | Cheese that tastes like plastic. | 18:17 |
jeremiah_ | Really bland and chewy. | 18:17 |
Macer | i was making some kraft mac and cheese | 18:17 |
Macer | and the powdered stuff said "REAL" cheese | 18:17 |
Macer | wtf? | 18:17 |
jeremiah_ | It is, it is just de-hydrated. | 18:17 |
Macer | concentrated cheese powder is considered real cheese? | 18:18 |
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jeremiah_ | Not by the French maybe, but by the Americans. | 18:18 |
Macer | haha | 18:18 |
Macer | so like.. what is artificial cheese? | 18:18 |
jeremiah_ | Red 234, Igar, skim milk, road kill, old hotdogs. | 18:18 |
Macer | if that crap can pass as real cheese.. i'm sure you would have to make quite a case to find something that is trying to pass itself off as cheese | 18:19 |
Stskeeps | heh, pizza hut went bankrupt in .dk | 18:19 |
Macer | Stskeeps: good | 18:19 |
Macer | i'm still pissed we bailed out aig.. but hey.. that's just me | 18:19 |
qwerty12 | Stskeeps, pizza hut are renaming themselves to pasta hut here. wtf?... | 18:19 |
jeremiah_ | Pasta hut? | 18:20 |
Macer | qwerty12: they called themselves something else in kuwait too | 18:20 |
jeremiah_ | Spaghetti Cabin? | 18:20 |
Macer | i can't remember | 18:20 |
Macer | but i thought it was funny muslims were dishing out pizza with the swine on it | 18:20 |
jeremiah_ | Small wooden shack that serves food? | 18:20 |
Macer | enabling the infedels | 18:20 |
jeremiah_ | My experience eating in "huts" is less than good. | 18:20 |
glass | pizza the hut | 18:21 |
Macer | haha | 18:21 |
Macer | anyways.. i still haven't gone to get food | 18:21 |
Macer | later | 18:21 |
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* Stskeeps puts on a house episode. | 18:22 | |
Jaffa | qwerty12: They've gone back to Piza Hut - I think it was a joke and/or a one-time gimmick | 18:23 |
||cw | heh, initial parse was "explode"... was like, how does one "put on" a house explode? | 18:23 |
qwerty12 | Jaffa, ah, thank god for that... | 18:24 |
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Stskeeps | 'lo aladds | 18:39 |
aladds | hey! | 18:39 |
aladds | how's it going? | 18:39 |
Stskeeps | aladds: your burnt out 770 has now eventually caused Mer for 770 that works well :) | 18:39 |
aladds | awesome! | 18:39 |
aladds | i replaced it with an N810 | 18:39 |
aladds | been playing with GPS on it | 18:39 |
aladds | it's fun | 18:40 |
Stskeeps | :) | 18:40 |
Stskeeps | you have a working GPS? ;) | 18:40 |
aladds | didn't get a wayfinder trial though :( | 18:40 |
aladds | (2nd hand) | 18:40 |
aladds | yeah it works | 18:40 |
aladds | :P | 18:40 |
aladds | it doesn't take *that* long to lock... | 18:40 |
Stskeeps | hehe | 18:40 |
aladds | maybe 5 mins? | 18:40 |
aladds | usually less | 18:41 |
aladds | so what's the status of Mer anyway? | 18:41 |
aladds | is it usable yet? | 18:41 |
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Stskeeps | getting closer | 18:42 |
Stskeeps | were you UK based or how was it? | 18:42 |
aladds | cool | 18:42 |
aladds | hm? | 18:42 |
aladds | am I UK based | 18:42 |
Stskeeps | location wise | 18:42 |
Stskeeps | yeah | 18:42 |
aladds | it's pretty good | 18:43 |
aladds | it's a shame Maemo Mapper can't do route plans without the internet | 18:43 |
Stskeeps | yeah | 18:43 |
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aladds | but the speech stuff works well | 18:44 |
aladds | maps are clear | 18:44 |
aladds | it's pretty good fun | 18:44 |
Stskeeps | reason i ask about UK is http://wiki.maemo.org/MozillaMaemoDanishWeekend :) | 18:44 |
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aladds | ah | 18:46 |
aladds | cool | 18:46 |
Macer | how do i change which wm debian uses? | 18:47 |
aladds | desktop debian? | 18:48 |
Macer | i installed the lxde ver of debian and want to swap over to gnome.. it's installed but i don't see where you change it | 18:48 |
Macer | yes.. i'm using the artigo as a desktop with debian | 18:48 |
aladds | I meant desktop as in on an x86 pc... | 18:48 |
aladds | debian is quite general | 18:48 |
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Macer | yes | 18:48 |
aladds | you mean deblet | 18:48 |
Macer | no | 18:49 |
Macer | i mean on a pc | 18:49 |
aladds | oh | 18:49 |
aladds | do you have a login manager going? | 18:49 |
aladds | like kdm, gdm or xdm? | 18:49 |
Macer | yes | 18:49 |
Macer | gdm | 18:49 |
aladds | log out | 18:49 |
aladds | go to the bottom left corner | 18:49 |
Macer | wow.. i honestly didn't even think abou tthat | 18:49 |
aladds | click session | 18:49 |
Macer | it's probably listed huh? :) | 18:49 |
Macer | heh | 18:49 |
aladds | yeah :P | 18:50 |
Macer | damnit | 18:50 |
Macer | my bad | 18:50 |
Macer | thanks | 18:50 |
aladds | s'ok | 18:50 |
aladds | good thing you're not running xdm, as I can't remember how to change it with that :P | 18:50 |
aladds | have to change a config file somewhere iirc | 18:50 |
aladds | but gdm, kdm are easy | 18:51 |
aladds | so do i hear correctly that Fremantle will be a possible alternative OS for the N97? | 18:51 |
Stskeeps | i think that was a april fools | 18:52 |
aladds | :( | 18:52 |
Stskeeps | it'd be neat though | 18:52 |
aladds | shame | 18:52 |
Stskeeps | rx-51 will probably be a lot cooler | 18:52 |
aladds | i guess the screen resolution gives that away | 18:52 |
Stskeeps | aladds: you should definately try Mer at least, if you haven't yet :) | 18:52 |
aladds | N97 is only640x480 | 18:52 |
aladds | yeah? | 18:52 |
aladds | can you boot it from SD? | 18:52 |
Stskeeps | yeah | 18:52 |
aladds | cool | 18:52 |
Stskeeps | there's a -very- friendly installer | 18:52 |
aladds | nice | 18:53 |
Macer | well.. awesome :) | 18:53 |
Macer | aladds: i was looking for a config file to change it with to tell you the truth.. that's why i was so lost :) | 18:53 |
Macer | haha | 18:53 |
aladds | hah | 18:54 |
aladds | it happens :P | 18:54 |
Macer | want to see how well this artigo can run gnome | 18:54 |
Macer | so far .. it's running :) time to put it to some use | 18:54 |
aladds | cool | 18:54 |
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aladds | will Fremantle run on the N810? | 18:55 |
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Stskeeps | nop. | 18:56 |
Stskeeps | that's what Mer is for. | 18:56 |
Stskeeps | (amongst others) | 18:56 |
Macer | too many others! | 18:57 |
Macer | ahhhhhh!!!! | 18:57 |
Macer | :) | 18:57 |
aladds | ah shame | 18:57 |
aladds | but that's cool | 18:57 |
aladds | imho, i prefer OS2006/7 to OS2008 anyway | 18:57 |
aladds | I don't like the OS2008 menu | 18:58 |
aladds | it assumes you always use your fingers | 18:58 |
aladds | whereas before you could fit more on the screen if you used the stylus | 18:58 |
aladds | it's got a high resolution display, why not use it? | 18:58 |
Stskeeps | aladds: http://wiki.maemo.org/Mer/Releases/0.11#Screenshots | 18:59 |
* aladds will stop complaining | 18:59 | |
aladds | is the menu always going to be that huge? :P | 18:59 |
aladds | looks cool though | 18:59 |
aladds | compatible with OS2008 packages? | 18:59 |
aladds | rotation! :D | 19:00 |
Stskeeps | rotation not yet, but yeah, it's rotatable | 19:00 |
aladds | recon we could have auto rotation when you open the N810 keyboard? | 19:00 |
aladds | cool | 19:00 |
aladds | multiple colums of categories in the application manager! | 19:01 |
aladds | i was thinking the other day how good an idea that would be :P | 19:01 |
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aladds | is the home key on the N810 the bottom one when it's closed? | 19:02 |
aladds | top one sorry | 19:02 |
aladds | 'cos it doesn't have a house on it anymore | 19:02 |
aladds | :P | 19:02 |
Stskeeps | hmm, possibly | 19:03 |
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* aladds wonders how to make his revision more interesting | 19:28 | |
aladds | i found Xournal is fantastic for annotating notes during lectures | 19:28 |
Stskeeps | yeah, it is | 19:28 |
Stskeeps | gives you a mean strain though | 19:28 |
aladds | isn't too bad | 19:28 |
Stskeeps | i have a n800 so it might be different | 19:29 |
aladds | ah yeah | 19:29 |
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aladds | N800 has a kink in the back doesn't it? | 19:29 |
aladds | so it doesn't lie flat | 19:29 |
aladds | does the headset button actually do anything? | 19:31 |
aladds | or does it require SIP to be set up? | 19:31 |
qwerty12 | Only during an internet call. But me and inz have both written seperate programs that pause/plays the media player when pressing the button | 19:32 |
aladds | cool | 19:32 |
aladds | just play/pause? recon double press/triple press could implement back/forward? | 19:33 |
aladds | (that's how the iPod does it now :P) | 19:33 |
qwerty12 | I just did one for a single button press :P. But mine just does simple os.system so you can make it run whatever you want.. | 19:34 |
aladds | cool | 19:35 |
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aladds | does it matter who you have an account with for SIP? | 19:37 |
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Macer | well.. gnome does go a tad bit slower than lxde | 19:43 |
Macer | heh | 19:43 |
Macer | i wonder if this thing can run compiz | 19:43 |
Macer | i just don't see it happening | 19:44 |
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Stskeeps | mm, pizza. | 19:48 |
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sp3000 | "You are now connected to the ..." :D | 19:55 |
Stskeeps | hehe, mer or NM in general? :P | 19:56 |
sp3000 | dunno, probably the combination :) | 19:57 |
GeneralAntilles | We need icd2 for Mer. | 19:57 |
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GeneralAntilles | No DUN, no go. | 19:57 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: we just need BlueMan working, really | 19:58 |
qwerty12 | And a Network Manager replacement | 19:58 |
Stskeeps | or that | 19:58 |
GeneralAntilles | NM's stupid notifications piss me off, too. | 19:58 |
GeneralAntilles | and the fact that it just plain sucks. ;) | 19:58 |
Stskeeps | patchable | 19:58 |
qwerty12 | GeneralAntilles, the shit doesn't even work for me. And for those who actually do have it working in Mer have a nice disconnection every 20 mins... | 19:59 |
Stskeeps | that's cos of scanning, though | 19:59 |
Stskeeps | but yeah, NM is weird | 19:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Offering the option of icd2 would be nice. | 19:59 |
GeneralAntilles | Or if we could get Nokia to open source it. ;) | 20:00 |
Stskeeps | icd2 is scaringily enough a jewel | 20:00 |
GeneralAntilles | It's the one piece of software that actually justifies the differentiation argument | 20:01 |
GeneralAntilles | Especially once they add PAN | 20:01 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm just really tired of using shitty, broken software. | 20:02 |
mgedmin | weeel.... haven't any of you ever had icd2 stop working and start eating 100% cpu? | 20:02 |
mgedmin | software is buggy by default | 20:02 |
GeneralAntilles | It seems like everywhere I go, every piece of software I use is just horribly broken. | 20:02 |
qwerty12 | But I can depend on it a lot more than I can do NM :) | 20:02 |
mgedmin | actually, more often it doesn't eat cpu when it breaks, it just stops working -- connection icon blinking forever until you sudo /etc/init.d/icd2 restart | 20:02 |
mgedmin | it usually works better than NM, true :) | 20:02 |
GeneralAntilles | icd2 doesn't break here | 20:02 |
GeneralAntilles | What did you do to it? | 20:03 |
mgedmin | *shrug* | 20:03 |
mgedmin | tied to use it in a place with poor wifi connectivity? | 20:03 |
Macer | i seriously need to figure out why nautilus stalls out so hard when accessing smb shares | 20:03 |
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GeneralAntilles | lol Atom | 20:06 |
GeneralAntilles | 100mW idle power consumption | 20:06 |
Macer | grrrrrr | 20:07 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: wtf | 20:07 |
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Macer | 100mW sounds high | 20:07 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: then again, that's 1V 100mA isn't it? | 20:07 |
Stskeeps | .. my physics is bad | 20:07 |
GeneralAntilles | Stskeeps, whatever it is, it's way higher than any ARM. ;) | 20:07 |
mgedmin | what's the overall power usage of a n810? | 20:08 |
GeneralAntilles | At absolute full blast? | 20:08 |
GeneralAntilles | Like, 2-2.5 watts | 20:08 |
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Macer | haha | 20:09 |
Macer | "absolute full blast" ? | 20:09 |
Macer | i can just picture someone using the browser while playing audio over the wifi | 20:09 |
Macer | with a bluetooth keyboard hooked up to it | 20:10 |
RST38h | General: #define idle | 20:10 |
GeneralAntilles | 100% CPU, DSP, WiFi, Bluettooth, GPS, Camera, backlight, etc. | 20:10 |
RST38h | General: 100mW = 20mA x 5V when doing HALT is mighty good | 20:10 |
RST38h | General: But if it is at standby, then it sucks | 20:10 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, mighty good compared to what? | 20:11 |
GeneralAntilles | A Core 2? | 20:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Who cares. | 20:11 |
lcuk | mgedmin, are you planning some sort of solar/wind/cycle/fart powered adapter? | 20:12 |
RST38h | General: Compared to your typical battery capacity | 20:12 |
mgedmin | trying to overcome my envy over thinkpad x301 owners (7W) | 20:12 |
mgedmin | my T61 eats 20W | 20:12 |
* RST38h commiserates with mgedmin over T61 | 20:12 | |
RST38h | This thing sucks | 20:13 |
mgedmin | it's a tank | 20:13 |
lcuk | mgedmin, put it on powersave and whack em round the head | 20:13 |
RST38h | badly made creaky tank | 20:13 |
mgedmin | survives usb-dongle-bending falls to the floor quite handily, though | 20:13 |
lcuk | the usb dongle sacrificed to save the rest of the machine | 20:13 |
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RST38h | General: 1500mAh = 75 hours in HALT state, not bad for a cell phone | 20:14 |
Stskeeps | right, for anyone interested in the Mozilla/Maemo (and Mer) weekend and want to help out with Mer: http://internettablettalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=278371&postcount=7 | 20:14 |
Macer | haha. house was funny | 20:14 |
GeneralAntilles | RST38h, if you only count the CPU. | 20:14 |
Macer | fucking woman was over her dying husband... and started choking just to choke | 20:14 |
RST38h | General: Of course, I am pretty sure that figure did not relate to the HALT state, and not even to the whole system | 20:14 |
RST38h | General: Yea, so I gather :) | 20:14 |
GeneralAntilles | An OMAP3 using 0mW at idle is even better. | 20:15 |
lcuk | marius, are you coming to copenhagen? | 20:15 |
RST38h | General: I do not think so. | 20:15 |
mgedmin | lcuk: when? | 20:15 |
lcuk | in may i believe, see the link Stskeeps just posted | 20:15 |
* mgedmin automatically ignores links with the word 'forum' in the url | 20:15 | |
Stskeeps | 29-31 may, http://internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28063 | 20:16 |
Stskeeps | or http://maemo.org/news/announcements/developer_call_mozilla_maemo_danish_weekend/ | 20:16 |
RST38h | mgedmin: As far as survival goes, old ones (T4x) did survive quite a lot but we have got different experience with T61s here | 20:16 |
lcuk | some forums are ok | 20:16 |
* mgedmin will think about it | 20:16 | |
mgedmin | RST38h: I leave a wake of dead thinkpads behind me :) | 20:16 |
mgedmin | usually they die a couple of months after I hand them off to some coworker | 20:17 |
* lcuk has an x41 | 20:17 | |
lcuk | finally! | 20:17 |
lcuk | and you arent comin anywhere near it! | 20:17 |
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Stskeeps | whoa | 20:18 |
Stskeeps | texrat is back | 20:18 |
lcuk | yeah | 20:18 |
GeneralAntilles | lol | 20:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Quitting never works | 20:18 |
Macer | oh shit. they killed off kumar | 20:19 |
lcuk | he actually dead? i thought that was a trollposting | 20:19 |
Stskeeps | Macer: thank you, spoiler | 20:19 |
Stskeeps | not everyone has seen it yet | 20:19 |
Stskeeps | (i did see it) | 20:19 |
Macer | oops lol.. sorry about that | 20:19 |
Macer | well.. :) you will still be shocked how | 20:20 |
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Stskeeps | Macer: you did see the even more WTF? | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | he's going for public office | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | sec | 20:20 |
Stskeeps | Macer: http://vegetarianstar.com/2009/04/08/veg-man-kal-penn-leaves-fox-house-for-obamas-white-house/ | 20:20 |
Macer | hahaha! | 20:21 |
Macer | i guess you won't be shocked anymore | 20:21 |
Macer | he sucked anyways | 20:22 |
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lcuk | Macer, i believe the term is inhaled | 20:23 |
Macer | he's a vegan? poor bastard :) | 20:23 |
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Macer | wow | 21:00 |
Macer | that was a seriously depressing episode | 21:00 |
Macer | what ever happened to funny episodes? | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | if you wanted fun, there's scrubs | 21:01 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:01 |
GeneralAntilles | lol | 21:02 |
GeneralAntilles | 30 Rock! | 21:02 |
Macer | Stskeeps: i haven't watched scrubs in a long time | 21:03 |
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GeneralAntilles | Scrubs went downhill fast | 21:03 |
Macer | last one i saw the girl dr was getting married or something | 21:03 |
Macer | and even scrubs has it's serious moment | 21:03 |
Macer | like when they gave away all the organs with rabies | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | obviously | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | life can't be all fun | 21:04 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Most quality comedies mix in a little drama. | 21:04 |
Macer | it's a comedy! | 21:04 |
Macer | :) | 21:04 |
Macer | i hate sitcoms that have serious moments | 21:04 |
GeneralAntilles | How about some Whose Line Is It Anyway? reruns? | 21:05 |
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GeneralAntilles | This clearly calls for some Mario 64 | 21:09 |
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mavhc | scrubs has the most depressing stuff of any comedy | 21:15 |
Stskeeps | eh, house is worse in that regard :P | 21:16 |
GeneralAntilles | House isn't a comedy | 21:18 |
* Stskeeps sees it as a comedy, heh | 21:19 | |
GeneralAntilles | Sick man | 21:19 |
Stskeeps | yup | 21:19 |
thux | what is house? | 21:20 |
Stskeeps | TV show | 21:20 |
thux | ok | 21:20 |
suihkulokki | A very repetitive TV show :P | 21:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Most tend to be | 21:20 |
thux | dr. house? | 21:20 |
Stskeeps | GeneralAntilles: re sick man .. once i took a friend to get forcibly admitted to psychological hospital.. sat there waiting with the girl and her parents, doctor came in, pointed at me, and said "so you're the one we need to admit?" | 21:21 |
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GeneralAntilles | I can see why you'd think House is a comedy. <_< | 21:21 |
Stskeeps | i was absolutely stunned, because in that situation everyone around you can just screw you over and say it is you :P | 21:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah | 21:22 |
GeneralAntilles | I know a guy who was committed because he got in a property dispute with a neighbor who happened to by a psychologist. | 21:22 |
RST38h | Hehe | 21:23 |
thux | heard things about sovjet menntal hospitals, but don't know are they true... | 21:25 |
Stskeeps | .. after the situation mentioned before the doctor then proceeded to ask my name and he understood that i was the boyfriend (S.O in danish is kinda similar to my name).. | 21:25 |
Stskeeps | which also had to be cleared up | 21:25 |
Stskeeps | so absurd evening.. | 21:25 |
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RST38h | Sts: you committed your gf to a mental institution? | 21:32 |
lcuk | RST38h, happens more often than you imagine, and for the most part its for the safety of the other person | 21:36 |
RST38h | also serves to resolve property disputes, especially if you happen to be a psychologist =) | 21:37 |
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lcuk | heh | 21:37 |
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GeneralAntilles | She eventually had her license revoked and spent some time in prison | 21:38 |
GeneralAntilles | but scary thought. | 21:38 |
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lopz | hola | 21:42 |
GeneralAntilles | Sick people http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/theme-vista/ | 21:43 |
Meiz_Mer | hola lopz | 21:43 |
lopz | heya Meiz_Mer ! | 21:43 |
RST38h | General: Well, at least US still has courts | 21:44 |
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Meiz_Mer | anybody with a knownledge of upstart awake? :P | 21:51 |
Meiz_Mer | i just installed it, is it enabled by default? | 21:51 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: not my gf | 21:52 |
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GeneralAntilles | Is anybody else suddenly disappointed by the lack of hearts in the newstyle rating system? | 22:00 |
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lcuk | GeneralAntilles, link | 22:09 |
lcuk | and anything that stops me from clicking that damned thumbsdown will be magic tyvm | 22:09 |
RST38h | Sts: good! =) | 22:11 |
GeneralAntilles | http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Improving_maemo.org/Graphics | 22:12 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, it's a thumbs up instead of a heart. | 22:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Now we can't say heart/thumb | 22:12 |
lcuk | clearer defined though | 22:13 |
lcuk | the icons are shat as they stand now | 22:13 |
lcuk | and a thumb can mean different things | 22:13 |
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RST38h | folks, the new styled thumbs are barely recognizable | 22:14 |
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RST38h | are you *sure* this is what you want? | 22:14 |
lcuk | what i dont understand is the need for stars AND up/down | 22:14 |
lcuk | what does each mean | 22:14 |
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RST38h | stars are for application ratings, aren't they? | 22:15 |
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lcuk | is there an application called "ryan abel" :P | 22:15 |
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RST38h | lcuk: yea, this bot is here, try doing /test on him | 22:15 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, it's just graphics | 22:16 |
lcuk | lol | 22:16 |
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lcuk | GeneralAntilles i know | 22:16 |
sp3000 | how about ....a liver? | 22:17 |
RST38h | Out of the whole list I do not like the thumbs (not clearly looking like thumbs) and the Install button (dunno why the author rounded it in penile fashion) | 22:17 |
RST38h | the rest looks ok | 22:17 |
Macer | the transformers movie is a little confusing | 22:17 |
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* sp3000 giggles at Do not Abuse Rollover | 22:19 | |
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lcuk | can we get these printed as real stickers in time for copenhagen | 22:20 |
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Macer | those wacky decepticons | 22:21 |
Macer | what are the chances that the bad robots would be called "DECEPTicons" ? | 22:22 |
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sp3000 | Macer, 100% | 22:23 |
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Macer | it is a pretty good movie | 22:34 |
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GeneralAntilles | Man, it is just one thing after another this week. | 22:44 |
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Macer | goddamn that dude has an awesome iraqi cell phone calling the pentagon | 23:01 |
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Macer | lol... "how did you know about the glasses?" .... "ebay." | 23:23 |
Macer | lol! | 23:23 |
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