IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2009-04-05

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crazy_impis there a way to flash the n810 from linux (only found a windows updater on the nokiapage :/)00:08
infoboti heard flashing is
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crazy_impthanks :)00:09
timelE61izAp: gdb sucks00:10
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crazy_impfiasco image = RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?00:13
crazy_impor do i have to extract something from the .bin?00:13
* Jaffa beds00:13
qwerty12_N800crazy_imp: yes, that's the fiasco img00:14
lbtneed python 2.5 :)00:15
Stskeepsoh, 8.10 had 2.4?00:16
Stskeepsor what?00:16
lbtI was about to kick of osc on bleb.org00:16
lbtosc needs python2.500:16
lbtbut doesn't depend on it  - d'oh00:16
lbtso when Jaffa installed it earlier it didn't pull it in00:17
lbtmaybe not00:22
lbtosc has #!/usr/bin/python   and the box is diverting to 2.400:23
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lbtmer 0.11 is going to OBS00:29
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wazdlbt: <- some wip :)00:41
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lbtwazd: hey...00:42
zakkmwazd: that looks nice00:42
lbtwhy is party grey?00:42
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wazdlbt: finished categories00:43
zakkmcause it has 1/1 ?00:43
zakkmshouldnt green be better?00:43
zakkmgreen = completed.. by default color?00:43
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lbtwell, grey is 'not interesting'00:43
lbtkinda faded out00:43
lbtI like the show/hide on categories - that's on the todo list00:44
wazdzakkm: well, green is pretty bright color, it focuses attention00:44
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lbtI also like the 1/4 type thing00:44
lbthow do you think it'll work with the gestures?00:44
zakkmah i guess so00:45
zakkmnot thinking straight00:45
wazdlbt: I thought it would be good to optimize some general view to let user work with it comfortably, withut jumping thru categories and screens00:45
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zakkmis it hard to add?00:45
lbtthat shot fits in with 'full view' idea00:46
zakkmand isnt paper better?00:46
GAN800lol, I guess wazd beat me to the punch00:46
zakkmlike writing on paper, shopping list?00:46
wazdzakkm: quiet!00:46
zakkmall the typing and such and then gets deleted later00:46
wazdzakkm: lcuk should be somewhere near :P00:46
zakkmand then rewritten00:46
zakkmim just sayingg00:46
lbtzakkm: you don't re-write it each time00:46
zakkmyour shopping list is identical each and every time you go?00:47
lbtyou end up with a huge list of things you buy00:47
lbtand then you pick the ones you want that trip00:47
wazdzakkm: well, you're running in fromt of the train, this shot is just the very beginning  :)00:47
lbtso I don't (sadly) tick steak every trip00:47
zakkmi didnt see it that way00:47
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lbtit's actually a great reminder too00:48
lbtbut it's not right for everyone :)00:48
wazdlbt: and talking bout your current "general view" - I'v dome saME THING BUT WITH "MINIMIZE CATEGORY" OPTION00:49
wazdoh sht00:49
wazdlbt: and btw, I have shopper crashing very often :(00:50
lbtit *never* crashes here00:50
lbt(apart from when I'm developing)00:50
zakkmisnt that such a developer thing to say :D00:50
zakkmit never crashes for developers ;p00:50
wazdlbt: maybe that's because I haven't installed Qt separately00:50
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zakkmits a joke.00:50
wazdlbt: it it crashes on rich variety of my actions :)00:51
lbtthat's really odd00:51
lbtI use it a lot and it has been months since it crashed00:52
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wazdlbt: I think I've traced one crash00:52
lbtcan you id the actions?00:52
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lbtI suspect there is a problem with single quotes '00:52
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wazdlbt: it crashes often when i'm tapping on the scrollbar in general view00:52
wazdlbt: yep, I can repeat the bug :)00:53
lbtdoes finger scrolling work?00:53
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wazdlbt: oh, does it have fingerscrolling?))00:53
lbtwhat version are you using?00:53
lbtand are you on diablo?00:54
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wazdlbt: well, it works, but slightly wierd00:55
wazdlbt: it starts to scroll smooth but then jumps to the top/bottom00:55
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lbtit has a kinetic setup - so it keeps moving after you let go00:56
lbtit detects how quick you're moving when you let go00:56
lbtand keeps that speed00:57
lcukunless theres a glitch in the matrix and it gets adjecent position/time indicators and thinks it has to move 9million pixels per seconds01:00
lcuk(which used to happen with my old algo :D)01:00
lbtyep, I do velocity averaging01:02
lbtI'm just genuinely surprised that it's crashing01:02
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lcuksame here actuallythe onl01:02
lcuk-the onl01:03
lcuki just found a new way to paste01:03
lcukand im not quite sure how i did it :|01:03
lbtmiddle click?01:03
lcukmmm shift+insert01:03
* lcuk raises an eyebrow01:04
lcukive never pressed that combo accidentally before, im still not sure how01:04
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Stskeepsevening andre01:40
andre___ahoj Stskeeps01:40
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wazdlbt: still around?)01:51
wazdlbt: the idea is to divide app into 2 modes: shopping and editting01:52
lbteg in editing the 'categories' are alphabetic..01:52
wazdlbt: and "quick add" is for, well, quick addition :)01:52
lbtin shopping they are ordered according to the supermarket layout01:53
wazdlbt: for example, your wife calls you while you're shopping and telling to add something new to the list01:53
bef0rdThat list looks pretty01:54
wazdlbt: instead of digging thru categories and stuff you simply type it and it appeates under "quick added" category01:54
lbtI see01:54
lbtisn't it a rare use-case to spend that much screen-space on though?01:55
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lcuk"Finish shopping and pay"01:55
lcuk"cash or card"01:55
lcuk"please insert coins in the slot"01:55
wazdlbt: well, better have it clearly visible cause it's an emergency item :)01:55
lcuk"please take your change.  the receipt is dispensed at the slot below the screen" :P01:55
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wazdlbt: and agait, what else can you have on that screen?)01:56
wazdI think I'm getting sleepy :)01:56
lbt(me too)01:57
smackpotatotear question. it there any way to tweek the d pad so it does page-down instead of scroll01:57
lcukthat text entry should be there, but it should be a filter ;)01:57
lcukyes smackpotato, theres a deb for it and other things01:58
lbtit probably makes sense to remove the drop-down when you're "out shopping"01:58
wazdlbt: well, I don't think that you will still need category switcher when you'll add a minimizer01:58
lbtespecially now there are collapseable categories01:58
lbtyes - minimiser01:58
wazdlbt: true01:58
wazdok, all for today, see ya tomorrow guys :)01:59
lbtcheers wazd - food for thought there02:00
wazdI'll think about some cool ideas while sleep :)02:00
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lcuki think anyway02:00
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lcukmmm seems outdated, thats late 2007, theres a different one with a .deb02:02
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lbtg'night all02:15
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newbie-jenHi, anyone mind offering some help to a new n810 user?02:36
neatojoneswhat do you need help with?02:37
newbie-jenThings don't install, complaining about libhildonfm202:38
Stskeepsmake sure you have your tablet upgraded to latest version, first02:38
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newbie-jenalso pre-installed-documentaion-rx44 is missing, so i cant install the "0s2008 feature upgrade"02:40
newbie-jenmaybe flashing fexes both02:40
lcukis it a new n810 you have?02:40
lcukor second hand?02:40
newbie-jenout of box today02:41
lcukflash it anyway :) always best to have it on the latest version of the firmware02:41
neatojonesIt's the best time to flash it if you just got it.02:42
newbie-jenguess so - reading how....02:42
neatojonesOnce you start using and customizing it, it'll be more of a pain (due to lost time)02:42
newbie-jenYou can tell this this is more PC then phone - sofware broken out of ox!02:45
StsN800heh, prolly just a chinook artefact02:46
newbie-jenis there a way to see what firmewhere you have?02:48
StsN800about product in control panel02:50
newbie-jenversion 4.2008.30-202:51
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StsN800ok, so 4.1.102:54
StsN800i would recommend flashing to 5.2008.43-702:55
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newbie-jeni'm ganna head of to bed - cheers for the suggestion!02:57
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MacerStskeeps: forgot to wipe the n800.. i'm doing it now.. and boxing it ;)04:16
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* b-man has been working on his new linux distribution Plawzix for the last week :P04:23
b-manit's opkg based :)04:24
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b-manyup - i'm buiilding a new distribution04:25
neatojonesfrom openembedded?04:25
neatojonesI wish ubuntu could use opkg04:25
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neatojonesso many things have already been packaged for Angstrom etc.04:25
b-mani built the base os from raw sourcecode04:26
b-manusing LFS04:27
Macerthis bootmenu crap won't let me use the normal usb flash program?04:27
Maceryou still just hold the swap key and turn it on right?04:27
ShadowJKb-man: thhis the point where you say 'told u i was hardcore'?04:30
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b-manyou can do anything if you put your mind to it ;)04:31
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* b-man needs to figure out how he can convert nit-bootmenu-compat to be compatible with Plawzix's unique BSD/LSB sysvinit hybrid system04:32
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Macerwell.. rm -rf ~/.* :) that seems to have done the trick04:33
b-manbtw, i built the entire os on my tablet using gcc on my ubuntu install XD04:34
Maceryou should have used opensolaris04:35
Macerwith zfs04:35
Macerthen that would be cool :)04:35
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* b-man needs to figure out how to make opkg shut up about duplicate src declarations04:37
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b-man~seen xnt04:43
infobotxnt <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 10d 1h 25m 18s ago, saying: 'this thing won't boot off of my usb :P'.04:43
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* b-man loves how fast opkg installs and configures packages - it runs about 15x faster than dpkg and apt and uses less ram/cpu :)05:08
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ShadowJKit makes me feel much more nervous than with dpkg/apt though :)05:12
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* b-man mostly uses opkg because he wanted a relyable replacement for apt that would not entirely alter his base os and would be fast - i was experimenting with RPM, but it kept erroring out with random error codes and i was considering Portage from Gentoo, but it was way too large, had lots of dependences, wasn't verry stable, and it took too long to install packages to be productive on an embedded system05:18
Macerb-man: make an osol that can boot on an n800 :)05:19
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b-manshure :)05:20
Macercmon.. with zfs you can raid the internal and external sd :)05:20
b-mancan it build with gcc? XD05:20
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Macerhm. don't know to tell you the truth05:21
MacerStskeeps: you're all boxed up and ready to go. just have to make it to the PO :)05:21
Macercan't wait to see how long a pkg takes to get to denmark using the usps05:21
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phosphoricxI have a strange problem, my app (written in python) crashes 2 minutes after I launch it from the menu. However when I run it from the shell (through SSH) it does not. I installed syslog and it doesn't give me anything useful. Any ideas?05:36
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phosphoricxd-bus was killing it05:47
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* b-man finds a nokia-770-init package in Angstrom's repository 0.o05:50
b-man'nokia770-init - 1.0-r6.1 - Version 1.0-r6 of package nokia770-init'05:51
* b-man also finds numptyphysics in the openmoko repo XD05:53
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* b-man tweeks opkg to use /var/lib/opkg instead of /usr/lib/opkg06:01
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Macerno vsmp in vbox06:55
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keesjfennec has such a nice feeling to it08:38
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RST38h"Turcott told police, when he didn't recognize the woman getting out of the Camry, he grabbed a gun and hid in the bathroom to see what would happen... Palin made straight for the bedroom cabinet where Turcott kept his cash."08:56
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* RST38h has fun reading how wazd lays waste all over the newstyle.maemo.org09:04
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anders_gudHello! Is the Mer bootmenu able to boot a cloned diablo on the external card of a n810?10:45
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anders_gudtried both the ${EXT_CARD}p2 .item version and plain mmcblk..10:46
qwerty12anders_gud, yep. It does what fanoush's bootmenu can do - just the only difference is it uses item files10:46
anders_gudstrange - it boots the ext card and reboots after a short while - no desktop is loaded...10:47
anders_gudok - maybe just a typo then... i'll try again10:53
StsN800prolly rw instead of ro10:54
StsN800remember to refresh_bootmenu.d10:54
StsN800prolly ro instead of rw i mean10:55
anders_gudyes it works :-) TYPO!10:55
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anders_gudyou were right ro, never cut and paste without reading - stupid me...10:57
anders_gudmer 0.11 testing3 here we go...10:58
anders_gudthanks! Bye10:59
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prometoyshi, can me someone recommend a texteditor for the consolo, but smaller then vim?11:19
qwerty12printf, echo, sed, cat11:20
prometoysor a vim, which is smaller then the one from extras11:20
* Stskeeps likes joe but it isn't ported, just have a deb on my web space11:21
prometoysnano would be cool, but it's not in the repositories11:21
zakkmits not?11:21
zakkmi have it somehow?11:21
zakkmare you sure ?11:21
prometoysfrom where.11:21
qwerty12prometoys, search nano on
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qwerty12But, enjoy, it has a nice habit sometimes of segfaulting when searching.11:22
zakkmnano is awesome :D11:22
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prometoysoh, i didnt know the tools repro, thanks11:28
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JaffaMorning, all11:39
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Jaffalbt: python2.5 is installed, but the default is still 2.411:39
Jaffalbt: /usr/local/bin/osc now exists and should be higher on your path11:40
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wazdhello world11:45
qwerty12hi wazd11:45
Stskeepsmorning wazd11:46
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lbt'lo all12:15
lbtJaffa - thanks - I dug around and hacked ~/bin/osc to #! the right python12:16
lbtand last night I uploaded Mer0.11 to OBS in only a few minutes vs at least a day from my ADSL12:16
lbtso incredibly useful12:16
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Jaffalbt: cool12:36
Jaffalbt: I just hacked /usr/bin/osc -> /usr/local/bin/osc, so you did the same as me ;-)12:36
lbtlbt@badger:~$ git12:36
lbt-bash: git: command not found12:36
* lbt hides12:37
lcukquick, theres a git hiding!12:37
* lbt pops out and slaps the northerner12:37
JaffaGah, apt really doesn't like the declared python dependency on osc12:38
JaffaI'm going to have to uninstall osc and reinstall it a different way12:38
lbtit's working fine12:38
lbtor is it causing probs elsewhere?12:38
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Jaffaapt is having a hissy fit, and so won't install git12:42
JaffaRight. git in12:42
Jaffaosc back in until I can solve it12:43
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qwerty12Would anyone consider "dirty"? :)12:52
Stskeepsthat better not be ascii goatse..12:52
qwerty12Lol, if you want, I can make it so? :)12:53
Stskeepsqwerty12: i'd personally use 'touch'12:53
Stskeepsbut that's just me12:53
Stskeepsbut otherwise, no, it's not dirty12:53
Stskeepscode wise12:53
qwerty12Ok, thanks12:54
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t_s_o <- marketing, microsoft style?12:55
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Stskeepsyeah, i read a couple of days ago13:12
lcuklbt, git-core is what i need on my device isnt it?13:13
thuxwhy it stopped, lack of buyers?13:14
Stskeepsthux: bad management of product, imho13:14
lcukdirection, momentum etc13:14
Stskeepsyeah, - direction switching constantly13:14
qwerty12the GTA01 sucked balls and it had nothing that would make me for it over a symbian phone?13:14
qwerty12s/me/me go/13:14
infobotqwerty12 meant: the GTA01 sucked balls and it had nothing that would make me go for it over a symbian phone?13:14
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Stskeepsyou're really better off taking a beagleboard schematic these days, heh13:15
lcuki would quite like to get an openmoko to use the telephony module13:16
lbtlcuk: yes git-core13:16
lcukthanks lbt :) it was already coming in but good to confirm13:16
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lcukacademic interest really: liqbase running on x86
crashanddielmao rzr, one of the comments in that story:
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qwerty12Wow, people get so hard over licenses? Retards.13:19
crashanddieI don't know if "hard" is the correct word here13:20
Stskeepsit's slashdot..13:20
crashanddieanyone getting "hard" over software licenses should be shot13:21
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glasshow stupid is that ac13:24
glassit's just a troll13:24
glassandroid open and bsd, "hahahaha"13:24
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b0unc3good morning13:49
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wazdlbt: ping?14:11
wazdlbt: <- my initial thoughts bout list editting/creation. gtg now, bbl14:12
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* Stskeeps glances at scrollback and ponders what sane person would do LFS for tablets.14:25
aquatixare there sane persons at all doing LFS?14:26
Stskeepspoint taken14:26
aquatixthey might think they're the only one being sane though :)14:27
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mavhcthat's the big clue you're mad14:45
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aquatixmavhc: ah, that explains some matters with me...14:47
mavhchowever if they think you're mad, fail, and eventually do what do you, you're a genius14:47
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Stskeeps'lo milhouse14:57
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* RST38h moos15:30
Stskeepsmoo, RST38h15:31
RST38hSts: How are things?15:31
Stskeepsnice and slow, sitting and writing a control panel applet guide15:33
Stskeepsthink 0.11 image is nice and baked, even with a load of known issues15:34
* RST38h can't release the new AlmostTI due to that stupid ssh key problem15:34
RST38hSts: btw, using background highlight instead of that ugly "ear" for the active task was a really good idea15:36
RST38hSts: If I can make a suggestion, make that background highlight circular and increase icon brightness =)15:36
Stskeepshehe.. we'll see :) we have a problem with the marquee background atm15:37
RST38hWhile this does not fix the overal ugliness of the task manager in Mer, at least it makes it a bit less ugly15:37
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Stskeepsi am really pissed that the rightmost thing didn't go rightmost.. i don't understand how15:39
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RST38hSts: which rightmost thing? the microphone-like circle-in-semicircle?15:42
Stskeepsthe task switcher / close app15:43
aquatixisn't there some invisible thing/widget preventing that?15:44
Stskeepsnot sure, but the preceeding elements should add up to leaving space for that15:45
RST38hSts: Probably fixable, just some spot where dimension is taken from an incorrect widget field15:45
RST38hSts: But there is something else I see in this picture15:45
RST38hSts: the scrollbar in xterm is shifted to the left a bit, that is #115:46
Stskeepsyeah, i noticed15:46
Stskeepsi have it as known issues, i wonder what causes it15:46
RST38hSts: And #2: why do you start showing status icons from some seemingly hardwired position in the title bar? It seems logical to order them from the right side and shift them to the left as new ones appear15:46
StskeepsRST38h: i need to make some kind of unified statusbar container and app switcher15:47
Stskeepsthat's mostly why :P15:47
RST38hOh you mean it is still the old code that shows them from where the title ends?15:47
Stskeepsas in, there's preset space for tray icons and for applications open15:47
Stskeepsand yes, tray icons should be right-justified15:48
Stskeepsgoing right-to-left15:48
RST38hThe preset space policy should favor status icons15:48
Stskeepsi was going to do it but feature freeze hit, so :)15:49
RST38hi.e. if there are too many status icons they are still shown bu some task icons disappear15:49
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Stskeepsin either case, they're two different containers atm15:49
Stskeepsshould really be one unified15:49
* RST38h is writing a new Downloads blurb for ati85 1.315:50
* Stskeeps grins over the "how to disable modest and it's demon process"15:52
RST38hHehe, seen that, and mentally added browserd to the bunch15:53
RST38hShit, downloads editing is broken15:54
RST38hCan't submit updates15:54
RST38hWhy should this damn web site ALWAYS be so broken?15:54
qwerty12_N800it's going blank after submitting?15:56
RST38hNo, it 404s tryinfg to submit my page as /OS2007/ati8515:56
RST38hWhy OS2007? Who knows...15:56
RST38hIt did make changes to the proper OS2008/ati85 page though, so the new ati85 should appear at the web site in a few minutes15:57
qwerty12_N800ran into that twice but the page should have updated :/15:57
RST38hBut, thanks for that anagram program =)15:58
* RST38h loves this kind of stuff15:58
MacerStskeeps: going to send out this n800 for sure tomorrow ;)16:00
Macerhave it ina nice little box and everything16:00
StskeepsMacer: hehe, alright16:00
Stskeepstesting mer on my tablet is notoriously horrible atm16:00
Stskeepsi have to play wack-a-mole to hit things16:01
Macerwell.. hopefully this thing helps16:01
Macerit's just the n800 with the 2 stylus pens16:01
Stskeepsi have charger and all that jazz so16:01
Stskeepseven an american one, heh16:01
Macerok.. well... i guess this will be a good test of our united states postal service's international shipping :)16:01
Maceri wonder if they are going to send it on a ship16:02
Stskeepsnah, airplane probably16:02
Maceri know in iraq things would take about a month or so to get to me16:02
Macerbut then again it had to go through military mail also16:02
RST38hMacer: Are you in Iraq, or going to? =)16:03
MacerRST38h: no.. i already went16:03
Macertwice ;)16:03
Macersecond time i went over on a ship.. but we stopped at hawaii. singapore. maldives. aus. uhm.. india.. then kuwait to iraq16:04
Macerindia was such a disgusting place16:05
* RST38h can imagine, after reading a few books and seeing a few photos16:05
Macerif you took the WORST.. most disgusting new york city ghetto .. and multiplied it by 2016:05
Maceryou would have india16:05
RST38hSome of those photos can be used as a wiki illustration for the "fucking shit" idiom16:06
Macerthere were women literally on the streets trying to sell you their babies... rats and garbage everywhere. starving children... it was just disgusting16:06
Macerone woman took a baby and threw it in the middle of the street crying.. it was surreal16:06
Stskeepswelcome to the very real scenario of overpopulation16:06
* RST38h experienced a very very mild version of this when he went to TW16:07
Macerwell.. i personally don't see any reason why someone wold willingly go to india16:07
Maceri wouldn't even want a job in that shithole16:08
RST38hMacer: what if it were the only job available?16:08
Macerthen i will take my chances in the woods living off the land16:08
RST38hBTW, lots of Brits went there of patriotism alone in XIX century16:08
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Maceri have to change my logos in zimbra soon16:10
Macerfound out a lot of things i never knew about it.. although i'm pretty pissed about hte internal web client im16:10
Macerthat doesn't let you stick windows in the im tab alone.. they go all over the place.. it's irritating16:10
Maceri guess it uses jive16:10
RST38hwell, it is ajax, so what did you expect?16:11
Macerwell.. that's not it... they had it in a previous version16:11
Macerand got rid of it! :) talk about  taking a step backwards16:11
Macerthe im windows would stay in the im tab unless you clicked on a "pin" button16:11
Macerthen they would follow you into other tabs.. it was pretty nice16:11
Macerand they eliminated that feature.. wtf?16:12
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* RST38h believes in PHP as the sole solution for all web needs16:15
RST38hAll these zimbras, drupals, wikis, and other whatevers just exist for the purpose of their own existance16:16
Macerhm.. tmobile is atting me16:18
Maceri keep losing my 3G16:18
Macermaybe i should put it in edge mode to not piss them off as much16:18
RST38hwill start atting you at a slower rate then =)16:18
Macerah well.. i'm going to take a nap anyways.. ttyl16:20
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RST38hor g'day (after checking the clock)16:21
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Corsachmmh, with what tool can I use a maemo mapper track file?16:41
GAN800It's just gpx. So, just about anything.16:42
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StskeepsGAN800: what are typical control panels we've been missing? i mean, boot menu for sure, but others?16:43
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GAN800Stskeeps, most of them?16:44
GAN800Mer has, what, Panels?16:44
lcukcontrol panel/*16:44
Stskeepswell, i was talking about community control panels in maemo16:44
GAN800Damn, no more battery16:45
GAN800Not a whole lot is missing, but most of Nokia's panels need to be replaced wholesale16:45
GAN800They're all underfeatured16:45
lcukunderfeatured is fine as long as all the features work as advertised16:47
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CorsacGAN800: “anything” isn't really helpful :)16:51
Corsacbut viking seems to be nice16:52
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Corsacexcept downloading all map tiles along the track at zoom 128 made the laptop crash :/17:02
RST38hBTW, does Battle Of Wesnoth install to a memory card?17:04
RST38hqwerty: this may be portable and even playable:
RST38hAlso this:
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CorsacscummVM works fine on the device too17:15
qwerty12_N800RST38h: you're the programmer :)17:15
RST38hqwerty: But I am too lazy / lacking time to port this stuff =)17:15
* RST38h would really LOVE this: but the sources are not available17:16
RST38hThere is a Speccy version though17:16
RST38hKSame: A little game about balls and how to get rid of them17:18
lcukqwerty12_N800, i love head over heels :)17:21
lcukRST38h, even17:21
lcukits the same engine batman was wrote in17:21
lcukdid you ever get them together?17:21
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joyriderweee skin support is working : :)17:26
Stskeepsmorning Myrtti17:27
* lcuk passes Myrtti an iced tea and bowl of cornflakes17:29
Myrttioh, I had a lovely English brunch in bed at noon :-)17:31
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lcuki like to visit little cafes17:35
lcukand order the most complex thing i can that takes 4 hours and blocks up the griddle over the entire dinnertime rush ;) (joke!)17:36
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Stskeepswb anders_gud17:49
anders_gudHi! Does the tarred Mer rootfs expect a swap partition or file somewhere? Or is it enough just to extract it on a partition and point the .item file there?17:54
Stskeepsthe latter17:55
Stskeepsit's good to have a swap partition though17:55
anders_gudOk! I'll try it out...17:56
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Stskeepsit needs a special item though, with ITEM_LINUXRC and ,ro but i guess you know that one17:57
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anders_gudOk - booting now... Thanks Stskeeps!18:03
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wazdI'm back :)18:04
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GeneralAntillesCorsac, OK, Google Earth.18:10
GeneralAntillesWee, brightness keys suddenly stopped working.18:10
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: a mini 9 isn't touch is it, btw?18:11
fuzzybunnyhi, could anyone help me with a problem I have?18:11
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I paid under $300. ;)18:12
Stskeepstrue, true18:12
GeneralAntillesI keep thinking it's touch, though, and reaching for the screen18:12
GeneralAntillesThe N800 training is deep18:12
GeneralAntillesfuzzybunny, DATA18:12
GeneralAntillesDon't Ask To Ask18:13
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: when i had my mertop going, i occasionally caught myself trying to get it to respond through the laptop screen..18:13
fuzzybunnyI just need some help with a problem18:13
GeneralAntillesfuzzybunny, nobody is telepathic here, so we can't decide if we're able to help until we know what the problem is.18:14
GeneralAntillesSo ask away.18:14
qwerty12Yes, we gathered that. What we didn't gather was what your problem is.18:14
Stskeepsfuzzybunny: when you call 911, do you ask "can you come and help me"? no, you state what the problem is18:14
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fuzzybunny_443sorry i unexpectedly quit18:16
fuzzybunny_443my problem has to do with installing ubuntu on my mac mini18:16
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fuzzybunny_443when I installed it, I made a partition but ended up not using it18:17
GeneralAntillesYes, that sounds like a big problem18:17
Stskeepsoh, right, i have fuzzybunny_* on ignore18:17
GeneralAntillesBut probably not for the reasons you'd think.18:17
fuzzybunny_443i used boot camp if you want to know18:17
GeneralAntillesAnyway, fuzzybunny_443, you want #ubuntu18:17
fuzzybunny_443after i installed ubuntu on another partition, my mac wouldn't boot to mac18:18
RST38hlcuk: Returning to the last topic, yes, it is Jon Ritman's stuff, remade under Linux18:18
RST38hlcuk: I think there is a remake of Batman as well18:19
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fuzzybunny_443It thinks that the partition that i previously made but did not use is the hard drive18:19
CorsacGeneralAntilles: I viking works fine, though18:19
fuzzybunny_443i can only boot to the live ubuntu disk18:19
RST38hlcuk: Would be real cool on the tablet, once equipped with the proper touch screen control (i.e. skewed cross covering whole n8x0 screen)18:19
lcukRST38h, excellent!18:19
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lcukagreed rst :) I played those for hours18:20
RST38hlcuk: Two problems though: 1) sources not available 2) my time not available =(18:20
lcukive got more than half a lifetime left, and its still available in spectrum format18:20
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RST38hspeccy game works like a charm on the emulator but it has got worse pictures and weird controls18:21
fuzzybunny_443when im on ubuntu, i can see all of my stuff on the hard drive but when i go into disk util on the osx, it reads it as free space18:21
RST38h(once mapped to the tablet screen that is)18:21
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lcukyeah, and its always good to see porting projects - they take their time to rise but it will happen18:21
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* lcuk doesnt understand WHY some ports are made though ;)18:22
fuzzybunny_247I really need help!!!!!!!!!!!!18:22
fuzzybunny_247GeneralAntillies: do you think u could help me? It would be really great.18:24
RST38hDeflector x4 sources are available:
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fuzzybunny_247I know i am not nearly as knowledgeable as you18:25
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fuzzybunny_247never mind i have to go18:26
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lbtany reason I have 2 browserd and 4 maemo-launcher processed?18:28
Stskeepsmaemo-launcher actually covers actual processes18:28
lbtI don't pay much attention normally - need to prep music for Denise's surgery tomorrow...18:29
qwerty12run "cat /proc/<pidof particular maemo-launcher>/cmdline" to see what it's really running18:29
lbtqwerty12: useful - ta18:30
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JaffaGeneralAntilles:: good post :)19:17
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Stskeepsdidn't know qgil was a moderator now - 10 bucks that'll bring out the conspiracy theorists ;)19:19
Stskeeps(i don't mind.)19:19
JaffaThere's a wiki page with the talk moderators19:19
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Stskeepsyeah, i think i looked at it at some point19:19
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: ta for shining up 0.1119:20
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Stskeepswazd: was in zhilin or zhillin?19:30
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wazdStskeeps: Zhilin :)19:55
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, what'd I do?19:58
thuxsome reason bluetooth-audio takes much memory even i don't use it19:58
GeneralAntillesJaffa, thanks. ;) I wrote up some more but I kind ended up rambling.19:58
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Macerhm. will the new tablet support 1700 3G?20:02
ShadowJKwhat about 850 and 900?! :D20:02
ShadowJKand hsupa!20:02
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: fixing up the table20:03
fireunand the teleporter!20:03
GeneralAntillesOh, sure20:03
GeneralAntillesJust remember to stick class = "wikitable" in your tables.20:03
GeneralAntillesMacer, no idea.20:03
ShadowJKI'd suspect it would be similar to what they're doing on the phone side20:04
Stskeepswas the consensus Mer belongs under Alternatives, or Maemo 5 btw?20:06
Stskeeps(i can't recall)20:06
Macerit would be nice if they gave it a slightly larger screen and res20:06
qwerty12Stskeeps, no idea, but if I'm being honest, Mer in Maemo 5 is a little misleading20:07
Macermaybe smaller speakers on the bottom of a screen flush with the ends20:07
Stskeepsyeah, was my first thought too20:07
VDVsxlcuk, do you remember the "nokia point and find" app, that we talked about in the april's fool day ?20:09
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I think it may have to wait until we see what Maemo 5 really looks like.20:09
GeneralAntillesBut, for the time being, there isn't a ton of traffic in the Mer forum.20:10
GeneralAntillesThat may change once we get a stable user-ready release, though.20:10
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Stskeepseh, what Mer forum?20:10
GeneralAntillesWell, OK, Mer-threads.20:10
Stskeepsyeah, agree ;)20:10
Stskeepsi'll go for alternatives, think i'll put 0.11 out tonight as i have time for it20:10
zakkmwooh for Mer :D20:11
VDVsxlcuk, seems to be true, lol:
qwerty12RST38h, can you change your postinst for ati? it's annoying to have to choose where the menu icon should go each time on an upgrade. I like personally20:15
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Stskeepsqwerty12: think powerlaunch could be used outside hildon? not sure if it just does gtk stuff20:18
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qwerty12Maybe, I'd class it as more tied to Maemo rather than hildon. But it is linked with hildon in a few places20:19
qwerty12It'd probably work though if the hildon libraries are there, it was running unthemed when I was first messing with it in mer20:20
Stskeepsqwerty12: yeah, it does that occasionally still (unthemed)20:20
qwerty12That's a bug in my haste to finish it.. I know what it is and I'll sort that out soon20:21
Stskeepsi'm just thinking once we start doing the DE control panel, that powerlaunch would be a item in Xsession instead, so you could do like "Switch environment" and then choose Hildon or XFCE, etc20:21
wazdlbt: have you checked my mockup?20:21
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Stskeepsand it would warm-boot into XFCE or Hildon20:22
Stskeeps(.. or LXDE, or whatever)20:23
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lcukVDVsx, never thought it was, the fact it was on apr 1 didnt mean anything - its detecting movie posters and a few other things20:28
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VDVsxlcuk, I thought I seen it before, but you put the link inside the april's fool discussion, made me think that was a joke :(20:32
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lcukVDVsx, its just a tweak on the other regocnition technology thats everywhere20:34
lcuklike this:
VDVsxnice technology,lol :)20:36
aquatixhmmm, baconburger20:37
* aquatix just had supper20:37
aquatixlcuk: lol20:37
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lcukwhat does facial recognition look for20:39
lcukit would be good to actually make it for linux if its not already20:39
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VDVsxlcuk, sony have a new (10 MP ??) camera that claims to run linux and have that technology too, dunno if is OSS20:42
lcukrunning linux and having its entire software stack in linux is not the same20:43
lcukie tivo20:43
ShadowJKI just had a terrible idea20:44
timelE61ilBt: fwiw, browserd is like maemo-launcher, there's a parent and 1 or more children20:44
timelE61iTypically one for the browser ui client20:44
timelE61iBut you could have one for the tutorial20:44
ShadowJKit's not going to be called N900, it will be n-gage 900020:44
* ShadowJK shudders20:44
timelE61iOr various other clients20:44
aquatixShadowJK: *shudder*20:45
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timelE61in-gage, something everyone wants to forget :)20:47
timelE61iWhy not try an ovi-game?20:47
lcuknahhhh, it will be OVER 9000!20:47
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* timelE61i sighs20:49
* timelE61i grabbed an n800 w/ an empty battery20:49
* aquatix hands timelE61i a nice cup of tea20:49
timelE61iit doesn't work well as a gtalk client20:49
timelE61iAquatix: thanks :)20:49
* timelE61i sips20:49
aquatixyw :)20:49
aquatixno charger in the vicinity?20:49
timelE61inope, i'm waiting for dinner at my standard sunday chinese place20:50
* timelE61i sips20:50
Stskeepsthink i'll take the fiancée to a chinese resturant when she's back in the country again20:50
timelE61iTea is free, and warm, and can actually disolve the sugar20:50
timelE61iThere are dozens of chinese restaurants here20:51
timelE61iBut only a few japanese20:51
aquatixhm, sugar in chinese tea?20:51
aquatixjasmine tea?20:51
timelE61ilipton yellow label :)20:51
aquatixah :)20:52
timelE61iThe japanese restaurant i was at last week had a nice green tea20:52
aquatixi might have some gold label in a few20:52
aquatixfirst finish this milkshake :P20:52
timelE61iAnyway, this place has a vegi lunch set20:52
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aquatixaww, no bacon ;)20:52
timelE61iSoup or spring roll + dish + fried banana w/ ice cream20:53
aquatixsounds good20:53
timelE61iBut often i have fish instead20:53
timelE61iRainbow trout :)20:53
* timelE61i sips20:53
timelE61ianyway, thankfully each chinese restaurant is slightly different20:54
timelE61iAlthough i only frequent one or two20:54
aquatixyeah, same here20:54
aquatixdifference is only slight though20:54
lcukim just about to have sunday roast :)20:54
* aquatix had a simple baconburger20:55
aquatixa rather nice one20:55
aquatixhadn't reached my junkfood quotum for this week yet ;)20:55
* timelE61i will have meat wednesday and thursday20:55
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* aquatix had some in his macaroni yesterday20:56
timelE61iBut no bread starting wednesdayish for a week20:56
aquatixon some diet?20:56
timelE61iIt's not particularly effective20:56
timelE61iWe tend to overcompensate20:57
timelE61iGoogle it :)20:57
* aquatix does20:57
aquatixah :)20:58
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* aquatix hands timelE61i some Matzo20:59
lbtwazd: I have thanks :)  Bit busy now until wednesday - Denise is having a minor operation on her foot tomorrow so we're sorting things out for that.20:59
aquatixor isn't that the intention :/20:59
aquatixtraditions are confusing21:00
timelE61imy parents shipped me a box, i need to pick it up tomorrow :)21:00
aquatixbeing an atheist sure made some things easier for me ;)21:02
timelE61iSecular humanist?21:03
aquatixsort of, i guess21:03
aquatixyeah, i think that describes it quite well21:04
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timelE61iwhat, you aren't a fan of sheep-"flock" metaphors?21:09
timelE61iEven penguins flock :)21:09
aquatixoh yes, i love those sheeple21:10
aquatixi can let them believe all kinds of fun things21:10
timelE61ido you think xians would object more to have evolved from sheep (than monkeys)?21:12
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timelE61iFrom dust to dust. From sheep to sheep21:14
aquatixtimelE61i: interesting question21:14
aquatixwell, they always speak of their shepherd21:14
Stskeeps <- Mer 0.11 release21:14
aquatixbut i think the whole evolving part is against believes21:14
aquatixStskeeps: ooh :)21:15
zakkmStskeeps: Awesomeeee21:15
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timelE61ibtw, did people opin about moblin's move?21:17
aquatixStskeeps: you didn't find the cause of that button not wanting to go all the way to the right?21:17
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StskeepstimelE61i: i'm reading it as moblin being abandoned - if there's no community around it already the project will die at the first re-allocation of resources from the intel developers21:18
Stskeepssome of their tech is interesting, obviously21:18
timelE61iopen source and ditch?21:18
Stskeeps'lo b-man21:18
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b-manhay, Stskeeps :)21:19
Stskeepsb-man: .. LFS? dear god, why? :P21:19
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StskeepstimelE61i: it would have made sense if there was a well established OSS community around it, in a good gesture to give the reigns over to "the community" (manifested in linux foundation).. but i haven't seen anything interface-wise from moblin lately21:20
lfelipezeenix: you there ?21:20
b-manStskeeps: i thought it would be cool to make a base system from scratch - instead of using someone else's21:21
Stskeepsb-man: true, and it's probably a good lesson21:21
b-manit is indeed :)21:21
lfelipeStskeeps: the clutter interface is being developed in closed-doors for now I think21:21
timelE61idid openhand ever work w/ moblin?21:21
lfelipethey will probably release something soon, not sure how it will look like though21:21
lfelipetimelE61i: openedhand ?21:22
lfelipeif you're talking about the company, it was acquired by intel last year I thnk21:22
b-manStskeeps: pluse i'm optimising it for speed and performance21:22
* timelE61i nods21:22
b-man(using opkg instead of dpkg)21:23
* RST38h looks for somebody with a real IP address (no NATs) who is willing to test TiLink between two ATI85s21:23
Stskeepsb-man: package installation is a one time operation21:23
b-mani was using that as an example ;)21:24
timelE61irst: timeless is a real PoP21:24
b-manbut i'm thinking of using e17 from openmoko as a default desktop env21:25
Stskeepsb-man: famous last words21:25
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lfelipeb-man: e17 rules21:26
b-manindeed :)21:26
timelE61iHey, speaking of packages....21:27
* b-man likes the look and performance21:27
timelE61iDoes anyone actually support lsb packages?21:27
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StskeepstimelE61i: what is that? :P21:28
Stskeepslsb-release and stuff?21:29
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timelE61ilsb=linux standards base21:29
Stskeepsyeah, just didn't know if they had their own package format21:29
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timelE61iThey created lsb-release, but also a packaging "standard"21:29
timelE61iThe wonderful thing about standards is there are so many :)21:30
* timelE61i just broke a plastic chopstick21:31
* b-man is using a hybrid LSB/BSD sysvinit system in his new Plawsix os21:31
* timelE61i was listening to something which sounded very much like ghost busters: we ain't afraid of no ghosts21:31
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* b-man also needs to figure out how he can get deblet/mer init scripts working under Plawsix21:32
Stskeepsb-man: blood sweat and tears21:33
qwerty12_N800& a sacrifice that is not blood21:33
Stskeepsyeah, vaseline is part of those sacrifices21:33
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* b-man also wants his new distribution to run on multiple devices21:35
befr0di though you were going to name it helios21:36
timelE61iisn't that taken?21:36
b-manPlawsix isn't21:36
b-manhello, z4chh21:37
* b-man 's shot ubuntu install rose from the dead btw XD21:41
b-manwireless started working again  - after 2 months of not being functional21:42
* b-man installs qemu on his n80021:43
lfelipeyou guys were talking about moblin, from the moblin mailing list (a guy from intel just replied):21:43
slonopotamus_on_? o_O why?21:43
lfelipe"The same (or actually even a few more) engineers from Intel21:43
lfelipewill continue to work on Moblin. This is much more about making sure21:43
lfelipethere are no misunderstandings around the role that Intel plays in21:43
lfelipeMoblin. "21:43
b-manslonopotamus: just an experiment21:44
Stskeepsb-man: i'd much rather play with XenARM21:44
slonopotamustoo many distros, too few software21:44
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StskeepstimelE61i: yes, there's actually a xen for arm21:44
b-manthat's ironic21:44
Stskeepssomeone claimed he got it working on some imx51 board21:44
timelE61iWell... Vmware ported to n800...21:45
Stskeepsi do want a copy of that, just for kicks21:45
timelE61iBasically, if one can port, so can the rest21:45
* b-man googles for more armv6 opkg repositorys for his os21:46
Stskeepsb-man: saw mer 0.11 release?21:47
* b-man looks21:48
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b-manawsome :D21:48
ShadowJKanyone experimented with running OS on LogFS or nilfs on mmc/sd?21:49
b-manreally awsome o.021:49
* b-man gets mesmerised by the mer 0.11 screenshots21:50
Stskeepsb-man: pondering to make a powerlaunch (power button menu) where you can click "Switch to LXDE" if you installed it through application manager, for instance21:50
Stskeepsand while in LXDE, Switch to Hildon through same mechanism21:50
b-mannice :D21:51
Stskeeps(it would then restart X and boot into LXDE or Hildon)21:51
Stskeeps.. and other environments too obviously21:51
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slonopotamusdoes maemo-launcher really give any improvements?21:56
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Stskeepsyes, huge improvement21:59
Stskeepsevery maemo app should use it21:59
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slonopotamusand what it actually does? :)22:00
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slonopotamusand why things just can't be fast without it?22:01
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Stskeepsit is an artefact of how dynamic linking works22:02
Stskeepswhen you fork, and the gtk library is already loaded, and it doesn't have to reinitialize, it is obviously faster and takes less memory22:02
Stskeepscos it can just share the library amongst the processes22:02
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slonopotamusand how many seconds on app startup it saves?22:07
Stskeepsi saw an improvement from 12 secs for maemopad to 222:07
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Stskeepsand suddenly mer fit in memory nicely22:07
slonopotamusfit in memory??? man, 128mb is more than enough to run 10-button gui22:09
slonopotamusit maemo-launcher the reason why dumb osso-xterm eats 12mb ram, btw? :)22:11
ShadowJKThe memory saving must come from data created after gtk initialization now being copy-on-write22:11
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ShadowJKOnce, long time ago, there was this kernel module/patch that would search for identical memory pages and turn them into one marked CoW22:12
* mgedmin remembers the lwn article about that22:14
mgedminit was mostly for getting virtual machines running the same os inside to share common pages22:14
ShadowJKthere was one before the recent virtualization craze too22:14
ShadowJKI guess it's like compcache, it resurfaces every 5 years or so in a new implementation by new people :)22:15
* mgedmin wants a unittestcache...22:16
till-can somebody tell me where the wireless keys are stored in maemo?22:18
RST38hat least Corba is dead and Java has gone comatose22:19
RST38hAs to virtualization, we will surivive it too =)22:19
qwerty12_N800till-: /system/osso/connectivity/IAP in gconf22:19
till-gconftool --get /system/osso/connectivity/IA tells me "no value set"22:22
mgedminyou want the recursive listing of the tree under that location, not a single get of a single key22:24
* mgedmin never remembers gconftool's syntax22:24
mgedmin-R perhaps?22:24
till-yes thanks22:24
till-it worked22:25
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wazdbest IRC client for windows is Firefox add-on... oh my, oh my(22:28
* qwerty12_N800 will always look for xchat first for whatever platform he is on :)22:30
lcukxchat is decent22:30
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* Jaffa shuts down for the evening22:39
JaffaBTW, everyone invited to tomorrow's sprint meeting:
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zakkm <-- did anyone see this?22:44
StsN800old idea though22:46
StsN800saw it with ltsp for instance22:46
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wazdlbt: ping22:55
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qoleTesting for tomorrow's meeting22:58
Jaffalo qole22:59
qolehooray, so I'm good to go.22:59
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qoleCould you just ping me over in maemo-meeting too?22:59
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* lcuk gets a hammer23:06
* lcuk whacks a qole23:06
* lcuk waves \o23:06
Stskeepsqole: , i mean23:07
qoleStskeeps, thanks! I'll try the start-hildon script after shutting down the Maemo desktop...23:09
Stskeepsbefore you go, i have a neat idea23:09
Stskeepsin mer, able to add desktop environments (LXDE, XFCE, etc) through application manager23:09
Stskeepsand then they appear in the power menu, which is pervasive amongst the environments23:10
Stskeepsso you can switch to lxde, whereas it restarts X and switches to LXDE, or Switch to Hildon, etc23:10
qoleI want to try to do the same thing with Mer that I did with LXDE:
qoleSo I would shut down Maemo's hildon-desktop then start Mer's desktop instead. Then I want to try things like Tear and Maemo Mapper with the new UI.23:12
Stskeepsah, maemo mapper is already ported, tear not yet.. but it should be23:12
qoleBut it is sunny and warm for the first time this spring, so I'm going to go outside and enjoy it...23:13
Stskeepsyeah, was like that here today23:13
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Stskeepsevening gnuton23:16
GeneralAntillesHot here. :(23:16
Mouseycool here23:16
gnutonStskeeps: :D23:17
Mouseyyay seattle23:19
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lbtwazd: hi23:24
lbtgnuton: hi23:24
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woglindehi lbt23:28
gnutonlbt: hello Mr. Davidddddddd! :D23:29
wazdlbt: <- seen this?)23:32
lbthi woglinde23:35
lbthello Mr AA23:35
lbtwazd,,,, very nice...23:35
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lcukhi lbt \o23:36
lbtgnuton: I really want to make sure we're on the right road for Qt - I didn't get chance to branch it this w/end - too much Mer stuff23:36
lbtI'm looking after my wife tomorrow but should be around tuesday23:37
Stskeepshopefully once i get qt building, those two can be combined ;)23:37
lbtthey can!23:37
* Stskeeps is readying a poor beagleboard for the cause23:37
lbtqt4 built fine on OBS23:37
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lbtno it didn't hildon23:38
z4chhlbt, hi23:38
* lbt is feeling persecuted23:38
* lbt looks around for a bolt hole23:38
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lcukits a conspiracy23:38
lcuk"<lcuk> quick: say hi to lbt in #maemo"23:39
wazdlbt: I've worked out some nice feature for adding items to the shopping list. Each item can have some measurement unit, "pack" for sugar for example. And if you'll want to buy 3 packs of sugar - just click sugar three times23:39
* lbt_ shoots lcuk and z4chh23:39
* GeneralAntilles probably wont be able to make the review tomorrow.23:39
* z4chh was put up to it ;p23:39
lbt_wazd - gesture 3 times23:39
wazdlbt: ofcourse it won't work for everything in the world but still handy23:39
lbt_like when you do //// and then cross through to make 523:40
* lbt_ forgives z4chh23:40
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wazdlbt: I think tap on the arrow button in the middle would be more than enough :)23:40
lbtwazd: some of these things will be harder to implement than others (and a gesture is as easy as a tap BTW)23:41
gnutonlbt_: I'm going to create a branch for you in these days... don't worry..23:42
lbtexactly the same amount of code to connect a "dl" gesture as a "click"  (dl = down-left)23:42
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lbtgnuton: thanks - and then I'd like to get it tested as is to make sure we're on the right track23:42
lbtI hope my email came accross OK?23:42
wazdlbt: cool, then we can remove that button and user will just flick item to the right23:43
lbtI'm sure we can agree on the object vs integrate approach23:43
lbtwazd hmmm... I like that...23:43
lbtneeds animation23:43
lbtanimation will be an 'extra' until Qt4.6 AFAIK23:44
lbtalso wazd I'd like to start by adapting the graphics to the code23:44
lbtand then implementing some of the UI functional ideas23:44
lbtI am but one man...23:45
lbtand Mer is higher priority than shopper until OBS is done23:45
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Mouseythts a cool shopping prog23:57
lbtJaffa: .... fakeroot (to do dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -i)23:58
lbtMousey: thanks

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