IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2009-03-15

lcukw00t, cheap round!00:02
VDVsxlcuk, beer please00:04
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lcuktoo late VDVsx you will have to get your own00:07
lcukby the time i emailed it to you it would be flat anyway00:08
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VDVsxlcuk, you don't have a teleport machine ? :P00:10
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lcukive not finished coding it yet00:10
lcuk(deadly serious, im sick of my stuff not being in front of me when im on another tablet, and i want a pinboard on my wall showing my most recent stuff (whatever that "stuff" might be) :)00:11
practisevoodoo_right so who has canola with the media server plugin installed? and do you know if that plugin is supposed to be able to see files shared with windows media player 11?00:13
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GeneralAntillespractisevoodoo_, something makes me say "no"00:15
GeneralAntillespractisevoodoo_, try UPnP00:15
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practisevoodoo_ah ok, it looks like the media server the canola site recommends support the 360 anyway so i can switch to that one00:19
VDVsxoff topic question: what do you use to tweet in linux/ubuntu ?00:24
lcuka browser?00:28
lcukalso cant mauku work00:28
practisevoodoo_command line tweet tool00:31
Myrttimauku works nicely in my NIT770 with OS2007HE200:31
Myrttijaiku is a bit borked and you can't send with it, but twitter works00:31
MyrttiVDVsx: Gwibber.00:31
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lcukyeah the redesign threw some other things away00:31
Myrttiif you're using desktop, that is.00:31
VDVsxjaiku seems a little bit dead to me :(00:32
lcuk"peopl you might now" is missing i think00:32
MyrttiGwibber is Teh Shit currently00:32
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lcukMyrtti, hows it play on your device, it certainly looks ok on screenshots on the web00:36
Myrttilcuk: it's only for the desktop currently00:38
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Myrttibut it's the most wonderful thing there is, for any platform00:38
lcuki saw it was gtk, anything stopping it being built?00:39
Myrttipython, python-webkit, python-webkit-gtk00:39
Myrttisegphault has some plans to do some co-operation with henrik and mauku, they talked about that in Berlin maemo thingie00:39
Myrttibut that's about all I know00:40
GeneralAntillesIt looks like may well and truly have driven Texrat out.00:45
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, just FYI, the light is just a train. ;)00:46
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VDVsxMyrtti, just installed gwitter, but my past messages doesn't show up like in twitux :(00:47
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thopiekarVDVsx: there is a twitter plugin for pidgin on the web..00:48
thopiekarbut psssssst!00:48
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* ShadowJK begins to regret this idea that came at 3am in the morning when bored..00:50
ShadowJKthe idea, to read itt forums00:51
thopiekarVDVsx: on getdeb...00:53
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VDVsxthopiekar, I only use pidgin in my n810 :), but gonna check00:55
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thopiekarI use pidgin on my pc (ubuntu) for ICQ MSN (yahoo) GTalk IRC and skype :P00:56
VDVsxI don't like pidgin for IRC, I use Xchat :)00:57
* thopiekar is thinking about rebuilding pidgin-twitter to maemo extras..00:57
thopiekarXchat is good for sure but I like it when all chat-protocols are in one app :)00:58
GeneralAntillesPIdgin is so gross on the tablets.00:59
thopiekar:P you meant "is zu groß" (german) ... right GeneralAntilles?01:00
infobotthopiekar meant: :P you meant "ist zu groß" (german) ... right GeneralAntilles?01:00
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VDVsxpidgin is a little bit slow on the tablets, but works fine :)01:02
thopiekarGeneralAntilles: .. and you are right it's too big but it works :) .. the rtcom-project should work on fresh packages..01:02
thopiekarVDVsx: yes01:03
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MyrttiVDVsx: gwibber, you mean?01:04
VDVsxMyrtti, yup, sorry :)01:05
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MyrttiGeneralAntilles: I refuse to believe in your words01:07
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, fair enough, but don't complain when they turn out to be true. :D01:08
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fireunwhat a terrible place to live01:12
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GuySofthey, is there a way i can get an external keyboard to switch keyboard layout with alt+shift?01:33
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[A2K]is there some good calendar program? (i dont like mcalendar becouse it is buggy and gpe is ugly)02:03
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lbt[A2K]: they are the best 2 - sorry02:08
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b-mani'm back :)02:53
timelessnot sick?02:53
b-mannot as bad as it was a couple of hours ago02:54
zeenixi still have headache02:55
b-mandrinking lots of coffee and taking asprin helped02:55
z4chhdrink water02:55
zeenixb-man: want some? :)02:55
b-manshure XD02:55
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* b-man is still verry sweaty though :P02:56
* b-man gets some water to cool himself down02:56
timelessdoes facebook really complain about the current flash player?02:57
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b-manheh, i allmost had a 104F temperature02:59
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* b-man packages up the new ubuntu rootstrap image03:08
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GeneralAntillestimeless, yes.03:11
timelessany idea what it needs?03:11
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GeneralAntillesI think it just requires a newer version because the Facebook devs are assholes.03:13
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GeneralAntillesNot because there's anything in the newer version that they actually need.03:13
timelesssure, but does it sniff based on the plugin description or the api?03:13
timelessif it's the version, i can offer a deb like i did last time03:13
GeneralAntillesI'm pretty sure somebody manage to spoof it with the version.03:13
GeneralAntillesSo, yeah, a deb might help.03:14
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sp3000hmm, I wonder if could be made playable on a tablet03:22
timelessthe n8x0 doesn't have spatial support, so it wouldn't work particularly well :)03:25
sp3000there's a camera and a screen :)03:26
timelesstechnically true03:26
luke-jris it possible to permanently disable WiFi PSM?03:32
GeneralAntillesluke-jr, appropriately enough, it's in the connection settings. . . .03:32
GeneralAntillesConfiguration steps are listed in the wiki03:33
infobotsomebody said wifi-psm was
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: for ALL connections?03:33
luke-jrPSM just plain doesn't work..03:33
GeneralAntillesIt works just fine.03:34
sistowhat do you guys use for irc on the mac? (i'm currently in linux)03:34
sistosorry wrong channel03:34
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: no, it makes the network unusable and high packet loss03:34
GeneralAntillesEither your router is broken or you're expecting it to do something it doesn't do.03:34
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: are you defining every Linux-based router as broken?03:34
GeneralAntillesNo, I'm really not up for an argument.03:35
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nikosapiIs it possible to easily set up a maemo scratchbox environment on fedora?03:36
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luke-jrGeneralAntilles: can it be disabled completely or not?03:38
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sp3000luke-jr: fwiw afaiui it's not totally uncommon for it to be broken, since the more common use case, laptops, drain their battery in other ways anyway and don't really psm much03:40
sp3000not that I recall ever hitting a psmbroken ap03:40
sp3000but it would be silly to disable it on all networks, since it's just asking to drain your battery rather quickly03:41
luke-jrsp3000: why would Linux not work? :/03:41
sp3000I suppose it would be more specific than linux, but what do I know03:41
sp3000I don't know if anyone's got a database of what products suck03:42
* sp3000 sleeps03:43
* sp3000 might be just power-saving for all you know03:43
luke-jr"PSM can cause some network issues even on routers with good support."03:49
luke-jrthat's what I call broken03:49
luke-jrsp3000: my router runs Linux03:50
GeneralAntillesIt's not broken03:51
GeneralAntillesIt's just a compromise03:51
GeneralAntillesDo you want to respond to absolutely all incoming network traffic or do you want battery life that's longer than 5 hours?03:51
GeneralAntillesIt's one or the other, unfortunately we don't live in magic land, so we can't have both.03:52
luke-jrGeneralAntilles: my N810 is never off its charger 5 hours03:52
luke-jrcuriously, ITT thread suggests WRT54G which is one of my two APs03:52
luke-jrthe other being La Fonera03:53
luke-jrboth running OpenWrt03:53
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GeneralAntillesReally, though, I don't feel like arguing.03:53
GeneralAntillesFor 99% of users, it's a great feature.03:53
luke-jrI don't feel like arguign either; *I* want to turn it off03:54
luke-jris that such an unreasonable request?03:54
GeneralAntillesThen turn it off.03:55
luke-jrthat's what I'm asking how to do03:59
luke-jrthe page you linked only tells per-connection03:59
luke-jrI want it off globally03:59
GeneralAntillesInterestingly enough, it's actually a global setting.04:00
luke-jrso how can I change it globally? :/04:01
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luke-jrwhere can I get a tcpdump package? :/04:29
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luke-jrhm, is it just me or can the N810 scan while also connected? :o04:38
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, ping?04:49
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, ping?04:56
nikosapiWhat irc client do you guys use on your tablet?05:00
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sistothis is a very nice read...
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GeneralAntillessisto, is generally more up-to-date and accurate.05:26
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sistohow do you do the pipe command?05:28
sistoi mean the character05:28
sisto*type it05:28
hellwolf-n810copy paste this05:29
sistoso I have to copy it from somewhere else?05:30
sistoI'm not chatting from the tablet right now, but I will do that if it's the standard procedure05:30
sistoI mean I'll just go ahead and do it05:31
hellwolf-n810i use the way that changes the keyboard layout05:32
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hellwolf-n810search maemo faq or n810 faq05:33
sistoI was able to do it with the handwriting recongnizer05:33
hellwolf-n810as i remember05:33
sistoput it in symbols mode05:33
sistoand type a vertical line05:33
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bef0rdsisto, n810 or n800?06:00
bef0rdthere is a key called Chr06:01
bef0rdpress that one, and I believe the pipe is on the 3rd row, use the arrows on the side06:01
sistoyes thank you :)06:01
sistoyet another (easier) way :)06:01
bef0rdde nada06:02
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bef0rdAunque creo que la que esta en tercera fila es la eñe, y el pipe esta en la segunda, no tengo el n810 a la mano :P06:02
sistoya lo encontre06:05
sistobef0rd: de donde eres?06:06
sistodoes open-ssh server use too much battery?06:07
sistobef0rd: yo de Uruguay06:07
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sistoI mean will the battery drain a lot faster with it?06:08
bef0rdI noticed it on the hostname, that's why I started speaking spanish :P06:08
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sistojeje :)06:09
sistosin embargo el tuyo solo muestra la ip06:10
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ShadowJKIf you're using the terminal in N800/N810, you can also do this: menu -> Tools -> settings -> Toolbar Shortcut -> New -> Title: | Value: bar06:20
ShadowJKAnd you'll get the | on the row of Esc, PgUP, PgDn and so on06:20
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sistoShadowJK: yay thanks06:23
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kaieI'm trying to build a maemo package for the first time. In particular I want to build a newer package version of pidgin08:00
timelessthe pidgin packager is alive08:01
kaieI've installed scratchbox, the sdk, and I'm inside. I have adjusted the changelog file, and I'm running dpkg-buildpackage08:01
timelessalbeit quite distracted08:01
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kaiemy problem is, I get a few unmet build deps, and I don't know where to get them from, apt-get install reports "not found"08:01
kaiedpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libavahi-core-dev libavahi-glib-dev libavahi-client-dev libmeanwhile-dev08:02
timelesstry apt-get builddep08:02
kaiethat requires a source package, I don't have one08:03
kaieI have an exploded updated source tree08:03
kaiebased on the source archive from the relased older version08:03
timelessapt-get libavahi-core-dev libavahi-glib-dev libavahi-client-dev libmeanwhile-dev08:03
timelesser +install ;-)08:03
kaiethat's what I tried, and it fails08:04
kaieE: Couldn't find package libavahi-core-dev08:04
kaiefor any of the packages08:04
timelessyum :)08:04
kaieI was able to other stuff installed, e.g. sharutils08:04
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timelessit looks like it still exists somewhere08:05
timelesswhich repos do you have enabled?08:05
kaieI have not idea. I was following the install instructions, didn't do anything else08:05
timelesstry adding extras and extras-devel08:06
kaiehowto doc?08:06
timelessoh, you're in scratchbox... well08:06
timelessyou probably have application manager08:06
kaieI should be in scratchbox, right?08:06
timelessso you should be able to enable extras from tehre08:06
kaieI don't have the X stuff installed yet, xephyr something08:06
kaieI don't know how08:06
timelessok, fine08:06
timelesscd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/08:07
timelesscat > maemo-extras.list08:07
timelessdeb diablo free08:08
timelesseb-src diablo free08:09
timelessdeb-src diablo free08:09
timelesskill the middle line, my keyboard isn't happy :(08:09
timelessperl -pne 's/extras/extras-devel/' maemo-extras.list > maemo-extras-devel.list08:09
timelessapt-get update08:10
kaiebuilding pidgin08:11
kaieok, looks like building a pidgin package is quite some work :-)08:12
kaiepidgin/pixmaps/ required directory pidgin/pixmaps/emotes/small/16 does not exist08:12
kaieI thought I would simply run a build command and everything works ;-)08:12
* timeless rotfl08:12
kaieFYI I have a merged tarball at
kaiemaybe that can save the pidgin maintainer some work08:13
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jaemhello, all08:17
jaemI've found my next handheld device:
jaema pocket calculator that looks and smells like a chocolate bar :D08:19
jaemhow can the RX-51 beat that?08:19
timelesswell, given what i've seen of the calculator...08:19
jaemthat bad, is it?08:19
timelesswell, i've used the one for the 77008:20
timelesswhich is inferior to the one ms shipped w/ win3.008:20
jaemis that why those people were running Win 3.1 on Dosbox on the N8x0? :D08:22
timelessbetter software? :)08:22
timelessa working solitaire08:22
timelessa working notepad08:22
timelessa working write08:22
timelessa working minesweeper08:22
timelessa working file manager08:23
jaemand a working tablet, for all of the 5 minutes until the battery runs out08:23
* jaem watches the CPU meter go *ping*08:23
ShadowJKminesweeper works on my tablet :)08:24
timelessshadowjk: the last minesweeper for the tablet that i tried totally botched the rules and setup and density and dimensions and start08:24
timelessnot to mention usability08:24
jaemas long as the mines go BOOM, it's fine08:25
jaemand the smiley face has to die08:25
timelessthey aren't supposed to go boom on first tap...08:25
jaemfor some reason08:25
ShadowJKthey go boom on first click in the non-tablet version :D08:25
timelessshadowjk: not the windows version08:26
timelesswhich is the reference impl08:26
timelessif people are going to knock off software, one would think they'd do a decent job and take notes...08:26
ShadowJKWhat happens there, does it ask if you're sure you want to click there? :-)08:26
timelessit doesn't generate the map until after first click08:26
jaemShadowJK: yes, Minesweeper would be greatly improved with a good application of UAC :D08:27
derfIf you only click once at the start, you're doing it wrong.08:27
timelessit doesn't know where the bombs are until your first tap08:27
timelessbut when it does generate the map, it makes sure there isn't a bomb in that spot08:27
derfYou'll never set speed records that way.08:27
ShadowJKMaybe they ripped off the Microsoft minesweeper version for Siemens M3508:28
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timelessdid that version really get this wrong?08:29
ShadowJKI wouldn't have noticed :)08:30
ShadowJKthough I probably played it more than the one in windows08:31
jaemam I justified in naming a saying after myself if Google can't find any reference of anyone else saying it? :P08:41
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* lcuk goes back to bed09:27
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles: pong09:34
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qwerty12_N800mornin' StsN80009:40
StsN800morning qwerty12_N80009:41
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thopiekarany suggestions?
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vasily_pupkini have missed all items in menu10:18
vasily_pupkinanybody know how hildon menu works? :]10:18
thopiekarwt*? there are no items in the menu?10:20
qwerty12cp /etc/xdg/menus/ /home/user/.osso/menus/ ; update-desktop-database10:20
udovdhwhere could I find the gpsctrl.h header file and assiciated libs10:20
udovdhanything newer than SRC_URI = "${PN}_${PV}-18.tar.gz" ?10:20
udovdh(for libgpsbt which is/was suppsed to have that file)10:21
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vasily_pupkinheh. free size = 0b10:21
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vasily_pupkinqwerty12: thanks10:21
t_s_oheh, i thought us tablet users had a issue carrying gear, but then i bumped into another forum...10:23
thopiekardoes someone want to swap his/her N810 with my N800?10:23
lcukx41yeah thopiekar10:23
lcukx41the screen on my 810 is a bit duff, but i think thats a fair deal cos the hardware keyboard on your 800 is missing a few keys10:24
lcukx41udovdh: why do you need that specific file10:25
udovdhto compile gypsy with the patch from
udovdhto make it work on n81010:26
udovdhit is supposed to be in libgpsbt10:26
udovdhbut the source to libgpsbt that i have doesn't have that header10:26
udovdhalso the info on the web about libgpsbt doesn't mention these functions10:26
udovdhhow do I just enable the gps on n810?10:27
udovdhwith that header file10:27
udovdhor with any other means10:27
thopiekarI used the hole time screen protectors and I bought a leather case for I too...10:27
udovdhso not necessarily using libgpsbt/libgpsmgr etc10:27
thopiekarIsn't there a better offer from you?10:28
lcukx41thopiekar: i have no need for an 800 :$10:28
thopiekar:P the cause why i want a n800 is that some apps are disigned to use the kexboard..10:29
thopiekarbut the N800 haven'T a hardware-keyboard..10:30
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udovdhanybody know about the gps thing I mentioned?10:31
udovdh mentions liblocation10:33
StsN800hah, my SE phone allows me to connect through it to internet, usb and bluetooth tethering simultaneous10:35
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lcukx41udovdh: no, but what functionality does it provide - ie what breaks if you just remove the header #include line from the source10:37
lcukx41lol StsN800 what can you do with all those things at once though10:38
lcukx41surely its not 3x faster :D10:38
udovdhlcukx41, then we cannot enable the gps since that header defines the function that does that10:39
lcukx41so how do other programs turn on the gps..10:39
udovdhgpsctrl_set_chip_off ();10:39
udovdhvia gpsd?10:40
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qwerty12Get an scratchbox.10:40
lcukx41you tell me, you are the gps developer10:40
lcukx41if its vital post a comment on the place you found the patch and tell whoever it was the patch is incomplete10:41
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lcukx41if a patch adds new dependencies it should also patch the makefile and debian contents etc10:41
udovdhlcukx41, yes, but I do not know if the header file is present in the 'normal' development environment of scratchbox versus my OE setup10:41
udovdhthe web documentation for libgpsbt doesn't mention these functions gpsctrl_set_chip_off and gpsctrl_set_chip_on10:42
lcukx41?i thought this was a maemo problem? using the maemo sdk does this work?10:42
udovdhcan you confirm lcukx4110:42
udovdhthat there is a gpsctrl.h in your sdk setup?10:43
lcukx41confirm what? i have no desire or need to setup an sdk just to tell you it works in maemo10:43
udovdhand can you tell me what library has the functions for the header file10:43
lcukx41what sdk setup?10:43
udovdhthat is my idea lcuk10:43
udovdhso far I succeeded in building navit for n810 using OE10:43
udovdhand adding gypsy would appear as a relatively minor addition10:43
udovdhbut the gps thingie is a problem10:44
qwerty12udovdh, yes, there is. Now use scratchbox instead of OE ;)10:44
StsN800lcukx41, i can have my laptop online and charging phone and having tablet online too10:44
udovdhso qwerty12 that header file is in scratchbox?10:44
qwerty12udovdh, or, strip the crap from and extract it (I assume that you don't mind agreeing to the EULA)10:45
qwerty12udovdh, yes10:45
udovdhthanks qwerty1210:45
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udovdhthat's at least part of the problem I guess10:46
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lcukx41can i install linux on an oqo?10:57
vasily_pupkinanybody know deb-src for libhildon ?11:00
thopiekarvasily_pupkin: where is libhildon located?11:00
thopiekarand which os are you using?11:00
thopiekaron your pc?11:01
vasily_pupkinon my pc - scratchbox1 with maemo SDK :)11:01
vasily_pupkinon gentoo11:02
lcukx41StsN800: mer on oqo??, im looking at one now within acceptable price11:03
thopiekarlibhildon1 - Hildon libraries11:04
thopiekar> is on one of the all repos of maemo...11:04
thopiekardon't know in which but there is..11:04
vasily_pupkini want to do: apt-get source libhildon111:04
vasily_pupkin    * Sorry, your post tripped our spam filter - let us know if you think this could be improved11:09
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thopiekarvasily_pupkin: thats my sources.list-file..11:11
thopiekarjust replace it with yours..11:12
* thopiekar is now away..11:13
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vasily_pupkinthopiekar: thnx11:23
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* lcukx41 investigates performance of oqo11:28
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StsN800lcuk, seems feasible12:04
lcukx41yeah the extra horsepower should also allow extra niceness with liqbase :)12:05
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lcukx41that was meant to be posted ages ago :$12:07
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thopiekarvasily_pupkin: does it work?12:12
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vasily_pupkinthopiekar: yes, i have successfully recompile gtk/pango etc. but seems like themes now broken :)12:32
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Sergeicould anyone direct me towards more information on mer development?12:46
infobotmer is, like,
Sergeii meant irc channel if there is one12:47
qwerty12Oh, sure, #mer12:47
Sergeiok thanks12:48
lcukx41Sergei: or you can just talk in here, its all kinda blended at htis point12:49
roopemer money, mer problems.12:49
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lcukx41hiya roope12:50
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lcukx41roope, i found out how to see maemo5 at normal speeds!12:52
roopeOh. ... Is it fast or slow then? :)12:52
lcukx41well i have seen it running at clickable speeds!12:53
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lcukx41it took a vnc connection from qwertys home computer to my laptop though...12:53
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roopesounds... complicatd.12:57
lcukx41lol yeah, much prefer simplicity12:58
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lcukx41lbt, did you see my post last night13:12
lcukx41(mornin btw)13:12
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Stskeepsjesus christ, qt is still building13:22
lcukx41did you just travel up and down your country in the time its taken13:24
Stskeepsi'm not back yet13:24
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lcukx41qt isnt compiled either :p13:27
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lbtmorning lcuk - I did - but only after you'd gone :) Oh, and for ref, I usually wander in here, power on and then go make coffee whilst it restores - so when it reconnects to irc I'm not usually present...13:28
lbtStskeeps: yes I just looked13:29
lcukx41thats ok, when im chattin im normally multitasking so dont sit aorund waiting for answers :P13:29
lbtI think it may be time to look at a cross-compiler13:29
lbtI want to see lcuk get into it and try and compile it on his tablet <grin>13:30
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Stskeepslbt: i would personally go for a DISTCC cross-compiler, or figure out how to make one matching ubuntu jaunty's, so we can do it in scratchbox13:31
Stskeepsit's trivial to bring in a toolchain13:31
lbtyeah - I'm not sure where exactly you are on the build env setup with sbox etc...13:32
Stskeepsit's fairly sane. 1) need debhelper upgrade 2) matching toolchain13:32
lbtbringing in ubuntu's gcc sounds like the portable option doesn't it?13:33
lcukx41lol lbt, i would compile core qt if i could strip out all the crap, 99.9% of it is waste13:33
* lcukx41 wants a frame and a label and a picturebox and thats it13:33
lbtlcukx41: you can - it's modular and configure lets you do that13:34
lcukx41then why in gods name does it take a fortnight to compile13:34
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lcukx41then strip it13:34
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lcukx41do you need it for shopper?13:34
lbtno, we need it for Mer13:34
lbtMer is 'full'13:35
Stskeepslbt: gcc + glibc i guess13:35
lcukx41actually lbt, i think shopper itself does need it - how else would you parse your css stuff13:35
lbtStskeeps: honestly I think the best approach is to replicate the entire build env here and then beat at it13:35
lbtcore Qt has css for widget styling13:36
lbtit's using css as a namespace selector mechanism13:36
lbtnot as an html render13:36
lbtso it sets c++ object parameters via css13:36
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lbtlike a config language13:37
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lbtStskeeps: does that sound sane? at the moment it's a bit fuzzy in my head as to what does what and so it's hard to help fix it.13:38
* johnx pops by13:38
* lcukx41 tried searching for minimal qt stuff a while aog, ill dig some more later13:39
qwerty12hey johnx13:39
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Stskeepslbt: sane thing is simply to make a cross-compilation version of ubuntu's gcc i guess13:40
lbtshame I'm on Debian - still, I have virtualbox...13:40
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EruditeHermitcan anyone tell me what app this is?13:40
EruditeHermitthe system information application13:41
lbtlcukx41: join the maemo-qt mail list and ask gnuton13:41
Stskeepsgrr @ ubuntu getting too much attention13:41
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EruditeHermitalso what is the latest version of maemo 4.1?13:42
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johnx43-7 IIRC13:42
johnxthe 43 is right at least :)13:43
EruditeHermithow come I am not getting an OTA update for it?13:43
lcukx41lbt, im not thinking just maemo, if i can cull most of the crap and get back to the baseline i might understand the whole better13:43
johnxStskeeps, yeah, just saw that :/ Thankfully I think most people know that they don't really want a mouse driven UI on a touchable device...13:43
EruditeHermitjohnx: arent you the debian port guy13:44
lcukx41people want shiny and pretty13:44
johnxEruditeHermit, I *was* :)13:44
EruditeHermitwhat happened?13:44
lcukx41and those pics certainly look the part13:44
lbtlcukx41: nah - I know almost nothing about any Qt beyond core. They're bright chaps - don't assume it is done badly13:44
Stskeepsjohnx: btw, much saner than jaiku :P13:45
lcukx41lbt, not assuming anything is done badly - its a whole tower though and it starts from the seed in the middle - understand that one crystal and the rest of the geode will make sense13:45
johnxEruditeHermit, I realized that it kind of sucks to be using a UI intended for a mouse with a stylus/thumb :)13:46
Stskeepsjohnx: we should really work towards wrapping the ubuntu project into mer / solving the issues that keeps gnome from being included :P13:46
lbtindeed -
EruditeHermitso how come my OTA never updated to 2008.43?13:47
EruditeHermitwas it an OTA update or a flash update?13:47
lbtlcuk ... and
rmt_Woo.. think my image viewer is now touchscreen enabled.. still have to wait for my N810 to arrive, though. :-(13:48
lbtEruditeHermit: I had that problem - somehow I think the updater was removed...13:48
Stskeepslbt: did i get you on jaiku btw?13:48
lbtI think there was a problem.. so I'm not13:49
lbtdo I need an invite or something13:49
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rmt_Are there any Maemo wiki apps?  I was thinking of an app that synchronises with a website where most of the editing is really done.13:49
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Stskeepslbt: yeah, you added yourself to Mer/People so i just need your email in a /msg quickly :P13:49
lbtIIRC (and I may not)    this fixed it for me:   apt-get install osso-software-version-rx34-unlocked13:51
rmt_Btw - I assume that the only requirement for touchscreen usage is to respond to clicks / button down events (Gtk speak), and not rely on focus or mouse enter/exit events.13:51
lbtOr that could have been rotate... hmm13:51
lcukx41rmt_: mouse focus and enter exit occurs13:52
lcukx41and keyboard tabbing works in gtk13:52
lcukx41have you never used a wacom tablet on any os before?13:52
lcukx41the only difference the OS sees between mouse input and stylus is that with a stylus there is no MouseMove with no buttons pressed.  everything else is identcal13:53
lcukx41the problem is at a different level, a mouse ui has different expectations of lazyness and using a stylus for jobs we use a mouse for is wrong - case in point, with a mouse, you normally have a scrollwheel13:56
lcukx41place the mouse cursor "somewhere" in the middle of a list and scroll, it works nicely13:56
lcukx41#with a stylus you need to aim for that little teeny tiny scrollbar13:56
lcukx41completely offtopic:   effing youtube have blocked sound to jacobs favorite youtube video:
tank-mansony's jog wheel takes care of that13:57
lcukx41yes possibly13:57
tank-mani miss that feature13:57
lcukx41but thats one of the problems with it - i get round it with a kinetic simple scroll which works13:58
ShadowJKSometimes I wish stylus on tablet would work like the touchpad on a laptop... like in the vncviewer or with programs not designed for tablet/touchscreen13:58
lcukx41using a bad widgetset which doesnt respond to your touch properly is just a waste of a touchdevice13:58
* rmt_ reads and nods.13:59
lcukx41ShadowJK: how do you mean?13:59
EruditeHermitthanks lbt13:59
Stskeepslcukx41: you should figure out how to dl them :P14:00
EruditeHermitjohnx: so what do you work on now =p14:00
lcukx41dl what?14:00
Stskeepslcukx41: youtube vids14:00
johnxEruditeHermit, recently: mer. right now: moving :)14:00
johnxin the future: mer14:00
lcukx41i like what lbt has done to qt - it would help if those core lists there could be adapted to have the scrollability14:00
ShadowJKNo click events unless you double tab in the same (rough) place. It seems now if I put stylus on screen and move it, it generates click-hold move type thing..14:00
lcukx41but i fear subclasses expect certain events to be cleanly done and would break if you started eating events for scrolling14:01
lbtlcukx41: Qt4.5 probably has it14:01
lbt<huff> and it is cleanly done</huff>14:01
lcukx41Stskeeps: its not the download lol, its the bastard silencing of them, ive got the lp and a vhs somewhere of it14:01
ShadowJKSo a touchpad-like behaviour would let you do mouseover in programs that are tablet/touch-unaware14:01
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lcukx41lbt, it will have to come from the core (motivation..) and everything built ontop wont handle them simply14:01
lcukx41ShadowJK: but those same touch unaware apps DO respond to mouse actions - by clicking items etc14:02
lbthildonisation could include it14:02
lcukx41but then the apps wont be generically crossplatform14:03
lbtthey should be14:03
lcukx41not if they need specific hildonization14:03
Stskeepslbt: i wonder how they detect if it should hildonize or not.. like, run-time wise14:03
lbtthey don't AFAIK14:04
Stskeepsit would be more powerful if it did it :P14:04
ShadowJKIt works mostly fine if the app doesn't mind that you move the pointer around with mouse button pressed14:04
lbtat the moment it's configure option14:04
lbtit would14:04
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lcukx41so when an app expects mouse click and you eat it and the app breaks because they dont get a click (because it was detected as a scroll action)14:04
lbtOTOH if a device has the library loaded then it isn't going to flick between needing hildon and not14:05
lcukx41or that app does it itself because of limitations14:05
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lbtlcuk it doesn't work quite like that14:05
lcukx41ie you have modified the default yourself - the chances are many apps built up from those core things have made their own fixes14:05
lbtI'm actually careful to store and replay events14:05
lcukx41its like y2k all over again but regarding input14:05
lbtif I taste them14:05
lbtand then decide they aren't scrolls14:06
lbtOTOH if I decide it is a scroll then it isn't a click14:06
lcukx41you have just made the app slower by waiting to decide what to do14:06
lcukx41then playing those back at a later time14:06
lcukx41its a complex problem, ive thought about it from a number of contexts in the past14:06
ShadowJKI'm surprised actually that the vnc viewer in maemo isn't doing touchpad emulation for the virtual mouse... don't tell me synaptic has a patent on it? :-)14:06
lbtwell, invent a touch screen with the exact same semantics as a 3-button mouse with a scroll wheel then14:07
lbtOr try and use a 3-button app on a Mac14:07
lcukx41mighty mouse has 3 buttons doesnt it14:07
lbtit was bad enough when we had 3-button-emulation in XFree14:08
lcukx41it gets even worse when you consider multitouch14:08
lbtyes indeed14:08
lbtnow, many things in Qt are not about 'clicks'14:08
ShadowJKLike bluemaemo does, except showing the vnc window/app window instead of the fancy theme14:08
lbtthey are about 'activate'14:08
lbtand the mapping of the interface to the trigger is hildonisation14:09
tank-manmultitouch, that gives me the idea to try and test 2 mice on my desktop14:09
lcukx41but if your app is any indication its not the core that will fail, its the fixes youput ontop of that14:09
lbtso Qt scroll mechanism emits events that say "I scrolled"14:09
lbtand the app doesn't know how - fingers, scrollbar, wheel14:09
lcukx41i just have a move event14:09
EruditeHermitis the next tablet going to be multitouch?14:09
lbtif you go in deep then you have to do the clever interface abstraction yourself14:10
lcukx41EruditeHermit: no - it was just me extending thiking14:10
lbtwell, Xorg is looking at multi-touch - it's horribly complex.14:10
lcukx41lbt, the app shouldnt care how or why its moving, its just that moving at that time is the correct thing to do and the app should handle itself14:10
lbtyes indeedy14:11
lcukx41which is how i do it at present14:11
lbtso if we hildonise the scrollbar a good app won't care14:11
lcukx41but its not the scrollbar thats being hildonized, its the main surface14:11
lcukx41and that main surface will already have its handlers14:12
lbtnot with you there?14:12
lcukx41qt is entrenched in mouse ui14:12
lbtno more so than every other gui framework14:13
lbtand actually most code in a Qt app doesn't touch mouse events14:13
* lcukx41 breaks the rules14:13
lcukx41totally agree14:13
lbtin fact a Qt app that uses 'mouse' is "unusual"14:14
lbtso I disagree that "qt is entrenched in mouse ui"14:14
lcukx41no, but it is evolved from objects which at their core do - and each layer of abstraction takes you one step away from solving it in a novel and simple manner14:14
lbtI think it has done an excellent abstraction job14:14
lbtthere is no simple manner14:15
lcukx41100% agree14:15
lbtany touch system fails on a non-touch14:15
lbtor keyboard driven14:15
lcukx41yes, they are very different14:15
lcukx411 size does not fit all14:15
lbtwhich is where abstraction comes in14:15
lcukx41i do not expect to wear my running shoes on the icerink14:15
lbtsocks though14:15
lbtand shoelaces14:16
lbtand soles and uppers14:16
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lbtmost things are shared14:16
lbtgood abstaction is done well14:16
lbtwhich is why hildon is configured14:16
lbtnot run-time14:16
lbtIf you live on an ice-rink you *never* need running shoes...14:17
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lbtAnyhow - lets see about gcc for Mer14:17
lcukx41yes, like i said originally, i think qt is amazingly good14:17
lcukx41(or i probably put it as its not bad) :D14:18
lbtoh, it still needs a good kicking every now and again...14:18
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lbtthis snippet :
lbtis needed to make sure the scrolled area is redrawn properly following a child font change.14:20
lbtyes, you need to call processEvents() twice....14:20
lcukx41did you suss why you get killed14:21
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lcukx41its killing multiple people!14:28
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Tu13esanyone tried jaunty on an n8x0?14:29
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CorsacTu13es: mer is based on jaunty, afaik14:33
Tu13esah, i was wondering what that was14:33
lcukx41lbt, identical usability problems/glitches arise when using a nipple instead of a a mouse. it works but its not optimal :D14:37
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lbtwell, not identical... you control a cursor on the screen14:38
lcukx41from a usability perspective ive still got to aim that cursor in the wrong place and i cant use the neat hack that is a scrollwheel14:41
lbtwell, you can have a scrollwheel and a nipple14:42
lbtor a trackerball14:42
lbtall control an onscreen cursor14:42
lbttouch loses the onscreen cursor - it's implicit in the movement14:42
glassnipple is nice for gaming14:43
lcukx41lbt, "can", this x41 has no additional things, im reminded whenever i try to use it and wonder how people become comfortable with touchpads etc (though they have the hack nowadays)14:44
lcukx41glass? i cant even control it normally, just using it to navigate a webpage is hard work14:45
glasslcukx41: lack of practice? not enough sensitivity in the nipple?14:46
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glasslcukx41: a good nipple has a quite wide range, like a decent joystick14:47
lcukx41its sensitive enough, its just very fiddly to get around14:47
t-norhi, is Marijn Kruisselbrink is here please ?14:49
RST38hmoo all14:50
* RST38h reads "<glass> lcukx41: lack of practice? not enough sensitivity in the nipple?" and wonders.14:50
* lcukx41 shows rst his nipple14:51
Tu13esso should I install Mer or the plain Ubuntu?14:51
lcukx41t-nor: people commonly use nicknames in there14:51
t-nori don't know is nickname14:52
lbtTu13es: Mer14:52
lcukx41i might be wrong but i think its mek14:52
t-norbut i created this repository :
lbtif you want to use touch14:52
infobott-nor meant: but he created this repository :
Tu13esah, that's sort of important as i'm on an n80014:52
lbtlcukx41: sorry, busy RMAing a switch14:52
lbtTu13es: true - Mer is still alpha though... (as is ubuntu)14:53
lcukx41lbt dont worry just pondering still14:53
Tu13esheh, yeah14:53
Tu13esthe alpha part doesn't bug me, i just need a reason to dig out my n800 :P14:53
lcukx41t-nor: yeah its mek you are after and hes here but away14:53
t-norok thanks14:54
Tu13esoh, if 0.10 is out tomorrow i'll wait on that then14:55
Stskeeps.. want to kill the teenagers in the train14:57
Tu13eshow much SD do I need for Mer?14:58
Stskeeps1-2gb, depending on usage14:58
Tu13esis it just lighter than the Ubuntu release? that one recommends 4+gb14:58
lcukx41i have mer on my 1gb mem stick, am i doing something wrong14:59
StskeepsTu13es: yeah, it's lighter14:59
Tu13esdoes it "look" like ubuntu? from the screenshot it mostly just looks like Maemo15:00
Stskeepsit looks like maemo but has 90% of apps from ubuntu :P15:00
Stskeepstrust me, after a bit you get tired of a desktop env on a mobile device15:00
Tu13esheh, i'm sure15:00
Tu13esi get tired of my n800 anyways though :P15:01
thopiekarwtf? there is no graphviz available in i386 repos?15:01
thopiekarjust in armel?15:01
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lcukx41anyone know a small light "wordpad" repalcement for linux?15:17
lcukx41does it work in gnome?15:22
till__if you install the kde-libs as well15:22
till__but in this case a gnome-based edtor would be easier15:22
lcukx41ooh leafpad comes up in the same search15:22
till__gedit or so15:22
lcukx41ive heard of leafpad15:22
lcukx41i want basic rtf formatting15:22
lcukx41but not ott15:22
till__openoffice :)15:23
till__or abiword15:23
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lcukx41too much bloat15:24
till__scite ?15:24
till__just did an apt-cache search gtk rtf15:24
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lcukx41heh, leafpad is a replacement for "notepad" - thats good to know at least15:26
lcukx41but gedit does most of that for me15:26
* lcukx41 tries scite15:27
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lcukx41kwrite has no formatting15:28
till__there are all text-editors i think15:29
till__and no rtf15:30
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rmt_lcuk, I found a python rtf widget a little back.15:31
rmt_lcuk, But I'll have to dig up the name of it again.. and my gf's rushing me out the door.. so later. :-P15:32
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lcukx41ill just install wine and wordpad then - the bitch is the tiny default editor on maemo is probably just enough for my needs15:33
lcukx41but i want it on a big screen15:33
lcukx41Stskeeps: QUICK!!! can you get mer production ready by 2pm?15:33
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RST38h"Further testing has shown that is is both intelligent and malignant."15:52
RST38h"Prolonged eye contact caused one of my assistants to go suddenly and violently insane, killing and raping the corpse of my other assistant with such speed that it took the shocked guard almost 30 seconds to put the poor boy down. Further experimentation is not recommended."15:52
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GeneralAntillesEngadget picks up the weirdest stories on the tablets.16:11
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RST38hGeneral: SPARC-based 24" flexible tablets? =)16:17
RST38h"HR departments at companies like Microsoft and IBM are starting to use mathematical analysis to determine the value of each employee." - oh no16:18
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RST38hah I see what you mean16:19
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GeneralAntillesWell, I've now got the battery for a Beagle carputer16:21
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GeneralAntillestimelE61i, a little li-ion battery I got off woot that outputs to USB.16:28
GeneralAntillesJust need to find a USB-to-Beagle adaptor so I can free up the MiniUSB port for real stuff.16:28
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, I had been wondering if those li-ion+boost_converter things spat out power clean enough to run something like beagle :)16:40
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GeneralAntillesShadowJK, well, it boots to u-boot anyway.16:40
GeneralAntillesDunno about more than that.16:40
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GeneralAntillesI'm picturing it more as a keep-alive solution while the car is off.16:41
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orangeyhello all!17:14
orangeyI have noticed a peculiar problem - I'm not sure how long it's been there. Basically, my /etc/resolv.conf is no longer updated when I connect to a new network.17:14
orangeyI don't see anything obvious on bugs.m.o17:15
orangeyany thoughts on how to go foward?17:15
Stskeepsisn't it supposed to be constantly? :P17:15
Stskeepsand go to dnsmasq17:15
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Stskeeps.. i think so17:16
qwerty12_N800cat /tmp/resolv.conf.wlan017:16
orangeythat is correct17:17
orangeywow. that's weird.17:17
orangeythat certainly works.17:17
orangeyI wonder how my resolv.conf got messed up17:17
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ranjithhi all17:24
lcukx41hi ranjith, you just missed all17:26
lcukx41he just left17:26
ranjithlcukx41: why..?17:26
ranjithlcukx41: i dint get you.. why you said i missed all..?17:27
lcukx41... dont worry17:28
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z4chhdoes anyone have mobile mythtv installed?17:29
ranjithoh iwas just saying hi everybody..17:29
orangeyz4chh: not I, but I find the idea fascinating, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.17:29
ranjithdint notice any one with alias 'all' here..17:29
lbtI'm not aware that mythtv runs on the N8x017:30
orangeyranjith: that's because All left just before you arrived.17:30
z4chhlbt, frontend mythtv17:30
lcukx41nor am i - i would also like to subscribe to the newsletter as wlel17:30
z4chhcan't have a backend of course ;p17:30
qwerty12_N800lbt: the client was ported17:30
lbtI must have been hibernating17:30
lcukx41z4chh: why cant it - we have a video source17:30
orangeylbt. Yep. It's been a while17:30
VDVsxanyone managed to get extras-devel repo inside scratchbox in maemo 5 ?17:30
GAN800Later, folks.17:31
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* lbt waves to GAN80017:32
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z4chhlcukx41, i suppose there is a way to make it a myth backend but i was pointing out the obvious, nxxo doesn't have a built-in tv tuner >.<17:32
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lbthas an fm tuner.17:32
lcukx41i did a video call to tracy te other day whilst football was on telly and she was busy in the kitchen cooking :D17:33
lcukx41n810 doesnt17:33
orangeyheheh. telly : )17:33
qwerty12_N800n810 is nothing17:33
lcukx41it worked well until jakey picked it up and started wandering round the house goin "mum, mum why are you shouting"17:33
orangeyas an aside, is maemo 5 out/usable yet?17:33
z4chhlcuk, what did you make a video call with? gizmo?17:33
orangeyz4chh: I think only sofia works with maemo17:34
lcukx41z4chh: the default internet call thing, it works through google17:34
orangeyz4chh: gtalk? that does video with maemo?17:34
lcukx41works nicely17:34
z4chhlcukx41, ahh, ive used that17:34
lcukx41default internet calling yeah17:34
* lcukx41 doesnt know the name of the app17:34
* lcukx41 is a n00b17:34
orangeyit's via gmail though?17:35
lcukx41i think so, gmail bobs up when i am using it17:35
lcukx41on desktop17:35
lcukx41i havent tried video from 810 to desktop though17:35
lcukx41its just mysterious and uses the airwaves somehow17:35
* lcukx41 waves hands17:35
lcukx41my 810 is dead again17:36
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lcukx41this has been the same for most of the week17:36
* lcukx41 ponders what has been installed17:36
orangeyyou have to take the ballsack off of it to see the screen clearly.17:36
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orangeysometimes you should consider a good spray cleaner and wipe with a microcloth too if it's smudged17:37
lcukx41but if i do that i cant use my stylus17:37
lcukx41it doesnt stretch that far17:37
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qwerty12_N800I'd also clean the residue17:37
lcukx41no matter how much i pull it17:37
orangeyway to extend the joke : )17:38
* lcukx41 tried giving it a really big yank17:38
lcukx41i ended up in hospital!17:38
* lcukx41 straightens tie17:38
lcukx41now, my 810 has not survived a night for about a week, its got to be something ive installed because i havent done anything different now to how i normally use it17:39
lcukx41does qt install anything that runs all the time17:39
orangeyI can't imagine why it would17:41
lcukx41nor can i17:42
lcukx41umm, theres a list somewhere of the packages installed in sequence, ive found it once in the past17:42
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orangeyon the maemo?17:44
orangeyit's usually in /var/apt or something, no?17:44
orangeyanyone get maqii running? the quake 2?17:44
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VDVsxqwerty12_N800, do you have extras-devel configured inside your maemo 5 SDK ?17:47
qwerty12_N800VDVsx: nope :)17:47
qwerty12_N800I'm booting into linux now, lemme see if I can get it done17:48
VDVsxmine is failing to fetch :(17:48
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* lbt slaps Debian for doing bad things to his bridge interface in an update17:52
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qwerty12VDVsx, "deb fremantle free non-free" WFM17:54
qwerty12(and "deb-src fremantle free" for some apt-get sourcing)17:54
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VDVsxqwerty12, works ?17:54
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qwerty12_N800Just installed mikkov's leafpad17:54
lcukx41i cant find where the dpkg history i found a while ago is17:55
lcukx41lemme do some investigation17:55
VDVsxI'm having a lot of errors here :) lets restart scratchbox :)17:55
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VDVsxqwerty12_N800, the app manager works for you in maemo 5 ?17:57
qwerty12_N800No, it says no apps installed17:57
qwerty12_N800I just apt-get my way around17:57
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lcukx41qwerty12_N800lcuk, the "pretty" way: ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | awk '{print $6 " "$7" "$8}' | sed s/.list// | sort18:00
* lcukx41 needs to put qwerty on a retainer18:00
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qwerty12Think someone posted a cleaner command line than that :P18:01
lcukx41if i could bring up the folder in the gui i would know specifically which was causing my hangups18:01
sisto1this is quite outdated:
qwerty12_N800All of test is outdated18:04
VDVsxgonna do a maemo 5 screencast, any sugested app to show  ? :)18:05
sisto1VDVsx: where do you post them?18:06
lcukx41VDVsx: youtube18:07
lbtVDVsx: Shopper18:07
lbtsee if the rotation works...18:08
lbtand Qt18:08
VDVsxlbt, is in fremantle extras-devel ?18:08
qwerty12Lol, I can actually IRC from GTA :P18:08
lbtI thought they threw the whole of Diablo Extras into the fremantle builder18:08
lcukx41if the computer inside gta is running microsoft you can probably pwn it as well18:09
qwerty12Nah, you have to upload your self for the time being18:09
lcukx41i hope its got norton installed18:09
lbtmutter - gimme a sec then :)18:09
z4chhdoes anyone play blobby volley? >.<18:09
lbtDirectory listing is not allowed :
lcukx41i would guess you cannot list the directory18:09
VDVsxdon't have enough time for that :)18:10
lbtcan for diablo18:10
sisto1VDVsx: what is your youtube channel?18:10
sisto1z4chh: I've just installed it18:10
sisto1but it's too fast for me18:10
z4chhsisto1, it is addicting o_o18:10
* lcukx41 just wants to see a quick run through of the clutterybits and anything else fancy18:10
sisto1I lowered the speed to 40%18:10
VDVsxsisto1, VDVLinux18:10
sisto1z4chh: it's fun and addicting yes :)18:11
z4chhto bad the network game doesn't work18:11
sisto1VDVsx: thank you, will check it out18:12
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VDVsxI have to make the screen first :)18:13
sisto1ok... will check in 5 minutes then :P18:13
VDVsxsisto1, ahaha, you have to wait a little more time :P18:15
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VDVsxqwerty12, what apps had you already submitted to fremantle extras-devel ?18:19
qwerty12VDVsx, nothing as of yet - I'm focusing on chinook/diablo ATM18:19
VDVsxqwerty12, you don't upload transmition ?18:20
qwerty12not atm18:21
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VDVsxI don't know what exist already in fremantle :(18:21
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qwerty12I need to remove the maemo-select-menu-location thing and make it so it compiles cleanly under Fremantle18:22
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lcukx41qwerty12it should work still shouldnt it - they just said depreciated18:33
lcukx41and useless18:33
lcukx41but not a direct "you must remove this"18:33
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qwerty12Good point, but I'll have to check to make sure it doesn't exit with !=0 value or that'll mess things up18:34
lcukx41maemo-select-country-location(northerner, southern_jessie) is still around i hope18:34
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lcukx41lbt, how strick about OO is the qt model.  does it enforce strict rules about your classes?18:38
lbtit's C++18:38
lcukx41ie, are you allowed globals etc18:38
lcukx41yeah i know that, but c++ allows a lot more than some18:38
lcukx41im just pondering my way around an idea ive got and wonder whether c++ will give me what im looking for18:39
lbtit's a *very* thin veneer on top of C++  it just provided some macro-like keywords which are expanded into 'moc' files18:40
lbtthese go into the make and depends18:40
lbtand are all linked18:40
lbtconsider it as "almost vanilla" C++18:40
lcukx41do they use instance globals though18:40
lcukx41i am wondering just how much of the object model is accessible without any globals at all18:41
lbtthere are some - eg qApp is a global variable to allow access to things (think argc)18:41
lbtit allows introspection18:41
lcukx41yeah similar in liqbase, but im after making that an instance18:41
lcukx41currently liqbase widgets compile into .so modules for inclusion into the main app, i *think* i can allow the same source to be built with a small wrapper to just be a normal runnable binary18:42
lbtit also provides a garbage collector pattern18:42
lcukx41garbage doesnt bother me, once ref count reaches zero things stop existing18:43
lbttypically you write a class to extend a well known widgets (eg QMainWindow)18:43
lbtbut then you create another that includes many instances of specific widgets18:43
lbtbuttons, labels, text boxes, layouts18:44
lbtand then you link your data to the widgets using signals/slots18:44
lbtwhich are auto-generated case switches with guards18:44
lbt(plus some thread handling)18:45
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lcukx41normal stuff :) so if your "main()" by default called into "createapp()" which returned this instance of your class extended from QMainWindow and did everything on that instance..18:45
lcukx41.. you could technically then with alternative make options call "createapp()" from something that held lots of these18:46
lbthowever you are straying into OS territory - which may not be good design18:48
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StsN800Meizirkki, you online in 45 mins or so so we can track down Fn issue?18:51
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disco_stuhi everybody18:53
lcukx41hiya disco_stu18:54
lcukx41hows it goin18:54
disco_stubeen away from #maemo for a while18:54
disco_stulcukx41: fine :)18:54
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MeizirkkiStskeeps, okay18:56
disco_stulcukx41: i'm tired of microb18:56
disco_stumicrob sucks !18:56
qwerty12_N800Tear FTW18:56
lcukx41i wouldnt know, i use the internet so infrequently lol18:56
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disco_stuqwerty12: last time i tried tear it used to crash every 5 minutes.. letrs try it now18:57
disco_stuqwerty12: have you tried prism ?18:57
qwerty12Still crashes but a *lot* less often18:57
disco_stuqwerty12: i saw this:
disco_stuqwerty12: but i dont have 30mb, cause i'm not running from clone os rigth now18:58
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fireunhow about gotos?18:59
lbtgotos? Ah, Microsoft.19:01
lcukx41the got OS is very instable19:02
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lcukx41VDVsx: !!!!!19:15
VDVsxlcukx41, don't like the video, lol, I done my best :) eheheh19:16
lcukx41just the opposite, the video is very impressive19:16
t-norhi, i want to install about 250Mo of package on my N810. How could i install it on mmc219:17
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t-norbecause on / there are not enough free space19:17
lcukx41t-nor: you could switch your system over to boot from your mmc card19:17
lbtt-nor: in general you can't19:17
disco_stuqwerty12: where can i get libwebkit ?19:17
lbtor you could find a directory with lots in it19:18
lcukx41but is it 250mb of apps or is it data that could be pointed to from a smaller installed app19:18
lbtmove it to the mmc219:18
lbtmount it back on the same dir19:18
lbtand free up space that way19:18
lbtI did that with /home/user/.../maps19:18
lcukx41maps is already on mmc2?19:18
lbtso all my map dls for Maemo Mapper are not taking up space in /19:19
lcukx41on my 810 it is anways19:19
lbtmaybe I was hacking :)19:19
t-norit's not possible to install on mmc2 with dpkg --instdir ?19:19
lbtprinciple is the same19:19
lbtwell, it's not sane19:19
disco_stuqwerty12: i got it :)19:20
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lbtt-nor:  that would give you a partial chrooted system - you don't want that...19:20
t-norbecause it's for a student project, it's not my N810 so if i could do it without flash the device it will be better19:20
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lbtyou shouldn't need to flash it19:21
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lbtbut you're messing in the guts19:21
qwerty12_N800disco_stu: cool :)19:21
mavhcwhy can't you just use symbolic links anyway?19:21
t-norlbt: you means  moving files to mmc2 to have enough space to install my packages ?19:22
lbtfirst job is to find where all the space has gone19:23
t-norbut i don't install anythings on my N810 and map are already on mmc219:23
lbtcan you ssh into it?19:24
t-noryes that the only thing i install19:24
lbt  du -sh *19:24
t-noron /19:24
lbtI'd start in /home19:24
lbtdf -h19:25
lbtwill also give you info - not sure how much you know19:25
t-nor> /dev/mtdblock4          251.5M    158.4M     93.1M  63% /19:25
t-nor> /dev/mmcblk0p1            1.8G    250.4M      1.5G  14% /media/mmc219:26
t-nornothing on home19:26
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lbthmm, I forgot how small they are - I have 2 multi Gb cards :)19:27
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t-noryes ...19:27
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lbtso try du -sh in /usr19:27
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disco_stuqwerty12: i can not install tear19:29
qwerty12Grab its dependencies as required19:30
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disco_stuqwerty12: libwebkit complains, and i got a broken pipe when dpkg -i 'ing it19:31
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qwerty12Broken pipe is when you're out of space or something19:32
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lbtt-nor: what fs is on mmc2?19:32
lbtif it is FAT then you may have problems...19:32
disco_stuqwerty12: maybe i have only 28 Mb19:33
t-norext2 because i try to install package on it vfat don't allow it19:33
lbtso you have 50Mb in /usr/share19:33
lbtwhat you could do is move /usr/share onto mmc2 and then use a symbolic link19:34
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lbtif you remove mmc2 then your system will fail horribly19:34
Stskeepshm, the blur effect on menus is weird19:35
lbthmm - actually I wonder if that will cause boot-time problems19:35
lbtI've not done this you understand :)19:35
lbthave a look in / to see if there are any other candidates for moving - /usr accounts for about 1/3 your usage19:36
t-nori don't think that move this kind of repertory is the good solution :-/19:38
disco_stuwhy in hell nobody puts the tear dependecies all together19:38
t-norit's very risky19:38
lbtmeh - it's not without risk19:38
lbtbut you have few options without using a bigger partition for /19:40
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t-nori think i have to flash the device19:40
t-norbut what the flash allow me to do ?19:41
wjthow would flashing it help more than just removing packages you don't need?19:41
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t-nori just want to have much space, using mmc2 to install package19:42
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Stskeepslo slonopotamus19:48
slonopotamushi Stskeeps19:48
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t-norIs it risky to flash the N810, i will loose the guarantee ?19:56
Meizirkkino you will not19:56
t-nori could rollback to the original setting after ?19:57
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disco_stutear is awesome !19:57
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Meizirkkit-nor, flashing is basicly that you revert your tablet to it's original state19:58
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thopiekarhi again...20:30
thopiekarwhy is the sb1/2-team not working on x64-repos?20:31
lcukt-nor, flashing your nokia device to original specifications is a standard documented procedure for your tablet, make sure however you follow the instructions carefully20:32
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* b-man wonders why is down, hmm :(20:42
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Stskeepsprolly got spiked after your Engadget article20:43
Stskeeps.. i'm not kidding20:43
Stskeepsnow, you owe us all beer20:44
* b-man dances20:44
Meizirkkiwohoo!! because is down ??? :P20:45
freelikegnuthats some good press, man20:46
b-manMeizirkki: because my efforts have been noticed on a global scale20:46
Meizirkkiyes, i was just kiddin'20:47
freelikegnuwhats up with your site?20:47
* b-man wants to tell everyone he knows about this :D20:48
b-manit got overloaded20:48
lbtb-man: about what?20:48
Stskeepsb-man: remember to mention the amount of work put into it by everyone else too ;)20:48
b-manI will ;)20:48
* Stskeeps gets back to his lassanga20:49
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* b-man sends an e-mail to all of his friends :)20:59
luke-jrb-man: with links to the dead site? ;)21:00
lbtso now we'll know. no email and we're not your friend.... OK21:01
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b-manluke-jr: it's not my fault it got overloaded - i don't have control over that, it's not my server, i'm only using it XD21:02
timelE61ioh sure... It isn't your fault for putting content ... An attractive nuisance on a server21:03
lbtpeople get like that when they get famous timelE61i21:04
b-mani didn't know it was going to be a hit XD21:04
* b-man is famous?21:05
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Stskeepsyour port is21:06
Stskeepsyour name isn't there ;)21:06
b-manomg, 90 people are browsing my thread21:06
lbtoh, wait, no. It's 19:06,  you were only famous until 19:05. Sorry.21:06
timelE61igOtta take a lesson from linus and name your software after yourself21:07
MyrttitimelE61i: *Cough*21:07
Stskeepsb-man: now just hope you don't get a trademark comment from ubuntu..21:07
Myrttimmm onion soup21:07
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b-manStskeeps: heh21:07
* Stskeeps had glorious lassagna today.21:08
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* b-man hopes he doesn't drown in questions21:08
lbtso b-man21:09
lbthow do you build ubuntu for arm?21:09
freelikegnu"how can I get nvidia drivers compiled for ubuntu maemo?!"21:10
freelikegnu"please make wine run warcraftz"21:10
lbtactually I was serious :)21:10
lbtdo you use sbox?21:10
lcukone of my friends (a hot 20yo fem with big boobs) thinks the guy who ported ubuntu to the tablets must be hot21:11
lcukand she wants his number21:11
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b-manlbt: i didn't compile ubuntu for arm, ubuntu did that21:11
lbtI want to build the hildonised Qt4.5 for it21:11
b-manlcuk: keep in mind i'm 1621:11
lbtfor Mer actually21:12
Stskeepsb-man: age of consent is 16 in UK21:12
Stskeeps.. or is it 17? i forget21:12
lcukand at 16 the thought of that happening wouldv sent my underpant elastic across the room21:12
* lbt wishes it ever mattered <sigh>21:13
freelikegnu"keep in mind i'm 16" guess you are restricted wetware in some countries21:13
b-manyup :P21:13
lcukwe cant even buy you a beer to celebrate21:13
Stskeepsok .. liberty-mer marquee first gets it background when it is redrawn21:13
freelikegnuman when I was 16 I was just building rc cars, kids these days are building computers to take over the world21:14
mavhcand putting them in rc cars21:14
b-manhehe >:)21:14
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freelikegnumavhc: touche!21:15
mavhcgive him her number, then he can phone when he's old enough21:15
freelikegnuI've noticed it's psycologically easier to read someonelses book on a train, than check out their PDA screen when they are reading an ebook.  It seems like the latter is more of a privacy invasion than the former21:17
freelikegnubut I'm still curious what ebooks folks are reading21:18
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freelikegnua good ebook reader should have a little screen on the back oriented for other people that displays the name of the book they are reading (at the users option of course)21:20
fireunmaybe its more cause for conversation21:21
ShadowJKI'd want one with an ubertiny field of view21:21
luke-jrlcuk: claim it's a religious practice?21:21
fireun"hey, is that a kindle? whatscha reading?"21:21
ShadowJKSo that other people couldn't see the shit I read21:21
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lcukthe best public transport pda was an old dell someone pulled out from her bag, before the display came on you could see the scratches in the screen in certain odd palces, when the screen came on it became clear: she played solitaire for what must be a couple of hours a day every day since she got it - the scratches were at the gimme card and the 4 ace spots21:23
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lcukno i wont give out my friends number for religious purposes or not (even though you would say "omg" :D)21:23
lcukshes only interested in ubuntu hackers lol21:24
luke-jrlcuk: I mean the beer.21:24
timelE61ifRee: i've read that the big sellers in ebooks isn't quite PG1321:24
lcuk:D ahhhh21:24
* lcuk passes beers round21:24
fireunah, the good ol day of newsgroups trash21:24
lcuktimelE61i, ? technical manuals?21:25
b-manfeelikegun: about your rc car statement, it's all about the evolution of technology throughout younger generations, i grew up around computers - so this stuff comes naturally to me ;)21:26
timelE61ilcuk: more like sociology+biology emebedded in romance...21:28
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luke-jrI was programming somewhere around 5-7 years old21:30
Stskeepsaround 6 here21:30
* rmt_ yawns21:30
luke-jrI confess I wish I learned Perl sooner tho21:31
Stskeepsmm, python here21:32
luke-jrPython annoys me21:33
luke-jrcan't pinpoint quite why21:33
lbtperl is superb :)21:33
luke-jrperhaps because it is so antithetical to my coding practices21:33
lbtyou learn so many different things in it - sandbox21:33
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fireunsandbox kinda sucks, imho21:41
fireunwhy isnt it just a targe cpu choice to build a binary, and then a simulator/debugger to do tests?21:42
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thopiekarcould someone please tell me why this fails?21:44
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qwerty12_N800Oh, MicroB, MicroB, why do you insist on being so shit?21:48
timelE61iqWerty: have you tried the rss reader or mail?21:49
qwerty12_N800RSS Reader works well (but I only have the default BBC feeds anyway) but point taken about mail21:50
timelE61iA coworker who works on reliability seems to do most of the bug filing for rss21:52
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timelE61iAnd to say it works well is to choose to overlook a number of areas21:52
timelE61iAmong them is responsiveness to customer requests :)21:52
qwerty12_N800It works well with one feed then? :)21:53
Stskeepsi scaringily think i might spent most of my time in rss reader these days21:53
timelE61ione default feed21:53
timelE61iSts: wow21:53
timelE61iPlease describe how you use it and why21:53
StskeepstimelE61i: well i just have a huge amount of feeds and when i'm on my tablet i check news21:54
Stskeepsit's because i'm a newsjunkie :P21:54
timelE61iyou read feed at a time, all articles?21:54
timelE61iDo you save items?21:54
timelE61iAre you a music/video junkie? (no)21:55
Stskeepsi browse through until unread and i don't save items, as i usually access immediately21:55
timelE61iif you could share, would you, how?21:55
timelE61iDo you like pictures?21:56
Stskeepsmusic/video junkie not so much, but i have considered starting to use podcasts but not sure which kind i would like :P21:56
timelE61i(and embedded video/flash for that matter)21:56
Stskeepsi am a fan of the concept of tvrss.net21:57
timelE61iIs your content rss or atom21:57
timelE61iAnd how do you add it?21:57
b-manqwerty12_N800, did you get the news? :)
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Stskeepsa legal way to do that would pretty much revolutionize media :P (
timelE61iOk, what failed? :@21:58
qwerty12_N800b-man: yeah, read it. Congrats! :)21:58
StskeepstimelE61i: i dunno, braindamage from my early rss days i guess21:58
jaem_afkgood job, b-,man21:59
StskeepstimelE61i: i like to find the rss links on my own21:59
StskeepstimelE61i: i wouldn't mind something like rss feed synchronization really.21:59
Stskeepsas in, sharing between devices21:59
Stskeepsbut that's probably just coming from a pervasive computing background ..22:00
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RST38hmoo all22:01
timelesshave you tried democracy player?22:01
lcukpoint your desktop ~ at the one on your tablet :D when you are near you will have everything your tablet has :P22:01
timelessso, google reader supports opml22:02
jaem_afkRST38h: hi22:02
timelessand in theory so does rss feed reader22:02
timelessalthough in practice, its impl is so bad that it iirc is barely advertised22:02
StskeepstimelE61i: democracy player gives a bit of Joost vibe, but without the ugly interface..22:02
MyrttiI wish greader had a function to detect the duplicates and not show them22:02
timelesssts: heh22:03
Stskeeps(initial reaction)22:03
lcukisnt generic dupe detection a "hard" problem?22:03
Myrttilcuk: it apparently has had that before22:03
jaem_afkI got a free laptop backpack... with a logo on it that says "3Com 56k Power"22:05
jaem_afk...I suppose that's why it was free22:05
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Stskeeps56k? pft, luxury22:06
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Stskeepsi began my internet adventures on a 14.4kbps .. at least, from my parents home22:06
jaemwell, my other backpack has a fibre connection :P22:06
* RST38h started at 2400bd22:06
jaemI started at 1.5Mbps, as my family was late to the game22:06
RST38hWhen I bought 14.4kbd modem, TELNET and FTP became so lightning fast...22:07
jaemwhat sort of lightning do you have where you live, then?22:07
lcukthe sort that used to buffer before striking22:07
lcukbut no longer!22:08
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lcukRST38h, did you move up to gifs then?22:08
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Stskeepsmm, anyone good with quick art and making pngs with transparent background?22:10
Stskeeps'lo jott22:10
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RST38hlcuk: Mosaic came later22:11
lcuki thought you could get giffs from your local bbs22:12
lcukREDHOT~1.GIF ;)22:13
lcukand after downloading you discover its a scan of someones fireplace22:13
Stskeepsthat was times, yes22:14
suihkulokkiRST38h: I still remember someone arguing in a BBS that 2400bps is more than enough, since it rolls text faster than you can read anyway22:15
RST38hlcuk: I did not use BBSes22:16
RST38hTried a few times but did not like it22:16
RST38hsuih: they did have a point22:16
* RST38h used to browse GOPHER sites and NNTP22:16
suihkulokkiRST38h: their point depends on the idea that you wont download any files22:17
suihkulokki(except perhaps 4k intros)22:17
aquatixlcuk: hahaha22:18
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Myrttinntp ♥22:22
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RST38hsuih: those files were 2-4kb in size :)22:23
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suihkulokkiRST38h: and looked like the one in lcuk's picture :)22:26
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Stskeeps'lo GA22:27
b-manhello, GeneralAntilles22:28
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GeneralAntillesb-man, yeah, saw that this morning.22:39
GeneralAntillesEngadget is funny.22:39
* GeneralAntilles has Growl notifications going across half his screen.22:40
GeneralAntillesHey, Stskeeps.22:41
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Meiz_n810infobot, did i ask you to nuke my memorycard earlier?23:09
Meiz_n810My memorycard is seriously dead...23:10
Meiz_n810there was a lot of SegFaults during dist-upgrade23:11
Meiz_n810and then the best part:23:11
Meiz_n810reboot or halt causes SegFault :(23:11
b-manhmm :(23:11
Meiz_n810and of course, Mer did not boot anymore :(23:12
* lcuk accidentally his memory card23:13
luke-jrmeh, why is there a published resetwlan that just reboots the N810?23:13
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lcukluke-jr, theres many other ways to reset your 8x0 :D23:15
luke-jryeah, the goal is to reset wifi w/o rebooting23:15
luke-jrwhat's the difference between mtum and umac?23:16
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Stskeepstesting vs actual usage? dunno23:17
Myrttiffs, these google drink vouchers are everywhere23:20
MyrttiI just cleaned my damned handbag and out came like five unused ones23:21
lcukgoogle drink vouchers are like their mail, they keep growing so you always have enough23:21
Myrttiyeah - I think it was actually jeremiah who shoved me like 8 or so of them to give around23:22
lcukthen why dont you go and shove em back in his23:23
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lcukqwerty12_N800, does that vnc trick work with everything?23:49
lcukim used to vnc not working in overlays anymore, i wonder where clutter itself lives on a real device - whether the opengl overlay will be transmitted23:50
qwerty12_N800lcuk: no idea, until i saw qole's post, i had no idea it could do even that23:50
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lcukits possible in scratchbox because its entirely emulated23:51
lcukits like if you take a screenshot of desktops you get a blank area where games are23:51
lcukor movies23:51
qwerty12_N800windows apps now can take screenshots of those areas23:52
lcukmostly they can, you know what i mean then :)23:54
* lcuk can only take pictures when his mplayer is set to certain render modes23:54
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* lcuk goes finding the n8x0 vnc client23:55
qwerty12_N800it's in extras, shouldn't take long :)23:56
lcukx41heh even less, its in my extras menu23:56
* lcukx41 is a dolt23:56
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