IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2009-03-14

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jaemb-man: Dell Latitude D63000:04
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jaem||cw: HDD00:04
jaemlcuk: it was used, and didn't come with any way of reinstalling anything00:04
jaembesides, I'm imaging it first00:04
jaemit's technically on extended loan, and the people I'm getting it from technically don't allow you to wipe it and install what you want, so I'll just restore from the image before I send it back00:05
jaemand I don't plan on using WinXP00:05
jaemit annoys the heck out of me00:05
jaemalthough not as much as Vista00:05
* b-man dislikes Windows :P00:06
* b-man would rather go with os x :)00:06
jaemooh... squashfs-ing this 80GB image on a dual-core Atom is going to be painful :(00:07
vasily_pupkinanybody know how to use scratchbox2 on non-deb distro?00:07
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b-manvasily_pupkin: what are you running?00:09
vasily_pupkinb-man: gentoo00:09
vasily_pupkinb-man: i try to compile recent non-maemo mplayer :]00:09
* b-man searches google00:10
jaemgrr... I don't know where all of my ethernet cable has gone...00:10
jaemmy friend's dorm prompted a theory that cable tangle is actually a form of nest, and if left undisturbed for long enough, will produce baby rackmount switches00:10
jaemso maybe my cable is running off with his...00:11
vasily_pupkingentoo + scratchbox/maemo = funreal00:12
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b-manvasily_pupkin: i can't seem to find any results :(00:14
vasily_pupkinyep ^_^00:15
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vasily_pupkinmay be anybody know how properly setup new compiler to scratchbox-1?00:16
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* b-man wonders how crazy it would be to compile Scratchbox2 to run on the armel architecture00:18
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jaemb-man: pretty crazy00:19
vasily_pupkinfor what? :]00:19
jaemwe need a massive cluster of N810s for compiling00:20
b-manon-tablet porting/developing :)00:20
jaemlike the guys00:20
jaemalthough theirs were custom ARM servers, I believe00:20
* b-man compiled every package in the ubuntu-n8x0 repo on his tablet00:20
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* jaem claps for b-man00:20
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b-mangcc doesn't run too bad :)00:21
vasily_pupkininteresting, DSP works only on old OS2006 OS200700:21
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vasily_pupkinbut how about OS2008?00:21
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vasily_pupkin(at mplayer's dspmp3)00:22
b-mandsp runs in Diablo00:22
* b-man looks at the proseses running on his tablet00:23
GeneralAntillesvasily_pupkin, DSP drops the CPU to 320MHz00:23
GeneralAntillesWhich is actually slower than only CPU at 400MHz00:23
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vasily_pupkini.e. [ "$DSP" -eq "peace of shit" ] ? :]00:26
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* vasily_pupkin push some strange toolchain with gcc 4.3.3 to scratchbox-100:29
vasily_pupkinbut seems like my frankenshtein don't want to live00:31
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: about ARM vs. DSP clock frequencies:
ssvbvasily_pupkin: I used scratchbox-1 quite fine in gentoo just a year ago00:34
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: am i odd for not giving a rats ass if it is kernel blob or closed source libs for powervr under similar scheme as the rest of 3rd party hw interfacing , as long as we get them? (kernel ko might be a problem in long term)00:34
lcukno, you aren't00:35
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lcukas long as we can use the provided api i dont mind if its open or closed00:35
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, yes, you also hate freedom, I bet.00:35
derfUsers generally don't give a rat's ass about IP issues. They want shit to work.00:35
ssvbvasily_pupkin: there should be even scratchbox ebuilds available in gentoo bugzilla00:35
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: yes, i am a raving anti-gnubie00:36
suihkulokkibinary drivers in linux are eventually orthogonal with "things just working fur users" :P00:36
jaemsuihkulokki: that's true, but getting it working is at least a first step00:37
derfsuihkulokki: Yes, but users will care about that then, not now.00:37
GeneralAntillesEventually, but hopefully the hardware will be more or less obsolete by that time.00:37
jaemI'd rather have half-working than not-working00:37
derfI'm with GeneralAntilles.00:37
GeneralAntillesI'd rather have drivers that we can use now, then work on getting the open source later.00:37
derfNew OMAP, new set of issues.00:37
* suihkulokki hates half-working stuff00:38
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Stskeepsthe oss ko and closed source libs seems fairly sane though00:38
Stskeepseabi isn't going anywhere atm00:38
derfUh-huh, and that's why we're still using a 2.6.18 kernel when the rest of the world is working on
derfYeha, .21, sorry.00:40
derfStill, several years old.00:40
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jaemheck, all my computers run a 2.4.x kernel ;)00:40
jaemjust kidding00:40
luke-jrderf: at least it isn't like the Zaurii using 2.4 :x00:40
Stskeepsand nothing really stops us from using stlc  now and re-implementing oss n8x0 things again on new kernel api00:40
Stskeeps2.6.28 ran on my 770.00:41
vasily_pupkinhow about power management on kernel > 2.6.21?00:41
derfRight. That is the far more important bit.00:41
derfI wouldn't mind terribly if there was no sound on the tablet at all.00:42
* robink wonders if you need the Boingo software to use Boingo on an N810.00:42
lcukis it possible to run a machine with multiple kernels using the virtual machine stuff we saw a couple of weeks ago00:42
jaemlcuk: that's not out yet00:42
ShadowJKvasily_pupkin, maemomplayer's mp3dsp went through gstreamer, but gstreamer changed and is no longer compatible to be used that way00:43
jaemlcuk: and from their website, they seemed for concerned about using VMs for locking users out of DRM and such than letting us hack around with it00:43
ShadowJKor atleast the memo mplayer porter said that here :)00:43
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lcukjaem, im not tihnking specifically about their implementation, but could you "technically" do it00:43
jaemwell, there is/was an ARM port of Xen - I don't think that really went anywhere, though00:44
vasily_pupkinShadowJK: maemo mplayer still alive? O_O00:45
ShadowJKno idea :)00:45
ShadowJKvasily_pupkin, if you manage to compile a plain mplayer-svn, do benchmark :)00:45
ssvbvasily_pupkin: it depends on your definition of word 'alive'00:45
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ShadowJKI know there has been lots of ARM work done, but I don't know if it was all optimizing for the newer ARM...00:46
vasily_pupkinssvb: 8 month of inactivity == coma imho00:46
suihkulokkiit can still be re-animated at will00:47
ssvbvasily_pupkin: plays videos quite fine here00:48
lcukshhh, its sleeping00:48
vasily_pupkinyes, I even rebuild it with enca :)00:48
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dystopiagood to see getting filled :D00:52
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: there should be 1.0rc3 upstream mplayer release soon, and by your definition upstream is also in coma ;)00:54
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vasily_pupkinssvb: 1.0rc3 _maemo_ mplayer? :)00:56
ssvbvasily_pupkin: 1.0rc3 mplayer from
vasily_pupkini don't look at rc numbers. just svn up shows what is what ^_^00:57
ShadowJKhm, so is there svn activity in maemo mplayer too? :)00:58
vasily_pupkinno at all :]00:59
vasily_pupkin(at garage svn at least)01:00
ssvbShadowJK: not really, but end result is the same :)01:00
ShadowJKI probably asked a few months ago, but I forgot, whether there's been any ARM improvements in upstream mplayer/libav*01:01
ShadowJKrelevant for N8x001:01
ssvbmaybe just a few, there are mostly ARMv7 NEON optimizations01:01
vasily_pupkinis omapfb significantly faster then xv?01:02
ssvbvasily_pupkin: no01:03
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vasily_pupkinmplayer-svn successfuly builded with gcc 4.3.201:03
ShadowJKIt's faster for me, but I forgot why that was01:03
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vasily_pupkinok. are there some benchs to check speed of this crap?01:04
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ssvbShadowJK: yes, it's actually faster a bit, but XV is quite competitive:
vasily_pupkinhm. maemo-mplayer: 8MB, my mplayer: 3Mb..01:05
vasily_pupkinwhats the hell..01:05
ssvbShadowJK: XV got some optimimizations in the latest diablo updates01:05
ShadowJKDo I have latest if I've tapped OK to the orange blinking icon..01:06
vasily_pupkinfuck. I build it with GLIBC 2.701:07
ssvbvasily_pupkin: do you use crossdev?01:08
vasily_pupkinI use scratchbox01:08
vasily_pupkinhm. may be if I just replace glibc with the new one nothing bad happens..?01:09
vasily_pupkinor just recompile mplayer...01:09
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ssvbjust take a default compiler from SDK, it will save you from a lot of troubles01:10
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vasily_pupkinand save me from building mplayer :)01:11
ssvbvasily_pupkin: you are using gentoo and should know that having a stable version of gcc is important for the system health01:12
ssvbnot all gcc releases from codesourcery are stable enough01:12
vasily_pupkinssvb: yes, i'm using gentoo, and know, that in 90% of situations it doesn't matter anymore01:13
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: really?01:13
vasily_pupkinmay be with arm - another situation01:13
vasily_pupkinbut I want to check :)01:13
ssvbyou can read some recommendations here:
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: a recent example, the last comment is mine:
vasily_pupkinthanks for information :)01:15
vasily_pupkinssvb: i use 32bit system, all features quite stable on it01:18
vasily_pupkinwith any combinations :)01:18
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: good luck unmasking really untested gcc builds, like 4.4 snapshots ;)01:19
ssvbvasily_pupkin: and x86 tends to have less bugs naturally, because it has a lot more users and is better tested01:20
vasily_pupkinssvb: bhaha ^) no, i don't like use *realy* unstable stuff :)01:20
vasily_pupkinssvb: how do you think, is it generally bad idea, to update diablo's libc to 2.8?01:23
ssvbdon't know01:24
jaemdoes anyone know of any cli software to test a hard drive's health?  This is an old computer, and the BIOS doesn't support SMART (not sure if the HDDs do)01:25
luke-jrjaem: someone in #KCLUG just suggests SHA1SUM01:26
luke-jreg, sha1sum the drive, flush the cache, then sha1sum it again01:26
luke-jrand compare01:26
luke-jr(obviously dont' write in the meantime)01:26
jaemwell, the issue is that they were working fine, and then GRUB started hanging after a new OS install.  I haven't had the time since then to check if they're toast, or if I just messed up.  I was hoping for something quick01:27
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ssvbjaem: mhdd is quite good diagnostics/repair tool, you can find a bootable iso image on the net01:28
vasily_zajcevcrossing fingers. updating libc6 2.5 -> 2.8 + reboot01:28
jaemssvb: thanks01:28
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* vasily_zajcev is full of fear01:32
derfInstead you should be full of beer.01:33
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vasily_zajcevit's dead ^_^01:33
vasily_zajcevhint: don't update libc on maemo01:33
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ssvbmaybe it just does not like russian snipers or internet/fido legendary fictional characters ;)01:36
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lbtso when I click the x icon, my app is saying "killed" any ideas?01:37
lcukdont click the x01:38
vasily_zajcevtime to go sleeping01:38
* lbt slaps lcuk01:38
vasily_zajcevtomorrow  will be The Day of Reanimation01:38
lcukmmm animation01:38
robinkProbably not.01:39
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lcuklbt, what is showing an error and what else happens01:40
lcuksaying where01:41
lbtnothing :(01:41
lbtit just says "Killed"01:41
lcukwhat does?01:41
lcukwheres all the rest of your log :P01:42
lcukyou might have to dig deep within qt to identify that error01:42
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lbt's rude that it01:43
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lcuklbt try with just a core simple qt app01:47
lcukhello world01:47
lcuksee if it has same issue01:47
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lcukhello johnx!01:47
jaemhey, johnx01:48
lbtyeah - tomorrow I think - tired now...01:48
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lcukme too, has a bit of a reshuffle tonight, found something nice01:48
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GeneralAntilleslbt, I'm gonna try to put together some mockups next week.01:57
lbtOK - I just tried removing the line around the icons01:57
lbtdidn't work01:57
lbtI'm making it thinner now01:57
lcuklbt shopper really would benefit from barcode :)02:00
lbtmmm - not convinced02:01
lbtbut I'll try it02:01
GeneralAntillesIf it can scan as quickly as a register scanner it might work.02:01
GeneralAntilleslbt, is there some sort of grocery database you can use?02:02
lbtthat's the problem02:02
lbtnot AFAIK02:02
lcukthe barcodes db has list of all items02:02
lbtand you'd need multiple codes...02:02
lbteg "cheese"02:02
GeneralAntilleslbt, I think it would be great if we could find some sort of simple database02:02
lcukyes, sort that after a scan02:03
lbtnot 250grams of sainsbury cheddar (mild)02:03
lcukie just give certain codes tags02:03
GeneralAntillesNot even for barcodes, just for autocomplete while adding items.02:03
lbtI really am open to trying it02:03
lbtbut I'm sceptical about the usage02:03
lcukyeah lbt, it should be a fairly simple operation02:03
lbtwhat's the user story02:03
lcuklbt, think beyond just shopping, the same principle with your list could do your books or your cds or your tools or your work machines etc02:04
jaemI missed the beginning of this - are you folks discussing scanning barcodes with the N8x0 webcam?02:04
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lbtoh yes - we use a barcode reader to read the isbn # on our books02:04
lbtand enter into biblico02:04
lcukand some recipe programs could generate a specific list02:04
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lcukthey might need specific ingredients02:05
jaemah - nice.  One question - is there audible feedback when a code is scanned?  I've tried taking pictures with it, but it's rather difficult without being able to see the screen02:05
lbtBTW osso-screenshot-tool seems to have vanished...02:05
GeneralAntillesjaem, there's nothing yet. :)02:05
jaemokay... I would rank that high on my list of must-haves, when you get time02:06
jaemit sounds like an interesting app02:06
jaemwith lots of possibilities02:06
lcukin liqbase there is an entry point on the camera library, it can quietly and badly scan barcodes the whole time the camera is active02:06
lcukits quick enough to be realtime i think (at least i can get a binary pattern out quick enough) a db lookup can't weigh that much prcessing time02:07
GeneralAntilleslbt, I think we need to con somebody with a recipe program into helping.02:08
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* lcuk has a nice interface for one02:08
* GeneralAntilles eyes yerga.02:08
lbtI think I'd support changing the XML structure so they can output a shopping list02:08
lcukgood idea, tracy needs cooking timers02:09
lcuki see her stress every week to set her nokia phone to do multiple alarms at specified times02:09
lbtlcuk: can you write up what she wants to do - or mock up a UI on liqbase...02:09
lbtliqbase storyboard...02:10
GeneralAntilleslbt, I'm almost in favor of just using Nokia icons.02:13
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GeneralAntilleslbt, I can poke at the webdesign on the website if you want me to, too.02:13
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lbtNokia has a "What's Left" icon?02:13
GeneralAntilleslbt, OK, fair enough.02:13
GeneralAntillesI might take a swing at cloning the look for one, though. . . .02:14
lbthave you read the help?02:14
GeneralAntillesI glanced over it.02:14
lbtit explains why I did it that way :)02:14
lbtit's the whole 'tick to remove'02:14
lbtwhich is the what's left02:14
lbtthe stylus is about writing a list02:15
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lcuklbt, the dark blue dividers are very distracting on the eye02:16
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lbtDenise likes them - they were her idea02:16
lcuki cannot quickly glance down the items because my eyes cant follow02:17
lbtI think they need toning down a touch02:17
lbtthis is the very first cut on the visual side though02:18
lcukjust do them with a slight difference instead of as much as it goes now - or is there a view to just remove the groups02:18
lbtI'm happy to change any/all of it02:18
lbtthey're optional02:18
lcukwell thats fine then, i would just remove em02:18
lbtPreferences->Show Category Headings02:18
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lbtwhen you have 'biscuits'02:18
lbtand wonder if you should be in the cat aisle or the chocolate aisle02:19
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lbtyou'll understand02:19
lbt :D02:19
lbt*that* is why they are there!02:19
lbtfor real - happened way too often02:19
rshorttHi guys, I just posted my N800 for sale if anyone's interested:
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Proteousno one is going to buy it for $800.0002:25
lbtGeneralAntilles: did I say yes re website - again, happy for input :) First cut and all that. I want it included in the app too in case that influences anything.02:26
lbtanyhow I've posted up a -devel release which should be ready for the morning02:26
GeneralAntilleslbt, I look at it, though lcuk still hasn't implemented the design I did for him. :P02:26
lcuki oculdnt add anything to the page without it breaking :'(02:27
lcukits not my fault i use notepad to edit html02:27
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lbtI'd like the web page to reflect the application look eventually - so maybe I should get some help doing that first?02:27
lbtif you feel like sketching out visual ideas I'd appreciate it.02:28
lbtI'd like to stick with svg - the inkscape svg is in the source tarball I upload in src/data/list.svg02:29
GeneralAntilleslcuk, just tell me what to add and I'll do it. <_<02:30
lbtQt can use svg and I'd like some nice touch effects like zoom in the future...02:30
lcuklbt, have a look at inkface, its an svg ui builder :D02:33
sisto1did nokia just leave us on the dark on the mobile world congress?02:34
lbt'k night all02:35
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GeneralAntillessisto1, hum?02:50
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AddisonHey guys!  Got a real quick question if someone can answer it for me.  :)08:23
AddisonIn file manager, if you click on a file it doesn't know what to do with, how can I add an additional application where it states "Select an application from the list to open file"08:24
AddisonBecause the one I would like to use isn't in the list.08:24
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AddisonThank you ukki!08:32
AddisonOh dear lord ukki, that looks incredibly confusing for me.  Do you have it installed already?08:36
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AddisonI wanted to test a theory about highlighting a ton of .prc and .pdb files and opening them up with Garnet VM.  The desktop windows version lets you do this, just wondering if it was the same for the handheld one.08:39
AddisonThat way you wouldn't have to install them one by one.08:39
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ukkidoes it accept command line parameters?08:41
AddisonI wouldn't know.  Sorry.08:42
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ukkii haven't tried it so can't help you there08:43
ukkibut you could try something like: /usr/bin/gvm --help in xterm (not sure what the correct binary is though)08:44
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jaemhello folks08:48
jaemI've been trying to compile E17 for b-man's Ubuntu, with neatojone's original DEB...08:49
jaemand it keeps erroring out, saying the device is full08:49
jaemhowever, the only full device according to df is /mnt/initfs, which makes little sense to me08:49
jaemI doublechecked, and the mmc is mounted at /mnt/jaunty, not just /mnt (which I could see causing problems)08:50
jaemany ideas?08:50
AddisonI'm not seeing a help file there ukki...08:52
Stskeeps /tmp full, and too small, k08:52
jaemokay... how do I increase the size?  Come to think of it, I've never actually looked into how /tmp is handled08:54
jaemnever mind... found it08:54
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jaemnever mind... I didn't :P08:56
Stskeepscompile within junty09:00
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Myrttiword of today09:01
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jaemsts: I was doing so09:10
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jaem_afksts: is there anything else I'm doing wrong?09:50
Stskeepsjaem_afk: compiling on device would be one i guess :P09:51
jaem_afkwell, yes, but I was turned off by the list of things that didn't work right in the precompiled version, and the note that neatojones wasn't going to maintain the packages09:51
Stskeepsbut are you actually inside jaunty when compiling?09:51
jaem_afkhowever justified that may be09:51
jaem_afkyes, I am09:52
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jaem_afkI cp'd the DEB into the chroot, and ran the install/compile from within the chroot environment09:52
Stskeepsok, and that's the problem :P09:52
jaem_afkokay, okay - I'll try the pkgs09:53
Stskeepsyou want to do it while -booted into- jaunty09:54
jaem_afkah, that would actually make /sense/09:55
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vasily_pupkinyeah. i repair it10:03
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vasily_pupkincrap. mplayer from upstream runs awfully10:50
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udovdhis gypsy in maemo?11:05
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udovdhif so: does it enable the gps in the n810?11:05
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udovdhanybody awake?11:08
joyrideri am but don't know answer ;)11:09
lcukudovdh, never heard of it but perhaps google will know11:10
udovdhit sort of like gpsd11:10
udovdhbut different11:10
udovdha replacement11:10
udovdhfremantle etc11:10
udovdhfor building gypsy for n810 we need this patch
lcukno matter how much you try to describe it it wont magically enter my memory, go look yourself11:11
udovdhbut the patch expects a header file that is no longer in libgpsbt11:11
udovdhof my OE environment11:12
udovdhso I am looking for a pre-built deb11:12
Stskeepslibgpsbt-dev maybe?11:14
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udovdhStskeeps, no, that package only gives me a gpsbt.h11:25
Stskeepshm, ok11:25
udovdhwith no function like the ones I search11:25
Stskeepslook for it in the older releases?11:25
udovdhI am bould to the openembedded environment for now11:26
udovdhand there is not many releases11:26
vasily_pupkinis gypsy better than minigpsd?11:26
udovdhsee for the patch11:26
udovdhbut it shouldn't leak11:26
udovdhbe quick11:26
RST38hisnt minigpsd written in python11:26
udovdhuse few resources11:26
udovdhand run on the n81011:26
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udovdhi.e.: enable the gps, wait for a fix and relay the nmea data11:26
udovdhnow one cna use gpsd and libgpsbt/mgr to enable the gps11:27
udovdhbut the cleanest solution for the n810 is what we are looking for11:27
udovdhif there is a simple way to enable the gps from the application (navit)11:27
udovdhthat could be fine as well11:27
udovdhbut then other apps have difficulty to share the data?11:28
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udovdhso: osso-gpsd works (with libgpsbt/gpsmgr)11:28
udovdhI cannot build gypsy with OE for n810 because gpsctl.h is missing11:28
udovdhanlternatives welcome11:29
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vasily_pupkinminigpsd written on C11:32
RST38hshouldnt be too bad then11:32
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vasily_pupkinbut status bar, and other crap - with python :D11:33
vasily_pupkinye. extrem #2: reinstalling xserver.....11:34
udovdhvasily_pupkin,  status bar?11:34
udovdhwe just need a daemon11:35
udovdhit is in maemo?11:35
udovdhso I cna install easily?11:35
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vasily_pupkinudovdh: em?11:35
udovdhit can enable the gps on the n810?11:35
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vasily_pupkinudovdh: hm. i dunno what it doing, but I can use it with maemo mapper :)11:36
udovdhI uninstalled mapper because we have navit11:36
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vasily_pupkini couldn't set up navit+minigpsd11:36
vasily_pupkinseems like gpsd is hardcoded dep in navit11:37
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vasily_pupkini'll write bug report to navit team in sunday, or later11:37
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udovdhvasily_pupkin, not so hardcoded11:49
udovdhit depends on how you build navit11:49
udovdhand we're looking into alternatives11:49
udovdhso trac tickets11:49
udovdhand patches11:49
udovdhand suggestions welcome11:49
udovdhsee #navit11:49
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vasily_pupkinanybody know, where is microb-engine svn?12:21
vasily_pupkini found only /debian12:21
thuxhi, something strange, irssi works well, but screen irssi doesn't loud backspace key? (diablo n800)12:23
thuxsome screen terminal thing?12:25
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lcukx41mmmmmmmmm blt12:38
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thopiekarlcuk: has lcukx41 faked your name?12:40
lcukx41thopiekar: why would a fake me come in talking about blt12:42
lcukx41jake is on my big pooter, just a mo12:43
udovdhwhere can I find info on liblocation?12:43
lcuklcukx41 is me12:44
* lcuk hates vnc and is being shouted at12:44
lcukx41jake said "dad im trying to play beebies"12:44
lcukx41thanks thopiekar for gettin me in trouble12:45
thopiekarchill lcuk it was just a mistake.. sry :)12:46
lcukx41lol thankfully now i restored his window he carried on playing12:47
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* lcukx41 needs telekinesis12:52
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lcukx41we know the palm pre replaces the older stuff, but can you still run the older stuff in with the pre12:57
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lcukx41grrrr its getting to be a lottery whether the device will survive the night12:59
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Corsacmpf, the address search is maemo mapper is painful13:08
Corsacit keeps saying “invalid address”13:08
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lcukx41have we run out of credits for the irc chan13:57
lcukx41saturday mornings are usually active13:57
StsN800im in a car on way south atm13:58
lcukx41is mrs sts driving?13:59
udovdhand how is the connection?13:59
StsN800lcukx41, yeah14:00
StsN800udovdh, not complaining atm14:00
udovdhbut technology-wise?14:01
* Myrtti yawns14:01
StsN800udovdh, 3g tethered to tablet through my SE phone14:01
udovdhah. I see...14:02
udovdhnot bad14:02
StsN800have a decent data plan so14:02
StsN800it's normally worse in train14:03
lcukx41best data plan of all is using someone elses 3g phone :D14:03
* lcukx41 gets Myrtti a coffee14:03
lcukx41StsN800: how long have you been driving for?14:04
StsN800lcuk, an hour or so14:04
lcukx41excellent :D wind your missus up, with your straightest face, look over at her and be all concerned and go "shit!!!! i left [something important] on"14:05
CorsacI left my n800 on!14:06
Corsacno wait,14:06
StsN800had to restart tablet cos something in kernel got crashed by browser14:06
lcukx41"sweetie, did you lock the front door"14:06
Corsacis there a way to do that without pulling off the battery?14:07
StsN800lcuk, before going we checked that14:07
lcukx41lol StsN800 still worth puttin a few minutes of wondering in14:07
lcukx41im gonna make a robot one day to patrol and send results back14:08
lcukx41"c is for cookie, thats good enough for me"14:11
lcukx41"b is for bacon, thats good enough for ME"14:11
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lcukx41is m5 keeping most of its apps from m4, ie skype?14:25
StsN800no clue14:26
slonopotamusStsN800, hi. how's mer going? tried linux-omap kernel?14:27
StsN800slonopotamus, working on ui stuff atm14:27
slonopotamusStsN800, ah, right. you showed screenshots a couple of weeks ago14:28
StsN800saw the lwn and linuxdevices article?14:28
slonopotamusnope. on whhat topic?14:29
StsN800on mer14:30
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slonopotamus'The most recent release, Mer 0.9, runs Linux kernel 2.6.28 and ships with a working Hildon desktop environment, writes Hillis.'14:34
StsN800some factual errors in lwn article14:34
StsN800he tried the vmdk, which does have 2.6.28..14:35
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lbtanyone else here doing anything with Qt on diablo?15:36
lbtI have a tiny test case I'd like runnig - needs a Qt capable build-env though...15:36
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vasily_pupkinmicrob-engine is unbuildle15:39
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ppireshi all. i just received a new n810 with the latest diablo updates and maemo mapper. when i run maemo mapper the gps does not turn on by itself. but if i use "map" the gps goes up and i can use maemo mapper. any hint?15:50
ppirestried google, but it was a bit inconclusive15:50
tank-manyou want it to automatically turn on the gps or you want to be able to turn it on?15:51
ppiresi want maemo mapper to be able to, and to turn it on when i "enable gps"15:52
tank-manperhaps maemo mapper remembers that on/off state from last time15:53
ppiresit can't connect to gpsd daemon because it's not running15:54
ppiresbut if i start "map" the daemon is started15:54
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: what kind of audio decoder did you use with upstream mplayer? have you compiled mplayer with right optimization options (ex. hardware floating point support enabled)?16:05
ssvbvasily_pupkin: for XV output, have you also disabled colorkey?16:06
vasily_pupkinssvb: yes, i try several variations16:06
vasily_pupkinssvb: i can mail this package if you want16:06
ssvbno, I definitely don't have time to test it :)16:07
ppireshow can i use my n810 internal gps with maemo mapper?16:07
ssvbbut the idea is that the difference should be really minimal16:07
ppiresgpsd daemon is not running16:07
vasily_pupkin1:0 - microb-engine leads16:07
ppiresand  /dev/pgps doesn't existe16:07
ssvbmplayer has not progressed that much since rc1 for the commonly used codecs for ARM1116:08
vasily_pupkinssvb: may be. but looks like problems in xv16:08
vasily_pupkini rebuild xomap server, and may be have another try16:09
ssvbvasily_pupkin: it can be also a problem with audio decoder, you you use mp3 audio, you can try '-ac ffmp3' option to use fixed point decoder16:09
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vasily_pupkininteresting idea16:09
ssvbvasily_pupkin: have you tried options for XV from ?16:09
ssvbvasily_pupkin: aha, I remember that maemo mplayer also has some patches for XV output code, that could be the reason why upstream works so bad out of the box16:11
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: and of course, these patches were rejected upstream :)16:11
vasily_pupkinanybody know, how ofthen microb-engine from garage build releases?16:14
thopiekargood evening  I tried to build libsndfile in extras builder but got that message:  I really have no clue why this fails, because dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -sa has worked well on sb1 m.diablo before well16:20
lbtis ogg listed as a builddep?16:22
vasily_pupkinsvu: are you svu from L.O.R.? :)16:22
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vasily_pupkinssvb: with -ac ffmp3 it don't work at all16:23
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thopiekarI didn't created the (debain) files myself.. I just get everything by apt-get source libsndfile :P16:23
lbtyou may need to tweak them16:23
thopiekark thanks16:24
RockyDdcan I  install cvs in n810? I didn't find the pkg16:24
vasily_pupkinssvb: and with xv - artefacts like with old versions of vdpau16:24
lbtand your local build env probably has ogg so you never notice16:24
ssvbvasily_pupkin: ok, then something sounds to be completely broken, I would recommend recompiling it with gcc 3.4 and -O2 optimizations options just to check if these are not compiler bugs showing up16:25
thopiekarlbt: I would need libogg0-dev.. right?16:26
vasily_pupkinssvb: heh, may be next week. too many compilations for today :]16:26
ssvbvasily_pupkin: at least this is what maemo mplayer is using and it works more or less reliable (downgrade to -O2 is needed)16:26
vasily_pupkinand i couldn't build microb-engine at all :(16:27
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lbtthopiekar: sounds right16:27
thopiekark thanks again lbt :)16:28
vasily_pupkinssvb: i build maemo player and mplayer with same debian dir :]16:28
lbtapt-cache search libogg16:28
thopiekaroh yes :P the dependency for the bin is called libogg0..16:29
vasily_pupkinmaemo mplayer by the way working perfectly for now16:29
thopiekarvasily_pupkin ^16:29
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ssvbvasily_pupkin: there is at least one thing justifying upgrade: seeking does not work well in flv files in maemo mplayer (as it is based on mplayer rc1)16:34
vasily_pupkinyeah, thats why i try to build recent version16:35
RockyDdso, no cvs for n810?16:35
vasily_pupkinRockyDd: you can build it16:35
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RockyDdoh, Why no that? It too old?16:36
vasily_pupkinthere are thousands packages missing for maemo .. :]16:37
ssvbvasily_pupkin: there should be also Bundyo's build of mplayer based on one of the post-rc2 SVN snapshots with maemo related patches applied to it16:37
RockyDdok,  got it  thanks16:38
vasily_pupkinssvb: i don't find sources there16:38
vasily_pupkinfsck )16:39
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* GAN800 gushes blood16:41
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vasily_pupkinssvb: building ... ._.16:46
joyridercan anyone explain me how to create a deb package for maemo i keep finding sites and howto's telling me stuff like you should have a configure file if not make it happen which aint very helpfull. (i have never done this before). All i have atm is the (simple) makefile and all the files my project needs16:49
joyriderit compiles and the binary runs fine on the n81016:50
Robot101joyrider: its just a debian package, so any debian packaging intro you find is also applicable16:50
Robot101joyrider: you don't need a ./configure script, the debian/rules file can just invoke make16:50
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vasily_pupkinqwerty12_N800: hi17:19
vasily_pupkinqwerty12_N800: I just read
qwerty12_N800hi vasily_pupkin17:20
vasily_pupkinwhat is last your mplayer svn build?17:20
qwerty12_N800it was done using Bundyo's work17:21
vasily_pupkini just build mplayer from Bundyo's sources, but it from 03-2008 -- i.e. 1 year old :)17:22
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vasily_pupkini try to use patch with recent svn trunc, but, as expected, too many rejs17:22
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GeneralAntillesMan I hate DD-WRT17:23
GeneralAntillesI just don't have the energy to switch my router to Tomato, though. :(17:23
lcukuse adhoc :p17:23
* qwerty12_N800 wishes any of his three routers supported DD-WRT so I could pass judgement :p17:24
lcukMyrtti, you need to take up a hobby to relieve your frustration17:24
Myrttilcuk: I'm not going to comment on that, all I'm going to say is that I'm traveling to UK on Monday.17:25
Myrttiyou can fill out the blanks from there17:26
lbtqwerty12_N800: really ought to check what OSes his HW runs before buying them...17:27
GeneralAntilleslbt, the boy buys WinMob products. . . .17:28
* lbt shuddders17:28
* qwerty12_N800 sulks :p17:28
* lbt runs X-Wrt17:29
lbtbut not in ad-hoc mode17:29
GeneralAntillesand lcuk can't be arsed to buy a freaking router.17:30
GeneralAntillesWe're a sad bunch. ;)17:30
lbtsaturday afternoon and the suns out - we should be out playing...17:30
GeneralAntillesMorning still here.17:30
lbtheh - you've got lunch to come then :)17:31
GeneralAntillesImma get mediaserv going on my "new" 1.8GHz G5 then go to lunch.17:31
* lbt shudders17:31
GeneralAntillesHelluva lot better than some shitty Dell.17:32
GeneralAntillesAlso: free.17:32
lbtbut is it?17:32
GeneralAntillesMy primary machine is a dual-2.5GHz G5. :)17:32
lbtthe ties that bind...17:32
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Macermy 2nd core seems to idle a lot more than the 1st one17:37
lcukgan, speak for yourself about bein sad - im only up here cos the water fight ended with broken glasses :D17:37
GeneralAntillesMacer, not enough stuff setup to take advantage of two.17:39
* GeneralAntilles wonders why "gan" got popular.17:39
derfIt's short.17:46
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GeneralAntillesderf, yeah, but "GA" is shorter and more accurate. ;)17:49
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lcukuntil you come in the chan with GAN80017:52
lcuksomething you yourself came up with17:52
derfWell, the N goes with the 800, not the GA.17:52
derfBut you illustrated the next point I was going to make.17:52
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fuzzybunnywhen in n-gage gonna be on the n800?17:58
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MacerGeneralAntilles: i know but i figured some things would thread over17:59
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Macerfigured it would be more of a kernel level thing17:59
fuzzybunnyhi, again18:00
fuzzybunnyyou'll have to let me in18:00
fuzzybunnybye again18:01
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vasily_pupkin+b fuzzybunny*!*@*18:04
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fuzzybunnyfinally, i got ur attention18:06
fuzzybunnysry i had to do that18:06
fuzzybunnyill be nice now18:06
qwerty12_N800/IGNORE fuzzybunny18:06
fuzzybunnyno pleez18:06
fuzzybunnyi stop now18:06
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Myrttilcuk: btw, I feel like that bear atm, with the exception that I don't do primes, I do regexps18:19
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lcukMyrtti, i just did a search for prime bear - i imagine you mean the bear that shits prime numbers.  a regexp sounds like diahria18:22
Myrttilcuk: I thought you knew that I was talking about it since you commented that I need a hobby to relieve my frustration after I posted :-P18:24
luke-jrregexps ftw18:24
lcuklol no, that would be a finnish occupation :p18:24
Myrttiyeah, and about regexps...
Myrttiback to work...18:26
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lcukMyrtti, did you actually finish your regexp or does it return "zzzZZZZZ" for some more complex inputs?18:28
lcuknm i posted on jaiku18:28
joyridergod damn it been messing around whole afternoon trying to create a deb package when i finally manage to get one and want to install it on my N810 it says package is incompatible :/18:29
qwerty12_N800Make the section user/*18:30
joyriderlemme check18:30
lcukjoyrider, debian packaging is a black art18:30
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Myrttijoyrider: black magic, pentagrams and some offerings to the almighty Tux is required18:32
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joyrideryeah seems like it :)18:33
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joyriderhmm think i might have placed the dependencies wrong18:35
joyrider <- is the control file do any of you see to many or wrong dependencies ? (it's just a game that uses SDL_mixer, sdl_gfx, sdl_image, SDL18:37
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lcukdebian packaging came round for linux itself, how were things done in unix18:38
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lcukor other systems18:38
* lcuk cant remember how the amiga did app installs or whether everything ran from its own folder18:38
joyriderit says it can't find the gcc and linux headers thing18:38
lcuk"the linux headers thing" sounds important18:38
joyrideryeah but18:39
qwerty12_N800joyrider: user/games; not user/*. Also, keep "Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}" but remove the rest of the Depends18:39
joyriderah ok18:39
* GeneralAntilles chalks up strike 2 for fuzzybunny.18:39
wndlcuk, some applications used their own installer, some used c:Installer and some worked from any directory as-is18:39
* lcuk is expecting to release about 10 packages soon18:39
GeneralAntillesI blame penguinbait for adding a stupid WordPress IRC client.18:40
lcukwnd, were any of them as complex (and hence powerful?) as debs ?18:40
wndfar from that18:40
lcukGeneralAntilles, irc idiots predate penguinbait18:40
GeneralAntilleslcuk, he's encouraging them.18:41
lcuknahhh we are encouraging them by having a channel18:41
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GeneralAntillesYou can't stop them, but the least you can do is not lower the barrier to entry so low as to make it easy.18:41
wndon the other hand c:Installer used lisp-like language and allowed running abritary programs, not unlike DEBIAN/{post,pre}{inst,rm}18:41
lcukand since hes the first eejit ive seen in a while id say the S/N is still quite high18:41
lcukapart from when Myrtti starts talking about shitting bears :P18:42
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* Myrtti looks at the /bans and laughs18:44
Myrttiyou've got five bans...18:45
lcukare you our overlord Myrtti18:45
MyrttiI'd say you live a happy, trollfree life ;-)18:45
Myrtti#ubuntu has had over 30018:46
qwerty12_N800I blame Gentoo fanboys :p18:46
lbtGeneralAntilles: any icons yet?18:46
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, well, we went a looong time without any ops.18:46
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, now that we have ops, most of us are too lazy/slow to bother with aggressive banning.18:47
GeneralAntillesBut, yeah, we don't get the traffic other distro channels get.18:47
GeneralAntilleslbt, let me get back to my real machine. :P18:47
GeneralAntilleslbt, sometime next week.18:47
* Myrtti squints at the access list18:47
lbtok - I won't hold up the next release18:47
Myrttimy god. I've IRC'd too long18:47
fireun1no such thing18:48
luke-jrdoes the stock N810 OS support OpenGL?18:48
lbtnot hardware anyway18:48
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lbtdepends what you mean by stock :)18:49
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lbtyou can get libraries to render GL18:50
lbtI think Qt supports it18:50
lcukluke-jr, out of the box its got no normal mesa opengl stuff18:50
lcukit *can* be built but its never really been bothered with - its easier in easy-debian from qole and it will be easier in mer (sane dev env)18:50
lcuktheres something called tinygl which is a core basic baseline api compatible opengl library designed for small devices which does build and run nicely on the tablet but its utility is limited18:51
lcukand as lbt says qt probably has it18:52
Myrttiok, energy drink consumed, time to move to alcoholic debugging drinks18:53
z4chhhello lcuk, how is liqbase development going18:53
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lcuki need to start on my vodka stash, i got a litre for free \o/18:54
nomiswill it now be renamed to "liquorbase"?18:54
lcukquite nicely actually18:54
lcukno lol18:54
lbtMyrtti: did you say you were doing regexps?18:55
lcuki have been moving stuffs around and sorting things out18:55
lcukits coming into shape nicely :)18:56
GAN800lol, I was going to offer Bundyo a bugzilla product but I guess not. . . .18:58
Myrttilbt: sssshhhhh18:59
GAN800qole's Tear repository? . . .18:59
* GAN800 sighs.19:00
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GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, I expect you to try to direct these things in the right direction when I'm not paying attention. :P19:02
* qwerty12_N800 reports for duty :p19:03
* lbt settles back to watch19:03
* GeneralAntilles beats DD-WRT with a stick.19:04
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Myrttiso, where was I19:04
* lbt casually wanders around smoothly transitioning between both his X-Wrt APs19:04
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lbtMyrtti: saying "nom" instead of "niii"19:05
thopiekarNICK thopiekar.vm19:06
lbt'lo thopiekar - did the deps work?19:06
Myrttilbt: no, I was debugging foo=`grep -m 1 -e "=$" ${fpath}/${bar000}|sed -e 's/^\(=* *\)\([ 0-9]*\.*[0-9]*\) *\([^=|>|<|{|}\||#]*\)[ =]*/\3/'`19:07
thopiekar1yes :)19:07
luke-jrMyrtti: sed isn't portable19:07
lbtwhat you aiming for?19:07
Myrttiactually it does what it's supposed to, but the loops bork it19:07
Myrttiluke-jr: if it works in theory, it'll suffice for me for the time being19:08
thopiekar1and it was the logical one to take for that :)19:08
thopiekar1thanks again for the tip lbt :P19:08
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lbtMyrtti:  what you aiming for? what's the input and what are you trying to get?19:10
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* GeneralAntilles can see that building mplayer is also going to bring in every imaginable dependency on the planet.19:10
lbtor are you just hacking through it for fun :)19:10
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Myrttiah, now I get it, I need to call that function again to reset the foo19:11
* thopiekar is working on mixxx, to mix and scratch music on his tablet ( lbt ) :P19:13
lbtooh - mixxx is nice19:13
lbtisn't the audio HW a bit limited though?19:13
thopiekar:) the only thing I worry about is the cpu-speed and the 3d bindings in the gui..19:14
thopiekardon't know.. time for a test :P19:14
lbt3d? I thought it was all svg19:14
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thopiekarthe waveform in the gui has callbacks to opengl..19:15
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thopiekarthats why my wave form is buggy on gnome + compiz..19:16
thopiekaron my pc..19:16
thopiekaralmost the same thing with other gui's using ogl like google-earth, etc..19:17
lbtI got a half decent GPU to use compiz19:17
lbtand then found it was too conflicted19:17
lbtfun occasionally and I'm sure it'll get sorted.19:18
thopiekarbefore 2 weeks I switched to x64 and it seems that these gui's are not as much blinking as on x32..19:18
thopiekarisn't there a way to get a rid of that19:19
thopiekarof these blinking fields, where ogl is used...19:20
lbtoh, Qt is built with -no-opengl luke-jr19:20
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lbtit needs DRI219:20
lbtluke-jr: so no, Qt doesn't allow SW rendered opengl19:21
* lbt is sad19:21
* thopiekar too19:21
lbtthopiekar: and DRI2 isn't written into the kernel yet AFAIK, never mind in the drivers/Xorg19:21
lcukhow do you manage the funky qt rendering effects without gl then19:22
lcukie coverflow type things19:22
lbtwhich ones lcuk?19:22
lbtall rastered19:22
lbtmy scrolling is just rastered in the normal library19:22
lbtin fact I think we're using a slow renderer19:23
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lbtand they're trying to switch to a better one.19:23
lcuki dont think its slow, or at least when it was designed it wasnt slow: it was for desktop machines with 100x moar power19:23
lbtrelatively speaking19:23
lbtthe current renderer in Qt4.4 is the default one19:24
lbtthere is an optimised one that doesn't work fully yet19:24
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lcukwell the entire core of qt is 32bit and all widgets built ontop expect that so its gonna be a mammoth undertaking to try to get it all super rapid19:25
lcukthere is no real fast pathway for all but the simplest of things19:26
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lbtnot knowledgable about the guts - especially the render engines19:27
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lcukive got my eyes on a few mailing lists19:28
sistoyou guys use dropbear or openssh?19:30
qwerty12dropbear is for my router ;)19:30
sistoqwerty12: why not dropbear on the n810?19:31
sistois it less functional>?19:31
qwerty12Compared to openssh, yes.19:31
sistoqwerty12: have you installed the server too?19:32
qwerty12I like ssh'ing into my tablet, so yes.19:32
sistook, that's nice :)19:32
sistodo you enable it when you want to access or have it always running?19:32
qwerty12I have it always running.19:33
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sistoqwerty12: ok thanks!19:33
sistoI'm actually installing dropbear cleint only first to see if it works for me... if not I will go with openssh19:34
lcukthe comments on slashdot regarding how bad symbian is to develop for: is it that bad to work with?19:35
sistosigning sis files is kinda lame19:36
lcukwhat about signing sisto files?19:36
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t_s_ois it just here or is the rss feed for fresh apps on broken?19:37
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t_s_ohrmf, seems it may just be the tablet rss reader, as firefox on my desktop have no issues...19:40
GeneralAntillest_s_o, yeah, seems OK in Safari here.19:40
t_s_onow to figure out why the tablet rss see it as not downloadable...19:42
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lcukt_s_o, my internet is going slow in sympathy of your problems19:56
lcukor perhaps all the internet is being rerouted through your tablet :D19:56
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t_s_oye gods, i hope not...19:56
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t_s_ostill, if i could get that dsp to act as a fast router...20:04
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infobotHey, it's Akiyuki, the man!20:13
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AkiyukiThat's right baby.20:13
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joyriderpff still not able to get a working deb file i'm in hell :p20:16
qwerty12Jaffa, the vala package could do with an uber update. Did and it built fine in DIABLO_ARMEL20:19
qwerty12sisto, /msg infobot help20:19
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mikkov__anybody tried the newest leafpad?20:19
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qwerty12mikkov__, I did, installed fine but I don't know how auto indenting works so couldn't see if it worked. But the application on the whole works brilliantly :)20:20
vasily_pupkinheh. emacs forever ^_^20:21
sistoleafpad is cool20:21
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sistovery lightweight20:21
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sistodoes it have a shortcut to insert the current date?20:21
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mikkov__no, it doesn't20:22
lcuksisto, on device or on linux20:22
sistoI use leafpad in linux but I was asking about the maemo version20:23
* lcuk needs one of those for auto change note comments 20:23
lcukill have to make the liqbase editor do it20:23
lcukmind you, then i need to port it to windows20:23
lcukbbl anyway20:23
sistobbl = big barrel of liquor?20:24
mikkov__qwerty12: auto intending is when you press enter, the new line is automatically intended same way as the old line (think coding)20:24
qwerty12mikkov__, aha, thanks20:24
sistoit's indenting20:25
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joyriderwhen building a package where should the data be placed(like images etc) so that it's included in the .Deb ? i can't seem to figure this out20:26
sistodropbear sucked... I'm going for openssh client now20:26
sisto(actually dropbear failed to download)20:27
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sistowhat is better mplayer or kmplayer?20:40
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sistoI have kmplayer in my repos... I might have to add a new repo to get mplayer20:40
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tank-mankmplayer can be used as a frontend to mplayer21:01
GeneralAntillessisto, they're the same thing, really.21:04
GeneralAntilleskmplayer is just a front end21:04
GeneralAntillesmplayer in Extras is bundled with gmplayer.21:04
sistoah ok21:04
sistodo you prefer gmplayer or kmplayer?21:04
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sistoI guess kmplayer would require kde libraries which I might have to install right?21:05
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qwerty12_N800maemo's kmplayer != kde's kmplayer21:05
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sistook thanks!21:07
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* b-man|sick feels like crap :P21:09
* b-man|sick was so dizzy this morning he ran into a wall21:13
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b-man|sicki'm finally working on getting a new ubuntu jaunty rootstrap up - to fix some bugs from the previous one21:15
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lcukb-man|sick, make a note for the future: no running when you are sick21:17
lcukstay safe and warm in bed21:17
b-man|sicki was stumbling - not running XD21:18
* rmt_ sighs as he watches his the DHL tracking of his N810 .. I'm in central Italy.. turns out the warehouse is in Marseille.. went from there to.. Leipzig! Of course, it's Saturday.. So zee German DHL guys obviously aren't working on Saturdays.21:18
* rmt_ is wondering is somebody has already created an app or similar to see (& cache) the conjugation of verbs.. maybe using webverbix .. 21:19
lcuk"* b-man|sick was so dizzy this morning he ran into a wall" <<<<<<<<<<21:19
* rmt_ will make good use of his device for language learning..21:19
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lcukrmt_, just hook up the machine to irc and let it suckle from the ebb and flow of internet discussions21:20
b-man|sickwhen i mean by "run" i mean incounter21:20
lcukyou hit a counter, i think inwall is more apt21:20
* GeneralAntilles takes lcuk's puns permissions away.21:21
GeneralAntillesWe've already got a punmaster and his name is not lcuk. :P21:22
* b-man|sick hit the corner of the door frame to his bathroom XD21:22
* rmt_ quite likes Vala .. looking at Genie too (alternate syntax for Vala, using the same compiler)21:22
b-man|sickGeneralAntilles: lol21:22
lcukb-man|sick, read this and learn21:22
lcukGeneralAntilles, whos the punmaster?21:23
lcukrmt_, curious21:23
GeneralAntilleslcuk, Proteous.21:23
* lcuk might make his own language oneday21:23
* lcuk doesnt recall anything particularely punny coming from Proteous 21:23
GeneralAntillesPay better attention, then.21:24
* lcuk will try21:24
lcukdo we get any warning when he makes a pun?21:25
lcukis there a drumroll or anything?21:25
* Myrtti ran out of cider since she bought only two cans, sadness will ensue21:25
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* lcuk emails a beer to Myrtti 21:25
* b-man|sick gets chills, oh god21:25
Myrttilcuk: hopefully not lager?21:25
* lcuk flavors the beer with apples21:25
lcuknot at all, some open source homebrew :)21:26
Myrttithen I can taste it21:26
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lcuki would like to try making beer one day :)21:26
* b-man|sick gets some tea21:26
dmzhowdy y'all, anyone here use 2 x n810 + asterisk to do video conf?21:27
* dmz has beer ingredients in garage21:27
lcukdmz i use the default application and gtalk thingy21:27
lcukit does video nicely21:27
Myrttimmmm which reminds me that it's only 2 days and four hours until I get my n80021:28
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, are you tablet-less at the moment?21:28
lcukb-man|sick, have you tried running a norton scan, it sounds like you have a virus21:29
MyrttiGeneralAntilles: 770 counts as something better than nothing, but less than n80021:29
qwerty12_N800dmz: I remember seeing some N8x0 asterisk related stuff on iTT, may be worth a search there21:29
lcukheh Myrtti what you doing with your 770 afterwards, i hope its gonna carry on living21:29
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MyrttiGeneralAntilles: can't run numptyphysics on it21:29
Myrttilcuk: either going to sell it to a workmate or use it as home automation remote21:29
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, the OMAP2 tablets are wonderful. :)21:30
lcukgood, they arent totally obscolete21:30
GeneralAntillesLess obsolete than a damn 770 anyway.21:31
MyrttiI still love my 770 really much even still21:31
* b-man|sick starts shaking uncontrollably, god i hate chills XP21:32
dmzlcuk for default application do you mean the "internet call" app?  we've gotten it to connect & we can see our own camera image but just can't see the other person21:32
Myrttihaving n800 would give easier video calls and working numpty physics21:32
dmzmy only wish is an n810 with 1G of ram, sigh21:32
Myrttiand radio21:32
Myrttinot that I'd use it that much, I don't ever listen to radio21:32
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lcukdmz, yeah it works flawlessly when we try it here21:33
vasily_pupkindmz: +121:33
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lcukwhy need so much memory - what apps are you working on tablet that need it?21:33
dmzG-Talk used to have video chat function for the Nokia N 800 series but it has since been disabled :(21:33
lcukseriously, which?21:33
vasily_pupkintry to start pidgin, browser and something else21:34
GeneralAntillesdmz, 1GB == no battery life.21:34
dmzlcuk i want to be able to have > 2 apps running (map + canola2 + anything...) w/out swapping21:34
vasily_pupkinthan open new page in browser21:34
GeneralAntillesAlso, expensive as hell.21:34
dmzi'd pay :)21:34
lcukcan canola be multitasked?21:34
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lcuki never saw any way to task switch :p21:34
GeneralAntillesdmz, nobody makes a PoP that large, so Nokia would have to solder a bunch of chips to the board.21:34
GeneralAntillesExpensive and power hungy.21:35
vasily_pupkinlcuk: good joke :)21:35
qwerty12_N800lcuk: home button.21:35
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GeneralAntilles~qwerty12_N800 +121:35
lcukmind you liqbase was in the same boat \o/21:35
mikkov__GeneralAntilles: is there any info if rx-51 will have more than 128MB of ram?21:35
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b-man|sickit should - if it's running clutter21:36
lcukdmz, how much memory does map need?  i know at certain times it might increase but does it need mega buckets?21:36
dmzi just want to do more with it than i probably should21:37
dmzi want to have pidgin on, connected via bluetooth to network (cell) driving down the road listening to music and follownig map21:38
lcuki remember running loads more than 2 apps in just half a meg of memory21:38
dmzthese apps are too big though :) you ever see how much pidgin does these days!21:38
dmzstill i wonder why we can't see each other on video21:38
vasily_pupkinpidgin is fat21:38
vasily_pupkinanybody know good replacement? )21:39
konttori_hey, has anyone heard if the indt guys will be porting python soon to fremantle21:39
vasily_pupkinsometimes I use emacs-jabber :)21:39
mikkov__dmz: are you using tablet to tablet video call? it should work21:39
lcukkonttori_, python libs and evas and edge and stuff are already in fremantle repo21:39
lcukerrr maybe not python21:39
vasily_pupkinbut it isn't good some times21:39
lcukmy mistake21:39
joyriderpff i only manage to create a package with fakeroot dpkg-deb --build ./debian but with dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot i get a .deb file wich doesn't include any of my data files nor my binary itself.. i'm guessing this isn't normal21:40
dmzyeah we're using our own asterisk box & 810 on both side21:40
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mikkov__konttori: python2.5 is part of the  fremantle sdk21:40
sistormt_: did you just say you're from Italy a while ago?21:41
sistooh he left21:41
konttori_mikkov__: but the bindings are missing to a lot of stuff.21:41
konttori_is the arm version of python available somewhere?21:42
sistooh no actually he didn't lol :P21:42
konttori_also, e.g. gpodder is complaining in extras devel of the missing dependencies.21:42
rmt_sisto, I'm in Italy, yes.21:42
rmt_sisto, Not from Italy.21:42
mikkov__konttori: ah so it seems. but most important python2.5-gtk2 is there21:43
rmt_Youa cana tella thata I'ma nota nativea, because-a Ia don'ta type-a likea thisa:21:43
lcukb-man|sick, clutter does not specifically mean more memory, you can run an extremely constrained low memory footprint 3d application and have it compelling and useful21:43
sistormt_: lol :)21:44
sistomy family is from Italy. in which province are you staying?21:44
rmt_In Perugia atm.21:44
konttori_mikkov__: yeah, but would be great if someone (indt?) could put the packages to extras devel as well.21:44
konttori_e.g. if someone wants to experiement on beagleboard.21:44
lcukjoyrider, dunno packages irk everyone, we have a specific debmaster for maemo, jeremiah, find him in work hours21:44
* lcuk would experiment on beagleboard if it had a touchscreen21:45
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sistonever been there21:45
sistomy family is from Trentino21:45
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sistormt_: where are you from then?21:46
rmt_Ah, zie germanso vono Italio!21:46
konttori_lcuk: well, hoock up the beagleboard output to vnc, then use vnc client on your n810 and voila, you have touchscreen ;)21:47
rmt_I'm Australian. But Germany has my european heart.21:47
lcukyeah but i cant send xv over vnc (without finishing my quantum entanglement experiement anyway)21:47
rmt_Or it could just be about the beer. ;)21:47
sistook! I don't speak Italian nor german though :)21:48
lcukthere is a touch module for it but it bumps the cost wayyyyyyy up21:48
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konttori_lcuk: ah. true enough21:49
rmt_sisto, Where are you?21:49
rmt_Italian export. :-)21:49
rmt_They're good at it ... I bet the Italian food you eat there is better than the typical Italian food you get here.. at least in Umbria. ;)21:50
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lcukkonttori_, that hack you mention (that qole described in the announce thread) is inspired, but does it send over clutter data correctly?21:50
qwerty12_N800must.. refrain from repeating Homer Simpson quote21:50
lcukor does it work because in scratchbox clutter is rendered onto a normal page21:50
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konttori_lcuk: I have no clue. I haven't tested. that was just an idea.21:51
GeneralAntillesmikkov__, nothing about RAM, really.21:51
GeneralAntillesmikkov__, unless you want to base it on what the other OMAP3 devices are shipping.21:51
mikkov__how much other omap3 devices have then?21:51
konttori_luck: I wonder if I just upload the source packages for a few python bindings from diablo to fremantle extras-devel, will I be able to get those compiled.21:52
* rmt_ is going to make a good italian-style red thai curry. ;-)21:52
GeneralAntillesmikkov__, 128MB or 256MB depending on which version. :P21:52
lcukkonttori_, since we know you have a working version of the current alpha, could you make a video showing us how its meant to be -  i still cant get a feel of how its meant to work or what the background animation is meant to look like or anything21:52
GeneralAntillesmikkov__, Beagle and Pandora have both upgraded to 256MB.21:52
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lcukkonttori_, the fremantle extras builder is in place i believe21:52
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, real fast, how much RAM in the next tablet???? ;)21:52
mikkov__GeneralAntilles: I really hope that rx-51 has 256MB (or more)21:53
lcukyou can push anything to it and it will try21:53
sistormt_: lol21:53
lcuklol GeneralAntilles you shouldnt ask questions like that, use reverse psychology :P21:53
GeneralAntillesWhatever you do, don't tell us how much RAM is in the next tablet!21:53
sistormt_: I think Italy is the best place for italian21:54
qwerty12_N800lcuk: everyone knows it's all about a good bribe ;)21:54
lcukmoan and complain about how you heard the new tablet only has 256mb and see how much of a response you get ;)21:54
konttori_lcuk: lol ;) GeneralAntilles lol ;)21:54
mikkov__konttori_: I would expect that python packages will build just fine21:54
sistomaybe not Perugia21:54
GeneralAntillesWell, mikkov__, I tried. ;)21:54
sistotry Verona or Venezia21:54
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mikkov__wasn't there going to be some mass build of diablo extras devel to fremantle extras-devel?21:56
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rmt_sisto, The problem here is that the food is very regional.  If you want good pizza, you should go to campagna.. or find a good restaurant that specialises in campagna style pizza.. lasagna's not to be found in this city at all.. Piadina's quite good, but that's only because it's made it to fast food status and it's so damn simple.21:56
konttori_mikkov__: that would make a lot of sense21:56
GeneralAntillesmikkov__, it was only discussed, a plan was never arrive at.21:56
GeneralAntillesYou could poke -community about it more directly.21:56
sistormt_: are you on vacation?21:56
rmt_sisto, Heaven forbid if you want something spicy.. The Italians run away screaming if you add a touch of real chilli to a dish.21:56
GeneralAntillesNot sure how involved a process it is.21:56
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rmt_sisto, Girlfriend's on student exchange here. I'm just learning the language and occupying myself in other ways. :)21:57
sistormt_: that is also true in Uruguay, we have lots of italians here.21:57
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, any clues about or Maemo@Forum Nokia?21:57
mikkov__Actually I hope that they donnt import _everything_ to fremantle exras-devel :)21:57
sistormt_: did you visit lots of places already?21:57
konttori_GeneralAntilles: considering that I didn't even know those existed, I cannot give you guys any clues21:58
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rmt_I thought the Germans had a problem with spices.. but at least there you can go to an Indian restaurant and, with a bit of work convincing them first, get a spicy dish.21:58
rmt_sisto, Unfortunately not yet.  Just around Umbria, and of course Florence & Rome.21:58
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GeneralAntilleskonttori_, well, they're not secrets or anything, but I haven't heard any progress reports in a while so I'm wondering if there's some sort of timeline.21:59
sistoVenice is lovely21:59
rmt_sisto, Have you visited?21:59
konttori_GeneralAntilles: you should ask kate21:59
rmt_Yes.. unfortunately missed a cheap bus day-trip to Venice with the Uni here..21:59
sistoyup... Venice, Verona, Rome, Milan, Trento, Florence21:59
rmt_Actually looking forward to going down south.. a little bit of Africa in Europe. :-)22:00
sistoif you go try to visit the blown glass factories22:00
sistoIf you like those kind of things22:00
sistoit's fun to watch how they make it22:00
sistoI loved the fact that instead of buses they have boat-buses :)22:01
konttori_GeneralAntilles: ok. so, it's a marketing site? I mean, you probably know more than I do22:01
sistothey work exactly like e bus22:01
sistoyou get in pay the ticket and get off on your stop22:01
GeneralAntilleskonttori_, well Nokia's moving most of its stuff off
GeneralAntillesThe user-relevant stuff is going to and developer documentation is moving to Forum Nokia.22:02
GeneralAntillesMakes it easier for and makes it easier for Nokia, I guess.22:02
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MyrttiGeneralAntilles: o really?22:02
konttori_ok, I understand the reason to move docs to
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, beta documentation is apparently still going to take shape on
konttori_and yeah, well, is better name than tableteer22:03
* Myrtti wonders what the training material and reference manual are for...22:03
lcukMyrtti, whoever you target it for now, a swift regexp can retarget it ;)22:04
* GeneralAntilles doesn't really have all the details and motivations.22:04
lcukgood job you are getting your practice in :P22:04
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Maceranybody here have a drobo?22:05
sistohow do I mark a selection in the browser and copy it?22:06
sistoIt keeps scrolling on me when I try to select22:06
GeneralAntillesdouble-tap, drag.22:09
sistoGeneralAntilles: thx22:10
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lcukvoodoo magic!22:16
* b-man|sick feels like passing out22:22
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timelE61iYou could sleep() ...22:23
b-man|sicknah, i want to get what i'm working on done22:23
lcukor apt-get paramedic22:24
* timelE61i struggles to climb stairs22:24
lcuktimelE61i, stannah stair lift?22:24
b-man|sicki'm not that sick :P22:24
timelE61istannah ??22:25
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* b-man|sick turns up the volume on his N800 to stay focused22:27
Macerseriously have to change some of my vnc settings heh22:28
Macerdoing this over ssh is slow as hell22:28
Macerover my phone22:28
* qwerty12_N800 wonders how lcuk manages to watch that advert22:29
timelessthey don't seem to speak English22:29
timelessbut seriously, to get to the fifth floor?22:29
timelessthere's no room for an elevator...22:29
lcukget a proper stairlift22:29
lcukwhich advert qwerty12_N80022:29
lcukon actually stannah page?22:30
qwerty12_N800lcuk: the stannah one, fkn annoying to me22:30
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timelE61imacer: irc over phoe is fine :)22:30
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timeless(some typos expected)22:31
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florianhi all22:33
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thopeiakr-vmhi there.. could someone tell me something about gfortran?22:38
thopeiakr-vmI would need it for fftw3>libsamplerate>mixxx ...22:39
mikkov__use fort7722:40
Macerheh.. well22:41
* lcuk scratches his head at the perl script to get a digital clock to 0.1seconds - posted to maemo-users22:41
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Maceri'm doing that over the phone too22:41
MacerG1 + tmob + wifi tether = best i've used so far22:41
* lcuk wonders what problem it solves22:41
thopeiakr-vmbut is it also available in maemo's apt, mikkov__?22:42
mikkov__you could try? it is22:42
thopeiakr-vmMacer: costs?22:42
qwerty12_N800lcuk: people who are anal-retentive about their time?22:42
mikkov__but it's another thing if it works ;)22:42
thopeiakr-vmnice it need this (compiler or whatever it is)22:42
Macerthopeiakr-vm: doesn't cost that much22:43
lcuki dont know22:43
Macerfigure my phone bill with the best G1 plan is like 90$/month22:43
thopeiakr-vmaround and where?  Macer?22:43
Macer:) it's great.. beats the hell out of att22:43
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MyrttiI think the script just might work now...23:04
Myrttiif it does, I'm going to scream23:04
thopeiakr-vmare there available deb's of texlive?23:05
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thopiekar-vmI would need them for fftw3, too23:05
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mikkov__thopeiakr-vm: you probably mean texinfo and  it's there23:24
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fireun1question: just did a dist-upgrade on one of my boxen, and lost about a gig of drive space in the bargain... any suggestions on where I should look for cleaning out older files no longer needed that happen to still exist? I've nuked the old kernel source already...23:28
fireun1(^generic linux question)23:29
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mikkov__try apt-get clean23:29
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fireun1already did that too23:29
fireun1also done23:30
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* fireun1 should just delete ufoai, hasnt played it in months and months23:31
* fireun1 found an orphan kernel source dir, nukes it23:32
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mikkov__thopeiakr-vm: ah texlive is for transfig. You'd better hope that you don't really all of the tex stuff23:34
mikkov__really need23:34
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* lcuk goes to the bar23:57
lcukwho wants one?23:57

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