IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2009-02-26

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GuySoftzs1 i dont because it does not work there... i00:22
GuySoftits an xmodmap fix00:22
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GeneralAntillesAnybody have any objections to maemoorg-splash and athf-splash being promoted?00:28
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lbtGeneralAntilles: did 0.5.1 work for you?01:23
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iMoosehey folks! google has failed me, where do I get kismet from now that the .pl repository has gone?01:56
oliiMoose: wait a sec, i'll help you :)01:59
iMooseoli: nice, thanks!02:00
iMooseI'm sure I can get gpsd etc everything working, I just can't find the package for kismet.02:00
oliinstall libcap first, then kismet from  deb02:01
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iMoosemmmm, tasty02:01
iMoosei will go do that :)02:01
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iMooseso far so good...02:11
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iMooseyay! happy and working.02:14
iMoosemany thanks02:14
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iMoosei'll have to wait for my GPS to charge before I worry about gps support02:15
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GeneralAntilleslbt, yeah.02:29
lbtgood :) Let me know of any crashes etc - once asterisk sends my voicemails to my imap server I'll do multicolumn...02:30
lbtoh - and let me know if/when bugzilla is active02:30
GeneralAntillesIt should be active now02:31
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GeneralAntillesUgh, they even got Engadget
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lpotterlaptops.. right..03:16
GeneralAntillesI like the "new widget-based interface"03:18
GeneralAntillesi.e., OS2007. . . .03:18
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jaemgood morning03:27
jaemI've installed bash, and symlinked /bin/sh to /bin/bash, but my .bashrc isn't being read in when I start up the Maemo terminal emulator.  Am I doing something wrong?03:28
jaemit works when I run /bin/bash manually, from an already open shell03:29
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tank-manhow do you know it is bash that you first start03:38
tank-manand not busybox03:38
jaemwell, I checked, and also, I deleted the symlink to busybox, and re-linked /bin/sh to bash03:38
tank-manhow did you check? like with "help" and looking at the version?03:39
jaemto be honest, I can't remember, as it was last night that I was fiddling with it, but I'm quite certain it is03:41
jaemI was trying to append something to my $PATH, and add an alias03:41
jaemthe prompt seems to be the one set in the .bashrc03:42
jaembut the $PATH and alias aren't set as they should be03:42
jaemif I open a terminal, and then run /bin/bash, everything goes as expected03:42
tank-mani vaguely remember reading something somewhere about not making a sym link like you did, cause of possible problems03:42
tank-manreplacing busybox with bash03:42
jaemhmm... I was wondering.  Did Nokia do something weird in their setup?03:43
jaemI couldn't find much information on replacing it on the N81003:43
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b-manWOHOOOO!!!!!! Wireless is now working in Ubuntu on my tablet!!! :D :D :D XD  ttp://  -- i'll be updating the ubuntu-n8x0 guide to include instructions as soon as i can :)04:02
jaem%11111000 !!!!04:03
jaemhmmm... I was looking through my spam box in case something slipped through, and apparently I'm getting spam trying to sell me FPGAs04:04
jaemthen again, I am in engineering04:04
jaembut it's rather amusing04:04
jaemb-man: how's the performance and battery life for Ubuntu?04:05
b-mannot too bad as long as you have powersave enabled :)04:06
b-man2-3 hours for ubuntu with gnome)04:06
jaemis that light use, heavy use, or idle?04:07
b-manidle - 1-2 for heavy use04:07
jaemhmm... I suppose a quadruple-boot setup on a handheld wouldn't be too absurd for me04:07
jaemI may try it04:07
b-manit probiblly will have better performance with a lighter desktop ;)04:08
jaemyeah.  I like LXDE04:08
jaemwhat sort of install method is needed for it?04:09
b-manfor lxde?04:09
jaemfor the Ubuntu install, I mean04:09
b-manfor now, you will need to use the guide, however i'm working on an installer :)04:10
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jaemwoah!  I'm just watching the VMWare on N800 demo04:16
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jaemI would buy that.  I hope it becomes available for a reasonable price04:17
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GeneralAntillesjaem, that all seem suspiciously fast.04:20
GeneralAntillesThe video rendering is just too smooth.04:20
jaemit admittedly does04:20
jaembut I doubt they'd demo something if they didn't think they could make it at least useable04:21
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GeneralAntillesI'm just wondering what the gimmick is.04:21
GeneralAntillesMaybe they stuffed an RX-51 into an N800 case. :P04:21
jaemI've heard of phones using virtualization before, but not with OSes of that scale04:21
GeneralAntillesI mean, a Core 2 Duo machine doesn't even run Ubuntu that smoothly in VMWare. . . .04:22
jaemI haven't had many issues04:22
jaemalthough the only Ubuntu VM I have running right now is on a remote server, and there are some connection issues, so performance stinks04:23
jaemI find it hard to believe the spinning globe04:23
jaembut still, virtualization on the N8x0/N810+1 would be nice, in any case04:23
GeneralAntillesRAM is going to be an issue.04:24
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jaemb-man: is the wifi support available with updates after install, or do I have to wait for that?04:29
b-manyou'll need to wait untill i update tablet-wireless if you want a deb install, however i'm posting instructions on the ubuntu-n8x0 guide right now :D04:30
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b-manjaem: instructions are now available at  -- have fun!! :D04:34
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jaemb-man: where might I find debootstrap for Maemo?04:59
jaemoh never mind05:00
jaemI'm blind, apparently05:00
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jaemhrm... debootstrap on the Jaunty install is saying the package lists are corrupt05:22
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sistousing my brand new n81005:24
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jaemI was expecting a question, but smilies are always better :P05:24
jaemhow do you like it?05:24
sistoit´s awesome!05:25
jaemindeed.  I certainly like mine05:25
sistouseful and easy to use05:26
sistodo you know how to put it on idle mode?05:27
jaemif you mean like the "sleep' setting on Palms and similar, it doesn't have one05:27
jaemI'm not sure how it works exactly, but you can leave it on all day with no problem05:27
jaemheck - you can leave the wireless connected for a few days with no problem05:27
sistoyea. i think it goes into a sort of idle mode automatically05:28
sistopretty cool05:28
sistosee ya05:30
sistobed time now05:30
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b-man16chatting in ubuntu and maemo :)06:01
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bef0rdhi both of you06:21
FireFox2i'm both FireFox2 and 306:22
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FireFox2bef0rd: nice :)06:24
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timelE61ii'm finally fixing my l10n packages and need answers about some strings06:58
timelE61i"System Storage" or "System storage"?06:58
timelE61iAlso, anyone remember which other strings i was supposed to fix? :)06:58
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GeneralAntillesNokia seems to prefer sentence case.06:59
timelE61iyeah, i've picked that06:59
* timelE61i wonders how consistent they were07:00
GeneralAntillesKnowing Nokia, probably not very.07:00
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* timelE61i nods07:01
timelE61ipoor mer, it's been attacked a few times recently07:01
timelE61i(things keep rebooting my laptop w/o my permission, and vmware isn't safely suspending mer)07:02
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timelE61icute, ham-util is bashist07:03
timelE61iIs that fixed?07:03
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ukatanhi, what's the most recent diablo feature upgrade version?07:29
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StsN800 <- so much for unlocked android phones..07:50
* StsN800 hugs his tablet07:51
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befr0d_isn't it 43-7?08:07
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timelE61iask bugzilla08:19
timelE61iAnyone here understand ham?08:19
timelE61iSometimes it'll say things about requires/conflicts/required08:20
timelE61iI translated those to reference the package under question08:20
timelE61iHowever, am i wrong? Is the info about some random package?08:20
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StsN800example please?08:23
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timelE61iProbably try mixing mer+diablo and installing games08:41
timelE61iSadly i can't use x11 in my mer, which makes this hard08:41
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* timelE61i eyes an error string suspiciously08:58
* Stskeeps eyes another work day09:00
neatojonesNeatojones doesn't have a working forward slash in Ubuntu right now...eye the remarks of those who are able to use use it with jealousy09:02
* timelE61i chuckles09:03
timelE61igot a mouse that can copy?09:03
timelE61i /set cmdchars ,09:03
timelE61iBorrow that :)09:03
neatojonesthats what I usually do09:03
Stskeepsneatojones: n810?09:04
timelE61i / is hard to use on most devices, and besides it interferes w/ pasting paths09:04
* neatojones neatojones greatfully accepts the /09:04
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* neatojones steals the numbers from Stskeeps09:05
timelE61ibtw, you can usually steal a / from the browser09:05
neatojonesi get my numbers from the calculator09:06
Stskeepsneatojones: got mer-HAL and xkb-data?09:06
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neatojoneshave a file with all of them in it09:06
neatojonesI need to check the versions09:06
neatojonesthought I had the hal from mer.  might have the wrong xkb09:07
neatojonesi update stuff sometimes without paying enough attention09:07
* neatojones goes to check on versions09:07
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fireunheh, yay wordwrap... "i update stuff sometimes without paying"... its ubuntu, what are you doing paying!? (;09:09
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neatojonesit all worked in hildon.  gnome messed it up09:09
fireungnome has been known to mess up09:10
fireunwhen will we get enlightenment for nUbuntu?09:11
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neatojoneswhy does the taphold never work until I'm tryingtohighlight and don't want it to...09:13
neatojoneshal is mer1 there is an update available, but I have it pinned to avoid jaunty versions09:13
fireunmmm, blueberries09:14
neatojonesforcing now...09:15
neatojonesfireun, did you get e going?09:16
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timelE61isTs: can you fix alarmd?09:18
Stskeepswhat about it?09:18
timelE61iIt's bashist09:19
Stskeepsah, possible, i hope to switch to whatever fremantle has eventually though09:19
* neatojones updating...will report back with results of hal upgrade.09:19
Proteousjust found out that the default windows XP desktop picture was taking right near my house09:19
StskeepsProteous: you live inside a XP installation09:20
timelE61iStskeeps: bug 414809:20
neatojonesfireun, I'm in enlightenment right now typing this09:21
neatojonesillume is very nice09:21
StskeepstimelE61i: ta09:21
StskeepstimelE61i: someone really ought to run a bashism check on all maemo packages09:22
Stskeepsthere's automated tools for it09:22
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Stskeeps157 build dependancies (at least) to build apt.09:29
Stskeepsthat's frightening.09:29
sansStskeeps:qmake is not workin in maemo how to set that09:30
Stskeepssans: think you might have success with qmake in scratchbox but not necessarily on maemo09:30
sansso how to correct it09:31
Stskeepsno clue, not a qt developer :P09:31
sansqmake is not workin in maemo how to set that09:31
sanshello any help on this ::qmake is not workin in maemo how to set that09:32
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timelE61isans: atm #maemo isn't really home to many qt devs09:33
Stskeepssans: i suspect you might be able to file a mail to maemo-developers or qt-maemo mailing list09:33
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Stskeepsmorning qwerty12_N80009:34
* timelE61i would suggest finding trolls09:34
qwerty12_N800hi Stskeeps09:34
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: building apt natively and on x86 atm :P (i believe in crash testing :P)09:35
qwerty12_N800ehehe, always a good plan :p09:36
qwerty12_N800i'm seeing if this net-man-applet build worked09:36
Stskeepsthe one i did?09:36
qwerty12_N800yeah, i've taken it, and in theory, added tap & hold09:37
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neatojonesupdated...still no Fn key09:38
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: interesting09:38
Stskeepsneatojones: setxkbmap -print09:39
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neatojonesxkb_keymap {09:40
neatojonesxkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)"};09:40
neatojonesxkb_types     { include "complete"};09:40
neatojonesxkb_compat    { include "complete"};09:40
neatojonesxkb_symbols   { include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"};09:40
neatojonesxkb_geometry  { include "pc(pc105)"};09:40
Stskeepsyeah, that's wrong09:40
Stskeepssetxkbmap -model nokiarx44 -layout us09:41
Stskeepsand you restarted HAL and X and everything?09:41
neatojonesrebooted the tablet09:42
neatojonesthe xkb line now lists the nokia keyboard, but I need to restart09:43
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contactramuhello all09:54
contactramuwhen I run gtk application scratchbox using Xepher it is showing full screen where as when run as as standalone it showing properly09:55
Stskeepswhat SDK release?09:56
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Stskeepsand you have HAL mer4?10:02
neatojonesif I have scim installed can that affect it?10:03
neatojonesit's part of gnome install10:03
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Stskeepsnot sure10:04
Stskeepsmaybe you have to adjust keyboard settings10:04
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Stskeepslshal | grep xkb.model10:05
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: thoughtfix is now on "Nokia Sparrow" hype. :P10:06
neatojonesinput.xkb.model = 'pc105'  (string)10:06
Stskeepsi don't have a N810 anymore in the office sorry10:07
neatojonesthanks for trying.  we'll figure it out10:07
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neatojoneswhere is xkb.model stored?10:08
neatojonesmanual file edit?10:08
Stskeepscould you see if /usr/share/hal/policy/10osvendor (or something)/10-x11-keymap.fdi exists?10:09
Stskeepsif it does, get rid of it10:09
Tobauh why10:09
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StskeepsToba: because it has a rather facist way of going around things. Since it uses debian-setup-keyboard (or something) as a callout, and callouts are called after FDI evaluation, it screws up any kind of stuff FDI has detected regarding input.xkb.*10:11
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Tobayou clearly know more about this topic than I10:11
Stskeepsand replaces it with console-setup information10:11
Stskeepsyeah, i spent a day buried in that :P10:11
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TobaI'm the same way about something, I'm sure.10:11
Tobaoh, right. mysql and its stupid policies re: tempfiles.10:12
Tobabut that's a story for another day10:12
Stskeepsneatojones: it was there? :P10:12
neatojonesit existed in  /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor10:12
Stskeepswtf :P10:13
Stskeepsdpkg -L hal10:13
Stskeepsis it in there?10:14
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Stskeepsand it was called 10-x11-keymap.fdi? :P10:16
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neatojonesyeah that is there10:17
neatojonesrechecking installed version now10:17
Stskeepsk, cos i don't have that in my deb :P10:17
neatojonesI just deleted the whole directory10:17
neatojonesYou're definately right.  I told it to install one and verified, but it seems to have installed the other...10:20
neatojonesI don't get it10:20
neatojoneswill try again10:20
aquatixmorning all10:25
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neatojonesI realize it makes no sense, but synaptic wouldn't let me install that version.  had to do it old school...without a working keyboard10:38
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jyrois the fremantle device a laptop?
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Stskeepsjyro: i'd say tablets are a mid-way between laptops and netbooks these days..10:40
Stskeepser, embedded systems and netbooks10:40
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jyromay be nokia is trying to change defn of laptop making it comparable to cellphone in size10:41
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Stskeepsthough, i wouldn't be that happy about fremantle on a laptop, but that's just me..10:42
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inzjyro, in the tv show, O-P said (about laptops) "Never say never." and them something that they're constantly thinking of those (and probably everything else too)10:45
jyrohmm, press turns even a speculation into a news sometimes...10:46
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inzjyro, my own translation: Interviewer: "Will nokia make a mini laptop someday?" O-P: "Never say never. Of course we're looking at this business opportunity, even quite actively."10:50
jyrothanks inz10:51
inzFor the finnish speaking: "Tekeekö Nokia joskus oman kannettavan, minikannettavan?" - "Ei koskaan pidä sanoa ei koskaan. Kyllä me totta kai katsomme tätäkin bisnesmahdollisuutta hyvinkin aktiivisesti."10:51
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Mikho_what was the solution for "checking whether the C++ compiler works... configure: error: cannot run C++ compiled programs." when configuring for armel?10:56
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neatojonesStskeeps: still no Fn key.  the right debs are installed now.  and those commands seem to list the right keyboard10:58
MikhoFound the solution once, but forgot what it was10:59
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Mikhofound it. Fixes the problem until next reboot by writing: sudo sh -c 'echo 4096 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr'11:03
Mikhooutside scratchbox11:03
inzAhh, that11:04
inzI guess I was the first to run into that one, at least the first one to blog about it11:04
Mikhoyes, I remember finding the solution from your blog11:05
Mikhowas there a way to permanently fix it11:05
inzecho "vm.mmap_min_addr=4096" >> /etc/sysctl.d/20-scratchbox.conf11:06
inzOr something similar11:06
inzOr apt-get upgrade ;)11:06
inzAhh, that won't do, it's wine that has fixed it for me11:07
inzAnd I have wine from some weird place.11:07
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Mikhook, thanks for advice11:07
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StsN800neatojones, not sure sorry, i have no idea about ubuntu ver11:14
RST38hSts: Planet says there is a new version of Tracker, one to be used in Fremantle11:15
RST38hSts: You may want to put it into MeR to see how much it will drain the battery =)11:15
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neatojonesStskeeps...looks like I have a version of evdev from b-man repos..could that be the culprit?11:25
neatojonesI'm trying to dload the mer version, but the repo appears to be down11:26
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StsN800yeah, switch getting switched11:28
StsN800and yes11:28
StsN800evdev would make a difference11:28
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neatojonesthat must be it then.11:34 if I could just figure out why the onscreen keyboard isn't working.11:35
StsN800thats a can of worms11:40
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StsN800which on-screen kbd?11:43
neatojonesStsN800: the enlightenment one.  It's supposedly really nice, but I can't get it to show up on screen.11:44
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neatojonesI need to drop in on their boards sometime when I get a chance11:45
neatojonesi've really reserached it and can't find a reason why.  No errors, no onscreen keyboard, nothing.11:47
neatojonesI'm hoping someone else will eventually install enlightenment that actually has a clue and figures it out. :)11:48
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floriangood morning11:49
Mikhowould anyone know where the default pkgdatadir is defined in autotools? I'd like to write the DBUS service file .in file such as Exec=@pkgdatadir@/@filename_my_prog@, but the result after autoconf is Exec=@pkgdatadir@/my_prog11:49
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Mikhonow, I could write AC_SUBST(pkgdatadir) in, but at that point pkgdatadir doesnt seem to have a value yet11:50
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zs1hi can i use ConIcConnectionStatus to check bluetooth connection?11:57
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Stskeepsneatojones: rep up again12:06
sansStskeeps:one issue in application an html page from net but it is not able to load images12:12
sansStskeeps: any way12:13
sansapplication an html page from net but it is not able to load images12:14
Stskeepssans: sorry, no idea12:14
sansin my application an html page from net but it is not able to load images12:14
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sanstimeIE61i:any idea for this issue n my application an html page from net but it is not able to load images12:17
sansStskeeps : thanks12:18
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sansi am having one problem my application load an html page from net but it is not able to load images of that page it only shows text.any idea :)12:22
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neatojonesStsN800: got it!!!  it was indeed the evdev package from bman's ubuntu repo that caused the Fn key not towork12:27
RST38hsans: turn image loading on12:27
neatojonesthe Mer package got it going12:27
Stskeepsneatojones: thought so12:29
neatojonesThanks again for your help!12:30
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zs1how can i get sbox_user_uid and sbox_user_gid?12:37
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inzzs1, why?12:39
zs1i need to set up cpu transparency12:39
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inzzs1, well sbox_user_id is likely your user id (try command id); and gid is that of the sbox (grep sbox /etc/group)12:40
zs1ok thanks12:41
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sansStskeeps: in my maemo emulator in the left side the web icon doesn't appears could u say what could be the problem12:43
sansIn my maemo emulator in the left side the web icon doesn't appears any help?:)12:44
* andre__ wonders if it's only timeless using "bread crumb" as a synonym for "tab"12:45
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sansStskeeps: any idea12:47
sansStskeeps: any suggestions12:48
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RST38hAnyone who bought the $400 unlocked developer G1 is in for a nasty surprise: Google, citing piracy concerns, won't allow those handsets to access paid Marketplace apps.12:52
* RST38h cackles evilly12:52
RST38hMost Android phones download paid content to a private, hidden apps folder, inaccessible to the user. Thing is, as is stands, this normally inaccessible folder is accessible on the dev phones. Not only does this let people flat out copy and redistribute appsit enables a sort of app laundering scam, in which someone buys an app, copies it to another location, and gets a refund for the app12:53
* RST38h giggles uncontrollably12:53
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X-FadeSecurity by obscurity, always a good scheme..12:54
RST38hX-Fade: Rather security by Unix file permissions :)12:54
glasshaha yeah especially if you're running an 'open' os thats already rooted12:54
* RST38h imagines a bunch of Google geeks in a meeting, saying in sorry voices "Well, we haven't thought about it"12:55
sansca anyone suggest in my maemo emulator in the left side the web icon doesn't appears could u say what could be the problem12:58
sanscan anyone suggest in my maemo emulator in the left side the web/world icon doesn't appears could u say what could be the problem12:59
RST38hsans: it means your sdk setup is somehow screwed13:00
RST38hsomething has not been installed, but that is normal for maemo sdk13:00
sansRST38h: so the solution is?13:01
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RST38hsans: disregard it, use real device.13:05
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sansRst38h: thanks :)13:07
X-FadeDoes anybody else have problems with Vagalume not playing tracks anymore?13:09
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StskeepsX-Fade: WORKSFORME13:10
X-FadeStskeeps: Weird, I get all kinds of connection errors.13:11
Stskeepsyeah, i get those occasionally13:14
X-FadeI can't get any sound out of it atm. Weird.13:15
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Stskeeps'lo kozak13:19
kozakHello Stskeeps!13:19
Stskeepskozak: <- new kernel btw13:19
Stskeeps(for beagle)13:20
kozakoh ! ok...  these are debian packages!13:21
Stskeepsdpkg -i them, and then mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x80008000 -e 0x80008000 -n "Linux" -d rootfs/vmlinuz bootfs/uImage to get a uImage13:22
Stskeeps(uboot-tools or uboot-utils i think)13:22
kozakOh ok i will try them out! thanks13:22
kozakHows mer coming?13:23
Stskeepsthis week? slow13:23
Stskeepsbeen working mostly on the nokia 770 port13:23
kozakOh ok13:23
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glassis mer usable on 770 currently?13:35
Stskeepsgetting there slowly13:36
Stskeepsgot wifi working yesterday13:36
Stskeeps48mhz mmc kernel helps a lot :P13:36
Stskeepsbut a proper Xomap would help wonders, too :P13:36
glassi got a 770 collecting dust.. thats why intrested13:37
Stskeepsproblems right now: takes too bloody long time booting, and the X driver lacks manual updates13:37
_berto_X-Fade: I'll try to release a fixed version of vagalume today13:38
_berto_apparently they changed something in the streaming service13:38
_berto_and some 3rd-party clients are broken (that I know: rhythmbox, vagalume, canola and banshee)13:39
wjtdoes anyone else think Vagalume is kind of unfortunately named? :)13:43
X-Fade_berto_: Ah, so at least it isn't me ;)13:43
_berto_wjt: it's very difficult to choose a word that sounds ok in all languanges :)13:44
_berto_wjt: for what it's worth, vagalume is usually chosen as one of the most beautiful words in my language13:45
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wjt_berto_: fair enough :)13:46
_berto_that's not the only case anyway: mamona doesn't sound exactly good to spanish speakers :)13:46
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wjtoh, heh :)13:47
wjtI guess this is why large software companies employ people to do multinational market research13:48
RST38hand smart people just make abbreviations without vowels13:49
_berto_yes, I know of some cars that have different names in their spanish version13:49
_berto_(e.g mitsubishi pajero)13:50
parazitushm, that's interesting :) and what cars?13:50
_berto_(pajero in spanish means more or less "wanker")13:51
RST38hChevy Nova too13:51
glassthey sold nova in mexico13:52
glassand had/have a gasoline brand named somewhat similar too13:52
MikaTI bet many people would buy Mitsubishi in Finland, if it would be called "Mitsubishi Runkkari" (runkkari == wanker)13:52
inzThat would be cool13:53
inzIt should consume gasoline/petrol faster than a airliner13:54
MikaT_berto_ I noticed "connection errors" too with Vagalume, but their own client suffers it too.13:54
RST38hglass: afaik, no-va means something like no-go in spanish but I may be wrong13:54
glassRST38h: yes it does13:54
_berto_MikaT: hmm, I see nothing strange with their official client13:54
glassRST38h: but still they sold it, it's an urban myth that they changed name13:54
_berto_MikaT: in fact i'm using vagalume from SVN trunk and it works fine13:54
glassRST38h: it's pronounced quite differently apparently13:55
X-Fade_berto_: Can I test that package ;)13:55
MikaT_berto_: Ok, letme try that too...13:55
_berto_yes, no-va means "doesn't go" in spanish but "nova" is a fairly common latin word here13:55
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Stskeepsmorning timelE61i13:55
_berto_most people wouldn't notice the nova <=> no va thing13:56
_berto_however, pajero is too obvious13:56
RST38hglass: well, this stuff even occurs in English, with English speaking carmakers13:57
RST38hglass: Pontiac Fiero had a very ..mmm... proper name for example13:57
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_berto_they also used different names for sega genesis/megadrive, but I don't think it had anything to do with bad-sounding words13:58
tank-man"it enables a sort of app laundering scam, in which someone buys an app, copies it to another location, and gets a refund for the app" <-- Where can you get refunds for used software, especially software bought on a phone13:59
Stskeepstank-man: Android?14:00
tank-manyea , refering to what RST38h said above14:00
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tank-man1hr ago :P14:00
Stskeepstank-man: i utterly think Android is a joke after ADP1 suddenly can't use app store.14:00
monkeyiqanyone able to send files to an n810 over bluetooth? or browse obex with obexftp from the n810?14:02
Stskeepsmonkeyiq: i send n810 files regulary14:03
Stskeepser, n80014:03
monkeyiqStskeeps; send too the n800?14:03
monkeyiqStskeeps; I can send from it but not too :/14:03
monkeyiqah ok, using a command like  obexftp -b $FOO_BT   --put dfdf.txt on the sending machine?14:04
Stskeepsactually it was from a cellphone14:04
glassRST38h: i kinda fancy the pontiac fiero.. not with stock engine but anyways.   of the pontiacs anyways...14:04
tank-manmaybe that bluetooth setting that makes your device discoverable is off14:04
RST38hNokia has plans to put Symbian onto laptop computers, with the vendor predicting converged devices were likely to appear in as little as five years from now.14:04
RST38hSounds like a distorted echo of the Sparrow-based hw news14:04
glassidiot analysing14:05
Stskeepsor the "Nokia Sparrow"14:05
Stskeepswhich certainly has featers..14:05
RST38hwell, let us see what the guysays14:05
monkeyiqStskeeps; ah ok. excellent, I just sent one from the e71 -> n810, so it seems to work, just not from the desktop14:06
tank-mansounds like a nokia conspiracy14:08
RST38h  <--- pure speculation based on a single quote from the CEO14:08
tank-manbetter than mac fans that make up rumors based on nothing :)14:09
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MikaT_berto_: confirmed, Vagalume from svn seems to work at least now.14:12
* RST38h considers spreading some false mac rumors just to get poor suckers into a frenzy14:12
tank-man"We are looking very actively also at this opportunity," Kallasvuo said, when asked whether Nokia plans to make laptops.14:13
tank-manthat doesnt sound like pure speculation14:13
_berto_MikaT: great14:13
glasstank-man: it does sound like speculation14:13
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_berto_MikaT: but I wonder why the official app fails for you14:13
glasstank-man: especially if you'd count a n810 in a clamshell as a laptop14:13
glassat what point would it become a "netbook"?14:14
aquatixi'd say that is a netbook14:14
oliwhen it reach 7" diameter :)14:14
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aquatixor would it be an unetbook?14:14
MikaT_berto_: I don't know either. Just tried it this morning, and it gave similar errors than Vagalume.14:14
aquatixsome ultra-14:14
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_berto_MikaT: I'm using 1.5.1.something and I've never seen anything strange14:16
StskeepsRST38h: try "Nokia takes over Apple phone division, replacing iPhone OS with Symbian" :P14:16
RST38hSts: it has to be credible enough to work14:17
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StskeepsRST38h: Android on iPhone?14:17
olibtw, what about iphone linux?14:17
MikaT_berto_: Yep, mine is 1: too, but just tried it this morning.14:18
Stskeepsoli: haven't seen much progress i think14:18
RST38hSts: Apple licensing iPhone OS to HTC will make a good rumor14:18
StskeepsRST38h: true14:18
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_berto_MikaT: anyway, I'll try to release a fixed version when I have some minutes14:19
MikaT_berto_: Still happening (in "official" client): "There was a problem contacting the radio streamer. Please try again later." and "Http error: server closed connection unexpectedly".14:20
_berto_that's weird14:20
MikaT_berto_: But Vagalume works, so everything is ok :)14:20
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MikaT_berto_: Btw, site gets confused easily by changing clients or scrobblers at fast pace.14:21
MikaT_berto_: My profile now says "Listening now using Scrobbler", but I'm definitely using Vagalume :) The song is correct.14:22
_berto_MikaT: if you have them working at the same time, yes. if now, they should work fine14:22
_berto_MikaT: ah, that might be true14:22
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MikaT_berto_: No, I didn't use them at the same time. I closed another and started another.14:23
MikaT_berto_: ...and now after a few refreshing, it's correct again.14:24
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_berto_lunch tiem!14:27
_berto_lunch time!14:27
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guysoft42hi all, yesterday i turned my nokia off and it was fine, today when i wanted to boot to my flash it just reboots on the flashscreen. is there a way to troubleshoot the boot problem?14:34
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Stskeepshappen to have bootmenu with usb network recovery?14:35
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guysoft42Stskeeps, yes14:50
Stskeepsguysoft42: go check if your / ran out of space, mount it in the usb network recovery telnet14:50
guysoft42Stskeeps, i also have an os working not in the flash14:50
guysoft42Stskeeps, nope, i have 600MB free14:50
guysoft42Stskeeps, saw that was common in google14:51
Stskeeps600M in the internal flash? :P14:51
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guysoft42Stskeeps, yes.. its a nokia N810, i mean the extra one14:53
Stskeepsguysoft42: when i say internal flash i mean internal flash, not internal mmc14:53
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guysoft42Stskeeps, the internal flash is also fine, i am in it now, i thought i might try reinstall the bootmenu , its mentioned in penguinbait14:54
guysoft42Stskeeps, is there a way to stop the bootsplash so i see where it dies?14:56
Stskeepsin maemo? nop14:56
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jeremiah_Can't you drop into a shell from grub?14:57
Stskeepsjeremiah_: no grub on tablets :P14:57
Stskeeps(i wish there were though.)14:57
jeremiah_Is the boot process then a Nokia thing? In the sense that Nokia has written software for it?14:57
jeremiah_I thought that might be the case.14:58
StskeepsNOLO -> x-loader -> kernel (rootfs=initfs) -> rootfs14:58
jeremiah_Is that entire chain proprietary?14:58
Stskeepswe can replace the last 214:58
jeremiah_Okay, cool.14:58
jeremiah_(Is that what mer does?)14:59
jeremiah_Replace the last two?14:59
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AStormdo you know of a way to make nokia connection manager support usb ethernet connections?15:00
AStormyou know, g_ether15:00
d-fens_hi guys, didn't understood it - is this also a kmplayer chan?15:00
guysoft42if i am on the internal flash, is there a way to simulate a boot in chroot or something15:00
guysoft42what i really need is a way to detect what is worng..15:00
d-fens_or where to bug kmplayer upstream then15:00
jeremiah_guysoft42: Are there logs in /var/log?15:01
jeremiah_Perhaps you have already checked that . . .15:01
guysoft42jeremiah_, let me have a look15:01
jeremiah_If there are logs, look at syslog.15:02
jeremiah_And messages, if that is present.15:02
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jeremiah_You might also want to look at dmesg15:02
AStormguysoft42, just get a correct initfs15:02
AStormand you can boot anything15:02
jeremiah_AStorm: So you suspect the initfs is corrupt?15:03
jeremiah_I have no idea, I have not diagnosed this problem myself,15:03
jeremiah_just trying to help out. :)15:03
AStormI mean guysoft42 can boot any dir via initfs15:03
guysoft42there seems to be in /var/log only something from fontconfig.log15:03
guysoft42jeremiah_, no, it boots fine in to my internal system, i think its something i installed15:04
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guysoft42Stskeeps, the boot passes the loading blue bar at the bottom, what stage is that?15:08
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jeremiah_guysoft42: Aha.15:24
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udovdhhow can dpkg show which package a file belongs to?15:43
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Stskeepsjeremiah_: well, we (currently) use a bootmenu which is basically a patcher for initfs15:43
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udovdhand what is the differens between osso-gpsd and libgps in OpenEmbedded?15:43
udovdhboth provide a libgps15:44
AStormsome patches, supposedly?15:44
udovdhwhy does dpkg not know about certain packages even when i enabled red pill mode?15:45
AStormwhich ones?15:45
AStormdpkg is always in red pill ;>15:46
udovdhcertain libraries15:46
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udovdhdpkg is broken as hell if what I experience is the norm15:46
udovdhno insult meant15:46
AStormnot dpkg, but rather maemo ;p15:46
AStorm(your version)15:46
udovdhas well, yes!15:46
udovdhreally hush hush job15:46
AStormmeaning someone installed things by hand15:46
udovdhas long as it looks pretty it is ok15:46
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udovdhalso some system libs?15:47
AStormyes, possible15:47
AStormtry mer, it doesn't have this problem15:47
udovdh see first attamept there15:47
udovdha number of stuff is a dependency15:47
udovdhmost of it *IS* on the system15:47
udovdhwhich n810 distro doesn't suffer from these issues?15:47
AStormmer, again (but you get to make a gpsdriver package)15:48
AStormmer is based on mobile ubuntu15:48
udovdhI must build navit with the same gpslib stuff as is on the n81015:48
udovdhthen dpkg might not complain?15:49
udovdhubuntu is also apt-get/dpkg?15:49
AStormmost likely15:49
udovdhthat is my approach15:49
AStormyeah... stupid question15:49
udovdhbecause when I do an apt-get -f install15:49
udovdhto fix the dependency stuff it keeps complaining about15:49
udovdheven though I forced stuff15:49
udovdhand it even works...15:49
StskeepsAStorm: not based on ubuntu mobile :P it's based on ubuntu jaunty, but not any part of u-m (except hildon-icons..)15:49
udovdhthen it proposes to delete half of the system!15:49
udovdhwill do a fresh build...15:51
AStorm(in scratchbox ofc)15:51
udovdhno scratchbox15:51
udovdhthis is an OE attempt15:51
udovdhand when I reboot15:51
udovdhI have to reinsert my sd card?15:51
udovdhto get it mounted?15:51
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AStormudovdh: no,why?15:53
udovdhbecause OE also works for my HP ipaq H221015:54
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udovdhand I would not want to install extra stuff when OE also works15:57
udovdhopen question: what stuff does scratchbox provide that OE can't do, spcicially for building stuff?15:57
udovdhbtw: how do I kill the wifi from the cli?15:58
udovdhjust to save some battery?15:58
Stskeepsudovdh: OE is focused exclusively on cross-compiling, and Scratchbox admits there are some cross-compilation scenarios that cannot work without binary emulation15:58
udovdhhmmm. no expert there, but if I cna build navit... :-)15:58
Stskeepsi gave up on the maemo platform as it is now, personally :P16:00
udovdhhmmm I am about to16:00
udovdhjust propose a sane(r) alternative16:00
udovdhand with some time I can make the switch16:01
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Stskeepswell, Mer, in time. :P16:05
Stskeepsas it goes, for progress16:07
Stskeepstest out the vmdk i guess16:07
Stskeepswhy Navit and not maemo mapper, btw?16:08
udovdhwhere do I get extra maps for mapper?16:08
udovdhI was already running navit on ipaq16:08
udovdhas an upcoming tomtom alternative16:08
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Stskeepsfetching them through the downloader, for instance :P16:08
Stskeepsor adding google maps or other map repositories16:09
udovdhjust wanted slightly better hardware16:09
udovdhgoogle maps for routing?16:09
Stskeepstrue, not so easy16:09
udovdhnot perfect but a good project16:09
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udovdhwhere can I find libdbus for latest maemo?16:11
udovdhor can I downgrade/install it using apt-get?16:11
Stskeepslibdbus should be fairly up to date, afaik16:12
Stskeepsand the latest for your OS release is in the SDK release for it16:12
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udovdhStskeeps, yes, but I overwrote it with the one I built in OE16:13
Stskeepsah :P16:13
udovdhstarting the whole dpkg madness16:13
udovdhso I want to make it as it was16:13
Stskeepsapt-get install --reinstall16:13
udovdhand then build navit with libs deps with same versions16:13
udovdhand that will overwrite a newer version?16:13
Stskeepsthink so16:13
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udovdhit needs help16:14
Stskeepsdpkg -i the old dbus-glib?16:15
Stskeepsbut honestly, things like this is why i am not fond of maemo OS as it is right now.16:15
udovdhStskeeps, can I have dpkg/apt-get show the url for libdbus?16:17
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udovdhso I cna install it by hand?16:17
Stskeepsudovdh: apt-cache search16:17
Stskeepslo VDVsx16:17
VDVsxhi Stskeeps16:17
udovdhno url, just description?16:17
Stskeepsudovdh: apt-cache show PKG16:18
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udovdhStskeeps, thanks, bo url.. will gogole now16:19
udovdhtadaa! done... pfew... :-)16:21
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Jaffalo maddler!16:29
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Stskeepssuihkulokki: thumbs up on the kernel gsoc idea, very good idea :)16:35
Stskeepssuihkulokki: but maybe it's easier to target -omap instead of mainline?16:35
thopiekarproblems after reinstalling mcalender in the ...
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VDVsxgrrr, my debian/rules file isn't working :(17:06
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VDVsxI have a rule to copy a sudoers file to /etc/sudoers.d/ but the file isn't copied17:06
VDVsxhow  offer me a hand testing a package ? :)17:07
udovdhis there a trick to tell dpkg that a certain package is installed when it isn't at this time, according to dpkg?17:08
udovdh(but the files ARE on the filesystem)17:08
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udovdhdifference between first and second block is by building dbus-1-3 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.3 on OE17:09
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udovdhnow I built gpsd as well with the right
udovdhbut a few things remain that are installed on the n81017:10
udovdhbut dpkg doesn't know about them17:10
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mgedminVDVsx: I can take a look at your debian/rules17:13
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VDVsxmgedmin, starts here:   (not a autotools project)17:14
VDVsxmgedmin, the strange thing here, it that the version 0.1 deb works fine and now doesn't work anymore17:15
mgedmin... looks ok17:18
VDVsxmgedmin, everthing works except the sudoers file that isn't copied in my system :(17:20
VDVsxif I run as superuser the app works17:20
mgedminaaaugh garage gives me a nicely html-formatted page for the .diff.gz17:22
mgedminI can't wget it easily17:22
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VDVsxmgedmin, can you try to install the package ?17:25
mgedminjust built the .devb17:26
mgedmingrr my mc is sorting by filename extension17:26
mgedminno, by size17:26
mgedminwell, the .deb does contain /etc/sudoers.d/bluemaemo.sudoers17:27
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mgedminVDVsx: it's a bad idea for the .deb to contain files in /home/user!17:27
mgedminwhen you uninstall, these will be removed17:28
VDVsxhere I put user config files ?17:28
mgedmin/home/user is a good place for the config files17:28
mgedminbut the deb shouldn't claim ownership17:29
mgedmintypically the program creates a default config file on startup (or when the user explicitly saves settings)17:29
VDVsxhumm, ok17:29
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mgedminor you have a default config file in /etc and a dotfile in ~/ overrides that17:30
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mgedminthe .deb looks as if it should correctly update the sudoers file :/17:31
* mgedmin tries dpkg -i17:32
mgedmindependency problems, I don't have python2.5-edje, evas, ecore, efl-core etc....17:32
* mgedmin apt-get install -f17:32
mgedminwants to remove osso-software-version-rx44, why?17:32
VDVsxI think they are in extras17:33
qwerty12VDVsx, does this version enable the bluetooth if not enabled? :)17:33
VDVsxqwerty12, yup17:33
qwerty12Wicked, thanks :)17:33
VDVsxmgedmin, strange17:33
X-Fademgedmin: Because the package conflicts with the strict deps of o-s-v?17:33
mgedmincould be some other deb I installed for testing purposes17:34
mgedminmetalayer-crawler0_1.3.19-3_armel.deb is rather starting at me from my /media/mmc117:34
VDVsxqwerty12, but the .deb is a little bit broken right know :)17:34
X-Fademgedmin: Or install osv-unlocked.17:34
mgedminyup, osso-software-version-rx44: Depends: metalayer-crawler0 (= 1.3.19-2) but 1.3.19-3 is to be installed17:34
mgedminW: Unable to locate package osv-unlocked17:35
qwerty12VDVsx, heh, is it mainly the sudoers thing? :)17:35
qwerty12mgedmin, osso-software-version-rx4-unlocked17:35
infobotqwerty12 meant: mgedmin, osso-software-version-rx44-unlocked17:35
VDVsxqwerty12, yup, the sudoers file isn't copied :(17:36
mgedminVDVsx: when I open your bluemaemo_0.2-1_armel.deb from garage with gdebi, I also see etc/sudoers.d/bluemaemo.sudoers inside17:37
mgedminwill test if the postinst script does its job now17:37
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mgedmin"Updating Sudoers" was duly echo'ed17:37
mgedminuser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/bluemaemo is in my /etc/sudoers17:37
VDVsxso I broke something in my system17:38
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mgedminnow this is a deb I dpkg-buildpackage'd myself from the .dsc, .diff.gz and .tar.gz I just downloaded from garage17:38
mgedminI could test the .deb from garage too, if you want?17:38
VDVsxmgedmin, yes, please :)17:38
* mgedmin curses the wget-unfriendly garage browser again17:39
mgedminseems to work17:40
mgedminunless it's the leftover from the earlier, working, package17:40
* mgedmin tries apt-get remove bluemaemo17:40
* mgedmin also does rm /etc/sudoers.d/bluemaemo.sudoers && update-sudoers17:41
mgedminand now dpkg -i again17:41
mgedmingrep bluemaemo /etc/sudoers is empty17:42
mgedmin/etc/sudoers.d/bluemaemo is not there17:42
mgedminI know!17:42
inzmgedmin, do dpkg --purge and then reinstall17:42
mgedmindpkg conffile management17:42
mgedminit sees that I manually rm'ed a conffile, it thinks I want it gone forever17:42
mgedminthat could explain VDVsx's problems too17:42
VDVsxyes I removed the bluemaemo.sudoers file too17:43
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mgedminbtw, "dpkg - warning: while removing bluemaemo, directory `/home/user' not empty so not removed." is a scary message17:43
mgedmindebs shouldn't claim /home/user17:43
VDVsxI gonna change that :)17:43
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VDVsxnow I have the sudoers file updated correctly but the app fails when need superuser privileges :(17:55
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qwerty12Are you trying to run bluemaemo as root or certain commands, run by bluemaemo, as root?17:57
udovdhanotther question:17:58
udovdhhow do i get gpsd started for the internal gps of the n810?17:58
VDVsxqwerty12, certain commands inside bluemaemo need root prev17:58
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qwerty12Your sudoers file is wrong then, that only allows bluemaemo to be ran as root17:59
VDVsxqwerty12, the strange thing is that I have the same setup of the first version17:59
qwerty12Ofc, if bluemaemo is ran as root, any subsequent commands ran from bluemaemo would be ran as root but I don't know if bluemaemo is running as root or user18:00
VDVsxqwerty12, is run as user, "python /usr/lib/...bluemaemo"18:00
qwerty12Yeah, then the sudoers file is having little effect as you only have a rule to run bluemaemo as root18:01
qwerty12*not* the commands you want bluemaemo to run as root18:01
VDVsxqwerty12, but its exactly the same commands as the first version of bluemaemo18:02
qwerty12Which don't seem to be working for this version.18:03
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RST38hBell Canada is charging $.15CAD for a Twitter message18:09
RST38hIsn't that sweet?18:10
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pupnikarm/linux based open-source robot helicopter sentries
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RST38hdeadly green lasers?18:18
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RST38hno deadly lasers - FAIL.18:19
lcukdid you see the crocodiles with magnets.  that would make an impressive turret base18:20
RST38hyea, that's a good idea18:20
lcuki think the same principle would work with sharks18:21
RST38hremote controlled (via GSM) crocodile with a laser turret18:21
RST38hlcuk: no, there are problems with radio waves in water18:21
RST38h+ a shark will have less targets18:21
lcukyou could give the shark an offline map device18:22
RST38hlcuk: Have you seen the famous FL picture of python vs croc?18:22
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lcukbut you might be right, possibly dolphins or whales would be better, they can get bearings every few minutes when they resurface18:22
lcukno rst18:23
RST38hApparently a few pet pythons ran away from their owners and found FL swamps comfortable18:23
lcukohhhh yes, i remember that one18:23
RST38hEverglades is a wild, wild place =)18:24
lcukyeah, teres lots of things out there18:25
lcukcrap, speaking of wild animals, customer on phone, bbl18:25
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_berto_is there something wrong with the autobuilder ? I uploaded vagalume 0.7.1 a few ago and it compiled fine, but it's not in extras-devel yet18:37
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RST38hlcuk: is customer trying to swallow you whole? =)18:46
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Stskeeps8001 is a Mac? :P19:00
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, GAN8001 is my 3rd nick that this machine fell back to when GeneralAntilles got kicked at some point last night. :P19:02
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fauxmightWow, and I thought I was oblivious. I've been lurking here mostly for months, and only just figured out GAN was you.19:03
Stskeepsfauxmight: it took me quite a while too19:03
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suihkulokkiStskeeps: most of those drivers have already been in linux-omap (tony cleaned them out at some point)19:06
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* Stskeeps will be happy to see any kernel progress19:08
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qwerty12RST38h, if you want to be able to actually use rox-filer (if you installed it), replace /usr/bin/rox (after installing that deb) with: (toolbar hildonized, fullscreen added & mapped right click function to menu button)19:09
Stskeepsqwerty12: thumbs up on apt btw19:10
qwerty12It works sanely?19:10
Stskeepsyou can mark it 100%19:10
Stskeepsdidn't test x86 yet but i will19:10
qwerty12Cool, I'll make the patch a quilt one.19:10
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GeneralAntillesSo, time to promote maemoorg-splash and athf-splash yet?19:11
* qwerty12 can vouch for athf-splash (without being biased, I promise)19:11
Proteousaqua teen hunger force19:13
GeneralAntillesPromoting. . . .19:14
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, looked at e2fsprogs yet? :P19:14
qwerty12Nope :P. IIRC, the chinook version was uploaded by me so I could upload cfdisk & parted... but I never tested (having a tablet that has diablo and all..). I've got e2fsprogs installed on the tablet currently, lemme remove and test19:15
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Stskeepswoo, 770 wifi \o/19:16
JaffaStskeeps: w00t19:17
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RST38hqwerty: Please, please, add it to extras!19:22
qwerty12RST38h, maybe, if it works somewhat ok :P19:22
RST38hqwerty: if the right button issue is solved, it should work, right?19:23
qwerty12Sure, but its a quick job19:23
infobotqwerty12 meant: Sure, but it's a quick job19:24
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RST38hthat would be the first fully usable file manager19:26
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Proteousfully usable file managers are for n00bs19:34
Proteousreal men like pain and suffering19:34
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qwerty12~torture Proteous19:35
* infobot forces Proteous to support Debian GNU/Hurd in production.19:35
qwerty12No. He's not a real man.19:35
qwerty12~cuddle Proteous19:35
* infobot grabs Proteous and cuddles until Proteous begs for mercy19:35
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, diablo version from extras-devel installed fine in red pill mode from h-a-m. Although you have a quite a few libs from the e2fsprogs section to promote too :)19:36
qwerty12RST38h, Test it first, hit me with the problems and maybe then it can be decided if it's actually usable :)19:36
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VDVsxmgedmin, thanks for your help, you resolved my problem :)20:03
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GeneralAntillest_s_o, circle _feed_? :P20:17
t_s_oi was pondering a more "common" variant...20:18
t_s_obut something told me the automated sensurship would pick that up...20:18
* Stskeeps ponders of some creative use of the ipaq 363020:18
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* t_s_o wonders what use he can find for his newly acquired eeepc 90020:20
lcukStskeeps, what res is your 363020:21
timelesshey, does mer work in Xen -pv ? :)20:21
Stskeepstimeless: no clue, does it boot normal linux kernels? :P20:22
timelesswell, i think it wants a pv driver somewhere20:22
Stskeepswhat really takes to get mer running is running kernel, a solid root fs and a xorg supported device20:22
Stskeepsmm, i kinda wish i could get xen working on my nexenta install20:23
Stskeepsmy backup server has a lot of unused resources20:23
timelessmy nexenta is in the middle of being retired20:24
timelesscould you try to help me to setup Mer w/ pv? :)20:25
Stskeepsfigure out if ubuntu has a kernel package for it and it should be pretty trivia20:25
Stskeeps(it looks like it)20:25
thopiekarjeremiah_: ?20:25
timelesssorry, debian/ubuntu confuse me too much, i'm asking for help :)20:25
timeless(this is from someone who actually did debootstrap nexenta into snv)20:26
Stskeepsfair enough20:26
timelessnote: i believe my box is not hvm enabled, otherwise there are a bunch of tutorials which should work20:26
timelessi'll at some point reboot the box and poke bios a bit20:27
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Stskeepsso what does it boot, a filesystem or a disk image?20:27
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timelessi think it can probably pick20:28
timelessi'd probably rather give it a disk image20:28
timelessremember i do have a vmdk w/ a Mer20:28
timeless(albeit a fairly lame mer)20:28
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Stskeepshmm, it looks a little like they dropped xen for kvm20:29
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timelessi guess i'd want to take my mer and install vnc*server20:30
timeless(and xinetd)20:31
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Stskeepsyeah, should be trivial, grab x11vnc i gues20:31
timelessoh, yeah, so, linux-image-xen is the key bit20:31
timelessand you're saying that's dead?20:32
Stskeepsyeah, they are endorsing KVM it seems20:32
Stskeepssince intrepid or something20:32
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hahlohi, diablo said, setupterm() failed for TERM=xterm: 0 what it means by that?20:32
* timeless wonders if grub can autodetect xen20:33
Stskeepsso it seems like a bit of a dead end currently20:33
mgedminhahlo: which command said that?20:34
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hahlomgedmin: irssi20:35
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mgedminmaybe you don't have the terminfo library installed20:35
mgedminI think it comes with the ncurses-base package20:35
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VDVsxwho is the responsible(s) for upload to extras invitations ?20:38
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Stskeepsthink X-Fade does them20:39
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VDVsxX-Fade, when you have some time, accept my request (if possible) :)20:45
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, when was it sent?20:48
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, ~2-3 h, I think20:49
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, turnaround time is usually a day. :P20:52
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Macer_people have started to charge for shitty apps on the android market21:00
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, ah ok, didn't know :)21:01
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, I thought more that one person have access to that (including you :) )21:02
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, well, they could, but I'd just as soon let X-Fade do all the work. :P21:03
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lcukwhy does google offer https pages by default to maemo wiki21:03
lcuki just tried searching mer 0.821:03
oliask them :)21:04
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Macerlcuk: because they are an evil conglomerate bent on world domination starting with their search engine21:14
lcukits 1 link though lol21:15
lcukthe others arent21:15
Macerdoesn't it always start out small?21:15
lcuki think it was how people referenced it21:15
lcukheh, skyne errrr google did start out smal21:15
Macerand now they are in phase 221:16
Maceri still think their stock is overinflated21:16
lcukeveryones stock is overinflated21:16
Macerhah! not anymore! :)21:16
Maceronly google's21:17
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GeneralAntillesWhy is it that everybody seems to think the tablets are dead?21:25
GeneralAntillesI think Nokia has really mis stepped with the "delay the announcement" plan. . . .21:25
dnearyI'm trying to think of a generic way to submit two pieces of information in a POST: the position of a preference, and the name of the preference21:26
RST38hGeneral: You seriously do not know why?21:26
RST38hOr was it a rhetorical question? =)21:26
dnearyI'm thinking "preferenceN=voteM"21:26
dnearyRST38h: I don't know why21:26
GeneralAntillesRST38h, there seems to be plenty of activity from where I'm sitting.21:26
dnearyMe too21:26
GeneralAntillesEngadget has had more than a few posts on the matter.21:26
dnearySeems like the people announcing the death of the tablet are people who should know better21:27
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RST38hdneary,General: It is a simple combination of the recent flood of Atom based mobile gadgets that look like NIT + Nokia's own abandonment of the current tablet and its firmware21:29
RST38hI *know* this does not indicate anything but the public as a whole interpretes the situation as the end of the tablet21:30
RST38h+ you have now got an iphone look-alike from just about everybody in the industry, many of them with 800x480 screens21:31
RST38h"The girl, who had been using a games console regularly, recovered fully after 10 days of abstinence."21:32
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neatojonespeople are funny.  half the world's population would buy a $300 brick over an atom or arm if it looked "cuter"21:34
geoaxisgirl, who , what?21:34
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RST38hneat: That, again, is of no difference to the situation21:36
geoaxisi don't think nokia has abandoned NIT, they are just in sleeper moed, the real power of NIT would have been WiMax, which is not fully adopted yet21:36
neatojonesyeah, but it sure is funny (to me) :)21:36
RST38hThe main thing is that the tablet is no longer alone in its niche and, given perceived abandonment of the current OMAP2 design, many feel that it is the end of the road21:37
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geoaxisRST38h: I think nokia will come with a wimax only touch phone instead, so it can be considered as evolution21:38
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GeneralAntillesgeoaxis, they are not sleeping.21:38
GeneralAntillesand WiMAX isn't anything more than a niche that has so far failed to pan out.21:39
geoaxisGeneralAntilles: i believe it will be common place in 5 years21:39
geoaxisbut thats my gut feeling (after working for a wimax startup)21:40
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GeneralAntillesYes, but by that time LTE will be deployed and it wont much matter.21:41
GeneralAntillesThe next tablet is coming with HSPA anyway.21:41
* mgedmin had HSDPA as the primary means of net access for the last 3 weeks21:41
* mgedmin decided that it sucks21:41
GeneralAntillesDepends a lot on your location.21:42
GeneralAntillesand your equipment.21:42
GeneralAntillesI would never use it as primary access (150ms+ latency just doesn't cut it) but for mobile access it's fine.21:42
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RST38hgeoaxis: Whenreading crystal balls, you have to be realistic21:43
RST38hAnd being realistic, I would say HSDPA will be used, but not WiMax21:43
RST38hmgedmin: What are the problems with HSDPA?21:44
mgedminspotty coverage, I suspect21:44
RST38hAh, that is an implementation detail :)21:44
mgedminstaring at a blinking green light on the 3g usb modem for 40 minutes straight and muttering "connect damnit" is not fun21:44
mgedminanyway, certainly better than nothing, but worse than wifi21:45
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mgedminI don't even know why I mentioned it21:45
mgedminmust be my procrastination instincts kicking in21:45
RST38hmgedmin: sounds bad21:45
mgedmin("he thinks it's time to leave work! quick, start a random conversation on irc!")21:46
GeneralAntillesThe other problem with Nokia delaying the announcement is people driving their expectations up.21:46
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GeneralAntillesSo they've set one group up for disappointment and another to entirely forget the platform.21:46
* RST38h asks the Tentacled One to make MTS finally deploy 3G throughout the city. Bankrupt them if they don't, the Wise One.21:47
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RST38hGeneral: Oh, in this situation people will do all kinds of manic things21:47
RST38hGeneral: For reference, look at the last years of AmigaOS21:48
GeneralAntillesHopefully the alpha release will help, anyway.21:48
timelE61igan, so, do you remember os2007'21:54
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* timelE61i noticed that the chat app was called "IM"21:54
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* timelE61i wonders what caused them to change it21:56
RST38hGeneral: I do not think alpha release will help because it is mostly of interest to developers21:57
neatojonesThey could just release some totally bogus pics that would keep down the anxiety and then  closer tot the release, when they're really the real thing.  And then just say the concept long as it wasn't a downgrade in quality/aesthetics people probably wouldn't care.21:57
neatojonesthen of course there's the classic "leaked" info...21:58
mgedminthe leaked pics of the n810 looked horrid22:00
mgedminthe final device was a substantive upgrade in aesthetics22:00
neatojonesmy point exaclty22:00
mgedminI almost didn't buy an n810 because of that leaked pic22:01
GeneralAntillesRST38h, it'll have at least some of the UI.22:01
neatojoneshere, maybe I'll go make some mockups to "leak" from Nokia.22:01
GeneralAntillesWhich is something that's of interest to more than developers.22:01
* neatojones starts up mspaint22:01
GeneralAntillesI didn't believe the leaked pics of the N810 were a Maemo device until it was announced. . . .22:02
mgedminI suppose ascii-art leaks would be too suspicious to fool anybody....22:02
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neatojonesmy mspaint skills are sweet..its gonna have everyone fooled.  :P22:03
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RST38hGeneral: But if Nokia quickly put together a Diablo update with *some* features form Fremantle (preferable glitzy stuff), that would be a huge step to improve confidence22:03
RST38hGeneral: Would 1) showcase what Nokia is doing 2) indicate continuing support for existing users22:04
neatojones256 color pallete baby!22:04
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RST38hToo bad they are still treating tablets the same as their phones - "We give you the gadget and a couple of firmware updates (if you are lucky) and then you are on your own"22:06
GeneralAntillesThe N800 got two major OS release and updates spanning 2 years.22:07
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Pebby_RST38h: but they're also are showing a ton of support of the community-led stuff22:07
GeneralAntillesNto quite up to par, but certainly not quite the same as the phones.22:07
Pebby_RST38h: Otherwise, I tend to agree... yet another 'awesome hardware, not up to snuff software' thing ;)22:08
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Pebby_RST38h: They're at least doing the smart thing by leveraging open source with that kind of model - maybe they recognize their weakness ;)22:08
RST38hPebby: A simple non-developer, non-linux, non-oss tablet user does not see that stuff and does not care22:09
RST38hAll he cares is that support for his current gadget seems to be disappearing and there is no new gadget in sight22:10
Stskeepsbiggest selling point for 770 have had to be the mahjong game, heh22:10
lcukit still is now22:10
RST38hGeneral: Some overhyped phones like N95 have got more updates :)22:10
* RST38h likes Othello and the Pipe thing more though22:11
RST38h(btw Othello absolutely hates going into Expert mode for some reason)22:11
Pebby_RST38h: Oh, I agree completely.. but there are plenty of OSS projects that are backed by big companies that do really well. I'm just saying it's a step in the right direction, and, I agree... I am a n810 non-user because of the user-level issues ;)22:12
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Stskeepsevening ssvb22:12
timelE61ipEbby? Eh?22:13
timelE61iUser level issues?22:13
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ssvbhi Stskeeps22:13
Stskeepsssvb: got proper wifi on 770 now btw excepting the performance fix (based on 1.2)22:14
Pebby_timelE61i: Mostly UI issues - while tons of smartphones have taken novel approaches to UI, my n810 has seen no improvements ;)22:14
timelE61iSetting up 1109 should be simple22:16
timelE61iAnd conceptually, it's a fairly safe bet it happens22:16
timelE61iHe should be able to give you a backup that triggers it22:17
timelE61iIn fact, you could write one22:17
timelE61i0. Set locale to pt-BR. 1. Make a backup of seTtings.22:17
timelE61i2. Use "unzip" on a desktop22:18
timelE61i3. For simplicity, make another backup w/ locale en-US.22:18
timelE61i4. Use "unzip" on a desktop22:18
timelE61i5. Diff them22:18
andre__hmm, interesting idea22:18
timelE61iYou'll find the relevant line22:18
timelE61iI presume you can finish this story22:19
timelE61iAnyway, we know it should happen22:19
RST38hPebby: By "novel approaches" do you mean "various custom shells on top of WinMobile"?22:19
Pebby_RST38h: Again, as the end-user, all I know is what it feels like when I pick it up and use it. I don't care how it's made, etc.22:20
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timelE61ipebby: each of 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 had a different ui feel22:21
timelE61iNot necessarily big, but certainly noticable22:21
timelE61iAnd considerably more jitter than between typical models in a nokia product sequence22:22
timelE61iBut we can't say anything about what the future may bring22:22
timelE61iPebby: but ... What do you want? And have you tried liqbase?22:22
* RST38h btw would really like Nokia to sort out scheduling issues. No program eating 100% CPU should stall the UI.22:23
timelE61irst: which proc?22:24
RST38hThis time it was a crazy guy who used a Sega Light PhaserÁ22:24
RST38hto kidnap a woman for ten hours.22:24
Pebby_timelE61i: I just learned about liqbase a few days ago actually. I sent him money, haha.. that's exactly the sort of thing the end user needs, imo.22:25
RST38hbrowserd, timeless, browserd on OS2008.22:25
RST38hbut it is kinda pointless to raise the issue anyway.22:25
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timelE61iDo you use swap?22:27
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* RST38h uses swap22:28
* timelE61i revokes support contract22:28
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* RST38h does not use swap and things still hang at 100% CPU usage22:29
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* fireun HATES stalled UI22:29
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* timelE61i loves it22:29
lcukPebby_, :D22:29
* lcuk didnt realise22:30
lcukthank you very much22:30
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* fireun dispises the following shower of clicks that follows22:30
timelE61ican we talk about something else?22:30
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Pebby_lcuk: Oh thank YOU!22:30
timelE61ithe browser behavior should be better in fremantle22:30
fireunsoftware emulation in maemo of hardware acceleration? (;22:30
timelE61iBut in theory you're free to renice browserd if you care22:31
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timelE61iandre, why is 3792 alive?22:32
GeneralAntillesI wonder how the new MicroB might run in Mer on OMAP2 hardware.22:32
* neatojones finished "acquiring" "leaked" N900 images22:32
timelE61iBtw, the bug jar shouldn't mention "MOVED"22:32
timelE61iAs we don't use it22:32
* fireun waits for N100022:32
neatojonesDangit man my mspaint skills are only so good!22:33
fireunI like the psp2 look22:33
Stskeepsneatojones: url? ;)22:33
fireuneven if it seems a bit fragile22:33
fireunhold please...22:33
andre__timelE61i, why not?22:33
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i'm just looking forward to microb being OSS again22:33
neatojonesI'm afraid to post to ITT..lawsuit22:34
* qwerty12_N800 would like to use the microb-svn in maemo now. but thanks to their fucking around, doesn't sound like a reality that will happen22:34
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, well, _MicroB_ is and always has been OSS.22:34
GeneralAntillesThe Mozilla based browser for Maemo isn't.22:34
Stskeepswell. ok. tablet-browser-ui.22:34
Stskeepsnot that midori isn't sexy..22:34
sp3000timelE61i: ttp://
qwerty12_N800midori crashes more than microb22:35
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RST38hUI hanging on 100% CPU usage is not specific to the browser22:35
timelE61iandre: if it's a dupe?22:35
RST38hFor example, it happens when App Manager is installing stuff22:35
qwerty12_N800(and, believe me, that's saying something)22:35
lcukmer looks more like 0s200722:35
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: yeah, but still :P22:35
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Stskeepslcuk: yeah, well, we need icons22:36
RST38hqwerty: Tear does not seem to crash =)22:36
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qwerty12_N800RST38h: yeah, i've had it crash a few times but on the whole, I do find it a lot better wrt crashing22:37
timelE61igAn: we believe we're still demoing the new microb on diablo/n8x022:37
RST38hqwerty: has got some scrolling issuesand I kinda hate that awkward progress bar, but beautiful otherwise, thanks to Bundyi22:37
timelE61iand afaicr it just works22:37
qwerty12_N800RST38h: yeah, i'd like the progress bar to be somewhat similar to the fission extension22:38
timelE61iyEah, we've mostly dropped svn22:38
RST38hqwerty: I am ok with the one in MicroB22:38
fireunis mer or nUbuntu at a point where its as useful as 2007 ? (n770 specifically)22:39
timelE61iThe next microb you'd get would be from hg ;)22:39
fireunstill no wifi fully functional?22:39
neatojonesposted images on ITT22:39
* fireun wishes there was a twitter bot in here to keep up to date 22:39
timelE61iNeatojones: did you try our youtube url? :)22:39
RST38hqwerty: although it may be a non-standard GTK widget22:39
qwerty12_N800RST38h: meh, i find it a bit awkward as buttons get moved22:39
neatojonesnot yet22:40
RST38hqwerty: it is just a progress bar shown behind the URL, no?22:40
timelE61irst: so...22:41
timelE61iIf you're hitting the jffs2 garbage collector22:41
timelE61iThat'd be essentially a kernel bottleneck22:41
timelE61iAnd you can't blame any apps for it22:41
* RST38h isn't blaming any apps for it22:41
* RST38h is blaming Nokia.22:42
qwerty12_N800RST38h: aye, and that's what I want. but microb adds a progress bar next to the url entrybox22:42
RST38hAnyone who tells me I am blaming the wrong entity is probably an engineer.22:42
Stskeepsfireun: wifi just got functional today22:42
neatojonessaw the video22:42
fireunStskeeps: woot22:42
RST38hqwerty: Really? Hmm, checking22:42
timelE61iwe're replacing jffs2 w/ ubifs for fremantle22:42
neatojonestheir a little better than me22:42
Stskeepsfireun: but mer isn't the speediest creature on 770 :/22:42
timelE61iSts: why not? :)22:43
timelE61iAlso is alarmd fixed? :)22:43
Stskeepsno, i've had other things to do today at work so22:43
fireunStskeeps: I'll take "reasonable" if its at all more stable or responsive than 2008 on the 77022:43
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RST38hqwerty: Oh, yes, how came I did not notice it before? weird22:43
StskeepstimelE61i: well the fact we use automatic update X doesn't help things..22:43
timelE61iWhat's that?22:44
fireunStskeeps: and one of my 770s has a borked audio plug, so its ready to get borked with a experimental OS (:22:44
StskeepstimelE61i: as in, the thing with the x server doing manual updates to the framebuffer vs the framebuffer getting automatically updated (slow refresh)22:44
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Stskeepssame issue on n8x0 really22:44
timelE61iis that xorg.conf tunable?22:45
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Stskeepswell, we don't use Xomap, so i guess it is tunable in some degree, but driver doesn't support much22:45
* r2d2rogers tries liqbase on his 770 in mer22:45
lcukit wont work for now22:45
lcukit wont work on 810 either i dont think22:46
r2d2rogers;)  was worth a try ;)22:46
timelE61iWell.. It didn't work on my normal 77022:46
lcukim just looking myself now22:46
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r2d2rogersI'm just happy wireless is working as well as it was in maemo22:46
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: or apt-get update of cx3110x-module-770 should improve things as well.. i think22:46
timelE61iOk, my 770 ran gregale iirc (2.1 instead of 2.2)22:47
* r2d2rogers apt-gets.....22:47
RST38hAh, cool, somebody fixed goddamned RSS widget!22:48
r2d2rogersany luck with a power monitor yet?22:48
RST38hOnly took a year :)22:48
timelE61irst: eh?22:48
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: daperl is taking a look on it22:48
r2d2rogersI hope I can get back to helping more instead of just asking how it's going on occasion...22:51
* timelE61i pokes neatojones22:52
neatojonesits almost hard to tell if its real or not when its on my tablet22:52
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: figuring out ways to make the thing run faster is probably first priority :P22:53
Stskeepsand without OOM'ing constantly22:53
r2d2rogerssounds good, I'll see if I'm able to come up with much22:54
Stskeepsprobably some places we can strip down22:54
Stskeepslike.. gettys, heh22:54
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Stskeeps ( /etc/event.d/ )22:57
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neatojonesStskeeps: those do annoy me. I don't know why...23:00
Stskeepswell, since you can't ctrl-alt-f1, why have them, yeah23:01
neatojoneswhat is the equivalent of alt on the N810 keyboard?23:01
* timelE61i grumbles at people who whine about mspaint but don't stop to watch23:01
neatojoneshey.  I watched the video23:02
Stskeepsneatojones: Fn is Right Alt in Mer23:03
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Stskeeps(or alt gr for some)23:03
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neatojonesokay.  wasn't sure if it was the alt or if it is Chr23:03
neatojones(whatever that button does)23:04
neatojonestime: I'm not sure I follow you.23:05
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timelessoh, i didn't realize you meant mer23:07
suihkulokkiStskeeps: which getty23:08
suihkulokki's ? :=23:08
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Stskeepssuihkulokki: ah, we just have getty for ttys running for no good reason23:09
suihkulokkiI mean, gettys are only started if serial-console is enabled23:09
Stskeeps(in mer)23:09
neatojonesI tried killing them..they don't like to die23:09
suihkulokkiah, right, I thought you meant in fremantle23:09
Stskeepsneatojones: remove the event.d files for them23:09
Stskeepssuihkulokki: nah, maemo gets this part right :)23:09
suihkulokkiStskeeps: see event.d/console in system-services23:10
neatojonesI news there was a way to keep them from ever starting..never got aorund to googling it...thanks23:11
neatojones*knew not news23:11
Stskeepssuihkulokki: ta, will take a look23:11
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lcukhiya b-man_maemo23:13
b-man_maemohello lcuk :)23:14
neatojonesbman did you ever get your wireless completely going?23:14
neatojoneson ubuntu23:14
b-man_maemoyes :)23:14
lcukb-man_maemo, did you also get the wireless config dialogs working?23:15
b-man_maemoyou mean mn-applet? not yet23:17
b-man_maemore: nm :P23:17
neatojonesdid you get the same probs as me?23:17
b-man_maemonot quite, it's just complaining about wlan0 not being a configured device23:18
b-man_maemobut it is functioning)23:18
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Stskeepsdo you have tablet-wireless? :P23:19
b-man_maemobut i'm using a costom /etc/network/interfaces file23:21
Stskeepsthere'll be a small bunch of improvements to wifi in 0.9 prolly23:22
* qwerty12_N800 hoping it works oob for him23:22
neatojonesdid we ever get anywhere with battery stuff?23:22
Stskeepsneatojones: power saving should be improved now :P23:24
neatojonesI remember some discussion about talks withNokia re: those closed parts23:24
Stskeepsneatojones: daperl is looking on the hald addon for bme23:24
Stskeepsi think we can access most info now so23:25
neatojoneswill Mer 1.0 use a newer kernel or diablo's?23:25
qwerty12_N800i dunno if advanced-power still installs, i had to revert some import lines when I tried it again in .823:26
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Stskeepsneatojones: no clue yet23:26
neatojoneswhat's with the valentine's day ads on ITT.23:26
Stskeepsgeeks don't get enough flowers23:27
neatojonesit was a week ago23:27
lcuktheres adverts?23:27
neatojonesI guess...23:27
Stskeepsemergency valentines day to improve the economy23:27
qwerty12_N800neatojones: it's for the people who are glued to their tablet and forget about their partners :p23:27
neatojonesI should use the ad block23:27
* b-man_ubuntu updates tablet-wireless for ubuntuu23:27
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: a reminder why their gf broke up..23:28's a little late considering23:28
neatojonesany open flash versions available for arm?23:30
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ssvbStskeeps: by the way, why 1.2 version of cx3110x for 770?23:30
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Stskeepsssvb: some minor fixes in it, and it still had 770 support at that point, and it seems to be stable23:32
ssvbStskeeps: are the current Mer cx3110x sources available here?
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ssvbStskeeps: ok, if it has no regressions, I'm fine with that :)23:33
Stskeepsyeah, or
Stskeepswhich has patches :P23:33
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Stskeepsi think it's basically 0.9.34 (not exact) from gregale repo with the dummy_umac.ko stuff on top23:40
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timelesshrm, maybe i ran mistral? :)23:42
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ssvbStskeeps: anyway, version cx3110x 1.2 sources are a bit more messy because they contain n8x0 stuff23:46
ssvbStskeeps: what was that problem with 0.8 version?23:46
* timeless watches a tv show which actually uses "ubuntu"23:48
timeless(the word,  not the software)23:48
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mikkov_now that darethehair is uploading packages without source to extras-devel...23:55
* qwerty12_N800 imagines mikkov_ getting the knuckle dusters out23:56
mikkov_had to google what knuckle duster is ;)23:57
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