IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2009-01-13

Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: good business model00:00
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Stskeepsjohnx: what's the difference between maemo zenity and zenity ubuntu?00:03
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Stskeepsjohnx: is your first-boot-wizard in repo the one to be tested, btw?00:03
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Stskeepsmac10 :P00:05
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qwerty12_N800testing something & mac-10 was the first thing i thought of :p00:06
johnxStskeeps, ask qwerty12_N800 about the difference between ubuntu zenity and maemo zenitty00:06
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: ? :P00:06
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qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, hmm? :p00:07
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Stskeepswhat's the difference between ubuntu zenity and maemo zenity?00:07
qwerty12_N800not a lot, I packaged it into separate packages, removed the code that uses libgnomecanvas (it's only used on about screen anyway) to remove the gnomecanvas dep00:08
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I think to think a little. :P00:08
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: a-what? :P00:08
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GeneralAntillesI had offered to do the icons for adv-connectivity00:09
StskeepsShadow_M: ?00:10
Shadow_Msorry trying to figure out auto complete00:10
Shadow_Mon xchat00:10
johnxGeneralAntilles, woo! that would be awesome00:11
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Stskeepsyeah, nm-applet needs a dire replacement of icons :P00:12
johnxyay! dire icons!00:12
johnxdire-icon-theme :)00:12
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, what should I base them on?00:12
johnxwell, that's a good question00:13
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: it really depends on how close to nokia icons we dare to be..00:13
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GeneralAntillesadv-backlight is based on Echo00:13
RST38hwhat is the license for Nokia icons?00:14
Stskeepsthere's actually a whole chapter on that in licensing, i think00:14
Stskeepsin the EULA for downloading firmware images00:14
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* Stskeeps pats the splash screen00:15
Stskeeps(which has a double meaning since a wallpaper of water..)00:16
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disqmy package passed the autobuilder last night but still not in the respective repository dir, any idea what's going on? the dir seems to be created but is empty00:16
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, well, I'm not sure I'm up for more than a derivative. ;)00:17
Stskeepsjohnx: first try didn't work but then again it wasn't a fresh image00:18
johnxStskeeps, build what now? gconf?00:18
Stskeepsjohnx: well it brought in your first-boot-wizard too so00:19
Stskeepsand zenity00:19
Stskeepschecking fs00:20
Shadow_Manyone use nick autocompletion on xchat00:21
wazdoh, how to see last online time?)00:22
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GeneralAntilles~seen RST38h00:22
johnx~seen wazd00:22
infobotrst38h is currently on #maemo (5d 10h 47m 29s). Has said a total of 1030 messages. Is idling for 8m 38s, last said: 'what is the license for Nokia icons?'.00:22
infobotwazd is currently on #maemo (6m 42s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 11s, last said: 'oh, how to see last online time?)'.00:22
wazdoh, you're here)00:22
GeneralAntilleswazd, tab-completion is a good way to find out. ;)00:23
wazdthanks anyway :)00:23
RST38hwazd: dcc pending00:23
wazdRST38h: yep, it was banned for acception somehow00:23
Stskeepsjohnx: btw, change plankton to default00:23
wazdRST38h: can you e-mail it?00:23
RST38hwazd: give me an email address, no problem00:23
wazdRST38h: drew.zhilin@gmail.com00:24
RST38hno an- ?00:24
Shadow_Mi know to use tab but i mean auto nick completion  on the maemo xchat00:24
johnxStskeeps, hmm?00:24
Stskeepsjohnx: in first-boot-wizard.sh00:24
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johnxah, alright, got it00:24
wazdRST38h: yep, some bastard already got my name(00:25
Corsachmhm, and is there an us-intl keymap on maemo 4?00:25
wazdRST38h: I need to make some homepage since I bought nice domain :)00:25
RST38htoo bad there is no .ok top domain00:26
johnxRST38h, wait til Oklahoma secedes?00:26
* qwerty12_N800 wishes that the rules weren't so strict on :(00:26
RST38hjohnx: I almost feel like hastening the events...00:27
Stskeepsjohnx: is xinit standard btw?00:29
johnxStskeeps, part of startx I think00:29
RST38hit is standard for x1100:29
johnxand in fact can be installed without an x server :)00:30
* Stskeeps wonders why the wizard isn't run00:30
johnxwait, so you have a zenity for armel built?00:31
Stskeepsjust used the gnome one00:31
Stskeepsi had NM-applet in anyway00:31
Stskeepswhich brings in gweather and other friendly libraries00:31
johnxso were you already using auto-startx?00:31
Stskeepsyeah, but i removed etc/default/autologin00:31
johnxwell then I don't know, I didn't really test the versions that I sent to the builder00:32
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GeneralAntilleslol, you guys are ridiculous with that cohesive community thread00:34
GeneralAntillesCompletely insistent on turning it around into a blame Nokia festival instead of looking at where we could be improving our community.00:34
* Stskeeps hasn't been participating :)00:34
JaffaGeneralAntilles: post coming on this subject00:35
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lardman|homeDo I qualify as ridiculous? :)00:35
lardman|homeand I'm talking about the thread, no random abuse please! ;)00:35
GeneralAntilleslardman|home, it's OK, you're always ridiculous. :P00:35
lardman|homeyep, there it was :D00:35
GeneralAntillesToo late! :P00:36
johnxGeneralAntilles, the reality is that people don't want to start (potentially) dead-end projects, so we're in limbo right now00:36
GeneralAntillesjohnx, which is fine, but he's not asking for new projects. :)00:36
* RST38h sees nothing wrong in blaming Nokia, especially after Quim kinda bit the bullet00:37
wazdJaffa: well, I agree that there should be more details, but bubbles looks silly :)00:37
GeneralAntillesI think the shirt/hat concept goes over people's heads too often.00:37
Jaffawazd: pfft, it's the sea, it should be something wattery at least.00:37
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wazdJaffa: I was thinking bout some plants (and bubbles then :)00:38
Stskeepssomeone really needs to make an aquarium screensaver..00:38
JaffaSubtle, outline fish type things00:38
RST38hoctopuses! more octopuses!00:38
johnxGeneralAntilles, but contributing to old Nokia projects is agrivating, and contributing to diablo projects that might not be relevant in 6 months is depressing00:38
* Jaffa throws his petrol on the fire of the "cohesive community" thread00:38
GeneralAntillesjohnx, THIS IS NOT ABOUT NOKIA.00:38
* RST38h tries to figure out what would be the plural from "octopus"00:38
Jaffajohnx: It's nothing to do with Nokia, diablo or Fremantle.00:39
wazdoctopuses :)00:39
GeneralAntillesJaffa, we decided on a Nokia shark. ;)00:39
Jaffajohnx: If you're active and supporting a project, the author's more likely to carry it on into whatever changes fremantle and harmattan bring. The app will get better. The developer will get a discount.00:39
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Stskeepsa nokia tire laying on the bottom..00:39
wazdStskeeps: since there's no bottom...00:40
JaffaGeneralAntilles: reminds me of
RST38hoctopus has three plural forms: octopuses, octopi, octopodes00:40
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, this doesn't really have anything to do with the Fremantle transition, either, as it's a problem that existed at OS2008's peak.00:40
StskeepsJaffa: i find it elegant how you mixed these two topics00:40
GeneralAntillesjohnx, blaming it on the limbo situation just smells of a weak temporary excuse.00:41
johnxGeneralAntilles, then the "problem" is we have a lot of users and not many devs00:41
GeneralAntillesAnother poor excuse00:41
Jaffajohnx: Devs need testers. Bug triagers. Documentation writers. Feedback. Suggestions.00:41
GeneralAntillesSince users are perfectly capable of contributing in their own ways00:41
Jaffawhat he said ^^^00:41
GeneralAntillesAs qgil said, coding isn't the only answer.00:41
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johnxs/devs/motivated people/00:42
infobotjohnx meant: GeneralAntilles, then the "problem" is we have a lot of users and not many motivated people00:42
lardman|homeyeah, but devs have only so much time to write new and cool apps00:42
* Jaffa ponders turning into a blog post.00:42
wazdI like contributing to software, no matter what age it is :)00:42
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, fair enough, we do lack motivated people, but part of qgil's purpose was to come up with ways to get people motivated!00:42
Jaffalardman|home: we've got loads of stagnant (developer thinks no-one uses it) and poor quality (no-one's testing it and encouraging the dev) apps00:42
johnxI guess when I think "devs" I tend to included anyone helping a project "develop"00:42
wazdSince I wont get anything monetary, I'm doing it for pleasure and skill :)00:42
GeneralAntilleswazd, apply for the discount program. :P00:43
johnxGeneralAntilles, it doesn't work like that. What we need is to get people who are motivated excited about maemo00:43
wazdGeneral: for what?)00:43
Stskeepsrecovering maemoholics00:43
johnxGeneralAntilles, right now maemo is a cushy user platform, but it's not all that attractive as a dev platform00:43
GeneralAntilleswazd, remember the discount program for the 770, N800 an N810?00:44
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: maybe an incentive could be on-going discount program00:44
Stskeepsi mean, i own a n800, but occasionally a n810 would be good to develop for00:44
Stskeeps(i know i can get it through other sources)00:44
wazdGeneral: actualy no)00:44
lardman|homeJaffa: of course, and if we had more devs more of these apps would get some love as peoples' interests would overlap more00:44
RST38hno discount will solve the problem if you abandon the system after 6-8 months00:44
GeneralAntillesRST38h, I'm not talking about it solving any problems. :rolleyes:00:45
lardman|homeRST38h: well that's only a problem now that we know something better is around the corner, I think that's the real issue here00:45
GeneralAntillesI'm recommending that wazd should seek his monetary incentive by applying for one when the new program (hopefully) opens.00:45
RST38hlardman: guess, how long until Nokia moves on from Fremantle?00:45
wazdGeneralAntilles: whoa, pretty nice! But useless in Russia since we haven't got Nokia online shop :)00:45
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, presumably about as long as it took them to move on from OMAP200:46
GeneralAntilles2 years00:46
RST38hwazd: that is solvable00:46
johnxGeneralAntilles, you're forgetting an API break in the midle00:46
RST38hwazd: order to us, then ask someone to bring it back00:46
GeneralAntillesI know their strategy is moving towards more stable development.00:46
RST38hGeneral: johnx is right, there is an API break planned somewhere on the road to harmattan00:47
lardman|homeapi break isn't as bad (imho) as a hardware leap in terms of motivation right now00:47
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RST38hlardman: actually, for application guys this should not matter much00:47
johnxand it doesn't even matter if it's "planned" or if it's only something devs worry about when they decide how to spend their time00:47
RST38hlardman: but it is absolutely killing systems guys00:48
wazdWell, API break wasn't that bad as I remember OMWeather developement :)00:48
lardman|hometrue, the issue there is not quite knowing what will be in Fremantle and not wanting to create something that will be in there00:48
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: has bounty work been considered?00:48
Stskeepsit might float slightly better in these economical times00:48
lardman|homeRST38h: well I can quite happily hack at systems stuff, but I agree I can't really plan for the next platform yet00:48
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lardman|homeI don't see money as being the problem here really00:49
lardman|homein fact the only issue I have is a lack of time (it being the start of the year and all) and some vague motivational factors as I want to see new hw (but these are pretty vague, there's still plenty to do on the current platform)00:50
johnxlet's try this: There are a lot of little things that can be improved to motivate current potential devs/testers/doc writers. It's not one big problem00:50
johnxwe're all talking about the problem *we each* see as the biggest00:50
lcukwhy cant we write stuff that works on everything00:51
johnxlcuk, exactly!00:51
johnxlcuk, and that's Mer, right there.00:51
RST38hlcuk: We can, with applications00:51
lcukwhat cant you do?00:52
RST38hlcuk: Systems stuff is very sensitive to hardware and the low level software00:52
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Stskeepsthere isn't that much systems stuff in maemo, honestly..00:52
lcuklike what?00:52
Stskeepsit's mostly systemui and ke-recv magic00:52
lcukcamera is gstreamer00:52
lcukscreen is screen00:52
lcukx is x00:52
RST38hlcuk: Screen depth may change00:53
RST38hlcuk: Audio API may change. Camera API and resolution may change.00:53
lcukvideo modes exist00:53
StskeepsRST38h: audio api is changing, they announced already :P00:53
RST38hlcuk: DSP will change (lardman's work goes to nil)00:53
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lcukgranted, but also expected00:53
johnxbut it's esound -> pulseaudio. not much of a change00:53
lcukcan look at the beagle progress00:53
GeneralAntillesJaffa, striking a nerve probably cuts right to the heart of it.00:53
RST38hlcuk: video modes do not always exist. in fact, with these arm systems there is usually one mode only00:54
Shadow_Manyone here use chat on a n81000:54
lcukRST38h, why would you think there will be much less than now?00:54
lardman|homeRST38h: re dsp stuff, that's fine, I'm sure I can write something else to use it00:54
RST38hlcuk: not much less, different00:54
RST38hlcuk: imagine Nokia taking away your YUV mode support00:54
lardman|homeabout this rss reader, are people actually interested in it? I'd like a better one, but it's way down my list of things to do00:55
lcukyeah - ive taken the core of liqbase - everything screen graphics events and have them in x8600:55
b-manShadow_M: i'm chatting with my N800 right now :)00:55
lcukRST38h, i have been reading problems with xv on the beagle00:55
RST38hlardman: I am using Google Reader in iPhone mode00:55
lcuki know there may be issues00:55
lcukbut that will not stop me from working00:55
RST38hlardman: it is way better than Nokia's abomination00:55
Stskeepsjohnx: my bad @ the error00:55
Shadow_Mb-man do you use auto nick completion00:55
lcuklardman|home, ive got a base example :)00:55
RST38hlcuk: but why work now if nobody will need it?00:55
Shadow_Mi dont see how it works00:55
johnxStskeeps, ah, what was it?00:56
lcuk*I* need it00:56
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Stskeepsjohnx: dpkg-deb of xserver-xomap as a user..00:56
RST38hlcuk: Then you are a special case :)00:56
lcukmaybe i am :)00:56
RST38hAnyways, I definitely have to go get some sleep.00:56
b-manShadow_M: no, i don't think i do00:56
lcukRST38h, just because today we are getting nice omap3, the omap2 cpu will continue00:56
Shadow_Mbecause there is an option b-man to use it without tab00:57
lcukthere will be devices still using these chips for however long in the future00:57
RST38hlcuk: Once you get omap3 in your hands, I will see whether you will want to continue with omap2 ;)00:57
RST38hho ho ho ho ho00:57
lcukthats fine, ive always said i will move on eventually00:57
lcukbut i want as much in place for when i do00:57
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GeneralAntilleslcuk's gonna drop OMAP2 like a ton of bricks.00:57
b-manShadow_M: tab?00:57
lcukive got a 1.6ghz touchscreen laptop here that runs like shit off a shovel00:58
lcuksometimes lads working in a constrained environment is rewarding00:58
Shadow_Mwithout using tab because you have to hit chr then tab to us tab  b-man00:58
lcuki aim to have the most power efficient/fastest implementation of stuff i can achieve00:58
GeneralAntillesEvery lcuk application for OMAP3 is going to have an incredibly detailed 3D animation of lcuk flying around with his RX-51 in the background.00:58
mavhcgoing "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" in stereo00:58
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lcukwhy though? the user does not get optimum experience if i fatten up00:59
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lcukive always coded for lowest common denom00:59
||cwlcuk: easter-egg00:59
lcukand as i build this it gets easier :)00:59
mavhclcuk: and when did you stop writing windows apps?00:59
GeneralAntilleslcuk, because OMAP3 kicks OMAP2's ass so freaking hard. :P00:59
lcukmavhc, i still do00:59
Stskeepsjohnx: hehe, this is disturbing :) dialog box coming up on top of console01:00
lcukGeneralAntilles, cpu power does not equate to a good system01:00
Stskeepsi still seem to have hildon-input-method problems, curious01:00
johnxStskeeps, :D it didn't do a screen update01:00
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johnxas for hildon-input-method, it worked for me earlier, but that was before hildon-desktop breakage and repair01:01
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Stskeepsjohnx: heh, imagine how crazy you would have become if you had continued down debian-beta2 path..01:02
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johnxStskeeps, beta2/beta3 you mean? yeah. n800 needs too much custom stuff. On the zaurus "debian customization" was done in a couple packages :/01:03
yigalI just installed usbcontrol should I be able to use pretty much any standard usb keyboard?01:03
johnxyigal, as long as it doesn't take too much power01:04
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Shadow_Mb-man do you see the option01:06
Stskeepsoutput of first-boot-wizard01:06
lcukmavhc, i have it in my head that if you build from strong basic foundations anything is possible01:06
Stskeepsi wonder if it's just cos my h-d configuration is shot or something01:06
Stskeepsi think i'll run an imager tonight01:07
Stskeepsand see if it helps01:07
johnxhuh. never saw that before. I can firmly say: not my fault :)01:07
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b-manShadow_M: yes01:08
lcukGeneralAntilles, how long till i can flying around my room?01:09
GeneralAntilleslcuk, depends on if Nokia ships that cool new anti-grav technology they've been keeping from us.01:09
Shadow_Mb-man does it work for you how do you initialize it without tab01:10
* Jaffa beds after changing a stinky nappy01:10
lcukthey shipped me that last year01:10
lcukewww jaffa gnite01:10
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mavhclet's just hope he has a baby01:17
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lardman|homemavhc: he does don't worry, and a new one at that01:18
* b-man is a little confused atm01:18
lcuklardman|home, the problem i see with the rss reader type app is if hildon desktop remains01:19
mavhcwell remember the first rules of babies: don't sell them01:19
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lcukim sure theres others01:19
Stskeepsmavhc: no, that's second rule.. first rule is remember to feed them01:19
Stskeepsthat's the principle of tamogotchi01:20
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lcuknote: babies do not eat bacon butties for at least 3 months01:20
Corsacwhat about tamagotchies?01:20
lcukare they edible?01:21
b-manStskeeps: tamogotchi?..... lol01:22
mavhcI'm sure babies will try to eat tamogotchies01:22
yigaldo most standard usb keyboards fit into the max. current, 200mA, provided by an n800?01:24
lcukpssst, the max is 10001:25
yigaloh :(01:25
lcukthat might explain why its not working ;)01:25
lcukcheck the label on the underside of the kb, it normally tells you rating01:26
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yigalok, have to find one as my laptop died on me and I need something to write on.01:27
lcukif you have a powered hub i believe it works through it01:27
lardman|homelcuk: yeah, there are a number of issues with the rss reader, though I imagine there will be a desktop + applets of some form01:27
lcukyeah but depending on the api it may well not fit01:28
yigallcuk: that's a good idea!01:28
GeneralAntilleslardman|home, you should start to work on the Downloads integration for h-a-m. :P01:28
lcuklardman|home, of course the backend can be completed easily01:28
wazdh-a-m = ? app manager?01:29
lcukyeah, its being replaced by b-a-c-o-n01:29
wazdwhat's h?)01:29
yigallcuk:  thanks, off to get a keyboard, best01:29
lardman|homeGeneralAntilles: yes, good point, I want to get the barcode app working first though01:30
lardman|homewazd: h=hildon01:30
* lcuk still has a button waiting on the camera screen01:30
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GeneralAntilleslardman|home, we need barcodes for Extras applications!01:30
wazdp-o-r-k is better :) More global :D01:30
lardman|homeyeah there's an idea, no install files, use barcodes instead01:30
GeneralAntillesThen you can hand that one other Maemo user you've ever encountered a business card for your app. :P01:31
GeneralAntillesActually, though, that might be kinda cool for tradeshows and Summits.01:31
lcukGeneralAntilles, i think holly is a bit pissed off with lardman giving her business cards01:31
GeneralAntillesScannable barcode that'll take you to the Downloads entry in h-a-m.01:31
GeneralAntillesI'd be pissed if lardman|home gave me business cards, too.01:32
wazdwhoa, PS even saves the layer that was selected01:32
wazdnever noticed that before01:32
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lardman|homeGeneralAntilles: well if you pay for the beer and the flight I'll come over and give you a business card :)01:33
lardman|homeah pissed-off, of course ;)01:33
lardman|homeright, time for bed01:33
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lardman|homenight all01:33
* GeneralAntilles can just imagine lardman|home knocking on my door, handing me a card, then leaving.01:33
lcukgnite lardman|home01:34
lardman|homeno, he'd demand the beer too! :)01:34
lardman|homebye chaps01:34
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johnxwin :)01:37
johnxso what kind of market is there for something that "almost looks pocketable but really isn't"01:38
johnxis this a big new trend? is Nokia missing out by having a small pocketable tablet?01:38
wazdjohnx: It's actually pocketable, it's just not pulled down01:41
GeneralAntillesthoughtfix seems to be continually drifting away from Maemo.01:43
mavhcyeah, I'll leave my $1000 laptop sticking out of my pocket01:45
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Stskeepsokay. a kid screaming next door and crying the night before an exam is always the best.01:46
GeneralAntillesmavhc, somebody should Photoshop a "steal me" post-it for it.01:46
johnxStskeeps, I could post up a zenity deb I built natively if you want to try it. any interest?01:46
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, go pop him in the mouth.01:46
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: her :/01:46
GeneralAntillesEven better! :P01:47
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Stskeepsjohnx: yeah, but for now gnomecanvas one is ok01:47
johnxStskeeps, ah, well they're up in my $HOME on trac.tspre.org01:48
Stskeepsi got it to show earlier01:48
johnxreally gonna get some sleep now01:48
johnx'night all01:48
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b-man(random information) - I hacked up an rc helocopter >:) ; ; ; - sorry the images look like crap, i used my N800 for pictures :p01:55
Stskeepsdoes it run Mer?01:58
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* b-man will be back, got to eat dinner02:10
b-mani'm back02:10
Stskeeps.. already?02:10
b-manyep, i eat fast02:11
b-mantwo bowls of spegettie* :p02:11
wazd - is that totaly crappy concept?)02:12
soappretty coral02:12
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* b-man starts to crack up from thinking about the look on Stskeeps face from telling him that. XD02:13
Stskeepswazd: hehe, but kinda cool02:14
Stskeepsb-man: teenagers..02:14
Stskeepswazd: is that a Nokia tire covered in corals I see on the bottom? :>02:15
wazdStskeeps: damn, I thought I've covered it enough :P02:16
GeneralAntilleswazd, the burning looks like an evil miasma coming up from Nokia's tire. :P02:17
GeneralAntillesRather than seaweed.02:17
GeneralAntilleswazd, overall I'm not sure. It's less clean than the original02:17
GeneralAntillesBut the concept is nice02:18
GeneralAntillesIt needs more depth either way.02:18
wazdThe best solution will be to leave it alone)02:18
wazdMore details will ruin it whatever they are02:19
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wazdbubbles, seaweed or nokia tires :)02:19
Stskeepswazd: screen saver could be background image becoming alive and fish swimming around.. ;>02:19
wazdStskeeps: dreams dreams :)02:20
Stskeepshonestly though02:20
Stskeepsmy gf has a nokia phone02:20
Stskeepsit has a screensaver and i rarely see the phone -actually- turn off display02:20
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, funnily enough, with the platforms Mer may end up on, we may actually need a screensaver!02:20
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: TV fireplace..02:21
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, backlight's off, though?02:21
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: or dim02:21
Stskeepsthe screensaver is still visible02:21
GeneralAntillesYeah, transflective02:21
Stskeepsit has pretty good battery life though02:21
GeneralAntillesMy old 6682 is the same way02:21
GeneralAntillesI don't think it takes much power to leave the display on with on backlight.02:21
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: one thing that could be useful to ask Nokia for.. powertop like thing02:22
wazdI think the best screensaver in the world is black screen with white clock :)02:22
GeneralAntilleswazd, or the opposite, depending on your display.02:23
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lcukwazd :) thats my current one02:51
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churlgreetings all02:58
bef0rdhi churl02:59
churlcan anyone help me with a few basic questions on using vnc viewer into my ubuntu03:00
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churlyo bef0rd03:05
lcukGeneralAntilles, ive added something to that page on the wiki (the discussion page)03:05
bef0rdch4os, just ask03:06
churli guess, in a perfect working world, what would i need installed, and what would i run on the command line?03:07
bef0rdYou need to enable remote desktop in ubuntu03:08
bef0rdSystem -> Preferences -> Remote desktop03:08
bef0rd'Allow other users to view your desktop' and 'Allow other users to control your desktop'03:10
churlim pretty sure it's enabled, but i cant find it again (using xfce)03:10
bef0rdfor security reasons, enable 'require a password..'03:10
bef0rdI think its called vino-preferences03:10
bef0rdlet me check03:10
bef0rdyea, that's it03:10
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churli think it's under login window preferences03:11
churlallow remote system administrator login03:12
bef0rdno, that's something else03:12
churlnot seeing any vino03:12
bef0rdtry running vino-preferences from the terminal03:12
churlnot installed (ubuntu 8.10)03:13
churldo i need it?03:13
churlneat, ill try to go through this site bef0rd03:15
bef0rdjust install vino, then you should be able to connect with your tablet using vnc viewer03:15
churlnot working... reading on..03:17
churlautostart it03:18
churlis vino server an app?03:20
churlyou'd think so03:21
churli only get vino-passwd and vino-preferences03:21
bef0rduse the full path, /usr/lib/vino/vino-server03:21
churlHOLY BUCKETS!03:22
churli really wish i would have googled xfce in my searches03:23
churlthis wouldnt have taken me hours and hours and days and days03:23
churlagain, i love you all03:23
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Taleswhat gives, I don't even have any apps open and the internal memory card is "still in use"03:47
GeneralAntilles Swap?03:47
TalesYou're right.03:48
Tales"Unable to remove virtual memory."03:48
b-manhave you tryed re-booting?03:53
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b-manthat works for me :)03:54
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churli think ill do the same! bye now!03:54
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TalesYup,, I rebooted and that worked for me.04:19
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AFBN810whats latest version of maemo04:52
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AFBN810anyone around05:22
TalesLatest release version of maemo is 4.1 'diablo' I think05:25
TalesIt's what I'm running on my N810.05:25
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AFBN810how long it been out I still got 35-705:30
GeneralAntillesAFBN810, 43 is the week number05:33
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infobotSargun: Have you had your vi today?05:33
Sarguninfobot, die05:34
* infobot takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.05:34
GeneralAntillesAFBN810, about a month, though.05:34
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AFBN810I though os updates showed up in app manager05:46
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GeneralAntillesAFBN810, they do.05:47
infobotsomebody said ssu was
GeneralAntillesSee the troubleshooting05:47
AFBN810wonder why I don't see it05:47
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ciroipsomeone with python and 5 minutes free to test how I can make hildon sound a wav?06:17
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Macerholy shit tropic thunder is a fucking riot06:30
Maceryou think? i think it's pretty fucking funny06:31
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doc|homethe webkit browser tear, is it like tear from your eye or tear paper?06:49
doc|homeok, just saw logo. It's eye tear :)06:49
VulcanisI'm still going to call it tear as in paper06:51
CutMeOwnThroatperhaps it's badly written tar06:51
doc|homeI'm going to call it tear as in a tear from my eye because it's not working :(06:52
CutMeOwnThroatdispose of it and you can call it tear as in tear paper06:52
GeneralAntillesdoc|home, try webkit-eal?06:52
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doc|homehmmm, ok06:54
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doc|homeGeneralAntilles: no difference, gtk_container_ad: assertion'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed07:04
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LopLiiianyone using both 770 and 8x0?07:06
LopLiiiis performance of them is very far?07:07
GeneralAntillesLopLiii, N8x0 is way faster.07:08
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doc|homeGeneralAntilles: hmmm, no difference07:12
GeneralAntillesdoc|home, weird. . . .07:13
LopLiiithats weird07:16
LopLiiianyone using them both?07:17
LopLiiimaybe to get a good bench is using mplayer to play some video07:17
GeneralAntillesNot really07:18
GeneralAntillesI have both07:18
GeneralAntillesN800 is so much faster.07:18
GeneralAntillesBrowsing is worlds better.07:19
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LopLiiiso0browsing is much faster and thus better on n800 but not much on multimedia perf. is that correct GeneralAntilles?07:26
GeneralAntillesMultimedia is a little better07:27
LopLiiiIf im not wrong you have too tried zaurus, hos that compared for performance and capabilty?07:27
GeneralAntillesLCD bandwidth is limited, so there's more overhead on the N8x007:28
GeneralAntillesHaven't tried Zaurus07:28
GeneralAntillesBut everybody I know who has says the tablets are waaay faster.07:28
LopLiiianybody want to comment bout this?07:29
GeneralAntillesThe Zauruss are ould07:29
GeneralAntillesand the XScale just doesn't stack up against ARM1107:29
LopLiiiso the z with pxa is behind omap?07:30
GeneralAntillesWaaay behind07:30
LopLiiisomeone told me , os200x is still using arm5 optimization for the code, any comment?07:31
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GeneralAntillesLopLiii, OS2005 and OS2006 are, because the 770 is ARM907:37
GeneralAntillesBut OS2007/OS2008 are armv607:37
LopLiiithx for correct this07:38
LopLiiido you have any difficulty regarding of the performance of 770 and 8x0 while running emulator such palm and games?07:40
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GeneralAntillesN8x0 is way better07:40
LopLiiiuseful/playful ?07:41
LopLiiii mean so n8x0 will be usefull for that task?07:41
LopLiiii think palm will be emulated fast enough. But donk know bout game emulator?07:42
LopLiiiDo you using tablets for reading a large pdf doc (size more than 40mb)? Is that opened and habdled properly (fast enough/usable)?07:44
LopLiiisory bout mistyped word, keyb is just too small07:45
GeneralAntillesEvince is fine for PDFs07:47
GeneralAntillesGame emulation is pretty good07:47
GeneralAntillesGBA and GB work great07:47
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disco_stuGeneralAntilles: hi07:51
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GeneralAntillesHi, disco_st.08:08
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Hi, disco_stu08:08
GeneralAntillesCheck out the woot description this morning.08:08
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disco_stuCheck out the woot description this morning. <-- did not understand08:09
GeneralAntillesdisco_stu, They're satirizing twitter08:10
disco_stui see.08:11
disco_stui created my fisrt twitter account a few hours ago08:11
disco_stui like it08:11
disco_stuim using mauku08:11
LopLiiihi have anybody use os2008he on 770, usable ? i mean with that not so fast system?08:13
solmumahaLopLiii: not that usable imo08:14
GeneralAntillesLopLiii, depends very much on your use-case.08:15
solmumahaand you shouldn't consider getting a 77008:16
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LopLiiiyeah im offered 770 and 800 with price diff about 100usd so i need to make a wise decision :)08:26
LopLiiithanks god i can ask veterans here to gather a reliable answer08:26
Proteouswhen you see the 770 just RUN AWAY!!!08:26
LopLiiiany answer to use n8x0 series as pdf ebook reader (large size with images)?08:26
LopLiiiOK :)08:26
Proteouser, heh08:27
LopLiiiIm running now :)08:27
Proteouspdf == slow to render even on fast hardware08:27
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LopLiiiwill it load then ? some pda just wont load it up or have a proper handle to make it readable....08:28
LopLiiifor large size ebook08:28
ProteousI've read PDFs on my old 770 before it WSODed08:28
Proteouswas slow but it worked ine08:29
Proteouser, fine08:29
Proteoushaven't tried it on my n81008:29
ProteousI wasn't loading multi hundered meg PDF files08:29
Proteousman, me = !spell08:29
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LopLiiiloading time is not to much concern ... but needs usable one ... and not that hundred megs .... only a half hundred :) ..... that command line is still not supported Proteus .... :) .. by me08:32
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LopLiiios1999 .... sory ....08:33
LopLiiiusing some damaged language pack .... so here i am :)08:34
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Meiz_n810keytool: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:54
Meiz_n810how can i get
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aquatixmorning all10:07
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pupnikChildren are pure evil.
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aquatixnow there's a cute picture10:21
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tank-manawesome jpg heh10:36
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pupnikok turns out she is a meme...
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pupnikthe beer truck disaster...10:58
Maceri am watching babylon 511:01
* aquatix is at work11:01
Macerwow they just don't make good shows liket his anymore11:01
Macerseason 4 was spectactular11:02
Macerseason 5 was rather shitty11:02
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* aquatix wants more time to watch serie11:03
* mgedmin got bored and gave up early in season 511:10
RST38hsame here11:11
RST38hbut I gave up much earlier11:11
* aquatix never started11:11
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pupnik10:18 <@la**o> watching her [my girlfriend playing Crayon Physics] is like watching a monkey try to open a vault that has the combination painted right on the door.11:28
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ProteousI watched all of babylon 511:30
Proteousthe crusades movies were shit though11:30
X-Fadewazd: ping?11:30
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Jaffawazd: ping11:48
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lardmanmorning all11:56
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RST38h(sorry, caps was on)11:57
lardmanmorning RST38h11:57
pupnikspeaking of mourning, see the movie 'Harold and Maude'11:57
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RST38his it mournful enough? lots of tragic deaths? cemeteries? rainy scenes?12:01
lardmanfog too12:01
lardmanin the graveyards12:01
RST38hmaybe, just maybe, a few good panoramas of the total destruction of humanity?12:02
RST38h(please! we are all tired of watching those Independence Day scenes)12:02
aquatixlardman: not only on graveyards here12:04
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RST38hWell th emovie starts with a funeral so it should satisfy the requirements12:17
pupnikHal Ashby was the director.  Also did 'Being There' starring Peter Sellers12:21
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RST38hHehe, Quim's thread continues its spectacular eruption12:35
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t_s_o <- should one worry, or just ignore?13:02
JaffaAren't there already 20 variations of that idea already?13:02
t_s_oprobably, and none will catch on...13:03
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AStormyeah, it'd need major collaboration13:08
AStormeven M$ doesn't have enough power to do that13:08
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GeneralAntillesSeems like most people on Planet don't click through.13:09
GeneralAntillesMy community highlights post (which is arguably the much juicier post) has significantly more hearts than the wiki articles post.13:09
GeneralAntillesWhich is shown in full while the highlights post is abbreviated.13:09
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: did you know ahead of time which was going to be abbreviated? Perhaps more of a content summary than an introduction in future on the summarised ones?13:22
GeneralAntillesJaffa, no, I'm sure it's a character count, but I don't know the number.13:22
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GeneralAntillesI'm also sure X-Fade could tell me.13:22
GeneralAntillesOr maybe the abbreviation could be less severe.13:23
GeneralAntillesI'm loath to change my writing style for a stupid feed aggregator. ;)13:23
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X-FadeYesterday I changed the length of the article cut-off.13:24
X-FadeSo maybe you see this?13:24
X-FadeOn the planet it cuts of at 1000 words. The news page at something like 250 orso.13:26
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, well, compare "Wiki articles you're missing out on" to "Community Highlights"
wazdNoon everybody)13:27
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: 6 words above the cut off ;)13:27
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, well, could we make the abbreviated posts less . . . abbreviated?13:28
GeneralAntillesIf 1000 is the cutoff, then show 1000 words?13:28
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: yes, the code now only takes the first paragraph if it is longer than the max number of words.13:29
JaffaOr allow the abstract to be written separately13:29
X-FadeWhich is easier to implement ;)13:29
X-FadeBut it would be a lot better to count until the max word is reached and show every paragraph before that.13:30
GeneralAntillesI trimmed 6 words for the time being.13:30
GeneralAntillesYou want an enhancement request?13:30
X-FadeEnhancement request or patch against: :)13:31
X-Fadewazd: Are you limiting the number of chars of content in your feed by intent or because it is the default setting?13:33
GeneralAntillesWhose gonna nab bug #4000?
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Who's gonna nab bug #4000?
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lardmanhmm, looks like my Discussion karma has recovered a bit - I now have 38, but in comparison to my itt post karma (30) and indeed the itt thanks (133) do people think the weighting is a bit wrong?13:45
* Jaffa only has 19 for ITT posts :-(13:46
GeneralAntillesNah, we're just punishing you.13:46
lardmanwell I think mailing list posts should have higher weighting than itt posts13:46
GeneralAntillesThey do.13:46
GeneralAntilles1 karma per13:46
lardmanhmm, well the karma is still broken I imagine13:47
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lardmanI think I've sent one or two more than 38 emails13:47
lardmanback to the bug.....13:47
X-Fadelardman: .3 was released yesterday. And we are planning to upgrade asap.13:47
X-FadeJust need to plan a nice time for the outage ;)13:48
lardmanah ok, no worries13:48
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JaffaX-Fade: is there a debug mode where you can see how your karma's been calculated (i.e. n maemo-* emails = ...)?13:48
X-FadeIf it is still present after that upgrade, do complain :)13:48
JaffaMight make it easier to game the system13:48
pupnik"We now have the SGX video drivers in their entirety. We're just waiting for a few documents to come back signed and then we can release both the binary part and the open source driver shim to the public. Expect OpenGL ES demos soon."13:48
X-FadeJaffa: Mails is 1 mail = 1 karma.13:48
Jaffapupnik: ?13:48
pupnikpandy news13:49
lardmanpupnik: koen has already shown some opengl es demos on the beagleboard13:49
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lardmanX-Fade: will do13:50
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I'm still truncated at 996 words. :(13:50
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Updates only once per hour?13:51
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, number gathered from planet.maemo.org13:51
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Maybe it counts html as words too? :)13:52
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johnx|zaurushey StsN800 :)13:52
X-FadeLet me read the code..13:52
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X-FadeAh, counting before html stripping ;)13:53
StsN800heya johnx13:53
X-FadeThat should be an easy fix ;)13:53
StsN800bbl exam13:54
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X-FadeHmm no it was stripping...13:56
X-FadeAh, it deducts the words for the first paragraph from the total.13:58
X-FadeSo you probably have about 1100 words in that article.13:58
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GeneralAntillesAh, that was my original suspicion.14:02
GeneralAntillesBut you threw me when I first brought it up. :P14:02
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: notice the _more_ in that link ;)14:02
GeneralAntillesYeah, Mr. 6 words above the cut off :P14:02
X-FadeBut I agree that it needs to do a better job ;)14:02
X-FadeBut 1000 is just an arbitrary limit _I_ set. It is open for discussion of course..14:03
GeneralAntilles1000 seems perfectly fine to me.14:03
GeneralAntillesThe only thing that bothers me is how much is trimmed when that limit is breached. :P14:04
X-FadeYes, that should be enhanced.14:04
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* lcuk starts kung fu fighting14:19
aquatixo/` It was a little bit scaring o/`14:20
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* aquatix types too fast14:20
* lcuk karate chops you14:20
mgedminyou strikes back14:20
aquatixyou knocks lcuk flat out14:21
lcukhiya marius14:21
* lcuk swings nun chucks around trying to look tough until they clout him in the nuts14:21
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lcukmicrosoft tag14:22
aquatix2004 called, they want their barcode back14:23
aquatixseriously, that has been done years ago14:23
aquatixthose 2D ones14:23
lcukbut MS have leverage14:23
aquatixi think nokia tried it back then14:24
aquatixah no14:24
aquatixit's japanese14:24
lcukserious question: i have a library - if i wanted python bindings and stuff (as well as a completed api) where might i look and who would i be best to talk to14:24
lcukaquatix, the barcode stuff might work in the winmobile phones14:24
mgedmina C library, right?14:24
aquatixlcuk: yeah, but it's nothing new14:25
mgedmina quick and dirty option is ctypes14:25
aquatixthey are doing it already14:25
lcukmarius, whats ctypes - does it just drag over the stuff?14:25
lcukim looking for a bit of instant gratification, i wanna see if its possible to init and run libliqbase from python without any serious devkit14:26
mgedminctypes is a way to convert Python data types to C types and invoke C functions14:26
mgedminwith no safety belts14:26
mgedmini..e. you pass an int instead of a char*, you get memory corruption you asked for14:26
lcukahhh no, this is the other way round, i have the c lib already14:26
mgedminwell, yes14:26
mgedminctypes is a python module that lets people quickly whip up something that looks like a python binding for a c lib14:26
mgedminthere are other bindings generators14:27
mgedminlike swig14:27
mgedminI think pyrex/cython can also be used for that14:27
mgedminI'm not very familiar with generating bindings14:27
mgedminI'm more of a user of generated bindings ;)14:27
lcukyeah mgedmin thats the thing, if i can create the bindings it gives you the option of using the lib which is at this point out of bounds14:28
mgedminI think you must be using the phrase 'python bindings' in a way other than what it normally means14:28
mgedmindo you want python code to invoke your stuff14:29
mgedminor do you want your stuff to be scriptable with python code?14:29
lcuki dont know how to describe it, the whole library thing is new to me as well :$14:29
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mgedminthe first thing is bindings14:29
mgedminthe second one is embedding a python interpreter14:29
lcuki want to be able to (in python)  open_liqbase_window()   load_picture()   draw_pterry_stuff()14:29
mgedmin may help14:29
mgedminthen you want bindings14:30
mgedminand you can build them with pyrex (or cython), or with swig, or with ctypes14:30
mgedminctypes is the simplest & quickest way, but it's not the "right" or "safe" way14:30
lcukok, ill do some investigation later then :) thanks14:30
mgedminthen there's the manual way of doing it in C, as described in
mgedminor maybe
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lcukheh starting to look like embedding python interpreter inside - i know thats a different issue14:31
lcuk(though i once did that with vbscript in one of my apps :) )14:32
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X-Fadelcuk: Looks familiar?
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StsN800phew, that exam over with14:43
StsN800waiting for grade14:43
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StsN800johnx, xchat on mer on zaurus?14:44
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RST38hEdinburgh librarians are apparently "seething" after the powers that be decided they should henceforth be known as audience development officers as part of a plan to drag libraries kicking and screaming into the 21st century14:54
Andrewfblackhey stsn800 you there14:57
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AndrewfblackStsN800 which minimize/close buttons do you like better for this theme? is the old is the new ones15:00
lcukX-Fade, looks interesting, its using the synaptic pad code which is 1d, just ran over both axis, its very cube oriented and does not allow rotation in the way my testing does15:02
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aquatixAndrewfblack: the new ones look more consistent to the rest15:02
aquatixbut i'm not too enthousiastic about the sharp arrow15:03
X-Fadelcuk: yeah, it is exactly the same thing we can do..15:03
Andrewfblackaquatix thanks for the input15:03
lcukyeah - nnot a true solution (which is why i never pushed it) is it the fact its android that ppl are making a fuss of his?15:04
X-Fadelcuk: Multitouch is a nice marketing thing. Creates hype.15:04
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RST38hAndrew: why not made the arrow of the same elements you made the close button of?15:05
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, ZOMG TOO FINGRS!15:05
aquatixblunt points15:05
lcukyeah of course, but its not though and because you have to be very mechanical and balanced in your use its not at all like the fruity things15:05
aquatixmore like a v15:06
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RST38hif it becomes awkward, you can make it a downward pointing triangle15:06
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wazd_hpscrew this :)15:07
Andrewfblackaquatix you guys talking about the menu icon arrow?15:07
lcukanyway, shall read more later :)15:07
RST38hAndrew: no, the minimize arrow15:07
* aquatix wasn't15:07
aquatixyeah, minimise15:07
mxttie|workhi, is there somewhere on a list of devices which run the maemo platform?15:07
aquatixthe menu icon arrow is... weird15:07
aquatixit looks out of place15:08
lcukRST38h, you are here, any chance you have an optimized 8bit bitmap rotation algo anywhere?15:08
Andrewfblackminimise arrow is same arrow as the scroll bar arrows just bigger15:08
aquatixAndrewfblack: i don't quite like those either :)15:08
GeneralAntillesmxttie|work, 770, N800, N810, N810 WiMAX Edition15:08
wazd_hp < some crazy insomnia stuff15:08
aquatixbut smallish like them and with a circle they are ok15:08
aquatixwazd_hp: insomnia?15:09
aquatixnice font btw15:09
aquatixwhich is it?15:09
Andrewfblacklol I guess you wouldn't like the menu arrows either then whats wrong with them?15:09
wazd_hpaquatix: well, that was made at 5am so))15:09
wazd_hpaquatix: homebrew15:09
mxttie|workGeneralAntilles: thanks. a lot less than I thought :) I then assume there isn't any list anywhere because it is just so short :)15:10
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GeneralAntillesmxttie|work, it may expand at some point through unofficial support (some are working on Pandora support), but Nokia doesn't license it.15:10
aquatixAndrewfblack: not sure, i think they're a bit sharp15:10
aquatixoh, menu arrows15:11
Andrewfblackaquatix so you think some rounder arrows would match the theme better15:11
aquatixwell, the menu arrow in the title bar looks out of place15:11
mxttie|workGeneralAntilles: oh, ok. didn't realise it is nokia only15:11
aquatixAndrewfblack: i like the arrow in the gray circle in the middle, for example15:12
aquatixbut that's almost a v15:12
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aquatixit can be filled a bit more, like the current ones15:12
GeneralAntillesmxttie|work, personally, I don't agree with the decision and would like to see it positioned as the "de-facto" mobile Linux, but what can you do? ;)15:12
Andrewfblackaquatix you saying you like the arrow in the applet section better15:14
wazd_hpwhat arrow are you discussing guys?15:14
lcukRST38h, ill talk to you later15:15
Andrewfblackwazd_hp working on my Mer theme15:15
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aquatixAndrewfblack: yes15:15
aquatixthe one from skype or something?15:15
Andrewfblackaquatix its the standard Nokia arrow thats why you like it so much lol15:16
aquatixi'm not a fan of too sharp arrows, or at least not how the minimise button is drawn now15:16
wazd_hpcross copied from x-chat s bad15:16
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aquatixAndrewfblack: nah, it's the other way around: they chose one that i like :)15:16
wazd_hpit's cropped at the bottom15:16
aquatixAndrewfblack: but maybe blunting the top 2 pieces of the sharp arrow will suffice15:17
aquatixyou know what i mean?15:17
Andrewfblackwazd_hp cross is coppiedfrom xchat just simular also fixed cut off bottom allrady15:17
wazd_hpandrewfblack: good :)15:18
wazd_hpI think you should move left border of statusbar to the right15:18
wazd_hpso it would be same border as on the right15:19
wazd_hpnow it';s way wider15:19
Andrewfblackwazd_hp ok15:19
wazd_hpAnd you should do minimize and close icons smaller, then it's block will have same padding as statusbar15:20
aquatixAndrewfblack: are we allowed to use Tango?15:20
aquatixor would you rather do something new15:21
Andrewfblackwazd_hp these are old minimize/close buttons liek them better?
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Andrewfblackaquaatix Tango?15:21
wazd_hpAndrewfblack: well, it's standart photoshop arrows))15:22
aquatixAndrewfblack: the Tango icon project15:22
aquatixI rather like it15:22
aquatixalmost every linux distro uses it nowadays15:23
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Andrewfblackwazd_hp yep I suck at drawning arrows always lop sided on one side15:23
aquatixubuntu's Human is a variation on it I think15:23
aquatixAndrewfblack: yeah, the sharp arrow is slightly lopsided too right?15:23
wazd_hpAndrewfblack: I think minimize arrow should be the same size as the cross15:23
* aquatix was modifying it15:23
aquatixwazd_hp: that too15:23
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* aquatix fires up inkscape15:24
AndrewfblackWidest part of arrow is same as widest part of cross I beleave15:25
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Stskeepshehe, it's nice to see so much theme cooperation :)15:25
Andrewfblackhey Stskeeps15:25
wazd_hpStskeeps: I've made some "loading..." stuff for Mer, not sure you'll like it :)15:26
RST38hthe arrow is seriously ugly, really15:26
mxttie|workGeneralAntilles: hehe :) yeah, it looks very neat and certainly looks like an appealing candidate for general mobile linux. maybe one day in the future ;) (forgot to press enter =))15:26
AndrewfblackAnyone want to make new arrows for the theme?15:26
Stskeepswazd_hp: hehe, we'll see :)15:27
Stskeepswazd_hp: we can use ".ani" files too it seems like though15:27
GeneralAntillesmxttie|work, well, Ubuntu Mobile is using Hildon15:27
GeneralAntillesand the UI is really the most interesting part15:27
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RST38hwazd: that is not from FreeRunner phone by any chance?15:27
wazd_hpRST38h: well, it was hand maded this night :)15:28
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wazd_hpRST38h: Haven't seen FreeRunner font actually :)15:28
* aquatix sucks at arrows too15:28
aquatixbut why not look at Tango stuff, for example?15:28
mxttie|workGeneralAntilles: thanks for the tip. looks like I need to read up a bit15:28
aquatixthere are a *lot* of icons already done15:28
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aquatixwazd_hp: i like the font15:29
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aquatixcan i have it? :)15:29
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wazd_hpRST38h: Btw, your gameboy icon proves my point bout .svg icons for now :)15:30
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wazd_hpRST38h: they suck at detalization15:30
wazd_hpRST38h: pretty solid icon though, I had nothing to change)15:30
wazd_hpaquatix: level of details I mean :)15:31
aquatixyou can put a lot of details in svg's :)15:31
aquatixbut that'll make rendering slow i think15:31
wazd_hpaquatix: and nothing would render it :)15:31
aquatixthe reason why most icons are png's are because they are rendered specifically for that size15:32
aquatixsource is generally svg even15:32
aquatixif i read Tango's stories right :)15:32
aquatixyou might want to contact Hylke Bons for example (
aquatixdid the pidgin icons too15:33
wazd_hpyou can even do photorealistic graphics with straight hands like that
Stskeepsmxttie|work: <- Mer (+ hildon) on a x86 on a TV screen ;)15:33
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aquatixStskeeps: :)15:33
aquatixwazd_hp: nice15:33
wazd_hpbut just showing that image in realtime would kill the CPU softly :)15:34
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aquatixdepends on the cpu ;)15:36
aquatixbut using svg on maemo might not work that nicely15:36
aquatixbut for source files, it's fine15:36
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wazd - that designer definitely has 2 suns on his earth15:38
aquatixi only see a shadow coming from that setting sun15:40
wazdbut the house itself is lighten from the other side15:40
aquatixbut the house is lighted weirdly from `our' side indeed15:40
wazdsun is on the back, light is on the front15:40
aquatixfile a ticket ;)15:41
Andrewfblackmaybe there is a street light you can't see in image15:41
* aquatix sniggers from behind his large flashlight15:41
wazdAndrewfblack: or it's some crazy xenon flash :)15:42
aquatixheh :)15:42
wazddetails are everything in our world :)15:44
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* aquatix loves details15:47
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RST38hwazd: Ugly? Large? Slow to render?15:53
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* Jaffa pfffts at texrat getting the hump at him.15:55
wazdwhoa, my blog's QR code :)
mgedminJaffa: did you see my patch to mud-builder's vim.xml?15:56
GeneralAntillesJaffa, it's a day of strong emotions on itT.15:56
wazdRST38h: no, it's totaly fine but it too low-detailed to my mind15:56
Jaffamgedmin: I did, indeed. Thanks. Haven't had a chance to apply it yet15:57
wazdRST38h: maybe I can make one icon for S60 and other for rendering?15:57
JaffaOh. Joy. Sv's stopped working (Intrepid issue?)15:57
JaffaGeneralAntilles: I've got a lovely PM telling me off for making things personal.15:58
GeneralAntillesJaffa, :roll:15:58
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Jaffalo etrunko15:59
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, drama city. I wonder if he's running on sleep deprivation. . . .15:59
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: it's a fine excuse, I tell you :)15:59
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, we should add a "[  ] Sleep deprived" checkbox to every post16:00
AFB|AwayI havn't goten to tell anyone off yet today16:00
JaffaAFB|Away: shout at me, I can take it16:00
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Just a 20 second delay and then 'Are you still sure?'16:01
StskeepsJaffa: too sleep deprived to care? ;)16:01
AFB|AwayJaffa To tired or I would16:01
JaffaStskeeps: most likely16:01
VeggenOh, the sound of illusions breaking. Got a mail from a customer, Cc'ed to our new boss, who promptly asks "And this goes directly in mail, without being reported according to the correct process?"16:01
RST38hwazd: That is possible but Maemo alone requires three differently sized icons16:01
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RST38hwazd: and Windows is kinda color-limited when it comes to icons16:02
wazdRST38h: what I want is to do 2 different .svg's16:03
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wazdRST38h: less detailed and more detailed16:04
RST38hwazd: Fully detailed and simple?16:04
RST38hYea, this will work16:04
wazdRST38h: good)16:04
RST38hVeggen: Wait until he starts implementing his policies...16:04
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VeggenNah, she is the fourth boss I've had in this department. Noone has so far managed to change me ;P16:05
Veggen(or anyone, for that matter :)16:06
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etrunkohey Jaffa, GeneralAntilles, X-Fade16:08
GeneralAntillesWelcome back, etrunko. :P16:09
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etrunkoalready time16:09
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* wazd wishes to be xhtml guru that codes mulibilliondollar startups in the notepad :(16:13
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RST38hVeggen: lemme guess, they all got fired after trying to implement proper email accounting policies and shutting down ALL communicaiton with customers?16:15
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VeggenRST38h: nah. The two first one got tired of being boss and ended up project leaders, the third one moved upwards.16:16
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VeggenRST38h: All of them have done a decent job, and *at least* not stopped us from doing our work :)16:17
RST38hVeggen: the last one is 90% of theyir job really16:18
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Veggenbut the former one was unable to do any sort of prioritizing. If we said we had two tasks that was gonna take the whole week, he'd say "ok. Then you need to finish first one in a half week, second one in the last half".16:20
RST38hand two peopel should be able to finish it in half the time? :)16:20
VeggenA boss once, in an info-meeting, said, on talking about work moral etc., that he hoped we did do the boring tasks also.16:21
VeggenSo I promptly raised my hand, and said "No, I don't".16:21
VeggenHim: "?!?"16:21
Veggen"No. Noone can tell me what is important, and I have *more* than enough to do. And if it's up to *me* to prioritize, I can and *will* choose the fun stuff"16:22
Veggenluckily, we don't have to have that much respect for authorities in this country.16:23
VeggenI once told my boss to hang up the phone and *don't* call again, ever!16:24
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Stskeepsoh thank god nokia16:24
Stskeepssome sanity16:24
Stskeepsstore MyDocs on MMC16:25
mgedminthe internal one16:25
mgedminmy previous n810 periodically corrupted the internal mmc16:25
mgedminI'm overjoyed knowing nokia thinks it's safe for my documents16:25
RST38hVeggen <--- basically aspiring to be fired with prejudice =)16:25
Stskeepsmgedmin: there's hints that it is a huge internal mmc, so16:26
VeggenRST38h: nah, he deserved it. He'd been calling me and bothering me with questions about whether or not I was gonna finish (as I had *said* I would), every half hour all day.16:26
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RST38hVeggen: "I promise you to finish before you quit!:16:27
RST38hDid you finish before he quit btw?16:27
VeggenRST38h: oh, I was finished by the day after, because he *did* actually not call me again that day, so that I was finally able to concentrate on the job :)16:27
JaffaStskeeps: I've already set MYDOCSDIR to /media/mmc2/MyDocs. No backup worries on reflash16:28
RST38hJaffa: Is this sufficient for all the apps or should I symlink it instead ?16:28
JaffaIt's sufficient for everything which uses Hildon's file chooser.16:29
JaffaThere seems to be an odd side-effect that it no longer goes to the correct subcategory (e.g. Images when selecting File > Open in the Images app), but other than that, no problems.16:30
RST38hah...but stuff like Maemo Mapper won't heed it...16:30
JaffaIf something has a hard-coded path to /home/user/MyDocs, it's a bug. If an existing config file references it, it'd need updating16:31
GeneralAntilles(stupid focus bugs)16:32
GeneralAntillesI wonder if the person s/Scratchbox/Sandbox/g is the same on both itT and the lists. <_<16:32
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Stskeepswazd: ever saw btw?16:34
GeneralAntillesRST38h, no, I don't believe so. Probably just willfully ignorant.
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RST38h"willfully ignorant" is a good term16:39
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wazdStskeeps: nope16:43
Stskeepswazd: think it's a place that needs to be styled? i did it rather engineer like :) it's the place you go when you've messed up your tablet and want to go into safe mode, connect through USB; whatever ;)16:43
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wazdStskeeps: well, maybe :)16:44
wazdStskeeps: can it show a row menu to select items?16:44
Stskeepswazd: well it's a rather simple script :)16:45
Stskeeps"row menu"?16:45
wazdStskeeps: simple row of icons16:45
wazdStskeeps: like canola or whatever)16:45
wazdStskeeps: with same d-pad selection16:46
Stskeepswell the issue is that the thing i use for it is the same as splash screen, so it shows one image at a time :>16:46
wazdStskeeps: Ah, that's even easier16:46
wazdStskeeps: I have to just draw row and respective selections on it)16:47
* Stskeeps wonders why the bloody hell hildon input method stopped working16:47
wazdStskeeps: what options does this menu have?16:48
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Stskeepswazd: right now, "Start Mer normally", "Activate console on framebuffer" "Act as a ethernet USB gadget with telnetd open" "Act as a serial USB gadget with shell" "Reboot"16:49
Stskeepsi just wonder if it even needs styling, since its pretty clear when you use it :P16:50
Stskeepsexcept it looks a bit 80s like :>16:50
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wazdStskeeps: definitely yes :))16:52
wazdStskeeps: It really looks like "Hello 80s" :D16:53
Stskeepsi liked the 80s..16:53
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wazdcan image be 800x480 for that menu?)16:56
Stskeepswell, if you lay in the text too, yes, but there's a bit of stuff in the bottom as you might see16:56
Stskeepswe abuse the splash screen program for this so16:56
wazdso it's for Mer now, not deblet?)16:58
Stskeepsyeah, i took it from deblet, Mer's deblet successor :)16:58
Stskeepswe were able to reuse a lot of things so16:59
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Stskeepsalso it can be both png and jpg16:59
Stskeepsokay, i gotta catch my bus16:59
Stskeepsbe back in 30 mins16:59
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johnxcold cold cold :(17:16
johnxhey Stskeeps17:16
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stephen_has anyone done any status bar app work in python?17:24
johnxstephen_, there's pybattery (I tihnk it's called)17:26
johnxlet me find you a link17:26
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stephen_thank you17:26
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stephen_thanks :)17:27
johnxsure :)17:27
johnxwhat kind of applet are you planning to make?17:27
stephen_something that allows me to give status updates17:27
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stephen_like libnotify17:28
AStormoh, isn't there a libnotify client already?17:29
AStormused for "Battery full" and such17:29
stephen_i'll need to take a look :)17:29
qwerty12AStorm, it receives those events over dbus17:30
stephen_oh really?17:30
stephen_so if I publish a message to the notifier, over the dBus, it will display it on screen?17:30
qwerty12I think the battery applet is only configured to listen out for battery events17:30
qwerty12But, yes, you can use dbus signals to trick the applet17:31
johnxqwerty12, but there's other ways to print little notifcation bubbles than just tricking battery applet, right?17:32
qwerty12johnx, yes,
johnxstephen_, ^^probably what you want :)17:33
stephen_is there a python wrapper?17:33
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qwerty12Yes, I think it has the same name but with "hildon." in front. advanced-power uses it a lot to my knowledge so search for banner in the adv-power python file and you'll see it there17:34
stephen_great thanks :D17:34
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Stskeepsjohnx: i'm still baffled why h-i-m stops working17:37
qwerty12stephen_, this may help:
Stskeepshooking it up with usb now17:37
stephen_thanks :)17:38
johnxStskeeps, will poke at it in a sec. I worked on a 640x480 layout BTW. might be easier than I thought17:38
Stskeepshehe, so you were on a zaurus with mer earlier or?17:39
johnxyeah, on the train :)17:39
johnxah, but the keymap is all wonky in xorg on a zaurus, so I was on irssi17:39
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johnxerr...IRC at my desk, layout on the train17:40
johnxI guess I should sort out tethering over USB or IRDA to my phone17:40
aquatixif those clamshell zauri had had bluetooth, i would have had a zaurus17:41
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Stskeepsmm. there's nothing like a good drink after an exam17:42
lardmanaquatix: and wifi too, there were no cf wifi cards that fitted flush17:42
johnxaquatix, actually, I'll probably be switching out my cf wifi card for a cf bluetooth card after I get a phone capable of tethering over BT17:42
aquatixStskeeps: something alcoholic17:42
aquatixlardman: yeah17:42
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* aquatix once specced out an order for a zaurus with wifi card, extra battery and such and came at a price of about 1kEUR17:43
aquatixwhich was a tad... much ;)17:43
johnxdefinitely :)17:43
Stskeepsaquatix: of course17:43
johnxI dropped <$400USD on my C1000 and probably $150+ on various CF wifi cards as they failed over the years :/17:43
aquatixbut that was the 6GB one i think17:44
aquatixmyeah, i would've had to use the UK importer or something17:44
johnxyeah, I'm starting to wish I had one with a microdrive17:44
aquatixor that japanese one17:44
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johnxI ordered when the prices were at an all time low I think17:44
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Stskeepsjohnx: btw, is non-dependence on first-boot-wizard intentional?17:46
johnxin auto-startx?17:46
johnxI can see using auto-startx with a different desktop.17:47
johnxin that case people might want to remove hildon-desktop, and gtk. but first-boot-wizard->zenity->gtk17:47
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johnxdidn't I have it as a recommend?17:48
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wazdStskeeps: is something like this appropriate?)
johnxaquatix, aaaah. time softens all memories! I just looked up my order info in my mail archvie. $575 for a C1000 O_o17:49
johnxWTF was I thinking?17:49
X-Fadewazd: Did I miss your answer about your feed or did you miss my question? :)17:49
aquatixo/` Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger! o/`17:49
aquatixjohnx: :)17:49
aquatixsame here17:49
aquatixalmost bought it17:49
qwerty12Jaffa, I think someone needs to tell the author of Boxar about Build-Depends :). He's already tried to get it into Extras17:49
aquatixthen sanity kicked in17:49
wazdX-Fade: I guss I've missed the question, sorry)17:50
Stskeepswazd: hehe, looks cool :> and replacing the mer logos with other icons?17:50
* mgedmin hands aquatix two mushrooms17:50
X-Fadewazd: Is the content length limit of your feed intentional or is it just the default setting? :)17:50
wazdStskeeps: yep17:50
Stskeepsjohnx: we so need something to set the background in first-boot-wizard though17:51
Stskeepseven if a dialog box on top of a console is kinda cool17:51
wazdX-Fade: well, I'm adding "more" tag to enlight main page, haven't used any other limitations)17:51
johnxStskeeps, you could tell the x server to give you a black background on startup, but there are also plenty of lightweight root-setting programs. let me get some dinner and I'll start looking at stuff again :)17:52
Stskeepsjohnx: alright17:52
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X-Fadewazd: Then you might want to look in the configuration of your blog software. As you only seem to publish an excerpt.17:52
johnxis first-boot-wizard working OK BTW? I know it's not exactly elegant or bulletproof, but does it at least run for you from current packages?17:52
Stskeepsjohnx: well i can't really type anything yet17:53
X-Fadewazd: Unless you want people to click through to your site..17:53
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Stskeepsjohnx: and you need to change theme to 'default' :P17:53
johnxwill do17:53
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wazdX-Fade: I'm using simple account17:53
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Stskeepsjohnx: besides that, the repeat-on-error is working ;)17:53
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X-Fadewazd: I'm sure that is in your account settings..17:54
wazdX-Fade: I have to add "more" tag or there will be too much heavy images on the ain page17:54
johnxnot sure what happens if you put "bobby ; rm -rf /" as a username though17:54
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X-Fadewazd: Well the [...] isn't added by us. It is wordpress which does that.17:54
Stskeepsjohnx: "; DROP TABLE?17:55
johnxexactly :)17:55
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Stskeepsjohnx: gainroot for hackers17:55
Stskeepsit was like that on fonera routers..17:55
tlaxdrop table to get ikea-table17:55
wazdX-Fade: I'll check the settings, thanks)17:55
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X-Fadewazd: Wordpress has partial or full feed support.17:56
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Stskeepsjohnx: i suspect HIM is crashing17:58
Stskeepschecking why17:58
Stskeepsjohnx: any way to make the title not be "Add a new entry"?17:58
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: hehe, sapwoodless17:59
r2d2rogersbut it works otherwise17:59
wazdFor each article in a feed, show Full Text17:59
wazdI have that one17:59
r2d2rogerseven h-i-m17:59
wazdActually my blog engine lives it's own private life and I can't affect him :)18:00
X-Fadewazd: Lol ;)18:00
r2d2rogersis there a wayt o get the categgory names to show right?
wazdIt deletes controls when it wants so what can I do)\18:00
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johnxStskeeps, yes :)18:02
Stskeepsright, definately HIM crashes18:03
Stskeepsit cores18:03
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infobotSargun: Have you had your vi today?18:07
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Stskeepsjohnx: did we have some strange Xomap related hildon-input-method things?18:08
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johnxI still have Xorg18:09
* johnx boots mer, tests h-i-m18:09
TheFatalis there a wlan analyzer for n810 ?18:10
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johnxjust saw the bootsplash for the first time on my n80018:10
johnxlooks gorgeous!18:10
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Stskeepsthen you probably want to hold down the rescue menu button and select console18:11
Stskeepssince you run Xorg18:11
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johnxjust noticed that18:11
l7what's the best way to get wesnoth installed on diablo?18:11
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l7it looks like there used to be a package for wesnoth 1.2, but it's not in the repo anymore18:12
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TheFatali have a problem18:13
TheFatalmaemo-mapper does not start18:13
TheFatalin terminal says Segmentation failure18:14
Stskeepsjohnx: if i didn't know better.. it dies in pulseaudio18:15
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johnxh-i-m ... dies in pulseaudio?18:16
Stskeepsmakes sense doesn't it? audio when getting up keyboard18:17
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johnxreally? there's a sound?18:18
johnxI must have it off18:18
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Stskeepsnot active18:19
r2d2rogersis there a wayt o get the categgory names to show right?
r2d2rogersI haven't had much sound since OS2008HE <G>18:19
qwerty12Don't think locales work atm18:21
johnxStskeeps, h-i-m works here. need to see if I have the latest version of everything though18:22
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TheFatalany1 can help me :S18:24
Stskeepsupgrade of libpulse..18:24
johnxstemosco, poooong18:24
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mgedminTheFatal: which OS, which version of maemo-mapper?18:26
mgedminwhich device?18:26
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TheFatalmaemo-mapper last, N810 OS200818:27
TheFatal2.5.3 of maemo mapper18:27
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johnxTheFatal, you have the latest version of OS2008, right?18:27
* Stskeeps wonders why pulseaudio needs avahi18:27
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qwerty12Stskeeps, think it advertises itself to the network as a sound client...18:28
TheFatalcan be the conf of the maemo-mapper is lost or change folder ?18:28
TheFatalwhen i try to start the terminal say me Segmentatino fault18:28
Stskeepsqwerty12: could be handy for fancy demos :P18:29
qwerty12Hehe, I'm just wondering about the pranking possibilities :P :)18:29
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johnxqwerty12, drop a n800 with wifi in a corner of the room under some clothes and have it scream for help and respond to questions?18:30
aquatixjohnx: :)18:31
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qwerty12I can't let go of my N800 :P18:31
lardmanwhat you want to do is put a speaker inside someone's bed, and play them whale music every night :)18:31
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lcuki wouldnt waste it with whale music18:32
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qwerty12Hehe, IRC'ing every night from N800 is showing its toll on me when I dream about XChat 0_o :P18:32
lcuk"you will go to the bank in the morning and transfer all your money to..."18:32
johnxgentle whale music for 4 hours and then the sound of a jackhammer18:32
qwerty12lcuk, says the person who told the bank about a problem that they had :P18:32
lcukthat wasnt my problem, i never did follow up on that18:33
lcuknow ive laid low for a while i should go and draw on all those funds18:33
lcukcan someone find a nice simple best practice way for me to continue developing this library but more in the open18:34
mgedminput your VCS somewhere out there18:34
mgedmingoogle code, launchpad, github, somewhere18:35
mgedminadd a mailing list18:35
lcuki need big banners and guard dogs to keep ppl from stomping on the code im thinking about whilst dreaming18:35
mgedminfind some people interested in it18:35
mgedminthe last bit is the most important one18:35
lcuktheres plenty i think :)18:35
lcukwho wants libliqbase?18:35
* lcuk cries as the crickets chirping18:36
lcuk:) makes my life simpler18:36
mgedminnobody ever puts anonymously world-writable repositories, so stomping is usually not an issue18:36
mgedminunless you consider patches sent via email to be stomping18:36
mgedminbut usually it's more of a problem to get someone to get interested enough to send a patch18:36
lcukyeah mg i know18:37
lcukits not a problem of patches though, its being afraid of getting stuck in one direction based on feedback18:38
johnxlcuk, look. publishing code on a VCS != doing everything people tell you to18:38
mgedminyou could always put your hands over your ears and go o/` la la la o/`18:38
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mgedminuntil you've finished coding what you wanted18:39
lcukok, ill use my current liqbase svn and create all this in a branch18:39
* mgedmin tends to ignore wishlist requests for the software he maintains, and lets them fester in the bug tracker, occasionally feeling guilty about that18:40
johnxlcuk, here's some boilerplate: "That's an interesting idea, but I'm taking this in a different direction. If you can send me a patch that keeps the default behavior intact and adds your new idea as a runtime option, I'd be very interested."18:40
lcukim just frustrated i didnt get my core widget in place before now, i wanted a new year video :'(18:40
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mgedminjust build a time machine18:41
mgedminor wait 11 months ;)18:41
b1ackdeathwould it be possible to  have both Deblet and Ubuntu Jaunty  on the same sd card if it was 8gigs?18:41
lcukcan i have a pony as well?18:41
* mgedmin once specified his timezone in roundup as +030018:41
* mgedmin later noticed that roundup interpreted that as "2 weeks after UTC"18:41
lcukanyway back soon, ill get it together tonight i hope18:41
johnxb1ackdeath,  sure, just have to partition it18:41
mgedminwhat kind of software thinks "three hundred hours" is a reasonable timezone offset?18:42
johnxmgedmin, that's awesome18:42
qwerty12mgedmin, someone in Japan who has built a time machine :)18:42
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qwerty12:O. This is not the Johnx from 2009?18:43
johnxqwerty12, icks-nay on the ime-tay achine-may18:43
b1ackdeathyeah i figured im justing asking , to see if any one had done it yet18:43
johnxqwerty12, er, uhm, wait...of course this is the johnx from 2009!! who else would it be?18:43
qwerty12johnx, I don't want to say anything incase I blow the secret :P18:44
qwerty12But then again, I don't think I was thinking that before...18:44
johnxqwerty12, ever watched "Primer"?18:45
johnxgood movie :)18:45
qwerty12johnx, nope. I think you are from the future because I was just about to ask "is it good?" :P18:45
johnxUTC+9 :)18:46
qwerty12hehe :)18:46
infobotjohnx meant: UTC+0900 :)18:46
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b1ackdeathhas any one tryed x11 forwarding to the n810 with out peguien baits air-x?18:53
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Stskeepsjohnx: still at a loss why this error happens18:57
Stskeepsit's definately PA related18:57
johnxstill plenty of people offering to sell me an n810 wimax. guess they didn't get the memo18:57
johnxrunning apt-get upgrade now. I'll see if the latest versions play nice with xorg18:58
Stskeepsin good news, gconf is playing nice again18:59
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johnxafter you beat it until it stores values in $HOME ?19:00
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johnxI really hope Nokia eventually picks up some of these changes19:00
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Stskeepswe'll write a book19:00
johnxhow about a tv movie?19:02
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johnxthere can be car chases and explosions and a murder to solve!19:02
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AFB|Awayanyone know why my n810 wouldn't have the newest Version of OS but no update is showing?19:05
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johnxAndrewfblack, is it diablo or something older?19:06
Stskeepsjohnx: wtf19:06
Stskeepsit works with xorg19:06
johnxStskeeps, ah, another special bug. we have all the luck19:07
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Andrewfblackjohnx Diablo19:07
johnxAndrewfblack, did you remove osso-software-version-rx44?19:07
Stskeepsjohnx: then again Xomap is a bit of a scary thing19:08
Andrewfblackdon't think so19:08
johnxAndrewfblack, can you check if it's installed from x terminal? apt-cache policy osso-software-version-rx4419:09
wazdI've found my 8Gb SDHC!!!119:09
Stskeepsjohnx: seems to work flawlessly under xorg19:09
johnxwoo! now that is what I like to hear19:10
Andrewfblacksays its not installed19:10
johnxAndrewfblack, is it available?19:10
Andrewfblackor Installed: (none)19:10
AndrewfblackI don't see where it says anything avout available19:11
johnxDoes it say "candidate" somewhere?19:11
johnxthat's the available version19:11
johnxdo you have root access?19:12
Andrewfblackwonder why its not showing in my app manager19:12
johnxit's not a user package19:12
johnxit's a system thing, but it can be installed if something conflicts with it19:12
johnxmaybe rotation support or something else like that19:12
AndrewfblackI don't have rotation on here anymore but that might be it I used to19:13
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johnxwell, just get root access and type: apt-get install osso-software-version-rx44 and see what it wants to do19:13
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Stskeepsjohnx: i guess this means back on the xorg bandwagon again19:14
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johnxStskeeps, I really wonder what the problem is...19:14
Stskeepsjohnx: weird X replies or something prolly19:14
Proteousthat's good, the xorg bandwagon is where all the tasty grub is19:15
Andrewfblackjohnx says I have unmet depenencies19:15
johnxAndrewfblack, maybe just dependency issues :P19:16
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qwerty12wazd, nice logos :)19:19
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Stskeepswazd: <319:19
Stskeepswazd: now we just need those 5 pngs i guess :>19:20
Andrewfblackjohnx says Depends: libxm12 (=2.6.27.dfsg-1osso4) but 2.6.27.dfsg-1.maemo1 is to be installed19:20
Stskeepsjohnx: you should definately see that jpg too19:21
johnxwazd, that looks gorgeous19:21
wazdjohnx: thx :)19:21
johnxAndrewfblack, apt-cache policy libxml219:21
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wazdStskeeps: maybe write text right on pngs?19:21
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Stskeepswazd: yeah, is a possibility19:22
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wazdStskeeps: It will look prettier I guess :)19:22
Stskeepshehe, yeah19:22
Stskeepsremember to keep the raw material19:22
Stskeepswe might want to do 6 options at some point :P19:22
Andrewfblackjohnx tells me I have 2.6.27.dfsg-1.maemo1 installed19:22
wazdStskeeps: sure, all my work lives as .psd's on my PC :)19:23
johnxAndrewfblack, and where is it from?19:23
johnxwhat repository?19:23
AndrewfblackhttP;// diablo/free19:23
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wazdStskeeps: post me the text for each tab so I can insert it19:23
johnxAndrewfblack, if you type: apt-get install libxm12=2.6.27.dfsg-1osso419:24
johnxwhat does it say?19:24
Stskeepswazd: Start Mer normally - Activate console on framebuffer - Act as a USB ethernet gadget with open telnetd - Act as a Serial USB Gadget with shell - Restart tablet19:25
johnxStskeeps, could you try hitting backspace on the h-i-m keyboard? and tell me if it crashes xorg for you too?19:25
Andrewfblacksays it will downgrade the package19:25
wazdStskeeps: ok, and what size should .png's be to fit fullscreen?19:25
Andrewfblackand asks me if I want to do it19:25
Stskeepswazd: 800x48019:25
Stskeepsjohnx: nop19:26
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johnxAndrewfblack, should be fine19:26
wazdStskeeps: ok19:26
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Stskeepswazd: thanks for all the good work so far btw :)19:27
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johnxAndrewfblack, I mean, should fine to downgrade if nothing is depending on the later version. however you might want to backup just to be on the safe side. :)19:27
AndrewfblackI keep an upto date backup all the time lol19:28
wazdStskeeps: It's good to help if you can :)19:29
Andrewfblackbeleave it or not a few of my themes have made me have to restore before19:29
johnxAndrewfblack, then downgrade it and after that install osso-software-version-rx4419:29
Stskeepsjohnx: xf86-video-omap-fb is on your bzr?19:29
Sargunhow long does the warranty last on the n810?19:31
johnxSargun, 1 year I think19:31
Stskeepsjohnx: i'm adding in functionality of fb_update_mode into the x driver19:32
johnxsounds great, I'll fix those things in first-boot-wizard19:33
disco_stuis it possible to have rotation enabled with the last ssu ?19:33
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Stskeepsjohnx: pushed to ~mer-committers19:40
Andrewfblackanyone want to help me with arrow for MerEcho theme?19:40
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Stskeepsjohnx: weird question, is the cursor supposed to be blinking in applications?19:42
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TheFatali question. where are the conf files of maemo mappers ?19:42
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johnxStskeeps, ... blinking?19:42
Stskeepsjohnx: yeah, like, in a text field19:43
johnxTheFatal, it stores settings in gconf19:43
TheFataland where is gconf ?19:43
johnxStskeeps, good question. only thing I ever run is roxterm19:43
johnxTheFatal, to edit settings stored in gconf you should get gconf-editor19:43
Stskeepsjohnx: successful hack with update mode btw19:44
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johnxStskeeps, awesome! did it turn out to be pretty simple?19:44
wazd | | | |
Stskeepsjohnx: oneliner19:45
wazdStskeeps: I thought if I can use jpg to reduce overall size19:45
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Stskeepswazd: are the jpgs smaller or?19:45
wazdStskeeps: Since five pics costs more that 1 meg19:45
wazdSskeeps: jpgs are way smaller19:45
Stskeepsthen go for that instead19:46
Stskeepsspace is a factor i guess :)19:46
Stskeepsstill, looks bloody brilliant19:46
wazdStskeeps: check the text, I'll just resave pngs19:46
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johnxStskeeps, imagine me or you trying to do art for this? *shakes his head*19:47
Stskeepsjohnx: 80s style19:47
Stskeepsbut yes19:47
Stskeepsthat would be loathsome19:47
johnxa mix of foojacked icons and pictures drawn with a mouse in gimp19:47
wazdjohnx: well, actually all of that stuff was made with netbook trackpad :D19:48
Stskeeps+ cat /usr/share/first-boot-wizard/host-template19:48
Stskeepscat: /usr/share/first-boot-wizard/host-template: No such file or directory19:48
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Stskeeps-> johnx19:48
r2d2rogerswazd: that looks great, I was thinking I was missing out by not getting to look at the great splash screen when I zig through the rescue menu19:49
wazdjohnx: so mouse is not big deal)19:49
johnxStskeeps, typo :)19:49
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: apt-get upgrade and you can see splash again19:49
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: (xf86-video-omapfb update)19:49
r2d2rogersr2d2rogers: gotta unbreak my apt-get first19:49
wazdStskeeps: is text alright?)19:50
Stskeepswazd: i suspect the font is better on tablet screen19:50
wazdI can see Mer's ad: "Mer's rescue screen is so cute that you will atually want to break your device to see it!"19:50
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johnxis solca's boot selector thing capable of using a similar front end?19:51
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Stskeepsjohnx: there's some kexec problems atm so that is kinda put in the grave temporarily19:51
TheFataljohnx: can you make me a favor ?19:52
Stskeepsit requires the r&d serial mode on19:52
johnxTheFatal, sure19:52
johnxStskeeps, in the grave only to rise again hungering for the brains of innocent developers?19:52
TheFatalcan u send the poi.db file of maemo-mapper to this mail :: guido.rugo@gmail.com19:52
johnxTheFatal, I don't have one19:52
* Stskeeps tries to install network-manager-gnome19:52
TheFataldo you hace N810 ?19:53
wazdStskeeps: well, looks pretty sexy on tablet :)19:53
johnxTheFatal, I have an N800, and it's not booted to OS2008 right now. if you delete it or a move it maemo-mapper will probably create a new one19:53
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wazdStskeeps: Jpgs are 4 times smaller than png without visual quality loss19:56
TheFatalno, it does not create new one19:56
Stskeepsgrr @ update-notifier19:57
Stskeepsthat thing -really- needs to go19:57
Stskeepsexcept that breaks NM19:57
Stskeepsthat's lovely19:57
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Stskeepsjohnx: plugdev, netdev as part of first-boot-wizard?20:01
wazd | | | |
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johnxStskeeps, roger20:01
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Shadow_Mhey anyone know if there is a dc++ client for maemo20:02
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Stskeepsnm-applet so needs to be hildonized..20:03
Shadow_Mor does one need to be ported20:03
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wazdShadow_M: never heard of that, but the port would be awesome, since I've searched for it too)20:04
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Shadow_Mhmm yeah it would be nice what would have to get ported the gui right if compiled from source20:05
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wazdI can actually test "rescue menu" in image viewer :P20:07
Stskeepshehe :>20:07
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* r2d2rogers tries to find out what dies in hildon on first load20:08
Khertan_n810_12Hellone !oyreve20:08
r2d2rogershadn't triggered it yet20:09
mgedminwazd: awesome pics, and I don't notice any jpg artefacts20:09
r2d2rogersbut probable20:09
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wazdmgedmin: well, they are there, but too small to see them without magnify :)20:09
r2d2rogersStskeeps: still using the start-hildon?20:09
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: i'll answer later, adding pics to rescue menu atm :)20:10
Khertan_n810_12someone have some snippet code about inserting image in a sqlite database from a gtk.Image to sqltie and vice and versa ?;20:10
wazdHey Khertan :)20:10
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: and i should -really- get to make that lassagna tonight i have been wishing for all week ;)20:10
Khertan_n810_12pixbuf will make me crazy with their poor docs20:10
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mgedminKhertan_n810_12: no, but maybe  will help20:11
r2d2rogersStskeeps: cool, lunch here too, catch ya in an hour or so...20:11
johnxStskeeps, you done with all your exams?20:12
Khertan_n810_12other question : do you have problem displaying the output of the n810 camera ... ? i get a freeze for 10 to 15s every minutes20:12
Stskeepsjohnx: 1 down, 2 to go20:12
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Khertan_n810_12thx for the link20:13
mgedminlast time I played with the nokia 'camera' app, it used so much CPU that the device became unresponsive and eventually rebooted20:13
lcukKhertan_n810, for the images and database thing wouldnt it be more usable to save it alongside the DB and have only the name in the db20:13
lcukthat way the system thumbnailer can access and handle it20:13
lcukand you could at a later stage use that info :)20:14
TheFatalhow can i delete a gconf file20:14
johnxlet's see: first-boot-wizard: default theme, add titles, add user to netdev and plugdev. was there anything else?20:14
Stskeepsjohnx: background20:14
Stskeepsthis goes for both hildon-desktop-env and first-boot-wizard :P20:14
Stskeepsthe dark color is depressing20:15
lcukKhertan_n810, also, camera wise try setting gstreamer to send down smaller images and lesser framerate :: liqbase is rock solid at 320*240*1520:15
lcukat full speed i think you run out of bandwidth to do everything20:15
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* lcuk speaks to a blank wall :P20:16
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johnxyeah, I thought the camera app seemed to be having bandwidth issues instead of CPU issues20:17
qwerty12johnx, dunno if you got the armel zenity built in Mer already but it builds fine if I do : "export SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=/usr/bin/python ; export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH" (albeit slowly when it comes to the docs) in scratchbox20:17
mgedminlcuk, if the wall answers, you have problems20:17
Stskeepsqwerty12: wtf redirects python? O_o20:17
qwerty12Stskeeps, ?20:18
StOrM_NWis there any application client already running on maemo that is similar of sofia sip client?20:18
Stskeepswhat devkit overrides python?20:18
lcukjohnx, internally its usb and stuff and between the omapfb and the camera and gtk needing copies of buffers and sending over x11 and everything its gotta starve it20:18
johnxqwerty12, thanks. I'll try that in a sec20:18
Stskeepsjohnx: you can (but i usually dont like it), dpkg-buildpackage -B and /import-indep-packages instead btw20:18
johnxlcuk, reminds me of my PCI TV tuner card saturating the PCI bus :)20:18
Stskeepsi do it when i dont want to wait for builder20:19
qwerty12Stskeeps, sbox uses python internally afaik, the weird shell thing it uses on top of bash uses python iirc20:19
Stskeepsor the builder sdk is stupid20:19
johnxStskeeps, I'd like to get this building. it's a core package...20:19
lcukyeah sounds reasonable - im just gonna test something..20:19
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StskeepsNM requires dhclient20:20
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johnxdoesn't udhcp have issues anyways? What's the size difference?20:20
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Shadow_Mwazd so you never found a dc++ client for maemo would one for debian work if you booted debian on it20:22
stv0hi, do we have a german irc channel too?20:22
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Stskeepsjohnx: in other good news NM works20:23
johnxStskeeps, w00t! What was the magic?20:23
Stskeepsjohnx: dhcp3-client, gweather, possibly missing icons in theme20:23
Stskeepsjohnx: oh, when start-hildon starts, it should mkdir -p MyDocs/.images20:24
Stskeeps(for easy screenshots)20:24
wazdShadow_M: nope(20:24
Shadow_Mhmm how do we change that20:25
johnxStskeeps, it should just make the whole group right?20:27
johnx.images, .sounds, etc, etc20:27
Stskeepsjohnx: hmm?20:27
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lcukrunning liqbase at 640*480 + taking pictures at 640*480 obtains realistic screen refresh, as soon as i run through the stretchblit routine (usually drops 2-3fps) it changes the camera to take about 3 seconds per frame (i see it drawing - its actually multiple screen frames per camera image)20:28
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infobotStskeeps meant: johnx:
johnxahaha! that's a neat notification20:30
lcukthe difference between blits is that copyblit uses 32bit longs, the stretchblit uses 8 bit bytes and hogs the bus for longer20:30
qwerty12libnotify :)20:31
johnximagine walking in and out of wifi range all day :)20:31
johnxthere'd be a nice pile when you finally looked at your tablet20:31
* RST38h cackles evilly ((C)Angband) and suggests a semitransparent xterm with dmesg output instead20:32
Stskeepsjohnx: nm-applet[3465]: GLIB WARNING ** default - Icon nm-device-wwan missing: Icon 'nm20:32
Stskeeps.. not present in theme20:32
Stskeepsor anywhere, for that sake20:33
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lcuk640*480*8fps is STABLE20:36
lcukand does not slugup20:36
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lcukqwerty12_N800, are you ok if the camera updates at 8fps instead of the current 15?20:38
lcukie its a bit more jerky, but benefits include better signal to noise and also 640*480 is stable :)20:38
Stskeepswazd: rescue screen looks awesome :)20:38
Stskeepsi have a bit of green in the bottom by accident, but, awesome20:39
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, I have no problems, the camera sucks anyway - any attempt to make it more stable = win for me :)20:39
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stv0sorry just in german20:39
stv0have a look to the picturtes ;)20:40
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: I didn't have virtual memory on again... missing part of the line in fstab...20:41
r2d2rogersStskeeps: but maemo-launcher is hanging up now, eating ram20:41
Stskeepsrecent imaging or?20:42
r2d2rogersmissing "none" for mount point20:42
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StOrM_NWdoes tapioca supports sip?20:43
stv0i've a avm fritzbox router with an usb port. how can i access to a usbdrive connected to this usb port?20:43
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stv0the router shares the hdd as a samba share20:43
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stv0unfortunatly the router isn't part of a windows workgroup, so the router does'nt appear in maemos filebrowser20:44
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Stskeepsstv0: wizard mounter maybe20:44
stv0do you have some additionals infos or an url?20:45
stv0its totally new to me20:45
Stskeepsgoogle wizard mounter maemo20:45
Stskeepsjohnx: our watchdog crash screen should be a fish floating to the top..20:46
johnxouch...pretty psycologically damaging O_o20:46
Stskeepsin style of the sad mac20:47
r2d2rogershow many maemo-lanucher processes should there be?20:48
lcukdepends on time of day and location in the world20:48
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Stskeepslcuk's scaringily right though20:50
lcukoi, its not that rare20:50
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r2d2rogersso I'm up to wondering why one of them seems to be a run away20:51
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johnxr2d2rogers, kill all of them and restart X and start-hildon20:54
r2d2rogersX auto restarts20:56
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r2d2rogersbut wilco20:57
r2d2rogerskillall maemo-launcher, done20:57
r2d2rogershave set my user to login after timeout so I can get logged back in20:57
* r2d2rogers needs to find more locales20:58
r2d2rogersperl keeps complaining20:58
r2d2rogersjohnx: it loops back to the greeter20:59
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johnxr2d2rogers, can you pastebin ~/.xsession-errors ?21:00
r2d2rogersnow I have the hildon screen up, same as earlier screen shot, but with a white box in the desktopo21:00
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r2d2rogersjohnx: it restarts X after droppiong a segmentation fault into the .xsession-errors21:04
johnxlcuk, lots of things run linux that you don't know about. now if it would run mer I'd sign up :)21:04
johnxr2d2rogers, so it gets to the desktop, prints those lines. does it crash on its own after a while?21:05
CutMeOwnThroata camera? wazzit do with an OS21:05
r2d2rogerscpu maxed, top indicates it's maemo-launcher tying up the processor21:05
r2d2rogerswith or without sapwood running21:06
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johnxCutMeOwnThroat, I would assume the OS runs programs? like maybe a flickr uploader. might even handle some post processing21:06
CutMeOwnThroatit's obviously there for the wifi-part... funny thing to have in a camera, though21:07
johnxit has a browser :)21:07
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CutMeOwnThroatthings more and more become what is known as "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" in Germany21:08
johnxthings become unpronounceable to foreigners? :)21:08
CutMeOwnThroathaha... not sure I could translate this, but there's a wikipedia article on it21:08
CutMeOwnThroatactually the article claims I can use it in English as well :)21:09
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lcukCutMeOwnThroat, i thought the same, but if its a decent camera and a reasonable touch device running linux then its ticking lots of good boxes for me, shame it lacks a keyboard21:10
johnxdepends on if it's hackable or not21:10
johnxdon't underestimate that very important point21:10
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StOrM_NWis there any sip client for maemo?21:11
wazdbrand new Samsung vacum cleaner with linux onboard :)21:11
wazdStOrM_NW: Gizmo actually21:11
wazdStOrM_NW: and even built in stuff21:11
johnxStOrM_NW, included with the OS21:12
StOrM_NWOS 2008.?21:12
johnxyes. internet call21:12
Stskeepsnow where was it i could get a 770 kernel..21:12
wazdStOrM_NW: OS whatever it is21:12
CutMeOwnThroatlet me guess you can use the vacuum cleaner for phoning, keeping your addresses, emailing and making coffee?21:13
wazdCutMeOwnThroat: sure! Also you can install Ubuntu on it!21:13
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CutMeOwnThroatdoes it make eggs?21:15
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: any clue where to grab a os2008he kernel from?21:15
r2d2rogersI usually head to fanoush,21:15
Stskeepssource? :P21:16
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r2d2rogersthe URL or source code?21:16
CutMeOwnThroatI actually wanted to ask you about this little chappie here:
r2d2rogersStskeeps: digging21:17
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r2d2rogersplus fanoush's patches
r2d2rogersStskeeps:  ^^^21:18
* RST38h wonders.21:19
CutMeOwnThroatI was never in for pdas, heck, I don't even have a mobile, but this thing looks like a sort of micro-laptop that runs linux...21:19
StskeepsCutMeOwnThroat: sure is21:20
CutMeOwnThroatdid I (or my xchat) really change the topic, or did xchat just make that up.... (if yes, sorry)21:20
Stskeepsmake it up i think21:20
CutMeOwnThroatok... good :)21:21
StskeepsCutMeOwnThroat: it's about one of the most open mobile devices on the market that works21:21
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CutMeOwnThroatStskeeps, so do you have full control over it from start on, or do you have to break into your own device?21:22
Stskeepsenable maemo extras in application, install rootsh, and you can sudo gainroot21:22
Stskeepsapplication manager21:23
CutMeOwnThroatthat translates into... you don't have by default, but it's easy?21:23
Stskeepsas easy as eating pie.21:23
* CutMeOwnThroat considers it can be pretty hard eating a huge, overly sweet pie21:23
Stskeepsthere's even a X terminal :)21:24
RST38hThe DSC-G3 comes with a Zeiss lens with 4x zoom, a large 3.5" touch display, and 4GB of internal memory. Most interesting is the camera's software that includes, among other things, face and scene recognition, based on Busybox and Kernel 2.6.11 for the Access Linux Platform.21:25
RST38hSts: How about running MeR on a Cybershot? =)21:25
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: i was just thinking of it21:25
wazdCyberMer :)21:25
StskeepsRST38h: i highly doubt it's a open device though21:25
RST38hMer Shot21:25
RST38hSts: well, for each keyhole...21:26
johnxRST38h, you're late. lcuk linked it before :P21:26
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RST38hjohnx: ehhh...why am I always late?21:27
* r2d2rogers upgrades to the new rescue menu21:27
RST38hno worry, the next teacher-crucified-for-installing-linux story is all mine.21:27
johnxRST38h, and yes, if I saw a strong hacking community around that camera I'd be saving up the money already21:27
RST38hjohnx: Sony's ebook has been hacked already btw21:28
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ssvblcuk: do you want a fast images scaler (though with crappy quality)?21:28
RST38hjohnx: as for the camera, it seems to be an average p&s, so not sure if it is worth the money21:28
wazdRST38h: Well, for 500$ I can buy beginner DSLR, without linux though :)21:29
johnxRST38h, but the hack-value is very high. :)21:29
RST38hjohnx: yes, but it is of not much use if it can't make good photos21:30
RST38hwazd: I would rather go for a G10 or something21:30
CutMeOwnThroatStskeeps, sounds like fun... could probably use sshfs over the wireless as well :)21:30
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johnxRST38h, how much do you use the emulators you write? how many hours a day?21:30
wazd RST38h: btw, do you know, if it's possible to patent hardware design in Russia?21:31
RST38hwazd: still pocketable, less danger to catch the photographer disease, etc21:31
ssvblcuk: it's here:
RST38hwazd: it is possible all right, but nobody will care anyway21:31
StskeepsCutMeOwnThroat: tablet can run mer, maemo, ubuntu, gentoo, debian, android, etc21:31
Stskeepsit's really a very versatile device21:31
RST38hhw stuff is patentable anywhere21:31
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RST38hjohnx: Used VGBA today to play some weird Japanese Nethack clone21:32
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RST38hjohnx: Very cute btw21:32
ssvblcuk: 'scale_image_16' is an ARM optimized nearest neighbour scaler implementation, probably the same as 'stretchblit'21:32
wazdRST38h: So if I'll have russian patent other world wouldn't care bout it?21:32
RST38hjohnx: 15 minutes total21:32
johnxRST38h, :) right, and I like futzing around with strange hardware. in this case the photo functionality is pretty secondary21:33
RST38hwazd: Well, if I understand things correctly, in US I will be able to use your idea and you will have real trouble suing me21:33
johnxalso, I'm a crappy photographer anyways21:33
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CutMeOwnThroatStskeeps, well, "disk" (flash) space is limited... but I just see you can extend to up to 32GB... that would indeed be enough for Debian... how amazing :)21:33
RST38hwazd: So, it is greatly suggested to get a US patent21:33
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RST38hwazd: Submitting an application costs around $750 afaik (may be wrong)21:33
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wazdRST38h: Even if they will deny it?)21:34
StskeepsCutMeOwnThroat: 256mb internal flash, 2gb internal mmc, 32gb external mmc21:34
RST38hwazd: Yes. But it usually takes 2 years or so to process it and all that time your rights will be already protected21:34
RST38hwazd: tme counts since you submit the application21:34
wazdRST38h: hm, that's good news)21:35
johnxso when that sony linux-cam says the 3.5" display is 921k pixels, that would be 1024x900 or so, huh?21:35
wazdRST38h: I think I should search FCC if it has similar submissions or so21:35
CutMeOwnThroat... although I don't see a lot of 32gb micro sd cards around, yet21:36
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RST38hwazd: FCC is not a patent office21:36
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RST38hwazd: Patent office is USPTO21:37
wazdRST38h: oh, they're like russian RST21:37
RST38hwazd: FCC is American Inspekciya Elektrosvyazi21:37
wazdRST38h: :)21:37 for patents21:37
wazdjohnx: digital camera displays are not always built like computer displays21:38
RST38hjohnx: sounds way too much21:38
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RST38hjohnx: I think they count rgb components separately21:38
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johnxRST38h, that would be sad :/21:39
RST38hjohnx: well, the sensor resolutions are counted like that21:39
wazdjohnx: they may have diagonal pixels orientation, not rows and coloumns21:39
RST38hmaybe Sony decided to bend reality a little and do the same with the display resolution21:39
johnxRST38h, yup, 640x480 :)21:39
JaffaWow. ITT's gone... quiet.21:40
RST38hwazd: naah, pixels are still arranged rectangularly, it is the update that is done diagonally sometimes21:40
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RST38hwazd: mostly in cheap portable dvd players21:40
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johnxthey posted their linux source :)21:41
wazdRST38h: I have such a screen on my Nikon D70. "For sharper image" it's said :)21:41
RST38hlie, terrible lie21:42
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RST38hjohnx: it will only be a few weeks now, before someone breaks it =)21:42
johnxRST38h, no one ever bothered with Sony's COM1 or COM221:42
johnxbut that was probably since the N800/N810 were out and open21:43
johnxalso called mylo21:43
RST38hjohnx: I think somebody tried to couple with them but later said they weren't forthcoming21:44
CutMeOwnThroatStskeeps, well, thanks, that has been interesting to know :)21:44
RST38hlet's see what the interweb says21:44
johnxRST38h, from what I've seen there was one hack for the very first firmware version and then sony clamped it down and no one with knowledge stepped up21:44
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johnxBTW, think that sony camera has usb host support21:45
RST38hjohnx: Sony is really stupi in this regard21:45
RST38hjohnx: they should let copyright lawyers rule so totally, even in the areas which they shouldn't be present in21:45
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lcukssvb, can i just compile that asm up with the normal code, because every time i tried (when i was first working on blitter) it always failed21:46
lcukmy stretchblit is exceedingly poor, but theres pathways for normal and for blended and blend+alpha21:46
RST38hlcuk: are you using assembly?21:47
lcukno, i could never get it to work21:47
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lcuki think though i have to concentrate more on the front end side of things21:48
johnx~60M of RAM, / is a ramfs21:48
infobotjohnx: what are you talking about?21:48
lcuki have to get this last class into the lib21:48
johnxinfobot, things beyond your comprehension my little friend21:48
lcukinfobot knows everything21:48
infobotYes, I do, lcuk.21:48
johnxsadly I'm pretty sure that camera doesn't have any way to access the actualy camera part from linux :/21:49
Meiz_n810infobot, what colour is green?21:49
infobotMeiz_n810: what are you talking about?21:49
johnxthat makes it much less cool in my book21:49
wazdinfobot, do you copy?21:49
infobotyes, I copy.21:49
wazdinfobot, good :)21:50
infobotGood :), good! Have a cookie... oh no! The cookie jar is dry!21:50
RST38hlcuk: Need help with assembly?21:50
lcukRST38h, i was asking earlier, it would be beneficial if we could get libliqbase core functions even faster21:50
lcuknow im almost ready with the api any help to that end would be great (so i can get on with buildign the examples for the lib)21:51
wazdDamn, so much crappy designs are patented!21:51
RST38hlcuk: Well, I probably won't  be able to write the whole thing for you but I can show you how to get started21:51
lcukRST38h, ssvb, the only problem i see with asm is that currently the code works and is v fast on both arm and x8621:52
lcukyeah rst, well ssvb has just pasted a nice looking stretchblit that can probably be moulded21:52
RST38hlcuk: but you said your stretchblt and blend are slow?21:52
lcuki was wondering though earlier how to do rotation blits21:52
lcukyeah they are21:52
lcukslower than i would like21:53
lcukbut certainly not slouches :)21:53
RST38hmmm ok21:53
RST38hAnyway, if you want to get started with assembler on Maemo let me know21:54
johnxRST38h, terrifying! there's progress since the last time I checked in on those guys21:54
lcuki most certainly will, when i put this stretchblit func in ill prob start tearing my hair out :) ill make sure everything is on svn before i start so we can coordinate21:54
* lcuk is pleased hes spent time making the lib, its going to be easier to work with from different angles :)21:55
johnxok, spoke too soon: no progress on the mylo2 at all21:56
ciroiplike I told you lcuk: for a good programmer quality is not an option :)21:56
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ssvblcuk: rotation blits need to be cache friendly, this way they can be fast21:56
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lcukheh yeah ssvb, i know its entirely possible to get them fast(ish) - i just want to use the multitouch to better effect ;)21:57
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wazdSo good to have 10 gigs instead of 2 again21:59
wazdGuys, is there any way to pair win explorer with ssh?22:00
ssvblcuk: this scaler code should work fine as-is on both ARM and x86, it automatically uses assembly optimizations when you compile it for ARM22:00
qwerty12_N800wazd, no freeware ways22:00
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lcukim just reading through it now, its optimized for 16bit pixels22:01
ssvblcuk: there is one pitfall - stride is measured in bytes, so you may spend some time figuring how to call it right22:01
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ssvblcuk: yes, it is used for 16 bit pixels, what implementation do you need?22:02
lcuk8bit - ive got the 3 planes (1full + 2half)22:02
glasswazd: dokan sshfs22:02
lcuki considered looking around the demo scene for their mode 15h blit routines from vga days22:03
glasswazd: if you're wanting to mount ssh as a drive in windws22:03
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ssvblcuk: hmm, I see, it may need some modification to work with 8-bit pixels, but nothing too complex22:03
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glassqwerty12_N800: dokan is free22:03
lcukyeah ill probably extract it all out, make sure the asm ops themselves build in and work for single pixel then unroll22:03
glassalso for 64bit windows22:03
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qwerty12_N800glass, wicked, didn't know it existed :). thanks22:04
qwerty12_N800Ah, it wasn't around when I googled for the same22:04
glassqwerty12_N800: i just found it like 2 weeks ago :p22:04
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glassqwerty12_N800: while googling for that commercial one actually..22:05
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qwerty12_N800glass, I wasn't looking a few weeks ago :D22:05
wazdglass: whoa, thanks!22:05
qwerty12_N800No, i'm bs'ing, my google fu sucks22:05
lcukssvb, probably easier for me to get the lib out first and then we can see what needs doing22:06
lcukim gonna vanish and get some more done22:07
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* johnx gets sidetracked, looks at other hackable linux machines22:08
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johnxzipit z2 w/ 32MB of RAM for $45 O_o22:08
r2d2rogersadvanced backlight question...  does anyone have the png files that have 5 in the following x spot? adv-backlight-icon-6.x.u.png22:08
wazd - lol22:10
ciroipwell, wazd, I was waiting to meet someone who noticied that22:10
qwerty12_N800wazd, i knew win 7 was new - but not that new  :)22:11
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wazddamn, now I hate ms(22:11
Stskeepswazd: that your wallpaper or theirs? ;)22:11
qwerty12_N800hi woglinde22:11
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ciroipstsk: it came with windows 722:12
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ciroipthere is a version with the swimming fish too22:12
ciroipactually pretty cute :)22:12
Stskeepsciroip: well.. did you see the Mer artwork?22:13
ciroipnot at all22:13
ciroipim disstracted in my own world for now22:13
Stskeepswhich explains why wazd hates MS ;)22:13
wazdthat's a real fuck up22:14
ciroipwell, I saw that wallpaper :)22:14
wazduber fuck up22:14
ciroipI laugh for 10 minuts when I saw the windows 7 installation22:14
Stskeepsit uses that wallpaper? :P22:14
ciroipbecause Im pretty sure is in the installation progress, not a simple wallpaper22:14
ciroipyep stks22:15
aquatixsue mickeysoft!22:15
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Corsacwell, think about the midori guy22:15
ciroipwell, we should analyze the pixelby pixle comparison22:15
aquatixCorsac: hm?22:15
wazdhow the heck should a knew bout that(22:15
Corsacaquatix: OMG, you here@!22:15
aquatixCorsac: are you following me around?22:16
Corsacaquatix: midori is the codename for windows7 iirc22:16
Corsacaquatix: sure22:16
aquatixoh lol22:16
Stskeepswazd: hehe.. i think we can continue with the artwork though :)22:16
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aquatixStskeeps: i don't see why not indeed22:16
aquatixtoo bad if it's seen as art ripoff by users though22:16
Stskeepsthere's been plenty of artwork like that on christian postcards22:17
Stskeepswith the sun reaching through the dark skies22:17
aquatixhow.. enlightening22:17
ciroipsomeone know Andrew Zhilin?22:18
qwerty12_N800yes :p22:18
X-Fadeciroip: Sure ;)22:18
woglindehe x-fade22:18
* X-Fade watches ciroip getting in a fun situation now ;)22:18
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ciroipwell, I didnt know was here around...22:18
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wazdI think that Andrew Zhilin just copied stuff!22:19
ciroipIm used to found myself in funny situations without know how22:19
wazdBut whatever, it's the sea, it's nice, fuck off MS!)22:20
wazdAnd it looks way better btw :D22:20
ciroipa person with a z and an h in the surname cant be trust22:21
wazdciroip: true22:21
StOrM_NWi m trying to add a new account using the control panel for sip service and for all sip provider that i put on the account setup ... i m always getting the message "Unable to connect to one or more accounts" ... is the Account manager in maemo only working with gtalk? or i can use it also with sip22:21
ciroipdo exist an higher resolution on web?22:22
wazdI have 1920x120022:22
wazdAnd I have .psd :P22:23
wazdfuck, that's a real shame( Now everybody thinks that it's a copycat(22:23
ciroipok wazd is not a wallpaper, is on the ctrl=alt+del login page22:23
ciroipand is scary similar22:23
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ciroipI thinked your was the copy22:24
wazdciroip, well, actually theres only "light from above" concept that's simmilar22:24
ciroiplol, is freaking similar22:25
wazdmine's more detailed)22:26
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wazdfuck, what a shame22:28
Stskeepsadd in a nokia tire on the bottom.. ;)22:28
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RST38hSts: with the Crazy Fish (tm)22:29
Stskeepsor a gravestone with "fuck ms web designers"22:29
infobotStskeeps meant: or a gravestone with "fuck ms  designers"22:30
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wazdok, let's try another one22:34
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Stskeepshehe, i hope you don't have to reconstruct every single artwork though22:34
wazdActualy I have)22:34
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Stskeepswazd: as revenge we can always go with andrewfblack's XP theme,, ;> (
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Stskeepsciroip: just call me sts :)22:39
wazdIt's actualy not so difficult to make another wallpaper, maybe even better than the current one22:39
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ciroipwhatever, sts, it seem pidgin dont have the tab complete things so sorry for f the name all the time22:40
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Stskeepsciroip: hehe, it's fine :) friends call me sts22:40
wazdThe weirdest thing is this fucking similarity and that I haven't seen Win 7 before22:40
w00tand his girlfriend calls him "sweetiepie"22:40
* w00t runs22:40
qwerty12_N800stsexy? :P22:41
* qwerty12_N800 joins w00t in running22:41
ciroipyes, wazd, no ashame on me to think u were mocking up22:41
Stskeepswazd: it isn't unreasonable that great minds think alike :)22:42
aquatixqwerty12_N800: :)22:42
RST38hSCO Group has announced plans to auction off its Unix and mobile products to ensure their survival while continuing its long-running fight over alleged violations of its IP in Linux.22:42
aquatixStskeeps: you say they have great minds at mickeysoft?22:42
RST38hIt's alive, IT'S ALIVE!22:43
johnxRST38h, does anyone still use SCO Unix after all this?22:43
* qwerty12_N800 remembers when caldera was seen as decent.. 22:44
johnxqwerty12_N800, yup. they really played this one wrong though :/22:44
qwerty12_N800johnx, definatly :/22:45
qwerty12_N800~spell definatly22:45
infobotpossible spellings for definatly: defiantly definitely definably definable22:45
RST38hjohnx: Someone probably does...22:46
RST38hjohnx: in a universe far far away22:46
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johnxRST38h, yeah, but that was long ago22:47
RST38hjohnx: The important thing now is to sue everyone using Linux!22:47
pupniki'd like to kick anyone running windows in the god damn teeth22:47
johnxRST38h, heh... even MS stopped making noises about doing that22:48
RST38hjohnx: This will be the mighty holy grail from which SCO executives will drink the elixir of the eternal youth22:48
johnxpupnik, I would take it as a kindness if you didn't kick my wife in the teeth22:48
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qwerty12_N800pupnik, I have dual boot, does that mean i'll only get  kicked in the balls instead :)22:48
RST38hjohnx: And live forever, nauseating us all with their poisonous farts22:48
johnxRST38h, the elixir known as "transparent pump n' dump scheme gone horribly out of control"22:49
RST38hjohnx: I can amost bet that at least some of their top managers will end up in an asylum eventually22:50
johnxRST38h, that would be a disgrace to dangerous lunatics everywhere22:51
pupnikdangerous lunatics would be a nice band name22:52
RST38hjohnx: no, the "kill Linus Torvalds for taking my business model away" thing isn't that bad as far as manias go22:52
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pupniki feel like the soup nazi sometimes22:53
pupnikNO SOUP FOR YOU22:53
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johnxpupnik, soup nazi and the dangerous lunatics!22:53
woglindesoup nazis?22:54
johnxRST38h, it's not the plan so much as the stubbornness that pegs them as more than run of the mill psychos22:54
RST38hpupnik: BTW, I once wondered, is Fatherland the movie allowed for showing in .DE? (
johnxRST38h, the RIAA trials began and ended inside the time that it took SCO to keep up their random flailing22:55
wazdok, beware microsoft22:55
wazdAct 2\22:55
RST38hpupnik: it is kind of a border case22:55
johnxwoglinde, from Seinfield, an American comedy show22:56
Stskeepsjohnx: curious. maemo doesn't have /usr/share/icons/hildon22:57
johnxStskeeps, yeah, I wonder if that folder was adopted in an attempt to debian-ify things22:58
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Stskeepsjohnx: ah. the magic solution to all life's problems23:03
Stskeepsgtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor23:03
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* Stskeeps takes nice screenshots23:03
johnxah yes, the panacea23:03
qwerty12_N800you'll wanna specify -f23:04
* johnx wonders if he can assume all maemo themes will include a wallpaper23:04
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Stskeepsnetwork-manager-gnome so needs a good hildonizing23:06
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johnxit will be a huge asset on other platforms too :)23:06
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Stskeepsso, we decided to go back to xorg23:08
* Stskeeps ponders what else to change in imager23:08
johnxif we need to hack stuff up to play nice with xomap then I don't see a point in using it23:09
johnxif better omapfb support fails to materialize we can go back later, but for now it works23:09
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: got the fstab change for the 770?23:11
Stskeepsno, but i'll change it now23:11
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Stskeepsjohnx: should i include network-manager-gnome in next image then?23:13
johnxStskeeps, yes, I think so23:13
johnxany reason not to?23:13
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: i think it's in the 770 one23:13
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: sure we want swap line in there or do we just assume they will have swap on p2?23:14
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johnxStskeeps, it crashes without that huh?23:14
Stskeepsjohnx: probably.23:14
r2d2rogersI think we sould require it for the 77023:14
woglindeI wonder when mer is switching to ubifs23:15
Stskeepswoglinde: when we can have sound on n800 and the agreement on distributing initfs images comes through23:15
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jpt9I have a 770 running 2007HE...23:15
jpt9I also have a Palm with a terminal app that can use Bluetooth serial...23:15
jpt9Is there any way to rig up a virtual serial port on the Nokia so I can use the shell remotely?23:16
jpt9(Yeah, I know.  It's silly.)23:16
Stskeepsdoes Palm do PAN?23:16
Stskeepsalso a possibility23:16
jpt9Not sure.23:16
r2d2rogersjpt9: should be doable, you have root ?23:16
jpt9via ssh, yes.23:16
r2d2rogersif nothing else, pair and hcitoolll to get a /dev/rfcom0 etc23:17
r2d2rogersshould be a serial terminal link23:17
r2d2rogersbey9ond that.,.. which way you want to have the terminal log show up?23:17
r2d2rogersneeds getty?23:17
jpt9What do you mean?23:17
Stskeepsjohnx: i think i'll have it in the nokia tablet targets for now23:18
* r2d2rogers needs a nap and is probably rambling...23:18
Andrewfblacklooks like spammers will never give up on itT I wonder if anyone ever really buys stuff from them they must or they would stop lol23:18
Stskeepsjohnx: oh, one thing, nm-applet needs to be run in hildon-desktop-env :/23:18
r2d2rogersjpt9: do you want to be typing from thepalm or the 770?23:18
jpt9I want to be typing from the palm.23:18
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Stskeepsjohnx: before hildon-desktop23:18
jpt9Basically, a remote terminal.23:18
r2d2rogersjpt9: got it... thinking23:19
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: Mer? ;>23:19
r2d2rogersStskeeps: yup23:19
r2d2rogersjpt9: got an extra MMC laying around? <G> 1 gig or larger?23:19
jpt9nope :-(23:19
jpt9Just the original 64MB one full of ebooks.23:20
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r2d2rogersyou stumbled into some active work on a community edition OS for the NITs called Mer23:20
r2d2rogersbased on Ubuntu23:20
Stskeepsincluding the 770s :P23:20
r2d2rogersStskeeps: am I right so far? <G>23:20
* jpt9 does a doubletake... UBUNTU?!23:20
r2d2rogersyeah I'm the 770 tester so far23:20
jpt9on an n770?!23:21
r2d2rogersuh huh23:21
Stskeepsjpt9: it's not the full gnome desktop, but we run a hildon desktop on top23:21
jpt9Well, I kind of have it set up how I like it... and I'm not sure how many of the repositories are still up...23:21
StskeepsLXDE has worked in the past though23:21
jpt9If it's non-destructive, I have been meaning to get another card...23:21
jpt9If I did want a bigger memory card, what would I want?  1GB MMCmobile?  Can I get a bigger one?23:21
r2d2rogersgrab a 2 gig or hack up a microsd to mmc adapter23:21
r2d2rogersI plan on grabbing some of these at some point:
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r2d2rogerscut off the USB part and it's a dandy adapter with no hacking on your 77023:22
* jpt9 has really gotta get a Linux box...23:22
jpt9I mean, I have a 770, an OLPC...23:23
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r2d2rogersjpt9: where you from?23:23
jpt9well, I'm at RPI right now.23:23
jpt9Would this work:
jpt9wait a sec...23:24
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jpt9the pic is wrong...23:24
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r2d2rogersI have a kensington I think23:24
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r2d2rogersif it's the half size then that'd work23:24
Shadow_Mi wish i could put more space on my n810 than an 8 gig minisd23:25
jpt9I'm trying to find some on Amazon... I'm also getting an 8GB microSDHC card for my Sansa e250R...23:25
StskeepsShadow_M: eh, doesn't it fit 32gb? or is that just n800 SD?23:25
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Stskeepsdoes anyone happen to know if you can stop gnome-keyring from being so bloody obnoxious?23:25
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Stskeepsand ask you to password your keyring and all that stuff23:25
r2d2rogersjpt9: the advantage of the adapter is more availability and capacity for the microsd cards23:26
Shadow_MStskeeps, thats the 800 n810 has 2 gig internal and one mini sd23:26
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r2d2rogersjpt9: are you running the kernel from Fanoush?23:26
r2d2rogersprolly not of you just have the 64 meg card?23:26
jpt9It's full of ebooks.23:27
jpt9FBReader is awesome.23:27
r2d2rogersif you puch that kernel on the 770 you could go up to the 8 or more gig cards you can get as microsd23:28
r2d2rogersjpt9: yessir23:28
Stskeepsjohnx: curious fact23:33
Stskeepsfremantle SDK seems like it has the locales screwed up too23:33
Stskeepsjust looking at yerga's widgets23:33
Corsacmhm, nowadays is it needed to use binary only modules on n810?23:33
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StskeepsCorsac: there are various blobs (battery handling, wifi firmware), but no, there's a open source wifi driver23:34
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Corsacso one can use whatever kernel he wants and still have a usable device?23:35
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johnxCorsac, we're very close to that :)23:37
Corsacwow, that's cool23:37
RST38hWith almost perfect sound!23:39
johnxRST38h, what is?23:39
RST38hI can actually do 62-71fps if I disable display ipdates23:39
RST38hGBA emulation23:39
johnxon the n8x0?!23:39
RST38hARMonARM enabled, 360MHz clock set23:39
RST38hjohnx: I kinda suspect that it does the same or better on n8x0 but have to measure23:40
johnxI would also like to add "fuck yes"23:41
Stskeepsthere goes your need for a pandora, or? :P23:41
RST38hyou can measure yourself - turn fps display on, turn input cues off, turn all special effects off and go full screen23:42
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johnx$330 for a real d-pad...23:42
RST38hmultiply fps count you see by 323:42
Stskeepsjohnx: make a usb one?23:42
RST38hSts: I never needed Pandora23:42
johnxRST38h, yeah, should be 30+ at any rate23:42
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StskeepsRST38h: was to johnx :)23:42
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* Stskeeps boots mer up again and hopes he can ssh into it on wireless23:45
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wazdStskeeps: how bout that:
wazdnot finished ofcourse23:48
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Stskeepswazd: hehe, at least it doesn't look like Windows 7 ;)23:48
Stskeeps(i like it)23:49
qwerty12_N800wazd, i'd take that as a compliment :p23:49
Stskeepsat least, since it's sea.. we have endless possibilities for wallpapers23:49
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* wazd started to search for fucking wallpapers of that fucking OSes23:50
Corsacnext to the regular ones23:51
Stskeeps <- new screenshots23:52
RST38hSts,wazd: better fix that ugly titan theme23:52
wazdah, no way, I will not try to prove anybody anything23:52
RST38hmetal-gray rectangles suck23:52
wazdRST38h: what's wrong with Titan?)23:53
StskeepsRST38h: hehe, for now it works23:53
Stskeepscompared to other themes23:53
RST38hwazd: ugly, remind me of Motif23:53
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, that's badass. Here's to hoping that nm works better on my tablet then it does on my desktop ;)23:54
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: figure out how to get gnome-keyring out of my face..23:54
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Stskeepsi dont want to have something asking me about a bloody keyring password on my tablet..23:54
wazdRST38h: whoa, didn't know it's that bad actualy :)23:54
r2d2rogersStskeeps: change it to the login password23:54
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r2d2rogersthe login keyring23:55
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: except we don't have a login password.. ;)23:55
RST38hwazd: check the screenshots =)23:55
aquatixwell, then it's rather unpossible i think23:55
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, is hackzoring gnome-keyring a option? :)23:55
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: gconf is a way too23:56
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wazdRST38h: I know what's Motif :)23:56
wazdRST38h: Well, that's really not the best example of using gray color)23:56
qwerty12_N800gconf worked well in deblet with gksu being anal retentive, is there a option in gconf for -keyring?23:57
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