IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2009-01-12

JaffaRST38h: you want the moon on a stick00:00
* Jaffa would check, but webkit-eal's crashed replying to the "fun" EIPI blog post, trying to point out the nature of a representative democracy00:00
lcukif i were on slashdot now i would shout: DUPE!00:00
lcuk(or first post!)00:01
* Jaffa thought he''d pressed enter, but it's not showing up00:01
GeneralAntilleswazd, Tuesday January 13th @ 1400 UTC00:01
RST38hJaffa: As I said a few days ago, I do not want ot expect anything at all. Simply observing stuff.00:01
Stskeepsmm, sliders are much nicer in fremantle widgets00:02
* lcuk rants in #liqbase00:02
Shadow___Xi have a n810 running 43.7 i am trying to install wizard mounter and when i try to install it portmap gives me issues00:02
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*** GeneralAntilles changes topic to "Web Design meeting January 13th @ 14:00 UTC in #maemo-meeting | | Maemo Community Council | |"00:04
wazdUTC time is GMT+?00:04
wazdToo tired to search(00:04
StskeepsUTC ~= GMT00:05
mavhcutc is what people use when they say gmt00:05
wazdoh :)00:05
infobot[utc] Coordinated Universal Time (Temps Universel Coordonne), and is generally equivalent to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Time zones around the world are expressed as positive or negative offsets from UTC.00:05
mavhcnomally gmt+-0.5 seconds00:05
aquatixhm, does mdictionary work on latest os2008?00:05
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aquatixcan't seem to find it in extras00:06
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Stskeepswazd: <- still missing Xcomposite, but we're getting there :P00:08
wazdstskeeps: nice!00:08
aquatixhm :)00:09
Stskeepswazd: you have a downsized version without the 'e' in it?00:09
Stskeepsi can see it on this scrshot with the proper light so :P00:09
wazdoh shit00:10
wazdmy fault :)00:11
wazdIt's a watermark :P00:11
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, I like how Phil thinks you're hiding behind an anonymous nick. ;)00:12
Stskeepsin more than one meaning, yeah00:12
wazdI've added a bit top light00:17
Stskeepswazd: thanks! updating titan theme with it00:17
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TheFatalany1 had create a image whit moblin imgae creator ?00:18
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TheFatalalguien creo una imagen con el moblin image creator ?00:23
StskeepsTheFatal: it only generates for x8600:23
Stskeepswazd: if you get bored, some kind of icon concept for the window switcher (the one in the bottom) and the icon to the left00:28
TheFatali belive it is for create images for some devices...00:28
Stskeepsyeah, UMPC00:28
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GeneralAntillesFor my wiki blog post: Ad blocking, Extras, Root access, Updating the tablet firmware, Uploading to Extras, USB host mode, and Wifi PSM.00:31
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: " highlights"?00:31
Shadow___Xhey GeneralAntilles does that include how to fix portmap ?00:31
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, "Wiki articles you're missing out on"00:32
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GeneralAntillesA more user-centric version of the packaging features article.00:32
Stskeeps"1000 wiki articles you should read before you die" ;)00:32
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, that book was on the best sellers for a while00:32
GeneralAntillesToo bad we haven't got 1000 wiki articles. :D00:33
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mavhc1000 wiki articles to edit before you die00:35
lcuk1000 wiki articles to create before you die00:35
qwerty12_N8001000 wiki articles to vandalize before you die00:36
lcuk1000 wiki articles to northernize before you die00:36
GeneralAntillesGood! We've got a whole series. :P00:36
* qwerty12_N800 chokes00:36
lcuk:D heh00:36
* Stskeeps crosses finger for composite working00:36
lcukJust wait until I start talking about my time in CS class northernizing databases00:37
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, will you be publishing the series? :D00:37
qwerty12_N800lcuk, :P00:37
lcukthats quite a good term actually :D00:37
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, I know some publishers, anyway. :P00:38
mavhc1000 "1000 wiki article action" lists to read before you die00:38
lcuk–verb (used with object), -ized, -iz⋅ing. (sometimes lowercase)00:38
lcukto make northern; impart qualities considered typical of the North,00:38
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, hehe :p00:38
lcukTheFatal, are you gonna actually try to install one of these OSes or are you just gonna tell us what we already know all night?00:39
qwerty12_N800lcuk, stop that, you're making me cry :( :p00:39
TheFatallcuk: xD i try to install it00:39
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Stskeepsxf86-video-omapfb doesnt seem to have composite00:43
lcuki thought omapfb was on device only00:44
* Stskeeps considers if a Xomap binary build would be worth it00:44
lcukand you weould use a different driver elsewhere00:44
Stskeepsyeah, so it is, but still nice to have something pretty00:44
lcukwhat are you using when you boot natively on x86?00:45
lcukor havent you really done that too much yet00:45
Stskeepsxorg, + intel driver00:45
lcuki dont have intel though on my x41 (or do i?)00:46
Stskeepsyou can take any other driver :P00:46
lcukis there a fallback "standard" driver (like windows has)00:47
lcukie something suboptimal but will work on anything00:47
qwerty12_N800think xorg does vesa if that is what you mean00:47
lcukno, ive got a mastercard00:47
wazdwell, gtg to captain pillow :)00:47
lcukyeah it will be sts00:48
wazdSee you later guys :)00:49
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Shadow___Xthats how the problem looks00:56
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`MaceStskeeps - already don't spend too much time on it? :)00:58
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lcukdont follow directly - it was a recognisable posting from qwerty12_N800 that caught my attention00:58
Shadow___Xthats lcuk00:59
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limepihey there... anyone familiar with bluetooth keyboard pairing problems00:59
`MaceStskeeps - it's ok. not much of a hassle. i need to move my G3 anyways.. was going to make a shell box out of it01:00
`Maceit's not serving much of a purpose where it is01:00
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`Maceand a 350MHz G3 should be good enough for a shell box haha01:00
`Maceit's a BEAST :)01:01
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GeneralAntillesAh, the G3.01:04
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GeneralAntillesWho can argue with the beauty of
qwerty12_N800It's FUGLY! :P01:05
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: looks good01:05
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qwerty12_N800I don't think adblock even works under diablo :)01:07
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, feel free to edit.01:07
GeneralAntilleslol "WedgeAntilles is a turd"01:08
lcukGeneralAntilles, why are all the sprint tasks tomatoed :O01:08
GeneralAntilleslcuk, because the were carried over from last month01:08
GeneralAntillesThey'll change as soon as their owners update status.01:08
* Stskeeps tries to get Xomap to work01:08
lcukcool, just browsing through :)01:08
RST38hGeneral: <-- hideous transparent/blut plastic!01:09
Shadow___Xlcuk: wouldnt that cause permanent damage or do you just do it temporarily01:09
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RST38hAlthough I guess Apple isn't to blame for zillions of Chinese gadgets made of it01:10
lcukShadow___X, ask the authors, i just googled the error :)01:10
limepidoes anyone know what build works with my apple bluetooth keyboard01:10
lcukall of them01:10
lcukive used it since chinook01:10
Shadow___Xoh ok thanks01:10
limepinot the most recent diablo01:10
limepiwon't work with mah n80001:10
lcukhumm not sure01:10
lcukits had a problem once or twice needing battery popping at both ends and cold starts01:11
limepiI'm considering just going back to chinook because I'd rather have the ability to type vs. microb crashing slightly less01:11
lcukbut other than that it works01:11
RST38hlimepi: Have you paired it well?01:11
Shadow___Xqwerty12_N800: with this post [hack] Getting rid of "dangling symlinks" and unable to install <package>  would that cause permanent damage or is it temporary01:11
limepiRST28h: I tried pretty much every possible permutation01:12
lcukShadow___X, you would be better to read the whole thread and see - qwertys initial hack was revised01:12
RST38hlimepi: you are supposed to enter the security code on the keyboard itself and press enter01:12
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limepiyes, I did that numberous times01:12
qwerty12_N800Shadow___X, *what* damage? you can't install/remove portmap anyway01:12
limepiwith the message "pairing failed: device resources exceeded"01:13
RST38hoh there was a bug for that01:13
Shadow___Xqwerty12_N800: well i just want to fix the portmap installation then have wizard mounter work thats all01:13
limepiyeah... I saw the bug report and apparently there is some funky low-level fix01:13
limepibut I just want to know what build will give me my keyboard back01:14
lcukhas it been that long since i plugged in kb :O01:14
RST38hit should work in all "builds"01:14
limepiit _should_ but it __doesn't__01:14
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Stskeeps <- now we're getting somewhere!01:16
suihkulokkicool :)01:17
lcukhave you added the reflection to the icon or did it include it anyway01:17
Stskeepsthink it's included01:17
lcukcos i think i can make that an option when rendering bitmaps :)01:17
qwerty12_N800Is this Xomap?01:18
Stskeepsyeah, but i think omapfb can do it to really01:18
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Stskeepsi missed out on a gtk file01:18
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* lcuk retires to his shed01:27
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: once you're bored, can you see if you can get usplash going?01:29
Stskeepsor similar method01:29
lcukis there a nice set of those white alpha icon pngs anywhere (like the bt meter or charger thingy)01:30
qwerty12_N800doesn't fb-progress work? :/01:30
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Stskeepsno clue under ubuntu01:30
Stskeepsunder debian it followed LSB01:30
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Stskeepsfunny thing in maemo translations01:42
Stskeeps# Incoming event text field item. where %d is the amount of SMS threads01:42
lardman|homenight all01:42
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Stskeepsmsgid "tana_fi_voice_mails"01:42
Stskeepsi really ponder if they're going to pull a phone on us01:42
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I hope not.01:43
GeneralAntillesI wouldn't mind a phone overly much if it meant only that.01:43
Stskeepsor at least phone versions01:43
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GeneralAntillesBut adding cellular to Maemo (even only in a particular version) will destroy the whole OS.01:43
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i've yet to find "Unsigned application" ;)01:44
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lcukGeneralAntilles, has it destroyed android?01:44
GeneralAntilleslcuk, hell yes.01:44
GeneralAntillesLimitations placed on the OS by providers01:44
lcukthen how does it run on our devices ?01:44
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GeneralAntillesAndroid isn't really open, whatever they may want you to think.01:44
GeneralAntilleslcuk, er, I'm talking about application space for 3rd-parties01:45
lcukthe game you play ontop of linux doesnt take away from the fact its linux underneath01:45
GeneralAntilleslcuk, yes it does.01:45
GeneralAntillesEvery played with a Linux phone from Motorola?01:45
GeneralAntillesThe fact that something's Linux really means very little in the long run.01:45
GeneralAntilleslcuk, if Maemo becomes a phone OS, everything about the OS is then colored by cellular requirements.01:46
GeneralAntillesBesides, 4.1" screens don't suit phones01:46
GeneralAntillesSomething as simple as targeting smaller screens will have a profound effect on the OS01:47
GeneralAntillesPerhaps if you were talking about a Maemo Software with the manpower to handle supporting a cellular and non-cellular platform, then we might talk.01:47
GeneralAntillesBut we're not and they don't.01:47
lcuki would love for this n810 to have been a phone :$01:47
GeneralAntilleslcuk, they don't have the manpower to push some small maintenance upgrades for Diablo01:48
lcukbut it also needs to be a camera01:48
GeneralAntillesjust think what evils cellular would invoke upon us.01:48
lcuklike what?01:49
GeneralAntillesOperator requirements, government requirements.01:49
GeneralAntillesYou wouldn't be able to implement liqbase. :)01:49
GeneralAntillesand the other stuff I enumerated above.01:50
GeneralAntillesIt's bad news.01:50
lcukthats poppycock!  liqbase will run on anything now - im gonna have it on a toaster by weekend :P01:50
GeneralAntillesA toast is not a cellphone.01:50
GeneralAntillesGet back to me when you can run it on the G1 or one of Motorola's Linux phones.01:50
lcuki keep thinking about the g1 actually :)01:51
lcukand on the iphone01:51
GeneralAntillesThe other thing to think about, though, do you really want something with such limited battery life and so unstable as a phone?01:51
GeneralAntillesI don't.01:51
lcuklimited battery life of a phone?01:51
GeneralAntillesN8x0 as a phone01:52
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lcukthey last for days - i dont actually call that much so its just on01:52
GeneralAntilleswill have even more limited battery life01:52
lcukfor why?01:52
GeneralAntillesNot when you've got a cellular interface in there.01:52
lcukdont you tell me wifi idle time is in days01:52
lcukits not much different with a phone01:52
GeneralAntillesMy phone lasts a week idle01:52
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lcukand my phone hasa tiny battery01:52
lcuki charge it once every when i can remember01:52
lcukmy 810 is charged everyday01:53
* GeneralAntilles isn't sure we're on the same wavelength.01:53
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lcuki am, the point is cellular doesnt drain the battery unless you are using it loads01:53
GeneralAntillesYes it does01:53
lcukjust like wifi doesnt drain unless you are using it loads01:53
GeneralAntillesIt drains it more than an N8x0 without cellular01:53
mavhcit drains it 1/7th per day01:53
GeneralAntillesBut MY point was that the tablets have limited battery life compared to phones.01:53
GeneralAntillesWhich is what I think you missed.01:54
lcukmy n810 needs charging every 4 hours if im connected to wifi, my phone goes for days/weeks01:54
GeneralAntilleslcuk, WiFi drops idle time from 2 weeks to 2-4 days.01:54
GeneralAntilleslcuk, that's because of your inane resistance to buying a real router.01:54
mavhcisn't the wifi supposed to powersave?01:54
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GeneralAntillesIt is, but lcuk doesn't have a real router for some damn reason.01:55
GeneralAntillesSo his can't ever turn the radio off.01:55
lcukGeneralAntilles, my point is, im *used* to that already with my nit - having it as a phone will not even effect my uptime one little bit01:55
lcukof course i turn the radio off01:55
lcukwhen im not using it01:55
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, I'm not interested in having my emergency device reboot loop on my in the middle of a 911 call or die before I get home at the end of the day.01:56
lcukmy devices sit in an ad-hoc wifi cloud.  i can ROAM with them and have them all connected if they are nearby without ever setting up anything01:56
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lcukin my car i can code01:56
GeneralAntilleslcuk, routers do that just fine01:56
GeneralAntilleswithout killing your battery in the process.01:56
lcuki havent got a router in my car :$01:56
GeneralAntillesThen you switch to ad-hoc01:57
GeneralAntillesUsing ad-hoc all the time is silly.01:57
* lcuk pulls hair out01:57
GeneralAntillesSilly lcuk Discussion™01:57
lcukon a more positive note ive finally sussed how to lean my device in the cradle against the monitor at the right angle, AND also be able to click my taskbar applications01:58
lcuk(the top of the cradle covers over the bottom 2cm of the lcd)01:58
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Shadow___Xdo /* */ comments work in commenting invoke-rc.d?02:10
StsN800nah. #02:12
lcukusually theres at least one comment in a generic file02:13
lcukwhen you read the file itself does it already have comments?02:13
lcukif so, when in rome..02:13
Shadow___Xyeah its #02:13
Shadow___Xbut following the tutorial i was just going to comment out alot of text at once02:14
Shadow___Xusing /*02:14
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Shadow___Xi am finally able to overcome the dangling symlinks and uninstall portmap but when i install it again it does the same thing02:33
disqhaving autoconf/libtool/autobuilder problems, anybody here to help?02:33
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smackpotatolook here
smackpotatoits organic vga only though02:49
Shadow___Xwindows though02:51
smackpotatoya that too02:51
Shadow___Xbut it seems like a normal distro should beable to be installed02:52
Shadow___Xthen tweaked02:52
smackpotatocool. i was wondering if the nokia n820 will have one02:54
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Shadow____Xwhen i install wizard-mounter it doesnt prompt me where to put the icon03:17
disqwoot, passed autobuilder finally03:19
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* b-man is gutting his ubuntu jaunty install because ubuntu-desktop is not functioning properly and needs to re-install ubuntu-desktop :p03:21
Shadow____Xis there a way to get an icon for wizard-mounter03:25
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b-manyou mean a desktop icon?03:26
Shadow____Xno the application menu wheer you install an app is asks you where to put it but its not asking me03:27
b-manjust go to control-pannel, pannels > orginise03:28
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Shadow____Xyeah it was there03:29
b-mandoes wizard-mounter have a desktop file? you can check by using 'ls /usr/share/applications/hildon'.03:31
b-manin xterm03:32
Shadow____Xno it doesnt03:34
Shadow____Xbut its supposed to03:34
Shadow____Xi have had the icons before but i have recently been fixing problems with this flash03:34
Shadow____Xso maybe there is a config file or something03:34
Shadow____Xthat made it not ask03:35
Shadow____Xbecause i can openit in xterm fine03:35
b-manyou could try making a desktop file, there verry easy to make :)03:36
b-mani'll show you one.03:36
Shadow____Xoh yeah alright03:36
b-manhold on..03:36
Shadow____Xi mean i dont consider myself a newb03:36
Shadow____Xwant to send me wizard mounters one03:37
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*** limepi has joined #maemo03:43 long should I take my battery out for a full, um... "reset" or whatever03:43
b-man30 seconds03:44
limepinice. I can wait that long.03:45
limepiI'm trying to do this fix
limepiand I didn't even do a restore03:46
* b-man will be back, need to finish re-installing ubuntu-desktop in his ubuntu jaunty install on his N800 ;)03:52
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Vulcanisyou need to write a guide for that soon >.>03:56
b-mani allrety have;
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Shadow____Xis there a way to read the contents of a .deb file04:08
Shadow____Xto know where its installing stuff to04:08
towodpkg -c $deb, IIRC04:09
TheFatallook this -->
TheFatalall Related Projects are operating system for internet tablets ?04:11
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Shadow____Xhow do i know if i am on diablo or os0804:18
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Vulcanisdiablo is os08.  just the latest update04:18
Vulcaniswhich I think is .4304:18
Shadow____Xhmm damn it04:19
Shadow____Xi am having a problem where wizard-mounter doesnt fully install04:19
TrueJournalsShadow____X: Does Application Manager show it as broken?  Or what?04:21
TrueJournals(Latest diablo is 5.2008.43-7)04:21
Shadow____Xi have that installed04:21
Shadow____Xand no04:21
Shadow____Xi was having issues with portmap ealier04:21
Shadow____Xi fixed those and in the commosion wizard-mounter was installed and uninstalled alot of times04:22
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Shadow____Xit says installation complete but does not install icons or .desktop file04:22
Shadow____Xwhen exec in xterm it doesn run though04:22
TrueJournalsHave you checked in the log in the application manager for any errors after installing it?04:24
Shadow____Xwill do that right now04:24
Shadow____Xdoesnt say anything bad04:29
Shadow____Xsays unpacking it and then setting it up04:29
TrueJournalsI think I know the problem04:29
TrueJournalsThe Wizard Mounter deb appears to be bad04:30
TrueJournalssee if ls /wizard_mounter.desktop returns anything04:30
Shadow____Xin what dir04:30
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TrueJournalsAny directory04:31
TrueJournalsIt should return wizard_mounter.desktop04:31
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Shadow____Xhow is that trenka04:32
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Shadow____Xhow is that TrueJournals04:32
Shadow____Xin any directory04:32
TrueJournalsYeah, the / takes care of that04:32
TrueJournalsI believe that wizard mounter actually puts its desktop and dbus service file in /04:32
TrueJournalsIf that's the case, run the following two commands:04:33
Shadow____Xwell i looked in /usr/share/apps/hildon04:33
Shadow____Xand its not there04:33
TrueJournalsmv /wizard_mounter.desktop /usr/share/applications/hildon04:34
TrueJournalsmv /wizard_mounter.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services04:34
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Shadow____Xi am searching for it using find / wizard-mounter.desktop04:36
TrueJournalsShadow____X: Is it not just in / ?04:36
Shadow____Xno its not04:36
TrueJournalsHmm... I'll try installing it and see if I can figure anything out04:37
Shadow____Xnvm TrueJournals you where right04:38
Shadow____Xsorry about that04:38
TrueJournalsNo problem :-)04:38
TrueJournalsRun the following two commands, and it should fix the problem:04:38
TrueJournalsmv /wizard_mounter.desktop /usr/share/applications/hildon04:38
TrueJournalsmv /wizard_mounter.service /usr/share/dbus-1/services04:38
TrueJournals(You'll need to run them as root)04:38
Shadow____Xthanks all done04:39
TrueJournalsAnd that fixed it?04:39
Shadow____Xsure did04:39
Shadow____Xwhy does that happen04:39
TrueJournalsGood... I'll e-mail the author and let him no04:40
TrueJournalsFor whatever reason, those two files got put in the wrong location in the deb file04:40
TrueJournalsAs a result, they were extracted to /, instead of where they should be04:40
Shadow____Xthat hasnt happened before though04:40
TrueJournalsYeah, it's a deb-specific thing.. most of them are packed correctly04:41
TrueJournalsFiles in debs are just stuck in as they should be extracted to the filesystem04:41
Shadow____Xoh ok04:41
Shadow____Xdepending on which repo i used?04:41
TrueJournalsNope, just the deb itself04:42
Shadow____Xah ok04:42
TrueJournalsThe author of the application just didn't package the deb correctly04:42
TrueJournalsWell, I gotta go04:47
TrueJournalsGoodbye all04:48
Shadow____Xsee ya and thanks again04:51
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Shadow____Xwhat script is that06:30
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TheFatal /me06:35
Shadow____Xoh you just typed it06:36
Shadow____Xthats no fun06:36
ryoohkidoes anyone know why skype does not seem to support video on the n810?  it worked fine on the n80006:36
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johnxryoohki, skype never released a client that supports video for the n8x006:37
johnxryoohki, maybe you're thinking of gizmo? or just "internet call"?06:37
joyiousHi, Could someone tell me why the DBUS Daemon keep killing my app ?06:38
GeneralAntillesryoohki, as johnx says, Maemo has never had Skype video support.06:38
Shadow____Xdoes anyone else have the problem when they install adblock plus it doesnt come up06:41
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TheFatalShadow____X: already exist a plugin, but only for amarok and other music players on computers, not for devices06:52
Shadow____Xah alright06:52
Shadow____XTheFatal, do you have the same adblock plus issue06:53
ryoohkijohnx, no video skype works on the n80006:53
TheFatal:-X ??06:53
TheFatali'm trying to download a map whit radars on Argentina06:54
johnxryoohki, if so, then you have a different version of skype than anyone else does06:54
GeneralAntillesOr else you're using magic.06:55
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ryoohkion the n800 it's 10014/ and on the n810 it's 10017/
Drav3nif my kernel version  should the magic number of my module be the same for it to work, or will 2.6.16-omap1 do?07:02
TheFatalone question... where is the device of gps to configure mapper ??07:03
TheFatalit's in /dev/pgps ?07:04
GeneralAntillesNo MAC address07:05
TheFatalbut bluetooth do not give answer or not active gps function07:05
TheFatalbtconn or old bluetooth connection ??07:06
TheFatalMapper, no Maemo Mapper07:07
GeneralAntillesThere's no such thing as "Mapper"07:07
TheFatalMapper by Kaj-Machel Lang07:08
TheFatalwhit licence GPL07:08
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johnxryoohki, I think I speak for everyone when I say that I'd be very interested in a screenshot of what skype looks like on a video call. I know a lot of people have been waiting for skype video calling for a long time07:10
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TheFatali purge skype :P07:11
johnxTheFatal, Mapper looks very interesting. I'd never heard of it before... O_o07:11
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TheFataljohnx: i'd try to look the url... sorry for my horrible english07:12
johnxnah, found it already :)07:13
johnxand your English is fine. :)07:13
GeneralAntillesOh, the OSM fork.07:13
TheFatali found it07:14
johnxaaah, I thought you meant "Mapper"
TheFatali have problems to configure it, 'cos that app do not detect automaticaly the gps device or the path07:15
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TheFatalTHAT !07:15
TheFatalit's the same !!!!!07:15
TheFatalwhit another name... (navit = mapper)07:16
johnxeh? looks different07:16
TheFatalwhat the hell... ?07:16
johnxaaah, just different versions. I see07:16
johnxsorry, I was confused07:17
TheFatalreally =07:17
johnxerrr...hmm, one sec07:17
GeneralAntillesMapper is an OSM-centric fork of Maemo Mapper07:17
TheFatalfork ?07:17
GeneralAntillesNavit is a different piece of navigation software entirely.07:17
ds3why fork? thought Maemo mapper worked with the OSM repos?07:18
GeneralAntillesds3, it does, I've never bothered to divine the exact intentions behind it.07:18
johnxTheFatal, ok. I understand. Mapper is a fork (a modified version) of maemo mapper07:18
ds3I see.07:18
johnxNavit is something different07:19
johnxthey both use OSM maps07:19
TheFatalit can configure07:19
ds3I do wonder if there is a way to tweak the OSM maps so they use sane colors (at least in the US)07:19
TheFatali can use google maps, and proyectomapear (argentina) maps07:19
GeneralAntillesMaemo Mapper is fetching bitmaps07:19
GeneralAntillesDunno if OSM offers different colored bitmaps.07:19
GeneralAntillesTook me forever to find the alternate language bar on Wikipedia. <_<07:20
GeneralAntillesI think they've moved it since the last time I looked.07:20
ds3the coloring in OSM maps is abit confusing for a US user... there are blue roads and all roadsare labeled with a square white tag like [I5] instead of being placed in a blue/red shield07:20
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TheFataloo... problem... log of apt-get install maemo-mapper07:22
TheFatalbla bla bla07:22
TheFatalUnpacking maemo-mapper (from ...)07:22
TheFatalsetting up personal07:22
TheFatalmiss window07:22
TheFatali miss update a app07:23
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TheFatalit's there a way to fast the gps reception ?07:25
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TheFatalit's there a way to hurry the gps link ?07:26
johnxinstall a-gps07:26
TheFatalbut if i turn on the gps in a car (supouse without wifi), can i configure the gps to link whit only 3 satellites ?07:27
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johnxuhm, GPS doesn't work like that07:28
TheFatalor hurry up the search and link07:28
Shadow____Xa-gps helps07:28
johnxinstall the "a-gps" program07:28
johnxthat will speed up GPS07:28
Shadow____Xalso gps-clockd or w/e helps too07:28
Shadow____Xhey johnx is there a way too zoom in agps07:29
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johnxShadow____X, I have an N800 :)07:29
Shadow____Xlol cant you still install it07:29
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johnxI guess I could. but it wouldn't do anything. :P07:31
TheFatalNo space left on device07:31
Shadow____Xinstall to sd man07:31
Shadow____Xcome on07:31
johnxTheFatal, delete the video that came with it :)07:31
TheFatalbut whit apt-get ?07:31
Shadow____XTheFatal, you can make the device boot from sd07:32
TheFatalyes, but it is too much complicated :S07:32
Shadow____Xno it isnt07:32
johnxTheFatal, open File Manager, go to Videos on the device and delete it07:32
TheFatallet see07:32
johnxShadow____X, he's a new user. don't get him in over his head for now07:32
Shadow____Xah alright alright07:33
Shadow____Xwhen i came to the device i had some linux experience under my belt thats why i bought it07:33
TheFataljohnx: no files in Videos07:33
johnxwhat about under "documents" ?07:33
TheFatalonly google maps07:34
johnxand under "Music"07:34
TheFatalemm... in document/maps there are files07:35
TheFatalbut only read07:36
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TheFatalmaps only 800 kb07:37
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TheFatali have one question... whit apt-get, can i install all files on /media/mmc1/ ??07:40
johnxTheFatal, no07:41
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TheFatalok, so, can u tell me how move the OS to a sd card ?07:42
pupnikTheFatal: do you want to experiment with different OS's and configurations07:42
pupnikor just quickly get some free space?07:42
TheFatalno yet07:42
TheFatali want more spaced07:43
pupniki managed to free up about 5MB of things i did not need07:43
pupniksome under /home/user/ - the default media that comes with OS.   some locales.07:43
TheFatalbut i have all flash memory used :S07:44
pupnikremove themes you don't use07:44
ds3be glad nokia didn't do the samething ASUS did07:44
pupnikwhat is that?07:44
Shadow____Xwhat did asus do07:45
Shadow____Xds3 what did asus do07:45
ds3ASUS used UnionFS to merge a data area with their image07:45
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ds3so deleting anything ASUS shipped didn't free up space07:45
ds3it actually took more space as all that did was put a pointer in the UnionFS metadata that a file should not be shown07:46
johnxahaha...though really, it kind of seems like a good idea sometimes07:48
johnxmakes things a lot more bulletproof07:48
TheFatalwhat have nitro-privacy.conf ?07:48
TheFatalwhat haev nitro-privacy.conf got ?07:49
ds3the best part is, on their cheap model, it comes with 4G of storage...Asus ships about 3.7G of stuff on there07:50
Shadow____Xof course they would07:50
ds3imagine the fun when one decides to delete unnecessary stuff and proceeds to install under the assumption more space is available07:50
TheFatalall the O.S. is in the internal flash memory (256 mb ) ??07:53
Shadow____Xsi senor07:54
GeneralAntillesTheFatal, Nitro is Nokia's crash reporter.07:54
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TheFatalseÑor :P07:54
TheFatalGeneralAntilles: ok07:54
GeneralAntillesPresumably that tells it which information you want reported.07:54
GeneralAntillesTheFatal, it's not as bad as it sounds, that 256MB is compressed.07:54
TheFatalnono, it is not bad... i'm tinking07:55
TheFatalcan i move all O.S. to a memory, whitout loss any data ?07:55
pupnikyes TheFatal - there is a howto07:56
TheFatalwhere ? :D07:56
pupniki do not know which is current07:56
Shadow____Xfirst song i put on n810 was portal07:57
ds3pupnik: strictly speaking, that doesn't do what he is asking07:57
Shadow____XTheFatal, what device do you have07:57
GeneralAntillespupnik, is usually the right answer.07:58
pupnikoki.  good point GeneralAntilles07:58
TheFatali know hotto boot from a flash card, what i do not know is howto move the O.S. to a mmc07:58
GeneralAntillesds3, how not?07:58
GeneralAntillesTheFatal, booting from SD is a bit involved.07:59
GeneralAntillesMy recommendation is to remove a couple applications you don't need for the time being.07:59
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ds3GeneralAntilles: The kernel and initrd at still on NAND flash07:59
TheFatalbut i have not too much app installed08:00
GeneralAntillesds3, yeesh, talk about splitting hairs. :P08:00
GeneralAntillesIn his case, booting from SD fulfills every requirement he's after.08:00
ds3GeneralAntilles: I would call it confusing terminology... the OMAP2 can boot entirely off NAND like on the beagle board but that isn't what is being described there08:00
Shadow____Xthats the easiest way i have used so far08:01
GeneralAntillesI wish penguinbait would either write up a wiki article.08:01
GeneralAntillesI haven't tried his methods, so I can't vouch for them.08:02
Shadow____Xi have used console tools08:02
Shadow____Xeasiest and quickest solution i have used as of yet08:02
Shadow____Xjust use pbeasy08:02
Shadow____Xand its really easy08:02
TheFatalShadow____X: something like that08:03
TheFatalsomething like that what i want08:03
TheFatalclone the OS08:03
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Shadow____Xthat will help you clone the os to the 2gig internal sd08:03
Shadow____Xor external sd08:03
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TheFatalcan to a 1 gb external sd ?08:04
TheFatalcan i clone the os to the external sd ?08:04
Shadow____Xyeah i guess it really all depends on how much you want to isntall08:04
Shadow____Xif you just want afew more mb of room08:04
Shadow____Xjust delete stuff08:04
TheFatalok, so if i have a 8gb external sd, i have space for life :P08:05
Shadow____Xnot for life08:05
Shadow____Xbut you might not even need it08:05
Shadow____Xlike i have my os cloned to my 2gb internal and i have more than enough room08:06
Shadow____Xand i have over 100 apps installed08:06
TheFatalok, i will try...08:06
Shadow____Xwhat do you want to install right now08:06
TheFatalnow updates08:07
Shadow____Xand you ran out of room08:07
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TheFatalbut after that, apps to internet access, movies players, music players, games, and start whit dev apps08:09
Shadow____Xif you are selective and selete stuff you dont need youll have room for a decent amount of apps08:09
Shadow____Xare you experienced with atleast some linux08:10
Shadow____Xor are you just starting out08:10
Shadow____Xif you are just startying out i would recomment just keep learning the ropes before you try and do an os clone08:10
Shadow____Xbut thats just me08:10
TheFatali know fedora, no debian08:11
TheFatalbut for the device there is not exist OS08:12
Shadow____Xah alright08:12
Shadow____Xthen use the link i sent you08:12
TheFatalyes, i'm reading08:12
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TheFatalother question... (i wanna learn ;) ) can i set the external sd to swap... ??08:13
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TheFatallike swapon /dev/mmcblk108:13
Shadow____Xyou can already do that in control panel08:14
TheFatalso it is possible :)08:14
Shadow____XTheFatal, i believe so08:14
Shadow____Xbut i have not tried08:14
Shadow____Xso cant verify or confirm08:15
TheFatalwhit a secondary partition i will try08:15
TheFatal... partition. I will try08:15
Shadow____Xso uh i am having an issue making a symlink08:19
Shadow____Xisnt it ln -s what i want mounted /where i wanted it mounted08:20
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TheFatali wonder if exist an app like htop08:23
Shadow____Xis there a reason why i cant mount /home/usr.MyDocs/Remote_Filesystem somewhere08:26
Shadow____Xi am trying to symlink it to the intermal memory08:26
Shadow____Xis it because it has fat32 on it08:27
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TheFatalwhy apt-get purge do not work ?08:32
Shadow____X1apt-get clean ?08:32
Shadow____X1dont know08:32
TheFatalpurge do not work08:32
Shadow____X1but if you want to purge a sepcificpackage use dpkg08:32
Shadow____X1fat32 doesnt support symbolic links :(08:33
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Shadow____X1anyone know the size of screw are on the sides of a n81008:37
TheFataldo you want to remove it ?08:40
Shadow____X1no it keeps coming loose08:41
bef0rdTheFatal, are you using apt-get --purge remove <pack>?08:43
TheFatalapt-get purge <pkg>08:44
TheFatalbut it did not work08:44
TheFatalit do not work yet08:45
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TheFatalHow can be than nokia maps do not have some little argentina citys like mine? :S08:46
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TheFatalou, low battery... -.-08:49
* TheFatal did not find the charger, so his N810 off08:53
Shadow____X1you can buy another one08:53
TheFatalin argentina this device do not exist08:54
Shadow____X1ah so how did you get it08:54
TheFatal;) contacts08:54
Shadow____X1ah so your from argentina?08:54
TheFatalthat is why my english is a little horrible08:55
Shadow____X1ah alright08:55
Shadow____X1hey your learning08:55
Shadow____X1youll get there08:55
Shadow____X1anyway goodnight08:56
Shadow____X1mounted a remote share gonna abuse bandwith and stream08:56
TheFatali have 256, so that it's a little difficult08:57
TheFataland 5 am...08:57
TheFatalstill in bathroom08:57
TheFatali belive than wifi is the best of the best inventions08:58
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x29adid anybody port wireshark to maemo already?09:21
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AstralStormTheFatal: bluetooth is actually better09:52
AstralStormdid anyone write an ssh-agent script already?09:52
AstralStormto start it as a system service, but still ask for the password in X correctly?09:53
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AstralStormthe trick is I want to set up an ssh tunnel from xinetd09:56
AstralStormso it has to be started before it09:56
AstralStormand also has to set environment variables both for user and root09:58
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Shadow_Mhow would i setup fstab to use swap10:05
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Meiz_n810Is MerEcho theme in repo?10:12
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: no, but titan is10:16
StskeepsMeiz_n810: apt-get dist-upgrade should be safe now, and you can apt-get remove xserver-xorg and replace with xserver-xomap10:16
Stskeepsfor speedier X10:17
Meiz_n810tricks needed for touchscreen?10:17
Stskeepswell, not on your part, but on my part :P10:18
Shadow_Ma n810 with swap is is wayyy better10:19
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AStormShadow_M: now, that's nothing new :)10:21
Shadow_Mfor me it is guess i am playing vatch up10:21
AStormStskeeps: still no l10n file?10:22
Meiz_n810i saw that @ itT10:22
StskeepsAStorm: the fucky part is there -is- a l10n file10:23
Stskeepsi just have no clue why it isn't picking it up10:23
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AStormmaybe wrong filename?10:23
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Stskeepslooks correct, but we'll see10:30
Stskeepswe're going good leaps towards 0.6 at least :P10:30
johnxStskeeps, yeah, will be AFK for a couple hours, but will get the final touches to first-boot-wizard done tonight10:33
Stskeepsjohnx: alright, - should we switch to Xomap in the next release, but allow people to install xorg if they so desire?10:34
Stskeepslet's talk when you're back :)10:34
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johnxok, sounds good10:35
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ryoohkii just read that n810 wimax was end-of-life10:38
ryoohkithat was short10:38
Stskeepsdoesn't mean the devices are useless though10:38
Stskeepsthey are n810s after all10:38
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AStormwell, even n800 isn't all that useless10:39
ShadowJKI hope they don't hurry with the n900. I just bought a new computer and if nokia comes out with n900 soon my wallet will cry :)10:40
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aquatixmorning all10:48
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Stskeepsmorning aquatix10:49
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* aquatix starts saving for a nokia n900 and a palm pre10:50
aquatixnext gen stuff++10:50
pupnikwhat OS does palm pre run?10:51
aquatix <- more info10:51
aquatixtheir own linux-based OS10:51
aquatixnow what's it called again...10:52
Stskeeps10 bucks it's locked down completely10:52
aquatixactually, no10:52
aquatix <- some really interesting demo's10:52
aquatixand they have some decent concepts in it10:53
Stskeepsas in, non-replacable firmware10:54
aquatixdunno actually :)10:54
* aquatix wouldn't mind having a maemo-y phone10:54
aquatixbut that Pre actually looks rather nice10:54
aquatixso, scrap that n97 :)10:54
aquatixwonder how hackable the OS is though10:55
aquatixand how much is supported by default10:55
RST38hmoo all10:55
Stskeepswtf @ people making 19 page pdf presentations for 10 minute presentations10:55
aquatixStskeeps: whoa10:55
Stskeepsthat's going to be horrid to watch10:56
Stskeepsi mean, you usually say a minute per slide10:56
Stskeepsto go in sufficient depth with it10:57
aquatixi like those where the guy has 3 slides for 45 minutes; 1 with `hello', 1 with a few bullet points and one with `questions?'10:57
aquatixand still have a great talk10:57
aquatixit's a bit unnerving to have to focus on the speaker though ;)10:57
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Stskeepsaquatix: yeah, - especially when the 80% rule comes in .. 80% people are asleep at a conference, 10% are asians asking obvious questions, and 10% have to look awake cos they're the chairs of the session11:00
Stskeepsasleep/doing something else at their laptops/dozing off11:00
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pupnikpalm doing linux?  hoo-ray!11:07
RST38hwon't save them11:07
pupnik"You will not be saved by the god plutonium"11:08
pupnik- Prince of Darkness11:09
Stskeepslol @ e-mail at work. "We need the coffee pots back -now-. The student helpers can't make coffee for exam sessions"11:09
RST38hBring your own!11:10
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StskeepsRST38h: professors without their shots of caffeine are horrid to have exams with11:11
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RST38hHehe, Lenovo ThinkPad's battery just died. Says "battery error occurred, can't charge battery"11:14
RST38hThat has been about 3 months11:14
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ShadowJKWhat kind of warranty do they have on their batteries now?11:16
RST38hNo idea, it is probably all in Chinese11:16
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pupnikwhich thinkpad RST38h ?11:19
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RST38hpupnik: T6111:23
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pupnikhas nice keyboard RST38h ?11:24
AStormoh, it does11:24
AStormonly X61 is nicer :)11:24
_berto_and X61s :p11:25
AStormand X61t11:25
pupnikseems unlikely that X series kbd would beat the t SERIES11:26
pupnikok i'm disabling caps lock11:26
pupnikand swapping ctrl/fn11:27
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pupnikthat is the greatest ibm/lenovo mistake.  "fn" right under the littlest finger11:27
AStormit's the same keyboard11:28
AStormbut the other stuff is better11:29
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_berto_I really have no problems with the Fn key11:32
_berto_and I'm a hardcore emacs user :)11:33
Stskeepst_s_o: mer is the way it is because a "yes, we'll keep on patching and patching a diablo firmware image" .. i'm not hellbent on replacing every single closed source bit11:33
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Stskeeps+ that firmware image distribution wouldn't be sustainable11:34
Stskeepsforgot a subsentence there :)11:34
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t_s_oheh, sorry if i have gotten the wrong impression then, it just seems right now like its rebuilding maemo from the ground up11:35
Stskeepst_s_o: we are in some ways, but it's also to get rid of some cruft11:35
RST38hpupnik: Not using its keyboard (it kinda sucks too). Not using its screen (it is ugly 16:9 and looks faded)11:35
Stskeepswhile in reality we are reusing 70% of maemo components11:35
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RST38hpupnik: It is plugged inyto a docking station and as of this morning I am not even using its battery11:35
t_s_oi guess ill understand it more ones i see screenshots that basically look like the avarage diablo screen. right now it looks like its shaved to the dirt...11:35
RST38hJust wishing I had got an HP laptop instead11:36
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Stskeepst_s_o: yeah, but what people also don't realize is that now typical linux tricks work :)11:36
Stskeepsif you want to run abiword, and you're ok with it not being hildonized, just apt-get it11:36
Stskeepsor get that fresh new JDK port11:37
AStormexcept not having menu sucks :P11:37
t_s_oheh, maybe put up a screenshot of said abiword running then, as it seems many are waiting for one that works11:37
StskeepsAStorm: the menu is there always11:37
AStormI mean, app menu11:37
Stskeepst_s_o: and i did :)11:37
t_s_oand i have yet to see that on the forum ;)11:38
Stskeepsit is in the screenshots thread11:38
AStormbtw, i removed a certain huge ~something dir from home11:38
t_s_oall i see is that bare bones mer desktop with one icon to the side and maybe 3 icons up top...11:38
AStormand now am missing some images11:38
AStorme.g. rmb ticky and a few in balloons11:38
AStormwhich package should I reinstall?11:39
Stskeepst_s_o: admittedly some things are missing, but having a stable and themable hildon-desktop, where it's "just another session" along with LXDE, XFCE, KDE, etc is a good step11:39
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t_s_oin other words, the impression i have gotten of mer so far is if not wrong, badly slanted...11:40
Stskeepscompared to the fact a couple of months we had a console only ;)11:40
AStormwhee, menu doesn't fit11:40
AStormwell, we should have our gtk fixed to autohildonize such11:41
AStormas much as possible11:41
t_s_ohmm, seems i really have not payed much attention to the screenshots thread lately...11:41
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StskeepsAStorm: stuff like that should be possible, i guess :P11:42
Stskeepsbut i dunno11:42
aquatixAStorm: ooh, autohildonising11:44
AStormit was just a bad design decision on part of Nokia :P11:45
Stskeepst_s_o: but yes, mer is a bit radical compared to the idea of "patching firmware images"11:45
AStormso that we get to relink a klot of stuff and mark things explicitly11:45
Stskeeps(which btw, is absolutely shit to maintain)11:45
AStormthe wxGTK port was the right thing11:45
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t_s_ough, seems my rant got a thanks, whiskey tango foxtrot to the nth degree...11:48
Stskeepst_s_o: in any case, we're at a place in Mer where we can use fremantle widgets and we're quite API compatible with Maemo, so :)11:49
* Stskeeps likes the new file chooser11:49
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t_s_ohmm, to change, or not to change...11:49
t_s_oim not really tempted to flash my tablet right now...11:50
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Stskeepshehe. wait a little bit till we get a proper wifi applet going11:50
Stskeepsit's a bitch without it :)11:50
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t_s_oah, i knew there was something missing ;)11:51
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aquatixStskeeps: new file chooser?11:52
aquatixyou have a screenshot of it?11:52
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RST38hSts: Maybe you can add some code that automatically converts Gnome menus into hildon ones? =)11:52
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aquatixor a url to that screenshot thread :)11:52
Stskeeps(when themes were broken)11:52
Stskeepsthe top icon is supposed to be an arrrow11:52
RST38hSts: it shows 3 files per screen? =)11:53
StskeepsRST38h: kinetic scrolling though11:53
Stskeepsin any case, noone said it was the final widgets11:53
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RST38hwhat if I have got 100+ files in a directory? =)11:54
Stskeepsno clue11:54
Stskeepsit might be special cos its a images directory11:54
t_s_ough, i hope any kind of kinetic scrolling in the main ui will be either tweakable or basically a one tap checkbox to turn off...11:55
Stskeepsor better yet, patchable ;)11:56
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AStormoptions are better than patches11:57
AStormgconf toggle would be nice enough11:58
Stskeepst_s_o: as in, it's slightly easier to take in patches in stuff like Mer, to enable options for it11:58
t_s_oheh, true that11:58
AStormbut vice versa in maemo11:58
X-FadeStskeeps: Any idea why they added 32bit support to sapwood last week? :)11:58
`Macei still think the developers of skype lite should be lined up and shot11:59
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`Maceall i can do is hope fring or nimbuzz makes something that works in android and does true voip11:59
StskeepsX-Fade: nop. i'm perfectly happy wih 16bit ;)11:59
StskeepsX-Fade: it's probably to make it more portable or whatever.11:59
AStorm`Mace, eh? it works... somewhat11:59
AStormw/o video yet though11:59
X-FadeStskeeps: Or ....11:59
`Macefor android ;)11:59
StskeepsX-Fade: but the author sits in this channel anyhow :P11:59
`Maceandroid ver calls a special #12:00
`Maceuses your skype credit to do so12:00
`Maceit is retarded12:00
X-FadeBtw it is also nice to see a lot of MAEMO_CHANGES gone in gtk/gdk..12:00
`Maceand uses cell minutes12:00
StskeepsX-Fade: yeah, there's a great deal that should go upstream12:01
`Maceit is disgusting.. i could understand if it is against tmobiles tos to not use their data path for voip12:01
RST38hX-Fade: Well, there is a reason for RGBA12:01
`Macebut they don't even give you the option to use your wifi for it :) you are forced to call this forwarding number .. which is rather ghetto12:01
X-FadeRST38h: Alpha probably..12:01
RST38hX-Fade: Nokia appears to be changing to RGBA as a standard for all their S60 smartphones12:01
`Maceit is an absolute disappointment12:01
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RST38hX-Fade: For example, 5800 no longer appears to even allow 16bpp mode12:01
Stskeeps`Mace: heh, one more reason to like skype on tablets12:02
`MaceStskeeps - yeah ;)12:02
X-FadeRST38h: But it seems that the screen is still 16bit native. So you get banding or need dithering.12:02
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`Maceat least n800 uses it like it's supposed to12:02
* Stskeeps uses it to talk to gf an it functions ok12:02
RST38hX-Fade: The LCD in 5800 is physically a 24bpp LCD12:02
`Macei wish we had wimax here i'd get a wimax n81012:02
`Maceandroid is pretty awesome tho12:02
Stskeepseven with it going EOL?12:02
RST38hX-Fade: We do not really know what the N9x0 screen will be12:02
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RST38hX-Fade: Maybe they really want it to be 24bpp (because a hires camera is being included)12:03
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X-FadeRST38h: I'm all for it ;)12:03
RST38hX-Fade: but maybe they just want this as an option12:03
RST38hX-Fade: Actually, I would like a 16bpp option. It is twice less data to move12:03
`Macewhen is the n900 due out?12:04
X-FadeMaybe for the N900 Pro edition deluxe [tm] ;)12:04
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`Macepro edition deluxe huh? :)12:04
X-Fade`Mace: Sure, a modular system ;)12:05
aquatixwith shaver and beer cooler12:05
aquatixand espresso capsule12:05
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aquatixmeh, now i wish they had a real espresso machine here12:06
jXOk, so, I have an MP3 stream that I've added to the Media Player. However, unlike the nice BBC RealMedia streams, MP decides that it wants to buffer a button of data before playing. Can I tell it not to buffer so much?12:07
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andre___aquatix, i think there's an app for the iphone that displays and sounds like a shaver (if you drive a car and the police stops you you can always say "i didn't call, i shaved")12:09
andre___so it's not that unrealistic ;-)12:09
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AStormcops aren't *that* stupid12:09
`Macegod help the cop that falls for that shit12:09
aquatixhow pathetic12:09
`MaceAStorm - you would be amazed...12:10
AStormbetter excuse is to say "it's my gps"12:10
aquatixdo iphone user think that'd work? :)12:10
AStorm`Mace, not around here12:10
Stskeepsandre___: what's your attitude to bugs that will show up in their next SDK iteration? (i have a silly problem with hildon-desktop and dbus-glib that happens when you use their 0.78 instead, which is in SVN :)12:10
Stskeepsa crashy problem :>12:10
* aquatix thinks it's stupid to drive around with a phone to your ear anyway; there are bt headsets for that12:10
`Macean example of how good cops are at doing their job :)12:10
aquatixit's not like those headsets are uberexpensive or something12:11
AStormand also, bluetooth audio12:11
AStormneed more bluetooth enabled car audio systems12:11
andre___Stskeeps, just file them and set version to 5.0, and write in the report that it's from svn :-P12:11
Stskeepshehe, okay12:11
andre___gimme bugs!12:11
aquatixAStorm: i preferred a bt headset over a bt car stereo12:12
aquatixnow i'm actually comprehensible over the phone ;)12:12
AStormit's illegal to use headphones in a car here for a driver12:12
`MaceAStorm - does that mean deaf people aren't allowed to drive?12:12
AStorm(except ear aids)12:12
AStorm`Mace, totally deaf usually aren't12:13
Stskeepsandre___: hmm. there's no version 5.012:13
`Macethat's fucked up12:13
AStormhearing aids are allowed12:13
AStormnot fucked up12:13
`Macesure it is12:13
AStormreally, hearing is very useful still12:13
`Macei could understand blind people not being able to12:13
`Maceand considering how some people play music in their cars12:13
aquatixAStorm: head *set*, just a small thingee in one ear12:13
`Macethey might as well be deaf anyways12:13
aquatixon one ear in my case even, you hear everything around you still12:14
AStormaquatix, might work, haven't triedd12:14
`Macebut not allowing deaf people to drive sounds like a law suit waiting to happen12:14
`Macemost places don't give you a hearing test to get a lic12:14
andre___Stskeeps, component?12:14
AStorm`Mace, you might get a special licence12:14
AStormbut I'm not sure12:14
andre___Stskeeps, I know. I've been quite conservative with that stuff; only added 5.0 for the Dev platform itself12:14
`Macelol.. i wonder what IL has to say about it12:14
AStormsee, many important signals are aural12:15
`Macethen again.. you can just pay off our gov12:15
AStorme.g. sirens12:15
`Maceand get lic :)12:15
`Maceoh wait.. that was the last one12:15
`Maceyou can pay this one for senate seats12:15
aquatix`Mace: yeah, i think that if deaf people are trained well and keep an eye on things, they're just fine on the road12:15
aquatixAStorm: there's flashes too12:15
AStormsee them from behind12:15
`Maceaquatix - i know.. i can't see why someone who is deaf could be denied a lic12:15
AStormthey don't have the same range12:15
aquatixthey where testing sirens on car stereos here btw, so might be able to do something similar with a blinking led in the car of a dead person12:16
Stskeepsandre___: hildon app framework and such12:16
aquatixAStorm: i see the flashes before i hear the sirens generally12:16
`Macethat is an easy solution12:16
RST38haquatix: Are dead legally allowed to drive where you live?12:16
aquatixwhen in my car12:16
aquatixRST38h: erm, no, i think not12:16
`Macethey just need to send out a signal12:16
aquatixnot sure though :)12:16
AStormaquatix, well, you're deaf or sth ;)12:16
aquatixoh lol12:16
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`Maceit might be something to add to all cars anyways12:17
aquatixRST38h: stupid typo ;)12:17
AStormor they don't use them12:17
`Macesometimes it is hard to tell where a siren is coming from around a corner12:17
RST38haquatix: A pity if they ain't though12:17
`Macethe flashing light in a car would be good to have12:17
`Maceuntil some hax0ring jackass figures out how to send it out on his cell phone12:17
AStormlike with fm modulators12:17
`Maceand fucks everybody up haha12:17
aquatixRST38h: yeah, i want to be able to drive my car when returning as undead12:17
andre___Stskeeps, here you go12:17
Stskeepsandre___: thank you12:18
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AStormthe fun part is sending a siren over some radio frequency of local radio station12:18
AStormfun for the whole family12:18
AStormthese have a range of a few meters12:19
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AStormit's almost legal too12:20
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`MaceAll occupants under age 19 must wear safety belts.12:22
`Macei could have SWORN.. there was a law FORCING you to wear a seatbeld in IL now12:22
Stskeepsnot wearing a seatbelt is just stupid anyhow12:23
AStormjust under 19?12:23
Stskeepsandre___: <- spent two days this weekend on this thing :)12:23
AStormhere it's mandatory for all12:23
aquatixAStorm: here too12:24
andre___Stskeeps, was that an implicit "high priority, please" statement? :-P12:24
AStormand small children have to use children seats or what's their name12:24
`MaceStskeeps - i know... :) but still..12:24
Stskeepsandre___: hehe, no, i fixed it in our branch and provided it as a gesture for them :)12:24
`Macei don't believe it is the government's job to babysit its citizens12:25
Stskeepsandre___: as they'll run into it at some point themselves12:25
`Macewhich is why i usually oppose drug enforcement12:25
andre___yaya, a bug is a testcase not written yet :-)12:25
AStorm`Mace, well, you're right12:25
`Macewho is the government to say that it is ok for a woman to have an abortion.. but it is not ok for someone to shoot heroin?12:25
RST38hMace: Right. Remove all warning labels and start a voluntary euthanasia program, preferably on the equal opportunity principle12:25
`MaceA person under the age of 21 who is found guilty or granted court supervision for a violation of state law or local ordinance relating to illegal consumption, possession, purchase or receipt of alcohol, regardless of whether a vehicle was involved will face a loss of driving privileges,12:26
AStormRST38h, warning labels are ok12:26
`Maceunderage drinking means you lose your ability to drive even if you weren't driving?12:26
`Macethat is idiotic :)12:26
RST38hAStorm: no, I absolutely INSIST on removing ALL warning labels!12:26
AStorm`Mace, yeah12:26
aquatix`Mace: because drugs are bad mmkay?12:26
AStormRST38h, why?12:26
`Maceaquatix - says who?12:26
RST38hAStorm: Let Darwin harvest the idiots first!@12:26
aquatixRST38h: :)12:26
Stskeeps`Mace: driving on a bike while drunk here causes you to loose your drivers license too12:26
AStormnah, that won't work12:26
aquatix`Mace: that southpark teacher, last i saw ;)12:26
`MaceStskeeps - hahah seriously?12:26
RST38hSts: Bike drivers license?12:27
AStormStskeeps, same here12:27
StskeepsRST38h: no, car driver licenses12:27
aquatix`Mace: but i don't care if you use them12:27
AStormno, driver's licence12:27
AStormif you have one12:27
`Macei don't aquatix12:27
AStormso don't show it12:27
RST38hWhat if you dont have a drivers license for a car? Do they issue you one and take it away?12:27
`Macebut i don't see how a woman can have a "right to choose" .. and it is not the same thing as not being allowed to do whatever you want to YOUR body12:27
StskeepsRST38h: think it's something along the lines if you were irresponsible enough to bike drunk, you'd be as well driving..12:28
`Maceif a woman's body is her own.. and she has a right to an abortion on the basis of "it's my body and I can do what i want"12:28
`Macethen why can't people use drugs under the same principle?12:28
AStormRST38h, no, you get fined12:28
aquatixRST38h: here that depends on the offense, but you can be denied a license for some years then12:28
aquatixand maybe even loose the car12:28
AStormnazi countries12:28
aquatix`Mace: well, you are allowed to use drugs, just not buy or possess them ;)12:28
AStormit's like that almost everywhere :(12:28
RST38hin a nazi country you would be shot for biking drunk!12:29
aquatixRST38h: you aren't12:29
RST38h(at the spot)12:29
RST38haquatix: I do not bike, so it is ok with me12:29
AStormRST38h, nah, even Nazis didn't do that12:30
aquatixAStorm: they just confiscated the bike12:30
RST38haquatix: What would they need a bike for?12:31
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aquatixRST38h: oh, just a Dutch WW2 reference12:33
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aquatixback then they actually had soldiers on bikes12:34
RST38hGood old times12:36
* RST38h wonders if nazis had any cavalry in WW212:37
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aquatixquickly outdated by their tank battillions though12:38
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`Maceok.. what the fuck...12:40
`Macejapanese people are just strange sometimes12:40
* aquatix is having some lunch12:41
`Macehm.. i can't find a good channel to ask about my abortion v drug use issue :)12:41
`Maceguess there aren't too many legal channels on irc out there huh?12:41
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AStormirc is chaotic, not lawful ;)12:45
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ccookeAStorm: irc is True Neutral.12:47
AStormoh really?12:47
AStormwhat is Freenode then?12:47
ccookeSure. Chaotic, but lots of laws get applied. Think of Godwin's Law, Sturgeon's Law...12:48
AStormreminder: it's not oftc12:48
AStormthese laws are wrong, haha12:48
ccookeAStorm: well, yes. According to Sturgeon's law, 80% of all of them *must* be.12:48
AStormincluding Sturgeon's law too? :)12:49
ccookeCanonically, yes.12:49
ccookeIt is recursive.12:49
ccookeThis does mean you need calculus to work out what proportion of everything *isn't* rubbish, of course.12:50
LinuxCodewhat have you guys been smoking ?12:50
AStormchaos theory, more likely12:51
glassthat calculus would be mostly rubbish too?12:51
AStormcalculus is not enough12:51
glassLinuxCode: just cigs12:51
LinuxCodeglass, thats what they always say rofl12:51
LinuxCode"No officer" "I only smoked cigarettes!"12:51
lcukwe havent been smoking enough of it if we can still read12:51
LinuxCodelcuk, hehe12:51
lcuksmokey bacon mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm12:52
glassbakin bacon with macon12:52
LinuxCodeman I did a WD advanced replacement12:52
LinuxCodethey are such idiots12:52
ccookelcuk: you know you're not *supposed* to smoke bacon in a pipe, right?12:52
LinuxCodethey lost the drive12:52
LinuxCodenow I have to go about sending proof they had it12:52
glassLinuxCode: huh, sucks bigtime12:52
lcukdamn, i did wonder why it oinked at me when i shoved a pig in my pipe12:53
LinuxCodethen he says..they tried to charge my credit card.... but they already locked funds before!12:53
glassLinuxCode: are they going to lose that proof too12:53
lcukbut im not here was just passing by, hi n bye linuxcode12:53
lcukand every1 else12:53
LinuxCodeglass, they wont be able to...said to scan it12:53
LinuxCodelcuk, later mate12:53
* LinuxCode needs to go up to the post office now12:53
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* hanno wonders about the next version of the hardware13:33
hannoany news on that one, yet?13:33
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Stskeepsonly rumours13:33
hannoOk, thx.13:34
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* hanno sold his N810 months ago in the hope getting the successor soon and suffers from serious withdrawal.13:35
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X-Fade"Anssi - Definitely not. We know the Touch technology inside out because we introduced the first product of this kind back in 2004 (Nokia 7710) and if you look at the Internet Tablet segment, it.s not dying at all, on the contrary . it.s our future. I remember saying at some launch even that it would take five generations of the Internet tablet devices to really make them mass consumer products . so far, we have launched only three generations13:38
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wazdnoon all :)13:40
Stskeepswazd: including your logo in splash now :)13:40
wazdStskeeps: whoa, cool :)13:40
wazdStskeeps: Can I post in my blog bout that?)13:41
Stskeepshehe, in a bit :)13:41
Stskeepswaiting for it to get through the builder13:44
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wazdomg, 262 posts in "where is Nokia" theme13:51
wazdpeople will never get sick of flame))13:51
Stskeepsqgil's statement that people should find their favourite app and help with it is true though :P13:51
Stskeepsthe community is very fragmented and not very focused13:52
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wazdStskeeps, well, I'm trying to help everybody who needs help)13:52
Stskeepshehe, yeah13:52
Stskeepsand you're doing a great job :)13:52
wazdSince I'm not the coder13:52
wazdStskeeps: hope so)13:53
RST38hmoo wazd13:53
RST38hwazd: Can I ask you to make a few icons? =)13:53
wazdbut 5 pages of d-pad discussion, wtf seriously)13:53
wazdRST38h: sure!13:53
RST38hd-pad is a sore topic, has been like that for months13:54
wazdRST38h: I should definitely pay for my happy youth with Pocket PCs :D13:54
RST38hwazd: That is to Aaron Oneal, I think :)13:54
RST38hwazd: But if you have an S60 phone and/or Windows PC, you obviously get free copies =)13:55
lcukwazd, im gonna take the brake pedel from your car. if you want to stop just wipe your hand on the windscreen13:55
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wazdlcuk: I didn't say I don't like d-pad, I always use it13:55
wazdlcuk: but the fact is that hardware is already done13:56
wazdlcuk: whts the point of flaming13:56
RST38hwazd: Anyways, need SVG icons for MG, iNES, and VGBA (the rest are kinda ok for now)13:56
wazdlcuk: you should just wait and see it fr yourself13:56
RST38hOh, ColEm too13:56
RST38hPrimarily for Maemo packages but will use them for other ports if you allow13:57
lcukwazd, im not waiting for anything :)13:57
wazdRST38h: oh! I'll gladly help with it13:57
lcukdidnt someone just say that svg doesnt work on device?13:58
RST38hlcuk: Does not matter as I can render 3 bitmaps from SVG on the desktop and package them13:59
wazdlcuk: that's SVG for rendering13:59
RST38hlcuk: S60 prefers SVG starting with the 3rd edition though13:59
lcuktop banana13:59
wazdRST38h: should I juct draw consoles or maybe some uni-style will work?)14:00
pupnikyaay Phenom 2 in stores14:00
wazdlo there)14:03
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RST38hwazd: Drawing appropriate consoles sounds like the most obvious idea14:04
RST38hwazd: If you have a better one, shoot (can't draw game characters as they are copyrighted, probably not worth drawing abstract stuff, I did it with Speccy and it was kinda suboptimal)14:05
RST38hFor ColEm, you can probably draw the ColecoVision logo - I do not think anyone will complain, because it is very generic14:05
RST38hAnother idea would be to draw joystick controlelrs rather than consoles (Coleco and original SMS had very specific joypad designs)14:06
wazdRST38h: well, sounds nice but then you still need to draw portable consoles :)14:07
RST38hShadows/gradients better be avoided (Nokia's SVG renderer is very weak, so it dies on these)14:08
RST38hwazd: Yea, can't avoid this one14:08
wazdRST38h: ok, I'll try some stuff, sounds easy to do14:08
RST38hBut there is only one (GBA). For SMS you have a choice,14:08
wazdRST38h: and simple GB14:09
RST38hFor iNES you may *still* want to draw the console (US version) but also have a choice14:09
RST38hwazd: I have got GB already although if you feel that it needs improvement or facelift, go ahead (will send you current .svg tonight)14:09
wazdRST38h: oh, ok, send it, I think it's ok, but still :)14:12
wazdRST38h: so I can draw al;l icons in one style14:12
RST38hwazd: My original VGB .ico has actually been "borrowed" by at least one game designer =)14:13
Stskeepswazd: -now- you can ;)14:13
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RST38hwazd: Yes, feel welcome to do it - I can 100% promise that at least Maemo packages will use all the icons14:13
wazdRST38h: nice :)14:14
pupnikhow about drawing menus and controls with crayons14:14
pupnikand then scanning those14:14
pupniksorry, i'm batty from crayon physics14:14
wazdpupnik: crayon physics looks more like chalk physics btw :)14:15
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RST38hcrayons are actually chalks, a special kind14:17
wazdRST38h: Well, same special kind as coal is actually a diamond :)14:17
RST38hpupnik: you will need better transparency and shaped windows support though because your menus will have non-rectangular shapes14:17
RST38hyea, in a way :)14:18
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lcukpupnik, agreed, we must also make it so that you can only start an app if you solve its puzzle ;)14:19
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* pupnik registers "Terrible UI Labs, LTD"14:19
lcukno worse than the apple click wheel14:20
wazdI think crayon physics will rock with some acceleometer support14:20
lcukimagine the fun you would have in the morning trying to stop your alarm clock14:20
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wazdlcuk: I've thought of that kind of alarm clock before)14:20
wazdlcuk: with some puzzle to turn off :)14:20
lcukthey dont work - if the complexity of the problem is > removing backplate and battery then you know what will happen14:21
RST38hCrayon Physics needs some updates fast - new levels etc ;)14:21
lcukand failing that, it can get expensive needing to buy a new one every day14:21
* RST38h is almost ready to buy a Wii controller14:21
lcukwhy almost? ive had onefor think its 2 years now?14:22
RST38hI know I do not need it, that is why :)14:22
wazdRST38h: you can try some mutitouch stuff ith it :)14:23
wazdRST38h: or positioning14:23
lcukor surprisingly :: game playing :)14:24
wazdluck: thats lame :D14:24
lcukyes, im such a traditionalist *rolleyes*14:25
RST38hNot playing any games lately. And I guess the positioning will not work without the Bar?14:25
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wazdRST38h: no it will14:26
lcukRST38h, you have game console emulators - why have you wrote them if its not for use?14:26
RST38hWhat do you need the bar for then?14:26
RST38hlcuk: Dunno, maybe I just like fiddling with obscure hardware and emulating it in a shoebox fullfills my megalomanian desires?14:27
lcukthe bar is for orientation and direction finding, wazd thinks hes cracked the problem nintendo engineers couldnt overcome ;)14:27
wazdRST38h: Bar is for lamers xD14:27
RST38hthe guy does have the bar14:28
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lcukrst, dont get me wrong i think  its great you have emulators, the idea of keeping a system alive is a powerful one :) i thought you played lots of games though14:28
lcukwazd, his head is the sensorbar14:29
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wazdRST38h: Ah, wrong video14:29
lcukits actually an emitter bar ;)14:29
alteregoAnyone use rrdtool?14:29
wazdRST38h: Sensrbar is just a row of infrared leds14:29
alteregoGetting an error saying I need to "define at least one archive" >:(14:29
lcukreplace with candles or pinpricks in a curtain14:29
RST38hwazd: Ah, so it is simply a marker?14:29
RST38hlcuk: I did, once.14:30
wazdThis guy has replaced bar with 2 leds on the sides of special goggles14:31
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wazdpretty handy :)14:31
aquatixt_s_o: lol @ lolcat14:31
t_s_ocoffee, the lifeblood of the it industry...14:32
t_s_ocoffee in, code out ;)14:32
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* johnx returns14:33
johnxhey Stskeeps14:33
johnxheh...that "sensorbar" can be replaced with any infrared source. a couple of candles work quite well :D14:33
wazdthere's also a multitouch example there14:33
Stskeepsjohnx: i got splash working :)14:34
baabadoes maemo support someting else than fat16 for an external sd card?14:34
baaba(on a n810)14:34
AStormjohnx, except it's a fire hazard14:34
johnxStskeeps, sounds great as long as I can disable it :>14:34
AStormand has shorter range14:34
aquatixbaaba: it can do ext2/3 too14:34
Stskeepsjohnx: yeah, rescue menu14:34
johnxAStorm, buzzkill :P14:34
aquatixbut that doesn't work magically like fat14:34
Stskeepsor editing zrescue-menu to select another default mode14:34
baabaah okay, the magic is what i'm missing14:34
johnxit's funny, because it always mounts ext3 cards automagically just fine14:35
johnxonly the first partition though14:35
aquatixin that case i might have been talking poo14:35
baabatrying to streamline a bunch of setup things for a freshly flashed device14:35
* aquatix didn't try yet14:35
Stskeepsjohnx: regarding X, Xomap seems to speed things up a tad for now, but it is entirely replacable14:35
aquatixjohnx: you have an ext3 partition on it?14:35
aquatixor completely formatted it that way?14:36
Stskeeps(ie, you can always apt-get in the real X)14:36
wazdwho knows and low-lever restore software for SD cards?)14:36
AStormnone exists14:36
johnxaquatix, yup, for mer my external card is just one ext3 partition. mounts even though I don't really want it to in OS2008 :)14:36
AStormexcluding electron microscope14:36
wazdI've got one console and it has found bad sectors on my card14:36
aquatixjohnx: ah14:37
aquatixjohnx: that's neat14:37
Stskeepsjohnx: so what should be default in images?14:37
AStormwazd, your card will soon be dead14:37
aquatixjohnx: so i can format my external card ext3 and have it work magically on my n810?14:37
aquatixwith os2008?14:37
wazdAstorm it already is actually))14:37
johnxStskeeps, if someone installs xorg will it do the update-alternatives magic and become the default x server?14:37
Stskeepsjohnx: i honestly don't think there is update-alternatives magic for it14:38
johnxaquatix, yeah, I think it should be fine now that metalayer crawler doesn't die on symlinks :)14:38
Stskeepsi should probably add a Conflicts: xserver-xorg in xserver-xomap thoug14:38
aquatixjohnx: neat14:38
* aquatix hates fat14:38
aquatixno offence :P14:39
johnxStskeeps, yeah, guess debuntu's just setup for Xorg and nothing else *sigh*14:39
johnxStskeeps, a conflicts should be fine though. I guess that makes the most sense14:40
johnxwas it a pain getting xomap to build on builder? or did you end up just doing a binary package?14:40
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Stskeepsnot pretty but its pretty faithful :P14:40
johnxyeah, seems fine for now. no point in getting bogged down fixing temporary stuff14:41
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Stskeepsjohnx: did you see what the bug was? a bloody sed line14:43
johnxyeah. that sucks. always the simple things...(except when sapwood is involved)14:44
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lcukjohnx i had something to say to you but i cant remember now14:44
Stskeepsjohnx: we should put in a fb_update_mode thing inside xf86-video-omapfb14:44
johnxlcuk, about your app launcher? wiimotes?14:44
lcukif i knew that i'd be able to say it lol, no it was last thing last night i think14:45
johnxStskeeps, have it install an init script maybe?14:45
Stskeepsjohnx: well i was more thinking of inside the driver14:45
Stskeepsit does ioctl OMAPFB_SET_UPDATE_MODE on the fbdev anyway14:45
Stskeeps (fb_update_mode.c14:45
johnxah, well that's because you think like a programer and I think like a sys admin :P14:46
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lcukdamn thats annoying14:47
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Stskeepsjohnx: as xorg wouldn't work without the fb_update_mode being auto atm :)14:48
Stskeeps(ie, when splash is on)14:48
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suihkulokkicertainly the best solution is to lift the manual update code from Xomap to xorg-omapfb :)14:49
johnxwoo! a volunteer! :D14:49
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baabacan i somehow run a sh script from the file manager directly?14:55
baabaas opposed to opening xterm and running it from there14:56
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johnxbaaba, hmm, maybe check out dbus-switchboard. it lets you play with what launches files of certain mime-types. You could set one for .sh files14:56
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johnxI really hope Nokia is paying attention to that thread Quim started even though they're not hearing what they want to hear...15:02
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lcukjohnx, that dbus-switchboard sounds  interesting indeed15:05
johnxlcuk, yeah, lots of nice "convenience" packages for working with dbus :)15:05
johnxdbus-switchboard, dbus-scripts, conler (sp?)15:06
wazd goddamn *notstraight* ISP!15:06
johnxwazd, your ISP likes other ISPs?15:06
wazdoh, or is it ITT forums then :)15:06
Stskeepsbloody isp ;)15:06
wazdbloody ITT hosting)15:07
wazdbut my ISP still not straight anyway)15:07
wazdThey trying to replace XO switch for almost 3 months15:08
wazdStskeeps, can you change the description in Mer wiki page?)15:09
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Stskeepswazd: i plan to revamp the wiki pages when i'm done with my exams :P15:09
wazd"Mer means ocean in French" - wrong)15:09
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Stskeepsand write things up a little better ;)15:09
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RST38hIt means a sea?15:10
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Stskeepswazd: my dictionary says ocean, but also sea :P15:11
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wazd-christel- [Global Notice] Hi all, we appear to have lost our Moscow based client server, and with it approximately 1600 users. We're looking into the issue now and should hopefully have both the server and the users back shortly. Apologies for the inconvenience. Thank you for using freenode and have a nice day.15:11
wazdoh my :)15:11
aquatixoops, now where did that thing go?15:12
RST38hI just lost half the network it seems15:12
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RST38hSo, my guess is that some large hub or uplink in Moscwo just died15:12
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Stskeepsor moscow got erradicated by a nuclear bomb!15:12
LinuxCodeRST38h, 1600 users isnt much15:12
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LinuxCodeStskeeps, no they had the gas turned off15:13
LinuxCodeor pwer15:13
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LinuxCodeby the Ukraine15:13
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johnxRST38h, would you mind going over and rebooting the hub? :D15:13
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LinuxCodeJohn, give him the keys...15:14
RST38hjohnx: Given the traffic, NO.15:14
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wazdITT is experiencing serious problems for me)15:14
wazdtracert shows some bad stuff in Chicago15:15
Stskeepswazd: works fine for me15:15
wazdcant trace further15:15 isn't screaming about anything major...15:15
wazd 496 ms     *        * []15:16
RST38hwazd: Same here15:16
wazdwell, it traces, but soooo slow15:17
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* hanno asks for more speculation.15:18
hannoAre there any guesses for a rough release date of the next hardware revision?15:18
Stskeepshanno: hehe, fact is noone knows any facts15:19
johnxhanno, on anything in particular?15:19
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* hanno just wants the next device. Now.15:19
johnxah, nm, let's say "after march, before 2010"15:19
johnxif I had to rate probability, I'd say sometime before schools return from summer break in EU and US15:20
hannooh well.15:21
Stskeepsjohnx: probably in expectation for new students15:21
Stskeepsnetbook sales surge there normally15:21
johnxStskeeps, that was my thought :)15:21
* hanno got a Netbook but misses the "tablet" form factor.15:22
johnxI mean August is like Christmas for Apple and Dell15:22
RST38hjohnx: Not this year , most likely15:23
baabai'm trying to follow the instructions at: (using the block device) and when i try to mount, i get "jffs2: Too few erase blocks (0)"15:23
johnxRST38h, huh? You think they'll get to a beta state in March/June and sit on it for 6 months?15:23
RST38hjohnx: Nokia? No, Nokia will release stuff, no reason why they would not15:24
RST38hI am saying, few people will be buying it, given how things are going15:24
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johnxRST38h, aaah, about apple and dell. Dell will be glad they have a netbook out, apple probably won't have the best august ever, but anyone buying an apple had 1) a good reason or 2) money to burn anyways15:24
wazdStskeeps: is it ok if i'll post a 800x480 wallpaper for free access?)15:26
baabaah nevermind i guess i did something wrong at first15:26
Stskeepswazd: yep15:26
Stskeepswazd: it is public anyway and you own the copyright :P15:27
johnxplus, you could call it "marketing" or "improving brand awareness" or something :D15:27
Stskeepsi want a mer logo tshirt already15:28
hannoare there any rumours on the screen resolution?15:28
johnxwas just thinking we'll need those if we don't go crazy before the next summit15:28
johnxRST38h, I really hope so...otherwise things will get plenty "interesting"15:28
RST38hyou wanted more?15:28
hannoBut still better than most.15:28
Stskeepshanno: compared to all the other small-resolution tablet like things, it's good15:28
hannoRST38h: Well, my killer app is still native playback of DVD content. 800x480 is great for that, but more, well is even better for 16:9 content.15:29
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RST38hjohnx: Given that the community still has 6 months to back-feed itself rumors and salivate, things will get interesting anyway15:29
RST38hjohnx: In 6 months, everybody will be so psyched up that no matter WHAT Nokia releases will not be enough =)15:30
hanno(that's two years ago)15:30
wazdwhere the fukc s publush block, what the hell ((15:30
hannoI'm just hoping that the next hardware revision will be playing raw DVD rips at full resolution.15:31
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Stskeepshanno: with omap3, maybe15:32
johnxhanno, the next hardware will be playing 720p HDTV recordings at full resolution :)15:32
aquatixit'll have that new omap3 right?15:32
wazdhanno: It will play 720p without an issue15:32
RST38hjohnx: See? Unfounded expectations already arise =)15:33
hannowazd: "720p playback" is kinda weird as a quality parameter on a 480 height screen.15:33
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johnxRST38h, unfounded? *rolls eyes*15:33
johnxRST38h, unfounded would be if I said "I'm sure the d-pad won't be *worse*"15:33
RST38hjohnx: Nokia still has 6 months to put another Blizzard chip into this thing ;)15:33
RST38hYou can make n810 dpad worse? How?15:34
wazdhanno: it's more "horsepower" parameter than quality15:34
Stskeepshanno: similar hardware (processor+dsp wise), the beagleboard, does 720p playback, so that's where it comes from15:34
JaffaRST38h: not "unfounded"15:34
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hannoYes, the N800 cpu was able to do raw DVD playback as well. Back tThen the graphics chip's bus15:35
johnxRST38h, Nokia has a big R&D budget. They'll figure something out. prolly patent it too. "Method for making a d-pad unusable by human hands."15:35
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hannoYes, the N800/N810 cpu was able to do raw DVD playback as well. Back then the graphics chip's bus was the problem.15:35
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wazdjohnx: that reminds me one of south park series :)15:36
RST38hjohnx: If they can fuck up something as simple as dpad, I wouldn't worry about 720p video performance...15:36
RST38hjohnx: Really easy to screw that one15:36
johnxStskeeps, 720p on the omap3 isn't even touching the DSP right now :)15:36
wazdjohnx: bout "It" :D15:36
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hannobtw., did you guys have a look at the Palm CES video?
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Jaffahanno: aye, shiny15:37
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JaffaDevice itself looks fugly and too wide/thick/small kb. UI looks interesting from a technical PoV15:38
hannoDoes anyone know which infrastructure is behind the UI?15:38
wazdJaffa: it's not that thick in fact15:38
RST38hJaffa: have you noticed that the touch area is not the screen but the black part underneath?15:38
wazdJaffa: just "thick looking"15:38
Stskeepswazd: thanks!15:39
johnxRST38h, it's both...15:39
* RST38h opens wordpress site with lynx15:39
RST38hjohnx: must be, otherwise it would be ridiculous15:40
JaffaRST38h: It's been demoed as both; so it's correct to say the touch area extends beyond the screen to the "gesture area"15:40
Jaffawazd: how's it compare with thickness of, say, N810? My phone atm is pretty damn thin, tho15:41
johnxI wonder how much Sprint will want for it upfront :/15:41
RST38h+ contract15:42
wazdRST38h: nope15:42
johnxRST38h, they already said "more than the iPhone since this is better."15:42
wazdRST38h: they said it will cost more15:42
RST38hThat is the information released this morning15:42
RST38hwazd: UNSUBSIDIZED.15:42
wazdRST39h: OKAY!1 xD15:42
johnxreeeeally? this morning?15:42
* johnx searches15:42
RST38hwazd: Unsubsidized iPhone is also in $400-$500 range15:42
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johnxRST38h, more than $600USD IIRC15:43
wazdRST38h: we have iPhone for thousand greenbacks :)15:43
RST38hjohnx: And Sprint said that if things get tough (i.e. people standing in lines to soup kitchens, checking negative Wall Street numbers on their blackberries) it will be $14915:43
hannoBut what's behind the UI, software-wise? Is it their own proprietary stack or did they use existing libraries?15:43
RST38hwazd: Well, Moscow pricing schemes are different15:43
wazdRST38h: It has pretty same price Russia-spread15:44
aquatix14:38:53        RST38h | Jaffa: have you noticed that the touch area is not the screen but the black part underneath?15:44
RST38hwazd: Not much different from speculative pricing for western goods in USSR :)15:44
aquatixthat's a special nav widget15:44
johnxRST38h, just made my day :D BTW, that's what I'll be spending on the money that won't go to a Portege :D15:44
aquatixRST38h: the screen is multitouch too15:44
wazdJaffa: I think it's same as n81015:44
wazdJaffa: said that it's "a bit thicker than the iphone"15:44
johnxs/on the money/the money on *dur*15:44
RST38haquatix: They also said that only 200000 screens will be produced in the first batch15:45
aquatixwell, i will get a newer batch anyway15:45
aquatixas i need gsm15:45
* RST38h isn't planning on getting this thing15:45
aquatixwazd: which isn't surprising, having a slide-out kb15:45
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johnxRST38h, didn't ask you to :)15:45
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wazdaquatix: yep15:46
* aquatix might get a Pre15:46
wazdI still think that having such a huge phone is a bad idea)15:46
* johnx wishes they'd make a phone in the same style as a zaurus 5500 (same style, not same size)15:46
aquatixit's bigger than my m600i i think15:46
aquatixjohnx: ghehe15:46
aquatixjohnx: erm, the Pre *is* such a phone15:47
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johnxit's *close* but no d-pad15:47
aquatixah, good point15:47
glassit's also tied to sprint..15:47
aquatixbut the interface of course works differently too15:47
johnxand it's actually smaller in height and width than an iphone15:47
RST38hAm I the only one getting an N97 here? =) Khe khe khe?15:48
glassRST38h: i'll probably bitch for one when they come15:48
wazdRST38h: Laaaame xD15:48
aquatixRST38h: i *was* planning on buying one15:48
* RST38h runs away from the lynch mob15:48
johnxRST38h, possibly, but why would I want to settle for less?15:48
RST38haquatix: it will probably be insanely expensive anyway15:49
glassjohnx: because waiting forever in a basement for the "perfect" is too nerdy15:49
aquatixRST38h: the n97? yeah :/15:49
RST38hglass: it saves money though.15:49
aquatixwonder what it'll cost, and the Palm Pre too15:49
glassRST38h: yeah, but.. then you'll have nothing to use the money on15:49
johnxglass, fair enough, but it seems the n97 and pre should be out around the same time15:49
glassaquatix: palm pre is subbed so crazy that it's going to be hard to determine real price15:49
glassjohnx: yeah but can't buy pre for use here, see, i don't live in sprint land15:50
RST38hglass: Food. Guns. Extra underground floors. A tactical nuclear weapon or two maybe?15:50
aquatixi hope there will be a gsm version soon15:50
johnxglass, yup. I'm sure they had to go with sprint because they were the only ones desperate enough to subsidize the phone down to iphone levels15:50
aquatixRST38h: thermic lances15:50
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glassjohnx: or maybe bono knows someone from sprint15:51
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RST38hjohnx: You would sign a 2-year contract with Sprint?15:52
RST38hJust to get $200 off a phone?15:52
aquatixmaybe to get the phone at all?15:52
johnxRST38h, well, looks like they have the best 3G network anyways. BTW, where did you see $199. I'm still seeing $39915:52
glassto get the phone at all15:53
glassRST38h: pre is tied to sprint, from launch.. "heavily tied" "always on networking"15:53
aquatixglass: you want a gsm version too? :)15:53
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glassaquatix: of pre? not really. it would be nice if they managed to sell it that much that there would be point but really no.. i'm not a big fan of calling webpages as applications15:53
RST38hjohnx: I can't google right now, uplink is down15:53
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RST38hglass: This sounds like letting oneself to be raped with a plunger for shiny things15:54
glassRST38h: pretty much15:54
johnxRST38h, no worries. just found it...still looks pretty uncertain, but it would be suicide to not be within $50 +/- of the jesus-phone15:54
RST38hglass: So, my answer is "no" =)15:54
glassRST38h: it's an iphone clone so...15:54
aquatixglass: well, the html5/javascript stuff is only the gui15:54
Stskeepsjohnx: should zenity be built btw?15:54
wazdglass: what is an iPhone clone?15:55
johnxStskeeps, let me import it and give it a build15:55
glasswazd: pre15:55
wazdglass: why?15:55
aquatixglass: no, i think it's not15:55
aquatixi actually like the gui concepts better than the iphone's15:55
glasswazd: because they played it like that as pr15:55
wazdglass: it has touchscreen?)15:55
glassit doesn't matter that it's possibly slightly better15:55
aquatixglass: iphone is a known entity15:56
aquatixsuper hyped15:56
glasswazd: afaik album browsing is a coverflow ripoff too15:56
aquatixeveryone knows it and what it does15:56
wazdglass: it shows cover art. that's the only similaruty15:56
glassaquatix: yeah but they took the concept, took 1.5 years to do it.  touchscreen phone with web apps, same as iphone at launch, of course theres differences15:56
aquatixi like the cards concept15:57
* johnx thinkgs "rip off" is kind of a silly term. Should companies totally ignore good ideas just because of NIH?15:57
RST38hjohnx: Pre is too close to iPhone15:57
glassjohnx: well company like palm who says it'll bring something ground breaking.. yeah they should bring something fresh15:57
RST38hit does look like an attempt to copy15:57
johnxglass, they did, IMHO15:57
glassbesides, iphone has native apps by now15:57
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RST38hglass: Severely limited15:57
glassjohnx: well ok then, but you should know that your views are not shared by many :)15:57
glassRST38h: yeah i know the deal with the official sdk and marketplace..15:58
johnxglass, the WebOS SDK thing looks pretty different than the first-run iPhone web apps15:58
johnxglass, fair enough :) have you watched the Palm press conference, BTW?15:58
wazdwell, cordless charger is really nice thing :15:58
glassjohnx: yeah it's an upgrade, but copy still as a concept15:58
RST38hjohnx: WebOS SDK has not been released yet. How do you know?15:58
glassjohnx: yeah15:58
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glassjohnx: that too goes to the cloning iphone category15:58
RST38hPress conferences can be very misleading so I would only trust the actual SDK15:59
glassjohnx: and the bullshit reasoning why to tie it with sprint. it's not the network, it's the subbing15:59
johnxRST38h, well the fact that it can actually tie into lower level stuff than the iphone's "native" sdk is a big departure15:59
glassRST38h: that too, androids day 1 pr was pure bullshit15:59
wazdglass: there's difference between cloning and similarity15:59
wazdMeizu M8 is an iPhone clone15:59
wazdPre isn't15:59
glassm8 is just a chinaphone16:00
Stskeepsoh, any news about that funny chinatablet?16:00
wazdit's similar, it copies some stuff, but it's not a clone16:00
glasswazd: it clones the essential elements. meizu clones the non essential elements..16:00
RST38hjohnx: you do not know how it is done16:00
johnxglass, well, duh it's the subbing. That's why apple went with att and htc/google with t-mobile: at the time they both needed a miracle16:00
wazdthere's nothing bad in coping good things16:00
glasschinaphones have analog tv-tuners now too16:00
RST38hjohnx: just remember how native ARM access was done in the original PalmOS and weep16:00
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RST38hSecurity operatives backed by snarling dogs have sealed off the Conisholme wind farm in Lincolnshire, to prevent alien hunters making off with the remains of the UFO which earlier this month seriously damaged one of the turbines, the Sun reports!16:01
glasswazd: yeah but it's not going to save palm.. it's not a groundbreaking product16:01
glasswazd: but then again, some thought that foleo would be cool16:01
* RST38h is now sure it was one of royal princes practicing his helicopter landings again =)16:01
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johnxRST38h, to be honest: I'll be using this as a glorified dumb-phone most likely. If palm brings a better version of their old PIMs to a stable OS I'll be more than happy16:01
wazdglass: nice multitasking, nice gesturing, nice web integration, cordless charge16:01
wazdpretty enough I think16:01
RST38hjohnx: Would you stand a dumb phone though?16:02
Stskeepscordless charge.. and cancer the next year?16:02
johnxRST38h, already on one16:02
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RST38hSts: naah16:02
glasswazd: essential q's are: does it do DUN or did they copy lack of it too16:02
johnxStskeeps, fairly proven tech. and they've switched away from doing it with beta particles :D16:02
RST38hSts: it is still 50-60Hz16:02
wazdglass: what's DUN?)16:02
glasscordless charger is no fun if you have to haul the charger around anyways16:02
* johnx introduces his new radio-isotope phone charger :)16:02
RST38hSts: Basically a transformer with one coil in the charger and another one in the gadget16:02
glasswazd: dial up networking, using the phone as a modem16:02
Stskeepsjohnx: some things i just really wonder if they picked up off ufos..16:02
wazdglass: ah, tethering, I don't know actually16:03
johnxglass, actually charges from micro-usb as well16:03
glassjohnx: yay micro usb. you know how happy those nokia users are with the nokia phones that have micro usb only charging?16:04
RST38hSts: like eggnog or vegemite16:04
StskeepsRST38h: vegemite is just scary16:04
glassugh vegemite16:04
* glass dreams of blood sausage16:04
Stskeepson the other hand my fiancée eats polish stuff i wouldn't touch16:04
RST38hSts: or that nordic stuff made of slightly rotten fish16:04
johnxglass, happier than me with my b0rken old-style nokia charger with one tiny easily bendable pin?16:05
* RST38h wonders what that polish stuff may be, beside salo16:05
glassjohnx: microusb cables are still hard to come by at your friends places16:05
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glassjohnx: the small connector sucks though too, point16:06
johnxglass, anything besides NTT/softbank and AU charger cable are hard to come by at my friend's place :)16:06
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johnxbut I get the point. :) however I have a rather clever thing now: a tiny little 10cm cable that accepts the end of an NTT charger on one end and has a small-style Nokia pin on the other. No reason not to grab one for mini-micro usb and slip it in your bag/pocket16:07
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pupnik_i just bought some vegemite, because you have to try it once16:12
pupnik_like smoking banana peels16:12
Stskeepsmm, or cuban cigars16:12
johnxpupnik_, or trying natto or drinking compari O_o16:12
disco_stuHi everybody16:13
glasscampari isn't that bad16:13
glassonce a year16:13
pupnik_yes, campari.  just once for me, thanks.16:13
glassnatto i wouldn't dare16:13
robtaylorvegemite++ ;)16:13
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disco_stusomeone knows how to fix metalayer crawler segfaulting16:13
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glasscampari is good only when with oj and after a day of skiing16:13
johnxglass, never tried it? pssh. gotta try it once16:13
RST38hdisco: disable it.16:13
Stskeepsjohnx: so, for 0.6: first-boot-wizard, a package to enable kernel-boot-directly-to-rootfs (so we can make kernel + jffs2 image), and figuring out why the heck NetworkManager keels over and dies?16:13
glassjohnx: i got some other stuff i'd rather not try. well a lot. one sees a lot of things if one opens every irc link16:14
disco_stuRST38h: i want my files in media player :P16:14
johnxStskeeps, ok, just packaging up changes to auto-startx16:14
RST38hdisco: find a file whose metasdata causes it to crash and update metadadta16:14
johnxglass, yeah. I don't think it's possible to like natto unless you are forced to eat it from an early age :/16:16
RST38hwhat is natto? cat entrails?16:16
johnxRST38h, fermented soybeans16:18
johnxRST38h, the core idea is "slimy"16:18
AStormit indeed is... weird16:20
Stskeepsjohnx: current stats atm btw 322mb uncompressed, 111mb raw jffs2, 146mb sumtooled16:21
AStormStskeeps: jffs2 zlib or lzma?16:22
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StskeepsAStorm: zlib i think16:23
Stskeepshm, mkfs.jffs2 has incremental stuff16:25
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alteregoMy beagle board arrived today :)16:31
alteregoI only ordered in on Friday16:32
Stskeepsnow to make Mer install on it, alterego ;)16:32
Vulcanisbeagle board?16:32
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Stskeeps(should be fairly easy.)16:35
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lardmanon wheatabix with butter too :)16:40
* lcuk throws up a little16:40
* johnx misses cold breakfast cereal q-q16:40
* lcuk sticks a twiglet up lardmans nose16:40
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johnxStskeeps, That size sounds great still. I imagine xomap makes a big difference vs xorg16:41
disco_stuwell.. my metalayer-crawler is crashing when reads my contacts in .vcf format16:42
johnxdisco_stu, you're on the latest version of diablo, right?16:42
johnxif so, that's a bug that definitely should be filed16:42
disco_stujohnx: yes16:43
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lardmanmmm, twiglets16:43
disco_stujohnx: i'll file it16:43
johnxdisco_stu, does it happen with any file in vcf format?16:44
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disco_stuno, just with some of them16:44
disco_stui'll inspect them..16:44
johnxdo you have one you can submit with the bug?16:45
johnxmaybe by changing names/phone numbers?16:45
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disco_stujohnx: i will submit one16:46
disco_stuno problem..16:46
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disco_stui'll do it in a while16:48
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lcukooooooooooooooh cow-orker is a tosser16:54
johnxfirst orking cows? now tossing things? unfortunate...16:54
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lcukthinks its a good thing to allow central dlls to change without ensuring those changes dont break client applications and deal with any issues however many months down the line16:56
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johnxlcuk, yeah, that does sound pretty dense...and also like he fails to empathize with his customers/users...a very bad sign17:07
pupnik_Windows 7 destroys mp3s.  el oh el17:07
aquatixpupnik_: old news though ;)17:08
* johnx wonders why cx3110x is constantly scanning while booted to mer...17:09
* johnx and also wonders WTF his wife's vista laptop is doing receiving 1Mb/s and sending 500Kb/s while sitting "idle"17:10
aquatixmicrosoft is `backing up' her data17:11
johnxI have a feeling iTunes may be trying to do something about missing album art...17:12
Stskeepsjohnx: ifconfig wlan0 up maybe17:13
johnxStskeeps, and that will stop the scanning or that's what started it?17:13
Stskeepsit shouldn't scan on its own, kinda weird :P17:13
Stskeeps.. i think17:14
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johnxwell, I certainly see weird behavior with ifup/ifdown17:16
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johnxI just can't tell how consistent it is...17:17
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lardmananyone have the wiki url of the rss reader improvements handy?17:24
wazdDamn, i've identified myself on the tablet, now desktop identifier is gone I supose?)17:26
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lardmanas answer to my question17:27
Jaffawazd: My attempt at adding bubbles to your cool mer wallpaper:
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JaffaInverted felicia from hildon-theme-alpha overlaid on your original at ~60% transparency. Gimp original at
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johnxJaffa, I kind of like the effect that "Divide" provides in this case, a little bit lighter :)17:30
johnxnow: what we need is a nice little animation of bubbles rising smoothly as the machine boots ending with a bubble-free wallpaper just the GUI fades in.17:31
johnxya'know, fades in or slides in, I'm flexible on that :)17:32
Jaffajohnx: nah, I think the boot screen should be the plain one with the mer logo, *then* they bubble up as it finishes booting to be the desktop background :-)17:32
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Jaffawazd: Not sure what the licence is on hildon-theme-alpha - it may need to be recreated (which, as a fiddler rather than a creator, I'm not sure I'm capable of). Hmm, maybe I could with Inkscape.17:33
johnxJaffa, hmm...and on the rx-51 we could use the accelerometers to have the bubbles float around as your rotate the device17:33
Jaffajohnx: nice :)17:33
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lardmanjohnx: and assign the background and bubbles a density so we can see them moving in the direction of travel as it starts accelerating17:34
RST38hjohnx: Just do it the way Samsung does it17:34
JaffaFirst Fremantle home applet: Bubbles :-)17:34
RST38hjohnx: Show a bubbling liquid that fills up when your battery charges17:34
TheFatala question... xulrunner can be deleted ?17:34
johnxTheFatal, no17:34
RST38hjohnx: And make level change as you tilt the tablet17:35
qwerty12RST38h, reminds me of that screensaver for S60 ;)17:35
lcukwe should at the very least be able to pop the bubbles with stylus ;)17:35
* RST38h hasn't seen the S60 screensaver17:35
RST38hlcuk: Oh yesssss17:36
lardmanperhaps model bubble surface tension and use it to avoid the desktop applets moving round too much17:36
* RST38h remembers modifying xroach so that each cockroach has a username on the back and when you squish them, user accounts get disabled17:36
lcukor make one REALLY good looking proper overlay that looks like a bubble in the protector and which actually moves around realistically when pushed around from the sides17:36
lcuklardman :) i think you already know how i want to manipulate desktop applets (controllable though)17:37
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johnxRST38h, sounds like the doom frontend to procps17:38
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* Stskeeps yawns17:42
RST38hjohnx: more or less17:42
RST38hjohnx: but *way* more fun17:42
RST38hjohnx: you know, those roaches will actually hide under your windows17:43
johnxdunno. would have loved to shoot metalayer-crawler a couple times17:43
RST38hjohnx: isn't it easy to do? just disable it dead.17:43
johnxsome people use the default media player...17:44
johnxanyways, works now so I'm happy17:44
RST38hIs it possible to run it manually for a single pass?17:44
qwerty12Yeah, just run "metalayer-crawler" and it refreshes the library without going into the background17:44
johnxRST38h, and then it will still potentially hang before it does what you need it to do17:44
RST38hbut at least it will not sneak on you17:44
Stskeepsqwerty12: got deblet splash working btw17:45
qwerty12Stskeeps, wicked. fb-progress?17:45
johnxRST38h, I suppose. I'm just looking forward to tracker :)17:45
Stskeepsqwerty12: now with pretty mer logo17:45
qwerty12whee :)17:45
qwerty12Have you switched to Xomap?17:45
qwerty12Even better :>17:46
RST38hjohnx: which will probably suck more17:46
JaffaStskeeps: you need to do a new round of mer screenshots :-)17:46
RST38hjohnx: I just had to delete 200MB of index data tracker silently created in my ubuntu account17:46
JaffaTo insprire those of us too lazy to have tried it17:46
Stskeepsqwerty12: i have another task for you though, /sbin/tablet-init or what we called it, packaged and modelled on top of solca's nitboot ( and /linuxrc. in the end it calls /sbin/init17:46
johnxRST38h, at least it has a bigger userbase and more people to fix it. plus it does provide neat opportunities for search (such as deskbar)17:47
StskeepsJaffa: <- last night17:47
qwerty12Stskeeps, meh, I'm not a good scripter17:47
Stskeepsqwerty12: no need for good scripting :P17:47
StskeepsJaffa: last scrshot is the one where xcomposite works17:47
qwerty12Stskeeps, I'm kinda busy getting tile world to run in Maemo properly :)17:47
RST38hjohnx: If it sacrifices performance/disk space/battery life the same way as the metalayer-crawler, I will not care17:47
Stskeepsqwerty12: hehe, okay17:47
RST38hjohnx: Never really use the search feature: I *know* where my stuff is17:48
johnxRST38h, same here. If it does I'll have a package out post-haste to only run it on AC17:48
johnxRST38h, don't think of it as "search" so much as a "predictive command line for your stuff"17:48
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Stskeepsqwerty12: 141mb sumtool image btw17:48
JaffaStskeeps: ta, looking17:48
* qwerty12 doesn't see the point of tracker, metalayer crawler etc. All I need is updatedb & locate.17:48
qwerty12Stskeeps, wicked, think I got similar :P17:49
RST38hjohnx: it is a tablet, what command line?17:49
johnxRST38h, seen deskbar?17:49
RST38hjohnx: No, what is it?17:49
johnxRST38h, similar to the mac os spotlight or the palm pre search17:49
RST38hI have never used any of these17:50
JaffaStskeeps: Loving the windows 3.1-esque theme in the first lot of photos *cough*17:50
aquatixJaffa: what photo's?17:50
infobotJaffa meant: Stskeeps: Loving the windows 3.1-esque theme in the first lot of screenshots *cough*17:50
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Jaffaaquatix: <Stskeeps> Jaffa: <- last night17:51
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aquatixah, thanks17:51
Stskeepswe so need to figure out why the localizations mess up17:51
johnxRST38h, ok, imagine the little maemo desktop search applet, except that as you type it finds partial matches for things listed in your bookmarks, files, (potentially browser history), and the partial matches show up as a dropdown list17:52
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johnxRST38h, similar in style to the way firefox 3's address bar works...kinda17:52
RST38hjohnx: Yes, but I never use that desktop search applet17:53
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aquatix looks interesting17:53
RST38hjohnx: The only file search I ever use is in FAR file manager, but it does not index anything at all17:53
Stskeepsaquatix: what people meet when booting (+ load applet)17:53
qwerty12Stskeeps, are you including the immensely better /etc/network/interfaces from deblet in your next image?17:54
Stskeepsqwerty12: possible17:55
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Stskeepslemme add it to imager17:55
qwerty12Hope so, I had to use echo & printf last time :)17:55
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johnxRST38h, eh. just saying I'm looking forward to it. Not everyone works the same way of course, but I find that typing "die har" [down arrow] [enter] is often faster than digging through my movies folder17:55
Stskeepsqwerty12: btw powered definately messes up without /etc/mce.ini17:58
qwerty12Stskeeps, yes :/17:58
qwerty12It also has it's fair share of ashisms and depends on quite a few maemo config files :/17:58
Stskeepsqwerty12: added interfaces18:01
qwerty12yay :)18:01
Stskeepswill be in 0.6 when we release18:01
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infobotSargun: Have you had your vi today?18:02
* Stskeeps glances suspiciously at infobot18:03
qwerty12I always knew infobot was a stalker...18:03
Stskeepsjohnx: does your wizard set up /etc/hosts too correctly?18:06
johnxStskeeps, it does :)18:06
johnxeep, just reminded me: it needs to run hostname after it updates /etc/hostname18:06
SargunHey, I understand that this isn't a Nokia support channel, but I just have started having the oddest problem with my N810, all of the clicks are getting mapped about 1 inch to the right18:06
JaffaTried recalibrating your screen? (no idea why it'd've suddenly started)18:07
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johnxSargun, as odd as this sounds, have you tried turning the tablet off and on again?18:07
StskeepsSargun: you probably want to try and recalibrate. Home screen, menu, calibration18:07
RST38hSargun: Go to settings and recalibrate your screen18:07
Sargunjohnx, I rebooted it a few times...18:07
Sargunjohnx, took out battery, etc.18:07
SargunStskeeps, RST38h I tried that, but the issue is it kept saying "Press closer to point on screen (or the little place you're supposed to click"18:07
SargunMy guess is that the calibration got thrown offf too far18:08
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X-FadeSargun: Try doing it in a few steps then?18:08
JaffaWorst case: backup & reflash?18:08
RST38hsounds like a hardware problem18:08
JaffaOr that's a good idea18:08
X-FadeSargun: Each time a bit closer to the points? :)18:08
X-FadeBut my guess is that you have a hardware problem..18:09
johnxStskeeps, right now I have it wiping out /etc/hosts though. is that acceptable or not?18:09
Stskeepsjohnx: it's first boot wizard..18:10
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johnxStskeeps, there is that. Doesn't feel very "debian-like" to me, but I'll get over it or fix it better later18:10
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Stskeepsshould look similar to this18:10
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wazdDamn, rush-hour subway is total hell)18:11
johnxguess I can do the trick for the the user supplied hostname18:11
johnxwazd, I know what you mean O_o18:11
johnxwazd, are your train conductors as polite as these fellows?
wazdWe have no train conductors)18:13
wazdFor now)18:13
johnxwazd, who's there to politely shove you on the train then?18:13
wazdLast man in a row))18:13
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wazdOr driver cut out the stream of people)18:14
Stskeepsqwerty12: i wonder if it is possible to select an alternate kernel rootfs based on a key held down18:15
Stskeeps(it probably is, but how easily)18:15
Stskeepsoh, nice18:15
wazdStskeeps, well, that enables flashing mode18:15
StskeepsTexrat just confirmed it's called RX-5118:15
wazdStskeeps: hope it's «work-in-progress» name?)18:17
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, :P18:17
GeneralAntillesI think we've been pretty sure of that for a while.18:17
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Sargunalright, even stupider question, where is the serial number on my tablet18:17
aquatixSargun: under the battery18:17
wazdMac address is the serial18:17
wazdI guess18:17
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: it could have been a devel board too18:18
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, unlikely at this point18:18
GeneralAntillesBesides, there've never been dev-board model numbers previously.18:18
GeneralAntillesThey wouldn't start now.18:18
Stskeepsto fuck with our minds, maybe ;)18:19
johnxGeneralAntilles, did we ever have this much info this far in advance before?18:19
Sargunwhen is the Nokia n810's successor coming out18:19
johnxSargun, "When it's ready."18:20
wazdIn 202018:20
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i'm still amazed engadget haven't picked up on your post yet :P18:20
johnxSargun, sometime after march 2009, and probably before 2010.18:20
GeneralAntillesjohnx, nah, but plenty of info comes out after-the-fact18:20
SargunGeneralAntilles, link?18:20
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, submit it. :P18:20
SargunDude, I think I'm 5 days out of my warranty18:20
wazdWebkit «show images» option doesn't work(18:20
GeneralAntillesSargun, to?18:20
johnxSargun, ouch18:21
SargunGeneralAntilles, your post?18:21
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wazdEngadget reposts only stupid concepts and apple rumors18:23
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Stskeepswell, or gizmodo :P18:24
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SargunGeneralAntilles, you says it'll have HDPA connectivity, it'll be a phone?18:26
GeneralAntillesSargun, missed the Maemo Summit announcement, then? :)18:27
wazdIt will have hsdpa connectivity18:27
GeneralAntillesSargun, HDPA is a data connection, not a phone connection. :)18:27
johnxSargun, it'll have a HSPA module for data, not voice. just like a lot of smaller laptops these days.18:27
SargunGeneralAntilles, yes, but why not throw in voice if you get data?18:28
wazdCause it's not a phone18:28
GAN800Sargun, because 'throwing in voice' is a multi-million dollar issue.18:28
johnxSargun, probably regulatory reasons18:28
AStormmeh again18:28
JaffaAlthough, "data is what we're talking about today"18:28
AStormregulatory? it's the same data18:29
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Sargunjohnx, Hm, in the US, all regulatory stuff is self-contained within the modem.18:29
JaffaWouldn't be totally surprised if they threw in voice over BT18:29
wazdNot the same18:29
AStormmaybe they'd have to register the codecs as compliant or sth18:29
SargunHow many N8XX units sell, anyways>?18:29
johnxSargun, then why are the laptops with HSPA modems (and the standalone HSPA modems) not supporting voice?18:29
AStormSargun: not enough, more coudl always sell18:29
AStormjohnx: because they lack software18:29
GeneralAntillesAStorm, not if you talk to government regulatory agencies and carriers. :)18:30
johnxAStorm, they'd be providing a phone service so it would have to be able to dial 911 and other stuff even without a carrier18:30
wazdIf it will have unlimited data plans - use SIP for calls)18:30
AStormyou need a gprs connection agent18:30
AStormwazd: NAT - foiled18:30
AStormotherwise everyone would do that18:30
StskeepsAStorm: i think it's curious it seems like RX-51 will support tethering :)18:30
Stskeepsas in, being the target of tethering18:30
AStormgood :)18:31
Stskeepsn800 and rx-51 living together in perfect harmony..18:31
johnxDon't see how they keep it from supporting tethering, and if they're selling unsubsidized (likely) they have no reason not to18:31
AStormjohnx: whatever? we can write required software18:31
Stskeepsjohnx: with the open nature of the tablets, it's impossible to -avoid- tethering :P18:31
wazdAw, newbie question, HSDPA means no EDGE or GPRS then?18:31
AStormwazd: no, it's a quad-band modem18:31
AStormany protocol you want18:31
qwerty12wazd, HSDPA is faster than them both anyway18:32
AStormnot normal GSM though I think18:32
lardman|homeI thought HSDPA meant 3G18:32
johnxwazd, probably quad-band GSM, and a couple bands of HSPA. dunno which ones yet :/18:32
AStormGPRS voice should work if we use proper codecs18:32
wazdI know, but we have bad HSDPA plans in here18:32
StskeepsAStorm: it looks like the hildon desktop has stuff like SMS and such.. which is curious18:32
AStormso we can actually write it ourselves18:33
wazdAnd poor coverage18:33
AStormnot sure about GSM, as that needs support from the modem18:33
johnxlardman|home, 3G is any "third generation" wireless standard.18:33
AStorm3G is precisely UMTS or HSPA18:33
AStormGPRS is 2G18:33
RST38hwazd: What HSDPA? We do not have HSDPA yet18:33
SargunGod, the lady on the other end of the phone is a complete idiot.18:33
johnxStskeeps, SMS can be done over many paths :) A Nokia IM to SMS gateway is pretty easy18:34
Stskeepsjohnx: true18:34
RST38hwazd: Still no 3G support18:34
johnxand with their interest in telepathy-haze...18:34
AStormRST38h: is GPRS supported at least?18:34
RST38hAStorm: Yes, pretty much everywhere now18:34
AStormgood, then it should work18:34
johnxAStorm, or EVDO rev. A. or wimax depending on who you talk to18:34
wazdAh damn18:34
AStormjohnx: hmm? in n9xx?18:35
wazdI was talking bout ev-do18:35
AStormI'd drop those18:35
RST38hEVDO is probably available from SkyLink18:35
AStormnot enough coverage in most parts of the world18:35
AStormesp. for EVDO18:35
johnxah, I thought you meant "3G == UMTS && HSPA"18:35
RST38hBut it is a tiny provider with shitty phone lineup and patchy coverage18:35
wazdWe have even EDGE pretty much everywhere now)18:35
AStormjohnx: mhm, right right18:35
AStorm3G is actually bandwidth requirement18:36
AStormwazd: same here18:36
RST38hwazd: Actually, my data connection broke only after crossing a border with belorussia18:36
RST38hwazd: And that was *not* because of the break in coverage but simply because the roaming was off18:36
wazdRST38h: skylink has crazyaprices for hardware. x-card modem costs like a whole phone18:37
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SargunGod, she left her GSM phone next to the phone, and it's making a horrible screeching noise18:37
RST38hwazd: Well, given the scarcity of cdma hw and the fact that nobody needs it or cares about it...18:38
RST38hcan't blame skylink much18:38
RST38hall right, going home18:38
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aquatixSargun: want to borrow this hammer?18:38
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Sargunaquatix, If you tell me where she lives, that'll do18:39
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aquatixoh, just read she's on the other side of your line ;)18:40
aquatixthought it was in the same room as you18:40
pupnik_Should The Government Stop Dumping Money Into A Giant Hole?  A panel of experts weighs-in.
* aquatix heads home18:40
wazdRST38h: don't forget to send me svg)18:42
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AStormpupnik_: ;P18:43
pupnik_i thought it was funny :)18:44
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SargunWTF, I tried it again, and it started working18:47
johnxSargun, does temperature seem to affect it?18:48
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Sargunjohnx, yeah, possibly.18:48
AStormpupnik_: it's too true to be funny18:48
SargunIt got warmer over the past 30 minutes, I went from outside -> inside18:48
Stskeepscondense maybe?18:49
Stskeepsyou have a screen protector?18:49
SargunStskeeps, no...18:49
Stskeepsalways good to have :P18:49
SargunAnyways, I'll still send it in for warranty repair18:49
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SargunI cannot live without this thing working18:50
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StOrM_NWwhats the default password that n810 comes for sudo access?18:57
johnxnot password by default, install rootsh18:58
johnxit's in extras18:58
infobotwell, root-access is
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StOrM_NWappreciate the help, thanks18:58
johnxsure :)18:58
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ciroipbuongiorno qwerty1219:00
ciroiphow is going?19:00
qwerty12hey ciroip, I'm good thanks, how about you?19:00
ciroippreparing to return to work :(19:01
ciroip7 days and ill return to the jungle19:01
qwerty12Already returned back to school last week :P19:01
ciroipschool is not working!!19:02
qwerty12Aye, but it takes up time all the same :P19:02
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ciroipall that fun and all that interact all the time with people you hate, lovely memories19:03
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: I had tried the gdm install...  when I just killed X I get the gdm greeter screen, that's just fun to see19:06
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: hehe, yeah, autologin is a bit special :P19:06
r2d2rogersyeah will have to add that now just for the fun of it19:06
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johnxr2d2rogers, so you installed gdm while in X, killed X, and gdm worked as it was supposed to? or did something go wrong?19:07
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TheFatalNgames are suported by N810 ?19:18
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LopLiiihi is processing speed between 770 and 8x0 is far?19:27
johnxyes, the n8x0 is much faster and has twice the RAM19:28
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StOrM_NWwhat will change when ya enabe the red pill mode in application manager?19:29
johnxStOrM_NW, it will make your updates from Nokia not really work, then you'll end up in a reboot loop19:30
StOrM_NWi m trying to install telepathy-salut, but the website says that i need to enable this mode in application manager19:31
johnxStOrM_NW, Consider using apt-get or dpkg from the command line, and if you really feel the need to use red pill mode, enable it, do what you need to do, then disable it19:31
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StOrM_NWso its a non-safe mode19:32
johnxyeah, it's a "at your own risk" mode :)19:33
johnxStOrM_NW, have you ever watched "The Matrix"?19:33
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StOrM_NWyep, but i though the red pill is the right mode to choose :P ... the blue pill is a lie19:34
Proteousthe green pill tastes like burning19:34
johnxyeah. Neo got shot though :)19:34
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r2d2rogersjohnx: sorry managed to alt-ctrl-backspace and felt I should take a small break19:35
r2d2rogersjohnx: yup, I can't type into it but it loads the greater19:35
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johnxr2d2rogers, awesome. any thoughts on whether X should be killed as part of the auto-startx (aka autologin) removal process?19:36
qwerty12johnx, I thought he died when the Agent makes him into another agent :P19:36
r2d2rogersjohnx: not yet, but I'll let you know.. do you have any pacakge I can play with for the auto-startx?19:36
johnxanyways, the only certainty about "red pill mode" is that if you "enable it" you'll end up on a smelly, cramped ship in the post-apocalyptic future and you'll be terminally hunted by robots. Also, it's known to cause reboot loops.19:37
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johnxr2d2rogers, in a bit19:37
disco_stujohnx: there is nothing weird with the file that makes metalayer-crawler crash19:38
johnxr2d2rogers, there's always a million little buglets to catch it seems :/19:38
johnxdisco_stu, so, it crashes on all .vcf files?19:38
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disco_stujohnx: no.. with some of them.. but they are just like the ones that wont crash it19:39
johnxdisco_stu, maybe just submit one of each?19:39
johnxwith the bug report I mean19:40
disco_stushould i add to this: ?19:40
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r2d2rogersjohnx: awesome, will play in the mean time19:41
disco_stui solved doing: metalayer-crawler -c /path/to/music;/path/to/videos instead of metalayer-crawler -F19:42
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johnxdisco_stu, since you have a specific problem and you can reproduce it I think a new bug might be good19:42
disco_stunot solved.. i mean a workaround19:43
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disco_stujohnx: ok19:43
disco_stujohnx: i think those people ran into similiar problems.. but they didnt strace it19:43
StskeepsMeiz_n810: updates: splash screen (but will cause problems if you dont install xserver-xomap)19:43
johnxdisco_stu, possibly, but it's also likely that other files are causing it to segfault19:44
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: will the latest imager bake me a xomap-version19:44
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: yeah, or i can give you one19:45
Stskeepsbut yeah, if you want to bake one yourself, it is all in launchpad19:45
Meiz_n810i'm gonna use the imager19:45
Meiz_n810*i mean i am running it currently19:45
StskeepsMeiz_n810: you're getting it through bzr right?19:46
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Meiz_n810just got it19:47
disco_stui tried metalayer-crawler -c /path/to/vcf/files19:48
disco_stuand it doesnt crash19:48
disco_stuand it seems it doesn analyse vcf files19:48
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qwerty12It only analyses filetypes listed in /usr/share/libmetalayer/metadata_lib.conf19:50
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disco_stulet me see19:51
disco_stuso, the problem is that when invoqued with -F it analyses all kind of files19:51
disco_stucause in the file you said, vcf arent contemplated19:52
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disco_stumetalayer-crawler -c /19:53
disco_studoes not pick other than multimedia files.. and it wont crash19:54
disco_stuthe "-F" is the problem19:54
lcukjohnx, still dont know what i was gonna ask you19:56
johnxlcuk, I really know the feeling :)19:57
lcukits damned annoying because i thought "right ill ask john tomorrow"19:57
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johnxlcuk, maybe about "the unix-y way" to do something? debian packaging? svn/git stuff?19:58
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* lcuk shrugs shoulders19:59
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lcuk:D nm i will remember19:59
johnxIf you were going to ask something else, I probably wouldn't be of much help anyways :>19:59
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ciroipyo lcuk, how are you?20:01
lcukfeeling better now im home :)20:01
ciroipmh, great20:02
lcuk\o/ 24 starts tonight20:03
ciroipthat damn ESD will kill me20:03
ciroip24? I could ever stand an entire episode...20:03
ciroipsi, esound it keep showing up every 2 seconds at 2.5% on top20:04
ciroip2.7 now20:04
johnxTheFatal, mi tambien20:04
ciroipI suspect the tablet use it for something different than just noise20:04
TheFataljohnx: :S **** microsoft20:05
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ciroipTheFatal:  windows 7 opening animation is cool20:05
johnxTheFatal, it's their choice. I'll switch to gtalk20:05
lcukciroip, cool, did you get it running on the tablet?20:06
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TheFataljohnx: but for example olds version of msn cannot connect too :S20:06
TheFatalciroip: win sucks for me20:06
qwerty12ciroip, is this for your clock app? How are you using esound? Hildon has its own way of invoking esound hildon.hildon_play_system_sound() (python version) (
TheFataljohnx: it's already fixed20:07
ciroipmh, qwerty12 yes, for the clock. I call the sound from pygame20:07
TheFatalapt-get install msn-pecan20:07
qwerty12ciroip, ah. think that uses sdl which goes through esd20:08
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qwerty12But I think you get more control though20:08
ciroipand I cant realize when it turn the esd on20:08
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* lcuk bangs esd directly20:08
ciroipeven with all the pygame music elated calls off the clock keep turning that stupid esd on20:08
ciroipbrb, food refill20:09
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pupnik_i'd like to see a mob of old folks rioting someday20:12
pupnik_that'd be a riot20:12
qwerty12Canes don't do much when compared to glocks :p20:12
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Stskeepspupnik_: they'd be successful.. most cops wouldn't touch them20:13
pupnik_well they have experience from the '60s20:14
pupnik_sticking flowers in gunbarrels20:14
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ciroiplcuk: do you know how many channels the esd can play simultaneous?20:21
AStormciroip: a lot and a few more20:21
ciroipI have no idea how modern audo is managed20:21
lcukhavent got a clue, i only send direct dynamically generated samples to it at the moment20:21
lcuki dont think esd is modern ;)20:21
AStormciroip: there's no hard limit I think20:21
AStormthe only limit is processing power20:22
lcukEsounD - News20:22
lcukMarch 5, 200020:22
lcukYes, I'm still alive.20:22
ciroiplol, lcuk, I mean Im still at the 4 real hardware channel of the amiga20:22
AStormEsound is dead, we should all switch to PulseAudio20:22
ciroipprobably all the 'modern' approach use unlimited real rtime mixing sounds basing on the processor power20:23
AStormciroip: heh, even hardware mixing cards can do 32 channels at least20:23
lcukhiya AStorm, does pulseaudio allow me to send over custom samples dynamically generated in reaction to user swiping?20:23
AStormlcuk: it's esound-compatible and improved too20:23
ciroiplol, lcuck, that sound hot20:23
ciroipI cant wait to swing your apps20:24
* lcuk wants wind noise whilst scrolling (H)20:24
AStormlcuk: it's also fairly low-latency20:24
lcukit might not work20:24
lcukthe most genius suggestion was book page flapping noises with the book reader20:24
ciroipI would have a fart button20:24
lcukciro_alarm : warning could not start sample PHARPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.wav too stinky20:25
ciroipanyway, someone should port a soundtracker on the tablet20:25
lcukor make a proper touchable one :)20:25
qwerty12ciroip, I put MilkyTracker in extras...20:26
lcukyou only installed it cos you thought it would monitor your chocolatebars20:26
qwerty12lcuk, guilty as charged :P20:26
qwerty12ciroip, extras-devel! :P20:26
infobotsomebody said extras was
ciroipuf, too much extras20:27
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ciroip2.5 mb, I was used to the assembler version running  in 512 kb20:42
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ciroipthe ting look great20:42
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ciroiplet me find a module and see if it can even play...20:43
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ciroipoh damn, QWERTY12 U made my 200920:54
stv0some minutes ago i packaged my first ported applikation for maemo20:54
qwerty12_N800ciroip, :)20:55
ciroiphow hard it porting that app on the tablet?20:55
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stv0how do i upload it to the extra repo?20:55
stv0quite easy20:55
stv0./configure && make without errors & warnings20:55
stv0i dont need svn ord git..20:55
ciroipwell, ITs GREAT, I can relisten all the tim wright mods and cry on the years long gone20:56
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ciroipwow, it really sound great20:56
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qwerty12_N800ciroip, it wasn't much of a port tbh. I adapted the debian packaging for Maemo and made some of the default settings nicer, changed it to use the F5 key to fullscreen instead of alt+enter etc :). i think i edited debian/changelog with the stuff i'd done20:58
johnxstv0, it builds a debian package correctly with dpkg-buildpackage?20:58
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qwerty12_N800I also realised that SDL_putenv is there to cause problems & putenv does the job fine :)20:59
ciroipwell, qwerty12_N800 maybe U dont know how much content that bring on the tablet20:59
stv0johnx: yes20:59
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stv0oh thanks21:00
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ciroiplcuk:  the movie?21:04
lcukno, battery draining demons21:05
ciroipoh :)21:05
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RST38hlcuk: excorsize your demons!21:14
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stv0yeah next application ported successfully ;)21:26
pupnik_what is it?21:26
disqmy package passed the autobuilder last night but still not in the respective repository dir, any idea what's going on?21:27
stv0just a smal terminal emulator for my serial to usb adapter21:27
disqi could just resign it and upload to diablo extas, but well21:27
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qwerty12_N800disq, you don't need to sign anymore :)21:30
pupnik_stv0: minicom is a term emulator type software?  can it display ANSI graphics?21:30
pupnik_with IBM characters?21:30
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stv0pupnik_: no it runs in a terminal and shows input from a serial port21:31
stv0for example a old modem21:31
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qwerty12_N800pupnik_, - Deuce forced me to build it :)21:32
stv0as admin i can use this for maintance tasks on my headless servers21:32
pupnik_kind of you, qwerty12_N80021:33
johnxstv0, pretty much what I figured. My first guess was routers though :)21:33
qwerty12_N800pupnik_, :)21:33
stv0john_x: yes too21:34
stv0oh syncterm has the same capabilities :) and a lot more funtions :)21:34
pupnik_i think it's great that Addison is using a N8x0 to connect to DOS-era BBSes21:35
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RST38hHTC 2009 lineup leaked:
RST38hEnjoy and weep from knowing that all of these will run that hideous WinMobile =)21:35
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stv0pubnik_: whats bbs?21:36
johnxRST38h, what about the "An Hero"?21:36
pupnik_Bulletin Board System21:36
stv0ok thx21:36
ciroipI used to run a bbs :)21:36
johnxRST38h, aaah, I see. the models running other OSes aren't posted there. you should hit up engadget. link to all the leaked pictures on mediafire21:37
johnxalso, that whitestone W looks awfully familiar...21:38
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RST38hjohnx: it is a pink G1. You can dismiss it on this ground alone21:38
RST38hjohnx: yea21:38
RST38hjohnx: but I do think that all of them except for the pink (!) G1 run WinMob21:39
johnxRST38h, yeah, it's crazy how once they make a render of a product the color is set in stone and can never be changed again21:39
johnxit is a different design and codename than the G1. might have different internals or a different screen. *shrugs*21:40
RST38hjohnx: Looks like G1 to me21:41
RST38hIn fact, a lot of these look like newer models of existing phones21:41
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johnxit does resemble a G1 but it's clearly different. though why android can't run on something non-bananaphone shaped I'll never know21:42
johnxI'm betting lower cost and keyboardless21:42
RST38hjohnx: But you have no acquired a useful piece of knowledge21:43
RST38hjohnx: Android can run on *pink bananaphones*!21:43
lcukinvisible pink bananaphones21:44
johnxalso: that "ring-ring-ring banana phone" video was actually a leaked piece of concept art21:44
johnxs/leaked/escaped (?)21:44
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pupnik_are there LEDs that only emit photons in one exact direction (like a laser)?21:47
johnxa lower cost kid/teen oriented android device would pretty much confirm what I thought about google's strategy21:47
pupnik_maybe it'd be possible to make glasses that focus an image on the retina, without bulky lenses21:47
johnxpupnik_, wikipedia says "laser diode"21:47
Stskeepsjohnx: btw at some point we need to check our hildon-icons and sdk-default-icons.. i suspect some might be missing21:48
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johnxok, should be able to check on that tomorrow21:50
Stskeepsas arrow, image/etc folder don't come up21:53
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RST38hpupnik: laser LEDs :)21:54
RST38hpupnik: like ones in laser pointers21:54
johnxStskeeps, what version of debhelper is in MER SDK21:55
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Stskeepsjohnx: 5 :/21:55
Stskeepsi'm not entirely sure why21:55
RST38hpupnik: I do suggest against directing them at your retina unless you have got any spare retinas21:55
pupnik_ok.  then all we need is a matrix of tiny ones, perfectly aligned to beam towards a focal point in the cornea21:55
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RST38hpupnik: you don't21:55
johnxpupnik_, why not do it the way those pico dlp projectors do it?21:55
RST38hpupnik: All you need is ~$300-500 for glasses that will do the same with tiny displays and mirrors21:56
pupnik_but they eye can't focus that close21:56
RST38hpupnik: They are already commercially available21:56
johnxpupnik_, mirrors :)21:56
pupnik_i am failing to visualize how that works21:56
johnxRST38h, sadly the LCDs in those glasses aren't nicely transparent yet. quite annoying21:56
RST38hpupnik: the eye focuses just fine, it is all accounted for in the contruction21:56
RST38hjohnx: there are different models, including ones projecting images onto the glasses themselves21:57
pupnik_i saw a strange device with a mirror back around 198921:57
RST38hjohnx: So, if you don't mind some extra weight and looking like a mix of Bono and Gordie Laforge...21:57
johnxRST38h, yeah, that's the problem. I'd like to maintain some kind of social life21:58
RST38hpupnik: Virtual Boy?21:58
lcukpupnik_, i wouldv thought you had seen strange things in mirrors all your life :P21:58
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: using any maemo theme in Mer breaks some icons, like blutooth-applet.21:58
johnxthere's a certain geekiness threshold I'd like to stay beneath21:58
RST38hlemme check what glasses are avilable right now21:58
pupnik_oh THATs what it was.  thanks lcuk21:58
johnxRST38h, some very interesting consumer options at reasonable prices these days, but it's the same image on both eyes :/21:59
StskeepsMeiz_n810: yeah, fallback icon theme22:00
pupnik_our time period feels so primitive compared to how i thought it would be when i was a kid22:00
johnxpupnik_, and yet, here you are talking to people all over the world about handheld computers :)22:00
StskeepsMeiz_n810: they're missing / we're missing some stupid rule with a fallback-icon-theme22:00
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: if i don't copy maemos icons, it doesn't fall on any theme22:00
StskeepsMeiz_n810: yeah, i know - i made titan specifically fall back to hildon22:01
johnxpupnik_, BTW, I just saw the most terrifying "flying car"
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lcukpupnik_, ??? really, we have flying cars more computing power in the palm of your hand than used to exist in entire buildings!22:01
johnxlcuk, that looks awesome doesn't it? :D22:01
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johnxsadly doesn't fall under the ultralight category :/22:02
lcukyea - my dad has a paraglider (and normal glider/parasail stuff as well) - i REALLY want one of them22:02
RST38hjohnx: here is the full range22:03
RST38hjohnx: alas, they are all laforgian22:03
johnxsweet jesus. someone shoot their web master O_o22:03
lcukwe are the borg.
RST38hlcuk: cute borg female22:04
lcukyou shes a photoshop.  his real name is Roger Pennilsworth, hes a 23 stone trucker from eastern Halifax22:05
RST38hAnother list of HMDs:
qwerty12_N800lcuk, oi!22:05
johnxRST38h, from 2006 :P22:05
RST38hLook at the Micro Optical ones - they are pretty decent and can be worn22:05
pupnik_which one doesn't suck22:06
lcuklolololol sorry qwerty12_N800 i forgot you were northern22:06
johnxlcuk, no, it's just that qwerty is secretly a 23 stone trucker :D22:07
qwerty12_N800lcuk, grr :P22:07
qwerty12_N800oh noez, johnx has stumbled upon my other identity :p :D22:07
lcukon closer inspection, that pirate borg wench is kinda attractive, but i would need more imagery22:07
johnxRST38h, do you know if the ones on "vrealities" are actually capable of displaying two signals or is it something like shutter glasses?22:08
glassvrealities? theres head mountables with two displays22:09
johnxyeah, they have two displays. but are they capable of accepting two different sources (even with hacking) or are they doing the 3D with shutters and alternating frames22:10
lcukdoes it matter at 120hz?22:11
RST38hjohnx: Dunno but the first review actually groups 3d capable glasses into a separate category22:11
johnxhard to call it a "review" when they sell the things22:11
johnxlcuk, which ones were running at 120Hz?22:12
lcukwhen i was reading about the nvidia ones, i recall that was the frequency pushed out by the cards giving 60 each22:12
johnxlcuk, aaah, but those are brand shiny new and don't even integrate the displays22:13
johnxI'm digging through these ones RST38h linked22:13
RST38hjohnx: ok, a catalogue, sorry22:13
lcukmmmmmm no, i recall this from ages ago - i think i even saw it on
johnxlcuk, ah, well, they have new ones :)22:15
lcuki just saw now22:15
lcuk#  V8200 Deluxe - 64MB Frame Buffer22:16
lcuk# VGA + Video-in + TV-out + VR 3D glasses22:16
lcukthats from 2001 :D   its a 64mb geforce 322:16
johnxright, for shutter glasses :P22:17
glassremember the helmet from mid '90s?22:18
RST38hGuy Gets Back Stolen Car and Phone by Texting Thieves He's Got Hot Girls and Drugs!22:18
johnxso, bring your own LCD and watch it with shutter glasses, get nauseous in minutes and throw up on your keyboard22:18
* RST38h even remembers the Virtual Boy22:18
RST38h64 red LEDs, rotating mirror22:18
lcukRST38h, hot girls?22:18
johnxRST38h, I have a friend who collects virtual boy stuff :)22:18
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RST38hjohnx: very few games were released for it22:18
RST38hinside it used a NEC RISCish CPU22:19
glasshehe virtual boy, never saw one live22:19
johnxRST38h, He's working on getting most of them. He's living in Japan scouring used game stores :)22:19
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Stskeepsjohnx: with the comment about nauseous.. i wondered if i ever had vertigo before in my life until recently, and you just reminded me, - yes, i did, when trying our a VR helmet at a fair22:21
johnxbummer. I don't think I don't remember getting sick while playing with some nice SGI VR stuff back in University22:23
johnxbut again....nice. SGI. stuff.22:23
johnxanyways, hence my disinterest in "alternating frames / shutter glasses"22:23
jaskawouldnt those need double the refresh rate of normal?22:24
johnxshutter glasses? yes. actually, probably more than that22:25
johnxI forgot how high Nvidia went with their recent pair that people finally find comfortable/usable22:26
Meiz_n810OOo 3 now available :L22:26
pupnik_"I will go with peace, into a night"22:26
pupnik_"where no one is brighter or dumber"22:26
jaskaid guesstimate 150Hz22:26
pupnik_"where beauty does not fall to blight"22:26
pupnik_"and microsoft has not one customer"22:26
jaskaatleast needed22:26
infobotMeiz_n810 meant: OOo 3 now available :)22:26
johnxjaska, looks like nvidia is getting by with 12022:27
jaskawell, thatd be the bare minimum :D22:28
StskeepsMeiz_n810: that'll be a miracle if it runs22:28
Meiz_n810what do you mean?22:28
StskeepsMeiz_n810: on tablet :P22:29
Meiz_n810OOo 3 on my ubuntu-box is way faster than the 2.422:29
Stskeepsjohnx: am i odd for wanting to explain to the gf the Mer stuff i'm doing is not free fantasy, and trying to prove i'm not insane like in 'A beautiful mind'? ;)22:29
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lcukit wont work22:29
lcukshe already thinks you are turning into RMS :P22:30
Stskeepslcuk: i cut my beard recently22:30
johnxStskeeps, nope. not odd at all. my wife is very polite about it, but I get the feeling she's not that impressed yet, especially since OS2008 looks so much prettier at this point22:30
Stskeepsjohnx: hehe. wazd's artwork + theme is a good step in the right direction ;)22:30
lcuki was cutting my beard as well and would you believe it I found a whole chicken drumstick!22:30
johnxStskeeps, yeah. we really lucked out in that way :D22:31
johnxlcuk, lucky! all I ever ended up with was rice :/22:31
* Stskeeps reboots his tablet just to see the splash again22:31
r2d2rogersI like the new splash too <G>22:31
r2d2rogersotherwise I'm seeing what I can break <G>22:32
lcukgod i hate this file manager22:32
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: doesn't it mess up your X?22:32
r2d2rogersfuN <G>22:32
Stskeepsah, good22:32
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lcukon the normal desktop the mer_9 image is quite reasonable, but elsewhere (liqbase) the white is very very bright and overpowering vs the rest22:33
* lcuk ponders22:34
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r2d2rogerswhat's the best way to get to the auto-startx ?22:42
r2d2rogersmaemo-launcher doesn't like when I just edit the gdm.conf file22:42
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Stskeepsgdm starts X on its own22:43
Stskeepsremove auto-startx package22:43
johnxin fact, it should conflict...22:43
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johnxhmm, maybe I'm being stupid but zenity's not building on armel, but is on x8622:46
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r2d2rogersI can get to the greeter screen, but how do I get it logged in automatically?22:46
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: there's a trick somewhere in deblet repo22:47
johnxin gdm? there's settings to enable auto login22:47
johnxauto-startx is something entirely different (much simpler)22:47
Stskeepsjohnx: that's weird, yeah22:47
johnxsomething about import libxml222:47
johnxpython huh?22:47
r2d2rogersjohnx: when I edit those options in gdm.conf, maemo-launcher gives an error when the X session dies in less than 10- seconds22:48
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johnxr2d2rogers, it dies because hildon-desktop is crashing for some reason. you might find the answer in ~/.xsession-errors22:48
r2d2rogersjohnx: will grab that error, talked about invoker and socket?22:49
johnxnot ringing a bell here22:49
johnxbut maemo stuff throws some *weird errors* for very odd reasons22:49
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: you dont have stuff in rc.local anymore, right?22:50
r2d2rogersam I right in making a user and setting that user as the auto log in22:50
r2d2rogersStskeeps: correct, for now, just commented out22:50
* Stskeeps tries running nm-applet22:50
Stskeepsto see -wtf- stops it from working22:50
Stskeepsdidn't i have it working in deblet in hildon?22:51
johnxyou did, but ifup also worked in deblet and isn't quite right in mer22:51
johnx~lart cx3110x22:51
* infobot beats cx3110x to within 2.54cm of his life22:51
infobotaw, gee, johnx22:51
RST38hkernel build started22:51
johnxRST38h, for which platform?22:52
RST38hjohnx: stmp37xx22:52
Stskeepswant Mer on it? ;>22:53
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johnxmy last kernel build was on a wii22:53 + qemu = pain22:53
Stskeepstouch /CurrentlyBuilding22:54
lcukjacks back22:54
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johnxnah, jack's gone22:54
johnxRST38h, gonna run emulators on someone's TV?22:54
RST38hsomething like that22:56
* Stskeeps wonders if the election campaigns for next council already started or something22:56
RST38hno, just random bitching22:57
johnxJohnx for council - make me your emperor!22:57
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* Stskeeps is perfectly fine in a coder position/managing projects22:58
johnxI will lead us into a new age of ... ooooh, shiny, what was I talking about?22:59
* Stskeeps ponders idly what the helicopter outside is doing22:59
* qwerty12_N800 pledges to vote for johnx 22:59
Stskeepsi'll vote for anyone who gets a sane wifi applet on mer23:00
Stskeeps(without using nokia's ICD, that's cheating)23:00
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, it's from Nokia in Finland doing espionage work to get Mer secrets23:00
Stskeepsspeaking of which though23:00
Stskeepswasn't icd1 OSS?23:00
* Stskeeps ponders why network-manager depends on bluez-gnome23:01
johnxit manages 3G connections too now23:01
qwerty12_N800nm is a pos, it'll depend on anything23:02
johnxmaybe it handles tethering as well?23:02
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johnxit's nice when it works, but yeah, it can be hard on wifi drivers that seem to work when brought up manually23:02
RST38bismuch better23:03
Stskeepswhy the fuck does network manager depend on gweather23:03
aquatixit should handle tethering23:03
aquatixbut i couldn't find how to pair from nm with my phone23:03
aquatixStskeeps: whuh?23:03
johnxqwerty12_N800, I was wrong, and you were right23:03
RST38bishell last ssu broke modest again23:04
Stskeepsaquatix: apt-get install network-manager-gnome brought in gweather23:04
johnxRST38bis, works here. still getting my IHOP newsletter23:04
aquatixvia-via i'd say23:04
qwerty12_N800johnx, with what? :)23:04
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johnxqwerty12_N800, about nm-applet being a dependency whore...gweather...23:04
RST38bisjohnx: asks me for passwords all the time23:04
qwerty12_N800heh :)23:04
* aquatix hops out again23:05
aquatixhf all23:05
johnxgah! and now zenity's configure won't even run for me in my own mer sdk. think I might have killed it with apt-get or something :/23:06
Stskeepsfakeroot apt-get?23:06
r2d2rogersso does the default boot option work for anyone in Mer or do you all have to choose usb gadget or console for it to come up?23:07
johnxyeah, used fakeroot apt-get to get zenity's build deps23:07
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: we switched to Xomap on n8x0 temporarily23:07
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* Stskeeps wonders why hildon input method isn't working23:08
johnxand now zenity's configure can't find gtk (I have mer's libgtk of course)23:08
* r2d2rogers googles23:08
johnxStskeeps, huh, worked a couple days ago23:08
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: just add in a fb_update_mode auto in your gdm script somewhere23:08
johnxStskeeps, does the 770 need that as well?23:08
Stskeepsjohnx: we don't have Xomap on it23:08
Stskeeps(it was a pretty bad port :P)23:09
r2d2rogersI have pretty Mer background this boot, instead of the grey one <G>23:09
johnxI always guessed that fb_update_mode stuff was a hack to deal with the n8x0's crappy LCD bus. didn't know it was an issue on the 77023:09
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johnxkeyword: guessed :)23:09
Stskeepsjohnx: is just a matter if it updates it itself or manually i guess23:10
qwerty12_N800johnx, heh, fb is even more crap on n800 :D23:10
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r2d2rogersStskeeps:  in gdm.conf?23:10
johnxqwerty12_N800, right, that's what I thought. the n8x0 is the only arm linux device I've seen with something relating to fb_update mode23:11
johnxkind of assume the others are all "auto"23:11
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: the "right" solution is that we take xf86-video-omapfb and add in a fb update mode ioctl call :)23:11
Stskeepslike in fb_update_mode.c23:11
Stskeepsor as sui said earlier23:11
Stskeepssomeone porting manual updates to it23:11
r2d2rogersoooh nice crash23:12
Stskeepsa little further..23:13
b-manStskeeps: sweet23:14
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johnxwonder if GeneralAntilles will do up some nice icons for nm-applet if we ask real nice23:15
StskeepsGA's artistic? :P23:16
johnxhe did some icons for advanced backlight23:16
* Stskeeps wonders why there's no .gconf 23:17
Stskeepsthen again neither is there in maemo23:18
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andre___ /etc/gconf/ ?23:20
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Stskeepsandre___: not writable by user on maemo23:21
Stskeeps(that was my first guess too)23:21
andre___garr, i always forget the path :)23:21
b-manStskeeps: what's the status of Mer btw?23:22
andre___ah right...23:23
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: yougottabekiddingme23:23
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qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, no shit23:23
Stskeepsb-man: now with splash screen, using Xomap temporarily again, theming working, transparency..23:24
qwerty12_N800The path's hacked by Maemo ppl - at least that's what is said when you import a schema anyway...23:24
b-manproblems with xserver-xorg? :)23:25
johnxand as soon as I get zenity to build again I'll need victims for first-boot-wizard23:25
Stskeepsb-man: just wanted it to be a little faster23:25
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: it's worse yet though23:25
Stskeepsgconf-dir -> /var/lib/gconf23:25
Stskeepsin /etc/osso-af-init23:25
* Stskeeps passes around the bong23:25
* qwerty12_N800 puffs23:26
* b-man puffs23:26
Stskeepsjohnx: so, it definately worked while in root.23:26
r2d2rogershildon input method still working for me now under a user login23:26
Stskeepsbut ok23:26
* Stskeeps votes for $HOME/.gconf23:26
r2d2rogersdoesn't looks pretty ;023:26
johnxi have a /var/lib/gconf under ubuntu as well...23:27
Stskeepsjohnx: probably system-wide23:27
Stskeepsthis is per user23:27
Stskeepsone user23:27
johnxaaah, user values in /var/lib/gconf?23:27
johnxNokia, Nokia...I'm not angry...just disappointed23:28
TheFatalone question... where is the sql database of the connection password ??23:28
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Stskeepsjohnx: we should adopt the santicity of having user settings in. $HOME!23:28
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johnxStskeeps, yes. and we can call our new system UNIX. we could maybe even support more than one user per system...23:29
johnxnah, it'll never catch on23:29
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qwerty12_N800johnx, what will be the licensing fees? :>23:29
johnxqwerty12_N800, cheapish to universities, or if you're using it as an excuse to get super star trek running23:30
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qwerty12_N800johnx, hmm, don't think my needs fit into that criteria. i'll let microsoft have free rein over my piggy bank instead :)23:32
* b-man hates windows23:33
RST38bisit runs!23:33
Stskeepsb-man: status on installer then?23:35
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r2d2rogersrandom reboots23:36
b-mani'll be uploading a newer version sometime soon (i've been a little busy with non-computer related stuff)23:36
b-mani just joined track at my school :D23:37
Stskeepsathlete? scary23:37
b-manyep, i'm in cross-country and track :D23:37
Stskeepsjohnx: objections to hogging builder a bit with gconf?23:37
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* b-man likes to run a lot XD23:39
johnxStskeeps, go for it. I guess zenity is not to be tonight. I have no idea why it's messing up23:39
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johnxahaha...I was in track. totally unrelated to being athletic23:40
b-manlol - i allmost made varsity im cross-country :D23:41
b-manedit: in23:41
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Stskeepsi could probably have been good at running since i had practice from running away from bullies chasing me, but yeah.. geekdom appeared instead23:42
b-manlol  XD23:42
johnxheh...I'm pretty much in better shape now than I ever was in school23:42
Stskeepsi shouldn't have stopped biking to school each day :P23:43
johnxI have no real choice but walking if I want to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time23:44
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Corsachey there23:44
qwerty12_N800johnx, generally though, is life in Japan good? :)23:45
johnxqwerty12_N800, generally I really like it. Though after you live two places you're never 100% happy in either one :)23:46
* b-man would like to live in japan :)23:46
johnxand as much as I miss driving I really enjoy being able to walk places or take the train and not get held up in rush hour traffic23:46
CorsacI wonder about buying an n810, seeing that n9xx won't be there soon. But I'd like a qwerty one and I'm in France, where I guess it'll be an azerty one. But I'll be at FOSDEM next month, do you think it'll be possible to catch a qwerty unit there?23:46
Stskeepsyou can always adjust the keymap though23:47
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CorsacStskeeps: yeah but that's not exactly the same thing, especially for weird chars23:48
qwerty12_N800johnx, :)23:48
StskeepsCorsac: try ask a question on internettablettalk .. i think some of nokia people are going23:48
Corsacand I'm now used to qwerty :)23:48
CorsacStskeeps: do they have a chan, or on the web forum?23:49
Stskeepsnokia/maemo people weigh in often  so23:49
johnxqwerty12_N800, and actually, I think the US has access to the most/cheapest gadgets that people actually want :)23:49
qwerty12_N800johnx, hehe, my sister is always moaning about how things are a lot cheaper in the US than they are in the UK :D23:50
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johnxqwerty12_N800, and I am too :) Really, though I'm comparing street prices here to internet ordering in the US23:51
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johnxnot exactly a fair comparison given how much it costs to rent shop-space here23:51
Stskeepsfor gadgets and such, net shops has pretty much taken over here23:52
Stskeepsexcept for phones23:52
Stskeepsand expensive retail23:52
johnxit's starting to really catch on here too, but I think not as fast as in the US/EU23:53
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qwerty12_N800I hear that the Japanese people are pretty decent when it comes to shopkeeping & things, like I once read about this guy who bought a "laser printer" but when he got home & opened the box, it had a massive book in it so he went back and the shop let him exchange it without complaint23:53
Stskeepshaving the EU quite helps trade in that area23:53
johnxqwerty12_N800, for stuff like that yes, for returning partially defective things it's closer to "buyer beware"23:54
qwerty12_N800ah... :/23:55
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johnxand then there's the fact that the shops selling the most interesting things are sometimes a folding table in an alley :D23:55
qwerty12_N800hehe :D23:55
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Stskeepsif it wasnt for the risk of confiscation i would probably go get some strange copy things and hack them to run mer in HK or the likes..23:56
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qwerty12_N800you & johnx should move to China where you can sell knockoff N800's with Mer & things like icd & flash with it :p23:58
RST38hWhat strange copy things?23:58
johnxRST38bis, all those Chinese knock-off products you hate23:59
* RST38h does not hate Chinese knock off products. He just buyer-bewares them23:59
Shadow_Mhow can you use tab or auto complete in xchat on a n81023:59
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