IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2008-12-22

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olineed help! n800 boots only to NOKIA screen, no progress bar00:01
olii've got flasher-3.0 and diablo image00:01
jakemaheugive some more details00:02
jakemaheuwhat were you doing before?00:02
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olii was trying to change the bootmenu, and it flashed correctly00:02
olithe message... blah... press enter to reboot, so i had done it00:02
AStormoli, must've misflashed00:03
AStorme.g. flashed bootmenu not as initfs00:03
AStormah, you mean locally? it didn't work for me too00:03
oliand after reboot only nokia logo on the screen, and the tablet switches off after ~30 seconds00:03
AStormnormal, that00:03
AStormreflash initfs with official tool00:03
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oli./flasher-3.0 -F <FIASCO image> --flash-only=initfs -R00:04
jakemaheulet us know if it works00:04
olifiasco image is RX-34_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin ?00:04
AStormfor bootmenu, flash your new initfs with flasher too00:04
AStormbut not -F00:04
AStorminstead, -n <yourinitfs>00:05
zakkmwhat you guys trying to attempt?00:05
oli./flasher-3.0-static -F RX-34_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only=initfs -R00:05
oliis it correct?00:05
jakemaheuzakkm: he misflashed00:05
oliso, home + power?00:05
AStormuntil a "plug" appears00:05
AStormmust be connected via usb before00:05
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trenkahome is required for winflasher, linux detects nolo without it00:06
jakemaheu./flasher -f -n initfs -R00:06
AStormbut watchdog will reboot it00:06
AStormoli, right, forgot -f00:07
zakkmdo you guys use a case for your nokia?00:07
zakkmwhen using it00:07
jakemaheuremember that you run that command first, then when it says "waiting" or whatever, home+power00:07
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jakemaheuwith the cable plugged in before00:07
AStormzakkm, only default cover00:07
zakkmi bought it used so i didnt get that ;p00:07
AStormthat soft case00:07
zakkmhe gave me some other cover though00:07
jakemaheusoft case here as well00:08
zakkmnokia slide sin... and then i can put the top part over it.. and it snaps00:08
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oliI <3 U guys ;)00:08
jakemaheui miss n770 cover00:08
jakemaheuit worked?00:08
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jakemaheuenjoy and remember to flash from the computer this time00:08
jakemaheuif you have any more problems, just ask00:08
zakkmi got one like <-- for my nokia00:08
olijakemaheu: will remember :)00:08
RzRany of you tested openmoko or nitdroid on n770 ?00:08
zakkmand it fits perfectly that it has it open for buttons and speakers00:09
oliis it easy to f##k up n800?00:09
jakemaheuoli: for what?00:09
Mouseysure! drop it in a toilet00:09
AStormn810's too small for psp covers00:09
zakkmnitdroid doesnt even work on my n800 -.-00:09
Mouseyleave it out in the snow00:09
Stskeepsoli: overwrite NOLO and you're hosed.00:09
zakkmAstorm: it was a example..00:09
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zakkmi just mean i slide in nokia.. and i can put the top over it00:09
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zakkmits not a psp cove r;p00:09
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Mouseytoaster oven's an efficient way00:10
Mouseyalso cat pee00:10
* Mousey shuts up00:10
AStormall excedpt toaster are recoverable00:10
zakkmyou guys know how to get nitdroid going on n800?00:10
jakemaheustart a chat00:10
RzRit said to work00:10
AStormthe hard part would be getting n810 keyboard to work again00:11
AStormit's a chiclet cheapo00:11
AStorm(but with hard keys)00:11
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AStormso, it'd get sticky00:12
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Stskeepswb b-man00:48
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jakemaheuhello b-man00:49
jakemaheujust got zakkm's nitdroid install working00:50
b-manhow well does it run?00:50
jakemaheuvery nicely, but buggy00:51
jakemaheutouchscreen is a little off on mine, but only a wee bit'00:51
jakemaheubattery metering doesn't work00:51
jakemaheuneither does sound00:52
jakemaheubut wifi and touchscreen do00:52
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jakemaheuwhat kind of tablet do you have, b-man?00:53
b-mana N80000:53
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b-mani wish i had an N810..00:53
jakemaheuyou can use it00:53
jakemaheueez nice00:54
jakemaheui'll be back00:54
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b-manman it's cold!, it's only 3 F here and the wind is gusting 25mph00:56
Stskeepswhere are you, greenland?00:56
b-manOhio, united states00:57
Stskeepstrue, i knew that :P00:57
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b-manin the summer it can get up to 100+ thought..00:57
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zakkmany of you know how to add apps to nitdroid?00:57
Stskeepswhat's the appeal of android anyhow? :P00:58
zakkmi can convince ppl its a phone? :)00:59
Stskeeps.. :P00:59
zakkmim the only person in my school without a cellphone00:59
b-manlcuk's tablet turned 1 today:
* Stskeeps has a cellphone but usually uses it for either sms or 3g00:59
zakkmand the web browser totally beats microb in my opinion00:59
Stskeepssaw meiz's midori video?00:59
christendochow do I tell qemu to mount something to /dev/mmcblk0p1 (instead of hda)?01:00
Stskeepschristendoc: there's a -sd or something. look at qemu-system-arm -help01:00
zakkmanyone know how the battery life compares to maemo?01:00
Stskeepsfind out :P01:01
Stskeepsonly way01:01
lcukb-man, :)01:01
* Stskeeps ponders when his tablet turns year01:01
Stskeepsthink i got it in summer01:01
Stskeepsthen i got involved with johnx's debian and things just went downhill from there..01:01
Vulcanisdo we have an ETA on mer?01:01
zakkmyou said yourself not to install mer ;p lol01:01
b-manmine turned 1 on my 16th birthday01:01
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zakkmand why midori?01:01
b-man2 months ago01:01
StskeepsVulcanis: things are going decently so far really.. SDK is getting more and more stable01:01
Stskeepszakkm: watch the video .. :P01:02
lcukb-man, :) gift from parents? or to yourself?01:02
zakkmi am01:02
zakkmim at 1min 7sec01:02
b-manto myself... kinda01:02
zakkmhave you seen the android browser?01:02
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Stskeepsyeah, meiz made a vid01:02
VulcanisStskeeps: What would someone need in terms of experience to help with all of the testing?01:02
zakkmyeah i wanna help too :)01:02
zakkmohh StsKeeps01:02
zakkmwould a p3 933mhz "server" help you guys?01:02
zakkmi got debian 4.0 on DVD? ubuntu's too but only up to like 8.0401:03
StskeepsVulcanis: b-man's working on a simple installer so it downloads a tar.gz, partitions your mmc and all, and hope to get a sample demo image that works sanely01:03
zakkmi can get 8.10 i guess01:03
VulcanisHmm, hopefully I will have my new SD card by that time.01:03
StskeepsVulcanis: .. and meiz has shown really cool stuff with even our -very bare- initial demo :P01:03
Stskeeps( )01:04
VulcanisYeah, I'm not the most experienced user; especially so because I just stepped back in after not using it for eight months.  But everything right now seems promising.01:04
Stskeepsin all fairness, that's based off a ubuntu arm image, maemo gtk+glib+hildon desktop and additional packages01:04
Stskeepsand deblet boot packages01:04
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Stskeepsthat's how much it takes to get a "simple" hildon desktop going01:05
zakkmandroid just looks soo cool01:05
zakkmand i want to be able to add apps :(01:05
VulcanisI don't like android because it costs money to buy half teh apps :/01:05
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* Stskeeps is personally waiting for the selector atm01:05
Stskeepswill make life a lot easier for us alternative OS'es..01:06
Stskeeps(  )01:07
b-manhas solca made any progress with his selector?, it's the only thing holding me back from android. :)01:07
Stskeepswell he had kexec going so01:07
zakkmVulcanis: you know how to get apps for nitdroid?01:08
Stskeepsit's a good thing he works on selector and such cos it will probably make it possible for the nokia invitation to help the alternative OS'es too ..01:08
Stskeepsas we can share a common area with blobs01:09
Stskeeps(wifi firmware, some hw interfacing, etc)01:10
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Tu13escan i run android on my n800?01:12
Tu13esI haven't used it in like a year, i need a reason to dig it out :P01:12
zakkmTu13es: i just got it working on my nokia :)01:12
Tu13esnice :)01:12
zakkmsomeone helped me like 20min.. still checking it out01:12
zakkmpm me okay? :)01:12
zakkmill help you01:12
zakkmsoo cool :)01:13
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b-manStskeeps: about when you got involved in debian with jhonx, what do you mean by "down hill"?, stresful? ;p01:14
Stskeepsb-man: nah, just involved :P01:14
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VulcanisI might try getting deblet to work tonight.01:17
Vulcanis16gb memory card should come tomorrow, so it won't matter too much if I kill my last 8gb01:17
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VulcanisI hope I won't this time, though.01:17
VulcanisFor Mer, though, you might do the NITdroid thing, and make there not even a menu button.  You just click+hold for app manager01:18
Vulcanisapp list01:18
b-mani just killed my mmc today - formated my mmc and erased all of my personal data. :p01:19
VulcanisI tried to format one of my MMCs after a failed partition01:19
Vulcanisand it locked up and rebooted in the middle of it01:19
Vulcanisso I can't recover that one01:19
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b-manwas there enything important on it?01:21
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Vulcanisb-man: Not particularly01:25
Vulcanisimportant stuff doesn't go on my nit.  Well, not solely on the nit01:25
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zakkmuhh help please01:34
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zakkmmy nokia wont turn on01:34
Vulcanisunplug it from the charger, wait 30s, try again01:35
zakkmoh wait there01:35
zakkmi just took out battery01:35
zakkmand put back in01:35
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zakkmsorry :( i got scared01:35
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b-manit looks like someone is going to get busted for providing free Windows3.1-xp downloads:
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jakemaheui'm back!01:56
jakemaheuwhat did i miss?01:56
Jaredunot much01:56
jakemaheuzakkm, you here?01:57
zakkmthere you are :)01:57
zakkmtrying out nitdroid still :)01:57
zakkmbrightness works :P01:57
jakemaheuneat, isn't it?01:57
jakemaheulike 3-4 levels, XD01:57
jakemaheudid you get wifi working?01:58
zakkmreboot fixed it :P01:58
jakemaheui think i'll do that writeup01:58
jakemaheuah, zakkm, btw this release apparently broke wifi scanning01:59
zakkmi just rad02:00
zakkmit broke gmail and stuff too02:00
b-manholy sh*t, 102 people vuewing nitdroid thread right now - 5 members and 97 guests... :O
zakkmits cause its amazing :)02:01
b-manincluding you, jakemaheu..02:02
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christendocsip phone functional in nitdroid? (haven't looked - apology for ignorance in either direction)02:05
jakemaheunom i don't think so02:05
infobotjakemaheu meant: no i don't think so02:05
lcukim off 2 bed, gnite guys02:07
zakkmgoodnight lcuk02:07
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b-mansee you tomorrow02:08
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RzRwhat about omoko support on NIT?02:12
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RzRStskeeps: i am reading your page :
RzRStskeeps: you said 2GB is requiered ?02:14
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b-manif you are using a desktop env...02:17
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GAN8001RzR, OpenMoko sucks.02:41
jakemaheuwhy is that?02:41
RzRbecause it's opensource ;)02:41
jakemaheuso maemo sucks too?02:44
jakemaheuand linux in general?02:44
GAN8001jakemaheu, it's about as polished as OS2005 was.02:45
jakemaheuand android?02:45
jakemaheugood point02:45
GAN8001It suffers from a REALLY terrible UI02:45
housetierlinux sucks bad, the rest sucks worse02:45
jakemaheuluckily, i got my 770 after os2006 came out02:45
RzRjakemaheu: which OS are you running on it ?02:46
RzRi am hesitating between nitdroid and deblet02:46
jakemaheuright now?02:47
RzRin next days ...02:47
jakemaheui've got an n800, and i'm switching between diablo and nitdroid02:47
jakemaheufor little tasks02:47
jakemaheuit's not hard, just a little inconvenient02:47
GAN8001RzR, the reality is that the only really day-to-day usable OS right now is Maemo.02:53
GAN8001Deblet sucks battery and isn't finger-friendly02:53
GAN8001Nitdroid is mostly PoC02:53
RzRpoc ?02:53
GAN8001Proof of Concept02:54
RzRthat's what i am interessed in02:54
jakemaheuit's not bad for a PoC02:54
zakkmhey if bugs get fixed, it wont be a PoC anymore ;p02:55
lardmannight all02:55
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VulcanisI want easydroid02:58
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jakemaheuVulcanis, I'm writing a guide to install it right now.03:00
Vulcanisno, I mean like easydebian03:01
Vulcaniswhere you can just run it without booting into it03:01
jakemaheuas in being able to install from extras03:01
jakemaheui could probably do it03:01
jakemaheujust use penguinbait's03:01
jakemaheulol that thread shouldn'y be stickied03:01
Tu13esdoes Skype for maemo do video yet?03:02
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VulcanisI don't know about the 810, but I wouldn't want anyone to see me with my n800 cam03:02
Tu13esi dont care if its crappy quality, i just want it to work03:03
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GAN800Tu13es, harass Skype.03:06
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GAN800andre__, isn't your search redundant?03:07
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Veggenamong other, of 2598498703:10
andre__GAN800, in a perfect world, all bugs get verified by the reporter :)03:11
GAN800andre__, well, bugs can be CLOSED, RESOLVED or VERIFIED, but they're all 'FIXED'03:11
GAN800FIXED is a separate field.03:11
andre__i shouldn't answer mail when i just got home :)03:11
GAN800or does only specifying 'FIXED' in a search _assume_ RESOLVED?03:12
GAN800I demand an appology! :P03:12
* GAN800 was worried he'd misunderstood the search mechanics. :D03:12
andre__done :)03:13
GAN800Long damn Christmas party and I gotta work in the morning.03:14
* GAN800 dies.03:14
andre__die after christmas! grab your presents first!03:15
GAN800I already know what I got.03:15
GAN800Kinda sad, picked out my own christmas present. :D03:15
andre__do good kids do this? NO!03:16
GAN800Hehe, getting the perfect rice maker though03:16
GAN800Oh, ha, I was gonna razz you yesterday because I triaged tz's latest round of insane bugs. :p03:17
GAN800But you weren't here and I was disappointed. ;)03:17
* andre__ sometimes leaves the country for a weekend and lives in hotels without wifi :)03:18
GAN800Woo, 3G03:18
andre__hehe, i'm sorry. :) was at a concert yesterday evening. don't expect me to hang on the internet when on vacation ;-)03:18
andre__i'm already glad that they allowed me to reenter germany again today :-P03:19
dystopiaTu13es: fwiw, Gizmo supports that03:20
GAN800Never left the country. :/03:20
Tu13esdystopia: hm, with other Gizmo users only yes?03:20
andre__GAN800, because you're country is too huge. hard to get to its borders :)03:20
GAN800I'd have to travel 3 days to get to a land border.03:21
andre__for me it's like 3 hours by train. depends on the direction though...03:21
GAN800Oops, yet another dupe03:22
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andre__hmm, let's see what bugs GAN800 has left for me for tomorrow morning ;-)03:23
GAN800Only the ones filed after I've gone to bed. :P03:24
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AStormis Nokia going to use a real shell with fremantle, or still neutered busybox ash?03:29
AStorm(considering to write an enhancement request)03:30
andre__busybox i think03:32
andre__at least i heard that they plan to ship a more recent version for fremantle, so i assume that...03:32
AStormmore recent != with all the options03:34
AStormso, I should better file a request03:34
AStorm(not that bash would hurt)03:34
AStorm(or coreutils)03:34
ShadowJK_can't you apt-get bash?03:35
AStormyes, but init uses sh03:36
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AStormand esp. initfs03:36
AStormand the more I'm diverging, the more SSU will break03:36
AStorm(binary distro, broken packaging dilemma)03:36
AStormand less possible for me to report bugs03:38
AStorm(that's why I prize an amorphous distro like Gentoo)03:38
AStorm(although it does increase support load)03:39
AStormthat's what I think mer will become03:41
AStorman actual collection of setups03:41
`0660when can have gentoo for nits!?03:42
`0660i cannot wait to compile everything with my tablet03:43
* `0660 and his pathetic troll :)03:43
christendoc`0660: :) It could work better, ... but it works.03:45
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GAN800AStorm, initfs is gone03:47
GAN800So anything related to it is WONTFIX03:47
AStormit's not03:48
AStormit's related to shell03:48
AStormmore of a reason not to use busybox03:48
AStormbusybox is for really tiny constrained devices03:49
AStorm256 MB of jffs2 is not that03:49
AStormand they won't have to even port anything03:49
AStormat least, enable all or most features of bb03:54
AStormbug report tbd03:54
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jakemaheuI just wrote a tutorial to getting NITdroid working on the N800.04:15
jakemaheuTook me like 2 hours, and I did each step on my tablet before writing it.04:15
Tu13esoh, awesome04:17
Tu13esI *just* made a post somewhere basically asking for a newb guide lol04:17
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jakemaheuif you have any bugs, just post them and i'll try to help04:18
Tu13eswill do04:18
shalabhI'm flashing n800 with the latest os2008 bin - it's stuck at 'Flashing initfs... ' how long should it usually take?04:18
jakemaheui dnno04:20
infobotjakemaheu meant: s/dunno/dunno04:20
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jakemaheuwhat do ya think?04:24
shalabhok i reflashed and it finished without problems04:26
infobotjakemaheu meant: s/good/good04:28
jakemaheugood, you were able to reflash04:28
jakemaheu~curse sed04:28
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, sed !04:28
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UserID10THey everyone!04:32
UserID10TAnyone have a moment to help with a hopefully quick question?04:33
UserID10TI am attempting to update os2008 to the most recent version04:33
UserID10TBut it's telling me I'm missing packages.04:33
UserID10TI have no idea how to get those.04:33
UserID10TI am fairly new to maemo, linux etc.04:33
jakemaheudo you have diablo or chinook?04:34
jakemaheuand you're trying to update to 5.43-7 or whatever?04:34
UserID10TNot sure...04:34
UserID10TAvailable version is...04:35
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UserID10Tcorrection: 1:4.2008.36-504:35
jakemaheualright, just a sec04:35
jakemaheuwhat kind of tablet do you have?04:35
UserID10TI've thought about snagging an N810 eventually.  I dig the keyboard :D04:36
jakemaheuwhat packages does it say you're missing?04:36
UserID10TOne second.  Updating list.04:37
UserID10Tgstreamer0.10-plugins-extra, libdb4.2, libglade2-0, libxml2, makedev, and libtinymail-1.0.004:38
jakemaheualright, do you want to keep your apps?04:39
UserID10TAll of my apps?04:39
jakemaheuor any04:39
UserID10TI don't mind starting over.  I can get the packages again.04:39
UserID10TIf I can save a select few, great.04:39
UserID10TEasier recovery.04:39
jakemaheuare you on linux, mac, or windows?04:40
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jakemaheuyou have the updater04:40
UserID10TI think I still do.04:40
UserID10TSure do.04:41
jakemaheuIt should do a complete flash to the newest firmware: 5.2008.43-704:41
jakemaheubut you'll lose all your settings and apps04:41
jakemaheunot so great04:42
jakemaheubut it's prolly the fastest way, if you don't mind04:42
UserID10TTrying now.04:43
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jakemaheuhey pupnik04:43
UserID10TThe updater isn't detecting the tablet...04:44
UserID10TWhat was the trick again?04:44
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jakemaheuturn it off, plug in the usb cable, then hold down the home key and the power button04:45
jakemaheuin that order04:45
jakemaheudid it give you a version number for the flash?04:46
UserID10TWorking on it04:46
UserID10TFound it!04:46
UserID10TIs the newest04:46
jakemaheuit isn't04:46
jakemaheuthe newest is: 5.2008.43-704:47
jakemaheuer, nvm04:47
UserID10TThat's what I said.04:47
jakemaheui'm just retarded04:47
UserID10THAHAHAHA No way, you're my hero.04:47
UserID10TI've been wanting to see these updates for a while now.04:47
jakemaheuit's no prob-- there are other ways, but reflashing is probably the easiest for you04:47
UserID10Tapt-get would have worked, hm?04:48
jakemaheuthe updates are stability, x-server (i think), and browser and modest updates04:48
jakemaheumodest is the email client04:48
UserID10TI am hoping to see them.04:48
UserID10TYessir, I knew that.04:48
UserID10TAll I've learned, I've learned from breaking maemo <304:49
UserID10TAnd to thank you for your help.04:49
jakemaheuno prob04:50
UserID10TI was having a weird issue...04:50
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UserID10TWhenever I got a certain would change the display "Opening Application"04:50
UserID10TTo "ckct_application...running"04:50
UserID10TSomething like that.04:51
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fluxnuk3rjohnx: you here?04:51
UserID10TAt this point though, it should be gone, so thank you.04:51
UserID10TReflashing WAS my best option.04:51
jakemaheuit's no issue04:51
jakemaheui've helped like 2 people today and now i feel good about it04:52
UserID10TYou should!  Shame I can't really help you though.04:52
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jakemaheuit's fine-- usually if i have a problem i ask one of the higher-ups04:53
jakemaheus/higher-ups/more knowledgeable people for help/04:53
infobotjakemaheu meant: it's fine-- usually if i have a problem i ask one of the more knowledgeable people for help04:53
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jakemaheuthat's called sed04:55
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jakemaheubasically, if you mess something up04:55
jakemaheuyou can try and fix it04:55
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jakemaheuyou type "s/original word/new word/"04:55
UserID10TSometimes I like breaking things just to try to fix them. Heh.04:56
jakemaheuthe s stands for sed04:56
jakemaheutype bob04:56
jakemaheuthen try sed04:56
UserID10Tbob sed04:56
jakemaheuer type bob again04:56
UserID10TI think it hates me.  Heh.  That or I misunderstood.04:56
jakemaheutry it now04:57
UserID10Ts/bob/scooby doo04:57
UserID10Ts/bob/scooby doo/04:58
infobotUserID10T meant: s/scooby doo/scooby doo04:58
jakemaheuyou have to type scooby doo first04:58
UserID10TWell I get the functionality even though I forgot the /04:58
jakemaheuthen do s/04:58
infobotUserID10T meant: Well I get the disfunctionality even though I forgot the /04:58
jakemaheuthere you go!04:58
UserID10TAwesome.  That04:58
jakemaheuyou've learned something new today.04:58
UserID10TThat's really useful.04:58
UserID10TThat I did.04:58
jakemaheuyeah, it comes in handy when you're on a lousy keyboard04:59
UserID10TWow...browser IS better.04:59
UserID10TAny useful or cool apps you suggest?05:00
jakemaheuerm... mplayer05:01
UserID10Tmplayer and mytube are PRICELESS05:01
jakemaheui know, right!05:01
UserID10TI loved the new kinetic scroll update05:01
jakemaheui love them05:01
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UserID10TYou like nitroid?05:01
infobotUserID10T meant: You like nitdroid?05:01
jakemaheuit's not bad, and i wrote a guide to getting it running05:01
UserID10TSweet, I am eager to try it.05:02
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UserID10TIs there an iphone emulator?05:02
UserID10TI've been looking for an SNES emulator, but those who've gotten one to work say they run at about 10 or less fps05:02
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jakemaheuthe NES emus are pretty good, tho05:03
jakemaheui use iNES05:03
UserID10TI use it too.05:03
UserID10TThat and the gameboy emulator.05:03
jakemaheusame here, lol05:03
jakemaheui have canola, but i don't use it very often05:03
UserID10TI use my n800 for games and movies primarily.05:03
UserID10TCanola is too heavy...05:04
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UserID10TI prefer lite players, but Canola is so pretty.05:04
jakemaheuVulcanis, hmm?05:04
jakemaheuit is05:04
jakemaheuthe user05:04
Vulcanisgames+video+random other things05:04
jakemaheuHere's a game: name your most used apps05:04
jakemaheuno necessary order05:05
UserID10T...mytube, mplayer, ines, gba...05:05
jakemaheumine: mytube, ines, media player (built-in), xterm, nitdroid (not really an app), browser, modest05:05
jakemaheui have modest set up to receive mail from my website server05:06
jakemaheuthere's like nothing there, i think05:06
UserID10TAh heh05:06
UserID10Tchinook repositories aren05:06
UserID10Taren't useful to me anymore eh?05:06
jakemaheueh, somewhat05:07
jakemaheui think some apps work in diablo05:07
jakemaheucorrect me if i'm wrong05:07
UserID10TI actually found that to be true.05:08
UserID10TI never know what repositories to go for...05:08
Vulcanistheres a list of like 50 somewhere on the web05:09
UserID10TBut I still don't know the great ones.05:09
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UserID10TI am so bad at linux/maemo...I feel like the people I help with PCs every day.05:09
Vulcanissame here at times.  I know my way around, just not much more than that.05:10
UserID10TOh, is there a good site for themes?05:10
UserID10TYeah, I'05:10
UserID10TI've learned xterm a LITTLE05:10
UserID10TI can edit text files in it...but why?05:10
Vulcanisthe best theme I've seen was nuvoclear205:10
jakemaheuit's a good thing to know05:10
jakemaheunuvoclear is epic and i use it05:10
jakemaheui hate vi05:10
UserID10TI'll find it.05:10
UserID10TAnother app...05:11
UserID10TAdv Backlight05:11
VulcanisI have some random problem with ssh05:11
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Vulcaniswhere vim and vi don't actually save05:11
Vulcanisand they bug out05:11
Vulcanisand MC just shows random characters for the divider05:11
Vulcanisoh, user, go grab MC, too.05:11
Vulcanisif you haven't already05:11
Vulcanismidnightcommander, though it should be there as just mc in the app manager05:12
Vulcanisits a filemanager that runs from xterm05:12
UserID10TOh I used...emfl2?05:12
Vulcanisthats just... better.05:12
UserID10Txxfm2 or whatever05:13
Vulcanisthat is?05:13
UserID10Tfile manager05:14
UserID10T2 pane05:14
UserID10TIt's a standalone05:15
UserID10TPretty, looks like an ftp tool05:15
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VulcanisI just use mc instead of vi(m) and all the other things I'd need to do in xterm05:17
Vulcanishm, I think I'm going to back up my card today, and install deblet.05:19
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jakemaheunoooooo use nitdroid05:20
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GAN800gronmayer is evil05:23
GAN800You need one repository:05:23
infoboti guess extras is
jakemaheuinfobot is wrong05:24
johnxjakemaheu, what are you on about?05:24
jakemaheuinfobot said extras is
infobotokay, jakemaheu05:25
johnxjakemaheu, and that's correct05:25
jakemaheuit should be:
GAN800No, no it shouldn't05:25
johnxthe wiki page explains extras05:25
GAN800Read the page.05:26
jakemaheui thought it was giving the address of the repository05:26
johnxit explains extras to people who have never heard of it and also talks about extras devel and also includes a .install file to enable it05:26
jakemaheui enabled extras-devel05:26
jakemaheui found some neat stuff05:26
oilinkiquick poll: are you using gmail account ?05:29
johnxsince like 2005 or so05:30
oilinkiI'm wondering if I would put maemo-mapper POI database to google appengine. They would provide login etc which would possibly make the serverside creating more easy.05:31
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oilinkiso that we could create the POI's either on the mapper or with the google maps. syncked in both ways05:32
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jakemaheunope, i use my own server + website and forward my mail to modest on the tablet05:33 now works and has a wiki!05:34
jakemaheus/has a wiki/is a wiki/05:34
infobotjakemaheu meant: now works and is a wiki!05:34
* johnx gave up on running his own mail server if he wasn't getting paid to do it05:34
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jakemaheuit's called NITwiki and I'm using it to post info about my NIT and things running on it and new and stuff05:34
jakemaheui just got it up05:34
tulkastaldoI'm sure your gf will be glad to hear it05:35
johnxhow do you deal with spam?05:35
jakemaheujohnx: on what, email or wiki?05:37
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jakemaheutulkastaldo: lol05:37
johnxmail mainly05:37
jakemaheui delete it-- i only get a message or two a week, so it's bearable05:38
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dystopiaTu13es: not sure05:38
jakemaheuit's just annoying when i don't check my mail for a few days and then i have like 6 in my tablet inbox05:38
jakemaheuwhat's even more annoying is that modest doesn't purge the messages after it deletes them05:39
johnxbut on the server side are you using spamassassin or greylisting or something?05:39
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dystopiahe is blocking all data to port 25/tcp :p05:40
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jakemaheulemme check05:40
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jakemaheui am now using spamassassin05:42
johnxyeah, that's what I used too but I never got it trained well enough to keep spam out of my inbox05:42
jakemaheuwhat do you use now?05:42
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johnxI gave up on running a mail server unless I was getting paid05:43
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Vulcaniscan anyone help me with partitioning for deblet?05:52
VulcanisI don't actually know what the sizes should be :/05:52
jakemaheuwhat size sd card?05:52
jakemaheukk, just a sec05:53
VulcanisI'd probably want to use 4-6gb for deblet05:53
johnxget cfdisk05:53
johnxor are you partitioning on your desktop?05:53
jakemaheuaren't you using easy-debian?05:54
VulcanisI'm partitioning on the NIT.  Cfdisk should be in the installer for it.  I just don't know what size partitions I should make05:54
Vulcanisjakemaheu: I'm planning to install deblet?05:54
VulcanisThat sounded bad.  <shrugs>05:54
VulcanisAnyway.  >.>05:54
johnxVudentz, make p1 a 2GB vfat partition, p2 a 5.9GB linux and p3 a swap with whatever is left05:55
jakemaheuumm... i use sfdisk05:55
jakemaheuto do what johnx said, it'd be:05:55
jakemaheusudo sfdisk /dev/mmcblk005:55
johnxhe has cfdisk...05:55
Vulcanisthanks john.05:55
jakemaheui know, i just use sfdisk05:55
jakemaheuon the tablet05:55
jakemaheuer, that should be sudo sfdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk005:56
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johnxand that's the reason I hate sfdisk :)05:58
jakemaheui'd have to say gparted tops em all05:58
VulcanisI'm getting "FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends in the final part" -- though, that may just be because the card has stuff on it right now...?  I'll wipe it05:58
Vulcanisgparted does indeed.05:58
jakemaheui love it, but running it as root is a bit annoying05:59
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johnxcfdisk -z /dev/mmcblk005:59
johnxthen just write out the blank partition table05:59
jakemaheunot so much annoying as frightening05:59
jakemaheudoes -z zero everything?05:59
* jakemaheu isn't familiar with cfdisk06:00
johnxit ignores the table on disk and starts you with a blank one06:00
johnxso if the sd card manufacturer does something "clever" you can just ignore it06:00
Vulcaniswhich of those three should be primary/logical?06:01
johnxVulcanis, all three06:01
Vulcanisjakemaheu: clever if you're an ebay scammer06:01
johnxmakes things simple :)06:01
jakemaheuwhat is danke?06:02
Vulcanisand beginning, right?06:02
Vulcanisthanks in german06:02
Vulcanis0B W95 FAT32 and 0C is that with (LBA) at the end06:04
Vulcanisdon't see Vfat06:04
johnx0b is fine06:04
johnxor fat16 is ok for 2GB06:04
johnxjust select 0b06:04
jakemaheuso did anyone here read my guide yet?06:09
johnxI skimmed it but I don't have much interest in android06:10
johnxlooks thorough06:10
jakemaheuit is06:10
jakemaheui took like 2 hours06:10
jakemaheuand tested every step before i wrote it06:10
jakemaheuand yet, there will still be morons who end up posting "oh i flashed it to nolo by accident and now it won't work durr"06:11
johnxit's a good disclaimer. again, very thorough06:12
johnxreminds me of the first disclaimer I did for debian and that wasn't even flashing anything :)06:12
jakemaheuif you watch the channel a lot, you'll know that lcuk burnt his hand the other day making bacon06:12
jakemaheui felt sorry for him, but was lolling the whole time06:13
johnxollowing these instructions may cause your tablet to steal your wife, kill your cat and burn down your house!06:16
johnxI guess debian must be a little less violent :)06:16
jakemaheuhobos love sodomy06:16
johnxand where would we be without your encyclopedic knowledge of such things?06:17
johnxanyways, off into to the world. 'later06:17
jakemaheui know a lot of things i'd rather not06:17
jakemaheus/bye/bye johnx06:17
jakemaheui keep forgetting that last slash06:18
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jakemaheureggie should un-sticky 'Android Installer - for 810 (800 works sort of)'06:21
jakemaheusince it doesn't work vey well at all, compared to nitdroid06:21
VulcanisIts not that hobos particularly enjoy sodomy; it tends to be an act of desparation.06:21
jakemaheuyeah, because they're addicted to buttsex06:22
infobotjakemaheu meant: yeah, because they're addicted to buttsecks06:22
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jakemaheuhullo b-man06:23
jakemaheucheck this out:
b-manchecking right now...06:24
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jakemaheuhey zakkm06:25
jakemaheuwelcome back06:25
zakkmhey cool your on06:25
zakkmi just saw your guide06:25
zakkmit mentioned a internal keypad?06:26
zakkmdoes that change the onboard keyboard?06:26
jakemaheuno, the hardware keys06:26
jakemaheuyou got the debug kernel06:26
b-manlooks cool :)06:26
jakemaheuit already has the fix06:26
zakkmoh okay06:26
zakkmoh b-man06:26
zakkmthere was so many people cause it got mentioned on engadget06:26
zakkma few hours ago06:26
zakkmso ppl; saw the engadget and then clicked.. and it linked to forum post06:27
jakemaheuyeah, the cupcake06:27
b-manno wonder whi there were over 200+ guests. :p06:28
zakkmstill very good for the itt community :)06:28
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zakkmomg i so like it06:28
zakkmi like it turns off display.. and i press power once fast06:29
zakkmand display turns off06:29
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zakkmhey jakemaheu: if i were to boot back into linux, would you mind helping me installing some apps to it?06:29
zakkmheard theres a meebo app06:30
jakemaheusure, just wait a sec06:30
jakemaheuthere's a command you use06:30
zakkmwould take me more than a few secs to reboot ;p06:30
jakemaheudo you already have the adb binary?06:31
zakkmi did before06:32
zakkmwould it work on mac?06:32
zakkmthat would help me alot06:32
jakemaheui dunno, lemme check06:33
zakkmsweet thanks :)06:33
jakemaheuno, unfortunately06:33
jakemaheuonly linux06:33
zakkmi have a download going, i cant reboot06:34
jakemaheuhere it is:06:35
zakkmsays 41minutes remaining06:35
jakemaheu./adb push program.apk /data/app06:35
b-manI can't wait untill i get my new laptop, once i ddo i'm going to dual boot it with Ubuntu and try this out. :D06:35
zakkmjakemaheu: saved into document :) thanks06:36
zakkmb-man? why wait06:36
zakkmuse livecd? :P06:36
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jakemaheuno prob06:36
zakkmdo i just plug into usb? thats all06:36
zakkmand run the command and replace "program.apk"06:36
b-manbecause i want a way to recover my device without a reflash.06:37
zakkmany programs you recommend for it?06:37
jakemaheuno clue06:37
jakemaheui'll try some later though06:37
jakemaheumaybe if you find ones that work, post em on here06:38
jakemaheub-man: thanks for the thanks on ITT06:38
zakkmthey all should work shouldnt they?06:38
b-manyour welcome. :)06:38
zakkmppl talk about it being slow cause it runs out of memory?06:39
zakkmwhy it slows down / freezes after awhile06:39
b-manBtw, the other reason why i'm waiting until i get my laptop with linux is because i need a way to enable R&D mode.06:40
zakkmuse livecd lol ;p06:40
zakkmor use wubi :P be lazy06:40
jakemaheuget damn small linux06:40
jakemaheuit's like a chroot in windows, lol06:41
b-mangood idia, thanks06:41
zakkmchroot in windows?06:41
zakkmb-man.. just get cygwin -.-06:41
zakkmits like a linux terminal in windows06:41
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jakemaheuzakkm: it's a joke06:42
zakkmseriously cygwin sounds like a good idea06:42
Gracklecygwin is what you use if you're not allowed to have linux06:42
zakkmperfect for b-man ;p06:42
jakemaheui've never used it06:42
zakkmits your solution06:42
jakemaheumy dad's a huge geek like me, so we've got a bunch of spare systems06:43
zakkmjakemaheu: its just a linux terminal in windows.. as like "command prompt"06:43
zakkmbut you cant startx or anything06:43
zakkmjust pure terminal06:43
jakemaheusort of06:43
b-mani wonder why microsoft never came up with there own version of chroot...06:44
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zakkmthey have remote desktop?06:45
zakkmnot quite the same06:45
zakkmbut does the same job06:45
b-manthat's like VNC06:45
b-mani'm talking chroot06:45
zakkmwindows has no used for chroot06:46
zakkmsame with mac06:46
Grackleb-man, they've only just come up with a somewhat-proper multi-user system06:46
zakkmits a pointless command06:46
Gracklehaha what06:46
* Grackle is dumbfounded06:46
b-manhow is chroot a pointless command?, i use it all the time..06:47
zakkmthought you dont have a linux system?06:48
Gracklechroot is very useful for system maintenance, and it's useful for setting up secure environments06:48
zakkmwow mer06:48
zakkmany good?06:48
b-manit's ok06:49
zakkmi still think once nitdroid gets bug-free and all06:49
zakkmit will be #106:49
b-mani'm currently creating an installer for mer for Stskeeps.06:50
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Vulcanis[23:49:20] <zakkm> it will be #1 -- It will? Last I remember, applications for it cost money.06:51
Vulcanisatleast, many of them.06:51
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Vulcanisthere are a whole TWO applications that require payment for the nit06:52
zakkmthats not the point?06:52
zakkmthe browser is nitdroid is significantly faster06:52
zakkmwhich is huge for a "internet" tablet06:52
zakkmthe rotation actually workss06:52
zakkmwebkit browser, which im not mistaken mer is using midori , which is gecko06:53
zakkmmenus only appear when you press menu button.. when you do zoomin/out .. the volume thing pops up .. in maemo i dont see that06:53
b-mani'm using fiefox in mer..06:53
zakkmw.e gecko still06:53
zakkmhow would i go about and transferring something from nitdroid onto my pc?06:57
zakkmthough usb06:57
zakkmthrough usb*06:57
jakemaheulike pics or music?07:01
jakemaheuor apps?07:01
zakkmnormal files07:01
jakemaheuon mac?07:01
zakkmstorage files, not system07:01
zakkmlinux lets go for07:01
zakkmwindows or linux07:01
zakkmactually windows.. cause i dualboot that07:01
jakemaheuoh, just plug it in07:01
jakemaheuif it brings up a found new device window, close it07:02
jakemaheuthe tablet will have a notification at the top left, drag it down and mount the usb connection07:02
zakkmoh yeah07:03
zakkmwhy cant i click on anything at top right07:03
zakkmlike time, or wifi or anything07:03
jakemaheuit's just status icons07:04
zakkmoh okay07:04
jakemaheubut if you drag down the other side, you'll have a new windows for notifications07:04
zakkmtime doesnt work?07:04
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b-man(random question) - does mac osx support bash? - since it is a unix-based system.07:05
zakkmi think i got it working07:05
zakkmit has the right time07:05
zakkmb-man: no idea07:06
Grackleb-man, I believe the default shell is bash07:06
zakkmjakemaheu: it shows the real time now?07:06
jakemaheulemme check07:06
zakkmif i goto settings07:06
zakkmfor date and time07:06
zakkmand i tap the "use 24-hjour format*07:06
zakkmthe time updates.. and its correct07:06
jakemaheuyeah, huh07:07
b-manGrackle: thanks07:07
jakemaheuthat wasn't working before07:07
GrackleYup b-man, bash is the default shell on new macs (it used to be tcsh, before 2002 or so)07:07
zakkmshould tell someone07:07
zakkmjakemaheu: that might help them fix it07:07
b-manI also herd that it supports apt - is that true? - i'm a little doubtful.07:09
zakkmthere is MacPorts07:09
zakkmthat add apt and stuff to mac07:09
zakkmapt = debian...07:09
zakkmnot linux07:09
zakkmdebian is the only thing that uses apt07:10
b-manUbuntu uses apt also.07:10
zakkmgentoo uses emerge, arch uses pacman , debian uses apt, fedora uses yum07:10
zakkmubuntu is DEBIAN07:10
zakkmubuntu is a debian-based distro07:10
b-mani know07:10
zakkmso it uses apt07:10
zakkmmac wouldnt because its not debian07:10
zakkmgentoo doesnt cause its not debian, arch doesnt , redhat doesnt07:11
b-manyes, i know...07:11
zakkmso why would mac support apt?07:11
zakkmif you know that07:11
jakemaheuit should support dpkg, however07:12
zakkmdpkg = debian07:12
zakkmit uses debs.. which is debian -.-07:12
jakemaheui guess macs are SOL07:12
b-mani allrety know all of this07:12
jakemaheui don't.07:13
zakkmmacs have their own variation of dpkg ... and apt .. but they dont have dpkg/apt ;p07:13
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zakkmsolca: you here?07:13
zakkmsolca_: ?07:13
zakkmyou do the nitdroid port right?07:13
zakkmi discovered that if i click set time.. in date and time.. that it fixes the time07:13
zakkmbut time doesnt want to update on its own07:14
zakkmbut if i do set time... it automatically corrects itself07:14
jakemaheuhey solca07:14
zakkmwaitt time is goingg07:14
zakkmjakemaheu: i fixed time?07:14
zakkmtime is going perfectly now07:14
jakemaheuyup, XD07:14
jakemaheuit is07:14
solca_zakkm: how07:14
solca_hey jakemaheu07:14
zakkmcertain time and date settings ;p07:15
zakkmmakes it work ;p07:15
jakemaheusolca: did you see the guide i wrote?07:15
solca_zakkm: which settings?07:15
solca_jakemaheu: where?07:15
zakkmi clicked alot randomly07:15
zakkmfirst one is checkmarked07:16
jakemaheuit just worked for me07:16
zakkmi clicked set time, clicked top one07:16
zakkmso its checkmarked.. use 24 hr is unche ckmarked07:16
zakkmand then time is working perfectly07:16
solca_zakkm: letme check...07:16
zakkmok :)07:17
zakkmthis is more of a question to the porter not a fix or anything but do you know the battery life of nitdroid?07:17
solca_jakemaheu: cool! can I link it from my crappy project site?07:17
zakkmlike how long battery lasts?07:17
zakkmsolca_: do you know battery life .. estimate07:18
solca_zakkm: now with the brigthness is lasting more :)07:18
jakemaheusolca: i'd actually be honored07:18
solca_jakemaheu: thx!!07:18
jakemaheuand it would get hits from engadget07:18
zakkmsolca_  : so we talking like days or what07:18
zakkmcause like deblet only lasts like 6 hours idle i hear07:18
jakemaheuzakkm: on standby?07:19
jakemaheujust like a quick power button press?07:19
solca_zakkm: more or less, I have to port some kernel drivers yet for full power savings07:19
zakkmsolca_: so its safe to use?07:19
zakkmas like a full thing07:19
zakkmi want to leave maemo ;p07:19
zakkmsolca_ did you try the datetime yet?07:20
jakemaheuzakkm: no07:20
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jakemaheus/no/not quite/07:20
infobotjakemaheu meant: zakkm: not quite07:20
solca_zakkm: so settings/time ?07:21
zakkmsettings - date and time07:21
zakkmclick set time07:21
zakkmthen at top .. first one07:21
zakkmclick so its off.. then click again so its on07:21
solca_which? automatic?07:21
zakkmturn off , click set time07:21
zakkmturn it back on07:21
zakkmand it should change to right time.. and keep updated07:22
solca_turn back on the "automatic" on the top ?07:22
zakkmturn it off.. click set time.. turn it on07:22
solca_lets see...07:22
zakkmthat should be enough07:22
zakkmi clicked randomly alot of stuff.. so im guessing small steps ;p07:23
solca_I really have not looked into the time yet07:23
solca_hopefully tomorrow07:23
solca_but if this works can be a good workaround07:23
jakemaheueh, it's fixed, let's leave it at that07:23
zakkmdont know how your code that though.. but under the guide maybe a "Get time and date working again"07:23
zakkmi want cookies lol07:24
zakkmi use gmail and stuff07:24
zakkmgoogle docs07:24
zakkmand i get some cookies error07:24
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solcazakkm: yea that seems to be a cupcake error07:25
zakkmoh okay07:25
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zakkmi figured your here , time to ask many questions :D07:25
solcazakkm: time is fixed for me now!!07:25
jakemaheuwe need sound07:25
zakkmjakemaheu: i was right about to ask ;p07:25
zakkmwhats the point of sound though really07:26
zakkmits not like theres mplayer or anything07:26
jakemaheuthere's a music player07:26
zakkmoh really07:26
zakkmoh cool07:26
zakkmyeah sound :)07:26
solcasound depends on the device, N810 is possible and it's close, N800 is not07:26
jakemaheuhome screen > panel > Music07:26
zakkmsolca_: n800 is more important :)07:26
jakemaheuhow do you remove applets from the home screen?07:27
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zakkmsame way you add probably07:27
jakemaheui figured it out07:28
solcajakemaheu: when you perss an applet if you drag it to the trash it is removed07:28
zakkmoh that is sooo coool :)07:28
zakkmsolca_: would you know why it starts to totally freeze after awhile?07:29
zakkmis there like swap or something?07:29
solcazakkm: what freezes?07:30
zakkmlike after awhile of insane use07:30
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zakkmi have to like take out battery07:30
solcaapps or the system as a whole?07:30
zakkmi get a app not responding error07:30
jakemaheuapps cause the system to slow down07:30
zakkmbut i cant click it.. cause its too slow07:30
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zakkmit seems like a ram problem / no swap07:31
zakkmmore than anything07:31
solcano, I trace a lot of hangs to the wifi driver07:31
zakkmis there a fix?07:31
solcanot yet, but it will be better with time :)07:32
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zakkmi so love this :)07:32
jakemaheuis there any way to use the proprietary driver?07:33
solcajakemaheu: no way07:35
solcajakemaheu: unless Nokia recompilet for newer kernels than 2.6.2107:35
jakemaheuis there a touchscreen calibration utility yet?07:35
solcajakemaheu: I plan to use the calibration data in the maemo partition07:35
zakkmwhy dont they ? :P07:35
jakemaheuoh, i get it07:36
zakkmreads maemo's .. not let you do new calibration07:36
solcazakkm: dunno07:36
zakkmsolca: you know any good apps for it?07:37
solcawhat I was saying is that it is possible to use the touchscreen calibration data in the maemo partition07:37
solcazakkm: not really, I've been debugging... :(07:37
jakemaheudoes NITboot work for anything yet?07:37
zakkmwhat is Nitboot?07:38
zakkmsomeone said on the forum and im wondering myself07:38
zakkmwhy is there "phone" .. seems like a waste of space07:38
solcaNITboot is the part in NITdroid that starts the _required_ proprietary software07:38
zakkmyou know what would be cool, if you could add sip accounts into it.. and use it for dialing :P07:38
jakemaheusomeone else asked that earlier on here07:39
zakkmthe sip account part?07:39
solcathere are some aspects about the NITs like hardware watchdogs07:39
solcathat needs to be driven by software, unfortunately currently that software is proprietary07:39
solcaso NITboot just start the required software from the flash (MTD)07:39
zakkmwow so much work07:40
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solcazakkm: I'm pretty sure many people is working in android apps for doing sip calls07:40
zakkmwhat does that mean?07:40
zakkmyeah but then you can convince ppl its a phone ;p07:40
zakkmif it used the builtin one :P07:40
zakkmsince it autoconnects to wifi07:40
zakkmit would be really cool ;p07:40
jakemaheushouldn't be too hard07:41
zakkmneedsound and mic going though07:41
zakkmoh sweet :D07:42
zakkmcan plug in.. do mount07:42
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zakkmand it appears on my mac :D07:42
jakemaheualso camera07:42
solcayea, sound is very important...07:42
jakemaheucamera would be nice07:42
zakkmscrew camera07:42
zakkmthat should be last07:42
solcafor the camera I had to port the old driver to newer kernels07:42
solcawhich is a lot of work but feasible07:43
zakkmsolca: is there any way i can help .. i know alot about linux but not on the coding / porting .. part07:43
jakemaheui'm always a willing guinea pig07:44
jakemaheuand i'll be on a lot more now that i'm on break07:44
zakkmjakemaheu: how old?07:44
zakkmwow really?07:44
jakemaheuusing computers since i was 307:45
zakkmi thought iwas too young for this place07:45
zakkmim 17.07:45
solcasure, you both can help07:45
zakkmsweet :)07:45
jakemaheulets just say i liked the 'toilet flushing' sound win95 made when i dragged my dad's desktop icons into the recycle bin07:45
solcain reality I need ppl for testing before releasing07:45
jakemaheuthe next day i had a computer07:45
zakkmsolca: im in :D07:45
jakemaheume too07:46
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zakkmim a massive nightly person ;p07:46
solcacause as you can see I fix some things but others get borked :)07:46
zakkmused to be a gentoo user ;p07:46
zakkmi found the time workaround :)07:46
jakemaheukirby dance!07:46
zakkmjakemaheu helped me install nitdroid , i dont know what i did wrong07:46
zakkmi cant figure it out07:46
zakkmi did the exact same thing07:46
jakemaheui was at my grandmas house07:46
solcawow NITdroid is getting massively popular...07:47
zakkmohh huge bug?07:47
zakkmi think07:47
zakkmi unplugged usb07:47
zakkmand now my nokia is frozen ;p07:47
zakkmcompetely frozen07:48
solcazakkm: do yuo have adb working?07:48
jakemaheuit has trouble remounting the fat partition on the sd card07:48
zakkmnever tried ;p07:48
solcathat's the first thing you must do07:48
zakkmim on mac.. jakemaheu said it doesnt work on mac07:48
jakemaheuhe's on a mac/windows07:48
jakemaheuyour binary07:48
jakemaheusays linux07:48
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zakkmi use mac07:48
solcayea it's just for linux07:48
zakkmbut i also play some games that require windows.. screw wine lol07:48
zakkmso i have windows too07:49
solcawhat about Vis instructions?07:49
zakkmSolca: ?07:49
solcaon iTT07:49
zakkmfor what07:49
zakkmwhy do i need adb?07:49
solcazakkm: for debugging the problems07:49
zakkmfor helping you?07:50
zakkmoh okay07:50
zakkmcant now though, im encoding07:50
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jakemaheui'm gonna make a video for my tutorial07:50
solcajakemaheu: that's nice!07:51
zakkmhey any chance a more "maemo" keyboard is in the works07:51
zakkmthe one in nitdroid is small ;p07:51
zakkmthumb keyboard style perhaps07:51
jakemaheuspeaking of keyboard, when it crashes, it won't come back up07:52
solcazakkm: with the Cupcake release Google put in a new framework for inputting07:52
zakkmyeah that too07:52
solcathe current keyboard is just a demo07:52
solcasoon there wil be more keyboards07:52
zakkmawesomee :)07:52
zakkmwait is Cupcake official?07:53
zakkmi thought it was like a fork07:53
solcaI'm pretty sure there will be many apps for Android, and for that matters for NITdroid07:53
jakemaheuthe changes were originally a fork, then merged into the main tree07:53
zakkmso its a fork.. that google just accepted and made it official?07:53
solcazakkm: when Google released Android 1.0 the development continue internally07:54
solcathey have just released that work which is called Cupcake07:54
zakkmi like this07:54
zakkmwhens this so called power saving coming? :)07:54
solcaCupcake is not an official Android release07:54
solcabut now the Cupcake development is no longer internal to Google07:55
zakkmi dont get that part07:55
zakkmno longer internal to google/07:55
solcaright, the Cupcake development is public now07:56
solcaso anyone can contribute or use that source code07:56
zakkmso progress is going to be really fast?07:56
solcazakkm: sure07:56
solcait is progressing very fast07:57
zakkmdo you use git07:57
solcagit is needed to fetch the source code07:57
zakkmsounds like nitdroid should have a blog.07:57
zakkmi know but i meant like07:57
zakkmdo you go by "stable" or do you get git.. and use it07:57
solcaand for keeping up to date with upstream development07:57
zakkmor nitdroid releases07:57
zakkmi know what git is ;p i just wondering if you use it for nitdroid07:58
solcano, right now I just keep patches (diffs) against Android git07:58
zakkmget git, run patches and then make a .tar.gz for rootfs?07:59
zakkmsorry i ask many questions07:59
solcait's not that simple, a release carries a log of work (compiling, fixing, permissions, etc)08:00
zakkmsounds so awesome :)08:01
zakkmi so believe this can beat maemo08:01
solcazakkm: do you use the gesture blocking?08:03
zakkmwhats that?08:03
solcait works for you?08:03
zakkmim not aware what it is08:03
solcago to settings/security/change unlock pattern08:04
zakkmi use that08:04
zakkmworks perfectly08:04
solcahave you installed extra apps?08:05
zakkmi want to though08:05
zakkmwhats the point of that08:07
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solcathat's a nice app08:08
zakkmirc only by the looks of it'08:08
zakkmi need aim/msn and all08:09
solcabut I can't install it, I wanna know if you can08:09
solcafor aim/msn there is meebo08:09
zakkmi cant boot out of mac for another few hours08:09
solcazakkm: can't you use the nitdroid browser?08:10
zakkmyou can install from browser?!?!?08:10
zakkmsorry im so new to android + nitdroid08:10
zakkmk im at the google codes page08:11
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zakkmparse error08:11
zakkmthere is a problem parsing the package08:12
solcaapp install from browser was broken one release ago08:12
solcayea, I get the same problem08:12
zakkmwait so it wasnt suppose to work?08:12
solcabut I was able to install meebo08:12
solcait is supposed to work but I don't know why that app will not install08:12
solcamaybe I'll mail the developers08:13
zakkmwhered you get meebo?08:13
zakkmsweet :)08:14
zakkmits installing08:15
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solcathere is opera mini browser08:16
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solcawill try it to see how it compares to the android browser...08:16
bigpigI would like to suspend my alarms for a couple weeks while I'm on vacation... but I don't want to have to reprogram them.08:17
zakkmomg this is so cool :)08:17
bigpigif I move /var/lib/alarmd/alarm_queue.xml , will the alarms start working after I copy it back?08:17
zakkmbigpig: should, if thats the right xml08:18
bigpigzakkm: I think it is.08:18
bigpigI just jumped in, who has android running so far?08:18
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zakkmi do ? :)08:19
zakkmon n80008:19
zakkmsolca is the port'er08:19
bigpigzakkm: how long have you had it running/08:19
zakkmfew hours?08:19
zakkmmaybe 5 hours?08:19
bigpigzakkm: stable?08:19
zakkmalot doesnt work08:19
zakkmbut yes ill say stable08:19
zakkmno sound, no camera, no battery meter08:19
zakkmwifi works perfect08:20
bigpigzakkm: ah...08:20
zakkmtheres alot that doesnt work .. but yes ill say its stable08:20
zakkmnot fully featured though08:20
zakkmbut this so beats maemo so much.. the way its at right now08:20
bigpigreally? that says alot.08:21
zakkmwell for one browser is instant08:21
zakkmim sorry but microb is sloww08:21
zakkmin maemo08:21
zakkmbrowser is so perfect08:21
zakkmits all just so perfect08:21
bigpigi wonder if Google Gears works?08:21
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zakkmprobably not08:21
bigpigshould work with Andriod, but maybe not in 'bastard' version.08:22
zakkmthe onboard keyboard sucks now too .. in my opinion08:22
zakkmbut im told thats soon to change08:22
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zakkmppl use adb08:24
zakkmso i dont know08:25
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jakemaheuno sshd08:27
jakemaheuadp has push functions08:27
infobotjakemaheu meant: adb has push functions08:27
zakkmjakemaheu: you can download apk from browser08:29
zakkmand it will use an app installer :P08:29
bigpigyummy! You guys have fun.08:29
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zakkmsolco: is it okay to leave it on for like 12 hrs? or will battery die?08:34
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Meiz_n810opera mini on android is not very useful08:50
jakemaheueff the video08:51
jakemaheustupid camera08:51
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jakemaheui'll be back08:53
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jakemaheuhello again09:01
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NanpamanHey again09:04
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* Stskeeps notes way too much android in backlog09:16
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Meiz_n810qwerty12: ping pong?09:22
Stskeepsmorn meiz09:23
Meiz_n810qwerty:s xcompmgr works in Mer :P09:24
Meiz_n810shadows and face-effects :P09:24
Meiz_n810so, omapfb is supporting these features?09:24
Meiz_n810btw, has johnx fixed the tslib yet?09:26
Stskeepsnot sure, just woke up09:27
JaffaMorning, all09:28
Stskeepssince builder is down i doubt it09:28
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johnxblah, Meiz, you left too early :P10:19
Stskeepshe's prolly busy with homework and stuff10:21
Stskeepswill just put up builder again10:21
johnxok, fixing tslib might actually be somewhat difficult if it's not a simple mistake on my part10:22
Stskeepshehe, we'll see i guess10:22
* Stskeeps might vanish suddenly today10:22
johnxwasted hours waiting at the doctor's office for a 10 minute check-up10:22
Stskeepsgf calling about her work permit application status so shouldn't wonder me if i have to take a bit care of her suddenly :P10:23
johnxfair enough :) 'tis the season for vanishing suddenly10:23
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johnxmmm...cup noodle10:30
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johnxnot really, but I'm trying to convince myself10:32
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lcukjakemaheu, i didnt want you to feel sorry for me, i wanted you to take over cookin bacon for me for a while \@/10:34
* Jaffa 's just had a bacon butty10:35
Jaffawith a nice hot cuppa: breakfast of kings.10:35
Jaffaand Jaffas10:35
* johnx chows down on reheated coffee and cup noodle 10:35
JaffaThat does NOT sound good.10:36
johnxbachelor food. :D my wife is out of town10:36
* Stskeeps wonders how many % of scratchbox he ends up rewriting.10:37
johnxend up with scratchbox 1.5?10:38
johnxor maybe stsbox?10:38
Stskeepsi mean. i finally got dpkg replaced yesterday10:38
Stskeepsand now it's a friggen 'readlink' problem..10:38
Stskeepsat least it's closer to a solution10:39
RST38hmoo again10:41
* Jaffa renews his LWN subscription whilst waiting for someone at work to reset his password so he can get in on the VPN10:41
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RST38hjohnx: exactly =)10:42
* Jaffa 's been following the NITdroid thread and Android development looks so much more pleasant10:42
RST38hJaffa <-- Java guy10:43
JaffaMostly. But mostly just a "I want nice tools and easy ways of getting running"10:43
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RST38hJaffa: There is no easy way to get running high performance apps on Android10:43
RST38hJaffa: And, in fact, if you try to ask about writing something like a video codec at the main Andrid googlegroups, you will be moderated away :)10:44
johnxRST38h, speaking of high performance, your gba emu is tantalizingly close to enjoyable10:44
* RST38h seen it happen - it usually goes like question -> minor flamewar with some indian guy persuading the victim that he does not NEED a codec -> moderation kicks in10:45
RST38hjohnx: yes, it is unusually fast on OMAP2. I wish it were this fast on an STMP37xx though...10:45
JaffaScratchbox just smells, architecturally. Not sure what could be better; apart from on-device compilation, which might be more realistic with a massive-storage OMAP3-based RX-5110:46
johnxRST38h, any chance of remappable hardware buttons?10:46
johnxJaffa, yeah, that's the problem: cross compiling sucks and no one has their app setup to cross compile sanely10:47
RST38hjohnx: possible but why?10:47
RST38hJaffa: Scratchbox is a piece of shit, indeed10:47
Jaffajohnx: it's a real hard problem10:47
RST38hGentlemen, it is not a hard problem10:47
johnxRST38h, I need to hold R and press B. R on + and L on - would be really nice10:47
RST38hNow, tying your project to autoconf makes it a hard problem10:48
RST38hjohnx: Oh that thing...You can do it easily10:48
* Jaffa suspects the Right Way (apart from on-device compilation) is a full-blown emulator to do the same, with some common FS point.10:48
RST38hjohnx: second alphanumeric keyboard row from the bottom is all mapped to B10:48
johnxRST38h, n80010:49
RST38hjohnx: Third row (QWERT...) is mapped to L R L R L R10:49
RST38hjohnx: Oh. No multitouch.10:49
StskeepsJaffa: emu + distcc isn't half bad10:49
RST38hjohnx: And you don't really want key remapping, youi want configurable touch areas?10:49
JaffaStskeeps: is that what you're using for mer?10:49
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johnxRST38h, no. I just want + to be R and - to be L10:50
johnxRST38h, the hardware zoom keys10:50
RST38hJaffa: The right way is not to search for the right way but do it as the rest of the platforms10:50
StskeepsJaffa: we used to but it's not always reliable. right now i'm making scratchbox more sane10:50
RST38hJaffa: I.e. a simple cross-compilation toolchain.10:50
Stskeepssb2 is a step in the right direction but oh so buggy10:50
RST38hYes, sb2 is much better10:50
RST38hNot very buggy to me, just unstable10:50
JaffaRST38h: you still get into a compatibility mess on your host OS10:51
RST38hJaffa: I do not10:51
RST38hJaffa: Not using autoconf. Using HOSTCC to compile intermediate binaries.10:51
RST38hjohnx: Mmm...Can't promise but will try to figure something out10:52
StskeepsJaffa: using sb is a breeze compared to compiling in-emu or on-device though.. 16 hour glib vs 15 min scratchbox10:52
johnxRST38h, that would be really awesome. also is there some hidden way to tweak frameskip. (that I don't care about too much.)10:52
Stskeepsi still support m-vo's post about scratchbox though10:53
Stskeepsbut sb2 just isn't sane enough10:53
JaffaStskeeps: that's why we need performant JIT-based emulators (for example, RPCemu has an ARM->x86(_64) dynarec) or super-fast devices :-)10:54
StskeepsJaffa: qemu binary emulator isn't perfect either.. :P10:54
Stskeepswith eabi support it's better10:54
RST38hjohnx: There is in gconf10:59
johnxRST38h, ah. I figured that you of all people would be the last person to use gconf. I didn't even bother looking in it :)10:59
rm_youi saw a stratagus port somewhere11:00
rm_youi thinik bundyo>11:00
johnxhey rm_you :D11:00
rm_youwow i manged that line11:00
rm_youi can't type like this >_<11:00
rm_youhey johnx11:00
johnxoh no! he has the mange11:00
johnxqwerty12, honestly. how do you come up with links that quick?11:01
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johnxdo you have some kind of magic copy+paste buffer?11:01
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qwerty12johnx, google for stratagus & internettablettalk :D11:01
johnxyeah, but I was just about to hit search as you were posting that11:01
qwerty12heh :D11:02
rm_youyeah i saw a garage page but no files11:02
qwerty12I'm more pissed off at my beneath a steel sky save getting corrupted :(11:02
qwerty12Playing it till 1am, try loading up my save and scummvm segfaults on me :@11:03
Norrit_Anybody having graphic problems with new diablo release and QT?11:05
RST38hjohnx: I use whatever the platform offers11:05
rm_youqwerty12: you should send people these:
RST38hjohnx: Windows version uses the registry11:05
qwerty12rm_you, yeah, I saw that one :D11:06
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Norrit_...apparently not...11:12
johnxNorrit_, haven't tried qt yet. I don't think many people have11:12
johnxMeiz, get back here! :/11:13
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Norrit_Yeah...I suppose so...I may have to try to figure something out or go to the project's forum...11:15
johnxNorrit_, what kind of problems are you seeing? can you get a screenshot?11:15
RST38h <----- hehehehe11:17
RST38hSomebody should start making community releases of Modest11:17
Norrit_now to dinner...I'll explane after that...11:18
RST38hThere is no way maintainers will ever fix all these bugs by themselves11:18
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Jaffa is my newly raised modest bug11:22
qwerty12They should dedicate an entire bugzilla to modest11:22
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johnxhaha! someone is doing my work for me. xf86-input-tslib is in launchpad for ubuntu11:30
RST38hJaffa: This actually looks minor...11:31
RST38h(I mean compared to other gaping holes in Modest :))11:31
JaffaI also hate the fact I can't choose the font in the composition window, so I can't get a 72-character non-Courier view.11:32
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Stskeepsjohnx: yay for upstream11:39
johnxexcept it's not compatible with their x server changes11:39
johnxstab stab stab11:39
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Norrit_johnx: well...hard to explain exactly but generally some graphics are missing...for example window sliders.11:47
Norrit_johnx: window was maybe a bad word...but slider generally...not allways though...11:47
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Stskeepsmer devkit now with .. coreutils updated12:05
* johnx trawls the mailing lists for mention of what to do about xf86GetMotionEvents being dropped from InitValuatorClassDeviceStruct12:06
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gnutonHi there12:12
X-FadeHi gnuton12:12
gnutonHello X-Fade ! :D12:13
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Stskeepswb w00t_12:13
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johnxX is big12:20
johnxit's a miracle that anyone new dives in and starts hacking on it12:21
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Stskeepsused to be worse12:23
johnxyeah. that's a scary thought12:23
johnxI remember compiling xfree86 3.3.x on a k6 @ 250MHz12:23
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johnxhuh...well there's the fix I need. wonder why it interacts badly with the button-release fix12:26
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Stskeepsthere's nothing like xmas cleaning when you have dust allergy12:32
* Stskeeps is officially going to be a bit doped on meds the next days12:33
johnxyeah, dust is no fun12:33
johnxis the builder up?12:35
Stskeepsyeah, should work12:36
Stskeepsi havent switched it to the sb one yet12:36
Stskeepsi've made sb behave so much that it's possible to take a buildd rootstrap and use that12:36
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johnxhot sauce12:37
Stskeepsinstead of providing a all-bells-and-whistles rootstrap12:37
Stskeepsok, 21.2k hits on nitdroid12:38
Stskeepsthat's vaguely insane12:38
johnxit *would* be neat to have a davlik runtime that worked inside X1112:39
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* johnx closes off half of his apartment in a vain effort to keep the cold out12:41
Stskeepsmm. thats why i like my office. its so sealed off that my servers keep it warm12:44
johnxI just have the one machine hanging off a 200w power supply...but I also have a 1.x kw space heater under my desk :D12:45
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Stskeepswb solca13:12
solcahi Stskeeps13:12
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qwerty12Jaffa, heh, idiots...13:12
johnxso you think they just harvest that automatically? wonder if they check for escape characters when parsing...13:13
Stskeepssolca: how's the nitchooser/selector/whatever going?13:14
Stskeepssolca: and impressive on the 21.2k hits on the nitdroid thread :)13:14
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StskeepsJaffa: they are not even trying now are they? :P13:15
solcaStskeeps: selector is fine, I was able to boot to Mer without probs13:15
solcaI'm using bionic libc13:16
solcastill dont have the GUI working13:16
Stskeepshow big is it size-wise?13:16
JaffaStskeeps: it's almost like a Phisher Price "My first scam" :)13:16
solcaso for my smallest kernel is 1.3MB + ~ 200K for the minimal userspace13:17
solcaI dunno about the GUI13:17
JaffaQuick question: is NITdroid actually usable/useful atm?13:17
* Jaffa trying to persuade himself to have a play ;-)13:17
Stskeepssolca: gui is of secondary importance i guess13:18
solcaJaffa: not ready for everyday use, but closer...13:18
solcaStskeeps: probably, but without GUI is not very fun :P13:18
Stskeepssolca: how's hw support of the newer kernels? anything that doesn't work?13:18
Jaffasolca: what are the big gaps?13:19
Stskeepssolca: well, gui as in text mode ui is possible too13:19
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Stskeepsmorning lardman13:19
solcaStskeeps: doesnt work: cpufreq, camera, sound on n80013:20
qwerty12camera isn't a big loss but the tosser who removed the n800 mixer driver should be nuked13:20
Stskeepssolca: k, i guess sound is DSP stuff?13:20
Stskeepscpufreq sounds a bit serious..13:21
solcaStskeeps: DSP is apart, core sound for N800 has to be ported to new ALSA SoC API13:21
solcacpufreq is serious13:21
johnxso what's it stuck at 320MHz or 400MHz?13:22
solcaat least dynamic ticks (CONFIG_NO_HZ) is working nicely13:22
solcajohnx: 320MHz if I remember right13:22
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Stskeepssolca: if we were to make "initfs" images with binary blobs in, what things would you need?13:23
Stskeepsretutime, wifi firmware, bluetooth firmware?13:23
solcadsme, battery stuff (bmx?)13:23
solcajust what it is used by NITboot13:24
solcaplus the bluetooth/wifi firmwares13:24
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Stskeepssolca: might be of interest13:25
Stskeepsbtw, android SDK license is mean13:25
solcathe good thing is with power management in newer kernels is that dymamic ticks and sleep while idle works13:25
solcaI just need a few patches to shut up the serial clocks13:26
solcaStskeeps: will take a look13:26
Stskeeps"3.5 You agree that the form and nature of the SDK that Google provides may change without prior notice to you and that future versions of the SDK may be incompatible with applications developed on previous versions of the SDK. You agree that Google may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the SDK (or any features within the SDK) to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. "13:26
JaffaStskeeps: just a formalisation of what Nokia could do to Maemo13:26
Stskeepsyeah, true13:27
johnxreally just a CYA. it's kind of common sense that software might change...13:27
JaffaYeah, I wouldn't read too much in to it13:27
solcaStskeeps: where do you get that?13:27
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* Jaffa thinks Android on RX-51 could be *really* exciting13:27
JaffaFaster hardware, better 3D drivers, built-in connectivity.13:28
Stskeeps"(D) Google decides to no longer providing the SDK or certain parts of the SDK to users in the country in which you are resident or from which you use the service, or the provision of the SDK or certain SDK services to you by Google is, in Google's sole discretion, no longer commercially viable" termination clause is funny too13:28
JaffaOf course, I'm also excited about fremantle, so roll on the beta programme13:28
Stskeepsso suddenly you can't develop for it anymore13:28
solcaStskeeps: that is the SDK13:28
Stskeepsstill, it's needed to develop for android sanely, isn't it?13:29
solcaI dont care about the SDK but the Android components which are Apache licensed13:29
solcaApache is more liberal than the GPL13:29
JaffaHow different is NITdroid from a commercial Android-based device like the G1?13:29
Stskeepssolca: yeah, i'm not a gnubie :P i was more talking from developer POV, not the OS components13:30
solcaStskeeps: I was reading the "firmware image distribution" page, does that means that every user needs to download the proprietary stuff individually?13:30
johnxStskeeps, have you been able to boot Mer after the 43-7 SSU?13:31
Stskeepsjohnx: didn't get SSU yet, just some parts13:31
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johnxI assume you don't have the kernel yet?13:31
solcaStskeeps: for a developer it doesnt matter much as long as his programs are not derived works of the SDK13:31
solcaJaffa: NITdroid is softare and the G1 is hardware13:32
solcaJaffa: but the NIT can be compared to the G113:32
JaffaI meant the s/w which ships with the G113:32
Stskeepssolca: re the firmware it would be a way to say "i have this tar.gz with my distribution or whatever, please include the closed source bits in here, and distribute it through license agreeing"13:32
Stskeepsso it would appear as a full image13:32
solcaJaffa: the G1 requires cryptograpically signed userspace and the NITs dont13:33
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Jaffasolca: Sorry, I meant is it as sparse as if you took the open bits of Maemo, or is it a polished (from a user point of view) system13:33
solcaStskeeps: I think the distributions terms are not that useful as I read it13:34
* Jaffa should just try it13:34
solca"The resulting firmware images would only be downloadable through providing a valid MAC address for a Nokia Internet Tablet product and agreeing to a license covering the user's use of the firmware image, just like"13:37
Stskeepssolca: well, in best case we'll have a generic image which is nitchooser13:37
Stskeepscovering kernel and initfs13:37
Stskeepswith the blobs in it13:38
lardmanbelated hello all13:38
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Stskeepssolca: and the problem is that otherwise we can't distribute wifi firmware, stlc45xx-cal, etc without a non-free agreement13:38
Stskeepsworld isn't that easy (sadly) :P13:38
Jaffalo lardman13:38
Jaffalardman: any feedback on the debmaster questions?13:39
Stskeepsbut what it -could- do is, you can either provide your own image without the properitary bits, -or- if people want, download one with the blobs embedded13:39
Jaffalardman: consider this an additional poke ;-)13:39
solcaStskeeps: I don't get it: how can the blobs be in it if every user have to provide its MAC and download the components himself13:39
lardmanJaffa: haven't looked, will see if I can find your email13:39
solcaStskeeps: we should file a bug report so newer propriertary blobs get included in new initfs versions13:40
Stskeepssolca: idea is.. distributions provide build script that assembles distribution on server. build script provides result online behind a EULA13:40
solcaat least that way we can use it without caring about ppl downloading stuff13:40
Jaffalardman: I can repoke it, or just log in to Google Docs and it should show up13:40
lardmanok, hang on a tick13:41
Stskeepssolca: -but-, if that isn't an option for you, then we would have a build script that makes a FIASCO flashable image with kernel, and an initfs with chooser+kexec+the closed bits13:41
Stskeepsand people could download those and flash with13:41
solcaStskeeps: really, that would be awesome!13:42
Stskeepssolca: and that's what we're trying to work towards13:42
Stskeepsand in slow talks with nokia about13:43
Stskeeps(read the thread the wiki points to)13:43
solcacool, so all it needs is a script that runs on its servers and assembles the FIASCO image?13:43
Stskeepsyeah. ideally. but of course there's a bit of discussion to be done before this can happen :)13:44
solcaStskeeps: ok, ping me if necessary, I'll try to have something usable so we can test various distros with the selector13:45
solcahopefully this week13:45
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Stskeepswe need to figure out a way to boot "normal maemo" with it too13:45
solcabut I can't promise anything as the Christmas holidays are in effect!! :P13:45
Stskeepshehe, same13:45
solcawow I must be sleeping btw, (5:46AM here)13:46
solcaStskeeps: I boot normal maemo without problems13:47
solcaStskeeps: in fact next NITdroid version will have a 'Boot to Maemo' in its power menu13:47
solcausing kexec13:47
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Stskeepsbut you go through initfs or that is kept free of chooser?13:51
solcathe selector/chooser as nitdroid don't depend on initfs' linuxrc13:53
solcafor kexecing maemo what it is needed is the maemo kernel13:53
solcawhich is in the rootfs13:53
solcaif there were no maemo kernel there all this thing cant be done13:54
Stskeepsi wonder..13:54
Stskeepsis initfs represented in rootfs?13:54
Stskeepswell it does flash it..13:55
Stskeepsfunny, initfs-flasher does have it in package but it removes it again13:56
solcafor booting maemo both initfs and rootfs are needed, you load the kernel (which luckily is) in the maemo rootfs, point the root= argument as the initfs partition and kexec13:58
solcaand that it13:58
solcayou have maemo booting13:58
solcaStskeeps: ohh and for Mer the same is needed, a kernel in your partition unless you will use the normal maemo one13:59
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solcaot the selector one13:59
Stskeepshave you thought any about rescue stuff yet?14:00
Stskeepsand yeah, we would probably have a kernel in our partition14:00
Stskeepshow stripped is the kernel?14:00
solcarescue is not needed IMO as the selector is selfcontained14:01
solcathe selector kernel is very stripped14:01
Stskeepsso it has stuff like ext2, ext3, jffs?14:01
solcait must have all the needed/possible filesystems14:02
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solcabut fancy stuff like dsp,sound,useless stuff... no14:02
Stskeepsi wonder how we could do "easy recovery"14:02
solcawhat you mean by easy recovery?14:03
Stskeepswell - the idea is being able to interface with your tablet when your boot options are exhausted14:03
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Stskeepssuch as telnet in, access through usb ethernet, whatever14:04
Stskeepsi guess it could technically be a file on a sd card14:04
solcaStskeeps: or a file in the initfs14:04
Stskeepsmm, maybe too big for that if it needs extra stuff?14:04
solcaprobably, the kernel components are very small, the userspace is the problem14:05
Stskeepscould it technically have space enough to mount a fat fs on mmc and mount it loopback?14:06
solcaI'll give it a try this days, all depends in my ability to compile the needed binaries using my own "scratchbox"14:06
Stskeepsi'm trying to get a scratchbox sdk going, always fun :P14:06
solcayea, it could mount a file loopback14:07
Stskeepsis usb stuff disabled?14:07
solcaright now yes14:08
solcaI disabled everything not needed14:08
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solcabut I can reduce size further using SLOB instead of SLUB/SLAB and other tricks14:09
Stskeepsbut can stuff be loaded through .kos still or?14:09
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Stskeepslets say usb stuff :P14:09
solca.kos = loadable kernel objects ?14:10
solcaas I said the kernel part doesnt worry me, its the userspace part14:10
Stskeepshmm, can you pass a initrd from a fs or does kernel do that, when kexec?14:11
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solcainitrd must be passed by the bootloader14:12
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solcainitramfs is embedded with the kernel image14:12
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solcaso it doesnt need the bootloader14:12
Stskeepsyeah, but im wondering since the kernel is actually the bootloader in this case :)14:12
Stskeepsi'm just pondering to put a kernel and a initrd on a mmc fatfs and kexec it14:12
solcayea its possible except for the selector kernel14:13
solcawhich is execed by the real bootloader14:13
solcathe rescue can be a completely different kernel and initrd14:14
solcaor better can be just a new initrd14:14
solcaand reusing the same running kernel14:15
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Stskeepsso we can make quite a versatile rescue menu that way then14:16
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solcayea with that your idea about a initrd on any possible media everything is possible, we just have to stick to a convention14:17
timelE61iDoes your rescue speak italian?14:17
solcafor the rescue menu14:17
StskeepstimelE61i: hey, it just might.14:17
timelE61iAnd russian?14:18
solcatimelE61i: yes it could!!14:18
timelE61iWho's your target audience?14:18
StskeepstimelE61i: console fonts are a good thing14:18
timelE61iSolca: all things are possible, some just won't be done on time14:18
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solcatimelE61i: don't worry, there's more time than life :P14:19
StskeepstimelE61i: we're not asking nokia to do it, if that's what you're thinking :P14:19
timelE61iStskeeps: seriously, do you have a decent way to let the user pick their language?14:19
timelE61iAnd how much space does supporting them all cost?14:20
solcatimelE61i: compressed strings dont cost a lot14:20
timelE61iAnd no, i didn't think you were foolish enough to ask nokia to do it14:20
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timelE61iSolca: i see internals complaining about string size, but i'm more worried about UE than space14:21
StskeepstimelE61i: yes, it's reasonably possible to do it14:21
qwerty12_N800Do you really need translations for: "1. Mer", "2. Maemo", "3. Nitdroid"?14:21
timelE61iYou're in console mode, right?14:21
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: rescue mode14:21
StskeepstimelE61i: or a full framebuffer, depending on perspective14:21
solcaqwerty12_N800: selector and rescue mode just have a small strings AFAICS14:22
timelE61iWell, how many rows do you have?14:22
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, my bad, i thought this was the selector discussion14:22
timelE61iAnd how many languages14:22
timelE61iOn my e61i? Hrm...14:23
Stskeepswell you never know with nokia phones.. :P14:23
timelE61i"url in clipboard"14:23
* timelE61i launches skyfire14:23
StskeepstimelE61i: the idea is to provide a way out when maemo/whatever nukes itself.14:23
Stskeepsthat doesn't involve reflashing completely14:24
timelE61ierr, one youtube url at a time?14:24
Stskeepssame youtube video, mobile edition14:24
* timelE61i waits for skyfire to launch14:24
qwerty12_N800^^ ;)14:24
timelE61ioh, skyfire can handle desktop youtube14:25
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StskeepstimelE61i: the rescue menu is also a way to design PC-side tool that can aid users in rescuing their data.14:25
X-FadeStskeeps: One tip: manual lens focus ;)14:25
solcaok, gotto go, see ya!...14:25
StskeepsX-Fade: .. first youtube video14:25
Stskeepscya solca14:25
Stskeepsand often a simple "Please dump my documents to a MMC" will do the trick.14:26
timelE61iHrm, skyfire might not be able to compete w/ irc?14:26
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* qwerty12_N800 hates adv-power's new charging pic14:27
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: anyway, what conclusion we reached was ability to have a mmc with a kernel and a initrd (cpio) on fat14:28
Stskeepsand that would be a recovery console14:28
qwerty12_N800Before it had a charging animation, like the original applet, but the new one just shows a static yellow/boring bolt14:28
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, ok14:28
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Stskeepssounds fair?14:29
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qwerty12_N800heh, i'm not likely to object to anything (knowing nothing about omap kernels past 2.6.21)14:30
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: and kernel would be kexec'ed :P14:30
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: well you know a lot about how to unfuck tablets ;)14:30
lcuktimelE61i, that skyfire demo, what spec system is it running on,14:30
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, :P14:30
lcukdoesnt matter, ive found a few more links14:32
timelE61iWhich demo?14:32
timelE61ii just use it14:32
lcukon your e61?14:33
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timelE61ii - yep14:33
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StskeepstimelE61i: the idea is to use community expertise to create pre-made solutions for solving problems. that means, it doesn't have to be one generic rescue menu. it can even be icons only.14:34
timelE61iOne more warning14:35
timelE61iNokia - Finland was stupid enough to try icon only for pcsuite14:35
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timelE61iThey picked a green check and a red x14:36
* qwerty12_N800 w00ts at his BASS save game loading fine in scummvm 0.11.0. f*ck 0.11.214:36
Stskeepsyeah, that icons mean different things to different cultures14:36
timelE61iToo bad, i'm told that in finnish, the meanings are basically reversed14:36
Stskeepsi know that part :P14:36
timelE61iThey didn't14:37
timelE61iAnd they live here14:37
lcuktimelE61i, is desktop youtube as fine as they show in different demos?14:37
* timelE61i bangs head against nearest wall14:37
Stskeepsand that's why it's good to have ethnographers on your team :P14:37
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timelE61ivarious lessons to be learned14:38
timelE61iI think i'd suggest "and that's why you should ask the people working on it if they see any problems"14:38
timelE61iAnd then perhaps, juist maybe, listen to their answers14:38
timelE61iOk, two packs of toilet paper (8rolls each) for 3.79 or one pack of toilet paper (16rolls) 7.5914:39
Stskeepsxmas coming up. lots of diaherra.14:40
timelE61iAnyone see a problem?14:40
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inztimel, you pay extra .01 for easier carrying14:41
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timelE61iAnd then the cashier rounds my credit card bill to 7.6014:42
Stskeepsthey're not allowed to do that here14:42
Stskeeps7.59 is literally dragged from your account :P14:42
* timelE61i would rather 7.5814:43
jaskakicking and screaming14:43
timelE61ianyway, inz: your country sucks14:44
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RST38h[whispering] Now, inz, is the good time to launch the missiles. Do you want his cooridnates?14:45
* timelE61i tries to remember if inz is in HEL14:46
timelE61inO, hel14:48
inztimel, more like TRE (but not exactly that either)14:48
timelE61iErr@ lame ime. HEL (airport code/region)14:49
Stskeepstampere? :P14:49
inztimle, oh sorry, Tampere is TMP in airport code14:49
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Stskeeps(kinda sweet airport code, too.)14:51
timelE61iCd $TMP14:51
inzFunny I got it wrong, it was only yesterday I removed the tag from our luggage14:53
Stskeepswooo. sane scratchbox. it gets from bare buildd debootstrap to apt-get build-dep hildon-desktop \o/14:53
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lcukim goin again, bbl14:54
Stskeepsjohnx: .. and ofcourse dpkg-buildpackage needs -d ;>14:55
johnxanyways, I'm out of my depth with x-x-i-tslib problems, but it seems to be maintained on lp for ubuntu, so I might wait a couple days and see if that guy makes a patch14:56
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olimplayer mplayer mms://
oliit works on a windows mplayer, but on maemo not15:12
oliand there is no error - just 'connecting...' message15:12
JaffaIt's using the win32 codecs, probably15:13
olibut it should at least connect to stream15:13
ShadowJK_the mplayer version on your desktop is probably newer than the one in maemo extras15:14
ShadowJK_a recent mplayer seems to play it completely without binary codecs15:14
RST38hHo ho ho15:16
ShadowJK_hm, it actually connects on tablet too15:16
oliShadowJK_: sorry, it says 'connected', but nothing more15:16
Stskeeps"fermantle"? :P15:16
johnxRST38h, looks like ubuntu mobile's layout15:17
johnxyou could really do that in fremantle with marquee-plugins and a new desktop-layout.conf I believe15:17
Stskeepsor even without :P15:17
RST38hjohnx: Or Fennec15:17
johnxs/fremantle/diablo actually/15:17
infobotjohnx meant: you could really do that in diablo actually with marquee-plugins and a new desktop-layout.conf I believe15:17
Stskeepsjohnx: he's interested in mer too btw15:17
RST38hjohnx: I am not sure I agree that this is a good idea though...15:17
Stskeepsprodded him some weeks ago15:17
johnxI'm working on a VGA screen layout. should be nice for the zaurus and wii :)15:18
Stskeepshildon-desktop-layout helps things a bit15:19
RST38hAnd all those HTCs and Nokia S60s...15:19
johnxnow a rant: it is pretty overwhelming digging into the desktop layout stuff with it's dozens of config files15:20
Stskeepsisnt it pretty covered in hildon-desktop-layout package?15:21
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aquatixhey all :)15:23
johnxhmm? define "covered"? there's a filler README in there and a file that specifices the default background15:23
johnxhi aquatix15:23
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Stskeepsjohnx: hmm15:24
johnxit's fine, I'm getting somewhere with it, just not fast15:24
Stskeepsthis one?
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johnxhas more files than the one on my system :/15:27
Stskeepsthat's hildon desktop layout (which i made at some point) to seperate h-d and layout15:27
Stskeepsthere might be more conf files though15:27
johnxyeah, I have h-d-l-alpha installed, says it's the latest version, but just has README.Debian and the background conf15:27
johnxanyways, don't worry, I was just ranting :)15:28
Stskeepsshould contain all confs, weird :P15:28
* GAN8001 shuffles tiredly off to work.15:31
Stskeepsmorning GA, and have a good work day15:32
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JaffaGAN8001: work?! :)15:33
GAN8001Jaffa, my days of lazy hippiedom are over (for the next couple weeks, anyway). ;)15:34
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GAN8001Pulling in just enough to get me through another semester.15:34
JaffaHeh, cool.15:34
Jaffaplus saving up for an RX-51 on (hopefully) discount15:34
GAN8001Hehe, well, THAT money I've had ready since the end of 2007. :P15:35
GAN8001I'm just glad I'm coming in towards the end of the Christmas rush (and it's a weak retail year).15:35
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JaffaGAN8001: lardman suggested some changes to the questions for applicants, I've integrated them.15:36
GAN8001I'll look at 'em at lunch.15:36
GAN8001Later all.15:36
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johnxhuh...great minds think alike? :D15:39
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Stskeepsand 87k on the "android installer" post O_o15:49
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lcukStskeeps, viral, and you dont help with mentioning it :P16:02
lcuki did something very odd last night16:03
lcuki wrote a native x11 program which ran on both devices16:03
Stskeepsthat's what x11 is for though :P16:03
lcukyeah, but performance on both platforms was lacking :P16:04
olilcuk: when you touch screen in 2 points only one value is reported, yep?16:04
lcukyes oli16:04
oliso liqbase detects multitouching when this points moves too fast ? (touching screen in 2nd point)16:05
olii was wondering about it ;)16:05
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lcukyes oli, its multitouch in 4d16:06
lcuktake the initial fixed static point, then detect if latws of physics have been broken (jumped beyond a radius within a timeframe) and take it that you placed a second finger16:07
olibut you cannot move the first point16:08
lcukit fails hard if you expect true multitouch though because without the fixed thumb frame of reference it cant tell where its meant to be16:08
olii think it would work well in canola /photos/16:08
lcuktheres a few things  needed from the first algo i put in place, but yeah it does work reasonably well (never ever going to be 100% perfect16:09
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lcukif you are gonna play with the algo before i push my next release you should ensure that your estimate of location for each finger doesnt move more than a real finger should do (this was the edge cases I mention when first talking about it)16:10
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lcukoli, i wanted to use it for rotation as well as scaling but couldnt get a fast enough full resoltuion bitmap rotator in the time i alloted16:13
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Stskeepsjohnx:  dpkg-genchanges  >../hildon-desktop_2.0.19-1mer10_armel.changes16:29
Stskeeps, woo16:29
johnxah, it builds?16:30
johnxwell that's awesome!16:30
Stskeepssdk working16:30
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Stskeepsnow let's see if i can package it up for consumption..16:33
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: going to be on your comp during today?16:35
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qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, in ~90 mins16:36
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Stskeepsi'll update directions and have a deb ready with mer devkit then16:37
Stskeepsmer devkit might even be useful in maemo, heh16:37
Stskeepsupdated coreutils, dpkg16:37
qwerty12_N800updated coreutils is good, maemo's cp in sbox is old ass16:37
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Stskeepsoh boy16:48
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andradei've received the following error when trying to compile a c code16:51
andradesbox-arm-linux-gcc: pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 hildon-1: No such file or directory16:51
andradei didn't find anything on google :)16:51
Stskeepsjohnx: if interested16:52
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mib_vxt727Hi, I can't recall luarvique's nick - are you around?16:53
andradeanyone have experienced the same error before?16:53
Stskeepsandrade: that kinda looks like screwed up build script :P16:53
qwerty12_N800mib_vxt727, you mean RST38h?16:53
Stskeepsor remembering `s16:53
mib_vxt727qwerty12_N800: ah, could be16:54
mib_vxt727the guy that reported
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qwerty12_N800mib_vxt727, yeah, that is RST38h :)16:54
andradeStskeeps: pvt, please :)16:54
Stskeepsandrade: no, sorry, in the middle of something. you -probably- forgot to have `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 hildon-1` (remember the `'s)16:55
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andradegcc -o flyerframework flyerframework.c 'pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 hildon-1' -ansi -Wall 'pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 hildon-1'16:56
Stskeeps` not '16:56
Stskeeps` means something different from ', so16:56
qwerty12_N800` will use the output from a command which is what you need16:57
Stskeepsok, so, sdk sane, .. next up, builder16:57
andradenow its working... thanks16:58
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Stskeeps.. was that qgil or? :P17:00
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aquatixhi MIA17:03
aquatixKhertan_n810: you here?17:03
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MIAdoes anyone know how to test if  maemo-mapper will warn (sound - flite) that i'm approaching a POI (speed-camera) ?17:08
MIAthe config looks ok, the real test could be tricky :)17:08
qwerty12_N800do 120 on the motorway17:08
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MIAok, i see. this should trigger the speed restriction warning, right?17:09
qwerty12_N800heh, I was joking :)17:10
MIAi was not17:10
MIAyou might have a point there, intended or not :)17:10
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lcukworst thing about gps POI detection (especially cameras) is that its lane based, i am starting to ignore lots of camera warnings because they are for roads nearby where i am travelling17:12
lcukthat its not lane based ^17:13
qwerty12_N800annoying that snoopers were made illegal :)17:13
MIAnot where I am17:13
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lcukeven more annoying that you know all the tricks yet you cant legally drive :P17:14
MIAhowever, a radar just over the hill cannot be detected in time17:14
qwerty12_N800hehe, here in the UK they are :(17:14
lcukmy car has protection against this anyway, it cant climb a hill faster than 20mph17:14
qwerty12_N800lcuk, :P, I went to Maplin a lot :D17:14
MIAok then, i'll see what happens tommorow in the real world. got all the speedcamera POI's up2date17:15
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t_s_owell ill be... a response to a modest bug :P17:17
MIAlcuk, your the one writing liqbase?17:17
MIAyou're ^^17:17
qwerty12_N800t_s_o, quick! get the reporters around!17:17
t_s_ohmm, i think i should yank the cards out of my N800 and see how much of a impact on battery drain it has...17:18
t_s_oqwerty12_N800: i was more thinking about printing it out and nailing it to a wall ;)17:18
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zakkmsolco: you here?17:42
zakkm /s/solco/solca17:43
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infobotmer is, like, and
Stskeepsqwerty12: updated17:56
lir1what are the improvements in connectivity and applications which the Os2008 Feature Upgrade provides? it's a 19mb download17:56
qwerty12Stskeeps, nice, reading now :)17:56
Stskeepslir1: X, for instance. and less crap modest17:56
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Stskeepsqwerty12: changed rootstrap url17:57
qwerty12Heh, yeah, I'm deleting my old target :)17:57
lir1Stskeeps: is there a more detailed list somewhere?17:57
andre__lir1, and more17:57
andre__anybody else suddenly seeing 5.2008.43-7's Modest putting the sig at the bottom instead of the top in the composer?17:59
timelessyou mean it's behaving correctly?17:59
timelessis that a crime?17:59
X-Fadeandre__: As it is supposed to? :)17:59
timelessi mean, expected behavior from nokia is unusual, but is it really criminal?18:00
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qwerty12Stskeeps, installed :-)18:01
Stskeepsqwerty12: woo18:02
Stskeepsqwerty12: the big question is if it works obviously :P18:02
Stskeepsfakeroot apt-get update; fakeroot apt-get build-dep something always helps tell if it wdoes18:02
qwerty12It would help if I had a deb-src line for the ubuntu repo :P18:04
Stskeepshmm, forgot that it seems18:04
Stskeepsapt-get build-dep hildon-desktop :P18:04
qwerty12hehe, I'm probably downloading mer mini looking at the packages it wants me to install :P18:05
Stskeepsprobably :P18:05
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qwerty12Everything is unpacking fine18:06
qwerty12Seemingly setting up fine too18:06
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Stskeepsas a scratchbox first? ;P18:07
qwerty12and we're done18:07
qwerty12But diablo_armel calls me back, I need scummvm 0.12 with mpeg4 :P18:08
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Stskeepsapt-get source hildon-desktop, and then dpkg-buildpackage -d -rfakeroot (non -d will be fixed eventually)18:08
Stskeepshehe, o18:08
qwerty12I can do the hildon desktop thing, before I return back18:09
Stskeepsjust want to verify it actually works so i can have xmas in peace :P18:09
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* ShadowJK_ whips stskeeps18:10
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ShadowJK_you'll spend christmas coding, and you know it! :P18:10
ShadowJK_I think it's a sign of old age really, when you no longer think of xmas as nice slot of empty time you can fill with hacking on stuff18:11
Stskeepswell. gfs parents are visiting as well18:12
pupnik_  Website devoted to Princess Leia's metal bikini18:12
Stskeepsgod, i hate ports.ubuntu.com18:13
Stskeepsit's so dead slow18:13
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Stskeepsor the internet is just acting weird18:13
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qwerty12Stskeeps, in /scratchbox/devkits/mer/bin/dpkg-checkbuilddeps, comment #use strict and  you don't have to use -d flag18:17
qwerty12You get some warning but deps are shown properly18:17
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andre___timeless, X-Fade, yes, "as it is supposed to". but it's against nokia's specs for modest ;-) but don't imply that i don't like the new behaviour... :)18:21
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jakemaheumorning all18:28
jakemaheuwhere does maemo xchat put logs?18:29
qwerty12/home/user/.xchat - look around in there18:29
jakemaheucan it be changed?18:30
andre___.xchat2 actually, but yeah18:30
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qwerty12if you recompile it; it seems18:31
jakemaheuthat feature should be added18:31
andre___don't think you can change - xchat.conf doesn't offer a value for this it seems18:31
andre___complain to upstream xchat18:31
jakemaheu(I set my logger to log 90000 lines)18:32
Stskeepsqwerty12: upped dfix18:32
Stskeepsof the devkit18:32
jakemaheuwould a symlink work?18:32
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qwerty12Stskeeps, cool, I hope you don't mind if I don't download the devkit again as I've already fixed it myself :P18:32
andre___jakemaheu, don't know, didn't write the software - try it. :)18:33
Stskeepshehe, its fine18:33
jakemaheumakin breakfast18:34
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zakkmjakemaheu: may i pm you?18:35
jakemaheugo ahead18:36
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Stskeeps~curse ports.ubuntu.com18:53
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infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, !18:53
qwerty12works fine here18:54
Stskeepsi dunno wtf's with my uni connection18:54
qwerty12if you were referring to that :)18:54
qwerty12hi woglinde18:54
woglindehm newest diablo is fine with wpa2 and eduroam18:55
woglindeneeded only o import the cert18:55
pupnik_Casio goes insane with 2-inch, 960 x 540 pixel LCD
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jaskai want that res scaled to 24" desktop panel :D19:00
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t_s_oand any kind of pixel based ui will look like a postage stamp on those displays...19:01
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zakkmsuch high reas19:01
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* Stskeeps yawns19:28
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Stskeepslo born2wonder19:51
born2wonderready to test here :-)19:51
Stskeepsi'm perfecting SDK :P19:51
born2wonderhaha, dream coming closer and closer19:52
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Stskeepswell SDK works, scaringily19:53
born2wondershould i set up a scratchbox compiling environment? and if yes, are there some systematic redundent things that have to be done, that even a noob in compiling can take care of?19:53
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Stskeepsif you'd like to - you know how to install diablo SDK?19:54
born2wonderi can google it, im sure ill be able to19:54
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born2wonderyah, looks pretty simply using ubuntu19:55
Stskeeps is guide for mer SDK (for cross-compilation, not for xephyr and friends)19:55
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born2wonderi am on it, thnx19:56
Stskeepsyou need diablo SDK first probably19:56
Stskeepsit adds some nice things19:56
born2wonderyah i will start with that as stated at the beginning of the instructions19:56
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Stskeeps'lo b-man20:05
b-mani'm having truble with zenity...20:05
Stskeepshehe, like?20:06
b-manwhen i try to select a partition from a list, $? doesn't register it so i can't set a variable20:07
Stskeepswell it first registers when it returns, or it prints out the selection20:07
Stskeeps$? is between 0..255 so :P20:08
b-manprints it20:08
b-mane.g. mmcblk1p120:08
Stskeepsfine, then MMC=`zenity --whatever`20:08
Stskeepsthen MMC has it20:08
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b-manthanks, i'll try that20:09
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* lcuk drops an ACME safe on b-man20:11
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qwerty12 0_o (from
qwerty12Looking at how much of maemo they've ripped off, I think I'll call that Mer instead :P20:13
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Stskeepsexcept that isn't community based :P20:14
Stskeeps.. :P20:14
qwerty12hehe, they've done a brilliant job. I'd rate them except for the fact that they've stole open source apps too and rebranded them :P20:14
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Stskeepsin honesty it's not directly difficult to get to that point20:15
b-manSweet!!, no more zenity problems! :D *gets back to typing code*20:15
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Mouseywow, too bad no hardware keyb20:18
Stskeepsit's managable :P20:18
qwerty12Spoken like a true N800 user :P20:19
lcukthat chinese n805 looks wicked20:20
qwerty12I like the look of the media player20:20
Stskeepsany youtube videos out? :P20:20
Stskeepsbesides that, the same company got raided at cebit :P20:21
Stskeepsfor patent violations20:21
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lcukwhats the best, simplest linux graphics library that should handle liqbase type stuff?20:21
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lcukdont worry about maemo performance for now, if i was going to start a new project what would you recommend i use20:22
X-Fadelcuk: cairo / clutter?20:22
lcukill try it20:22
lcukclutter looks nice, i was playing last night20:23
b-manclutter uses GL.. i think20:23
lcukclutter has bindings for multiple toolkits, i cant decide yet whether it is because it reproduces the toolkit rendering in clutter, or because clutter sits inside those20:24
lcukrendering in opengl ^20:24
lcuk:) im gonna have some time over xmas to forge a path :)20:24
X-Fadelcuk: clutter over xv? :)20:25
lcukwell x-fade, i am personally in need of a decent core widget class and i have considered 2d clutter on 8x020:25
Stskeepsthat'd be interesting though :P20:25
lcukie write once in clutter and build for 8x0/90020:26
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lcukoooh tea ready bbl, but x-fade it would be great to do that wouldnt it!20:27
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X-Fadelcuk: Oh hell yeah ;)20:28
zakkmthat screenshot.. what was it of?20:31
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* lardman thinks his mex file is not very well optimised - 1059.8s for MEX vs 52.61 for plain MATLAB20:41
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RST38hmoo all20:48
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Stskeepsmoo, RST38h20:57
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* Stskeeps ponders how to deal with the x86 port of mer.21:23
Stskeepssdk wise21:23
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Stskeepsi mean, .. anyone sane would just use pbuilder or something21:23
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Stskeepsevening yerga21:26
yergahi Stskeeps21:26
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Stskeepsevening Meiz_n810 as well21:27
Meiz_n810johnx: tslib yet? :P21:29
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Stskeepsthink he was looking after you earlier21:29
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Meiz_n810i'll try if it's fixed21:30
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slonopotamusi've got a crazy idea21:38
lcukslonopotamus, those are illegal in certain countries21:39
slonopotamusi can compile gentoo from scratch on tablet21:39
slonopotamuslcuk, :)21:39
Stskeepsslonopotamus: yes, that's reasonably insane21:40
slonopotamuscrosscompiling sucks. existing oabi image sucks (i didn't find any evidence it can be transformed into eabi one)21:40
t_s_oseems its those cheap SD cards im using that causes the drain. removed them and im looking at maybe .5% in an hour...21:41
slonopotamusStskeeps, hehe. need crazy ideas - just ask me ;)21:41
lcukslonopotamus, i also strongly dislike cross compilation :) i build liqbase entirely on device21:41
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slonopotamuslcuk, i built cross image. something in it even works ;)21:42
Stskeepsslonopotamus: it isn't impossible but have you considered doing it in qemu arm instead?21:42
slonopotamuslcuk, bash doesn't :(21:42
slonopotamusStskeeks, that broken emulator? no, thanks.21:43
lcukwe need to stop looking at ways to get round on-device compilation and look at exotic overclocking methods to make ondevice feasible ;)21:43
lcuk*within our lifetimes anyway21:43
slonopotamusi don't understand why everyone is so scared with onn-device compilation21:43
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lcuknor do i - the worst thing that really upsets me about modern devs is that nowadays we have 100x the power we used to have and still they find other more complicated ways21:45
lcuki used to build everything on my 7.14mhz amiga21:45
lcukand that was fast!21:45
slonopotamusare you from estonia/finland? ;)21:45
aquatixlcuk: sounds more like we have 1000x that nowadays :)21:46
slonopotamus;) just kidding21:46
* lcuk blames it on codebloat21:46
lcukand gcc21:46
aquatixgcc isn't optimal indeed21:46
aquatixintel compiler seems to be a lot better, but of course not Free, nor free21:46
lcukits the equivilent of liqbase vs a general graphics toolkit21:47
aquatixand non-cross-platform ;)21:47
aquatixheh, yeah21:47
lcukthat will be solved after xmas i hope21:47
* lcuk crosses fingers21:47
slonopotamushmm. intel? what intel? we're on arm21:47
lcukhave ti released an optimized free omap compiler toolchain?21:47
aquatixslonopotamus: ah, just stating the difference between certain compilers21:48
lcukbsd uses pcc doesnt it21:49
lcukbecause gcc is slow21:49
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lcukslonopotamus, the only thing that riles me personally about the toolchain for omap currently is that i cant run "./configure" on device properly21:50
slonopotamusi can ;)21:50
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lcukyou have fixed the nonsense, i mean without making drastic underlying system changes21:51
slonopotamusi just installed gnu packages to /usr/local21:52
slonopotamusgrep, findutils, coreutils, etc21:52
slonopotamusi don't think this is 'drastic'. whatever that means.21:52
lcukoooh, ty21:53
lcukapt gave me all sorts of warnings when i tried general install, im not very technical wrt linux :)21:53
slonopotamusdon't try to install core stuff ftom apt21:53
lcuknow i know theres a path ill find out more and follow it up when i have time21:54
derfI have to laugh at people who say gcc is slow.21:54
derfFor most packages, ./configure takes longer than the actual compilation.21:54
slonopotamusmaemo strongly depends on busybox21:54
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lcukderf, on a large fast system agreed, but on device where every cycle matters its a ballache21:54
slonopotamusbut /usr/local is my place. and ssystem packages are not allowed to die if i hack in /usr/local21:55
slonopotamusand, actually, they don't21:55
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slonopotamusi didn't hit any trouble with this config21:55
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lcukwell ill try over xmas and see where i get to21:56
StskeepsMeiz_fn-wont-wor: mm?21:56
Meiz_fn-wont-wori just too scrshot about h-i-m in mer21:56
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Stskeepsdoes it work? :P21:57
Meiz_fn-wont-wortslib not fixed yet21:57
Stskeepsupstream library so21:57
Meiz_fn-wont-worh-i-m works great21:57
Stskeepsi'm all up for seeing a screenshot21:57
Meiz_fn-wont-worit seems to come up with xchat only... not sure21:58
slonopotamuslcuk, debian has 'important' - packages, that must always be present and apps must not directly depend on them. simply install them byy hhand to /usr/local and all other packages will build using dpkg-buildpackage (maybe with some minor modifications)21:58
Meiz_fn-wont-wori'll scp the scrshot21:58
slonopotamuslcuk, this way appeared to be _more_ compatible with maemo than scratchbox.21:59
lcukslono :) excellent hint, ty its noted and ill look properly. its bugged me for a while cos i know actual compilation works21:59
slonopotamusi mean with maemo on device21:59
slonopotamusbecause it is actually on device21:59
slonopotamuswell... you get the point ;)22:00
slonopotamusmaybe i should blog on that topic... there are some ugly things22:00
lcukyeah the buildpackage i got to run in the past with extensive help from jott (we miss you!)22:00
lcukbut then i upgraded to diablo and lost the caps :'(22:00
slonopotamusi could help you, i think.22:01
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lcukit will be a while till i build a package and im gonna suss out scratchbox first which has it all in22:03
lcukand hopefully by the time i package anything again mer will be running ;)22:03
lcukty for offer though, no doubt ill ask random questions along the way22:03
lcukbut for now, its native default debian that i need to look at22:04
lcuktheres some clutter that needs sorting out :)22:04
slonopotamusactually i still can't understand why they chose busybox22:04
qwerty12_N800you can replace busybox stuff but it's a pita22:04
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lcuk99% of folks wouldnt care22:04
slonopotamuslcuk, size? don't have money for 1gb sd?22:05
qwerty12_N800hi rm_you22:05
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lcuknow, yes,  when it was started i doubt it22:05
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lcuki still use a 256mb stick that cost me tonnes22:05
lcukhiya rm,22:06
rm_you16gb costs like $30 now doesnt it?22:06
rm_yousup lcuk22:06
rm_youright, so buy one now :P22:06
lcukyou missed the start of the convo :P get back to cleaning the c-base floors22:06
lcukmmmm ive got a port on my x41 that doesnt look right22:07
lcukits like a usb but a bit smaller, but only appears to have 3 connectors22:07
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lcukreviews say 3 usb slots22:08
lcuki can see 2 plus this odd one22:08
Meiz_fn-wont-worStskeeps: scr one22:08
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slonopotamusconfigure: WARNING: `missing' script is too old or missing22:10
slonopotamusthey broke my mind22:10
Stskeeps(what meiz is talking about)22:11
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slonopotamuswhat's that?22:12
Stskeepsxchat + hildon input method22:12
Stskeepsplankton theme22:12
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slonopotamusgood progress?22:12
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Stskeepscould be better22:12
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, i'll see if I can do a proper source package to xchat soon...22:12
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: alright22:13
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rm_youmy power is out <_<22:13
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rm_yougetting internet via a small gas generator :P22:13
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rm_you16.5" of snow outside22:13
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slonopotamusrm_you, so you're powerless.22:13
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: life should be easier with the new scratchbox at least22:13
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, yeah :P22:13
Stskeepsi'm really wondering how to get a sane i386 sdk22:14
Stskeepsit will either involve building ubuntu's gcc/libc for scratchbox, or not have a sb-integrated one:P22:15
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* slonopotamus wonders when these guys will underrstand they don't need 'sdk'22:16
Stskeepsslonopotamus: well.22:16
Stskeepsslonopotamus: after compiling gtk for over a day on native arm, i decided it goes faster with sdk22:16
slonopotamushow much does your desktop cost?22:17
lcukeasy solution there: underclock your desktop cpu until it feels faster on device22:17
Stskeepsslonopotamus: server at work, don't have a desktop22:17
slonopotamusoh my22:17
Stskeepswell, at home :P22:17
slonopotamusyou work on server?22:18
Stskeepsssh? :P22:18
slonopotamuswith?root privileges, i guess ;)22:18
Stskeepsyeah, obviously22:18
Stskeepsand normal user22:18
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lcuknative linux with touch/pen is annoying.  the cursor gets in the way22:22
Vulcaniscustom cursor that is just a dot?22:23
lcukyeah thats for later (or non at all)22:23
lcukim just playing in gimp atm22:23
VulcanisI kinda like the cursor that looks like an o22:23
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lcuki dont like any, theres a certain amount of lag with it22:23
* qwerty12_N800 has a thing for the middle finger cursor22:24
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jpt9Anyone know a good cheap Bluetooth keyboard to use with my 770?22:24
lcukoh, you said cheapo22:25
jpt9At one point (IIRC), Apple's was actually one of the cheapest I could find!22:25
VulcanisI use the uh...22:25
Vulcanisone sec22:25
Vulcanisit was like iThink or something.  some random brand22:25
jpt9I don't get why someone doesn't just take a cheap (~$20) keyboard, and make a $10 more expensive model with Bluetooth...22:25
lcukbecause if you did that you would piss your way through batteries22:26
jpt9good point.22:26
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Stskeepswb b-man22:32
Stskeepshow's the zenity problems?22:32
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b-manit's gone :D22:33
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b-mani'm allmost done re-writing the installer too. :D22:33
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b-manso far, no errors :)22:34
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rm_you|back on city power :P23:09
rm_you|RST38h: don't do it! there are plenty of reasons to live!23:10
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* RST38h does it with passion23:19
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lcukive opened an ssh terminal session to my other machine, but it cant run opengl applications, i gather this is because my screen is in the wrong place, does anyone know how i point it correctly? (not programmatical, i think its a shell env var?)23:28
Stskeepslcuk: GL doesn't go well over ssh :P23:28
Stskeepsas it needs direct rendering23:29
lcuki know that, i am running commands from keyboard on one machine but using the tablet in tablet mode23:29
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Stskeepsexport DISPLAY=something possibly23:30
Stskeepsand xhost something23:30
lcuksounds right23:30
lcuki just tried "set screen=" but your suggestion sounds more official ;)23:30
lcukkot once shown me but i havent needed it since :P23:30
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lcuk\o/ ssh root@ "export DISPLAY=:0.0; cd /usr/bin/liq; ./liqbase"23:32
lcukthanks Stskeeps your mojo helped me find it23:32
lcuk(that was from my ancient buildscript23:33
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RST38hlcuk: GL probably won't work over remote connection23:38
RST38hIt relies on the 3D hardware being locally available23:38
lcuki know that, im not trying to make it work remotely23:38
lcukit works now as i expect23:38
lcuki have console on one machine and scp session23:38
lcuki can edit files here23:38
lcukthe console is pointing to the other machine where the docs are stored and compiler and binaries should run23:39
lcukthe binary runs on other touchscreen device and i play23:39
lcuki ctrl c on the first machine and it all stops :)23:39
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lcukcode stays on screen here whilst im running :) its ever so efficient23:39
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lcuki think clutter will do the job for me :)23:40
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rm_youi still havent gotten a chance toplay with clutter23:43
rm_youi have a tabletPC, so i really should try23:43
lcuki got a tabletpc yesterday to do some testing over xmas23:43
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