IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-12-21

qwerty12_n800rm_you, in advanced backlight, is it supposed to set the gconf key /apps/adv-backlight/brightness as soon as you've changed the brightness rather than doing so when you go into settings & press ok?00:01
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dick-richardsonis there a way to update feeds I've read from the built-in rss feed reader and google reader?00:16
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AStormdo we have some ssh-agent ui?00:20
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AStormeverybody's dead or preparing for the pagan celebration?00:25
* netvictim is just tired00:26
* lcuk is preparing a ubuntu usb disk and grabbing some rainbow tables00:26
lcukwhilst pondering whether it will be easier to port liqbase to windows, or visual basic to linux00:26
StsN800playing crazyparking while gf reads00:26
lcukat the moment, the visual basic in linux is looking like the easier option...00:27
lcukand also the one which would give me more satisfaction00:27
netvictimisn't vb for linux just a few changes to wine? :)00:28
lcukwine runs in maemo?00:29
lcukbut no, i dont want compatibility with windows binaries, i have thousands of source projects i just wanna use directly00:29
lcukif i concentrate on core builtin vb libraries, theres not actually that much to do00:30
netvictimwell, wine for maemo-x86 could work00:30
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lcuknot really00:31
netvictimwine for maemo-arm would be relatively useless00:31
netvictimyou'd have to find an arm-win binary00:31
lcukyeah, the devices arent waterproofed00:31
AStormmaybe add scripting host while you're at it :/00:32
AStormso, do we have a package with ui for ssh-agent?00:33
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* AStorm can barely hear crickets chirping00:36
jakemaheudoes anyone want to try porting the sound driver from 2.6.21 to 2.6.28-rc9-omap?00:40
AStorm2.6.28-rc9 has a real ALSA driver00:42
AStormuse it00:42
jakemaheuer, the n800's sound driver, which doesn't appear to work in the newest kernel00:47
jakemaheuor isn't there00:47
AStormit is there00:47
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AStormand should work00:47
AStormit's the same driver as for n81000:47
AStormthe config options have changed a lot00:47
qwerty12_n800the same drivers work for both mixers?00:47
AStormI remember seeing changes on the ml saying so00:48
jakemaheufor some reason android can't access the hardware through the current ones00:48
AStormmaybe it isn't enabled00:48
qwerty12_n800nice, looks like we're not sol as i thought we were :-)00:48
AStormit *should* work00:49
jakemaheuanyone want to take a crack at it?00:49
AStormalthough last one I checked was 2.6.2500:49
AStormmight've broken it00:49
AStormthe preferred course of action would be asking on linux-omap mailing list00:50
dick-richardsonI have no sound w/espeak...would that be related?00:50
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AStormdick-richardson, no00:50
jakemaheu@AStorm, well, I don't know how to00:50
jakemaheuhow does one go about posting on a mailing list?00:51
AStormmail, to linux-omap@vger.kernel.org00:51
AStormyou don't have to be subscribed00:51
AStormso, who has a ssh-agent password ui package available00:54
AStorme.g. keychain?00:55
qwerty12_n800best i can offer you is the highly insecure sshpass program & and a hildonized ssh-askpass but i think those are not what you want..00:57
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ciroipbuon natale people, how is going?00:57
ciroipthank you qwerty00:57
qwerty12_n800hi ciroip00:57
ciroipalways fast00:58
jakemaheuhey qwerty00:58
qwerty12_n800hi jakemaheu00:58
qwerty12_n800ciroip, :)00:58
AStormqwerty12_n800, not too bad00:58
AStormmight be eough00:58
qwerty12_n800jakemaheu, nothing much :). just browsing itt :D00:58
qwerty12_n800AStorm, 1 sec00:58
ciroiplol qwerty12_n800: is there a project u are not touched on itt?01:01
rm_youqwerty12_n800: wait WHAT?01:02
rm_youi think i need to look at that code again...01:02
rm_youit's supposed to set that gconf var when you change it, yes01:02
qwerty12_n800ciroip, hehe :)01:02
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rm_youthat might be why the setting isn't saving across reboots <_<01:02
qwerty12_n800rm_you, thanks, i wondered why i kept getting 127 brightness when i kept starting my tablet in the morning >.< :)01:03
rm_youi'll fix it01:03
rm_youand do another release this week01:03
rm_youcouple of bug fixes in the SVN01:03
qwerty12_n800Whee :)01:03
rm_youand i have time now that I'm home?01:03
rm_youthat wasn't a question :P01:04
qwerty12_n800I need to release rotation packages for the latest ssu now jott's awol but i have no web space anymore :/01:05
AStormqwerty12_n800, where can I get this ssh-askpass?01:05
jakemaheuqwerty: i've got a place they can go01:06
qwerty12_n800AStorm, it's attached?01:06
AStormI need a gui version01:07
qwerty12_n800jakemaheu, cool :), i'll have to see what happens though yet :/01:07
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qwerty12_n800AStorm, File Type: deb  hildon-ssh-askpass_0.2-2_armel.deb (3.8 KB, 9 views)?01:08
AStormmhm, not in tree?01:08
qwerty12_n800on which is the same link which i gave you before01:09
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AStormwhich I didn't get01:09
qwerty12_n800<qwerty12_n800> AStorm,
dick-richardsonwhy not use sshfs?01:10
AStormI guess 4 lines of history on reconnect are too few01:10
AStormdick-richardson, I need it for an ssh tunnel, not file transfer01:11
dick-richardsonI'm coming late to the party, sorry...01:11
dick-richardsonok, and what would a graphical frontend give you that's better than the command line?01:12
dick-richardsonjust preconfigured so you just click a button?01:12
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rm_youqwerty12_n800: i can provide as much webspace as you could possibly need01:12
rm_youi have to leave for a minute to drive home01:13
rm_youbut talk to me in a bit when i get there01:13
AStormqwerty12_n800, itt is a bad place for these01:13
AStormwe need a repo01:13
AStormso gronmayer can index it01:13
dick-richardsonI guess the way I have mine set up is using dbus-scripts to establish the connection when wan connects and then tear it down when it disconnects01:13
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qwerty12_n800AStorm, i prefer extras to opening a new repo but those debs were posted before i got my licence to upload to extras :)01:14
AStormdick-richardson, .....01:14
AStormI need a way to enter a pass01:14
dick-richardsonahh, nm then...01:14
AStormqwerty12_n800, btw, why the huge window in the background?01:14
AStormI have to config ssh to use it01:15
rm_youqwerty12_n800: see my message about webspace?01:15
dick-richardsonI use rsa keys...makes it a little easier. I'm guessing that's not an option01:15
qwerty12_n800rm_you, oh sorry, yeah. I was just waiting until you got back :)01:15
rm_youheh k01:16
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AStormdick-richardson, it is01:16
rm_youjust about to leave01:16
AStormbut you still need a way to give a pass to ssh-agent01:16
AStormqwerty12_n800, how do I set it up? (forgot)01:17
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AStormagain, why the huge window in the background?01:17
qwerty12_n800AStorm, I don't know the first thing about ssh minus entering the password each time01:17
qwerty12_n800it's not my program601:18
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b-manInstalling Windows95 on my N800....... With my own hacked-up version of DosBox...01:20
t_s_oand i would say, ever so slighty insane...01:21
rm_youyeah that is SLOOOOOOW apparently01:21
* qwerty12_n800 remembers the guy who compiled pearpc and tried to use it :p01:22
b-mani made my own version of dos with a composit of MS-DOS and FreeDos..01:22
b-manwitch i'm running in dosbox01:23
rm_youyeah theres some screenshots and a howto from like six months or so ago of a guy doing that01:23
rm_youwin95 >_>01:23
rm_youbootup took like 30 minutes apparently01:23
b-manonly a fuew minutes for me...01:23
rm_youmaybe it got better01:23
b-manbut i'm running my own version of dos...01:24
b-mancostom, costom shell, costom Edit.exe, ect...01:25
t_s_ohmm, reading the requirements of win95 makes one wonder...01:26
t_s_o386 of any speed, 4MB ram, 50MB hardrive...01:26
b-mani'm using windows 3.1 for a base..01:27
t_s_oye gods, OSR 2.1 version of win95 came on 26 floppies?!01:28
AStormtrick is, tablet just  doesn't have enough power01:28
towot_s_o:  Yep.01:28
AStormcore2 1.5G doesn't have enough, even01:29
AStormor a cd01:29
AStorm(+ 1 floppy)01:29
qwerty12_n800t_s_o, please insert disk 23. <drive grinding>. please insert disk 23. #!?! :p01:29
AStormalso, special format01:30
t_s_oheh, always fun01:30
t_s_oDMF from what i read01:30
AStorm= More Broken Floppy format01:30
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b-manoh #@?!, i minimised my dosbox emulator in the middle of the install. :O01:31
qwerty12_n800b-man, google kciconsbox :p01:31
t_s_oheh, i wonder when we will see games distributed as usb drives, now that would be going full circle ;)01:32
qwerty12_n800get  dosbox to export SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS for next time :p01:33
qwerty12_n800s/get dosbox to//01:33
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lcukt_s_o, i keep thinking i wanna setup multiple bootdisks mini-sd bootdisks01:39
lcuki could keep them in a little tiny disk box and flip through them like my amiga ones01:39
t_s_oi recall i loved to buy these english amiga magazines, long before i could really read the language, just for the demo disks on the front ;)01:40
lcukyeah, they had all sorts of things, i just saw the makers of caligari went full circle and gave away latest 3d editor on some magazine coverdisk01:41
lcukonly about 10 years after they did same on amiga ;)01:41
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b-mani don't know how much more my tablet can take, i'm running dosbox with windows 3.1 installing 95, chatting on irc, browsing the web, running emelfm2, editing a note, and running the application manager with no lag...01:44
qwerty12_n800Proteous, can you get me a manual onesthe best way of burning them? :)01:45
qwerty12_n800s/onesthe/on the01:45
Proteousmake sure your house has some stairs then you will be safe01:45
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rm_youok, i'm home02:15
qwerty12_n800welcome back02:17
rm_youso yeah, if you need webspace02:18
rm_youjust let me know02:18
rm_youwhich you apparently do, and have :P02:18
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qwerty12_n800ok, thanks02:18
qwerty12_n800I'm being chucked out :p :D02:19
qwerty12_n800*not strictly true02:19
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qwerty12_n800 - i've said i'll delete my files once i've downloaded them :)02:20
rm_youqwerty12_n800: lol :/02:22
rm_youqwerty12_n800: erm, so i'm looking at the code, it looks to me like it's supposed to save the value to gconf on brightness change02:22
rm_youline 139202:22
qwerty12_n800rm_you, it's odd because i had gconf editor open and the brightness key was only getting written to when i pressed ok  in the settings (without changing any settings) :/02:23
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rm_youlemmie see what the settings page is doing differently02:25
rm_youcause it would definitely explain some people having issues with the brightness setting persisting across reboots02:25
rm_youOH FSCK02:27
rm_you  gconf_client_set_int (priv->gconf_client, GCONF_KEY_BRIGHTNESS, value, NULL);02:27
rm_you  gconf_client_set_int (priv->gconf_client, GCONF_KEY_BRIGHTNESS, priv->brightness_level, NULL);02:27
rm_younote the difference02:27
rm_youi think that's the problem02:27
qwerty12_n800I see :)02:27
rm_youwell, it SHOULDN'T be02:28
rm_youbut i'll try flipping it02:28
rm_youit really shouldn't actually matter, but that's the only difference i see02:28
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qwerty12_n800which source are you looking at? i grabbed advanced-backlight_0.14-3.tar.gz and i can't even see 'gconf_client_set_int (priv->gconf_client, GCONF_KEY_BRIGHTNESS, value, NULL);'' inside advanced-backlight.c02:32
AStormyes, it's been fixedd02:33
AStormI noticed that too02:33
qwerty12_n800seems to be in head anyway, i'll build it tomorrow and try it out because certainly, the current one in extras does not save the value02:37
johnxhallo :D02:37
qwerty12_n800hi johnx02:38
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johnxwoo! just dodged having to go in to work02:38
qwerty12_n800you can actually get away with stuff in Japan? :P02:40
johnxit's very complicated02:40
johnx(at one of my jobs) I teach english. I get paid by the lesson. if no one signs up for a lesson, then I just sit in the office and don't get paid.02:40
qwerty12_n800with your tablet right? :)02:41
johnxyeah, but still, 1.5 hour commute to sit in an uncomfortable chair in a noisy room02:42
b-manthat sucks02:42
johnxso I skipped. :)02:42
rm_youqwerty12_n800: it may have been a fix since the last push to extras02:43
rm_youlet me see02:43
rm_youah yeah rev 3402:43
qwerty12_n800ah, I await your new version :)02:44
rm_youi've been promising to do the push to extras for a while02:45
rm_youi'll just like... go ahead and DO it02:45
rm_youi think02:45
rm_youlet me check02:45
* qwerty12_n800 should stop being lazy and steal enough code to make an mpd applet, sonata is way to slow to startup02:45
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lcukqwerty12_n800, you may know, how do i fake windows into thinkings theres a cd drive that it can write to?   i wanna create the recovery disks and it expects a proper cd - i can burn them later when i have the images back on my desktop03:11
derfDoes daemon-tools do writing?03:12
derfI don't remember. It's been so long since I actually used Windows.03:12
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lcukit can write and image based on a real cd, but thats not what im after03:12
lcukthe x41 tablet doesnt have a cd drive at all03:12
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* lcuk will probably just end up buying a usb cd drive tomorrow03:13
johnxcertainly an interesting idea, but can you see if the images are just lying around on the drive anyways?03:13
lcuktheres a recovery partition available03:14
lcuki could clone it and hope i could recover the drive parameteres at a later date i suppose03:15
lcukor i could be lazy and just buy em from lenovo03:15
johnxjust copy the partition table and dd the recovery partition to somewhere03:16
johnxshould be fine03:16
lcukok, so worst case scenario, just boot from usb key, restore partition table, copy everything backed up over into the right place and treat the current windows partition space as totally dead03:17
lcukand let the recovery go ahead03:18
johnxwell that's the idea :)03:18
* johnx hates recovery partitions03:18
lcukseems reasonable, ive already tested usb linux03:18
lcukyeah, but without a cd drive i'd rather keep it03:18
lcukbeen reading up about making it work and EVERYWHERE says create the recovery disks first ;)03:18
johnxI bet you'll be one of Stskeeps' first guinea pigs for Mer x86 :)03:19
derfThat's because people who write HOWTOs are wimps.03:19
derfThe first thing I did with my thinkpad was wipe the hdd.03:19
lcukim not a wimp, im just sensible :$ i need this tablet working over xmas, ive got a lot to do and not many days to do it in03:20
derfThe story of my life.03:20
johnxyeah, then wait til tomorrow and make recovery disks03:20
lcukheh yeah03:21
lcukdamn nice though and cheaper than any ive seen :)03:21
lcukeven cheaper than my 810 was!03:22
* johnx needs breakfast03:23
* lcuk needs sleep03:24
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b-manI'm getting a Dell Studio 15 with a 2.2ghz intel core2 duo prosessor with 3 gigs of ram, a HD ati powered 122x1900 15" display, hd graphics, 350gb harddrive, dual booted with vista and ubuntu, a webcam, fingerprint reader, hdmi, 3G, wifi a/b/g, hd dvd burner, and a extended battery. ~ $120003:34
b-manand bluetooth.03:36
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lcukb-man, nice, but not touchscreen based is it03:42
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rm_youlcuk: which model did you get?03:45
rm_youI have a Toshiba Portege M700 with the dual-touch thing03:46
rm_youconveritible laptop/tablet03:46
lcuklenovo x41 :) good enough for what i need03:46
rm_youah i think i brought it with me to the summit so you prolly saw it03:46
lcukthis is just wacom based so no finger, but its just like the one i hacked up years ago only whole screen and working03:47
lcuk(i stuck a 5inch touchpanel behind the lcd on an old laptop)03:47
johnxbehind the LCD? so was it a capacitive "finger touch only" kinda thing?03:48
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lcukno, it was a wacom pen based tablet03:49
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lcuknot touch :) ive still got it, along with the custom liqbase 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 i wrote for it03:49
* GAN8001 triages bugs.03:50
lcukthis x41 is the first real honest to goodness preconfigured tabletpc ive owned :) just what i need to test clutter etc over xmas03:50
b-manI was originaly thinking of buying a samsung Q1 ultra but i herd wwwwwaaaayyyyy too many negitive comments on it so i went for the Studio 15.03:51
lcukjust reading the reviews of the studio15 makes me shudder - especially if you are getting it for the hdmi thing03:51
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lcukwow, my pan shaped burn just fell off :S03:53
GAN8001Where' qwerty12 when you need him? . . .03:53
b-manna, i just want it for the power, i like to mess around with operating systems and i thaught that it would be more useful.03:53
lcukgan, scroll back about 40 minutes ago \@/03:53
GAN8001Why do people set their os as "Windows" for Maemo bugs which have zero to do with their computers?03:54
b-mangood question..03:55
lcukcso that is their os, they dont consider phones to have one - even linux ones03:55
GAN8001Triaging tz's bugs should be worth 10 or more of anybody else's bugs. . . .03:56
lcuk*nokia internet tablets03:56
b-manI really hate it when people think that our tables are "little phones"..03:56
GAN8001Damn, and andre's not here for me to razz him about it.03:56
lcukgan, when has the existance of a certain person stopped you :P03:57
GAN8001lcuk, only when I'm not actually saying things ABOUT them but rather TO them. :D03:58
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b-manI don't think there is a laptop out there that doesn't recive negitive comments....04:01
b-manno laptop is perfect to everyone...04:01
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lcukb-man, agreed, some want deskto preplacements, others want super tablets, yet more want small cheap light04:03
* lcuk should alter the timing of his space key04:04
lcukgnite folks04:07
rm_youooo playing with clutter could be fun04:11
b-mansee ya tomorrow lcuk04:11
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rm_youGAN8001: lol, did you see Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay? :P04:13
rm_youGAN8001: they were like "we recovered their phone, sir!" and held up a 770. i cried a little on the inside.04:13
GAN800I haven't gotten around to it yet04:14
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GAN800Mr. Fantastic in FF4 2 types on his 770 like me. :p04:14
rm_youit was... humorous if you liked the last one, and ridiculously offensive if you thought the last one was ridiculously offensive04:14
rm_youso basically the same sort of thing04:14
GAN800I loved the first one.04:15
rm_youthen you'll love this one04:15
rm_youit has a lot of references to the first one too04:15
GAN800You want to work on the settings dialog over break? :P04:16
rm_youbut yeah, prepare to cringe when they hold up a 770 and call it, i believe, "an n7700" and refer to it only as a "phone" :P04:16
rm_youlol possibly04:16
GAN800Maybe Advanced Power too? :p04:16
rm_youi'm doing final tweaks for a release04:16
rm_youmight be worth looking into04:16
rm_youjohnx was poking me about working on Mer tasks04:16
GAN800Good, we'll push at least two for extra karma. :P04:16
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rm_youwhat needs to be done for Advanced Power?04:17
GAN800We're going to tear you into at least 13 pieces over the holidays. ;)04:17
rm_youthat could be fun04:17
rm_younot the tearing. the power. :P04:17
GAN800Needs to be ported to C from Python04:17
rm_youoh that's it?04:17
GAN800Then some more polish04:17
rm_youi just wrote like 3000 lines of python in the last month04:17
rm_youso i think i can prolly manage that :P04:18
rm_youpoint me at the applet's page?04:18
GAN800pypower on itT04:19
netvictimnokia's not bad at product placement04:20
netvictimuntil you get to the bit about placing product into customer's hands :)04:20
GAN800I think we should add a graphical percentage bar to the menu.04:21
rm_youGAN800: one step at a time :P04:23
* GAN800 is an idea spammer, not a doer. :P04:23
rm_youis the deb in the post at the top the latest?04:24
rm_youdamnit my ssh session timed out04:24
johnxrm_you, you joining in on pybattery dev work?04:24
rm_youporting it to C apparently04:24
rm_youor so GAN tells me04:25
rm_youand I pretty much just do what he tells me these days :P04:25
johnxanyways, that's good for mer04:25
johnxI second it04:25
GAN800Well, the guy's gone for the holidays.04:25
rm_youoooo Stevens has a 40" base now and more coming04:25
johnxI just hope I can land if I fly in on the 27th O_o04:25
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* GAN800 doesn't follow, but it seemed appropriate. :P04:26
rm_youyeah it took me like 4 hours to take off at Denver cause Seattle kept putting holds on the takeoffs04:26
rm_youGAN800: it is like 20 degrees and there is a foot of snow outside my window04:27
rm_youSeattle is like... shut down04:27
* johnx salivates at the thought of snow driving04:27
GAN800Snow? What's that?04:27
johnxthat's what other Seattle drivers are saying as they slide sideways down hills04:28
rm_yoummm Baker is 41" of powder/packed powder04:28
rm_youand 11 degrees04:28
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dystopiaAStorm: preparing for the pagan celebration04:35
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fluxnuk3ranyone here know if the window manager setup Nokia uses is also opensource?04:42
johnxfluxnuk3r, the window manager, and the side panels are open source, but some of the applets running in the side panels aren't04:43
fluxnuk3ryah, I wanted to know if the matchbox theme is free/opensource04:43
fluxnuk3rI have a small tablet pc I'd like to use it on04:43
johnxmost of the themes are actually Nokia proprietary, but the plankton theme is CC 3.004:44
fluxnuk3rgot a link?04:44
johnxone sec04:45
johnxbut without hildon-desktop you won't get the panels and it will probably look very odd04:46
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fluxnuk3rnewb to this side of things..04:47
johnxit provides the side panel and top panel and the main menu04:47
fluxnuk3rand its proprietary too isn't it?04:48
johnxno, it's not04:48
johnxbut some of the applets running in it are04:48
johnxthis is hildon-desktop with matchbox and the plankton theme:
fluxnuk3rwell, I'm not too concerned about the applets, but I'm trying to use icewm on this "ultra mobile" tablet with a touchscreen as the main device and I want something simple04:49
rm_youisn't icewm a windowmanager? >_>04:49
rm_youthen why do you need matchbox?04:50
johnxfluxnuk3r, yeah, hildon-desktop and matchbox might be pretty interesting in that setup04:50
fluxnuk3rbigger buttons04:50
johnxrm_you, I think he wants to replace icewm04:50
fluxnuk3rI could always add my own applets though right?04:50
johnxyeah, sure04:51
fluxnuk3rthis is what it'd be going on:04:51
johnxyeah, matchbox+hildon-desktop might work nicely, but you'll have a little hacking ahead of you :)04:51
johnxhave you looked at just using "ubuntu mobile" ?04:52
fluxnuk3rbecause I've hacked slackware 12.1 down to 180 megs to fit on a 256mb CF card :D04:52
johnxspend $10 to get a bigger CF card? :P04:53
fluxnuk3rdevice won't read it04:53
fluxnuk3rat least the 4 I have won't04:53
johnxthat's pretty b0rken04:53
johnxCF cards are supposed to be size independent for the most part04:53
fluxnuk3rI spend the money on it, i don't want them to go to waste04:53
johnxyeah, seems reasonable04:54
johnxactually you might be interested in Mer then. :)04:54
fluxnuk3rwell, there is another guy that can use a 2gb card on his, but he has one of the few tablets that does04:54
johnxubuntu minbase + Nokia's maemo (hildon-desktop, libhildon, matchbox)04:54
johnxcurrently fitting in ~100 MB of NAND, but that's with jffs2 compression04:55
fluxnuk3roh. I want to keep it light04:55
rm_youless than 100mb isn't too bad04:55
fluxnuk3ricewm is like 734 kb04:55
rm_youwell... yeah but you need other services... :/04:56
fluxnuk3rcan't stand *buntu*04:56
johnxhow much RAM does this machine have?04:56
fluxnuk3rbout 92 megs04:56
johnxfluxnuk3r, this will be lighter than your slackware install04:56
fluxnuk3r400mhz processor04:56
johnxI'm running it here on a 400MHz ARM w/ 64MB of RAM04:56
johnxruns well enough04:56
fluxnuk3rjohnx: may be, but I'm still against ubuntu04:56
johnxwell, then I can't help you04:56
fluxnuk3rand I've spent...a long time hacking slack04:57
johnxif you want the UI to look like the Nokia tablets, be prepared to spend a lot more time hacking, but if you get anywhere, do tell me :)04:57
johnxI'd be interested to hear how it goes04:57
fluxnuk3rlol. ok04:57
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johnxso can you upgrade this mini-slackware in place without it breaking?04:58
johnxobviously yes or obviously no? :P04:59
fluxnuk3rI build each "edition" from the original packages, make an iso, burn it to an rw, install it to the card, mount it on my other computer, change the fstab, then I can boot04:59
fluxnuk3rto save the card's longevity the os has to be ro when I'm done04:59
johnxah, CF cards are tough05:00
johnxthey'll survive getting thrashed a little05:00
* johnx swaps to SD05:00
fluxnuk3ryah, I hope so. its hard to find 256 mb cards anymore though05:01
johnxyeah, I guess so. looks like an interesting tablet though05:01
johnxtoo bad it doesn't support the CF spec right :/05:01
fluxnuk3ryah, its not bad.05:01
fluxnuk3rI got Slackware 11 working with X and internet only to find out I needed udevd to get the touchscreen working05:02
fluxnuk3r(udevd needs a 2.6 kernel)05:02
johnxaaah, it can run 2.6, right?05:02
fluxnuk3r11 is 2.4.305:03
fluxnuk3ryou want a serious hacking job, put a 2.6 kernel in a 2.4 system and make it work05:03
johnxforgot how long slack stuck with 2.4.x05:03
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fluxnuk3ryes, and it was originally thought that you needed a 2.4 kernel to use the touchscreen05:04
fluxnuk3rbut we're talking about transmeta, Linus's place05:04
fluxnuk3rthey just hacked the damn thing to make it do what they wanted05:04
johnx512 x 768 resolution?05:05
johnxthat's pretty odd05:05
johnxah, that'd be perfect for hildon-desktop05:05
johnxdoes it have a usb port or some way to add additional storage?05:06
fluxnuk3r2 usb05:06
fluxnuk3r2 pcmcia05:06
johnxjeez, why not boot from CF in a PCMCIA slot?05:06
johnxall the space you could ever want and it wouldn't even stick out the side05:06
* johnx should find one of these things05:07
fluxnuk3rit can only boot from the hdd or a usb-floppy05:07
johnxalso, if I'm asking dumb questions just tell me where to RTFM :)05:07
fluxnuk3rI would but there is no manual05:07
fluxnuk3rdoing all of this from what works and what doesn't05:08
johnxso, do what people do on embedded linux all the time, load the kernel from where you need to and start an initfs then pivot_root over to someplace with space05:08
fluxnuk3rtried DSL, Puppy, Feather, Slax, Austrumi, etc05:08
fluxnuk3rI have no idea what the pro's do05:08
fluxnuk3rthis is my "big project"05:09
johnxwell, it's not a pro thing so much as a "OMG we have no space" thing05:09
johnxman, I'd love to get my hands on one :D05:09
* GAN8001 glad he's not yet that sick. :P05:10
fluxnuk3rwell, I feel good about the project so far. some slackers since 8.0 and before said I couldn't get it under 400mb05:10
johnxso are you compiling your own kernel and booting without initfs? just straight to mounting / ?05:11
fluxnuk3rjust the generic-smp kernel05:11
johnxno initfs, right?05:11
fluxnuk3rnot yet05:12
fluxnuk3rwant to get the damn thing working before I start tweaking05:12
johnxyeah, that's the right approach05:13
fluxnuk3rI had to cut the glibc and gtk packages in half05:13
fluxnuk3ryou know that half of those packages are locale files?05:13
johnxoh I do05:14
johnxdid you know it takes like 7 hours to compile the docs for them on a 400MHz ARM?05:14
fluxnuk3rI'm sorry, if you don't speak english, my os aint for you05:14
fluxnuk3roh nice05:14
johnxyou mean if you don't speack "C" ? :D05:14
johnxanyways, if you have PCMCIA support in your kernel you could load the kernel from that CF card and have root come from a CF card in a PCMCIA adapter05:15
fluxnuk3rwell, I'm probably just going to put a sym link in between /home and USB drive05:15
johnxwhat kind of battery life do you get out of it?05:16
johnx(and where do I buy one?)05:17
fluxnuk3rbout 2 hours05:17
fluxnuk3rI got mine off ebay05:17
fluxnuk3rstruck a deal, $230 for 4 tablets, 4 grips, 2 docks, 4 chargers, and 5 batteries05:17
johnxis it an OEM thing? or is hitachi the only one who made them?05:18
fluxnuk3rI don't know much of the history05:18
fluxnuk3rthe original OS was called Midori05:18
fluxnuk3rhad firefox 1.0 on it05:18
fluxnuk3ralmost useless05:18
fluxnuk3rif not worse05:18
johnxman, maemo would look great on it05:19
fluxnuk3rI might stick it on there if I actually get X running.05:20
fluxnuk3rwhat an irony right?05:20
fluxnuk3r11 had X with no touchscreen05:20
fluxnuk3r12.1 has touchscreen with no X05:20
johnxwhy no X?05:21
fluxnuk3rits printing out that I'm missing some packages.05:21
fluxnuk3rabout to try my new build right now..05:21
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johnxdarn, can't find one for sale. but I guess I have enough stuff to play with to keep me busy over christmas05:22
johnxincluding getting my own distro on my own tablet :)05:23
fluxnuk3rwhat tablet?05:23
fluxnuk3rbet theres a lot more documentation on that than mine05:24
johnxwell, there is and there isn't05:24
johnxARM hardware can have som really annoying closed areas and is much less standard than x86 hardware05:25
dystopiawhat hardware are you talking about flux05:26
fluxnuk3rhitachi visionplate05:26
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fluxnuk3ryup, thats it05:26
dystopiaTransmeta Crusoe!05:27
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johnxman, lcuk would have kittens. I think this is exactly what he was looking for05:28
johnxdoes it have a stand or something?05:29
fluxnuk3rit has a dock05:30
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skibur_what is the latest version of Diablo?05:30
skibur_any updates in the past 2 months?05:30
johnxskibur_, just a couple days ago05:30
skibur_hum...  something is wrong with my Diablo then05:31
skibur_need to check05:31
infoboti guess ssu is
GAN800johnx, he needs Clutter. . . .05:32
johnxGAN800, hmm? who does?05:32
johnxaah, right. I guess I missed him getting interested in that05:33
GAN800The purpose is mostly to play with Maemo 5 before the RX-51 is out.05:33
johnxheh. thus the interest in mer05:34
johnxI remember him just wanting more screen space as of late november05:34
GAN800Hehe, his demands have grown. :D05:34
johnxand he's willing to take on linux on his own it seems now :)05:34
johnxfluxnuk3r, so entirely hypothetically, if someone asked you to sell them one of these 4, would you be willing and how much would you ask? (just hypothetically for now)05:38
fluxnuk3rI'm not sure05:39
fluxnuk3rwith all the work I'd have put into the system by that time I don't know05:39
johnxhmm? oh, I'd want it bare with no OS05:39
johnxno offense, but I'm not a big slack fan05:40
johnxI'd be using this as another target for Mer :)05:40
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fluxnuk3rwhy not a slack fan?05:41
johnxI just became a big fan of apt too early in my linux career05:42
johnxevery other package system feels kind of flimsy to me05:42
johnxI played with slack a couple years ago, but I never got very far, and I didn't see any big advantage vs debuntu05:43
fluxnuk3rI started off with gNewSense05:43
fluxnuk3rthen Fedora05:43
fluxnuk3rthen Ubuntu05:43
johnxI started with RedHat 5.1 and it nearly made me insane05:43
fluxnuk3rnever used redhat05:44
fluxnuk3rused centos though05:44
johnxsame thing05:44
johnxbut 5.1 was a world of pain05:45
fluxnuk3rI distro-hopped for a while. Used slackware, went to ubuntu, ubuntu drove me insane, went back to slack05:47
johnxI switched between ubuntu and debian for a while, and gnome and wmaker. right now I'm ubuntu/gnome but any week now it will probably $*(&% me off and I'll install debian and wmaker on a spare partition :)05:48
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fluxnuk3rI've used...gNewSense, Fedora 5,6, and 8. Ubuntu 6.06, 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04. Debian Etch, CentOS 4* and 5, Solaris, Kubuntu...05:49
fluxnuk3rthere are more, just can't remember them05:49
derfOne of these things is not like the others.05:50
johnxderf, ah, solarlis just wants to be a linux distro these days. let it play :P05:50
derffluxnuk3r: Surely you had Sesame Street as a kid?05:51
* johnx sings: one of things is not like the other, one of these things just isn't the same05:52
fluxnuk3ryah, but can't connect it to this..05:52
fluxnuk3ryah. dumb phrase. got it05:52
johnxstuck in my head now. thanks derf :P05:52
derfI've from the government. I'm here to help.05:53
derfI'm not actually from the government.05:53
johnxhe's really from Verizon05:53
* fluxnuk3r has a sigh of relief05:53
fluxnuk3rclose enough05:54
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rm_youGAN800: hrmrmrm06:06
johnxis that the sound of an rm_you revving his engine?06:07
* GAN800 waits with baited breath.06:07
johnxyou should stop eating worms06:07
* johnx ducks O_o06:08
rm_youyeah, my "hrm" is a bit... recursive? :P06:08
rm_youhrm rm rm rm06:08
rm_youeh was going to try to say something about a timeline, but06:10
rm_youlet's just say, yes, I think I can do this06:10
rm_youstill deciding exactly HOW.06:10
rm_youwhether I want copy the files from ABL and do a bunch of s/backlight/power/g06:10
rm_youor start from scratch06:10
rm_youand build up, using ABL as a reference06:11
johnxrm_you, you'll end up writing most of the applets we'll be using in Mer...without even intending to :D06:11
rm_youI should prolly cut ABL down to a framework for a menu/settings/gconf/popup applet06:11
johnxI wonder how much of a pain it will be when we make you switch to OHM on the backend instead of DSME/MCE06:12
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johnxGAN800, GAN8001, is that both N800s that you just signed on? :P06:40
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rm_youGAN has too many tablets :P06:43
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johnxrm_you, he dropped one just now it looks like :D06:43
johnxStskeeps, er, wait, why would I want hildon-input-method installed on a device with a keyboard?06:46
* johnx <3 the google search wiki thing06:50
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johnxyahoo answers is really damaging my faith in humanity07:19
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disco_stuN800lol.. why?07:19
johnxi dunno, some chick asking whether she should be a trucker after she leaves highschool. she's got two kids and two dogs and wants to homeschool the kids while driving around the country...07:20
johnxand so she wants advice whether this a good idea from a bunch of people on the internet O_o07:20
disco_stuN800you're rigth07:21
disco_stuN800sounds crazy07:21
Belagernmy family has alot of truckers, and i have to say that's a horrible idea :s07:21
johnxand *all* of them are like that as far as I've seen07:21
disco_stuN800a girl driving07:23
Belagernit's bad enough that she has 2 kids and in high school (from the perspective of how hard it must already be)07:23
disco_stuN800a girl driving a truck07:23
disco_stuN800thats loco07:23
johnxthese are questions that should never have needed to be asked07:24
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disco_stuN800johnx, globalization.. to answer shit07:25
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disco_stuN800johnx, where you live?07:27
Navidisco_stuN800: in your bed07:27
johnxhey Navi :)07:27
disco_stuN800the channel is quite at this time07:27
disco_stuN800here is 2.27 am07:27
johnxdisco_stuN800, I live on an IRC channel07:27
disco_stuN800Navi, hi sucker07:27
johnxdisco_stuN800, heh, I'm 12h ahead of you :)07:28
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johnxand I must say the future is an awesome place07:28
disco_stuN800you live in the future07:28
disco_stuN800lucky one07:28
johnxI used to live in the past with Microsoft as my next store neighbor07:29
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Navijohnx is tainted07:29
johnxNavi, it's worse than you think. I worked right next to MS in an office that was nothing but Macs :D07:30
Navijohnx's soul is as black as africans07:30
jaskaheh, my office used to be across the road from microsoft finland hq.. shame bill never showed up or i would have applied cream pies07:31
disco_stuN800in the channel there are lots of M$ worshipers07:31
Navipurge them all07:31
johnxjaska, my office was blocks away from MS HQ, HQ07:31
Naviwas it red and full of almonds?07:32
disco_stuN800my house is 10.000km away from MS HQ07:32
johnxhuh? nah, just full of buildings owned by MS all over the freaking place07:32
johnxthey had their own rush hour07:32
disco_stuN800thousands of people and nothing good achieved by those jerks07:33
johnxit sucked so bad when they all left work at the same time. I made the mistake of trying to take a shortcut by the MS ... district of Redmond when it was snowing. got stuck on the same block for like an hour as they all tried to pile out of the parking lot07:33
johnxdisco_stuN800, they're not bad people individually. A corporation has a life and motive that's more than the sum of its parts07:35
NaviI blame johnx07:36
disco_stuN800johnx, ok, i thought they were brainwashed like mcdonalds boyz07:36
johnxNavi, for snow related traffic jams? or the fact that money is a major motivation of public companies?07:36
NaviFor all of the world's problems07:37
johnxdisco_stuN800, probably the managers are07:37
NaviIt's because of your existance07:37
johnx~blame Navi07:37
Naviare you proud of yourself?07:37
* infobot blames Navi (and Canada) for all the evil in the world07:37
disco_stuN800mcdonalds changes even the DNA of their poor employees07:37
johnxNavi, infobot is with me :P07:37
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disco_stuN800~blame disco_stuN80007:38
* infobot blames disco_stuN800 (and Canada) for all the evil in the world07:38
johnxthere's enough blame to go around :)07:39
disco_stuN800it wont detect countries.. :(07:39
johnxCanada is always blamed :)07:39
disco_stuN800~curse infobot07:39
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, infobot !07:39
disco_stuN800poor Canada. seeems07:40
disco_stuN800nice country07:40
johnxmeh, they should have thought of that before causing all the evil in the world07:40
disco_stuN800i dont see how. they are only a bunch of lumberjacks07:41
johnxthat's what they want you to think07:41
disco_stuN800i would like to live in Russia07:43
disco_stuN800i love mother russia.07:43
johnxso you've been there before?07:43
disco_stuN800not yet07:44
johnxbig jump between reading about a country and moving there07:44
disco_stuN800i love their culture. i would be fine.07:44
johnxyou can never know a country's culture until you live there for a year or so07:45
johnxnot that I'm trying to discourage you. I think it's good for people to move to new places07:45
disco_stuN800johnx, stop stopping me from dreaming :p07:46
johnxnah, you should go there07:46
johnxjust don't expect that it will be exactly like you read about07:46
disco_stuN800i will07:46
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disco_stuN800i love the country, dont expect nothing from it07:47
johnxwell, you already expect to love it :)07:47
disco_stuN800no, i do love it. its a fact07:47
disco_stuN800i lived 2 months in cambridge and hated their food a lot07:48
johnxfood is one of the hard parts07:49
johnxif you start traveling, no matter where you go you always miss the food from someplace else :)07:49
disco_stuN800johnx, especially from here07:49
disco_stuN800we eat tons of meat :)07:50
NaviI cook my own food07:50
disco_stuN800my mom cooks for me07:51
Navirarely eat out, soz there's not much to miss07:51
johnxNavi, I will now laugh at you: hahahaha07:51
Navi~insult johnx07:52
infobotjohnx is nothing but a vassal-willed enema-bucketful of clapper-clawed cat-hair-balls07:52
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disco_stuN800all i can cook is asados :)07:52
disco_stuN800like barbecue, but better07:52
johnxNavi, I *do* cook. But I have to *buy* ingredients07:53
NaviWhoa, wtf07:54
johnxcrazy huh?07:54
NaviYeah, 'teva, fool07:54
NaviAll my parents buy is chinese spices and shit07:55
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disco_stuN800cooking is not fun07:55
Navisure it is07:56
disco_stuN800no its not.07:56
johnxit can be fun07:56
Naviit really is, if you're awesome07:56
johnxyou need to try and get better at it07:56
disco_stuN800no tech involved07:56
johnxlife != tech07:56
Navidisco_stuN800: get a modern kitchen07:57
Navistill cooking with sharpened rocks?07:57
Naviand flat rocks07:57
* johnx loves his little portable butane burner07:57
Navino more sedbot?07:57
infobotNavi meant: ayousuckf07:58
Navimust not have registered your emote07:58
johnxwhatever. the bots are out to get me :/07:58
Navi~kill johnx07:58
* infobot shoots a hyper-charged fluxquark gun at johnx07:58
johnx~stab Navi07:59
* infobot runs at Navi with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.07:59
disco_stuN800boys, see you tomorrow07:59
NaviOoh, an original07:59
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johnx'later disco_stuN80007:59
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disco_stuN800~fuck Navi07:59
disco_stuN800that one isnt :p08:00
spencer_how do i setup the locales in scratchbox?? i got "perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C")." when i run my during the autoconf step... :(08:00
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Navivi /etc/locale.gen08:01
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qwerty12~burn initfs for not having chroot binary09:50
* infobot pours gasoline all over initfs for not having chroot binary, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze09:50
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* RST38h moos at qwerty gleefully09:54
johnxhey RST38h09:55
johnxup early for a sunday, aren't you qwerty12 ?09:55
qwerty12RST38h, :P. I've built a statically linked chroot binary against uclibc from busybox, just need to put it into the initfs folder I've got got the computer and run mkfs.jffs2 :P09:55
qwerty12johnx, heh, I'm up at whatever time :D. I'd be up earlier but my tablet messed up and I use it as an alarm :)09:56
johnxdon't you use a writeable initfs? or are you low on room?09:56
qwerty12johnx, hmm, that's a good point. I wonder if I can remount it rw while I'm currently using it...09:56
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johnxyeah, that's fine09:57
johnxI do that all the time09:57
qwerty12but having a chroot binary is useful anyway so I don't have to go through this again :/09:57
johnxyes, chroot is a wonderful thing09:57
* johnx finally started using his tablet for video calls today09:58
qwerty12good or a bad thing? :)09:58
qwerty12oops, I mean did it go well >.<09:58
johnxworked ok on my end, but my sister's macbook has horrible echo problems using the builtin speaker and mic09:59
johnxso I was constantly talking over myself09:59
rm_youmy GF's macbook worked fine for that10:00
johnxit works great tablet to tablet10:00
rm_youmaybe she had it turned up too loud? >_>10:00
johnxquite possible10:00
johnxor maybe the echo cancelation failed because there was almost a second or two of lag10:00
qwerty12~lart dropbear for sftp weirdness10:02
* infobot installs PocketPC on dropbear's PDA for sftp weirdness10:02
johnxyeah, hence why everyone's using openssh even though it's bigger10:02
qwerty12yeah :/. shame we have to compile statically for initfs otherwise I'd have replaced dropbear with openssh no problem :/10:03
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johnxI'm just keeping telnetd on initfs. does it have problems on your system?10:04
qwerty12No, I'm able to telnet and ssh in fine - i'm just missing being able to sftp. But scp works :)10:05
qwerty12and so does my chroot binary10:05
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qwerty12now I can get on with tarring up my rootfs so I can dpkg-repack the mpd from it :D10:05
johnxso what are you working on that needs to be rescued from initfs?10:06
* johnx really wants normal alsa drivers from the CPU side of the omap210:06
qwerty12the mpd and libraries i all compiled with vfp & mtune etc. I don't have the debs on the computer any more and hell if I'm wasting another day recompiling it all >.<10:07
qwerty12yeah :/10:07
johnxit's gonna be a painful incompatibility with lots of normal audio apps10:07
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qwerty12<sigh> finally... I do need to replace busybox's compression utils though....10:10
johnxinitfs' busybox?10:13
qwerty12yep, although I do the same with the ones in maemo thanks to zap uploading the gnu ones to extras. the ones in the initfs are especially bad because it won't support file names over a 100 characters. hence me compiling chroot so I can use gnutar from rootfs...10:14
johnxdo you really need chroot? what about LD_LIBRARY_PATH?10:15
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qwerty12I've never actually used LD_LIBRARY_PATH so I don't know how it works properly :/. I'm used to chrooting :/10:16
johnxLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/rootfs/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /mnt/rootfs/usr/bin/gnutar10:17
johnxor so I would assume :)10:17
qwerty12Ah I see, thanks :)10:17
qwerty12But i'm still putting chroot into the initfs image I have because I won't remember that :P10:17
johnxneed to add /mnt/rootfs/lib as well10:17
johnxI'll make you a script :)10:18
qwerty12heh, ok :)10:18
johnxwhere do you mount the flash usually?10:18
johnxcan't test this, but it might work:
qwerty12Thanks :)10:20
johnxput it in initfs and name it gnutar10:20
johnxno prob. you've helped me often enough10:20
johnxdo you really find yourself with an unbootable tablet that often?10:22
qwerty12yes :(. I attribute this one to a theme change because when I boot up with the charger in and press power, I get a unthemed systemui. If I choose to start osso-xterm from the menu, it ignores me :(10:23
* johnx sighs at how fragile maemo is10:24
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StsN800johnx, mostly cos most people use osk at times even when having kbd11:23
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johnxfair enough, I'd like to test it on a 640x480 layout before making it a hard and fast dependency.11:25
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lcukis it good or bad news that today decides to be the day my baseline windows install fails..11:34
qwerty12I've had to reflash twice this morning :(11:35
* johnx can't even make mer or deblet boot on his n80011:35
johnxlcuk, it's a good day to start on your linux installation journey :)11:35
Stskeepsjohnx: true11:36
Stskeepsjohnx: did it fail at imaging or? there is the hildon-desktop-env issue11:36
johnximaging? I just debootstrapped a fresh setup, had it boot like twice and no more :/11:37
johnxthere it goes O_o11:37
johnxthink it was a bootmenu problem ...11:37
lcukjohnx :) like i said last night, it mustv heard me because it didnt want to startup last night, ill pick up that usb dvd-rw drive in a bit and make a start11:38
Stskeepsjohnx: imaging is when using the mer imager to make the install ;)11:39
Stskeeps(which will be done by a qemu eventually to generate tar.gz's)11:39
johnx... I have no idea where to find that11:39
Stskeepslp:~mer-committers/m-r/imager or
Stskeepsthen use sh imager targets/mer-n800-only-fs /TARGET/DIRECTORY11:41
johnxhey cool :)11:42
johnxhi Jaffa11:42
Stskeepsand it will debootstrap and apt-get the right things and set up X, etc11:42
Stskeepsyou can make a zaurus target too probably11:42
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johnxyeah, for zaurus it's just the xorg. the rest is just a standard debuntu system11:42
Stskeeps(so far :P)11:43
johnxer, no really. that's it :P11:44
johnxah, you refer to OHM rules for it maybe?11:45
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Stskeepswell we might alter mer base eventually to be a little different than a typical debuntu system so11:46
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johnxwell, if it will boot on an x86 laptop, the same fs structure should boot on a zaurus11:48
* Stskeeps raises his fist at scratchbox devkits11:52
qwerty12messing with sb2 again? :P11:52
Stskeepsno, sb111:52
Stskeepsthe problem is.. sb1 debian devkit dpkg doesn't accept "Breaks:"11:53
Stskeepswhich fucks up ubuntu packages11:53
qwerty12oh :(. When someone has sbox problems, I only attribute it to sb211:53
johnxaaah, old dpkg, huh?11:53
qwerty12Stskeeps, yeah.. I have to force-all my way out of that one...11:53
johnxwonder what the difference between Breaks: and Conflicts:11:53
Stskeepsmore hard than conflicts maybe11:54
Stskeepsyeah, i know11:55
Stskeepsthere's a good point behind that11:55
lcukgrrrrr qwerty1211:58
qwerty12hello to you too lcuk :)11:58
lcukmorning :)11:58
qwerty12heh, morning :)11:59
lcukDec 21 01:09:10 *qwerty12_n800 has quit ("night")12:00
lcukDec 21 01:09:29 <lcuk>qwerty12_n800, you may know,12:00
qwerty12The chan seemed dead and I was getting tired :)12:00
lcukyeah bastid \@/12:01
lcukright, im goin gettin a cd burner, bbl12:02
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RST38hlcuk,johnx,zap: EHLO all12:08
johnxgreetings once again RST38h12:08
lcuk452: fail12:09
zap250-zap Hello [], pleased to meet you12:10
lcuk( RST38h decipher my failure message, im goin buyin a cd writer ;))12:11
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qwerty12Heh, Nokia made a public version of NITRO12:47
qwerty12Yeah, the maemo-display-name is "Crash Reporter"12:48
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StsN800sounds good12:49
qwerty12I wonder if it tells you what program died like Nitro does..12:49
qwerty12^ is the only reason I had nitro installed12:49
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qwerty12Now we need a public version of FTD :P12:50
AStormit runs gdb --core?12:51
zapstrange, last feature upgrade doesn't work for me from AppManager. Says can't find bluez-utils-3.28-0osso4.12:54
qwerty12zap, uninstall minigpsd and/or bluez-utils-test if you have it installed. tz1 messed things up :/12:55
johnxzap, disable extras-devel12:55
AStormjohnx, nah, extras-devel work ok12:59
AStormI mean, you can pick just OS update12:59
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dererkHi there!13:03
dererkI've a big problem I couldn't find a way to solve. Happens to be that when I connect a bluetooth keyboard, it completely disables manual input (by using touchscreen), even though the keyboard and the whole bluetooth is disconnected13:04
dererkturning to be completely impposible to input text :\13:04
dererkanyone have and idea about it?13:04
qwerty12dererk, this may help :
infobotdererk meant: anyone have an idea about it?13:05
dererkqwerty12, Hi! :D13:06
qwerty12hi dererk :)13:06
dererkmarvellous! :D13:08
dererkqwerty12, thanks =)13:08
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qwerty12no problem :)13:08
zapindeed, uninstalling minigpsd helped13:14
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dererkdoes 'Diablo' branch have something interesting ?13:17
johnxsome bug fixes, some speed improvements, a better mail client13:22
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qwerty12zap, hmm, you know your bash package (the 3.x version in -devel), there is a major bug with it...13:30
* lcuk karate chops johnx13:31
qwerty12zap, If you don't run an osso-xterm and let do its stuff, it will hang the boot process. I only saw this after using usb networking in initfs and running ps :/13:32
qwerty12I had to kill it about 4 times :/13:32
zapthe real bug is that you can't detect if sh is running in interactive or non-interactive mode :-(13:33
johnx[ -z "$PS1" ] && return13:34
johnxthat's what my .bashrc says at least...I'm not entirely sure how that's supposed to work13:34
zapthis works for bash13:35
zapnot for ash13:35
johnxah, sadness13:35
zapmust try to find a way though13:35
dererkah, thanks13:36
dererkqwerty12, cya around!13:36
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RST38h~curse DirectFB13:42
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, DirectFB !13:42
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_nuke__do you know if it's possible to install os2007 into nokia 77013:44
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_nuke__ohhh thank you13:45
lcukStskeeps, mer on x86, is it feasible yet13:46
AStormwho would want it?13:48
johnxAStorm, lcuk will want it13:49
lcukwell im just about to put linux on my new tabletpc, might as well be the right one :)13:49
johnxlcuk, probably not yet, might as well start with ubuntu and install a mer chroot13:50
qwerty12Install a normal x86 distro and set up N800 emulation :)13:50
lcukscratchbox you mean13:50
AStormtell me how13:50
AStormah, right13:50
AStormbinfmt_misc can do that13:50
lcukor proper hrw'esq13:50
AStormwho needs sbox13:51
AStormyou can do that w/o chroots13:51
qwerty12~bitchslap qwerty12 for installing hildon-theme-ilona >.<13:51
* infobot beats the sh*t out of qwerty12 for installing hildon-theme-ilona >.<13:51
* lcuk has new dvd writer, its gotta be wrapped up for xmas at 3pm so ive gotta be quick13:51
lcukhell im not sure if ill have the talbet for long lol13:51
johnxlcuk, your once and future dvd writer :D13:51
* lcuk is making the most of missus being at work13:52
lcukthis x41 is a lovely little machine you know :) im gonna do so much with it13:53
qwerty12except for not having a dvd drive :)13:53
AStormx41t is lovlier13:53
johnxyeah, i was thinking about a non tablet x31 or x41 or similar13:53
AStormwhy non-tablet?13:53
AStormit's a convertible13:53
johnxcheaper, and I don't feel the need for a convertible tablet13:53
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AStormtablets are fun for drawing13:54
qwerty12I'm not a fan of tablet pc's in tablet mode, I use my brother's hp and my wrists hurt after a while13:54
AStormlacking wrist pad?13:54
AStormbuy one13:54
AStormalso, you can't write properly13:55
johnxAStorm, this is why x86 mer would be cool:
AStormmmmh, atom?13:55
johnxoldschool, cruscoe :)13:55
johnxabout as much punch as an n800 probably :)13:56
lcukqwerty12, ive got a dvd now13:56
AStormah, crusoe13:56
qwerty12lcuk, :)13:56
AStormatom would be nice13:56
johnxstill, looks fun. the other reason for x86 mer is on a TV with a wiimote style pointer13:56
AStormI want a laptop with one, a larger touchscreen too13:56
AStormof those 120 dpi or so13:57
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lcukyeah i was writing lastnight and the dpi is really low compared to nit13:57
lcukthe screen on my nokia really is impressive13:57
AStormit is, yup13:57
AStormwith 225 dpi13:57
johnxquite insane13:57
johnxmy desktop's monitor is 85dpi13:58
AStormpity they can't make larger versions13:58
johnxwell, I'm sure they can for the write price13:58
johnxbut windows is so stupidly bound to ~96dpi13:58
johnxthey'd have trouble selling them13:58
lcukthey can though, or very nearly - but its insanely expensive to produce them13:58
lcukit will get better with time, anyway, real touchscreens have different problems with fingers, once you go larger than NIT you have problems with registering wrist catching screen and stuff13:59
johnxbut there's ways to solve that14:00
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johnxthe biggest problem is that they're too thick for my taste when laid flat and too heavy to haul around in my hand14:00
lcukthats why nokia is perfect14:00
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johnxhence why I'd probably buy "just a laptop" and not spring for a convertible tablet14:01
lcukand solutions for accidental multitouch are always non perfect14:01
lcukbecause the computer has to second guess your intentions its never perfect - its like the switching between stylus/finger touching on os200714:01
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johnxthat actually worked well for me most of the time...14:02
lcuk"most of the time"14:02
AStormwell, I want a tablet as a supplemental input14:02
AStormnot main14:02
lcukits like the sideswipe UIs where you change context with a big swipe - sometimes it misregisters14:03
AStormlike, fennec14:03
AStormwhich I find horrible14:03
lcuktablet can and does work perfectly, i want it as a primary input device14:03
AStormnah, handwriting etc.14:03
lcukheh, thats your domain14:04
lcuki see little apps working well but then sending their data to big screen for management14:04
lcuklike the sketching i do - once i produce them on NIT i havent got enough space to do full grouping and tagging and management, so i want the big screen to handle the properly14:04
lcukobviously i can do it on tablet, but once more space becomes available, larger transitions become possible14:05
lcuki was sorely tempted yesterday to just replace my desktop monitor with a touchscreen14:06
AStormyes, trick is, there are almost no good window managers14:06
AStormand especially nonhe suited to touchscreen14:06
lcukfor which device, tablet?14:06
johnxmatchbox :)14:06
lcukthere will be: vcell (liqtile replacement)14:06
AStormno, matchbox is so-so14:06
AStormand it can't do windows:P14:06
lcukwill come with automatic scaling and kinetics and touchability by default14:07
johnxI saw a file open dialog *window* just today :P14:07
AStormmmh, kinetics14:07
AStormwhich blocked the whole app? please...14:07
AStormshow me a multiwindow app14:07
AStormlike, pidgin14:07
johnxyeah, you're right about pidgin14:08
AStormthere is no dock for windows...even14:08
lcukits not so much the windows, its the layout of those windows14:08
johnxI haven't found a good way to handle tiling, but that's really what we need14:08
lcukliqbase currently has methods for grouping and showing frames as large as possible but without overlapping :)14:08
AStormjohnx, :)14:08
AStormthat, and a sidear14:09
johnxlike the nextstep/wm dock?14:09
AStormbut clickhiding14:09
AStormno stupid fennec swiping14:09
johnxmaybe click to drop it down from the topbar?14:10
AStormacceptable, yes14:10
lcukjust have sensible usage for the menu button :)14:10
johnxnextstep had things so *right* 18 years ago...makes me want to smack people for not paying attention14:10
AStormmenu button is on keyboard in n81014:10
AStormjohnx, and many so wrong14:11
lcukjohnx, theres LOTS of computer design elements which should have been picked up14:11
johnxAStorm, like what?14:11
johnxAStorm, did *see* what else was out in 1989?14:11
lcukits amazing to look through the archives at the parc stuff and the mother of all demos type films14:11
johnxit looked amazing for the time14:11
AStormmacosx is nextstep, almost14:11
johnxyeah, but lots of regressions all over the place14:12
johnxlike, the dock14:12
lcuki tohught the dock worked on the whole14:12
AStormit is okayish14:12
johnxyeah, but the nextstep dock was actually better14:12
AStorma bit better14:13
jaskaosx window decorations are far uglier than next :|14:13
AStormi want to dock windows14:13
johnxI wonder if "right click minimize to hide all app windows" is a windowmaker feature or a next thing...14:13
AStormbad feature14:13
johnxoh, I quite like it14:14
AStormbetter would be "show the dock"14:14
johnxhow is that related?14:14
AStormwhat do you use that "hide all" for? :>14:14
johnxto hide my million firefox windows so I can see other stuff14:15
johnxor to hide my gimp windows and get at other stuff14:15
lcukhow do you rightclick on a tablet14:15
AStormwhat other stuff?14:15
AStormlcuk, by holding14:15
johnxterminals, irc,14:15
johnxmail, IM14:15
lcukagain a halfbreed fix that doesnt work all the time14:15
AStormgrouping is the solution14:15
johnxwhy ignore groups that already make sense though?14:16
johnxit at least makes sense for all gimp windows to be in their own group by default14:16
AStormminimize is a hack though14:17
AStormproper switching is better14:17
johnxsometimes I'd like my desktop to be less complicated14:18
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AStormwhy do you need to click something to hide a window?14:18
johnxbecause my computer can't read my mind14:18
johnxit *is* a problem14:18
AStormshow something else on top14:18
johnxso hide should be "send to bottom" ?14:18
AStormor maybe have wm autominimize when switching14:18
AStormmore or less14:18
AStormone pointless click less14:19
johnxI leave things overlapping though, intentionally14:19
AStormmhm, that is a tiny problem14:19
johnxa tiling wm on my desktop would make me want to kill14:19
AStormwell, ion3 supports overlapping tiles...14:19
johnxand yet I've grown quite fond of compiz14:20
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lcukat work we have customers ringing up asking for what we call "magic buttons".  they expect to perform specific actions which are not logical or context sensitive or expected.  we have this more often than the sane requests :)14:31
johnxthat's because you and the sane customers already agree on what makes a decent UI14:31
johnxanyways, if you *gave* them that button, they'd never use it except by mistake14:32
lcukyeah heh, "why did it do this, it was meant to do that"14:32
johnxsome people can't rationally anticipate what they want to do14:32
johnxthey also don't understand why the computer can't just "guess what I wanted it to do"14:33
lcukicons are worse because they can misidentify the meaning14:33
lcukoh yeah, we get very specific requests to change functionality because the one time they needed something and clicked what they thought it was and it wasnt what they expected14:34
aquatix`now make a button that does what i did want'14:37
AStormyup, that's called M$ Office14:38
AStormit has tons of these14:38
johnxany many people just resent learning14:38
aquatixAStorm: well, you kinda have to give them credit by slashing a lot of those in 200714:38
aquatixnot that anybody now knows how to do their stuff14:39
aquatixjohnx: yep14:39
johnxwhat a strange condition. I wonder if it's backed by an evolutionary advantage14:39
AStormthey're avoiding information overload14:40
AStormmy recommendation: turn off the tv14:40
AStormand ads14:40
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johnxmore fun to tread the thin line between info overload and what was I saying?14:40
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AStormssh of maemo doesn't respect SSH_ASKPASS var14:55
AStormhow do I use it then?14:55
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GAN800Has anybody looked at the latest SSU update bugs to confirm whether the proposed problem is actually it?15:14
AStormmine update worked15:17
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lcukanyone else get bad mojo about imagination and apple getting into bed together?15:31
netvictimgan800: seems trivial to test 394815:31
johnxsounds like they're just giving them a cash infusion to prop them up15:31
RST38hlcuk: they bought a really small stake in Imagination15:34
RST38hNot significant. Besides, in my eyes Imagination is already a bunch of anal retentive lawyer wannabes15:35
GAN800lcuk, I'm more interested inseeing ImagTech dropped entirely from OMAP4. ;)15:35
johnxto be replaced with some even more closed?15:35
lcukheh yeah rst, gan? really15:35
lcuki would prefer to see more generic multipurpose megacore processors15:36
RST38hGAN: Nokia appears to move away from OMAP chips anyway15:36
johnxthey'll keep omap3 for years though15:36
RST38hjohnx: Check their latest lineup.15:36
johnxRST38h, what is it?15:36
johnxn97 has an omap2, right?15:36
RST38hjohnx: N85 - no OMAP. 5800 - no OMAP.15:36
GAN800That new ARM GPU15:37
johnxwhat is it instead?15:37
RST38hjohnx: N97 is unlikely to have OMAP if it is unified design with 580015:37
RST38hjohnx: N85 is Quallcomm (?)15:37
johnxinteresting. that's totally closed to linux, isn't it?15:37
RST38hjohnx: For 5800 they just say "ARM11 CPU" and do not specify which one15:37
GAN800RST38h, I think it's a temporary thing until OMAP3 gets going.15:37
RST38hjohnx: No, why? It is the same ARM15:37
RST38hGAN: I am not sure at all, for better or for worse15:38
RST38hGAN: they say that in terms of battery life, N85 runs circles around OMAP2 based phones15:38
johnxRST38h, yeah, but a CPU core is a tiny part of a SoC15:38
GAN800The OMAP2 is old15:38
RST38hjohnx: As for the rest, it all depends on the lawyers:engineers ration at a company that produces the SoC15:38
RST38hAh, N96 is apparently no OMAP either15:40
AStormRST38h, because even 770 had better power saving than them15:40
GAN800dual ARM915:40
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RST38hCheck out
RST38hAnd comments to it too15:42
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lardmanscrolling back the capabilities of mere phones?15:43
lcukhiya simon15:45
lardmanhi Gary15:45
lcuk:D i got a decent laptop at last15:46
lcuksorry gary15:46
Garyhey random hilighter :p15:46
* lcuk gary as well15:46
lcukis ^15:46
Garylies, you is lcuk15:46
Garynow go get that deed poll15:47
lcuki have a real name as well as a nickname :$15:47
lcuki wouldv registered myself as gary but someone got there first15:47
* lcuk glares15:48
lardmanwhat's the laptop then?15:48
lcuklardman, x41 tabletpc :)15:48
lcukim gonna have fun over the holidays with clutter15:49
lcukno, but not expensive either15:49
lcukthis 2d clutter idea is feeling mroe and more compelling, i just wanna see if its practical15:49
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lcukjust waiting for the windows recovery to prove itself to me that its gonna work and then im puttin linux on it :)15:51
* lardman realises the error of putting his second largest screen on the LHS of the main monitor - most text sits on the LHS15:51
lcukthis laptop sits against the wall already just near where my pinboard goes - im gonna have it showing recent liqbase notes15:52
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johnxso weird, it doesn't feel like it's so close to christmas15:54
johnxdoesn't even feel like winter here really15:55
lardmanno, pretty warm here too15:56
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lardmandoes feel like xmas though as there are millions of people shopping, and the internet is going veeerrrrryyy slowly for me too15:56
johnxback in seattle at my parents' house they're getting more snow than they've had in years15:56
lardmanlcuk: does it have a touch-screen?15:56
AStormanyway, a pagan celebration would correctly be today15:57
johnxah, yes, missing the solstice15:57
lcuklardman, yes, wacom pen based but thats ideal for testing15:57
lardmanAStorm: is it actually the 21st this year?15:57
AStormah, you mean astronomical? let me check15:58
lardmanI guess you'd have to be astronomical when you#re using Stonhenge to measure days will the pagan feast! :)15:58
lardmanlcuk: how does that work?15:59
lcuklike a normal wacom tablet but its behind the screen15:59
AStormlardman, no16:00
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AStormaccording to my tables, a tiny bit later16:01
AStormabout 0.2d later16:01
lardmanrounded down to the closest night of course ;)16:02
johnxI really get more thanks for being snarky than for being helpful. this is teaching me the wrong lesson...16:03
AStormdec 21 12:0416:04
AStormto be exact16:04
lcukwhat about seconds?16:04
AStormno, sorry16:04
AStormtoo imprecise calculation16:05
AStormthe error is 25s16:05
lardmancaesium ion transitions please16:05
AStormno, really, earth is not precise enough16:05
AStormand my elliptical approximation is just that16:05
derfThe Earth is pretty precise.16:05
derfUnless you want to know how fast it's moving.16:06
AStormtrick is, the epiplane also moves16:06
AStormand I don't have data about that16:06
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derfDon't try to pawn off your personal failings on the planet.16:07
lardmanhmm, /me senses a pagan sacrifice soon16:07
AStormtoo late, should've done it 3h ago16:08
lcukomg, ibm recovery is alldos based :O16:09
AStormbtw, next year it'll be 21st 17:4716:10
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AStormjust for fun: US Naval Observatory has all the dates till 202016:12
AStormand hours16:12
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AStormdon't forget to convert universal time to local geodesic time16:14
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lardmanpah, bring back GMT16:26
johnxhey Stskeeps16:31
Stskeepsany news?16:31
johnxI suck at booting linux on the n80016:32
johnxnot really news is it?16:32
Stskeepsthat's why i have the imager to do it for me :P16:32
johnxI used it :P16:32
johnxbut I'm getting disconnected from telnet16:33
johnxand rescue menu won't come up :/16:33
Stskeepswhen trying to connect?16:33
Stskeepssure you hold down home?16:33
johnxyeah, tried it several times16:34
johnxI'll get the error message it gives me when it won't connect on telnet16:34
Stskeepsyou use my emergency telnetd or?16:35
Stskeeps.. silly reason is when udev isn't running "just yet", then it wont connect16:36
Stskeepsor dev/pts not mounted16:36
johnxit was a strange error16:37
johnxI'd never seen it before16:37
Stskeeps"no more connections"?16:37
johnxthat's it16:37
johnxwell, that answers that16:37
johnxso it means udev isn't finished yet?16:37
Stskeepssomething like that yeah - try press center a couple of times and it should continue boot process16:38
Stskeepsand -then- you can connect16:38
johnxclever clever16:38
johnxand of course now rescue menu comes up16:39
johnxbeen fighting with this for a while now16:39
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Stskeepsmm, im fighting with sdk devkit16:44
johnxa much more maddening battle I'm sure16:45
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Stskeeps"*** GAR GAR GAR!  Failed to download download/dpkg-dpkg_1.14.22ubuntu1.tar.gz!  GAR GAR GAR! ***16:58
Stskeepswtf, honestly16:58
ccookeHmm. Anyone recall where I can get osso-accounts-plugin-haze from?17:06
ccookecleaning and reinstalling this tablet with fewer repositories, and it seems that package isn't installable17:06
ccookeoh, do17:07
AStormwhere do I put the ssh-agent to have it autostart?17:07
AStorm(e.g. some script?)17:07
ccooke(the package is currently called "account-plugin-haze". Silly me)17:08
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Stskeepsjohnx: scary, i think i might just have tamed the dragon17:09
Stskeepsthat was easier than i thought17:09
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lcukok, i confirmed windows can be recovered on tabletpc :) time for linux17:42
johnxlcuk, which distro?17:42
lcukfor my first time, i think ill keep it simple: gentoo?17:43
* johnx dies17:43
lcukheh, ubuntu -i already confirmed it comes up with liveusb17:43
johnxsuppose you'll want us to hold your hand the first time gentoo fails to compile gcc :P17:43
lcukjust got a few things to sort out to get touch working17:43
lcuknahhh, its liqbase bootstrapping i need help with - its got a compiler built in now :P17:44
lcukyeah i know ive been raping it all night for info17:44
johnxyeah, that site is the reason to go with a thinkpad for linux17:44
lcukyeah exactly, everyone ive spoken to said stay away from obscure laptops and get an ibm/lenovo if possible17:44
lcukhence me jumping on this x41 when i spotted it :)17:45
johnxthe more intel stuff in it the better, unless your Stskeeps and your luck is horrible :P17:45
AStormlcuk, ubuntu will kill you with all its issues17:45
lcukbut ubuntu is all i know, it will suffice for now and isnt it whats recommended for sb17:46
johnxAStorm, don't make it complicated for him with his first time setting up linux17:46
lcukits not quite first time17:46
AStormand he knows how to code17:46
lcukbut it will be my first time properly with sb and actually using it more than an ooh and ahh17:46
AStormso, gentoo it is17:46
johnxeven gentoo guys hate gentoo half the time it seems17:46
johnxask the guy putting it on the wii or the guy putting it on his n80017:47
AStormthose guys left gentoo on their own powertrip17:47
lcukive had linux properly now for exactly 1 year now - it was 21st december last year when i got my tablet :)17:47
qwerty12_N801AStorm, he wants to use sbox. installing it in a deb based distro is the easiest way17:47
AStormrunning 2 scripts is just as easy17:47
lcukwhat a year its been :)17:47
johnxAStorm, you were seriously going to suggest gentoo?17:47
lcuki was only joking17:48
qwerty12_N801AStorm, what's stopping you?17:48
AStormqwerty12_N801, slow network :>17:48
johnxsticking with debuntu on the tablet though? only a couple hundred megs to download for a minimal system I'm sure17:48
AStormalso, it's not as clean as crossdev cross compiler17:48
AStormthus, I still want gentoo on tablet17:49
lcuki want workbench on tablet17:49
AStormuae should work17:49
johnxAStorm, some guy is working on it :) you should help17:49
lcuki mean properly17:49
AStormafter I'm done with hwr17:49
johnxgentoo is more of a nightmare every time I use it17:50
lcukhwr is a labour of love, astorm, i will buy you many beers at next summit if you improve it :)17:50
johnxshit. doesn't. compile.17:50
AStormit does here (tm)17:50
RST38hjohnx: add more parenthesis!17:50
RST38hparentheses, I guess17:50
johnxAStorm, and that's the same thing I get from gentoo guys. how strange17:51
AStormmaybe I'm favored by pagan gods of knowledge or sth17:51
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RST38hAStorm: Got a favor from The Tentacled One?17:52
AStormThe Deep One only takes favors17:52
Stskeepsjohnx: i just got dpkg ubuntu devkit going, scary :P17:52
johnxStskeeps, that is a thing of wonder, truly17:53
lcukthats not scary, thats applause worthy17:53
RST38hAStorm: He taketh and he giveth to his followers17:53
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AStormhe taketh and keepeth for thineself17:53
johnxand make everyone else crazy17:53
johnxor dead17:53
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lcukhas anyone tried any of the *bsds ?17:54
RST38hwhat he taketh he he keeps17:54
johnxyeah, other unix systems that make me crazy17:54
AStormlcuk, horrible17:54
RST38hwhat He giveth, he hath no use for17:54
johnxI guess that really makes me a heretic17:54
Stskeepsjohnx: bsd is slightly more friendly than linux, -- compared to solaris17:54
RST38h~burn johnx, the heretic17:54
* infobot pours gasoline all over johnx, the heretic, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze17:54
AStormin scale of suck, FreeBSD is the least sucky17:54
Stskeepsi like freebsd over linux really17:54
* RST38h agrees on this17:54
Stskeepsbut some things aren't trivial17:54
AStormwhile Solaris is the most17:54
AStormHPUX is close though17:55
RST38hDumb like a stump but always works17:55
lcukim sure theres worse operating systems17:55
RST38hSolaris is not bad17:55
StskeepsAStorm: gnu userland on top of solaris is not so bad17:55
Stskeepsis actually usable17:55
AStormStskeeps, that's not solaris anymore17:55
Stskeeps(that's where im sshing from atm)17:55
StskeepsAStorm: true17:55
RST38hYou, young ones, are not aquainted with such gems as HPUkes, Irix, and of course SCO Unix17:55
johnxfreebsd also suffered from "shit. doesn't. compile."17:55
StskeepsRST38h: i grew up on SINIX17:55
RST38hBut *nothing* can compare with SCO in terms of suckiness17:56
johnxI don't have the time to use a non-binary distro of something17:56
qwerty12RST38h, sounds like a good thing :)17:56
RST38hit is yes17:57
johnxyou dragged a newer dpkg into the mix?17:58
AStormjohnx, meh17:58
Stskeepsjohnx: yup17:58
AStormI don't have time to use a sucky distro17:58
qwerty12Lots don't have time waiting for shit to compile17:58
johnxwaiting for shit to compile is one thing. waiting for shit to fail to compile drove me mad. real fast.17:59
johnxAStorm, and yet, ubuntu hasn't been taking any of my time to maintain lately17:59
lcuknew ubuntu desktop is a bit strange18:00
GAN800Distro war! Distro war's on!18:00
qwerty12~burn gentoo18:00
* infobot pours gasoline all over gentoo, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze18:00
johnxqwerty12, feeling a little pyromaniacal tonight?18:01
qwerty12johnx, now that you come to mention it...18:01
johnxwonder if I should go outside and grab the fire extinguisher in case of more ~burn johnx moments :P18:02
GAN800~nuke qwerty1218:02
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at qwerty12 ... B☢☢M!18:02
qwerty12~shoot GAN80018:02
* infobot shoots GAN800 in the ear with a frozen turkey cannon!18:02
AStormjohnx, neither has been gentoo for me18:02
lcuktypos and unicode characters aside..18:02
AStormI update it monthly or so18:02
* GAN800 sticks it in the oven.18:02
* qwerty12 lines the inside of the oven with petrol18:02
johnxAStorm, you never get the urge to say emerge liferea or similar just to try it out?18:03
AStormI did18:03
AStormnow I know what I need and want18:03
johnxmore patience than me :P18:03
AStormand none of it is default ubuntu18:03
AStorm*in default18:03
johnxAStorm, anyways, I don't think we'll be convincing each other any time soon. :)18:04
lcukif the partition resize fails i will blame each and every one of you evil people18:04
johnxlcuk, never had one fail yet18:05
johnxeven with ntfs18:05
johnxjust moved the partitions on my sd card earlier today even :)18:05
lcukactually, do i need to blame myself since im a membero f the general linux community18:05
AStormI had ntfs fail later18:06
johnxit won't fail. and you can recover if it does.18:06
AStormbut that was partition magic18:06
AStorm~nuke partition magic18:06
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at partition magic ... B☢☢M!18:06
lcuki dont actually care that much, ive just spent 2 hours rebuilding system to factory default anyway to confirm to self it will work18:06
AStormlove the unicode :)18:06
lcukand the typos18:06
AStormah, missile18:07
johnxlcuk, nah, missles are uhm something different...they're uhm scarier18:07
lcukshorter range18:07
johnxthey have more B☢☢M!18:08
GAN8001lcuk, I dunno how I'd put up with that kind of bullshit to get a freaking laptop working.18:08
lcukshould i let tracy wrap up the nice shiny new dvd burner now ive used it18:08
* AStorm feels the urge to extend keymap with that character18:08
lcukeh gan?18:08
lcukit was fully automated18:08
AStormon chr+b18:08
lcuki just put disk in18:08
lcuki wanted to know that whatever i did was safe before i screwed it up :)18:09
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GAN8001lcuk, I dunno, I get a new computer and turn it on--done. ;)18:09
lcukthats what i did18:09
lcukthats not the problem18:09
GAN8001How many days have you had this thing? How many of them have been spent screwing around with stupid stuff?18:09
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lcuki bought it yesterday18:09
lcukplayed with windows18:09
lcuktested usbstick linux18:09
lcukbought a cd burner this morning, wrote the recovery disks18:10
lcuktested them18:10
lcuknow im destroying it18:10
johnxGAN800, so when you touch the screen of your new computer, what happens?18:10
* johnx grabs a new macbook, twists the screen around into tablet mode...oh, oops18:11
lcukthat lcd cracking sound is awful18:11
GAN8001johnx, I don't do laptops.18:11
lcukworse when you leave a pen or something on the keyboard18:11
lcukand you close the lid18:11
lcukwhy wont it close CRACKKKKKKKKKK18:11
johnxGAN800, well, it doesn't really help lcuk at all...18:12
lcuki nearly bought an asus eee top - i saw one aobut an hour before i got this18:12
GAN8001johnx, my only point is that I don't think I could deal with all that screwing around just for a laptop. ;)18:12
lcuk(desktop monitor replacement)18:12
GAN8001"embedded" devices are one thing18:12
johnxGAN8001, personally I don't see how you get the energy to deal with stupid people on mailiing lists and forums :)18:12
lcukcan i buy preconfigured tabletpcs with linux?18:12
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johnxlcuk, from me :)18:13
lcukheh johnx18:13
lcukbut you are expensive18:13
johnxs'true :P18:13
GAN8001Different strokes for different folks.18:13
t_s_ohrmf, pybattery is confusing me, is it because it recalculates battery drain that it will not give a low battery warning while in "standby" or is it becaue the whole applet is sleeping?18:13
lcuk:| "an error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices"18:13
GAN8001t_s_o, stop killing your battery and plug it in. :P18:13
johnxlcuk, spoke too soon I guess. pop open a terminal and type dmesg | tail18:14
johnxyou wanna find out quick if you hd is dying18:14
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t_s_oi have done so now, but as long as i cant get consistent info about battery duration, im hard pressed to tells if its battery or software thats resulting in low standby time...18:15
lcuktis done18:15
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lcukjust reformat whole thing18:15
johnxan ounce of prevention now...18:15
* johnx remembers this point in the irclog to wave under lcuk's nose later18:17
lcukreiserfs gave a warning: "sda1: warning: sh-2021: reiser_file_super: can not find reiserfs on sda1"     do you think thats what killed it?18:18
Meiz_n810should the latest SSU overwrite bootmenu?18:18
johnxno, you're right. but now you *know* you're right :D18:19
johnxMeiz_n810, yes18:19
Meiz_n810it never did with me...18:19
lcukit didnt find magic for one of the partition types for some reason18:19
lcuki think it was the ibm recovery one18:19
johnxAll network ports in use!18:19
StskeepsMeiz_n810: that's funny if it didn't18:19
Stskeepsjohnx: yeah, that's the one18:20
lcukit checked with everything18:20
johnxI started it really late in the boot process18:20
johnxend of rcS18:20
johnxerr...end of rcS.d/ I mean18:20
Stskeepsit's something about ptys18:22
Stskeepsand makes me wonder if /dev/pts is mounted18:23
johnxyeah, won't run a getty either :/18:23
johnxinit: tty3 main process ended, respawning18:23
johnxwould they screw around with the kernel?18:24
Stskeeps_LINUXRC= ?18:24
Stskeepswhat is this, n800 or?18:24
johnxn800 of course18:24
Stskeepsand you have linuxrc in the bootmenu item?18:24
johnxhavink a thought :)18:25
johnxone sec18:25
johnxnot a good thought18:26
b-manhello Stskeeps, got your email. :)18:26
Stskeepsb-man: alright, hope it's ok i refactored it a bit :)18:26
lcuk21/dec/2007 21:52    Q:\oldoldold\oldold\old\n810_Stuff\Maemo - Mono.url18:26
AStormok, so, how do I set up ssh-agent on the tablet?18:26
lcukthats the earliest file i have18:26
Stskeepslcuk: i have files from 99 somewhere..18:27
lcukwithin 5 days i was writing python apps :)18:27
lcukStskeeps, earliest maemo apps - today is my first birthday :)18:27
lcuklinks ^18:27
lcukive got amiga files somewhere as well18:28
b-manStskeeps, i can see you removed the advanced option. :p18:28
Stskeepsb-man: nah, it just got too unreadable, and i ran out of time to finish it up :P18:29
Stskeepsso just wanted to pass it along18:29
lcukim gonna have beers with mrs lcuk tonight i think :)18:29
b-mansorry about the crazy syntax, when i was actually writing that i was in a bit of a rush. :p18:30
lcukand after that im gonna write another journal entry about my year18:30
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johnxGAN800, yes, fuck the hat18:32
AStorm~burn haters18:32
* infobot pours gasoline all over haters, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze18:32
* Stskeeps wonders if penguinbait came out with an updated bootmenu deb yet18:32
lcuk:$ not at all gan, ive seen nothing other than an amazing community of people all willing to help each other and do whatever they can to improve experience :)18:32
b-maninfobot: hahahahahahaaa!!!18:32
lcukapart from that wanker GeneralAntilles, thank god hes not around for now18:33
GAN8001Yeah, he can go die!18:33
lcukthe ubuntu desktop is horrid18:34
johnxhmm? the standard gnome? or the picture itself?18:34
b-manimagine if this was a video chat....., it wold be so funny!18:34
johnxcause yeah, that picture is awful18:34
GAN8001lcuk, you need this:
qwerty12GAN8001 obviously tempted by the camp people on the screen :P18:35
lcukgan IS one of the camp people on the screen18:35
lcukthe one with the quiff18:35
* GAN8001 mutters things about the UK.18:36
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Stskeepsb-man: the times i'm coding and looking completely dead in the morning.. no, not a good idea :>18:37
AStormagain, how do I set up ssh-agent to autostart on maemo??18:38
Stskeepsdunno, hack something together :P18:38
b-manyah, i think that people might get a little creeped out if this was a video chat.... especially the gestures...18:39
AStormyeah right18:39
johnxseems like the nokia guys shove everything into init.d18:39
Stskeeps(which is bloody insane)18:39
johnxincluding desktop startup. might as well do the same as them18:39
Stskeepssometimes it's hard to see if they're engineers doing an embedded system, or system architects doing an OS18:40
b-manlol x10018:40
johnxor some poor shmucks told: this needs to work when I come in on monday18:40
Stskeepsbut it is true, there's a bit of personality split over maemo18:41
johnxyou're right, because the actual power management stuff is incredibly effective, the UI has gotten fairly clean18:41
johnxbut some of the design choices are just ... odd18:42
b-mane.g. qwerty claimed that he's pestimistic and i'm optimistic.18:42
johnx"flip a coin and if it's heads we make proper session scripts, tails everything goes in init.d" ?18:43
b-mani call heads18:43
AStorm~flip abc18:45
* infobot gives abc the .|.. ..|.18:45
AStormnot that18:45
johnxow! stop that!18:45
AStormmeh, no cointoss plugin?18:45
* infobot rolls the eight ball and gets: Most likely18:46
Stskeeps"*** GAR GAR GAR!  dpkg-sbox.patch failed checksum test!  GAR GAR GAR! ***18:47
Stskeepsi'm really really not going to be able to take GNOME developers serious anymore18:47
b-man~ b-man cheats and grabs his two-headed coin...18:47
AStorm~roll d2018:48
* infobot stuffs d20 in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain18:48
AStormuhm, not that18:48
AStorm~dice 2018:48
johnx~roll a blunt18:48
* infobot stuffs a blunt in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain18:48
qwerty12~smoke weed18:48
johnxdoin' it wrong18:48
* infobot rolls up weed, lights a match, kicks back and enjoys the noxious fumes18:48
qwerty12~boot AStorm for arguing with the infobot18:49
* infobot inconspicously shuffles over to get a straight line across AStorm for arguing with the infobot to the window above the dumpster, takes aim, and punts AStorm for arguing with the infobot out to where he belongs!18:49
b-manlol x1000018:49
johnxmy parser died18:49
AStorm~diceroll 2w018:50
AStorm~diceroll 2018:50
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AStorminfobot, you fail18:50
johnx~cointoss 2018:50
* infobot slaps astorm for calling her a failure18:50
johnx~cointoss at pigeons18:50
b-man(random information)- free os downloads over at
AStorm~bitchslap john_G18:51
* infobot beats the sh*t out of john_G18:51
johnxwho now?18:51
AStorm~bitchslap johnx18:51
* infobot beats the sh*t out of johnx18:51
johnxhelp! my sh*t!18:51
johnxwhere did it go?18:51
qwerty12infobot, give johnx his shit back18:51
* infobot gives his shit back to johnx18:51
johnxI don't want bot shit :/18:52
johnx~stab AStorm in the face18:52
* infobot runs at AStorm in the face with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.18:52
infobotsomebody said fail was what happens to you when you follow gamespot's game advice.18:52
b-manlol x11111111111111118:52
qwerty12infobot, want a zut?18:53
AStorminfobot, you suck18:53
infobotand very well I might add18:53
infobotGAN8001: thanks18:53
Stskeeps.. and this kind of stuff is why people end up horridly drunk at maemo summits :P18:53
johnxAStorm, infobot get a room18:53
qwerty12~hump AStorm18:53
* infobot humps the channel18:53
johnx...well that's not awkward18:54
* infobot strips and bends over.. give it to me baby ;)18:54
Stskeeps.. no surprises18:54
GAN8001One messed up bot.18:54
* GAN8001 had a dream that he was at a Maemo Summit last night.18:54
StskeepsGAN8001: .. funny thing, i did friday18:55
GAN8001Stskeeps, too much Maemo. :P18:55
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b-manlike whs18:55
Stskeepswith plenty of danish xmas food.18:55
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b-manthat was a typing error.. :P18:56
Stskeepsjesus, 18700 views on nitdroid18:56
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GAN8001Must be engadget.18:57
GAN8001Personally, I can't fathom it.18:57
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b-man<checking engadget>18:57
GAN8001Probably a half-dozen pages back18:58
AStormthe slashdot of embedded world?18:58
johnxthe snarky gadget blog with better editors and worse commenters18:58
johnxvery strange that18:59
GAN8001zero-sum game. ;)18:59
johnxnow everyone gets X points to allocate18:59
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GAN8001Engadget specced editors, Slashdot specced commenters19:00
lcukooooooooooooh i has a touchable ubuntu desktop19:00
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johnxlcuk, awesome! that was fast19:00
johnxnow fix that background image19:01
lcukyeah it was already booting with usbkey and stuff19:01
lcuki have done :)19:01
lcukand got rid of the gnomisms for minimise and stuff19:01
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lcukit feels as fast as windows box now ;)19:01
johnxyou must have broken it...19:01
lcukhey! my windows box is lean and mean19:01
lcuklinux has always felt slow on same hardware19:02
qwerty12The only thing I miss from windows is a proper archiver19:02
lcukahhh you install winrar then :P19:02
qwerty12yep :)19:02
lcukmy missus always rarrrrs when shes extracting files19:02
johnxtar.bz2 :P19:03
lcukand she sings "burn baby burn" when making a cd19:03
johnxrar gives annoying options to dumb people. I know, I'll compress this avi and split it into 41 chunks so you can't watch any of it until you have it all!19:03
AStormI prefer "burn motherf.cker, burn"19:03
lcukok, ill now see whether i can build liqbase for it - i kinda lost the way towards release time and stopped worrying about x86 compatability19:03
johnxcompression ratio on an avi in .rar format 1:119:04
lcukjohnx :O you cant watch an avi anyway without the essential index which sits at the end19:04
lcukyou are a heretic if you use a none standard app to avoid this19:04
johnxmplayer -idx borken.avi19:04
lcukbut, but, but19:05
lcukhow will you know how long you have to go to the end?19:05
lcukyou might be watching forever19:05
johnxI will have to live with that mystery19:05
lcukmuch better to wait for weeks until that last 0.0001% comes in19:05
lcukthe worst part about that is that fact, you risk it and actually find you missed the last scene19:06
lcukis there a sensible simple inking app for linux?19:06
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lcukit feels wrong to load up gimp just to scribble19:07
johnxooo, soo many pen options to play with though19:07
StsN800lcuk, xournal?19:08
lcukyeah but no easy undo or save19:08
johnxanyways, doing a new image for mer, this time *without* minbase. and off to bed19:08
* lcuk kicks menus19:08
lcukyeah good idea sts19:08
* lcuk hates fact its so difficult to get to a blank page in most apps19:09
AStormlcuk, it has easy undo19:10
lcukundo is not what i want19:10
lcukundo is one action19:10
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lcukwhen ive filled screen i want a new piece of paper19:10
lcukjust like i did when i was a kid19:10
AStormthere's clean19:10
lcuknext page19:10
AStormand next page19:10
AStormin xournal19:11
lcukyeah ill check19:11
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lcukso how long has xournal been available for then19:13
qwerty12just don't use the one in extras-devel19:14
AStormyup, and the older one is... slow19:14
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AStormesp. with many pages19:14
lcukwith window normalized its fine, but when maximized its corrupted and doesnt refresh properly19:14
johnxwell, the archive says .2 was released in january 200619:14
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lcukbut it works nicely with the greater screen estate19:15
lcukcool though (even with graphics corruptions)19:16
lcukill get on with real work now :) its gonna be good to have code and designer window open at same time19:17
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MeizirkkiStskeeps: the "stylus stays pressed" problem is back19:29
Stskeepsalright, good to know19:29
Stskeepspass on to johnx19:29
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johnxI'll fix it tomorrow19:30
Stskeepshehe, i thought you went to bed :P19:31
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lcuknote to self: n810 stylus does not work with new laptop19:36
Stskeepsheh heh19:36
gomiamlcuk: use finger as always19:37
gomiam(unless you need it for something else :))19:37
lcukgomiam, its a wacom screen on the laptop19:37
* lcuk isnt made of money yet19:37
gomiamWacom? Even more reason to use finger :-P19:37
lcukpen only19:38
lcukwhich is a good tihng really, the screen is so big i rest on it with my wrist19:38
Stskeepsah, so it's not real touch19:43
t_s_oiirc, the recent wacom screens will go to pen only mode when it detects the pen, and can be configured to go back to finger mode with a button press or a timeout...19:44
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lcukStskeeps, i use my tablet with stylus 99.9999% of the time anyway :)19:45
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Stskeepsit depends on when i do it on the day19:46
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Stskeepsin the morning my motorics are absolutely shot19:46
lcukand it wasnt worth spending another 400-600 quid19:46
lcukif i get the buzz later in the year ill pick up one then, but this will do for my xmas playtesting :)19:47
GAN800I don't think my stylus has been out in a week.19:49
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lcukcall a doctor19:52
lcuki dont often get my 810 stylus out though, my nokia sits in its crate and its hard to get, i keep a generic lying around19:53
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gomiamI'm a bit pissed off that Nokia offers no more styluses for N80019:54
AStormlosing yours far too often?19:54
AStormanyway, make a mold19:54
gomiamAStorm: I lost one, so I only have one now.19:54
gomiamand it seems N810's styluses are thinner.19:55
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lcukhiya pb19:55
lcukgomiam, yeah i agree entirely, i even had trouble when i thought i'd lost my 810 one19:55
penguinbaithey, I am looking for some help, I am attempting to compile some software and its complaining about an Xlib missing "cannot find -lXt"  What do I need to install?19:56
gomiamlcuk: what's worse. They already dropped the standard charger and headphones. So I don't really know which ones to buy "just in case"19:57
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GAN800Er. AC-4U19:57
GAN800The one they use on every other Nokia phone.19:57
gomiamoh, I'll be afk for a while. I have to do some carrying around of microwave ovens (no custom kitchen deliverieeees)19:57
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GAN800That you can get from Amazon for $1.5019:58
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lcukgomiam, gan is right, the same one for my 810 works in 80019:58
GAN800and every other Nokia phone. :P19:58
penguinbaitXt - X Toolkit library  (is there a maemo package?)19:59
GAN800There must be tens of millions of the things on the planet.19:59
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lcuklaptops keep your fingers warm whilst you type, how novel20:46
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t_s_oheh, using keyboards as heat sinks are useful that way...20:48
t_s_ostill, i would love to see a laptop that could do keyboard shaped waffles ;)20:48
t_s_ohmm, maybe something for thinkgeek? or brando?20:49
t_s_ohmm, can one make a waffle iron that works on usb?20:49
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oliyeh, can somebody paste fragment of his bootmenu.conf (booting from external mmc)20:50
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olii've unpacked debian on my card and flashed initfs with menu, but I don't know how to setup the .conf20:51
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Meiz_n810what .conf?20:52
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olii've made a ext3 partition on a card in external slot, and put debian there.20:53
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Meiz_n810deblet or the debian tar from itT wiki?20:55
olidebian from wiki20:56
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Meiz_n810it's a bit outdated...20:56
Meiz_n810i suggest to try deblet20:56
olioh, I can try it, but i've installed that debian and I can't run it ;)20:57
Meiz_n810it will automatically install bootmenu too...20:57
lcukits a lot easier using synaptic than trying to install packages by hand :$20:58
oliit installed menu, but all options make an error and lead to boot from flash20:58
qwerty12_N800lcuk, heh, i'm so used to using apt-get from the tablet; I forget that synaptic exists :p20:59
lcukits just installed about 100 packages, i wouldv gotten lost trying21:00
Meiz_n810synaptic blows in jaunty21:00
lcukwhich is jaunty?21:00
Meiz_n810the search database crashed it21:00
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lcukahhh so you are a time traveller :)21:00
VulcanisJaunty is ubuntu, I think.21:01
Meiz_n810it's the only offical arm-port of ubuntu that exists21:01
lcukwell isnt 9.04 next year21:01
dystopiaJaunty is Ubuntu/Testing scheduled for 2009.0421:01
lcukhence my comment21:02
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Meiz_n810Mer is based on ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty)21:02
Meiz_n810or maemo21:02
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Meiz_n810both :P21:02
lcuki think clutter will work21:05
lcukhave we got any examples of clutter use anywhere21:06
dystopiaand Linux, and..21:06
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Meiz_n810mtpaint is great app21:07
Meiz_n810it runs well on tablets :P21:08
lcukswitch to performance mode and see if it helps even more21:08
dystopiasomeone wanted to use the nit for graphics designing lol21:09
lcukdystopia, i do :)21:11
lcukand im going to21:11
Meiz_n810qwerty12: where to get your xchat for Mer?21:12
Mouseywhats mer?21:12
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lcukdystopia,       and     :)21:13
Mouseymer == liqbase?21:13
dystopiai know i love it:D21:13
lcuksorry mousey, was talkin over you :P21:14
Mouseyhappens all the time ^_^21:14
dystopiamerde is a french word, mer is a danish word, mare is a latin word21:14
Mouseybut whats mer?!21:15
* Mousey cries ;_;21:15
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infoboti heard mer is and
Mouseyoooh.. that was way too easy21:15
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MouseyMaembunto. that's funny21:16
Mouseymaembuntu, even21:17
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lcukhiya jaffa21:22
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lcukim starting to get a bit concerned about my tech usage, ive got 3 computers all watching me21:22
Vulcanis[14:16:59] <Mousey> maembuntu, even -- Ubaemo.21:23
Jaffalcuk: plus the ones at GCHQ...21:23
Mouseyi likes21:23
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lcukjaffa ive never had so many before :$21:25
lcukand clutter looks kinda cool21:26
lcukopengl interface layer for the next gen ui21:26
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* lcuk is looking for another reason though21:27
* Jaffa hasn't started playing with Clutter yet. Interested to see what the Clutter/Gtk boundary'll be like.21:27
lcukfrom the 3 examples its clean21:28
lcuki havent installed the toys or looked further yet21:28
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lcukfrom the looks of things its similar in basis to what my tiles/cells are, and i might be able to do some wiggling to fit into it nicely21:29
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jakemaheuhey lcuk?21:31
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jakemaheufor the new liqbase, are you going to be doing public alpha/betas?21:32
lcuki did last time21:32
jakemaheuI think that many people would willingly test it.21:32
lcukthere will, but it has to work as expected first :)21:32
qwerty12_N800liqbase next generation :)21:33
jakemaheuare you going to use the same name?21:33
lcukonce its in a shape for me to manage and rearrange it without breaking compatability every 5 minutes it will start :)21:33
lcukmmm jakemaheu21:33
jakemaheuif you put it in extras-devel, you should use liqbase-ng21:33
jakemaheuty qwerty21:33
lcuknahhh, liqbase is done, i've got my eye on a name but we shall see21:34
* qwerty12_N800 gets ready to sabotage the preinst21:35
lcukfuck you qwerty21:35
jakemaheuirk-- we need sed back21:36
qwerty12_N800jakemaheu, finish it off with a '/'21:36
qwerty12_N800it only works on last sentence typed21:37
qwerty12_N800northerners rule21:37
infobotqwerty12_N800 meant: northerners suck21:37
infobotjakemaheu meant: fail21:37
jakemaheuwell, i learned something today21:38
jakemaheuyou guys know how to use chmod, right?21:38
lcuknot a clue21:38
qwerty12_N800i'm dodgy wrt to the octals21:39
* lcuk is not a technical user21:39
jakemaheuwell, it changes permissions on files21:39
jakemaheui was changing them for a large amount of files21:39
jakemaheuin a directory-- /mnt21:39
jakemaheuor so i thought21:39
jakemaheui accidentally typed cd ..21:40
jakemaheuand then ran chmod +777 */*/*/*21:40
jakemaheuit gave everyone on my system full modification, executable, and creation rights to those files.21:40
lcukthat sounds bad, i'd call qwerty if i ever did something like that (which i wouldnt cos im not mental)21:40
qwerty12_N800at least you haven't used -R :p21:41
jakemaheuthen ubuntu got ticked at me because my sudo was changeable21:41
jakemaheuqwerty: what does -R do?21:41
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jakemaheuthought so21:41
lcuk-[R]eally bad21:41
jaskaemphasis on curses21:42
qwerty12_N800yep but i think /*/*/* has probably done the same to an extent :/21:42
Mouseyfind . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;21:42
jakemaheubut it wouldn't let me sudo until i fixed it21:42
Mouseyfind . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;21:42
jakemaheuwhich, ironically, would normally require sudo21:43
lcukunless you ssh in as root21:43
jakemaheubut it didn't, because 777 gives everybody, even random processes, access to it21:43
Mouseyu can su -21:43
* lcuk still does that with tablet to make life easier :$21:43
Mouseyunless it's ubuntu or something21:43
qwerty12_N800jakemaheu, i messed up sudoers on the tablet once (bad me for not using visudo), took me a while :/21:43
jakemaheuit was ubuntu21:43
Mouseythe fail21:44
jakemaheuspeaking of the tablets21:44
jakemaheuwho here uses regular xterm in diablo21:44
lcukthe drugs don't work, they just make it worse21:44
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qwerty12_N800Mousey, you have to unlock root account first before su works :/21:44
qwerty12_N800in ubuntu21:44
Mouseyqwerty12_N800, i know, which is why i refer to it as fail21:44
jakemaheuoh, yeah21:44
Vulcaniswhat else is there for diablo other than xterm?21:44
qwerty12_N800Mousey, ah :)21:44
Mouseyqwerty12_N800, since nobody every does enable su -21:44
jakemaheuhave you used the fullscreen keyboard on it?21:45
Vulcanisits pretty bad.21:45
qwerty12_N800Vulcanis, what problem do you have with it?21:45
jakemaheuwell, opening the keyboard, typing, and then closing and reopening it makes the text disappear21:46
jakemaheui.e. you can't edit already entered text21:46
Vulcanisqwerty12_N800: the fullscreen keyboard was what I was refering to21:46
qwerty12_N800Vulcanis, ah21:46
jakemaheudoes anyone notice that bug?21:46
Vulcanisgive me a bit, I'll find my tablet and try21:48
jakemaheuhere's how to reproduce it (in diablo)21:48
qwerty12_N800It's always happened to me but as i use the stylus keyboard anyway..21:48
jakemaheugo to control panel21:49
jakemaheutext input settings21:49
jakemaheuset "launch finger keyboard" to "with finger and stylus"21:49
jakemaheuand "launch finger keyboard with [-]", check it21:50
jakemaheuthen open xterm21:50
jakemaheuthe keyboard will come up automatically21:50
jakemaheuenter some random text, a few letters will do21:50
jakemaheuthen, without entering, close the keyboard and reopen it21:51
jakemaheuthe text is uneditable for people without styli21:51
jakemaheudrives me nucking futs21:52
jakemaheuat my grandma's house21:53
jakemaheuisn't that bug annoying, though?21:54
jakemaheu*hint hint*21:54
jakemaheu*cough* file a bug report *cough*21:54
lcukyeah, go on then21:54
qwerty12_N800what's stopping you? :p21:55
lcukfile one :)21:55
jakemaheu*shrugs* i never learned how21:55
jakemaheui'll try though21:55
lcukqwerty12_N800, ive got the pyclock thingy up on my laptop21:55
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, heehee, nice :D21:56
lcukjust thinking about simplicity :)21:56
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qwerty12_N800i'm liking the "non-party" look :)21:56
* qwerty12_N800 <3's quake 1 on the tablet with cheatmode21:58
lcukummm i cant close it on the laptop21:58
qwerty12_N800aii, i'm not the coder - merely the packager21:58
* qwerty12_N800 runs off21:59
AStormany idea how to make ssh use ssh-askpass util?21:59
AStormor $SSH_ASKPASS21:59
lcuknot sure astorm, sorry21:59
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AStormeven running agent in bg doesn't help22:00
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lcukAStorm, isnt that technically upto the client?22:01
AStormssh command here22:01
AStormand it should use ssh-agent22:01
AStormwhich should use askpass22:01
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AStormI did source the env vars22:03
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sp3000GAN800, don't forget to use the reassign to default radio when moving bugs to another component22:05
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t_s_obah, finally filed a modest bug report that i should have filed ages ago, but that i thought would be found and fixed while investigating a related looking bug (thats still marked as unconfirmed iirc)...22:08
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GAN800sp3000, it says something about a group when I'm moving. I assumed that was the right thing, but apparently not. :/22:08
GAN800sp3000, sorry :P22:08
sp3000mmm busybox fail22:09
AStormwth is the ssh-agent *not* using the askpass?22:10
AStormit should by default22:10
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GAN800t_s_o, go ask andre for canconfirm. :P22:10
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AStormit's really impossible to have xinetd use ssh-agent or sth22:12
andre__tomorrow. all tomorrow :)22:12
GAN800No, now! :P22:13
AStormI need the stupid ssh to ask me for the key22:14
AStormwth doesn't it work?22:14
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AStormas in a dialog window22:18
aquatixnot on the cli or something?22:18
aquatixwhat are you trying to do exactly?22:18
AStormthere's no cli on xinetd22:19
AStormand no when ssh-agent is asked22:19
aquatixah right22:19
aquatixsorry, missed that part :/22:19
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AStormoh, I WON! :)22:25
AStormit did start hildon-ssh-askpass22:25
AStormssh automatic tunnel works :)22:26
qwerty12_N800Hehe, you're probably the only person using that diablo rebuild :p22:26
AStormnow, I need a way to autostart ssh-agent with X session22:26
achadwickI can build-depend on perl (>= 5) for Diablo builds, amirite? Looks like the SDK contains it, anyway.22:26
qwerty12_N800achadwick, for programs that run on the the device?22:27
AStormso, how do I start ssh-agent with X session/user login on maemo?22:27
t_s_oim surprised people still think the display on the touch and phone is heat sensitive...22:27
achadwickNo, just during the build. Which I assume happens in scratchbox from what I'm reading.22:27
AStormit is22:27
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AStormif you heat it too much, it will be damaged22:28
t_s_oand melt the rest of the device ;)22:28
AStormnot  *that* much heat22:28
t_s_ofunny enough, wikipedia has it listed as capacitive22:30
AStormit's resistive22:30
AStormcorrect it22:31
AStormyou can't use capacitive with a 100% plastic stylus22:31
Vulcaniswhat are we talking about?22:32
Vulcanisfor which device22:32
t_s_onope, iphone :P22:33
Vulcanisiphone one doesn't work with a plastic stylus22:33
Vulcanisand I'm prety sure its capacitive22:33
AStormiPawn's is capacitive22:33
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AStormok, again22:33
lcuki wonder if a static discharge would fry it22:33
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* lcuk slides around on his shoes when next in offices22:34
t_s_ofeel free to buy one and try, lcuk22:34
AStormopamps will limit it22:34
lcukwould it register it as a touch thou22:34
AStormyou'd need a hell of a static charge22:34
AStormit would22:34
t_s_otime to build a portable van der graph then ;)22:35
t_s_oor whatever the name is22:35
* lcuk slides around shopping malls and zaps the kids22:35
AStormno, even more22:35
t_s_oto bad electro do not exist...22:35
AStormlcuk, do you know how to autostart app as "user" and have the env in X on maemo?22:36
lcuki dont know how to start any app automatically let alone in a specific env22:37
* lcuk is a simple user22:37
AStorm~curse broken init system of maemo22:37
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, broken init system of maemo !22:37
AStormno, more bugs?nooo!22:37
qwerty12_N800cant you 'su - user -c 'cmd'?22:38
t_s_othe bugs will rules the earth22:38
AStormqwerty12_N800, haha, on login22:38
AStormnot by hand22:38
AStormalso, w/o password22:38
AStormand env must be available to X session22:39
jakemaheuspeaking of bugs, i submitted a new one22:39
AStormand I don't want to mod main scripts22:39
AStormas that will be broken by next SSU22:39
qwerty12_N800autohome-applet may work for you :
jakemaheuvote for it!22:40
qwerty12_N800oops, wrong thread22:40
jakemaheuplease and thank you22:40
jakemaheu~curse diablo's fullscreen keyboard22:41
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, diablo's fullscreen keyboard !22:41
AStormjakemaheu, huh? it worked before?22:41
jakemaheuerm, not in chinook or diablo (i didn't use 2007)22:43
t_s_odont recall it ever working...22:43
AStormit's hard to implement22:43
AStormneeds 2-way communication22:43
jakemaheubut nokia included xterm in diablo, so it's their responsibility22:43
AStormwhich hildon-i-m doesn't have22:43
AStormbut it's an Enhancement prio22:44
AStormnot Medium22:44
AStorma lot of work for a tiny feature22:44
AStormalthough, hildon-i-m needs a rework anyway22:44
jakemaheumy first bug report22:45
AStormI'd prefer xvkb-like input method anyway22:45
AStormhildon-i-m ties in far too much to toolkit22:46
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jakemaheuis there anything i can do?22:46
timelE61iWrite a better im(framework)?22:47
jakemaheuhur hur hur yeah because i can program22:47
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timelE61iYeah well, sponsor a programmer :) help him buy pizza for his family22:48
jakemaheuwhat family?22:48
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jakemaheuanyways, it'll prolly get closed (READ: Fixed in Fremantle)22:51
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qwerty12_N800call me a traditionalist but i like seeing my screen interestxterm when typing :/22:53
qwerty12_N800s/interestxterm /in xterm /22:53
infobotqwerty12_N800 meant: call me a traditionalist but i like seeing my screen in xterm when typing :/22:53
qwerty12_N800bloody prediction22:53
Stskeeps~curse scratchbox22:54
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, scratchbox !22:54
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: useful information sometime when you do a dpkg replacement in sb.. it hardwires it to a certain dpkg in the devkit apt came from22:54
Stskeepsunless you do -o Dir::Bin::dpkg=/scratchbox/devkits/mer/bin/dpkg22:54
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, nice22:55
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Stskeepsand gzip is bloody slow emulated..22:56
Stskeepsbut i just made a dist-upgrade go without hassle22:56
qwerty12_N800nice, i was always forcing the deb from the apt cache with dpkg when it failed22:57
Stskeepsnow, how the hell to make this go into a deb..22:58
* RST38h wonders what evil deed he should commit tonight22:58
StskeepsRST38h: i've made a sb1 devkit. i think the apocalypse is coming.22:58
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, dpkg-deb :p22:59
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: .. that has crossed my mind22:59
qwerty12_N800the quick & dirty way :)22:59
qwerty12_N800it's always fun when dpkg-buildpackage just runs dpkg-deb and you wonder why the fuck did i go through all this23:00
Stskeepsyou realize it though when you get things going23:01
jakemaheuhow do you view all installed packages in terminal?23:01
Stskeepsdpkg -l23:02
jakemaheuhow do you output that result to a text file?23:05
qwerty12_N800dpkg -l > 1235.txt23:06
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jakemaheui love you people23:06
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jakemaheuthis is actually for ubuntu-- i f***ed up my firefox install23:08
lcukhow do i build for 2 systems at the same time23:09
jakemaheuopen two terminals23:09
lcuki want to edit a source file and have it saved, built and ran on 2 different physical devices23:10
jakemaheudon't do that, actually, it might cause your processor to have a resonance cascade failure23:10
lcukwith different cpu archs23:10
jakemaheuwhy not do it separately?23:10
lcukcos i want it automatically on both23:10
lcuk1 same set of instructions no matter where i am23:11
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jakemaheunow that's true portability23:11
jakemaheuwill it run already if compiled separately?23:12
lcukyes jake, currently i build liqbase wherever and whenever i want23:12
lcukits simply built on the tablet23:12
lcukthere is an x86 build flag23:12
lcukor rather, a maemo one23:12
AStormhow can I grab a pid of bg process?23:12
AStormno, not hacks with ps23:12
jakemaheuwhat is it written in? vb, right?23:13
lcukparse /dev wherever folder dont you23:13
AStormusing this broken piece of shell we have23:13
AStormkill %1 (say) does give -<pid>23:13
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AStormwhich is wrong23:13
lcukno, ive done core dev work in vb on windows side but thats not included here, but certainly an eyebrow raising possibility if i choose a compatible file format...23:13
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: well the good thing is we now have a sane sdk, the bad thing is i've officially lost my sanity..23:13
lcukjakemaheu, it would be wicked if i could simply run the vb code ive got windows side on maemo23:14
jakemaheulcuk: i'd like to try liqbase on an xp touchscreen laptop23:14
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, hehe nice :), can't wait to install23:14
AStorm$! doesn't work in this sorry excuse for a shell23:14
qwerty12_N800AStorm, `pidof whatever`?23:14
AStormit hangs instead23:14
AStormqwerty12_N800, try that with ssh23:14
AStormit'd kill all the sessions23:15
qwerty12_N800heh, no idea how it works on ssh23:15
AStormI want it to kill the one started in the script23:15
lcukC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\TabNet\oldoldold\oldold\old\TabDraw\TabDraw.exe23:15
jakemaheulcuk, you should build it in python23:15
jakemaheuuber portability23:15
AStormnext level will be uberold?23:15
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lcukC:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VB98\TabNet\oldoldold\oldold\old\liqbase.py23:16
jakemaheuyou should, like, compile it for windows x86 and give eet to me23:17
achadwickAnyone work with garage's upload system? Does it feature an autobuilder, and can it work with .orig.tar.gz + diff.gz + dsc uploads as well as native Debian-style?23:17
lcukjake, i have been trying to build this for a while, i hadn't touched it properly until this year (exactly 12 months to the day)23:17
jakemaheuwow, bon annieversaire23:17
jakemaheumy french is rusty23:17
lcukyeah, i think you just called my aunt a whore or something23:18
lcukif we werent on irc i would challenge you to a duel :P23:18
lcukthank you  though :)23:18
Stskeepsachadwick: i -think- so, as we upload source packages..23:18
Stskeepsbut i'm not sure 100%23:18
lardmanhmm, no gdb for arm in the repo, should I get it from the sdk repo?23:19
lcuklardman \o/ i have touchubuntu23:20
t_s_ough, i keep getting the impression that the pop support in modest was a afterthought that the devs dont really want to touch any more...23:20
Stskeepslardman: yeah, think so23:20
lardmanon your new IBM machine?23:20
Stskeepslcuk: compiled liqbase yet? :P23:20
lardmanStskeeps: cool, cheers23:20
achadwickI'm trying to cobble osm2go into something that'll be uploadable to regular Debian too. If both Debian and Maemo can use the same .orig.tar.gz, that'd be Quite Nice.23:20
lcukno Stskeeps i ummm broke x86 compatability whilst rushing for the summit23:20
Stskeepslcuk: ah23:21
lcukbut what im thinking is perfect23:21
* achadwick applies more Duck[tm] tape.23:21
lcukthis gives me opportunity to check if i can rip out the speedy library and leave the app stable ontop23:21
Stskeepsducktape, heh. ducttape is definately something i use for this sdk..23:21
Stskeepslcuk: what X driver does your touchscreen use?23:22
lcuki dunno23:22
lcuk<<< not technical enough23:22
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Stskeeps(you can see in /var/log/Xorg.0.log probably23:23
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lardmanhmm, no gdb in the sdk 4.1.2 repo23:23
Stskeepsdid they notice me and qwerty12's hacking about ? ;P23:24
Stskeepsis there23:24
lcukmmmm just had a wtf from linux, rebooting..23:24
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lardmanwhat's the apt line to install from that repo?23:26
* lardman dislikes apt23:27
lardmanas he doesn't really know how to set things up23:27
* jakemaheu is pissed at apt23:27
jakemaheufor breaking my firefox23:27
jakemaheu~curse apt23:27
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, apt !23:27
qwerty12_N800lardman, deb diablo/sdk free non-free23:28
lardmanhmm, me put s/diablo/maemo4.1.223:28
lardmannot to worry I wgot it ;) and dpkg -i'd it23:29
qwerty12_N800diablo points to current version but no problems23:29
lardmanthanks though qwerty12_N80023:29
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b-manI finally got merinstaller to run (properly) - there were still minor errors but thay were fixed. :) allthough i was so excided about it working that i absent-mindedly formated the wrong mmc - goodbye windows95, android, backed-up data, music, and other important files. :P23:30
b-manyah, that's what i'm yelling at myself...23:32
AStormbackup on non-writable media23:32
* AStorm is missing the write lock on microsd23:32
b-mansometimes, i really hate myself. :P23:33
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Stskeepsb-man: we've killed one 770 in the progress of porting deblet to it. a mmc is nothing ;)23:35
Stskeeps.. and a mmc23:36
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Stskeepsmmc too much use i think ;)23:38
Stskeeps770 was home made usb power..23:38
* AStorm stops cursing ash23:38
b-manso you fried the 770.... lol23:39
AStormyou fail at electronics23:39
AStormforgot to put a simple diode there?23:39
Stskeepsb-man: i didn't, the guy working with it did :P23:41
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Stskeepsand he's one of the reasons we have a good deblet guide now, so :P23:41
AStormI'm supposed to mod my n810 to use usb for charging23:42
AStormas the puny charger is horrible23:42
AStormnow I wonder why they didn't put that one trace there23:43
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b-mani found a really funny joke from a website, want to here it? - it's a little long...23:45
Stskeepshehe, paste it on a pastebin :P23:46
AStormor link23:46
ShadowJK_AStorm, what's wrong with the charger?23:46
AStormthe fact that it's... expensive23:47
AStormand easy to forget23:47
b-mani'll post it here - (dont types ennything untill i say so or it wont work)23:47
ShadowJK_you get them for 15 bucks or something23:47
b-mansee if you can read this:23:47
b-manThis is this cat23:47
b-manThis is is cat23:47
b-manThis is how cat23:47
b-manThis is to cat23:48
b-manThis is keep cat23:48
b-manThis is a cat23:48
b-manThis is stupid cat23:48
b-manThis is dork cat23:48
b-manThis is busy cat23:48
b-manThis is for cat23:48
AStormthis is how to get a kick23:48
b-manThis is forty cat23:48
b-manThis is seconds cat23:49
Stskeepsb-man: hint, pastebin next time, it's very bad IRC manners :)23:49
b-manNow go back and read the THIRD word in each line from the top. Betcha you can't resist passing it on23:49
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Stskeeps'lo rm_you23:49
Stskeepsb-man: and in my old irc channels it would have earned you a ban :P23:49
AStormkick at least23:49
* Stskeeps goes back to sdk'ing 23:49
b-mandid you read every third word?23:50
qwerty12_N800rm_you! built the version  from garage and it works fine in saving brightness value. as you know :)23:50
* rm_you wakes up23:50
rm_youll yes23:50
Stskeepsb-man: yes, i did :P it's funny but still, flooding or pasting large amounts suck :P23:50
b-mansorry. :p23:51
Stskeepsi don't personally care that much, but someone might care some day :P23:51
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olias a punishment you have to write an open-source ventrilo client ;)23:52
b-manhehe - you got to admit - it's a little funny. :)23:52
oliyep, but i've noticed hidden message after first 6 lines ;)23:53
b-manhehe - that's what's suppose to be funny - don't shoot the messenger ;p23:55
b-mani got it off a website23:56
b-manblahblahblah your self. :)23:59

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