IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-12-18

t_s_othe only version if libc6 i find with apt-cache at the moment is osso9. it should show up if its on the repos, yes?00:00
t_s_oosso10 that is00:00
lcukjott is in silicon heaven.  eyeing up silicone boobies all day long00:00
qwerty12_N800lcuk, sounds like you're talking from experience :p00:01
lcukyeah, he got all his links from meh00:01
lcukapart from the german ones, he found them himself00:02
t_s_ocute, i turn on extras-devel and apt-cache shows osso10, turn it off and i only find osso900:03
t_s_obut in either case i get the same error in app manager...00:03
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t_s_ohmm, could a modified modest or app manager package conflict?00:04
qwerty12_N800no, i updated with both those fine (although I use -unlocked)00:05
lcukusual cause is additional repos00:05
t_s_owell i have them all off, except extra-devel for a quick look at the apt-cache update...00:06
t_s_obut turning it off again changes nothing...00:06
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t_s_othat is, i have currently the nokia ones and extras as active, everything else turned off...00:07
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StskeepsGAN8001: curious, is a legal entity?00:11
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lcukStskeeps, why, has it just stolen a car or something?00:12
Stskeepslcuk: writing the first "this could be nice to be redistributable"00:12
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Stskeepslcuk, (others interested in firmware redistribution), GAN8001:
GAN8001Stskeeps, um, well. . . .00:21
GAN8001Bit fuzzy at the moment00:21
GAN8001likely to be much less fuzzy in the near future00:21
Stskeepsi guess so00:21
StskeepsGAN8001: well it was a proposal to enter as a bug to encourage discussion of this00:22
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GAN8001I think if you're talking about licensing it'd be appropriate to use for "community"00:22
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Stskeepsthat's true00:22
GAN8001I think Nokia has a plan/00:22
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GAN8001But it's dependent on getting and Maemo @ Forum Nokia off the ground.00:22
t_s_oheh, no wonder, i had libc6-dbg floating around :S00:23
ciroipis qwerty around?00:23
r2d2rogersI only have seen 3 files of firmware in the initfs for the 770 does that seem right?00:23
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: yeah, think so00:23
r2d2rogersgood deal00:23
t_s_othat cleared my problem00:23
mavhcGAN8001: much like the cylons?00:23
mavhcis there a what's new for this nokia map update?00:23
qwerty12_N800ciroip, sure00:24
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ciroipoh, hithere00:24
StskeepsGAN8001: well. in the ideal world would be able to make the firmware images, and distribute them like tablets-dev do already00:24
qwerty12_N800hi ciroip :)00:24
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ciroipI wanted just warn you to not bore to make a package out of the 00300:24
Stskeepsyou just poked a bit for getting this discussion started :)00:24
ciroipbecause have an annoying shit that make it crash, so it would just piss people :)00:25
t_s_owell then, where goes00:25
GAN8001Stskeeps, we can treat as the "legal entity" of the Maemo Community.00:25
qwerty12_N800ciroip, heh, saw the post :(00:25
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ciroipmh, k, good :)00:25
StskeepsGAN8001: alright00:26
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GAN8001Directed by the Maemo Community Council which is elected by the Maemo Community.00:26
GAN8001Stskeeps, anyway, poke -community about it.00:26
GAN8001Quim & co. will have plenty to say about it, I'm sure00:27
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Stskeepsbut the model of (directed by, elected by.. ) doing the construction of images and "limited" distribution may work? i mean, i could work that way personally00:28
Stskeepswith providing scripts for making the images00:28
Stskeepsi'll poke -community about it :P00:29
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GAN8001Yeah, that sounds like exactly how I'd do it.00:31
milhousefeck... what's this "libc6 (=2.5.0-1osso9)" crap all about? the SSU won't install because of it :(00:33
Stskeepsmilhouse: -dbg installed00:33
milhouseyes, 'cos Nokia asked me to install it! :)00:33
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GAN8001Was it Eero recommending installing that for testing on Bugzilla?00:33
GAN8001Somebody poke him about that.00:34
milhousesweet huh?00:34
GAN8001(though -developers)00:34
StskeepsGAN8001: couldn't this actually be a generic model for most cooperation?00:34
infobotGAN8001 meant: (through -developers)00:34
GAN8001Also, hi milhouse. :)00:34
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Orlinhey guys00:34
Orlinim trying to update to the new firmware for n810, and its giving me a missing package error for bluez-utils?00:34
milhousehi GAN00:34
milhousewill uninstalling strace fix the libc6 problem?00:35
Orlinanyone got any tips/help/suggestions?00:35
* Stskeeps ponders if it's ok to lynch people messing up SSUs00:35
milhouseOrlin - think your option is to uninstall bluez-utils00:35
milhouseGAN: Cheers00:36
Orlinhow do i do that? O_o00:36
GAN8001tz just loves to make my life more difficult00:36
GAN8001Orlin, remove bluez-utils-test00:36
milhouseOrlin: Do you see bluez-utils listed in Application manager (Show Installed Applications)?00:36
GAN8001Stskeeps, I endorse it.00:36
GAN8001Especially when it's obnoxious people like tz. :\00:37
GAN8001Why the hell would you put that shit in user/?00:37
lardmanhmm, /me will have to do a new sbc update to account for the new bluez-utils00:37
Orlinmilhouse: i don't to install it00:37
qwerty12_N800milhouse, libc6-dbg wasn't installed with strace here...00:37
milhouseam just removing libc6-debug and it appears maemo-debug-scripts may have been the culprit00:37
qwerty12_N800lardman, yes, you will :P :)00:37
GAN8001Orlin, minigpsd?00:37
infobotmilhouse meant: am just removing libc6-dbg and it appears maemo-debug-scripts may have been the culprit00:38
Orlini have minigpsd installed00:38
t_s_oand so im using 5.2008.43-700:38
Orlinim not sure why xD00:38
lardmanqwerty12_N800: you interested? new method, sounds better (though probably not for the old lethal bizzle it has to be said)00:39
Orlinah i see00:39
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t_s_oheh, it ate my modified boot screens...00:39
milhouseLooks like SSU is good to go here now - cheers all (naughty Eero)00:39
Orlinah ok00:40
OrlinGAN8001 removing minigpsd fixed it :D00:40
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Orlini couldnt get that to work anyway xD00:40
qwerty12_N800lardman, sure :) (well, i could install now - dunno about finding headphones @ this time! :)). meh, it's impossible for lethal bizzle to sound any better :P :D00:41
lardmanyou're quite right there :D00:41
qwerty12_N800yeah, too good already :D00:41
lardmanactually the fp method might improve it, silence with the occasional popping noise00:41
qwerty12_N800lardman, i've got part 2 of that track, want it for 'testing' purposes? :D00:42
lardmanis it single channel on the left side this time?00:43
lardmanah no, the original was mono00:43
qwerty12_N800heh, normal stereo this one :)00:43
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* qwerty12_N800 never thought i'd be saying that i actually liked a clone...00:46
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: which, the chinese one?00:47
zakkmIs the newest SSU update safe to use? ( cloned to SD )00:47
zakkmis it any better?00:47
Stskeepsyes, X is faster00:47
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, yeah :D00:47
Stskeepszakkm: dont think penguinbait has a new .deb out if you still use his bootmenu00:48
zakkmyeah i do00:48
zakkmill wait then00:48
Stskeepsnot significantly, but noticable00:48
GAN8001We need one bootmenu solution. :\00:48
zakkmlilo ftw lol00:48
StskeepsGAN8001: i'm dragging slowly towards solca's principle. covers all scenarios00:48
GAN8001Plus a Control Panel00:49
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, i wonder why xserver-xomap uses march rather than mcpu & mtune...00:49
GAN8001We should see if we can coordinate on something with Nokia for Fremantle.00:49
StskeepsGAN8001: i still have a good eye to the 4mb linux partition00:49
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GAN8001I hope we start hearing more in public by the alpha00:51
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StskeepsGAN8001: <- comments before i fire it off? (sorry for all the questions, i'm not that good at community :P)00:55
Stskeepssubject would be "Proposal for redistributable community firmware images"00:56
Stskeepsok, maybe not "redistributable"00:56
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GAN800Stskeeps, we'll get you trained yet. ;00:59
Stskeepsdon't you mean the other way?00:59
GAN800They're cpmmunity efforts.01:00
Stskeepsalright01:00 is a website, it doesn't do anything. :p01:00
GAN800'the community', not 'community'01:00
Stskeepsbut in the case of who is licensed to do something, is ok?01:01
Stskeepsi like that word but i guess it's a bit french/academic..01:02
GAN800move the comma on the first bullet point down a word01:02
GAN800I don't recognize it from a US perdpective.01:02
GAN800Your audience is mostly European, so if it works for them. . . .01:03
Stskeepsor Muse fans.. (map of the problematique.. :P)01:03
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GAN800Add something inviting more input for other options01:04
GAN800It's sounds too much like you're proposing that that's exactly how it should be done.01:04
Stskeepsyeah, ego, .. too much of that :>01:04
GAN800paragraph 2 might be01:04
GAN800a good place to change01:04
Stskeepswould->could :P01:05
GAN800Well, not really ego, but mostly it seems like a proposal to do that instead of a proposal for discussion of the best practice. :P01:05
GAN800Other than that it looks good.01:06
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Stskeepswow, joost is shutting down01:13
Stskeeps.. good riddance, that was a horrid interface01:13
Stskeeps(software app that is)01:13
StskeepsGAN800: if something like this could work, we could accelerate a load of efforts.. so it will be interesting to see01:14
Stskeepssuddenly Community Edition Diablo could be in reach, etc :P01:15
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Stskeepsright, i'm obviously going slightly insane in ideas, so i think it's time to go to bed :P01:16
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GAN800Stskeeps, I feel a bit like we're standing still on this stiff01:18
GAN800hopefully we'll hear about some progress and they haven't just been occupied elsewhere internally.01:19
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StsN800heh, woojoy.com01:28
RST38hSts: Joost is shutting down? Good01:29
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RST38hMaybe they will stop spamming me01:30
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mavhcthe p2p app is shutting down, they switched to a flash website a while ago01:35
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RST38hWhere is when you really need it?01:36
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RST38hWhat happened with these guys anyway?01:36
mavhcwasn't it fuckedcompany?01:37
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RST38hthen it may be still around =)01:38
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ssvbhi lardman01:45
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lardmanhey ssvb02:17
ssvbaha, not sleeping yet?02:18
lardmannah, hacking away at barcode app02:18
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lardmananyway, did you see my message from last night?02:19
ssvbregarding sbc encoder, it's a bit broken now, but there is a hope02:19
lardmanthat patch produces nicer sound02:20
ssvbit needs a bit more patches02:20
ssvbI sent one more fix today02:20
lardmanI was going to try to work out if the constants are correct for the existing implementation, as per your hint, but have no idea what the author was doing02:20
lardmanah ok, will have a look see02:20
ssvbyou can just forget about existing implementation02:21
ssvba new one is going to be a lot better02:21
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lardmanwell that's good news02:22
ssvbI thought that you might consider joining linux-bluetooth mailing list02:23
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ssvbafter all, you are working on a port for C55x02:23
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lardmanyes I ought to really, I didn't think sbc was getting any attention though, hence my not getting round to it02:24
lardmanhmm casting as 64bit int won't work for me02:24
ssvb40 bit is enough02:25
lardmanI could do saturated arithmetic in hw?02:25
ssvbactually even 33 (or 34) would do :)02:25
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ssvbsaturated arithmetic is not needed here02:26
lardmanhow much of an improvement does your bitpacking patch make?02:27
ssvbbtw, have you benchmarked fully 16-bit version of filter?02:27
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lardmannot really02:27
ssvbbitpacking overhead depends on the bitrate02:27
lardmanah, 16bit version? As in all data <=16bit?02:27
ssvball the data and constants are 16-bit already, they are just using a bit wrong types (wider than needed)02:28
lardmanthat is interesting, I was going to look at that02:29
lardmanthe output and input types are 32bit though02:29
ssvbinput data is 16-bit02:29
ssvbit is just converted to 32-bits for no reason02:29
lardmanatm I'm running everything in 32bit mode02:30
lardmanbut switching to 16bit would be good, to allow some better hw optimisations, etc02:30
ssvbyou can try some variation of
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lardmanI'd not seen that email02:31
* lardman must subscribe02:31
ssvb'sbc_encoder_state->X' type can be converted to int16_t02:32
ssvbbut a lot more optimizations can be still applied to this function02:32
lardmanyep I saw that02:32
lardmanok, I'll take a look at it tomorrow02:32
lardmanhmm, I tried the fp version from btsco, but no output yet02:34
derfWait, someone's actually working on maemo-barcode?02:35
lardmanyeah, in a branch02:35
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GAN800Time to change the name. :p02:36
lardmanyeah, I know02:36
derf"Barcode for Yer Mother"02:36
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GAN800'Barcode yer Mother'02:37
lardmanright, is getting late here, time for bed02:38
lardmannight all02:38
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Macerhm.. think i just bricked my n800 :)02:39
Maceroh.. maybe not02:40
derfTry harder.02:44
Macerblah.. was kind of hoping they fixed the microb/zimbra bug02:44
Macerguess not02:44
Macerdamn you maemo02:44
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Maceranybody know how i map the email client's sent folder to the sent folder on my imap server?02:51
Macerit doesn't seem to put a copy on my imap server02:51
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andre__hmm. fixing the mail notifications for qa contacts will turn this into a long night... sigh.02:57
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zakkmStskeeps, GeneralAntilles, lcuk, qwerty12 : one of you here?02:59
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cyrus___solca - are you around03:06
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andre__X-Fade: those whining messages - do you still get them? what's the exact sender address? i have the feeling that it's the test bugzilla installation triggers them03:14
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Sakkathi lost my charger and bought a $10 charger for nokia devices from a store. yesterday my n800 fell like 2 feet off a couch and hit the charger, it broke.  i just exchanged it saying it came broke. now my n800 will hardly hold a charge. it won't stay on and charge at the same time, it dies very quickly---about as long as i've had it charging.03:35
Sakkathis it the charger? did maybe something inside get damaged?03:35
Sakkathi would imagine it should always be able to stay on when it's plugged in03:36
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johnxif the charger won't supply it enough power to charge the battery and run the system it will end up running down the battery even while plugged in03:44
Sakkathso it's the charger....03:45
Sakkaththe one that i had yesterday (the same one) before it broke, worked fine03:45
Sakkathbattery was dead for a LONG time, plugged it in and used it fine03:45
Sakkathso there's no possibility of internal damage that would cause anything like that?03:45
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Sakkathjohnx: you're a great helper =] btw found a way to get socks to work, because the browser is gecko based, was able to use about:config to set it for the browser. also pidgin has socks support so that's pretty much everything i need03:46
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Vulcaniseww, don't use pidgin03:47
Sakkath..i'm just saying03:47
Sakkathwhat else would i use o.o03:48
VulcanisI wonder if the rtconn patch has socks support03:48
Sakkathok i have to go for now, ping me if you have a response. bye03:48
Sakkath have a response. bye03:49
Sakkath20:48 < Vulcanis>
Vulcanisthat puts most of the stuff pidgin can do, in the Chat app03:49
johnxmornin' all03:49
VulcanisSakkath: no idea if that supports SOCKS, though, but it seems to have most of the pidgin default plugins' functions03:50
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* ShadowJK_ sighs04:28
ShadowJK_remind me to never visit itt04:28
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johnxyeah, problem is, fun stuff shows up there from time to time04:29
johnxyou just can't get sucked into the other stuff...04:29
ShadowJK_... So I saw the flashing red exclamation mark, and that it was SSU. I wondered how much free space on / I need and if the upgrade is going to hose anything... who would know... Oh, those folks at itt maybe. So I tap in the address, get the front page, then everything locks up. The back of the tablet starts getting hot, sure sign that it's swapping heavily. As by some miracle, I don't get brutally murde04:30
ShadowJK_red by the watchdog, and the tablet eventually after 5 minutes or so recovers. I check, and swapfile usage has ballooned to 70 megs. srsly, you'd think a page for tablet users would be safe for tablet users.04:30
johnxI blame the browser04:31
ShadowJK_You can make any browser on any system die04:32
ShadowJK_or rendered unusable..04:32
Vulcanisthis one is just easier than most.04:32
johnxand IMHO that should be considered a bug04:32
johnxno surprise that things as complex as browsers have lots of bugs.04:33
ShadowJK_The page is too complex04:33
johnxwell, I agree with that too. did you try the other themes?04:34
ShadowJK_looks like ff3 on my sempron3100 needs several cpu seconds to display it too04:34
ShadowJK_no I closed it in disgust before accidentally triggering any potential hidden javascript bombs that would have the watchdog murder me :-)04:35
johnxif they'd get to even a slightly newer ff3 the js performance would improve by maybe an order of magnitude04:36
ShadowJK_these things tend to come in pairs :-( memory hogging complex website paired with cpu guzzling javascripts :)04:36
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johnxactually, testing ITT on my n800 now, you didn't have flash enabled, did you?04:54
pupnik_hate such websites04:54
johnxNokia finally totally nailed the SSU update procedure04:55
johnxlooks smooth for everyone, even dual-booters O_o04:56
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ShadowJK_I don't have flash enabled, no05:00
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johnxit's really not that slow here05:00
johnxdefinitely not 5 minutes of hanging05:00
ShadowJK_might've been some of the background daemons triggering at the same time which made the swapping all that worse, which would've also triggered the attempt to display the "not responding" notice for every single program, which would have slowed it down a magnitude more :)05:04
johnxyeah, when I first join a wifi hotspot my tablet goes nuts for a while :)05:04
johnxI actually enjoy it though, because I can be assured that even if I only connect for a minute or so I'll have my email, weather updates and fresh RSS entries to read05:05
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ShadowJK_but srsly, every time this happens I just get the feeling that whoever wrote that landing page should be confined to using a 770 with microb. Make it work fast on that, it should work acceptable on a wide range of things05:05
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johnxI can't imagine microb on a 770 would be fast enough for anyone's web page05:06
johnxI mean it's a web browser not a microb page :P05:06
johnxthe browser needs to pick up the slack05:06
ShadowJK_At that point people would just use the browser on their desktop machines, and write pages that instead of being instant on the average desktop, are almost instant or need "just" a few seconds. When you then put that page on machine with much less ram and CPU, we're back to where we started.05:07
johnxI'll get slaughtered over this but here it is: luckily we have iphone users on our side05:08
ShadowJK_ipod and wii too05:09
johnxwell if you're included the wii you might as well include WebTV :P05:09
johnxbut I think the iphone is the force to be reckoned with. just glad that it helps rather than hurts us05:10
ShadowJK_When I upgraded to ff3 it was awesomely fast and the CPU hogging problems of ff2 were gone. Now however I'm encountering more and more pages that trigger the "Javascript is taking too long to execute" message with ff3. I guess webdesigners upgraded to ff3 and Q6600 and use that as baseline for their crud05:10
johnxah, prolly not. you should check your extensions05:10
johnxI had to go on an extension cleansing crusade a while ago05:11
ShadowJK_session manager05:11
ShadowJK_(because ff still crashes)05:11
johnxgreasemonkey? adblock?05:11
johnxsession manager is really it?05:11
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johnxwhy not try ff3's builtin session manager?05:12
ShadowJK_it forgets sessions :(05:12
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johnxsorry, all I have to offer is a "works here" :/05:13
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ShadowJK_On another note, SSU has never failed for me so far ;)05:17
* ShadowJK_ shall try the recent one after work today05:17
TrueJournalsWell, now you've jinxed it05:18
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dick-richardsonwhat was the xml file a person needs to edit to add reboot, etc. to the power button menu?05:57
dick-richardsonmy google searches must be phrased poorly :/05:57
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TrueJournalsdick-richardson: /etc/systemui/systemui.xml05:58
TrueJournalsJust remove the lines <!-- and -->05:58
dick-richardsonthank you!05:58
TrueJournalsNo problem05:58
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VulcanisHrm, anyone have a tutorial for installing+booting to an alternate operating system on the tablet? I know theres easydebian, but I'd kinda rather have the two separate06:01
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VulcanisI'll probably find it searching, though I'm pretty sure I tried quite hard earlier today.  But I will look tomorrow when I am not 90% asleep, I guess.06:01
johnxwant something ready-to-go or do you want to hack on something?06:02
TrueJournalsVulcanis: I could be mistaken, but doesn't easy debian install and run in its own SD card partition?  Or does that run a chroot?06:02
Vulcanisits a chroot06:02
TrueJournalsAh, it's deblet that runs on its own06:02
VulcanisProbably.  I cannot remember.06:03
johnxyeah, deblet and mer. and someone is working on gentoo (!)06:03
VulcanisJohn: Either works.06:03
Vulcanisready-to-go is probably just as good, but I'm willing to spend time making it work06:03
TrueJournalsVulcanis: check out deblet at there are some pretty good instructions there06:03
johnxand the other question is: what do you want to run on it?06:03
VulcanisThanks, True.06:04
VulcanisJohn: The n800 for now06:04
TrueJournalsOn it, not it on :-P06:04
johnxlike in terms of software? :P06:04
johnxkde? gnome? maemo UI on debian/ubuntu?06:04
Vulcanisrun ON it, not run it on.  see, I told yo uI was asleep06:04
VulcanisI really have no idea currently06:04
Vulcanisprobably whatever's fastest06:04
johnxjust to play then?06:04
VulcanisEh, for now.  Eventually I'll start using it for more.06:05
TrueJournalsI tried deblet on my n800 a little while ago, and it worked pretty well... the only problem I had was it couldn't connect to my network with a hidden SSID...06:05
johnxyeah, get your feet wet with deblet for now. Hopefully we'll get closer to a proper installer for Mer soon06:06
VulcanisOh, I didn't know mer was even an option at this point.  Good to know they're that far along, at least.06:06
johnxwell, it's going to be bootable soon for playing with.06:07
johnxthings will be missing of course06:07
johnxnothing is ever simple or easy :/06:08
VulcanisEh, I came into the tablet "scene" thinking that.06:08
Vulcanisso nothing new there.06:08
click170Hey guyz n galz.  Does anyone know why I would be getting this message when I try and do an 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get -f install' ?                      "The package metalayer-crawler0 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."06:09
Draciemetalayer the battery eater06:09
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johnxDracie, it doesn't anymore06:09
johnxbeen fixed for months06:10
Draciejohnx i have been out of the loop for like every now06:10
click170Thats fantastic and all, except it doesn't seem to be ^entirely^ fixed lol.  I cant do any upgrades or anything because.... I duno maybe the repo is down?  That cant be it06:10
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Draciewouldn't it just say then couldn't connect to (url)06:11
johnxclick170, what version of OS2008 do you have?06:11
click170I believe the latest, the Diablo one ?06:11
click170You want a 'uname -a' ?06:12
johnxand did you uninstall metalayer crawler manually at some point?06:12
click170No, not to my knowledge06:12
click170this is practically a fresh install06:12
johnxwell, that's odd06:12
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click170I've installed ssh, gained root access..... and installed a couple other packages like pptpclient or whatever to play with, havent gotten there yet06:12
johnxthe other thing being that you probably don't want to apt-get upgrade, use application manager instead06:12
click170I tried, it told me I had an upgrade.  "Great" I thought, so I tried to upgrade using App Manager.  But it failed.  Thusly, I dropped to CLI to actually get some debug output from the darn thing06:13
johnxit has a log right in the menu...06:13
click170Does it now06:13
click170News to me06:13
johnxhang on, I'll see if it's available from some repo I have setup...06:14
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click170ill do the upgrade through AppMan again and check the output it leaves in the in-app log06:15
johnxyeah, just pop back into app man and make sure the repo isn't disabled or something06:15
click170Hm.. Now I get a different message.06:15
johnxmetalayer-crawler comes from there06:15
click170The update appears much smaller, a mere 21Kb compared to the multi megabyte one before, and it says "Unable to updateOS2008 Feature upgrade. Some application packages required for the update are missing."06:16
click170That doesn't sound good06:16
johnxyeah, don't do that :)06:16
click170Its missing the packages  bluez-utils icd2 mce mediaplayer-daemon metalayer-crawler0 ossso-obexserv and tablet-browser-daemon06:17
johnxok, check that repo I asked you about06:17
click170what does it appear as in the Catalogs list?06:18
click170None of them show the url06:18
johnxshould be called Nokia Catalog06:18
click170Their there and they aren't disabled06:19
johnxok, so from the CLI, try  apt-cache policy metalayer-crawler006:19
click170  Installed: 1.3.8-106:21
click170  Candidate: 1.3.8-106:21
click170  Version table:06:21
click170 *** 1.3.8-1 006:21
click170        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status06:21
johnxok, well it should be coming from that repo06:21
johnxmake sure that "Nokia Catalog" has "" and "Components: user"06:22
click170does that mean I should be seeing that url where /var/libdpkg/status is?06:22
click170Yep, it does.06:22
johnxwhat happens when you run apt-get update06:22
johnxdoes it update successfully?06:22
click170Its for clarity's sake06:23
click170A couple failed urls06:25
click170nothing looks critical06:25
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johnxah, a thought :)06:28
click170I'm on the edge of my seat06:28
johnxme too06:29
johnxok, I had the wrong repo I guess, the updates one has metalayer-crawler06:29
johnxcheck /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list06:30
click170You want I should pastebin it?06:30
johnxdo you have: deb ./06:30
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johnxyeah, pastebin might be good06:30
johnxI'll pastebin mine too06:30
johnxthat's crazy06:31
click170what'd I do06:32
click170I see06:32
johnx54 lines of repos :)06:32
johnxgoing for a record?06:32
click170I didn't think it was anything special lol06:32
johnxyou installed everything from gronmayer?06:33
click170What can I say, they had a 'select all' button, couldn't help myself lol06:33
johnxand thus your current situation. :)06:33
click170Figured it was the best way to get a feel for the different apps people had ported to it.  Its not like the Debian repos where they are nice and centralized06:33
johnxit is now though06:34
click170Alrighty then.06:34
johnxalmost everything in those repos is in extras or extras-devel now06:34
click170Sweet, I didnt know that.06:34
johnxand people holding out are being pressured to conform :)06:34
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click170I'd say people should take it upon themselves to package the apps and put them into the centralized repo instead of pushing for the app dev to do it, but hey whatever.06:35
click170lol Touche06:35
johnxlots of people are, yes06:35
johnxwould you do me a favor and check what version you have in control panel -> about product?06:36
click170Internet Tablet OS: Maemo linux based OS2008, Version: 4.2008.36-506:37
johnxdid you flash directly to that version? or did you update inside app man from an earlier diablo?06:37
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click170I recall applying at least one system update via Application Manager post flashing06:38
click170This before the system update that appears to have dropped me into this predicament06:38
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johnxso then you did a system update that didn't complete?06:39
click170Well, this one.  I just tried to apply it, and it failed, then I dropped to the CLI etc etc, you know the rest06:39
johnxat some point you lost your entry for nokia updates06:40
johnxfailed update06:40
johnx~40 something gremlins all starting with the word "deb" :)06:40
click170system updates modify the apt source files?06:40
johnxyeah, Nokia's distro != debian06:41
johnxthey do some "clever" stuff06:41
click170clever. Right.06:41
click170Looks at the broken system in his hands06:41
johnxsooo, if I were you and I felt adventurous, I'd backup anything you care about, add deb ./06:41
johnxthen before you open app man again, run apt-get update, apt-get -f install06:42
click170Fantastic.  I don't have anything I care about on there yet06:42
johnxthen just reflash06:42
johnxreflash and only add repos as you need them06:42
click170But that way looks much more exciting... Ill reflash if this doesnt work06:42
johnxfair enough06:43
click170where do I add that repo to?06:43
johnxmight set yourself up for pain if something is subtly broken later though06:43
johnxthe same list you showed me06:43
click170What device do you have?  I've got the N81006:43
click170Ever considered putting Debian on it?06:43
johnxI did, January of 200806:44
click170!  Tell me, what do you think?06:44
johnxWorking on the Mer project now, Ubuntu+Nokia's Maemo UI06:44
johnxhere's what I think: Desktop user interfaces on touchscreen devices kind of suck06:44
click170Lucky for me I have the n810 with the tactile keyboard, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten an internet tablet.  Its main purpose for me is as a portable terminal06:45
johnxand getting decent battery life while using apps not designed with power savings in mind is just really difficult06:45
johnxif you're really just going to be on the CLI the whole time, and you're willing to suspend-to-RAM instead of keeping the tablet always-on, then yeah, debian might be an option for you06:47
pupnik_click170: customized your keymap yet?.06:47
click170pupnik_: No.  Have you?  What did you change?06:47
pupnik_added | and tab06:48
click170johnx:  Debian and suspend-to-ram?  Isn't that taboo or something? lol06:48
click170I've never tried it06:48
johnxshould work with some hacking06:48
pupnik_brb foodz nom nom06:48
click170pupnik_: what did you map them to?06:48
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pupnik_click170: tab=fn+space, |=fn+z07:08
pupnik_there was a nice blog post about it07:08
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serranoI have just upgraded my N800 with the last system upgrade (by clicking this damn orange icon) and my N800 is no longer able to connect to the wifi!!! I'm I the only one facing this problem. It there any one here with a suggestion? Thanks in advance.08:17
* sp3000 can't find any references to that08:26
sp3000but things like symlinks in mydocs had an issue with the earlier update08:26
sp3000"apt-get -f install" probably finished the upgrade, and "flash-and-reboot" eventually to install a downloaded kernel update08:28
sp3000ah, bug 375008:29
serranoSorry I don't understand you. It is this an answer to my question? (I feel stupid, sorry)...08:32
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serranoI don't know if this is related to my problem but "apt-get -f install" fails with "E: The package metalayer-crawler0 needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archvie for it."08:35
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dick-richardsonanyone having problems w/openssh and the latest firmware?08:42
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kleisthello all, is there an IRC client for the N810 ?08:59
qwerty12xchat which is in extras08:59
qwerty12*diablo extras08:59
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kleistwow - thx09:00
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Meiz_n810what's the difference between osso-software-version-rx44 and the unlocked one?09:40
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qwerty12unlocked uses >= as opposed to = (normal one) so you can install higher versions of system stuff without apt-get going all screwy on you about dependencies09:40
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StsN800GAN800, quim mailed that its forwarded to legal btw, and proposals are better off in wiki than trying to make legal join mailing list;)10:17
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johnxhey StsN80010:29
johnxhow goes the apartment cleaning? :D10:30
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StsN800not out of bed yet10:30
RST38hmoo, johnx, sts10:30
johnxI need coffee before I can even cope with IRC. I guess I've degenerated more than you :)10:30
johnxm00f RST38h10:30
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StsN800has been fwded to legal10:34
johnxan interesting solution10:34
johnxalso something we wouldn't be able to do if we wanted to be part of debian/ubuntu10:35
johnxI mean, I think we made the right choice in being autonomous because it leaves us these options10:35
StsN800well this is just for the specialized nokia images10:35
johnxwell yeah, but the ubuntu (and especially) debian guys would probably have a fit over something so non-free10:36
StsN800you can do a lot of solutions with this model10:36
StsN800f.x user downloadable tar.gz of firmware10:37
StsN800and a mer release wouldn't require being run on maemo.org10:38
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* RST38h makes a suggestion on where to stick those debian guys10:39
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StsN800but if we want to add closed bits, it has to be generated on maemo.org10:39
johnxRST38h, it's good to have people pushing for "freeness" to counteract all the commercial interests10:40
StsN800it also makes it possible to retrieve a common kernel plus initfs with closed bits, so all dists don't have to limit on functionality cos their os is fully oss10:41
RST38hjohnx: religious fervor is never good10:42
johnxStskeeps, good point as well10:42
StsN800cos we'd see a long time waiting if we had to wait for relicensing of hw vendor firmwar10:42
johnxRST38h, you're right of course, but not everyone interested in free software is a zealot, even some of the people who are "far left" :)10:43
RST38hjohnx: I specifically mean the debian cabal10:44
RST38hnot everyone10:44
johnxRST38h, and I'm saying, not everyone involved with Debian is automatically a zealot10:44
johnxsome of them are just being practical about things and taking the longer view10:44
StsN800its just the zealots wjo10:45
johnxStskeeps and I are of course heretics taking the short term view. :) maybe hedonists10:45
StsN800who are most noticable10:45
RST38hsatanists maybe? =)10:45
johnxresurrecting dead ARM hardware with arcane rituals and incantations in the middle of the night? does sound familiar10:46
StsN800i am willing to sell my soul, yes10:46
derfIs anyone willing to buy?10:46
johnxheh, I'm not selling my soul. I'm keeping it locked up in a safe in case I want to use it later. keeps it clean too :D10:46
RST38hIn order to make a good cybersatanist you should resurrect at least an IBM37010:47
RST38hdead ARM hardware makes you that Reanomator movie guy, at best10:47
RST38hReanimator, sorry10:47
RST38hjohnx: Umgh10:48
johnxdid you miss that 4 years ago?10:48
johnxit's classic10:48
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StsN800if i had a bt keyboard i wouldn't get out of bed except for nutritution10:48
RST38hI vaguely remember it10:48
johnxStsN800, let me guess: cold apartment?10:49
RST38hSts: you forgot something.10:49
StsN800johnx, yes10:49
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StsN800RST38h, and bathroom, true10:50
johnxyeah, coming from the US I was not reading for the world without central heating running all the time10:50
infobotjohnx meant: yeah, coming from the US I was not ready for the world without central heating running all the time10:51
StsN800sideeffect of gf not wanting server standing in apt means it gets loads colder10:52
RST38hjohnx: Funnily, I never had central heating inthe US10:52
derfjohnx: It would work better if not for the paper-thin walls.10:52
RST38hjohnx: It was always an AC/Heating unit10:53
johnxderf, I am luckily in a brand shiny new apartment with halfway decent heat retention10:53
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johnxRST38h, don't you love the idea of a heating unit up by the ceiling? sooo useful10:53
derfThat's crazy talk. I assume they still do stuff like vent the bathroom directly to the outside.10:53
johnxor did you have a window-mounted one?10:53
johnxderf, yeah :(10:54
johnxand I didn't spring for a heated seat10:54
derfGod bless the Japanese.10:54
RST38hjohnx: for me, it was usually the wrong temp relay location10:54
JaffaMorning, all10:54
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RST38hjohnx: never managed to maintain correct temperature throughout the house10:55
johnxRST38h, I have an AC unit basically inches from the 10ft high ceiling10:55
johnxworks *great* for AC, does *nothing* for heating the place10:55
RST38hjohnx: Route a huge pipe! =)10:55
pupnikjust run more computers10:55
johnxthe south facing window saves me though10:55
* RST38h has got water heating now10:55
RST38hWorks like a charm10:55
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johnxI will never rent/buy a place without a south facing window (N latitude)10:56
pupnikgood point johnx10:56
derfSouth facing window is like free money.10:56
RST38hbtw, why SOUTH facing and not WEST or EAST?10:57
derfBecause it's cold in the _winter_.10:57
derfWhen the sun is always in the south.10:57
johnxRST38h, because the sun is always to the south at NOON10:57
johnxand I get sunlight from sunrise to sunset through some kind of incredible good luck in street layout10:58
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* RST38h absolutely hates direct sunlight through windows. Makes summer unbearable.10:59
johnxyou put them between you and the sun10:59
johnxI can draw a diagram10:59
RST38hno light then =)11:00
RST38hat all.11:00
johnxau contraire11:00
johnxtwo sets, one that's semi-transparent, one that's "black-out"11:00
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RST38hway to complicated for me =)11:00
johnxcame with the apt11:00
johnxnever would have thought of it :D11:00
johnxand had no idea what direction the window was facing either until I tried to figure out why I was getting such nice sunlight last winter11:01
johnxvery much so. looks like I'm paying off my luck-debt this month though :/11:03
johnxI was wondering what would happened if I burned too much of it11:03
* RST38h read "lcuk-debt"11:03
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johnxheh, I do owe him a beer I'm sure11:04
Stskeepsmm, laptop, coffee and breakfast.11:04
Stskeepsjohnx: any luck on memtest?11:04
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johnxStskeeps, yeah, ran fine for 7 hours with a size of 32MB11:05
johnxzaurus was nice and warm11:05
Stskeepssolar flare measurements?11:05
johnxI'm telling you, this has got to be in one of the libs *or* gcc11:05
johnxthat last idea scares me though11:05
RST38hSharp stopped making them, just days ago11:06
johnxwell, they've been winding down for a couple years11:06
RST38hsapwood bug?11:06
RST38hif it is gcc, there is relatively easy way to test it11:06
johnxRST38h, ok, shoot11:06
RST38hrecompile for the oldest ARM arch it supports, optimizations off11:07
RST38hsee if the resulting binary runs well11:07
johnxyeah, the noopt build had issues11:07
johnxwell, the noopt build of gtk+ had issues11:08
RST38hif it does, gradually up arch type until you reach your target arch11:08
johnxthat's the other problem: the sapwood code looks way to simple for a bug like this to hide in11:08
RST38hjohnx: You can do the same with optimizations on11:08
johnxthen I already did the test11:08
derfjohnx: I've been able to trip gcc compiler bugs on ARM with _extremely_ simple code.11:08
johnxdebian's version is baseline armv4t EAVI11:09
derf3.4.4 is basically unusable, it's so bad.11:09
johnxEABI I mean of course11:09
derfI have no idea how the system runs at all.11:09
johnxwell, this is across multiple versions of gcc 4.x11:09
derfOkay. 4.x has been much better, for me.11:09
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johnxanyways, free shell access for anyone who wants to see this creepy problem :)11:10
derfI'm just saying that it doesn't take complex code to trip gcc up.11:10
Stskeepsjohnx: mm, im pondering if we can do any sort of buffer overrun detection11:11
derfLike, I think almost every version of gcc until maybe 4.2 mis-optimized -abs(x) as abs(-x).11:11
Stskeepsthat's bad11:11
derfYet no one noticed!11:11
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derfI think it was actually more subtle, like -abs(x) worked, but y-abs(x) was transformed to y+abs(-x).11:12
Stskeepsjohnx: yes, ssh would be nice :P i have an hour to blow anyway11:14
Stskeepsgot gdb and such?11:14
johnxyup, I'll give you root anyways11:14
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Stskeepsso we have the following bug: 100% sapwood server, and which?11:15
derfAh, no, it was -constant*abs(x) got transformed to abs(-constant*x), but y-constant*abs(x) worked as expected.11:15
johnxthanks for looking at this by the way :)11:15
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johnxthe easiest one to reproduce with very little code seems to be having sapwood load any image file11:15
Stskeepsderf: sounds like a lovely bug11:15
X-FadeStskeeps: If Nokia legal is slow, we can always make a script which downloads the firmware image, extracts the goodies and repacks a new MER firmware image.11:16
johnxthe png isn't loaded and the widget *of course* fails to draw correctly11:16
X-FadeStskeeps: At the user's local machine..11:16
StskeepsX-Fade: yeah, - but still need some degree of licensing for that :P11:16
Stskeepsif we go completely by the book11:16
X-FadeStskeeps: Well technically the user just downloads the image..11:16
X-FadeBut yeah..11:16
Stskeepstablets-dev isn't a site is it? .. not sure how tightly knit it is :)11:17
X-FadeAlthough there has been talk to relicense a lot of things, so I think it will come..11:17
X-FadeStskeeps: tablets-dev is deliberately a Nokia site.11:17
X-FadeI don't have access to that one for instance.11:17
StskeepsX-Fade: quim forwarded it to legal (sent a private mail to me), so we'll see what happens11:18
X-FadeTo keep a clear separation.11:18
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Stskeepsthey might be slightly more inclined towards than towards X weird project :P11:18
X-FadeStskeeps: As I replied on the list, we can set that up easily.11:18
X-FadeJust need the OK ;)11:18
X-FadeAnd it seems that everything shuts down the coming 2 weeks, so ;)11:19
Jaffalardman's  points about compatibility will be more important11:19
* Jaffa doesn't want to see lots of ITT threads saying "well, just install the Mer image" if it's not diablo or fremantle compatible to a large extent. That's exactly the split which would break things.11:19
JaffaOf course, if Mer is good enough to be considered a Maemo 5 HE, then I'm less worried11:20
StskeepsJaffa: obviously, and i would hate that situation myself11:20
X-FadeYeah, and we don't want to recompile everything either.11:20
Stskeepsbeing able to actually put it out for testing legally will help too :P11:20
X-FadeAlthough we might want to think about how we will separate downloads.11:20
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Stskeepsbut in this very minor case, it's stuff like firmware i'm targetting11:20
X-FadeFor instance Fremantle/N900 and Fremantle/MER ?11:21
StskeepsX-Fade: think we'll just claim Fremantle != Mer, but Mer includes some fremantle components11:21
X-FadeThe downloads sections needs a big reorg..11:21
Stskeepsfremantle is nokia's offering11:21
Stskeepsand if we design things right, if you write for maemo platform, you write for mer as well11:21
X-FadeStskeeps: Well, we can setup a mer target in the autobuilder too.11:22
Stskeepsbut honestly, it's all a big unknown right now, but i know where i would like it to go11:22
X-FadeSo if one uploads the application to the autobuilder, it gets build on your sdk too ;)11:22
Stskeepsi still have to figure out what to do about i386 sdk. sb is kinda odd when it comes to just working as a glorified chroot11:23
X-FadeIt would be pretty awesome if the community could get that whole thing to work though..11:23
Stskeepshehe. i'm even impressed with how much people make work of our quite not-so-easy-to-setup demo image11:24
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X-FadeStskeeps: Imagine what you will get if you do get the image ;)11:25
Stskeepsyeah.. that's what we're warming up to atm11:25
X-FadeStskeeps: But there is nothing stopping you for making the firmware image for private use ;)11:25
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Stskeepsyeah - meiz did this with themes and icons and such11:26
Stskeepsi could really be fooled.11:26
X-FadeCan anybody confirm that bug #3566 hasn't been fixed in the last SSU?11:27
StskeepsX-Fade: think GA had similar problem11:27
X-FadeI reopened it anyway :)11:27
RST38hX-Fade: It did not disable Extras for me11:28
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RST38h(if you mean the last ssu of course)11:28
Stskeepsit probably looks for GA's MAC to see if it should irritate him :>11:28
X-FadeRST38h: What do you have in the distribution field of that catalog?11:29
X-FadeRST38h: Mine is empty.11:29
RST38hmine is empty too and that is correct11:31
X-FadeRST38h: And the Catalog name? "maemo Extras"11:31
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woglindedoes some have a kernel and modules with mppe enabled?11:56
woglindeactual one11:56
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woglindecant flash here12:00
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jagernotmorning all. im trying to upload my boxar app into extras. ive got the invite but my pgp key is invalid says the account maintenance page.12:04
jagernotany ideas/12:04
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X-Fadejagernot: does your key depend on other keys?12:04
jagernotthanks X-Fade. i dont know. i just followed the instructions over at uploading to extras wiki page. how do i find out anyway?12:05
X-FadeAnd is you clock set correctly?12:05
jagernotclock shows current time over here12:05
X-FadeOk ;)12:06
X-FadeCan you mail me the key you pasted in the form? niels at maemo.12:06
X-FadeThat way I can see why it isn't accepted.12:07
lcukjohnx, RST38h ooooh yeah you can both pay off my debts :D12:07
lcukhi jager, X-Fade12:07
johnxlcuk, ha! I'll buy you a beer. that's the limit of my generosity12:08
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lcukX-Fade, why is december shutting down for 2 weeks any different to you recently :P12:08
lcukjohnx, ok ill bill you for the flight over to come pick it up12:08
X-Fadelcuk: I didn't. Was down for a few days, but worked from bed. Just didn't feel like answering mails :)12:08
johnxlcuk, that would be like the least successful billing attempt ever :P12:09
lcukheh, "working from bed"   good job we know you are technical12:09
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lcukof course not johnx, i would bill you easily but whether you listen is another issue :P12:10
johnxlcuk, even if I wanted to pay for some strange reason my bank would laugh at me :P12:10
lcukyour bank manager has hand hovering over trapdoor button whenever you are near :D sounds just like mine12:11
lcukanyway, cant stop.   jagernot, you generate your pgp key in normal linux outside of scratchbox otherwise you end up with something invalid12:12
lcukit moaned at me multiple times until i did it directly from the standard console on ubuntu12:13
lcukanyway, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee12:13
johnx'later lcuk12:13
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jagernothi X-fade: i have emailed you my key12:15
jagernotlcuk, i did it outside scratchbox..12:15
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X-Fadejagernot: ok, the problem was that this key has 4 keys in it ;)12:17
jagernot4 keys?!12:18
X-Fadejagernot: 5C997937, 4979134E, FE078C2E, B6BF845E12:18
* jagernot scratches his head12:18
X-FadeI have imported it manually now.12:18
X-Fadejagernot: I'll set your account to 'Accepted'.12:19
jagernotno wait ..12:19
jagernotwhich key should i use?12:19
X-Fadejagernot: Please set your ssh key here:
X-FadeAny of the 4 ;)12:20
X-FadeThere were 3 keys for you already imported on the 15th..12:20
X-FadeAnd one now on the 18th.12:20
X-Fade1024D/B6BF845E is the last one.12:21
jagernothow did u get the key ids the 5C997937 etc?12:21
jagernotyeah i tried 3 times on 15th and once now and it said all invalid while accepting it?!12:21
X-Fadejagernot: It seems that it only accepts one key at a time.12:22
X-FadeSo if you would have tried another time, it would have succeeded ;)12:22
jagernotanyhow so if i use the last one it will let me upload i assume?12:22
jagernotok thanks X-fade for your help12:22
jagernoti will let u know :)12:23
X-Fadejagernot: np.12:23
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aquatixall of you installed the latest update already?12:44
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Meiz_n810jagernot: u alive??12:46
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jagernotyes Mei12:50
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: ping12:54
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jagernotMeiz_n810: i see you want can i help12:58
click170I just tried to do a system update, and the message I got is "Unable to update OS2008 Feature upgrade. Update file corrupted."12:58
Stskeepsclick170: better than getting reboot loops :P12:59
johnxclick170, reflash!12:59
click170I just did... this is literally a fresh install.13:00
click170It could only be fresher out of the box lol13:00
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click170Im trying again, its redownloading.  I'm skeptical.13:00
johnxwhy didn't you just flash up to the latest one?13:00
click170Well if this doesn't work thats going to be the next step isn't it13:01
click170anyone have the link to the page for the image download?13:01
johnxeither works I guess13:01
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click170anyone care to volunteer their opinion of Maemo's Skype?  I was in a call earlier, a long call, the call ended, and some time later I noticed the cpu was still pinned.  It looked Skype related... its also never happened before13:03
johnxbeen using it for almost 2 years13:04
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Stskeepsclick170: i use it to talk to my gf in berlin, seems to work "ok" :P13:05
johnxmy onl complaint is call quality sometimes being crap depending on the internet connection and also unrelated factors13:05
infobotjohnx meant: my onl complaint is call quality sometimes being crap depending on the internet connection and also unknown factors13:05
click170call quality I definetly noticed.  I was wondering if it was the Mic13:05
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* pcfe prefers the SIP client, works like a charm.13:05
johnxI use a bt headset13:05
pcfecall quality with the N800 provided headset is impeccable13:06
johnxcertainly not up to the quality of 3G voice, but it's the right price13:06
click170I use Skype on my Macbook, and the quality is perfect, so I can cross off 'internet connection'.  Whatever though, it works13:06
pcfecall quality on both Skype and SIP will go down dramatically on bad connections (low bandwidth or, worse, high latency)13:06
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pcfewhen using SIP and having a router that does l7 filtering, it helps tremendously to prioritise the traffic13:07
click170Do you have a suggestion for that pcfe?13:07
pcfeclick170: does your router run openWRT?13:07
click170I use a linux box as my gateway.13:07
pcfeclick170: standard kernel does not have the l7 filtering patches. You can do two things13:08
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pcfe1) apply the patches and have the pain to re-apply them at each kernel update13:08
pcfe2) cheat (I do that) and just prioritise the IPs of all devices you do SIP on13:08
click170pcfe I use Debian, not some silly bleeding edge distro like Ubuntu, kernel updates arent a problem.13:08
click170pcfe: I was hoping you had a script of program loll  cool though13:09
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pcfebut 2) works well for me as I have one device that does nothing but SIP, so fine to prioritise all it's traffic and the N800 does not hoover so much bandwith that it would matter that it's prioritised (i.e. will not distuirb anything else)13:09
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pcfeclick170: I can dig out the wondershaper instructions for fedora, they should apply to debian provided you do not expect the packages to install to have the same name, but that's what apt-cache serach is for13:10
click170Meh, been there done that got the wondershaper t-shirt.  wasnt impressed13:10
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pcfethat's the script13:10
pcfetagging [ackets via iptables must be done otherwise tc does not know what to do obviously13:11
pcfeclick170: alternative (debian build tools are quite OK to apply patches) is to get l7-filter from sourceforge13:11
click170... are you sure?  I thought tc can classify traffic on its own based on things like source address13:11
pcfeclick170: and then extract the filter script from the OpenWRT wiki and adjust it to your box (should be not too hard)13:12
click170l7 filter, are you talking about QoS, as in the TOS field in the packet header?13:12
pcfeclick170: could be, I tag them with iptables and then let tc work with the tags13:13
pcfeclick170: yes, but not QOS in a way that you depend on the next upstream router to understand it, but rather so that your own router knows to prioritise certain packet types over others13:13
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fnordiansliphi all, is there an updated bootmenu.deb from penguinbait yet for latest SSU, or is none required and current one will do?  Reading itT implies that an updated one is needed, but not yet available13:19
Stskeepsnop, he's not out with it yet13:20
Stskeepsboth fanoush's and my .deb version with bootmenu.d items is out13:20
GAN800X-Fade, m-vo mentioned something about it being FIXED but the fix will only take effect after the second update.13:22
fnordianslipStskeeps: ah ok.  i noticed your deb and gave it a whirl, but it didn't pick up on my root fs on my mmc1.  Do I have to manually edit something with yours to put the menu entry in?13:22
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X-FadeGAN800: Yes, I have been corrected already ;)13:22
X-FadeGAN800: I should have read the bug history again. Duh...13:23
* GAN800 stabs tz13:23
GAN800He's completely ignored the fact that he put a non-user/ package in user/13:23
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Stskeepsfnordianslip: yeah, make a .item in /etc/bootmenu.d/NAME.item , on the following form (
Stskeepsand run refresh_bootmenu.d13:24
GAN800We really need a unified bootmenu13:24
Stskeepsnext time a SSU destroys your bootmenu, simply install the new .deb, install bootmenu, and your items are back13:24
GAN8003 options that basically do little more than confuse people. . . .13:25
fnordianslipStskeeps: tnx.  will have a go.13:25
Stskeepsi've tried prodding penguinbait about adopting bootmenu.d, but it was a bit like banging my head into a table with needles laying about on it.13:25
johnxGAN800, you're right! I'll design a 4th "unified" bootmenu that's better!13:25
fnordiansliplord of the bootmenus ?13:26
StskeepsGAN800: saw my comment that quim has passed the proposal on to legal?13:26
GAN800Stskeeps, yeah13:26
GAN800johnx, assuming it invalidates all three others, yeah. . . . :/13:27
Stskeepsjohnx: i'm personally waiting for solca's :P13:27
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johnxGAN800, well, no. it will just be incompatible and called "unified"13:29
GAN800johnx, do you actually prefer having to troubleshoot for a bunch of different bootmenus (where'd all that sarcasm come from :\)?13:30
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Stskeepsjohnx: the zaurus runs well now?13:33
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johnxStskeeps, you left that fixed sapwood installed right?13:34
Stskeepsin /root/p/v13:34
johnxI'll play a little bit more then13:34
Stskeepsjohnx: i'm really afraid to actually submit the patch for sapwood though as i'm entirely unsure why the heck this thing happens as per my knowledge, shit like this shouldn't happen :P13:35
Stskeepsmaybe the PXA has a bad ushort->uint conversation13:35
GAN800Somebody should probably file an enhancement for an interface to change boot images without them being trashed every update.13:35
johnxwell if something similar was actually happening on the 770...13:35
johnxGAN800, now that will definitely go straight to "fixed in fremantle"13:36
Stskeepsyeah, wasn't the initfs flashing shot down like that?13:36
StskeepsGAN800: the idea solca's working on with kexec and such can help a lot of these problems :P13:37
* Stskeeps ponders idly13:38
GAN800johnx, well, of course, but since I'm planning on buying an RX-51. ;)13:38
* Stskeeps glares idly at the ipaq sitting on top of his router13:39
johnxStskeeps, 320x240, right?13:39
Stskeepsand armv413:40
Stskeepsi think13:40
StskeepsARM SA1110 is armv4 isn't it?13:40
johnxright before the "t"13:40
johnxso, no EABI for that little thing13:41
Stskeepswhat does a zaurus have anyway?13:42
johnxdepends: there were lots13:43
Stskeeps.. yours, then13:43
johnxI have a 5500 with a  SA110013:43
mgedminthe SSU update error message is braindead13:43
johnxand the one I want maemo on is a C1000 with a PXA27013:43
towoJust dist-upgrade from the shell.13:43
mgedminif it needs libc6 =2.5.0-1osso9 because libc6-dbg requires that exact version, it shouldn't say libc6 is "missing"13:44
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johnxdist-upgrade is not recommended13:44
GAN800mgedmin, yes, everybody (including Nokia) knows the error reporting sucks.13:44
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GAN800towo, dist-upgrade with the SDK repo enabled == brick13:45
mgedmindo they know how to fix it?13:45
* Stskeeps just upgraded the components he was interested in, one at a time, since he royally messed up his syste13:45
GAN800towo, please don't recommend it.13:45
mgedminapt-brick dist-upgrade13:45
* mgedmin declines to make a backup before the SSU upgrade, because It Will Surely Just Work(TM)13:45
GAN800mgedmin, make the errors more accurate? By 'they' you mean 'Marius', so yes.13:46
Stskeepsjohnx: we should -definately- name our unstable release 'brick'13:46
johnxGAN800, bleh. :P calling something recoverable a brick is confusing13:46
johnxStskeeps, yeah, I have all these neat logo ideas :D13:46
GAN800johnx, shorter than reboot loop and I'm tired of this finger keyboard atm.13:46
towoGAN800: Well, yes, but then again, who in their right minds has the SDK catalogue selected and no clue how to upgrade?13:46
johnxGAN800, b0rken13:46
mgedmintowo: people who believe the advice they get on the Internet, of course13:47
johnxtowo, potentially people you're giving advice to13:47
johnxfring enables the sdk catalog, yes?13:47
lcukhiya marius :) hope you are well.  just flying past and spotted you13:47
* lardman wonders why install files which enable repos seem to create new ones (they probably search for matching repo names, not details)13:47
GAN800towo, people who tap on Fring's .install for one.13:47
mgedminhi, lcuk13:47
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GAN800lardman, correct.13:48
towoWell, someone should say hello to the fring guys then..13:48
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GAN800towo, I've tried and failed on several occassions.13:48
mgedminirc just helped me (yay searchable irc logs, I should thank whoever's responsible for them ;-)13:48
johnxalso, lots of people might have it enabled by accident or because someone else was giving them advice13:48
Stskeepsthe seperation of tools and os is stupid anyhow13:48
mgedminso I though I'd participate more actively for an hour or two13:48
* towo has to remember the phrase Death used in Hogfather... "But what if they hurt themselves?" "THAT WILL BE A VALUABLE LESSON."13:48
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mgedminwhich, unfortunately, means more sarcastic comments for y'all13:48
lcukmgedmin, don't advertise them too much ;)13:49
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* mgedmin learned the value of saving the file you're editing every 30 seconds after a valuable lesson like that13:49
johnxtowo, if they hurt themselves, great. if you give them advice on this channel that breaks things, not great.13:49
towoI learnt that back in the days on a 486, when Master of Magic crashed after two hours of gaming.13:49
towojohnx: Truth be told, I didn't know about the SDK-nonbooting.13:50
johnxright, "now you know!" :D13:50
* lcuk wonders what the load average of is :P13:50
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mgedminlcuk:  1.11, 0.60, 0.3713:51
* GAN800 wonders why #3933 is crit/high13:52
lcukgosh darn it, bbl.    not bad, must do more13:52
mgedminyay, the SSU added a contacts applet on my desktop, unasked13:52
mgedminhow helpful13:52
RST38halways does that13:52
toworeconfig of the hildon package for the desktop13:52
towoadds default conf.13:52
towojohnx: Then again, one could expect that, since it's like inviting experimental unto your Debian box, but then again, it shouldn't happen when installing normal software like Fring..13:52
johnxtowo, right. and other people providing advice may tell users to enable sdk repo to get a certain program13:53
johnxthere are other ways for a dist-upgrade to go wrong too, and there are lots of other repos users could have enabled13:54
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GAN800Somebody want to dive in on this one?
GAN800I'm quite certain that's no blocker.13:56
GAN800The summary is inaccurate, too.13:57
Stskeepsisn't it about lynching those who put wrong bluez-utils in user/?13:57
GAN800libc6, so it's the -dev or -dbg version of the package that needs to be uninstalled13:58
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GAN800But, yes, somebody needs to go kill tz on -developers for trying to blame Nokia for his own screw up.13:59
lardmanGAN800: prepare your verbal salvo then14:00
* Stskeeps ponders how hildon would do as a netbook distro14:00
Stskeepsgot an old via c3 machine i want to try14:00
GAN800lardman, I'd need a real keyboard first. :p14:01
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lardmanI don't really understand what he's saying14:03
lardmanthere's 7 in the repo, but 6 is installed by the update?14:03
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lardmanwhat's the url of the sdk repo?14:06
lardmanhmm, that is curious, the update has installed bluez-utils-3.28-0osso6 while the repo contains bluez-utils-3.28.-0osso714:08
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click170Anyone know of a way to mount an nfs share from maemo?14:09
* mgedmin had a reaction like lardman's: what in heck was that email was trying to say?14:10
lardmanfor one thing his dep issue can be sorted out with judicious use of >= in the control file14:13
lardmanbut the rest of the email does have some meaning, as there's no source for the installed version of bluez-utils14:13
lardmanthat's my take on it anyway, after some thought and searching too!14:13
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johnxit's always annoying when the people with the least to say end up getting so much attention :/14:19
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Stskeepshm, does mytube etc use flash plugin?14:22
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johnxit extracts flv streams14:22
johnxah, just passes the whole swf to mplayer lets it cope?14:23
Stskeepsjust pondering about quim's reply with regards to 3rd party. would something along the lines of updates repo do the trick for 3rd party nokia stuff?14:23
Stskeeps.. one way to deal with that problem i guess14:23
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lardmanotherwise each user would need to extract those items from an image14:25
* aquatix upgrades to latest OS update14:25
lardmanwhich could be automated14:25
Stskeepsupdates repo is much easier, exists already ;>14:26
lardmantrue, does it contain all of the binaries in question, or just those that have been updated?14:26
Stskeepsit contains everything, i believe14:26
lardmanfair enough, sounds ideal then14:27
lardmanthe other option is the sdk binaries package I suppose14:27
lcukom nom nom: the food for this winter is baked potatoes :)14:27
lcukwont these repositories with nokia specific distro stuff on the updates be on nokias servers, and technically they could filter out requests which werent coming from default stock maemo image14:28
aquatixlcuk: mixes well with bacon ;)14:28
lcukill try that aquatix but  ive had a bit of a fetish recently for jakcets with cheese n beans14:29
aquatixheh :)14:29
Stskeepslcuk: i think that's how it's supposed to work but it's not very damn well hidden..14:29
* aquatix isn't that fond of beans14:30
lcukhidden or not reading the mail from quim makes me feel we would have problems trying to automate inclusion of nokia licensed code14:30
lcukie the flash player etc14:30
lcukaquatix, beans are good for you14:30
Stskeepslcuk: yeah, that's why i went "3rd parties?" in my original mail14:31
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lcukyes agreed14:31
aquatixlcuk: good for the afterburner effect too ;)14:31
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lcukStskeeps, it is almost as if we would have to negotiate and obtain licenses from the 3rd parties themselves14:31
* aquatix was updating his tablet from ssh14:31
aquatixStopping Internet Connectivity daemon 2: icd214:32
lcukwho wants to contact adobe?14:32
timelesswhat's wrong w/ adobe?14:32
lcuknothing at all14:32
Stskeepslcuk: well.14:33
fnordianslipStskeeps: Thanks for the info updated both installs and booting nicely of the card, although I made life hard for myself and did everything in the most inefficient order, requiring much faffing around14:33
click170are you kidding?  "whats wrong with adobe?"  lol14:33
lcukwe are discussing inclusion of 3rd party stuff in mer which is extracted from the maemo default14:33
Stskeepslcuk: if we can get distribution ability with wifi firmware, that's enough14:33
Stskeeps(and bluetooth)14:33
RST38hwhile(gettimeofday()<something) {}   <== that is what is wrong with adobe14:33
Stskeepsof the 3rd party stuff14:33
timelesshey, i talk w/ adobe at times, quite a few people14:33
timelessand they're fairly responsive/friendly :)14:33
* timeless wonders if they fixed the last issue14:34
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Stskeepsyeah, hmm, weren't there coming a ARM port of flash or something?14:34
Stskeepsaccording to rumours14:34
lcuktimeless, agreed, most people are14:34
Stskeeps(i know maemo has one, but a public one)14:34
aquatixwhoa, dpkg seems to just continue, even if the ssh connection fails14:34
click170timeless:  Tell them to fix that painful drop-down menu issue being covered by other content thats been around for ^AGES^14:34
aquatixclick170: indeed14:35
timelessclick170: the last thing i asked them to fix was on
timelessand it isn't fixed yet :(14:35
aquatixbut that's a direct rendering issue i think14:35
timelesslayer'ings a mess14:35
timelesshow about telling content authors not to use flash near layers :)14:35
click170I duno what it is, but IMO the length its been around doesnt reflect well on Adobe.14:36
timelessyou're barking up the wrong bug14:36
aquatixhow about telling them not to use flash ;)14:36
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lcuksuihkulokki, wow nice :) doing that direct would ease one aspect for mer14:36
lcuk(i always want to type "meh!")14:36
Stskeepslcuk: .. "royalty free for partners"14:36
click170I actually avoid flash where-ever possible, I use NoScript14:36
* aquatix has flashblock14:37
suihkulokkitimeless: <layer><object><embed>...14:37
* lcuk fixed flashblock once14:37
* lcuk has his name in the credits :P14:37
* click170 shakes lcuk's hand14:38
timelessdo i get points for breaking flashblock?14:38
* timeless wonders14:38
* timeless isn't sure, but perhaps14:38
click170lol You can have a single point14:38
lcuklol timeless no you break everything14:38
click170it's halfway to discovering a fix14:38
* lcuk mumbles something about you breaking liqbase at the summit14:38
lcukflashblock doesnt block though14:39
timelesshey, it comes naturally14:39
lcuki bet i could make a webworm get through there ;)14:39
timelesssuihkulokki: so, the keyword is 'optimize'14:39
timelessit's not 'release for public users'14:39
lcukcontent interaction in a webpage should be handled by the core system.  if a user says "for XYZ media type show me a clicker" then the flash or whatever should not even be started and should instead just have the clicker14:40
timeless<object><object><object><object><img src=goose>14:40
fnordiansliphmm.  i uninstalled bluez-utils-test to get the SSU installed, and expected to find it in Extras-Devel to reinstall but its not there.  any suggestions?  i've noticed discussion about bluez-utils-test here, but paid no attention.14:41
lcukyou have multiple objections to my idea? :P14:41
timelesswhat do you want to see if there's a WMP, QT, Real, Flash stack14:41
timeless(i.e. each object is one of those)14:41
lcuki would personally love to get my head into the core of QT - they have an excellent widget set but too much bloat, i need to clear the way right to the heart of it and see what can be done14:42
timelessthat's Qt14:42
timelessthis is QT14:42
lcukahhh you mean quicktime ;) silly me14:42
* lcuk is just thinking about such things :)14:42
timelesscase matters14:42
RST38hlcuk: you either use widget set or you don't14:43
RST38hlcuk: so, there isn't much to see in the core14:43
timelessyeah yeah, been there, done that :)14:43
lardmanwell the gramatical correctness there is arbitrary, especially as buffalo isn't a verb in English14:44
lcukRST38h, of course there is - i have a baseline widget set that runs fast, the core is designed around speed and scales up, i dont understand why i read so much about performance problems. i really need to investigate this further14:44
lcuk(perf probs in qt)14:45
Stskeepsok, community people - proposals, where do these belong in wiki?14:45
lcuki think lardmans proposal; went on his fiences finger14:46
lardmanI got the fiance's finger, proposal bit, but did I say something about the wiki?14:47
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GAN800Stskeeps, either Task or Objective: depending on scope14:47
johnxStskeeps, everything I've tested looks great so far14:47
Stskeepsjohnx: good :)14:48
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timelessthe reason the sentence is valid is because it *is* a verb14:48
StskeepsGAN800: k, Task:Community_Firmware_Image_Distribution maybe14:48
GAN800Sentence case14:48
johnxthough sadly Xorg is painfully slow on a zaurus, unless someone does some optimized screen rotation code14:48
derflardman: would disagree with you.14:48
lardmantimeless: the first meaning is the only English one then14:48
StskeepsGAN800: k14:49
lardmantimeless: ;)14:49
derfOh, timeless already did that.14:49
timelessderf: not exactly14:49
timelessthe wikipedia link is bad14:49
timelessfix it :)14:49
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derfBah, fix it yourself.14:49
lardmandepends on your definition of English, I define it as the language spoken in England of course14:49
timelessbut you have the right link!14:49
lcuklardman, which part of england though? :P14:49
lardmanthe south, no buffalo in the north14:50
johnxlardman, come by the US and get someone to buffalo some proper American English into you :P14:50
lcukyeah, just goes to show buffalo are wussy as well :P14:50
lardmanI'll expect someone with an elephant gun?14:51
johnxyou get to choose whether it's through definition 2 or 3 :D14:51
mgedminderf: sudo fix it14:51
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* timeless grumbles14:54
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* GAN8001 ponders whether or not to address all of the remaining nonsense in the 43-7 thread.14:55
timelessYou are currently using 3603 MB (49%) of your 7274 MB.14:55
timelessis that a week-build?14:55
GAN8001Latest SSU14:55
johnxthat thread started so well too :/14:56
derfmgedmin is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.14:56
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lcukwhats the most compatible tablet pc for installing linux on15:00
timelesstablet == touchscreen?15:01
timelessand compatible = x86?15:01
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lcukyeah i cant get a decent omap3 complete package yet15:01
RST38hlcuk: compatible with what?15:01
lcukbest ill get is scratchbox in a real box15:02
lcukRST38h, something like ubuntu? but touch and power saving and stuff should work15:02
lcuki know if i get a cheap obscure one ill have problems15:02
johnxlcuk, usually the thinkpads do well, check for gotchas, but they're expensive. often has compatibility info / install guides for others15:02
lcukim just thinking baseline compatible so i can install without a fuss15:02
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lcukthanks johnx, i was eying up an x4115:03
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johnxtry to stay with intel stuff. the centrino plays really nice with linux15:04
johnxexcept, some people have issues with tv-out15:04
Stskeeps~curse sdvo, intel15:05
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, sdvo, intel !15:05
StsN800lardman, at least its good we get this discussion going15:09
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StsN800would be a bit ironic if we could backport fremantle but not distribute it..15:12
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lardmanStsN800: agreed15:14
aquatix :)15:15
lcukStskeeps, it would be best of all to collaborate with the official version and distribute one single image :)15:15
lardmanStsN800: there will always be a way for people to install the binary only stuff, though, I wouldn't get too hung up on this15:15
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* lardman goes to grab some lunch & do some dsp programming15:16
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GAN8001lcuk, problem is, Flash licensing is for "Diablo + N800/N810", it hasn't been licensed for "Fremantle + N800/N810"15:17
X-FadeGAN8001: And certainly not _certified_ for..15:18
lcukthen thats firstly for nokia to decide and iron out15:18
* StsN800 's focus is on hw blobs. technical pov15:18
johnxlcuk, just like they ironed out the pvr licensing for us?15:18
timelesswhat, nokia should pay to certify flash for a set of software that doesn't exist15:18
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timelesswhen do you expect nokia to do that?15:19
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timelessbtw, fremantle flash will hopefully not be the same as the flash player for diablo15:19
* timeless wants a newer version of flash15:19
GAN800timeless, we're not _expecting_ anything, we're talking with Nokia to iron out these details.15:20
johnxI want flash to die horribly15:21
lcukin a flash?15:21
timelessthat's easy to arrange :)15:21
johnxtimeless, heh...not just in my browser session :P15:22
timeless/bin/rm `find / -name '*flashpla*.so*'15:22
timelesssure, not just you browser session :)15:22
* GAN800 notices it's rather foggy out.15:23
johnxfrankly I'd like PDF to go away as much as possible as well15:23
* timeless sighs15:23
timelessbig typo15:23
timelessok, so, my logic's all wrong :(15:24
GAN800X-Fade, we're gonna have to start handing out rewards for reporting. :P15:24
X-FadeHeh ;)15:24
timelessgan800: i've sent shirts15:25
timelessdid you get useful reports somewhere?15:25
X-FadeGAN800: I just write these things to see if somebody notices..15:25
GAN800timeless, Sprint reporting this time.15:25
timelessanyone here like reading js? :)15:26
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timeless> JavaScript error: , line 0: uncaught exception: unknown (can't convert to string)15:29
X-Fadetimeless: NULL? :)15:29
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GAN800When did we lose image scaling in MicroB?15:31
GAN800Hi, etrunko. :)15:31
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etrunkohi GAN800 GAN800 GeneralAntilles15:31
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* GAN800 spams clones15:32
johnxw00! no more image scaling15:32
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GAN800It's obnoxious when you're trying to look at a big picture of the space station and can only see a few hundred pixels at a time. :(15:33
sp3000they should make smaller space stations15:33
johnxah, damn. I thought you mean the ugly picture scaling when all I want is bigger fonts with zoom15:34
GAN800Or smaller cameras15:34
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StsN800a poll on itt to see what 3rd party closed src people use on tablet could be interesting15:37
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RST38hor smaller pixels15:37
RST38hsts: there are very few options though15:38
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lardmanhmm, I've only just got 3 screens up and running and I could really do with another one or two15:38
StsN800RST38h, true. skype, flash, codecs15:39
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StsN800rhapsody, gizmo?15:39
* GAN800 wants 515:39
lardmanI reckon 6 would work well, 2 rows x 3 columns15:40
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ShadowJK_hm, ~/.xchat2 doesn't get backed up by file manager's backup :-(15:46
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lardmanbloody hell, that new bluez is shocking for sbc16:07
lardmanno, really slow16:08
lardmaneverything sounds very slow16:08
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lcuklardman, sounds like you have a heroesesq superpower16:09
johnxwell it's a good thing you're here to save us from it :D16:09
lardmanI was just trying some different dsp patches and wondering why it all sounded so back all of a sudden16:10
lardmanand then realised it's not using the dsp at all16:10
lcukhave you tried switching your nokia from 33 to 45?16:10
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ShadowJK_hm, did they do stuff to microb in this ssu...16:10
lardmanlcuk: current ssu you mean?16:11
lcuki mean rpm :P16:12
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lardmanlcuk: lol, yeah sounds like that16:12
jprochahi guys16:12
jprochaI am having trouble with hildon-thumbnail, have anyone used it successfully on Diablo?16:13
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lcukjprocha, not tried it (yet), is it failing with everytihng or just certain niggles?16:15
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* lcuk really needs something to handle thumbnailing especially when larger images become the norm16:16
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jprochawell, my problem is that thumbnails do get created but the hildon_thumbnail_factory_wait() seems to wait forever16:18
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ahemlcuk: tracy see im not there any more16:19
lardmanwhich header should CHAR_BIT live in, assuming it should do at all?16:20
lcukoh my sodding god gewt some proper work done16:20
lcuk-w lol16:20
ahemyou type as badly as me16:20
ahempeople will think i am me16:20
lcukthen u look like ur talking to yaself 1st sign of madness that16:21
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ahemppl in here have seen many other signs then :D16:21
ahemi am goin now babe, ill cya later on (K),   cya other folks16:21
lcukbye hun16:21
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lardmanhmm, "sbc_tables.h", line 364: error: floating-point value does not fit in required integral type16:33
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lardmanweird, as the declaration above apparently does fit16:35
lardmanah, the fp data is 2 dp longer16:36
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jprochaI am dying with the hildon-thumbnails here, anyone who have used it please pvt me :)16:57
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: pong17:05
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lardman|afksay I have the following defines:
lardman|afkwhen I try to compile, the compiler chokes on values of F(1.0000)17:19
lardman|afkis this expected?17:19
lardman|afkthe error is: error: floating-point value does not fit in required integral type17:20
lardman|afkI should add that sizeof(FIXED_T)=117:20
lardman|afkso it expands to this: (int16)((1.0000)*((int32)1<<15)+0.5)17:21
lardman|afk1<<15 should fit in a signed 16bit variable, the 0.5 should be floored by the cast, so it should fit; any flaws in my reasoning?17:23
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not_mgedminlardman|afk: 1<<15 doesn't fit in a *signed* 16-bit variable17:41
not_mgedmin(1<<15) - 1 is the largest representable value17:42
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lardmanah, well that is going to be an issue then17:42
mgedminalso, I think you mean sizeof(FIXED_T)==217:42
mgedminunless... oh, right, that arch has 16-bit bytes17:43
mgedminerr, charachters17:43
lardmanyeah, char is 16bit17:43
lardmanbytes are 16bit too17:43
lardmanright, will have to chat to ssvb and see what he was trying to do there then17:44
StsN800r2d2rogers, will be with you in 5, in bus17:46
lardmanI wonder if it would work any differently if sizeof(FIXED_T)=2 and CHAR_BIT=817:50
lardmanI don't think so17:50
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Stskeepsgrab this and see if it helps any17:55
Stskeeps(we got johnx's zaurus to behave earlier. there seems to be an quite odd uint16 -> uint32 conversion problem17:56
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* GAN8001 sighs @ tz on -developers17:58
matmohi all, just got an 8G microSD card for my N810, hmmm, no micro-mini adapter :-( About to order a SanDisk Mobile Memory Kit (inc 2G, £2.99, Does anyone know if adapters are SDHC compatible even if they don't mention it?17:58
Meiz_n810should be17:59
StskeepsGAN8001: indeed17:59
GAN8001matmo, SDHC doesn't have anything to do with the pinout, so yes.17:59
GAN8001Stskeeps, why does he have to make everything so difficult. :(18:00
matmoOK, thanks for confirming18:00
StskeepsGAN8001: you'd be out of work if there weren't people like him :P18:00
Stskeepsthen we'd just have to fight with nokia and that's no fun ;)18:00
GAN8001I need a script to detect when people try to create new pages in camelCase. . . .18:02
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StskeepsGAN8001: seriously though, is the man blind?
Stskeepsosso7 is right there18:04
disco_stuGAN8001: what for ?18:04
GAN8001He'd have a helluva lot less trouble if he would quit being belligerent and just use DBus.18:05
GAN8001Stskeeps, so I pointed out to him on the list.18:05
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GAN8001disco_stu, article naming needs to be consistent.18:05
GAN8001We use sentence case, not title case and not camelCase.18:05
qwerty12bluez-utils is not a metapackage. we'd be fucked it it was.18:06
disco_stuGAN8001: its easy then18:06
StskeepsGAN8001: admittedly it's kinda weird that you have to reinstall sdk per 4.1.x version or change your repos, though, instead of updating18:06
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Stskeepsbut it may make sense in some scenarios18:06
GAN8001qwerty12, you're more qualified than most to dive in on this one. :P18:06
yergaHe has reason in one thing: no sources for the osso6 version18:06
GAN8001Well, osso6 could just be osso7 with different build options.18:06
Stskeepsis that the one in firmware image?18:07
disco_stuGAN8001: you should take the name, remove the first letter and convert it to lowercase and then check with the original, if not match then there is camel case18:07
qwerty12GAN8001, Heh, I can't be bothered to argue :/. At the end of the day, he seems to be losing out with his program not being able to be installed - not nokia18:07
GAN8001yerga, either way, he needs a whole lot less FUD and a whole lot more reason. ;)18:08
yergaGAN8001, agree completely ;)18:08
GAN8001qwerty12, well, his users are losing out because he fucked up SSU.18:08
lardmanwhat version of bluez-utils do you chaps have installed?18:08
yergaThis bug doesn't have sense:
qwerty12GAN8001, heh, true18:08
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qwerty12lardman, 3.28-0osso618:09
Stskeepswhy would audio.service be removed on the wimax anyway? im kinda curious about that18:10
Stskeepsno headsetting?18:10
* GAN8001 sighs more18:10
GAN8001Why do people hard-wrap text when putting it in the wiki.18:10
* Stskeeps ducks18:10
* qwerty12 gets back to using the scummvm tools. I should have used windows... why must *nix be so anal retentive about cases in file names?18:11
lardmanqwerty12: well that's not the version in the repo18:11
disco_stuqwerty12: case sensitive is a must for a decent file system18:11
lardmanqwerty12: but perhaps that's my one18:11
qwerty12lardman, it's true, and that's one of tz1's points18:12
lardmanyep, that's the one valid point I think18:12
qwerty12but it is what is installed with the ssu update18:12
Stskeepsdid anyone check if the sources are there on tablets-dev? :P18:12
pupnik_<ADVERTISEMENT> Rubybox!  The frontend for Dosbox on internet tablets - with ez-install of online freed games and custom configurations!  Game list here:
qwerty12pupnik_, spammer! :P18:13
* pupnik_ hangs head in shame18:13
lardmanStskeeps: no18:13
* lardman has already installed osso718:13
Stskeepspupnik_: oh boy.18:14
Stskeepspupnik_: sure keen is freed? :P18:14
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pupnik_hmm i am wrong18:15
pupnik_i think that's the list of games with configs18:15
pupnik_not the list of games solmumah4 hosts18:15
qwerty12disco_stu, it's a must to annoy me sometimes :)18:16
disco_stuqwerty12: that is your windows brain thinking18:16
disco_stuwith the years you get used to it18:17
qwerty12it's the side that would like me to do something without having to convert the file names to lower case, do what I want and rename back to upper case. But i'm overreacting18:17
GAN8001apt-get -f install seems to confuse people18:17
GAN8001Why didn't they just use apt-get fix-install or somthing?18:17
disco_stuapt-get --fix-missing18:18
disco_stuis the long command argument18:18
GAN8001Stskeeps, isn't there an update script for the SDK that'd update the repository info?18:20
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qwerty12GAN8001, there's no need to18:21
StskeepsGAN8001: not sure18:21
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fiferboyI presume I am supposed to get something other than a blank screen when trying to boot nitdroid...18:23
r2d2rogersStskeeps: installed, rebooting18:24
Stskeepsfiferboy: try removing external sd18:24
fiferboyStskeeps: I will do that now...18:25
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fiferboyThanks, Stskeeps!!18:26
fiferboyIs that always a problem, or could it be because my external SD is ext3?18:26
Stskeepsfiferboy: i think theres a generic problem, not sure. just been watching the channel so :P18:27
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: no change in behavior with new sapwood package18:28
lardmanGAN8001: you can do -fix-install18:28
lardmanI think anyway18:28
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: damnit. so still 100% cpu and no drawing?18:28
r2d2rogerscan trdo the strace if you like?18:29
Stskeepsmm, yeah18:29
r2d2rogersdoes it help any that the the menu for the home_ap_home_view menu and the applets show up white while the menu on the left doesnt' show at all?18:29
Stskeepswell if sapwood  malfunctions, anything can happen :P18:30
r2d2rogersreboot for strace18:31
Stskeepswe should establish its actually sapwood.. sec18:31
r2d2rogers? k18:31
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Stskeeps . /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libsapwood.so18:33
Stskeepsmove that one away18:33
Stskeepsits going to be murder for your 770, but would show if its sapwoods fault :P18:33
r2d2rogersso move that file to somewhere else?18:34
Stskeepsout of the directory18:34
r2d2rogersstuff looks better and works18:35
r2d2rogersreboot to confirm18:35
r2d2rogersI moved it while it was starting18:35
r2d2rogersenter key works now too18:36
r2d2rogersfrom matchbox-keyboard18:36
r2d2rogersok for the reboot18:36
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r2d2rogerslooks the same, everything workds, just looks worse on the home screen, but better in the menus.18:40
Stskeepsdefine "worse"? :P18:41
r2d2rogersscreenshot cometh18:41
r2d2rogersbuttons and such are better, will have to figure out how to show those18:41
johnxr2d2rogers, they hilight blue when clicked?18:42
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Stskeepsyeah, true, probably due to sapwood references in theme18:43
Stskeepshow's speed, even without sapwood18:43
matmoIs there option to select speakers when headphones plugged into the N810? I just want to use the external microphone.18:43
lardmanprobably a sysfs entry18:44
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lardmaniirc on the n800 you could plug in the headphones to use the radio and play from the speakers18:44
r2d2rogersno difference that I can tell, but the applet for CPU and mem can't be read18:44
johnxgood luck r2d2rogers and Stskeeps. really lame that the zaurus fix wasn't related :/18:44
matmolardman: any idea which sysfs entry?18:45
johnx'night all18:45
qwerty12night johnx18:45
RST38hHehe, 50% of Blackberry Storms are returned18:45
lardmanmatmo: 'fraid not, sorry18:45
RST38hnight, johnx18:45
Stskeepsnini johnx18:45
lardmannight johnx18:45
r2d2rogerscan you get matchbox keybaord to exit politely?18:45
Stskeepsnot really18:45
Stskeepskill -9? :P18:45
r2d2rogersg'night johnx thanks18:45
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: let's say we move out the stuff in rc.local and start it later from usb.. does behaviour change?18:46
Stskeeps(when sapwood is installed)18:46
r2d2rogersk, so18:47
Stskeepsand with usb, install openssh-server or something so its a normal user login18:47
r2d2rogersmv the rc.local to another place and run it after I get in to the usb ethernet terminal?18:47
r2d2rogersI have ssh on it now18:47
r2d2rogersand a user18:47
r2d2rogersmodding the sudoers also then18:48
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: so we want the sapwood library back in place or still moved?18:51
Stskeepsyeah, back in place18:53
Stskeepsit's obviously at fault18:53
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r2d2rogersreboot <G>18:53
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: so I want to export DISPLAY=:0;startx &;start-hildon & ?18:58
Stskeeps.. i gues that would do the trick18:58
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* Meiz_n810 boots to Mer19:00
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: permissions error due to where I had the strace log set, trying again with out strace for now19:04
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r2d2rogerscame up with a terminal, tried kicking a menu and now the screen is black19:07
r2d2rogersno response from terminal...19:07
Stskeepsalright. does it still go 100%?19:07
r2d2rogerscan't say19:07
r2d2rogersit died19:08
Stskeepsah, tablet rebooted?19:08
r2d2rogersjust went black and unresposive19:08
r2d2rogerspopping battery19:08
Stskeepssilly fact - try without & in start-hildon19:08
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r2d2rogersbotting back up fine19:09
r2d2rogersweird that the tablet just died like that19:09
Stskeepsexperimental software ftw19:09
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r2d2rogerswaiting to see when start-hildon finishes19:11
Meiz_n810how can i get the latest imager??19:11
Meiz_n810bzr branch <what??>19:11
r2d2rogerssame behavior19:12
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: no changes lately19:12
r2d2rogersgetting in telnet with root to see what cpu is19:12
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: start-hildon doesn't finish until hildon dies19:12
r2d2rogersit was finishing when it was &'d19:13
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: i deleted the old one so what was the command? :P19:13
r2d2rogerssame fun19:13
StskeepsMeiz_n810: bzr lp:~mer-committers/m-r/imager19:14
r2d2rogerswhite menu and sapwood hogging CPU19:14
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: strace then19:14
Stskeeps(strace -p pid)19:14
r2d2rogersnothing coming out of it19:14
r2d2rogersassumed you wanted strace -p (sapwood's pid)19:15
Stskeepssapwood's pid :P19:15
r2d2rogershow to tell what it's blocking on is our problem right?19:15
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Stskeepswhat the heck hogs cpu then..19:15
Stskeepsgdb the sapwood binary <pid>19:15
Stskeepsand b19:16
r2d2rogersgdb?? not found19:16
r2d2rogersinstall package for it?19:17
Stskeepsapt-get install gdb :P19:17
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r2d2rogersfunny that still works while cpu is said to be pegged out19:17
Stskeepsyeah, multitasking is an interesting thing19:18
r2d2rogerssomething happened19:18
r2d2rogersthe console popped up19:18
r2d2rogersmaemo-launcher: child (pid=1766) terminated due to signal=919:18
r2d2rogersout of memory19:19
Stskeepsfair enough19:19
Stskeepsfrom gdb? yeah19:19
r2d2rogerssapwood still 97~ percent19:20
Stskeepsi think i may have found my new nemesis, when it comes to software. sapwood.19:21
Stskeeps :P19:21
r2d2rogerswhat's the other pastebin you had me use?19:22
r2d2rogerswhat was the bt part?19:25
Stskeepswrite 'bt'19:25
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r2d2rogersCannot access memory at address 0x519:26
Stskeepsfair enough, and then no output?19:26
r2d2rogersthe dmesg output on the out of memory bit
Stskeepswhat permissions did you have with sapwod in start-hildon?19:27
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r2d2rogerswhatever the user was.... no sudo19:28
Stskeepsah. sapwood runs as user19:28
Stskeepsso just strace -fF sapwood-running-command-or-how-was-it &> log19:29
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r2d2rogersstrace -o ~/strace_sapwood-server.log /usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server & look ok?19:30
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r2d2rogersdoing the tail -f on the strace log gives me this when I click and get the white box:
r2d2rogersline 11 or 12 is the tap point19:36
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Stskeepsyou dont happen to have any output in shell from sapwood?19:39
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: dump of shell output:
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: do me a fav and do .. strace -o ~/strace_sapwood-server.log /usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server & > seperate.log19:42
Stskeepsin the boot instead19:42
Stskeepsthere's a curious message19:42
r2d2rogersputting rc.local back and adding the console log for the strace of sapwood to the start hildon?19:44
Stskeepsyou might want to do &>19:44
Stskeepsas in, i want to be able to tell about sapwood's output and everything else19:44
r2d2rogerscd ~19:44
Stskeeps /home/r2d2rogers not found.19:45
r2d2rogersdo you want the log output from the start-hildon command, or the strace of sapwood line?19:45
Stskeepsthe strace of sapwood line19:46
Stskeeps(show me the resulting line :P)19:46
dick-richardsonon a fresh flash; only installing openssh; editing /etc/systemui/systemui.xml,  /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and running visudo; my n810 on reboot will show the progress bar reach 100% and go no further19:46
r2d2rogersstrace -o ~/strace_sapwood-server.log /usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server &> ~/sapwood-server_strace.log19:47
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: & in the end there i think19:47
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dick-richardsonI can't tell if it's a bug or faulty hardware...someone available to test?19:47
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r2d2rogersstrace -o ~/strace_sapwood-server.log /usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server &> ~/sapwood-server_strace.log &19:48
Stskeepsdick-richardson: you may have messsed up your systemui.xml19:48
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Stskeepswith faulty hw you'd probably not even reach 100 :P19:49
dick-richardsonStskeeps, I just removed the comment designating lines19:49
Stskeepsdick-richardson: hm?19:49
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Stskeepsdick-richardson: besides that systemui can blow up in wonderful different ways :P19:49
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dick-richardsonit's not the systemui.xml file edits. I promise19:50
dick-richardsonunless it's interacting with openssh or an additional line in /etc/sudoers unexpectedly19:50
Stskeepsif sudoers if unreadable for some odd reason.. system will fail to boot too19:51
dick-richardson'user ALL = ALL' seem right?19:51
dick-richardsonvisudo doesn't complain when I exit...19:51
Stskeeps.. no not really. i think it may cause it to ask for a password each time19:52
dick-richardsonit does...19:52
qwerty12dick-richardson, how do you propose to enter this password?19:52
Stskeepsso, there's your reason19:52
dick-richardsonI'd rather not remove the password restriction19:52
dick-richardsonqwerty12, at the terminal...?19:52
dick-richardsonnot understanding your question19:52
qwerty12dick-richardson, yes, what terminal?19:52
Stskeepsdick-richardson: hint, OS uses sudo from the 'user' to some specific commands19:53
dick-richardsonthe terminal included with the device?19:53
Stskeepsto not having to run everything as root19:53
r2d2rogersStskeeps:  not finding the log files19:53
r2d2rogersI shouldn't have used ~/ methinks19:53
qwerty12dick-richardson, good luck having that starting up everytime sudo wants to run something...19:53
dick-richardsonI_added_ the last line. I didn't replace the entire file with that line :P19:53
Stskeepsdick-richardson: catch-all i think :P19:53 worked that way the entire last firmware19:54
Stskeepsdick-richardson: anyway, that's a probable reason why it crashes :P19:54
dick-richardsonall of the nopasswd designated lines are still there19:54
dick-richardsonI added that last line to allow me to run other, previously non-specified commands, as root19:54
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Stskeepsright, but, if it fails to work as intended, it would mess up your system19:56
dick-richardsonfair enough...lemme try with nopasswd19:56
Stskeepsbesides that is it /etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d? :P19:57
Stskeepscos your sudoers will be overwritten otherwise19:57
dick-richardsonwas /etc/sudoers19:58
t_s_ohmm, while i dont miss the modified modest interface much, i really do miss the app manager...19:59
Stskeepsi've just upgraded parts of the OS, so :)20:00
Stskeepsas i have removed some bits i probably shouldn't have20:01
qwerty12t_s_o, if you have osso-software-version-rx34-unlocked installed, you can use fine20:01
dick-richardsonooc, is it still required to run in red-pill mode?20:01
t_s_onope, no -unlocked here. last time i tried that i got a non-booting update :S20:01
r2d2rogersStskeeps: nothing in the console output log20:01
r2d2rogersStskeeps: looks like the previous logs int he other20:02
qwerty12t_s_o, ah.. I still had my updated appmgr installed when I updated.. probably because I was using unlocked when I updated...20:02
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: can i seethe sapwood-server_strace.log one?20:02
Stskeepsand you've made sure to have two different files, right?20:03
t_s_oi somewhat look forward to mer being stable for casual use, as i have a itch to free this device from the nokia heavy handed updates...20:03
Stskeepsfor -o and for output20:03
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: so we have a GTK application that spits absolutely nothing out at stderr20:04
Stskeepsthat's a bloody miracle20:04
r2d2rogerswhat user is the rc.local run as?20:04
t_s_oi just hope mer will have a equivalent to the bookmark button/menu, as thats one thing i find useful in maemo20:05
r2d2rogersI'm confused about all the \1\\\0\24... stuff in this line:20:05
r2d2rogersread(5, "\1\\\0\24\0\24\0\24\0\24\0\0/usr/share/themes/pla"..., 4109) = 9220:05
t_s_oon the other hand, it needs to work with any kind of browser the users wants to install and designate as main20:05
Stskeepst_s_o: it should be trivial to make.20:05
t_s_oStskeeps: probably, but the devil is in the details ;)20:06
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: at least you didn't have johnx's bug which made it think it was sending 17k buffers instead of 92byte buffers..20:06
r2d2rogersbut his works now? <G>20:07
Stskeepscan you send me the whole -o log?20:07
Stskeepsyes, by a bloody miracle20:07
Stskeepsi think it hit a compiler bug / processor bug20:07
Stskeepslemme just give you a place to upload it to20:08
r2d2rogersyewah 'cause my webserver isn't open to public right now...20:08
r2d2rogersneed to learn me up some firewall fun20:08
r2d2rogersone specific luser on the web20:09
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* Khertan_n810 [W2I=000:u:0:000:]20:13
Khertan_n810Hi !20:14
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Khertan_n810I have a question ... i m trying to implement crypted text in mNotes ...but i don t want to store the password in a database ... so when i uncrypt text how i can know that it use a wrong password ? (i use pyDes)20:15
Stskeepsadd a checksum or something20:16
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Khertan_n810a checksum on what ? the crypted text before crypt it ?20:17
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dick-richardsonI'll be damned, you called it Stskeeps20:17
Khertan_n810this will clearly break security, isn t it ?20:17
dick-richardsonwhat was that display applet that showed both brightness and volume in one icon?20:17
Stskeepsadvanced backlight20:18
dick-richardsonthank you :)20:18
StskeepsKhertan_n810: yes, i'm just trying to recall that example from cryptography..20:18
Khertan_n810dick: advanced something20:18
Khertan_n810stskeeps: hehe20:19
StskeepsKhertan_n810: .. encrypt(key, text+key), verify if decrypted text matches key?20:19
lcukKhertan_n810, encrypt a known phrase at the start of the block20:19
StskeepsKhertan_n810: that way there's no known phrase20:19
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Stskeepsexcept for the secret key20:19
Khertan_n810lcuk ? for an open source app ?20:19
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Stskeepslcuk: technically you know some of the plaintext then20:20
Khertan_n810hum ... if i remember des is one way20:20
lcukwith good security you can give away the formula and equation used - remember, this is only your test20:20
lcukor as part of your text store a hash using another formula - if the hash is recovered after decrypting then its fine20:21
dick-richardsonis it safe to remove the documentation...or will that cause problems on upgrades yet?20:21
StskeepsKhertan_n810: to encrypt, encrypt the key prefixed in the text, to decrypt, use key, and check key == start of plaintext :P20:21
Khertan_n810only no differnciation between public and private key20:21
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lcukKhertan_n810, the key is in their mind, not pub/priv20:21
Khertan_n810stskeeps: huhu ... really unsecure20:22
lcukyou know, you could keep your app simple and leave it as is - if people want security they can use an encrypted fs20:22
StskeepsKhertan_n810: eh, no20:22
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Khertan_n810lcuk: the prob is saying to the user that pass is wrong ... not display strange textg20:23
lcukthen you will need to incorporate a hash of the plaintext in with the string to encrypt20:23
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Khertan_n810lcuk: do you have already try crypted fs on maemo ... a real pain20:23
lcukkhertan_encrypt(pass,md5(text) & ":" & text)20:24
lcukif the password is good you can recover the text and check the md5 matches20:24
Khertan_n810but a hash of the plain text on small text can be easily reverse20:24
Stskeepsit's encrypted..20:24
lcukKhertan_n810, technically why bother - let it be wrong20:25
lcukif you put the wrong key in you get gibberish20:25
Khertan_n810lcuk : because auto save feature will erase data20:25
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lcukoooer, you are gonna be fighting then, either store the hash or dont bother with encryption20:26
lcukwhich apps encrypt data on the fly anyway?20:27
lcukie where do you encounter encrypted data files currently20:27
StskeepsKhertan_n810: given pass, plaintext: to encrypt.  ciphertext = encrypt(pass, pass + text). to decrypt and verify: plaintext = decrypt(pass, ciphertext); if text.beginswith(pass) decryptionok? :P20:28
lcuk... ?20:28
Stskeepsthat's not insecure20:28
lcukif you are gonna do something like that, dont store pass inside - that was a mistake, just store something like the md5 of the plaintext20:28
Stskeepslcuk: either is good :P20:29
lcukall you need is a confirmation that its valid20:29
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lcuktbh though its not good, because an attacker knows how they can validate your formula20:29
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lcukKhertan_n810, found anything which does on the fly encryption yet? :D20:30
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: Mer refuses to install xserver-xorg20:30
Meiz_n810 xserver-xorg-core: Conflicts: xserver-xorg-input-2.120:30
StskeepsMeiz_n810: yeah, johnx was working on it20:30
Stskeepsthey updated something in ubuntu20:30
Khertan_n810lcuk ... yep not good20:30
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StskeepsKhertan_n810: simple check really. does the text we just encrypted, using the original key, encrypt back to the ciphertext we got?20:32
lcuktime + cpu + battery killer, K.I.S.S. principles - its getting muddy fast20:32
Stskeepslcuk: yes, but its verification :P20:33
Stskeepsand a DES doesn't take that much cpu :P20:33
lcukof what, ive just done a few hunt n peck searches and i cant find anything really that produces encrypted data files on the fly20:33
Khertan_n810stskeeps:yep encrypted key == decrypted key20:35
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glassport truecrypt? (just jumping in..)20:36
lcukStskeeps, YES the text you got back WILL return to the encrypted text using the key you gave it20:36
lcukwhether it was gibberish or not20:36
qwerty12glass, it's already been done but I think an really old version now...20:36
glassqwerty12: just started using tc with vista(for work partition)20:36
Stskeepslcuk: meh, ok20:36
* Stskeeps goes clean his apartment20:36
glasswas pretty smooth. screw pgpdisk20:36
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qwerty12glass, nice, I once used it to hide some dubious tools on a usb I took into school :P20:37
glassqwerty12: haha20:37
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pupnikWorld War III coming?  British nuclear submarines to run Windows XP... (german)20:45
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qwerty12We surrender20:45
lcuklets hope they have valid licenses, we dont want pirates roaming the oceans20:46
timelE61iSorry, the z was a german ref20:47
qwerty12hehe :)20:47
timelE61iThe W is a feature of s6020:47
timelE61iAnd the 3 is because i'm 1/2 finger tapping and i slipped20:48
* qwerty12 is very imaginative, yes20:49
lcukyes, you are20:49
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t_s_oi could have sworn that i have read about a us warship running win2k...20:53
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* qwerty12 has an affinity for win2k, despite it being years since running it... probably because it saved me from windows ME..20:54
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derfMany US military systems run Windows.20:55
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derfWhat should really scare you is that we've shipped systems running HP/UX.20:56
Juhazt_s_o, it was nt4, but you probably have.20:56
aquatixthat win2k ship was dead in the water because of some worm back then iirc20:57
aquatixfun stuff20:57
aquatixwell, scary rather, but still20:57
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Juhazfun enough if it's just propulsion, but if gunnery systems with nuclear missiles in them are under windows control, well, better start planning for the move to next planet.20:59
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t_s_oskynet, here we come21:00
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JuhazI wish, it'd be a lot more credible way to go to design something so advanced it takes over21:02
Juhazrather than something so crappy it destroys the world by accident21:02
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Stskeepst_s_o: skynet.. running on windows? i doubt it21:03
aquatix`you are about to launch missile m42, cancel or allow?'21:03
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cyberholicgoooood evening everyone!21:04
t_s_oStskeeps: no clue there, but it will be using british satelites ;)21:05
Stskeeps <- hah21:05
t_s_oaquatix: more like "imidiate or right now?"21:06
Juhazmurphy's law states that the person using the dialog will be the only mac or gnome person on the boat, used to alternative button order and clicking wrong one by reflex21:06
aquatixt_s_o: i was sort of referring to the annoying vista dialog in which everyone bashes `allow' anyway ;)21:07
GAN800Maybe our new argument for beta releases will be: 'We'll stop filing shit bugs if you give us earlier access'21:07
t_s_oJuhaz: try mixing gnome and non-gnome apps on the same desktop. oh how fun...21:07
aquatixJuhaz: ghehe21:07
GAN800The bugs on each new SSU release seem to be getting progressively less useful.21:07
t_s_oaquatix: heh, out of habit after about 5 mins ;)21:07
cyberholichey guys, i have a proove that my n800 has feelings!!!!!!!21:07
Stskeepsyou were the guy with the wet SD slot?21:08
cyberholicnah, not me. i am the guy with the mad flash ideas.21:08
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cyberholici developed a site where you can see that you can interact with the n800.... go check this out: ... :)21:09
cyberholicput your finger on the area and you will see that the device checks your pulse!21:10
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cyberholici only need that "emergency room" heartbeat sound ... anyone knows where to get that?21:11
GAN800Who can find the bug here?
GAN800ecg on youtube?21:11
aquatixcyberholic: doesn't work; but that might be because i'm on my laptop ;)21:11
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aquatixor does it mean i'm a zombie21:11
cyberholiclol... yeah. you gotta try it out on your device. touch the area and you will see your heartbeat21:12
cyberholicloooooooool true!!!!!21:12
Stskeepscyberholic: it works when holding down mouse button too ;)21:12
cyberholicstskeeps: aeh...... well... aeh..... oh, my bus. i gotta go! byeeeeeeee! lol21:13
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aquatixStskeeps: but only once a cycle21:13
Stskeepscyberholic: hehe21:13
* aquatix slaps cyberholic around a bit21:13
t_s_oand i thought that i-am-free was silly...21:13
aquatixi was actually thinking that it might use the pressure sensitiveness of the screen21:14
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cyberholiclol... yeah, it MIGHT do that if your device likes you!21:14
aquatixit does21:14
aquatixi think21:14
aquatixit knows too much of me ;)21:15
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qwerty12_N800the porn sites you visit etc... :p21:16
t_s_omeh, only geek porn ;)21:16
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cyberholicyou visit porn on ya device?21:16
qwerty12_N800I was asking aquatix :P21:17
qwerty12_N800Nah, screen is too small :p21:17
cyberholici thought NOKIA devices come automaticly with an adult protection. also for phone calls etc.21:17
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r2d2rogersit would be nice to have a way to see the timezone spread in a channel ....21:22
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: i think johnx would be moving between US time and japanese time .. :P21:22
r2d2rogersso we kinda have the globe in three eh?21:23
r2d2rogersuk, US, Jp ?21:23
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Stskeepsat least21:24
r2d2rogerserr no you're not UK forgot...21:24
r2d2rogersshould I try gdb on another process bofore I kill spawood?21:25
Stskeepshas strace_sapwood-server.log (Modified)                                                     Row 749  Col 1    8:27  Ctrl-K H for help21:26
Stskeeps_llseek(5, -6, [112], SEEK_CUR)         = 021:26
Stskeeps.. been running for a while?21:26
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r2d2rogersyeah since I went to lunch21:27
Stskeepsscp over new log?21:27
RST38hHo ho ho21:28
RST38hIt works!21:28
Stskeepswhat works?21:28
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: I don't think it's different, but it's there21:29
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r2d2rogersstill nothing in the other21:29
Stskeepsand then it just runs to 100%21:29
r2d2rogersseems like it's stuck trying to get something, but the other process isn't responding?21:29
Stskeepsno, on the contrary21:29
Stskeepsit doesn't do any system calls21:30
Stskeepsyou had gdb?21:30
r2d2rogershad? have...21:31
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Stskeepsgrab and gdb /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server21:32
Stskeeps + <PID OF SAPWOOD>21:32
Stskeepsgdb /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server <sapwood-server pid>21:33
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Stskeepsand bt21:33
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Stskeeps.. ok, maybe just /usr/lib/debug/usr/lib/sapwood/sapwood-server21:35
r2d2rogersverify, rerun start hildon with this or jsut run the gdb with that patha nd the current running process?21:36
Stskeepsrunning process21:36
Stskeeps.. if it fails, remove stracing21:37
r2d2rogerswarning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.21:43
r2d2rogersafter removing the strace21:43
r2d2rogers(gdb) bt21:43
r2d2rogers#0  0x40722a24 in ?? ()21:43
r2d2rogersshould I be running the debug one from start hildon?21:44
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RST38hSts: VGBA21:53
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: that's awkward..21:54
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: try do that21:54
StskeepsRST38h: ah21:54
r2d2rogerssorry for delay had email to answer :\21:54
Stskeepsoh, i cleaned the kitchen and went to the laundry room in the meantime21:55
Stskeepsdidn't even notice ;)21:55
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: .. any possibility of a ssh connection into it?21:57
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Stskeepsi think i know how to replicate it, so21:58
r2d2rogersStskeeps: funky but doable21:58
r2d2rogershang one21:59
Stskeepsreverse ssh tunnel is possible too21:59
r2d2rogersgoo thought21:59
r2d2rogerstell me what port?21:59
Stskeepsssh -R r2d2rogers@trac.tspre.org21:59
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r2d2rogersyeah <G>21:59
Stskeepsnot ipv6 yet..21:59
r2d2rogerswhat user you want?22:00
Stskeepsany :P22:00
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mentalmonkeyhello I overtly discussed my interest in improving osso-xterm's capabilities to integrate with thumb pad input, and in general make n8x0 a better experience for cli lovers like myself but I'm not sure of what SDK I should work with, 4.1.x or 5 - I'm a hobbyist and a novice22:01
mentalmonkeys/thumb pad/thumb keyboard22:02
Stskeeps4.1.x probably22:02
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mentalmonkeyStskeeps: I just don't want to invest a lot of time and just as I get somewhere 5 is released to the general public - however will 5 be useful for n8x0 devices - I should really be looking at the forum but you might have an immediate partial answer22:03
Stskeepsmentalmonkey: fact is none of us really know much about interfaces or anything, and that fremantle is atleast half a year ago..22:03
Stskeepsfrom now22:03
lardmanhmm, 16bit sbc doesn't sound too hot22:04
Stskeepsmentalmonkey: and n8x0 users aren't going to disappear here and now22:05
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mentalmonkeyok, so Diablo it is then, for the time being22:06
mentalmonkeydoes anyone know if the SDK for diablo can be installed via chroot on a x64_86 architecture using Archlinux - not Debian based?22:09
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mentalmonkeyI am more than willing to use a virtual machine for this task, but if a chroot will work I think I prefer this22:09
mentalmonkeys/will work/will most likely :)22:09
Stskeepsit has to load some binfmt stuff.. so take a vm instead22:10
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ShadowJK_urgh, binfmt? wtf22:15
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dick-richardsonhow do you use openntpd?22:15
StskeepsShadowJK_: i kinda don't blame them. fakechroot stuff is weird22:15
ShadowJK_the perversedness of their sdk continues to amaze me the more I hear about it22:16
mentalmonkeyntpd -s - to set your time for instance22:16
dick-richardsonI can't tell what bin was installed...22:16
dick-richardsonmentalmonkey, thank you!22:16
mentalmonkeydick-richardson: I this works for what is installed on maemo? if it does great!!22:16
dick-richardsonseems to22:16
mentalmonkeyawesome :)22:17
ShadowJK_If you're going to do sick things, do the sickly cool things, like NetBSD's build system that cross builds itself and netbsd, on anything, anywhere :-)22:17
mentalmonkeyok, so vm for me not exactly the way I would have wanted to go, but not terrible22:17
Stskeepsmentalmonkey: better than having to install windows..22:18
t_s_ohmm, im starting to like packageview...22:18
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mentalmonkeyStskeeps: :)22:18
mentalmonkeyI've never used kvm - would that work22:20
qwerty12_N800Is it a necessity that I have to have a virtual keyboard installed to use ScummVM properly (N800)? :)22:20
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: i ran beneath a steel sky okay22:20
mentalmonkeyI want to get the most bang for installing a a few gigs. of SDK22:20
qwerty12_N800mentalmonkey, easiest way is probably vmware as a ready image exists22:20
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qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, thanks22:21
disco_stumentalmonkey, use virtualbox22:21
mentalmonkeydisco_stu: ok, no fancy stuff then, you all recommend "do what works" I stick with that policy this time then :)22:21
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dick-richardsonmentalmonkey, does ntpd run once and exit?22:23
mentalmonkeydick-richardson: not as far as I know, ps -A | grep ntp22:23
slonopotamushell o22:24
qwerty12_N800h ello22:24
mentalmonkeyis this the right place to grab the vm
qwerty12_N800yep, for vmware22:25
mentalmonkeyI'm going easy peezy this time22:25
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mentalmonkeyfor the SDK is virtualbox fine or will I need vmware (player)?22:26
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GAN8001mentalmonkey, there was some discussion from Nokia about opening up the XTerm development.22:26
mentalmonkeyGAN8001: you mean it is NOT open right now, oh my22:27
GAN8001mentalmonkey, the source is open22:27
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GAN8001But the development mostly takes place behind closed doors.22:27
GAN8001The idea would be to move all development into the open so the community has more power over osso-xterm's direction.22:28
mentalmonkeyGAN8001: oh my I should learn to ask the right questions before downloading gigabytes of SDK :D22:28
GAN8001Either way, it's a POSITIVE thing that times nicely with you wanting to get into hacking on it. :)22:29
mentalmonkeyGAN8001: but it sounds somewhat tentative for Nokia will do with xterm, at least from what you have written above22:30
mentalmonkeyGAN8001: do you what time frame this will take place?22:30
GAN8001osso-xterm is being developed within Nokia at the moment as open source code22:30
GAN8001the plan is to move that development process outside of Nokia and into the community22:31
GAN8001This is a GOOD THING. ;)22:31
mentalmonkeybut the time frame?22:31
GAN8001Quim just mentioned it yesterday22:31
GAN8001So the plan is just now forming22:31
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mentalmonkeyok, so I should install the SDK but be relaxed an in a few months it will happen?22:32
disco_stuat last.. community will end up with an xterm on steroids22:33
mentalmonkeyawesome for an n800 this is very good22:33
RST38hor many little xterms22:33
GAN8001mentalmonkey, start hacking now and push your good patches to as enhancement requests as you make them.22:34
mentalmonkeyGAN8001: thanks!22:34
GAN8001mentalmonkey, my recommendation is to dive in and just get hacking. ;)22:35
GAN8001The Maemo 5 SDK will be more ready for application-level hacking around the time of the beta release in ~April.22:35
`0660i really wish that feature request would be solved22:37
mentalmonkeyGAN8001: I'm applying to grad. schools in particle physics right now - meaning I have lots of other stuff happening - but I am interested improving o-xterm so I will get started22:37
`0660irc is quite boring when i need to copy paste links by hand22:37
mentalmonkey`0660: boring or frustrating ? :)22:37
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Stskeepsdear god, thank you for inventing wifi and tablets. i can wait in laundry room, connected to my wifi with my tablet22:38
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lcuk2Stskeeps, to remind you of these times you should see if theres a laundry screensaver22:39
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`0660mentalmonkey, frustrating :)22:40
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VulcanisHmm, would anyone happen to know a good way to format a card that even windows doesn't recognize when I plug the n800 in?22:48
disco_stuVulcanis, you dont windows to be able to see the card?22:50
Vulcanisit /can't/ and I'm trying to recover it22:50
Vulcanisbut its looking like its pretty dead right now22:50
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dick-richardsonwhere are known networks saved?23:03
qwerty12_N801dick-richardson, gconf23:03
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dick-richardsonI have a backup of / do I import that into a newly flashed device?23:04
dick-richardsonw/o overwriting the existing gconf23:04
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dick-richardsoner.../etc rather23:08
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GAN8001Stskeeps, I'm just glad I don't have to wait in mine. :P23:15
Stskeepsmm, managed to catch one quickly23:15
Stskeepsi had the washer throw an exception at me though, "error getting water"23:15
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ShadowJK_you need iWater(TM)23:22
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dick-richardsonno way to restore known networks with /etc and /home backed up?23:24
TrueJournalsdick-richardson: known networks are stored in gconf... which is stored in... /var I think?23:25
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christendocany mer/deblet guys have experience with binutils not recognizing the --mfloat-abi=softfp flag?23:25
TrueJournalsdick-richardson: actually... nevermind... gconf seems to be in /etc.. let me get a path for you to restore23:26
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vandenoeveri'm trying to download the firmware but the form on does not recognize my wlan code23:27
vandenoeveris there a way to download it anyway?23:28
TrueJournalsdick-richardson: Ah, nevermind... gconf IS stored in /var23:29
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TrueJournalsHowever, /etc/osso-af-init/gconf-dir is a link to the configuration dir... depending on how you did the backup, you MIGHT have the data there23:30
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TrueJournalsvandenoever: Do you have a n800 or n810?23:31
vandenoeverTrueJournals: both, but i'm updating the n81023:31
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vandenoeverTrueJournals: it's in  need of a fresh flash, it keeps rebooting23:31
TrueJournalsvandenoever: Do you run Windows, linux, or osx?23:32
vandenoeverTrueJournals: linux23:33
qwerty12_N801vandenoever, it's easy to find a load of n810 mac addresses on the internet..23:33
vandenoever does not recognize the mac address23:33
vandenoeverqwerty12_N801: thanks! i found some23:35
vandenoeverstill weird that mine is not recognized23:35
StskeepsN810W or N810?23:36
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LinuxCodethe new update makes the N810 faster23:37
LinuxCodeits way more responsive now23:37
vandenoeverStskeeps: N810 (not W)23:37
LinuxCodethank god23:37
LinuxCodeback to normal23:38
vandenoeverany of you running kde4 on it?23:38
disco_stuLinuxCode, i had the same impression23:38
LinuxCodehopefully it will drain my battery less too23:39
LinuxCodei suspect that was the bug causing the sluggishness and battery consumption23:39
disco_stuim not having very good bat lifetime since i clonned os to sd23:39
StskeepsLinuxCode: X optimization23:40
disco_stuspeed is now great23:40
GAN8001Stskeeps, I see your edit in the recent changes. :P23:41
GAN8001I was actually talking about hard-wrapping on the SSU page. :P23:41
Stskeepsit's called fear.23:42
* GAN8001 plays with the banhammer. :P23:42
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Stskeepsi really wonder what's wrong with these armv5 processors23:47
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Stskeepssapwood goes horridly insane on them23:47
Stskeepslo b-man23:47
Stskeepsb-man: so how's the installer going?23:49
b-mani'm now to the debugging stage of the installer.23:49
b-mani'm trying to hunt down this annoying syntax error :P23:49
b-manin 366 lines of code23:50
Stskeepswhat is it made in?23:50
Stskeepsfair enough23:50
b-mando you know of any good bash debugging methods?23:51
sp3000-eux and patience? :)23:51
b-mani've tryed  sh -x and have had no luck.23:52
Stskeepsb-man: set -x -e maybe23:52
Stskeepsin top of file23:52
Stskeepsdie when something goes wrong23:52
b-mani'll try that, thanks!23:52
Stskeepsand be verbose23:53
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vandenoeverah, my maemo is back23:53
Vulcanisis anyone any good at recovering SD cards, or would know how to?23:54
b-manis it corrupt?23:55
Vulcaniswell, I don't actually know.  I'm trying to format it, but currently it doesn't show up in windows or the n80023:55
VulcanisI'm assuming its dead, but I was wondering if there were any ways I would not have looked at23:55
disco_studid you clone your os ?23:56
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b-manmkdosfs /dev/mmcblk0p1 or p2?23:56
VulcanisNah, I was trying to partition a spare 4gb I had lying around23:56
Vulcanisbut never actually got around to cloning things.23:56
disco_stucause when partitioned windows wont see it23:56
Vulcanisah, ok.23:57
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b-manin terminal in maemo you can use fsdisk -uM /dev/mmcblk0 / mmcblk123:58
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b-manthat's how i partition my mmc.23:58
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