IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-12-11

suihkulokkiwith more machines, with a rewrite you'll soon end up with something as complex00:00
* suihkulokki tried once :P00:00
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* Stskeeps too00:03
Stskeepsthough it was more like a production line00:03
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suihkulokkiubuntu appears to run something custom with bits borrowed from sbuild/buildd00:08
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suihkulokkiStskeeps: maybe that would bend for your use:
* lcuk drops an anvil on woglinde00:10
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woglindedont do that00:10
woglindethis gonna hurts00:10
lcuknahhhh :D its an acme anvil00:11
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lcukhow you doing woglinde00:13
lcukStskeeps, nice!00:15
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woglindelcuk hm could be better00:19
lcukmmmn :( not good00:20
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lcukyou are normally chirpy00:20
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acydlordwhats the current diablo release number?00:29
lardman4.1.1 I think00:30
andre__4.1.2 or 4.2008.36-500:32
lardmanoh well :)00:32
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acydlordouch, i'm still running 4.2008.30-200:33
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acydlordwow, the fw image is slow to donwload00:43
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: what's the baking the image section in the imager script?01:02
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lardmanif I were using the sqlite3_column_int64(); command to retrieve data from an sqlite db, what format would I save it as?01:07
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: I actually have a home_ap_home_view now.01:07
r2d2rogersStskeeps: but the touchscreen doesn't work...01:08
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lcuklardman, int64?01:09
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: no baking for only-fs, fabolous x starts and hildon too01:10
lardmanlcuk: no, apparently INTEGER is the one, so I see from someone else's code01:10
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Stskeepstouchscreen.. i guess we have to look at tlib01:10
r2d2rogersStskeeps: watching again, I got that far by going through console01:10
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lcukStskeeps, thats the touch interface in use on current device01:11
r2d2rogerstome for me to head home01:11
StsN800alright - you are running an modern xorg atm:)01:12
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StsN800i suspect it is in xorg.conf we fix ot01:12
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r2d2rogersI think it didn't have fstab and xorg.conf the last tiem I attempted01:13
gnutonhi there01:13
r2d2rogersI think this might end up useable on this install, but I have another card to play with to tweak the scripts up01:13
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AStormnew maemo-tools ncurses have color :D02:13
AStormfinally, more syntax highlighting in vom02:13
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AStormand touchscreen support improved, what a nice bonus02:17
r2d2rogersAStorm: that maemo 5 or diablo?02:18
r2d2rogersI just got Mer partially booting on my 77002:19
AStormmer != maemo 502:19
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r2d2rogersjust giving you a where i'm at reference02:19
AStormanyway, back to coding02:20
AStormmer has that correct probably02:20
r2d2rogers... Cool02:20
r2d2rogersthat will be great02:20
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AStormas it has separate ncurses02:20
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lcuk2AStorm, what do you code?02:26
lcuk2i dont think ive ever seen one of your projects (though i probably have if you know what i mean)02:26
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woglindegood nite02:32
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AStormlcuk2, now, writing a handwriting recognizer02:44
AStormyes, that one02:44
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AStormno git tree as of yet due to too many major changes for history to be of any use02:44
AStormthat's the actual reason  why I'm not experimenting with mer02:45
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lcuk2astorm the proper system one?02:57
AStormyes, in a later perspective02:58
AStormright now I'm getting the engine done02:58
lcuk2and im impressed :) i have the core recognition functions for my attempt inside liqbase - i know ive gone the wrong way with mine though02:58
AStormand not infringing any patents (khem M$)02:59
lcuk2i once made one in vb which was much friendlier02:59
AStormlcuk2, which way? heuristics?02:59
AStormmine abuses statistical methods + some denoising03:00
lcuk2the current stroke class has a method to extract its quadchain.  i normalise the stroke and overlay a 5x5 grid over the top.  each position on the grid passed over as the stroke commences results in a string03:00
AStormbecause stupid M$ got a patent on neural nets for that :/03:00
AStormahha, quantization03:01
AStormI had that in the first try, fails badly sometimes :>03:01
lcuk2the older vb method uses polar coords instead03:01
lcuk2yeah it does03:01
AStormthus settled to angle+length03:01
lcuk2the polar one was better03:01
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AStormonly need to have a lower bpund on length03:02
AStormso that angle is meaningful03:02
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lcuk2yeah, it worked quite nicely, i did skipping and only measured at some boundary i believe03:02
lcuk2thats the fuzzy bit, it was about 4 years ago03:03
AStormthe more important is matching, yup03:03
AStormpatent galore03:03
AStormmy aim for now is to replace epitext with less suck :)03:04
lcuk2 yeah and i took it that i might as well have equal sized branches - so i forced it to work on something like 4 pixels (or mm or whatever it was in)03:04
lcuk2so even though the stroke had many or few points making up that block i counted along until i got to the break point03:04
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AStormbut the main feature matching, what was its algorithm?03:05
AStormneural? fuzzy? decision tree?03:05
lcuk2i just had a tree (everything i think of is in trees of some sort)03:05
AStormmhm, decision tree then03:05
AStormI dislike them, as they can get into a wrong branch and hang03:06
lcuk2yeah of course, just like a compiler03:06
AStormthus, I went with statistical, as neural is slower and patented03:06
AStormvote-based system should work fine03:06
AStorm(aka Winnow)03:06
lcuk2well ive got tonnes of sketches of my handwriting now - i can get the similar strokes quite effectively and map them to utterances (even multi letter cursive)03:07
AStormsketches = not code?03:07
lcuk2but thats just another sidebranch :)03:07
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AStormok, well, I'm fixing ui now03:07
AStormpython, pygtk for rapid(er) development03:08
lcuk2astorm, ive got 1000's of sketches in liqbase, these first few are my training ground, i have always wanted to make use of them - i keep every vector03:08
AStormnice, I will need testcases later03:08
lcuk2it grows everyday :) i love it for its rapidness at that03:09
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lcuk2i think we will have more before too long03:09
lcuk2anyway :) nice to know people are working on the HWR :) let me know if theres anything I might be able to help with03:10
* lcuk2 vanishes again03:10
AStormhmm.,, not yet03:10
lcuk2cya later astorm03:10
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* timeless tries slurping the fremantle sdk03:20
timelesssadly this seems to work03:20
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timelesswell, now i have to actually do work w/ it03:21
timelessand i have 2 distinct ways to do it03:22
timelessone i like, and one that works03:22
timelessso now i have to either use the one that works or fix the one i like03:22
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timelessthey're fairly close, except that they're doing somewhat different things03:32
timelessand they diverged about a year ago :)03:32
timeless(both were written in /bin/sh originally, but one was rewritten in /bin/perl03:33
timelessoh man, that's confusing03:35
timelesslrwxrwxrwx   1 root     root           9 Jul 17  2006 /bin -> ./usr/bin03:35
timelessno wonder i can do /bin/perl :)03:35
AStormtimeless, /usr/bin/env perl03:36
AStormthis fails only on antique solaris03:36
timelessdebian@swift:~% uname -a03:37
timelessSunOS swift 5.11 snv_53 i86pc i386 i86pc03:37
timelessdoesn't seem to work particularly well on my solaris03:37
timelesswith a startup time like this, i don't need enemies03:37
* timeless woudl die of old age03:38
AStormtry type -p perl03:38
AStormthis tends to work03:38
timelessdebian@swift:~% type -p perl03:38
timelessperl is /usr/bin/perl03:38
timelessand yes, debian is a user, but it's a strange user03:39
timelessdebian@swift:~% which apt-get03:39
timelessdebian@swift:~% which dpkg03:39
AStormwhich is non-standard03:39
timelessit has enough pieces from nexenta in order to do interesting things03:39
AStormI can't recall which type option dropped path only03:40
AStormmaybe big -P03:40
timelesstype takes no args according to the man page03:40
AStormgnuism galore03:40
AStormanyway, #!perl should work03:41
timelessdebian@swift:~% /usr/bin/type -p perl03:41
timeless/usr/bin/type[8]: type: bad option(s)03:41
AStormno path necessary, unless it's security code03:41
timeless$HOME/bin/perl should work too :)03:41
timelesslet the owner deal w/ it :)03:41
timelessanyway, changing /bin/perl to /usr/bin/perl so it would run on linxu wasn't a big deal03:42
timelessnor was changing /usr/sfw/bin/wget to /usr/bin/wget :)03:42
AStormwill work03:44
AStormdrop the path unless security03:44
timelessoh, i can't03:45
timelessPATH is often empty or similarly useless :)03:45
AStormthen fix it03:45
timelessit's not quite security, more about working w/ various strange worlds03:45
AStormas shell is useless then03:45
timelessnah, each script has its own quirks03:45
timelessshell doesn't do anything03:45
timelessit's a user called debian on sun solaris :)03:45
timelessit's not a user called timeless on nexenta (debian solaris)03:46
AStormno shrc? or profile file?03:46
timelesstypically it's not interesting03:46
timelessand my scripts hop from user to user often enough03:46
timelessanyway, it's no big deal03:46
* timeless ponders03:49
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AStormany nice way to hildonize a terminal app?03:56
AStormesp. irssi03:57
AStormI want activity notification03:57
AStormand button support (zoom button to switch tags)03:58
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AStormalso, mouse support04:03
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* timeless grumbles04:36
timelesszsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  apt-cache -c /home/debian/apt-sb-g.conf search04:36
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GeneralAntilleslol, Mr. Debian fanboy is back <_<05:22
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* johnx starts to appreciate life on the console05:39
acydlordoh blarg, i think the fw image i downloaded earlier is corrupt05:43
GeneralAntillesacydlord, you realize you can just update through the application manager, right?05:43
infobotssu is probably
acydlordmy image is too old to update on the device05:44
GeneralAntillesThat's only one release old05:44
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acydlordit wasnt giving me the option to update05:45
GeneralAntillesThen you either removed osso-software-version or the version string wasn't updated (happens sometimes)05:46
GeneralAntillesWhat are you on, an N800?05:46
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acydlordmy internet connection seems to have developed leprocy lately05:49
GeneralAntillesAre you on an N800?05:50
acydlordi'm on a pc at the moment05:51
acydlordi think my isp is throttling my connection05:51
GeneralAntillesYou have an N800 rather than an N810, though, right?05:51
acydlordworks fine till i'm trying to download anything05:51
acydlordi've got an N81005:52
GeneralAntillesTry an apt-get install osso-software-version-rx4405:52
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acydlordi'll try that05:53
acydlordi think when i installed screenrotate it probably pooched that update path05:53
GeneralAntillesTry an apt-get install osso-software-version-rx44-unlocked then05:53
GeneralAntillesThat should get you where you need to be05:53
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acydlordi'll try that once i get this connectivity issue resolved05:54
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r2d2rogerstrying to figure out xorg and touch screen input on my 77006:18
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zakkmqwerty12_n800: you there?06:20
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zakkmanyone here?06:34
r2d2rogershow's it going pupnik ?06:39
pupniklegal messes, chilling in irc for relaxation06:42
pupnikand you r2d2rogers ?  btw the R2D2 sounds were made with an ARP260006:43
r2d2rogersewww yeah I can see that06:43
r2d2rogersgood here06:43
r2d2rogersplaying with Sts's mer stuff on my 77006:43
r2d2rogersI've tried to figure out how you'd type some of those sounds into IRC, but didn't come up with much satisfying06:44
r2d2rogersI like the 2600 part of the model though06:44
pupnikBWEOOP!  mwooooo...06:44
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* r2d2rogers looks up from the wikipedia article on the ARP1600, " Nice! "06:45
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r2d2rogersI can hear that bit in my head06:45
pupniki had one for a week.  hardly slept06:45
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r2d2rogersI need to get a better toy budget ;)06:46
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pupnikmight as well just play with a software synth for free06:49
r2d2rogerspupnik: I don't suppose you'd have any insight on the touchscreen driver for a 770 under xorg would you?06:49
pupnikyou mean the xsp extensions, pressure etc?06:49
r2d2rogersthinking I have the wrong event or evdev isn't happy06:49
r2d2rogersat this point just getting any input06:50
r2d2rogers(**) Option "TslibDevice" "/dev/input/event3"06:50
r2d2rogersts_open failed (device=/dev/input/event3)06:50
pupnikno idea about that stuff06:51
r2d2rogersno worries06:51
r2d2rogersjust wishing the timezones worked out better for asking people in my evening time <G>06:52
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r2d2rogersI think I found it06:54
r2d2rogerscat /dev/mouse0 gives output hen I hit the screen06:54
infobotr2d2rogers meant: cat /dev/mouse0 gives output when I hit the screen06:55
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: hint, it may simply be udev not running07:29
r2d2rogersno /dev/input/event3 caused by that?07:30
r2d2rogershints on how to make udev run?07:30
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: edit init script of it and remove old kernel check07:30
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Stskeepsim gonna nap another hour07:32
r2d2rogersStskeeps: thanks for the hints07:32
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Meiz_n810jauntys bluetooth management is a lot better than the one i had in deblet08:46
RST38hmoo all08:48
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Meiz__n810I installled powerlaunch, now mer boot stops to "begin main loop"09:24
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aquatixKhertan2, Khertan_WebIrc5: you here?10:41
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gnutonHi there11:31
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keesjwhat upstart version will the next gen maemo be using?11:48
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: yeah, powerlaunch needs adapating11:59
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* Stskeeps ponders 12:02
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timelesskeesj: no one has any idea what version of a library will be used12:08
keesjbut the sdk was released12:09
timelessan alpha sdk was released12:09
timelessor pre alpha or something12:09
GeneralAntillespre-alpha even12:09
timelessthat's not a contract to use a given version of a something12:09
Stskeepsmorning GeneralAntilles, ta for copy-edit12:10
timelessit's merely an indication of technology that'll probably be included12:10
timelessnot the version level12:10
GeneralAntillesUpstart isn't even in there yet, I don't think.12:10
Stskeepsdon't think so either12:10
Stskeepsi actually forgot to look12:10
keesjthat is what I am interested in (the indication)12:10
GeneralAntilleskeesj, it's just too early to tell.12:10
timelessanyway, i started pulling in an xref for fremantle12:10
timelessbut i kinda got stuck (ENEEDSLEEP)12:10
keesjI guess upstart is not really needed in the sdk is maemo doesn't use it to much12:10
Stskeepsit might be along with the OHM and alpha SDK release12:11
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timelessbut even if an alpha release has a component12:12
timelessthat's not a contract on the version of the component12:12
timelessif a newer version comes and is needed, it might be picked12:12
keesjI just have been bussy with upstart the last year or so and was ready to share some problems :P12:13
* timeless ponders12:13
Stskeepskeesj: like?12:14
timelessfreemantle seems to expose matchbox 1 and matchbox 2 atm12:14
timelessbut i can assure you  both won't be used :)12:14
GeneralAntillesWell, it does mean we can use a Diablo UI on Fremantle12:15
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keesjwell I tried the upgrade to upstart 0.5 and found is imature12:15
GeneralAntillestimeless, because all the work to port it is done.12:15
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keesjStskeeps: for example the new inictl->dbus->upstart thing12:21
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timelessyou can only run one window manager at a time :)12:26
GeneralAntillesWhat I mean to say is, the Diablo UI already being available on Fremantle makes running "Fremantle" on hardware without accelerated OpenGL a helluva lot easier.12:27
timelessi suppose one could say that the people @nokia took advantage of that in order to not port all apps to fremantle at the same time :)12:29
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timelessfwiw, the accelerated opengl stuff atm basically means that the desktop can crash that much faster12:30
timeless(something like 5 web pages)12:30
GeneralAntillesThey didn't want to release the Fremantle UI early (I'm sure everybody knows exactly what kind of reaction that usually brings), so in order to have a UI for the alphas we get Diablo.12:30
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, ping?12:31
* timeless curses12:32
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: <- any comments before i send it off?12:34
GeneralAntillesOh, right.12:35
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GeneralAntilles"solely by community effort"12:35
GeneralAntillesDrop that12:35
GeneralAntillesIt's neither true nor useful. :P12:35
GeneralAntillesMaybe say "primarily"12:35
GeneralAntillesOr just end it with "platform from Nokia."12:36
GeneralAntillesWhere did you pick up ", - "?12:36
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timelessfwiw, i hate SCM12:37
timelessit sounds like scum12:37
timelesswhat's wrong w/ VCS?12:37
* aquatix uses vcs12:37
timeless=> Stskeeps12:37
aquatixlot better dan scum indeed12:37
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, if you're putting that on itT, remember to [url=]blueprint[/url]12:38
GeneralAntillesline 30: "The logs will be made available after the meeting has ended."12:39
GeneralAntilles". . . officially start in January 2009, but some work is to be done before12:39
GeneralAntillesthat such as repository, infrastructure, developer tools and organization."12:39
GeneralAntillesThat just needs help.12:40
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: alright13:15
GeneralAntilles"developer, - everyone"13:15
GeneralAntillesJust drop the comma there13:15
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GeneralAntillesHi, lardman.13:16
lardmanhi GA13:16
* lardman looks at Blackwell's offer of the day and wonders why there are never any books..13:17
keesjGeneralAntilles: I wonder what build system you plan to use (are you keeping .deb stuff?) .13:17
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GeneralAntilleskeesj, talk to Stskeeps, I'm just the community guy. :P13:19
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GeneralAntillesThe theme of the week for me seems to be beetles.13:20
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GeneralAntillesThere's a weevil wandering across the top of my monitor for some reason.13:20
Stskeepsbug infestation?13:20
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, not really.13:20
Stskeepsor going insane from studying for finals? :P13:20
GeneralAntillesWeirdly obscure beetles.13:20
GeneralAntillesCould be that. :P13:20
Stskeepsi know the feeling. finishing up this semester's reports these days. :P13:21
GeneralAntillesweevil today, tiger beetle staring at me yesterday and a giant ass rhinoceros beetle sitting on my welcome mat two days ago13:21
GeneralAntillesJust 2 more days and 2 exams13:21
Stskeepsi have a ladybird living in my bathroom.13:21
Stskeepsam astonished it's able to survive, so i let it live and talk to it once in a while :P13:22
GeneralAntilles"ladybird" had to look that up.13:22
GeneralAntillesWe call 'em "ladybugs" over here.13:22
Stskeepsyeah, british english13:23
GeneralAntillesWe buy 'em refrigerated to take care of aphids in the garden every once and a while.13:23
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Stskeepsthey can survive freezing? interesting13:30
GeneralAntillesFor a bit13:31
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jagernotif the crops grown were grown such that they were suitable to the growing conditions..ladybugs dont have to be bought frozen13:36
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jagernotthey woud be there in the garden for free lol13:36
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: posted13:37
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* GeneralAntilles isn't growing crops.13:39
jagernotwhat do you grow general?13:40
RST38h"Anti-retroviral drugs used to treat HIV/Aids are being bought and smoked by teenagers in South Africa to get high."13:41
GeneralAntillesNothing lately.13:41
StskeepsRST38h: better than lighter gas or glue..13:41
RST38hSts: Who knows...13:41
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XTLBrain solvents13:45
RST38h...and some FDA news:
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AStormreplace image on redraw13:53
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AStormsorry, wrong window13:53
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RST38hanimating something? =)13:53
lardmankeesj: regarding build systems, why were you asking?13:56
AStormwanting to resize a backbuffer pixmap13:57
keesjjust wonder if OE was used13:57
AStormwhich for some reason unknown to me sends a size-request13:57
lardmanI was looking at that, Mamona is an option13:57
AStormand breaks my whole scheme into an infinite loop13:57
lardmanand indeed would be my preference13:57
* Stskeeps really wondered why mamona didn't become more13:58
Stskeepsit had the nokia connections and all i think13:58
GeneralAntillesbergie, ping?13:58
lardmanStskeeps: it was targetting a future gcc & libc13:59
lardmanStskeeps: though that may now be the current one13:59
AStormRST38h: +1 for the company14:00
AStorm"It's something that they need to assist them in daily living,"14:00
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: good article14:01
bergieGeneralAntilles: pong14:02
AStormwell, I could redo the whole whizzbang by not using a backbuffer, but that will kill perfomance14:02
AStorm(like epitext does)14:02
GeneralAntillesbergie, I may or may not have broken Events
bergieGeneralAntilles: what do you mean?14:03
GeneralAntillesbergie, well, the new event isn't appearing on the front page and if you click the link it sends you to
bergieGeneralAntilles: let me fix the URL... the calendar URL name generator is broken in .214:05
bergiebut has been fixed since :-)14:05
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* Stskeeps notes to himself he's been hacking a little too much at maemo when he can remember the url for diablo updates, how to authenticate, and the password, by heart.14:14
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Stskeepsjust looking through packages and pondering how many could actually potentially be ABI compatible with mer already14:18
lardmanabi or api?14:18
Stskeepsthe closed source ones14:18
lardmandue to the gcc change then?14:18
Stskeepswas there a change in ABI gcc3->4?14:18
lardmanI thought not14:19
Stskeepswell i'm speaking of a scenario where nokia could provide let's say, hwr, for people to install14:19
Stskeepspipe dream, probably14:19
infobothwr is, like, HandWriting Recognition.14:19
lardmanah, well that's api then isn't it?14:20
Stskeepsapi is if you can recompile things i guess14:20
Stskeepsabi is when it runs when you just get handed binaries14:20
lardmanhmm, abi is binary interface, how params are passed to fns, how the linker names fns, etc14:20
lardmanas in which registers the params are passed in, etc14:20
lardmanapi is names of fns and the like14:21
Stskeepsin any case, let's say we were able to on nokia devices, drop in nokia's ICD.14:21
lardmanyes, that would be ideal14:21
Stskeepsbut we'll see how well it works14:21
Stskeepsand that probably definately needs discussion with nokia :P14:21
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lardmanwell, perhaps, would be nice to just be able to install from the Fremantle repo, nothing to prevent that14:22
Stskeepsyeah, true14:22
Stskeepsat least it's less of a pipe dream than "hmm, nokia, could you take X differentiated application and compile in this SDK"14:25
lardmanyeah, well that was never something I was thinking of14:25
Stskeepsand put out on the nokia-tablet-only passworded repo14:25
lardmanhas anyone checked to see if the Fremantle binaries are compiled for the Cortex?14:25
lardmanI'm not sure how off the top of my head, "file" doesn't do it14:26
Stskeepsobjdump maybe14:26
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lardmanjust a thought, as if it's compiled for the Cortex any ideas of installing from the repo on the n8x0 go out the window14:29
Stskeepsi guess you can see it on sdk14:29
lardmanbut it's probably not from past experience14:29
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RST38hlardman: it depends14:32
RST38hlardman: Does Cortex still use the same ABI? Are there any "special" instructions compiler makes use of?14:32
lardmanyes, new instructions14:32
RST38hbut are they used?14:32
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Stskeepslardman: i think i saw NEON mentioned in some libraries at least14:32
lardmanARM is backwards compatible14:32
RST38hI mean, if it is just more of the vector stuff, then it is probably not used by the compiler anyway14:33
lardmanyeah, they will be used sometimes, will have to see14:33
lardmannot sure, will have to look at the ARM site docs and see what's been added really14:33
Stskeepslardman: but besides that, asking them to take a source package, compile it in a sdk, may not be a pipe dream, if it has to deal with fremantle->n8x0.. but we'll see14:34
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Stskeepsits a thing worth considering14:35
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RST38hSts: Sorry to ask but why has this problem occured in the first place?14:35
StskeepsRST38h: .. cos it's closed source? :P14:36
RST38hNone of us (except for you, General, and your Beagles) have Cortex yet14:36
StskeepsRST38h: my initial focus was on the nokia differentiation thins14:36
Stskeepsand possible use of them on tablets14:36
RST38hso, Nokia produces another closed source app for fremantle and you want to run it on Mer/earlier hw?14:37
Stskeepsmy focus was mainly on diablo things on mer, but updates to these from fremantle could be interesting too14:37
Stskeepspipe dream, but interesting thought14:37
lardmanit has Tumb-2, if that's used14:40
lardmanthumb even14:40
StskeepsThumb-2 technology is featured in the  processor, and in all ARMv7 architecture-based processors.14:41
RST38hwhat is new in the -2 version?14:41
lardmaniirc you can mix thumb and normal without changing mode, something like that14:41
AStormwhich isn't all too useful on its own14:42
RST38hah cool14:42
RST38hno it is14:42
AStormbecause either you want to save space14:42
AStormor do high performance14:42
RST38hthumb often has higher performance14:43
AStormweird, it shouldn't14:43
lardmanshorter instructions so you can get more in the cache?14:43
RST38hAStorm: hint: memory read in ARM architecture is usually times slower than an opcode execution14:44
AStormyes, cache14:44
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AStormanyway, new thumb should be very fast14:44
lardmanhmm, looking at the white paper - speed + lower power, I wouldn't be surprised if thumb-2 is the default14:46
lardmaniirc OE now builds thumb as the default for the Beagle doesn't it?14:46
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AStormthere is a thumb2 armv6 too14:47
AStormit's optional though in v614:47
AStormand OMAP2 doesn't have it14:47
lardmanis the arm1136 arm6? I thought it was arm7?14:47
AStormit is arm614:48
* lardman dislikes the confusion between ARM hw and language versions14:48
AStormarm6t2 is arm1156t214:48
lardmanok, that's when thumb-2 was introduced so the ARM site said14:49
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RST38hAStorm: ARM chips come with 8kB..32kB caches - no match for modern apps14:50
b1ackdeathis any one good at xmodmap keycodes for the n81014:51
Veggenblackdeath: I did something with it.14:51
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Veggenbut I think they've done something truly weird, I didn't get any sense at all for the keys under the scandinavian setup if I modified, but if I copied the *exact* same to german, it worked.14:52
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Stskeepsafternoon johnx14:52
b1ackdeathdo you know how i would add a cht + insert for a past function14:52
GeneralAntillesWho wants to bet it was gonna be Cortex A7 until they found the numbers matched? ;)14:52
Stskeepsoh dear god14:53
Stskeeps3d mania christmas edition14:53
johnxso nice to see people making really classy themes14:53
X-FadeCan't be as bad as the official valentine theme ;)
lcuk2thumb opcodes are beneficial in a space constrained system because by default they take up much less space than unoptimized full arm opcodes - however careful use of the fullopcodes can yeald much higher performance bec ause each opcode can do more steps in a single code14:54
Veggenblackdeath: sorry, been a while. And I forgot to backup the config file stuff before I reflashed ;P14:54
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StskeepsX-Fade: omg ponies14:54
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Stskeepsor something14:54
Stskeepsthat's truely sickening14:54
X-FadeStskeeps: Officially released by Nokia, not the slashdot one ;)14:55
b1ackdeathcuz not being able to past stuff in the terminal is really anoying, right now i have to use the menu to past14:55
GeneralAntillesI'm amazed that I haven't gone blind after 3 years of Nokia themes.14:55
GeneralAntillesThe OS2005, 2006 and 2007 ones were truly horrific.14:55
Stskeepsi kinda like os2008 ones14:55
GeneralAntillesOS2008 is the first to have decent themes14:55
aquatixStskeeps: yeah, me too14:55
lcuk2you've not gone blind, but you have hairy palms14:55
b1ackdeaththx lcuk2 i will look into that14:55
GeneralAntillesThough I'd argue that Echo is the only really good one out of the lot.14:55
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Stskeepsjohnx: <- reading material btw14:56
* johnx really liked the earlier planktons14:56
johnxStskeeps: will do14:56
Stskeeps(now with bootstrapping tasks)14:56
GeneralAntillesjohnx, OS2007 Plankton was really nice.14:56
lcuk2thumb opcodes are closer to "standard" that compilers have been building for for years - the arm 32bit combos are more like functions and a lot of the time end up underutilized, so waste space14:56
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aquatixGeneralAntilles: ew indeed14:57
AStormlcuk2: that's why there will be ARMv7M14:57
AStormwith thumb-2 only14:57
GeneralAntillesOS2006 had the berry themes14:57
AStorma nice variant would have no bw compat14:57
Stskeeps <- scaringily enough the XP theme works .. okay, on a tablet.14:58
b1ackdeathi'll be back if anyone likes pentesting take a look at my blog iv listed a bunch of tools that work =p14:58
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* aquatix should look into making a nice clean theme himself14:59
GeneralAntillesThere were a lot more themes for OS200614:59
GeneralAntillesMost of them sucked, but still.14:59
lcuk2grrrrrs @ pentesting14:59
X-FadeWhile a bit geeky, the LCARS theme really shows you what can be done ;)14:59
Stskeepsi guess kontorri's theme maker helps on it these days14:59
aquatixX-Fade: yeah14:59
aquatixit's kinda neat14:59
aquatixbut not entirely my taste :)15:00
lcuk2"network penetration testing" not testing the touchscreen pen handling15:00
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AStormfor some reason, black backgrounds look horrible on LCD screens15:02
AStormesp. on LCD transflective screens like n810's15:02
johnxStskeeps: wow. getting all big and organized?15:02
lcuk2only when brightness is wayy up15:02
Stskeepsjohnx: got to .. else it's going to keel over and die. or i am15:02
Stskeepsjohnx: got to .. else it's going to keel over and die. or :P15:02
Stskeeps.. wtf irssi.15:02
AStormlcuk2: I mean, no15:02
aquatixAStorm: yeah, contrast isn't as good then15:02
AStormalways, when sun is shining on the screen15:02
AStormcontrast too low :)15:03
aquatixhowever, i like fbreader in black with white font15:03
lcuk2ahhh yes, i like the way the colors wash out leaving greyscale :)15:03
johnxStskeeps: as long as we can actually find people who have a clue at how to manage a project15:04
lcuk2anyway, theres a db crisis here that cow-orker has b0rkened i suppose i need to put on my sqlserver hat :)15:04
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* aquatix wonders what's up with people creating Mac-os themes for all kinds of OS'es and devices15:06
Stskeepsaquatix: mac envy15:08
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Stskeepsjohnx: i suspect there are some personalities in community that could be useful15:09
AStormlcuk2: btw, will timed, reduced FPS updates reduce CPU use nicely, or not?15:09
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Stskeepsjohnx: and if there's some people who don't notice, i'll prolly prod them and ask if they're interested15:10
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Stskeeps <- could be interesting15:14
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johnxthough it kinda looks stalled15:16
Stskeepsyeah, he's active on forums still though, i think15:16
Stskeepsmer's a bit of a wake up call to the community / a loudspeaker for which we can have a bit stronger voice on how we'd like to see the tablets :P15:16
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Stskeepsand not start completely from scratch15:19
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Stskeeps.. i still haven't found out where i fit in my blueprint either, yet :P15:19
RST38hAnyone every used DirectFB?15:20
johnxwhen it's all written up it looks pretty overwhelming, huh?15:20
Stskeepsyes and no.. it's actually very small steps needed to get the thing running15:20
Stskeepsmany of the components exist already, activities15:20
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Stskeepsjust trying to wrap those pre-existing activities into having a higher purpose15:21
johnxright, but starting to talk about teams and team leaders makes it seem pretty imposing15:21
Stskeepsi guess 'pioneers' make better sense15:21
johnxjust a thought. though the organization will probably help in the long run15:22
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aquatixyou know, this looks kinda cool:
GeneralAntillesI hope Nokia doesn't complete ignore it.15:22
GeneralAntillesI'd really rather see Mer and Maemo converge rather than diverge15:22
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aquatixGeneralAntilles: yeah15:22
johnxGeneralAntilles: well so far it looks good, AFAICT15:23
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: my personal intention is that they complement eachother, maybe helping nokia transforming as well15:23
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Stskeepsmer doesn't exist without the maemo components, so15:24
johnxGeneralAntilles: Nokia fixed their package names in svn, so in fact fremantle and mer are closer in some ways than fremantle and diablo15:24
RST38hGeneral: The logical thing is to assume that Nokia will ignore it.15:24
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RST38hGeneral: And if does not, celebrate.15:24
RST38hs/does/it does/15:24
infobotRST38h meant: General: And if it does not, celebrate.15:24
AStormwell, why should they ignore it instead of taking the good stuff from it?15:25
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, well, they're already NOT ignoring it.15:25
AStormit's cheap, as in free15:25
StskeepsRST38h: at least i've had conversations about Mer with qgil, so that always helps, and the existence of the invitation helps too15:25
RST38hSts: Conversation with Quim is not indicative of anything15:26
Stskeepsthat's true15:26
johnxAStorm: well, some of Mer's good stuff might actually fit in with Nokia's idea of Maemo...15:26
johnxRST38h: but changes to make packages work right in upstream debuntu is15:26
RST38hSts: The historically observing way of Nokia not ignoring you is hiring you as a contract employee15:26
AStormwe need a nice HSPA modem in it :)15:26
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AStormobviously, with proper cdc_acm driver15:27
RST38hs/observing/observed/ shit I completely suck at this15:27
johnxRST38h: whether it's because of mer or because they want to be closer to upstream it doesn't really matter15:27
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AStormyes, as long as the direction is good15:27
RST38hjohnx: They want to build a product that sells. The rest (Mer, upstream, etc) does not really matter to them15:27
RST38hjohnx: Do not approach this from the viewpoint of a Linux packager. Because Nokia does not.15:28
johnxRST38h: well duh. but they also need happy devs and users who aren't giving them bad press at every opportunity15:28
RST38hjohnx: Not as much as thye need to sell the product15:28
RST38hjohnx: Happy devs is not even a secondary goal15:29
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johnxthose two components are *part* of selling the product :p15:29
* Stskeeps 'd buy a tablet with mer on it, even with nokia differentiations15:29
RST38hjohnx: minorparts15:29
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Meiz_n810lxsession segfauls in mer15:29
johnxRST38h: I don't attempt to evaluate their motivations, just their actions15:30
RST38hjohnx: users not giving them bad press is in fact a secondary goal but they do not need the above things for that15:30
johnxRST38h: all I'm saying is what I have seen so far15:30
RST38hjohnx: Yes, but you can't guess their actions correctly if you do not appreciate their motivation15:30
AStormRST38h: well, the integration will save them some money in R&D15:30
johnxthat's why I try not to rely on predicting their actions15:31
RST38hAStorm: It will fist cost them money and then they will suddenly find that the cutting-edge packages require more support15:31
AStormcutting-edge? not really15:31
AStormjust take a snapshot15:31
StskeepsRST38h: on the other hand, they get a lot of free testing15:32
AStormless building for them that way, and no more support15:32
AStormand yes, free testing15:32
Stskeeps(who said that open source comes with support anyway? i always wondered that)15:32
RST38hSts: You may have noticed that they do not use i to full potential15:32
johnxRST38h: they already *did* lots of integration and package fixing. even if they stop now things already look much better15:32
RST38hSts: A lot of pretty serious bugzilla reports get rejected or ignored15:32
johnxhappens on any bugzilla...15:33
StskeepsRST38h: i still need the statistic of how many bug reports are towards open source packages..15:33
RST38hSts: Fine example is a report on keyboard lag15:33
AStormkeyboard lag -> kernel15:33
RST38hStill marked as "unconfirmed" :)15:33
AStormand the kernel was stalled by closed driver15:33
RST38hAStorm: Most likely not, looks more like GTK events15:33
AStormwell, not15:34
AStormit's kernel scheduler15:34
StskeepsAStorm: noone kept people from looking in GTK or kernel, and recompiling kernel/GTK to check if it fixes15:34
AStormI've been there already15:34
johnxhappens to a certain extent with usb keyboards but not as bad15:34
AStormupgrading kernel was impossible until now15:34
AStormalso, it required a rebuild of whole Xomap15:34
RST38hAStorm: Possible. Then, browserd hanging the whole system can also be traced to the scheduler15:34
StskeepsAStorm: much easier in mer now :P15:34
AStormmore or less15:34
AStormStskeeps: see? :>15:35
RST38hjohnx: it happens with all keyboards, as far as I can tell from the comments15:35
AStormit happens when CPU is loaded15:36
RST38hjohnx: and it is not the only bug like that in there15:36
StskeepsRST38h: mer also has the advantage of being what community/users want, not business perspective15:36
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AStormit happens because kernel doesn't schedule apps fairly15:36
AStormwhich was fixed in 2.6.23 with new scheduler15:36
RST38hSts: Mer still does not have full Maemo functionality, right?15:36
johnxRST38h: define "full"15:36
StskeepsRST38h: depends on what you define as maemo functionality, but no, not yet15:36
GeneralAntillesBug priorities are bug priorities, I wouldn't extrapolate a lot about Nokia's willingness to align with upstream and avoid Maemoisms based on one or two bug reports going unfixed for longer than you like.15:36
RST38hAStorm: If you ask me, it has been fixed in BSD since eons ago15:37
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AStormGeneralAntilles: :>15:37
AStormRST38h: nah, only since 7.0 I think15:37
RST38hAStorm: Not really15:37
johnxRST38h: most 3rd party apps will eun happily, but no it doesn't have all of Nokia's closed source apps15:37
AStorm6.x had that rarely15:37
AStormlike epitext15:37
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lcuk2RST38h, the keyboard doesn't have laggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg what are you on abbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbout?15:37
RST38hAStorm: BSD from the beginning had a scheduler that gave priority to interactive tasks15:37
RST38hlcuk: Yea, right15:38
AStormwhich is unfair and source of the problem15:38
AStormthe other interactive app is blocking the current one15:38
RST38hAStorm: Actually, it is a solution to the problem15:38
AStormno, it's not15:38
AStormit's what old Linux sched did15:38
RST38hAStorm: What "other" interactive app?15:38
* Stskeeps wonders when we'll see the first BSD on tablet.. with kexec working.15:38
AStormand see how it fails15:38
RST38hAStorm: Interactive app is an app that does a lot of waiting for IO15:38
AStormany, like, say, other window in the background15:38
AStormso does browserd15:38
lcuk2we have WSOD - its only a matter of time before someone makes a black one15:39
AStormor anything else15:39
RST38hAStorm: Why would it block anything?15:39
AStormbecause it does a lot of IO?15:39
RST38hAStorm: No, this is not the definition15:39
AStormIO is not a good measure of interactivity15:39
RST38hAStorm: At least not in BSD terms15:39
AStormneither is CPU use or time between wakeups15:39
RST38hAStorm: BSD basically raises in priority whatever does a lot of IO waits15:39
AStormall of these have been tested in O(1) sched15:39
AStormand failed15:40
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AStormthat's what Linux old sched did, again :)15:40
RST38hAStorm: I dunno what failed in Linux but it works very very well in BSD15:40
AStormand thus it can lock up badly15:40
AStormBSD has a... cleaner design, but it failed still, more rarely15:40
AStormFreeBSD 7 with the new fair sched is good15:40
RST38hAStorm: no matter what CPU eating apps you have got, BSD is still very responsive to keyboard, mouse, etc15:40
johnxRST38h: really, do tell me about your experience running BSD+maemo on a 400MHz ARM15:41
AStormtry having an IO bound app in the background15:41
RST38hAStorm: Like what15:41
johnxcause otherwise its hard to extrapolate15:41
RST38hjohnx: true15:41
AStormRST38h: like, pipe communication eating CPU too15:41
RST38hjohnx: But I do have experience running Linux on x86 and it isn't very responsive unfortunately15:41
AStorm(browserd :> )15:41
RST38hAStorm: browserd uses shared memory not pipes15:41
AStormhmm, still IO15:42
RST38hAStorm: that is why it leaks memory when killed15:42
RST38hShared memory is not IO15:42
AStormoh well15:42
AStormthen use some pipes15:42
AStorme.g. cdrecord15:42
johnxRST38h: for example preemptible kernel on a high-end desktop makes little difference but vastly changes behavior on something tablet-class15:42
AStormjohnx: for worse or better?15:42
RST38hAStorm: I use pipes to send sound data between processes - no effect on interactivity15:42
AStormbecause it detects bulk IO15:43
AStormtry doing bursty IO15:43
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aquatixRST38h: ah, can that be remedied?15:43
AStormit does indeed fail rarely15:43
aquatixthat leaking of shared mem of browserd?15:43
pupnikhope next tablet has gobs of RAM15:43
AStormfair scheduling is the fix15:43
AStormand FreeBSD 7 has it, so does Linux 2.6.23+15:43
RST38hShit, AStorm, just what perverse IO should I do to make it hang? =)15:43
johnxAStorm: I actually prefer non-preemtible. things tend to stay more balanved, but sound is more likely to skip under exxtreme load15:43
AStormRST38h: try random bursty IO over pipes15:43
RST38hpupnik: prolly not15:43
RST38hAStorm: But I do not have any apps like that!15:44
AStormhmm, let me think...,15:44
AStormit should be reproducible by, say, switching windows a lot15:44
AStormon X15:44
* lcuk2 i notice the kb lag when the cpu is generally busy15:44
RST38haquatix: What? browserd? It can't:
AStormwhile having sound in the background15:44
lcuk2not just one background task15:44
lcuk2actually heavily workin15:44
AStormit will starve the sound process15:44
RST38haquatix: design decision (tm)15:44
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AStormlcuk2: yup15:45
aquatixRST38h: yay15:45
pupnikRST38h: maybe there's some happy secret tech that gives us lower power ram.  or ... more than a couple levels of cache so that less frequently needed ram can be lowww power, but less slow than flash15:45
RST38hAStorm: Why do I need to switch windows a lot? =)15:45
AStormplease, someone, build a 2.6.27 linux-omap15:45
AStormRST38h: to generate the interactive bursts with high CPU use15:45
RST38hpupnik: slow as flash ram = swap :)15:45
StskeepsAStorm: solca has a 2.6.28rc6 with working wifi..15:45
Stskeepsthat booted mer, at least15:45
AStormStskeeps: working X too?15:45
pupnikless slow15:45
StskeepsAStorm: think so15:46
RST38hAStorm: I do not want to generate interactive bursts. I just want it to be responsive and it is15:46
StskeepsAStorm: we have -omapfb xorg now so15:46
johnxkeyboard lag seems to have a lot of causes15:46
AStormsolca: pingy15:46
AStormStskeeps: can I install just that in diablo?15:46
lcuk2pupnik, whilst you are redesigning hardware, could i have a neural interface15:46
RST38hAStorm: And Linux is not, with or without fair scheduler, as it seems =(15:46
AStormw/o mangling the whole system for a while15:46
StskeepsAStorm: no clue. maybe? you need xorg core at least15:46
AStormRST38h: it is now, in 2.6.23 or later15:46
pupnikjust waxing (wanking) wishful15:46
StskeepsAStorm: also we lack manual updates at the moment, so it's a bit laggy15:46
RST38hjohnx: I do tend to think that AStorm is right15:46
AStormI've never seen a hang since 2.6.2415:46
GeneralAntillespupnik, 256MB seems likely. It'll be a fair bit faster than the RAM we've got at the very least, though.15:46
RST38hAStorm: What kernel is Ibex using?15:47
AStormStskeeps: I can change some pkgs15:47
AStormRST38h: Ibex? let me check15:47
AStorm2.6.26 ubuntu... shouldn't have problems15:47
johnxRST38h: setting the cpu to max speed does give a slight benefit for usb keyboards, but a low level bt bug would not surprise me either15:47
AStormwell, I don't with 2.6.2715:47
RST38hAStorm: Ok. Still gets unresponsive every time it runs a check for updates.15:48
AStormRST38h: oh, 2.6.2515:48
lcuk2johnx, its most likely interupts crossing due to cpu throttling back and taking longer than realtime15:48
AStormthat has a known sched bug :>15:48
RST38hAStorm: But you said anything >2.6.23 is ok?15:48
lcuk2which may explain why on performance it appears less susceptable15:48
AStormRST38h: most, excluding bugs15:48
aquatixibex does 2.6.27 iirc15:48
pupnikthe only thang that hurts is the demands of websites GeneralAntilles - and considering they can bog down my P3 boxes quite nicely... it's hard to see much hope on that front15:48
AStormaquatix: now? it's changing all the time15:48
* RST38h remembers installing 2.6.29 btw15:49
AStorm2.6.29 doesn't exist yet15:49
RST38hJust recently15:49
johnxlcuk2: in the usb kb case I actually think it really is the scaling not kicking in quickly enough15:49
RST38hOk, then it is a false memory15:49
pupnikfrom future time!15:49
RST38hcrystal balls...15:49
AStormlatest is 2.6.28-rc815:49
johnxRST38h: crystal balls? ouch15:49
* RST38h can't check, usin work laptop15:49
lcuk2johnx, yeah sounds about right, so whatever action is occuring in the background is going too slowly15:49
RST38hjohnx: fragile, yes15:50
lcuk2RST38h, you run extremely busy processes - do you notice a noticable frame twitch occuring about once every 1/3 second15:50
AStormStskeeps: so, again, will it be possible to install the few xorg packages into diablo w/o breaking it?15:50
RST38hlcuk: nothing like that15:50
StskeepsAStorm: i have no clue. maybe?15:50
AStormhmm, not very reassuring15:50
RST38hlcuk: in Maemo?15:50
lcuk2rst i can almost time it by it - yeah15:50
aquatixlinux kernel
StskeepsAStorm: that's why i prefer things as mer, it's more predictable what would happen15:50
aquatixthat's the one in intrepid now :)15:51
RST38hlcuk: I think I know what it is15:51
johnxnot without a bit of fun repackaging15:51
AStormStskeeps: more predictable it would fail and lack features? no thanks15:51
RST38haquatix: Now I know where "9" in my memory came from15:51
lcuk2ive always put it down to an interupt occuring during frame transfer - it got slightly less in diablo, but still there15:51
RST38hlcuk: You are using hw scaling right?15:51
AStormlcuk2: so, you want an rt kernel?15:51
aquatixRST38h: yep15:51
lcuk2Stskeeps, give warning the meeting is gonna start later ill sit in :)15:51
StskeepsAStorm: more along lines "so, we're building a xorg driver, let's install it and point xorg.conf to it"15:51
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AStormwe could have that Ingo's patch15:51
Stskeepsif it fails, it fails15:51
lcuk2AStorm, doesnt matter, its just noticable because i run on the ragged edge with liqbase :)15:52
AStormStskeeps: meh15:52
AStormwell, that rt patch should be nice and stable15:52
AStormesp. on armel15:52
* lcuk2 thinks he has worked around the locking up issue15:52
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RST38hlcuk: This glitch comes either from yourself not waiting for the previous screen transfer to finish or from somebody else cutting in15:52
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AStormand improve latency too15:52
AStormRST38h: somebody else most likely15:52
lcuk2RST38h, sounds likely, but i am waiting - the shmupdate command has a flag to raise an x event when complete and i do nothing with the data until i get that event15:53
RST38hAStorm: That would actually only happen if the desktop changes15:53
RST38hAStorm: maybe he is running some busy applets?15:53
lcuk2i know what tearing loioks like and its not coming from my side15:53
lcuk2it could be my clock15:53
lcuk2not busy but has to show right time15:53
lcuk2but i thought if it was ocluded by another window no update would go through15:54
RST38hlcuk: If you cut into your own transfer (previous one), it will not look like tearing on the tablet15:54
RST38hlcuk: It will look more like a bit of flicker or even a little snow15:54
AStormmaybe it's due to not being vsynced?15:54
lcuk2if i cut into my own transfer i screw it up and it looks bad15:54
lcuk2this is not that15:54
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lcuk2its just a slight stutter15:54
AStormbtw, any liqbase updates recently?15:54
lcuk2heh yeah loads, but nothing for you lot - i am rebuilding the ui framework :$15:55
lcuk2shouldnt be long now - each widget/screen has to be completely independent of rotation location and scaling15:55
lcuk2it was getting hard to do things because each module expected a full screen15:56
lcuk2and there was a lot of stuff i wanted to do within a single cell on the menus15:56
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lcuk2its also been a chance to boil down what i have and make sure its documented and clean and everything works the same15:57
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lcuk2should be out of the way as soon as i get some dev time :)15:57
AStormlcuk2: s/the same/better/15:57
Stskeeps <- heh15:57
AStorme.g. not broken screen updates in fbreader15:57
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AStormyou did that "cutting in" thing there15:58
lcuk2astorm, yes there is a lot inside liqbase which works, theres also an awful lot of crufty test code which has to go15:58
AStormlooks like a bit of garbage showing15:58
RST38hStill nobody with DirectFB experience?15:59
lcuk2cutting in?15:59
* johnx heads off for the night, will try to do *something* with mer tomorrow if circumstances permit15:59
AStormlcuk2: cutting into your own transfer15:59
johnx'night Stskeeps15:59
AStormsolca: again, pingy ping15:59
AStormsleep well15:59
johnx'night all I should say :15:59
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lcuk2on which bit astorm, there shouldnt be any glitches in the bookreader - very old versions didnt wait for the event, but those shouldv been gone long ago16:00
lcuk2gnite johhnx16:00
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AStormlcuk2: maybe I have an old version16:00
lcuk2possibly, :) 0.1.5 is latest released stable instance16:00
AStorm0.1.5 build 254416:00
lcuk2seems like an age ago :)16:00
AStormit does send intermittent garbage in fbreader16:01
AStormalso, how do I use the file picker there?16:01
AStormit's so funny ;P16:01
lcuk2in fbreader?16:01
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lcuk2yeah i know :$16:01
lcuk2its one of the things that didnt work too well16:01
lcuk2in principle it works and i use it to select my books, but its not right in other ways16:01
AStormbtw, why is drawing so slow? :>16:02
lcuk2drawing what?16:02
AStormI can draw fullscreen at 800x480 and it works smoothly (in pygtk)16:02
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AStormdrawing stuff, in liqbase16:02
lcuk2are you using liqbase or something else?16:03
lcuk2are you in performance mode or powersave?16:03
AStormondemand tuned16:03
AStormstill, pygtk is so much faster16:03
AStorm(even vs performance)16:03
lcuk2then your tuning is off - the stroke drawing in liqbase for strokes is so optimized it never kicks upto full16:03
lcuk2first ive ever heard of that16:04
lcuk2show me code later :) im at work now16:04
AStormit still looks slow16:04
RST38hASA rules 'Feck' non-offensive!16:04
RST38hRejoice, ye Brits!16:04
AStormthe code is client-side drawing with timed FPS blit16:04
AStormof limited area16:04
AStormit does no AA or pressure reading though16:05
lcuk2ive not seen anything run as fast as liqbase on this machine, i'd be happy to see something which does otherwise cos then i can throw away my graphics library and get on with actual work16:06
AStormOK, once I unbreak the code, I'll give it to you16:06
lcuk2speed was of vital importance and you are the first person to say that16:06
AStormit's indeed fairly simple, partial area update16:06
AStormit blits as little as needed, using standard GTK drawing methods16:07
AStorm(not cairo)16:07
lcuk2that might work at over 25fps then, but how would it cope with wholescreen (graffiti wallesq)16:07
AStormI'll check16:07
lcuk2errr infact it cant, the screen is limited to 27fps (which is also liqbase max speed for 800*480)16:07
AStormmight be slower a bit due to overhead, but not necessarily ;P16:07
AStorm27fps you say... so cap it at that16:08
lcuk2 yeah for that res - for 640*480 its about 3316:08
AStorm27 is good enough16:08
AStormalmost ;P16:08
lcuk2go for 25 - leave yourself some wiggle16:08
RST38h27fps is not bad16:09
AStormblitting doesn't eat much cpu16:09
lcuk2and also - to test the cpu side of it - try one of the stamps16:09
RST38hIn the remaining 2 frames you can pass subliminal messages16:09
AStormthe trick is to run updates in a thread16:09
lcuk2not really you still have to idle waiting for it to finish16:09
RST38hLike "Follow the white rabbit" or "Don't let em take you alive"16:09
AStormwhy? :P16:09
lcuk2or use double buffering which causes its own problems16:09
AStormit draws to backbuffer16:09
AStormyup, what problems?16:10
AStormmemory usage?16:10
AStormpartial updates are done away with by locking :)16:10
AStormso while the flip is being done, you can't draw16:10
AStormtripple buffering would fix that16:10
AStormflip is fast though16:10
lcuk2well doublebuffering to a backbuffer means you either need to do a memcopy to send the "live" screen to the lcd or you lose the current live contents of a screen and cannot do manipulation on the previous frames contents16:10
AStormyes, memcopy it is16:11
AStormbut it's still faster than I expected16:11
lcuk2ie when drawing a stroke in liqbase - i simply expand upon the current image drawn - i dont draw everything everytime16:11
AStormsame here, I only blit the required rectangle16:11
lcuk2but the other tools do a full sketch redraw (they have to)16:12
AStormhm, still, my drawing looks tons faster... brb, fixing it16:12
lcuk2show me in a bit :) back later16:12
AStormit's basic GTK drawing using doublebuffer16:13
AStorm(with threaded FPS update)16:13
AStormin Python I might add16:13
AStormwhich doesn't do threading the best way16:13
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AStormmight be that Xomap does something smart16:15
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lcuk2astorm, have a look at performance as the area gets larger, most of the time in liqbase i need wholescreen updates - the stroke drawing algo is the only special case which needs incremental tiny updates16:19
* lcuk2 closes vnc from this end16:19
AStormlcuk2: I will :)16:19
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solcaAStorm: pong16:23
* RST38h laid a CVS commit16:25
RST38htea time.16:25
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kingWill Ubuntu UME work on Nokia N810 anytime soon?16:28
* mgedmin doubts it16:28
GeneralAntillesking, Ubuntu UME is targeting x86 machines.16:28
RST38hnext question? =)16:28
mgedminwill nokia release a x86 tablet anytime soon?16:28
towoWill Fennec ever run with any performance? ;)16:28
Stskeepsyou're actually not totally correct..16:28
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, hell no.16:29
RST38htowo: yes. next question?16:29
GeneralAntillestowo, a2 should have big performance improvements.16:29
RST38h[don't forget to insert quarters]16:29
kingI thought that making free software run on different platform was just a matter of compiling it on the target software. Please excuse my ignorance16:29
towoMhm, x86 tablet.. Does it feature a plugin for an external heat sink?16:30
RST38hmgedmin: you should not ask me this kind of questions16:30
GeneralAntillestowo, no, just a lead-acid battery.16:30
kingLike I read somewhere that Openmoko people are compiling the Android code on openmoko and after it is complete Android would run on it.16:30
towoYay, car batteries!16:30
GeneralAntillesking, part of the problem is that you're not asking the right question. :)16:30
mgedmindoubles as a portable seat warmer16:30
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kingGeneralAntilles, I am far from getting your jokes. But I am sure the channel gets it.16:31
GeneralAntillestowo, even then it only manages about 7 hour use-time. :P16:31
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, yes, but does it include Clutter and is it stable with good battery life? :P16:31
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: hehe.16:31
Stskeepshe asked if it ran, but i guess, it might just be crawling ;)16:32
GeneralAntillesking, hey, just trying to help.16:32
* GeneralAntilles hurls the question forcibly at Stskeeps.16:32
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kingCan I run php code on Nokia N810? Does the Apache port have the php-modules? Or is the device simply under powered to handle all that. Webservers can run off pretty cheap hardware. So that shouldn't be an issue.16:33
towoOoooh, clutter.16:33
Stskeepsking: yes, UME runs but is not very useful or power saving. no, i'm not going to encourage ubuntu with gnome ui as itself on a tablet, or UME16:33
Stskeepsit crawls, rather than runs16:34
kingI thought the whole point of UME was to make them run on similarly speced hardware.16:34
Stskeepsking: and yes, i think you can run apache, there's a thread on iTT. If nothing else, Mer will. :P16:34
towoWhen I was still planning to get a Thinkpad tablet soonish, I was considering hacking together a hildon desktop.16:34
Stskeepstowo: help with Mer instead.. i386 port is one of the targets16:34
Stskeepshildon is quite portable16:34
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GeneralAntillesking, x86 and ARM aren't remotely similar.16:35
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Stskeepsking: and UME was based on moblin, which .. was made by intel, see where i'm going? :P16:35
towoStskeeps: Well, I can't get a 1400 X61 tablet in new anymore, and I'm not even seriously considering paying a ludicrous 1800€ for a X200 tablet...16:35
GeneralAntillesThe MIDs and UMPCs are in an entirely different power and performance profile than our tablets.16:35
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kingI hope one day I will be able to respond appropriately to all the 'terms' used in your sentences without a second thought. Till then, I guess its just good reading ebooks on my Nokia N810.16:37
Stskeepstowo: 400mhz tablets are just fine :P16:37
RST38hGeneral: MID definition fits the tablet exactly16:38
towoStskeeps: But I needed some 12" display so that I can get sort of an A4 page on it. ;)16:38
RST38hGeneral: MID does not HAVE to be based on x8616:38
kingI know about the apache port on nokia n810, does it have the required php-modules to run php or not?16:38
Stskeepsking: no clue16:38
GeneralAntillesRST38h, "MID" is an Intel marketing term for devices with ~5" screens using Atom processors.16:38
RST38hGeneral: Ok, MIDI is an Intel marketing term for internet tblets :)16:38
RST38hGeneral: Based on Intel processors of course, or Intel would not have any use for it (compare: NIT)16:39
kingGeneralAntilles, Which has now been taken over by everyone. So MIDs are like MDAs and PDAs. Hell people even go to buy sony ipods now!16:39
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GeneralAntillesking, either way, it doesn't change the fact that Ubuntu UME targets x86 machines that are very different from our tablets.16:40
kingGeneralAntilles, Right. But I think it would be easy to have UME ports like we have Ubuntu ports for x86, amd-64, ppc, etc16:41
pupnikbtw the acer aspire one intel atom netbook with LED backlight isn't all that impressive for battery life - unless you get the biggest one available16:41
RST38hnot "easy". requires work.16:41
GeneralAntillesking, as RST38, sorry, no.16:41
GeneralAntillesking, Nokia has really done quite a lot to make Maemo battery-friendly.16:41
Blafaselpupnik: I'm happy with the Samsung NC1016:42
kingThank you people. It's maemo then. Built on top of debian so should be easy to acclimatise.16:42
* Stskeeps goes back to his HCI handin.16:42
* RST38h kindly suggests any self-respecting netbook owner get a proper subnotebook instead =)16:43
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BlafaselRST38h: Pff.. ;)16:43
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RST38hwhat? same weight, bigger screen, thinner package, same battery life, way better performance16:44
BlafaselI don't know what you're doing on a small device that needs a lot of performance (or more than the Atom delivers). It's probably a different usecase then.16:45
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florianRST38h: hehe... quite true - for daily work at least. I just bought a proper subnotebook16:46
jagernotyeah im very impressed with maemo battery friendliness too16:47
RST38hBlafasel: $1200..$250016:47
RST38hBlafasel: What am I doing? Compiling stuff. Emulating stuff. Watching movies.16:47
RST38hCreating UI artwork.16:48
BlafaselCompared to 400-500 for this one. I'm poor ;) And watching movies is not an issue ;)16:48
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RST38hBlafasel: It is a work tool I buy once every 3 years or so16:48
BlafaselUI on a subnotebook? Okay. I'd say for art stuff even that is too limited (screen size), but I suck at that anyway.16:48
* Stskeeps wouldn't mind a dvi plugout on tablet, and then just plug into a usb hub, keyboard16:48
* RST38h even writes computers off taxes16:48
RST38hBlafasel: Well, I do not have any artists working for me and someone has to do it :)16:49
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BlafaselHehe.. Unfortunately.16:50
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AStormRST38h: no other life? :P16:50
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RST38hAStorm: Mmm...not entirely, but my personal stuff and my public stuff are kept separate16:53
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Meiz_n810hmm...i'm gonna try maemo chroot in Mer :P17:23
Stskeepsmount --bind /tmp /chroot/tmp17:23
Meiz_n810microb vs. midori17:23
Stskeepsbe aware there might need a browserd running so17:24
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Meiz_n810now, it's a good time to take video from Mer :P17:24
Stskeepstry other apps first17:24
Meiz_n810microb worked in hasty-chroot, when i was playing with UME17:24
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StskeepsMeizirkki: so, has your parents admitted they think you're insane yet? ;)17:27
Meizirkkicouple of times...17:27
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r2d2rogersGood morning17:28
Stskeepsmorning r2d2rogers17:28
r2d2rogersI didn't get mufh further last night17:28
Stskeepshehe.. i woke up and looked at tablet, that was when i answered you17:29
r2d2rogersI was surprised to see you on...17:29
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r2d2rogerswhat time zone are you in?17:29, GMT+117:29
MeizirkkiStskeeps: what whas the dhcp command that worked yesterday?17:29
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StskeepsMeizirkki: dhclient wlan017:29
Stskeepsor udhcpc -i wlan017:30
r2d2rogersso how do I figure out if udev is running?17:30
Stskeepsps aux :P17:30
Meizirkkii tried powerlaunch at morning but it did not start17:31
Stskeepsit needs alteration17:31
Meizirkkiinstalled one in extras-devel17:31
r2d2rogersI'm not getting to an useable shell?17:31
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: true17:31
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: give me a couple of minutes to ponder that one17:31
Stskeepsin the meanwhile, give me a pastebin of ls -l /etc/rcS.d17:32
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: could you add a swap line to /etc/fstab per chance, just so we're sure it's not ram it's running out of?17:36
r2d2rogerscan do17:37
r2d2rogersalso, cat of init.d/udev  did I comment out the right part?17:37
Stskeepswhat version does 770s run again?17:38
r2d2rogerskernel verson?17:38
r2d2rogersrunning fanoush's kernel17:39
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r2d2rogerswhat's the extra column in the fstab?17:41
r2d2rogersa label?17:42
Stskeeps /dev/hda8        none        swap        sw     0     017:42
r2d2rogersexample: proc /proc proc defaults 0 017:42
r2d2rogersk I have the same as that in17:43
Stskeeps# device name   mount point     fs-type     options                            dump-freq pass-num17:43
r2d2rogerssorry, the fs-type being proc and rootfs threw me off17:44
Stskeepshehe, proc is a fs ;)17:44
r2d2rogersbut rootfs?17:44
Stskeepsthere's some point that, can't remember which17:44
r2d2rogersboot attempt 7 or 817:45
r2d2rogersconsole looks the same17:46
Stskeepslast 3 lines are? (and you select console mode i presume?)17:46
r2d2rogersyes I did17:46
r2d2rogerslast three lines are unchanged17:46
r2d2rogerssame behavior, only response is to the menu key17:47
r2d2rogersand it didn't stop at the console long enough to retype them17:47
r2d2rogersreboot to flash to check logs17:49
andrewfblackStskeeps was you wanting the new theme for Mer?17:50
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Stskeepsandrewfblack: well atleast one new ;)17:51
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: and last 3 lines are? :P17:51
r2d2rogersI was wrong17:52
r2d2rogersswap added17:52
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r2d2rogersone sec17:53
StskeepsERR wrong url17:53
r2d2rogerscan give the whole list there instead if you want dmesg...17:54
Stskeepsthat's awkward there's no more than that, doesn't it boot verbosely?17:55
Stskeepsi mean, where's the boot text? :P17:55
r2d2rogersI was wondering that too17:55
Stskeepscan i see your fstab?17:55
r2d2rogersthat's the view I get on the console option17:55
andrewfblackStskeeps I started working on one this morning17:56
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: looks correct.. can i see your .item?17:57
Stskeepsfrom bootmenu17:57
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Stskeeps (etc/bootmenu.d on intifs)17:58
r2d2rogersgotta ssh in17:59
r2d2rogersgetting ip17:59
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* Stskeeps ponders.18:07
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Stskeepsis there any logs in /var/log?18:07
Stskeepsnot bootstrap.log, but you're welcome to send me that one too18:08
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r2d2rogerswant 'em in pastbin or where?18:09
Stskeepsanything in boot/?18:09
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Stskeepsand why the bloody hell did we succeed in getting in X earlier?18:09
r2d2rogersboot is a file18:09
r2d2rogers(Nothing has been logged yet.)18:10
Stskeepswait, ok, what's the problem right now again?18:10
r2d2rogersno touchscreen18:10
r2d2rogerssuspected udev18:10
Stskeepsand no usb18:10
r2d2rogerstrying to find out if udev is starting18:10
Stskeepsi thought it was the lock up problem :)18:10
r2d2rogersusb works for the ethernet gadget mode18:10
Stskeepsit does?18:10
Stskeepsbut not telnet18:11
r2d2rogersno that was earlier18:11
Stskeepsyou have  /dev/usb0 or something in maemo /dev?18:11
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r2d2rogersI can telnet in now18:11
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Stskeepswhat was the issue?18:11
r2d2rogersI think the fstab wasn't present18:11
r2d2rogersso there was no filesystem to access18:12
Stskeepsfair enough18:12
Stskeepssorry for running you around in circles :)18:12
Stskeepsgive me Xorg.log18:12
r2d2rogersno worries18:12
r2d2rogerslearning good18:12
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Stskeepsls /dev/input/ on maemo18:14
Meizirkkiinstall xfonts-base at least18:14
Stskeepsand i would like dmesg too18:15
r2d2rogersevent0  event1  event2  mice    mouse018:15
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r2d2rogersdmesg log
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Stskeepsedit xorg.conf18:18
Stskeepsedit input3 to input218:18
r2d2rogersI did try that but I hadn't gotten swap in before18:20
r2d2rogerstry boot or?18:20
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r2d2rogersthe Xorg.log seemed to say it was recognizing the tslib entry that time, but Istill didn't get touchscreen input18:20
Stskeepswe'll see i guess18:21
Stskeepswhen booted, check if /dev/input exists18:21
r2d2rogersI know one time I did get indication of more CPU actifity18:21
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r2d2rogersjust shut down the wrong one18:21
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r2d2rogersgetting a game on for the 6 year old18:22
Stskeepsnumpty? ;)18:22
r2d2rogersnot on the 77018:22
r2d2rogerswish though18:22
Stskeepsmaybe it can run in mer :P18:22
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r2d2rogersgot a chance to play with liqbase on a 800 and wished I could run that too18:23
r2d2rogersI hope so18:23
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disco_stuStskeeps: do you know what can be slowing down my hildon to start ?18:23
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Stskeepsdisco_stu: on maemo? no18:24
disco_stuits weird18:24
r2d2rogersgot a DMA timeout in the dmesg log18:25
Stskeepsfair enough18:25
Stskeepsnot unusual18:25
r2d2rogersgot touch screen!18:25
Stskeepscan you check if udev runs?18:26
r2d2rogerswill see what USB plug does18:26
r2d2rogersthe first menu I hit comes up white and doesn't go away18:27
Stskeeps k18:27
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r2d2rogersthen nothing else responds, except the mouse pointer follows touch18:27
Stskeepsfair enough18:27
Stskeepsthere's always the possibility it's too heavy for 770s, but i guess we'll see :)18:27
RST38hWhat is this DirectFB thing? Nobody seems to use it or know anything about it18:28
StskeepsRST38h: for the weird people who dislike X.18:28
lardmanit's a fb accel wrapper18:28
lardmanand windowing thing, etc.18:29
r2d2rogersStskeeps: nothing in my desktops18:29
RST38hSts: It seems to be the same thing as SDL but following DirectX conventions and lacking any users18:29
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r2d2rogersdmesg on plugging into the 77018:29
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: hm?18:30
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: no udev running on tablet?18:30
r2d2rogersStskeeps: no way to get indication of udev running, reboot for logs18:30
Stskeepsthought you could usb in :P18:31
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r2d2rogersyeah but not when I get to X18:31
Stskeepsit fails to allow you to telnet in after X starts?18:31
r2d2rogerstrying that mode now18:31
r2d2rogersI haven't seen it go to X when I booted to ethernet gadget mode18:32
Stskeepslet's see how it works with ethernet gadget mode, i assume you removed the read foo's18:33
r2d2rogersI think so18:33
r2d2rogerswill be able to confirm in a sec18:33
Stskeepsbe aware it might do fs checking18:34
r2d2rogerswill leave it booted this way for a while18:34
r2d2rogersam I looking for /dev/input now or not, as we have touchscreen now?18:35
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: /dev/input has by-path now18:35
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Stskeepslook for .udev in /dev i guess and ps aux | grep udev18:36
Stskeepsbut i guess since it has input it should be running18:36
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r2d2rogersroot       644  0.2  1.1   2268   708 ?        S<s  06:23   0:01 /sbin/udevd --daemon18:37
Stskeepsbut nothing happens when you touch menu?18:38
r2d2rogersthe menu I hit was the cpu applet18:40
r2d2rogersand it just came up white18:41
Stskeepswhat about the home menu or app menu?18:41
r2d2rogerslooks like the file system is mounted readonline18:41
Stskeepsoh boy.18:41
Stskeepsedit fstab, remove the errors=remount-ro18:41
r2d2rogersand no, the read foo's are not commented, I must have imaged again after i did that18:41
r2d2rogerswill do18:42
r2d2rogersand the read foos while I'm at it18:42
r2d2rogerswill report back18:42
Stskeepsi wonder if there's missing a ,rw in the fstab..18:43
r2d2rogersrootfs on / type rootfs (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro)18:43
Stskeepsthat's not readonly though18:43
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Stskeepsremove errors=remount-ro, i don't think it's working properly18:43
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r2d2rogersremounted rw18:44
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r2d2rogersremoved foo's18:46
r2d2rogersremoved remount on errors18:46
r2d2rogersnow am in telnet on a rw rootfs18:46
Stskeepsthe other guy had problems with fanoush 48mhz kernel, it was erroring out18:46
Stskeepsand causing those remount on errors18:46
Stskeepswhen lowering mhz, it worked18:46
Stskeepsthe other guy=someone18:46
r2d2rogerscard dependant18:47
r2d2rogersI do have a better card to try with next18:47
r2d2rogerswill see what this gets us18:47
r2d2rogerswhere can I see the bootmenu stuff from inside ?18:48
Stskeeps mnt/initfs/18:48
r2d2rogersgot console this time18:53
r2d2rogersfixing other errors from bad edit of fstab18:54
madhavdid any one get clutter running on maemo diablo?18:54
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* r2d2rogers does a happy dance18:58
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: it works?18:58
r2d2rogerswell it's closer18:59
r2d2rogersethernet gadget, touchscreen and x18:59
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r2d2rogerswishing ubuntu would save the usb0 settings in the nm applet19:00
Stskeepshehe, i have a network/interfaces thing for it :P19:00
Stskeepsthen it's a bit of messing with ifup ifdown19:00
r2d2rogersnothing for taps or keypresses19:01
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Stskeepsim not sure why19:01
r2d2rogersgot telnet though19:01
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: still ro?19:01
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Stskeepstouch /foo?19:02
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r2d2rogersmake s foo file19:02
r2d2rogersgot swap too19:03
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r2d2rogersshouldn't i see users listed when I hit w?19:07
Stskeepstelnet isn't logged in the traditional way :P19:07
r2d2rogersbut the user in X?19:07
Stskeepsand nop19:07
Stskeepsits booted from rc.local so19:07
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r2d2rogerstrying to figurte out how to push up the cpu to see if the applets on the screen are active19:12
disco_stur2d2rogers: *push up* (?)19:13
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: cat /dev/urandom | wc -c? :P19:13
r2d2rogersmake it more active19:14
disco_stuls -R /19:14
disco_stueventually will end19:14
r2d2rogersdoesnt' sem to re responsive19:14
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RST38hI am Mr Ming Yang,i have an obscured busines suggestion for you."19:16
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RST38h~kill Mr Ming Yang19:17
* infobot shoots a excited quark gun at Mr Ming Yang19:17
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qwerty12RST38h, I am Mr Ming Yang.19:18
qwerty12I am offended that you tried to kill me.19:18
qwerty12Or rather hired an assassin :P19:18
mgedminhired? I saw no mention of price19:18
mgedmininfobot volunteered19:18
* infobot gives qwerty12 full service!19:19
* RST38h kills Mr Ming Yang for the second time19:19
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r2d2rogersStskeeps: killed and reran hildon-desktop and it's taking taps now, but is messed up19:25
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: ok19:29
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: i guess its a bit of progress :P19:29
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Stskeepsrm -rf /root/.osso and edit /etc/hildon-desktop/statusbar.conf19:29
Stskeepsand remove the applets19:29
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RST38h"Chinese researchers inadvertently release IE7 exploit code"19:29
RST38hAm I putting quotes at the right place? =)19:30
Stskeepsr2d2rogers: (on the partition, from maemo, i guess)19:34
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r2d2rogersit's looking more correct now19:44
r2d2rogerswith the applets responding after a hildon desktop restart19:44
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r2d2rogersI can adjust brightness even19:44
Meiz_n810Mer works in 770? :)19:46
r2d2rogerswhat other processed should run for the getting there19:46
r2d2rogersgetting there19:46
r2d2rogerswhat other processes should be running for the theme stuff?19:46
r2d2rogersor what should start before hildon desktop?19:46
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r2d2rogersrotate even changed the orientation of the d-pad19:48
r2d2rogersbut X errored out19:48
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Meiz_n810do you have the start-hildon script?19:51
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r2d2rogerstrying it19:51
StsN800fucking cold19:52
r2d2rogersmuch better19:52
* Meiz_n810 boots back to maemo...19:52
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StsN800r2d2rogers, background doesnt come naturally btw19:52
* r2d2rogers looks at start-hildon script errors19:52
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r2d2rogersso if I get network out through the usb working I can get some of these missing files eh?19:53
StsN800r2d2rogers, whats status now?19:53
r2d2rogerspng's for advanced backlight for example19:53
r2d2rogerscan restart hildon desktop and get working menus and applets19:53
r2d2rogersbut it looks raw and unthemed19:54
r2d2rogerswhen using the start-hildon script I get the other behavior...19:54
Meizirkkii made rc.local to set up wlan for me :P19:54
StsN800try disaable applets19:54
r2d2rogersfirst menu open is blank white box and nothing else responds on the X19:54
r2d2rogersdo comments work in statusbar.conf?19:55
r2d2rogers# ?19:56
MeizirkkiMidrori video from Mer :P
Meizirkkiacid3 :) 100/10019:56
r2d2rogersno applets, same behaviro with start-hildon19:57
r2d2rogersrunning locale-gen19:58
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StsN800r2d2rogers, was rather about if it boots sanely with rm of .osso and editing statusbar.conf, and rebooting20:02
r2d2rogerswill try20:03
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StsN800do this from maemo, in the mer fs20:03
StsN800Meiz_n810, will see video in 30 mins20:04
StsN800on gprs atm:P20:04
Meiz_n810theoretically, would it be possible to use maemos flashplayer in Mer without any hacks?20:05
Meiz_n810Mer uses maemos GTK ?20:05
StsN800yes, except we dont have esd atm20:05
Meiz_n810the deblet one :P ?20:05
lardmancould be emulated probably if flash is really wanted20:05
* lardman shivers at the thought ;)20:06
StsN800lardman, flash worked in deblet so20:07
lardmanwith esd?20:07
StsN800r2d2rogers, may vanish in a bit, gtting on a crowded bus20:08
lardmanI'm sure it could be wrapped20:08
lardmanany sqlite experts about?20:09
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r2d2rogersStsN800: cool20:10
r2d2rogers6 year old wanting to play too20:10
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StsN800next interface paradigm. glove friendly interface20:11
r2d2rogerstips in the gloves20:11
lardmanStsN800: thought-interface!20:11
qwerty12Meiz_n810, Maemo XChat compiled fine in Mer i386 chroot, all I did was run before configure in debian/rules20:12
r2d2rogerspretty, does nothing to taps20:13
r2d2rogerstext labels are missing though?20:13
r2d2rogersI did get the locale-gen to finish20:13
AStormStsN800: for that, we'd need a large screen20:14
AStormand it's overkill anyway20:14
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AStormnow, thought-driven is almost feasible20:14
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StsN800r2d2rogers, but no applets right?20:15
r2d2rogersI don't think it was the applets20:16
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StsN800xorg log when taps dont work could be nice20:17
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r2d2rogerswhat confuses me is that I can get a ugly but responsive version by running hildon-desktop.launch20:19
StsN800how was responsiveness when it was ugly?20:19
r2d2rogerscould play with setting background color and set birghtness and all20:19
lcuklardman, whats your db boggle, perhaps a bit of convo can cure it20:19
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StsN800compared to os2008he20:20
r2d2rogersI have that loaded with screenlets20:20
r2d2rogersbut comparable if not faser20:20
lcukr2d2rogers, whats up with liqbase on device20:20
lcukon mer *20:20
lcuksend me the log20:20
r2d2rogershaven't tried yet20:20
lcuk<r2d2rogers> got a chance to play with liqbase on a 800 and wished I could run that too20:21
r2d2rogerslcuk: will be glad to when we get hildon sorted20:21
StsN800r2d2rogers, its good progress at least20:21
r2d2rogersStsN800: I agree20:21
lcukits bloody good progress, im seeing an OS forming20:22
r2d2rogerslcuk: I'm on a 770 with mer20:22
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lardmanlcuk: I was wondering what;s not allowed in table names?20:22
r2d2rogersStsN800: I think I need to pastebin the erros from hildon-desktop.launch and start-hildon for you20:22
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lcuklardman, just stick to normal variable identifier type names and stay away from normal sql keywords?20:23
lcukahhhh r2d2rogers20:23
StsN800r2d2rogers, k20:23
lardmanlcuk: so no punctuation, spaces, etc presumably20:24
lardmanthough underscores are allowed I see?20:24
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lcukyeah - most sql will kinda sorta accept it, but its bad form and leads to heartache - ive never had a problem using sensible code type variable names in tables and fields20:24
lcukuntil im told otherwise yeah20:25
lcuknp :)20:25
RST38hunderscores are allowed20:26
RST38hdo protect against users entering single quotes (')20:26
lcukrst, sqlite has query building printf specifically for that20:26
lcukyou use something like %q just like you use %s in normal printf and it does it for you20:27
lcukbut theres other higher level fns available for command objects20:27
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lardmanthe %q adds the single quotes around strings?20:27
lcuki dunno i closed the page from last night20:27
lardmanno worries I can find it again :)20:28
lcuki think you put the boundary outside ones yourself in the pattern20:28
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lcukprintf("select * from users where name='%q'",;    reads as i would expect it to20:28
lardmanok, so %q does what?20:29
lardmanstops ' from appearing?20:29
lcukensures ' is quoted correctly20:29
lardmanah I see20:29
lcukdoesnt stop it from being used, just makes sure this doesnt happen:20:29
disco_stulcuk: thats a good one20:30
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lcukoooh 2 more downloads and i am 1337 :D20:30
lcukneed a few more votes though :P ;)20:31
r2d2rogersStskeeps: hildon-desktop.launch
timelesshello world20:31
timelessanyone here intimately familiar w/ apt?20:31
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lcukhiya timeless, according to your boolean logic i dont think thats physically possible20:32
timelesslcuk: alright20:32
timelessi'm looking for someone who can tell me what Apt::System should look like20:32
timelesshow about that? :)20:32
timelessyeah, i saw that earlier20:33
r2d2rogerswas able to set a background20:33
r2d2rogersand background color20:34
timelessbut seriously, i need to know what Apt::System should look like20:34
lcukdisco_stu, xkcd has a sketch for pretty much every part of life, its like its own rule3420:35
r2d2rogersStskeeps: start-hildon
AStormlcuk: <- like this? :P20:38
lcukthats TRUE!20:38
lcukbut for me and lardman its a bit wibbly and changes day to day20:38
AStormbut indeed requires calibration20:39
AStormand for prolonged use, vitamin C and water :P20:39
AStormthe peak is actually a bit wider20:39
lcukheh yeah20:39
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Stskeepsr2d2rogers: hildon-launch doesnt start sapwood, matchbox and such20:48
r2d2rogersI think they were recycled20:48
r2d2rogersor still there when I just killed hildon-desktop20:49
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r2d2rogerssapwood is taking 98.5% of CPU right now according to top20:49
Stskeepsick :P20:49
Stskeepsit's weird it works second time but not first20:49
r2d2rogersyeah we had problems demo'ing Ocra for that reason before20:50
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: saw the video? :P20:50
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madhavlcuk: have u tried to build/run clutter on maemo..?20:51
Stskeepsmadhav: we don't have opengl .. :P20:52
AStormthere's mesa now20:52
AStormsupposedly in fremantle20:52
Stskeepsyeah, but mesa's mesa20:52
AStormslow, very20:53
Stskeepsdid everyone see ?20:54
AStormStskeeps: it'll take a while20:54
Stskeepstrue, 64kb?20:54
Stskeepsor just -everyone-? ;)20:54
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lardmanlcuk: lol20:55
madhavStsKeeps: i think mesa/glutes is there right?20:56
StskeepsMeiz_n810: thumbs up on the video, looks speedy20:56
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AStormStskeeps: hildonize menu plz20:56
StskeepsAStorm: yes, obviously20:57
AStormbtw, does it have kinetic scrolling?20:57
Meiz_n810Stskeeps: it is speedy, think about my connection 40-56kb/s20:57
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Stskeepsmadhav: just call me Sts20:58
* Meiz_n810 thinks someone will kick his ass, if he naggs more about his slow connection 20:58
Stskeepsmadhav: software rendering20:59
Meiz_n810madhav: interesting :P20:59
Meiz_n810i'll try20:59
Meiz_n810ptyhon opengl21:00
Meiz_n810gears are not really fash21:00
infobotMeiz_n810 meant: gears are not really fast21:00
madhavSts: so maemo has not h/w rendering..21:00
madhavwhat abt VFP?21:01
AStormStskeeps: now build Firefox 3.1b2 and compare21:01
AStormmadhav: n8x0 should have, but we're missing a driver21:02
AStormVFP is FPU...21:02
AStormso what, it's still slow21:03
AStormwe would need that PowerVR driver21:03
madhavpowerVR driver..?21:04
AStormyes, n8x0 have a PowerVR chip inside21:04
AStormthe same as in n96 afaicr21:04
madhavthats cool...21:05
AStormexcept we have no driver, and especially no opensource driver21:05
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* timeless sighs21:07
* timeless hates it when apt crashes21:07
AStormapt crashes? omg21:08
AStormwhat did you do to it?21:08
timelessiirc it doesn't like an unupdated config21:08
timelessand i never remember to do apt-get update before apt-cache search21:08
lcukmadhav, i have src copied onto device but its in a backlog at the moment, ive got some ideas re: clutter21:10
madhavlcuk: i guess there seems to be no opengl on device..21:11
lcukthats not my problem, we can get software gl - its having the build tools - i can't run "configure" on any package atm21:12
timelessok, cool21:12
madhavlcuk: some ideas related to clutter..?21:13
lcukwell i have no real ui framework (i think the one i initially put into liqbase is incomplete and inflexible) so im actively seeking a box manager21:13
lcukwhy not use clutter... ?21:14
madhavit a good idea ..clutter is really gud, simple, modular..21:14
lcukno need for the full real 3d experience and still render in 2d as i do now, but for managing boxes and overlays and stuff i think it might work21:14
lcukkinda like the southpark type thing - they use 3d engine to produce 2d animation21:15
lcukand i get the bonus of complete speedup later21:15
lcukas i said, just an idea21:15
madhavit looks to be a very good idea..21:16
madhavlcuk: have u checked Wayland X server21:16
lcuki need to actually draw onto the xv overlay21:17
lcuktechnically i should just drop back and use the existing x11 since its there, but its hacks on hacks - ill take a look at this though its moving away from the current ui directions21:19
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timelessok, problems all done21:31
timelessfremantle sdk should be something i could push on monday21:32
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Stskeepsfor mxr or in general? :P21:37
lardmandoes searching for NU21:37
lardmandoes searching for NULL match any record?21:37
lardmanin sqlite21:37
lardman"select * from my_table where id=1 and name=NULL" for example?21:39
AStormlardman: no, wrong21:40
AStormand name is NULL21:40
AStormnothing can be equal to NULL in SQL21:40
lardmanno, I really want to not match name in that case21:41
AStormeven null is not equal to null21:41
lcukdoes anyone have a slate tablet knocking around unused and unloved?    it could have a nice shiny new home.  *smiles sweetly*21:41
lardmanso I'll have to construct my command column by column, checking to see if each has a value?21:41
AStormlardman: you just want to skip the predicate21:42
AStormselect * from my_table where id=121:42
lardmanAStorm: gone above my level there?21:42
AStormthis will give everything with id=121:42
AStormregardless of name21:42
lardmanwell I want to feed a fn a number of pointers to fields, that may or may not be null, then search for those that are not null21:42
qwerty12_N800lcuk, my friend from Nigeria will ship you one with £1,000,000 on top21:42
AStormlardman: probably21:43
lardmanAStorm: and was hoping that %Q would null out the ones that point to 0 and let me search, rather than having to check manually and construct a command piece by piece21:43
lcuklardman, are you looking to build something like "select * from datarows where upn in (1,3434,2322,12323,2232823)"21:46
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AStormqwerty12_N800: I want one, what do I have to do? :P21:47
AStormno, sending money is out of question21:47
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lardmanmore like fn(*upn, *title, *price); "select * from table where <any of the above match, but not those that point to NULL>21:48
lardmanhey qgil21:48
AStormconstruct piecewise then21:48
qwerty12_N800AStorm, just send him your documents, no money needed :p21:48
qgilhi there21:48
lcukyeah i agree with astorm21:48
lardmanAStorm: ok, thanks21:48
lardmancheers chaps21:48
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AStormqwerty12_N800: oh, can't21:48
lcukthats a custom filter function and not what the nullable thing is for really21:48
AStormit's illegal here21:48
* qwerty12_N800 lobbies for a change in Polish law :P21:49
lardmanhmm, sounds dubious21:49
lcukhiya qgil, you are becoming quite the regular :D21:50
qgilonly this week21:51
qgilnothing personal but I'm getting screen overdose21:51
qgiland my partner starts looking me with mixed attitude21:52
X-FadeHeh, ssh from your n810 then ;)21:52
qgilI'm impressed about the big share Stskeeps & co get for Mer21:52
X-FadeHide it.21:52
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lcukheh, have you found a movie download site yet?21:52
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qgillcuk: nope21:52
X-Fadelcuk: It is pretty sad that doing the right thing is too hard.21:53
lcukboo, thats not good - talk it up with people in your place21:53
lcukX-Fade, it will come21:53
X-Fadelcuk: Sure, just before the major studios go bankrupt.21:54
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lcuksome business models will change, and if its what the users want they are the fools to not listen.  though whilst we internet folks are loud and vocal we may not actually "get it" ourselves yet21:55
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X-FadeStill, it is pretty sad that the easiest way to see a movie is to download the torrent.21:56
lcukhow do you deal with payment though, serious question for woldwide handling21:57
X-FadeNo, paypal, CC, whatever. Just pick an amount in local currency and be done with it.21:58
X-FadeThis isn't rocket science ;)21:58
lcuksure it is - itunes isnt available worldwide21:58
X-FadeSomething like itunes with drm would be the solution.21:58
lcukbut i can buy a movie in any market in the world21:58
X-FadeWe need to stop deviding sales in regions.21:58
X-FadeOne region: world.21:58
X-FadeProblem solved ;)21:59
lcuki agree, im with you on this - merely being devil21:59
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lcukX-Fade, not everyone accepts drm by the way22:00
X-FadeHmm I typed with, but obviously ment without ;)22:00
lcukok, thats movies sorted22:01
lcukdo we do the same with other software?22:01
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Stskeepsqgil: hehe, yeah, maybe a bit unfair share compared to what fremantle will give right now - fremantle is light years ahead, and people probably want to see the UI and hardware, which i'm sure they'll just love. :)22:05
Stskeepsthe passion people are putting in even rumours about fremantle & hw is impressive22:05
X-FadeStskeeps: It is like a puzzle. Try to find out what your future device will look like by grepping the code ;)22:07
StskeepsX-Fade: yes, we had a kernel code drool-off the other night ;)22:07
lcukyeah x-fade, but by the excitement of these guys if nokia doesnt include a drip-tray for the drool the devices wont last long22:08
mavhcwaterproof screen protector22:09
X-Fadelcuk: Sure, but most people are end-user. And they will not have an opinion about Fremantle until they can load an image on their device.22:09
X-FadeSo for now it is only cool for the hardcore platform guys.22:10
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qgillcuk X-Fade the saddest thing is that I'm not even after the blockbusters and top Holywood sellers22:11
qgilsince I can get those in the videoclub of the corner22:11
X-Fadeqgil: Might I suggest the discount dvd box in the stores? :)22:11
lcukyes, the TLAs and code numbers and alphas mean nothing outside22:11
StskeepsMeiz_n810: you should post your video on jaiku too22:12
qgilI'm happy paying to watch independent cinema and productions from Iran, South Korea, Argentina, etc etc22:12
qgilbut there seems to be not a "right" way to do so22:13
qgilStskeeps: "the passion people are putting in even rumours about fremantle & hw is impressive"22:15
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qgilwhat is impressive is to see that debating about rumours is always more interesting than debating about facts22:15
Stskeepshehe, yeah22:15
qgilI'm quite puzzled about the LTE debate in the "Maemo 5 Reveals its Features" thread22:16
lcukheh rumours are good in a way :)22:16
X-Fadeqgil: I want satellite communications on the tablet after this one. Can you call the design guys for me?22:17
Stskeepsone tablet per child programme, with lte, .. hmm :P22:17
qgilpost a comment in ITt and they will add it to the roadmap22:17
X-Fadeheh ;)22:17
RST38hmoo all22:19
Stskeepsmoo, RST38h22:20
lcukw000t!   can we add a laser for the sat comms?22:20
RST38hX-Fade: As long as you are comfortable with a 1m satellite dish...22:20
qgiland a battery lasting 2 mins22:20
RST38hbetter yet: screw the satcom, the 3D, the memory, the Linux22:20
X-FadeRST38h: No, but a 16GP camera so I can see rocks on the moon, would be nice.22:20
StskeepsRST38h: anti-thief protection? :P22:21
lcukn9000000 now with sharks22:21
RST38hX-Fade: With 16GP camera of this size you will mostly see the laws of thermodynamics22:21
lcukqgil, see what you started :P22:21
qgilso, basically a Jedi Knight Sword but real one, not just accelerated noise22:22
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lcukno, the noise is important22:22
RST38hqgil: I would really appreciate a bigger range.22:22
lcukthey really make that sound22:22
RST38hqgil; At least 10-50 km22:22
lcukfor the touchscreen?22:22
RST38hnoise is not important22:22
qgilsure, I'm not dropping the sound, just adding the Real Laser feature22:22
lcuktbh, i REALLY wouldn't be surprised that there isnt a prototype somewhere ;)22:23
qgilRST38h: I'm sure the N800 camera component can be revamped to allow users making nice sky effects with their thumbs22:23
lcukomg, backwards compatible as well!!! i was sure i would need to buy a new device to get the laser feature :D22:25
RST38hqgil: Don't need a camera for that - a decent random number generator will do just as well =)22:25
lcukheh - with the 8x0 camera isnt that the same thing :D22:25
qgilRST38h: I mean to put the laser in the place of the camera, keeping the rotation22:27
RST38hqgil: Ah, wherever, as long as it can burn through buildings and vaporize vehicles/people22:27
X-Fadeqgil: As you can see: one new tablet is not enough for everybody.22:27
X-FadeWe need a complete range.22:28
lcukfrom small battlefield munition all the way up to deathstar rated22:28
RST38hqgil: Seriously though, would appreciate a lot if you found a person inside Nokia responsible for manufacturing of the next tablet and let them know of the glitch list from N81022:28
mavhcspeaking of which, is there an astronomy program for maemo? celestia like?22:29
lcukmavhc,  i believe there is22:29
lcuki saw something about it22:29
qgilI was not joking when I say that there is people scanning and bringing feedback22:29
RST38hCool =)22:29
X-FadeRST38h: The fun we make here is because we are all on the software side. Nothing we can do about the hardware ;)22:29
qgilput that thread in the right context22:29
qgil- internal testing and feedback22:29
qgil- focused groups studies22:30
RST38hX-Fade: Ah, I am pretty sure that an internal email to the right person can be of help22:30
qgil- returned units22:30
qgil- calls to Nokia Care22:30
X-FadeNokia Pilots program?22:30
qgil- complaints to Nokia shops or other distributors22:30
lcukqgil, you have said this before, and i think now a lot more useful discussion is boiled down into the wiki, though its still something we need to do more with22:30
Stskeepshehe.. once you have the tablet it's hard to let go of it again :)22:30
RST38hX-Fade: There should be people responsible for production quality because those little mechanical/electrical problems increase return rates22:30
X-FadeRST38h: Preaching ... choir.. you know..22:31
qgilRST38h: and for this reason there is people responsible for production quality22:31
X-FadeRST38h: Did you see that Nokia testing clip?22:31
RST38hX-Fade: No, seen links to it, but I rarely watch online videos22:32
lcukive never seen a problem with hardware actually breaking, but the quality of components chosen in some instances leave something to be desired22:32
X-FadeRST38h: Pretty amazing how and what they test..22:32
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RST38hlcuk: even the components are not so bad22:32
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lcuki mean the units themselves dont seem to break22:32
RST38hlcuk: but a few tiny design decisions increase wear and tear22:33
* Stskeeps is amazed how many times he has dropped his tablet.22:33
RST38hX-Fade: This is done in Brazil, right?22:33
Stskeepswithout consequences22:33
X-FadeMy only grip with the N810 is that the keys scratch a bit..22:33
lcukwhich video?22:33
cyrus__solca - just ran acros your nitdroid project. Awesome work. For my own personal knowledge, since I tried to do a porta  while back. Did you just take a base 2.6.28-rc7 kernel and apply the omap patches22:33
X-FadeRST38h: No, I've seen a UK institute movie.22:33
RST38hX-Fade: Actually, mine is rather about the front panel22:33
qgil"few tiny design decisions" when you talk about hardware production of a model already in the streets....22:33
RST38hX-Fade: So far I have only got one key scratched22:33
RST38hqgil: but I hope it is still not too late to check for the same problems in the next one =)22:34
X-FadeRST38h: bottom 3 rows, from d to l here..22:34
X-FadeAll keys22:34
RST38hX-Fade: oh shit22:34
qgilbut you have seen the list of feedback channels listed above22:34
X-FadeBut I carry it in my pocket all the time ;)22:34
qgiland I'm sure there are more22:34
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RST38hI ended up buying a case where all the keys are behind a sheet of clear plastic22:34
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X-FadeAnd it is about a year old. And if that is all :D22:35
lcukRST38h, scratches? every device gets scratches22:35
qgilI wonder what hardware related issues/opinions can you get in ITt with 5 users agreeing that hasn't been detected before22:35
RST38hX-Fade: Is the right side also loose on yours?22:35
* Stskeeps 's sony ericsson k610i is absolutely scratched.22:35
Stskeepskeys + cellphone != good mix22:35
X-FadeRST38h: No.22:35
X-FadeRST38h: I dropped it multiple times, no problems what so ever.22:35
ShadowJK_What, people keep other stuff in same pocket as their phone? madness22:35
RST38hX-Fade: Weird...All the tablets I have seen are loose on the right side22:36
StskeepsShadowJK_: i've considered to get one of those flat 3g wifi gateways with battery22:36
lcuklol qgil, i bet you missed the guy who almost killed his n810 by leaving it in a bag with a rotting banana :D  its endemic you know!22:36
RST38hlcuk: So what happened? It ate his banana and got sick?22:36
StskeepsShadowJK_: and sow it into my jacket and have a charger hanging in my wardrobe.22:36
lcuk(serious one that, he was panicking - it had bugs and everything)22:36
ShadowJK_Stskeeps, ... you mean a symbian phone?22:36
StskeepsShadowJK_: no, some other gadget22:37
qgilah, this is why there is that internal research project about unrottable bananas...22:37
RST38h[offtopic question: Anyone familiar with DirectFB?]22:37
ShadowJK_Though joikuspot on E70 doesn't seem to know how to do wifi powersaving, so it doubles in pocket as a handwarmer22:37
RST38hShadow: No way22:37
lcukhe had little insects inside machine22:37
lcuki told him to file bugs :D22:37
RST38hShadow: The thing is so thick and large that heating it whole takes more than the battery can supply =)22:38
StskeepsShadowJK_: or killing the next generation of nokia users..22:38
RST38hlcuk: Can't it be solved the same way as that bricking problem? By placing tablet into a fridge? =)22:38
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ShadowJK_Stskeeps, if it goes through my thigh yeah..22:38
* RST38h wonders how long will he have to keep his E7022:39
Stskeepsit's that or waiting for next device ;)22:40
ShadowJK_RST38h, the case temp climbs to about 35C for me in EDGE+bluetooth (after, say, hours of continous downloading). Just having it running as AP with no data transfer makes it even hotter, though I haven't measured22:40
RST38hShadow: Ah you download for hours...22:41
ShadowJK_I measured the 35C on keypad, iirc22:41
qgil the first post is like a nuromantic version of those stories of Madonnas crying blood tears...22:41
RST38hThat would probably do some unpleasant wonders to my phone bill22:41
ShadowJK_RST38h, EDGE is kinda high-latency, it's not good for much else ;P22:41
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RST38hqgil: I bet either on thermal compound or on lubricant used in the slider mechanism22:42
Stskeepsqgil: the best post is the bug further down22:42
RST38hqgil: Other alternatives are 1) tablet pissed itself (unlikely) or 2) it is his own bodily fluids (eek!)22:43
Stskeepsmelted sd card cos of the nuclear reactor inside the tablets..22:43
RST38hCute how somebody suspects the battery acid22:44
RST38hWhen THAT battery leaks, you really don't wanna be around...22:44
ShadowJK_indeed :-)22:45
ShadowJK_It's funny how the industry has invented politically correct jargon for it, "vent with flame" :-) (as opposed to just "explode")22:45
RST38hShadow: There is "metallic overlap" in air traffic control22:46
lcukflames indicate directionality - its like a blow torch usually22:46
qgil"explode" could be link to terrorism and create tensions between countries22:46
qgilanyway, I'm just proving that I should go to bed22:47
mavhcit runs linux, it's already linked to terrorism22:47
lcukgnite qgil, hope you have found some movies for the weekend by then22:47
qgillike Puha Pete22:47
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RST38hShit, I have two more things to work on22:48
mavhctried checking the internet archive for films?22:48
lcukomg, thats bob the builder22:48
RST38hwhat is "internet archive"?22:48
lcukis it finnish translation?22:48
* lcuk thinks hes seen this one22:49
X-FadeHmm somebody is trying to make a HIM plugin for
X-FadeLooks interesting.22:49
lcukmmm that looks familiar
lcukim using mine to make a font though22:51
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Meiz_n810lcuk: cool :)22:57
lcukyeah 'tis, will be better when everything comes back together for the next cycle :)22:58
lcukbut for now, i have code to ponder over and decisions to make22:59
lcukback later22:59
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StskeepsMeiz_n810: nice touch on the acid test23:04
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* Stskeeps ponders taking another jab at sb223:42
* qwerty12_N800 prays for Stskeeps's sanity 23:43
Stskeepswell a cross-compilation sdk is needed, to avoid us from going insane over build wait times23:43
* lcuk takes another jab at Stskeeps 23:44
* lcuk hits him with a 1d vector23:44
lcukqwerty12_N800, what would i use to make gcc compile a c file into a .so ?23:45
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, get me a sb1 armel environment for mer, and i'll happily build apps properly :p23:45
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, sorry, no idea23:46
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: yeah, but im not sure that's saner23:46
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, sb2 drives me insane :P23:46
lcukhuzzah :D gcc -shared -lc  -o mylib.o23:47
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lcukor something like that23:47
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: did you read m-vo's post btw?23:48
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, bits, but i gets the part where sb2 is the shit23:48
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: he's actually saying the opposite, that sb2 is way too overreaching23:49
Stskeepsand needs a shot of sanity23:49
* qwerty12_N800 is probably an old timer. while everyone uses sb2 & git, i'll be screaming for sb1 and svn23:49
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, ah, seems i didn't read it then, but I guess sb2 is the way to go23:50
lcukthe simpler the better23:50
lcuki will feel better iwth a full devenv on tablet that i can run "configure" from without hacking to do so23:50
lcukspeed is not important for the kinds of projects i want to examine, but my vmware is gone totally now and the laptop is dead23:50
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, did you ever get around to trying andlinux? has its problems, but way easier on your sanity than vmware. of course, I do recommend using linux for real ;)23:54
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lcuki recommend it as well, but i will not move to linux for another (checks watch) about 3 weeks. i am determined to have a large format touchscreen slate this year :)23:55
qwerty12_N800hehe, nice :)23:55
lcukif i move i have to feel my code :)23:55
* qwerty12_N800 should try liqbase on the old xbox (sits around doing nothing anyway) and see how it is on a tv for fu :p23:57
qwerty12_N800fun even23:57
lcukit is buildable on standard desktop linux with a couple of flags, but the experience isnt that great close up - might work nicely on a tv23:59
lcuki need a touchscreen to test it though :)23:59
lcuki hate seeing it fakey23:59

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