IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2008-11-03

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desivWorking now.  I still can't get nit-env-lxde without nit-env-x, which needs tablet-x, which I am getting now...  :-)00:10
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Stskeepsmm, i still don't get why there isn't a clear path there00:17
Stskeepsi mean, it doesn't make sense that base -> tablet-x -> nit-env-x -> nit-env-lxde works but base -> nit-env-lxde doesn't00:18
desivIt rebooted on me.  I'm running a dpkg --configure -a now.  I'll see where it left off...00:18
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Stskeepsoh, right, swapon somewhere :P00:19
desivDang it.. I forgot that..  :-)00:19
desivI'll try to remember to place that in my /etc/fstab when I get back in..00:20
Stskeepsenable in fstab to make it permanent00:20
* Stskeeps continues reading articles for the social computing course tomorrow.00:20
woglindesocial *g*00:20
Stskeepsyeah, they kinda conflicts those two words..00:20
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* lcuk is gonna try to put a picture where a thousand words will count00:25
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Stskeeps~seen johnx00:36
infobotjohnx <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 2d 13h 23m 50s ago, saying: 'very nice GeneralAntilles'.00:36
AStormhi again00:37
* GuySoft found a N810 for 446$ . thinks he might go for it00:38
AStormcan hildon input method grab a handle to the textView it's operating on?00:38
GeneralAntillesGuySoft, in the US?00:38
AStormlike, for selection changes00:38
aquatixStskeeps: this one might be cheaper?
Stskeepsyou mean GuySoft00:39
GuySofti need it shipped to israel :(00:39
* Stskeeps glances at amazon00:39
Stskeeps"Product Description00:40
StskeepsNokia N810 Internet Tablet RX-44 - Works with ATandT and T Mobile service only"00:40
Stskeepswtf :P00:40
AStormmaybe it's n810 wimax?00:40
AStormbut these don't have lockins either00:40
GuySoftAStorm, thats N83000:40
aquatixStskeeps: oops, sorry00:41
ShadowJK_maybe not locked in, but the band N810W supports effectively locks it in anyway?00:41
aquatixGuySoft: hm :( find someone in the US that's willing to ship it to you?00:41
aquatixbut $446 still is only 150 euro or something ;)00:41
ShadowJK_350ish E or something00:42
GuySoftaquatix, ill try tomorrow.. its a 76$  difference00:44
qwerty12_N800~lart sub & idx00:44
* infobot puts on a hockey mask and jumps out at sub & idx00:44
aquatixGuySoft: indeed; mind that you'll have to pay for shipping twice of course00:44
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GuySoftaquatix, not if i stick it on board someone00:45
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* robink still wants his modules.dep01:15
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lcukStskeeps, does this look intuitive enough:
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lcuk(obviously it needs tarting up a bit, but thats the plan anyway01:41
GuySoftdoes anyone know where to get gpe-multisync?01:47
`0660that looks pretty clever01:47
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lcuk0660, thats the idea :) i know loads of people who like large granuality, and loads who like fine grained.  it also encourages the user to play and interact01:51
Mouseyliqbase reads pdfs?01:53
lcuknot yet it doesnt01:53
lcukthis is a bit cleaner:
GeneralAntillesThat background has got to go.01:56
lcukGeneralAntilles, :) someone has already sussed that out01:56
lcukits just one file01:56
lcukput anything you like there01:56
lcuki WILL be making an interface very soon for image selection01:56
lcukyou will be able to change it01:56
GeneralAntillesYou said yourself that out of box experience is important. ;)01:57
lcukand set the brightness of it01:57
lcukyes 100%01:57
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lcukfinal tweak for the night :)
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t_s_oi swear, allnames must just be trolling...03:02
GeneralAntillesFinally, somebody else sees the insanity.03:02
t_s_owhat worries me is that he is accumulating assistants...03:03
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GeneralAntillesPied Piper of itT?03:05
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t_s_omeh, just another thread to ignore, as its not going anywhere, fast...03:05
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GeneralAntillesSounds like itT for the past 10 months.03:06
t_s_oguess so03:06
GeneralAntillesStarted right around the time Technut abandoned ship.03:06
lcukwho was technut03:07
GeneralAntillesBig community support guy.03:07
GeneralAntillesKinda like me 7-9 months ago.03:08
lcukt_s_o, when i hold down my home key i want liqbase to run03:08
t_s_oone way ticket to burnout central03:08
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t_s_oah, my bad then, i figured you wanted the same functionality as the desktop key on the 7710...03:09
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* legind just discovered chrooting into debianARM on the n800.. so awesome03:09
GeneralAntilleslcuk, powerlaunch03:09
GeneralAntillespowerkey, then <some other key>03:09
t_s_onow thats a beast...03:09
lcukhow do i reach my powerkey..03:09
lcukslide screen back down lift device press button contort self to reopen device whilst still pressing button, press followon button03:11
GeneralAntillesAh, right03:11
lcukits not so bad where it is now03:11
GeneralAntillesThere's no accounting for crazy people.03:11
t_s_ono comment03:11
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lcukwhat about in car in the case03:12
lcuksame situation03:12
lcukits not crazy :)03:12
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infobotdselect update, grabs the Packages.gz files from their sources and refreshes the available packages. Use before an apt-get upgrade, or you can use apt-get update instead of dselect update03:16
dmsupermanWhat's the link?03:17
t_s_oto what?03:19
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dmsupermanFlash your device03:20
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pupnikwhat fun things do you like to run with debian-arm legind ?03:31
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pupnik770 is such a happy device hooked up to home stereo.... x11vnc + streamtuner = internet radio03:36
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smackpotatowhat a great idea03:37
smackpotatosomething to do with my 77003:38
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* t_s_o is pissed at his 770 for going wsod...03:38
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pupniki also think the sound of the 770 is pretty good03:42
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smackpotatoi have a cheap mp3 player hooked up to my stereo just for the fm03:45
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Pavlovare any of you guys able to actually get oprofile to work with call graphs on maemo?  like get it to give real data?04:10
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infoboti heard flasher is
pupnikPavlov: install oprofile kernel - worked for me04:21
Pavlovno one i've talked to here has had it work04:22
Pavlovmaybe it just doesn't work on C++ code?04:22
pupnikhaven't generated call graphs yet - just the oprofile statistics04:23
pupnikwell, what happens when you start profiling?04:23
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Pavlovthe reports generate bogus data04:31
pupnikwhat could cause that?  kernel not matched up to libraries?04:44
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pupnik  Pavlov - that's how i was using it04:46
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pupnik<- not being helpful04:48
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l7hmm, i'm not sure which program installed it, but youtube-dl-x is a very cool command05:38
l7probably the mytube05:38
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pupnik   a nice game to build when ITOS goes to QT07:00
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aspectwhat package provides the full-screen keyboard?08:01
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pupnikaspect: you can get the large keyboard with default system09:34
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RST38hgood mo[o]rning all09:46
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RST38hnew sb2 for some reason requires installing etch tools =(09:52
suihkulokkiRST38h: the target is etch(ish), so you need roughly matching tools09:55
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RST38hyes but I am normally using host tools09:58
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joueur_hi ... when i disable R&D mode, is serial-console switched off ? thanks...10:37
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RST38hshit, maemo sdk is broken again10:42
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RST38h[SB2 devel chinook40_armel] fms@ubuntu Maemo $ ls10:44
RST38hls: .: No such file or directory10:44
RST38hok, reinstalling everything10:44
RST38h~curse Nokia engineers for putting their own petty interests before the real developers' interests10:48
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, Nokia engineers for putting their own petty interests before the real developers' interests !10:48
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joueur_R&D mode? pls...10:49
joueur_yes / no ?10:50
StsN800RST38h, how should the sdk be then?10:52
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RST38hAnybody knows what advantages 2007q3 toolchain has before 2005q3?11:02
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JaffaMorning, all11:11
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RST38hOk, SB2 on Intrepid is broken =(11:30
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RST38hdoes not see host file system11:32
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* aquatix is currently updating to 8.1011:44
RST38haquatix: be prepared for snafu11:46
RST38hAt least if you are using SB211:47
* RST38h suddenly remembers today is the workday for Finland, so there is hope Nokia folks will answer quickly11:47
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RST38haquatix: scratchbbox211:48
RST38hSts: Answering your question, I want SDK to be a host-based toolchain that lets you compile tablet stuff on the host without any extra crap.11:48
RST38hJust like with any other embedded/mobile device11:49
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RST38hand I also want a choice of Linux or Windows (which becomes possible if you do your toolchain strighforwardly)11:52
suihkulokkiit's called virtualization :)11:53
RST38hSorry, but I do not want virtualization, ok? Just want plain toolchain that works11:53
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StsN800RST38h, and access to emulator images and deployment ability (deploy to usb connected tablet, or to an emulator with a full maemo image inside, alongside toolchain would be a bonus?11:54
RST38hDoesn't break with every minor Ubuntu release. Doesn't require me to mount host fs as NFS volume. Doesn't ask me to install VMWare on Windows11:54
RST38hSts: No. I have got SCP.11:55
RST38hSts: Works over WiFi, no USB cable required, lets me instantly deploy to the real tablet.11:56
suihkulokkiI pull in the all-evading iphone defense: The iphone SDK requires a OS X and people don't have a problem with it11:56
* RST38h remembers XBox360 SDK requiring OSX11:56
suihkulokkiI'm fairly certain N should invest in making a SDK that works really well in one enviroiment instead of making a SDK that works mediocrily on many systems (as now)11:57
RST38hBut considering how constrained iPhone development process is, we can disregard iPhone "SDK"11:57
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RST38hsuihkulokki: Right now, we have got SDk that works mediocrily in one environment11:58
RST38hi.e. the worst combination11:58
RST38hand the main reason being trying to be too "smart" with virtualization.11:59
StsN800RST38h, but a sdk that provides ability for both scp and emu is ok, optional feature?12:00
RST38hSts: As long as it does not mess the main workflow12:00
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StsN800its a toolchain with extra utils. there is still the problem with cpu transparency?12:03
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cbx333what is FIASCO?12:05
cbx333a la    -     ./flasher-3.0 -F <FIASCO image> -f -R12:05
StsN800a flash image format12:05
cbx333makes it sound like it's the next one up from Diablo :p12:05
* cbx333 has been out of the loop for a while12:05
cbx333I have to reflash as SSU broke my device12:06
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RST38hSts: As I said, if the great idea of running stuff in the emulator does not make me jump through the loops with the normal workflow, have an emulator too, I don't care12:17
RST38hSts: BTW, if you do want the emulator, at least make its startup painless (i.e. no messing with Xephyr configuration and startup)12:18
StsN800start-emu & ;)12:18
RST38hor even n8x0 <binary-name>12:19
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RST38hand n900 <binary-name> to start Freemantle app12:20
StsN800it really ought to be that simple12:21
RST38hit does.12:23
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RST38hOh yesss :)12:30
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lardmanthat's the German me?12:36
* X-Fade has met lardman's German speaking alterego ;)12:37
lardman"Bier bitte?"12:37
X-FadeNo, you actually spoke some more words ;)12:40
lardmanah, yeah the beer helps :)12:41
lardmanOtherwise I can just talk about gas turbines, not very exciting12:41
X-FadeHeh, that can be interesting too.12:43
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RST38hHow much beer did it take for him to switch?12:52
lardmanfrom gas turbines to normal talk?12:52
X-FadeRST38h: We don't speak about what happened in Berlin ;)12:52
* RST38h now feels sorry he didn't go and observe the ruckus12:53
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lardmandrat, I don't think I can make the meeting tomorrow13:03
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pupnikgerstoomphend das triebwerk in zee machschnell lardman!13:20
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lardmanpupnik: sprint meeting13:27
pupnikin irc lardman ?13:27
pupniki don't even know where my N810 *is*13:28
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RST38hall N810s go to heaven, so do not worry13:35
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Stskeepsjohnx: i was wrong btw, hildon-desktop -does- exist, in universe, in ubuntu mojo13:41
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* lcuk puts 10p i nthe chan15:00
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lardmanthat's a lot of thoughts15:02
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t_s_othe economy may be doing the drain rounds, but i dont think we are that cheap, yet...15:02
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t_s_ohmm, worriesome. strip reddit down to science, tech and programming, and the front page was left with maybe 4 entries...15:06
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GeneralAntillesI think I finally get the pro-stylus people in that stupid thread15:06
GeneralAntillesThey directly associate "finger friendliness" with "dumbed down" and "reduced functionality"15:07
GeneralAntillesWhich, of course, isn't true.15:07
t_s_oi guess its gnome thats to blame, given their zealous stripping of options in name of "user friendlyness"15:07
t_s_opeople dont want to see that happen to their pocketable geek toy15:08
GeneralAntillesI still say if it bothers you that much, install XFCE and call it a day.15:09
RST38hGeneral: at least they are not asking for tongue-operated UI15:10
RST38hBut there is a pretty good and bullet proof argument against these guys15:10
GeneralAntillesMouth computing15:10
GeneralAntillesThat'd be interesting to see.15:11
GeneralAntillesFits with the cattle-like way most people behave.15:11
RST38h"Judging from S60 Touch (5800) device, Nokia sees reason for BOTH pen and finger support in its products. Actively and fanatically proposing finger-only UI basically goes astray of Nokia's business model. Case closed."15:12
t_s_owhere is that quoted from?15:12
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t_s_oi think people will worry less if nokia can provide some way for the user to replace the default gui with another, without the need to hack around proprietary nokia elements...15:13
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lcuki want finger friendly uis because i want to use them with my stylus.  flicking around a fast interface and hitting every single box is a great feeling - its almost like playing an instrument15:15
RST38ht_s_o: It's not quoted, I can produce this bullshit from my own brain15:15
lcukRST38h, but you "quoted" it15:15
RST38hlcuk: Just because I put quote marks, doesn't mean I quote it from somewhere. If I quote some source, I always attribute it.15:16
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lcuk"cool, ok then"15:16
lcuk"you know, this is quite easy" - lcuk15:17
RST38hYou forgot (C).15:17
RST38hHell, Motorola is still releasing new phones! Feels like watching hair grow on a corpse15:17
lcuk"is that a quote, or you talking?"15:19
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inzRST, you do that a lot?15:19
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RST38hinz: Thankfully, no.15:20
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KhertanHello everybody !16:01
X-FadeKhertan: I have approved your project.16:01
Khertanah :)16:01
Khertanproject is already coded :)16:01
Khertanjust need to do icon :)16:01
Khertanjust a question about garage16:02
X-FadeHeh, train rides were long enough? :)16:02
Khertani am at work now :)16:03
Khertandoes svn browser on garage is delayed ?16:03
Khertanas i ve just uploaded the source of mCalendar 0.516:03
Khertanand don't see it in garage source browser .16:03
X-FadeIt should not?16:03
Khertanand as it s the first time i use svn16:04
Khertani 'm not sure doing thing right :)16:04
X-FadeI see a 2 minues old commit?16:04
Khertanso it s ok :)16:04
X-Fade" First upload to svn"16:04
Khertanyep great16:05
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Khertanthx i see it too now16:05
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Khertan(uploaded from pygtkeditor 3.0 and the first try of svn support)16:05
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Khertansvn is really easy to use in fact16:11
Khertani don't understand why i ven't use it before16:11
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melmothYO Khertan16:24
melmothSay, about the hildon border bug thingy. I was thinking.16:24
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melmothwhy dont you use simply a gtk window for mcalendar ?16:24
melmothyou should then be able to workaround the problem and not experience the border in non full screen mode.16:25
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bergieall right, now ITT activity affects your karma...
bergie(note: we have calculated these for only 600 users so far. check your own maybe around tomorrow)16:47
* GeneralAntilles cackles.16:48
Stskeepshow's your karma, GA? :P16:49
GeneralAntillesNot updated yet.16:49
GeneralAntilles"Itt posts" and "Itt thanks" should be s/Itt/itT/ (according to Reggie) or s/Itt/ITt/ (according to Quim).16:50
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RST38hspeaking og karma, bergie, mine has not been updated since February16:50
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RST38hIs it done by hand, with abacus?16:51
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bergieRST38h: the dates are misleading... I'm investigating why the timestamp doesn't change16:51
X-FadeRST38h: There seems to be a bug in updating the timestamp.16:51
bergienow everybody's karma has been updated16:51
X-FadeBut the karma's are all max 2 days old.16:51
bergiethere are some 130k per-module karmas in DB16:51
bergiethat is around 10 per user16:51
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RST38hshouldn't there be only one per user?16:51
bergieRST38h: discussion karma, bugzilla karma etc16:52
bergieprior to today we had 9 karma modules enabled... today ITT thanks and posts made that 1116:52
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RST38haha, it's updated now, although timestamp is still in february16:53
X-FadeRST38h: Yep.16:53
RST38hNo ITT sections yet though16:53
GeneralAntillesWhat modifiers did we decide on for the itT karma?16:54
X-FadeWell, it is max 2 days old and we just enabled karma for itt. So it can take up to 2 days before yours updates.16:54
Stskeepsdoes counter-maemo stuff count as minus points in your karma? *ducks*16:54
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: sqrt(thanks) * 8, sqrt(posts) * 1.16:54
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RST38hdo completely insane comments (see Darius) count? =)16:55
RST38hor do they get multiplied by sin(time())16:55
GeneralAntillesAlso, does somebody want to push "Reevaluate karma modifiers" for this sprint?16:55
RST38hGeneral: Are you sure you WANT this discussed? =)16:55
GeneralAntillesNo, not really.16:56
GeneralAntillesBut maybe if we just nominate somebody to come up with their own unified system and don't have any debate. :P16:56
* johnx reevaluates karma modifiers with a roll of the dice :D16:56
RST38h10d8 I hope16:57
RST38h+5 to charisma16:57
Stskeepsyes, evaluate on charisma instead16:57
bergieStskeeps: sure... if you blog about iPhone you get so many thumbs down that your karma dies :-)16:57
lardmanbergie: I'm still missing discussion karam16:57
RST38h+3 to strength against trolls!16:57
Stskeepsbergie: and that's why i stay away from blogging16:58
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bergieStskeeps: well, you can also push only maemo items to planet maemo16:58
RST38hbergie: What if you blog about your imaginary iPhone? (Pandora)16:58
X-Fadelardman: Discussions mail importing is broken atm. berie is looking into that.16:58
bergieGeneralAntilles: with Hirvinen on board, we might have time for changing the karma calculations16:58
Stskeepsjohnx: saw my comment on hildon-desktop?16:58
lardmanX-Fade: cool16:59
johnxyup. so it's in hardy? or ibex?16:59
Stskeepshasty universse16:59
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johnxah, nice. I wonder if that was a recent build17:00
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Stskeepsit's the mobile-flash one as i see it17:00
RST38hHeh, Ibex's FireFox just crashed17:00
Stskeeps(bbl bus, - johnx, could you see , - I've been really busy and need another debian person to take a look and see if its sane :P)17:01
johnxStskeeps, ok, I'll check it out. catch you later :)17:01
Khertanmelmoth : sorry i was away17:01
Khertanwhy not use gtk windows ... for the fullscreen feature and the menu17:01
melmothfull screen should work with gtk window17:02
melmothi wonder if the "hildon" menu could work ....17:03
RST38hBrought to you by Verizon17:03
lardman~lart Outlook for sitting on emails for 5days and not telling me it hadn't sent them!17:03
* infobot teaches Outlook for sitting on emails that M$ Access is a database. No, really, a database. A real live multi-user... well, ok, not multi-user, but a database. Yeah, that sounds right. for 5days and not telling me it hadn't sent them!17:03
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Khertanmelmoth: are you sure that fullscreen works ?17:04
Khertanso i ll try17:05
melmothfullscreen is not hildon specific. it works in gtk too17:05
melmothfor the menu, what i did once was not to use the hildon menu, but have it appear wit a tap and hold. so the application was usable both in gtk and in hildon17:05
Khertanyep ... but menu ... ....17:05
Khertantop and hold isn't acceptable for a finger friendly application17:06
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melmoththen you either have the border issue.. or you can try to put a menu button of some sort in a widget that would dissapear in full screen mode.17:07
melmothso it would be like what you have with a hildon window17:07
melmothjust workarounds though. But i doubt the border "bug" will be fixed soon, if ever fixed.17:08
Khertanyep ... it s a solution17:08
Khertanyep :)17:08
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, so, if we kill the old wiki, can we just disable the wiki module so it wont show up on the site, but keep the data on hand for a few months just in case?17:10
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GeneralAntillesFun split.17:13
johnxyou guys missed the party. w00!17:13
* GeneralAntilles looks over this Sprint's task list.17:13
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* GeneralAntilles crave steak.17:17
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, ping.17:28
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: pong17:29
GeneralAntillesYou get my last message?17:29
GeneralAntilles[10:10am] <GeneralAntilles> X-Fade, so, if we kill the old wiki, can we just disable the wiki module so it wont show up on the site, but keep the data on hand for a few months just in case?17:29
X-FadeYes, sure that is no problem.17:29
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GeneralAntillesThere haven't been any objections to the list, so I'm inclined to get started.17:30
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, what needs to be done to get the redirects going?17:33
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GeneralAntillesDoes highlighting X-Fade automatically trigger splits? <_<17:35
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Luriai swear, its like 90s efnet today17:37
RST38hOh no17:42
RST38hIf it were like 90s efnet, I would be ruling this channel by now =)17:43
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RST38h+isn 16 with 4 minions of mine and 12 bots! B)17:44
* Stskeeps yawns17:44
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, redirects?17:45
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Just give me a list, so I can do that tomorrow.17:46
KhertanX-Fade: is it possible to rename a project in garage ?17:50
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Ok.17:50
X-FadeKhertan: No.17:50
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X-FadeKhertan: You can't rename a project.17:51
Khertanyep :)17:51
Khertanok ... i ll made a fork ;)17:52
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Stskeepsjohnx: any initial reaction?17:56
johnxa couple small reactions...want feedback on wiki or IRC?17:56
Stskeepsirc for now17:56
Stskeepsputting it out to general discussion when it's a little more complete and there's a thread through it17:57
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johnxtesting definitely needs to happen on busybox vs coreutils. until then I'm not ready to sacrifice speed for the convenience of the small number of us who want to meddle17:57
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Stskeepswell, it also makes porting easier - there's a lot of unconventional hacks around in packages17:58
Khertanwhy many ask for coreutils ?17:58
Stskeepsand yes, proof is needed17:58
StskeepsKhertan: because busybox has bugs and isn't updated really17:58
Stskeeps(on tablet, mostly)17:59
Stskeepsdoesn't support all coreutils functionality17:59
Stskeepsis the biggest point17:59
johnxand overall I believe those would be accepted as bugs, at least in debian. they're usually easy to hack around17:59
Khertanyep but i mean what coreutils is used on a tablet ?17:59
johnxs/those/places where bash is assumed/17:59
infobotjohnx meant: and overall I believe places where bash is assumed would be accepted as bugs, at least in debian. they're usually easy to hack around17:59
Stskeepsah, are we speaking dash vs busybox sh or busybox utils vs coreutils?18:00
johnxwell, both really18:00
Stskeepsi guess it's a matter of finding if it makes any sort of difference at all18:00
Stskeepsi mean, deep down, the arm chip is a 166mhz18:01
* qwerty12 even prefers busybox's sh to dash18:01
Stskeepsand when i grew up, that was powerful18:01
johnxwell dash isn't made to be used by fleshy hu-mans18:01
johnxbash has been growing to take advantage of GHz chips though :P18:01
Stskeepsit's the windows of the shell world18:01
qwerty12johnx, dash doesn't work well with the init scripts in maemo :/18:01
Stskeepsbashisms, i guess18:02
johnxreally? now that is interesting...18:02
johnxso ash is more bashy than dash?18:02
qwerty12Stskeeps, bashisms with busybox's sh? :P18:02
LuriaRST38h, im sorry, i was elsewhere for your nostalgia of grandeur18:02
Luriabut have an eggdrop on me18:02
Stskeepsqwerty12: yeah, if it implements those bashisms..18:03
Khertanyeah but why you need coreutils on a tablet ?18:03
Khertanbusybox isn't enough for what for example ?18:03
qwerty12Fair enough, I just don't count busybox as implementing anything useful :P18:03
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StskeepsKhertan: many packages rely on the existence of proper coreutils .. but it's a good question really18:03
qwerty12Khertan, find is made shit, ls is made shit, ps (though it is part of procps, not coreutils) is made shit, top is made shit18:04
* Khertan don't want to troll ... just to understand ... as he always use busybox for the commands : python :)18:04
qwerty12heh :)18:04
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Khertanqwerty12: ok18:04
Khertani use htop on my tablet18:04
qwerty12Same :)18:04
qwerty12I know the purpose of busybox is to save space but ffs, I expect to see busybox (and do) on my routers - not on my tablet.18:05
Khertanhum ...18:05
Stskeepsjohnx: with coreutils and everything, ubuntu booted to console login in 12 secs18:05
Stskeeps(udev as well)18:05
Khertanmany users complain about not having any space left on / to install applications18:06
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Khertani know u can install it elsewhere or boot on sd18:06
johnxStskeeps, if I push a VW bug without an engine down a hill it will go quite fast :P18:06
Khertanbut a simple user don't know how to do that18:06
Khertanso i don't think busybox is a bad idea ... (except when i ve try to use dpkg-buildpackage)18:07
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Stskeepsjohnx: hehe :P18:08
johnxalso, I'd like to see Nokia's proposal on the boot process for maemo5 before pushing for initfs18:08
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johnxthere are lots and lots of answers to the multiboot problem at earlier or later boot stages18:09
Stskeepsthe problem is really, we don't know anything :P18:09
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johnxI wonder if they do :D18:09
GeneralAntillesKhertan, presumable the rootfs will be getting larger with the N900.18:09
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Stskeepsjohnx: i have my doubts too actually18:10
GeneralAntillesWe'll know more with the alpha SDK18:11
johnxwe'll know about libs and such, but probably not system level stuff18:12
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Stskeepsjohnx: well, or initfs being an alternate root partition18:14
KhertanGeneralAntilles: n900 ?18:15
GeneralAntillesKhertan we're not really talking software for current generation hardware18:15
GeneralAntillesSo the current space issues aren't entirely relevant.18:15
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Khertanhum ....18:16
Khertanyep ... but future os will run on current hardware18:16
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Stskeepswe hope.. but doubt it18:17
GeneralAntillesKhertan, unlikely.18:18
johnxhopefully it will just be a matter of hacking and optimizing the community will be able to do this time18:18
Khertankidding ?18:19
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johnxno, we really aren't18:19
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Khertanhum ....18:20
Stskeepsand that's one reason why we should have a base platform so it would be a matter of remixing the newer version :P18:20
Khertando you already get reimbursment for the maemo summit from nokia ?18:20
GeneralAntillesIf enough stuff is open, a community hacker edition seems pretty reasonable.18:21
GeneralAntillesActually, even as it stands right now with just the open wifi driver. . . .18:22
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Stskeepsmm, not directly impossible atleast18:23
Khertanoh !18:24
* Khertan discover that ubuntu 8.10 is available18:24
KhertanAnd UME too ...18:25
KhertanClutter User Interface18:25
Khertanthis remember me something ....18:26
KhertanUser interface in HTML, Flash, Clutter, Python with GTK, C/C++ with GTK and Java18:26
Khertanthey forgotten some things18:26
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Stskeepsjohnx: any good ways of benchmarking coreutils+dash as sh vs busybox? memory use? i mean, i don't see many parts of coreutils running in memory..18:30
johnxI was thinking about that. I guess the most common heavy user of CPU/RAM/IO is find18:30
Stskeepseffect on startup, maybe18:30
Stskeepsyeah, and that happens rarely i guess18:30
johnxbut maemo probably doesn't use find for anything big18:31
johnxhmm, so maybe the big difference really is just flash taken up18:34
johnxand the only performance questions is ash vs dash vs bash?18:34
GeneralAntillesWhat's the difference, a few megabytes?18:34
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Stskeepsand the question of mb vs portability ease18:35
GeneralAntillesPortability is way more important in my mind.18:35
johnx11MB vs 400KB?18:35
Stskeepswell the question is more how it is compressed18:35
johnxsound about right? in terms of order of magnitudes?18:36
johnxhmm, that's just coreutils18:36
johnxbsdutils is separate18:36
ricko73Does gpeCalendar support syncing with Google's calendar?18:37
summatusmentisif you use erminig (I think is what it's called18:38
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johnxStskeeps, back of the envelope calculations say that busybox might save 20MB or more18:40
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suihkulokkijohnx: how much of that is translations (locales) and docs?18:42
johnxno idea :)18:42
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* Stskeeps is doing some unfair calculations18:46
Stskeepsjohnx: completely unfair experiment, - procps, coreutils, bsdutils, strip away share/doc, share/man, share/locales vs busybox same treatment, no static linking, 2.2mb flash, busybox, 308k flash18:56
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Stskeeps(im aware there should be more in it, like sed and such.)18:56
Stskeepsand util-linux as well18:56
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Stskeepswas in the first jffs218:56
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johnxutil-linux is only about 2MB, mostly man pages too probably18:57
Stskeepsi could personally sacrifice 1.9m flash on less pain of portability, atleast18:58
Stskeepswhere it returns to hildonizing things18:58
johnxI concur18:58
Stskeepsnot fiddling with busybox oddities18:58
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Stskeeps(who needs ls locales anyway besides "C"?)18:59
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johnxsorry, I'm a recent convert to the concept of localization :P19:01
Stskeepswell i get it for some things like graphical UI, but for system utils?19:01
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Stskeepsit certainly makes support forums a lot more fun to try and decipher turkish shell errors..19:02
X-FadeWow, these Maemo Summit interviews by the C-Base crew are cool..19:02
* RST38h agrees with sts19:02
johnxthat's a very english-centric point of view :/19:02
Stskeepsjohnx: and i'm danish19:03
RST38hjohnx: I am originally Russian19:03
qwerty12johnx, I can't even speak my mother tongue :p19:03
X-FadeMore videos here:
RST38hjohnx: Localized documentation is good, but UI and short messages may stay English, no problem there for most people19:03
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johnxso, English speakers in an English irc channel aren't interested in other languages... how surprising19:04
Stskeepsoh, i like other languages, i speak danish(+ the deriatives of swedish/norwegian), english, german, and a tad of french19:04
johnxsplitting localizations out into packages seems like a reasonable approach19:04
Stskeepsand yeah, packages is a good thing19:05
johnxbut dropping them entirely is totally unacceptable to me19:05
Stskeepsoh, i didn't say dropping entirely19:05
RST38hmake em optional19:05
johnxfair 'nuff :)19:05
Stskeepsi dislike my debian wanting to make my shell danish19:06
Stskeepsfor instance19:06
* RST38h aboslutely dislikes Maemo trying to show russian file modification dates19:06
Stskeepsthen again it's loads of years since i had that happening19:06
johnxand I dislike excluding people from the community based on the languages they speak19:06
RST38hyou are not excluding anyone19:06
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johnxas long as they're optional and easily available, I'm happy19:07
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lcukx-fade theres more to come from him - he says he had another couple not yet sorted19:09
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* lcuk thought these were meant to be internal videos though19:11
housetierthen you should send him a message19:13
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lcuki did :)19:13
lcukthats how i know theres more19:13
lcukim not bothered that they are public19:14
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Stskeepsjohnx: any opinion on "SDK" then?19:22
* johnx rereads19:23
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johnxthat seems 100% reasonable19:26
Stskeepsdrew a bit inspiration from how it is with mobile development for windows mobile.. and that this is entirely plausible to make happen19:27
johnxit's pretty much the same with android19:28
RST38hAFAIK Windows Mobile requires you to use Studio .NET19:28
StskeepsRST38h: yeah, but it was the interaction of easy access to deploying to device and emulator i was talking of19:28
Stskeepsthey get a full windows mobile to deploy to in their emulators19:28
Stskeepsi don't care much for the studio .net part :P19:29
Stskeepsit should be as simple as what we discussed earlier19:29
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RST38hDo keep in mind that few people use emulators for debugging19:30
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RST38hThis stuff doesn't usually work well19:30
Stskeepsssh root@emulatedtablet gdb -p ;)19:30
Stskeepsssh root@emulatedtablet gdb binary pid.. i mean19:31
johnxRST38h, qemu is surprisingly precise in system mode19:31
RST38hWhy not ssh root@realtablet ?19:31
RST38hjohnx: Maemo SDK qemu crashes in Hildon file requester19:31
StskeepsRST38h: it should be just as simple, but not all people who develop for maemo may have a n900 or 770 etc19:31
RST38hjohnx: Should I say more?19:31
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johnxRST38h, qemu *system* is not the same as qemu *user mode*19:32
johnxthe user-level stuff is really neat, but not really complete sadly19:32
Stskeepsyeah, user mode one is crap19:32
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RST38hhmm, ok19:42
Stskeepsone emulates a linux kernel and processor and tries to run a binary, the other tries to emulate the full machine19:44
RST38hSo, hrw is using the second one19:44
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johnxthe second one is reliable enough to be a build machine19:45
hrwjohnx: you are insane - right?19:45
* johnx checks19:45
hrwusing qemu as build machine is plain crazy19:45
Stskeepsyet it will work19:46
RST38hout of academic interest, why?19:46
GeneralAntillesDamn that insane johnx.19:46
hrwRST38h: speed19:46
RST38hhrw: How does it compare speed-wise with the real thing?19:46
hrwn8x0 emulation takes lot of cpu power for hw emulation.19:46
* Stskeeps uses a qemu-arm that distcc's if it can to a cross-compilation toolchain19:46
hrwRST38h: slooooow basically19:46
RST38hLet us say, given a 2GHz Penryn?19:46
johnxscratchbox is a pain, I'd have to do tons of work to get the recipes in OE, and for building hildon in debian it's faster than building on an n8x019:46
johnx(on an A64): because of: more RAM (256MB) and faster IO19:47
hrwRST38h: I usually gave up after few minutes on my 2.4GHz core19:47
johnxwell, compared to building in OE it's quite painful, but I can just set it up and leave it overnight19:47
RST38hhrw: Isn't it translating ARM opcodes into Intel ones and running the translated code?19:48
hrwRST38h: if you want to use qemu to have 'native' arm build machine then emulate Versatile PB instead of N8x019:48
johnxhrw, that's what I was doing. sorry if I was misleading19:49
RST38hhrw: BTW, sb2 is broken again on Intrepid Ibex19:50
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hrwRST38h: I do not care at all about scratchbox maemo crap19:55
RST38hWell, I have to develop using *something*...19:56
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* RST38h finally finished watching Fatherland. Much, *much* better use of nazi uniforms than Starship Troopers, but why did they add a happy end?20:03
hrwRST38h: then use virtualbox/vmware with 8.04 for building?20:03
RST38hhrw: I am not perverted enough to go that far20:04
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||cwRST38h: why not?  you'd at least know you have a clean build environment20:10
||cwand there are premade vmware images to get you started20:11
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MouseyHAIL ERIS!!20:20
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biguphello there :)20:22
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kaieis there a generic sip application for n810? or is gizmo a generic one? I signed up for sipgate and assumed I'd be able to use gizmo to use it, but gizmo seems to be tied to their own service?20:24
kaieI'd like to make outgoing calls using sipgate20:25
bigupkaie: i'm using the default sip application which works great with the sip service on my ISP20:26
kaiebigup, what's the name of the default sip application?20:26
bigupkaie: don't know exactly, in the communication folder, click the "internet call" icon20:27
X-Fadekaie: rtcomm should work.20:27
X-FadeIt supports generic sip.20:27
kaiebigup, ah I missed that, thanks20:28
kaieX-Fade, will try, too, thanks!20:28
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bigupas for me i'm trying to find an application like mauku to read facebook status20:28
bigupi can't find another way than using the web browser to do it20:29
bigupand according to mauku page and feature request, facebook support is not planned20:29
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kaiebigup, is facebook interested in opening up their messaging to 3rd party apps, allowing to skip their ads?20:32
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Khertan_n810Hi !20:35
bigupkaie: no idea :(20:36
Khertan_n810we can t upload anymore directly to the autobuilder queue using scp ?20:36
biguphello Khertan_n81020:36
Khertan_n810hello bigup20:36
Khertan_n810ach ! a fransoziche !20:37
Khertan_n810(trahi par proxad)20:37
X-FadeKhertan_n810: Nothing was changed, so it should still work ;)20:37
bigupje vois ca :)20:38
Khertan_n810hum ... maybe my stupid fai20:38
bigupKhertan_n810: what isp?20:38
Khertan_n810they have block imap and smtp port20:38
Khertan_n810the french more stupid one : orange20:38
Khertan_n810(data phone connection)20:39
Khertan_n810scp use port 22 ?20:39
Khertan_n810right ?20:39
Khertan_n810hum ... i get an http response with a telnet on it20:40
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Khertan_n810for security reason ... blablabla20:40
Khertan_n810orange sucks !20:40
* RST38h has finally compiled full ARm simulator in MIPS assembly20:40
bigupi use free20:40
RST38htoo scared to test though =)20:40
Khertan_n810yep but free don t have any 3g data phone connection20:41
Khertan_n810at least not before many years20:41
Khertan_n810gov didn t approve the fourst operator licence20:41
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TPCanyone with scratchbox set up who can compile a small perl module for me?20:42
TPCI can't get scratchbox working here, and only need this oen module :/20:42
kaiebigup, the builtin internet call app works fine for me, thx20:43
Khertan_n810so now instead using efficiently network i overcharge it using all in http20:43
RST38hwhy would you need to compile perl?20:43
TPCit uses some c I think20:44
icebattleRST38h - how does MIPS asm compare with x86 for ease of development?20:44
TPCI tried installing the debian armel package, and it gives this error:20:44
TPCperl: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/perl5/auto/Term/ReadKey/ undefined symbol: Perl_Istack_sp_ptr20:44
bigupkaie: you're welcome20:44
woglindeicebattle mips is some father of risc20:44
woglindeicebattle you have more register and simpler commands20:44
bigupas for me i'm still trying to figure out how to grab facebook statuses20:44
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Khertan_n810facebook status ? what is it ?20:45
icebattleI've written java bytecode (RISC based) for fun, but figure MIPS might be fun too20:45
derfAlmost any asm development is easier than x86.20:45
lcukicebattle, its a lot nice in asm, you think less about the stack and more about manipulating the data20:45
* lcuk barfs on x8620:45
lcukhiya Khertan_n81020:46
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Khertan_n810hiya lcuk ...20:46
icebattleI hated writing asm for x86 prior to 386. in flat mode it's tolerable, though20:46
lcukold feelings..20:46
lcukKhertan, how have you been?20:46
Khertan_n810fine and you ?20:47
lcukstressed as always in the daytime20:47
Khertan_n810but a bit tired fighting against the world20:47
RST38hmoo, khertan, tooo20:47
lcukKhertan, sounds about right20:48
icebattleGuys, I tried the agps-ui to speed up gps on my 810, but it is still waaay slow. Does anyone know of any other potential fixes?20:48
Khertan_n810sound about stupid isp, stupid gov20:48
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bigupKhertan_n810: it's a service like twitter or mauku but on the facebook website20:48
lcukyou mean its a website20:48
RST38hicebattle: Have you verified that lat/lon you selected is close enough to your actual location?20:48
Khertan_n810bigup ... ah ... and you call that a service ? :)20:48
icebattleIt sux that my 810 takes minutes (like 15-20) to get initial fix, when my dumbass iPhone can do it in ten seconds20:49
lcuki have a website - can i get my liqbase status displayed on my tablet ?20:49
icebattlemy 800 with BT gps is also very quick, so I'm convinced there's something lower level at play20:49
woglindeicebattle ?????20:49
woglindeah gps20:49
lcukicebattle, its only very rarely that happens with me now, my gps works.  and the missus likes it when the american gps bloke talks20:49
Khertan_n810how can i say to svn to ignore some files in my work folder ?20:50
lcukKhertan_n810, don't you tell it specific files?20:50
lcukand it ignores all the rest20:50
woglindeKhertan_n810 yes20:50
lcukor do you just not want to update a certain few20:50
icebattlelcuk - you are using agps-ui for initial setup?20:50
woglindeKhertan_n810 svn propedit svn:ignore20:50
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Khertan_n810hum ... svn commit * is usefull20:50
woglindeand than its the same as cvs20:50
Khertan_n810thx i ll try20:50
lcukno - i just started putting it in the car and using it every day and night20:51
derfWhy not just svn commit, with nothing after it?20:51
lcukand only once have i got home and its not had a lock20:51
woglindebut be awaere you can then only commit a whole dir20:51
woglindenot this ignore file only20:51
lcuki use svn commit -m "reason"20:51
lcuki never do * :S20:51
icebattleinteresting. How long does it take to get the initial fix?20:51
woglindeor I didnt figure out yet how only commit the ignore changes only20:51
lcukmost days before i get down the street20:51
lcukother days its as far as the motorway20:52
Khertan_n810svn propedit svn:ignore20:52
Khertan_n810svn: Argument cible explicite requis20:52
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woglinde Khertan_n810 hms20:53
lcukKhertan, before you do anything else, take a complete backup20:53
woglindeI am waiting till he is comming again20:54
woglindeI forget the dir20:54
woglindesvn propedit svn:ignore ./20:54
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Khertan_n810sorry ... disconnected20:56
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woglindekhertan svn propedit svn:ignore ./20:57
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woglindesorry I missed the last argument20:57
woglindehas to be a directory20:57
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: <- more sane?20:58
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Khertan_n810thx woglinde20:59
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, indeed :)20:59
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Khertan_n810now i have all my tools on my tablette21:00
Khertan_n810an ide / svn / something to build packages with autobuilder21:01
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Khertan_n810just lack for an image editor21:01
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Khertan_n810to create icons :)21:01
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Khertan_n810leaving train21:02
Khertan_n810and taking my car ...21:02
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woglindehm he coud use gimp21:12
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lcuklol woglinde21:20
woglindelcuk what? *g*21:21
lcukkhertan is as mad as me - he does all development directly on his device, i only compile on mine21:21
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jegpanyone knows a wifi wep cracker for n800 ?21:30
RST38hThis channel is full of madmen tonight21:30
RST38hjegp: no21:30
woglindeRST38h yes21:30
woglindewaiting for years in the n80021:30
* RST38h swallows a live mouse and spits out the tail21:30
woglindedone it in 2 seconds21:30
woglindeon the pc21:31
qwerty12_N800RST38h, yum, give me the tail :)21:31
* LinuxCode gives RST38h indigestion tablets 21:31
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RST38hsee? madmen, all of you.21:32
RST38hrebooting the ICNexus thingie...21:33
bigupdoes anyone have any idea how to access facebook status update features or facebook itself without the web browser?21:33
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Raytraystatus have rss feed.21:33
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RaytrayPidgin can add a facebook chat account21:34
RaytrayNo problem. :)21:34
bigupi'm more interested in user statuses21:34
bigupa twitter liike feature21:35
RaytrayIf you have an rss reader you can get the status updates.21:35
bigupRaytray: i'm going to do that then21:35
bigupthanks :)21:35
RaytrayNo problem. :) If you need help finding the actual feed feel free to highlight me.21:36
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bigupRaytray: i'm trying :)21:37
bigupRaytray: wow, taht was hidden !21:40
RaytrayIt was easier to find on the older version. :)21:40
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bigupRaytray: what rss reader should i use? the default one or is another one better?21:42
RaytrayI don't read feeds on the tablets so I wouldn't know.21:43
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Stskeepsokay, so, all developers, people who are interested in Maemo as a platform either on tablets or on other places. - It currently contains a write up of a possible vision of a future open source base for the tablet OS Maemo. The wiki is meant as a place for making augmenting or change proposals or competing proposals for the individual parts, as to reach a consensus amongst developers both internal and external ...21:50
Stskeeps... to Nokia how they would like to form future Maemo OS'es. My interest currently is 1) for you to read it through 2) tell me if it's insane or sane or what I've done wrong/that you can't understand and 3) If it's of decent enough quality and idea as to that should put it to a larger audience at maemo-developers and that way try to gain the notice of Nokia for instance. 4) Contribute with a proposal if it's a topic you're interested in.21:50
Stskeepsidea/good enough idea21:50
Stskeepsthat i should put it to a larger audience :P21:50
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suihkulokkiStskeeps: in the boot area you might want to talk about uBoot, which exists and works on omaps. grub is kinda x86-oriented thing21:53
woglindesuihkulokki right21:53
Stskeepsalright - was mostly meant as the whole bootmenu menu.lst thing as a thing for that21:54
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lcukStskeeps, seems reasonable to me, i dont know enough specific to comment though21:57
Stskeepslcuk: ta - i guess your focus would be maybe be SDK and booting process (how to deal with when things screw up.)21:58
lcukyes, but i hate the cross compile scenarios as we discussed the other day, i realise they are a necessary evil, but stay as far away from them as possible21:59
Stskeepswell the idea is to have both ability to develop on tablet, with the aid of a computer, and on a computer21:59
woglindecross compile is a sane way for developing21:59
Stskeepsor on a computer with the aid of a tablet22:00
lcukon device compiling lets me feel the device and become comfortable with it22:00
lcukif you develop and build on a big fast machine emulated you do not get a true understanding of what its capable of22:00
suihkulokkibut you don't want to compile a beast like firefox on the tablet :)22:00
woglinde*g* wait for bigger projects and you will love crosscompile22:00
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suihkulokkiwhich would take ~20h on it :P22:00
lcukthen a beast like firefox is wrong in my eyes22:00
lcukfind a better way22:01
woglindehehe I once compiled X on a 20 mhz rs6000 machine22:01
woglindewhat a fun22:01
lcuksuihkulokki, firefox is a big fat desktop app expecting to live in a big fat desktop environment and was written with no respect for memory or cpu limitations22:01
suihkulokkiStskeeps: I think that doc exaggarates the differences between debian and ubuntu, they are really (at base os level) almost identical22:02
* RST38h wipes tears remembering rs600022:02
RST38hNothing like a good kick in the morning to make its hd spin up...22:02
Stskeepssuihkulokki: that's possible, i'll add a remark22:02
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I'd do away with the signatures.22:03
suihkulokkiif you want a ARMvX optimized debian, all you need is time (or many build machines, upstart is only missing because the debian maintainer for it is lazy :P)22:03
derfI remember trying to get to the lap early so I could work on the SGI that actually had 24-bit color.22:03
GeneralAntillesI'd rather see it presented as one unified vision.22:03
derfOnly one did, the rest were 8-bit.22:03
woglindelcuk and you will not compile qt4 on the nokia22:03
woglindethis last longer then firefox22:03
GeneralAntillesWe're not thinking in terms of OMAP2s here.22:04
lcuki may not compile every single little bit of qt4, but there has to be a coresubset of components required before you have the 17billion other files22:04
lcukthose will compile quickly22:04
woglindelcuk nope22:05
lcuki find it hard to believe that there is no core.  doesnt this thing stand on strong foundations?22:05
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woglindethe core needs the time of firefox22:06
woglindeand then you can run only very very minimal programss22:06
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: and then discussion page -> changes to vision?22:06
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, yeah.22:06
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lcukwoglinde, how long does it take to build on your system?22:08
GeneralAntillesYou're both right.22:08
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woglindelcuk hm one hour or so22:09
woglindeor 45 minutes22:09
woglindedidnt stop the time22:10
lcukthats quite a mammothbeast22:10
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* GeneralAntilles wonders if the table should be included in the policy:
Stskeepsno "user/other"? :(22:19
Stskeepsoh, there22:19
GeneralAntillesIt's not a valid category.22:21
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: changed page structure now, looks good enough?22:22
Stskeepsif so, i'll type up an e-mail for maemo-developers and lay a bit of bait out22:23
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HeManHi! Compared to the official release, what is not working on the HE releases of the 770 firmware?22:23
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, structure looks OK22:23
GeneralAntillesI'll copy-edit it right now.22:23
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GeneralAntillesWhew, there's the introduction. :P22:36
Stskeepscleaning up after a madman is tough :P22:38
GeneralAntillesIt's gonna be tasty when it's done, though. ;)22:38
GeneralAntillesI'm also making it a little more consumable for management types.22:38
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lcukOMG! the world is going to end22:57
GeneralAntillesAlright, through the boot process now.22:57
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, do you want to review these changes or should I just post 'em?22:57
qwerty12_N800lcuk, you drama queen :p22:58
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: just go ahead and post, i'll look at them in revision history22:58
* lcuk shifts focus to jaiku before the world ends22:58
Stskeepsswitching to another freenode server, sec22:59
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GeneralAntillesOK, I'm gonna do it section-by-section to make 'em easier to follow (and revert).22:59
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lcukqwerty, its not drama!  its real, cristel says22:59
qwerty12_N800aiiie :p22:59
lcuki suppose though its like when slashdot goes down - i actually get some work done23:00
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: so far looking good23:03
lcukok back later (good time to vanish)23:03
Stskeeps.. looking good so far. I'm like yoda, just without the force :P23:04
lcukbut you are little and speak funny23:04
lcukand live in a swamp23:04
Stskeepshehe. the last part isn't entirely inaccurate23:04
* GeneralAntilles had a quotebox template somewhere23:05
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l7any opinions on whether the i-Blue 757 is the best gps for an n800?23:14
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l7it's discounted to $65 USD now which looks rather nice23:14
derfWhat's the chipset in that?23:15
GeneralAntillesIt's a nice unit23:15
GeneralAntillesIt's a 737 with solar.23:15
derfYeah... anything with MTK should work fine.23:16
l7how does the datalogging feature work?23:17
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, OK, my eyes are bleeding23:18
GeneralAntillesI'll finish up later.23:18
l7can you press a button on it to mark waypoints?23:18
l7the 747 seems to have an obvious button for that feature23:18
GeneralAntillesNeither the 737 nor the 757 has internal storage.23:18
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: alright23:19
GeneralAntillesSo much less painful to create new content than editing old. :P23:20
l7looks like it's the 747 or 841 for waypoint storage then23:21
|rt|lol I just looked up the i-blue gps data logger and in the list of things that customers who bought this also bought is a nose and ear hair trimmer23:30
|rt|oh forgot to say on amazon23:30
l7 has a good listing23:31
l7i wonder if the 737 edition 2 is different23:31
l7i heard the 747 might have a few reception issues too23:31
|rt|are these things better than the build in gps on the n81023:32
l7yeah, i heard the built in gps is rather bad23:35
|rt|yeah it is23:35
l7too bad nokia messed that up23:35
|rt|I tried to use it on a flight this weekend and it worked for about 5 minutes on the flight23:35
|rt|so I have a bit of the flight path over phili but that's about it23:36
l7hrm, i'm surprised they let you use the GPS at all on the plane23:36
|rt|it was pretty cool when it was working....had the speed and altitude23:36
|rt|they probably don't "let" you but gps is a passive thing so I don't know how they would detect it23:36
|rt|I had the unit in offline mode23:36
derfMy MTK device works just fine from planes.23:37
kriebelthat doesn't turn off bluetooth?23:37
GeneralAntillesAs does mine.23:37
l7they have quite a few silyl rules anyway23:37
|rt|kriebel: internal gps isn't bluetooth23:37
l7derf: which MTK device do you have?23:37
kriebeloh... yeah23:37
derfl7: I don't even remember.23:37
|rt|offline mode does disable bluetooth and wi-fi though23:37
GeneralAntillesl7, depends on the airline.23:37
derfWait, it's in my pocket. iTrek M5+.23:38
l7ah neat23:38
derfAnd oops, I left it on. For the past 5 days.23:38
derfStill not low on battery.23:38
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