IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-10-29

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lbtI like the double click on the stars :)00:04
lcukdouble click?00:05
lcuklbt, jott keeps mentioning lqios00:06
lbtI thought double click brought up the butty00:06
lbtbutty it doesn't00:06
lcukits starting to wear in :)00:06
lcukheh, bacon only runs on the 2nd invocation of stars per session00:06
lcukso close and rerun00:06
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lbtdouble click on the next release :)00:06
lbtIt would make a superb launcher too00:07
lcukbut we are using a stylus00:07
lcukyes, quite a few people have remarked on that00:07
lbtdouble tap - one for each slice00:07
lcukthe only problem so far is closing and reopening after app is finished00:07
lcukill have to look00:07
lcukheh, its only bacon00:07
lcukyou dont have bread :P00:07
lbt's OK I like it crunchy00:07
lcuki will have a look at just closing the XV window and minimizing the x11 window00:07
lcukincase the user wants to run mplayer or something :)00:08
lcuksome days i curse having to hack it all like this00:08
lcukbut other days i scratch at my screen in wonderment at how well it operates ;)00:09
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lbtwould a window of images scroll as smoothly as a window of text?00:09
lcukscratching at my screen - thats the description i couldnt find the word for in my presenetation00:09
lcukgo into options00:09
lcukblit test00:09
lcukthen press +- hardware buttons00:10
lcukit does normal blits of images00:10
lcukand after you scaled it stretchblits00:10
lcukso yes00:10
lbtand did you get the variable scaling working at all?00:11
* lcuk missed a trick there - i should have scaled once, stored the result then just used the faster standard blit00:11
lcukwhat do you mean variable?  as in stretchblit?00:11
lbtthe cheap 'lens' effect00:11
lcukheh not yet :)00:11
lcukbut i have ideas and it will come00:11
lbtyes - but variable across the screen?00:11
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lcuknot yet00:12
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lcukare you running it now on your nokia?00:13
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lcuki just realised, the default installed version starts at 640*480 - all images are using stretchblit to begin with at that resolution00:13
lcukits actually faster at scrolling the images at 800*48000:13
lbtas it happens I went to 800x48000:14
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lcukyeah, its what i use - i had to knock it down though because *some* tablets exhibit a strange effect the first time you run after a reboot00:14
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lcukclosing liqbase and rerunning magically makes it work00:15
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lbtapt-get source liqbase doesn't work...00:19
lcukoooer, i sent the source to them as part fo the extras thing, and its live in the garage00:19
qwerty12_N80Olcuk, did you promote the source too?00:20
lcukand im sure its buildable from that source because I commit from the tablet, clean down vmware and update to latest and build package there00:20
lcukprobably not :$00:20
lbtI'd have thought it would have gone there as part of the autobuilder...00:21
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* lcuk didnt know i had to - i thought users might get it listed00:21
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lcuklbt, qwerty is right00:21
lcukit is all in extras-devel but i dont tihnk i promoted the source00:21
lbtno probs :)00:22
* lcuk is doing it now :)00:22
lcukalright ive added them00:23
lcukill know in future, thanks for the heads up again qwerty00:23
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lbtOK - gotta go - hopefully I'll be back a little more often in the future :)00:24
* qwerty12_N80O so needs a dark os2008 theme that isn't as radical as lcars00:24
lcukalright lbt, good to see you still about00:24
lbtcheers all - g'nite...00:24
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RST38hqwerty: The iPhone theme!00:29
* RST38h waits for somebody to throw up00:30
* lcuk uses badly rendered marble as his theme00:30
qwerty12_N80ORST38h, heh :p. i'll see if i can mess with  konttori's theme maker enough to produce me a port of the os2007 appleenvy theme00:31
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Pavlovis there a fast mirror somewhere?00:36
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lardmanah, so metromap is a port:
lardmanwith a fair few maps too:
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fish_the audio output of the nokia 770 should be switched from speaker to headphones if i plug them in, right? by hardware i guess? something is wrong here, i have no audio on my headphones.. :/01:12
lardmansoftware switch actually01:13
lardmanthough it should happen automatically01:14
lardmanshould be a sysfs entry to can write to to change that iirc01:14
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fish_lardman: ah thanks, thats a good hint01:15
fish_i have /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/speaker/connection_switch which always stats 'disconnected'01:17
lardman /sys/devices/platform/ gpio-switch/headphone/state01:17
lardmanminus the space in the middle of course01:17
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fish_lardman: nope, i dont have that file but switching the output via echo connected > /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/speaker/connection_switch works01:20
fish_maybe i have no state file and the auto-switching doesn't work because i'm runnung the OS07 hacker edition01:21
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lardmanfish_: that may be on a later kernel anyway, I don't know (I think it was for an n800, no idea what sw release though)01:23
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lardmanyou can switch though?01:23
lardmanso the hw isn't broken01:23
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Pavlovis there a faster mirror?01:32
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lardmanI don't think there are any mirrors at all01:34
hellwolfHow to make the media player support ogg/flac et01:36
lardmanwhat am I, an Oracle? ;)01:36
lardmanhellwolf: there's an ogg support package in extras, install that01:36
lardmanhellwolf: not sure about flac, but there is a flac decoder dsp task in Garage01:36
hellwolflardman, I saw a lot of ogg related things, but I don't know which one to install01:37
lardmanhellwolf: nor do I01:38
lardmanhellwolf: try the wiki, I seem to remember there being a page there01:38
lardmanor try itt01:38
lardmanwhere itt is of course:01:44
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, itt is the forums on ( )01:44
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lcuklardman, yes01:47
lcukcan you tell me where one of my socks is - tracy is goin ape at me cos theres one missing01:48
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* lcuk personally thinks it got up and walked01:48
lardmanyes, mine tend to walk away from the landry basket01:48
lardmando you have a compass?01:48
lardmanbearing 014 degrees, 4 metres01:49
lcuk:D ahhh cool - i wonder how it got into nextdoor's bedroom though01:49
lardmanyou don't place them in glass jars to stop them melting through floors/walls?01:50
lcukno, the glass tends to still bend01:50
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lcuki have a stasis field01:50
lcukit keeps them fresh :D01:50
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lcuki think for the first time in months i am relaxed01:51
lardmanqwerty12_N80O: you about London boy?01:52
lardmanI've got lots on this week, annoyingly it's taking longer than I hoped01:52
lcukday work or another one of your little projects?01:53
lardmanyeah day job, far too many little projects to do in my spare time too!01:53
lcukyeah know that feeling, our main client just came back and asked for something that was ruled out on day 101:54
lcukluckily i expected it and coded accordingly01:54
lardmanpre-emptive coding01:55
lcukmore a case of coding generally and not tying myself to one specific path too early - the changes essentially involve me reading a diff listing and applying the changes01:56
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lcukim in 2 minds about the icons in liqbase01:56
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lcuk   i added the method to put them in, but now they are there is less usable01:58
lardmanno idea from me I'm afraid01:58
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lcuknp, just thinkin out loud really :P01:59
lcuklardman, this one will though:
lcuki want a proper library :P02:01
lardmanbarcode scanning :)02:02
lardmanyou want a barcode scanning library?02:03
lcukcould do with a proper on02:03
lardmanyes, I think that would be worth doing02:03
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lcukyeah, at present all i am doing is recognising that ive got white bars and all greyscale in between02:04
lcukand then stretch blitting that block of pixels into a strip of 85 chars02:04
lcukand doing some simplistic filtering to try and get things02:05
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lcuki have no idea if the codes are valid or anything02:05
lcukhence library time - its not my forte02:05
lardmanI'm planning on doing some more work on maemo-barcode asap02:05
lardmanI see no reason not to produce some sort of backend library that other apps can use too02:06
lcukyeah, well this is sitting waiting - ive made a barcode icon in liqbase camera, tap it and it engages any barcode02:06
lardmanand the dsp-jpeg stuff02:06
lardmanyou're filling up my free time far too quickly!02:06
lcukheh seriously no rush on dsp, that is just wishlisty02:07
lcukbut i can see practical things for the barcode, as you have said yourself02:07
lardmanyou know the barcode stuff is pretty well contained in one file?02:07
lardmanfor 1D barcodes that is02:08
lcuki never jumped in that far, and i know nothing about libraries02:08
lcukyeah - how would we handle rotated barcodes02:08
lardmandepends how far it's been rotated02:08
lcuki mean proper full 360deg support02:09
lardmanfor 1D barcodes, they can rotate quite a long way and still be readable02:09
lardmanhmm, not somehting I'm too interested in tbh02:09
lcuki was toying with the idea of using it not as a barcode, but as a joystick02:09
lcukrecognise the cube and get its orientation and scale from that02:09
lardmanThat's another interesting idea, quick image correlation,e tc.,02:09
lcukand then position things02:09
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lcukand btw, look at that image - thats taken at 320*240 - from your professional eye, is there enough resolution to grab a valid code from it02:10
lcukeven if we have to move slightly closer02:10
GeneralAntilleslardman, well, there are lots of mirrors.02:10
GeneralAntillesThe Akamai network, for instance. :P02:10
lcukmornin GeneralAntilles02:10
lardmanprobably want it a bit closer02:10
lardmanGeneralAntilles: of the repos?02:11
lcukahhh then i lose focus02:11
lardmanmore light02:11
lcukok, ill work something out - i might grab the checksum side of the code and see if i can identify valid blocks02:11
lcukyes! the semi flash idea - ill ensure a white block remains in the corner02:11
lcukdoh!   that explains why i couldnt scan a small section of any barcode  - the red LED was shining back and tinting the barcode - it scans for greyscale specificall02:12
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GeneralAntillesGeneralAntilles, yes, there's a giant network of servers mirror repository.maemo.org02:13
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lardmanhmm, he's talking to himself....02:13
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GeneralAntillesNobody actually accesses repository.maemo.org02:13
lardmanfair enough02:13
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lardmantime for bed02:15
lardmannight cha[s02:15
lardmanchaps even02:15
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lcukGeneralAntilles, have you seen the guy who wants to move task bar02:16
lcukdo you want to (tongue in cheek of course) want to tell him to simply rotate his nokia02:16
lcukyou have such a way with words that i cannot manage02:16
lcukyou answer so quickly lol02:17
* GeneralAntilles just got home and hasn't caught up.02:18
lcukerrr -dev i think02:18
GeneralAntillesOh, -users02:18
GeneralAntillesI wasn't paying much attention02:18
lcukheh, i just saw you rip through people who i deliberated for ages to try and explain to02:18
GeneralAntillesAny thread Mark is involved in I try to avoid responding in detail to.02:19
lcukany -user thread normally ends up skipping my inbox02:19
GeneralAntillesHehe, lcuk's shakily holding a 9mm at the guy and I sprint onscreen from the left with a sword and cut 'im in two? :P02:19
lcukit only remained (and I thought it was -dev) because he mentioned liqbase02:20
lcukyeah gen, thats it to a tee02:20
johnxGeneralAntilles, actually the benq is running moblin aka maemo IIRC02:21
GeneralAntillesMoblin certainly isn't Maemo02:21
johnxGeneralAntilles, well it's certainly hildon02:21
GeneralAntillesDespite whatever allnameswereout may think, I lost my desire to coddle and spoon feed most people directly from working to help them in helpdesk like situations.02:21
GeneralAntillesWhich really doesn't make it Maemo02:22
GeneralAntillesbut what, in particular, are you responding to?02:22
johnxfair enough, I suppose02:22
GeneralAntillesI mean, ArchLinux aka Debian because both can run LXDE?02:22
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johnxnah, but it's fair to talk about maemo on a gnome list in certain circumstances because one is derived from the other02:23
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GeneralAntillesFor anybody who missed mvo's reply:
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johnxw00! That is the most heartening Nokia reponse in that whole exchange02:38
pupniky'all are cool02:38
pupnikhow are you, johnx?02:38
johnxpretty good. and you?02:38
GeneralAntillesjohnx, well, I don't doubt there are a lot of people in Maemo Software pushing in that direction02:39
GeneralAntillesI don't think most of them want to talk about it in public, though.02:39
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johnxGeneralAntilles, I *did* doubt that before I saw that response though02:39
pupnikthinking about work, economy etc.  hard to think about tablets atm.02:39
GeneralAntillesjohnx, that's too bad.02:39
johnxGeneralAntilles, I'm not very optimistic about companies handling Linux-based devices (example: zaurus)02:40
GeneralAntillesThe issue has always been more of a management one.02:40
pupnikhas kotczarny been around in the last 4 weeks or so?02:40
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pupniki suppose i could google that...02:40
GeneralAntilles:shudders: Maybe at the outside edge of 4 weeks.02:40
lcukpupnik, not in here, but i was speaking to him earlier02:41
AStormI can see no Xournal im maemo-extras02:41
GeneralAntilles~seen KotCzarny02:41
infobotkotczarny <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 26d 14h 49m 38s ago, saying: 'nite nite'.02:41
AStormsomeone has lied to me02:41
pupnikheh, what's up with him lcuk?02:41
lcukwhen did you last see him?02:41
pupnikdon't ask me questions like that02:42
pupnika lifetime ago..02:42
lcukheh, i meant speak to him02:42
lcukhes in #liqbase02:42
pupniklong time.  just wondering if he was intere...ahhh02:42
GeneralAntillesOh, and about the economy. It's time to start squirreling away supplies and getting ready to hole up, pupnik. ;)02:42
AStormGeneralAntilles, it's not getting found!02:43
GeneralAntillesAStorm, are you missing one of either: Chinook Extras or Diablo Extras-devel?02:43
AStormGeneralAntilles, ahh, extral-devel02:43
AStormthat version is unusable02:43
AStormit has to die02:43
AStormI want a usable build, for diablo02:44
GeneralAntillesChinook Extras02:44
AStormwith less crashes and more speed than chinook one02:44
GeneralAntillesThen get to building.02:44
AStormand you'll pay me?02:44
GeneralAntillesI don't use Xournal02:44
GeneralAntillesWhy would I pay for software I don't use?02:45
AStormI'll gbrab maemopad+ instead02:45
lcukAStorm, what kind of sketching are you after02:45
AStormgood sketching, as note taking02:46
lcukcos liqbase does the business for me02:46
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lcukand it includes a big fat berlin presentation to see02:46
AStorma pds02:47
AStormlcuk, offline please?02:47
AStormand not slow., able to handle 40-90 pages02:47
lcukliqbase is entirely offline02:47
lcukwatch the video02:47
lcukyou WILL be surprised02:47
lcukits VERY quick02:47
AStormfor maemo, right?02:48
lcuki take notes with it all day02:48
GeneralAntillesHrm, Overo's out I guess.02:48
GeneralAntilles256MB RAM, 256MB NAND02:48
AStorma kind of categorization mpad+ has is nice02:48
AStormalthough not essential02:48
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lcukastorm, tagging and grouping not yet in place, but i just browse through and review what ive done often02:50
AStormis it an app written by you?02:51
lcukthe first video is my summit presentation02:51
AStormok, I'm sold02:51
lcukits in diablo extras, but if you need it for older let me know ill try and rustle something up02:51
AStormno no, diablo is very ok02:53
AStormwill check it out in a sec02:53
AStormbut I'll reinstall xournal first02:54
lcuknp :)02:54
AStormxournal has problems with 20 or so pages, which is fail02:55
GeneralAntillesSomebody needs to stick a native interface on this:
AStormnot so fast this drawing :P02:57
lcukwhich drawing? liqbase02:58
lcukgo into options and up the cpu...02:58
lcuk"performance" does exactly what it says02:58
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AStormcouldn't ondemand with toggle for performance preferrence work as well?03:01
AStorm(by default it prefers powersaving)03:01
AStormbtw, screen doesn't refresh on switch until some event happens03:02
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lcukon switch hmmm ahhh you mean when it blanks03:02
lcukyeah its noted as a bug03:02
lcukondemand DOES go upto full speed - but my drawing routine is too fast and keeps the cpu under 40% when in use03:03
lcukso the cpu clocks back down03:03
lcuki could work round it and stay in ondemand by simply drawing the screen multiple times per frame03:04
lcukbut thats wasteful03:04
lcukand performance is so much crisper in the rest of maemo as well ;)03:04
lcukGeneralAntilles, whats wrong with that screenshot you pasted?03:05
lcukits already in maemo03:05
AStormlcuk, what abt conservative?03:07
lcukpowersave is just slower03:07
AStormwith and w/o powersaving bias :)03:07
lcukits workable, but lower the resolution03:07
AStormconservative != powersave03:08
AStormconserv. iks slow ondemand03:08
lcukahhh, whats the diff - cos i noticed only 3 primary modes03:08
AStormswitches slower and step by step03:08
lcukthe 3 i put in were the main ones that had a definable difference03:08
lcukits fairly simple to implement, i just didnt think i needed the others03:09
AStormconservative has a number of thresholds to tuune03:12
AStormseparate down/up, for instance03:12
lcukill have a readup about it AStorm03:14
AStormdefault 80/20 up/down03:14
lcukheh, liqbase will probably still fall under it03:14
GAN800lcuk, look at the widgets03:15
GAN800it's easy Debian03:15
lcukyeah gen, ahhh you mean hildonization03:15
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GAN800Yeah . . . native.03:15
lcuksorry misunderstood03:16
lcuki glanced at first and saw it running in maemo03:16
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pupnikit's like constant orgasm to have internet everywhere :)03:22
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tank-manyou become a walking google proxy of information?03:46
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l7having internet every with my tablet is a bit of an overstatement03:48
l7wifi coverage is rather hit or miss.  i wonder if pupnik has wimax03:49
l7also, i wish the browser was a bit faster... even turning off all extensions and javascript it still seems slow03:49
l7could be the wifi of course03:49
johnxwell it can only speed up from here :)03:49
lcukno, just sits near a hotspot03:49
l7maybe turning off images would help03:50
johnxthere's a lot of performance improvements in upstream firefox that need to get merged in03:50
l7which firefox? fenec or another build of microb?03:50
johnxmicrob is based on an old version of ff303:50
l7are there any other tweaks one can apply to speed up browsing on the tablets?03:51
johnxyou can play with cache size and number of simultaneous connections03:51
johnxthere are a couple posts about it on ITT03:51
johnxalso, try and limit how many windows you have open and apps running at the same time03:52
lcuki would like to see a ground up implementation of a browser03:52
johnxthat's kind of a lot of work I gather03:52
lcuk:) ive never been one to shy away03:52
lcukstart simple, work up from there03:52
johnxthe problem is a simple browser isn't really usable03:53
l7yeah, i shut everything down when trying to browse03:53
johnxat least in this era :)03:53
lcukdepends upon purpose - for html books its perfect03:53
l7i have to say the mytube client really rocks though03:53
l7it's fast and stable and doesn't freeze the machine while downloading stuff like gpodder or canola03:53
johnxbut that's not a browser, it's an ebook reader like fbreader03:53
lcukfor jazzy css encrusted multifaceted workhorse i agree03:54
l7i guess craigslist could be reasonably fast on the tablet03:54
lcukthe problem with the current browser isnt that its slow persay03:54
l7handy for posting missed connections i guess03:54
lcukits that it feels slow03:54
johnxlcuk, surf with dillo2 or links2 graphical mode for a bit and tell me how fun it is :)03:54
johnxwell, the other problem is that it's slow...03:55
l7the other thing is that when you're outside trying to browse a bit before the bus comes or something, you really want things to load quickly03:56
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l7if you're a library or cafe though, it's not such a bit deal03:56
l7or sitting in your car, etc03:56
johnxactually, what I really care about most is my RSS reader refreshing quickly, but I get your point03:56
l7what rss feeds do you want to keep up with on the go?03:57
johnxbasically a whole bunch of tech news03:57
l7i guess it's a fun break at work or school, maybe :)03:57
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johnxjust basic on-the-bus reading material :)03:57
SDuensinEveryone get today?  If not, HURRY!03:58
l7yeah, i wish i could tell the RSS reader not to delete all my reading material so quickly03:58
l7maybe, the other RSS reader in extras likes to retain things better03:58
johnxfeed circuit? yeah, I need to try it03:59
l7Main Website Temporarily Offline?03:59
SDuensinl7 - They got slammed.  :-)03:59
tank-manMain Website turn on!03:59
l7what was the main codeweavers article about?04:01
SDuensinFree CrossOver - today only!04:01
l7hrm, all of it?04:02
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SDuensinYea, all of it!  An entire year subscription to their Pro product, which includes Games and reduced prices on subscription renewals.04:02
SDuensinWatch the video.  :-)04:02
l7that's crazy04:03
SDuensinBut download the toys and sign up for serials!04:03
l7i guess that's marketing for you04:03
SDuensinYes.  It is!04:03
l7thanks for the link though :)04:03
* SDuensin is an owner of CO Mac Pro. Nice to get the Linux one.04:03
l7can you request both mac and linux serials for the same email account?04:04
AStormlcuk, ondemand with up_threshold of 20 is great04:05
AStormmaybe 2504:05
AStormhmm, I'd stgill like conservative more04:05
AStormbut can't get a good setting04:05
AStormconservative uses all the freqs04:06
AStormthe problem with it is that unlike ondemand, its  sampling rate is too slow04:07
AStormit has more tunables, which we can't use, as sampling of 0.5s is too slow04:08
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AStormondemand uses 0.172s04:09
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l7weird, crossover is a 25 meg shell script for linux04:18
SDuensinSelf-extracting archive.04:18
AStormok, good setting for ondemand is 40 for up_threshold04:18
AStormmakes it match activity well04:19
AStormmaybe even 5004:19
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AStormas high as it doesn't affect speed :)04:20
AStorm80 is too high :)04:20
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l7craigslist is fast on the tablet at least05:02
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fiekiacan i move my system directories from the 256 to the 2gb?05:53
johnxfiekia, yes05:54
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fiekiaoh wow, that works too05:55
johnxthe 2GB is essentially an sd card soldered onto the n810's circuit board :)05:55
fiekiaright i knew that much05:56
fiekiait seems slow though, maybe the removable would be faster?05:57
fiekiaanyone know what class the internal is?05:57
fiekiaerr, if someone responded, i didnt get it06:00
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johnxno one responded06:00
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johnxI'd answer but I have an n80006:01
johnxsome people probably benchmarked it on itt. you could at least run the same benchmark and see how your speeds line up:
fiekiaill look into that06:02
fiekiai might try to get ubuntu mobile working now that i know i can boot to flash06:03
fiekiawill be on later06:03
johnxfiekia, check deblet out :)06:03
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AStormhey again08:09
johnxhallo :)08:09
AStormwhere should I add my ondemand settings to set them on startup?08:09
GeneralAntillesIt's ondemand by default. . . .08:10
AStormbut with 80% up_threshold08:11
AStormnot 50% with powersave bias08:11
johnxhijack a random file under /etc/rc2.d or make your own08:11
AStormwhich means much less responsive and laggier08:11
johnxsadly os2008 has no /etc/rc.local which would be the *right* place for a one-liner08:12
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, bug?08:12
johnxGeneralAntilles, probably the result of a package they left out08:13
johnxI'll check in a sec08:13
AStormjohnx, two-liner :)08:13
GeneralAntillesEither way, have you filed a bug?08:13
johnxno, I have not, yet08:13
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* GeneralAntilles is cold.08:15
johnxeverytime someone doesn't file a bug, you die a little inside?08:15
GeneralAntillesNah, it's below freezing outside and I refuse to turn on the heater.08:16
johnxholy craps. It's 68F here08:16
GeneralAntillesBut I will take away their right to complain until they do. :P08:16
johnxGeneralAntilles, I think it's the result of an architecture choice08:16
GeneralAntillesFair enough, but it would be nice to at least have some sort of explanation08:17
AStormhow do I add the script to the runlevel?08:17
AStormsome command, or old-school ln -s?08:18
johnxah, just do ln -s08:18
johnxthere's a maemo services control panel plugin though if you want to do it the fancy GUI way08:18
GeneralAntillesand since there seems to be more than a few people wanting to add scripts to the startup, and thanks to the brittleness of Maemo's boot procedure, it's probably better to not have them messing around where things can break easily.08:18
johnxrc.local is just as likely to break things08:19
johnxin fact it's probably better to have it be a little scary instead of really accessible :)08:19
qwerty12_N80OAStorm, The original ondemamd setting is set by initfs and kernel so you can remount one rw amd recompile the other :p08:19
qwerty12_N80Ohi everyone08:19
AStormyeah right08:19
AStormas if I have time for that08:19
johnxmoreover, I think not having initscripts (the package including rc.local) is the *right* architectural choice if it's not needed, which it appears not to be08:20
AStormmy Gentoo stint is scheduled for later08:20
johnxah, shove your changed in /mnt/initfs/linuxrc08:21
johnxthat seems like the most "right: place if you're into that sort of thing08:22
AStormwell, Nokia shnould consider it to be default08:23
AStormimproves perfomance multiple-fold08:24
johnxwell then talk to them, by all means :)08:24
AStormnot sure if how much battery life it costs08:24
AStormnone at idle at least08:24
johnxup_threshhold 80 is the generic cpufreq default, right?08:24
johnxthey'd prpbably welcome suggestions then08:25
AStormmaybe :)08:25
AStormaccording to my log, this setting neatly uses cpu when needed08:26
johnxanyways, I'm off into the real world. 'later08:27
AStormwhen usage is over 50% current, yes08:27
* Pavlov perks up at multiple-fold performance improvements08:27
AStormearlier setting was far too close to powersave :)08:27
* GeneralAntilles sells Pavlov an N810 CPU upgrade kit.08:28
Pavlovif you want to put an cortex-a9 in my n810 i'll put it in the mail _right now_08:29
* GeneralAntilles drools.08:29
GeneralAntillesHandheld computing is going to be something else in a few years.08:29
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Pavlovwould be fun to get a multicore cortex-a908:30
Pavlovnot sure what i'd do with it08:30
Pavlovbut i'd find something!08:31
GeneralAntillesSomebody should wedge an Overo into an N800.08:31
Pavlovi should hook up an eink screen to my broken n81008:31
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GeneralAntillesHrm, does the Mugen battery actually have a separate battery cover or is the battery the cover?08:32
qwerty12_N80Oseparate cover iirc08:32
GeneralAntillesThat leaves plenty of room to scramble up the insides to put an Overo in.08:32
qwerty12_N80Obenson wedged a mugen into his n80008:33
qwerty12_N80Oyerga, if noone else does it, i'll upload octave08:34
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AStormI'd hack more memory into n810... possible?08:38
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AStormas in RAM08:41
AStormI suspect it uses some cheap chip08:41
qwerty12_N80Ohehe, according to08:42
qwerty12_N80Othis, it's combo ddr :p08:42
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ryoohkiis there any way to get libhildonfm2 1:2.0.2 for the wimax edition?08:42
qwerty12_N80Ostupid h-i-m08:43
ryoohkialso, is there any difference between the wimaxpre release and the version being sold now?08:43
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qwerty12_N80Otell the person to update their program. 1:2.0.2 is old ass08:44
ryoohkiqwerty12_N80O: skype and many othe programs require it08:46
qwerty12_N80Ohmm, that's odd. what version is your tablet at the moment?08:46
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ryoohkiqwerty12_N80O: it the OS2008 0.2008.14-908:47
qwerty12_N80Othat's pretty old. i'm running 4,2008.36-5 here. see if you can update it or something08:48
ryoohkiqwerty12_N80O: is that a wimax 810?08:49
AStormhave this and test your cpufreq08:49
qwerty12_N80Oryoohki, plain n80008:49
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AStormwimax n810 should be running latest chinook08:50
AStormor diablo even08:50
ryoohkiAStorm: when will dialo be available foor it?08:50
AStormit is already08:51
AStormfor n800, obviously not08:51
qwerty12_N80OAStorm, that pastebbin's plaintext sucks ;)08:52
AStormit sends utf-808:52
qwerty12_N80Oi wgetted it and it sent it with CRLF >.<08:52
ryoohkiAStorm: latest diablo available for n80008:53
AStormryoohki, there's none08:53
AStormand it will take time I suspect08:53
ryoohkihow can i know chinook from diablo?08:54
AStormI'm runnung Version: 4.2008.36-5 on my n81008:54
AStormthis is diablo, .34 is chinook08:54
AStormor something08:54
qwerty12_N80Ono, 2.2007 is chinook08:54
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AStormah right08:55
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ryoohkihow can one know the hw version?08:55
AStormryoohki, hw? as in n810 wimax or not?08:55
AStormI'd try Control Panel->About product08:56
ryoohkiAStorm: not the sw version but the hw version.  some things have hw versions08:56
AStormit's mentioned in the box08:57
qwerty12_N80Owimax n810 = rx-4808:57
AStormon top08:57
AStormyes, that too08:57
AStormand diablo tells about wimax too08:57
ryoohkithere must not be a new sw update for it08:57
qwerty12_N80Ocheck with the windows flasher, it's got the upper hand over tablets-dev anyway08:59
ryoohkiwhen i look for firmware updates, it say my 12 digit code is wrong but it's typed in carefully08:59
GeneralAntillesryoohki, where?09:01
GeneralAntillesNowhere where you would put in a MAC has FIASCO images for the RX-4809:01
ryoohkii'm in san jose, ca09:02
GeneralAntillesWhere did you type in the MAC address.09:03
ryoohkiGA: huh?09:03
GeneralAntillesThe 12-digit code.09:03
ryoohkiin the nokia firmware download page09:03
AStormryoohki, which page?09:04
GeneralAntillesThere are several09:04
AStormyou've tried to dl n810 firmware I guess09:04
AStormnot wimax n81009:04
AStormryoohki, WRONG page09:05
GeneralAntillesryoohki, the WiMAX edition firmware isn't available yet.09:05
AStormI wonder why09:05
GeneralAntillesBut it doesn't really matter, because A. It probably ships with the latest firmware anyway, and B. Software updates are done through the Application Manager now anyway.09:05
AStormthere are tons of wimax fixes in latest diablo09:06
GeneralAntillesAStorm, I dunno, we're missing 30-2 and 36-5 for RX-34 and RX-44, too.09:06
AStorm36-5 is ok09:06
GeneralAntillesMarcell and Quim have been poking the relevant people, anyway.09:06
AStormthat's SSU-able09:06
AStormqwerty12_N80O, liked the script?09:07
ryoohkihow do i set up ssu on the n810?09:08
ryoohkiis it set up like that already?09:08
GeneralAntillesIt'll notify you of updates.09:08
AStormit is enabled in newer systems, yes09:08
GeneralAntillesHrm, anybody happen to have the flashing statusbar update icon they could take a screenshot of for me?09:08
AStormincluding kernel and initfs upgrade09:09
qwerty12_N80OAStorm, haven't run it yet. i'll wait 'till i'm a computer to change it because i hate copy + paste on the n80009:09
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AStormthen wget the url with /txt09:09
AStorm - this09:09
qwerty12_N80Oi did and that's where the crlf stuff comes from.09:10
AStormjmust use http 1.109:10
ryoohkigood night09:10
AStormqwerty12_N80O, it uses host detection, use http 1.1 of wget09:10
AStormor the browser09:10
AStormlife's good with a nice data plan :)09:17
AStormbut I'd prefer an n810-turned-iphone :)09:18
AStormone less piece of junk to carry in my pocket09:18
AStorm(obviously, it'd need voice, video, sms and mms soft)09:19
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AStormand brobably a tiny bit more cpu09:21
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vincenzo88Hello !09:22
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* Stskeeps yawns09:29
AStormit's contagious!09:29
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AStormbtw, does anyone around has a list of baud rates accepted by Linux?09:38
AStormI need one for ppp over usb09:38
Stskeepsthe usual? :P09:39
Stskeeps115200 is a good shot? :P09:39
Stskeepsto test with atleast09:39
AStormno, it's too low09:39
AStormthat gives 120 kB/s09:39
Stskeepswe speaking ppp over usb-serial or?09:39
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AStormas in cdc_acm modem09:40
Stskeepsgood question really O_o09:41
Stskeepsi'm not sure how low level it emulates a serial line09:41
Stskeepscos i've seen places the baud is irrelevant for usb09:41
AStormit is relevant09:42
AStormthe device connected to usb dongle might not be fast enough to handle high baud rate09:42
AStormi've set it to 921600 for now09:42
AStormwhich is above max 7.2Mb available from hsdpa09:43
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AStormnot that my current cellphone can handle anything more than 3.6Mb09:45
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AStormand also I'd have to be very lucky to even hit that speed :>09:47
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RST38hmoo again09:51
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AStormit seems the 266 MHz speed is shunned by apps :>10:02
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AStormI'll try with a slightly higher threshold10:04
AStorm(than 50)10:04
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JaffaMorning, all10:18
Stskeepsmorning, Jaffa10:19
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, think we should try to get Nokia to generate some icons for the categories?10:32
JaffaYeah :-)10:33
GeneralAntillesWill be a lot better integrated than a random GNOME or KDE theme.10:34
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Macerok. is there another web browser for diablo other than microb?10:36
Maceri'd love something that supported zimbra and rendered it correctly10:37
Macerhavent tried it10:37
`0660though i don't think it's ready for day to day use yet10:37
Macercan you point me towards a project page?10:38
aquatixgoogle mozilla fennec10:38
Macermicrob is kinda killing me w/ zimbra10:38
aquatixMacer: too slow?10:38
Macerneed to access the briefcases10:39
Macerno.. rendering is bad10:39
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Macerit doesnt place frames in the correct place in ajax/advanced mode10:39
Macerforces the content frames to the left where the list panes are10:40
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Macerso my email list is behind the folder menus on the left10:41
aquatixmight be because of the screen size10:41
Macerdeblet + Iceweasel10:41
Macerwork just fine w/ same size10:41
Macerit it an obvious rendering problem10:42
aquatixah, i see10:42
aquatixwell, try fennec :)10:42
Macerfennec tho huh?10:42
Macerwhere can i get it?10:42
aquatix!google maemo fennec10:42
Macertnx.. looking for fennec on google now trying to find out where to dl10:44
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aquatixMacer: that has a small howto10:45
qwerty12 - haha, 77kb my arse10:45
aquatixit actually takes more than those 77KB showed, as it's also installing xulrunner10:45
aquatixqwerty12: ;)10:45
aquatixqwerty12: actually, fennec *is* 77KB :)10:45
aquatixxulrunner is 26MB though ;)10:45
qwerty12aquatix: I know that ;) but if xulrunner is a dependency, then in the end, it's a hell of a lot more than 77kb10:46
aquatixi LOL'ed too when i did that howto10:46
GeneralAntillesMacer, did you file a bug?10:47
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MacerGeneralAntilles no but i will soon10:58
Maceralthough it may be the zimbra side of things10:58
Macerthanks a ton aquatix .. will let you know how it goes10:59
X-Fadelcuk: Nice video! :)11:00
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* Jaffa despairs at a thread on ITT: "Just here! my new Reopository for chinook" - I hope it's an old thread which has just had some activity11:07
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JaffaAh, phew. It is.11:10
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aquatixJaffa: :)11:14
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Macerfennec renders the email correctly11:19
Macerbut messes up for the briefcases :)11:20
Macerno wait11:21
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Macerit renders just as bad as microb11:21
Macermaybe i can find a different way to use the briefcases11:22
Macerlike maybe zimbra has a java ftpd or something11:22
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Macerfennec is horrible though ;)11:22
aquatixyeah, i uninstalled it rather quickly11:23
aquatixit's quite unresponsive11:23
Macermicrob is great other than its inability to render zimbra's ajax mode11:23
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Maceryeah, and that replacement to the smart url bar in ff11:23
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aquatixbtw, if you uninstall, be sure to delete your ~/.mozilla/fennec dir too11:23
aquatixsaved me another 2.3MB11:23
Macerthat pops up the smarturl stuff11:24
aquatixyeah, that's weird11:24
aquatixit's interesting11:24
aquatixbut slow11:24
Macertakes up like 100% cpu11:24
aquatixand takes a little getting used to i guess11:24
Maceri disable that in ff on a desktop11:24
woglindemozilla foundation perverted autotools as buildsystem11:24
Macerit it a bad feature11:24
woglindefor all stuff11:24
Macerthe smartbar was a step backwards11:25
woglindeand now the refusing to fix it, you have to rely on stoneage autoconf11:25
* aquatix actually likes the desktop smartbar of Fx311:25
Maceri hate it11:26
aquatixit adapted quickly to me11:26
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aquatixdid you try it for longer than a day?11:26
* Jaffa loves it.11:26
JaffaWould be nicer if, if there was a single result shown, enter to select it.11:26
Macerand what makes it so bad is that you cant just click on a checkbox to disable11:26
Maceraquatix .. no.. i hated it right away11:27
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Maceri thought it was a waste of the .0001% of cpu ;)11:27
aquatixMacer: well, after about a day it has some knowledge of your habits, and it gets a lot nicer11:27
GeneralAntillesIt's ungodly slow here.11:27
Maceri just cant stand forced distractions11:27
GeneralAntillesGood thing I don't use Firefox. ;)11:27
aquatixGeneralAntilles: :)11:28
aquatixGeneralAntilles: just curious, what browser do you use?11:28
Macerthat thing reminded me of the office paperclip11:28
woglindeGeneralAntilles: dont look at the source code, otherwise you would cry11:28
GeneralAntillesI have a suspicion that they actually use x86 emulation for Firefox on PPC.11:28
GeneralAntillesIt's unbelievably slow on PPC machines.11:28
GeneralAntillesaquatix, OmniWeb11:28
Maceri just use safari on my g311:29
aquatixah, an OmniWeb user, nice :)11:29
GeneralAntillesI love the tab bar.11:29
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: I love the tab drawer.11:29
Maceryeah.. fennec gets a 211:30
Maceror 111:30
GeneralAntillesFennec just hit alpha11:30
GeneralAntillesShould be more interesting once we get a later alpha or beta release.11:30
aquatixfennec needs a lot of polishing/optimisations11:30
aquatixspeedups would make it a lot more usable already11:31
aquatixas the gui already looks nice-ish11:31
GeneralAntillesPerformance is a blocker for release, anyway.11:31
Macerand a rendering engine that supports zimbra ;)11:31
Macerguess it's back to deblet11:31
Macerdeblet would own maemo once they get a couple things fixed in it11:33
Macerbut sts and johnx are polishing the install/hardware support first which is great11:33
GeneralAntillesHopefully Maemo will be moving to better upstream compliance.11:33
StskeepsMacer: hoping to use deblet as a way to improve maemo into a more sane platform :P11:33
Macertnx for the help.. bbl11:33
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Jaffamacer; 'own maemo'?11:44
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aquatixJaffa: as in `pwn'11:45
aquatix`being better than'11:45
Jaffaaquatix: indeed. But given deblet is still using Maemo's power management, kernel, wireless drivers, battery charging, Hildon (or was that another Debian effort?) - I fail to see the pwnage11:46
aquatixah :)11:46
* aquatix should try deblet11:46
* Jaffa is hip with the young kids, and stuff.11:46
aquatix!age Jaffa11:47
aquatixoh, that's not old11:47
JaffaSee, told you :)11:47
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* aquatix is only 4 revisions behind Jaffa 11:47
* qwerty12 svn updates aquatix 11:47
* aquatix sees conflicts all over the place now11:48
StskeepsJaffa: it's just for fun project anyway :>11:49
Stskeepsand only hildon as a choice11:49
qwerty12Jaffa, I wouldn't call the kernel Maemo's seeing as the only maemo reference in the kernel is the debian packaging11:50
JaffaStskeeps: indeed - and it's fantastic, don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to manage expectations of people11:50
Jaffaqwerty12: true, but with the binary blobs it's not possible to change the kernel revision is it?11:50
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, well, s/Maemo/Nokia/11:50
qwerty12Jaffa, I hope that changes with linux-omap & the open source wifi driver :)11:51
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Macerheh.. sorry11:55
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Macermaemo is good for quick hits to do things11:55
Macerbut once deblet is polished it will be 10x more powerful11:56
Macerwell.. more powerfil than hildon i suppose you can say11:56
GeneralAntillesI don't get using a desktop DE on a tablet.11:57
JaffaMe neither.11:57
GeneralAntillesAn entirely bizarre desire.11:57
JaffaI didn't like it on an Eee (in general)11:57
Macerde cups support ;)11:57
Macerfor one11:57
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* aquatix rather likes the Maemo/Hildon gui11:57
Macerbetter "window" management11:58
Maceraquatix .. i do too11:58
GeneralAntillesoverlapping windows really suck for finger usage.11:58
aquatixonly gripe is the focus stealing11:58
aquatixwindows popping to the front on some change11:58
aquatixindeed ;)11:58
GeneralAntillesThat bug needs to be a blocker for Fremantle.11:59
aquatixoverlapping windows would make more sense on a bigger screen with more pixels11:59
aquatixGeneralAntilles: yeah :/11:59
Maceraquatix .. i didnt mind it11:59
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aquatixMacer: having overlapping windows?12:00
Maceri think using pb's kde was a good experience12:00
Macerother than the fact he released it as a huge meta type install12:00
Macerwith a ton of apps i wouldnt have normally installed12:01
* GeneralAntilles is ready to kill somebody over
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, That and the backspace key one where pressing it in a form sometimes goes a page pack makes me want to commit a mass-murder12:03
infobotqwerty12 meant: GeneralAntilles, That and the backspace key one where pressing it in a form sometimes goes a page back makes me want to commit a mass-murder12:03
GeneralAntillesIt's amazing that they even let it ship with those bugs.12:03
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, any chance on x11vnc in Extras? :(12:04
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Not by me :(. I'm using a hacked up version myself :(12:04
GeneralAntillesI need libssl 0.9.712:05
woglindeI have qtnx ready12:05
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woglindeno need for vnc crap12:05
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, If you can edit the dependencie (I'd offer but I'm in windows), you can install it and then symlink libssl 0.9.8 to libssl 0.9.712:07
RST38hEHLO all whom I haven't greeted yet today12:07
qwerty12'ello RST38h12:07
* GeneralAntilles is too lazy to add Chinook Extras.12:07
GeneralAntillesSomebody else want to grab a screenshot of the update icon in the statusbar for me?12:07
RST38hGeneral: BTW any news from Nokia on when external keyboards will start working correctly?12:07
GeneralAntillesThey work correctly now.12:08
woglindeGeneralAntilles cant you use gpe-scap?12:08
woglindeGeneralAntilles and ssh?12:08
RST38hGeneral: There is lag12:09
GeneralAntillesEh, lag is what it is.12:09
RST38h+ there is some skipping/repeating, but the main problem is 1-2 seconds of lag12:09
GeneralAntillesI doubt it's a particularly easy thing to fix, personally.12:09
RST38hBut you can't type with 1-2 second lag, really =(12:09
GeneralAntillesI've never seen skipping.12:09
GeneralAntillesand it's nowhere near 1-2 here.12:09
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RST38hLots of people report lag with both USB and BT keyboards12:10
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GeneralAntillesYes, I've seen it12:10
GeneralAntillesbut it's not 1-2 seconds.12:10
RST38hFor BT I would understand but why the hell would USB do it?12:10
RST38hGeneral: try typing in Gnumeric12:10
GeneralAntillesIt's the input method, certainly.12:10
GeneralAntillesand, thus, not necessarily a simple fix.12:10
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RST38hit is very annoying though: I ended up not using BT keyboard I bought12:11
GeneralAntillesGood lord my install is messed up.12:11
GeneralAntillesRST38h, anyway, if there's progress, you'll hear about it on the bug.12:11
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Maceris microb considered nokia software?12:15
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GeneralAntillesMaemo Software-software12:15
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pupnikwhen i bring mz tablet places, people ask about it... i wish we somehow had more ... mindshare among the public at large12:25
pupnik-me kicks germanz for swapping y ande z12:25
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pupnikhail mgedmin12:25
pupnik-join #politics12:25
JaffaAll hail the hypnotoad12:25
pupnikpme pheers12:26
pupnikand thank zou windows xp for xovering the xchat text-entrz field with zour stupid status bar12:27
* GeneralAntilles recalls an engine sound for a car in Redline that (completely by accident) ended up sounding exactly like the hypnotoad.12:27
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lardmanmorning a;;12:28
qwerty12hi ;ardman12:29
lardmanlol, hi qwerty1212:29
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lardmanyou use the tube much?12:30
lardman~lart Windows focus stealing applications12:30
* infobot gives Windows focus stealing applications a good seeing to12:30
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qwerty12I haven't used it recently :/12:30
lardmanI've found what I think is a newer version of metromap, is pretty cool12:30
qwerty12Ah, cool, this will be useful :)12:31
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lardmanI'll stick a tarball up, and try to join the Garage project12:31
* qwerty12 used to have metro on my ppc12:31
RST38hpupnik: Here?12:32
gnutonHi there12:33
Macerbug #3832 ;)12:33
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GeneralAntillesHey, gnuton, do you mind moving the Qt pages?12:33
GeneralAntillesWe don't generally use namespaces for regular articles12:33
gnutonHi GeneralAntilles !12:33
GeneralAntilles should move to "Packaging a Qt application"12:34
GeneralAntillesfor example12:34
GeneralAntillesOr I can move the pages and fix the links if you prefer.12:34
gnutonGeneralAntilles: yes, you can do it for me. Thank you12:35
GeneralAntillesgnuton, done. Also:
EgShey gnuton! :)12:39
EgSgnuton: there is now a quassel stand alone app, that doesn't need a core to connect to. I thought you might be interessted12:39
gnutonEgS: That's great. where is the code?12:42
gnutonEgS: are you a Quassel Developer?12:42
EgSgnuton: it's in the git repository: (I think...)12:43
EgSgnuton: jeah we met at devdays in munich and I sent you an email recently12:43
gnutonOkay! Nice to see you again so! :D12:44
gnutonEgS: the real problem of quassel (and the most of Qt app in Hildon) is the adapt the UI to the small screen.12:45
lardmando keywords for a bug have to come from the list provided?12:46
GeneralAntillesGenerally speaking, I'd say yes.12:47
GeneralAntillesBut I don't know what's involved in adding new ones.12:47
lardmanand if nothing matches, then leave blank?12:47
GeneralAntillesSounds like a question for andre___.12:47
lardmanandre___: ping12:47
* lardman remembers getting told off last time he added a bug12:47
woglindehi gnutoo12:48
GeneralAntillesGenerally speaking, I don't think it's like tagging in the flickr sense12:48
lardmanah, I'll add it, I can always add keywords later on12:48
GeneralAntillesbut more a specific set of keywords that may or may not be appropriate for any particular bug.12:48
* andre___ reads the backlog12:49
gnutonGeneralAntilles: thank you for the support on the Wiki.12:49
lardmanandre___: it's just a few up, about what I should add for keywords to a new bug12:49
andre___lardman, want a new keyword, talk to me :) you can't set arbitrary values, that's what the status whiteboard is for12:49
gnutonGeneralAntilles: Let me know if you find other issue in my pages.12:49
lardmanandre___: right, that's fine, thanks12:49
andre___lardman, keyword proposals? :)12:50
lardman#3833 is in12:50
GeneralAntillesgnuton, that's the only thing I've noticed. ;)12:50
andre___ah, k12:50
GeneralAntillesGlad to help.12:50
woglindegnuton I found one12:50
lardmanandre___: nah, I'm ok; I was wondering if it was free-form and you just add likely search words12:50
GeneralAntillesWe don't actually use the whiteboard at all.12:50
woglindegnuton the valid subsections on control file are not correct12:50
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GeneralAntillesIs that what lardman's actually after?12:50
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gnutonwoglinde: only one? I'm very lucky so! :D12:51
woglindeunfornatly the general blocks the site, so I can not fix it myself12:52
GeneralAntilleshttps. . . .12:52
gnutonwoglinde: you need to log in first to modify something in the wiki12:52
woglindeah oka12:52
GeneralAntillesYou can complain if you're willing to volunteer to delete the truckload of spam we get every morning when anonymous http edits are allowed.12:53
* GeneralAntilles will change the text of the ban, though.12:53
JaffaYou can login (via HTTP or HTTPS), or make anonymous edits via HTTPS.12:53
* RST38h yawns widely12:54
* mgedmin loves how all anonymous edits are recorded as coming from
RST38hthat's a bug12:54
GeneralAntillesNot really12:54
Jaffamgedmin: The HTTPS ones shouldn't (unless the system changes have changed the architecture)12:54
GeneralAntillesIt's an artifact of the setup.12:55
EgSgnuton: yes we really need to redesign the dialogs for the lower screen resolution12:55
mgedminis a bug12:55
GeneralAntillesThe text of the ban now reads: "Anonymous edits over HTTP are not allowed. Log in (using your Garage account) or use HTTPS if you want to edit."12:55
mgedmincaused by the setup12:55
RST38hideally, wiki should log IP and perform data mining to figure out supposed email address, postal address, latitude and longitude of the poster12:55
RST38hThis way every spammer can be tracked down and eliminated12:55
lardmanis using glade slow, specifically in python? Would I be better hand-coding a gui?12:56
melmothlardman: no12:56
melmothits actually fatser in python, (so i have been told)12:56
RST38hlardman: Depends on how complex UI you need12:56
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lardmanok cool12:57
lardmanwill make life easier using glade12:57
lardmanalmost visual basic-like12:58
lardmanthat would be a nice project to do12:58
* lardman shows his Windows roots and says he does like VB for writing quick apps12:59
* RST38h throws up at the mention of VB12:59
lardmanwell you've got to agree it's got a shallow learning curve12:59
RST38hIs it a good thing? =)12:59
lardmandepending on what you're writing of course ;)13:00
* johnx prefers shell scripting. often a GUI for a throwaway app is a waste...13:00
lardmanjohnx: it's for those in-between ones, too complex to easily do in a shell-script, but can't be arsed to sit and write it in C13:01
* Jaffa must try and do some Clutter experimentation this weekend. I read through the tutorial, confident it can now do the effect I want, but I can't decide whether to implement in C (well, no), Vala (would get distracted doing tooling), Java (would get distracted with my GObject Introspection -> Java OO wrapper tooling) or Python13:02
johnxoh, you can write anything in bash :P web servers, package management systems, boot managers...13:02
lardman*can* ;)13:02
RST38hjohnx: Shell syntax sucks.13:02
johnxRST38h, but it's good for controlling other things that run in the shell13:02
RST38hjohnx: yes, but that is what system() is for :)13:03
woglindehaha lately stumbled over inverted true/false on bash13:03
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Jaffa - talks, SMTP servers, httpds and pop3ds in bash :)13:03
lardmanI don;t know what all the abuse about VB is for anyway, other than the crap basic, visual gtk+ python would be nice13:03
RST38hJaffa: This sounds like a clear choice for Python :)13:03
* Stskeeps curses javascript and swears -never- to do web programming again after tomorrow13:04
RST38hlardman: The abuse about VB resulted from generally crappy quality of software written in VB13:04
RST38hlardman: Which resulted from easy learning curve13:04
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* RST38h currently contemplating what he should curse next13:04
lardmanit's sometimes nice to not have to worry about the GUI stuff and just get on coding the logic13:05
GeneralAntillesStupid people!13:05
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RST38h~curse C++ templates for being overblown equivalent of #define13:05
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, C++ templates for being overblown equivalent of #define !13:05
RST38hGeneral: too easy.13:05
JaffaRST38h: indeeed, it does.13:05
lardman~curse really crappy Windows focus stealing apps, especially MATLAB!13:05
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, really crappy Windows focus stealing apps, especially MATLAB! !13:05
* suihkulokki curses in the general direction of BIOS and ACPI13:05
JaffaHow's ESBox and Pluthon for Python development in Eclipse? Do they code complete etc?13:05
RST38hMATLAB is really a Unix app13:06
suihkulokkistop hiding my hardware from me!13:06
GeneralAntilles~curse qwerty12 for the hell of it13:06
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, qwerty12 for the hell of it !13:06
* RST38h smiles evilly at suihkulokki13:06
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qwerty12~curse GeneralAntilles for cursing me13:06
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, GeneralAntilles for cursing me !13:06
qwerty12~lart shitty torrents13:07
* infobot beats shitty torrents to within 2.54cm of his life13:07
GeneralAntilles~curse qwerty12 for cursing GeneralAntilles for cursing qwerty12.13:07
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, qwerty12 for cursing GeneralAntilles for cursing qwerty12. !13:07
lardman~curse infobot13:07
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, infobot !13:07
lardmanhmm, not much ego13:07
qwerty12~curse GeneralAntilles for cursing qwerty12 who cursed GeneralAntilles because GeneralAntilles cursed qwerty1213:08
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, GeneralAntilles for cursing qwerty12 who cursed GeneralAntilles because GeneralAntilles cursed qwerty12 !13:08
lardmanglad we got that out of our systems13:12
GeneralAntilles~lart lardman for being a stinker.13:12
* infobot follow's lardman with a gauntlet and ... scratch ... HUMILIATION for being a stinker.13:12
qwerty12~curse lardman for hating qwerty12 who cursed GeneralAntilles for cursing qwerty12 who cursed GeneralAntilles because GeneralAntilles cursed qwerty1213:12
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, lardman for hating qwerty12 who cursed GeneralAntilles for cursing qwerty12 who cursed GeneralAntilles because GeneralAntilles cursed qwerty12 !13:12
lardmaninfobot has poor grammar13:12
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qwerty12infobot, beat lardman up for insulting you13:13
* infobot beats lardman up for insulting you with a dripping-wet & less-than-fresh fish13:13
lardmanthe youth of today!13:14
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qwerty12Yeah, infobot does seem a bit violent13:14
GeneralAntillesMore people need to review killing the old wiki.13:15
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: are you happy with it?13:17
GeneralAntillesI am, but what I consider useful and relevant isn't necessarily what somebody else considers useful and relevant.13:18
lardmanwell with the lack of interest/availability, I'd just "sign it off" and be done with it13:18
GeneralAntillesI'm worried some potentially useful stuff has fallen under my radar and there's going to be some complaining when the stuff is actually deleted.13:18
lardmanyeah well, people have had long enough13:19
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lardmanis there a deadline date/time13:19
lardmansend it to the list and give people their last chance, no complaints then13:19
GeneralAntillesNovember 4th according to the email I sent to -community on Monday.13:20
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lardmanmight be worth forwarding it to -dev and -users too to avoid complaints?13:27
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lardmangives them a working week to bring anything up, and a weekend inbetween which is good13:28
GeneralAntillesI'm inclined to use it as leverage to get people onto -community.13:28
GeneralAntillesIf you want to have a say in community issues, you've got to be subscribed to the list. ;)13:29
GeneralAntillesMaybe a blog, though.13:29
lardmanperhaps, but to avoid any complaints you should tell them that and give them the warning on -developers and -users13:29
JaffaOne suggestion: in the email actually detail some of the pages which'll be deleted and have no corresponding version in the new wiki?13:29
lardmanherding cats and all that13:29
Jaffa+1 lardman13:29
JaffaThe wiki *content* isn't a community issue if it contains end-user or developer documentation ;-)13:30
JaffaThe implementation of the wiki is a community issue, but not necessarily its content.13:30
lardmanhmm, not sure about that, but best give non-community cubscribers the benfit of the doubt13:30
JaffaICBW, but - anyway - I agree.13:31
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GeneralAntillesand you two still owe me blogs.13:38
GeneralAntillesWho do you think. :P13:38
lardmancan't I be let of one for providing a good idea? Pleeeeeeese13:39
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Jaffa...and patches :-p13:39
GeneralAntillesYou can be let off once you post one. :P13:39
* Jaffa goes food hunting13:40
* lardman wonders if he can string a couple of lines together13:40
lardmanJaffa: bow and arrow?13:42
aquatixno, raygun13:46
JaffaNope: just realised that my VMware box's clock hasn't gone back.13:46
aquatixmuch more fun13:46
JaffaBut I'll go to OneStop round the corner and get some Crispy Pancakes, or Supernoodles or something13:46
lardmanwith bacon I trust13:46
lardmanand a bottle of Becks :)13:46
* lardman wondered why it was so cold this morning - hadn't reset the clock on the central heating and a frost last night13:47
Jaffalardman: got a migraine - so no beer.13:47
lardmanGeneralAntilles: look what your threats have done to the poor man!13:48
aquatixwhisky instead, Jaffa ?13:48
qwerty12"A teenager in Florida who used his 85-year-old grandmother to issue threats with a gun in a "gangsta rap" video has been jailed for 18 months" lolololol13:48
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GeneralAntilleslardman, all his troubles will go away if he writes a blog. :P13:50
lardmanare you using your Force-migrane power on him?13:50
* GeneralAntilles plays Cheer up Charlie.13:51
GeneralAntilless/Grandpa Joe/a blog post/13:51
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wazdHello everybody13:59
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lardmanhey wazd14:01
wazdHave anybody seen Kontorri in da house? I need his help(14:01
baddu1hey lardman, I still got issues with the dsp14:01
lardmanwazd: can I join metromap please14:01
lardmanbaddu1: what's up?14:01
wazdI have Titan theme ready for public but I have very messy issue with seekbar skinning14:02
baddu1lardman: when I got this big junk of memory to be mmapped, i haven't got it to work. if i don't specify where it goes , it tries to put it to daram -> not work. when i specify a memory for that , it says tbl is full -> not work14:03
wazdlardman: well, I've losttouch with admin of Metromap project so it's rather frozen(14:03
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lardmanwazd: ok, I've sent a "please can I join", will see if he comes back14:03
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baddu1lardman: i tried to put it in 0x580000 and size was about 0xb000 or sth14:03
lardmanbaddu1: you used a .cmd file and a #pragma in the code to place is in your memory section?14:04
wazdlardman: But I have UI mockups and stuff so if you want to code something it would be great14:04
lardmanwazd: I ported the hildon changes to the latest upstream metromap, is pretty cool14:04
baddu1lardman: yep, and it tries to put it there when i use this cmd file. everything seems to be correct. if i change the size to for example 0x10000, it works14:05
lardmanwazd: yep for sure, I also want to add GPS functionality14:05
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baddu1lardman: it just seems not to accept bigger memory portions than about 0x4000014:05
lardmanbaddu1: can I see the code & .cmd file please?14:05
wazdlardman: well, I think we can start a new project then14:05
lardmanwazd: we should take over the exsiting one if it's now dormant14:06
baddu1lardman: yes, i will give them to you after i get home from work :P14:06
lardmanbaddu1: cool14:06
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wazdlardman: I haven't got Admin rights in the garrage so I can't do anything with it14:06
* RST38h is happy wazd and lardman have found each other =)14:07
lardmanbaddu1: it should be possibel to map up to 16Mb of SDRAM afaik, though there's already lots of MEMORY sections mapped so you can't manage that in one section14:07
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wazdRST38h: xD14:07
baddu1lardman: but if it complains: "tbl is full", i have seen it before. do you know what that means?14:07
RST38hlardman: Don't tell me you are adding GPS functionality to metromap14:07
lardmanX-Fade: what does one do about dormant projects? Not sure if it is yet, will see if I get a response from the admin14:07
lardmanRST38h: yes, I thought it would be useful14:07
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lardmanbaddu1: yes14:08
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X-Fadelardman: ping admin, ping admin again, post to -developers, if no response -> take over?14:08
lardmanbaddu1: there aren't many TLBs free, so if you try to map a large region which is less than a whole large page it tries to use lots of little pages and lots of TLBs14:08
lardmanX-Fade: ok, will do14:08
wazdDoes anybody have Kontorri's IM contacts? I want to release Titan today :(14:08
X-Fadelardman: I'm just making that up, feel free to do it your way :)14:09
lardmanbaddu1: I don't have the numbers in front of me, but a large page is 0x100000, a small one is 64k bytes14:09
baddu1lardman: ok, good to know. do you how big the pages are, so what could be a good ... ok you answered already :)14:09
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lardmanso 1MB or 64kB (bytes)14:09
lardmansee the avs_kernelcfg.cmd file, it maps some large MEMORY sections in a single TLB, or look at dmesg just after boot14:10
wazdOr maybe there is another Theme Jedi in here?)14:10
baddu1lardman: so it should work if i map 0x100000 size of memory instead of 0xb000014:10
lardmanyes; you should have seen an error in dmesg about lacking TLBs of course14:11
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lardmanjust that I thought the entire task load failed if a sharedmemory mapping failed14:12
baddu1yes i did, but it shouldn't happen when mapping 0x100000 ?14:12
lardmanno, that or 0x10000 should be fine14:12
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baddu1yes, i'll try that.14:12
lardmanI'd still be interested to see your code later on :)14:13
baddu1you'll be shocked about how horribly it looks right now :P14:13
lardmanthat's ok, I know the feeling :)14:13
lardmanRST38h: re gps, for on the surface, finding the closest tube stop, not for underground! ;)14:14
baddu1just have tried to get it to compile and then to be able to load and see some prints that it's actually loaded and running14:14
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RST38hlardman: ah14:16
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lardmanqwerty12_N800: is your ISP "be there" or "bet here" ? ;)14:17
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qwerty12_N800lardman, lol, be there. i'm on o2 actually and o2 seem to be in the isp business with be14:18
* wazd looking for a spell to summon Kontorri14:19
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lcukwazd, i found kontorri was quite attracted to beer14:20
lardmanwazd: personal email via garage project?14:20
lcuk\o afternoon ppl14:20
lardmanhmm, doesn't time fly14:21
wazdhey there14:21
woglindehi lcuk14:21
wazdThere's no faster way than e-mail?(14:22
lcukis it snowy where you lot are?14:22
lardmanno, reasonably sunny down south14:22
johnxnope, 16C here14:22
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lcukcos i hated this morning - it should be illegal to even try to snow before at least november14:22
johnxand it's night time :)14:23
qwerty12_N800not in london :(14:23
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lcukit was only a smattering, but then it half defrosted before freezing solid on my car \@/14:23
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wazdwell, it's rather cold in Moscow, but no snow)14:23
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lcukheh, i should really thank my blessings, but manchester feels more like the artic sometimes14:24
lardmanthat's 'cos you spend so long standing outside smoking ;)14:24
lcukheh, its not that part that bothers me14:24
wazdI should rename "seek bar" into "sick bar"14:25
* lcuk keeps pondering something really daft14:25
lcukim not even sure i should mention it cos u lot will think im mental14:25
johnxis it crazier than getting 30fps fullscreen updates on the n8x0 with no tearing?14:26
pixiessomeone speak Portuguese?14:26
lcukheh, its making use of what ive built so far14:26
GeneralAntillespixies, probably in #canola if nobody shows up here.14:26
johnxlcuk, soooo...lcuks' emacs?14:27
lcukif anyone ever played with the original playtest i released it had a bit to create arbitary rectangles - just drag and draw14:27
lcukno johnx, sillier14:27
pixiesGeneralAntilles: tanks..14:27
lcukim sick of porting all my working code from vb to c, i might grab a basic interpreter and add on a nice gui designer to it (or use a different core language but allow vb form/control files to be used14:27
JaffaThat's not that crazy. I saw a project at IBM which some interns were doing which took VB and turned it into SWT Java14:28
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lardmanmake Python the backend language and I'll be happy14:29
lcukjaffa - if i can just bring in the raw form definitions it gets over my current hump of drawing what i want, then having to code it up14:29
* wazd have found some ancient script with word "Kontorri"14:29
aquatixlardman: hm, that looks useful14:29
lardmanwazd: kagu on Garage, or email him via
Fatalhmmm, SANDISK MICROSDHC 4 GB, with adapter to "Secure Digital", ( SDSDQ-4096-E12M ), is that compatible with n810?14:30
* lcuk fights with vnc to copy&paste that great link14:30
lcuklardman, thanks :) i think ive seen that before but that was a long time before i had linux handheld14:31
GeneralAntillesFatal, well, the card is, but you need a MiniSD -> MicroSD adaptor.14:31
johnxFatal, does it have a micro-sd to mini-sd adapter ?14:31
lcukill see how far i get this weekend with making some basic form ui editor14:31
wazdlardman: Well, I think it's the only way(14:31
lcukonce i do that i can see what else is needed14:31
aquatixFatal: if not, you can get such an adapter for cheap at for example14:31
FatalGeneralAntilles / johnx: thanks, looks like there's a adapter bundled14:31
* aquatix saw a 16GB microsd today14:31
aquatixFatal: yeah, but to normal SD format14:32
aquatixnot to minisd14:32
Fatalaaaaah, that's another standard, ok14:32
lardmanwazd: I'd be interested to see your ui mockups, etc., for metromap14:32
Fatalcrap. thanks aquatix14:32
aquatixwell, other size mainly14:32
* lcuk is also removing himself from -users and -community :)14:32
Fatal8GB cards work aswell btw?14:32
GeneralAntilleslcuk, why?14:33
johnxFatal, any card that physically fits will work14:33
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aquatixFatal: yeah, i have an 8GB sandisk microsd with such an adapter14:33
Fatalsweet, thanks all14:33
lcukGeneralAntilles, im not that great at explaining what i mean and ive seen ppl having to react to the discussion in defensive ways which shouldnt be needed14:34
GeneralAntilleslcuk, -users, sure, but why -community?14:34
lcuki responded to the user thinking it was someone in -dev, on my level and understanding14:35
Jaffalcuk: I agreed entirely with your stuff on -users, btw14:35
lcuki normally had -users skipping my inbox, but this one kept up cos it mentioned liqbase14:35
lcuki just didnt notice..14:36
* GeneralAntilles would rather lcuk continue contributing his input to -users.14:36
GeneralAntillesWe wouldn't want to get to the point where it's just Mark and Darius spewing their FUD.14:36
* Jaffa too.14:36
* lcuk thought he had cocked up14:36
JaffaI didn't see anything which was particularly targetted at the wrong level14:37
RST38hWho is Mark? Has Darius got company?14:37
GeneralAntillesMark Haury14:37
GeneralAntillesHe's more sane, but loves logical fallacies.14:37
Fatalha, crap, the stuff available where I intend to buy only have -> SD adapters, the one bundled with both SD and miniSD adapter is out of stock, yay14:37
RST38h1. Buy microsd card14:38
johnxGeneralAntilles, actually that would be great, we could have maemo-community for flamewars and maemo-secret-treehouse for the rest of the "club" :D14:38
RST38h2. Buy ANY cheap ($5) microsd card with minisd adapter included14:38
lcuk2. steal underpants14:38
GeneralAntillesmaemo-users you mean.14:38
RST38h3. Connect, insert, enjoy14:38
infobotjohnx meant: GeneralAntilles, actually that would be great, we could have maemo-users for flamewars and maemo-secret-treehouse for the rest of the "club" :D14:38
GeneralAntillesjohnx, I actually had this happen in another community I'm involved with.14:38
johnxGeneralAntilles, isn't that what I said?14:38
johnxah, if only s/ provided real ret-con14:39
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GeneralAntillesAll the cool cats went off and started their own private forum away from the regular one.14:39
GeneralAntillesWorked out pretty well, actually. . . .14:39
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GeneralAntillesTime to start the cabal? :P14:40
FatalRST38h: true, I feel extremly silly now :)14:41
* lcuk wont accept the subscription cancellation, thx guys14:42
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Fataland sdhc support requires a kernel upgrade right? or has that changed since last year?14:45
sampo_hmm how can i lock my application way that no one else logged in user can not change my application details? on
sampo_or is this just bug14:45
X-Fadesampo_: You can't.14:45
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wazdOh hell, I think i've found the problem!)14:46
X-Fadesampo_: It is sort of a wiki type application.14:46
sampo_X-Fade: hmm ok14:46
GeneralAntillesFatal, SDHC has been officially supported since Summer 2007.14:46
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qwerty12_N800Fatal, For N810/N800 with OS2008, no custom kernel is needed.14:46
GeneralAntilles(and a while before that by the community)14:46
sampo_X-Fade:how long is the lockup time if someone(unwanted person) edits my app page?14:46
X-Fadesampo_: Why do you want to do that?14:47
X-Fadesampo_: 2 hours orso.14:47
FatalGeneralAntilles / qwerty12_N800: thanks14:47
sampo_X-Fade: okey14:47
X-Fadesampo_: until he/she saves or cancels.14:47
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sampo_X-Fade: so it says "object locked by xxx" for 2 hours after he/she logs out ?14:48
X-Fadesampo_: No, if he/she does nothing and stays on that page.14:49
* GeneralAntilles turns on some lights to help heat up the apartment.14:49
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johnxGeneralAntilles, you have a G5 right? how is that not producing enough heat?14:50
sampo_X-Fade: still no solution for being so slow all the time?14:50
aquatixFatal: that link is very cool btw14:50
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aquatixas they don't ask shipping14:50
GeneralAntillesjohnx, cause it's 29°F outside and the insulation isn't great.14:50
X-Fadesampo_: Multiple, but not atm.14:50
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* aquatix loves dealextreme for their nice collection of gadgets and prices14:51
johnxGeneralAntilles, eep! is it usually that cold this time of year?14:51
sampo_X-Fade: ok14:51
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, yeah, it gets fairly cold here compared to the rest of the state14:52
GeneralAntillesA little bellow normal14:52
RST38hit is *already* 29oF?14:52
GeneralAntillesCold front14:53
GeneralAntillesShould be back into the 50/70s range by the end of the week.14:53
GeneralAntillesWoo, Carman is gonna use Display-Name and Upgrade-Description.14:53
johnxouch, my n800 battery is really starting to go south after 1.5 years of use :/14:56
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* melmoth always wondered if it s better to keep a n810 plugged it, or to wait untill its battery is emtpy befroe recharchnig it15:00
johnxI'm pretty sure the former15:00
lardmanI think continual topups is best15:00
lardmandown to ~80% and then charge, or so I remember reading15:00
* melmoth re plug his n810 :)15:02
johnxli-ion batteries don't like being discharged, nimh and nicd need to be discharged all the way or they develop "memory effects" or somesuch15:03
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||cwI have left my 770 plugged in all the time when not using it and it still gets a good 3 hours active use per charge15:04
||cwI don't it in battery much though anymore15:04
johnxmine's gotten a lot worse since I've been draining it most pretty much daily :/15:05
* GeneralAntilles likes the direction Quim's proposal for h-a-m may be taking.15:06
aquatixdidn't li-ion batteries have limited cycles too?15:06
GeneralAntillesjohnx, NiMH has no memory15:06
aquatixbut generally, after about 1.5 to 2 years, li-ion starts to go south anyway15:06
GeneralAntillesNiCD really only has a memory when you're talking about more than one cell.15:06
GeneralAntillesmelmoth, the argument for not leaving laptops plugged in all the time is heat15:07
johnxah, interesting15:07
lardmanGeneralAntilles: Have you seen my response? It doesn't seem to have come though the list yet15:07
johnxI grew up in the li-ion generation I guess :/15:07
GeneralAntillesbut since the tablets put out way less heat than a laptop, there's really no issue leaving them plugged in.15:07
aquatixGeneralAntilles: i take my laptop's battery out when on AC15:07
||cwit's not that much heat, the charger is intelligent15:07
GeneralAntillesjohnx, well, so did I, but I did some pretty dead investigation into battery technology a few years back. ;)15:07
GeneralAntillesaquatix, li-ions degrade significantly faster when they're hot15:07
aquatixso that's why i take it out15:08
GeneralAntillesEven more so when you toss in the heat of charging.15:08
aquatixwhen on about 40% charge15:08
GeneralAntilleslardman, yeah, I saw it.15:08
GeneralAntilleslardman, sounds like more incentive to tie git in a little more closely with Garage.15:08
aquatixoptimum shelving charge of li-ion seems to be 40%15:08
johnxwhich explains why my second-hand notebook's battery died from 3 years living in an 80F server room...15:09
lardmanGeneralAntilles: yes exactly15:09
lardmanlunch time15:09
aquatixjohnx: 3yr is old for a battery :)15:09
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GeneralAntillesIf somebody wants to put a little TLC into:
johnxaquatix, it's 7 years old now, but it died around 6 technically15:09
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aquatixinterestingly, i generally use a complete charge from a li-ion battery before recharging and that seems to be fine15:11
johnxwell, without another point of reference it's hard to compare...15:12
aquatixyeah :/15:12
aquatixcharge early, charge often15:12
aquatixsounds like an ideal OSS battery ;)15:12
GeneralAntillesNew battery tech would jump the mobile market years ahead.15:13
aquatixmaybe add that if kept in a refridgerator, it's advisable to keep them dry ;)15:13
johnxinstead we're just getting devices with smaller chips/pcbs so that they can fit bigger batteries15:13
aquatixthere are some interesting new fuel cells15:13
johnxwhen I first saw the n800 I almost laughed at how much of the internal space is battery15:14
johnx...and my ideal personal server would be a beagle/overo hanging off of a 9cell laptop battery15:15
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* GeneralAntilles will need to write up a PSA about the package categories for developers.15:16
GeneralAntillesOvero's got 256MB RAM15:16
JamieBennettbeagle server with 4 usb 1TB drives and a hub, mmmmm15:16
GeneralAntillesToo bad it's got no DSP nor PowerVR15:16
X-FadeGo GeneralAntilles, Go GeneralAntilles! :)15:16
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, well, I was talking to Eduardo this morning about Carman and he wasn't clear on when to change the category (since communication may end up being deprecated)15:17
GeneralAntillesHopefully the i18n for h-a-m will be done quickly, there'll likely be some delay.15:17
lcukcarmen should be in app/topgear15:19
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RST38hMotorola potentially lays off 2/3 of workforce and switches to Android15:27
woglindeRST38h: *g*15:27
johnx"so how many eggs should we put in this basket?" "ALL OF THEM!"15:27
woglindegoogle forget to put a fixed libprce in15:28
* aquatix makes some scrambled eggs15:28
Stskeepsjohnx: words often spoken while drunk15:28
johnxbut really, everyone seems to have a lot of hatred for motorola's inhouse OS so I guess this is probably a good thing?15:29
johnxStskeeps, pretty much what I was going for :)15:29
Stskeepsmotorola phones are really awkward anyway :P15:30
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* qwerty12_N800 *hates* moto's. cant even get uiq3 right 15:30
johnxwhoever decided new electronics shouldn't have tactile feedback because that would make them look "uncool" needs to get kneecapped15:31
RST38hjohnx: Inhouse os STAYS15:31
johnxRST38h, so what was that 2/3 doing?15:32
RST38hjohnx: They are keeping Android (smartphones), WinMobile (business) and their-own-crap (cheap phones)15:32
RST38hjohnx: Apparently, Symbian and Linux15:32
johnxI guess they don't want to compete with themselves on the low end15:32
GeneralAntillesThat's what we need15:32
GeneralAntillesSomebody write that up.15:32
Stskeepswiki not answering.15:33
Stskeepsor bloody show15:33
RST38hjohnx: They are desperate. Too many developers, too many projects15:33
RST38hjohnx: Not enough return on each phone15:33
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, it's always slow.15:33
johnxlooks like some other low-end phones in emerging markets will be running android (which I totally called)15:33
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: idea for article/blog entry.. "The case for Maemo", why maemo should exist and what it can be and the qualities of the platform and so on15:34
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Stskeeps(in the current market and such)15:35
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, you want to do a guest column?15:36
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: way too much in my head these days so i'm going step by step in trying to have something to base my assumptions/ideas on :P15:37
GeneralAntillesOr it also sounds like something Jaffa might do. ;)15:37
GeneralAntillesGood god the degausser in this old SGI Trinitron seems to get louder every year.15:38
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RST38hjohnx: Not sure about it - the required hw specs are a bit high afaik15:40
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lbthi GeneralAntilles... are you going to add something like 'People + Information' or 'Life Stuff' to the category list?15:46
lbt<grin> just saw the SGI degauss comment in the backlog15:46
GeneralAntilleslbt, well, it had been discussed a bit.15:47
GeneralAntillesI'd generally file "PIM stuff" into Office, myself.15:48
JaffaTim's just asked the same question.15:48
johnxmaybe s/office/productivity/15:48
GeneralAntillesjohnx, well, trying to keep consistency with upstream.15:48
JaffaOr rather, I don't think so ;-)15:48
johnxjust a thought15:48
lbtAnd if I'm not a drone?15:49
GeneralAntillesNO, JOHNX, YOU IDIOT!!!115:49
JaffaTim asked if that was still on the table: - it is, of course, as the labels haven't been decided.15:49
lbtsay I'm a non-office worker?15:49
johnxlbt, you're a drone. Don't disillusion yourself. :D15:49
lbtnot at home15:49
Jaffalbt: "Office" doesn't mean you work in an office. It's office supplies etc.15:49
lbtwell, SWMBO may not agree15:49
lbtAh, so a calendar is office supplies15:49
* lbt sees mud15:49
lbtI guess IRC is office supplies to15:50
JaffaAnyway, a) labels don't need to be decided yet - we're still defining the categories; b) I think "Productivity" as a label is even less useful than "Office"15:50
Jaffalbt: eh?15:50
johnxI'll spew out a couple more random thoughts, feel free to shoot down: utilities/pim office/productivity/pim15:50
lbtfrankly freedesktop are wrong :)15:50
lbtJaffa: I'm suggesting that there is a category for humans15:50
johnxlbt, well I buy calendars at office depot...sooo15:50
lbtyeah, yeah :)15:51
Jaffa^^^^ my point15:51
lbtI understand why - but it is wrong :)15:51
Jaffalbt: You install people through an application manager?15:51
JaffaOr are you trolling?15:51
lbtI do15:51
lbtno, I'm very serious.15:51
lbtbeing light about it though15:51
JaffaGive an example of a sodding application, not some nebulous "oh, what about a people app"15:51
X-FadeFor me, pim would go in office. That is how I would arrange it, but that is a personal preference.15:52
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johnxemail, IM, PIM, facebook (to play devil's advocate)15:52
lbtI think 'Office' should be translated to "My Life" for a consumer device15:52
johnxnow they could fit in other places too, and in fact it *barely matters since people will figure it out in like 10 minutes at most then remember*15:52
lbtjohnx that's bad UI design15:53
lbtadmit it15:53
johnxlbt, there is much worse UI design to fix, so let's work on that15:53
lbtthe iPhone doesn't have 'Office'15:53
lbtand I've never seen an iPhone15:53
wazdlbt: Office=My life - so sad(15:53
JaffaIM is user/network; facebook is a website - there are no facebook applications; a status updater could go in user/utilities; email and PIM fit in user/office in my world view15:53
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lbtI know - it's like when they let users have their own PC and shut down the mainframes15:53
glassfacebook provides rss for updates15:54
Jaffalbt: "My Life"? That's a vague, 90s category with no usefulness. Why is a word processor "My Life"?15:54
lbtit isn't15:54
Jaffaglass: yes, so there's an RSS reader15:54
lbtI carefully explained that15:54
lbtit is actually "people I know about"15:54
lbtand communications15:54
lbtand planning15:54
lbtnot 'content' - which is where word processing comes in15:54
glassword processor is a office app, as in ms office suite, implanted in peoples mind15:55
RST38hMy life as a wordprocessor sounds depressing15:55
Jaffalbt: So you're *not* suggesting that "Office" == "My Life for a consumer device"; you're advocating an *additional* "My Life" category which contains... photos of my son (he's my life), any application I need for anything I do for my life.15:55
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lbtsort of15:55
wazdword processor is, to begin with, a word processor)15:55
lbtbut not content15:55
Jaffalbt: You can't categorise apps on whether they're 'communications' or 'content'. You define them based on a higher level taxonomy.15:55
wazdI can write anything wherever I want15:55
RST38hJaffa: Just rename Office to Orifice and that will cover both word processors and PIMs15:55
johnxlbt, anyways, as it has been said, these aren't necessarily the user facing names15:55
lbtand the taxonomy is contact15:55
JaffaIf you're suggesting that split, it'd need a whole new set of categories - not just one additional one15:55
RST38hjaffa; Although I do unserstand that it may be overly general15:56
lbtyes - the taxonomy isn't orthogonal as it is15:56
wazdIt's not Microsoft (hope I'll not be banned for this word xD) Office :)15:56
lbtI am suggesting a category to do with "Me"15:56
RST38hWho said there has to be a complete taxonomy?15:56
lbtplanning stuff: calendar15:56
lbtarranging stuff: comms (email, irc, voip, address book)15:57
Jaffalbt: That's fine. Then you need to suggest a whole new set of categories, because "me" doesn't fit in with ones structured around type of application; rather than relationship of application's use with user.15:57
RST38hWhy not use statistical division principle: as soon as there is >10% of apps in a category that can be split off into a new one, make a new category15:57
johnxRST38h, because that makes packaging a nightmare?15:57
wazdI think categories should be named by action they do15:57
RST38hjohnx: It doesn't: I do not suggest tocreate new categories on daily basis15:58
lbtJaffa: I agree - but #freedesktop has been dead so there is no interest15:58
RST38hwazd: As in "Work" and "Crash"?15:58
wazdLike "Planning", "Writing","Counting","Chating" and so on15:58
lbtI think this is important - hence the msgs15:58
johnxRST38h, so what happens to existing apps? repackaging?15:58
lbtwell, we discussed tag based15:58
RST38hjohnx: Well, once a year General bugs people about changing categories or it is done automatically in Extras15:58
lbtso that allows the 'traditional' structure to exist alongside15:58
Jaffalbt: It wouldn't need to be anything to do with freedesktop. My suggestion was to base the categories on freedesktop. Your suggestion isn't. Add a new section to Task:Package_categories which is logical and self-consistent and it can be discussed.15:58
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RST38hJaffa: Freedesktop category list is somewhat muddy15:59
lbtI was going to challenge freedesktop to update their categories15:59
* GeneralAntilles laughs maniacally.15:59
RST38hJaffa: Unless there are compelling reasons to use it...15:59
Jaffalbt: And the conclusion was it wasn't viable, because no-one'll code it.15:59
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yes, we're talking about scale..16:00
JaffaRST38h: perhaps it is; it's compelling because it works on environments which have much greater exposure, many more applications and a whole lot of usability testing behind them.16:00
lbtI feel that for consumers/people/humans (ie not geeks) then a more 'me' centric area is good16:00
johnxGeneralAntilles, heh...that means I actually have karma now :)16:00
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: sqrt($thanks) * modifier seems reasonable.16:00
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Jaffalbt: That's great! We don't have to copy freedesktop if it doesn't fit. Actually make a concrete suggestion apart from one more category, in a new section of the wiki page.16:00
X-FadeGiving 8000 karma for 1000 thanks seems a bit much ;)16:00
RST38hJaffa: I do not see how this makes the set of category names compelling though16:01
lbtI wanted to chat - sorry you're in a bad mood16:01
RST38hJaffa: it is bunch of strings, you know...16:01
johnxlbt, I'll play devil's advocate :)16:01
johnxlbt, what do you see as other categories?16:01
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lbtone sec16:01
lbtdialing into a conference16:02
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: think i'm most afraid of regarding the whole trying to make maemo better and reconstruct and make upstream etc better, is that it'll just result in endless bikeshed discussions16:03
lbtjohnx: I actually feel the coverage is pretty good16:03
lbtand I wanted to see a 'Me' area to pull in the communication and planning apps16:04
johnxlbt, so where's the line between me and office? or me and network?16:04
lbtoffice is, in my mind, about creating and editing content16:04
lbtno real overlap16:04
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, sooo, that'd give me 37 karma points for ~1400 thanks?16:04
lbtexcept that outlook is an office app...16:04
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: * modifier.16:05
GeneralAntillesSuggestions for the modifier?16:05
lbtnetwork, otoh, is very close to comms16:05
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: 4?16:05
GeneralAntillesAs a baseline, I am (by about 200 thanks at the time of this writing) the person with the most thanks on itT.16:05
lbtbut it also covers web, rss, wireshark16:05
lbtand wifi etc16:05
GeneralAntillesThat's about 1 years worth of accumulation.16:05
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: That will at least give a reasonable amount?16:05
lbtso I think of NW is semi-physical16:06
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Same for number of posts.16:06
lbtmake sense johnx?16:06
GeneralAntillesThanks should be weighted much more heavily than posts.16:06
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: That definately needs a sqrt.16:06
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GeneralAntillesYou can accumulate a lot of posts spewing mouth diarrhea16:06
johnxlbt, so network as "interacting with objects" vs "interacting with people"16:06
lbtOK - yes16:06
GeneralAntillesThanks are other users affirming the value of your posts.16:06
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: True.16:07
lbtthe area I propose covers applications managing information I have about people, including me and my friends and colleagues. It's probably the most frequently accessed menu for 'normal' people.16:07
GeneralAntillesI'll say it was a _lot_ of work accumulating that many thanks. ;)16:07
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lbtdid you click the pastebin link?16:08
johnxsorry, not yet16:08
* johnx clicks16:08
lbtnb - that is supposed to be my thinking, not a solution16:09
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johnxso not really "me" so much as "personal and social"16:09
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* GeneralAntilles flys apart trying to follow 3 conversations and cook.16:09
Jaffalbt: I *really* don't think you can add a 'me' category to the freedesktop ones at and have it have any form of internal consistency and avoid ambiguity and confusion. A whole new set of categories would be needed. Both developers and users should be clear on what goes into a section. More sections means more possibility of confusion, but they al16:10
Jaffalbt: ...enough to ensure that not too many apps are in each section that they become unmanageable.16:10
lbtJaffa - sorry about the 'Me' / 'My Life' - don't read to much into them. That thought drove me to discuss this16:10
lbtas johnx says "personal and social"16:11
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johnxI'm tending to agree with lbt here for the most part. I don't think there's much ambiguous overlap16:11
lbtis equally valid (and, if you think about it, is also 'me')16:11
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, how much is one mailing list post worth?16:11
lbtjohnx :)16:11
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I think 1 orso.16:11
JaffaGeneralAntilles/X-Fade: the mailing lists are higher "quality", IMHO, than an ITT post.16:12
lcukhow much does an orso convert to?16:12
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: We need to do that discussion some time later ;)16:12
X-FadeLet's focus on categories now.16:12
Jaffalbt/johnx: So "Personal & Social" would encompass what example applications?16:12
GeneralAntillesJaffa, but what about an itT Thank?16:12
X-FadeI really like to have a plan before the end of the month ;)16:12
johnxlbt, what about having it under utilities though?16:12
lbtsee pastebin16:12
lbtthey are 'bitty' things - clock16:13
JaffaGeneralAntilles: A post + 2 thanks == 1 mailing list post. A post + 5 thanks ~= 2 mailing list posts?16:13
lbt'teabag timer'16:13
johnxlbt, utilities you mean?16:13
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I don't have a feeling for a good baseline for karma counts16:13
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lbtthat is the traditional stuff found in there16:13
johnxwhat about utilities/personal and utilities/social though?16:13
GeneralAntillesand as the weighting seems to be in flux anyway. . . .16:13
johnxa utility or tool for handling personal info16:14
GeneralAntillessqrt(karma) * 4 works for me for now.16:14
lbtas I said - one of the most clicked menus16:14
lbtso should be top level16:14
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GeneralAntillesI think we should come back to the discussion later and discuss every piece of karma as a whole16:14
Jaffalbt: we're talking about package management primarily. And one menu with everything in isn't very useful.16:14
GeneralAntillesBecause you really can't weight an individual piece without relating it to other pieces.16:14
lbtI feel for a device like the NIT16:14
lbtit isn't everything16:14
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Jaffalbt: Your pastebin seems also out of date given it talks about lots of different categories AFAICT when now there's a suggestion of a "Personal & Social" single category.16:15
johnxJaffa, well it's 5 minutes out of date16:15
lbtno, it talks about ideas :)16:15
JaffaIndeed. So, now I'm trying to take it forward constructively.16:15
lbtit isn't a proposal - I wanted to float and discuss16:15
lbtthe philosophy is clear to me16:16
JaffaIf a "Personal & Social" category doesn't overcomplicate the base on top of freedesktop, what'd go in it? I'm not *challenging* you, I'm trying to draw out something concrete.16:16
JaffaPhilosophy doesn't help package maintainers, i18n translaters or users too much ;-)16:16
johnxJaffa, PIM, IM, email,16:16
lbtno, it helps determine decision rules though16:16
lbtyes, + calendar16:16
lbtthe big 'personal and social'16:17
Jaffajohnx: So if IM & email - why not RSS reader or web browser?16:17
GeneralAntillesemail is network. . . .16:17
johnxJaffa, the theme is human interaction16:17
lbtI considered them16:17
JaffaSo IRC client, as well.16:17
johnxfalls under IM to me :)16:18
lbtwhich should share 'contacts'16:18
GeneralAntilles"Personal & Social" mostly seems to serve to overlap other categories16:18
GeneralAntillesWhich is bad.16:18
* Jaffa primarily uses his web browser for dealing with JIRA (people & work) or email (GMail).16:18
* lcuk thinks this is why freedesktop never got a strict definition ;)16:18
GeneralAntillesThe category delineations should be as clear-cut as possible.16:18
* Jaffa uses his RSS reader to read stuff *people* have written & published.16:18
lbtJaffa - they are online tools16:18
lbtI'd "allow" hyperlinks in personal and social16:19
lcukwhat happens to packages that encapsulate multiple categroies?16:19
JaffaSo is an email client, an IRC client, a Facebook status updater16:19
X-FadeJaffa: Yes, but so does your email client.16:19
johnxthe key word in "stuff people have written" is "stuff"16:19
Jaffalbt: You might, but that doesn't make sense16:19
JaffaX-Fade: Indeed. This is why I'm yet to be convinced about "Personal & Social" not overlapping.16:19
RST38hjohnx: "stuff" relates to other products of human life cycles as well16:19
lbtJaffa: I know - hyperlinks don't live in the main menu16:19
Jaffalbt: Or the Application Manager.16:19
lbtshould thay?16:19
JaffaSo it's a non sequiter16:19
lbtsorry, confused now16:20
RST38hjohnx: can we have "shit" category, really?16:20
johnxRST38h, only if there are more than 10% of apps that deal with shit16:20
GeneralAntillesRST38h, that'd be "Other"16:20
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lbtwe have - the translation is 'utilities'16:20
GeneralAntilleslbt, the reality is that "My Life/Me/Personal & Social" overlaps rather uselessly with other categories.16:21
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GeneralAntillesWhat is the goal here? To add some life to the sterility of Office?16:21
Jaffalbt: This is a discussion in identifying the categorisation of packages in the Application Manager. There is a thought that these *may* also then lead into the top-level menu (so a user accesses the application at run time through the same category they found it in the App Manager); but that's a /different/ discussion.16:21
RST38hjohnx: Ohm don't you worry...16:21
lbtGeneralAntilles: the reverse16:21
RST38hjohnx: there is plenty16:21
johnxGeneralAntilles, I would say it pulls things together and lightens up other categories16:21
RST38hGeneral: Actually, "other" != "shit"16:22
lbtJaffa: no, I think they should be related16:22
RST38hGeneral: because you may have lots of high quality specialized apps16:22
johnxlbt, well, that's not this discussion. let's stay focused16:22
JaffaIndeed, and I largely agree. *HOwever*, the current focus is the packages.16:22
lbtI use the same logic for both so I don't mind16:22
johnxthe key part of im and email is interacting with people, not that it happens to use a network to do it16:23
lbtjohnx yes16:23
X-FadeJaffa: did you see this?
lbtrequirement, not solution16:23
lbtgoal thinking16:23
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johnxjust like the key part in contacts is that it's info about people. if that info was on a network vs on local storage should that affect where you find it?16:23
* lcuk thinks this whole discussion has taken place many many times: the trove software map from sourceforge is carefully considered and breaksup software quite nicely16:23
JaffaX-Fade: no, I missed it.16:23
X-FadeYeah, it is on the planet. But showed up somewhere in between.16:24
RST38hX-Fade: ironically, he is raising the same issue I raised here on few occassions16:24
RST38hX-Fade: "open sourced" does not mean "being worked on" =(16:24
Jaffalbt: Sorry, you've changed your argument again I think. If it's goal seeking then the rest of the categories don't make sense in that philosophy. If it's just to differentiate some category of apps which a user wouldn't expect to find in one of the existing categories, that's a different thin.16:25
* Stskeeps -thinks- he would be contributing to maemo if it was open from the start.. not sure though16:25
Stskeepswould it be as fun then? :P16:25
lbtlcuk: so, in the trove where do I look for 'contact manager'? It's a database right? It lives on my desktop? I use it for VOIP? To contact my Enterprise? Using a Network?16:26
Stskeepsthan one where you don't have to go through loops and hoops and regulations and such16:26
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Jaffalbt: But the Contact Manager is a) not an external package; b) an integral part of the system.16:26
lbtJaffa: what is the consistent and orthogonal taxonomy being used?16:26
lbtthere isn't one.16:27
johnxJaffa, fine, what about gpe-contacts?16:27
lbtI am pointing out that the thinking one uses as a developer is not what you consider as a user16:28
lcuklbtlbt, communication16:28
lbtlcuk: yes, I agree.16:28
Jaffalcuk: there isn't a communication category in the current "new" category set16:29
lbtbut the current suggestion appears to be 'Office'16:29
Jaffajohnx: a good suggestion.16:29
Jaffalbt: No, that was for calendar.16:29
JaffaSo, finally we get to a problematic application.16:29
lcukpersonally i would prefer a search box - i have a keyboard and the skills to type "contact"16:29
lbtI have an N80016:29
Jaffalcuk: App Manager's got one (although the UI sucks)16:29
lcukreally? i never found it heh16:30
lcukits THAT Bad16:30
Jaffajohnx: I suspect gpe-contact should go in user/utilities (i.e. under "Accessories")16:30
X-Fadelcuk: Look at the bar on the bottom ;)16:30
lbtwhat application is of no utility?16:30
johnxJaffa, and should calendars go under office?16:30
lcukheh X-Fade im used to filters at the top of lists not buttons that pop open new windows ;)16:30
lbtie they all go in 'utilities'16:31
Jaffajohnx: I think so.16:31
lcuki tried typing to move the list down as well which didnt work16:31
Jaffalbt: User sees "Accessories" then16:31
X-Fadelcuk: Well to quote Jaffa: "although the UI sucks" :)16:31
lbtsame arg16:31
johnxI think splitting up PIM applications is a bad idea since people have clear ideas of what a PIM suite should include16:31
lbtall apps are accessories16:31
lcukyeah i know16:31
Jaffajohnx: I don't think they do (a point qgil made a while ago).16:31
lbtwhich is why I said words that lead to "personal and social"16:32
lbtnot 'PIM'16:32
lbt*IF* we had P&S16:32
lbtwhere would you look for calendar?16:32
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lcukx-fade, no matter what categories things end up in, is there a way to find out (a) how many apps are in each category, and (b) how frequently apps within it are downloaded?    a UI based around that would help people a lot16:33
lardmanwould be interesting if the h-a-m could display that metadata16:34
X-Fadelcuk: Well, all that data is available. It is just a matter of how to get that data in AM and how to display it.16:34
lcukexcellent! thats a real decent thing16:34
X-FadeRating should also be cool.16:34
* lcuk gets to work on a tagcloud16:34
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lcukx-fade, we have that from
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lcukaren't they linked?16:35
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X-Fadelcuk: yes, but I want rating inside AM :)16:35
Jaffalcuk: My ideal UI for the App Manager would show the number of apps in a category before you opened it.16:35
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GeneralAntilles(see my mockups)16:35
X-FadeFresh/new applications, right there in AM.16:35
JaffaWell, s/ideal/immediately practicable and achievable with some weekend hacking/16:36
lbtif you don't mind - why?16:36
lcukyes, find a way to grab a digest of package,category,rating downloaded with the update lists16:36
lardmanJaffa: stick it on the key next to the name16:36
wazd Awaw, I have great AM UI designs16:36
lcukand bobs your uncle16:36
wazdBut they are on my god damn broken PC(16:36
lcukjaffa - yes and that same number of apps can be used to display as a cloud16:36
Jaffalardman: Was thinking of using the same GtkTreeView as the package info itself, and use the 'Size' column. Then will have the same code between package & sub-category list as top-level category list.16:36
Jaffalcuk: indeed. I can't be arsed to develop my own tag cloud any time soon :)16:36
lardmanlbt: no real reason, just to have a feeling of what's going to present itself (for me anyway)16:36
lcukheh jaffa16:37
lardmanwhat's a tag cloud?16:37
* lcuk needs to parse apt-cache's output... hmmm16:37
lbtanyway, got to pay attention now - back later. I was trying to be positive about this and make it better :) I think P&S or similar would be good for users... l8r16:37
lardmanthat thing on -> different size depending on # of matches?16:37
Jaffalardman: basically, yes16:37
X-Fadelardman: For example.16:37
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lardmanthey are annoying to use, nice to see though16:38
GeneralAntillesWhich, of course, makes small categories hard to get to.16:38
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GeneralAntillesThe initial "Wow" factor can't be undervalued, though.16:38
lcukdepending upon minimum size agreed gen16:38
wazdCloud is totally useless16:38
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wazdAbsolutely useless16:38
lcukbut if minimum and maximum are set carefully its informative (and use color)16:38
Jaffawazd: "totally" and "absolutely" are a bit wrong16:38
lcukon a touchdisplay its important16:39
lcukmost often used things are big and easy to reach :)16:39
GeneralAntillesAri can't even spell "maemo" correctly.16:39
X-Fadelcuk: Something like this would be nice:
wazdJaffa: does anyone cares how much software there is in category?)16:40
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lcukbasically yes x-fade :) (liqbase does it with sketches for now, ill see about a generic gtk label version)16:40
GeneralAntilleswazd, I do.16:40
lardmanwazd: not really, but it's sort of interesting16:40
Jaffawazd: So your comment is "showing how many apps are in a category is useless"; rather than tag clouds.16:40
GeneralAntillesMostly to know whether to click on it.16:41
lardmanIs this any good? :
JaffaIf there's one app in a category, and I'm browsing around to install some new stuff, I'll go to the place with more in16:41
wazdJaffa: true) And tag clouds too :)16:41
lcukwazd, not for the categories so much, but for the rated and downloaded stats 100%16:41
wazdlcuk: I think it's kind of "not fair"16:41
lardmanlcuk: that's hard, what will the metric be? mean/median/max?16:41
wazdnew software will be tiny16:42
wazdCanola will cover 200% of the screen xD16:42
lcukwazd, from small seeds comes great things :)16:42
lardmanI can't stand it myself16:42
lcukits "popular" though16:42
lardmanso is Labour16:42
lardmanwell was16:42
lcukand just a different way to look at it - if theres 5 different views available for the same app manager what does it matter16:43
lcuksome people can choose clouds, others lists others trees16:43
lardmantrue, if it's something someone really wants then they can code it up and see if it's popular too16:43
wazdlcuk: I think straight list with abillity to sort by popularity/freshness/whatever will be the best16:43
Jaffalcuk: As long as they get coded :)16:43
lcukwazd, see previous comment16:43
lardmananyone any thoughts on GTK+ books?16:43
lcukwe are as a community discussing this - each of us has ideas and some of us are coders, if we mock things up we can see what works16:44
Jaffalcuk: absolutely :)16:44
* GeneralAntilles explodes.16:45
GeneralAntillesToo much rice and fried chicken.16:45
* RST38h is going to suggest something16:45
wazdGeneral: and for desert, new Maemo Theme :D16:46
* RST38h puts his pointy hat with little bells on16:46
* GeneralAntilles might die.16:46
RST38hGeneral: Why wait for the Collider?16:46
GeneralAntillesfms's software and not fms's software?16:46
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melmothlardman: seems nice16:46
RST38hLong while ago, there was a MAME shell that let you sort games by year, make, popularity, board type, category, etc etc16:47
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RST38hHow about looking at it and using the same kind of GUI?16:47
lardmanmelmoth: cool, that's the same as the one on Amazon16:47
RST38hOf course Maemo categories will be different and some stuff we do not really need, but the whole shell app was very handy16:48
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JaffaThat looks like a good book16:49
Jaffalardman: $31.99 or 33 quid!16:50
lardmanamazon said £13 for second hand, but it's from the US, so may take a year or so to arrive16:50
lardman~£25 for a new one from the UK16:50
wazdI think its 300 pages thick and there are only two words on each page)16:51
wazdYou can't :)16:51
RST38hgood for self defense16:51
lardmankeep it in my brest pocket to deflect bullets16:51
RST38htoo heavy16:52
wazdI think it's rather offensive weapon :D16:52
lardmanwhat, GTK+ ;)16:53
Jaffalardman: 15 quid for a new one from the US. Not sure you can add marketplace stuff to your wishlist16:53
JaffaLong time till Christmas, too16:53
johnxlbt, (and anyone else interested), I put up my thoughts for a "personal and social" section on the talk page of the package categories wiki:
lardmanyeah, stuff from the US takes ages to arrive though16:53
lardmanI'd rather pay an extra tenner and have it this week16:53
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, that doesn't make an overwhelming amount of sense.16:54
GeneralAntillesemail could just as easily fit in network16:54
GeneralAntillesand GPE I'd, personally, be more inclined to stick in Office.16:54
Jaffajohnx: you lose points for not having the care to add it alpabetically ordered ;-)16:55
johnxGeneralAntilles, it's about the primary purpose of the app16:55
johnxJaffa, I have an agenda to push! (fixing it now)16:55
* GeneralAntilles doesn't like it.16:55
johnxok, so what's the most important thing about a contacts app? that you might use it at your office? that it might be networked? or that it keeps people's names?16:56
melmothlardman: haev you considered the older book (wich is available for free in hmtl, thus, readable in the tablet too )
lcukim gonna vanish again, bbl guys16:57
JaffaContact app is the only one I've heard which compellingly doesn't fit into one of the other categories; but it's so "simple" from a user point of view, I can live with it in "user/utilities" - because a new category for "all contact apps" doesn't seem sensible ;-)16:58
lardmanmelmoth: too much gnome, not much content afaict16:58
Jaffamelmoth: the problem with learning something from an older book is that the concepts aren't the hard things, it's knowing what's available to you - and that changes every release: so newer == better.16:58
lardmanthen again, perhaps I should just find a decent set of docs on the web and use those16:59
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Jaffalardman: If you find some, let me know.16:59
johnxif a user is looking for a contacts app, where are they likely to look? What makes sense from someone who isn't thinking about this from our perspective?16:59
lardmanJaffa: yeah :(16:59
johnxAnd this collection of "apps to help you manage your own information and information about other people" is one of the most popular uses of the tablet17:02
johnxYes, it could be put with the rest of the clutter in utilties, but that's a "catch all"17:02
Stskeepsi loathe the "extras" category in hildon17:02
lbtGeneralAntilles: I'd look for SMTP in network, I'd look for "send an email to Susan to ask about gossip" in Personal and Social .... what kind of role are you playing?17:02
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GeneralAntillesWe're talking about packages not "doing things".17:03
johnxThe point is not to say "x could fit in category y" but to find a category where it fits best17:03
lbtOh, so when Susan wants to install email she looks in 'Network'?17:03
GeneralAntillesI really, _really_ hate these sorts of discussions.17:04
* GeneralAntilles checks out.17:04
melmothlardman: decent recent doc==devhelp17:04
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lbtme too - they are hard to do when not face-2-face17:04
melmothbut it s more of a reference thingy than a howto17:04
GeneralAntilleslbt, no, there's never a "right" answer and everybody has a different opinion of how it should be done.17:05
lbtand I understand your argument.17:05
johnxGeneralAntilles, if you're worried about hurting feelings, don't. I'm honestly interested in different ideas, but I think this is important because it is one things all new users will run into17:05
lbtI feel I could act as your proxy17:05
GeneralAntillesjohnx, me? Worried about hurting feelings? You're kidding, right?17:05
lbtI don't feel I've done my job to let you see my point of vieew17:05
lbtso I don't think you could argue as my advocate17:06
* wazd really hates Maemo themes(17:07
wazdThey are so fricking complicated(17:07
lardmanmelmoth: ah, I forgot that one17:07
johnxAnyways, the proposal is up on the talk page, if anyone has questions, ask me or lbt. If you want to shoot it down that's fine. I'd be willing to compromise on at least collecting PIM under utilities/personal if for some reason *everything* with network capabilities has to be under network17:07
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GeneralAntillesWe're avoiding subcategories for the time being.17:12
lardmanbooo! ;)17:12
johnxfair enough17:13
johnxhello :)17:13
herwoodhas anyone used osso-addressbook with Qt?17:13
herwoodI mean the lib-version of the addressbook17:14
GeneralAntillesjohnx or lbt, can you poke at the discussion on -developers at least?17:14
* RST38h sadly observes INTC stock17:14
RST38hOn the other hand, AMD is $2+ :)17:14
johnxGeneralAntilles, alright17:14
derfWhy sadly?17:15
herwoodI'm just wondering that can the addressbook -library be used without the main loop (because Qt does not have one)17:15
derfUnless you're planning to retire soon, you want stocks to be cheap.17:15
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RST38hderf: not planning to retire, not planning to buy more17:17
derfWell, if you're not buying or selling, it doesn't matter what the price is.17:18
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lardmanprice doesn't matter, the delta does though17:19
RST38hderf: thinks. =)17:19
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lbtGeneralAntilles: I did - but I got zarro response. So I prodded here too :)17:21
derflardman: What matters is value, not price.17:22
derfPrice is what you pay. Value is what you get.17:22
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lardmanvalue of a share you mean? Or value of the share transaction (which is the delta effectively)?17:22
derfThe value of the business.17:22
RST38hhe means the long span value of the company17:23
lardmanthe intrinsic value of a share should be reflected in its price, but as you can't cash in your shares and take computers for them, that is meaningless17:23
lardmanassuming it's a computer company we;re talking about17:23
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derflardman: Over the long term, value is reflected in price.17:23
derfOver the short term, it is often not.17:23
RST38hgiven how inflated markets are anyway, I am not sure about that :)17:24
lardmanyes, but value is of no interest really, it's the change in the price of the shares that matters17:24
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derfJust because the price is much lower than it was a month ago doesn't mean the business is much less valuable.17:24
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lardmanderf: no, but the shares are less valuable17:24
derfNot in the long term.17:24
lardmantrue, but again, that really doesn't matter; it;'s the change over time that matters17:25
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lardmanso if we talk about value of a company, it's the company's value (reflected in the change in share price) that is of interest17:25
lardmanunless you do it for voting rights of course17:26
derfI'm trying to tell you, the company's value is very often _not_ acccurately reflected in the share price in the short term.17:26
derfHowever, it will be in the long term.17:26
lardmanit is the change in the value of the company (aka share price) that is important17:27
derfValue is not aka share price.17:27
lardmanwhy not?17:27
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lardmanf(value,risk )17:27
derfBecause the company makes the same amount of money regardless of what its share price is.17:27
VeggenLots of stocks nowadays throughout the world, I guess you could buy, sell off the contracts, sell off the assets and go into plus.17:28
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GeneralAntilleslbt, now that we've had a discussion and have some more concrete examples and ideas.17:28
GeneralAntilleslbt, your previous email was a bit too nebulous.17:28
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RST38hzap: btw, had any luck with openstreetmaps?17:43
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lardmanlcuk, GeneralAntilles: how does one produce an html page for a Garage project?17:45
lardmanjust stick it somewhere?17:45
GeneralAntilles /www in svn17:45
lardmanok, cool17:45
X-FadeThere is an on commit hook for that in svn. Use the www dir indeed.17:46
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lardmanJust thought I should perhaps add some blurb to the projects I'm involved with, rather than blogging about them :p17:47
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wazdOk, I was the last person on the planet that haven't caught infinite loop tablet rebooting17:54
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wazdNow it is17:54
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RST38hYou have been naughty, have you?17:56
RST38hWas it boot menu? Or debian? Or a custom kernel?17:56
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GeneralAntillesWouldn't be bootmenu17:57
GeneralAntillesNor Debian, really.17:57
GeneralAntillesCustom kernel, perhaps, but not any of the usual binary-providing suspects.17:57
RST38hshould be the kernel then17:57
GeneralAntillesIf he compiled his own dodgy kernel, maybe.17:58
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wazdI had simple firmware)17:59
wazdApplied new Theme and it crashed into loop18:00
dnearyhey hey18:00
wazdhey there18:00
dnearyandre___: Ping?18:00
dnearyAnyone know if there's a Maemo "how to report a bug" guide?18:00
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wazdOMG, it killed Olmsteds n810 too!18:01
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wazdI've invented Killer Theme!18:01
andre___dneary, a general one? I think there's only
andre___but that's what we normally use when a report is vague or very incomplete...18:02
RST38hmoo, qwerty I am out18:02
qwerty12heh, hi RST38h18:02
dnearyandre___: Found it18:02
ciro1wazd: which theme are you talking about?18:02
dnearyandre___: Second question: is there an RSS feed of reported bugs?18:03
andre___i'm too slow against dneary with his superpowers... :'(  ;-)18:03
dnearyandre___: I had to come here to find it ;)18:03
wazdSeems like Theme Maker made me a surprise for release18:04
GeneralAntillesdneary, not that I know of, but I can tell you how to generate a "recently filed" search18:04
ciro1wazd: I cant find it in garage18:04
GeneralAntillesOr you should just subscribe to bugmail.18:04
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Please do!18:04
wazdciro1: It's not released yet18:04
andre___dneary, i don't think RSS for bugzilla exists. at least not in our version18:04
ciro1oh, ok :) thank you18:05
andre___dneary, ah well - you can have an RSS feed for queries it seems18:05
GeneralAntillesdneary, change the number of days to whatever you prefer:
wazdciro1: I was trying to release it, made a package and it killed my device)18:06
GeneralAntillesBugmail would probably be best, though.18:06
ciro1wazd:  I would love to give it a look18:08
melmothGeneralAntilles: do you feel like telling  Tim ("Needing help with dead unit" mail in devel-list) his code should be his mac address ?18:08
melmothi just dont get how it could be wrong18:08
wazdThey are here!18:08
johnxheh...did that the other day :)18:09
qwerty12wazd, if I can beta test your theme, I can attempt to find out why it's tha killa theme :P *grin*18:09
wazdWell, it worked well, just bad package I suppose18:10
Stskeepsjohnx: yours were slightly more scary though ;)18:10
wazdI'll release it in 20 minutes)18:10
nemodneary: you know, most of those vars are blank and could have been trimmed18:10
qwerty12Thanks :). I need a dark[er] theme :)18:10
nemoeven without a shorter URL service :-p18:10
wazdWhen I'll have a device to test on18:10
nemopersonally when I write searches, I rewrite the URL to strip blanks before sending it back to the user.18:11
nemojust to be thoughtful :-p18:11
GeneralAntillesnemo, know of a script to sanitize bugzilla search URLs?18:11
wazdcan you remind me where I can get flasher for windows?)18:11
wazdNokia flashing utility18:11
infobotmethinks flashing is
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qwerty12I'll be needing a 36-5 image soon :/. Guess I'll use Harrowed's method with the windows flasher to save me an image18:13
GeneralAntillesI don't get why they can put the damn FIASCO image on the server.18:13
nemoGeneralAntilles: I guess I could write one18:13
nemoGeneralAntilles: would be a very short script18:13
nemobookmarklet, more like18:13
GeneralAntillesnemo, that'd pretty very nice.18:13
nemoyou know...18:13
nemowhy not18:13
* nemo writes one18:13
GeneralAntillesI'm bored of trimming them by hand.18:14
nemooh. oops emergency18:14
nemowill take a moment18:14
GeneralAntillesTake your time, I have no end of searches to paste. :)18:14
dnearynemo: Yup18:14
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wazdIt says I have wrong time set on my PC18:18
icebattleme too18:18
wazdWhat the hell is going on(18:18
icebattleI haven't been able to reflash since Sunday18:18
wazdHow the hell should I reanimate my tablet?(18:18
melmothsame as the guy who posted on devel-18:19
icebattleI keep resetting my time on the PC, but no luck18:19
melmothwazd: use a linux flasher ?18:19
wazdI should have Linux firstly)18:19
GeneralAntillesWill somebody post a blocker bug on bugzilla, please?18:19
icebattleI use windows hosted linux for app dev, so usb is difficult18:19
icebattleI'll post the bug18:20
wazdI think thats because of winter time switch18:20
melmothsounds like it... It occured this sunday18:20
icebattleMy suspicion exactly - in NA we're still on daylight saving18:20
wazdBut why the hell does flasher needs my time?!18:20
qwerty12wazd, live cd :D. actually, it would be cool if someone made a tiny tiny linux live cd that has the sole purpose of flashing a image from a usb stick18:20
wazdI haven't got CD-ROM either xD18:20
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icebattleGeneralA - is this a maemo website bug, or maemo software?18:24
GeneralAntillesMaemo Software -> Flasher: Windows18:28
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Stskeepswazd: timezone/daylight savings stuff maybe?18:28
wazdalready changes18:28
wazdsame crap18:28
wazdI mean, why the hell updater needs my time?18:29
GeneralAntillesWho knows18:29
wazdWhy not my desktop wallpaper or minesweeper record time?18:29
qwerty12That was the start of a reply that was not meant to be :)18:29
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GeneralAntillesicebattle, make sure it's blocker.18:31
johnxtry putting your clock ahead or behind one hour, just for fun18:31
icebattleWill do.18:31
johnxI'm working on a theory...18:31
wazdOlmsted is a Pure Genius18:32
wazdTo flash just disconnect PC from the internet18:32
johnxwell, there's that too18:32
qwerty12but what if you want to flash straight to 36-5? :)18:32
icebattlebug has been reported. Thanks, GA18:33
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wazdTablet's back18:35
icebattleThat quick!18:36
GeneralAntillesSeeing as how more than a few people have complained, I'm going to confirm the bug without first-hand experience.18:37
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qwerty12I'm getting the same error and my time & timezone is set correctly18:37
icebattleI tried disconnecting, but no luck18:38
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wazdIt should work18:38
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johnxanyone with this problem: Could you try setting different times? maybe back 30 minutes, then back an hour?18:39
qwerty12haha, It's sending my Glock40 version string to the update server :P18:39
wazdIt passes that stupid check and allows you to chose firmware rom18:39
vincenzo88Goodbye to all :)18:40
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qwerty12Log data, item 518:41
qwerty12 Address=76BE42EB18:41
qwerty12 Message=Debug string: device_software_version=RX-34+RX-44+RX-48_DIABLO_4.2008.36-5-Glock40_PR_MR0&device_hardware_version=RX-34&device_hardware_revision=1302&timestamp=2008-10-29+16:41:0518:41
qwerty12^ that's what it's sending when I click the next button.18:41
qwerty12All looks correct to me.18:42
qwerty12Fuck. Replacing that LEAVE with NOP's fucks it up.18:45
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penguinbaitqwerty12, takes the lead18:46
icebattleI've tried multiple times - back an hour, forward an hour18:47
penguinbaitgot a 3 way tie goin between Texrat, GA, and qole18:47
icebattle... no DST, etc18:47
GeneralAntillesI wonder if people are factoring in the wiki that I mostly wrote. ;)18:47
icebattleProbably not - you know what devs are like ;-)18:48
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penguinbaitGA, you were supposed to vote for yourself, this would lend credibility to my last poll ;)18:53
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GeneralAntillesNone of the people who have really, really helped me are on that list.18:54
penguinbaitI hear ya, but I either do top 10 or listen to people whining about how they should have been up there :)18:55
melmothhola moontiger18:55
icebattleif i follow the wiki, the 36-5 image is not on the download page18:55
GeneralAntillesicebattle, yeah, there's a bug. :\18:56
GeneralAntillesAt least two Nokians are working on it18:56
GeneralAntillesNo idea what the blocker is.18:56
icebattleOK, thaks for the update18:56
penguinbaitwhat planet do Nokian's hail from?18:56
GeneralAntillesFinland, usually.18:56
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wazdokay, second try18:58
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moontigerhey melmoth :)18:59
melmothhow's life ?19:00
moontigervery busy with work this past week ... off for 6 days after today :)19:01
moontigeri can do some more work on the web stuff ;)19:01
melmothi m having short holidays next week too :)19:01
melmothcool. I think what is "urgent" is to be able to for user to remove information, pic or gps info.Right now, only i can do it.19:02
moontigerand of course im packing and getting rid of things ready to move19:02
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moontigeri can add that ability easily ;)19:02
melmothwe are not used by gazillions of people, so it is not urgent as such, but it s the next needed feature19:02
moontigeri'll take care of that tomorrow ... just delete stuff ?19:03
moontigerdoes it need to be saved somewhere?19:03
melmothwell, being able to delete picture and gps data that are not needed anymore19:03
melmothbeing able to send the data by email could be an option too.19:03
moontigerright ... as well as setting max num pictures to keep and max gps points to keep automatically19:04
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moontigeri'll do it tomorrow ;)19:04
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icebattleHas anyone experienced the slow GPS on N810? My N800 connects to a bluetooth GPS receiver and gets a fix very quickly, but the N810 is awful with internal and bt21:18
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RST38hicebattle: install agps-ui from Maemo Extras21:23
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RST38hicebattle: select your location in agps-ui (approximately), then quit agps-ui and run some mapping software - it should lock on faster21:23
icebattleok, thanks for the advice. I'll try that when I get the unit flashed21:24
JaffaI thought you kept agps-ui running?21:24
qwerty12_N800afaik, the supl daemon stores the info given by the ui21:25
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RST38hit just tores your appxmt location somewhere no need to keep it running21:25
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JaffaAh, cool21:25
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JaffaIt also doesn't tell you when it's successfully downloaded the data so you never really know how long to keep it open21:26
melmothicebattle: my n810 has always been painfull slow, with or with agps21:26
icebattleThat's a bit sad. My N800 works great21:27
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icebattleI followed some links on the osso-gpsd fix, but the package I found wouldn't install21:28
qwerty12_N800That was a fluke anyway21:28
RST38hJaffa: it is not perfect in many ways21:29
RST38hbut it does not look like its authors take feedback21:29
penguinbaitqwerty12, your kick'n butt, but qole is close behind :)21:29
JaffaRST38h: *shock*21:29
RST38hJaffa: BTW, it will download data when you access gps21:29
RST38hJaffa: So there is NO need to keep it open21:30
RST38hicebattle: use agps-ui, case closed.21:30
qwerty12_N800penguinbait, heh. :)21:30
icebattleBy your command! ;-)21:31
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qwerty12_N800wierd :p21:41
RST38hqwerty: The author has got mental problems. He sees and classifies aliens.21:43
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* lcuk freezes21:46
moontigerlcuk, cold?21:47
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lcuki thought id broke my knob, but it turns out its some mixer paddle thats come off21:48
* lcuk has a cold car21:48
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lcukshurrup qwerty :P21:48
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lcukwhen we showed the offending knob to the mechanic he knew straight away what the problem was :D21:49
qwerty12_N800lol :D21:50
lcuki really did think it was just broken, but that fan control thing in the car goes right into the heart of it all and they need 2 days to fix car :S21:50
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lcuki best console myself by writing some code21:51
penguinbaitI just got hit with a $2725 bill to replace all the sewer pipes under my house21:52
penguinbaitI'll take the knob prob21:52
lcukpenguinbait, you're talkin shit21:52
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penguinbaitI'll feeling crappy too21:52
lcukthats a big deal tho21:52
glassbetter than walking in shit21:52
penguinbaitMy house smelled like a sewer for about a week21:53
lcukpenguinbait, i gather you mean the ones connecting your toilet to the main drain, or is this just a random pipe passing under your property?21:53
StskeepsJaffa: re #3827, don't we mean sortof the same, - that standard GTK apps should be able to run on top of maemo gtk without issue, and maemo gtk shouldn't make illusions about only targeting hildon+matchbox environments?, where maemo gtk is a drop in replacement that makes it more sane for mobile devices?21:53
penguinbaitbut better than walking in shit21:53
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qwerty12_N800$2725?!? How much shit goes under your house? :p21:53
RST38h$2725 is pretty low for something like this21:54
penguinbaitdo you not know me?  lots of shit :)21:54
RST38hConsider amount of digging they have to do21:54
penguinbaitAnd playing in my shit21:54
lcukdepends how its cured and where from21:54
penguinbaitHappily pay the bill so I did not have to crawl in and do it21:54
lcuk100% agree penguinbait i dunno how ppl coped before proper waste treatment21:55
RST38hlcuk: septic tanks21:55
qwerty12_N800the thames21:56
lcuksod all this computers mean we are modern - its the toilets that make a civilization21:56
StskeepsJaffa: where "normal" gtk is targeted towards definate desktop use and "maemo" gtk is targeted towards mobile use, with intend to have gtk flexible enough to accomodate those eventually :P21:56
RST38hlcuk: or, rather, holes in the ground21:56
penguinbaitI hear ya, I used to actually have to work for a living, now I just play with computers :)21:56
lcukRST38h, as a russian you will know that walking out to a hole in the ground is bad for your extremities21:56
lcukheh pb21:56
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RST38hlcuk: as a russian, you usually wear stuff21:58
lcukhow do you ummmm evacuate your waste into said hole in the ground without having things blowing in the wind?21:59
RST38hlcuk: quickly.21:59
lcukheh good answer21:59
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RST38h"like hedgehogs making love - slowly and VERY carefully"22:00
penguinbaittastes like bacon!  mmmmm bacon22:00
lcuki suppose this was why vodka was invented, both for the numbing effect and the high concentration means less visits outside ;)22:01
lcuki love the way my xchat highlights bacon :D22:01
JaffaStskeeps: yes, I suppose so.22:01
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penguinbaitbacon, dogs don't know its not bacon22:01
penguinbaitmaybe its human ?22:02
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lcukomg are you sayin beggin strips are people?22:02
penguinbaitmaybe ?22:02
penguinbaitthey don't know its not bacon?  what the hell is it?22:03
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StskeepsJaffa: alright, just got confused :P22:04
lcukright, i think tonight i shall mostly be trying to write a gui designer22:04
penguinbaitI see they play that comercial in UK too?22:04
RST38hlcuk: why?22:04
lcukno penguinbait i read a lot of bacon sites22:04
lcukfrom here mainly22:05
* lcuk gets hungry whenever he browses22:05
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lcukRST38h, cos i keep sketching out GUIs and want to test them and see if they work but am very lazy and just want to use what ive sketched22:06
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penguinbaithow lcuk thinks when he is hungry, mapped out >
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qwerty12_N800hmm, the page is on the small side :p22:08
lcukincrease zoom, maximum bacon22:08
Stskeepsjohnx: possible new focus, look at what causes maemo gtk to incompatible with non-hildon/non-matchbox22:09
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penguinbaitI like the "Are you wearing pants?"22:09
lcukyou don't need pants to make bacon - a good apron will save you22:09
penguinbait"you also hate getting hot bacon grease on your junk"22:10
lcukapron == junk protection22:10
lcukor does it mean something else in your country22:10
lcukomg jake cant say father christmas22:11
lcukhe says farmer christmas22:11
lcukso i said am i father or farmer22:11
lcukhe said im dad22:11
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penguinbaitjake?  your son?22:12
penguinbaitjake or jacob?22:12
Stskeepsyou're a bad parent if you talk to kids about christmas before it's december :P22:12
lcukdepends if hes been naughty or not22:12
Stskeepsit starts 1. december, end of story22:12
penguinbaitI also have a Jacob22:12
lcukheh sts22:12
lcuki bet my jacob is naughtier (and also cuter) than yours :P22:13
penguinbaithe's about qwerty's age :)22:13
lcukheh, mines only 622:13
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penguinbaityes, my Jacob is a smelly teenager22:13
lcukive got a smelly teenage son as well22:13
lcukhe just came back from camp this weekend after firing big guns :S22:14
penguinbaitI have 4 - 9, 11, 13, 1522:14
zshi, i wrote a program, when i execute it in terminal everithing is ok, but when i run it from menu program exit after 2 minutes, any ideas?22:14
penguinbaitI finally figured out what was causing that22:14
lcukzs, you have your settings wrong on your startup .desktop thingy22:14
lcukyou havent registered with osso or whatever it is meant to be22:14
qwerty12_N800zs, using dbus?22:14
lcukb rb22:15
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* qwerty12_N800 cries as I find my tiny collection of scummvm games gone22:16
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zsqwerty12_N800: i created<my_app>.service and inside i got [D-BUS Service]<my_app>       Exec=/usr/bin/<my_app>, is it correct?22:19
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qwerty12_N800zs, looks like it, are you calling osso_initialize?22:20
pixiesI have a Palm LifeDrive that can be run Maemo him?22:20
zsqwerty12_N800: no22:21
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qwerty12_N800zs, maybe will help22:23
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BugBlue does help?22:23
zsqwerty12_N800: not found, ok i will do some research thanks22:23
* lcuk is amazed his osso registration worked first time22:24
qwerty12_N800zs, sorry, here's a  direct link:
lcuki still dont know what i did22:24
lardmanwhat are the gtk+ docs called in Ubuntu?22:26
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RST38hlcuk: adding gtk ui? ;)22:27
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lcukno RST38h22:27
lcukat least not yet22:27
baddulardman: hellou, i got the loading to work when i switched the size to 0x100000, thanks22:28
baddulardman: next problem ahead :)22:28
Jaffalardman: I've ordered the book, new, from the US for a total of 17.75 - delivery estimate is 31 Oct, which seems a little eager :)22:28
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lardmanJaffa: I'm holding off still22:28
lardmanbaddu: what's up now?22:28
JaffaI'll let you know if it's any good.22:28
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qwerty12_N800lardman, libgtk2.0-doc?22:28
lardmanyep thanks, just found it :)22:29
baddulardman: i try to communicate wit floats through ipbuf and normal messaging22:29
lardmanas in floating point?22:29
baddulardman: my source and destination values do not match then :P floats yeah, floating point variables22:30
lardman32bit types get their top and bottom 16bits switched around22:30
lardmanbest to write 16bit types22:30
lardmanand read them22:30
baddulardman: so is the dsp big endian and arm little endian?22:30
lardman0x12345678 -> 0x5678123422:31
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lardmandsp is bigendian for the two 16bit chunks in a 32bit type, but the 16bit chunks are littleendian22:31
baddulardman: i suppose when the endiannes changes also words are 'shifted'22:31
lardmanyes, bytes are shifted22:31
baddulardman: ok22:31
lardmanand a byte is 16bits22:31
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baddulardman: aaa, of course22:31
lardmanbut bytes are read/written the same on both platforms22:32
JaffaRight, time to watch the Heroes I downloaded today22:32
baddulardman: i agree that it's better to communicate with 16bit values, but i use floats in the dsp code (quite important in opengl)22:32
baddulardman: so probably i try with some byteswap thing first22:33
lardmanbaddu: fair enough, might be worth copying the data to local memory (32bit copies are faster than 16bit) and doing some byte swapping en route22:33
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lardmanThere's probably an ASM command to allow you to read them backwards if you look for it22:33
badduok. let's see if i progress somehow22:34
lardmanright, will be back in a while, pm me if you have troubles22:35
lardman(just so I notice it)22:35
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nemoGeneralAntilles: hey22:37
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nemoGeneralAntilles: was a busy day at work but I made an (ugly) attempt.  I originally contemplated tokenising in pairs and cleverness, but the cleverness was getting longer than ugly regex - so I did ugly regex22:38
nemoGeneralAntilles: if you want to clean it up, feel free :)22:38
nemoGeneralAntilles: well, anyway, here ya go. - I kind of wish bugzilla would do this itself.22:40
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nemotokenising would have been easier if they'd kept their variable names consistent22:48
nemocould have just had a blacklist and a list of ['bugid','email1'] then match on each where var began with pattern.22:49
nemoonly. you can't.22:49
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lardman|tvwhat kind of GTK+ widget should I use for a spreadsheet-type view?22:55
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lardman|tvah, GtkTreeView, strangely non-descriptive name....22:59
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zsqwerty12_N800: thanks, with osso_initialize it works :)23:04
qwerty12_N800heh, cool :)23:04
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zstime to go sleep, bye :)23:06
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melmothlardman|tv: there is a really nice tutorial about gtktreeview23:08
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melmoththey are ...a bit clumsy to work with23:08
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melmoth(doing that i c in guess ?)23:10
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