IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-08-07

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* mgedmin WANT mmpc for diablo00:05
lcukwhats that?00:05
mgedminnice musicpd client00:06
lcukwas it available for chinook?00:06
mgedminhm, the domain is; the thing itself is mpd00:06
mgedminanyway, yes, it was, and when I tried to rebuild it for diablo00:06
mgedminI got stuck on missing packages (libgladesomething, iirc)?00:06
lcukcan you use the chinook .deb you built?00:06
mgedmindid I build the chinook deb?00:07
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lcuki dunno - by your mentioning diablo specifically i thought you meant you had it before00:07
mgedminI see mmpc 0.1 in my mistral and bora dists, in the other/ syubdir00:07
mgedminwhich means I downloaded the .deb from somewhere that was not a repo and put it in mine for convenience00:08
* mgedmin checks ... ... ... timeout00:08 .... ... ... ... timeout00:08
* mgedmin weeps00:08
Stskeepstime for coffee break? :P00:09
mgedminanyway, time to go home00:09
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lcukand no, thats marcell00:17
* jott pokes in lcuks eye00:20
jott(lucky you wear glasses :)00:20
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lcukthat was a very short pub visit00:23
lcukim gonna suspend your license00:23
lardmanonlt 2 pints00:24
lardmanas you can tell ;)00:24
liran_is it possible to re-arrange that cubical main menu at the left?00:26
crashanddieliran_, as in going into settings -> panels, and clicking "organise" ?00:27
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liran_crashanddie: let me check00:28
liran_crashanddie: that's the one, thanks00:28
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liran_crashanddie: it was in the bottom there, couldn't see it :)00:28
* liran_ has the n810 for only 2 days... haven't played with it that much00:29
liran_though I have to say, I installed a bunch of apps last night and I think it's running slower than usual00:29
liran_usual as in, slower than when it was empty when I got it 2 days ago lol00:29
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liran_crashanddie: seems that I'm unable to remove the 'Web' and 'Bookmarks' entries in the Internet category00:33
crashanddieyou are correct00:33
liran_crashanddie: so no way to remove them?00:33
crashanddienever bothered00:34
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crashanddieI use them quite extensively, so no point in removing them00:34
lcukliran_, i believe there is a way to remove them (or reassign them) but its a bit more convoluted than an option00:35
liran_crashanddie: well I see no point in having those 2 in the Internet category when they are both available in the top-left upper category too (the globe one)00:35
lcukjust leave em for now00:35
liran_yep, I'll just leave it for now00:35
crashanddieliran_, I didn't remove them, just put them in a "garbage" folder, where I've put skype and everything00:36
crashanddieskype, gizmo, stuff like that00:36
liran_heh, garbage folder :)00:36
lcukive got extrabits wayyyyyyyy down at the bottom out of sight00:36
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liran_just wondering, does this seems like a normal load?
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mranostayquick question is there any hildon input plugin for an sms style keypad?01:00
GNUtonioX-Fade: ping01:01
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sp3000liran_: fwiw that top sucks, you get no good names for maemo-launched things01:06
sp3000htop from the tools repo is nicer wrt that01:06
jottX-Fade: bzip2 in diablo/free is broken it's missing depends for shared-mime-info :(01:09
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liran_sp3000: I'll get htop then and let's check again01:09
liran_sp3000: cause that top output worries me some what...01:10
liran_sp3000: doesn't it look like too much of a load?01:10
sp3000yeah, well, the math is a bit funny01:10
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sp3000but hey, you have at least 397% of memory, that can't be bad01:11
sp3000unless it's coming from a pagefile but it doesn't look like it ;)01:12
liran_uhmm, I can't find htop01:12
liran_does it have another name?01:12
sp3000can I do useful stuff like call 1-800 free with gizmo? :)01:14
* sp3000 can't quite tell01:14
jotthm it actually looks like extra-devel :/01:15
jottzap: is that your package? :P01:15
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summatusmentishas anyone come accross 16GB mini/micro sd cards?02:16
[yzf600]is there a way to tell what OS is installed on a nokia 770?02:17
Tobasummatusmentis: nope02:17
Tobathe rumors were just that, rumors, I guess02:18
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[yzf600]anyone know why my nokia won't accept connections to TCP port 1234 ?02:20
[yzf600]I wrote this server/client app in python and tested it out on my desktop02:20
summatusmentisToba: bummer :( Looking to replace my iPod02:20
[yzf600]I ported it over to maemo (it was a pygtk app) and it stopped accepting connections02:20
[yzf600]socket.error: (111, 'Connection refused')02:21
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blafasel[yzf600]: netstat shows the listening port though?02:22
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jott[yzf600]: you could use the TCP/IP swiss army knife (nc) to test if connections work in general.02:23
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[yzf600]jott: I don;'t think there is a nc ported to my OS02:28
[yzf600]I checked out the stuff at and it could only find netcat for Chinook02:28
[yzf600]I don't think I run Chinook02:29
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jaekis there a repository of microb extensions somewhere?02:29
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jott[yzf600]: hmm it could work anyway. it's just a console app. just an idea anyway for rapid testing :)02:29
[yzf600]strange - netstat doesn't show my app as listening, but it does show an entry for ssh02:30
mikkov_wtf, sdk has incompatible (to lenny) cp02:31
blafasel[yzf600]: Fix your app02:31
Tobasummatusmentis: yeah, I think i'm gonna wait too02:32
rm_youyou run your listening app as root?02:32
Tobai have maybe 1.5 GB of music on my n810 now02:32
Tobabut buying an 8gb now seems stupid02:32
blafaselPort 1234 should work with any privileges.02:32
summatusmentisyeah, I've got way more than 8GB of music anyway... I'd like to be able to get rid of the iPod, and just carry two devices02:33
Mercurysummatusmentis: How much music do you want to carry?02:33
Tobame, i dont really bring a portable device thinking "OH MAN GOTTA HAVE EVERY TUNE I EVER LIKED"02:34
TobaI thought about buying an ipod shuffle.02:34
summatusmentisMercury: slightly over 14GB02:34
Tobasummatusmentis: is that all you have?02:34
glassToba: good music library has stuff one doesn't like that much too, for humorous occasions or just because02:34
summatusmentisToba: I never know what I want to listen to, so I like having everything02:34
Tobaglass: true02:35
summatusmentisand yes, that's all I've got02:35
[yzf600]chinook netcat package can't install on my nokia due to wrong libc6.02:35
Mercurysummatusmentis: So wait a bit and get a 16GB card when they are available.  Or wait a bit longer and get them when they are not obscenely expensive.02:35
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[yzf600]blafasel: yea - maybe something is wrong with my app02:36
summatusmentisMercury: yeah, I think that's probably what I'll do. I haven't seen anything over 8GB for micro SD though02:36
[yzf600]blafasel: strange how it works just fine on my desktop02:36
summatusmentisso I'm not quite sure what 'a bit' is02:36
Mercurysummatusmentis: This summer supposedly.02:37
summatusmentisalmost over :)02:37
[yzf600]time to write a non pygtk python server I guess02:38
summatusmentisToba: you're a senior this year?02:38
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summatusmentiscool, any idea what you're doing afterwards?02:39
* Mercury digs about.02:40
Mercurysummatusmentis: Maybe december. *grumbles*02:40
summatusmentisMercury: I don't realy wanna wait until December :-P02:41
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summatusmentismake ti come faster02:41
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[yzf600]well, apparently pygtk on maemo does not like this statement: gobject.io_add_watch(sock, gobject.IO_IN, self.rx_data)02:46
Mercurysummatusmentis: I can't. :(02:46
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jaekanyone know of a good greasemonkey script that simulates the iphone flick scrolling?02:55
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yllusHey guys, quick Q? Where in the filesystem are menu items defined and kept?04:04
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robinkyllus: /usr/share/applications?04:10
robinkOh yeah.04:10
yllusI figured it out, hehe - thanks guys04:10
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yllusThough I am still wondering how I can play video files on /media/mmc2 - I can't navigate there using the Video Player browser04:11
yllusHmm, making a symbolic link doesn't work either.04:11
yllusoh, there it goes.04:14
mikkov_media player should automatically list all music and video04:15
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yllusI have a 770 formatted with another partition - I created a symlink in /home/user/MyDocs/.videos/04:15
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GAN800Bad plan.04:16
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[yzf600]could someone run this command on their n800 or n810:  dpkg --list  | grep gobject04:22
[yzf600]I'm wondering what package version is included on an n80004:22
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rm_youi dont know if its what you're looking for exactly...04:24
rm_youii  python2.5-gobject                                  2.14.1-1osso104:25
rm_youii  libsofia-sip-ua-glib3                              1.12.8-0osso504:25
rm_youbut doesnt really seem relevent04:25
[yzf600]nokia 770 has 2.12.2-1osso404:25
[yzf600]I wonder if that is causing my application to not work04:25
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[yzf600]rm_you: could you do me a big favor?04:27
[yzf600]if I send you a couple of python scripts, could you test it out for me?04:27
[yzf600]on an n800 or n810 that is04:27
rm_youN800 here04:28
[yzf600]basically, I wrote a python GTK app that talks on TCP port04:28
[yzf600]the server runs on the nokia, listening for clients to connect04:28
[yzf600]when a client connects, it sends a message to the server and the server changes what is displayed in the window04:29
[yzf600]the server on my n770 isn't accepting connections. I'm wondering if running it on an n800 would be any different04:29
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[yzf600]rm_you: can your im accept file transfers?04:30
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[yzf600]we could use a no paste bot in here04:33
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[yzf600]rm_you: is there another way for me to send you my script(s)?04:36
[yzf600]rm_you: thanks a ton, btw04:36
[yzf600]the 1st post will runn the gui04:38
[yzf600]run the second script like this: localhost "armed"04:39
[yzf600]run both on the n80004:39
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rm_yougobject.GError: Failed to open file 'png/available.png': No such file or directory04:41
rm_youyou have more files?04:41
[yzf600]oh crap04:41
[yzf600]forgot about that04:41
[yzf600]you can just put a "#" character in front of lines 61-7104:43
[yzf600]that will remove the GError04:43
[yzf600]so if it fails, the 2nd script will die with a "Connection refused" error04:45
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[yzf600]if it works, you will see the gui app change tabs04:45
ryoohkiany maemo news from linux world expo?04:47
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[yzf600]rm_you: any luck?04:50
rm_yousorry on phone with power services04:50
[yzf600]no problem04:51
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[yzf600]rm_you: I gotta leave the computer for a while. If you don't have time to help, I understand. If you do get around to running the scripts, just post here and I'll check back later. Thanks again05:11
rm_you[yzf600]: it isnt really doing anything05:17
rm_youand no output at all from second.py05:17
rm_youjust sitting there05:17
rm_youoh crap forgot the args05:17
rm_youyeah ok it worked05:18
rm_youand also, you may want to change your pin :P05:18
rm_you[yzf600]: i think i asked this last night, but... are you running these things as root? I am05:21
rm_youI dont think you can bind to a port if you aren't root05:21
terboyou need to be super user to bind to a port under 102405:22
rm_youah, i've had the experience with pretty much any port i try <_<05:22
rm_youbut yes, you should be correct05:23
terboalso yfz you could do netstat -an | grep LISTEN to make sure that its binding correctly05:24
rm_youi think he tried that, and it wasn't.05:25
rm_youlol damn05:29
rm_youi am thoroughly failing at finding a cheap 16+ port gigabit switch :P05:29
briandsurprise, surprise05:46
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rm_youthis is tempting...
rm_youthis is cheaper, but i'd rather go with a rackmount...
rm_youanyone know a better place to buy a gigabit switch? :P05:52
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[yzf600]rm_you: thanks a ton!06:05
[yzf600]I guess the nokia 770 python libs just aren't up to the task I asked06:06
[yzf600]rm_you: yea - I can't find any cheap 15 port switches either06:07
[yzf600]ebay may be best chance to get a deal06:08
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rm_youhow did ABL go to 23,000 downloads >_>06:43
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mikkov_advanced backlight07:07
mikkov_there was like ten updates within couple of days ;)07:08
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MercuryWhat sort of changes?07:11
* Mercury clearly needs to update his n810.07:11
Mercurymikkov_: They have not made it to diablo.07:12
* Mercury looks sad.07:12
mikkov_updates were week or two ago07:15
mikkov_i am just saying that updates bumped downloads a bit07:16
rm_youdiablo should have all of the newest changes <_<07:16
rm_youit's just that, when we released the newest (and current) version, downloads jumped from 2000 to 8000 in like two days and then sat there for a week... i was kind of expecting that to be it.07:17
mikkov_i think that there is somekind of delay in downloads07:18
MercuryIt's a very handy utility.07:18
MercuryNow, if there was a way to disable the default brightness thinggy as well, so it wouldn't take up space, that would be even better.07:18
rm_youMercury: fairly easily done07:18
rm_youMercury: settings -> control panel -> panels07:19
rm_you"status bar" tab07:19
rm_youuncheck "display" and "sound"07:19
Mercuryrm_you: Thanks. :)07:20
rm_younp :)07:20
mikkov_maybe downloads from repository are updated once a week and .install file clicks are real time07:22
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rm_youah possibly07:25
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acydlordstupid USPS is trying to eat my n81007:49
acydlordthey tried to deliver it today, and they say i only have 24 hours to pick it up or they ship it back07:49
acydlordnot to mention i live in an apartment complex, someone in the office could have signed07:52
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moontigerhi :)08:41
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Khertan_n810Hi !08:41
moontigerheyyyyyyyyyyyyy are you the person developing the mcalendar thingy?08:41
moontigerthat was to khertan btw :)08:43
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moontigerwell... i wonder if anybody can give some advice for development environment setup and choice?08:44
qwerty12Khertan_n810, did you get pycrypto packaged? :D08:45
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Khertan_n810no ...08:45
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Khertan_n810i ve played with diablo08:45
Khertan_n810but diablo2 from blizzard08:45
qwerty12hehe :)08:45
Khertan_n810moontiger > yes i m the dev of mcalendar08:46
qwerty12lemme see if I can package pycrypto (bearing in mind, I'm more used packaging c apps)08:46
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moontigerawesome ... i was going to write something similar but then found mcalendar08:47
moontigerim having a problem even deciding what dev env to use ...08:47
moontigeri prefer c/c++ but python is nice too08:47
moontigerbut im having a hard time even getting to the point where i can get a simple "hello world" on the actual n81008:47
Khertan_n810c/c++ can t be compiled on board08:48
Khertan_n810so not many choice for me :)08:48
moontigerso what do you use for dev work?08:48
Khertan_n810and python is so nice08:48
Khertan_n810i dev on my nit in the train08:48
moontigerhehe coolio08:49
Khertan_n810so mainly with pygtkeditor and osso-xterm08:49
moontigerso u use python on the actual tablet?08:49
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moontigeri wanted a calendar for the desktop that reads my google calendar and shows events up to a month ahead08:50
moontigerso i knocked up a quick gtk / python desktop app that works (looks like crap but whatever)08:50
moontigerbut i have no clue how to get that converted over to the n81008:50
qwerty12c can be compiled on the tablet. I know some people on the ITT forums and lcuk here does it.08:50
moontigerlike ... do u use eclipse and pluthon at all?08:51
Khertan_n810don t use at all eclipse08:51
moontigerok cool ... its big and slow08:51
Khertan_n810qwerty12 > yes but slow and hard to install08:52
moontigeri would prefer to use c / c++ but i have no clue how to actually use the scratchbox thingy :(08:52
qwerty12true but slow and hard to install != it can't be done08:52
qwerty12moontiger: run linux on any of your computers?08:53
moontigerall of them ... mostly xubuntu ... i got bored with compiling my own stuff08:53
Khertan_n810moontiger > use the vmware applyance08:53
qwerty12moontiger: vmware is the easy option to set it up, if you are a vmware hater, you can install it on xubuntu08:54
moontigeri set i tup ok ... just not sure what to do next08:54
moontigerlog in and then?08:54
moontigerdo i really have to use vi or something for an editor?08:55
qwerty12Do you have the DIABLO/CHINOOK_ARMEL target installed?08:55
Khertan_n810or *ubuntu08:55
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moontigeryes i have the whole scratchbox / armel thingy installed with xephyr08:55
qwerty12Inside scratchbox you do have to use vi, but you can get access to your files outside scratchbox and use gedit whatever08:55
moontigeron xubuntu08:55
moontigergod i hate vi08:56
moontigerso vi / nano / joe and manual cmd line compiles yes?08:56
qwerty12should do08:56
moontigerand then how do i get the apps onto the n810 when i want to dist them?08:57
qwerty12Some people use ssh, I just go into /scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER and copy them onto the N800 over usb08:57
moontigersorry for all the dumb questions btw but i *really* want to get started on some apps and this is frustrating08:57
moontigeroh so the compile is a static link and an xcopy deploy works?08:58
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qwerty12You should read this:
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qwerty12That goes into packaging apps into deb files08:59
moontigereeeesh .... ok thanks08:59
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qwerty12It's not a way of saying bye :), its just that can explain better than me :)09:00
moontigeroh ok thnx :)09:00
moontigerkhertan ... is it considered rude for me to develop another desktop calendar thingy that reads from google calendar?09:01
moontigeri mean since you are writing one09:01
Khertan_n810rude ? (sorry i m french)09:01
moontigernot polite09:01
moontigerim in san francisco right now but im moving to madrid at the end of the year09:02
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Khertan_n810no of course not09:02
moontigerbte that pdf is really good ... thanks so much :)09:02
Khertan_n810i ll let more choice for user09:02
moontigerok cool ... just making sure09:02
Khertan_n810do you want to make a view in list like mcalendar or same view as google agenda09:03
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moontigeri wanted to first of all make a scrollable window on the desktop to show me up to one month of events in my google calendar ... just simple "name" "start" "end" details for now09:04
moontigerthen maybe allow editing locally and re-syncing09:04
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moontigeri have some code that reads them now on my desktop in python09:05
moontigereventually i wanted to use the inertial scrolling too09:05
moontigerthen of course it would be good to link to a local store like mcalendar for when no net connection is available09:06
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Macorforgot my n80009:07
moontigerwow its getting busy here now ... europe is waking up :)09:08
Macornow i have to use my n9509:08
Stskeepsmoontiger: the coffee is starting to work09:10
* qwerty12 doesn't drink coffee and I was up at 6:30 :P09:10
Macorsts. sorry. gave up on debian09:10
StskeepsMacor: alright09:11
StskeepsMacor: thought you did that already :)09:11
Macorits great but the sound and bt support09:11
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XTLiMmm.. Coffee09:11
Macorwere killing me09:11
XTLiBad coffee, but still09:11
StskeepsMacor: think fatalsaint was looking at BT support09:11
Macorif you guys make it as easy as maemo09:12
StskeepsMacor: in any case, thanks for telling me the hald errors so we could get things rolling :)09:12
Macorthat would be awesome09:12
qwerty12Khertan_n810: I've got packaged09:13
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Stskeepshehe. not sure there's handy things like that built on this side of the pond. isn't there something like a networkmanager plugin for PPP connections?09:13
Macorand the sound support. it would replace maemo hands down09:13
Stskeepssounds support worked in johnx's beta3.. its a matter of finding out how it was done then09:13
Macoryou need a dnep module09:13
Stskeepsi gotta run to the bus now, ttyl09:13
Macorill get another sd tomorrow09:14
Macorand work on it some more09:15
moontigerim just having some tea ...before i go to bed09:15
Macorthat way i can swap it out for maemo/kde09:15
Macorit is awesome tho sts09:16
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* moontiger re-installs scratchbox and the sdk09:21 is down?09:21
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samppahah and it just started working again :)09:21
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XTLiGlad we could help09:23
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fmontesihi. anyone who tried java on maemo here? if i make my java app work on JamVM, will that work on maemo+jalimo too? should jalimo be my preferred target or is there something better?09:30
* qwerty12 loses faith in linux when it fails to mount a simple iso image. Even windows has no problems :/09:31
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qwerty12Checked them. I think it may be the file name. A shame as even windows has no problems with that name.09:33
qwerty12[ 2510.113353] ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. :/09:34
qwerty12arrgh, I think it's because I left it mounted in daemon tools. a restart beckons me. shit.09:35
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MaceN95i have a question about scratchbox. do you just have to change the target to arm and build most source like you would on aj pc?09:41
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MaceN95a pc09:42
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MaceN95or do you have to do a lot of src modifications to get it to work?09:43
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moontigern95 ... i think the idea is its just switch targets and rebuild09:45
moontigerafaik (and im new to this too) the scratchbox emulates the n810 on the x8609:45
moontigerso when it runs on that ... change target so the right code is emitted then recompile09:45
MaceN95thats what i figured09:47
moontigerelse whats the point right?09:48
MaceN95ill play with it more09:48
MaceN95i wanted to make my own kde build09:48
MaceN95to try to get kopete to have ssl support09:49
MaceN95thats the only thing wrong with pb's install09:50
MaceN95plus he has a ton of apps i would never use09:50
MaceN95i wanted to have a bare kde install and make a rep to add crossed apps. keeping all of it seperate instead of a 1G install from a tarball09:52
MaceN95all the hardware works in kde since it is run from maemo09:53
* qwerty12 should make an "I am rich" application for maemo09:55
qwerty12Someone actually bought it as well :
MaceN95im on my n9509:57
MaceN95dont think i can hop to www to easy from putty09:58
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qwerty12Armin Heinrich had released an app on the iTunes App Store called "I Am Rich". for $999.99. All the iPhone app did was display a red gem on the iPhone and iPod touch and nothing else as can be seen below. The description of the iPhone App in iTunes read:09:59
qwerty12    "The red icon on your iPhone or iPod touch always reminds you (and others when you show it to them) that you were rich enough to afford this.  It's a work of art with no hidden function at all."09:59
qwerty12Someone actually bought it as well09:59
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Khertan_n810qwerty12> in fact buy an app on the app store is one click10:00
Khertan_n810so author surely hope an error from someone10:00
Khertan_n810there is already other overpriced app available10:01
qwerty12And he got it :
qwerty12That is a nice scam though10:01
MaceN95i think ill get an n810 tomorrow10:03
MaceN95id have to order it tho. dont think most stores carry them10:04
MaceN95i need the querty10:04
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* qwerty12 pretends not to be flattered10:05
Khertan_n810qwerty12 > i see in log that you have packaged pycrypto10:05
Khertan_n810in extras-devel repository ?10:06
qwerty12I don't think I can upload it to extras though, I used bdist_debian10:06
qwerty12Hmm, I'll see if I can package it properly10:06
samppahey, i read somewhere that the old email client is still somewhere in diablo, how can i change back to that old one ?10:06
samppaThis new email program is unstable, i keep gettin "internal error" program closed messages10:07
qwerty12samppa: that was only if you did the leaked beta upgrade from chinook to diablo (like me) before diablo was out :/10:07
samppaah okey10:07
samppais there away to hack that old back10:07
samppaaway = way10:08
MaceN95modest doesnt work with my zimbra simap10:08
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qwerty12No, unless you mount a chinook rootfs and get to dpkg-repacking10:08
MaceN95i just use claws10:08
Stskeepsi'm really inclined to use claws after some days with modest10:08
samppado you get errors in modest also?10:08
Stskeepsatleast under debian it was really useful and stable10:09
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MaceN95no. modest just wont ssl to my zimbra imap10:09
* qwerty12 remembers when people were getting excited that modest would be the default email client in diablo10:10
Stskeepsqwerty12: i actually liked the old one better, it didn't fuck around that much :P10:10
MaceN95claws is nice tho10:10
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samppaStskeeps: yeah that old one was much better10:10
MaceN95modest has better lists10:10
qwerty12Stskeeps: yeah. I don't remember modest having so much problems in chinook. Nokia must have applied their magic programming skills to it.10:10
samppamaybe i should try claws10:10
moontigermodest is a real shame10:10
moontigeralmost good10:11
moontigerbut totally useless10:11
Khertan_n810modest works very well for me10:11
Khertan_n810and is really usefull10:11
XTLiWorks for me too, but I don't use it much10:11
Khertan_n810connecton will drop ...10:11
MaceN95well. it wouldnt connect to my zimbra server10:11
moontigerthere are just a few things that make it unusable for me10:11
samppamaybe its not working when your email box is very large10:12
MaceN95i gave up on it10:12
MaceN95and like claws10:12
Stskeepsmine is actually very small - since i go by the GTD principle, my inbox is often just at 0 messages :P10:12
samppaeverytime i receive a message it is closed due to internal error10:12
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moontigerclaws works well enough even tho its a bit weird sometimes10:12
moontigersamppa ... thats a great junk mail filter ;)10:13
MaceN95i like the interface10:13
MaceN95all dpad10:13
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samppaits not working even if my inbox has only 1 message...bu i do have lots of messages in other folders, messages i want to save10:14
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MaceN95they should let you use the onscreen kb from the dpad10:14
MaceN95or have a side scrolling alphabet10:15
MaceN95that you can use instead of pecking10:15
MaceN95the onscreen kb is kind of irritating sometimes10:17
samppahmm modest bugzilla says that this bug has been fixed and will be available in the next update10:18
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Khertan_n810new version of mCalendar uploaded10:24
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moontigerhow do i switch the scratchbox compiler to output a file that will run on the n810?10:25
XTLiNext update = 201210:25
qwerty12sb-menu, change to diablo_armel10:25
qwerty12run sb-menu rather10:26
moontigerthats what i did ... then i compile and get a compiled file10:26
moontigerthen i copy it to my n810 and try to run it but it wont run10:26
moontigeranyt houghts?10:26
qwerty12you can't run straight of a vfat mmc, move to ~ and chmod +x it10:26
moontigerahhhhhhhhhhhh cant run from the mmc's10:27
* qwerty12 notices that I don't get opengl problems in windows if I leave Catalyst Control Center open.10:28
moontigerhell yeah!! that did it ... thanks so much!!10:29
moontigerfinally i can develop for this thing :)10:29
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qwerty12Get the hang of packaging though :). Much easier then moving binaries around10:29
moontigerits so frustrating being a major geek and not being able to figure out the dev process for the platform10:30
qwerty12Morning X-Fade10:30
Khertan_n810morning x-fde10:30
Khertan_n810morning X-Fade10:30
* X-Fade pokes zap with a very very very sharp stick.10:30
moontigeryah i will get the whole process sorted out so i can package10:30
qwerty12X-Fade, good luck as he doesn't seem to be here under that name :/10:30
X-Fadeqwerty12: Yeah, I know. But at least he will find it in the irc log ;)10:30
moontigerkhertan ... what did you change in mcalendar just now?10:31
Khertan_n810sync errors ...10:31
moontigerahhhhh ok10:31
moontigerare you using the gdata python client lib for the communication?10:31
X-Fadeqwerty12: He seems to have broken bzip2, which in turn breaks building some packages on the autobuilder ;)10:31
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aquatixKhertan_n810: i have a feature request for mCalendar :)10:32
* aquatix stumbles in10:32
Khertan_n810aquatix > :)10:32
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X-Fadeqwerty12: But it is weird, because it is just an upstream ubuntu version.10:32
Khertan_n810say i m open to new idea10:32
aquatixyeah, i got synch errors too btw10:32
aquatixwell, all-day events10:32
qwerty12X-Fade, That's really odd. Can't you revert to an older version for the time being?10:32
aquatixand `no end date' with repeating ones10:32
Khertan_n810this is what i m working in10:32
X-Fadeqwerty12: yeah, I guess I would need to do that.10:33
aquatixthought so, but i thought i'd mention it10:33
aquatixKhertan_n810: any clue why i get synch errors atm10:33
Khertan_n810yes no end date is a google calendar feature10:33
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aquatixi have a `no end date' feature on my symbian phone too btw10:34
Khertan_n810aquatix > error is due to me. I believe the google api doc, which i shouldn t10:34
Khertan_n810aquatix > hum ... well by default i should make it with no end date10:35
aquatixthat'd be nice10:35
aquatixthat's how my smartphone does it too10:35
aquatixand google cal iirc10:35
* Khertan_n810 try to understand why when you set a reccurent day for all day on 7/8/0810:37
Khertan_n810end time become 8/8/0810:37
Khertan_n810and not 7/8/0810:38
Khertan_n810as it should be10:38
Khertan_n810stupid idea !10:38
aquatixyeah, sounds odd10:38
Khertan_n810there is many things like this10:39
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moontigerhehe i got my python calendar thingy working on the n810 too ... i see what u mean about python being less hassle to get running than c/c++10:39
Khertan_n810date format change between two similars call for the same events10:39
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Khertan_n810moontiger > already done ?10:40
moontigerhehe just the basic crappy looking one ... it just pulls the events down and shows them in a window10:41
moontigerbut now i can actually make it look nice and run as a home applet10:41
Khertan_n810home applet is easy to do in python :)10:41
aquatixKhertan_n810: do you have any code/new version to test?10:42
moontigerreally? im excited to get working on it tomorrow morning ... i just wanted to have the possibility to see a month or so of events on my home screen10:43
Khertan_n810yes it will be available in few minutes in extras-devel 0.3.110:43
moontigeri have much to learn but thanks so much for all the help so far :)10:43
Khertan_n810moontiger > you can now by using mCalendar and HomeCalendar10:44
moontigerthe home page thingy can show me more than 2 days of events?10:44
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aquatixKhertan_n810: ah great10:44
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Khertan_n810and a 0.3.2 in the end of the day10:45
moontigerbtw i do use mcalendar and homecalendar ... they are good :)10:46
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Khertan_n810so why making an other calendar app ?10:48
Khertan_n810for an other ui ?10:48
moontigergive me a few days or so to get up to speed on this stuff and if you need / want any help i'll be happy to get involved :)10:48
moontigerwell i wanted to be able to see more than 2 days on the home screen10:48
moontigerso i figured that was a good enough excuse to get into maemo dev work10:48
moontigeri usually do a lot of web stuff these days and c/c++ desktop stuff10:49
moontigerbut i wanted to be able to code for the n810 sionce i got one at xmas10:49
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Khertan_n810if u can discover how  to made setting for a python home applet10:49
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moontigerok sure ... i will look into it10:49
Khertan_n810i ll be happy  to add setting for more than 2 days:)10:49
moontigerthats what i thought would be good10:50
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moontigerim not teaching until next week so i have a few days to play around and figure it out10:50
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moontigeri must go get some sleep now but i will look into that and be back in a day or two ... thanks again for the help guys :)10:53
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JaffaMorning, all11:34
qwerty12Morning Jaffa11:34
qwerty12zap, X-Fade wants to have words with you :P11:34
X-Fadeqwerty12: Lol ;) I have already mailed zap..11:35
qwerty12Heh :)11:35
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X-Fadezap: The bzip2 package has a broken postinst. So I removed it from the repo.11:40
zapit did something wrong to you?11:40
X-Fadezap: It broke builds that depend on bzip2.11:40
zappostinst doesn't work?11:40
X-FadeAnd I was building qt4, which broke.11:40
zapokay, I'll fix this11:40
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zapare you working at trolltech?11:41
X-Fadezap: The update-mime-type thingie doesn't exist..11:41
* zap checks11:42
X-Fadezap: No, I'm not a troll ;)11:42
* qwerty12 eats trolls11:42
X-Fadezap: /var/lib/dpkg/info/bzip2.postinst: line 6: update-mime-database: command not found11:42
zapwell, it is present on tablet11:42
zapand it's part of the stock ROM11:42
* qwerty12 sees a problem with autobuilder. update-mime-database benefits the tablet.11:43
X-Fadezap: I guess you need to specify a depend if you need it?11:43
hrwzap: s/ROM/distro11:43
zaphrw: ok11:43
hrwupdate-mime-database is in shared-mime-info11:43
zapI thought it's part of the default scratchbox11:43
zapnever installed it in scratchbox though11:43
hrwzap: unless your tablet has ROM instead of Flash. but then you have bad luck11:44
zapin this case all my packages need fixing11:44
hrwzap: I pee on scratchbox11:44
qwerty12hrw, I could program you a python toilet if you wish?11:44
zapwith sounds?11:45
qwerty12Well, it may take me a while to find a waterproof sound recorder11:45
MangoFusionwill it include a python in it though, that is the question11:45
* qwerty12 remembers the snakes on a plane scene11:45
qwerty12Although I detest sb211:46
X-Fadezap: You might want to check what other packages do..11:46
* zap checks11:46
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zapX-Fade: okay, tablet-browser-ui does not depend on shared-mime-info and it uses update-mime-database11:56
X-Fadezap: But maybe one of it's dependencies draws it in?11:58
zapI checked libhildonmime0 and it doesn't as well11:59
zapah, I must just try dpkg -r shared-mime-info11:59
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zaposso-imageviewer depends, libosso--gnomevfs2-common, hildon-application-framework-rx34-rx44 and osso-software-version-rx4412:00
zapfour packages12:00
zapoh well, scratchbox isn't going to change anyway, so I'll have to put in this dependency12:01
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melmothAnybody fluent in pygame ? I wonder if it is possible to have a gtk like textview sort of widget with it.12:32
melmothOr may be, if somebody knows of a pygame application that render large chunk of text correctly, let me know the name please.12:33
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melmothgot it
pupnikyou should sacrifice a chicken for the ultimate pygame powers12:45
XTLiOr port and install chicken..12:46
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DibblahThis N770 hacking thing is getting to be an illness :(12:47
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melmothI'll sacrifice a chicken when i find a -laarge chunk of text_ sample. This is more like a label thingy.12:47
melmothAt the best i could sacrifice an egg.12:47
DibblahI now have one with an extended battery (fully internal, removed the metal battery cage) and an internal full sized SD slot...12:47
DibblahAnd now I'm seriously considering how to do a 6 bit SD interface - Which means desoldering a microBGA, making a PCB and connecting a DQFN part.12:49
DibblahThen doing the required kernel mods.12:50
XTLiPics + text along the way, I hope12:51
DibblahFor the 6 bit mod? Unlikely.12:51
Dibblah0.5mm pitch packages are really not starting material :)12:52
DibblahPretty sure I have photos from the battery mod, though.12:52
DibblahInternal SD card is easy - Remove and replace the existing MMC slot with a bigger one. Requires dremel work of course.12:53
samppahow do i make -dev package from my app ? do i have to use some fancy tool for this ?12:54
hrwDibblah: but does someone still use 770?12:54
samppaif i want to make packages with headers and without12:54
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Dibblahhrw: :(12:55
* Dibblah can't afford new hardware.12:55
XTLi770 would be nice if unofficial sw support would keep up12:56
XTLiAging hw could be affordable and available. Not just per person, but per task.12:56
DibblahThat'd be hard since the hardware is so limited.12:56
pupnik770 can still do very much12:56
qwerty12Meh, I could never be tempted to buy a 770. I have enough troubles on an N800. An slower processor and WSOD risk would make me suicidal.12:56
XTLiI've been thinking of making some terminals out of those12:56
pupniki got 60 fps from a NES emulator on 77012:57
DibblahLess RAM is the killer.12:57
pupnikyes for many things12:57
qwerty12pupnik, wow, nice results12:57
XTLiNot for pocket computer uses so much12:57
qwerty12But one thing that is good is that it plays videos better than N80012:57
DibblahAnd it's impossible to upgrade, since they're using BGA combined RAM / EEPROM.12:57
DibblahArgh. Flash. It's not the 80s any more.12:58
melmothsamppa: when you start with dh_make, states it is a library you are apckaging12:58
melmothIt will create a template debian directory with the control file suited for a binaary and a -dev package.12:58
samppaah ok12:59
samppaso i dont have to use cdbs or something?12:59
melmothi do not know what cdbs is.12:59
melmothso i guess it is not needed :)12:59
samppacommon debian build system - or something :)13:00
melmothyop, just googled for it.. Never heard of it before.13:01
samppaok, good13:01
samppaill try as you said13:01
hrwXTLi: 770 is impossible to support for non-maemo systems13:02
hrwXTLi: same problem with other systems too -- no support for some important components13:03
DibblahIt requires too much hidden DSP magic for even simple stuff, IMHO.13:03
DibblahBut it's the platform I have :(13:03
crashanddieYou don't need the DSP to 9 out of 10 things done on the NIT13:04
crashanddies/to/to do/13:05
infobotcrashanddie meant: You don't need the DSP to do 9 out of 10 things done on the NIT13:05
kulvehrw: changing the rootfs works pretty nicely (keeping the initfs untouched)13:05
samppamelmoth: Type of package: single binary, multiple binary, library, kernel module or cdbs?  which one should i select ?13:05
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hrwkulve: and you need to run closed dsme/bme to get battery charged etc?13:05
kulvehrw: those are run from the initfs, iirc13:05
hrwkulve: and system is no longer free...13:06
kulveie. they are run even if you reaplce the rootfs13:06
crashanddiesamppa, if you want the -dev one, I guess library13:06
samppacrashanddie: ok, thanx13:06
XTLiDibblah: you changed the battery..13:07
hrwkulve: not if I boot to rootfs13:07
DibblahXTLi: Yup.13:07
XTLiWould any of the nits run well off some other random DC source or battery than approved one?13:08
hrwkulve: you do not need to boot to initfs13:08
DibblahThe battery charger (being software based) is actually quite flexible.13:08
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XTLiWould also be a good thing for "embedded" use not relying on aging batteries13:08
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DibblahETEN M700 battery is the same form factor - But 2400mAh.13:10
DibblahObviously, it's deeper.13:10
melmothsamppa: LIBRARY13:11
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hrwzap: unzip 5.52-14-maemo3 is broken according to h-a-m13:17
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qwerty12hildon application manager13:17
zapwell I haven't tried yet, thats why I was pushing it to extras-devel13:17
X-Fadehrw: Is it still?13:17
zapit installs though fine with dpkg -i13:18
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XTLiI've always wondered what things cause that invalid package thing and how to look for it13:20
hrwXTLi: ham gave me unzip and unrar to update - unrar fine, unzip not13:24
zapstrange, apt-get install unzip worked fine13:27
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lardmanCan someone explain to me how the standard OMAP2420 is setup wrt LCD controller and framebuffer location13:34
lardmanfor example, does the bare chip come with an lcd controller or is this normally part of the lcd itself?13:37
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lardmanok, so there's an internal LCD controller I see13:51
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zapomap has a built-in lcd controller14:03
zapjust like pxa14:03
zapthat's what SRAM is dedicated for14:03
lardmanis it really, the kernel source doesn't make that very clear14:03
zapI'm not sure it can use other memory, but it's possible it can14:04
lardmanmy question is really more to do with the pipeline and how it swithces between outputing to the LCD vs TV14:05
glassit outputs to both14:05
glassit can anyways14:05
lardmannot simultaneously though14:05
glassi think n95 outputs same screen to both14:06
glassi could test in a second14:06
lardmanthere are ways to get around the pipeline issue, so I read14:06
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lardmanbut I'd like to know the structure of the pipeline14:06
X-Fadelardman: The N95 can display 640x480 images on the TV while showing it as 320x240 on it's screen.14:07
zapthe video encoder uses a different address14:07
zapit can of course be set up to pick the image from the same memory14:07
zapin which case you'll see the same14:07
lardmanso the omap contains a video encoder which can take the framebuffer data and output it as PAL/NTSC?14:08
zapwe're not interesed in LCD encoder14:08
lardmanI know, but I need to pick the functionality apart14:08
glassX-Fade: any video played with symbians video libs gets scaled to fullscreen on the tvout14:09
X-Fadeglass: Yeah, but those are upscaled right? Not original resolution.14:09
glassmakes presenting some apps from the tvout impossible14:09
zapso it's like 320x240 upscaled to NTSC?14:09
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X-Fadeglass: I thought only the gallery application used full resolution.14:09
glassX-Fade: it can play 640x480 video too14:09
lardmanis the output res actually different to the LCD res?14:10
glassX-Fade: nope it happens if you use the video decoding/playing libraries from any app14:10
zaplardman: as far as I understand, tv encoder is set up separately from lcd encoder14:10
glassX-Fade: thres no direct api for controlling the tvout as a second screen though14:10
glasspublic one anyways14:11
lardmanzap: I was just wondering where the data comes from then, it would require two framebuffers if the TV out displays different res data to the LCD (assuming it's not simply scaled)14:11
zapwe can use SRAM as the tv framebuffer, and ignore the lcd controller14:12
lardmanno, is that what actually happens?14:13
zaphappens where?14:13
lardmanon the N9514:13
zapno idea, but why we should look at n95?14:13
lardmanbecause I want to understand how the system works14:13
zapI think omap can use both SDRAM and SRAM as a framebuffer14:13
zapyou just set up the address of it14:13
lardmanagain, yes14:14
zapand define the parameters of the framebuffer14:14
zapseparately for lcd and tv14:14
zapwhats' unclear here?14:14
lardmanthe question of why the N95 maintains two framebuffers with identical contents other than their resolution for one14:14
lardmanassuming that is true14:15
zapbecause the lcd framebuffer is 320x240?14:15
lardmanunless the Symbian libs specifically write to a different framebuffer for photos, videos, etc.14:16
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zaplardman: thats why it has a separate framebuffer for tv, if it's true14:16
lardmanotherwise it just seems like a bit of a waste to have to effectively use a 640x480 framebuffer and have to downscale everything so it can go on the LCD too14:17
glasslardman: they can do that14:18
zapas far as I understand, the OMAP's lcd encoder can't take a 640x480 image and downscale it to 320x24014:18
glasslardman: specifically write to the tvout14:18
zaplike epson chip can14:18
lardmananyway, it doesn't matter14:18
zapthat's my point14:18
lardmanI've probably not exaplained why I want to know well enough14:18
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lardmaninteresting /* 2048 x 2048 is max res supported by OMAP24xx display controller */14:25
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hrwlardman: time to make dvi output?14:25
lardmanno idea14:25
lardmanin display.h14:25
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lardmanwhat's the difference between GFX, video1 and video2 layers?14:27
lardmanthey appear to just be 3 framebuffers, why the different names?14:28
RST38hmoo, all14:28
RST38hlardman: got to hacking OMAP2? =)14:28
lcukprobably primary usage - normal desktop, gfx overlay1and214:28
RST38hvideo* layers are most likely YUVs14:28
lardmanRST38h: looking at it14:28
lardmanah yes, different colorspaces that may well be it14:29
zapas far as I understand the Epson chip was added because OMAP doesn't support more than 640x48014:30
zapmaybe 2048x2048 is max resolution that fits in some register14:30
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zapbut doesn't really work14:30
lardmanzap: that was my understanding too14:31
Robot101there's not enough display bandwidth to use the video1 and video2 layers to show full-screen yuv14:35
Robot101it will shear14:35
Robot101the Xomap code does mystic shit and configures the epson chip to do its own overlay, and then writes areas of YUV data into the GFX layer14:36
Robot101it's all very exciting14:36
hrwlardman: pxa27x has 3 framebuffers too14:37
hrwlardman: one can be used to display hardware cursor14:37
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lcukRobot101, yuv mode seems to work quite nicely for me at 800*480 :)14:39
Robot101until you clip it, because the epson chip can't do a colourkey'd overlay, only a rectangle14:40
lardmanok, so we will need to enable the display controller14:40
Robot101if you're playing a full screen video and pop up a menu, it will skip two frames I think, and then play more slowly14:40
lcukthats because the menu is in the same overlay14:41
Robot101uh... no14:41
lcukand also, when playing movies usually the dsp is active and it slows the cpu down14:41
Robot101what, by blocking on IO on the DSP gateway?14:41
lcukmenus intefere with the xv overlay - the same occurs with the silly notification message thing14:42
lcukno, the cpu itself clocks down14:42
Robot101yes, but I just explained the mechanism of interfering14:42
Robot101it's because when it's doing a full screen overlay, the X server writes YUV data into what's meant to be the OMAP's RGB layer, then gets the epson chip to decode it directly onto the LCD14:42
zaplardman: I guess omapfb driver does that when loaded14:42
Robot101but that has to be a rectangular area14:42
Robot101if you pop an menu up, and the overlay area becomes clipped (ie not a rectangle), it has to move the overlay back onto one of the OMAP's two video layers14:43
lardmanzap: not sure what happens on the tablets yet14:43
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Robot101which are slower, because the decoding is done on the OMAP and RGB data (ie, more per frame) is sent down the display bus14:43
zaplardman: well, somewhere there must be the code to enable it. And my guess it's in the framebuffer driver14:43
lardmanoh, I've got the code, I'm just wondering what needs to be done14:44
lardmanI had hoped the TV encoder stuff would be seperate and could be enabled on its own14:44
lcukrobot, which overlay gets moved? the one my app is writing to or the menu iteself?14:44
zaphave you tried to build the .ko and modprobe it?14:44
lardmanno, I can't see it working that easily14:44
Robot101lcuk: the video is the overlay, it gets moved between the OMAP decoding it when it's clipped, and the epson chip decoding it when it's not clipped14:45
zapwell the omapfb driver could get some data through the platform_data structure14:45
zapsome hw-specific stuff14:45
lcukRobot101, but the memory locatin i write to does not change in my software..14:45
Robot101lcuk: yeah, X has to copy it14:46
lcukthe omap2 lcd driver itself isnt doing much on this device because we evolved from the 770 model with external fb14:46
lardmandoes the omap lcd controller do anything at all on these devices?14:46
Robot101but that's still faster than doing the YUV unpacking on the OMAP and trying to send the full-screen RGB video through the display bus to the hailstorm14:47
lcuki dont think so14:47
zapI guess there are devices where it's doing something :)14:47
lcuki think when the 800 came out they tried to use the sram as a buffer14:47
Robot101er, yes, it does...14:47
zapby the way, you may want to take a look at latest MontaVista kernel14:47
zapit could contain a improved omapfb driver14:47
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Robot101it's still Xomap, it just uses the hailstorm chip for some extra misc (and displaying on a larger screen)14:48
zaplcuk: I don't see how you can use SRAM as a buffer for a 800x480 picture14:48
* zap wonders how Xomap does refresh through the Epson chip14:48
lcukzap, nor do i "...they tried.."14:48
zapI don't even see how you can try :)14:48
Robot101the framebuffer's not mapped into main memory, every screen update has to be pushed from the omap to the hailstorm14:48
lcukfanoush was saying something about a complex bit of code which mapped one plane onto the SRAM14:48
zapits just simple arithmetic: 800*480*2=768k14:48
Robot101I don't know where the hailstorm maintains its framebuffer though14:48
lcukbut in chinook and diablo its been simplified again and all planes are in SDRAM14:49
zapwhat is hailstorm?14:49
Robot101the epson chip14:49
lcukRobot101, mapped from main memory to the lcd controller,  the omap2 internal lcd controller is not included in this14:49
zapah ok14:49
zapthe epson chip has a internal memory buffer14:50
zap768k iirc14:50
zape.g. just enough for 800x480x2 and not more :)14:50
Robot101lcuk: oh right, the lcd controller on the omap itself is not involved14:50
lardmanbut what about the display controller, is that powered up?14:50
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zapof course not14:50
zapit would eat the battery14:51
zapyou enable it if you need it14:51
Robot101dispc? yes, that's used.14:51
lardmanunless it does something useful14:51
zapSoCs usually have means to disable every sub-chip14:51
lardmanRobot101: even on the Nokia devices?14:51
lardmanwhat does it do?14:51
Robot101overlays, acceleration, the usual display controller stuff14:51
lardmanon the Nokia devices?14:51
zapN810 is a Nokia device?14:52
lardmanok, that's useful then14:52
Robot101Xomap <-- OMAP. O M A P display controller. it's not Xepson or Xhailstorm or Xblizzard, it's Xomap. :D14:52
zapThats why I wonder about the refresh14:52
lardmannaming means little though ;)14:52
Robot101but Xomap also has some nokia specific hacks in it to do some extra stuff with the epson chip :)14:52
zapthats it14:52
lardmanfine, that makes life easier then14:52
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pupnik_  Ween - Baby Bitch [song]14:53
Robot101like migrate full-screen overlays to it to decode, and sync vblanks and stuff14:53
Robot101it's quite an effort in squeezing the most out of the hardware, I think. but daniel stone could tell you more about that :)14:54
lcuki thought Xomap was graphics map?14:54
lardmanI'd assumed that the Epson contained both a video and lcd controller - they are afterall combined on the omap14:54
lcuknot omap as in our processor :)14:54
Robot101no, it's omap as in the chip from TI with a display controller which that X server controls :)14:54
lcuklardman, the older discrete components used to do one job, the omap24xx just puts everything on one14:54
lcukwell how does it work with our epson?14:55
lardmanI have to look at the Nokia kernel code now I have an idea of how the TV out works14:55
lcukie we tell the epson to rotate using xomap14:55
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zapepson is absolutely unrelated to the omap, it just can receive framebuffer data over the bus and thats all14:55
Robot101lcuk: it has extra N8x0-specific hacks in it, as I said14:55
lcukyes zap - agreed, im confused about Robot101s assertion that its specifically to do with omap14:56
zapit's kind of like the SiS USB TV-out thingy14:56
zapjust faster :)14:56
Robot101it's entirely to do with omap. it also had code added to know how to use the epson to do the lcd control14:56
Robot101it's still using the omap for almost every drawing operation and stuff14:56
* lardman heads off for lunch14:57
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zapWhat drawing operations can omap perform?14:59
zapI was assuming it's IVA involved with drawing, and thats not used15:00
zapand neither the powervr accelerator15:00
lcukall ops so far as cpu bound :(15:01
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Mace`i wonder how pb got qt to install15:02
Mace`er.. not install. build actually15:02
Robot101zap: actually I think they're mostly useless to X because the accelerated operations take longer to set up and do than just doing them in software, so as lcuk says I think most stuff is just done by the CPU15:02
Robot101zap: the theory is nice, but OMAP2's aren't /that/ good15:02
Mace`i've been trying to build it in scratchbox and it doesn't seem too friendly :)15:02
X-FadeMace`: qt4.garage.maemo.org15:02
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Mace`x-fade - those are the bins.. but someone had to build it from src somewhere15:02
Robot101their YUV colourspace implementation is broken too, the X server has to swizzle the bits as it writes to the overlay layers. it's all kinds of funny.15:02
zapMace`: who's pb?15:03
X-FadeMace`: I do that at the moment on that autobuilder ;)15:03
Mace`i was trying to build it in scratchbox15:03
X-Fade*the autobuilder15:03
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Mace`hm... it didn't work.. kept giving me qmake errors15:03
Mace`i always though building qt would build qmake during the configure15:04
X-FadeIt does.15:04
Mace` doesn't seem to be up15:04
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Mace`then why isn't it working .. hm... let me try again and see what i can figure out15:04
X-FadeMace`: Try these sources. I'm building those at the moment.15:04
Mace`maybe it's a problem with the latest src :)15:04
lcukRobot101, the twizzling you mention is just the interleaved format the lcd expects.  the iva could quite easily convert rgb to this yuv format (or yuv->yuv)15:04
Robot101yeah, the iva would've been nice.15:05
Mace`i am trying to build just a base kde15:05
Robot101but istr daniel saying the pixel format wasn't even the one it said in the spec :)15:05
lcukyou are right about lead time for small operations, however for full frame conversions and strechblits it will be invaluable15:05
Mace`and split all the programs up15:05
Mace`into seperate debs that i can host on a repository15:05
lcukthen just work to the planar yuv that xv uses and forget the odd conversion - leave it as it stands15:06
Robot101lcuk: I think this was the dispc's "acceleration" being sucky, I'm sure the IVA would help if they could've used it15:06
Mace`instead of it being a huge tarball with a lot of apps that are well.. duplicated15:06
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Mace`and for the love of god.. put something in it other than konqueror15:06
Mace`it's an ok file browser.. but its web capabilities suck :)15:06
lcukRobot101, you sound very negative about utilising it.  either you know something we dont (as in EOL) or you are just too negative for your own good :D15:07
Mace`you have to love 108M of source :)15:09
lcukMace`, especially for a 51kb binary15:10
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Blasturhow do I use the agps utility? am i suppose to do anything after starting it? i have an active network connection, and also run the map program ..15:10
Mace`it'd be awesome if i could get this to work15:10
Mace`and make a kde repository :)15:10
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hrwBlastur: point somewhere where you life15:11
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Mace`i wish debian was a little more functional15:11
Mace`once they get the bt tethering and sound working without a hitch it's an obvious replacement for maemo altogether15:12
hrwMace`: debian or debian/nit?15:12
Mace`sorry... nit-debian15:12
hrwMace`: now better15:12
hrwI use debian since 2000 or even 199915:12
Blasturhrw: can i zoom the map in agps util somehow? i put the crosshair as good as i could, but its not exactly high precision .. should this improve Time to fix? still getting 0 satellites15:12
Mace`maybe they should call it tebian15:12
Blasturim just not sure if the agps program is actually doing anything15:13
hrwBlastur: it gives ~300km precision which shoud be enough15:13
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hrwBlastur: but how it improve... thats not mine problem15:13
Mace`19% [======>                              ] 20,742,144    22.84K/s    ETA 16:0615:13
Mace`wow that's slow15:13
* zap seen yesterday debian' gzip source package to depend on mingw32.tar to build (~26Mb download)15:14
lcukblastur, if you have no sats  showing that means you are not on earth15:14
lcuktry again when you return15:14
zapor when he returns from hell15:14
Blasturlcuk: huh? i can assure you im on earth :)15:14
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lcuk(or go outside and hold aloft your mighty n81015:14
Mace`did they actually do major changes to the source on garage.maemo in this builder dir?15:14
* zap wonders if GPS works in the hell15:14
Mace`or did they just grab the src that compiles without problems? :)15:15
Robot101lcuk: well, for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, Nokia weren't able to use it on the N8x0s15:15
lcukzap, only if they have a repeater15:15
Robot101lcuk: most likely to do with software licensing15:15
lcukRobot101, most likely due to not using any of the underlying video aspects at full res15:15
Robot101lcuk: I don't know whether the IVA's any good or not, it probably would've been very useful, were they able to use it :)15:15
lcukand not worth redeveloping it all themselves to work with the epson15:15
zapRobot101: all computer pirates will go to hell, everybody knows that. So they have no probs with licenses15:15
Robot101I think the IVA part of the OMAP isn't from TI, so there's all sorts of driver/spec IPR cross-licensing nightmares, and then you mix in linux and it was more than maemo could solve15:16
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Robot101but anyway, time for me to get going15:16
lcukthe iva is  just another arm chip - just like the dsp15:16
jottMace`: qt4 on garage has some "major" changes when compiled with -hildon15:16
Mace`jott - i see.. was just wondering15:17
zapit could be "just another ARM chip" with a extended instruction set15:17
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Mace`you have to actually set the flag?15:17
lcukyer zap it does15:17
Mace`like ./configure -hildon15:17
zapor perhaps with a custom firmware?15:17
jottMace`: vanilla qt4 just needs one change.15:17
jottMace`: yes, look at debian/rules on what is done for the package.15:17
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lcukzap, its similar to the dsp (which is also an extended arm core)15:18
Mace`jott - i will ... just trying to build it at all right now.. i still have to figure out how to split all the pkgs up and still install properly15:18
lcukall these extra arms and none of the can give us a helping hand :(15:19
Mace`i mean.... qt/kdebase/kdelibs should all go together15:19
Mace`but the rest could be added later15:19
Mace`in different debs on the repository15:19
jottMace`: ?! it is a split build already, just use dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot15:19
Blasturis there anyway to reset the navigator program so i can do another 5 day trial period ? :P last time i activated, i was unable to get a fix so it was wasted completely.. now i get my new BT GPS tomorrow, so i hope i can get the map running finally15:19
jottah you speaking of kde4?15:20
Mace`no.. kde 358 (penguinbait's)15:20
jottMace`: kde 3 will not compile with qt4......15:20
Mace`that's the pkg i used to install it.. it's a 1G install with a ton of programs15:20
jottMace`: just grab the debian or ubuntu kde3 and qt3 packages, they compile with minor changes.15:20
Mace`would kde4 even run on an n800?15:21
lcukback later15:21
Mace`i know they kind of raped kwin and turned it into a vista type 3d interface (crap) :)15:21
jottMace`: sure. not worse than kde3.15:21
jottMace`: compositing stuff is optional.15:21
Mace`i wonder if it would build in scratchbox15:21
jottMace`: not out of the box, there are some squriks with gcc 3.4.415:22
Mace`hm... my coding skills are not good at all.... i'll get both platforms and see how far i can get15:22
Mace`"squirks" ? :)15:23
jottMace`: quirks :)15:23
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Mace`well.. lets see what i can do and maybe i might be able to rape the kde code well enough to actually get it to do something15:24
Mace`once i get the base .... it should all be downhill15:24
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jottMace`: kde3 compiles just fine with the debian/ubuntu packages.15:24
Mace`i'll grab the kde3 stuff too just in case this proves to be very unsuccessful15:24
jottMace`: just take the packages, get the dependencies you like/need and if you are at it push them to extras :)15:25
Mace`i don't understand what you mean by debian/ubuntu packages .... :) they have special debian src somewhere?15:25
jottto make proper debs ...15:25
Mace`where can i find the pkgs? just
jottyes. i think the ubuntu packages should be a bit better.15:27 / packages.debian.org15:27
timelesshello world15:28
jottzap: btw. have you fixed the bzip2 package?15:29
Mace`these are pkgs though jott... aren't they just bins for ubuntu?15:29
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jottMace`: no. there are also the source packages.15:29
Mace`does it matter which ver?15:30
Mace`of ubuntu15:30
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jottread the changelogs...15:30
jotthardy is "stable" so....15:31
Mace`ok.. then i'll start with qt4/kde4 and see what i can do and see what happens15:32
herwoodI have a couple of questions related to status bar plugins15:32
herwooddoes someone know that is it possible to "shut down" and start status bar plugins? If so, how could it be done?15:33
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jottMace`: i think for kde4 you should use interpid. normal kde4 in hardy is very old.15:33
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GAN800Ah, gotta love the TSA's security theater.15:34
herwoodMaemo's status bar plugin tutorial only says that plugin's init function is automatically called when the library is opened.15:34
Mace`qt4 has qt3 compatibility15:34
Mace`so shouldn't i still be able to build kde3 with qt4?15:35
jottMace`: no!15:35
jottMace`: qt3 compatibility just provides some deprecated functions to ease porting qt3 -> qt415:35
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jottherwood: untick/tick them in control panel -> panels.15:36
Mace`you know where i could read up on the configure options for building it for maemo? is there a site explaining things like this?15:36
jottthings like what?! :O15:36
herwoodjott: thanks for the response. What about my own plugins?15:37
Mace`things like the proper prefix dir and whatever else you would have to do in order to build and install it into maemo15:37
jottherwood: if you done everything right they should appear in the list ;)15:37
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jottMace`: ah, well maemo packaging guideline, debian maintainer guideline and that stuff. there are tons of documentation out there ;)15:38
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jott"maemo packaging policy" that is15:39
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Mace`these are the guidelines for putting them on maemo extras :)15:39
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herwoodjott: is there any way to start it from the code? I'm trying to build my plugin so that if its not running when some other program tries to call my program's DBus method, then DBus would start it.15:40
jottMace`: right, that's where you eventually put your packages.15:40
Mace`i don't want to put them on maemo extras.. i'd rather keep them on my own repository15:40
jottMace`: anyway, same rules should apply....15:41
Mace`and i meant the actual building process for the src15:41
jottMace`: yes debian offers extensive docs.15:41
Mace`for maemo?15:41
jottMace`: yes 99% of it applies.15:42
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Mace`but i was looking for something that was more specific to maemo on how to properly build and install from src15:42
jottherwood: hmmmm.. not sure how you can start/stop statusbar plugins via dbus.15:43
jottherwood: you could also "hide" it when it is not in use (like bluetooth)15:43
herwoodyeah, I was thinking that too15:43
herwoodbut it should be sure that all status bar plugins are started when the device boots?15:44
jottMace`: the debian docs should cover the basics.15:44
jottherwood: no, just if it is "ticked" in the control panel.15:45
jottherwood: if you install it, it should be active by default.15:45
herwoodjott: my only problem in this case is that what to write to my program's service-file15:45
jottherwood: and if a users does not want to have it running you should respect his choice (imho)15:46
herwoodjott: yeah, you got that right15:46
Mace`:) that's a start i suppose heh15:46
Mace`let me start reading15:46
jottMace`: you should really start with something smaller than kde :)15:46
Mace`sbrsh: No such file or directory15:47
Mace`see.. stuff like that :)15:47
Mace`jott - but kde is what i want to make... i figure i can learn how to use scratchbox along the way15:48
Mace`kde is an awesome alternative since it has cups support and i've printed from it... i would rather learn how to build the pkgs i want for myself than rely on someone else to build them and hope they work15:48
jottMace`: understand the basics before you go for something big and complicated ;)15:49
Mace`it would seriously be like having a really small laptop15:49
hrw~curse maemo for forcing devels that the only way of building is via scratchbox15:49
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, maemo for forcing devels that the only way of building is via scratchbox !15:49
Mace`configure ; make ; make install isn't that complicated ;) ... the complicated part is figuring out how to use scratchbox15:49
Mace`i really wish you could just build from the n800 itself... it may take longer but at least you would be building for the enviroment in the actual enviroment15:50
crashanddielcuk doesn't use scratchbox for dev15:50
crashanddiehe does everything on the device itself15:50
herwoodjott: yeah, I try to figure out that what's the best way of solving my problem. Thanks for your help15:50
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crashanddieand scratchbox really isn't hard to figure out... It's just an extra shell... Quite obvious, really15:50
Mace`well... it's hard to figure out if you've never used it before.. might take a couple days to get past the learning curve15:51
crashanddiewhat learning curve ?15:52
jottMace`: and you do not "configure && make && make install" to make packages....15:52
crashanddieSeriously ?15:52
jottcrashanddie: if you are new to linux that should be right :)15:52
Mace`jott - packaging comes after the building15:52
crashanddietype scratchbox in a terminal ? use gcc, g++, and whatever just as you would in a normal environment ?15:52
jottMace`: ...15:52
crashanddieMace`, that's where you're wrong. The packaging (dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -B) actually builds it for you15:53
lbtI think people try and figure out what scratchbox is doing15:53
lbtit's just magic15:53
lbtnothing to see15:53
crashanddieit's not magic, it's easy as pie15:53
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lbtyou are clearly sufficiently advanced15:53
crashanddiepeople don't ask questions how vmware runs Windows inside Linux15:53
jottyummy pie.15:53
lbtto understand how some commands are using cross-compile, some are quemu'ed15:53
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Mace`crashanddie - haha15:54
crashanddieso why do they ask questions about how scratchbox works for armel ?15:54
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lbtI know15:54
lbtthat's my15:54
lbtit's just magic15:54
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lbtignore it and use it15:54
hrwhi florian15:54
Mace`just pretend it's a pc that is trying to build src? :)15:54
crashanddieMace`, that's exactly what it is15:55
lbtit works (almost) flawlessly15:55
crashanddieMace`, Most of the code I've written for scratchbox, is code I took from x86 programs at first15:55
lbtand the instructions are (almost) idiot proff15:55
* lbt blushes15:55
Mace`:-\ i can't code15:56
Mace`i feel like the kid in high school who still can't read15:56
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lbtthat's cool15:56
lbtyou can read - so read the tutorial15:56
crashanddieyou don't have to code to help out15:56
lbtit too is excellent :)15:56
Mace`that's what i'm reading now ;)15:56
lbt(assuming you want to code)15:56
crashanddiethere's many ways you can help out15:56
crashanddiecoding is just one of those15:56
lbtand ask q's by all means.15:56
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Mace`well. let me start by figuring out how to get scratchbox to configure and build the src ;) bbl15:57
jottMace`: also take a look at
lbtwhat is your host OS15:58
jottit covers some basics.15:58
lbtthe 4.1 docs are better than the 4.0.1 docs15:58
Mace`i'm usng the vm from indt15:58
Mace`lbt - honest to god i don't even remember :)16:00
jottmaemovmware.garage.yaddayadda :)16:00
lbtAs well as the PDF jott mentioned, look here:
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pupnik_   kick ass... primus playing live16:08
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zapjott: X-Fade removed it from extras-devel16:16
* X-Fade lets out an evil laugh.16:17
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Mace`ok... one last question.. once scratchbox is installed... is there anything i have to do that is special to get it to actually compile for an arm? i should just be able to start building stuff right away or do i have to do something in sb-menu and set certain things up?16:21
jottMace`: when you followed the documentation you should have an DIABLO_ARMEL target in sbox. this should give you an virtual arm environment.16:22
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jottzap: you can still make it proper (if not done already ;)16:22
Mace`well.. i actually have a CHINOOK_ARMEL enviroment.... so i'm guessing this vm is outdated16:23
Mace`i'll just set it up on my gentoo box16:23
DibblahInteresting. Looks like this same 2400mAh cell will work in the N800...16:25
Mace`but after it is set up and set up the target.. then it should be just like you would be building for an armel cpu right?16:25
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DibblahMore disassembly required, of course, since the backplane goes all the way through the N800.16:26
jottMace`: yes.16:26
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Mace`ok.. thanks ;) i'm going to work on this for a while and see what i can do16:27
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zapjott: I will do it of course, but this evening. It wasn't my fault really, there are other package with the same problem16:32
zaphrw: I tried to install unzip via h.a.m and it worked absolutely without any problems16:33
zaphrw: maybe you had some other unzip installed?16:33
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jottzap: which other packages (remember packages indirectly depending on s-m-i are ok)? they should be fixed too..16:36
zapjott: tablet-browser-ui for example16:37
zapdo a dpkg -S /usr/share/mime/packages/*.xml16:37
zapmost packages you will see don't have a dependency on s-m-i16:37
hrwzap: older ver16:37
zaphrw: ah ok, so I must install the older version first16:38
zaphrw: just uninstall it if you just need the task done16:38
jottzap: but most of them indirectly depend on it i suppose.16:38
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hrwzap: will solve that later16:38
jott(hence do not break when installing on a clean sbox install)16:39
zapjott: do a dpkg -r s-m-i and will see 4 packages16:39
jottzap: yes and trace it to libosso-gnomevfs2-016:40
jottit would probably be better to have it in the dependencies. that is right.16:40
jottbut it should atleast install ;>16:41
zapjott: well they have an advantage: they are all installed by default so they don't really need dependencies :)16:41
Mace`hm... no vmware appliance for diablo it seems16:42
jottzap: yeah and they all depend on libosso-gnomevfs2-0 which is used by almost all base gui apps :)16:42
zapjott: but dpkg-autodep or how's that tool called won't pick s-m-i as a dependency, and it looks like deps in nokia packages are autogenerated16:42
jottif postinst uses it, it would be better to have it in the dependencies.16:43
zapI thought about it, but since it's always installed on any tablet I thought I can omit it16:43
jotteh evil you :P16:44
zapsince Debian policy says you may omit deps on important packages16:44
zap(or how's that keyword called)16:44
jott"essential" afair16:44
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KhertanHi !16:44
liridoes the communication manager (sip and jabber) stores the password/accounts in cleartext?16:45
X-Fadezap: You could discuss it on the -developers list ;) Maybe one of the Nokia guys responds.16:45
brontideliri: yes16:45
jottzap: anyway, as it'll be fixed it's fine :)16:45
pupniknp  Model 500 (Juan Atkins) - The Flow (1995) - superb.... (song)16:45
zapjott: I'll have to fix all my packages :-P16:45
brontideliri: as well as email and network passwords16:45
jottzap: arg :O16:45
zapno problem anyway since they aren't promoted to extras yet :)16:45
liribrontide: I see16:46
liribrontide: not so wise I guess...16:46
Khertanzap > hum .... many user use extras-devel16:46
jottzap: yeah, well and when you install them on the device all is fine anyway.16:46
Khertanand complain that don't work ...16:46
zapX-Fade: sometimes I just give up and do workarounds :)16:46
jottKhertan: the problem only exists with autobuilder or clean sbox installs.16:46
X-Fadezap: Or you can try to fix things permanently ;)16:46
zapKhertan: those users should know they're asking for trouble16:47
X-FadeKhertan: It can happen that -devel breaks. It is intended for experimentation.16:47
liriI wonder if pidgin also saves account information in clear text16:47
KhertanX-Fade > yes ... i know that16:47
brontideliri: short of a large rewrite there is not a whole lot that can be done.   If the system can programatically retreive credentals then someone who wanted to could as well.16:47
zapX-Fade: I will fix them, but unfortunately I'm not a 24h maemo developer :)16:47
X-Fadezap: Don't worry :)16:47
* jott rewrites zaps timetable :P16:47
KhertanX-Fade > and i mainly use with some great user to test before deploying to extras16:47
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* X-Fade is thinking of some kind of staging....16:48
zapKhertan: I thought you have some new screenshots of a beautiful GUI tehre :)16:48
liribrontide: I hear you pal16:48
liribrontide: I'll see if I can think of a solution for it16:48
liribrontide: I noticed that the device also has a "lock device" option in the shutdown menu, since I got the device 2nd hand and I've no idea what the password is, can I change it without getting myself locked out?16:49
Khertanzap > actual gui is a bit better ... but not yet :)16:50
zapKhertan: waiting for a killer GUI then :)16:50
KhertanX-Fade > some message like this one don't motive to answer :
liriwhats the default locking code that comes with the device?16:50
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X-FadeKhertan: What's up with that?16:51
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hrwKhertan: vect0r is user with lack of knowledge16:52
Khertanmaybe i don't understand it well ...16:52
hrwI know him from Polish nit forum16:52
Khertanbut i found that it s a bit .... direct16:52
X-FadeKhertan: The big problem is language. Not being a native speaker and trying to express yourself can be hard.16:54
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KhertanX-Fade > true :)16:55
zapnot being a native speaker and trying to understand smb can be hard as well16:55
KhertanX-Fade > i 'm one of the best example :)16:55
zapKhertan: you're progressing well16:55
Khertanthx, i do my best :)16:56
X-FadeKhertan: Now imagine 2 of you talking to each other..16:56
zapor maybe that's just me learning Khertan'ish :)16:56
lardmanright, well I've looked at the Nokia kernel code, all very exciting16:56
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X-Fadelardman: Sure it is..16:56
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lardmanLooks like starting up the video bit in the omap shouldn't be too hard, but I wonder about how to feed it power and how to setup the audio codec to allow pass through16:57
lardmanassuming we'll need to do these, and assuming it will even work16:57
X-Fadelardman: Maybe if you init it, the tv part signals the audio part? :)16:58
lardmanwill have to see what the Ti code does with the TWL4030, what it powers up, then see how to do that with the Menelaus16:58
lardmanX-Fade: may well be, will have to do some testing16:58
X-Fadelardman: uhu ;)16:59
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Khertanwhat i found strange is that there is a tool to make theme easily for chinook and diablo ...17:01
Khertanbut there is only a few third party theme  ...17:02
lardmanI'm not sure how much of the display controller is actually turned on, if at all (in dispc.c iirc), will have to see whether any of the functions are called17:02
X-FadeKhertan: Probably because the default theme is ok?17:02
Khertanon other device there is always many themes made by many users ...17:02
KhertanX-Fade > or only a community of dev, that are so bad with design :)17:02
X-FadeKhertan: With older themes I always installed Tigert's theme. But with the new ones, I don't have to anymore..17:03
zapX-Fade: is autobuilder using the extras-devel repository?17:03
Khertanzap > i think17:03
zapgiven that you had problems with bzip2, it should17:03
X-Fadezap: Yes.17:03
X-Fadezap: It uses the sdk and extras-devel17:03
zapX-Fade: I'm just thinking about a kernel-dev package, does it need to be promoted to extras?17:06
Khertansomeone have see the mockup of the next version of omweather ?17:06
zapX-Fade: it would contain only kernel headers and makefiles, to help build kmod packages17:06
X-Fadezap: It would only need to be in -devel, right?17:06
Khertanzap > needed if you want to promote you kmod package to extras :)17:06
zapKhertan: no, it would be needed only to build it17:07
X-Fadezap: Or at least until it is tested :)17:07
zapwell, the -dev package is needed only for the autobuilder17:07
zap(and in sb of course)17:07
X-Fadethere is only an autobuilder for -devel, so ..17:07
zapright now there are no autobuilt kernel drivers, right?17:08
Khertanzap > yes ... i was wrong17:08
X-Fadezap: Only where they use a bad hack.17:08
zapwhich packages?17:08
X-Fadezap: Like compiling the kernel during it..17:08
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X-Fadezap: Check the fuse one..17:09
zapoh :\17:09
X-Fadezap: They didn't have time to do it the proper way, I guess.17:09
zapIt would be better if nokia would provide a kernel-dev package17:10
X-Fadezap: I think we need to start with that first.17:10
zapwith our own?17:10
X-FadeIt is easier to convince the right people if we already have a working solution.17:10
zapok :)17:10
X-FadeAnd I guess the kernel patches project would like it too ;)17:11
zapbut the modules will be put in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/17:11
zapforget the insane /mnt/initfs thing :)17:11
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jottlardman: still convinced that tv out is possible? :)17:17
lardmanjott: I may as well give it a go17:17
Khertanlardman > you ve already something ?17:18
Khertanby using a usb<->vga with driver ?17:18
lardmannot sure how I'll recognise whether I've messed up the settings/not powered something up vs. the wire is disconnected mind you :)17:18
Khertani was near to made a video output on my palm tx by changing some setting of the pxa to route data on the audio jack :)17:19
Khertanby i ve never been able to block the audio filter ...17:19
lcukcotton wool17:20
lardmanyeah, that's the plan, route the data out of the 3.5mm jack17:21
jotthehe just comparing n95 and n810 and seeing that the pin 3 is just connected to the mic on the n810 and to a mic/vid switch on n95 :)17:21
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lardmanyeah, that may be an issue ;)17:21
jottso the TLV320AIC33 have to become magically a video converter :P17:21
lardmanjott: Well the diagram may be wrong, or X-Fade may be17:22
Kegetysjust solder the extra wire there17:23
X-Fadelardman: Don't you put this on me ;)17:23
jottX-Fade: you started all this :P17:23
lcukapt-get install little_wire_bridge_fromx2324_to_3434-dev17:23
lardmanyeah, you did suggest it; I'm easily suggestable17:23
lcuklardman, did you know your wallet is not used enough.  theres a way to make full use of it y....17:24
lardmanyeah, Holly does that one ;)17:24
jottbut i really can image the schematics are wrong, imagine all the level 3 service people wondering about the extra lines :P17:24
lcukwomen the world over17:24
jott"arrrrr this line is wrong! i cut it! :)"17:25
lardmanjott: we are just going from that comment on the N95 docs, could the data be routed some other way perhaps?17:25
lcuki have a hard time imagining that  these devices get to level 3..17:25
jottlardman: no. from pin 3 backwards :)17:25
X-Fadejott: I really don't think they will ever attempt to fix a board if it is broken. Just throwing it in the bin is cheaper.17:25
lcukbut jott is right, if the docs say no, its highly likely they are right17:25
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jott(of the audioplug)17:26
X-FadeWell, I'm not scared to solder a wire bridge ;)17:26
lcukX-Fade, i used to work in a coin mech company - and even though the boards were cooked and were all SMT we still had an assembly repair and test line - primarily to find out why the machine was spewing out bad mechs17:26
jotthah first n810 hardware mod :)17:26
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* lcuk learnt how to remove SMT chips with a hotair dryer and a lot of wick17:27
zapand with a lot of lcuk17:27
lcuk:D well i did used to eat more pies17:28
lcuknow theres not so much lcuk17:28
zapmore peas?17:28
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lcukhey lardman, i just had to impliment ean13 printing into our software.  the boss looked at me all strange when he came asking and i was profient in the format and had an encoder to hand17:29
* lcuk is never proficient at spelling though :(17:29
lcukill test it with yours later :P17:29
lardmanI hope you said you looked at the docs for 5min and wrote the code straight off ;)17:29
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RST38hnot wrote, TYPED IN THE CODE straight off!17:31
lardmanin machine code!17:32
jottwith only the toes!17:32
AnunakinAny got firefox for qt4 sources?17:32
jottwhile eating pie.17:32
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jottAnunakin: the are linked in the blog afair.17:33
AnunakinI cant open this link
jottAnunakin: it's a garage page. be patient! :)17:33
timelessum.... it used to work. garage is probably /.'d17:33
timelessromaxa was foolish enough to include a binary tarball on the site17:34
timelessi suspect everyone's trying to download it and killing the server.. i considered slapping him when i saw the link17:34
* timeless leans over and slaps romaxa17:34
RST38hGo for the kill17:34
Anunakinjott: Thanks !!17:35
* RST38h is regenerating test data for 900+ tests17:35
lardmanwhat is ape?17:35
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RST38hmonkey audio codec?17:36
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lardmanhmm, jott, have you looked at the N800 schematics?17:38
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jottlardman: mh not specifically17:44
lardmanjust wondering if those lines might be connected on an n80017:44
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jottif only it was not that blurry :P17:46
lardmanIt's blurry is it>?17:46
jotti wonder if there are vector based ones leaked :)17:47
lardmanneed to ask Qwerty :)17:48
jottnot here atm :/17:48
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jottman i feel like drunk looking at this pixelblurrytext :)17:49
lardmanneed some CSI-style sharpen filters ;)17:49
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timelessok, sorry.... i've updated the link17:49
jotthaha :)17:49
timelesshopefully eventually the server will come back17:49
timelessromaxa says that browser.garage usually dies when we post something17:50
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jottor maybe a couple of pint will improve the brain sharpen filter :>17:50
jottqwerty12: do you know if there are vector based (i.e. readable) n800 schematics leaked? :>17:50
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qwerty12jott, no :(. I looked to no avail17:51
qwerty12Although if anyone is good with graphic files, I saved the N800 schematics in tiff if anyone wants to sharpen them up17:52
jottqwerty12: i think its pretty useless with the omap chart :)17:52
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jottlardman had the idea of csi like filters :)17:53
qwerty12Yeah :(. Any suspicions that it is leaked? if so, I'll start searching :)17:53
lardmanor you could try waving your fingers in front of your face :)17:53
jottor drink a couple of beer :)17:53
qwerty12Alas, I can't. cigarettes don't give the same feeling do they? (gotta love british law, I can smoke legally, just can't buy it)17:54
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lardmanwell the lcd controller TV stuff is all grounded at least17:55
* qwerty12 reads logs17:56
lardmanyuck, I see what you mean about the omap17:56
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* jott is out to grab some food17:58
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KnowledgeAnyone know of any apps that relate to Ham Radio?17:59
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lardman Quim replied again17:59
trickie|workqwerty12: don't start smoking17:59
trickie|workqwerty12: trust me, im trying to quit17:59
qwerty12trickie|work, yeah, I'm just playing, never smoked and never plan to :) (although i've had benson and hedges large in my hands)...18:00
trickie|workqwerty12: good :)18:01
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crashanddieI always find it funny when people say "don't start, I'm trying to quit"18:02
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trickie|workcrashanddie: so did i until it was me18:02
trickie|workbut i guess everyone says that18:02
crashanddiethat's like saying "dude, you know, smoking really is awesome, it's so good, and so great, I just can't stop, no matter how hard I try. But yeah, it sucks, don't start"18:03
qwerty12jott doesn't by any chance run a translation service? :P18:03
* qwerty12 is on a German site18:03
qwerty12google translate it is18:03
trickie|worki really wish someone has physically and violently stopped me from starting though... instead of just saying 'one day you will knwo what i mean...'18:03
crashanddieqwerty12, link ?18:03
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crashanddietrickie|work, that's stupid18:03
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crashanddietrickie|work, if someone "physically and violently" prevented you from smoking, you would've started anyway18:04
crashanddieqwerty12, what do you want to know ?18:04
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trickie|workcrashanddie: maybe maybe... but if they went to the trouble of punching me, then i might have thought there was more passion in their motivation for stopping me :)18:05
qwerty12crashanddie, just sentences as I see them :). I see some schematics was leaked from that site so I'm looking there18:05
trickie|workcrashanddie: but yes, everyone has to learn themslevwes18:05
trickie|workthe hard way18:05
crashanddietrickie, you don't have the passion to quit, what makes you think anyone believes you when you say you have the passion to prevent someone starting18:06
crashanddietrickie|work, "do what I say, not what I do", right ?18:06
trickie|workcrashanddie: absolutely :)18:06
crashanddieI say, fuck it, I smoke, I don't see why I would prevent anyone from doing it. I love it, I'm happy smoking, ignorance is bliss.18:07
trickie|workcrashanddie: for sure, each to their own, enjoy :)18:08
trickie|workcan't get a beer and have a smoke at any places anymore though18:08
trickie|worka damn shame18:09
crashanddietrue that18:09
crashanddieone of the most popular bars in Montpellier (french town) is on the edge of closing, because the smoke-ban is really killing them off18:09
trickie|workthey need to start a 'church of smokers'18:10
trickie|worklike they did in holland18:10
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crashanddiebecause people aren't allowed to smoke inside, they take their drink, and go outside... So the neighbours call it in because of the disturbance, and they have to close every night at 10 or 1118:10
qwerty12lardman, no idea if this helps a slight bit,
trickie|workget around the ban for religous reasons18:10
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lardmanqwerty12: thanks, I've got that18:14
crashanddiecould anyone slexy dpkg -l *gstreamer* on their NIT ?18:14
qwerty12lardman, Oh, sorry18:14
lardmannp, thanks for trying18:15
qwerty12From what I understand, do you need omap2420 schematics or something else?18:15
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lardmann800 schematics18:16
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qwerty12Oh, ones that don't fcuk up at high zoom?18:17
lardmanon page one of those schematics, the microphone is not directly connected to the headphone jack, there's a sort of switchy thing in between. Anyone know what that is?18:17
lardmanqwerty12: yeah18:17
Khertan_n810an audio filter ?18:17
lcukwhich schematics?18:18
crashanddielink ?18:18
qwerty12lcuk, if you need any, let me know18:18
qwerty12I've got a collection18:18
lcuklol - why doesnt that surprise me :P18:18
Khertan_n810n800 is outdated lardman ... check possibility with n810 :)18:18
qwerty12lcuk, I was the one who found the N810 ones first :P#18:18
crashanddielcuk, because he's a northerner living is East London ?18:18
qwerty12Well, probably not first but I publicised them here :P18:19
lardmanKhertan_n810: the n810 appears to not have them connected18:19
crashanddielardman, link ?18:19
lardmancrashanddie: you'll have to talk to qwerty1218:19
crashanddiecould anyone slexy "dpkg -l *gstreamer*" on their NIT ?18:19
qwerty12lardman, tried looking in the level 1&2 service manual for n800?18:19
lcukqwerty12, hook me up please (is the first one free?)18:20
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crashanddielcuk, all of his stuff is free if you promise to keep him posted during the summit18:21
crashanddieqwerty12, can you link me, too ?18:21
lcukwith what im planning im hoping  morepeople can be "at" the summit18:22
Khertan_n810lcuk > hum ... and what are u planning ?18:22
crashanddielcuk, you're right, get back to work18:22
lcuk:) khertan18:23
crashanddieKhertan_n810, va falloir attendre un poil avant de le découvrir :)18:23
Khertan_n810hum ... i don t like waiting ...18:23
lcukwell khertan, it involves n8x0s cameras irc channels and servers amongst other things18:23
* lcuk hopes he pulls it off18:23
Khertan_n810hum   can t found any link between camera and irc ...18:24
lcukfailing that theres always  normal single user mode :)18:24
trickie|worklcuk: sounds great :)18:24
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* lcuk is having the most peaceful week at real work this week. ive not been this productive in a while - cow orker is off all week \o/18:25
Khertan_n810lucky you are18:26
Khertan_n810i get the most perturbing week in the year as i m the only one from the dev team18:26
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lardmanhas anyone got a USB TV tuner working btw?18:29
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qwerty12lardman, someone got a dvb-h tuner working18:29
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lardmanthat's mobile TV?18:29
qwerty12I think so, let me drag up the link18:31
qwerty12Guy's documented his stuff quite well in my opinion18:31
crashanddielardman, switzerland or amsterdam ?18:32
crashanddielardman, what was your question again ? On page one ?18:32
lardmanyeah, page one find the microphone and go left18:33
lardmanthere's a block between the microphone and HOOKDET lines18:33
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crashanddielardman, I found audio, but not mic18:34
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mranostay_workis there anyway to easily disable the sidebar panel and title bars(WM fix i know)?18:35
lardmanbye hrw|gone18:35
lardmancrashanddie: rhs half way down18:35
lardmanqwerty12: was that the n800 schematics you uploaded there,...? I don't think so18:36
qwerty12lardman, please, pm me instead18:36
crashanddieqwerty12, lol... You told me to open Amsterdam... But Amsterdam has GPS :P18:36
lardmancrashanddie: have another look in a minute, you need the n800 ones not the n810 ones18:36
qwerty12crashanddie, oh, my bad18:37
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lardmanqwerty12: ah, DVB-T is too heavy decoding-wise18:38
crashanddielardman, DVB is only mpeg2, surely the NIT could manage that, no ?18:39
lardmanno idea, just going from the comments in the thready qwerty linked to18:40
lcukit can barely drive its own screen18:40
X-Fadecrashanddie: With massive bandwith..18:40
lcukimgine decoding a movie to play and then reencoding it18:40
lardmanAnyone tried a usb video card?18:41
X-FadeAt 720x576, that is alot..18:41
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Khertan_n810hum ... vnc ? :)18:42
lardmanvnc needs another computer though18:43
crashanddielardman, looks like some kind of switch18:43
X-Fadehmmmm switch? :D18:43
lardmanwell that was what I was wondering, perhaps it allows something else to be fed to that pole of the jack18:44
crashanddieah, found what it is18:44
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crashanddielook on the line that comes out of GPIO_318:45
crashanddieit says MIC_SEL18:45
crashanddiebasically, that block allows to select what it uses as mic input18:45
crashanddieso it can select to use the inbuilt mic or the headphone one18:46
lardmanah, nothing too exciting then18:46
qwerty12So, you had me doing all that just to say it wasn't exciting?!? :P18:46
* qwerty12 goes on strike18:46
qwerty12Haha, I'm only joking, I'll do whatever I can to help :D :)18:47
lardmanI wonder if analogue TV would be a better bet for a usb decoder18:47
lardmanjust the bandwidth then, no decoding to do18:47
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X-Fadelardman: dvb-h would be a more likely candidate.18:47
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lardmanwhy's that?18:48
crashanddielardman, this still on the principle there might be video out on the 2.5mm jack ?18:48
lardmancrashanddie: yeah18:49
lcukisnt there a secret data port at the bottom of the stylus tube?18:49
X-Fadelardman: Lower bandwidth, made for mobile.18:49
lcukthat outputs fibre signals18:49
crashanddielardman, if this schematic is correct, I can definitely confirm there's no video connected to it18:49
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lardmanX-Fade: analogue will have higher bandwidth, but there's no decoding overhead18:50
crashanddie(why do I feel breaking the bad news is never good for the karma)18:50
X-Fadelardman: dvb-h is doable, for sure.18:51
lardmanX-Fade: what's your take on video out of the 3.5mm jack then?18:51
X-Fadelardman: It would be cool, but I'm not sure it is possible at all.18:52
lardmanhmm :) I thought you'd seen it in action?18:52
X-Fadelardman: I never said that.18:53
lardmanah, I must have misheard18:53
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lardmanah well, it was interesting to learn about it anyway18:54
crashanddiewhat are avilma and betty btw ?18:54
lardmanthe 2 Nokia chips18:54
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qwerty12IC's (whatever that means :P)18:54
X-FadeIt would be good to get a definitive answer anyway..18:55
lardmanintegrated circuits18:55
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jottwe could connect the tv out pins on the epson :>18:56
lardmanmajor surgery though18:57
crashanddiebtw, are we supposed to be looking at these Nokia "COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL" schematics, lol ?18:57
qwerty12Nokia Phone modders have been doing for years18:58
qwerty12I've read the sony ericsson service manual for my W81018:58
qwerty12Infact, I've got a friend that leaks them out for sony ericsson phones.18:58
jottnoone said we read this crashanddie :P18:59
crashanddielook at page 318:59
qwerty12Amsterdam, or How_To?18:59
crashanddiethere's "Display Controller"18:59
crashanddieabout halfway through the component, on its left side18:59
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jottcrashanddie: that's what i just suggest crashanddie with lardman obvious response :)19:00
crashanddiethere's a bunch of TVOUT, that are grounded19:00
crashanddiethat wouldn't exactly be major surgery19:00
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crashanddieI mean, if they're just grounded...19:00
lardmancrashanddie: the omap display controller can also do TV out19:00
crashanddie[Top Gear] how hard can it be ? [/top Gear]19:00
lardmancrashanddie: and that's what we were looking at before19:00
jottlardman: i guess it is easier to use the epson actually if you really want to mod it ;)19:00
qwerty12Probably a lot better than the Epson chip, knowing how crap Epson are...19:00
jottqwerty12: but the epson is fully documented ;)19:01
qwerty12jott, mind pm'ing me links?19:01
jottoh the epson specs are official19:01
qwerty12oh, ok, thanks19:01
* qwerty12 searches for the epson used19:02
lardmanI don't want to do hw modifications, might as well use a usb vga adaptor, I just wanted something to plug and go19:02
jottlardman: when the mod is ready, then it is plug and go :>19:02
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lardmanyeah, I guess so, but is there enough space to stick in another 3.5mm jack, etc,?19:02
jottcrashanddie: you are welcome to try :)19:02
crashanddiejott, looking at the amsterdam schematics right now19:03
* crashanddie finally feels his electronics degree servers him :D19:03
jottlardman: yeah well you could do the same as the n95 and connect a couple of TS5A6542 :)19:03
* qwerty12 feels like I should take one19:04
lardmanusb-vga adaptor19:04
KnowledgeNo one really into ham radio huh?19:04
jottactually the n95 schematics should make it possible to properly connect a tv out to the omap :P19:04
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qwerty12lardman, Sounds like Graham Cobb's sis usb-vga stuff. I know Nokia put that module into the diablo initfs...19:05
lardmanjott: let's hope Nokia look at them as they design the next tablet ;)19:05
lardmanqwerty12: yep, exactly19:05
* qwerty12 bets they wont19:05
* lardman hopes they will19:05
crashanddie360 degree videos... w00t
jottplease, not another omap2 lardman :P19:06
lardmananyway, home time, back to GPS stuff me thinks19:06
qwerty12Aww, I was quite enjoying this :(19:06
lardmanjott: true, bring on the omap3xxx19:06
* Khertan_n810 oO°19:06
lardmanqwerty12: yeah, me too :)19:06
lardmancu chaps19:06
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jottbye lardman|gone19:07
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crashanddieFrom what I can see, avilma and betty are the chips that do all the battery/power management19:13
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qwerty12retu and tahvo in finnish I believe. This app gets its battery data straight from those chips:
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crashanddieheh :D I'm good :D19:15
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Khertan_n810putain !19:18
Khertan_n810i ll be crazy with this gdata api19:18
Khertan_n810some parameters aren't documented !19:18
Khertan_n810no type ...19:18
Khertan_n810"start_index" : the start index19:19
Khertan_n810great doc !19:19
jotthehe reminds me of gtk docs :)19:19
Khertan_n810yeah but there is some many open source software using gtk that we can look in it too find what we need19:20
Khertan_n810not the case with gdata19:20
jottthere must be a bunch of apps using gdata or?19:21
qwerty12Yeah, by now, a lot of apps must be using it :/19:22
Khertan_n810a lot ?19:22
Khertan_n810some stupid script ...19:22
jottwhat do you want to do?19:23
Khertan_n810and commercial apps19:23
Khertan_n810not many open source apps19:23
Khertan_n810set the start index parameters !19:23
Khertan_n810on a gdata.calendar.service.Query19:24
Khertan_n810query.start_index = 1 ... 400 bad query19:25
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Stskeepslo zanshin19:26
zanshinhey Stskeeps19:26
zanshinit's been a while :)19:27
Stskeepsyeah, from the polish mountains to a camping wagon on a music festival in .dk :P19:27
aquatixKhertan_n810: i'm gone again immediately, but a new version of mCalendar didn't show up in my app manager today19:28
aquatixyou said you uploaded it, so maybe something went wrong19:28
Stskeepszanshin: how far did you manage to get with the things?19:28
zanshinsounds better then painting a house :)19:28
aquatixgotta run now though19:28
aquatixKhertan_n810: good luck with the API ;)19:28
Khertan_n810aquatix > extras-devel ?19:28
aquatixah, devel19:28
aquatixgood point19:28
aquatixwill try that, thanks :)19:28
zanshinNot much. The weather was good the last week, so I've been painting.19:29
Khertan_n810i ll not validate it until i m sure19:29
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crashanddieI don't have the tools I need to open my n810 at the moment, so I can't access the S1D13745A01B20B chip ATM. I'll try to pick up some better tools one of these days, but I have no idea where they're going to sell those19:30
qwerty12crashanddie, ask in any phone repair shop19:30
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crashanddieqwerty12, cool, thanks19:31
jottprobably just a bunch of torx screwdrivers :)19:31
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crashanddieWell, I didn't think I'd need my mcguyver set when moving to the UK, frankly19:31
* qwerty12 hates torx. The set I got was dodgy, I only opened my K750 after a friend gave me his19:31
crashanddieWhy can't they all stick with good old philips screwdrivers19:32
qwerty12Alas, they don't want you opening it up :(19:32
crashanddieWell, I bought it19:33
crashanddieThey give me 3/4 of the OS open source, why can't I access the hardware itself ?19:33
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crashanddieif OpenMOKO was just better hardware I might jump on their boat19:33
crashanddieand if they weren't all in TAIPEI xD19:33
qwerty12Most of the code open sourced in maemo land isn't directly to do with the hardware :(. All I can think of is the kernel and xomap-xserver19:34
MangoFusionfrom what i have heard, openmoko is even worse than maemo from a usability standpoint ;)19:34
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t_s_owell, if nokia suddenly announced that they would be scrapping maemo for something QT based, things would be interesting ;)19:36
crashanddieqwerty12, did you notice, that How_to.pdf is only page 200-20919:37
crashanddieqwerty12, which means there's a lot we're missing out on :D19:37
qwerty12Yeah :D19:37
qwerty12crashanddie, Read original yet?19:37
crashanddieoh, no, wait19:37
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jottif you are lucky the flex connector is fully wired :)19:39
qwerty12crashanddie, oh, just reread your message properly. doh, let me see19:40
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Khertan_n810t_s_o> interesting for u19:40
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t_s_oKhertan_n810: sorry?19:41
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t_s_oah, i forgot about writing it like this: "interesting"...19:41
DibblahDoes anyone know if the code for MMC / SD access on the N770 is using hardware features, or is it just GPIOs?19:41
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Dibblahie if I can scavenge an extra 3 GPIOs, can I use nibble mode?19:42
Luriaoff to defcon :-) bbs19:44
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crashanddiejott, I doubt it's wired, considering it's grounded19:45
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crashanddiejott, worse yet, it's grounded with a bunch of other outputs19:45
crashanddiejott, I can't say anything at this time without seeing the actual chip though19:45
crashanddieDo they have Wifi in Heaven ?19:46
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qwerty12crashanddie, I can kill you and then you can tell us on #maemo19:46
crashanddieThe Church should play it smart, I mean, Muslims get 99 virgins (they didn't specify male or female though :D), so they have incentive to be badass for their religion19:47
crashanddieBut what do we get ? The promise of floating on a bit of condensed water for eternity ?19:47
* qwerty12 is a Muslim, but I'm not religious so I guess 99 virgins is out for me :P19:48
shackanwhat the hell, garage is down again?19:49
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qwerty12shackan, must be, it was going slow for me about 10 mins ago :(19:49
jottshackan: i would wonder about the contrary :O19:49
shackanI need python tough19:50
crashanddieI mean, shit, reformulate that... "Smoke as much as you want, you'll never get sick, and it's free, free wifi, our tubes are unlimited and you always have 100% signal strength, you can play all your favourite MMORPGs 24/7, and still have time to socialise with your mates" and on the other hand "if you go to hell, your NIT will never have any battery left, wifi will always be good enough to get an IP address, but never any19:50
crashanddieactual data, and your MMORPG character will get bashed/spawn killed ALL THE TIME"19:50
crashanddieThat's the way to get the geek community back in Church19:51
qwerty12crashanddie, MMORPGs?!?19:51
lbtso long as they can explain why god != imaginary friend then I'll listen...19:51
crashanddieGive the geeks some free wifi in Church, so they can google/slashdot/twitter what they hear in there, and get the wine flowing, too19:52
crashanddieanyway, time for a peanut butter sandwich :P, brb19:52
lbtwith jelly?19:52
qwerty12crashanddie, God will retaliate when the time comes by making you listen to all those sermons you chose not to listen to when you were on your NIT :P19:52
jotti bet internet in heaven is filtered as hell :P19:54
qwerty12That's like 2/3's of the world's websites gone :P19:55
qwerty12Think the proxy in heaven supports POST?19:55
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oilinkiI suppose hell would offer much better websites in that case19:55
qwerty12so true...19:56
jottit's a transparent proxy redirecting everything to :)19:57
jottso for all eternity you will reload and won't be allowed to curse :P19:58
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qwerty12Alas, I don't know if Heaven can stop my swearing :D. I swear too much >.<19:58
jotti think you'll be better off with just the usual death = nothigness :>19:58
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oilinkiwell, with buddishm you can always get factory reset and reboot .. and start over again20:00
crashanddieIt'd be kinda funny, like, if the after life is completely different than what everyone says20:02
jottoilinki: just check your karma an before you die :)20:02
crashanddieit's not nothing, it's not reincarnation, it's not heaven or hell20:02
crashanddienow that'd be funny20:03's the matrix :X20:03
crashanddiecuz nobody could say "HAH ! I TOLD... wait"20:03
qwerty12Hey, if I get to do all those matrix moves when I die, I aint complain20:03
jottwell only problem you won't realize any of this as your brain stops working ;)20:04
crashanddieqwerty12, you're 15 and spend your days in front of a computer, the only way you'll be doing funky matrix moves, is if hit by a train/car20:04
qwerty12crashanddie, come east london beef ting, we'll decide there whos doing matrix moves :P20:04
crashanddiehaha, I'll eat you up mate20:05
qwerty12sure you will bruv, lol, deres a firearm shop near me :P20:05
jotttake a camera and make a live stream!   "crashanddie vs. qwerty12"20:05
crashanddieqwerty12, you're 15, you're not even allowed to look at it... But I'm 22, thanks for the pointer20:06
qwerty12jott, but it would be broadcasting for only a few seconds as I shove crashanddie's head into the camera :P20:06
qwerty12crashanddie, sure, you don't even know where to start20:06
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jottah, you are in london, we have enough cameras spotting at you anyway ;)20:07
lardmanjott: what are your thoughts on maemo-barcode?20:07
lardmanrm_you: you about?20:07
jottlardman: in which regard?20:07
lardmanjott: direction20:07
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jotthm i would like to see it a bit modularized so it is pluggable in different frameworks (qt, python bindings, etc).20:08
lardmando we have someone working on some web integration to use the ean/isbns from the 1D codes?20:08
lardmanah ok, so you just want a backend?20:09
jottyes. just for the cv part.20:09
jotti think handling of web stuff is a matter of the toolkit language anyway.20:09
jotttoolkit and/or language20:09
lardmanI need to do some work on the stacked 1D codes (pdf417 iirc), I'm not sure what the status of the QR codes is, but the datamatrix stuff is far too slow imo20:09
lardmanjott: would be good to progress from a test app to something with a use, if someone can see one20:10
crashanddieoh, btw, I used my NIT to hack Vista :P20:10
jottyeah, well i'd rather use qt for anything gui and network related ;)20:11
crashanddieYou know the ability Vista has to log someone in using facial recognition ?20:11
lardmanjott: hmm20:11
lardmanjott: ok, well we can pull the analyse_image() and all subfns out into a library I guess, then just wrap that20:11
crashanddieWell... Taking a picture of the lawful owner of the laptop, and displaying it fullscreen, right in front of the webcam was quite enough to get access to the computer :P20:11
jottlardman: yep, i think this could also help with python bindings.20:12
lardmancrashanddie: lol20:12
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qwerty12crashanddie, Wow, it must be crap if the NIT's camera outfoxed it :P20:12
crashanddieqwerty12, heh :D20:12
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qwerty12Hehe, I used to have a Siemens fingerprint mouse. Some German site found out that sellotape was enough to remove that threat :D20:13
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lardmanmy new sirfstar3 gps is pretty good, had it on in the office with no lock, then sat on my balcony and as soon as maemo-mapper came up it had a 3D fix20:14
lardmanpleasant surprise20:14
crashanddielardman, n810 or n800 ?20:14
lardmann810, but doesn't matter, it's a bt one20:14
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crashanddiehow much did you pay for it ?20:14
lardmanyeah, built-in drove me mad in Chicago, had to get something that works20:15
crashanddieqwerty12, yes20:15
qwerty12Sorry, but what is J? I only understand GBP, USD and EUR :). And Yen.20:15
oilinkilardman: what kind of setting do you use with the bt-gps and tablet+maemo mapper?20:16
crashanddieHe said £20:16
crashanddiethe fucked up L20:16
lardmanah, sorry, does this produce J? £20:16
qwerty12Hmm, font must be fcuked up then, I got a J :)20:16
lardmangbp anyway20:16
qwerty12£25 is very decent20:16
crashanddielardman, you buy stuff in GBP in the US ? You're not that smart, are ya :P20:16
crashanddielardman, so... in USD... You paid it something like $500 ?20:17
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lardmanoilinki: set maemo mapper to bt and make sure the control panel applet is bound to the external gps20:17
oilinkiseems like the gpsd does not start every time when I start maemomapper, which says 'searching for gps receiver'20:17
lardmanoilinki: set it to bt with no mac20:17
oilinkilardman: are you able to use other gps-programs, like gps_saver at the same time?20:17
lardmanthen set the gps via the control panel/status bar applet20:17
lardmanoilinki: I can use m-mapper + map, so yes20:18
oilinkihmm. I tried some combinations. sometimes I needed to start the gps_saver before mapper, sometimes not.20:18
lardmanoilinki: the status bar bit should start gpsd, then anything can use it20:19
oilinkishouldn't the mapper start gpsd when it starts?20:19
lardmanoilinki: depends how you set it up, if you leave the bt map clear, it uses the proper way to start it up20:19
lardmanotherwise it's a private connection and nothing else knows about it20:19
oilinkilardman: ok, thanks, I need to understand it a bit better. basically I wish to have the gpsd to look for receivers (bt, and internal) and then serve the information to other apps.20:20
zapHow to create a .source.changes file from a .dsc file? Is that possible?20:20
zapor alternatively, can dput upload just a .dsc file? :)20:21
crashanddieoilinki, at some point, I used SSH to forward the GPSD data to other stations20:23
oilinkiactually it would be great if the maemo-mapper would be able to first check if there is bt-gps available. if not, then use the internal gps.20:23
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lardmanoilinki: that's a specific requirement for you though, not generic20:24
lardmanoilinki: well at least if we had a decent internal chipset it wouldn't be generic anyway ;)20:24
oilinkicrashanddie: shouldn't it be the other way around, so that that the other apps on other devices connect to gpsd ?20:25
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lardmanso, location awareness in the built-in IM, how does one do that?20:25
crashanddieoilinki, nope, I wanted my laptop to have access to the GPS data20:26
oilinkilardman: yeah :) I love the maemo-mapper, but when using it with the internal gps in the car, the device have to be on the front window all the time.20:26
lardmanoilinki: it's just a 3 tap change iirc20:26
lardmanoilinki: tbh until the inbuilt gps is very very sensitive a BT one makes more sense - easier to place somewhere with a good view of the sky as you say20:27
lardmanoilinki: likewise when walking around20:27
oilinkicrashanddie: maybe I missunderstood the gpsd, but I tought that it would do that. get infomation from the chip and offer it to external apps.20:27
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crashanddieoilinki, gpsd is configured to only accept localhost sockets, nothing remote20:29
oilinkilardman: true. with a car or walking, external gps is almost a must.20:29
oilinkicrashanddie: ah. but why?20:29
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crashanddieoilinki, at the time of my research, I didn't find how to change this behaviour, so I just tunneled the port through to another host using SSH20:30
crashanddieoilinki, security, battery ? I don't know why it's configured that way20:30
crashanddieoilinki, on the other hand, I wouldn't want everyone on the same network as me to have access to the GPS data, at least, no by default20:31
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lardmancrashanddie: it should be possible to start gpsd with a switch to enable the network, though how to get libgpsmgr to do this I don't know20:31
crashanddielardman, yeah, that's exactly the problem I had, SSH was just an easier solution20:31
oilinkicrashanddie: ok. I understand the reasons.20:32
crashanddieThough, writing a small proxy shouldn't be that hard20:32
crashanddieI even recall making one, don't know if I still have the source code though20:32
crashanddieBut the way to go here would be to delve into the configuration and get it to open up by itself20:32
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crashanddielcuk, you should've worn underpants !20:34
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crashanddielardman, "On operating systems that support D-BUS, gpsd can be built to broadcast GPS fixes to D-BUS-aware applications. As D-BUS is still at a pre-1.0 stage, we will not attempt to document this interface here. Read the gpsd source code to learn more."20:42
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rm_youcrashanddie: neat20:59
* jott scrubs his eyes20:59
rm_youack late for lunch appointment20:59
rm_youlol jott20:59
jottX-Fade: :O20:59
rm_youooo qt4 :P20:59
jott lol21:00
jottnot much space left :p21:00
Anunakinany sucess on build a firefox-qt4 .deb ?21:01
jottnot tried yet21:01
rm_youwait firefox CAN be built on qt?!21:02
rm_youN E ways, bbl21:02
jottsince yesterday ;)21:02
jottread the planet dude! :)21:03
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Anunakinyeah... firefox under qt4.421:04
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jottAnunakin: what's the problem with the build btw? followed the steps on the wiki?21:09
Anunakinjott: this?
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jottAnunakin: yes. but as i said, i haven't tried it yet.21:19
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AnunakinOK ... I lets try it21:22
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lardmanhi AndrewfBlack21:39
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zanshinwhat's the easiest way to get rid of documentation that is installed with a debian package?21:45
jottzanshin: docpurge on maemo already takes care of this21:46
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zanshinIt's not maemo :)21:46
zanshinit's debian21:46
johnxdocpurge on debian :)21:48
jottdpkg-query -L foopkg should tell you which files are installed by foopkg.21:48
zanshinjohnx, what package do you use for the onscreen keyboard? I can now boot into a xfce4 session, but I don't have a keyboard.21:49
johnxmatchbox-keyboard IIRC21:50
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DibblahIs there any good way someone can think of to benchmark battery performance on an N770?22:19
GAN800there really aren't any comprehensive ones.22:21
zanshinjohnx: I can't find docpurge? where or what is it?22:22
GAN8004-6 hours wifi/heavy usage, ~8 hours moderate-light usafe, ~24 hours wifi idle, ~1-2 weeks completely idle.22:22
jottzanshin: docpurge just does rm -rf /usr/share/doc/ && rm -rf  /usr/share/man/ && rm -rf /usr/share/info/22:23
zanshinah ok thanks22:24
johnxoops, guess I got confused with localepurge (which actually exists in debian and also may be  of interested)22:25
jotthow about a "metapurge" that purges all this stuff at once? :)22:27
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jottslim down debian to 15mb :>22:27
GAN800rm -rf /22:27
johnxrm -rf GAN800 ? :P22:28
* GAN800 is stuck on the tarmac at the wrong airport and pissy.22:28
johnxyou're on a plane right now? O_o22:28
infobotGAN800 meant: Yeah22:29
GAN800Sitting here, waiting.22:29
GAN800for another hour.22:30
johnxmadness! The internet really is everywhere22:30
GAN800It's really not, though.22:30
johnxaaah...your crankiness is understandable :)22:30
DibblahI see about 12 hours with wifi on.22:30
GAN800Come to find cellular coverage is ridiculously spotty in California22:31
Dibblah... With my 2400mAh cell.22:31
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GAN800Dibblah, OS2006?22:31
GAN800Ah, well.22:31
GAN800No wifi PSM  in os200622:31
GAN800upgrade to one of the HEs for better wifi idling.22:32
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pupnikhas anybody built/ported Hedgewars yet?22:39
pupnikman so much to read22:40
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GAN800pupnik, we need an 'learning by osmosis' machine we can sleep on.22:47
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* hrw tests SD emulation in qemu22:50
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smackpotatoanything of value going on today22:51
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dannymdoes anyone know how to get rid of the error with the error message "/scratchbox/tools/bin/misc_runner: : No such file or directory"?22:51
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jottpupnik: hedgewars uses opengl :(22:57
hrwqemu n8x0 emu can use SD cards directly22:57
lcukhrw, the emulator you have - does it fully emulate the epson graphics chip, or is this partly why you want the basic fb support?22:57
hrwlcuk: compile it and try by yourself22:58
hrwlcuk: I am not familiar with internals22:58
lcukill have a look into it22:58
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jottlcuk: it has some basic blizzard support.23:00
lcukjott, but no xv im betting?23:01
hrwlcuk: want liqbase in it?23:01
lcukim just thinking how "complete" the emulation is23:02
lcukor beyond the ARM binary support, does the system run thinking it is an 810 or just an arm machine running maemo23:03
hrwn810 or n800 depends on qemu select23:03
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jottlcuk: it it pretty much a n8x023:04
jottit is23:04
jottthere are most likely things missing23:04
jottbut those should be considered as bugs :)23:04
hrwno bt, no wifi for now23:05
hrwand one sd card instead of two23:05
lcukyesi understand :) just trying to get my head around it23:05
jotti thing wifi will be quite hard :P23:05
lcukhrw, and no glowing LEDs!23:05
* lcuk will not miss them23:05
jotthrw: what have you done to get usb network support?23:06
hrw22:06 hrw@home:MAEMO$ sudo ~/devel/OH/test/qemu/arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -kernel diablo/zImage -net nic,model=usb,vlan=0 -net tap,vlan=0,ifname=tap0,script=/home/hrw/devel/OH/poky/trunk/scripts/poky-qemu-ifup,downscript=/home/hrw/devel/OH/poky/trunk/scripts/poky-qemu-ifdown  -mtdblock /home/hrw/devel/OH/poky/trunk/build/MAEMO/diablo.qemuflash -serial vc -m 130  -usb  -show-cursor -M n810 -usbdevice net:0 --show-cursor -sd /dev/slsd23:06
hrwthats whole command which I use23:06
hrwit give diablo system with n810 emulation + using real SD card as SD card + usb networking + visible cursor23:07
hrwnetwork is usb0 on maemo side and tap0 on host side23:07
jottah i bet imissed the -usb23:07
jott-usbdevice net:023:08
jottok thanks will try later23:08
hrwlcuk: XVideo support is present23:08
mikkov_i have glxgears running at 10 fps :)23:08
hrwat least xvinfo returns that23:08
hrwmikkov_: wow, quake3 will be next?23:08
lcukcool, nice one hrw :)23:08
lcukut99 plz thx23:08
lcuki was playing last night and i wanted to use my 810 for weapon swap with icons23:09
mikkov_hrw: oh yeah. for some reason glxgears is only gl-app which runs23:09
lcukmikkov_, how many steps to get ogl on the device?23:10
jottut99 with software renderer should run ok shouldnt it?23:10
jottquake2 runs more or less smooth so..23:10
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mikkov_lcuk: you now I so tired that I can't remember. And it doesnÃ't evn work completely :(23:11
lcukhrw, the n800 extensions to qemu means i cannot just install and run qemu on windows and run the 800 emulator from there can i?23:11
mikkov_but I think it was pretty simple after all23:11
lcukmikkov_, :) ive spent the last year feeling like that23:11
lcukbut you persevere and make things work  the best you can (especially if it personally matters)23:12
* lcuk goes hunting23:12
mikkov_autobuilder seems to be full ;)23:12
lcukjott - what do you recconm the chances of using the DSP for ogl rendering are?23:12
jottlcuk: ogl is quite heavy.23:13
jottogl es might be in reach.23:13
lcukyer, well most of the frameworks are heavy23:13
lcukbut a reference implementation could be put together?23:14
lcukshould i mention it to lardman :D23:14
jottlcuk: heavy in the sense that it takes several man years to implement a opengl complient library.23:15
jottlook at mesa :)23:15
hrwlcuk: if you have recent qemu built for windows then you can use n8x0 emul23:15
lcukahhh hrw, i thought you actually modified the qemu source to manipulate the end machine type23:16
lcukmy misunderstanding23:16
zaphrw: about your problem with zip.... didn't you have zip3 installed? zip conflicts with zip3 and won't install23:16
lcukso, its like vmware but for various processor types23:16
hrwlcuk: I patched qemu to get Diablo working23:16
lcukbut diablo/chinook are software running on the same hardware - qemu shouldnt have needed changing should it?23:17
hrwNokia-N810-23-14:~# dpkg --get-selections |grep zip23:17
hrwunzip                                           install23:17
jottlcuk: partition sizes differ23:17
jott(which are hardcoded in qemu)23:17
hrwlcuk: qemu does not use nokia bootloader but jumps to kernel directly23:17
zaphrw: so actually no zip is installed and it won't install?23:17
hrwFailed to fetch  Size mismatch23:18
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hrwthats why23:18
hrwwho played with packages without regenerating Packages files?23:18
zapPackages are regenerated seldom23:18
hrwstill same after 'apt-get update'23:19
hrw~curse extras repo23:19
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, extras repo !23:19
zaplet's wait until tommorow, then I'll bug X-Fade :)23:19
zaphrw: actually its not extras, its extras-devel23:19
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lcukhrw - ahhh that makes more sense now, so its not a complete emulation of the full hardware but a reference cpu/memory system which you fire off in the right way.23:25
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hrwlcuk: it is emulation of machine with some features not emulated23:26
jottlcuk: qemu emulates quite some n8x0 specific hardware parts.23:26
hrwlcuk: not emulation of cpu alone23:26
hrwlcuk: if it would be emulation of 'reference cpu/memory system' then clean maemo image would not boot23:27
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lcukill dig deeper later than23:28
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hrwlcuk: you do not have battery info other then 'less then 1 hour', no wifi, no bt23:28
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hrwlcuk: and it is a bit slow too23:28
hrwgives you lot of debug infos23:29
hrwtahvo_write: LCD backlight now at 3 / 12723:29
hrwfor example23:29
hrwor blizzard_reg_write: The display must be disabled before entering Standby Mode23:29
lcukahh so that would be where the real system would expect to alter the backlight i gather23:29
jotthrw: makes you curse at maemo sometimes :>23:30
hrwand it alters BL but you do not see it23:30
lcukset it to zero and clsoe your eyes :D23:30
hrwlcuk: I get black screen with 0 bl23:32
hrwlcuk: there are two levels of BL: 0 (black) and any other23:32
lcukheh - dont tell rm_you that23:33
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hrwah - there is no sound too23:36
hrwat least I did not get it running23:36
lardmanlcuk: opengl on the dsp sounds bad as the update rate is pretty slow, perhaps for optimisation of some of the maths, I don't know23:37
lardmannight all23:37
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lcuklol i was joking - just with you running off on the video trek and easily sidetracked :P23:37
* lcuk should look at the screen23:37
RST38htoo late23:37
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lcuktoday has been looooooooong.  ive had the missus ring up after electrocuting herself.  twice.  and having to repair/dry out all the electrical stuff/throw some away/teach eldest how to take stuff apart (i got him finding the laser).  now youngest has just brought me buzz lightyear with a broken arm.23:39
* lcuk might outsource his fatherly duties23:39
* lcuk wants to code funstuff in the daytime23:40
jottyou should train your childeren to become codemonkeys so you can assign tasks to them :P23:41
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lcuk:) i think jake will when hes older.  luke isnt patient enough23:41
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jottlcuk: how old where they again?23:43
lcuk6 and 1323:43
jottwith 13 he should have written alot of programs by now :P23:43
Kegetysget them to learn programming, that should keep them occupied23:43
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lcukno, luke (eldest) hasnt got the patience - bikes cars skateboards girls are more his thing23:44
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jotthehe you have done something wrong educating him *scnr*23:45
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jottuse your second change :P23:45
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lcukheh, no lukes gonna be ok - hes very interested in medical23:46
lcukjake is more laid back23:46
lcukquite happy and comfortable using the computer23:46
Kegetys6 is good age to learn BASIC23:46
jottor logo if that is still around ;)23:47
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* jott pets the turtle23:47
lcukKegetys, few other things to deal with first23:47
* lcuk has buzz lightyear in pieces23:48
* lcuk feels like a doctor23:48
RST38hThe doctor will see you now!23:48
hrwjott: LOGO on 8bit Atari had 5 turtles ;D23:48
lbtI think I've still got my Buzz - I was working at SGI when it came out...23:48
lcukim actively pondering porting hypercard properly to liqbase by the way :)23:49
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lbtI still don't have a multi-boot device - Chinook won't boot23:49
RST38hdoes it do .txt, .pdf, and comix already?23:49
lcuktxt yes23:50
lcukpdf, if rm_you's base pdf->jpeg works nicely, then kindof yeah,   comix??? in jpeg format?23:50
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RST38hcomix, in whatever format they exist, would be natural to have23:52
lcuk i say jpeg because thats the only format i can read so far :P23:53
chellizap: you broke the autobuilder, six times state UNKNOWN in row, i wonder what this is know? ;-)23:54
* chelli is subscribed to the autobuilder mailinglist ;-)23:54
zapbzip2 this morning?23:55
chelliit just listed unzip, zip, zip3, 2x tar and gzip all mails in the last hour23:56
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chellizap: but you are at least not the only one who sees very weird behaviour of the autobuilder, i uploaded a new package, canola-flickr-plugin on tuesday, the build went fine, but it somehow just disappeared23:57
RST38hzap: btw, are you maintaining command line zip or the file manager plugin too?23:58
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zapRST38h: I'm preparing a release of XArchiver, but can't release it until all command-line archivers are fine23:58
zapRST38h: I've separated the file manager thingy from the unzip package23:58
hrw~curse maemo for not handling modules in proper way23:58
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, maemo for not handling modules in proper way !23:58
zapnot sure if it's needed23:58
chellizap: until now the package is not in the repository, just to be sure i did 2 additional uploads, but with the same result23:58
hrwlack of depmod... modules in non standard place...23:59
RST38hzap: cool23:59
RST38hzap: the file manager thingie is confusing23:59
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RST38hzap: it uncompresses zpip into the same directory but isn't telling what it is doing23:59
zapRST38h: well I've at least added a statusbar popup to it, but I'll wait anyway for Daniel (the author of the thingie) to review my changes23:59

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