IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-08-06

zapRST38h: what CPU has a GB?00:01
zapmsh: I'm running scratchbox in ubuntu 8.04 and have zero problems00:02
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RST38hzap: modified Z8000:04
RST38hGBC doubles the clock00:04
Hrw|n810RST38h, z80 goes to over 20MHz iirc00:06
Hrw|n810spectrum had 3.5700:06
RST38hhrw: there are higher frequency parts now00:07
RST38hall compatible with z80 opcodes00:07
RST38hAs to old z80 cpus, the highest was Z80H, 8MHz00:07
Hrw|n810and z380 which is 32bit00:08
Hrw|n810zilog ones, yes00:08
RST38halso clones00:08
liriqos: a repository missing? uhmm, what could it be? I have both diablo and chinook extras and the official nokia repos (2 of them)00:08
RST38hZiLOG's fully pipelined Z80 compatible eZ80 with an 8/16/24-bit word length and a linear 16 MB address space was introduced in 2001.00:09
RST38h <-- up to 50MHz00:11
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RST38hthey should really sell it as Verilog specification, like ARm does...00:11
nomislcuk: ok, conclusion of the string representation for now: "v4l2src ! video/x-raw-rgb,width=320,height=240,framerate=15/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! tee name=csp  csp. ! queue ! xvimagesink name=xvsink  csp. ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-rgb,width=320,height=240,bpp=24,depth=24,framerate=15/1 ! fakesink name=imagesink signal-handoffs=true"00:11
RST38hnobody is interested in standalone Z80 CPU nowadays but it is nice to have inside a SoC00:11
liriI'm getting an apt-get error when trying to install a new pacakge - - I'm after a diablo reflash so maybe it concerns that...00:12
Hrw|n810RST38h: ok. i am more familiar with mos 6502 family then z80.00:12
lirisorry about that, pidgin's right-click menu isn't very friendly00:12
Hrw|n810but I was able to cpde in asm of both00:12
liriRST38h: could you look at that pastebin error?00:13
lbtlcuk: feature request00:13
lcukyou mean asise from image scaling and blitting?00:13
lbtyep :)00:13
RST38hliri: It is suggestion that you do apt-get install -f00:13
RST38hliri: have you done that?00:14
lbtyou know your physics view...00:14
lbtTag cloud widget00:14
liriRST38h: no because I know how bad that can turn out :)00:14
liriRST38h: I'm just no familiar with those packages it's offering00:14
RST38hhrw: I only met with 6502 when emulating NES00:14
lbtmake sense?00:14
lcukalready in my head - thats how i plan to tag items without a keyboard :)00:15
RST38hhrw: The only two machines I have seen it being used in before were Agat and Pravetz8, both Apple][ clones00:15
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lcukim currently working on the base stylable graphical widget and have done cliprect stuff :)  its all coming together nicely00:16
lbtI want a tabbed view of tag clouds; each representing a group of attributes00:16
lcukie.  a group of tags per category?  (thats how im thinking anyway)00:16
lbtin my case, extensible00:17
lbtboth tags+tabs00:17
lcukcoding, home, work, dinner00:17
lcukwithin each category as many tags as required00:17
lbtit's for organising a video clip collection00:17
liriso apt-get -f install for that dependency error?00:17
Hrw|n810RST38h: i again forgot about your russian roots...00:17
lbtnot too many - 10-1500:17
lcuknot sure how you are gonna do vid clips00:17
lbtjust for UI reasons00:17
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RST38hhrw: Pravetz was Bulgarian00:18
lcukwell i hope to have enough together that you  can feed it and prepare it how you like00:18
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lbtThe tabbed, tag clouds act in 3 ways: input selector, output spec and overview00:18
lcukolder systems ive built have a text file containing basic class definitions and stuff00:18
RST38hhrw: But I had a Spectrum clone as well once, mainly used it for gaming00:18
lbtit'll only fill half the screen though00:18
chelliX-Fade: are you there?00:19
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lbtreally you need to blend it with Qt or gtkmm00:19
lcukits a shame i cant share my sketches - once i add the server we can whiteboard this and ill show you what i have already planned for00:19
lbtsounds good00:20
lcuki dont know enough about each widget set to slide it in - nor even if it will do all required features - it will be useful at some point to go through with some qt guru and see whether it can be done00:21
lbtyou going to the summit?00:21
lcukyes if nokia payment for linuxtag clears in time00:22
lcuki cant book anything until i clear of the last payment00:22
Hrw|n810lcuk:  kick quim00:26
lcuki have00:26
lcukmultiple times00:26
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lbtHmm, mass quim kicking?00:26
lcukhang on00:26
lcuktis ok00:26
* lbt summons his red dgragon (*again*)00:26
lcukmiscommunication - sorted over the weekend00:26
* lbt clearly has a gnome dragon00:27
lcukall done - the missus didnt tell me it was sorted whilst i was away over the weekend00:27
* lbt dismisses petulant dragon00:27
mshzap: hm. perhaps I'll try a fresh install (in vmware).00:27
blafasellcuk: Yay!00:27
lcuk:D yayyyy indeed00:27
blafaselSo you'll come over?00:27
mshhad upgraded from the chinook sdk, though shouldn't matter...00:27
lcukright - ill b booking a hotel tomorrow :)00:28
blafaselNo excuses left?00:28
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lcuknever has been - i was first to apply i think00:28
blafaselHeh - was kidding anyway. So it's fixed for you now?00:28
* lcuk really enjoyed linuxtag and hopes talking about what hes passionate about will make for a better presentation00:28
lcukyes - ill be sorting everything00:28
Hrw|n810i need to get clear 'ok to go' yet00:30
lcukHIS MUM00:30
lcuk:O caps00:30
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RST38hread + sleep00:31
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RST38h+ need to figure out why SlideRule crashes with division by zero (!) when I click on the menu bar00:32
* lcuk is really happy 00:32
lcukim gonna vanish now00:32
Hrw|n810someone on summit will have 64bit laptop?00:36
* lardman might have to find a laptop, not 64bit though00:38
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lardmannight all00:39
blafaselHrw|n810: What for exactly?00:39
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blafasel64bit laptop means 64bit OS?00:39
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Hrw|n810yes, 64bit linux00:40
zapexperiments show that thumb code is about 10% slower than pure 32-bit arm00:40
zapso take care, people00:40
blafaselHrw|n810: What do you need it for, if I may ask?00:40
Hrw|n810zap: but less space00:40
zapsure less00:40
zapbut for zip this is an issue00:40
Hrw|n810blafasel: qemu on 64bit is much faster on same machine then in 32bit00:41
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blafaselHrw|n810: So? You want a 64bit buildmachine in Berlin?00:41
zapits faster on machines with hardware virtualisation00:41
Hrw|n810zap: use vfp then00:41
zaphrw|gone: in zip? :)00:41
Hrw|n810blafasel: no buildmachine but presentation machine00:41
t_s_ohmm, i wonder if there would be a easier way to do mark text for copy then the current double-tap and drag way. it seems i can never trigger it when i want to but always when i dont want to...00:42
zapthe really fast qemu is qemu-kvm00:42
Hrw|n810blafasel: my llaptop is 32BIT pentium-m00:42
Hrw|n810zap: not for arm emulation00:42
zapfor arm emulation it doesn't depend if its a new or old or 64-bit CPU00:42
zapthe only thing that matters is raw speed00:43
Hrw|n81064BIT means nicer registers... thats what I got from one of qemu devels00:43
blafaselHrw|n810: Stupid idea: Ask housetier or someone from those peoples in Berlin.00:44
Hrw|n810and thats gives speedup00:44
blafaselI'm sure they have some good machines00:44
Hrw|n810blafasel: will do later00:44
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blafaselI can only offer a resonable fast desktop, no laptop00:45
zapyes, registers will help indeed00:45
zapx86_64 has 16 64-bit registers while x86 has just 800:46
Hrw|n810see you tomorrow guys00:46
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liriall applications are installed into internal flash memory (256). what do I do when that runs out of space? is it even possible to install them on the 2gb flash (n810)?00:48
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jottliri: i use the 2gb as my root partition.00:49
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lirijott: where do I set that?00:52
terboliri: google nokia mmc root00:53
lbtdid you mean
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terbotheres a few ways to do it, but soon its pretty simple and you can even script it / use it for backups01:12
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pupniknew dosbox for ARM perf gain.. 2-4% today01:30
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Maceri'm trying to find a player that supports whatever the hell this n800 is using for audio01:38
Macerit seems like alsa but i can't seem to get mplayer to play audio in debian01:38
danilocesarlcuk: ping01:44
terborecorded with videorecorder?01:45
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lcukpong who r u?01:48
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pupnikMacer: mplayer -ao help01:50
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Macerpupnik i already did that01:51
MacerSimple mixer control 'PCM',001:51
Macer  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch cswitch cswitch-joined01:51
Macer  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right01:51
Maceramixer detects the pcm channel. don't know exactly what /dev it is making for it though01:52
Maceri've tried to install alsa-oss in order to get the oss modules in there which are usually picked up without problem.. but it is not creating a /dev/dsp01:52
Maceri figure it is a problem with my alsa.conf but i can't figure it out01:52
pupnikyou're talking about your PC, yes?01:53
pupnikmust sleep01:54
jottlcuk: he is one of the qedje guys. i pointed them in your direction regarding xv based rendering :)01:54
lcuki just mailed him jott, thanks01:54
lcukinvolved in mm01:54
Macermy n80001:54
lcukisnt he?01:54
Maceralsa is easy to set up on a pc ;) heh01:55
jottah, dunno about that. but i think he is involved in qedje and canola :)01:56
Maceri'm doing it in debian not hildon01:56
Macerblah.. screw it. i'll fix the sound later.. i'll work on the bt for now01:56
Luriagah.... jsut got a cobalt qube off ebay, didnt realize it didnt come with a power supply cable01:57
lcukjott, ahhh the top posts for his nick and maemo came up with mapper related things, i mailed him anyway01:58
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elektmusic making software?02:02
elektor playback?02:02
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MoRpHeUzjott: actually danilocesar is not directly (but indirectly) involved with qedje =)02:06
MoRpHeUzmust go now...02:06
MoRpHeUzsee you02:06
jottgood to know ;)02:06
jottbut canola? ;)02:06
MoRpHeUzjott: no...neither canola hehe =)02:07
jottok :)02:07
MoRpHeUzlet's say he want's to use qedje on his software =)02:07
jottbut he has openbossa ip :P02:07
MoRpHeUzjott: yes hehe02:07
MoRpHeUzjott: I think that danilocesar confused lcuk with luck (that is a guy from openbossa)02:07
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MoRpHeUzlcuk, jott: danilocesar contributed some time ago to maemo mapper....02:08
lcukhence the google results02:08
MoRpHeUzlcuk: please, forward this email to me also...02:09
jottgoogle makes average joe to a stalker :)02:09
MoRpHeUzlcuk: (if it's about qedje)02:09
lcukummm  it essentially said "pong"02:10
lcukMoRpHeUz, i notice its c++02:10
MoRpHeUzlcuk: ow, ok then.....02:11
MoRpHeUzlcuk: yes, it's c++02:11
lcukshame (at least for now)02:11
MoRpHeUzlcuk: hehehe =)02:11
lcukim just at the point of requiring exactly what qedje seems to advertise (in a very brief look anyway)02:11
MoRpHeUzlcuk: so, try qedje ;-)02:12
jottbetter, make your xv renderer work with qedje :)02:12
lcukqedje will not render fast enough02:12
MoRpHeUzsome more "real examples" should be on plasma, by the end of akademy02:12
MoRpHeUzlcuk: hhmm...probably not _right_ now....but look what we did with evas+edje ;-)02:13
lcukhow ingrained is rgb into it?02:13
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lcukMoRpHeUz, have you seen my software?02:13
jottlcuk: not very deep as far as i can tell.02:13
MoRpHeUzlcuk: I saw it sometime ago (not the code) and jott talked about it with us today02:13
MoRpHeUzjott: =)02:14
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lcukwhat do i need to get it on my tablet?02:15
jottit does not look that hard to change the actual rendering core :)02:15
jottlcuk: qt :)02:15
lcukjott, ? i thought qt renderers were something completely different02:15
lcukdoes qegje sit ontop of qt and manage qt widgets?02:16
jottlcuk: qedje is a qt widget02:16
lcukdoes it need to be?02:16
jottyes, that's the whole point of it ;)02:16
jottthough i would say it is not necessary to render using qt QPainter.02:16
MoRpHeUzjott: perfect02:17
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MoRpHeUzjott: I would say that you almost know more about qedje than me =P02:17
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lcukim confused, so this isnt e17 edje, its a specific single qt port?02:18
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jottlcuk: edje is just a interface defintion.02:18
jotte17 renders edje through eva02:18
MoRpHeUzone important point is that there is libedje02:18
MoRpHeUzfor e1702:18
MoRpHeUzthat renders edje files on top of evas02:19
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MoRpHeUznow port this to qt world and change evas for "whatever canvas you want to use here"02:19
lcuk(so if i got it straight) and now a new port to qt has come along02:20
jottlcuk: right. to use edje interface within the qt framework.02:20 can use a qtpainter based canvas, qgraphicsview, etc..02:20
jottand for now it renders everything trough QPainter, which is not optimal.02:20
lcukbut with qt you cannot get to the metal can you?  multiple layers of rendering and abstraction away from the core02:21
jottlcuk: you can (loosing platform independence) get access to X11 windows.02:22
jotthence you can create a xv window and put that in a qt widget02:22
lcukwhat about xv overlays :)02:22
jottthere you have your viewport02:22
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jottlcuk: using was my initial idea.02:23
lcukwouldnt you be better ripping out the grounding from qt and replace it with something *all* widgets would gain from02:24
lcukor is this closest to instant gratification02:24
jottlcuk: i think the whole point is having it in Qt (like qt signals and slots and more or less api consistency etc)02:25
jottand tbh, the actual rendering part is not that extensive :)02:25
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jottit's more about handling animations and events, etc. and there you can easily add some abstraction layer without really loosing performance.02:26
lcukagreed on that part02:26
lcukso edje itself doesnt need qt, it could just as easily have been in gtk or native x11 or something02:28
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Trencher|hello everyone02:28
Trencher|i have a question about the perl install in maemo02:29
MoRpHeUzlcuk: edje just needs a canvas where it can paint everything...02:29
jott... and most of the time it's just an instruction like "paint this transformed pixmap here"02:30
MoRpHeUzlcuk: for canola2 we choose evas because of it's performance (much better than any other canvas available right now)  and edje was already written for it =)02:30
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jottand if we have an xv based edje canvas, this would be even faster :)02:30
Trencher|i am trying to compile a program with perl support in the armel target, but it keeps linking to the i686 perl02:31
MoRpHeUz(of course we did the 16bit engine for evas, but it was already fast)02:31
lcuknice indeed :)02:31
MoRpHeUzjott: yeah, but it would be hell to implement the whole canvas (rectangle's merge algorithms, etc...)02:32
jottMoRpHeUz: that's why you could use that part from qt and handle the blitting via xv :)02:33
MoRpHeUzjott: ;-)02:33
lcukbut qt doesnt work in yuv/02:33
jottlcuk: that's all an abstraction above :)02:33
jottonly plain blitting (and some basic drawing) has to be done in yuv :)02:34
lcukyes, but that level of abstraction involves an rgb->yuv conversion02:34
jottnot really02:34
lcukwhich is why i want the IVA opening02:34
jottyou have an xv viewport in a qt widget.02:34
lcukonce that happens we rock: its essentially free to work in RGB and get the IVA doing the heavy lifting on every frame02:34
jottlet qt (in that case) handle all the intersection/moving/foo stuff.02:34
jottthen you come to a point where you have to blit a subrect to antoher subrect.02:35
jottthere you use xv/yuv02:35
lcukok, i think theres a slight overlap(heh) here.  "merging algorithms"  color merge or simple geometrics?02:36
jottsimple geometrics i would say.02:37
jottand of course different blending functions.02:37
lcukcos the geometrics is schoolyard stuff and should be inside the core library anyway - YUV color transformations and functions are a lot more indepth02:37
lcukif an animation library has to use someone elses code to manage locations it sounds wrong - it should be dealing with keyframes and tweening and stuff and this sort of thing should be second nature02:38
lcukalpha blending and aliasing and font weighing is what the canvas handles02:40
jottlcuk: if you re-implement stuff that is already usable in a framework that sounds wrong :)02:40
ryoohkiis there any maemo activity at linux world expo? has the n810 wimax edition come out yet?02:40
jott@lcuk :)02:40
lcukjott, im building from the ground up because thats what i think i need to get the speed.  its working for me, im havin a great time and finally putting onto a page what i have wanted to do for years02:41
lcukits like books, theres many authors writing about similar topics02:41
jottlcuk: sure. if you have fun that's great.02:42
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Trencher|can anyone help me? please?02:43
lcuki need to discuss with people however how to make use of this to improve lots of things, i want it underneath qt and (ideally) x11 itself so everything speeds up02:43
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Trencher|should i be asking this elsewhere?02:50
nomisTrencher|: you did not yet ask anything?02:52
nomisah sorry.02:52
nomisdid not scroll back enough.02:52
nomis(and I unfortunately have no clue about perl=02:53
Mercurylcuk: To do something like that 'under' X11 would basicly mean doing it in the X11 video driver.02:53
lcukMercury, yes02:53
jottTrencher|: there is an env var to set so that the arm perl is used. (can't remember it's name)02:54
Mercurylcuk: That's probably the best target, since that really does give a universal speedup if the approach works.02:54
lcukMercury, have you seen liqbase?02:54
lcukthen do :)02:54
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Trencher|:( sadly, all the docs for the scratchbox env are missing on maemo.org02:55
Trencher|i tried to rtfm ;)02:55
lcuktheres a youtube vid02:55
Macermy n800 crashed02:57
Macerand when i had to yank the battery.. and put it bakc.. the screen is flickering like a tv with no reception02:57
lcukTrencher|, whats up with you?02:57
Trencher|that can't be good02:57
Trencher|i am attempting to build something for my nokia tablet using scratchbox02:57
lcukMacer, ooooer02:57
Macerwow.. that was extremely odd02:58
lcuk"something" as in helloworld, or have you confirmed all that works?02:58
Macerall i want to do is get this damn bt connection going in nit-debian02:58
Trencher|something as in irssi02:58
Mercurylcuk: The overview?  Just watched it, quite interesting.02:58
Macerand every time i'm close.. someething breaks haha02:58
Trencher|and i have built it02:58
Trencher|and it works on the target and the tablet02:58
Trencher|but i want to build it with perl support02:58
Mercurylcuk: Not an interface that I'd use much, though, the ability to underclock the unit at will is something that I would find exceedingly handy.02:58
Trencher|but libperl-dev is not present on device or scratchbox. also not available as a deb02:59
lcukMercury, yes - it uses an alternative graphics mode which is better suited to fast graphics (mainly because its onee the hardware can push to the lcd controller in time)02:59
Trencher|so i built perl02:59
Trencher|irssi is trying to link to the i686 perl02:59
Trencher|instead of the armel one02:59
lcukwhats actually drawn there isnt important to some eyes - its the fact its fast and tearfree and scalable02:59
Trencher|when i run configure03:00
Trencher|as in: Perl library directory ........... : (site default - /scratchbox/tools/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4/i686-linux-thread-multi)03:01
Mercurylcuk: Is that bypassing X right now, or?03:01
lcukits using xv, so yes but no because its a standard interface03:01
Mercurylcuk: Or are you just dropping X into a lower resolution mode and scaling up?03:01
lcukxv is the video overlay portion.  it uses YUV color mode and has a selectable arbitary resolution that is scaled up to full screen by the hardware03:02
lcukTrencher|, i dunno, it sounds odd that you have to build perl before one normal app03:03
MercuryAhh, interesting trick.03:03
jottbasically it's about dropping colors (16/24 bit down to 12 bit) to gain performance :)03:03
Trencher|i had to build perl to get libperl-dev03:04
lcuki get full 24 bit color tyvm jott :P i drop color resolution (like a jpeg image)03:04
Trencher|but that's not the point03:04
Trencher|the point is that when i build irssi it points to the wrong perl03:04
Trencher|someone said there's a env var03:04
Trencher|but i don't know it03:04
MercuryTrencher|: If you built perl only for i686, then you only have an i686 libperl-dev, so of _course_ that's what it will link to.03:04
MercuryTrencher|: If you built perl for armel, then that's a different story, but.03:05
Mercurylcuk: I'm not sure how well that would scale for all of X, but I like the general idea for some applications.03:05
Trencher|i built perl for armel03:05
Trencher|for the libperl-dev package03:06
* Mercury nods.03:06
Trencher|which i got03:06
Trencher|now i need to get irssi to compile with the armel perl03:06
Trencher|which it didn't do whether i built perl or not03:06
Trencher|in scratchbox, a fresh install03:06
Trencher|perl -v returns a i686 build03:07
Trencher|a fresh maemo install that is03:07
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Trencher|which doesn't seem right03:10
lcukare you in scratchbox03:11
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jottTrencher|: /scratchbox/doc/variables.txt => SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE03:13
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brontideanyone know why noatime is not set by default on /media/mmc[12] mount points?03:15
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Mercurybrontide: It may be the default for vfat.03:16
jottbrontide: because that would increase level wearing ALOT :)03:16
jottoh NOT set?03:16
* jott scratches his head03:16
jottatleast the internal flash is set to noatime when booting from it with the default nokia initfs :)03:17
brontidethis whole though process started when I installed the highspeed kernel only to find out that media player was stuttering on occasion, that can be fixed by renice 0 `pidof mmsqd`, but then I was thinking... I'm only reading.... why should the mmcqd be active.  That's when I set the noatime and nodiratime on /media/mmc[12] and it got much faster03:18
brontidesubjectivly at least.  Fast enough that reading was now no longer stable03:18
Maceranybody here know what exactly maemo uses to tether the bt?03:18
brontideMacer: DUN prifile03:19
brontideprofile even03:19
Maceryeah but i mean how it does it exactly03:19
Macerdoes it use a bnep module?03:19
Maceror does it do it by some other means?03:19
jottbrontide: sounds broken either way. noatime should really be set for any flash device when not *really* needed.03:19
brontideyeah... I went back to the stock kernel with noatime and nodirtime set and it still seems peppier ( /usr/sbin/mmc-mount script edit )03:20
Maceri am trying to connect to att 3G in nit-debian and  so far anything i've found requires a bnep connection03:20
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brontidejott: Really I was making sure I wasn't missing something before I filed a bug report.  Just like laptop systems all mount points should be noatime, nodiratime unless it's a necessity because of the IO penalty03:22
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Trencher|SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=perl did not work03:24
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jottTrencher|: also check $PATH :P (or call directly /usr/bin/perl)03:28
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Trencher|still nothing..03:34
Trencher|will be back later to try more03:34
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brontideanyone got 1 minute to confirm this bug?  All you need is a terminal prompt and an umolested system ( no crazy mods like me )03:37
jottare there unmolested systems? :O03:38
brontideIt's ok to love you NIT, just not LOVE you NIT03:39
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brontideok... anyone who hasn't messed with their mount points?
brontidegrr... replace prefs.js with stat_me03:40
* brontide shoots secratary03:40
jottbrontide: changes here at least.03:50
rm_youn800 is apparently also handy as a recorder :P03:51
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brontideThanks, that's what I though... I'll open a bug report.  It's a 5 second fix to /usr/sbin/mmc-mount03:51
rm_youbeen recording D&D sessions by sitting it in the middle of the table and hitting record on maemo-recorder03:51
jott(i boot from internal 2gb card but i have a mmc mounted as vfat)03:51
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rm_youworks very well (though I have to boost the gain in Audacity later to hear anything, but it is still very good quality surprisingly)03:51
jottbrontide: 5 second fix + 2 month discussion and regression testing ;)03:51
jotts/2 month/14 month/03:52
infobotjott meant: brontide: 5 second fix + 14 month discussion and regression testing ;)03:52
brontideSo I should expect offical support about the time browserd get upgraded03:53
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Maceryeah. i give up on nit-debian03:58
Macerit is too difficult to fix the sound and to bt tether03:58
* Macer is going to swap back to kde03:58
johnxrm_you, well you'd hope that Nokia would know how to make a decent mic given how many phones they make...03:59
Maceri wonder how hard it would be to make my own kde install without all the stuff pb has in his... it's way too large and filled with a lot of things i'd probably never use03:59
rm_youjohnx: true03:59
rm_youjohnx: what is the state of a2dp in debian? (NIT)03:59
Macerjohnx - nit debian doesn't have a dnep module?04:00
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Macerwhat would you use to connect to 3G?04:00
johnxa2dp support is the same as in any other debian install04:00
rm_you"Portable Document Format" is currently seeming annoyingly unportable04:00
johnxrm_you, how so?04:01
rm_youeh, having to jump through a ton of hoops to get it to become a jpg :P04:01
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rm_younot too bad tho since i can just turn it to postscript04:01
Macerjohnx - i don't understand what you would do in debian in order to connect to a 3G network with bluez ... i figured once you pair you could just use dhclient and run it through dnep004:01
Macerbut there's no module for it in nit-debian :)04:02
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Macerwhat does maemo use for the bt 3G stuff?04:02
johnxMacer, by default it uses dun I believe04:02
johnxSorry, but the only wireless hookup my phone supports is IR, so I really have no idea about this kind of stuff ;)04:03
Macerwell.. it uses the dun profile for the bt connection.. but what tools does it use in order to actually establish the connection04:03
Macerah.... ok then :) well... then do you know what you have to do for oss support in nit-debian ?04:04
johnxoss sound support?04:04
Macerso that mplayer will play audio.. it doesn't seem to be able to detect the alsa stuff04:04
Maceralsamixer sees all the channels04:04
Maceri have a pcm0... but for some reason mplayer and any other audio app i have tried doesn't seem to want to work04:05
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Maceri've been searching for hours for these 2 problems.. if i could get all the hardware working like it should then nit-debian would be great ;)04:05
johnxMacer, Stskeeps has been doing most of the nit-debian stuff. I've been so busy I don't even have a booting nit-debian install right now04:05
Macerah... i see.. he's been concentrating on his installer.. which works perfect with lenny instead of sid04:06
Macersid is picky04:06
johnxyeah, he's doing a lot of incredible work :)04:06
Macerbut the hardware ;)04:07
Maceri wish i knew how to code so i could make something for him04:07
Macerthat would allow easy tethering / 3G connections04:07
Macerbecause right now i was happy that i was able to pair... after that i don't know exactly which route i should take for it04:07
Maceri suppose for the time being i could get a usb cable and use acm for it04:07
johnxwhat I did with beta3 was just copy the packages for the dsp tasks, the gstreamer stuff related to dsp audio and some alsa libs04:07
Macerbut i don't think there's an acm module eitehr :)04:08
Maceri was trying to do that04:08
johnxit was somewhat tricky04:08
Macerdidn't seem to work so well :)04:08
Maceryeah.. i figured as much.. i was trying to rip stuff off the maemo partition04:08
johnxsomething about the dsp tasks wanting to be started early in the boot sequence I think04:08
Maceri wish alsa would just detect it and use oss emulation for it :) can't go wrong with /dev/dsp04:09
Macerah well.. i guess i'll go back to the kde route i was taking earlier04:09
Maceri wonder if pb could make a bare kde install and just the debian mirrors to download armel bins/libs04:10
rm_youlcuk: ok got it04:10
Maceri don't see why something like that wouldn't work :)04:10
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Maceruse like the kde package manager for everything... maybe i'll see about doing something like that when i get the chance04:11
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johnxMacer, debian != maemo04:13
johnxdifferent lib versions, different config locations, different package names04:13
johnxas for sound the "DSP tasks" aren't really related to the OSS /dev/dsp04:14
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Macerjohnx - i see hm04:27
Macerwell.. i'll figure something out.. tnx04:28
johnxgood luck :)04:28
Macerhm.. kde looks like the best route... so i'm guessing you would have to build all the apps in scratchbox for maemo?04:30
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johnxyou could try just unpacking .debs from debian for armel04:30
johnxthe biggest problem is different package naming conventions I think04:31
Maceri would bet the best way to do it is how pb has kde starting from hildon with all maemo's services running with full sound support04:31
johnxso if you just satisfy deps yourself and put the files in place it'll likely work, at least for smaller CLI programs04:31
Macerif i could get it bare.. i can set up my own repository and work on building apps for it04:31
Macerthat could be installed from hildon or from apt-get itself04:32
Macerthe only thing that drove me up the wall about pb's kde install was kopete didn't have ssl support because i don't think he was able to build the qt qcatls plugin04:32
Macereither that or the one for kopete in order to get on gtalk :) ... plus he had kopete and svirc on it.... i know these are things that are probably easy to get rid of but .... :)04:33
Macerok.. i gotta go.. i'll look into it when i get home again04:33
jottbrontide: looks good to me.04:34
brontideI don't think bug reports get any easier than that... complete with test script and fix04:34
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lcukgnite chan05:08
rm_youlcuk: noooo05:08
lcukrm_you, ill look tomorrow, sorry just seen05:08
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mranostayquick question, why doesn't their seem to be i386 mplayer package in the extras/ repo?05:42
rm_youdunno, it may just need to pass through the autobuilder again05:43
rm_youor else the maintainer marked it armel only05:43
mranostaywell that is annoying05:45
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mranostayrm_you: autobuilder? you mean scratchbox05:50
bef0rdI think he indeed means autobuilder05:55
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rm_youmranostay: autobuilder is the extras upload/promotion interface06:17
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rm_youi'll have X-Fade set that later ;P06:17
rm_youI just cleaned so many dishes that we ran out of hot water <_<06:18
rm_youand my hands feel funny O_o06:18
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brontideSweet... only 2 grey hairs from trying to get this working.
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bef0rdbookmarlets ftw08:20
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teamcobrahey all08:23
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teamcobrahow's it going, bef0rd08:30
bef0rdgreat, trying to get a friend register a couple of domains for me :P08:31
* bef0rd doesn't have credit card .. nor money 08:31
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RST38hhello zap09:22
bef0rdBuenas, ¿cuantos usuarios de maemo son hispanohablantes?09:23
RST38hno  hispanohablantes here, sorry09:24
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bef0rdI are the only one :|09:43
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bef0rdI'm the one :o09:43
AddisonGood evening gentlemen!09:43
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AddisonHey, I'm trying to install python2.5 from the instructions I'm reading.  Does that mean python2.5-sdk in red pill mode?09:45
bef0rdwhat instructions are you reading?09:46
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bef0rdeh, that's the script you are trying to run, isn't it?09:47
AddisonI'm just trying to run wmctrl, I could care less about anything else but it seems like I need that as well.09:48
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AddisonI've done everything except for the requirements... the python2.5 and the pygtk thingie.09:49
AddisonSo when it says requirements python2.5, does that mean python2.5-sdk?09:50
AddisonThere's like so many to choose from in red pill mode.09:51
bef0rddo you see python2.5-runtime?09:52
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AddisonNo, it goes from python2.5-pyrex to python2.5-sdk.  I'm using a clean Diablo flash by the way.09:53
AddisonI found python-launcher which has an icon next to it.  Is that the junk needed?09:55
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solmumahaAddison: try installing some python app from chinook extras09:58
XTLibank works again.09:58
solmumahathat should get you a working python09:58
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terbo"there was a nokia 7710 taken from the car. we have its tracking numbers."10:02
AddisonOkay, working on it somumaha...10:02
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solmumahaAddison: i'm not sure if python has made it's way to diablo yet but chinook should work just fine10:05
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AddisonI'm not finding "Chinook Extras" over at gronmayer.  If even typed it in the search field and it said "nothing was found for "chinook extras" in OS 2008.10:08
* bef0rd slaps infobot10:08
bef0rdAddison, wiki.maemo.org10:08
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bef0rdsearch there for 'extras'10:08
bef0rdit tells you how to enable it10:08
AddisonOkay, will do.  Thanks!10:09
chelliX-Fade: are you there?10:09
bef0rdinfobot, learn wiki as
bef0rderhm well, I tried.10:09
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AddisonI already have maemo Extras and Maemo Extras Develpoment available as catalogues.10:14
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AddisonI'll be right back.  As always, trying to use this tablet forces me to take a break and have a smoke outside.  I'm really beginning to hate this piece.  :)10:15
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liriI think I'm gonna get that maemo vmware image10:15
liriseems like I need to compile from source the roadmap application in CVS10:15
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aquatixgood moaning10:23
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hrwalsa mixers are too complicated10:25
hrwto make louder I have to operate player volume + pcm volume + master volume + front volume10:26
hrw4 sliders just to make it louder..10:26
hrwand I do not count volume slider on speakers..10:27
* aquatix just uses the volume slider on his speakers10:27
aquatixeasier :)10:27
hrwnot here - it is not easily reachable10:29
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* aquatix has a wired remote with a conveniently large round volume slider10:30
Trencher|hello everyone10:30
Trencher|how are we this fine morning?10:31
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aquatixTrencher|: i might benefit from going to sleep earlier ;)10:32
Trencher|maybe lol10:32
Trencher|i still can't fix the broken perl support in scratchbox10:33
BinkyIt's cool. Here is 9am ^^10:33
Trencher|12:34 am here10:33
Trencher|just got off work10:33
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bef0rd2:34 am10:34
BinkyWhere are you from...? Ukraine, Kenya?10:35
aquatix9:34 am10:35
bef0rdinfobot, learn maemowiki as http://wiki.maemo.org10:35
bef0rdinfobot me odia.10:36
Trencher|can someone help me with perl in scratchbox?10:36
wizahas modest development stopped?10:37
aquatixwiza: yeah, was wondering that too10:37
wizait's not working very well and there hasn't been many updates to diablo at all10:37
Trencher|is the wiki supposed to be broken in firefox?10:38
wizafor any software that matter...10:38
Trencher|o, ok10:38
aquatixwiza: yeah :(10:38
aquatixwiza: maybe people *do* have real vacations :)10:38
Stskeepsvacations are just so you can code through the night without having to go to work next day10:39
Binkybef0rd, lol, are you spanish?10:39
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wizaaquatix:  I was thinking about that10:39
bef0rdnot from spain, but my native language is spanish indeed.10:39
aquatixStskeeps: yeah, i'd say so, but maybe people beg to differ10:39
wizaI already spent my 4 weeks summer vacation10:41
Binkybef0rd, tus padres eran españoles? o en algunas partes en el sur de USA también se habla10:41
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wizabut since I'm changing jobs I spend my 1 week winter vacation last week of august, also changing city so not really vacation :p10:42
bef0rdnot from states either ( o se dice neither? )10:42
bef0rdI'm from Colombia.10:42
BinkyCreo que significan lo mismo, como til' y until.10:42
BinkyI'm surprised by amount of people at ITt speaking spanish10:43
bef0rdyea, only you and me10:43
bef0rdoh, the forums you mean? I'm not registered there10:43
Binkycrashandie does too10:44
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bef0rdoh, I've seen him/her here too, didn't know it10:44
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bef0rdTrencher|, what are you trying to get? additional modules?10:45
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BinkyI know people from there, bef0rd , but in spain people are eaten by stereotypes. They think colombians are all drug trafficants. How sad...10:46
aquatixaren't they?10:46
* aquatix runs10:46
bef0rdyea, I don't really plan to travel to spain anyway :P10:47
Trencher|i am trying to build programs with perl support10:47
liriis that maemo vmware image really 10gb big?10:47
Trencher|if perl is called in scratchbox, it pulls the i686 build, not the armel build10:47
BinkyI'd be a guide 8-)10:47
Trencher|liri: i know i downloaded at least 3gb installing scratchbox...10:47
bef0rdI've a half brother there, thanks anyway :P10:47
liriTrencher|: so it's that big eh?10:48
XTLi Spanish is the new italian10:48
bef0rd(se dira asi, medio hermano? o pensaran que es un hermano partido por la mitad?)10:48
Trencher|liri: and that's not including debian10:48
liriTrencher|: I'm low on space on this desktop machine so I guess I'll have to put it somewhere else10:48
liriTrencher|: yickes10:48
liriTrencher|: have you got it already up and running?10:48
Trencher|liri: this isn't vm. had debian, installed scratchbox. Works fine. I believe the vm is linux + scratchbox preconfiged10:49
Binkybef0rd, looooool. Se dice asi, te referiras a hermanastro..10:49
bef0rdsep, aca es mas común el termino 'medio hermano'10:50
Trencher|bef0rd: if perl is called in scratchbox, it pulls the i686 build, not the armel build10:50
liriTrencher|: ahh10:50
bef0rdTrencher|, I read that but I dont know what you mean heh10:50
* bef0rd checks10:50
liriTrencher|: is there a wiki page on getting a plain debian install with scratchbox?10:51
bef0rdo i c10:51
Trencher|bef0rd: when i login to scratchbox (ARMEL target) it's supposed to be a ARMEL system so i can build for ARMEL, right?10:51
bef0rd[sbox-DIABLO_ARMEL: ~] > perl -v10:51
bef0rdThis is perl, v5.8.4 built for i686-linux-thread-multi10:51
Trencher|i want..10:51
bef0rdarmel perl10:51
Trencher|let me ssh into 77010:51
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Trencher|[root@nokia ~]# perl -v10:52
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.3 built for arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi10:52
Trencher|i can get that in the scratchbox10:52
Trencher|it's in /usr/bin10:52
wizamy spanish is pretty much only "una grande cerveza por favor"10:52
bef0rdperl is supposed to be crossplatform, why do you *really* need the arm bin?10:52
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /usr/bin] > perl5.8.3 -v10:53
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.3 built for arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi10:53
Trencher|if i build something in ARMEL10:53
Trencher|and it calls the i686 perl10:53
bef0rdbuild as in?10:53
Trencher|it doesn't build10:53
Binkywiza, cerveza grande instead please lol10:53
Trencher|i might try something different...10:53
wizaBinky: whups :)10:53
Trencher|see, the perl built in maemo and the devices10:53
Trencher|doesn't have libperl-devb10:53
Trencher|doesn't have libperl-dev10:53
BinkyOh, btw, i downloaed windows flasher for ITs and wants to install Diablo on my ITs10:54
Trencher|and it's not available in repos10:54
Trencher|so i built10:54
Trencher|and got libperl-dev10:54
bef0rdok let me check something10:54
Trencher|but that may have broken my perl10:54
Trencher|so let me try in a different target..10:54
wizaBinky: been meaning to start learning spanish when I have time10:54
BinkyI know, win sucks, but  my pc is broken, i use one of a friend10:54
wizaBinky: surprise your friend and install linux :D10:55
bef0rdwhen in doubt, put linux on it10:55
* Binky wants to learn playing banjo10:55
bef0rdput linux on that banjo too10:55
RST38hand put yourself in a bigger doubt10:55
Trencher|liri: what do you mean? a vm or installing scratchbox onto debian?10:55
BinkyI'll present him a friend called Knoppix10:56
bef0rdBinky, el instalador de windows es mas facil10:56
lirilinux on the banjo would rock10:56
X-Fadechelli: pong10:56
Binkybef0rd, si, pero me quiere instalar diablo , que solo va para n8x0 y yo tengo la 77010:57
bef0rdOs deseo suerte10:57
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bef0rddescarga de the hacker edition10:58
Binkyliri, would be funnier than the instructions to install linux on a dead badger10:58
Trencher|i'm gonna reset the targer10:58
Trencher|and try again10:58
XTLi"You're just like my brother. When he borrows a computer, this mysterious black window appears and he uses that. I never see it when I use it"10:58
X-Fademranostay: Still there?10:58
Binkybef0rd, i prefer os200610:58
Trencher|that is a awesome quote10:58
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bef0rdhaha, Y eso que me lo dijiste en español, y lo entendi mal :)10:59
bef0rdentendi que *querias* instalar diablo en el 77010:59
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BinkyEso es lo que quiere el flasheador11:00
bef0rdYeah, I got it. The deal is, I dont know if the current Windows flashers supports flashing 770, or only n8x011:00
BinkyYes, eso baje, la imagen, pero ese flasher me baja automticamente Diablo11:01
bef0rdthere is an option there to select the firmware rom11:01
BinkyThat's it11:01
BinkyBut it says the .bin is not valid11:01
bef0rdok, that probably means that its not compatible11:01
bef0rdor the rom is corrupted11:02
bef0rddid you check md5sums?11:02
BinkyMacor, hi...!11:02
Binkybef0rd, i never knew the use of that file, lol11:02
Macori had to go the kde route instead of nit-debian11:04
BinkyWhat should i check11:04
Macordebian is very nice but it needs the hw support11:04
* bef0rd busca la ayuda divina11:04
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* Binky gives bef0rd ilumination11:05
Macorif it had the hardware working as well as maemo then it would be an easy replacement11:05
Macoralsa and bt tethering don't easily work :)11:06
BinkyMacor KDE works better?11:06
Macoronce they get those working i would use nit-debian and never look back11:06
bef0rdBinky, did you get the software from here ?11:06
Macormostly because it uses maemo11:07
Macorso the hardware works properly11:07
Macorit just replaces hildon with itself11:07
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bef0rdthat's what I was wondering, proper wifi, bt, hw support11:08
Macorprinting.. bt tethering.. sound.. all work11:08
bef0rdI mean, with nit-debian11:08
Macoryou can print from koffice11:08
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Binkybef0rd, 40411:09
BinkyI did, yes11:11
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Macorbef0rd ... nit is great except the bt is a bith11:11
rm_youreally quick, what is "United States of America" in Spanish?11:11
Macorand the alsa  config is screwed and i couldnt figure out why11:11
rm_youI'm trying to buy something from a website in Uruguay >_>11:12
bef0rdEstados Unidos de America11:12
rm_youah k11:12
rm_youI know ZERO spanish11:12
rm_youthis is interesting11:12
BinkySpanish is amusing11:12
bef0rdalthough USA gets used alot too11:12
rm_youin this case it was just Estados Unidos11:12
Binkybef0rd, que demonios significa amusing? Lol11:13
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rm_youbah i dont know which fields to put my address in >_>11:13
Trencher|bef0rd: i'm going to reinstall scratchbox and see if that fixes it11:13
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Binkyrm_you, there are another united states?11:13
rm_youI may need to wait till I go back to Texas and get one of my friends that speaks spanish to order this for me11:13
Trencher|when running ./configure, it crashes on trying to compile something using the dynaloader, saying something about symbols11:13
bef0rdEstados unidos arabes creo11:13
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Binkybef0rd, you win...11:13
rm_youis that united arab emirates (UAE)?11:14
BinkyBut it is United EMIRATES11:14
BinkyYes, it is11:14
bef0rdI are the win11:14
rm_youI was on a forum yesterday that banned the word "Arab" as hate-speech >_<11:14
Trencher|how can i tell what version of os i have on my tablet from the prompt11:15
rm_youI was under the impression that "Arab" is the actual word for someone from that region <_<11:15
rm_youTrencher|: well11:16
rm_youTrencher|: apt-cache policy osso-software-version-rx3411:16
Trencher|cuz device info has none none none lol11:16
rm_youif that comes up No Package Found, it is Chinook?11:16
rm_youelse Diablo?11:16
Binky rm_you , isn't it?11:16
XTLiMaybe they're jealous to african americans change of name every two days11:16
rm_youwell... i guess that only helps with 200811:16
bef0rduname -a ?11:16
rm_youBinky: yes, i still think so11:16
rm_youBinky: i think they are just strange, or someone didnt think that policy through much11:17
bef0rdI think nokia upgraded kernels on every version11:17
Trencher|unable to locate package11:17
Trencher|so chinook?11:17
Trencher|then i was building for the right platform11:17
BinkyIn spanish, sometimes is used as a despective, arabe/moro arab/nigger11:18
rm_youwell, it is a US website11:18
rm_youbut maybe the person that wrote the rule spoke spanish <_<11:18
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BinkyOr maybe their server is revealing against themselves and killing them11:19
Trencher|time to open my time wasting program11:20
Trencher|while i wait for install11:20
RST38hrm_you: more likely the person was stupid11:20
Trencher|:) Cortex Command11:20
bef0rdinternet explorer!11:20
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Trencher|no, 4chan is down11:20
rm_youlol x 311:20
Trencher|so nothing to do there11:20
RST38hrm_you: is "towelhead" banned as well? =)11:20
bef0rdI cried when 4chan was haxed11:21
BinkyMan, i just saw an ad of That 70's Show with a Van Halen song11:21
rm_youRST38h: not in the list <_<11:21
bef0rd(just kidding)11:21
RST38hrm_you: See? They are basically encouraging you to use towelhead instead of arab11:21
bef0rdBinky, descaro el update wizard que segun esa pagina es compatible con el n770? ( y los firmware supongo)11:21
rm_youah! what is "descargo"? i see that a lot11:21
RST38hand even if they ban that, there is a whole Cyrillic charset with As and Bs... ;)))11:21
rm_youah :P11:22
RST38hrm_you: BTW, try it - see how pissed moderators will become ;)11:22
rm_youi'd rather not be banned :P11:22
bef0rdtry it11:22
BinkyErm.. Do you have 770? I don't want to bother =)11:22
bef0rdno I don't11:22
RST38hrm_you: Well, you are not doing anything prohibited by forum rules, right?11:22
rm_youRST38h: it says "no hatespeech" and has a list... i assume the list is not inclusive11:23
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Binkybef0rd, y porque lo descargarias entonces?11:24
Binkysamppa, hi!11:24
bef0rdle pregunte si usted lo descargo11:24
bef0rdtal vez no use los acentos adecuados11:24
samppaim trying to build a package for diablo with autobuilder but i keep getting errors like: Failed to fetch http://osso.stage.dmz/pool/maemo4.1/free/libx/libxrender/libxrender-dev_0.9.2-1osso1_armel.deb  401 Authorization Required11:24
samppaand so on11:25
X-FadeBinky, bef0rd: Please try to keep conversations in english.11:25
samppathere is no bug reported on this one11:25
BinkyX-Fade, i'll do11:25
RST38hrm_you: So, the goal is to word things in a way that does not formally represent hate speech but is =)11:25
rm_youX-Fade: can you set ~autobuilder? :P11:25
X-Fadesamppa: Let me look what is going on..11:25
rm_youalso, who was it that was in charge of the wiki account thing? (his nick here)11:25
Binkybef0rd, i'm not (acostumbrado) to people talk me of (usted). But yes, i downloaded that one11:26
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bef0rdX-Fade, ok, sorry, no problem11:26
BinkyX-Fade, i didn't know how to translate those words11:27
X-Fadebef0rd: It is no problem ;) It is just nice for everybody to be able to learn from what you discuss.11:27
bef0rdBinky, well, it *should* work then11:28
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samppaX-Fade: sometimes i get size mismatch error which should be under fixing but now im gettin that authorization required error...11:29
bef0rdBinky, download md5sum.exe for windows, and check the file11:29
X-Fadesamppa: They are 2 different problems.11:29
samppaX-Fade: yep but those both still occur11:29
BinkyBtw, what is 770 battery model  (same as N800)11:30
X-Fadesamppa: Size mismatch is because someone uploaded the same package twice without changing the version number.11:31
Binkysamppa, thank you11:31
X-Fadesamppa: The 401 is because of a problem in the export control of the repository server.11:31
samppaX-Fade: anyways, idea of autobuilder is good but it should be working before it is the only way to upload to diablo extras11:32
X-Fadesamppa: Well, it was ;) But since there wasn't any large scale testing by the community, we find these problems now.11:33
X-Fadesamppa: Remember it is a community effort.11:34
samppaX-Fade: yeah i try to keep that in my mind :)11:34
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samppaX-Fade: should we fill a bug of this ?11:36
X-Fadesamppa: I'm going to resubmit your package to the builder to see if I can reproduce it.11:36
bef0rdBinky, that's what I was reading, all the links seem to work from here11:36
BinkyTaking a look...11:37
samppaX-Fade: ok, im not sure if it will build ok now but it would be nice to get atleast to the compiling phase to see what is it still missing.. :)11:38
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Binkybef0rd, that's what i did11:41
bef0rdthat's what she said11:41
bef0rdBinky, did you check md5sums?11:42
BinkyI can not a this moment, i am not able to use the computer11:42
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BinkyBut i have not the original nokia usb cable11:43
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bef0rdI could be wrong, but I think its a generic usb cable11:44
hrwBinky: any miniusb cable is ok11:44
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hrwI do not even know where I have original 770 cable11:44
BinkyThis will install the update wizard and the Nokia USB cable driver if needed11:45
BinkyIf it needs a driver...11:45
Binkylardman,  hiii11:45
bef0rdBinky,  the windows way is clicking, next, next, next :P11:45
bef0rdhrw, he is trying to flash a 770 with windows, but he is having problems loading the firmware on the nokia software updater, have you had any experience doing it?11:46
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Binkyhrw had enough with my troubles a few days ago...11:47
hrwbef0rd: never used windows to flash tablet11:47
lardmanI've never got it to work11:48
* qwerty12 has used flasher-3.0, 0xFFFF & the windows flasher fine to flash 'is N800 :/11:49
BinkyWtf is 0xFFFF?11:49
bef0rdI believe its a mac flasher11:50
bef0rdmac based flasher tool11:50
lardmanopen source flasher, check Garage11:50
hrw0xffff is not mac11:50
bef0rdah ok11:50
hrwit is opensourced nokia flasher11:50
lardmanreverse engineered isn't it?11:50
hrwbut cannot use fiasco images iirc11:50
lardmanhrw: yep11:50
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X-Fadehrw: I thought it can flash FIASCO.11:52
X-Fadehrw: It can even build them.11:52
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hrwX-Fade: o.. I did not followed it too much. nice to know11:56
X-Fadehrw: He even seems to have created a gui for it. ;)11:59
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Trencher|no still doesn't work12:09
Trencher|/scratchbox/tools/lib/perl5/5.8.4/i686-linux-thread-multi/auto/DynaLoader/DynaLoader.a: could not read symbols: File in wrong format12:09
Trencher|collect2: ld returned 1 exit status12:09
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JaffaMorning, all12:10
lardmannice, looks like those TomTom RDS receivers are simply serial devices12:10
lardmanhi Jaffa12:10
lardmanI wonder if the headphone jack could be driven as a serial port12:10
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lardmanmight be easier to do some soldering and use a usb-serial converter12:10
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X-Fadelardman: Well, TV-out is possible via the jack.12:11
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lardman:) do you have a link to some discussion/etc?12:11
X-Fadelardman: Same 4 pole jack as N95, same cpu. Support in kernel is only for a smaller framebuffer IIRC.12:12
lardmanX-Fade: cool12:12
X-Fadelardman: Check the omap sources ;)12:13
lardmanX-Fade: will do :)12:13
X-Fadelardman: Although I don't want to put you on yet another project.12:13
lardmanah, that's made my morning far nicer :)12:13
lardmanX-Fade: I think there will be enough other people interested in getting it done12:14
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X-Fadelardman: We've discussed this on #maemo before?12:14
nomisX-Fade: wow, sounds cool.12:14
lardmanI don't think so, at least I don't remember12:14
lcuktv-out via headphones...hmmm  . o O ( ??? )12:15
lcukmornin folks12:15
nomisX-Fade: so the mic input can be switched to TV out or something?12:15
lardmanlcuk: sounds like it will output your internal framebuffer12:15
lardmanlcuk: which is available as a framebuffer already iirc?12:15
rm_youthat sounds neat12:16
rm_youmorning lcuk12:16
lcukNOOOO my internal framebuffer dances to its own tune.  my thoughts are private etc.12:16
lardmanX-Fade: you've opened a can or worms now ;) :)12:16
lcukooooooh, you meant the framebuffer on my nokia12:16
lardmanlcuk: yeah, the other would be 18 rated12:16
X-Fadelardman: Really, this has all been discussed before.12:16
X-Fadelardman: It was even in the leaked omap hardware diagram iirc?12:16
lardmanX-Fade: oh well, I must have missed it12:17
lcuklardman, the other one has been censored and is not up for sale any more :(12:17
lardmanX-Fade: what I assumed, from the various emails, etc., was that some hardware solder point was missing12:17
lcukyes i thought so as well12:17
X-FadeI seem to recall that someone measured it?12:19
lardman slightly different chip, but presumably there's the logic in this source, if it's not in the Nokia source already12:20
lcukthats certainly very interesting if possible. but was certain all the outputs were boarded up.  where does the audio output come from - is it directly from the omap package or is it another discrete amp?12:21
lardmanqwerty12: ping12:21
lardmanlcuk: I assumed it was directly wired to the hardware codec, but that was an assumption12:22
XTLiDidn't anyone write a wiki page?12:22
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nomislardman: do these TMC receivers also spit out the other RDS data?12:23
X-FadeThe needed cable is the CA-75U btw.12:23
lardmanis that standard? I've got one with a PMP12:24
lardmanat least it's 3.5mm to video out12:24
X-Fadelardman: 4 pole?12:24
lcukplug the bugger in then lardman12:24
lardmannomis: no idea, but probably not12:24
lardmanlcuk: when I get home12:24
nomislardman: seems that some of the models are actually quite cheap.12:24
lardmanX-Fade: yes12:24
lardmannomis: yeah, ~£20, I thought I might get one and do some hacking12:24
RST38hlardman: any progress on a2dp? =)12:25
lardmannomis: will have to work out the data format, and the location codes are still somewhat unknown12:25
X-FadeIt seems that it has the same pinout as the Creative Zen Vision.12:25
lardmanX-Fade: cool, that's the sort of thing12:25
X-FadeAnd otherwise you need to cut and rewire ;)12:26
lardmanah, I see12:26
X-Fadelardman: :)12:27
X-Fade3.75 ukp, free shipping.12:27
nomisI wonder if there is any cable coding going on to be able to detect if there is a headset or a tv cable connected.12:28
X-Fadenomis: There is probably a resistance difference.12:28
lardmanI'll see if I can nick one from a friend who had an N82 (or whichever was also omap2420)12:28
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lardmanX-Fade: I;'ve added video out to
X-Fadelardman:  ;)12:32
lardmanlcuk: well we do seem to be getting anwers, so it's working as hoped :)12:32
lcukyer 100% agree12:33
rm_youlcuk: so anyway, i found some decent ghostscript packages for chinook that work in diablo (compiling it was dependency hell, so i gave up), and i have a commandline that does a decent job of jpegizing a pdf12:34
rm_youstill working on getting it formatted perfectly, and optimizing the size (large...)12:34
lardmannomis: and this regarding those 3.5mm TomTom devices:
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lcukrm_you, nows not really the best time to  run over this - im at work and cant really go over anything major.   do you wanna mail me  with info  and a binary and ill see if i can get it picking  stuff up for you12:36
lcukwhat res is it btw?   cos ive been stretchblitting 4096*4096  quite rapidly12:36
rm_youlcuk: eh its fine i can talk to you when you get home12:36
rm_youlcuk: i set the res in the comandline12:36
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rm_you200ppi seems to be legible12:37
rm_youthe images end up being...12:37
* rm_you checks12:37
nomislardman|coffee: thanks.12:37
lardman|coffeewow 2MB/s from maemo.org12:37
lcukmmmmmm coffee12:37
qwerty12lardman|coffee, pong12:38
lardman|coffeeqwerty12: could you look at your n810 diagram and tell us what the headphone jack is attached to, I don't have one handy12:38
rm_youlcuk: 1700x2200 per page12:39
rm_youlcuk: at this res12:39
lardman|coffeethanks, will bbiab12:39
Trencher|this is making no sense..12:39
Trencher|perl: /usr/bin/perl /etc/perl /usr/lib/perl /usr/X11R6/bin/perl /usr/bin/X11/perl /usr/share/perl /usr/share/man/man1/perl.1.gz12:39
rm_youlcuk: 1700x2200 pixels at 200x200ppi12:39
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /] > whereis perl12:40
Trencher|perl: /usr/bin/perl /etc/perl /usr/lib/perl /usr/X11R6/bin/perl /usr/bin/X11/perl /usr/share/perl /usr/share/man/man1/perl.1.gz12:40
Stskeepsqwerty12: since you're doing a lot of kernel stuffs - did anyone succeed with kexec?12:40
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /usr/bin] > perl -v12:40
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.4 built for i686-linux-thread-multi12:40
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /usr/bin] > ./perl -v12:40
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.3 built for arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi12:40
lcukrm_you, the only problem with that i see is loading time perpage12:40
rm_youlcuk: yeah i'm working on it...12:40
qwerty12Stskeeps, No, fanoush is working on it though from what I read last time12:40
bef0rdTrencher|, check PATH?12:40
lcuknot your fault though12:40
rm_youlcuk: need to figure out how to optimize this so that i can produce readable text at much lower ppi12:40
bef0rdI was actually checking that there is indeed an arm binary12:40
Stskeepsqwerty12: alright.. it could be really interesting from POV of booting12:41
qwerty12I can't for the life of me, make out this diagram >.<12:41
crashanddieTrencher|, which perl12:41
rm_youlcuk: or else, i look into including some of the ghostscript code to allow your program to DIRECTLY read the pdf data12:41
rm_youlcuk: which is actually a much better solution12:41
qwerty12Internal perl can mess with a installed perl in scratchbox12:41
Trencher|crashanddie: i am trying to build irssi w/perl support. and i'm having that problem12:41
lcukwhich is  what i suggested at first - pdf isnt actually that complex aformat once you remove the filesystem from around it12:41
Trencher|there is a conflice12:41
crashanddieTrencher|, which perl12:42
Trencher|what do you mean "which perl"?12:42
crashanddieTYPE IT IN A CONSOLE12:42
Trencher|see above?12:42
lcukmornin crashandgrumpysod12:42
Trencher|it seems i have 212:43
crashanddiehey lcuk :)12:43
Trencher|and i have no clue where the 5.8.4 is12:43
Trencher|because i took it out of path12:43
crashanddieTrencher|, "which perl" will tell you that, ffs12:43
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crashanddieWhy do people ignore what I say ?12:43
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /usr/bin] > which perl12:43
Trencher|which conflicts with what i posted above12:44
lcukwhich which12:44
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /usr/bin] > which which12:44
crashanddiewhich `which which`12:44
bef0rdwe wich you a merry.. oh no12:44
RST38hcrash: next!12:45
Trencher|plz dont forkbomb me lol12:45
XTLiThere you go12:45
lcukhang on "debian-etch" isn't it meant to be a different target (ie one for diablo?)12:45
lcukor is that the host mother os?12:46
crashanddiethe target is CHINOOK_ARMEL12:46
crashanddiewhich should be fine12:46
Trencher|how to fix...12:46
crashanddiewhat I don't understand12:46
crashanddieis that you have a different version in /usr/bin and /usr/bin12:46
qwerty12Trencher|, try this, wait12:46
Trencher|my point12:47
crashanddielcuk, aaye ccya12:47
qwerty12go to \scratchbox\users\$USER\targets12:47
crashanddiewtf ?12:47
crashanddieBACKSLASHES ?12:47
crashanddiewhat country are you from ? Wales ?12:47
qwerty12I'm in windows, ext2ifs12:47
qwerty12Open DIABLO_ARMEL.config12:47
qwerty12And remove perl:12:48
Trencher|CHINOOK_ARMEL, even12:48
qwerty12Oh. I'm using latest sdk.12:48
Trencher|lol i'm not using latest os12:48
XTLiTo escape escape, use \\12:48
crashanddieI thought we were supposed to use the red door ?12:48
Trencher|in DEVKIT_NAMES?12:48
Trencher|\\ SBOX_DEVKIT_NAMES=perl:debian-etch:maemo3-tools:cputransp12:49
qwerty12Change targets and change back to CHINOOK_ARMEL12:49
VeggenHmm. Mauku, is that open source/with developers you can talk with?12:49
Trencher|Shell restarting...12:50
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: ~] > perl -v12:50
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.4 built for i686-linux-thread-multi12:50
qwerty12crashanddie, if you use rapidshare, are your speeds going really slow?12:51
crashanddieqwerty12, Erhm... I've noticed that sometimes there are very, extreme slowdowns on the network yes12:52
Trencher|any other options?12:52
qwerty12crashanddie, thanks :). I thought it was my ISP capping me :(. I only get 48K when downloading off any server.12:52
Trencher|rapidshare is capping?12:53
Trencher|time to move on12:53
Trencher|first that capcha stuff12:53
Trencher|then premium accts12:53
Trencher|now capping?12:53
qwerty12Yeah, those cats annoyed the hell out of me12:53
Trencher|for now12:53
qwerty12My sister who has a premium account though, says her speeds are slow though too12:53
crashanddiethe irony12:53
Trencher|is still free and anticapcha12:53
Trencher|stupid perl12:54
XTLiIt's always been useless12:54
crashanddieTrencher|, which version of perl do you need ?12:54
crashanddieTrencher|, just alias and force the version you need12:55
Trencher|i need the 5.8.312:55
Trencher|for building12:55
Trencher|and wat12:55
crashanddieOOOOOOOHHHH I smell coffee12:55
crashanddieTrencher|, just alias the 5.8.3 version as the default one12:56
Trencher|now i'm confused12:56
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /] > alias perl=/usr/bin/perl12:56
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: /] > perl -v12:56
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.4 built for i686-linux-thread-multi12:56
crashanddiebecause it is12:56
crashanddiebtw, have you rebooted scratchbox since you changed it ?12:57
Veggenbtw. os2008/nit is kind of hard to troubleshoot bluetooth-network-wise. There *should* be a log. And my die-hard Unix habits doesn't like the "if it don't work, reboot"-strategy.12:57
Trencher|changed what12:57
VeggenI was configuring networking through a new phone yesterday.12:57
Trencher|the sbox_devkit_names?12:57
VeggenI tried everything, for hours. Until I remembered that last time, it didn't work before I rebooted either. So I did, and it worked. *grmf*12:57
X-Fadelardman|coffee: There you have your anwser from qgil already ;)12:58
crashanddieTrencher|, I meant like, rebooted the SB services ?12:58
crashanddieTrencher|, not just the console12:59
Trencher|o, no. i switched targets and back12:59
Trencher|does that reboot them?12:59
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crashanddie/etc/init.d/scratchbox-core restart12:59
rm_youX-Fade: he didnt ask the question properly >_>12:59
rm_youlardman|coffee: you need to rephrase the question specific to the 3.5 jack12:59
X-Faderm_you: Ah, you think it would be an external device?13:00
Trencher|no dice13:00
rm_youX-Fade: the thing quim is talking about is the USB video out thing13:01
Trencher|:) alias works13:01
crashanddieTrencher|, :)13:02
crashanddietold you to listen to me from the start13:02
Trencher|break for food13:05
Trencher|then i'll try to make the program13:05
qwerty12lardman|coffee, ping13:08
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rm_youbeat to it13:13
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* qwerty12_games SO wants UT99 on the tablet but it uses i386 asm :(13:16
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lcukX-Fade, rm_you : no, he said devices supporting video out - thats not quite the same really is it - especially since the usb video out is a different framebuffer and may not actually support all the current modes or mannerisms expected by the epson lcd chip13:17
lcukwe cant expect to turn up and run our software on untested devices - can we?13:18
* lcuk will be taking videos at any rate13:19
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lardmanrm_you, X-Fade: Am I to take it that's a "yes it works, ask them how"?13:22
RST38hGentlemen, lemme bring to your attention the fact that Epson chip does not have video output13:22
lardmanRST38h: it does support it, whether it's attached is a different question, but we're talking about omap output13:23
RST38hSo whatever video you are gonna get (unlikely) will have to come from the internal 640x480 buffer13:23
lardmanqwerty12: what did you find?13:23
qwerty12lardman, pm13:23
X-Fadelardman: It can't hurt to be specific and ask for the jack port..13:23
lardmanah, cheers :)13:23
lardmanX-Fade: ok13:23
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RST38hlardman: doesn't OMAP require some extra components to have a real video out?13:25
RST38hor can you really plug directly TV directly into chip pins?13:26
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lardmanthat's the question of course13:27
lardmanwell there the gpio_ape going in from the LED controller13:29
lardmanso I'd guess there's no reason why that shouldn't be wired up13:29
lardmantime to look at the kernel code13:29
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lardmanWell that kernel source has definite references to tv out in it13:32
lardmansearch for "OMAP2_OUTPUT_TV" for example13:32
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X-Fadelardman: Check the frame buffer size. There was a problem with that IIRC.13:33
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lardmanX-Fade: iirc the on-chip and epson fb sizes are different, I was just thinking about writing to the on-chip one directly and outputting that13:34
lardmanassuming it's, iirc, 640x48013:34
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lardmanlcuk: I seem to remember you had an email discussion about whether the onchip one was mapped, and the conclusuion was that it's one of the 3 framebuffers?13:37
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Trencher|here i go13:41
Trencher|no dice13:42
Trencher|still building with 5.8.413:42
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lcuklardman, it wasnt email, it was in the justification discussion.  yes it appears that one of the older os's (bora?) attempted to use and map this memory area13:43
lcukbut this appears to have been removed (that was why i spotted one thing and fanoush saw another)13:44
lardmanThat "OMAP2_OUTPUT_TV" isn't in the maemo kernel code, so will have to see what other differences there are between the two13:44
jottTrencher|: i told you already yesterday. set SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=/usr/bin/perl and make sure /usr/bin is before the /scratchbox/tools/bin13:45
lardmanlcuk: hmm, I wonder why, and what needs to be done to put it back13:45
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lcukno, it wasnt used as a native framebuffer - i think it was wanted to be used, but the practicalities must have turned them off13:45
lardman|meetingit wasn't used, but was available to be written to...13:46
lcukas we know its the wrong size and just causes extra complications for epson for not much benefit on its own (ie without iva)13:46
lardman|meetingexcept for video output!13:46
jottis the video out really connected?!13:46
lcukon the justificaiton page fanoush mentioned another place within the kernel where it becomes available (at least i think)13:46
lcukit might be, but theres no data going to it13:47
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jott"it might be"?13:47
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jotti mean before putting effort in it, it should be 100% sure that it is connected ;)13:48
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lcukwell im at work - im not putting the effort in :) its x-fade thats sparked this off13:49
lcukanyway, back later13:50
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Trencher|jott: "make sure /usr/bin is before the /scratchbox/tools/bin" in path?13:59
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jottTrencher|: ah yes.14:01
Trencher|jott: also, do i need to restart scratchbox after setting SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=/usr/bin/perl14:02
Trencher|no. trying configure14:06
jottit is an environment variable.14:06
Trencher|now... checking for working Perl support... not found, building without Perl14:06
jotthave you done export SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=/usr/bin/perl  ?!14:07
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jottand perl -v says arm?14:08
Trencher|from env14:08
Trencher|[sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: ~/irssi-0.8.12] > perl -v14:08
Trencher|This is perl, v5.8.3 built for arm-linux-gnueabi-thread-multi14:08
jottthen you have to fix the package ;)14:08
jott ~lart sbox for being broken by design :P14:09
* infobot dumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on sbox for being broken by design :P14:09
Trencher|fix which package? perl or irssi?14:09
jottyou know how you get your native perl.14:11
qwerty12irssi is segfault prone on the tablets anyway14:11
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jottqwerty12: uh why should it?!14:11
jott(or why does it :)14:11
qwerty12jott, no idea :(. I've tried many builds, stable and svn. I think for chat it works ok, but some commands segfault it. Sometimes, /nick works, sometimes it doesn't :/14:12
qwerty12BitchX and weechat work ok though14:12
qwerty12but irssi is king14:13
jottqwerty12: ever tried to get a backtrace? ;)14:15
* aquatix just uses irssi over ssh14:16
aquatix24/7 online too ;)14:16
* aquatix wanders off14:16
qwerty12jott, nah. I'm a n00b so I don't understand *trace's output.14:16
qwerty12Why do nokia carry kernel headers for 2.6.16 when the kernel is 2.6.21?
jottqwerty12: there is kernel-diablo-headers, but i agree that this package seems to be deprecated ;)14:19
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qwerty12jott, ah, didn't see that one. Yes, no idea why nokia still carry it in the diablo repo. Maybe a Replaces and provides tag on kernel-diablo-headers would be better.14:20
jottprobably just forgotten that it is still there ;>14:21
jottfile a bug report against it, if it annoys you :>14:22
qwerty12Heh, on second thoughts, I'm not that annoyed by it14:22
Trencher|join #irssi14:26
Trencher|needs more /14:27
qwerty12I joined, now where's my free spam!14:27
sp3000someone(TM) should probably update the logo contest page linked in topic14:29
jottqwerty12: it's more of a religion thing. you have to spread the word and troll for irssi now!14:29
jottsp3000: feel free to do so ;)14:29
qwerty12Not fair, I want the spam first14:30
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Macoris there a pkg to install scratchbox on the actual n800 ? :)14:47
VeggenMacor: why on earth would you? ;P14:48
jottMacor: that would make no sense :P14:48
qwerty12Nay. You can install gcc and the like straight onto the device though.14:48
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qwerty12That would be jokes actually, open osso-xterm and use only the DIABLO_ARMEL target :D14:48
Macorso you need a pc running an i386 os?14:48
jottMacor: no. you can compile on the device (remember it only has 128mb ram).14:49
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jottor you have to build your own toolchain.14:49
Macorwhere can i get the gcc pkgs?14:50
Trencher|:) maybe fixed14:50
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Trencher|now here's the fun part14:50
Trencher|how do i make a deb out of it if i get it working?14:51
Trencher|maybe stick it in extras14:51
qwerty12dh_make. I recommend reading articles on the wiki and the guides nokia put out too though.14:51
qwerty12And the maemo-policy is a good thing to read if you want to upload to extras.14:51
hrwguys: is there some docs how to make usb networking acceptable by libconic? so when I have usbnet working browser/h-a-m will not try to connect to wifi14:52
Macorhm.. i actually wanted to try to build my own bins for the n800 just to see if they would work14:52
Trencher|:( most of the wiki is 40414:52
Trencher|from where i've tried reading up14:52
Trencher|i've found too many dead links14:52
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qwerty12hrw, usbnet package from the "official" maemo integration uses a DUMMY connection. Unfortunatly, nokia broke them in diablo.14:53
Macori wonder if i could get my gentoo box to use the portage tree in order to build apps for an armel :)14:53
jottMacor: gcc for the device is in the sdk repository.14:53
hrwqwerty12: shit14:53
qwerty12yeah :(14:53
jottall hail to closed source components that break stuff!14:54
X-Fadejott: Any idea why this qt build fails?
qwerty12Nokia's open source policy is bullshit. The tossers close source to non-trivial things like the memory applet. I'm still pissed off about that because when I asked on -developers, the wankers blank me.14:54
X-Fadejott: Seems that gnuton's lastest change broke something.14:55
jottX-Fade: looks like broken configure arguments14:55
hrwqwerty12: where I can find that package for chinook then?14:55
jott-platform is missing an argument14:55
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jottshould be linux-g++14:56
qwerty12alternativly, just make an dummy connection yourself: gconftool -s -t string /system/osso/connectivity/IAP/DEFAULT/type DUMMY14:56
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jottX-Fade: indeed, he broke the package :P14:57
X-Fadejott: Care to fix it? :)14:58
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crashanddieanyone knows peter schneider's email address/irc nickname ?14:59
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crashanddieworking from home?
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qwerty12OMG. What a fashion disaster.15:02
Macordoes scratchbox have make?15:03
jottX-Fade: svn commit pending :)15:03
qwerty12Macor, naturally15:03
* jott twists his fingers15:03
Macorjust making sure ;) i'm downloading the vm now15:03
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RST38hcrash: It's a DELL!15:03
Macorfigured it'd just be easier to run the vm15:03
* RST38h wonders why it is not an Apple, with all the hype...15:04
hrwold photo15:04
jottRST38h: it's just an average linux nerd :p15:04
crashanddieRST38h, IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE15:05
crashanddieHe'll be able to pass himself off as a war vet, no legs, and all that15:05
jottX-Fade: are those www exports running again? ;)15:05
X-Fadejott: commit it, package it, sign it and upload .dsc and diff to extras-devel ;)15:05
X-Fadejott: Yes, it is exporting the qt4 www dir ;)15:06
jotthaha :)15:06
X-Fadejott: I hope we can this beast in extras-devel soon, so we can remove the repo from svn.15:07
jottstoring binary blobs in svn is a bad idea on rather slow machines :>15:07
X-Fadejott: Well, at least I have an armel build on stand-by which I can put in -devel :)15:08
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X-Fadejott: So it will be in -devel before aKademy..15:08
jottaye so this 100 kde guys can start developing right away ;)15:09
crashanddiewhy the hell do we always need to be in finland in order to work for Nokia15:09
crashanddieany of you know if they offer good relocation bonuses ?15:10
qwerty12crashanddie, the sauna!15:10
X-Fadecrashanddie: They must do that, there are a lot of expats there ;)15:10
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lardmanlcuk: ping15:11
crashanddieQuite frankly, I'd be bummed if after moving to the UK, I'd be moving to Finland just to get a job I like :P15:11
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qwerty12Haha. Finland is lovely but I dunno if I could move there. Much more quiet than London :/15:11
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crashanddieof course you couldn't move there15:13
crashanddieyou mum don't even let you go to berlin for a weekend, imagine what she'd say if you said you were moving permanently to Finland15:13
lcuklardman, pong15:13
qwerty12crashanddie, :P. I don't think Nokia would employ a 15 year old anyway so... :D15:14
lardmanlcuk: where was that discussion about framebuffers?15:14
crashanddieI'm sure you'd find something to do15:14
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lardmanah, thanks :)15:15
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lardmanok, so it should be in chinook then - I wanted as new a kernel as possible15:16
jottlardman: btw i am almost 99% sure the tv out is not connected..15:16
lardmanjott: how come?15:17
jottlook at the leaked schematics ..15:17
lcuklardman, even displaying nothingness black screen should have sync signals etc that you can check with a scope?15:18
lardmanjott: yes, there appears to be a link15:18
lardmanlcuk: you have to enable it though15:18
X-Fadelcuk: My N95 doesn't show anything by default, I have to enable the output.15:19
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lcukso it requires a software switch (which doesnt exist?)15:19
X-Fadelcuk: There is support for it in the kernel.15:20
lcukand then a way to fill the omap2420 native framebuffer15:20
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X-Fadelcuk: So initializing should be possible.15:20
lardmanlcuk: the software switch is in the kernel source I gave the url for15:20
lardmanfilling the buffer should be as simple as writing to the dev entry15:20
X-FadeIt would display crap because of framebuffer mismatch..15:20
lcukive been working for much of this morning so have only been glancing in15:21
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lcuklardman, initially you dont need anything, switching it on or off should show an effect on tv15:21
lcukas a first primary step that would confirm if its wired15:22
crashanddiewhat are you guys talking about ?15:22
jottlardman: query :)15:22
X-Fadelcuk: Yes, you should be able to nice that.15:22
X-Fades/nice/notice/ ;)15:22
lcukyer X-Fade depending upon the tv/video device you are plugging into it should change from nosignal  to randomness15:23
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lcukcrashanddie, apparantl the 810 has a 4pin headphone socket - same as the n95.  one of those pins is actually a tv out15:23
lcukwhether it works is a different issue - especially since the tv out displays data from the omap2420 internal framebuffer (which we arent using)15:24
zapX-Fade: I have again problems with the builder :)15:24
X-Fadezap: Tell me ;)15:25
lcukmust dash again15:25
lcukback later15:25
zapX-Fade: unrar 3.8.2 has been compiled at 01:26 and still is not in extras15:25
X-Fadezap: extras-devel you mean?15:25
crashanddielcuk, but the headphones that are delivered with the n810 have 4 pins, right ?15:25
jotta 4 pin jacket does not mean it's connected :P15:25
crashanddiefair enough15:26
crashanddiebut what I meant it15:26
crashanddiehas anyone checked all the wires ?15:26
X-Fadecrashanddie: You can't check it if it isn't enabled in software.15:26
zapX-Fade: same about unzip 5.52-14-maemo315:27
zapand zip and zip3 :)15:27
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zapand tar :-D15:28
zapuh-oh, it seems I do something fundamentally wrong15:28
X-Fadezap: I'm checking unzip and it has been accepted and moved into extras-devel. (diablo)15:29
zapthats 5.52-14-maemo215:29
X-Fadeno 315:29
jitu3485Hi, I am able to access internet from command line in scratchbox ,but not in an application on Xephyr.15:30
zapX-Fade: but it's not in Packages file15:30
crashanddie"Bring the buckets by the dozens, bring your nieces and your cousins, come and put the fire out"15:30
X-Fadezap: So there is a problem there. But the files are in the repo.15:30
mikkov_X-Fade: I need pathcutils from diablo extras-devel to chinook extras-devel. Can I just download sources from diablo and upload to chinook unchanged?15:30
lardmanX-Fade: do you know why the 3rd framebuffer's size has been changed?15:31
zapX-Fade: ah ok, so problem is not where I thought15:31
X-Fadezap: I'll check the Packages.15:31
X-FadeWOW... question overload...15:31
crashanddiewow, Niels just got pwned15:31
X-Fademikkov_: Just try? :) Should work.15:31
X-Fademikkov_: Make sure the .dsc is signed and all md5sums match.15:32
mikkov_X-Fade: but I don't need to sign it?15:32
lardman2nd framebuffer even, region 115:32
X-Fadelardman: I'm no kernel hacker and don't have contacts with the Nokia kernel guys..15:32
X-Fademikkov_: I think it is signed.15:32
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lardmanX-Fade: who can I ask?15:32
lardmanX-Fade: or on list?15:32
X-Fadelardman: Try on list. Igor or Eero might answer/know.15:33
lardmanok, thanks15:34
X-Fadelardman: Or mail the kernel package maintainer ;)15:34
X-Fadelardman: I guess there is a reason why they put their email there?15:34
lardmanah, good idea15:34
X-FadeAnd the linux-omap mailinglist might also be an option..15:35
lardmanwell this is sort of specific to the ITs15:36
lardmanin Chinook the on-board memory was apparently used, in diablo it isn't15:36
lardmanend of that section15:36
X-Fadelardman: Yes, I read that.15:36
X-FadeBut I really have no idea why.15:36
X-FadeMy guess is speed or powersaving?15:37
lardmanno probs, will email people :)15:37
lardmanI just don't want to break anything15:37
lardmansw no hw15:37
lardmansw not hw15:37
X-FadeI don't think there is much harm in changing these offsets in the kernel. Well, it might break, but flashing another kernel will fix it.15:38
lardmanyeah of course, just wondering if it's been changed to do something specific though - just interested really15:38
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mikkov_X-Fade: btw I hope that this could be divided to page per month ;)15:39
jottisn't there a commit message? :)15:39
X-Fademikkov_: Yeah, it is starting to get long ;)15:40
lardmanI didn't know we had svn access to the kernel source15:40
mikkov_X-Fade: that's my primary place to check build messsages ;)15:40
X-Fademikkov_: Mine too :)15:40
X-Fadezap: I can confirm that it is not in Packages, now I have to find out why..15:44
lardmanonly thing I see is "* Added support for USB-VGA adapter"15:46
lardmannot sure if that would require 2 planes and the onboard framebuffer was replaced by that15:46
lardmannot to worry15:47
hrwlardman: usb-vga adapters have own fb15:47
lardmanhrw: yeah, that's what I'd expect15:47
jotti think fb1 is used for the camera15:48
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lardmanah wait, looks like I need to go back further15:51
lcuklardman, it was 2007 that it was used, but chinook/diablo both not used15:51
lardmanyep, just saw that15:51
lcuki think with the location of the epson it just didnt gain the performance benefits expected for the code complexity required15:52
lardmanwhy change the code though unless it's being used?15:52
lardmanas jott says perhaps for the camera?15:52
Macorwell.. lets see what i have to do to build stuff in scratchbox from src15:53
jottfb1 atleast is allocated when the camera is started15:53
jott    Address     : 0x8070000015:53
jott    Size        : 43008015:53
jottwhen "camera" is started, 0 otherwise :)15:53
lcukwhat about when "barcode" is started ;)15:53
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X-Fadezap: Weird, it seems that other packages are all updated in Packages. But yours aren't. Khertan's py2deb from this morning is in there for example.15:54
jottlcuk: Size        : 155648 :)15:54
kpelis there a way to update the package list in diablo using the application manager?15:54
kpeli know it was possible with earlier releases but diablo doesn't seem to have such an option15:55
lcukjott, so it allocates depending upon the cam spec requested..15:55
X-Fadekpel: Use the icon, bottom right?15:55
lardmanjott: is this bora?15:55
jottlardman: uh? no diablo ;)15:55
lardmanah, ok, was wondering about the size15:55
jottlcuk: yes. that very much seems so :)15:56
lcuksuperjott to the rescue (just make sure the camera is disabled before you put your underpants and cape on15:56
jottforgot the backdoor in maemo-barcode :P15:56
jottlivestream to :)15:57
lardmanTue, 04 Sep 2007 19:34:02 +0300 ARM: OMAP2: Nokia 2420: Increase fb reserved regions again15:57
* lcuk has to start thinking about backdoors, im very tempted to allow camera uploading15:57
lcuki crash liqbase when i pump the camera to 640*480 :(15:58
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kpelX-Fade: yes, the bottom right icon checks for updates. i don't know if it fetches new package lists though.15:59
X-Fadekpel: How would it check for updates without that? :)15:59
lcukone would imagine to check for updates it has to know which are updated - and the best way to do that is to....15:59
kpelby the way, apt-get shows some initfs related packages which cannot be installed because of dependency problems. the -f parameter fixed that but i wonder if this could be a problem16:00
kpelX-Fade: i suppose it's the difference between apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. no?16:00
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X-Fadekpel: The icon is the apt-get update equivalent.16:01
X-Fadekpel: Check the log..16:01
kpelyeah, it fetches lists according to the log. but if that icon is only the equivalent of apt-get update what is the equivalent of apt-get upgrade ?16:04
X-Fadekpel: The check for updates section.16:04
X-Fadekpel: Although that triggers a reload after one day too.16:04
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kpeli see16:05
kpelthanks X-Fade16:05
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lardman* ARM: OMAP: FB sync with N800 tree (support for dynamic SRAM allocations); Sync framebuffer headers with N800 tree16:07
lardmanTue,  8 May 2007 16:59:49 +030016:07
lardmanvery big one that16:07
lardmanso presumably the move to allocating all framebuffers from SDRAM removed the need/ability to have it in SRAM16:11
Macorhave to re-install cups16:14
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lcuklardman, if  the primary framebuffer was in SRAM and the omap framebuffer itself was being used then it makes sense to use the SRAM, but with the epson lcd drive method used (carry over from omap1/770 design - the older chips had no gfx at all) it just makes it more complex to utulise and manage (i would predict anyway)16:17
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lardmanI'm just looking at the Ti TV output driver, we may need to do something with the audio codec hardware to enable it16:20
lardmanI've not found the framebuffer locations yet16:21
jottthis whole omapfb/blizzard driver thing is a big mess :)16:21
lcukit looks like leading up to 800 release the designers knew there was a framebuffer on omap2420.  they tried to use it as much as possible, but because the primary resolution wont support 800 they had to backpeddle, but still wanted to use the memory.16:22
zapX-Fade: my packages are cursed :)16:22
X-Fadezap: Yeah, but why? :)16:23
lcukafter the 800 came out it was decided to simplify the whole thing and cleanup as much as possible16:23
zapbecause I'm naughty? :)16:23
X-Fadezap: You used mub-builder, right?16:23
zapfor some, yes16:23
zapfor zip/unzip/zip3 no16:23
lardmanlcuk: looks like there was a kernel change that allowed dynamic framebuffer allocation, before they they tried to save main memory by using SRAM, after that there;s no point in using a hack16:23
X-FadeHmmm there goes my idea ;)16:23
zapits my tallent to step on problems in other's software16:24
zapI must be a tester, not a programmer16:24
lcuklardman, is that allocation all kernel side, or can userspace apps make direct use of the sram (i couldnt find or use it when i played)16:25
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zaplcuk: is SRAM any faster than normal SDRAM?16:27
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X-Fadezap: I'm manually reindexing the repository. Let's see if your packages show up.16:28
lcukzap, its internal to the omap2420 and used for multimedia operations :) you can bet your dogs bollocks its faster16:28
lardmanlcuk: kernel side16:28
lardmanzap: no test data to prove it though16:29
zapI must port haret to linux16:29
zapshould help with picking various hardware16:29
* lcuk wonders how it could be slower16:29
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zaplcuk: doesn't SRAM mean "single-port RAM"?16:30
zapor it's just Static16:30
kpeldoes anyone know if there is an xchat package for diablo available?16:30
zapwikipedia says SRAM is either Static or Shadow16:31
lcukstatic ram16:31
zapkpel: it is, in extras16:31
lcuk"SRAM is a little more expensive, but faster and significantly less power hungry (especially idle) than DRAM. It is therefore used where either speed or low power, or both, are principle considerations."16:31
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zapand it has LOTS of translation packages, damnit16:31
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lcukwould seem to be a reasonable aim16:32
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X-Fadezap: They are there now.16:33
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zapX-Fade: no idea why they weren't?16:33
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lcukback in a bit16:33
X-Fadezap: That is step 2. :)16:33
zapit was the same with my previous packages, which you pushed manually16:33
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zapthey weren't in Packages too, stayed so for a long time16:34
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kpelzap: the one package i found is for chinnok. will that work without problems on diablo?16:34
zapkpel: they will work, but there's xchat for diablo16:34
zapkpel: just enable maemo Extras repository in app manager and it'll show up16:34
lardmanurgh, I wonder if we'd need to startup the inbuilt omap display controller to be able to do TV output16:35
trickie|worklardman: there is a svn log for the maemo kernel sources?16:36
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zapkpel: I was wrong, it is in extras-devel16:36
lardmantrickie|work: no, I just looked through debian/Changelog from the diablo kernel source16:36
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zapkpel: here:
trickie|worklardman: ah ha16:36
zaplardman: where are you going to connect the video output?16:37
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zapare there any checkpoints on the board at least?16:37
lardman3.5mm jack plug16:37
zapthats audio output16:38
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zapthe worst of it is that omap2420 is fully undocumented16:38
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zapyou don't even know to which pins the video output goes16:38
lardmanzap: I have kernel code in front of me16:39
zapso? you have to know where physically the video signal is located16:39
zapthe leaked n800 schematics is damn blurry and unreadable16:39
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lardmanyes, I have the addresses of the TV output hardware16:40
lardmanthe TV signal should go into the 3.5mm AV jack plug16:40
glassn95/93 does video output from the audio plug, but on n800 it's not probably connected same way16:40
lardmanthat's the assumption anyway16:40
lardmanglass: why not?16:40
glasseasy enough to check16:40
glasslardman: if it were never intention to use the tvout16:40
zapoh my16:40
lardmanwe're talking tv output from the omap, not the lcd controller here16:41
zapthat would be megacool then, no need to solder anything16:41
glasslardman: yes, but why would nokia engineers have put the extra wire from the omap to the audio output16:41
lardmanglass: it;s built into the chip which controls the lines connected to the 3.5mm jack16:41
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glassi don't see why they'd connect the wire for video as well16:41
X-Fadeglass: It are the same lines that the mic uses.16:41
glassah then16:42
lardmanthere is no extra wire, audio & video (presumably) data are routed though the same chip16:42
X-Fadeglass: So rounting is done inside the chip.16:42
glassdidn't know it had mic line as well16:42
X-Fadeglass: Well, how does the headset work then ;)16:42
lardmaninteresting, this kernel source also allocates 3 framebuffers, then switches where they are output to16:43
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lardmanhow large was the SRAM?16:43
lardman3* 640*480 * 16bits?16:43
glassX-Fade: well, i'm not too up to date with n800/810 peripheals16:43
glassX-Fade: the headset plug looks like n95 or ipod av cable plug?16:44
zaplardman: <6>SRAM: Mapped pa 0x40200000 to va 0xd0000000 size: 0xa000016:44
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X-Fadeglass: 4 pole jack.16:45
glassyeh then16:45
zaplardman: 640k, and everybody knows that 640k will be enough for everyone16:45
lardmannot enough for 3 framebuffers16:45
zaplardman: that's what bill gates said in the dawn of the PC era :)16:45
lardmanwhich is good, as perhaps the SRAM is not necessary16:46
lardmanzap: :)16:46
lardmanoh dear, better head back to work16:46
zapas far as I understand, the purpose of SRAM is to allow dual access16:46
zap(maybe it's dual port, that is)16:46
lardmantake a look at: display.c, omap2_disp_out.c, venc.h, display.h, omapfb_main.c, omap24xxfb.c16:47
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zaplardman|lunch: >Boot the system, then do a16:48
zap>echo "tv" > /sys/class/omap_disp/display_control/graphics, You should see16:48
zap>the penguin on TV out.16:48
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mikkov_packages are flowing way too unpredictably from builder to extras-devel16:50
mikkov_sometimes it takes only couple of minutes and other times it could take hours16:51
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kpelzap: thanks for the url16:51
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X-Fadezap: There is no omap_disp entry in /sys/17:01
zapI see :) looks like things have changed since 2.6.1417:01
zapbut anyways, looks like TV support is there, just waiting to be used :)17:01
X-Fadezap: I have the cable here ;) Now we need the software part..17:02
mikkov_X-Fade: I got from "Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)."17:02
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zapoh my... I was going to look for a cable this evening :)17:02
zapthe cable is from N95?17:02
lardmanjott: yeah aic23 iirc is the audio codec, the technical sheet is avaialble from Ti, not sure if it needs to be twiddled though17:03
X-Fademikkov_: It looks like you hit the connect rate..17:03
zapI hit that often :)17:04
zapmikkov_: wait ~10 minutes and try again17:04
X-Fademikkov_: Can you try again?17:04
mikkov_X-Fade: in 3 seconds17:05
mikkov_X-Fade: same17:05
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X-Fademikkov_: Yeah, I see the incoming connection.17:05
X-Fademikkov_: But nothing happens after that.17:05
lardmanzap: yeah, the sysfs entry driver is in omap2_disp_out.c17:05
zaplardman: what driver is used in n810?17:06
lardmanzap: n8x0 is a bit complicated, the omap display hw is bypassed and an external Epson LCD controller is used17:06
zapso we'll have to use both drivers at once17:06
zapoh cool!17:06
zapwe can have two displays in X1117:07
lardmanI didn't look enough to see if the TV output stuff requires the omap display controller to be used in some form17:07
kpelthe latest unzip package (devel-extras) seems to be corrupted according to app manager and apt-get17:07
zap:1 to TV and :0 to Epson17:07
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lardmanzap: you could probably already do that as there are 3 framebuffers atm17:07
zapI think we can arrange so that omap2_disp_out.c will use the SRAM as the ramebuffer17:07
zapthese 3 framebuffers are all related to the Epson chip17:07
lardmanno, all the framebuffers are in SDRAM, and they are copied to the Epson chip for display17:08
zapwe'll have the fourth framebuffer which will use the OMAP video encoder, which can be hard-coded for TV output17:08
lardmanwell perhaps, I don't know how much hassle it would be to hard code another framebuffer17:08
zapthey are in SDRAM, but we can use the SRAM for omap2_disp17:08
zapit's limited to 640x480 anyways17:08
lardmanit might be easier to use the existing one with x/yoffset so we only show 640x480 of it17:08
zapI think it will be enough to load the omap_disp driver17:08
lardmangive it a go, but I doubt it17:09
zapI'll try as soon as I'll finish current things17:09
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zapthis cable will do ?
lardmanone for an n9517:14
X-Fadezap: Looks like it. You might need to change the order of the pins. I don't know ;)17:14
zapI hope it's standard :)17:14
X-Fadezap: CA-75U17:15
zapwell my wife's father has a N95, I can hijack him17:16
zapin the case I won't find one easily17:16
zapokay, going home, will try to get one by the way17:16
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lardmanI wonder what the SRAM is for then17:17
X-Fadelardman: I think that getting the screen to init would be the first test. If that doesn't work, you can forget about the rest ;)17:18
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lcukproper ondevice framebuffer.  other omap2420  devices dont have this  epson halfling attached nor expect to output 800*48017:18
lardmanX-Fade: yeah, just wondering17:18
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lardmanlcuk: read the source, that code also uses 3 framebuffers, they won't fit in the SRAM17:19
lcukdefine "fit" - sure at max resolution they wont, but arent most phone devices using this using much lower resolutions17:19
glasse90 does 800x35217:19
lardmanlcuk: no it's an omap test board17:20
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lcuklardman, the testboard would be geared towards testing the device  for intended use wouldnt it -  does it say anywhere that its 3 buffers each of 640*480, or just 3 buffers17:21
lardmanyes, 3x640x48017:22
lardmanx16/8 bytes to be exact17:22
lcukbut there is not physically enough  memory for this is there?17:23
lcuk5mbit is a single 640*480*1617:24
lcukis this a comment or actual code that runs thats telling you this?17:24
lardmanit's code, I presume it runs17:25
* lcuk recompiles17:25
lcukand it allocates the  planes from sram and not sdram?17:25
lcukcos the 800 os2007 did something similar with its 3 planes, but used a mix of locations17:26
lardmanno sure where they come from17:26
lardmanI've not found that code yet17:26
lcuktfanoush left a pointer to the file i think17:27
* lcuk compiles agian17:27
lcuk(incase you are wondering:
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jott"If TV_OUT is not used connect AD22 (VDDADAC) to ground."17:31
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lardmanjott: where's that?17:34
jottthe n95 also uses a opa361 to amplify the video out17:34
jottn95 schematics17:35
jottand on the n8x0 the AD22 is grounded afaics :(17:35
jott(and no connection is drawn on AC23/AD2317:37
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jottand i can't see how the jack would get video in another way.17:38
lardmanwell it doesn't mean it can't be connected to ground and it still work, possibly17:38
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jotti really don't see the point why nokia engineers should have done this :p17:39
jottand still they need a connection to the AC23/AD23 pins.17:40
jottof course the schematics could be wrong but i actually doubt this.17:41
jott(like not printing connections, missing the amplifier, etc)17:41
jottgrounding a pin that supposed to disable to tv out17:41
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lardmandunno, bit busy atm though17:42
lardmanI'll take a look later on17:42
kpelthe schematics of n95 ar available online?17:43
mbufwhat is the TTFF in the N810?17:43
trickie|worktime to first fix17:43
trickie|workfor gps17:43
trickie|worki guess17:43
lardmanabout 10min17:44
lardmandepends on lots of factors17:44
lardmanlook at the Ti spec sheet for the time it's supposed to manage17:44
mbuflardman, thanks17:44
jottkpel: google :)17:45
trickie|workmbuf: ah, i thought you meant what did it mean17:46
jottactually the only sane way would have been to connect the epson tv out.17:46
lardmanjott: what page are we talking here?17:46
jottsearch for AC2317:47
jottand AD2217:47
lardmanah, pg317:47
mbuftrickie|work, tricky questions ;)17:49
lardmanthat may just be because it feeds the amplifier17:49
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jottwhat actually speaks *for* a connection?17:50
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jottdrivers in the *generic* omap2420 branch? :/17:50
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lardmanI thought one of those ape lines went into the av codec on the n810 diagram?18:00
lardmanleft it at home of course18:00
b0unc3guys, there is a cifs module avaiable for diablo?18:00
qwerty12b0unc3, use the chinook one. same kernel version. look in fanoush's module pack18:00
b0unc3ah ok, thanks qwerty1218:01
jottlardman: i can't see any connection on AC23 and AD23.18:01
lardmanjott: I'll have to have a look when I get home18:01
jott(which seem to be the pins going to tv out on the n95)18:02
lardmanwell their audio codec is different18:02
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jottbut the omap is the same.18:02
jottor not?! :)18:02
jottand i still can't see how and foremost WHY they should have connected it.18:03
mgedmincool, the image viewer in diablo also got nice full-screen ui improvements18:03
qwerty12After reading the maemo irc logs, i'm tempted to sell my phones for any price and hustle for the rest to get an N95 8gb :P18:09
lardmanjott: the question is really why not attach it18:10
jottn95 does not even have i toch screen :)18:11
kpelwho needs a touch screen?18:11
* jott <-18:11
kpeli'd rather have a qwerty keyboard any day18:11
* lcuk <-18:11
qwerty12jott, yeah, but after using an N800 for so long, I've been missing hardware keys :)18:11
kpeloh yes18:11
jottqwerty12: aaah, well i have a n810 and i could not live without keyboard :)18:11
qwerty12jott, yeah, I'm a tramp and keep putting off the purchase of a usb adapter and a usb keyboard :)18:12
jottlardman: costs, extra lines on the pcb to consider, use, having an LCD with tv-out which would make much more sense....18:12
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qwerty12The definitive answer is that the hardware design team for the tablets are retarded.18:13
kpeli'll drink to that18:13
kpelactually, let us hpe they are18:14
qwerty12Seriously though, they carry on using the same crap lcd controller from the 770 when it was apparent it had problems in the N800. They then put a crap GPS chipset in the N810 :(18:14
mgedminI take it back, the images app is stupid18:14
lcuknot retarded, they gave us the best evolution on the n770 that they could.  the design choices made for 770 set a path which meant that even with the higher spec omsp2420 they couldnt use the internal framebuffer at expected high resolution18:14
kpelbecause if they aren't then there is something nasty going on18:14
lcuklol mgedmin18:14
jottqwerty12: all quite obvious design decisions.18:14
kpeli don't think they understand what tech users want18:15
kpeland they surely don't seem to design for a massive user base18:15
qwerty12bad ones though :(. To me, it does look like Nokia (company wise. you know the company that does the schematics, service manuals etc) put a hell of a more effort into their phones. The community is great though.18:15
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qwerty12Anyway, I look forward to leaking more Nokia stuff as I find it.18:16
jottkpel: it's all about costs. it's not like the n810 gets the same resources as n95 and even the n95 has the same problems with the gps ;)18:16
kpeljott: it's ont only about costs. it's also about using what you have. the n95 has an accelerometer. did nokia take advantage of it? NO!18:16
kpelwhy? good question!18:17
lcuknokia have a linux based tablet distro under their hat.   i, for one, welcome our  linux loving finnish overlords18:17
jottkpel: resources.18:17
jottkpel: hardware on the one side. software on the other.18:17
kpeljott: i don't believe that a company like nokia doesn't have the resources to even write a toy app for the accelerometer, and some lone coder does18:18
kpeli'm talking about that bouncing ball demo18:18
qwerty12lcuk, I don't. They close the source to stuff that really doesn't need to be closed and things that don't even reveal how the internals of the nokia work.18:18
jottkpel: they most likely have a toy app in their labs.18:18
kpeljott: in the labs they have a lot of things. but what does the user get?18:19
jottkpel: things that marketing signed18:19
lcukqwerty12, the closed stuff is not important to me: as long as its in active development and fixes come for things it doesnt bother me.  what riles me is underutilised hardware18:19
lardmanwe have an accelerometer?18:19
kpeldon't get me wrong, i like nokia. it's not easy to become a comms giant when your background is in toilet paper and plastic boots18:19
jottlardman: n95 has18:19
lardmanah, ok18:19
kpeljott: now you said it. marketing.18:20
* kpel starts foaming18:20
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qwerty12lcuk, it is to me. the mce bullshit is a good example. They have a fix for the softpoweroff which they can't release (I don't believe David's BS about waiting for a good time). The bug was fixed before diablo. They manage to ship a newer version of mce without the fix with the diablo release. Bullshit.18:20
* lcuk will google softpoweroff18:21
qwerty12You can find the chinook source of mce here for fun : source18:22
qwerty12needs libdsme to build which unfortunatly isn't leaked18:22
jottnot only libdsme.18:23
qwerty12What else isn't leaked?18:23
jottlibdsme headers should be trivial.18:23
lcukis this similar to me sliding my lock button?18:23
glasskpel: well, at least they released the api for the accel stuff18:23
glasskpel: on symbian18:23
qwerty12The rest of the stuff from what I can tell is available. Except for the systemui stuff come think of it.18:23
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jottqwerty12: should be really easy to rebuild the dsme headers.18:24
qwerty12I'd like to see that :). I know the powerlaunch guy has dsme reversed (mostly?).18:25
* qwerty12 is still interested in editing CAL which is controlled by dsme18:25
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* qwerty12 lols at cloned n95's18:26
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lardmanjott: there are two lines which are not mentioned: AC23 and AD2318:34
lardmanas you said18:34
lardmanpresumably these would go to GND rather than be left floating?18:34
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kpelglass: yeah, but as i said the customer doesn't benefit directly from that18:37
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* Jaffa yawns as his Windows laptop reboots and it takes ages to get back up to speed and start all the apps18:38
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qwerty12Jaffa, At least your laptop doesn't go weird when using a OpenGL app in Linux and Windows :(18:44
crashanddiebtw, did you guys see the videos for Aurora ?18:45
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kpelwhich aurora?18:49
kpelnot the borealis one, right? :)18:49
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brontideqwerty12: you home... got a stupid question.  I installed your high speed kernel .deb with dpkg.... is that all I need to do or do I need to run some sort of script as well18:53
qwerty12brontide, sorry, please leave your message after the beep. Just run flash-and-reboot. If it says it is going to flash the initfs too, just rm the initfs file.18:54
brontidesound right?18:55
brontidethanks as always18:55
brontidecan't wait to see if high speed and noatime can really be made to behave together as that would be a sweet upgrade18:56
qwerty12Yep, I'm itching to apply your noatime fix and fanoush's line but my tablet is dead atm :(18:57
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brontideHmmm... Is there an easy way to check to see if I'm running the high-speed kernel?18:59
qwerty12If you cat /proc/version, you should see my name...19:00
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qwerty12brontide, in your bug, do you mean /usr/sbin/ instead of /usr/sbin/mmc-mount19:04
qwerty12voted btw19:04
brontideqwerty12: yep... there you are.  testing speed and then testing canola.  3.5MB/s writes 5MB/s rewites.... sure looks like it's enabled ;-)  now on to canola ... woot seems to work.19:04
brontideNope mmc-mount appears to hold the mount string19:04
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qwerty12Ok, I think that file is part of ke-recv which is opensource now. I'll see if I can put out a modified, packaged version for test purposes19:05
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brontidewholy speed boost batman.  Full screen images in canola used to be annoyingly slow to use the d-pad to load the next one, now it's almost instantanious19:06
qwerty12I've never used Canola for images. I've watched the Tokyo at night photostream but that's it :/19:06
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GreyFoxxWhere does one find this "high speed" kernel package ? :) I'm not having any troubles but wouldn't mind checking it out anyway :)19:07
qwerty12yay, a plug to my own post :P19:08
GreyFoxxhehe thanks :)19:08
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brontideI'm sure other parts of the system will show similar boosts when dealing with the mmc card19:08
qwerty12brontide, Is it worth trying something like this : ?19:09
GreyFoxxso far most of my reading from the internal card is for video playback in mplayer or the built in media player. Haven't looked at Canola yet19:09
brontideqwerty12: not really since we already know the highspeed kernel improves the bare speed, but compbined with the noatime the improvement will be a subjective one, more like how long does it take to ls -alR /media/mmc119:10
GreyFoxxWhat I need to do is setup a development VM so I can start working on a mythtv remote control19:11
qwerty12brontide, Ah, I see. Think it's still worth me packaging ke-recv with the fix already in it?19:11
crashanddieanyone looking for a good programmer in London ? Mobile computing industry would be a plus, anything challenging is accepted19:11
qwerty12I'd have to repack the deb mind you, as stage doesn't carry the diablo one.19:11
crashanddie(lol at turning the recruiting process on its head)19:12
lbtGreyFoxx: something wrong with scratchbox?19:12
qwerty12crashanddie, I'll employ you. You have to wear chains and I'll pay you from the piggy bank :P19:12
brontideqwerty12: that's up to you.  I'm hoping that this will get through Nokia quickly, and it's not like it's a hard fix to do by hand19:12
crashanddieqwerty12, sure, benefits ?19:12
GreyFoxxlbt: At this point I haven't  touched it. I just mean install ubuntu/debian/whatever is preferred and easiest for the sdk into a VM19:13
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qwerty12brontide, true. I'll leave it as it means me rebooting into linux19:13
lbtscratchbox is so isolated you don't need a VM (unless you're running the other OS...)19:13
GreyFoxxReally? In that case sweet19:13
lbtyep - it basically is a chroot VM19:14
lbtI run it off Debian testing with no issues19:14
lbt(very few issues ;) )19:14
GreyFoxxWell, guess I'll be seeing how well it like Slackware :)19:14
brontideImprovements with media player: No more annoying pause when opening "songs", it's a much more reasonable second or so to open 700+ songs19:14
lbtI think the scratchbox has maemo extras so prefers a .deb based host19:15
GreyFoxxSo looks likke I'll be doing a vm then :)19:15
lbtyup - guess so :)19:15
qwerty12brontide, arrgh, your improvements are depressing me. I'll steal my sisters charger :D19:16
lbtdo you have the CPU hw to do it proper virt stuff?19:16
lbtI run Xen but it needs a 2.6.18 base kernel :(19:16
brontideNow I just need a "beater" n810 for my screencasting stuff19:16
GreyFoxxlbt: vmware is my friend :)19:16
lbtI didn't think you could make new images - or do you have a license?19:17
GreyFoxxvmware server is free19:17
GreyFoxxand so are the licenses19:17
GreyFoxxhas been for a couple years now19:17
lbtoh - I thought there were limitations on creating images...19:18
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glassi thought just the player was free?19:18
glassbut nice then..19:18
GreyFoxxvmplayer use to be free with no ability to create images (which was a simplefilecopy) but they released server freely long ago now19:18
liran_I'm getting an "unmet dependencies" error when trying to install a package, apt-get telling me that: osso-software-version-rx44: Depends: flash-and-reboot (= 3) but it is not going to be installed (and same for initfs-flasher and kernel-diablo-flasher)19:18
GreyFoxxjust fill out a little form and they give you like 5 licenses19:18
lbtI'm waiting for Xen0 to hit upstream in 2.6.28/919:19
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GreyFoxxAnd I still have a work paid for copy from before then :)19:19
liran_if I do apt-get -f install it wants to install these 3 packages but says "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"19:19
GreyFoxxI do a lot of my mythtv coding in a vm19:19
GreyFoxxI've yet to even look at Xen :)19:19
lbtI only got Xen up a few months back - it's really pretty sweet. OTOH I've not seen VMWare and I only care about headless19:20
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GreyFoxxUsing the vmware client you can do headless19:21
GreyFoxxI just use the client to access the vmware server on various machines19:21
lbtyeah - I just didn't want to claim that Xen was superior to anything.19:21
GreyFoxxIf it gives you direct access to PCI devices that would be pretty sweet19:22
timelykpel: the n800 had an fm radio, you can't say we took advantage of that19:22
GreyFoxxbut I've never looked at it so I have no idea if it does19:22
timelyit's about resources19:22
lbtI wonder why you care about that ;)19:22
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lbtyes, I think it does19:22
timelynokia has spare hardware which is mostly what was used for 770/n800/n81019:22
lbtthere's some PCI passthru stuff which I don't really use19:22
qwerty12it shows19:22
timelybut developing drivers and stuff for a new platform requires people resources19:22
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timelykpel: eventually nokia labs did ship a toy app for the n95 accelerometer...19:23
liran_ahh it's a known problem I see19:23
timelycrashanddie: keep in mind it's basically a group prototyping their own ui19:24
timelyit's not really related to mozilla19:24
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timelyotoh, as splash/flash go, it's not a bad start19:25
timelyif it brings more attn to, then it really served a purpose19:25
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crashanddieeh ?19:26
crashanddiewhen did I say "omg 11!!1!1!!!3 mozilla are teh c0ol, with new interfac3s"19:26
crashanddieI just said aurora :P19:26
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timelyi'm not saying it's cool, i'm not really a fan of it19:27
timelyotoh, it's not really so different from how maemo works19:27
crashanddieso ?19:27
crashanddieisn't that a good thing ?19:27
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timelywe have this stupid tap+hold thing which brings up an awkward context menu19:28
timelythey have tap which brings up a managable albeit too small to read pie like widget19:28
liran_I just noticed that when I booted up the device it didn't show the blue progress bar in the bottom of the screen (underneath nokia's logo)19:29
liran_this happend a couple of times straight... does this mean anything?19:29
timelydid it finish booting?19:29
crashanddietimely, watch the firefox mobile idea bouncer19:29
timelywhich one's that19:29
crashanddietimely, the third one on that page IIRC19:29
liran_timely: yeah it got to the GUI19:29
liran_timely: it's a diablo n81019:30
timelyafaik that's wrong... um...19:30
timelyask sp3000 ?19:30
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liran_timely: that's plain odd. I installed  bunch of software last night but I didn't reboot it, just shut it down so I don't know if that caused it, cause I also put a screen protector now and I'm wondering if the guy screwed something up by pressing the screen protector too much down on the LCD19:31
brontidedoes media player always peg the cpu at 330000 when playing?19:31
qwerty12brontide, it uses the dsp which can only be ran at CPU/DSP 330/200 by default. With kernel mods, it can be ran at 400/16619:32
brontideok, that's not a power drain on it?19:33
timelythe power's equivalent19:33
timelyit's a matter of balancing what's using it19:33
timelythe 200 for dsp was seen as more important for your video19:33
brontidei just figured why not 166/200 or it more of a bus limitation19:33
qwerty12Nokia should integrate the patch by default that lets you choose the op_mode of the dsp. I have it in one of my kernels and I can switch between 330/200 and 400/166 when I want19:34
kpeltimeless: exactly. eventually... it would be so much nicer if the accelerometer was a feature that could be presented during the release19:34
timelykpel: the same applies to the radio19:34
timelybut again, there's a limit to the amount of man power + testing19:34
timelykpel: i know of a couple of things which are probably going to not be present in the next release19:34
kpeltrue. but if you see you cannot afford resources to use component X, why use it and make the cost go up?19:35
timelythat's not how things work19:35
timelyand i'm already starting to bug people about trying to have some path for some third party to work on it so that if all the stars align perhaps some third party can ship on day 019:35
kpeltigert: do you work for nokia?19:35
timelynokia buys most components in bulk19:35
kpelsorry, i meant timeless19:35
timelyand a component may have 5 functions19:35
timelyif you use 4/5 functions19:35
timelythen it's probably still cheaper than 2 other components that do just those 4 functions19:36
timelyespecially if that component is shared w/ nokia phones19:36
brontidetimely: with autobuilder won't extras have the ability to be ready day 0 next time?19:36
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brontideassuming the SDK can be seeded19:36
timelybrontide: the SDK is key here19:36
timelythat and seeding the idea19:36
timelymy poor memory shows no sign of anyone jumping on the missing component19:37
timelywhich means while in theory it could work, in practice it won't19:37
brontidemaybe a clue x4 at the summit can help19:39
kpeltimely: yes, i understand economies of scale but still, i think that there is a lot of untapped potential on the hardware nokia ships to the market. e.g. i'd love to see some good nokis app for my n95 that uses the accelerometer. nokia has the potential to boost symbian applications with that ovi portal. it's s shame not to take that extra step.19:39
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timelykpel: you won't here me arguing against that19:40
timelybelieve me, no one was happy that we didn't ship an fm radio app for the n80019:40
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Khertan_n810Hi !19:40
kpeltimeless: where is the internet tablet team bsed? finland?19:40
kpelthat %$£&^%£^£"^ nick completion19:40
* timely is timeless19:41
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qwerty12How can you be timely in a timeless world?19:41
timelydepends on how i'm feeling19:42
crashanddiekpel, seeing that most job offers (if not all) are for finland, yeah19:42
crashanddiekpel, which majorly sucks :D19:43
kpel"it's a quantum thing"19:43
timelyto answer your question, helsinki19:43
timelycrashanddie: hey, in the summer you can play volleyball on the beach at midnight as the sun sets19:43
kpelwell, at least it's not oulu :P19:43
crashanddietimely, I wouldn't mind living in Finland19:43
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timelyyeah, we've severed nearly all of our ties w/ oulu (cheers!)19:43
crashanddietimely, but it sucks that I just moved to London, and not Helsinki :P19:43
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kpelin london you can't play voleyball even at midday :P19:44
qwerty12I want to live inside Utsjoki. Non stop sunlight and coldness.19:45
Khertan_n810come in Paris19:45
crashanddieKhertan_n810, no thank you19:45
Khertan_n810try and u will due to pollution19:45
kpeli'd rather go to south france19:45
kpelblue coast19:45
Khertan_n810kpel > bof bof19:45
brontideI was going to take my wife to paris this spring, but then I got sick for a *month*19:46
Khertan_n810overpriced and too  many people19:46
qwerty12Bet your wife wasn't too happy :p19:46
Khertan_n810no place to play volley19:46
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kpelthen let's all go to oulu19:46
brontidenot as unhappy as when she found out I was going to germany19:46
kpelit will be just us, the locals and the polar bears19:46
kpelactually i might have to go to oulu one day19:47
kpeli hope it will be late spring19:47
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kpelhas anyone had a problem with n800 where files appear to occupy more space than their actual size?19:50
qwerty12~lart garage. slow again.19:51
* infobot stabs garage. slow again.19:51
qwerty12infobot, nice, you are learning east london methods19:51
infobotI think you lost me on that one, qwerty1219:51
* qwerty12 stabs infobot 19:52
kpeleast london? with no knives involved?19:52
qwerty12 0_o19:54
kpelis there an fsck tool for jffs partitions, for diablo?19:54
qwerty12No, jffs2 does its own checks on startup. Hence the tablet rebooting sometimes while booting.19:55
timelykpel: the internal jffs2?19:55
kpelomg, poor guy19:55
kpeltimely: yes, i want to check the internal partition19:55
qwerty12It's almost a stupid cause of death as the guy peeing on the train track though :/19:55
pupnikisn't the track at earth potential?19:56
penguinbait Chinese immigrant who stabbed, gutted and beheaded a fellow passenger on a bus traveling across Canada last week also cannibalized the victim and pocketed his nose, lips and ear,19:56
pupnikor what country is dumb enough to make train tracks hot? qwerty1219:56
jaskastrange loot19:56
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kpelso he did all those things to the victim, on a bus, and noone noticed?19:58
qwerty12penguinbait, yeah, heard about that one. the killer sounded retarded19:58
penguinbaitfreaking wierdo19:59
qwerty12after killing him, he holds the head and shows it to the passengers like its a f***** prize19:59
Stskeepschinese immigrant, sounds like what a crazy ninja would do :P20:00
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mangehey! any news on Diablo power usage problems?20:01
Khertan_n810power usage problem ?20:03
timelyis there a bug?20:03
Khertan_n810i ve anyone ...20:03
timelythe only power usage problems i know of are iPod Touch/Phone 2.0 related :)20:03
qwerty12kill off modest. I'd say browserd too but alas we need it.20:03
Khertan_n810it s the only one i know too20:03
timelyyou can of course try disabling meta crawler20:03
brontideI've run into a number of battery draining loops since upgrading to Diablo... modest and icd do it to me20:05
timelyum, icd typically means your router is programmed to kill your device dead20:05
timelyblame your router vendor20:05
qwerty12modest is a pita. despite having no accounts and automatic updating disabled, it still runs. I can't see what init script starts it up too.20:05
qwerty12Or what it is scheduled by.20:05
timelyhrm20:05 didn't help?20:05
timelythat seems like something you could trivially discover20:06
qwerty12Haven't tried that, thanks20:06
zapmange: there are no diablo power usage problems20:06
zapmange: your problem is most likely caused by an application eating CPU20:06
mangewell, ever since i upgraded from chinook to diablo, my n810 has had significantly worse battery time20:07
zapI don't have this20:07
mangeand every time ive stopped by here to discuss, people have agreed that something is fishy :)20:07
timelymange: you can try top, or htop, or the cpu meter applet20:07
* qwerty12 prefers htop over busybox top20:08
mangeis there a way to reflash to chinook easily?20:08
mangethat would solve all my problems :)20:08
qwerty12The same way you upgraded20:08
timelymange: flashing today doesn't care which way you go20:09
timelyyou give it a flash file, it'll take it and destroy whatever is on the device20:09
zapI would recomend against it20:09
* timely reads
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lcukzap? whats up with chinook - its stable for lots of people20:09
zapI don't see a single reason for it20:10
lcukdiablo is just an incremental upgrade to it - the core stuff works doesnt it?20:10
qwerty12More like a bugfix release. Shame they introduced a few bugs though.20:11
zapit's a useless operation, that is. If you install chinook and install same progs, it will be the same20:11
crashanddie[rant]People are never happy, no matter how hard others try[/rant]20:11
lcuknot really zap, he was obviously happy with it - usage profiles vary between users20:12
mangei was very happy with chinook, the only reason to why i got diablo was to run agps util, but that didn't improve time-to-fix for gps much (at least not for me ..), so now i have bought a BT gps instead, which works fine20:12
timelyoffhand, my guess is that modest is being triggered via dbus20:13
qwerty12timely, yeah, i'd have to agree with you. There is no cron daemon by default and I don't see any entries in alarmd last time I looked20:14
timelyif i'm right, i suspect deleting the .desktop or similar files would cause it to stop being annoying20:14
qwerty12I should just rename the binary20:14
mangecan i shut down modest completely? i really dont need the auto-check-for-email thingie, i just want it to check whenever i launch the mail program manually20:14
timelyoh sure... be cruel20:14
lcukor downgrade to chinook20:14
qwerty12nah, my diablo is too pimped out now :P20:14
* johnx installed the chinook version of modest on diablo with good results20:15
johnxat the time the chinook version was newer, IIRC20:15
* lcuk installs modest20:15
qwerty12I need to set up mmc boot so I can use mtd-utils to dump my rootfs20:15
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johnxlcuk, if you're installing the chinook version on diablo be prepared to handle some conflicting deps...20:17
lcuki meant installing modest y to my own head - i keep having trouble fitting through doors at times20:17
* timely has firebug enabled20:17
qwerty12lcuk, I think you should add brain as a dependency :P20:18
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qwerty12Hmm, that seemed uncalled for, sorry.20:19
lcuk>cp /qwerty12/head/brain /head/brain20:19
lcuk 0 bytes copied.20:19
qwerty12My brain is on protected storage :P20:20
Khertan_n810package not found20:20
* qwerty12 seems to remember saying this about lcuk last time :P20:21
* lcuk takes a pinch of salt20:21
Khertan_n810you have lost they password ?20:21
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Stskeepsmy brain is an entire system installed with random selection of packages and dpkg -i --force-depends.20:22
Khertan_n810some timely to port pycrypto on diablo ?20:22
qwerty12Why not go for it all and use --force-all :P20:22
Khertan_n810someone enough timely to port pycrypto on diablo ?20:23
Stskeepsqwerty12: that's pure insanity20:23
qwerty12I know, that's why I'm insane, MUAHAHAHAHAHA20:23
mangebtw, whats the type of memory card i should get if i want to use in my n810? micro-SD?20:24
qwerty12Khertan_n810, Come on, you are the resident python expert here20:24
Khertan_n810but gcc don t work on my nit20:24
lcukpycrypto?    why would you want to disguise a pie?20:24
lcukyes it does20:24
lcukits configure and stuff that doesnt20:25
Khertan_n810just need to be compiled from debian20:25
qwerty12Would you really want that? I'm reading dates like 6 years from their cvs20:25
qwerty12lcuk, get a proper shell and coreutils :P20:25
Khertan_n810and dpkg ... and autothings20:25
qwerty12should pass configure tests then...20:25
mangealso, what kind of speed should I get if i buy a memory card for the N810? I see there are cards that are capable of 20 MB/s, but i guess the unit itself cant write that fast anyway.. right?20:26
lcukdpkg works - i can build packages from nit20:26
lcuktook superjott's help mind you20:26
lcukand i think i broke the furry dice on my mirror20:26
Khertan_n810luck depends on rules file20:27
Khertan_n810many need to be rewrited to avoid things like 'bad signal 's''20:27
* qwerty12 prefers fuzzy dice even :P20:27
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* timely pokes Khertan_n81020:28
qwerty12Why rewrite the rules file? Just replace the busybox version of the corrosponding app.20:28
* timely doesn't touch python20:28
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infobotqwerty12 meant: Why rewrite the rules file? Just replace the busybox version of the corresponding app.20:28
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Khertan_n810timely>peek ?20:31
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ywwgCan anyone help me debug a DNS resolution problem in scratchbox?  I seem to have a problem that's not the usual "you have mdns in your nsswitch.conf file"20:31
ywwgI can resolve fine outside scratchbox, but no program inside scratchbox can resolve -- *sometimes*.  It comes and goes20:32
zapywwg: installed dnsmasq?20:34
zap(on host os)20:34
zap(not in scratchbox)20:34
ywwgzap: dunno, let me check20:35
ywwgzap: no20:35
zapscratchbox resolves through
zapso you have either to change /etc/resolv.conf in scratchbox20:35
zap(in every configuration)20:36
zapor install dnsmasq and forget about it20:36
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zaphere's Echelon, spying on us20:39
ywwgzap: do I have to restart anything in scratchbox for dnsmasq to start working??20:40
zapafair dnsmasq starts working immediately after you install it20:41
ywwgzap: hm, no change20:43
zapywwg: try "dig @"20:44
zapoutside of scratchbox20:44
ywwgdo you want me to paste the whole thing?20:44
ywwg(it works)20:44
zapit works?20:44
zapnow try cat /etc/resolv.conf in scratchbox20:44
zapand ping works from scratchbox?20:45
ywwgcommand not found :P20:46
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ywwgwhich I would apt-get if I could... maybe I should just download the package manually20:46
zapit doesn't work from a user account anyway20:47
ywwgdo you know of any conflicts with networkmanager?  it seems to die if I switch from wired to wireless connection20:47
* zap wonders what's wrong with diablo ping20:47
ywwg(ubuntu hardy)20:47
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zapywwg: I don't have netmanager running20:47
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zapbut it shouldn't be a problem, because netmanager doesn't touch localhost20:48
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zaptry netcat package20:48
zapit will work from a user account20:48
zapand ping doesn't, for some jerky reason20:48
ywwgI don't know how to use netcat, what to type?20:49
Khertan_n810netcat --help20:49
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zapywwg: type 'netcat -l -p 1234' on host20:51
zapand 'netcat 1234' in sb20:51
ywwgno output20:51
zapif it connects, try entering something from one side20:52
zapand from another20:52
ywwgthat works20:52
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zaphm ok, so network works within sb20:52
liran_an IR transceiver requires LOS right?20:52
zapand you say 'dig @' works outside sb?20:52
zapand doesn't inside?20:52
zapliran_: what's LOS?20:52
zapline of sight? yes20:52
liran_sorry, that's an RF term20:53
liran_yeap, line of sight.20:53
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ywwgzap: I haven't tried the dig from inside20:53
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zapywwg: theres no dig for sb, alas20:53
liran_I wonder how far I can put an IR transceiver from actual appliances. like say if it would work from 4-5 meters long with LOS but about 60 degrees off20:53
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ywwgzap: ah well20:54
zapywwg: try nc 5320:54
zapthat should connect to dnsmasq tcp socket20:54
zapbut you won't be able to enter a binary record anyway20:54
zapyou'll at least see if it's possible to connect to it20:54
ywwgit does connect20:54
zapvery strange them20:55
zaptry to exit sb20:55
zapand open it again20:55
zapshould work20:55
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zapyou don't have a firewall, do you?20:55
ywwgzap: I just did an strace wget, and it's not trying to hit for dns20:55
mangeanyone have experience with Kingston microSD + Kingston microSD to miniSD adapters? I read on the forum that some adapters doesn't work  well with n81020:56
ywwgit's trying
zaphave you edited nsswitch.conf?20:56
zapI'm out of ideas then20:57
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ywwgwell thanks for the help, I have some tools I can use now20:57
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ywwgzap: aha, that ip address is a comcast DNS router21:07
ywwgzap: so it's got something cached where it's trying to use that server instead of my one here at work21:07
zapum, maybe it advertises himself somehow? and your linux kernel is picking it up?21:07
ywwgI think it's a scratchbox issue, since everything works fine outside it21:07
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irqhello everyone21:12
irqi'm having an issue right now where mysql is ignoring the error-log parameter, prefering to put all logging stuff into /var/log/messages. any suggestions?21:13
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Stskeepsuhm, what does that have to do with Maemo? :)21:14
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irqthought i was in #mysql21:14
irqsorry guys!21:14
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brontideDoh, no qwerty21:17
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ywwgzap: ok I got it21:21
ywwgzap: in scratchbox there's /etc/resolv.conf, but it's actually looking in /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf21:21
ywwgwhich has the wrong info21:21
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forgechroot wrongly?21:22
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zapI have it modified by NetworkManager too21:22
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zaplooks like scratchbox is copying over your host's resolv.conf21:22
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ywwgzap: no it's not touching the system resolv.conf, just this weird alternate-location one21:23
zapI have /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf identic to my host's /etc/resolv.conf21:23
zapwhich is set by dhcp client21:24
Khertan_n810timely > why microb is so slow when 20 windows is open with flash content ? is21:24
ywwgzap: mine isn't.  maybe it should be a symlink21:24
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zapywwg: and what's even more strange, if I stop dnsmasq on host, apt-get update still works and downloads21:25
zapno, it shouldn't be a symlink21:25
zapbut I believe it's copied with sbox_ctl start or something21:25
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zapbut nc cannot resolve addresses when dnsmasq is stopped, so it uses /etc/resolv.conf21:25
zapso in fact it looks like some apps use /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf while others use /etc/resolv.conf21:26
zapoh my21:26
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kpelwho cares about standards, eh?21:27
ywwgzap: awesome21:27
ywwgmaybe it's bug-filing time21:27
kpeli'm sure all these glitches will be ironed out once a formal process (liek a maemo-devel-HOWTO) is in place21:28
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mangehmm, zap, still here? now my n810 is in that power drain mode again22:07
mangeand if i check with "top", there is a maemo-launcher taking 98% cpu all the time22:07
mangewhat is maemo launcher?22:08
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johnxmodest is launched from maemo-launcher22:09
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johnxinstall htop to get a better idea22:09
johnxto fix it temporarily run, killall modest22:09
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johnxit will respawn later, but maybe it won't soak up 100% CPU for a while22:10
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lcuk /o\ camera broked my nokia22:11
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lardmanlcuk: how'd you do that?22:12
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lardmanhi johnx22:12
lcuki dunno but it just locked and shutdown22:12
johnxhi lardman22:12
johnxanyways, got to be headed out to work in a couple hours, so off to get some sleep O_o22:13
lardmanI wonder if we can find a connection diagram for an H3 board?22:13
lardmannight night then22:14
lcukeven after restarting the problem persists...22:14
lcukive just popped the battery22:14
lcukh3? omap test board?22:14
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lcuki see your lifelong dream of video out (well, daylong) is in pieces after superjott found a disconnected wire22:15
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lardmanyeah, well I live in hope that there are other ways of doing it ;)22:16
lcukdamn x-fade for mentioning it22:16
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lardmanand X-Fade seemed to think it would work22:16
lcukyer, would be good22:16
jottwow, nokia takes qt really serious :)
lcukooops, after popping the battery its still not working, must be something idid22:17
lpotteryep. they do22:17
lcukyou would take something seriously if you paid over 100million for it22:17
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jottstill quite unexpected news :)22:18
lpotterthats pocket change for nokia22:18
lardmanoff to the pub, bbl22:18
lcukcya later lard22:18
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JamieBennettI think its pretty clear that QT is Nokia's main focus for the future22:18
lardman|pubI'm sure looking at kernel code after a few beers will be easier ;)22:18
lpotternot main focus22:18
JamieBennettlpotter: Main as in gtk vs QT22:19
lpotterits like glue that will pull all parts together22:19
jottlpotter: well as toolkit :)22:19
lpottermaemo/S60 are still relevant22:19
lpotteror, rather hildon22:20
lcuki hope to god we dont see one size fits all apps - desktop and mobile apps with identical interfaces would suck22:20
JamieBennettwhos to say QT doesn't pop up on S60 in the future?22:20
lcukit isnt already?22:20
lpotterJamieBennett: I think there has already been an announcement such as that22:20
JamieBennettAh must of missed that22:20
jottand qt on hildon is also getting along nicely :)22:21
lpotterit was in the 'takeover of Trolltech' announcement, I think22:21
JamieBennettIt makes a lot of sence22:21
lcukat linuxtag i was mentally playing a drinking game, every time a nokian mentioned qt i had a shot.  i think by about 10 minutes into it i was wasted22:21
JamieBennettSame for the Summit then?22:22
lcuknahhh qt is old hat and coming22:22
lcukneed new games22:22
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JamieBennettthe fremantle drinking game?22:26
lcukbut thats expected isnt it?22:27
JamieBennettlots of drinks though ;)22:27
mikkov_I think we have bug in gcc (or g++). This  program works if compiled with gcc, but when compiled with g++ it crashes every time when thread exits :(22:29
mikkov_some games are hitting this problem hard22:29
mikkov_if somebody can make this work, that would be great :)22:30
lcukg++ is the c++ compiler22:31
lcukthat is c code22:31
nomismikkov_: the underlying assumption that C and C++ are compatible is bogus - not that I'd be very enthusiastic to debug this...  :)22:31
lcuktheres nothing wrong here :)22:31
nomisalso using threads almost always makes code more complicated...22:32
mikkov_yes that's c code, but there are programs written with C++ which are doing the same thing. and that program works if compiled for x8622:32
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lcukmikkov_, different issue then - show us the c++ code which breaks22:32
mikkov_openlierox svn ;)22:33
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nomismikkov_: I am no expert on sdl, but an example on SDL_CreateThread() I found online used a different signature for the thread callback.22:35
nomiswait, bogus example.22:35
nomisignore me.22:36
lcuk /ignore nomis22:36
lcuknomis, threads are fun anywa22:37
nomislcuk: I try to avoid them whenever possible.22:37
lcukobviously good practice, but sometimes you cannot avoid them22:37
lcukim just having to use a thread for the camera (infact gstreamer itself does it for me)22:39
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nomisyeah. you cannot avoid them with gstreamer.22:39
lcuknot that it matters, im gonna have to do similar with my networking code22:40
mikkov_maybe openlierox coding style isn't very good. Is there somewhere proper c++ example with sdl threads? (looking)22:40
nomisfor a project at work the guy implementing the most important app used them for everything. The code ended up to be infected with all kinds of mutexes and locks - it was pure horror.22:40
lcuknomis, ewwwww keep things linear and simple.  that way when you realise you cannot work without threads you can transfer22:41
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nomis(that project also reinforced my distaste for C++)22:42
lcukwe have a vb.shit application at work which is similar - the worst part is coding bugs exist which he shrugs shoulders at and has no knowedge of how to debug or see what the issue is22:42
lcukc++ can work nicely, im happy with c for the time being but think i need some templates to assist me22:43
nomislcuk: if you want to read a quite biased explantation why c++ is bad:  :)22:44
lcuki know it can be abused (badly)22:45
nomislcuk: well, C can be abused as well.22:45
lcukbut not quite so badly - operator overloading is the main culprit22:46
nomislcuk: there are huge design flaws in C++ that make the language hard to use properly.22:46
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lpotterwell, c is just plain hard to use properly22:59
JamieBennettlpotter: Not really22:59
lcuklpotter, nahhhh, c is a dream.  its logical and concise22:59
chellihi, has anyone else seen problems with the autobuilder in the last days? (i uploaded my new package, canola-flickr-plugin yesterday, builds for chinook and diablo went fine, but the package does not appear in the repository)22:59
lcuknomis, :) im readin that c++ thing and agreeing with most of it23:00
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XTLC is nice for what it does (which is a lot)23:00
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GreyFoxxCan anyone tell me where I would find the "flash-and-reboot" package ?:)23:00
XTLlibc's and cc's otoh...23:00
JamieBennettC is gods own language ;)23:01
lcukc gets tedious though when implimenting a set of classes23:01
GAN800Anybody have a link to the revised logo? Modest is being lame at the moment.23:01
lpotterc is tedious23:01
XTLextending the language is one of those things that C doesn't do too well23:01
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lcuklpotter, hence me wanting my own templates23:01
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nomislcuk: wait till you get to the part about templates  :)23:02
XTLYou end up with preprocessors, interpreters or something else23:02
JamieBennettafter 16 years of C programming I can personally say C has been by far the most effective language I have used23:02
lcuki already know the problems with ++ templates23:02
lcuki mean IDE templates - quick code insertion with params23:03
crashanddie_I wanted to go for a smoke, but when I got outside, I noticed the rain and lightning... Guess what I'm doing...23:03
lcuksmoking inside?23:03
forgecovering in a corner?23:03
crashanddie_Getting wet23:03
lcukget used to it23:03
lcukoh, and welcome to england23:04
crashanddie_Or quit smoking23:04
jottor stop smoking :)23:04
* GAN800 can't wait to be back to a real connection.23:04
* lcuk is too tired to actually do anything tonight23:04
crashanddie_Oh btw Maemo. Andy says hi23:05
RST38hlcuk: real programmers do not use IDE (tm)23:05
GAN800brontide, that's not the revised logo.23:05
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lcukRST38h, "syntax highlighting text editor" and shell :)23:05
lbtRST38h: they do, they use EMACS23:05
crashanddie_Real programmers pipe cat directly into gcc23:05
RST38hlbt: urgh23:05
RST38hoh yes23:05
lcukreal programmers enter binary directly onto the switches on the front of the altair23:06
brontideGAN800: that's the logo winner, were you looking for something else?23:06
GAN800dneary just posted a revision of the winner to maemo-community.23:06
crashanddie_the revised version23:07
brontide   this one?23:07
GAN800I wasn't sure if there were23:07
JamieBennettlcuk :P I did 6 years commerically with z80 assembler :D23:07
GAN800a real link to that available.23:07
lcukJamieBennett, i did about the same typing in hex randomly into my spectrum23:07
RST38hat least it wasn't 8051...23:07
crashanddie_GAN800, haven't seen the revised one yet23:07
JamieBennettlcuk for a job?23:08
GAN800Just hit maemo-community I guess23:08
dnearyGAN800: I did?23:08
GAN800Which you should all be subscribed to. :)23:08
dnearyYes, I did!23:08
GAN800Maybe I misread23:08
dnearyI also put it in the weekee23:08
* GAN800 I mobile and tired.23:08
jottit looks much better without the gradient.23:09
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lbtI thought was going to be updated to always point to the latest version...23:09
brontideI guess not ( yet )23:09
GAN800Gradient gone, thank god.23:09
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brontidethe contest page has the up-to-date one23:09
JamieBennettlbt: I noticed that as my blog points to that image23:10
lbtbrontide: well since dneary is here I guess it won't be long...23:10
crashanddie_I just noticed something... To the uneducated mind, lcuk mind sound like "el cuk"23:10
lbthe's a chef23:10
nomismhm, the "R" in the ".ORG" bugs me a bit. It is either too small or sitting too low.23:10
brontideThis link will probably be the up-to-date one
* lcuk wont explain his none typo temporary nick23:10
crashanddie_yeah... or something more male focused23:10
lcuknomis, prob an optimcal illusion23:11
lbtI'm going to watch TV in the bath - l8r...23:11
dnearylbt: We did ask that the glaoliver1 be updated as modifications were made, but that didn't happen23:11
* lcuk wonders how the m got in there23:11
brontideI see the optical delusion as well23:11
dnearyI think I'm going to leave that version there for posteriors23:11
dnearyI mean posterity23:11
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jottit is NO optical illusion :)23:12
dnearyIsn't lcuk pronounced "luck" in the same way as fcuk is pronounced "french connection UK"?23:12
lcuk:D heh no but i like your thinking23:12
nomissomeone probably aligned the R on the baseline with the O and G, ignoring that the latter both extend a bit below the designed baseline to compensate for optical effects.23:13
jottthe R is a bit smaller.23:13
nomisIn the logo the horizontal bar of the R is 1.x pixels lower than the bar of the G.23:13
lcukw000t, ibm open sourced supercomputer code23:13
lcuknow everyone can use their supercomputers without paying a license fee \o/23:14
nomisplus the letters need a bit more spacing around the R23:14
Stskeepswoo, time to run the nuclear tests i've been waiting for23:14
Stskeeps / simulations23:14
lcukmaybe not, dont know the license yet23:15
Stskeeps"You may not use this for constructing doomsday devices"23:15
JamieBennettStskeeps: or just transcode all my bloody AVCHD video files to something more reasonable like a .mov23:15
JamieBennettroyal pain in the bottom23:16
ShadowJKI believe you can mux avc into mov without transcoding23:16
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ShadowJKNot that it would reduce CPU requirements one bit23:16
lcukback later23:17
JamieBennettShadowJK if you have suggestions on how to transform a HD AVCHD file into a .mov then I'm all ear's, it really is a pain and I haven't got it working 100% yet23:17
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GAN800wonderful spotty california cellular coverage23:18
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brontidecalifornia isn't perfect? ;-)23:19
GAN800Ha, that's what I said!23:19
RST38hHoho, TV is showing a movie made from Lovecraft novels23:20
RST38hCthulhu will eat 'em allllll!23:20
GAN800The People's Republik just aint all it's cracked up to be.23:20
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brontideMaybe you can help them with their accounting system there23:21
RST38hGAN: I am sure Verizon is never spotty =)23:21
GAN800Nah, my dad's phone is bad too. ;)23:22
sp3000liran_: well, one way is to have the charger connected, in which case you're not really shutting down, and don't get a progress bar23:22
sp3000or, to be more precise, that's the only way I can think of :)23:23
* brontide is signing off for a few hours... family time23:23
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sp3000Stskeeps: ohhh dfsg 623:24
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Macori love eureka :)23:28
Stskeepssp3000: eh?23:29
sp3000why, of course23:29
Stskeepssp3000: yes, obviously, but not sure what it was in context of :) my "you may not use this for constructing doomsday devices", or? :P23:31
sp3000right, your anti-software-freedom doomsday shunning! :P23:32
Stskeepsyeah, that'd violate 6) :P23:32
RST38hNo doomsday devices? Where is fun then?23:34
liran_sp3000: nope, the charger wasn't connected to it.23:36
* RST38h warms up vacuum tubes in his doomsday device23:37
liran_sp3000: I now reset like 2 times and I got the progress bar, though there were at least 2-3 other times where I shutdown and turned on again (no charger) and no progress bar was shown23:37
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penguinbaitviva la community23:48
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