IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2008-08-01

lcukBlafasel, is your ssl slow?  and if so under what circumstances: when you are sat at the 810 connected out, or when the 810 is idle and you are connected to it00:01
Blafasellcuk: Pardon? SSL?00:04
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lcukssh even00:05
BlafaselNo, I was just commenting on GNUton's issues with the autobuild upload00:05 down?00:06
GNUtonIt late...and I'm tired.. good night people!00:07
lcuk:) fair enough00:07
jottStskeeps: looks like it.00:07
jotttimeless: ^^ :)00:07
GAN800oh hell00:08
GAN800Is that really the logo they picked? :/00:08
BlafaselAh, well. A matter of taste ;)00:08
GAN800So glossy and gross00:09
jottGAN800: looks like.. my first though was "add a beta and it's an average web2.0 logo" :p00:09
BlafaselYou're evil ;)00:09
jottjust mean :P00:09
GAN800Yeah, jott. :\00:09
X-FadeGAN800: Marketing...00:10
GAN800I was really pulling for the mobius strip00:10
GAN800This has nothing cool about it00:10
GAN800There's no story00:10
X-FadeGAN800: Well, actually.. there is a story..00:11
GAN800Oh well, guess I shouldn't have been touring the Apple campus if I wanted a voice.00:11
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GAN8001Stupid EDGE00:14
bef0rdwhere is the new logo?00:15
GAN8001Dropped at 'There is a story..'00:15
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bef0rdheh, thanks jott00:16
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X-Fadejott: You really have to see the mockup picture with the merchandise. It grows on you.. ;)00:17
X-FadeOr not.. but hey..00:17
jottX-Fade: i saw it. i don't dislike the logo but *imho* there where much better ones.00:18
X-Fadejott: I'll be wearing another t-shirt at the summit ;)00:18
jottkhertans proposal ? ;)00:21
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jottmaybe it's just the gradient that is bad about it :)00:25
BlafaselAh c'mon. It's not that bad. I prefered a differrent one as well, but it's okay00:25
BlafaselAnd really, I'd never refuse a free T-Shirt ;-p00:26
qwerty12What if the T-Shirt had "Beat the **** out of me" on the back?00:27
BlafaselTry it and send me one. I'll take pictures!00:27
jottæmoBETA.png :P00:27
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Blafasel(Though not everywhere in Cologne) ;-p00:27
Blafaseljott: harhar! That's _really_ mean00:28
qwerty12Blafasel, :P, tempting...00:29
BlafaselAdd a subtitle in quotes: "Still waiting for the PowerVR driver.." in italic script. I'd call it perfect then ;)00:29
jott"I wanted PowerVR driver, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt"00:30
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Blafasel"I wanted packet injection, but I'm patient: It's beta after all"00:31
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BlafaselGAN800: What's up with the connection? EDGE and that bad?00:32
* lardman will have to look at how much T-shirt printing costs00:32
GAN800EDGE at the edge of coverage00:32
lcukcafe press do bulk rates i believe00:32
GAN800cafe press is shit00:33
GAN800worse than shit00:33
lardmanlcuk: there's a place in Bath that do printing, I'll see what it costs00:33
GAN800cheapest crap you can imagine00:33
BlafaselCreate the same T-Shirt (assuming that the design will be published before) and print "Hey, _I_ didn't wote for it" on the back00:33
lcukfully custom tshirts $1500:33
lcukGAN800, really? ive heard good things about em00:34
GAN800really, they're terrible00:34
GAN800cheap and easy, but the quality is crap.00:35
lcukcan we print 1/3 of the maemo logo to represent 1/3 of the cpu being used?00:35
jottGAN800: they don't have to be durable. just for one evening ;)00:35
lardmanjott: but if it costs £30 I'd want it to last at least a couple of days"00:35
lcukand you can customize loads of things00:35
lbtdoes anyone know of a GPS database of speed camera locations (UK) ?00:36
* GAN800 eyeroll00:36
jott30 gbp?! ugh00:36
lardmana guess00:36
Blafaseljott: Yeah. You want it for one evening, the event is nice and you meet interesting people, want to keep it afterwards and .. ;)00:36
GAN800lcuk, all of the _CPU_ is being used.00:36
lardmanlbt: got to pay though now00:36
lcukok 2/4cores are in use00:36
lardmanI think00:36
jottBlafasel: i thought we all rip it off our bodys and party :O00:37
jotthulk style ;)00:37
lcukjott, last time you tried that you got arrested00:37
lcukyou dont want the shame a third time00:37
Blafaseljott: Yeah. Geeks. Hulk.00:37
qwerty12lbt, I use the pocketgpsworld one. They charge now but you can usually find a copy that is a month old on TPB...00:37
lardmanjott: Maemo logo tattoos?00:37
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lardmanqwerty12: ah, that's probably the one I was thinking of00:38
* lcuk is going camping tomorrow00:38
lardmanqwerty12: what are you doing driving anyway!00:38
lbtqwerty12: lardman: ok - will look - ta :)00:38
lardmanlbt: try qwerty12's suggestion00:38
qwerty12lardman, Hehe, I don't drive, I shove it on to the crap Nuvi that we got for my Dad :P00:38
BlafaselI was wondering the same.. ;)00:39
* qwerty12 wishes Snoopers weren't outlawed00:39
lcukyer, you could fit one on your bmx00:39
BlafaselHe's probably driving a segway ;)00:39
qwerty12lol, bastards...00:40
BlafaselEh, those gadgets are great. I'd love to own one..00:40
BlafaselBut.. The price is unreasonable.00:40
qwerty12Come on, this looks retarded:
lcukbanned on sidewalks00:41
BlafaselI wonder if you could power your N8x0 from the segway battery though00:41
lcukfaceplants from segways are harsh00:41
* jott hums "white and nerdy" :)00:41
Blafaselqwerty12: Yes, it is ;)00:41
lcukoffroad ;)00:42
Blafasellcuk: allowed on the street here. And on the bicyle lane. But the picture is really baaa00:42
GAN800lol @ the plenware guys on the lists00:43
hrw|gonejott: I suspect that this is it00:43
BlafaselA customer here keeps 2 or 3 for marketing purposes and asked me to try it recently. It really felt great, was quite interesting. Driving is easy and nice. I just had a very loooong moment where I thought I'd never be able to get off again.00:43
lcukoh craptastic!00:44
lcukmy craptop has crapped out00:44
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qwerty12Serves you right for having a crap laptop :P00:44
BlafaselAnd for compiling on the device ;)00:45
lcukthis has nothing to do with my 81000:45
lcukits a linux laptop that kinda worked but got updated the other day and now its dead00:45
lbtyou killed your laptop <sigh>00:46
BlafaselNo I mean: You've prefering the N810. The neglected laptop fails now.00:46
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BlafaselUhm.. Please try to parse the sentence correctly and ignore my errors.00:47
lcuki was already compiling on laptop00:47
BlafaselI just blame than on the UMTS connection, like GAN800 ;)00:47
lcukand foget what i said00:47
lcuki was already compiling on 810 before i got laptop00:47
lcukumm im just tired - had to go shoppin for campin00:48
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GAN800Until Delta gets me my damn luggage and my chargers. . . .00:53
GAN800Later all.00:53
lcukok, my x server failed to start but ive not got a console window, is there a ctrl=f1 type combination to switch to a different console, and if so, whats the key sequence?00:53
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lcukthanks, i knew i had used it and tried loads of combos :)00:54
qwerty12lcuk, while you are there, do an "more /var/log/Xorg.0.log"00:54
* qwerty12 was reading about Xorg stuff today after having fun fixing my ATI. Still flickers but at least screen isn't garbled...00:55
lcuki had to hex edit the original edid info because my nvidia go 400 wants to firstly use tv-out as default, and secondly use wrong refresh rate for the native resolution00:56
* lbt remembers kicking xorg *a lot* to make it work for MythTV on projectors, TVs, twinhead for ATI and radeon00:56
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lcukthe error today is "Could not retrieve EDID because get-edid is not installed "00:56
lbtwhat distro are you on - ubuntu?00:57
qwerty12It's not in standard ubuntu repos...00:57
jottsudo apt-get install read-edid   ?00:57
lcukbut ive got bigger problems00:57
lbtyes, but xorg please00:58
lcuk:) how do i resolve the servers when my wifi isnt enabled00:58
lcukor copy the data to you00:58
lbtrekey to the nit?00:58
lcukit never finished booting and the password is incorrect on the adhoc00:58
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jottwhy does it need get-edid all of a sudden anyway?00:58
qwerty12lcuk, - save that on a usb and then use dpkg -i on it00:58
lcukcos it updated00:58
lcukthanks qwerty12 :)00:59
* lcuk hunts00:59
jottah but that's like ages old :P00:59
qwerty12It's the one in the hardy repos :P00:59
qwerty12According to anyway...00:59
lcuki didnt have internet for ages, it had about 400 updates to do00:59
lcuki just left it runnin for a couple of days and turned it back on earlier ;)01:00
qwerty12Woah. I just reformatted and reinstalled hardy and I only got 258 updates to do...01:00
lardmannight all01:01
lcukgnite lardman01:01
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lcukqwerty12, hardy is latest isnt it?01:01
qwerty12lcuk, yer01:02
lcukwhen will they release sp1?01:02
jotti think it's already out isn't it?! :)01:02
qwerty12They wont :P. You'll get intrepid01:02
t_s_oah, your here qwerty12. you got me going with that tar of yours ;)01:03
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qwerty12t_s_o, hehe. There's a reason those files aren't in the tar. Those files were introduced in os2008. I have no idea what the Os2007 equivalent of those files are. We need konttori here...01:04
t_s_oi tried copying the button_key_normal over, it game some effect on the left edge and garbage on the right ;)01:05
qwerty12Same here, the image probably needs to be resized and maybe the gtkrc modified. But my theming knowledge suckzors01:06
qwerty12Oh yeah, does anyone know of a mac address generator?01:06
lcukhmmm, ok where does the memory stick get mounted, or how do i mount it?01:06
jottqwerty12: what do you mean with "generator"?01:06
jottthere are tables with vendor prefixes01:07
jott(like the one wireshark uses)01:07
qwerty12jott, just a little app that will spit out a mac address for me. But the tables should be enough for me, thanks :)01:07
bef0rdlcuk, /media/ ?01:07
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qwerty12lcuk, try df -h and see if hal hasn't already mounted it.01:07
lcukill see whats there thx :)01:08
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qwerty12Thanks, jott, this is v.useful01:08
t_s_oqwerty12: looking at the original files, yep, they need to be resized. the the image is much longer...01:09
* Stskeeps glares at his n800 waking up from a shut down state without him touching it.01:09
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Stskeepsbootreason 'killallhumans'?01:09
qwerty12Stskeeps, After it was booted in "DEAD" state, it may feel like that :P01:10
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* qwerty12 was experimenting with alarmd to try and get his n800 to boot in the TEST state without resorting to crude linuxrc hacks but I failed :/01:11
lcukw00t :) it wasnt there, so i cat /proc/partitions     then made /media/usb and finally mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb    and it worked :D:D:D    *01:11
lcuk* ok, the internet told me to do that, but it worked \o/01:11
Stskeepsqwerty12: i don't have any active alarms, and it just booted (saw bootmenu "booting from flash.."), and it then went on blank display01:12
qwerty12Stskeeps, That's odd :/01:12
lcukit crashed?01:12
lcukor shutdown for battery01:12
Stskeepsno, i shut it down completely earlier01:13
qwerty12My N800 would still switch on when I disabled the alarms :P. I had to clean out the alarmd configs manually01:13
lcukthats never shutdown01:13
lcukyou have to nuke it from orbit.  its the only way to be sure01:13
Stskeepsi'll be paranoid if it starts displaying strange alien signs to me.01:13
t_s_ohmm, i wonder if not it would be simpler to just rob felicia of its button graphics ;)01:13
qwerty12lcuk, FAIL. It's it's not its :P01:14
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qwerty12t_s_o, Yes, that does seem a lot easier01:14
lcukStskeeps, i had to disable the throbbing leds on the case - it woke me once in middle of the night and there was a strange glow around - i DID think i was bein taken01:14
t_s_oas it seems felicia is a updated version of the 2007 theme. but why they went with a black background on the keyboard this time round confuses me...01:15
qwerty12But the funny thing is, that if aliens were taking a northerner, they'd drop him quickly and be thankful they escaped because of that reason.01:15
lcuknow that thats the biscuit, kettle and sink.01:15
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lcuk"xserver failed to start, would you like to look at the log?"01:16
lcukview log: ""01:16
qwerty12Why won't hildon-application-manager obey dpkg --set-selections? Arrgh01:16
t_s_owell that kinda worked, in a quick and hackish kinda way :P01:16
t_s_onow all i need to figure out is the setting for the lettering colors ;)01:16
qwerty12lcuk, Have you switched it into Southern encoding?01:18
jottlcuk: you actually nail it ;)01:18
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t_s_oqwerty12: your screenshot on the forum shows the keyboard with white letters, where did you change that?01:19
* lcuk is snorting :O01:19
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lcukim just gonna shut it down and reinstall windows01:19
lcuk^ that was a joke01:19
qwerty12t_s_o, that was in the gtkrc, let me find the value. Are you repacking the deb or modifiying Felicia?01:19
lcuki do want this bitch to work - i ve gotta bring it to the summit01:19
qwerty12lcuk, Dont do that again, I was about to get the chainsaw out01:19
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t_s_ocopied over the felicia inputmet files to the echowb theme ;)01:20
lcukwe have a projector at cbase dont we01:20
t_s_othis will be one hell of a frankentheme :P01:20
qwerty12        color["VKBButtonTextColor"]      = "#FFFFFF"01:21
qwerty12btw, lcuk, I hate you. I can't believe you use the American spelling of colour in liqbase. :P01:21
t_s_o <- not in any way maemo related, but every man should probably understand it ;)01:21
lcukqwerty12, i hate english spelling, ive been a dev for too long to ever consider colour to be better01:22
qwerty12I'm gonna keep on recompiling liqbase everytime you have a release and get sed to change color to colour :P01:22
lcukim so gonna easter egg things just for you :)01:23
jottbut lcuk also used canvass for quite some time :P01:23
lcukand thought it was perfectly normal01:23
* lcuk spells incorrectly lots, but at least im consistent01:23
qwerty12no no no, that's i'm not im01:24
lcuki get things wrong 100% of the time01:24
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jottlcuk: maybe you should write a filter ;)01:24
lcuki am doin01:24
henriquegood evening01:24
jottlcuk2en_EN ;)01:24
lcukinfact, jott - thats a better use of my time than faffing with this craptop01:24
qwerty12lcuk, Make serious use of the X-Chat auto replace function... ;P01:25
lcuk:) thank you for (unintentional) nudge01:25
jottliqgrammarnazi :)01:25
t_s_oah, worked like a charm :D01:26
lbt'night all01:26
lcukgnite lbt01:26
qwerty12'night lbt01:26
jottnight lbt01:27
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t_s_oqwerty12: so in the end, what i ended up doing was ssh in, copy all the files from felicia with inputmet in its name to echowb, change the color setting you found and now i have a black keys on while background keyboard :D01:27
t_s_onow, how to repack that theme for the archive and maybe the forum...01:28
qwerty12t_s_o, Haha, nice, I was making all my changes on felicia :). I prefer all black but I do like the blue of adria...01:28
lcukwhere can i get gentoo from?01:30
qwerty12lcuk, switching distros? :P01:31
lcukyer :D01:31
bef0rd:X gentoo01:31
lcukim not really, but i am just gonna reinstall it01:31
jottlcuk: but it's not like install and go ;)01:32
lcuki dont wanna spend time faffin, i think it kinda sorta works at some res01:32
lcukyer jott, i know ive gotta level up first01:32
qwerty12gentoo would piss me off with all that recompiling...01:32
* lcuk hates grindin01:32
jottgentoo is all about faffin :P01:32
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lcuknahhh - its actually logical01:32
lcuki was answerin qwerty :P01:33
lcuki know its faffin01:33
lcukits like makin your own garden, you have to put time and effort and nurture it and love it01:33
lcukmeanwhile ubuntu is a very pretty windowbox01:33
qwerty12I use my garden as a toilet. (not really, but I may do)01:33
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lcukwith big freaky spiders inside waiting to eat your brains01:33
qwerty12NOM NOM NOM01:34
jottlcuk: but yeah gentoo is good to learn linux and have full control.01:34
lcukanyway, if this doesnt work - jott will you be takin your lappy to cbase?01:34
jottmy lappy is a n810 :P01:34
lcukjott - agreed for when i have time - ill set it up in a corner and watch it grow01:34
lcukyer i know - mine too, but projection isnt native yet01:35
lcukbut i bet it would be fun to make it work on small and big screen01:35
qwerty12I'm tempted to switch from Ubuntu to Fedora but I haven't touched an rpm system in years so I'm SOL01:35
BlafaselI'm a Gentoo fan (actually before every cool kid found it), but for learning? I always thought that would be LFS (and I was too lazy, to dumb, whatever).01:35
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jottlcuk: Blafasel why not?01:35
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Blafaseljott: Well, it's not that much different from Debian, imo. Sure, fundamentally different in that it ships source mostly, but apt-get install foo or emerge foo still makes lazy bastards happy and keeps them clueless.01:37
jottBlafasel: well but you usually have to tweak much more01:37
* lcuk builds liqux from scratch01:37
qwerty12lazy bastard  check, happy check, ubuntu user, check. Yep, that's me01:38
Blafaseljott: No. Gentoo users would argue that you CAN tinker more (and that's a different debate). But you don't have to.01:38
jottBlafasel: yes sure. you get pretty vanilla upstream packages01:38
BlafaselNote that I compare it to Debian (rather unsexy in terms of "out-of-the-box" stuff), not "I guess what you want" Ubuntu01:39
Blafaseljott: And you choose your use flags once. Unless you want to tinker. You get packages that strip or require useflags, depending on the maintainer.01:40
BlafaselBasically it's the same thing imo.01:40
jottBlafasel: only basically.01:40
jottBlafasel: i used gentoo since ca. 2002-2003.01:40
BlafaselYeah, started with 1.0rc6 or something.01:41
BlafaselWould've to look up the date. Disclaimer: I still run it on several (nice, powerful) machines.01:41
BlafaselBut it's not a "learning instrument" in my book01:42
jotti mean, put in a debian cd and get your ugly gnome desktop.01:42
jottput in a gentoo cd and get a bash prompt ;)01:42
jottso, find out what you actually need for a desktop01:42
jottor which desktop you want01:42
BlafaselNope. You download the LiveCD and get a Knoppix-like experience and install it wit the graphical installer..01:43
BlafaselI fear you're living in the (better) past ;)01:43
* jott installs stage1 .P01:43
Blafaselhrhr. Not supported anymore.01:43
* jott cries01:44
BlafaselAnother sign that you're a relic ;)01:44
BlafaselAncient, not up todate ;)01:44
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jotteven is down .. :/01:45
BlafaselThe worst users in ##gentoo wondered whether -O9 is really much better than the more conservative -O7 ;)01:50
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t_s_ohrmf, seems like my tablet is slowly degrading. a couple of days ago it rebooted when i inserted the charger, and now the battery icon wont animate while charging any longer...02:08
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nemoBlafasel: I'm more a fan of -Os on my 96MiB machine02:25
nemoBlafasel: last I need is some giant library with unrolled loops loaded into memory02:25
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t_s_ohrmf, not even a reinstall of the battery applet seems to have fixed it...02:39
t_s_onow it only gives me a black square where the icon should be...02:40
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lcukhave you had the lcarrs theme installed02:40
t_s_odont recall02:40
t_s_oknown bug?02:40
qwerty12_N800tried refreshing  gtk icon cache?02:40
lcukno, it just goes beyond theme file and has an "extras" bit which installs stuff to replace and mess with the battery02:41
lcukstatus display*02:41
t_s_oqwerty12_N800: and how do i go about doing that?02:41
t_s_olcuk: it seems to have come from a "crash" (or a unexpected reboot) i had when plugging in the charger, so i dont think its lcarrs related02:42
qwerty12_N800/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor02:42
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lcuk:) tis ok, its just the only thing ive seen mess with it02:43
t_s_owell i still have a black square there qwerty12_N800...02:45
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lcukperhaps its refreshed the square to black :D02:46
lcukblack icons are all the rage02:46
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t_s_oheh, its as if the icons isnt even there. no reaction when i poke at the area...02:46
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qwerty12_N800you may need to kill the hildon-desktop after refreshing :/02:46
t_s_oroger that02:47
lcukwhat about just refreshing and not specifying a path or index?02:47
t_s_othere we go, thanks!02:47
qwerty12_N800lcuk: wouldn't work :/02:47
t_s_oand now its animation is back as well :)02:47
t_s_onow to figure out why browserd dont autostart on boot...02:48
t_s_onot that i reboot often, but...02:50
qwerty12_N800been messing with the services applet :p? make tablet-browser-daemon start after the x-server. On my N800 diablo, browserd is /etc/rc2/S99tablet-browser-daemon02:50
* qwerty12_N800 watchdog doesn't let me have a choice in rebooting...02:51
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lcukis the api to browserd known?02:52
t_s_oah, figures. so i take it that the services applet gets the number wrong? i used it to uncheck the crawler, and accidentaly unchecked browserd for a moment...02:53
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brontidelcuk: garage has the whole code last I looked03:44
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lcukbrontide, im just as guilty myself with liqbase, but it would be easier knowing where the api docs were03:46
brontideheh... docs are a little harder to come by... hell a compass would be a good start03:47
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lcukgnite brontide, chan03:51
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Tired_Hi.  I'm not sure if this is the right place...I'm trying to figure out if I can run MediaWiki on an internet tablet.04:01
Tired_Or if there is a better solution for getting an entire non-Wikipedia wiki onto one for offline use.04:02
Tired_The closest thing I could find in my research was a forum post, suggesting that trying to run MediaWiki on a 770 would be a bad idea, but nobody actually tried, and hardware has changed a lot since then.04:03
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brontideTired_: Anything is possible, there is an iPhone app that can be modeled.  The summit will also have a user fpp that will be presenting using python and webpy for on tablet web services04:13
Tired_Possible is one thing...usable is another.04:14
Tired_Are iPhone apps compatible?04:14
brontideThe unit is more than powerful enough04:14
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brontideIt's a matter of someone putting the jigsaw together04:14
brontideIsn't there a static offline wikipedia that could just be loaded into the filesystem?04:15
Tired_This is for a different wiki than wikipedia, I can only get a database dump, not static HTML.04:15
Tired_It's smaller, though04:16
jottTired_: if it's mediawiki there should not be much difference.04:16
Tired_unless I did the heavy lifting on my desktop...grabbed the database dump from wikia, and somehow dump it to static HTML on my home machine for use on the tablet...04:17
jottmaybe also look what the stardict people did to generate their wikipedia stardict dictionaries.04:17
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Tired_I will look into that.  That offline thing you linked me to sounds a lot like what I just said.  :)04:18
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rm_youTired_: if you just want to serve a wiki...04:37
rm_youTired_: dokuwiki is excellent, and uses files, not a database04:37
rm_youTired_: and seems very light04:38
Tired_Does it do pictures?04:38
rm_youTired_: and it can be served with almost any webserver i think04:38
rm_youyou can upload pics04:38
rm_youthey have a decent media interface04:38
rm_youI know there was some light webserver compiled for the tablet, and i'm sure you could pick one and compile it yourself04:39
rm_youapache might be a bit heavy but like...04:39
Tired_Hmm.  I found their website...I'll check it out, thanks.  :)04:39
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rm_you +
rm_youok yeah04:40
rm_youi ran something like this on a Zaurus SL-550004:40
rm_youso i think an n800 should be able to handle it :P04:40
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teamcobrainside of the xephyr-xserver+scratchbox, is there any way to pop up a terminal so I can run an app that isn't in the launch menu?04:43
rm_youwould it be something like "DISPLAY=? xterm"04:47
rm_youwhere ? is the display that xephyr is registered to?04:48
rm_youI havent actually used xephyr, unfortunately, as my scratchbox machine is headless04:48
ChuangJiangHI, everyone. I'm setting up the Meamo SDK 4.1 according to URL:
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yigalIs claws a bit more snappy than the default mail client for os2008?05:13
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doc|homeyigal: yes. it sucks a whole lot less05:15
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ChuangJiangI'm installing the Perl Module in the Maemo SDK 4.1 Environment. When running the command "make test", I have get the following error messages:05:24
ChuangJiangPERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /scratchbox/tools/bin/perl.bin "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t05:25
ChuangJiangt/01version....NOK 105:25
ChuangJiang#     Failed test (t/01version.t at line 23)05:25
ChuangJiang#     Tried to use 'Compress::Raw::Zlib'.05:25
ChuangJiang#     Error:  Can't load '/home/arm/perl/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.009/blib/arch/auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/' for module Compress::Raw::Zlib: /home/arm/perl/Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.009/blib/arch/auto/Compress/Raw/Zlib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /scratchbox/tools/lib/perl5/5.8.4/i686-linux-thread-multi/ line 230.05:25
ChuangJiang#  at (eval 3) line 205:25
ChuangJiang# Compilation failed in require at (eval 3) line 2.05:25
ChuangJiangBut I have found the existing. Why?05:26
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ChuangJiangCan everyone help me? Thanks in advance.05:26
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yigaldoc|home: that's good to here, what about flashing led lights :) can that be added or not easily05:45
doc|homeyigal: that works for me, although it can be a little annoying as sometimes it doesn't *stop* flashing until all messages are "read"05:45
doc|homenot sure if that's a bug05:45
yigaldoc|home: sounds good05:46
yigaldoc|home: sorry about the constant flashing though05:46
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GAN800Hrm, what do I need to be able to get pictures off my camera directly?06:47
GAN800Forgot the CF reader.06:48
* GAN800 is pleased to see the MyBook working great first try.06:49
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GAN800ping = 28.3s06:51
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JZAhi what's the password for root08:18
JZAI got sudo08:18
JZAbut I still don't know the password for root default to diablo08:18
derfJust change it.08:19
JZAI need a password to change the password08:20
JZApasswd by itself wont work08:20
JZAI need to become root08:20
derfIt will if you're root.08:20
derfYou said you had sudo.08:20 do i become root08:20
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JZAI got sudoer (the program)08:21
derfBy using one of the 50 "becomeroot" packages?08:21
JZAdo I need a password for that?08:21
JZAwell I got gainroot and still doenst work08:21
derfSeriously, Google "maemo become root".08:22
JZAI did and sent me to this08:22
derfAnd follow directions.08:22
derfI'm pretty sure that's not the first Google result.08:22
bef0rdinstall rootsh from the maemo extras repository08:22
bef0rdthen you can type 'root' at xterm08:23
JZAok got it, I need openssh08:23
JZAit will prompt for a password during install08:23
bef0rduhm no, you don't need openssh just to get root08:24
JZAI just became root08:24
MikhoI think nokia should not make getting root access this unintuitive08:25
JZAyeah well I also think they should allow Xvnc to be on Diablo too08:26
JZAspecially if I want to do some pymaemo08:26
JZAI think they have some VM but oh well08:26
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bef0rdcool hrw|gone09:06
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hrwso now anyone can use maemo in qemu09:31
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hrwcan someone with n800 show me /proc/mtd contents?09:35
aspecttranscribing by hand:09:36
aspect... damn, beaten :)09:36
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hrwrm_you: you have diablo - right?09:37
rm_youlol aspect09:38
macoutebtw, what is the current situation with diablo extras?09:38
rm_youssh -> n800 = win09:38
rm_youmacoute: they are getting fairly full09:38
pupnik  possibly the best picture ever09:38
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macouterm_you: would you recommend switching to that already? the versions should be pretty much the same, right?09:38
rm_youlolwtf pup09:38
rm_youmacoute: yeah, i switched back already09:39
macouterm_you: oki, maybe ill do it soon09:39
macoutedamn windows...09:39
macouteit seems that it is too hard to copy a file of 300M over network to a shared directory09:40
macoutewhoo, third time did the trick09:41
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buti__hello, i have problem with bluetooth discoverying devices on python, when discovery process is almost done the script stuck before DiscoveryComplete signal, when i try kill this process the N800 is restarting, anyone have some solutions for this?10:10
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hrwDiablo booted in qemu10:21
hrwqwerty12: hi and thx for dumps10:21
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qwerty12hi hrw, no problem.10:21
qwerty12Ha, great, thanks, reading now10:22
qwerty12Wow, can't wait for the patches :)10:23
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hrwqwerty12: its qemu HEAD10:25
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qwerty12Ah, ok10:26
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hrwbut n810 emulation does not works for me - I need to catch Andrew later and ask him few questions10:29
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rm_you_lcuk: so.10:34
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pupnik  No Comment10:35
rm_youthat guy has some serious manboobs >_>10:35
rm_youpupnik: you sure have some interesting pics tonight <_<10:36
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liriwhen it rains it pours...10:38
liricouldn't get my hands on the N800/N810 and now I can get both10:39
qwerty12Haha, nice10:39
liriI can get the N800 for $222 or the N810 for $34210:40
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liriI always wanted to get the N800 cause of the 2 SD slots and didn't care much about the HW keyboard or the GPS since I figured I can buy an exteral GPS BT module10:40
lirialthough the N800 is from ebay and it'll take time to get here plus shipping while the N810 is local10:41
rm_youGET THE N800!!!10:41
rm_youthey are getting harder to find10:41
rm_youget one while you still can10:41
liriI know they are harder to find10:42
qwerty12I personally prefer N800 but I cannot deny the keyboard on the N810 is useful.10:42
* qwerty12 apt-gets mtd-tools10:44
buti__anybody knows how to open wifi connection select window form console?10:44
hrwvia dbus10:45
buti__but how? :)10:45
buti__could you give me any examle10:46
hrwgo to ITT forums - iirc in 'personal menu' thread there was example10:46
qwerty12Maybe a tiny app that uses libiconic could work too...10:47
qwerty12I'm actually quite tempted to dpkg-repack icd1 :/10:49
qwerty12Diablo's icd is icd2, I guess I'm just calling chinook's icd, icd1 for continuity purposes :)10:50
hrwwhat it is?10:51
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qwerty12Ah, the internet connectivity daemon. Provides the stuff like the select connection window etc. The icd2 which is in Diablo doesn't have support for DUMMY connections (which people use for connecting via LAN or PAN) and it's just more buggier.10:53
* qwerty12 suspects icd2 is here because of the IPv6 and WiMax stuff10:53
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aquatixmorning all11:00
qwerty12morning aquatix11:00
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RST38hmoo, qwerty11:03
* RST38h catches qwerty12 and sells him to the Evil French11:05
qwerty12OH NOEZ!11:05
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melmothWe are not evil !11:07
* melmoth slap RST38h with a baguette11:07
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* aquatix grabs baguette mid-air and eats it11:08
aquatixthose are damn good :)11:08
hrwhmm.. breakfast...11:08
hrwI like that idea11:09
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* qwerty12 is lazy. Microwave pizza ftw11:11
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hrwqwerty12: you are young and like to eat crapfood11:12
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hrwI do not even own microwave oven11:15
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qwerty12Omg, but how do you warm the 10 takeaways that you want to eat later11:19
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aspectit's called an oven11:21
aspector a saucepan with a bit of jazz11:21
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qwerty12but the oven is too slow, i'm too impatient. i want my food now, or i will take up cannibalism11:22
hrwqwerty12: takeways??11:22
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qwerty12hrw, I live in London, we have thousands...11:23
qwerty12Chinese, Indian, Vegetarian, Chicken and Chips...11:24
qwerty12Oh yes, Fish and Chips too11:24
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* qwerty12 is seeing the initfs_flasher in a whole new light after he changed the font size. I'm wierd.11:26
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zap_the brightness applet guys must try it too11:28
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KhertanHi !11:29
qwerty12zap_, yeah. I wouldn't actually mind the font size being bigger and the rotation buttons shrinked a little bit11:29
KhertanX-Fade > is there a problem with extras builder actually ?11:29
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KhertanX-Fade > does there is some modification since yesterday ?11:31
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zap_qwerty12: shhh, this is taboo!11:33
trickie|workqwerty12: hrw: nice work on the config.mtd stuff11:37
trickie|workwoo hoo!11:37
trickie|worki was about to ready to mug you hrw for your non-distributable config.mtd at linuxtag11:38
qwerty12trickie, and then give it me right? :P11:38
trickie|workof course11:38
RST38hmelmoth: Ask the goose! =)11:39
trickie|worki owe you something cool already ;)11:39
hrwtrickie|work: I still can accept beer on maemo summit ;D11:39
trickie|workhrw: unfortunately i cannot make it... but next time isee a beer for sure!11:39
trickie|worknext time i see you11:39
RST38hExchanging sensitive data for beer. THAT is what is all about =)11:39
qwerty12hrw, like a hummer, the value of your config.mtd is going down thanks to your recent work :P11:40
hrwRST38h: ;D11:40
trickie|work <- anyone interested in that?11:40
hrwtrickie|work: you have some free entry cards?11:41
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trickie|worki wish... i wasn't going to but then i see they have a 'hobbyist' entry price11:41
trickie|worknot far from me11:41
trickie|workso i guess ill go check it out11:42
hrwthe problem for me is that I am more professionalist then hobbyist but prefer hobbyist price11:42
trickie|workyeah well id like to be more than a 'hobbyist'11:43
trickie|worki wonder how they differentiate11:43
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trickie|workmaybe if a company buys it it is the larger price11:44
qwerty12hrw, play dumb11:44
hrwqwerty12: few CELF guys know me as I did some jobs for them in past11:45
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qwerty12hrw, Ah. Don't think that would go down to well then...11:46
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jihoonHi, My n810 is shut down completely after the suspend mode.11:56
jihoonAre there anyone who know about this?11:56
hrwtrickie|work: mamona/qemu was possible even before11:56
jihoonPlease, help me11:56
hrwtrickie|work: iirc mamona boots to rootfs not to initfs11:57
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trickie|workhrw: yes i had it working with mamona11:57
trickie|worksome issues when you really started using e1711:57
trickie|workand mamona boots using maemo kernel + initfs11:57
trickie|workfor now11:58
trickie|workuntil we have enough replacements for proprietary bits11:58
trickie|workill try qemu HEAD soon11:58
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trickie|workim not that scary am i?12:01
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qwerty12trickie|work, No. Just scarier than the average person. :P12:03
hrw~lart me...12:04
hrwchinook kernel + diablo initfs/rootfs == non-booting qemu12:04
qwerty12infobot's on strike12:04
qwerty12hrw, using chinook kernel messes up on real device too :/12:04
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hrw updated12:10
qwerty12Brilliant, I can use this to test out my initfs changes :)12:11
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hrwif you have fast computer12:14
X-FadeKhertan: Change? How so?12:14
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qwerty12hrw, It's decent enough, should be able to cope :)12:16
X-FadeKhertan: Well, I guess it punishes you for a crappy .changes? :)12:17
X-FadeKhertan: I think it finally had enough :D12:17
Khertanmy .changes isn't crappy !12:18
X-FadeKhertan: Ehm changelog. Is that the french date again?12:18
Khertanhum ... i ven't any problem before ...12:18
X-FadeKhertan: Was just messing with you ;)12:19
Khertanpackages was built the same way ...12:19
KhertanX-Fade > hum ...12:19
X-FadeKhertan: Yeah, your date is in french.12:19
Khertanthe source don't include the .changes log ?12:19
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KhertanX-Fade> hum ... this is strange ... never had problem with that before12:20
Khertanmaybe something that change on my device ...12:20
X-FadeKhertan: Did you change your locale?12:20
Khertani ll verify that local is right setted in py2deb.py12:20
X-Fade -- Beno..t HERVIER <>  ven, 01 ao.. 2008 10:06:14 +000012:21
X-FadeOh, sorry non-utf-8 terminal ;)12:21
X-FadeBut you get the idea.12:21
KhertanX-Fade> in fact the python script change the local setting for the script12:21
X-FadeKhertan: the changelog doesn't lie ;)12:21
Khertanyes ...12:21
Khertani know ... i m just trying to determin why this change occur ...12:22
Khertanas it worked like a charme before12:22
X-FadeTry to set your device to english?12:22
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KhertanX-Fade> from what i see the locale have never worked12:26
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Khertans/locale /locale setting12:26
hrw~curse n810 keyboard mapping12:26
Khertanand in old uploaded .changes date was in french too12:26
hrw updated with n810 keyboard infos12:26
Khertanso i m lucky if it has work since the start ...12:27
KhertanX-Fade> other question ... does .changes file should be in utf-8 or iso-8559-1 ?12:27
Khertanor an other charset12:27
hrwKhertan: use devscripts next time - dch insert proper dates12:27
Khertanas i think it s could be the error12:27
X-FadeKhertan: Well it complains about badly formed. So maybe there is spacing orso?12:27
Khertanhrw > dev script isn't available on nit12:28
Khertanhrw > this is why i ve made my own tools12:28
hrwwho from here will be on maemo summit?12:28
* Khertan dit moi12:28
* Khertan dit me12:28
* nomis will be there.12:28
* Khertan say me12:28
* X-Fade me me me12:29
hrwI am wondering about making (if there are slots left) fast show of maemo-qemu12:29
KhertanX-Fade > i suppose it s the accent on the o from 'aout' in french which is the problem as i write the changes in utf-812:29
KhertanX-Fade > but the main real problem in the date in french instead of us :)12:30
hrwKhertan: not us but ISO12:30
hrwUS use sick date scheme12:30
X-FadeKhertan: And your day doesnt start with an uppercase letter.12:30
KhertanX-Fade > yes there isn't in french :)12:30
X-FadeNot sure if it matters.12:30
Khertanas i use the isoformat method :)12:31
X-FadeOther than that, I don't see any other things that look wrong.12:31
X-FadeWell, you lie about your timezone. But I don't thing that matters.12:32
Khertandoes a date in the real isoformat is accepted ? '2008-08-01T11:32:00.00000'12:32
KhertanX-Fade > it s a small lie :)12:33
Khertanas the date is converted before in utc12:34
hrwhaving / as Alt+h with normal keyboard is strange12:35
jotthrw: does network work now on the qemu n8x0?12:35
hrwjott: I have usb networking12:36
jottah that's fine.12:36
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hrw~curse h-a-m developer which added disabled 'Cancel' button to 'checking for updates'12:40
qwerty12I'm more pissed off that it doesn't ask for confirmation to update anymore :(. I'd recompile it but I messed things up when I tried last time.12:42
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lirithe more I'm readying N800 vs N810 I want to buy the N810, seems like the screen visibility in sunlight is better12:46
KhertanX-Fade > found ... i was setting the wrong local ...12:46
X-FadeKhertan: Ok ;) So a new release of py2deb is coming up?12:47
Khertanas i use index instead of nammed constant ...12:47
Khertanthis wasn't the same on the tablet :)12:47
KhertanX-Fade > around 13h00 GMT+2 :)12:47
X-FadeKhertan: I'm running the qt4 build, so let's see if that slows it down.12:48
jotthrw: mind to share the size changes of the partition table so lazy folks like me don't have to find out? ;)12:49
qwerty12hrw, I'm a n00b. When you say qemu head, do you mean check out qemu from git/svn?12:51
KhertanX-Fade > :) qt4 build ... hum ... do u know the size of the resulting package ?12:51
JaffaMorning, all12:52
X-FadeKhertan: All I know is that the builder ran out of disk space after using more than 4GB for the build ;)12:52
hrw4GB for build?12:52
hrwsmall :D12:52
X-FadeKhertan: After 9 hours ;)12:53
qwerty12Morning Jaffa. Keyboard still messing up?12:53
jottKhertan: packages for runtime only are ~16mb12:53
X-Fadejott: How long does a typical build take for you?12:53
KhertanX-Fade > OUCH !12:54
jotta couple hours with from a clean system12:54
jott1-2 maybe12:54
X-Fadejott: I'm working on getting more/better hardware for the builders.12:55
jotthehe for now you managed to get a bit more diskspace, eh? ;)12:56
X-Fadejott: Well a bit more. I doubt it is enough.12:56
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jottas long as it's ~6gb qt should build fine :)12:57
X-Fadejott: Webkit build managed to run out of disk space too ;)12:57
hrwX-Fade: what is used now? n810?12:57
jottand qt includes a whole webkit :>12:57
Pavlzhow to save with nokia 770 after to have used vi ?12:57
X-Fadehrw: Some random VM, I don't know the exact specs.12:58
hrwPavlz: like in any vi - press ESC + :w12:58
befr0d_esc :wq to save & quit12:58
Pavlzwhich is esc?12:58
X-FadePavlz: esc == the back arrow key.12:58
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RST38hjott: It is no longer removable?12:58
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X-Fadejott: But I hope that the builder now has enough space to run the qt4 build.12:58
X-Fadejott: It had a little bit less than 6GB space left, so it is tricky.12:59
jottRST38h: it's in the source tree and an extra package libqt4-webkit will be build.12:59
RST38hjott: Oh, so it is an extra package12:59
jottRST38h: yes, qt is quite modular12:59
RST38h'cause it would be strange if they made it a requirement13:00
X-FadeRST38h: It will be in extras-devel first.13:00
jottRST38h: yeah, nevertheless it is useful :)13:01
hrw~curse maemo for sick networking13:01
* jott hands hrw a shiny icd binary blob13:02
RST38hX-Fade: I am ok with GTK for now - not eager to move to QT unless needed13:02
trickie|workqwerty12: HEAD just means the latest revision, as opposed to a particular revision number13:03
trickie|workfor future reference13:03
X-FadeRST38h: GTK is not going away anytime soon.13:03
X-FadeRST38h: Check the info about Fremantle and Harmattan.13:03
* RST38h ended up writing his own very rudimentary UI lib, so that his stuff works everywhere13:03
RST38hX-Fade: I should be ok even if you just leave the frame buffer :)13:04
qwerty12trickie|work, Ahh, I see. Thanks for that13:04
RST38hThe menus look like they are done on a ZX Spectrum, but given the nature of my apps it is more of a feature than a bug :)13:04
PavlzVi do not save13:04
Pavlzi digit :w then enter and the arrow key13:05
Pavlznothing happen13:05
X-FadePavlz: Wrong order.13:05
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X-Fadeesc :w13:06
PavlzIt does not save13:06
X-Fadeor esc :wq if you want to save and quit.13:06
Pavlzis the same i try nothing to do13:06
Pavlzhow to save ?13:06
RST38hNEXT: The Anal Probes!13:07
Pavlzto save ?13:07
Pavlzwhich one ?13:08
RST38hMaybe you do not have permissions to write this file?13:08
X-FadePavlz: Do you use the 'back arrow' key?13:08
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qwerty12~lart gedit for making backup files by default13:10
qwerty12~lart infobot for not being here. I miss his lame insults.13:10
hrw - does someone has other content of /proc/mtd on n800/n810 using diablo?13:10
* zap_ makes a shoot of the eclipse on his phone13:10
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qwerty12hrw, On my N800 diablo, it's matching13:11
trickie|worki don't have my n800 handy sorry13:11
hrwno problem trickie|work13:12
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jotthrw: mine looks the same on n810 diablo13:12
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qwerty12Arrgh, why must kotczarny base his coloured bootmenu on a old bootmenu version. Now I'm continually switching between gedit and kdiff.13:16
zapHahah, N810 is not a laptop13:16
zapthis news will boost the N810 sales, I presume13:17
qwerty12zap, They'll still make up a bullshit rule on the spot to take that too. Wouldn't put it past them.13:18
zapyou can say its your phone13:18
zapand phone definitely doesn't equal laptop13:19
zapeven dumb febs should understand that13:19
jottwell it could be considered as an umpc which is kind of a laptop :)13:20
zapbut in fact, if I would be a terrorist I would just buy a 4Gb micro-SD card13:20
zapand put it inside my ear13:20
zapand kiss my ass13:20
befr0d_that makes no sense13:20
qwerty12ha, lol13:20
befr0d_you can probably store all your evil plans on a gmail account13:21
jottyeah or swallow the n810 :p13:21
qwerty12It may be a little hard to get out at the other end though. Unless you just happen to carry a knife...13:21
zapbefr0d: gmail does not support encryption, so you can't13:22
zapI bet True People has access to all parts of google13:22
hrwzap: not if you encrypt it before storing...13:22
jottzap: you can just copy and paste something encrypted in it...13:22
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jottanyway, this whole politics of fear is just pathetic.13:23
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hrwjott: US is pathetic13:24
zapthis reminds me of DDR police, they kept microfilms for lots of the mails ever sent in the country13:24
zapnow you don't need films anymore, you have hard disks13:24
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lardmanhrw: your name has been noted and you'll definitely be pulled aside if you decide to go to the US ;)13:26
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qwerty12lardman is a secret worker at major US airports13:26
hrwlardman: and if I will not shave before going then I will be taken as terrorist for my look?13:27
hrwqwerty12: no - major US airports security works for lardman13:27
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lardmanhrw: yeah probably, one of my collegues (Italian, stubble) had troubles in the US last week13:27
qwerty12Ha, I'll have trouble.13:27
* qwerty12 is a Paki and with stubble. w00t.13:28
jottqwerty12: you'll be shot on sight :P13:28
lardmanyeah, I fear you might be targetted13:28
qwerty12Haha, yeah13:28
qwerty12Maybe I'll be lucky, I got a Uncle that lives there :D13:29
qwerty12He came back to the Uk in one piece...13:29
lardmanqwerty12: you reckon you can stow away then go to ground until the fuss dies down? ;)13:29
qwerty12lardman, that will be too long :/13:30
lardmanI thought I might be arrested, I asked one of the security people why my collegue had been sent back out of the airport, she didn't look pleased13:31
jottwouldn't a job at airport security be boring when you never search and question people?13:32
lardmanwell you could do more doughnut eating if you didn't have to stop people13:33
lardmanbut yes, it must be very boring, which is why they superimpose pictures of knives and guns on the xray images to check people are awake13:34
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* lcuk got sent out by french security to strip down and bin flammable materials from my lighter. 13:38
* qwerty12 refrains from swearing as this new initfs messed up my tablet13:38
hrwqwerty12: use qemu?13:39
qwerty12hrw, I couldn't be bothered with compile time but yes, that is the best option. I guess I should start compiling...13:40
Stskeepshrw: links on ITT to poky screenshot go 40413:40
qwerty12It hangs after displaying rd mode information. I'll see if I can mess around with linuxrc and some more.13:41
hrwStskeeps: url to itt give13:44
hrwStskeeps: and links on itt are not on my lists to care about. want to see picture - follow link to blog post.13:45
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trickie|workStskeeps: 404 or the FF3 ssl cert error?13:45
hrwStskeeps: link to post on itt - will I get it?13:50
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Stskeepshrw: , apologies, gf took computer13:53
Stskeepsits not your post13:53
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hrwand it is old post13:54
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Stskeepsyeah, heat must be getting to me13:54
hrwah.. I remember...13:56
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* befr0d_ is already compiling trunk qemu14:00
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qwerty12Hmm, is 2.3 MB too big for an diablo initfs image? I'm not sure how the partition table layout stuff is handled properly.14:04
zapoh my, complete N810 emulation14:05
zapqwerty12: maybe you hit the limit on the mtdblock partition size reserved for initramfs14:05
qwerty12zap, Could have done. My N800 keeps restarting now after it's booted. I'm just disabling the lifeguard.14:06
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hrwqwerty12: initfs is 4M with diablo14:07
zapah, nokia keeps the drivers on initfs, so the limit should be high14:08
hrwzap: not complete - no wifi, bt14:08
hrwqwerty12: and diablo initfs is 2.3M iirc14:09
hrw2.2M to be exact14:09
qwerty12Ah, ok, thanks. I'll try a ripped one.14:09
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zapno wifi yes, but you don't have to wear out the internal flash memory to test a new debug build of your software14:11
zapif course, if your software doesn't want wifi, bt, dsp14:11
qwerty12Is an erase block of 128 correct?14:11
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hrwqwerty12_N800: it is14:23
hrwqwerty12_N800: look at /proc/mtd output14:24
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qwerty12_N800hrw: thank you, i thought i was using wrong value14:24
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bef0rdmy crappy amd is going to explode14:33
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* qwerty12_N800 takes the time to laugh at my friend who watches what i have dubbed as computer porn. computers with the case open and smoke coming out of the processor. 14:35
bef0rdthat reminds me, the cpu cooler of this box is broken..14:36
bef0rdif it doesn't have cooling, does that make it work slower?14:37
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qwerty12_N800hrw: just a note, in emulated n800, you can  set gconf value /system/osso/af/keyboard-attached to be true to stop hildon-input-method coming up and middle button on dpad to act as proper return14:41
lcukqwerty12_N800, thats not computer porn, its smoking hot computer porn14:42
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hrwqwerty12_N800: good to know14:45
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qwerty12_N800(well, i lie. I haven't done it in emulated n800, but it works on real device)14:46
liridoes the N810 has the folding leg to tilt it standing on a table?14:46
qwerty12_N800I believe it does14:46
bef0rdyes, it does14:48
liriuhmm ok14:48
liriI'm still undecided between the N80 and N81014:49
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bef0rdn800 is way cheaper14:49
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liriwell the difference for me would be about $10014:50
bef0rdyou could get a couple of 16gbs microsd with that :P14:51
* jott could not live without a internal hw keyboard14:52
lirimicrosd is for N800 or N810?14:52
bef0rdohm let me check heh14:52
lirithe N810 also has the gps built-in14:52
qwerty12_N800Tbh, the gps isn't great14:52
bef0rdnn810 uses minisd14:53
liriis that msdhc?14:54
hrwliri: sdhc is technology not size14:55
lcukthe gps inside the n810 is brilliant, it shows "no signal" clearly and cheerfully every single time i use it.14:55
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hrwdevice with 2.6.21+ kernel and any SD slot can usually run sdhc cards too. never mind is this sd, minisd, microsd14:55
lirilcuk: so the gps is bad on the n810?14:56
bef0rdlol lcuk14:56
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bef0rdI've never been able to use it, but I've heard from others here that is not that bad14:56
qwerty12_N800liri: i think you can take that as a yes14:56
jottliri: the fix times *can* be quite long. the gps position is "ok".14:56
bef0rdat least it works for them14:56
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jott(differ from 1 min to 10 min when you are not moving)14:57
lcukliri, your mileage may vary - literally some people dont seem to have a problem, whilst others wait for eternity for a lock - its better in diablo apparantly but gps isnt a priority so the upheaval14:57
bef0rdit depends on your country I suppose14:57
liriI see14:57
jotti mean some people try to get a fix in a faraday cage and complain ;)14:57
liriwell gps is important to me so I'd like to know14:58
bef0rdwhere are you located liri?14:58
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liribef0rd: Israel14:59
RST38hinside a tank or out?14:59
liriinside a car14:59
jottwith lead hardening? ;)15:00
RST38hand how long does your gps take to lock on satellites?15:00
bef0rdI guess that you could ask on if there are other users from Israel with a N810, and what's their experience with gps15:01
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KhertanX-Fade> it seems to be something else ... failed :(15:02
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liriwell thats' pointless15:02
liriI'd like to know if the GPS is good or bad. if it's bad then maybe it works on Israel but on a trip to somewhere in Europe it may fail... well that's out of the question15:03
KhertanX-Fade > parsechangelog/debian: error: badly formatted trailer line, at file debian/changelog line 515:03
Khertandpkg-buildpackage: unable to determine source package is15:03
Khertanparsechangelog/debian: error: badly formatted trailer line, at file debian/changelog line 515:03
RST38hliri: There is a solution15:03
rm_youliri: just get an n800 and then buy a standalone gps unit15:03
RST38hliri: if your internal gps is "bad" you can always buy an external gps15:03
KhertanX-Fade > do u have activated something about the changelog ? as mine isn't really compliant yet :)15:04
RST38hit will work with either n810 or n80015:04
rm_youright but n800 is better :P15:04
rm_youcheaper AND better! total win15:04
lcukliri, it doesnt fail, it just takes longer to get a lock than other dedicated gps units.  as i said it now includes a-gps which allows prespecifying a rough location which DOES appear to help15:04
liriright but the whole point is that the GPS is integrated with the device. if the plan is to buy an external GPS then I might as well go with the N80015:04
rm_youliri: exactly :P15:04
liridamn it15:05
liriI'm all confused! :)15:05
lcukso's the gps unit15:05
* rm_you is saying you should get an N800 :P15:05
lcukit has to stop and ask for directions15:05
lcuk810 keyboard and form factor is a winner for me15:06
Khertansame thing here15:06
lcuki didnt even consider the 800 because it was a pda15:06
bef0rdgotta agree kb is a ++15:06
lcuk810 looks and feels likea computer15:06
lirithe N810 is only capable for MiniSD cards though isn't it?15:07
RST38h1 minisd card slot15:07
bef0rdyep, + internal 2gb card15:07
* lcuk hates compromising limited screen estate with keyboard for real usage scenarios - of course for some things an osk is useful;15:07
liriI could only find those in 4gb sizes and they cost like an 8gb SD card15:08
lcuk1 mini slot, but micro->mini adapters let you use any micro15:08
bef0rdomg it seems like qemu actually compiled15:08
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rm_youlcuk / liri: versus 16G sd cards for like $4015:09
rm_youfor a total of 32gb storage for fairly cheap15:10
rm_youvs... like 10g total on an n81015:10
rm_younot acceptable :(15:10
lcukits not that bad - i dont have a usage pattern which needs 32gb of flash15:11
hrwmicrosd are up to 8GB now...15:12
lcuki have a single 1gb expansion - 3gb total15:12
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lcukand it works15:12
RST38hlcuk: You are not compiling qt+webkit on your tablet?15:12
bef0rdi've 8gb, but can't fit 3 seasons of the office there :P15:12
rm_youi've got 20gb currently, will upgrade soon when i get money15:12
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rm_youto full 32gb15:13
lcukhahahahah no - i dont have / space for that - and im lacking autotools15:13
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rm_youand when flash gets way cheaper, will go to 64gb :P15:13
RST38hrm_you: what do you do with the previous cards though? =)15:13
bef0rdoh yea, I wish / was bigger :/15:13
rm_youRST38h: one made its way into my laptop, one is now a flash drive, care of a $3 usb cardreader thing15:14
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rm_youbef0rd: use root-on-sd :P15:14
jotthrw: for the record, qemu boots n810 fine here :)15:14
rm_youi am! / is 4g15:15
bef0rdrm_you, root-on-sd? sd as the internal sd or the minisd?15:16
rm_youbef0rd: oh right you have n810? >_>15:16
jotthrw: do you know if it is possible to show the cursor in qemu without touching Xomap?15:16
rm_youbef0rd: in that case, i guess internal? which would limit you to 2g :/ but better than the standard15:17
rm_youwouldnt want to do it on the external card, since you only have one slot >_>15:17
bef0rdheh yea15:18
* jott has / on the internal 2gb card on his n81015:18
bef0rdjott, so, you dont use at all the 'standard' / partition, right?15:19
jottjust as a "rescue partition"15:19
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jotti could not go with the pain of only having 256mb on my root partition.15:23
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bef0rdhah yea, I ran out of space pretty soon too15:24
hrwjott: I booted n810 here few hours ago ;D15:25
hrwjott: change theme in maemo to one with cursor15:25
jottthought maybe qemu could just show my host x cursor :)15:25
* bef0rd just installed qemu / head15:25
bef0rdhrw, have you got a manual with the steps required to bood diablo?15:26
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jottbef0rd: you can basically follow
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jott(the poky-nokia800-flashutil part)15:27
bef0rdthanks jott15:27
jottyou need to double the initfs size in the script too15:27
jott(for diablo)15:27
rm_youooo, someone just emailed me about some Affordable Wenches :P15:27
rm_youanyways, night folks :P15:28
jottrm_you: wet^H^H^H sweet dreams :P15:28
X-Faderm_you: Shouldn't that be: Morning? :)15:28
rm_youX-Fade: no, my schedule is broken :P15:28
rm_youjott: are you going to OSiM?15:29
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jottno don't want to pay that much :/15:29
X-Fadejott: Nokia might want to sponsor that.15:29
rm_youok, i think they are paying my way in15:29
X-Fadejott: IIRC that was the idea.15:29
rm_youwe'll see15:29
hrwah.. I need to push updated script15:29
jottX-Fade: quim said only in conjuction with travel sponsorship :(15:29
rm_youbut since jott didn't need sponsorship to get to berlin / stay there, he didnt sign up :/15:30
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X-Fadejott: Are you sure. I remember something about a wiki page.15:30
hrwI can pay for my hotel/travel but I will not attend osim15:30
jottX-Fade: that's what he told me on irc atleast..15:30
X-Fadejott: Ok, first hand info is better.15:30
bef0rdI've been broken since I bought the N81015:30
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jottmaybe nokia has some spare tickets left :)15:31
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jotti bet they just ordered like 50-100 tickets :)15:31
rm_youjott: well, if I *don't* go to OSiM, we'll have time to hang out and code or something, cause I already booked my flight to arrive on Tuesday <_<15:31
rm_youjott: I dont think they've ordered tickets yet15:31
jottyeah, we can also do some sightseeing ;)15:32
rm_youthe emails said that we needed to be on the wiki page by the first week of august15:32
rm_youso they would know how many they needed to buy tickets for15:32
rm_youyeah that too :P15:32
jotthm yeah..well maybe keep an eye on it.15:33
jottwe could also host the maemo community stand ;)15:33
* rm_you imagines pictures around berlin: "This is me coding at Berlin's #1 nightclub." "This is me coding by a nifty river." "This is me coding on the train to (insert place here)."15:33
jotti did it for one day at linuxtag, was quite funny ;)15:34
rm_youheh yeah, could be fun15:34
rm_youI may actually have to get those pictures just for awesomeness15:35
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rm_youok well, srsly, sleep. :)15:36
* rm_you sleeps15:37
* jott waves15:38
jotthrw: there is a hidden option --show-cursor for qemu :)15:42
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GreyFoxxYay, finally have a n810 that actually powers on!15:42
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hrwGreyFoxx: upgraded to 51.3 or diablo?15:43
GreyFoxxthough it appears I have a problem with the internal drive15:44
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GreyFoxxlooks like something is a little borked with the filesystem on that partition15:45
bef0rdinternal sd?15:45
GreyFoxxfresh out of the box15:45
bef0rdyou need to repartition it15:45
bef0rdI had to15:45
jottnokia really messed up there.15:45
bef0rdAccording to GeneralAntilles that happens to everybody15:45
jottto me too atleast15:45
bef0rdyou can plug it to your computer, backup your files, and repartition it with Gparted15:46
jottswitched to ext3 and moved root over to it ;)15:46
bef0rdOT: I CAN'T believe this girl is 16 :|15:48
GreyFoxxI'm copying the contents off now15:48
GreyFoxxthen I'll drop and readd the partition15:48
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bef0rdjott, do you have rotation enabled atm?15:49
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jottbef0rd: on the real device you mean, i suppose? yes.15:51
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bef0rdI'm not blaming you :P, but I flashed with your chinook kernel last time, and got several crashes with rotation enabled. i.e I rotated the screen in 'portrait' mode, then changed the theme, and things started to behave strangely, some dialogs appeared with big fonts, and the device stopped working after a while, and rebooted15:53
jotthm never happened to me15:54
jottbut sounds more like an hildon issue ;)15:54
bef0rdyea, it could have been something else, I had a lot of stuff installed :P gonna give it another try.15:55
jottunder diablo atleast changing the theme works while rotated15:55
jott(just tried)15:56
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bef0rdcan you drag the 'menu' bar to the bottom of the screen?15:56
bef0rdI used to do that too :P15:56
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KhertanHop ... hostel and flight confirmed !15:59
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bef0rdbath time16:00
hrwlunch time16:01
jotthmm good idea hrw16:01
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KhertanX-Fade > are you here ?16:48
Khertani ve two problem :)16:48
Khertanmine :)16:48
Khertanand editing the wiki ...16:48
Khertanmaybe you can help me with the second one ?16:48
X-FadeKhertan: 1 is french date again.16:50
X-FadeAnd 2?16:50
KhertanX-Fade > 1) i say me ... not my upload :)16:51
KhertanX-Fade > saving page in wiki is a bit unreliable ...16:51
Khertani get many time a web page ... with only one line of text : "crap..."16:51
X-FadeKhertan: Same server as Upgrade is coming at the end of the month.16:51
Khertani m not talking about slowness ...16:52
Khertanhumf ... maybe related ...16:52
Khertanwhen i think now :)16:52
X-FadeKhertan: Blank page?16:52
Khertanblank page with the text : crap...16:52
bef0rdlol, that's a very expressive error message16:52
Khertanstrange, isn't it ?16:52
X-FadeTry the https version.16:53
X-FadeKhertan: I'm not sure who put it there. I think it was Ferenc.16:53
Khertan... :)16:55
Khertanguilty !16:55
* Khertan is trying to understand the wiki syntax ...16:55
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* Khertan don't understand why someone made something more complicated than a simple hyper text language markup16:56
* Khertan say : "and specially to do the same things"16:56
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hrwI like Markdown syntax - much easier then  html17:00
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Khertanhrw > Are you kidding?!17:04
* RST38h hates wiki syntax (for the record)17:05
RST38hAnd any other proprietary syntax too17:05
* brontide hates wiki *table* syntax17:07
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aspecthtml is horrid to write. mediawiki's not my favourite wiki (I hardly qualify it as such given its complexity) but I find wiki syntax of eg moinmoin and dokuwiki quite lovely17:08
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brontideKhertan: were you still looking for UI input on mcalendar?17:10
bef0rdhtml is easier than wiki17:10
bef0rdat least it makes sense17:10
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bef0rdthere are some stuff that can be done with mediawiki' wiki syntax that can't be done with plain HTML, I've seen some swtich / if statements17:11
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Khertanpffff 30min just to add my date of arrival and departure to the wiki ...17:12
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brontideTry rewriting the schedule page a few times... that's always a joy17:14
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brontideOne improperly placed /n and the whole thing goes to hell17:15
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Khertanbrontide > lol17:18
Khertanbef0rd > yes with html we can do less crappy results :)17:19
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hrwKhertan: I use markdown for 3-4 years now17:22
brontideAt least I've never gotten the "Crap..." message after doing 15-30 minutes worth of work17:23
RST38haspect: HTML is just fine17:23
RST38hAlthough I have nothing against shortcuts like autoconverting asterisks to <LI>s etc17:23
hrwRST38h: especially when you like to have few <p> <strong> <em> <ol> <ul> itp?17:24
RST38hBut coming up with yet *another* markup language is stupid17:24
hrwwith markdown I just enter text and **strong** it or *em*17:24
RST38hhrw: I am ok with an extension like this, no problem17:24
RST38hhrw: Even LaTeX has some of these17:24
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aspectRST38h: as far as I'm concerned, wiki is just a bunch of such shortcuts that are human readable in source form. Complex layout like mediawiki supports is probably best avoided ... 95% of the time I don't need it anyway17:25
aspectheadings, lists, emphasis styles, code blocks, rules .. there's most of the rich formatting I ever use and I can write documents in vim17:26
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GreyFoxxAnyone here covert videos for watching on their n810 that can recommend an app or script for it ?17:35
brontideIn my mac i've used Handbrake for DVD's17:36
GreyFoxxahhh they have a convertor right on the nokia page *slaps self for not googling first*17:36
GreyFoxxThat has an n810 option?  Cool.... I have handbrake on a mac right here I can try17:36
GreyFoxxI'd prefer writing up a commandline script for it, but I need to know the optimum bitrate/resolution/etc info17:37
brontideI just used custom options.  mpeg4 500 , mp3 128 no bigger than 400x24017:37
brontidein an avi17:37
brontideYou can probably go up to 800 on video if quality is a concern17:38
GreyFoxxwell I'll go the max it can handle :)17:38
brontideI haven't pushed that hard17:38
GreyFoxxand by 800 I assume you mean bitrate and not resolution :)17:38
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brontideFor best viewing, resolution should never exceed 400x240 so it can be played back at full framerate17:39
brontide( for now )17:39
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timelessso, there's actually a command line tool for that17:44
bef0rdThere are a couple of scripts/apps at to convert media files17:44 should find the one i'm thinking of17:45
timelessyes, hi :)17:45
GreyFoxxI've got a ffmpeg line processing a file now to try, but I'll check those out as well17:45
qwerty12_N800hi timeless :)17:45
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qwerty12_N800crashanddie__: woot, welcome to the uk :D17:50
crashanddie__thank you :)17:50
aquatixhow was your move?17:50
aquatixor is? :)17:50
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crashanddie__took a bit longer than I expected, but here I am, I'm good17:50
crashanddie__Plane was delayed, got utterly lost in the tube/train system17:51
hrwcrashanddie__: manchester?17:51
crashanddie__I'm in Lewisham, about 10 minutes from Bromley17:51
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t_s_ointeresting, the mauku page says they would release a version this week with twitter support, but i cant say i have seen any trace of it yet...17:52
crashanddie__picked up a couple of adapters to be able to give my laptop some juice, same for the NIT and some other stuff17:52
crashanddie__Damnit, moving between countries *is* troublesome17:52
qwerty12Hehe, was a while since I've been in Bromley. Shopping centre's decent but my favourite one is in Manchester, the Trafford centre.17:52
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crashanddie__qwerty12, there's other things, more interesting, than a shopping centre in Bromley ;)17:53
t_s_ocrashanddie__: especially crossing the atlantic...17:53
qwerty12crashanddie__, Haha, true :P17:53
crashanddie__lcuk, hey, bro, you around ?17:53
hrwcrashanddie__: close to OH office ;)17:53
crashanddie__hrw, exactly :P17:53
hrwqwerty12: which shopping centre?17:54
* hrw was in bromley once17:54
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qwerty12hrw, Can't remember the name :/, it's the one with the Virgin music store towards the entrance iirc17:54
hrwwhere it was?17:54
crashanddie__You know, yesterday, I arrived around 9PM in Lewisham... Little did I know that Lewisham station is in fact 2 miles from where I am now... Anyway, around 10PM, I arrive finally at the house, no one... Not a soul... I was stuffed. Got a cab, found a hotel, came back today... After questioning the neighbours for hours in order to find a phone number to get hold of someone, I finally managed to bribe a cute mother-of-two wi17:56
crashanddie__th flattery, until she coughed up the number I needed17:56
lcukcrashanddie, im at work just finishing up - going up to lates etc for the weekend17:56
crashanddie__lcuk, oh, right :)17:56
lcukare you under a proper roof?17:57
crashanddie__lcuk, Oh well, have a nice weekend... I'll probably get heavily to work on combining my current projects with liqbase17:57
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lcukyou are gonna play :D17:57
crashanddie__lcuk, yeah, I am good, the house is awesome, the kitchen is big, I got a nice room with view on the garden, I'm really feeling it nicely17:58
qwerty12That's good to hear :)17:58
lcuki wish you had told me sooner - i wouldv steered the dev version towards a pair of targets instead of just mine17:58
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Khertan_n810x-fade> you said that the date is stille wrong in the .changes file but the last uploaded for homecalendar seems good for me17:59
crashanddie__From what I gathered, I'll be living with a german guy (he'll be able to dust off my german before the summit), and some polish girl17:59
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lcukcrashanddie__, i tohught your tale was gonna end in woe for a minute there :) glad you are under a roof17:59
crashanddie__lcuk, it takes a bit more than just bad timing to get me down :P17:59
lcukheh - i have a spare tent as well - apparantly mine isnt needed this weekend :D18:00
crashanddie__I would've coded a roof in C++ if needed18:00
* lcuk has rubber pants though :S18:00
crashanddie__btw, I'm an idiot18:00
crashanddie__I forgot to forward the irc bouncer port on my router18:00
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lcukyou knob - hack it18:00
crashanddie__tried using an ssh tunnel18:00
crashanddie__think I'll have to activate the "flick the power switch" hack18:01
lcukisyou should have left it a trigger18:01
* Khertan_n810 think he will be dumb at summit with this poor englizsh18:01
lcukcrashanddie, open sesame18:01
crashanddie__Khertan_n810, j'traduirai pour toi, t'inquiête18:01
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crashanddie__btw, there's sooo many french people in the UK18:01
crashanddie__it's amazing, really !18:01
lcukKhertan_n810, :) your english is not important - we can work around language barriers with signlanguage and beer18:01
Khertan_n810i can understand it if rate is slow ...18:01
lcukget working on a speech to text converter18:02
crashanddie__btw, beer lubricates your brain, after drinking a bit, you'll understand both english and sign language a lot better18:02
lcukcrashanddie has the gstreamer code for listening to the mic18:02
Khertan_n810but noone understand my spain cow english talking accent18:02
crashanddie__Khertan_n810, that's something only french people can understand18:02
Khertan_n810i know18:03
lcukif you think your accent is bad: how the hell are people gonna understand northern18:03
crashanddie__lcuk, we don't18:03
qwerty12lcuk so true18:03
crashanddie__lcuk, it's just we're lucky we had a video of ya, so we could play it 3 or 4 times18:03
lcuk.|.. just go fsck yourselves :P:P18:03
crashanddie__lcuk, I only understood that was someone talking the 3rd or 4th time I watched the video18:03
qwerty12Nah, sometimes, my northern accent comes out. But only sometimes :P18:04
crashanddie__qwerty12, we don't care, you won't be there :P18:04
* Khertan_n810 set language.replace('english','python')18:04
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lcukat least you arent going to the summit qwerty12 i couldnt do with you snickering in the audience18:04
MoRpHeUzanybody here going to akademy ?18:04
* qwerty12 mashes up crashanddie__ east london style and steals his tickets18:04
lcukcrashanddie__, you will be there wont you?18:05
qwerty12lcuk, hehe18:05
crashanddie__qwerty12, which ticket ?18:05
crashanddie__qwerty12, btw, you're 15, I eat 3 guys like you for breakfast18:05
lcukanyway, ive got an hour to sort out my stuff, gotta finish romans (i only started this morning)18:05
qwerty12bruv, don't mess, i'll still bang you out :P18:05
lcukshould i tell my boss that romans were not built in a day?18:06
crashanddie__romans ?18:06
lcukyer, roman blind calculations18:06
lcukdont ask18:06
qwerty12tell him many hands make light work so get of your ass and help18:07
qwerty12and then watch as you are out of a job18:07
lcukuh huh18:08
lcukanyway, today has been a much more relaxing good day - cow orker is on holiday18:08
lcukill speak to you guys on ummm sunday night or somethin18:08
qwerty12lcuk, bribe the local mafia and make it a final holiday for that guy *evil grin*18:08
lcuklocal mafia?  bez and the happy mondays you mean18:09
lcukcyas later18:09
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qwerty12so crashanddie__, have you appreciated the range of takeaways we have in London?18:10
crashanddie__not yet18:10
crashanddie__but I sure smelled a few18:10
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crashanddie__I just stopped at tesco's and got myself a sandwich, couldn't be bothered to wait/search for food18:11
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crashanddie__my legs are killing me, and god, am I happy I have the n810 with GPS18:11
crashanddie__that thing is a frigging life saver18:11
qwerty12The GPS actually worked?18:11
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crashanddie__yeah, it did18:12
t_s_owoho, seems like the tablet is triggering some kind of "loop" in my desktops kernel. it seems to not give up trying to read one of the SD cards even tho it just errors...18:13
qwerty12Hehe, I really must try and use hcitool to pair my navman gps that I got :/18:13
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bef0rdhah, so it *works*18:14
qwerty12There's a first time for everything...18:15
bef0rdmaybe it has a sensor that knows when you are lost, and then it starts working18:15
crashanddie__hrw, btw, I still didn't get anything from the OH guys... This is starting to feel as if they just couldn't care less18:16
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crashanddie__bef0rd, maybe you just need to know how to use it properly18:16
jottthe sweat on crashanddie__ worked like an extra antenna :)18:16
crashanddie__well, that could be true18:16
crashanddie__cuz I was sweaty as hell18:16
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qwerty12I can't decide if global warming is good or bad. When I was in Halifax, it was actually warm! :O18:19
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bef0rdit's bad.18:20
jottit's 33C here, thats way too hot.18:21
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Khertan_n81034 here18:21
Khertan_n810too hot too !18:21
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summatusmentisit's bad, Maine doesn't need _more_ mosquitoes18:21
qwerty1222C according to the gnome time applet18:21
aquatix23C according to the same18:22
* aquatix has his window open18:22
aquatixit was unbearable yesterday18:22
nemo!w 2000118:22
aquatixbef0rd: where is that?18:22
bef0rdBogota, Colombia18:23
nemooh. this isn't the channel with the weather bot18:23
aquatixbef0rd: is it `winter' with you?18:23
GreyFoxxqwer: Halifax, Nova Scotia ?18:23
Khertan_n810Rah build still failed !!!!18:23
qwerty12GreyFoxx: Halifax, W.Yorkshire, Uk18:24
GreyFoxxAhhh ok :)18:24
bef0rdaquatix, yep, but its sunny today :P18:24
qwerty12I love the water there, tastes clean compared to London one :)18:24
aquatixqwerty12: don't drink the Tames!18:24
aquatix[just thought i'd warn you ;) ]18:25
nemo11:25 < nemo> !w 2000118:25
nemo11:25 < FiT-Bot> Washington, District of Columbia; Updated: 11:18 AM EDT (August 01, 2008); Conditions: Partly Cloudy;  High/Low: 92/74°F (33/23°C); Humidity: 70%; UV: 8/16; Pressure: 29.75 in/1007.3 hPa; Wind: East18:25
nemoyou guys need to get one of those :)18:25
* aquatix likes the water where he lives18:25
aquatixtastes better than stuff like Spa18:25
aquatixnemo: i already have :)18:26
qwerty12FFS, "Unpacking kernel image to file 'zImage'..., zImage: Permission denied"18:26
hrwcrashanddie__: lot of things going in OH now18:26
nemobef0rd: 14°C not 14ºc  :-p18:26
crashanddie__hrw, I can understand that. But I don't think a simple "thanks for your application, we'll get back to you as soon as possible" really takes days :P18:27
jott$33\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ :P18:28
aquatixi really need a tex2irc thingee18:29
aquatixtyping equations would be awesome that way18:29
jottaquatix: kopete supports latex expressions :)18:29
aquatixhm :)18:29
aquatixtoo bad it needs a gui ;)18:29
aquatixbut that kinda is the point18:30
aquatixi prefer sticking with gtk stuff though18:30
chmacDoes the n810 have iptables?18:30
aquatixiirc, there's a pidgin latex thingee18:30
chmacI was thinking to use it as a wireless gateway... :)18:30
aquatixirssi rocks for irc stuff though18:30
aquatixchmac: :)18:30
aquatixchmac: you know, that's an awesome idea18:30
* aquatix could hook it up to his umts phone and rebroadcast the connection18:31
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jottaquatix: yeah indeed irssi is great18:31
qwerty12aquatix: change that uiq phone to an s60 one and get something joikuspot :P18:31
aquatixqwerty12: i know :)18:31
chmacaquatix: I'm staying in a hotel with wifi. So we've paid for one connection (me and my brother)18:31
aquatixe71 sounds nice18:31
aquatixchmac: ah :)18:31
chmacI've shared it via a virtual wireless device on my laptop, but if I could do the same on the tablet, oh it would be splendid! :)18:31
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qwerty12Sony Ericsson phones are appealing less and less to me now...18:32
aquatixchmac: should've brought your wireless router ;)18:32
aquatixah, heheh18:32
aquatixqwerty12: yeah, they shouldn't have cancelled the P5 :(18:32
chmacaquatix: lol, I did! :)18:32
chmacI travel with one18:32
aquatixqwerty12: was kinda wanting it18:32
qwerty12aquatix: was the P5 beibei or paris?18:32
chmacBut with the wireless router I have to connect my laptop to the access point, then ethernet to the wifi router, which is one more device that needs power, and the ethernet cable is dodgy18:33
summatusmentisqwerty12: the most recent version of dsp-sbc includes a zImage. I don't need to flash a new kernel do I?18:33
chmacSo the virtual interface bridge option works like a charm, I'm most pleased with myself! :)18:33
aquatixbeibei was the g series i thought?18:33
qwerty12oh shit. Beibei looks fugly, sony ericcsson must have been retarded...18:33
qwerty12aquatix: no idea, haven't kept up with the releases in a while :)18:33
aquatixg702 and g90218:33
qwerty12summatusmentis: you only need to flash it if you want to be able to change dsp speed on the fly18:33
qwerty12(without recompiling a new kernel each time that is...)18:34
summatusmentisso it's rather beneficial to do so18:34
chmacaquatix: Does the n810 have iptables by default? Or is it an add on?18:34
qwerty12summatusmentis: I've got a kernel with that patch that also has the 48Mhz MMC speed and rotation on itt as well if you are interested18:35
aquatixqwerty12: g900 and g700 phones18:35
qwerty12aquatix: ah18:35
summatusmentisqwerty12: I would be, yes :)18:35
aquatix <- quite ok18:35
jottwoot! a thunderstorm is coming! hope it gets a bit cooler soon.18:35
aquatixchmac: dunno, can check18:35
chmacaquatix: The command iptables is not found on my n81018:35
aquatixchmac: try iptables as root btw18:35
aquatixthen it isn't there by default ;)18:36
aquatixqwerty12: but touch screen phones with qwerty are my fav now18:36
* Khertan_n810 will paid for a good storm and 10C less18:36
aquatixso the nokia e71 would be a step back18:36
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aquatixKhertan_n810: can imagine18:36
aquatixKhertan_n810: thunderstorms suck though ;)18:37
summatusmentisis gcc working on the tablets?18:37
Khertan_n810no ...18:37
chmacAnyone know how to provide dnsmasq with a new set of nameservers on the fly?18:37
chmacWhen I look at /etc/resolv.conf it only contains normally18:37
Khertan_n810summa*> yes18:37
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summatusmentisKhertan_n810: do I need to do anything special? is it in extras?18:37
chmacIt seems like when wlan0 comes up, the nameservers are written somewhere else, and dnsmasq takes them from there18:38
Khertan_n810not in extras ...18:38
chmacI'm not sure how to reconfigure that on the fly though18:38
Khertan_n810but look on itt18:38
aquatixqwerty12: SE really should release a P5/Paris like phone with a faster cpu18:38
Khertan_n810some have made a wlakthrought18:38
qwerty12aquatix: and s60 touch *evil grin*18:38
aquatixif it's compatible with my addressbook and agenda18:38
aquatixand most of my apps18:39
qwerty12tbh,  uiq doesn't have much except for the hacked walkman 3 going for it18:39
aspectchmac: there should be an /etc/dnsmasq.conf ... from memory it uses /etc/resolv.dnsmasq by default, and takes a HUP to reconfigure itself18:39
aquatixit has nice themes :) [if you look hard enough]18:39
jottchmac: its in /tmp/resolv.conf.$IF18:39
aquatixqwerty12: and touch screen rocks18:39
qwerty12Meh, I can live without a touch screen :)18:39
aquatixdepends on the gui, but ok18:40
aquatixbrowsing in opera mobile rocks with touch screen18:40
Khertan_n810error: badly formatted trailer line, at file debian/changelog line 518:40
aquatixnokia e71 looks nice though18:40
Khertan_n810what is the trailer line ?18:40
qwerty12I still <3 the E90. I wonder if N-Gage platform was cracked for that phone...18:40
jottKhertan_n810: the line with your french date? :)18:40
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Khertan_n810rah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:41
chmacjott: Thanks, I'd never have found that :)18:41
Khertan_n810dumb i am !!!!!!!!18:41
aquatixqwerty12: e90 is nice indeed18:42
chmacjott: Now where do I make a note to remember for next time, that's the question! :)18:42
aquatixbit too bulky as phone for me18:42
Khertan_n810py2deb take the wrong file !18:42
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jottchmac: grep resolv /etc/dnsmasq.conf ? :)18:42
hrwhave a nice weekend guys18:43
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chmacjott: Ahh, cunning, I hadn't thought of doing it that way18:43
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aquatixqwerty12: <- e90 is larger18:43
qwerty12aquatix: features make up for it :)18:43
aquatix <- e71 is interesting18:44
qwerty12My P1i is still dead, I never bothered to buy setool credits to fix it, I should knock it on ebay...18:44
aquatixqwerty12: true, it's neat18:44
aquatixqwerty12: how dead?18:44
qwerty12aquatix: It won't recognise GDFS part of flash and CCPU part fails to flash :/18:45
Khertan_n810jott > thx u force me to verify all file !18:45
Khertan_n810so i ve found my mistake18:45
qwerty12aquatix: E71 is interesting...18:46
jottbut e71 only has 320x240 resolution :/18:46
bef0rdqwerty12, did you break it flashing it or something?18:47
aquatixjott: yups18:47
Khertan_n810and mainly doesn t have maemo18:48
qwerty12bef0rd: Yeah, I have a lot of experience with flashing sony ericsson phones but the flash system on the P1i has me stumped :/18:48
aquatixit would be cool if they finally start cramping vga screens in such phones18:48
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jotti wonder why there is so less demand for 640x480 displays...18:48
aquatixqwerty12: m600i flashing worked fine18:48
jotti mean, they are on the market for ages.18:48
aquatixqwerty12: colleague with a p1i is happy too18:48
qwerty12aquatix: But this one decided to kill itself one day :)18:48
aquatixjott: price?18:48
jottaquatix: nah, can't be price.18:49
ProteousI want a xwgbdasga screen18:49
aquatixjott: `the customer doesn't need it!'18:49
qwerty12aquatix: SEUS fails to recognise the phone too18:49
jottit's just most people don't care :)18:49
aquatixjott: yeah18:49
qwerty12Proteous: You too?!?18:49
Khertan_n810jott< because app are designed for less resolution and are useless on this device18:49
jottKhertan_n810: you could easily pixeldouble like winmobile crap.18:49
Khertan_n810640*480 iPack where useless18:49
Khertan_n810jott > do u have see the result18:50
jottonly in stores.18:50
jottthe apps there looked ok to me. but it probably differs on "real world" apps ;)18:50
Khertan_n810i understand now why u ask18:50
Khertan_n810default ms windows app is ok18:51
Khertan_n810but all third party don t work18:51
jotthaha that's ms style ;)18:51
jottbut in the end it shouldn't be a really big technical problem..18:52
Khertan_n810no api just require that you made an interface for all resolution18:52
jottso 2-3 lines of code for app developers?18:53
Khertan_n810and a dynamic one isn t easy to do18:53
jottlike xsp ;)18:53
Khertan_n810more like an other glade style file18:53
jottfor pixel doubling?!18:53
Khertan_n810as many app was made with rad18:53
Khertan_n810pixel doubling dont work for the ui18:54
jotti mean for full resolution it's clear that you need a layout manager and/or forms made for the resolution.18:54
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Khertan_n810many wiget don t double18:55
BinkyHiii everyone18:55
jottbleh crappy stuff as always.18:55
Khertan_n810yeah ! py2deb work again !18:55
Khertan_n810yes as always18:55
Khertan_n810don t think it better with gtk18:56
jottdid not use winmobile for long, my ipaq got much more "familiar" later on ;)18:56
jottqt has quite good layout managers.18:56
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BinkyAnyone uses minimo? I heard microb on OS2006 sucks, sucked and will suck forever (?)18:56
Khertan_n810yes ... gtk isn t so bad too...18:57
qwerty12Hehe, my Fujitsu Siemens ran linux rubbish. Didn't help that I'd managed to blow the backlight...18:57
Khertan_n810if i understand how it works18:57
chmacAvahi makes logging into my tablet via SSH a breeze. I do love mDNS... :)18:57
* Khertan_n810 still have problem with stylus keyboard and mCalendar resizing18:57
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Proteousdown with stylus keyboards!18:59
aquatixKhertan_n810: time for an n810? ;)18:59
Khertan_n810i ve an n81019:00
qwerty12FFS, My n800 sucks dick. I plug in the USB cable, my internal cards in use. lsof shows nothing on the mountpoint. Remove the cover, force close applications and it's still in use. Shove the card into the removable slot and the POS reboots.19:00
Khertan_n810but it s user reports :)19:00
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jottKhertan_n810: just run some n810 advertisment and get some extra money from nokia ;>19:02
Khertan_n810yeah but i come to summit19:02
jottgrr the thunderstorm did not really came through. :/19:02
Khertan_n810don t want to be insulting by some users19:02
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Khertan_n810ping ?19:03
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Khertan_n810hum connection drop while modest retrieving a mail, and now only half of the content could be displayed19:09
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Khertan_n810no way to refresh it ?19:10
qwerty12brb, mtdblock is playing games19:10
chmacaquatix: Turns out I do have iptables installed, but it's not in my PATH, it's /sbin/iptables19:10
aquatixooh :)19:11
chmacSo now to see if I can turn my n810 into a wifi router :)19:11
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Khertan_n810this could be a bad idea to make this easily to made19:12
Khertan_n810we will see many fake ap19:12
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Khertan_n810does an n810 will be accepted in a plane ?19:17
chmacTurns out the iptables package doesn't include nat routing, looks like I also need
hircusKhertan_n810: haven't had a problem with it yet19:18
crashanddie__Khertan_n810, I was using it the whole time19:18
qwerty12chmac: those modules won't work with the latest kernel. I believe Matan has the updated modules on his page19:19
hircusthey think of it as just another PDA: you have to turn it off at takeoff/landing19:19
crashanddie__Khertan_n810, the only thing they told me was to take off my earbuds during take-off/landing19:19
chmacqwerty12: I was just wondering if it would work, thanks :)19:19
Khertan_n810i m afraid that seeing nokia logo they let think that was a phone19:19
hircusof course, a fussy flight attendant might complain at the blinking lights :)19:19
Khertan_n810i have never mount in an commercial flight19:20
crashanddie__Khertan_n810 & hircus: they don't care about what it is, really... It could be a friggin playstation 18 and they wouldn't care... As long as it doesn't freeze the controls or kills the pilot mid-flight19:20
chmacqwerty12: This page?
Khertan_n810my first experience in a jet was in a mirage 319:20
qwerty12chmac: yep, that's the one. Good luck finding it :)19:21
chmaclol :)19:21
Kegetyswhen the plane is heading towards the ground the attendand will come and say "sir, could you please turn that device off so the pilot can re-gain control of the aircraft"19:21
brontideJust tell them it's in "Airplane" mode19:21
qwerty12Tell them it can get them girls19:21
Khertan_n810lol ... due to an software problem the sncf couldn t deliver any tickets !19:21
crashanddie__brontide, yesterday, they told me they didn't care about it being on or off, they just don't want me to wear earbuds during landing/takeoff19:22
crashanddie__which does make sense in a way19:22
chmacqwerty12: Hmm, I don't see it there. Might be more hassle than it's worth...19:22
crashanddie__Khertan_n810, pwned19:22
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hircuscrashanddie__: you'd think so, but safety is just one consideration19:22
Khertan_n810great for the day where there is the most travelers in the years19:22
qwerty12chmac: I believe it's the netfilter stuff19:22
hircusKhertan_n810: Mirage III -- really? as a pilot or in one of those pay-for-fun flights?19:22
chmacqwerty12: Ok, cool, thanks19:23
brontidecrashanddie__:  Actually it does, with the number of "always" on devices like ipod and such that you can't easily shut off19:23
crashanddie__brontide, true... I've always had a hard time believing all that stuff about cell phones in hospitals, or in the plane...19:24
Khertan_n810hircus > in one of this don t paid it s free as your uncle is in army :)19:24
crashanddie__I mean... If these guys can't build planes that are isolated against cell-phone/wifi frequencies... Why should I trust them with my life ?19:24
Kegetyscan I have your uncle?19:24
nemothey are just being paranoid19:24
brontideMy personal feeling is if planes/hospitals/.. can't deal with the #1 source of low wattage EM firlds we have a bigger problem19:24
chmacqwerty12: Any idea what I do with the tar file? It's a bunch of .ko files I think...19:24
brontidefields even19:24
crashanddie__brontide, exactly19:24
RST38hkegetys: you just need to enlist19:25
crashanddie__anyway, bbl, cheers19:25
KegetysRST38h: enlist for uncle?19:25
chmacI dare say I have to extract them somewhere on the n810... :)_19:25
Khertan_n810brontide > they can but it cost more, so they do the minimum19:25
nemocrashanddie__: anyway, if I had to guess, it isn't just about shielding, is about jamming19:25
qwerty12chmac: use insmod on them.19:25
jottchmac: insmod the right ones :)19:25
nemocrashanddie__: what if you interfere with tower communications?19:25
qwerty12iirc iptables can be pimped with modules19:25
chmacqwerty12: Hmm, ok, I'll get into that, firstly I'll figure out what insmod is and then go from there! :)19:25
nemocrashanddie__: they can shield the cockpit computers and speakers all they want...19:25
jottor put them in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ and run a depmod ;)19:25
brontidenemo: then nokia's going to have some 'spaining to do to the FCC19:26
nemobrontide: why? you're not supposed to be using it?19:26
RST38hhow would you interfere with tower comms?19:26
nemoRST38h: your RF is absorbed and reemitted at different scattered frequencies by bits of plain? dunno19:26
RST38hcompletely different set of frequencies19:26
nemoRST38h: see above19:26
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RST38hnemo: you are making stuff up19:27
nemoRST38h: sure. all speculation19:27
nemothey must have a reason though19:27
Kegetysits so that when things go wrong and the plane crashes or some life support equipment fails they can blame it on the guy who had his cell phone on19:27
Khertan_n810RST38h > a battery and a microwave 2000W capable device is enough19:27
brontidethis is the govt, they don't need reason or accountability19:27
RST38hthe reality is that the cell phone interference with avionics has not been confirmed19:27
nemooooh. avionics19:27
nemohow about cell interference with other RF in general? :)19:28
Kegetysafaik. a fast flying cell phone causes more trouble to the cell network underneath than the plane19:28
nemoKegetys: heard that one, but the airlines wouldn't care about that19:28
brontideThat's another pet peeve, one commercial microwave probably generates more EM "noise" than all the cell phone in the airport19:28
RST38hkegetys: cell tower antennas do not transmit up19:28
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nemoRST38h: googling it does seem an RF transmitter can cause harmonics on other frequencies19:28
Khertan_n810yep but i don t think microwaves is autorized :)19:29
RST38hso you can fly over them all you want19:29
KegetysRST38h: not directly up (by purpose) but the signals reach up anyway19:29
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brontidenemo: FCC tests and regulates the device to prevent just that sort of problem19:30
nemoI do know having a cell phone anywhere within a few metres of my computer speakers is annoying as hell19:30
hircusKhertan_n810: neat. I still rewatch "Les chevaliers du ciel" from time to time19:30
nemoI sure hope that doesn't happen to cockpit headphones19:30
nemobrontide: tests and regulates to prevent harmonics? :)19:30
Khertan_n810hircus > hehe19:30
brontideNokia would be in trouble if their devices were found to cause disruption to licences bands19:30
brontideand yes they do test19:30
Kegetysnemo: maybe if you take your phone next to the pilots headphones19:30
hircusRST38h: I thought there were isolated cases in the past, but modern planes are mostly well-insulated enough?19:30
hircusthe scary thing is, some airlines are going to put GSM transmitters on planes. so now we can have alpha-male traders yakking down their business on a long-distance overnight flight :(19:31
nemothat article implies astronomers aren't happy, and also that it is now allowed19:31
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nemoKegetys: first class isn't that far away, but hopefully cockpit has some shielding19:32
hircusnemo: yep, it is allowed. sad19:32
nemo"It pointed out that, as well as emitting radiation at their fundamental operating frequencies, cellphones leak radiation at integer multiples of these frequencies, called harmonics."19:32
nemo"The second harmonic happens to fall in a frequency band that reveals the molecular signature of newborn and dying stars and is among the 2% of frequencies in this part of the electromagnetic spectrum "reserved" for use by radio astronomers."19:32
nemopoor astronomers19:32
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nemobrontide: so. there you go. harmonics :-p19:33
Khertan_n810nemo > yep19:33
nemofor those mocking my poor knowledge of EF19:33
hircusnemo: any idea how reinforced steel interacts with radio transmission? US planes mostly have reinforced cockpit doors19:33
nemohircus: great. is rest of cockpit steel too? :)19:33
nemohircus: 'course, all that is needed is just some mesh19:33
nemoassuming it is there19:33
hircusnemo: nope :) but again, I don't think it's mostly a safety issue. it's mostly the airlines wanting you to use the expensive satphones19:34
jotti guess it is all about risk calculation. if there is the possibility (even with a low likelihood) that phones could cause some problems it goes into the equation. if its y > x then phones will be banned. new research changes parameters and hence y.19:34
nemohircus: well, I've offered several possible reasons, and it looks like cellphones really do emit on harmonic frequencies19:34
hircusthe NS article is a bit vague. which cell frequencies? GSM phones have three bands: 800, 1800, 190019:34
nemohircus: so seriously. given the cellphone doesn't work right with tower locks whipping by, turn the damn thing off19:34
Khertan_n810does all this discussion is made to affraid me to take a civil flight for the first time ?19:34
chmacAnyone know where depmod is to be found?19:34
nemohircus: 1800 and 1900 are virtually same for all intents and purposes19:34
brontidenemo: and astronomers can't see stars because of light pollution, it still does not make cell phone dangerous on planes19:35
qwerty12chmac: ask jott :P19:35
nemohircus: you could make an argument for 80019:35
hircusnemo: apart from the fact that it did work during 9/1119:35
chmacI can't find /sbin/depmod or /usr/sbin/depmod...19:35
hircusthough I guess the planes were flying slow19:35
nemohircus: in terms of slice of the EM spectrum19:35
chmacPerhaps reboot will be quicker :)19:35
jottchmac: :>19:35
hircusbrontide: radio astronomy, not affected by light pollution19:35
nemobrontide: at least they can move their observation somewhere where the towns aren't. harder to do with planes19:35
chmacjott: :)19:35
nemobrontide: aaaanyway. as I was pointing out. article also defends idea that cellphones interfere with frequencies outside their given ranges19:35
nemoand I don't think FCC can "control" that19:36
brontideall rf devices generate harmonics19:36
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chmacReboot it is then :)19:36
nemobrontide: right. so. folks should stop whining and turn their cell phones off. what's the big deal19:36
brontideit's the amount of harmonics that matters19:36
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hircusthe problem will be minimized, though, if onboard cell towers are used19:36
t_s_ohmm, didnt the mythbusters cover the topic of cellphones on a plane?19:36
nemofrankly, what makes me not want to fly in US is the draconian security measures19:36
Khertan_n810brontide > all electronical device generate harmonics !19:36
hircusmost phones are smart enough to use the minimal amount of transmit power, right? so if the signal from the tower is very clear, they'll dial back19:37
t_s_onemo: those draconian security seems to be spreading19:37
nemohircus: in air, all your tower signals will be weak :)19:37
hircusnemo: I'm talking about onboard cellular towers, though19:37
nemot_s_o: at least the public outrage over their interest in shock collars caused them to scramble back from that one19:37
hircusi.e., the airlines actually providing their own cellular roaming service19:37
t_s_osay what?19:37
nemohircus: ah. yeah. those are spreading19:38
Proteousgod no, I don't want to be on stuck on a plane with a bunch of n00bs talking loudly on cell phones!19:38
hircusmost of the plans to allow cell phones on board are like that. your phone will roam through the plane's service, and so they still take your money19:38
t_s_onemo: you have a link about those collars?19:38
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t_s_oah, thanks19:38
Kegetysforget talking, I need to irc19:38
Proteousmaybe some sort of no cell secion like the old smoking sections19:38
hircusthus my perception that it's a commercial, not safety issue. if the airline makes money they'll let you do anything safe. they don't care about radio astronomers -- or the passenger comfort :P19:38
nemot_s_o: they then went "we weren't really considering it you sillies"19:38
hircusI'm 5'4" and I find a lot of plane seats cramped :)19:39
nemot_s_o: I think the TSA is a testing ground for what americans will accept19:39
t_s_oheh, bracelets, not collars, but with the same basic effect...19:39
Proteousanal probes? check19:39
hircusProteous: or reverse that. have a cellphone section19:39
nemot_s_o: they also have a new ID program. if you pay them $$ and submit to intense scruitiny of your life, you can go in the special lane!19:39
hircusthat is noise-insulated19:39
nemot_s_o: you still get searched19:39
hircusnemo: oh yes, that lane is mostly empty too19:39
t_s_oand people wonder why i have no need to visit that contry...19:40
hircusis the ID screening less tight on that lane, or is the benefit mostly because less people use it?19:40
nemohircus: you just wave your special ID they give you19:40
hircusmy suspicion with that scheme is that you're giving away even more personal info to the govt19:40
nemohircus: I consider it a test program for national ID19:40
nemohircus: oh. my life is already an open book. I had to get a green card19:40
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nemoand a security clearance19:40
hircusnemo: ah. I'm a foreigner here too, so yes. the last time I entered the country last year, they have switched to 10-finger prints19:41
Kegetysand if you fail on something with the test you paid for, you'll get banned from flying for life? :P19:41
nemoof course, the clearance was made easier since the green card already had laid my life bare19:41
nemoKegetys: heh. no clue.19:41
chmacIf I dump files in /lib/modules/kernel/blah/ do I need to then load them, or will they be loaded automagically?19:41
t_s_osome of the comments on that /. story is interesting19:41
hircuschmac: you sitll have to load them19:41
chmacMaybe depmod will be quicker than a reboot :)19:41
nemoKegetys: has a stupid scientology-like name too19:41
nemoKegetys: http://www.flyclear.com19:41
hircust_s_o: which story? sorry, missed the URL19:41
hircuswhat the heck., it's not April 1st19:42
t_s_oit makes one wonder, sadly, if not the gun lobby is correct. a armed society makes for a polite society...19:43
hircusanyone here familiar with the Chinese tale "Journey to the West"? the monkey-god was restrained by the priest in the story using a restraining headband19:43
nemohircus: they just "expressed interest"19:43
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nemohircus: I seriously think they are testing what we'll accept :-p19:43
nemohircus: just like "oh, you don't want to do the full body scan that shows your naughty bits?" ok - we'll just detain you for half an hour for a real strip search. congrats!19:44
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hircuspower corrupts. reminds me of that Ursula K. LeGuin book, the Dispossessed, where children in an anarchist colony rediscovered police brutality when, out of curiosity, they role-played prisoner and guard19:45
skunkhi all19:45
nemot_s_o: whether they are right or not, just wish the other side would have the guts to submit a constitutional amendment19:45
nemot_s_o: just like the folks who feel the "illegal search and seizure" should not mean evidence obtained from illegal searches must be dropped.19:45
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nemot_s_o: they should submit and amendment too19:45
nemot_s_o: if so many people don't want guns, should be easy to strike down the 2nd.19:46
nemohircus: she lifted that from the stanford experiment eh.19:46
t_s_ooh, they want guns. just not in the hands of the criminals...19:46
chmacOk, so I've got the kernel modules from that file in /lib/modules/kernel/blah/19:47
chmacI've run depmod19:47
nemot_s_o: yes. that worked great in DC :)19:47
nemot_s_o: no criminals with guns here, noooo19:47
nemot_s_o: was hilarious. this spring they had DC chief of police on local radio show.19:47
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hircusnemo: she did, yes19:47
chmacBut I'm still getting "iptables v1.3.6: can't initialize iptables table `nat': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)"19:47
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chmacAnyone got any suggestions?19:47
hircusthe effect is more haunting when it's children that are doing it19:47
nemot_s_o: host was sympathetic, but he asked "how is this working out? Wasn't it just last week someone walked up to a police officer with a concealed handgun and shot them?"19:48
hircuschmac: modprobe the module19:48
nemot_s_o: her only response was that it'd be worse if they didn't have the ban in place. which maybe it would be. who knows.19:48
chmachircus: Any idea which module? There are tons in the tgz19:48
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hircuschmac: one sec19:48
qwerty12block2mtd sucks. mtdram ftw19:48
hircusthis is for iptables, right?19:48
nemot_s_o: but I can tell you the DC residents who were calling in with horror stories of personal assault didn't feel that way19:48
chmachircus: I'm trying to do nat routing for iptables, so I downloaded this file
nemot_s_o: (this was on Cojo's show if you're a local)19:49
nemot_s_o: on NPR19:49
chmacThen I dumped the files onto my tablet19:49
hircuschmac: try iptable_filter19:49
chmachircus: Ok, cool, thanks :)19:49
hircusthat's what's loaded on my Linux desktop that seems to pull all the other dependencies19:49
t_s_onot the least bit local, but sometimes i feel i have a better understanding of whats going on internally in usa, then internally here...19:49
nemot_s_o: that's just 'cause US broadcasts it more :)19:50
nemot_s_o: where from?19:50
nemogood english19:50
t_s_obut you would probably not say the same if it was spoken ;)19:51
hircust_s_o: the exception to the rule that oil-wealthy countries mismanage their wealth :)19:51
* qwerty12 has yet to find a person from a Nordic country that doesn't speak good english :)19:51
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t_s_ohircus: i dont think the locals would agree19:51
hircust_s_o: what are the major complaints?19:51
chmachircus: I can't find an iptable_filter in the tgz...19:51
t_s_othat all branches of local government is underfunded19:52
chmacWill all modules in /lib/modules/kernel/ be loaded by `depmod -a` ?19:52
hircust_s_o: heard of the government funding Norwegian students to study anywhere, which sounds nice19:52
hircuschmac: no, depmod does not load the module. modprobe or insmod does19:52
hircuslet me download the tarball and see19:52
jottchmac: i think you are looking for iptable_nat19:52
hircust_s_o: ah.19:52
chmacI get "insmod: cannot insert 'iptable_nat.ko': Unknown symbol in module (-1): No such file or directory"19:53
hircuschmac: using insmod or modprobe?19:53
t_s_ohircus: funded in the sense that you get a loan from the government...19:53
* qwerty12 notices uber slowness after "modprobe mtdram total_size=88888 erase_size=256"19:53
hircuschmac: insmod needs the fullpath. use 'modprobe iptable_nat'19:53
hircust_s_o: ah. what are the repayment terms, though? in the US it's horrible19:54
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chmachircus, jott: Ooooh, it seems to have worked, thanks a lot guys19:55
chmacNow for some testing19:55
t_s_ohard to tell, but they seem to always charge more interest then a bank would if you got one there19:55
chmacI'll have to pull my laptop offline while I mess around with it, I'll be back...19:55
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t_s_obut i guess one can see a problem when one of the biggest political parties battlecry is cheaper alcohol and fuel19:57
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Churlhi, can a n8x0 run things written in java?19:59
bef0rdyes and no20:00
t_s_ohmm, i think i recently read that someone had ported a javavm to the tablets...20:00
Churlwell, my friend is going to code up a game for me, what should she write it in?20:00
qwerty12 - Not perfect by any means though...20:00
Khertan_n810do u have see the job on maemo jobs news ?20:00
Khertan_n810it s seems that nokia is looking someone to make a pim ?20:01
bef0rdChurl, python + pygame?20:01
Churlhow bout c++?20:01
Churlshe likes that one best20:01
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bef0rdc++ / sdl ?20:01
t_s_oa lady with interest in c++? is she single? ;)20:02
qwerty12Churl: Is this your Girlfriend from last time? :)20:02
Churlthis wouldn't be the first time20:02
Churlill let her know, if you ask nice, she'll show you her math tattoos20:03
Churlim not joking20:03
qwerty12Hehe, for C++, I think there is
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Churl cool20:03
bef0rdshe would need to setup the maemo develover environment20:03
bef0rddoes she use linux? (winner question)20:03
qwerty12Oh shit, compiz messed up and my firefox window literally keeps dancing 0_o20:04
Churlneat, I think ill get her in here.20:04
Khertan_n810download the vmware applyance ... more easy to install :)20:04
Churlyeah, she's the best ever20:04
qwerty12Khertan_n810: vmware image uses xubuntu :P20:04
Khertan_n810i know20:04
t_s_o <- hmm...20:04
Churlshe loves xkcd too20:05
ChurlI got linked that one by her the other day20:05
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bef0rdhaha 457 is good to20:06
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Churlqwerty12: skmurphy says "hey"20:06
bef0rdChurl, are you running diablo or chinook?20:06
qwerty12Churl: Hehe, hey. Before I carry on, I add that I am not a developer :)20:07
t_s_obef0rd: i dont think the problem with those are the complexity, but that the big brain have shut down by the time one is attempting to open one...20:07
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Churlwe're gonna go get lunch, then be back to ask questions in full force, together!  thanks guys for the info. brb!20:08
bef0rdI solved one of those following instructions from a book >_>20:11
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qwerty12Yep, mtdram ftw. block2mtd is unsuitable for modifying initfs off a computer.20:16
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chmacOk, no joy so far. I think I'm missing something during the load module stage20:20
qwerty12Do a dmesg after inserting the modules and see if you are getting any errors20:21
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chmacqwerty12: Errors would be at the bottom of the output would they?20:22
chmacNot seeing anything that looks like an error20:22
t_s_ohmm, whats the default mode for the usb port on a N800 using diablo? i got some odd "error" here, but using usbcontrol to specifically set it to slave/perifial seems to have made it go away...20:24
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chmacqwerty12: Ok, getting somewhere. I modprobed everything in the tgz, now I see an error on dmesg20:28
chmacarp_tables: Unknown parameter `ipt_IDLETIMER'20:28
chmacHowever, I tried to modprobe that module first, before the ipt_IDLETIMER one, now I've modprobed the idletimer and the error one again20:28
chmacI only see the error once in dmesg, does that mean it's probably resolved now?20:28
chmacIs it a log file?20:28
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chmacOfftopic question, is there a way to `sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/etc` successfully?20:29
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chmacMaybe `sudo eval (echo 1 > /proc/sys/blah)` or something...20:29
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chmacDamn, I'm still not seeing any change to the output of `iptables -L` after running the relevant command20:31
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chmacOh well, time to leave this hack for another day I think, it's half past midnight here20:31
chmacThanks for all your help guys :)20:31
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bef0rdgood old linux20:32
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mikkov_maemo on assembly tv!20:52
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RST38hmoo, all21:05
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GreyFoxxHmmm, how long should a initial GPS lock take with an N810 ? :)21:11
harrivGreyFoxx: how long have you waited?21:12
GreyFoxx15 minutes21:13
GreyFoxxright next to an open window21:13
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GreyFoxxbut I am in a large building so surrounded by concrete and steel21:13
skmurphywe had to dangle one we had out of the window21:13
GreyFoxxA coworker has a bluetooth gps receiver attached to his n800 and it's less than 30 seconds or so :)21:14
skmurphythis one is...21:14
skmurphylet me see if i can remember21:14
skmurphyoh well, i don't remember...some weird off-brand21:15
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tank-mantry with agps21:18
tank-manmy bt gps is quick too, 39 seconds21:18
skmurphytrimble, that's it!21:18
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ChurlGreyFoxx: I would take it outside, in the open.  are you gettting any sat.'s in range?21:21
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GreyFoxxJust sitting in there "Searching for GPS receiver" at the moment21:21
GreyFoxxI'm playing with settings, and had it set to File Path /dev/pgps21:22
GreyFoxxwhich isn't getting me anywhere :)21:22
Churlhold on, im gonna watch mine start up21:22
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GreyFoxxthanks, I'd love to know what your settings are21:23
Churlusing maemo mapper?21:23
Churlid love to help21:23
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GreyFoxxIt was defaulting to Bluetooth, so I changed it to filepath since I can see that device node is there on the box21:23
ChurlGreyFoxx: so it doesn't get to "establishing gps fix" ,  correct?21:24
skmurphyhey Churl21:24
Churlhey skmurphy21:24
GreyFoxxChur: Right, right now it's just saying "Searching for GPS receiver with the spinning circle21:24
Churland what did you change?21:24
Churlis yours using bluetooth?21:25
GreyFoxxWhen into the mapper "Settings" option, and change it from the default of "blue tooth" to File Path21:25
GreyFoxxthat's all so far21:25
GreyFoxxSince I have no gpsd running, and no bluetooth it was the only option to make sense :)21:25
Churlok, so it's not a bluetooth gps, and you've got it dotted at "file path" /dev/pgps  ?21:27
GreyFoxxjust restarting the app now in case the change didn't take effect without a restart21:27
GreyFoxxok, apparently gpsd is running, lets try that too :)21:28
Churlmy best idea is to get into the command line and make sure the path is correct21:29
GreyFoxxyeah I checked that right away21:29
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ShadowJKI think I have maemo mapper set to bluetooth gps even with internal gps...21:32
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irqhey guys21:33
irqi have my n810 set to boot from the SD slot, and it works fine21:33
irqbut i want to flash the new OS release in, and i'm wondering what that will do to the flash menu, etc21:33
irqand if i'll need to re-setup the sd booting21:33
irqor if i need to un-set it up etc21:34
irqany thoughts?21:34
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ChurlI wish I knew too, I havnt tried yet cause im not too clear on the whole process21:40
bef0rdI think that if you use the commands / parameters posted on HowToFlashLastestFirmware it will overwrite your menu21:42
bef0rdbut I believe there is an option to avoid it21:43
bef0rddon't quote me on that21:43
Churlyou've been quoted!21:43
bef0rdYou can always reinstall the boot menu21:44
bef0rd(I believe)21:44
irqbef0rd: can you URL me on that page? google isn't being helpful21:44
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Churlirq: what's the new os release?21:46
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bef0rdwhat instructions did you follow to boot from the SD?21:46
irqchurl diablo right? came out a few months ago21:46
irqbef0rd: i did this so long ago i have no memory21:46
Churlok :) making sure21:47
irqi have the image i just need the macosx cli flasher util21:47
irqhaving trouble finding that21:47
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irqthis page says "download flash utility from here: <blank>" like someone edited the URLs out n
bef0rdI guess that after flashing, you will have to do the part of installing the boot menu again21:48
irqthat's okay21:48
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irqi was just worried the procedure might be different with new release21:49
irqthanks bef0rd!21:49
bef0rdit *could* be different in some parts, you may want to ask to somebody more experimented with init flashing21:49
bef0rdqwerty12 (but he is not here)21:50
irqi have a few customizations i am not looking forward to figuring out again21:50
irqi set up Fn+euro to be tab character and Fn+UKP to be pipe21:50
irqand it took like, 600,000 years of modifying random files until it worked :)21:50
bef0rdoh, I dont think that will broke, that's on your sd, right?21:51
Cptnodegard[20:50] <irq> and it took like, 600,000 years of modifying random files until it worked :)  <- that should go into history as the short version of the bible xD21:51
zapactually you could spend a couple hours to find some xkb docs :)21:52
bef0rdpff, that's the easy way21:52
zapbut N8xx definitely needs a better keymap, true21:52
irqcptn: lol thanks :)21:54
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zapis ITOS HE an official Nokia release?21:54
bef0rdhacker edition21:55
Cptnodegardhelium edition. everything you play on it sounds like its alvin and the chipmunks21:56
zapto download HE I would need to enter my serial number %-O21:56
* Cptnodegard stops the sugar intake and gos away21:56
irqis there a HE version of diablo21:56
bef0rdHE is a stripped down version of diablo21:57
irqi thought HE only went to 200721:57
bef0rdoh, i mean os200821:57
bef0rddont know if its diablo, or chinook21:57
irqcan you summarize differences?21:57
irqbetween HE and non-HE21:57
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bef0rdnot really21:58
bef0rdHE has less stuff probably21:58
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bef0rdit needs to fit on a smaller space21:58
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bef0rd770 had less space for the OS21:59
bef0rdHE is just for 77022:00
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GNUtonHi there22:04
GNUtonX-Fade: It failed again.. :(22:04
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irqis anyone here using 4.2008 diablo & booting off SD card?22:23
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irqhow do i get 'gainroot' in diablo? the instructions online refer to bora...22:32
bef0rdinstall rootsh22:33
bef0rdfrom maemo extras22:33
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irqi don't see it in list22:33
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irqmaemo extras was disabled22:33
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bef0rdrootsh is not gainroot, but it does the same22:35
irqthank youO2A!22:36
irqshould i be concerned about adding repositories that are still lablede like bora? and not diablo?22:37
irqthere's no one meta-repository anywhere?22:37
bef0rdinfobot is not here :[22:40
bef0rdirq, you should only add diablo or chinook repositories22:41
bef0rdalthough there are some chinook apps that won't work22:41
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nomisMhm, where is the canonical documentation for the various properties of the gstreamer nodes?22:45
nomis(specifically dspilbcsrc)22:47
bef0rdyou missed the /22:51
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matanNo. Actually, the quit was destined to a different window.22:51
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irqyes? :22:58
irqso bef0rd and anyone else23:01
irqwhat would you say are the 'must have' apps & repositories?23:02
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bef0rddon't know, I've just reflashed and I have only installed canola + mplayer, fbreader, ines23:11
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jottX-Fade: still not enough diskspace :(23:22
X-Fadejott: *@#$@**!!!!23:23
X-Fadejott: So that sucks.23:25
jottindeed. :(23:25
X-FadeI'll try to get something fixed or maybe I can move a builder to a different vm.23:26
jottyeah would be great, thanks.23:26
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X-Fadejott: I've asked Ed how hard it is to setup a new builder. I think I have a nice VM where we can run that temporarily.23:31
X-FadeThat would give us some air until I get a more permanent setup arranged.23:31
jottah yeah, nice. the more permanent solution will be approx. end of the month? (new servers?)23:32
X-Fadejott: Well that depends on budget etc etc..23:33
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X-FadeNew servers for the builder part at least.23:33
jotthm i see. well some vm with more hdd space would suffice i guess.23:33
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X-FadeAnd a bit more cpu power won't hurt ;)23:34
X-Fadebtw, do you know if qt can be build with parallel makes?23:34
jottyes, should work.23:35
X-FadeOk, that is something to look into later..23:35
X-FadeTime for the weekend to start ;)23:36
X-FadeWell, I'll probably be here tomorrow morning..23:36
jottallright. have fun! thanks for the heads up.23:36
X-FadeHehe, we tested with small packages and now you guys start with mega ones..23:37
jott(it's raining so i don't have much motivation going out tonight ;)23:37
X-FadeA moving target ;)23:37
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jotthehe, yeah qt is really heavy to build.23:38
X-FadeAnyway.... later ;)23:39
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irqwhat would you say are the 'must have' apps & repositories?23:42
jottdoes infobot have a list? ;)23:43
infoboti guess apps is at http://www.linuxapps.com23:43
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jott~musthave is Maemo Mapper, FBReader, Vagalume, Canola, Numpty Physics, X-Chat, Evince, ScummVM, MyTube, MPlayer and more.23:47
infobotjott: okay23:47
infobotfrom memory, musthave is Maemo Mapper, FBReader, Vagalume, Canola, Numpty Physics, X-Chat, Evince, ScummVM, MyTube, MPlayer and more.23:47
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jottah and Advanced Backlight of course ;)23:48
jott~musthave is Maemo Mapper, FBReader, Vagalume, Canola, Numpty Physics, X-Chat, Evince, ScummVM, MyTube, MPlayer, Advanced Backlight, USBControl and much more.23:49
infobot...but musthave is already something else...23:49
jott~forget musthave23:49
infoboti forgot musthave, jott23:49
jott~musthave is Maemo Mapper, FBReader, Vagalume, Canola, Numpty Physics, X-Chat, Evince, ScummVM, MyTube, MPlayer, Advanced Backlight, USBControl and much more.23:49
infobotjott: okay23:49
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qwerty12_N800a statusbar clock is useful to me23:50
jottany other suggestions? :)23:50
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qwerty12_N800Transmission. Now I can pirate on the move :p23:51
jottqwerty12_N800: is that the correct name?23:51
jott"Statusbar Clock"23:51
qwerty12_N800Large Statusbar Clock23:51
jott~forget musthave23:52
infobotjott: i forgot musthave23:52
jott~musthave is Maemo Mapper, FBReader, Vagalume, Canola, Numpty Physics, X-Chat, Evince, ScummVM, MyTube, MPlayer, Advanced Backlight, USBControl, Large Statusbar Clock, Transmission and much more.23:52
infobotokay, jott23:52
jottthere was also a wiki page, right? ;)23:52
jott~forget musthave23:53
infobotjott: i forgot musthave23:53
jott~musthave is Maemo Mapper, FBReader, Vagalume, Canola, Numpty Physics, X-Chat, Evince, ScummVM, MyTube, MPlayer, Advanced Backlight, USBControl, Large Statusbar Clock, Transmission and much more. Also see
infobotjott: okay23:53
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jottbot spamming ;)23:53
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qwerty12_N800~curse sliderotate,hildon-input-method, searchmonkey23:57
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, sliderotate,hildon-input-method, searchmonkey !23:57
qwerty12_N800infobot: lame23:58
jottinfobot: think of better punchlines, dude!23:58
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qwerty12_N800ha, syslog on this device was eating 16Mb of  my mtdblock4 >.<23:59

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