IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2008-07-22

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practisevoodoostill working on this PyGTKEditor issue, try to install sourceview and it says that it cant instal it but it still appears in installed applications00:01
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jottzfigz: the dictionaries are here:
zfigzcool, thanks jott.00:03
jottzfigz: there are various places stardict looks for them ( ~/.stardict/dic for example)00:04
jottzfigz: just use "Help" on stardict on your n810 to get the list00:04
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zfigzhmm, still can't find any dictionaries for it00:08
zfigzlooking on that site00:08
zfigzcan only find the apps00:08
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jottzfigz: its an bit ugly but they are all linked from the site i posted above00:10
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zfigzoh ok00:11
zfigzi see00:11
zfigza lil' ugly00:11
jottthey should try to find a webdesigner ;)00:11
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zfigzis there a file manager that actually reflects the true data structure of the file system?00:16
zfigzbecause i don't know how to put this dictionary into the right directory00:16
zfigzwell i downloaded it00:18
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u1106zfigz: xterm and ls ???00:20
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zfigzI just downloaded a stardict dictionary00:20
zfigznot sure how to get stardict to recognize it now00:21
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zfigzAnyone know how to move the dictionary to the proper directory?00:24
crashanddiezfigz, where did you download it ?00:24
zfigzDo Documents00:24
crashanddiezfigz, open the terminal00:24
zfigzTo that is00:24
zfigzTerminal opened00:25
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crashanddiezfigz, ls MyDods/.documents00:25
infobotcrashanddie meant: zfigz, ls MyDocs/.documents00:25
zfigzit's still tar'd00:26
zfigzdo i need to untar it?00:26
crashanddieI dunno00:26
zfigzhow would i move it to ~/.stardict/dic   ?00:26
crashanddiezfigz, tar xvf MyDocs/.documents/yourfile.tar -C ~/.stardict/dic00:27
zapIs there a way to tell maemo-launcher to restart without rebooting the device?00:27
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crashanddiezap, /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher restart00:28
zfigzno such file00:28
crashanddiezfigz, what no such file ?00:29
crashanddiezfigz, ~/.stardict ?00:29
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zapcrashanddie: that reboots :-)00:30
zfigzI think so00:30
crashanddiezap, oh, I don't think there is then00:30
crashanddiezfigz, mkdir ~/.stardict00:30
crashanddiezfigz, mkdir ~/.stardict/dic00:30
crashanddie(yes, you have to issue both commands)00:30
zfigzi can't untar it00:32
zapah cool, force-reload does the trick!00:32
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crashanddiezfigz, why not ?00:32
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zfigzit's not in mydocs00:33
zfigzthat's why00:33
zfigzI'm not sure how to find it via terminal00:35
zfigzvia the file manager it's in documents00:35
lbtthere may be a hidden file called .documents in /home/user/mydocs00:36
lbtuse ls -la00:36
lbtalso the 'find' command is useful00:36
crashanddiethat's exactly what I said00:36
lbtI wasn't listening :)00:36
crashanddiewell I don't mind you not listening00:37
jottcrashanddie: ever tried mkdir -p ~/much/more/directories/at/once ? ;)00:37
crashanddiejott, I prefer educating new users the right way00:37
jott-p is the right way :O00:37
crashanddieit also prevents people making mistakes such as mkdir Videos/Torrent/eMule00:38
zfigzwell hmm00:38
zfigzcan't find it00:38
crashanddiewhere "Torrent/eMule" is meant to be the same directory00:38
zfigzdoesn't make any sense00:38
zfigzI should just be able to move it easily00:38
zfigzAnyone know how i can find this in terminal?00:39
zfigzit's obviously not the same as the file mangaer.00:39
sp3000find /home/user/MyDocs00:40
crashanddiezfigz, ls -l /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/00:44
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zfigzdid that00:45
zfigza bunch of text went down00:45
zfigzshows that file i want to untar00:45
jottyou need to install "bzip2" to extract bz2 ... installing dictionaries does not look very end-user friendly :/00:45
zfigznot at all00:46
zfigzi'll get that00:46
zfigzit's not in the installer00:46
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zfigzoh well00:47
zfigzno dictionaries for me i guess00:47
zfigzso there's no application to uncompress a bz2 file?00:49
zfigzon the n810 that is00:49
jottoh there should be..00:49
lcukjott, if i wanted to use the gnu socket library (#include <sys/socket.h>) which --lib should I include?00:51
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sp3000Package: bzip2 1.0.3-1 (/var/lib/apt/lists/repository.maemo.org_extras_dists_diablo_free_binary-armel_Packages)00:51
jottlcuk: hmm i don't think you need any extra libs00:52
lcukundefined reference to `init_sockaddr'00:52
lcukat linkage00:52
* sp3000 treats himself to some desktop crashes00:52
GeneralAntillesandre__, ping.00:52
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andre__GeneralAntilles, pong00:52
jottlcuk: mmh what did you do?00:53
GeneralAntillesStill need more on #3478?00:53
lcukhmmm, crashanddie just told me exact same00:53
lcukit works direct without a makefile.00:53
lcukim gonna clean it out00:53
lcuksorry to disturb ya00:53
* lcuk scratches his head00:54
zfigzsp3000, how do i get that application?00:54
andre__GeneralAntilles, more info is never bad :-P00:54
sp3000one would be, as root apt-get install bzip200:54
GeneralAntillesWell, sure, but I'm hoping I provided enough context. ;)00:54
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sp3000(you need to enable the pre-defined maemo extras repository in app mgr first)00:55
andre__GeneralAntilles, i think it's okay like this. let's see what the devs will say :)00:55
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GeneralAntillesI mean, I know m-vo is familiar with the issue00:55
jottlcuk: does it work now? ;)00:55
andre__GeneralAntilles, and he's the internal assignee for this00:56
andre__grrr, gnome bugzilla is slow...00:56
GeneralAntillesCan't possibly be as slow as :P00:56
sp3000I need some sort of evil mascot for unreproducible crashes00:57
sp3000unreproducible crash baboon?00:57
crashanddiesp3000, use GeneralAntilles00:57
* GeneralAntilles sings and dances.00:58
zfigzwhats the pass for root?00:58
* sp3000 gets another desktop crash00:58
GeneralAntilles3rd plug for anybody who hasn't already seen it:
GeneralAntillesNeeds more input.00:58
sp3000I may be trying to crash it, I'm not quite sure00:58
infobot[rootsh] an easy way to get root and it's found here:
lcukjott, no im just trying to work out why00:59
sp3000but it crashes instead right when I stop trying S00:59
infobotsp3000 meant: but it crashes instead right when I stop trying :S00:59
jottlcuk: have you actually defined init_sockaddr? :O00:59
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lcukdoubt it00:59
jottlcuk: sooo.... .. .  :)01:00
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lcuki was trying to start from the beginning01:00
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jottlcuk: yeah well see, they show how to implement a function init_sockaddr :)01:01
* lcuk facepalms01:01
zfigzok, i download bz2 but i don't know where it downloaded to01:01
* lcuk takes a bow01:01
lcuki told you i shouldnt drink wine and code01:02
crashanddieisn't that exactly what I said ?01:02
lcukso now tonight im sat here thinking i coded it fine01:02
jottlcuk: just make sure you hit the ballmer peak ;) ( )01:02
lcuki dont normally drink but opened a bottle of red lastnight01:03
zfigzI downloaded bzip2 but i don't know where it got downloaded to01:03
zfigzi used root to download it01:03
* sp3000 is starting to suspect the large statusbar clock minutes applet crashes eventually if the hours aren't enabled, or something01:04
zfigzI'm thinking of just using a different dictionary application01:06
zfigzthis is way too confusing01:06
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GeneralAntillessp3000, unlikely01:06
yigallcuk: whisky, a true coders drink01:06
GeneralAntillesWhat might be happening is that its alarm functions could be causing trouble01:06
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GeneralAntillesMake sure the alarm stuff is turned off.01:07
GeneralAntilleszfigz, apt-get install bzip201:07
sp3000it's off it says01:07
zfigzi'll try that01:07
lcukyigal, no way.  i followed everything i had been taught and just missed one line.01:07
lcuk<< PHAIL01:08
zfigzi don't know01:08
zfigzthis shite not working01:08
sp3000GeneralAntilles: but, yeah, it isn't that simple01:09
sp3000which is why I cue in ...01:09
sp3000unreproducible crash boboon!01:09
sp3000baboon even!01:09
zfigzyeah, i don't see that it was even installed01:10
lcukhey jott, it compiles now01:10
GeneralAntillesWhat's the crash about, anyway?01:10
GeneralAntillesUnreproducible Crash Baboon says, "Hi"
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crashanddieThat baboon makes me think of me when I haven't shaved for a while01:13
lcukthat baboon would scare the missus01:14
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crashanddieeven though she's used to you ?01:14
GeneralAntillesPrint it out, fold it into a throwing star and throw it at here.01:14
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Print it out, fold it into a throwing star and throw it at her.01:14
zfigzDoes anyone know of a different dictionary besides this poopy stardict01:14
GeneralAntillesOr tell her you're printing her out something important and send her to the print01:15
lcukits too similar to a clown01:16
crashanddie"We have 500Gig of RAID storage, the database you will be designing should be able to work on that drive for the next 10 years, without space issues" "The database, with 15k users, 15k companies, 15k sensors, 45k test results, and 50k of random entries weighs about 500M" "OH MY GOD, BUT WE TOLD YOU TO THINK OF THE DRIVE SPACE !!" "How many companies/users/sensors have you tested in the past year ?" "Err 3" "I rest my case"01:17
zfigzmdictionary i guess is my best bet01:17
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zfigzIs Map any better than maemo mapper?01:18
zfigzbecause wow, the gps locate is terrible01:18
crashanddiezfigz, they're difference01:18
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zfigzone costs money01:18
zfigzand the other doesn't01:19
crashanddieMap doesn't cost money01:19
zfigzi know that...but i just wish i could have a gps program that worked a lil' butter01:19
crashanddiezfigz, have you tried A-GPS BETA ?01:19
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, you want one of my sharpened sticks to punish them with?01:19
zfigzcrash, does that work pretty well?01:20
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I hide a sharpened n810 stylus01:20
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sp3000it gets some data from the internets so it'll have a better guesstimate of which sats to listen to or such, so it gets a fix somewhat faster01:21
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GeneralAntillesDon't forget! Sprint meeting in #maemo-meeting tomorrow, everybody!01:29
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andre__19:00 UTC01:31
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zfigzA-GPS Beta looks a lil' clunky01:35
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lcuk:) client and server are talking01:43
jottlcuk: now you can distribute your mini mes :)01:45
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lcuknow i can see what kind of bandwidth is available01:45
rm_youlcuk: ?01:47
rm_youclient/server of what01:47
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lcukrm_you, :) i have extracted the gstreamer camera data from the barcode stuff and am pushing the data from the live camera onto a liqbase bitmap01:48
lcukthat bitmap is being blitted live onto screen.  i can nicely fit 25 such bitmaps on a screen01:48
lcuki want to see whether i can replace 25 mini mes with 25 mini yous01:48
rm_youI will beta :P01:49
rm_youhave decent up bandwidth01:49
crashanddieI'm first :P01:49
lcuki have no idea if it will work01:49
lcukits just for the hell of it01:49
lcukeven if we update once every 10 seconds it would be a laugh01:50
lcukgives us another thing to do with our devices :)01:50
rm_youshould at minimum be able to update 2fps i would think01:51
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lcuki once wrote a program to do this (for my old college) which would show a preview of ALL desktops in a classroom - even those out of sight.  the teacher could then click to zoom and get vnc type updates.  they could send cautionary emails and messages tothe screens and log them out n stuff all with picture goodness01:54
lcukanyway, this is similar but for camera images :)01:54
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zfigzthis mdictionary is ok...only if it had dictionaries in it01:57
jottisn't gstreamer supposed to push the data over the network too?01:57
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lcukjott, dunno, can it?01:59
crashanddieyou can send it to a networked sink01:59
snowmoondon't you love beating your head against a wall all day only to find out the bug is on the other end of the tcp/ip connection *gah*01:59
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jottbrontide: are you refering to layer 8? ;>02:01
brontideactually google, what's up with layer 8?02:01
brontideahh... wikipedia to the rescue02:02
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brontidegoogle's atom standards compliance leaves a *little* to be desired ( as in some things just don't work )02:03
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eikelook here :
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GeneralAntillesWhat do I need to do to get gpsd to accept external connections?02:57
GeneralAntillesWe could really use a gpsd wiki page02:57
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rm_youjott: lcuk: I want to get datamatrix working...03:09
rm_youso that we can encode links and stuff on our tablets03:09
rm_youand then at the summit people can scan the images from people's tablets :P03:09
rm_youeasy way to share links03:09
lcukcool idea03:09
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gramulhaozinhey guys03:12
gramulhaozinthe N810 USB is host or client ?03:12
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gramulhaozincan I connect a wireless USB into it ?03:12
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rm_yougramulhaozin: it is on-the-go03:14
rm_youso it can do host03:14
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gramulhaozinI'm wondering if I can plug a sierrawireless card into it03:14
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gramulhaozinrm_you: like an EVDO card03:18
gramulhaozinrm_you:  or 3g  or edge03:19
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GeneralAntillesgramulhaozin, if you can find drivers.03:20
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GeneralAntillesand it'll need a power injector03:20
gramulhaozin5volts right03:20
gramulhaozin5 volts and 1/2 amps03:20
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gramulhaozina little 5V LI-Poly batter would work03:22
GeneralAntillesSomebody set up video chat with their tablet, make yourself a hard hat and attach it to it so I can attend the Summit.03:23
gramulhaozinthere is linux support for the thing03:24
gramulhaozinATT sells plan for PDA for 30 Bucks03:25
gramulhaozincan I get a GSM SIM from PDA and plug into a card and play ?03:25
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summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: Sprint review? what does that mean?03:44
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crashanddieI can launch websites on the NIT my console on my laptop :)05:16
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UserID10THey folks.  Could someone help me with some questions about the advanced backlight statusbar applet?06:01
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ttmrichterOK, I've finally got around to installing the Maemo SDK.  Am I missing something or is the environment entirely missing all the apps that my own apps may want to wind up interacting with?07:33
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rm_youUserID10T: yo07:51
rm_youUserID10T: what you need?07:52
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Stskeepsanyone with a 770 who can answer ? i'm personally a bit curious about -sources.tar.gz ;)09:02
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rm_youUserID10T: yo09:04
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GAN800Stskeeps, that'd really be a Nokia question. I've never seen a straight answer to that. Basically, it should be a collection of patches and scripts for turning OS2008+OS2006 into OS2008HE, but I don't know of anybody outside of Nokia who has managed to apply them09:08
GAN800They basically come with zero documentation.09:09
StskeepsGAN800: well, there's both patches and -sources, and the last one is curious :P09:09
Stskeepsi guess i'm just too excited cos i just got my morning coffee ;)09:10
GAN800If you want a WLAN to grab them for nit-debian, I can furnish you with something.09:10
Stskeepsmm, might be interested, and just hoping it's not closed source stuff in it as that'd taint me :P09:12
johnxStskeeps, yeah, I was just gonna say the same thing :/09:13
Stskeepsmostly curious because of differences between n770 and n80009:13
Stskeepsjohnx: saw my messages last night?09:14
Stskeepsand this one? ;) NIT-Debian, Flash, and (done with import -window root nit-debian-fullscreenflash.jpg)09:14
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Stskeepswhich leads to a -lot- of interesting possibilities09:15
johnxa flash based UI for you? :)09:15
Stskeepswell for anyone who want to implement it09:15
Stskeepsto make a UI it's a matter of getting cherrypy (python based webserver), slap a flash on top that uses json to communicate with the backend cherrypy, and a gtkmozembed script :P09:16
Stskeepsit's actually fairly fast loading09:16
johnxthat's pretty cool09:17
johnxhow's the responsiveness?09:17
Stskeepswell i only had lame .swfs to test with, but haven't seen any simple flash things09:17
Stskeepsthe one i had in browser was okay in responsiveness, but it was prolly slowed down by having entire of ephihany loaded09:17
johnxa pixel doubled 400x240 flash UI might be neat for some applications09:18
Stskeepsbut i have the hack down to having a package Provides: osso-esd (which depends on a real esd), apt-get install libcurl3 libosso1, dpkg -i adobe-flashplayer, dpkg -i libplayback, and a LD_PRELOAD of libesd and my ''09:20
Stskeepsso it's fairly packagable09:20
Stskeepsif i can find something to inject a library dependancy into a .so we could avoid LD_PRELOAD09:21
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doc|homeanyone know why mpcc still isn't working?09:26
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doc|homeer, possibly :/09:27
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GAN800qwerty12, interviewed? :P09:27
qwerty12GAN800: Yep :/09:28
qwerty12I'm not much of a speaker though...09:28
GAN800Ha, Skype interview?09:29
qwerty12He wanted me to do an podcast, I was too tired and would prefer to do an Q&A09:29
GAN800Not being Quim, the rest of us fail at 'live' interviews. :D09:30
qwerty12Lol :D09:30
qwerty12If someone was to live interview me right now, all they would hear was mumbles.09:31
Stskeepsirc interviews are much better09:31
qwerty12<-- Too tired >.<09:31
Stskeepsvoice is overrated ;)09:31
GAN800Voice is alright, but better left to people with experience with it.09:32
XTLiOn both sides09:32
qwerty12Stskeeps: Please fix the the backspace key in the installer! It sends a ^@ symbol instead, I was up to the root password part (which it took me a long time to get to) and I made a mistake and I couldn't go back to change it so I thought I would get the option to set it again and I didn't. The chroot failed and the installer kicked me out :(09:33
XTLiYou can rarely get away from it, though09:33
XTLiThat is a funny bs09:34
Stskeepsqwerty12: root password? then system is almost installed09:34
Stskeepsqwerty12: just chroot /mnt/nit-debian, passwd root, mv /sbin/start-stop-daemon /sbin/start-stop-daemon.FAKE; mv /sbin/start-stop-daemon.REAL /sbin/start-stop-daemon09:35
qwerty12Stskeeps: I messed it up though. I'm not sure what was to be done next so I reformatted the partition :/09:35
Stskeepsqwerty12: what TERM do you have?09:35
Stskeepsi think it's a screen issue so :P09:35
XTLiFunny way to say NUL?09:35
qwerty12Stskeeps: I'm using the osso-xterm that comes with Diablo.09:36
Stskeepsqwerty12: ah, still tampering with not over ssh :)09:36
Stskeepsi'll see what i can do09:36
qwerty12:), thanks, I can't ssh into my device so ssh is out for me. Meanwhile, I'll grab that terminal KotCzarny built with xvkbd.09:37
Stskeepscould you do a "set | grep TERM" in osso-xterm and tell me what it says?09:37
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qwerty12 TERM='xterm'09:38
XTLiMaybe echo $TERM09:38
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Stskeepsneat, searching for ^@ on google groups causes a server error09:42
Stskeepscould you see if "and make sure "stty erase ^?" is set for the terminal" would work?09:47
Stskeepsor nevermind, i'll just grab svn and add the screenrc patch :P09:48
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qwerty12That's even nicer :P. BTW, I know I'm complaining a lot but I really appreciate your work into this.09:49
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Stskeepsqwerty12: hey, software has bugs and if there's bugs reported, it only means people cared enough about the product to do it :P09:52
Stskeepsqwerty12: svn up, and screen -c template-screenrc, and try to run passwd or the likes and see if backspace works now09:52
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qwerty12Great, grabbing now.09:53
Stskeepsscreen -c won't run an installer, just a sh session to see if it happens again :P09:53
qwerty12I'm 80% sure it didn't work and when I tried testing again, mce restarted the device :/09:57
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qwerty12No, password says the passwords I enter do not match.09:59
Stskeepsk, so i guess fix didn't work, hmm.09:59
Stskeepsdid you have backspace problems when entering mirror?10:00
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qwerty12Gtg now, bye10:01
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Stskeepsguess i'll have to mess around with osso-xterm when i get home :>10:02
XTLiIt's not the brightest term around10:04
XTLiIf you run stty, is erase set to something funny?10:06
rm_youi'm not sure that i like my new sleep schedule >_>10:06
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johnxhey rm_you10:09
johnxrm_you, why not?10:09
jottrm_you: so where are you now? ;)10:11
rm_youproblem is, i'm going to sleep now10:12
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jottrm_you: don't be too sure about that yet ;)10:13
rm_youwhats up? :P10:13
* jott plays the riddler.. muhahaha10:13
rm_youjott: so, trying to figure out why this isn't working with anyone ELSE's tablet10:14
rm_youno one else can get names of items to come up10:14
rm_youmakes no sense10:14
rm_youworks perfect on mine10:14
rm_youwhat version of libsqlite3-0 are you on?10:14
jottmaybe you have a different sql database or sqlite version indeed ..10:14
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jottInstalled: 3.4.1-1osso310:15
jottthough it would be mindf*cked if the minor version would matter :/10:15
rm_youusing 3.5.9 here10:15
jottwhy not use the official one?10:16
rm_youdunno >_>10:16
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rm_youwill switch back10:16
rm_youOH yeah10:16
rm_youi needed sqlite3 to make the DB10:16
rm_youand for some reason the official one just straight up REFUSED to build the main package10:17
rm_youwith the utilities10:17
jottyou could always write a mini client .. :P10:17
rm_youneed to grab the official one10:17
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Khertan_TheRealHi !10:18
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rm_youyep wow10:19
rm_youit's the version of the lib10:19
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Khertan_TheRealsomeone have see ubuntu ume first release ?10:22
Khertan_TheRealdoes there is a pim ?10:22
Khertan_TheRealcalendar specially ?10:22
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rm_youjott: great...10:26
rm_youi think the db is broken10:27
rm_youin 3.4.110:27
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jottrm_you: oO10:27
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rm_youoops forgot to add the .h10:30
rm_youchecked in properly now :P10:30
jott mh ;)10:30
rm_youyou and your "mh"10:30
jott"The previous file format change has caused so much grief that the default behavior has been changed back to the original file format. " ;)10:31
jottstill it should work.. this change as before 3.4 :/10:32
jott3.4.2 to 3.5.0 -> The on-disk file format is unchanged.10:33
jotthah but it does not say 3.4.1 -> 3.5.0 ;>10:33
rm_youthis is stupid10:33
rm_youi'd go back to 2.8 if the API wasnt horribly undocumented and lame10:33
rm_youand i'd just convert the DB if there was a buildable version of sqlite for 3.4.110:34
bef0rdcan't you 'export' it to sql sentences and then create it again with 3.4.1?10:34
bef0rdoh :P10:34
rm_youIT'S RIDICULOUS10:34
XTLi.dump exports10:34
rm_youand what will import it!?10:35
XTLiJust running the output, which is SQL imports10:35
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XTLiBut without access.. :)10:35
XTLiYou can't get to any tool or api that would let you run arbitrary statements?10:36
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rm_youworking on it10:38
jottor just add the sqlite3 package description to the 3.4.1 control file? ;)10:38
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XTLiI don't actually know what you're doing anyway :)10:39
jottcursing that 3.4.1 sqlite databases seem to be incompatible to 3.5.9 ones :)10:40
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rm_youjott: it is in there10:42
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jottrm_you: no10:43
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rm_youjott: it so totally is :P well, in mine10:43
rm_youi tried messing with it10:43
jottatleast not in the osso one10:43
bef0rdwhy does rm_you have 3.5.9?10:43
jottfrom diablo sources10:43
jottit just build the sqlite3 package10:43
rm_youbef0rd: i built it myself10:43
jottbef0rd: because the nokia folks removed the sqlite3 standalone from the control file :p10:44
jottand hence it's not build..10:44
acydlordmy touchscreen isnt working anymore :(10:44
acydlorddoesnt even make the tick when you press it10:44
* jott disabled the tick10:45
acydlordhah, then re-enable the touch :p10:45
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jotti just wanted to say, that the tick is not an indication for a working touchscreen ... :/10:47
Khertan_TheRealacydlord > check there is nothing blocked between the screen and the cover10:48
acydlordnorthing in there10:48
acydlordat least not that i can see10:48
jottreboot? :)10:48
acydlordreboot and reflash didnt fix10:48
jottmh :(10:49
Khertan_TheRealbecause as it not multitouch if something is pressing the screen between the plastique cover and the screen, user feel that the touch screen is defective10:49
Khertan_TheRealalso remove screen protector if you have one10:49
acydlordi looked down in there and didnt see anything10:49
acydlordno screen protector10:50
Khertan_TheRealhum too bad10:50
acydlordanyway to pull the front face off to make sure?10:50
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Khertan_TheRealoh ...10:50
Khertan_TheRealwifi at home drop ...10:50
acydlordit's an n81010:50
jottacydlord: hm not that easy ..10:51
acydlordat least on the 880 i could pull the front cover off10:51
XTLiWould be useful tosee if the screen is registering anything10:51
acydlordi was gonna try to pull everything apart to make sure something didnt come loose but didnt get too fa10:51
Khertan_TheRealhum ... if it s a n810 ... waranty should cover this10:52
acydlordthe screen was resgistering touches off and on for the past 2 days, and then about 2 hours ago it just stopped altogether10:52
Khertan_TheRealas n810 is less 1 year old10:52
jottrm_you: works here10:52
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jottacydlord: and i would not open it as long as you have warranty ...10:52
acydlordbut from what i've heard about the nokia repairs i may be dead by the time i get it back10:53
Khertan_TheRealgreat thing that there is a 2 year warranty10:53
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Khertan_TheRealacydlord > it take 2 weeks to get mine come back10:53
acydlordI have a feeling it's something to do with the cable from the keyboard sliding10:54
jottacydlord: maybe also check with a local nokia store.. if they can fix it inhouse you can make better pressure10:54
acydlord2 weeks isnt too terribly bad10:54
acydlordi dont think i have a local nokia store10:54
acydlordguess i should check10:54
XTLiLaggy :(10:54
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acydlordfrom looking at the itt forums it seems to be a common issue =/10:56
Khertan_TheRealacydlord > call nokia support, they will give you the nearest one10:56
acydlordi thought there was only one nokia store in the states10:56
acydlordwhen i was looking online awhile back they only had newyork listed10:57
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Khertan_TheRealrepair center can be a store that isn't nokia one10:59
Khertan_TheRealthey just send it10:59
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Khertan_TheRealthis was the case for me10:59
johnxnow I'm worried about my touch screen :(11:00
acydlordeep sorry aboot the caps11:00
johnxI'm in the same situation...11:00
acydlordi hope they dont absolutely require the proof of purchase, i lost all that mess moving11:01
acydlordthis makes me wish i handt sold my 80011:01
jkuacydlord, they don't in Finland at least11:04
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macoutein finland you hardly ever need a proof of purchase with nokias11:06
macouteand with n810 you really shouldnt, as its not as old yet :)11:06
Khertan_TheRealsame thing in france11:07
Khertan_TheRealbut if u buy it online, you can also ask for a duplicata11:07
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acydlordI bought it online, but the online store nokia used for the developers discounts sucks11:09
acydlordthe nokia site really isnt friendly to IT owners11:10
JaffaMorning, all11:10
acydlordthe repair thing first tells me to contact my service provider11:10
rm_youthey should give developers special warranty services :P11:11
Veggenmmm. I like n810, but the phone bill will be high :)11:11
Veggen<---on vacation in ital.11:11
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acydlordthey should, but it seems the main arm of nokia is oblivious to the tablets11:12
johnxI think it's kind of a pilot project at this point11:12
johnxI wonder how it was when Nokia was first getting into mobile phones...11:13
acydlordi cant even get the repair taken care of without calling11:13
acydlordit requires a carrier and the cell number11:13
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XTLiAnd when you call, they tell you to reinstakk windows, their software and see if it works11:15
XTLiThen tell you that version isn't supported11:16
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rm_youjott: wtf11:16
rm_youjott: ok now i am getting the same as you, no names11:16
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rm_youjust found ONE barcode that does ODD things11:17
rm_youjott: anyway, you can try it now, new DB11:18
acydlordman, i'm gonna be stuck using my centro for awhile if i have to ship my n810 out for repairs11:18
Khertan_TheRealPalm Powa ...11:19
acydlordi hope they get the treo 800 palm version out before christmas11:19
Khertan_TheRealhum ... personnaly i ll never buy palm product11:20
acydlordwhy is that?11:20
johnxheh...saw a 16MB clie for $30 used at a local store...almost looked like it would be worth it to play with11:20
Khertan_TheReali was a fanboy in the past ... but they re api tend to be more and more ridiculous11:20
johnxyeah, from a development perspective I would stay the heck away. but they're nice from a user perspective for some things11:21
acydlordi mainly got mine for all the dirty hacks you can do11:21
acydlordlike circumventing sprint's 5gb a month PAM cap11:22
rm_yousame filename (meh) new DB11:22
Khertan_TheRealexample : to set the home button to launch an application there is a way to do this with api, but there is a new function incompatible with the old each time a new device is released11:22
rm_youshould work now11:22
Khertan_TheRealfor treo680, there is two ...11:22
Khertan_TheRealit s a real pain to use network socket for example11:23
* acydlord mourns his N810 touchscreen11:23
Khertan_TheRealas library isn't the same for all device, and isn't documented for all device11:24
acydlordyeah, i gave up on coding for palm awhile back11:24
Khertan_TheReali ve pass many time to make kMeteo working on many device11:24
acydlordi dont even use it for much more than email and as a modem to be honest11:24
acydlordi'm using kmeteo on my centro :)11:25
Khertan_TheReali ve writted my own library11:25
johnxrm_you, will test in a sec11:25
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acydlordhaha, and tis whole time i didnt notice it was one of your apps11:25
acydlordi should look at the about pages more often11:25
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Khertan_TheRealand it s open source11:25
acydlordit's the best weather app i've found for palm11:26
acydlordanywho i've got to get to bed, gotta be up for work in 5 hours11:26
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* johnx grabs upc311:40
bef0rddid you get the db to work with 3.4.1 rm_you ?11:40
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rm_youbef0rd: yes11:40
bef0rdcool. What was it for? :P11:41
Stskeepsjohnx: , guess that explains what it is :) (fanoush's post)11:41
rm_youjot managed to strangehold the control file into coughing up the utility package11:41
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rm_youbef0rd: barcode scanner11:41
johnxStskeeps, think it's safe for people to look at that stuff?11:42
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johnxrm_you, ok, so I have the .db11:42
johnxwhere should I get the program?11:42
Stskeepsjohnx: not a single bit11:42
Stskeepswell, mce is already "out there"11:43
johnx<sarvasm>great. Nothing quite like a release of source that has more potential to cause harm than good.</sarcasm>11:44
Stskeepsyeah.. there should be a law that once a source has leaked from official company page, it's public domain ;)11:44
Stskeepsgod, i love my regen_repo script11:47
Stskeepssaves so much bloody time11:47
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Stskeepswoo, :)11:51
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Stskeepsjohnx: is license on okay for you? since i include a bunch of your hacks :P11:57
johnxhmm, I wonder what Debian's policy is with regards to using the Debian name to promote Debian derivatives11:59
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Stskeepsthat's a good question11:59
Stskeepselse we'll just call it something else :P12:00
Stskeepsbut then any of the projects around the tablets with Debian have issues, even the chroot ones ;)12:01
macouteso not GPL?12:01
macoutei doubt Debians name can be used in "closed" projects?12:02
johnxmacoute, it's essentially the BSD license unless I'm mistaken12:03
macoutewell, your license seems ok12:03
johnxthe BSD license is GPL compatible12:03
macoutejohnx: yeah, i just read it :)12:03
johnxah, ok12:03
Stskeepsjohnx: it is the bsd license :P12:03
macoutejohnx: but is your version of bsd gpl compatible?12:03
macoutetheres no saying "BSD License version xxx"12:03
macouteso its not BSD, althought it "is" BSD12:04
johnxwas the advertisement clause a problem? I forgot...12:04
Stskeepsyeah, it was12:04
Stskeepsbut there's none in this one12:04
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johnxmacoute, since the BSD license allows you to re-publish under the GPL, it's de-facto GPL compatible12:04
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macoutejohnx: yeah, BSD is, but no-one is sure that is your version of BSD12:05
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macoutejohnx: as your license is not BSD (as there is no mention of BSD anywhere on your license)12:06
macoutebut that surely looks like a nice project :)12:06
macoutei havent had the time to test myself yet12:06
johnxmacoute, ok, read the license. it clearly says you're allowed to do pretty much anything, including relicense12:06
Stskeepsbasically same license, so12:06
macouteyeah, i remembered incorrectly12:07
macoutetheres no mention of BSD in BSD license either :)12:07
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johnxStskeeps, yes, the BSD license sounds fine12:08
Stskeepsjohnx: goodie12:08
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johnxStskeeps, the trademark page seems to have the answer: We allow all businesses to make reasonable use of the "Debian" trademark.12:09
johnxmore here:
johnxso it seems like we're fine12:09
macouteit doesnt12:10
macoutei was reading the same page12:10
macouteLicensing is necessary any time anyone creates a company, product or set of services, certification program, or even a separate free software project that wants use the DEBIAN mark as part of its name.12:10
macouteso you are using debian in the name?12:10
macoutehmm, this is not the same page im reading, this is a draft. maybe that has changed?12:11
johnxI figured we were covered since it said it was ok to make a CD and call it Debian12:11
johnxthe page I linked is the current policy12:11
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macoutejohnx: it is ok to make a cd and call it debian if IT IS A debian :)12:12
Stskeepsit is a debian, really12:12
Stskeepswith packages on top12:12
macoutebut if you modify it it is not ok12:12
Stskeepswe don't touch any of the base packages12:12
macoutethis is the draft (which is linked on johnx's pasted site)12:13
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macoutethe copyright is not ready yet, though already registered12:13
Stskeepsif there starts being problems it'll be a matter of sedding and renaming :P12:13
macoutethats true too :)12:14
Stskeepswe don't use it in our domain name, for instance12:14
johnxand we do use their debootstrap12:14
Stskeepsand i kinda don't want another fight with debian-legal12:14
Stskeepsthat was a fun time.12:14
macoutebut id ask from debian, as thats a way to give some credit for debian too12:14
macouteand im pretty sure they would allow the use of debian name12:15
macouteif asked12:15
Stskeepswe'd just call it "Debbie NITs"12:15
macouteas the main goal for the debian copyright is to be as free as possible, only to protect debian trademark from any harm done12:15
johnxlet's call it good for now. :)12:16
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johnxrm_you, awesome sauce!12:29
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johnxrm_you, yeah, lighting is definitely the key12:32
johnxit's finding codes but no successful lookups yet12:33
johnxjust "unknown unknown"12:33
johnxthat's not entirely surprising though...12:33
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jottjohnx: yeah the db is a bit us/uk specific12:38
johnxI got one of them to send me an SQL error12:38
johnxI like the idea of running buffer overflow exploits on barcode readers :)12:39
jottean14 would cause alot of buffer overflows in my code :)12:39
johnxthe barcode in question is: 498860213508412:40
XTLiNext step: rfid12:40
Khertan_TheRealjohnx > lol this could be fun :)12:40
Khertan_TheRealmaybe we can look to integrate an exploit12:40
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Khertan_TheRealwith simple command line ... rm -rf :)12:41
jottjohnx: you can submit codes at so the next db contains your items ;)12:42
johnxI'd like to see a "search for this string with google"12:43
Khertan_TheRealdoes tabletschool don't accept any comment ? or just mine ?12:43
Khertan_TheRealjohnx > add to mcalendar this event ... could be cool too :)12:44
johnxKhertan_TheReal, does mcalendar listen for dbus messages?12:44
Khertan_TheRealno :)12:45
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Khertan_TheRealmaybe i should implement it12:45
Khertan_TheRealthis could not be very hard ...12:45
Khertan_TheRealspecially in python12:45
Khertan_TheRealbut at this time i don't see any interest ... :)12:45
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rm_youjohnx: if we get datamatrix working, we can do that12:48
rm_youencode urls / arbitrary text into barcodes12:48
rm_youwill be awesome12:48
rm_youcan make links as barcodes and print them and stick them to thing12:48
rm_youand scan them with n800 :P12:48
rm_youor just display text as barcodes on our n800 and have other n800s scan them :P12:49
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Khertan_TheRealrm_you > with the webcam ?12:57
Khertan_TheRealsomeone have try ubuntu ume first release ? do u know what pim they use ?12:58
lcuk~lart tosspot cow orkers12:58
* infobot drops a truckload of VAXen on tosspot cow orkers12:58
lcuk~lart tosspot cow orkers12:58
* rm_you kills the tauren orkers12:58
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rm_youjohnx: SQL errors are normal I think? it means the resultset was zero rows... i think. maybe.12:59
rm_youi should go back and read my own code13:00
lcuki have such a stream of not very nice language i could spout towards a certain individual :)13:00
johnxrm_you, ok13:00
johnxjust sayin'13:00
rm_youtry scanning some of these on the screen13:00
lcuknooooo, the random item is not very worksafe13:01
rm_youbetter that way :P13:01
rm_youi can redirect any blame, and laugh :P13:01
rm_youit was random!13:01
rm_youlcuk: well, it is working nicely for anything in the database13:02
rm_younow to work on amazon scraping later13:02
lcukmind you, i think *cow orker* needs 00282387217 shoving up his backside13:02
rm_youin a few days13:02
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lcuki hope to god thats a valid code and that its big and uncomfortable13:02
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rm_youhe might need some 071677001948613:04
* lcuk has a song about said worker but would be booted off freenode for singing it in channel :)13:05
lcuklol i havent got the code lookup here13:05
lcuknot you crashanddie :)13:05
rm_youto go with his 003317120399413:06
crashanddiehow y'all doing ?13:06
crashanddielcuk, implementing file transfer13:06
rm_youlcuk: get your video client/server in testing yet? :P13:06
rm_youthat should be fun to test13:06
lcuki was havin a great mornin until warshat for brains got in my way13:06
crashanddie$ ./sw_client -h -p 32001 -l whatismyip.com13:07
lcukcrashanddie, :) excelleent13:07
lcukrm_you, :) yes, it will be fun13:07
* lcuk will finish the protocol and server tonight - theres more than just raw images required13:08
rm_youthis item concerns me: 002233346278213:08
* lcuk still doesnt know how to create accounts and have security13:08
lcuki dont want someone spoofing rm_you with a live goatse13:08
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* lcuk ponders compression13:10
rm_youlcuk: i think you should divert your attention briefly to the datamatrix code :P13:10
crashanddiewhere should I store temp files on the NIT ?13:10
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rm_youlcuk: or maybe after you finish that :P13:10
lcuk /tmp13:10
rm_youcrashanddie: /tmp/ ? :P13:10
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lcukrm_you, square barcodes will get attention from me when i see them in more places than the internet13:10
rm_youlcuk: lol13:11
rm_youQR is all over the place in japan13:11
rm_youdatamatrix is useful for other things13:11
lcukam i in japan?13:11
rm_youdatamatrix is useful for US to PLAY WITH! :P13:11
* lcuk might be actually13:11
rm_youand it is so close13:11
lcukthen get it working, its your baby13:11
johnxlcuk, you could be ... if ... the Price is Riiiight!13:11
crashanddiethere's not enough space on /tmp13:11
rm_youi bet you could make datamatrix support work in less than 30 minutes13:11
rm_youI am not into imaging, i have no idea what is going on13:12
lcukcrashanddie, use ummmm /var then - aint that for files like that13:12
rm_youor C internal structures >_>13:12
rm_youcrashanddie: /media/mmc1/ ?13:12
rm_youcrashanddie: /media/mmc2/ ?13:12
lcukor c code13:12
lcukor c compilaiton13:12
rm_youI can do the compilation mostly :P13:12
lcuklets face it, if c was like php or python you would be happy wouldnt ya :P13:12
rm_youthe more I use C the more I hate it13:12
rm_youbut yes.13:13
XTLi /Var/tmp is non-ephemeral tmp usually13:13
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lcukcrashanddie, you already have your own branch /var/crash13:14
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lcukbut you really want /var/cache13:14
lcukor direct to destination13:14
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rm_youbbl, sleep :P13:15
lcukcya later13:15
crashanddiein other news13:15
crashanddiemy skin is peeling off13:15
johnxwhat exciting news13:15
lcukewww gross13:15
johnxcrashanddie, that's what you get for being out under the terrifying day star13:16
MangoFusiontoo much information13:16
XTLiJoin the club13:16
glezosHi all. This was probably brought up a number of times, but here it goes: My n810 doesn't turn on (even with fridge technique). Flashing sequence is stuck at "Suitable USB device not found" (no usb hub). Tried some alternative switches to the command-line, but no luck. Any advices?13:16
lcukforget the command line: does it turn on normally?13:16
johnxglezos, well the good news is the freezer-hack thing only applies to the n800 as far as I know13:17
lcukyou are confuddling 2 different things13:17
lcukand putting it in the fridge cant help that much can it?  unless proximity to the milk helps13:17
glezoslcuk: no, it doesn't13:17
XTLiIf it doesn't turn on at all, the flasher isn't going to get anywhere :)13:17
lcukthen RMA it and let nokia help13:17
johnxlcuk, it was a specific issue related to some timing issue with the n800 AFAIK13:17
lcukthe device was released less than a year ago, you have warranty13:17
lcukthis is 810 though13:18
glezosXTLi: yeah, I figured that out. It was working properly before GUADEC, and when it was turned off, it never came alive again.13:18
lcuktry a replacement battery13:18
glezoslcuk: will do that.13:18
lcukbut i think fridges and voodoo magic wont help13:19
XTLiDoes it react in any way when the charger is plugged in?13:19
lcuka little voice inside the 810 goes "owwwww, warm that bloody thing up before you stick it in there"13:20
XTLiYou can try the battery but there's propably not much else to do13:20
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lcuk"theyr gonna make me go to recall, i said no no no"13:21
* ccooke wonders what a sprint review is13:21
glezosXTLi: yes, the screen flashes a few times with "NOKIA" on it13:22
Khertan_TheRealn810 has two years warranty13:22
glezosThis thread shows it might also be a charger problem:
Khertan_TheRealglezos > are u sure that you are using the right command line for flashing it ?13:23
glezosKhertan_TheReal: yeah, I don't think it's a flashing issue though.13:23
lcukglezos, ok, you say it DOES turn on but doesnt boot up properly and goes off again almost immediately13:24
glezoslcuk: right.13:25
lcukwhich is of course different to it wont turn on at all13:25
glezosok, sorry13:25
glezoslost in translation. :)13:25
Khertan_TheRealdo u see the screen with two hands ?13:25
lcukdeffo try to get a different fully charged battery or try an alternative nokia charger13:25
glezosKhertan_TheReal: no13:26
glezoslcuk: yeah, that's what i was thinking as well.13:26
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glezosthank you guys13:28
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MangoFusionmuhahaha. now i can build apps which work on my Jailbroken iPod 2.0... for free.13:41
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MangoFusionactually, now i don't have a clue what to make so it's pretty much useless13:41
MangoFusionoh well13:41
MangoFusionback to m NIT ;)13:41
XTLiYou can ping localhost13:42
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sp3000but can you telnet to 80?13:44
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GAN800I guess I should put the wiki url in the title, but it's so long. . . .13:54
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JaffaGAN800: for this evening's meeting?13:57
GAN800Since people don't know how to google 'maemo sprint'13:59
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GeneralAntilles2 "Thanks!" from 1,00014:03
GeneralAntillesThen I can finally rest.14:04
XTLiOh, it's tonight already14:04
lcukGeneralAntilles, that title is a bit short, care to make it a bit longer?14:05
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XTLiYou mean topic?14:06
lcukyou say potato14:06
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, how does "Sprint review today @ 1900 UTC in #maemo-meeting | meeting after the sprint | | Maemo Summit: | Create the new logo: | logs at | | lcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksuxlcuksu14:07
lcukcoool, thanks GeneralAntilles, ill remember that14:07
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GeneralAntillesAhaha. This is so what my hair looks like right now (just having gotten out of bed):
lcukalso known as "Pili trianguli et canaliculi"14:09
Khertan_TheRealsomeone have tryed the first Ubuntu UME Release ? and see what pim they use ?14:13
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crashanddielcuk, file transfer completed14:15
lcukit took since last night to transfer 1 tiny file :P14:16
lcukpeople arent gonna accept that14:16
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crashanddielcuk, shove it14:17
lcuki gather this is the windows pusher and a maemo daemon?14:17
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crashanddielinux pusher14:17
crashanddieI don't care about windows14:17
lcukmornin jott14:18
jottah right maemo meeting14:18
lcukcool though14:18
crashanddielcuk, I'm really keeping the protocol extremely minimal14:18
lcuk"Here, have a file"14:18
lcukdoes the desktop pusher get to choose any kind of location (like push to mmc or push to docs or push to favs?14:19
crashanddielcuk, unsigned int for transfer type (link or file), unsigned int for link/file size, content14:19
crashanddielcuk, not in this version, I'm doing everything on a temp file14:19
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jottcrashanddie: cat file.txt | netcat -p 1911 foo  ? ;)14:19
eikkeanyone knows whether Quim hangs out on irc sometimes?14:20
crashanddieeikke, sometimes14:20
jotteikke: he rushes in here from time to time14:20
lcukeikke, yes he does but usually only when required.14:20
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crashanddiejott, yeah, that's about it14:20
eikkeok, thanks14:20
lcukhes like a superhero, dashing from scene to scene14:20
jottand he will attend to the maemo meeting today i guess14:20
crashanddiejott, wouldn't cat struggle on binary files though ?14:20
lcukspeaking of superheros - jott are you gonna wear your costume at the summit? :P14:21
jottcrashanddie: why should it?14:21
crashanddiejott, dunno, just had that feeling14:21
* lcuk passes magic,content4cc,contentsize,contentdata14:22
jottcrashanddie: there are arguments to break stuff, thats right ;)14:22
* lcuk randomly modifies cow orkers files14:22
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* hrw plays with qemu14:24
crashanddieI just got the "cow orkers" joke14:25
* crashanddie goes into hiding14:25
hrwcrashanddie: sent?14:25
crashanddiehrw, wanted to ask a question, cover letter, yes or no ?14:25
crashanddiehrw, and if yes, whom should I address it to ?14:25
* GeneralAntilles hopes the meeting is done in less than 4 hours.14:26
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lcuklol GeneralAntilles you dont have to stay for everything14:28
jottbut he wants to have the last word ;p14:28
GeneralAntillesGotta be here for the bugzilla meeting14:28
GeneralAntilles. . . and jott's thing. :D14:29
GeneralAntillesDark Knight in IMAX at 7:1514:29
GeneralAntillesI'm excited.14:29
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, at the end14:29
jottscrew those *!# german cinemas, way too long to wait for this movie...14:30
jottbest of all - they probably take this long to make a horrible dub14:30
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, there's the thing with the guy and the dude14:30
GeneralAntillesBatman dies.14:30
hrwwith small child I do not remeber when last time I was in cinema14:30
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aquatixGeneralAntilles: aw, you spoiled it14:31
GeneralAntilleshrw, what, no kid's movies?14:31
jottbaby movie ;p14:31
crashanddieaquatix, go watch it, no matter how many spoilers you've seen/heard14:31
hrwGeneralAntilles: #define small "less then year"14:31
Khertan_TheRealStskeeps > so ... there is nothing done yet ... it s still in specifications process14:31
aquatixcrashanddie: surprisingly, i read surprisingly few14:31
GeneralAntillesAh, right.14:32
crashanddiehrw, then you probably haven't seen a movie in about a year ?14:32
aquatixcrashanddie: yeah, i should watch it i guess14:32
crashanddieaquatix, heath is amazing14:32
GeneralAntillesI manage to avoid spoilers for movies pretty well, actually.14:32
crashanddiehrw, answer to the questions above ?14:32
crashanddieGA surfs the web with his eyes closed14:33
GeneralAntilleshrw, when are you going to do battle with fanoush's kid? ;)14:33
GeneralAntillesMy computer summarizes everything I might want to read "Not a spoiler. Not a spoiler. Spoiler. Not a spoiler."14:34
StskeepsKhertan_TheReal: some stuff is done14:34
GeneralAntillesDid you guys read that "Not a spoiler" on slashdot yesterday? It was pretty interesting stuff. :D14:34
Stskeepsanyone has some swf emulating a iphone interface or some "flash based UI"?14:34
hrwcrashanddie: last was February I think - when wife and daughter were in hospital. 'Jumper' was the movie14:34
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hrwhi mgedmin14:35
crashanddiehrw, ha... in fact I was referring to the other questions :D should I send a cover letter, and if so, who will read it ?14:35
hrwGeneralAntilles: ?14:35
Khertan_TheRealStskeeps > yes i m talking about pim apps14:36
aquatixGeneralAntilles: which of the 12? ;)14:36
hrwcrashanddie: someone in company will read. you can be 100% sure that it wont be me14:36
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GeneralAntilleshrw, doing battle with fanoush's kid or my lame not-a-spoiler joke?14:36
hrwbattle GeneralAntilles14:36
Khertan_TheRealStskeeps > there is iphone's like keyboard in edje ... but don't know about it in swf14:36
crashanddiehrw, fair enough14:37
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GeneralAntilleslol @ comments:
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ItalodancestraNGE! i changed some skins for my xmms but the device memory is full now! (from 11 mb empty)14:59
Italodancei rebooted it but didn't changed15:00
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smyowsMy usb hub powered is not recognized ;/15:01
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Italodancesmyows what's ur app?15:01
smyowsTo os2009 usb support must be impuved15:01
Italodanceusb control?15:01
Italodancetry host and other parts too15:02
smyowsIs recognized but somtimes is, somtimes not15:02
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GeneralAntillessmyows, there's a whitelist15:02
GeneralAntillesIt may not be on it.15:02
smyowsOnly in host works so so15:02
GeneralAntillesand there wont be an "OS2009"15:02
smyowsIf i compile another kernel on sbox my hub and another usb devices works?15:03
smyowsSorry my bad english15:04
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* Jaffa sighs at the "Update to repositories" thread on ITT15:06
GeneralAntillesIt like a whole 'nother world of insanity that I can't get my head around.15:07
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Italodancemy xmms can't play songs! :(15:07
GeneralAntillesThe most basic assumptions are so totally flawed that I'm not even sure where to begin trying to explain.15:08
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ItalodanceGeneralAntilles do u have a job?15:09
GeneralAntillesI'm in school15:10
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Italodanceu are always 24/hour here for talk!15:10
GeneralAntillesNot really.15:10
GeneralAntillesI just keep odd hours so it appears that way15:10
Italodanceok! :D15:11
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* GeneralAntilles notices new Nokia names in Bugzilla.15:15
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GeneralAntillesandre__, gogogogogo! ;)15:15
RST38hga: what school?15:15
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Where?15:15
RST38hga: cs?=)15:17
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, don't have any particular bug numbers in mind.15:17
GeneralAntillesRST38h, yes.15:17
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mouser-I'm finally on Diablo, and seem to have the poor battery life bug as well.15:24
mouser-It was fully charged yesterday morning and has mostly been in offline mode the entire day and night.  This morning, it was dead.15:25
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mikkov_which desktop applets are you using?15:30
Khertan_TheRealmouser- > what is installed on it ?15:30
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RST38hHow come updated canola plugins are in diablo extras but canola itself is not?15:38
GeneralAntillesIt's in Extras-devel15:40
GeneralAntillesThey're finishing up testing, I think.15:40
GeneralAntillesI would've waited until Canola was there before promoting the plugins, myself, though.15:40
GeneralAntillesAs it just leads to dependency issues.15:40
JaffaThe world is full of nonsense.15:42
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RST38hits weird because you cant use plugins from extras without canola from extras devel15:43
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RST38halso looks like personal menu package is broken and mc package has got a problem with ncurses dependency15:44
Khertan_TheRealand onboard user can't still upload package to extras-devel ... but it s an other story15:45
RST38hkhertan: I talked to canola guys15:45
sterianyone have any idea why my ssh server doesn15:45
sterianyone have any idea why my ssh server doesn't work :S I can connect it locally but not from remote pc15:46
Khertan_TheReali know ... :)15:46
RST38hkhertan: looks like you can dput to extras non-free15:46
Khertan_TheRealno no no ...15:46
Khertan_TheRealit s a free package ...15:46
Khertan_TheRealso really ? i can directly upload to non free with scp ?15:46
XTLiIt would be nice if you could set some pinning priorities in appman15:47
GeneralAntillesKhertan_TheReal, why can't you upload from device?15:47
JaffaKhertan_TheReal: why can't you upload a package to extras-devel from a device? It's just scp. Did you mean you can't build a source package yet cos you've not worked out how, did you mean you can't *sign* a package on the device because of no debsign/gnupg, or did you mean you can't generate a key on the device to sign with?15:47
Khertan_TheRealGeneralAntilles > dpkg-buildpackage don't work15:47
XTLiAlmost makes me want to pin by hand as repos pile up15:47
Khertan_TheRealJaffa > gnupg is available15:47
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Khertan_TheReali can up ... i can do it with chinook repository with pypackager15:47
JaffaKhertan_TheReal: I know. I was asking you why you think you can't upload to extras-devel.15:48
Khertan_TheRealbut as source can't be rebuild with dpkg-buildpackage15:48
Khertan_TheRealas it s not standart debian source15:48
JaffaRight, so it's nothing to do with the device. It's a limitation in PyPackager - that's different.15:48
Khertan_TheRealand can't do it onboard as dpkg-buildpackage failed with a 'sh: bad signal 's''15:49
RST38hJaffa: he cant create a source package on the device15:49
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GeneralAntillesXTLi, use fewer repos.15:49
Khertan_TheRealJaffa > yes the dev of pypackager sucks ! his application can't do real debian packages !15:49
RST38hJaffa: pypackager or not, he is still screwed, unfortunately15:49
JaffaRST38h: there's no reason one can't, though. It's a tarball with a debian/rules file and a .dsc.15:49
Khertan_TheRealJaffa > yes ... just some rules  ...15:49
JaffaRST38h: or am I missing something15:50
RST38hKhertan: maybe you should just extend pypackager :)15:50
Khertan_TheRealbut i m not funny enought to build rules by hand15:50
RST38hJaffa: it is not a plain tarball afaik, but close enough15:50
Khertan_TheRealRST38h > it s what i m trying to do by trying to install dpkg-buildpackage15:50
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jottKhertan_TheReal: the bad signal stuff is easy to fix..15:51
Khertan_TheRealjott > really ?15:51
Khertan_TheRealhow ?15:51
jottits a "kill" argument in one of the dh_ scripts15:51
Jaffadebian/rules is a trivial Makefile which has to support about 4 targets. A script to create such a file should be relatively straightforward given a tree of stuff.15:52
Khertan_TheRealjott ... yes ... one :)15:52
JaffaAll the dh_* stuff is to help people, but it's not essential.15:52
* RST38h does have a cut down rules file15:52
Khertan_TheRealJaffa > yes i know15:52
jottKhertan_TheReal: i am not at home atm..15:53
jotti cant remember on top of my head :/15:53
RST38hunfortunately it is not clear which rules are safe to kework15:53
jottbut it was fairly straight forward to see where it stops15:53
JaffaRST38h: if you control the structure of your project, you're probably best building it up from scratch; especially if it's Python based.15:53
GeneralAntillesWoo, more super-sized monospace HTML email spam on -users!15:54
RST38hmine is c15:54
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Khertan_TheRealGeneralAntilles > configure your server ... mine filter html email :)15:54
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JaffaRST38h: autoconf-based?15:54
GeneralAntillesKhertan_TheReal, gmail webmail at the moment15:55
jottKhertan_TheReal: and it's just a s/-s FOO/-FOO/15:55
jottas busybox kill does not understand -s SIGNAL15:55
Khertan_TheRealjott > thx i ll try to look15:55
Khertan_TheRealGeneralAntilles > gmail can read mail on other server ... :)15:55
GeneralAntillesWell, at least he's polite:
mouser-Khertan_TheReal: None that I didn't use before.  The gpe PIM summary, rss reader (with autoscroll disabled) and another one15:55
Khertan_TheRealhum ... and the other one is ?15:56
RST38hbut I do control it myself because deb packaging is just a kludge on top of existing project15:56
RST38hJaffa: no autoconf. no automake.15:56
RST38hcompiles just fine without them15:57
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Khertan_TheRealmore i understand how debian package work and are built more i found this too much complicated...15:58
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Khertan_TheRealand i m surprised that there is so many applications packaged ... :)15:59
RST38hKhertan: so is a lot of things designed by people who just like designing stuff15:59
aquatixlots of maintainers ;)15:59
hrwKhertan_TheReal: debian packaging is easy.15:59
hrwKhertan_TheReal: building for maemo is less due to scratchbox and lack of native building16:00
RST38hbuilding for maemo is dead easy with sb216:00
jottactually building debian packages in scratchbox is fairly easy too .. ;)16:00
XTLiFrom the pkg front, yes16:01
XTLiMaybe even easier than building on the system you actually use16:01
RST38hsb1 does suck though especially if you use autoconf as maemo tutorials suggest16:01
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XTLiPull in deps as you need etc16:02
hrwRST38h: tutorials...16:02
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RST38hthere is exactly one tutorial (hello world) that shows building without autoconf16:02
XTLiBut sw dev/port itself might have some extra trickiness16:02
* jott never had real problems with scratchbox, just with gcc 3.4.4...16:02
hrwI would like to see clean tutorials, not that 'how to port glade based app to hildon'16:03
RST38ha lot of people miss it though and go for maemopad example16:03
hrwand I would like to get normal sdk instead of scratchbox16:03
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hrwwith normal cross-compiler + libs/headers16:04
hrwjust like Poky does16:04
RST38hsb2 is close to that though16:04
RST38hprepend everything with sb2 and forget that you are not building natively16:05
hrwI do not want to use "sb2 something" but just something16:05
smyowsExist config.gz on maemo kernel?16:05
hrwsb2 ls16:05
RST38hI understand16:05
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RST38hbut this you can avoid with aliases and a few makefile rules16:05
hrw"sb2 cd source;sb2 vi;sb2 ./configure --options-misc;sb2 make"?16:05
johnxyou only need to run sb2 in front of ./configure and make in that example, IIRC16:06
mgedminI'd do the vi without sb216:06
mgedminand I doubt it will work with cd16:06
mgedmincan you sb2 apt-get install anything these days?16:06
RST38hhrw: sb2 sh :)16:06
mgedminiirc it used not to work16:06
hrwRST38h: and "sb2 sb2 sh"16:06
RST38hI think apt-get works16:07
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RST38hhrw: wont work16:07 is down?16:07
hrwRST38h: why? you just told me 'prepend everything with sb2' ;(16:07
RST38hnot clear why you would want to run apt-get though16:07
RST38hhrw: but NOT twice:)16:07
jottRST38h: apt-get install foo-dev16:08
mikkov_just working slower than life, i guess16:08
RST38hjott: ok, valid16:08
jottmikkov_: get used to it ;)16:08
hrwRST38h: "apt-get upgrade" to get chinook->diablo16:08
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RST38hhrw: I do not think sb2 guys have diablo rootstrap yet16:09
hrwRST38h: in normal world rootfs can be built from packages...16:10
RST38hWell, we are in the Nokia world16:10
RST38hso be thankful it is not s6016:10
hrwwith s60 situation is more clear - platform is closed16:11
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jottwell lgpl implies closed platforms too..16:12
* jott stabs closed platforms16:13
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RST38hmaemo is not open either16:15
RST38hand you should get used to the fact that no established company will make its platform open in Gpl sense16:16
RST38hthey aint stupid16:16
* Khertan_TheReal is thinking of option he have : making his own repository (--) / fix pypackager and be able to upload new package in december, mean that mCalendar ll not be updated during this time (----) / made his own application manager/updater with his own packaging system (can be build in one month) but problem with .deb package depandancies (---)16:19
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RST38hI would go with #216:19
RST38halthough #1 sounds tempting16:19
Khertan_TheRealany other option ?16:20
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johnxask someone else to make a package for mcalendar?16:20
Khertan_TheRealjohnx > :)16:21
Khertan_TheRealand pygtkeditor16:21
Khertan_TheRealand homeip16:21
johnxaren't python apps pretty simple to package?16:21
Khertan_TheRealand homethings*16:21
Khertan_TheRealthere are ... when dpkg-buildpackage can be installed16:21
smyowsIt[ is possible to use the make menuconfig on sbox?16:21
jottjust make dpkg-buildpackage work ;)16:21
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johnxKhertan_TheReal, why can't you use scratchbox at all?16:22
mikkov_btw are python-hildondesktop and hildondesktop-python-loader nokia supported?16:22
johnxsmyows, yes, with a little hack. google should give you the answer16:22
jottor get rid of busybox on maemo ;)16:22
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Khertan_TheRealjohnx > because it s not available on n810 :)16:22
smyowsjohnx: thx16:22
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johnxKhertan_TheReal, and you don't have an x86 computer at all?16:22
smyowsjohnx: and the kernel os2008 configuration?16:22
Khertan_TheRealJott > i ve tryed replace busybox ... and the result was to flash my tablet :)16:23
blafaselQuick survey: I'm (in my day job) mostly a java/.net guy. Are there _any_ mono applications for the devices so far? Otherwise I'd probably go for vala, but.. The docs were rather sparse last time I checked.16:23
jottmake it proper *rolleyes* :P16:23
johnxsmyows, google kernel compile site:maemo.org16:23
Khertan_TheRealjohnx > i ve one ... but don't have the time to sit in front of it :)16:23
Khertan_TheReala nice small 480016:23
johnxKhertan_TheReal, ssh16:23
smyowsjohnx: thx again16:23
Khertan_TheRealjohnx ... hum ... yes ... i m dumb ...16:24
hrwsmyows: kernel config is with kernel sources16:24
Khertan_TheReal#4 ... ssh it !16:24
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johnxmy build box is thousands of miles away16:24
johnxonly a problem when the real owner wants to use it or takes it down for some reason :)16:24
mgedminthousands of miles, what's that in milliseconds of ssh latency?16:24
johnxmgedmin, slightly painful16:24
johnxworkable though16:25
Khertan_TheRealthis ll be slow with data connection ...16:25
Khertan_TheRealbut ... just to use dpkg-buildpackage ... this could be a solution ...16:25
mgedminvi rules on slow connections16:25
johnxKhertan_TheReal, use rsync to only push changes16:25
Khertan_TheRealrsync ... is the way that i ve scratched my work last time ... :)16:26
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Khertan_TheRealbut there is a gui for maemo now ... :)16:26
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Khertan_TheRealinverted src / dst :)16:26
johnxtar is the one that messes with me O_o16:26
johnxit's hilarious when you accidentally concatenate your mp3s :)16:26
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* jott hands Khertan_TheReal a --dry-run16:27
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Khertan_TheReala great module for python :)16:28
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Italodancewho has xmms here?16:33
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Khertan_TheRealhum ... i m just discovered scribes... a great apps !16:39
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smyowsI use n800_defconfig or nokia_2420_defconfig for n800 os2008?16:50
Stskeepssmyows: think guide says nokia_2420_defconfig16:51
ItalodanceKhertan_TheReal XMMS?16:52
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smyowsWhat is the diference about n800 and 242016:52
Stskeepssmyows: one works and the other doesnt :P16:52
anddamItalodance: Iran?16:52
anddamI was wondering if a N-serie device could be handy as calculator, like using a CAS and a numeric program like octave or scilab16:53
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anddambut I wasn't able to figure it out, I searched and found some reference to a request for a "light octave" but nothing of interest. Has anyone tried this?16:54
jottanddam: octave works on the n8x016:54
jottso das mathomatic16:55
jottand probably alot other open source CAS and numeric programs16:55
jottyou can also run a TI emulator ;)16:55
anddamjott: I was aiming at a 770 due to low price of used items, I see there os2008 HE and I read it is an hybrid between os2006 binaries and os2008 structure16:55
Italodanceanddam YEs16:55
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jottanddam: yeah well, the 770 is slower (in particular due to missing vfp much slower for floating point operations) and has less memory16:56
anddamactually I'm already owning and using a TI89 and I was wondering if a more modern device (backlight, wifi, screen, linux with its possibilities) can replace it in doing math16:56
Khertan_TheRealItalodance > XMMS ?16:56
jottstill, most basic stuff should work16:56
jottanddam: really depends on what you are aiming at..16:57
anddamjott: can you explain me what the difference between HE and standard are?16:57
jotti guess solving highly non-linear pdes will not be much fun on a 770 ;)16:57
ItalodanceKhertan_TheReal ok yes XMMS is a great app,agree with u,i like winamp16:57
Khertan_TheReali never said that ... i hate xmms and winamp ...16:57
Khertan_TheReali m talking about scribes16:57
jottanddam: HE are hacker editions (not really officially supported)16:58
jottbut with more modern system components16:58
ItalodanceKhertan_TheReal lol16:58
anddamjott: nothing heavy, basic calculations, some matrix elaboration, some graph16:58
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jottotoh, if you just want to run some CAS you might be fine with OS2005/0616:58
anddamjott: obviously having a full system on background offers much more using some programming language with numeric package16:58
binkyhi there16:59
anddamjott: it's still a thought, I'm getting infos16:59
anddamjott: obviously there's the geeky factor too16:59
binkyjott, are you named after that app?16:59
jotthehe i guess so16:59
jottbinky: no :*17:00
binkylol, ok17:00
* jott curses jott.com17:00
binkyTHAT was what I meant17:00
anddamjott: and card size limit for 770 is 2gb, right?17:00
jottanddam: not sure. i never had a 770...17:01
binkyI believe, but you still can install the fanoush kernel for supporting SDHC17:01
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anddambinky: me?17:01
anddamah yes, I see17:01
binkysure, you. It's my firs time on IRC and I don't know how to get that little message with the name of the person who is supposed to be sent17:02
jottanddam: just try to find out what cas/numeric program you want to use.17:02
aquatixbinky: just type the name :)17:02
binkyor you have just to type it?17:02
binkyah... I see17:02
binkythank you...17:03
jottanddam: then we might can tell you if it runs on a n8x0 or 770...17:03
aquatixyou can type the first few chars and tap <tab> to complete even17:03
binkyI'd feel like in terminal then...17:03
binkyaquatix: cool... thanks17:03
jottanddam: hmmm.. might be on the edge i guess..17:03
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anddambinky: tab completion precedes the use of the fire17:04
anddamjott: I read something didn't work properly, like gnuplot, due to Hildon17:04
anddamjott: or better due to the fact that it didn't use Hildon17:04
jottanddam: no its a normal x server running, so almost all stuff should "work" without modifications.17:05
jottanddam: its just not "integrated"17:05
jott(like the default onscreen keyboard can be an issue)17:05
binkyand... I'd like to ask a thing, maybe the most stupid, but... how the hell do you enlarge the on-screen keyboard?17:06
* jott has a n810 - no need for an osk :)17:06
binkyI still with an arcaic 770 :'( [Paypal donations are always appreciated, do I merit it?]17:07
anddamjott: oh, how's the hw keyboard feeling?17:07
jottthere is (for example) xkbd
jottanddam: i like it. but some people don't17:07
jotti guess it's how you can get used to it...17:07
jottbest would be to try it out in a store.17:08
jott(though it takes a while to get used to it - so the first impression might be inaccurate)17:08
anddamcan you type in a medium long text (say a long email) comfortably?17:08
binkyjott: you know, I'm thinking in porting some apps... but I don't know programmin, what language should I learn? C++? Python? Ruby? Perl? I'd like to have Audacity, Jokosher or Rosegarden17:08
jottbinky: well i guess python is not that bad for getting started.17:09
ccookebinky: Different apps are written in different languages - and not all apps will be suitable on a tablet with limited cpu power17:10
ccookePython is a good start for the libs, but the tutprials aren't very good.17:10
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binkyI think C++ ftw, because It's structurated and should not be hard to begin. but it's a looong way until i can do something like that17:11
ccookebinky: have you already learned to program?17:11
binkyccooke: nope.17:12
anddambinky: I wonder how useful Rosegarden would be..17:12
crashanddiebinky, the "what language to start with" is about as old as computers are17:12
crashanddiebinky, and there isn't a real answer17:12
jotti compiled milkytracker for the device.. runs really good ;)17:12
binkycrashanddie: or "what linux distro do I choose?"17:12
jottand has not that high17:12
ccookebinky: in that case... hmm. Given the set you mentioned, Ruby is probably the 'easiest' to learn17:12
jott"jack" footprint ;)17:12
ccookeand it's not a bad choice of first language (few are!)17:12
crashanddiebinky, my personal opinion would be to start with a not-too-heavily typed language (scraps a few), learn basic concepts, and then step up to a more serious language17:13
binkyccooke: Thn17:13
ccookeit's also similar enough in syntax to python that you can make the jump easily enough17:13
crashanddie(note the fact that I imply that languages which are not typed suck)17:13
binky  n17:13
jottare the ruby hildon bindings still maintained?17:13
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binkySorry, I can't erase... I meant, thank you lol17:13
sp3000GeneralAntilles: hum, isn't garage-bugzilla relevant to -developers17:13
ccookejott: They looked to be, when I was looking. They can't be much worse than the python libs documentation-wise, though ;-)17:14
jottwell gtk documentation in general sucks pretty much ;)17:14
ccooke(Much more interesting than 'which language should you start with' is 'Which *shouldn't* you start with' ;-)17:14
binkyanddam: as a... sort of musician, (and now, Timidity++ is available) is one of the greatest things we could see in our ITs17:14
binky ccooke: that should be easier to answer???17:15
jottbinky: seen milkytracker? ;)17:15
ccookenot so much easier (although a few: COBOL, for instance *are* easy)... but a lot more fun.17:15
binkyjott: I'm googling it, but webpage does not load17:15
ccookeFor instance - I'd say nobody should *ever* start programming with php or perl :-)17:16
jottmh.. indeed17:16
binkyjott: forget it, I'll look for screenshots17:16
jottseems to be down17:16
jottyeah to the rescue ;)17:16
binkyjott: looks great, it does support differents MIDI instruments, doesn't it?17:17
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jottbinky: actually its a classical tracker with samples17:17
GAN800sp3000, website stuff is -community now.17:18
binkyhm... is it in the garage or do you have a .deb? I'd like to give a try17:18
jottbinky: so you can load pretty much every sound ;)17:18
jotti had a deb....17:18
GAN800But, uh, yeah, there's probably some overlap.17:18
* jott looks under the pillows17:18
zapjott: how fast the response is?17:18
zapI mean, you press a key, how fast do you hear the sound?17:18
jottzap: its quite fast, its optimized for embedded use17:19
jott ah someone else also made a deb17:19
zapits not about embedded, it's about N8x017:19
binkyIs the greatest thing since PyAno. I could record any sound for make it larger... maybe Ty could just add more keys and add my sounds... is he around here?17:20
ccookezap: the n810 is an embedded architecture still17:20
sp3000GAN800: if the developers of the relevant apps aren't involved, I don't see why anyone else should care17:20
zapI like the "Zap" button17:20
jotti think i made 1-2 changes to have it accept rmb ...17:20
jottnever tried the deb of pskosis17:20
GAN800sp3000, well, at this point most of them are on vacation.17:20
sp3000that is, maybe if it's in /really/ early stages it might be useful to limit discussion to the community-enabler-hackers circle17:20
jottbut it's a nice app17:21
binkyjott: OS2008 only... I can't try it. My 770 runs OS2006 U-_-17:21
GAN800I'm not trying to limit anything, but we're still in the technical planning stages atm.17:21
jottbinky: should be still worth a try.. it just uses sdl17:21
sp3000bugzilla is a developer tool :)17:22
binkyI'll do, but maybe dependencies will fail17:22
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jottyeah --force-all ;p17:22
jottthere are also some youtube tutorial videos17:22
jott(you can even paint a waveform ;)17:22
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binkyjott: Would be funny hear a loop of me doing "lalalal hey!, lalala hey!..." all the time...r17:23
Italodancemany guys use load-applet?17:23
binkyjott: dpkg -i --force-depends would work, no?17:23
jottbinky: just try it ;)17:24
jottreally - can't tell you17:24
sp3000GAN800: I don't care what box something belongs in, I care that the right people know about what's relevant to them17:24
GAN800sp3000, feel free to ping -developers.17:25
GAN800I'm not really able to at the moment.17:25
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sp3000also, if you can't thell, I get a rash whenever something is labelled "community" :)17:26
sp3000tell even17:26
binkyPD: Anyone tried to donwload a large file, and IT says it's donwnloaded in less than a second. then you look, and there is a file with that name and 1 KB?17:26
GAN800Well, is maemo2midgard better?17:26
sp3000heh ;)17:26
guentherbinky: checked the files contents?17:27
guentherMy guess: HTML...17:27
* GAN800 is knee deep in an eMac mobo replacement.17:27
binkyyes, it doesn't open. ?17:27
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guentherWhat doesn't open?17:27
guentherless $file17:27
guentherHow can that fail? :)17:27
jottfsck ;O17:28
binkyjott: installed sucesfully17:28
binkyguenther: I'll give you the exact message, wait17:28
crashanddiecan I just tell dbus to launch a file, and it will try to open it based on Mime type ?17:28
binkyCOltrane_-_Love_Supreme --- 6 kB. I try to open and says "Imposible Abrir" what means "Impossible To Open"17:29
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binkyit says is a text/html file17:30
guentherDon't double click it.17:30
jottcrashanddie: dbus is an IPC system not a launcher ...17:30
guentherOpen it in a text editor.17:30
guentherAha, exactly my guess! :)17:30
crashanddiejott, fair enough17:30
crashanddiejott, does such a launcher exist ?17:30
guentherWhat was the URL you tried to download?17:30
binkysomthing from Rapidshare17:30
guentherthanks for being as vague as possible, dude...17:31
crashanddiehe's not vague17:31
guentherComplain to Rapidshare.17:31
crashanddiebinky, I'll bet the HTML file is something as a security check, or a 404 page17:31
guenthercrashanddie: Yes, he is. I asked for the URL. Not half of the doamin name only.17:31
binkyguenther: Sorry ^^ It was... *searching* Is that what you were looking for?17:32
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guentherbinky: yes :)17:32
binkycrashanddie: A minute later, I downloaded it in my computer17:32
crashanddieAnd how #maemo becomes an illegal link sharing service17:32
binkycrashanddie: I prefer to download directly in my IT, because my 770 won't work with the USB cable17:33
crashanddiebinky, yeah, but you opened it with your browser on your computer, right ?17:33
guentherbinky: That is not the file. Despite it's name.17:33
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guentherIt IS a HTML page, that contains a link to the actual download.17:33
binkycrashanddie: In record stores in my city there's only crappy pop, when I see something original that is worth, I buy it17:33
crashanddieas I said :)17:33
* crashanddie does the happy penguin dance17:34
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binkycrashanddie: you are always right17:34
crashanddieI know17:34
crashanddiebut thanks for confirming :)17:34
binkyguenther: and why it donwloaded the HTML instead of the rar?17:34
guentherbecause you told it to download the file?17:35
guentherJust open the link in a browser.17:35
guentherDon't mind the extension.17:35
guentherIt is irrelevant.17:35
guentherIt is an HTML page. With ads.17:35
sp3000GAN800: ook, I pushed the proposal mtg proposal at -dev17:35
guentherAnd the link to the file you actually are after...17:35
binkyI opened rapidshare in the 770, clicked on Free (^^) waited the period and clicked on download, as usual. I told to download a 75 MBs rar of relaxing jazz =P17:36
guentherGood thing is, this channel is logged. And the logs indexed by google...17:37
jottcrashanddie: there are some, run-mailcap is one of them and  kfmclient is for kde, there is most likely something gnome specific..17:37
guentherNext time you forgot the link, just ask google for "maemo coltrane". ;-)17:37
crashanddieI'm tempted to do ~coltrane is at http://rapidshare...17:37
jottcrashanddie: gnome-open17:39
binkysorry, won't do that again... but you asked me for the link, so...17:39
crashanddiejott, just found it :P17:39
guentherbinky: Heh, I didn't mean to complain.17:40
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binkyguenther: but is better to complain, I'd never learn then =P17:41
zapMilkyTracker rullz17:42
* zap listens to the Thraddash theme from sc217:42
jottyeah milkytracker is nice ;)17:42
jotti also showed it off at the linuxtag maemo booth ;)17:42
guentherbinky: Not a big deal...17:43
guenthergoogle for "the file hoster" instead of maemo... Lot of hits.17:43
zapbut if you switch away from it, you're f*d :)17:43
guentherJust keep in mind that IRC might be logged, before handing out your porn URLs... ;-)17:44
jottzap: use my port17:44
jottits integrated ;)17:44
crashanddiejott, you don't know of anything like gnome-open on the maemo platform ?17:44
jotti made it back in april :P17:44
zapit is "hildonized" ? :-)17:44
zapjott: why it's not in extras?17:45
qwerty12Hildonise an SDL app?17:45
jottzap: yes.. atleast it integrates in the task manager17:45
jottzap: lazyness ;P17:45
jotti could probably push it there17:45
jottwell when i get home17:45
binkyguenther: in IRC is called pr0n17:45
binkyjott: sorry, i installed milky tracker, but not tried it, I forget about...17:46
guentherNah, only by 1337 kiddies and early Mozilla devs.17:46
jottbinky: no worries, it's up to you to use it or not ;)17:46
guentherThe GIF and JPEG lib was named libpr0n...17:46
binkyguenther: we could make pornographic Unix? it could be called Linuxxx. ...Looks like I'm on drugs...17:48
jottthere is already ascii pron .....17:48
binkyjott: I click it, but does not boot it does not show "Loading Milkytracker" or anything17:48
jottbinky: try to run it from the console17:48
guentherUse the ao mplayer output... ;)17:48
jottbinky: and the only milkytracker i tested is the one linked above ;P17:49
* jott writes a note that he has to push it into extras17:49
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qwerty12binky: Give me a copy of that distro plz17:49
binkymilkytracker: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:49
jottbinky: apt-get install libasound2 ?17:50
qwerty12Lib asound should already be provided by the os17:50
binkyqwerty12: here it is
jottqwerty12: even os2005/06? :)17:50
qwerty12binky: I want my Linuxxx! /me cries17:51
binkyI was searching my stylus, I had it in my mouth... I feel idiot17:51
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qwerty12jott: Good point, never used 2005/06 :)17:51
* jott neither17:51
binkyqwerty12 and jott : cool cats with their n8x0s....17:51
* jott poses around17:52
binkywith their ports of apps... their thousands of posts....17:52
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binkyTemporary gailure resolving '' D'oh!17:53
* qwerty12 feels like ripping apart my only xbox controller and shoving standard usb port on the end so I can connect to my N800. Fanoush has the module in his module pack17:55
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* aquatix is thinking about using his wiimote for mouse pointer or something17:55
binkyBye, I liked so much, this channel, Is my first time with IRC =)17:55
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aquatixbinky: see you!17:56
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qwerty12So who wants to join me in making Linuxxx: Tux Strip edition?17:58
Khertan_TheRealhuhu ... there is a port of conky18:00
qwerty12Tis was a half arsed compile put together by me :P18:00
Khertan_TheReallol ... i see that you have compiled qwerty1218:01
Khertan_TheRealarf ... not really surprised :)18:01
qwerty12I actually made some improvements on it but it got deleted from my shift from AndLinux to Ubuntu :)18:01
Khertan_TheRealthis was just for fortune ?18:02
qwerty12Nah, I liked the effect on my desktop, and I thought it would be nice on a tablet too18:02
qwerty12Shame matchbox is a little dodgy :/18:02
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Khertan_TheRealarg double buffer don't work ?18:03
qwerty12I was messing around with a way to get it to draw on the desktop and be movable but matchbox only believes in one window at a time so it drawed it in some ugly white windows18:04
qwerty12Nope :(18:04
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Khertan_TheRealhum ...18:06
Khertan_TheRealqwerty12 > help your users :
qwerty12mrlanrat's website is up again and I did say it had to be installed in red pill mode :P (and no, I'm not shoving user/ in the section)18:10
* qwerty12 reminisces over that KDE picture and remembers how running KDE in a loopfs sucked.18:10
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RST38hmoo all18:11
* qwerty12 cuts RST38h and eats him. He says hi before that though.18:12
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RST38hyou should cook you meat before eating it18:13
qwerty12Vhat iz diz cook u r on about? I eat raw.18:14
qwerty12Stskeeps: Debian installer round 2 :P18:14
GeneralAntillesThanks, sp3000!18:14
* qwerty12 munches on a spare arm lying around18:14
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RST38hSomehow, running kde sucked even without loopfs...18:15
sp3000it's slightly short notice though ;)18:15
RST38hqwerty: arm9 or arm11?18:15
GeneralAntillessp3000, my other hope was that people interested enough would be paying attention to -community, the wiki and the sprints.18:15
qwerty12RST38h: arm66618:15
RST38hqwerty: and has it got jazelle?=)18:16
qwerty12No, it's got flameinferno18:16
GeneralAntillesThat's the CPU qwerty12 built with 2lbs of assorted resistors.18:16
RST38hneural design indeed18:17
qwerty12I had some help from my friend and he wanted it named after himself...18:17
sp3000GeneralAntilles: dunno what the subscriber base of -community looks like, but I think it's more poeple interested in hacking on the community, less people hacking in the community18:17
Stskeepsqwerty12: k, still osso-xterm? i havent looked at it yet :P18:17
Atariianyone here got a 770 with 2006OS?18:17
GeneralAntillesOS2006 sucks. :P18:18
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qwerty12Stskeeps: I'll head onto KotC's site and grab aterm & xvkbd18:18
Atariiindeed GeneralAntilles, but i need to find out what version of xserver it has18:18
qwerty12Atarii: Go to the codename folder in the maemo repo's18:18
Stskeepsqwerty12: k, looking into it.. my xterm cant even backspace in shell in osso-xterm18:19
qwerty12Atarii: For example, for diablo:
qwerty12Stskeeps: :)18:19
Atariiqwerty12 good idea thanks :p18:19
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* RST38h wonders if two passes through the same address in code indicate a busy loop wait18:19
RST38hgiven that all registers are the same18:20
crashanddielibhildonmime's documentation is virtually non-existent18:24
GeneralAntillesWoo, 1,000 Thanks!18:25
* qwerty12 presses remove button and makes it 999 :P18:26
qwerty12For about 10 seconds because someone else presses it18:26
sjgadsbyHrm. It's time to put real pressure on Reggie for that "No Thanks!" button.18:28
GeneralAntillesThen I'll get -1,00018:28
sjgadsbyIn two days.18:28
GeneralAntillesFirst on both ends!18:28
GeneralAntillessjgadsby, I give it 8 hours.18:28
GeneralAntillesAll the WFTs of the world will come pouring back in.18:28
Stskeepsqwerty12: got a six, sec18:29
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qwerty12Stskeeps: I haven't started yet, i'm installing xvkbd and aterm so I guess I got time :)18:29
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Stskeepsqwerty12: svn up when time is of installer18:30
Stskeepsit has a backspace fix now, you can test using screen -c template-screenrc18:30
qwerty12Great, can I checkout now?18:30
Stskeepsyeah, think so18:31
Stskeepstest template-screenrc first before installing ;)18:32
qwerty12Good, because xvkbd crapped out on me in Diablo >.<18:32
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Khertan_TheReal <<< very funny ...18:32
Khertan_TheRealthe main problem is still between the chair and the screen ...18:33
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qwerty12Their ass?18:33
qwerty12Stskeeps: Just out of question, is the first fat partition on the mmc mounted automatically? (I plan on making init script to swapon my .swap file so it's useful to know beforehand :))18:35
GeneralAntillesKhertan_TheReal, I still can't wrap my head around that one.18:36
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GeneralAntillesKhertan_TheReal, you get dpkg-buildpackage sorted?18:37
Khertan_TheRealGeneralAntilles> yes by ssh ...18:37
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Khertan_TheRealmainly an temporary solution ...18:37
qwerty12Stskeeps: Hmm, fix doesn't seem to be working for me, got another program I can test with except for passwd?18:38
Khertan_TheRealGeneralAntilles > i ll try a bit more ... with the repository for the sdk18:38
Khertan_TheRealbut i think i ll brick my n810 again :)18:38
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GeneralAntillesKhertan_TheReal, bootable backup!18:40
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Stskeepsqwerty12: not in debian mounted i think (mmc fat)18:41
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qwerty12Ta, I'll get it to mount that at /media/something too :)18:42
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qwerty12Stskeeps: Fix doesn't work, I just confirmed it at the mirror selection part. Unless you updated after I checked out :)18:43
GAN800Khertan, either that, or find a team of gullable minions with tablets and make them test for you. :P18:43
GAN800Nokia can probably tell you all you need to know about that strategy. *g*18:44
GAN800qwerty12, how's the XChat with spell check going?18:45
Stskeepsqwerty12: blah :/ try with another term then18:45
qwerty12GAN800: Made the packages but it won't do it :(. I plan on trying again sometime :/18:46
GAN800Think I should file an enhancement request for a global spellcheck framework?18:46
GeneralAntillesWhat do they use on Linux?18:46
qwerty12I'd like that :). Could be integrated into hildon-input-method.18:46
qwerty12aspell, enchant iirc18:46
jottGeneralAntilles: aspell ispell myspell you name it ;)18:46
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GeneralAntillesSomebody familiar with Linux spellcheck frameworks should probably file it.18:47
jottwell i guess it might make more sense to push this on the upstream gtk front ...18:48
jottdon't know about the situation there..18:48
lbtMay be of interest: Royal mail are releasing their entire Postcode data for a govt 'competition' not 'free' but....
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qwerty12Haha, if address are included, this could make for some good knock down ginger...18:49
johnxI think gtk has a spellcheck framework18:49
johnxis it just not used on maemo?18:49
MangoFusionlbt: app idea: insert post code, provide driving directions.18:50
MangoFusionoh wait.. err18:50
MangoFusionalready done. darn18:50
MangoFusiontoo late18:50
qwerty12johnx: gtkspell? I'm sure that's seperate18:50
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crashanddiejohnx, aspell ?18:50
lbtMangoFusion:  "public information"18:50
crashanddiejohnx, at least, I use aspell on my computer18:50
jottaspell is generic18:50
johnxi dunno, but I seem to have spellchecking in every gtk app that works exactly the same...18:50
lbtas in 'free' (or at least, paid for by taxes)18:50
johnxor is it actually a gnome thing?18:51
jottthere has to be some abstraction/binding to gtk..18:51
qwerty12libsexy and gtkspell provides gtk spelling iirc18:51
johnxqwerty12, that could be it then. I guess it's just commonly used...18:51
jottlibsexy from the makers of libpr0n ?18:51
crashanddiewhy is it I always happen to stride across the only libs that are not documented ? Djeezus18:51
qwerty12Stskeeps: Hmm. Time for vte/osso-xterm changes me thinks...18:51
lbt Neigbourhood stats .... N800 screams loudly in high crime areas...18:51
qwerty12jott: Hmm, what happens if I LD_PRELOAD libpr0n into my terminal?18:52
lbtor keeps up a running commentary on house prices as you pass them...18:52
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jottqwerty12: you pervert :P18:52
qwerty12What have you got against my second name... :( :P18:53
Stskeepsqwerty12: try editing the templ screenrc to have that bind instead if the existing18:53
lbtcrashanddie: try developing a C++ app for hildon... that'll show you "not documented"18:53
crashanddielbt, thank you, I did, and I thought gtkmm was pretty well documented18:53
crashanddielbt, try to find any kind of info about libhildonmime :P18:54
lbtI said hildon....18:54
lbt'use the source' crashanddie18:55
lbtoh, wait.18:55
qwerty12crashanddie: what are you exactly trying to do?18:55
crashanddieqwerty12, just trying to find an easy way to load the default app for a given file18:55
crashanddieqwerty12, basically, what I want is the behaviour of gnome-open myfile.txt18:55
MangoFusionlbt: Nearest hospital... automatic dial-in to arrange an appointment to cure IT addiction18:56
qwerty12Arrgh, too much energy drinks. Made me too hyped.18:56
qwerty12crashanddie: sounds a bit like that mime-open app18:56
crashanddiewhat mime-open app ?18:56
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jottor just run-mailcap :p18:58
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crashanddiejott, mailcap is a PITA to configure first19:01
jottcrashanddie: pfff :P19:01
jottwhiner :P19:01
* GeneralAntilles is baffled by this light fixture.19:01
crashanddiejott, feck off :P I asked you if there was something like it on maemo, you ignored :P19:01
jotti told you run-mailcap :)19:02
jottbut i guess this mime-open is fine too19:02
SargunWhat graphics processor does the N810 have in it?19:03
crashanddieSargun, nVidia 9800 Ultra x2 in SLI19:03
qwerty12crashanddie: NOW you tell me19:03
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crashanddieqwerty12, if you have any idea how to compile that app, I'd love it xD19:04
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qwerty12crashanddie: which app? :P. mime-open's already got a deb :)19:04
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Stskeepsqwerty12: any luck?19:04
qwerty12Stskeeps: I'm trying again, I shall use the wonders of copy and paste :)19:05
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Stskeepswith the change from bugs.maemo in tempÃl screenrc?19:06
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, do it right.19:06
qwerty12Stskeeps: Nah, can't be bothered :)19:06
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, ?19:06
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles, hanging myself ?19:07
GeneralAntillesThat's one option, yes.19:07
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GeneralAntillesIt'd be more manly i you strangled yourself, though.19:07
Stskeepsill include fix in svn then and hope it works:P19:07
qwerty12crashanddie: If you do that, please leave your magic stuff in your will to me19:07
GeneralAntillesSomebody want to help my arrive at some sort of consensus here: ?19:07
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crashanddieqwerty12, sadly, mime_open doesn't work :D19:08
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GeneralAntillesIs this useful, crashanddie?
qwerty12crashanddie: >.<, what app are you trying to get to work? maemo gets sprung over dbus quite a bit :/19:08
crashanddieqwerty12, I just want to be able to open a god damned file, without caring about which program will open it19:09
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, no, it's not19:09
GeneralAntillesUh, isn't that exactly what that switchboard thing does, though?19:09
qwerty12switchboard wants a list of applications it will open, crashanddie wants the system to figure it out itself19:10
crashanddiebecause it already does...19:10
crashanddieI mean, when you open a file in File Manager, it knows which program to use, right ?19:10
GeneralAntillesScream at it really loudly.19:10
GeneralAntillesI bet that will work.19:10
qwerty12crashanddie: It looks up defaults.list iirc19:11
crashanddieqwerty12, I think the time-out is too short on mime_open... I get the banner "Images-Loading", but it dies too soon19:11
qwerty12Hmm, if you are used to *really* long dbus-send commands, you can do it with that too...19:12
johnxor map all files to being opened with a shell script19:12
johnxthen throw the logic in the shell script :)19:12
crashanddieI have this open_url which works fine:
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smyowshow to flash my new kernel an my modules into n800?19:13
crashanddiewhen I started out this morning, I thought "how hard can it be ?"19:13
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johnxsmyows, modules go in initfs, kernel gets flashed with flasher19:14
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smyowsinitfs is read only?19:14
qwerty12You can remount rw in diablo19:15
qwerty12But it's probably better to shove them in /lib/modules/ etc on the rootfs19:15
johnxqwerty12, if he rebuilt all the base modules he probably needs them in initfs, right?19:16
smyowsmy new kernel size is 1676k19:16
smyowsis bigger to put on n800?19:16
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qwerty12johnx: Hmm, depends, for base modules, I would say you are right but for the extra ones, I'd put them in /lib/etc but I don't know what modules he compiled so I'm making assumptions :>19:17
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johnxqwerty12, I'm guessing too :)19:18
johnxsmyows, which is it? base modules or extra modules?19:18
smyowsso.. my modules is compiled with a new kernel config19:18
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smyowsmake modules_install, have installed the modules into /lib/modules/2.6......19:19
smyowsin my sbox19:20
smyowsi ll copy to sd card and put in /lib/modules too?19:20
*** TheAlien has joined #maemo19:20 need to have at least the same modules with the same name as those that are in initfs now in initfs19:21
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smyowsis possible to reflash kernel into n800?19:22
johnxsmyows, yes19:22
smyows:D cool19:23
qwerty12ym, shitty ati, graphics corruption. ctrl+alt+backspace for me :/19:26
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smyowsi try to move actual modules but is read only fs19:30
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johnxsmyows, yes it is19:30
johnxyou need to remount it with rw19:30
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smyowsumount /dev/root ; mount -o rw /dev/root /mnt/initfs19:31
smyowsis it?19:31
qwerty12hell no19:31
qwerty12dsme will blow your tablet to bits :P19:32
smyowsdummy is a big problem19:32
qwerty12mount -o rw,remount /mnt/initfs19:32
qwerty12(ta hrw)19:32
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smyowsif my kernel is wrong compiled is possible to reinstall os2008?19:33
johnxsmyows, of course19:33
GeneralAntillesApple sent me a boilerplate "Here are the fucking support articles you fucking idiot" email in response to my "your stupid 'standards compliant' shit is no such thing"19:34
smyowsso, let's go19:34
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qwerty12flasher-3.0 -F --flash-only=initfs,kernel <diablo flash image> or something like that should sort you out if you fcuk up19:35
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crashanddiecould anyone install and see if they can open a file ?19:35
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Blafaselqwerty12: Having ATI driver issues as well? Hrmpf..19:36
zfigzwow, the gps on the n810 seriously sucks19:36
zfigzit still takes half a year to find a location19:36
smyowsqwerty12, my kernel have 1.7m , is bigger to reflash?19:37
crashanddiezfigz, have you tried A-GPS ?19:37
qwerty12Blafasel: Yeah :(. Run a screensaver and screen starts flickering like crazy. Can't see the enter password prompt and when I do enter it, everything's double and pixelated and I can't see anything. ctrl-alt-backspace made everything normal and of course, the xserver restarted :/19:37
zfigzA-GPS didn't seem to work very well/.19:37
zfigzIt was just a map19:37
crashanddiezfigz, did you point at your current location ?19:37
Blafaselqwerty12: I know the troubles.. Might even switch soon.19:38
zfigzhmm maybe i'll try installing it here again19:38
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zfigzi just uninstalled it and it didn't seem to do much19:38
crashanddie"3 different guys told me to use A-GPS, but I can't make it work, so it seriously sucks"19:38
Blafaselzfigz: To my limited understanding the a/gps app just lets you (re)set the last fix point (which is updated with every fix afterwards)19:39
zfigzSo I'd use both Maemo Mapper "and" A-GPS?19:39
BlafaselWhich in turn helps (if you have network access) to get a list of sats in view for your location -> speed increase19:39
BlafaselIn a way. You only start the app though if you moved far away from your last fix..19:40
crashanddiezfigz, just launch A-GPS, be connected to the internet, point to your location (roughly), start the GPS (be it Maemo Mapper or Map), and you'll get a fix within a minute19:40
Proteousa-gps sucks, it ate all my fries19:40
GeneralAntillesThat bastard!19:40
Proteousall I was left with was a puddle of katsup19:40
crashanddiemy record from cold boot is 18 seconds using A-GPS19:40
* GeneralAntilles steels Proteous's katsup while he's not looking.19:40
* Proteous cries19:40
zfigzso you need an internet connection eh?19:41
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qwerty12Sounds like a lolcat situation...19:41
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Blafaselzfigz: Exactly. wifi or packet data19:41
zfigzoh ok19:41
GeneralAntillesSteels might be fun, too, though19:41
zfigzso the gps is pretty faulty19:41
crashanddiezfigz, yeah, amazing eh, on an internet tablet, who'd have thought of it19:41
GeneralAntillesThen you just have a puddle of cold metal.19:41
Blafaselzfigz: Huh?19:41
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zfigzYou 'have' to have the internet to use the gps, right?19:42
qwerty12I love drinking Mercury.19:42
crashanddieqwerty12, I prefer a good Jupiter19:42
qwerty12crashanddie: I lik venus19:42
BlafaselYou have to have a connection for a-gps, packet data or wifi.19:42
smyowsi need to install kernel-diablo-flasher or fiasco-flasher19:42
qwerty12apt-get -f install19:42
crashanddieqwerty12, you lick Venus ?19:42
* GeneralAntilles should probably put together some notes for the Bugzilla meeting.19:42
Proteouswhen you are in range of known access points the GPS can use that to figure out what the nearby GPS sats are and get a fix faster19:42
qwerty12crashanddie: hell yes19:42
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zfigzgps still isn't working19:46
zfigzi think i'm just gonna trash it all19:46
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zfigzEstablishing GPS fix . . . .  . . . . . . . forver19:46
GeneralAntillesGo outside19:46
Proteousmaybe go outside19:46
GeneralAntillesYou don't get fixes beneath a roof.19:46
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crashanddiezfigz, you for real ? Or you just the same troll from the forums ?19:46
MangoFusionoutside? i hate to go outside? nooooooooooo!19:47
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crashanddieMangoFusion, it worked :P19:47
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, he's just a figment of your disturbed mind.19:47
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles, you know where you can figment my disturbed mind ? :D19:48
zfigzno troll here19:48
GeneralAntillesI'm not sure if it's a lot of people or just one person, but I keep seeing people telling me I have a disturbed mind on itT.19:48
GeneralAntillesMy disturbed mind wonders who let the other personalities out.19:48
Proteouswell, it's true19:48
GeneralAntillesMy house really is a faraday cage19:48
qwerty12It's all in your head...19:48
GeneralAntilleslead paint and plaster walls.19:48
zfigzso yeah...19:49
zfigzI open agps19:49
zfigzthen maemo mapper19:49
zfigzand nothing19:49
zfigzI should go outside?19:49
GeneralAntillesNo, stay inside19:49
GeneralAntillesoutside is hot and no AC19:49
GeneralAntillesYou don't want to go outside19:49
qwerty12This is one of the rare times where gtfo literally applies :P19:50
* GeneralAntilles uses liqbase to take notes.19:50
GeneralAntillesHear that luck? :P19:50
smyows:/ my n800 is in loop19:50
GNUtonis liqbase packaged?19:50
sp3000eek, there actually is a luick too19:51
GNUtonwhy not? O_o19:51
qwerty12Nay, you have to unzip it yourself19:51
sp3000luck even19:51
qwerty12GNUton: People from the north have trouble using dpkg-buildpackage :P19:51
GeneralAntillesGNUton, because lcuk is a Linucks newb. ;)19:51
GNUtonqwerty12: ahha :) I think so19:51
GeneralAntillesleencuks teg19:52
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GeneralAntillesEverybody laugh at lcuk's accent:
lcukqwerty12, :) if its so easy please be my guest and show me how its done19:52
qwerty12Me was laughing for a long time. I have the same accent, just a *lot* less19:52
GNUtonGeneralAntilles: My accent is more funny!!!19:52
lcukbut you will first have to sort out the /install section of the makefile and decide where all the files are going19:53
GeneralAntillesMaybe, GNUton, but do you have any cool YouTube vids? :P19:53
qwerty12lcuk: Give me your debian folder so far :P :)19:53
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lcukok gimme a mo19:53
GeneralAntilleslcuk, ~/.liqbase19:53
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GNUtonGeneralAntilles: not yet.. you all are lucky!!!19:53
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anddamhi again19:53
GeneralAntillesnot ~/_aqd or whatever it is. :P19:53
anddamanyone around with a 770?19:54
* qwerty12 has an android vid, except I ain't speaking on it :P19:54
lcukerrrrr how do i checkout my own source?19:54
* GeneralAntilles spotted a qwerty12 in that one.19:54
GeneralAntillessvn checkout19:54
anddamqwerty12: vid as in video ?19:54
qwerty12anddam: yea19:54
zfigzyeah....still establishing gps fix19:54
zfigzmy gps is whack19:54
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qwerty12lcuk: oh, it's in svn? I can check it out from here :)19:55
GNUtonlcuk: where do you live?19:56
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qwerty12Somewhere where the people talk odd19:56
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lcukqwerty12, the /debian isnt in there19:57
qwerty12I have a choice of going there or halifax this friday :/, oh will the torture of the dodgy voices neva end? :P19:57
lcukim gonna regrab whats there, add the debian folder and put it back19:57
qwerty12lcuk: ahh19:57
lcukthe current source isnt exactly in a perfect state19:57
lbtdoes it build?19:58
GeneralAntillesdoes it blend?19:58
lcuklbt - yes but theres stuff in there im not happy with yet and will change19:58
GNUtonlcuk: ok thanks19:58
lcukso im not puttin it up till ive tested and am comfortable with19:58
lbtI was hoping to buid and use it tomorrow...19:59
GNUtonGeneralAntilles: I think that he have a perfect english accent.. or not?19:59
BlafaselThat way you have the revision history at least.19:59
infobotlbt meant: I was hoping to build and use it tomorrow...19:59
qwerty12GNUton: ell no :P19:59
lcukBlafasel, i have revision history anyway, nightlies go up into a private tar.gz :)20:00
lcuknow, lemme get this network connected and ill sort out for qwerty20:00
Blafasellcuk: Okay. Hard to diff those in a sensible way for me, but ;)20:00
GNUtonqwerty12: no ? ok.. ok, so I hope that anyone of you never hear my accent!! I´m italian and my english accent is really orrible!20:01
lcuk:) ive got surprises planned and they arent exactly surprises if everyone is looking now are they20:01
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lcukgahhhh xchat popup baloons have gone mad20:01
qwerty12lcuk: lets make them more mad20:01
qwerty12lcuk: 120:01
qwerty12lcuk: 220:01
qwerty12lcuk: 320:01
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lcukthey only pop when ive not got window to front you numpty20:02
qwerty12asshat :P20:02
lcukwannabe southernboy20:02
qwerty12besides, it's been a while since I used libnotify :P20:02
lcukalthough you are annoying me every few seconds by telling me its in svn and you will check it out20:02
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lcuksee if that helps20:03
qwerty12It didn't. I'm still here.20:03
lcukqwerty12, where are you expecting the binary to go itno20:04
crashanddiebleeeeh, why doesn't hildon_mime_open_file() work :'(20:04
BlafaselWhat does 'Doesn't work' mean? Just curious.20:04
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qwerty12lcuk: no idea, I just wanna get the debian folder with the sources :/ so I can find out where the binary goes :/20:04
lcukdirectly into /use/bin or into its own folder somewhere?   cos currently i have a /sh to start it20:05
crashanddieBlafasel, the banner pops up, showing "APPNAME-Loading", but then the banner just dies20:05
Blafaselqwerty12: Part of his problem(s) is figuring out where they SHOULD go, to my understanding at least.20:05
qwerty12lcuk: oh, /usr is the norm so I guess I'd try there :)20:05
lcukdpkg takes its input from the "make install"20:05
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qwerty12Blafasel: Yep, just realised >.<20:05
lcukthere is no make install section20:05
* lcuk runs from source folder20:06
qwerty12I'll j00k one from another project :P20:06
madhavlcuk:   ping20:06
crashanddietime to light a fag20:06
lcukthe problem ive had is looking at other projects files are splattered around20:06
* crashanddie dusts off the blowtorch, and heads to the basement20:06
lcukcrashanddie, when you return you can pleassssssssssse help me20:07
madhavlcuk: there is some problem with xsp..on my device..20:07
crashanddielcuk, I can try20:07
madhavlcuk: u got any idea, how to enable xsp extension..20:07
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qwerty12lcuk: I'll see what I can do as far as the install stuff goes. I'll see if I can make an quick sudoers file too.20:08
lcukit should be enabled by default from what i recall?20:08
lcukqwerty12, :) bonus gimme 2 then20:08
qwerty12Just waiting for the debian folder to show up :)20:09
madhavi checked xorg-xserver build configuration..its --disable-xsp in kernel flags..20:09
crashanddieqwerty12, you running diablo ?20:09
qwerty12crashanddie: yeah20:09
GeneralAntilleslcuk, read up on POSIX. :P20:09
lcukyes GeneralAntilles, that helps me when people are clamoring for things20:09
zfigzso how exactly do i get maemo mapper and a gps to work ?20:10
* lcuk stops for 6 months to read a few books and become one with unix20:10
GeneralAntillesThe POSIX filesystem specs will be a good starting point20:10
madhavlcuk: ?20:10
lcukmadhav, gimme a minute here please20:10
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crashanddieqwerty12, <-- download that, and try to open a .txt file with it (chmod +x hildon-open && ./hildon-open mytextfile.txt)20:11
crashanddielcuk, you still on chinook ?20:11
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qwerty12I would love to try but I'm currently installing debian atm :/. CPU = 100%20:11
crashanddieqwerty12, hmm, ok20:11
crashanddielcuk, can you do what I just told q to do ?20:11
GeneralAntilleswikipedia had an article that I can't find now. :\20:12
lcukcrashanddie, which is?20:12
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crashanddielcuk, <-- download that, and try to open a .txt file with it (chmod +x hildon-open && ./hildon-open mytextfile.txt)20:12
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qwerty12madhav: in diablo xorg-server, it's set to --enable-xsp20:12
GeneralAntillesAh, there it is.20:12
lcukcrashanddie, i can as soon as i push this update to svn for qwerty20:13
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zanshinHi everybody, I would like to install debian on my nokia 770, but I can't find it on no more. What would be the best resource to learn how to install debian on a N770?20:14
GeneralAntillesOK, miscellaneous bugzilla stuff20:14
GeneralAntillesBug Jar and the new wiki plugin20:15
GeneralAntillesTriaging guide20:15
zanshinOr is there a howto to install it with debootstrap?20:15
Stskeepszanshin: well, we've started a debian for nit tablets project in general and if you want to play guneia pig and help out with getting it working for 770 too, you're welcome :)
GeneralAntillesGuided submission form for people without canconfirm20:15
GeneralAntillesI know I'm missing a bunch of stuff. . . .20:15
lcukas long as i havent ballsed anything up i think i am updating svn20:15
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, is that the list for the discussion later on ?20:15
GeneralAntillesMostly just notes for stuff we need to hit20:16
zanshinStskeeps: Ok I'll have a look20:16
lcukcraptastic. im gonna get the laptop setup for scratch-frikkin-box :)20:16
GeneralAntillesIt's more of an informal get together20:16
lcuktheres a few "extra" files in the debian folder20:16
GeneralAntillesWe're sorta failing at having all the right people together in the same place otherwise.20:16
lcuki believe they would be temp files20:16
zanshinStskeeps: I read it shout be possible to use debian for 880, but that one doesn'y boot. I got multiboot working but it hangs on boot.20:17
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zanshinyes :) sorry20:18
Stskeepszanshin: i think we require fanoush's initfs atleast (referred to on page), and then we can see what happens :P20:18
zanshinGot that :)20:19
qwerty12lcuk: enjoy. remember to do the vdso and mmap fix if installing on ubuntu hard20:19
zfigzIs there any trick to getting Maemo Mapper and A GPS to work?20:19
lcukive just been sent an email with >1000 names details and credit card stuff20:19
crashanddielcuk, awesome !20:19
zfigzlcukm lucky you20:19
crashanddielcuk, slexy it !20:19
Stskeepszanshin: also having SSH access to your tablet is a basic thing since it's hell to do it on stylus keyboard :P20:19
zanshin:) yep20:19
qwerty12lcuk: I see the debian folder, safe for checking out?20:19
lcukyer i cant wipe the crap out of it20:20
Stskeepswhat OS version do you have on the tablet, zanshin? and can the 770 handle 2gb SD?20:20
* lcuk makes a mental note to do things properly next time20:20
lcukqwerty12, join the project and you can reupload if you manage to get it working20:20
qwerty12lcuk: If I do manage to get it working, I'll just tar.gz my changes :)20:21
zanshinStskeeps: Do you know how th initfs exactly works. When I checked debian for 8x0 there were no kernels in /boot so  gues it takes it's kernel to boot from somewhere else.20:21
lcukqwerty12, :) ok cheers20:21
Stskeepszanshin: it uses same kernel as the existing OS, - it loads kernel first, then code in initfs and then through voodoo executes /sbin/init like a kernel would on the partition it boots20:22
lcukcrashanddie, loaded notes but then said "unable to open"20:22
crashanddielcuk, did you give it a real file ?20:22
qwerty12lcuk: just out of question, ever tried using the vfp, march, mtune optimisations or didn't it have no effect?20:23
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lcuki tried lots of things back when starting but -O3 was plenty20:23
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qwerty12cool, just wondering :)20:23
lcukand it was also the fastest20:23
lcuknot sure whether i tried *every* combination, but i got over 25fps and can drop ~ 100 lines of text on screen20:24
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lcukqwerty12, if i specify the full path to the file it opens20:24
lcukbut using local path it fails20:24
qwerty12s/qwerty12/crashanddie :)20:24
lcukdamn, not qwerty12 i meant crashanddie20:25
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lcuklol yer20:25
crashanddielcuk, ok, great20:25
lcukNokia-N810-50-2:/media/mmc1# ./hildon-open dmesg.txt20:25
lcukNokia-N810-50-2:/media/mmc1# ./hildon-open /media/mmc1/dmesg.txt20:25
lcukfirst one failed, second one worked20:25
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crashanddielcuk, ok, thanks20:25
Blafasellcuk: Pretty awesome video20:25
qwerty12lcuk: Would having liqbase_readme.txt distributed be an requirement too?20:26
BlafaselEspecially the note taking.20:26
crashanddieOK, I need another guinea pig but who is running diablo now20:26
lcukBlafasel, it doesnt actually do it justice, the stylus kept missing on the upstrokes (its sat on a foam pad so tablet moves away)20:26
lcukqwerty12, yes20:26
lcukthats why i wanted them in a folder on their own20:26
qwerty12I'll make it move in /usr/share/liqbase then :), otherwise in /usr/share/docs docpurge will have it's way :)20:26
lcukBlafasel, ive got 900 sketches now20:27
crashanddielcuk, how fast does it load ?20:27
lcuka lot quicker now i've didled with it - i just do a scan of the folder, begin layout and load a few more every frame until complete20:27
lcukit works quite weel20:27
lcukbut im reversing the direction20:28
lcuki want to be writing at the BOTTOM of a big sheet of paper20:28
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lcukso i can automatically just look back over what ive done and advancing a page when ive finished is easier on the eyes20:28
crashanddieab ab ab ab20:28
Blafasellcuk: How are they arranged? I mean, the screen you write on is just prepended to the whole "paper"?20:28
crashanddies/ab ab ab ab/a*((ab)*|b*)/20:29
infobotcrashanddie meant: a*((ab)*|b*)20:29
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lcukeach sketch is a rectangular area all fitted within the frame and laid out as neatly as possible20:29
lcukBlafasel, +- zoom keys work20:29
lcukand having 100 or so on screen as icons is wicked20:29
BlafaselAnd your project contains the source for those sample apps as well or "only" for the drawing itself?20:30
qwerty12arg, time for me to go, I'll take a look in the morning :)20:30
lcukanyway, tea ready, back soon20:30
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crashanddie/ab ab ab ab/a*((ab)*|b*)/20:30
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lcukBlafasel, liqbase contains everything i got stable until the day i released.  i cleansed out the partial test stuff20:30
lcukbut now im full steam building them again20:30
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crashanddieBlafasel, you wouldn't be running diablo by any chance ?20:31
lcuktheres some more stuff in there that the video doesnt show20:31
Blafaselcrashanddie: I am20:31
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lcukback soon20:31
crashanddieBlafasel, mind doing a small test for me ?20:31
Blafaselcrashanddie: Not at all, but I've to head home right now. 15min?20:31
crashanddieBlafasel, purrfect20:31
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crashanddiehmm, infobot's perl implementation isn't that complete, is it ?20:36
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, it's a dumb IRC bot. :P20:39
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lcukbased on GeneralAntilles's mind20:41
GAN800You see the depth of my disturbedness!20:42
lcuklol yer20:43
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lcukim a bit freaked out about all these CC numbers20:43
GAN800Maybe trying them out one by one will help.20:44
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lcuklol GAN800, no - i seriously dont want them but i dont know what to do with them20:45
lcuktheres people from all over the world here and some from nearby20:45
GAN800Pass the buck, forward them on down the line.20:46
wazdHello everybody :)20:46
GNUtonHello wazd!20:46
lcuk:( theres even more than i thought20:46
lcuk[Message clipped]  View entire message20:46
GAN800The result of that $1000 lcuk paypalled to that credit card scammer after he had that red wine.20:48
zfigzCan someone walk me through on how to get maemo mapper and a gps to work?20:48
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* GAN800 restrains himself from making a joke about 'a gps'.20:49
zfigzthe gps is seriously sketchy20:49
zfigzi was hoping for the gps to be a lil' more reliable20:49
GAN800When you hope for a "lil'" of anything, you set yourself up for disappointment.20:50
crashanddiezfigz, what exactly is your problem ?20:51
crashanddieok, let's do this together, will ya ?20:51
crashanddieget your NIT connected on wifi20:51
crashanddieget close to a window/outside20:51
JaffaEvening, all20:51
crashanddielaunch a-gps beta20:51
GAN800Hi, Jaffa.20:52
lcukhi jaffa20:52
GAN800lcuk, no wonder I've been having so much trouble. . . .20:52
lcukand such lag playing wow20:52
crashanddiemy location is already set, so I'm not changing anything on the map a-gps shows me, but make sure the indicator is close to your area20:52
crashanddielaunch Map20:52
zfigzcrash, it never locates me20:53
GAN800My friends have all gotten back into that shit after breaking their addictions 6 months ago.20:53
lcukzfigz, have you attmpted to go outside with a clear view of the sky and set it going20:53
zfigzopenning a gps20:53
lcukgps does not work indoors20:53
zfigzlcuk, actually...no20:53
lcukthere ya go :P20:53
zfigzso do this20:54
zfigzopen a gps20:54
zfigzthen go to maemo mapper20:54
zfigzand voila?20:54
GAN800zfigz, agps beta isn't supposed to locate you . . . tap on the map where you are.20:54
sjgadsbyYou are the Assist in Assisted GPS.20:54
wazdoh hell20:55
wazdyou need to show positioning system where you are?)20:55
zfigzi'm gonna go outside20:55
GAN800To within about 300 miles.20:55
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wazdGAN800: ah, thats better :)20:56
GeneralAntillessjgadsby -> #maemo-meeting20:58
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lcukive been sent an email which has disturbed me muchly.  it contains well over 1000 names addresses and credit card details20:58
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lcuksomeone tell me where i can send this so it gets handled properly20:59
GeneralAntillesFrom who?20:59
lcuki dunno, another gmail user20:59
wazdlcuk: you're rich man! :D20:59
sjgadsbyA very confused Nigerian scammer.20:59
lcukno, these look too legit :S20:59
GeneralAntillesSomething similar21:00
lcukbut its not abuse like that - ive just tried looking on police site n stuff but cant see anything major21:00
aquatixlcuk: please send it to me!21:01
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* aquatix has some gadgets he wants to buy; having some CC numbers ready is nice ;)21:01
Stskeepslcuk: UK?21:01
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wazdBTW, where can I apply for some bla-bla-bla time at the Maemo Summit?)21:02
Stskeepslcuk: "fraud intelligence bureau"?21:02
Jaffawazd: the Talk page21:03
X-Fadewazd: In the wiki?21:03
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Blafaselcrashanddie: Shoot21:03
zfigzdidn't work outside either21:03
zfigzn810's gps sooks21:03
wazdJaffa, X-Fade: I realy have searched for something specific but I haven't found it(21:03
GAN800the Summit page on the wiki21:04
lcukStskeeps, thanks, that takes me to other periphery organisations where i can only signup for newsletters and leave comments21:04
GAN800the lightning talks and BoF sessions are being put together there21:04
JaffaErk, lightning sessions now only 5 mins each (again)21:05
lcukthats the right idea though21:05
lcukJaffa, i noticed that21:05
wazdoh, thank you very much21:05
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GAN800Jaffa, talk fast.21:05
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zfigzI know a gps isn't supposed to locate me21:05
GAN800maybe implement a 2x transcoding feature for tablet-encoding ans use that on a recording of your talk? :P21:05
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GAN800Locating you is exactly what a gps  is supposed to do. *g*21:06
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GAN800Jaffa, don't irc as root. :P21:06
JaffaGAN800: indeed ;-)21:07
lcukhow come it knows im lcuk21:07
* Jaffa 's keyboard was playing up in Ubuntu so had to switch OS21:07
GAN800dneary, got any opinion on that '/usr on sd' article?21:07
smyowsis possible to put a original kernel os2008 kernel21:07
smyowsanyone have zimage to send-me?21:08
smyowsmy n800 is in loop :P21:08
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GAN800smyows, use the command qwerty12 gave you.21:08
GAN800flasher-3.0 -F <FIASCO image> --flash-only=kernel -R21:09
GAN800lcuk, what knows?21:09
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lcukwell i logged in on my 810 just after jaffa21:10
smyowsi do not have original image21:10
lcukmine said lcuk@ instead of anything21:10
Stskeepslcuk: re the cc thing, i guess bank would be the best option to report it to as they have procedures internally about fraud :P21:11
GAN800You set your username in XChat?21:11
lcukStskeeps, but which bank, its countrywide list21:11
lcukGAN800, so y did jaffas come up with root21:11
Stskeepslcuk: your own to start with21:12
GAN800Because that's his username.21:12
lcukok Stskeeps :)21:12
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Stskeepslcuk: im deriving that from atleast21:13
Stskeepssince they are responsible for verifying the crime and reporting it to the police21:13
lcuki find it hard to believe i cannot directly contact someone and say "OI this is dodgy"21:14
lcuki might go out on the street with a camera - ill find a policeman in seconds21:14
Stskeepsyeah.. its ironic21:14
Jaffalcuk/GAN800: I'm not on my N810 as root (my N810 is showing it through a screen session on but for following the meeting I decided that bitchx isn't the most easy interface to follow multiple rooms in. The OS I'm booted into only has one account at the moment, and it's "root"21:14
lcuklol jaffa we are only pullin at your peel21:15
Stskeepslcuk: bringing a printout of the first 30 pages prolly help to illustrate theres a problem21:15
Stskeepsor whatever seems overwhelming for the bank guy21:15
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Jaffalcuk: indeed - I've given out the same advice many times :-)21:15
GNUtonjott: ping21:15
lcukok, just gonna order some ink cartridges21:16
lcukoh crap, it needs a cc21:16
dnearyhey hey21:16
rm_youhrm back21:17
lcukForward suspicious-looking emails 'from' HSBC     <<< i can do that21:18
GAN800rm_you -> #maemo-meeting21:18
rm_youhappening now?21:18
lcukbut i cant someonesentmethousandsofcreditcards@hsbc.com21:18
GAN80040 minutes21:19
rm_youGAN800: ok i will go take a shower now... got a dentist appointment at 2:00, need to leave by like 1:00 to get there on time, meeting starts at 12:00 >_>21:19
rm_youGAN800: so i'll prolly miss a bit of it if it is over an hour21:19
rm_youanything i should be thinking about pre-meeting?21:20
GAN800Cleaning or hole drilling? :P21:20
rm_youhole drilling :P21:20
rm_youthey're going to gas me21:20
lcukrm_you, :(21:20
GAN800Better than having to sit throug it.21:21
rm_youlcuk: it is very minor :P21:21
rm_youpreventative work21:21
GAN800novacaine alergy?21:21
rm_youno, they will give me that too :P21:21
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lcuki need gassings just so they can inject me so they can repair it21:21
lcukdamn evil butchers21:21
GAN800minor + gas is odd. . . .21:22
rm_youI asked for it :P21:22
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rm_youHow often can you legally get gassed out of your mind? :P21:22
rm_youThis turns dentist trip from "meh" -> "woo" :P21:22
rm_youlcuk: stereotypes of british dentistry come to mind21:23
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pupnik_yaay taosynth was reactivated21:23
pupnik_anybody do sound with linux?21:23
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pupnikdamn german dentists don't use gas, as a rule.21:23
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rm_youanyway, brb shower21:24
GAN800Last time I was under was for adnoid removal21:24
rm_youshould i have questions ready for the meeting/21:24
rm_youor is it not that kind of meeting?21:24
GAN800They used ether, I threw up on the hospital steps leavinging.21:25
GAN800it was fun21:25
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BlafaselNo questions. Just BS bingo21:25
GAN800rm_you, sprint review21:25
* Jaffa 's never had a general anaesthetic or, in fact, any form of gas :-(21:25
GAN800Not that kind.21:25
rm_youthen brb21:25
GAN800I wish somebody would be cool and help me get together a useful agenda for a real maemo-meeting. :P21:26
pupnikGAN800 "world domination"21:27
GAN800I think I'm stuck in an un-useful mindset about it and need somebody else get some real direction going.21:27
BlafaselGAN800: First point: "Socializing"21:28
Italodance ok then what?21:28
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GAN800I've got a '20 questions with Quim' thing going on that's boring, topical and unhelpful.21:28
X-FadeThis is purely a sprint progress report meeting.21:29
Italodanceoh Tue 11:30 PM's 11 PM now!21:29
GAN800Quim said it should be more like a real 'meeting' for the community, but I'm not entirely sure how to facilitate that without falling into stupid S60 fanboy question hell again.21:30
X-FadeGAN800: I'm guessing that I need to put the channel on moderate soon ;)21:31
JaffaGAN800: Council led meeting FTW.21:31
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Italodancewell maemo guys will be here?21:33
Italodanceonly US!?21:33
RST38hyes, us and THEM.21:34
* GAN800 rocks out.21:34
RST38his timeless around?21:35
GAN800RST38h -> #maemo-meeting21:35
GAN800Don't think he's here yet.21:35
GAN800Hopefully he's not gonna miss the bugzilla meeting. . . .21:36
RST38hI have got the 100% cpu + hangup bug in microb/browserd again21:37
RST38hsame site -, looks like some js goes haywire21:38
StskeepsGAN800: is it alright just to lurk and observe, and not talk? not sure how public this sounds :P21:38
X-FadeHmmm I wonder why I haven't ever seen a software update notification on my N810 :)21:38
GAN800Stskeeps, most definitely.21:38
X-FadeSomething is up..21:38
GAN800X-Fade, applet turned off?21:38
RST38hxfade: no repos added?21:38
X-FadeGAN800: Nope.21:38
X-FadeRST38h: Nope, I have lots of applications from extras and extras-devel on there.21:39
X-FadeBut somehow I don't get any notification.21:39
RST38hxfade: better tell why canola is still in extras-develop while its plugins are in extras21:39
X-FadeRST38h: Check again ;)21:39
GeneralAntillesRST38h, scrollback. :P21:39
JaffaX-Fade: me neither, I've never seen *any*21:40
RST38hi am also21:40
lcukfffffffffffs ive just been onto my bank21:41
lcukand no1 wants to do anything seriously: we hear all about bank details lost: well ive bloody well found them and hence theres a trail and no1 wants to do anything21:42
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ItalodanceNEW STAFF :D21:43
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GAN800lcuk, Fight Club time.21:44
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lcuki got told to take it to my branch21:44
lcukby the FRAUD department21:45
Jaffalcuk: ring your favourite national newspaper.21:45
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Jaffa...or the BBC21:45
lcuk"we do not have access to the email addresses of our security personel for data protection reasons"21:45
Jaffalcuk: ?!21:45
lcukthat was the fraud people, i am shocked and outraged as well21:46
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lcukeventually the nice woman at the internet banking helpline told me to send it generically to phishing@hsbc21:46
lcukbut its not a frikkin phish, its an antiphish21:47
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, i'm the bank manager. i'd like the details that were lost from our bank to be returned to me so i can deliver it in the morning and launch a full investigation.21:48
lcuki once rang the bank to tell them that cookies could be copied over and a session could be kept between multiple computers.  they jumped quickly then21:49
lcuk:P qwerty12_N80021:49
qwerty12_N800I run the halifax :p21:49
lcuk!infact, ive prob still got the address21:49
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chxanyone checked the N810WE on Rogers' WiMAX?21:56
GeneralAntillesNobody but Nokia personnel have N810Ws.21:56
lcukI have received the following in my inbox which I think is a bit shocking.21:56
lcukI do not know which bank or accounts the people are for, but am a customer of HSBC and think SOMEONE needs to look at these at a matter of urgency.21:56
lcukI am surprised you have no other security addresses I can use anymore so apologise if this is the wrong address to forward this to.21:56
jottGNUton: pong21:57
chxGeneralAntilles: ah, thanks21:57
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aquatixlcuk: sounds good21:59
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lcuknot really:22:00
lcukDelivery to the following recipient failed permanently:22:00
lcukyou cant make this stuff up22:01
* lcuk resends22:01
qwerty12_N800lcuk, attach porno, should catch their attention. stick high priority on it too :o22:02
lcukwrong chan22:02
lcukive just sent hsbc the bounce22:03
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rm_youItalodance: yes22:04
rm_youItalodance: please keep random questions in this channel :P22:04
lcukyes, lets <lcuk> bollards22:05
lcuk<lcuk> sorry22:05
qwerty12_N800what has the world come to when an man cannot even get good wifi in the bathroom :o :p22:05
aquatixqwerty12_N800: sounds like you need another AP22:06
qwerty12_N800aquatix, i need 2 :/. this one doesn't support bridging or ssh22:07
Stskeepsi like asus wl-500g premium .. hasn't failed me yet and openwrt is fantastic on it22:08
Stskeepsand it's like 30 quid here22:08
jottStskeeps: agreed22:08
qwerty12_N800i'll get my friend to ship me one from DK :p22:09
jotti have an usb soundcard and a usb-serial connected to fax modem attached22:09
Stskeepsand i absolutely love the feature of being able to move switch ports from WAN (straight on dorm lan), and LAN (behind lan)22:09
jottbut tbh the broadcom wlan card in it sucks :/22:10
* jott needs to get a decent one22:10
Stskeepsjott: running with 2.4 kernel and enabling wifi power save is just good for my nokia22:11
qwerty12_N800can't be worse than atheros's stuff :(22:11
* aquatix is happy with his v2 wrt54g22:11
jottStskeeps: yeah it's works but reception could be better..22:11
Blafaselcrashanddie: Still need something?22:12
crashanddieBlafasel, yeah, hang on22:12
aquatixan wireless router with usb for storage could be handy though22:12
crashanddieBlafasel, <-- download that, and try to open a .txt file with it (chmod +x hildon-open && ./hildon-open mytextfile.txt)22:12
crashanddieBlafasel, try with both full path and just cwd22:13
qwerty12_N800crashanddie, i can test now if you wish22:13
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, you can try it out too then, never too much tests22:13
qwerty12_N800Stskeeps, cp + paste worked a treat. network manager works great :)22:14
Stskeepsqwerty12_N800: you got it installed? wee22:14
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GNUtonjott: I´m updating the QGTKstyle code in the repository.22:15
qwerty12_N800yeah, heh, lart my router otherwise ssh ftw22:15
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jottGNUton: yeah fine. i think i can apply my patches in the next days.22:15
jottGNUton: may changes should work on current svn head22:15
Blafaselcrashanddie: Will do, takes a minute though.22:16
jottGNUton: i can now officially contribute and have to see now how/if i can work together with jens on some outstanding issues22:16
GNUtonjott: great! :)22:18
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qwerty12_N800crashanddie, tried it on diablo, works nice as long as i give it a full path. it even runs under root w/out me resorting to prefixing run-standalone22:19
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crashanddieqwerty12_N800, that's the whole idea22:21
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GNUtonjott: There is an important issue to fix now..22:21
jottGNUton: what is it?22:22
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lcukItalodance, and anyone else who doesnt know whats happening or what they are wittering on about, go see here
* lcuk is trying to listen22:23
GNUtonjott: QGTKStyle doesn´t theme the frame around the application22:23
jottmhh.. ah you mean this 2-3 pixel border?22:23
GNUtonjott: of course22:24
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jottmh but usually the background color should match the inner border color...22:27
jott <- that's my current style :)22:29
lpotterthats cool... assistant on maemo22:30
lpotterneed to cross compil eit though :)22:31
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, you know, hildon-open ?22:31
GNUtonjott: however the file that the GTK style use to skin the borders of the top level window are qgn_plat_application_*22:31
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, doesn't work on my NIT...22:31
qwerty12_N800worked for me :p22:31
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, camera doesn't work anymore, mplayer doesn't work anymore, gps only works once and then I have to reboot22:31
crashanddieI think I've been playing around with my NIT a bit too much :P22:31
jottGNUton: yeah not sure how to do it. i can't find anything in qstyle :/22:32
qwerty12_N800crashanddie, my camera+mplayer still work. running any other kernels?22:33
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, I switched to android at some point, then back22:33
GNUtonjott: by the way this is a Style issue.. this morning I watched the code... because i thought that was a WM issue..22:34
lcukcrashanddie, that was me messing last night - sorry if i broke naything :P22:34
lcuk"Wake up Michael, you're going to miss your flight"22:34
BlafaselSorry for being slow. Worked for you, qwerty12_N800? Should I test it as well/still, crashanddie22:35
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, did you get rid of the Android kernel?22:35
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I thought so22:35
qwerty12_N800hmm, my 1st android kernel has those problems, sounds like it's still there... what does cat /proc/version say?22:35
lcukim sorry michael, im afraid i cannot change your name.  the reasons are not serious enough"22:35
qwerty12_N800SEBASTIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN - woah. long name.22:36
jottGNUton: btw, do you know if you will join the summit now?22:36
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, Linux version 2.6.21-omap1 (root@trice) (gcc version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2)) #2 Wed Jun 11 15:00:15 EEST 200822:36
qwerty12_N800oh, that's nokia stock :/22:36
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, you have no idea how long all my names are :P22:36
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GNUtonjott: I´m not sure yet. But there is a possibility! ;)22:39
GNUtonjott: you live in berlin, isn´t it?22:39
jotti will be there :)22:39
GNUtongreat! :)22:39
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crashanddiewould be ironic22:40
crashanddiepeople coming from all over the world to berlin to attend the summit22:40
crashanddieand a local not joining in :P22:40
jotti just consider doing a lightning session about qt4 on maemo progress.. as there are still slots open22:40
GNUtoncrashanddie: ahah :)22:40
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crashanddie"Why weren't you there jott ?" "Well, I had to take 2 busses and a tram... Couldn't be bothered" "I took 3 planes and a train" "Pfff, bragger"22:41
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GNUtonjott: My big problem is that my english is not very good.. but if you want we can have a session on Qt4 togheter.22:43
GNUtonprobably for september I´ve improved my speaked english! :P22:44
GNUtonehhe :)22:45
GNUtonthank you22:45
crashanddieGNUton, best way, listen to the BBC 24/722:45
GNUtonyes it´s irregular! :)22:45
GNUtoncrashanddie: I´m listening ESL podcast.22:45
crashanddieElectronics Sports League ?22:45
crashanddieThat ESL ?22:45
qwerty12_N800and whatever you do, do not copy lcuk's accent22:46
GNUtonahha :) English as Second Language22:46
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, AGREED22:46
jottGNUton: well slots are set to 5 min/person if we do it together we would get 10 minutes :P22:46
crashanddiejott, write my name down, I'll stfu all the time, just look cute; you'll have 15m that way :)22:47
jotthaha yeah timeslot exploit :)22:47
crashanddiein fact22:47
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crashanddieanyone who wants 5m extra, write my name down22:47
crashanddieif I'm lucky, I'll just need to get a seat on stage and be done with it22:48
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qwerty12_N800i'll come and start directing questions at crashanddie :p22:48
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, ask me any question22:49
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, and I'll be able to answer22:49
GNUtonjott: ah ok! :) I thought that the slots get more time.22:49
lcukthey did22:49
lcukit started as 10mins each22:49
qwerty12_N800crashanddie, wtf did you contribute to that :p22:49
crashanddieqwerty12_N800, yes22:49
jottGNUton: well don't know there are still four open workshop slots..22:49
Italodanceum GPS Beta can work on n800 too?22:52
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Italodanceqwerty12_N800 hi friend  can u change the size of xmms?22:54
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: GAN800: ok heading out for dentist in a minute22:56
GeneralAntillesHave fun. ;)22:56
rm_youhope I don't miss "rm_you, respond now and we'll send you to the summit" or anything :P22:57
crashanddierm_you, I'll ghost your nick and reply22:57
GeneralAntillesNah, that'll read: "rm_you, respond now or we're sending you the bill for everybody's expenses"22:57
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rm_youi'll pick up the logs later :)22:58
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GNUtonjott: ok, let me know what do you think..23:04
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lbtlcuk: hi mate - where's the latest liqbase?23:12
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lcuksvn there23:12
lcuki have got a modified version here but as i said earlier, its playing23:12
GeneralAntilleslcuk, where's my web content? :P23:12
lbtdifferent to the one you emailed me?23:12
lcukweb has a few bug fixes over what i emailed23:13
lcuksvn is the latest23:13
lcukyou playin23:13
lbtjust got a few mins :)23:13
lbtbeen busy and tomorrow/thursday are probably toast23:14
lcuk:) cool, theres an example _apg folder with a few predefined sketches23:14
GNUtonjott: I just added a new issue in the QGTKStyle issue list.23:14
lbton the graffiti wall, can you open an old sketch?23:14
lcukwe will do a playtest - ill grab shopper now, ive been meaning to for days23:14
lbtor physics for that matter23:14
lcukreopen to edit23:14
lcuknot right now23:14
lbthow do you reopen?23:14
lcukone shot dealio - like a postit note.23:15
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lcukediting is being built as we speak23:15
lcukwell not quite exactly now, but you know what i mean23:15
lbtcool - ready for thursday?23:15
lcukwhats happenin thursday?23:15
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Blafasellcuk: What about the packaging? qwerty12_N800? ;)23:15
* GeneralAntilles mumbles something about Extras-devel weeklies.23:16
qwerty12_N800i'm working on it in the morning23:16
BlafaselCool. What time is it now for you? ;)23:16
lcuki can only throw my hands in the air and say i get confused by such things - it expects to have its own folder for a couple of local files23:16
lcukhi flo_lap23:16
* GeneralAntilles mumbles something more about web content.23:17
qwerty12_N800Blafasel, 9:17 PM BST23:17
lcuklbt, can i step in your box23:17
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qwerty12_N800i get up @ 6 am anyway...23:17
lbterr, sure.... ?23:18
Blafaselqwerty12_N800: Ugh23:19
aquatixqwerty12_N800: ouch23:21
* aquatix can sleep until 7am23:21
qwerty12_N800hehe, i could get up at 7:30 if i wished to but i don't :)23:22
kkrustyand you sleep at 11?23:22
qwerty12_N800oops, separate words :)23:23
jottGNUton: maybe make a better screenshot for the bug report, the picture implies that the toplevel window is wrong not the mainwindow23:24
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jottGNUton: and i'm not even sure we can solve this with qgtkstyle.. in the end it's an HildonWindow that is themed - maybe it has to be done at QMainWindow level..23:26
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jott(i.e. it won't be solveable by a plain qgtkstyle as HildonWindow is not a gtk base widget)23:28
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jott(and as far as i can see Qt does not provide a way to theme this area with QStyle.. not 100% sure about this)23:29
GNUtonjott: ok, but I want to be sure before starting to modify the Qt code.23:30
jottyes.. still, if at all, this can not be solved by qgtkstyle just by a "qhildonstyle"23:31
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jottthis bring us to the #ifdef MAEMO_CHANGES too :(23:31
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hrw|goneifdef MAEMO_CHANGES.... argh23:35
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hrw|gonehildon libs lack them in few places...23:35
GNUtonthe maemo Qt code has got a lot of #ifdef Q_WS_HILDON.. If this problem can be solved in this way.. it´s not a great proble for us, or nt?23:36
jottGNUton: well... it all depends on how managable this gets (as forking from upstream is always problematic)23:38
jottand it would be good if qt4 on maemo does not do the same mistakes as gtk on maemo :p23:38
jott(ask hrw about it :P23:39
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hrw|gonejott: I do not use maemo gtk with hildon libs on non-maemo23:40
a_l_ehello i'm trying to get latex (texing) to work on os2008. it's installed, but when running pdflatex i guet the error "mktextfm: No such file or directory". does anybody have a hint?23:41
jotthrw|gone: but you where hit by the maemo gtk changes :)23:41
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hrw|goneI have patches for it - and reported some of them to bugs.maemo23:43
crashanddiedoes anyone know if xsel is available for the maemo platform ?23:44
GNUtonjott: I know that a fork is best way. But the possibilty to add the the Qt4 maemo code in the upstream code exist.23:44
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a_l_ethe full error from pdflatex is here:
GNUtonjott: sorry is not the best way :P23:45
jottGNUton: yes, just keep in mind that when you want to merge it upstream you can't easily allow 3rd party contributors23:45
smyowsmgmaps get routes by the internet (think google maps), maemo mapper gets too?23:46
jottit's a bit of a predicament..23:46
GNUtonjott: I think that there is not problem if oyu release your patches under BSD.23:47
GNUtonjott: What´s the other way to have a Qt for maemo?23:47
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jottGNUton: is this possible? it would voilate the gpl (ianal)..23:47
jottGNUton: sign a copyright assignment form.23:48
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GNUtonjott: mmm if the the code is under BSD, trolltech can change the copyright without any problem.23:49
jottGNUton: but the patch is a direved work of a gpl work..23:50
jottso it technically can't be bsd...23:50
GNUtonIt´s true.23:50
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GNUtonBut it´s also true that if you want collaborate with jens you must give him your patch under BSD license..23:52
jottGNUton: no. that does not seem to be an option.23:52
GNUtonbecause QGTKStyle will be integrated in Qt.23:52
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jotti have to sign a copyright assignment form so trolltech/qt software/nokia (or what's it legally now) can use it without problems23:53
GNUtonok it´s true if you want release your patch with the Nokia or trolltech license..23:55
jottas i said, i doubt it is possible to release a patch under bsd for an gpl work. though i am not 100% sure about it.23:55
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GNUtonjott: I agree with you...23:56
derfThe patch can probably be BSD. That won't make the original work it applies to BSD, however.23:56
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jottderf: isn't a patch basically always a derived work from the original base?23:57
jott(and hence has to be gpl compatible)23:57
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GNUtonjott: probably yes...23:58
GNUtonjott: but I´m not sure..23:58
jotti think a horde of lawyers atleast could fight about this a couple of month ;)23:59
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GNUtonI think so! :) haha :)23:59

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