IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-07-10

qwerty12_N800lardman, that debian dir sucks :/00:00
qwerty12_N800i just made it the normal way :/00:00
GeneralAntillesThese ever increasing build numbers make me wonder what Nokia goes through with stuff like 42-19 and 22-21.00:00
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crashanddieas long as it's not 14-18 and 39-4500:00
qwerty12_N800lardman, as long as you  use nokia_2420_defconfig, it works on both the n8*0's00:01
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crashanddie14-18... 39-45... 09-19... wait... WHAT?00:01
rm_youi should tack on an osso9-23 on just for kicks00:01
GeneralAntillesToss a maemo in there for good measure.00:01
lcukok, im *trying* to get auto build incrementing working and trying to get the linker to create some extern const chars for me direct from the linker command line inside the makefile.  i know this isnt the correct format, but it should be clear what im trying to do.  could someone possibly rejig it into expected please :)00:02
lcuk-Xlinker --defsym -Xlinker __APP_VER=$(`cat APP_VER` + '.' + `cat APP_BUILD`) \00:02
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lcukthe files exist, but i dont know how to make the 3 bits go together00:03
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Proteous-Xlinker --defsym -Xlinker __APP_VER=$(`cat APP_VER` + '.' + `rm -rf /`) \00:03
GeneralAntillesrm_you, that works.00:04
rm_you -Xlinker --defsym -Xlinker __APP_VER=`cat APP_VER`.`cat APP_BUILD` \00:04
rm_youGeneralAntilles: srsly?! >_>00:04
GeneralAntillesProteous is such a bad person.00:04
lcukProteous, \o00:04
rm_youthat was me randomly changing variables00:04
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rm_youerr, adding random math bits, actually00:04
GeneralAntillesOh snap! My server has to be restarted. :<00:05
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lcukyou broke the internet again?00:05
GeneralAntillesYeah. :(00:05
Proteousdamn you and your tube breaking servers00:05
lardmanqwerty12_N800: ah cool, I thought there was some difference for some reason00:05
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rm_youlcuk: you test that?00:06
khertanHi !00:06
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GeneralAntilles /cycling00:07
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lcukrm_you, no i will now00:07
* lcuk makes mental note to never ever ever in a million years trust a word that comes out of Proteous's mouth00:07
Proteouswho? me?00:07
GeneralAntilles rm_you /invite GeneralAntilles00:08
rm_youjust join?00:08
lcukoooh, nearly rm :)00:10
lcukit reads and merges the version00:10
khertanhow do you open splitted 7z files on gnome ?00:10
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khertanfile-roller don't support it00:10
rm_youlcuk: what isnt right yet?00:10
GeneralAntillesAnyway, you could probably make a case for rearranging the rotation buttons to be normal, right, inverted, left.00:10
GeneralAntillesBut not real important00:10
rm_youGeneralAntilles: gah00:10
GeneralAntillesHi, khertan. :)00:10
lcuk/usr/bin/ld:--defsym __APP_VER=0.1.001: syntax error00:10
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I think I'm good now:
lcukits meant to be a string00:11
rm_youlcuk: it should be a string00:11
khertanand 7z command tool don t take care of other parts00:11
rm_youif i do:00:11
khertanHi GeneralAntilles00:11
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khertan23:06 < khertan> Hi !00:11
rm_youTESTING=`echo 5`.`echo 4`00:11
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, I gotta scroll to get to the footer. :(00:11
crashanddiewut ?00:11
rm_you$TESTING contains the string "5.4" >_>00:11
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, no matter how long or short the page is, I have to scroll to get to the footer.00:12
hfwilkecrashanddie, me too, no matter how tall or short00:12
GeneralAntillesThe top edge of the footer seems to be aligned with the bottom edge of the page.00:12
khertanarg ... wrong md500:12
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khertansomeone is able to get gmail imap working in modest since diablo ?00:13
khertani can 't00:13
GeneralAntillesrm_you, unless you feel like rearranging the rotation buttons, I think we're ready for a release.00:13
GeneralAntilleskhertan, works fine here.00:13
crashanddieI won't get it any better00:13
khertanhum ...00:13
rm_youI guess I'll shove it through the extras-builder then00:13
rm_youif i can find it00:14
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, I assume you saw this?
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khertan(a clean install without restore)00:14
lcukrm_you, yes it does, let me just read some more and see why00:14
lcukthanks though, i am further ;)00:14
qwerty12_N800can  you still upload to extras, "the old way"?00:14
rm_youGeneralAntilles: need the most uptodate changelog you have00:15
RST38hqwerty: there is a request (from myself) to keep old way uploads for non-free section00:17
RST38hdunno if it will be heeded though00:18
qwerty12_N800RST38h, probably not, thanks, answers my question :(00:18
RST38hqwerty: the new source-only method pretty much killed my stuff, indts canola, and other closed source packages00:19
khertannot me00:19
khertanthis is why you won't find any of my apps in diablo extras or extras-devel00:19
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, X-Fade put together a non-free queue for Canola this morning, I think.00:20
GeneralAntillesTalk to him about it.00:20
qwerty12_N800RST38h, that sucks :/.00:20
RST38hga: cool, if so00:20
GeneralAntilles[9:47am] <X-Fade> etrunko: I've setup a non-free queue for diablo extras, so we can test it when you guys are ready.00:20
RST38hunfortunately I am in .lt until july 28 - cant test it00:21
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khertanthis is why you won't find any of my apps in diablo extras or extras-devel00:22
rm_youhow do i change the depends on this thing00:22
etrunkoGeneralAntilles: indeed..00:22
rm_youblah whatever00:22
rm_youwhy aren't your apps open source? >_>00:22
etrunkoi'm still unable to test it atm00:22
khertanhum sorry00:22
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khertanis there something that can prevent modest to make sync ?00:24
khertannothing is retrieve, no error00:25
khertanclicking on sync make nothing00:25
khertanand nothing is send00:25
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RST38hkhertan: there is a setting to disable sync00:26
RST38hor you can disable modest completely00:27
RST38hby hand00:27
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* qwerty12_N800 goes to install rotation to try out adv-backlight's support :)00:28
khertanwhat i want is enable it ;)00:28
khertanas it doesn't work at all for me00:29
RST38hthen in settings tell it to check for mail periodically and see it periodically crash00:29
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khertanit periodically crash00:30
khertanand always get nothing00:30
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khertanasking to retrieve mail in menu result in nothing ... no errors ...00:30
khertani think i ll switch back chinook in a few time ...00:30
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khertanmodest was my main used application with pygtkeditor ...00:31
GeneralAntillesAlright, rm_you, I'm pretty much ready to go on the website.00:31
rm_youwaiting for it to work through the autobuilder queue00:31
GeneralAntillesLet's see how the new Downloads system works.00:32
GeneralAntillesAutomatic version updating from Extras for the Downloads entries.00:32
RST38hSweden claims their new spy-on-all-communications law is to help it spy on Russian internet traffic.00:32
* RST38h mentally files this one under "lame excuses"00:33
* Jaffa finishes off a new tablet-encode release and goes to bed00:34
rm_youoo nice00:34
rm_youwhats new? :P00:34
rm_youerrr wtf00:35
rm_youbuild failed...00:35
rm_youchecking for OSSO... configure: error: Package requirements (libosso >= 1) were not met00:36
RST38hbroken sb?00:36
Jaffarm_you: using autobuilder? missing build-depends00:36
rm_youthats the autobuilder00:36
rm_youwhere is that00:36
Jaffarm_you: bug fixes in the GUI, minor quality improvements, fixes to DVD autoripping00:37
Jaffarm_you: You need to have `Build-Depends:' in your debian/control file containing all packages you need to build it. The dpkg-depcheck'll help get it right :)00:38
rm_youdpkg-depcheck is broken00:39
rm_youk i think i got it...00:43
* rm_you waits00:43
GeneralAntillesWeren't they set up properly for the last version?00:43
rm_youwe used new stuff00:43
rm_youautobuilder takes an eternity (it seems)00:44
GeneralAntillesLong timeouts for people with slow connections and large packages.00:45
* rm_you sits and listens to his Nightwish00:46
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rm_youNightwish is my "get work done" music00:46
GeneralAntillesSo am I.00:46
rm_youyou're music? :P00:46
GeneralAntillesI'm listening to Nightwish at the moment.00:47
GeneralAntillesNot my work music.00:47
GeneralAntillesWoo, Dethalbum now.00:48
rm_youyou have The Escapist?00:49
rm_yousong, not album00:49
GeneralAntillesDoesn't look like it.00:49
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Talus_Laptopgood evening00:52
Talus_Laptopmy n810 is always restarting is there a way to make it boot without x?00:52
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tank-manTalus_Laptop, i believe you can with a different kernel00:54
Talus_Laptopi believe its out of free space00:54
Talus_Laptopguess to many mails00:55
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tank-manmaybe you should try deleting something if you believe you have no free space00:55
Talus_Laptopso when it boots x few seconds later reboots00:55
lardmanTalus_Laptop: disable the watchdog then see if you can ssh in and see what's wrong00:55
Talus_Laptopthats what i want to do00:55
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lardmando you have ssh installed already?00:56
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lardmanflasher --set-rd-flags00:56
lardmanlook on for the exact flags to set00:56
VeggenI just sorted through my 10618 digital photos.00:57
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Veggen(ok, it *did* take days ;)00:57
Veggensome was easy (last 4 years), before that I had a camera that kept losing the date whenever I switched battery.00:58
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dmsupermanrtcomm with the account-plugin-haze package installed isn't downloading my contacts from the internet...anybody have aclue why?01:01
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dmsupermanthis occurs in AIM, YIM, and MSN, so it's not a server or protocol01:02
lardmanwell happily it appears that the DSP can just about play the SBC task with the CPU @400MHz01:03
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zap_lardman: what has to do CPU speed with DSP?01:03
Kegetysis it somehow possible to use the n810 gps over bluetooth from another device?01:03
lardmanzap_: they normally move in lock-step01:04
zap_they are clocked from one source?01:04
lardmanzap_: when a dsp task is loaded, the DSP is pushed to max cpu freq which drops the main cpu back to 330MHz iirc01:04
crashanddieKegetys, short answer, yes01:04
Kegetyscrashanddie: any links or keywords to search for?01:04
GeneralAntillesKegetys, PAN and gpsd01:05
lardmanzap_: not directly, but there is some stability problem, so they have set relations01:05
crashanddieKegetys, long answer, you'll need networking over bluetooth, and get gpsd to talk over the network01:05
zap_lardman: thanks for explanation01:05
KegetysI guess that requires something special from the device connecting too or is that the "standard" procedure?01:05
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lardmanzap: table on p1501:07
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pupnikNews Flash:  new FISA and wiretap felon immunity passes the senate: 69 to 2801:09
derfHuh, I didn't realize Nokia had their own tickless kernel implementation prior to
derfpupnik: That is both old news and off-topic.01:10
* rm_you doesnt know what that means, and is interested01:10
pupnikit's a few hours old01:10
GeneralAntillesderf, this channel is frequently off-topic.01:11
lardmanderf: in 2.6.18?01:11
derflardman: I don't know, I'm just reading that slideshow.01:11
lardmanderf: that was the big powersaving feature before they adopted cpufreq too01:11
lardmanah right, well it was in whatever the 770 shipped with01:11
lcuk\o/    23:10:11 Welcome to liqbase ver 4.2 build 26 date 20080709 23101001:11
zaplardman: interesting, these four states are the only possible in N8xx?01:12
lardmanany omap2xxx I guess01:12
lardmannot sure what the deal is for the 17xx01:12
* zap wants OMAP34xx01:13
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* rm_you seconds that01:13
GeneralAntilleszap, that's gonna be some hot shtick.01:13
Kegetyswell that was pretty easy, thanks for help :)01:14
rm_youwhen is the n900 release? >_>01:14
lardmanrm_you: think you might catch a Nokian off guard? ;D01:14
GeneralAntillesWe can always hope.01:14
lcukeven if you did - wouldnt you be wrapped up in an NDA so tight you could barely breath01:15
GeneralAntillesWhat's autobuilder doing, rm_you?01:15
lardmanlol, my mplayer output sounds like someone's trying to beat match, getting progressively slower....01:15
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lardmanI think I'll need to do some more optimisations01:16
lcuklardman, be careful, if you optimize it too much it will sound like chipmonks01:16
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: being slow and annoying01:17
rm_youi have to wait 15 minutes between tries01:17
lcukrm_you, :) i got the version thing working - it was a problem because the define i needed only accepts integers... and i was trying to use strings01:18
jottrm_you: what's the problem?01:18
lcukso the joining that was occuring was fine, but then it was being thrown out cos it wasnt valid01:18
rm_youjott: just guessing wildly at build-deps for the control file01:19
dmsupermanthis occurs in AIM, YIM, and MSN, so it's not a server or protocol01:19
dmsupermandamn you small bluetooth keyboard01:19
dmsupermandamn you small bluetooth keyboard01:20
jottrm_you / GeneralAntilles so rotation is proper now?01:20
dmsupermanrm_you, did you figure out the dependency issue i was getting with the advanced backlight earlier?01:20
GeneralAntillesYeah, jott, it works.01:21
dmsupermanrtcomm with the account-plugin-haze package installed isn't downloading my contacts from the internet...anybody have aclue why?01:22
rm_youdmsuperman: once autobuilder works i will have a version for chinook01:23
jottrm_you: do you have an error message at hand?01:23
dmsupermanrm_you, an estimate on time for that? is that up to you?01:23
rm_youwaiting on the next issue01:23
jottdmsuperman: shouldn't take too long01:24
rm_youwell, it could be within 10 minutes01:24
rm_youjust gotta wait on the autobuilder and hope it WORKS this time01:24
dmsupermanoh, cool. let me know and i can test it for you :D01:24
dmsupermanIt'll just be a pain to paste results now, no longer SSH'ing from desktop, using n800 solely now01:24
rm_youyay it worked01:26
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rm_you... waiting for it to show up in the promoter interface01:28
MangoFusionyikes. i've just realised something01:29
MangoFusioni've not used my n800 in days01:29
rm_youyou're covered in BEEEEEEEEES?01:29
rm_youaww :(01:29
jottis this volume crash bug actually prevailing?01:29
MangoFusionnow i can't find it01:30
rm_youmuch less interesting01:30
jottping it! :)01:30
dmsupermanMangoFusion, the only solution is suicide01:30
jottyou could ssh in an play some loud tune ;)01:30
rm_youjott: meh. will find out :)01:30
GeneralAntillesI haven't had a volume crash so far.01:31
jotthm i should dump some of the stuff i found out in the wiki.. :/01:32
dmsupermanMangoFusion, activate the n800's teleportation mode01:32
jottusing this static object instantiation is really nice for debuggig statusbar applets..01:33
dmsupermanMangoFusion, SSH in cd to /, and type "mortal kombat", hit enter01:33
dmsupermanMangoFusion, then select raiden01:33
jottthis method probably applies to home thingies too.01:33
Mouseyso uh, android just installs now?01:34
rm_youdmsuperman: try
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MangoFusionnoooooo! it's dead01:34
MangoFusionwill have to apply a little cpr01:34
MangoFusionerr i meant power01:34
dmsupermansomeone stoeld your megahurtz?!01:35
Mouseyhey, uh, this is old news right?
jottold news, old android :P01:36
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MangoFusioni still can't figure out how running android on an n800 is of any use. unless you are a developer01:36
Mouseywhich i ain't01:36
GeneralAntillesIt's not01:36
GeneralAntillesIt's just interesting.01:36
lcukhmmm  ive got it storing version numbers and dates, and ive got it incrementing the build number.  any idea how i can make this pre-increment instead of the current post increment.  the echo APP_VER_BUILD line is where it increments
Mouseybut i have an 810 =)01:36
jottMangoFusion: we'll see alot more android the next years, you'll get a nice sneak preview01:36
jottthough m3 is not really up to date01:37
jottm5 looks and behaves quite different01:37
Proteousm34 is just awesome01:37
crashanddiesing. Sing ! Blue silver !01:38
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dmsupermanrm_you, opens a window with title unnamedr01:38
dmsupermanrm_you, and crashes the window manager01:39
dmsuperman lol01:39
rm_youdmsuperman now go to control panel, panels, uncheck it, click ok, go to panels again, re-check it01:39
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dmsupermanright, did that01:39
rm_youit should work the second time01:39
dmsupermanand that's what happened01:39
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rm_youfirst time = crash :/01:40
rm_youdunno why01:40
lcukdoes the superior jott version crash? ;)01:40
jottlcuk: why not just write a little script that generates a .h file and is invoked pre-build?01:40
jottyeah! i made you all crash!01:40
dmsupermannow it works01:41
jottok so we'll still have to trace this one...01:41
dmsupermanother than larger bars, what's different?01:41
rm_youa lot01:41
GeneralAntillesVolume crash not fixed?01:41
jottit now looks like the nokia statusbar applets..01:41
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jottGeneralAntilles: seems so01:41
* GeneralAntilles removes it from the changelog01:41
* jott wish he could reproduce it somehow01:42
lardmanI should be able to replace an array declaration in a structure (e.g. int32_t sb_sample_f[16][2][8];) with a simple pointer (e.g. int32_t *sb_sample_f;) which I later set to the address of an array?01:42
lcukjott, can that be invoked as part of the makefile?  what happens if the liqapp.c module where the .h would be #included is not recompiled?01:42
* GeneralAntilles reopens bug.01:42
lcuklardman, is the structure yours01:42
jottlcuk: if the .h file is newer the file will be rebuild..01:42
lcukand are you recompiling all items01:42
lardmanum, well it uses my memory01:42
derflardman: The pointer you have listed there is not equivalent to the array you are replacing.01:43
lcukthen that means im always rebuilding main bit - at the moment it has extern char [] and just done at link time01:43
GeneralAntillesrm_you, what's the Extras status?01:43
lardmanderf: no, but If I set that pointer to the address of an array with the same type & dimensions as the original, it should be?01:43
lcuklardman, yes then - but note that the struct will get shorter and anything precompiled to already access members of the struct AFTER where you are trimming it will not access your memory01:43
rm_youGeneralAntilles: it built, so it's in extras-devel...01:44
crashanddielardman, yeah, sure01:44
rm_youit isnt showing up in the promoter01:44
lcukyou are taking out a big block of memory and replacing it with a char [4]01:44
rm_youwait nm there it is01:44
crashanddielardman, the only difference is that the memory allocation isn't done by the array, but you have to do it manually01:44
lardmanlcuk: no worries about struct size01:44
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rm_youshould be in extras within an hour or so01:44
lcukok, then change to a pointer and rebuild all objects using it01:44
jottyeah you would have to do a version.c with get_version() to circumvent rebuild this way ;)01:44
lardmancrashanddie: yes, I need to do that to ensure that these elements can be placed in SARAM, while the rest of the structure is allocated from SDRAM01:44
rm_youi need to sleep01:45
jottrm_you: have you commited your changes?01:45
derflardman: Then yes.01:45
lcukheh @ rm_you timezone01:45
rm_youjott: i believe so yes01:45
rm_youi've been trying to sleep for like 7 hours01:45
crashanddielardman, yet, when you're referencing to the array, you're only handling a pointer to the first item, so you should not have to recompile everything01:45
rm_youyou people don't let me rest!01:45
lardmanso after the structure has been allocated and set to 0, I do something like: frame->sb_sample_f=sb_sample_f_array; where int32_t sb_sample_f_array[16][2][8];01:46
crashanddielardman, unless you change the data type, in which case you're going to have another pointer type01:46
jottrm_you:  r49  is at 10-701:46
rm_youjust committed01:46
rm_youonly changes were to changelog and control01:46
lardmanno, data type stays the same01:46
jottyeah saw it01:46
lcuklardman, are you still expecting to read it by using a triple offset [x][y][z]?01:47
lardmanin which case my "error: expression must have pointer-to-object type" must come from somewhere lese01:47
lardmanlcuk: yes01:47
lcukbecause the compiler will not know how large each dimension is01:47
lardmanah, that could be troublesome01:47
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crashanddielardman, then recompilation isn't needed, only the compilation of the .h and .c, and linking01:47
rm_youchinook will have to wait till tomorrow to get promoted, i need to sleep now so i can wake up in like 3 hours >_> and then be tired all day01:47
lardmanhmm, I need to keep the same array dimensions, any thoughts?01:47
rm_youor else... bah i dont know01:47
lcukwhen its predeclared inside a struct or declaration the compiler knows the offsets to multiply by01:47
crashanddielardman, just malloc the size you need, and cast whatever you need01:48
lardmanother than letting the array be allocated as part of the struct, then overwriting its address01:48
lardmancrashanddie: it's a 3D array though01:48
crashanddielardman, not a problem01:48
lcukcan you cast a pointer to a +[x][y][z]?01:48
lardmanah ha, good stuff01:48
* lcuk sits back and watches the master01:48
* lardman digs out C book01:48
crashanddiewell, I'm not entirely sure you can just go ahead and cast it in one line01:49
crashanddieI think you might need a few transmutations first01:49
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crashanddiehang on, lemme dig up some stuff01:49
lcuki hate array handling though mine are normally 2dimension so i just do y*xcount+x01:49
derfYou don't need to cast to a pointer.01:49
derfYou just declare a pointer of the appropriate type to begin with.01:49
GeneralAntillesrm_you, I'm committing the site.01:49
crashanddiederf, oh, so you just wanna handle void* all the way ? :P01:49
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lardmanderf: pointer to an array with those dimensions in the struct declaration?01:50
derfE.g., typedef int32_t int32_t_2x8[2][8]01:50
lardmanyeah, I can't do that though01:50
derfThen have sb_sample_f by of type int32_t_2x8 *01:51
lardmanI need for the arrays to be allocated separately as globals so I can place them in SARAM01:51
derfThat's just a typedef.01:51
derfIt has nothing to do with allocation.01:51
lardmanah, so adding that suffix fixes the dimensions?01:51
lardmanah typedef, sorry I misread01:51
GeneralAntillesrm_you, did you upload the deb to Garage?01:52
derfYes, the typedef fixes the dimensions.01:52
lardmanok, sounds good01:52
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crashanddie~cookie derf01:52
* infobot pulls out the cookie jar and finds thgttg... The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy - a wonderful trilogy of five books! also H2G2 or HHGTTG01:52
derfThere may actually be some syntax for doing it without a typedef. But it's unreadable, so you shouldn't use it.01:52
rm_youGeneralAntilles: no. i'm going to sleep. can you do it?01:52
rm_youit's in extras-devel if not extras01:52
GeneralAntillesI'll see.01:52
GeneralAntilles'night. :)01:53
rm_yougrab the one from chinook01:53
rm_yousince it will have lower build-deps01:53
lardmanderf: that won't do something strange and give me a pointer to a pointer? As an array is a pointer, etc.01:53
rm_youerr, lower dependencies... so i guess will be distro neutral?01:53
lcukdoes this look right?01:53
lcukint32_t *arr = (int32_t *)malloc(16*2*8*sizeof(int32_t));01:53
lcuk#define ACCESS(arr,a,b,c)  (*arr[((a)*(2*8)) + ((b)*(8)) + (c)])01:53
rm_youand... sleep.01:53
lardmanlcuk: I don;t want to change all of the code01:54
derflcuk: Good God, that kind of mess is what we have compilers _for_.01:54
lcukderf, hence the question01:54
crashanddielcuk, purrfect01:54
lcukill read whats up there01:54
derflardman: And no, that doesn't do anything strange.01:55
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crashanddiethough, hang on01:55
lardmanok, I'll give it a whirl now01:55
crashanddielcuk, not arr[]01:55
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derfIt should be functionally equivalent to the original.01:55
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lcukso all lard needs do is allocate 16 of your 2x8's01:56
crashanddieYou guys lost me there01:56
* lcuk likes that logic :) thank you derf. not that i've ever needed anything like that01:56
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crashanddielcuk, are you sure about that last #define ?01:57
* crashanddie is confused01:57
derflcuk: Or even just declare an global int32_t sb_sample_f_array[16][2][8] and assign it to that pointer.01:57
lardmanhmm, error: expression must be a modifiable lvalue01:57
lardmanderf: that's what I did in the first place01:58
derflardman: Sounds like you tried to assign a pointer to an array instead of the other way around.01:58
lcuklardman, is there a reason you need to extract this bit of the struct from the rest01:58
DekaSooo, how can I edit text files from the File Manager01:58
lardmanlcuk: yes, so I can chose which memory to place it in01:58
pupnikGeneralAntilles:  Model 500 - The Flow (juan atkins mix)01:58
lcukand as an alternative, couldnt you just allocate the entire struct into faster memory01:58
lcukrather than attempting to strip out just a bit of it01:59
lcukis it much bigger than this array in the middle of it01:59
lardmanderf: I did: sbc->priv.frame.sb_sample_f = sb_sample_f_array; where int32 sb_sample_f_array[2][8][16]; and int32 *sb_sample_f;02:00
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crashanddielardman, you get an error on that sbc->priv... line ?02:01
lardmanno, when the array is being accessed02:02
crashanddieok, how do you access it ?02:02
derf[2][8][16]?! What happened to [16][2][8]?02:02
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derfAnyway, that clearly won't work.02:02
lardmanderf: well something like that, array dimensions I made up02:02
GeneralAntillesNice, pupnik.02:03
crashanddielardman, how do you access it ?02:03
lcuklardman, i see the struct now drop the entire frame in if it will fit?02:03
lardmanlcuk: the frame is the struct we're talking about, it's inside another struct02:04
lcukthis: struct sbc_frame {       contains int32_t sb_sample_f[16][2][8]; which is the part you are talking about yes?02:04
lardmanerror comes on this line: frame->sb_sample[blk][ch][sb] = <some numeric value>02:04
lardmanlcuk: yes02:04
derflardman: Something like this:
derfThat should compile.02:05
lcukcouldnt you put the entire frame into SARAM - will it fit02:05
derfIf you want to add an access to frame.sb_sample_f[x][y][z], that should compile, too.02:05
lardmanlcuk: no, for that reason02:05
lcukright :)02:05
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lardmanderf: that's what I did and got the lvalue error02:05
derfAdding the line   frame.sb_sample_f[0][0][0]=5;02:06
derfbefore the return 0; compiles just fine for me.02:06
derfAs I said before, "int32 *sb_sample_f" will clearly not work.02:07
lcukship it!02:07
crashanddieshouldn't it be sb_sample_f[blk][ch][sb] = value ?02:07
crashanddieinstead of sb_sample[...02:07
lardmanthere's more than one of these02:07
lardman3 in fact, I'm doing the same to them all02:08
lardmanI'll post the code if that's easier02:08
* crashanddie lights a cig and throws one to lcuk02:08
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GeneralAntillesOh hell02:09
lcuklardman, are these failing calls the ones where you access using 2 members only, or is it all of them sb_sample_f[a][b] vs sb_sample_f[a][b][c]02:09
GeneralAntillesChangelogs can't be longer than 400 characters? :\02:10
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles, svn ?02:10
lcukta crash02:10
lardmanlcuk: no idea, it's a compilation failure, I just picked the first one02:10
derflardman: works just fine. Try to figure out where your code is different.02:10
dmsupermanHow can I add youtube to my internet search applet??02:11
crashanddietype " keywords"02:11
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dmsupermanno, I meant like adding an actual youtube search02:11
dmsupermannot using google, which indexes more than just the youtube videos02:12
lardmanhmm, I wonder if my compiler has odd ideas about pointers02:13
crashanddielardman, did you try out derf's solution ?02:14
lcukyour compiler has odd ideas about lots of things02:14
lardmanI see this error for example: error: a value of type "int32_t (*)[160]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "int32_t *"02:14
lardmancrashanddie: yes, using that method atm02:14
lardmanlcuk: 'tis true02:14
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derflardman: Your compiler is absolutely correct in that statement.02:14
lardmanit thinks I have 160 pointers to int32?02:15
lcukyou do, cast it02:15
derfNo, it thinks you have a pointer to blocks of 160 int32_t's.02:15
lardmanyes, that's what it should think02:15
derfWell, you can't assign that to an int32_t *.02:15
derfThey're totally different types.02:16
crashanddielardman, show your code02:16
lardmanok, hang on a tick02:16
crashanddieand tuc are in a tree, tic falls out of the tree02:16
dmsupermanThey all die of AIDS at the end02:17
dmsupermanI know this story02:17
dmsupermanIt's a sad tale02:17
lardmancompiler output
derflardman: Okay, there was a _reason_ I dropped the first dimension from the array in the typedef.02:18
zapWhat's the latest ITOS release for N770?02:18
lardmanderf: oh yes, my apologies02:18
zapand official?02:18
zapOS2008HE is based on which kernel?02:19
derflardman: What you've actually done is constructed a pointer to a 3-dimensional array, which is equivalent to a 4-dimesional array.02:19
crashanddiederf is losing his nerve02:19
lardmanderf: yes, I see that now02:20
* lcuk watches lardman travel backwards in 4 dimensional space and time02:20
* lardman wishes it were possible so he could be asleep in bed02:20
crashanddieyou wouldn't actually be able to watch, would you02:20
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dmsupermanPsh, you only have4 dimensions02:21
dmsupermanWe have 502:21
lcukspeaking of bed02:21
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ProteousI am giving him the bird as hard as I can02:21
zapGeneralAntilles: ty02:21
lcukim vanishing - gnite chaps02:21
dmsupermanProteous, I love you.02:21
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lardmannight lcuk02:21
crashanddielcuk, so early ? Night man02:21
dmsupermanlcuk, see ya02:21
lcukyes, early02:22
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Proteous"INstalling deterministic network enhancer, this make take several minutes"02:24
crashanddielardman, you getting somewhere ?02:24
Proteousit actualy says that02:24
Proteousor going nowhere02:24
lardmanthat's compiled mostly now, just an error about expression must have struct or union type02:24
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell is the server doing?02:24
Proteousdling pr0n02:24
lardmanline 138902:24
crashanddieplanting trees02:24
GeneralAntillesThey've got folding@home going. . . .02:24
Proteousplaying WoW02:25
Mouseyinstalling android!02:25
PioMousey, nice :)02:25
Mouseyhey pio!02:25
dmsupermanit's downloading WoW porn, then discarding it in favor of SPORN02:25
derflardman: That's usually due to using . instead of ->02:26
lardmanyeah, that was my assumption, I'm pulling it apart now02:26
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crashanddiesbc->priv = &struct_sbc_priv;02:28
crashanddiethus sbc->priv is a pointer02:28
crashanddiethus you should have sbc->priv->frame02:28
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lardmanyeah I've got that far, so: sbc->priv->frame.sb_sample = sb_sample_array;02:29
lardmanbut still an error on that02:29
crashanddiewhat error ?02:29
lardmanerror: expression must have pointer-to-struct-or-union type02:29
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lardmanunless frame is also a pointer to a frame struct02:30
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zapperhaps priv is a void*02:30
Proteouspriv backwards is virp, which is close to void02:31
crashanddiestruct sbc_priv struct_sbc_priv;02:31
lardmanvoid *priv, yes02:31
zapthen you must typecast it to some type first02:32
zapbefore using members of a struct02:32
crashanddie((struct sbc_priv *)(sbc->priv))->frame02:32
zapclock on garage is 4 minutes ahead of real time02:33
crashanddiethat's because it runs in bullet time02:33
crashanddielardman, try the expression above02:34
zapthats because garage is inside the matrix I believe02:34
lardmantried & failed02:35
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crashanddielardman, btw, why is it void * ?02:35
zapbecause it's priv :)02:35
lardmanno idea, not my code02:35
zapprivate data usually uses opaque pointers02:35
zapso that people won't fiddle with it :)02:35
crashanddiesucky habit02:36
crashanddielardman, you get the same error ?02:36
jottzap: it's because a request to usually takes 4 minutes - so it *seems* it was there much faster ;)02:36
lardmanbut if I separate it out it works02:36
crashanddiewhat d'you mean, "if I separate it out" ?02:37
zapjait: so they moved the clock ahead by 4 minutes and when you get a timestamp from the site, it's exactly current time?02:37
crashanddiewhen you work on the sruct sbc_priv * directly ?02:37
lardman this works02:37
lardmandon't need the frame pointer of course02:38
zapthe DSP uses some funny C compiler?02:38
* Mousey imagines a room full of .c files laughing02:38
zapah, those smart guys, they can't even implement an K&R level C compiler02:38
crashanddieI'm lost when you have to work around the quirks of a compiler02:40
crashanddieC should be C, no matter where02:40
lardmancool, well it's compiled now, thanks for the help chaps02:40
* crashanddie gets back to... PHP02:41
crashanddieI'm so sick of PHP atm02:41
* zap gets back to bed02:41
lardmanall for naught, out of space in SARAM anyway :(02:42
crashanddie :D02:43
crashanddielardman, sorry to hear that02:44
lardmancrashanddie: I had to try, maybe I can move some smaller sections of often used data to SARAM and see if that helps02:45
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lardmananyway, thanks for your patience chaps02:46
lardmanbed time, see you all on the morrow02:46
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Mouseypasta lasagna, baby02:46
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GeneralAntillesI love website layouts that scale perfectly for any font size.03:03
* Mousey does too03:04
* Mousey can't seem to quit out of android once launched03:04
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wolfspiritis there any benefits of android? or is it mainly just for "too see if I can do it" type of thing?03:11
Mouseymmm, backstab03:11
Mouseywolfspirit: i donno, i just wanted to see if i could do it. ^_^03:12
jotti would aim right between the 8 and the 1003:12
Mouseymaemo is faster03:15
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wolfspirithas anyone tried running a gba emualtor from a debian install booted on flash?03:15
* Mousey tries backstabbing android to see what happens =)03:16
wolfspirithmm.. for some reason my debian booted into run level 3 instead of 5 by default03:17
Mouseywolfspirit: that's because runlevels are completely arbitrary conventions that have nothing to do with an actual system03:18
Mousey5 is generally used for boot-to-gui mode by distros based on RedHat, and 2 is usually debian's default03:18
Mouseybut it doesn't really matter. it's a directory with a bunch of symlinks in it03:19
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wolfspirityes but "most" distros used 5 for the gui and I was pretty sure debian was too03:19
Mouseyno no03:20
Mousey"most distros" based on redhat do03:20
Mouseybut honestly, it doesn't make a difference, IN FACT03:20
wolfspirityeah I guess it doesn't.. but that wasn't my point03:20
Mouseyif you want the GUI to start at boot on debian it's a service in /etc/init.d, if you want it to start at boot on a RedHatLike box, it's called by inittab03:20
Mouseyso there's ten trillion ways to skin that cat03:20
wolfspiritfor some reason the debian install didn't boot into the gui and it did the last time I went through this process03:21
Mouseythen runlevels aren't your answer03:21
Mouseytry /etc/init.d/gdm start or /etc/init.d/kdm start03:21
Mouseyif neither of those work, something else is wrong, and it's probably with your X server03:21
wolfspiritwell last time as in.. I re-did my sd card debian install03:21
Mouseydebian is debian, so inittab won't be starting your GUI anyway03:21
Mouseywhich means runlevels won't matter03:22
Mousey...unless they packaged debian-for-SD-cards differently for some arbitrary reason03:22
wolfspiritcan't type anything on my n80003:22
* Mousey huggles his n810 ^_^03:22
Mouseysomething's gone horribly wrong03:22
wolfspiritI would get one but it's a lot more expensive than the n80003:22
Mouseyi know what u mean, but i personally had to have that hardware keyboard.. have a bluetooth keyb around? or maybe miniusb?03:23
Mouseywould that even work i wonder?03:23
DekaritaeYou can get a Samsung Q1 or an Asus R2H for only a bit more than an n81003:23
Mouseygod, why tho03:23
Mouseythe q1 runs Ubuntu Netbook REmix i guess03:23
Mouseybut the n810 is way more ninja03:24
wolfspiritinteresting.. I didn't know that03:24
GeneralAntillesThey're huge03:24
Dekaritaex86 Debian means WAY more software support03:24
GeneralAntilleswith no battery life03:24
GeneralAntillesWhy would you want that?03:24
DekaritaeBecause the n8x0 platform lacks essential apps03:24
wolfspiritI am still waiting for the ultimate device03:24
* Mousey browses porn in android03:24
wolfspiritthe ultimate device would be clam shell with linux, touch screen, qwerty keyboard, usb 2.0, bluetooth, wifi, phone, huge internal storage, and a phone03:25
wolfspiritoh I said phone twice...  ;)03:25
DekaritaeYou mean a FlipStart03:25
Mouseythe ultimate device would be if i could just wear this on my face:
wolfspiritI thought the flip start was vapor hardware..03:26
GeneralAntillesDekaritae, like what?03:27
GeneralAntilles"essential" is a very subjective term.03:27
Mouseyflipstart looks fun, no linux tho?03:28
DekaritaePIM suite, Plucker, XviD decoder03:28
wolfspirittoo expensive.. I forgot to mention the ultimate device needs to be under 300  :P03:28
GeneralAntillesEr, it does XviD and plucker just fine.03:28
GeneralAntillesand there are two PIM suites.03:28
DekaritaeXviD playback on my 200mhz Zodiac is smoother than on my N80003:28
GeneralAntillesMore if you want to run KDE03:28
GeneralAntillesEh, the Zodiac doesn't have to render to 800x48003:29
wolfspiritI wish there were some gaming buttons on the n800..03:29
DekaritaeThere is no PIM suite that two-way syncs with Google, and there is no Plucker for Diablo03:29
GeneralAntillesFBReader supports Plucker03:29
GeneralAntillesand Chinook Plucker will work fine in Diablo. :\03:29
DekaritaeFBreader supports it incompletely. It does not save hyperlink states03:30
Mouseywow, that android knows how to not die03:30
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DekaritaeI use Plucker as an offline website/rss reader, so the document list is refreshed daily03:31
DekaritaeWith FBReader, I can have all the documents in the library, but there is no way to tell which have been updated03:31
wolfspiritI think I might get the pandora when it comes out03:31
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GeneralAntillesHey, sjgadsby. :)03:33
sjgadsbyHi, GeneralAntilles03:33
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NeoStrider_hey folks03:35
wolfspirithmm.. debian booted with xfce now.. must have been a corruption of some kind03:35
NeoStrider_wtf is that, Dekaritae03:36
DekaritaeSamsung Q1B03:36
wolfspiritthat's huge03:36
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wolfspiritI would need something that fits in my pocket too03:36
NeoStrider_Im sure everybody wants it =-P03:37
NeoStrider_wolfspirit: in that case, I would make myself a pocket that big03:37
DekaritaeI have an MEC bag that would fit it perfectly03:37
wolfspiritn800 is close to perfect for me (would be cool if it was a phone too)  if the n800 had hardware gaming controls and more emulators like the gp2x then I would be set.. which is why I think I will be getting the pandora03:38
GeneralAntillesNeoStrider_, how's 2-hour battery life sound? ;)03:39
NeoStrider_GeneralAntilles: the same sound of my EeePC =P03:39
wolfspiritI had an eeepc.. the screen gave me a headache.. the n800's screen is more crisp and seems to be easier on my eyes03:41
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NeoStrider_wolfspirit:  funny... I have a 770 here03:42
NeoStrider_both screens look good03:42
NeoStrider_each with its qualities03:43
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NeoStrider_eeepc looks brighter and clearer, while 770 is more sharp03:43
wolfspiritnot sure.. maybe it was the refresh rate.. but it was hard to look at for more than 5 minutes03:44
GeneralAntillesThe N800's screen is way better than the 770.03:44
KnowledgeGuys, I have a question....I've been totally out of the loop when it comes to my 770, I just recently charged it up and fell back in love, I'm currently running that a good version?03:44
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, old, but fine.03:44
wolfspiritos2008 is better in my opinion.. diablo just came out too which is supposed to get rid of flash updates03:45
GeneralAntillesMight want to try out a more recent revision of OS2007HE, or maybe OS2008HE03:45
KnowledgeI was trying to look on the HE site for 07...but that version wasn't even on there03:45
GeneralAntillesDiablo isn't (yet) available for the 770.03:45
NeoStrider_whats wrong with using Gregalle?03:45
NeoStrider_I love its asthetic03:45
KnowledgeCool, and is it possible to dual boot....mmc/internal? 07 and 08?03:45
wolfspiritah.. I wasn't aware the 770 was that much different than the 800/81003:45
NeoStrider_false cognate03:45
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, yes.03:45
NeoStrider_its beautiful03:45
GeneralAntillesOS2006 is absolutely horrifying.03:46
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GeneralAntillesFruitiest themes ever.03:46
NeoStrider_GeneralAntilles: why?03:46
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GeneralAntillesOS2008 is the only one that ships with a decent default theme.03:46
NeoStrider_the orange theme never got out of my device03:46
NeoStrider_I dont like those new themes from the other ITOSs03:46
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NeoStrider_(and personally, I think the 770 is the nicer design in the family)03:47
Knowledgeit's the funniest thing man, I fell into the hype of PDA phones, etc...and left my 770 behind, I just picked it up about 3 days ago and realized why I liked that damn thing so much03:47
GeneralAntillesEr, no themes were ever backported to OS200603:47
NeoStrider_Knowledge: I feel the same03:47
KnowledgeNow, to start porting/making a ham contest logger for it...and I'm set for mobile use03:48
NeoStrider_Knowledge: and the amazing fact - I have a linux phone, so its not the linux factor03:48
Knowledgeoh I understand, it's just something about it...03:48
GeneralAntilles <- That's just a good looking theme.03:48
KnowledgeI had the n800 and absolutely hated it. I sold it to get my 770 back03:48
NeoStrider_it has a great sense of complete system03:48
NeoStrider_its not a full computer03:48
NeoStrider_but its still compelte03:48
GeneralAntillesHow can you go back to the 770?03:49
NeoStrider_I guess it only misses the clutter from full computers03:49
GeneralAntillesIt's so slow. <_<03:49
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KnowledgeWell, it depends...what do you do with it/03:49
GeneralAntillesWatch TV, watch movies, read books, xterm, ssh, irc, web browsing, games, etc, etc03:49
NeoStrider_the only issues I had with the 770 was to use pidgin+internal messenger+terminal+opera+music player+file manager03:49
NeoStrider_the device could barely handle it03:50
KnowledgeMe too...well, except the watch TV thing03:50
NeoStrider_and for the first time I saw a "out of memory" message03:50
KnowledgeI don't have an issue with it...03:50
NeoStrider_I cant read ebooks03:50
NeoStrider_I simply hate it03:50
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KnowledgeI guess I just accepted the fact that it's not a 2.0 ghz processor in does what it says it's supposed to and a lot I'm the n810? that's a different story...I want me one of those03:51
GeneralAntillesI've read dozens and dozens of ebooks on my tablets.03:52
GeneralAntillesAbsolutely love it.03:52
NeoStrider_Knowledge: the N810 is more like the EeePC than the 770, right?03:52
NeoStrider_its a diferent usage03:52
KnowledgeI would agree03:52
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GeneralAntillesEr, how so?03:52
GeneralAntillesIt's smaller than the 77003:52
KnowledgeThe n810?!?03:52
NeoStrider_I took a trip to Toronto and got the 770 with me03:52
GeneralAntillesSo I'm not sure how it's more Eee PC like. . . .03:52
GeneralAntillesThe N810 is significantly smaller than the 770 and N80003:52
NeoStrider_in there, I also bought the EeePC, and still used both03:52
KnowledgeNo shit?
KnowledgeI didn't know that, I've yet to see an 810 in person03:53
NeoStrider_GeneralAntilles: I mean, its use cases03:53
Knowledgedamn it, now I really want one03:53
Medic119I am thinking about an EEEPC or one of the new DELL MIDs for my wife03:53
GeneralAntillesHow is its use-case any different from the 770's?03:53
Knowledgeoh yeah, no dpad03:53
Knowledgeon the front03:53
NeoStrider_the full keyboard adds a whole new uses cases03:53
NeoStrider_try typing a paragraph in the 770 touchscreen03:54
Medic119I wish the DPad had been left, or at the very least some kind of ALT-key value for the Home/Esacpe keys03:54
KnowledgeGeneralAntilles:'s not different...but yeah, the keyboard is really a big plus03:54
ProteousI wouldn't say it's significantly smaller03:54
GeneralAntillesWell, Proteous, on a mobile-device scale. ;)03:54
Knowledgegood Lord, that thing is smaller...03:54
KnowledgeI want03:54
ProteousI do <3 my n81003:55
Medic119I wish they had made a case like the n770 too.  I hate soft cases03:55
NeoStrider_I got to go03:55
NeoStrider_dinner time03:55
GeneralAntillesEh, I'd rather have the kickstand.03:55
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KnowledgeI don't know man, something about the n800 pissed me off...I guess I was so used to the sleek look of the 770, when they went to the whole shiny "look at me I'm an n800" look....blah03:56
GeneralAntillesI love my N80003:56
GeneralAntillesGreatest thing I've ever owned.03:56
Medic119Nokia could have made some kind of Side flip top similiar to on the 770 though.  Something a little more pocket-durable03:56
NeoStrider_I dont like its look03:56
NeoStrider_n810 looks better03:56
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Medic119I would consider trading my n810 for an n800 except for the lack of a transflective screen03:56
Knowledgeby a long shot...but of course, these are only personal opinions.03:56
KnowledgeMedic119: really? why?03:57
Knowledge(just curious)03:57
GeneralAntillesI hope they give us dual card slots back for the N900.03:57
Knowledgeoh yeah, speaking of which, what IS next?03:57
Medic119I don't really NEED a keyboard for my daily use.  I rarely open it up.  Just use the HWR.  The Dpad on front and such would be more to my usability03:57
Knowledgeis it officially dubbed the N900?03:57
Medic119Not to mention REal SD slots, and I hate having a "Built-in" slot replacing one of my card slots03:58
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KnowledgeMedic119: I agree with the dpad thing...03:58
KnowledgeSD slots.....yeah, I'll side with you on that too03:58
Medic119even 2 MicroSD/Transflash slots would have been better than one slot and a built in card03:58
KnowledgeI'm still wondering where the hell I got my 4.2007.26-8...I can't find it anywhere.03:59
Medic119BTW, Has anyone cared to see if the internal card is replacable or hard soldered?03:59
ProteousI heard that it's soldered on03:59
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, it's not official anything. Nokia doesn't announce future hardware plans. ;)03:59
Knowledgeyeah, i forgot...03:59
GeneralAntillesMedic119, sure, if you can do the work and find the right part.03:59
Medic119I *heard* that too, but has anyone actually looked, posted pics, etc?03:59
Knowledgeso no time line or anything...03:59
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, read up on the OMAP3430, though.03:59
DekaritaeGeneralAntilles: The last Plucker version is not installable on Diablo03:59
crashanddieanyone else get "network error" in maps when refreshing the maps list ?03:59
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, I'm guessing Q4 2008 or Q1 2009.03:59
GeneralAntillesDekaritae, pastebin?04:00
KnowledgeAha, ok. waiting for next Nxxx it is04:00
ProteousI haven't looked personaly. but if I was Nokia, and cramped for space in a tiny device I wouldn't put a slot in there when i could just solder something to the board04:00
DekaritaeThere is no incompatibility, it just says "Status" not installable"04:00
Medic119BTW, has anyone noticed any performance hits with the Diablo rotate stuff?  I noticed some kind of hit in Chinook, but never tracked it down.04:00
Dekaritae"Application is incompatible with current software"04:00
KnowledgeGeneralAntilles: how'd you come up with that? Just seems like the next reasonable thing?04:01
DekaritaeSame error for libsqlite004:01
Knowledgewow, how much more shit could they cram onto a chip04:01
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, yeah, it's the next logical step.04:01
GeneralAntillesPretty much can't be anything else.04:01
KnowledgeI see.04:01
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, not much. ;)04:01
KnowledgeI might get the N810 (non wimax) just to have the line - the 80004:02
GeneralAntillesOpenGL on OMAP304:02
DekaritaeGeneralAntilles: It is likely that Plucker has only been built for OS200704:02
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GeneralAntillesTry it with dpkg -i ./<plucker deb> Dekaritae?04:02
Medic119Wow! Get Compiz on the n900....lol04:02
KnowledgeFunny, someone will complain about frame rate04:03
GeneralAntillesCompiz would need some poking to run on an OMAP04:03
Medic119Dekarite: Doesn't FBReader support Plucker files?04:03
DekaritaeYes but it does not mark read hyperlinks as read which makes it useless04:03
GeneralAntillesbut there was a little . . . whispering about accelerated interfaces at LinuxTag.04:03
Medic119It would just be neat to have the window effects on a NIT.  Talk about getting all my WindowsMobile friends jaws to drop.  openSUSE still does that now.04:03
DekaritaeAnd it does not mark read documents as read04:03
GeneralAntillesThe OMAP3 can also pretty much decode 720p.04:04
KnowledgeAlright, so...07HE or 08HE?....or does no one own the 770 here?04:04
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, I have two. ;)04:04
Medic119I am watching liqbase closely as it may outshine FBReader if the right support is added as it develops.04:04
GeneralAntillesOS2008HE on both.04:04
Knowledgeoh wow haha04:04
Medic119Dekarite:  What about plucker via GarnetVM?04:04
Knowledgeand 08HE is what came on the 810?04:04
crashanddieanyone else get "network error" in maps (wayfinder) when refreshing the maps list ?04:05
DekaritaeMedic119: No access to media cards, no support for FontSmoother04:05
DekaritaeMedic119: I will end up purchasing an x86 tablet to replace N80004:05
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DekaritaeThe Q1B has battery life comparable to a Nokia or Palm device04:06
GeneralAntillesOS2008 is what came on the N81004:07
GeneralAntillesOS2008HE is the backport to the 770.04:07
Medic119Whats the price point though?04:07
KnowledgeGeneralAntilles: gotcha...04:07
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KnowledgeI wonder how hard it would be to port amateur radio software to the 770....04:07
GeneralAntillesThere's a doc on maemo.org04:07
GeneralAntillesSome GTK stuff with recompile straight away04:08
Medic119The HAM Radio stuff isn't too high tech if I remember right.  It was mostly all in the calbles, but that was years ago04:08
DekaritaeI have seen Samsung Q1 tablets on eBay for ~ $55004:08
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KnowledgeWell, yeah I'm not even shooting for control of the radio...shit...that would be amazing...but rather general logging software...should be easy04:09
Proteousnot really as pocketable as a NIT04:09
Medic119not bad, but its *used*  Doesn't it sort of lack power though as a full tablet?04:09
crashanddieCould anyone please just start up Maps, and tell me if they can refresh the map list ,04:09
GeneralAntillesActually, no.04:09
KnowledgeWhat the?04:09
GeneralAntillesI'm going to start it up and try and refresh it.04:09
GeneralAntillesBut I'm not going to tell you how it turns out. :P04:09
Knowledgegeneral, did you just have a conversation with yourself?04:09
* ralann looks for n810 ... hah04:10
crashanddieno, with me04:10
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I'll give you another nice ascii art finger if you do :)04:10
Knowledgeascii art04:10
Medic119Dekarite:  Yeah, I looked at those.  Kinda underpoered though.  Light on RAM too04:10
Knowledgeoh look at the time04:10
Proteous /o/04:10
KnowledgeI feel like I'm back on AOL 3.004:11
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, appears to refresh fine.04:11
Medic119Hey, anyone notice any perfromance hit with the Diablo Rotate stuff?04:12
crashanddiedoesn't wanna work here04:12
GeneralAntillesProteous, you have a lot of those. You should probably get that checked on. :P04:12
ProteousI heard you say that earlier04:12
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles, you have a-gps installed or not ?04:12
GeneralAntillesI don't have an N810. ;)04:12
ProteousIT'S A TRAP!!04:12
GeneralAntillesBut, uh, yeah. . . . :D04:12
Proteouslies, you posted a picture with one in it04:13
crashanddieanyone got an n810 ?04:13
Medic119crashanddie: a new build of a-gps was out today04:13
ProteousI do04:13
crashanddieMedic119, I know, I have the update04:13
Medic119Haven't played with it yet to see if it improved anything though04:13
Proteousbut I don't currently have a data cable with which to flash my device04:13
* Proteous cries04:13
crashanddieProteous, could you please check if you can refresh the downloadable map list ?04:13
Proteousgesh, whine whine whine, those maps suck anyway04:14
Proteousone sec04:14
Medic119I have been playing with that Roadmap app.  Not bad..04:14
Proteousseems to be refreshing fine for mee04:15
ralannrefreshed fine for me04:15
ProteousI have read that the maps can get fuxored easy, and that the solution is to delete the maps directory04:15
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Proteousalthough if you have already dled some maps it can be a pain to redownload that much data04:16
crashanddieI don't mind the downloads04:16
crashanddiefast interwebs ftw04:16
crashanddiebut still04:16
Medic119later folks..04:16
crashanddieit's a pita04:16
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crashanddieand I don't want to delete my current maps if I can't get it back04:16
Knowledgewait, is there a better place to find out how to dual boot a 770 instead of iTt?04:16
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NeoStrider_im back04:16
NeoStrider_and you guys to try my game04:17
Proteouscomplete sentences please04:17
KnowledgeI was just thinking that....I was going to say "where's the rest of that sentence"04:17
NeoStrider_how about it?04:17
Proteouswhat was the question again?04:17
crashanddiebrazilian dude, please be patient04:17
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, this is largely applicable.
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crashanddieKnowledge, no, neo04:18
GeneralAntillesThe kernel module locations are a bit different.04:18
KnowledgeI knew there was a site with TONS of info...04:18
Proteousas is this:
Knowledgethanks General04:18
crashanddieProteous, typo, it's "Getting_booty_from_a_strip_club"04:18
GeneralAntillesKnowledge, there's an old maemowiki, too.04:18
Proteousmostly only applicable if you are training to be a bouncer04:18
GeneralAntillesWhich may have some information.04:18
Knowledgethanks a lot04:19
NeoStrider_crashanddie:  why? how? what?04:19
crashanddieNeoStrider_, where ? who ? when ?04:20
NeoStrider_(thats what www stands for, btw =-P)04:20
NeoStrider_<crashanddie> brazilian dude, please be patient04:20
crashanddie"how" starts with a w ?04:20
NeoStrider_oops...I got a how in the middle of hands and my head think diferently =-P04:20
Proteousstripclub booty is not the kind you want, but if you do get some you will need:
crashanddieNeoStrider_, dual core, nice04:21
Knowledgecrashanddie: it's silent...04:21
Knowledgethe w04:21
NeoStrider_ok, crashanddie, you gonna try it?04:21
crashanddieKnowledge, woh, wsorry... wI'wm wnot wused wto wsilent ww's04:21
crashanddieNeoStrider_, try what ?04:21
Knowledgethat's awesome04:21
NeoStrider_my game04:22
Proteousis it the "What's in my pants" game, because I've played that one, and it's not as fun as it sounds04:22
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crashanddieI prefer "Who's in my mouth?"04:22
NeoStrider_tested on 770 ;-)04:23
NeoStrider_I want to know if it works well on N8x004:23
lcukNeoStrider_, speak to me when im not tired, remind me about your game please.04:24
Proteousthe description text should read: "tools to help create games" not "tools to help creating games"04:24
lcukthats 3d simple graphics isnt it04:24
NeoStrider_yup, lcuk04:24
NeoStrider_so I dont lose my soul making super-duper-graphics and forget about the fun04:25
lcukhow smooth are the graphics, do you have a youtube04:25
lcukim not on device at the mo04:25
NeoStrider_not all that smooth on the 77004:25
lcukhave you got an 8x004:25
NeoStrider_not really04:26
lcuknot really, you need one - they are faster04:26
NeoStrider_the thing is: I know the processor is faster, but the video bus is slower04:26
lcukright, have you seen liqbase?04:26
lcukif not, you might be in for a surprise - with the kind of graphics you are doing it might be VERY compatible04:26
lcuk25fps 800*480 on n8x0 minimal if none tearing04:27
lcukdisplay resolution choise arbitary and scales to fullscreen04:27
lcukchoice ^04:27
lcukits open source :)04:28
lcukcome back on tomorrow night, i would like to talk to you :)04:28
NeoStrider_mine is open source too, but I dare anyone can understand my code04:29
lcukwe need decent games built with this device in mind04:29
lcuksimple fast effective and playable04:29
lcuklikewise - a meeting of minds would be the best approach04:29
lcuksee where things are compatible04:29
NeoStrider_a movie about my game:04:29
lcukfind out how best to approach it04:29
NeoStrider_it got a little better than that04:30
lcukthis is not on the device is it04:30
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NeoStrider_not really04:30
NeoStrider_but the recording application made it as slow as the device04:30
lcukheh :) well lets see what we can do if anything04:31
lcuki notice you say its a bit of a game dev kit04:31
lcukhang on, im gonna put it on my device04:31
NeoStrider_I made it very modular04:31
NeoStrider_I've indeed used some parts of it on my college assignments hehe04:31
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lcukcool, when my 810 signs in can you spam the link again please04:31
NeoStrider_here is another video:
NeoStrider_this time, with a crapy spoken english, a EeePC and my laptop04:32
lcukhow fast are graphics on eee?04:32
lcukdo they need a boost as well?04:32
NeoStrider_humm...on the EeePC, it is "adequate"04:33
NeoStrider_specially when compared with penguin racer04:33
lcuki wonder...04:33
NeoStrider_some games do lag, some games segfault04:33
NeoStrider_I dont know why04:33
GeneralAntilleslcuk, I committed some stuff to a working directory if you want to watch.04:33
lcukcrashanddie, you watchin04:33
DekaritaeGeneralAntilles: I has solution.04:33
lcukcool gen, yer04:33
* lcuk should be sleeping04:34
crashanddielcdd, ey ?04:34
DekaritaeI use to generate full-content RSS feeds for web sites and use the built-in RSS reader04:34
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lcukNeoStrider_, wheres the link to the .deb04:36
wolfspiritlcuk.. cool app.. can we get that anywhere right now?04:36
NeoStrider_click on "download bzk toolset"04:36
lcukyer, but theres no .deb at the moment04:36
lcukNeoStrider_, my 810 is in the room, can i have a link to the site..04:37
lcuk2hello o/04:37
NeoStrider_let me check04:38
NeoStrider_I know I have it on my geocities04:38
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NeoStrider_I also have it on Nokia Mosh04:38
lcukdidnt you come in asking people to download it up there ^04:39
NeoStrider_yes, but you didnt seem to like it04:39
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lcukthank you04:39
NeoStrider_ta is a common Brazillian expression =-P04:40
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lcukoh no, libdbus-1.2 required and missing04:40
NeoStrider_damn it04:40
NeoStrider_n810 must be using some diferent stuff04:40
lcuk:D heh04:40
lcukok, dont worry, ive got the link, ill have a play tomorrow and see if i can make head or tail of it04:41
NeoStrider_Im always delaying a "pure" version, only requiring SDL04:41
NeoStrider_(for my EZX and PocketPC port)04:41
lcukim very interested in seeing whether liqbase code would work well for 8x004:41
NeoStrider_dont forget to check out my code @ SVN04:41
lcukas in a full game04:41
lcukyer, i will do :)04:42
NeoStrider_its messy, but works04:42
NeoStrider_its funny but (engine)->(game) is a huge step04:42
NeoStrider_we (game engine designers) tend to understimate it04:42
NeoStrider_and Im still designing some FSM to use on it04:43
lcukno, i understand your problem totally - im aiming for an ide - i am a code engine designer i suppose04:43
crashanddiedon't use ()->() no more04:43
crashanddielardman gave us enough04:43
NeoStrider_hahahah, ok04:43
NeoStrider_lcuk, indeed , Im still thinking of ways to make code compile to my FSM04:44
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NeoStrider_maybe you know anything about it04:44
NeoStrider_(lcuk, cool accent, btw)04:45
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crashanddie"lainuux teeeg"04:46
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lcukmy god everyone has mentioned that04:49
* lcuk facepalms and removes it from the internet04:49
GeneralAntillesU HAVE A WEERD ACENT!!!04:49
lcukit was veeery late04:49
GeneralAntilless/A /UH /04:50
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: U HAVE UH WEERD ACENT!!!04:50
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NeoStrider_c'mon folks04:52
NeoStrider_his acent is cool04:52
NeoStrider_way cool04:52
NeoStrider_i close my eyes and hear Darth Vader04:52
* lcuk stops speaking out of his nose04:54
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GeneralAntillesHa, don't lie.04:55
GeneralAntillesYou CAN'T! :P04:55
NeoStrider_we already got General Antilles and Darth Vader...what else now?04:55
GeneralAntillesI can probably get a wookie in here if you give me a little time.04:55
NeoStrider_or if you give me a little beer and some time without shaving04:56
NeoStrider_(damn portuguese language)04:56
GeneralAntillesMeh, little works well enough.04:57
GeneralAntillesI wouldn't bat an eye at a native speaker using little there. ;)04:57
NeoStrider_but my english should be "great"04:58
NeoStrider_I just came from a course in toronto04:58
NeoStrider_got a 9!04:58
NeoStrider_I dont english just degraded since then04:59
GeneralAntillesJoin the club05:00
GeneralAntillesMy English degrades all the time, and I speak it natively! :D05:00
NeoStrider_yeah, but I dont watch native speaking television =-P05:01
NeoStrider_lcuk: I need this jot app in my EZX phone...05:04
lcukNeoStrider_, :)05:06
lcuktheres a lot more of it to come05:07
lcukbute for now i must sleep05:07
crashanddieUpdate: Map (wayfinder) doesn't even reach for the network05:07
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crashanddielcuk, gtfo05:07
NeoStrider_go on , my friend05:07
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lcuk2gnite little internet05:08
Knowledgeare there no more repository lists? specifically for 08HE?05:11
crashanddiewho here has an n810 and lives in the UK ?05:11
Knowledgewow...2008 is sluggish on a 77005:11
Knowledgeimo too05:11
GeneralAntillesTurn on swap05:12
GeneralAntillesand up the swapiness.05:12
KnowledgeI've really been out of the loop...I forgot half this shit05:12
Knowledgethanks again General05:12
Knowledge64 mb is the highest for swap?05:13
Knowledgehmm fair enough05:13
GeneralAntillesUnless you do more from the console05:13
GeneralAntillesBut, meh.05:14
Knowledgeyeah really...I'm going to boot from mmc, i'm sure I could change that then05:14
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KnowledgeSo about the app manager...adding repos to it?...anyone know of a list?05:16
GeneralAntillesExtras should mostly cover what you need, though.05:17
GeneralAntillesEspecially with OS2008HE05:17
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booleanso what is people's general opinion of Diablo ?05:37
booleanany issues with chinook apps ?05:38
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* boolean just flashed it's n800 with diablo05:38
GeneralAntillesOnly stupid ones with bad dependencies.05:38
GeneralAntillesDon't know of any off-hand.05:40
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booleanwell for starters, the whole gpe PIM packages didn't do to well05:41
booleandid they fix/allow ppl to change any of the panels now ?05:41
booleansettings->control panel->panels05:42
GeneralAntillesEr, you couldn't change the plugins before?05:43
booleansome n but not all05:43
booleanexample: could not delete rhapsody05:43
GeneralAntillesJust install it and uninstall it05:44
GeneralAntillesor remove the .desktop file05:44
GeneralAntillesThat's not a "panel" item, really, though.05:44
GeneralAntillesThat's an Application menu item.05:44
booleanoh .. thanks for the clarification05:44
GeneralAntillesJust delete the .desktops you don't want in the application menu from /usr/share/applications/hildon05:45
booleanheh ... kewl05:45
* boolean is just getting openssh 05:45
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booleanin the desktop files, what is the ShowInDesktop value for?06:04
booleanexample: X-HildonDesk-ShowInToolbar=true06:04
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booleansorry ShowInToolBar06:04
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yigalhi, I was all talk on Saturday until now, ordered my n800, and finally got it tonight, I was wondering as I see the official documentation for upgrading to os2008 is for using Windows what do I need to install os2008 with a Linux box06:32
yigalif there is a website I can go to for this info. great06:32
yigalgentooer: thanks a bunch06:33
GeneralAntillesThat's the link you want.06:34
GeneralAntillesgentooer, update your bookmark. ;)06:34
gentooeroops sorry :)06:34
GeneralAntillesThey're actually pretty close right now06:34
GeneralAntillesBut moving forward the new wiki will be updated06:34
GeneralAntillesThe old one will not.06:34
yigalwell thank you both then06:36
user`hello #maemo06:37
user`do you think it is safe to upgrade to diablo now ?06:38
yigalwhich version should I try if I want some stability?06:38
yigalIT OS releases for Nokia N800 or other?06:38
user`chinook is a good choice for the n80006:39
GeneralAntillesNo it's not.06:39
GeneralAntillesDiablo is the good choice.06:39
user`not sure for diablo since many apps seem broken with latest firmware06:39
GeneralAntillesIf you pick Chinook you'll just have to reflash in a month or two.06:39
GeneralAntillesThey're not broken.06:39
user`oh yes they are06:40
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yigalhmm, user` what seems broken?06:40
user`canola2 is a good example06:40
* boolean has reinstalled all boolean's previous apps and they show no issues 06:40
GeneralAntillesWorks fine here, user`.06:40
booleanthough that is not saying much06:40
GeneralAntillesIt'll be completely updated for Diablo within a week or two, anyway.06:40
GeneralAntillesyigal, Diablo is what you want. :)06:40
yigalok, is this like Debian unstable?06:40
yigalor testing06:41
GeneralAntillesIt's stable.06:41
user`not really06:41
GeneralAntillesThere is no unstable branch.06:41
yigalI'm going Diablo if I have too many problems I will just reflash06:41
GeneralAntillesWell, there kind of used to be.06:41
GeneralAntillesBut it wasn't well maintained.06:41
user`so is diablo a safe choice today ?06:41
GeneralAntillesIt's a .1 release.06:42
GeneralAntillesIt's not a major upgrade.06:42
booleanif you still doubt, try diablo for a bit and if you dont like it, reflash to chinook06:42
user`it's only a .106:43
GeneralAntillesThat doesn't make it not worth upgrading to.06:43
GeneralAntillesFuture software upgrades will only be pushed for Diablo06:43
GeneralAntillesSo you're gonna be stuck in the past if you stick with Chinook forever.06:43
booleananother thing is to install it on a SD card instead ( I am assuming it can be done since debian can be done that way too )06:44
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yigalhey I have an amd64 laptop should I build a chroot, which I haven't done on this or install manually?06:47
user`I planning to try to install a slackware GNU/linux system onto a SD06:48
user`well anyway, thank you for your time06:48
user`see ya06:48
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yigaloh never mind06:50
yigalwhat am I saying it is right infront of me amd64 ha06:50
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yigalI'm getting, "Suitable USB device not found, waiting" ?07:13
yigalfor flashing07:14
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yigalis n800 supposed to be completely off?07:14
yigalthis is a bit worrying then07:16
GeneralAntillesDo you have it plugged into the charger?07:16
yigalsudo lsusb shows no devices is this to be expected?07:17
GeneralAntillesTurn it off, plug in the usb07:17
GeneralAntillespower it on holding down the home key07:17
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GeneralAntillesyou should see a USB symbol in the upper right of the screen.07:17
Xamuskhow does one set up the complete tablet environment (including control panel stuff and specially internet connection)?07:19
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Xamuskdamn, specially to get pygtk07:20
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yigalGeneralAntilles: I turn it off, then press the home key but nothing happens07:21
yigalhow long should I hold it?07:22
GeneralAntillesDid you turn it on?07:22
GeneralAntillesPress and hold the home key07:22
GeneralAntillesthen while pressing the home key power it on with the power button.07:22
GeneralAntillesWait, new N80007:22
GeneralAntillesIs it running OS2007?07:22
GeneralAntillesAh, OK.07:23
GeneralAntillesWell, it's a hardware related software bug.07:23
GeneralAntillesThe timings are a bit off in the bootloader on the new OMAP2 samples.07:23
GeneralAntillesSo it wont be able to boot for a while after it's been turned off.07:24
yigalyes it appear to be working now07:24
GeneralAntillesYou want to follow the instructions here:
GeneralAntillesUnless you've already got it to flashing mode?07:24
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yigalno I better use the forums instructions07:25
GeneralAntillesYeah, that'll get you were you need to be. ;)07:26
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yigalGeneralAntilles: thank you for the help !!07:27
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GeneralAntillesIt's a disconcerting issue, but fairly straightforward to fix07:27
GeneralAntillesand once you've updated the firmware you wont ever see it again.07:27
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Xamuskspecially for the newest OS :)07:28
GeneralAntillesNokia didn't ever bother to update the N800's packaging for OS2008, and there are a few units still left in the pipeline. :\07:28
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Xamuskso this is not the end for flashing for N800?07:32
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GeneralAntillesXamusk, what are you on about?07:35
GeneralAntillesThis doesn't have anything to do with Diablo.07:35
GeneralAntillesThis is just about the NOLO bootloader issue that some owners of newer N800's experienced.07:35
XamuskGeneralAntilles, oh, I misunderstood you07:35
Xamuskbecause I have a new N800 and didn't have the issue... I guess my N800 wasn't that new then07:36
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GeneralAntillesIt doesn't affect all of them.07:38
GeneralAntillesand it doesn't affect firmwares post 51-307:38
yigalxterm I think is in the garage because the link the forum post gives doesn't exist anymore?07:41
Xamuskhuh, I'm still trying to get a hold of the internals... actually I'm trying to install pygtk07:42
yigalGeneralAntilles: I can download this but I'm not sure how to install it without terminal installed07:43
GeneralAntillesIt should just open application manager automatically07:43
yigalvery nice07:44
GeneralAntillesIf not, you can open it from within the Application manager.07:44
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yigalGeneralAntilles: where can I get the dependencies for xterm? libncurses5, libvte4, ttf-bitsream-vera?08:14
yigalfrom the same apt repos?08:14
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yigalexcuse me I can't find the first one libncurses5 (>=5.5-1)08:15
GAN800yigal, probably, but will tell you if not.08:15
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GAN800Seems like it should be in Extras, too.08:16
yigalok, so just put a package into the above link and it will tell me where to get it? :)08:16
yigalcan't say no to that :)08:17
rm_youback :)08:18
johnxhey rm_you08:18
GAN800Fix the math on the brightness slider.08:20
GAN800We're mising the top 30%08:21
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rm_youit seems to be working here...08:22
GAN800Add the Nokia applet and compare our max to its max.08:24
GAN800our max is about equal to Nokia's 3/508:25
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yigalshould I be able to use gronmayer with my n800?08:28
yigalI can connect with my laptop but not the n800?08:28
johnxit works in microb in OS2008, but I don't remember about Opera in OS200708:28
yigalok, I'm just going to download with the laptop and do it completely manual until 2008 then08:29
infobotyigal meant: ok, I'm just going to download with the laptop and do it completely manual until os& then08:29
yigalnot exactly I guess vim syntax isn't supported, nor should it necesarily :)08:29
yigalok, I'm just going to download with the laptop and do it completely manual until 2008 then08:30
johnxjust s/foo/bar/08:30
infobotyigal meant: ok, I'm just going to download with the laptop and do it completely manual until os2008 then08:30
yigalvery nice, still :)08:30
johnxit won't even do /g which is sad08:30
johnxbut I guess understandable...that could be quite a flood :)08:30
yigalcan I add repositories in os2007, so that I don't have to install manually?08:31
johnxof course08:32
johnxjust save the .install file to and SD card or you can read it and enter the repository manually in app manager08:32
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yigalI added the repos updated and asked to install osso-xterm however the download manager is staying at 0%?08:43
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johnxI guess it can't reach one of the repos08:44
yigalI believe libncurses5 is not available right now in maemo-hackers for os2007 ?08:45
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johnxI have no idea08:45
yigaljohnx: I attempted to download it via gronmayer but it is not downloading, so this is why I say this08:46
yigalon my laptop08:46
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yigaloh, never mind :)08:47
yigalI'm a retard again08:47
qwerty12This guy seems to have an odd perception of a "couple" :
johnx"I'm just having a couple friends over" "How many?" "11."08:48
qwerty12And he says he's got more questions coming too :P08:49
johnxgood for him08:49
johnxI'm starting to check ITT less often these days08:49
johnxthe signal to noise is going down as it gets bigger08:50
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yigaldarn this, libncurses5 is no where to be found :)08:56
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johnxso, I've run into something interesting. Somehow I've ended up with a blank white notification window over the top of my screen:
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johnxIt's been here the whole morning. Any ideas for a way to trace this back to the program that drew it?08:58
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Dekaritaejohnx: Try disabling status bar panels until it disappears09:02
johnxhmm, that's a thought09:02
qwerty12It doesn't have to be a status bar panel that drew it though :/09:02
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DekaritaeIt's in the right position for it to be, though09:02
johnxI suspect it might be the "You should unplug your ac adapter"09:03
johnxI unlocked it this morning while running a fullscreen app09:03
johnxI think that's the right size for that window09:04
johnxyeah, I just disabled all the statusbar applets I can09:04
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johnxit's still there09:04
johnxhmm, let me revise that, it's the wrong size to be that one09:05
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DekaritaeTry locking and then unlocking your device09:06
johnxjust did09:07
johnxit didn't look like it quite matched the size of any of the notifcations that appeared under it09:07
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DekaritaeDoes it capture taps?09:08
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johnxyes, it's a real window as far as I can tell09:08
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johnxwhen the tablet blanks the screen on idle, and then I tap somewhere, it appears to be gone, then I tap somewhere on the panel and it comes back09:09
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johnxalright, it was generated by systemui, and xlsclients is an awesome app09:22
qwerty12hehe, thanks for the heads up, sounds useful :)09:22
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yigalok, I have os2008 on my n800 thank you everyone for helping :)09:24
johnxqwerty12, yeah, just go ahead and grab debian's x11-utils and install libxmuu and libxaw. all the stuff in x11-utils is pretty neat09:24
johnxyigal, good to hear!09:24
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bexi am looking to get an SDHC card for my n80009:36
bexwhat does the class mean?09:36
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timelesshrm, you guys were complaining about openbossa-labs-entries-for-maemo-context right?09:38
timelesscute crash09:38
timelesskill me09:38
timelessyuck yuck yuck yuck yuck09:39
* qwerty12 kills timeless09:39
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timelesswnd; i think that was your crash09:41
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johnxflash's fault?09:42
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timelessthat's my bet09:43
timelessi just delivered the core to our new flash engineer09:43
johnxthe poor guy...09:44
timelessbut in the interim, i'll check w/ people to see if they have a different view09:44
qwerty12That's a core dump?09:44
* qwerty12 prefers rich-cores09:44
timelessqwerty12: he has access to the rich-cores09:44
timelessfor privacy purposes though, i stripped out anything related before pastebin-ing :)09:44
qwerty12Ah :)09:44
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zapGood morning! Should I promote -dev packages to extras? Or just the main package?09:46
qwerty12johnx, I know what you mean about ITT :(09:47
johnxI guess it's the way all forums end up, especially for what really is mass-market electronics...09:49
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melmothzap dev too09:52
timelessjohnx/qwerty12/wnd: i presume if you disable flash the crash doesn't happen?09:52
johnxhow do I reproduce the crash?09:52
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alsorhi, all, i'm new to maemo dev. I want to find some packages, such as osso-systemui-powerkeymenu, where to download?09:52
wndI'll have to check that when I get to work09:52
johnxI almost never use flash even on my desktop09:53
melmothzap: if one wants to build stuff depending only on the version on extras, and not extras-devel, it s easier if you put the dev there09:53
wndwith a 64-bit browser neither do I :-)09:53
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timelessjohnx: in theory you just load that openbossa url in your microb browser09:55
timelessalsor: odds are that it's nokia-closed09:56
timeless1 Copyright: (c) 2004, 2005 Nokia Oyj09:56
timeless3 Confidential. You are not free to do anything with this package,09:56
timeless4 unless you have a permission from Nokia Oyj.09:56
alsortimeless, i'm sorry, what is `odds'? '09:57
zapalsor: look in the same catalogue where you find the binary package09:57
zapif it's not there, most likely its closed09:57
XLTYou can look in the SDK. i think most osso- packages won't be there09:57
XLTAnd that ^09:58
alsoroh, thx, got it:)09:58
timelessalsor: what would you want to do to it?09:58
timeless(personally, i'd rather stay very far away from it)09:59
alsoryeah, I 'm new to maemo dev. and check the bugzilla and found one bug, about the powerkey extension, so, I need  the package..09:59
zapyou'd better check the forum for what people wants :)10:00
timelessstart there.10:00
timelessif you can't reach it there, it's probably not worth worrying about10:00
timeless(n.b. for some very strange and as yet unknown reason, some of microb isn't in that xref, that's a bug)10:01
timelessbtw, to everyone else, if you know a package is open but can't find it in that xref, please file a bug in website:mxr10:01
alsorseems cool!10:01
alsori like this cross ref tool, so mostly, i can find the opened sources form that mxr site?10:03
alsorcoool, thx again, timeless:)10:05
timelessthere's also access to some portion of garage also, but i kinda ran out of disk quota :(10:06
alsorlol, so, you creat the mxr?10:06
timelessyes, it's mine10:07
timelessbut i don't do hosting in general10:07
timelessi do host one mxr instance internally, which is how i could answer your nokia-closed question10:07
timelessbut that runs on opensolaris which makes disk space problems much less of an issue10:07 is hosted by dreamhost on a friend's account10:08
alsoryeah, i c, I found the osso-* several hours, and got none, there are less descriptions online about such questions.10:08
timelessand i'm given a portion of his quota10:08
alsorlol, i will access your sites lots of times from now..10:09
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jitu3485Hi, when I am executing this code on scratchbox it is giving error : host not found.Code ia at URL:
jitu3485can someone help?10:10
jitu3485i am using gnome-vfs10:10
jitu3485I have CHINOOK 4.010:12
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zapjitu3485: scratchbox uses as DNS10:12
zapso you have to install dnsmasq or something like that10:12
zap(or fix /etc/resolv.conf)10:12
jitu3485zap, also i can apt-get update or wget  successfully on scratchbox10:13
jitu3485zap, thanks i will try that10:14
timelessalsor: good :)10:14
alsoralternavitly, you may use the IP addr in your code for hand test :)10:14
timelessip's don't work well for vhosted services10:14
timelessjust fix /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf10:15
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jitu3485zap, dnsmasq is installed and /etc/resolv.conf contains
zapcan you ping your site from outside scratchbox?10:18
zap(e.g. ping
johnxerrr...will dnsmasq actually start in scratchbox? by default I mean?10:19
zapit should run outside scratchbox, not inside10:19
zapby default it's mostly a DNS forwarder10:19
johnxah, right, of course10:19
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pekujais there something else other than running wlan-cal that I need to do to make WiFi work on diablo? (with my own kernel, which is why this isn't done automatically)10:33
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jitu3485zap, yes10:34
jitu3485zap, i can ping10:34
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JaffaMorning, all10:55
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MaketwoHmm, maemo mapper had lost all the maps that I had downloaded.10:57
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Foxxwould someone mind helping me get USB (keyboard) working on my n800?11:14
yigalmy oh my I always thought the n800 was a cool idea but using is for the first day, it is way cooler than I thought it would be11:14
Foxxive installed the USB control panel, I have the keyboard hooked up, and its being detected, but i cant use the keyboard11:14
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Foxxim either missing a package, or the keyboard draws too much power11:15
yigalsorry Foxx can't help, I've just started using it, I've been using the stylus for all it's worth :)11:16
Foxxi got mine used, so i dont know whats been done to it11:17
Foxxill reflash it once im done screwing it up ;}11:17
yigalI got mine used, but paid 199 for it, I wanted it almost in new condition, the guy on ebay was very nice to me11:18
yigalhe get's 511:18
AStormFoxx: keyboards usually take more than 100 mA if powered from port only11:18
Foxxthats what i figured11:19
yigalare there external usb hubs powered by battery?11:19
Foxxit seems to be a hardware issue on my end11:19
AStormyigal: sure11:19
Foxxill rig in a PSU11:19
yigalso that is probably where you might want to go Foxx11:19
AStormFoxx: what for? use a battery-powered hub11:19
Foxxim an electronics/hardware man11:19
Foxxat the moment im just getting a feel for the device11:19
AStormtrick is, you have to choose carefully11:19
AStormso the hub allows 500 mA11:20
AStormsome don't11:20
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Foxxi was going to use an LM7805 regulator hooked to the device itself11:20
Foxxthose can handle 1.5A max drain11:20
AStormFoxx: btw, if you're into electronics... how efficient is that one11:20
Foxxwith some minor filtering, of course11:20
Foxxnot very11:20
AStormand what is the voltage range?11:20
Foxxbut it does the job11:20
Foxxit requires 3V above the output11:21
AStormah, linear regulator11:21
Foxxso if you have a 5V out, you should have at least 8V in11:21
AStormno, not what I need11:21
Foxxwhat do you need?11:21
AStormbtw, do you know of any good step-up about 900 mA?11:21
Foxxperhaps i can help11:21
Foxxmaxim may make something11:21
AStormI've problems getting MAX1763 for my converter11:21
AStormuhm... battery-based power supply11:22
Foxxthey have a large array of USB OTG step-up supplies11:22
AStormfor n81011:22
Foxxwhats the source voltage you want to use?11:22
AStormFoxx: would be good, I need 5V, but about 900 mA11:22
AStorm2x AA11:22
Foxxyeah, thats going to need some stepup11:22
AStormabout 2,4V11:22
Foxxlook into maxims line of ICs11:23
Foxxi know they make them, but i dont have experience with them11:23
Foxxthey send out free samples ;}11:23
XTLiPulling ~5W from aa's is pretty cruel :)11:23
Foxxso you might be able to select something11:23
Foxxyeah, it is11:23
AStormFoxx: I have, it works great11:23
AStormbut I don't need 1000 pcs11:23
Foxxat lest use a li-ion11:23
XTLiMaxim is sweet, though. I recommend them too11:23
Foxxwell they typicaly limit samples to 4 or so11:23
AStormneed a place to get 10 or so11:23
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AStormand they don't send to Poland unfortunately11:24
AStormI ripped one MAX176x from a fairly new cell phone :>11:24
AStormbroken mostly, so no loss11:24
Foxxi was thinking about using some used cell phone li-ion cells for my battery pack ;}11:24
Foxx3.7V @ 700mA11:25
Foxxwhat are you running that requres 900mA?11:25
AStormN810 ;P11:25
AStormAC-4e struggles at 890 mA11:25
Foxxoh, the n810 itself?11:25
AStormNokia makes a battery pack, but with 4x AA11:26
AStormwhich is huge11:26
AStormand very expensive11:26
Foxxi thought you were trying to run an external USB device11:26
Foxxi was hoping to get my Linksys WUSB54G USB wifi adapter on the N80011:26
AStormI have a battery-powered hub already11:26
Foxxi have it modded with an RP-SMA jack and some beefed up antennas11:27
XTLi.oO(SLA + solar)11:27
AStormno need to build one if you can buy one cheap11:27
Foxxim having trouble finding kismet and btscanner11:27
AStormXTLi: too small to work well :>11:27
Foxxwould you happen to have a repo, or an package for them?11:27
AStormand for charging li-ion, would need a fairly advanced regulator11:27
AStormFoxx: check the topic, that .it site has a search11:27
Foxxi tried11:28
Foxxno luck11:28
AStormthere was a kismet package in ITT11:28
AStormbuggy though11:28
Foxxthe first thing i do is search, search, and then search some more11:28
AStormthere's also a major problem resetting the device from master mode11:28
Foxxim not the kind of person to ask a question unless i truely need help11:28
AStormbtscanner should be simple to build11:28
AStormgrab scratchbox and try11:29
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Foxxi dont have a build environment for tne n800 yet11:29
Foxxim still fairly new to the device11:29
AStormit's simple11:29
Foxxand im not very big linux person11:29
AStormyou d/l the scratchbox, toggle one kernel option (for sb v1)11:29
Foxxbut im learning11:29
AStormthen it's debian inside11:29
AStormbut building for ARM11:29
AStorm(for Maemo actually)11:29
Foxxwhen the time comes when i get some lab time, ill pick everyones brain about it ;}11:29
Foxxor better yet, sink my claws into google11:30
darkterror46could someone tell me where can i find an updated list of repositories for diablo?11:30
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AStormI should grab SB211:30
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AStormdarkterror46: afaicr diablo isn't out yet11:30
AStormit's a restricted beta or something11:30
stepcutis there any fix for really quiet built-in speaker volume when running OS2008 HE on the N770 ?11:30
AStormneeds a pass to get from the repo11:30
darkterror46so chinook still the official?11:31
AStormdiablo will be out soon though11:31
Foxxwould i be able to build a module for the n800 to get USB wifi working?11:31
darkterror46ok thank you11:31
AStormFoxx: sure11:31
Foxxi know my WUSB54G is supported in debian11:31
Foxxrt2500 package, if i remember correctly11:31
AStormFoxx: you'll need to write your own init scripts to get it up11:31
AStormand probably networkmanager11:31
AStormto get it to work easily11:31
Foxxa little out of my leauge right now11:31
Foxxbut im willing to learn11:32
FoxxBTW, thanks for the help11:32
Foxxmuch appreciated11:32
AStormnetworkmanager should suffice I think, not sure anyone made a package11:32
AStormdefault Nokia tools can't be used, they communicate with wifi control program over dbus11:32
Foxxis there a VNC server that will run on the N800?11:33
Foxxor something not ssh?11:33
AStormwait, server... not sure11:33
AStorm100% there's a vnc client11:33
Foxxi havent found a server11:33
Foxxyah, i have the client11:33
inzAStorm, diablo has been out for quite a while now11:33
Foxxwell, ill let the cat out of the bag....11:33
AStormssh -X should work11:33
AStorminz: already? works ok now?11:33
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Foxxi do a how-to tech show, id like to feature the n800 sometime in the future11:33
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Foxxbut besideds SSH, i cant to screencaps11:34
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inzAStorm, yup11:34
inzAStorm, available from
Foxxunless i hold the camera to the device, and thats not 'professional'11:34
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AStormhmm, repo list plz? :)11:34
XTLiHas anyone got the sdk to use Xvnc instead of Xephyr?11:34
AStormXTLi: Xvnc is separate, no need to hack anything11:34
inzAStorm, I think the non-flash update repo is still closed, not sure though11:34
AStormjust build it11:34
AStorminz: hmmmhmm11:35
XTLiFoxx: an applet can do screenshots11:35
AStormthen maybe later11:35
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AStormneed to back stuff up11:35
XTLiThe cpu monitor thingy...11:35
AStormXTLi: screenshot != screencap11:35
Foxxhow much power does USB thumbdrives take up?11:35
AStormscreencap is video11:35
AStormFoxx: usually more than 100 mA, but not all11:35
AStormsome will work11:35
AStormthe fast ones probably won't11:35
Foxxlooks like ill stuck in th emud with USB devices until i get this external regulator hooked up :/11:36
XTLiCap is a generic term. But yes, no video11:36
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Foxxsplicing hundrteds of images to an audio track... not fun11:36
Foxxid rather velco the device to my desk and point the camera at the screen11:37
AStormFoxx: easy, as mencoder can do that11:37
AStormbut first, you need hundreds of images11:37
XTLiAnyway, hildon-desktop dies on xvnc for me.11:37
AStormI need came for n81011:37
XTLiBadvalue is some x req11:37
AStormV4L automatic serial pic utility11:38
AStormXTLi: probably hildon-input-method takes it down11:38
Foxxwell, i got a USB thumbdrive working, so i giess this is a power issue.11:38
Foxxim going to lurk for a bit and poke my n800 for a bit11:38
Foxxthanks for the tips everyone11:39
AStormI guess I need more hd space11:39
AStormon my laptop, for sb211:39
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eichimy rss feed reader cant add feeds...12:11
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zapIs it possible to build a package for N770 using diablo SDK?12:16
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: fixed, making its way through to extras soon12:18
zapX-Fade: will autobuilder support OS2006 & 2007?12:22
X-Fadezap: There is no plan for that at the moment.12:23
rm_youX-Fade: so, after using the autobuilder for a while, my only real complaint is that the complete pipeline is, well, SLOW.12:38
rm_youit takes about an HOUR to go from building the source package, to clicking ok to promote the package to extras12:38
rm_youand then it still has to propogate, but that isn't an autobuilder issue12:39
X-Faderm_you: Yeah, but that is because we are only in a test phase ;)12:39
rm_youi do hope it gets faster12:39
X-FadeThere are still a lot of things to improve.12:39
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X-FadeBut investing time is only warranted when we see people are acutally using it ;)12:40
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X-Faderm_you: But it surely shouldn't take an hour for your package to be processed at the moment?12:42
rm_youtakes about... 5 minutes to upload for some reason12:42
X-FadeAfter a build it should be available in extras-devel in about 10 minutes.12:42
rm_youand then 10-15 to build12:43
X-Faderm_you: Upload via dput?12:43
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rm_youits been taking like 20-25 to show up in the promoter for me...12:43
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zapX-Fade: it's sad 2006&2007 gets unsupported13:03
zapX-Fade: another question, is it possible to make the OS choice a set of checkboxes rather than a drop-down list?13:03
X-Fadezap: It isn't.13:03
zapMost apps will use same source files, and uploading them twice is not too handy\13:04
X-Fadezap: Only we don't have this new functionality setup for it. You can still use the 'old' way of uploading packages there.13:04
zapI understand13:04
X-Fadezap: Yes, that is on my TODO list.13:04
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zapX-Fade: cool13:05
X-FadeAlthough if we want to add dependency checking etc in the assistant, then it is a bit more difficult.13:05
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rm_youyeah it is annoying to upload the same files twice >_>13:07
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zapespecially if autobuilder will support os2006 & 7 ^_^13:17
ccooke_(Just curious:) Is there actually any reason to use os2006 now?13:19
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rm_younot even sure about 2007... there is 2008HE, no?13:24
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zaprm_you: 2008HE is marked as unstable, isn't it?13:33
zapand some people is using 2006 on 77013:33
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crashanddielardman, say, how big is the SARAM ?13:44
lardman64k iirc13:45
crashanddiehow many arrays did you use ?13:45
crashanddieBecause 64k is a lot for the arrays you tried to use13:45
crashanddiebecause 16*2*8*4 = 1kbyte13:45
lardmanyeah, there's other stuff in it too, which doesn't belong to my task13:45
crashanddieand you can't empty it up ?13:46
lardman96kB in fact pg613:46
lardmannot sure really, I dont' know what's using it13:46
crashanddiewhat are you trying to achieve btw ?13:47
yigalhello I created a pdf using maemotex and then installed evince to look at it, but it was small so I zoomed in using evince, not the zoom feature on the n800, and it crashed the program do to a lack of memory.  This would be fine but now everytime I open up evince it crashes because it automatically opens documents at 400% does anyone know how to fix this?13:50
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crashanddiedelete document ?13:51
crashanddieoh, it opens any document at 400% ?13:51
crashanddieSorry, no clue13:52
yigalI know I have to delete the defaults but I'm not sure where they are located13:52
Stecchinoquick question: how do I close a Scratchbox session?13:53
StecchinoBecause I can not switch to DIABLO_X8613:53
crashanddieStecchino, exit ?13:54
crashanddieyigal, check gconf editor13:54
XTLisb-conf killall?13:54
Stecchinocrashanddie: I don't have any running that I know of13:54
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crashanddieStecchino, do you have maybe a console or something that is located in your scratchbox path ?13:55
crashanddieI mean by that, that would have the pwd in the scratchbox path13:55
lardmancrashanddie: sorry, went to get caffeine13:55
crashanddielardman, I'm about to, too13:55
lardmancrashanddie: trying to move the arrays of intermediate data to SARAM so that they are accessed more quickly13:56
crashanddieStecchino, do you have an error message or something ?13:56
crashanddielardman, what for ?13:56
Stecchinonope, just the message sb-conf: You must close your other Scratchbox sessions first13:57
lardmancrashanddie: SBC encoder for A2DP13:57
crashanddieStecchino, check ps if you haven't anything running13:57
crashanddielardman, k lol13:58
rm_youyigal: if you purge evince13:58
crashanddielardman, do you know who ported the gstreamer-plugins-* packages ?13:58
rm_youyigal: and then re-install it13:58
rm_youit should fix that13:58
lardmancrashanddie: for SBC?13:58
crashanddieno, for maemo13:58
lardmanask kulve, he may know13:59
yigalrm_you: I think I will try to see if I can understand it, however I see your name fits your philosophy, :)13:59
crashanddiekulve, d'you know who ported (compiled) the gstreamer0.10-plugins-* packages ?13:59
Stecchinocrashanddie: failed to unmount when stopping scratchbox-core13:59
Stecchinobut I don't have anything running13:59
crashanddieStecchino, reboot13:59
crashanddieyigal, evince relies on gconf (according to, so it should be stored in there14:00
yigalcrashanddie: I hate gconf14:01
yigalcrashanddie: but if I have to I'll look there14:01
XTLiCan you start evince without any doc?14:02
XTLiThen change zoom, quit14:02
yigalXTLi: yes, but the zoom is set on 100% then, it is only when a document is open :)14:02
yigalthat it goes to 400%14:02
XTLiBrilliant :D14:02
yigalyes, isn't it14:03
XTLiI always hated evince except for some obscure feature I no longer remember14:03
Stecchinocrashanddie: probably stale console stuff left over from an ssh session14:04
yigalXTLi: yes, I've always used xpdf, but evince is the "future"14:04
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msh_anyone got an idea about "incompatible application package" messages if I try to install a package built with the diablo armel scratchbox on a diablo n810?14:12
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eichiis there a memo mapper version for diablo?14:18
lcukmsh_ always a good thing to disable as many additional repositories as possible which might be offering alternative versions of dependent packages14:18
crashanddiemsh_, did you build it ?14:18
msh_it depends on libz only, which should be there.14:19
lcukthen they will come14:19
crashanddiemsh_, if so, what category did you specify in the debian/something ?14:19
msh_ah, I didn't set any14:19
msh_perhaps that's it. *looks at the packaging docs*14:19
crashanddieyou have to preprend user/something if you want it to show up and be installable by the application manager14:19
lcukmornin crash btw14:20
crashanddiehey lcuk14:20
msh_it was a straight dpkg-buildpackage from the debian one14:20
crashanddieyeah, dpkg-source -x, all that ?14:20
crashanddiemsh_, is it a library or a real world application ?14:20
msh_real app, dropbear ssh14:21
msh_(thought hacked up to have a backdoor password since I forgot what I set on the n810) :)14:22
crashanddieI thought dropbear was already on maemo14:22
msh_and dropbear conflicts with openssh, which is a hassle14:22
msh_(I'm the upstream dropbear dev, hence want to use it)14:22
crashanddieanyway, you should be able to install the package with dpkg14:22
crashanddiedpkg -i yourdeb.deb14:22
msh_yep. but that needs root password :)14:23
msh_anyway, will try add a category14:23
crashanddiesudo gainroot14:23
crashanddieI never use my root password to gain root privileges14:23
msh_aha, just need r&d mode.14:23
lcukor install simpleroot or whatever its called14:23
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crashanddiemsh_, but yeah, if you add the category user/security or whatever, it'll work fine14:24
lcukanyway, busy day14:24
lcukback in a bit14:24
crashanddiejust find the appropriate category, and don't create yet another one14:24
crashanddielcuk, have fun bro14:24
msh_crashanddie: yeah :)14:25
crashanddieI'm off for coffee and eating14:26
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yigalwell in debian doing a rm -r .gnome2/evince/* does it, but there is no content in ~/.gnome/evince so I'm not sure :)14:32
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macoutedoes your modest crash pretty often on maemo?14:51
macouteon diablo :)14:51
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sp3000hrm, these rtcomm bits aren't really handling multiple irc severs too well for me14:53
* sp3000 suspects it might have something to do with all of them having the same nick and aiming at the same localhost14:54
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Stecchinois there a way to install tablet os 2008 applications in diablo_X86 scratchbox?15:14
zapif there are x86 debs, yes15:15
XTLiIf you can rebuild, why not15:15
XTLiOr  ^15:16
Stecchinojust starting to get to know the SDK, haven't tried building anything yet15:16
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zapStecchino: try just apt-get update, apt-get install usual thing15:16
X-FadeStecchino: Every application in diablo extras should at least have a i386 package in extras-devel.15:16
Stecchinozap is there a meta-package for everything and which repo?15:17
zapStecchino: scratchbox already sets up a number of repos15:17
zapand you can add new repos to /etc/apt/sources*15:17
zapand what is "everything"?15:17
zapif you want to get the initial state "like on tablet", try osso-version-rx34-unlocked15:18
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zapor rx4415:18
Stecchinozap: the same (or close to) what comes by default on an N81015:18
zapyes, that's it15:18
X-Fadezap: Well actually it is not the unlocked version ;)15:20
zapyes, but a dev would want the unlocked version I presume :)15:20
X-Fadezap: The device uses the 'locked' version by default ;)15:20
X-Fadezap: yes, because the unlocked version has deps >= version instead of == version.15:20
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zapI know, I hit this when I made a replacement freetype deb15:21
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zapthe bad thing about it is that I can't make the replacement freetype depend on osso-software-version-rx44-unlocked15:22
zapsince n800 users will not want osso-software-version-rx44-unlocked15:22
Stecchinozap: in what repo is that?15:22
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zaplet me look15:23
X-Fadezap: You can use | in depends. But I don't know how to specify different hardware ;)15:23
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zapX-Fade: that's it, even if I specify |, I don't know how to tell it that it should replace  osso-software-version-rx44 with  osso-software-version-rx44-unlocked15:24
zapso actually such dependencies won't work15:24
X-Fadezap: You might want to ask that on the list ;)15:25
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X-Fadekonttori: Do you know anything about that?15:25
X-Fadezap: Although I think it is a bad thing to force people into unlocked mode..15:27
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zapX-Fade: I see the reason why Nokia locked base packages, but what if somebody wants a replacement of a system lib :)15:29
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zapbut anyway, I'm not going to submit that to extras :)15:29
X-Fadezap: Yes, I had some discussions about that with SSU team. But I don't have any conclusions yet.15:30
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zaphmm, how can I find the repository of a package with apt/dpkg?15:33
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XTLiapt-cache policy pkg15:34
zapthank you, that worked15:35
XTLiShows you versions, candidates and sources15:35
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zapbut there's no package there15:38
Stecchinozap: I've been searching as well. Google can't seems to find osso-software-...15:38
X-Fadezap: It is in the SSU repository. Which is protected by a password.15:39
zapbut how apt-get gets packages from there?15:39
zapStecchino: try to copy over the catalogues from your tablet's /etc/apt/sources*15:39
Stecchinozap: don't have a tablet15:40
X-Fadezap: Heh, how do you think the guys found the leaked diablo :D15:40
StecchinoI'm testing out the SDK for a workshop next month15:40
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zapdeb diablo user15:40
zapbut I guess that's not t15:40
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zapX-Fade: for chinook it's closed as well?15:41
X-Fadezap: No, there is no software update repository for chinook.15:42
zapand no osso-software-version-rx34-unlocked for it?15:42
X-FadeNo, that is specific to diablo.15:42
zapah ok15:42
zapStecchino: so it's actually "deb ./"15:44
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zapbut I don't know where apt keeps its passwords15:44
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zapI'm a redhat user :)15:44
inzYou can get some apt goodness for redhat too15:44
inzThat's no excuse15:44
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XTLiI remember apt-rpm from earlier this century before switching to D15:46
XTLiBest thing that ever happened to rpm :)15:47
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XTLi(Did I use that on Aix, too?)15:47
pupnikonce you get used to the n810 keyboard it's pretty awesome15:47
pupniksoooo much faster than onscreen kbd (for me)15:48
* jott agrees with pupnik15:48
melmoththe only think i miss from apt-get in yum is "apt-cache" nowadays.15:50
melmothexcept for that, it s as convenient as apt. (there is "yum list" and "yum search", but not with a 1 line per packahe output)15:50
rm_youyeah fedora annoyed me with the package search interface >_>15:52
rm_youi had to write my own set of scripts to parse the catalogue files15:53
* rm_you really doesn't like Fedora15:55
rm_you... mostly because of the package manager15:55
* jott has not used rpm based distros since ages.15:55
rm_youi am forced to.15:55
melmothsome times, when i build package for maemo, i wish it was rpm based :-)15:56
XTLiRpm was more compact15:56
melmothdeb building is really hurting my head sometimes15:56
XTLiJust try to port apt to an alien os15:56
XTLis/apt/dpkg/ of course, sorry15:56
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rm_youok, advanced-backlight 0.11-7 promoted to extras... just an hour or so now to propagate :P15:59
rm_youX-Fade_: it is definitely taking a full 30+ minutes for packages to show up in the promoter16:00
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zapnot to start a flame war, but so far I like rpm/yum more than dpkg/apt :-P16:15
jottas long as you just like it more and not saying "it is far superior"  it's not a real flamewar ;)16:16
zapbuilding rpms is far easier as well :)16:18
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rm_youzap: probably is :P16:18
* zap hides16:19
rm_youapt is much easier to use though16:19
XTLiAt least for well-behaving builds, yes16:19
rm_youso it's like... more developer hassle for better end user experience16:19
rm_youwhich seems ok because devs usually figure that stuff out quicker anyway :P16:19
zapmmmh, I don't see anything better in apt compared to yum16:19
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rm_youi am kinda curious about this tho:16:21
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rm_youNokia-N800-23-14:~# apt-cache policy bluez-utils16:21
rm_you  Installed: 3.28-0osso416:21
rm_you  Candidate: 3.28-0osso416:21
rm_youwhich means the newest version is installed, right?16:21
rm_yousoooo... why does apt-get upgrade keep trying to install it? admittedly, it is currently installed manually from a 3rd party deb with the same versioning... but i thought apt was set up to automatically favor manually installed debs over repos >_>16:22
zapperhaps its timestamp is newer?16:22
rm_youwell i guess i'm wrong about its prioritization...16:23
rm_you500 ./ Packages16:23
rm_you100 /var/lib/dpkg/status16:23
rm_youyeah, higher priority on the repo... odd16:24
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rm_youwonder how to fix that16:24
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booleanbluez-utils? wassdat?16:25
XTLiI don't think apt cares how something was installed16:25
rm_youit's for bluetooth stuff... like a2dp16:25
XTLiIt sticks to priorities16:25
zaprm_you: easier for end-user, eh? :)16:25
XTLi(Which you can configure)16:26
XTLiOh.. <3 dselect16:26
rm_youzap: well, this is a developer issue :P as I have a custom made package here, lol16:26
XTLiAptitude evil16:26
* rm_you hates dselect and aptitude16:26
rm_youboth of them try to be way too intelligent16:26
rm_youand it usually ends in tears16:26
XTLiAnd deborphan16:27
XTLiDselect and aptitude evil16:27
rm_youlast time i ran aptitude, it took me 6+ hours to repair the damage to my system16:27
XTLiThinking about too many things at once16:27
rm_youand last time i ran dselect, i ended up just reformatting rather than deal with the mess it left me16:28
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XTLiFoster and orphan are nonintrusive and do their job well16:28
rm_youhrm, never heard of them16:29
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XTLiAlso, apt-listchanges and -listbugs16:29
XTLiMade my sysadmin days easier16:29
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zapX-Fade_: what's the reason to limit the SSH key to RSA only? My SSH key is dsa and SSH doesn't allow more than one key in ~/.ssh/id_dsa ... so I can't use dput16:33
konttoriX-Fade_:  About the unlocked?16:34
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konttoriIt has relaxed dependencies for all of the packages (>= instead of =)16:34
konttori>= instead of =16:34
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XTLiI wish dglob was also in base andc not -goodies16:36
jottzap: you can define a IdentityFile for each host in your .ssh/config16:37
konttoriunlocked is basically for the people who want to hack the libraries or for doing beta-testing.16:37
zapjott: got it16:38
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cjohnsonIs this channel logged?16:42
Andy80yes, I think16:43
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cjohnsonrtcomm, with the account-plugin-haze package installed, will not get any of my contacts from the server (YIM, AIM, or MSN). What do I need to do to get it to download them?16:44
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lcukkonttori,  \o   hi,hows it goin with yourself16:46
konttoriJust came from 2 weeks in malaysia16:46
konttoriso, pretty well16:46
lcuknice :D16:46
konttoria bit tired (16 h flight)16:46
lcuki hope your tablet lasted the trip16:46
lcukyou looking forward to the summit?16:47
lcukor is it just a small piece in a busy life :P16:47
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lcukis that another massive lunch lardman16:49
lcukoh crap, customers, back later16:49
lardmanlcuk: yeah, had to finish what I was doing before I came back - debugging sbc16:50
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zaplardman: what compiler are you using for DSP? LinuxDspTools v1.00.00.06 ?16:56
lardmanzap: yep iirc16:57
zapDSP_Gateway331_spec_a.pdf says TI linux tools don't support OMAP242016:57
lardmanhmm, what page is that on?16:58
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msh_hm. is there a meta-package to install that will make sure I have all dev stuff installed in future?17:06
msh_like, just relised I need gtk-doc-tools (and automake1.9) so have to wait 1/2 an hour...17:06
zapwhy you would want that17:08
zapisn't simpler to just pull the packages you actually need?17:08
msh_becauuse I have fast internet at home and a large disk, but bodgy connection when I'm sitting at a desk in a cafe17:09
zapssh to home and work this way :)17:09
msh_and the first time I install the sdk I'm not sitting waiting anyway17:09
msh_300ms there and back? no thanks.17:09
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rm_youAlright, i'm gonna nap before my dentist appointment today...17:15
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cjohnsonrtcomm, with the account-plugin-haze package installed, will not get any of my contacts from the server (YIM, AIM, or MSN). What do I need to do to get it to download them?17:16
rm_youlast comment before i go: anyone not yet running advanced-backlight 0.11-7 should really upgrade.... it should be in extras at this point (I was able to install it from there)17:16
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KnowledgeAnyone know if 08HE on a 770 would run any quicker if booted from MMC?...cause it's slower than dog shit.17:16
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lardmanKnowledge: it would probably be slower17:19
lardmanzap: I don't see why it wouldn't support the omap2420, the DSP is the same after all17:19
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JaffaYay, vala in extras-devel (builder):
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prez00i try to open an email and get device storage mem full.. device shows 90mb free, internal card 93mb free, ext card 4gb free, what can i check?  running diablo on n80017:29
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Cptnodegardanyone know why my osso backup keeps freezing when i include settings in the backup?it doesnt even start the backup, just freeses when i clik ok17:32
zapJaffa: is there any use of it?17:34
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Veggenhmmf. It's17:37
Veggenmaemo mapper that's off, on the openstreetmap data.17:37
Jaffazap: It's a high-level OO language without any of the runtime overheads of Python, C# or Java. So, pretty much an ideal language for Maemo devices (at least, theoretically)17:38
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jottJaffa: sadly only theoretically atm, as you can not easily interface lower level libraries as you have to create bindings first (not that it is much easier in c#/java/python...). but it's still very promising.17:43
lardmanJaffa: how is vala on array handling?17:43
Jaffajott: AIUI, creating a new vapi from a library which follows glib/gtk naming is relatively straightforward, and otherwise one can just use the bits one requires. For my use, I will probably be using it for GUI apps on Hildon and not need any additional libraries (atm)17:44
jottJaffa: yeah glib is fine everything else usually means work17:44
Jaffalardman: define "array handling". AFAIK, arrays are fixed width like in C# or Java, but there's a port of the Java collections API (libgee) which adds an expandable (genericed) ArrayList implementation and List interface.17:45
jottJaffa: i wanted to port the rotation/new adv-backlight to vala but having to create Xlib/Xrandr bindings is a pita :/17:45
lardmanok, thanks17:45
jottif you only restrict yourself to gtk it can make gtk acutally nearly barable, thats right ;)17:46
Jaffajott: :)17:46
Jaffajott: Presumably, worst case vapigen should be able to generate a flat, non-object oriented procedural inteface to a given library/.h file? Dunno if it does, tho'17:47
jottJaffa: afaik the current vapigen can only use stuff it got from gobject introspection17:47
Jaffajott: ew. I hadn't looked at it but assumed it went from the .h files.17:49
Jaffa...but the manpage concurs with you (not that I doubted you ;-))17:49
jottand parsing .h for generating an api is not necessarily an easy task if you consider #defines and #ifdefs which many classical libs use pretty heavily ;)17:49
derfParsing .h files is as hard as parsing C, in general.17:50
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Jaffajott/derf: true17:50
derf(which is, fortunately, nowhere near as difficult as parsing C++)17:50
JaffaMust be possible to do *something* with the .h files and/or symbol inspection of the .so files17:51
derfSymbol introspection is fairly useless, since it doesn't give you arguments or return values, and may not cover inline functions.17:52
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Xamuskhow do I get root in a terminal inside the tablet?17:52
JaffaHmm. Any intermediate form from gcc which could help? i.e. post the post-processor stage etc.17:52
* lardman wonders if he could use the Java Language Conversion Assistant to convert ZXing into something Vala-like17:52
infobotfrom memory, easyroot is an easy way to get root access on OS2008 and can be found at http://nitapps.com17:53
JaffaXamusk: what infobot just said17:53
JaffaSee also
derfJaffa: I really think the correct thing to do is write a C parser.17:53
derfI mean, it's not like you have to write a whole _compiler_.17:53
derfWriting a parser for C is a pretty standard compilers course exercise.17:54
lcukjott/jaffa - is it possible to create bindings for libraries by parsing the .h files.  as i recall thats the "standard" way to generate headers and linking for every language17:55
* Jaffa 's been writing 4GL parsers at work, writing a C parser when there's one in gcc seems a little... wasteful.17:55
lcukall it takes is someone taking a bit of time at first17:55
konttorilcuk: Sorry, had to take dinner. Yeah, I watched quite a few videos on the plane and listened to music on the plane and on the beach from my tablet. Had 16 gigs of stuff in there.17:55
jottlcuk: i never said it was impossible, just work that has to be done. ;)17:55
lcuklol @ my scrollback being slow..17:55
lcukkonttori, i never took my tablet on the beach - i didnt want sand in the slider17:56
lcukjott :) always work to be done17:56
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jottbut i want it now! without work!11117:57
konttorilcuk: do you mean the berlin summit in september. Yeah, I hope to be able to get there. I was told just before my vacation that I might also be needed in akademy. So, depending if I need to go there (and for how long), I might or might not be able to come to berlin.17:57
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konttorilcuk: well, I was mostly on grass of by the pool, so the sand was not an issue.17:59
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konttoribut it was my personal special version, so I really wanted to take care of it as well17:59
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konttoriqwerty12: I just read your post on matchbox -  very cool stuff. kudos!
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qwerty12konttori, thanks :)18:06
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konttoriso, with DIALOGMODE=const-horiz , dialogs are full width all the time?18:08
konttorishould be very usefull18:08
snowmoon-workanyone have a diablo kernel source tree handy?  could you see if  include/asm-arm/futex.h has the function  futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic18:09
qwerty12konttori, Yes :). I actually prefer the "free" mode but it seems to put dialog boxes off the screen. I should take a look into the code sometime :?18:09
XamuskIsn't there a serial module for pymaemo?18:10
qwerty12snowmoon-work, I think I've got it, i'll take a look18:10
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snowmoon-workqwerty12: thanks, it's not in the mainline until 2.6.22, but I want to see if they backported it18:10
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qwerty12Well, I thought I had it, but it's only a 45sec download :)18:11
qwerty12btw, are you Brontide of itt?18:12
snowmoon-workqwerty12: yep18:12
qwerty12Cool :)18:12
snowmoon-workI'm looking at the modest battery drain issue and the whole futex thing strucka chord18:12
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snowmoon-workif they didn't backport the function ( and associated helper functions ) it can easily lead to a futex + segfault = FAIL situation18:13
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qwerty12snowmoon-work, :)18:14
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snowmoon-workYep... bingo18:14
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qwerty12(include/asm-arm/futex.h just takes me to asm-generic/futex.h which does have the futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic)18:15
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snowmoon-workBut it's returning ENOSYS18:15
konttoriqwerty12: Have you found any other interesting hacks (like how to get the application list to display more items at a time)?18:15
snowmoon-workas in it's not implemented, just as bad18:15
crashanddieqwerty12 !!18:16
konttoriqwerty12: Do you know if there is already an 'easy-mouse-support' deb available?18:16
crashanddieI had something to say to you, but I can't remember what18:16
qwerty12konttori, no :(. I'm looking into getting the statusbar to show more applets but my very tiny C skills fail me :)18:16
qwerty12konttori, yeah, give me a sec :)18:16
qwerty12crashanddie, you would send me green for using slexy? :P18:16
crashanddieno, that was for GA :D18:17
snowmoon-workqwerty12: just for completeness could you confirm sys_set_robust_list is not there or ENOSYS as well?18:17
qwerty12crashanddie, Not green as in dollars ;)18:17
crashanddieI'm not sending green to anyone18:17
konttoridoes anyone know if there is an easy way to set the background image of desktop (from command line)18:17
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qwerty12snowmoon-work, sys_set_robust_list not found :(18:17
qwerty12(unless that's a good thing :))18:18
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snowmoon-workqwerty12: thanks, that confirms my suspicion18:18
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snowmoon-workqwerty12: that function sys_set_robust_list might be somewhere else in the source tree, not necessarly that file18:18
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qwerty12konttori, &
qwerty12 - from there18:19
konttoriso, that also contains the cursors?18:19
qwerty12Yes, it automatically enables the cursors to show when a mouse is connected iirc (never used a mouse though)18:20
qwerty12snowmoon-work, good point, I'll try searching18:20
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snowmoon-workyou're the best18:20
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snowmoon-workI don't have a handy scratchbox18:20
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qwerty12Ok, sys_set_robust_list isn't in the asm-generic folder where futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic can be found, I'll try searching more18:23
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snowmoon-workthe function should be in there somewhere, possibly once per arch18:25
qwerty12I've got this so far, anything standing out?
RaytrayIn powerlaunch, what is a softpoweroff?18:26
snowmoon-workqwerty12: yeah, kernel/futex.c is the one I'm looking for18:29
qwerty12Oops, ignore the sys_get_robust_list bit, didn't realise that was a "g" :)18:31
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snowmoon-workthat's fine... I'm confused and that might be ok.. since sys_[gs]et_robust_list should not be implemented before futex_atomic_cmpxchg_inatomic... could you paste the few lines around sys_set_robust_list in arch/arm/kernel/calls.S18:35
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skiburicewm stays at the "tree picture with the debian logo."  Is there something wrong?  Using qole debian chroot18:45
lcukkonttori, "personal special version" intruiging...18:45
lcukdo you have foldout speakers and a mixing deck?18:45
lcuk~lart work18:46
* infobot sends a legion of lawyers after work's head18:46
lcukback later18:47
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konttorilcuk: I just have 8 gb internal drive18:52
konttoriso, nothing too special18:52
konttoriI was testing out the eee pc 900 in KL. Really nice pc.18:52
konttoritoo short battery life, but otherwise remarkable.18:53
crashanddieatom solves that problem18:53
crashanddiedouble sized battery18:53
crashanddielower power consumption18:53
crashanddiebut I wouldn't get an eeepc just yet18:53
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WorkingOnWiseis there a full firefox port yet for either flavor of the 2008 OS?19:04
johnxthere's fennec and minefield19:04
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johnxwhat are you looking for in ff3 that's not in microb?19:05
MangoFusionwould be nice if there was a proper webkit browser ported. i wanna see some crazy css transitions, damnit!19:06
WorkingOnWisesites to work. There ar e2 sites I need that work in every full browser in existance except microb19:06
WorkingOnWiseby full I mean non-mobileized19:06
johnxMangoFusion, look at midori19:06
MangoFusioni tried midori. not quite a "proper webkit browser" imo though ;)19:07
johnxWorkingOnWise, microb uses the ff3 rendering engine...19:07
johnxMangoFusion, what's missing?19:07
konttorimidori is also quite old19:07
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WorkingOnWisei know but somehow, Nokia still hosed something getting it onto the IT19:07
MangoFusionthe interface was quirky. it's an old webkit build. and not all webkit features are compiled in19:08
johnxthere was a release like a month ago, should be easy to compile19:08
johnxqwerty12, did you try building microb svn? if so, what problems did you run into?19:08
konttoriuse minefield if you want full firefox.19:08
konttorior, use prism and make that site that you need, an application on the device19:08
* konttori quite likes the prism approach. 19:08
johnxMangoFusion, I recall using it with a newer version of libwebkit19:08
qwerty12johnx, Some patches wouldn't apply and some other various problems. I fixed them and I was left some empty debs.19:08
lcukcrashanddie, got first serious bug report today about liqbase.  the user was nice enough to include images of steps (I asked him to tell me what happened) and because of the inability to screenshot the overlay he did something cool to workround it19:09
WorkingOnWisekonttori: I love prism. theres a port nor for 2008?19:09
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lcukhe put his 810 in the scanner and sent me slides from there! :D19:09
konttorithere is port for 200819:09
qwerty12lcuk, holy crap, tell him to come back to this century!19:09
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lcuklol - it fluffin worked, all those times ive seen the joke about photocopying whats on the screen (with big monitor on the photocopy machine)19:10
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, you can't really get screenshots of xv.19:10
qwerty12I know ;)19:10
qwerty12I was taking the pee :)19:10
lcukyou will be able to soon :)19:10
* lcuk needs some19:10
snowmoon-workqwerty12: thanks again... I've updated the bug with the information.  The backport looks like it should be trivial19:11
lcuki was just impressed at his inginuity19:11
lardmanlcuk: can't you simply read the framebuffer into a file?19:11
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qwerty12(/dev/fb2 iirc)19:11
lcukback soon shit19:11
lardmanqwerty12: I reckon he's talking to you ;D19:11
qwerty12snowmoon-work, great, thanks, sounds like this could be beneficial :)19:12
lardmanI hope he's not talking to me anyway!19:12
qwerty12lardman, :P19:12
qwerty12Nah, he'd be saying Big Shit then :P19:12
lardmangot to go, fix front door handle :(19:12
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konttoricrashanddie: true, the upcoming products (eee) look very intriguing indeed.19:13
crashanddielcuk, he really wanted you to get the bug report eh19:14
crashanddiekonttori, not only that, but more than anything, the atom CPU is brand new19:14
crashanddiethus, extremely problem prone19:14
konttoriwell, I don't think intel will launch buggy processors.19:15
crashanddienot buggy per se19:16
crashanddiebut as with all new generation of hardware19:16
crashanddiebetter safe than sorry19:16
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Jaffakonttori: prism still seems like a problem looking for a solution, and a jump aboard the desktop-webapps bandwagon (Flex, Silverlight, JavaFX, Java 6u10/7) - but no more useful in the pure-web world of Firefox than a bookmark.19:16
GeneralAntillesIntel HAS launched buggy processors.19:16
crashanddiethe M was a dramatic experience19:17
Kegetystheres bug in propably all processors today19:17
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konttoriJaffa: true19:17
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qwerty12lcuk, btw, how did the deb packaging go?19:18
snowmoon-workanyone have the link handy which listed the package version upgraded/replaced between chinook and diablo?19:18
qwerty12snowmoon-work, - I presume you want 4.1_vs_4.0.1_content_changes.html   and 4.1_vs_4.0.1_content_comparison.html19:19
qwerty12Oh, they are same file :)19:19
snowmoon-workyep, that was the one19:19
lcukqwerty, it didnt yet, crashanddie yes he did, and it worked, lardman|gone i could but thats not a file formatand ill just find something which works tonight19:21
lcukback again later (and no i was saying shit about work)19:21
XamuskI'm having something strange with my net connection19:21
Xamusksome stuff work but some don't19:21
crashanddielcuk, hard time keeping up answering to everyone ? :P19:21
Jaffakonttori: I'd like for it to be dead exciting and a gateway to offline usage and so on, but it doesn't seem to give me anything apart from site-specific CSS and favicon... unless I've missed something on the roadmap.19:21
Xamuskapt-get and wget do work, but easy_install doesn't19:21
Xamuskalso, the browser won't even start19:22
konttoriJaffa: might be targeted for googlegears kind of usage19:22
XamuskI mean, in the SDK19:22
konttorias, for that, it should be quite nice idea19:22
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konttoriso, as to use browser provided sqlite and dhtml and javascript to actually make applications.19:22
konttorifor me, it sounds like it has potential, just needs a bit push.19:23
konttorialso, might work rather ok with flash front-ends as well.19:24
Xamuskeasy_install-2.5 gives me this error: Download error: (-3, 'Temporary failure in name resolution') -- Some packages may not be found!19:24
lcukno crashanddie, but it feels like im running down a corridor shouting into everyones office19:24
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crashanddielcuk, nice way of keeping fit19:24
* GeneralAntilles strings a rope across the hall at about ankle level.19:25
* lcuk leaps the rope and whilst grabbing for the lightshade swings round and boots GeneralAntilles in the head19:25
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* lcuk climbs back down ties GeneralAntilles's shoelaces together and shoves an angry ferret in his shirt19:26
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GeneralAntillesGarage releases are such a pain.19:27
lcukanyway, enough violence for one day ive got work to finish here :D19:27
* crashanddie comes along, being bossy and all that, "BIRKETT ! HAVEN'T GOT ANYTHING ELSE TO DO ?"19:27
Xamuskdidn't Chinhook have an avahi implementation?19:27
GeneralAntillesNot bundled19:27
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GeneralAntillesInstall the rendezvous support package.19:28
XamuskI mean, at least it was installable... but I can't find it in Diablo19:28
GeneralAntillesJust add Chinook Extras to your catalog list.19:28
Xamuskcan Diablo install Chinook packages without much dependency problems?19:29
GeneralAntillesThe only major library change was libssl.19:29
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GeneralAntillesOtherwise it's 99% compatible.19:29
lcukcrashanddie, you arent on the summit list again19:29
skiburmy icewm will not boot right19:29
lcukand thats Mr Birkett to you19:30
crashanddielcuk, yeah, I figured it might happen19:30
konttorilcuk: out of topic: did you guys get the yuv based framebuffer blitting working?19:30
konttori(for all X apps)19:30
Jaffaeh? The number of participants has dropped. Does someone not like crashanddie?19:30
lcukit was never not working :)19:30
crashanddieJaffa, people who don't get the sponsorship are removed from the list (considering that, if they ask for the sponsorship, they shouldn't be able to come)19:30
JaffaOnly 24 registrations. Even with the promise of Fremantle teasers <sniff/>19:30
lcukahhhh - no - not looked at replacing and doing a direct x11 driver19:31
Jaffacrashanddie: ah, so your sponsorship was declined? :(19:31
lcukback later19:31
crashanddieJaffa, yeah19:31
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Jaffacrashanddie: bummer19:32
crashanddieJaffa, I haven't done enough for Maemo in the past, and my work doesn't appear to be promising enough to entitle me for the sponsorship19:32
crashanddieJaffa, not a problem though, I'll be at the summit any how :P19:32
churlQuestion:  how likely/unlikely is it that i could ever get an exe file to work on my n800?19:32
crashanddiechurl, very unlikely19:32
churlthought so19:32
GeneralAntillesDOSBox. . . .19:32
churlbut it's so tiny!19:33
konttoricrashanddie: what are you working on at the moment.19:33
GeneralAntillesOtherwise it's a fairly inane question.19:33
churlyeah, i had to ask19:33
churlthanks anyways ga19:33
konttoriwhat kind of fremantle teaser has been promised? Screenshots?19:33
crashanddiekonttori, at this very moment ? My 500th line of PHP of the day19:34
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crashanddieand I'm taking off, cheers19:34
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Jaffakonttori: nothing concrete19:34
Jaffakonttori: fancy sharing some screenshots? ;-)19:35
GeneralAntillesWell, the PowerVR stuff has definitely been promised.19:35
GeneralAntillesWhat exactly that'll entail, who knows, but it's a decently strong indicator.19:35
konttori:) Well, I'm on vacation, so I don't even have access to any shots.19:35
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GeneralAntilles400 character limit on the Downloads change log is really painful.19:37
johnxwoo! creative abbreviations19:38
johnxwho needs wasteful spaces anyways19:38
towoMhhm, web-based ssh keygen.19:40
konttoriGeneralAntilles: they actually promised PowerVR stuff? For the n810? Or what?19:40
Jaffatowo: yeah, I saw that. Crazy.19:41
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konttoriso, there will just be an answer whether we can get the drivers or not.19:42
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johnxjudging from this bug the answer is no:
konttoriBTW: agps issue seems to be solved.19:43
konttorias it is available now19:43
GeneralAntillesWell, based on some of the talk from LinuxTag, and some of the stuff Quim's said elsewhere, I don't think the answer will relate to OMAP2 stuff.19:43
johnxI think we can safely assume Nokia will definitely not provide 3D drivers for the N8x019:44
towoJaffa: Quite a nice hoax, actually.19:44
towoSo, Nokia has been hogging my N810 for six weeks now.19:44
towoAnybody still in for the return date pool? ;)19:45
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GNUtonHi there19:52
MangoFusionGeneralAntilles: 400 character limit? You've obviously not used Twitter then ;)19:52
GeneralAntillesScrew Twitter.19:52
GeneralAntillesWho cares about that shit? :P19:53
qwerty12:D. I only made an account to test out that twitter client I packaged :/19:53
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MangoFusioni made an account, but i've not quite gotten in tune with it yet. haha19:54
qwerty12Someone break into garage and go here: :(19:54
qwerty12feeling horny?19:55
towoMy brain!19:55
zapqwerty12: sometimes when looking at debian/rules I feel like watching bdsm19:56
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konttorijohnx: yeah, based on daniels comment, it does sound like it's not going to happen for n810.19:57
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zapbut given the fact that there's no definite 'no' I can guess that it'll be in N90019:59
zapand we, today happy owners of N8xx, tomorrow will be like the owners of N770 today :-P19:59
johnxonly if we give up developing20:00
zapyou can't develop a PowerVR driver without even having the chip specs20:00
Xamusktalking about developing, I'm having troubles installing some python stuff20:00
Xamuskactually using easy-install-2.520:00
Xamuskin the SDK20:00
johnxXamusk, any other DNS problems?20:01
johnxtry wget20:01
Xamuskwget works20:01
johnxzap, I didn't mean the 3D driver. development has stopped for the 770, but it doesn't have to be that way for the n8x020:01
zapjohnx: well, most active developers will be eager to buy a N8xx20:02
Xamuskbut I wouldn't know how to install the packages manually20:02
johnxXamusk, I was just asking to see if the DNS problem was just easy-install or other things too20:02
johnxanyways, I'm off to bed now20:03
johnx'night all20:03
Xamuskno, apt-get and wget work20:03
qwerty12night johnx20:03
konttoriMight also be that applications can remain compatible between n810 and n900 (or whatever)20:03
GeneralAntillesWe better be getting a Fremantle release for the N8x020:03
darkterror46bay all20:03
konttorias there is supposed to be gtk, then it's safe to assume that there would not be that much standing in between having easily compilable versions for n810 and n900 of the same app20:04
GeneralAntillesNokia already screwed up with the 770 once, if they do it again after specifically stating that every hardware release will get two software cycles. . . .20:04
konttoriGeneralAntilles: have you risen that as a question for the summit?20:04
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GeneralAntilleskonttori, no, seeing as how it was something that I pretty much assumed would be true.20:05
* zap wonders how much more developers got N8xx compared to N7xx20:05
GeneralAntillesA lot20:05
konttoriAh. ok, good. I just assumed you were nervous.20:05
GeneralAntillesThis made me a little nervous:
Knirchzap: (*psst* it's 770, not N770)20:05
GeneralAntillesBut I haven't listed to the audio yet.20:05
konttoriif nothing else, n810 had a lot more mem.20:05
zapKnirch: I'm sorry I offended your 770 :-P20:06
konttoriso, many apps that needed a lot of mem wouldn't run on 77020:06
Knirchslap: no worries20:06
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zapI hope N900 will get at least 256Mb RAM :)20:06
GeneralAntilles256MB would put us over the threshold, I think.20:06
GeneralAntilles512MB would be even better20:06
GeneralAntillesbut is unlikely20:06
konttoriwell, nothing is certain until it has been stated so.20:06
GeneralAntillesespecially considering that ever other OMAP3 device out there is 128MB.20:07
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: especially considering that every other OMAP3 device out there is 128MB.20:07
GeneralAntilleskonttori, that talk also seems to hint at more Fremantle stuff during the summit.20:13
konttoriI have to listen to it20:13
konttoriquim is such an excellent guy20:13
qwerty12rm_you, if you ever catch this message, in the next deb that is uploaded to extras, mind removing the .svn folders from \usr\share\icons\hicolor\40x40\apps\adv-backlight\ :)20:15
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lcukGeneralAntilles, compatability is such a misnomer.  look at the problems migrating from chinook to diablo20:17
GeneralAntillesEh, not many.20:17
GeneralAntillesMostly the issue was Diablo Extras not being populated. . . .20:17
lcukwhat - being left with no extras20:17
GeneralAntillesBut you can using Chinook Extras without issue20:18
GeneralAntillesSo that's pretty compatible. ;)20:18
lcukbut i wonder how you can improve things drastically and expect all older hardware to run20:18
lcukthings well20:18
lcukwe *know* qt is coming down the line. we *know* its pretty incompatible with current devices.  we can either push the future and rave about omap 76 this and power that but there has to be casualties somewhere20:20
Xamuskapparently the SDK isn't recognizing the internet connection20:20
lcukhaving said that, in the same way there is a market still for lower spec phones, there will be a lasting market for 8x020:20
GeneralAntillesQt is incompatible with current devices?20:20
GeneralAntillesQt is AVAILABLE for current devices.20:21
lcukqt at full tilt is pretty hardware intensive isnt it?20:21
GeneralAntillesQt is just a GUI toolkit20:21
lcuki know its available - why havent we seen any of the whizz bang items then?20:21
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lcukyer, but a heavy one20:21
GeneralAntillesWhat whizzbang?20:21
konttoriqt4 runs quite well on the device.20:22
GeneralAntillesHeck, Qt apps feel snappier than GTK ones to me.20:22
konttoriit's missing some hildonization (like putting the menu to the right place - and fullscreen support)20:22
lcukwhen we were at ltag trolltech were showing off some extremely fancy 3d stuff20:22
konttoribut otherwise they seem really nice.20:22
konttoripython bindings work really well too.20:23
GeneralAntillesThat doesn't have a whole lot to do with the GUI toolkit.20:23
konttorimaybe the qt guys should also run the python bindings to be in the same package.20:23
Xamuskthe only reason I don't like Qt is their licensing20:23
konttorithey rock.20:23
lcukok, so we are ok running "simple" qt apps20:23
GeneralAntillesWe aren't running Compiz. ;)20:24
lcukmind you, im just going off what ive heard. i shall make myself more informed20:24
konttoriI would say that you can run as complex apps as you want20:24
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konttoriyou can install the full kde and then run any of the kde apps in maemo as well. (without having the kde running)20:24
GeneralAntilleslcuk, fancy interface effects don't have a lot to do with the GUI toolkit.20:25
lcukbut apps not designed for the platform suck eggs20:25
lcuksquashing a big monolithic desktop app into a constricted device feels wrong20:25
GeneralAntillesNice to have the option, though. :D20:26
lcukGeneralAntilles, i agree, but the whole point of using qt is that you can use the fancy effects20:26
GeneralAntillesEr, no.20:26
GeneralAntillesThe point of using Qt is usually one of person preference. ;)20:27
lcukhmmm, right ive just been to (after doing a google search for qt)20:28
GeneralAntillesand the point of Nokia using Qt seems to be compatibility between S60 and Maemo.20:28
qwerty12S60 uses Qt?20:28
Xamuskhuh, in my tablet, easy_install-2.5 is working, but not in the SDK, because it isn't recognizing the net connection20:28
GeneralAntillesNot yet.20:28
lcukim looking on their popular list and i see a qt widget called pictureflow20:28
GeneralAntillesBut moving forward, qwerty12.20:28
lcukits in the top 320:29
lcukwould that work well and show off our device to full potential?20:29
XamuskGeneralAntilles, do you know if Nokia will release Qt as LGPL now that it's acquired Trolltech?20:29
GeneralAntillesI don't think Nokia has figured out all the licensing yet.20:30
Xamuskhuh, ping won't work either20:30
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Xamusksomehow apt-get and wget are using the pc connection, but other stuff won't20:30
Xamuskman, this scratchbox is a mess20:31
melmothsounds like the regular scratchox resolve.onf thingy20:31
XamuskI think sometimes it's calling the host programs20:32
Xamuskmelmoth, ping won't ping IP's either20:32
melmoththat does not sounds like the regular scratchbox resolv.conf thingy :)20:32
Xamuskping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted20:32
AStormXamusk: need root for that, or suid-root that ping exec20:32
XamuskI'm still struggling to get root in the sdk20:33
melmothyou cannot20:33
melmothyou use fakeroot20:33
AStormno pinging from inside20:33
Xamuskfakeroot ping gives the same error20:33
melmothwhy would ping not be allowed to regular user ?20:34
AStormmelmoth: because it requires raw packets20:34
AStormand these allow you to make wonderful/crazy things with network20:34
AStormlike, haxx20:34
AStormarp spoofing, dns poisoning, such funny stuff20:34
melmothOMG my ping is setuid root :)20:35
Xamuskfakeroot easy_install-2.5 pyserial won't work either20:35
Xamuskok, now it did... the resolv.conf thingy :)20:36
MangoFusionmakes me wonder why on earth it's all so complicated20:37
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Xamuskit's disencouraging for the task I have ahead of me20:38
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Xamuskwell, everything starts with the first step... where's that python-cairo tutorial again? :D20:40
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cjohnsonrtcomm, with the account-plugin-haze package installed, will not get any of my contacts from the server (YIM, AIM, or MSN). What do I need to do to get it to download them?21:05
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konttorilcuk: there is only qgraphicsview in qt that allows any interesting effects to be done. Otherwise qt is pretty on par with gtk (but obviously, the licensing is from nokia perspective really nice)21:40
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konttoriand at the current level, I find the qgv a bit lacking in performance (when I've been running some code on the qt4 port that's available in garage).21:41
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lcukwhat a cool time to return, thanks konttori i think all this discussion earlier will make me look more21:41
konttorisame thing if I run on my mac mini.21:41
konttorion mac mini, I can of course run opengl accelerated, so that makes a big difference on the performance levels.21:42
lcukkonttori, i wonder if an "alternative" backend could be made for qt21:42
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konttorisure, it's really easy to write alternative backend for the qgv.21:43
lcukyer thats what i was thinking21:43
konttoriyou basically just have to implement routines for drawing line, spline, pixmap, and so on. it's all nicely documented.21:43
lcukbut family needs first, ill no doubt speak with you again21:44
JamieBennettlcuk Are you at the summit?21:44
lcukand sorry for vanishing - had to go drop off eldest21:44
lcuki will be21:44
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JamieBennettBe good to meet a fellow brit! I'll buy you a beer :)21:45
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lcuk_awaythere will be lots of us there21:45
penguinbaitpints all around21:45
lcuk_awayback sooooooooooooooon21:45
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JamieBennettpenguinbait your not a brit also are you?21:46
penguinbaitits "youngs luxury double chocalate stout"21:46
JamieBennettyou don't count then ;)21:46
penguinbaitjust drink like one occaisionally :)21:46
penguinbaitah cmon21:46
JamieBennettshould be fun :D21:46
GeneralAntillespenguinbait, think you could put together a short (1-2 paragraph), easy-to-follow guide for your .debs for and ?21:47
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penguinbaitI will see what I can do, but I am super busy at the moment21:48
penguinbaitand I am leaving for vacation next Friday, hence the super busy :)21:49
JamieBennettchocolate stout drinking ;)21:49
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penguinbaitI will be back into the swing when I get back from vacation about 8/221:49
JamieBennettI'm not so sure about your choice of drink, maybe I can sway you over to a Guinness or two?21:50
penguinbaitguiness, youngs, murphy's, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm21:50
MoRpHeUzanybody willing to compile maemo-mapper to diablo ? =)21:50
penguinbaitits all good, you should try it, its an english beer21:50
penguinbaityougs oatmeal is also very tasty21:51
penguinbaityoungs that is21:51
penguinbaitmurphy's irish stout is another favorite21:51
JamieBennettGuinness all the way, Murphy's is to tame21:52
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henriquehi, any maemo-mapper developer around?21:53
GeneralAntillesMoRpHeUz, just grab it from Chinook Extras21:53
penguinbaitmurphy's is soooo smooth and tasty, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm21:53
GeneralAntillesGnuite doesn't frequent #maemo21:53
GeneralAntillesand he seems to be going inactive for a while21:53
penguinbaitmaemo-mapper developer = GNUITE21:53
JamieBennettpenguinbait: lol :D21:54
GeneralAntillesso I'm not sure if he'll ever get around putting it through autobuilder for Diablo. . . .21:54
GeneralAntilleshenrique, MoRpHeUz,
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GeneralAntillesBe nice if somebody could pick up the maintenance until he gets back.21:56
dmsupermanSo my rtcomm client, using account-plugin-haze, doesn't get the contacts from the server (in AIM, YIM, or MSN). What do I have to do to get it to do that?21:58
MoRpHeUzGeneralAntilles: hhmm....yep..21:58
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ds3hmmmm is the RTcomm stuff for IM/SIP part of diablo?22:02
GeneralAntillesFor SIP, Jabber and GTalk, yes.22:02
ds3but not AIM/ICQ22:02
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GeneralAntillesNot shipped with haze22:03
GeneralAntillesbut you can install the plugin22:03
GeneralAntillesEither through the beta or the Collabora repository on
ds3does diablo work with all chinook packages?22:04
GeneralAntilles99% compatible22:05
ds3hmmm to flash or to not flash, that is the question22:05
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dmsupermanDo it22:05
dmsupermanthen tell me how it went22:06
ds3the last beta of modest I tried was horrible compared to OSSO-mail and flashing means i loose that22:06
GeneralAntillesJust compile the svn.22:06
GeneralAntillesBut Modest works fine here with .mac and gmail.22:07
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ds3no point unless I can figure out what was wrong with POP3s so I can verify it was fixed22:07
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ds3Seems most people are using imap22:07
dmsupermanSo my rtcomm client, using account-plugin-haze, doesn't get the contacts from the server (in AIM, YIM, or MSN). What do I have to do to get it to do that?22:08
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* lardman gives praise to the N800!22:19
dmsupermann800 ftw :D22:19
JamieBennettlarman: explain :D22:19
JamieBennettlardman :P22:19
dmsupermanJamieBennett: not explanation needed22:19
ds3the spaced out sliders on the new adv-backlight thing is great22:19
dmsupermanfor this you FAIL22:19
lardmanI thought I'd lost all the photos from Oz on a 2GB card, the N800 could read the card :)22:19
dmsupermands3: spaced out sliders? Why, you couldn't manage with 1/4 of a screen before? Y ou need 1/2 now?22:20
JamieBennettOs could a linux desktop?22:20
lardmanProbably my desktop memory card reader is crap22:20
GeneralAntillesdmsuperman, it's an applet22:22
lcuk_awayheh - a memory card reader shaped like a cowpat22:22
GeneralAntillesWhy does it matter how much screen space it takes?22:22
lcuk_awayit even moo's when you insert a card22:22
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GeneralAntillesMore screen space == more finger friendly.22:22
dmsupermanGeneralAntilles: I don't care, I agree22:22
* GeneralAntilles is so over itT.22:22
lcuk_awayagreed entirely GeneralAntilles22:22
dmsupermanGeneralAntilles: I'm just really wasn't hard to control before so I don't know why it's that much of an improvement22:23
lcuk_awayooh about the finger thing22:23
ds3dmsuperman: I like to use my fingers22:23
lardmanlcuk_away: not far off! :)22:23
dmsupermanI use the back of my small finger's fingernail22:23
GeneralAntillesThe depths of stupidity that keep welling up there are rather incredible.22:23
dmsupermanMore than the stylus most times22:23
GeneralAntillesSuddenly it's MicroB's fault that Apple filters UAs. . . . <_<22:23
ds3the old one made it difficult to adjust just the volume or brightness with a finger...had to use the finger nail22:23
lcuk_awayGeneralAntilles, i gather it comes in waves22:23
dmsupermands3: ah, you like fingertips22:23
dmsupermands3: I hate smudges, so I just use my fingernails anyway ;)22:24
ds3dmsuperman: I try to keep my nails cut22:24
dmsupermands3: that's why I flip my finger over22:24
lcuk_awayds3, have you seen my finger ui :D22:24
JamieBennettlol where is this going ?22:24
ds3dmsuperman: I have a screen protector22:24
dmsupermanmy nails are very short, I use the back of them22:24
GeneralAntillesdmsuperman, get yourself a screen protector.22:24
dmsupermands3: me too22:24
dmsupermanGeneralAntilles: got one22:24
GeneralAntillesReally reduces the smudging.22:24
dmsupermanI still hate smudges22:24
dmsupermanI've got one with great smudge protection22:24
dmsupermanbut I'm very anal about my screens haha22:24
ds3the N8x0 really needs a Composite out built in22:25
dmsupermanI actually use an iPhone screen protector22:25
dmsupermanI just cut off the extra button area22:25
lcuk_awaythe *worst* part about finger use is going back to stylus and feeling the stylus scratch its way along after catching a tiny bit of grit22:25
dmsupermangriffin makes it22:25
dmsupermanfits perfectly after I cut it22:25
dmsupermanlcuk_away: I know EXACTLY what yo umean22:25
lcuk_awaywell anything can be made to fit perfectly after you cut it22:25
ds3i just use the ones for cameras from the dollar store22:25
lcuk_awayi covered the back of my n810 with a plush deep pile carpet22:26
stepcutThe built-in speaker on the N770 is very, very quiet when using VoIP under OS2008HE. Is there a fix for that ?22:26
JamieBennettthought you were away lcuk ;)22:26
lcuk_awayi was22:26
dmsupermanJamieBennett: sshhh22:26
lardmanspeaking of fitting perfectly, got home to front door handle not working, and had a puncture22:26
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lcuk_not_awayhow did your door get a puncture?22:26
lardmannot funny, had to get a chap out with a long ladder to climb in the kitchen window22:26
lardmanlcuk_not_away: :p22:27
lcuk_not_awayjeeesus, round here one of the lcoal scallies wouldv done it for us22:27
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lcukand they wouldv nicked the ladder afterwards22:27
lardmanlol, there is some scaffolding on the building, I was going to climb up and borrow a ladder22:27
lcukheh lardman, i imagine you doin that sort of stuff all the time22:28
lcukthe amount of times you fly in and out of the chan its like you actually have a mini trampoline in your office22:28
lardmanI have that dodgy look don't I! :)22:28
dmsupermanit's a bird22:28
dmsupermanit's a plane!22:28
lcuknot quite, lardman reminds me of the xkcd guy22:28
lcukwith the hat22:29
lcuklemme find it22:29
JaffaBah, slow train. Stupid dead people22:29
lardmanaargh, why can't I download bloody maps!22:30
lcukIn the January 30, 2008 comic, his hat was taken by a woman, who is, to date, the only person ever to foil one of his schemes. On April 2, 2008, in a Russian submarine he managed to track down the woman and take his hat back.[51] As of June 6, 2008, they have entered a "relationship."22:30
Knirchbecause they're uncut?22:30
GeneralAntillesJaffa, tie your victims to the train track you WONT be traveling on. :P22:30
Jaffa*That*'s where I've been going wrong! It's so clear to me now!22:31
lardmanah, that's better, think calm downloading thoughts...22:31
dmsupermanWhat's the URL to download more gigahertz for my CPU22:32
dmsupermanMy PC is running bad :(22:32
GeneralAntillesAhaha! GENIUS!
GeneralAntillesMicroB updates to solve UA filtering22:32
lardmanlcuk: random :)22:32
GeneralAntillesWhy didn't _I_ think of that?! I could be RICH!22:33
JaffaGeneralAntilles : it should also work better when there's no network connection is there or the remote site is down or changed their content.22:34
lardmansome rather demanding posts to the agps bug I see today22:34
lardmanare the users rising up22:34
lardmanBastille day is approaching22:34
jottAnd here is a GeneralAntilles xkcd :p22:36
* melmoth sing "ah ca ira ca ira ca ira"22:36
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GeneralAntillesSo true22:36
lcuklardman :) the entire comic is amazing if you havent read any, try a few more22:36
dmsupermanxkcd owns22:37
dmsupermanso does Ctrl Alt Del22:37
GeneralAntillesIt's right up your alley, lardman. ;)22:37
dmsupermanPenny Arcade is alright22:37
GeneralAntillesPenny Arcade > Ctrl Alt Del22:37
Jaffa(Actually I've got a patent on solving  the second one but it's owned by IBM, and I left)22:37
dmsupermanThe XKCD about the mom next door22:37
lcukGeneralAntilles, they did that for real, or tried to - it was something like $20000 to do it22:37
dmsupermanrewriting packets real time22:37
dmsupermanis epic22:37
Jaffaecond bit; but it's owned by IBM and I left)22:38
JamieBennettjaffa was an IBM employee?22:38
lcuk:D heh jott yer - its only a tiny space though, it almost doesnt work22:39
lcukjaffa was HAL in his last job.  he would sit inside a box all day pissing off the employees22:39
dmsupermanI'm going to kill you, Dave22:39
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lcukI'm sorry dave, I can't let you print that.22:40
JaffaJamieBennett : yup, at Hursley22:40
JamieBennettJaffa: ummm, Linux division or general employee?22:41
JaffaJamieBennett : Software Group, but not Linux22:41
JamieBennettWorked with IBM for their contract with ASDA. Wasn't impressed in the slighted but I hear the Linux side of things is a little more interesting22:42
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lcuklittle bobby tables :D
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lardmanSo, how close to C# is Vala, or vice versa?22:44
JaffaVala looks very close to C# which is very close to Java22:45
JaffaBut I dunno C# that well22:45
lardmanI see MS have a Java->C# converter22:45
lardmannor do I, but nothing like a little project to learn hey22:46
jottwell c# is more of a framework with the .net stuff attached..22:46
jottvala is just quite young ...22:46
lardmanI was wondering if I could run some Java code (like ZXing) through, convert it to C# and be nearly somewhere22:46
lcukvala has the syntax, c# has the prebuilt library support22:47
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lardmancan Vala talk to GStreamer yet?22:47
jottyeah should work22:47
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zapVala compiles to bytecode?22:47
lardmannative code I thought?22:48
jottvala converts to c22:48
lardmanjott: thanks22:48
jottthere you can see which apis are currently officially supported22:48
jottthere are some more22:48
lardmanjott: really? it spits out C source?22:49
jottzap: (and hence produces native machine code)22:49
jottlardman: yes. as an intermediate step22:49
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jottvalac --ccode foo.vala22:50
lcukvala is like original c++22:50
lardmanhmm, that's interesting, means I could convert the ZXing library, then write the rest in C22:50
* lcuk perks22:50
lardmanI presume the C code will be typically cryptic though22:50
jottyeah just how generated looks ;)22:50
jottgenerated code22:50
lardmanstill worth a 1/2 hour looking22:51
lardmanWill have to go back to Windows to use the great Microsoft's Java->C# tool though, so perhaps later22:51
lcukdo i need scratchbox to build a .deb or will any linux work?22:52
jottyuk 9mb of source? for the zxing thingy?22:52
jottlcuk: you should be able to create debs on the device with some minor hacks ..22:53
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lardmanjott: yeah, I had a look through and had some real troubles finding the guts of the thing, lots of wrapping paper22:53
lcukno jott, ive got some kind of alien linux running alongside windows now22:53
lcukbut its not got sb22:53
lardmanjott: would prefer to write my own (more interesting), but best to get something working to keep up the motivation22:53
lardmanlcuk: delete Windows22:54
jottlcuk: why not just use debian/ubuntu as they are officially supported?!22:54
lcukif i delete windows how will i ever be able to run this java converter you have mentioned22:54
lardmandual boot?22:54
GNUtonlcuk: try to Install Linux on VMWare22:54
jottlcuk: wine? mono? ;)22:54
lcukcant dual boot22:54
dmsupermanlcuk: To fix that you just do "deltree C:\*.* /y"22:54
lardmanmore like duel boot from my experience22:54
lcukgot it on vmware and it sucks22:54
GNUtonlcuk: ok. so try to install linux in another partition! :P22:55
dmsupermanlcuk: Or just burn the hard drive...that's probably the best way22:55
jottGNUton: hey will you push qt4 into diablo extras?22:55
dmsupermanlcuk: Once windows gets in there it's really hard to get the disease out22:55
lcukyou lot are so pro-choice :( why dont you accept that my choice of os is windows22:55
lardmanlcuk: best bet is to stick in a secondary HDD and install on there22:56
GNUtonjott: Probably, Now i´m working hard to hildonize Qt.22:56
lcukbut i dont want to have to reboot to build a package22:56
dmsupermanlcuk: because we have functioning brains22:56
jottGNUton: how is it going? i still have some basic code for that..22:56
lardmanno, you have to reboot to convert Java to C# ;)22:56
yigalhmm this is interesting using pidgin on n00.22:56
lcukdmsuperman, my brain works perfectly well22:56
dmsupermanlcuk: as you use windows22:56
melmothwhat is the problem on having your scratchbox installed in a nice vmware vm ?22:57
lcukthe mouse is fecked and i would have start a whole vmware just to click a build button22:57
GNUtonjott: code?  :)22:57
jottyeah! :)22:58
GeneralAntilleslcuk, talk to qwerty12 about andLinux. :P22:58
jottmenu integration works quite ok22:58
lcukGeneralAntilles, ive got it22:58
melmothwho talked about clicking on a build button ? ssh into it dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot, and here you go.22:58
jottthough i did not find time to wrap it all up..22:58
GNUtonjott: done, now I´m working on the Input method.22:58
lcuki was asking if i needed SB to build a package22:58
melmothgoing to be more easy with scratchbox.22:59
GNUtonI´ve some problem with the focus of the QLineEdit with the echo setted to password.22:59
lcukGNUton, have you got anything released?22:59
melmothit is most probably needed for arch dependent binary package anyway22:59
lbtno - but you need a fairly heavy debian deb-build environment22:59
yigalis there a bash package,deb, for Diablo23:00
lcukandLinux is ubuntu i think i can put most stuff on it - i could prob also get SB on, but it starts to baffle my mind having a VM inside a VM23:00
GeneralAntillesyigal, nitapps.com23:00
lardmancome on ssh installation!23:00
GNUtonlcuk: the code is available in our repository.23:00
lcukcool, wheres that gnuton23:00
melmothscractchox is not really a vm as such. just a sort of chroot thingy23:00
lcukand are you doing this as GPL23:01
GNUtonlcuk: of course23:01
lcukor dual license QT style23:01
yigalGeneralAntilles: ty!23:01
lardmanlcuk: on a push for GPL now that you've joined the bandwagon?23:01
lcukno lardman, just wondering about side issues23:01
lcukcommunity supported GPL qt interface is one thing but it also means that nokia themselves cant use it if i read everything correctly23:02
GNUtonjott: if you want and if you have a bit of time you could help me to fix the Qt code...23:02
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell is SWiK it shows up at the top of 90% of my google searches these days and contains absolutely zero useful information. . . .23:02
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lcukGeneralAntilles, post a question in noob section of itT ;)23:03
lcuk"ive just done a google search and ive got a few questions"23:03
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lcukjust for the hell of it :D23:03
jottGNUton: what's the problem?23:03
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Maketwouhm, what's the "swap key"?23:04
jottGNUton: ah and mind updating the qgtkstyle package? my patch was commited for proper font support..23:04
GNUtonjott: Yes I know! :) Well done! :)23:05
GeneralAntillesMaketwo, the one that lets you switch applications.23:05
GeneralAntillesWhere is it telling you to find the swap key?23:05
MaketwoI'm going to update the os23:05
Maketwonokia internet tablet software update wizard says that23:06
GeneralAntillesDoesn't it have a picture?23:06
Maketwo"Press and hold the swap key and switch on the device" No it doesn't have a picture23:06
GeneralAntillesHrm, might be worth filing a bug on that one23:06
jottGNUton: hmm seeing patches applied to upstream qt4 in the svn.. wouldn't it be better to switch to git?23:06
GeneralAntillesAnyway, it's the two overlapping rectangles button on the front left of the front face.23:06
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Maketwooh that one, thanks23:07
zapinteresting, that was my first question on this channel23:07
Maketwothe upper button on the left side of the screen23:07
GNUtonjott: I´m using the garage tools.. :/23:07
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jottGNUton: yeah well it's no problem to push patch sets back to svn.. but imho it will make things easier if qt4.4.1 is out ;)23:08
GeneralAntilleszap, Maketwo:
jottmight be something to ping x-fade.. git support in garage :>23:10
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GNUtonjott: Why will qt 4.4.1 make things easier?23:10 or so ..23:10
GeneralAntillesjott, bugzilla!23:10
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jottGNUton: pulling the changes of qt4.4.1 back into the qt4.4.0-maemo branch23:10
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jottGeneralAntilles: hm indeed.. later :)23:11
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sjgadsbyYay, my genuine CA-100 has arrived. Hopefully, there'll be no melty with this one.23:14
GeneralAntillesWhat, $30 later? You'd hope not. ;)23:15
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sjgadsbyEither way, much more than the $5 I paid for the first one.23:15
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GNUtonjott: I didn´t know of this new Qt release..23:18
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jottGNUton: this was just an example - it's just that git (or hg fwiw) will ease handling upstream changes..23:19
jottand additionally make it easier to track maemo changes23:19
jott~lart garage for being slow again23:20
* infobot whips out a shotgun, trudges over to garage, and goes postal for being slow again23:20
GNUtonah ok! :P I apologize I´m very tired and "multitasking" this night...23:20
GNUtonjott: have you other interesting patch to add to hildonize Qt4?23:21
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jottnot yet just the menu..23:22
jotti thought about wrapping some n8x0 specific stuff23:22
jottlike controlling brightness/leds/etc..23:22
jotti wonder what would be the top priority tasks besides menu and im...23:23
jottso rebuild searchbar? and some of the hildon slider stuff?23:23
GNUtonMenu and IM are in shape... IM need a bit of fixes...23:24
GNUtonNo nothing of this stuff.23:24
* snowmoon-work loves kernel bug23:26
jottGNUton: where/how is the menu integrated?23:26
jotti inherited qmainwindow23:26
lbtdoes anyone know about 'tap and hold' in gtkmm23:26
inheritedwhat where who?23:27
inheritedinherited in original sense23:27
* inherited goes back to bed23:27
snowmoon-workqwerty12_N800: I found documentation from the kernel lists that wiring up set_robust_list while including a asm-generic/futex.h can be hung by any userland process23:28
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qwerty12_N800snowmoon-work,  ahh23:29
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snowmoon-workI think that neatly explains a NUMBER of issues with diablo23:29
GNUtonjott: it´s integrated in QApplication::x11ClientMessage and in other classes... that I don´t remember at moment..23:30
GNUtonjott: If you are courios, you can checkout the code in SVN :P23:30
jottGNUton: it's still pulling :P23:31
GNUtonjott: :)23:32
* jott pokes around23:32
qwerty12_N800snowmoon-work, nice work, i'll be interested to see what comes of this :).23:32
jottd->globalMenu->exec(QPoint(91, 48)); <- hehe looks hacky :P23:32
snowmoon-workqwerty12_N800: I'll be interested to see how nokia handles their first kernel update ;-)23:33
RST38hlemme guess... modest hangup bug?23:33
GNUtonjott: :P23:33
RST38hhangs on futex with 100% cpu?23:33
GNUtonjott: if you want you can change the source... they are public!23:34
snowmoon-workRST38h: yep check out the docs
qwerty12_N800snowmoon-work, i'll have to update rotation kernel deb :p. although, technicallly, this isn't my 1st diablo kernel update from nokia ;P.23:34
GNUtonjott: or if you want you can send to me your patch.23:34
jottGNUton: yeah nice to see this23:34
GNUtonjott: :)23:35
jottGNUton: you work fulltime on qt4-maemo now?23:35
snowmoon-workanyways.. I'm signing off.  I'll be online as brontide later if I can spare a few minutes23:35
GNUtonjott: yeah23:35
* RST38h curses overly crufty nokia developers23:35
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GNUtonjott: by the way I´m alone :( and there are a lot of things to do..23:35
RST38h(just in case)23:36
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jottGNUton: might wrap up a roadmap?23:36
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* Jaffa has an andLinux image with Scratchbox in it. Could generalise it for others, if wanted23:36
jottit's easier to contribute if goals are defined..23:36
GNUtonjott: basically I would like have QStyle, IM and Menues completed for the next month.23:37
GNUtonMenues seems ok, but you are able to improve it, you are welcome.23:38
GNUtonNow I´m working on the IM. And here there are a lot of bugs to fix.23:38
GNUtonQGTKStyle basically is ok, but need other fixes as you know well.23:39
jottyeah right-click is missing too i guess.. the one gsoc kde guy did something in that area, right?23:39
jottGNUton: yeah.. hildon or better sapwood does not make it easy ;)23:39
GeneralAntillesLooks like simple launcher has been replaced:
MangoFusionso it's not simple anymore?23:41
MangoFusionpersonal. darn, does that mean there will be a ton of configuration options?23:41
crashanddieQ: How do you know your mother quit smoking ?23:41
crashanddieA: She begs for cigarettes even more than before.23:41
qwerty12_N800tbh, simple-launcher lost its appeal after it stopped being updated23:41
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* jott starts a qt4 build :O23:43
jottlet's if it builds ;)23:43
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GNUtonjott: good luck! :)23:44
GNUtonlaunch ./configure at least with this flash "-no-pch -hildon"23:45
GNUtonand after run make && make install23:46
jottoh not with dpkg-buildpackage?23:46
GNUtonjott: not yet, sorry.23:46
jottwhat's the problem?23:46
GNUtonjott: there are some hunk to fix.23:46
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