IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-06-26

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lcukdamn evil eye goop.00:01
lcuk~lart fucithalmic00:01
* infobot pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps fucithalmic00:01
wazdSo much to think off )00:01
RST38hA schoolboy aged 12 has been identified as an al-Qaeda inspired extremist after sending beheading videos to his classmates, police have disclosed.00:03
RST38h[what's wrong about sending beheading videos?]00:03
wazdAm I mistaking or in the 'maemo-wiki" there is no "anti-trolling" defence?)00:04
ds3and couldn't he be inspired by the frogs^H^H^H^H^Hfrench?00:04
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lcukwazd, GeneralAntilles is on guard, i think hes locked down anon editing for a while, please remove anything you do find00:04
GeneralAntillesThere's no captcha at the moment00:05
GeneralAntillesI blocked anonymous edits over http for the time being00:05
lcukhes not answering now because hes just opening an email from RST38h00:05
lbtthere is - it's called "registering"00:05
wazdluck, well, no now it's all ok, but anybody can delete all of the stuff :)00:05
wazdlcuk, sorry :)00:05
GeneralAntillesIt's easy enough to revert.00:05
lcukthats what a wiki is for00:05
wazdthat's good :)00:06
lcukhopefully productive users add good content faster than the trolls can fill in crap or wipe stuff00:06
lcukits your stereotypical good vs evil debate thats raged throughout the galaxy00:06
GeneralAntillesIt'll likely end up that anonymous edits aren't allowed00:07
GeneralAntillesand it's damn easy to block trolling accounts. ;)00:07
wazdTrolling means popularity :)00:07
RST38hI hope logins work?00:07
lcukor just quim is drunk at the keyboard again00:07
wazdyep, all clear :)00:07
GeneralAntilleswiki uses Garage accounts00:07
wazdI have suc h a huge material on "how to upgrade developing collaboration process" but it's so huge so it will take tons of time to make it written and drawn :)00:09
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wazdDiablo is really speedy, just like real diablo :)00:11
qwerty12_N800hmm, real diablo, i wouldn't know...00:12
wazdlambo i mean ;)00:12
khertanreal Diablo isn't really fast00:12
lbtNext release should be called Tuscan00:12
khertanspecially when you r waiting to fully the tank00:12
GeneralAntilleslbt, I like that idea. :D00:13
wazdConcorde :)00:13
lbtgreat balls of fire!00:13
khertanouch download finished00:13
khertan1 hours00:13
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lcukis diablo actually faster?00:14
wazdyep, much00:14
lcukmmm will have to try00:15
GeneralAntillesProbably mostly placebo00:15
GeneralAntillesand/or the clean install effect00:15
lcuki bet noone knows if i can still install gcc and all dev stuff00:15
GeneralAntillesThere have been a lot of improvements00:15
wazdAt least media player and MicroB is faster :)00:15
GeneralAntillesEspecially in Application manager00:15
lcukwell mine already runs superquick anywa (performance mode effects whole system)00:15
GeneralAntillesMedia player doesn't choke out on UPnP shares now.00:15
kkrustythe theme is nice00:15
GeneralAntillesIt's no different from Chinook.00:16
GeneralAntillesJust different background.00:16
kkrustyin that case. The background is nice00:16
GeneralAntillesFor nice backgrounds:
wazdI was thinking, maybe if there is "update on the air" now, Nokia can bundle more software in the box?)00:16
wazdWell, it was always there00:17
wazdthe background :)00:17
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I'd rather see Nokia putting their efforts into the platform stuff00:17
GeneralAntillesleave the software to 3rd parties not encumbered by Nokia's retarded UI specs.00:18
wazdI think application manager must be more integrated in the download section. With pearls. fresh, popular, ratings and comments00:18
GeneralAntillesBig thunderstorm coming . . . let's see if the power manages to stay up for round 2. <_<00:18
wazdmaybe I should write this stuff into maemoUI00:18
GeneralAntilleswazd, I agree.00:18
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wazdWoow! Nice!00:19
qwerty12_N800I wish nokia would put in a "do not show this message for future installs again" checkbox for the legal message.00:20
lcukbut future installs might not be you00:20
kkrustycanola works with diablo?00:20
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GeneralAntilleskkrusty, Diablo is 99% compatible with Chinook.00:20
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AddisonHey, what's going on fellas?  :)00:21
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kkrustyGeneralAntilles: I see...00:21
GeneralAntilleswazd, I recall there being an article on the statusbar applets on your UI blog, did you ever see ?00:21
wazdbut OMWeather crashes :)00:21
qwerty12_N800lcuk, I still don't see the point of that message anyway, it's just nokia being pussies, I've never had a message like that on any of my mobile devices.00:21
wazdGeneral, yep, it's great, I'm using it all day)00:22
AddisonQuick question.  Could someone term the "gonf" command so that I can have a 14 font size for TerminusRe33-Bold in Xterm?  I'm using the latest Chinook OS.00:22
lcukqwerty12_N800, have your other mobile devices had unsigned software installs?00:22
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ryoohkii just flashed my n800 to the latest version of os2008 and went to reinstall mplayer but no go - the one click install won't work and neither will anything else i tried00:22
qwerty12_N800lcuk, yes00:22
AddisonHeya qwerty!00:22
wazdBut it's not my idea, like for examle, Andrew's large statusbar clock :)00:22
qwerty12_N800Hi Addison :)00:22
AddisonWhat's up big daddy?00:22
lcukwasd, your blog - care to give me a link?00:23
GeneralAntillesryoohki, duplicate the maemo Extras entry add "chinook" to the distribution line.00:23
* lcuk sees the error of his googling ways00:23
wazdwelcome :)00:23
lbtdetails  here ryoohki
lcukthanks :)00:23
qwerty12_N800Addison, Nothing much, /me just still tired :/00:23
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GeneralAntilleswazd, no, it's the result of an idea I had been trying to find somebody to code up since early 2006. ;)00:23
AddisonHey General, could you give me a little help with your TerminusRe33-Bold font?  I'd like to have it set at 14 but Xterm only allows for either a 12 or 16 through the menu selection.00:24
GeneralAntillesNot my field, Addison. ;)00:24
wazdPost your ideas there if you like, and I can make illustrations if you like again :)00:24
AddisonOkay General.  Thought you of all people wouldn't have know.00:24
lcukwazd, im not sure if you've seen the stuff ive been writing, but making the most out of the tablet is high on my priorities00:24
Addisonknown = know.00:24
wazdlcuk, no, can you give me a link?)00:25
qwerty12_N800wazd, GeneralAntilles, brilliant mockups00:25
GeneralAntillesMock ups are fun00:25
lcuk       overview vid,    in the description theres a link to downloads and ITT thread00:25
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wazdBTW, one of my UI ideas is already heading the way to the real world :)00:26
* lcuk hand codes mockups00:26
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GeneralAntillesPhotoshop is fast enough00:26
wazdlcuk, wooohohohohooooooowo!11100:27
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lcuk:) sketching is faster00:27
GeneralAntillesFor making mock-ups that look like the real thing? I think not. ;)00:27
ryoohkilbt: this page must have changd
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, haven't you seen the art posted on the forums ?00:27
wazdNo words00:28
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, it's quite impressive, actually00:28
lcukmy real life interface is hand drawn :) ive always imagined widgets and ui elements drawn00:28
lcukwazd, you can download and play yourself00:28
crashanddielcuk, hey mate :)00:28
lcukhi crashanddie :) art? forums?00:28
lcuknot sketches yet then?00:28
wazdlcuk, thats hell impressive!11!!00:29
crashanddielcuk, you insensitive clod, how could you keep me up for so long yesterday00:29
lcuk:) thank you00:29
lbtryoohki: I guess someone reverted my work - ah well00:29
crashanddiethis morning was murder, trying to get up with 2 hours of sleep00:29
AddisonSo I take it no one here knows how to use the gconf command in Xterm to change the font size?  Sorry for the unrelenting, obsessive questioning. :D00:29
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, let me know when you can free-hand something like this. ;)
lcuksorry, i wasnt much better, and before work i had to put evil eye drops in00:29
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wazdDang, how did you get kinetic scrolling so smooth?)00:29
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, anytime of the day, given the correct resolution00:30
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, For me, in the latest diablo image, the repo refresh button is enabled in the main view.00:30
ds3anyone plant to write a Symbian emulator for Linux once they open it?00:30
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, did you hack? It's not here.00:30
lcukwazd :) hand coded every pixel using the only display format available thats almost tear free :)00:30
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, OK, right now. ;)00:30
ryoohkilbt: maybe it's in the history of the page00:30
crashanddielcuk & GeneralAntilles: and yeah, I misunderstood the point of the discussion, I thought photoshop was cited as tool for making art, against the tablet option, not UI00:31
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, No hacks, stock diablo application manager. I have red pill on but that's it.00:31
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, :P00:31
lbtnope - but I'm not sure that shows reversions?00:31
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I'm tired, some other day, will ya :P00:31
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wazdlcuk, thats tooo impressive :)00:31
crashanddiebrb, forgot the NIT in the car00:31
AddisonHey qwerty, did you get my last two messages?  I'm using that thing again.  Not sure if I'm using it correctly.00:31
lcukwazd, i found out that YUV format (same as movie player) can display things better than SDL etc.   however there are no drawing aids for writing to YUV, so i made them, now ive started working towards building the ui i need for other things00:31
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, it's not here00:32
qwerty12_N800Addison, No, i didn't get the messages.00:32
GeneralAntillesRed Pill doesn't change anything, either.00:32
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GeneralAntillesHrm, spoke too soon00:32
wazdlcuk, the only thing I can argue with you is book reader :)00:32
GeneralAntillesRed Pill does change things after you restart Application manager.00:32
lcukwazd, touch interface needs a fast refresh.  nokia tablets were letting themselves down. i needed speed to do what i want to do00:32
GeneralAntillesStill, that's not a solution. ;)00:32
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lcukwazd, what do you mean00:32
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles, I 'll patch that for blue pill if you want?00:33
GeneralAntillesThanks, but I'm not too worried about it00:33
wazdlcuk, well, natural action when you reading normal book, that you turning the page and send your eyes to the top00:33
GeneralAntillesit's just something that needs to be fixed in the shipping Application manager.00:33
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wazdthe simpliest way to emulate this process on PDA is to simply switch page)00:34
lcukwazd, i dont expect it to be used fully like that all the time, but for the last few years ive used a program called iSolo and it has automatic scrolling. i just replicated it as a test of performance - ie once i knew i could do it i would.  i want the kinetic text for document editing not reading00:34
wazdbut maybe I missunderstood you and you meant different than continuous scrolling :)00:35
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lcukon maemo, in fbreader - its anoying as feck to turn pages because its either too sensitive or its not enough and im always frustrated, my page renderer has clean page by page00:36
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wazdlcuk, are you planning to make some "not-showcase" software based on that "oooh-aaaah"?)00:37
kkrustylcuk: do you get that presistant scrolling problem?00:38
lcukyes, but because of limited time (i work as well) i put number one first :)00:38
lcukkkrusty, which one00:38
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AddisonAh poopers.  I posted a rotated keyboard in the Apps forum and not so much as a dim flicker of recognition from anyone.00:39
crashanddiekkrusty, the lag, in the code editor ?00:39
AddisonThen depression sets in.  :)00:39
GeneralAntilleskkrusty, FBReader has a fix for that in settings.00:39
lcukGeneralAntilles, fbreader for me has a problem going backwards when i am near the end of a large (4-500pages) book, i dont notice it earlier usually cos i dont normally go back00:39
lcukit takes 3-4seconds to respond just one page bacwards00:40
GeneralAntillesI practically never go back.00:40
kkrustyWell it happens with generally all viewers that if I'm just a bit too overzealous in scrolling up or down, it tends to presistantly scroll00:40
lcukwith the super "undisablable touch screen to goto next page" setting i always end up needing to go back00:41
kkrustythen I have to scroll in the opposite direction as if trying to catch an escaping monkey00:41
lcuktheres no bezel on the 810 to hold properly00:41
GeneralAntillesEr, you can disable that. . . .00:41
GeneralAntillesHave been able to for a while now.00:41
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kkrustyGeneralAntilles: I can?00:41
lcuki tohught it would tell me of updates..00:41
GeneralAntillesNo, lcuk.00:42
ryoohkilbt: can't find the revision - can you help?00:42
kkrustyGeneralAntilles: right00:42
GeneralAntillesBut FBReader has a fix for the scrolling issue in its settings, kkrusty.00:42
kkrustyGeneralAntilles: awesome00:42
* lcuk does like fbreader00:42
GeneralAntilleslcuk, figure out a way to put your text rendering in place of FBReader's00:42
lbtryoohki: added it now, FWIW :)
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qwerty12_N800i don't think sdl, xsp go well in hildon interface00:43
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lcukGeneralAntilles, one step ahead :)00:43
wazdlcuk, it writes me "permission denied" :(00:44
wazdred pill?)00:44
qwerty12_N800wazd, chmod +x00:44
lcukwhat gives permission denied00:44
wazd./liqbase :)00:44
qwerty12_N800lcuk, please use tar.gz instead of zip next time00:44
AddisonOkay, well I need to go shop for a birthday present for the wife right now.  I'm thinking about getting her a new toilet seat.  That's a good gift isn't it?  :)00:44
AddisonThanks again Qwerty!  See ya guys!00:45
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wazdwell, still denied :)00:46
qwerty12_N800meh, i just did chmod +x ./liqbase and it worked00:46
wazdorly :)00:47
wazdnothing happened :)00:47
GeneralAntilleswazd, do you have it on one of the cards?00:47
GeneralAntillesThat's the problem.00:47
wazdaw hell :)00:47
GeneralAntillesFAT doesn't have permission bits. ;)00:47
lcukwazd, you need to put it onto a location that allows execution00:47
lcukthe mmc doesnt because its fat00:48
wazdfat cow... xD00:48
* lcuk is now behind the cruve ;)00:48
lcukand getting worse...00:48
lcukwhat do people think about the 2000 stars by the way ?00:49
lcukand the menu system?00:49
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kkrusty2000 stars?00:49
lcukyes, the startup screen contains 2000 stars :) i thought more was overkill and on powersave it crawled ;)00:50
kkrustyreally? I must see that00:51
lcukand theres a link in there to grab a binary and see for yourself00:51
wazdhell, i'll never learn this f*#&ing console)00:51
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lcuksorry - packaging isnt a strong point, hell most of linux is still weak to me00:51
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* lcuk fails00:52
lcukwazd, i bet you aren't root either are you00:52
wazdwell, it doesn't write anything to the console but nothingg happens00:53
lbtlcuk: 2000? not 2008 :)00:53
lcukok, theres 2008, and i challenge anyone to count them00:54
lcukive gotta get another 810 and do that!00:55
kkrustywhere do you volunteer for maemo projects?00:55
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kkrustythe garage website seems similar to sourceforge00:56
wazdlcuk, help, your demo not starting :)00:56
kkrustyI was thinking that there would've been a "help wanted" page00:56
lcukkkrusty, didnt we answer this for you the other day:   find something that bugs you, see what you can do to help.  even if you donjt get fully involved you will have solved your own problem and possibly others00:56
GeneralAntilleskkrusty, I think it depends on the project.00:56
wazdkkrusty, there is such a button in the garrage00:57
wazd"Help needed" :)00:57
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Veggenthe cards are mounted with "noexec" option, it has nothing to do with file system permissions, actually.00:57
lcukok wazd, copy the whole folder to somewhere executable (   /home/user/MyDocs/liqbase   or something)00:57
* kkrusty shuts up00:57
wazdlcuk it's now in MyDocs00:57
lcukok, from the shell, cd into that folder00:57
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lcukand type ./liqbase   and tell me what happens00:58
|penguinbait|is ITT dying or is it just me?00:58
wazdbut just nothing happends on chmod +x ./liqbase00:58
GeneralAntilles|penguinbait|, the server or the "community"? :P00:58
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wazdit started without chmod :)00:58
wazdStupid me :)00:59
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|penguinbait|community is not dying, which may be why its the server00:59
GeneralAntillesitT is pretty pathetic these days.00:59
|penguinbait|el Diablo I assume00:59
VeggenHmm. Was Chinook ipv6-ready?00:59
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lcukok, there are 2 other things that might have gone wrong:   (1)   as normal user you cannot run it at fullspeed, you need to be root.      (2)  if you did not create the folder: /home/user/MyDocs/_apg  it cannot save any sketches01:00
wazdwow, Stars are really awesome, especially in lower resolutions :)01:00
GeneralAntillesVeggen, no.01:00
Veggenwell, there's ipv6 support of some sort in Diablo.01:00
lcukwazd, at fullspeed they are awesomer :)  i run at performance 99% of the time now :)01:00
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* lcuk was playing with the idea of automatically rooting and running in performance mode..01:01
lbtlcuk: well, you could setuid01:01
Veggenbut this is probably already known. I'm afraid I haven't followed/read the full "what do we know about Diablo"-thread in iTT :)01:02
kkrustylcuk: Well for instance I would've wanted to work on gngeo but 1) I cant seem to get the source 2) Im not sure the project is active either. Asking here would've been better if for instance some person actually needs people for his projects (which happens a lot in OSS). But I'll follow your suggestion...01:02
GeneralAntillesDiablo added IPv601:02
lcukgngeo as in gaming emulator?01:02
GeneralAntillesIt's been known for a while.01:03
kkrustylcuk: yes01:03
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wazdlcuk, thats very very impressive. Hope you'll develop anithing out of that showcase :)01:03
lcukkkrusty, keep your eye out for pupnik, he is gaming god and has lots of emulators on his site ready for 810, also RST38h is developing something i believe01:04
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kkrustylcuk: cool! thanks01:04
lcukyes, start there01:04
m-voFinale! Ohohoho!01:04
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lcukpupnik was requesting people to get involved and see whether they can be made better01:05
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lcukwazd, i use it everyday, it isnt just technology.  it holds my dinner orders or things i want to code at night or bug info or documentation01:06
lcuki have 500sketches already01:07
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lcuki have always doodled on paper and wrote short bursts of code, and ive always wanted a way to get them in quickly and manage and tag them so i dont have to rewrite the same thing on the next notepad01:08
wazdah, why am I a simple designer, but not a coder(01:08
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lcukso when released i should be able to say this sketch is related to x y z (with quick clicks on mini sketches...) and allow my ideas to evolve01:08
lcuki never delete sketches so i can see the evolution of an idea01:09
lcuk:) nokia device is allowing me to achieve all this01:09
* lcuk still thinks powervr 3d drivers would make life better though01:10
lcukim gonna go grab some food anyway :) cyas later01:10
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wazdyou can write some tutorials on how does this thing works and how to use it in the software for example)01:11
wazdWell, I'm gonna go grab some sleep anyway, cause it's too late in here :) See yas :)01:11
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bmidgle1can os2008 find a wifi access point that doesn't broadcast the essid?01:15
phackahas anybody had any luck installing mogg on new diablo update ?01:17
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ryoohkiwhat is OS2008HE?01:27
Atarii2008 OS for the 77001:28
ryoohkiAtarii: thanks!01:28
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wndnice. no more compiling the kernel just to get ipv6. :-)01:41
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Veggenbut not all networking tools are ipv6-enabled.01:43
VeggenI was digging around, and couldn't understand why the hell it didn't get an ipv6 adress...module loaded: check. autoconf enabled: check. Autoconf works on other machines on the network: check.01:43
_afkany cheap but decent fullsized pen tablets around?01:43
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wndVeggen, did you check "ip addr"?01:43
Veggenwnd: nope, only ifconfig :)01:44
wndlooks like busybox ifconfig simply doesn't show ipv601:44
Veggen(which didn't show it)01:44
Veggenah, of course. busybox.01:44
GeneralAntillesbmidgle1, I believe you have to add it manually from the connection manager.01:45
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wnd for those who are interested (thanks GeneralAntilles for reminding)01:53
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lcuki was just playing with liqbase and just doing what i do until i pressed a key and was told to slide [| ] to unlock02:01
lcuklocked isnt really locked, its just not normally watched for - isn't that a bug?02:02
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johnxlcuk, it might depend on how you draw your window02:05
johnxfor instance, how high it is set to stack over other windows02:05
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lcukregardless - the operating system should be prevented from input when locked02:05
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lcukit blocks keypresses (because it shouts at me02:06
lcuklet me just test something02:07
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johnxlcuk, lock isn't an OS level event02:09
johnxit's an x server level event AFAIK02:09
lcukbut something sits watching the input chain because it does block key events02:10
lcuk! ahhhhhhh, i am talking via mouse x extension thingy02:10
lcuklemme just see02:10
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lcukok: xv displays through the lock just like it does when you are playing movies, keys are blocked because they are standard.  i wonder if any other applications are using the Xsp mouse extension library02:12
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lcukahhh well, ill just watch for it when i hildonize02:14
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sinak_minefield is too heavy for N80002:27
sinak_anything lighter?02:27
GeneralAntillesUh . . . MicroB? :\02:27
sinak_is microb a browser?02:27
GeneralAntillesYeah, the built-in one. . . .02:28
sinak_i don't like that02:28
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GeneralAntillesIt's the best option02:29
GeneralAntillesEverything else sucks right now.02:29
sinak_i want tabbed browsing02:29
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GeneralAntillesWe really don't have the RAM for that.02:30
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lcukopen in new window works, why cant we open in new tab02:33
GeneralAntillesNokia UI spec02:34
GeneralAntillesSee the bug02:34
lcukits the interface used for changing thats important02:34
lcukits horrid swiching by going to the menu02:34
GeneralAntillesBut open-in-new window tends to result in running out of RAM rather rapidly after 5 or so windows02:34
GeneralAntillesI agree02:34
GeneralAntillesI want tabbed browsing, too.02:34
lcukor "something" better than now02:34
lcuki wonder if a mac app switcher would work02:34
GeneralAntillesEr, a Dock clone?02:35
lcuksingle hardware home keypress shows all apps02:35
lcukalt tab thingy02:35
bmidgle1GeneralAntilles fwiw, I can't find a place in connection manager to manually add a wifi ap02:35
bmidgle1(re non-broadcast ssid)02:35
GeneralAntillesConnection manager: Menu -> Tools -> Connectivity settings...: Connections...: New . . .02:36
lcukGeneralAntilles, that might actually work nicely and probably abate most other problems02:36
GeneralAntilleslcuk, that's sorta what we have now.02:36
lcukno, we display a list02:36
bmidgle1GeneralAntilles ah, thanks02:37
lcukwhy cant it pop to previews02:37
GeneralAntillesEr, you mean Expose-like, then.02:37
GeneralAntillesUntil we get OpenGL. . . .02:37
lcuki dont know what the feature is02:37
* lcuk has a visual memory02:38
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crashanddie"The average desk harbors 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat"02:42
crashanddieBlimey !02:42
johnxcrashanddie, and the locus of that is the keyboard02:42
johnxkeyboards are gross O_o02:42
GeneralAntillesToilet seats are actually pretty clean.02:42
GeneralAntillesSo it's a pretty meaningless metric.02:43
crashanddieyeah, agreed02:43
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GeneralAntillesThings that hands touch frequently are usually pretty germ-infested.02:43
crashanddieI think the worst part of a house are the doorhandles02:43
GeneralAntillesJust look at it like a good way to keep your immune system in shape. ;)02:43
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GeneralAntillesYou don't use it, you lose it.02:43
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crashanddieRichard hammond has a desk that reaches the levels of bacteria of used underwear :D02:46
lcukif you think your desk is bad, consider how much you hold your nokia02:46
GeneralAntillesI used to work at a bookstore in a downtown area with lots of transients around.02:46
GeneralAntillesThere was this old guy that worked there, had a beard down to the middle of his chest02:47
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lcukrichard stallman?02:47
GeneralAntilleslooked a bit like a thin ZZ Top02:47
GeneralAntillesor a thin stallman. :D02:47
GeneralAntillesWe called him "the Bum Whisperer"02:47
GeneralAntilleshe could kick anybody out of the store and make them think they were leaving voluntarily02:47
GeneralAntillesAnyway, he would always shake these nasty transient's hands02:48
GeneralAntillesand I asked him how he could stand to do that one time, he said it was "to keep the immune system in shape"02:48
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crashanddiemakes sense02:49
lcukalso, when he went to kick others out and held out his stinking festering hand at them they would run a mile voluntarily ;)02:49
crashanddieI'm pretty sure our body would compare pretty poorly to say, the body of a regular joe 200 years ago02:50
lcukhe was loading up his poison arrows on the transients and using it as a weapon02:50
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johnxcrashanddie, yeah, except for all those nice immunity shots we get as kids02:50
lcukmaybe, but nowadays i would be more patient02:50
sinak_when i click on Show Installed application i get "no applications installed"02:51
lcukchances are they would be gone by early 40s/50s?02:51
sinak_what had happened?02:51
crashanddiejohnx, I'm talking about basic "fierceness" of out body02:51
GeneralAntillessinak_, try restarting?02:51
sinak_i did it02:51
GeneralAntilleslcuk, 200 years ago, yes.02:51
sinak_didn't help02:51
johnxcrashanddie, hmm...maybe?02:51
GeneralAntillesHunter gatherer societies were definitely healthier than agrarian ones, though.02:51
lcuksinak_, in the menu you can refresh the app list02:51
GeneralAntillesIt's not in the menu in Diablo02:52
johnxsinak_, did you actually install anything new? or is this a clean diablo install?02:52
lcukthat should force everything to be rebuilt if its gone corrupt?02:52
lcuko rly?02:52
lcukhow do you do it02:52
GeneralAntillesIt's a button02:52
sinak_is not clean install02:52
lcukahh, not removed, just moved02:52
GeneralAntillesBottom right in that shot.02:53
lcuki see02:53
sinak_i tried refreshing the list from menu and i get:02:53
crashanddiejohnx, I mean, overall, we take the car to get a piece of bread, we send an email to the office next door, we are staggered when there isn't a bus and we have to walk through 10 minutes of snow (that hardly touches the ground). Honestly, we're just less prepared. In some way, if we were to fall into a dark age, most of us would have a pretty shitty experience. Because we (our body) wouldn't know what's happening.02:53
crashanddieback to coding02:53
sinak_"unable to refresh application list. unable to access catalogues. Check network connection."02:53
johnxcrashanddie, heh...not much of that applies to people who regularly deal with public transportation02:54
lcukcrashanddie, :) ditto02:54
* GeneralAntilles faces-palms at the mouse-pointer in his mock-ups.02:54
sinak_what sould i do?02:54
lcukGeneralAntilles, FAIL!   (i've waited a while to say that ;))02:54
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sinak_the only app i installed lately was, minefield02:55
lcuksinak_, perhaps you could check your network connection02:55
lcuksinak_, look at the repository list and untick anything thats not default02:55
sinak_i'm connected02:55
sinak_i'll try the repository thing02:55
lcukleave the normal nokia stuff, it is having trouble accessing a repo02:55
lcukyou have used .install files from websites to install software02:56
lcukthey generally add extra repositories which can sometimes be offline..  but those repositories offer versions of the software your system expects to be standard. (i hope im right here)02:57
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sinak_the problem was the repositories :-)02:58
sinak_i had add something that it didn't work02:58
lcuknow, put a comment on the website you got the game from and tell them to use the nokia extras repository02:58
lcukits possibly a one, but this kind of problem may occur for others, if all the software is inside the maemo extras catalog it will be better for all :D02:59
sinak_it was a repo from minefield02:59
lcukahhh well, anyway have you got installed apps again03:00
sinak_yes it works fine now03:01
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n800mcan i use diablo with the rotation thingy?03:03
n800mor does it come with it?03:03
GeneralAntillesNo, it's not bundled.03:03
n800meverything works so well on my chinook...03:05
GeneralAntillesIt should work fine03:05
GeneralAntillesI haven't tested it directly, though.03:05
GeneralAntillesRotation support is a LONG way from being official.03:05
johnxI bet it never goes official actually...03:06
GeneralAntillesI don't know about that.03:06
johnxit would probably be nice if someone re-applied the rotation patches to diablo versions of everything03:07
johnxxomap wasn't updated, was it?03:07
lcukill be playing duke nukem forever in 3d on my nokia rotated 90 degrees one day.03:07
GeneralAntillesFremantle is stacking up to be quite a change up.03:07
GeneralAntillesSo who knows what'll come from that.03:07
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johnxthe 80% solution for rotation (which we already have is pretty simple...but I think the 100% solution would be pretty hard03:08
johnxand Nokia doesn't seem to like shipping things that aren't completely ready03:08
n800mmicroB - how much faster?03:11
n800mhm i don't think i'll switch just yet03:11
johnxnot much different here, if at all. Waiting seems like a valid strategy03:12
GeneralAntillesIt's a little faster03:12
GeneralAntillesdepends on your use-case, really.03:12
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I don't see the point in waiting.03:12
GeneralAntillesSSU is here now. ;)03:12
n800mare there compatibility issues as far as apps?03:13
johnxn800m, not for most apps03:13
johnxit seems desktop applets can present some issues03:13
n800mthere's a lot of cutesy stuff there but some really nice ones too03:15
* johnx raids his n800 wallpaper from flickr03:18
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johnxflickr has a better search03:28
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GeneralAntillesMeh, I'm never looking for anything specific anyway03:36
n800mplanning a deb soon lcuk?03:39
lcuki suppose it may have to happen eventually03:41
lcukif i can get it installed on peoples computers easier and configured automatically you can get the best experience03:41
lcukgnite folks \,03:43
lcukOMG! who shrunk my head03:43
lcuk\o even03:43
johnxif the source is up somewhere I could make a .deb03:44
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n800mactivate on key release03:49
n800msomething like that03:49
n800mthe touchscreen is still sensitive tho03:49
n800mi disabled touchscreen scrolling03:49
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henriquehi, is maemo-mapper intended to be used as a GPS navigator?03:57
johnxit can be, but it needs inet access to do routing03:57
henriqueor should I try to find something like gpsdrive instead?03:57
johnxI've also heard about navit and roadmap (sp?)03:58
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GeneralAntillesMaemo Mapper is based on gpsdrive03:58
GeneralAntilleshenrique, the best bet is to try it and see if it works for you.03:59
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henriqueyes, I would like to help developing missing features that can improve the use of the program as a gps navigator03:59
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ds3support roadmap!!04:00
johnxhenrique, such as offline routing?04:00
henriquebut looking at the maemo-mapper website I found that gpsdrive and now I'm not sure if maemo-mapper is the correct project to do this04:00
henriquejohnx, yes, something like this04:00
johnxif you can figure out a way to do it, I'm sure gnuite (the maemo-mapper dev) would be interested04:01
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henriqueds3, is there a website?04:01
ds3yeah, the original non Maemo version has a website04:02
ds3the IIT threads + garage are the main docs for the Maemo port04:02
johnxfrom what I understand it would be somewhat difficult as the maps that maemo-mapper uses are just pictures.04:02
GeneralAntillesBe nice to integrate good vector support into Maemo Mapper.04:02
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henriquejohnx, yes I've requested permission to join the project at the garage, I'll try to compile a list of suggestions until next week04:02
ds3the 3D views on roadmap is cool but the interface is too hookie04:03
johnxhenrique, ah, cool04:03
GeneralAntillesWhat does Roadmap use, anyway?04:03
ds3originally TIGER now both TIGER and OSM04:03
ds3or you mean the UI? :)04:04
GeneralAntillesNo, the source maps.04:04
ds3TIGER for US and OSM for elsewhere04:04
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johnxsadly, OSM is kinda not helpful here :/04:11
ds3TIGER is nice in that I can have the entire US on my internal SD04:17
johnxwhich would definitely be swell if I was in the US04:17
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ds3blame it on mr roosevelt ;)04:18
johnxheck, I'd contribute to OSM but I don't have a car here04:18
ds3he could've made your place part of the US04:18
johnxheh...I'm sure that would have gone over reeeeal well04:19
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Tenkawaomg diablo is fast04:20
johnxheh...just saw you on #poky :)04:20
johnxtrying new OSes today?04:20
Tenkawaon th n800 anyway04:21
GeneralAntillesMakes me wonder how broken people's Chinook installs were.04:21
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Tenkawajohnx: yeah I like trying out new stuff04:21
penguinothis is for n800?04:21
penguinohow do i reset to factory default settings?04:21
GeneralAntillesFlash it. . . .04:21
Tenkawapoky was interesting although still quite slow04:21
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GeneralAntillesOr there's a reset option in Control panel, I believe.04:21
GeneralAntillesBut that isn't a guarantee.04:22
ds3a 2 mushroom clouds, I don't think that would have mattered!04:22
Tenkawabut going from nokia's last os2008-2007 release to diablo all I can say is wow04:22
GeneralAntillesds3, I'd be more worried about the reaction this side of the ocean.04:22
Tenkawahopefully it might be a little more battery friendly but if not.. oh well04:22
Tenkawasmall loss04:22
penguinoone site says i have to reflash04:22
GeneralAntillespenguino, just reflash04:22
penguinoand im afraid of bricking it, surely there is an easy method04:23
GeneralAntillesit'll take you 10 minutes.04:23
GeneralAntillesYou wont brick it04:23
penguino10 mins, can you provide a url?04:23
Tenkawayou cant really brick it can you?04:23
Tenkawasoon as you rerun flasher and power it on it replaces it anyway04:23
GeneralAntillesTheoretically speaking, yes.04:23
GeneralAntillesIf NOLO gets trashed04:23
|penguinbait|anythings possible, especially for over achievers04:23
GeneralAntillesbut NOLO is all of 9KB large04:23
ds3sure, just as it is rewriting X-Load, hit power04:23
Tenkawanolo could hose up04:23
penguinoa url for instructions por favor04:23
Tenkawathats true04:24
ds3or NOLO04:24
GeneralAntillesThe flash goes at around 5MB/sec04:24
* Tenkawa still likes his n800 even though he also owns an iphone04:24
GeneralAntillesx-loader is part of NOLO04:24
Tenkawathe 810 did not impress me04:24
ds3X-Loader resides in a different area then NOLO (the USB, etc parseing part)04:24
GeneralAntillesThere's, what, a 2ms window for NOLO?04:25
Tenkawais there a hard hack to the eprom/nvram if something went really bad wrong>04:25
Tenkawaer ?04:25
GeneralAntillesSo, uh, you can brick your tablet if you do something like pull the USB cable or kill your computer in those 2ms04:25
ds3it extends the window a bit more because it is 2 seperate things04:25
* Tenkawa likes direct chip programming04:25
ds3yanking USB is relatiely safe04:25
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penguinowtf hacker edition for the 770 but not the n800?04:26
ds3not that I'd try it w/o JTAG though ;)04:26
penguinoso i have to get IT OS?04:26
GeneralAntillesThe N800 has an official edition. :\04:26
Tenkawads3: heheheh gotta love JTAG's04:26
GeneralAntillesTenkawa, you could build yourself a JTAG cable.04:26
penguinoi want the h@ck3r 3d!t!0n04:26
GeneralAntillespenguino, do you even know what the Hacker Edition is?04:26
penguinonot a clue what it is lol04:27
Tenkawagot one hooked up to one of my geode machine's just in case04:27
ds3FWIW, I work daily with the OMAPs and have yet to screw up X-Loader or NoLo (or equiv)04:27
Tenkawathat puppy is touchy04:27
penguinoi just want the shit reflashed , not sure which one to download04:27
GeneralAntillesWhat OS are you on, penguino?04:27
GeneralAntillesComputer OS . . .04:27
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penguinoit says on about product: maemo linux os200804:28
penguinocomp tiny xp04:28
penguinobut i could use linux on the other doesnt matter ..quickest04:28
GeneralAntillesRead the page I linked you04:28
johnxeasiest is definitely the windows update manager if you're on windows already04:28
* Tenkawa will let ythe battery charge and fire it up in the morning when he goes to panera04:28
Tenkawais there anything I should tweak in the app catalog before I get started04:29
TenkawaI doubt theres much in the diablo repo yet but was curious all the same04:29
GeneralAntillesDupe the maemo Extras entry and make the second one for chinook.04:30
GeneralAntillespenguino, look at the link I gave you04:30
GeneralAntillesJust install the software updater for Windows04:30
GeneralAntillesIt does everything for you.04:30
Tenkawaoh ok so the chinook repo will work? ok good04:30
penguinooh...shoot awesome im going down all the other steps like wtf04:30
Tenkawatomorrow morning should be fun04:31
GeneralAntillesTenkawa, the only major change was libssl04:31
ds3do all original OS2008 apps work in Diablo?04:31
GeneralAntilles*library change04:31
TenkawaGeneralAntilles: then wher the hell did this speed come from04:31
GeneralAntillesTenkawa, my guess is that your Chinook install was messed up.04:31
Tenkawabecause I know my old image even new wasnt that fast04:31
GeneralAntillesThere have been some speed improvements.04:31
GeneralAntillesPut nothing incredible.04:31
Tenkawawas there any updates to Opera?04:32
Tenkawabrowser (whatever it is)04:32
GeneralAntillesOpera's been dead for a while. :\04:32
Tenkawasorry.. had opera on the brain04:32
Tenkawafrom another project I am working on04:32
GeneralAntillesSome updates, yes.04:32
ds3wish they license netfront instead04:32
GeneralAntillesI'll pass, thanks.04:32
penguinowindows is fail04:33
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ds3netfront does a better job of rerender pages for mobile devices04:33
penguinogood for gaming though04:33
* Tenkawa needs to set up a maemo build environment on his server04:33
ds3and netfront is faster04:33
Tenkawais the diablo sdk out yet?04:33
* Tenkawa notes he could just go read maemo.org04:33
GeneralAntillesI'd rather have a desktop-quality browser.04:33
ds3GA: I take it you are usually on a fast connection (wifi)?04:34
GeneralAntillesOr 3g04:34
penguinothe n800 is impressive i show it off to everyone04:34
GeneralAntillesYou can disable images in MicroB.04:34
ds3some of us are stuck behind EDGE04:34
ds3disabling images speed it up but with Netfront, I can have both images and speed04:35
penguinoi was going to get the 810 but the price is insanely high04:35
ds3there are some rare times where I want the full page but most of the time I just want something quick like what I can get on the treo before I turned on DUN ;)04:35
GeneralAntillesMeh, use links or something.04:36
ds3if there was a nice port of w3m for Maemo....04:37
ds3w3m gets an incredible amount of use on the desktop04:37
GeneralAntillesBitch at qwerty1204:37
GeneralAntillesI'm sure you can talk him into doing some kind of port.04:38
TenkawaI got my n800 for $170 when compusa was going out of business because they classified it in the cell phone section04:38
johnxisn't there a nice proxy you can run on your server or desktop to recompress images and stuff like that?04:38
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* GeneralAntilles paid $39904:38
johnxTenkawa, I got mine in march '07 for $270 I think04:38
GeneralAntillesJanuary 7th, 2007 woo04:39
johnx...from a compusa going out of business :D04:39
Tenkawayea I saw it and said... its mine!!!04:39
crashanddiejohnx, ssh tunnel with compression ?04:39
Tenkawathey had it for 40% off04:39
ds3johnx: they have compusas where you are?04:39
johnxds3, I was living in the US then04:39
johnxit was right before I moved here04:39
johnxcrashanddie, I was thinking of just lossy image compression04:40
ds3are there any deals at akaibara?04:40
johnxds3, lots :)04:40
Tenkawaok.. time for sleep I think.. tomorrow should be fun.04:40
johnxjust not on nokia stuff :P04:40
Tenkawalater all04:40
johnx'night Tenkawa04:40
ds3oh :(04:40
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johnxds3, Nokia's not that big here. Most people buy phones with carrier subsidies04:41
johnxand the N8x0 tablets don't have Japanese input support04:42
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ds3Maemo on the Z!04:43
johnxds3, that's the plan :D04:43
johnxjust running into some problems :/04:43
ds3are you using the binaries?04:44
GeneralAntillesLower resolution screen? :P04:44
ds3by just a little bit 640x480 vs 800x48004:44
johnxGeneralAntilles, build problems in OE, sapwood problems in debian04:44
ds3OTH, you get a CF slot04:45
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johnxGeneralAntilles, the resolution shouldn't be a big issue. when apps aren't maximized on the n8x0 they only get like 720x44004:46
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ds3bigger lost might be having to use a 600MHz OC Xscale instead of a 400MHz OMAP04:48
johnxoc'ing embedded devices skeers me a little04:54
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tank-mancause its in your pocket?05:10
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megosdogHi all.  What are some good video encoding settings for playing video on the N810 to get a good quality picture?  I'm considering this: 480x272, 768k bitrate, 25fps, xvid codec and mp3 sound at 128kbps.05:13
GAN800That works05:13
GAN800There's a whole article on the issue on the wiki, though.05:13
GAN800You could probably up the bitrate a bit without issue05:14
tank-mani use 400x240 res05:14
GAN800and I would definitely keep the framerate to 'source'.05:14
johnxmegabyte405, that should work well. the important part is xvid/mp305:14
GAN800Make sure the audio is 44.105:14
johnxtank-man, I don't OC mobile stuff anymore because I think OC'ing is what killed off my visor prism05:14
GAN800mplayer kinda chokes on 48000Hz05:15
johnxmegabyte405, sorry, didn't mean to hilight you :/05:15
johnxmegosdog, that first one was to you :)05:15
megosdogat 48000?  Dude, when I tried mplayer, it choked even on a very low bitrate, smartphone encoded xvid file.05:15
megosdoglol.  I kinda figured that.  :)05:15
tank-man400x240 at 2x is the exact size of the n8x0 screen05:15
tank-manthats why i use that size05:16
GeneralAntilles48000Hz for audio, not video bitrate.05:16
GeneralAntillesGenerally speaking, I don't bother reencoding most stuff.05:17
GeneralAntillesWidescreen stuff into the 600px horizontal range works well enough for me.05:18
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johnxubuntu threads on itt hurt me >_>05:25
GeneralAntillesRetardation on itT hurts me05:26
johnxbut the two ridiculous memes that hurt me the most are: I want openoffice and I want ubuntu05:27
megosdogHey, silly question.  How do I update my N810 with patches and updates?05:29
* GeneralAntilles would link the Veruca Salt clip, but YouTube took it down.05:29
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johnxmegosdog, what kind of patch are you trying to apply?05:30
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megosdogOh, just any updates that might be available.05:32
johnxmegosdog, did you already update to diablo?05:33
johnxthe newest OS2008 release05:33
megosdogNope.  Not sure how.  What advantages does it have?05:33
johnxbetter email client, newer library versions, lots of little improvements to software05:34
megosdogAwesome.  How do I update to it?05:34
johnxand support for doing post-diablo updates as installable packages05:34
johnxhave you ever updated the OS on your tablet before?05:35
johnxalso, what OS are you running on your desktop?05:35
GeneralAntillesProbably 42-1905:35
megosdogNo, I've never done any updates before, and I'm running XPsp205:35
* GeneralAntilles lerns2reed05:36
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johnxmegosdog, great, go here, click "flashing on windows"05:36
GeneralAntillesThat page still needs some love and care. . . .05:37
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GeneralAntillesOK, finally updated the Internet Tablet OS article on wikipedia. . . .05:46
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dick-richardsoni'm not finding openssh in maemo extras under diablo05:57
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johnxdick-richardson, go to application manager, modify the repository settings for "maemo Extras" and type chinook diablo in the distribution field05:58
GeneralAntillesBetter, duplicate the maemo Extras entry05:59
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johnxGeneralAntilles, any particular reason?05:59
dick-richardsonperfect, danke\05:59
summatusmentisthat's what I did. When does the diabloe repo get populated?06:00
GeneralAntillesBecause Diablo Extras is where new stuff will be going moving forward.06:00
GeneralAntillessummatusmentis, it should be partially populated06:00
johnxsummatusmentis, when peoples' source packages autobuild or they resubmit them06:00
GeneralAntillesEverything with sources from Chinook Extras is going through the autobuilder06:00
megosdogSo after I update, I have to add that package repository too?06:00
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GeneralAntillesWhich will then go Diablo Extra-devel when they build successfully.06:01
GeneralAntillesand then the maintainers will have to promote to Diablo Extras.06:01
dick-richardsonany real risk running chinook stuff?06:01
johnxnot unless you start replacing libraries with lower versions06:02
johnxnothing in extras should be dangerous06:02
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dick-richardsonwell shit, there goes my night06:02
dick-richardsonI really liked the old libs06:02
johnxsome stuff seems to want an older libssl which could be problematic06:02
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GeneralAntillesIt seemed to pull the old one from Chinook Extras for me. :\06:03
chmacAnyone know a LC_TIME which will give me 24 hour clock and dd/mm/yyyy date format?06:04
chmacfr_FR gives me the time but the date is
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derfSadly, no.06:05
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derfBut if you find one, let me know.06:05
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dick-richardsonhow are you guys gaining root access?06:11
infoboteasyroot is, like, an easy way to get root access on OS2008 and can be found at http://nitapps.com06:11
GeneralAntillesLocal win! :P06:12
dick-richardsonI'd been using openssh, which works well06:12
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johnxGeneralAntilles, same here :P did infobot message you as well?06:12
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GeneralAntillesPM? no06:12
penguinoi am stuck on update mode, n800 is on screen with usb connector in right hand corner, windows will not let me update it because in device manager it has a yellow ? with n800(update mode)06:13
penguinoi need a driver so i can get past this06:13
ds3thou shalt not use windows.06:13
penguinowindows is epic fail please help06:13
* GeneralAntilles waits for this to update. :D06:13
dick-richardsonespecially with 'penguino' as a handle06:14
johnxGeneralAntilles, I think you won because infobot said "Someone already said that 0 seconds ago" to me06:14
GeneralAntillesWoo! :P06:14
penguinoyou shouldnt be 100% anything06:14
penguinoi play games06:14
chmacAnyone using the garnet vm? It's delicious... :)06:14
dick-richardsonme too...crossover :D06:14
summatusmentischmac: I've tried it, don't have much use for palm os06:15
summatusmentismight more once I get my centro, and even then, probably not06:15
* GeneralAntilles uses Linux on the tablets and OS X on his computers.06:15
GeneralAntillesNo Windows fail here!06:15
chmacsummatusmentis: I'm coming from a Treo 680, so it's fantatsic06:15
dick-richardsonyou drank the kool-aid? :(06:15
timelessdo you know the license details for the maemo contest?06:15
ds3just wish gvm supported serial and VFS06:15
timelesscan someone use images in advance, possibly w/ modification?06:16
chmacPrimarily, I'm thinking I'll continue to use my Palm OS applications for task management / diary06:16
GeneralAntillesI don't know if they've been hashed out yet. :\06:16
summatusmentischmac: fair enough. I prefer Maemo06:16
johnxI'm just happy that quicknote is a decent replacement for the old palm memo06:16
chmacsummatusmentis: What do you use as a diary / address book? Does it sync with a syncML server?06:17
GeneralAntillestimeless, I don't see anything mentioned on the wiki yet.06:17
GeneralAntillesYou might ask here:
summatusmentischmac: I don't... well, my current razr for addresses(or phone numbers I guess)06:18
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chmacsummatusmentis: Yeah, I want to sync between my phone (about to get an E51) and my laptop and my tablet06:18
summatusmentisI want to sync beteween my phone and my laptop, don't care so much about my tablet, you know?06:19
chmacFair enough. I think the keypad on the E51 is a bit small to use it as my main diary, but we'll see how it goes :)06:19
summatusmentisyeah, I'm hoping the centro thumb board should be ok06:20
chmacsummatusmentis: It's like a treo right? The keyboard is pretty darned good for all that stuff. Just the screen's not quite big enough for web / email06:21
summatusmentisyeah, it's like a treo, but smaller06:21
summatusmentisso, as such, the keyboard is tighter06:21
GeneralAntillesLightning hell outside. Woo06:25
* megosdog is jealous of your lightning06:26
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chmacderf: This seems to be an option for 24 hour clock
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chmacI haven't got the whole thing installed though06:41
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chmacInteresting... I've just changed my LC_TIME to en_AU which gives me 24 hour clock and dd/mm/yyyy date.06:52
chmacHowever, it's also borked my locale settings, so I'm seeing holding strings like "home_ap_home_view" instead of the home app menu06:52
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bmidgle2apt-get isn't happy after installing diablo06:57
bmidgle2apt-get -f install wants to install flash-and-reboot, initfs-flasher, and kernel-diablo-flasher06:58
GAN800There's a thread that explains it on -developers.06:58
GAN800Just install them.06:58
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timelessgan; confused07:00
timelessthe license is
timelesssupposing a certain logo wins07:01
timelessdoes this mean maemo can't make a tshirt with it?07:01
timelesswouldn't that be a derived work?07:01
megosdogOh!  Creative commons!  I released a sci-fi novel under creative commons.  :)07:01
timelessactually, as is, i can't really do much w/ that thing07:01
GeneralAntillesHrm, I wouldn't think so07:01
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penguinook i'm flashing inside of centos07:02
timelessalso, does this mean what it says:07:03
timeless#  Submitters wust have a maemo account, and be connected and sign their entries in the wiki.07:03
penguinothings seem ok for now07:03
penguinocentos or suse? vote07:03
GeneralAntillesHa, no wonder I couldn't find any mention of "license" <_<07:04
timelessthey used the britishism?07:04
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GeneralAntillesI see "Submitters must have a maemo account, and sign their entries in the wiki."07:04
timelessrm -rf /World/languages/en-gb &07:04
timelesssays wust here07:05
GeneralAntillesThat's the Talk page07:05
timelessam i not allowed to read that page?07:05
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GeneralAntillesWell, the Talk page is just the discussion page07:06
GeneralAntillesand doesn't actually reflect the real guidelines07:06
timelesswe need a spellchecker for wikinames07:06
timelesswho is GeneralAntillies ?07:07
oilinkiDoes the rules mean, that the logo should be square07:07
oilinkilongest side 500.. but it will be used as 16x16 pixels as well07:07
timelesspersonally, having spent considerable time w/ ohloh logos07:07
timelessyes logos should be square07:07
timelessif you want to make a banner too, that's fine07:07
timelessand it seems most people are doing that07:07
timelessand yes, i'm looking to replace my branding w/ maemo07:08
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timelessif i want a vector drawing system, what are my chioces/07:09
oilinkithose are for linux?07:11
GeneralAntillesInkscape is07:11
GeneralAntillesPixelmator might work, but it needs Leopard. ;)07:11
oilinkiok. thanks07:11
oilinkibtw. do you know some easy to use 'autocad' program for linux?07:11
oilinkiwife wishes to make house plans :)07:12
GeneralAntillesDid Google port SketchUp to Linux?07:13
johnxGeneralAntilles, no :(07:13
GeneralAntillesToo bad07:13
johnxit works a little bit with wine07:13
* johnx really liked sketchup07:13
oilinkiGeneralAntilles: I tried to install that yesterday, but it did not start up.. and wine is kind of a mystery for me.07:14
GeneralAntillesIt fails as a real 3d program, though.07:14
oilinkimaybe I should give it a try.07:14
johnxGeneralAntilles, it's so darn nice for simple stuff though07:14
GeneralAntillesI never really put the time into learning it, though.07:15
GeneralAntilles<3 Cinema 4D07:15
oilinkigoogle products are normally great. lot's of work done, so that the apps are easy to use07:15
chmacAnyone know if I can compile on the N810 without having to install a ton of stuff?07:16
chmacOr does anyone know where I could get a posix-locales .deb which has en_GB set to 24 hour time?07:17
* timeless pulls out psp07:18
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dick-richardsongoogle gears would be perfect for maemo07:18
GeneralAntillesSomebody put it together.07:19
dick-richardsonknow where it is off the top of your head?07:19
dick-richardsonyeah, thumbing through that exact search as we speak07:20
dick-richardsonnobody has thrown up their .deb?07:21
timelessgan: progress, wow07:23
GeneralAntillesThings seem to be looking up. :)07:24
chmacGeneralAntilles: Thanks for that. Do you know what Freemantle is?07:26
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chmacGeneralAntilles: I'm surprised nobody on the bug published an updated posix_locales db file07:31
chmac.deb file that is07:31
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chmacAnyone here have a "Fully working scratchbox installation with the correct rootfs."07:32
chmacI'd be super grateful if anyone wants to whip up a .deb for me as per
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timelesssp3000: et al, swift is now partially rebranded07:38
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megosdogHey, has anyone heard any word yet on a future replacement for the N810?  Just wondering.07:39
timelessyou mean like the n810 wimax?07:39
timelessi heard that might ship someday07:39
johnxmegosdog, no one's heard anything, but rumors abound :)07:39
chmactimeless: I thought the N810 wimax was out already, but it's an alternate rather than an upgrade isn't it?07:40
timelessit has 1 new module (wimax)07:40
timelessbut my point is that no one should be talking about such things07:40
timelessyou'll hear about them when they're announced07:40
timelesse.g. diablo's release was in the topic here07:40
timelessand as w/ any predictions people might make, they're almost certainly wrong07:41
timelessi predicted diablo wouldn't ship until the n810 w/ wimax did07:41
timelessand GAN pointed out i was wrong :(07:41
GeneralAntillesmegosdog, Nokia doesn't talk about future hardware plans.07:41
johnxalso, the more precise the rumor, the more you can be sure it's wrong :)07:42
GeneralAntillesmegosdog, if you're interested in speculation and wishlists:
* johnx heads for work07:42
GeneralAntillesIt'll probably be OMAP3-based, anyway.07:43
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timelessgan: some of your predictions in realistically are too optimistic07:45
timelessespecially the part about working software :)07:46
GeneralAntillesrumor mongering is fun.07:47
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GeneralAntillesI was working under the assumption that the N900 would be step 5 for a while.07:49
GeneralAntillesand a lot of my premise was invalidated when Quim said it wasn't. :\07:49
chmacGeneralAntilles: Is your clock running 24 hour time? Or was that bug just general knowledge?07:51
GeneralAntillesI'm in the US. ;)07:51
chmacGeneralAntilles: So you're a 12 hour person then? :)07:51
GeneralAntilles#303 is a sort of long running joke.07:51
timelessgan: is it the longest joke we have?07:52
chmacSomebody must have scrathbox installed? I've got 300mb of bandwidth left this month and I'm not keen to blow it all on scratchbox just to recompile one module...07:52
chmacI could wait till July I suppose... :(07:52
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timelessit should be possible for me to add support for a modern linux to my solaris box07:57
* timeless really needs to find a way to update this box07:58
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oilinkichmac: 300mb left? relying purely on 3g-data?08:12
* RST38h scrolls back08:17
RST38hGeneral: Why increasing internal flash storage is not gonna happen? Flash is organized in banks, unused banks are powered down. What battery penalty?08:19
RST38hAmbidextrous button layout is not gonna happen though, and neither will bumping the number of colors.08:20
GeneralAntilleslol, that was, like, 7 months ago08:21
GeneralAntillesI don't know.08:21
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* RST38h did not check the post date, sorry08:22
timelesshow does one upload to the wiki?08:22
GeneralAntillesThere's a link in the sidebar08:22
timelessgan: #jaffa?08:24
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chmacoilinki: Yeah, we've got VirginBroadband, so it's 3g over wifi :)08:43
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megosdogOk, I've got a weird one.  I just updated my system to Diablo, and whenever it boots up, it connects to wireless, and then becomes unresponsive.  Any ideas?08:46
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megosdogOk, well, I'll deal with this in the morning.08:51
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qwerty12Nice trick Nokia, putting an blank index.html in the diablo system updates directory. But that still doesn't stop me from downloading Packages.gz which has a nice list of the file names inside ;)08:55
timelessi download the whole repo already :)08:56
timelessand indexed the sources08:56
qwerty12I'm really upset, I lost my initial archive of the repo, I don't find it worthwhile to download the current repo imho.08:56
* timeless nods08:56
timelessit's worth it because i'll have as soon as i can get an rsync outbound08:57
L0cutusmy microb doesn't work animore08:58
qwerty12I need the nokia version of kernel-diablo-flasher. There are major differences in the kernel-diablo-flasher and the that nokia put out.08:58
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L0cutusit open, but stay with blank page and popup "updating..."08:58
L0cutusbut still nothing happens08:59
qwerty12sudo gainroot; /etc/init.d;tablet-browser-daemon start08:59
qwerty12*/etc/init.d/tablet-browser-daemon start08:59
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zapis there a kernel building howto for maemo 4.0.1/4.1 ?09:00
zapI don't understand why /usr/src/linux-kernel-diablo.tar.gz is there and why it is needed09:00
L0cutusqwerty12: now it does work09:01
L0cutusbut... what's happened ?!?09:01
timelessl0cutus/qwery12: are you guys collecting/sending cores?09:01
qwerty12timeless, I lost my copy of nitro. I plan on using dpkg-repack some time soon though.09:02
timelessout of curiosity, where did you get your copy of nitro?09:02
qwerty12Before they passworded the repo, nokia put some of their testing tools in there. That's why I'm pissed off at losing my "initial" archive of the repo.09:03
qwerty12I still got ftd though :)09:03
qwerty12I remember seeing sp-panic-logs (something like that, it would read OOPS from a raw mtdblock), ftd & nitro.09:04
timelessthe goal is to get those shipped to users eventually09:04
qwerty12Ooh, brilliant :)09:04
timelessi think we'll probably need to talk to lawyers though09:04
timelessone question is how to make sure people are ok w/ us collecting their data09:04
timelessi think the collection text may actually be mine09:05
timelessbut i'm not sure if a lawyer would approve :/09:05
qwerty12But the end user has a choice if they wish to send their data though :/09:05
timelessthe other question is can we open source it :)09:05
timelesssure, but there's this thing called informed consent09:05
timelessif you don't understand a contract you make then it isn't really anything09:05
qwerty12Ah, ok. I hope it gets released because imho, more dumps can help to improve things :)09:06
qwerty12And it's not like the users can't see what's in the dumps, I just ran lzop on the dumps and saw a nice block of information.09:07
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qwerty12Any idea why kernel-diablo_2.6.21-200823maemo6_all.deb has the version number of 200823 but there is a zImage-diablo-200824 in there. (I've checked, the real zImage-diablo-200823 was compiled at 11/06/2008 but this 24 that is inside the kernel-diablo_2.6.21-200823maemo6_all.deb was compiled on 19/06/2008.09:13
GeneralAntillesBecause Nokia loves messing with your head. :P09:13
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qwerty12It's quite stupid actually :/. The new 24 kernel gets put in /boot and the flash-and-reboot won't see it unless you make a manual symlink.09:14
qwerty12Ah well, off with Nokia's games, I'm packing a real diablo kernel with rotation in it, using the proper package, not this kernel-diablo crap they put out.09:15
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* qwerty12 sighs. What is the point of posting flash games in the Games forum @ Itt :(09:16
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GeneralAntillesBetter question, what's the point of itT?:P09:18
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qwerty12I don't understand these people though, they are complaining about missing packages. When I was trying out the betas, it was the first thing I noticed. I just created a duplicate repository listing straight with the word chinook as the distro. I'm suprised that a lot of the people need telling that :/09:21
pupnikis Quim around?09:21
GeneralAntillespupnik, no.09:22
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, I think you're too far distanced from the average user. ;)09:22
qwerty12I just consider it more of a common sense thing :)09:23
GeneralAntillesYes, well. . . .09:24
pupnikcheers qwerty12, GeneralAntilles09:25
qwerty12Hi pupnik09:26
GeneralAntillesYou back in business, pupnik?09:26
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GeneralAntillesHey, dneary.09:27
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qwerty12Just out of question, isn't the tablet saying "Disconnect charger to save energy" after you take out the charger a bug? In chinook, that message would pop up at random intervals, not as soon as the charger was removed.09:38
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GeneralAntillesIt's existence should be a bug. :P09:39
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qwerty12Heh, true, it was annoying in chinook :P :)09:39
GeneralAntillesI bought three extra chargers and leave them all plugged in all the time just to spite Nokia.09:39
GeneralAntillesA bit like:
qwerty12My biggest biggest annoyance is the lack of a timer for when the tablet is about to die from no battery left.09:40
qwerty12I <3 the iPhone page on Maddox's site. That one always has me rofling09:41
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GeneralAntillesMaddox is the best09:43
qwerty12Num 4 always gets me.09:44
qwerty12I still don't get why they are both staring down...09:44
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qwerty12Ooh, I've just finished the rotation support for diablo09:50
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dnearyhi GeneralAntilles09:59
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mk8Hi to all .... I just update my N810 to Diablo and have a problem with WLan. If I ask to connect with a WiFi network the list is not updated. I need to power down N810 and start again to see the list updated10:00
mk8Anyone have the same problem?10:00
* timeless pokes dneary10:00
timelessi think you promised a deliverable :)10:00
dnearytimeless: Indeed10:00
dnearyBeen a bit busy since :)10:00
macoute_mk8: not on my n81010:01
timelessmk8: that happens when connectivity (icd) dies10:01
timelessit gets disconnected from things and life sucks :)10:01
timelessi haven't hit it recently, but i have hit it :)10:01
macoute_does just restarting icd help then?10:02
timelessfrom memory, no :)10:02
timelessbecause the daemon and the client don't have a channel to share10:02
macoute_might have been here already
mk8timeless: so the problem can be relate with the fact that internet connection was up to an access point wen I move myself to another place, and I not able to see the new WiFi access point list?10:03
timelessif you have the problem i had10:04
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timelessthen basically the ui loses the connection to the daemon10:04
timelessand it doesn't matter how connected you were10:04
timelessthe ui won't be able to understand or usefully change anything10:04
VeggenHmm. Weird gps-problem yesterday, btw.10:06
mk8ok timeless, have you a solution? I never see  this problem on Chinook10:06
VeggenI was researching if OSMing (which is a project to make open maps, often done by gathering data with GPSes) was more viable with improved GPS-handling on n810....10:07
dnearytimeless: Away10:07
dnearytimeless: I mean: bombs away10:08
VeggenAnd I was thinking: Well, if I use "gpscamera" (a small app that takes photos with webcam and attaches the gps coordinates in EXIF-data) was a good way to document along the way.10:08
VeggenBut, when I started gpscamera and it started to use the gps, it interfered with the gps-usage of maemo mapper. Beause maemo mapper reported fewer satelittes seen.10:09
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JaffaMorning, all10:09
GAN800Hey, Jaffa.10:11
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RST38hdneary: where do I file a bug about email fetch program crashing on regular basis?10:14
dnearyRST38h: That would be bugs.maemo.org10:14
RST38hIs it "webmail notifier" or "email client"?10:14
JaffaRST38h: probably email client, - the webmail notifier is a status bar plugin which alerts you when you have new email in your gmail inbox10:16
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GAN800"Modest", I'd say. ;)10:17
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pupnikfucking flash advertisements heating up my cpu10:21
RST38hDone, added as bug 331110:24
RST38hI will try to clarify conditions under which it occurs when I get home today10:24
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litepupnik, use adblock+10:26
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RST38hpupnik: Could you submit your game ports to a repository? =)10:29
pupniknot for a while RST38h10:30
RST38hIt is a real chore to find them one-by-one in the itt forums after upgrade10:30
pupnikand i do have a repo10:30
RST38hpupnik: Where? 8)10:30
pupnikjust for os2006 :)10:30
RST38hMaybe you can create an os2008 branch in THAT repo?10:30
pupnikno, there might be a couple of games/emus that can be made extras-worthy10:31
pupnikbut 90% of them, no10:31
RST38hAll of your packages are extras-worthy10:31
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Jaffapupnik: but the others in extras-devel then10:32
pupniki may be too hesitant to commit them, yes10:32
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RST38hBUT if you do not feel like committing them to extras, at least commit them to your own repo - it is better than nothing10:32
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RST38hhello, hrw10:32
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RST38hpupnik: hey, if they end up being unworthy in some sense, X-Fade can always delete them for you, so there is nothing to be hesitant about10:33
X-FadeHi, can you guys tell me which libraries are found to be missing when trying chinook applications on diablo?10:38
X-FadeDoes anybody have seen that happen and which ones were missing?10:38
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X-FadeI seem to recall that there was a problem with libglade?10:39
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RST38hthere was a problem with libssl for some people10:40
RST38hworked fine for me10:40
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X-FadeRST38h: yeah if they depend on 0.9.7..10:41
X-Fadestrict deps.10:41
RST38hpupnik: can I make one more little request? =)10:42
pupnikof course10:42
RST38hpupnik: !10:42
RST38hpupnik: port? =)10:43
hrwI got openssl 0.9.7 installed on my n810/diablo  have openssh and omweather from chinook/extras10:43
pupnikno time10:43
* RST38h will post to itt in case anybody is interested10:44
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GAN800Lot of them have strict deps on libssl 0.9710:45
GAN800Just pulled it in from Chinook Extras for me.10:45
X-FadeOk, I'll just request 0.9.7 here:
GAN800Wish there had been a little more heads up before launch to get Diablo Extras up to speed.10:46
X-FadeGAN800: I wish that too ;)10:47
X-FadeGAN800: But the problem was also that there was so little feedback from the community.10:47
JaffaAgreed. Given there was no corresponding h/w launch, would it have really killed Nokia to say: "we're going to launch diablo next Wednesday, here's the SDK"10:47
GAN800Yeah, I've noticed. :/10:47
macoute_someone from nokia is examining my website with his/her tablet :)10:47
X-FadeAnd then on diablo release we just said, nobody really objected. Let's go for it. Now or never..10:48
GAN800Mr. Bartosh seemed particularly bothered by that on the list.10:48
JaffaX-Fade: that's true too, but the point has been made on maemo-... that without a hard deadline, it's easier to procrastinate10:48
RST38hX-Fade: Any news on 4.1 bootstrap availability for SB2?10:48
X-FadeJaffa: Yeah, that is a problem. I know..10:48
X-FadeJaffa: But do you know how many people tested our autobuilder from the community?10:48
X-FadeExactly one..10:48
X-FadeAnd that is a bad sign...10:49
JaffaX-Fade: :-/10:49
GAN800yeesh, who?10:49
X-FadeBtw Graham Cobb, thanks!10:49
Jaffagcobb, I guess.10:49
Jaffaah :)10:49
JaffaHe submitted some MUD patches to help it build more auto-builder compliant packages10:49
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* hrw wants mc and vim...10:49
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X-FadePeople like that are really valuable..10:49
Jaffahrw: vim bundle is in MUD, I'll see if it's still buildable or has bit-rotted.10:50
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* Jaffa wonders if the problems of the last 3 years have meant that the community's lost too many people and something /really/ big is needed to re-invigorate them - or bring new members in10:51
GAN800Jaffa, I've wondered that too. . . . :/10:51
JaffaGAN800: it's not a pleasant thought10:52
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* hrw wants a way to sync maemo <> cellphone10:55
hrwworking one10:56
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macoute_hrw: if you have a shitty phone, phonelink? :)10:56
hrwentering 208 contacts by hand suxx10:56
hrwmacoute_: I have sony ericsson - gnokii does not support it10:57
macoute_hrw: and i was actually thinking about obextools10:57
hrwgammu does but who use it on maemo...10:57
macoute_gnokii doesnt support almost any reasonable phone10:57
JaffaAnyone seen any docs on whether upgrading a chinook SDK to diablo is possible? Or is it a "download a mammoth rootstrap" thing again?10:57
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hrwJaffa: tried to change sources.list to diablo and then 'apt-get update/dist-upgrade'?10:58
hrwhmm.. python-gammu + python-hildon maybe?10:59
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RST38hJaffa: it is11:00
Jaffahrw: not yet, I've not seen anyone document they'd tried it - or a comment it was supported11:00
hrwI assume that there is a way to get contacts informations from maemo contacts in python - am I right?11:00
luogniJaffa: 2.3 Upgrading from Chinook to Diablo SDK11:03
Jaffaluogni : ah, ta11:03
luogninp :)11:03
JaffaIs it possible to rename sb1 targets?11:03
cy3o3Sup guys11:04
cy3o3Just flashed to the newest firmware, wewt!11:04
cy3o3Wondering if there's a way to install Canola2 without network connectivity on the N810 tho.  Where I'm at is all wired at the moment :(11:04
macoute_hrw: so did you try gammu?11:07
macoute_i could go with it11:07
L0cutuswhy every reboot the daemon: /etc/init.d/tablet-browser-daemon doesn't start ? (so microb doesn't' work)11:08
macoute_cy3o3: you need to get the packages and then copy them somehow to your tablet11:08
macoute_then you can install it offline11:08
macoute_but you need the packages from the internet somehow (bluetooth?)11:08
hrwmacoute_: I tried gammu many times and it basically works11:09
cy3o3Well I have a USB cable11:09
cy3o3Just don't know where to get the packages I guess11:09
macoute_hrw: you just compiled it or is there a package available?11:10
hrwmacoute_: with my se k750i it just works - I am doing backup of phone now11:10
hrwmacoute_: I do not know does packages exists for maemo11:11
hrwI am using it on my desktop11:11
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macoute_hrw: yeah, there are some reports that users have gotten it working with my phone too11:11
macoute_last phone wasnt supported fully11:11
macoute_hrw: so you havent test it on maemo yet?11:11
macoute_i was thinking about that :P11:12
macoute_its a nice trick to show the phone-taken-pictures from IT :)11:12
hrwmacoute_: my home machine is working on building gammu 1.20 for maemo now11:12
macoute_hrw: oki, could you pass it to me then?11:12
macoute_i should really install SDK too :/11:12
hrwmacoute_: but package will have no warranty at all and I will not put it in extras as this is not maemo way of building11:13
hrwmacoute_: I do not use maemo sdk - never used11:13
macoute_hrw: yeah, i understand that completely of course. you can just post the package somewhere on the internets11:13
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cy3o3Looks like Canola 2 has some problems on Diablo anyways, so I guess I'll just wait ;)11:17
GAN800How so?11:18
GAN800Works fine here. . . .11:18
macoute_there is no scratchbox for amd64 at all?11:18
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markwatersany maemo wiki admins in here ?11:19
macoute_anyone here willing to port scratchbox2 to amd64?11:22
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* RST38h wonders what makes amd64 so different that it requires a separate sb2 port11:26
solmumahamacoute_: scratchbox works fine on amd64, you just need to edit the install script a bit and install from .tar.gz packages11:28
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macoute_RST38h: ask that from adobe ;)11:29
RST38hactually I know why adobe has separate amd binaries11:29
Jaffamacoute_: Scratchbox or sb2? Certainly the sb2 team are providing x86 but not x86_64 packages. (I know, cos I reraised the issue in their tracker earlier this week)11:30
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macoute_RST38h: it doesnt?11:33
macoute_RST38h: afaik x86 and x86_64 are basically as far from each other as ppc and x8611:33
macoute_Jaffa: sb2 i was looking for11:33
macoute_Jaffa: but can i use scratchbox then?11:33
AStormmacoute_: no, they're not11:34
AStormand on most x86_64 systems you can run 32-bit software11:34
macoute_AStorm: whoo11:34
* zap would like to see maemo SDK not tied to a specific linux distribution11:34
AStormzap: it isn't?11:35
macoute_not on my x86_64 system?11:35
zapAStorm: nope11:35
zapit's highly debian-specific11:35
AStormmacoute_: well, you need 32-bit libc and kernel 32-bit compat11:35
JaffaAnd most x86_64 system users don't like installing whole other copies of 32-bit distributions in a chroot to do so. Having a version which uses 32-bit libraries is ok11:35
JaffaHmm, is working for everyone else? I'm getting a connection denied, which seems somewhat unlikely11:35
macoute_AStorm: thats practically the same than claiming that linux is windows as i can run windows apps with wine11:37
zapin any case you will need a more or less full copy of the target system, otherwise you can't generate binaries that will work on it11:37
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zapmacoute_: x86_64 supports x86 at kernel level11:37
AStormmacoute_: no11:38
macoute_zap: it does?11:38
AStormx86_64 supports most of x86 at CPU level too11:38
hrwmacoute_: x86-64 runs x86 software11:38
hrwmacoute_: and please do not compare ppc with x86 - it hurts ppc11:38
macoute_well how come then we dont have adobes flash on x86_64?11:38
hrwmacoute_: because adobe programmers are not 64bit safe11:39
AStormmacoute_: because it has to link against 64-bit Firefox11:39
Jaffamacoute_: you can, and you can embed it in Firefox using npwrapper11:39
AStormif you run 32-bit Firefox, x86 plugin will work11:39
AStormor use a hack nspluginwrapper11:39
macoute_but you said that x86-64 runs x86 software11:39
macoute_and 11:38 < AStorm> x86_64 supports most of x86 at CPU level too11:39
AStormto maybe make it work with 64-bit Firefox11:39
macoute_so how come it is still so hard to make flash run?11:40
AStormmacoute_: it's not11:40
hrwmacoute_: because adobe programmers are not 64bit safe11:40
macoute_if you are saying it is practically te same device?11:40
AStormyeah, their code is a mess11:40
AStormmacoute_: ... WIKIPEDIA, use it11:40
macoute_AStorm: i know it runs on amd64, i have it11:40
hrwheh... /ignore macoute_11:40
AStormmacoute_: yes, it is, only there are a few problems with e.g. long being 64-bit on x86-6411:41
AStormso certain assumptions just don't work ;P11:41
macoute_so that makes amd64 so special11:42
macoute_as the discussion started from 11:26  * RST38h wonders what makes amd64 so different that it requires a separate sb2 port11:42
AStormmacoute_: not just that, but this makes code require a tiny bit of porting sometimes11:42
AStormalso, sb is probably using assembly11:43
macoute_AStorm: from my experience as a user, not a developer, most of the time11:43
macoute_(require porting i mean)11:43
AStormmaking it work faster with x86-64 will require porting it too11:43
AStormmacoute_: no, very little of the time11:43
AStormmostly in very low-level stuff, like sb does11:43
AStorme.g. emulators :>11:43
AStormvirtual machines, such stuff11:43
zapmacoute_: x86_64 kernel implements both x86 syscalls and x86_64 syscalls, so for binaries of both arch the kernel is 100% native11:44
AStormzap: if you enable 32-bit compatibility support, of course11:44
AStormI don't know why you wouldn't want that, maybe except embedded11:45
zapsure, but you may ommit x86_64 compatibility support as well :)11:45
AStormsure, just build a x86 kernel11:45
* AStorm thinks we need more RISC access in CPUs11:51
AStormor maybe VLIW access11:51
AStormjust means to bypass the schedulers, predictors, etc.11:52
hrwI think that we just need fast cpus which do not take so much power11:52
AStormthat too ;P11:52
RST38hmacoute: so called i64 will happily run in i32 mode11:52
AStormTransmeta was on the right track11:52
hrwI have device with TM Crusoe11:53
AStormbut their compat sucked11:53
hrwRST38h: what you mean by 'i64'?11:53
AStormintel 64 I guess11:53
AStormit's called x86-6411:53
RST38hhrw: x86-6411:53
hrwthere are ia64 (itanium) which are not x8611:54
AStormyeah, don't add to confusion by using non-standard names11:54
RST38hhrw: sorry, our internal names are a bit different11:54
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AStormia64 was good arch, but had quirks11:54
hrwRST38h: please use 'amd64' 'x86-64' 'x64' 'x86_64' if possible11:54
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AStormcould've been done better11:54
AStormwriting good asm for it is deep magic though11:55
AStormreally needs a smart compiler (in head11:55
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RST38hhrw: Ithanic is known as ipf internally11:56
RST38hhrw: ia32 with 64bit extensions is ia6411:56
hrwRST38h: and outside of intel ia64 was itanium11:57
RST38hI know11:57
hrwRST38h: so please keep i64/ia64 for your intel collageus11:57
RST38hBut anyway, x86-64 should have no problem running x86 code11:57
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AStormintel is relearning their own lesson, lol11:58
hrwexcept that core2 from intel will not run 3dnow instructions11:58
RST38hscrew 3dnow11:59
AStormwho needs that when there's SSE2?11:59
RST38hThere is SSE411:59
hrwand sse4.1 or sse4.2?12:00
RST38hhrw: shshsh12:00
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RST38hI will have to stop here.12:00
AStormSSE4 isn't yet as widely supported12:00
AStormwhile all known x86-64 cpus support SSE212:01
hrwand tomorrow intel will add SSE5 just to make it non-compatible with older cpus so people will exchange their core2 with new ones. nevermind that nothing will use SSEDN5 instruction12:01
hrwSSE DoNothing5 ;D12:02
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RST38hhrw: All Intel cpus are downward compatible12:04
RST38hYour new SSE5 CPU will happily execute sse2 instructions12:04
AStormyes, hopefully with good performance12:05
RST38hsame or better performance12:05
hrwRST38h: sure, but you know.. marketing12:05
RST38hhrw: Well, they have to sell new stuff somehow12:05
RST38hWith people finally getting fed up with Microsoft products, selling them faster CPUs becomes more difficult12:06
macoute_RST38h: itanium as well?12:06
AStormRST38h: there are always games...12:06
RST38hBesides, ia32 architecture is pretty much at its limit, it is not becoming significantly faster now12:06
AStormyup, CISC has problems, running it optimally requires mind reading12:07
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RST38hmacoute: Itanium is a niche product, you won't see it on desktop12:07
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RST38hmacoute: You *will* see it in huge supercomputers though12:07
AStormnot anymore12:07
macoute_RST38h: i know, but is it downwards compatible? ;)12:08
AStormmacoute_: no, it's not12:08
RST38hmacoute: It is, but slow in ia32 mode12:08
AStormactually, it's not, it is emulation12:08
RST38hmacoute: It makes more sense just to place an extra ia32 core beside it12:08
AStormnot even on the level of microcode12:08
RST38hAStorm: However you call it, Itanic will run ia32 code, just slowly12:08
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AStormCrusoe was better in this regard12:09
RST38hIt wasn't, really12:09
AStormit had better emulator ;P12:09
RST38hTransmeta started with ideas of building a universal emulator and ended up designing a buttplug for ia32 socket12:09
RST38hAnd not a very good one, for that matter12:10
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hrwAStorm: and their emulator eats 16MB of ram12:11
AStorm32 Mb ;>12:11
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AStormthat is, 4 MB12:12
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hrwAStorm: TM5400 emu takes 16MB12:12
AStorm16 Mb as in megabit12:12
RST38hthat is mostly caches12:12
hrwAStorm: I have Frontgear Progear webpad with 128MB ram (soldered, not expandable) and 16MB is used for emulation12:12
AStormanyway, I think Chinese may finally push RISC to people12:13
AStormobsolete x86 finally12:13
RST38hMay I ask why you have bought it in the first place? :)12:13
hrwRST38h: progear?12:13
RST38hAStorm: Not gonna happen any time soon12:13
RST38hhrw: yes12:13
hrwRST38h: I got it for free12:13
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hrwRST38h: and it was interesting device to play with12:13
hrwRST38h: I plan to unpack it during next half of year and write some linux code for it12:14
RST38hAStorm: In terms of performance ARM chips lag behind top end ia3212:14
AStormRST38h: it's not ARM12:14
RST38hAStorm: So they occupy two different niches12:14
AStormit's MIPS lookalike12:14
AStormI mean, Loongsun12:14
RST38hWell, if you mean MIPS4300 and its friends, they aren't big players12:14
AStormstill, PS3 ;P12:15
hrwAStorm: ps3 is ppc12:15
RST38hWhat about PS3?12:15
hrwnot mips12:15
RST38hIs PS3 really so cool?12:15
AStormhrw: hm, my fail12:15
AStormstill, its gfx chip was MIPS last I heard12:15
AStormor was that PS212:15
AStormwould have to check12:16
AStorm :>12:16
RST38hI mean, IBM definitely made money by selling Cell to Sony, but it does not look like Cell is good for general purpose work12:16
hrwdoes "python easy" noted on is available at all?12:17
AStormit is12:17
RST38hAStorm: the loongson story sounds so suspiciously like Russian Elbrus that I would not worry12:17
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AStormRST38h: nah, it's actually being sold12:17
AStormunlike that attempt12:18
RST38hAStorm: So is Elbrus! =)12:18
RST38hAll 3000 copies of it12:18
AStormI mean, it's produced and sold, now ;P12:18
RST38hsame with Elbrus12:18
AStormand people seem to buy these12:18
RST38hAre these people wearing green uniforms with Chinese flags?12:19
AStormChinese part is right, the others are not12:20
hrw~curse  Mario Hozano Lucas de Souza for 'easy' instead of 'python-easy' name12:20
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions,  Mario Hozano Lucas de Souza for 'easy' instead of 'python-easy' name !12:20
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hrwmaemo and deps in packages...12:27
hrw'apt-get install easy' works. "from easy import contact" does not12:28
hrw~curse  Mario Hozano Lucas de Souza for 'easy'12:28
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator,  Mario Hozano Lucas de Souza for 'easy' !12:28
Stskeeps <- if anyone is interested in how to properly bootstrap a debian distro on tablets12:28
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johnxStskeeps, wow! that's great!12:30
Stskeepsjohnx: got bored12:31
Stskeepsand many of the tricks are from the existing body of work in the debian-beta3 stuff12:31
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RST38hAll right, and the question of the day isL Can you run Ubuntu Mobile on a NIT?12:32
johnxRST38h, right now? no.12:32
Stskeepsthe question is really.. 'how difficult is it' :P12:32
RST38h[not that I was going to though]12:33
johnxRST38h, not really a pity I would say12:33
johnxthe interface is likely very heavy12:33
zedstarjust flashed Diablo.....the default extras repo doesnt seem to load.....i was gonna install there a new repo address for extras or gotta fetch deb manually?12:33
RST38hjohnx: true...I heard they are using flash12:33
RST38hzadstar: change it from diablo to chinook and it will work12:33
Stskeepsjohnx: there's a flash interface too though12:34
Jaffaand/or clutter/opengl and some big apps12:34
zedstarRST38h doh! thanks12:34
Stskeeps(provided we find some braindead way to run flash on a tablet debian :P)12:34
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zedstaranother thing...anyone tried the maps license key on trying to do a free trial or purchase and is just hanging12:34
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* lcuk_work looks round... opengl??? clutter?? they sound exciting ;)12:35
johnxRST38h, now. there are some apps for ubuntu mobile that might be nice, but those should be easy enough to repackage for debian/armel and not too hard to package for maemo12:35
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johnxRST38h, any app that seems interesting to you?12:35
melmothanybody involved with diablo-extras-devel builder process here ?12:35
RST38hjohnx: wireshark, of course :)12:36
johnxRST38h, let me rephrase that: any apps that aren't available in debian/armel that are available in ubuntu-mobile? :P12:36
RST38hjohnx: No idea, as I have never run it12:37
Stskeepsi'm personally curious about UM's interface, but that's it12:37
Jaffajohnx; yeah, all the hioldonised versions of Claws etc.12:37
Jaffahildonised *and* finger friendly12:37
johnxJaffa, that would be interesting actually12:37
* Jaffa dentists12:38
lcuk_workjaffa -your mouth is finger friendly?12:40
JaffaUnless I bite her :)12:40
lcuk_worknokia N810 Jaffa edition, now with extra bite12:40
Jaffasmaller and more juicy, too12:40
lcuk_workyour dentisting, repair job or just checkup12:41
* lcuk_work works above a dentist12:41
* lcuk_work hears screams occasionally :S12:41
hrwlcuk_work: wanna know what bad I found today in maemo world? :D12:42
lcuk_workand they have a cellar.  at the very back corner with just a hint of sunlight shining through there is an old style hydrolic dentists chair.  its the most spooky place ive ever been in12:43
lcuk_workdunno hrw?12:43
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hrwlcuk_work: usual stuff - totally broken deps12:43
lcuk_worklol and complete lack of any source :S12:44
* lcuk_work looks shiftily around12:44
hrwI wonder why I cannot just 'apt-get something' to run that something12:44
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johnxhrw, because that would be too easy12:44
hrwjohnx: no, because this is maemo - world of broken stuff12:44
hrwmy n810 works quite nice for voip. but why I have to manually insert ALL numbers from cellphone????12:45
lcuk_workhrw, my cellphone will connect to my computer with usb and transfer all data to a windows sync program, it should be feasible to do similar using maemo shouldnt it12:46
lcuk_workor simply find a way to sync maemo with outlook ;)12:46
lcuk_workor any pim..12:46
florianhrw: If I started a sync project at garage - would you join?12:46
pekujahrw, humm, because that's not what apt-get does. I don't understand, why don't you just 'something' to run that something?12:47
hrwlcuk_work: my phone has option to send whole phonebook via BT. but maemo contacts are unable to import vcards12:47
lcuk_workflorian :) a grand idea and one which expands upon your presentation at ltag12:47
pekujahrw, or do you mean that apt-get would check if you have it installed, and if not, install it first, then run it?12:47
lcuk_workhmmm i thought vcards were available everywhere12:47
hrwpekuja: let me then extend what I said. I wonder why I cannot just 'apt-get something' to get that something installed and ready to run.12:48
florianhrw: use GPE ;)12:48
pekujahrw, 'apt-get install something' ?12:48
hrwflorian: give me gpe contacts with eds backend12:48
pekujaI don't get it, apt-get works fine for me12:48
lcuk_workflorian, :D i see what you did there.12:48
hrwpekuja: "apt-get install easy" and then use it in python to get informations from addressbook12:48
lcuk_workactually, florian - have you seen/played with liqbase yet - ive put video and binary up12:49
hrwpekuja: 'easy' package (which should be named 'python-easy') has broken deps. if I install missing packages by hand (with apt-get) then it still does not work due to other problems12:49
florianlcuk_work: I have been thinking about this for quite some time. Still waiting for OpenSync to stabilise... but I have too much of work currently anyway.12:49
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hrwpekuja: and you do not have to tell me how apt/dpkg works - I use debian for more then 8 years12:49
pekujahrw, well you kept mistyping the command so I thought maybe that's the problem12:50
florianlcuk_work: oh great! no not yet...12:50
lcuk_workhrw, would most of these be solved in v near future by fixing the repos12:50
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hrwlcuk_work: and I will report bugs even12:50
pekujahrw, and that's not really a general problem, just relevant to that particular package. you made it seem like apt-get doesn't work at all12:50
hrwpekuja: today it is this package. but in past I had others maemo broken stuffs12:51
lcuk_workhrw, you wont like it very much, im being very cathederal about it for now until i sort some stuff out in my head.   theres lots of code in there that i dont know what im gonna do with yet and its staying closed until i make a decision12:51
lcuk_workthere aren't too many unknown bugs with it - whats there works well from what i can gather12:52
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ShadowJKgnokii might be able to grab the contacts from phone12:53
hrwhmm.. where to report bugs against stuff from extras?12:53
hrwShadowJK: I do not have nokia phone12:53
hrwShadowJK: my phone is not supported by gnokii12:53
lcuk_workback later:)12:54
ShadowJKgnokii also talks AT, but if your phone doesn't even have that :/12:54
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ccookeIs there a website for python-easy?12:55
ccookesome documentation?12:55
hrwccooke: and docs there12:55
hrwShadowJK: AT interface gives very limited contacts12:56
trickie|workhrw: did you work out what phone you gonna buy next ? (i just read your blog post about it)12:57
ccookehrw: thanks! (searching for 'easy' and 'python' gets a large number of unhelpful hits :-)12:57
hrwtrickie|work: toshiba g900 probably12:57
trickie|workmy phone just died... don't know whether to buy a cheapo and hold off for smart phone for a few months12:58
hrwtrickie|work: 800x480, wifi, bt, keyboard... nearly like n810 without gps but with windowsmobile12:58
hrwtrickie|work: but I also decided that I will wait to August12:59
trickie|workhrw: ok cool, ill have to see if i get a look at one later today12:59
trickie|workhrw: yeah i think im gonna just buy a 30 euro cheapo in the meantime12:59
hrwtrickie|work: it costs 900 pln which is less then 300 eur12:59
hrwtrickie|work: I have nokia 6230i as backup13:00
trickie|worknot a bad price... touchscreen?13:00
hrwtrickie|work: of course13:00
hrwok where to report bugs against stuff from extras?13:00
hrwtrackers on garage?13:00
trickie|workgarage for now i think13:01
glass_g900 less than 300?13:01
glass_with subsidizisation i assume?13:01
hrwglass_: without13:01
trickie|workthey are talking about whether to merge garage trackers into b.m.o13:01
glass_hrw: unlocked 800x480 wm for under 300?13:01
hrwglass_: yes13:01
trickie|workbut for now b.m.o is only nokia supplied components13:01
glass_hrw: where13:01
glass_hrw: because that price is cheapo cheap for such a device13:01
hrwglass_: Poland13:02
trickie|workhrw: looks like it is about 400 -475 euro here in .nl13:02
glass_pretty cheap13:03
glass_i wonder if toshiba is dumping them or whats the reason13:03
glass_or whats their trick to be able to sell so cheap13:03
ccookeWonder if you can replace the OS ;-)13:03
hrwccooke: to which? maemo?13:04
glass_wm's are pretty hackable usually13:04
glass_bootloader etc wise13:04
ccookehrw: any linux would do, really13:04
hrwccooke: why I would have to make usable device unusable?13:04
glass_the phone side access would probably be a problem13:04
ccookehrw: Well, that depends what you consider usable.13:04
hrwccooke: show me really nice PIM for linux which is usable on 800x480 arm...13:04
ccookefor instance, I find windows mobile horrible to use13:05
hrwI do not want much... events with linked contacts, tasks with linked contacts, contacts history (events, tasks, calls)13:05
ccookehrw: *nod* then you're not in the target market for the nokia tablets, currently13:06
ccookehrw: but that doesn't make them *unusable*13:06
ccookeI've carried PDAs around with me every day for years, but I've *never* had one as usable as my n81013:06
ccookeI use it significantly more often than any prior device13:07
hrwccooke: I agree with both sides. maemo suxx when it comes to pim but n810 is also usable device13:07
ccookemaemo doesn't suck when it comes to PIM. Maemo *doesn't have a PIM*. It's a different thing.13:08
hrwand suxx due to lack of it13:08
ccookeit's like saying "This orange sucks because it doesn't have a radio"13:08
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hrwccooke: for me nokia tablets are same set of devices as any of my pda devices.13:09
johnxccooke, right, but it makes the orange suck at being a radio :)13:09
johnxas for me, I do all my "PIM" stuff in quicknote13:09
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ccookeI'm not saying that it wouldn't be a Good Thing if there was a decent PIM for Maemo. But since there isn't one...13:10
hrwccooke: maemo contain Contacts application which nicely integrate Jabber/SIP/Email.. but totally lack any import capabilities13:11
johnxand is also a somewhat lame contacts app too13:12
ccookeit's not that great, no13:12
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johnxactually, importing things to the tablet is a real weak spot13:12
L0cutuswhat is the best place to put my ENV vars ?13:13
johnxmaybe ~/.profile?13:14
L0cutusi try13:16
ccookeL0cutus: for what purpose?13:17
ccookedo you want them in the shell, or to modify the behaviour of GUI apps?13:17
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L0cutusi must set the VISUAL env var for cron13:17
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timelesshello bergie13:19
L0cutusmmm i've found also strange visualization problem ho diablo dialog box "HOME->Select Applets..."13:19
L0cutuson the 2 bottom buttons i haven't OK/CANCEL13:20
L0cutusbut 2 string like "homebdselectappletsok" and "homebdselectappletscancel"13:20
zs_hi is it worth to change 770 to n810?13:21
L0cutusalso when starting apps, le popup ("apps xyz starting...") show strange string13:21
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johnxzs_, it depends on what you do with it I guess...but I think the general concensus is "yes"13:24
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Jaffalcuk_work: check-up13:56
JaffaAll done. All fine.13:56
JaffaHmm, upgrading my armel target to diablo causes a "mmap: permission denied" when trying to upgrade base-passwd. x86 upgraded fine.14:00
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lcuk_workjaffa :
hrwMaemo Contacts importer expect VCard 3.014:03
hrwbut WHY it imports it so BADLY....14:03
Jaffalcuk_work: heh14:05
hrwuser is supposed to not have any SIP accounts. If he has one or more then importing is broken even with proper vcard14:06
inzJaffa, echo 4096 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr?14:06
Jaffainz: ta14:07
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t_s_obah, i have this "now what" feeling again. ok, so i have updated to diablo, i have installed "all" the stuff i had in there before. but now what?14:17
X-Fadet_s_o: Actually use it? :)14:18
t_s_osure, but to what end?14:19
JaffaMake the world a happier place?14:19
pekujause it to feed children in Africa14:21
pekujaI'm sure it's pretty fibrous14:21
t_s_oi would suspect there is a lot of carbon in it...14:22
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pekujahmm, yeah, probably14:28
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trickie|workprecious metals in it would be useful also14:30
t_s_oi dont think there is enough for it to be worth the effort of extracting...14:31
trickie|workmaybe if you had nothing, not even food, then you would try14:32
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lcuk_workt_s_o, that "meh, what now" feeling happens with any system.  when you got your nokia what did you hope to do with it?14:34
t_s_oto tell the truth, im a gadget geek. so i got it to play around with it :P14:34
rm_youI use mine to control my TV machine :P14:35
rm_youit makes an awesome remote control14:35
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rm_youAtarii: any chance you play DotA? :P14:35
lcuk_workrm_you, :) i hacked a python remote control with mine at first - it replaced the knackered IR remote i used to use14:35
rm_youlcuk_work: lol, i just use VNC on it14:36
wazdI use it to control my nuclear missiles sattelite navigation sistem from the bath :)14:36
lcuk_workwazd :D14:36
Atariinope rm_you14:36
lcuk_workrm_you, python on the nokia side, visual basic network daemon on the server :)14:36
* lcuk_work likes a challenge ;)14:37
wazdI've started to make some mockups about revamped Application Manager btw :)14:37
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crashanddiehad another idea !14:38
crashanddieSmall program, in which you input the what you eat/drink all day long14:38
* lcuk_work shakes his fist at crashanddie (and gets out a knife)14:38
lcuk_worki do that anyway, its called the dinner order14:39
lcuk_worki would forget otherwise14:39
lcuk_workespecially if im getting for others in the office14:39
crashanddiethen goes to the NHS website, checks what the daily limits are of all the ingredients, and you get a idea of what you've eaten/drunk, and when you're hitting dangerous levels ! (over the daily recommended intake)14:39
crashanddiewhy the fist and the knife ?14:40
lcuk_workcrashanddie, i would want the gps to simply tell me where the nearest macdonalds and hospitals are so i can plan direct route14:40
lcuk_workcos you sidetracked me and i didnt do my time and motion study :)   never mind, ill do it tonight14:40
crashanddielike that's my fault ?14:41
crashanddieSorry for being remotely interesting14:41
lcuk_workyes :P14:41
crashanddieI promise, I'll do something about it14:41
lcuk_workgood :P14:41
crashanddie/ignore lcuk*!*@*14:41
Jaffawazd: hopefully taking into account (tigert's?) idea about a tag cloud and making it as nice to use as - say - the iPhone's App Store :-)14:41
JaffaAnd, of course, GeneralAntilles' stuff.14:41
lcuk_workadds line to program:   if(user==crashanddie) email.subscribe("knitting_for_elders");14:42
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lcuk_workhey jaffa! they can't have tagclouds, liqbase has them ;)14:43
RST38hlcuk: release! release! release!14:43
lcuk_workyou can get a binary :)14:43
RST38hAll I need is a binary =)14:44
* RST38h isn't fanatic about that open-source thing14:44
* rm_you is14:44
lcuk_work :)14:44
rm_youlcuk: source! source! source!14:44
lcuk_worktomato or brown?14:45
crashanddielcuk.c: In function ‘main’:14:45
crashanddielcuk.c:12: error: called object ‘email.subscribe’ is not a function14:45
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lcuk_workcrashanddie, yer it is, its in with all the sql stuff ;)14:45
RST38hrm_you: what are you gonna do with the source though?14:45
rm_youlcuk_work: how does the ebook reader work exactly?14:46
crashanddierm_you, opens a book, reads it, closes it14:46
rm_youlcuk_work: and would it be possible to make it scroll image files in the same way14:46
lcuk_workRST38h, :) rm_you has a really good idea actually and would like to see if he can get pdf working14:46
RST38hcrash: You are forgetting page-turning14:46
lcuk_workrm_you, have you got the binary14:46
RST38hlcuk: Ah ;)14:46
crashanddieRST38h, that's not necessary, is it ?14:46
crashanddiejust got up14:47
crashanddieI need coffee14:47
rm_youis it displaying the text as, well, actual text, or is it rendering it as an image and scrolling that?14:47
rm_youlike, how low-level is this thing14:47
crashanddierm_you, go into options, blit test14:47
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rm_youare you putting stuff straight onto the frame-buffer, or using high level functions to display text?14:47
crashanddiegod, my muscles hurt14:48
lcuk_workno, each char in each line represents a glyph which is blitted onto the screen at appropriate location (by calling such esoteric functions as canvas_drawtext(x,y,string)14:48
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crashanddielcuk_work, damn you, you kept me up way too long, which means I did way more work than I was supposed to :P14:48
rm_youlcuk_work: ok, so it is actually text-ish14:48
lcuk_workyer, ive written routines to load a named ttf font into a custom buffer, and written blit routines to get them from the fontbuffer onto the canvas14:49
lcuk_workrm_you, :) its using the same rendering engine that mplayer and mediaplayer use - XV graphics14:50
lcuk_workstarted with nothing rm, i found a display mode which worked fast enough for my liking and had to build everything around me14:51
rm_youjust thinking14:51
lcuk_workwhen you parse a pdf, you obtain a list of fonts and sizes used in the document14:52
lcuk_workyou can load up the related glyphs for those fonts (the font class works nicely like that)14:52
rm_youwait, how do i do the things liqreader tells me to do on the command line14:52
rm_youi don't have direct access to liqreader?14:53
lcuk_workwhat, you mean the params it might start to load deep within like fontname and size and stuff?14:53
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lcuk_workapart from the fact the autoscroll test is enabled all the time with no way todisable (its just a playtest afterall) you can just pass the params to liqbase14:55
rm_youpath to book included?14:55
lcuk_worktry it, though i wrote the reader tab way before all the rest of liqbase, nothing is certain14:56
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lcuk_workliqreader code itself is very close to being fully replaced, the later code editor (with kinetics) works better and code wise is broken down and more managable14:58
rm_youlcuk_work: yeah, it would also be awesome if you released some of this so I could incorperate just the nice smooth text scrolling stuff in part of another app i kinda wanted to write14:58
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rm_youlcuk_work: lol, nice, just redownloaded and the physics sim works :P it is neat15:03
lcuk_workyer, i removed the restriction on named sketches15:03
rm_youyou should rename the zip though if you make a change, so it is obvious :)15:03
rm_youi had to compare sizes15:03
lcuk_worki hate calling it physics, its not - its just lardman called it that and it seems to have stuff15:03
lcuk_workyer, normally i have full yyyymmdd_hhmmss naming on releases but the day is enough for this15:04
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rm_youack its 5am15:06
lcuk_workrm_you, :) soon i hope.  i really like the idea of  making a library for this but itsn ot a major priority since i have to break off from what i am doing to sort it for you15:06
rm_youi need to run to the store or i might have to see other people there >_>15:06
rm_youanyone know of a shopping list program?15:07
rm_youthere used to be a really good one for the zaurus15:07
lcuk_workyer, ummm doofer bob wrote one15:07
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lcuk_workyer, zaurus shopper - not sure if thats released either15:07
lcuk_workwe were talking the other night15:07
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rm_youwas just gonna port it really quick (lol)15:08
rm_youso i can go shopping :P15:08
rm_youi dont have a pen15:08
lcuk_workextreme coding15:09
lcuk_workuse liqbase15:09
lcuk_workthats what i do15:09
lcuk_workmake however many pages of sketches and view in graffiti15:09
lcuk_workby the way, hardware zoom in graffiti works as expected15:09
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lcuk_workanyway, back later15:10
melmothanybody succeeded in upload a full library (binary and header packages) to the extras-devel-cauldron thingy ?15:14
lardmanlcuk_work: sorry15:14
X-Fademelmoth: Yes.15:14
lardmanlcuk_work: what about jiggling :)15:14
X-Fademelmoth: Did you upload a proper source package?15:14
melmothX-Fade: did you do something special to haev the -dev push in the extar repo ?15:14
melmothX-Fade: yep, it compiled fine too15:15
X-Fademelmoth: Which package, I'll look it up.15:15
X-FadeAh ;)15:15
melmothbut the devel package are not pushed into the repo , only the binary one15:15
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inzmelmoth, clocene-dev is in here:
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melmothso why are some other package telling it s missing ?15:18
inzAnd also present in the Packages file15:18
lcuk_worklardman|lunch, :) physics has stuck (i said stuff up there)   i suppose ill get used to the idea15:18
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X-Fademelmoth: I just started to process extras. It didn't build the repository yet ;)15:19
X-Fademelmoth: Or at least I did 20 minuts ago.15:19
melmothX-Fade: oh ok, so it is "normal" that i cannot compile stuff taht need clucene-dev yet ?15:20
X-FadeBut the autobuilder builds against SDK and extras-devel.15:20
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X-Fademelmoth: Ah, I think I see the problem. They were processed directly after each other. And it hadn't put the previous package in the repository yet.15:22
X-Fademelmoth: Just submitting sword again should be enough.15:23
melmothon its way15:23
melmothi will need sword-dev once it works :-)15:24
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robstahow can i access the files i loaded on my n810 (diablo) via usb? they don't show up in the file manager15:27
lcuk_workusb only shows files on the FAT mmc2 partition15:28
lcuk_workif the files are in /usr/home or whatever it is then they arent visible to windows15:28
lcuk_work(assuming you are using windows, for linux i believe its possible somehow15:29
* lcuk_work waves hands around15:29
robstalcuk_work: i'm using linux, and loading files onto the n810, but in the device's file manager they don't show up15:30
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lcuk_workare you looking in the correct folder?15:30
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robstalcuk_work: neither are they discoverable using "find" (in /)15:31
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lcuk_workok... so where do you think you are copying them to15:31
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robstalcuk_work: good question, whatever nautilus mounts15:32
rm_youlcuk_work: nm, i am gonna write my own shopping app in python15:32
lcuk_work:D you could use windows to copy the files ;)15:32
rm_youi needed an excuse to practice my python again anyway :P15:32
lcuk_workrm_you, :) good15:32
robstalcuk_work: usb under windows would hardly mount another dir, would it?15:33
lcuk_workrobsta, it mounts /media/mmc2 for me15:33
lcuk_workdamn customers, back later15:34
robstaon my dev /media/mmc2 is empty15:35
derfrobsta: You have to disconnect it from the computer to use it on the device.15:35
derfOnly one of them sees it at a time.15:35
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robstaderf: still nothing after disconnecting15:36
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robstaooh, here it is, only unmounted previsously15:37
robstahow can i access it now, from canola2?15:38
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melmothX-Fade: that seems to do the trick, sword builded correctly.15:40
melmothIs there a delay i have to wait before re scheduling build for stuff depending on sword-dev ?15:40
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RST38hShe selected a pic of son David as a five-month-old nipper, lying on his front, but staff insisted his arse be protected by a "strategically-placed star".15:41
X-Fademelmoth: It is best to wait 15 minutes to be sure. I'm still playing with the queue processing interval.15:43
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melmothOk. Thanks.15:44
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X-Fademelmoth: And it seems it is still processing sword?15:46
X-Fademelmoth: Do you still need to change your keys? I just saw your mail. (oops)15:48
pekujabah, my N810 is taking forever to charge fully15:48
pupnikWe can't be silent, cause they might be giants.  And what are we gonna do unless they are?15:49
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melmothX-Fade: i would like to change all my keys: i have not been picked as one of the faulty one, but i generated them on ubuntu more than a year ago.15:52
melmothso chances are they are concerned by the vulnerability15:53
X-Fademelmoth: I will send you an invitation. But beware that your building will not work for some time between key changes.15:53
* rm_you whistles in the dark15:56
derfpupnik: They might be Dr. Spock's back-up band.15:56
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crashanddierobsta, did you find it ?16:04
robstacrashanddie: yes, it shows up after onplugging usb16:04
robstabut tell me this: what is the root of the file chooser?16:05
crashanddiefile chooser ?16:05
crashanddieas in when you go into the file manager ?16:05
crashanddieAnd it shows Movies/Documents/Pictures ?16:05
crashanddieI want pimping visualization graphics when listening to music on the NIT16:06
robsta"File manager", what is it mapped to?16:06
crashanddierobsta, it's in /usr/home/user/MyDocs or something16:06
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crashanddierobsta, though, to be fair, I should probably point out they're hidden files16:07
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crashanddierobsta, so if you want to find 'em, you should ls /home/user/MyDocs/.*16:07
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crashanddiethis is on the top of my head though, so there might be a typo in there16:08
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JaffaX-Fade: about to upload my first (very noddy, MUD-built) package to the autobuilder16:10
X-FadeJaffa: I'll be watching ;)16:11
X-FadeJaffa: Do you think we could use mudbuilder to make packaging easier for developers?16:12
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JaffaX-Fade: that's my intention of it now. It's also how gcobb's been using it.16:13
X-FadeJaffa: Well, I don't have time for it at the moment. But we might want to turn it into an official service.16:14
JaffaX-Fade: I'm going to use it to help build the vala packages from the upstream source, and hopefully also my little vala app. It's already got support for building icons into debian/control automatically 'n' stuff.16:14
JaffaX-Fade: Agreed, might need a bit more usage with the new autobuilder world, which is something it also tried to do. Don't need that now :-)16:14
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X-FadeJaffa: Yes, there is some part that isn't needed. But it would be nice to offer a packaging helper..16:16
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rm_youwow, my python is REALLY rusty16:17
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rm_youi dont remember... much of anything. >_<16:17
MangoFusionprint "Hello World"16:17
JaffaX-Fade: agreed 100%. And I need an excuse to avoid my in-laws this weekend :-)16:18
X-FadeJaffa: Well, can I encourage you to create a wiki page with a proposal? :)16:18
JaffaHmm, interesting. debsign is installed, but no gnupg in the SDK16:18
JaffaX-Fade: will do :)16:18
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X-FadeJaffa: And that would be a perfect example for:
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X-FadeJaffa: I tried to put gnupg in extras before, but I ended up in dependency hell.16:22
JaffaX-Fade: it seems odd that we've got debsign but not gnupg. I *think* I remember hearing some rationale back in the Maemo 2 days about why signing debs inside scratchbox was a bad idea, but I can't find it; or reconstruct said argument from base principles ;-)16:23
X-FadeYeah, but it would be nice to help out khertan with it too ;)16:23
GeneralAntillesAnybody else slightly baffled by this resolution?
JaffaGeneralAntilles: very odd! E2L, presumably16:25
GeneralAntillesThis, too:
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Isn't FIXED for things that required action after bug report and worksforme if it already worked before bugreport? :)16:25
GeneralAntillesWell, or the bug wasn't reproducible.16:26
GeneralAntillesINVALID might also be the proper resolution16:26
GeneralAntillesBut this seems pretty clear that it's a FIXED.16:26
X-FadeJust change it ;)16:27
lcuk_workGeneralAntilles, one person for both, maybe just needs a quick lesson in how to use bugtracker.  doesnt seem like a major thing, just a quick mail should rectify it16:27
GeneralAntillesHehe, will do.16:27
GeneralAntillesI just woke up to a phone call from a telemarketer, so I'm not sure I'm seeing things 100% yet.16:27
zs_i can't do apt-get update on maemo 3.1, i got Failed to fetch  504 Gateway Time-out [IP: 80], what's wrong?16:27
lcuk_workwe have users of our system doing stuff like this, and in their minds they think "well thats it, it works for me" and move onto the next thing16:28
X-Fadezs_: Try again in a few minutes perhaps?16:28
lcuk_work(although im talking about curtain packages and assigning job statuses)16:28
zs_X-Fade, i am trying from yesterday :/16:29
X-Fadezs_: Ok, that isn't right :)16:29
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X-Fadezs_: I see the same thing, I pinged the admin..16:31
megosdogIs there a way to do things on the N810 without an internet connection?  IE, update the package lists or install apps that only have a .install file with them?  I'm in a situation right now where I have no wireless access, but I need to update my tablet.16:33
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melmothmegosdog: i never try it,
X-Fadezs_: Can you try again?16:35
zs_X-Fade, now it is working :)16:35
X-Fadezs_: Yeah, it was for me now too.16:36
zs_thanks no i can do my work :)16:36
JaffaX-Fade: done for cal package16:36
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pekujahow risky is flashing an N810 without it being fully charged?16:41
megosdogmelmoth: Yeah, that was my other thought, but wasn't sure how to do it.  Thanks.16:41
pekujais the problem just mostly that if the battery runs out during the flashing, that'll brick the device?16:41
megosdogOk, next newbie question.  How do you repeat a command in the terminal?16:41
pekujaI mean I've been charging mine for like an hour now and it's still not full16:41
pekujamegosdog, press up16:42
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megosdogpekuja: It takes 2-3 hours to charge the battery properly.16:42
GeneralAntillespekuja, you can flash with the charger in.16:42
GeneralAntillesYou have to power-on with the charger cable instead of the power button, though.16:42
GeneralAntilles30 minutes will get you to around 80%16:42
megosdogpekuja: thanks.16:42
pekujahm, ok16:42
pekujaGeneralAntilles, I'll try that16:43
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megosdogok, next question.  How do you gain root?  I've tried "sudo gainroot" to no avail.  It says "Enable RD mode to gain root privaledges" and "su root" says that the user doesn't have su privaledges.16:44
infoboti heard easyroot is an easy way to get root access on OS2008 and can be found at http://nitapps.com16:44
zs_megosdog, you can use ssh16:45
pekujathere, it took the whole of two seconds to flash it16:45
megosdogzs_: Not to sound obtuse, but how can you use ssh to gain root?16:46
zs_ssh localhost -l root16:47
melmothwhen you install ssh-server, you have a form asking you to change the root password16:47
megosdogah, interesting.16:47
megosdogAh, crap.  I've got to install ssh server again.  Drat.16:49
megosdogI did the diablo update last night and it blew away all my apps.  :(16:49
melmothi m ont ugrading so soon.16:50
megosdogWell, I think I jumped a bit too soon myself.  Ah well.16:50
melmothnot just now that evince was avaialble in chinook :)16:50
zapmegosdog: you can download .deb files first and then install them with dpkg -i16:50
zapmegosdog: look for the apt-getit script on garage16:50
megosdogYeah, that's what I'm looking at doing.16:50
melmothyou can also add the chinook repo if i remember correctly16:51
zapit supports both .install files and just package names on command line16:51
GAN800evince has been available since November.16:51
melmothshould work more or less out of the box16:51
melmothi did not see evince in extras (not extra-devel) only for a couple of weeks16:51
GAN80099% of Chinook stuff works fine in Diablo.16:52
zapso why chinook repos aren't in sources by default :)16:52
GAN800Evince for OS2008 has been available since last year.16:52
GAN800zap, do you really not know the answer to a question like that?16:53
melmothWell, may be, it s just that apt-get did not showed it.16:53
melmothbut i think it as only available in extras-devel, wich would explain why it never appeared on y tablet16:53
pekujawhere can I find the original kernel binary for diablo? -__-16:53
GeneralAntillesIn the FIASCO image?16:54
pekujaI just flashed a new kernel in without realizing the filesystem driver was compiled as a module16:54
L0cutussomeone can/want port fcron to maemo ? ;-)16:55
hrwpekuja: look in /usr/share/osso-images/16:55
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GeneralAntilleszap, I said 99% compatible, not 100%, and Nokia doesn't even ship Extras ENABLED, why would they ship a completely untested Chinook repository in Diablo? Further, the Extras situation as it stands is temporary, and you don't want clueless users pulling down old stuff in a month when we get back up to speed. :\16:56
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hrwL0cutus: fcron? you do not have more problems?16:56
rm_youGeneralAntilles: sup16:56
hrwhi pvanhoof16:56
rm_youGeneralAntilles: taking a little break to write a shopping list app in python as a learning exercise :P16:57
L0cutushrw: which problem ? :)16:57
pekujahrw, on the N810? the device isn't booting up16:57
rm_youthough i am now too tired to actually go shopping...16:57
pvanhoofhrw, hey16:57
hrwpekuja: "flasher -F fiascoimage -u" then16:57
GeneralAntillesI suppose you can only uselessly pound your head on one problem for so long before having to try something else for a little while? :P16:57
* rm_you isn't going shopping till his app is done and he can use it to make a list16:57
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rm_youbeen chasing the volume crash bug around in circles for three days straight16:58
rm_youi have ZERO new ideas16:58
rm_youit's inexplicable16:58
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rm_youi'm basically stalled on every one of our TODOs16:59
pekujahrw, ok then :-/17:00
GeneralAntillesMaybe we can kidnap an engineer when we go trout-walloping. :D17:03
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pupnik!seen alterego17:04
GeneralAntillesSince never17:04
GeneralAntilles~seen alterego17:04
infobotalterego <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 119d 21h 46m 44s ago, saying: 'Spakman_ probably best, I've got a heavy rest of the week. So best wait 'til Saturday and I'll get back up.'.17:04
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: hrm... or maybe multilist ( will work ;P17:08
hrwrm_you: what about OH Tasks?17:08
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rm_youhrw: ?17:09
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hrwfor shopping list17:10
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rm_youhrw: don't see that on garage?17:12
robstaany indt folks around?17:12
robstacanola2 installation seems to be broken17:12
robsta"Application package not found"17:13
hrwrm_you: for package for screenshot17:13
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robstaoh, thx GAN80017:13
rm_youah that could work too probably17:13
JaffaX-Fade: how long after uploading a package to diablo-extras-builder is it reasonable to expect *some* form of output on or ?17:13
rm_youbut multilist looks to be very decent especially for shopping lists17:13
X-FadeJaffa: That depends on how many packages there are waiting in the queue.17:14
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rm_youbut unfortunately in the process of looking for and then beginning to write my own shopping list software, I forgot what I actually needed to buy >_>17:14
JaffaX-Fade: is there anything which shows the current queue size?17:15
hrwwhy garage users do not even upload page with screenshots ;(17:15
X-FadeNo, but there is only one package left and that is yours. So I guess it will show up shortly..17:16
lardmanhrw: +1, should be more info on the Garage front pages too, what the app is, etc.17:16
JaffaX-Fade: I'm not expecting it to work, TBH - but interested in seeing the output :-)17:16
X-FadeJaffa: You will get a mail with the result..17:16
JaffaX-Fade: cool17:16
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hrw - someone got that bug too?17:17
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Cptnodegarddoes shit that worked with chinook automatically work with diablo or will it be another "apps have to be updated" thing?17:22
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Cptnodegardif email client and update system is the only new shit it seems like a waste of time17:23
X-FadeCptnodegard: Nobody forces you to update.17:24
rm_youI believe there were a lot of bugfixes across the board17:24
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rm_youdunno <_<17:24
Cptnodegardthat really is the only new things?17:24
rm_yousome real release notes would be nice17:25
rm_youwell, night17:25
* rm_you sleeps17:25
Cptnodegardmine ain't broken, so im not going to "fix" it17:25
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jottCptnodegard: well a main point is, that this is supposed to be the last flash image you really need to flash for the devices..17:26
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jott(as now a kernel can be flashed via a dpkg postinst ;)17:27
Cptnodegardjott: i get that, but if thats the only new thing i see no reason to update until theres an update that does give something new. pain in the ass to get all apps working again17:27
jott....sure it's all up to you..17:27
pekujaI'm trying to upgrade my kernel right now actually17:27
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pekujathe problem is, I can't write to /mnt/initfs, so how do I get my modules on there?17:28
hrwCptnodegard: the problem is that initfs size got changed and kernel got changed so you cannot use chinook with diablo kernel/initfs17:28
pekujaor do I then need to compile the filesystem module straight into the kernel?17:28
trickie|workpekuja: would be easiest17:28
GAN800Application manager is much better, browser was updated, Media player, Modest, xterm, virtual input methods are much better.17:28
hrwpekuja: you have 2M for kernel - what for use modules ;D17:28
GAN800lot of small improvements.17:28
pekujahrw, yeah. well, that was just how the default config was17:29
hrwlot of bugs still not fixed anyway17:29
GAN800Well, sure, but that's true with most software.17:29
GAN800You rarely have 'all bugs are now fixed!' releases.17:30
jottas long as the total number of open bugs decreases its a step in the right direction ;)17:30
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pekujaor am I wrong in thinking that the filesystem on N810 is ext3?17:30
pekujaor ext217:30
GAN800It's jffs217:30
pekujathen the problem must've been something else17:30
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qwerty12pekuja, For modules, learn how to modify an initfs jffs2 image, use fanoush's bootmenu and put in the modules in initfs_flasher/initfs/lib/modules/omap-something and flash or just place the modules in /lib/modules/omap-something on the rootfs17:32
pekujaI think I'll just place them on the rootfs17:32
trickie|workmost of the time you can just compile them into the kernel17:33
trickie|worki do it for all extra config i need17:33
mgedminwaah, someone is DOSing my irclogsearch CGI script17:33
pekujait still seems like it isn't booting though17:33
mgedminbrute-force grep doesn't scale any more17:33
mgedmintime to optimize17:33
Stskeepsmgedmin: google?17:33
X-Fademgedmin: Hmm that sucks.17:33
pekujathis is what I'm doing:17:34
mgedminalthough seeing loadavg of 100 is kinda fun17:34
pekujasudo flasher-3.0 -f -k zImage17:34
pekujait looks like it flashes ok, but then when I boot the device up, it enters an infinite reboot loop17:34
pekujarequiring me to remove the battery17:35
pekujait gets to the splash screen with the hands17:35
qwerty12Which kernel are you flashing?17:35
pekujathen back to the big Nokia logo17:35
pekujalatest from git. I guess it could just be broken17:35
jotthas actually someone made a toolchain for the initfs? or should the cs uclibc version x.yz work ootb?17:36
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megosdogOh, great.  The openSSH client and server installs on are gone.  I can't get to the install files.17:37
megosdogOh, wait.  That's interesting.  it has been downloading them.  lol.  NM.17:37
pekujausing n800_defconfig17:38
megosdogBah, I couldn't get the deb for the OpenSSH client and server installs.  Anyone got a direct link?17:39
pekujaon an n810 though, but I understand the n800 config should work fine?17:39
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mgedminmegosdog: use the chinook ones17:39
guardianwhat is VDSO ?17:39
megosdogWhere do I get those at?17:39
mgedminguardian: virtual dynamic shared object17:40
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X-FadeJaffa: When did you set your pgp key?17:42
sinakhello. I 've installed VGBA emulator, but i can't configure A and B buttons17:42
JaffaX-Fade: when I got my original invitation, but a) I had another machine then, and b) I couldn't find the URL to put a newly generated key in.17:42
pupniksinak for N810?17:42
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X-FadeJaffa: Ok, it didn't get imported yet. Just a sec, I'll help it anong ;)17:43
JaffaX-Fade: where'll it import it *from*?17:43
* Jaffa is going to start a wiki page17:43
X-FadeJaffa: From one pubring to another ;)17:44
X-FadeJaffa: Can you try it again?17:44
JaffaX-Fade: and so where've you got my key from? :-)17:45
X-FadeJaffa: Well, the builder didn't have it yet ;)17:45
pekujadoes anyone know of any good instructions or anything like that on running linux-omap kernel on N810?17:45
megosdogHmm, I think I found it.17:46
pekujaI followed the Maemo Kernel Guide instructions, but I'm ending up with an infinitely looping N81017:46
RST38hsinak: So, which keys do you want to assign A/B buttons to?17:46
JaffaX-Fade: ah, but when I generated it with gpg it uploaded it to the central keyring?17:46
infobotpekuja meant: I followed the Maemo Kernel Guide instructions, but I'm ending up with an infinitely restarting N81017:46
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sinakRST38h that's a good question.. Let's say the zooms keys17:46
X-FadeJaffa: When you add the key via the garage website, it gets imported into the pubring.17:47
RST38hsinak: Ok. And how are you gonna use zoom keys for fire while using directional pad at the same time?17:47
qwerty12The zoom keys are cramped anyway.17:47
JaffaX-Fade: that's my point: where on the garage website do I add my *new* key?17:47
sinakso how can you play with this emulators?17:47
hrw~curse MyDocs/.*17:48
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, MyDocs/.* !17:48
RST38hsinak: form the menu, select "Show Cues"17:48
X-FadeJaffa: I need to send you an invitation for that.17:48
churlwhat's the best way to transfer data from the internal sd mem card to the external?17:49
JaffaX-Fade: gah, so there's no way of changing my keys without being re-invited? OK. For the wiki page what's the preferred way of getting invited?17:49
churl Jaffa: I need to send you an invitation for that.17:49
churl<churl> what's the best way to transfer data from the internal sd mem card to the external?17:49
churl<Jaffa> X-Fade: gah, so there's no way of changing my keys without being re-invited? OK. For the wiki page what's the preferred way of getting invited?17:49
jotthrw: i just did a "ln -s ~/MyDocs/.documents ~/Documents" etc17:49
RST38hchurl: cp command? =)17:49
X-FadeJaffa: Well, we have this page where you can change your ssh key already. And the pgp key is going to be added there.17:49
churlred way of getting invited?17:50
churl<jott> hrw: i just did a "ln -s ~/MyDocs/.documents ~/Documents" etc17:50
churl<RST38h> churl: cp command? =)17:50
churl<X-Fade> Jaffa: Well, we have this page where you can change your ssh key already. And the pgp key is going to be added there.17:50
JaffaX-Fade: indeed, I found that, and expected the PGP key to be there too :)17:50
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X-FadeMe too ;)17:50
RST38hchurl: Are you trying to impress us with your mighty cut&paste capabilities?17:50
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churlok wasnt sure on how the file system works on here17:51
jottjust don't press the scrollwheel while scrolling ;)17:51
megosdogNope, that wasn't it.  Drat.  I tried snagging the actual deb file from, but it's not the right one apparently.17:51
guardianmgedmin: thx, just changed my linux box and i'm discovering the scratchbox messages about it :)17:52
churlall the text is coming up blank17:52
mgedminguardian: you know the fix, right?17:52
RST38hchurl: You are in an IRC channel. It is not a file system. CP command won't work here.17:52
churlpunishment for booting into windows?17:52
mgedminguardian: sudo sysctl -w vm.vdso_enabled=0 vm.mmap_min_addr=409617:52
guardianmgedmin: the scratchbox install script mentions it17:53
guardiani was just curious about the side effect of the fix on the rest of the system17:53
churlRST38h:  haha thanks17:53
hrwjott: and all file requesters and maemo filemanager show Documents twice?17:53
JaffaX-Fade: is the start of my page describing the nitty gritty17:54
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jotthrw: no the broken maemo apps just show MyDocs ;p17:54
X-FadeJaffa: I plan to write some more documentation and make a graph, but there are only so many hours in a day :)17:54
jottbut i agree with the curse17:54
JaffaX-Fade: indeed :-(17:54
churlthere we go! i can see now!17:54
qwerty12All someone has to do is recompile libhildonfm to show ~17:55
churlso what's the general feeling on diablo?17:55
hrwqwerty12: I just had to write the same ;)17:55
GAN800pekuja, talk to AStorm, it's really not worth the pain and suffering you're going to have to go through. Just use Nokia's kernel. . . .17:56
JaffaX-Fade: right, now uploaded new public key :-). Can you prod the keyring import, pleasE?17:56
X-FadeJaffa: Done.17:57
AStormyeah, there are enough bugs in that kernel to feed an anteater17:57
dragornnice, latest firmware fixes usb host mode17:57
AStormit's amazing that it works as well as it does17:57
pekujaGAN800, I kinda need the new one. :-/17:57
dragornor at least, it hasn't fallen over yet for me17:57
JaffaX-Fade: resubmitted. thanks.17:58
nelsonAny reason why 2007's Xomap should consume 36MB memory immediately after booting?18:01
nelsonI'm guessing that some persistent storage loaded by X has grown after 1.5 years of operation.18:02
nelsonbut I can't imagine what it would be.   X atoms aren't persistent.  Any hints?18:03
JaffaX-Fade: woohoo! It built :-)18:03
qwerty12~lart Nokia for not versioning their initfs and kernel packages properly18:03
* infobot strangles Nokia with a 9-pole serial cable for not versioning their initfs and kernel packages properly18:03
AStormqwerty12: btw, could you drop me a newest kernel patch for nokia?18:03
qwerty12AStorm, If you mean the diablo kernel, I don't think they do patches anymore :/ :
AStormno problem full tbz is ok too18:04
JaffaX-Fade: is there a delay between the build succeeding and it appearing in extras-devel?18:05
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JaffaX-Fade: nm, it's there now18:08
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X-FadeJaffa: Seems that it worked in one go ;)18:11
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JaffaX-Fade: aye, that is the very simplest package mud can produce though :)18:16
zapCan somebody add a link here: ?18:20
JaffaIt's a wiki, you can add links yourself :-)18:21
zapI logged in but I don't see where's the edit button :)18:21
JaffaOh, hang on - that's the old wiki.18:21
zapI just thought it would be nice to add a link to bug #3243 about usb networking not working with OS2008 and windows18:22
melmothX-Fade: am i suppose to increment the package version each time i re send one ?18:22
JaffaGood criteria when updating those migrated pages: delete and restructure more than you add ;-)18:22
zapso that people like me don't spend time trying to make it work18:22
melmothX-Fade: funnyly enough, the sword package i got in the extra repository is empty, the one i build locally got the packages. And on the we page, ( still has yesterday timestamp18:23
melmothgrumble, that was the wrong url18:24
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X-Fademelmoth: I see sword in the promotor just fine?18:26
X-Fadeboth sword and sword-dev.18:26
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Stskeepsnow.. this may be a stupid question.. is 800x600 the ultimate highest the xserver can run on, on the n800?18:27
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melmothX-Fade: the package are there, but when i apt-get them, they are empty.18:28
melmothbuilt locally, they are not empty18:28
qwerty12Stskeeps, No idea, but if you feel like finding out and risking a reflash, edit x-server.defs18:28
JaffaX-Fade: how long do things take to hit the promoter interface (or is it a separate interface for chinook/diablo)? Not that I want to promote ccal, but want to understand the nuances18:29
Stskeepsqwerty12: mm, might try on my debian install.. less chance of a reflash18:29
X-FadeJaffa: and
Stskeeps*starts his debian installer to see if the integration of X now works*18:30
JaffaX-Fade: ah, cool18:30
X-Fademelmoth: I don't see empty packages. They look ok to me.18:31
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X-FadeI've got to go for now. bbl.18:32
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lardmanbmidgley: ping18:33
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lardmanAnyone happen to have any thoughts on the relative speed differences of fixed point vs Q15 calculation?18:36
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wazdawkay, I'm ready for that epic football batle tonight :)18:38
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nelsonAnybody having trouble with X taking up a huge amount of memory on OS2007?18:56
zs_hacker edition?18:57
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nelsonNo, production.18:58
nelsonand, it's after a reboot, and before I run any programs (other than ssh and/or X term, of course)18:59
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GAN800Why are you on OS2007? :/19:00
nelsonkbdd doesn't work on 2008.19:01
nelsonor, rather, I need a uinput module for 2008.  kbdd would work on os2008 with that.19:01
qwerty12Um, you do know that fanoush has kbdd for os2008 right?19:03
zs_yeah why are you on os2007?19:03
summatusmentismaybe he just likes os2007 better! ever think of that? huh? huh?19:04
qwerty12Don't make me stab you!19:04
summatusmentisyou're across the big blue lake, let's see you try it!19:05
qwerty12Fine, I'll go to Lizard's end and use a slingshot!19:05
* summatusmentis hides19:06
qwerty12(well, I think it's called lizard's end)19:06
summatusmentisI talk big, but that's about it19:06
* GAN800 stabs summatusmentis 19:06
summatusmentiswhat's lizard's end?19:06
summatusmentisGAN800: from 1000 mi away?19:06
qwerty12Sorry, Land's end. It's the most western point in the UK19:07
summatusmentisoh, that makes more sense19:07
churlso is a lizards lands end his tail or his wang?19:08
GAN800Is the source of the OS2007 Application Menu open?19:08
GAN800I have a long knife.19:08
qwerty12GAN800, It may be, I'll take a look for you.19:08
summatusmentisGAN800: your mom said I had a long knife too...19:08
summatusmentisI'm done now19:09
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GAN800I'm just wondering if so many people seem to want the finger detection for the menu why they don't just port that.19:09
churlsorry for directing converstaion in that direction19:09
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summatusmentisfinger detection for the menu?19:09
nelsonqwerty12: he does?  I've looked at his page, and it doesn't list os2008:
qwerty12"Nokia 770, N800 with IT2006/7/8"19:10
nelsonzs_: and yes, I prefer os2008.  prettier!19:11
nelsonqwerty12: yeah, but the uinput driver for it2008 is not present.19:11
nelson(not being completely bereft of sense, I tried it first)19:11
qwerty12Yes it is. uinput.ko.2.6.21-omap1.19:12
qwerty122.6.21 is the kernel version of chinook19:12
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wazdWhy does Crysis is not support Win 3.11 !(19:12
wazdhave anybody faced this problem?(19:13
qwerty12Yes :(19:13
qwerty12I wanted to play GTA IV in 3.11 and it said my ram was too low :(19:13
wazdI think it said "it's not a coslole, sry pal" xD19:14
summatusmentisI was reading Win 3.1 for dummies, and they said if you have a large picture of a peacock as your wallpaper, you'll get low memory errors19:14
summatusmentisyou're better off to tile smaller pictures of peacockes19:14
wazdHell, I can't do anything but waiting for footbal(19:14
qwerty12That would work quite well for you summatusmentis, you could tile your tiny "peacock" to make it seem bigger.19:14
nelsonqwerty12: DOH!  I had copied over an old version.  Sorry, my bad.19:15
summatusmentisqwerty12: you're the one with a picture of it as your wallpaper19:15
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qwerty12summatusmentis, Shit, I've been caught out.19:15
qwerty12nelson, You've been holding back on os2008 for how long now? :P19:16
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wazdDoes anybody know how to edit "project homepage" in garage?) I should be admin?)19:17
wazdAw, I killed them(19:18
qwerty12GAN800, Re the OS2007 application menu; it's here: and but the "archictecture" seems vastly different from the present hildon-desktop for anyone to do a straight port imo.19:19
GAN800Interesting, thanks.19:19
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GAN800It'd be a fun way to make Karel STFU if it were an easy port.19:20
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qwerty12Lol, it's kinda annoying now. I mean, I know the guy hates internet tablets. Great. But a 1000 posts later to the same effect makes me want to say fuck off.19:20
wazdKarel? he's cool)19:21
GAN800He's a troll.19:21
wazdDon't think that he hates tablets. But he points things that are really bad19:22
wazdwhat's wrong with that19:22
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GAN800Mostly he just trolls these days.19:22
qwerty12~lart /me for forgetting to backup the mods in my initfs19:22
* infobot cuts off /me's head with a halberd that could have been a little bit sharper for forgetting to backup the mods in my initfs19:22
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GAN800You, evidently, haven't seen him in action much, wazd. ;)19:22
GAN800He spends his time trolling about the Pandora now.19:23
Jaffa*cough* vapourware *cough*19:23
nelsondoes Pandora come in a boxed version?19:24
GAN800I like reading his 'get the Pandora in April' posts.19:24
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Jaffanelson: heh. Seriously, does it even come in a *case* yet? ;-)19:24
GAN800nelson, it doesn't come in anything yet.19:24
crashanddiewth is pandora ,19:24
GAN800It's still non-existent.19:25
wazdwrong) It is)19:25
wazdBut devel-only19:25
GAN800They've shipped 100 dev boards to kernel hacker-types.19:25
GAN800Way behind schedule19:25
sjgadsbyIt's always nice to be told again that the non-existant software on the non-existant Pandora is better than Internet Tablet OS.19:26
Jaffacrashanddie: an evolution of the GP2X: a hobbyist's ARM board intended to be used in a semi-mythical "ultimate" gaming device.19:26
GAN800It wont even really have software19:26
crashanddieyeah, nothing fancy then19:26
GAN800It's basically just an emu loader.19:27
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GAN800Probably Debian to come later.19:27
wazdWell, I aggree tat it's wrong to compare Pandora and ITT's )19:27
summatusmentisInternet Tablet Talks?19:27
sjgadsbyYeah, well Debian's coming on the tablets too. *shruggles*19:27
wazdIt's like compare iPhone 6 and n1000 xD19:28
nelsonUbuntu's already there.19:28
nelsonanybody know what package hidd is now in?19:28
wazdAWWW, ubuntu MID is SO fricking awful!1119:28
wazdIt looks like OS2005 or 619:28
nelsonUnder OS2007 it was in bluez-utils and it's not there in OS2008.19:28
nelsonwazd: OS2004.19:29
GAN800Ubuntu Mobile still needs some time19:29
wazdI think that there were no 04 :)19:29
qwerty12nelson, I believe hcid replaced it19:29
sjgadsbyHave any apps been shown for Ubuntu Mobile yet, or is it still just always the launcher?19:29
wazdHow can such a big company throw to a market such a badly designed thing19:30
nelsonqwerty12: tnx.19:30
Jaffawazd: the moblin team is even smaller than the maemo one, AFAICT19:30
wazdJaffa, well, and no quallity control from Canonical?19:31
Jaffawazd: no idea, I was just following the dev list for a few months19:31
GAN800Hasn't really shipped yet, so. . . .19:32
wazdJaffa, I think they should find some UI and design masters19:32
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wazdRight now Microsoft origami 2 looks hell much slicker and adorable19:33
wazdCan I say "Microsoft" here?)19:34
summatusmentis /kick wazd19:34
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GAN800But also bloated as shit19:36
wazdSo, once more, should I be Admin to change "progect home page" in the garage?)19:36
Jaffawazd: certainly a contributor to the project with sufficient rights. "Admin" is certainly good enough :)19:37
JaffaBut I think the admin can define the capabilities of each of the other roles19:37
GAN800Anyway, there isn't a whole lot of point in lingering over this stuff until it's actually shipped.19:37
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wazdJaffa, and where should I find appropriate button or FTP settings?)19:39
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Jaffawazd: On your garage project page, click "Admin", then "Edit public info" and it's the third field19:39
GAN800www folder in svn, isn't it?19:39
JaffaGAN800: no, you can point it anywhere you like; doesn't have to be http://<project> (which is www in svn, as you say)19:40
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GAN800Ah, I see.19:40
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wazdthe problem is that I'm not an admin but I need to update OMWeather homepage :)19:46
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Jaffawazd: then you need to be given the "be able to edit public info" privilege, full-blown admin rights, or get the admin to do it19:52
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qwerty12Here, random package time. cfdisk: . Now, for those who feel like breaking something: & . Those last 2 packages will make hildon applications show $HOME as root, not $MYDOCS dir ;)20:28
summatusmentisqwerty12: what is this mediafire site?20:30
qwerty12Just a random file hoster20:30
summatusmentisoh... this is stuff you built20:30
lcuk_workqwerty12, are you in 1337 hacking mood20:33
summatusmentisqwerty12: you should put them in garage or something20:34
qwerty12lcuk_work, nah, just bored :P :)20:34
qwerty12summatusmentis, Dunno, the cfdisk is a ripped package for example. busybox whines like a bitch when installing util-linux (the original source of cfdisk) so I just ripped out cfdisk and call it it's own package :)20:35
qwerty12The other 2, I can't justify an garage project for them :)20:35
lcuk_workaren't there any other file managers around that are workable20:36
* lcuk_work would have thought there was20:36
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summatusmentislcuk: kde20:36
summatusmentisoh, file managers, not window managers20:36
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konttori_has the kde dolphin been ported for the current kde distribution?20:38
konttori_that's quite nice FM20:38
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qwerty12_N800Is dolphin in kde 3 as well?20:39
lcukis kde available on standard maemo ? ;)20:39
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lcukalthough 4.1 looks quite nice20:40
summatusmentisqwerty12_N800: I don't think so20:40
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lcuk_back l8r20:41
qwerty12_N800In that case I refer konttori to with a note saying not to get excited :/20:43
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RST38hqwerty: Would you be interested in porting Nether Earth to Maemo?20:56
RST38hqwerty: pupnik says he has no time and neither do I =(20:56
megosdogHey, silly question.  Does this usb networking tutorial work for the N810?  ->
megosdogIt only shows the 770 and the 800.20:57
qwerty12_N800RST38h, I could try but I can't assure brilliant results :/20:57
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qwerty12_N800Do you mean this one: ?20:59
RST38hit is one of the first strategy games and one of the best ones too21:00
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qwerty12_N800Hmm, it says it uses opengl.21:02
RST38hreally? the original speccy game definitely DID NOT =)21:03
* L0cutus have compiled dcron 3.1 for n800 (not deb, but with an installer)21:04
RST38hHehe, DC gun ban overturned by SCOTUS21:04
RST38hlet the slaughter begin =)21:04
qwerty12_N800Yeah, this remake says it's gfx is rendered in opengl. I could still compile but expect slow speeds :/21:04
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RST38hqwerty: it is probably not worth the effort then =(21:05
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crashanddieI kicked the GMail notifier21:09
crashanddieeverytime I had spam, and I thought "oh, sweet, a reply" *clickety click* "fack"21:09
summatusmentisI'm still deciding if I like modest better  or no21:09
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crashanddieModest is awesomely better21:10
Jaffaqwerty12_N800: presumably you did the "show $HOME at root of file managers" by changing MYDOCS line in /etc/osso-af-init/
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* Jaffa changed his to /media/mmc2/MyDocs using that to stop having to backup anything except settings21:10
qwerty12_N800Jaffa, That would be a simpler method :/. I changed it in the libhildonfm libraries.21:11
Jaffaqwerty12_N800: I thought you might've made more work for yourself ;-)21:11
megosdogHey, anyone know about that usb networking tutorial?  If it's ok to use it on the n810, I'd love to know.  I'd also think that an update might be in order for the page too.  :)21:11
qwerty12_N800I'm gonna have to use debian pinning on the xserver-xomap :/21:12
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Jaffamegosdog: follow it, find out, update wherever appropriate ;-)21:13
megosdogheh.  I guess i'm not quite that brave.  ;)21:14
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wazd1 hour remain :)21:14
wazdAnyone here form Spain?)21:14
qwerty12_N800russia v spain?21:14
qwerty12_N800itv here are broadcasting it :/21:14
summatusmentiswazd: sometimes I wish I were from spain21:15
wazdyep) I really don't know who to cheer now)21:15
X-FadeJaffa: FWIW, on PGP key change the builder should now import the key at the same time.21:15
qwerty12_N800bbc messed up nicely yesterday with their broadcast of turkey v germany :/21:15
wazdSpain is veeeeeryy nice team, but Russia is Russia :)21:15
RST38hwazd: just moe your car somewhere safe, if you have one21:15
megabyte405megosdog: there is a maemo development kit thing available on the tablet that adds USB networking control panel support21:15
infobotRST38h meant: wazd: just move your car somewhere safe, if you have one21:15
wazdWhole Moscow is screaming and horning already)21:15
summatusmentiswazd: oh, a soccer game, I assume?21:15
summatusmentisor football21:15
summatusmentisor whatever21:15
wazdWell, my car is far from here now)21:16
summatusmentisor if you're from spain futbol :D21:16
wazdSister took it to the country )21:16
megosdogmegabyte405: Where can I find that?21:16
melmothX-Fade: you here ?21:17
X-Fademelmoth: sure..21:17
melmothi rebuild the sword packages21:17
melmothsame problem.21:17
melmoththe i386 packaeg is empty21:17
melmoththe armel one is ok21:17
melmothlocally, both are ok.21:18
X-Fademelmoth: This one?
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X-FadeThey look fine to me?21:19
melmothtry apt-get install sword in a i386 target and list its content21:20
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JaffaX-Fade: cool. Is the only way of changing key through invite still atm?21:20
melmothall i have is the /usr/share/doc files21:21
X-FadeJaffa: Yes, do you care to test it for me ;)21:22
JaffaX-Fade: sure, I can gen a new key21:22
X-FadeJaffa: I can see that it updates without that. I think ;)21:22
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JaffaX-Fade: too late came the cry :)21:23
X-Fademelmoth: I really don't see a problem.21:23
JaffaX-Fade: right, I've got a key ready to paste21:23
X-FadeJaffa: I'll invite you again?21:23
melmothX-Fade: i an reproduce it at will here with " fakeroot apt-get remove sword;fakeroot apt-get update;fakeroot apt-get install sword"21:24
X-Fademelmoth: I think your apt cache is not ok.21:24
melmothlets try an apt-get clean again21:24
X-Fademelmoth: And are you sure you use the diablo extras-devel?21:24
JaffaX-Fade: done21:25
X-FadeJaffa: Crap :(21:25
melmothdeb diablo free non-free21:26
melmothdeb-src diablo free non-free21:26
melmoththere is no other sword-1.5.10-5 anywhere else21:26
JaffaX-Fade: bang?21:26
* tlax wonders where this has gone:
X-Fademelmoth: But I think your local package cache is not ok.21:26
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melmothGet:1 diablo/free sword 1.5.10-5 [16.2kB]21:27
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melmothi got nothing in /var/cache/apt (excetp some  pkgcache.bin  srcpkgcache.bin)21:28
melmothplus the 1.5.10-5 version was only compiled and dput on the repository once21:28
X-Fademelmoth: But that get is just fine, right?21:29
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inode0does anyone know if the feed reader is broken in diablo (or whether some old configuration I have is mucking it up)?21:29
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melmothit was ok locally.21:30
melmoththe one i got from the repository is not21:30
melmothwell, the armel one is ok, but not the i386 one21:30
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X-Fademelmoth: What size does it say it should be?21:30
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X-FadeJaffa: Can you try it again :) Same key should be ok.21:32
Jaffainode0: mine didn't work all yesterday, immediately after reflash - no matter how many times I hit refresh. By this morning, it'd updated21:32
JaffaX-Fade: need another invite?21:32
X-FadeJaffa: You already got that ;)21:32
JaffaX-Fade: done21:32
melmoth1216    sword_1.5.10-4_i386.deb21:32
melmoth-rw-r--r--   1 user user 1240338 Jun 25 21:29 sword_1.5.10-4_i386.deb21:33
inode0hrm, ok, I'll put the config back and let it sit for a day, thanks21:33
X-FadeJaffa: What url do you use /my/contrib.php ?21:33
melmothGRumble, got the same after dpkg -i a package manually downloaded (wget
wazdWell, good luck all, the Game begins :)21:34
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melmothhmmm, the local one is the old one.. i compiled the -5 elewhere...21:36
Sho_Does anyone know if the cifs.ko that used to work with ITOS2008 still works with Diablo?21:36
RST38hwazd: what channel is showing it anyway?21:36
melmothdont remeber when, i just apt-get source sword from the repo, change the changelog and recompile dit21:36
JaffaX-Fade: yep21:36
Sho_or maybe an easier question, can anyone run uname -a and tell me the kernel version on Diablo?21:37
melmothX-Fade: i just rebuild the source one..i m doing a binary one now on i38621:37
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qwerty12_N800Sho_, still 2.6.2121:38
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Sho_qwerty12_N800: thanks21:39
Sho_module might still work then21:39
Sho_one thing I really wished for for Diablo was CIFS/SMB support with authentication in the file manager :/21:39
qwerty12_N800If programming is your forte, apt-get source libhildonfm and you can implement it yourself :/21:41
Sho_qwerty12_N800: Would I also be able to get it upstream, though?21:42
melmothX-Fade: -rw-r--r--   1 user user 1240340 Jun 26 20:41 sword_1.5.10-5_i386.deb21:42
inode0the feed reader seems to think the device is full, sigh21:42
X-Fademelmoth: Yes?21:42
X-Fademelmoth: Is that the right one?21:42
qwerty12_N800Sho_, I'd guess not ;/21:42
melmothThis one works locally. A,nd it is build with the same source as the one on the xtras-devel repos21:43
Sho_qwerty12_N800: shame21:43
melmothX-Fade: look at the size difference betwwen arhc on the repo itself
X-Fademelmoth: Ah, I see your problem.21:44
melmothwhy would i386 package be 100 time smaller than an amrel one ?21:44
X-Fademelmoth: You said it was empty. But it is not. It is just very small ;)21:44
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melmoththere are no file in it, except the /usr/share/doc put there by i dont know wich dh_stuff21:45
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X-Fademelmoth: Weird indeed..21:49
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X-Fademelmoth: Does it do the same on the chinook builder?21:50
melmothAnd you know what, i think i had the same problem the other way around ('empty' armel one) when playing with autbuild extras-devel on chinook21:50
qwerty12_N800Happens to me a lot. I just repack afterwards :/ (of course,  I wouldn't recommend that for a package in extras ;)...)21:50
RST38hBTW, in the Maps application, is there a way to avoid those nagging dialogs about buying navigation?21:50
melmothat the time i though i made a mistake locally and just rebuild a package with a new version, and it worked21:50
mgedminRST38h: use Maemo Mapper ;-)21:50
qwerty12_N800RST38h, Buy it? :p21:50
X-Fademelmoth: lol, I see that too.21:50
X-Fademelmoth: Ok, don't spend any more time on it today. I'll ask the autobuilder guru ;)21:51
RST38hqwerty: I do not want navigation. Just want maps + this thing to shut up21:51
RST38hmgedmin: Maps has vector maps, they zoom better21:51
qwerty12_N800Heh, I thought you Russians were brilliant at disassembling?21:52
PhosphoricXI'm setting up communication between a phone and a maemo device, can anyone recommend a protocol for the maemo sending inquiries and the cell phone responding? It seems silly to reinvent this myself.21:52
melmothOk, thanks for looking into this !21:52
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RST38hqwerty: I am too lazy to hack this thing21:55
RST38hqwerty: not worth it, imho21:56
X-Fademelmoth: Hmm chinook version looks ok to me?21:56
qwerty12_N800RST38h, :)21:56
X-Fademelmoth: Almost same size for i386 and armel.21:56
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melmothindeed. But in chinook, the problem solved itself on its own after recompiling yet another time22:06
melmothso i guess, the problematic one would be sword_1.5.10-2_armel.deb  wich, strangely enough has nearly the same size too.22:07
melmothi m puzzled22:07
X-Fademelmoth: I asked Ed and Misha, will get back to you on that.22:07
konttori_qwerty12_N800:  sweeeeet!!! thanks for the link!!!22:07
bmidgleylardman pong22:07
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konttori_i love that dolphin isn't tying to be too much. it just works22:09
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Andy80hi all22:16
Andy80anyone of you noticed longer battery life using diablo? or is it only a my impression?22:17
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kkrustyAndy80: could be so, could also be because of a clean install22:19
kkrustyAndy80: thats in case there actually was a difference, It could also just be in your head22:19
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lbtcan applications written in gtkmm be uploaded to extras given the new autobuilder?22:20
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* lbt wonders. 22:21
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X-Fadelbt: Yes, but I don't think the rebuilded packages are uploaded yet.22:22
X-Fadelbt: We hope to do that this night or tomorrow.22:22
lbtTa - it'll be a while yet - just wondering if the dependency libraries etc are there...22:22
Mikhowhy does it seem that you have to use older libraries with maemo distributions than necessary?22:22
Mikhofor example, libcurl is version 7.15.522:23
Mikhoit is old22:23
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X-FadeMikho: Upload a newer version?22:23
churlquestion:  can you store application data on a SD mem card?  or does all that have to fit into the devices mem?22:23
lbtIs it reasonable to start trying to use the autobuilder etc with an absolute bare-minimum skeleton? Or should I wait until it's nearer to being done?22:24
lbt(ie "hello world" in gtkmm22:24
Mikhohmm... libcurl is not just a maemo thing22:24
X-Fadelbt: You can always try it out. You will get a log of why it failed.22:24
MikhoI just ran into trouble, believing libcurl would copy the strings passed to it as data22:24
lcuk_"it built! SHIP IT !!!"22:24
lbtOK - ta. Since real people are looking at it I don't want to waste their time...22:25
Mikhobut libcurl does it only from 7.1722:25
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lbtlcuk_: yep - that's about it!!22:25
Mikhowhy are maemo libraries so badly outdated?22:25
lcuk_because you are in the future22:25
MikhoI ran into strange problems with gtk versions too22:25
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lbt_just to make lcuk_ feel comfortable22:26
Mikhothe libraries keep changing interfaces, and that's not a very good thing22:26
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churlquestion:  can you store application data on a SD mem card?  or does all that have to fit into the devices mem?:-D22:27
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kkrustychurl: use ln?22:27
lcukMikho, a new version of the OS has just been released22:27
lcukgive it a few days for things to settle down22:27
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JaffaX-Fade: BTW, what'll happen with the auto-builder if you upload, say an ..._i38.changes and corresponding deb? Will it still build the source, or will it break?22:28
Mikhoi'm afraid, if I develop software for the newer version, it won't run on vanilla N810:s22:28
X-FadeJaffa: It will leave them in the incoming dir.22:28
Mikhoand whatever the reason, that's not desirable22:29
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kkrustychurl: you're question reminds me of dwight22:30
churlkkrusty: um, i flashed, and was reinstalling old apps.  the devices mem filled up so it gave me the old.  "not enough mem, continue with install?"  i want to know if i can install on on of my SD cards22:30
churlgood ol' dwight, how is he these days?22:30
Mikhohow is maemo 4.1 different from chinook?22:30
JaffaMikho: bug fixes, minor updates. End-user OS features Seamless Software Upgrade22:31
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kkrustychurl: you can use ln to make symbolic links for paths in your device mem to that on your SD22:31
kkrustychurl: I take it that you havent watched The Office22:32
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kkrustychurl: for instance I made a symbolic link for the path to the dictionary files for stardict.22:33
churloh i have, but not really, my old gf watched every episode while i sat on the couch22:33
JaffaMikho: should be pretty much full binary compatibility22:33
churlive looked this up, and found nothing, could you point me to a good link where i can read up on how i can do this?22:33
Mikhohas anyone backed up on that?22:33
churlkkrusty: a link would rock, and maybe what it's called that im trying to do so i can google it22:34
MikhoWhat version of N810 is nokia shipping at the moment?22:34
kkrustychurl: google "man ln"22:35
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kkrustychurl: and you'll have to use terminal in Utilities I think22:36
JaffaX-Fade: Oh, whilst you're here. Do you know if the accounts store creation date? It's being discussed as part of the voting policy in the elections for the Community Council:
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churlkkrusty: is this a very common thing that needs to be done?22:37
kkrustychurl: using ln?22:37
churlkkrusty: yeah, linking the devices mem to a SD card22:38
kkrustychurl: Im not sure. but its pretty useful22:38
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X-FadeJaffa: It seems gforge doesn't, i have to check for midgard.22:38
kkrustychurl: you're not actually linking device mem to SD card mem. You're just telling your OS that this directory is actually a link to another place22:39
JaffaX-Fade: OK. BTW, my latest package got rejected - I guess my new key hasn't been picked up :-(22:39
churlkkrusty: seems so, i guess ill just read up on and an give it a whurl.    i asked cause i havnt found a step by step how to, or the same question posted22:39
X-FadeJaffa: I will do it manually now.22:39
JaffaX-Fade: thanks22:40
megabyte405megosdog: I just found it in my app manager22:40
X-FadeJaffa: Done.22:41
JaffaX-Fade: ta22:41
kkrustychurl: its possible that no one has written one because it isnt something specific to maemo. You can google "ln linking directories" which should give you something fairly generic22:41
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churlkkrusty: cool thanks22:42
Mikhodoes anybody else think C is a disease that should be removed from the world?22:43
lbtMikho: well22:43
JaffaMikho: for anything but the lowest level code, I can see a very strong argument22:43
lbtC + OO gui toolkits - yes!!!22:43
JaffaBut then I've been spoilt by Java; hence my muchos interest in vala22:44
lbtOTOH - you could go to lkml and see what they say...22:44
MikhoI have a strong argument, but I believe the world would be a better place without C, maybe replaced with C++ or something22:44
lbtgood luck with that :)22:44
JaffaHeh, I wonder if there's been a "u suxx0rz shud reright Linix in python. it r0xx!!!11"22:44
JaffaMikho: the biggest advantage of C is that it's *not* C++.22:45
kkrustyJaffa: and that would mean ....22:45
lbtI watched Linus write git in C - there's nothing wrong with it... That was a moving experience...22:45
X-FadeJaffa: I'm going to get some sleep. If you run into problems, just let me know.22:46
JaffaX-Fade: will do, thanks for your help22:46
MikhoI traced for 4-5 hours a problem the compiler could have taken care of22:46
Mikhogtk libraries try to imitate objective behavior with weird typecasts and such22:47
JaffaMikho: seriously, look at Vala:
Mikhohmm.. what is this22:48
JaffaIt's a Java/C#-style language based around the GLib GObject system, with all modern facilities like auto GC etc. but compiles straight down to C22:48
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Mikhosound like worth investigating22:48
lbtOr, if you like pure C++, gtkmm - which is what I'm playing with...22:49
* jott wonders if gtk 3 will be written in vala :P22:49
lbtor, if you like more OO and aren't a C++ purist, Qt is really nice from a design PoV22:49
lbtI will look at Vala RSN though :)22:49
Mikhodoes gtkmm work well with maemo?22:49
derfWhy would _anyone_ like C++?22:50
MikhoI remember trying it in semi-noob stage22:50
lbtThere should be a wiki pointing out the various languages/libraries22:50
jottderf: why would anyone like gtk?22:50
MikhoC++ is a huge improvement over C22:50
jott(same stupid question)22:50
lbtC++ is huge over C22:50
derfC++ is a giant step backwards.22:50
vegaiC vs C++ yay22:51
MikhoC has it's advantages, mostly being very effective if it runs correctly22:51
glass_why would anyone like what i don't like22:51
lbtC++ should only be written in emacs22:51
Mikhooh, sorry, didn22:51
JaffaBecause the glass is half-full.22:51
Stskeepshm, afterstep on tablet isn't half bad. it's very stylus able22:51
derfMikho: C++ has all the same runtime problems as C, except it's vastly more comlicated, making it much harder for the programmer to get it right.22:51
Mikho't want to instigate language wars22:52
jottusually a c++ rant ends with someone pointing out bad features noone really uses :p22:52
lpotterlbt: agreed!22:52
lbtMikho: yeah, right!!22:52
lbtwhere is emacs for my N80022:52
vegaiif your VM cannot fit in 4KB, the language is worthless22:52
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Mikhosounds like a lot of java lovers here22:52
lbtlpotter: I hope you don't use xemacs?22:52
Mikhome being one22:52
glass_i like java22:52
derfvegai: Let's all use LISP, then.22:52
lpotteri use several flavors of emacs22:52
lpotteruemacs on devices :)22:53
vegaiderf: I was thinking of forth, really, but ...22:53
lbtlpotter: is there an N800 port - I didn't spot it...22:53
* lpotter is partial to Qt22:53
Mikhoderf, I fail to understand how C++ is harder for the programmer to get it right22:53
dragornC++ has a lot of advantages to it, but C99 brought some of those to C, unfortunately templates are fuuugly.22:53
vegaialthough I dislike C++ quite a lot, I find Qt a better toolkit than GTK22:53
dragorn(and I write a lot of C++)22:54
vegaibecause GTK just tries to make C into a C++, and that's a path of failure22:54
lpotterlbt: not sure if I have uemacs for n80022:54
vegaibetter to use the real thing, even if it's not the best thing in the world22:54
derfMikho: C++ does a million more things behind your back than C.22:54
Mikhowell, gtk is not the source of my problems, although it has something to do with it22:54
lbtvegai: I think gtkmm and Qt are quite comparable22:54
derfExceptions are a huge one.22:55
dragornexceptions aren't behind your back, and you're not required to use them (though if you touch STL you'll get odd failures if you don't.)22:55
glass_having the option of having them isn't bad22:55
derfdragorn: There's no other way for a constructor to fail.22:55
Mikhoderf, I understand your point, but I doubt it's a million things it does22:55
lpotterQtopia does not use exceptions22:56
lpotterexceptions are for ninnies ;)22:56
derfBut C++ preaches RAAI, so you're expected to write constructors that can fail.22:56
MikhoI don't think obfuscating the difference between pointers and objects is the solution22:56
Mikhonever liked that in java22:57
derfAnd destructors... they make exceptions a complete mess.22:57
glass_Mikho: yeah that can sometimes confuse.. not often though, mostly i like how it's done22:57
derfNow, if people actually wrote code that did no useful work in constructors and destructors, you might be able to get away without exceptions.22:58
MikhoI know now how it's done, but I didn't know at first22:58
MikhoI think it's unnecessarily complicated22:58
Mikhowhy doesn't the programmer get to choose when to pass a copy and when a pointer?22:58
derfMikho: The main goal of the "obfuscation" is to make garbage collection work.22:58
Mikhooh, actually he does in java too, but22:58
lpotterderf: Qtopia does not use exceptions at all22:59
Mikhoit's unnecessarily implicit22:59
Mikhowell, garbage collection is a good thing, worth sacrificing some amateur programmers22:59
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derfMikho: You can't have arbitrary pointers _and_ garbage collection.23:00
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MikhoI guess so23:00
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derfI mean, you can, but it will be broken.23:00
MangoFusiongarbage collection sucks in firefox23:00
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MangoFusion</mini rant>23:01
derfMangoFusion: They'll get there. The engineers are over a decade behind in GC technology, but it shouldn't be too hard to catch up if they find someone who knows what they're doing.23:01
MikhoGarbage collection is perfectly good, unless the code is written perfectly23:01
mgedminfsyncs suck in firefox23:01
MikhoI guess that isn't so often23:01
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Khertanwe can t upload package with dput to diablo ?23:02
mgedminso, what's up with those annoying DING! noises my Maemo Mapper makes EVERY COUPLE OF SECONDS WITHOUT STOPPING?23:02
mgedminanyone else get that?23:02
MikhoI wonder if programmmers will get java-like environment to work in mobile gadgets as well?23:02
Khertanjava suvk;s23:02
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derfMikho: Memory management errors are both extremely common and hard to debug.23:02
MikhoI know23:02
derfIt makes sense for a higher-level language to jump through quite some hoops to eliminate them.23:03
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MikhoI write countless lines of debug output to trace them every day23:03
derfI can't imaigne using a high-level language that _didn't_ have GC.23:03
glass_Mikho: j2me, or personal profile java?23:03
derfIn fact, I'd argue that's a contradiction in terms.23:03
glass_Mikho: or the vm in googles android..23:03
MikhoI know there are some solutions, but at the moment my project is in maemo23:04
Mikhoand gtk23:04
Khertannoone have tryed to upload to diablo repository with dput ?,23:04
melmothKhertan: i did23:04
melmothit s sort of ...funky lately23:04
Khertandoes  it work ?23:05
melmothwell..It all depend :)23:05
Khertani get a permission denied23:05
mgedminKhertan: are youd putting a source or a binary package?23:05
Khertanbut by ssh23:05
melmothKhertan: i had that twice today23:05
Khertannot by the web interface23:05
melmoththen it came back as usual.23:05
melmothme too, using dput23:05
Khertanhum ... strange23:05
Khertanthis repository is more and more borring me23:06
Khertani ll make my own and this ll be far simpliest23:06
melmothon fait pas d omelette sans casser des oeux23:06
Khertanouais mais ca me saoul23:06
melmothit m also a bit furtsrated by the complexity and lack of testing of it, but the goal is a good one23:07
mgedminmelmoth: you should read The Jennifer Morgue by Charles Stross23:07
Khertani pass more time to make package than to dev23:07
melmothnever heard of the guy23:07
Khertanyes the goal will be good .... but isn t now23:07
MikhoI wonder how many people are using gtkmm at the moment?23:08
mgedminsorry, melmoth, I meant _The Atrocity Archives_23:08
mgedminit has a hilarious interlude about a guy making an omelette without breaking the eggshell23:08
Khertanso ... i m tired, i ll going to sleep23:08
mgedminStross is a genius23:08
melmothHuhu, ok i got it now23:08
* mgedmin reboots23:09
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* melmoth is currebtly in Riddley Walker23:09
melmothit aint eesy tu reed, but it sure is kul23:09
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kulvehas somebody already tested if ogg-support works with diablo?23:19
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mgedminkulve: no, but I can test right now23:27
mgedminheh, the startup infotip says "Media Player (OGG) - Loading"23:27
mgedminI never noticed that before23:27
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mgedminit plays my oggs23:28
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mgedminthat's the chinook version of ogg-support, btw23:29
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lbtmelmoth: if you like that you may also like Feersum Edjinn by Iain M Banks <grin>23:31
kulvemgedmin: yeah, I haven't even installed diablo yet23:31
kulveand the (OGG) part in the name is just text in the separate desktop file, nothing special there (except the mime types)23:32
kulvemgedmin: hmm.. how did you start it?23:32
mgedminfrom the applications menu23:32
kulvehmm.. is there two version of the media player? The normal and the ogg version?23:32
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mgedminhow would I know?23:33
kulveby opening the menu ;)23:33
mgedminI mean, the menu only has one23:33
kulveso it should23:33
kulvebut it shouldn't say the "ogg" there as that desktop file shouldn't show up in the menu and thus it should launch the "normal" desktop file which shouldn't say (OGG)..23:34
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Tenkawagreetings all23:34
kulvewell, I need to debug it some day23:34
mgedminthe menu item says "Media player", it's just the infotip that adds OGG23:34
Tenkawathis error ring a bell trying to fire up scratchbox?23:34
Tenkawanconsistency detected by rtld.c: 1192: dl_main: Assertion `(void *) ph->p_vaddr == _rtld_local._dl_sysinfo_dso' failed!23:34
mgedminTenkawa: yes23:35
Tenkawaits not the vdso thing is it?23:35
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mgedminsysctl -w vm.mmap_min_addr=409623:35
mgedminand I forgot the vdso one23:35
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TenkawaI thought that couldnt be higher than 409623:36
Tenkawaits set to 023:36
mgedminls /proc/sys/vm/*vdso* should tell you the name23:36
Tenkawayeah I dont have that in proc at all for vdso23:36
Tenkawalet me try the minaddr one23:36
mgedminthe mmap one causes a different error, iirc23:36
mgedmin(not being able to run arm executables in scratchbox, with permission denied errors)23:37
mgedminI'm on 64-bit linux here and see no vdso in my /proc/sys23:37
mgedminI also don't have scratchbox on this machine23:37
Tenkawamgedmin: HMM.. my kernel :is: 64 bit but my runtime is 3223:38
Tenkawalet me reboot to my generic 686 32 bit kernel23:38
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mgedminit's sysctl -w vm.mmap_min_addr=4096 vm.vdso_enabled=0 btw23:39
zapand you can put them in /etc/sysctl.conf23:40
mgedminunless you have one of those machines that lock up with these settings23:40
mgedminthen it is a very very bad idea to put them in sysctl.conf without testing them first23:40
jott*yuk* diablo still has osso-software-version-#!$&23:42
mgedminI gathered that's how they plan to implement upgrades23:42
mgedminrelease a new osso-software-version-$model23:42
mgedminpull everything else through dependencies23:43
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Tenkawaouch.. superblock error made me fsck 300+ gig on reboot23:47
Tenkawathat took a bit23:47
Tenkawabut yeah the kernel was the problem23:47
||cwext sucks like that23:48
wazdWell, our teaw showed ordinary game, so I'm very happy for Spanish :)23:49
TenkawaI'm just glad I hadnt allocated the other 3/4 of a tb I've got on that array yet23:49
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t_s_ohmm, do anyone with a clean diablo install on a n800 see cpu activity after the camera have been extended and reinserted?23:52
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Tenkawat_s_o: didnt try out the camera yet this morning when I was testing diablo23:55
Tenkawasorry I cant help23:55
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t_s_obah, seems it could just as well be totaly unrelated...23:56
t_s_ojust hildon-desktop acting up, even in diablo...23:56
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JaffaWoohoo, libgee now in extras-devel - ported by MUD with just a two-line XML file23:58
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t_s_ohmm, top shows a whole lot of maemo-launcher with status sw<23:59

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