IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2008-06-27

jotthm was there actually some sort of policy for the extra repo to not break the osso-software-version? should be more important now than ever when this is the way to upgrade...00:00
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t_s_opolicies are made to be broken ;)00:01
* jott looks at libdb4.200:01
jottt_s_o: s/policies/upgrades/ :)00:02
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jottX-Fade: ^^ what's your pov?00:03
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lcukif i load a binary in at runtime and call one of its functions.  do i have to use shared memory mapping in order that i can pass parameters and information between my main program and the module, or can the module access the same memory as the main program?00:06
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mgedminlcuk: they live in the same memory space00:07
mgedminI assume you use libdl to load the module?00:07
lcukerrr let me see what jott said a while back..00:07
mgedminJaffa: sounds cool00:07
lcuk:D <jott> lcuk: can't you use dlopen/dlsym?00:08
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lcuki asked a similar but not quite related question a while back and jott answered with that, its been on my mind ever since00:08
mgedminwhy not teach mud-builder about ubuntu and debian mirrors so you could say <deb-src distro="ubuntu" version="hardy" /> ?00:08
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Jaffamgedmin: good idea; currently it defaults to a debian version (testing or etch IIRC); but would be cool to do that.00:20
kkrustyI just did sb-reinstall in scratchbox which I now think was a wrong thing to do00:20
Jaffamgedmin: tomorrow or Saturday I'll get vala in extras-devel and then, hopefully, a little Hildon app using it.00:21
mgedminJaffa: I keep meaning to join the mud-users list and figure out how to produce a sane vim package00:21
* mgedmin is a master procrastinator00:21
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Jaffamgedmin: there's an old vim in there, but I've not built it recently. I'm also thinking of minor changes to re-purpose mud to really target (and assist developers in targetting) the auto-builder.00:22
JaffaPoint it at a tarball, or an svn URL and it'll try and do as much as possible.00:23
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mgedminthe problem with vim is that it's a tarball and a series of patches00:26
kkrustyany idea how to get the chinook_x86 target back? Im using the appliance00:26
mgedminI built just the tarball and it was enough to scratch my immediate itch, but the resulting package lacks hundreds of bugfixes00:26
mgedminkkrusty: how did you lose it?00:27
kkrustymgedmin: I did sb-reinstall00:27
* mgedmin doesn't know what that is00:27
mgedminbut you can always nuke a scratchbox target and reinstall it00:27
mgedmininz's blog had the great multi-target development post00:28
mgedminwith the four commands needed to set up a chinook-armel target00:28
mgedminoh, you want x8600:28
mgedminthen just copying & pasting commands from the blog won't work00:28
mgedminchinook's install.txt ought to list the sb-conf commands needed to set up an x86 target00:28
kkrustymgedmin: well I seem to have broken something badly. There are directories for other targets in /target00:28
kkrustybut chinook_x86 is gone00:29
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kkrustymgedmin: will it work for the vm appliance?00:29
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mgedminit should00:30
mgedminthe vm appliance is just a standard virtual box with linux and those steps already performed for you00:30
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kkrustymgedmin: right! I'll give it a shot. Thanks00:31
kkrustyah! screw it! I'll just use a fresh copy of the appliance00:36
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crashanddieI think I lost my last stylus00:45
* GeneralAntilles still has all of his.00:46
crashanddieHa !00:46
crashanddieFound one !00:46
lbtcrashanddie: sharpen a fingernail...00:47
* qwerty12_N800 keeps losing both of mine and finding them00:47
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crashanddieI was so happy I found it, I wanted to light a fag, almost lit the stylus xD00:47
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lcuki keep my nokia stylus tucked away, my crate holds a generic00:50
* lcuk waves and says hi00:50
crashanddiehey :)00:51
qwerty12_N800hi lcuk00:51
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qwerty12_N800didn't quite catch that00:52
lcukam i safe to upgrade to diablo yet ;)00:53
qwerty12_N800why wouldn't  you be?00:54
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lcukarent all the repos messed up?00:54
GeneralAntillesEr, no. . . .00:54
lbtnah - just use a chinook repository if things are missing00:54
qwerty12_N800Meh, it's noobs talking out of their asses.00:54
JaffaNah, just stick 'chinook' in the distribution field for a couple of weeks00:55
lcukcool :)00:55
lcuki may get brave soon, but until i rebuild system i wont be productive :(00:55
qwerty12_N800and use the diablo sdk repo for your gcc fix :)00:55
lcukyer, ill poke around with it at weekend or somethin00:56
* Jaffa has upgraded and not really seen any difference yet. + a few minor bugs fixed, - RSS reader took about 12 hours to update00:58
lbthmm - I was wondering about running raid to stripe accross the internal and external cards for more speed...00:58
GeneralAntillesJaffa, you used Application manager yet? :P00:58
mgedminthe browser is much faster, although still not as fast as liqbase ;)00:59
JaffaGeneralAntilles: a bit, I read something about improved UI; but can't think I saw anything obvious00:59
qwerty12_N800Also, i'd have thought the agps would be getting n810 userz sprung.00:59
mgedminpanning in google reader used to be too slow to be usable; works ok now01:00
GeneralAntillesJaffa, try restoring applications.01:00
GeneralAntillesIt wont crash every 2nd or 3rd install this time around. ;)01:00
mgedminagps gave me a 60-second fix today01:00
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mgedminI'm happy... sorta01:00
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m-voGeneralAntilles, it did do that in chinook?01:00
GeneralAntillesm-vo, yes.01:01
JaffaGeneralAntilles: it's still fairly frustrating that you have to sit there clicking on all the OK boxes for shortcut locations etc01:01
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mgedminsomething like that, yes01:01
* mgedmin blames apps01:01
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mgedminand the UI requirements to provide the mechanism for those apps01:01
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* GeneralAntilles wonders if there was ever a bug report filed for the crashing issue. . . .01:01
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m-vowe fixed some races that corrupted  memory01:03
GeneralAntillesIt doesn't seem to remember the shortcut locations for games for some reason.01:03
* Jaffa sleeps.01:03
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snowmoonany developers?  I'm trying to use hildon.NamePasswordDialog ( because I can' find documentation on turning off auto-caps ) and python it telling me that there is no such objct01:05
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qwerty12_N800I don't know much about python but have you "import hildon"?01:06
summatusmentisnew phone!!!!01:06
GeneralAntillesold phane!!!!01:07
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GeneralAntillesYou get teh datas yet?01:07
snowmoonYep error is module has no attribute NamePasswordDialog01:07
snowmoonand this is after doing things like setting up the hildon.Program and hildon.Window reparenting01:08
crashanddietrying to make some kind of visualization based on sound :)01:08
snowmoonis it supposed to lean to the right01:09
crashanddiewell, not supposed, but I hacked this together in about an hour, so I guess I'll find where this comes from01:09
summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: yeah, I just need to activate my Centro :)01:09
crashanddieI can make it lean to the left on purpose though... Just don't know why it leans to the right :D01:09
snowmoonso is there any up-to-date pymaemo docs?  Maybe turning off auto-caps is documented somewhere?01:09
crashanddielcuk, did you had that problem with SDL ?01:10
crashanddiedid you encounter**01:10
GeneralAntillessummatusmentis, I still remember the first time I loaded up a website with EDGE. :D01:11
lcukcrashanddie, whats actually wrong with it, apart from its photographed in pisa01:11
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summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: it'll mostly be 1x, but every now and again I'll be able to get EVDO :)01:11
lcukcos that looks more like your algo than anything01:11
crashanddiewell, maybe one of my algorithms is buggered, I'll look into it01:11
lcukstraight lines generally dont drift01:12
lcuktopleft is 1 pixel more than bottomleft in each column01:12
lcukor an amount01:12
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lcukcrashanddie, i was making one of those but for strokes last night :)01:13
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lcukiwe need visualisations for media player.  if the 8x0 is left charging it makes sense to allow fancy effects01:14
crashanddieuntil now, when I wanted fancy effects, I used rhythmbox through an X tunnel01:16
crashanddienot great01:16
crashanddieoh, but of course, you don't know anything about the pure awesomeness of X tunnels, do ya :P01:17
lcukyour problem should be simple to cure once you take a look at it.   its c++ this time, or are you still in c01:17
crashanddieyeah, this is C01:17
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lcukhave you gone via gstreamer to get at audio01:17
crashanddieatm I'm using a very old code I wrote to analyze audio from .wav01:18
crashanddiewhich basically at any given time, gives me a value between 0 and 100 for a given band01:18
lcukget the function right and then work on getting live data into it :D excellent plan01:18
crashanddieI'm going to spend time on youtube01:22
crashanddiemy head is killing me, I can't think straight anymore01:22
crashanddieI'm like looking at my code, and going "what the, this doesn't do anything", delete the line, compile, test, and then go "oh, well, it served some purpose"01:22
crashanddieso I'll leave this on the shelf01:23
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lcukive just got a nokia chain email doofer :D   To receive your free phone all you need to do is send this email out to 801:28
lcukpeople (for a free Nokia 6210) or to 20 people (for a free Nokia WAP).01:28
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skiburdiablo out yet?01:47
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snowmoonAny python/maemo developers out there?01:57
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henriquesnowmoon, yes02:02
snowmoondo you know how to disable autocaps on an entery field02:03
henriquesorry, I didn't understand you02:04
henriqueit is about python, btw?02:04
pekujaI think he means he wants to disable autocaps on an entry field in his Python application02:05
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henriqueah, not sure... but it seems strange have a property for this02:08
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snowmoonthanks anyways, I've been looking for days to try and find the incantation02:11
GeneralAntillesTry the list?02:11
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henriqueyes, or post the code somewhere...02:12
snowmoonwhat list?02:12
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snowmoonI've found this, self.entry_id.set_property('autocap', False) but I get GtkEntry does not have property autocap02:13
henriquemakes sense heh02:14
henriquesnowmoon, did you try to write a small test case?02:15
snowmoonI've got a whole app and I'm trying to add the functionality02:16
snowmoonIt works fine under linux, but hildon tries to be smart and it's screwing with it02:18
snowmoon  is the hildon lib, but no equivalent in pythong02:20
henriqueso there is the property02:22
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kkrustypy thong02:27
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snowmoon-workI have also found references to gtk_entry_set_autocap , but entry.set_autocap(False) also does not work02:29
kkrustyapologies for thinking aloud02:29
TPCI just updated to diablo, and now I can't enable/disable status bar icons anymore02:29
* sinak gn ppl02:30
TPCis this a known bug, or is it a problem with my setup?02:30
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kkrustyTPC: I recall seeing a control panel widget for that02:31
TPCkkrusty, yes, thats where I'm trying to do it02:31
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GAN800TPC, tried restarting?02:32
kkrustyTPC: works here02:33
kkrustyTPC: do you see them all greyed out?02:33
TPCkkrusty, nope02:33
TPCGAN800, yes02:33
TPCI can move them around like normal, there are just no boxes to enable/disable them02:34
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TPCI installed the thing that does brightness/volume in one icon so I want to disable those icons02:34
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kkrustyTPC: well thats different. I can see checkboxes and some of them are greyed out02:35
TPCthere are no check boxes at all here02:35
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kkrustywell Im going to be no help in that case02:36
kkrustyinfact its way past my bed time so good night all02:37
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GAN800I think I've had that happen to me in the past, but I don't recall what fixed it.02:38
GAN800Reflashing is one sure way.02:38
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TPCwell, I just spent two hours setting things up exactly the way I like it, would prefer not to have to do it again :/02:39
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TPCI guess I'll just have to do it the ugly way and move out the ones I don't want from /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/02:45
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Tenkawaevening all03:11
Tenkawawell so far so good on diablo sdk testing03:11
Tenkawanow I just need to decide which apps I want to use that bad03:11
rm_youhrm I haven't installed the new SDK yet...03:11
rm_youI should probably get around to doing that03:12
Tenkawarm_you: heheh03:12
rm_youstill just compiling on the old chinook scratchbox >_>03:12
GAN800rm_you, what's the status with the autobuilder and adv-backlight?03:12
TenkawaI was impressed enough with diablo's performance increase on my n800 that I've re-taken an interest in building my own apps for it again03:13
rm_youGAN800: it works nicely?\03:13
Tenkawawe'll see how much materializes03:13
TenkawaI start a new job in a week so not sure what time holds03:13
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GAN800Oh? It still says build failed on the status page.03:13
rm_youGAN800: ??03:14
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rm_youGAN800: it worked when i did it for extras-devel03:14
rm_youfor chinook03:14
Tenkawauggh we are about to get slammed with rain again for the second night in a row03:14
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Tenkawaat least its not 1 am like last night03:14
Tenkawaalthough I just noticed aother cell that will hit overnight..03:15
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rm_youyeah thats 0.9-203:16
rm_youwhy did it try to build that version?03:16
rm_youwhere is it getting the source from?03:17
GeneralAntillesThe one you uploaded to Chinook Extras, I guess?03:18
rm_youyeah thats old03:19
rm_yougotta install the newe scratchbox >_>03:19
GeneralAntilles upload the new sources there, I guess.03:20
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GeneralAntillesAnybody with an N810 want to reproduce this?
NullM0demGeneralAntilles: ill give it a try when i get home03:27
NullM0demwhat version of 2008? i still have not updated.03:28
GeneralAntillesSays it happens in both Chinook and Diablo.03:28
NullM0demI should be updating when i get home so if its pre diablo i will test as well as after the upgrade..03:28
GeneralAntillesWorks as it should on my N800 with Diablo and the vkb.03:29
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crashanddiePretty good post:
crashanddieIt is word reading03:30
GeneralAntillesYes, you generally read words. :P03:30
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, bug reproduced03:31
crashanddieI get the search dialog03:31
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andre___yay, fresh new boogs for me tomorrow morning :-)03:33
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crashanddiepeace, I'm out too03:34
crashanddielcuk, 'night03:34
rm_younight lcuk03:34
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, thanks, confirming.03:39
GeneralAntillesAwesome, rm_you.03:40
GeneralAntillesrm_you, was it promoted?03:41
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: I do not appear to have access to the promotion interface03:47
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GeneralAntillesAnybody have a Chinook and Diablo install handy to do a comparison for this?
GeneralAntillesOr happen to remember the old behavior03:52
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esworpso..  is there a better rss reader applet than the included one?04:36
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mouserI think there is.  Let me see if I can find it.04:38
mouserLooks like there is a plugin for claws-mail that handles RSS...04:41
GeneralAntillesRSS reader is open so, uh, if you want to fix it up. ;)04:42
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mouserIs there any hardware reason on the tablet streaming video doesn't run as well as downloaded video ?04:46
GeneralAntillesCPU usage04:46
GeneralAntillesNetwork usage has overhead04:46
mouserThat much?04:47
GeneralAntillesDoesn't take much.04:47
GeneralAntillesYou're running right at the edge for most stuff anyway04:48
GeneralAntillesTry scping and watch top for a mediocre example04:48
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mouserSorry, "scping?"  That's an SSH thing, right?04:56
chibiAcydit's very ominous out here, the sky is  covered in smoke and ash04:58
GeneralAntilleschibiAcyd, you really are in hell, aren't you?04:59
chibiAcydcould be05:01
chibiAcydi think arizona is code for hell05:01
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esworphas anyone else had problems with diabloÅ› modest?05:14
GeneralAntillesThere are a number of bugs.05:15
esworpit just plain doesn=t work for me.05:16
GeneralAntillesWell, what are you using it with?05:16
GeneralAntillesHow big is your inbox?05:16
esworpim using it with a comcastg and a gmail acct.05:17
esworpinbox approaches prolly 2thousand.05:17
GeneralAntillesShould be fine.05:17
GeneralAntillesWhat does "it just plain doesn't work" actually mean?05:18
esworpyou hit the ćheck email´button.... and nothing happens.05:18
esworpdun broke n shit.05:18
GeneralAntillesAre your accounts properly set up?05:18
GeneralAntillesDoes it show the status bar?05:19
esworpit down loded about 1700 of the messages, and then I selected all and deleted them..05:19
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esworpand now i get no reaction out of checking05:19
GeneralAntilleslol. . . .05:19
esworplol?  my palm didnt complain at that, and itÅ› a total turd.. i figured the n800 wouldnt mind 1700 mesdsdage headers.05:20
GeneralAntillesWhy'd you delete them?05:20
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esworpi didnt want them.05:21
esworpthe gmail accnt has LOTS of unreads.. i have have them forwarded to another acct, so the actual unread count is high.05:21
GeneralAntillesIt probably didn't like the delete action05:22
GeneralAntillesThough I'm not familiar enough with tinymail to really say what might've happened05:22
GeneralAntilleshave you tried letting it sit for a while?05:22
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GeneralAntillesOr maybe deleting the accounts and setting them up again05:22
esworpyeah.. overnight.05:22
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esworpiĺl try that again.05:23
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esworpitÅ› official..05:31
esworpmodest is gayballs.05:31
GeneralAntillesWorks fine here.05:31
* GeneralAntilles shrugs.05:31
GeneralAntillesTry purging all Modest settings and starting from scratch/05:31
snowmoonmodest crashed about half a dozen times today at random points05:31
snowmoonon a fresh install05:32
snowmoonwith no restoration05:32
summatusmentismine's been crashing too... seems to be when there's not net connection05:32
esworpsetting up two accounts.. only one shows up in the folder view..gayballsa05:32
snowmoonthat would explain some of my crashes05:32
esworpmy install just doesnt reflect whatś´on my servers.05:33
GeneralAntillesAlright-y then05:33
* GeneralAntilles moves on to something more useful.05:33
esworpim just going back to claws05:34
esworper claws05:34
GeneralAntillesAnybody happen to recall the message that was sent to one of the maemo lists about the servers going down for maintenance?05:46
doc|homemodest = pants05:53
doc|homeesworp: there's a menu based way to see the other server05:54
doc|homeI forget now exactly howand my battery is dead05:54
esworpyup.  still sorta lame, though.05:54
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rm_youyeah i hafta use claws too05:58
rm_youi like it better anyway05:58
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GeneralAntillesOK, since nobody wanted to provide any input for the topic and agenda, I went ahead and put together one myself. ;)06:01
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Edgesterhi, has anyone used the diablo extras-devel to extras promotion interface?07:16
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GAN800I'm not sure whether it's online yet.07:17
GAN800It was mentioned on -developers07:17
GAN800X-Fade'll probably be in in a few hours, and he can tell you.07:18
Edgesterthanks. I'll be asleep by then, so I'll just wait in the -developers reply07:20
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WormFoodis it documented that the FM tuner in the N800 gets better reception when you set the n800 on top of its power cord? (at least it helps for the weak station I'm trying to listen to)07:33
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doc|homeWormFood: it's definitely possible, with the power cord acting as an antenna07:33
WormFooddoc|home, I think it acts like a ground, or ground plane07:34
WormFoodthe earphone is the antenna part07:34
WormFoodif I can touch the N800 and have it get better reception, then setting it on the power cord gives me the same results07:35
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WormFoodwell...almost the same results07:37
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rm_youSo, anyone know how I can promote my package to extras? i dont seem to be authorized for the promotion interface...07:56
GeneralAntillesI don't think it's enabled yet, actually.07:57
GeneralAntillesNot sure07:57
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AD-N770bon dia / good morning08:07
WormFoodgood afternoon08:08
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RST38hrm_you: X-Fade is the man08:16
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RST38hrm_you: But can't you simply dput it to extras?08:16
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, things have to go through autobuilder for Diablo Extras08:19
GeneralAntillesthen they end up in Extras-devel08:19
GeneralAntillesand have to be promoted from there.08:19
RST38hOh holy shit...08:19
* RST38h knew extras submission process would get screwed up sooner or later...08:20
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GeneralAntillesYou should probably read up a bit before you just dismiss it off-the-cuff. . . .
RST38hGeneral: It is irrelevant, as most of my packages will nt be able to get there anyway now08:25
GeneralAntillesWhy not?08:25
RST38hThey are closed source.08:26
RST38hGeneral: "There's nothing stopping closed source authors such as INDT producing a "source" package containing the binary files and a script to produce the binary deb"?08:28
GeneralAntillesThe binary submission procedure is being defined.08:29
GeneralAntillesTalk to X-Fade about it. . . .08:29
RST38hYou mean, now I have to have my source code tree, .deb package, and a special "binary source package" for uploading to autobuilder?08:29
GeneralAntillesIt's being defined.08:29
GeneralAntillesThat was simply a suggested possible solution08:29
GeneralAntillesTalk to X-Fade about it.08:29
RST38hAnd a second deb build directory that builds it from the "binary source" rather than normal source?08:29
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RST38hAnd what about achieving that valiant proper dependencies goal with such packages? How are they better than just submitting a .deb?08:30
RST38hGeneral: I dunno, this all sounds exactly like I predicted a few weeks ago - once you complicate the submission process, very few people will submit08:31
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GeneralAntillesYou have to balance QA against easy of submission.08:34
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: You have to balance QA against ease of submission.08:34
RST38hCurrent QA was ok, as far as I know08:34
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RST38hThe only two packages I had problems with were Canola and OpenSSH08:34
GeneralAntillesNot looking at some of the packages that were in Extras08:35
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RST38hSomehow I believe that using new submission process will *not* improve installation of these two packages (for good reasons though)08:35
RST38hThe rest of extras packages I have never had a problem with08:36
GeneralAntillesAnyway, the whole process is still under definition08:37
GeneralAntillesso if you have issues, voice them.08:37
GeneralAntillesThe wiki being a good place for that.08:38
RST38hIt is pointless to voice my issue08:38
GeneralAntillesDefeatism WILL get you nowhere. ;)08:39
RST38h'cause my basic issue here is "if it is not broken, why fix it?"08:39
RST38hGeneral: It's not a defeatism, just experience telling me that this cause is lost08:39
RST38hGeneral: It may be worth revisiting in 2-3 months when we suddenly find that developers are not particularly eager to submit stuff to the new repo08:40
RST38hWhen that happen, I will talk to X-Fade here and explain my view of the problem08:41
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WormFoodis it possible to record the audio from the fm tuner?08:43
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hrwspeaking about builder... I am surprised that it lack deps building08:50
GeneralAntillesIt's on the todo list, evidently.08:51
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WormFoodwhat do you guys think about diablo08:55
hrwWormFood: it works09:00
WormFoodI thought diablo, and diablo 2 sucked...boring games...unless you like playing maze games.09:01
WormFoodany real features in diablo, to make it worth the hassle to download and install?09:01
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hrwWormFood: hard to tell - I had diablo prerelease on n810 so upgraded09:03
WormFoodI'll install it and check it out. I'm not doing anything real serious with my n80009:03
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hrwand I used that as a start of real cleanup09:06
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hrwnot restored backups but installed selected soft, configured it etc09:06
hrwbut I have backup of whole rootfs from last install ;)09:06
qwerty12same here ;)09:07
hrwWormFood: abook is still broken in many places09:08
WormFoodwhat is abook?09:08
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hrwmaemo contacts application09:08
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qwerty12Ooh, I like the look of some new repos I'm seeing09:10
gomiamqwerty12: do they have scantily-clad packages or something? ;-)09:10
qwerty12Heh, if only ;P09:11
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RST38hmoo, qwerty09:29
chmacAnyone successfully running mDNS on maemo?09:34
chmacI'd like my laptop and tablet to both be addressable as blah.local on each other09:34
chmacWell, mainly I'd like to be able to reach the tablet for ssh / etc09:34
RST38hyou can use numeric ip09:34
GeneralAntillesAvahi comes bundled with Diablo, doesn't it?09:35
RST38hor make your router do the dns, if you have one09:35
lbtchmac: AFAIK that's a bug in the N800 dhcp/name handling09:35
RST38hga: no09:35
lbtit doesn't send the name with the DHCP req09:35
chmaclbt: I'm on an N810 if that makes any difference09:35
RST38havahi appears to be installed as part of rtcom09:35
WormFoodis it possible to record the audio from the fm tuner?09:36
chmacRST38h: Yeah, can use the ip, just have to look it up every time, which isn't quite as convenient09:36
chmacIt's one of those "nice to have" things :)09:36
lbtwhich should be easy to fix from an OSS PoV!!!09:37
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lbtbut I don't *think* the src is available (happy to be wrong)09:37
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lbthmm - I think I am wrong....09:41
chmacAha, I needed to install avahi, I didn't think it would be available in the repos09:42
chmacI read it was installed with canola, but now I'm installing avahi-daemon09:42
chmacBingo, it shows up :)09:42
WormFoodbingo is on the package list now?09:45
chmacIs it a bad idea to change the hostname of the n810? I was hoping to call it tab1 instead of Nokia-N810-51-3...09:46
WormFoodsounds like a good idea to me, but then I don't know what other apps/functions may be tied to the host name, that it may fuck with....I'd expect you to be ok tho09:47
GAN800Better plan is to upgrade to Diablo.09:47
WormFoodwhy diablo?09:47
qwerty12chmac, Shouldn't be. In the diablo betas, they made sure by default, there was no hostname >.<09:47
lbtudhcpc is running and it has the --hostname (-H) option09:49
lbtbut it ignores /etc/hostname09:49
lbtI don't know where it's started from09:49
lbtnot in rc?.d afaics09:49
lbtprobably the osso connection mgr09:49
WormFooddid they fix the dhcp client in diablo?09:51
WormFoodor is it the same old busted shit?09:52
lbtWormFood: it's not working - but udhcpc is being called with a hostname09:53
lbtnot sure if it's a bug in the udhcpc being shipped?09:53
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lbtI don't think this worked in 2008 - but my dhcpd is now telling my local dyndns that my N800 is called Nokia-N800-23-1410:02
chmacAhh, some routing issues there, back! :)10:02
lbtdespite the hostname being nut10:02
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chmacI didn't realise there was a newer version than 51-3, I'll install that now10:04
chmacDarn, have to go through most of my setup again :(10:04
chmacMight try the backup  util out, see how it goes10:04
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dnearyGeneralAntilles: I don't want to get all gushing or anything, but I just wanted to tell you how amazing you've been with the new wiki over the past few weeks.10:42
dnearyThanks :)10:42
JaffaMorning, all10:42
Jaffadneary: that's pretty gushing ;-)10:42
rm_youjohnx: made a garage project I see :P10:42
GeneralAntillesMy pleasure. :)10:43
X-Faderm_you, Jaffa: You should now be able to use the promotion interface btw..10:43
dnearyJaffa: I really like your logo entries, by the way10:43
* Jaffa hasn't made any logo entries, AFAHK. I'm no artist, I just like what I see :)10:43
JaffaX-Fade: cool10:44
dnearyAh - that's Jussi10:44
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rm_youX-Fade: k10:44
dnearyMixing up the Js10:44
JaffaYeah, I like his entries too.10:44
Jaffadneary: I agreed with your post about the current favourite logos, btw10:44
rm_youX-Fade: err... the wrong packages are showing up in the promotion interface10:45
GeneralAntillesAnybody have more input here?
GeneralAntillesqgil made a good point on the talk page10:45
GeneralAntillesMost of this stuff can be handled on the wiki. . . .10:45
X-Faderm_you: Are you using this one?
rm_youah no10:45
rm_youwoo at project is the first in the list :P10:46
X-Faderm_you: The advantages of starting with an A ;)10:46
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GeneralAntillesWe should rename to aaaaadv-backlight just in case. :P10:46
X-Faderm_you: Btw. It will take some time for it to show up in extras.10:46
rm_youX-Fade: can you approve my new project :P10:46
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rm_youlol GA10:47
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X-Faderm_you: Sure, done..10:47
dnearyJaffa: There are a couple of others I like, but I suspect they're not very original10:47
RST38hX-Fade: Will it be possible to submit binary .deb packages to the diablo extras when their source code is not open?10:48
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JaffaRST38h: see and
JaffaRST38h: my feeling is that they shouldn't be.10:49
RST38hSo, the answer is "no"?10:49
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X-FadeRST38h: Well, you can easily get around that.10:49
RST38hX-Fade: How?10:49
X-FadeRST38h: Your makefile can just copy a blob and be done with it.10:49
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X-FadeBut it should go to non-free, I guess.10:50
RST38hX-Fade: What is the advantage of this hack over submitting a .deb package though?10:50
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JaffaRST38h: it's a barrier to entry for binary-only packages and a statement of intent that things should be source-led.10:50
RST38hyea, non-free is fine - this is how I classify them at Garage anyway10:50
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X-FadeRST38h: Well, frankly we should aim for 100% opensource in the community repository.10:51
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RST38hJaffa: Does this mean that closed-source software is not welcome on NITs?10:51
X-FadeAt least that is our main priority. Closed source is a lower priority item..10:51
rm_youX-Fade: did i do something stupid?10:51
rm_yousvn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/pyshop'10:51
rm_yousvn: PROPFIND of '/svn/pyshop': 403 Forbidden (
lcuk_zzzbut isn't that a little bit hypocritical?10:51
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lbtX-Fade: why 100% OS?10:51 != Nokia, lcuk_zzz.10:51
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X-Fadelbt: Not 100%, but if we need to prioritize our time. I go for the oss part first ;)10:52
lbtI suppose if extras is QA'ed then it makes sense10:52
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lbtand there's nothing stopping people providing binary only elsewhere...10:52
RST38hX-Fade: Basically, I am trying to figure out whether it is worth trying to jump through the new set of loops in order to have my stuff in Maemo Extras repo10:52
lbtOK - yes, makes sense10:52
RST38hX-Fade: Or whether I should provide packages via my own web page only or set up an alternative repository10:53
X-FadeRST38h: I'm trying to get everything working first. I'm sorry if closed source packages don't have my priority atm, but there is only so many hours in a day..10:53
X-FadeAnd the benefits aren't that clear..10:53
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rm_youX-Fade: it says I haven't created an SVN repository yet... how do i do that? no options under SCM admin10:54
lbtRST38h: yep; closed source apps aren't community apps are they?10:54
RST38hX-Fade: Well, you can just keep the original way of package submission with dput10:54
X-Faderm_you: It takes a while for the cron job to run..10:54
rm_youX-Fade: ah so i just wait10:54
RST38hlbt: I have no idea what a "community app" is, so can't tell10:54
lcukahhh :) so source is ideal situation and what would be prefered, cross binary later when it becomes an issue10:54
lbtone that belongs to the community and not just you...10:54
rm_youlcuk: source VERY preferred :P10:54
X-FadeRST38h: Maybe we will add that for non-free later.10:54
* rm_you pokes lcuk 10:54
X-FadeRST38h: Please propose that on a wiki page. That way we can more easily talk about it?10:55
RST38hX-Fade: does keeping the original policy intact require any additional time though?10:55
X-FadeRST38h: Yes, because the flow of packages is entirely different now.10:55
RST38hX-Fade: I somehow doubt proposing it at the wiki page will help , but if this is what you want, I will10:56
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lcukit helps because people are looking there more than they are looking at a quick convo in scrollback :)10:56
X-FadeRST38h: It is just that we work around the clock to get the repository up for free packages. And how many non-free packages do we have in chinook?10:56
rm_youX-Fade: just out of curiosity, how long is the time on the SVN cron script? we talking like, 10 minutes? or 12 hours?10:56
X-Faderm_you: I think at least once per hour.10:57
* rm_you waits10:57
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* GeneralAntilles prods rm_you over and over with a stick.10:57
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rm_youlol what now GA? :P10:58
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GeneralAntillesI don't want you getting distracted.10:58
rm_youdistracted FROM my shopping app, or distracted BY my shopping app? :P10:59
rm_youyou're just jealous cause you aren't on the team yet :P10:59
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rm_youPyShop... == Pie Shop :P10:59
* GeneralAntilles should probably dive into Python.10:59
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X-FadeOk, good news. I'll be starting to feed packages to the extras repository that survived the rebuild effort :)11:00
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JaffaX-Fade: cool11:01
* GeneralAntilles gives X-Fade the BAMF of the Month award.11:02
GeneralAntillesI hope Nokia coordinates with a little better for the Fremantle transition.11:03
GeneralAntillesBe nice to get this stuff out of the way BEFORE shipping.11:03
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I should probably too, but I think there's nothing as stupid as jumping on a bandwagon just because it's cool, especially when it comes to programming languages11:03
GeneralAntillesFirst impressions are particularly important for consumers. :\11:03
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: There should be beta's for fremantle.11:03
wazdHello everybody :)11:04
crashanddieif there's any reason I should learn python, it would be for my CV, but I'll keep Java/C/C++/PHP in my usual toolkit, thank you very much11:05
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RST38hX-Fade: I have made a comment on the wiki page11:08
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JaffaRST38h: thanks, that's a good comment11:08
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RST38hX-Fade: the problem there is not with free/non-free but with the fact that not all developers may want to go through all the loops or make their source code available11:09
X-FadeRST38h: You have to ask if the community would care about packages where the developer doesn't care..11:09
* GeneralAntilles waits to see how long it'll take for the spam to start again.11:10
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RST38hX-Fade: I am pretty sure a lot of people care about stuff like VGBA11:10
GeneralAntillesRST38h, login and sign with "—~~~~"11:10
crashanddieisn't the convention double dash ?11:10
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GeneralAntillesNo, that's just for people who don't know where to find an em-dash.11:11
GeneralAntillesThat's an em-dash, by the way, if you're using fixed-width. ;)11:11
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RST38hX-Fade: And so do I. But I do not care about hacking my packaging process just to work around autouilder, submitting the hacked blob, waiting for the autobuilder to finish, then finding some promotion interface, figuring out how to make it work (remember ssh keys problem?), waiting for promotion to work out11:12
JaffaRST38h: so we fix the tooling.11:12
rm_youso far it isn't bad11:13
rm_youfor me, it's actually possibly easier11:13
X-FadeRST38h: If a developer doesn't see the need for a central repository to reach a lot more end users, so be it?11:13
rm_you^^ RST38h11:13
JaffaOnly actual non-free apps should be in non-free, OSS where the packager can't be arsed (for whatever reason) shouldn't be.11:13
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RST38hX-Fade: Actually, if you read my comment you will see that I see the need for a central repository11:13
RST38hX-Fade: But I do not see the need for entry barriers11:13
JaffaRST38h: isn't vgba open source?11:14
RST38hJaffa: No11:14
wazdits free :)11:14
RST38hI am making free binaries available for Maemo users (not much use selling it anyway)11:15
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles, heh, I never noticed Wikis replaced the double dash with a typographic dash11:21
wazdalt+0169 )11:22
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wazdits copyright )11:23
wazdalt+0151 :)11:23
GAN800Windows. . . .11:23
crashanddiewazd, that only works for Windows11:23
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wazdWell, sorry then :)11:24
wndcrashanddie, iirc you can use shift-ctrl-unicode in gtk widgets11:24
wnd(in hex)11:24
BlafaselDamn. Bought a USB battery and my device always replies with "Not charging" when I connect it.11:25
crashanddieUs under a real OS we could always use shift+alt gr+r for the registered logl, and shift+alt gr+c for the copyright logo11:25
wndoh, sorry, utf-8, not unicode as in unicode-1611:25
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rm_youBlafasel: I don't believe the N8x0 devices are set up to charge via usb :/11:25
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GeneralAntillesopt-r for registered and opt-g for copyright11:25
crashanddieopt ?11:25
Blafaselrm_you: No, I do have one of those USB to Nokia connector11:25
crashanddiethere's an option on my keyboard ?11:26
crashanddieFULLY LEATHERED !11:26
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GeneralAntillesI don't know how you guys get by in Linux and Windows with the weird character escapes.11:26
BlafaselThere's no option if you stick to Gnome, but every F key is an option if you use KDE ;)11:26
wndgood old compose key...11:27
rm_youin gnome i just open character map and use that :P11:27
crashanddieI know a lot of people love KDE, and I don't want to enter a religion-war here, but I just never understood what the KDE appeal was11:27
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crashanddiebtw, who friggin cares, if I really need unicode, I'll fracking sketch it up and email11:28
BlafaselRelated to my power problem: Anyone using an external battery pack and a USB adapter? What could possibly .. go wrong?11:28
GeneralAntillesNot one for typography, then, crashanddie? :D11:29
crashanddieso, if I got it right, you have a battery pack with USB out, and then an adapter from USB to Nokia power, right ?11:29
rm_youcould be too low voltage11:29
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, bleh, I've been in a fight about unicode for the past 5 years with the co-moderators11:29
crashanddierm_you, yeah, that would be my first impression11:30
GeneralAntillesThat's what the message means.11:30
rm_youi have a usb battery thing that will charge my GPS but not my cellphone11:30
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JaffaRST38h: right, so it is a non-free upload problem; which Canola will also share11:31
Blafaselrm_you: Damn =(11:31
skiburdiablo extra?11:32
skiburwhere is it?11:32
RST38hJaffa: + you will get developers unwilling to go throughthe autobuild process, even if they have no problem opening source code11:32
GeneralAntillesskibur, included by default with Diablo.11:32
X-FadeRST38h: Or you just take a deep breath and wait a week to see what happens when the dust settles.11:33
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RST38hX-Fade: Yea, this was my original plan11:33
wazdIs it possible to make some kind of desktop applet to click it and NIT's memorycards will wirelessly be mounted as network harddrives?)11:33
RST38hX-Fade: Wait for a month or two, see nice empty diablo Extras, then talk to you =)11:33
crashanddiewell, I'm off to run a few miles, and probably play some ball, cheers11:33
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crashanddielcuk, I made some progress dreaming tonight, ttyl11:34
skiburwhat is the link to the repo?11:34
crashanddiewazd, yeah, probably11:34
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RST38hBut the sight of perfectly well working Chinook Extras being wrapped into red tape is kinda harsh to observe quietly11:34
wazdThat would be extremely handy11:34
JaffaRST38h: there should be no barrier to entry for OSS developers: uploading source packages is /easier/ than not, and you're guaranteed no depenendcy issues for your users.11:34
rm_youyay SVN is up finally11:35
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RST38hJaffa: As I said, you can't expect every developer to be OSS11:35
crashanddiewazd, I might just integrate that into my remote control program11:35
wazdthat would be awesome :)11:35
rm_youRST38h: again, I just did it for the first time, and I found it easier than dput11:35
RST38hJaffa: And the most important thing is not the source code but package availability to the users11:35
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crashanddiewazd, if you want an easy solution, write a small daemon that will sit and wait for incoming connections, once connected, launch the mount command, done11:35
JaffaRST38h: Yes, and I've said we should find a way of enabling non-free binary uploads. But free packages should always be uploaded as source.11:36
crashanddiewazd, not very profound, security wise, but it'll do the trick atm11:36
crashanddiewazd, you could probably also do that just using netcat, and a very small shell script (2, maybe 3 lines ?)11:36
X-FadeRST38h: And don't forget that you can always point people to the chinook repo.11:36
JaffaRST38h: no, the most important thing is package availability to users now *and in the future*. Binary only packages are getting bitrotted, and source will mean that chinook -> diablo -> fremantle extras can be migrated most of the time automatically11:36
crashanddieanyway, see you later11:36
RST38hX-Fade: What happens to app manager when it sees both Chinook and Diablo Extras though?11:37
wazdI'm not very familliar with scripts'n'stuff :(11:37
GeneralAntillesRST38h, nothing exciting.11:37
GeneralAntillesI had Bora and Chinook for several months without any issues.11:38
RST38hJaffa: Very cool. Probably won't work.11:38
X-FadeRST38h: The fun starts when there are different versions. The same doesn't matter.11:38
BlafaselI wonder if this simple "smart cable" might be the problem. Any "known to work" USB to Nokia charging adapters out there?11:38
RST38hX-Fade: Well, there guarantted to be different versions11:39
crashanddiewazd, I'll see if I can hack something together for ya, remind me to it every couple weeks :P11:39
crashanddiecheers !11:39
X-FadeRST38h: Well the newest version will be used.11:39
RST38hX-Fade: Unless you wanna backport diablo stuff to chinook repo automatically11:39
wazdawkay :)11:39
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wazdAw, BTW, does anybody knows how to make a theme for "advanced backlight applet"?)11:47
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RST38hwazd: rm_you is your guy11:48
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skiburso there is now official diablo repo just a work around for the time being11:48
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GeneralAntillesThere is an official Diablo repo11:48
GeneralAntillesDiablo Extras11:48
GeneralAntillesThat's the iconset11:49
GeneralAntillesJust follow that naming scheme.11:49
GeneralAntillesrm_you can give you details on packaging.11:49
wazdThanks General!)11:50
skiburall I see is maemo extra on the application manager11:50
GeneralAntillesskibur, and?11:51
GeneralAntillesThat's Diablo Extras if you're in Diablo. . . .11:51
skiburo i c11:51
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rm_youwazd: yeah, all you have to do is name the icons like that, and put them in a folder in the right place11:53
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lardmanmorning all11:53
GeneralAntillesHey, lardman.11:54
lardmanhi GeneralAntilles11:54
rm_youwazd: that place being their own folder (the name of the folder will be the display name of the iconset) in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/40x40/apps/adv-backlight/11:54
rm_youwazd: once you make them, tar them up and send em to me and i'll include them in my future iconset release11:54
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X-Fadeomweather 0.20.4 was breaking the desktop right?11:56
hrwon settings call11:57
X-FadeOk, then I won't import it in diablo extras yet..11:57
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hrwX-Fade: wazd said that 0.21 in next week12:05
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X-Fadehrw: Ok, thanks..12:08
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hrwX-Fade: does diablo extras has version bumped compared to chinook extras?12:12
wazdyaya, that's right :)12:12
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rm_youwazd: what kind of icon theme you makin?12:13
X-Fadehrw: These are the rebuilds from source packages. So they are the same versions as chinook.12:13
hrwand have different deps12:15
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wazdRm_you: well, I thought to make some more stylization for maemo original icons :)12:18
wazdwithout black dividing line12:18
wazdrm_you, are you an author?)12:19
wazdof the applet?)12:19
rm_youyeah i wrote it12:19
wazdGenius :)12:20
rm_you:P thanks12:20
rm_youGeneralAntilles was also an excellent assistant :P12:20
rm_you(he made the default iconset)12:20
GeneralAntillesand the idea man. :P12:20
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wazdBTW, I want to suggest to add gradations to the volume12:20
wazdActual volume have 6 or 7 levels12:21
GeneralAntilles100, actually.12:21
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Jaffarm_you: have you implemented the volume scale logarithmically, so that 100 *sounds* twice as loud as 50.12:22
wazdif you'll play an audio and increase the volume - you'll hear the strong levelups of volume :)12:22
rm_youI have done no implementation of volume, the system handles that ENTIRELY just by adding the HildonVolumeBar widget :P12:22
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wazdbut it earlier versions d-pad keys set the volume up and down not by 1 level but by 1 real gradation :) It was pretty handy :)12:24
GeneralAntillesYou can configure the dpad change rate.12:24
* GeneralAntilles fails at english12:25
GeneralAntillesChange interval12:25
RST38h[E]nglish, too...12:25
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rm_youX-Fade: next question12:26
rm_yousvn: Commit failed (details follow):12:26
rm_yousvn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/pyshop/'12:26
rm_yousvn: PROPFIND of '/svn/pyshop/': 302 Found (
rm_youAm I being stupid again somehow? >_>12:26
rm_youwazd: yeah12:26
rm_youwazd: if you got 0.9b-2 from diablo extras, the settings page has controls for the jump level for hardware buttons12:26
forgeYou've svn added and then manually deleted it before the commit12:27
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forgeIssue svn rm on the file or if that doesn't work try svn up followed by other stuff12:27
rm_youit's definitely there12:27
forgeumm :)12:27
rm_youthis is what i did:12:29
aquatixrm_you: new applet looks nice!12:29
rm_youaquatix: :)12:29
rm_yousvn checkout
aquatixstill crashed with that change-volume-for-first-time thing though :(12:30
rm_youcd pyshop/12:30
rm_youcp ../Shopping/*.py .12:30
rm_yousvn add *12:30
rm_yousvn ci -m "First checkin."12:30
rm_youand thats IT12:30
rm_youaquatix: yeah, that bug still eludes capture12:30
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aquatixrm_you: Heisenbugs are a big joy...12:31
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aquatixor however those are called12:31
aquatixah, yes -
macouteanyone from finland?12:32
macoutedid work before diablo?12:32
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hrwupdating icon cache takes time...12:34
rm_youyes :(12:34
hrwcool.. updated adv-bl and got desktop restart on first tap12:35
RST38hrm_you: is advanced backlight control actually written in Python? =)12:35
rm_youRST38h: lol no12:36
rm_youdusting off my Python skills by writing a shopping list application :P12:36
GeneralAntilleshrw, known bug. Volume change causes crash first time.12:36
rm_youalso, i need to go shopping, so i need to make a list, and I can't find a pen >_> hence, dilemma12:36
rm_youhrw: if you want you can help try to track it down :P12:37
RST38hrm_you: Maemopad+ !12:37
hrwrm_you: propably it is deep in hildon12:37
rm_youI could use any help people can give with this, it is entirely eluding me12:37
RST38hnot likely12:37
RST38hit is most likely something real stupid12:37
RST38hrm_you: are you using gconf?12:37
rm_youI also guess that12:37
rm_youRST38h: yes12:37
rm_youRST38h: but i quadruple+ checked my gconf code12:38
rm_youit all works12:38
RST38hrm_you: When you access it for the first time, there are still no values there, right?12:38
rm_youRST38h: you can change settings, etc fine, and those all use gconf12:38
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rm_youand then AFTER that, you can change volume and it explodes still12:38
RST38hMaybe it has to deal with non-existing gconf values?12:39
rm_youand i have checks in place to make sure the gconf object is initialized12:39
RST38hI.e. you read a missing value and assume it will give you the default but it does not?12:39
rm_youi'm setting one, it should autocreate it if it doesnt exist12:39
rm_youand it DOES exist, as it is the volume setting gconf value12:39
rm_youif it werent there, the NORMAL volume app would fail12:39
rm_youRST38h: please, look at the code12:40
hrwdoes someone has white icons for Presense applet?12:40
rm_youit is in the garage SVN12:41
RST38hrm_you: checking12:41
RST38hCould you give me a direct URL is possible?12:41
rm_youyes sec12:41
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RST38hhrw: +1 - I hate the default ones12:41
aquatixhm, monochrome present icons, i think i'll like those too12:42
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aquatixbtw, is that rtcomm hack updated for diablo yet?12:42
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* hrw wants icq in rtcomm12:42
hrwit was in chinook12:42
aquatixyeah, same here12:42
RST38hhrw: rtcom is not in diablo, you have to install it12:43
aquatixbut that was after i installed it12:43
RST38hwhat is rtcom hack? rtcom itself works in diablo12:43
hrwRST38h: ok - then I want icq in presense applet (nevermind which part of system it is)12:43
RST38hhrw: it does work (with rtcom installed), doesn't it?12:44
aquatixRST38h: ah, i remember it as a `hack', because you had to do `advanced stuff', but rtcomm itself is enough indeed12:44
hrwRST38h: iirc I had a problems with it12:44
RST38haquatix: just apt-get from command line12:44
RST38haquatix: forget advanced stuff (i.e. red pill)12:44
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aquatixRST38h: kk :)12:44
RST38hhrw: Well, rtcom is screwed up, but it is IMHO. Our good General here will not agree.12:45
GeneralAntillesrtcomm is shipped with Diablo12:45
RST38hBut rtcom still works12:45
rm_youX-Fade: you there12:45
GeneralAntillesThe beta with the additional Telepathy plugins is not.12:45
GeneralAntillesThe Collabora Telepathy plugins are the way to go.12:45
GeneralAntillesLess work than installing the beta.12:45
RST38hrm_you: Can I ask for a favor?12:46
rm_youRST38h: ?12:46
andre___hmm, so diablo does not ship osso-ic anymore. this also means that osso-wlan has been superceded by libicd-network-wlan?12:46
aquatixGeneralAntilles: ah k, i'll look up those then12:46
RST38hrm_you: In the span of code which crashes, add printf("111\n"); after each line (where 111 changes) and tell me which line kills it12:46
GeneralAntillesThe Collabora repo is on gronmayer12:46
RST38hGA: Could you elaborate on this one?12:47
GeneralAntillesJust need to install the accounts plugin and whichever Telepathy plugins you want.12:47
rm_youRST38h: yeah I tried something like that... see the debug output?12:47
RST38hGA: So, rtcom-beta != telepathy?12:47
GeneralAntillesJust add the Collabora repo from gronmayer12:47
RST38hrm_you: where?12:47
GeneralAntillesInstall the accounts plugin at the top of the list, then install whichever Telepathy plugins you want.12:47
RST38hI see...and the beta thing can be removed12:48
GeneralAntillesThe telepathy plugins are actually a subset of what's installed with the beta installation, I believe.12:48
RST38hThe way it looked to me, the 34kB rtcom-beta package was an umbrella thing that causes installation of other packages12:49
RST38hbut it doesn't do anything on its own. I may be wrong though12:49
GeneralAntillesIt pulls in additional stuff from the rtcomm beta repo and updates some system packages.12:50
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rm_youRST38h: there you can see on line 30 it dies12:50
rm_youand all of my debug output is above12:51
rm_youand the problem is, except for all of the *crash* stuff AFTER my program's last line of output, there is no difference there from a normal run12:51
aquatixGeneralAntilles: ``Install the accounts plugin at the top of the list''?12:51
rm_youIE, my program outputs the same stuff whether it crashes or not... the crash happens after it is done12:51
rm_youwith everything12:51
RST38hrm_you: aha12:52
GeneralAntillesaquatix, 'account-plugin-haze'12:52
aquatixah, check12:52
aquatixmissed that one12:52
rm_youRST38h: ?12:52
RST38hrm_you: I am starting to suspect what happens12:52
rm_youi didn't notice before, i set the gconf value, and then it gets a gconf-notify and gets the same value it just set12:53
rm_youis that what you saw? or something else?12:53
RST38hrm_you: I do not see word *crash* in this output12:54
rm_youright, that was what i refer to as everything after line 3012:54
rm_youerr, after line 2912:54
RST38hJun 21 23:38:03 Nokia-N800-51-3 DSME: process '/usr/bin/hildon-desktop ' with pid 1640 exited with signal: 1112:55
RST38hJun 21 23:38:03 Nokia-N800-51-3 DSME: process '/usr/bin/hildon-desktop ' exited and restarted with pid 172612:55
RST38hJun 21 23:38:03 Nokia-N800-51-3 maemo-launcher[1062]: child (pid=1641) terminated due to signal=1112:55
RST38hThis one?12:55
RST38hSo you are somehow messing up hildon-desktop...12:55
rm_youliterally line 29+ does not show up when it works correctly12:56
rm_youso that includes:12:56
rm_youJun 21 23:38:02 Nokia-N800-51-3 icd 1.2.31[1166]: Service '' no longer exists.12:56
rm_youJun 21 23:38:02 Nokia-N800-51-3 ke_recv[1045]: sig_handler:718: hildon-desktop registered to system bus12:56
rm_youbut that is just a side effect of hildon-desktop dying12:56
rm_youso yeah12:56
rm_youerr, dieing, not changing the color of something :P12:56
RST38hrm_you: These messages do not come from your program12:57
RST38hthey come from dead hildon-desktop that no longer responds12:57
rm_youwhich is caused by my program somehow12:57
RST38hThis does not mean your program terminates successfully12:57
RST38hIt just means that your program crashes AFTER the last message is printed12:58
rm_youi know12:58
RST38hLast message is "adv-backlight getting volume". Checking further...12:58
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RST38hrm_you: this happens the first time you move volume knob, right?13:01
rm_youand then never again, even when moving the same knob13:01
rm_youi think it might be something IN gconf_notify_func13:01
hrwGeneralAntilles: thx for hint - icq works now13:01
rm_youbut after it gets the volume13:01
rm_youRST38h: note that the pastebin there shows "getting volume" twice after gconf_notified, that is because the code was getting it twice in that function, but i changed the code since that log was generated, so it actually only says that once now13:02
rm_youif that makes sense13:02
rm_youyou can look at gconf_notify_func in revision... 7, i think13:02
rm_youand see what i mean13:02
Stskeepsrm_you: i had same SVN problem as you13:02
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rm_youStskeeps: ah! solution?13:03
Stskeepsrm_you: none, get garage people to stop using custom 404 pages for SVN path13:03
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RST38hrm_you: I think I know13:04
hrwrm_you: adv-bl icons were paint as bitmaps or vector?13:04
rm_youhrw: I believe bitmaps, ask GeneralAntilles13:04
hrwGeneralAntilles: adv-bl icons were paint as bitmaps or vector?13:05
rm_youRST38h: ?13:05
RST38hrm_you: replace "double" with "int" wherever you use get_vlume_gconf13:05
GeneralAntillesHalf and half13:05
GeneralAntillesThe volume side is a direct lift from the Nokia icon, so that's a bitmap13:05
rm_youRST38h: ah?13:05
GeneralAntillesthe brightness side is a vector13:05
RST38hSee if it makes things work. If it does not, there is a few other ideas13:05
hrwGeneralAntilles: can you share vectors?13:05
GeneralAntillesHrm, will psd work?13:05
hrwok - I thought svg rather ;D13:06
* hrw -> off for now13:06
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RST38hrm_you: You are calling update_icon() after volume has been changed, right?13:07
rm_youRST38h: yes13:07
* aquatix is online with icq etc again \o/13:07
aquatixGeneralAntilles: thanks13:08
aquatixcontact merging time...13:08
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GeneralAntillesBe sure to spread the Collabora solution around, it's a lot lower impact than the full-on beta.13:09
aquatixand it works just fine13:09
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RST38hrm_you: move away from doubles, if it does not help, will look at update_icon()13:09
rm_youRST38h: it may have13:10
rm_younot sure...13:10
rm_youX-Fade: ack13:10
rm_youGeneralAntilles: ACK13:11
rm_youcheck your tablet... does advanced-backlight have an icon in the control panel's applet list?13:11
rm_youmine either13:12
GeneralAntilleslol, didn't we do this about 6 months ago? :P13:12
rm_youi think the extras assistant build process killed it somehow13:13
GeneralAntillesOh god! It's self-aware!13:14
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towoEmergency containment procedures!13:15
rm_younah maybe it was my bad... checking13:15
RST38hAnd kill it for good13:15
towowith FIRE.13:15
aquatixhm, some of the telepathy IM plugins don't have an icon13:15
aquatixtowo: plasma!13:15
GeneralAntillesaquatix, consequence of not going with the beta method.13:16
aquatixGeneralAntilles: :)13:16
* aquatix doesn't quite care for those icons13:16
RST38hmaybe you DO have to go with the beta method?13:17
GeneralAntillesNo. . . .13:17
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GeneralAntillesThe IM works fine, you just don't get icons.13:17
RST38hbut how do you know which service is which then?13:18
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: more branding fun:
aquatixRST38h: you name them?13:28
aquatixhm, can't i just add icons?13:29
GAN800aquatix, I'm sure.13:29
rm_youthat doesn't look like a problem on my end13:29
* aquatix goes looking for more info13:30
GAN800Jaffa, I can't imagine where they came up with that package name.13:31
X-Faderm_you: Can you submit the package again?13:32
rm_youX-Fade: yeah13:32
X-Faderm_you: There is a problem with the firewall of the isp. We're already working on getting that fixed.13:32
rm_youX-Fade: what about this one:13:32
X-Faderm_you: Did you do a svn commit?13:34
X-FadeDon't see it in the paste..13:34
rm_youline 813:34
X-FadeHmm yeah, sorry ;)13:35
rm_youyeah, i use shorthand <_<13:35
X-Faderm_you: Is that svn problem still present?13:36
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rm_youRST38h: i'll be impressed if that fixed it13:41
rm_youGeneralAntilles: install this:
JaffaX-Fade: btw, did you determine if account creation date was in the midgard db?13:43
rm_youGeneralAntilles: wait13:43
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rm_youRST38h: nope, didn't fix it13:46
rm_youRST38h: more ideas?13:46
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X-FadeJaffa: Yes, we have the creation date available in midgard. (Just checked)13:48
X-FadeJaffa: Did you join 2007-05-18?13:49
rm_youX-Fade: so, any clue on the SVN thing? still doing it13:50
JaffaX-Fade: err, dunno. Let me check my email13:51
JaffaX-Fade: isn't that the midgard migration date?13:52
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eichiwhat is the way for refleshing with the most ported configs? copy intern memory?+backup? or only backup and reconfigurate?13:53
JaffaX-Fade: garage account was 2006-07-11. Extras upload 2007-01-22. But that date'll do for the council page.13:54
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X-FadeJaffa: Yeah, that was probably the date we reloaded the database.13:57
rm_youX-Fade: still failing on the builder, and SVN13:58
X-Faderm_you: I'm going to get some lunch first and then I will look into it.13:59
rm_youok :(13:59
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RST38hrm_you: Checking icon code14:00
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rm_youRST38h: the worst part is, SOMETIMES it doesn't crash on first load, if the change to the code isn't very big14:01
rm_youwhich means its something with a memory location getting changed14:01
rm_youor something not initializing correctly14:01
RST38hMeans something is not initialized on startup14:01
RST38hrm_you: Just to be sure, get rid of ceil()14:01
RST38hdo (volume+24)/2514:02
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rm_you(int)(ceil((double)volume / 25.0))14:02
rm_youdoes it do the same thing? lol14:03
RST38halso sprintf() is unsafe in that function14:03
rm_youi am HORRIBLE at math14:03
RST38hit does, I just don't want to debug Nokia's fp library14:03
rm_youdid i seriously use something besides snprintf?14:03
RST38hNot necessarily, just make sure your theme name does not exceed a certian number of chars14:03
RST38hrm_you: I would sprinkle update_icon() with printf()s just to see if program really crashes inside this function14:04
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JaffaX-Fade: still, that's perfect. Thanks very much14:05
RST38hrm_you: same goes for set_volume_gconf(). After you "enrich" them with printfs (lots of them including one on entry and one on exit), run the applet and see if you can make it crash14:06
RST38hrm_you: these are two most likely candidates for crashing14:06
rm_youRST38h: every function there has a printf on entry and exit14:07
RST38hoh, I see. This simplifies things.14:07
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* lcuk debug by shotgun :) works everytime 14:09
RST38hrm_you: Please place extra printf at the exit from gconf_notify_func14:09
rm_youyeah i just added a lot there14:10
rm_yourefresh SVN to rev 10 in a sec14:10
RST38halso show new output =)14:11
RST38hwell, if you added printfs they should show up in the debugging output14:13
RST38hAnd I only have your previous debug output14:13
rm_youI have printfs14:14
rm_youwell, it goes to syslog14:14
rm_youprintf gets lost in the void14:14
RST38hwell, syslog printfs :)14:14
RST38hyou know what I mean14:14
macoutewhy can't i install bash on diablo?14:14
macoutedo i need to remove busybox? (phew..)14:14
rm_youRST38h: there ARE a lot of those printfs there...14:15
rm_youwhere do you want more?14:15
rm_youmacoute: bash314:15
RST38hrm_you: I see you have added some more?14:15
rm_youmacoute: look for bash3 on gronmayer14:15
macouterm_you: ok14:15
rm_youRST38h: yes14:15
RST38hrm_you: Could you crash it with the new ones and show me the output? =)14:15
* RST38h is solving a puzzle14:15
rm_youRST38h: oh, you just want to see it14:16
rm_yousorry yeah14:16
RST38hof course14:16
GeneralAntillesbash is available from nitapps.com14:17
JaffaYay. Spam.14:18
GeneralAntillesThat's two this morning.14:18
JaffaI like the "rollback" button14:18
GeneralAntillesPersistent buggers.14:19
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rm_youso... gconf_notify terminates.14:23
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RST38hrm_you: aha14:28
rm_youenlighten me?14:29
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lcukjaffa - is it free nokia phone spam?14:30
lcukor spam in the wiki14:30
RST38hrm_you: crash occurs in gconf_notify or its descendants14:31
RST38hrm_you: Change if (vbar != NULL) to if (0) and see if you can still crash it14:31
GAN800wiki spam14:32
rm_youRST38h: what? I thought that proved that it DIDNT?14:32
lcukGAN800, can't you get the actual ip of the spammer14:32
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rm_youanyway, i'm almost positive that it isn't in gconf_notify, because I commended out that entire function just a while ago and it still did the crash14:33
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RST38hrm_you: well, gconf_notify is a callback14:33
GAN800lcuk, no, not until something is changed with the http/https setup.14:33
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RST38hrm_you: hildon calls it, callback screws up, exits, and kills hildon14:33
GAN800Besides, it's probably not a single ip.14:33
lcukGAN800, ok but its getting quite severe - is wikipedia afflicted this badly and how do they handle it if it is14:34
RST38hrm_you: so whatever is inside gconf_notify - likely to be not kosher. To test it, disable that if (vbar != NULL) statement and see if it stops app from crashing14:34
GAN800lcuk, lots and lots of eyes.14:34
rm_youRST38h: how about if I comment out the line where i attach the gconf_notify function?14:35
RST38hrm_you: Nope, you still want gconf_notify to happen14:35
GAN800lcuk, and bots that watch for external link spamming.14:35
rm_youRST38h: it doesnt matter14:35
RST38hrm_you: To keep experiment conditions clean14:35
RST38hrm_you: We want to prove that it is what gconf_notify DOES, not the function itself which is a problem14:36
lcukgan :) that will be what it is then. okies14:36
RST38hrm_you: If you do not attach it, you will not know that for sure14:36
rm_youRST38h: but, if it still crashes without the function at all... then the problem can't be the function. right?14:36
rm_youis that logic correct?14:36
RST38hrm_you: Guess so14:36
macoutewhich is the dev file for bluetooth in n810?14:36
rm_youand it does...14:36
RST38hUnless you have got two problems of course but it is unlikely :)14:36
RST38hSo you do not attach gconf_notify and it still crashes?14:37
rm_youI tried that an hour and a half ago14:37
rm_youi can try again14:37
RST38hAll righty, next hypothesis14:37
RST38hIf you can try it again, would appreciate it14:37
rm_youi will make that change as you go on14:37
lcukrm_you, didnt you have something ismilar occur the other day where you made a change and it was still called, but after you refreshed and rechecked it did the action you meant.14:38
lcukahhh no, it was something lardman was running through.  rm_you - double check and confirm that the func is missing14:38
rm_youlcuk: i sorta remember that...14:38
rm_youyeah, will do14:38
RST38hrm_you: Next idea: look at set_volume_gconf14:38
RST38hIn that function, disable update_icon(). If it still crashes, disable do_volume_beep. If it still crashes, disable gconf_client_set_int14:39
RST38hSee when it stops crashing14:39
macouteshouldn it be /dev/rfcomm0 or something?14:39
rm_youRST38h: this bug has existed before i put in the volume beep... but i will do that for you anyway14:40
rm_youi'm desperate14:40
lcukgo to the toilet then14:41
rm_youRST38h: did all that, still crashing14:42
rm_youRST38h: refresh revision 1214:43
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rm_youyou keep doing that14:43
lcuki think thats what he types when he farts14:43
RST38hWill "uhum" work? =)14:44
lcukrm, put up a log of the crash14:44
lcuknew log with latest everything14:44
RST38hrm_you: You have not commented out gconf_client_set_int14:44
rm_youerr sec where14:45
rm_youmust have missed that14:45
RST38hsee if this makes the crash disappear though =)14:46
rm_youRST38h: *maybe*14:47
rm_youdidn't crash ONCE, but not a verified 100% fix14:47
rm_youGAN800: install
rm_youto /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/14:48
rm_youremember to disable applet first14:48
GAN800Yeah, yeah. :P14:48
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rm_youRST38h: so, if that IS it...14:49
rm_youthere is nothing wrong with my gconf call14:49
rm_youthat i see14:49
rm_youI even have safeguards there14:49
lcuka safeguard14:49
lcukwhat if localvbar is still null14:50
rm_younot possible?14:51
rm_youyou had to click on it to call that function!14:51
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lcuki dunno, its passed as a parameter from somewhere14:51
rm_youfrom the callback14:51
RST38hrm_you: So, no crashes? =)14:51
rm_youi say "not possible", but14:51
melmothoups :-)14:51
rm_youi still question whether you are correct :P14:51
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rm_youGAN800: well? crash?14:52
* RST38h is not correct, but he is on to something14:52
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RST38hrm_you: uncomment update_icon() and do_volume_beep() btw14:52
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GAN800No fix14:53
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lcukchange it to emit a debug, store result of this in an int variable (int)hildon_volumebar_get_level(localvbar)     display the result, then apply it14:53
lcukso still not right anyway14:53
rm_youGAN800: ?14:53
lcuklol @ stone soup group, rm is being pulled in a hundred ways :D14:53
rm_youdoes that mean it crashed?14:53
rm_youGAN800: ?14:54
lcukgood luck, ill get back to work.  let me know how it goes later14:55
GeneralAntillesYes, it crashed.14:55
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RST38hGA: Could you repeat it?14:56
rm_younot repeatable14:56
rm_youthat's the whole problem14:56
RST38hthen let us assume that the gconf update was the cause of this problem14:57
aquatixok, now that's weird14:58
aquatixnow i have icons for my IM networks :)14:58
aquatixnot sure whether installing skype did run an icon cache refresh or something14:59
RST38hrm_you: replace (int)hildon_volumebar_get_level(localvbar) with 0 and uncomment gconf_client_set_int14:59
RST38hSee if it crashes again14:59
rm_youi did some of that... it gets the volume from the volumebar correctly15:00
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Atariirm_you was there any progress with the backlight in 2008he?15:02
RST38hrm_you: but if you just write 0 to gconf without querying the volume, what happens?15:04
GAN800Atarii, it should be easy to make it work directly if you have fanoush's backlight patches and backlight tool install.15:04
rm_youRST38h: sec15:05
aquatixhm, was it possible to synchronise the maemo contacts list with a pc or something?15:05
AtariiGAN800: reeto, i forgot about those, more jobs for today15:05
aquatixit uses the evolution data server right?15:06
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Jaffalcuk: wiki spam for hot teens15:06
GAN800Right, lcuk.15:06
GAN800er, s/lcuk/aquatix/15:06
rm_youGAN800: try now15:07
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GAN800No crash. :D15:09
rm_youok sec15:09
GAN800No volume change though.15:09
rm_youstill not positive15:09
rm_youwho else has adv-backlight on n800/n810?15:10
RST38hso when you set 0 to gconf there is no crash?15:10
rm_youRST38h: no, that was this:15:11
rm_you/g_signal_connect (vbar, "level_changed", G_CALLBACK(set_volume_gconf), NULL);15:11
rm_youcommented it out :P15:11
rm_youwell, now i know something15:11
RST38hwell removing this callback does the same thing as commenting out its contents15:12
RST38hCould you please place the callback back, but always set 0 to gconf?15:12
RST38hThis way, we will know for sure if it is gconf's fault or the value15:12
rm_youi can't get it to crash even on other versions tho :/15:14
RST38hdelete its gconf entry15:14
rm_youits crashing again15:17
rm_youand current code (rev13) *is* crashing15:17
RST38hSo the problem *is* in that gconf_client_st_int15:19
RST38hwhatever value you give to it15:19
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RST38hwell there is a dead easy way to fix it15:20
RST38hIn your postinst script, insert a line that *adds* your initial value to gconf :)15:20
rm_youit isn't MY value15:20
rm_youit's a system value15:21
RST38hAlternatively, you can do this on initialization15:21
RST38hThen read it on initialization - if it is not there, create it15:21
rm_youit is always there on every tablet15:21
rm_youpart of osso15:21
RST38hthe volume value - yes15:21
RST38hbut not the gconf value right?15:21
rm_youno, the gconf value15:21
rm_youthat's part of osso15:21
rm_youit's how the system controls the volume15:21
RST38hSo when your program start, make it check for the gconf value - if it is not there, create it and set it to the current volume control15:22
rm_youall the DEFAULT applet does is change that gconf value15:22
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RST38hSame gconf value or its own?15:22
rm_youand my applet's volumebar loads that gconf value as its default value15:22
rm_youwhich works15:22
rm_youwhen it opens, the volume bar is set to that level15:22
RST38hso it is the system gconf value not your own right?15:24
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RST38hall right. You have a gconf_client_add_dir in your code15:26
RST38hcould you comment that call out, the uncomment gconf_client_set_int and try if the program works15:27
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rm_youit SETS IT CORRECTLY!15:33
rm_you*THEN* it crashes15:33
* rm_you was watching gconf on the console15:33
rm_youRST38h: commenting that out doesnt help15:36
rm_youjust tried.15:36
rm_youRST38h: but it is definitely that gconf_set_int15:38
rm_youi comment that out and it stops crashing15:39
rm_youi think i can get the error from that somehow if it crashes15:39
rm_youdoes C have try/catch?15:39
aquatixhm, a contact that is only through that Collabora telepathy plugin, doesn't show up as such in my speed contacts applet15:39
RST38hyep, it is motherfucking set_int15:40
RST38ha'ok, two directions from here:15:41
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RST38h(1) checking what people on the net say about gconf_client_set_int15:41
RST38h(2) checking what other functions can be used to set its value15:41
derfYou've got the source code for gconf_client_set_int().15:42
derfFind out what's actually causing the crash.15:42
derfAnd no, C does not have exceptions.15:42
RST38hactually, this function does not cause a crash15:44
RST38hbut something else touchedwhen calling it does15:44
RST38hand no, having the source for gconf_client_set_int won't help here unless you intend to debug the whole gconf framework15:45
derfAnd why not? It's not that much code.15:45
rm_youweird, but gconf_set_int isn't failing with an error15:46
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rm_youit just causes a crash15:46
rm_youbut... doesn't return an error like it should15:46
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RST38hderf: because nobody hired me to work on gnome15:47
rm_youwhy does it only crash ONCE15:47
rm_youand why only when i replace the binary for MY program15:47
rm_youthat doesnt make ANY sense15:47
* rm_you headdesks15:48
RST38hwhat is the type of this field, from osso's point of view?15:48
RST38hdoes osso store integers or floats there?15:48
rm_youfairly positive its an int, yes15:48
RST38hOk. Try gconf_client_set_string instead15:48
RST38hi.e. convert your value to string then set it15:48
RST38hsee if it works =)15:48
RST38hwait it will not work15:49
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rm_youdefinitely an int15:51
RST38hrm_you: Ok. The last argument to gconf_client_set_int is an optional pointer to return GError.15:51
rm_youlots of command line testing15:51
RST38hJUST to be sure, maybe it is worth passing a non-null there and seeing if it returns any error?15:52
rm_youi tried15:52
rm_youit doesn't15:52
rm_youunless i did it wrong15:52
RST38hLike a warning "I set, but screwed. Expect death."15:52
RST38hCan't replace it. Internet does not say anything bad about it. The last possible solution is to call it from a different place.15:53
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rm_youi could ...15:54
andre___...anybody knows about efforts to ship a font that covers most of the unicode spec?15:55
rm_youi could use g_spawn_async("gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/sound/master_volume --type int %d", volume_local)15:55
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RST38hok, I am out on a meeting15:58
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rm_youeven with g_spawn_commandline_async() doing the gconf value change, it still crashes16:02
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rm_youd8j92374j02q378fn401poIS0YNU`9DX6nh-&(*@&VCE$N( BZX *2]'vzamc16:04
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* rm_you throws n800 at wall... almost16:04
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rm_youi'm going to...16:06
rm_youtake a break16:06
mgedminrm_you: can your code be seen on the net?16:06
* mgedmin wants to know what not to do :-)16:06
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rm_youmgedmin: yeah it16:11
rm_youit is on the garage SVN16:11
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rm_youX-Fade: proxy still broken? >_>16:17
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mgedminwhy gconf_value_get_int(gconf_client_get(ggclient, GVOLUME, NULL)) instead of gconf_client_get_int(ggclient, GVOLUME, NULL) ?16:20
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rm_youmgedmin: err, good point16:36
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rm_yousee anything else? >_>16:40
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mgedminno :/16:52
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hrw~seen lardman17:03
infobotlardman <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 5h 9m 7s ago, saying: 'hi GeneralAntilles'.17:03
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mgedmindidn't someone build cfdisk for maemo?17:17
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RST38hrm_you: so, how are things?17:27
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rm_youRST38h: i tried using g_spawn_commandline_async() to run gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/sound/master_volume --type int 5017:30
rm_youand it still crashed17:30
rm_youi'm taking a break.17:30
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RST38hrm_you: I think it may be necessarily to call set_int from a different place17:37
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infobotRST38h meant: rm_you: I think it may be necessarry to call set_int from a different place17:37
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cyberholichidi ho everyone. hope you are doing fine :)17:54
cyberholici am trying to make a video call from my device to a win XP computer. therefor i installed gizmo on both, does anyone of you know if this works? i can chat, but neither video nor audio do work :(17:55
johnxI don't remember what version of gizmo on the tablet supports video17:57
johnxmaybe it's only a beta version that does?17:57
hrwcyberholic: you do not need gizmo to make a call to gizmo user17:58
cyberholichrw: i do not need it?17:58
hrwcyberholic: gizmo use SIP - you can add gizmo account as sip account in standard maemo accounts/presense17:58
cyberholichrw: well. i am trying the "internet call" option from the "communications" menu. There i have entered my goolgle account but i can not find out how to add a gizmo contact. but is this what you are talkinga about?18:00
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Sho_So, am I being stupid, or are the repositories for Diablo really rather empty still? In particular, the fact that I can't seem to find OpenSSH is handicapping me right now18:02
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infobotFast and efficient NNTP newsfeeder software. URL:, or a better link-time optimizer. More information can be found at
hrwSho_: use chinook/extras18:02
johnxSho_, in app manager edit maemo extras and type "chinook diablo" into the distribution field18:03
hrwcyberholic: iirc - there was some infos in rtcomm18:03
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cyberholichrw: thnx. i ll try that one out18:03
Sho_hrw, johnx: Hmkay, as long as that doesn't end up screwing up the package tree on the system in some way, mixing distros ..18:04
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hrwSho_: both are os200818:04
johnxSho_, it shouldn't. if you're worried, then be careful not to let it downgrade libraries or anything like that18:04
Sho_ah well, if anything happens it's just a reflash anyway18:05
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johnxSho_, if it makes you feel any better, I installed openssh from chinook just fine the other day18:08
* aquatix was about to say the same18:08
johnxalso, the bump from chinook to diablo was not nearly as big as from bora to chinook18:08
Sho_fair enough. it's just I'm a Gentoo guy and not a Debian expert, and unclear about the ramifications of feeding repositories for an older distro to a newer released :-)18:08
infobotSho_ meant: fair enough. it's just I'm a Gentoo guy and not a Debian expert, and unclear about the ramifications of feeding repositories for an older distro to a newer release :-)18:09
VeggenWhy on earth do we need infobot to do that?18:09
* aquatix wonders too18:09
johnxwell, in a normal debian system it would be 100% harmless18:09
Sho_sorry, if I had known I wouldn't have corrected myself ;)18:09
aquatix~slap infobot18:09
* infobot slaps infobot, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!18:09
rm_youi like it18:10
johnxinfobot, stop hitting yourself18:10
* infobot leaps to his feet and stops hitting yourself18:10
rm_youRST38h: where else would I do it? that's the function that needs to do it >_>18:10
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Atariiis up?18:12
cyberholichrw: is there a tutorial how to setup my gizmo account as "internet call" account?18:13
cyberholichrw: i mean, do you know of one?18:13
hrwcyberholic: maybe has something - do not remember now18:14
aquatixuse it as sip account?18:14
cyberholici am trying to set it up at "internet call" - my google talk account works perfect, but i want to try out video calls now.18:14
rm_youX-Fade: you back yet?18:15
hrwstupid gimp question: how to move pasted element?18:15
aquatixhrw: select the drag tool, then drag18:16
hrwI have 40x40 icon loaded and want to paste 20x40 element on it - but it lands in a middle and is not movable18:16
sp3000(the 4way arrow thinger)18:16
aquatixhrw: move tool18:17
aquatixwhat sp3000 says18:17
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sp3000you may want to consider converting the float into a proper layer depending on what you plan to do with it; there's a button under the layers iirc18:17
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crashanddieI'm trying to find a library that will help me getting the spectrum of sound, any ideas ?18:24
X-Faderm_you: pong.18:24
derfcrashanddie: fftw18:24
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cloakableI'm sure many have asked this, but I've installed Diablo, and I'd like to get GPE back on. I can't find it in the application manager, though.18:26
cloakableIs there a Diablo repo for GPE?18:26
crashanddiederf, cheers !18:26
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X-Fadecloakable: A lot of gpe components are available in extras-devel for diablo.18:27
cloakableX-Fade: How do I enable extras-devel?18:27
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X-Fadecloakable: Copy the settings for the Maemo extras repository and replace extras by extras-devel ;)18:28
cloakableahh, okay :)18:28
X-Fadecloakable: But it is the 'experimental' repository, so beware ;)18:29
cloakableX-Fade: Heh, that's okay.18:31
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cloakableMy GPE is back in the application manager! Yay18:32
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X-Fadecloakable: The author is still missing some libs, so not everything is there.18:33
cloakableX-Fade: And gpesummary wants kernel-diablo-flasher, and I don't have root :P18:35
mgedmincloakable: I'm pretty sure it doesn't really want that18:39
mgedminit's the osso-software-version that wants kernel-diablo-flasher18:39
mgedmina-m just lists all unsatisfied dependencies in that dialog, which ends up being a bit confusing18:39
rm_youX-Fade: yo18:39
rm_youX-Fade: svn still broken. >_> help?18:40
X-Faderm_you: Are you sure it isn't your local setup? Can you do a clean check out on a different location?18:40
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cloakablemgedmin: well, it stops it, and there's no way to run apt-get -f install on the tablet currently18:41
mgedmincloakable: are you sure that's the only thing that stops it?18:41
Stskeepsrm_you: it was the svn add problem?18:42
cloakablegpe-calendar isn't there18:42
mgedminI never saw fewer than four missing dependencies when I tried tos intall something in diablo18:42
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mgedminthe three irrelevant ones and the real ones18:42
Stskeepsrm_you: with PROPFIND 302 found?18:42
rm_youStskeeps: yes18:42
rm_youX-Fade: i can do a clean checkout... but never any commit18:42
rm_youX-Fade: can you possibly look and see what is happening?18:43
StskeepsX-Fade: i tried on two different OS'es. the reason it doesn't work is because there's a custom 404 error handler, which fucks svn up18:43
cloakableI guess I'll just wait for Diablo to stabilise, I guess.18:43
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* mgedmin is so happy he only uses non-anonymous svn over ssh18:45
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rm_youX-Fade: so... sup? :P18:56
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rm_youX-Fade: is the extras-builder / proxy working yet?18:58
X-Faderm_you: I really don't know. I have never had that on garage. And i commit to a lot of projects.18:58
rm_youX-Fade: i can add you to my project, see if you can add ANY files?18:58
rm_youeven an empty text file18:58
rm_youX-Fade: Stskeeps link made sense18:59
X-Faderm_you: I'll try..18:59
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rm_yougarage user?19:00
X-Faderm_you: I'm already added ;)19:00
rm_youyeah yeah19:00
rm_youmr. uberadmin19:01
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L0cutusseems i'm unable to set the destination folder for maps on maps app....19:09
L0cutusit try to put them to a partition that is too small19:10
L0cutusi'm on cloned os19:10
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crashanddiew00t at dependencies for fftw :D19:12
X-Faderm_you: I'm begining to believe it is because of your funky project name.19:13
X-Faderm_you: CamelCasing..19:13
rm_youis FUNKY!?19:13
rm_youPyShop >_>19:14
rm_youthat's how you name PyThings <_<19:14
X-Faderm_you: I think some parts of the system are case sensitive. That is what I can find on google at least.19:14
rm_youdid you see the link Stskeeps found?19:14
X-Faderm_you: Yeah, but I don't think that is it19:14
rm_youthat sounds highly probable to me >_> but you're the webmaster19:15
qwerty12And because he is master, you shall obey.19:15
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X-FadeThe thing is, I get a 403 forbidden.19:17
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X-Faderm_you: Can you file a bug for it? So I can let somebody else look at it too?19:20
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crashanddielcuk, I abandon the vis project for the moment, too much work for so little. I don't know/think/want to know how Canola sits together, and quite honestly, not a project I want to contribute to, also, the Media Player doesn't have a plugin system. And I don't feel like writing yet another media player for the NIT19:28
crashanddiethe other option would of course be to get data directly from the sound card, but again, I don't know how that sits together, plus I suck at math :P19:29
rm_youX-Fade: <--- is that good?19:29
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BlafaselTalking about sucking at math.. I just try to transform pixel by pixel algorithms to GPU stuff. Ouch. I fail..19:30
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RST38hPC GPU?19:32
rm_youjohnx: garage is conspiring to not let me go shopping19:33
johnxconspiring with who?19:34
rm_youitself <_<19:34
rm_youAND MAYBE YOU!?19:34
johnxwho stands the most to gain by not letting you go shopping?19:34
derfrm_you does. Since he won't be spending any money.19:35
rm_youbut then i'll die from lack of nourishment >_>19:35
derfSmall price to pay!19:35
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rm_younot that the food I buy is really nourishing, anyway19:35
* rm_you goes and grabs one of the last "meat" hotdogs19:35
* rm_you grabs the last Dr. Pepper while he's at it19:35
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qwerty12Adding the diablo sdk repo into my N800 was interesting and fun :/19:36
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Saviqhi guys, any of you got roadmap running on diablo? mine crashes with a 'no more memory' error (running alone, 128MB of swap enabled)19:36
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qwerty12Nice, I didn't know garage has a bounties section. now, wheres the booties section? :P19:38
johnxqwerty12, think of the people who have garage accounts. Now imagine what they look like. Now tell me again that you really want to see a booties section. :P19:40
qwerty12ARRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH, I think I want to puke :O :P :D19:41
* rm_you watches Shaolin Soccer19:41
qwerty12Heh, I wish application manager had a front end for apt-pinning where I could choose to not let certain packages show up in the update list :/ :(19:42
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crashanddieanybody know what would be the easiest way to get the spectrum of the sound that's outputted on the NIT ?19:44
hrwqwerty12: h-a-m is open...19:44
AStormcrashanddie: connect it to the oscilloscope? ;P19:45
qwerty12hrw, I know, but I'm not a programmer :). Best thing I ever done was make a quick patch to remove the nokia legal message.19:45
AStormother than that, there's no real way except an alsa plugin19:45
AStormyou could connect it to an input of some sound card too19:45
AStormbut would have to adjust for the problems of sound input19:45
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crashanddieAStorm, so I have to options, hack canola about and get in between the actual sound generation and output (or hack another media player), or play sound myself19:46
AStormyou could also write an alsa plugin to grab sound19:48
AStormthere is a filewriter19:48
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* mgedmin mubmles "pulseaudio"19:51
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crashanddiemgedmin, does the stock NIT use pulse ?19:52
qwerty12esd iirc19:52
mgedminhey, esd also has the API for this, I believe19:52
mgedminthere was an esd-based equalizer19:53
lcukcrashanddie, i didnt think you were doing it for a specific reason, i merely said it would be good to have visualizations and yours looked cool19:53
* lcuk thought you were just playing19:53
qwerty12I believe xmms does visualisations and can output via esd or alsa19:53
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AStormxmms is old and bad20:04
AStormwrite alsa eq plugin please :D20:04
AStormof good quality if possible20:05
SaviqI want native ad2p support ;P20:06
derfJust because xmms is old does not mean it's bad.20:06
Saviqit's dead20:06
Saviqthat does mean it's bad20:06
rm_youI want xmms20:06
rm_youthats all I want....20:06
rm_youxmms is NOT a replacement for xmms... and neither is beep media player (the supposed xmms fork)20:07
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* johnx should poke at getting a2dp working in canola20:07
johnxshould be trivial20:07
rm_youi'm tempted to maintain xmms myself >_>20:07
rm_youjohnx: it uses gstreamer for audio...20:07
Saviqjohnx: yeah well until it's native, it's not really usable20:07
rm_youSaviq: lies20:07
Saviqwell I mean that it drains battery20:08
johnxrm_you, it can use the OS2008 media player or mplayer20:08
rm_youjohnx: mplayer only for video IIRC20:08
johnxSaviq, being "native" won't magically fix this20:08
johnxrm_you, you can set it in the atabake.conf file (sp?)20:08
Saviqunless the encoding's put on the dsp, no?20:08
derfI looked at one of the other xmms-clones... audacious maybe? When I got to the point where, to remove a file, they made a system() call to rm with no sanitizing of the arguments, I just deleted the whole thing and refused to ever run it.20:08
johnxSaviq, aaah, so by native you mean "on the dsp"20:08
Saviqyeah, a bit20:09
lcukjohnx, can you get at enough of the canola source to run a2dp?20:09
johnxSaviq, I wouldn't say that's necessarily true20:09
johnxthe CPU usage can be dramatically reduced through optimizations20:09
johnxbut yes, having it on the DSP would be really great20:09
rm_youyes, having it on the DSP would be great20:09
johnxlcuk, no need to. just tweak one config file20:09
* rm_you pokes lardman|gone 20:09
johnx...but misses, because lardman is |gone20:09
lcuk:) fair enough20:10
johnxheck, I might as well right I can see if I can use it on the train tomorrow20:10
Anunakinonweather not working on diablo!! any tip?20:11
lcuklook out of the window?20:12
johnxor google it :)20:12
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crashanddieqwerty12, mgedmin, AStorm  & lcuk: I think I've found a way... I'm back on it :P20:13
crashanddieesd calls20:13
qwerty12Brilliant, good luck :)20:14
lcukcrashanddie, i wasnt aware you were on it to begin with20:14
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lcukthough, w00t to whatever you are back onto :D20:14
johnxtry not to fall off20:14
* crashanddie slaps both20:15
* lcuk pushes you back off the wagon#20:15
* johnx carelessly swings a ladder, hits crashanddie20:15
johnxwe're doing 3 stooges here, right?20:15
* lcuk watches crashanddie umm crashanddie20:15
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qwerty12No, the end is when you see ME IN YOUR DREAMS20:16
skiburdid diable remove the boot loader?20:16
lcuki went shopping today for some new camouflage pants.20:17
lcuki couldn't find any though20:17
johnxskibur, do you mean "remove bootmenu"?20:17
skibursorry about20:17
johnxyes, it did20:17
johnxit reflashed everything20:18
qwerty12no biggie though, fanoush updated bootmenu for diablo20:18
lcukqwerty, it would be a nightmare to see a southern jessie :P20:18
skiburso its a different bootmenu for diablo20:18
lcukdoes the rest of the kernel changes still work, or are they waitinf for fash to port and test stuff?20:19
qwerty12lcuk, nah, it would be a nightmare because all you northerners would be too scared see me20:19
lcuk*fash special kernels20:19
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qwerty12lcuk, don't get you :/20:19
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lcukcan i still use the (for instance) faster memory card handling or other things in fashs custom kernel20:20
qwerty12ah, fanoush20:20
lcukor is fashs kernel not compatible now20:20
lcukgood point20:20
qwerty12no, that kernel is for chinook, it will work, but you will lose diablo fixes and ipv520:20
* lcuk fixes all typos20:20
rm_youX-Fade: AH20:20
rm_youX-Fade: could also be a security certificate issue20:21
rm_youthat failed when i tried to go to it in firefox20:21
qwerty12but it isn't hard to get all that stuff back in diablo kernel, I've already patched the diablo kernel with rotation:
lcukwhat about the rotate kernel module thingy?20:21
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qwerty12That's only jott's patch for rotation though, the rest of the kernel is stock diablo20:21
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* lcuk is glad he runs stock kernel now20:22
lcuki would hate to get used to features like seen and lose them even for a few days20:22
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Atariiany idea why my appication manager wont connection to any repository, but only when im on a certain internet connection?20:23
qwerty12Meh, I never lose a kernel feature, I just recompile with the patch I need for a certain feature and flash that kernel to my device.20:23
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RST38hthat internet connection has limited connectivity20:24
lcukdns problem on the others? or hard set dns?20:24
qwerty12RST38h, you sound like xp :/20:24
* RST38h *is* XP!20:24
qwerty12ooh nice, fbreader has a diablo repo20:24
RST38h[be afrrraid! be verrry afrrraid!]20:24
RST38htime to upgrade20:24
Atariinope it works fine for everything else RST38h20:24
johnxqwerty12, fbreader supports *everything* :D20:24
lcukRST38h is downgraded vista20:24
qwerty12johnx, yep, I like the team, they seem to work fast :)20:25
johnxis it a team? I thought it was just that one guy?20:25
RST38hAtarii: weird http proxying?20:25
Atariinope, im sure it worked at one point, the AP has been restarted but still no luck20:26
qwerty12johnx, no idea, I just presume team for everything when I don't see a name :/20:26
lcukjohnx, even with 1 primary developer there can still be a team20:26
johnxlcuk, fair enough :)20:26
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Atariihmm its just stuck on "Downloading 1 kb"20:29
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johnxAtarii, run apt-get update from the command line, see what it hangs on20:30
johnxthen try to ping or traceroute that site20:30
Atariiok thanks20:30
johnxlcuk, no reason to ever reboot, except kernel upgrades on machines without kexec :)20:30
lcukjust remove all the extra crap repos - leave yourself with known good ones20:30
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Atariiits a fresh flash so its only default repos atm20:30
johnxlcuk, in some countries, nokia official repos are the ones that can't be reached20:31
Atarii0 % [Connecting to (]20:31
Atariiis that meant to be the IP?20:32
johnxAtarii, I think your DNS might be screwy on your ISP20:32
Atariiright, ill try adding OpenDNS20:33
Atariiweird that browsing the nets works fine20:34
johnxthat "" doesn't look like an accident to me...20:34
qwerty12I smell sabotage20:34
johnxsomeone put those bits there!20:35
lcuk1.0.0.0 is something to do with ipv6?20:36
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johnxhmmm...I don't think so20:36
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Atariiright, ill try that also20:38
qwerty12mgedmin, Just out of question, in your repo, the packages in the diablo folder; were they recompiled in DIABLO_SDK?20:38
lcukim just thinking because ive heard people mentioning ip620:38
johnxlcuk, that ubuntu bug thread is pretty interesting20:39
mgedminqwerty12: um, no :-)20:39
qwerty12Heh :)20:39
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mgedminlcuk: ipv6 addresses use : instead of .20:40
mgedminand have up to 6 bytes expressed in hex rather than 4 in decimal20:41
lcukmgedmin, yes understood, but once you start the routers you use get fscked and start replying to ip4 requests incorrectly20:41
lcukthats what im reading anyway20:42
mgedminhm, never heard of that20:42
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lcukhave a look at the posts i just put if your mildly curious20:42
Atariiffs now my nokia is randomly rebooting20:42
Atariii swear this house has an anti-technology curse20:42
johnxAtarii, I've heard of it before. You're gonna need a live goat for this one...20:43
lcukjohnx,  see atariis nokia thinks it needs to reboot :P20:43
Atariiheh :p20:43
qwerty12lcuk will volunteer, as northerners are goats :P20:43
johnxlcuk, grrr. :P20:43
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mgedminfun bug20:44
lcukseems like it20:44
* lcuk chews through qwerty's internet cable20:44
johnxas tech gets more complex we start to see weird stuff like this20:44
lcuknahhh, computers have done weird shit since the start20:44
Atariifree radicals20:45
lcukthey did, jack bauer is out of prison20:45
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johnxlcuk, yeah, but the place for bugs to hide is getting bigger20:46
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qwerty12 - I quite like the sound of this one.20:47
lcukmuch bigger, keeping a small tight code base allows bugs to be effectively ironed out quickly :)20:47
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johnxqwerty12, that's pretty darn neat20:48
Atariiso now ive changed the dns settings to manual on the nokia, and "Internet connection failed. Try again?" comes up when trying to connect to the wifi :S20:48
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skiburopenssh is ok?20:48
skiburfor diablo20:48
skiburneed root20:48
johnxskibur, yes. works here and for many others20:49
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skiburits a fail on here --->
skiburis this the same thing20:55
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johnxout of curiosity, has *anyone* had a2dp working in diablo?21:00
* rm_you forgot to try21:00
* rm_you will try now21:00
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Anunakinwhat I can do with a2dp?21:06
johnxplay sound to a2dp bluetooth headphones21:06
johnxalso, waste battery power21:06
johnxboth are worthy goals21:06
rm_youjohnx: you had to choose the most annoying words didnt you21:06
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rm_youwhat happened to ON and OFF21:06
johnxrm_you, I have a couple |s in the script already21:07
johnxadd your favorites :P21:07
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Anunakinjohnx, but I used my bt hset with n810 ...21:08
Anunakinon chinook21:09
johnxA2DP lets you have stereo sound21:09
johnxwith higher quality21:09
Anunakinthis is better21:09
AnunakinI getting a very low sound21:09
Anunakina decception21:09
AnunakinJohnx: my Debian stay working nice with diablo's kernel21:10
johnxAnunakin, good to hear21:11
rm_youjohnx: hrm....21:13
rm_youalsa-lib: pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM bluetooth21:13
johnxrm_you, rebooted yet?21:13
AnunakinI made some changes to chroot script... and now this works with boot or chroot21:13
rm_youjohnx: truth21:13
rm_youbeen so long since i did this :P21:14
johnxrm_you, RTFM :P21:14
rm_youshhh i've been up for 19 hours <_<21:14
rm_younot that it should matter21:15
* rm_you drinks that Dr. Pepper21:15
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Anunakinany page with new thinks on diablo? not patckages but new functions? like A2DP21:15
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johnxAnunakin, there's a page with new and changed packages21:18
johnxbut the "new features" list is pretty short: email client, ssu updates21:18
Tamagotonocan anyone recommend a good IRC client for the N800 please?21:19
jacques-workstrange, when I download things from nokia site (firmware, flasher apps) with firefox3 they have a comma on the end of the name21:19
johnxjacques-work, same here. I assume it happens to everyone21:19
TamagotonoI'll check it out.  Thank you21:20
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jacques-workjohnx, thanks, good to know21:20
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rm_youwow after reboot my wireless won't connect at all21:21
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qwerty12_N800Anyone  know why when i run a app through the application menu, instead of saying "<application name> loading", it says: "ckct_ib_application Loading"?21:24
AStormbroke your locale files somehow?21:24
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qwerty12_N800shitfuck :(21:25
AStormmaybe got some too new package :)21:25
rm_youjohnx: hrm, bad21:26
johnxrm_you, I'm getting no luck here either21:26
rm_youalsa-lib: pcm_bluetooth.c:1589:(bluetooth_init) BT_GETCAPABILITIES failed : Input/output error(5)21:26
rm_youalsa-init: playback open error: Input/output error21:26
johnxI hope this isn't affecting lardman as well :/21:26
rm_yougetting that?21:26
johnxrm_you, same here21:26
rm_youi have a hypothesis21:26
rm_youlet me test it and turn it into a theory21:26
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rm_youjohnx: hypothesis confirmed21:35
johnxrm_you, luck?21:35
johnxgood? bad?21:35
rm_youwget && dpkg -i libbluetooth2_3.22-0osso1_armel.deb21:36
* rm_you is happy21:36
johnxsome kind of bug in .28?21:36
rm_youchinook libbluetooth2 works tho21:36
johnxsad failiness21:36
rm_youmay just have to recompile .2821:36
rm_youi'll do that when i wake up21:36
rm_youif you or lardman or someone hasn't21:37
johnxgrrr...but that means we don't get the nice .28 speed ups?21:37
rm_youand compare .22  to .28 to see what caused the regression21:37
rm_youi'll recompile .28 and work on getting it fixed21:37
rm_youfuck it, i'll do it now21:37
johnxI tested .30 in debian I believe with good results21:37
rm_youmaybe i'll go straight to that21:38
rm_youyou have the source/patches you used for that?21:38
johnxuhm...I'm getting the same thing still21:38
rm_youor did you use the straight debian thing21:38
johnxrm_you, I just pulled it from debian21:38
rm_you<johnx> rm_you, rebooted yet?21:38
johnxrm_you, yes, I just did21:38
rm_youwell, all it took for me was a reboot21:38
rm_youand then a2dp enable21:38
rm_youand mplayer :)21:38
johnxstill failing here :/21:39
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rm_youthat's really all i did21:40
johnxit's just weird that hcidump is saying *nothing* when it fails21:40
rm_youapt-cache policy libbluetooth2 ?21:41
rm_youi am running mplayer as root?21:41
rm_youthat's the only thing i can think of21:41
johnxuhm, no of course not21:41
johnxI did try earlier, actually, just for shits and grins21:42
johnxof course it had no affect21:42
rm_youwell, i am21:42
johnxeh? why?21:42
rm_youjust was in root already21:42
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rm_youyeah, working great as user too >_>21:43
rm_yousame exact error?21:43
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rm_youwhich mplayer you on?21:43
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johnxand you?21:44
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johnxrm_you, are you sure you didn't downgrade bluez-utils as well?21:48
johnxalso, did Nokia just push an update to tablet-browser-daemon?21:49
johnxI'm impressed21:49
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rm_youjohnx: yes, very sure21:51
rm_youjohnx: and yes, .2721:51
rm_youdid you do EVERYTHING in your own manual? :P21:52
johnxrm_you, ffs, yes21:52
* johnx re-reads21:52
johnxthere's only like 2 steps21:52
Stskeeps1. ??? 2. PROFIT! ?21:53
rm_youjust sayin21:53
rm_youmine works great21:53
rm_youand i just followed your steps21:53
johnxfor whatever value of great goes with bluez 3.2221:53
rm_youwell, i actually went through to check everything manually, but it all checked out21:54
dragornanyone got a wispy and want to test some code?21:54
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rm_youi forgot to pair my headset cause i did it before the flash <_<21:56
rm_youbut then i remembered :P21:57
* rm_you is tired21:57
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* rm_you is trying libbluetooth2 3.33-121:57
johnxthe maemo sdk script is kinda painfully bad...just cause I'm running an amd64 kernel doesn't mean I have a 64bit userspace...21:58
* RST38h still does not understand what is so special about amd64 that maemosdk does not install on it21:59
rm_youjohnx: try:21:59
johnxprobably qemu issues21:59
rm_youworking great too21:59
rm_youstraight compile from the debian patched source22:00
rm_youfrom Sid :P22:00
rm_youlooks like it just ships with a broken .2822:00
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rm_youstill playing my videos flawlessly with a2dp :P22:01
johnxrm_you, no love22:02
johnxI swear you did something else to22:02
johnxyou didn't even try a different bluez-utils and then change back?22:02
johnxthe libbluetooth deb you linked includes nothing that has to do with a2dp22:03
johnxthat's just the basic, common bluetooth stuff22:03
rm_youbluez-utils:  Installed: 3.28-0osso422:03
rm_youi *swear* thats all i did22:03
rm_youinstall that, reboot, done22:03
johnxrm_you, want to try changing back to make me feel better? :)22:04
johnxif you change back to 3.28 and it breaks, I'll believe you22:04
rm_youerr, on reboot my wireless was broken, so i cycled offline/online a couple times22:04
rm_youwill try22:04
rm_youyou try that first22:04
rm_youcycle your offline/online modes22:04
rm_youmaybe it re-initializes the bluetooth stuff?22:04
* lcuk wishes he could upgrade his brain to scrollback reallife22:05
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rm_youalso I did /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart22:05
rm_youtotally forgot that22:05
rm_youanyway, reverting22:06
lcukhmmm "Nokia N800 Internet Tablet WiFi built in GPS"22:07
lcukand yes, its an 80022:08
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rm_youyeah they lie22:10
rm_youjohnx: yeah ok fine, you win22:12
rm_youit works back on .2822:12
rm_youall i did was /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart22:13
crashanddielcuk, might be easier than I thought it was. Laying out the C++ architecture at the mo... !22:13
crashanddiebut now ! PIZZZAAA TIME !22:13
johnx"Jan, tell him what he's won!" "A braaaand new car!"22:13
* lcuk still has no idea wtf you are doing22:13
lcuki must have missed a conversation22:13
* Cptnodegard is just home from liberty city. good to see the real world is still here22:13
* lcuk wonders if he was sleeptyping22:13
crashanddielcuk, I'm working on a very small app, that will draw a spectrum of the sound currently outputted by the NIT22:13
rm_youjohnx: so22:14
rm_youjohnx: did THAT fix it?22:14
lcukahhh right - with the wav thing22:14
rm_youcuz i got nothin else22:14
johnxrm_you, for me?22:14
* lcuk is on the same page now22:14
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lcuki didnt think it was a big deal thou lol22:14
rm_you /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart22:14
johnxrm_you, nope :/22:14
crashanddielcuk, it's... challenging :P Again22:14
* lcuk knows all about challenges22:14
rm_youjohnx: i can't think of anything else.22:15
johnxneither can I22:15
rm_youjohnx: ask me things, i'll answer :/22:15
rm_youif your asoundrc correct? >_>22:15
lcukcrashanddie, i just build little modules of things all the time to test theories22:15
johnxit is, cause it works if I switch a2dp for auto22:16
johnxthen it tries to use SCO22:16
rm_youjohnx: .... check the disable sink thing? >_>22:16
johnxyeah, I did, like a million times22:17
johnxI even did it by hand in audio.conf22:17
johnxtried once with the automatically generated one from my own .deb and once with modifying the one in diablo22:17
johnxrm_you, anyways, just tell me what kind of CPU usage you see22:17
johnxthat's what I'm most interested in22:17
cjohnsonTaking into account both the price and the features...overall which device would you guys say is better...the n800 or the n810?22:18
cjohnsonStandard n810, not WiMax22:18
rm_youjohnx: mine:
johnxcjohnson, it depends on whether you want the keyboard, sunlight readable screen and the (kinda lame) GPS22:19
johnxrm_you, yeah, I'm pretty confident mine is right22:19
cjohnsonjohnx, the if I don't care about the keyboard and I already have a bluetooth GPS22:19
lcukcjohnson, i originally saw the 800 and went "meh!", i saw the 810 and went "wow!"  the keyboard (whilst not perfect) allows you to type AND see what you are doing.  that alone makes it the winner22:19
rm_youcjohnson: i prefer a bluetooth keyboard, my GPS is better, and i dont go out in the sun (i'm not INSANE)... plus i have 2 SD slots in my n800 :P22:19
cjohnsonlcuk, I have a BT kbd22:19
lcukso do i22:19
johnxcjohnson, then get an n800 and enjoy the extra SD card slot22:19
cjohnsonrm_you, I'm in the same boat as you...I chose the n800 but my dad is getting one22:20
rm_youcjohnson: definitely n80022:20
lcukbut you dont wanna be getting it out every 5 minutes just to type a url or a password or something22:20
cjohnsonlcuk, for that I don't mind the half-screen kbd22:20
rm_youlcuk: no, you use the thumbboard for that22:20
cjohnsonlcuk, I'm quite proficient with the stylus22:20
rm_youthumbboard works very well22:20
lcukthen your mind is already amde up22:20
cjohnsonlcuk, I was asking for my dad22:20
lcukthen has your dad got a bt keyboard?22:20
cjohnsonlcuk, but I know he'll hate a tiny little keyboard, the difference between an onscreen kbd and the slide out will be nothing22:21
cjohnsonand he already has a bluetooth gps device as well22:21
lcukits a world of difference imho22:21
cjohnsonhe won't see it so22:21
lcukhave you got 80022:21
cjohnsonI do22:21
lcukgive it him for a few days and see if he likes it22:21
lcukif ihe does you have your answer, if not try the 81022:22
lcukor something entirely different22:22
cjohnsonlcuk, he lives hours away, and I can't live without it for the time it takes between our visits :P22:22
cjohnsonso, what about the system itself. is it faster?22:22
cjohnsonthe OS is the same I assume22:22
cjohnsonboth take the same os200822:22
lcuksame os, same cpu speed22:22
johnxthe only thing I don't like the fullscreen thumboard for is chatting (read: attempting to chat) on IM or IRC22:22
cjohnsonbattery life better/worse? camera?22:22
lcukcamera is crap either way22:23
cjohnsonjohnx, yeah, but if I'm chatting I have room to prop my bt kbd on my lap22:23
cjohnsonlcuk, figured22:23
johnxbattery life, very similar. camera, just as bad, but only faces forwards22:23
lcuk810 feels more grown up though22:23
cjohnsonlcuk, seems more like a "professional" device you mean?22:23
cjohnsonlcuk, or are features more refined?22:23
lcuki like the lock slider on mine22:23
johnxlcuk, did you buy into the marketing? :P22:23
cjohnsonooooh, lock slider22:23
cjohnsonthat's the one thing I wish n800 had22:23
lcukactually its a very good feature22:24
cjohnsonthat and either make the camera good or remove it22:24
johnxguys, lcuk drank the kool-aid. :P22:24
lcuki never liked the odd shape of the 800 either22:24
* lcuk drinks beer actually22:24
cjohnsonHow odd?22:24
cjohnsonfront facing? or the rounded top back portion?22:24
lcukits got a rounded bulge hasnt it22:24
cjohnsonit's a mild bulge22:25
rm_youjohnx: ~60% CPU on mplayer22:25
cjohnsonI don't notice it22:25
cjohnsonare n800s in stock anywhere?22:25
johnxrm_you, ick, I won't bother then22:25
lcukcjohnson, the one big bonus about 800 is price22:26
* sp3000 giggles22:26
sp3000"libc6-dev was my favorite package for chinook."22:26
johnxI'll wait for my scratchbox env to set itself up for the billionth time and then compile 3.32 or whatever nokia has patches for22:26
rm_youjohnx: ? that's with hi-res video too <_<22:26
rm_youjohnx: thats with .3322:26
cjohnsoni like extra SD slot though, I copied my OS to it to remove stress from internal flash and give myself more OS room22:26
johnxrm_you, you only changed won't affect CPU usage22:26
johnxall the sbc stuff happens in libs shipped with bluez-utils22:27
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rm_youi thought .33 was supposed to include a bunch of SBC patches22:27
johnxyou weren't listening earlier :P22:27
* rm_you goes to recompile22:27
cjohnsonBut in the US are there any places (online) I could get an n800 new right now? I've been looking and haven't found22:27
johnxwow...stock dried up fast22:28
johnxgoogle seems to know of a few22:28
johnxbut not nearly as cheap as it was a month ago or so22:29
cjohnsonI got mine like a month and a half ago22:29
cjohnsonI saw it for 200 on newegg22:29
Tamagotonocheck it shows them instock at $219.9922:29
cjohnsonless than a week later newegg completely removed it from the list22:29
cjohnsonit won't load :'(22:30
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johnxrm_you, alright, I need to catch some sleep. Hopefully I'll wake up to find my Diablo scratchbox is nicely installed and working.22:32
rm_youjohnx: kk22:32
rm_youima compile new debian bluez-utils22:32
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johnxrm_you, look at Nokia's sources too22:33
johnxsaves you the trouble of mucking with the debian control file22:33
TamagotonoI asked earlier about recommendations for a good irc client for the n800 and was recommended xchat.  I have been looking all over but can't find it for os2008.  Can someone point me in the right direction please?22:35
Stskeepsdebian really wonders me at times.. <install something> "remove fam" <error from one of the installed packages:> "package dependancy libfam not installed"..22:35
johnxTamagotono, google for xchat maemo chinook22:37
johnxactually, try xchat skyhuser22:37
johnxgrr...hang on I'll just find a link22:37
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johnxskyhusker I guess22:38
johnxit says beta, but it works fine22:39
TamagotonoOK, I feel stupid now.  I tried other google searches but didn't think about adding chinook!  Thank you for your help.22:39
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rm_youwow is SLOOOOW22:40
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cjohnsonTamagotono, I love you :D22:41
cjohnsonTamagotono, dad's getting an n800 now D:22:41
Tamagotonoglad I could help22:42
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johnxTamagotono, that grr wasn't direct at you BTW, it was at my complete failure to find xchat with my own search terms O_o22:42
TamagotonoI got mine off of craigslist a couple of months ago. $170 !!! only slightly used :)22:43
* Jaffa gets into dependency hell trying to build gnupg, gives up and raises a bug instead22:43
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cjohnsonTamagotono, I prefer my electronics to be new...I just have bad luck with used items22:44
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cjohnsonjohnx, how dare you >:o22:44
* rm_you bought his n800 used22:44
kkrustycjohnson: or you get ripped off22:44
cjohnsonkkrusty, yeah.22:45
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TamagotonoI figured it was worth the risk since he had the receipt, I figured if it didnt work I could send it in for repair.22:45
kkrustycjohnson: only saying because it happened to me too :(22:45
cjohnsonkkrusty, it's happened to me before22:45
cjohnsonkkrusty, now I only shop electronics on Amazon, MicroCenter, NewEgg, or TigerDirect22:45
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cjohnsonkkrusty, and in fact I buy almost nothing off eBay22:46
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lcukjaffa, like i said yesterday: am i safe to install diablo yet? ;)22:53
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TamagotonoIs there any extra configuration required to connect with xchat.  I have it installed but cannot connect to the server.  It might be the network here at work but my laptop is working fine with it.22:56
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lcukif you can get internet from your device usually you can get xchat22:57
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lcukbut i dunno which port it uses, it might be possible that its firewalled22:58
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Tamagotonothats what I am thinking.  Trying to see if my laptop uses a diffrent port.23:02
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RST38hhello dneary23:09
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wazdHello again everybody :)23:10
Tamagowoohoo it was the port that was blocked!23:10
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Jaffalcuk: diablo seems fine-ish to me. still having RSS weirdness23:10
dnearyRST38h: Howdy23:10
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jacques-workI just installed diablo, I hadn't upgraded to chinnok23:33
jacques-workseems nice so far23:33
jacques-workbut I hear the method for getting root access has changed since I did it long ago23:34
infobotmethinks easyroot is an easy way to get root access on OS2008 and can be found at http://nitapps.com23:34
jacques-workcool, looking...23:34
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RST38hssh root@localhost works just as well23:36
JaffaJoy, more pre-teen wiki spam23:36
jacques-worklots of neat stuff on :-)23:36
RST38hJaffa: show it show it pleazzzze =)23:36
Jaffarolledback already :)23:37
jacques-workRST38h, thanks23:37
RST38hnano from nitapps crashes when attempting to search (^W)23:38
RST38hanyone has got a working version?23:38
RST38hGA: no arrows. can't be any good without arrows. =)23:39
JaffaRST38h: you sure Ctrl-W isn't closing the window? I have a problem pressing Ctrl-E to go to the end of the line - it brings up the search box23:39
jacques-workI thought arrows did work in vi23:39
jacques-workat least they do on my desktop23:39
* Jaffa has just submitted vim to the auto-builder as well23:40
GeneralAntillesSearch in nano segfaults.23:40
jacques-workoops, I have vi aliased to vim, so vim has arrows23:40
RST38hJaffa: Definitely not - I have spent half of my life with pico23:40
JaffaArrows work in the built-in vi in Maemo23:41
JaffaRST38h: I meant in the terminal emulator. You crash out to a shell?23:41
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RST38hJaffa: yea, but not in the edit mode :)23:41
RST38hJaffa: yep23:41
RST38hrun nano either in osso-xterm or in ssh session, press ^W, and it will die on you23:42
JaffaMeh I dislike nano as I *hate(d)* pico23:42
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* RST38h likes pico: it is stupid, has arrows, and does not get in the way (except for its habit of breaking long lines)23:44
* GeneralAntilles wishes you could resolve as duplicate in gforge tracker. . . .23:44
GeneralAntillesSo satisfying.23:44
rm_youGeneralAntilles: is this closed correctly you think?
rm_youit seems like it isn't invalid, as there is incorrect information on the SCM page >_>23:45
GeneralAntillesThen say as much.23:46
rm_youi did...23:46
rm_youshould i reopen it?23:46
* GeneralAntilles should put his glasses on23:46
GeneralAntillesWell, if that's the issue, change the summary and reopen?23:47
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RST38hModest email fetch died again.23:47
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RST38hWho allowed this program into the firmware? At least the old mail client did not die when fetching mail =(23:48
derfSure it did.23:48
derfRight after it filled up all of my RAM.23:48
sp3000I think the old email app killed kittens23:49
derfsp3000: After it filled up all of their RAM.23:49
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sp3000so it may have been better, depending on your priorities23:49
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derfActually, I guess technically the old mail client would not crash.23:52
derfIt would start thrashing the page file and eventually cause the entire tablet to reboot.23:52
* rm_you sleeps23:53
lcuknight rm_you23:53
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* RST38h never had old client do any of these things23:54
derfBut I've heard modest has a 15k message limit, so, you know, not much better.23:54
RST38hand if that client did kill kittents, it made sure to do it when I was not watching23:54
derfRST38h: I have multiple, large, IMAP folders that all have mail delivered directly to them.23:55
derfI break mail clients.23:55
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RST38hwell, do not have large imap folders and do not ask your client to load message bodies23:55
derfI _didn't_.23:56
RST38hon the other hand, it depends on how large - you may end up filling memory with just email headers23:56
derfI set up the account, at no point suggesting it download message bodies, and it never recovered from that.23:56
derfRST38h: Only 20-30k messages at most.23:57
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RST38hshould not break then23:59

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