darkblue_B | but... the flash utility on Ubuntu is saying..Error claiming USB Interface: Operatin not permitted | 00:00 |
darkblue_B | ?? | 00:00 |
qwerty12_N800 | sudo | 00:00 |
darkblue_B | tried twice .. no luck yet | 00:00 |
darkblue_B | ah so | 00:00 |
darkblue_B | thx so much qwerty12_N800 | 00:00 |
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darkblue_B | ok.. getting further... | 00:03 |
darkblue_B | it rebooted but it doesnt look like the new system to me | 00:03 |
darkblue_B | nope )S2007 | 00:03 |
darkblue_B | OS | 00:03 |
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darkblue_B | hmmm | 00:06 |
darkblue_B | problem | 00:06 |
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darkblue_B | started the flasher.. withthe device plugged in, rebooted w/ home key.. USB mode comes up , the flasher sees it.. | 00:07 |
darkblue_B | Flasher says 100% downloaded.. BUT then | 00:07 |
darkblue_B | Finishing Flashing.. Sending request 0x52 failed! | 00:07 |
darkblue_B | Unable to get error strings: Connection Timed out | 00:07 |
darkblue_B | green line is stopped ... near the beginning | 00:08 |
darkblue_B | :-/ | 00:08 |
darkblue_B | ??? | 00:08 |
darkblue_B | I just tried a second N800.... same result .... | 00:12 |
Toba | it's not bricked is it? | 00:12 |
Toba | I've spent a few hours at least installing software and configuring it.. is there a way to update without just flashing over the entire thing? | 00:13 |
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darkblue_B | no.. it just boots after the failures... they both do | 00:14 |
darkblue_B | mea culpa | 00:15 |
lcuk | darkblue, if you have windows available, might be an idea to try the windows flasher - it may be a bit friendlier? | 00:16 |
darkblue_B | wrong capital Fs and Rs | 00:16 |
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darkblue_B | no it appears I got it | 00:16 |
lcuk | good | 00:16 |
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* lcuk hates the command line | 00:16 | |
darkblue_B | yeah.. me too.. I can do it though | 00:17 |
* Toba <3 cmd line | 00:17 | |
Toba | it's a pain on the little kb though so I installed openssh | 00:17 |
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darkblue_B | hey Q.. I have my unit set up with ssh and vnc | 00:22 |
darkblue_B | to save some time now that I have ths next unit flashedm, I was going to do a backup/restore on it | 00:22 |
darkblue_B | but.. my associate is british, so he set his to british english | 00:23 |
darkblue_B | mine is US english | 00:23 |
darkblue_B | do you think there would be some thing quirky about using restore is the basic OS setting was diferent like that? | 00:23 |
darkblue_B | I thnk I'll just try it | 00:25 |
darkblue_B | I can just flash thte thing again if there are problems | 00:26 |
lcuk | set his to us english, restore settings, change back to british :) | 00:29 |
darkblue_B | ahhh | 00:29 |
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darkblue_B | ok.. did a backup.. now to get the backup onto the other machine | 00:34 |
lcuk | magic | 00:35 |
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darkblue_B | any idea how to find the contents of a single internal card in the command line world? | 00:44 |
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Dekaritae | It's not /media/mmc2 ? | 00:46 |
darkblue_B | Dekaritae: thats it - thx | 00:47 |
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timelyx | GeneralAntilles http://wiki.maemo.org/Bugsquad why isn't "MediaWiki naming guidelines" a link? | 01:08 |
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summatusmentis | http://profile.ak.facebook.com/v223/1441/35/s1130156792_5249.jpg <- that sort of remind anyone of anything? | 01:10 |
timelyx | GeneralAntilles: grrr. someone created tms by name? | 01:11 |
timelyx | that's insane | 01:11 |
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timelyx | GeneralAntilles: and sadly they can't count either. | 01:13 |
* timelyx wonders what maemo4.0.1 is | 01:13 | |
timelyx | could someone ask qwerty12 to load about:crashes in firefox3 ? | 01:15 |
summatusmentis | just regular firefox3? | 01:15 |
summatusmentis | like, on a destkop, vs. tablet? | 01:16 |
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summatusmentis | wtf... ignore my previous link, I have no idea what that is | 01:16 |
summatusmentis | http://www.engadget.com/2008/06/14/origami-experience-2-0-finally-coming-to-a-umpc-near-you/ <- Does _that_ remind anyone of anything? | 01:17 |
timelyx | andre___: you're enjoying maemo-developers? :) | 01:18 |
dick-richardson | n810 showed up :D | 01:19 |
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fuelfive | anyone had luck modifying the root image? | 01:19 |
timelyx | could someone tell mgedmin thanks re:crypto tale :) | 01:20 |
fuelfive | I'm following http://maemo.org/community/wiki/ModifyingRootImage, but keep getting IO errors | 01:20 |
fuelfive | tar: ./sbin/udhcpc: Read error at byte 0, while reading 7168 bytes: Input/output error | 01:20 |
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fuelfive | etc | 01:20 |
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timelyx | someone tell unixsnob to google wyciwyg (and wysiwyg) [c=cache] | 01:27 |
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timelyx | summatusmentis: no idea, there wasn't enough context for me to tell | 01:31 |
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timelyx | if it was on the tablet then about:crashes should be blank | 01:31 |
timelyx | hrm, i didn't get much of a karma boost for blogging | 01:32 |
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timelyx | but seriously, what is maemo4.0.1? if i were to guess, it'd be diablo | 01:35 |
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* timelyx chuckles | 01:56 | |
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timelyx | http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=583937&no_d2=1&cid=23793201 <- someone should bring Bruce to maemo-developers, he'd change his tune about frustration + /. :) | 01:56 |
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* timelyx sighs | 02:00 | |
timelyx | would someone please explain to me how one *accidentally* selects close all windows? | 02:01 |
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sp3000 | unlock, pocket :) | 02:02 |
sp3000 | though it's still a bit unlikely | 02:03 |
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sp3000 | a more likely scenario would be using the menu to close one window because you're fullscreen and don't have a corner X, then miss in the menu | 02:04 |
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sp3000 | and then ctrl-q is near ctrl-w | 02:04 |
timelyx | ctrl-q should never be bound to anything | 02:05 |
timelyx | that's some UE designer's error, for which they should be fired :) | 02:05 |
timelyx | quit all windows/quit application should really be bound to "use the power button" | 02:06 |
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timelyx | but i'm pretty sure the bug report i'm about to read is about the menu item | 02:07 |
timelyx | (which i'd rather we hadn't implemented at all, but...) | 02:07 |
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timelyx | don't suppose you remember where UI Specs are buried in bugs.maemo? | 02:10 |
timelyx | oh, it's a product | 02:11 |
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andre___ | timelyx, it's a product now | 02:11 |
timelyx | interesting | 02:11 |
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timelyx | i sure didn't remember it being there when i was fixing tm links | 02:11 |
andre___ | yeah. maybe easier to streamline those bugs and avoid devs closing them as wontfix | 02:11 |
andre___ | i created it a week ago | 02:12 |
timelyx | otoh, i wasn't paying much attn | 02:12 |
andre___ | (got to go, later) | 02:12 |
sp3000 | also, I have witnessed finns dancing some sort of polka in a circle | 02:12 |
timelyx | i mass changed product milestone links on friday | 02:12 |
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andre___ | cool | 02:12 |
timelyx | sp3000: were they drunk? | 02:12 |
sp3000 | the trauma will stay with me forever I'm sure | 02:12 |
sp3000 | certainly | 02:12 |
timelyx | more importantly, were you drunk? | 02:12 |
* sp3000 was at a friend's wedding | 02:12 | |
sp3000 | certainly | 02:12 |
timelyx | did your n8x0 record a video of it? | 02:13 |
sp3000 | you realize these people are insane, and then you realize you're right in the middle | 02:13 |
sp3000 | no, I don't think I got it on gps either :P | 02:13 |
sp3000 | I'm sure there's some documentation somewhere | 02:13 |
sp3000 | maybe, eventually | 02:14 |
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timelyx | vhs would be better than gps, but :) | 02:15 |
timelyx | do i want to watch the ui-specification component? | 02:15 |
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timelyx | or do i want to get dinner | 02:15 |
timelyx | unixSnob! | 02:15 |
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timelyx | 01:27 timelyx someone tell unixsnob to google wyciwyg (and wysiwyg) [c=cache] | 02:16 |
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timelyx | andre___: wow, you found someone willing to be an assignee for bugs? | 02:16 |
timelyx | (actually, that will eventually prove to be unwise, but hey, i'll enjoy watching) | 02:16 |
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* timelyx sighs | 02:17 | |
* timelyx needs to disable js based gmail | 02:17 | |
timelyx | it doesn't work here | 02:17 |
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timelyx | heh | 02:22 |
timelyx | someone installed mplayer-plugin on diablo | 02:22 |
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GAN800 | timely, there's an announcement on maemo.org about 4.0.1. It corresponds to 50-2. | 02:30 |
GAN800 | s/timely/timelyx/ | 02:30 |
infobot | GAN800 meant: timelyx, there's an announcement on maemo.org about 4.0.1. It corresponds to 50-2. | 02:30 |
GAN800 | I had the same questions about the TMs. | 02:30 |
GAN800 | dneary needs to be poked about linkifying the mediawiki guidelines. I wasn't able to produce them quickly when I looked. | 02:31 |
timelyx | don't worry about nicks, i respond to them all | 02:32 |
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GAN800 | http://maemo.org/news/announcements/view/maemo_4_0_1_released.html | 02:37 |
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GAN800 | timelyx, bug #3248 doesn't seem to happen in fullscreen, only windowed. | 02:39 |
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timelyx | heh | 02:39 |
timelyx | please comment | 02:39 |
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timelyx | is planet.debian.org dead ? :) | 02:55 |
shd | popcon.debian.org seems dead too.. | 02:56 |
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* timelyx tries to figure out why of mice men ended up on planet | 03:04 | |
* timelyx cries | 03:05 | |
timelyx | oh well "fixed" :) | 03:06 |
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* timelyx had done a reedit w/o fixing the timestamp, and the timestamper picked up and froze the reedit date | 03:07 | |
mikedep3331 | hey, I saw that canola now has a uPnP plugin | 03:07 |
mikedep3331 | is that the same as the media sharing for the file manager? in OS 2008? | 03:07 |
timelyx | um, media sharing may or may not also include cifs | 03:08 |
mikedep3331 | yeah | 03:08 |
mikedep3331 | I know about SMBFS/CIFS | 03:08 |
timelyx | not sure, since i've never seen "media sharing" | 03:08 |
timelyx | but otherwise yeah, the file manager is basically upnp+cifs afaik | 03:08 |
mikedep3331 | by media sharing I mean videos/audio | 03:08 |
mikedep3331 | ok | 03:08 |
mikedep3331 | does windows media player do upnp? | 03:08 |
timelyx | ask google? :) | 03:09 |
timelyx | my WMPs don't work | 03:09 |
shackan | mikedep3331: I've desperately tried to | 03:09 |
shackan | then I gave up and rebooted | 03:09 |
mikedep3331 | ok | 03:09 |
shackan | (anyway, is canola able to list more than a hundred songs via upnp? because I could never see my whole song list, no matter what server I tried) | 03:10 |
mikedep3331 | I think it is in beta | 03:10 |
shackan | I know | 03:11 |
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Proteous | are dpads really that hard to make not suck? | 03:48 |
KotCzarny | nope | 03:48 |
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KotCzarny | logitech and olpc get it right | 03:48 |
Proteous | maybe you can give nokia some tips | 03:48 |
KotCzarny | *got | 03:49 |
Proteous | all it would take is a nice dpad and the n810 could have a cool gaming selling point | 03:50 |
Proteous | there arfe some severe space limitations they had to work with but still | 03:52 |
mikedep3331 | well, what's an easy and effective way to share out media on a linux (ubuntu 8.04) desktop? | 03:52 |
Proteous | apt-cache search upnp? | 03:53 |
mikedep3331 | I did that | 03:53 |
Proteous | heh | 03:53 |
mikedep3331 | I am thinking of installing this one program | 03:53 |
mikedep3331 | mediatomb | 03:53 |
Proteous | I have a upnp server running on my windows server | 03:54 |
Proteous | works great for streaming to my 810 | 03:54 |
Proteous | I'm not familiar with any linux apps though | 03:55 |
Proteous | mythtv and mediatomb ssem to be the most popular linux choices | 03:57 |
darkblue_B | oh.. I just found geexbox.. command line only | 03:58 |
darkblue_B | I dont a thing about it.. just saw this go by | 03:58 |
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darkblue_B | I do have a bunch of mp3. like many | 03:58 |
darkblue_B | seems intruiging, if its not to much hassle | 03:58 |
timelyx | Proteous: nintendo got them right in 1998 | 04:02 |
timelyx | but it seems it's hard up north | 04:02 |
timelyx | err... Proteous: nintendo got them right in 1988 | 04:02 |
n800m | hehe | 04:03 |
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pekuja | don't you mean 1980? (Game & Watch) | 04:06 |
pekuja | well ok, maybe that wasn't yet "right" | 04:07 |
pekuja | but wasn't Game Boy 1989? | 04:07 |
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darkblue_B | I was a network engineer in 1988.. TCP/IP didnt work that well then.. companies had different solutions.. Vines and TokenRing products were big in business | 04:11 |
* timelyx liked vines | 04:12 | |
timelyx | or rather my dad did | 04:12 |
* timelyx was a bit young then | 04:12 | |
timelyx | tokenring was a different layer though, no? | 04:12 |
timelyx | or are you describing it as the pair vines over tokenring? | 04:13 |
WorkingOnWise | did IBM have some big marketing campaign about tcp back then? | 04:13 |
darkblue_B | well, I worked on Apple products.. so I cant tell you chapter and verse | 04:13 |
darkblue_B | though I looked over the shoulder of the TCP/IP guys | 04:13 |
WorkingOnWise | or was it lantastic? | 04:13 |
timelyx | we used apple ii products at school :) | 04:14 |
timelyx | appletalk and friends | 04:14 |
timelyx | appleshare | 04:14 |
darkblue_B | yep.. | 04:14 |
darkblue_B | there was MIDI.. but digital music on that kind of hardware was a long way off | 04:15 |
* timelyx misses midi | 04:15 | |
darkblue_B | the CD happened, but the net and storage couldnt keep up with it | 04:15 |
timelyx | it really sucks that it's so hard to find music in midi format | 04:15 |
darkblue_B | .. on ordinary machines | 04:15 |
timelyx | and of course iirc the itos audio/media player don't even support it out of the box | 04:16 |
timelyx | i usually just want the instruments for songs, so i can sing along w/ the sheet music | 04:16 |
darkblue_B | all of this apropos to the musings about GameBoys in 1988 or whatever.. certainly nowhere near serving lists of x100 songs, as we are talking aout now! | 04:16 |
* timelyx disagrees | 04:17 | |
* timelyx had >>500 midi files by 1992 | 04:17 | |
timelyx | and uis to handle it really did exist back then | 04:18 |
timelyx | there were also tracker apps (totally different from today's trackers) | 04:18 |
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darkblue_B | midi | 04:22 |
darkblue_B | sure.. | 04:22 |
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darkblue_B | where are they now! | 04:23 |
n800m | what's new and exciting | 04:24 |
n800m | any new debs for ~noobs? | 04:24 |
timelyx | is that "like noobs" or "not noobs"? | 04:24 |
n800m | almost | 04:25 |
n800m | approximately | 04:25 |
n800m | circa | 04:25 |
johnx | I figured wiggly noobs | 04:25 |
timelyx | n800m: ~ has other meanings in math/cs | 04:26 |
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n800m | yeah it's the new 'fanboy' | 04:26 |
n800m | buzzword warning | 04:26 |
n800m | like "wiggly" | 04:26 |
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mikedep3331 | hey, I keep on seeing people saying they are running stuff on diablo | 04:40 |
mikedep3331 | where do I get it? | 04:40 |
johnx | It's a somewhat working leaked beta copy | 04:42 |
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timelyx | mikedep3331: officially no one is supposed to explain how to o it | 04:43 |
timelyx | but basically once you have the instructions, you can get weekly updates | 04:43 |
johnx | not only that, but you probably don't want it | 04:43 |
timelyx | yeah well.. that too | 04:43 |
mikedep3331 | too buggy? | 04:43 |
timelyx | after all, everyone seems to complain it's buggy :) | 04:43 |
johnx | a little buggy, but more than that: almost nothing has changed | 04:43 |
mikedep3331 | is the web browser faster? | 04:44 |
johnx | not really | 04:44 |
timelyx | johnx: *shrug* the only major changes was a daemonized browser and a new mail client | 04:44 |
mikedep3331 | oh well | 04:44 |
timelyx | mikedep3331: the browser change is mostly that if the engine crashes, your ui survives | 04:44 |
timelyx | which means you might not lose the urls of the pages you're visiting.. | 04:44 |
mikedep3331 | so it is basically they just added support for wimax? | 04:45 |
johnx | and when it's released you will be able to upgrade to new versions of diablo without reflashing | 04:45 |
n800m | nice | 04:45 |
johnx | mikedep3331, oh, there are plenty of small bug fixes | 04:45 |
n800m | is the browser just as big of a memory hog? | 04:45 |
summatusmentis | 7yeah, it's kind of a boring update | 04:45 |
timelyx | practically speaking, it's the same engine | 04:46 |
summatusmentis | there's a-gps, but outside of that | 04:46 |
summatusmentis | not too much to care about | 04:46 |
mikedep3331 | so despite the fact that there are only minor improvements, it is still overall more buggy? | 04:46 |
timelyx | hopefully the release after diablo will have an engine like ff3 | 04:46 |
* summatusmentis hasn't run into bugs, but he doesn't run it every day | 04:46 | |
johnx | the only thing that I'm still really having problems with is the browser taking up a lot of memory *sometimes* | 04:46 |
johnx | but it's difficult to reproduce | 04:47 |
n800m | is it better than this one? | 04:47 |
timelyx | johnx: out of curiosity, if we gave you debs which were nonstandard, would you install them? | 04:47 |
johnx | timelyx, sure | 04:47 |
timelyx | ok | 04:48 |
* timelyx ponders | 04:48 | |
timelyx | how many windows do you keep open? | 04:48 |
mikedep3331 | so is nokia intending to ultimately go with ubuntu? | 04:48 |
johnx | I used to run 2 or 3 | 04:48 |
* timelyx suspects the only useful thing would be object tracing | 04:48 | |
mikedep3331 | or just incorporate improvements from ubuntu back into maemo? | 04:48 |
johnx | but not I just use one and still have the same problem | 04:48 |
timelyx | and do you have 1-2gb of free space on any of your volumes? :) | 04:48 |
mikedep3331 | or is that too much speculation? | 04:48 |
johnx | timelyx, I can manage that in the name of debugging | 04:48 |
timelyx | ok | 04:49 |
mikedep3331 | has anyone got mediatomb to work with canola? | 04:49 |
johnx | mikedep3331, by the time they trimmed down ubuntu enough to fit in 256MB of flash it would resemble maemo more than ubuntu | 04:49 |
summatusmentis | mikedep3331: I don't know that anyone knows... why do you think Nokia would be doing anything w/ ubuntu? | 04:49 |
timelyx | so, i think the thing i'll need to get you is a debug microb-engine w/ a change to the start script so it logs object allocs | 04:49 |
timelyx | or perhaps i'll just give you the ability to tweak the start script | 04:49 |
johnx | mikedep3331, I was using it last night | 04:49 |
timelyx | since you're going to need to go through a couple of iterations | 04:49 |
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* timelyx ponders | 04:50 | |
timelyx | ok, well... something for me to sleep on | 04:50 |
mikedep3331 | summatusmentis: because they are porting ubuntu to the IT | 04:50 |
mikedep3331 | http://linuxdevices.com/news/NS2097004728.html | 04:50 |
mikedep3331 | johnx: are you running ubuntu 8.04 or something similar? | 04:50 |
johnx | mikedep3331, on my desktop? | 04:50 |
mikedep3331 | to run mediatomb | 04:51 |
johnx | running it on debian | 04:51 |
mikedep3331 | well, here's my problem | 04:51 |
johnx | timelyx, ok. I'm up for whatever. | 04:51 |
mikedep3331 | wait, let me try something | 04:52 |
Navi | Mmm | 04:53 |
dick-richardson | it's like I have my right hand back | 04:53 |
mikedep3331 | oh, my firewall is up | 04:54 |
mikedep3331 | nm | 04:54 |
timelyx | johnx: k... i can give you some stuff to read in advance | 04:54 |
Navi | woo | 04:54 |
Navi | stuff to read | 04:54 |
johnx | timelyx, sounds fair | 04:54 |
timelyx | http://wiki.mozilla.org/Performance:Leak_Tools | 04:55 |
timelyx | is probably the starting point | 04:55 |
timelyx | the web site has reorganized since i learned the tools | 04:55 |
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johnx | doesn't look too bad | 04:56 |
timelyx | yeah i think that's a fairly current overview | 04:56 |
timelyx | you'll need to read at least 1 link depth beyond it | 04:56 |
johnx | aaah | 04:57 |
johnx | awesome :P | 04:57 |
timelyx | if you have a scratchbox, it's technically possible for you to build the microb-engine part debug yourself | 04:57 |
timelyx | instead of waiting for me to find a build for you | 04:57 |
johnx | I'll see if I can resurrect my scratchbox install after I get back from work today | 04:57 |
summatusmentis | how does scratchbox work? | 04:58 |
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johnx | clever tricks and an arm emulator | 04:58 |
timelyx | "poorly" | 04:58 |
summatusmentis | anything at all like OpenEmbedded? or not? | 04:58 |
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johnx | they both cross compile, but the similiarity ends there | 04:59 |
timelyx | heh | 04:59 |
summatusmentis | so it is a cross compile env | 04:59 |
summatusmentis | intriguing | 04:59 |
timelyx | or not | 04:59 |
timelyx | it's just a foreign env | 04:59 |
timelyx | it doesn't have to be cross | 04:59 |
summatusmentis | compile w/in the arm emulator? | 05:00 |
timelyx | you can use it to deal w/ debian from a red hat box | 05:00 |
timelyx | or you can use it to compile onto a remote device (sb-rsh ?) | 05:00 |
summatusmentis | interesting | 05:00 |
timelyx | but you can't really use it from a 64bit box | 05:00 |
timelyx | (not w/o massive headaches) | 05:00 |
summatusmentis | oh, well that's lame :) | 05:00 |
timelyx | and it doesn't work well (or at all?) from other platforms (osx, solaris, ppc) | 05:01 |
* timelyx shrugs | 05:01 | |
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timelyx | it's your typically "i need something for me" tool | 05:01 |
timelyx | it works w/in very restrictive limits | 05:01 |
timelyx | and in the end, setting it up isn't worth the price of vmware | 05:01 |
timelyx | so just get a vmware player and a vmware image :) | 05:02 |
summatusmentis | I've got vmware fusion, and an ubuntu install | 05:02 |
timelyx | i think there are at least 2 maemo vmware images | 05:02 |
timelyx | one from some community group and one from mozilla.org | 05:02 |
timelyx | if i were johnx, i'd grab the mozilla.org image :) | 05:03 |
summatusmentis | I could setup maemo on my own if I wanted, without scratchbox? or is scratchbox required? | 05:03 |
timelyx | johnx: http://wiki.mozilla.org/Mobile/Build/Maemo_Build_Instructions#VMWare_Image | 05:03 |
timelyx | you can build on device | 05:03 |
timelyx | if you're very very careful | 05:03 |
timelyx | and somewhat lucky | 05:04 |
timelyx | i think it's possible for a package to require non busybox versions of tools | 05:04 |
timelyx | which pretty much excludes building directly on device | 05:04 |
johnx | timelyx, will look tonight | 05:04 |
johnx | eating breakfast now | 05:04 |
* timelyx is digesting dinner | 05:04 | |
Navi | mmm | 05:04 |
summatusmentis | hmm... I'll have to look into it after Summer of Code | 05:04 |
Navi | breakfast | 05:04 |
* timelyx grumbles | 05:05 | |
timelyx | someone made a 10 and buried the vmware image | 05:05 |
* timelyx will have to find someone w/ a wiki account to make it point 1 | 05:05 | |
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lcuk | autotools has a massive dependency for debianutils which will pretty much wipe out your device. | 05:05 |
lcuk | but gcc and make and stuff all work nicely | 05:05 |
summatusmentis | that's probably what I did recently | 05:05 |
timelyx | heh | 05:06 |
summatusmentis | completely deleted everything, just by using apt | 05:06 |
timelyx | probably if you want to use your device you'll want to install to an mmc | 05:06 |
timelyx | and boot from it | 05:06 |
putterson | is there any way to mount the internal flash of an N810 without booting it into the os? | 05:06 |
timelyx | putterson: technically yes | 05:06 |
putterson | can it be done without taking it apart? | 05:06 |
putterson | lol | 05:06 |
timelyx | probably depends on your definition of "taking it apart" :) | 05:07 |
timelyx | if you mean w/o removing the battery cover... | 05:07 |
putterson | without taking off the battery cover to access any serial ports | 05:07 |
putterson | I mean over usb | 05:07 |
timelyx | you'd need an os running for that ... | 05:08 |
timelyx | you could make a tiny os and stick that in the mmc slot | 05:08 |
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timelyx | but it's still an os, and the device is still booted | 05:08 |
johnx | you could make a modified initfs that would do it | 05:08 |
johnx | you'd still be running the OS of cours | 05:08 |
johnx | but not from the rootfs partition | 05:09 |
putterson | well let me tell you the situation and maybe you could guide me to the best solution. | 05:09 |
timelyx | good plan :) | 05:09 |
putterson | I performed "apt-get upgrade" over ssh and now the device will boot to the point where it plays the little jingle and will cycle after that | 05:09 |
putterson | I had alot of 3rd party repositories... | 05:10 |
timelyx | i think you want to setup an mmc w/ an os and boot from it | 05:10 |
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timelyx | from there w/ effort you can mount the internal jffs partition and fix things | 05:11 |
timelyx | you should be able to create the mmc w/o using the device | 05:11 |
timelyx | and i think the flasher utility should be able to enable mmc booting even from your current stte | 05:11 |
putterson | fixing things is out of my ability; backing up things is seeming better for my skill level | 05:12 |
timelyx | you might want to customize the mmc image to default to usb-net and an ssh public key for root | 05:12 |
timelyx | hrm | 05:12 |
timelyx | we made a backup of one of mine | 05:12 |
putterson | only because of the troubleshooting | 05:12 |
timelyx | but we had extra tools | 05:12 |
putterson | that's fine | 05:12 |
timelyx | and we never really planned to do much w/ the backup | 05:12 |
timelyx | mostly trying to poison another device :) | 05:13 |
timelyx | raw read + raw write = raw clone | 05:13 |
timelyx | (not really useful to you, since raw isn't useful for much of anything) | 05:14 |
putterson | just when I need my mini to full size sd adapter... | 05:14 |
timelyx | in theory you can build the jffs2 fs as a module and use it in a normal linux... | 05:14 |
timelyx | iirc you may be able to but from usb mass storage | 05:15 |
timelyx | if that's more practical :) | 05:15 |
putterson | at this point I need a card reader so I will get back to you when I have one. | 05:15 |
* timelyx will be asleep and unhelpful | 05:16 | |
timelyx | best of luck | 05:16 |
putterson | thanks | 05:16 |
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summatusmentis | ohnoes, I actually posted on itT | 05:19 |
summatusmentis | it's sucking me | 05:19 |
summatusmentis | in* | 05:19 |
timelyx | your soul has been sucked into a void | 05:19 |
summatusmentis | timelyx: does Nokia do any internships relating to maemo? | 05:20 |
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timelyx | yes | 05:25 |
timelyx | not that i understand them | 05:25 |
timelyx | talk to sp3000, he might know more | 05:25 |
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summatusmentis | timelyx: oh, ok. Just curious | 05:26 |
putterson | ok, I found a card reader. what now? | 05:29 |
summatusmentis | spit, turn around three times, put a drop of blood in your spit, and pray to shiva | 05:30 |
johnx | summatusmentis, n810, right? | 05:30 |
summatusmentis | johnx: yeah | 05:30 |
summatusmentis | why? | 05:30 |
johnx | just making sure it's not an n800 | 05:30 |
summatusmentis | wait... making sure what isn't? | 05:30 |
johnx | s/n800/770/ | 05:30 |
infobot | johnx meant: just making sure it's not an 770 | 05:30 |
* johnx is still waking up | 05:31 | |
summatusmentis | I think you wanna talk to putterson | 05:31 |
johnx | errr...sorry | 05:31 |
johnx | O_o | 05:31 |
putterson | I have the semi-bricked n810 | 05:31 |
johnx | ok | 05:31 |
summatusmentis | lol, I'm just here for annoying attempts at comic relief | 05:31 |
johnx | summatusmentis, then you should have played along. :P | 05:31 |
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summatusmentis | haha, touche | 05:32 |
johnx | putterson, how big is your mini-sd card? | 05:32 |
summatusmentis | althought, that's completely useless to putterson :) | 05:32 |
putterson | 2GiB | 05:32 |
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putterson | also my n810 is in flash mode right now | 05:33 |
putterson | I am on Ubuntu 8.04 | 05:33 |
putterson | the card is formatted as fat32 | 05:33 |
johnx | would you be comfortable backing up from the command line, with rsync? | 05:34 |
putterson | never used rsync before but command line is fine | 05:34 |
putterson | I've only read about rsync | 05:34 |
johnx | it's easy | 05:34 |
summatusmentis | pretty straightforward | 05:34 |
johnx | just like cp basically | 05:34 |
putterson | oh ok | 05:34 |
johnx | rsync -av /some/old/folder/ /some/new/folder/ | 05:34 |
johnx | when it finishes they'll have the same contents | 05:35 |
putterson | ok | 05:35 |
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johnx | unless someone wants provide you with a copy of os2008 to extract onto your sd card, the easiest course of action might be putting debian on the sd card... | 05:36 |
putterson | well can't I download os2008 | 05:36 |
putterson | ? | 05:36 |
johnx | you could do that too I guess | 05:37 |
johnx | you'll need to explode the FIASCO image, then extract the rootfs onto your SD card...somehow | 05:37 |
putterson | sounds tricky | 05:37 |
Zmiko | hey guys im trying to decide between a table and a mini notebook/netbook, could you give some advice | 05:37 |
putterson | let's go with debian | 05:37 |
summatusmentis | should just be a matter of using dd right? | 05:37 |
summatusmentis | it'll give you a rootfs.jffs2 image | 05:38 |
summatusmentis | Zmiko: well, what do you eat off of now? | 05:38 |
johnx | summatusmentis, no | 05:38 |
summatusmentis | johnx: why? | 05:38 |
johnx | jffs2 only works on the internal nand | 05:38 |
summatusmentis | oh... you could mount the image, and then rsync it | 05:39 |
johnx | Zmiko, what would the primary use be? | 05:39 |
johnx | summatusmentis, that would do it | 05:39 |
Zmiko | surfing, taking notes at school | 05:39 |
putterson | it's up to you johnx | 05:39 |
Zmiko | watcing streaming video while mobile | 05:39 |
johnx | putterson, honestly, I think debian might be easiest in this case | 05:39 |
johnx | Zmiko, mini notebook | 05:39 |
summatusmentis | (says the debian guy) | 05:40 |
putterson | johnx, how will the bootloader know to boot off the sd card? | 05:40 |
johnx | putterson, we tell it with the flasher | 05:40 |
johnx | that's the part I'm not sure about | 05:40 |
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* johnx looks | 05:40 | |
putterson | johnx, will that wipe stuff out? | 05:40 |
johnx | putterson, nope | 05:40 |
johnx | it just sets a flag | 05:40 |
putterson | oh ok | 05:40 |
johnx | anyways, start grabbing a copy of debian from here: http://debian.i2c3.com/debian-armel-n800-xfce-beta3.tar.bz2 | 05:41 |
johnx | we'll figure out flasher as it downloads | 05:41 |
Zmiko | thats what i've been leaning towards | 05:41 |
Zmiko | thanks | 05:42 |
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summatusmentis | flasher looks like you need --set-root-device | 05:42 |
summatusmentis | but I'm not sure how the arg's work | 05:42 |
summatusmentis | s/arg's/arg/ | 05:42 |
infobot | summatusmentis meant: but I'm not sure how the arg work | 05:42 |
summatusmentis | s/arg's work/arg works/ | 05:43 |
infobot | summatusmentis meant: but I'm not sure how the arg works | 05:43 |
summatusmentis | there | 05:43 |
putterson | what's the syntax for text replacement | 05:44 |
putterson | is it standardized? | 05:44 |
johnx | pretty much, it's the same as sed or vi | 05:44 |
johnx | foo | 05:44 |
johnx | s/foo/bar | 05:44 |
johnx | heh | 05:44 |
johnx | s/heh/foo bar/ | 05:45 |
infobot | johnx meant: foo bar | 05:45 |
johnx | need that last / :D | 05:45 |
summatusmentis | where is qwerty12? I haven't seen him for days | 05:46 |
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summatusmentis | oh.. that would explain why I can't ssh into it... Vmware wasn't on | 05:49 |
putterson | what software should I use to flash my n810 | 05:53 |
KotCzarny | flasher-3.0 | 05:53 |
johnx | you won't be flashing it, but you need flasher-3.0 | 05:53 |
johnx | from here: http://maemo.org/community/wiki/HOWTO_FlashLatestNokiaImageWithLinux/#a4f6eb951c9d89a4a9027f479f3935c8 | 05:54 |
putterson | thanks | 05:54 |
johnx | putterson, sorry, but I have to go to work now. The flag you want is probably --set-root-device but I have no idea what the right syntax for using it is | 05:55 |
johnx | I wish you luck | 05:55 |
putterson | thanks | 05:56 |
putterson | have a good day/night | 05:56 |
summatusmentis | johnx: I think i can help from here | 05:59 |
summatusmentis | or, at least get putterson a bootable mini-sd card | 06:00 |
timelyx | um | 06:01 |
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timelyx | anyone here familiar w/ midguard ? | 06:02 |
timelyx | i'm seeing requests against my blog server for /midcom-static/net.nemein.f | 06:02 |
timelyx | avourites/not-favorite.png | 06:02 |
summatusmentis | putterson: once you get debian downloaded, you're gonna wanna format your sd card to ext2 or ext3, and then untar the debian image onto your sd card | 06:04 |
putterson | I can format it but you're going to have to help me with untarring it | 06:05 |
summatusmentis | ok, can do | 06:05 |
summatusmentis | putterson: you can actually format it while you're dowloading debian | 06:06 |
putterson | I am done downloading debian and formatting it | 06:06 |
putterson | actually I can't seem to mount it now | 06:08 |
summatusmentis | you've already formatted the card? | 06:08 |
summatusmentis | how're you trying to mount it? | 06:09 |
putterson | just through nautilus | 06:09 |
summatusmentis | open up a terminal | 06:09 |
putterson | mhm | 06:09 |
summatusmentis | mount -t ext2 /dev/<whatever it is> /<mountpoint> | 06:09 |
putterson | I have sda sdb and sdc | 06:11 |
putterson | how would I go about figuring out which one it is | 06:11 |
putterson | nvm figured it out | 06:12 |
summatusmentis | lol, ok | 06:12 |
summatusmentis | generally i just try it till it works | 06:12 |
putterson | well some I already have mouted | 06:13 |
putterson | I guess it wouldn't hurt thought right? | 06:13 |
summatusmentis | right, it'll just tell you it's already mounted | 06:13 |
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summatusmentis | so you've got it mounted? | 06:14 |
putterson | yep | 06:15 |
summatusmentis | ok | 06:15 |
summatusmentis | cd *whereever it's mounted* | 06:16 |
putterson | yep | 06:16 |
summatusmentis | the image is .tar.bz2 right? | 06:16 |
putterson | mhm | 06:16 |
summatusmentis | sudo tar xvjf /path/to/image.tar.bz2 | 06:17 |
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summatusmentis | that *should* untar it to the current dir | 06:18 |
angel | hey, repository.maemo.org is down? | 06:18 |
putterson | works for me | 06:18 |
angel | m trying to do a update.. it says failed to resolve | 06:19 |
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angel | hmm.. i am trying to install python | 06:19 |
putterson | are you on your tablet right now? | 06:19 |
angel | nope | 06:19 |
angel | trying to install it on scratchbox | 06:20 |
putterson | can scratchbox use the networking of the host? | 06:20 |
summatusmentis | sounds like your dns is screwy | 06:20 |
angel | hmmm | 06:20 |
putterson | I use opendns | 06:20 |
putterson | and it worked for me | 06:20 |
timelyx | by default scratchbox tends to have bad dns | 06:20 |
angel | how do we check if scratchbox is using networking? | 06:21 |
timelyx | check /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf | 06:21 |
timelyx | and also similar files in /scratchbox/etc | 06:21 |
angel | wat is it supposed to say? | 06:21 |
summatusmentis | putterson: how's that working out? | 06:23 |
putterson | summatusmentis, still extracting | 06:23 |
summatusmentis | ok | 06:24 |
putterson | it's on /usr/... | 06:24 |
putterson | so it should be done soon if it goes by alpha | 06:24 |
summatusmentis | I don't know what order it goes in | 06:24 |
putterson | it's done | 06:25 |
summatusmentis | ok, unmount the card | 06:26 |
putterson | k | 06:26 |
summatusmentis | sudo umount /whatever/goes/here | 06:26 |
putterson | umount uses the mountpoint not the device right? | 06:27 |
summatusmentis | yep | 06:27 |
putterson | k | 06:27 |
summatusmentis | well, either way actually | 06:27 |
putterson | oh ok | 06:27 |
putterson | it's done | 06:27 |
summatusmentis | put it in the n810 | 06:28 |
putterson | k | 06:28 |
summatusmentis | put the n810 in flashing mode | 06:28 |
putterson | nice and warm hehe | 06:28 |
summatusmentis | :-) | 06:29 |
putterson | it's in flashing mode already | 06:29 |
timelyx | angel: usually you want it to match your host | 06:29 |
summatusmentis | oh, ok | 06:29 |
summatusmentis | then doÂ: | 06:29 |
putterson | was that supposed to be an A with a caret over it? | 06:30 |
summatusmentis | /path/to/flasher-3.0 --set-root-device mmc2 | 06:30 |
summatusmentis | no, sorry, that's some weird char on my n810 keyboard | 06:30 |
putterson | yeah the keyboard is weird on the n810 | 06:31 |
putterson | finnish or something | 06:31 |
putterson | I forget | 06:31 |
summatusmentis | wait, add a -R to the end of that flasher command | 06:31 |
summatusmentis | I *think* mmc2 is the right device, we'll see in a bit | 06:32 |
putterson | Unsupported root device. Valid devices are: | 06:32 |
putterson | flash | 06:32 |
putterson | mmc | 06:32 |
putterson | usb | 06:32 |
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putterson | mmc I guess | 06:32 |
putterson | I wonder how usb works | 06:32 |
summatusmentis | yeah | 06:32 |
putterson | so still add the -R? | 06:32 |
summatusmentis | yeah, that'll reboot the device | 06:33 |
putterson | oh ok | 06:33 |
putterson | should it be plugged in and everything | 06:33 |
summatusmentis | nah | 06:33 |
putterson | does it matter? | 06:33 |
putterson | cause it is plugged in right now | 06:34 |
summatusmentis | umm... I *think* it should be unplugged | 06:34 |
putterson | ok | 06:34 |
putterson | it's booting up | 06:34 |
summatusmentis | good :-) | 06:35 |
summatusmentis | from here I'm not sure what you're trying to do | 06:35 |
summatusmentis | you can plug it back in if you want now | 06:35 |
putterson | just back up contacts | 06:35 |
putterson | I can find where they are stored | 06:35 |
putterson | if you know that would be quicker | 06:36 |
putterson | if you know where they are that is | 06:36 |
summatusmentis | I don't, but someone else might | 06:36 |
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summatusmentis | tried to use my n810 for email, and it got really really angry whenever I tried to load a message | 06:37 |
putterson | this is bad | 06:38 |
summatusmentis | what's bad? | 06:38 |
putterson | the touchscreen axes are switched | 06:38 |
summatusmentis | ah... let me see if I can figure out how to fix that | 06:39 |
putterson | I fixed it | 06:39 |
putterson | there is a button on the top bar that does | 06:40 |
summatusmentis | oh... probably some sort of screen rotation something | 06:41 |
putterson | yeah it was | 06:41 |
putterson | I somewhat prefer this to maemo | 06:41 |
putterson | debian with xfce | 06:41 |
summatusmentis | there are a couple of things that aren't up to speed yet | 06:42 |
summatusmentis | powr management, and headphone stuff according to the wiki | 06:43 |
summatusmentis | s/powr/power | 06:43 |
summatusmentis | s/powr/power/ | 06:43 |
infobot | summatusmentis meant: s/power/power | 06:43 |
putterson | lol | 06:43 |
putterson | they should check for that in the bot | 06:43 |
summatusmentis | they should | 06:44 |
summatusmentis | I used to run debian in a chroot, so I could get debian apps inside of maemo | 06:44 |
summatusmentis | it was convenient... I only needed a couple things though | 06:44 |
putterson | you still needed to compile for arm though right? | 06:45 |
summatusmentis | no, the debian port has a butt-load of repo's, so they've already got stuff compiled for arm | 06:45 |
summatusmentis | it's literally debian | 06:46 |
putterson | oh that must have been good | 06:46 |
summatusmentis | that's what you're running now | 06:47 |
putterson | is it difficult to compile stuff for maemo? | 06:47 |
summatusmentis | I'm not sure, never done it | 06:47 |
summatusmentis | can't be that hard, but I don't actually know | 06:47 |
timelyx | it's a lot easier to package stuff that doesn't require building :) | 06:48 |
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putterson | how can I tell if I am root from the console? | 06:50 |
summatusmentis | the prompt should have a # if you are | 06:51 |
summatusmentis | otherwise, iirc it's a $ | 06:51 |
putterson | I have an @ | 06:51 |
summatusmentis | umm... | 06:51 |
summatusmentis | then I don't know :) | 06:51 |
timelyx | touch /this-should-not-exist | 06:51 |
timelyx | rm /this-should-not-exist | 06:51 |
timelyx | if touch works... you're root | 06:52 |
timelyx | (or your system's so broken, that it doesn't matter) | 06:52 |
summatusmentis | unless you're in your home dir... | 06:52 |
timelyx | summatusmentis: no. | 06:52 |
putterson | well he is trying it in the root directory though | 06:52 |
summatusmentis | oh /, right :) | 06:53 |
summatusmentis | nvm | 06:53 |
* timelyx is relatively careful :) | 06:53 | |
summatusmentis | timelyx: right, i got confused :) | 06:53 |
putterson | I can't type /...fn key doesn't work | 06:53 |
putterson | lol | 06:53 |
putterson | I think there is an osk here somewhere | 06:53 |
summatusmentis | there should be | 06:54 |
summatusmentis | the / just isn't mapped | 06:54 |
putterson | neither of those commands returned an error | 06:54 |
timelyx | mkdir: cannot create directory `/this-file-should-not-exist': Permission denied | 06:54 |
summatusmentis | presumably that means you're root | 06:55 |
mikedep3331 | in OS2008, file manager crashed while attempting to open a SMB share. Now it can no longer access them at all. Is there a way to fix this without rebooting (I'm guessing a daemon needs to be restarted) | 06:58 |
timelyx | the daemon in question is gnomevfs | 06:58 |
timelyx | which iirc isn't something you can easily whack | 06:58 |
mikedep3331 | ok, thx | 07:00 |
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putterson | hey summatusmentis, you know how there are the logical storage areas on the n810: internal, external and application | 07:06 |
summatusmentis | sort of | 07:07 |
summatusmentis | I think applications get installed on the internal card, but yes | 07:07 |
putterson | I can only access internal and external, I can't access the application portion | 07:07 |
putterson | well logical areas | 07:07 |
putterson | not physical | 07:07 |
summatusmentis | right, that's what I'm saying, i don't know that there's actually a difference | 07:07 |
angel | hey, the resolve.conf and nsswitch.conf look fine | 07:08 |
angel | i still dont get the problem | 07:08 |
putterson | summatusmentis, well the directory structure goes straight to the home folder when I access the internal card | 07:08 |
summatusmentis | yeah, that's only in the maemo file manager | 07:09 |
timelyx | angel: did you check /scratchbox/etc/{hosts,nsswitch.conf} ? | 07:09 |
summatusmentis | the applications still get installed into /stuff/here | 07:09 |
angel | timelyx: yup | 07:09 |
putterson | so it looks like /media/int-sd/whatever documents and stuff | 07:09 |
summatusmentis | wait, say that again? | 07:09 |
putterson | but not the rest of the filesystem | 07:09 |
summatusmentis | really? | 07:09 |
putterson | yeah, it's weird | 07:10 |
putterson | I can only access what would be on what is called the internal memory in os2008 | 07:10 |
summatusmentis | oh... wait, that's right | 07:10 |
summatusmentis | you mounted the internal memory card, not the flash | 07:10 |
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summatusmentis | probably /dev/mmcblk0 ? | 07:11 |
putterson | ahh | 07:11 |
putterson | it didn't automount | 07:11 |
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summatusmentis | which didn't automount? | 07:11 |
angel | timelyx: it works fine outside scratchbox.. and the files look fine.. any ideas? | 07:12 |
* timelyx shrugs | 07:12 | |
putterson | the storage which isn't the external or internal | 07:12 |
timelyx | get the process id for your shell | 07:12 |
putterson | where everything installs to | 07:12 |
timelyx | and do strace -f -p {thatnumber} | 07:12 |
timelyx | you'll figure out which file(s) it's reading | 07:12 |
timelyx | and how to fix it :) | 07:12 |
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summatusmentis | putterson: the n810 has an internal sd card, which gets called "internal memory" in the file manager | 07:14 |
angel | timelyx: let me try that :) | 07:14 |
putterson | summatusmentis, that got mounted | 07:14 |
summatusmentis | the OS, and all the applications, get installed into the flash, which is different than the internal sd card | 07:14 |
putterson | so there is an internal card and internal flash? | 07:14 |
putterson | seperately? | 07:14 |
summatusmentis | yes | 07:14 |
summatusmentis | the flash has 256MB, and the internal card is ~2GB | 07:14 |
putterson | oh ok, I thought they were the same just divided | 07:15 |
putterson | thanks | 07:15 |
timelyx | they're two unrelated items | 07:15 |
timelyx | w/ very different perf characteristics among other things | 07:15 |
putterson | the flash is faster right? | 07:15 |
putterson | I got denied trying to make /media/flash | 07:16 |
putterson | mkdir that is | 07:16 |
summatusmentis | if you're trying to access flash, you're going to want to mount (iirc) /dev/mtdblock4. Someone correct me if I'm wrong | 07:16 |
timelyx | putterson: there's probably no /media | 07:16 |
timelyx | try mkdir /tmp/flash | 07:16 |
timelyx | or mkdir /mnt/flash | 07:16 |
putterson | timelyx, there is /media | 07:16 |
putterson | I'm booted in debian from the flash card | 07:17 |
putterson | external sd rather | 07:17 |
timelyx | are you root? :) | 07:17 |
summatusmentis | putterson: su - | 07:17 |
putterson | "touch /test" worked | 07:17 |
timelyx | sorry, hard to keep track of who is who | 07:18 |
putterson | what is the default password? | 07:18 |
summatusmentis | for root, 'rootme' | 07:18 |
summatusmentis | w/out quotes | 07:18 |
timelyx | that's assuming maemo | 07:18 |
timelyx | if this is debian, um... check the web page :) | 07:18 |
summatusmentis | nope, according to debian faq | 07:18 |
putterson | there we go | 07:18 |
timelyx | summatusmentis: really? wow | 07:18 |
putterson | rootme worked | 07:18 |
summatusmentis | timelyx: I assume whoever puts the image together, sets it to be the same :) | 07:19 |
summatusmentis | timelyx: http://www.internettablettalk.com/wiki/index.php?title=Debian#FAQ | 07:19 |
timelyx | summatusmentis: i don't want to go anywhere near itt | 07:19 |
summatusmentis | it's the wiki for the debian install, chill out :) | 07:19 |
timelyx | but i trust you :) [and google agreed] | 07:20 |
summatusmentis | is it johnx who does debian? | 07:20 |
angel | how do we get root access in scracthbox? | 07:21 |
angel | scratchbox* | 07:21 |
putterson | so what is the device for the internal flash? | 07:21 |
summatusmentis | iirc, mtdblock4, but I'm not sure on that | 07:22 |
putterson | I have 5 mtdblock's starting with 0 | 07:22 |
summatusmentis | this is where my n8x0 experience breaks down | 07:23 |
putterson | ok | 07:23 |
summatusmentis | up until now, I was able to fake my way through it, knowing linux commands :) | 07:23 |
putterson | lol | 07:23 |
putterson | well you have been a big help, thanks :) | 07:24 |
summatusmentis | timelyx: what's the device for internal flash? | 07:24 |
angel | i cant change the resolve.conf file unless i have root privilidges :| | 07:25 |
summatusmentis | lcuk: what sort of editing does liqbase do? | 07:25 |
summatusmentis | angel: try su - | 07:25 |
dererk | hi there | 07:26 |
dererk | anyone did use N770 hard with lastest 2008HE ? | 07:26 |
angel | su, sudo , fakeroot dont give me write permissions | 07:27 |
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summatusmentis | all of them should | 07:28 |
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angel | none of them do, su says command not found, sudo says must be setuid root, fakeroot doesnt give write permissions | 07:29 |
summatusmentis | /usr/bin/su | 07:30 |
summatusmentis | or, /bin/su | 07:30 |
angel | wat abt it? | 07:30 |
summatusmentis | if it's installed, that's where it'll be | 07:31 |
angel | m sorry, m really new to this stuff | 07:31 |
angel | okk | 07:31 |
AStorm | angel: try root | 07:31 |
AStorm | or gainroot | 07:31 |
AStorm | you probably won't be in wheel group to use su | 07:31 |
angel | ok doesnt look like it is installed, Astorm: root or gainroot dont work | 07:31 |
AStorm | interesting | 07:32 |
timelyx | iirc it's 4, but i'd rather leave people to google | 07:32 |
AStorm | then install easyroot or gainroot package | 07:32 |
summatusmentis | angel's in scratchbox | 07:32 |
timelyx | it's not something i do myself | 07:32 |
timelyx | we have people who are paid to handle such things, i just bring devices and say "it's broken" | 07:32 |
timelyx | then i sit and play w/ another device until they look at it :) | 07:32 |
angel | ok do u think i messed up during installation? | 07:33 |
timelyx | of scratchbox? | 07:35 |
timelyx | no, i think scratchbox is special | 07:35 |
timelyx | if you google'd you'd find a large number of people have trouble w/ networking | 07:36 |
angel | ya i know the problem, its just dumb that i dont have root access.. | 07:36 |
summatusmentis | timelyx: yeah well, some of us aren't insiders | 07:36 |
timelyx | oh wait | 07:36 |
timelyx | you don't have su? | 07:36 |
angel | nope | 07:36 |
timelyx | login root | 07:36 |
timelyx | ? | 07:36 |
timelyx | oh err | 07:36 |
timelyx | fakeroot ... | 07:36 |
angel | fakeroot works | 07:36 |
angel | used it before for something | 07:37 |
timelyx | you're in scratchbox, no need for real "root" | 07:37 |
angel | but it doesnt give me write privilidges for the file | 07:37 |
timelyx | summatusmentis: what i did is equivalent of bringing my device to "nokia care" | 07:37 |
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timelyx | it's not really more local to me than the other two choices | 07:37 |
angel | ya i just need to change the resolve.conf file | 07:37 |
summatusmentis | putterson: looks like the internal flash is /dev/mtdblock4 | 07:37 |
summatusmentis | try that | 07:37 |
timelyx | there's a nokia store downtown, about 5mins further away from home than work | 07:37 |
summatusmentis | oh | 07:38 |
timelyx | angel: oh, the real file /scartchbox/etc/... you need real root | 07:38 |
summatusmentis | well... some of us don't live in civilization :) | 07:38 |
timelyx | leave scratchbox | 07:38 |
timelyx | summatusmentis: fedex/ups :) | 07:38 |
angel | alright | 07:38 |
timelyx | or dhl | 07:38 |
timelyx | be happy you don't have to deal w/ poney express | 07:38 |
angel | and just change the resolve.conf from outside? | 07:38 |
timelyx | yes | 07:38 |
summatusmentis | timelyx: takes too long :) | 07:38 |
timelyx | you mean you don't think ponies can fly? | 07:39 |
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putterson | summatusmentis, someone has the exact same problem as me on itt | 07:40 |
summatusmentis | putterson: oh really? | 07:40 |
angel | works :) | 07:40 |
putterson | summatusmentis, yeah but they fixed it a more difficult way | 07:40 |
angel | thanks! | 07:40 |
timelyx | www.flyingblueelephants2.com/blog.aspx | 07:40 |
timelyx | it's kinda like ponies... | 07:40 |
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timelyx | http://gallery.spacebar.org/images/2006/my-little-flying-pony-small.jpg | 07:42 |
angel | is there anyone here who works on certificate manager? | 07:42 |
timelyx | ^ close enough i guess... | 07:42 |
timelyx | angel: i spoke to someone who's going to replace it eventually | 07:42 |
timelyx | he expected to do it for soon | 07:42 |
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timelyx | but i won't promise it :) | 07:42 |
timelyx | angel: why? | 07:43 |
angel | timelyx: replace it wit wat? | 07:43 |
* timelyx shrug | 07:43 | |
angel | timelyx: i need to work on something which creates certificates, the back end is in C++ and i need to build the front end in python | 07:43 |
angel | timelyx: so if something concrete is coming up, looks like a better idea to integrate it in the entire application | 07:44 |
timelyx | in that case, just build something around pkcs11 modules | 07:44 |
angel | wats tat? | 07:44 |
timelyx | a lot of reading | 07:45 |
angel | looking it up | 07:45 |
timelyx | gecko will probably use: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/NSS_PKCS11_Functions | 07:46 |
timelyx | but this is really very tentative | 07:46 |
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timelyx | we only started talking about it on friday :) | 07:46 |
timelyx | earlier last week i had told someone i knew of no plans for pkcs11 :) | 07:46 |
timelyx | but... from a generic perspective | 07:47 |
timelyx | the right thing to do is just create .p12 files and let something else deal w/ it | 07:47 |
angel | hmmm.. okk | 07:47 |
timelyx | certman and microb should be able to import that for you today | 07:47 |
timelyx | but it kinda depends on what you're really trying to do | 07:47 |
angel | i was just going to create a simple interface to start off witj | 07:47 |
angel | with* | 07:47 |
timelyx | either way, pki is relatively well documented | 07:47 |
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angel | okk will read up abt it, i am still struggling with the sdk.. trying to get everything up and running before i get to the problem | 07:49 |
timelyx | the device ships w/ nss | 07:49 |
timelyx | so if you need a way to generate certs, you could probably use it | 07:49 |
angel | i am using nokia n810, i reflashed | 07:50 |
timelyx | alternatively, the device also has openssl | 07:50 |
angel | i reflashed it with the new OS | 07:50 |
timelyx | about which i know absolutely nothing | 07:50 |
angel | ya i know | 07:50 |
angel | but i am doing it based on a paper.. so the back end which actually creates certificates is there.. i dont have to worry abt that | 07:50 |
angel | just the interface is wat m bothered abt | 07:50 |
angel | so if the certificate manager is going to be there i cud try to intergrate it wit tat | 07:51 |
timelyx | you don't want to go there :) | 07:52 |
angel | hehehe looks like it, tats y asked even before reading abt it | 07:52 |
timelyx | certificate manager in 2008 and older is just a pain | 07:52 |
timelyx | and we intend to drop it asap | 07:52 |
angel | *sigh* ill start from scratch i guess | 07:52 |
timelyx | but what's the real goal? | 07:53 |
timelyx | once you've generated a certificate, and possibly added it to the user's device | 07:53 |
timelyx | why does the user benefit? | 07:53 |
angel | to port this application onto something small.. like the phone | 07:53 |
angel | its for authentication purposes | 07:53 |
timelyx | but why generate it on the device | 07:53 |
angel | on this particular device or in general client side? | 07:54 |
timelyx | well... the web browser should be able to generate certificates today if you ask it to | 07:54 |
timelyx | iirc | 07:55 |
angel | well.. why rely on the web browser | 07:55 |
angel | on the device ensures more security right? | 07:55 |
timelyx | and less trust? | 07:55 |
angel | plus this particular device since it was the smallest one we cud find with a nice display | 07:56 |
timelyx | sorry, still not sure i understand the model | 07:56 |
angel | hmmm | 07:56 |
angel | let me see if i can explain it better | 07:57 |
timelyx | http://www.startssl.com/?app=1 | 07:57 |
timelyx | if i wanted an ssl cert for use in some form of id, i'd use that | 07:57 |
timelyx | i think i can even use it for openid | 07:57 |
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angel | ok wat do these certificates do? | 07:59 |
timelyx | they're certs. i can use them to identify myself to web servers | 07:59 |
angel | wat m trying to do is create a kind of a legal form which u can fill in with details | 07:59 |
timelyx | or to sign/decrypt mail | 07:59 |
angel | ok apart from identification it is used to know wat u have done | 07:59 |
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angel | for example u login in to amazon | 08:00 |
angel | tat is the first part of authentication | 08:00 |
angel | then u buy a book, now to confirm u bought a book and not trusting amazon if they decline the order | 08:00 |
angel | u generate a certificate and amazon matches it with certain rules | 08:01 |
angel | so there is less trust and more proof | 08:01 |
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angel | not very clear, but even m still figuring it out ) | 08:01 |
angel | :) | 08:01 |
dererk | anyone knows which is the approach of using udev? | 08:01 |
timelyx | angel: that's kinda the point of this | 08:02 |
timelyx | angel: try setting up an ssl cert w/ startssl | 08:02 |
timelyx | it's fairly easy + painless | 08:02 |
timelyx | although, i can't remember how well it worked in microb | 08:02 |
timelyx | i think in the end we had to copy the db file from a normal gecko over because the certman apis were too broken to actually work | 08:03 |
angel | timelyx: m doing it for a prof, ill look into startssl.. but there is a certificate description language already there.. i have no idea how all this works yet | 08:03 |
angel | timelyx: ill hang out on the irc, so will see how it works and ur help will be nice to have :) | 08:03 |
summatusmentis | 'night all | 08:03 |
summatusmentis | good luck putterson | 08:04 |
timelyx | anyway, if part of the task is making a cert... then yeah | 08:04 |
angel | well making the certificate is apparently done.. i need to do the interface | 08:04 |
angel | port the application onto the tablet | 08:04 |
timelyx | well, how is the user going to really use it? | 08:04 |
timelyx | usually users use certs from their web browser or mail client | 08:05 |
angel | well, there shud be a server support to it too | 08:05 |
angel | there is a compiler description language and then there are rules by the server | 08:05 |
timelyx | and the integration between browser and system is essentially broken | 08:05 |
angel | well, i am not really sure how this whole thing will fit in eventually. m still figuring it out | 08:06 |
timelyx | well, if you're building your own demo, i'd suggest building firefox3 :) | 08:06 |
angel | and its good to have questions and comments like these :) | 08:06 |
angel | hehe | 08:06 |
timelyx | anyway, at least play w/ startssl a bit | 08:06 |
angel | yup will do | 08:06 |
angel | thanks | 08:06 |
timelyx | the basic system generates a cert which gets installed into the browser | 08:06 |
angel | okk | 08:06 |
timelyx | when you return to startssl, if you want to change your profile | 08:07 |
timelyx | you're using that cert | 08:07 |
dererk | timelyx, did you try the mibrob port of FF3? | 08:07 |
timelyx | which is basically the roud tripping | 08:07 |
angel | oh ok | 08:07 |
timelyx | dererk: we've internally moved to a newer pull, yes | 08:07 |
angel | i am yet to look at the code which generates the certificate | 08:07 |
timelyx | if you're sniffing our svn, you may have noticed | 08:07 |
angel | so will look at startssl | 08:07 |
dererk | timelyx, how fast is it compared with the older microb, in your opinion? | 08:07 |
angel | i have a loooot of things to do.. just starting :) | 08:08 |
timelyx | um... "slower" | 08:08 |
timelyx | and it depends which | 08:08 |
timelyx | since the old microb is gtk2 minus cairo | 08:09 |
dererk | I see | 08:09 |
timelyx | whereas the new microb actually has choices | 08:09 |
timelyx | but all of them are "slower" | 08:09 |
dererk | I need the fastest browser I could find right now | 08:09 |
timelyx | define "fastest" | 08:09 |
dererk | timelyx, ok, I understand | 08:09 |
timelyx | do you need rendering speed, or js processing speed, or something else | 08:09 |
timelyx | if you have needs, you'll probably be best taking your benchmarks and applying them | 08:10 |
dererk | my current microb (the one it comes with 2008HE) is _too_ slowly while getting pages and images | 08:10 |
timelyx | we're hoping as everyone else is hoping that eventually the platform will get faster | 08:10 |
dererk | it takes about 4 minutes tu get a page | 08:10 |
dererk | with, 4 o 5 pics | 08:10 |
timelyx | um | 08:10 |
dererk | it's killing me | 08:10 |
timelyx | about:config?sprefname=http.max | 08:11 |
timelyx | try tweaking those numbers? | 08:11 |
dererk | a second | 08:11 |
timelyx | (read about them before you go tweak crazy) | 08:11 |
dererk | loading browser | 08:11 |
dererk | timelyx, any documentation recomended about that? | 08:12 |
timelyx | google? (mozillazine or mdc) | 08:12 |
dererk | :S | 08:12 |
timelyx | personally, i'd trust mozilla.org and demal.dk more than mozillazine | 08:13 |
timelyx | and mozillazine more than *tweak* | 08:13 |
timelyx | but i've stayed away from mz for 6-7years | 08:13 |
timelyx | it's kinda the mozilla equivalent of itt | 08:13 |
dererk | max-connections int 24 | 08:14 |
dererk | seems fine, doesn't it? | 08:14 |
timelyx | it's usually the per server number that's a problem | 08:15 |
dererk | uhm | 08:16 |
dererk | it says 4 | 08:16 |
timelyx | mine is 8 on camino | 08:16 |
timelyx | are you using a proxy? | 08:16 |
dererk | nope | 08:16 |
timelyx | k | 08:16 |
dererk | thanks for the tip | 08:16 |
* dererk googling for tunning | 08:16 | |
* timelyx fines dererk 1 - n | 08:17 | |
dererk | heh | 08:18 |
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angel | hey, wen i flashed my device i didnt do the R&D mode, can i still get root access? | 08:19 |
dererk | R&D? | 08:20 |
angel | http://pymaemo.garage.maemo.org/installation.html | 08:20 |
angel | to install python u need root access on the phone, to get root access u need to do something wen u flash the device | 08:21 |
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timelyx | angel: you hav a dozen choices | 08:25 |
timelyx | i personally use capture-root | 08:25 |
timelyx | (because i wrote it) | 08:25 |
angel | hehe then ill use that | 08:27 |
timelyx | http://timeless.justdave.net/maemo/capture-root-0.1.deb | 08:28 |
timelyx | you need to create ~/.ssh/authorized_keys first | 08:28 |
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timelyx | i usually do (from device): | 08:28 |
timelyx | 1. run xterm | 08:28 |
timelyx | 2. ssh-keygen -t rsa | 08:28 |
timelyx | <enter><enter> | 08:28 |
timelyx | cat ~/.ssh/*.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | 08:29 |
timelyx | and then i install the deb | 08:29 |
angel | oops, battery running out on the device | 08:29 |
timelyx | that's not good :) | 08:29 |
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angel | ssh not found :) | 08:31 |
timelyx | app manager, install openssh-client ? | 08:32 |
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angel | doing it | 08:33 |
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RST38bis | hi qwwerty | 08:45 |
qwerty12 | hi RST38h | 08:46 |
timelyx | 01:15 timelyx could someone ask qwerty12 to load about:crashes in firefox3 ? | 08:48 |
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qwerty12 | timelyx, would do but I'm in windows atm | 08:54 |
RST38bis | you have bootedd windows on the taabllet? :) | 08:56 |
qwerty12 | Well, I could do slowly using Dosbox, but I'll say no :p | 08:56 |
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lopz | night | 09:34 |
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Italodance | can u give me ur Google Talk username ? | 11:16 |
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Zic | !deowner | 11:53 |
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Zic | !deop | 11:54 |
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Zic | Désolé erreur d'amsg multiserveur / Error of /amsg command on multiserver, sorry | 11:55 |
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tuukkah | have others noticed modest taking 100% since latest update? | 12:32 |
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tuukkah | (100% cpu, that is) | 12:33 |
sp3000 | oh, crap, another tuukka | 12:35 |
sp3000 | my poor highlights | 12:35 |
* sp3000 updates | 12:36 | |
tuukkah | how about tuu?kk?a[^h] ?-) | 12:36 |
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* timeless sighs | 13:09 | |
timeless | eds svn *sucks* | 13:09 |
timeless | it's *huge* | 13:09 |
* timeless considers trying to blacklist it or something | 13:09 | |
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timeless | ping? | 14:05 |
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timeless | andrea: do you have an n810 handy? | 14:07 |
Gary | is there a "better" irc client than xchat for the n810? (I also have irssi in terminal, but it's kinda hard to use) | 14:13 |
Gary | sorry for not being able to define "better" <-- thats why I used the ""'s | 14:14 |
timeless | i use ssh/screen/epic | 14:14 |
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tuukkah | Gary, it would be interesting to think about "better" - maybe xchat can be improved | 14:49 |
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blahdeblah-lap | Hi folks. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with some repairs on my N800. It dropped out of my pocket onto concrete last week, and the front cover is coming off. | 15:09 |
blahdeblah-lap | Picture here: http://gear.dyndns.org/~paulgear/IMG_6518a.JPG | 15:09 |
blahdeblah-lap | I'm in Australia, with no in-country support, which means it will be cost-prohibitive to get official repairs. | 15:10 |
Ave | is there a clip loose somewhere maybe? | 15:10 |
Ave | no idea how the 800 is constructed | 15:11 |
blahdeblah-lap | Me neither | 15:11 |
Ave | I'd probably try some CA if all else fails | 15:11 |
blahdeblah-lap | The unit works perfectly, except the buttons keep sliding around everywhere and the cover keeps popping out. | 15:11 |
Ave | or very thin double sided tape | 15:11 |
blahdeblah-lap | Ave: CA? | 15:11 |
Ave | cyanoacrylate glue | 15:11 |
blahdeblah-lap | CAnada? | 15:11 |
blahdeblah-lap | :-) | 15:11 |
Ave | plastic clips break easily, even aluminum does | 15:11 |
blahdeblah-lap | Yeah | 15:12 |
Ave | I have yet to drop my 810, knock knock | 15:12 |
blahdeblah-lap | I think the main thing i'm wondering is whether the front panel can just be prised off gently. If so, i could bend it back into place. | 15:13 |
Ave | methinks there exists a possibility that you'll break the rest of attaching clips as well :P | 15:13 |
Ave | but without knowing the construction, who knows | 15:14 |
blahdeblah-lap | yeah | 15:14 |
Ave | can you obtain explosion pics from somewhere | 15:14 |
Ave | maemo.org ? eh | 15:14 |
blahdeblah-lap | That's what i figured i could ask here ;-) | 15:14 |
Ave | hm you could try perusing gadgeteer or similar sites | 15:15 |
Ave | usually they disassemble all new review toys | 15:15 |
Ave | like you can find zillion instructions for gutting an ipod | 15:15 |
sp3000 | the googley word would be disassembly | 15:16 |
blahdeblah-lap | Looks like someone else has had a similar experience: http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5327 | 15:17 |
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sp3000 | e.g. http://tabletblog.com/2007/01/nokia-n800-dissection-and-reassembly.html | 15:22 |
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blahdeblah-lap | Yeah - just found that | 15:28 |
blahdeblah-lap | Three small clips at the bottom under the stand, and my front panel is off. | 15:29 |
blahdeblah-lap | Time to get this sucker straightened again! | 15:29 |
blahdeblah-lap | Thanks for the help folks | 15:31 |
Ave | happy hacking | 15:32 |
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blahdeblah-lap | All fixed! It's never going to be quite the same, but at least the button pad isn't sliding around everywhere. :-) | 15:47 |
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Khertan__ | Hi ! | 16:41 |
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Khertan__ | someone know how to set up the title of an hildon windows in python | 16:44 |
Khertan__ | ? | 16:44 |
Khertan__ | when i do it there is still the script name added before | 16:45 |
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macoute | my n810 is kinda fucked up now, and i cant access it via ssh | 16:56 |
macoute | linux however seems to recognize it with usb cable ok, so is there a way to ssh via usb-cable? | 16:56 |
macoute | usb recovery or smthng? | 16:57 |
Robot101 | macoute: no but you can reflash it with the cable | 16:57 |
macoute | yeah, of course | 16:57 |
Robot101 | the only console it has is serial, and you need a special piece of hardware to mount it to do that | 16:57 |
macoute | i think some of my apps didnt install perfectly and i thought that i could try dpkg --reconfigure first | 16:57 |
macoute | but lets reflash :) | 16:57 |
Robot101 | does it not boot at all? | 16:58 |
macoute | yeah it does | 16:58 |
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macoute | but it doesnt load hildon at all | 16:58 |
Robot101 | so can you get the xterm on the screen? | 16:58 |
Robot101 | oh, nasty | 16:58 |
macoute | yeah, kinda :) | 16:58 |
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Robot101 | if you can get an xterm, you can try ssh root@localhost | 16:58 |
macoute | it kinda works though, if i pressed shutdown button it gave me the menu (howerver only a part of it showing on a screen) and i could use it there | 16:59 |
macoute | now its reflashed again | 16:59 |
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pupnik_ | http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=omap+3 | 17:18 |
Atarii | cheap T8 screwdrivers suck :( | 17:18 |
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johnx | pupnik_, any one in particular? | 17:19 |
pupnik_ | nah, just some demos | 17:20 |
johnx | mmm...speaking of omap3 there's some pics of the naked pandora boards up on their site | 17:24 |
RST38h | porn | 17:24 |
RST38h | I am sure Karel would make some good use of those pics | 17:24 |
GAN800 | lol | 17:25 |
t_s_o | pandora, beagleboard, seems like arm based systems are on a roll these days ;) | 17:25 |
johnx | Linux on small systems looks better and better :) | 17:25 |
* GAN800 still doesn't get the Tegra fetish. | 17:25 | |
t_s_o | and the small systems become more and more powerfull, all thats really needed is to hook up bigger screens :P | 17:26 |
johnx | or good video goggles... | 17:27 |
t_s_o | heh, maybe so | 17:28 |
johnx | hey, it's the future already, right? where are my video goggles? | 17:28 |
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t_s_o | still, i dont see many arm based systems with (s)ata controllers... | 17:28 |
pupnik_ | we been waiting wayyy too long for good video goggles | 17:28 |
johnx | sony showed something that looked promising the other day | 17:29 |
johnx | a prototype of course... | 17:29 |
t_s_o | http://myvu.com/ | 17:29 |
* johnx was thinking these: http://gizmodo.com/393124/sony-video-glasses-will-turn-everyone-star-trek-chic | 17:31 | |
pupnik_ | good price/performance on the myvu t_s_o | 17:31 |
t_s_o | no idea pupnik_, its the only ones i can remember the webpage of :P | 17:31 |
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t_s_o | ah yes, here are some i keep misremembering the name of: http://www.vuzix.com/iwear/index.html | 17:33 |
t_s_o | interesting thing here is the support for usb power ;) | 17:33 |
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pupnik_ | would be nice if USB could have become a generic charging/power interface | 17:36 |
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pupnik_ | perhaps a high-power line and a low-power line | 17:36 |
t_s_o | like how firewire have 12V (on a good day) | 17:37 |
johnx | it would be nice as long as USB ports could pump out a bit more current | 17:37 |
pupnik_ | yeah.. at 5v somethings just need too many mA | 17:37 |
johnx | like maybe twice as much? | 17:37 |
pupnik_ | i'd have liked that | 17:38 |
pupnik_ | maybe it's possible for USB 3.0? | 17:39 |
johnx | talk to intel | 17:40 |
johnx | yeah, it would be really nice if it was nice and backwards compatible but hosts and devices could negotiate for higher current | 17:40 |
t_s_o | heh, iirc apple got intel to design a special usb controll for the air, as it only have one usb port and it didnt deliver enough for their special air superdrive (that name so irks me) | 17:43 |
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pupnik_ | i'm just very tired of all these ac-dc adapters | 17:52 |
t_s_o | http://www.thestandard.com/news/2008/06/13/support-grows-universal-power-adapter | 17:55 |
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darkblue_B | hello- I just ran x11vnc invoked via a shell rather than the GUI button. I get a *lot* of feedback, info, tip, options, etc | 18:07 |
darkblue_B | but, when I connect wththe same client I had been using, it draws the screen, but then bails | 18:07 |
darkblue_B | unknown rectangle encoding or someting | 18:07 |
darkblue_B | weird | 18:07 |
darkblue_B | I guess that the GUI is starting with some params.. that I am not passsing when starting via CLI | 18:08 |
darkblue_B | I wonder how I might sleuth that a little more... | 18:08 |
darkblue_B | x11vnc -h produces 100s of lines of options | 18:08 |
johnx | look in /usr/share/applications/hildon-desktop/ or similar | 18:08 |
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johnx | and look for its .desktop file | 18:09 |
darkblue_B | ok, looking | 18:09 |
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hrw | morning | 18:09 |
hrw | speaking about usb... | 18:10 |
hrw | usb really lack 3.3V support | 18:10 |
RST38h | hrw, it is 19:10 | 18:10 |
RST38h | your local time can't be much off | 18:10 |
darkblue_B | johnx: here is what i see.. no hildon-desktop | 18:10 |
darkblue_B | http://dpaste.com/56717/ | 18:10 |
hrw | ~ugt | 18:10 |
infobot | well, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant. http://www.total-knowledge.com/~ilya/mips/ugt.html | 18:10 |
johnx | darkblue_B, is there hildon-something? | 18:10 |
RST38h | and you can make 3.3V out of 5V with a trivial circuit | 18:11 |
hrw | RST38h: there is always morning somewhere | 18:11 |
johnx | darkblue_B, just hildon then | 18:11 |
RST38h | true | 18:11 |
darkblue_B | ~x11vnc | 18:11 |
RST38h | at least for now... | 18:11 |
darkblue_B | johnx: ok, looking | 18:11 |
hrw | RST38h: imagine device which has 3.3V everything. now you need to bump 3.3V to 5V for usb and then usb device do 5V->3.3V inside | 18:11 |
hrw | RST38h: there are lot of them | 18:12 |
hrw | RST38h: this way you loose power twice | 18:12 |
t_s_o | heh, $499 ethernet cable. its just so insane its funny :) | 18:12 |
RST38h | hrw: well, too bad for you =) | 18:12 |
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hrw | RST38h: nokia tablets are one of such devices | 18:12 |
RST38h | Maybe you will feel better if I tell you that most current SoCs regenerate their power anyway? | 18:12 |
lorelei_ | t_s_o: I'm wondering how many people will fall for it :) | 18:12 |
hrw | RST38h: today more and more devices are 1.5-1.8V even | 18:13 |
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RST38h | The reason is to have a stable voltage all the way until your battery gives out a ghost | 18:13 |
t_s_o | http://www.usa.denon.com/ProductDetails/3429.asp <- i dont know, but it seems to be a high end brand... | 18:13 |
darkblue_B | johnx: interesting http://dpaste.com/56718/ | 18:13 |
RST38h | hrw: whatever input voltage is, a standard SoC will usually up-convert it anyway | 18:14 |
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darkblue_B | that hildon dir.. those are the linkes to the apps, roughly | 18:14 |
johnx | those are the menu entries | 18:14 |
Ave | anyone know what the exact OS 2008 version is in the wimax n810? | 18:14 |
hrw | Ave: wimax edition is not in sales yet | 18:15 |
RST38h | hrw: So it can just as well up-convert it to 5V | 18:15 |
Ave | hrw: orly? I thought its been out since april.. | 18:15 |
RST38h | Whether you want to down-convert it in a USB device is completely up to you, the device designer | 18:15 |
johnx | Ave, the version consists of the year, week and build number, so no one can know (even Nokia) until the absolutely final build | 18:15 |
darkblue_B | johnx: ah ha.. well, still no clue as to why the vnc failure, but this is interesting | 18:15 |
hrw | RST38h: sure. it can even generate 380V - it is just a matter of how much power you wanna loose | 18:15 |
johnx | Ave, it's announced since april | 18:15 |
hrw | Ave: it is known that such device exists since then. | 18:16 |
Ave | ok thanks, I just misunderstood the blog I'm reading (tabletblog) | 18:16 |
RST38h | hrw: correct | 18:16 |
hrw | Ave: when os2008 leaked it was known then there will be something after n810 | 18:16 |
Ave | While standard on the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition, current owners of Nokia N810 and N800 Internet Tablets with earlier operating systems will be able to upgrade their device to the revised operating system for free during the second quarter of 2008. | 18:16 |
RST38h | hrw: I guess you are not losing a lot when converting from 3 to 5V, or they would not use this circuitry | 18:16 |
Ave | or how can you misunderstand "Q2 2008" | 18:16 |
hrw | Ave: n800 was rx34, n810 was rx44 and os2008 filesystem has files for rx48 (which is wimx ver) | 18:17 |
Ave | yep | 18:17 |
johnx | IIRC, Q2 isn't over yet | 18:17 |
Ave | during | 18:17 |
RST38h | hrw: It is also possible (have to check) that the real waste rate depends on the current, not on the voltage step | 18:17 |
Navi | It isn't | 18:17 |
hrw | RST38h: they have to if they want to use usb host/device | 18:17 |
Ave | isnt it | 18:17 |
RST38h | hrw: No, you are missing my point | 18:17 |
RST38h | hrw: My point is that they do it even when they don't have a USB host at all | 18:18 |
Navi | They can launch Diablo any time this month and still hit their vague launch timespan | 18:18 |
hrw | RST38h: usb device lines are 5V level | 18:18 |
hrw | Navi: who told that Diablo is os2008? | 18:18 |
darkblue_B | yeah, when I start x11vnc on the GUI, it works.. weird | 18:18 |
RST38h | hrw: but if you have a converter anyway, then you can use it to convert to 5V | 18:19 |
hrw | Navi: they can release diablo as os2009 or any other name | 18:19 |
Navi | hrw, who told you that someone told me that Diablo is OS2008? | 18:19 |
hrw | ;) | 18:19 |
Navi | hrw, they can release Diablo as OS2100 or any other name | 18:19 |
Navi | Straw man is straw | 18:19 |
RST38h | OS2100 sounds like a plan | 18:19 |
johnx | It was me! First I told myself that Diablo was OS2008, then I told Navi... | 18:19 |
hrw | ~blame johnx for all evil | 18:20 |
* infobot blames LoCusF and perhaps johnx for all evil and all the evil in the world | 18:20 | |
RST38h | KILL KILL | 18:20 |
RST38h | sssssaaacrificcccceee | 18:20 |
* johnx bunts | 18:20 | |
darkblue_B | uh.. chill | 18:20 |
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GAN800 | hrw, Diablo is 4.1. | 18:22 |
* GAN800 eyerolls. | 18:22 | |
Navi | Like I had said before, straw man is straw. | 18:24 |
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johnx | ah, and everyone wants to know the number of the beast... | 18:26 |
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TPC | hello | 18:58 |
TPC | I have a very strange problem with maemo that happens in mulitple unrelated apps | 18:58 |
TPC | buttons and text lables doesn't get their correct text | 18:58 |
johnx | they get a strange long string instead? | 18:58 |
pupnik_ | did you delete themes? | 18:58 |
TPC | johnx, yes | 18:59 |
TPC | pupnik_, no | 18:59 |
johnx | sounds like something is wrong with your locale | 18:59 |
johnx | What language are you using? | 18:59 |
TPC | thats what I thought, I was using swedish | 19:00 |
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TPC | but I also tried switchign to English (UK) and its the same problem there | 19:00 |
johnx | interesting | 19:00 |
johnx | does it also happen with built in apps? or only 3rd party? | 19:00 |
TPC | it happens in the web browser to | 19:01 |
TPC | too* | 19:01 |
pupnik_ | there's a map between internal names and language-specific labels | 19:03 |
pupnik_ | and somehow that got messed up | 19:03 |
TPC | I've had it ever since I upgraded to OS2008 months ago | 19:04 |
TPC | haven't bothered doing anything about it since it doesn't happen in my ebook reader or in xterm, which are the apps I use 99% of the time | 19:04 |
TPC | but now I need to use skype to talk to someone in another country, and can't get past the sign up dialog since I don't know what is what | 19:05 |
pupnik_ | if it occurred with the upgrade, i would have to guess that there was a problem in flashing | 19:05 |
TPC | I've reflashed when the second OS2008 came too | 19:05 |
pupnik_ | did you restore backed-up data after flashing? | 19:06 |
TPC | no | 19:06 |
pupnik_ | the images themselves should be clean | 19:06 |
pupnik_ | quite a mystery | 19:06 |
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pupnik_ | any thoughts johnx ? | 19:07 |
johnx | nah, this is out of my league | 19:07 |
johnx | really strange | 19:07 |
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johnx | if it were me, I'd probably try reflashing one last time then sending it back to Nokia | 19:08 |
TPC | well, anyone mind guiding me trought the skype set up dialog, so I can just do the sign up? | 19:08 |
Atarii | can you not sign up on teh computer first | 19:08 |
TPC | can't install skype, I run linux with an architecture they don't support | 19:09 |
Atarii | cant you sign up through their webpage? | 19:09 |
qwerty12 | what does "echo $LANG" return? | 19:09 |
Anunakin | what u arch? | 19:09 |
TPC | qwerty12, sv_SE.UTF-8 | 19:10 |
TPC | qwerty12, I changed it in .profile because characters got messed up when I sshd home to use IRC from it otherwise | 19:10 |
shapr | oj, svensk! | 19:10 |
TPC | I forgot about that | 19:10 |
TPC | I suppose that could be it | 19:10 |
qwerty12 | Hm, I'd try resetting it back to sv_SE | 19:10 |
RST38h | all right folks, whoever wants a new version of Speccy for Maemo, get it from http://fms.komkon.org/Speccy/ | 19:11 |
GAN800 | If it's messed up after a clean flash then it's a hardware problem. | 19:12 |
pupnik_ | awesome RST38h | 19:12 |
GAN800 | Download a new image, flash it and tell us how it goes. | 19:12 |
TPC | I edited .profile at the same time that I flashed | 19:12 |
TPC | so it could be that | 19:13 |
qwerty12 | Take out that LANG line from the profile then :/ | 19:13 |
GAN800 | Don't do anything after you flash it. Don't restore a backup. Don't screw with the settings. | 19:13 |
TPC | qwerty12, thats what I'm trying now | 19:13 |
TPC | yep, that did it | 19:15 |
TPC | thanks for the help | 19:15 |
qwerty12 | np | 19:15 |
summatusmentis | RST38h: what is Speccy? | 19:15 |
pupnik_ | check the link | 19:16 |
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RST38h | summa: follow the link? | 19:16 |
GAN800 | lol | 19:16 |
pupnik_ | maybe the first sentence after "what is speccy" should be "Speecy is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer emulator." | 19:17 |
pupnik_ | *speccy | 19:17 |
RST38h | pupnik: Ah, last homepage rehash left that statement in the second paragraph... | 19:18 |
RST38h | ok, a moment | 19:18 |
RST38h | pupnik: done, check | 19:20 |
pupnik_ | good | 19:21 |
pupnik_ | i'm trying to not be hyperbolic in my appreciation of your work :) | 19:22 |
pupnik_ | but it is pretty incredible | 19:23 |
pupnik_ | i don't see how one person writes so much stuff | 19:24 |
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RST38h | one person reuses =) | 19:29 |
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shackan | RST38h, pupnik_: what do you think about the pandora? | 19:39 |
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RST38h | shackan: it is a generic OMAP3-based device with some really ugly keyboard attached | 19:58 |
RST38h | vix85: I am unregistered at freenode. Can't msg you. | 19:59 |
RST38h | vix85: see http://fms.komkon.org/EMUL8/HOWTO.html though | 19:59 |
vix85 | RST38h: ok thnx. Im reading it.. but should I start learning ASM? I only know C/C++, C#, Java | 20:00 |
shackan | RST38h: agree, but at least it's more powerful and cheaper than a n810, and it doesn't make EVERYBODY ask whether it's a phone or not | 20:00 |
shackan | software is going to be a problem tough... | 20:00 |
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johnx | shackan, it will depend on the community | 20:02 |
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RST38h | vix85: you do not need assembler | 20:06 |
RST38h | shackan: Pandora does not yet exist | 20:06 |
RST38h | shackan: What makes you think it is cheaper or more powerful? | 20:06 |
johnx | RST38h, they've finalized hardware and price | 20:07 |
johnx | unless they go back on their word | 20:07 |
RST38h | johnx: They finalize it when you see it on sale in Micro Warehouse or Circuit City | 20:07 |
RST38h | Until that, it's vaporware | 20:07 |
shackan | we'll see | 20:07 |
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johnx | RST38h, then I guess we must prefix all talk about the pandora as follows: "If they release what they said they will, then..." | 20:08 |
RST38h | Also, for the sake of your common sense I suggest you treat it as a generic OMAP-based pocketable device with no software base or developer base | 20:08 |
RST38h | Because this is what it is at the moment | 20:09 |
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RST38h | johnx: Basically, yes. If you feel like talking about Pandora of course. | 20:09 |
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konttori_ | hey, any good ideas on how to make a fast, potentially cached, gtk listview to handle thousands of items and yet be fast? | 20:10 |
konttori_ | Just asking in case anyone has stumbled on the issue | 20:10 |
johnx | RST38h, when I think about software, I assume I'll have to do my own port of Debian from the ground up...and it still seems like fun :) | 20:10 |
RST38h | johnx: There is *some* chance that it will be successful and sell like hotcakes, but given previous history of such devices, this chance is very low | 20:10 |
konttori_ | i tested doing the sorting out of the model, then appending the model to the view, but it still takes seconds when the item count starts to grow over few hundred | 20:10 |
RST38h | johnx: Well, I hope they do not release this device solely for people who would like to port Debian to it | 20:10 |
johnx | RST38h, I'm just saying: I'm not taking anything else for granted | 20:11 |
RST38h | konttori: there is no way. it is slow. | 20:11 |
RST38h | And QT is also slow, in case you are having thoughts. | 20:11 |
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hrw | re | 20:12 |
hrw | does someone here runs windows xp? | 20:12 |
RST38h | yes. what? | 20:13 |
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hrw | RST38h: I wonder about xp sp3 - install or not? | 20:13 |
konttori_ | RST38h: thanks for the comment. I've been looking for the easygrid now. It seems to offer cached replacement of the listview. | 20:13 |
konttori_ | but I cannot find it anywhere. | 20:13 |
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hrw | brb | 20:14 |
RST38h | konttori: in principle, you would only need a widget that does not process the whole list at once on creation | 20:15 |
RST38h | hrw:Install. | 20:15 |
RST38h | Done it twice. Still ticking. | 20:15 |
derf | They've been written before. | 20:15 |
derf | See, e.g., Banshee. | 20:15 |
Italodance | who are asian here? | 20:15 |
konttori_ | RST38h: true: currently the model creation is about as fast as it should be | 20:16 |
konttori_ | the view creation is the thing that has been messed up. | 20:16 |
derf | Modeled after the Swing approach, which is that all you really need is a total number of rows, a uniform height for each row, and something to get the ith row. | 20:16 |
konttori_ | so, in theory, lazy creation of the items *might* do the trick | 20:16 |
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Italodance | hi pupnik :D | 20:18 |
hrw | RST38h: ok | 20:18 |
konttori_ | derf: yeah, banshee approach is the one I'm interested in | 20:19 |
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derf | I mean, this has _long_ been known to be the correct way to do things. | 20:23 |
Italodance | konttori_ | 20:23 |
Italodance | banshee? | 20:23 |
derf | I'm actually fairly astounded both GTK+ and Qt got it wrong. | 20:23 |
RST38h | konttori: yep | 20:23 |
RST38h | derf: they never thought of having 1000+ items | 20:23 |
Italodance | J:\XViD\Banshee.2006.STV.DVDRip.XViD-M14CH0 | 20:23 |
Italodance | ???? | 20:23 |
derf | RST38h: Then they are fools. | 20:23 |
konttori_ | I also cannot understand what they were smoking when they conjured the list views like that | 20:24 |
RST38h | konttori: if you feel adventurous, check just WHAT exactly GTK is scanning these items for | 20:24 |
johnx | Italodance, banshee music player for linux | 20:24 |
n800m | i have 20k items :/ | 20:24 |
RST38h | konttori: if they are trying to compute item width, this may be disabled | 20:24 |
n800m | takes a couple minutes | 20:24 |
konttori_ | One guy at nokia made own cached listview that supported easily million rows | 20:24 |
konttori_ | he's on vacation though at the moment, so can't copy his progress. | 20:25 |
RST38h | hehe folks you have never tried showing 20k items in html browser using layers... | 20:25 |
derf | Browsers are not for serious applications. | 20:25 |
RST38h | kottori: I hope we will see it in diablo fm framework ;) | 20:25 |
Italodance | johnx hehe tnx | 20:25 |
konttori_ | banshee is supposed to support easily 100 000 songs | 20:25 |
derf | There's a reason everyone has "Showing items 1-10 <Prev Next>" navigation. | 20:26 |
konttori_ | RST38h: to see that guys work... Hmm... don't think so. It was an experiement | 20:26 |
derf | And it's not because that's easier for the user. | 20:26 |
konttori_ | derf: sure. I just cannot understand why it's there. | 20:26 |
johnx | derf, more ad impressions? | 20:26 |
konttori_ | RST38h: would be nice to get fm to really work quickly. | 20:27 |
konttori_ | as a disclaimer, I was project manager for handling fm in diablo. (among other things) | 20:28 |
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konttori_ | but, cannot comment on unreleased product | 20:28 |
Khertan | fm ? | 20:29 |
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Khertan | FileMaker ;) | 20:30 |
n800m | is there a way to have different brightness settings for battery-run and power adaptor? | 20:30 |
KotCzarny | yes | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | ac-monitor | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | lcuk hacked it to switch to 'performance' governor when plugged too | 20:31 |
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n800m | do you know which repo it's in? | 20:32 |
KotCzarny | nope | 20:32 |
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derf | Did anyone ever port it to OS 2008? | 20:32 |
derf | Because I sure didn't. | 20:32 |
KotCzarny | derf: apparently it works in os2008 | 20:32 |
derf | Huh. Crazy. | 20:32 |
qwerty12 | derf, I recompiled for os2008 | 20:33 |
qwerty12 | works fine | 20:33 |
RST38h | Let us all crucify konttori =) | 20:33 |
derf | qwerty12: Awesome. | 20:33 |
derf | Got a link to an install file? | 20:33 |
n800m | http://pupnik.de/800powr.html | 20:33 |
qwerty12 | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19258 | 20:33 |
qwerty12 | Bye, all | 20:34 |
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putterson | what do I need to do to get android on my n810, I followed the steps on http://www.alextreme.org/drupal//?q=android_on_n810 and it just reboots over and over | 20:34 |
RST38h | konttori: Last time I had that thought was when the Microsoft guy talking at our university said he was a project manager for Outlook Express =) | 20:34 |
RST38h | putterson:You need 1. Ask yourself WHY. | 20:34 |
konttori_ | RST38h: yeah, go ahead: ;) | 20:35 |
konttori_ | I actually liked outlook express at some point | 20:35 |
konttori_ | (well, more than the outlook) | 20:35 |
putterson | RST38h, just because I got the oppertunity to do it and I wanted to see what it was like | 20:35 |
RST38h | if you put it this way... | 20:35 |
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putterson | It wont be permanent | 20:35 |
RST38h | although Outlook (Full or Express) is the first thing I delete form a PC when doing security audit | 20:36 |
johnx | putterson, so after reflashing the kernel it just goes into a reboot loop? | 20:36 |
RST38h | putterson: Well instructions are very specific | 20:36 |
RST38h | What happens when you follow them? | 20:36 |
putterson | everything flashes and copies over ok it just reboots continually | 20:37 |
n800m | missing libdbus-1-2 (>-61) | 20:37 |
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ljp | putterson: probably need to disable the watchdog | 20:37 |
putterson | I don't have a working os2008 install right n ow though | 20:37 |
putterson | ljp, how would I do that? | 20:38 |
ljp | putterson: sudo ./flasher --set-rd-flags=no-lifeguard-reset | 20:39 |
ljp | something like that | 20:40 |
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n800m | i got it installed but doesn't seem to work, maybe it something to do with advanced backlight? | 20:44 |
n800m | acmonitor i mean | 20:44 |
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KotCzarny | as i said, he hacked it | 20:45 |
KotCzarny | probably adding functionality | 20:45 |
fuelfive | I just flashed with the developer rootfs, and wifi does not work | 20:46 |
fuelfive | is there something additional I need to do here? | 20:46 |
fuelfive | like, even iwlist wlan0 scanning doesn't even do anything | 20:47 |
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Khertan | re | 20:49 |
Khertan | someone have tryed mcalendar here ? | 20:50 |
johnx | I have, but I'm not sure I understand how to use it correctly... | 20:52 |
RST38h | http://good-times.webshots.com/photo/2768566780101697283LmGwYj | 20:53 |
* RST38h wonders what happens when someone completes the statue | 20:53 | |
Khertan | jonhx > hum ... so gui isn t very good | 20:53 |
johnx | maybe I'm just confused. let's say I make a new event for tomorrow: Should it show up on the month view? | 20:54 |
johnx | or is it only supposed to show up when I look at that day? | 20:54 |
johnx | what *should* show up on the month view? | 20:54 |
Khertan | it should be visible on month view | 20:55 |
johnx | ah, ok, I see | 20:56 |
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johnx | I was being dumb | 20:56 |
Khertan | on month view all event of the month should be visible | 20:56 |
* Navi yawns | 20:56 | |
johnx | Khertan, only upcoming events on month view, right? | 20:56 |
johnx | not current or past events? | 20:56 |
Khertan | current or past should be visible too | 20:57 |
johnx | also it tends to close on me randomly, pretty often | 20:57 |
Navi | Mmm | 20:57 |
Navi | Doesn't do it for me | 20:57 |
johnx | Khertan, currently happening events don't appear | 20:57 |
Navi | I just have problems launching it some times | 20:57 |
johnx | on month view | 20:57 |
RST38h | Anybody knows what +49 country code stands for? | 20:57 |
Navi | Germany | 20:58 |
RST38h | Germany...hmmm | 20:58 |
RST38h | Who would be calling me from Germany on Saturday night? | 20:58 |
RST38h | On a MOBILE phone! | 20:58 |
Navi | Telemarketers | 20:58 |
Khertan | hum i ve maybe made an mistake | 20:58 |
RST38h | No way | 20:58 |
RST38h | Khertan: twice! | 20:59 |
herz1 | does anyone know where on the device I can delete a stored password for my network? (as the password has changed in the mean time) | 20:59 |
Navi | German telemarketers are pure evil | 20:59 |
RST38h | The next 3 digits are 693 | 20:59 |
herz1 | 069 is munich AFAIR | 20:59 |
Khertan | past event show in month view on my device | 20:59 |
RST38h | Navi: The only good thing that happened in US during Bush Jr is the ban on 90% telemarketers | 20:59 |
johnx | Khertan, but not today's events | 20:59 |
johnx | and it just closed again, while just sitting there | 20:59 |
Navi | johnx, are you on the latest version? | 21:00 |
herz1 | RST38h: tried to google the phone number? | 21:00 |
RST38h | Navi: You can't imagine how happy people were when that happened | 21:00 |
johnx | Navi, probably not | 21:00 |
RST38h | herzl: Not yet, I am not THAT invasive =) | 21:00 |
Navi | RST38h, I was pretty damned happy | 21:00 |
Navi | RST38h, though, I miss fucking with telemarketers now | 21:00 |
Navi | "Yes, I might be interested in changing my long distance service, but please hold" | 21:00 |
RST38h | Navi: It got boring after a while | 21:00 |
derf | herz1: It's pretty easy to find in gconf-editor. | 21:00 |
derf | I don't remember the exact path. | 21:00 |
* Navi hooks his phone up to his PC and plays some easy listening | 21:01 | |
derf | Stored in plain text, too, for added security. | 21:01 |
Navi | The longest someone held on was for 25 or so minutes | 21:01 |
Khertan | strange i can t reproduce it | 21:01 |
RST38h | Navi: I did the "what are you wearing" thing twice | 21:01 |
Navi | Haha | 21:01 |
johnx | Khertan, let me update to the latest version | 21:01 |
Navi | johnx, what version are you running? | 21:01 |
Navi | hah | 21:01 |
RST38h | Then I did the "my dad can't come to the phone right now he is taking a shit big an dbrown one" | 21:01 |
Khertan | the last is 0.2.0 | 21:02 |
derf | Navi: My roommate had a lot of fun with a Magic 8-Ball. | 21:02 |
RST38h | Then I did a hi-tech thing recording my cat and playing it to telemarketers at 1/3 the speed | 21:02 |
RST38h | THEN it got boring. | 21:02 |
Navi | I just hooked up my phone to my PC | 21:02 |
Khertan | navi, i ve thought about a free time view | 21:03 |
Navi | it takes no effort and I do other things while it plays | 21:03 |
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derf | He had to retire it after a telemarketer finally caught on, and then gathered all the other people at the phone bank around to listen to him feed her answers to all her questions from the magic 8-ball. | 21:03 |
Navi | Khertan, yeah? | 21:03 |
Khertan | but i ven't found yet how to do a thing which can be read in a easy way | 21:03 |
RST38h | Google hasn't got a phone book yet? | 21:03 |
Navi | RST38h, it's too bad | 21:03 |
RST38h | to look up the 693 city code, you know | 21:04 |
Navi | people need to put all of their numbers on a public phonebook | 21:04 |
Khertan | navi > do u have idea ? | 21:04 |
RST38h | Navi: noway | 21:04 |
Navi | just like how people put every event of their lives on Google Calendar for everyone to see | 21:04 |
Navi | Khertan, I'm guessing the same kind of list view | 21:04 |
Khertan | :) | 21:04 |
Khertan | with free time ? | 21:05 |
Navi | Yeah, with free time | 21:05 |
Khertan | by day ? | 21:05 |
RST38h | Navi: those are not people, they are idiots | 21:05 |
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Navi | RST38h, It's almost synonymous | 21:05 |
Navi | Khertan, yeah, by day | 21:05 |
Navi | Though, I'd much rather a graphical dealie Pimlico Dates styled :P | 21:06 |
Khertan | so we need pref to be able to set start and end of working day | 21:07 |
RST38h | Navi: No, just 90% synonymous | 21:07 |
Khertan | navi > it s question of preference | 21:07 |
Navi | I guess. Mobile-style is fine | 21:07 |
RST38h | Navi: And the idea is to restrict your socializing to the remaining 10% | 21:08 |
Khertan | on a small device i found view like pimlico date too small | 21:08 |
Navi | RST38h, Pretty hard | 21:08 |
RST38h | Well, each of us does his best... | 21:08 |
Navi | Khertan, really? I thought it worked well. | 21:08 |
Navi | Better than the GPE style at least | 21:08 |
Khertan | i ve tryed to use it ... but i ve started mcalendar to replace it :) | 21:08 |
johnx | it depends on how many things you schedule per day I guess | 21:08 |
Navi | Palm does it a bit different, but that way works too | 21:08 |
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Khertan | gpe is not so bad on openmoko | 21:09 |
Khertan | but not the maemo port | 21:09 |
Jaffa | Ev'ning, all | 21:09 |
Navi | Neither is pimlico's stuff :P | 21:09 |
Navi | Hi Jaffa | 21:09 |
Khertan | hi jaffa | 21:09 |
Khertan | palm is a good way i thought | 21:10 |
RST38h | 69 is Frankfurt | 21:10 |
Navi | Woo | 21:10 |
Navi | Big-ass area | 21:10 |
johnx | Khertan, too many values to unpack | 21:10 |
Khertan | yes | 21:10 |
RST38h | Navi: The highest probability location is the airport though | 21:11 |
Khertan | arg my 6630 is out of battery | 21:11 |
* RST38h tries to figure out who of his friends or relatives would fly through Frankfurt yesterday | 21:11 | |
Navi | RST38h, maybe someone needs you to bail you out :P | 21:11 |
Navi | er | 21:11 |
Khertan | connection will drop shortly | 21:11 |
Navi | bail 'em out | 21:11 |
johnx | Khertan, and it didn't pull down my scheduled event for Sunday the 15th | 21:12 |
Navi | The 6630s have a weird style | 21:12 |
RST38h | Navi: Well, I have got no tanks or bombers at the moment | 21:12 |
Navi | RST38h, Eh | 21:12 |
johnx | but it did pull down everything before that | 21:12 |
Khertan | ? | 21:12 |
Navi | it's not like they have a military to stop you | 21:12 |
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RST38h | Military is so last century... | 21:13 |
RST38h | They have got an international police force for Keeping Order! | 21:13 |
Navi | Woo! | 21:13 |
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Khertan | johnx > can u say me what is date start and end ? | 21:14 |
Khertan | and your current time | 21:14 |
johnx | starts and ends on the 15th, | 21:14 |
johnx | my current time is 3:10AM June, 16th | 21:14 |
johnx | I'm on JST, so that's UTC+9 | 21:14 |
Khertan | and starttime ? | 21:14 |
johnx | starttime/endtime 2:30PM | 21:15 |
johnx | ah, my bad | 21:15 |
johnx | start: 2:30PM | 21:15 |
johnx | end: 8:30PM | 21:15 |
johnx | other than that it seems fine | 21:15 |
Khertan | hum can u set it to 2h30 | 21:16 |
Khertan | am | 21:16 |
Khertan | and 8h30am | 21:16 |
johnx | is a new event ok? | 21:16 |
Navi | johnx, you're up late O_o | 21:16 |
Khertan | ok | 21:16 |
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johnx | Navi, I work nights :P | 21:17 |
Navi | Oh yeah | 21:17 |
Navi | Vampire | 21:17 |
Navi | run! | 21:17 |
Khertan | i think of a problem with am/pm | 21:17 |
johnx | Navi, heh...sometimes I feel like it | 21:17 |
johnx | too damn bright today | 21:17 |
Khertan | ? same thing ? | 21:18 |
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johnx | Khertan, wow...well that's interesting: {'status': 400, 'body': 'Invalid request URL.', reason': 'Bad Request'} | 21:18 |
Navi | Oh yeah | 21:18 |
Navi | That's fun | 21:18 |
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johnx | if there's anything misspelled, that's my fault | 21:18 |
Khertan | :) | 21:18 |
johnx | and it still didn't sync anything from yesterday | 21:19 |
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Navi | Khertan, #1 on my list of annoyances is the inability to full screen the app :P | 21:19 |
Khertan | navi > for me it s a small thing to do | 21:20 |
Navi | I know it is | 21:20 |
Navi | that's why it's #1 | 21:20 |
Khertan | my priority is to fix sync problem | 21:20 |
Khertan | ok i do it tommorow | 21:20 |
Navi | Sync conks out randomly | 21:20 |
Khertan | and i don t know why | 21:21 |
Khertan | i ve no problem | 21:21 |
Navi | Even though it complains, my calendars still sync | 21:21 |
pupnik | btw, is it 00:00-23.59 or 00:01-24:00 ? | 21:21 |
Khertan | and can t reproduce this 400 error | 21:21 |
pupnik | strange the things one forgets | 21:21 |
Khertan | first one pupnik | 21:21 |
Navi | I've yet to see a clock that does 00:01-24:00 | 21:21 |
Khertan | yes there is ... specially one coming from chinese | 21:22 |
derf | In Japan, TV listings are given up through 25 or 26 o'clock. | 21:22 |
johnx | I see store signs that say open to 25:00 | 21:22 |
Navi | Weird :P | 21:22 |
putterson | how can I kill the ui of os2008 so that android will get the screen? | 21:22 |
Khertan | it s depends on country i think | 21:22 |
johnx | putterson, not terribly easily | 21:22 |
Khertan | french clock display 00:00 | 21:23 |
derf | I haven't seen that anywhere outside of East Asia. | 21:23 |
Navi | I just stole penguinbait's scripts | 21:23 |
derf | The _clocks_ are still 00:00-23:59. | 21:23 |
putterson | johnx, when I run android it shows up and dissapears if I click the screen cause maemo gets the focus | 21:23 |
putterson | how would I fix that | 21:23 |
Khertan | no no clock from chinese display 24:00 | 21:23 |
johnx | putterson, I don't know | 21:23 |
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Navi | stop hildon-desktop | 21:23 |
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derf | johnx: Well, learn something every day. | 21:24 |
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derf | I've still not been to China. Need to find an excuse to get out there. | 21:24 |
johnx | neither have I :) | 21:24 |
johnx | I will next spring hopefully | 21:24 |
johnx | I'd like to see Hong Kong as well | 21:24 |
derf | Yeah, it turns out there's actually quite a lot of China. | 21:25 |
putterson | Navi, how do I keep it from restarting | 21:25 |
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RST38h | derf: Sure about it? | 21:25 |
derf | RST38h: At least by all reports. | 21:25 |
johnx | there's really not that much of Japan. It makes train travel really reasonable though | 21:25 |
* RST38h have been to Taiwan but he is not particularly interested in going to the mainland | 21:26 | |
derf | I mean, there's a lot of, say, Russia, too. But I wouldn't want to visit most of it. | 21:26 |
RST38h | derf: Most of it is forest anyway | 21:26 |
RST38h | So even if you visited it, it would all look the same | 21:26 |
derf | I've flown over the eastern part at night. It was all solid black. | 21:26 |
derf | Like, anywhere else, there would be lights, even if just of small towns. | 21:27 |
RST38h | derf: So is the western part | 21:27 |
RST38h | Cities in here are very far in-between | 21:27 |
RST38h | And 70% of population lives in medium-to-large cities | 21:28 |
johnx | Has anyone else run into a problem applying for a garage page? | 21:28 |
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johnx | it tells me: "ERROR: Could not create group: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255)" | 21:28 |
johnx | which is just *terribly* descriptive... | 21:29 |
Navi | :o | 21:29 |
Navi | putterson, stop what from restarting? | 21:29 |
RST38h | johnx: group description was too long? | 21:29 |
KotCzarny | johnx: prefer 'ERROR: error occured' ? | 21:29 |
derf | But yeah, speaking as someone used to flying over the eastern US, the contrast was pretty jarring. | 21:30 |
RST38h | derf: Yep. Exactly. | 21:30 |
johnx | RST38h, yeah, tracked down the field that was too long | 21:30 |
RST38h | derf: Even Central US is pretty much illuminated | 21:30 |
johnx | "group" was nowhere in the description for it | 21:30 |
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derf | Yeah, basically all the way to the Rockies. | 21:31 |
johnx | anyways, 'night all | 21:31 |
putterson | Navi, hildon-desktop | 21:31 |
RST38h | Alaska would probably be more similar to .RU at night, but I have never flown over it | 21:31 |
wnd | as if you hadn't seen this before. http://www.atimes.com/atimes/images/earth_night.jpg | 21:31 |
Navi | putterson, how are you stopping it? | 21:32 |
putterson | killall over ssh | 21:32 |
RST38h | Hehe, I can see BAM! =) | 21:32 |
Navi | putterson, stop it using the init script instead | 21:32 |
derf | You really want to fly north of the arctic circle during the day. | 21:32 |
derf | The scenery is _fantastic_. | 21:32 |
RST38h | derf: Even if you do not fly it is fantastic | 21:33 |
derf | Yes, but then it is also very cold. | 21:33 |
RST38h | One of the biggest dangers when driving around Anchorage is too much rubbernecking =) | 21:33 |
Jaffa | GeneralAntilles: ping (added a lot more robustness to the council rules that I've been mulling over) | 21:33 |
Navi | Even looking at photographs of it is fantastic :P | 21:33 |
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Navi | Aw | 21:37 |
Navi | Khertan left | 21:37 |
Navi | johnx, do you get the problem where you make a new calendar entry on google calendar two days from today and keep it an all-day event | 21:38 |
Navi | and when you sync it, it makes it an entry the day before? | 21:38 |
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herz1 | derf: thanks | 21:46 |
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RST38h | yahooo, Gnumeric got updated! | 21:46 |
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lcuk | derf, konttori_ - if your data is obtained from a recordset then there is no need to actively double up on your workload and just self-draw the contents of each list item. you save a whole initialization and just draw what you see. when sorting just ask the recordset to do it for you :) | 22:27 |
lcuk | in a similar vein if you already have a linked list object model you can do the same. it should scale up pretty far - its always been better doing this rather than creating a list item for each object in your list | 22:28 |
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konttori_ | lcuk: hi! | 22:30 |
lcuk | hi there :) | 22:30 |
konttori_ | sure, that's the proper way to do it, but it will then drop the framework for the objects that the listview contains. (like dragndrop) | 22:30 |
konttori_ | however, to be honest, it's the right way to do it | 22:30 |
derf | lcuk: The standard Swing approach is to have a template "renderer" widget which gets filled in with the contents of each row and is used to paint it. | 22:31 |
konttori_ | I have now made a poor mans solution that seems to perform OK ish. | 22:31 |
lcuk | cou could still do it but would take a bit more of a sidestep | 22:31 |
konttori_ | I'll settle for that for the day. | 22:31 |
derf | The idea that you would _ever_ create a GUI object for every list item is pure insanity. | 22:31 |
konttori_ | derf: I so agree | 22:31 |
lcuk | derf :) sounds pretty reasonable :) and konttori_ at least for maemo, drag/drop isnt used that much | 22:32 |
konttori_ | sure. it's not. | 22:32 |
derf | s/at least for maemo// | 22:32 |
lcuk | d&d is a nice feature to have - at least for custom sortable things | 22:32 |
derf | Though, the file manager is pretty much the most common place dnd _is_ used. | 22:33 |
lcuk | is this to get over your 150album limit? | 22:33 |
derf | Even if it shouldn't be. | 22:33 |
* lcuk has been experimenting with folder trees and self rendering each node - it scales upto the full file system :) (though memory goes wayyy up with each branch open) | 22:34 | |
RST38h | lcuk: fm file dialog appears to eat off 100+MB memory every time it is open | 22:40 |
RST38h | Does not actually use all of it, probably just does a memmap | 22:40 |
Tahitibob35 | RST38h, i asked the same question on maemo-dev ML : | 22:44 |
Tahitibob35 | http://www.mail-archive.com/maemo-developers@maemo.org/msg14279.html | 22:44 |
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RST38h | Tahiti: There should be a bug filed about it - check the bug database | 22:57 |
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konttori_ | lcuk: what 150 album limit? | 23:09 |
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lcuk | during your speech at ltag you said ukmp has a rough limit of about 150 albums - you said for anything more move to itunes | 23:11 |
Toba | ugh. | 23:11 |
Toba | why on earth do we have to flash to upgrade? | 23:11 |
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Toba | isn't in place upgrading like 20 year old technology? | 23:12 |
lcuk | because thats the way it is for now - this will be the last time though, new diablo release has incrimental updates | 23:12 |
Toba | >< | 23:12 |
Toba | I just got everything set up! | 23:12 |
* Toba >:[ | 23:12 | |
lcuk | then dont flash yet? whats new? | 23:12 |
lcuk | or do a backup and restore | 23:12 |
Toba | well, gps working for one. | 23:12 |
Toba | oh, true. | 23:12 |
lcuk | which release has it working? | 23:13 |
Toba | diablo, I think. | 23:13 |
Toba | http://yerga.jaiku.com/presence/36140701 | 23:13 |
lcuk | but thats not been released yet - and it *may* be able to do the SSU update without even a final flash, though i dont know if thats been decided yet | 23:13 |
Toba | SSU = ? | 23:14 |
lcuk | for me, im going to enjoy flashing it and rebuilding everything | 23:14 |
Toba | how can I back up my current internal memory? | 23:14 |
lcuk | Seamless Software Update - update without flash | 23:14 |
Toba | ah | 23:14 |
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summatusmentis | Toba? like... wpi Toba ? | 23:18 |
Toba | ...whoa. hi jts. | 23:19 |
summatusmentis | how goes it? | 23:19 |
Toba | okay | 23:19 |
summatusmentis | righteous | 23:19 |
Toba | my n810 has the worst gps in the history of mankind | 23:19 |
Toba | but other than that okay | 23:19 |
summatusmentis | well, yes. diablo will have a-gps | 23:19 |
Toba | yeah, but it seems to me one of the main selling points should WORK as shipped | 23:19 |
Toba | instead of being horridly broken and ship it anyway which seems to be what they did | 23:20 |
summatusmentis | agreed. technically it works, just badly | 23:20 |
Toba | half an hour to fix is not working | 23:20 |
Toba | I could find a gas station and ask at that point | 23:20 |
summatusmentis | lol | 23:20 |
Toba | it would be quicker | 23:20 |
Toba | I'm glad they patched it, at least. | 23:20 |
Toba | I'd try diablo right now if I knew how to do a disk image so I could get it back exactly as is | 23:21 |
summatusmentis | well, yeah, the a-gps stuff works well enough | 23:21 |
lcuk | the gps locking issue is nowhere near as bad on mine now, im wondering if cpu busyness was a problem - ie if the cpu is busy it cant process the initial data? but anyway it seems more stable nowadays and locks in a reasonable time | 23:21 |
Toba | it seems this 'backup and restore' feature only takes some of the stuff. | 23:21 |
summatusmentis | just tar rootfs | 23:21 |
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Toba | lcuk: with diablo? | 23:21 |
lcuk | no | 23:21 |
lcuk | standard | 23:21 |
Toba | how'd you fix it then | 23:21 |
lcuk | i dunno, its just started behaving - but then again my battery has as well | 23:21 |
summatusmentis | Toba: or if you're not using the internal sd, image your rootfs to there, boot from the internal sd, and upgrade your flash to diablo | 23:22 |
lcuk | but as well i run in performance cpu mode so everything is a bit more snappy | 23:22 |
Toba | I am using it, but none of it matters. just some music. | 23:22 |
Toba | I can sync that on again any time | 23:22 |
summatusmentis | if I have a source directory structure, is there a way to copy it all over to my n810, then copy back only the files that have changed afterwards? | 23:23 |
Toba | huh? you can't get a consistent image on a running system.. | 23:23 |
Toba | summatusmentis: rsync, I would think. | 23:23 |
Toba | isn't there some 'usb slave mode' for reading data from a desktop? | 23:23 |
summatusmentis | Does rsync do 'only changed files'? intriguing | 23:23 |
Toba | yes, summatusmentis. it does | 23:23 |
lcuk | i would think a sync without an option to do only changed files would be a bit pointless | 23:24 |
Toba | hm. | 23:24 |
Toba | how do I properly shut down? I saw it once and it seems to be well hidden | 23:24 |
Toba | I want a consistent state when I image it | 23:24 |
summatusmentis | hit the power button, and say turn off | 23:24 |
summatusmentis | or in the terminal, as root, poweroff | 23:24 |
lcuk | there is no proper way to completely turn off, but there is a shutdown option on a menu by holding down power | 23:24 |
lcuk | ok tap power not hold it down | 23:25 |
* lcuk only ever uses the slide for locking | 23:25 | |
summatusmentis | you can hold it, and it'll shutdown | 23:25 |
* lcuk wishes lock would lower cpu and disconnect wireless though | 23:25 | |
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Toba | hold it on does what? | 23:25 |
Toba | I just did that | 23:26 |
Toba | hm, it appears to be doing slave mode maybe? | 23:26 |
lcuk | it shutsdown, but its not totally shutdown because there is a little program running to manage the charging | 23:26 |
Toba | arg | 23:26 |
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Toba | normal boot here we go | 23:27 |
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pupnik | hmm skype client seems to not allow receiving/sending chat message or any other activity while a call is active | 23:37 |
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Toba | skype won't even install on mine | 23:45 |
Toba | it complains that it's not made by nokia and is guaranteed to utterly destroy the universe, even though it was on the menu when I got it | 23:46 |
Toba | I don't get it | 23:46 |
Toba | why would they put it there if it won't install? | 23:46 |
Toba | part of why I wanted this was for SkypeOut | 23:46 |
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m-vo | Toba, let's debug this a bit. Sounds like a bug somewhere. Skype should be installable, of course. | 23:47 |
Toba | hold on | 23:48 |
m-vo | Do you get an error message or just a warning? | 23:48 |
m-vo | (I am 'responsible | 23:49 |
Toba | error | 23:49 |
Toba | http://des.truct.org/tmp/skyperror.jpg | 23:49 |
m-vo | ... for the Application manager, that's why i am asking.) | 23:49 |
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Toba | apps -> communication -> skype | 23:49 |
m-vo | Oho! | 23:49 |
Toba | asks if i want to install | 23:49 |
Toba | brings me here, downloads it, then asks if I should install 4.35 mb or something | 23:50 |
lcuk | toba, most likely reason for failure is the installer expecting to find dependencies which have been listed as available from repos added since you got it | 23:50 |
Toba | and when I click ok, I get this | 23:50 |
Toba | so how do I fix this? | 23:50 |
lcuk | disable all additional none standard repoes and i believe it should work | 23:50 |
m-vo | You can get past this in the red-pill mode, but I | 23:50 |
Toba | is there some way to do that without actually *removing* them all one by one? | 23:50 |
lcuk | yes, disable | 23:51 |
Toba | where is that? | 23:51 |
m-vo | (damn return key is too close to ') | 23:51 |
Toba | application catalog.. .list of repositories.. | 23:51 |
m-vo | ... but I'd like to figure out why this happens. | 23:51 |
lcuk | edit each repo in the list and put a tick in "disabled" | 23:51 |
Toba | oh god | 23:51 |
Toba | this is going to take forever | 23:51 |
Toba | m-vo: since you're responsible for it, may I suggest being able to select multiple repositories and enable/disable them with a context menu of some sort? | 23:52 |
lcuk | i keep only 3 standard repos available and try not to add new ones | 23:52 |
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Toba | I assume this is Nokia {catalog,certified,System-update} | 23:53 |
m-vo | lcuk is on the right path: you shall not use too many repositories. | 23:53 |
Gnuton | hi there | 23:53 |
Toba | *sigh* | 23:53 |
m-vo | Toba, could you look into "Tools > Log"? | 23:54 |
* m-vo unfortunately doesn't remember how the Chinook AM behaves exactly in this situation... | 23:54 | |
Toba | sure | 23:54 |
m-vo | Toba, you know about red-pill mode? | 23:54 |
Toba | no | 23:55 |
Toba | I have heard the phrase | 23:55 |
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m-vo | http://hildon-app-mgr.garage.maemo.org/redpill-stable.html | 23:55 |
m-vo | When you activate it, you get the option to continue. | 23:56 |
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