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summatus|food | woot! sshfs ) | 00:27 |
summatus|food | :) ** | 00:27 |
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blitzen | is there a simple way to integrate mp3 playback capability in maemo. for streaming over the web | 00:33 |
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AStorm | too fast | 00:40 |
AStorm | ;P | 00:40 |
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Tama^2 | Hi | 00:49 |
GAN800 | Howdy | 00:49 |
GAN800 | I'm having the time of my life trying to pull a maemo pronounciation clip out of Quim's LinuxTag talk. :D | 00:50 |
Tama^2 | :) | 00:51 |
GAN800 | I'd love to turn this into something but it's CCed noderivatives. | 00:51 |
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summatus|food | GAN800: mai mo | 00:57 |
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summatus|food | oh, that's not what you meant | 00:58 |
GAN800 | I've always said it may-mo | 00:58 |
GAN800 | There's some discussion of it on the itos wikipedia article | 00:58 |
GAN800 | Evidwntly there's no official pronounciation. | 00:58 |
summatus|food | I have too, but he pronounces it mahy-mo | 00:58 |
rcloud | its derived from latin yeah? | 00:58 |
GAN800 | He's Finnish. :P | 00:59 |
summatus|food | he seems to be pronouncing the ae as if it were a latin word | 00:59 |
qwerty12_N800 | Quim's Spanish | 00:59 |
rcloud | werd | 00:59 |
GAN800 | You're right, qwerty12 | 00:59 |
summatus|food | he's got a pretty bitchin' name though | 00:59 |
GAN800 | 'Kim Jil' | 01:00 |
qwerty12_N800 | that reminds me of that North Korean guy | 01:00 |
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summatus|food | :-D debian chroot installed, apt-getting oo.o now :) | 01:01 |
rcloud | lulz | 01:01 |
summatus|food | Kim Jong-il ? | 01:01 |
qwerty12_N800 | yeah, heh | 01:01 |
GAN800 | Hehe, that's what I thought when I first found out the correct pronunciation. | 01:01 |
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rcloud | can anyone give some advice on a python app i'm writing? | 01:19 |
Tama^2 | shoot, maybe I can help | 01:22 |
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rcloud | is python fast enough to decode mp3s for playback? | 01:23 |
rcloud | or do i need to integrate some c? also is there a python module for mp3 playback already? | 01:24 |
Tama^2 | no, you do not want to do that in python | 01:24 |
Tama^2 | especially on a mobile platform like maemo | 01:24 |
rcloud | how should I do it in maemo? I want it integrated into my app | 01:25 |
qwerty12_N800 | canola's in python but it cheats, it uses osso-media-server/gstreamer to playback mp3's | 01:25 |
Tama^2 | If I recall correctly maemo supports mp3 playback for applications. | 01:25 |
rcloud | ok | 01:26 |
Tama^2 | exactly | 01:26 |
rcloud | these will be mp3 files served on the internet | 01:26 |
rcloud | not local | 01:26 |
Tama^2 | you can do that too | 01:26 |
Tama^2 | with gstreamer | 01:26 |
rcloud | great thx | 01:26 |
Tama^2 | you feed it with your stream as you download it | 01:26 |
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dev | rcloud: https://coherence.beebits.net/browser/trunk/coherence/backends/gstreamer_audio_player.py | 01:27 |
dev | rcloud: you can take the player part there | 01:28 |
rcloud | sweet thanks | 01:28 |
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rcloud | this is really helpful | 01:30 |
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Rhoruns | hey guys, i'm very confused.. am i supposed to install Scratchbox on the N810 ITSELF, or a host computer?? | 01:35 |
Rhoruns | i've been trying to install it on OS2008 on my n810, and it's not just working. | 01:36 |
Rhoruns | but then i noticed that no one actually says to install scratch ON the n810 tablet. | 01:36 |
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Rhoruns | just holler if anyone has the answer. :) thanks. | 01:37 |
dev | it is meant for a host | 01:37 |
rcloud | hey rhoruns, there is a good vm appliance for scratchbox | 01:38 |
rcloud | very easy to use | 01:38 |
Rhoruns | vm? i've never used VMware | 01:38 |
Rhoruns | is it easy? | 01:38 |
rcloud | yeah man | 01:38 |
rcloud | just download vm player, download the appliance and your good to go | 01:39 |
Rhoruns | ahh, awesome man, thanks. :) | 01:39 |
Rhoruns | i'll look around and come back if i need more help. | 01:39 |
Rhoruns | so i use the host to compile programs for ARM? | 01:39 |
rcloud | its on the maemo site. dont have a link right now though | 01:39 |
Rhoruns | and just transfer it over to the tablet? | 01:39 |
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rcloud | yeah, crooss compile for the armel then build it as a deb or ssh the binary over to the tablet | 01:40 |
rcloud | if u want to write python u can also use an eclipse plugin which doesnt need scratchbox | 01:40 |
Rhoruns | awesome. well i just need to compile a few programs. but thanks so much | 01:41 |
Rhoruns | i'm so retarded.. i spent like 8 hours doing the same damn command on the tablet.. LOL | 01:41 |
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Oniano_ | has anybody used gstreamer to capture some video on their n810 and send over a network to another pc here? | 01:45 |
* GAN800 is loving Gizmo even more since his phone died and he can't find a charger. | 01:46 | |
Rhoruns | hmm.. what do i search for to find that vm appliance on Maemo.org? | 01:46 |
Rhoruns | ah nvm.. got it | 01:47 |
Rhoruns | http://maemovmware.garage.maemo.org/ | 01:47 |
Stskeeps | Oniano_: i have tried some gstreamer -> videolan on pc atleast | 01:49 |
Stskeeps | currently at a state where i transmit blue-ish pics | 01:49 |
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Stskeeps | :P | 01:49 |
jga23 | anybody able to the armel scratchbox to install in hardy? | 01:49 |
rcloud | whats the limit of bluetooth devices which can interact with nokia at once? | 01:50 |
Oniano_ | Stskeeps, what's your setup? | 01:51 |
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Oniano_ | udp? | 01:52 |
Tama^2 | rcloud: if you programmatically connect to a bt device I do not think there is a limit in maemo | 01:52 |
Tama^2 | rcloud: there is probably a limit in the BT stack somewhere | 01:52 |
GAN800 | Bandwidth'd probably be an issue before anything. | 01:52 |
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Tama^2 | rcloud: If I recall correctly the BT1.1 spec says that a master node can be connected to a maximum of other 7 nodes | 01:53 |
GAN800 | I personally have done GPS, keyboard, headset and cellphone at the samr tome without issue. | 01:53 |
rcloud | ahh, well thats good to know | 01:53 |
rcloud | 7 is more than I neeeeeed | 01:54 |
rcloud | @GAN800 you were able to get a bluetooth headset to work? | 01:54 |
Stskeeps | Oniano_: sec | 01:54 |
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GAN800 | Headsets work fine. | 01:57 |
rcloud | hmm ok, i was having some difficulty | 01:57 |
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t_s_o | http://www.vat19.com/dvds/freehand-pocket-for-hand.cfm <- new way to carry ones N8x0? | 01:59 |
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Tama^2 | mmmm looks so sweetly dorky, I WANT one! | 02:05 |
Tama^2 | xD | 02:05 |
Tama^2 | (I suspect it will be too small for the n800) | 02:05 |
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rcloud | yeah i think that is the way to go | 02:07 |
t_s_o | the video at the bottom show them cramming a samsung blackberry clone into one | 02:07 |
rcloud | i want to carry my nokia in my backpack and forward the x server to a display in my sunglasses and input with my wristwatch | 02:08 |
rcloud | now who can do this for me? | 02:08 |
Rhoruns | lol | 02:09 |
Rhoruns | $10k plz k thx.. then i'll do it. | 02:09 |
t_s_o | hmm, hack a sonyerricson bluetooth watch, or maybe one of those phone watches to do serial over bluetooth? as for x server in sunglasses, not sure. but i have seen some video glasses. none of them look much like sunglasses tho... | 02:10 |
rcloud | they already make displays in glasses. i dont know if they are bluetooth or if bluetooth would have enough bandwidth | 02:10 |
rcloud | can we xforward over usb now? | 02:11 |
Nermal | 8| | 02:11 |
t_s_o | http://scienceblogs.com/cognitivedaily/2008/05/casual_fridays_mac_users_dont.php | 02:12 |
t_s_o | the video glasses i have read about was all wired ones | 02:12 |
t_s_o | but the celio redfly does scaled up phone display over bluetooth iirc. but that use custom compression... | 02:13 |
rcloud | ack | 02:14 |
rcloud | bluetooth bandwith is only a couple mb right? | 02:14 |
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rcloud | man it is hard to code while sloshed | 02:16 |
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t_s_o | rcloud: i think its up to usb 1.0 rates if you have 2.0+edr hardware at both ends. on a interference free day that is ;) | 02:17 |
rcloud | ok so 1.5 mb? | 02:18 |
rcloud | well that is plenty for a solid display, especially the size of eyeglasses | 02:19 |
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GAN800 | Anybody want to comment on the 'Mystery Meat link' weirdness on the 100Days page? | 02:19 |
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GAN800 | X-Fade_! | 02:21 |
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jga23 | is anybody using the maemo sdk+? | 02:32 |
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Tama^2 | jga23: you mean the oen based on scratchbox 2.0? I tried to install it but failed | 02:40 |
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jga23 | Tama^2: yeah | 02:43 |
Rhoruns | whoa, this VM already has scratchbox on it lol | 02:43 |
Rhoruns | how do i compile something for the n810 ARM? | 02:43 |
jga23 | you need to switch the scratchbox to armel | 02:44 |
Rhoruns | ok, there's two i think.. | 02:44 |
Rhoruns | Chinook and Bora | 02:44 |
jga23 | which is my problem, nothing will install on armel | 02:44 |
Rhoruns | oh | 02:44 |
jga23 | you want chinook | 02:44 |
Rhoruns | ok | 02:44 |
Rhoruns | do you know how to switch to armel? | 02:44 |
jga23 | at least in ubuntu 8.04, 7.10, everything worked fine | 02:44 |
jga23 | sb-menu | 02:45 |
Rhoruns | k | 02:45 |
jga23 | type that in scratchbox | 02:45 |
jga23 | then choose select | 02:45 |
Rhoruns | ok | 02:45 |
Rhoruns | chinook armel | 02:45 |
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Tama^2 | Hi Navi | 02:45 |
Rhoruns | ok, what's the command to compile a source? | 02:45 |
Navi_ | Hai | 02:46 |
rcloud | rhoruns what are you using? | 02:46 |
Rhoruns | im using the VM you told me to get | 02:46 |
jga23 | what is your source? | 02:46 |
Rhoruns | im in scratchbox atm | 02:46 |
Rhoruns | uhg.. lol... you don't want to know | 02:46 |
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rcloud | lol what is it? | 02:47 |
Tama^2 | jga23: on the old ubuntu LTS I get to the point where it has to init the environment (after downloading meamo related scripts etc) and then it bails out with an error | 02:47 |
Rhoruns | i'll probably get banned if i say it | 02:47 |
rcloud | rhoruns is there a file called configure? | 02:47 |
rcloud | nah dude, what is it? | 02:47 |
Rhoruns | Bluesnarfer :P | 02:47 |
rcloud | hold on ill google that :P | 02:47 |
Rhoruns | kk >_< | 02:47 |
rcloud | wtf u sick fuk | 02:48 |
Rhoruns | the src is just two .c files. | 02:48 |
jga23 | Tama^2: was that just for arm? | 02:48 |
Rhoruns | wha? LOL!?! | 02:48 |
jga23 | gcc should work | 02:48 |
rcloud | lol i'm kiding | 02:48 |
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rcloud | yeah gcc *.c -o whateveruwanttocallit | 02:48 |
Rhoruns | cool man :D | 02:48 |
rcloud | make sure u are in armel mode | 02:48 |
Rhoruns | ok, i am | 02:49 |
Rhoruns | chinook armel, right? | 02:49 |
Tama^2 | jga23: yes, I think so | 02:49 |
Tama^2 | it was a while ago so I do not recall exactly. I gave up | 02:49 |
rcloud | yeah | 02:50 |
rcloud | sb-menu | 02:50 |
rcloud | to select | 02:50 |
Rhoruns | okie dokie.. here we gooo :D | 02:50 |
rcloud | dood is this to hack bluetooth connections or what? | 02:51 |
Rhoruns | maybe.. >_> | 02:51 |
rcloud | lulz | 02:51 |
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rcloud | did the compile work? | 02:52 |
Rhoruns | hold on, i'm a retard when it comes to navigating directories :D | 02:52 |
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Rhoruns | wth..? i put the folder containing the srcs into the top maemo directory, and they don't show up in ls.. :( | 02:56 |
Rhoruns | hmm | 02:56 |
rcloud | what direc? /home/maemo? | 02:57 |
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Rhoruns | hold on, i opened a term on the dir. | 02:58 |
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Rhoruns | oh, scratchbox has it's own directory structure..?? | 02:58 |
rcloud | yeah, but u can access it from the main direct structure | 02:59 |
rcloud | easiest way is to enter scratchbox and wget your sources | 02:59 |
rcloud | or whatev | 02:59 |
Rhoruns | ohh i see | 02:59 |
Rhoruns | kk, ill do that then | 02:59 |
rcloud | i'll try compiling it also, cuz it sounds neat | 03:00 |
Rhoruns | yeah | 03:00 |
Rhoruns | wth.. it can't resolve the host lol | 03:01 |
Rhoruns | i got it just fine outside of scratchbox | 03:02 |
rcloud | there shouldnt be a problem | 03:02 |
rcloud | scratchbox uses the same tcpip as the rest of the vm | 03:02 |
Rhoruns | yeah | 03:03 |
rcloud | gah my comp is so f'ing slow | 03:04 |
Rhoruns | pwned | 03:04 |
rcloud | ok, it compiled cleanly | 03:06 |
rcloud | i'll try it on my nokia | 03:06 |
Rhoruns | ok | 03:07 |
Rhoruns | cool | 03:07 |
Rhoruns | got a BT phone to try it on? lol | 03:07 |
rcloud | nope, my dad does though :) | 03:08 |
Rhoruns | hehehe | 03:08 |
rcloud | ok it seems to work | 03:08 |
Rhoruns | !!! | 03:08 |
Rhoruns | aghhh | 03:09 |
Rhoruns | i cant stand it.. i must compile XD | 03:09 |
rcloud | i dont know any of the commands or whatev. but u want it? | 03:09 |
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rcloud | it compiles completely clean | 03:09 |
rcloud | just run the makefile | 03:09 |
Rhoruns | from within scratchbox, yes? | 03:09 |
rcloud | yeah, make sure you are armel | 03:09 |
Rhoruns | k, but i dont know how to access the makefile from scratchbox | 03:10 |
Rhoruns | the directory is weird | 03:10 |
rcloud | just type make | 03:10 |
rcloud | in the bluesnarfer directory | 03:10 |
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Rhoruns | i cant access the directory from scratchbox | 03:10 |
Rhoruns | i dont know how | 03:10 |
rcloud | goto /home/maemo | 03:11 |
Rhoruns | k | 03:11 |
rcloud | then wget the file | 03:11 |
rcloud | wget http://alighieri.org/tools/bluetooth.tar.gz | 03:11 |
rcloud | then tar xzvf bluetooth.tar.gz | 03:12 |
Rhoruns | tar: bluetooth.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 03:13 |
Rhoruns | lol | 03:13 |
Rhoruns | ... | 03:13 |
rcloud | weird | 03:14 |
Rhoruns | very | 03:14 |
rcloud | try fakeroot | 03:14 |
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Rhoruns | wait, i extracted using the gui | 03:15 |
Rhoruns | and cd bluesnarfer | 03:15 |
rcloud | so all u have to do is just make | 03:15 |
Rhoruns | make, and i get tons of errors | 03:15 |
rcloud | what are the errors? | 03:15 |
rcloud | i had none | 03:16 |
Rhoruns | WTF!?!? i think it's a symlink | 03:16 |
Rhoruns | gcc -Iinclude -W -g3 -lbluetooth src/bluesnarfer.c -o bluesnarfer | 03:16 |
Rhoruns | src/bluesnarfer.c:29:33: error: bluetooth/bluetooth.h: No such file or directory | 03:16 |
Rhoruns | uhhgg | 03:16 |
Rhoruns | i got tons more | 03:16 |
rcloud | there should be an include dirtory in the bluesnarfer direc | 03:16 |
rcloud | dood u want me to send u the program? | 03:17 |
Rhoruns | no... i must learn how to fix this shit | 03:17 |
Rhoruns | lol | 03:17 |
rcloud | lulz | 03:17 |
rcloud | give me ssh access and i'll check it out for you :P | 03:17 |
Rhoruns | bah.. | 03:19 |
rcloud | so u have to know the device address before you connect? | 03:19 |
Rhoruns | yes | 03:20 |
Rhoruns | you need to scan for the mac | 03:20 |
Rhoruns | the AT commands are different for each phone i think | 03:20 |
Rhoruns | but im not sure | 03:20 |
rcloud | how do u scan? | 03:20 |
Rhoruns | i have no clue | 03:21 |
Rhoruns | more BT tools: http://www.security-hacks.com/2007/05/25/essential-bluetooth-hacking-tools | 03:21 |
Rhoruns | there's a few scanners there | 03:21 |
rcloud | ahh wait. | 03:21 |
rcloud | nm, we have a scannning tool. i'm drunk :P | 03:22 |
Rhoruns | lol | 03:22 |
Rhoruns | i give up.. send me the bluesnarf bin | 03:22 |
rcloud | k | 03:22 |
rcloud | how do you send in irc, i'm on my nokia | 03:23 |
Rhoruns | hmm | 03:23 |
Rhoruns | i dont know | 03:24 |
rcloud | if u have aol or skype or something i can send that way | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | ah yes | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | hold | 03:24 |
rcloud | wait nm | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | ok | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | lol | 03:24 |
rcloud | ok what | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | aim? | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | it's SgtRhoruns' | 03:24 |
rcloud | sure | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | SgtRhoruns | 03:24 |
Rhoruns | ? | 03:26 |
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Rhoruns | any reason why i can run binaries from Terminal? | 04:04 |
Rhoruns | it always says Permission Denied | 04:05 |
Rhoruns | even with gainroot, and sudo.. | 04:05 |
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NeoStrider_ | hey folks! | 04:13 |
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KotCzarny | rhoruns: vfat doesn't have +x flag | 04:18 |
Rhoruns | what's vfat? | 04:18 |
KotCzarny | i'm assuming you try to run binary from the card | 04:18 |
KotCzarny | vfat is the filesystem on the card | 04:18 |
Rhoruns | oh.. | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | you can copy binary to the device, reformat card with ext3 or mount some remote dir via sshfs/nfs | 04:19 |
Rhoruns | well, i moved it from /media/mmc2, to /usr/bin, and it still doesnt work | 04:20 |
Rhoruns | im getting segmentation fault now | 04:20 |
Rhoruns | wtf?!?! | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | bad code then | 04:20 |
Rhoruns | but some other guy is running it just fine... | 04:20 |
Rhoruns | same exact file | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | does it use some config or resources without checking? | 04:21 |
Rhoruns | no, it's just a sinlg ebinary. | 04:21 |
Rhoruns | single binary* | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | binary may be the same, but he can have different configuration | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | can't help further :) | 04:22 |
Rhoruns | bah.. | 04:22 |
Fatal | might require root access, might depend on bt being activated.. and just bad error handling code :/ | 04:23 |
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Rhoruns | how do i access files from outside scratchbox's directory structure? | 04:59 |
KotCzarny | copy them | 05:01 |
KotCzarny | or mount inside scratchbox | 05:01 |
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Rhoruns | hmm | 05:01 |
Rhoruns | copy doesnt work | 05:02 |
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Rhoruns | im trying to put a source code in scratchbox's directory so i can compile it... | 05:03 |
Rhoruns | but it's not letting touch anything :( | 05:03 |
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KotCzarny | don't foget to chown it later | 05:03 |
KotCzarny | if you copy it as root | 05:03 |
KotCzarny | then sbox user can't write to it | 05:03 |
dick-richardson | the touch screen on my n810 is hit-or-miss and nokia support is out until Monday. anyone know if they'll send an advance replacement? | 05:04 |
KotCzarny | chown -R scratchboxusername dirtogiverightto | 05:04 |
Rhoruns | chown -R sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL / | 05:05 |
Rhoruns | invalid user | 05:05 |
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Rhoruns | zooooooooooooooom | 05:07 |
Rhoruns | really fast text LOL | 05:07 |
beford | Rhoruns, check /scratchbox/users/<youruser>/home/<youruser>/ | 05:07 |
Rhoruns | i think i messed up.. o___o | 05:07 |
Rhoruns | chown -R root / | 05:08 |
Rhoruns | XD | 05:08 |
dick-richardson | chown needs a user specified...I think KotCzarny meant chmod | 05:08 |
dick-richardson | sudo chmod 777 <filename> | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | exec: id | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | and you will know your user name | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | dick-richardson: no, chown | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | change owner, not file flags | 05:09 |
* rm_you|sleep pokes X-Fade again | 05:10 | |
Rhoruns | bash: exec:: command not found | 05:10 |
*** rm_you|sleep is now known as rm_you | 05:10 | |
Rhoruns | lol | 05:10 |
Rhoruns | id | 05:10 |
dick-richardson | kk, then your chown command doesn't look right | 05:10 |
Rhoruns | uid=1000 (maemo) | 05:10 |
KotCzarny | dick, prove me wrong then | 05:10 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:10 |
dick-richardson | I'm not sure what you're even trying to do...just noticed chown -R <filename> | 05:11 |
KotCzarny | not filename | 05:11 |
KotCzarny | dirname | 05:11 |
KotCzarny | recursively | 05:11 |
KotCzarny | because i assume he copies some dir to sbox dir | 05:11 |
dick-richardson | ahh, gotcha | 05:12 |
KotCzarny | but in sbox to actually use it it needs to be owned by sbox user | 05:12 |
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dick-richardson | yep, i'm with ya now | 05:12 |
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dick-richardson | anyone had experience w/nokia support? | 05:12 |
* Cymor is back (gone 09:09:49) | 05:13 | |
KotCzarny | not me | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:13 |
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summatusmentis | has anyone tried installing debian recently? | 05:23 |
summatusmentis | not debian, oo.o sorry | 05:24 |
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summatusmentis | what does dpkg: syntax error: unknown user `mpd' in statoverride file mean? | 05:31 |
dick-richardson | how do I launch an app on startup? | 05:32 |
KotCzarny | which startup | 05:33 |
KotCzarny | sys or x session? | 05:33 |
dick-richardson | x session | 05:33 |
KotCzarny | hrm | 05:33 |
dick-richardson | sys just uses standard init scripts, no? | 05:33 |
KotCzarny | under normal x it's in .xsession file | 05:33 |
KotCzarny | but matchbox could ignore it as well | 05:34 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:34 |
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summatusmentis | I suppose johnx is in bed huh? | 05:44 |
johnx | yeah, prolly | 05:45 |
summatusmentis | lol, oh ;) | 05:46 |
johnx | he's headed to work in a couple minutes though | 05:46 |
johnx | have a quick question? | 05:46 |
summatusmentis | just issues with debian chroot, and installing oo.org | 05:47 |
summatusmentis | maybe aptitude can fix it | 05:47 |
summatusmentis | johnx: don't worry about me, you go to work, and if it's still breaking, I'll bug you tomorrow | 05:48 |
johnx | anyways, I haven't used debian in a chroot on maemo in months and I avoid oo.org even on my desktop | 05:49 |
johnx | seriously, try abiword :P | 05:49 |
summatusmentis | is it running? I thought it wasn't quite there yet | 05:49 |
KotCzarny | or LaTeX | 05:49 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 05:49 |
johnx | in debian chroot? I would imagine so | 05:50 |
summatusmentis | I'm looking for functionality, I don't want to have to learn something new KotCzarny | 05:50 |
summatusmentis | I guess that's fair | 05:50 |
summatusmentis | my shitty dls connetion makes it hard to try all these things | 05:51 |
summatusmentis | dsl* | 05:51 |
KotCzarny | but it's only new if you are spoiled by ms word | 05:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:52 |
KotCzarny | and similiar | 05:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:52 |
summatusmentis | the first time I used a computer was window s 3.1 | 05:53 |
summatusmentis | I can teach myself stuff, but it takes time | 05:53 |
KotCzarny | yeah | 05:54 |
summatusmentis | time I'm teaching myself kernel hacking in | 05:54 |
KotCzarny | well, you have to specialize in today's world.. | 05:54 |
summatusmentis | and I'm on the line for Summer of Code :) | 05:55 |
KotCzarny | unless someone invents insta knowledge | 05:55 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:55 |
KotCzarny | well, books and internet are instaknowledge | 05:55 |
KotCzarny | but interface is still slow :) | 05:55 |
* johnx doesn't specialize, does everything equally badly :D | 05:56 | |
johnx | off to work guys, later :P | 05:56 |
summatusmentis | peace johnx | 05:56 |
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jga23 | what does canola use as its media player backend? | 06:29 |
GAN8001 | gstreamer and mplayer | 06:29 |
* rm_you pokes X-Fade again | 06:33 | |
rm_you | mmm | 06:34 |
rm_you | working on a Summer of Code project team would be fun | 06:34 |
summatusmentis | rm_you: you're basically working with one other person | 06:37 |
summatusmentis | it would be fun, if I had more background in kernel stuff | 06:37 |
summatusmentis | I get the feeling my mentor is getting fed up teaching a noob | 06:37 |
GAN8001 | Poor summatusmentis. | 06:41 |
GAN8001 | rm_you, he logged in earlier | 06:41 |
GAN8001 | Never responded, though. | 06:41 |
rm_you | bah | 06:41 |
summatusmentis | GAN8001: don't get me wrong, it's a sweet gig, I'm enjoying it | 06:42 |
GAN8001 | I'm just poking fun. :P | 06:42 |
summatusmentis | :) fair enough | 06:42 |
* Cymor is away: afk | 06:46 | |
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summatusmentis | alright, with any luck, abiword will install with no issues | 07:17 |
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Navi | Luck sucks | 07:21 |
summatusmentis | someone's not bitter :) | 07:22 |
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Rhoruns | does anyone know what the n810 bluetooth device name is? | 07:26 |
Rhoruns | is it supposed to be rfcomm? | 07:26 |
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Navi | Rhoruns, you can set it yourself in the control panel | 07:28 |
Navi | the default name is "Nokia N800" | 07:28 |
Rhoruns | so... | 07:29 |
Rhoruns | /dev/Nokia 810 ? | 07:29 |
Rhoruns | when i use a bluetooth program, it says /dev/rfcomm0 doesnt exist, but i can change it with an argument. | 07:30 |
lopz | night | 07:30 |
Rhoruns | bye lopz. | 07:30 |
Rhoruns | nope.. /dev/Nokia 810 doesnt exist | 07:32 |
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rm_you | Rhoruns: Navi was thinking of something else | 07:54 |
rm_you | Rhoruns: it | 07:54 |
Rhoruns | ohh ok | 07:54 |
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Rhoruns | i figured that i need to use hci tool | 07:54 |
rm_you | Rhoruns: i don't know what it is, but what Navi was referring to is what the N810 shows up as to other devices when searching | 07:54 |
Rhoruns | yeah.. that's not what im talking about | 07:55 |
rm_you | right, got that now | 07:55 |
rcloud | yo rhoruns u got your bt hacker working? | 07:56 |
Rhoruns | well, im well on my way to get several tools working | 07:56 |
Rhoruns | found agreat tut | 07:56 |
Rhoruns | http://forums.remote-exploit.org/showthread.php?t=8592 | 07:57 |
rcloud | the nokia bt app gives the mac address btw | 08:00 |
summatusmentis | GAN8001: does flashing NOLO or return me to factory settings? | 08:03 |
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rcloud | gah my pygtk app is hideous. but functionality over form right? lol | 08:16 |
rcloud | gah my pygtk app is hideous. but functionality over form right? lol | 08:16 |
rcloud | woops | 08:17 |
summatusmentis | :) | 08:17 |
GAN8001 | No, summatusmentis. | 08:18 |
GAN8001 | Settings are on rootfs | 08:18 |
GAN8001 | NOLO is just the bootloader | 08:18 |
summatusmentis | hmm... for some reason stuff returned to factory type settings | 08:18 |
summatusmentis | everything was still installed, just not the way I had it configured | 08:19 |
summatusmentis | but my debian chroot works! | 08:20 |
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summatusmentis | anyone have any experience with .desktop files? I can't get mine to execute what is in the Exec field | 09:02 |
RST38h | what is in the Exec field? | 09:02 |
RST38h | "Bush Aide: Bush Administration Not As Perfect As You Thought" | 09:03 |
RST38h | I thought that? | 09:03 |
doc|home | ok, who thought that? come on now, own up.... | 09:03 |
doc|home | one of you did | 09:03 |
doc|home | who was it? | 09:03 |
summatusmentis | RST38h: Exec=sudo /root/debian hilda abiword | 09:04 |
RST38h | Urgh | 09:04 |
summatusmentis | where running sudo /root/debian hilda abiword works | 09:04 |
summatusmentis | the other option is debbie hilda abiword | 09:04 |
RST38h | make a run-abiword shell script and run it instead | 09:04 |
summatusmentis | which also works, from the command line | 09:04 |
RST38h | I hope you do not have the .service file for this? | 09:05 |
summatusmentis | the .service file? | 09:05 |
RST38h | ok, you do not have the service file. | 09:05 |
b0unc3 | summatusmentis: maybe you have to take a look to the dbus system ... | 09:05 |
RST38h | just put that line into a script and run the script instead | 09:06 |
RST38h | forget the dbus system, as long as you do not have .service file it will not rise its ugly head | 09:06 |
summatusmentis | RST38h: still nothing | 09:06 |
summatusmentis | or rather, it's loading Notes(the .desktop file I started with) | 09:07 |
RST38h | it can't load Notes if you do not tell it | 09:08 |
summatusmentis | but it is | 09:08 |
RST38h | so something is wrong | 09:08 |
RST38h | could you please show your whole .desktop file? | 09:08 |
summatusmentis | [Desktop Entry] | 09:09 |
summatusmentis | Encoding=UTF-8 | 09:09 |
summatusmentis | Name=Abiword | 09:09 |
summatusmentis | Exec=sudo /usr/bin/run_abiword | 09:09 |
RST38h | heh | 09:10 |
RST38h | you should put sudo into that script as well | 09:10 |
summatusmentis | yeah, it is, I missed that part | 09:10 |
RST38h | so that Exec= only contains one program name, no args | 09:10 |
summatusmentis | even removing it doesn't change anything | 09:10 |
RST38h | do you have any other lines in the desktop file? | 09:10 |
summatusmentis | no | 09:10 |
RST38h | AddAdd | 09:11 |
RST38h | Type=Application | 09:11 |
RST38h | X-Osso-Type=application/x-executable | 09:11 |
RST38h | X-HildonDesk-ShowInToolbar=true | 09:12 |
summatusmentis | that's at least doing something... not starting abiword, but doing something | 09:14 |
RST38h | doing what? =) | 09:14 |
summatusmentis | wait! I fixed i | 09:15 |
summatusmentis | it | 09:15 |
summatusmentis | instead of having the script, I put the orignial 'debbie abiword' back in | 09:15 |
RST38h | ok | 09:15 |
RST38h | no sudo? | 09:15 |
summatusmentis | no sudo | 09:16 |
summatusmentis | debbie is a script defined to run sudo ;) | 09:16 |
RST38h | btw, once you have media scanner disabled, is it possible to update media player library in some way? | 09:17 |
RST38h | summa: ! | 09:17 |
summatusmentis | as per http://www.internettablettalk.com/wiki/index.php?title=Running_Debian_in_a_chroot | 09:17 |
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rcloud | hey dudes, i need to make an xml query in python. what module should i use? | 09:18 |
summatusmentis | RST38h: is there a place i can add something to my path so I can run chroot as user? | 09:19 |
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RST38h | google python xpath? =) | 09:20 |
RST38h | summa: No idea - I rarely run stuff as a user | 09:20 |
RST38h | Most often ssh to the tablet and get root by default | 09:20 |
summatusmentis | actually, it doesn't matter, I need permission to chroot to /opt | 09:20 |
summatusmentis | you can ssh as user you know... | 09:21 |
rcloud | thanks rst | 09:21 |
rcloud | is xpath part of the base python 2.5 on maemo? | 09:21 |
summatusmentis | I was gonna whine about not being able to find my case, it's been on my bed this whole time | 09:22 |
summatusmentis | I'm going to bed now, sleep well all | 09:22 |
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Rhoruns | hey rcloud, i i was able to steal my friend's entire phonebook, and dial a number lol | 09:23 |
rcloud | what tools u use? | 09:23 |
Rhoruns | bluesnarfer, and bluebugger | 09:23 |
rcloud | what is bluebugger? | 09:23 |
RST38h | summa: yes, but why? =) | 09:24 |
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Italodance | again again again | 11:28 |
Italodance | shit wallet pouch | 11:29 |
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rm_you | ????? | 11:31 |
rm_you | >_> | 11:31 |
Italodance | hi rm_you | 11:33 |
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Italodance | the skin of n800 is very shit | 11:34 |
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doc|home | Italodance: I like it. Protects screen, keeps dust off. If you want something solid then you can buy them third party. | 11:38 |
AStorm | the main pro of it is that it's thin, yet protective enough | 11:38 |
doc|home | yup | 11:38 |
doc|home | I put mine into the side pocket of my bag | 11:39 |
doc|home | a back pack, which coincidentally has a nice elastic strap inside it which I think was meant for holding a calculator or something and holds it perfectly in place :) | 11:39 |
AStorm | n8x0 is great as a calculator too (install FreeHP) | 11:41 |
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doc|home | hehe | 11:41 |
* doc|home rarely uses anything more complicated than is necessary with the installed calc :) | 11:41 | |
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doc|home | night all | 11:41 |
AStorm | doc|home: you don't need a calculator then, just a sheet of paper | 11:47 |
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RST38h | Wait until I release SlideRule ;) | 12:00 |
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AStorm | RST38h: nah, that won't be as convenient | 12:13 |
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EruditeHermit | qwerty12: hey, does the powervr driver work? | 13:48 |
qwerty12 | EruditeHermit, nope | 13:48 |
qwerty12 | It just powers it up and sets clocks | 13:48 |
* qwerty12 really hates editing configure scripts but if it's gotta be done, it's gotta be done | 13:50 | |
inz | qwerty, yeah, those buggers aren't really made for editing | 13:51 |
qwerty12 | Yeah, I've messed up a script many times doing that. It's a lot easier on me if there is autogen | 13:53 |
* qwerty12 checks | 13:53 | |
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rm_you | ok, time to figure out this GTK prototyping stuff | 13:54 |
rm_you | anyone have any starting leads? | 13:55 |
rm_you | I tried googling for "GTK prototype" but nothing useful there :/ | 13:56 |
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rm_you | https://wiki.maemo.org/index.php/Rm_you#Emails_from_Timeless_concerning_GTK_stuff_with_applets: | 13:56 |
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lcuk | is anyone alive? | 14:24 |
felipec | lcuk: not me | 14:26 |
lcuk | nokia maemo community: run by zombies ;) | 14:26 |
trickie | lcuk: hey | 14:27 |
lcuk | hey trickie and felipec | 14:27 |
lcuk | have i missed much | 14:27 |
trickie | lcuk: not sure, i was at linuxtag with you :) | 14:28 |
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lcuk | whats your real name then | 14:28 |
trickie | lcuk: im the guy who went and had a cigarette with on friday | 14:28 |
trickie | im Nick | 14:28 |
trickie | the aussie, maybe that helps | 14:29 |
lcuk | yer it does :) did you get back ok then | 14:29 |
lcuk | and were nokia paying for your hotel | 14:29 |
trickie | yeah got back yesterday, prety smooth flight | 14:30 |
trickie | nah i did off my own bat | 14:30 |
trickie | stayed in a hostel | 14:30 |
trickie | wasn't too bad | 14:30 |
trickie | you have a good trip back? | 14:31 |
lcuk | yer, apart from checkout at the hotel - nokia decided to not pay for the hotel.. | 14:31 |
rm_you | >_> | 14:31 |
lcuk | for any of us from what i can gather | 14:31 |
lcuk | trickie, did you stay till the end of saturday and go to the ubuntu party thing? | 14:33 |
trickie | lcuk: what!!!??? thats pretty nasty | 14:34 |
trickie | lcuk: nah, i left really early yesterday | 14:34 |
trickie | got a cheaper flight at that time | 14:34 |
lcuk | yer, gonna have to put an expenses thing in, dont think it will be a problem, but it was an unexpected prang on the cc | 14:34 |
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trickie | ah ok, well hope they coff up | 14:35 |
trickie | yeah lucky you could, hope everyone has a CC | 14:35 |
lcuk | from what i know not everyone did | 14:35 |
trickie | bit of a downer at the end then | 14:35 |
lcuk | only tiny, the majority was great and im writing up the notes ive been taking ;) | 14:36 |
trickie | cool, that note taking stuff you showed is awesome man | 14:37 |
trickie | inspiring :) | 14:37 |
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lcuk | yer, its proved invaluable, ive never had a diary before, but now ive got one | 14:37 |
trickie | well if you ever need a hand with unix-y stuff give me a yell, but you obviously got the rockin' programming skills downpat | 14:38 |
trickie | you gonna try and package it up? or still WIP? | 14:38 |
lcuk | ive got a feature list thats needed but i think the app can be moulded into a proper application very soon, whats WIP? | 14:39 |
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lcuk | yer, unix skills. im still very lacking so yer if i get into a bind i'll come shouting :) thanks | 14:40 |
trickie | WIP == work in progress | 14:41 |
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trickie | i guess most things a WIP really... | 14:41 |
lcuk | yer it is, but i know the direction (i took notes), so its gonna end up as a one click instant notes rather than the stars and menuing thing it had - its faster than paper already | 14:42 |
trickie | awesome | 14:43 |
lcuk | the biggest problem i see at the moment is hildonization and packaging itself, but ill be speaking to people in the next few weeks about a direction | 14:43 |
trickie | have you ever looked at the elf/enlightenment stuff? | 14:44 |
trickie | s/elf/efl/ | 14:44 |
infobot | trickie meant: have you ever looked at the efl/enlightenment stuff? | 14:44 |
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lcuk | no, but because of the backend im using at the moment, ive been discovering that no library scratches my itch ;) | 14:45 |
trickie | so are you talking directly with X or something? | 14:46 |
lcuk | well currently its x11+xv library but i cant use the x drawing functions for anything cos they dont draw on on the XV memory surface | 14:47 |
trickie | hmmm interesting | 14:49 |
lcuk | on the way home though i remembered that xv->omapfb does a full bitplane memory format conversion, i think i can make it even quicker and smoother if i write directly in the correct format | 14:51 |
trickie | that pretty much goes straight over my head... but sounds cool :) | 14:52 |
lcuk | it just means that the already quick stuff could technically be quicker | 14:52 |
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lcuk | right, my sore aching feet are in desperate need of new shoes, i best go before the shops close | 14:58 |
lcuk | was good fun at linuxtag, and was nice to meet you nick, catch you later | 15:00 |
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rm_you | hrm, wonder where i would go for help with GTK stuff... | 15:03 |
trickie | lcuk: later | 15:03 |
trickie | rm_you: http://www.gtk.org/development.html ? | 15:04 |
rm_you | hrm | 15:04 |
rm_you | more like, i just need to ask someone a question | 15:05 |
rm_you | since i've spent prolly 40 hours scouring the net so far trying to figure this out | 15:05 |
rm_you | over a few months >_> | 15:05 |
trickie | the irc channels are listed on that page | 15:06 |
rm_you | ah | 15:06 |
trickie | i guess thats the authorative place to go | 15:06 |
rm_you | ah, i didn't scroll down enough | 15:07 |
trickie | :) | 15:07 |
RST38h | yawn | 15:16 |
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rm_you | GAN800 / GAN8001 : you there? | 15:46 |
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arif_endro | hello all | 16:08 |
rm_you | hey | 16:09 |
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rm_you | wtf | 16:15 |
rm_you | this is just aggrivating | 16:15 |
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* rm_you screams | 16:26 | |
lopz | hi | 16:27 |
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rm_you | hi | 16:30 |
rm_you | >_< | 16:30 |
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rm_you | WHAT THE FUCK | 16:40 |
* rm_you is about to throw his n800 in front of a speeding vehicle | 16:40 | |
AStorm | give it to me instead | 16:42 |
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rm_you | a378wdh69vc6b 6034r7v89wa738c7b9awrtztfyctrfst9 | 17:01 |
rm_you | why do I feel like I'm working AGAINST Nokia >_< | 17:02 |
rm_you | just trying to get a fucking icon to work | 17:03 |
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Italodance | good evening guys :D | 17:06 |
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Anunakin | good! | 17:24 |
briand | better! | 17:24 |
Anunakin | 11:30 here | 17:24 |
Anunakin | hehe | 17:24 |
briand | 10:24 here | 17:24 |
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rm_you | to hell with this shit | 17:43 |
rm_you | i give up | 17:43 |
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* rm_you sleeps | 17:43 | |
Anunakin | OK! | 17:43 |
Anunakin | Johnx, u here? | 17:44 |
rm_you | [ 09:01 ] * johnx sleeps | 17:44 |
rm_you | that was in PM :) | 17:45 |
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Anunakin | hehe | 17:47 |
Anunakin | he lives on japan? | 17:47 |
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rm_you | yes | 17:50 |
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Anunakin | hum | 17:52 |
Anunakin | I got some sucess on right and middle clicks on debian... | 17:52 |
Anunakin | Just in time I go put it on wiki | 17:53 |
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Italodance | 19:32 here | 18:01 |
Oniano_ | has anybody managed to get a tcpserversink to work on an n810? | 18:02 |
Oniano_ | i read that the tcp and udp plugins included with the n800 don't work | 18:02 |
Oniano_ | i was wondering whether the same was true for the n810 | 18:03 |
Oniano_ | i've compiled the latest version of gstreamer from source in the scratchbox env | 18:03 |
Oniano_ | but i don't want to install it on my n810 just yet | 18:03 |
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RST38h | TEST | 18:16 |
rm_you | PASS | 18:16 |
rm_you | FAIL? | 18:16 |
Navi | Y/N | 18:16 |
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RST38h | Yes is no and no is yes. Format your harddrive? [Y/n] | 18:18 |
Navi | n | 18:18 |
RST38h | Formatting your harddrive [10%]... | 18:19 |
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summatusmentis | qwerty12_N800: what're the downsides of booting debian instead of maemo? powermanagement? | 18:22 |
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qwerty12_N800 | dunno, i don't use it to replace maemo | 18:23 |
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summatusmentis | right, I know that, you just seem to know everything about everything n8x0 related | 18:25 |
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qwerty12_N800 | heh, not much more than most :) | 18:25 |
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summatusmentis | ok, then I'm a noob :) | 18:28 |
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* lcuk wonrders if he should stop calling himself a n00b | 18:48 | |
summatusmentis | I'm a noob at this, I'm used to OE, and normal linux, I justt need to get used to the quirks of maemo a bit more | 18:49 |
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summatusmentis | is there any way to get vim and cscope on maemo? | 18:56 |
lcuk | summatusmentis, i suppose you could try to build either, but for a quick (relative) highlighting source editor you could try installing pygtkeditor from extras | 18:57 |
lcuk | i use it whenever i am away from my desktop for editing my c code | 18:57 |
qwerty12_N800 | vim's already built by mgedmin | 18:58 |
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lcuk | heh :) | 19:00 |
summatusmentis | lcuk: oh, alright, I'll look at that | 19:02 |
summatusmentis | lcuk: are you sure that's what it's called? | 19:03 |
lcuk | http://maemo.org/downloads/product/pygtkeditor/ | 19:04 |
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summatusmentis | that's different than extras right? | 19:04 |
lcuk | hmmm i thought it was in there | 19:04 |
lcuk | my mistake if not | 19:04 |
summatusmentis | not seeing it, no worries, I'll get it from downloads | 19:04 |
summatusmentis | lcuk: so do you just sync your C code back and forth between you NIT? | 19:06 |
lcuk | after a big session yer, but i compile directly on the device - i was at linuxtag the last few days and was able to compile on the go | 19:06 |
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summatusmentis | so it's C code for the device? | 19:06 |
lcuk | yer | 19:06 |
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summatusmentis | I see. | 19:07 |
lcuk | gcc and autotools and whatever | 19:07 |
summatusmentis | sure... I'm not gonna be compiling anything, just reading through code | 19:07 |
lcuk | pygtkeditor is technically the editor used by its developer to code and test python on the go, but the gtkeditor part highlights multiple languages | 19:08 |
summatusmentis | reading through, documenting, re-implementing according to documentation :) | 19:08 |
summatusmentis | so it'll work with C? | 19:08 |
lcuk | well i use it for that yer, and the highlighting seems alright | 19:09 |
summatusmentis | alright, cool | 19:09 |
summatusmentis | it needs python-pygtksourceview whihc has a dependency it can't find, I'll deal w/ this for now | 19:14 |
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GAN800 | poor rm_you | 19:20 |
flo_lap | hi all | 19:20 |
lcuk | hi florian | 19:20 |
flo_lap | lcuk: hi... back home? | 19:21 |
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lcuk | yer i am, are you still drunk in a corner :P | 19:22 |
lcuk | or did you get back ok as well | 19:22 |
gnuton | Hi there | 19:22 |
flo_lap | lcuk: nope, had to drive home last night... so I even missed the barbeque | 19:23 |
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flo_lap | hi gnuton | 19:24 |
gnuton | hey flo_lap | 19:24 |
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lcuk | well i flew out at 6pm so missed it anyway. i had a really good time and enjoyed everything i saw - did it go as well for you? | 19:24 |
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GAN800 | lcuk you were spotted in keesj's Picassa album. :P | 19:34 |
flo_lap | lcuk: same here... only time was a little bit lacking. i was not able to attend much of the maemo track e.g. | 19:34 |
lcuk | GAN800, lemme see then | 19:35 |
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GAN800 | flo_lap, GPE slides looked pretty cool. I'd like to get some audio/video to go with all these cool slides. :P | 19:36 |
GAN800 | Don't have the link handy | 19:36 |
GAN800 | Get the logs. | 19:36 |
lcuk | flo_lap, the best part wasn't my part of the track (infact the fewest people seeing me screw up the better..) but who I met and what was discussed | 19:36 |
GAN800 | 12-36 hours ago | 19:36 |
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GAN800 | lol . . . enabling the RSS applet completely destroy's the Application Menu's ability to open and close properly. . . . | 19:44 |
lcuk | opmg gan you're right | 19:44 |
GAN800 | !!!!! ;p | 19:44 |
lcuk | i dont exist in real life though | 19:44 |
GAN800 | Hehe. Send him an angry takedown letter. Must protect the secret identity! | 19:45 |
lcuk | nahhh | 19:45 |
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lcuk | ok, do these video things go on youtube, or elsewhere? | 19:48 |
flo_lap | lcuk: right, I guess no talk can replace conversations with other people :) | 19:51 |
GAN800 | Which videos? | 19:51 |
lcuk | i guess a picture is worth a thousand words.. gan the videos that i meant to present at ltag | 19:52 |
GAN800 | oh, youtube. | 19:52 |
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lcuk | wont the quality drop even more than they already are, and ive gotta make new ones anyway, the program ermmmm evolved while i was the - the devcentre was perfect for a quick 5 minutes of coding | 19:53 |
lcuk | *i was there | 19:53 |
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keesj | don't present unless you want to remain in the dark .P google knows who you are now and you will soon be contacted by MS and the CIA (lcuk) | 19:54 |
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lcuk | my wifi is eating the battery like a hungry hippo - its been on for about an hour and its nearly all gone | 19:54 |
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GAN800 | Well, you could just stick them up as the movie files if you have a host. | 19:54 |
lcuk | im ok with putting myself up keesj (hi by the way) | 19:54 |
keesj | i can remove the comments if you want | 19:55 |
keesj | hi | 19:55 |
lcuk | lol - google is my host at the moment, but i dont have a youtube account | 19:55 |
lcuk | not at all keesj | 19:55 |
GAN800 | But n flash-video host really has great quality, and hosting on youtube at least gets you comments, views, exposure | 19:55 |
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GAN800 | Use Google Video, then. | 19:55 |
GAN800 | Same thing, really. :p | 19:55 |
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lcuk | nice - i didnt realise gv was totally linked to my normal account | 19:56 |
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GAN800 | Google == SkyNet | 19:56 |
GAN800 | eht knos evarayting aboot joo. | 19:56 |
keesj | i did get the most frag point by dropping a beer on x-fade | 19:57 |
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GAN800 | X-Fade still hasn't reappeared. | 19:57 |
lcuk | heh - that was lucky the rest didnt get knocked over | 19:57 |
lcuk | hes still moist | 19:58 |
GAN800 | We must've highlighte him about 500 times over the past 4 days | 19:58 |
lcuk | mind you, i had similar with red hot coffee on sat morning | 19:58 |
keesj | and i was near again :p | 19:58 |
RST38bis | "It was made for the disabled person looking for something a little different, why drive something that looks like a medical device when you can drive something lethal?" | 19:58 |
lcuk | hmmm keesj, are you a terminator robot ;) | 19:59 |
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keesj | i am dangerous | 20:00 |
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puffandstuff | hello | 20:01 |
manyoso | hi, is the maemo repo down? i am trying to install maemo OS2008 SDK from the install script, but it fails everytime trying to "Running apt-get update on 'CHINOOK_ARMEL'" | 20:01 |
puffandstuff | how to install a new package with maemo please ? | 20:01 |
RST38h | puff: Application Installer ==> Menu ==> Install from file | 20:01 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, thaks | 20:01 |
lcuk | i dont think the repo is down, it looks like a problem with the website though | 20:01 |
lcuk | i was on the repo a little while ago and could get anything started | 20:02 |
manyoso | the install script is failing... | 20:02 |
manyoso | Running apt-get update on 'CHINOOK_ARMEL'. | 20:02 |
manyoso | Err http://repository.maemo.org chinook Release.gpg | 20:02 |
manyoso | Connection failed [IP: 80] | 20:02 |
Jaffa | Evening, all | 20:02 |
manyoso | is akamai... so i don't know | 20:02 |
GAN800 | Hey, Jaffa. | 20:03 |
manyoso | ahh, hmm, "could be due to an error in network configuration inside scratchbox" | 20:03 |
lcuk | evening jaffa | 20:03 |
RST38h | KILL sb1, KILL | 20:04 |
GAN800 | Repos not responding so far here. | 20:04 |
puffandstuff | qemu: Unsupported syscall: 264 | 20:04 |
puffandstuff | i can run "install from file" :( | 20:04 |
RST38h | hehe, was it file-open dialog? =) | 20:04 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, yes | 20:05 |
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puffandstuff | RST38h, Application -> install rom file | 20:05 |
RST38h | hehehehehe | 20:06 |
* RST38h thought puff was using real device | 20:06 | |
RST38h | With the emulator, you are out of luck | 20:06 |
GAN800 | tablets-dev, too. :/ | 20:06 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, what ? | 20:06 |
RST38h | puff: Forget about using QEmu. Use real device. | 20:07 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, any paper explaining this ? i've just installed sdk and all stuff and reading some papers | 20:07 |
GAN800 | Or try hrw's emulator. | 20:07 |
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puffandstuff | RST38h, how can i read real devices ? | 20:07 |
RST38h | puff: No paper. Just do not use it. | 20:08 |
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GAN800 | Reopened. https://bugs.maemo.org/process_bug.cgi | 20:09 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, how :) as i said i run Xephyr and af-sb-init.sh start to run hildon | 20:09 |
GAN800 | or this, rather. https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3194 | 20:10 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, i didnt use qemu directly | 20:10 |
RST38h | puff: If you are running armel apps on your pc, you are using qemu | 20:10 |
RST38h | puff: Qemu is broken. | 20:11 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, thanks | 20:11 |
RST38h | puff: You should run your armel apps on a real tablet | 20:11 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, ok | 20:11 |
RST38h | all right, I will go for an evening walk | 20:11 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, annother newbie question ... as i read this morning during install steps, i've armel + x86 images installed | 20:13 |
puffandstuff | RST38h, how can i run x86 rather then armel | 20:13 |
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puffandstuff | i've used maemo-sdk-install_4.0.1.sh to isntall sdk | 20:15 |
puffandstuff | does it install x86 and armel targets or only armel ? | 20:15 |
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GAN800 | Wouldn't it be nice if apt timed out intelligently? | 20:23 |
GAN800 | "Oh, I've tried this same host 4 times now and it STILL doesn't work. Maybe the fifth time's the charm?" | 20:24 |
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lcuk | my device is dead :( at linuxtag, the battery lasted all day, but today its been on wifi for about 2 hours and its gone darker than an atom in a blackhole | 20:26 |
GAN800 | Something eating the battery? | 20:27 |
lcuk | wifi | 20:27 |
lcuk | adhoc mode | 20:27 |
GAN800 | Shitty non-powersaving router? | 20:27 |
GAN800 | Oh | 20:27 |
GAN800 | No wonder. :P | 20:27 |
GAN800 | Seriously . . . this apt timeout is ridiculous. | 20:28 |
lcuk | well i havent got a wireless router, its just p2p from desktop to device. unless i can setup the wifi on here to act like an ap im goosed | 20:28 |
GAN800 | Just buy a damn router. :P | 20:29 |
GAN800 | $50 | 20:29 |
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GAN800 | I recommend a Buffalo WHR-G125 + tomato | 20:29 |
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GAN800 | You should be able to get them in the UK. | 20:30 |
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Stskeeps | or get a fonera one and hack it | 20:31 |
Stskeeps | :P | 20:31 |
lcuk | what extra hardware does a router have that this dongle+my computer doesnt? | 20:32 |
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Stskeeps | lcuk: you should look into your computer desktop having WMM/WMI enabled | 20:33 |
flo_lap | lcdd: An additional CPU :) | 20:34 |
Stskeeps | if it doesn't, your tablet will suck battery like a whore | 20:34 |
lcuk | it does.. | 20:34 |
Stskeeps | mmk | 20:34 |
GAN800 | lol . . . apt. repository.maemo.org goes down and it's got to timeout on every single entry for the same damn host. Which, at 300 seconds a piece for the default 5 repos is _25 minutes_. | 20:34 |
lcuk | and flo_lap, it manages quite well now handling wifi data from my tablet + laptop | 20:34 |
* GAN800 files a bug. | 20:35 | |
lcuk | Stskeeps, thanks ill take a look and see | 20:35 |
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GAN800 | Just get a real router. :P | 20:35 |
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lcuk | gan, i will if i cant solve this now. but as you know i dont like wasting things and ive got all the technical hardware i need to do this job | 20:36 |
t_s_o | or maybe just a access point, if one have everything else already. adding another router to a network, especially these home use ones that have just about everything turned on by default, can quickly turn a working network into a mess if one is inexperienced... | 20:37 |
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GAN8001 | t_s_o, routers are cheaper than APs | 20:38 |
GAN8001 | Economies of scale or something. ;) | 20:38 |
GAN8001 | Just plug it directly into a machine, flash it with a real firmware, turn off it's DHCP server THEN add it to the network. | 20:38 |
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lcuk | meh, ill just stick the power in and not bother | 20:39 |
* lcuk will worry another time | 20:39 | |
lcuk | it was nice to see how long it lasted in the last few days though :) | 20:40 |
GAN8001 | We know what to blame your terrible battery life on, anyway. | 20:40 |
GAN8001 | and it's not the tablet. | 20:40 |
* lcuk blames battery life on GAN8001 | 20:41 | |
GAN8001 | Fair enough. :P | 20:41 |
lcuk | you and a wok are pinging my adhoc network from across the pond | 20:41 |
* GAN8001 launches another RF strike. | 20:42 | |
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GAN8001 | Woo, bug! https://bugs.maemo.org/post_bug.cgi | 20:54 |
GAN8001 | Ugh . . . again | 20:54 |
GAN8001 | https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3208 | 20:54 |
qwerty12_N800 | hmm, i'd like a shorter timeout tbh. my apt already messes up taking too long | 20:56 |
GAN8001 | I know the apt timeout can be set in a config file somewhere (though I don't know where or how), but it's a very bad impression to a new user having their device sit there doing nothing for 20 minutes. | 20:58 |
qwerty12_N800 | Thanks, will search it up. True. | 20:59 |
* Jaffa listens to qgil's talk (finally) | 21:00 | |
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GAN8001 | Jaffa, it's fun. | 21:02 |
Navi | Noitisn't | 21:02 |
qwerty12_N800 | I thought it was a good talk, lots of info. | 21:03 |
GAN8001 | It was weird when he made that funny noise, though. | 21:03 |
GAN8001 | It sounded like he was dying. | 21:03 |
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GAN8001 | "19:50 - 11: Ready? (my weird sound is due to slow drawing of the new slide) :)" | 21:03 |
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GAN8001 | I want to know who the Nokian with the funny accent who answered a couple questions during the QA was. | 21:04 |
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Jaffa | One thing irritating about fremantle and harmattan is the secrecy surrounding them in terms of feature sets | 21:07 |
GAN8001 | Yeah . . . that's irritating. | 21:07 |
GAN8001 | Not even Apple is this bad. | 21:07 |
GAN8001 | "More later this year" | 21:07 |
GAN8001 | Hopefully that's not too far off. | 21:08 |
* qwerty12_N800 hopes for leak again | 21:08 | |
qwerty12_N800 | if it runs on n8*0 :/ | 21:08 |
GAN8001 | It should | 21:09 |
GAN8001 | I wish he had given a straight answer on that one | 21:09 |
GAN8001 | but at least it's supposedly a "while" | 21:09 |
GAN8001 | Since the WiMAX tablet should be supported for a while, and N810W support == N800 support. | 21:10 |
GAN8001 | Nice post, Jaffa. | 21:11 |
Navi | Everyone knows Nokia only speaks in relative terms until a week before launch | 21:14 |
qwerty12_N800 | Any Suomi person willing to bribe? :-D | 21:15 |
GAN8001 | I'm still in favor of the Great Nokia Trout-Walloping Expedition of 2008. | 21:16 |
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qwerty12_N800 | Got a question, does /sys/power/op_active let you change the op modes defined in board-n800-dvfs.c on the fly for that session? | 21:34 |
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Jaffa | GAN8001: ta | 21:37 |
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Jaffa | "This year is diablo". Pretty much confirms fremantle as OS 2009, and - probably - no new device until next year (or very late this one) | 21:42 |
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GAN800 | I like the bit and Wikipedia and Elephanta at the beginning. :D | 21:50 |
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anders_gud | pupnik? | 21:58 |
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anders_gud | anyone knows what c flags to use when optimizing for n8x0? | 22:01 |
lcuk | anders, i just use simple ummm lemme see.. | 22:01 |
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RST38h | anders: -O2 | 22:02 |
lcuk | opt: -O3 only, ive never bothered getting any deeper | 22:02 |
anders_gud | hmm, slow day here... | 22:02 |
lcuk | O2 actually crashed for me when i was testing | 22:02 |
RST38h | -O3 will also work, but isn't guaranteed to do better | 22:03 |
RST38h | lcuk: and O3 not? | 22:03 |
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lcuk | no, O3 has been nice and stable, yer reading up after says o3 does everything o2 and then a bit more | 22:03 |
RST38h | lcuk: If I were you, I would carefully debug my code with O2 to see where it crashes | 22:04 |
RST38h | lcuk: 'cause this sounds like a memory corruption or something like that inside your code | 22:04 |
lcuk | it wasnt worth the hassle, i think in testing o2 worked recently, but 3 does extra so ive left it there | 22:04 |
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lcuk | when i did first round of opts, i went from stable none opt code, then i was getting seg faults with o2, but without making code changes o3 worked. | 22:05 |
lcuk | about a month ago i was speaking to KotCzarny about it and o2 worked again so i dont know now | 22:06 |
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anders_gud | ok I'll try to put -o3 into debian/rules see if it sticks... | 22:07 |
RST38h | -O not -o | 22:07 |
lcuk | O3 does inlining for functions supporting it, but obviously inline can increase size, it depends on how much of your code uses it | 22:08 |
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anders_gud | pupnik made a fast build of mypaint some time ago | 22:08 |
lcuk | is it on his site | 22:09 |
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Jaffa | Hmm, my comment on Quim's blog turned into another mini-essay | 22:10 |
Jaffa | http://flors.wordpress.com/2008/06/01/maemo-linuxtag-update/#comment-1223 | 22:10 |
anders_gud | yes I know, but I got a patch from the author to try out | 22:11 |
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keesj | Jaffa: if you are in the mood your input on http://flors.wordpress.com/2008/05/30/who-makes-the-maemo-community/ would ben valued :p | 22:13 |
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ancechu | hello | 22:20 |
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ancechu | I'm trying to compile | 22:20 |
ancechu | the latest version of granule | 22:20 |
ancechu | for my 770 | 22:20 |
GAN8001 | Another nice post, Jaffa. :P | 22:20 |
ancechu | but I don't know | 22:21 |
ancechu | how to dowload gtkmm | 22:21 |
ancechu | when I do | 22:21 |
ancechu | sb2 apt-get install libgtkmm2.0 | 22:21 |
ancechu | I get | 22:21 |
ancechu | SB2: apt-get wrapper: Operation denied in this mode (maemo) | 22:21 |
ancechu | any ideas? | 22:21 |
ancechu | I'm using the SDK you can install following http://maemo-sdk.garage.maemo.org/install.html | 22:22 |
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[cliff] | hi all. does an app running in the maemo emulator have access to network resources? | 22:27 |
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WorkingOnWise | is there any way to compile directly on the NIT? I have a few apps that I want to compile, smallish ones, but for the life ov me I cant get the VMware appliance to launch. | 22:28 |
qwerty12-N800 | yes, look on itt | 22:29 |
qwerty12-N800 | [cliff], no. no idea how apt and wget does it :/ | 22:29 |
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lcuk | WorkingOnWise, yes - i do it myself, be warned though, that at best its 10x slower and you may have memory and space restrictions (gcc+ autotools+dev libraries for everything you need must be installed) | 22:31 |
lcuk | and large projects may not compile at all due to actual device memory constraints | 22:31 |
keesj | and you might get in trouble getting -dev packages I guess | 22:32 |
lcuk | not at all, i have ummm extras-devel repo installed (the same one scratchbox itself used) | 22:32 |
qwerty12-N800 | no, sdk doesn't use extras-devel | 22:33 |
qwerty12-N800 | gronmayer lists it as chinook sdk | 22:33 |
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lcuk | ok then, what do i use to list where i installed things from? | 22:35 |
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qwerty12-N800 | apt-cache and i forgot wtf was the rest officerthat cmd line :p | 22:36 |
lcuk | lol | 22:36 |
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qwerty12-N800 | "officer"? stupid input method >.< | 22:36 |
Cord | lcuk: apt-cache policy $package_name | 22:36 |
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lcuk | ta | 22:37 |
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lcuk | hmmm ok then, why have i got extras-devel ? ... | 22:41 |
* lcuk ponders | 22:41 | |
Cord | grep extras-devel /etc/apt/sources.list //etc/apt/sources.list.d/* | 22:42 |
qwerty12-N800 | lcuk, meh, it's good to keep for non dev stuff | 22:42 |
lcuk | why, i only install dev libraries nowadays.. | 22:43 |
lcuk | cord, i know its there, ive only got 3 repos enabled | 22:43 |
Cord | :-) | 22:43 |
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lcuk | i think it was needed for the actual dev libraries and assumed gcc was from there as well, theres loads of packages ive needed and come from there | 22:44 |
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keesj | apt-cache policy gcc | 22:48 |
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[cliff] | i'm starting an app that connects to some webservices. my understanding is that the emulator doesn't have a working network connection out of the box. is there a way to enable it? | 22:58 |
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RST38bis | cliff: Use real device. | 23:00 |
RST38bis | Do not use the emulator. | 23:00 |
RST38bis | (god, somebody should just remove any mention of that m@#$%^king emulator from the documentation) | 23:01 |
lcuk | sage advice :) | 23:01 |
RST38bis | This will save so much time to so many people | 23:01 |
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[cliff] | RST38bis, you've got to be joking... | 23:02 |
qwerty12-N800 | I think it's good advice. | 23:02 |
* lcuk has used the emulator a grand total of 1 times | 23:02 | |
lcuk | when i copied the exe to my device and found it didnt work i stopped seeing it as even being worth the diskspace | 23:03 |
[cliff] | crap :\ I guess my rant wasn't so out of place after all... thanks anyway guys | 23:03 |
lcuk | cliff :) if you have the device available use it over the emulator. | 23:04 |
RST38bis | In case you wonder, same goes for Symbian emulator included with the S60/UIQ SDKs | 23:04 |
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[cliff] | I feel like I'm back in 2000, developing for nokia's communicator series.... hmmmmm I see a pattern here :-) | 23:04 |
RST38bis | There is no pattern other than the common sense notion of emulator not being the real thing | 23:05 |
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RST38bis | Can't remember emulator helping development in *any* SDK, Nokia's or otherwise. | 23:06 |
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lcuk | it ONLY helps if you are developing for an absent device | 23:06 |
[cliff] | RST38bis, not wanting to start a flame war, the pattern I see is that Nokia never, ever, manages to create good SDKs. contrast maemo with android and you'll get it | 23:06 |
RST38bis | All right, Nokia sucks | 23:08 |
RST38bis | Go Android! | 23:08 |
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qwerty12_N800 | If I want to program in Java, i'll download the SE jdk for my w810 | 23:10 |
[cliff] | yeah... but unfortunately it isn't about that you know. it's about 3rd parties. where android got hundreds of applications (granted, they were only created because of the prize money), maemo mostly has the same old batch of apps (fyi I got one of the first 770 shipped to OSS devs). no evolution, which is kind of sad, the device totally rocks, but no 3rd party ecosystem | 23:10 |
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[cliff] | oh yeah, turns out the emulator indeed has network access. it's just a matter of changing /etc/resolv.conf. had to compile osso-xterm for x86 to get there, but finally figure out what was wrong. cheer-io-s guys, and thanks again | 23:16 |
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GAN800 | Android hasn't shipped aanything at this point. ;) | 23:16 |
gimmal | anyone know if there's a tool for making a dpkg/apt mirror out of a set of standard debian CDs? | 23:17 |
RST38bis | GAN: I don't think it was the point of his rant =) | 23:17 |
RST38bis | But at least, we have not heard about iPhone SDK *again* | 23:17 |
lcuk | also, android gets the pick of the devs from every compatible corner of the market - i believe it will also work? on n8x0? | 23:17 |
* gimmal is really not up for the task of hacking that one together, or rather, figuring out how to | 23:17 | |
RST38bis | Android is a Java-only affair with a non-standard JVM | 23:18 |
qwerty12_N800 | lcuk, it has been ran on 810 | 23:18 |
lcuk | but - technically - cant this device do java natively? we have jazel? | 23:18 |
qwerty12_N800 | cant do shit with it on n800 :@ | 23:18 |
RST38bis | I am pretty sure that as soon as they make native code compilation official, Android SDK will hit the same problems as Maemo SDK | 23:18 |
lcuk | native emulation of multiple platforms | 23:19 |
RST38bis | i.e. kernel calls not supported by Qemu, etc | 23:19 |
RST38bis | Android assumes ARM platform. | 23:19 |
lopz | hi | 23:19 |
RST38bis | lcuk: We do have jazelle and yes, it can be used, but the real question is why you would need java outside of playing j2me games | 23:20 |
thopiekar_N800 | hi | 23:20 |
lcuk | ticks in the right boxes | 23:20 |
lcuk | its *another* tool we could use to boost ourselves | 23:21 |
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lcuk | mmmmm 2.5mb of sketches | 23:23 |
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gimmal | agh, wrong channel that was... | 23:26 |
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* qwerty12_N800 has to recompile my routers firmware sometime so I can disable the | 23:28 | |
qwerty12_N800 | lights on it | 23:28 |
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Stskeeps | gf complaining, eh? :P | 23:28 |
Stskeeps | mine did, atleast | 23:28 |
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RST38bis | lcuk: boost outselves where? how many useful java applications have you seen? | 23:29 |
lcuk | i had to disable the throbbing light on my 810 because in the middle of the night i would think aliens had come | 23:29 |
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qwerty12_N800 | Stskeeps, hehe, in this case, the parents | 23:29 |
* RST38bis keeps aliens enabled, just to see them come every night | 23:29 | |
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qwerty12_N800 | lcuk, why? there's nothing worth taking in manchester :p | 23:29 |
lcuk | oi! | 23:31 |
GAN800 | My Wii is like that, lcuk | 23:32 |
GAN800 | Giant light on the drive slot that pulses. | 23:32 |
GAN800 | Nintendo always sends system updates at 4 in the morning, and it lights up for that. | 23:33 |
qwerty12_N800 | thats freaky :/ | 23:33 |
lcuk | cant u just - you know - turn the wii off at night? or doesnt that matter | 23:34 |
GAN800 | You can, and I have. | 23:34 |
lcuk | i never noticed ours because its not wifi enabled | 23:34 |
GAN800 | But they came so infrequently that I forgot to do it for a while. | 23:34 |
qwerty12_N800 | lcuk, please get a router (even manchester has them) | 23:35 |
qwerty12_N800 | :p | 23:35 |
GAN8001 | For serious | 23:37 |
lcuk | no, why do i need wii updating | 23:40 |
Jaffa | Bug fixes? | 23:40 |
lcuk | i get updates when i buy games | 23:40 |
lcuk | they are included on the dvd | 23:40 |
Jaffa | Hmm, qgil's reply to my comment on his blog is interesting. Can't quite decide what I think about it this last on a Sunday evening. | 23:40 |
Jaffa | lcuk: really? that's quite cool | 23:40 |
qwerty12_N800 | my psp does that. cannot say i've noticed much thanks to m33... | 23:41 |
lcuk | i have exactly 1 use for wireless and its just another whole device to configure and manage when i have the hardware to do it right now. | 23:41 |
GAN8001 | lcuk, only some of them. | 23:41 |
lcuk | AND? | 23:41 |
lcuk | its a games console, it does not need to throb at 4am | 23:42 |
lcuk | gan, do you actually leave it switched on, or does this occur when its off? | 23:43 |
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GAN8001 | It idles on wifi | 23:44 |
GAN8001 | Intentionally. | 23:44 |
GAN8001 | You can turn the Connect24 off | 23:45 |
GAN8001 | and the message indicator | 23:45 |
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lcuk | so when you push the off button it doesnt go dark? | 23:45 |
GAN8001 | It does | 23:46 |
GAN8001 | Just the the status LED is amber instead of red | 23:46 |
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GAN8001 | Jaffa, let's see what comes out of it. | 23:48 |
GAN8001 | Lot of talk at the moment | 23:49 |
GAN8001 | we'll see if the beef ever comes. | 23:49 |
Jaffa | Indeed. | 23:49 |
Navi | mmm, beef | 23:49 |
Tama^2 | 0xdeafbeef? | 23:50 |
qwerty12_N800 | where? nothing like a good punch | 23:50 |
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Navi | Tama^2, so, what j00 been up to? | 23:52 |
Tama^2 | the usual, work and I am almost done with uni: 3 months to go | 23:52 |
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Navi | woo | 23:53 |
Tama^2 | then I may move from here in a while | 23:54 |
Tama^2 | dunno where to | 23:54 |
anders_gud | new MyPaint package up! | 23:56 |
qwerty12_N800 | cool | 23:56 |
Navi | woo | 23:56 |
Navi | what's new? | 23:56 |
qwerty12_N800 | the compile date? | 23:57 |
anders_gud | fix for "ghost lines" | 23:57 |
Navi | awsum | 23:57 |
anders_gud | from the author | 23:57 |
Navi | qwerty12_N800, :P | 23:57 |
qwerty12_N800 | heh | 23:57 |
anders_gud | and built w -O3 | 23:57 |
anders_gud | night! | 23:58 |
Navi | night | 23:58 |
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qwerty12_N800 | night, i need to go too :/ | 23:58 |
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