IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-05-15

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Navican't figure out how to get the modifier key to stick00:00
NaviI went through the readme and there wasn't any info00:01
NaviI can type in numbers from the numpad, but I have to hit the modifier each time00:01
lardmanseems to be related to the app00:02
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lardmansometimes I can click fn twice and it sticks, other times I can press it then a number, then again sometimes I have to hold it down00:02
NaviAre you talking about matchbox-keyboard?00:03
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johnxlardman, ah, this is something a little different :)00:03
zapHello! Anybody remembers where I can enable keyboard backlighting? For some reason I can't get backlight on anymore...00:03
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lardmanjohnx: Sorry, my fault for coming in half way through00:04
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johnxah, no worries lardman :)00:05
RST38hFamilyBASIC keyboard does not work.00:06
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qwerty12_N800johnx, I untarred debian as root but my mpd doesn't work. It had permission problems so I fixed them but sound playing doesn't work as it is missing a /dev/dsp* file somewhere. Any hints? (btw, i'm in maemo atm)00:14
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johnxhmm...when the card is mounted on your computer is it mounted with nodev,nosuid?00:14
johnxdid tar report any errors?00:14
qwerty12_N800johnx, no idea about mount options, just plugged it in. no errors.00:15
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Gracklejohnx, re: debian, what about base-config..  debootstrap didn't install a base-config.00:16
gpdhmm... installed syslog and when the BT GPS is lost I get this message:00:16
gpdNokia-N800-50-2 btcond[1102]: Supervision timeout to 00:0B:0D:85:58:4F. Device out of rage?00:17
johnxah, the other half is that you need to chroot on your tablet itself and do some hacking00:17
gpdI am almost out of RAGE!00:17
Gracklehaha rage00:17
qwerty12_N800brb, rebooting00:17
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johnxGrackle, I largely followed the "Creating an EABI chroot..." here:
johnxso basically plug the card into the tablet and : chroot /media/mmc1 /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage00:18
Grackleyeah johnx, I've done that00:18
Navijohnx, doneish00:19
NaviThere are probably symbols and letters that you want on it00:19
johnxGrackle, I think I just ran aptitude after that and let it fix whatever it saw fit00:20
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johnxNavi, that sounds great! would you send it to me?00:20
Naviscrot doesn't want to work :/00:20
Gracklejohnx: the problem right now is that it has not configured apt yet00:21
johnxNavi, xwd -root -out file.xwd00:21
johnxthen convert it on another machine00:21
johnxGrackle, that's odd00:21
NaviI got scrot to work :P00:21
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* Grackle heads back downstairs00:23
johnxNavi, that is pretty fantastically awesome00:24
NaviLol >_>00:24
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Navias you can see, there is still plenty of space for more symbols00:24
lardmanwoo hoo, I have a blue galaxy displayed00:24
lardmanshould be red, but nearly there00:25
Naviit's pretty easy to do it too00:25
NaviI made tab double as esc with the mod00:25
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Navidon't know if that was good/bad00:26
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johnxahaha...I forgot that I left my hostname set on Debian00:27
johnxI just noticed that in your screenshot00:27
Gracklehaha yeah00:27
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johnxalso, to any Debian users: set your mac address00:28
johnxotherwise it will not be fun when you find another debian/n800 user at the same AP as you :)00:28
GrackleIt does not use the device's mac address?00:28
Grackleit *has* to be set? weird.00:29
johnxwlancond pulls it out of the "hidden" mtd partition and sets it by hand00:29
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Grackle"hidden" mtd partition?00:29
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johnxyeah...0xffff can read it00:29
NaviI don't expect to see any other N800s00:29
KotCzarny /dev/mtdblock2 afair00:30
Grackleoh hm00:30
johnxah, neat00:30
KotCzarnyjohnx: then use 0xFFFF ?00:30
johnxright...or just set your own MAC address00:31
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KotCzarnylike i remember it :)00:31
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NaviOr spoof it and pretend to be your next door neighbor's registered mac so you can download from torrents without getting caught00:31
Naviby the campus police00:31
johnxor leave it and hope that someone reads their logs every once in a while to see the joke :)00:32
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Saviqcapital first letter, a sign that's someone's writing from his/her internet tablet ;)00:32
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johnxNavi, I might pair your keyboard layout down to fewer buttons that have just the letters and basic punctuation00:33
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NaviOh, right00:34
Navimake it more like the hildon keyboard?00:34
johnxright, so the keys get bigger :)00:34
Navithat's fine with me00:34
NaviI like it this way00:35
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johnxI should also figure out how to fix my screen calibration O_o00:35
lardmancool, yv12->rgb565 (Y->blue) is working00:35
johnxlardman, cool00:35
lcukthe quick?00:35
NaviMy slender fingers can already thumb this keyboard00:35
lcukomg when i wanted to misspell i cock that up00:35
lcuklard, this will help xv immensely :)00:36
Navihate it when I run out of ram00:37
lardmanlcuk: don't get too excited, still need to get yv12->yuv420 working00:37
johnxNavi, how much swap?00:37
NaviI used the same swap file I do with maemo out of sheer laziness00:38
johnxmemory leak in the browser?00:38
lcuktechnically simpler or a sideways shift?  one is bit manipulations the other is bytes00:38
NaviI closed it and I got a lot of ram back00:38
lardmanlcuk: yuv420 is a packed format, and the endianness is wierd00:39
lardmanlcuk: so some experimentation00:40
lcukive seen 42000:40
* lcuk shudders00:40
zapdamnit, the "powerlaunch" application disables keyboard backlighting00:41
lcukdoes it?00:41
lcuk:D w00t00:41
* lardman has a green Jupiter now00:41
zaplardman: are you trying to speed up video playing?00:42
Naviopenbox starts up dog slow00:43
johnxtry blackbox00:43
lardmanzap: That is the end goal00:43
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johnxthe *original* box :)00:43
Naviblackbox is old and unmaintained00:43
zapcool. Are you going to write DSP decoders for mpeg4/whatever?00:43
Naviflux is the new  black00:43
johnxand fast00:43
johnxand small00:43
johnxI like window maker anyways00:43
Navioh, it wasn't starting up slow00:44
zaplardman: if I'm not wrong, mplayer already uses the hw YUV scaler/converter00:44
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lardmanzap: probably not; the idea is to write a converter for yv12->yuv42000:44
johnxbut the amount of "double-click" to launch in wm is unfortunate00:44
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NaviI hate openbox, it deceives me with it's blackness00:44
lardmanzap: the idea was to take that conversion/scaling overhead off of mplayer00:44
NaviI can't see the cursor00:44
zaplardman: [omapfb] ARM JIT scaler (quality=2): 704x528 YV12 => 640x480 YUV42000:44
lcuk770 only?00:44
zapisn't this about what you are doing?00:44
lardmanlcuk: The original idea was for it to be for the 77000:45
lardmanzap: yes00:45
lardmanzap: but this is on the DSP00:45
lcuktrue, but will have use here as well00:45
johnxNavi, eh?00:45
lcukthe conversion especially00:45
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Navijohnx, I have no idea what happened :P00:46
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johnxaaah...I have a thought00:46
zaplardman: you're doing it for 770?00:46
johnxxomap might set the cursor transparent by default00:46
pupnikit would be a huge coup if you could speed up mplayer00:46
johnxxfce probably asserted its "cursor theme"00:46
NaviOh yeah00:46
johnxtype xsetroot and see if you get a nice chunky x00:46
NaviI can't open a term00:46
lardmanzap: atm am testing on n800, but will be for 770 in the end00:47
NaviIt keeps disappearing00:47
zaplardman: sorry if I'm asking too much, but I'm interested in DSP stuff too :)00:47
lardmanpupnik: it was ssvb's suggestion00:47
lardmanzap: np, ask away. I'm always happy when people are interested :)00:47
lcuklardman, i see very practical benefits from this code :)  you will see my xv rendering next week00:48
zaplardman: so you're going to do YV12 -> YUV420 conversion in DSP rather than in videocard? What for?00:48
lcukzap, not video card00:48
lardmanlcuk: cool00:48
pupnikwhat video card ? ;)00:48
zapthe built-in SOC00:48
lardmanzap: The plan is that mplayer decodes to a shared memory region, then the DSP can handle the scaling and conversion and output00:48
lcukthe LCD supports yuv420, but a more common format yv12 is easier to handle (its contigious planes)00:48
lardmanlcuk: lcd controller memory bandwidth problem...00:49
lcukso a converter will take a job away from the CPU and give back some cycles00:49
lardmanlcuk: yes00:49
lcukthe conversion is already done within xv00:49
zapwell even now the xv scaling is awesome (compared to other 400MHz PDAs I have seen)00:49
lardmanlcuk: are you working on XvMC? That might be interesting to get the DSP involved with00:49
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lcukreplace that CPU conversion with lardmans code and bammo :) instant speedup hopefully00:50
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Navijohnx, also, I can't find how to set up plaintext for my wifi on teh debz :P00:50
lcukxv does NO scaling00:50
NaviI've been using iwconfig wlan0 essid foo00:50
KotCzarnylcuk: if there could be a way to include it in xserver..mmmm00:50
lardmanlcuk: depends on whether the DSP can handle the framebuffer update fast enough; I'm not sure really, I saw some errors when trying to run fast00:50
lcukthe LCD takes a bitmap of arbitary size and scales to arbitary boundary - it is essentially a tv circuit00:50
johnxNavi, it shouldn't be hard00:50
KotCzarnythen it could report format as supported00:50
zaplcuk: so it does scaling00:50
zapvia xv?00:51
lardmanthe lcd controller does the scaling though00:51
Navijohnx, I couldn't find anything about it.  I know how to use wpa-psk with it :P00:51
Navithat's all that turned up00:51
johnxNavi, /usr/share/doc/wireless-tools/README.Debian00:51
lcukzap, if i ask xv for a 400*240 bitmap, that is sent as original data over the pipe unscaled, but will display at fullscreen00:51
NaviI skimmed that00:51
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zaplcuk: true, so that's basically an upscale, no matter how it is done00:52
Navijohnx, is it startxfce or startxfce4?00:52
Navijohnx, or none of the above?00:52
johnxxfce4-session I believe00:52
johnxcat ~/.xsession00:52
NaviI modified it00:52
lcuklardman, the scaler just needs to work at == to the CPU for that one job (the conversion)  the cpu could then snooze and we wouldnt care00:52
johnxstartxfce4 tries to start an x server too00:52
NullM0demyeah its confusing00:52
NaviI'm used to the slack way of doing things00:52
NullM0demme too00:53
zapIn fact, I benchmarked mplayer today on a large video (720x576) and it looks like the decoder is the narrow place, not YUV conversion/scaling00:53
johnxNavi, well as far as window managers go this is the hacked-up way of doing things00:53
lardmanunfortunately, although I can output frames at ~1fps, if I change the delay to 10fps, the DSP crashes00:53
zapsomething like 90% for MPEG4 decoder00:53
Navijohnx, I know :P00:53
lcuklardman, no not xvmc, just the xv extensions of x, its the same thing mplayer uses00:53
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lardmanlcuk: ok, I just thought xvmc looked interesting00:54
Navile sigh00:54
NaviHave to go through fsck again00:54
lcuki just googled it and it does00:54
n800ncan i record video with the n800 camera?00:54
johnxn800n, yes, look up "videocamera"00:54
zapyep, but a few fps00:54
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n800nlook up on or garage?00:55
KotCzarny16fps at 352@28800:55
lcuklardman, glad i made you chuckle last night - it was pretty good timing of me00:55
zaptry google :)00:55
n800nwell still something00:55
n800nclassic UFO video fps00:55
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NullM0demnot bad, thats like those old charley chaplin flicks00:55
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lardmanlcuk: I was chuckling at X-Fade_'s comment about not moderating, this time...00:55
lcukdamn, cos i almost fell off chair when it started00:56
johnxn800n, use google: maemo videocamera00:56
johnxNavi, everything crashes in X?00:56
n800ngot it ty00:56
Navijohnx, not sure00:56
johnxI had that problem too00:57
NaviIt's still at the black screen00:57
GeneralAntillesNo S60 guys next time around. :\00:57
Navithere it goes00:57
johnxI restarted the x server and all was well00:57
NaviGeneralAntilles, lol00:57
johnxah, nm then :)00:57
Navibleh, swapon time00:57
* lardman wonders what's going on with the DSP endianness00:57
GeneralAntillesIt's armer00:58
GeneralAntillesendian random00:58
lardmanwhich was is RGB arranged? Is R at the big or little end?00:58
GeneralAntillesor armwtfiflb00:58
GeneralAntillesWhatever the Fuck I Feel Like Bitch00:59
GrackleThe kernel is flashed to the tablet, correct? Kernel can't be stored on a disk?00:59
lardmanGeneralAntilles: I fear you may be right00:59
johnxGrackle, kernel lives in a mtd partition00:59
Gracklejohnx: Ah. So your debian tarball just uses the installed kernel?01:00
GrackleHow did you get the console working?01:00
johnxGrackle, fanoush provided a program+modules to switch the console framebuffer on01:00
johnxlook in /etc/init.d/tablet-utils01:01
GrackleOh, I recall you talking about tablet-utils01:01
GrackleIs there a web page associated with that?01:01
johnxnot really01:01
lcuklardman, trial and error, theres only a few combinations :P01:01
lardmanlcuk: yep, am starting that now :)01:02
johnxbut there is some documentation under /usr/share/doc/tablet-utils01:02
Grackleoh, good01:02
GrackleI'll take a look.01:02
johnxthough the version I "ship" is modified01:02
johnxI'm trying to keep most of the tablet-centric hackiness to that script01:02
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lardmanoo, strange, I've managed to keep the entire desktop scaled after killing my dsp code01:05
livinroomi got stable iphone tethering working01:06
lcuksounds familiar, since you are talking directly to the framebuffer, its possible to leave it in wrong state01:06
livinroomit required alot of equipment but it's doable01:06
livinroomgo me01:06
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livinroomi'm so awesome01:06
livinroomgo me01:06
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n800npretty crappy video :/01:06
lcukive got a small function which leaves the framebuffer in a magnifieresq view01:06
lcukits quite cool01:06
BlafaselUhm. iphone, huh? Naaaah..01:06
lardmanlcuk: I've reverted to not using any of the scaling functions now01:07
n800ncan i make the internet video call app not pop up when i open the camera?01:07
livinroomyes, go to the settings of the app01:07
livinroomit will give you a checkbox on auto-launch01:07
lcuklard, its best when you crash your device and hold power but your program continues to write to the screen whilst "charging" is showing ;)01:08
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KotCzarnygood idea for a virus/scare app01:09
lardmanlcuk: :) that would look very odd01:09
pupniki need 60 fps for my subliminal message programming01:10
livinroomWOOOT wooot wooooooooooooot01:10
lcukpupnik at lower resolutions you can have over 10001:10
livinroomi am SO happy right now01:10
pupniknice lcuk.  did you figure out how?01:11
livinroomi've exceeded design specification limits for happiness.01:11
pupnikgood job livinroom01:12
livinroomi'm Dangerously happy01:12
lcukcos my program shows framecounter in some screens01:12
lcukand at 400*240 it goes at 100fps01:12
pupnikand how do you know the lcd controller is refreshing at that rate?01:12
pupnikand not discarding updates?01:12
lcukat 800*240 it goes at about 52fps01:12
lcukcos you can see - ill show you01:13
lcuknext week01:13
pupnikok awesome - respect01:13
pupnikjust askin01:13
* GeneralAntilles rants at lcuk about release early, release often again. :P ;)01:13
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lcukrelease what though? ive just been learning01:14
lcukthere isnt a package here yet01:14
lcukby the way, the default editor on 810, how do i bring it up from console?01:16
lcukive got files i want to edit which are outside the boundary that file manager can see01:16
NullM0demyou mena whats the executable name?01:17
NullM0demit would have to accept filenames as a CLI option as well01:17
lcukwell if i knew the name i could test it, any ideas?01:17
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NullM0demits called osso_notes01:18
NullM0demnot sure of the pathname01:18
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KotCzarnylcuk: ln -s dir you want to /home/user/MyDocs/01:18
lcukwhats ln?01:19
KotCzarny(sym)link util01:19
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lcukahhh coool01:19
NullM0demah that works01:19
KotCzarnyyou will love symlinks01:19
NullM0demtheres vim too from terminal01:19
NullM0demor vi rather01:19
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lcukso   ln -s /usr/bin/liq/ /hone/user/MyDocs/_liq_bin01:19
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lcukwith a m01:20
KotCzarnycould work01:20
KotCzarnyassuming dirs are right01:20
lcukwell ive heard bad things about recursive links and cpu consumption01:20
lardmanhmm, making progress, I have a nearly complete Jupiter (my video) with only a few green blocks around the place01:20
KotCzarnyas long you don't symlink from _liq_bin you don't have tto worry01:20
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johnxlardman, that is really freakin' cool :D01:21
KotCzarnylardman: btw. how one accesses your code? via gst or directly?01:22
lcuklard :) i know the feeling, i have evolved this whole text rendering and seen fonts come out of the dark from grey rectangles to random stripes and through to proper glyphs.01:22
lardmanvia a command line binary atm, but something like this could be build into a gst sink01:22
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lardmanlcuk: just frustrating seeing a nearly complete picture with some random splodges on it! :)01:23
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lcukNullM0dem, osso_notes is right, but doesnt accept params, im trying the symlink thing01:23
* lcuk is often caught by random off by one bugs01:23
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lcukdoes _liq_bin have to exist already as a normal folder? or will it appear as one01:24
KotCzarnyit will appear01:25
KotCzarnyas one01:25
KotCzarnythink of it as windows shortcuts01:25
KotCzarnybut better01:25
lcukwickedly brutal, pygtkeditor opens with command line :)01:25
lcukand its highlighting correctly01:26
johnxa symlink (symbolic link aka soft link) is what a Windows shortcut would be if they did it right01:26
KotCzarnybecause every app can use symlinks01:26
johnxKotCzarny, beat me to it :P01:26
KotCzarnyjohnx: don't worry01:26
lcukdamn, terminal is single instance on device01:27
KotCzarnylcuk: get aterm01:27
NullM0dematerm no way01:28
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KotCzarnyand kciconsbox01:28
johnxor screen01:28
Blafaseljohnx: Well, that's an evil comparison. What we're talking about here (linking directories) is possible with NTFS for quite some time01:28
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Blafaselsymlinks to files though - suck. Big time.01:29
johnxon unix you mean?01:29
Blafasel(in Windows. As .lnk files)01:29
KotCzarnyblafasel: ext2 is a lot older01:29
KotCzarnyand they did it right from the start01:29
KotCzarnywindowish links are braindamaged01:29
johnxKotCzarny, ln -s is older than ext2 I think :)01:29
KotCzarnyjohnx: probably :)01:30
Blafaseljohnx: Hm? C:\Somedir can link (think symlink) to either <anydevice> or C:\Some\Other\Dir01:30
KotCzarnyblafasel: ever tried to cd into it?01:30
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BlafaselKotCzarny: That's irrelevant ;) I just wanted to point out that links between folders are not to be compared with .lnk/shortcuts.01:31
lcukwow :) thx, ive added 201:31
johnxBlafasel, I understand, I was asking what you meant by "symlinks to files suck"01:31
KotCzarnyno it's not01:31
BlafaselKotCzarny: Yep, works for me01:31
KotCzarnybut it's puny01:31
Blafaseljohnx: On Windows only - since .lnk obviously is no replacement01:31
lardman is what I see01:31
BlafaselKotCzarny: Naa.. It's great for me here, linking C:\Programme (german) to C:\Program Files - for all that broken setups01:31
johnxlardman, you see permission denied?01:32
BlafaselYou don't have permission to access /enpsgp/nokia770/dsp/PICT0050.JPG on this server.01:32
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lcuklol @ nokia porn01:32
lardmannah, I can see it, hang on let me do some tweaking01:32
Saviqdamn booting from the sd card makes accessing it through usb cable impossible :/ or am I missing something?01:32
lcukplugged in both ends?01:33
lardmantry that now01:33
Saviqwell yes, the devices show up01:33
Blafasellardman: Still01:33
lardmanhmm, just broken it for me now :)01:33
KotCzarnysaviq: yup, you can't use the same card in 2 places01:33
KotCzarnyjust use sshfs01:33
lcukmark as identified: you reproduced the bug01:34
lardmanand now01:34
BlafaselInteresting - both the stuff in general and the artifacts ;)01:34
KotCzarnylooks like b0rkage in uv plane01:35
lcuklardman - did your jpeg/mpeg decode run out of buffer memory?01:35
lcukthat looks more like a data clipping problem rather than actual normal rendering issue01:35
KotCzarnyand at the end of y01:35
lardmanshould look like this
SaviqKotCzarny: yeah that's what I'm using atm, but I wanted it to integrate nicely with my music player :/01:35
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BlafaselSo - who's attending LinuxTag here?01:35
lardmanlcuk: The decode was fine as I can view the Y plane as RGB565 with no artifacts01:36
lardmanBlafasel: I am01:36
lcuksame here01:36
SaviqI wonder if the fat partition is accessible... I could live with keeping my media on the vfat partition01:36
Navijohnx, >_>01:37
BlafaselI never attended one of the oss conferences, but since it's around the corner and I might meet some new faces.. Still thinking about it.01:37
NaviI can only see two items in synaptic :/01:37
lcukthose look more like the tiles the codec used to represent a certain color01:37
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johnxNavi, hmm01:37
Naviwon't let me resize it01:37
lcukif your algo is clipping incorrectly (off by one bit) what is meant to be 0 could be 12801:38
lardmanlcuk: shouldn't be any clipping, just byte reordering01:38
Navijohnx, how do change the key that launches matchbox keyboard01:38
lardmanlcuk: Though I should check that there are no artifacts in the U and V planes before I go off on a wild goose chase01:39
johnxNavi, err...good questions01:39
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KotCzarnylardman: i think b0rkage starts at the end of Y plane01:40
NaviI think I'll turn on the xfce compositor01:41
lardmanKotCzarny: miscount?01:41
GeneralAntilleslol, Navi.01:41
Naviand set the transparency to matchbox keyboard to 50 :D01:41
NaviGeneralAntilles, I already did it before :P01:41
lardmanstrange that a lot of the image is intact01:41
KotCzarnymaybe you try putting uv at the end of y01:41
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KotCzarnyand getting uv misaligned because of that01:41
NaviGeneralAntilles, turned on transparencies + shadows01:41
lardmanKotCzarny: UV are at the end of Y, but still strange that most of the image is intact01:42
KotCzarnyput a 10px wide line at the beginning of Y to see if you start correctly01:42
lardmanKotCzarny: I can output the Y plane after converting it to a single RGB colour then using RGB565 and it doesn't move about01:42
lardmanso I think it's correctly aligned01:43
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KotCzarnyexplain that mangled 2 lines at the bottom of Y then01:44
KotCzarnyanother thought01:45
KotCzarnyy is 2x wide than uv01:45
KotCzarnyie. should be01:45
lardmanyes, or rather U and V should be 1/2 as wide and tall as Y01:46
lardmannot sure about the mangled 2 pixel high line, when output as RGB565 it's all black at the bottom01:47
KotCzarnyjust make an experiment and try to put white pixel at 0x001:47
n800n_don't do it01:48
n800n_screen will blow up01:48
lardmannot sure just how easy that will be to do01:48
lardmanyou mean write the white pixel to the YUV data and see what happens to it?01:48
lardmanafter it's converted01:48
KotCzarnylardman: gimp and prepare an jpg01:49
KotCzarnyor modify decoded data01:49
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Navijohnx, no transset in the repos :(01:50
lardmanKotCzarny: not right now, bed time; but what would you expect to see? I'll have a go tomorrow01:50
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NaviOh yeah, you set your repos to the japanese repos by default and I've been too lazy to change them :D01:50
KotCzarnylardman, simple pixel is easier to analyze than random image01:50
lardmanKotCzarny: yep; I thought I might generate some YUV data with fixed values for each plane, then send that in and see what I get out01:51
lardmanI can save a copy of the framebuffer and pass it back to the ARM so I can hexedit it01:51
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lardmanbed time, will report back progress tomorrow01:56
lardmancheers for the help chaps01:56
KotCzarnynight :)01:56
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Blafasellivinroom: wins so far ;)01:57
BlafaselThanks again for the suggestion01:57
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diemanleft my n810 case on the bus02:11
diemanthe cheap slipcase02:11
diemanany tips on finding a replacement02:11
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lcukdieman :'( i feel your loss, my missus had hold of my 810 for 1 day and she lost it02:12
KotCzarnyjust make one yourself02:12
Navijohnx, Terminal > roxterm :P02:13
diemanlcuk: any luck finding anything good?02:14
jdiazI lost the two stylus in less than one month02:14
Navidieman, HAHAHA YOU'RE FUNNY02:14
diemani think i might just stop by target and hope theres something close to fitting.02:14
diemanheh, that bad02:14
diemanwish i could just go to nokia and you know, buy a case02:15
johnxNavi, Terminal?02:15
Navijohnx, yeah, the terminal that xfce4 comes with02:15
jdiaz(what is the plural of stylus?)02:15
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KotCzarnyor stylee02:16
diemananyhow, pfeh02:16
lcuklcuk is not misspelt, you just dont know what it is for :)02:16
diemanguess i'll just go to the store and find something02:16
Gracklestyli or styluses02:16
lcukold pda case for now02:16
Navilcuk, :P02:16
* Grackle would go with styli02:16
KotCzarnyyou say penises, not peni02:16
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* jdiaz remembers his surprise when learned that data was the plural form of datum02:17
GrackleMaybe /you/ do, pfft.02:17
Blafaseljdiaz: status is the plural of status (well, maybe you'd have written it statuus)02:18
* Grackle inflicts horribly catchy and annoying music upon #maemo
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lcukright, i think the time has come to powerdown02:19
lcuki will be back in about a week02:19
KotCzarnyi think earlier02:19
lcuknot at all02:19
lcuki have 0 internet and am glad02:20
KotCzarnyyou will get inetrnet02:20
lcukthis is a holiday not just warm irc02:20
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jdiazbut you'll carry your tablet02:20
lcukof course, nothing better than lying by the pool coding :)02:20
jdiaztalking about coding in the pool... I bought today one of these flexible keyboards02:21
lcukwicked, ive got an apple bt02:22
jdiazthe touch is dreadful, but, hey, my first computer was a 48k spectrum!02:22
Navisomeone should port stripclub to the NITs02:22
lcukwhy havent they brought out the lilo keyboard02:22
MajMin7hey lcuk02:23
lcukhi maj02:23
MajMin7i got it to work02:23
MajMin7its total crap though02:23
lcukwell now my life is complete02:23
lcukdid you show your students02:23
lcukor wasnt it worth it02:23
MajMin7im not done02:23
MajMin7i still have to code the project02:23
MajMin7i thought you might want to know the story though02:24
lcukit will wait for another week02:24
MajMin7there's this application called /usr/lbexec/navicore-gpsd-helper02:24
lcukgnite all02:24
KotCzarnynite nite02:24
lcukkot you have 2 mins to grab code02:24
lcukoffsite backup :)02:24
jdiazsee you02:24
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jdiazbtw, is it affected chinook by the debian openssl vulnerability?02:26
Navioh yeah, that's total lol02:27
johnxNavi, apt-cache search stripclub02:27
NaviOh, I know it's there02:27
NaviI saw it too02:27
jdiaznavi, why?02:27
johnxah, you mean hildonize it?02:27
NaviI just wanted to see people make dirty jokes before saying that it's just a comic viewer02:27
Navibut it didn't work out :P02:28
jdiazno one would comment without first checking the link :-)02:28
Naviwonder if qcomicviewer is nice02:29
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GeneralAntillesNavi fails at trolling.02:30
NaviThat wasn't trolling02:30
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jdiazI tried comix02:30
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GeneralAntillesExactly, Navi. :P02:30
jdiazit crashed most of the time02:30
Navicomix is fine with some modification02:30
Navinever crashed for me02:30
jdiazyou probably have swapping enabled02:30
Naviit ate up ram02:31
GeneralAntillesEverybody should have swap on.02:31
jdiazbut does not check for null mallocs :-)02:31
derfYou can't check for null mallocs.02:31
jdiazwhy not?02:32
derfLinux over-commits pages.02:32
derfIt hands you back a nice valid address that doesn't actually map to anything.02:32
derfAnd then tries to go map it the first time you use it.02:32
jdiazso, if you run out of ram, you can't detect it?02:32
derfYou could install a signal handler to catch the segfault.02:33
derfBut good luck recovering from it.02:33
johnxGeneralAntilles, it doesn't always play nice with everyone's card...02:33
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jdiazhmm.. anyway, comix did not segfault. It caused reboot instead02:33
jdiazit also happened to evince, trying to read PDF comics02:33
derfHooray watchdog timer.02:33
GeneralAntillesPeople shouldn't buy shitty cards. :P02:34
johnxGeneralAntilles, :P02:34
Navijohnx, :P02:34
johnxGeneralAntilles, I don't think the SD driver on the tablet is still 100% bullet proof yet02:34
GeneralAntillesEhehe, I don't believe so either.02:35
* GeneralAntilles puts a bullet through johnx's N800.02:35
GeneralAntillesNope, not bullet proof.02:35
Naviqcomicbook rocks02:35
Naviit just needs to stop being ugly02:35
* Navi looks for a good qt theme02:35
NaviA lot better than that python monster02:36
GrackleUgly? What are you talking about, it's Qt as hell.02:36
NaviDamned puns02:36
johnxcranky much?02:37
NaviNot really02:37
NaviI just like acting like that whenever someone uses a pun :D02:37
GeneralAntillesNavi's so funny. . . .02:37
Navii kno rite?02:37
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Gracklewao that killed the chat03:06
johnxYeah, I blame Navi :D03:07
GeneralAntillesThere's something everybody can get behind!03:07
NaviI hate Navi03:07
NaviNavi always ruins everything03:07
GeneralAntillesSelf-hating fairy.03:07
KotCzarnychat is a lie03:10
GrackleI'm surprised that there's no netbsd port for the n800.03:11
NaviN800 ran out of power03:12
johnxNavi, O_o03:12
KotCzarnygrackle: power management is closed source03:12
KotCzarnyso not much point03:12
GrackleAh, that's a good reason.03:13
Navilet's see how long that took03:13
KotCzarnyalso, if you have armel port of netbsd you can try running it03:13
elbthat would never stop netbsd03:13
GrackleI guess the fact that the software it comes with is pretty damn good to begin with also negates the need for a netbsd port.03:13
johnxyeah there's a lot of stuff that needs to be rewritten from scratch to make netbsd work03:13
elbmost of their "supported" platforms just means it can initialize the kernel03:13
elbmaybe spit a few bytes out tty0 on a serial port03:13
GrackleI wouldn03:13
GrackleI wouldn't say 'most of'03:14
elbyeah, most of03:14
Navijohnx, took about 2 hours with wifi on with usage :/03:14
elblook at the list some time ;-)03:14
johnxhey, that's not too bad03:14
GrackleI have,03:14
elbit's super annoying to have something you want to put netbsd on, only to find out it doesn't really *work* there03:14
KotCzarnywho uses netbsd anyway?03:15
elbI think that is literally their criteria for listing support ... the kernel initializes and some communication can be done with the console03:15
elbkeep in mind that for embedded systems that's normally "enough"03:15
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GrackleI dunno elb, a lot of stuff on there is damn well supported. Handheld devices are sketchier because of weird hardware, but a random selection of ports brings up a lot of supported devices and peripherals.03:17
elbwell, they also pruned the list for 4.003:17
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elbso maybe it's not as bad as I remember03:17
elb(gcc had even dropped support for some of the supported platforms)03:17
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GrackleWell anyway, I don't really want netbsd, I just figured I'd look into it.03:19
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johnxthat's good. It will be enough of a challenge just getting a new linux kernel when we eventually want one03:20
GrackleYes, I've been wondering about that.03:20
johnxthe important thing will be to poke Nokia to release the binary part of the wireless driver in a way that makes it possible to abstract03:22
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GrackleWhat do we have right now?03:22
NaviI'd just like some power management03:23
johnxthe binary part is a loadable kernel module so it's bound to a specific kernel version03:23
Naviright now03:23
johnxNavi, we could strace wlancond I guess03:23
GrackleOh, is that how that works. Yuck, heh.03:23
johnxbut really, given that iwconfig does *something* it might not be too hard03:23
Naviif it did nothing, I wouldn't be able to connect to my router03:24
johnxerr...that iwconfig power on does something03:24
Grackle What about this, johnx?03:25
johnxthere are two parts03:25
GrackleOh, and that's the open part.03:25
johnxyes, from what I understand03:25
johnxI'm not a kernel hacker03:26
GrackleI figured you weren't missing out on something that was right on :P03:26
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johnxnope, though I wish I was. :/ I took that source and a patch on the mailing list that addes wext18 support to cx3110x and that's why Debian has wpa support through wpa_supplicant03:27
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Navidon't we all wish we were?03:27
Grackle whee03:28
johnxseriously...people have this weird thing for ubuntu03:29
johnxI just really don't get it...03:30
NaviUbuntu = god03:30
NaviAll praise Ubuntu03:30
NaviUBUNTU? Did you say Ubuntu?!03:30
GrackleI don't think it's weird. It's well maintained and well marketed.03:30
johnxthe key is the last point03:30
johnxbut I mean specifically for putting it on ARM devices03:31
NaviDoesn't matter how great Ubuntu is03:31
NaviPeople just have a thing for it03:31
NaviIt doesn't matter how well it actually works03:31
johnxexactly...there's been debian running on the Z since approximately *forever* but as soon as someone spends like months making ubuntu work and gets that working, everyone goes nuts03:32
GrackleWell johnx, I say let them do it. There's a lot of interest in it, there's a large community, and there's good marketing. Canonical managed to get ubuntu onto dell machines. Maybe they could make their way into the pda market.03:32
sp3000mushroom mushroom03:32
johnxGrackle, they're free to do whatever they want...but it's pretty silly to put that much effort into ubuntu rather than just taking the part of ubuntu they don't like and grafting it onto the already working Debian setup03:33
NaviThe stuff that's already there is great03:34
GrackleIt's politics, mostly.03:34
Naviwe don't need to split up a niche market even more :P03:34
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johnxNavi, exactly...that's why for a while I wasn't sure if pushing forward with Debian was the right thing to do03:35
NaviDebian on the Zaurus or N800?03:35
Navinah, pushing that is a good idea03:36
KotCzarnypush, baby, push push03:36
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NaviI'm trying to send a rar over scp03:43
johnx.rar's are weird03:43
NaviI can't extract them on the N80003:44
NaviI can on my PC03:44
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KotCzarnydo you have unrar?03:44
NaviAnyways, extracting it fails03:45
johnxhey...the wireless actually went to sleep after 51 seconds :D03:45
johnxwireless power saving works! muahahaha03:45
Grackle51 seconds03:46
Navijohnx, cool03:46
Navihow'd you do it?03:46
johnxiwconfig wlan0 power on03:46
johnxthat's the one setting that works03:46
NaviI need to alias ls to ls --color03:47
johnxand it gives me in dmesg: "cx3110x: PSM dynamic with 51020 ms CAM timeout."03:47
KotCzarnyjohnx: make it 4s03:47
johnxKotCzarny, the whole point is I *can't*03:47
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johnxthat's the only option: 51.02s or always on03:47
KotCzarnyoh, well03:47
johnxyeah, it should help a bit03:48
GrackleHow are you trying to set the period?03:48
johnxiwconfig wlan0 period 103:48
johnxdoesn't matter what I give it03:49
johnxtimeout doesn't work either03:49
Naviiwconfig wlan0 power saving <insertnumberhere> doesn't work either :P03:49
johnxI tried like *every* option for power that I could find03:49
Gracklehow about timeout <number>u03:49
Grackleoh ok03:49
johnxGrackle, I haven't tried u yet03:49
Grackleor ms03:50
NaviI've tried with power saving03:50
johnxtried m for ms03:50
GrackleMight work, seeing how it outputs in ms03:50
johnxno love03:50
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johnxit might be possible to implement more wext stuff in the open source driver03:50
Naviqcomicbook works nice03:51
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johnxuhm...well I did *something* and now ssh is acthing skitchy04:00
johnxpoking around in /sys/devices/platform/wlan-omap04:01
KotCzarnypower timeout can affect ssh performance04:01
johnxI did echo 1 > psm04:01
johnxpsm ?= power saving mode04:01
KotCzarnydmesg|tail ?04:02
johnxnothing but the usuall VMMC stuff04:02
KotCzarnytry 1000 ?04:03
KotCzarnyor better yet, what was the default?04:03
KotCzarnybefore you changed it04:03
johnxI can't...I tried to echi 2 at it and echo hung04:04
johnxit was 204:04
Navihey, cool04:04
Navithe wifi chip area isn't burning hot anymore04:04
KotCzarnymaybe it's a simple on/off then04:05
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johnxI would laugh pretty hard if wlancond is just a running echo n > /sys/foo04:05
johnx...but I think it might be for a lot of stuff04:06
johnxlike channels, mac address, txpower04:06
Navinone of my hardware keys are working04:07
johnxdid you just reboot and they stopped working?04:07
johnxtry killing X and starting it again04:08
johnxok iwconfig wlan0 power off causes psm to be 0, and power on makes it 204:08
KotCzarnytry 3 then04:08
KotCzarny5 6?04:09
johnxwill have to reboot first I guess04:09
KotCzarnyor iwconfig down maybe?04:09
KotCzarnyrmmod ?04:09
johnxdid that04:11
johnxdidn't come back up04:11
johnxand it's back04:12
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johnxI think 2 is dynamic and 1 is powersave04:16
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johnxI should boot back to os2008 and see what it does under that04:17
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* Grackle installs strace04:20
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johnx1 might be the "agressive" powersaving from so200804:21
johnxnot sure04:21
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johnxssh certainly feels the same as in os200804:21
johnxget some DPMS love into the X server and maybe call it done :D04:22
_berto_dudes, vagalume 0.6 is out ->
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johnxhot sauce04:23
GeneralAntillesWhen's Vagalume gonna spare us the repository stupidity and move to Extras? :\04:24
_berto_as soon as they give me the account04:24
_berto_I've already requested it04:24
GeneralAntillesSpeed things up, badger X-Fade_. :P04:24
johnxI'll get a debian/armel build running :)04:26
johnxdarn...wmaker is pretty useless without right click :(04:27
Naviof course, the old build is still there04:27
johnxold build?04:27
Naviapt-cache search vagalume04:27
johnxoh, suppose so04:28
johnxI didn't realize it already got into debian04:28
johnxthat was fast04:28
_berto_last version04:28
_berto_this one isn't uploaded yet04:28
_berto_but it should be tomorrow04:28
johnxthat's ok...I'm curious about compile time04:29
_berto_you mean this? ->
johnxfair enough, curiosity satisfied04:32
johnxsaves me installing a build env on my n800 too04:33
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johnxso nice to see such a slick little app in this era of "everything + the kitchen sink" media players04:33
_berto_well, even if I wanted to do a huge media player (which is not the case) I don't have time for more :D04:35
johnxhonestly, if vagalume was a huge all-encompassing thing I think it would lose a lot of its charm to me04:35
johnxI open it, hit play and music comes out04:35
_berto_I don't plan to do that04:36
johnxgood :)04:36
_berto_in fact I try to make all the new features optional at compile time, in case anyone wants just the basic player04:37
NaviI was just going to use your tarball as my chroot in the maemo sdk04:37
Naviand build on there :o04:37
* johnx needs to do a new sbox install *grumble*04:37
johnxright now I build on my zaurus :D04:38
Navilol XD04:38
Navimust be hell04:38
johnxit's not bad for small stuff04:38
NaviI can't wait too long :P04:38
johnxand big stuff is unlikely to succeed, so...04:38
GrackleIs building on the zaurus any better than building on the n800?04:38
johnxoh it's a lot worse04:38
johnxhalf the RAM, slower SD hardware, slower CPU04:39
GrackleWhy don't you build on the n800 then?04:39
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johnxI guess I could but I didn't really have a nice debian environment til now04:39
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GrackleUse the repos from your scratchbox installation and set up a build environment in ITOS04:40
johnxplus I can't boot to USB on the N800 and that represents the biggest flash storage I own right now04:40
GrackleThat's what I did, it works nicely.04:40
johnxIt *should* be possible04:40
johnxbut if I looked into every interesting side project I'd never have released anything...04:40
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Gracklehah, true04:41
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dick-richardsongot the vpn back :D04:44
NaviI thought you could boot USB04:48
johnxI should be able to poke at bootmenu.conf and have it just work04:49
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_berto_i need to sleep04:55
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_berto_bye all04:55
johnx'night _berto_04:55
Navibye _berto_04:56
johnxthanks for the new vagalume release :)04:56
_berto_you're welcome, enjoy :)04:56
NaviWoo vagalume \o/04:56
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Navi10mb download >_>04:56
Navistill haven't switched from the japanese repos04:57
Navijust takes a while to connect04:57
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Navinow I don't have any sound05:00
johnxin anything?05:00
Naviin anything05:00
johnxdid you update a lot of alsa stuff?05:01
NaviAll I did was install vagalume05:01
johnxsound still works here in mpd05:01
johnxbut vagalume doesn't love me05:01
Navichannel spam time05:02
johnxyou might try recopying everything from /mnt/rootfs/usr/lib/alsa-lib05:02
NaviMay:/home/user# alsamixer05:02
Navidsp_protocol_probe_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm305:02
Navidsp_protocol_probe_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm_rec105:02
Navidsp_protocol_probe_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm305:02
Navidsp_protocol_probe_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm_rec105:02
johnxwhat about alsamixer -D master05:02
diemanfound a psp case for my n81005:03
diemanneoprene ftw05:03
Navino error05:03
Navioh yeah05:04
GrackleA PSP case fits your N810?05:05
GrackleHow well?05:05
GeneralAntillesConsidering that the PSP is several orders of magnitude larger than the N810. . .05:06
Navijohnx, reminds me05:06
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NaviI like your choice of song that you picked to come with debian05:06
GrackleYeah.. I wouldn't think it would fit at all, really.05:06
johnxI was so freakin' tired when I spun that last tarball05:07
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johnxMoxy Fruvous05:07
johnxawesome song :D05:07
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KotCzarnynever heard of05:07
johnxMoxy Fruvous - King of Spain05:08
NaviI'm rebooting to see if it helps05:09
KotCzarnylooks like wii pc05:09
Gracklehah, it does05:09
Grackleit's cute05:09
NaviOh yeah05:09
NaviThey're nerfing the Linux one :P05:09
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johnx512MB of RAM is fine...but the 3 cell battery hurts05:09
Navithen they'll probably complain that the Linux PCs aren't getting as many sales05:10
Grackleweird song, johnx05:10
Naviand microshaft will use that to catapult themselves into the ultra low cost market05:10
GrackleIt's not *bad*, it's just *strange*05:10
KotCzarnywith xp home?05:10
* KotCzarny vomits05:10
Navivomit indeed05:11
Navibut end users don't know the difference05:11
KotCzarnygames will play, right05:11
johnxMS has taken an utterly inept strategy at dealing with low-end, cheap x86 sub-portables05:11
NaviHey look! We have a few copies of XP Home laying around05:11
* Navi looks at the several warehouses full of them05:12
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NaviWe'll give them to you if you follow our guidelines05:12
johnxbut you can't use them on any machine with more than X MB of RAM or a >1GHz CPU unless we change our minds05:12
GrackleHeh, they don't need physical copies.05:12
KotCzarnyi wonder if cpu upgrade would be allowed05:12
GrackleNobody ships install discs anymore.05:12
NaviThe Isaiah and the Atom don't count in the 1GHz llimit05:12
KotCzarnyxp detected that your cpu is too fast, bsod05:13
johnxKotCzarny, CPUs probably aren't socketed in those kind of machines05:13
KotCzarnyjohnx: that would suck when your mobo dies05:13
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Navicheap pc05:13
Navijust buy a new one05:13
Navireboot fixed it05:14
NaviI wish the headphone jack worked05:15
johnxNavi, it does...05:15
johnxjust enable it in mixer :P05:15
johnxheadset amplifier or somesuch05:15
Navinot having modest installed is really fucking me over05:15
NaviI'm several days behind on email05:15
johnxI forces me to stay up to date too05:16
NaviDoes it?05:16
johnxit blinks that damn blue light at me from across the room unless I at least read me mail05:16
johnxah, would you mind pastebining /var/log/messages from when sound wasn't working?05:17
johnxkinda interested to see if the dsp task died or something...05:17
Naviafter I get my network up, swap enabled, and power on05:18
johnxin that order?05:18
johnxI put swap in /etc/fstab05:18
NaviYou'd think that'd be a weird order05:18
NaviNah, I'm much too lazy to put it in fstab05:18
johnxI don't see why05:18
NaviI haven't even changed the repo yet05:19
Navinetwork for ssh05:19
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Naviswap's in my bash history05:19
johnxit's funny that you did the whole keyboard thing then :)05:19
johnxI was putting off looking at that05:19
Navilucky you05:20
NaviI wanted it more than you :P05:20
Grackledamn it05:20
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Grackle*hums 'now I eat humble pie'*05:20
NaviHehe :D05:20
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Naviit's catchy indeed05:21
NaviI had it on loop for a while05:21
johnxit was the one song I could stand to listen to over and over as I messed with the settings for mpd05:21
pupnik  there's a catchy song too05:23
Navithe collapsed interface in gmpc is nice05:25
Navinot the fully collapsed interface05:25
Navithe middle one05:25
Navineeds a toggle05:26
johnxthat looks nice05:26
Navisound that is05:26
johnxI think I'll just switch to sonata now though05:27
Naviplaying with the n800 speakers as well makes sound richer05:28
Navieven though the n800 speakers suck :/05:28
johnxthey really don't for something that size though05:28
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johnxyou have start comparing them to a pretty decent laptop before they lose05:29
NaviOh yeah, the song also fits nicely in the midrange tones05:29
Naviwhich the N800 does nicely05:29
* Grackle decides to play some music on his n800 now05:29
johnxprobably wasn't the best to test with05:29
Naviprobably not05:30
Grackleyay soma.fm05:30
johnxBTW, if you end up with distortion in mpd tweak the write_size in mpd.conf05:30
NaviI'll scp over some full ranged music05:30
Navimore complicated too :P05:31
GrackleHmm, the n800 drives my massive headphones nicely.05:31
Navineeds an equalizer05:31
Grackleyeah05:31 zaurus has settings for bass and treble with various cut-offs05:31
NaviGA's going to come in any moment and say equalizers suck :P05:31
johnxbut I don't know how to set them so that it sounds good O_o05:32
GeneralAntillesNo, Navi sux.05:32
Navino u05:32
Navijohnx, tell me how well sonata performs05:33
NaviIf it sucks, I'll go bitch at stonecrest ^_^05:33
johnxthought it was fine on my zaurus05:33
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johnxI don't see it being worse05:33
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EruditeHermithey, does anyone know how to set microb to the useragent string of the iphone?05:36
livinroomdont you mention the Zaurus here05:36
livinroomBURN THE WITCH!05:36
EruditeHermitwhat string in about:config05:36
NaviI don't remember, actually05:37
GrackleAnd what do we use to burn witches?05:37
livinroomwell, fire05:37
livinroomfire burns05:37
GrackleMORE WITCHES!05:37
NaviGrackle, cdrkit05:37
Navireal men use wodim to burn witches05:37
johnxwhy can't we all just get along?!05:37
livinroomi just burned a CD on my n800 using an external USB cd burner05:37
johnxEruditeHermit, google: microb user agent05:37
johnxsecond result05:37
livinroomand i burned, to cd, mp3's stolen from itunes on my iphone over a wireless network! AH-HA!!! AM I NOT THE GREATEST?05:38
johnxyou rascally pirate you05:39
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Navireally bad distortion05:39
pupnikthe equalizer on xmms is quite useful05:39
pupnikhey wb unique31105:39
pupnikbtw a nice project would be a gstreamer based equalizer, i think05:40
unique311whats up05:40
pupnikordered a HD camera just to film the tablet screen..05:40
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NaviGood job05:41
GeneralAntillesI still think the low-light sensitivity is gonna be bad. :P05:41
NaviI still think you're bad05:41
pupniki'm happy lcuk will be at linuxtag cause his work will dovetail nicely into the stuff i will present as 'still sucking' about emulators05:42
pupnikGeneralAntilles: you're almost certainly right05:42
pupnikwill crank the brightness and hope for some kind of usable results05:42
KotCzarnyavailable in: 0.10.805:44
KotCzarnygstreamer project has a lots of stuff05:44
KotCzarnysee for yourself:
NaviYeah, they do05:45
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KotCzarnyit could be useful for people bragging about webcam app too05:47
johnxNavi, startup is slow as it pulls in all of python05:50
NaviYeah, figured as much05:51
johnxbut after that it seems ok05:51
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* Grackle considers taking apart his n770 (which now no longer has a purpose) and hacking it into something, with a USB keyboard and lots of battery and IO06:07
Grackles/now //06:07
GrackleI have a pretty nice project box that it could fit in.06:09
GeneralAntillesWhat's an N770?06:09
johnxa Nokia770 I assume06:09
Gracklesorry nitpicker, a 77006:09
johnxGrackle, use it as a remote :)06:09
NaviGeneralAntilles, it's the next generation N series phone06:09
GeneralAntilles770 makes an awesome media remote/ebook reader.06:10
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johnxGrackle, or put Debian on it :D06:10
GeneralAntillesPlug it in next to the couch or bed or something.06:10
johnxdo you have a 1GB RS-MMC?06:10
GeneralAntillesActually, the 770 is probably the BEST ebook reader.06:10
GrackleOnly one, and that's in my n80006:10
GrackleWhat? I'd definitely take a kindle over anything else.06:10
GrackleThat tiny LCD screen is hell on my eyes at night06:11
GeneralAntillesKindle doesn't fit in your pocket.06:11
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GeneralAntillesThe NIT screens are great for reading.06:11
NaviBut it's easier on the eyes :P06:11
GrackleWhat's easier on the eyes?06:11
GeneralAntillesKindle also doesn't have a backlight06:11
GeneralAntillesSo you can't read in the dark.06:11
GrackleI don't want to read in the dark06:11
Gracklestaring at brightly lit things in the dark is hell for your eyes06:12
KotCzarnyusb led light06:12
GeneralAntillesThat's why you turn down the backlight to minimum.06:12
Navijohnx, we totally need an lcd system tray applet06:12
GrackleOr... I can just have a shelf full of books and a lamp. :P06:12
* Grackle keeps it simple06:12
johnxwe should foojack the one for the zaurus06:12
GeneralAntillesBooks are hard to keep and move06:13
GeneralAntillesshelving space isn't free06:13
Navijohnx, we should indeed06:13
GrackleI'd like to make a portable ham radio setup. That would be fun.06:13
johnxit probably just writes values into someplace in /sys06:13
GeneralAntillesThe shelving space is for my interesting/collectible books.06:13
johnxactually...we could foojack all of zaurusd in the interim06:13
elbheh denying the benefits of e-ink is pure fanboyism06:14
Navijohnx, can we already adjust the lcd brightness?06:14
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johnxelb, yeah, I'm a fan of color06:14
johnxNavi, echo 10 > /sys/somewhere06:14
NaviI'm a fan of backlights06:14
elboh, there are definitely benefits of LCD as well06:14
GeneralAntillesNavi, read the wiki page.06:14
Gracklecolor for reading books?06:15
johnxit's on the wiki06:15
elbbut e-ink really is easier on the eyes06:15
NaviI already read the wiki page a few times and forgot everything06:15
NaviI'm not going to read it again :P06:15
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johnxgrep -i brightness wiki-page :P06:15
GeneralAntillesRTFM, bitch!06:15
Grackleartie effum06:16
shaprThe lyfe so short, the Craft so long to lerne06:17
GrackleDoes the bluetooth module do any sort of power saving?06:17
johnxI have no clue06:17
GrackleMy iGo bluetooth keyboard is rather slow, it seems. Or maybe the screen just updates slowly.06:17
johnxthis is in os2008, right?06:17
GrackleNope, not a screen update problem. Just used screen and ssh to test that.06:18
GrackleYes, OS200806:18
johnxit's slow with a usb keyboard too06:19
GrackleActually, typi.. yeah06:19
GrackleI noticed that.06:19
GrackleHow is it when running debian?06:19
johnxlet me plug my keyboard in...06:20
NaviITT forums time06:20
NaviAnyone believe the guy who said the N900 coming at the end of Q3?06:21
GeneralAntilles+/-3 months06:21
GeneralAntillesI very much doubt Nokia has it pinned down that hard.06:21
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johnxI'd bet late 2008/early 200906:21
johnxshould be just fine for me :)06:22
johnxI just hope they keep the keyboard06:22
pupnikwhat's most important for the maemo community to have fixed-up for the N900 launch?06:22
EruditeHermitfast browser06:22
EruditeHermitwhich diablo might fix06:22
EruditeHermitGPS that locks in <1 min06:23
johnxEruditeHermit, that's not really a community thing and no diablo won't fix it06:23
johnxneither thing, actually06:23
GrackleI'd like serious thought put into usability.06:23
pupnikrepeat.  community.06:23
Navipupnik, video06:23
GrackleSoftware usability, that is.06:23
pupnikvideo what?06:23
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Navithe removal of the bus limitation in general06:23
pupnikthat's nokia hardware issue06:24
NaviYeah :P06:24
NaviOh, maemo06:24
GeneralAntillesI don't particularly care about the software.06:24
pupnikwhat community projects are lagging that would help sell the N900?06:24
johnxthe question was about maemo and the community especially06:24
GeneralAntillesShipping Chinook on OMAP3 is good enough for me.06:24
Navipupnik, you know the answer to that.06:24
Navietc etc06:24
EruditeHermithow about specifications for application genres06:24
NaviPersonally, I don't care06:24
johnxsyncing I might be able to look at actually...06:24
Gracklenow we know it 3 times06:24
EruditeHermiteveryone makes their own category in app manager for their section06:25
GeneralAntillesEruditeHermit, they're working on it.06:25
johnxGrackle, no lag in Debian. I think it might have to do with word prediction taking up CPU time06:25
Navipimlico needs to be rewritten to catch up with pimlico on openmoko06:25
GeneralAntillesThough there was an awful lot of jerky reactionism to the idea on the lists. :\06:25
shaprspeaking of debian, does anyone know if the random number generator problem in Debian is also in maemo?06:26
johnxtoo many arguments from people without better ideas06:26
GeneralAntillesI'm real tired of the lists these days.06:26
shaprI know lots of people who'd buy an N800 if it had a decent PIM.06:26
johnxshapr, you can run ssh-vulnkey on your keys on your tablet if you want06:26
Navijohnx, yeah, there's a lot of tearing in xfce4 :/06:27
GeneralAntillesThe community needs to pick a PIM suite and get behind it.06:27
pupnikagree on the PIM Navi.  What's the next most requested thing that fits in with the 'internet tablet' use case?06:27
johnxNavi, try running fb_update_mode manual06:27
Gracklejohnx: disabled word completion and friends, let's give it a shot..06:27
GrackleNope, still laggy as hell.06:27
Navipupnik, that's hard to say06:28
johnxGrackle, I still think it might be a CPU usage thing06:28
GrackleWell I won't worry about it too much, I won't be playing in ITOS much. :)06:28
EruditeHermitproblem with PIM is that they'd have to write desktop software to sync it for Win, Linux and OSX06:28
GeneralAntillesJust use an open standard06:28
NaviWell, you can sync pimlico with evolution crap.06:28
Gracklejohnx: You don't have bluetooth working in debian yet, do you?06:28
Naviyou can sync gpe to google calendar and such06:29
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: Windows doesn't have opensync on it does it?06:29
johnxGrackle, it works fine06:29
GeneralAntillesThey could probably integrate it with their existing sync stuff.06:29
GeneralAntillesI don't want a PIM from Nokia, anyway.06:29
GeneralAntillesNokia forces software to be shitty.06:29
Gracklejohnx: with keyboards? I didn't see it, but I didn't look very hard either.06:29
johnxwell the bluetooth works06:29
EruditeHermitI use GPE and sync with opensync anyway06:30
johnxI assume you just set it up the same way you do on any other debian system06:30
johnxI don't have a bt keyboard so I can't test06:30
GrackleI suppose so. I'll have to look into how that's done.06:30
pupnikYeah PIM and calendar.  Maybe we can somehow encourage ppl to get active in that?06:30
johnxwell, I'm glad I got mirrors this time. O_o 3.37GB of Debian transfered from one of the mirrors06:31
Navijohnx, which?06:31
l7how does Nokia force software to be shitty?06:31
pupnikalso i'd love it if ssvb got some sponsorship and dev boards for mplayer on n90006:31
GeneralAntillesI'd like to see people get behind Pimlico06:32
l7i have been wondering why there's no PIM in the n80006:32
NaviGeneralAntilles, still needs a rewrite06:32
Navil7, it's not that there isn't a PIM suite on the N80006:32
johnxI read that as GeneralAntilles needing a rewrite :P06:32
l7Navi: lack of sync maybe?06:32
Naviit's just that there isn't a easy-enough-for-lazy-people-to-sync06:32
GeneralAntillesl7, stupid UI spec, slow ass release cycles of what amounts to unstable software, stupid UI spec06:33
Navijohnx, there's a lot of iceweasel stuff in the repos for there not being an iceweasel build06:34
pupnikbeing compatible with microsoft is kind of a nightmare06:34
johnxthat's a debian thing06:34
johnxit's all built automagically06:34
diemani just use sandy as a pim through twitter06:35
NaviI used google's stuff for a while06:36
EruditeHermitgronmayer is down06:36
Navithen got lazy with pim and wrote it all down in maemopad+06:36
diemani really like sandy06:36
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Navispeakers need to mute when plugging in the headphones06:37
johnxthat's the kind of stuff that dsme handles if it's hooked up to dbus I guess06:38
NaviIt feels like my brain is melting when I go through the Ubuntu forums06:39
anothy_litei have scratchbox w/ a rootstrap that can build d run things on maemo. no x11 libs or headers, though. how does one add those?06:40
GrackleIt's probably in an x11-dev package or somesuch06:41
Navithere's a lot of crap in alsa-base06:41
anothy_litebut none of the rootstraps i've seen have the pkg stuff.06:42
GrackleI don't know much about that. I got fed up with setting up scratchbox and just used the vmware appliance.06:43
anothy_litei suppose u could copy the libs from the device, but that doesn't seem right.06:43
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anothy_litei tried that earlier today, actyally; dowlnloa link's broken.06:44
EruditeHermitanothy_lite: if you add maemo repository, it has a lot of the packages06:44
anothy_litedownload, too.06:45
l7GeneralAntilles: well yeah i agree that maemo's UI is sadly kludgey06:45
l7why is it so hard to get a decent UI design?06:45
GeneralAntillesBecause decent UI design is hard.06:46
GeneralAntillesand means different things to a lot of different people.06:46
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l7do you need someone like steve jobs cracking the whip to make it work?06:46
l7that would be rather unfortunate06:46
NaviI don't like the UI on any of the apple hardware06:47
infobotNavi meant: I don't like the UI on any of the apple products06:47
pupnikanothy_lite: apt-get whatever you need - the headers are in -dev packages06:47
NaviMinus the iPod06:47
Navithat patented circle scrolly thing is nice06:47
l7i'm not a huge apple fan either, but i think they do manange to do a few things right06:47
l7yeah the way the circle thing and the ipod touch's screen require less pressure to work is nice06:48
Naviwell, the touch screen is because of how it's made.  I say it's too sensitive :P06:48
l7hmm, personal preference then06:48
l7i find the n800 requires a bit too much effort to make it "click"06:49
Navinot to me06:49
johnxadded a todo section to the Debian wiki:
* Navi looks06:49
johnxif you have something that needs to be fixed/improved/added, please put it up06:49
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NaviI'm a selfish bastard06:50
Navino way am I putting it up06:50
GrackleIs there any way of getting xset to do that?06:50
Naviheh, all three are out of my league06:50
Grackleactually, I don't think that's necessary06:50
johnxGrackle, the xomap server doesn't support DPMS06:51
johnxthere's a patch but it needs to be compiled06:51
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GrackleThere's a patch to make it support dpms, or there's a patch to make xset support xomap?06:51
johnxpatch to make xomap support dpms06:51
johnxI should really get unlazy and compile it06:51
johnxbut not right now06:51
johnxneed to take a shower and head off to work06:52
Navijohnx, aren't you tired?06:52
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johnxso it won't be today06:52
GrackleHead off to work? o.o06:52
GrackleWhere do you live?06:52
Grackleoh, ok :P06:53
johnxand I work afternoon shift at this job06:53
ds3johnx: so you get all the nice new toys?06:53
johnxhahaha...all the nice new toys I can't afford06:53
johnxnah, the N800 was my last real electronics purchase06:53
johnxJapan is a freakin' expensive place to live06:54
johnxakihabara has some neat stuff06:54
NaviWonder how well comix runs06:54
johnxbut ordering online in the US is usually cheaper06:54
Navihaven't bothered to check06:54
ds3except for stuff you can't get in the US like the last few Z's06:54
johnxthere's a store that had a rack of used Zs06:55
johnxI don't remember06:55
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ds3all clam shells :(06:56
ds3and 5xxx's06:56
Naviclam shells are alright IMO06:56
johnxthey get different stuff in from time to time06:56
johnxif I'm up there again I'll look for06:56
NaviIt's a used rack afterall06:56
ds3a SL6000W would be nice... almost like a N800 but with Xscale06:57
johnxand without the nice OS200806:57
ds3QT isn't too horrible... I think there are more software for the QT stuff then the N80006:57
johnxOS2008 may be weak in areas but it was light years ahead of Sharp's ancient QTopia06:57
johnxanyways, off to work now06:58
johnx'later all06:58
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mrlanratwow, everyone is leaving....07:15
GeneralAntillesNew to IRC, then?07:16
mrlanratthis channel, yes.07:17
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GeneralAntillesIt's a 200+ person channel, people places to be and lots of timeszones. ;)07:17
GeneralAntillesJust wait for the netsplits.07:17
GrackleIs this channel really that big?07:18
* Grackle /names07:18
GeneralAntillesNot compared to some channels.07:18
GeneralAntillesLike, say, #ubuntu.07:18
mrlanratyha, wow07:18
mrlanrat245 ppl07:18
GrackleNo, but surprisingly large for a rather niche community.07:18
GeneralAntillesEh, ITT has about 30k07:19
KotCzarnyactive nicks is ~20-3007:19
GrackleI guess I'm just easily impressed.07:19
megabyte405this channel is a lot more sane compared to #ubuntu07:19
megabyte405#ubuntu is useless since there is no way to follow a threaed of discussion07:19
megabyte405I asked a question, and by the time I remembered to check for an answer my question had already been scrolled _out of my scrollback_ - not just off the screen07:20
GeneralAntillesmegabyte405, well, that and other reasons. :P07:20
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mrlanratanybody know when qwerty12 comes online?07:33
KotCzarnyhe lives on gmt+007:34
GeneralAntilles  Whenever the hell he wants to. :D07:34
KotCzarnynot true07:34
KotCzarnyschool calls07:35
mrlanrathey, im on IRC during school sometimes. ;)07:35
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KotCzarnybad. you should be learning07:35
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mrlanratHey, GeneralAntilles, are you getting my PMs?07:36
pupnikis PMS infectious?07:36
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KotCzarnypupnik: more like sychronized07:37
mrlanratPersonal Messages....07:37
pupnikattempt at humor: epic fail07:37
KotCzarnymoon, pheromones etc07:37
KotCzarnylooks like i read 20 first chars at most07:37
GeneralAntillesmrlanrat, here or ITT?07:38
GeneralAntillesYou registered?07:38
GeneralAntilles /msg nickserv register <password>07:38
GeneralAntillesNon-registered users can's pm on freenode.07:38
GeneralAntilles /msg nickserv help07:38
KotCzarnynot true07:38
mrlanratso how do i regester?07:39
KotCzarnyyou can turn off that feature07:39
GeneralAntilles /msg nickserv register <password>07:39
GeneralAntillesPick your password.07:39
summatusmentisI have a question, less about maemo, and more about the n810 hardware when compared to a Z07:39
mrlanratits 123 so i should do "/msg nickserv register 123"?07:39
mrlanrat(im joking)07:39
GeneralAntillesWell, no, because everybody would know your password. :P07:39
* GeneralAntilles is reminded of a bash quote.07:40
mrlanratwhich one?07:40
mrlanrati like that one07:41
summatusmentishas anyone used a zaurus 3200? I'm considering purchasing an n810, and selling my 320007:41
GeneralAntillesjohnx is really the local Z guy.07:42
GeneralAntillesHe just left for work, though.07:42
summatusmentisoh, ok07:42
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GeneralAntillessummatusmentis, you could PM him on ITT if you don't want to wait around.07:44
summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: I don't know what ITT means07:44
Navisummatusmentis, internet tablet talk07:44
summatusmentiswhen will he be back? does he IRC from work?07:45
summatusmentismk, so in like... 8 hours07:45
GeneralAntillesLess, probably.07:46
summatusmentisbut not w/in the next hour and a half :)07:46
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GrackleWeh. I can't get utelnetd to woik.08:28
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zenzeni have one question and hope that someone could help me with that08:30
zenzenI need to mount a local directory from my n800 into a another linux system08:32
zenzenI want to make a directory from my n800 shared (used) by another linux system (Router) which has limited memory resources08:33
zenzenWhat i'm doing: i connect to the router using ssh08:33
zenzenwhile i'm on it, i use "mount.cifs // /mnt/share -o username=root"08:33
zenzenbut i'm getting error08:34
GrackleIf I were you, I would ssh forward through the router08:34
Gracklerather than actually log into it08:34
Gracklesee ssh -l08:35
Gracklebut anyway08:35
GrackleWhat error are you getting?08:35
zenzen"mount error 146: connection refused"08:35
Gracklesorry, ssh -L08:35
zenzenthe linux system is on the router08:35
zenzenthe router has a firmware Legend on it08:36
GrackleWell, what is the purpose of this?08:36
zenzenmy router has 16MB of memory08:36
zenzenfirmware takes i think 13MB08:36
zenzenso, as soon as i excute a programm, its memory is full08:36
KotCzarnybuy another router08:37
KotCzarnyi have wrt54g08:37
KotCzarnybut i have customized my openwrt08:37
KotCzarnyso i can run some programs08:37
KotCzarnyit has 16mb of mem, and it shows..08:38
zenzenI know it can be done but i prefer to know how to do it, even if i've already hacve another router (wrt54GL)08:38
zenzenit shows ...?08:38
KotCzarnydo what?08:38
KotCzarnymount remote dir on it?08:38
zenzenmount a directory from n800 into it08:38
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zenzeni can see shared directories on desktop XP08:39
KotCzarnyis there a sshfs for your firmware?08:39
zenzeni don't know08:39
zenzeni've used mount.cifs and it worked with xp08:39
KotCzarnyif you want to go samba/cifs way08:39
zenzenwith n800 nothing08:39
KotCzarnythen you must have server on n800 running08:39
KotCzarnyie. samba08:40
KotCzarnythat's why you get conn. refused08:40
zenzeni'm not sur if i'm doing the right thing in my n800. I don't know how to make a directory shared in my n800 and if // point to /home/user/MyDocs/share08:40
zenzenHow to enbale Samba08:40
KotCzarnyzenzen: instal samba on n80008:40
KotCzarnyfind a package08:40
zenzenWhere is it? :d i can't find it08:40
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zenzenThey said that samba is included in n800, no?08:41
KotCzarnynot on mine08:41
zenzenthey said Buil-in, no?08:41
KotCzarnymaybe client side software08:41
zenzenperhaps i misunderstood some ITT posts08:41
KotCzarnybut not server08:41
zenzeni really can't find samba server08:41
zenzeni checked most repositories but nothing08:42
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zenzeni found old posts about os2007 but nothing now08:42
KotCzarnyheh, gronmayer is b0rken08:42
KotCzarnyFatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /var/www/ on line 22708:42
KotCzarnysorry, can't help more than than08:42
pupniknfs is builtin now08:42
zenzenoh yes :D, but i checked using Google cache :D08:42
mrlanratIts been down all day :(08:43
pupnikor wait, is it?  i forgot08:43
n800nanyone here used statua?08:43
KotCzarnypupnik: i think you need nfsd module08:43
KotCzarnyand few others08:43
KotCzarnyand rpc.portmap08:43
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pupniki was using it as client, ignore me08:43
KotCzarnyand nfsd :>08:43
KotCzarnyignore you? never!08:43
zenzencan someone confirm me that there is indeed a samba server package for os2008? Thanks.08:44
pupnikzenzen: normally the easiest place to search is
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zenzenok i'll check when it is up, thanks08:45
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pupnik  german television report on LinuxTag 2007 showing Nokia N800s used as bluetooth controllers for lego robots @ 3:3008:55
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GeneralAntillesHrw, how's mouse support under Debian?09:01
GeneralAntillesErm, false highlight.09:02
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Naviit's fine09:05
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GeneralAntillesNo plug'n'play. . . .09:08
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GrackleHooray, debian sid running on my tablet. :)09:09
GrackleI was having stupid problems because I put utelnetd in the wrong place.09:09
* Grackle was looking for it in /usr/sbin, but he had put it in /usr/bin09:09
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* qwerty12 is going through second install of sdk. Stupid gnome-stones messing up deps :/09:13
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qwerty12Hater :P09:27
StskeepsGrackle: you did it through debootstrapping manually?09:34
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RST38hAll right, try
RST38hcheck this09:40
qwerty12w00t, nice :)09:40
RST38hnot yet released but will be09:40
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pupnikice job RST38h09:46
* qwerty12 wants to kill brightspark who thought ff 3.0 in Ubuntu 8.04 was a good idea. I'm seriously tempted to use Opera or ie4linux09:47
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RST38hthanks pupnik09:48
RST38hqwerty: it is a weird choice but what is specifically wrong with it?09:49
qwerty12The random crashes09:49
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, it's a good plan, actually.09:49
RST38hdoes not crash for me although I hate the new history button placement09:49
GeneralAntillesThe idea was to not have to support version 2 for forever. ;)09:49
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, maybe but I wish they had.09:50
GeneralAntillesPush to 3 now and have a little short-term pain while it's finalized and save a LOT of longterm pain supporting 2 for forever.09:50
qwerty12Maybe because I'm using pulseaudio :/09:50
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qwerty12GeneralAntilles, when you put it like that, it sounds worthwhile :)09:50
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GeneralAntillesYeah, I thought the same thing. ;)09:51
RST38hChoice between pain and suffering? =)09:52
qwerty12Dunno, I'm gonna use Opera for the time being.09:53
qwerty12Not really a fan of it but at least it's stable for me.09:53
qwerty12(I hate that it looks like windows too under linux >.<)09:53
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qwerty12Oh yeah to anyone, does your sound in Debian beta3 work without speaker amplification turned on?09:57
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qwerty12It's pretty cool in debian, I can have sound going to the headphones and to the speakers at the same time. Pointless but fun :p09:58
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mbufother than the source maemo-mapper, is there any documentation on how openstreet maps are displayed on the application?10:14
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zenzenit's me again10:24
zenzeni just want to say thanks10:25
zenzenActually, i installed the shfs-utils on my router10:25
zenzenand instead of mount.cifs i used "shfsmount" to do it.10:25
zenzenEverything worked as expected. Thanks again and have a good night.10:26
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czrhmm. with RESOLVED FIXED, should I change the status to 'VERIFIED' when I agree that a bug is fixed?11:59
czrcan't remember.11:59
kulvemy guess: you should set it to verified when you can verify the fix on some release12:02
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proxyvictimhello cruel world12:03
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aquatixcruel world says hello to proxyvictim12:07
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hrwRST38h: do you know that firefox allow to customize buttons?12:12
rm_youjohnx: GeneralAntilles: one of you entertain me somehow :P12:12
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* GeneralAntilles dances.12:14
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GeneralAntillesrm_you, you ever find out how Nokia managed their retarded applets?12:15
rm_youtimeless sent me some interesting Pseudocode...12:15
rm_youbut not sure i know enough about GTK to figure it out, since the Hildon API is just BLANK on the page about the thing i need12:15
GeneralAntillesRandom letters and numbers until it works?12:16
* aquatix hands rm_you an infinite amount of monkeys and laptops12:17
GeneralAntillesNice that you keep those on hand.12:18
aquatixyeah, always come in handy12:18
aquatixneed a big basement though12:18
aquatixso i generally just park them on a space station near the center of our Milky Way and teleport things to and fro12:19
* aquatix cackles madly and continues working12:19
rm_youi wish I had infinate laptops :P12:19
aquatixshall i dcc you some?12:20
rm_youGeneralAntilles: i can do GTK if i have guides, or even (most importantly) an API to work from12:20
rm_youall i need to do is KNOW THE FUNCTIONS I CAN CALL!!!12:20
GeneralAntillesBut you don't get to.12:20
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* rm_you kries12:20
rm_youtimeless: you thar?12:20
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GeneralAntillesAlso, a prefs dialog would be useful.12:24
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kulvelardman: your questions at the wiki doesn have a question :)12:34
kulvelardman: at least 2/3 of them12:34
kulvethose questions12:34
lardmanrm_you: add this to the list of questions12:34
lardmankulve:hmm, will have a look12:34
lardmanrm_you: I'm about to edit it though, so hang on a min or two12:36
trickie_dneary: cool, my questions were added and i didn't even send them to you12:36
dnearyNo JackCrow?12:36
trickie_dneary: nice foraging :)12:36
dnearytrickie_: I picked up questions off the mailing list thread & the IRC chat12:37
dnearyNavi: Ping?12:37
trickie_yep nice12:37
dnearyNo Morpheuz?12:37
X-Fade_dneary: Morpheuz is in Brazil, so probably not awake yet :)12:37
trickie_dneary: Morpheuz maybe on #canola12:37
trickie_and what X-Fade_ said12:38
dnearyWill wait12:38
dnearyGetting organised for the wiki reorg12:38
dnearyHad a tough time getting a definitive list of all the wiki pages12:38
lardmanrm_you: all yours12:38
dnearyGot it now12:38
dnearyNow I'm looking at the wiki syntax for midgard and mediawiki, see if I can script the migration at all12:39
dnearyAfter that, the hard work starts - deleting pages that need to be deleted, or more likely removing them from the pages to migrate12:39
lardmanShall we split that page into "status requests" - i.e, drivers, etc. and "why is this software closed questions"?12:39
dnearyIdentify pages that need updating/refreshing, pages that are historical, ...12:40
X-Fade_dneary: Midgard uses Markdown.12:40
dnearylardman: I'll leave you to be the judge :)12:40
GAN800I want that open/closed table.12:40
dnearyIndeed, they're different types of questions12:40
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lardmandneary: depends on what's easiest for the Nokians to parse & reply to12:40
lardmanI'm tempted by a section for software components, preferably with a reason why we want/need it to be open so Nokia have something to judge it on12:41
dnearylardman: Go for it, if you think it's a logical separation12:42
trickie_lardman: that sounds useful12:42
lardmanif someone else wants to do it now go ahead, otherwise I'll do some editing a bit later on12:43
GAN800Is there a package dump that might be usable for something like that?12:43
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lardmanGAN800: well really people should justify why they want something I think; that will go down better with Nokia12:45
lardmanGAN800: in which case the list is in your head.12:46
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GeneralAntillesWell, from a documentation standpoint12:46
GeneralAntilleshaving a list of everything and its open/closed status is useful.12:46
lardmanthere used to be a package list in the sdk dir iirc12:46
lardmandownload dir that is12:46
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GeneralAntillesThen work from that to put together a list of the important things that should be opened.12:47
trickie_lardman: i will try and qualify my questions tonight12:48
lardmantrickie_: ok12:48
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lardmanX-Fade_: ping13:01
X-Fade_lardman: pong13:02
lardmanCan people attach themselves to pages, to be notified that a change has been made?13:02
X-Fade_In the wiki, you can..13:03
lardmanI've just received a bounced message which I was supposed to have sent to, regarding the changes I just made to the wiki page13:03
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lardmanstrange that the maemo site sends an update from my email address?13:04
X-Fade_Hmm that should not be.13:04
trickie_lardman: i had the same13:04
lardmanX-Fade_: I can email it to you if you'd like to have a look see13:04
trickie_seems that when i create a new wiki page that address was already 'attached'13:04
X-Fade_trickie_: You can attach to the index, so every new page is mailed to you..13:05
lardmanbut the notification should still be sent by maemo, not masquerading as me, imo13:05
X-Fade_lardman: I'll try check it out.13:05
trickie_X-Fade_: ah ok, well that address seems to be bouncing everytime at the moment, for every wiki action13:06
lardmanX-Fade_: thanks13:06
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trickie_no bother to me anyway, as gmail thinks its backscatter spam i think13:07
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lardmanok, so regarding the QuestionsForNokia page, how many categories do we want to have?13:10
RST38hlardman: One13:12
RST38hlardman: Titled "WHY?"13:13
RST38hOr you may want to have it tiered, 1st tier being "WHY?", 2nd being "WTF?"13:13
trickie_1. Currently Closed Components, 2. Future Issues/Components, 3. Nokia <-> Community Contact13:16
trickie_i dunno, i should be working :) i will be around later if i can help13:16
pupnik_community priorities13:17
pupnik_the community is always griping 'nokia this' 'nokia that'13:17
pupnik_imo fwiw13:18
lardmanpupnik_: yes, which is why having a decent way of asking questions would be useful for both sides13:18
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lardmanhow do I do tiered lists in the wiki?13:20
pupnik_then again i see most productive people are individualist13:20
pupnik_doing the things they want because they want to do them13:20
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GeneralAntillesIncentive is a little weak for any other sort of work. ;)13:21
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GeneralAntillesYou're not getting paid and the love and adoration of the community usually doesn't pan out.13:23
hrwcan someone change a bit styling of headers iin old maemo wiki?13:23
lardmananyone, two layers of bullet points in the wiki?13:24
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GeneralAntillesI could tell you for mediawiki. :P13:24
hrwlardman: try **13:24
lardmantried, not quite what I was after though:
hrwlardman: headers should be used for that13:25
hrwbut current maemo wiki styling is ...13:26
lardmanbut the level 1 and 2 headers look identical13:26
lardmanah, yes styling is broken13:26
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hrwsomeone know when mediawiki will be open for editing?13:26
lardmanif anyone wants to alter the headings, etc. please do so13:27
lardmani.e. change the descriptions, add others, etc.13:27
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hrwwiki styles block any sensible altering13:30
hrwheaders are broken, definiton lists too13:31
lardmanhrw: raise a bug?13:31
GeneralAntillesWhy bother?13:32
GeneralAntillesBe like raising a bug on osso-email at this point. :P13:32
hrwlardman: I prefer website guys to finish mediawiki instead13:32
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hrwlardman: whole site is insane13:32
hrwforced size to 776px instead of xx% etc13:33
lardmanI'm quite sure they would like some input though13:33
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lardmanIn fact there's that midgard mailing list too13:33
hrwwith few css tweaks page is more readable but it still ugly is13:34
X-Fade_hrw: Yeah, the font handling is on my TODO list. We really need to fix that..13:34
hrwX-Fade_: also remove 'width:150px' from <dt>13:34
X-Fade_Patches are welcome :)13:35
hrwX-Fade_: my patch willb e too intrusive13:35
lardmanbut will still show intent13:35
lardmanI was hoping for lots of replies to my email ;(13:37
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GAN800Threats of violence tend tend to work well, lardman. ;)13:45
lardmanah well, I'll leave those until later on this arvo13:46
hrwX-Fade_: should be readable on 800x480 and also on 1680x105013:46
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hrwnot touched h1/h2/h313:48
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hrwfont sizes in general are weird on maemo.org13:49
hrw<li class="h1"> is sick too13:50
lardmanheading size could do with tweaking though13:51
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hrwlardman: 'toc' frame needs smaller font, numbering etc13:52
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lardman I'm not going mad, thank goodness15:35
aquatixlardman: hey15:35
lardmanhi aquatix15:36
aquatixdoes that also have to do with the mouse?15:36
aquatixi think i noticed something similar on my laptop15:36
lardmanIt appears to be 2 bugs, both of which I suffer from; the repeat until xserver reset is related to holding a key down and using the mouse at the same time15:36
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aquatixyeah, i've encountered something similar15:39
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lardmanhmm, do I need to enable the "[Download The Nightly SVN Tree Snapshot]" function in a Garage project?15:50
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lardmanjust that although I have files in svn I can't get a snapshot of them for some reason15:55
X-Fade_lardman: That seems to be disabled. Or at least I get a 404 ;)15:57
X-Fade_I'll ask around to get the answer why..15:58
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GrackleStskeeps: I did the --foreign debootstrap on my laptop, then moved the card to my n800, where I did the --second-stage and a bunch of configuration in a chroot. Installed utelnetd using johnx's instructions from the itt wiki, and it works. :)16:01
RST38hdouble loop with strcmp() inside16:01
* RST38h waits for any present programmers to throw up16:01
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lardman~lart crc calculations16:09
* infobot moos at crc calculations16:09
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GrackleHeh RST38h, I kind of ignored that, but that does indeed sound awful.16:10
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* lardman likes the low complexity of the low complexity sub band encoder16:13
RST38hlardman: Out = (In[0]>>6)+((In[1]>>6)<<2)+((In[2]>>6)<<4)+... ?16:14
lardmanunfortunately not quite that simple :)16:15
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hrwRST38h: ((In[0]>>6)<<0) you mean?16:16
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lardmannice that there's very little in terms of 8bit chars :)16:22
lardmanother than the acursed crc calculations ;)16:22
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lardmandrat, long long is used though16:23
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_berto_GeneralAntilles: vagalume in maemo-extras at last ;)16:30
gnutonwhich package contains dpkg-preconfigure on 4.1 sdk? Can anyone run a dpkg -S dpkg-preconfigure ? Thanks16:30
* SDuensin really needs to get his Maemo dev stuff set back up. <sigh>16:31
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RST38hhrw: Cut byte to two upper bits16:34
RST38hhrw: so that you essentially "compress" 4 bytes into one16:34
RST38h[of course, ignoring the minor issue of losing 25% precision]16:35
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gnutonDoes anyone run 'dpkg -S dpkg-preconfigure' on his sdk environment? i can't install my sdk env without it!16:35
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GrackleHaha, fanoush on N800 CPU speed in OS2007: "Yes, it is fixed (or variable if one insists) as in "any out of two possible values - 330 and 0" :-)"17:00
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dnearyJackCrow: Ping?17:19
dnearyNavi: Ping?17:19
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jdiazI have to check latest vagalume17:26
jdiazand I suppose I should add d-bus support to wiicontrol17:26
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_berto_jdiaz: yes! :)17:28
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X-Fade__berto_: I'll try to find out what went wrong with your autobuild..17:30
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dnearyX-Fade_: I'm making headway on the migration question17:31
_berto_did it break ?17:32
dnearyHave a manual way to adjust formating, but it doesn't always work properly17:32
_berto_probably the lack of build-depends :)17:32
dnearyUsing pandoc and html2wiki17:32
dnearyBut it's slow17:32
dnearyFor one page, you spend 10 or 15 minutes17:32
dnearyWe should try to do a mass dump of wiki pages if possible17:32
X-Fade__berto_: Yeah, I guess so. But i'll find out..17:33
dnearyAnd a mass conversion + import17:33
X-Fade_dneary: That sounds like a plan? :)17:33
dnearyIn the meantime, I think we'll get started with reviewing the wiki content17:33
dnearyThe mass conversion should be easy once I have a dump17:33
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dnearyThe import, I don't know how that'll work17:33
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Navidneary, pong17:52
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cjohnsonI'm trying to make a symlink, so that /home actually points to /extfs/home, I tried "ln -s /extfs/home /home" only for some reason when I go into /home there's another home folder, which is the actual folder17:53
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dnearyNavi: Hi there17:53
dnearyI've started working on a plan for migrating the wikis17:53
derfcjohnson: That's the way ln works when the target is an existing directory.17:53
qwerty12ln -s /extfs/home /17:53
dnearyRight now it's a mess, with a big manual process for each page17:54
dnearyWe're trying (with Niels) to help automate as much of it as possible17:54
dnearyBut it turns out that changing from markdown to mediawiki syntax isn't as straightforward as I thought it would be17:54
cjohnsonqwerty12, same result, I end up with home within home17:54
qwerty12derf is probably right then17:55
cjohnsonderf, so how might I link my physical folder "/extfs/home" to a folder "/home" ?17:55
dnearySo, I've decided that we should review the wiki content first, and make the migration a braindead dump & load, if at all possible17:55
derfYou need to get the existing directory out of the way, first.17:55
dnearyAre you still willing to help?17:55
cjohnsonderf, i did, /home doesn't exist17:55
cjohnsonderf, I renamed it to home-bak17:55
qwerty12I'd just try emelfm2. Works when cmd line tools doesn't.17:56
derfThen qwerty12's suggestion should have worked.17:56
Navidneary, sure17:57
derfYou can also try stick a -T in front of the target, but I can't see why that would matter if it doesn't exist.17:57
cjohnsonah, i'm retarded17:58
dnearyNavi: Rocks!17:58
cjohnsoni somehow ended up making it /extfs/home/home/user instead of /extfs/home/user17:58
Navidneary, just tell me what you want me to do17:59
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dnearyFirst thing we need to do is go through and fill out the various sections17:59
dneary(pages to delete, pages that need updating, pages that can be archived as historical data)17:59
dnearyThe (almost) complete list of pages in the wiki is here:
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cjohnsonHow can I do a commandline compare folders18:02
cjohnsonI copied /var to /extfs/var and I want to make sure it's the exact same18:02
GrackleWell that was dumb. *dragged the wiki toolbar out of his firefox window and now he can't click on it*18:02
trickie_cjohnson: use rsync18:02
GrackleIt's out of the rendered area... And fixed there. >.<18:03
NaviI don't remember my maemo password18:03
cjohnsontrickie_, rsync isn't on maemo18:03
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jdiazcjohnson, you can ls > /tmp/list on both directories18:04
jdiazand then diff the lists18:04
qwerty12cjohnson, it can be found18:04
jdiazif all you want is to compare filenames, that is18:04
trickie_cjohnson: its around somewhere im sure, and it will ensure that all files and dirs and attributes are correctly 'replicated'18:04
cjohnsontrickie_, found it, apt-get install ftw :D18:05
cjohnsontrickie_, just to make sure i'm understanding properly18:05
cjohnsonrsync /var /extfs/var18:05
cjohnsonis that correct to replicate /var to /extfs/var?18:05
trickie_cjohnson: id read the man page for rsync18:05
trickie_you probably want -a also18:06
NaviThanks X-Fade_18:06
trickie_i thinks that the option18:06
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sp3000E: Couldn't find package ftw18:07
sp3000if only it were that easy18:07
GrackleYou probably want to increase verbosity as well, rsync by default is not very verbose.18:07
trickie_cjohnson: rsync -av /var /extfs/18:07
trickie_but read the man page as trailing slash on the src means somethign diff18:08
jdiaz(cd /var; tar cf - )| (cd /extfs/var; tar xf -)18:08
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cjohnsontrickie_, thanks :D18:08
||cw--progress is a handy rsync option18:09
jdiazthis also should work: (cd /var; tar cf - *)| (cd /extfs/var; tar xf -)18:09
trickie_jdiaz: you probably also want to use the -p option to preserve all attributes18:09
trickie_for a dir like var18:09
||cw-a includes -p18:09
trickie_but yeah18:09
jdiazoh yes18:09
trickie_||cw: well he used neither18:10
||cwas well as others, like copy links and device files18:10
||cwbut oddly, not acl's18:10
jdiazcjohnson, you can also use tar to finnd differences among directories18:11
cjohnsonjdiaz, I was mostly aiming for replicating a directory18:12
cjohnsonjdiaz, but how might I use tar to do that?18:12
cjohnsonjdiaz, for future reference18:12
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trickie_jdiaz: rsync -n will be faster i think18:13
trickie_which would just show what it would do18:14
jdiaztri, I'm assuming that rsync is not available :-)18:14
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cjohnsonjdiaz, it is18:14
cjohnsonapt-get install rsync18:14
cjohnsonand i'm sure it's available on my ubuntu desktop18:14
jdiazthen, better use rsync18:14
cjohnsonalright then18:15
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lardmananother auto-start question18:18
cjohnsonso here's what I've done, wondering if you guys have any thoughts about it as far as good or bad18:18
lardmanProbably deserves pride of place, along side how to open a browser at a given site, on the front page of in big red letters18:18
cjohnsonI partitioned my internal memory card as 512MB VFAT, and 1.5GB EXT218:18
cjohnsonthen I just copied /home and /var to the EXT2 partition18:19
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NaviDidn't know the username was case sensitive :/18:20
cjohnsonand now made a symlink from /extfs/var to /var (after copying /var to /extfs/var18:20
cjohnsoncan you guys think of anything that might cause a problem?18:20
tank-manwhat are you doing? booting from mmc ?18:20
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fysajust running var and home from ext2?18:21
cjohnsonI'm booting normally18:21
cjohnsonall I've done is move my /var and /home dirs to the ext2 partition and symlink back18:22
fysaI'm not positive that maemo respects fstab, so make sure you are mounting these from rc.local or something.18:22
fysaoh, I see.18:22
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cjohnsonI'm just trying to get the majority of the large storage folders off the internal memory18:22
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cjohnsonI'm thinking /opt and /usr as well, and just leave the rest on disk18:23
fysaI would have just mounted the /media/mmc2/home to /home probably.  never tried symlinkg home or var.18:23
cjohnsonI was going to do mounting but my friend said that symlink is a low level, and I may have better results18:23
cjohnsonand I'm not too knowledgeable about the under the hood of mounting and symlinks and the like18:24
tank-manwhy not have the root filesystem on the mmc?18:25
tank-manand boot from it18:25
lardmanwhy are you moving it at all? out of space?18:26
cjohnsonI'm moving for more storage18:26
cjohnsonI have 2 sd slots and other than OS I don't plan on having much kept18:26
lardmanbut do you not have enough, or just think you need more?18:26
cjohnsonso I want to use the internal to extend the internal18:26
cjohnsonI don't have enough18:27
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lardmanfair enough18:27
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lardmanis unionfs working yet?18:27
qwerty12Nah, cant be arsed to work on it.18:27
lardmanwould solve these sorts of problems though18:28
qwerty12The unionfs module actually works, it's just the mmc-unionfs scripts and startup stuff is odd :)18:28
ricko73we'll see how this behaves when in my car, but with the n810 sitting on my desk, facing the window, I have 4 or 5 sat's locked in with the internal gps18:28
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cjohnsontank-man, No particular reason not to move the root filesystem, is it much harder than my current setup?18:28
tank-mani thikn its much easier18:28
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ricko73qwerty12: are you using unionfs or aufs?18:28
* qwerty12 remembers doing a unionfs on /home/user segfaulted my N800, hehe18:28
qwerty12ricko73, none18:29
cjohnsontank-man, This is pretty easy to me. rsync the originating folder to the new one, then symlink back18:29
ricko73If there is any plan to include or attempt to use one or the other, I would strongly suggest aufs over unionfs18:29
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tank-manbooting from mmc is about the same steps, clone / to the mmc and then run the initfs_flash program to make it boot from mmc18:29
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qwerty12ricko73, hmm. Good point. I didn't know about that when I did a bad port of mmc-unionfs to OS2008 N800 2.6.21 kernel.18:30
cjohnsonHow long can I expect, realistically, the internal flash to last as far as read/writes18:30
tank-manprobably long enough to not worry about it18:30
ricko73as long as log files aren't written to it, you shouldn't have to worry about it18:31
qwerty12Aii, gronmayer is down !18:32
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lardmancjohnson: at least 100,000 cycles per block18:33
lardmanprobably far more now, as that was the spec for the Zaurus sl550018:34
cjohnsonWhich would translate to how long, time-wise, roughly?18:34
lardmandepends on how much free space you have18:34
cjohnsonbefore i started moving files to the mmc, about 64 megs18:34
lardmanas that will concentrate wear on those blocks, unless jffs2 is more intelligent than I give it credit for18:34
lardmanso assume the wear leveling works perfectly, and you only get one write per block per 64Mb written18:35
Naviqwerty12, was down yesterday night too18:35
Navijohnx, ping18:35
lardmancjohnson: lots of small files will increase the wear rate as the blocks are usually largish18:35
cjohnsonWould an MMC card last roughly as long? I don't mind moving all the read/writes to the MMC, and just getting a new one when the current one wears out, as long as it's a whole lot shorter life span18:35
qwerty12Navi, Hmm, I actually decided to get some sleep y/day :/18:35
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lardmancjohnson: your device will be in a museum before you need to worry about it18:36
Naviqwerty12, :)18:36
cjohnsonAwesome :D18:36
lardmancjohnson: just thinnk about it, you could write 64Mb to that space repeatedly 100 times a day for ~3 years18:37
lardmanor 3 times a day for 100 years, which sounds better :)18:37
cjohnsonI'm a poor college student, 3 years isn't a long time between upgrades :P18:38
* qwerty12 is compiling synaptic again. Since I have diablo and newer apt. It should work. But I have a feeling I may have to modify mmap patch for synaptic.18:38
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lardmancjohnson: I wouldn't worry; not worth the hassle of moving things piecemeal18:38
cjohnsonpiecemeal? I've never heard the term18:39
lardmancjohnson: bit by bit18:39
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cjohnsonAlright. Thanks for the advice :D18:39
lardmancjohnson: run the whole system from an SD card if you must (but it's laggy imo)18:40
cjohnsonI'll just stick with internal and expand to SD for the larger folders18:40
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fysalardman, SD slower than internal flash?18:42
fysado you have benchmarks of the internal flash?18:42
lardmanfysa: no, but the system feels slow18:43
tank-manbenchmarks will wear it out faster ! ;)18:43
lardmanfysa: just a subjective impression18:43
fysausing updated kernel?18:43
lardmanfysa: no18:43
tank-manit feels faster booting from mmc cause filesystem isnt compressed18:43
fysahmm, my pastebin URLs didn't get logged for some reason18:45
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fysabonnie against N800 with 48MHz MMC patch, Transcend 8GB Class 6 SDHC and 16GB Class 6 SDHC.   (the 8 is twice as fast)18:47
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fysathat is with vfat only.18:47
fysastill need to test with ext2..18:47
fysahave not benchmarked internal flash, but believe this 8GB card would be favorable against it.18:48
fysaand have not tried without the MMC speed patch.18:49
qwerty12If you run linux, you could /boot/ not flash using standard kernel.18:49
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lardmanfysa: yes, I imagine things are probably significantly better now18:51
lardmanfysa: as long as the card doesn't go tits up18:52
cjohnsonmmc speed patch?18:52
fysarsyncd is on my list. ;)18:52
qwerty12cjohnson, check fanoush's website18:52
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cjohnsonrsync doesn't copy permissions?18:57
||cwcjohnson: -p, or -a18:57
cjohnsonI did -a18:57
cjohnsoncrap crap crap18:57
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||cwit does for me18:57
||cwmaybe you have a cut down version?18:58
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cjohnsonI did apt-get install rsync18:59
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cjohnsonI dunno, here's what happened. I copied /var and /home to my MMC ext2 partition, then renamed the originals and symlinked the MMC one in place of the other18:59
cjohnson /var -> /extfs/var19:00
cjohnsononly I just tried to get on the device and like all the theming and wallpaper are no longer there19:00
cjohnsonI just chown'ed and chmod'ed my /home dir back to normal, but the skins aren't working properly19:01
cjohnsonso I'm imagining /var is messed up19:01
cjohnsonI'm gonna reboot and see if that fixes19:02
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cjohnsonhm, that did it19:05
summatusmentisjohnx: are you around?19:06
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brlancerI've recorded something in iLBC format on my n770 and need to convert it to soemthing more universal; can anyone recommend a *nix utility to do the conversion?19:09
Navisummatusmentis, what do you need?19:12
qwerty12johnx wisdom'? :P (joke)19:12
summatusmentisNavi: I was told that johnx was the resident Z guy here, and I've got some questions regarding n810 vs. Z19:12
NaviAh, right19:13
NaviYou missed him a few hours ago19:13
summatusmentisI was sleeping a few hours ago :)19:13
* qwerty12 was in school a few hours ago19:13
hrwsummatusmentis: what kind of questions?19:13
summatusmentismostly comparisons regarding the n810 vs the 320019:14
hrwI only had c3000 for short time19:14
summatusmentisyou've stopped using Zs altogether, right hrw ?19:15
qwerty12N8*0 ftw19:15
qwerty12(I'm the resident idiot :P)19:15
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summatusmentislol, ok :)19:16
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hrwsummatusmentis: yes - I stopped19:16
hrwsummatusmentis: my c7x0 is in a bad state19:16
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summatusmentishrw: iirc I read your blog post about it19:17
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summatusmentishrw: do you use a nokia tablet the same way you used your Z?19:22
hrwhard to tell19:23
hrwnokia tablets lack any pim which I would like to use19:23
Cptnodegardwtf is a Z?19:23
hrwCptnodegard: zaurus19:23
GeneralAntillesThis soft poweroff bug is a little ridiculous.19:23
GeneralAntillesJust ship the goddamn fix. :\19:23
hrwsummatusmentis: pimlico dates 0.4.x is too simple, libjana based Dates is openmoko only.19:24
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Or rather the source :/19:24
hrwsummatusmentis: gpe pim does not use same contacts base as nokia one19:24
hrwand nokia contacts app is more limited then my phone one19:24
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, we all know that wont happen in any of our lifetimes. :P19:24
hrwsummatusmentis: my phone can use 2MPix pictures in contacts - maemo ver does not19:24
qwerty12Hehe true, I wonder how Austin made powerlaunch...19:25
summatusmentisand it's a different build system than OE, iirc.19:25
GeneralAntillesThe fix has been made, they're just not shipping it because it's "unsupported"19:25
qwerty12(I mean Nokia :P)19:25
hrwsummatusmentis: that does not matter.19:25
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summatusmentishow extendable is maemo? Can I get a terminal, ssh, web/email(thunderbird, ideally), office programs?19:25
hrwsummatusmentis: as long as sources are provided OE can build maemo apps19:26
summatusmentishrw: I see19:26
hrwsummatusmentis: terminal, abiword, gnumeric are present19:27
hrwsummatusmentis: web browsers better then internal one are also present. no idea about thunderbird19:27
summatusmentisdo the web browsers work? that is one of my biggest issues on my Z right now19:28
hrwsummatusmentis: it is *internet* tablet19:29
hrwsummatusmentis: at least nokia provided one (microb) works19:29
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hrwsummatusmentis: it is not rocket but works19:29
GeneralAntilleshrw, there are no browsers better than the built-in one available. :\19:30
summatusmentishrw: that's true. Fair enough19:30
qwerty12Fennec - How well does that work?19:30
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, LIES. links FTW19:30
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GeneralAntillesWell, OK, if you throw in console stuff.19:30
qwerty12Hehe, I'm joking. Links sux :p19:30
GeneralAntillesBut fennec/minefield is broken as shit, as is WebKit right now.19:31
GeneralAntillesSure, they're going to get better, but right now, they really don't hold a candle to MicroB as far as usability goes.19:31
lcddmicrob tends to crash on me like netscape back in the day. don't remember it if did that on a clean system19:31
GeneralAntillesHasn't crashed on me in a long while.19:31
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lardmanhey qwerty1219:32
qwerty12It is guaranteed I get at least 1 crash everyday in microb.19:32
qwerty12lardman, :)19:32
GeneralAntillesSite preferences have a lot to do with it19:33
ricko73qwerty12: I got more crashes on the original firmware than the latest19:33
GeneralAntillesAlso, I suspect your insane plugin count doesn't help, qwerty12.19:33
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, all clean now :)19:33
lardmanI find it too slow to use really19:33
GeneralAntillesYou're kidding.19:33
qwerty12ricko73, Stock chinook is buggy as shit. SVN was great. Diablo isn't great either.19:33
GeneralAntillesDiablo isn't finalized.19:34
lardmanno, just lots of waiting; annoys me19:34
GeneralAntillesMeh, it's better than any other web browser I've ever stuck in my pocket.19:34
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, true. But a SVN would have been nice.19:34
GeneralAntillesYou want blazing fast, carry around a Core 2 laptop. :P19:34
* qwerty12 still <3's NetFront on my PPC.19:34
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hrwGeneralAntilles: any firefox 3b5 based sould be faster then microb19:34
NaviGeneralAntilles, the best browser I've ever stuck in my pocket up 'till now is the PSP browser :D19:34
GeneralAntilleshrw, well duh. :P19:35
lardmanGeneralAntilles: most of the time I'm within 2 min walk of a Core2 desktop, so perhaps that's why I don't use it much19:35
qwerty12Navi, PSP browser sux :P. I hate my PSP for web browsing.19:35
NaviIt's fun19:35
GeneralAntillesBut the frontends on all the 3b5 stuff are all either crashy as hell or slow as hell.19:35
qwerty12Navi, Input is great, I prefer it to my N800 on that score but memory sucks. Should sell it and get a slim and lite. But I need to make pandora battery first :p19:36
GeneralAntilleslardman, I browse with mine all the time within spitting distance of my G5 powerhouse. :P19:36
summatusmentisI know this is the maemo channel, are there alternate 'roms' for the N8*0 series?19:36
qwerty12Poky off the top of my head19:36
Naviqwerty12, I'm comfortable enough to bust open the batteries and mod them myself.19:36
lardmanGeneralAntilles: You're more tolerant then; dare I say it, I prefer my gf's iPod touch for web browsing19:36
hrwsummatusmentis: s/roms/distros and then we can talk19:37
GeneralAntillesThe iPhone pisses me off when browsing.19:37
qwerty12Navi, my electronic skills suckzors.19:37
GeneralAntillesIt's no faster than MicroB19:37
NaviiPhone = crash19:37
summatusmentishrw: ah yes, sorry. are there alternate distros for the N8*0 series?19:37
GeneralAntillesand the spacebar is in the wrong place. :\19:37
NaviHey look guys, I can go to GOO... wait, Safari crashed19:37
qwerty12Tell me what goes after GOO!19:37
hrwsummatusmentis: thx to nokia there is no alternative distro for nokia tablets19:37
lardmanGeneralAntilles: probably not, but the random delays between rendering and accepting input in microb drive me scatty19:37
GeneralAntillesThe lower resolution is also a huge pain.19:37
NaviOkay, I got on Goog... it crashed again.19:37
qwerty12I need more letters19:38
summatusmentishrw: hardware lockout?19:38
NaviWOO, Google loaded!19:38
qwerty12summatusmentis, Closed source components19:38
lardmanipod keyboard is very very crap though19:38
hrwsummatusmentis: the ones that exists lack features (Poky) or use maemo as base (Debian rootfs)19:38
qwerty12Navi, thats all it was :( :P19:38
hrwsummatusmentis: closed battery/wifi support19:38
summatusmentis:-/ sadface19:38
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NaviWho's using Debian rootfs?19:38
hrwNavi: no idea - but there are people which use it19:39
summatusmentiswhat is mamona?19:39
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GeneralAntillesCompletely open source replacement for maemo.19:39
Navisummatusmentis, project that wants to be a fully open19:39
lardmanOE/Poky based distro, but not sure if it actually runs19:39
hrwsummatusmentis: mamona is OE based distro for tablets19:39
summatusmentisI see, so not usable, if even runnable19:39
NaviIt runs, I think19:40
lardmandoes it sit ontop of the initfs? If so it should be usable at least19:40
NaviThere have been videos19:40
hrwsummatusmentis: same limits apply like in other distros (use maemo or lack features)19:40
summatusmentisare there software repos for maemo?19:40
lardmanhrw: have you seen the posts about the internals of bme?19:40
NaviIf wifi and power management were open, we'd be set on a lot of things :(19:40
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summatusmentisand presumably neither of those will open up anytime soon19:41
lardmanis wifi still not a binary blob+wrapper?19:41
hrwlardman: no time ;(19:41
qwerty12Wimax edition won't help (moar security) . Look in diablo initfs (if you can't be arsed to extract, I've got a tarball)19:42
hrwlardman: for 2.6.16-2.6.21 we can make umac.ko ->binary blog19:42
hrwlardman: for 2.6.25 it does not work anymore19:42
Blasturhey! i just got my n810.. man its nice! it even managed to pair with my phone and connect to the internet.. i've been trying to do this myself using a PC for a week now, without any success.. the n810 did it automatically ;-)19:42
qwerty12Hehe nice :)19:42
Blasturi got some questions though.. can i use the mail client for SSL imap4?19:43
lardmanhrw: looks dangerous the bme stuff19:43
konttoriBlastur: yeah, nokia knows connectivity19:43
lardmanhrw: you going to LinuxTag?19:44
qwerty12konttori, the irony if they didn't...19:44
* konttori will be going to linuxtag as well19:44
summatusmentisintegrated GPS? I didn't know that19:44
summatusmentisdoes it need a net connection for the GPS to work? presumably not19:44
trickielardman: my thoughts exactly19:44
cjohnsonAlright guys, small problem now. When I go to the lock screen (by pressing the power button once) it's not themed19:45
lardmankonttori: helps to go to present hey ;)19:45
qwerty12summatusmentis, Nay. Although GPS perf sucks. Planned A-GPS upgrade will need phone afaik.19:45
hrwlardman: plan to19:45
cjohnsonwhereas the rest of the OS is themed19:45
cjohnsonany clue why that may be?19:45
lardmantrickie: with a few spare devices I might play; but I wouldn't want to write my one and only off19:45
summatusmentishrw: have you used an n810? how's the keyboard in comparison to a 3x00 series?19:45
lardmanhrw: cool, will have to buy you a beer or two19:45
summatusmentisqwerty12: GPS perf?19:46
trickielardman: yes, i am umming and arrring about fiddling19:46
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, word is that you'll be able to supply the "A" part by tapping your location on a world map if you have an internet connection.19:46
qwerty12summatusmentis, GPS performance.19:46
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Ahh19:46
trickielardman: id really like to get battery charging working for my 2.6.25-omap+mamona system19:46
GeneralAntillesWho knows if that'll hit a release, though.19:46
summatusmentisqwerty12: like, unusable sucks? or just not wonderful19:46
konttorilardman: what will you present there?19:46
qwerty12I need to try and file my first bugzilla or vote for the existing one.19:46
trickielardman: ATM i boot staright to mmc, and then chroot to initfs to start bme19:47
qwerty12summatusmentis, takes ages to get lock.19:47
trickielardman: but it doesn't charge the battery19:47
GeneralAntillesDepends, summatusmentis, lot of people use it just fine, others have issues getting a lock at all.19:47
lardmantrickie: good luck! :)19:47
GeneralAntillesStartup is the real problem, it's OK once it gets locked.19:47
qwerty12I'm a pessimist so I presume most people have lock problems.19:47
summatusmentisok, but generally usable19:47
trickielardman: ta, don't think ill get far without more documentation, my electronics knowledge sux19:47
hrwsummatusmentis: from Zaurus line I prefer c7x0 keyboard due to longer use of it. n810 keyboard differ a lot from zaurus ones. but is usable19:48
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trickielardman: but im working on a replacement for dsme which is slowly starting to look ok19:48
qwerty12summatusmentis, Yes, like General says, Lock sucks but brilliant once locked.19:48
GeneralAntillesWith GPS, YMMV19:48
GeneralAntillesThe goodnews is that it's largely a software issue.19:48
GeneralAntillesand they're working on it.19:48
lardmantrickie: what does the replacement need to do?19:48
hrwsummatusmentis: gps suxx in general. it is not usable for car navigation for sure19:49
lardmanhrw: is it that bad?19:49
summatusmentisinteresting. Is the wifi 802.11g? what's the range on that?19:49
GeneralAntilleshrw, a lot of people seem to use it for car nav just fine.19:49
GeneralAntilleswifi range is about the best I've seen in any mobile device.19:49
summatusmentismy wifi cf card for my Zaurus has lots of issues with range19:49
qwerty12hrw, is your problem maps?19:49
hrwlardman: show me finger usable navigation application for maemo. with offline routing and detour planning19:49
ricko73the wifi is better than most of the laptops I've used19:50
lardmanhrw: I'm planning on fiddling with Navit, not much use for you I know19:50
trickielardman: well just set up some power management prefs, kick the watchdog and *hopefully* either get bme running19:50
hrwsummatusmentis: wifi is nice and system has it nice integrated19:50
trickielardman: thats my plan ATM19:50
lardmantrickie: email me off list19:50
cjohnsonHow can I reinstall the OS for my n800? It just keeps rebooting19:50
qwerty12Reflash it19:50
hrwcjohnson: google: maemo flashing19:50
hrwGeneralAntilles: many people use nokia 3210 phones too.19:50
summatusmentishrw: that was part of my issue on the Zaurus, wifi seemed to be an afterthought19:50
qwerty12I'm intrested to see how diablo fiasco-flasher will work.19:51
qwerty12hrw, I found that out too. Started taking the piss out of him.19:51
hrwGeneralAntilles: I had occassion to use tomtom navigator software. maemo mapper of navifinder suxx compared to it. no way to enter street name with finger, no usable prediction during entering name, no detour planning19:52
GeneralAntillesYes, dedicated solutions are generally better than non-dedicated. ;)19:52
Blasturhmm.. can i make apps install themself on the internal memory card, rather than on the flash?19:52
GeneralAntillesMy point was more hardware related, anyway.19:52
Blasturim running out of memory on the flash ..19:52
GeneralAntillesMaemo Mapper suits all of my in-car GPS needs just fine.19:53
GeneralAntillesBlastur, first, klil the 40MB of just in MyDocs19:53
hrwGeneralAntilles: I will show you my recent track19:53
GeneralAntillesDocumentation pdfs, movies, music19:53
hrwwhat is crappy in n810 gps is that you have to leave n810 in car for 10 minutes to get fix19:53
hrwthen you can drive19:53
GeneralAntillesThat'll hold you over for a while, but booting from SD may be something you want to think about.19:53
GeneralAntilleshrw, like I said, lots of people don't have any issues.19:54
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hrwI know19:54
BlasturGeneralAntilles, still, i'd like to know if its possible :) is it?19:54
lardmanwhere is __BYTE_ORDER defined?19:54
summatusmentishrw: how does th n8x00 series compare in size to a 3x00 series Zaurus?19:54
GeneralAntillesSure, but it's stupidly pointless when you can just boot from the SD.19:54
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hrwsummatusmentis: much smaller19:55
hrwsummatusmentis: really pocketable19:55
cjohnsonI can't shut my n800 off19:55
summatusmentisin all dimensions? it looks long19:55
cjohnsonholding power doesn't do anything19:55
BlasturGeneralAntilles: what?19:55
hrwsummatusmentis: I can keep n810 in back pocket. c7x0 does not fit there.19:55
cjohnsonsorry, holding the power button restarts it19:55
cjohnsondoesn't shut it off19:55
hrwsummatusmentis: n810 is ~1cm longer then c7x019:55
qwerty12cjohnson, /etc/init.d/mce stop & /etc/init.d/mce start and see any errors. Run as root.19:55
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GeneralAntillesYou could symlink /usr/bin to the card, but that just doubles the opportunities for things to break.19:55
cjohnsonqwerty12, I can't even boot the OS19:56
cjohnsonqwerty12, that's why I want to flash it19:56
summatusmentishrw: interesting19:56
GeneralAntillesBetter to just install the OS on an xGB SD partition and boot from that.19:56
cjohnsonqwerty12, It shows NOKIA and then the blue loading bar, then just reboots19:56
qwerty12cjohnson, unplug battery.19:56
cjohnsonqwerty12, I know I sound retarded, but I can't really figure out how haha19:56
qwerty12Hehe, I needed long nails for my first go.19:57
qwerty12When it is about to reboot, shove in a usb cable and hold home.19:57
summatusmentisI like the slide out keyboard19:57
GeneralAntillesJust tap it on your palm.19:57
GeneralAntilleson the edge19:57
GeneralAntillesIt'll pop right out.19:57
GeneralAntillesOr follow qwerty12's suggestion.19:57
cjohnsonthat' seems to have done it, with the USB and home19:58
cjohnsondid that shut it off?19:58
qwerty12No, it's in flashing mode.19:58
qwerty12Which you want anyway.19:58
GeneralAntillesYou just caught the it soon enough to enter flashing mode.19:58
summatusmentishrw: that's your c7x0?19:59
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hrwsummatusmentis: is also worth reading19:59
hrwsummatusmentis: yes19:59
Blasturby the way, is it OK to use any mini-USB cable to connect to the n810? or is there something special with the one included?19:59
hrwBlastur: I use nokia miniusb cable (but from 770) with many devices and vice versa20:00
GeneralAntillesN810 is MicroUSB20:00
hrwah right20:01
GeneralAntillesThe bigger issue would be finding another device that's micro and comes bundled with a cable. ;)20:01
GeneralAntillesIt's just standard USB, so any standard cable will work.20:01
summatusmentishrw: thanks, that was helpful. I didn't like the collie keyboard20:01
cjohnsonI can't seem a tutorial for n800 from windows, only the n770 or in linux20:01
cjohnsonthat's the 770 only20:02
hrwcjohnson: procedure is same20:02
summatusmentisand the n810 is the only one w/ the external keyboard, right?20:02
GeneralAntillesInternal, you mean. :P20:02
GeneralAntillesN810 and the N810 WiMAX Edition if we're being accurate.20:03
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summatusmentiserm, yes, with a hardware keyboard is what I meant :)20:03
summatusmentisok, but WiMAX is still an N81020:03
summatusmentisalso, not available yet?20:03
GeneralAntillesA black N810 with a tumor, yes.20:03
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RST38h"Intel Denies Atomic iPhone Rumor"20:04
GeneralAntillesThat'd be a stupid move.20:04
GeneralAntillesWhere do people pull these rumors from?20:04
RST38hBut a biger pad based on Atom would not be too bad20:04
qwerty12RST38h, any inside info? AFAIR, you work for intel :)20:04
qwerty12I won't snitch :p20:05
summatusmentishrw: do you have Neo1973?20:05
hrwsummatusmentis: 2 of them20:05
RST38hqwerty; They did not deny it to me personally, if that is what you mean20:05
GeneralAntillesiPhone with 30 minute battery life. <_<20:05
qwerty12RST38h, :)20:05
summatusmentishrw: what do you think of the N8x0 series compared to that?20:05
hrwsummatusmentis: neo1973 suxx in general20:05
RST38hThey will actually be able to pull an hour or two out of it20:05
RST38hNot more though20:05
summatusmentishrw: well, yes. I guess what I'm asking is would a FreeRunner(with bad GSM coverage) be more worth it?20:06
* qwerty12 wants to see appleenvy for OS2008 :(20:06
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hrwsummatusmentis: I prefer n810 over gta01/gta0220:06
RST38hwhat happened on April 26?20:06
hrwsummatusmentis: better formfactor20:06
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summatusmentishrw: you tether to your phone?20:07
GeneralAntillestethering is dead easy.20:08
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summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: that's what I've heard. I don't have a data plan on my phone right now, but I'm considering options for the future20:09
hrwsummatusmentis: gta01/02 case is a brick20:09
hrwbig, thick brick20:09
summatusmentishrw: It doesn't look that much bigger than a... palm centro20:09
hrwsummatusmentis: my current phone is ~half of gta0[1-2] size20:09
summatusmentismaybe a bit longer20:09
hrwsummatusmentis: I would rather spend cash on htc diamond then openmoko freerunner20:10
summatusmentishrw: but... windows mobile </disgust>20:10
MangoFusionn95 for me!20:10
RST38hhrw: Be careful what you wish for20:10
hrwsummatusmentis: so what. it works20:10
RST38hdiamond runs winmobile20:10
hrwsummatusmentis: with openmoko you do not know which toolkit they prefer in this week20:10
summatusmentishrw: you seem bitter from your time in the OE world :)20:11
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hrwsummatusmentis: take gta01 into hand and then rethink20:11
summatusmentishrw: I only know people w/ gta01 on the internet20:12
qwerty12gta1 is old. it's all about gta iv now,20:12
hrwsummatusmentis: time to go to some conference then20:12
* GeneralAntilles guns down qwerty12.20:12
* qwerty12 gets rocket launcher and targets GeneralAntilles 20:12
summatusmentishrw: well, if there were conferences in the US that weren't in california, I'd consider it :)20:13
* qwerty12 does evil laugh and gets 3 stars and runs from police20:13
summatusmentisqwerty12: for a minute there, I thought you were talking about GTA0420:13
* GeneralAntilles respawns and runs qwerty12 down doing 180 in a Ron Fellows "Coquette".20:13
summatusmentisthe generation of OpenMoko after FreeRunner :)20:13
GeneralAntillesThat one made me laugh.20:13
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GrackleGTA4 is a lovely game. *put a few hours in on his friend's 46" HDTV*20:14
summatusmentishrw: so, if I understand correctly, your choice would go c7x0 > C3x00 > N8x0 > htc diamond > freerunner20:15
* qwerty12 kills hospital ppl for taking my weapon and gets PCJ and does a drive by on GeneralAntilles 20:15
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GrackleAlas, I am no longer at college. Sadface.20:15
qwerty12summatusmentis, I was :)20:15
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summatusmentisqwerty12: lol20:15
GeneralAntillesI play on a 17" trinitron from 2001.20:15
GeneralAntillesMuch sharper than any HDTV. :D20:15
hrwsummatusmentis: no20:16
hrwsummatusmentis: c7x0 -> n810 for palmtop line. ericsson a2618s -> alcatel 501 -> nokia 6310i -> sonyericsson k750i -> some *usable* smartphone (so no openmoko)20:17
hrwfor phone line20:17
summatusmentishrw: I see, so 3x00 doesn't even qualify for you20:17
molkkohow to troubleshoot: flasher-3.0 says "suitable USB device not found, waiting". n810 connected and I think everything is in order20:17
hrwsummatusmentis: I had c3000 for few months. too thick20:18
GeneralAntillesDid you start the N810 correctly?20:18
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GeneralAntillesTurn it off (make sure charger is unplugged)20:18
GeneralAntillesstart up holding down the Home/Swap key.20:18
summatusmentishrw: that's definitely part of the reason I'm considering switching to a N81020:18
molkkoGeneralAntilles, oh. sorry. of course. i did not read the instruction completely. case closed20:19
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* qwerty12 has got pulseaudio half compiled. I'm gonna crap myself trying to install it on my tablet though :/20:33
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summatusmentisis there a wiki or something somewhere of stuff that people have done w/ their tablets?20:39
GrackleOh, specific stuff.20:41
GrackleWell, the itt wiki does have a lot of pages on random things that people are working on. for instance20:41
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mrlanratIs there any way to help OS 2008 get a DHCP IP address?20:50
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mrlanratMy N810 latly has had great dificulty getting an IP from my schools DHCP server.20:52
GrackleThat's strange. Do you have a laptop to test the network with? It may not be your N810's fault.20:54
GrackleIn fact, I would be kind of surprised if it was.20:54
mrlanratI think it is20:54
GrackleWhy's that?20:54
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mrlanratsevral freinds with ipod toutches can connect no problem. same with my laptop when iIdo bring it.20:55
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mrlanratthis used to only happen every now and then, not it has happend for the last sevral days.20:55
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mrlanratit used to be fixed by rebooting, but not anymore...20:56
GrackleAny chance someone might steal your MAC address?20:56
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cjohnsonDoes maemo use like gnome or something?20:57
mrlanratno, i have also tried changing my mac, no luck.20:57
cjohnsonor is it a custom one20:57
mrlanrat@cjohnson custom20:57
hrwbye guys20:57
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mrlanratits called hildon20:57
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Gracklegnome apps can compile and run just fine, and minor tweaks will provide hildon integration20:59
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mrlanratso any ideas on my DHCP problem?20:59
GrackleI'm at a loss, mrlanrat. I don't know what the problem is.20:59
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mrlanratis there a way I can connect to the wifi via xterm so i can see ant error messseges?21:00
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GrackleI believe iwconfig works21:00
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n800ni believe birds suddenly appear21:01
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GrackleI don't know what dhcp client it uses, you can try dhclient or dhcpcd21:02
GrackleYou might have to stop wlancond before doing that21:02
mrlanratso how would i use iwconfig to connect to the wifi?21:02
GrackleI'm not sure, but I think it may interfer21:03
GeneralAntillescjohnson, it's more or less GNOME21:03
Grackleiwconfig wlan0 essid21:03
Gracklemrlanrat: Does it use encryption?21:03
cjohnsonWhat do you guys think of those stick-on plastic covers for protecting my screen? Does it interfere with the input too much? Does it leave a residue?21:03
GrackleWhat type?21:04
mrlanratwpa -enterprize21:04
GeneralAntillesDepends on which one you buy.21:04
GrackleCrap. I'm not familiar with using wpa from the command line, sorry.21:04
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I HIGHLY recommend the Boxwave anti-glare.21:04
mrlanratthats the encription info21:04
cjohnsonGeneralAntilles, I have these ones I use for my iPod and Camera, they're alright, from walmart21:04
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GrackleThe one I got for my PSP was very stiff and would probably hinder stylus input. I would avoid getting one like that.21:05
cjohnsonThe ones I have aren't stiff, they're probably as stiff as 2 sheets of paper would be21:06
cjohnsonThey do a good job protecting, I just don't know about stylus input21:06
GrackleMine was like half a credit card21:06
cjohnsonMeh, it's 10 for $10, so I could just try21:06
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GrackleI think you'll be fine21:07
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GeneralAntillesSeriously though, Boxwave anti-glare is the way to go.21:07
GeneralAntillesGreat texture, great protection21:07
GeneralAntillesanti-glare really improves visibility in a lot of lighting conditions.21:07
GeneralAntillesLast forever21:07
GrackleGeneralAntilles: I think I'll get one/a pack of those, they sound very nice.21:07
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GeneralAntillesI've got an application guide somewhere on ITT21:08
GeneralAntillesFor after you get one. ;)21:08
GrackleOh, it's an involved procedure?21:08
GeneralAntillesNot really21:08
GeneralAntillesJust dust is hard to keep out.21:08
GeneralAntillesSo you usually have to apply it more than once.21:09
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GrackleIs the boxwave screen protector made for the n800, or does it have to be cut?21:10
GeneralAntillesIt's made for it21:10
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GeneralAntillesWell, assuming you order the N800 version. ;)21:11
Gracklehaha, right21:11
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* Grackle bookmarks for later21:13
Blasturdo you guys have weird problems with the n810 that its wifi connection stops working after a while?21:13
mrlanratMy N810 can rarly get a DHCP IP from my school's wifi21:14
mrlanratbut it works fine everywhere else.21:14
GrackleHey man, I have an initfs from 1969. Far out.21:16
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lardmanBlastur: as in it goes to sleep?21:18
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Blasturlardman, well, it says its connected, but i cant browse the net21:21
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Blastursometimes it helps if i disconnect from the wifi and reconnect to it21:21
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lardmanBlastur: no idea then, sorry21:25
Blastursometing is seriously wrong with my wifi.. i get like HUGE latency even when the n810 is next to the AP21:25
Blasturi think its something with my router21:25
befordhey, what fs would you guys recommend for a /boot partition? (on my desktop heh)21:26
penguinbaitwhat type of wifi AP do you have?21:26
Blasturits a La Fonera21:26
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penguinbaitis that a brand?21:27
penguinbaitis it 802.11 b or g or n or everything?21:27
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penguinbaitI had problems with my old linksys, it was only 802.11b, always disconnected21:28
penguinbaitI have a b/g now and it works perfectly21:28
jku_Blastur, there's a bug with Fonera + tablet combination, see maemo bugzilla21:28
jku_apparently foneras don't like the aggressive power saving...21:28
Blasturthats the one i use21:28
penguinbaitmaybe a firmware update?21:28
unixSnobFlash is such a failure..  Flash clients one version back can't show current flash content, and new flash players can't handle content from one version back.  I can't believe DHTML isn't more popular21:29
jku_at least they didn't, could have had firmware upgrades21:29
penguinbaiton the AP21:29
Blasturoh ok. jku_, good to know. I just wanted to rule out the n810.. i think i have an old NetGear AP here somewhere, gonna try that instead21:29
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Blasturoh, dang. I was just annoyed that there was no physical button to switch between windows.. now i just noticed the one sitting next to the screen21:31
Blasturi was like "what are they thinking? they put a button to maximize/minimize, but not switch windows?!"21:32
GrackleI wish the top buttons on the N800 were larger21:33
penguinbaitI wish I could control it with my mind21:33
KotCzarnycut your fingers to fit21:33
Grackleor more separated or something21:33
penguinbaitas long as we are wishing :)21:33
Gracklehaha KotCzarny21:33
GrackleYes, that would be pretty cool (mind control, not finger whittling)21:34
Blasturbtw, did you guys try out the SDL Quake thingie? I played for a while, then I realized i had NO way to turn it off ;) Didn't find the "Escape" button, so i had to power it down completely to exit21:34
GrackleI played it21:34
GrackleI don't plan on playing quake on my IT much, but it was neat to try out21:34
Blasturamazing stuff for a small device like this21:34
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KotCzarnyescape button is the one directly belowe dpad21:34
Blasturi tried all buttons :) the one below dpad only switched between different keyconfiguration modes in-game21:34
penguinbaitI was playing q2 multiplayer with my cordless logitech controller21:34
Blasturlike ZoomMode, BioMode, whatever21:34
penguinbaitwell sort of cordless21:35
penguinbaitwe need CTF DDAY mods21:35
NaviHi penguinbait21:35
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GrackleI might play if I had a proper controller.21:36
penguinbaitHi Navi, is that like the little fairy that helps Link?21:36
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penguinbaitusb controllers work great21:37
NaviMy usb controllers are too big to carry around21:39
NaviI usually have the wiimote with me though21:39
n800ndoes the quiver dev come here?21:39
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penguinbaitanyone tried my boot from SD deb yet?21:41
RST38hhow much is wii controller right now, btw?21:41
RST38hI mean, in the States?21:41
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penguinbaitbest buy is 39.9921:42
RST38hlooks like a shadier store will sell it for $2521:42
penguinbait20$ more for nunchuck21:42
RST38hand it is fully functional with N810? =)~21:43
keesjanybody with a "lasted" os2008 image running ?21:43
RST38hOh, fuck the nunchuck - it's not like I am eager to break a window or something21:43
KotCzarnyrst: then you will :>21:43
penguinbaitRST38H but the IR is not working, only the buttos and dpad21:44
KotCzarnyit's always accidental ;)21:44
keesjdoes the language selection work for you
Blasturbtw guys.. when you do typing on the n810, it sometimes makes a proposition for a few words.. how can i select one of those, without using the stylus? cant find the key to select em'21:44
penguinbaitafter you put done the greasy pizza21:44
penguinbaitdown that is21:45
penguinbaitafter you put "down" the greasy pizza21:45
Blasturoh, right21:45
penguinbaitnot "done"21:45
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Blasturit's ok, you're only human21:45
penguinbaitor am I21:46
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Blasturuh oh21:47
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RST38hpenguin: Oh :( I guess, this one would be a better fit then:
RST38hOr get sixaxis work with n810 ;)21:54
KotCzarnysewell looks like lisped sewer21:56
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pyhimysI misread the 'sewer' for server and started to think about ecommerce site made in lisp21:57
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RST38hit is probably just a nameless bunch of chinese21:58
pyhimys(Would it be threadsafe etc )21:58
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KotCzarnyimagine managing ecommerce in lisp21:59
pyhimysMy brain hurts21:59
RST38hthey manage it in java, why not lisp?21:59
KotCzarnyjava is piece of cake21:59
penguinbaitI already have that BT gamepad21:59
penguinbaitbg100, it sux22:00
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penguinbaityou need to hack kbbd to make it work22:00
penguinbaitI used to use it with my 770 and 800 to play mame22:00
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NaviAnyone know what the home key is bound to in Debian?22:02
KotCzarnyrun xev22:03
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NaviToo lazy22:03
* KotCzarny lazy too22:03
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n800ndo you guys know anyone at all who's coding for some kind of sound app for maemo?22:04
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NaviSound app?22:04
n800nmusic software22:05
KotCzarnycanola guys22:05
n800nthere;s the midi thing, but other than that i couldn't find anything at all22:05
n800nnot just playback, you know what i mean22:05
Grackletinytracker and PDa are the only ones I Know of22:06
n800nyeah and things like that22:06
n800nthere's PDa and the midi thingy22:06
Gracklewhatever that sequencer was called22:06
Grackletinytracker seems to be a tracker for aprs :P22:06
zapSome say, ITOS 2008 supports SMB shares, is that true?22:06
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n800nseems like such a missed opportunity to me (but i'm biased)22:07
n800nthe one thing i haven't tried is use emulators to host sound apps22:08
n800nbut it seems iffy22:08
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KotCzarnyas long it works22:08
n800nyeah i should try those out22:09
GrackleThere has never really been a whole lot of good music software for linux anyway.22:09
n800nbut i'm sure the screen will be forced into so half ass resolution22:09
penguinbaitas lo ng as it w ooooor  ks22:09
penguinbaitwithout killing the CPU :)22:09
KotCzarnyn800n: name a good seq for linux?22:10
KotCzarnythen port (compile) it for n800 (or find someone to do it)22:10
n800n"decent" would be enough22:10
n800ni noticed in xmmms a ALSA output module22:11
KotCzarnyalsa is a cheat22:12
n800n<KotCzarny> as long it works22:12
KotCzarnyseq won't work22:12
KotCzarnyie. midi22:12
KotCzarnyyou have to install timidity server22:12
zaprosegarden for midi sequencer22:12
zapand lmms for tracker-style22:12
zapbut they are very heavy apps22:13
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zaphydrogen is a neat drum machine, but it's Qt22:13
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n800nthere's aldrin22:14
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n800nthat would be my frist pick probably22:14
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zapW: GPG error: chinook Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5FD45CD3EA68E29D22:16
zapAnybody know how to fix this?22:16
zap is a bad repo?22:17
penguinbaityou dont need to fix it, its works fine22:17
penguinbaitdoesn't it?22:17
zapdunno really22:17
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zaphow to check?22:17
zapI'm not common with dpkg yet22:17
penguinbaitseveral of mine complain on the command line about GPG, but they work22:17
zapah ok22:18
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penguinbaitI am not a deb genius either22:18
RST38hpenguin: So, that weird gamepad acts as a kbd?22:18
penguinbaitI come from the land of RPM and BFF22:18
penguinbaitRST yes, and its not great for lots of input22:19
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qwerty12_N800Oh yeah, if you have ssh, telnet isn't needed? :)22:19
zapI'm a long-time Fedora user as well22:20
penguinbaittelnet is very usefull even with ssh22:20
penguinbaithow do you ssh to a mail server at port 25?22:21
n800nhm i know the aldrin dev! maybe he'll do it.22:21
zapThe default media player uses gstreamer?22:21
penguinbaitnot sure if there is even a driver that works anymore?22:22
zaphow to make it play MPEG4 files?22:22
zapI see gstreamer-ffmpeg is installed, but it says unsupported format22:22
qwerty12_N800compile newer version of the gst-plugins?22:22
RST38hpenguin: aha. thanks!22:23
zapwhy I would want a newer version when gstreamer supported MPEG4 even at version 0.8?22:24
zapbesides, ffmpeg supports MPEG4 from the very beginning, so I would suppose gstreamer-ffmpeg does it too22:24
qwerty12_N800It doesn't seem to be working for you now.22:24
* RST38h whispers "sixaxis! sixaxis!"22:24
penguinbaitqwerty, did you figure out your mount issue with KDE22:25
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qwerty12_N800penguinbait, no. I had to remove for diablo upgrade, I'm gonna reinstall soon :)22:25
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penguinbaityou should use the new debs22:26
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penguinbaitboot from SD installer, and KDE boot from SD KDE installer22:26
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qwerty12_N800I don't really like booting maemo off mmc (ironic & stupid due to my flashing number...)22:26
penguinbaitin that setup qwerty, the easiest way is to boot without the card in, that way nothing is using it22:27
keesjnobody loves me22:27
qwerty12_N800penguinbait, yeah :)22:28
penguinbaitare you sure22:28
qwerty12_N800keesj, eaten worms yet? :p22:28
keesjThey dind't like me either22:28
penguinbaitqwerty, I looked in your post, it sounds like you missed the swap file22:29
KotCzarnynew meaning of 'they like you for your brains' ?22:29
penguinbaitswapoff /media/mmcX/swap.img22:29
qwerty12_N800Don't worry, #maemo likes everyone. Except unless you aare slobby_d...22:29
qwerty12_N800penguinbait, thanks! :)22:29
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karbashmm.. does anyone have irssi for os2008.. i don't have scratchbox at the moment but i need irssi:/22:29
qwerty12_N800karbas, I have svn build at itt22:30
qwerty12_N800and bitchx and weechat...22:30
karbaswell.. i need irssi22:30
karbasqwerty12_N800, url?22:30
karbasirssi-text i mean :)22:30
qwerty12_N800sorry, I hate searching with virtual kbd22:30
qwerty12_N800this uses ncurses22:31
penguinbaitI mean ncurses!22:31
summatusmentisso... are there things people don't like about their N8x0 series?22:33
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qwerty12_N800I think internettablettalk should be internetcomputertablettalk because then i can say ictt22:33
qwerty12_N800w/out getting slapped22:33
karbasqwerty12_N800, search at itt didn't help:(22:34
qwerty12_N800give me  a min.22:34
penguinbaitictt, cmon22:34
cjohnsonWhere can I get the gainroot command from again?22:34
penguinbaityou can install becomeroot, and then you "sudo gainroot" in xterm22:35
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karbasqwerty12_N800, found it.. from the forums22:35
* qwerty12_N800 prefers easyroot to becomeroot22:35
qwerty12_N800ah kl22:36
cjohnsonwhat's the difference between easyroot and becomeroot22:36
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qwerty12_N800has "root" command which sets proper environment22:37
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KotCzarnyssh root@0 sets proper env too22:37
penguinbaitdont know, I never used easyroot22:37
qwerty12_N800ssh is long for local connection :/22:37
KotCzarnyis it?22:38
penguinbaitBoot from SD installer DEB will give you root also22:38
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cjohnsonWhat do you mean by proper environment22:39
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KotCzarnyhome dir, for example22:39
penguinbaitit gives you root22:39
qwerty12_N800whoami actually returns root22:40
cjohnsonoh I don't want that actually22:40
KotCzarnyyou do.22:40
cjohnsonI want elevated commands but for things to be done to user, not root22:40
KotCzarnyotherwise you may end up with files in /home/user owend by root22:40
KotCzarnyie. unmodifiable by your regular user22:40
cjohnsonbut if i become root they're somehow created owned by user?22:40
cjohnsonhow does that make sense?22:40
cjohnsonanyway, I can just SSH as root without even installing that, so there'd be no point in it22:41
penguinbaitthese things are like swiss cheese, does it really matter?22:41
KotCzarnyif you login as root your home dir becomes /root22:41
KotCzarnyit matters if you don't want to reflash/debug too often22:41
KotCzarnybecause 'something doesn't work anymore'22:41
cjohnsonright, so when I want add in new applications or whatever it may be, then it applies settings to /root and not to /home/user, which would mean that the user that I'd actually be using wouldn't have those files at all22:42
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KotCzarnyapt-get doesn't modify your home dir usually22:42
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cjohnsonkinda off topic, but is it possible to re-run that beginning configuration thing? I want to know what kinds of configurations it was doing for me, and I accidentally cancelled it22:43
KotCzarnyok, if you only want to run apt-* then it doesn't matter what env you have22:43
penguinbaitI suspect qwerty has seen less tt and more cjohnson22:43
KotCzarnycjohnson: you can unpack .deb with: ar x22:43
penguinbaitsorry, I just coudn't resist :)22:43
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cjohnsonpenguinbait, I didn't get it :S :P22:44
penguinbaitdpkg -x also unpacks debs22:44
qwerty12_N800penguinbait, lol :p22:44
penguinbaitit was not meant for you cj22:44
qwerty12_N800carl johnson is a gangsta22:44
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lardmanI don't suppose we have any SBC experts about tonight>22:46
qwerty12_N800preinst scripts get saved in /var/lib/dpkg/info22:46
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cjohnsonI want to install acmonitor, but it requires libdbus-1-2. apt-get install libdbus-1-2 results in Package libdbus-1-2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.22:56
cjohnsonThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or22:56
cjohnsonis only available from another source22:56
cjohnsonany ideas?22:56
qwerty12_N800cjohnson, grab my recompile from ictt22:56
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cjohnsonwhere is it?23:00
qwerty12_N800can't remember, just search acmonitor or derf23:00
Naviqwerty12_N800, mess with debian much?23:00
cjohnsonis it on the forums?23:00
qwerty12_N800Navi, not atm. I need to get a keyboard :/23:00
qwerty12_N800cjohnson, yes23:01
penguinbaitthere you go again23:01
Naviqwerty12_N800, you don't need a keyboard :P23:01
qwerty12_N800Navi, I find it hard to use :/23:01
* qwerty12_N800 blushes23:01
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Navithe xml config for it is in the same directory23:03
Navior you could always install synergy or ssh or vnc or rdesktop23:04
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cjohnsonI can never remember the commands, what it is it for gzunzip?23:04
qwerty12_N800Navi, will do lol23:04
NaviI remember it 'cuz you want to shoot the zip with a gun23:05
cjohnsonis that maemo only? or standard?23:05
KotCzarnygun-zip ?23:05
Navistandard ap23:05
penguinbaitgzip -d works also23:05
cjohnsonoh no not that23:05
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cjohnsonisn't there a way to extract directly from the tar?23:05
KotCzarnytar -xzf23:06
Navitar -xvzf file.tar.gz23:06
penguinbaittar zxvf app.tar.gz23:06
cjohnsonthat's it23:06
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cjohnsoni have a script at home so i don't' have to remember23:06
cjohnsonand bz2unzip as well23:06
penguinbaitz zip x xtract v verify f file23:06
KotCzarnyv is verbose23:06
penguinbaitz zip x xtract v verbose f file23:06
KotCzarnynot verify23:06
penguinbaitI got ahead of myself23:07
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penguinbaitit must have been the (.)(.)23:07
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penguinbaitthey always distract me23:07
qwerty12_N800(    .    )(    .    )23:07
cjohnsonoh crap23:08
KotCzarnyqwerty: that's too much23:08
penguinbaitalways one up-ing me23:08
cjohnsonI'm on windows SSH'ing into the n80023:08
cjohnsonthe n800 doesn't have a C compiler23:09
qwerty12_N800penguinbait, nothing personal :p23:09
penguinbaitits all good23:09
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, NEVA I WANT MOAR23:09
NaviI can't get anything to run in openbox23:09
chxhey. is this the daemon? not just the client?23:09
cjohnsonqwerty12_N800, do you have a suggestion for compiling it? or could i possibly beg a favor of you to compile it and send me the deb?23:10
KotCzarnychx: os2007 ?23:10
cjohnsonoh haha not me nvm23:10
qwerty12_N800cjohnson, acmonitor?23:10
cjohnsonqwerty12_N800, yeah23:10
chxKotCzarny: whatever google finds.23:11
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chxKotCzarny: I have trying to convince myself to buy a Maemo device since the 770 but so far could not.23:11
chxKotCzarny: then the question is the same.23:12
penguinbaitI bought 770, 800 and 81023:12
penguinbaitcmon already23:12
* KotCzarny has only n80023:12
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chxI am not buying anythign that does not have a LAMP stack23:12
KotCzarnychx: there is always sqlite23:12
penguinbaitI have 800 and 810 , my 770 went to Nokia repair facility, never to be seen again23:13
chxnot good for me.23:13
Knirchpenguinbait: and the wimax model is on order?23:13
KotCzarnychx: just get that package and unpack it23:13
chxI do not have a Maemo device23:13
KotCzarnyand you will see23:13
penguinbaitNOPE, I want n90023:13
KotCzarnyit's a standard .deb23:13
chxI am checking whether I want to buy one23:13
chxthen give me a .deb link23:13
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chxrepo_deb_3 = deb binary/23:13
chxi can't decipher the deb from this.23:13
chxyou know guys this is somewhat ridiculous23:14
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chx we have a full AMP stack for phones23:14
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chxand then for a Linux device23:15
chxwe don't?23:15
KotCzarny'we' ?23:15
chxmysql 4.0 that's ancient23:16
chxthe link above at least has 4.123:16
KotCzarnythen just compile one yourself23:16
KotCzarnyor decipher the repo dir23:16
KotCzarnypeople run 3.x too23:17
penguinbaitchx, why are you trying to find software to run on something you dont have?23:17
chxpenguinbait: it's not hard to cross that chasm23:17
chxpenguinbait: the only question is, do I want to shell out that much money?23:17
KotCzarnyhow much?23:17
KotCzarny150$ ?23:17
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chxthe N810 is not $150 and I need a keyboard.23:18
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KotCzarnyah, talking about needs23:18
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chxyes I came here for help23:18
chxand getting smileys and no help23:18
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penguinbaitwhat help do you want23:18
Navichx, that's our friend the smiley spammer23:18
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chxis there a functioanl LAMP stack or not :) ?23:18
cjohnsonjust got back, thanks a ton qwerty12_N80023:19
qwerty12_N800no problem :)23:19
chxseems to me I need to wait for these Atom powered MIDs23:20
Navichx, if you want my answer, it would be I don't know.  I do know you could compile it yourself, though.23:20
chxthis is what the N810 should be.23:22
penguinbaitI know there was apache, not sure if its still around, but it was very trimmed down23:22
summatusmentisI'm worried that the N8x0 tablets don't have the software repos that the Zaurus line do. Is there someplace I can search through software repos?23:22
Navidon't know if it's up, though23:22
NaviIt's been down for the last few days23:23
penguinbaitwas down yesterday23:23
KotCzarnyno price23:23
summatusmentisFatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init() in /var/www/ on line 227 :)23:23
Navichx, I don't agree that the Gigabyte MID is what the N810 "should" be, but this is just one man's opinion.23:24
chxat least I have no doubt what software is available and what's compilable23:24
chxI am running x86 linux longer than i am comfortable to remember :)23:24
KotCzarnynice that it has 512mb or mem23:25
penguinbaitchx, its all available, if you make it available23:25
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chxi guess there is a cross compiler environment available?23:25
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chxmaybe an emulator?23:25
Navichx, yes23:25
chxso that i can test?23:25
KotCzarnythere is native gcc23:25
KotCzarnychx: search for maemo sdk23:26
penguinbaitIf I can get KDE and CUPS working, you should be able to make a LAMP stack23:26
KotCzarnythere is installation kit and vmware image too23:26
ReKlipzHey everyone, I'm working on a project that will be based on the Nokia n810. I'm currently running Debian Lenny amd64, and am wondering how I can get the maemo 4 sdk up and running.23:26
chxi was waiting for long for the freedom slim keyboard to get out from vaporware state. would be nice the N800 and that.23:26
penguinbaitskip the vmware mess, just my personal opinion23:26
chxpenguinbait: HAHA you compiled KDE on _that_ ?23:26
NaviYou could always use a cheap USB keyboard.23:26
penguinbaitI love my 810 keyboard23:27
Naviand he compiled _for_ the N8X023:27
chxNavi: show me a N800-sized keyboad.23:27
ReKlipzpenguinbait: was taht directed towards me?23:27
penguinbaitoriginal version ran on 77023:27
cjohnsonqwerty12_N800, What settings does this monitor beside brightness?23:27
cjohnsonqwerty12_N800, any?23:27
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Navinot on it. Would be ages before the N8X0 finishes compiling KDE23:27
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qwerty12_N800cjohnson, display and backlight timeouts23:27
chxpenguinbait: and the running speed...? you click button, make coffee , drink it, come back, system reacts?23:27
penguinbaitNO, I compiled in scratchbox, not on device23:27
qwerty12_N800i need to add lcuk's cpufreq mod into acmonitor soon23:28
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chxI ran KDE on my Celeron 400 192M old laptop . Was fun.23:28
ReKlipzanyone willing to help me get maemo 4 setup on amd64, or is it even possible?23:28
chxrunning it on Tank is much more fun, though.23:28
chxspeaking of that23:29
chxhow ... sturdy is the N8x0 ?23:29
NaviI'm running openbox on debian at the moment. Now there's something that's fun.23:29
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Navichx, people drop it all the time. It scratches easily but I haven't heard of anyone breaking it23:29
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penguinbaitI have a n800 with broken stand and back cover latch23:30
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Navipenguinbait, ha23:30
penguinbaitdropped it many times, still works great23:30
chxNavi: pretty good. i would not expect to take the beating my laptop can take (why do you think I call it Tank :) it's a panasonic toughbook) but it's good news.23:30
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NaviI drop it all the time onto tile flooring from the counter23:30
NaviI freak out every time I do, but it's fine23:30
chxi guess lack of moving parts make it less likely to break it23:31
chxwhat about the screen?23:31
chxwhat protects the screen when you drop it?23:31
ReKlipzwould anyone mind helping me setup maemo4 sdk?23:31
Navichx, it's beveled inwards a little23:31
penguinbaitI have a scratch in my 800, I always now use my cover on my 81023:31
penguinbaitkeys in my pocket scratched it23:31
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Naviso it won't make direct contact unless the floor is jagged23:31
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Navia screen protector would be nice, though23:31
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GrackleI dropped my N800 once. "Hey Rick, look a-- SHIT!" *drops and battery goes flying*23:32
penguinbaitReKlips, are you using the install scripts?23:32
ReKlipzpenguinbait: they wont work because IO23:33
KotCzarnyi think flying battery is a good thing, momentum taken away from device ;)23:33
ReKlipzbecause I'm using amd6423:33
GrackleI dropped my laptop in that class too, heh.23:33
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KotCzarnyreklipz: does vmware work on amd64 ?23:33
NaviOh, weird23:33
* Grackle dropped an open hp dv500t with 12 cell battery.. it landed face down, hard23:33
penguinbaitvmware probably best bet23:33
ReKlipzKotCzarny: yes it does, and i have it up and running, so a VM eh? no real amd64 support?23:34
NaviReKlipz, nah23:34
KotCzarnyreklipz: maybe trying building it from scratch..23:34
NaviReKlipz, Nokia didn't think too far ahead with the SDK, it seems23:34
* RST38h remembers trying to drop an IBM RS6000 and a 70kg monitor it came with23:34
ReKlipzKotCzarny: ok, debian has a scratchbox2 package23:34
GrackleReKlipz: Does your processor support virtualization?23:34
KotCzarnyi think people tried it, don't know about results23:34
RST38hBadly needed to get rid of the box23:34
ReKlipzGrackle, i believe so23:34
NaviRST38h, box?23:34
GrackleReKlipz: I would use the vmware appliance then. It makes life easy.23:35
KotCzarnythat's more than me23:35
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RST38hNavi: it was an ibm-gray colored box the size of two full size pc tower cases23:35
ReKlipzKotCzarny: I'll try compiling from source, then, Grackle, if that doesnt work, a VM it is.23:35
RST38hKot: We actually made bets if dropping it from a window will register as a minor earthquake23:36
KotCzarnyvery minor23:36
KotCzarnyprobably undetectable23:36
RST38hyea, but still23:36
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RST38hnever got lost. never broke. never fell out of a window.23:36
GrackleReKlipz: Okay. The vm is nice though. With open-vm-tools, you can copy and paste between OSs, drag the mouse in between them, etc. It's very easy to deal with. I have two monitors, and I just run the appliance full screen on one.23:36
KotCzarnyhard to misplace 70kg monster23:37
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KotCzarnyand won't fit on most desks too23:37
RST38hit fit all right23:37
Grackle70kg sounds a bit much23:38
RST38hrequired a kick with a foot every morning (one of hds had trouble starting)23:38
KotCzarnykeeps user in shape?23:38
RST38hGrackle: it was a huge cubic-shaped CRT thing23:38
* KotCzarny had 19" 30kg crt, once23:39
GrackleOh, I see, it was an all in one device?23:39
chxheh, at a local dorm they had a fun series of contests every year , and one of the tasks was to simulate a nuclear explosion, so the kids grabbed a bedsheet to cover themselves, grabbed the fireaxe and some old, old tv and booom! others simply dropped the tv from the 12th floor.23:39
RST38hlarger than normal, pretty much like 1.5 22" SUN CRTs23:39
RST38hTV does not blow up well enouh23:39
Gracklethat's pretty ridiculous23:40
RST38htell them to do it on a Li battery next time23:40
RST38hmake sure they place it into a pool of water and apply the axe to it23:40
Gracklewait till one year when some smartass detonates a small thermonuclear device23:40
KotCzarnyor building's gas installation23:41
RST38hthat is what I call "mean"23:41
RST38hand predictable23:41
KotCzarnyand stupid23:41
glasseverything worth enough doing just for the fun of it is stupid23:41
GrackleMmm, yes, fire up an oxy-acetylene torch, extinguish the flame, and fill a trash bag. That'll blow out every window in sight.23:41
RST38hbut dropping a package of aluminium paint off the 5th floor and lighting it up somewhere around 4th floor should do the job23:42
KotCzarnywhy around 4th, make a fireball23:42
RST38hwon't blow every window in sight, but will leave a lot of people without sight23:42
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RST38hKot: You want stuff to spread in the air, or it won't flash well23:42
RST38hkinda like those vacuum bombs23:43
chxhm, i just was telling a story23:43
RST38hchx: see how helpful we all are?23:43
KotCzarnyhow about those paint sprayer addons?23:43
penguinbaitI have a potatoe cannon23:43
chxthis channel is logged23:43
RST38hnot sure if they will work23:43
chxso i won't go further into this topic :)23:44
penguinbaitlogged and posted for the whole world to see23:44
RST38hdepends on what the silvery stuff is (has to be metal) and what the filler is23:44
GrackleI never built a potato cannon, but I built a small pneumatic cannon with a 3/4" barrel23:44
KotCzarnypotato canon can be dangerous23:44
Navichx, we know it's logged, but we could care less :D23:45
GrackleThey're not too bad. It's usually the people that are using them that can be dangerous.23:45
penguinbaityes, adding glass or rocks is very bad23:45
penguinbaitof course a deadly potatoe is no better23:45
Grackle:/ PVC doesn't stand up well to stress like that23:45
penguinbaitsure it does :)23:45
GrackleIt shatters, so putting rocks and glass through it probably isn't a good idea23:45
GrackleI think you meant "sure it did"23:46
KotCzarnyotoh, it is23:46
penguinbaitdepends on whos after you :)23:46
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summatusmentisso the cross compile env for the N8x0 series is called sandbox?23:49
summatusmentishow does it work?23:49
ReKlipzGrackle: I'm gonna use virtualbox isntead of vmware23:49
qwerty12_N800I have a couple of tasers made from disposeable cameras. on same note, my friend got banned from post office...23:49
summatusmentisoh right, scratchbox23:49
n800nooohhh k23:49
GrackleReKlipz: Hm, okay. I don't know how you're going to conver the image to virtualbox, but if you can, more power to you.23:50
summatusmentisKotCzarny: sorry, I don't have a N8x0, I'm debating whether or not to sell my Zaurus c3200, and purchase an N81023:50
ReKlipzGrackle: what image?23:50
KotCzarnywhy sell, have both23:50
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Grackle ReKlipz23:50
* summatusmentis == college student23:50
ReKlipzlol, awesome23:50
summatusmentisso, that's why sell :)23:51
GrackleYeah, haha, I realized nobody told you about that23:51
* Grackle thought you knew23:51
ReKlipzGrackle: I was just gonna install debian and then setup the environment with the .sh scripts23:51
GrackleThis way is easier. Includes docs, too!23:51
GrackleYou'll be up and running in no time.23:52
KotCzarnyi thought it was self explanatory, when i said vmware image23:52
summatusmentisKotCzarny: well, being a college studen, and being fed up with Angstrom23:52
KotCzarnyi should be more specific next time :)23:52
penguinbaitNot sure if the vmware appliance will work for you?  I tried it on a laptop with mobile CPU and it would not work for me?23:52
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n800nwhat's the best way to code for maemo if they don't have a tablet?23:52
KotCzarnysummatusmentis: :)23:52
KotCzarnyn800n: maemo sdk23:52
Gracklepenguinbait: He has an amd6423:52
penguinbaitwith or without it would be scratchbox/sdk23:52
n800nis there an emulator?23:53
KotCzarnyincluded afair23:53
Grackleyes, that's part of the scratchbox system23:53
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Gracklen800n: See the vmware appliance I linked23:53
GrackleThat is the best way to get started.23:53
zapAnybody can explain why gstreamer takes 20% CPU to play an ogg file, and mplayer does the same with just 0.3% ?23:54
penguinbaitwell, I could not use it because my CPU was mobile, he may have the same issue with the AMD?23:54
GrackleInstall vmware. Boot image. Congratulations, you have a working build environment for the IT.23:54
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Gracklepenguinbait: His supports virtualization.23:54
KotCzarnyzap: top is not a benchmark23:55
zapyep, but that's quite a difference23:55
zap100 times to be precise23:55
KotCzarnyzap: if you want real numbers decode file to /dev/null23:55
KotCzarnythen compare times23:55
Gracklehint: use time23:56
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zapif I only would understand something in gstreamer23:56
zapI just got able to use playbin...23:56
KotCzarnyyou would have to create pipe with filesink at the end23:57
KotCzarnygoogle for gstlaunch examples23:57

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