IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-04-30

AStormqwerty12_N800: no lftp on gronmayer00:00
AStormcare to build it? :)00:00
AStormshould be quick and simple00:00
AStormKotCzarny: or you :)00:02
zakkkmwould i flash to 2007 the same way i did 2006 to 2008 ?00:02
zakkkmbut with the 2007 bin?00:02
AStormyes, why not?00:02
Atariiyup zakkkm00:02
zakkkmcause its downgrading and not upgrading?00:02
Atariiyou still havin problems with 2008he?00:02
zakkkmjust asking .. :(00:02
zakkkmwell audio/.video playback . wont really work00:02
zakkkmfreezes everything00:02
zakkkmbut general slowness.. even removed that metalayer-crawler00:03
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zakkkmtrying rdesktop to my pc now :P00:03
Atariitry 2007he, but from my experience it was slower that 200800:03
Atariibut more works on it00:03
zakkkmoh really00:04
AStormKotCzarny: so, could you build lftp for me?00:04
zakkkm2006 is fast but ugly.. not much programs ? well of what i tried00:04
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zakkkm2007 - never tried00:04
AStormor does ncftp know scp and sftp too?00:04
zakkkm2008 - SOOO NICE LOOKING but relaly slow and audio/video problems00:04
Atariivideo/audio playback works in 2007he as well as skype00:04
konttori[00:04] • konttori just tested that the accelerometer is easy to get up and running.00:04
konttori[00:04] konttori: However, more of a question is how to use it.00:04
konttori[00:05] konttori: Mouse events, or to have a threshold to toggle key, ... e.g. for strafing in doom.00:04
KotCzarnyi would have to turn on my sdk machine00:04
Atariihey konttori long time00:05
konttoriyeah, well, been busy.00:05
AStormkonttori: my answer is - fix dasher and use it for typing00:05
KotCzarnyastorm: why not sshfs?00:05
AStormKotCzarny: that's for later00:05
KotCzarnyit's easy00:05
AStormand doesn't know ftp00:05
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AStormKotCzarny: info? (need fuse module)00:05
konttoriAtarii: if you have a wiimote, please try out the wiicontrol:
Atariiim on 2008he, but ill give it a go00:06
zakkkmoh and apps tend to freeze :(00:06
zakkkmon 2008HE for me00:06
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Atariiits worst on 2007he00:07
Atariiwhat size card you got zakkkm?00:07
zakkkmthe one that came with it00:07
AStormKotCzarny: make a repo out of it :)00:07
Atariiyou using a swap?00:07
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KotCzarnyone day i will00:07
AStormzakkkm: add more swap00:07
KotCzarnybut for now it's my bins storage00:07
zakkkmeven still00:07
zakkkmaudio/video wont play right00:07
Atariithe 2007 themes have been backported to 2006 i think, so you could make 2006 look "prettier"00:08
AStormhmm, new lightmediascanner00:08
zakkkmwhat about 2008 themes?00:08
zakkkmno like00:08
Atariizakkkm you tried playing media with the built-in media player?00:08
zakkkmthe codecs are messed idk00:08
zakkkmi tried like 4 players00:08
zakkkmand mplayer00:08
Atariithe default one works for me00:08
zakkkmit plays it00:08
woodwizzledo i need to partition my sdcard to put the OS on it?00:08
zakkkmbut it freezes the app00:08
zakkkmso i cant pause or anything00:08
Atariialso wat version mplayer have you tried?00:08
zakkkmthen if i click something.. it goes into effect like a hour later00:08
AStormwoodwizzle: no00:08
AStormyou can use the whole device00:09
zakkkmuhmm the one that came with canola?00:09
AStormbut you need some posix fs00:09
Atariicheck the version00:09
zakkkmmplayer --version is it?00:09
Atariinot sure, if not it will say in the application manager00:09
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woodwizzleAStorm: what if I want to enable swap? Does that require a swap partition like regular linux? or does the virtual memory tool in the control panel handle all that?00:10
zakkkmmplayer 1.0rc1-maemo.26.n8x000:10
zakkkmits not mplayer though .. its the whole OS -.-00:10
AStormwoodwizzle: linux supports swap files since... long00:10
AStormso, it IS like regular linux00:10
Atariitry to get the .24 version of mplayer00:10
zakkkmvirtual memory aka swap .. :D00:11
AStormor .2700:11
Atariithere were discusions here earlier that it was the fastest00:11
zakkkmswap is virtual memory ;p00:11
zakkkmyeah i remember00:11
zakkkmall the benchmarks00:11
woodwizzleAStorm: is it better to have the swap file in a seperate partition?00:11
Atariikonttori now going to try this wiicontrol00:12
woodwizzlei dunno, thats the way I've always done it =)00:12
AStormthe only important thing is that the swap file should better not be fragmented00:12
zakkkmyeah rdesktop froze00:12
zakkkmits the only thing running -.-00:12
ImMelod1what's a good gtk programming resource?00:12
konttoriThe accelometer data is really easy to interpret.00:12
Atariirdesktop over the internet or local network?00:13
woodwizzleAStorm:  how else can you prevent the fragmentation?00:13
zakkkmwhich is better 2007 or 200800:13
zakkkmlocal internet00:13
KotCzarnydpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libreadline5-dev libgnutls-dev (>= 1.3.5-0)00:13
Atariicheck whats running00:13
zakkkmfrom under my keyboard.. to the pc in fornt of the keyboard00:13
woodwizzlezakkkm: I like 2008 better00:13
zakkkmnothing is running00:13
Atariii had rdesktop working flawlessly earlier00:13
KotCzarnyastorm: gnutls?00:13
zakkkmexcept maemo-launcher and xomap00:13
zakkkmwoodwizzle: im on 2008 .. its reallly really slow though00:14
AStormwoodwizzle: ext filesystem doesn't fragment on an empty partition00:14
KotCzarnyE: Couldn't find package libreadline5-dev00:14
Atariicheck via 'ps'00:14
AStormKotCzarny: probably needed00:14
AStormbut it should work with openssl too00:14
woodwizzlezakkkm: Its not slow for me... maybe there is something else slowing you down00:14
Atariitbh it sounds like metacrawler but you say you removed that?00:15
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woodwizzleAStorm: Right, that would mean it would be better to run it on its own partition than right?00:15
zakkkmwoodwizzle: what nokia you got?00:15
AStormargh, I hate stupid questions00:15
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woodwizzleIf I just run 1 partition and I start filling it up then the swap file can fragment00:15
woodwizzlezakkkm: n80000:16
zakkkmyeah im on a nokia 770 -.-00:16
AStormthat's why you create the file first00:16
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zakkkmhalf the cpu i believe and ram too00:16
AStormI mean, early00:16
woodwizzleOh I getcha00:16
KotCzarnydpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libncurses5-dev (>= 5.6)00:16
AStormwhen there's a lot of continuous space00:16
KotCzarnylibncurses5-dev is already the newest version.00:16
zakkkmwill 2008 skins work on 2007 ..sorry if i already asked00:16
AStormKotCzarny: wtf? should be in repos00:17
KotCzarny5.4 for tablet00:17
AStormdammit, build from source00:17
Atariidont think so zakkkm00:17
AStormwill work with 5.400:17
AStormfix the deps00:17
KotCzarnyyeah, i will try it00:18
KotCzarnybut there is always a reason00:18
AStormyeah, like "I only tested it with 5.6"00:18
AStormbut I had Gentoo with 5.2 and lftp00:18
KotCzarnyit will fail, i tell you :P00:18
KotCzarnyit's readline deps00:18
zakkkmuis it worth looking into a edited kernel for my nokia 770 ?00:19
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AStormwhy would it dep on that new curses?00:19
KotCzarnybecause i'm sucking from sid archive?00:19
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zakkkm3rd FIASCO image of the OS 2007 Hacker Edition for Nokia 770 Internet Tablets <--- sounds right?00:21
zakkkmfor my nokia 77000:21
zakkkm12min to download :P00:21
Atariikonttori the python-2.5-runtime files are 'stuck' downloading :(00:22
zakkkmwould it be worth it dualbooting linux on my main ppl . .then ssh'ing it on-the-go?00:22
zakkkmcause i got nice audio/video collection on my pc00:22
zakkkmbut i only have a 64mb card?00:23
zakkkmso remoting it would be nice00:23
Atariiah yes00:23
AStormbuy a better card00:23
zakkkmim in a city. theres wifi everywhere (Toronto, Canada )00:23
zakkkmno money00:23
zakkkmi spent all on the nokia 77000:23
AStormand use sshfs or nfs00:23
konttoriAtarii: Shame00:23
AStormor samba00:23
zakkkmmy highschool wifi is open and all00:23
zakkkmso i thought maybe if i could connect to my home audio/video collection00:24
zakkkmand like stream it somehow?00:24
zakkkmto my nokia?00:24
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AStormand get your head on a pike?00:24
KotCzarnyok, readline compiled00:25
AStormAlso, lose a lot of battery life00:25
KotCzarnynow what should i do about gnutls00:25
Atariiit would also probably run like ass over the net00:25
AStormKotCzarny: isn't it openssl | gnutls?00:25
AStormshould be00:25
AStormthnere's a use flag in GEnto00:26
KotCzarnynot in debian i guess00:26
KotCzarnyi will try commenting out00:26
KotCzarnymaybe it will pick up openssl anyway00:26
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AStormthat one screw of the stand keeps unscrewing00:26
zakkkmis orb any good?00:27
AStormKotCzarny: should00:27
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KotCzarny                        --without-ssl00:27
KotCzarnyin rules00:27
AStormwe need ssl00:27
KotCzarnyi think they link specifically to gnutls00:27
AStormthere's with-openssl00:28
KotCzarnyok, let's see how it fares00:28
Atariiok konttori i was going to try wiicontrol, but the status of my python files is "broken"00:28
* konttori got the accelometer to work quite nicely now for outputting keyevents. So, during the weekend, some nice additions to wiicontroller00:29
konttorinow.. to bed00:29
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AStormI gained +1 to screwing at night ;)00:31
ImMelodydid I read that wrong?00:31
AStormyes, it's intended to be read wrong00:31
KotCzarnyit's a geek chan00:31
KotCzarnyheh, lftp is written in c++00:32
KotCzarnyit will take some time, he he00:32
woodwizzleArgh, the tutorial I'm following is really designed for dual booting. I don't wanna do that. Is there a simple easy to follow howto for migrating the OS to an SD card?00:33
woodwizzle is the one I have been using00:33
AStormbtw, what should I do with that fuse_sshfs tarball?00:33
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AStormwoodwizzle: thnere are on ITT00:33
KotCzarnyastorm: unpack to /00:34
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KotCzarnythen insmod that fuse module and you are done00:35
AStormKotCzarny: I don't trust you00:35
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AStormI'll list it first00:35
KotCzarnyastorm: then compile it yourself00:35
zakkkmany of you use something other than maemo on the tablet?00:35
blahdeblah-lapHi.  My N800 has lost the "offline" button since my last reboot.  Any idea how i can get it back?00:35
KotCzarnyzakkkm: johnx is using debian00:35
KotCzarnyblah: installed powermenu or something lately?00:36
blahdeblah-lapKotCzarny: nothing at all00:36
zakkkmwould debian be faster on it?00:36
AStorm/usr/local? yuck ;)00:36
KotCzarnyzakkkm: maybe, but has some issues to be resolved00:36
AStormzakkkm: depends00:36
zakkkmhey if the whole OS is on a rs-mmc .. would it run faster?00:37
AStormyes, esp. wifi00:37
KotCzarnylike power saving00:37
AStormzakkkm: maybe, with 48Hz kernel00:37
zakkkmpower usage is done by cpu load mostly isnt it?00:37
AStormbut default card doesn't work there00:37
zakkkmhow would i get that kernel? wouldnt it help increase swap speed?00:37
AStormhmm, yep00:37
AStormFanoush site00:38
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zakkkmwould it help for me?00:38
lcukzakkkm, might be an idea to change your nickname to show you are on a 77000:38
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zakkkm_n770ok i got 2007HE downloaded00:39
zakkkm_n770about to install00:39
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zakkkm_n770needs full battery?00:39
zakkkm_n770mine is like so close to dead00:39
AStormKotCzarny: now that I've fuse loaded00:40
KotCzarnyzakkkm: yes, that's preferable when flashing00:40
AStormhow do I mount sshfs?00:40
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AStormzakkkm_n770: yes, charge it00:40
KotCzarnysshfs user@host:/dir /mount/point00:40
KotCzarnyoptionally -o allow_other00:40
AStormKotCzarny: blah00:40
AStormdoes work as user?00:40
AStormor do I have to add suid bits?00:41
KotCzarnyif fusermount is suid00:41
zakkkm_n770i was going to keep charging it while it installed 2007he -.;-00:41
lcukzakkkm here are the custom kernels for when you get braver00:41
AStormblah, /ujsr/local/bin not in path :P00:42
AStormvim ~/.bashrc00:42
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zakkkm_n770the custom kernel's just seem to add support.. do they speed anything up though?00:43
KotCzarnylftp compiled00:43
KotCzarnyit's in usual location00:43
lcukthe KotCzarny repo groweth :)00:43
KotCzarnyi should do repo 'requests'00:44
zakkkm_n770can anyone tell where i can get .24 mplaeyr for 2007HE?00:44
KotCzarnyand some automatic package building00:44
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KotCzarnyhibernation on my sdk machine:   Compressed 13053952 bytes into 6233213 (52 percent compression).00:45
woodwizzlei need to unmouint my mmc1 card but it keeps saying its in use. I don't have any apps running except xterm and I'm not currently in the /media/mmc2 directory. What is using it and how can I  kill it00:45
KotCzarnywoodwizzle: fuser -v /media/mmc200:45
zakkkm_n770if i install linux on my pc.. can i access it on my nokia and stream music to my nokia speakers?00:46
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KotCzarnyif you sort out your sound problem00:47
woodwizzleKotCzarny: maybe my ffuser is different, but it says-v is an unsupported option00:47
KotCzarnywoodwizzle: then try without?00:47
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KotCzarnyshould list pids that keep it open00:47
AStormblah, no perms to /dev/fusee00:48
woodwizzleKotCzarny: comes up empty :(00:48
AStormzakkkm_n770: yes, ITs have esd running00:48
KotCzarnythen i can't help :)00:48
zakkkm_n770Astorm: would it run well ?00:49
zakkkm_n770nice . .smooth;.. low cpu usage?00:49
KotCzarnywoodwizzle: maybe some terminal window with cd into that dir?00:49
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woodwizzlejeez, i can't even umount -f /media/mmc200:49
lcukwoodwizzle, just pop the card out - wait for something to crash and you will find out what was hogging it :D00:50
KotCzarnyand expect corruptions?00:50
AStormzakkkm_n770: on LAN, yes00:50
AStormwoodwizzle: fuser -m /media/mmc200:51
AStormnot -v00:51
zakkkm_n770not LAN00:51
zakkkm_n770talking over wifi ?00:51
zakkkm_n770from my school .. connecting to my home pc00:51
AStormzakkkm_n770: wifi,ok00:51
zakkkm_n770home pc runinng linux...00:51
AStormbut not over internet00:51
zakkkm_n770yes internet?00:51
zakkkm_n770wifi .. from school00:51
zakkkm_n770so its buffering/downloading?00:51
AStormno, too slow00:51
KotCzarnyzakkkm: maybe some winamp remote?00:51
zakkkm_n770for music? really?00:51
AStormesd? it's streaming WAV00:52
zakkkm_n770i have the internet bandwidth for streaming00:52
AStormno, you don't00:52
woodwizzleah, i had virtual mem on00:52
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zakkkm_n770straeming music?00:52
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AStormmpd doesn't stream that way00:52
zakkkm_n770music is like 1mb a minute for me?00:52
zakkkm_n770i can up like 100-150kb/s00:52
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tsukasaokay i need help upgrading to 200800:53
AStormyou could run some remote controlled icecast/shoutcast server00:53
zakkkm_n770tsukasa: what nokia?00:53
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lcukwhy didnt it show in fuser then00:53
zakkkm_n770it didnt come with 2008?00:53
zakkkm_n770on windows?00:53
AStormlcuk: because it's a kernel thread00:53
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Atariitsukasa you need the flasher-3.000:54
tsukasait says found device rx-34, nolo version whatever, version of 'sw-release' <no version> and dies00:54
lcukfair enough, but if root asks what is on a device surely it should be told00:54
tsukasaAtarii, i have it00:54
zakkkm_n770tsukasa: download the .bin00:54
tsukasazakkkm_n770, i have the .bin00:54
zakkkm_n770oh you have to for linux hah00:54
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lcukits more configurable on linux00:55
tsukasais what im using00:55
Atariiwhat does --query-root-device do?00:55
KotCzarnyastorm: get lftp package00:55
zakkkm_n770tsukasa: is 2007 any good?00:55
zakkkm_n770im about to install it00:55
AStormKotCzarny: in a second00:55
zakkkm_n770i went from 2006 to 2008 and now to 2007 ..00:55
AStormnow getting sshfs to work00:55
tsukasazakkkm_n770, havent played with it much00:56
tsukasai want 200800:56
zakkkm_n770your love it :D00:56
zakkkm_n770i love it .. but its too slow on the nokia 77000:56
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AStormneeded an tweak :)00:56
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KotCzarnyok, let's download xp sp300:59
tsukasaew xp00:59
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Atariiok so i may have forcefully removed some help packages i shouldnt have. Is there anyway to get them back? or just a reflash?01:00
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KotCzarnyatarii: reinstall01:00
KotCzarnyi mean the packages01:00
zakkkm_n770hey just curious01:00
zakkkm_n770damn small linux .. is a 50mb linux distro right01:00
zakkkm_n770can i run it on maemo ?:P01:00
AStormsshfs sure is eating cpu01:00
zakkkm_n770i mean my nokia01:00
KotCzarnyfor routers01:00
AStormzakkkm_n770: no01:01
zakkkm_n770i mean if i recompile for ARM ?01:01
AStormit's not built for ARM01:01
AStormzakkkm_n770: that's not trivial01:01
zakkkm_n770but if it was compiled for ARM would it work?01:02
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AStormit'd need adaptations01:02
AStormlike dsme and bme01:02
AStormand some wifi driver work :P01:03
pupnik  european women ++01:03
Mouseythey're fat?01:03
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lcukthey dont look at you?01:04
Mouseyi hope they're not too smart01:05
Atariiis there a UFO behinf that tree? :S01:05
pupnikyou mean the streetlamp?01:06
sp3000Atarii: no, a terrier in a red outfit01:06
KotCzarnyit's all in the brain01:06
Atariino at the very top of teh tree01:06
Mouseythat's not a space heater?01:06
KotCzarnyand some friction too, but it's all in the brain01:06
lcukpupnik, no, at the very top - look to left of lamppost and up01:06
* sp3000 doesn't want friction on his brain01:07
Mouseyhow'd that get u there?!01:07
pupnikthe red thing?  dunno - something caught in the tree01:07
Mouseylooks like a traffic cone01:07
Atariilooks kinda like a wizards hat01:07
KotCzarnymust be windy01:07
lcukkids rainbow balloon01:07
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pupnikyou guys are sad to not be appreciatin the sharp dressed woman01:07
KotCzarnyor birds01:07
lcukpup, shes looking away and fully dressed01:08
lcukwe need something to focus on ;)01:08
KotCzarnyno face01:08
KotCzarnyyou don't have any proof it IS a woman01:08
pupnikyeah but hair01:08
Mouseyit's a traffic cone!01:08
lcukand a frikkin winter coat :P01:08
Mouseyshe's looking at it too i bet01:08
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KotCzarnywant me to find pics of men that looks like a women?01:09
Mouseydo traffic cones in trees very often in europe? it's very odd to see one randomly up there01:09
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MouseyKotCzarny: rule 3401:09
KotCzarnywith hair and coats?01:09
KotCzarnymousey: cone01:09
Atariihmm why is that one repo disabled by default for 2008he?01:10
KotCzarnybecause it contains not nokia approved software01:10
Atariithats annoying, because it means that backup cant re-download the packages automatically01:11
KotCzarnyi think there's a bug filled for that01:11
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AStormKotCzarny: testing lftp now01:14
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AStormworks fine :)01:15
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Atariican you use script to automate ftp transfer with lftp>01:18
AStormbut it has mirroring built in01:19
AStormand wildcards01:19
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AStormwhere do I get ogg-support 0.7?01:21
AStormfor new lms-ogg01:21
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zakkkm_n770is it possible to get 2008HE image viwer in 2007HE ?01:24
zakkkm_n770the default one01:24
zakkkm_n770i really liked it :(01:24
zakkkm_n770the fullscren .. left and right arrows and all01:25
AStormget canola and forget about that01:25
zakkkm_n770canola on the 2007HE?01:25
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zakkkm_n770is there? 2007 HE?01:27
zakkkm_n770canola on it?01:27
AStormshould be a package01:27
zakkkm_n770from repo ? or net?01:27
AStormthe one for OS2007 might work01:27
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zakkkm_n770dang someone wants me to do something01:28
zakkkm_n770ill check later01:28
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AStormok, more win coming01:29
AStormogg-support 0.7 and real lms support01:29
AStormand no libvorbis0a01:29
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KotCzarnygi tract sensations01:48
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AStormyay, on antibiotics?01:49
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KotCzarnywho knows01:49
AStormdeadly E. Coli variant ;)01:50
AStormmessy death01:50
KotCzarnyyou bet not01:50
KotCzarnywho would compile packages for you then :P01:50
AStormmyself, but later01:50
KotCzarnywishful thinking01:51
AStormbut I wish you that *NOT*01:51
AStormheh, why? :P01:51
KotCzarnyseeing that you still haven't installed it01:51
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AStormKotCzarny: soon, in the long weekend01:53
KotCzarnyrepo will be down then :P01:54
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AStormKotCzarny: naah01:55
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AStormthey're not that deadly01:55
KotCzarnyhappened before01:56
KotCzarnycan happen again01:56
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AStormneed to write canola xchat irc spam script02:01
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AStormUnited Abominations++02:03
zakkkm_n770where would i find the repo list and url's for 2007HE?02:03
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AStormmight be hard02:05
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zakkkm_n770whats minimo 0.2 ?02:15
* smackpotato googles minimo02:16
smackpotatoi remember now02:16
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smackpotatoit was a browser some brasillian guy put together. it worked good but didn't download files02:17
zakkkm_n770i dont downlaod on it?02:18
zakkkm_n770would it be better than the default then?02:18
zakkkm_n770i dont download on browser02:18
zakkkm_n770just surf02:18
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woodwizzlei am now booting from  the internal memory card, however .. the tutorial i used told me to make a 400mb VFAT partition which isn't used. :( Why did I need to do that? Also how do I set up virtual memory now, the virtual memory tab doesn't think I have an internal memory card so it won't let me make virtual memory02:18
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smackpotatoits kind ofv fun to check these thing ouut02:19
zakkkm_n770i know i been doing that for days02:19
zakkkm_n770random stuff on the nokia02:19
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zakkkm_n770but now i really have to make it uhmm well stable in a way02:19
zakkkm_n770and stick to it02:19
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smackpotatomake sure u have the latest os02:21
zakkkm_n770i have 2007HE02:23
woodwizzlei don't wanna haev a unused partition if its not needed. I could fit a lot of mp3s in those 400megabytes02:24
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smackpotatozakkmm this script prevents some crashes but also slows things down02:25
woodwizzle is the part of the tutorial I ran that told me to mk the vfat partition. Anyone know if it was necessary?02:26
KotCzarnybut useful02:27
woodwizzleKotCzarny: useful for what?02:27
KotCzarnysome apps are hardcoded for using it02:27
KotCzarnyand windows compatibility02:28
woodwizzlei don't run windows02:28
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woodwizzlei might not run those apps too =)02:28
KotCzarnythen it doesn't matter02:28
woodwizzledo you know what apps require it?02:28
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lcddapp manager in os2008 uses the card for apt cache by default02:31
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lcddprobably previous versions do as well02:31
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woodwizzle:( that makes me unhappy because i use the app manager02:33
KotCzarnyit should work though02:33
KotCzarnybecause you will have enough space02:34
woodwizzleoh good02:34
woodwizzleI'm sold02:34
woodwizzlegotta repartition and flash though :(02:34
KotCzarnyotherwise one wouldn't be able to install anything on n800 without any card :)02:34
lcddi noticed that maemo mapper hogs memory when tracking is enabled which probably crashes it in the end02:35
KotCzarnyoom is ruthless02:36
lcddtwo hours worth of data took around 40MB of memory iirc02:36
woodwizzlewhat about setting the virtual memory?02:37
woodwizzledo I have to do it with something like swapon from the terminal?02:37
pupnikswap on02:40
pupnikswap off02:40
pupnikswap on swap off...02:40
pupnikthe swapper02:40
woodwizzlethe swapper02:40
woodwizzlecan I maybe make the VFAT partition I'm not using into a linux swap partition?02:41
woodwizzleso I don't have to reflash and start over?02:41
pupniki do not understand02:41
woodwizzlesolve 2 birds with 1 stone02:41
pupnikyou can reformat a vfat into an ext2 or other partition02:42
woodwizzlepupnik: right, but I want to set it up as virtual memory02:42
lcddswap file works just fine02:43
pupnikyes what is advantage over swap file02:43
woodwizzleI can't make a swap file!02:43
woodwizzlethe virtual memory tab says that I don't have an internal memory card02:44
woodwizzlebecause I'm running my OS from that memory card02:44
pupniki have a 770 that boots from memory card, and i think it worked with swap02:44
woodwizzleso what I want to do... is make my currently unused 512mb vfat partition, the area that my swap file would be in02:45
woodwizzlewell i have an n800 and its not02:45
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zakkkm_n770hi .. i installed canola2 through app manager along with youtube plugin .. on 2007HE .. and when i run canola2 it says its loading .. then nothing happens03:00
zakkkm_n770its been over 5 minutes03:00
zakkkm_n770when i run in xterm i get "illegal instruction"03:03
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adam__if you are running the os from the internal mmc card.  can you use another partition on the card for swap?  and not have to use swapon and off everytime you boot the device.  I have the n800 running 2008OS03:38
KotCzarnyjust modify startup scripts03:39
adam__KotCzarny: is there a tutorial that lays some of that basics of that out?03:40
KotCzarnyerm, don't know03:40
KotCzarnyi just use linux everyday03:40
woodwizzleis there a hard limit to the size of swap you can set?03:41
KotCzarnyprobably some gb/tb03:41
woodwizzleAh, so its not capped at 128mb03:42
KotCzarnyit's only a gui03:42
woodwizzleI figured03:42
ds3depends, if they are using tools to force the old swap format, then it is cap'ed at 128M per swap partition/file03:42
KotCzarnyds3: i think i just used mkswap on some file and it worked03:42
woodwizzleI still have that 512mb vfat partition. Can I set it as a swap partition the same way I do in linux? or do I just need to make a swap file that fills it up?03:43
KotCzarnywoodwizzle: try it03:43
ds3KotCzarny: the old mkswap created old formats that supported 128M max...03:43
KotCzarnybut i don't know if it listens to /etc/fstab in that matter03:44
KotCzarnyds3: let me check then03:44
ds3the current one can create legacy swap file/partitions too:03:44
ds3       -v0    Create an old style swap area.03:44
KotCzarnymkswap swapfile203:47
KotCzarnySetting up swapspace version 1, size = 268431361 bytes03:47
KotCzarnywhat's the advantage of using v0 ?03:47
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ds3I think (guessing) it uses less resources03:48
woodwizzlewould it be smart to change the vfat partition to type 82 fist?03:48
KotCzarnywoodwizzle: doesn't matter03:48
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tsukasahey all03:49
ds3wouldn't hurt... might be good for your sanity in the long run03:49
KotCzarnymay help you to remember you have reformatted it though03:49
tsukasaim looking for a program that will allow itunes-like auto syncing of vlogs03:49
tsukasai checked out canola but it only sort of does that for podcasts03:50
tsukasanot video03:50
KotCzarnyis there a way to safely disable maemo-launcher ?03:51
woodwizzleif I run sfdisk again though will it wipe out my other partitions? Or can I use it to just edit the type of the vfat partition? (i've never used sfdisk before, I know this is possible in regular fdisk)03:51
woodwizzleoh i think i see how03:53
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KotCzarnyok, stopping maemo-launcher isn't safe :)03:55
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KotCzarnyi have disable --booster gtk03:57
KotCzarnymemory usage went down 30mb03:57
KotCzarnyand i can't see difference in time when starting gtk apps03:57
woodwizzlehmm... my initfs boot loader is no longer asking me where I want to boot from :( I need to boot from the internal memory again so I can run sfdisk on the internal mmc04:00
woodwizzleoh wait I got it04:01
KotCzarnyhmm, yeah, disabling gtk booster seems worth it04:04
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KotCzarnynow if i could w04:07
lcddKotCzarny: is that a single line edit somewhere?04:07
KotCzarnylcdd, yes04:07
KotCzarny /etc/init.d/maemo-launcher04:08
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KotCzarnyi have removed --booster gtk from the script04:08
lcddthere's bound to be benefits by using the memory for apps that actually need it04:11
KotCzarnyi could bear with 1-2 sec longer loading time, and having more memory later available :)04:11
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adam__is there something you have to press on the n800 to open the bootloader04:16
KotCzarnyyou have to flash modified initfs04:16
adam__when you start the system04:16
adam__ive already flashed it and got the modified initfs04:17
adam__i just cannot get into the bootloader to book from the device04:17
adam__I was just wondering if there was a curtain button on the nokia that i had to hit or hold to open up the bootloader04:18
woodwizzleI think it just needs to be unplugged04:21
tsukasawhy does youtube lag so much on my n800?04:25
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woodwizzletsukasa: the hardware chip is not optimized for video, it can't update just parts of the screen, has to update the whole screen every frame04:35
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zakmmmis there a reason ssh is taking forever to install on my nokia 770?04:35
KotCzarnygenerating keys04:36
zakmmmso if i want to connect to my home pc .. frm my nokia04:36
zakmmmi install openssh + openssh client on my nokia?04:36
woodwizzleKotCzarny: Ok, I have a swap partition, ran mkswap on it, and edited my fstab file so that should be automounted as swap. However after rebooting and running free it says I have no swap space :(04:36
KotCzarnyas i said, fstab is ignored04:37
KotCzarnyso you have to modify scripts04:37
woodwizzleoh i missed that, my bad04:37
zakmmmuser@'s password: .. do i enter my pc pw or my nokia's password i did when i setted up openssh?04:39
zakmmm192.168.1.2 is my pc ip04:39
KotCzarnythen it's user@pc pass04:40
zakmmmim running damn small livecd?04:40
KotCzarnyhow do i know?04:40
zakmmmahh.. how would i know the password?04:40
zakmmmits a livecd?04:40
KotCzarnyi have never used it?04:41
zakmmmnever used ssh?04:41
KotCzarnyread the docs about default pass on that livecd04:41
KotCzarnyor try ssh root@
zakmmmah i had to set04:42
zakmmmIM IN :D04:43
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KotCzarnyhave fun04:43
zakmmmnow to try to show my pc desktop on it04:44
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zakmmmwow its cool :D04:51
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woodwizzleKotCzarny: Hmm, i've been able to make a script (using the first reply at that activates my swap, but I have yet to get it to run at boot. I tried putting it in /etc/init.d and softlinking to it as /etc/rc2.d/S27mmcswap.sh05:07
woodwizzlethe paths they give me seem to be for the 770, i think thats my problem but I could be way off05:08
zakmmmif i ssh .. to a linux pc and do mplayer song.mp305:08
zakmmmhow can i get it to come out of my nokia speakers?05:08
zakmmmit shows its playing fine.. but no sound?05:08
woodwizzlethat command would play it on the pc since you're running the command from the pc05:08
zakmmmisnt there a way to send it over?05:09
woodwizzlethere is, but not like that. I would suggest looking into mpd05:09
zakmmmill wnat arch for that05:09
zakmmmnot damn small ;p05:09
zakmmmis there some mplayer flag to get it to send to nokia?05:10
KotCzarnyif you just export files of your pc somehow05:11
KotCzarnyfor example via http05:11
KotCzarnythen you can play them using playlist consisiting of http links05:11
zakmmmmake a small web server?05:12
zakmmmbut then ill need to port forward05:12
KotCzarnyanother way is to mount pc filesystem using sshfs05:12
zakmmmi can add a playlist of html links?05:12
zakmmmis sshfs hard?05:12
KotCzarnyfor me it's basic05:12
zakmmmcould you teach me real quickly?05:13
zakmmmim great at directions ;p05:13
zakmmmi got ssh going on my own? how much harder can sshfs with help be?05:13
woodwizzleit takes a little getting used to05:13
woodwizzlei'm still getting used to it =)05:13
zakmmmah comeonnn :D05:13
zakmmmit can be the final thing for today05:13
KotCzarnyzakmm, just google.. huh :)05:13
KotCzarnythere is a fuse sshfs package05:14
KotCzarnybut you will have to figure out what to do with it05:14
zakmmmim on 2007HE .. would that work?05:14
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KotCzarnydon't know05:14
KotCzarnyprobably not05:14
KotCzarnydifferent kernel, libs05:14
zakmmmlol :P05:14
KotCzarnytry looking for os2007 fuse and sshfs05:15
KotCzarnymaybe someone packaged it05:15
zakmmmhow do i do the filelist of http ?05:15
zakmmmplaylist of http?05:15
KotCzarnyecho "http1" >> list05:15
KotCzarnyecho "http2" >> list05:15
KotCzarnythen mplayer -playlist list05:15
zakmmmk let me try :D05:16
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zakmmmmplayer -playlist list gives me illegal instruction error05:23
zakmmmsame with canola?05:23
KotCzarnythen you have to find mplayer compiled for 77005:24
KotCzarnyit has different processor05:24
zakmmmit was in the 770 repos?05:24
KotCzarnydon't know05:24
zakmmmi got from that grov/it site?05:24
zakmmmunder the repo part05:24
zakmmmand added some05:24
zakmmmand it was in there with canola05:24
woodwizzleKotCzarny: Do you know how to make a script run at boot?05:26
KotCzarnywoodwizzle, just as you described05:26
KotCzarnydon't forget to chmod +x it too05:26
woodwizzleI did, but its not running at boot, free still says 0 for swap05:27
KotCzarnyrunning it by hand works?05:28
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KotCzarnyalso remember if it's file on fs then fs needs to be mounted first05:28
KotCzarnywhich won't happen so early in scripts05:28
KotCzarnymaybe try S99-local :)05:28
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woodwizzlewhats the -local do?05:31
KotCzarnyjust information05:31
woodwizzleso save it as
KotCzarnyshould do05:32
KotCzarnyok, bbl05:32
* woodwizzle crosses fingers05:32
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zakkkm_n770how come when i do a internet call on my nokia 770 on 2007HE. over google talk my friend can hear me but i cant hear him .. then when i do it on my pc i can hear him just fine?05:57
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NaviI can't even internet call to a PC06:00
Naviwell, over google talk06:00
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zakkkm_n770no i did internet call .. me on nokia.. friend on pc06:04
zakkkm_n770he can hear me i cant hear him06:04
zakkkm_n770but i did it on pc.. and i can hear him he can hear me ?06:04
zakkkm_n770like my nokia is on mute? but it isnt?06:04
zakkkm_n770missing a codec im thinking?06:04
NaviWhat did you use to make an internet call?06:05
zakkkm_n770google talk06:05
NaviYeah, I can't even connect to do an internet call from tablet to PC :P06:06
zakkkm_n770recalled it worked06:06
zakkkm_n770Navi: so wicked :D06:07
zakkkm_n770why cant you connect?06:07
zakkkm_n770dont you have a google account?06:07
zakkkm_n770i connect ed to my google account?06:07
NaviI have one, my brother has one06:07
zakkkm_n770so add that ?06:07
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NaviLooks normal in FF3 for me06:28
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woodwizzleWhen I boot from a mmc I always get a message at bootup saying "memory card corrupted or not formatted"06:43
KotCzarnythat's because you didn't left vfat partition06:46
KotCzarnyjust ignore it06:46
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woodwizzlethere is no way to disable it?06:50
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KotCzarnycreate small cfat partition06:51
woodwizzleoh well, next time I wanna redo this I suppose I will06:51
KotCzarnymaybe editing some script could help too06:52
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_V_what about 'transcend' as a SD brand ?08:11
_V_is ok for n800 ?08:12
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ralann_V_: i have used them for other SDHC devices and been very happy with them08:32
ralannno nokia devices though08:33
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RST38hFLORENCE, S.C. (AP)  Federal authorities say a South Carolina teen accused of plotting to blow up his high school told police that he wanted to die, go to heaven and kill Jesus.08:51
RST38hNo, *that* is a plan.08:51
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KotCzarnywhy can't they kill themselves in some quiet way08:54
KotCzarnywhat happened to drug poisoning?08:54
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jaskahe wanted to finish the level and kill the boss monster08:56
RST38hKot: Well, he did try to kill himself by banging his head on the wall08:57
n800nis there a way to eq the sound in canola?08:57
KotCzarnyn800n: pcm or mp3 ?08:57
RST38hBut that didn't work, so he came up with the Master plan08:57
KotCzarnydepends on decoder/player then08:57
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n800nno biggy08:58
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n800nwhat's a good calendar/organizer?08:58
KotCzarnyi use .txt file08:59
n800ni use binary08:59
RST38hi use a piece of paper09:00
n800ni remember trying one awhile ago off maemo.org09:01
n800nbut really slow09:01
n800nsome gnu thing i think09:01
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RST38h"Obama seeking to divorce himself from former pastor"09:13
RST38h(who is coming up with these headlines?)09:13
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qwerty12:/. My N800's RSS reader says "Obama strongly denounces former pastor". More tasteful, I'd say09:18
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RST38hqwerty: Just point to AP RSS feed... ;)09:38
RST38hs/point/point it/09:38
infobotRST38h meant: qwerty: Just point it to AP RSS feed... ;)09:38
pupnik_The US govt renamed 'labor day' to 'LAW DAY'09:44
pupnik_Respect mah authoritah! :)09:44
pupnik_"The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away."09:45
pupnik_'But that's impossible. How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?'  "The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line."09:45
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pupnik_Respect mah authoritah! :)09:46
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qwerty12Any good hex editors for Linux?09:54
GrackleIs it possible to make a flashable backup of my IT?09:54
GrackleI would hate to have to redo everything I've done with it so far.09:54
GrackleRedo everything if I break it, that is, which is likely.09:55
* Grackle is fooling around with things he probably shouldn't09:55
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pupnik_apt-cache search hex |grep -i edit  ?10:00
pupnik_i forgot the last one i used10:00
KotCzarnymcedit ?10:01
qwerty12Thanks, I gtg. Probably end up booting into windows to hex edit a linux prog :P10:01
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Gracklehaha pupnik_, sure..10:57
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GrackleHaha, oh, I thought you were answering /my/ question.10:58
GrackleNo wonder I found the answer amusing :P10:58
pupnik_Grackle: you can if you transfer the system to a MMC partition and install a multi-boot loader10:59
pupnik_then you can boot to internal flash, backup your system on SD, then boot back to the SD system11:00
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GrackleAh yes, that's not a bad idea.11:00
GrackleAlso nice, considering I recently acquired a 1GB MMC.11:01
pupnikI did it on the 770 but then just stopped breaking the system.11:02
pupnikSo i don't use the feature11:02
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KotCzarnyhow do i love hacking at config file11:02
pupnikwill you count the ways?11:02
KotCzarnyand seeing it doesn't work11:03
KotCzarnyand then realizing app wasn't using it at all11:03
pupnikheh done that too11:03
KotCzarnygood thing there is strace :)11:03
tsukasathe n800s screen size gives me a headache11:04
tsukasamy desktop has dual 24"11:04
tsukasaso the 4" is like... yeah11:04
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GrackleYeah, I'm sitting at a pair of 20" LCDs. The N800 is indeed small. :P11:05
tsukasai kind of understand the iphone now... a good interface is needed on small screens11:07
Grackleyeah :|11:07
GrackleWith better software, the IT could be completely usable with just fingers.11:08
nomisdoes anyone know linux software for reading 2D barcodes from images?11:08
tsukasayeah but it has a ways to go11:08
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GrackleI hope Nokia keeps updating the N800 OS.11:09
X-Fade_Grackle: Diablo will run on N800 too..11:10
tsukasathe one thing that really bugs me about the setup is how the contacts app uses sip and isnt compatible with skype at all11:10
GrackleThat's good, X-Fade_.11:10
tsukasa+ its not even vcard specd11:10
tsukasai mean wth thats so easy to comply with11:11
tsukasaa standard for contacts11:11
tsukasathe standard11:11
GrackleYes, I would like it if the internet phone unctions were better designed.11:12
GrackleLike, how about landscape mode bigass keypad with a couple tabs at the top to switch to the contacts list or something11:12
tsukasawhat graphics toolkit is maemo on?11:13
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tsukasaor actual draggable windows11:13
GrackleYes, that would be nice, too.11:13
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woodwizzlesfdisk can't do partition resizing can it?11:13
GrackleNot just draggable windows, but also *less* windows.11:14
GrackleToo many dialogs.11:14
tsukasachrist, this is a linux os. why the hell arent there windows11:14
Grackleno woodwizzle11:14
GrackleIt can resize *partitions*11:14
Gracklebut not filesystems11:14
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mouradhello all, I would convert a xml file with python in maemo chinook4.0  but i can't find the library "libxslt"  to use it, how can i proceed ?11:17
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Grackleapt-cache search libxslt shows nothing?11:21
Ian01is there such a thing as a linux cell phone, sold in the usa, that can be freely programmed? or is the nokia tablet the closest thing?11:22
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* Grackle has a libxslt11:23
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GrackleIan01: hmm, I don't know about any off-the-shelf linux phones, but the openmoko might interest you11:24
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mouradGrackle: with apt-cache search i can't find just "libxml"11:26
Veggenmourad: do you have the maemo extras repository enabled?11:28
Veggenaccording to it should be there.11:29
GrackleInteresting. I have libxml and libxslt. I'm not sure which repo it's in. I have the maemo extras repository enabled, as well as scratchbox's repository.11:29
mouradi will verif11:29
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mouradyes i enabled the extra repository and i find the "libxslt" library and i installed it  , but how can i use it with python11:38
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woodwizzleGrackle: What if I put my internal mmc into a usb reader. Plug it into my ubuntu machine, and run Gparted on it?11:43
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GrackleThat might work. I'm not sure if gparted can resize vfat partitions, but it's worth a shot.11:44
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GrackleI'd be kinda surprised if it couldn't.11:45
woodwizzleGrackle: I don't have a vfat partition, just a swap and a ext211:45
mouradGrackle : thanks for all11:45
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Gracklewoodwizzle: oh, yeah, I would be *very* surprised if gparted couldn't handle that11:46
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woodwizzleWhen I boot up I get an error saying "memory card is currpted or not formatted" I think thats because the first partition is not VFAT11:46
woodwizzleso I'm plan on using gparted to add a little one up front. I'd have to move the swap partiton to the end too since only partition 2 is bootable11:47
GrackleI guess that's worth a shot. Back up anything important first..11:48
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woodwizzleHow big should I make the swap partition?11:59
woodwizzleI was using 512 and the only thing I tested it out on was youtube videos under canola11:59
woodwizzleand they played much better than with 128mb of virtual memory. I'm willing to go up to a gig, but would I get any benefit from that?12:00
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Grackleo_O woodwizzle12:01
GrackleThat is... a lot of virtual memory.12:01
GrackleIf you are swapping, your device will slow down severely.12:01
GrackleSo... I hope you're not routinely swapping out more than even 32MB of RAM12:02
woodwizzleYeah but it can help. I can't play youtube vids without it12:02
woodwizzle512mb is prolly enough ;)12:02
GrackleWell, if you're seeing improvements, sure.12:02
Grackle512 should be plenty bigger than any flash video you'll find online12:03
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mourad also with the "libxslt", i would use this library with python in maemo , but i can't .when doing the "import libxslt" in python command line , it apear an error12:26
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jnrzfigured this is the best place to start...I don't know Maemo or programming, but am looking for someone to hire13:03
jnrzAny one out there interested in working on a project in Hawaii?13:03
jnrzis anyone out there?13:04
lardmandoing what?13:04
jnrzdeveloping an interface for the Nokia 81013:04
jnrzand specific aps13:05
jnrzall for the Nokia 81013:05
lardmansounds interesting, you should also try advertising on ITT13:05
lardmanhmm, that didn't work too well13:05
jnrzI'm new to this,13:06
jnrzthanks for the advice...13:06
jnrzlardman....what do you do?13:06
lardmanI'm a post-doc at university13:07
jnrzare you proficient at maemo...linux or other programming?13:07
lardmanI'm also not espiecially au-fait with GUI programming13:07
lardmanLinux, more low-level stuff, dsp for example13:08
jnrzare you in the states?13:08
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jnrzor over seas?13:08
lardmanno, UK, so quite a long way away13:09
qwerty12Watch Little Britain to find out about this tiny country :p13:09
lardmanwe are quite dense though; in population terms13:09
qwerty12Very true :)13:10
jnrzmy email is If things go well on this project, and if you are interested, I may need some help13:10
qwerty12I hate the journey going to Manchester and Halifax so I'm glad it isn't massive :P. But anyway.13:10
lardmanjnrz: I'd be interested to hear what you're planning anyway, I'll drop you a line13:11
jnrzIf I find the right programmer, it would mean a trip to Hawaii13:11
jnrzand some money in the pocket13:11
jnrzThanks for the info...I'll head out to the site you recommended...13:12
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b0unc3good morning13:15
qwerty12I wish someone packaged the boost libraries.13:15
qwerty12good morning13:15
qwerty12Sigh. Now sourceforge is down.13:16
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hrwqwerty12: boost.. argh13:20
qwerty12Yep :(. But quite a few progs require them now :(13:20
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CrashandDieqwerty12: the boost package don't appear to be very hard to port14:09
hrwit is real pita when it comes to crosscompile14:10
CrashandDieI wonder14:13
pupniksomething not going well RST38h ?14:20
RST38hthe opposite14:20
RST38hjust found and patched a bug, or so it look14:21
pupnikAny idea what causes the rendering / scaler bug on tony hawk?14:25
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pupnikon vgba14:26
Khertan_TheReallibglade will make me Crazy !14:29
acydlordi am having a horrible time trying to sleep lately14:29
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* pupnik810 testing new improved vgba14:47
lardmanAnyone know where people are staying at LinuxTag?14:48
X-Fade_lardman: Art'otel in my case.14:50
pupnik810X-Fade_, is there a way to demo tablet stuff on beamer?14:51
lardman~lart weak pound against the euro14:51
* infobot flings poo at weak pound against the euro14:51
X-Fade_pupnik810: I have no idea, I don't know what equipment is available.14:51
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pupnik810id like to have a HD cam pointed at tablet and control tablet via synergy14:53
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pupnik810most ppl can just demo maemo stuff on a laptop14:53
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X-Fade_pupnik810: Cam connected to laptop can be an option? :)14:55
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pupnik810not a big deal14:56
pupnik810ill try my cheapo cam right now14:57
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RST38hpupnik: What does it look like?15:08
RST38hAnd which tony Hawk version? 1/2/3/4?15:08
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florianhi dneary15:21
dnearyhi florian15:21
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pupnik810RST38h, the skater looked like a piece of flat paper getting stretched and rotated. dunno version. sry.  just tested and deleted15:34
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pupnik810grah.  want voice recognition for xchat15:34
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RST38hpupnik: Just checked 3 different Tony Hawks I have on PC, none have this problem15:38
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RST38hSo it is either Tony Hawk 1 that I do not have, or a bug with rotation field that occurs in the arm-on-arm emulation core15:39
RST38hResidents on the Greek island of Lesbos have declared that they alone have the right to call themselves lesbians, and yesterday launched a legal action against the Greek Gay and Lesbian Union (Olke) designed to wrest back control of the word from aficionados of Sapphic luuurv.15:42
pupnik810ok if i see it again i will post better info.  cheers RST15:46
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Khertan_TheRealrahhh hhhhh !!!!!!!
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penguinbaitis ITT down?17:04
qwerty12Not for me17:04
qwerty12Benson just replied 0 mins ago17:04
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RST38hit's up17:05
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RST38hhas anyone tried to make itt administration change that hideous style file they have?17:05
RST38hit is a shame to wait for 40 seconds for a tablet to render tablet-oriented site webpage17:06
penguinbaitI can get everywhere but ITT17:06
RST38h[and even firefox on xp takes a few seconds to render it]17:06
penguinbaitI've been banned :(17:06
qwerty12itt administration = Reggie. Lots of people have complained about the load times and cpu usage on the tablets but nothing has happened. Best bet is to get Benson's userContent.css tweaks and use classic skin.17:06
penguinbaitI am on a big box, and its just not there, nada nothing17:07
qwerty12penguinbait, reboot router and comp :/17:07
qwerty12or try flushing dns cache17:07
RST38hpenguinbait: I am sure it is for your own good =)17:07
penguinbaitfreaking bullseye telecom SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!17:07
RST38hto cure you of unhealthy obsession and stuff :)17:07
RST38hshit, wrong button17:08
penguinbaitI tried to cancel my contract, sorry can only do that once a year, and it was last month.  You can cancel but onwe 90% of contract17:08
penguinbaitholy fraking scam17:08
RST38hHehe, when I want to "cancel a contract" here, I just stop paying :)17:09
penguinbaitIts somehting my boss signed17:09
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penguinbaitfreaking idiots17:09
qwerty12hold your boss to ransom :p17:09
RST38hhey, are you at work?17:09
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penguinbaityes, I am at work17:09
RST38hMaybe the administrator IS blocking ITT on purpose?17:10
penguinbaitI am the administrator17:10
penguinbaitso I am guessing no17:10
RST38hMaybe YOU ARE blocking ITT on purpose? ;)17:10
penguinbaitIts my wife, I just know it17:10
RST38hShould have told her that password last night...17:11
pupnikwow, original chrono trigger for SNES 100 euro on ebay17:11
qwerty12penguinbait, does ip work for you: ? I tried it, it works but it redirects me to worded address :?17:12
infobotqwerty12 meant: penguinbait, does ip work for you: ? I tried it, it works but it redirects me to worded address :17:12
qwerty12no i didn't.17:12
RST38hpupnik: Thanks, I will take a rom file instead...17:13
penguinbaitgets me nowhere17:13
pupnikclassic skin is nice on ITT.  The n810 theme restricts display width17:13
penguinbaitI can get there, but when I click on something, it sends me to a name I cannot resolve17:13
pupnikpenguinbait: what is that name?17:13
qwerty12RST38h, But you say using roms is unethical unless you have cartridge :p17:13
qwerty12pb, :(17:14
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qwerty12penguinbait, "switch" dns services for a while to opendns :p17:15
penguinbaitthe things thats pissing me off now, is I am trying to run "ipconfig /flushdns" and freaking vista, needs admin rights, I am a freaking admin???17:16
RST38hqwerty: If it comes to buying a e100 cartridge from some collectibles-obsessed junky, I can bend the ethical rules a little bit.17:16
qwerty12penguinbait, you use Vista at work? /me smacks head :p. disable uac for a while...17:16
qwerty12RST38h, good point17:16
penguinbaityes :(17:17
pupnikthere are some decent 1-euro dealies on teh 'bay17:17
RST38hIf you can buy the same thing for e5 at a used games store though, buy it by all means17:17
qwerty12I used to keep roms (illegally, I ain't gonna deny it) but I don't have them anymore. Not because of a conscience but I kinda got bored of playing roms :P17:17
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penguinbaityeah its working17:18
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pupnik wow these collector prices are ~insane~ :)17:29
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qwerty12penguinbait, Mind if I ask a q about KDE? If you boot it from SD, is it separate to the maemo on the rootfs/mtdflash? I mean with your other easy installer, it has to be run from the applications menu of maemo but I understand you can still run some/most maemo apps that are in the flash.17:53
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penguinbaitqwerty, your name is so easy to type :)17:57
qwerty12Why I chose it when I was 12 out of annoyance because all my other choices were taken :D :)17:57
penguinbaitIf you boot from SD, its still on top of maemo, you boot to maemo, and run KDE from extras menu17:58
penguinbaitthis stops hildon and starts KDE17:58
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qwerty12Ah, thanks! I will for sure try out your port when I get a 4GB (stuck with a crappy 1gb atm giving me i/o errors :/)17:58
penguinbait2GB is minimum, but 4GB is probably reccomended17:59
penguinbaitwith 2GB and KDe install it leaves about 300MB free, after removing install files17:59
penguinbait337 on my to be exact17:59
qwerty12Yeah, I was gonna take apart the deb and do some of the install from the computer when I realised it would be pointless :/18:00
qwerty12Thanks, I was gonna get a 2gb before I saw the 4gb18:00
penguinbaitI just posted a KDE installer for boot from SD18:00
qwerty12Cool, i'll grab it when I get a sd card, no point wasting your bandwidth now :p :)18:01
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penguinbaitthe install is only a small deb, the install process does all the downloading for you18:02
johnxpenguinbait, I should get un-lazy and do something like that for Debian :)18:02
qwerty12penguinbait, nice idea18:03
penguinbaitI think I need to start playing with the Debian :)18:03
penguinbaitbeen to busy with my pown crap :)18:03
qwerty12s/pown/? :p18:04
penguinbaitmy own crap that is18:04
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penguinbaitI realized quite quickly, it could be mis-construed for my "porn" crap18:04
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qwerty121st thought of mine :p18:04
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johnxI'll spin a new release that has out-of-the-box support for the N810 keyboard and a nice little icon to make it work on a terminal18:04
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penguinbaitso how are things ported in that enviroment, are they only compiled locally?18:05
qwerty12Does anyone know what the search tool was called in Ubuntu 7.10?18:06
penguinbaitwondering if KDE can run on top of that, instead of maemo18:06
johnxwell, with Debian I currently have it booting to hildon-desktop, but there are relatively few hildonized apps for Debian.18:06
johnxbut I've been thinking of doing a release with xfce or matchbox/gpe18:06
RST38hqwerty: tracker?18:06
penguinbaitI thought the whole point was to get rid of hildon?18:06
penguinbaitis it using matchbox?18:06
johnxI actually like hildon. I don't like ITOS18:06
qwerty12RST38h, that's what it is now in hardy. pressing the search button on my HP keyboard would bring up something else. Now it brings up tracker. I don't like tracker for a task like I need it now because it relies on it's index.18:07
johnxmy original idea was to keep hildon and also get any debian apps you wanted...but I think I'll do a release that boots to xfce just to see if it gets a bigger reaction on the forums :)18:07
penguinbaitwhat WM is running ?18:07
johnxby default? matchbox, just like ITOS18:07
penguinbaitso what is the point?  sorry for my ignorance?18:08
qwerty12Actually, it would be cool to see a joint release between you too. With pb's experience with WM's, you could have XFCE in debian :)18:08
infobotqwerty12 meant: Actually, it would be cool to see a joint release between you two. With pb's experience with WM's, you could have XFCE in debian :)18:08
johnxnow you can install any debian app you want with apt-get18:08
qwerty12Not to say you couldn't do it yourself.18:09
johnxwant kde? apt-get install kde418:09
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penguinbaitI am guessing its not currently that easy :)18:09
hrwjohnx: rootfs on sd card?18:09
johnxbut yeah, I think most of the other people who want Debian are mostly interested in a different desktop environment, too18:09
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johnxhrw, yeah. it sucks power, but it makes it easy for people to try18:10
johnxpenguinbait, it is18:10
johnxif it's in debian armel it is just an apt-get away18:10
penguinbaitagain, where do you compile at?18:11
johnxyou don't18:11
johnxthat's the whole point18:11
penguinbaitIf I can not compile its useless to me?18:12
johnxI mean you can recompile if you want, just apt-get build-essential18:12
penguinbaitI want to do my own thing, not be limited, although scratchbox is limiting18:12
penguinbaitvery limiting18:12
keesjjohnx: just what?18:12
johnxerr...apt-get install build-essential on the device18:12
johnxthen you have gcc18:13
johnxI build Debian packages that aren't built yet for armel in qemu-system18:13
johnxI need to setup sb2 and try that for Debian cross compiles though18:13
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johnx...but my external drive where I have space seems to be causing me problems...18:13
penguinbaitI can not imagine trying to compile 100+ packages on the device to make KDE3.5.818:13
konttorinew wiicontrol version at:
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penguinbaitalthough I probably would't need to compile as many18:14
johnxpenguinbait, right, but kde is already compiled for debian18:14
penguinbaitso is it running on debian?18:14
qwerty12I can't, the thing craps out in 7 hours when running aircrack-ng18:14
qwerty12^imagine it too that is18:14
johnxwait, is what running Debian?18:14
penguinbaitCan I currently install the Debian version and "apt-get install kde"18:15
johnxyou could have done that since late january18:15
penguinbaitand it will launch and run KDE?18:15
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johnxI just installed xfce the other night for fun18:16
johnxjust to do a screenshot of gimp :)18:16
penguinbaitI have already run GIMP on IT :)18:16
johnxwell, that's because you're not as lazy as me :D18:17
penguinbaitI am wondering why I am wasting my time, you need to work on some easy install processes, and they will come18:17
penguinbaitdon't be so sure18:17
johnxwell, I do a little work now so I don't have to do any work later18:17
johnxthe install process is install bootmenu, cd /media/mmc2 && tar jxvf /path/to/debian.tar.bz218:18
johnxbut I might make a multi-step "install wizard" script18:19
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penguinbaitWell to be clear, I am a hack at best :)  I do not try to understand the debian process, nor do I care for it.  I am a Red Hat guy, and deb HELL is the same as RPM HELL, perhaps I would argue worse.  I hate ubuntu, its a pile of dog crap :)  Althoug Kubuntu seems much more together18:19
johnxpress 1 to install bootmenu with default options, press 2 to unpack debian onto sd card18:19
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penguinbaitMine is just one script that runs, you already have bootmenu, oh well here it comes again :)18:20
johnxpenguinbait, deb hell is just as bad as rpm hell when you're pulling from a million different repos, and sometimes ubuntu can be a bit flakey (as it's being on my desktop right now...) but debian+apt-get is a world of awesome18:21
penguinbaitJust not that impressed18:21
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johnxfair enough. distro preference, editor preference, etc is all personal opinion18:22
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penguinbaiteditor preference18:22
penguinbaitthere is only one editor18:22
johnxor ed maybe?18:22
penguinbaitmaybe cat eith sed18:23
penguinbaitbut not alone18:23
penguinbaitwith that is18:23
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penguinbaited hehe18:23
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penguinbaitvi is king18:23
* johnx agrees18:23
penguinbaitI leaned ed first18:23
johnxI used to hate vi so *&$%ing much18:23
penguinbaitme too, I used to use pico18:23
johnxahaha, me too!18:23
johnxI was so mad that pico wasn't in debian when I first switched18:24
penguinbaitvi rules though!!!18:24
penguinbaitI spent about 10 minutes making a cheat sheet and never looked back18:24
johnxI used joe for a while, but eventually I had to learn vi to deal with my zaurus 550018:24
johnx14MB rootfs means no room for fancy editors18:24
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penguinbaitI went from RedHat to AIX and there was no pico there, so better learn VI quickly18:25
johnxI learned vi on this keyboard:
Blafaseljohnx: Hey, I still have one of those ;)18:26
qwerty12Beats learning it off a N800's virtual keyboard18:26
johnxme too of course. I need to see why ipkg segfaults under kernel 2.6 on mine...18:26
BlafaselWithout charger though (lost it somewhere) and I'm pretty sure the battery is dead anyway.18:26
* johnx collects Linux/ARM devices (apparently)18:27
hrwI was using pico when started using Unix.18:28
lardmanwhat's happened to Garage?18:28
penguinbaitI wanted a zaurus so bad, then 770 was born :)18:28
hrwnow I think that learning Vi would be better at those times...18:28
hrwlardman: modem blocked at 2400bps18:28
lardmanhrw: sounds about right :)18:29
johnxsomeone bumped the handset off the top of the modem :)18:29
hrwI really wonder why people use garage for projects...18:29
qwerty12Maybe watchdog rebooted the N800 the site is hosted off?18:29
penguinbaitI just place things randomly around the internet :)18:29
hrwusing is like hosting on cf card forgotten somewhere in basement18:30
penguinbaitI think it was metalayer crawler18:30
johnxhey, don't compare my hosting habits to garage! I'm insulted. :P18:31
* johnx used to run a semi-public wiki on his Z550018:32
penguinbaitjohnx where do I start if I want to install your Debian  version?18:32
johnxgrab the tarball, unpack it onto an ext2 sd card18:32
johnxboot from it with boot menu18:32
johnxwiki is here:
qwerty12johnx, will you ever integrate fanoush's framebuffer tools into the debian. as I understand it, atm it shows nothing while booting.18:33
johnxqwerty12, correct18:33
johnxI need to spin a new release soon18:34
johnxbut I need a new host first or someone who wants to mirror it18:34
ImMelod1Total change of subject, but do any of you ever wish you had more room and money to buy really big inflatables?18:34
johnxlike a giant inflatable whale for the beach?18:35
johnxor bigger?18:35
ImMelod1No...something like this:
qwerty12I wish I had enough money for a 4gb sd lol.18:35
johnxahaha...more room indeed. I would need a yard to start with...18:36 too XD18:36
penguinbaitI like my boat, I go to the water18:36
* johnx should just go to the beach more this summer18:36
ImMelod1Open water is all well and good, but something like that would be amazing18:37
penguinbaitI quit smoking in 1995 and bought a boat, 150$ / month18:37
penguinbaitI quit smoking in 2005 and bought a boat, 150$ / month18:37
penguinbaitgo what year is it?18:37
penguinbaitseems like longer18:37
penguinbaitah it was 2003, I dont even know what happened18:38
penguinbaitsee what happens wen you quit smoking18:38
johnxnah, you just need more coffee18:38
penguinbaitso no sound in Debian or is this just old info?18:38
johnxno do it right we need a real kernel driver hacker :/18:39
qwerty12I nominate lardman :p18:39
johnxhe's got enough projects, I'm sure :)18:39
lardmanhe has and is trying to register one with Garage, but it's not listening18:40
qwerty12Probably true, but when it comes to sound, I always believe him :)18:40
penguinbaitI see, I will wait then18:40
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lardmanIs the lack of sound a DSP problem?18:42
* lardman has never looked at the Debian-on-internet-tablet stuff18:42
johnxwell, it depends on how you want to look at the sound problem.18:42
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johnxwe could probably just drag closed source binaries over from ITOS and end up with working sound after some hacking18:43
lardmanis your Debian a chroot?18:43
johnxnope, boot from sd18:43
lardmanah, ok18:43
johnxload kernel -> fanoush bootmenu -> pivot_root to sd -> run debian init18:43
penguinbaitso it has a different kernel?18:43
lardmanI'm not too clear on whether the sound sent via the kernel is routed into the DSP or not for mixing; but if so, you'll need a DSP kernel with a codec driver18:44
johnxsame kernel, it's just like booting from sd with ITOS18:44
penguinbaitso it should only be software missing for sould18:44
johnxlardman, I believe the sound is routed into the DSP, however, I thought I heard that the ARM core could also access the sound hardware, but there aren't drivers for it18:45
lardmanah, that may be why I was slightly fuzzy about the whole thing18:45
johnxthe correct way to do it in the long run is probably to just play sound from the ARM core if that's possible18:45
penguinbaitis wifi working?18:45
johnxyup, with wpa_supplicant18:46
lardmanIt would be possible to write a kernel, though a bit of a drag to write the codec driver (though the information is available); I'd be tempted to use the Nokia stuff18:46
johnxin the short term Nokia stuff is the way to go18:46
johnxIn the long term (after Nokia "retires" the N8x0 lineup) a more permanent open source solution may be necessary to anyone who still wants to run new kernels on their tablet18:47
lardmanin which case it shouldn't be too bad; iirc the mixer task is built into the dsp-kernel, so you just need to load that - which I presume some of the init scripts do18:47
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johnxyeah, I have it loading enough sound stuff to make alsamixer happy to display a little slider18:47
johnxbut I haven't gotten mplayer to do anything with that18:47
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johnxso quick show of hands, if I do a new Debian release what desktop env should I choose as default? (It won't be KDE or gnome for size reasons)18:49
lardmanbye chaps18:49
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johnx'night lardman|gone18:49
hrwjohnx: twm of course18:49
elbif you're eliminating KDE and GNOME, but you want a "Desktop environment", there's not much left, is there?18:49
elbwhat else?18:49
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penguinbaitXFCE / Blackbox / Fluxbox / Window Maker18:50
elbblackbox and fluxbox aren't "Desktop environments"18:50
pupnikand god bless them18:50
elbwindow maker is part of gnustep, but it's nowhere near complete enough to call a usable "environment"18:50
johnxhrw, :D18:50
penguinbaitwindow maker is very useable, it used to run on my n800 all the time18:50
penguinbaitand freaking SUPERFAST18:51
qwerty12its freaking SUPERUGLY18:51
johnxqwerty12, you're freaking wrong18:51
johnxwmaker it is18:51
* johnx loves WM18:51
penguinbaitwmaker is beautiful18:51
qwerty12I still think it looks ugly18:51
penguinbaithow old is qwerty?18:51
johnxqwerty12, it grows on a fungus18:51
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penguinbaithow old is johnx?18:52
johnxqwerty12 is old enough to know better :D18:52
penguinbaitJust curious if its an age thing?18:52
* johnx is 24 if you must know18:52
penguinbaitpb is 36, been using window maker for long time18:52
qwerty12I'm 15. You don't get a lot of 15 year old's running Linux :P18:52
qwerty12I started reading tons of Linux books from the local library at 9 though18:53
penguinbaitfreak :)18:53
qwerty12That's what got me interested in Linux. I started using it when I was 1318:53
johnxme younger sister was running it before was I...18:53
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penguinbaitpb used to work at Borders Books World Headquarters18:54
penguinbaitI have a lot of freaking linux books18:54
johnxwindows 95 made me love Linux, and redhat's fvwm95 made me love windowmaker18:54
qwerty12There are books on freaking linux?18:54
penguinbaityes there are :)18:54
johnxyeah, it's surprisingly similar to regular linux18:54
penguinbaitqwerty is same age as my son18:54
penguinbaitmy oldest anyway18:55
johnxmaybe I'll go with xfce simply to avoid some of the double-tap and right-click parts of wmaker...18:55
qwerty12xfce ftw18:56
elbyou could no doubt make a pretty usable fvwm install for a stylus18:56
johnxyeah, or icewm18:56
elbI intend to try, when I get to installing something !hildon on my tablet18:56
elb(I use fvwm, and have for basically ever)18:56
johnxfvwm95 left a bad taste in my mouth...18:56
penguinbaitmaybe CDE18:57
penguinbaitor lesstif18:57
elbfvwm95 was pretty much trash18:57
qwerty12Or eyeos
penguinbaitOld afterstep runs nicely, but latest versions don't run well on the device18:57
elbit's not really at all like normal fvwm18:57
johnxyeah, and it was the default on rh5.118:58
penguinbaitI spent a month trying to get redhat 5.1 to call my ISP18:58
elbI had been running fvwm for some time before that, so I just continued using my fvwm config18:58
penguinbaitGod linux has come a long way18:58
johnxoh yes, so much yes18:59
qwerty12Thankfully. otherwise I may have had to use wmaker. the horror!18:59
elbfunny that you shoudl say that ... because I'm using essentially the same software now that I used in 1995 or so ;-)18:59
elbfvwm, urxvt, jed, mutt ...18:59
johnxelb, well you don't count18:59
elbI just started using ical a couple of years ago, but it dates to that period19:00
penguinbaitdarn kids these days19:00
johnxso what are you using for a web browser?19:01
johnxlinks? w3m?19:01
elbno, I use firefox19:01
qwerty12I don't think I've ever used anything seriously than GNOME for a wm.19:01
penguinbaitI always liked KDE better19:01
elbthe best browser I've ever used, though, is ca. 1999 or so -- Galeon19:01
penguinbaitEspecially if you a compiling yourself19:02
johnxah, they rolled a lot of galeon stuff into epiphany19:02
penguinbaitnetscape for linux!!19:02
johnxepiphany-webkit is looking real nice19:02
elbfirefox has adopted most of its important features, but it took 5-7 years to do so19:02
penguinbait4.7 communicator19:02
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johnxyeah, I used galeon too19:02
johnxqwerty12, I'm in gnome right now...but everytime it's window management annoys me I think about switching back to wmaker19:02
elbfirefox 2 was probably where it picked up the last of hte features I really missed19:02
johnxthis is a cycle that repeats every couple months...19:03
penguinbaitGod I hope the n900 brings RAM19:03
elbgaleon was quite a bit faster, of course19:03
qwerty12johnx, grab xubuntu-desktop rather than degenerating yourself by using wmaker :p19:03
penguinbaitget rid of internal flash, boot from 2GB internal19:03
penguinbait512MB RAM19:03
johnxqwerty12, nah, the point is the window manager was better at managing windows19:03
johnxelb, yeah, I started finding extensions to fill the gaps...then I found extensions that did stuff I couldn't do in galeon and that basically got me to switch19:04
elbI quit using galeon when it was taking a long time to adopt new geckos19:04
qwerty12johnx, Why not make a prettier fork :p19:04
elbold buggy gecko was always its weak spot19:04
penguinbaitlinks -g best browser :)19:04
johnxqwerty12, so, what's ugly about wmaker to you? just the theme?19:05
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johnxI mean it is themeable...19:05
manriqueis garage down? maintance?19:05
qwerty12johnx, The icons on the side, the icons in general :p19:05
penguinbaitisn't it always down?19:06
johnxqwerty12, so use your own! :P19:06
manriqueI am looking for easy.garage.maemo.org19:06
aquatixjohnx: i really like the window manager from xfce4, xfwm419:06
qwerty12I can't design for love nor money :P19:06
manriquejust to see the camera api19:06
aquatixjohnx: you might want to try out xfce4 :)19:06
johnxI have already, I'll probably go for it just because it requires fewer double-taps, which are hard to do with fingers19:07
manriqueit seems that the camera app changes/rotate the video when the lens rotates (in C) but the python app doesn't do it19:07
penguinbait4.4.2 is the latest19:07
penguinbait4.4.1 is what I put out for 2007OS19:08
* qwerty12 is trying to compile Aleph 1. I've got the GL and Boost errors fixed but I'm trying to rip out the Network support because it fails for me. After a hour hacking away, I can bet it isn't gonna work.19:08
penguinbaitI got NetworkManager compiled, is this what your referring to?19:09
manriquesomeone here with experience in maemo camera?19:09
qwerty12No, the Aleph One Marathon game engine thingy19:09
qwerty12I'd quite like to see someone taking over that unfinished E17 port for N800.19:11
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johnxqwerty12, what needs to be "ported" about it?19:11
qwerty12Whatever the term is then. I don't think it was ever finished. Binaries were released though.19:12
pupnikI want a basement full of hungry indian coders19:12
johnxqwerty12, do you mean compiled for ITOS or modified to behave better on the tablet screen/ work better with hildon apps/ something else?19:13
penguinbaitlast I seen that is was a month before Y2K19:13
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qwerty12Actually, I'm not sure come think of it :/19:14
aquatixpenguinbait: and you haven't fed them since? poor things...19:14
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amranyone here any experience with streams that won't play in canola2? :<19:16
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amrit adds fine19:16
amrbut it doesn't move from 00:00 - and doesn't paly anything19:17
amri'm not even sure its connecting now19:17
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penguinbaitDebian n800 beta 2??  Does this run on 810?19:18
qwerty12It should do.19:19
penguinbaitqwerty are you in UK19:19
qwerty12One guy said he made a fix for the N810 internal keyboard or something.19:19
qwerty12penguinbait, yes19:19
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penguinbaitMy brit buddy, always says "it shoud do"19:20
penguinbaitamongst other creative sayings19:20
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qwerty12"you know what I mean" :p19:20
penguinbaitah bullocks19:20
johnx|zaurusmy desktop just went awol19:20
aquatixbah humbug19:21
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qwerty12I watched a fight and you won't believe the amount of times he says that after a sentence - Amir Khan that is19:21
penguinbaithe often says "wheres my fresh pint"  I think all Brits say this?19:21
johnx|zauruspenguinbait, yeah, it works on n810 but you need to do a minor hack t make the kb work19:21
penguinbaitis it on the wiki?19:21
aquatixpenguinbait: the ones the drink too much beer, yes ;)19:21
amrscrew it19:22
johnx|zauruspenguinbait, yes :)19:22
qwerty12penguinbait, wouldn't know :p19:22
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penguinbaitI thought brits start drinking at 12, perhaps thats Germans :)19:22
johnx|zaurusI really shouldnt have bought a mobo with via chipset...19:22
penguinbait12 being an age, not a time :)19:23
AStormqwerty12: if you find ogg-support 0.7 anywhere, tell me19:23
qwerty12johnx|zaurus, you too? I used to have a Tyan mobo with via. biggest pos I've seen19:23
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penguinbaitthe time starts much earlier :)19:23
AStormand specifically 0.7, 0.6 I already have19:23
qwerty12AStorm, I'm sure ogg-support 0.7 doesn't exist :/. maybe ask kulve ?19:24
AStormasking on ITT19:24
AStormit must exist, or lightmediascanner0-ogg (in repos) wouldn't dep on it19:24
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qwerty12ogg-support just consists of one file anyway, I think it's a metapackage. If you wan't I can hack you up a 0.7 version? :p19:25
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AStormqwerty12: blah blah19:25
AStormand hack libvorbisidec too?19:25
AStormthat won't work19:25
penguinbaitjohnx, where is the hack for n810 keyboard, I am not seeing it19:25
qwerty12Or, I could hack lightmediascanner0-ogg instead :p19:26
AStormqwerty12: it deps on new libvorbisidec for a reason19:26
penguinbaitam I blind or was it all wiki'ed out?19:27
qwerty12Check the History if it was.19:27
AStormgoogle cache?19:27
qwerty12AStorm, which version of libvorbisidec does it depend on? a google for "ogg-support 0.7" brings up posts by you wanting it :P19:28
AStormtoo new19:28
qwerty12Ah, i see19:29
AStormone I can't find either19:29
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AStormok, bbl19:30
qwerty12I'll check it out for you.19:30
johnx|zaurusbah, if I do another deb release i should include rotation suppoty19:30
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AStormI'd prefer matchbox which doesn't crash vs OMWeather and other applets19:31
AStormyes, it's the applets that cause the crash19:32
johnx|zaurusmatchbox is crashing on you?19:32
qwerty12Hmm, is libvorbisidec1_1.2.0-2_armel.deb = libvorbisidec1 (>= 1:1.2.0)19:32
AStormeither any of home* or OMWeather19:32
johnx|zaurusbuenos dia, lopz19:32
AStormqwerty12: supposedly19:32
AStormwhere did you find it?19:33
qwerty12mogg project page. Wait a sec, I'll fix it all up for you.19:33
AStormso next ogg-support will be merged with mogg? how nice19:33
lopzheya johnx|zaurus !19:34
qwerty12AStorm, libvorbisidec = and modified lightmediascanner0-ogg = to depend on 0.6 of ogg support.19:36
AStormit's not 0.6 anymore with new libvorbisidec19:36
AStormI hope the newer one is faster :)19:36
qwerty12But 0.7 doesn't exist.19:36
qwerty12Unless it is svn build.19:37
qwerty12Anyway with libvorbisidec, I see no difference. ogg-support package is just one file.19:37
AStormwhat file?19:37
penguinbaitcp /mnt/rootfs/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-xkb.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/119:38
penguinbaitis this the hack/fix you were referring to?19:38
penguinbaitfor the 810 hardware keyboard?19:38
johnx|zaurusyes, also, you need to restart the x server after boot19:38
johnx|zaurusthe fix is to have the x server start later19:39
johnx|zaurusthere is some race condition...19:39
qwerty12AStorm, my bad. It's few files but nothing to do with actually ogg libraries. its for adding support to built in media player, registering mime etc.19:39
* qwerty12 goes back to trying to make a crappy port of aleph 119:40
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pupnikqwerty12: hows that working for you?19:41
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qwerty12I've got the Boost and GL stuff sorted out (I've got Mesa headers, just GL is disabled at configure time) but I'm getting errors with Network support so I'm ripping it out.19:42
AStormqwerty12: still missing dep19:43
qwerty12Hmm, which one?19:43
AStormon libvirbisidec19:43
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AStormuhm, libvorbisidec119:44
qwerty12I didn't modify that one. Is lightmediascanner0-ogg complaining about libvorbisidec?19:44
AStormand I have 1.2.0-219:45
AStormso wtf?19:45
qwerty12You want me to take out that dependency too and see if it works anywayz?19:46
AStormmod the dep so that it works19:46
AStormI wonder why it doesn't19:46
AStormsays 66k dload too19:46
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qwerty12Try this one19:47
AStormthat 1: is tripping it19:48
AStormfor some reason19:48
AStormwhat kind of vesioning it is anyway?19:48
qwerty12No idea, it cant argue with this one, it has no libvorbis dep:19:49
qwerty12<upload in progress>19:49
AStormyou fail19:50
AStormit had 2.0.2 dep19:50
AStormtrying the newest19:50
qwerty12Do it yourself then, I ain't hot on numbering.19:51
AStormmediafire sucks19:52
* qwerty12 now forces myself to stay on Aleph 119:52
AStormuse up.wklej.org19:52
AStormor similar19:52
AStorm(mediafire opens popups)19:52
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AStormnew one loads faster :)19:54
AStormas fast as MP319:54
AStormand seems to skip less (none)19:55
AStormdefinitely an improvement19:55
johnx|zaurusjeez, modern x86 kernels sure have a lot of config options O_o19:57
AStormqwerty12: post about it on ITT19:57
AStormjohnx|zaurus: yep, bloated arch19:57
qwerty12AStorm, Ok, thanks. I have to convert my mp3's to ogg sometime.19:57
johnx|zaurusthis was simpler 8 years ago when I had no clue what I was doing...19:58
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qwerty12The indexer for Canola20:00
aquatixqwerty12: converting ogg->mp3 will only cause less quality files20:01
aquatixbetter re-rip them, or stay in mp320:01
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qwerty12Nah, I want to do it the other way round :)20:01
qwerty12All my songs are mp3 :)20:01
aquatixsorry, i typed the -> wrong, but i meant your way :)20:03
* johnx|zaurus shakes his head20:03
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Blafaselqwerty12: Converting from 60% quality jpg to png doesn't improve anything either.. ;)20:07
qwerty12I'm looking for a smaller size :). In windows, I just do a bunch with dbpoweramp.20:07
aquatixqwerty12: your ears will hate you ;)20:08
aquatixah, dinner!20:08
* aquatix runs off20:08
qwerty12They already do, I use my W810 with modded acoustic drivers and customised mega bass preset for louder sound and more bass :P20:08
aquatixpoor things20:09
Blafasellouder sound? Nice..20:09
aquatixanyways, i'm going to enjoy some spaghetti20:09
BlafaselIt really _is_ too quiet.20:09
qwerty12Blafasel, which phone do you have?20:09
Blafasel"phone"? ;)20:10
qwerty12Good choice :P20:10
qwerty12Mobile then :p20:10
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penguinbaitcp /mnt/rootfs/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-xkb.fdi /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/120:21
penguinbaitis one a dir, or am I copying this file to be named 1?20:21
johnxhmm, probably a typo20:22
penguinbaitjust copy it to policy?20:22
qwerty12Is it meant to be 10osvendor?20:22
johnxqwerty12, probably20:22
* johnx looks20:22
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johnxyeah, I think qwerty12 is right20:23
penguinbaitneed to mkdir /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/20:23
penguinbaitthen copy, just FYI20:23
johnxyou shouldn't need to...20:23
penguinbaitits not there?20:23
johnxit is there I think, I just have it wrong in the wiki20:24
* johnx just unpacked a fresh copy of beta220:24
penguinbaitI guess its still unpacking20:24
penguinbaitbut it seems to have already passed that location?20:25
johnxyou're doing this while it's still untarring? O_o20:25
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penguinbaitno, because the directory is not there yet :)20:25
penguinbaiteasier to do before booting the first time20:25
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* qwerty12 hates taking out the same repeated lines out of a file over and over again :(20:26
penguinbaitcan you remove nano from the base, I dont need it20:26
johnxyeah, I'll replace it with emacs :P20:26
johnxgood plan20:26
qwerty12I have emacs installed on OS2008 but I have no idea on using it (yet) :p20:27
johnxnano comes with debian base20:27
penguinbaitIt's just noce to dish out a little of what I always get :)20:27
johnxI basically want to target this at fitting in 1GB20:27
penguinbaitdoes it really matter?20:27
penguinbait1GB for base, but if you want to install stuff you need more room anyway20:28
johnxit'd be nice to support people with 1GB cards in places where SD cards are still expensive20:28
johnxespecially since it's so stupid easy to install stuff once you have a real debian system20:28
penguinbaitthats the whole point right :)20:29
penguinbaithow big is it unpacked now?20:29
johnxjust so happens I unpacked a fresh copy right now :D20:29
penguinbaitdu -sh ?20:29
johnxfrom du -h20:30
penguinbaitoh thats not bad20:30
johnxthat's with hildon and like nothing installed20:30
penguinbaitKDE is 1.1GB without the OS underneath :)20:30
johnxxfce+gimp fits under a gig20:30
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penguinbaitI wonder if I can just dump my KDE on top the your debian20:30
penguinbaitsee ya q20:31
johnxuhm, probably, but it would be a lot more future proof to just have a tar.gz with the custom settings and use debian's KDE...20:31
johnxdid you hack a lot of KDE source to slim it down?20:31
penguinbaitno slimming at all :)20:31
penguinbaitits a full desktop build20:32
johnxwell, no offence, but why not use Debian's packages?20:32
penguinbaithave not tried yet20:32
penguinbaitif I can just apt-get cups and KDE, sounds good20:32
penguinbaitwell, and some sounds would be nice?20:33
johnxyeah, sound would be nice20:33
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johnxI'll do the next release with no sound and see if I can draw someone's attention who feels like working on it20:33
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penguinbait10osvendor is not on my beta220:36
johnxls usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20:37
johnxtell me what is in there20:37
penguinbaitdoh, missed policy in typing20:38
johnxwere either of the mirrors up, by the way?20:39
penguinbaitnot sure I used
johnxbah! :P20:40
johnxI need to just remove that link, and let people ask for it if the mirrors are down20:40
penguinbaitme likes to go to the source :)20:40
johnxI only have 5GB of transfer per month!20:40
penguinbaitI am booted20:41
penguinbaitI have unlimited, but they suck20:41
penguinbaitI had 30GB of retrys the first month20:41
johnxI need to find someone else to pay my $5/month to20:41
penguinbaitnot siteground!20:42
johnxalright, I'll remember that20:42
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s1dmMM i <3 scratchbox20:42
johnxhaha...looks like I'll dodge my transfer limit by a couple hours :D20:42
penguinbaitwhere is terminal?20:42
johnxextras -> roxterm20:42
johnxdon't ask me why...20:42
penguinbaitwhat is default password?20:43
johnxsounds right20:43
johnxisn't it on the wiki?20:43
penguinbaitkeyboard is not working?20:43
johnxis that a question to me?20:44
johnxbut yeah, you need to restart the x server?20:44
johnxit's a race condition?20:44
penguinbaiteven though it was there when I booted?20:44
penguinbaitrace condition?20:44
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Cptnodegardis it just me or does reed use a 770 in fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer?20:45
johnxhal starts doing something and doesn't finish before the x server starts20:45
penguinbaitok, I cannot do (ctrl - alt - backspace) the x-server is start / stop  (no restart)20:47
penguinbaitso, how is this done?20:47
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penguinbaitI assume if I stop, there is no x for me to type in to start?20:48
johnxI always did it by bringing up networking and sshing in20:48
johnxbut you could use screen20:48
penguinbaitis there like sudo ALL=ALL20:49
johnxfor example start screen, su, /etc/init.d/x-server stop ; /etc/init.d/x-server start ; /etc/init.d/hildon-session start20:49
penguinbaitI know, but I am not root20:49
johnxroot password is rootme20:49
penguinbaitso I can just su20:49
johnxyeah, this isn't ubuntu or itos craziness20:50
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johnxthis is a real linux distro :D20:50
penguinbaitI can not see my xterm behind on-screen keyboad20:50
penguinbaitah, clear, moves it back up20:51
NullM0demDo the builtin xterm menus work?20:53
penguinbaitIt appears to me, this would be much more usefull without hildon20:53
penguinbaitnot sure I am rebooting now20:53
johnxmight be more useful...but I had mixed feelings about taking the tablet in too many directions at once. I really want to see hildon succeed on handheld linux and not have the nokia tablet community fracture off in a million directions like the zaurus community20:55
penguinbaitok, so scrap hildon, and use something else :)20:57
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NullM0demI avoided zaurus for that reason, A friend of mine claims that there are too many projects most are broke or incomplete. nothing works without serious tweaking...21:01
johnxit used to be more true than it is now21:02
johnxboth angstrom and custom debian installs get you something that's pretty useful without too much pain21:02
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johnxbut I really think the zaurus would have gone a lot further without everyone pulling in a million different directions21:03
johnxlargely the problem was Sharp21:04
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johnxat the same time though, hildon is on a lot firmer ground now that ubuntu mobile is using it as well, so I'm not too worried about accidentally undermining it21:06
penguinbaitThere seems to be to be two camps, one thinks of this as a wonderful finger friendly device, and then there is poeple like me who says its a computer, and can run most anything, then you have the people who want both21:06
johnxI fall in the latter camp21:07
lcukits not a finger device21:07
lcukmost operations still need a stylus21:07
johnxlcuk, I would beg to differ...21:07
penguinbaitbrainwave control is really what I am looking for21:07
penguinbaitdo what I think not what I say21:07
johnxah, and by latter camp, I mean I want both :)21:08
lcukok a stylusesq finger - take for instance changing brightness:  it works with a finger nail but the icons are too small to use with finger alone21:08
johnxluckily all my fingers come with fingernails included21:08
lcukif i try i end up with network settings or some other nearby icon21:08
johnxtime to sharpen your fingers?21:09
lcukbut thats not a finger device - thats using your fingernail as a stylus21:09
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lcuktake the iphone - a device designed from the ground up to use your finger21:09
lcukthe interface is geared towards using your finger21:09
penguinbaitevery phone I ever had was that way :)21:09
* lardman foolishly installed Heron21:09
johnxit's in a greay area I think21:09
johnxbut it is definitely more finger friendly than GPE on the zaurus for example21:10
lcukbeing "more" finger friendly than something else does not make it finger friendly21:11
johnxfair enough21:11
johnxI use it with my fingers all the time21:11
* lcuk doesnt mind using the stylus for some precision things21:11
johnxI can't use my zaurus with my fingers21:11
johnxmy fingers and my n800 are acquaintances but lcuk says I can't really call them friends21:12
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lcukthis liqbase thing i am coding up has a menu system with interface elements big enough to touch confidently21:12
johnxyay! another widget set!21:12
lcuki hate having to aim precisely for something which shouldnt need it21:12
lcukim not asking anyone else to use it - i am designing things for user #1.   ME21:13
* lcuk is selfish, but this device will do what i want it to21:13
lcukand i thank nokia every day for giving me the chance to use it as i see fit21:13
johnxsorry for the cynicism. I really am excited about the project you're working on21:13
lcukso am i - im aiming to get enough to break things off into subprojects - the reader is more important for lots of people than anything else i am doing :)21:14
elbyeah I have no idea why things like the brightness setting are so tiny21:15
lcukand the alarm clock21:15
lcukthose 2 more than anything really irk me21:15
johnxactually, here's my pet peeve: why doesn't the file open dialog take up the whole screen?21:15
lcuki wake up in the morning and have to stress to try and hit the snooze button21:16
elbvolume, brightness, the power button menu, and the network selector are things I regularly use with my finger which are really too small21:16
lcuktheres loads of them john, its because things are designed for normal use, and not specifically for touch21:16
johnxsee, I'm not even talking about the individual elements here21:16
johnxI mean the whole window21:17
lcuktake the scroll bars, you cant just make them fatter and expect them to work, the knob should be finger height minimum21:17
johnxit's super-modal so you can't *do* anything else while it's up, so what's the point of leaving free space?21:17
johnxlcuk, you haven't seen the fat scroll bars theme?21:17
* lcuk thinks john does see the picture but was playing devils advocate earlier ;)21:17
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lcukno i havent actually ill take a look21:18
johnxlcuk, honestly I don't have any problem using the UI with my fingers21:18
johnxI'm used to using smaller elements with my fingers and I find hildon/maemo to be a good trade off between use of screen real estate and finger usability21:18
lcukscreen estate doesnt need to be compromised though for most things - just having lists draggable like the browser - ie without a scrollbar would help some things.  and when you do have space making use of it is important21:20
lcuki design things based on whole screen subdivisions: my display elements are visible from orbit :)21:20
johnxecho theme with wide scroll bars everywhere :)21:21
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johnxso far it hasn't broken anything here, and all the apps that I've tried cope with it alright21:21
lcukthanks john :)21:21
johnxyes, the default mini-scrollbars are ridiculous, I'll agree with you there21:22
lcukthey arent if you are meant to hold onto a stylus though21:22
johnxthey're a little small for that even, IMHO21:23
lcukdepends if you can "aim" for the gutter at the side of the screen and can use the actual hard gutter to help your aim.  if they are in the middle away from the edge they are useless21:23
lcukits like the "X" in fullscreen windows  - on Windows that is the easiest button to hit with your mouse because you aim for the top right and hard boundaries keep the pointer there21:24
lcukon ubuntu/gnome  it pisses me off that the X is not actually in the top21:25
johnx(...because everyone who uses windows maximizes their apps...)21:25
johnxit depends on the theme I think21:25
lcukthat extra panel stops it being easy to close a program (and until i removed the logout it kept popping up)21:25
johnxso move the panel...21:25
lcukno i know, i was using it as an example21:25
johnxI know what you mean. I've read a couple articles on the Apple HIG and I know the value of screen corners21:27
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johnxthat's why on my desktop box each one does something useful21:27
lcuksimilar principles are required from nokia21:27
Mouseyanybody package freeciv 2.1.4 yet? ;)21:27
lcukthere is a style document somewhere for the new sony device21:27
lcukthat has a load of elements which are generic to touch devices as a whole21:28
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lcukright, back later21:29
johnxI should head off to sleep21:30
johnxgood talking to you :)21:30
lcukyer john :) discussion helps21:30
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
penguinbaitno no no, only things relative to me are inportant21:32
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Sveinungwhat is the relationship between Maemo and Debian? Is it Debian, a fork that syncs before each relase (like Ubuntu), a fork or a different distro that happends to use deb and apt?21:46
RST38hit is a derivative of debian21:46
RST38hit does not sync, as a whole21:46
johnxAFAIK, they forked from debian circa ~2005 before debian supported ARM EABI, and over time it's diverged somewhat21:47
johnxalso, the focus is on embedded use so some changes have been made such as busybox replacing the coreutils21:47
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lardmanAnyone happen to know the layout of YUV420 data in the LCD controller?21:52
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lardmanssvb did give me some notes, but I can't remember where they were from21:53
lardmanah ha
lcukfourcc has a good writeup of most formats21:57
lardmannot this one, though as it's seemingly specific to our LCD controller21:57
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lardmanbut thanks :)21:57
lcuki see what you mean21:58
lcukive been wondering why the planar format im using has 4x grey info than the color21:58
lcukbut the yv12 format has 2x21:59
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lardmanMy DSP task reads a YV12 raw stream (produced by mplayer) but just produces garbage on the screen, so I need to see where I've gone wrong converting21:59
lcukis this for your dsp blitter21:59
KotCzarnyexperiment :>22:00
lcukcool :) im watching intently - it may come in handy for the stuff im playing with22:00
KotCzarnyyou will get data properly in the end :)22:00
lardmanI'll post the code later on even if I can't work it out as someone else may have more luck seeing the error22:00
KotCzarnyfeed it patterns22:00
lardmanKotCzarny: yes, directly from Mplayer internals22:01
KotCzarnymaybe there is some order in the madness :)22:01
KotCzarnymplayer can be fed static images22:01
lardmanKotCzarny: yes, but it's just going to be a mistake in my conversion routine, so I'll see if I can spot it first22:01
lcukwill an application need to setup the dsp to use this lot, or will it just be some ioctl with params?22:02
lardmanthe plan is to encapsulate it in a library which can be called22:02
KotCzarnyioctl with source addr dimensions? :>22:02
lardmanthe app will need to retain some information and pass it to the library (namely a handle to the device)22:02
KotCzarnymaybe with wait for sync param too?22:02
lcuknice, cos it does seem like the dsp is out of reach of standard coding22:03
KotCzarnyyou know asm22:03
lardmannah, if you have the toolchain setup it's all pretty easy22:03
lardmanI'm using C atm22:03
lardmanasm is for optimisation, once it all works ;)22:03
KotCzarnystill even unoptimized it's free cycles22:04
lcukexactly, its just another thingontop of everything else to learn :) if it  can be made into a library as you say the payoff ratio becomes easier for everyone22:04
KotCzarnybtw. when you feed dsp does it bump cpu to the max?22:04
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lardmanKotCzarny: no, atm it pulls the cpu speed back I think22:04
lardmanso that the DSP can run at full speed22:04
RST38hit's not directly related22:04
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KotCzarnyrst38h: dynamic dsp task automatically switched to 330/22022:05
KotCzarnystatic task left cpu alone22:05
KotCzarny(at the will of cpufreq of course)22:05
RST38hbut I am pretty sure it is done in software22:05
lcuklardman, from what you have seen is it beyond the bounds to ask the dsp to do ummm 3d texture and lighting calculations? ;)22:05
lardmanthis is all dynamic as otherwise I'd need to change the dsp kernel22:05
lardmanlcuk: no idea to be honest, I don't know how stressed the DSP is, but offloading anything would be better than doing it all on the ARM22:06
lcukyer agreed22:06
lardman or even XvMC might be interesting additions eventually22:07
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penguinbaithow do I stop matchbox cleanly on this?22:09
johnxI don't do anything with dsme22:09
johnxjust kill it22:09
penguinbaitI usually source /etc/osso-af-init/ stop22:09
johnxor kill the x server and don't run hildon-session again22:10
penguinbaitnormal ITOS killing matchbox does not work22:10
penguinbaitit will restart22:10
johnxyeah, because they launch it with dsmetool (or whatever...)22:10
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penguinbaitok, cool22:10
penguinbaitwhere is single quote22:10
johnxon the software keyboard or hardware?22:11
KotCzarnypress shift?22:11
penguinbaitI did22:11
johnxmaybe shift+something?22:11
KotCzarnyor 'char mode switch' ?22:11
penguinbaitIt shows a single quote next to space bar if I press shift22:11
penguinbaitbut pressing it gives me a double quote22:11
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* johnx is doing a clean xfce install so I'm out of X right now22:11
KotCzarnyi think layout is configurable22:11
sbzdoes anyone know what is the good repository to have maemo-synergy on apt-get ?22:11
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penguinbaithello, this is Linus Torvalds, and I pronounce Linux, Linux22:17
sbzBSD is more powerful (ahahaha)22:17
johnxthat's a great file :D22:17
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lardmanhmm, my 'task' bar is stuck, ~lart Hardy Heron22:18
penguinbaitbecause it sux more poweR?22:18
sbzso nobody know the good repository ? :/22:19
johnxlardman, right click, is it locked?22:19
lardmandoes't respond to any clicking at all22:19
lardmanluckily I can still alt-tab22:19
johnxah, well that's no good22:19
KotCzarnysounds stucky situation22:19
KotCzarnykillall and hope it restarts?22:20
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lardmanwill switch off eventually, see what happens then :)22:20
qwerty12_N800happens to me a lot, I just ctrl-alt-bkspace which isn't good :/22:20
KotCzarnyi have never had any hang with fluxbox22:20
AStormqwerty12_N800: :)22:20
KotCzarnyit has a nice 'restart wm' option22:21
qwerty12_N800AStorm, :)22:21
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KotCzarnywhich restarts only wm without killing anything22:21
WorkingOnWisecan I plug a standard 3.5mm hands free mic/headphone set into the IT and use it to talk on Skype?22:21
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AStormokk, finally bought the real Nokia™ AC-4E charger22:21
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, nice22:21
KotCzarnyi use it when i change displays with xrandr22:21
lardmanall that talk of killing wms has brought it back from the dead. well done!22:21
AStormwith added ™ and Nokia™ plug22:21
NullM0demKotCzarny: its a great feature, until your on another wm and expect it to be a standard :)22:22
qwerty12_N800Copy and paste? :p22:22
KotCzarnylike on gnome?22:22
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AStormNullM0dem: Sawfish has it, haha22:23
AStormthus, I win22:23
lardmanargh, gedit is as bad as Excel, as soon as the text to be copied has lost focus it won't do it22:23
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KotCzarnyuse mcedit :>22:24
KotCzarnyjust kidding22:24
KotCzarnyi wonder when mc will start using utf too22:24
qwerty12_N800it's mc everything with you :p22:24
AStormvim for the win!22:24
KotCzarnyqwerty: yup22:24
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WorkingOnWiseanyone? can I plug a standard 3.5mm hands free mic/headphone set into the IT and use it to talk on Skype and such?22:28
lardmanoo, my little band of colour in the corner is looking better - denser at least22:29
WorkingOnWiseI tried bluetooth but the sound quality is so bad I didnt waste my time even seeing if I could make a call in Skype  with it paired.22:29
AStormWorkingOnWise: you can22:31
hrwbtw - is there good howto for transcoding movies for n8x0?22:31
AStormbut you won't be able to plug the mike22:31
* qwerty12_N800 is gonna hate installing fglrx tommorow, I know it...22:31
AStormhrw: many22:31
AStormread ITT forums22:31
hrwother then tablet-encode perl script ofcourse22:31
||cwthat's just a headphone port though isn't it?  it would still use the little mic22:32
AStormyes, there are more22:32
AStormsome mentioned on canola site i.e.22:32
AStorm||cw: yep22:32
AStormunless, you find a 2x minijack to 1x 4-wire minijack22:32
hrw~curse forums22:33
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, forums !22:33
AStormthey do22:33
WorkingOnWiseso is the 3.5mm jack wired for mic and headphones?22:33
AStormWorkingOnWise: yes22:33
KotCzarnyhrw's most sensitive regions are forums?22:33
qwerty12_N800~curse infobot22:33
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, infobot !22:33
AStormthey have already22:34
AStormit has a lot of bugs22:34
penguinbaitok, I give up on Debian, it makes me want to throw my n800 through the wall22:34
hrwKotCzarny: forums mostly contains lot of crap and very small amount of usable data22:34
WorkingOnWiseso I just need to find a standard 4 wire hands free kit and I'm home free, like for a cell phone, right?22:34
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WorkingOnWisewith the 4 wire 3.5mm end22:35
hrwKotCzarny: in normal world there is also wiki with extracted content22:35
qwerty12_N800penguinbait, ~curse debian? :p22:35
KotCzarnyhrw: that's i believe22:35
hrwKotCzarny: it is22:35
hrwKotCzarny: crap wiki on crap modem connection22:35
NullM0demSlackware FTW!!!22:35
KotCzarnyhrw: modem? o.O22:36
NullM0demWould like to run slack on my n81022:36
hrwKotCzarny: so called speed shows that is on 33600 modem22:36
KotCzarnyhrw: use google cache?22:36
hrwKotCzarny: thats most of my use for that site22:37
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qwerty12_N800meh, I think nokia cut costs with the  linux side, the main loads fine22:37
lcukall sites experience problems, hell slashdot was down today22:38
lcuki almost had to do real work today!22:38
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qwerty12_N800lcuk, the horror! :o22:39
KotCzarnythe workror!22:39
qwerty12_N800the horrwork22:40
NullM0demi was let down as well22:40
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KotCzarny~let down make love~22:41
lcuki tried browsing using, but realised I had already posted comments in all the articles i tried ;)22:41
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* lcuk will make 5000 posts soon22:42
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KotCzarnyand all your dots will get slashed22:43
lcukalthough i must say since i got my nokia slash has seemed more meh22:43
lcuki hope not22:43
qwerty12_N800KotCzarny, ow a vasectomy?22:43
AStormok, new era of electronics awaits22:43
AStorm100 Gb/cm222:44
AStormfor starters22:44
AStorm(in flash-like memory)22:44
KotCzarnythat's data throughput or caapcity?22:44
* lcuk is reminded of the hitachi song22:45
KotCzarnyheh, technical animated ads..22:45!22:45
AStormmaybe not the first page :P22:45
lcuk ;) yes22:45
AStorma new piece -  memristor22:45
* qwerty12_N800 opens the link...22:46
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KotCzarnythat memristor seems vulnerable to magnetic field, no?22:46
AStormKotCzarny: no22:47
AStormit stores flux parameter of passing electrons22:47
AStormaka spin22:47
AStormwhich slows down electrons of other spin (aka resistance)22:48
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AStormofc, current resistance, not voltage22:48
lcukim waiting for the MCHammerister.  it stores state information in overly baggy pants22:48
AStormlcuk: lol22:49
KotCzarnylcuk: overstuffed computing?22:49
qwerty12_N800you cant touch them :p22:49
KotCzarnysounds like an isa in memory district22:49
KotCzarny'stop! hammertime'22:49
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woodwizzleIs it possible to get boost on OS2008 so I can compile a more current wesnoth build?22:56
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woodwizzle1.4.1 is out on the stable release branch. I wanna see if I can build it, but it has a dependency on boost22:57
qwerty12_N800I kinda got installed in sbox (i think headers only)22:57
qwerty12_N800I need it for Aleph 1, and maybe deluge22:58
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qwerty12_N800is it me or does jott always have nick collision :p22:59
KotCzarnymaybe he likes it22:59
KotCzarnybumping into himself22:59
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pupnik   O |23:01
* lardman is annoyed that the ipod touch doesn't seem to like WPA23:02
qwerty12_N800\/\/T|= :p23:02
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lardmannot mine of course, the gf's; I'm not defecting23:04
Cptnodegardget a new GF23:04
KotCzarnyyour gf is defecting?23:04
lcukshes defective?23:04
Cptnodegarddefective is more like it23:04
lcuklol sorry lard23:04
lardmanglad she's not looking over my shoulder23:04
lcuki think apple have done a really neat job with the iphone and it shows that you dont need high resolution all the time23:05
lardmanmy fault really as I kept stealing back the 770/N800 do do dev work on23:05
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lcuki do dev work on the 810 whilst missus is using it, she just looks over and goes "OI!" if i happen to run something which displays a ui23:07
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KotCzarnysubliminal messages?23:08
lardmanI tend to cause lots of watchdog reboots, so probably more noticeable23:08
qwerty12_N800lol, disable it and walk away whistling when it crashes23:09
lcukdoes the dsp exist in its own little world?  ive heard you talk about the kernel for it and stuff, i innocently thought you just sent it commands and it did them for you23:10
KotCzarnyit has it's own access to memory and rest of the stuff i think23:10
lcukor are the commands entire strands of program code23:10
lardmanyeah, it lives in its own world23:10
lardmanit has access to its own memory, and to the mmu, so can share some memory with the arm23:11
lardmanthe commands are indeed complete code, they are dynamically loaded modules which execute in a thread23:11
lardmanaargh, I thought I'd fixed it - spotted 4 mistakes, but no23:14
woodwizzlessh with X forwarding the best way to do remote desktop to a linux box?23:15
lcukso essentially its like having a total other *foreign* cpu inside the box with a minimum of crossover - instructions and sizes and stuff is different - like having a 68k and an x86 inside the same box.23:15
woodwizzlesorry... is ssh with X...23:16
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NullM0demlardman: your playing with the builtin DSP on the nokia?23:16
lardmanlcuk: yes23:16
KotCzarnywoodwizzle: vnc over ssh23:16
lardmanNullM0dem: yep23:16
KotCzarnynm: 'you're'23:16
NullM0demCool, have a project page up?23:16
* lcuk is starting to understand a little bit more23:16
woodwizzleKotCzarny: Thanks again :-)23:16
NullM0demmy grammer is bad sorry23:16
KotCzarnynm: :)23:16
lardmanNullM0dem: my home page (see posts to maemo-developers for details): and dsp-tremor project on Garage23:17
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lardmanlcuk: I'm always happy to talk about it23:18
lardmanNullM0dem: np23:18
lcukwell i'll buy the first beer then :)23:18
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qwerty12_N800I would wub someone 4 eva if they did a2dp/sbc on dsp :/23:18
lardmanand no more comments about the gf as she'll be there too!23:18
lcukis nokia paying for her?23:18
lardmanqwerty12_N800: now that you say that, I've just sumbitted a project to Garage as I have 2 people who want to collaborate on that23:19
KotCzarny'nokia's paid gfs'23:19
KotCzarnynow that's something23:19
qwerty12_N800lardman, nice :)23:19
lardmanlcuk: I'm not sure they're even paying for me; no reply from Quim so I'm just going ahead and booking23:19
qwerty12_N800who is watching the apprentice (uk) at this moment?23:20
lcukfair enough, im in a holding pattern with the travel agency at the moment, ive sent requested dates etc so will see what happens23:20
lardmanlcuk: we were thinking about heading over at some point so thought we'd kill 2 birds, etc.23:20
lcukso your misses is heavily into linux as well then23:21
lardmannah, cursing me from the living room for ignoring her :)23:21
qwerty12_N800misses = plural? :/23:21
lcukthen go be with her.  linux has been growing for years and will carry on regardless, she will get upset with you23:22
lardmanyeah, but it annoys me if I don't finish something23:22
KotCzarnyand n8x0 is portable23:22
lardman5min more23:22
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NullM0demI had a girl that hacke don linux it was great23:22
KotCzarnyso you can develop everywhere :)23:22
lcuk"i can't come to bed now, someone is wrong on the internet"23:22
pupnikthat must bt xckd23:23
KotCzarnyit's internet23:23
lcukof course pupnik23:23
lcukpupnik, have you stalked any more traffic cone watching winter coats recently?23:24
lardmananyway, time for some TV, then perhaps back to cursing the DSP :)23:25
qwerty12_N800battery dying. bye.23:25
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lcukcya lard23:25
pupnikhave some more nice pics yes.  what's the hotel name lcuk?23:25
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lcuki dont know yet23:25
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lcuki think they are frantically calling round to find rooms23:25
lcukim gonna dive into vmware, i might not be out for a while23:27
pupnikwhat's to dive into23:27
pupnikdownload, configure, run23:27
lcukive got a few things which ive been procrastinating on23:27
lcuklike finishing the file selection and loading/saving sketches23:28
lcuk(i need sketches so i can make resolution independent button glyphs23:28
* lcuk renames his vmware "shed"23:28
pupnikArthur.  Two-sheds.  Jackson.23:29
lcukmonty python? should be interesting23:29
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pupniknice catch23:30
lcuksend a mail to google and thank them ;023:30
pupnikah.  i figure if you're going to quote python, be obscure23:30
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lcukwhat does re mean23:32
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lcukre means hi?    which language?23:33
* lcuk is confused23:33
KotCzarnyre means hi again23:33
KotCzarnyor i'm back23:33
lcuk:D finally the light dawns23:33
lcuki thought it was just a typo lol   but then i noticed a few people do it23:34
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KotCzarnynew to the internet, eh?23:34
lcuknew to irc yes :)23:34
flo_lapljp_hawaii: enjoy :)23:34
* lcuk proves his n00b status23:35
KotCzarnyn00b, everyone has it23:35
KotCzarnythey just hide it under ;)23:35
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lcuki dont mind not knowing.  if i never learn however i will be upset23:35
pupnikVery well. Let us talk, I will isolate myself. I do not expect anything important will happen for the next five minutes-for I can give you fully five minutes, Kuno. Then I must deliver my lecture on "Music during the Australian Period."23:35
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* KotCzarny is still dizzy23:36
lcukpupnik, that would have made just as much sense if you had ended it with "emulators everywhere!" ;)23:37
pupnikever read 'the machine stops' by e.m. forster lcuk?23:37
lcukno - scifi?23:37
pupnikyes, from 190923:37
pupniksave it for sometime when you can savor it23:38
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lcukthat just makes me want to incorporate wget into my book reader ;)23:39
KotCzarnyhave you ever noticed that old technology looks funny, but naked women over the ages are still attractive?23:39
pupniki'd include that text as default in the book reader23:39
pupnikheh, wellll23:39
pupnikbeauty ideals do change23:39
KotCzarnylcuk: wget is a simple function23:40
lcuknaked women over the ages?   just how old are we talking here?23:40
lcukmilfs or gilfs?23:40
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KotCzarnynaked women23:40
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RST38hKot: not to mention the eternal nature of scatological jokes23:40
lcukbut ugly women have existed over the ages as well23:40
KotCzarnywithout specifying any particular group23:40
KotCzarnyyes, they do23:40
lcuki agree in principle kot, bu hair in the wrong places spoils most older imagery23:41
KotCzarnyi don't have a problem with hair in places23:42
KotCzarnyit's natural23:42
KotCzarnyand body's way to protect itself23:42
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KotCzarnynow, if you start trying to override it..23:42
lcuka line is drawn where a hairy women begins to look like a shot putter called Helgar23:42
KotCzarnyon the photoshop induced principle..23:42
KotCzarnyit's like breeding dogs23:43
KotCzarnythey look cute but they are crippled23:43
lcukhair doesnt protect you - in humans its a scent holding mechanism23:43
KotCzarnylcuk, want me to find an article of a man who shaved his ass hair?23:44
lcukif it protected you it would grow in exposed places - women would have hairy chests and stomachs23:44
KotCzarnyand discoveries what those hair are for?23:44
lcukgo for it - im all for learning23:44
KotCzarnyk, i'll try to find it23:44
* lcuk refuses to search google for shaving a blokes arse23:45
KotCzarnyhere you are23:45
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KotCzarnyah, i think it's a woman23:47
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lcukKotCzarny, thats over exagerating23:48
KotCzarnylcuk, but shaving and then using aluminium based antiperspirants?23:49
KotCzarnythat's just plain sick23:49
KotCzarnyand it's our consumption based culture that drives people sick/sad23:49
lcukhow about not going all the way, there is a compromise for almost every situation23:49
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dougtfor a second I wondered wtf irc channel i was lurking on.23:50
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KotCzarnylcuk, but it only proves how little people know about body functions23:50
KotCzarnyand world in general23:50
lcukhey - you could use the 810 as a mirror in a tricky situation23:50
KotCzarnylcuk: it has a cam23:50
KotCzarnyyou know23:50
dougtlcuk: you could stream video!23:50
dougtthat just might kill the internets.23:51
lcukno, goatse could stream video, someone else could just use it to make sure they dont get razorburn23:51
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KotCzarnylcuk: anyway, i prefer health to easthetics (correct spelling?)23:52
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lcukcouldnt agree more :) (spelling unimportant)23:53
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KotCzarnynot that both aren't important23:54
KotCzarnyaesthetics is for healthy mind :)23:55
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* lcuk retires to his shed23:55
KotCzarnyhave fun23:55
lcuki will23:56
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RST38hThe ENTER button on Apple BT keyboard does not get recognized23:58
RST38hWhat the hell its key code?23:58
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KotCzarnytry xev23:59
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RST38hOh, its GDK_Return, same as the center button on N800 =(23:59
RST38hShit, what do I do now?23:59

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