IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-04-20

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unixSnobI downloaded the maemo mapper maps manually.  I recall some files had to be renamed, but now I can't find the site that had the instructions00:05
GeneralAntillesunixSnob, why manually?00:08
GeneralAntilles2.x has them in a database00:08
GeneralAntillesSo you can't really download maps without using Maemo Mapper.00:09
KotCzarnynot true00:09
KotCzarnythere is mapdownloader i think00:09
KotCzarnywhatever it does00:10
unixSnobMaemo mapper is fragile.. if a connection goes bad, the whole partial download must start over00:10
unixSnobSo I found a blog a few days ago pointing out where I could download them from manually.. wget is robust.. handled it well over a poor connection00:10
unixSnobbut I can't find that blog again00:10
GeneralAntillesI say again, it wont work with 2.x00:11
GeneralAntilles2.x should continue from wherever it left off, anyway.00:11
unixSnobwell it starts over for some reason00:12
unixSnobanyway, i gotta run.. i'll mess w/ it later00:12
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RST38hbeating on a dead horse.00:19
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fysapersonal menu is so nice.00:21
fysaso is the new adv-backlight.00:22
KotCzarnywhat's new?00:22
fysawith volume control00:22
KotCzarnyit had it already00:22
fysaI was using an old old version ;)00:22
RST38hpersonal menu would benefit from a shorter opening time00:23
fysatakes about 2 seconds here00:23
KotCzarnydoes it?00:23
KotCzarnymine opens quite fast00:24
fysamaybe a bit less?00:24
GeneralAntillesSeriously old version, fysa.00:24
fysaGeneralAntilles, haha, yeah, it didn't even have a border around the backlight control ;)00:24
RST38hIt probably depends on the number of items00:24
KotCzarnypersonal menu speed for me is the same as regular menu and web menu00:24
KotCzarny~15 icons in mine00:24
RST38hit does take 1-2 seconds for me00:25
RST38hbut I have 30+ icons00:25
fysaregular menu pops up preetty quickly00:25
fysaalmost instant in comparison00:25
KotCzarnyicons count can explain00:25
KotCzarnyok, shopping time, bbl00:26
fysaregular menu probably caches everything and personal menu loads icons on demand?00:26
RST38hfysa: Regular menu does never allow so many icons00:26
RST38hAll right, time to hit the bed.00:27
fysayeah, but if you reduce personal menu to the count of the regular menu, it still is much slower.  not that I am complaining. :)00:27
fysafewer touches and not having to re-organize after an update is good enough for me00:27
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fysado we have notify-send?00:32
fysaI see it in sardine.00:32
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Tu13esis there a way to format the n770 removable memory card?00:42
Tu13esah, foun dit00:42
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leo2007good evening01:04
leo2007where to buy n810wimax?01:04
NaviIt's not out yet, sorry01:08
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fysahave notify-send working.  just need to figure out how xchat is using it, and why it's not working.01:30
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komputikoanyone knows how install amarok on kde?01:32
NaviDepends on your distro01:32
NaviGah, now I'm wishing I had an N81001:33
Navithat keyboard would be useful with dwm :/01:33
komputikoon kde n800 version01:33
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NaviHas someone built it?01:33
lcukkomputiko, so you got kde working then01:33
NaviThat monster wouldn't work too well01:34
lcukcool, was there a howto somewhere that you followed or just hacking about till it worked?01:34
komputikoand what's the best media player then...01:34
komputikoi love amarok >_<01:34
lcukbauglir, sorry you are in the wrong channel, you need to enter the #iphone channel and start posting things like that01:34
bauglirAm I not in maemo?01:35
lcukno, this is the eee channel01:35
baugliryou're wrong01:35
lcukahhh well, at least you are talking properly now :) enjoy your stay01:36
MangoFusionanyone here know how to install kde on my iphone?01:36
lcukyes, but it involves a screwdriver01:37
MangoFusionwell thats my idea down the drain. don't have a screwdriver01:38
fysaincase anyone cares:
fysacommand-line libnotify tool for generating popup notifications01:38
fysajust copy to /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/01:38
fysacan be useful in scripts..01:39
lcukwho does it notify though?01:39
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fysait generates a pop-up message.  i.e., "You have new mail."01:41
lcukcool, one of the top right hand side inactive ones?   or an actual clickable "ok" message?01:41
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fysainactive ones -- they will go into the 'queue' of the lower-left application switcher icon01:41
lcukbauglir, you spelt it wrong, try again01:41
fysayou can specify an icon, timeout and a message01:42
fysaand an urgency..01:42
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lcukfysa, thats actually kinda cool :)01:42
fysaI'm thinking of using passwordless ssh keys to have my desktop/server send remote notifications to the tablet01:42
fysai.e., "rsync backup complete"01:42
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lcukwould you send them to wherever your tablet is?01:43
lcukor just when connected at home01:43
fysathis notify-send comes with libnotify, but for some reason it wasn't excluded.01:43
fysaI would use dyndns.01:43
fysaand a local router mapping to match..01:43
fysawell, that won't always work.01:43
fysaso maybe just at home.01:44
lcukwould it make sense to have a deamon connection from the device to somewhere you control01:44
fysamaybe you could use ssh to connect to your home server and map a port in reverse, to allow the home server to access it back. ;)01:44
lcukso then the notifications can be obtained whenever they occur01:44
fysaincase you come up on WiFi behind someone's NAT ;)01:45
lcukwell thats the usual method for connection01:45
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fysaanyway, my main need for notify-send was so XChat could generate proper notifications01:45
fysaso I can receive xchat messages while the app is minimized01:46
fysahaven't quite gotten this to work properly yet though.  I think the internal command-line that xchat uses is incompatible with the alpha/beta xchat deb we have now.01:46
lcukcool, just have your client machine post something in the chan then and your xchat will hear it and respond01:46
fysai.e., some path is wrong.01:46
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lcuk"fysa: your backup is done"01:46
fysayeah, that could work too actually.01:46
fysabut xchat itself spawns notify-send01:47
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fysathe newer version may use libnotify directly..01:47
fysathere is also a libnotify module for python01:47
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lcuktime for me to head back into vmware.  lots to do still.01:48
GeneralAntilleszeroconf maybe?01:50
chrisak-yay rtcomm irc *does* work <happiness>01:50
GeneralAntillesxchat is better.01:50
chrisak-yes, i just saww your post saying so, and do use it :)  But I had been bothered by the fact that I didn't realizee how to01:52
chrisak-join channel w/  rtcomm till now :)01:52
fysaxchat is excellent.  xchat+bitlbee. :)01:52
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chrisak-antilles, you might know... it rtcomm intended to be official in diablo?01:59
GeneralAntillesIt's not going anywhere in any case.02:00
chrisak-cool, thanks02:00
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cyberholicGood evening my friends. Does anyone of you can help me about REST/SOAP ?02:02
gribouillewhen will the next version of the OS be released ?02:03
cyberholicJanuary 2013..... not!02:03
gribouillewhat are the languages supported by the maemo SDK ?02:06
cyberholici can not tell you mon ami.02:06
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GeneralAntillesgribouille, "Q2 2008"02:08
cyberholicGeneral my friend: you are kidding! So quickly?02:09
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, GeneralAntilles we are in Q2 2008, aren't we ?02:09
GeneralAntillesDiablo/maemo 4.1, cyberholic.02:10
GeneralAntillesWe're more or less overdue compared to previous update cycles.02:10
GeneralAntillesYes, gribouille.02:10
GeneralAntillesBut just barely.02:10
cyberholicSo the name will change from chinook to Diablo ?02:10
gribouilleIMHO, the OS lacks polish and coherence02:10
GeneralAntillesThey're going back to the OS2006 naming scheme.02:10
GeneralAntillesOne codename per update.02:10
gribouillehow many people are working on the OS ?02:11
GeneralAntillesgribouille, not all that many.02:11
GeneralAntillesThe maemo project is very lightly staffed.02:11
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, do you contribute ?02:11
cyberholicGernall: are there any rumours about an included PIM?02:11
GeneralAntillesOnly on the community side.02:11
GeneralAntillescyberholic, PIM isn't part of the NIT plan.02:12
GeneralAntillesUse GPE or Pimlico02:12
GeneralAntillesThey both work fine.02:12
lcukor find/create your own and get it working well.  YOU could become the head of PIM development for the maemo platform :)02:13
cyberholicwell, i have beenw orking nearly 3 days to find a way to sync the device contacts with Facebook, yahoo or google and finally i am getting more and more into ..... the only problem: i have never ever worked with REST. Now i get some data on my browser but do not know how to handle it :(02:13
cyberholicOh and: i am planning to realise a PIM for my n800 :)02:13
lcuk:) cyber02:14
lcukwork on what you believe in and see where it takes you02:14
gribouillecyberholic, do you think we need another one PIM ?02:14
cyberholiclcuk my friend! Good evening!: have you seen my Mojocafe radio?02:14
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cyberholicgrib: it is not about "another PIM" - it is about a pim that syncs with open standards so taht you do not need to enter the data on your device.02:15
lcuki havent seen much on the mojo side, ive been working towards rapid fullscreen updating on the 81002:15
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lcukand seeing what little modules i can build :)02:15
cyberholiclcuk: i also had so much work that i could not add new mojos for days. Check the radio whenever you want to:
cyberholiclcuk: and tell me if you want me to add your personal radio station, and at what frequency you want it!02:15
chrisak-that radio was cool :)02:16
lcuki dont listen to radio at all on any device, but i am sure others do.   does it continue running if you go to other mojos?02:16
cyberholicthnx. The next version will have volume buttons. It made me go bezerk getting back from fullscreen to put volume down. Soooo not-userfruendly.02:16
cyberholiclcuk: no, it is not a mojo. it is a single page. It looks like a oldschool-radio where you can change frequency. it is definitely NOT userfriendly :)02:17
lcukput it in your mojos and make it non modal so people can enjoy tunes whilst they mojo around02:18
lcukor at least have a popout so they can just switch pages ;)02:18
cyberholiclcuk: yeah, good idea! but then i will have to add a "mute" button... wait... you just brought me to a nice idea! I can make an alarm clock that wakes you up with your prefered web-radio!.... let me write this down!02:18
gribouilleis there a way to stop the blinking red-white icon in the status bar ?02:19
gribouilleit is extremely irritating02:19
cyberholicgrib: just get it off the status bar from the applets stuff.02:19
gribouillehow ?02:20
cyberholicmy device is not on at the moment. Go to home, applets or at the settings PANELS. sorry for beeing so short but i can not remember by heart at the moment.02:21
cyberholicok. i have to go to bed now. See you later my friends.02:22
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gribouilleok, I've deleted my account02:23
gribouillefor example, something I find quite annoying, is the absence of "recently used applications" entry in the menu02:25
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MangoFusionall you will ever need to use is the web browser. who needs a silly recently used applications menu02:27
MangoFusionwhat is it, a workstation?02:27
bauglirPoor MangoFusion02:28
gribouilleMangoFusion, there are a few more apps02:28
bauglirpoor gribouille02:28
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bauglirpoor ken02:28
gribouillebauglir, very useful contribution02:29
bauglirdo you admit you're poor?02:29
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* KotCzarny is poor too02:31
* fysa is too poor for a slideout keyboard02:34
fysathe class divide is ruthless.02:34
bauglirpoor fysa02:35
bauglirwhy are you so poor, fysa?02:35
MangoFusionworkers unite, lets overthrow the bourgeoisie!02:36
fysa<- married02:36
KotCzarnyjust give us toys02:36
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KotCzarnypreferably free, unlocked and without spyware02:36
fysawhen you're married, no matter how much you make, you're always poor ;)02:37
KotCzarnyyeah, women02:37
bauglirThere seems to be an alien pubic hair in my Gin.02:39
KotCzarnynot enough gin then02:39
gribouillewhy is it so hard to move applets on the desktop ?02:39
bauglirNever seen it before in my life. Have you?02:40
* KotCzarny looks02:40
KotCzarnynot mine02:40
GeneralAntillesHard, gribouille?02:42
GeneralAntillesJust tap and drag.02:42
gribouilleI can do it with the finger, but not with the stylus02:43
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gribouilleI don't want to tap to strongly on the screen02:44
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KotCzarnydon't worry, it can bear with strong taps02:44
lcukit can also take a great deal of pressure slowly.  my missus was leaning her elbow on the screen and resting hand on chin whilst she idly browser the web.  she said the color drained from my face when i saw her02:46
KotCzarnybut at least you know now02:46
lcuki would rather never know.  i think removing the hard cover from the 770 was a bad design choice02:47
KotCzarnyi agree02:47
lcuki just rest a book over my cradle now when im leaving it for a while02:48
KotCzarnymy backpack is a harsh environment02:48
lcuktshe lost the pouch i got with my 81002:48
lcukthat was kinda ok but i was always nervous about leaving it in my pocket02:48
KotCzarnyi believe you can buy/make a hardcover02:48
lcukthe one i had for my loox was hard inside so im just using that02:49
KotCzarnymetal plate + 2 straps02:49
lcukthe loox one is fine, its got a clip and velcro opening etc - its just got the wrong name on the cover02:49
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GeneralAntillesThe hardcover is overrated.02:51
KotCzarnybetter than nothing02:51
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GeneralAntilleskickstand > hardcover02:52
lcuki pondered closing my cradle with the other half of the chess board (I had to get a small piece of wood from somewhere..) but then i realised if i slam down a heavy wooden cover and ive left the stylus there i could say bye bye to my tab02:52
lcuk(also going to be a problem with laptops and pens)02:53
fysaoh it works.  copy that notify-send to /usr/bin/ and xchat alerts will work.02:55
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KotCzarnygah. tracker tag02:56
KotCzarnybetter without02:56
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fysavery helpful for IM via xchat02:57
fysaor channel highlight02:58
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KotCzarnyprobably funny for some:
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seebsThis is probably one of those stupid newbie questions, but I can't get alarmd's exec_name to Do What I Want.  I also see no logs of errors.  I was doing a test command of 'cp /dev/null /tmp/testfile', just to verify that it's working, and it doesn't seem to have any effect.04:21
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seebsHmm.  Looks as though there's no word-splitting, so the exec_name has to be the name of a command, no arguments.  Is that right?04:24
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z00dax_n810hey seebs04:38
z00dax_n810not sure if i am looking at the right place, ut i cant find any info on state of qt4 on maemo04:39
seebsHmm.  No clue.04:39
z00dax_n810what I really want is a freenx client here, and i am happy to hack qtnx and nxcl into shape04:39
seebsI'm trying to learn about the exec_name feature of alarmd, and I'm failing.  :)04:39
seebsI suppose I can just track down the source.04:40
KotCzarnyman alarmd ?04:40
z00dax_n810but first qt4 port is way overboard, given the amount of time I have04:40
seebsalarmd's documentation does not answer my question.04:40
seebsI pretty much need to read the source.  :)04:41
z00dax_n810use the source young skywalker04:41
KotCzarnyhow's the alarmd different from atd ?04:41
seebsWell, that's odd.  The source is not matching the behavior I think I'm observing.04:42
lcukmake sure you have updated your belief sources04:43
z00dax_n810seebs, more dope  / coffee / beer :)04:43
KotCzarnymake a script what will do what you want without args ?04:43
seebsYeah, but alarmd is using g_shell_parse_argv.  So it SHOULD be splitting.04:43
KotCzarnymaybe it's splitting but just discarding04:44
KotCzarnyor expects params in different variable?04:44
seebsI don't think so.  There's a single field in the object, which is passed to g_shell_parse_argv, so it should get split.  And there's just one command line in the C API.04:44
z00dax_n810haha garage.m.o ssl cert expired ?04:44
seebsWell, I guess I must have been doing it wrong, because it's splitting now.  Hmm.  Maybe no default path?04:48
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KotCzarnyi think at least /bin should be04:48
KotCzarnytry execing 'set' as the command04:48
seebsIt's not passing these to a shell, it's execing.  If I exec '/tmp/ foo bar', it gets foo and bar as arguments.  If I exec '/bin/cp /dev/null /tmp/testfile', nothing happens.04:50
seebsOh, duh.04:51
seebscp of a device fails when run by non-root.  I am SO stupid.04:51
KotCzarnyalso for devices you should use -a or something04:52
KotCzarnyi think04:52
seebsI didn't actually want a cp of the real device, I just wanted an empty file.  Heh.04:52
KotCzarnyyou should have used 'touch' then04:52
seebsCool!  I think I have a working shell interface to the alarm API.04:56
KotCzarnywhat i like about *nix is flexibility04:56
KotCzarnyscripting and programming of every kind04:56
seebsThis is SO close to being able to replace my PDA.04:57
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fysaanyone here using T-Zones?05:54
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NaviAnyone have any idea on how openbox, kde, and xfce4 are started in maemo?06:34
KotCzarnymaybe the same as on pc?06:34
NaviMeh, whatever.  I'll just start a new Xomap server06:40
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NaviI can stop hildon, but the script for stopping matchbox doesn't work07:20
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fysachange runlevel?07:26
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Naviusing matchbox-remote to tell matchbox to exit multiple times in a row made my N800 die07:44
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* trollasaurus conducts a small memorial service for Navi's N80007:46
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Naviahaha, hax07:49
Navi(matchbox-remote -exit) && dwm made it die too :D07:49
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NaviI wish penguinbait would be a bit more public with his window manager running knowledge.07:50
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ac7sshow dead did it make it?07:55
Naviwatchdog rebooted it, s'all07:56
trollasaurusI was kidding.07:58
ac7sswatchdog = program?08:01
ac7ss|| person08:01
ac7sssorry I disconnected. was watchdog = prog || person08:01
trollasaurusArf arf arf.08:02
* KotCzarny throws a bit08:03
trollasaurusnum nums!08:03
KotCzarnygood doggie, now watch this place while i go killing sorceress08:03
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Navi <- cool beans08:13
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Italodancehello :D08:15
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Italodanceis there available car game for n800?08:18
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pupnik_yes Italodance but not very good08:43
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pupnikperhaps 'terrible' is a better word08:46
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KotCzarnycarmageddon is nice for s6008:55
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leo2007Navi: It is being sold here:
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NaviFunny that they claim to have 12 WiMAX tablets in stock09:54
trollasaurusWhy is that funny ?09:57
KotCzarnyit was ironic09:57
KotCzarnyi think09:57
KotCzarnyor sarcastic09:58
trollasaurusI don't get it.09:59
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DistIs there a flasher that can flash N810 with intel mac?10:47
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TyborHi all you maemo hackers...10:52
TyborJust a dumb question... How can I mount the internal mmc with exec flag (automatically) in order to execute the programs that I'm compiling? I'm using the internal (2GB) mmc as "developer space"10:53
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KotCzarnyvfat is a bad fs for that10:53
KotCzarnybut if you want just do mount -o remount,exec10:54
KotCzarny(with proper mount point)10:54
TyborKotCzarny: I know.. I'm tempted to reformat it with ext2 (no gain  in using a journalized fs on  an mmc)10:55
KotCzarnyanother brainwashed user..10:55
lcukshhh, its a conspiracy between the fs designers and mmc producers ;)10:56
KotCzarnyyou would see the gains after first os reboot :)10:56
TyborKotCzarny: why you say so? I was saying ext2 because I once read that journalized fs are not that good for flash-based memories10:56
KotCzarny'once read' ..10:56
KotCzarnytechnology changes10:57
KotCzarnywhat could be true year ago10:57
lcuki once read that using flash memory for anything would have it totally die within about a week10:57
KotCzarnycan be reversed by new technology10:57
lcukbut that was about 10 years ago10:57
KotCzarnyyeah, read damaging flash memory, those were times..10:57
TyborUnderstood. You must admit that ext2 is "usually" faster that    ext3 and other journalized fs, is it??10:58
KotCzarnyactually it would be faster because of necessary journal writes10:58
KotCzarnyand flash usually sucks at multiple writes10:58
TyborI just need to compile somme SmartEiffel applications on an  mmc and run them... I just don't care a lot about   which fs I shall reformat the mmc :)10:59
lcuktybor, depends on what you use it for - if you are planning on using the internal memory for anything repeated i would advise the best thing to do would be get an external removable mmc plugged in and format that however you want.  that way even if it goes titsup its not locked in your device10:59
KotCzarnyerm. that should be 'actually ext2 would be faster than ext3'10:59
lcukthe worst thing you could do is damage your internal mmc :)11:00
KotCzarnyby which time there will be nokia n99911:00
KotCzarnyor something11:00
* Tybor looks for the fattest mmc he could find in italy11:01
lcukand as we see now, people buy n770s11:01
KotCzarnytybor: you could be interested in booting off mmc :)11:01
fang64well doesn't it get progressively smaller instead of dying completely11:02
KotCzarnyfang64: depends which sector dies11:02
fang64well flash memory controls I know they can fail completely depending on their design11:02
fang64reflashing tsop flash typically only allots for around 1000 writes11:03
fang64after that your screwed lol11:03
TyborBtw, is here a way to use only pigdin instead   of the nativee maemo IM?11:03
KotCzarnytybor: yes, there is a pidgin package11:04
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fang64I think some PSP owners have suffered this killing of flash memory from overflashing the firmware lol11:04
TyborKotCzarny: I'm already using it.. I was wondering if I can turn off the native maemo chat11:05
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KotCzarnyi don't know, i usually use ssh11:05
fang64ssh then irssi?11:05
fang64ah that's right11:05
fang64your the openwrt guy XD11:06
KotCzarny'you are'11:06
fang64<-- tired as hell11:06
KotCzarnynow repeat that 10 times11:06
KotCzarnypractice makes perfect11:06
fang64well I usually don't confuse those, but lack of sleep makes you not think11:07
KotCzarnyit's a brain killer11:07
fang64ever heard of afs?11:08
KotCzarnynever used it though11:08
fang64ah, I heard someone was porting it to the n80011:08
fang64well N8x011:08
fang64it's really a good system setup for sharing files.11:09
KotCzarnyi prefer http/sshfs :)11:09
fang64well in a college setting11:09
KotCzarnyhttp :)11:09
fang64when you need to mass propagate read only data11:10
fang64ranging in the 2 terabyte range11:10
fang64for research11:10
fang64I don't think http will do that well11:10
fang64send 2tb over http uhhh11:10
KotCzarnybut then again writing it to hdd could be faster11:10
fang64depends on how afs is setup11:10
fang64afs uses local replication11:10
fang64the nodes cache a huge amount of data11:11
KotCzarnyp2p could be nice11:11
fang64it's sorta like that11:11
fang64but not realy11:11
KotCzarnyassuming more than one person needs that data11:11
fang64really* lol11:11
KotCzarnygo get some sleep11:11
fang64yah I'm at my limit X.x11:11
KotCzarnyk k:)11:12
* Tybor switch to the ubuntu clamshell iBook11:19
Tyborsee you  soon11:19
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JaffaMorning, all11:42
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* lcuk_lap has a working nipple11:47
lcuk_lap(and also a working network)11:48
KotCzarnydon't overwork it11:48
* KotCzarny kills off bahamut11:48
lcuk_lapi apparantly cannot do a secure network11:48
KotCzarnymake a vpn or only allow your machines via ssh11:49
lcuk_lapok everyone in manchester, there is an unsecured 10ma network running, if you are within about 5 foot of my computer you have internet access11:49
lcuk_lapits ok, ive dropped power :) no point in shouting11:49
KotCzarnyah, yes, lowering txpower works too11:49
lcuk_lapeverything started working once i got the fan running11:50
KotCzarnyunless someone has super duper sensitive antenna11:50
lcuk_lapme thinks it doesnt like overheating itself11:50
lcuk_lapi think i would notice if someone is stood outside with a wok11:50
KotCzarnywho does?11:50
lcuk_lapthis is certainly bigger and heavier than the 81011:51
lcuk_lapand i keep wanting to touch the screen11:51
lcuk_lapfluffin ubuntu wants to download 300mb of updates11:52
lcuk_lapits as bad as windows ;)11:52
lcuk_lapive got a command line thing which i can get to work directly from a console after i sudo su11:52
lcuk_lapbut i cannot get it to work directly from a sudo line11:53
KotCzarnysu - doesn't work?11:53
lcuk_lapi think its something to do with where the redirection goes.   no, it works if i am in an su console11:53
lcuk_lapbut i want it scripted and hence need it calling directly within a script11:54
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lcuk_lapthis is the line:   echo "force_on:1" >/proc/acpi/toshiba/fan11:55
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lcuk_lapif i do: sudo echo "force_on:1" >/proc/acpi/toshiba/fan  it doesnt work because the redirect comes from the results of the sudo11:55
lcuk_lapinstead of the result of the echo11:55
KotCzarnyyou can always make a helper..11:55
lcuk_lapthats what i thought the script was?   is there a way to run the whole echo line including the redirect from the sudo?11:56
KotCzarnyyou can't chmod +s a script11:57
lcuk_lapi cant just quote the entire line because i am already using quotes in the command line11:57
KotCzarnythat you can only do with binaries11:57
lcuk_lapno but ubuntu can make it executable11:57
lcuk_lapor rather "run this script as a program£"11:57
KotCzarnyexecutable != binary11:57
KotCzarnyyou can execute both, but one calls interpreter11:57
KotCzarnyand interpreter usually drops off chmod +s flag11:58
Jaffalcuk_lap: you can use 'tee' to do the kind of thing you want11:58
Jaffalcuk_lap: echo force_on:1 | sudo tee /proc/acpi/toshiba/fan11:59
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lcuk_lapthx jaffa, but i just did some more checking and this appears to work: sudo su -c 'echo "force_on:1" >/proc/acpi/toshiba/fan'12:04
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lcuk_lapi forgot about the 2 types of quotes *doh*12:04
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* lcuk_lap might actually start to get all this eventually :)12:05
lcuk_lapdownloads complete :) its installing all its crap now.  i might actually swap main machine with laptop to force me to configure it12:05
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* lcuk_lap wonders if he will be storyboarding apps before the end of the day12:11
Tyboroh my! chinook's kernel does not support anything else thatn jffs2, msdos and vfat!12:12
KotCzarnytybor, just insmod the proper modules..12:12
qwerty12Compile your own ;)12:12
lcuk_lapthen make all your partitions fat and dont worry ;)12:12
Italodanceummm what is this theme?
TyborKotCzarny: I've been looking for proper modules but it seems they haven't compiled them in12:13
qwerty12A theme that doesn't exist for OS200812:13
qwerty12Tybor, ext2 & 3 modules can be found in initfs.12:14
KotCzarnytybor, then you were looking in the wrong places..12:14
lcuk_lapapple mac on n810!12:14
KotCzarnyas they are on your device already12:14
qwerty12in initfs12:14
* Tybor rechecks12:14
KotCzarnylook in /mnt/something12:14
Italodancehi qwerty12 yes that's a nice apple theme12:15
qwerty12Hi, Which doesn't exist for Os200812:15
qwerty12 for more fs modules12:15
lcuk_lapok can i ask a question about file locations.  in windows, i have an application path (which can store app global data), an all users path (which can store data for everyone on the machine) and a current user data area.    from what i see on linux this is possible but i dont know the locations  (sorry for length)12:17
Jaffalcuk_lap: generally, app's global data (but not configuration) is in something like /usr/share/<app_name>12:17
JaffaCurrent user data area is typically ~/.<app_name>12:18
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* Jaffa does a bit of bugzilla tidying12:20
lcuk_lapthx jaffa, but the missing one is machine wide data.  ie suppose i wanted a shared message db so i could leave a message for tracy when she logs in.  where would i put it?12:20
KotCzarny /var/lib/<app_name>12:20
KotCzarnyor /var/queue/<app_name> is possible too12:20
KotCzarnydo ls /var and guess12:21
lcuk_lapthx kot, the messagedb was only an example but ill take a look12:21
lcuk_lapit seems like linux just sprays data around12:22
* lcuk_lap actually thinks window is a tiny weenie bit more logicial in this dept ;)12:22
KotCzarnynot true12:22
lcuk_lapi know lol just like to get heckles up#12:22
KotCzarnyi hate it when windows apps put data in c:\windows12:23
KotCzarnyand pretend that they haven't installed anything12:23
KotCzarnyno no12:23
lcuk_lapmy windows apps never do :)12:23
KotCzarnyhave you ever installed ie ?12:23
lcuk_lapthats not mine tho :P and besides ff works better12:24
KotCzarnybtw. you should know about meaning of /usr, /var etc12:24
lcuk_lapusr isnt what i originally thought i know that much12:24
KotCzarnyusr is mounted after boot12:24
lcuk_lapeverytime i see it i go "not user"12:24
KotCzarnyso anything not necessary to boot should go to /usr12:24
lcuk_lapmeh, install only 60% complete why cant computer be as fast as my network12:25
KotCzarnyat least you don't have to click 'next'12:26
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KotCzarnya little old, but roughly should give you some information12:28
lcuk_lapthx kot :) i never managed to find something so concise12:28
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lcuk_lapahhh, so if im reading that right on a full linux system i could find /home/gary and /home/tracy?12:30
KotCzarnyand /home/ftp sometimes12:30
lcuk_lapno thats ok, but when logged in as one of them that is ~12:31
KotCzarnyyes, it's substituted by shell to the proper dir12:31
KotCzarnyin binary programs you have to resolve it yourself though12:31
KotCzarny(i think there's a function for that)12:31
lcuk_lap? so i cannot do fopen("~.liqbase/brain");12:32
lcuk_lapor whatever the proper line would be12:32
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KotCzarnyi think you can create a directory with '~' in it12:34
KotCzarnybecause only char that's forbidden is '/' and \n12:35
Jaffalcuk_lap: you can resolve the environment variable 'HOME'12:35
lcuk_lapbut isnt home the base dir which contains all users?   or is %HOME the equivilent of ~12:36
KotCzarnyforget '%'s12:36
lcuk_lapok you know what i meant though :P12:36
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KotCzarnybut start thinking *nixish12:36
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lcuk_lapi would have tried it once and then worked out what was wrong12:37
KotCzarnyk k12:37
Italodanceexternal HDD can work with n800 usb yes?12:37
lcuk_lappowered i would imagine so12:37
KotCzarnydo: man getenv12:37
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KotCzarnygetenv('HOME'); will be the eqiv in c of $HOME12:38
lcuk_lapi will once i get this lump off my knee and get comfy.  too many wires around (i just lost the mouse somewhere in duvet ;)12:38
KotCzarnyyou can ssh into that machine from tablet12:39
KotCzarnyand read manuals on it12:39
Italodancecan someone reply me?12:40
KotCzarnylcuk replied you12:41
lcuk_laptry it italo12:41
lcuk_lapi havent tried a drive, but i used my mem stick.  as long as the drive is self powered i dont see why it would be any different12:41
KotCzarnylcuk: missing ntfs driver ;)12:41
Italodanceok lcuk_lap12:42
lcuk_lapmost drives ive seen are still fat12:42
KotCzarnyportable drives are usually owned by m$ windows12:42
KotCzarnyfat on 80gb?12:42
KotCzarnynot fun12:42
qwerty12solmumaha, went and added usb ntfs support to N800 via fuse12:42
qwerty12works well from what I've read, just plug in the drive12:43
KotCzarnyqwerty12: i know it's possible, i only point what could be an obstacle12:43
KotCzarnyi use ntfs-3g too12:43
qwerty12:), fair enough12:43
lcuk_lapright, this has finished updating, maybe now i am on an actual device i can find an ide with sane documentation and file handling12:43
KotCzarnyyou have documentation..12:43
KotCzarnyuse 'man' command12:43
KotCzarnyand: 'apropos'12:44
* lcuk_lap tries apt-get install visual-studio-6 and msdn ;)12:44
KotCzarnyand 'info' (sometimes)12:44
KotCzarnythat could work with wine i think12:44
lcuk_lapyer but not with linux apis12:44
lcuk_lapi dont wanna develop windows`apps in linux, but i like the old style ms ide :)12:45
* lcuk_lap spits on .net12:45
KotCzarnyi think there was a free borland ide studio12:45
KotCzarnysomething named with 'k' at the beginning12:45
KotCzarnythat's the name12:45
lcuk_lapaint that pascal++12:46
lcuk_lapnot that thats a problem12:46
* KotCzarny never used it12:46
* lcuk_lap didnt either12:46
KotCzarnyi always use mc for editing12:46
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lcuk_lapim seriously pondering just building my own12:47
KotCzarnyhow about emacs?12:47
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lcuk_lapwhich will do all the "man *" and apropos and info stuff in the background and display for me12:47
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KotCzarnyi think it's doable12:48
qwerty12before I go and mount initfs, does anyone know the linuxrc commands that show the picture of the 770 when you are in rd mode?12:48
lcuk_laptbh, all the manuals wont help me - i need 2 killer features.12:48
KotCzarnyname them12:48
lcuk_lap"find out what i have to include and link to obtain api function X()"12:48
lcuk_lap"open this sodding header file when i want to see its contents"12:49
KotCzarnyi use mc for that12:49
lcuk_lapit annoys me that i want to read more and the editors just wont open for me12:49
lcuk_laphmm must reboot first but apt-get install mc appears to want to work12:50
KotCzarnyto want to work?12:50
lcuk_lapyer but its locked out at the mo12:51
KotCzarnymine grammar parser failed12:51
lcuk_lapi just did a massive system update and its moaning at me to reboot and apt is telling me its locked12:51
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lcuk_lapright, ill reboot this and then shove mc on.  you have praised it so many times i might as well see what its like12:53
KotCzarnyif you ever used norton commander it should be familiar12:53
KotCzarnya little12:53
lcuk_lapback later :) thx for help kot and jaffa and others12:53
lcuk_lapyou said its similar to dopus so i will be at homeish12:54
qwerty12mc is great, I'd use it on my n800 if the terminal wasn't so crap.12:54
* lcuk_lap reboots12:54
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KotCzarnyqwerty12: just use aterm or something12:54
qwerty12KotCzarny, I don't have a Bluetooth keyboard and xkbd etc are a bit hard for me to use.12:55
qwerty12rxvt compiles cleanly but I found it boring12:55
KotCzarnystill, if you ssh into tablet, mc is a great help12:56
qwerty12:), when I get a bluetooth keyboard, I will for sure get round to trying more applications.12:56
qwerty12My router is crap :(12:56
KotCzarnychange it?12:56
KotCzarnyrouters are dirt cheap now12:57
KotCzarnywith wifi and switch12:57
qwerty12I'm a tramp, I ain't got no money :P. I paid around $210 for the one I got :(12:57
Tybor**210**??? It's way too much!12:57
qwerty12I bought it a long time ago but yes, I agree12:57
KotCzarnyway too much.12:58
qwerty12Yep, and it's a POS :P :D12:58
TyborBTW, which modules shall I edit to make ext2 module get loaded at boot? The non-esistent in /etc or (if ever editable) the one in /mnt/initfs/etc?12:58
KotCzarnyi don't mind pos if the price is right12:58
qwerty12KotCzarny, but this was a expensive POS :P.12:58
KotCzarnytybor: maybe add insmod commands to /etc/rc2.d/S99local ?12:59
qwerty12Or if you plan on setting up initfs, bootmenu has a module loading feature12:59
TyborKotCzarny: oh... that's better indeed12:59
qwerty12I currently have mine set to load the framebuffer modules.12:59
qwerty12fuxzores, you know the /scratchbox directory? is it owned by the sbox group or your user which you use to log into linux with?13:01
KotCzarnyprobably root13:02
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qwerty12Ah thanks, I'll take guesses :/13:02
KotCzarnyadding an sbox user creates proper subdirs13:03
KotCzarnyfor that user13:03
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qwerty12KotCzarny, thanks :). I just needed to set right permissions to /tmp13:06
qwerty12"unable to get login information for username "faheem" at /scratchbox/devkits/debian-etch/lib/dpkg/ line 65.13:15
qwerty12I royally fucked up.13:15
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* qwerty12 hates scratchbox13:29
* MangoFusion hates building cross compilers13:29
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qwerty12I've gone and messed it up. I don't want to remove and reinstall as I have a lot of libraries in it etc13:29
KotCzarnyjust remove the target/user ?13:30
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KotCzarnyit will remove that users libs/dirs though13:30
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MangoFusiondidn't you13:31
MangoFusionwhats the word13:31
MangoFusionbegins with b13:31
qwerty12KotCzarny, Hmm, probably right but I'm really tired :(13:31
KotCzarnygo get some sleep13:31
qwerty12It's 11:31 AM here, it's not my habit to sleep during the day :)13:31
qwerty12But I go to sleep late at night <.<13:32
KotCzarnythen name it a 'nap' and go to sleep13:32
qwerty12Hehe, I really should do but I mentally cannot go to sleep in the day, it takes me a verryyyyyy long time and I wake up feeling very very weird,  :)13:33
KotCzarnyeat something good and sleepiness will come naturally13:34
qwerty12Hehe, thanks :)13:34
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qwerty12Oh yeah, what is an oprofile kernel? (N800 wise)13:41
KotCzarnykind of debug enabled kernel13:41
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qwerty12Ah thanks, I've heard of it a few times, just didn't know what it was :)13:42
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JaffaDoh. Clicked "publish" on a blog post rather than "save".14:29
* GeneralAntilles goes to laugh at Jaffa's aborted blog post.14:30
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* lcuk sells his laptop on ebay14:35
keesjdid you recieve your eee ?14:36
lcukno :( my missus gave me a speech about wasting money (she used expensive shoes as an example)14:36
lcukand i managed to find a laptop with wifi that i could rebuild with ubuntu14:36
lcukbut now after a royal battel i have an amazing theme on the laptop called "everything dark"  its got black background with black text and amazingly black images14:37
lcuksound works ok though14:38
pupnikcan i has 60fps vsync?14:38
* pupnik dcc's lcuk cheezburger14:38
* pupnik prepares his hila-bots to invade lcuk's hous and steel his codez 14:39
lcuklol i just noticed loads of PMs waiting for me14:39
lcukare you trying to buy my code with comical imagary of hillary14:39
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pupniki'm just being useless atm14:40
lcukyou're not the only one14:40
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lcukso you ant to attempt to run emulator using the nice quick display code14:40
lcukor you want to continue running it in sdl but ensuring it is flicker free14:41
pupniki don't know how sdl triggers refresh14:42
pupnikor how to surpress that14:42
pupnikwith the small window, i get enough performance i think with sdl blit @ 16bpp14:42
lcuki agree, but whats needed is the removal of tearing14:42
pupnikyeah i'm kind of scared/lazy to get into that14:42
lcukill gladly let you have a look, but im not doing anything special with the refresh, just xv library raises an X event when its finished sending data after I call putimage14:45
lcukdoes the tearing occur all the time, or does it depend upon the speed of your refreshing14:45
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lcuknot refreshing -> frame generating14:46
Cptnodegardis there a faster PDF reader for the it? the built in one is SLOW14:46
pupnikhappens all the time.  emulator exceeds 60fps on N810 and 77014:46
pupnikaccording to emulator14:47
GeneralAntillesEvince, Cptnodegard.14:47
lcukbut do you know how long it takes to actually send a screen?14:47
pupnikrather it tries to hit 60fps.  if i remove the wait loop it exceeds14:47
lcukinfact, hangon, doesnt sdl have double buffering14:47
pupniknot on maemo14:47
pupnikit computes, waits, draws, computes, waits, draws14:48
CptnodegardGeneralAntilles: does it work well? the internal one maxes the cpu from trying to check bass tables alone -__-14:48
lcukhow long are you trying to wait for?   just until you hit 60fps, or a specified period14:48
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GeneralAntillesIt's a lot faster.14:48
pupnikuntil next 1/60th of a second14:48
lcukneed timings really to "simlulate" the expected delay required14:49
pupnikit has a little timer and wait loop.  what is cur time, what is time-to-update, sleep usec14:49
pupnikwell not loop -14:49
lcukat the start of all this i was looking at sdl, and tbh even though im playing and doing nice stuff with the xv it would be beneficial to the community as a whole to see if sdl can be made to work14:49
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lcukyou moved past your landscape thingy didnt you.  from what i saw that didnt exhibit dreadful tearing though (or didnt appear to)14:51
pupniki don't remember14:52
lcuk(i moved away from sdl because fullscreen 800*480) wasnt as fast on sdl because of a whole buffered page14:52
lcukbut at the lower resolutions i really dont see why it tears14:52
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lcuklemme just fire up the couple of sdl projects ive got and see if i can see problem14:53
lcukunless youve got something simple as a testcase14:53
pupniki can give you the emu source14:53
pupnikbut that's not so simple14:54
gribouilleI jave a problem with ossofilemanager : it doesn't show all the files14:54
lcukok but i might end up not seeing the wood for the trees14:54
pupnikwell dude i will try to do work today.  sorry to pestery you14:54
lcuktell ya what, hold on that for a minute14:54
lcukhey no prob - we both want best quality possible and linuxtag is nearly hear14:55
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lcukim happy to have a look and at least see if anything can be done14:55
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lcukgribouille, whats missing14:56
gribouillelcuk, for example, I have downloaded a video, but the video doesn't appear in the file manager14:57
lcukare you looking in the correct location?14:57
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gribouillelcuk, I think so14:58
lcukdownloading video from where? the internet or over the wifi from your computer14:58
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gribouillelcuk, ues14:58
lcukand where are you saving it to14:58
gribouillelcuk, yes14:58
gribouillethe video is in /home/user14:58
GeneralAntilles /home/user is one directory above where File manager will display14:59
GeneralAntillesUse emelfm or xterm or something14:59
GeneralAntillesGMPlayer should see it.14:59
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lcukthere ya go, i was just gonna say that ;)15:00
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, exactly. but why doesnt  File manager show everything ?15:00
GeneralAntillesBecause it's "user friendly"15:00
lcukbecause file manager is a user application.  users dont care about the innards15:00
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, it is for Mac OS users15:00
* GeneralAntilles is an OS X user.15:01
* lcuk is an X os user15:01
GeneralAntillesPUN FAIL!15:01
* lcuk solders wires to the motherboard to type15:01
* gribouille is an ubuntu user15:01
Cptnodegardindeed this is WAY(!!!) faster GeneralAntilles15:12
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gribouillein File Manager, how can I associate an app with a file type ?15:16
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GeneralAntilles gribouille15:18
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Cptnodegardis there a good torrent site for magazines?15:24
GeneralAntillesMagazines suck.15:24
Cptnodegardi got nothing else to do15:25
Cptnodegardtakes too long15:26
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, what do I have to put in /usr/share/applications/ ?15:26
GeneralAntillesFor what?15:26
GeneralAntillesmime type handling?15:26
GeneralAntillesDunno, never looked into it.15:26
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, for flv videos15:27
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gribouillecan't the video player play mpeg videos ?15:46
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fysaanyone here using T-Zones for bluetooth DUN?15:46
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: is going to be part of my blog post15:51
JaffaInkscape FTW!15:51
GeneralAntillesPut little pictures of Darth Vader on the bottom left.15:52
Jaffaheh :)15:52
JaffaI think we can agree we're closer to the bottom left than anywhere else, ATM ;-)15:53
GeneralAntillesSadly. :(15:53
lcukpupnik15:54 could be a lot worse15:54
JaffaTrue, but for an essay on " what next?" saying "it could be worse" isn't going to push us forwards ;-)15:55
johnxoh, I completely agree :)15:55
pupnikwhat what15:55
lcukstep into my office ;)15:56
GeneralAntillesJaffa, I'm sure you know, but hitting on the reasons openness and more community involvement would benefit Nokia would probably the most effective method to get a response.15:57
JaffaGeneralAntilles: indeed15:57
johnxyes! so much yes! what he said15:57
GeneralAntillesAppeal to their rational self-interest. :D15:57
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johnxIf we can actually get to the point where getting a hildonized app from Ubuntu Mobile to Maemo it will pretty much cement hildon as the UI of choice for mobile linux15:59
JaffaCompanies love their bottom line15:59
johnxs/Maemo it/Maemo is *really easy* it/g16:00
infobotjohnx meant: If we can actually get to the point where getting a hildonized app from Ubuntu Mobile to Maemo is *really easy* it will pretty much cement hildon as the UI of choice for mobile linux16:00
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GeneralAntillesI wonder if putting it in the form of an open letter would be useful.16:02
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johnxCan someone suggest someplace to start to get a list of non-free packages in maemo? Should I just screenscrap the index of the repository or can someone think of a better way? Does apt have a "license" field somewhere?17:19
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JaffaCompare the directory listings for the source repo vs. the binary repo?17:21
johnxyeah, that's what I thought17:22
johnxI just figured someone might pop in here with a really easy way to do it. :D17:22
* johnx really wishes apt had a license field :/17:25
* RST38h conquered gconf17:25
RST38h[hasn't been easy - a lot of API is kinda artificial]17:26
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Jaffajohnx/GeneralAntilles: comments welcome on
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MangoFusionit really does surprises me how easily compiling an older version of gcc with a newer version results in insanity17:33
Jaffalcuk too, if you're about.17:33
RST38hJaffa: The "work with Intel/Ubuntu" comment is kind of redundant17:36
RST38hAs far as I know, they made use of Hildon but ignored the rest17:36
RST38hSo it is kind of a one-way street right now17:36
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RST38hAlso, as cute as their Moblin stuff is, it currenty works on exactly ONE UMPC from ONE manufacturer (Samsung) and that device is a full-featured PC. It can run XP17:37
* Jaffa tacks on the end of that point: "; to ensure that Moblin, UME and maemo don't splinter and that porting applications between them, and innovations made by one company can be reused without being dismissed because of "Not Invented Here" syndrome."17:37
RST38hUntil Moblin works on low-specced devices like IT, it is irrelevant (and I am sure Intel intends to keep it that way - they are not selling ARM based devices)17:38
AStormWhy wouldn't it work there?17:38
RST38hJaffa: Already splintered.17:38
AStormAre apps too heavy?17:38
RST38hIt is most likely too heavy for ITs17:38
JaffaRST38h: indeed; but they're innovating in the UI space and are developing more in the open.17:38
GeneralAntillesI'd expound a bit on the value-added part of openness.17:38
RST38hJaffa: they ain't innovating in UI space17:38
* Jaffa isn't saying that UME should be used instead of maemo17:39
JaffaRST38h: more so than Nokia17:39
RST38hJaffa: Apple is innovating in the UI space. Microsoft is (see the Table). Moblin is not17:39
AStormYup, Moblin is very similar to Maemo...17:39
AStorm(as far as UI goes)17:39
RST38hJaffa: Nokia actually is (a little bit), just makes sure to call it "Handful's hobby project" ;)17:40
AStormI had a few ideas about nicer UI, but these required a 3D chip.17:40
* Jaffa was trying to avoid iPhone comparisons as they generate more heat than light; and was trying to stay focused on maemo. Saying "throw out Hildon, copy the iPhone and Canola" is not realistic at this point (or, at least, I'd be very surprised)17:40
JaffaRST38h: INDt are always at pains to point out they ain't Nokia.17:40
RST38hBTW, I still do not understand why everybody is so bent against Maemo UI. It's simple and does the job and can be incrementally improved17:40
AStormCanola isn't that good IMO17:40
RST38hJaffa: Yea, yea ;)17:41
AStormtoo many clicks17:41
VReI can not see, how atom based devices can ever get to the size of n8x0 with the same battery life.17:41
RST38hAStorm: well, they are experimenting17:41
Jaffa"ever" is a strong word in computing17:41
AStormbut the interface feels much too slow17:41
* RST38h probably has to disclose that he is an Intel employee...17:41
AStormIt's well suited for tiny screens though17:41
* Jaffa doesn't think Canola's innovating either. For maemo software, perhaps; but there's no real difference between Canola, MythTV, Freevo and the iPhone.17:41
RST38h(not directly dealing with Atom though)17:41
AStormbut not for screen that large Nxxx have17:42
RST38hJaffa: Their input methods are pretty innovative17:42
RST38hJaffa: some presentation stuff as well (like pictures browsing)17:42
AStormwhat input methods?17:42
* Jaffa dittos AStorm.17:42
AStormyou mean scrolling? baaaah17:42
RST38hAs a whole, Canola is not a huge innovation, but it is a nice workbench17:42
VReThere could be different app-launchers, canola like, the one we have now etc. They could even make a desktop applet which is canola like..17:42
* RST38h meant scrolling17:43
RST38hVRe: Canola is a PMP. Why do you need everything to look like canola?17:43
JaffaVRe: they did. It's in moblin (both Clutter and Flash-based). Their home screen draggable app launcher is a Hildon Desktop plugin17:43
VReJaffa: Ok, so there is selecting then17:43
RST38hUse similar presentation and input techniques - yes, definitely. But *be* Canola?17:43
AStormRST38h: well, scrolling is simple17:43
JaffaRST38h: the scrolling's "just" a copy of the iPhone (and a somewhat ropey implementation at that)17:43
RST38hJaffa: It is not: iPhone has completely different touch screen hw17:44
RST38hCan't copy it17:44
AStormit's simple because you just need some threshold of dragging17:44
RST38hIt is similar but not the same17:44
AStormyup, Nxxx doesn't have multitouch - non-capacitive screen17:44
VReRST38h: Well, not canola, I think its more iphone anyways.. or palm style (without scrolling)17:44
AStormwhat I'd love in Nxxx is gestures17:44
JaffaRST38h: The implementation might be "innovative" then, being able to do it on a passive touchscreen, but the UI isn't.17:45
AStormthere were some apps for Linux, but very undeveloped17:45
AStormwith a touchscreen, you could literally draw these17:45
RST38hJaffa: UI is not17:45
* RST38h wonders how long it will take for some enterprising character to write a Maemo desktop plugin that takes the whole desktop and looks exactly like iPhone...17:46
VReThe best would be that all is visible on the screen and there is no need to scroll around, looks cool but takes time17:46
AStormRST38h: that would be copyright infringement17:46
gribouillethe video player can't play my mpeg videos17:46
RST38hactually, leave 50-pixels at the right free for email/time/etc plugins17:47
AStormand multitouch is impossible17:47
RST38hAStorm: Not really: Moblin is doing it and they are still aflotat17:47
AStormgribouille: built-in player needs vids to be 800x480 or smaller17:47
AStormmplayer can scale17:47
AStormRST38h: not similar enough :>17:47
RST38hAStorm: exactly ;)17:47
AStormgribouille: canola uses mplayer too17:47
RST38hThat was what I meant ;)17:47
GeneralAntillesRST38h, somebody already did17:47
GeneralAntillesthough it's not a plugin.17:47
GeneralAntillesjust a Python application17:47
AStormah right17:47
gribouillewgy doesn't the video player use mplayer ?17:47
RST38hGeneral: Yes, but that one was impractical ;(17:47
AStormgribouille: because it uses gstreamer17:48
AStormand they haven't written a scale plugin for some reason or another17:48
JaffaThere *is* an app launcher for maemo which copies the iPhone's home screen17:48
AStormmplayer is fairly heavy too, and less integrated than gstreamer system17:48
gribouilleAStorm, what is the advantage of gstreamer ?17:49
AStormgribouille: http://www.gstreamer.org17:49
AStormit's nice and pluggable17:49
AStorma comfy programming interface too17:49
AStormand GNOME uses it17:49
RST38hJaffa: URL?17:50
AStormblah, I don't like iPhone UI that much17:50
* RST38h would prefer /dev/dsp to GStreamer any time17:50
AStormRST38h: lol, w/o picking Hz?17:50
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RST38hAStorm: Maemo GStreamer has problems playing samples at anything but 44.1kHz anyway17:51
AStormfor /dev/dsp to work fine you need to have some (propietary) comm mechanism17:51
AStormRST38h: that's because of esd17:51
AStormnot gstreamer per se17:51
* RST38h has comm mechanisms implemented eons ago17:51
AStormyou could probably switch it to direct ALSA17:51
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AStormRST38h: is OSS mechanism standarised enough?17:51
RST38hIt's ok - I already integrated gstreamer support17:51
RST38hAStorm: More or less17:51
AStormdoes it provide latency info? :-)17:51
AStormbuffer size? channel number?17:51
gribouilleAStorm, the video player can't play a video like this : VIDEO:  MPEG1  320x240  (aspect 1)  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)17:52
RST38hNot really, but who gives a damn, just saturate the thing with data17:52
AStorm0.0 kbps? wtf?17:52
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lcukjaffa im not about proprly yet but i will be later, just send me a reminder to liquid on gmail17:52
gribouilleI don't know17:52
RST38hAnd you *can* set buffer size for /dev/dsp, no problem with that17:52
AStormRST38h: well, ALSA got one thing right, and one thing wrong17:52
gribouillethat's mplayer's output17:52
AStormgribouille: something is wrong with the movie17:53
AStormprobably broken header17:53
gribouilleAStorm, maybe, but mplayer plays it normally17:53
AStormRST38h: right was plugins, wrong was complex API17:53
gribouilleAStorm, I converted a flash video with ffmpeg17:53
AStormgribouille: hmm, weird, should work17:53
RST38hAStorm: That is a common mistake :)17:53
AStormbtw, flv can be played by mplayer17:54
RST38hWeird how few people understand that you only need 2 API calls for audio17:54
AStormRST38h: well, gstreamer fixed the latter17:54
AStormand it does have 3 calls17:54
AStormto sound :P17:54
RST38hWriteAudio() and GetFreeAudio()17:54
AStormRST38h: which Audio? PCM?17:54
RST38hYea, probably Open/Close as well :)17:54
RST38hJust about any streaming audio17:54
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AStormthat would need filetype detection17:55
AStormgst sidesteps that by using MIME types all around17:55
AStormand separate detection plugin17:55
RST38hAStorm: But I do not play audio files, I play data buffers17:55
AStormRST38h: ah, then, it's simple, init the sink and send away17:55
RST38hJaffa: Not a plugin. An app. Written in Python. Too bad :(17:55
AStormbut the problem is you need decoding anyway17:55
AStormbtw, my charger broke, again!17:56
JaffaRST38h: wouldn't be hard to do a Hildon Desktop version now17:56
RST38hAStorm: yea, but you can tell the nature of the data when initing17:56
AStormRST38h: and have automatic decoding17:56
RST38hJaffa: I guess so. Still waiting for a hero who makes it ;)17:56
AStormyes, that's what high-level GSt looks like17:56
RST38hAStorm: format detection isn't something audio API has to do, IMHO17:56
AStormok, where do I get a resilient charger for Nxxx?17:57
AStormwith a plug that doesn't break after 2 weeks?17:57
RST38hIsn't the standard one good enough?17:57
AStormaluminum plugs = junk17:57
RST38hEuroplug or US?17:57
AStormno no17:57
AStormthe small 5V plug broke17:57
RST38hThe flimsy little 5V plug17:58
AStormit'd need iridium or at least steel17:58
RST38hIs there a RadioShack around?17:58
AStormto be resilient enough17:58
AStormRST38h: nah, wrong country17:58
RST38hUmmm....Maybe make one from a catether needle?17:59
AStormthat's steel all right17:59
RST38hThat one won't break17:59
gribouillehow can I map flv videos to mplayer ?17:59
AStormbut solder would17:59
AStormgribouille: as in?17:59
AStormgribouille: I'd use canola anyway :>17:59
RST38hDepends on how you solder it17:59
AStormRST38h: in any way, it won't solder well17:59
gribouilleAStorm, but it doesnt play flash videos18:00
AStormgribouille: wrong! it does18:00
gribouillelet's try18:00
AStormbut be sure to get the recent version, (like beta7 or newer)18:00
AStormit even has a youtube plugin18:00
qwerty12it wont index flv files you have already saved.18:00
RST38hAStorm: you can make a few notches on it with a file, then wrap the wire around these, and use some evil compound when soldering18:00
AStormRST38h: hmm, yup, increase surface18:01
gribouilleAStorm, I tried the youtube plugin, but it failed miserably18:01
AStormbut it will still break the same18:01
RST38hAnd then, just to be sure, deep the whole thing into "liquid metal" epoxy18:01
RST38hEverything will break when pushed hard enough.18:01
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AStormthe problem is that in both cases it broke just after the pin18:02
AStormat the point it connects to the rest of the plug18:02
gribouilleAStorm, canola doesn't show flash videos in my video folder18:02
AStormgribouille: what qwerty12 said18:02
AStormput these into its youtube save folder18:02
gribouilleAStorm, where is it ?18:03
qwerty12Sigh, I have to reinstall scratchbox :(18:03
AStormyou can pick that one18:03
AStormin Settings18:03
AStormthey'll probably fix the scanner some more in the next version18:04
qwerty12its planned.18:04
AStormI hope Vorbis will work18:04
gribouilleAStorm, is it 'My download folder' ?18:04
qwerty12AStorm, There's a deb for vorbis in canola18:04
AStormqwerty12: sorry, can't test that yet18:05
AStormis it that ogg-support, or something more?18:05
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AStormqwerty12: first, I need a non-breaking charger18:05
gribouillewhere does canola put the videos it downloads ?18:05
qwerty12AStorm, Ogg-support is needed for codecs but then there is another deb. I'll search it up.18:05
AStormqwerty12: wait with that18:05
AStormI'd have to bookmark it18:05
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qwerty12I got a question, what benefits does an oprofile kernel give?18:09
AStormyou can run oprofile with it18:10
AStormand profile the kernel and apps18:10
qwerty12Ah nice :), my CPU is always on full usage for some reason and [h]top gives me rubbish results.18:10
* johnx was distracted for a while, reads through backlog + Jaffa's "What's next"18:10
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AStormbtw, is it possible to reassemble keys (I mean physical) on N810?18:17
AStormswitch the layout18:17
qwerty12brb, got to log out to set up sbox18:17
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eathprodWas an intresting post on about firewall and security, i didnt understand all what was said, but as i understand it, there is iptables at the bottom of the system, would it be possible for somone to make a script to make it run useful?18:19
qwerty12Believe me, meanwhile was chatting out of his ass.18:19
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GeneralAntillesYes, eathprod, it'd be worthwhile to ignore basically everything that meanwhile "contributed" to that thread. ;)18:20
AStormeathprod: well, there is iptables18:21
Naviiptables isn't that hard to understand.18:21
AStormyou can use it18:21
AStormand maybe firehol or some other frontend could be ported18:21
NaviThough, I've always missed ipfw from my BSD days18:22
gribouilledoes anyone know if there is a better shell than ash ?18:22
AStormI'm not sure if an useful modules have been built18:22
AStormgribouille: sure, bash18:22
johnxeathprod, what do you want to do with your firewall? try and keep people out? or try and restrict net access from apps running18:22
AStormand the default isn't ash, but msh (from busybox)18:22
sp3000the b is for better! :P18:22
gribouilleAStorm, ut doesn't seem to be a good idea to install it18:22, gribouille18:22
AStormyup, that one has bash318:23
eathprodi know it will be "fireproof" but if somthing could make it better it would be wothwhile18:23
AStormyou can replace /bin/sh with it w/o harm too18:23
GeneralAntillesThe default says "ash" over here, AStorm.18:23
eathprodwont be*18:23
AStormGeneralAntilles: possible, but it isn't that ash Debian uses18:23
AStormit still is busybox ash, which sucks :P18:23
qwerty12I didn't like bash tbh on my tablet. bash on my computer is great but I found ash to be more suited for the tablet.18:23
AStormin what?18:24
AStormit doesn't have *anything*18:24
gribouilleif I want to install bash, apt-get will remove 129 packages !18:24
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NaviI find bash sucks either way.18:24
AStormgribouille: no, nitapps.com18:24
AStormnot the one in repos18:24
AStormthat one is for scratchbox or hax0rs ;P18:24
RST38h[whispers] tcsh18:24
AStormRST38h: noooooo!18:24
johnxeathprod, basically, by default, ITOS isn't listening on any ports, and only programs that *you* install have net access. If you do install a malicious program by accident, chances are it will also be smart enough to subvert your firewall...sooo, unless you have a specific use in mind for iptables, I wouldn't worry about it18:25
qwerty12tsch any good?18:25
AStormRST38h: no, I want a Python shell.18:25
AStormlike ipython, but slightly different18:25
Naviqwerty12, it's like csh18:25
johnxqwerty12, I prefer the bourne-based shells to the c-based shells18:25
RST38hAStorm: Weird. Is it difficult to compile?18:25
AStormRST38h: what? ipython? no18:25
qwerty12Ah thanks.18:26
* Navi prefers zsh18:26
AStormit just doesn't run normal commands by default18:26
RST38hqwerty: csh/tcsh are standard on BSD systems18:26
AStormRST38h: which is unfortunate and sucky18:26
Naviand dash for lower systems18:26
RST38hqwerty: so every time I have to deal with bash, it feels wrong18:26
AStormNavi: zsh actually isn't that much better18:26
RST38hqwerty: that is the only reason really18:26
eathprodjohnx, thanks for the answer, i guess basic healty thinking and dowload from trusted sources is good enuf18:26
NaviAStorm, than what, bash?18:26
AStormRST38h: because you're wrong, not the shell :P18:26
AStormNavi: why not, but then, bash isn't the best18:27
AStormI'd love fish, but debroken and improved18:27
qwerty12I've only ever used bash and ash :/. But surely they are easy to port to the tablet? I'd try but scratchbox is officialy over for me.18:27
NaviAStorm, then what were you comparing it to?18:27
AStormand also, POSIX sh is anywhere18:27
AStormNavi: to nothing special18:27
johnxeathprod, there are a lot of smart people here and on the forums. Chances are anyone writing malicious code will get caught out pretty quick18:27
AStormzsh is better than bash, but only minimally18:27
NaviI take zsh's scripting and tab completion over bash any day18:28
lopz hi18:28
AStormNavi: well, tab completion is configurable in bash18:28
NaviNot just a minor improvement, imo18:28
AStormthe defaults are diff18:28
AStormzsh scripting isn't better, just different18:28
johnxeathprod, that being said, there are nice tracking programs you can run to easily see what programs are connecting to where: netstat is one of them (try netstat -ltau in the x terminal)18:28
gribouilleif I install bash3, will it break my yablet ?18:29
NaviAStorm, if I prefer it, it's better to me.18:29
AStormgribouille: no18:29
gribouilleAStorm, can I install it safely ?18:29
AStormNavi: exactly, qualified speech is the win ;)18:29
AStormgribouille: YES.18:29
eathprodjohnx, i will look into it when i get it conected, thanks18:29
NOCmadmanis there a way i can tell what is causing my n800 to take so long to poweron ? it hangs at the nokia screen for a very long time. It did not do this before i updated. I am running os200818:30
GeneralAntillesDo you have swap enabled?18:30
qwerty12NOCmadman, fanoush written some good stuff about checking.18:30
NOCmadmani did but i turned it off when I updated18:30
GeneralAntillesSwap + corrupt internal card has been known to cause those symptoms.18:31
NOCmadmani am constantly using internal card and swap is turned off so guess im back to square 118:32
AStormNOCmadman: check partition layout of that card18:34
AStormthere's some info on forums18:34
gribouilleI clicked on the link 'Install catalogue' on, but it didn't work18:36
johnxclick save page, then open it in file manager18:36
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johnx...or "install from file" directly in application manager after saving the page18:38
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gribouilleI wonder what there is in this catalogue18:43
johnxnitapps? just what you see on the front page I think18:43
johnxbattery status, light meter and temp sensor seem like the coolest ones to me18:44
gribouillejohnx, but the packages don't appear in the software manager18:44
johnxyou might have to install them with apt-get18:44
GeneralAntillesDid you refresh.18:45
johnxor you might not :D18:45
GeneralAntillesThey're all in User/18:45
gribouilleit normally does when you install a new catalogue18:45
qwerty12I can verify that battery-status is in the application manager catalogue. I use all.18:46
AStormjohnx: I'd love real applets for these18:47
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gribouillefoe example, color-ls appears neither in the available applications list, nor in the installed applications list18:47
johnxAStorm, you mean home screen applets?18:47
AStormjohnx: yup18:47
qwerty12Well of course it isn't going to be in installed application list.18:47
johnxthat would be kind of neat...18:47
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qwerty12But color-ls is in available apps.18:47
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johnxI wonder how hard homeip and homecpuspeed are to hack18:48
AStormwell, is it just some GTK?18:48
RST38hthey are all written in python afaik18:48
qwerty12Not really, they are just python18:48
AStormPyGTK then?18:48
AStormwith a transparent PNG?18:48
AStormlike screenlets?18:48
AStormor PyCairo?18:48
qwerty12I made a quick crap uptime applet which fails after 1 hour using that code.18:48
AStormqwerty12: lol18:48
johnxuptime applet TODO: improve uptime18:49
RST38hquickly rename it "the countdown applet"!18:49
qwerty12I'd be interested if someone did make a proper uptime applet actually ;p18:49
AStormI suspect you count seconds18:49
johnxok, I'm in a good mood so I'll take a really quick poke at homeip and see if I can make it do my bidding18:49
AStormjust display /proc/uptime, d'oh18:50
qwerty12that output is weird :p18:50
qwerty12"uptime" I like though18:50
AStormqwerty12: no no, it's not weird18:50
GeneralAntillesHome applets for what?18:50
GeneralAntilleslight-meter and internal temperature?18:50
johnxyeah, and battery status I guess18:51
qwerty12Making one for internal-temperature would be very very easy18:51
GeneralAntillesIt's already been done18:51
GeneralAntillesI recommended that Khertan make them yesterday. :P18:51
GeneralAntillesThey're there.18:51
GeneralAntillesbattery-status uses dbus which activates the statusbar applet18:51
GeneralAntillesso that wouldn't work very well as a desktop applet.18:51
gribouilleis bash-completion available ?18:52
johnxmeh, that's just cosmetic18:52
GeneralAntillesIt's kind of irritating when a home applet is randomly activating it all the time, though.18:52
johnxjust cause it gets that background?18:52
qwerty12Maybe kcbatt? But I don't get that program, output was -230% at one time.18:52
AStormgribouille: I think yes18:52
AStormit should work well anyway if installed by hand18:53
gribouilleAStorm, I tried apt-get install bash-completion, but with no result18:53
AStormGeneralAntilles: well, battery state is readable from /sys directly, right?18:53
AStormgribouille: ... no, there's no package18:53
qwerty12kcbatt grabs it from dsme/retu18:53
johnxAStorm, I'm pretty sure it's not...but I'd like to be wrong18:54
qwerty12Battery status?18:54
gribouilleAStorm, the problem is that the commands available in the tablet OS have fewer options than the same commands in PC distributions18:54
AStormgribouille: that's busybox for you18:54
AStormyou'd need coreutils18:55
AStormand getting that requires a moderate hack :P18:55
qwerty12Hehe, I hate that hack I made18:55
AStormbut works here, mostly18:55
qwerty12I hate coreutils on tablet too18:55
AStormwhy do you hate them?18:55
gribouilleAStorm, what hack ?18:55
qwerty12I kept getting segfaults with ls -la, mv etc18:55
AStormGrackle: don't try it18:55
AStormqwerty12: well, that's the price18:56
AStormreplace ls and mv with busybox symlinks then18:56
AStormGrackle: sorry18:56
AStormgribouille: don't try it w/o a backup18:56
qwerty12AStorm, I did but I didn't want to find any suprises18:56
gribouilleAStorm, I won't try it at all18:56
gribouilleIf I use an Internet tablet, I don't want to use the command line often18:57
AStormWell, so do I. But...18:57
gribouillejust when it is absolutely necessary18:57
AStormBut I have to, devel and such :P18:57
qwerty12I actually prefer the command line18:57
gribouilleqwerty12, so do I18:57
AStormand I want lighttpd too :>18:57
qwerty12Application Manager takes ages for something that takes me a few seconds with dpkg and apt-get18:58
gribouilleAStorm, do you devel for thr tablet ?18:58
GeneralAntillesAStorm, make it so, then.
AStormgribouille: not for IT, no18:58
qwerty12Application Manager is really bad, it insists on indexing all the packages upon startup.18:58
AStormGeneralAntilles: first, have to finally build the environment18:58
AStormqwerty12: hehe, for some reason18:58
AStormit should actually only need a cache update18:58
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qwerty12Yep :(. Hopefully, it will be fixed in Diablo.18:59
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AStormGeneralAntilles: the problem is lack of time18:59
qwerty12AStorm, looking at GeneralAntilles link,
AStormqwerty12: well, svn version I have also fails :P18:59
qwerty12I hate svn versions18:59
qwerty12I reverted back to the old one18:59
gribouillewhat is the best application for music/video ?18:59
AStormgribouille: depends, but I'd say canola218:59
GeneralAntillesFor music, anyway.18:59
AStormukmp is fairly good too18:59
GeneralAntillesIt's got way too much overhead for videa.18:59
qwerty12I made a load of screenies for anyone interested what was changed in the svn I built :p19:00
AStormnot that much in fullscreen19:00
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AStormbut it unfortunately scales vids19:00
AStorm(mplayer doesn't)19:00
johnxgribouille, you need to try canola2 anyways so that you at least know what everyone is talking about19:00
AStormotoh mplayer needs a config option to disable that sound delay19:00
gribouilleI ask before spending time learning and configuring canola19:00
AStormbecause some idiot hardcoded it19:00
AStorm280ms sound delay, stupid stupid19:00
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GeneralAntillesIt's gone, AStorm.19:01
qwerty12AStorm, the 26 versions dont have it19:01
* Navi prefers mpd for music19:01
gribouillejohnx, I tried it for youtube videos and it failed completly19:01
GeneralAntillesHas been for a version or two.19:01
AStormGeneralAntilles: in .2619:01
AStormbut .26 has broken flv playback, that is, slow19:01
qwerty12Even better, use Bundyo's rc2 built. MUCH MUCH BETTER19:01
qwerty12flv is fixed in rc2 as well19:01
Naviqwerty12, how so?19:01
GeneralAntillesCanola's YouTube plugin is hot.19:01
qwerty12wmv and flv are much improved in rc219:01
gribouilleGeneralAntilles, does it work ?19:01
johnxgribouille, well it's only about 30 seconds to point it at some of audio and see if you like it19:01
NaviTo what degree of much better is the rc2?19:01
AStormqwerty12: tell me a link, later, when I get my power source done :P19:01
AStorm(that is, bought)19:01
qwerty12Well, for flv, seeking and sound syncing are perfect.19:02
AStormseeking in flv? YEAH!19:02
qwerty12Yep, it works properly as well :)19:02
AStormbtw, is ukmp good enough?19:02
NaviIt's always worked for me19:02
AStormor some other nice mplayer frontend?19:02
GeneralAntillesIt's old19:02
GeneralAntillesand unsupported.19:02
AStormboo hoo19:02
AStormwe need a good mplayer frontend19:02
AStormhell, I might hack something in Python19:03
qwerty12I found the interfact awkward TBH. But like Navi, I just use mpd now.19:03
qwerty12With powerlaunch, mpd is brilliant.19:03
GeneralAntillesCould be Canola if it weren't so terrible for video playback. :<19:03
gribouillejohnx, the only thing it displays it "Unable to resilve video url ..."19:03
AStormqwerty12: btw, does r'n'd mode increase power use?19:03
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Navibug konttori about ukmp the next time you see 'em19:03
AStormGeneralAntilles: it isn't in full screen mode, as I said19:03
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AStormbut resizes vids19:03
GeneralAntillesAStorm, theoretically a little19:03
AStormGeneralAntilles: why?19:03
GeneralAntillesIn practice, I've never noticed any difference.19:03
qwerty12AStorm, no afaic unless you enable serial console.19:04
AStormfor me, the only diff is the logo, and *maybe* power use19:04
AStormqwerty12: mhm19:04
GeneralAntillesIt's easier to turn on.19:04
GeneralAntillesSo you could accidentally turn it on while it's off and use more power. ;)19:04
Navi<qwerty12> With powerlaunch, mpd is brilliant. <-- Genius19:04
AStormmpd is junk19:04
AStormwe need xmms219:04
qwerty12Navi, for sure19:04
AStormso, who will port xmms2?19:05
qwerty12and mmpc makes it even more better, I just have the home button in powerlaunch set to launch mmpc19:05
AStormI like the home button as it is19:05
Navixmms2 is missing good clients :/19:05
johnxdidn't someone compile it already?19:05
qwerty12That was xmms 1 afaikl19:05
AStormNavi: nobody makes it hard to write one19:05
AStormjohnx: yup, that was xmms119:06
AStormNavi: it's just that people haven't yet19:06
johnxnah, I'm thinking xmms2, gimme a sec to find it19:06
NaviAStorm, except the API breakage that used to come in periodic updates in xmms219:06
AStormNavi: used, but doesn't anymore19:06
AStormthe api got stabler19:06
qwerty12My scratchbox feels so empty now :(. So many half, unfinished projects I was working on now gone :(19:09
qwerty12I wanted to finish off that port of PCMan I had.19:09
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qwerty12Hehe, here's to a new start :p19:09
qwerty12This was the bit where you were meant to cry for me. :p19:10
NaviI need to clean out my scratchbox19:10
GeneralAntillesSounds like the sound a cat makes in the litterbox. :P19:11
AStormit's just a build env19:11
NaviSounds like a brand of mixing tables.19:11
johnxI think solmumaha was the one who compiled xmms219:11
johnxsolmumaha, you around?19:12
AStormblah anyway19:12
* GeneralAntilles throws a wikipedia plugin section at qwerty12.19:12
AStormI have no Nxxx available right now19:12
NaviThere we go:
AStormand xmms2 doesn't do video19:12
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, I have no idea what to write :P. I can write what plugins the community have made?19:12
GeneralAntillesStart with a list of plugins and what they do.19:12
AStormqwerty12: gimme a home screen plugin for temperature19:13
GeneralAntillesWork from there if you get inspired.19:13
AStormlight sensor19:13
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Ok, I can do that.19:13
GeneralAntillesif not, I can write something up.19:13
GeneralAntilles1 or 2 screenshots wouldn't hurt.19:13
qwerty12AStorm, it's very easy to modify one of the existing ones.19:13
AStormand possibly battery status, esp. current drain19:13
AStormqwerty12: which ones? linky?19:13
GeneralAntillesAStorm, there's already a homescreen applet for temp.19:13
AStormGeneralAntilles: :)19:14
GeneralAntillesKhertan made one for the light sensor and one for temp yesterday.19:14
AStormthat's why I don't know about it19:14
GeneralAntillesI mentioned the fact in scrollback. :P19:14
AStormdrop me a link and I'll bookmark it19:14
GeneralAntillesIt's in extras-devel19:14
GeneralAntilleswith the rest of the "Home" stuff.19:14
AStormthen hopefully tomorrow I'll test it19:14
johnxah! woo! I didn't catch that part! that's nice...19:14
AStormbtw, I'd like a larger clock applet too19:15
AStormmaybe, a clock screen saver?19:15
GeneralAntillesThere's an application19:15
AStorm(w/o backlight)19:15
johnxmclock I think...19:15
qwerty12ooh, homewifilevel and home internal temp looks nice19:15
johnx:D we need homefortune!19:16
GeneralAntillesSuggest it, johnx.19:16
GeneralAntillesI'm sure he'll put it together.19:16
AStormGeneralAntilles: OS2007?19:16
johnxactually, I should try and do it myself19:16
* johnx needs an excuse to dig into python19:16
MangoFusionprint "Hello World"19:16
AStormmclock needs backlight, duh19:17
GeneralAntillesAnything'll need backlight to be able to see it.19:17
qwerty12secks with a python?19:17
AStormI want some method to keep LCD on19:17
AStormbut backlight = 019:17
AStormlike advanced backlight control does19:17
GeneralAntillesPlug it in, turn off the backlight.19:17
AStormit's readable with high contrast and external light :P19:17
qwerty12AStorm, tried moredimming options? Set the backlight timeout to low and lcd timeout to 24 hours.19:18
AStormGeneralAntilles: plug it in = no, no19:18
AStormqwerty12: moredimming.... hmmm :-)19:18
qwerty12If you have gconf-editor, you can do it yourself :)19:18
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AStormgoogling returned zilch19:18
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qwerty12me bad19:19
qwerty12it's 2 double 0 8 :p19:19
qwerty12Although they undeniably link to the same deb >.<19:19
AStormdoes it make dimming go to 0 light?19:19
AStormah, I'd need to disable screen shutdown on keyboard lock too19:20
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gribouillecan someone tell me what color-ls does exactly ?19:28
AStorminstalls a file that allows coloring of ls output19:28
AStormDIR_COLORS or something19:29
qwerty12Exactly what it says on the tin.19:29
gribouillethe package contains only /bin/ls.color19:29
johnxsends you colored screen overlays in the mail...19:29
qwerty12it gives me a good time19:29
GeneralAntillesI want a company that provides ssh by mail.19:30
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AStormGeneralAntilles: rotfl19:33
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lcukMITM attacks are bad.   damn that mailman19:34
gribouillehow can I add a new mime type ?19:34
johnx"package contains one (1) ssh server and one (1) ssh client, do not bend spindle, fold or mutilate."19:35
lcukpackage actually sends the first IP packet over mail devliery network.  GeneralAntilles must Ack by postcard.19:36
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, I've made a very ugly plugins section. Could do with a lot of clean up. I was and did add links but wikipedia went into read only mode. Fucking idiots.19:36
GeneralAntillesJust send it again19:36
qwerty12I would upload a picture but I dont have permissions.19:36
GeneralAntillesIt only lasts a few seconds.19:36
GeneralAntillesYou registered?19:36
qwerty12Yes but I have to wait 4 days before I am a "confirmed user"19:37
lcukwith a name like qwerty12 you could be confused for a spambot ;)19:37
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lcukGeneralAntilles got through all the beurocratic bullshit because he is in the military ;)19:37
qwerty12When I started using it (few years back) out of randomness, it wasn't common but now there is a virus called qwerty12.exe :(19:38
lcuk:( your work of art is out there :P19:38
qwerty12If only I could program... :p19:38
johnxyeah, I saw it on this forum I visit, ITT or something... :P19:38
lcuk"The worlds first nokia maemo platform virus19:38
lcukwould actually be very easy19:39
AStormlcuk: I suggest using RFC114919:40
qwerty12Oh yeah, can anyone confirm if Rapier uses Sword (the Sword project or something like that)?19:40
lcuk:) astorm19:41
gribouilledoes anyone know how many pixels the N800 camera has ?19:41
qwerty12Not much.19:42
AStormgribouille: I guess 1,2 mpix19:42
AStormah, that :>19:42
lcukbut 6 are snow19:42
AStormmhm, 0,8 mpix? junk ;P19:42
lcukits frustrating, i wanna play with the came but i cant be arsed setting up the base snap code19:42
AStorm0,3 mpix19:42
AStormeven more junk19:43
AStormanyway, it's a webcam, not a camera19:43
lcukyer if i can just call a function to take a picture i would start to use it19:43
lcukjust one frame then19:43
* lcuk is in a pondering mood19:43
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MangoFusionvirus on the NIT?19:44
gribouilleis it possible to record videos with the cam ?19:44
MangoFusionanyone fancy downloading my port of the gimp?19:44
* MangoFusion looks decidedly evil19:44
NaviMangoFusion, does it run like suck?19:44
GeneralAntillesIt's a virus19:44
GeneralAntillesIt runs great, Navi.19:44
MangoFusionnah just installs a bit of spyware, formats your sd cards, and makes large farting noises19:44
qwerty12im in19:45
lcukhah - that has to be a sample for the music thing - the harder you hit your NIT the louder it farts19:45
lcuk(sorry, am pondering music as well.. but thats for another day)19:45
gribouilledoes video work with wkype ?19:46
AStormthe screen can read pressure data?19:46
AStormgribouille: no19:46
AStormbecause it's skype 1.419:46
lcukstorm, yes19:46
gribouillebut why ?19:46
AStormcoupled with cruddy codec19:46
AStormG.174 or so19:46
AStormlcuk: is there a new beta?19:46
gribouillewill it work one day ?19:47
AStormgribouille: when skype writes an app19:47
lcukno ill find you the howto19:47
AStormlcuk: gimme19:47
AStormI want one to stop skype disconnecting on any tablet usage :>19:47
gribouilleAStorm, but normally, video works with skype19:47
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AStormgribouille: but not on IT19:48
AStormat least, not with the version I have19:48
AStormLinux Skype 2.x works fine with video and sound19:48
AStormbut still uses weird amounts of CPU19:48
gribouillewhat's missing to make it work ?19:48
AStormfor what it does, it eats a lot19:48
johnxgribouille, for some reason the skype guys haven't bothered to get video working on the n8x0. That's their choice.19:48
AStormgribouille: Skype source code ;P19:48
AStormactually, a rebuild of Skype 2.x for Maemo19:49
AStormbut then, 2.x isn't released for Linux yet19:49
johnxwhat's missing: a paid, motivated programmer with access to skype source code19:49
AStormand we'd need them to implement their audio codecs properly19:49
AStormthey suck at it19:49
AStormtotally unoptimized, choke sometimes on C2D19:50
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AStormin other words: they can't code19:50
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AStormand they can't use usual frameworks too19:50
johnxI think they've gotten complacent...19:50
AStormlcuk: :-)19:51
VeggenI prefer standards-based VOIP to proprietary solutions, myself.19:51
lcukits also available i believe from within python, but that might have been lost in the sands of ummm time  (about 3 months)19:51
AStormlcuk: do you have a workaround for Hildon to use AccessX?19:51
AStormand switching it on by default in hold mode?19:51
lcukwhat is this accessx you speak of?  (I hope its not an access database)19:51
AStormit's X extension19:52
lcukfor what19:52
AStormavailable in Xomap too19:52
AStormfor keyboard accessibility19:52
AStormsticky keys19:52
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lcukdunno at all, i havent even seen how the keyboard works or anything19:52
qwerty12accessx, have you got a build? sounds useful for a tablet.19:52
AStormqwerty12: it's in Xomap19:52
* lcuk assumes some magic happens and i get keyboard events19:52
AStormswitch it on by adding +accessx option19:52
lcukback later19:52
qwerty12Ah, thanks :)19:53
AStormlcuk: actually, it's a real hw keyboard19:53
AStormqwerty12: 5x shift key enables sticky keys19:53
AStormthat includes ALL modifiers19:53
AStormand that double key press hold enabler19:53
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AStormlike Hildon does19:54
AStormbut less sucky, as it's X server feature19:54
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qwerty12Ah ok, but I'll have to use XVKBD then as I'm on N800.19:54
AStormwell :P19:54
AStormnot with a bluetooth keyboard19:54
AStormI want sticky keys enabled by default19:54
AStormjust that - it doesn't collide with Hildon at all19:55
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Veggenhmm. If I had sticky ctrl, I could give up my left one...19:55
AStormalso, I would have to disable toggle sequences too19:56
AStormI don't know why Nokia didn't use that19:57
AStormprobably they didn't research enough19:57
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AStormWe need to get Nokia to improve that part.20:03
GeneralAntillesHa anybody bothered to file a bug?20:04
qwerty12Does anyone have a 3G USB Modem (for "mobile broadband" as is touted in this country): if so, could someone try it with an N8*0:
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AStormGeneralAntilles: could you file a bug for me? :-)20:11
GeneralAntillesI'll confirm it and vote for it, though. :P20:12
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AStormwhile they're at it, they could increase autorepeat delay20:16
GeneralAntillesBetter yet, give us a GUI slider.20:17
johnxNavi, what? your slider all GUI?20:19
NaviMy slider is telepathically controlled20:20
johnxa little box where you can select the delay in ms would be nice really...20:20
Navidelay for what?20:20
NaviI haven't been reading20:20
GeneralAntilleskey repeat20:20
* GeneralAntilles pokes Navi with a stick.20:21
NaviThere's probably a gconf setting for it or something20:21
AStormNavi: nope20:21
NaviAw :(20:21
AStormbut there is xset20:21
Naviyay \o/20:21
Naviwe should turn johnx into a slider20:21
AStormHe's one already :P20:22
johnxwoo! if *anyone* suggests this to Nokia as a wishlist *please* tell them about xset so they don't manage to create a closed source replacement O_o20:22
GeneralAntillesSomebody file some bugs.20:22
GeneralAntillesBitching in #maemo is not an effective way to get Nokia to do things.20:22
AStormyeah, they have something of a NIH attitude20:22
NaviAnyways, anyone know how kde is launched on the N800?20:22
* johnx sets slider mode: snarky |---+--------| ornery20:23
AStormNavi: as usual20:23
Navinot the click the menu thing specifics, but the technical stop hildon-desktop specifics20:23
AStormit's Debian20:23
AStormNot Maemo at all.20:23
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NaviI've never run Debian or it's derivatives for a long span of time20:24
AStormMaemo is Debian-based20:24
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AStormso, you lie20:24
Navinot including maemo, fine.20:24
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johnxdo they just do /etc/init.d/whatever stop ?20:24
NaviAnyways, I've looked up what penguinbait did in OS200720:24
johnxdoes that actually work and not result in reboots?20:24
Naviand I can stop hildon-desktop20:25
Navibut trying it with matchbox doesn't work20:25
Naviit just respawns itself20:25
Naviand replacing it right when matchbox is down causes a reboot20:25
AStormNavi: just a simple mod of init script away20:25
GeneralAntillesNavi fails hard.20:25
NaviGeneralAntilles, agreed20:25
NaviAStorm, how do you do it?20:26
AStormand it's /etc/rc.d20:26
AStormNavi: find the initscript and mod the line with dsmetool20:26
johnxAStorm, what is /etc/rc.d ?20:26
AStormdsmetool is the autorebooter and restarter watchdog20:26
AStormjohnx: rc.d :P20:26
AStorminit script dir20:26
Naviinit scripts are thrown in there20:26
AStormtoo much BSD lately :P20:26
johnxls: /etc/rc.d: No such file or directory :P20:27
AStormjohnx: as I said, too much BSD lately :P20:27
Navithere are multiple rc directories20:27
johnxNavi, /etc/init.d has the real stuff20:27
AStormyup, rc.0 - rc.6 and rc.S20:27
johnxthe rcN.d is just symlinks20:27
AStormbut important ones20:27
NaviWell, the maemo init scripts and crap are in osso-af-init20:28
AStormmore or less20:28
johnxright, but they're *called* from scripts in init.d20:28
AStormstill, nokia needs a bash on head for dsmetool20:28
AStormstupid software daemon20:28
johnxand bme20:28
AStormthey should've used Linux kernel watchdogs instead20:28
johnxthey should have used *anything* instead of bme20:28
AStormanother hit on the head is retu*20:28
AStormI guess it's stupid TI NDA20:29
Naviso uh, how exactly do you use dsmetool? :/20:29
AStormNavi: you don't - that's how you prevent matchbox from restarting20:29
AStormor the device from rebooting when X server fails20:29
johnxyou make sure it doesn't get launched by dsmetool20:29
AStormand other things20:29
johnxdsmetool watches things waiting for them to die and then if they do it freaks the hell out and reboots20:30
AStormI find matchbox to be restarting quite often20:30
Navimmk20:30 use some technical language...20:30
AStormjohnx: or restarts the program in question20:30
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AStormthat depends on the option20:30
AStormbtw, why is that matchbox so crashy?20:30
johnxhmm? I've never had matchbox crash on zaurus or nokia...20:31
AStormcrashes at least once a day20:31
AStormmaybe it's some applet that makes it crash?20:31
johnxbtw, dsmetool has at least a vaguel useful help text20:31
AStormjohnx: :>20:31
johnxthat was more aimed at Navi20:31
AStormbtw, I should be able to design a better environment that that matchbox20:32
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NaviSo uh, how do I prevent dsmetool from running scratchbox?  I'm thoroughly confused.20:33
AStormfrom what?20:33
AStormyou mean, restarting matchbox?20:33
AStormremove it from the line that starts it20:33
johnxgrep matchbox /etc/init.d/* | grep dsmetool20:33
AStorm(its options too)20:33
NaviCan't find the init script that starts matchbox20:33
johnxshotgun approach20:34
AStormNavi: find /etc | xargs grep -Hn matchbox20:34
AStormif there is xargs on it20:34
AStormI think there is20:34
Navijohnx, fail20:34
johnxit's /etc/osso-af-init/matchbox.sh20:35
Navithere's no references to dsmetool in there20:35
Naviexcept that one comment line20:35
johnxwhat do you think that variable that launches PROG is?20:35
johnx~lart Nokia for their non-standard init scripts20:36
* infobot takes out Nokia with the trash for their non-standard init scripts20:36
AStormbtw, where can I grab a table charger for that battery BP-4L?20:36
AStormthe one for N81020:36
AStormjohnx: wrong country :/20:36
johnxlocal ebay equivalent?20:36
AStormunavailable :|20:36
AStormwhy no one produces that?20:37
johnx(you're not missing much...)20:37
johnxhold up a Nokia shop?20:37
AStormno such thing there20:37
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AStormI can't find one on the net, except some OEM thingy20:37
AStormthat supposedly works20:37
AStormbut can't buy it anywhere20:37
AStormbtw, is the battery smart? (That is, charge circuitry inside)20:38
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johnxThat's a question I'd like answered as well20:39
RST38hAstorm: it is20:39
AStormif it's stupid, I'd need exact charge specs20:39
AStormif not, I can build a 3,7V charger just fine20:39
AStormor adapt an existing one20:39
AStorm(that is, mod the case and pins)20:40
AStorm~lart Nokia for using micro-star screws20:41
* infobot slaps Nokia upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh for using micro-star screws20:41
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AStorm100 screwdrivers and I still don't have that one20:42
trollasaurusYou need a better set.20:42
AStormI do have one20:43
AStormI just don't have a star that small :P20:43
AStormfortunately, can unscrew it with flat one :>20:44
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RST38hAStorm: If I understand things correctly, you only need to replace the jack, not the power supply?20:46
AStormmore or less20:47
AStormI'd personally use a microjack plug, should fit20:48
AStormbut Nokia thought well about those chargers needing a lot of replacement20:48
AStormI wonder why they didn't provide USB charging20:49
AStormthat's exactly 0,25 of a chip ;P20:49
fang64_Astorm: they have a Usb Adapter for the them lol although a bit annoying20:49
RST38hhave you seen their USB connector?20:50
RST38hDo you really want to break and have to replace THAT?20:50
AStormusb wouldn't break20:51
AStormit's large enough20:51
GeneralAntillesI've never managed to break a Nokia barrel charger. <_<20:51
fang64_I haven't either, it's the first time I've heard of being a problem20:52
AStormI managed to break the plug. Twice.20:52
AStormMaybe I'm unlucky or handling it too roughly ;P20:52
GeneralAntillesI haven't exactly handled mine gently, either, though.20:52
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fang64_sounds like my luck with cell phones flying onto the highway20:52
johnxI feel more comfortable with the bigger zaurus/psp charger, but my n800 charger hasn't broken yet...20:52
johnxjust the "barrel" part I mean...20:53
AStormdoes N800 have that flimsy 1mm 5V plug, or the older one?20:54
AStormNow Nokia is required by Chinese to use USB port for charging ;P20:54
GeneralAntillesAll Internet Tablets have exactly the same plug.20:54
GeneralAntillesAnybody know anything about "Imendio"?
AStormthe problem is that getting these chargers here (Poland) is hard20:55
GeneralAntillesSee the infobox. :\20:55
AStormGeneralAntilles: these are the guys after that gnome communicator or something20:56
solmumahajohnx: yes20:57
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AStormhmm, not much to see inside N81020:58
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qwerty12_N800not much there :p20:58
AStormapart from a LOT of free space20:59
AStormthey could've easily retained that FM radio20:59
AStormand added zillion other things20:59
MangoFusionimendio are the guys who do the gtk port for mac os x20:59
AStorm4 cm^2 free20:59
MangoFusionamongst other things20:59
qwerty12_N800i dont even use fmradio tbh21:00
ImMelodyme neither..21:00
ImMelodyActually..  I've never used it o.O21:00
MangoFusionin my n95 i have a radio, gps, and wifi. muhahaha21:00
ImMelodyhurray for you?21:01
AStormand you use none?21:01
MangoFusionnot a good idea to turn them all on at the same time though, mind you21:01
AStormgps is the same junk as in N81021:01
MangoFusiondidn't even realise it had a radio till today21:01
johnxAStorm, but hooked up to AGPS service in this case, IIRC21:02
AStormno AGPS here, so...21:02
AStormthere's a minor problem... I can't unscrew the two screws holding the keyboard21:02
AStormanother diff. screw, even weirder21:02
ImMelodyhrm.. any clue where the images for the status bar icons are kept?21:03
AStormah, yes, microstar-b21:03
RST38hGeneral: Is it some new way to spam through Wiki?21:03
GeneralAntillesI dunno21:03
qwerty12_N800ImMelody: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/hildon afair21:03
GeneralAntillesJust grab the icons directory and all its subdirectories with sftp or something21:04
GeneralAntillesmakes icon work a bit easier.21:04
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AStormmy tiny flat screwdriver can't grab it21:04
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ImMelodyWith the help of those HomeXXX apps, I've finally decided I can go through with my little pet project21:05
qwerty12_N800excuse me21:06
ImMelodyhomeip, homewifi, homenetstats21:06
GeneralAntillesCapital X's make that bad. :P21:06
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qwerty12_N800lol, what i was thinking ;p21:06
ImMelodySorry.. No desktop porn yet for the n8x021:06
ImMelodyBoys ;p21:07
AStormthe keys are mounted on a single piece of plastic21:08
qwerty12_N800AStorm: dissappointed? :p21:08
AStormno way to change the layout21:08
AStormwon't hold21:09
GeneralAntillesBuy better paint!21:09
elbAStorm: USB charging is not supplied because USB can provide a maximum of 500mA, and the IT pulls more than that21:11
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ImMelodyGeneral, do you think doing three sets of icons would be easiest? one blue signifying when bluetooth is connected and one green when it's not, and like white when bluetooth is off totally? (if you remember what I'm up to)21:13
AStormelb: blah blah21:13
AStormthere is a charger21:13
AStormand N810 lives on 650 mA21:13
elband 650mA > 500mA ;-)21:14
GeneralAntillesImMelody, there was a significant amount of discussion on the icon coloring and usability for Bluetooth.21:14
GeneralAntillesI don't recall what the result of that was right now21:14
elbI suspect future generations will charge by USB, as power requirements are brought down21:14
GeneralAntillesBut I'd say, blue: on and connected, white: on, gray: off21:14
GeneralAntillesand a redslash gray icon for offline mode.21:14
qwerty12_N800but doesn't the icon disappear when bt is off?21:15
ImMelodyI couldn't remember the coloring everyone else thought either21:15
AStormok, power plug is easily replacable21:15
ImMelodyI'm trying to make a new statusbar icon21:15
AStormuhm, power socket21:15
GeneralAntillesWith the default applet, qwerty12_N800.21:15
AStormconnected by two pins21:15
AStormnot pins21:16
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles: is another being made?21:16
AStormslide-on ports21:16
AStormor what its called21:16
GeneralAntillesGeneralAntilles, it's happening right around you. :P21:16
ImMelodyqwerty, it's something I've been on and off working on for a few months now21:16
qwerty12_N800qwerty12_N800: qwerty12_N800 really?21:16
qwerty12_N800ImMelody: great :)21:17
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: qwerty12_N800, it's happening right around you. :P21:17
ImMelodyCombining wifi and bluetooth together21:17
ImMelodyusing the colors to signify whether or not the bluetooth is on.. then having a signal strength for the wifi21:17
AStormthere is both wifi and bluetooth antenna21:17
AStormbut not GPS one21:17
qwerty12_N800That does sound good, I went and removed the wifi icon of my statusbar today21:18
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GeneralAntillesIt's too bad the icons are the easy part.21:18
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ImMelodyyeah :(21:18
ImMelodybut hopefully with Khertan's apps, I'll be able to get a little further21:19
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AStormactually, rouing USB to power port would be easy21:19
AStormadding a switch would be hard though21:20
johnxyeah, hasn't someone done it before?21:20
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GeneralAntillesAStorm, people have done it.21:20
AStormwhere did they add the switch?21:20
AStormand I'm talking about N81021:20
johnxit should be largely similar to the N800, no?21:21
elbI'm sure there is a GPS antenna21:22
elbbut it's probably a patch21:22
elbit'll just look like a small square21:22
elbit could be on top of the GPS chip itself21:22
elb(though that would be a pretty small antenna)21:22
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AStormnope, the gps has an antenna micro whatit' called port21:24
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AStormthe one wifi uses21:24
AStormnot connected21:24
elbyes, but that's probably not the only port21:24
AStormdo I smell a mod?21:24
elbit wouldn't work at *all* if it had no antenna whatsoever21:24
AStormno, why?21:24
elbreception would simply be too poor21:25
elbparticularly inside that metal case21:25
AStormit's plastic21:25
elbyou don't see a ceramic square anywhere inside the case?21:25
elbthe n810?21:25
elbit's at least metallized21:25
RST38hBoth GPS and WiFi antennas should be in the left upper corner of N81021:26
RST38hAt least this is what the manual says21:26
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elbthey might be able to share antennae, even, although that would be kind of surprising to me21:27
elbreceive-only antennae are not as picky as those which have to transmit21:27
AStormI see the antennas in the top part of the device21:27
AStormthe black plastic strip has them21:27
AStormbut I think one is wifi21:27
AStormthe other BT21:27
AStormand no GPS21:27
elbbluetooth probably doesn't have an antenna you can distinguish21:27
elbit could be simply a trace on the circuit board21:28
AStormno traces visible21:28
elbit doesn't have to be visible21:28
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AStormevery chip is nicely insulated, each has a cage21:28
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elbRF doesn't care ;-)21:29
elbso, the point is, physical reality dictates that there is a GPS antenna *somewhere*21:29
elbwhether or not you can locate it21:29
AStormthere is a strip of gold or cu21:30
AStormthe whole screen has a back from aluminum21:31
elbif that strip is zig-zag and occupies 1cmx.5cm or so, it's almost certainly a bluetooth antenna21:32
AStormit's straight21:32
elbthen I don't know21:33
AStorm0,5mm x 2cm21:33
elbthere's no reason a bluetooth antenna has to be zig-zag, of course21:33
AStorm2mm x2cm21:33
elbbut they typically are, to save space21:33
elbRF gets wonky at those frequencies21:33
AStormthat is certainly GPS antenna21:34
elbno, the GPS antenna won't be a trace21:34
AStormthe BT antenna is close to battery21:34
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elbit's probably a patch21:34
AStormit IS a patch21:34
AStormnot a trace21:34
elbI think you don't know what a patch antenna is ;-)21:34
elbit would be square, and have visible cutouts in the traces21:34
AStormit's really tiny21:34
AStormand it doesn't21:35
AStormbut it's certainly NOT a BT antenna21:35
AStormbt antenna isin the back, 100% sure21:35
elb <-- there's a picture of a GPS antenna next to a micro connector21:35
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elbit might not be an antenna at all, of course21:35
AStormit is in the place that affects GPS...21:36
AStormleft top corner of the device21:36
AStorma strip of gold21:36
elbI can see that logic is futile here21:36
* elb checks out21:36
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AStormclose to left speaker21:37
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AStormor i've got it the wrong way around21:38
AStormthere is something close to gps chip... that touches its shielding21:39
AStormmight be the antenna too, size iscorrect21:39
AStormjust right to the battery port21:39
RST38hCan you simply show us the image of the damn thing?21:39
AStormyup, wait21:39
AStormsorry for webcam quality21:39
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AStormhave to grab gqcam first...21:44
AStormnah, w3cam is better21:44
AStormok, bt antenna is by the lock key apparently21:46
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AStorma small chip, 1cmx2mm21:47
AStormnah, wrong21:47
AStormjust the lock switch :P21:47
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lcukis there nokia porn going on that im missing out on.  i wanna see a stripped down 81021:53
lcukelb,astorm wakey wakey.. ^21:53
AStormlcdd: ....21:54
AStormlcuk: :>21:54
elbheh I don't have the disassembled unit, AStorm does :-)21:54
AStormin a while21:54
AStormright now, I'm setting up the webcam21:54
AStormvidcat is ok, but doesn't give time for cam to autoadjust the brightness21:54
lcuksod the webcam, wheres the mood lighting and get that nokia a drink.  i wanna see it from all angles21:55
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* qwerty12_N800 is getting excited over this talk of nokia porn21:55
qwerty12_N800AStorm: Plan on distributing a dvd? :p21:56
* johnx is getting skeered. :sleeps instead of waiting around to see where this goes:21:56
AStormqwerty12_N800: lol21:56
lcukwell i dont think anyones ever seen beneath its cover before, the most its done is lifted its screen and shown a bit of ankle21:56
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AStormif you tell me how to NOT photograph myself while grabbing vid with mplayer, then... maybe a vid21:57
lcukmight i ask, why are you invading her privacy?21:58
AStormbecause of the power socket21:58
GeneralAntillesThere's are enough dissection pics online.21:58
AStormGeneralAntilles: of N810, or N800? ;P21:58
lcukof the 810?21:58
ImMelodyAm I the only one that has thought of my nokia as a guy?21:58
AStormImMelody: hehehe21:58
GeneralAntillesHeck, the FCC docs have all sorts of pictures of the board.21:58
elbprobably, because I think of mine as an inanimate object21:58
AStormGeneralAntilles: board, sure21:58
GeneralAntillesHaha, elb.21:58
qwerty12_N800Well, i consider mine both, as it has a hole and an ejecting camera21:59
AStormdo they have pics of the various antennas?21:59
ImMelodyI think my nokia is very masculine21:59
AStormqwerty12_N800: N810 doesn't have the ejecting camera21:59
lcukyou have to stroke the nokia gently.  you cannot be rough with it at all21:59
ImMelodyqwerty12_N800: you realize, guys have a hole too, right? ;)21:59
lcukso what happened to the power port21:59
AStormI'm mad at the plugs breaking22:00
qwerty12_N800ImMelody: Of course, it's how the air gets to my brain!22:00
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AStormand there's enough space for the larger variant22:00
AStormit's easily replacable, the socket22:00
lcukhmmm upgrades!22:01
GeneralAntillesAStorm, Nokia tends to use the same components across their product lines22:01
GeneralAntillesit costs less money22:01
GeneralAntillesThe fat plug has been phased out.22:01
AStormUSB plug has been phased in22:01
AStormthus I need an USB charge mod22:02
lcukGeneralAntilles, show me a pic of an 810 before astorm then22:02
AStormlcuk: :>22:02
elbAStorm: have you had plugs actaully break?22:02
elbor is this theoretical?22:02
lcukive tried looking in the usual places22:02
lcukwho cares, dont try and talk him out of it22:02
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lcukit should go back together (mostly)22:03
lcuki took apart my toshiba 6100 the other night, before i thought to go online and check i had a bed full of jigsaw pieces.  when i went back online i found the guide with 3 sodding pages full of detailed pictures showing the teardown22:04
lcuki wouldnt have started if i had known..22:04
qwerty12_N800I broke my Pocket pc opening it. I have to press on the screen for the display with a broken backlight appears.22:05
KotCzarnylcuk: you should have simply googled for service manual22:06
KotCzarnyat least ibm and dell have them22:06
AStormelb: actually22:06
AStormand twice22:06
AStormAnd N810 is already apart, so...22:07
AStormtime for pics22:07
lcuknokia is mia22:07
* KotCzarny goes into darkness of backlog22:09
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Cptnodegarddoes evince support bought pdf ebooks? i think thweres some drm crap on them22:15
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GeneralAntillesNo, Cptnodegard.22:16
Cptnodegardgay drm crap :(22:17
GeneralAntillesYeah, don't support it with your money. :P22:17
Cptnodegardcouldnt find the book in #bookz on udnernet22:17
* Jaffa publishes his blog post, and thanks y'all for your help with it22:17
AStormok, pics done22:18
Cptnodegardpost-nemesis star trek books, apaprently too new to be there22:18
* Cptnodegard buys a kindle22:18
GeneralAntillesStar Trek books.22:18
Cptnodegardwhat? -__-22:19
AStormsorry for lack of quality :>22:19
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qwerty12_N800unable to connect :(, i wanna see my n810 porn :p22:24
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AStormlighttpd failing at me22:25
AStormfcgi, to be exact22:27
AStormnow working22:28
qwerty12_N800OH YES22:29
czrmaybe you should order a COBOL programming book while at it :-)22:30
Cptnodegardyou borked it o.o22:30
AStormit's just disassembled22:30
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AStormreassembling now :P22:31
KotCzarnytake photos!22:31
AStormI did22:31
KotCzarnythere's no 810 pr0n on internet, yet22:31
AStormsorry for bootleg quality ;P22:31
Cptnodegardsomeone should find a chick and take real IT pr0n22:32
KotCzarny'if you look long enough you will see tits' ?22:32
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KotCzarnyastorm, why are the pic reversed?22:33
qwerty12_N800I'd push the n810's buttons any time...22:33
RST38hAStorm: that is highly amateurish pr0n22:33
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KotCzarnybetter than nothing22:34
RST38hBut the antennas will probably be under the white layer of plastic22:35
AStormRST38h: nah, that's the keyboard22:35
AStormthe rubber part of the keyboard lies on top of these switches22:35
ImMelodyOMG! I totally forgot to factor in data calls!22:36
* ImMelody cries22:36
KotCzarnydata calls?22:36
KotCzarnyare you on some pay-per-byte plan?22:37
AStormreassembly 50% complete22:37
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ImMelodyI forgot to factor in data calls when I started making my icons22:37
fysaAStorm:  which memory chip does it use? accessible?22:37
practisevoodoois there any diff between getting a minisd or a microsd and an adapter?22:37
KotCzarnyother than size?22:38
AStormeverything is under the grills it seems22:38
AStormfysa: I won't be taking these off22:38
AStormthey're real pain to mount back22:38
ImMelodydata is only online, connecting or off, right?22:39
AStormreassembly 80% complete22:39
RST38hpractice: 8GB cards are only available in microsd format22:39
RST38hbut not minisd22:39
RST38hAStorm: severely scary stuff22:40
KotCzarnyfull size sd too22:40
* qwerty12_N800 needs to set up localepurge again :(22:41
RST38hWell, full size sd won't fit into that hole, so it is out of consideration22:43
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acydlordthere are microsd to minisd adapters22:43
ImMelodyWhy did they decide to go with miniSD instead of regular SD for 810?22:44
AStormthere's no way a full sd would fit22:44
KotCzarnyrst38h: drill it22:44
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AStormthey could've used 2x microsd though22:44
BugBluebecause minisd is cooler22:44
* BugBlue has actually a microsd card in his n81022:45
* AStorm too22:45
* BugBlue awaits the first 'dual microsd to minisd' adapter at (it's chinese crap but hey it works)22:45
AStormreassembly 95% complete22:45
* KotCzarny has dual full size sd cards in his n80022:45
AStormand now I get that "shit I forgot to put those two screws in" feeling22:46
KotCzarny'hey, i've got spare parts'22:46
KotCzarny'but i don't see any empty holes'22:47
BugBlueAStorm: that's why I make maps on paper where I get the screws from and work backwards from that map when I put it together again22:47
AStormthere are holes22:47
BugBlueAStorm: laptops, mobile phones, ...22:47
AStormnot much work now though22:47
KotCzarnybugblue: ibm thinkpads have (dis)assembly manuals22:47
BugBluetake a sheet of paper, draw the device (very simple) and number the screws :P22:47
BugBlueKotCzarny: apple's too... and you know what the fun is, most of these manuals miss one or 2 screws22:48
BugBluemy mobile phone is empty22:48
AStormI know which two I forgot ;P22:48
BugBluemeans: IRC is empty22:48
KotCzarnybugblue: that's not the case in thinkpads22:48
BugBluelot: most hardware I touch isn't IBM hardware22:50
BugBluekot<tab>: I mean22:51
AStormofc, forgot keyboard screws :P22:51
AStormhmm, no22:52
AStormwhere do these two come from...22:52
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KotCzarnymaybe from another device?22:53
AStormno, I don't use any microstar screws22:53
AStormahhhh, my bad22:54
AStormno need to dismantle again22:54
AStormfrom the stand22:54
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GeneralAntillesI need to buy something to adjust my kickstand.22:55
AStormthere are exactly 6 screws in n81022:55
GeneralAntillesIt's a little loose after a year of heavy use.22:55
KotCzarnysuperglue works wonders22:56
KotCzarnyif something is loose22:56
* lcuk never uses his kickstand22:59
lcukunless changing the battery22:59
* KotCzarny uses it sometimes during skype sessions or vid watching23:00
GeneralAntillesIt's always open when it's set down on my desk.23:00
KotCzarnyalso it takes less space on desk23:00
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lcuki cant use the stylus with it on stand23:03
KotCzarnybe gentle23:03
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KotCzarnyusing finger nails can work too23:04
qwerty12_N800lcuk, let ur shoulders lean back :p23:04
lcuki always am but it still falls over23:04
KotCzarnynot gentle enough :)23:04
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lcukmouse pressure reads "Are you touching me?"23:04
* lcuk looks at his stumpy chewed fingers23:05
KotCzarnyu touchin me? huh? u touchin? *angry sounds*23:05
lcukSEXUAL HARASSMENT, theres some guy touching me and another one stripped me before and took naughty pictures of me23:06
lcuki wonder if the n95 will protect his sister23:06
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GeneralAntillesCreepy bastard. . . .23:07
ImMelodyGeneralAntilles: GPRS and Data calls are either just on or off, right?23:08
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GeneralAntillesGPRS, definitely.23:08
GeneralAntillesData, I've never used.23:08
GeneralAntillesGrab the icons directory and look at 'em.23:08
AStormblah, broke the kick stand ;P23:08
AStormI mean, the stops23:08
AStormlet's see ;P23:08
ImMelodyI have them and it just has two icons.. one for GPRS and one for data call23:08
ImMelodyI just wanted to make 100% before just making two blue icons XD23:09
AStormlcuk: something didn't click apparently23:09
AStormlet's see again23:09
KotCzarnythat's what you get after getting naughty and stripping underage technology23:09
AStorm"she said she was 18"23:10
RST38hAStorm: Have you taken measures btw?23:10
AStormRST38h: measures of what?23:11
AStormI took pictures :-)23:11
RST38hAStorm: The Measures23:11
AStormah, these23:11
RST38hThe Measures to prevent it from giving birth to a a hybrid monster23:11
RST38hYou know, the listtle OMAP-based AStorm23:12
KotCzarnyavoid thunderstorms.23:12
infobotRST38h meant: You know, the little OMAP-based AStorm23:12
lcukn810-AStorm     the black sheep of the NIT family23:12
KotCzarnyhmm, wait, is n810 male or female?23:12
KotCzarnyand more importantly, is astorm male or female?23:12
AStormahha, attached the stand the wrong way23:13
lcukyou don;t stroke a male as gently as you stroke  your nokia internet tablet23:13
AStormKotCzarny: I give you two guesses23:13
lcukwhenever i try to be gentle stroking my man pussy he bites and claws at my hand23:13
KotCzarnymine is female, and bites and claws too23:14
lcukmine are called george and lennon :D we are gettin a new cat in a few weeks called mcartney23:14
KotCzarnywhere is yoko23:14
qwerty12_N800N800 cannot determine the signal of a phone so i would assume it is just 223:15
qwerty12_N800Has anyone connected xbox controller? Fanoush's kernel has xpad driver as module.23:15
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lcukthe last female cat we had was called elvis, and to say she was the neighbourhood bike was an understatement23:15
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KotCzarnyneighbourhood bike?23:15
lcuk(dont ask why she was called elvis btw..)23:15
lcukyes, all the other cats used to ride her23:16
AStormnow the kickstand works better than before ;P23:16
KotCzarnyit will break faster23:17
KotCzarnyi mean the clicking parts will get flat23:17
AStormthey're made from metal23:17
KotCzarnymetal can get flat too23:17
AStormbut first, the keyboard will fail23:17
AStormor the screen23:18
KotCzarnyor the user23:18
AStormscreen works23:18
* AStorm gains 50% to his Repair skill23:18
lcukso why did you do this again?23:19
lcuk<though you have gained much credit for your actions :) )23:19
AStormto see how to replace the damned plug23:19
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AStormuhm, power socket23:19
lcukhas it actually broken23:19
lcukjust planning for the future23:19
AStormwhat broke is the plug23:19
AStormconversion to USB power supply23:20
AStormbtw, I saw 5 pins in micro-USB23:20
AStormhmm, 5 wires23:20
AStormor what you will23:20
lcukwould that work or would it fry anything in the usb if you connect both23:20
AStormwhich are + and -5V?23:20
lcukdont know specifically for that plug type23:20
AStormI could put two diodes23:20
KotCzarnyjust google it23:20
AStormso no burnup23:20
lcukyer kot, it is around23:21
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lcuktheres some russian connector site somewhere23:21
lcukinfact ive got links somewhere23:21
lcukconfirm everything first23:21
KotCzarnypin x is between 3 and 4 ?23:22
AStormthat's mini-USB23:22
AStormnot micro-USB23:22
KotCzarnyin n800 it's mini-usb23:23
AStormI only care about +5V and GND23:23
AStormthese two are exposed as nice two solder points :> the 5V socket is replacable23:24
AStormhow's it called... sliding connection or whatever23:24
AStormreally crummy23:24
AStormnot connected to the board at all :>23:25
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AStormfortunately, <1 A, so it doesn't spark ;P23:27
lcuk*doesnt spark at a range visible to your eye23:28
AStormnah, shouldn't23:29
KotCzarnyi have always thought it's V that's important for sparks23:29
KotCzarnynot A23:29
AStormboth are23:29
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KotCzarnynot really23:30
KotCzarnyi think23:30
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KotCzarnyunless you know something i don't23:31
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lcukhigh voltage low ampage can produce huge sparks  (tesla coil)    10KV 250ma23:39
glassvoltage defines if it will jump, afaik23:40
KotCzarnythat's what i have said23:40
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KotCzarnybut if you provide 1000A and 0.0000001V23:40
KotCzarnythen it won't spark23:40
lcukno, but that shit willkill you23:40
KotCzarnyassuming material is resistant to sparks below 1V23:40
KotCzarnywe are talking about sparks23:40
KotCzarnynot killing with high current23:40
lcuki thought astorm had electrified his n810 as an alarm23:41
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AStormnot yet23:41
AStormok, time to read Micro USB pinout23:42
KotCzarnyi think electrified n810 would kill itself23:43
KotCzarny  |> My Head Feels like a Frisbee - Shpongle (Tales of the Inexpressible)23:43
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cyberholicgooood evening everyone!23:44
KotCzarnyi can only think of high current producing sparks as the result of wire meltdown23:44
KotCzarnywire/insulator meltdown23:44
cyberholichey people, i have just found a SPLENDID way to destroy the screen of my n800!23:44
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KotCzarnycyberholic: hammer is the best23:44
AStormcyberholic: :>23:44
cyberholicsorry. i meant23:45
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cyberholichammer is the name of a german METAL-ROCK magazine *lol*23:45
KotCzarnyi know23:45
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KotCzarnybut it's metal hammer23:45
cyberholicAnd rock is wwhat you can do with the test.swf looooool23:45
KotCzarnyunless they have changed the name23:45
cyberholickot: ya right! .... the flash performance on the n800 is so slow, that i am only able to play "we will rock you" from Queen on the test.swf :)23:46
KotCzarnycyberholic, optimize, optimize23:46
lcukhey cyberholic you takin ideas again :P that would work better with touchscreen pressure data :P23:46
KotCzarnydo you really need the drum app rendered with 'high' quality?23:46
cyberholiclcuk: looool... touch sensitive you mean? come one! Tell me ONE rock band that is touch sensitive ;)23:46
lcuk:D you have a drum on your logo23:47
lcukactually no i meant pressure sensitive, hold your drumsticks and drum soft or drum hard23:47
cyberholicKot: thanks a lot man! i forgot that one again! I will switch that!23:47
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cyberholiclcuk:  i know! it's ab cow-bell because i am such a pig *lol*23:47
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lcuki keep saing your efforts would be so much more appreciated if you came to the darkside and started coding natively23:48
KotCzarnylcuk, ask him if he owns a nokia tablet first23:48
cyberholiclcuk :) .... "came to the darkside" equals "get employed by NOKIA" ? *pffffff* Luke - i am your farther" *pfffffffffff*23:49
lcukwooot, then i must be employed by nokia, kot you as well, pupnik, did you know you were on the payroll, anyone else?23:49
cyberholicHello Tama.... i'm your father Tama! *pfffffffff*23:49
Tama^2now I know why I am so UGLY!23:50
cyberholic*rofl* ... nah ya not! I was just kidding.23:50
lcukugly? or his father?23:50
cyberholicHey people.... want me to add some basslines to the drum-machine?23:50
AStormI will soon be... why not23:50
AStormcyberholic: first, make the drums louder23:50
AStormthey're puny now23:50
lcukturn them upto 1123:51
KotCzarnycyberholic: if you want more clicks find a thread on itt that was about drum machine23:51
cyberholicAStorm: impossible..... can't you plug your device to your stereo? *gg*23:51
KotCzarnybt ear drum killer23:51
lcukdo what the kids tv studios do: increase sampling rate.  pump up and clip the samples23:51
cyberholicKot: i do not want more clicks - i want from all of you your love 8x23:51
cyberholicKot: but i will mention it on ITT23:52
AStormcyberholic: I prefer my headphones23:52
KotCzarnycyberholic: i mean, those will be the people actually interested in this specific app23:52
lcukKotCzarny, cyberholic has an 800 ive seen pictures23:52
cyberholicKot: so you still don`t love me? :[23:52
KotCzarnycyberholic: find that thread, don't just start new one :)23:52
KotCzarnycyberholic: i'm ambivalent :)23:52
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cyberholicOk, i hvae updated it and set som Credits (now you three will hate me!)...
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gribouilleare sd cards hot-swappable ?23:56
KotCzarnydoes lowering the quality helped with speed?23:56
KotCzarnygrib: yes23:57
cyberholicwell a bit indeed!23:57
cyberholicThe sound-response is much quicker!23:57
lcukhey, i didnt help23:57
cyberholicbut if you play a lot of the instruments my device starts to hate me!23:57
* lcuk is a hinderance23:57
gribouilleKotCzarny, If I put an sd card in my tablet, is it automatically mounted ?23:58
cyberholiclcuk: but you take your time and in days like these, time is very valuable!23:58
KotCzarnygrib: assuming it's vfat23:58
KotCzarnyand formatted23:58
gribouilleKotCzarny, and what happens if I remove a card without unmounting the file system ?23:58
KotCzarnygrib: when you open sd cover it umount automatically23:59
cyberholicshall i put a "music-teacher" in the drum machine? it could blink up so that you will learn to play "we will rock you" looool.23:59
KotCzarnyie. open latch and see if the card is still mounted23:59
lcuki cant hear the highhat options23:59
KotCzarny(but don't eject the card)23:59
KotCzarnycyberholic: is there a midi player in flash?23:59
gribouilleKotCzarny, why not ?23:59

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