IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2008-04-13

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AStormmy guess is that coreutils used parts of procps00:01
AStorminstalling that fixed something00:01
KotCzarnymake[5]: *** [test-suite.log] Error 100:01
AStormignore tests00:01
KotCzarnytests fail00:01
KotCzarnyno, you shouldn't00:02
AStormpredictable :P00:02
AStormtests of coreutils fail on  Gentoo too00:02
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KotCzarnyso how do i disable running tests?00:02
sol289 1497 user     RWN    16236   330 93.4 12.7 metalayer-crawl00:02
sol289i think it start to crawl :)00:02
AStormKotCzarny: probably...00:02
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AStormsome option like --disable-tests?00:03
AStormor maybe some apt option00:03
AStormI'm not a Debian master, only Gentoo one :P00:03
AStormbtw, some coreutils tests fail in chroots or fakeroots00:04
AStormLFS knows about it00:04
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sol289yohoo! now it see files!00:05
AStormuse canola instead00:05
sol289thanks guys (or girls maybe) :)00:05
AStormit's much better00:05
sol289nope, i tried00:05
KotCzarnyi'll try with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck00:06
sol289i need fast player, and canola is not fast00:06
AStormKotCzarny: that's it00:06
AStormwhat do you mean?00:06
AStormit doesn't use any more cpu00:06
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AStormand has proper mplayer video playback00:06
sol289canola is taking too much to start, then when i delete media files from card it is still in base00:07
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KotCzarnyit has 'reindex' option00:07
AStormbecause it doesn't crawl if you don't ask it to00:07
sol289this option accessible in gui?00:07
KotCzarnyin settings probably00:07
AStormit starts fairly slow w/o python-launcher00:08
AStormwhile with it memory use is too high :p00:08
sol289for now i'm using mediabox media center, it is simple and fast00:09
KotCzarnyi use xmms00:09
KotCzarnyand it's simple and fast00:09
sol289xmms on n800?00:09
KotCzarnyyes, also xmms2 is there too00:09
KotCzarnythough has more deps00:10
termsiganyone know how i can fix it?
KotCzarnyreinstall ?00:11
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termsigi try update upgrade reinstall and all that time i get this same error message..00:11
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termsigabout post-removal...00:12
KotCzarnyacl and attr you will find in libs00:13
KotCzarnyor wait00:13
KotCzarnyi forgot to change the deps line00:14
KotCzarnytermsig: there's canola-cleanup or somthing, maybe it will help your case00:15
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AStormI do have attr and acl00:17
AStormunless you have newer vesions :)00:17
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termsigKotCzarny: i try canola-cleanup but it's this same and i dont want flash it again..00:18
termsigstrange because i dont see canola in my packet manager.00:18
sol289another question - can i put my script to menu?00:19
AStormKotCzarny: it's libattr1-2.4.16-100:20
KotCzarnysol289: create scriptname.desktop in proper dir00:20
KotCzarnyastorm: hmm?00:20
AStormand libacl1-2.2.23-100:20
KotCzarnybut what's the question?00:21
AStormdoes your coreutils dep on these, or your?00:21
KotCzarnyi have reupped coreutils deb00:21
KotCzarnywithout selinux line in deps00:21
KotCzarnynot that it changes much00:21
KotCzarnyonly apt-get won't shout at you every time00:22
AStormyou have newer deps too00:22
KotCzarnybecause i had to compile acl and attr packages00:22
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AStormKotCzarny: that server sure is slow00:25
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KotCzarnyastorm: it's my dsl line00:35
AStormdpkg-divert: Unknown diversion00:36
KotCzarnyas i said, probably conflict with busybox?00:36
AStormit's not00:36
KotCzarnycan you it?00:36
AStormthat's the exact message00:37
KotCzarnywhat's before?00:37
AStormnothing, except replacing coreutils 5.2.100:41
sol289thanks everybody and good night :)00:42
AStormI'm installing some perl cpan modules for my pastebin script00:42
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KotCzarnyin the worst case just unpack the archive and copy over files you want :)00:43
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AStormthat'll break deps :P00:43
KotCzarnynope, install 5.2.1 then just replace files00:43
AStormI'll have to mangle these too00:43
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AStormI already have 5.2.1 Sherlock :)00:44
KotCzarnythat's in the case you remove coreutils first ;)00:44
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AStormbtw, perl is sure a hog00:52
KotCzarnyphp is even bigger hog00:53
AStormit's funny, everything is building fine here00:55
AStormjust memory is tight00:55
KotCzarnythere shouldn't be a reason not to00:55
AStormand it takes a few years00:55
AStormi get these warnings:00:56
AStorminflate.c:1: warning: target CPU does not support interworking00:56
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AStormwhat does that mean?00:56
KotCzarnyprobably some optimization00:56
AStormor mixing thumb and normal code00:57
AStormyeah, the latter00:57
AStormit could skip the warning00:57
AStormmay break -Werror code00:57
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AStormit'd be fun to run Gentoo here and see confused looks :P00:58
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KotCzarnyyou would need 8gb card for that00:59
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KotCzarnyat least :)00:59
KotCzarnyotherwise it could work00:59
AStormI can build cross01:00
AStormor in qemu01:00
KotCzarnybut it won't be the same01:00
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AStormit will, why not? :)01:00
AStormand why 8G card?01:00
AStormdistfiles over nfs01:01
KotCzarnydon't mind me, i have never had gentoo01:01
AStormthe hardest part will be kernel and mce (or such)01:02
AStormand getting wifi to cooperate01:02
KotCzarnyyou can try reusing nokia's one01:02
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AStormyeah, but I want the new scheduler01:03
KotCzarnygain something, loose something01:04
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AStormgetting iwconfig to work will be hard01:04
AStormand wpa_supplicant01:04
AStormdebian managed it though01:04
KotCzarnythat opensource driver manages it01:04
AStormdrat, perl gzip/zlib tests take a long time...01:05
AStormI hope N won't overheat :P01:05
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KotCzarnyyeah, watchdog killing your build will be fun01:06
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AStormthat will make me slightly mad01:07
AStormalthough cpan is quite adept at resuming01:07
AStormI need LWP here and its gazillion of deps01:08
KotCzarnyhow about building it in scratcbox?01:08
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AStormpackaging cpan packages is a bad iedea01:09
AStormit's the tests of zlib that take too long01:10
KotCzarnydisable tests?01:10
AStormand a bad idea anyway01:10
KotCzarnyedit makefile01:10
AStormyou mad? it's automated cpan01:11
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KotCzarnyon-the-fly preg_replacing proxy?01:11
AStormevil idea01:12
KotCzarnycould work though01:12
AStormthere's nothing like 10k zip tests :P01:12
AStormeating cpu to the max01:13
AStormmore than compile01:13
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KotCzarnyk, off to ff801:13
KotCzarnyi will finish it this time01:13
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AStormARM just isn't prepared for gzip :P01:13
AStormbye, have a nice time01:13
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AStormN810 gets quite warm under the load01:15
ProteousI would try to keep it out from under any loads you may try to place on top of it01:16
Proteousespecialy loads that might eminate heat01:16
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AStormit's now at 42.5 °C01:16
AStormaccording to internal-temp01:16
AStormnot that bad01:17
Proteoushave you considered that maybe it's lying to you?01:17
AStormit isn't01:17
AStormmeasured ambient temp. correctly01:17
Proteousthat's just to lul you into a false sense of security01:17
AStormand it feels like 40 °C too01:17
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AStormit cools down quickly, btw01:19
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AStormfinally, lwp build finished01:22
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mikedep333maemoHey, im on mystery01:24
mikedep333maemoMy it01:24
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mikedep333maemoI really wish fonts would be smaller everywhere01:25
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mikedep333maemoFrom xterm to pidgin01:25
KotCzarnyinstall nuvoclear theme01:26
KotCzarnyor just modify existing one in /usr/share/themes01:27
AStormyay, it works!01:29
AStormKotCzarny: the error coreutils 6 produces01:30
AStormmikedep333maemo: what is that mystery?01:31
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mikedep333maemoAutocomplete did that01:31
AStormxterm has configurable font size anyway01:32
AStormI have to mangle fontconfig to make dejavu the default01:32
AStormor maybe Nokia Sans Cn... I'll see01:32
KotCzarnyastorm, just edit the theme01:33
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AStormI said system fonts01:33
AStormedit fontconfig files01:34
AStorm12pt version of Echo is nice enough for me01:34
KotCzarnyhave you seen nuvoclear?01:34
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mikedep333maemoI cant find nuvuclear01:36
KotCzarnyshould be on my server01:36
mikedep333maemoEven on gronmayer01:36
KotCzarnythat's how it looks01:37
KotCzarny-wallpaper of course01:37
AStormblah wallpaper01:37
AStormwho looks at these anyway01:37
KotCzarnywallpaper isn't included in that theme anyway01:37
KotCzarnyastorm: i usually use grey background01:38
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KotCzarnybut for testing wallpapers are useful too01:38
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mikedep333maemoThat helped, thx01:43
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AStormKotCzarny: how did you move xmms window?01:45
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KotCzarnythe same as in usual linux01:45
KotCzarnyusing topbar01:46
KotCzarnyor with easymove enabled with any point01:46
AStormand it worked despite matchbox?01:46
AStormNow I want to replace matchbox with awesome or dwm01:46
KotCzarnyi would like fluxbox01:47
AStormplus some menu generator from .desktop files01:47
KotCzarnybut too many things depend on matchbox01:47
AStormflux isn't nice enough01:47
KotCzarnyfor me it's enough01:47
KotCzarnyi'm a minimalist01:47
AStormyou can add flux01:47
AStormw/o removing matchbox01:47
AStormthe tray is standard xembed btw01:48
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AStormI'd love a WM with window sash splits01:48
KotCzarnyi'm off01:48
KotCzarnyff8 await01:48
AStormyou know, like ion301:48
AStormbye then01:49
KotCzarny<mode lurk=on>01:49
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AStormI need some accessx permanent stickykeys toggle :)01:57
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crashanddieKotCzarny, fluxbox ?02:22
crashanddieKotCzarny, always having to right click for a menu ?02:22
KotCzarnyyou can use left mouse02:22
KotCzarnyit's in the config02:22
KotCzarnyor you can just install some 'desktop' type app02:23
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AStormI'd love sawfish plus some addons02:27
AStormoooh, and screenlets02:27
AStormwe have Python already02:27
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crashanddieAnyone ported ruby to the maemo platform ?02:34
AStormwe need vimperator for Microb :)02:34
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, alterego.02:34
AStormI heard someone tried02:34
JLDgoogle for "ruby maemo"02:34
JLDit is done, I do not tried it, but there are people using it02:35
JLDeven hildon bindings are provided02:35
AStormwe also need lighttpd for Maemo02:35
AStormand Hildon to stop acting retarded and just use AccessX02:35
pupnikwhat do *you* need lighthttpd for AStorm02:36
GeneralAntillesthttpd is also available.02:36
AStormto send files to people more easily02:36
AStormand to test my web devel02:37
pupnikEasily huh02:38
pupnikWhat are you going to do behind a wifi firewall that blocks http to the device02:38
pupnikHttp isn't designed for 'sending files' to people02:38
AStormI know02:38
AStormthe main thing is running a devel webserver02:39
AStormwith random combo of mysql, php, python and faatcgi02:39
AStormyes, there is mysql available already02:39
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, funny we talked about having a bigger root partition on another card earlier today02:40
crashanddie99% /02:40
GeneralAntillesOS2008 to the card!02:40
crashanddieI think I'll do that02:40
* GeneralAntilles boots off a 2gb partition.02:40
AStormOS2008 to the internal 2G flash :D02:40
crashanddiethough, I would've loved to wait till the 16Gig microsd cards come out02:40
AStormI prefer to have the card slot free02:41
pupnikwhat's the upper limit on microsd?02:41
ProteousI would love to wait till cookies magicly appeared in my kitchen02:41
AStormphysical limit02:41
pupnikthis chinese tea tastes like fish02:41
crashanddieand how big is a microsd chip ?02:41
GeneralAntillespupnik bought fish tea?02:42
AStormlol, so there is one?02:42
crashanddieAStorm, I think that's the theoretical limit02:42
GeneralAntillesOver 2048GB would require a hardware change.02:42
GeneralAntillesCurrently the spec says "32GB"02:42
AStormI want a card that large02:42
AStormand not costing a fortune02:42
AStormalso, resilient enough02:43
crashanddie2tB on a quarter inch card02:43
GeneralAntillesOther than the spec saying 32GB, there's no real limit there.02:43
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, remember when 1GB or a 3.5" drive was outrageous? :P02:43
crashanddieI guess I'll order 2 8gig cards02:43
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, yeah, good ol' times02:44
AStormI have one 8G SanDisk in02:44
crashanddieI remember at one time, I had bought a 10Gig drive maybe a year before, I go to the store, because I needed more storage02:44
AStormand see 100G?02:44
freelikegnuI'm using a 16gb adata sd in mine02:44
crashanddie"Yeah Hi, I'd like a hard drive, nothing fancy, 4, 6, or 10 Gig max" "I'm sorry man, we don't do < 10gig drives anymore, we only sell 20 and 30 gig now"02:44
AStormI can't find a way to fill my 160G disk :P02:45
AStorm(too slow connection to pirate HD movies)02:45
crashanddieI still have a 600 megs hard drive nailed to my wall ^^02:45
freelikegnuI think its easy to thrash the adata card, I had to send one back after a weed02:45
Proteousafter a weed what?02:46
AStormI still have 1.4G drive working :P02:46
crashanddieAStorm, I got Die Hard 4 in 36 hours ^^02:46
freelikegnuer after a week02:46
crashanddieAStorm, in full HD, that is02:46
GeneralAntillesI've got a Performa with 50MB internal and a 75MB SCSI.02:46
freelikegnuI think I disconnected the usb before umounting, after that I could not even fix with fdisk02:47
crashanddieNow I have to find a way to get the PS3 to play it, cuz I don't have no 12Gig dvds :(02:47
AStormI'm in a backwards country02:47
AStormonly barely fit FCC broadband specs02:47
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, I still have a working Amstrad CPC :P02:47
crashanddieAStorm, oh wow02:47
crashanddieAStorm, 100Mbit downlink, 50Mbit uplink :P02:48
freelikegnuthe 2gb sandisk I have recovers much better from such blunders02:48
GeneralAntillesCould be worse, AStorm.02:48
GeneralAntillesI've got a friend in Alaska with 512/12802:48
AStormGeneralAntilles: sure,it is, at my other home I have 512k/256k02:48
AStormGeneralAntilles: you said something?02:48
crashanddieMy neighbor still has ISDN02:49
AStormthe only worse possible is gprs/edge and dial up now02:49
elbyou guys crack me up02:49
AStormoh, and ISDN too :P02:49
* GeneralAntilles glues elb back together.02:49
crashanddiequite the techno-rift when you compare my internet connection and his :P02:50
GeneralAntilles100/50 is mildly excessive.02:50
AStormbuy me a T102:50
crashanddieT1 sucks02:50
AStormI coukld use 10 Mbit symmetric02:50
AStormhere it'd cost somewhere close to 500€ monthly02:51
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, might be excessive, but I don't pay anything more than any other DSL user here, plus I get 300 channels in HD (provided they do HD), and can watch 4 different feeds at one given time02:52
AStormor more, depending on cable length02:52
crashanddieAStorm, lol...02:52
crashanddieAStorm, I pay 30euro per month for being connected with fiber optics ;)02:53
AStormfun part is that cable with dyn ip at 40/4 costs like 8002:53
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AStormcrashanddie: did I mention a backwards country?02:53
crashanddieAStorm, yeah, I think you did :) What country would that be ?02:53
crashanddiehey, look at the bright side, there's polish people in the whole world ! You always have friends, no matter where you go ;)02:54
AStormon the Internet since 1993®02:54
crashanddieThe country *I* live in, on the other hand02:55
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AStormHSDPA 2M plan with 5G limit costs 30€ or so02:56
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crashanddiethat's just retarded02:57
crashanddieI wish Cannonical allowed to pre-order the CDs for Hardy02:58
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pupnik_AStorm: what provider, country?02:58
AStormpupnik_: Poland, Orange02:58
elbthere was a great example of what's worse than slow :-P02:58
pupnik_i may drop my dsl02:58
AStormthey have the best HSDPA range02:58
AStormmost large cities are covered02:59
AStormother providers almost don't have hsdpa02:59
crashanddieI think a lot of providers are investing in a technology (hsdpa and related) that is in fact born dead03:00
pupnik_wow with HSUPA i could upload with 1.45 MBit/s03:01
AStormpupnik_: you wish03:01
AStormmore like 512k with current tech03:01
pupnik_that's what vodaphone is  promising03:01
crashanddieJesus 3: The return, "The Tech Christ is back, watch him now in the last hSUPPA"03:02
pupnik_sorry i don't know anything about this, so ok 512k03:02
crashanddieanyway, I'm off03:03
AStormthat's 3.5M/768k03:03
crashanddiecheers everyone03:03
AStormor so03:03
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crashanddieAStorm, don't worry, you'll have a decent internet connection, some day ;)03:03
AStormthe day where rest of the world will have free IPv603:04
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AStormat Internet3 speeds03:04
elbhaha, IPv603:04
elbI'm laughing again03:04
crashanddieAStorm, I have free IPv6, but honestly, I couldn't care less03:05
* KotCzarny is still on internet1..03:05
AStormKotCzarny: google it03:05
crashanddieKotCzarny, some weird name given to new gen speeds03:05
AStormsome speeds of 10Gbit03:05
KotCzarnyhehe.. marketing03:05
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KotCzarnyit's the same ol' tcp/ip03:06
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KotCzarnyyeah.. just kidding03:06
AStormit's not IP anymore03:06
KotCzarnytcp/ip was stable03:06
AStormalthough it does simulate it03:06
AStormlegacy etc.03:06
pupnik_i might prefer umts-surfbox w/hsdpa sitting on tablet usb port03:06
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crashanddiebtw, is there any news on getting packet injection to work on the n810 ? Or is that just a definite NO ?03:19
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, re-write the drivers. :P03:20
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles, heh, yeah03:20
GeneralAntillesActually, somebody has been working on open source drivers.03:20
GeneralAntillesNot sure what state they're in, though.03:20
pupnik_do you know people who have used usb wlan adapters?03:20
GeneralAntillesYes, lots. :P03:21
GeneralAntillesMy grandmother uses one, in fact.03:21
pupnik_there are some nice ones with ext. antennae03:21
pupnik_well with the tablets03:21
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GeneralAntillesThat, no. :P03:21
pupniklooking at hsdpa modems and kernel modules03:22
crashanddiepupnik, there aren't a lot of USB wlan adapters that are that good in fact (not for packet injection anyhoo)03:22
GeneralAntillesI'd go the wifi/HSDPA router route.03:22
pupnikone does need to research sure03:22
crashanddiebut yeah, having the integrated wifi adapter for listening, and another for packet injection would be a dream come true, I'll admit03:22
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KotCzarnycrashanddie: usb wifi03:25
KotCzarnyah, sorry03:25
crashanddieKotCzarny, like I said, not that many good cards around03:25
KotCzarnybacklog lag03:25
KotCzarnyit only takes one good card03:25
elbwhat would one do with packet injection?03:26
crashanddieelb, crack a wep key in less than 2 minutes?03:27
KotCzarnyis it... legit?03:28
crashanddieas long as it's your wep key ;)03:28
AStormnot in the US03:28
AStormDMCA fwit03:28
KotCzarnyastorm: i'm just kidding03:28
Navinot in Germany :;D03:28
Navioh my, four eyes03:28
elbso, nothing in day-to-day operation?03:28
crashanddieAStorm, you're still allowed to audit your network security ;)03:28
Navinot in germany03:29
crashanddieelb, i've been using my laptop for the past 2 years for cracking wep keys all around, whenever I needed internet access03:29
crashanddieUntil I got my 3G unlimited plan, provided by the company, of course03:29
termsigcrashanddie: "Three"?03:31
crashanddietermsig, eh ?03:31
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pupnik_anybody built rt73 drivers for os2008?04:27
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GeneralAntillespupnik, ?04:29
pupnikhazzor rt73 usb lying around :)04:30
pupnik  neat haxorish stuff!04:31
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pupnikGeneralAntilles: wouldn't it be neat if we had an app/daemon for the NITs that detected a nearby NIT and would announce itself to it?  (bluetooth perhaps)04:40
pupnikset up a low-priveledged mesh-type network04:40
GeneralAntillesNever get used. :P04:40
GeneralAntillesBut, yeah.04:40
pupniki wonder if the OLPC tech could be abused to that04:40
pupnikwell my two tablets are sitting here and they don't know about each other04:41
pupnikuntil i put em on the net of course04:41
jottand at linuxtag there will be alot of nits ;)04:41
pupnikmorning jott04:41
pupnikwho you callin a 'ho?04:42
GeneralAntillesOLPC has additional hardware involvement, no?04:42
jottthe channel :)04:42
GeneralAntillesBluetooth would be a good way to detect proximity.04:42
pupnikyeah i don't know much about olpc04:43
pupnikbut it would be neat if tablets could also join a OLPC mesh04:43
pupnikand maybe add a bluetooth low-level layer to it04:43
pupnikGeneralAntilles: the tablet can communicate with more than one device via bluetooth?  e.g. a2dp and bluetooth keybaord at once?04:44
jott"The Mesh Routing Protocol used in the OLPC laptop (OLPC-Mesh) is based on the 802.11s standard being developed by the 802.11 Task Group S"04:44
GeneralAntillesYeah, that wouldn't be an issue.04:44
pupnikmaybe we could do something more primitive just to bootstrap the interest in this04:45
GeneralAntillesA simple proximity alert might be interesting.04:45
jotti guess using bluetooth would be the right approach for a quick hack ;)04:45
GeneralAntillesWith a little bit of user info.04:45
t_s_odidnt a recent news item from the bluetooth SIG talk about using bluetooth and wifi together? as in, bluetooth for initial pairing and setup, wifi for the heavy lifting ;)04:45
elbthere's a name for that sort of setup04:46
elb(I don't remember what it is)04:46
elbbut yeah, it's been discussed04:46
jottbittorrent tracker communication via bluetooth ;)04:46
elbI don't really see what the point is, myself04:46
t_s_oimo bluetooth security is better implemented then wifi security...04:47
t_s_oso anything that wifi can learn from bluetooth is a good thing ;)04:47
pupnikmaybe just an easy shared directory via bluetooth, or a net level link for wireless gaming04:47
elbI'd be curious to see where that opinion came from04:47
elbbluetooth is pretty crap from beginning to end04:47
jottelb: from the bluetooth working group04:48
elbit was obviously engineered by bell-heads who had never seen a decent network04:48
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t_s_oericsson people iirc...04:48
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pupnikwhat's the data xfer rate on normal type bluetooth?04:49
elbthere are like a zillion differnet modes04:50
elbbluetooth 1.x can push almost a megabit one way, but the return is a goat path04:50
t_s_odepends. if both devices are 2.x with edr support, it should clock in around 3Mbit/s on a good day ;)04:50
elbbluetooth 2.0 is like twice as fast or more04:51
elbbut that can be messed up depending on what other devices are on the "network"04:51
t_s_o <- cant speak for the reliability of the info but...04:51
elb(sort of like USB)04:51
t_s_oanyways, my reason for stating that bluetooth is more secure is based on how easy it is to get security in use rather then the strength of said security on paper...04:52
t_s_ogetting working secure wifi seems nuts on comparison...04:53
elboh, sure, it's easy, it's just crap04:53
elb(that leaves aside even the '0000' problem)04:53
KotCzarnythinking that way m$ windows has better security than linux04:54
elbworking wifi is much better now than it was a few years ago, things mostly Just Work with newer devices04:54
elbthat said ... looking to your NIC for security isn't the best plan people have ever had ;-)04:54
jottas long as the default wpa key is not generated from the mac ...04:55
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KotCzarnydefaults are evil04:55
pupnikno time to look into this :/04:56
elblinux and bluetooth is a right mess04:57
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elbjust getting two machines *paired* is a PITA04:57
elbmuch less passing packets ;-)04:57
jottnever had actually problems with it..04:58
t_s_onor have i04:58
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t_s_oKotCzarny: im not sure i follow you about windows being more secure then linux when using my comparison of wifi and bluetooth security...04:59
t_s_ostill, i guess it could depend on what windows version one is talking about ;)04:59
KotCzarnysettings things easier is not the same as more secure04:59
jottbut it's like so much stuff.. for some it works and for some it fails (at least on the first try)...04:59
t_s_oKotCzarny: maybe so, but getting wifi security going is downright silly...05:00
KotCzarnyit all depends on the setup05:00
elbI've never had problems pairing a device and a computer05:00
KotCzarnyone can run without wep/wpa05:00
elbbut pairing linux to linux has given me trouble05:00
KotCzarnyif there's right vpn or only ssh access to the outside world05:01
elbsuccess depends rather heavily on the various versions of your softwares05:01
t_s_oi have my N800 paried to my linux desktop right now ;)05:01
pupnikt_s_o: seems like a real alternative to wlan for short distance05:02
t_s_opupnik: i use it far more then wlan to transfer files between my computer and my n800...05:03
jottif the toilet is out of bluetooth range its not an option ;)05:03
elbthat might save you some battery power05:03
elbprovided you're not transferring large amounts of data05:04
elb(it might either way)05:04
pupnik  some chat about mesh networks and tablets05:04
t_s_oelb: even more so if one have trouble with power saving on ones wlan...05:05
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pupnik"In 2007 Gartner estimates that 264 million PCs were sold, nearly all of which contain an x86 processor. In the same year almost 3 billion ARM processors were sold."  Wooohoooo05:08
t_s_obtw, the only time i have bumped into the 0000 thing with bluetooth is for my headset05:08
GeneralAntillesHooray for refrigerators and digital razors, pupnik? :D05:09
* pupnik just likes arm05:09
freelikegnu"Is that an ARM in your pocket?"05:09
t_s_oi love to see benchmarks on cortex based cpus vs those low wattage intels ;)05:10
freelikegnu"An ARM in the hand.."05:10
GeneralAntillesI'm more interested in power consumption compared to performance, t_s_o.05:12
freelikegnumaybe the popularity of the arm in the U.S. has to do with the 2nd Amendement?05:12
freelikegnuwow, though crowd here tonite...05:14
freelikegnutough even05:14
t_s_oGeneralAntilles: heh, true that. but i dont think the mainstream will take arm serious as the basis for a computing platform these days unless it can outperform intel chips while using less energy...05:14
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t_s_othat is, devices that are more then a browser and media player...05:15
GeneralAntillesEh, I don't think most of the mainstream cares what architecture their stuff is using.05:15
GeneralAntillesThe key is, does it get decent battery life while doing what I need it to do?05:15
t_s_oheh, maybe so05:15
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t_s_oand makes one look "good" while doing so, see iphone...05:16
pupnikthe exceedingly high performance of desktops means desktop apps are bloaty and cpu hungry, which means they won't easily run even on low-power x86, and this helps insulate the handheld market from the desktop software05:22
pupnikmaybe that idea is poorly worded05:23
NaviThat's if you're focusing in the high end market05:23
NaviThere are plenty of nonbloaty apps that are in development that are overshadowed by their flashy counterparts05:23
Navis/are in development/are actively developed/05:24
infobotNavi meant: There are plenty of nonbloaty apps that are actively developed that are overshadowed by their flashy counterparts05:24
elbit is certainly the case that the rapid increase in CPU speed with no real increase in computer utility is doing Bad Things for application footprints05:24
elbI mean ... computers are four times as fast as they were five years ago, and don't essentially do any more than they did then05:24
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KotCzarnynot true05:27
KotCzarnythey can run vista now05:28
pupnikKotCzarny: didn't you do something wtih battery status monitoring?05:28
KotCzarnyi got drawn away05:28
pupnik  there's a neato app for it05:28
pupnik  usage05:28
KotCzarnyisn't it the one that enables battery applet as a side effect?05:29
t_s_osays so on the page05:29
pupniki like seeing a percent not just the estimate, plus it's neat to be able to write to a logfile05:29
KotCzarnypupnik, not true05:29
KotCzarnyit's ALWAYS an estimate05:29
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KotCzarnyit's an arbitrary number derived from few assumptions05:30
pupnikhmm my room lighting is at "0 lux"05:30
KotCzarnyit's li-polymer/ion05:30
NaviI'm pretty sure he ment an estimated time left.05:30
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t_s_oheh, i wonder if one could mod the tablet to play that old modem connection "sound" whenever one connects via bluetooth ;)05:31
t_s_ostill, that would invite beatings when out in public...05:32
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KotCzarnywhen it starts pin-helper app05:32
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pupnik GPS activated. Time to first fix 01m54s   Adjusted clock by 528.66 seconds to match GPS time05:35
zerodegrehey guys, how do i make my n810 show up on my LAN?05:36
zerodegrein my netowrk05:36
KotCzarnym$ guy05:36
pupnikahhh :)05:36
KotCzarnyzerodgre: what do you mean by 'my lan' ?05:37
zerodegreon my wirless network at my house05:37
KotCzarnyjust connect it to the ap/adhoc05:37
zerodegrei want it to show up when i click netowrok05:37
zerodegreon my desktop05:37
zerodegrelike in mwindows05:38
zerodegrei on my desktop05:38
pupnikdoes windows use broadcast ping to find hosts on the LAN?05:38
KotCzarnysamba does05:38
zerodegrei want the n81o to be on my netowrk list05:38
mikedep333does ITOS2008 even have a samba server?05:38
pupniki don't think broadcast ping goes over wlan05:38
KotCzarnyit sends samba discover packets on a regular interval05:38
mikedep333pupnik: oit does05:38
mikedep333*it does05:39
elbbroadast works over wireless, just not quite how you'd expect05:39
elbit's kind of ghetto05:39
zerodegrei want to share the n810 on my network or map the drive in it05:39
pupnikmaybe my wlan router is blocking it05:39
elbit isn't repeated by your router05:39
elbbroadcast for 802.11 is LOS05:39
mikedep333guys, to answer zerodegree's question, tell us if ITOS2008 has a samba server or not05:40
KotCzarnyrepeated broadcast packets are evil05:40
elbwell, let me take that back -- I think there's more than one kind of broadcast, but I believe the standard Ethernet broadcast that most apps wind up using through the IP stack is LOS05:40
pupnikyou can install samba server on it05:40
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pupnik1) buy bulk usb wlan adaptors  2) attach antenna cable  3) bundle some pcap software,  4) sell for $1500 ...
pupnik... profit!05:49
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KotCzarnyhow much?!05:50
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pupnikah i see why it's not so easy to do open-source driver for nokia wifi05:57
t_s_oi hope nokia picks a more open chip next time. hmm, how open is the one going to be used in that freerunner phone?06:03
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KotCzarnyos in fasm06:12
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pupniklooks like there exist no USB-B to micro-usb cables06:19
GeneralAntillesBetter off with an F-F adaptor.06:20
pupnikhaven't been able to find one yet :P06:20
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pupniki think they're illegal or something06:22
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WormFoodI'll bet I can find one local to me....I can find anything here06:24
freelikegnusome adapters may be illegal in some states, check with your local authorities06:26
WormFoodthere are no "states" where I live :P06:27
freelikegnutheres just 0 and 106:27
WormFoodyou have an "0"? I have to use the letter "O"06:28
t_s_oheh, i found a FA-FA as part of a set that also included FB-FB and a FA-MB...06:29
freelikegnuman I have to figure out how the dbus scripts works06:29
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freelikegnuthe instructions and example is a bit out of my ability to grok06:30
freelikegnulike where are %5 and %7 variable coming from?06:31
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halleckI can not seem to find what is needed to get the 770 in host mode anymore. There used to be a firmware update, but now all I find is dead links. I have the hardware part injecting 5v I just need to switch it to host mode...06:41
NaviFemale-female is totally illegal06:41
halleckjust wow...06:41
NaviWe're talking about USB, foo06:42
pupnikwell a female usb to male usb-micro should be legal, no?06:42
NaviI feel sorry for the little guy, though06:42
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halleckSo no ideas on the software side of things for the 770?06:43
NaviI've never owned a 77006:43
NaviI almost scored one for 20 bucks a year ago though06:43
halleckThere used to be tons of information on its all 8x0 specific and the old stuff is just broken links06:43
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* Navi grabs the weekly modest update06:45
GeneralAntillesBreaks gmail imap.06:45
Naviyou know, someone should write up a complete 770 documentation dealie06:45
NaviI don't use imap06:45
WormFoodI love imap06:46
Navisince progress on it has all but stopped06:46
halleckthe standard flash utility can do it? I thought I needed special firmware, hmm thanks for the link GeneralAntilles06:46
WormFoodI just installed my imap server a few weeks ago, because I got tired of pop3 fuckups with evolution06:46
johnxAh, good to know it's not something I did that broke gmail/imap here06:48
NaviGeneralAntilles, I changed my theme and background:
NaviI'm a bit annoyed that I cant use the space at the top06:49
Navior at least move those icons down06:50
Navion the side06:50
halleckhas anyone tried the 2008HE for the 770? Nokia says don't use it but they said that about 2007HE and it worked better than 2006 for me.06:50
GeneralAntilleshalleck, it works fine on my two 770s.06:50
GeneralAntillesThey haven't been primary machines for a very long time.06:51
GeneralAntillesSo it may or may not work well for you.06:51
Naviaw man06:51
GeneralAntillesSwap is key, anyway.06:51
halleckcool, good to hear! What doesn't work06:51
Navichange that bug report06:51
skiburI'm looking for mencoder for N800 OS2008.06:51
Naviit breaks pop as well06:51
Naviskibur, no offense, but it's not really smart to encode video on that slow arm O_o06:51
halleckwhat size swap do you recommend?06:51
GeneralAntillesIt can be a little flaky in high-memory situation, halleck.06:51
skiburI know06:51
skiburjust looking for it06:52
GeneralAntilles128MB is a good plan, plus upping the swappiness.06:52
KotCzarnyskibut: you can use my build06:52
KotCzarnyi have enabled tv interface too06:52
halleckupping the swappiness? lol what does that mean.06:52
KotCzarnyso it can record from camera too06:52
skiburso it acts like a camcoder?06:52
KotCzarnya little06:52
KotCzarnymanages 16fps @ 320x24006:52
KotCzarnywith ffmpeeg06:53
GeneralAntilleshalleck, the device's tendency to use swap.06:53
johnxhalleck, there's a setting in /proc/sys/vm (I think) that sets how likely the kernel is to use swap rather than canibalize it's cache06:53
halleckreally, I did not know of that. Thanks06:53
halleckYou guys are quite helpful :)06:53
skiburI will give it a try06:53
GeneralAntillesIt can have an impact on memory card life, though.06:53
KotCzarnyjust google for: mrrau mencoder06:53
johnxit was new with 2.6. Fun to play around with on desktops too06:53
skiburI'm on it06:53
KotCzarnyshould come as 3rd link06:54
halleckNot too big of an issue, the way I see it by the time my card dies I should either be using something bigger. Or be using something that does not rely on bloody mmcs06:54
johnxexactly :)06:54
KotCzarnylook in binaries06:54
GeneralAntillesGood thinking, halleck. ;)06:54
skiburfound it06:55
KotCzarnyalso it's not that hard to build it yourself06:55
skiburthis one? :
skiburso just copy and run?06:55
skibursince its a bin06:55
KotCzarnyprobably unpack and chmod +x06:55
KotCzarnyas well06:56
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KotCzarnyif you want the source just grab mplayer source06:56
KotCzarnyand compile it with your flags06:56
KotCzarny(in sdk)06:56
halleckGeneralAntilles: Is there a way to talk directly to the bluetooth module?06:56
KotCzarnyalso use 'save as' or wget06:57
KotCzarnybecause browser can break the file06:57
skiburyeah, it has happen for me as well06:57
halleckI am trying to decide whether I want to buy a bluetooth or wifi module for my arduino...I want my 770 to be able to program it as well as feed it input.06:58
NaviIs there a nuvo black theme?07:02
KotCzarnythere's nuvoclear07:02
pupniki have it on os200607:02
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NaviMaemo's broken certificate is annoying07:04
skiburhum... KotCzarny, chmod +x mencoder doens't enable execute07:06
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KotCzarnyvfat has noexec07:08
KotCzarnyit has to be on main fs07:08
skiburits set07:09
skiburso what is the driver?07:13
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skiburit works07:17
skiburthe screen is flip07:17
skiburbut cool07:17
skibur:S  99.9mb for secs07:18
KotCzarnyuse video compression07:19
skiburwhat about videocamera?07:20
KotCzarnywhat videocamera?07:20
KotCzarnythat's mplayer07:21
KotCzarnybtw. this post is wrong07:22
KotCzarnycamera will flip image by itself07:22
KotCzarnywhen turned07:22
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skiburI think they are talking about mencoder recordering07:23
KotCzarnyme too07:24
skiburbecause I was recordering just now, but when I flip the cam, it didn't auto flip.07:24
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t_s_ofrom what i recall, there is a setting in gconf that has something to do with camera flip...07:30
t_s_ofound it, /system/osso/af/camera-has-turned07:32
t_s_okinda funny how setting it to true will flip the camera image no matter what :)07:33
KotCzarnynice to know07:33
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t_s_oall kinds of stuff hides there, like the controls for the inscreen keyboard when a real keyboard is attached, or the N810 keyboard is slid out07:36
KotCzarnyi like it07:36
KotCzarnyi mean knobs07:36
t_s_oi just wonder why the "launch on camera extend" seems to reset on reboot...07:37
skiburjust saw you post t_s_o07:37
t_s_ohmm, could be related to the schemas07:37
t_s_oyep, i figured people could find it interesting, or redundant...07:38
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Italodancehi guys08:13
Italodancehow can i turn on my wlan ? infact without searching08:13
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zionItalodance: (warning I am a newb) but I would guess in the connection manager. otherwise I think you have to search08:17
zionis the n810 suppose to come with a user manual?08:18
doc|homethere's one in pdf form on the image08:19
zionyeah... this device is just making me freel real stupid08:20
zionplug in a minisdhc card... how do I use it?08:20
zionno indication it was successfully registered or anything08:21
johnxzion, if it doesn't show up then something isn't working right08:23
johnxis it a microsdhc in an adapter?08:23
johnxbasically just make sure that it's formatted and seated all the way08:23
zioncard says: "miniSDHC class 6"08:23
zionwell, n810 is the only card read I have atm08:23
johnxso it's a brand new card, then?08:24
zionprobably not formatted... hrmm08:24
johnxprobably is formatted...08:24
johnxthey'd get so many support calls if it wasn't :)08:25
johnxJust make sure it's clicked in all the way. I have an N800, but I thought I remembered someone having that problem with an N81008:25
zionanything I should look for in dmesg?08:26
ziondon't see any devices being mounted08:26
johnxyeah, it should say something about setting the voltage for the card08:26
zionyep. got that08:27
zionSetting voltage 'VMMC; to 3000 mV08:27
zionah! it showed up08:28
zionmust not have pushed it in far enough08:28
Italodancehi zion welcome here :D08:29
johnxok, now, Italodance what are you trying to do with WLAN?08:29
zionanyone port keychain to maemo?08:30
Italodancehi johnx how are ya today? :D08:30
johnxpretty good. :)08:30
Italodancejohnx i want just to see my wlan as turn on08:30
Italodanceinfact without an always searching for connections...08:30
Italodancejust be on08:30
zionItalodance: once you connect to it, it should always just auto connect when it comes in range08:31
johnxOnce you've connected to an access point, save the access point when it asks you08:31
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Italodancejohnx well i want to connect my n800 to laptop  but laptop needs to see it as on (and n800 just can searching but couldn't find it)08:32
johnxthen in settings -> control panel -> Connectivity make sure it says "Connect automatically: WLAN connections"08:32
johnxto connect between a laptop and the n800 you need to use an ad-hoc connection08:33
Italodance laptop can't find it unless the wlan of n800 can be on08:33
Italodanceyes i done all ad-hoc/setting/ip...08:34
johnxand you selected ad-hoc on both the laptop *and* the n80008:34
johnxyou don't need both of them to be on to set both of them to ad-hoc08:34
Italodancejohnx oh thank u :D08:36
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zionthere is no bzip?08:41
johnxit's in a repository08:41
johnxgo to
johnxsearch for bzip2, install that repository08:42
johnxyou'll be doing that a lot, I'm afraid...08:42
zionok... that looks like a useful url08:42
johnxjust don't add all the repositories at once08:42
johnxsome contain packages that conflict, some contain packages with mismatched versions, some don't contain packages for the right OS200x version08:43
johnxjust add repos as you need them, and you should be fine08:44
Italodancejohnx The transparent background can work good on os2008?08:44
johnxItalodance, are you referring to home applets?08:45
Italodancejohnx yes i am looking for another app like simple launcher for os200808:45
Italodancejohnx tell me what is the name of this app ?
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johnxbut it's not out for os200808:48
Italodancejohnx ah what a pity are u sure? :(08:48
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johnxI don't know. Why not search?08:49
ItalodanceIdea...ok that's name08:49
zionwhat distro is the n810 running? chinook?08:50
Italodancezion  chinook = maemo 4.0 / 4.0.108:51
zionok... think I am missing something08:51
ziondo a search for Bzip and nothing shows up08:51
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zionand have the Maemo Chinook repo installed, enabled and sync'd08:52
johnxah, there's more than one08:52
johnxwait a second?08:52
johnxyou looked in app manager?08:52
johnxtry apt-get08:53
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johnxapp manager only shows things that have "Section: user/*" set in the .deb08:53
zionso I need to get root hen08:54
* zion googles for tutoiral08:54
johnxgrab easyroot from :)08:54
johnxor install openssh-server08:54
t_s_othen its root and apt-get install bzip2 in terminal08:54
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zionnitapps repo.install doesn't have the right mimetype set08:56
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johnxyou can just save it and open it in file manager or app manager08:59
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WormFoodI wished to hell they would fuckin' fix the god damn dhcp client!09:19
KotCzarnyfuckin fuck fuck fuck fuuuck09:19
KotCzarnystop fucking saying fuck every fucking word09:19
johnxjeez, KotCzarny, stop your fuckin' swearing. I'm fucking sick of it. :P09:20
WormFoodit is fuckin' frustrating as fuckin hell to not be able to use my fuckin' wireless...FUCK!09:20
t_s_owhat is this, a verbal recreation of vietnam style carpet bombing by B-52's? ;)09:20
KotCzarnyfucking say that fucking fuckity fuck nokia and get the fuck out this chan09:20
WormFoodok, I said it more that time just to fuck with you :P09:20
KotCzarnywant it fixed, file a bug09:20
KotCzarnybut don't bug US09:21
WormFoodit has been filed!09:21
KotCzarnythen just wait09:21
t_s_oerr, remind me about whats wrong with it?09:21
KotCzarnywithout swearing09:21
WormFoodI just connected, disconnected, and now I get an error09:21
WormFoodI unplug the router, plug it back in, and now I can connect09:21
WormFoodthere seems to be 2 different problems with the dhcp client09:21
johnxt_s_o, it doesn't handle DHCP NAKs correctly, IIRC09:21
KotCzarnytso: nobody knows, probably some dangling leases, but who knows09:21
johnxWormFood, that sounds like the DHCP NAK problem...09:22
johnxI think it's just that one problem, really09:22
WormFoodyeah, that is what I think this one is09:22
WormFoodbut there seems to be another problem too09:22
WormFoodmaybe it is because the n800 can hear APs it can't actually reach09:22
WormFoodBOTH problems are frustrating as hell09:22
WormFoodand I have them both09:22
KotCzarnystop swearing09:22
WormFoodwhat did I say this time?09:23
johnxKotCzarny, you don't need to be the channel police...09:23
t_s_oso the N800 behaves like that customer thats right even when proven wrong?09:23
KotCzarnyjohnx, police?09:23
KotCzarnyit's the netiquette09:23
KotCzarnypolice would be if i had the op09:23
johnxright, and you don't need to "enforce" it :)09:24
WormFoodyeah, I haven't said "Fuck" in a while09:24
WormFoodI was just asking what I said09:24
KotCzarnywormfood: every word that is emotionally loaded09:24
KotCzarnyit's computers09:25
KotCzarnyyou can break it09:25
KotCzarnybut it won't help09:25
KotCzarnyif you shout at it09:25
* WormFood chuckles at KotCzarny 09:25
WormFoodyou're so funny09:25
* KotCzarny yawns and goes back to lurk mode09:25
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johnxt_s_o, basically, what happens is: you get a lease for 192.168.1.x , you switch to another AP that uses a class B, your N800 asks for its 192.168.1.x lease back, the DHCP server sends a NAK, and the N800 gives up, when instead it should ask for a new lease09:26
WormFoodnot in my case johnx09:26
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johnxthat's just one example...09:26
johnxit could happen with another 192.168.x.x network09:27
WormFoodI connected to the AP, disconnected, and when I try to connect again I get an error....I unplug the AP, and now I can connect09:27
t_s_ohmm, i cant say i have seen that happen...09:27
WormFoodI mean....I unplug the ap, AND THEN PLUG IT BACK IN...hehehe...of course09:27
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johnxIt's hard to debug without being there. I bet a NAK is involved though09:29
johnxIt's also possible your AP is not all that clever09:29
WormFoodmy AP is a piece of cisco/linksys shit!09:29
WormFoodI'm sure a NAK is involved09:29
WormFoodbecause when I power cycle it, it works again09:30
WormFoodI don't have problems with any other piece of equipment with it09:30
WormFoodI'm trying to get my WEP cracking to I'm testing it with my N80009:31
johnxWormFood, is it a linksys that can run openwrt?09:31
WormFoodbut if I do that, then I can't revert it back to factory09:31
johnxwhy not?09:31
WormFoodit seems nobody has extracted this version of firmware09:31
WormFoodand this version of firmware is not on their web site09:32
WormFoodthis is a WTR54G09:32
johnxis there a reason you want that specific firmware?09:32
WormFoodNOT a WRT54G09:32
johnxah, right09:32
johnxI remember now09:32
WormFoodbecause I think this firmware has features not in the openwrt09:32
johnxreally? that's pretty interesting09:33
WormFoodI think...I could be wrong09:33
johnxlike not working with your N800? :P09:33
johnxmine is totally missing that feature :)09:33
WormFoodit long as I don't need it to soon as it need it to work it quits working09:33
WormFoodI swear this thing has a "critical use" detector on it09:33
WormFoodThis is a "travel router"09:34
johnxanyways, what is the feature you think openwrt doesn't have09:34
WormFoodit will allow me to connect to an open wireless access point, and rebroadcast it09:34
johnxI may actually know09:34
WormFoodit will also allow me to give a wired computer wireless access09:34
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johnxis that WDS? or something else?09:35
WormFoodso I put the WAP in the window, and run a coax to the desktop, and now the desktop has internet :D09:35
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WormFooddon't know about "WDS"09:35
johnxthat is an interesting feature09:35
WormFoodit is very nice feature09:35
WormFoodI have used it before09:36
johnxI must admit that I didn't know something like that was possible09:36
WormFoodit is all in software09:36
WormFoodinstead of using it as a wap, use it as a client09:36
WormFoodI don't think openwrt has anything like that09:36
johnxwell, the openwrt firmware can act as a client, definitely09:36
WormFoodcheck out the WTR54G09:36
johnxbut rebroadcasting is something I'm not sure about09:36
WormFoodit has 2 ethernet ports on it09:37
WormFoodthen openwrt should be able to give a desktop wireless access through normal ethernet09:37
WormFoodbut I actually use that wireless to wireless feature09:37
WormFoodI put the AP in the window, and now I can use my laptop or n800 anywhere around the house09:38
WormFoodthe one feature it is lacking is the ability to connect to an encrypted wap, even if I have the key :(09:38 looks like openwrt isn't even supported for it yet09:38
WormFoodI'll be the n800, with the right software, would be able to give my laptop an internet connection through the usb port, and have the n800 act as a wireless client09:39
WormFoodI have read that there is a version of something for it09:39
WormFoodddwrt or openwrt09:39
WormFoodi forget09:39
johnxddwrt works apparently09:40
WormFoodok, that is the one then09:40
johnxthough v2.x has only 8MB of RAM, which is kinda painful09:41
WormFoodthat is what I'm running on my wrt54g at home09:41
WormFoodyeah, and of course, that is what I have09:41
johnxah, weak sauce09:41
zionjohnx: thnx for the help.09:42
WormFoodoh....while I'm thinking about it....maybe someone has a fix for this problem....09:42
WormFoodzion, johnx is a great help09:42
zionnow I have to figure out what project to take up ...09:43
WormFoodI modified that one file, I forget the name, in / give me a reboot option on my menu when I hit the power button09:43
zionprob should get use to scratchbox first09:43
WormFoodnow when I hit the power button, about 90% of the time nothing happens09:43
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WormFoodI enabled all the other options as well, like soft power off, and that shit....anyone know what I need to do to get the power button to work properly again? I figured it is one entry there that is screwing it up09:44
johnxWormFood, that's interesting...the same thing happened to me yesterday09:45
johnxbut I didn't change anything in that file09:45
WormFoodit is very frustrating09:45
johnxprobably unrelated09:45
WormFoodit is doing it ALL the time09:45
WormFooddoing it = not working09:45
johnxif you remember the filename I can send you a fresh copy09:45
WormFoodI can just re-edit it09:46
johnxmaybe mce.ini or system-ui or something?09:46
WormFoodsystem-it perhaps09:46
WormFoodit was the only file in the directory, I remember that much09:46
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WormFoodit is not real important, just frustrating09:47
WormFoodis there something I can do to make the menu normal sizes, like what is in os2007?09:47
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johnxCrack open the source code. :)09:48
WormFoodthanks obi wan09:48
johnxmeh, at least the code is open09:48
johnxyou should look at personal menu though09:48
johnxsmaller entries and it can replace the useless (IMHO) communications menu09:49
WormFoodyeah09:49 could get the OS2007 one working in OS200809:49
WormFoodwhat good is a screen of this resolution, if you make all the graphics double size09:49
johnxyeah, I kinda hate that menu09:49
WormFoodyou can delete the communications menu easily enough09:49
WormFoodI just want to make them "normal" sized, like in os200709:50
WormFoodI presume it is oversized so you can use your finger09:50
johnxthat's the idea09:50
WormFoodI mean, seriously, how many people actually use their finger on the n800?09:50
johnxI do09:50
WormFoodI use my finger nail at best09:50
johnxno stylus here at all09:50
johnxand I can't be arsed to use a pen cap or whatever09:51
johnxthumbs work well for 90% of my day-to-day use09:51
WormFoodI never use my finger09:51
WormFoodmany times I use my finger nail tho09:51
johnxi often use pointer fingernail09:51
WormFoodI was thinking of cutting it to a point, to make a better stylus ;)09:51
GeneralAntillesI barely ever use the stylus.09:51
GeneralAntillesWormFood, if it's really such an issue, use Personal Menu.09:52
johnxthat's going a little overboard I think (cutting your nails for tablet use...)09:52
WormFoodI was joking about that one johnx ;)09:52
johnxanyways, I just discovered the double-size scrollbar theme so I'm pretty thrilled09:52
johnxI think people have done it though O_o09:52
WormFoodwhat do you mean, personal menu?09:52
johnxah, "Personal menu"09:53
johnxgoogle it on itt09:53
johnxit's a replacement app launcher menu09:53
johnxsmaller entries09:53
WormFoodreally? never heard of it before now09:53
johnxNow you know! And knowledge is power!09:53
WormFoodand power will help me take over the world....muhahahahahaha哈哈哈哈哈哈09:54
johnxok, is that the kanji you meant to type?09:55
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johnxgoogle translate tells me: Kazakhstan09:56
sol289hello everybody09:56
WormFoodit isn't kanji09:56
WormFoodand yes, it is what I meant to type09:56
WormFoodtry to convert it from chinese to english09:56
johnxWormFood, ah, ok. One of them on its own translates to Kazakhstan though09:57
johnxtry it :)09:57
WormFoodI am trying it now09:58
WormFoodI'm curious09:58
johnxyeah, seriously09:58
WormFoodgoogle translates it to "you you you"09:58
johnxright. if you put in two at once09:58
johnxbut put in just one09:58
WormFoodtry 309:59
johnxah, ok09:59
WormFoodtranslate 哈哈哈09:59
WormFoodthat is right09:59
johnxah the wonder of robo-translators09:59
sol289where from can i install libsqlite3 to my n800?09:59
johnxgo to and search for it.10:00
sol289johnx thanks!10:01
johnxsure :)10:01
johnxstandard speech: don't install everything you see at . No one vets that stuff, and some of it can conflict. be smart, be safe. :)10:02
sol289johnx ok :)10:03
WormFoodgoogle translates "田" to "tin", but it is really "field"10:03
WormFoodI know, that is one of my friend's family name10:03
WormFoodand "天" to "days", but really it can mean days, or sky, or heaven, depending on the context10:03
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WormFoodit does translate "天天" properly ("every day")10:03
johnxterrifyingly I actually know some of these. :)10:04
WormFoodthis is all basic, simple stuff10:04
johnxstill :)10:04
WormFoodlast time I tried it, it translated 美 to "usa", but that is only sometimes used as "usa", which is "美国"10:05
sol289bye bye10:05
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johnx'later sol28910:05
WormFoodI should try to sell my N800....maybe I can get more money out of it than what I paid for it ;)10:05
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johnxwell, you certainly have scarcity on your side :D10:06
wnduh, how exactly can 天 translate into "days"?10:06
este_any of you guys know pyGTK ?10:06
WormFoodyeah, that is a fact....someone else I met here said nokia tried to send them a N810, but customs rejected it, twice10:07
WormFoodwnd, it is sometimes used as "days" "7 days inn" starts as "7天", for example10:07
WormFoodI know, I just walked by a 7 days inn today10:07
WormFoodbut why is the word for "wine" part of the chinese word for "inn"?10:08
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wndI don't claim to know chinese but it sounds kind of unexpected10:08
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wndI'll have to ask my chinese friend to explain when he's around :-)10:08
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WormFood酒 is the word for wine, but also part of the word for "inn" (I don't know how to type that one yet)10:08
WormFoodgood luck...chinese is some weird shit sometimes10:09
WormFooddo you know what 中 and 心 means?10:09
johnxman, all languages are weird. Any sufficiently old system gets that way. Trying to explain to people why English acts the way it does is tough...10:09
WormFood中 = middle, and 心 = heart10:09
johnxbah, was just about to reply :P10:10
WormFoodbut 中心 means "center"10:10
johnxmakes sense10:10
johnxat the heart of the middle :)10:10
WormFoodwhich makes a little bit of sense, because the heart of something means the core of it10:10
WormFoodbut 中 can also mean center10:10
WormFoodbut like "shopping center" is 中心10:11
WormFoodnow what I want to know, is how did the character for "rice" also become the character for "meter"?10:11
WormFoodI don't remember how to type that one either10:12
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sol289me again10:12
wndlike I said I don't know chinese (or chinese characters or their use), but I do know some japanese, and therefore a few things about kanjis.10:12
WormFoodwell, then you know some chinese10:12
WormFoodbecause japan stole their writing system from china10:12
wndI know. but I also know that it's not smart to generalise that knowledge10:13
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WormFoodjapan has different writing systems, but the older one is still very chinese10:13
WormFoodI know that 女 and 男 are still the same in japanese and chinese10:13
johnxso is middle :)10:14
WormFoodand 东京 is "tokyo" ;)10:14
WormFoodwhich literally translates to "east capital"10:14
sol289i can't see all repository software when i add it to my n800 (i see it on gronmayer)10:14
WormFood北京 is "beijing" and literally means "north capital"10:15
sol289for example: sqlite (v. 2.8.17-4)10:15
johnxit won't show up in app manger unless it's in section: user/*10:15
wndpartly. japanese no longer use 之 to indicate ownership, they use hiragana の instead. then again japanese write horse as 馬 while it's 马 in simplified chinese.10:15
sol289it is on gronmayer and it's not in list of applications for install10:15
WormFoodyou are right wnd10:16
johnxuse apt-get10:16
WormFoodbut simplified chinese is only used in PRC, not ROC or HK or overseas chinese10:16
wndbut if you go to imperial palace, tokyo (or some temples in kyoto), you'll see them using 之 in certain places.10:16
WormFoodI brought a chinese menu from usa with me (to china), and my friends pointed out the fact it uses traditional chinese characters on it10:16
sol289like "apt-get sqlite"? i don't know much about linux, i'm more on freebsd  :)10:17
WormFoodI haven't learned the 之 character yet10:17
este_here is Q for you N800/810 guys, there is a video from a nokia press event where they haul a table up 180ft and use the wimax (silly) the 'reporter' says the browser often locks up for a moment and then all of a sudden responds to all the blocked gui inputs, is this a wimax thing or is this representitive of how the opera browser in ITOS is ????10:17
WormFoodwhat is cool is to see very old chinese that is still readable10:17
WormFoodit is amazing how some characters have not changed form in thousands of years10:18
WormFoodand other characters changed so radically you can't even recognize them as the same characters10:18
johnxeste_, opera isn't available on in OS2008, and yes, I could see how it would be possible for microb to be having that problem10:18
wndhow do you pronounce 之 in chinese? "e" as in "metro"?10:18
WormFoodI don't know, I can speak very little chinese...I can read a LOT more than I can speak10:18
WormFoodChinese is VERY hard for me to speak or listen to10:19
WormFoodI can say "I don't know" and "I don't understand" in chinese tho ;)10:19
johnxyeah, the tonal part sounds hard O_o10:19
WormFoodit is hard10:19
wndI think my chinese knowledge is limited to "yes", "no", "thank you" and "sorry"10:20
sol289oh yeah! apt-get sqlite did the trick!10:20
WormFoodthere is no word for "no"10:20
sol289thanks again :)10:20
johnxsure :)10:20
WormFoodat best, it is "not" 不10:20
wndwell, whatever it was what he told me10:20
este_johnx: oh, I thought it was opera,  but the browser gets blocked easily huh ?   hmmmmmmmm10:21
wndI wouldn't know10:21
WormFoodif someone asks if you can speak chinese, you can't say "no", but you can say "not speak"10:21
WormFoodif you don't have something, you can say "not have"10:21
WormFoodthere is a "yes" of course10:21
johnxeste_, it can be flakey at times. The next version will be a lot better. Firefox has gotten a lot faster on ARM lately10:21
WormFoodwhat is weird, is in china they actually say "sorry" (english)10:21
GeneralAntillesLot faster period.10:21
GeneralAntillesThe reporter was probably complaining about it rendering.10:22
este_johnx: is there a maemo port for ff coming / progressing ?10:22
GeneralAntillesIt can get unresponsive during loading and rendering.10:22
GeneralAntillesMicroB is Gecko.10:22
WormFoodI have few problems web browsing, other than the small screen10:22
GeneralAntillesMinefield is available10:22
johnxeste_, microb *is* pretty much firefox for all intents and puprposes10:22
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GeneralAntillesBut really not worth the time at this point.10:22
este_ah, I get,10:22
sol289next question: i want to install sqlite3, and it give me this: sqlite3: Depends: libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.4.2) but 3.4.1-1osso3 is to be installed10:23
este_he said it was like his generic tivo, where he did something, then it locked up then he did something else, then something else, then all of a sudden it did all the things really fast10:23
este_its on the handful of nothing blog10:23
sol289can i tell apt-get that 3.4.1 is fine? :)10:23
qwerty12sol289, How come you don't want to upgrade?10:24
johnxeste_, that sounds about right for scrolling while a page renders10:25
este_eh, its getting late. I need to get back to my pyGTK tutorial  (absolutely terrible - should be banned from the internet!)..  Thanks for the info on microb10:26
sol289qwerty12 upgrade 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 you think?10:26
johnxthe situation really is getting better though. In a couple months we'll have a couple really great browsers available10:26
qwerty12sol289, Yeah :)10:26
este_gecko 1.9 ?10:26
qwerty12sol289, Doesn't sound bad :/10:27
sol289umm... apt-get upgrade libsqlite3 ?10:27
GeneralAntillesYes, este_.10:27
este_ah cool10:27
GeneralAntillesCurrently a very old snapshot as shipped with Chinook.10:27
WormFoodI'm going to take off...I'll see you guys later....have a good day/night/whatever10:27
johnxeste_, midori, microb (w/ newer gecko), normal firefox, firefox mobile10:27
GeneralAntillesSo Diablo will be a VERY significant upgrade in browser performance.10:27
johnx'later WormFood10:27
qwerty12sol289, It sounds like apt-get was going to do it anyway. It says "these packages will be updated..."10:27
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sol289no it doesnt10:28
sol289The following packages have unmet dependencies: sqlite3: Depends: libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.4.2) but 3.4.1-1osso3 is to be installed10:28
qwerty12Hmm, not sure on that one. Brb10:29
sol289qwerty12 ok, from the beginning: i want to look inside of ~/.meta_storage, and some body in this channel told me that this file is a sqlite db10:30
sol289`sqlite .meta_storage` tell me that this is not an sqlite db or it is broken10:31
qwerty12> is greater than right?10:31
sol289so now i want to try it with sqlite310:31
sol289qwerty12 yes, i think so, arithmetics... :)10:31
sol289*according to arithmetics :)10:31
qwerty12I've never been good at maths :P :)10:32
johnxsol289, is there more than one sqlite3 available from another source, perhaps?10:32
sol289i think that this sqlite3 dependency is not really important10:33
sol289johnx how can i know this? how can i list repository contents?10:33 has a search10:33
qwerty12It's where I am now, looking for the lib :P :)10:34
johnxsol289, apt-cache poilicy sqlite310:34
johnxbut that only deals with repos you already "installed"10:34
qwerty12johnx, Ah, thanks, I didn't know that10:34
johnxapt-cache search is nice too10:35
sol289johnx and how can i list already installed packages?10:36
KotCzarnydpkg -l10:36
johnxapt-cache policy package will show you what version is installed10:37
sol289ok, i have  libsqlite 3.4.1-1osso3 installed10:37
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sol289i'm little worry - if i deinstall  3.4.1-1osso3, and then install 3.4.2 - will all work then? :)10:38
johnxit would seem that way10:38
sol289those unices are such surprising sometimes :)10:38
johnxthat's why I didn't confirm or deny it, just said maybe :)10:39
sol289johnx can i backup old version of package somehow?10:40
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sol289sorry for such lame questions :-\10:40
johnxnot terribly easily10:40
johnxdpkg-repack would do it, but it has lots and lots of dependencies10:40
johnxah,libsqlite3 came with the tablet, didn't it10:41
sol289yes, it is10:41
johnxI could see why you'd be worried about replacing it...10:41
johnxso would I :)10:41
sol289so if i could just make sqlite3 think that 3.4.1 is enough - it would be much better than replace those Library That Comes With The Tablet :)10:42
johnxyes, you can unpack the package with ar -x, then unpack control.tar.gz10:43
johnxedit control to have the right depend and repack10:43
johnxit's a bit round-a-bout, but I've done similar things before10:43
sol289johnx oh, ok, i'll try10:43
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sol289but... ar -x ?10:44
sol289-sh: ar: not found10:44
qwerty12Just a quick question, in flash player settings, when you have a camera selected and you tap the big blue webcam button, are you supposed to see what coming from your camera in that box?10:44
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johnxmust not come with the tablet10:45
johnxbut yes, ar is the right command...10:45
qwerty12I figure a gz will be better as your apt may be messing up atm10:46
sol289qwerty12 thanks10:47
qwerty12np, just use gunzip on it10:47
sol289i used gzip -d10:48
sol289ok, it works10:48
sol289but now i have to figure how to download sqlite3 package...10:48
johnxapt-get --download sqlite310:49
johnxhmm...might still complain about permissions though10:49
infobotjohnx meant: hmm...might still complain about dependencies though10:49
GeneralAntillesqwerty12, Flash doesn't support the webcam.10:49
johnxv4l vs v4l210:49
sol289yep, it still says about dependencies10:49
johnxyou can force those10:49
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, I've got omap24xxwebcam to show up via the v4l1 compatible layer but I don't get no video. Ah well.10:50
sol289johnx you mean -f?10:50
johnxapt-get --download --force-yes sqlite310:51
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sol289it says : E: Invalid operation sqlite310:52
Proteousapt-get install cookie10:52
sol289should it be with 'install' command?10:52
johnxoops, yeah10:53
sol289nope, still complains about deps10:53
Proteousapt-get install cookie INTO MY BELLY!!10:54
qwerty12apt-get moo :P10:54
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Proteousinstall cookie fail; depends on mod_chocolatechip10:54
Proteousapt-cache search chocolate10:55
sol289ok, how can i download package?10:57
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sol289from repository10:58
johnxjust use a web browser10:58
johnxit will be under pool probably10:58
* Proteous faints10:58
sol289and point to?...10:58
johnxthe repo address10:58
johnxlook it up in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon*10:59
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sol289ok, i open (where sqlite3 should be) and see nothing11:00
sol289they says "coming soon"11:01
sol289thanks again :)11:01
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ZicAnybody tried to test the emulation of N800 / OS2008 with the utilities of Poky Linux?11:08
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zerodegreis there an app for gmail?11:17
johnxa gmail checker statusbar icon? or a mail client that can access gmail?11:17
zerodegremail clinet11:17
qwerty12You can use built in client or modest with POP and mnotify is a notifier at the top.11:17
johnxyeah, modest (beta) generally works, but right now there is a bug that makes it not work11:18
johnxshould be fixed next week11:18
zerodegrei just tried it11:18
zerodegreno luck11:18
johnxor maybe you could download the week 15 release11:18
qwerty12Ah, I don't use modest, or any email client come think of it.11:18
zerodegrewith modest11:18
sol289johnx qwerty12 KotCzarny thank you all guys, i've installed sqlite3 package and it works fine!11:18
johnxsol289, great!11:18
qwerty12sol289, Nice :)11:18
johnxzerodegre, you're using the week 16 release? or week 15?11:19
zerodegredont know11:19
zerodegrei downloaded it tonight11:19
zerodegrewhat do i want?11:19
johnxjust wait until next week for the fix11:19
zerodegrewhen i set up the server, its like it never even found the gmail servers11:19
johnxor try an old version11:19
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sol289bye bye11:23
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UserID10THey everyone!11:31
UserID10TGood morning from Texas!11:31
qwerty12Morning from London :)11:31
UserID10TI just ordered my nokia n80011:32
UserID10TAnd I am super excited to get it and break it.  Cause I know I will.11:32
UserID10TNever used anything Linux based before.11:32
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KotCzarnyyou shouldn't worry11:33
lcukabout the worst you can do from a program side is need to reflash it - its very diffucult to break it by being a n00b11:33
KotCzarnyit's quite hard to break11:33
KotCzarnyhi lcuk11:33
lcukmorning kot11:33
KotCzarnydog hour11:33
lcuk? i slept - its morning(ish) now11:33
KotCzarnyit's ~4am11:34
KotCzarnythe worst hour (for some)11:34
UserID10T3:34 here.11:34
lcuklol :D11:34
qwerty12It's 9:34 here11:34
lcuki hit 4 am a few times last week11:34
UserID10TMy eyes hurt.  Yay.11:34
KotCzarnymine not11:34
lcukbut last night i went to sleep thinking about angle sums11:34
johnxyay! That's the Linux. :)11:34
qwerty12Good way to ensure you get to sleep ;)11:35
lcuknot really it kept me awake11:35
KotCzarnyyeah, having a sleep with algos is cool11:35
qwerty12Lol, thinking about that would get me to sleep. I really hate maths :P11:36
lcukat least i know what to do now11:36
KotCzarnyi like maths11:36
KotCzarnyat least it's dependable11:36
KotCzarnyand logical11:36
lcukand does exactly what you ask for even though its not what you need.11:36
johnxvery much like Unix :)11:37
KotCzarnyassuming you know all the variables11:37
KotCzarnyotherwise randomness creep in11:37
qwerty12Meh, the best part of maths is finding the best *cough* rude *cough words to type in on a scientific calculator11:37
KotCzarnythat's fun too11:37
KotCzarnybut limited11:37
qwerty12Hehe, me and my friend just get out our phones and play games against each other, teacher doesn't even realise11:38
lcuki need brew and then got shitty nappy to change.  *fun*   i'm so looking foreward to that * o.O *11:38
UserID10TDoes anyone know if regular roms will work with the xmaime app?11:39
UserID10TRoms downloaded from the web, given that I have the original cartidge.11:40
KotCzarnyjohnx: yeah, those chips that you rip from machines11:40
lcukUserID10T, just push the rom chip into the back of your 800 (wedge it in) and then force the battery on top11:40
lcukyour nokia will boot up perfectly everytime11:40
johnxUserID10T, well, I imagine it would depend on the game, but I don't think you'll have to do anything special11:40
KotCzarnysome rattling to be expected though11:40
johnxit will either work or it won't11:40
lcuknot sure though, would expect they would work since its a mame port11:40
UserID10TFair enough, good answer johnx.11:41
KotCzarnyanyway, pupnik is the emu man here11:41
KotCzarnyso ask him11:41
lcukor go and ask him in person at LinuxTag next month11:41
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qwerty12Does mbcache need to be loaded before the softcursor bitblit font fbcon modules?11:46
lcukback later :)11:46
* lcuk *blit* *font* ding11:47
qwerty12Meh, I can't get the framebuffer stuff to work after a reflash. Funny thing is ,that I had it working fine before I reflashed.11:48
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wom-hmm, funny plays music just fine on N810.. tried jango on ps3, result = "Not enough memory"11:51
qwerty12Hehe, netfront sucks (except on pocket pc's)11:51
m-cI have taken to watching webshows on my N800 which I live very much12:00
m-cor, rather, like12:00
m-cowned the thing for a year and never considered it12:01
m-cbut I like watching them even better than my desktop12:01
johnxit makes a great radio too12:02
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lcukwhat happens when an unsigned int rolls over?  and (for the Datas amongst you) how long will it take when increasing at about 50,00 per 10 seconds12:09
KotCzarnyit rolls over12:09
t_s_oit basically goes from max value to min value. what happens after that depends on how critial it is that it never hits 0...12:10
tank-manthe second part of the question depends on how many bits12:10
lcuki know it will end up in an almost infinite loop, but im just trying to wonder how long it would take ;)12:11
KotCzarnyas for time, do echo $[0xffffffff/50000*5] and you will get time in minutes12:11
KotCzarny(it may be \x instead 0x12:11
KotCzarnyor \\x12:11
lcukand how long someone stuck in the loop might have to wait before getting that one sunrise in egypt facing the pyramid on top of a hill type chance of unlocking the system12:12
lcuk(as the number nears rolling round again)12:12
KotCzarnythat depends on the sun12:12
tank-mandepends on where mars is in the sky12:12
lcuki think i should just relate all values and start from zer o each time :)12:12
lcukit may still roll round eventually though12:13
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lcukkow, just worked it out.  with this the program will stop waking the screen up after about 858993.4592 seconds of running.  the blanker will engage ;)12:16
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* lcuk stops worrying12:17
KotCzarnyyou can just reset it in the midway12:17
KotCzarny(the counter)12:17
pupnikthanks for providing a genuine 'wtf' moment when peering into #maemo chat12:17
opendeephello X_Fade_12:18
KotCzarnypupnik: :)12:18
lcuklol pupnik :D gotta do something to take my mind of nappies12:18
KotCzarnyheh.. i have misread as 'nipples'...12:19
lcukincidentally, pupnik we have solved the blanking12:19
KotCzarnyi should get some sleep12:19
lcukyes, go go :P12:19
KotCzarnybye then12:19
lcukcya later Kot12:20
pupnikcan i have a binary?12:20
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lcuklater on today you most certainly can12:20
pupnikok thanks12:20
lcukwe were discussing everything yesterday and its looking more and more likely that all this will end up in a proper lib - with the specific programs using it :)12:21
lcuk(ie you dont have to wade through demo screens to get to your reader12:22
lcukbut for now its family duties, back later12:22
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t_s_obinary of what?12:24
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qwerty12Wanna guess how many times in total, I've flashed initfs this morning?12:48
qwerty12Half that amount ;) :P :)12:51
GeneralAntillesYou're gonna burn it out. :P12:52
qwerty12Hehe, I know :D, I've flashed it so many times before too :/12:52
qwerty12It's because I'm a stupid perfectionist12:53
* qwerty12 rolls eyes12:53
* lcuk reflashes qwerty12's eyes12:54
qwerty12Nooooo, my eyes were perfect :O, now every time I wake up, I have to wait for bootloader and initfs12:55
lcukt_s_o, a little test scrolling book reader12:55
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qwerty12lcuk, Wow, I would be extremely happy if that ever gets released sometime in the next few months.12:56
lcukit will do12:56
lcukalong with other stuff in the toolshed at the moment12:57
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qwerty12Great :). My phone can do it but it's not convenient and the N8*0 has a stand so it would be perfect for some bedside reading. Thanks.12:57
lcukwe are just getting all the pieces together at the moment, there are some important goals which need reaching first12:58
qwerty12I can wait :)12:59
qwerty12Is there any way  to run a program on shutdown?13:00
qwerty12I'm using Fanoush's FrameBuffer mod and leaving it in auto slows down the N800 so badly. I'd prefer it so when I shutdown, it gets set back into auto to bring back the geeky side in me :P13:00
* GeneralAntilles throws demands for sources at lcuk.13:01
lcukwhat framebuffer mod?13:02
qwerty12Where on bootup and shutdown, you can see the kernel output. Like desktop linux without splash and quiet options.13:03
lcukGeneralAntilles, if you heard earlier - once we are happy with everything it will end up as an OSS library/toolkit.  i cannot release a playground yet because it contains things which may end up being used inside another closed source app using the library (if that makes sense)13:03
tank-mani dont understand what the auto option would do for that13:03
* lcuk thought long and hard about that reasoning13:04
qwerty12tank-man, manual is the default mode, where you don't really see the frame buffer, setting it to auto lets you use.13:04
qwerty12In auto, I can see kernel output and switch to terminal13:04
qwerty12Like ctrl+alt+f1 in desktop linux13:05
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lcukwhat does this framebuffer mod do?13:08
tank-mani see13:08
tank-mani think he means module13:08
qwerty12lcuk, - a shit youtube by me13:09
qwerty12Watch from 19 seconds and you get the idea13:09
lcuktheres me thinking he had optimized the heck out of it!13:09
lcukbut thats still damned impressive13:09
qwerty12Meh, it isn't mine :p. It's all Fanoush's work. He actually got the FrameBuffer to show something :P13:10
lcukyou're focusing is terrible :P13:10
qwerty12It was done on a W810 with a really bad camera driver >.< :P13:10
lcukits ok you could have done it on a n810 with a really bad camera <.> :P13:11
qwerty12Besides, it was 2AM :P13:11
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AStormwhere can I get most OSS drivers etc.13:39
AStormI've managed to build arm-pc-linux-gnu cross13:39
AStormthus Gentoo on ARM awaits13:39
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AStormafaics the cpu is arm1136jf-s13:40
AStormwith vfp13:40
lcukis there a nice little list somewhere of the maemo specific files and folders and what each does?13:40
lcukie where to drop menu shortcuts etc13:41
qwerty12like desktop files?13:41
GeneralAntillesIt's mostly covered in the documentation on maemo.org13:41
qwerty12They go in /usr/share/applications/hildon. Let me dbl check.13:41
AStormmenu shortcuts go to /usr/share/Applications13:41
GeneralAntillesI don't know of a any neat little lists, though.13:41
lcukwell i thought that13:41
qwerty12AStorm, better to put them in hildon subdirectory because then you don't need to restart to show the icon.13:42
lcuklol - everywhere i nthe file sys except for etc13:42
lcukthx i think ill find the rest13:42
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AStormI'd like some clear instructions about drivers and other soft13:44
AStormwonder what's so special about xomap13:44
kulvexomap has e.g. the xv extension implemented13:45
kulvexorg runs on the device ok, but is missing xv13:46
AStormmhm = slow video13:46
qwerty12kulve, Is there any benefit to using xorg?13:46
AStorms/using/using newer libs to build apps/13:47
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kulveactually I'm more interested to find out what's the benefits on using kdrive base xomap instead of xorg (excluding the xv)13:47
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kulveAStorm: without xv there practically cannot be any video..13:47
AStormkulve: wrong13:48
lcukunless you bang the hardware ;)13:48
AStormXv only accelerates scaling13:48
qwerty12Eww, no thanks ;)13:48
AStormthe rest can go through X11shm just fine13:48
lcukxv gives direct fb mapped memory13:48
lcukyer that as wel13:48
AStormbut x11shm is good enough13:48
kulveAStorm: have you ever tried to play unscaled video with something else than xv using e.g. gstreamer (on something lowend like n8x0)?13:49
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eliazdoes anyone know hwere I can find smbtree for 770?13:51
IvanovicAStorm: so have you tried the howto i mailed and did it work?13:51
AStormIvanovic: not yet13:51
AStormbut now I have a real crossdev arm toolchain13:52
AStormI'll try later today13:52
qwerty12Has anyone gotten application manager compiled from svn? I tried and " error: expected `;' before '*' token13:52
qwerty12 In function `void cache_init(bool)':13:52
qwerty12 etc"13:52
AStormlooks like compile error13:53
AStormprobably easy13:53
qwerty12Yeah :(, but one guy said it compiled for him13:53
qwerty12Maybe my SB is messing up :(13:53
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lcukcan i specify a startin folder when running something from a desktop shortcut?13:57
qwerty12Not sure but you can start a script. Probably better solutions though.13:58
lcukyer i know normally wont need it, its just a thought13:59
lcukand you are right, it could be done via script.  thats prob simplest for now13:59
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AStormok, I'd love to get info on building that wifi driver for newer kernel14:05
AStormopen(er) one14:05
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eliazthere's loads of libs missing when I've try to install canola214:16
eliaz python2.5-efl-core14:16
eliazdoes anyone know what repositorys are missing? where I can find them14:17
eliazI'm basicly missing the ones listed here:14:18
eliazbut I thought it has to be a repository that has them14:18
eliazstarting to think the 770 is not really worth all the work14:19
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crashanddieAStorm, for the nexant wifi chipset ?14:20
crashanddieconexant, that is14:20
crashanddielcuk, hey man, you ever tried using the eclipse maemo integration ?14:23
GeneralAntilleseliaz, lists all the repositories14:23
GeneralAntillesand is searchable.14:23
GeneralAntillesExtras is the one that contains all that stuff.14:23
crashanddieok, brb, I broke my X session14:23
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GeneralAntilleseliaz, the 770 is old and unsupported. It takes a lot of work from developers to maintain support and a bit of effort from users to get all the way there.14:24
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crashanddiethere, fixed14:25
crashanddieis there a way to pipe the sound easily when xtunneling (ssh) a program ?14:26
crashanddieok, if you didn't understand that sentence, just reorganize the words 'till you get there14:26
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MangoFusionnetworked sound server perhaps?14:34
pupnikcrashanddie: to the tablet?14:38
pupnikssh can pipe through stuff on any port, so you just need a networked sound client/server14:38
crashanddiepupnik, yeh14:38
pupnikbut i don't know of anything like that on the tablet14:38
pupnikcan't remember if it's doable with esd14:39
Cptnodegard   cheapest BT mouse ive seen so far14:44
AStormcrashanddie: yupp, for the one in N81014:51
crashanddieAStorm, yeah, I'd like to look into that too, but the project is sortof dead... No updates since august 200714:52
AStormcrashanddie: esd is on the tablet14:52
crashanddieAStorm, ya I'm reading on it14:52
AStormI heard someone managed to get it quite running14:54
AStormincluding rfmon14:54
AStormas to GPIOs, new kernels (esp. OMAP branch) have these well done14:58
crashanddieworks :)15:00
crashanddieI have sound over network :)15:00
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eliazi have the extras repository but they're not there15:01
GeneralAntillesWhich OS version are you running?15:01
eliazversion 3.2006.49-215:03
GeneralAntillesYou tried installing from here: ?15:03
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AStorm... I want that driver...15:04
eliazmight install the he and try it there instead15:07
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keesjcrashanddie: look on maemopeople (I posted something about using esd , and somebody else looked at using .asoundrc to forward sound15:11
lcukcrashanddie, what do you mean?15:15
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lcukusing eclopse in normal linux but with plugins for maemo?   or actually running eclipse on 81015:15
* lcuk thinks second option would be a dog15:16
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lcukOUCH! searching google for maemopeople gave the following "suggestion":15:17
lcukDid you mean: macpeople15:17
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crashanddiekeesj, nha it's all good, got it to work flawlessly :)15:18
crashanddieon the IT: sudo gainroot; killall esd; esd -tcp -public; on my desktop: sudo apt-get install esound esound-clients; esd && esdmon | esdcat -s ITIPADDRESS15:20
crashanddiethen play sound using a esd-enabled media player15:20
crashanddiee.g.: mplayer -ao esd mysound.mp315:21
pupnikwhich is the source?  tablet or pc?15:21
pupnikthat's very cool and someone should post it somewhere15:21
crashanddieI don't have an account on ITT15:21
* lcuk doesn't either - i think i should rectify that now...15:22
crashanddieYeah, I'm going to too15:22
* lcuk signs up to and discusses mahogany15:22
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crashanddieway too many subforums15:25
crashanddiewhere the hell should I post that ?15:25
lcukall of them :D15:25
lcuki dunno really lol15:26
keesjpff that was already one year ago...................................15:27
lcukkeesj, what a hack :D we have been looking for a way to play movies on desktop sat over the room  but not need the volume up way high15:27
JaffaMorning, all15:27
lcuk(though didnt think to even attempt to use the tablet15:27
lcukmorning jaffa15:28
JaffaWell, Sunday af'noon really15:28
keesjhow is Mr Jaffa today?15:28
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keesj(besides late)15:28
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* lcuk is gettin twitchy about linuxtag. need to hear if we are confirmed so i can tell boss15:29
crashanddiekeesj, well obviously either your google ranking sucks, because I've googled for 10 minutes and didn't find anything, + that is an IRC convo, not really end-user friendly15:30
pupniknot to mention out of pocket costs, presentation tech available15:30
crashanddiekeesj, and so what if I want to just post it on ITT? Not really like you have copyright on that, and not a lot of people are aware of it, kthxbai15:30
keesjto old for google I guess15:30
keesjcrashanddie: just do it.15:31
keesjI am not a forum community member (yet?)15:31
Jaffakeesj: Good thanks. Brushing up on my Python with some Freevo hackery15:32
Ivanovicshort question: is there already a port of boost to the n810?15:32
Ivanovicto be more precise: i need boost-iostreams-dev (to compile wesnoth 1.4.1)15:33
pupniki just have libboost-signals built15:33
keesjI still try to resit python :p15:34
Ivanovicso not directly in the tree :(15:34
keesj(but I do have python books already in house)15:34
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lcukpupnik, you will be supplied with a fresnel lens and are expected to use your own n8x0 for presenting to the audience15:36
* Jaffa grins15:36
keesjnot a hd wirelss adapter?15:36
Jaffa"We'll only present if noBounds is released and available, and a presentation app released"15:37
lcuknobounds is a flippin windows application15:37
lcukdamn good idea though15:37
JaffaTrue. I'm guessing/hoping part of it is a direct driver over WLAN for some projectors, but not quite the same as TV out15:38
GeneralAntilles"noBounds, or we're getting up on stage and signing the Song That Never Ends!"15:38
* pupnik has own fresnel lens15:38
* Jaffa 's Sign Language ain't that good ;-)15:38
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pupnikbut there's not an easy way to do a presentation of a tablet15:39
pupnikmaybe a hdtv cam hooked up to a projector?15:39
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: "noBounds, or we're getting up on stage and singing the Song That Never Ends!"15:39
GeneralAntillesYou just need one of those webcam projectors.15:40
pupniki don't think nobounds could possibly work to show a game running at native speed15:40
GeneralAntillesDigital transparencies.15:40
Jaffapupnik: agreed15:40
lcukpupnik, from a technical basis i believe the 2420 can output a proper tv oriented signal but the nokia isnt wired to allow it15:40
keesjpupnik: i guess web-based is the easy way15:40
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GeneralAntillesHand out preloaded N810s like programs. :D15:41
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lcukand pupnik, you forget vnc15:41
lcukGeneralAntilles, PERFECT idea :D15:41
JaffaZeroConf/avahi-based web/VNC server15:41
lcukim taking up a whole row of seats ;)15:41
JaffaBut then you've got another computer anyway, so might as well just take the presentation off the N810 as USB mass storage15:41
JaffaShiny indeed15:42
Ivanovicpah, why not do it this way?
Ivanovicokay,. it is some strange windos app, but maybe wine can help...15:43
lcukIvanovic, look carefully at the nobounds big display and notice what is in the top right hand corner.   if they are running that without a desktop machine i will eat my 81015:43
keesjwhy not use a usb-serial adapter and aalib + full screen term?15:43
Ivanoviclcuk: i know that most of the stuff is faked15:43
lcuknot faked, just not quite what they say: afterall, it IS displayed on a big screen and the content DOES mirror whats happening on the 810, but its just not all being processed by the nokia15:44
Ivanovicfacked as in "the n810 alone ain't enough"...15:44
pupnikvideo-out would be a killer feature for N9x015:45
lcukso the nobounds program MAY work really well, especially if the 2 sides are compiled from same source15:45
keesjlike pdf?15:45
lcukie create a graphing module and compile on both sides and you see the cutdown version on 810 and full version on big screen15:45
keesjhow about a usb adapter soldering event , or serial-dock distribution during linuxtag15:46
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keesjthat at least is something that really requires IRL interaction15:46
lcuki dont think i can get on a plane nowadays with a gas powered soldering iron15:46
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keesjor what about creating a big screen made up of community nokias15:46
lcuk"Careful folks, thats nokia smoke - dont breath it in15:46
Ivanovicthat would be an interesting project15:46
keesjlets say 4 times HD format15:47
lcukkeesj, that would be a wicked idea and i have pondered it myself15:47
lcukbut how would you control it15:47
JaffaBroadcast UDP control of mplayer?15:47
crashanddie4times HD = 7680p by 4240p15:48
lcukbandwidth wouldnt work without seriously breaking up the movie beforehand15:48
lcukeach nokia registers its location and is sent its portion of the display beforehand15:48
Ivanoviclcuk: you would need a very powerfull server and would have to create *many* single streams15:48
lcukthen they keep in sync15:48
crashanddieso that's 10 ITs in width, and 9 in height, achievable15:48
lcukivan ^15:48
Ivanovicsingle and small streams that is15:49
AStormlcuk: syncing would be hard15:49
lcuknot really15:49
GeneralAntillesA document camera will probably end up being a decent choice.15:49
lcukUDP: GO frame 9715:49
crashanddienot really hard, in fact15:49
crashanddieyeah, UDP would be the way to go here15:49
lcukGeneralAntilles, we would need tilt for that properly15:49
crashanddieyou'll need 90 ITs though15:50
lcukquim could get them15:50
lcukand we could all share them out afterwards :D15:50
AStormmad idea anyway15:50
crashanddiethe shitty part is the fact you have about an inch and a half of space between each screen15:50
AStormfixable by dissection15:51
lcukim thinking it would be simple doing a rendered project using any number of nokias15:51
GeneralAntillesHave them each do one pixel15:51
GeneralAntilleswith huge dot pitch15:51
crashanddieGeneralAntilles, on pixel each ? That's a bit harsh15:51
keesjsome ascii art kind of stuff?15:51
lcuklike this book scroller - it would be entirely possible to make a massive version which scrolled up/down a stack of nokias in sync15:51
lcukend credits15:51
GeneralAntillesThat would actually be kinda cool.15:51
lcukSpecial thanks to Doris and her beaver15:51
GeneralAntillesMuch cooler than Nokia's wall-o'-N800s15:51
keesjthat is pretty doable and very kwel15:51
lcukit is actually15:52
lcuki would like to see something  done with all the 810 corner LEDs15:53
crashanddieairport runway lights15:53
keesja sound pipe could also be fun (that every nokia records and sends data over the air)15:53
lcukif we could get enough 810 users in a room we could have them hold em in the air and make plasma waves or something15:53
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keesji guess a sound based thing would be best because it does not require real network15:54
lcukfirst program i wrote for pc was a room monitor - it displays thumbnails (and selectable single display) of every computer in a classroom - so the teacher can see if they are surfing porn essentially, anyway - i wanted to use the mic from it and create a sound hall15:55
pupnikan echo where all pcs in a room act like reverberators?15:55
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lcukok, supposing we did come up with something big and multi device.   how would we make it easy to get on all machines - ie if the audience wants to get involved then could we make it simple for them to particiate?15:56
keesjyes , perhaps using fft to change the color based on the frequency15:56
lcukshame the gps wont work properly inside15:57
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lcukwe could have it automatically picking up locations15:57
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lcukit would be strange for a home user to connect and use a 3d interface to walk around the hall and see and hear what nokias around are seeing15:58
lcukbt wont give location though - im thinking registering images and sounds from GPS locations and allowing a user on a desktop machine to interfactively walk around looking and listening16:00
lcukbut there isnt enough resolution - hang on, we could fake it16:00
lcukyou're right about bt - can we get at signal strength?16:00
lcukput up a few bt nodes around the place with fixed locations then get software to monitor the strengths and triangulate16:00
keesjthat might be to much work :)16:01
lcuknahhh, half hour tops16:01
keesjI used to work for a company doing location based stuff for conferences. I really wished there would have been tablets back then16:02
lcukok, putting feet back on the ground, using a tiled n8x0 display for something, how would we register location in the stack16:02
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jaskathe gps probably isnt sensitive enough for that :)16:03
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GeneralAntillesSpace them really far apart and use the GPS. :P16:03
keesjI just enter my name in the bt name, and have a database of "interesting people" and my devices beeps when somebody Interesrting is nearby)16:03
lcuklol - we are talking about a 4inch screen :P16:03
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lcukkeesj, you only need BT phones now for that16:03
keesjyes, that was the grand plan , have bt enabled small pc near a stand. but we used sms the most16:04
keesj(and WML)16:04
lcukincidentally, who has more than one nokia to test any ideas about a wall?16:05
* lcuk looks at GeneralAntilles 16:05
keesjbut serioulsy , can we comme up with something like we disscussed and really do it?16:05
keesjlcuk: I have 316:05
* GeneralAntilles throws one of his "1% of global tablet sales"-worth of tablets at lcuk.16:05
keesjand I know where to find a few more16:06
keesjGeneralAntilles: counting the developers program devices ?16:07
GeneralAntillesI've only got 3 here.16:07
GeneralAntillesand semi-easy access to 1 more.16:07
GeneralAntillesNone of them were dev.16:07
lcukhmmm keesj, im sure with enough will and determination anything is possible but i think we have other things we need to plan before we can actually code anything up (like a proper idea)16:08
lcukim takin an eee with me as well and i think i am agile enough to code under pressure.  hope others are as well.  im gonna enjoy it there16:09
keesjI know it is weird. but I can also be a good thing to work towards something(have a goal)16:10
lcukiwithout a goal you never finish16:10
MangoFusioni keep contemplating getting an eee16:10
lcuki need something to take with me to a linux conference and the eee is most logical solution16:11
MangoFusionthen i remember my tablet is just as good ;)16:11
keesjI mean , I did not check the itt forums but what ideas are there around maemo hacking/ meeting at linuxtag?16:11
GeneralAntillesNothing on ITT.16:11
flo_lapBut sounds like a good idea16:11
GeneralAntillesHaha, did you see your wiki entry, lcuk? :D16:12
lcuk???? aka lcuk - n00b & #maemo status (waiting confirmation)16:12
lcukthat one?16:12
lcukfrom my mail:    I notice on the wiki page you have a little of my details, but firstly I would like to accept your offer.16:12
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crashanddieI'm creating the real size image of the 90 ITs wall16:14
lcuklink to pic?16:14
crashanddiesize in ram: 2.5GB16:14
lcukon your NIT?16:14
crashanddiehang on, not done yet16:14
lcukno, the small one16:14
crashanddielcuk, yeah right :p no, on my laptop16:14
keesjI have some other very weird idea......16:16
lcukthrow it out here then - see if it sticks16:16
lcukdiscussion breeds applications :)16:16
keesjput a beamer/ light source a few meters away from the talbet wall, use the webcam to look at the brightness and display that on the nokia16:17
keesjlike a wall of memories16:17
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lcukso make the brightness of the nokias the same as the brightness of the torchlight - or when torchlight is bright display image brighter ?16:20
lcukim thinking though this wall of nokias would be good for a single instance, but doesnt show something that people can play with properly at home16:21
* lcuk wants participation16:21
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lcukmaybe if we did a simple drawing program hooked up to a bigger pc and each person draws their own tile16:22
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lcukthat way as more people login to the network we can have a display of live scratchpads from everyone16:23
lcukcould even be viewable by people not in the building :)16:23
keesjI guess it would be easyer to to something with sound or webcam and not a wall so it is more organic16:24
lcukwould be more practical to plan and test as well - especially since if its network related it can be done between any of us in the world16:24
keesjI mean having people really hold a device in hand and seeing something happen in the crowd it really something that will be awsome IMHO16:24
lcuki would like to merge the feeds from different cameras and build the 3d scene - like the microsoft photo thing16:25
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keesjI don't know that. is it like taking a picture and pasting it at the right place?16:26
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crashanddieMy brother in law is a DJ16:26
lcukextrapolating the 3d information from ultiple viewpoints of the same information - like a sequence of shots around a building16:26
crashanddieand one of the things that makes people go wild16:26
lcukis beer16:27
crashanddieIs when he uses a directional hi-gain mic in order to capture what some bloke/gal is saying, and then mix it live in the track16:27
crashanddieI guess the same would apply with geeks16:27
crashanddiegive 'em the ability to draw something on the big board behind the guy who's talking, and people go wild16:28
lcukyes, let people login and type from their NIT16:28
crashanddieouch, swapping hard16:29
lcukjust keep a display running with recent/active sketches16:29
crashanddieand log who said what16:29
crashanddieso you kick the flambaiter out16:29
keesjyes, so very simple would be to capture an image and send it over (using bt?), but that does not really feel very tablet like16:29
lcukunless engadget are there there shouldnt be too much hassle16:29
crashanddienot BT16:30
crashanddiebt wouldn't be wide enough16:30
crashanddieand waaay too slow16:30
lcukit would be nice to have our own adhoc lan built up of NIT nodes16:30
keesjlcuk: messed network yes, that would be great in such situations16:31
lcukbut again, that works with any wifi boxes16:31
lcuki think the sketching is simple enough to be doable - and if it looked/felt like the nobounds thing would surprise people16:32
crashanddie<3 working with 100k pixel images16:32
lcuknobounds - with extra features for handling multiple clients16:33
lcukhell - even use the wall idea and allow putting multiple devices together for a bigger drawing area16:33
lcukwhos running windows at home and whos running linux16:34
keesjthe really easy thing is to use the motion package and let people use a laser light to write things on the wall16:35
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lcuknot really, unless the camera was pointing on a blank wall to detect the dot you wouldnt tell where it was16:36
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lcukif you just point a camera out at the audience and someone shines a laser on it, the camera would just pick up a dot where the person was sitting16:37
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lcukthey couldnt draw things etc16:37
keesjif you point 90 cameras that would work right?16:38
lcuki do think the camera would be good with an IR led strapped to my finger and moving over the top of the tablet16:38
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lcukyer but only at 1/90 pixel resolution, not really effective16:38
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lcukif it was just a blank wall and a spot and one camera it would be higher resolution16:39
keesjyes you are right , so still no good idea , the scroller is still nice right?16:40
lcukyes, and relatively simple if it just knows where in the stack it is16:40
lcuki also like the idea of giving audience members a pen and a display16:40
lcukwe can wow them with nobounds-homebrew edition and then let them login to play themselves16:41
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lcukits in my mind for sharing the canvas anyway - so if one end is a bigbox server it is practically the same16:41
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keesjcrashanddie: wow16:43
lcuklol crashanddie would have been better showing the right bit of the map on each one16:43
crashanddielcuk, YEAH RIGHT16:43
crashanddielcuk, Like I'm going to capture 90 images xD16:44
GeneralAntillesNot enough effort16:44
lcukthose are images? i thought you had spent your time stacking them up :P16:44
keesjjust put one picture behind and paste the n810 with nothing on the screen16:44
MangoFusiononly n810's? the shame!16:44
lcuklol shhh keesj ;)16:44
crashanddiekeesj, thought about it16:44
crashanddiekeesj, but that would mean a pretty hardcore loss of pixels (borders)16:45
crashanddiethe "big" wall is 10Megs :D16:45
lcukhave you not heard of a hacksaw? borderless n810 FTW (and also even less keys to type on)16:45
crashanddielcuk, better buy a 102" HDTV16:46
lcukwhat and hack the border of that? are you mad? :P16:46
* Ivanovic volunteers for being mad16:47
lcukright, time to depart for a while.    there is only so much mario & sonic that i can put up with (coming from downstairs)16:48
lcukkeesj, ill keep this scroller in mind the next couple of days ill let you know if its workable with a bit of testing16:49
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keesjI will try to compose yet an other mail to the mainling list, hoping SOMEBODY, ANYBODY will answer this time16:51
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lcukwhich list are people ignoring?16:52
crashanddiebtw, if you need a good filehost:
lcukmicrosoft picture viewer is gonna have a shitfit isnt it16:53
crashanddie1GB file limit (web interface), or 10GB size limit if using FTP, the file stays up for 30 days starting from the last download16:53
keesjabout linuxtag related activities or ideas16:54
lcukwheres the list16:54
keesjthe developers list16:54
lcuksince i are n00b could you give me a link so i could sign up ?16:55
keesjI sent this mail aobut a week ago
keesjhmm home page also looks nice today16:56
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crashanddiekeesj, yeah, that strack trace is pretty nice I admit16:57
crashanddiebtw, any new word about Android on the n8x0 ?16:58
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timelyxcrashanddie: yeah, i like the stack trace on the front page16:59
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Jaffatimelyx: long time no see!17:06
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keesjfeel free to add ideas ..17:35
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lcukkeesj, i take it you are going? forgive my lack of knowledge but who are you on the list?17:43
lcuktis ok i see you now17:45
JaffaGah, Firefox's crashed. Damned flash17:45
Naviflash </317:46
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crashanddie50Gigs of mp3 on my n810 :D17:47
JaffaExternal HD?17:48
crashanddienot directly :)17:48
Navistreaming music from your desktop?17:48
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crashanddiestupid question17:59
crashanddiebut where does the Images/Documents etc on the Internal card map to ?17:59
WormFoodI don't even understand the question18:00
WormFoodyou mean where is it in the directory structure?18:00
WormFoodlook in /media/mmc218:00
crashanddieyeah, I shouldn't have said it like that18:00
qwerty12/home/user/MyDocs ?18:00
crashanddieqwerty12, I got nothing in there :/18:01
crashanddieah, thanks :)18:01
qwerty12Yeah, ls -la it.18:01
crashanddiethanks :)18:02
WormFoodboth cards...internal and external are in /media18:02
WormFoodyou mean internal memory18:02
crashanddieyeh, sorry :) Got it18:02
WormFoodI was right, your question was wrong :P18:02
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crashanddieWormFood, :P18:03
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qwerty12Anyone know where to get "libossohelp" from?18:07
Jaffakeesj/lcuk: another idea would be a network implementation of WWBounce from: - bouncing ball between processes18:07
lcukjaffa - make a tablehockey thing and let interactive user push it ;)18:09
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crashanddieqwerty12, didn't libosso change to libhildon ?18:10
crashanddieqwerty12, so you would be looking for libhildonhelp18:10
qwerty12crashanddie, I think you are right, thanks :)18:10
qwerty12I must be trying to compile wrong ver.18:10
keesjJaffa: going for a walk , perhaps that fresh air might bring some clever things18:10
Jaffalcuk: oooh yes, bouncing ball(s) with interaction on the touchscreen (for obstacles possibly)18:11
crashanddiebtw, just a question18:11
JaffaTouch the screen and your finger bounces off it18:11
Jaffas/your finger bounces off it/the ball bounces off your finger/18:11
infobotJaffa meant: Touch the screen and the ball bounces off your finger18:11
crashanddieI'm going to move to the UK, any pointers to a nice job I should apply to ?18:11
lcukyer push it to other people - or using the wall principle push it to the next screen18:11
Jaffacrashanddie: what can you do? ;-)18:11
lcukminister of internet tablets18:12
* Jaffa 's employer is always recruiting nice, well rounded people to rip financial companies off18:12
lcuknumptyphysics on a whole wall ;)18:12
lcukwatch a cascade through many nokias18:12
crashanddieJaffa, I'm a pretty good C/C++/PHP coder, I have extended knowledge of databases [mysql/pgsql], Linuces and unices (especially in server environment). I've been developing applications for the University of Perpignan as a freelance coder18:13
lcukor just keep it simple and do the ball thing18:13
crashanddieAs well as setting up their network and servers, and coming in at impossible hours when they had problems18:13
Jaffacrashanddie: wouldn't have thought you'd have a problem getting the job. Plenty of rich places in London need those sort of skills internally. Alternatively, self-employed consultant18:13
lcukcrashanddie, there are many positions available in many fields (as there prob are in your country) but to work legally you need work permit i believe18:14
crashanddielcuk, yeah I know, but I'm working on all that, I've been picking up contact with the UK embassy here in France in order to start the process going18:14
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lcukif you are already working in a university environment, it might be an idea to contact uk based universities18:15
crashanddiehmm, yeah, indeed18:15
JaffaShould be relatively easy if you're an EU citizen18:16
lcukit may be beneficial to speak to your contacts at the uni where you are coding - remember, its not what you know its who you know18:16
lcukif you can get a foot in the door because of a mention from someone at your current uni talking to one of his english mates you stand a good chance18:17
crashanddielcuk, yeah I know that, I've gotten most of my contracts because I was highly recommended :P18:17
lcukexactly :)18:17
crashanddiefunny though, getting these awesome jobs as a student, when most of my friends are doing dishes on friday evening :P18:18
lcuki went to college for a small night course and ended up working there for over a year :)18:18
crashanddieIdeally, I'd love to find something in Cardiff, I have a flat opening in August :D18:19
Jaffa...and handy for watching Doctor Who/Torchwood being filmed18:19
qwerty12Cardiff? Come to East London where ppl get stabbed and gangs and grime18:20
crashanddieyeh, guess I'll have to camp on roald dall place :D18:20
lcukeast london? you wanna try living in manchester18:20
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lcukour criminals are clean and not grimey at all18:21
qwerty12Meh, I moved down from Halifax :P18:21
crashanddieI have a friend who recommended Manchester... But manchester is f'd up because of the flights (if I need to get back home for something)18:21
lcukwhere are you now?18:21
crashanddiesouthern france :(18:21
lcukbetter manchester than heathrow t518:21
crashanddiewell no, that's what I meant18:22
lcukcant you fly to spain and jump out half way? dont they let you do that nowadays?18:22
termsigliverpool it's much better.18:22
crashanddieCardiff is far enough so I can say "C'mon mom, do you know how long it takes to get back home ? Plus, it's only my sister's wedding, not something really important"18:22
* lcuk tells crashanddie's mum about vnc18:23
crashanddieMy mom still asks me where the "Start" button is on her Mac18:23
crashanddieanyway, I'm off18:24
crashanddiecheers everyone18:24
lcukcrashanddie, before you go18:25
crashanddielcuk, yeah ?18:25
lcukhowheres the start button on my n810?18:25
crashanddielcuk, ask GA18:26
lcukright, off as well - gonna get venture capitalist funding for an eee ;)18:27
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lcukkeesj, i mentioned in the past about wanting proper multiplayer games on maemo, the ball and tablehockey game idea might be simple and effective enough to make it worthewhile18:28
lcukbut im gone now18:28
lcuk^jaffa i maent18:29
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qwerty12Navi, Mind if I ask you a question? Which file did you modify in the rss reader to give you a smaller vertical width? Thanks.18:41
Cptnodegardhmm... this video cast site geekbrief has a downlaod button for n8x018:41
Cptnodegardtoo bad its a chick on speed talking faster than an overclocked parrot18:41
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ZieglerNo cli ftp on the n810?18:48
ZieglerI have sftp...  but the server i am trying to access has no sshd.18:49
ZieglerAny recomendations?18:50
mikedep333hey, is there a graphical SFTP client for OS2008?18:58
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ZieglerI think18:59
ZieglerWait no19:00
ZieglerThats only ftp19:00
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qwerty12Ziegler, - ncftp. No idea what ncftp is though.19:00
derfIt's a command-line client.19:01
solmumahait's also possible to mount a server using sshfs and then use the file manager19:01
qwerty12Is down for anyone?19:01
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ZieglerI would love to use ssh...  But the server does not have that running19:03
ZieglerNcftp it is!19:03
Italodance  not available?????????? :(  is it really good and can i louder my volume?19:06
ZieglerDont know if its down, but connection is slow19:06
qwerty12Italodance, adv-backlight replaced that for OS2008. And you cannot make the volume louder.19:07
qwerty12Ziegler, thanks. Its not working for me19:07
Italodanceqwerty12 tnx i tested it before19:07
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qwerty12Anyone tell me the command to create a deb if you have the debian directory present?19:11
inzdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot is one option19:13
inzfakeroot debian/rules binary is another19:13
qwerty12Thanks, dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot worked for me :)19:13
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Italodance  nice new app :D19:16
Italodancebut not deb ?????19:16
qwerty12It doesn't need to be. It seems to be already compiled.19:17
qwerty12Anyone know where to get osso-rss-feed-reader-l10n-mr0? Google doesn't seem to be telling me much.19:19
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qwerty12Hmm, thanks but it's just a list. It doesn't matter, I went and edited configure to remove the dependency.19:23
Italodance ???19:25
qwerty12Ah ,thanks, could be useful :)19:25
qwerty12It doesn't matter, I solved it :)19:25
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Italodanceqwerty12 also use there  :D19:26
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qwerty12Italodance, interesting but those are for OS2006.19:26
Italodanceqwerty12 ah :(19:27
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crashanddieBad idea to put the binaries with the source code19:29
crashanddieThere is a packaging system, plus a great repo, sometimes I wonder why people don't even bother19:29
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Italodanceqwerty12  try this maybe help u  :
crashanddieWorld, the time has come to ! [push the button]19:32
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Italodanceummm  is it good ? Miss.USA.2008.PDTV.XviD-XOR  :p19:33
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Naviqwerty12, it's just a metapackage19:38
Naviyou won't be able to find it19:38
qwerty12Navi, Already done it ;)19:38
NaviOh, cool.19:38
Italodanceqwerty12 cool19:38
qwerty12I've managed to compile a lib but I'm unsure on the values you changed :)19:38
qwerty12Got that far, but I keep making the applet bigger >.<19:39
Naviwell, for whatever reason19:39
Navi#define HEADLINE_HEIGHT 2519:40
qwerty12Thanks :)19:40
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NaviIf you make it smaller, scrolling becomes borkened19:40
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Naviwhich is why I didn't release the .deb; it needs work that I"m too lazy to do19:41
qwerty12I see what you mean about debs though. It's a bitch the way this was packaged >.<.19:41
qwerty12Getting the lib was a nightmare19:41
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Navithe lib was okay, I just forced the install with no dependency checking19:41
qwerty12I managed to install that but configure still complained so I had to edit that too19:41
Navithat metapackage is just locale stuff, iirc19:42
Naviso it wasn't important for compilin19:42
qwerty12Yeah, thanks for the help! I'm off to try it out.19:42
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qwerty12It's an unhealthy obsession for me, anything that I have, that can be modded, I will do so lol.19:43
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Naviif (visible_rect->y % (HEADLINE_HEIGHT + rss_appl_inf->space_between_rows) == 0) <- stops the scroll prematurely19:45
crashanddiecompiling/creating .debs by removing the dependencies is bad19:45
lcukits not bad, its just confusing :P19:45
Navicrashanddie, I didn't remove it from the .deb, I just forced the install19:45
Navion scratchbox19:45
Navinot on the tablet19:46
Naviand it's a lib that should have already been installed anyways19:46
* Navi shrugs19:46
crashanddiethen just add the correct repos and apt-get install it19:46
Naviapt-cache search couldn't find it19:46
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NaviI have the same repository list on my tablet19:47
Naviso it confuses me why it's not showing up19:47
crashanddietalking 'bout search, I might port aptitude19:47
thuxdoes screen work for user in os2008? mine doesn't complaints about permissions19:47
NaviI think someone tried doing that before19:47
qwerty12I tried aptitude to no avail too. But I cant program anyway.19:48
ZieglerBeen playing with kismet....   The xml files are easier to parse than the gps for making gpx files for mapper19:48
ZieglerMore info touse19:48
ZieglerTo - use19:49
NaviI bugged the mmpc maintainer19:49
ZieglerOh soory to interupt the closed chat19:50
lcukis BT networking much slower than wifi, and does it consume less battery?19:50
NaviZiegler, I think that chat was done19:50
qwerty12Navi, Quick quick plea for help, I set headline_height to 25 but I get this . Do I need a lot of feeds?19:50
crashanddielcuk, BT is waaay slower19:50
Navimmpc was updated19:50
crashanddielcuk, at best 120kB/s on BT19:51
lcukcrashanddie, im not after serious traffic - just test files and ssh sessions19:51
glasscrashanddie: for web browsing etc there is not much difference19:51
Naviqwerty12, did you change anything else?19:51
qwerty12No, the rest is still the same. I'll try again. Thanks.19:51
lcukits just the wifi on this burns serious calaries - its an adhoc which i believe is more of a drain19:51
crashanddiecompare ~2MB/s on wifi and 120kB/s on BT, take your pick19:52
Naviqwerty12, what was the original value, btw?19:52
qwerty1270 something. I just went and deleted, I'll check again in a sec19:52
lcukfair enough, right next question - is it simple and will i blow my config up if i try it19:52
koyoteyah, but the BT speeds are still faster than my phone's connection, so it's not a loss19:52
crashanddiekoyote, heh19:52
crashanddieanyway, I'm off19:53
qwerty12Navi, 7219:53
crashanddiewhy is it people always want me to go eat at their place when I have a shitload of work19:53
Navicrashanddie, they hate you :D19:53
crashanddieNavi, bastards19:53
crashanddiewell, cuz I'm an ass19:54
crashanddieI won't even take a bottle of wine19:54
crashanddiecheers everyone, have a nice one19:54
Navibye, you too19:54
lcukthere is a livecd of wine if you wanna take something different ;)19:54
lcukcya later crashanddie19:54
crashanddiebetter yet, Wine through USB19:55
crashanddieUSB Wine, download wine straight from the vineyards !19:55
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NaviAnyone know why the volume gets bumped down whenever you plug in something to the headphone jack?19:55
ZieglerNever noticed19:56
lcuknavi, press the button on the headphones (Nokia original)19:56
ZieglerTrying it19:56
lcuksee if it goes louder19:56
qwerty12Same here, all I notice is that GLIB & Kernel recieves an event19:56
ZieglerWhat program... Or does it matter?19:56
Navijust the max volume19:56
ZieglerHeh... Sure enough19:57
Ziegler20% Reduction19:57
NaviYou can bump it back up, but it's annoying to do so19:58
NaviIt goes from ear-blasting to can't-hear-in-a-loud-room19:58
lcukbut ear blasting without headphones to bursting your eardrums19:58
Navitotally fine with that19:59
lcukmy old car: when i turned ignition on the radio would always come back at a max vol 10 no matter how loud i had it before19:59
NaviYeah, I see why they put it in19:59
ZieglerSeems like a bit of amplification reduc with headphones in19:59
Navibut it needs a toggle19:59
ZieglerBesides just the volume turning down19:59
lcukuser configurable option would be best yes19:59
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Navirestarting the N800 is so battery-drainy20:00
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lcukits not draining battery faster, its the battery icon gets refreshed. it was low before you rebooted :P20:00
Naviit was fully charged before I rebooted.20:00
NaviI rebooted a few times and I'm at 1 hour left20:01
lcukon the 810 i notice it stays up high for ages but if i reboot it normally drops a ocuple of bars20:01
lcuki mean, you might be right20:01
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Navilcuk, it's funny though20:03
Navithe statusbar applet icon doesn't decrease until I have less than an hour left :)20:03
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ZieglerIs diablo available to test?20:04
lcukim seriously considering modding my cradle to hold a full large rechargable pack (8-12AAs) and just keep those charged20:04
NaviZiegler, closed testing20:04
Navilcuk, sexy.20:04
ZieglerEta for public?20:04
NaviBeats me20:05
lcukwell it sits in there 99% of the time but most days i end up tethered20:05
qwerty12My N800's boot is so slow and now the hildon-desktop isn't showing :(. Guess I'll have to reflash again. 2nd time in 1 day.20:05
lcuki would liek to charge overnight and use for the entire day20:05
Naviqwerty12, :/20:05
Naviqwerty12, do you just want the deb I whipped up?20:06
qwerty12Ok, then please :)20:06
lcukthat reminds me - i need to take a backup of my NIT20:06
ZieglerAny of you tighten up the slide on your n810?20:06
* Navi sort of wishes he had an N81020:06
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lcukhey - i got the gps connected the other night!20:07
lcukand it stayed connected for long enough to play with it!20:07
NaviI wouldn't get it for the GPS :|20:07
lcukshame it was about 50 metres behind me - the little woman would have gotten frustrated keep telling me 50 metres to go, then to turn round cos i missed it20:07
NaviJust the smaller form factor and keyboard would be nice20:07
Navipoor lcuk20:08
ZieglerMy gps works fine20:08
lcuki should have closed all the apps i was playing with earlier that night for a better experience20:08
NaviHow long does it take to get a fix for you?20:08
lcukit didnt lag last time i connected20:08
ZieglerInitial fix is uner a miunte or two most days20:09
lcukill tell you now - its 18:09 and im gonna put it near window..20:09
ZieglerAcuraccy is similar to a tomtom20:09
NaviReally? That's a drastically different number :P20:09
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lcuknow, its not been rebooted since last connection so i am hoping for quickness20:10
lcukits accurate allright, but its that first fix thats the killer20:10
ZieglerWait... Thats to far20:10
Naviqwerty12, is it okay that there are only 11 feeds displayed?20:11
qwerty12Yeah sure :)20:11
qwerty12I only keep the BBC on there come think of it.20:11
Navi'cuz that's the maximum you can display with the thing stretched all the way out20:11
ZieglerHonestly i read alot about poor fix times on the n810 ... But indoors its similar to all other standalone devices 8 have played with20:12
Naviit's a pain to resize widgets20:12
lcukright, still not connected, it can see 4 sats on the graph but not very high, it normally sits like this for hours on end.  if i move it fractionally it will drop to 2.20:12
infobotNavi meant: it's a pain to resize applets20:12
ZieglerLcuik...  Wow thats horried...  Its never been longer than 5 minutes for me to fix20:13
lcuki wonder if the difference between 810 and standalone is the reboot - most small gps nodes are always on arent they20:13
lcukdown to 3 now20:14
lcuknot touched it20:14
ZieglerMight just be your location20:14
lcukentire city? wherever i have tried it i have had similar issues20:14
ZieglerWhat country?20:15
lcuki will take it up onto the moors and sit it ontop of the car next time i am up there20:15
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qwerty12I miss the North :(20:15
lcukmy missus said that the gps must be busy :D20:15
ZieglerIm indoors right now, an I just connected20:15
lcuk:O holy mother of god - it connected20:15
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Navilcuk, success!20:16
lcuk6 minutes.  but as noted i had spent time connecting previously and havent rebooted since20:16
ZieglerMeh...  Sounds like voodo to me20:16
lcuk(the other night it connected sometime during the course of a poker game - i left it on the window)20:17
ZieglerIn my car < 3 minutes even on a rainy day20:17
lcukill monitor the situation.   infact. now i am on a roll im gonna test something... im popping the battery20:17
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qwerty12Yep, my N800 is going under the reflash. Not sure what I am more pissed of at, reflashing again after I did so yesterday or reinstalling my apps.20:19
qwerty12Bye all, gtg20:19
lcukright, its 18:2020:20
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NaviSucks for him.20:21
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ZieglerI am debating on attempting to tighten up the n810 slide... But dont know if i am ready yet.  Its only 2 weeks old.20:21
ZieglerThere really isnt an easy way to backup apps is ther?20:22
NaviI just tar the fs as a backup20:22
ZieglerDiablo is supposed to fix that ya?20:22
ZieglerUpdates without a flash?20:23
NaviHow so?20:23
ZieglerLet me see if I can find that link20:23
NaviYeah, over the air updates20:26
Naviqwerty borked his system though20:26
Naviso reflashing's the easiest way out20:26
ZieglerSo it is possible... Just doesnt work yet20:27
NaviOver the air updates?20:27
lcukincrimental updates are better anyway - people are fed up with full flash to change20:27
NaviIt's a feature for diablo20:27
lcukplus it will become easier for nokia to give smaller updates20:27
Navilcuk, agreed20:27
lcukobviously they can't/shouldnt get rid of the full flash but thats only for complete reformat20:28
b0unc3 someone can help me pls ?20:28
ZieglerIncremental over the air updates availible with next os update is what I read.   I assume that meant diablo20:28
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Navib0unc3, pretty weird there20:29
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ZieglerI had a simmilar problem20:30
lcuk10 minutes!!!20:30
ZieglerThis An n810?20:30
lcukfrom cold reboot20:30
b0unc3Ziegler: no, 77020:31
lcukthats the best ive had it - i have found a sweet spot :D20:31
ZieglerMy problem had to do with a poor memory mis-format20:31
* lcuk stops moaning about gps20:32
ZieglerI backed everything up and re-formated the mem20:32
ZieglerAll was good after that20:32
ZieglerDont know if that helps you20:33
b0unc3uhm... if I mount it on my laptop the problem persists... strange...20:34
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ZieglerCan u reformat it from th770?20:35
ZieglerDoes os2008 run on the 770?20:36
b0unc3maybe no... I use OS2006...20:37
ZieglerI was just currious20:38
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ZieglerOh right20:48
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NaviI really like the black keyboard in hendrika20:54
NaviWonder if I can swap out the button images for nuvoclear20:54
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UserID10TWho here recently purchased an n800?20:59
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Zieglern810 here a couple weeks ago... But almost did the n80021:01
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ItalodanceUserID10T  me ????21:02
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mikedep333I just purchased an N80021:03
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UserID10TCongrats mikedep33321:08
UserID10TYou already have yours?21:08
UserID10TMine is about to be shipped.21:09
UserID10TCongrats, Ziegler and Italodance too.21:09
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UserID10TI was talking with someone in IM, sorry about the disappearance.21:09
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mikedep333yeah, I received it on wednesday21:14
UserID10TGot it all tricked out yet?21:14
mikedep333still struggling with some things21:14
mikedep333like email21:14
UserID10TI had purched a Helio Ocean for mobile device use, but it is so buggy...21:14
mikedep333but I think thats a problem with another email client acccessing the same mailbox21:14
UserID10TMy yahoo doesn't want to connect, it lags and freezes up...21:14
UserID10TAnother client on the n800 or on another system?21:15
mikedep333I think a client on another system is downloading all the messages off gmail permanently21:15
mikedep333causing my n800 to never be able to download them21:15
mikedep333but I'm looking into it21:15
UserID10TBut gmail's client should still handle the emails web based right?21:16
UserID10TSo it should still catch them on multiple clients.21:16
mikedep333I'm sure i can use the gmail web interface, yeah21:16
UserID10TCause if you go to you can see them right?21:16
UserID10TWell the client software shouldn't access a database other than's right?21:16
UserID10TSo multi-access COULDN'T be the problem...21:17
UserID10TAm I wrong?21:17
mikedep333I'll look into it later21:17
UserID10TI don't know linux, and I am not a fan of pop, smtp or other servers.21:18
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UserID10TOh Mike, on the n800 from what I can see on, you can download and install directly onto the system via wifi or usb.  Is that right?21:20
UserID10TOr does the .install have to be sent from the PC?21:20
mikedep333from what I understand21:20
mikedep333and have done21:20
UserID10TLike...using shell.21:20
mikedep333the usb is only for upgrading from OS2007 to 200821:20
mikedep333once that is installed21:21
mikedep333you install everything over wi-fi21:21
mikedep333you add repositories, install packages from repositories, and install deb packages over the web or whatever21:21
mikedep333all using wi-fi21:21
mikedep333or manually install tarballs or whatever by transferring them over wi-fi21:21
UserID10TCause of the flash, eh?21:22
mikedep333I think there are ways to transfer files over USB21:22
mikedep333but I am not sure21:22
UserID10TI don't know what the crap a repository is yet. :(21:22
mikedep333it's a web site21:22
UserID10TThere are mike, I saw on youtube.21:22
mikedep333that only the operating system accesses21:22
elbyou can mount the device as a USB mass storage device21:22
mikedep333it grabs and install software packages from the repo21:22
UserID10TAh I see.21:23
mikedep333oh, right21:23
elbbut you don't do that to install packages21:23
mikedep333and it gets updates to those packages from the repository21:23
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mikedep333and packages show up in your package manager21:24
mikedep333once the repository is added21:24
mikedep333so you can easily browse the available packages21:24
UserID10TWhere are good tutorials?21:25
UserID10TI should get mine Tuesday, and I need to learn a little but of the structure of linux.21:25
UserID10Tor the proprietary platform for the n80021:26
UserID10TWhatever it may be.21:26
elbyou don't really need to know a lot about Linux to do day-to-day things with the n80021:26
UserID10TBut setup and installation you would.21:26
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elbnot really, no21:26
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elbtypical software installation etc. won't require specific Linux knowledge21:27
elbif you want to do fancy and/or cutting edge things, you might, because those packages and softwares don't tend to be as polished21:27
elbbut just using applications and installing new, popular software is pretty much point-and-tap :-)21:27
UserID10TI will be getting...some themes, xmame, scummvm, some other games, pidgin...and a few others.21:28
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UserID10TI won't personally need databases beyond what these programs will require.21:28
ZieglerHehe sounds like my first actions21:28
* UserID10T high fives Ziegler.21:28
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lcukhow do i create "local" function declarations in c - ie ones which do not conflict with functions of the same name defined in different .c files?21:29
mikedep333UserID10T: you may need to upgrade to ITOS2008 for that21:29
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mikedep333*for all that21:29
mikedep333fortunately, that is easy21:29
mikedep333and very useful in other ways too21:30
ZieglerI installed motion yestersay to utilize the web cam... As the webcam.... Its a bit buggy after shutdown...  But it works quite nicley21:30
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UserID10TWoah the OS2008 side of is throwing an error.21:34
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keesjUserID10T: the whole site is giving errors at random times. very very unproffestional[tm] if you ask me21:37
keesjand when the message contain sql kind of stuff , I really dislike it21:38
czrlcuk, you don't :-)21:38
czrlcuk, or you can try playing with linker flags if the symbols come from shared libs21:38
keesjbut it is the "features" apps that are going wrong21:39
UserID10TI see I see.21:39
keesjlcuk: you name it static21:39
keesjbut the guy is as good in spelling as I am "visable"21:40
keesjyou can also play around with define and undef :p21:41
UserID10TIf you make an app request, is the response met generally quickly?21:41
elbdefine "an app request"21:41
UserID10TA request for a port of said game or application.21:42
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elband yeah, has its share of problems21:42
elbthat depends on the interest of someone who can do the port21:42
UserID10TIs there some sort of restriction in what can be chosen?21:42
UserID10TI see.  I would assume that of course.21:42
UserID10TI meant, does it have to be linux based already, does it need to be stored as a certain type of file, etc.21:43
UserID10TBut if it's just interest, that's workable.21:43
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komputikowhat is better for my N800: xfce or kde?21:44
komputikoi want to install one of them21:44
komputikoi can install enlightenment?21:44
elbUserID10T: if it's Linux and Gtk+-based, and has a relatively simple UI, for example, it would possibly take less interest, because the port would be easier21:44
komputikoits that possible?21:44
elbUserID10T: but if source is available, interest is all that's required21:45
keesjkomputiko: no , there is no package atm21:45
komputikook, so e17, xfce or kde...?21:45
komputikoah ok21:45
komputikoxfce or kde21:46
keesjthe main prolbem is having a keyboard( I think there are packages for kde)21:46
komputikoi think that maybe xfce will be better21:46
keesjif you have a keyboard perhaps21:47
keesjhildon is tweaked for the n800 so that would be the best21:47
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b0unc3maybe you can try cellwriter...21:49
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komputikoso you think that kde or xfce are not usable21:52
komputikowith n80021:52
komputikoreally i only like test amarok... but i think it will be slow21:53
komputikoand maybe koffice21:53
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lcukkeesj, thank you :) ive taken a few functions out of a module to test optimised versions thereof, but i dont want to change the interface21:57
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Mouseyme uses his n810 without shame22:00
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fireunQuestion: I've read that the 770 has interference issues with 802.11n nodes - something about 802.11n packets making the 770 blind to its AP browser finding anything. Any info on this, or a fix?22:03
fireunI found a forum entry that had something about manually configuring the default AP association, but the packages linked were not compatible with either of my 770 os versions22:04
fireunthis is really frustrating to me, both 770s were used as wifi-media/music. now I have to listen to ipod music or none at all.22:04
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fireunrunning kismet shows all the missint APs that dont show up in the wifi browser22:07
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fireunI guess its sunday, mostly lurkers - /msg me if anyone has suggestions for a solution, I've tried the latest OS versions both HE and standard on my two 770s, no functional wifi at home.22:10
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komputikosomebody speak spanish? alguien habla español?22:19
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mikedep333hey, I'm looking to setup the grandcentral free phone service22:31
mikedep333does anyone have an invite?22:31
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NeoStrider_hey folks22:45
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ralannis grandcentral still around?22:46
ralanni forgot all about them22:46
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konttoridoes anyone use the mplayer-plugin on the browser?22:58
konttoriI have just created a greasemonkey script that turns youtube to use the plugin, but on my device, the plugin doesn't work at all.22:59
ZieglerNo, but i would like to22:59
konttoriI only get a "loading playlist" from mplayer.22:59
konttorianyway, if someone does have the plugin running, I could share the greasemonkey script.23:00
konttoriIf that turns out to be working, I could quickly write support for a few other services as well.23:00
konttorias really, the flash performance is only able to barely take care of youtube, but absolutely not of other, more demanding services23:01
konttorilike dailymotion23:01
konttorigreasemonkey is, by the way, truly great23:02
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mikedep333where can I find the IT video convertor23:21
mikedep333I thought nokia had some other software available for your desktop PC23:21
mikedep333but all I see is rhapsody and the OS2008 update on their site23:22
mikedep333nm, found it23:22
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Cptnodegard  that thing would pwn with an it23:40
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