IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2008-03-07

jotthehe there should be some automated testing framework that optimizes all the -Ox flags for each single file :P00:00
* jott wished os2008 was build with gcc 4.x00:01
EvilGuruHow can one browse a bluetooth device with the N810?00:02
KotCzarnymaybe 2009 will be?00:02
EvilGuru-O3 will probably be slower, the loop unrolling really does eat up the CPU cache00:02
spirytusickjott: even better llvm :)00:02
jottKotCzarny: hehe "never touch a running system" :p00:02
jottyeah or llvm00:02
KotCzarnythen why there was 2007 ?00:02
jottbut not gcc 3.4.4 with a huge load of compiler bgs00:02
spirytusickEvilGuru: that's where the -Os might help, on cache size anyway00:03
* KotCzarny uses -Os -s -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mtune=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp 00:03
* spirytusick uses only pipe.. :)00:04
EvilGuruspirytusick: Not even -O1 or O200:04
spirytusickI mean smoking :)00:05
KotCzarnysmoking kills00:05
spirytusickand I usually omit all frame painters ... rude guys...usualy :)00:05
spirytusickKotCzarny: it's a price for a pleasure :)00:05
spirytusickKotCzarny: nothing is free :)00:05
pupniknon-smokers are scared of terrorists00:06
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KotCzarnynot really00:06
KotCzarnyi'm not00:06
spirytusickKotCzarny: besides, the only thing I know for sure in my life is that I am going to die one day ...00:06
KotCzarnydon't be so sure ;)00:06
spirytusickKotCzarny: My name is not lenin :)00:07
KotCzarnyyou don't have any experience in that matter ;)00:07
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spirytusickKotCzarny: frankly I do not know anyone with enough experience in that field :)00:07
KotCzarnyTo be or not to be.00:07
KotCzarny                -- Shakespeare00:07
KotCzarnyTo do is to be.00:07
KotCzarny                -- Nietzsche00:07
KotCzarnyTo be is to do.00:07
KotCzarny                -- Sartre00:07
KotCzarnyDo be do be do.00:07
KotCzarny                -- Sinatra00:07
spirytusickany experienced diers on thich chan ? :)00:07
johnxnope, and I intend not to learn anything about it. I think I'll try and avoid it all together if I can00:08
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lcuk:O ga died00:09
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pupnikpingus has a lisp parser...00:09
lcuk:O ga returned from the dead00:10
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* jott pokes pupnik with a lambda expression00:10
* GeneralAntilles eats lcuk's brains.00:11
lcuklight lunch then?00:11
jottGeneralAntilles is on diet :P00:11
GeneralAntillesGotta keep my figure.00:11
* Tama^2 whatches as the frame is pushed and then quickly popped from the stack when the labda expression hits00:11
* lcuk actually has a spot on the back of head and is considering installing a goo tap00:12
spirytusickGeneralAntilles: $FIGURE+1 ? :)00:12
* lcuk is afraid his brain will fall out tho :S00:12
lcuklol almost pup00:12
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pupniksome english guy had his girlfriend drill a hole in his skull.  said it enlightened him.  They made a hard-to-find movie "Heartbeat in the brain"00:13
* lcuk has seen it or similar00:13
KotCzarnywas it a romantic comedy style?00:14
* GeneralAntilles learned about trepanning from the Gold Compass (book).00:14
KotCzarnyor more like frankenstein?00:14
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KotCzarnymake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/sbox/e-uae-0.8.29-CVS'00:14
KotCzarnyreal    10m29.146s00:14
KotCzarnynot bad00:14
spirytusickTrepanning can be fun...00:14
lcuki find it boring00:14
spirytusicklcuk: thats because you are only using the same corpse every time :)00:15
KotCzarnyinteresting thing is my battery shows nearly same voltage since ~10h00:15
lcukthats cos your program has a y2k type bug when the duration goes over 9h59m ;)00:16
solmumahapupnik: would you mind hosting some ruby debs?00:16
KotCzarnybecause it runs ~50h for now00:16
pupniksolmumaha:  no00:17
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lcukright, does anyone use sdl_ttf and if so, do you know of a way i can adjust the aspect ratio of the fonts so i can render similar sized elements on a 400*480 screen as on an 800*480.  they look fat at the moment and searching google basically comes with me asking this question in here a few days ago00:19
GeneralAntilles^ ++00:19
GeneralAntillesI hate the #maemo log. :(00:19
KotCzarnyuse narrow fotns?00:19
lcukno, i like it - its slower than the slash log (plenty of times i have posted and my point is scanned instantly)00:20
lcukahhh - but the screen res is at users choice - say they want Sans 20,   if i let them it looks good, but if ithey lower screen res it looks dire00:20
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KotCzarnyadd a font dialog?00:20
lcukbut that doesnt help00:21
lcukall fonts looks fat - suppose the user wants 300*48000:21
lcukor 800*24000:21
lcukif i could tell sdl_ttf i have a strange AR then it could render the font correctly00:21
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leif__details about apple's sdk are finally out... as suspected, apps must be signed by apple and can only be distributed thru their store. And it is $99 to sign up as a developer00:22
lcuki might just get round it at mo by (spit) scaling the glyphs but then i lose the niceness of smoothed edges00:22
pupnikomg jott load times are like 5x faster with the compile flags00:22
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jottpupnik: amazing, huh? ;)00:22
lcukpupnik, all those flags needed?00:23
KotCzarnypupnik: what flags?00:23
lcukor just a subset00:23
jottbasically vfp is important00:23
pupnikno not all00:23
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KotCzarnyleif: and there will be many shareware apps, let's rejoice!00:23
ssvbKotCzarny: that's a bit scary, my 770 also has been running with wifi connected for almost 24h and it still does not show any noticeable changes in voltage indicators00:24
KotCzarnyssvn: no it's ok00:24
KotCzarnyit only means power usage is ~000:24
KotCzarnyapply some load and it will drop down fast :)00:24
spirytusickthere was an post on itt's about the device actually using less power when switched on 24h that if you keep on switching it on and off every night...00:25
spirytusickKotCzarny: True!00:25
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spirytusickKotCzarny: Usualy dies in the least necessary moment...00:25
jottlcuk: why would the aspect ratio of the font be affected if you have square pixels and same dpi in x and y direction?00:25
ssvbKotCzarny: 770 was never particularly efficient with wifi, or I just did not notice that it is so good before :)00:26
leif__KotCzarny, there will be zero user-modifiable apps... and even freeware developers will have to pay for the privilege00:26
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jottah you double pixel in one direction?00:26
lcukjott, ttf_sdl works without opening a window in sdl.  if i haven't opened a window it has to get its dpi settings from somewhere - if you are telling me they are around then please do spill the beans00:26
jotti only used freetype00:26
jottto render a font00:27
lcukand how do you inform it of the intended dpi/AR of the destination device00:27
KotCzarnyit's close to flat after midnight00:27
lcukbecause if i can use that, then i will gladly switch00:27
jottwell if freetype can't sdl_ttf will probably also fail ;)00:28
pupniki'm sorry but the controls in pingus are fucked00:28
jottlet's see where i got the source :p00:28
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lcukthis is of vital importance if i am to start rotating the display -> even a standard font displayed on an 800*480 screen looks wrong when i rotate the bitmap onto the 480*800 display00:29
* lcuk hacks it with a cheap stretchblit00:29
* lcuk cries at loss of clarity00:30
KotCzarnymake a function then?00:30
lcukmind you, i cant read an 8pt font rendered directly on fullscreen00:30
lcuki already have done00:30
jottlcuk: yeah it's possible with freetype to set dpi independently00:30
lcukjott - ahhhh maybe i shall head over in that direction - i was kinda raping sdl_ttf anyway - the screen is XV but i need SDL initializing just for the fonts00:31
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jottlcuk: -> FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes00:32
jottthis does probably what you want (the whole thing ;-)00:33
jottit writes a bitmap font file with alpha values..00:33
lcukthats cool - i have internal glyph buffer that i can init from anywhere (i even hand coded a font to prove concept at first!)   thanks tho for this if it works as expected i can drop sdl altogether for now00:34
jottshould give you a clue on what to do i suppose ;)00:35
KotCzarnyshucks. i want to play with my n80000:35
jott(like getting pixels from freetype ;)00:35
KotCzarnybattery rundown is suspended. ;)00:35
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lcukyer jott00:35
jottproper usage of ascent/width would be wise though ..00:36
jott(this was restricted in my use case)00:36
lcukits restricted in my case00:36
lcukim quite happy with fixed width fonts :)00:37
jotthey freetype gives you all the important stuff ;)00:37
lcukwhos domain is this   ive seen a few things posted00:38
jottlcuk: mine :)00:38
lcukthats prob why ive seen them posted :D00:38
jottyeah not really usable as it has very few space ..but good enough to dump some small files (it's free so i don't complain)00:39
lcukthats all you need most of the time00:40
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spirytusickguys, good night and good hacking!00:40
KotCzarnynight night00:41
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jottlcuk: btw i used 4bpp depth for fonts and it looks actually quite nice (and should be faster and has less memory footprint)00:43
lcuk256 greyscale works REALLY nicely and i can add color later if required - its just a basic reader (that happens to scroll beautifully)00:44
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KotCzarnye-uae segfaults00:45
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jottKotCzarny: unsupported sdl mode? ;)00:45
KotCzarnydoesn't even get to gui00:45
KotCzarnynanosleep({0, 10000000}, NULL)          = 000:45
KotCzarnynanosleep({0, 10000000}, 0)             = ? ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK (To be restarted)00:45
KotCzarny+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++00:45
dtahtbot`KotCzarny: Error: "++" is not a valid command.00:45
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dtahtbot`jott: Error: "+SIGSEGV" is not a valid command.00:46
dtahtbot`jott: Error: "SIGSEGV" is not a valid command.00:46
jottstupid bot ;)00:46
jotti guess it has to do with sdl initalization KotCzarny :)00:47
KotCzarnyrunning with use_gui=no worked00:47
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jottor some missing files :) atleast bad error handling ;)00:48
lcukhow does uae handle planar->chunky? apart from slowly?00:48
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h3sp4wnHas anyone (other than me) bought a refurb (respectable dealer) tablet that won't for some reason authentiate to download anything. (and who do I hassle Nokia or the dealer) or is there a free to all distribution for the 77000:57
KotCzarnyh3sp4wn: just flash another os00:58
GeneralAntillesYou mean the WLAN MAC doesn't work at the firmware site?00:58
GeneralAntillesI'm sure somebody has figured out the range of 770 MACs and you could just pick a random one from there.00:59
GeneralAntillesI even recall seeing it mentioned somewhere.00:59
GeneralAntillesThough I don't know offhand where to find it. . . .00:59
h3sp4wnThanks I will investigate00:59
GeneralAntillesI'd drop an email to Nokia Support, though.00:59
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h3sp4wnDo I need a genuine nokia cable to flash or can I just use any usb ?00:59
GeneralAntillesIf you really end up in a bind, I'm sure you can talk somebody here into letting you borrow theirs. :D00:59
GeneralAntillesAny MiniB USB cable.00:59
h3sp4wnCool thanks.01:00
GeneralAntillesThey're just ass-covering.01:00
johnxany one is fine, but some people have reported problems with hubs in between the desktop and tablet01:00
GeneralAntillesYeah, do follow that bit of device.01:01
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johnxthough I haven't had a problem with my hub...01:02
plbhrm hrm01:02
johnxbut not all hubs are the same01:02
plbwhats root pw?01:02
plbfor n80001:02
KotCzarnyby default01:02
GeneralAntillesplb, what ITOS version?01:02
GeneralAntillesMy recommendation is to either install OpenSSH or easyroot01:03
GeneralAntillesor best, both.01:03
plbI su but it says applet requires root privileges01:03
johnxyeah, the tablets don't run a "normal" linux distro01:03
johnxinstall easyroot and/or openssh01:03
plbI downloaded something and am trying to move it onto my memory card01:04
plbit downloaded to /home/user01:04
johnxwhere did you download it to that you need root privileges?01:04
plb/home/user is where it went01:04
KotCzarnyhow can i tell app to use smaller font?01:04
plbneed to move it to /media/mmc101:04
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johnxif you type mv foo /media/mmc1 as user what happens?01:05
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plbit says cannot preserve ownership..operation not permitted01:06
johnxyeah, don't worry about that01:06
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johnxfat16/32 = no permissions01:06
KotCzarnymount with quiet01:06
johnxno owner/group, no nothin' :)01:06
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johnxplb, look and see if the file got moved01:07
plbit didnt01:07
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plbit worked01:08
johnxh3sp4wn, BTW, if you want to sanity check your tablet's MAC address, you can give it to a site that has a mac address lookup and see if the MAC address even belongs to Nokia01:08
johnxplb, I know :)01:08
plbwrong directory by accident ;]01:08
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plbyay new background image01:10
plbpity deviantart doesn't seem to work01:10
plbin tablet browser01:10
plbfor me anyway01:10
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johnxworks great here01:11
johnxI even added some tweaks to it through greasemonkey01:11
johnxnodevads and "continuous scrolling"01:11
plbthe homepage opens but it won't let me click any links01:11
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KotCzarnyis nokia's gtk broken in a way it ignores gtkrc file?01:14
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lcukh3sp4wn, are you looking under the battery for mac address or from the device config?  it does sound strange that its invalidated itself01:14
johnxKotCzarny, find another gtkrc that *is* getting read and include yours from it01:15
KotCzarnyi look at the strace output01:16
jottKotCzarny: maybe sapwood is messing around01:16
KotCzarnyit doesn't even looks for it01:16
plbhrm wth I got someones shared folder in my file manager?01:16
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h3sp4wnlcuk: I have tried both and they are the same number01:16
johnxahaha...plb, it's whoever owns the wifi you're using probably :P01:16
johnxdoes it come up in a mac checker as a Nokia mac address?01:17
KotCzarnygtk2 sources are 15mb01:17
johnxor is it 00:co:ff:ee:0201:17
lcukh3sp4wn, oooer then - are you sure you are at the right location - i thought it was different sites for different devices01:17
KotCzarnybigger than xserver itself :)01:17
johnxyeah, the x server is mainly just delegates to the kernel fb driver, IIRC01:17
plbjohnx: my wifi01:17
KotCzarnybtw. are you entering it as 00:00.. or 0000.. ?01:17
plbother computers on the line of course01:18
johnxplb, then it's prolly a machine on your wifi01:18
h3sp4wnlcuk: clicked on the link for nokia 770 os 200601:18
h3sp4wncould it be uk ip address and us device ?01:19
h3sp4wn(I can try it from a vserver I have in the us but I would need to use elinks)01:19
plbah now deviantart wants to work01:19
johnxh3sp4wn, I don't think the country matters01:19
GeneralAntillesAnybody using jablet?01:21
lcukcould be a problem with the akamai cache01:21
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KotCzarnyi guess the only place that has any effect is themes gtkrc01:27
* KotCzarny set all fonts to 10pt ;)01:27
johnxjust include your gtkrc from that one01:27
KotCzarnygood idea01:27
KotCzarnybut the gtk should do it by itself01:28
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KotCzarnyhaving small fonts helps with nothildonized gtk apps01:42
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lcukjott, or anyone with knowledge - is freetype included on the maemo by default or does it need installing?   if its included where do i get the sdk from02:09
lcukfor my scratchbox thingy02:09
KotCzarnyfreetype is x related i guess02:10
KotCzarnyand probably included02:10
lcukthinking: sdl_ttf uses it internally and works, so it does exist.  but the headers arent found so cant compile stuff02:10
KotCzarnyapt-get install libfreetype6-dev02:11
jottlcuk: 500 chinook/free Packages <- libfreetype6-dev02:11
lcukthx jott :)02:12
pupnikjott: you can test new pingus here02:12
lcuki did just manage to work the syntax for find tho and technically it exists already but cant be found by gcc02:12
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pupnikshould be a two-step install - i may end up bundling needed libs tomorrow02:13
johnxlcuk, did you search for the lib or the headers?02:13
jottlcuk: compile with `freetype-config --libs` `freetype-config --cflags`02:14
lcukahhh coool, ok ill try02:14
johnxthere is similar magic for other things as well :)02:14
lcukthats not magic - its torture02:15
lcukmind you, this is still kinda simpler than vs.shit 200802:16
jottit's easy when you know how (tm) ;)02:16
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KotCzarnyis there on-the-fly theme editor?02:16
johnxright, and now that you know about freetype-config you can use gtk-config in the same way02:16
johnxon the tablet? no02:16
jottor even pkg-config :P02:16
KotCzarnyjohnx: fot gtk202:17
johnxI dunno02:17
johnxI don't know the current gtk theming "state of the art"02:17
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jottaren't the themes rendered "in c code"? and there are some engines that support simple pixmaps?02:18
* jott didn't really look into gtk theming ..02:19
johnxjott, that is my understanding02:19
johnxbut there are lots of things you could mean when you say "editing a gtk theme"02:19
KotCzarnyediting gtkrc02:19
johnxchanging the colors can be done in the gtkrc, or change the pixmaps, or change the way buttons are drawn...02:19
johnxah, so like a frontend to gtkrc editing?02:19
johnxIIRC, the variables that are valid in the gtkrc depends at least a little on the engine it's not exactly straightforward02:20
jottgtk theming is a mess imho :p02:20
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KotCzarnyi don't mind using another engine02:21
KotCzarnyas long it allows for some quick tunings02:21
johnxif you don't use the built-in theme engine, some things probably won't work right02:21
jottthat's why there is no qt theme that uses a gtk renderer, just a gtk theme that uses a qt renderer ;)02:21
KotCzarnyi agree it looks, erm, interesting02:21
KotCzarnybut it works02:21
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lamiaHi hi KotCzarny02:23
KotCzarnyhi hi02:23
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lcukhmmmm all the includes are in ..../freetype2/...   but the base header is pointing into ../freetype/...02:24
jottyes they are in freetype2/freetype/02:25
lcukdo i just rename freetype2 or will that break anything else i might try to compile?02:25
jottit should work02:25
jottwithout renaming02:25
jottjust tested.. my source compiles fine in sbox02:26
lcukit has fixed itself02:26
jottcc -O -ansi -Wall -g convttf.c -o convttf `freetype-config --libs` `freetype-config --cflags`02:26
lcukyes, ty02:26
* lcuk scratches his chin02:26
* lcuk picks his nose02:28
* lcuk shakes jotts hand :) ty02:28
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lcuklooking into sdl_ttf and your prog all it would take would be a quick couple of arguments to TTF_OpenFont to allow it to use custom DPI values (which will be of value in lower res/rotated games)02:31
lcuksdl_ttf is currently passing in 0,0 to the ft_set_char_size function which tells opentype to use 72*72dpi02:32
jotthm well patching sdl_ttf is not a good idea i suppose ;)02:32
jott(atleast not without bringing the changes upstream and then downstream to itos again :P02:33
lcuknot at all, but now its been mentioned if someone is looking for custom dpi stuff in future they can have a look and there will be a bit of a head start02:33
jottindeed ... hello googlebot! have a nice crawl!02:33
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lcukim gonna go directly to opentype i think and call how i need.  thanks v muchly for this base jott02:34
jottyou're welcome.. we expect the ultimate ebook reader from you ;P02:35
lcukas long as its white on black or black on white and reads all my flat text files smoothly then im happy02:35
lcukand i am the number one customer :)  tho i fully expect you lot to get your grubby mitts on it sometime02:36
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lcuki might even write a book about this experience.  just so ive got something to read02:38
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ds3anyone thought about a way to send output to a TV from the N800? not mirroring but just to be able to show a JPG or a movie- an ipod nano would work but seems over kill04:25
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texelBack from work ... with a splitting headache. O.o04:54
* KotCzarny hacks e-uae04:54
texelHeh -- excellent idea. =o)04:54
KotCzarnygetting mouse to work should be relatively trivial04:54
KotCzarnythat is, as soon as i understand the innards ;)04:55
texelMm. I seem to remember Picasa'98 having special mouse drivers to help with moving the mouse in and out of UAE's window seamlessly (like VMWare does)...04:55
texelYou might look there.04:55
KotCzarnythe code is simple04:55
KotCzarnyi just need to find where to put it04:55
KotCzarnyright now i got x events to go through04:56
ds3texel: is there a reason why they just don't emulate a touch screen device and avoid the whole mouse mess?04:56
KotCzarnybut still they didn't reach the target04:56
texelds3: what do you mean?04:56
KotCzarnyds3: nondos games04:56
KotCzarnythey scrap metal04:56
ds3texel: the problem with moving the mouse in and out is because the mouse returns relative changes04:56
KotCzarnybut the code is already there04:56
ds3a touch screen returns absolute coordinates04:57
KotCzarnyie. getting two inputs already can generate div x04:57
ds3KotCzarny: bah... they can put a TSR equiv to fix those games :P04:57
KotCzarnydon't talk assembly to me :P04:57
KotCzarnybut as i said enabling mouse events was trivial04:58
ds3qemu/dosemu running win3.1 has the samething and yet no one seems to have considered a touch screen04:58
KotCzarnybecause the only events are mouse down/up04:58
texelds3: qemu/dosemu are entirely different beasts as compared to the Amiga.04:58
KotCzarnyi mean button down/up04:58
texelDOS machines didn't have mouse control hardwired into their ROMs.04:59
KotCzarnyso i added readinx x/y to that part of the code04:59
ds3texel: ah yes04:59
* texel isn't an Amiga expert, but sure loved the machines =o)04:59
ds3okay time for food and if there is time left...time to figure out how to print to a portable printer from the 80004:59
* KotCzarny hacks away05:00
KotCzarnyds3: cups?05:00
ds3KotGzarny: someone got CUPS + GS .debs ready?05:00
ds3I was just thinking of getting GS to work05:00
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ds3then maybe lpr... cups seems heavy weight but if there are binaries...05:01
ds3whoa maybe not cups...100Ms05:02
johnxyeah, I remember having that problem with it for a web kiosk system05:03
ds3i don't need half the crap that is in cups05:03
ds3recompiling plain lpr + gs seems to be easier05:03
ds3pdq? /me googles05:04
ds3worth looking into. as long as it doesn't pull in the kitchen sink and more in libraries05:05
KotCzarnyyes, it was designed to be lightweight05:06
ds3strike 1 - it uses configure05:06
texelKotCzarny: Nice. Hadn't heard of PDQ before.05:07
texelds3: what's wrong with configure? O.o05:07
KotCzarnyyeah, configure is nice05:08
KotCzarnyat least better than xmkmf05:08
texelIt's much better than crazy streams of Makefiles or Imakefiles05:08
infobottexel meant: It's much better than crazy strings of Makefiles or Imakefiles05:08
ds3strike 2 - can't resolve the server name05:08
johnxautotools/configure can be a real pain when cross compiling05:08
texel...and that's weird.05:08
ds3texel: it makes things a pain to cross compile as configure usually insist on checking and linking with the host system05:08
johnxand running test programs05:09
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KotCzarnysb2 to the rescue!05:09
KotCzarnyor just install toolchain on nokia05:09
KotCzarny400mhz is fine05:09
ds3bah no scratch box - I'll statically link them all and use a generic arm tool chain05:09
KotCzarnyds3: consider installing it, works pretty well for me05:10
johnxnah, system-qemu-arm is (usually) faster than native compilation05:10
ds3KotCzarny: that's assuming I can find a mirror for it; the main site doesn't resolve05:10
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texeljohnx: ...and also much more painful to setup, I'm afraid.05:10
johnxhave you tried to get a compiler and all the required headers on ITOS on the tablet? O_o05:11
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* KotCzarny did05:11
KotCzarnyworked well05:11
ds3oh there are 2 download links for that version... it is just the UIUC one that is dead05:11
ds3blah #@$!@#!$@ traffic, guess i will look at PDQ now05:13
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texelKotCzarny: FYI, after a day of being away from my home-charger, kcbatt shows 73%, and battery-status shows 89.2%.05:15
texelI remember you mentioning you had a newer version of kcbatt available with a slightly tweaked algorithm -- got it handy? =o)05:15
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KotCzarnysame link i guess05:15
texelRight. =o)05:15
KotCzarnythough it's more like a ui update05:16
KotCzarnystill, you can like it :)05:17
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KotCzarnyyou can look at batt2gb.png05:18
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KotCzarnythat will be a base for my new algo05:19
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KotCzarnybut your best guess will be just analyzing you battery retu-adc values05:19
texelRight. Still, a percentage is quite nice.05:19
texelI appreciate the work you're doing. =o)05:20
KotCzarnyif you can notice values for 100/75/50/25/0 % that could be valuable input :)05:20
* texel nods05:20
texelWill do.05:20
KotCzarnyi mean real % not shown by my prog :)05:20
KotCzarnyfor example noting down adc values for nokia's applet every hour05:22
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KotCzarnyand applet days/hours value too05:22
KotCzarnybtw. full charge takes 3h05:23
johnxwhat was running while you were charging?05:23
KotCzarnynot much05:24
KotCzarnyi was testing euae mouse reponse every now and then05:24
KotCzarnyit was idling otherwise05:24
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johnxI have heard (and haven't confirmed) that the N800 at least is actually capable of eating more power than the charger can supply05:24
KotCzarnycharger is rated at 800mA05:25
elbthat is not uncommon05:25
johnxbut it makes sense...full cpu load, full brightness and a big transfer over wifi should get you close to that...05:25
elbmany portable devices require at least a partial battery charge to operate05:26
KotCzarnybrightness is ~25%, cpu load 0-100, no transfers05:26
elbbecause while they don't draw more power than their charger for long periods of time, they can draw more than their charger for short periods05:26
KotCzarnyyes, impulse psu05:26
elbbut, running while charging will certainly increase the charge time, regardless05:26
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johnxturning off the screen and wifi might actually get you a faster charge05:27
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h3sp4wnlcuk: / KotCzarny : / johnx - changed browsers and it worked very strange but thanks05:42
johnxinteresting...someone else was having that same problem before I think05:43
johnxbut I don't think they realized it was the browser05:43
* KotCzarny hates c-pointers fun05:43
johnxwhat browser was the problem?05:43
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johnxdoes someone know a way to turn on "nozap" (disable ctrl-alt-backspace killing the server) on a running x server05:45
h3sp4wnfirefox3 on ubuntu+1 (I am behind quite a wierd webcache as well that may have affected it)05:45
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h3sp4wnopera woreked fine05:45
KotCzarnyon arm pointers are ints?05:46
KotCzarnyor better, i need someone to tell me what three lines of c code do05:47
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texelKotCzarny: from my armel debian chroot:05:51
texel"Sizeof void* is: 4."05:51
KotCzarnytexel, join #kotc pls :)05:51
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cLinanyone use gos-saver?06:09
johnxwhat is gps-saver?06:10
* johnx googles, nvm06:10
cLinSave GPS data (received from GPSd) to file for later processing. Uses the GPS framework API found in OS2007 or later.06:10
cLini just want to somehow be able to take pictures and use the gps data to mark it on a map06:11
johnxtake pictures on the n8x0 or pictures on your camera?06:11
cLini know there is a program to do it on n800 camera06:11
cLingps-camera i think06:11
cLinbut i want to somehow extract the data and use embed it into the picture info06:12
cLinwas wondering if anyone is doing that now06:12
johnxI *know* I saw something about this06:12
johnxlet me try to dig it up...06:12
johnxgpsphoto is the project :) the page is down, but the sf project is up:
johnxyou need a gpx track file06:15
johnxI don't know what gpssaver creates...06:16
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cLinlet me see...06:22
cLinwait, doesn't this mean the photos need to be on the n800?06:22 just means you need to move the saved gps data and photos to a linux based computer at some point06:23
johnxthere is a program for os x as well, and I have no doubt there is one for windows06:23
johnxgoogle exif tag gps <os of choice>06:23
cLingps saver saves the nmea data06:25
johnxmaybe gpsbabel can convert it?06:25
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cLindo u have a n8x0?06:26
johnxno gps though06:26
cLincan you see if gps saver works?06:26
johnxand no good digicam :/06:26
cLini start the app and nothing opens06:26
johnxcan you try running it from the x terminal?06:26
cLindid, shows no error06:27
cLinand i cant find the name for the gps-saver ui06:27
cLinits not gps-saver-ui06:27
johnxare you sure it has a ui?06:27
cLinyea, i downloaded it06:27
johnxdpkg -L packagename to see what files are installed by it06:27
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johnxmaybe reboot and see if it shows up in the menu? does it include a .desktop file?06:30
cLinno, i see thefile, it just says GPS Saver - Loading on top right and nothing loads06:30
cLinthe website doesn't give much info so i don't know what it is suppose to do06:30
johnxsorry, no ideas here, and no gps to test06:30
cLinok so i found a windows version to embed gps location06:32
cLinnow i need to figure out how to extract the data06:32
cLinis there a command line to find files with wildcards?06:32
cLinsomething like find *.gz06:32
johnxfind /path -name "*.gz"06:32
johnxfind /home/user -name "*gz"06:32
johnxyou get the idea...06:32
cLincan i do find / -name "*.gz"06:33
johnxyeah but it will take a while06:33
johnxand if you're user you'll get a whole bunch of permission denied messages06:33
cLindamn authors, they need to write a readme06:33
johnxmaybe there is something in the source .tar.gz?06:33
johnxanyways find / -name "*.gz" 2> /dev/null will make it not print errors06:34
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texeljohnx: that link to gpsPhoto is a life-saver. Thanks much! =o)06:38
texelIt will be quite helpful in the coming three weeks.06:38
johnxyou're welcome :)06:39
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* johnx needs to get his hands on a bt gps soon06:39
texeljohnx: I strongly recommend the Holux M-1200.06:41
cLinim using the m100006:41
cLinhow much is the m120006:41
texelI think I paid around $100 or so for it.06:41
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cLinwhats the improvement over m100006:42
johnxnoted :) I'll probably just go for anything with a sirf3 or better that I can get cheap here06:42
texelcLin: considerably smaller.06:43
texelThe M1200 is the size of a USB memory stick.06:43
texelAt the time I was biking from place to place, and I wanted the smallest device possible.06:45
texelIt hides in my purse rather nicely -- and I'm not one to carry a large purse. =o)06:45
johnxquite understandable :) no purse here, just cargo pants for carrying things06:46
KotCzarnyah, bicycle.06:46
texelYes, purse. =op06:46
* KotCzarny got confused for a moment06:47
cLinoh god, why won't gps saver work06:47
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cLincan anyone see if gps-saver works for them06:54
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cLinis python2.5 differnt then python2.5 runtime?06:57
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johnxpython2.5-runtime is name of the package that pulls in all the python stuff you need07:00
johnxexit: permission denied07:01
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christefanohi all. I just got the N810 and want to update the firmware (which is now being downloaded). where can I find instructions on installing it?07:10
GeneralAntillesWhich platform?07:11
christefanoI found instructions for Linux but I'm using OS X07:11
christefanogreat, thanks07:12
GeneralAntillesA lot of the steps I outlined there are specific to help newbies from tripping over themselves.07:12
GeneralAntillesfeel free to simplify things if you already know your way around. ;)07:12
christefanoperfect :)  I'm a total newbie when it comes to the N810. I had a Zaurus 5600 years ago, but that was years ago07:13
KotCzarnynow you will have to learn linux, muauahuahauhuahuahahhahaha07:14
KotCzarnyyou're dooomed07:14
johnxKotCzarny, he had a zaurus 5600 :P07:14
* KotCzarny had chinese tetris game :P07:15
cLinif i wanted to reinstall os2008, besides using the backup feature, is there like a user's folder which saves allmy personalize crap?07:17
johnxlike your settings or your documents?07:17
cLinand bookmarks and repositories07:17
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johnxthey're all under /home/user/07:18
GeneralAntillesThe Backup utility gets all of that.07:18
johnxexcept for repos07:18
johnxwhat I mean is repos are in /etc, but backup will get hose too07:19
cLinhow do i save the repo list?07:19
johnxGeneralAntilles snuck a message in before me :P07:19
cLinis there a maemo mapper settings file?07:20
johnxit stores some stuff in gconf and some in .maemo-mapper (or similar)07:20
GeneralAntillesBackup gets that, too.07:20
cLinwhich option is that on backup?07:20
johnxGeneralAntilles, it gets maemo mapper settings? O_o07:20
cLinthere's like 8 checkboxes07:20
KotCzarny /home/user/.maemo-mapper07:21
GeneralAntillesIt gets all application settings that I've ever encountered.07:21
cLindo i need to check application list?07:21
johnxI didn't know that it got non-Nokia stuff...07:22
GeneralAntillesIt does.07:22
johnxnot that I doubt you, I just didn't know07:22
GeneralAntillesIT DOES AND YOU'RE A FOOL! :P07:22
* johnx kries, gets some lunch07:22
KotCzarnylaunch ?07:22
johnxhey, getting yelled at on the internet is hungry work07:23
Navijohnx, kries is bloated, you should use gcries07:23
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christefanoGeneralAntilles: I'm not getting it right it seems. pressing the home and power buttons doesn't reset the N810 at all07:30
GeneralAntillesErm, turn it off (unplug the charger, too)07:30
christefanoah, it's still plugged in07:31
johnxunplug power, turn off, run flasher, plug usb, hold home, plug power07:31
KotCzarnyhmm, looks like uae's mousehack passes data by kind of memset :/07:31
johnxcan someone think of a nice mnemonic for that? :D07:32
KotCzarnyupto rufla hoho plupo07:32
christefanojohnx: that's the ticket, thanks. the update just flew over the wire and the N810 is rebooting07:32
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johnxyeah, this thing flashes really fast compared to any zaurus07:33
johnxI thought mine didn't work at first07:33
texelhehe -- yeah, no kidding.07:33
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texelAnd it doesn't have the insane keypresses to boot.07:33
johnxheh...I got so good at that too :)07:34
texel(ie: press and hold c, s, and the reset button while powering on -- zaurasutra! *shudders*)07:34
christefanoyeah, my fingers got tired after bricking and unbricking them over and over07:34
christefanozaurasutra! that's exactly what it was07:34
johnxthe Cxx00 series was a lot easier though07:34
johnxjust hold ok and turn on07:34
texelI never got a chance to look at those -- really wanted to at the time, though.07:34
texelI'm glad I held out -- the N810 is SOOO much nicer. =o)07:35
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johnxyeah, the omap2420 is *fast*07:35
* texel doublenods07:35
johnxI want to get my hands on a C3x00 though07:35
christefanoafter seeing Sharp abandon the US market (and snub the MediaLab, where the 5600 was being used a lot) I couldn't justify the high price for a Cxx0007:35
texelNow, if only we could get more people to use CGS LCDs... =o)07:35
* johnx is a gadget-head :)07:35
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johnxtexel, the N8x0 has a higher DPI anyways. Is there something better about the CGS technology?07:36
* texel just wants a wearable like Manfred Macx's. =o)07:36
johnxaccelerando rocks :D07:36
texelYes. It came on my CyBook, too. Rather ironic. =o)07:36
texelCGS allows for extremely high DPIs and extremely low power consumption.07:37
texelThough I'm not sure if that's what the ITs use or not, I must admit. =o)07:37
KotCzarnyepaper would be cool07:38
KotCzarnybut it's still some time to do it right07:38
johnxexcept for power draw I never saw the point...07:38
KotCzarnysight strain07:38
KotCzarnyfor one07:38
texelIt's basically how Sharp gave the Zaurus' that really huge screen in such a small physical dimension.07:38
johnxright...but the N8x0 manages a higher DPI07:39
* texel nods07:39
johnxKotCzarny, what's better about epaper in terms of eyestrain07:39
johnxI'm actually curious07:39
KotCzarnyit's like looking at the leds07:39
texeljohnx: the contrast of the screen, and the fact that you're not staring at a light source.07:39
KotCzarnyor fluorescent lamp all the time07:39
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KotCzarnypaper is a reflected light07:39
johnxso is it the diffusion? or the amount of the light?07:40
KotCzarnyamount i guess07:40
texelI would say a little bit of both.07:40
johnxbut I thought you weren't supposed to read in the dark O_o07:40
* johnx gives up07:40
texelIt's easier to see the difference when you have an eink screen held up to an LCD.07:41
texelThe eink looks more "physical" than an LCD.07:41
johnxso is this in terms of aesthetic preference or in terms of "damaging your eyes, eye-strain"?07:41
KotCzarnyfor a quick comparison just holt a piece of paper07:42
texelWell, there is a certain level of eye-strain in there somewhere.07:42
johnxhonestly I prefer reading with a backlight vs reading paper07:42
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* texel shrugs07:42
johnxI was just wondering if it was less damaging to the eyes in the long run07:42
texelI stare at computer screens all freaking day, practically nonstop, and I much prefer looking at an eink page than an LCD.07:42
texelAnd I can feel a difference in how my eyes react.07:42
johnxbacklit screen means reading huddled under a blanket for me07:43
johnxand that means lots of win when it's cold07:43
texelHehe =o)07:43
texelI know that feeling well. =o)07:43
johnxwith physical paper or e-ink I'd have to drag a flashlight in their and mess around with holding it07:43
KotCzarnypeople were supposed to sleep when it's dark07:44
KotCzarnynot to read ;)07:44
johnxand they were supposed to die at 30 too, but I don't plan on that either07:44
KotCzarnyat least crts are gone07:44
johnxalso, what is with ebook readers being so big?!07:44
* KotCzarny shrugs07:44
texelCup of hot chocolate, wrap me up in a blanket with a good book on the couch, and I'm happy for the day. =o)07:44
texelHow so?07:44
KotCzarnyjohnx: less flipping07:44
texelMine's no bigger than a paperback book.07:44
johnxI much prefer the N800 or zaurus C1000 size for reading, since it's pocketable07:45
texelYeah, I can see a certain amount of resoning for that.07:45
texeleink has a large amount of power drain when you flip the "bits" so to speak.07:46
texelIt's also slow at refreshing.07:46
johnxright...I guess that makes sense07:46
texelSo it's ideal to have a large surface about the size of a full page with which to read from.07:46
KotCzarnybut when you read it's 007:46
johnxhopefully they can improve that drasticly (the speed at least)07:46
texelYeah, I hope so.07:46
KotCzarnyso the bigger it is the less flipping07:46
* texel looks07:47
leif__signed apps == no user modifiable apps == no interpreted code07:47
KotCzarnyapple is WEEVIL07:47
texelOkay, that's dumb.07:47
texelI generally like Apple and their products...07:48
texel...but this is just silly.07:48
texelI always thought Apple was ragging on developers with the iPhone.07:48
johnxso, there's a way to test the apps on your own phone for development that goes about a week before someone publishes a hack to make it wide open...07:48
johnxthen it's back to the cat&mouse game as usual07:49
johnxjust like sony and the psp07:49
leif__i was mildly concerned that the iphone SDK might *not* suck, and I'd have to eat my iphone-hating words07:49
KotCzarnyway of the future is a blackbox07:49
johnxthere will be a lot of interesting apps for it to be sure...07:49
KotCzarnyno user serviceable parts!07:49
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* johnx shrugs07:50
johnxcan't do much repair or tinkering on the N8x0 at a hardware level07:50
johnxconsumers don't *want* user serviceable parts anyways, they want disposable products07:51
texelKotCzarny: That's too /Rainbows End/ for me. =o)07:51
leif__removable memory cards and batteries are nice, though07:51
texelMm. Seems like it.07:51
texelThough the USBOTG thing that popped up was quite nice. =o)07:51
johnxit's something at least07:51
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KotCzarnytry to hack it and die!07:52
KotCzarnyjohnx: but blackboxes==spying07:52
KotCzarnyand control07:52
* texel misses the days of ISA busses and discreet logic chips07:52
johnxtexel, and the speed that went with them? :)07:52
texelEh. Yeah, that's a good point.07:52
* texel shrugs07:52
texelI just miss hacking around on random ideas. =o)07:52
texelI should probably get back into that.07:53
texelThough with what, I'm unsure.07:53
* KotCzarny doesn't miss isa days 07:53
* KotCzarny shrugs at the 100%cpu and 1.2mb/s transfers07:53
johnxreally, I'm glad that we have the power for higher level languages now07:53
KotCzarnyon a ghz machine07:53
johnxsoftware is where the interesting stuff is this decade07:53
texelTrue enough.07:54
texelI have to admit, despite the loss of easy hardware hacking...07:54
texel...we've regained so much in the realm of software hacking.07:54
texelVis a vis: Squeak07:54
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johnxI do wish I got to mess around with a Next machine...07:57
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texeljohnx: well, you could always install GNUStep.07:58
texelIt's very close to the operation of a NeXT box.07:58
johnxit's not the same (and I have)07:58
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texelIt's not the same as in it's not greyscale monochrome? =o)07:59
texelSeriously, though, you could get one off ebay pretty cheap.07:59
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texelMight even be possible to run the x86 builds of the OS in a VMWare instance07:59
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johnxyeah...I probably will when I have more space/money than I know what to do with :)07:59
texelThough I haven't tried that recently.07:59
johnxtexel, it is I think08:00
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texelI did try to boot NeXTStep 3.0 for x86 on my old AMD box quite some time ago (when I had the boot disks), and unfortunately it stuck looking for a SCSI interface.08:00
texelThat was close to 8 years ago, though.08:01
johnxI've seen instructions actually08:01
johnxI wonder if gnustep compiles in debian-armel yet...08:02
KotCzarnyyes i guess08:02
KotCzarnysomeone did wmaker binaries08:02
johnxwmaker != gnustep08:02
johnxthey had problems with the gobjc last time I checked...08:02
KotCzarnybut i have seen gnustep mentioned too08:02
ds3ewwwww objectionable-C08:02
johnxKotCzarny, packages of it08:03
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texelEh. Obj-C isn't too bad if you've been working with other OO languages like Smalltalk or Lisp.08:05
rm_yousigning a lease for a house next week :)08:05
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johnxrm_you, ???08:06
rm_youwith 5 other people08:06
johnxlike for next year? or longer than that?08:06
johnxconfused the ^&$% out of me for a sec08:06
rm_youit's a sweet house08:07
rm_youwe're going to have a media room... and either 15Mbps down ADSL2, or else multiple cable/dsl lines08:07
johnxnice, no chance of fios?08:08
rm_younot quite here :(08:08
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johnxso I guess that solves the hosting question, right? :D08:09
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rm_youwell, for next yet :(08:10
infobotrm_you meant: well, for next year :(08:10
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rm_youjohnx: for short term tho, did you figure out ftp issues? or should i be looking for an alternative option08:24
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johnxrm_you, let me try again, but I think their ftp setup might be broken :/08:25
johnxyou can use my username/password to get to my cpanel if you want to give it a try08:26
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texelHmm... Have any of you managed to get a known good package like maemopad to build using SB2?08:41
texelIe: sb2 apt-get source maemopad; sb2 dpkg-buildpackage -r fakeroot -d?08:41
KotCzarnylets see08:41
texelI'm following
johnxis apt-get working for people in sb2?08:41
johnxlast time I tried it didn't work...08:42
texelWorked for me, anyway.08:42
johnxI should try again then08:42
* KotCzarny got dejavu08:42
texelCan't get it to build, though.08:42
KotCzarnyit need intltool08:43
KotCzarnywhich has DEPENDENCIES08:43
texeldidn't see maemo-sdk.gaage.maemo.org08:43
KotCzarny  autoconf automake1.7 autotools-dev libhtml-parser-perl libhtml-tagset-perl libhtml-tree-perl08:43
KotCzarny  liburi-perl libwww-perl libxml-parser-perl08:43
KotCzarnywill it build without intltool?08:44
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texelThe debian rules file errors out when it can't find intltool.08:44
KotCzarnylets see..08:44
texelMm. Closer.08:45
texelNow I need aclocal-1.7.08:45
texelOkay, nevermind. =o)08:45
KotCzarnyconfigure worked08:45
KotCzarnynow builds08:45
texelYeah. =o)08:45
texelI forgot that aclocal wasn't in autoconf, but in automake (gee... THAT'S intuitive... =op)08:46
texel"am__fastdepCC does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL" =op08:47
texelStupid autoconf.08:47
KotCzarnyworked for me08:48
KotCzarnyi guess08:48
KotCzarnybtw. don't you use login to get into sb2?08:48
texelI have no idea.08:48
texelDocumentation for SB2 is more scarce than documentation for SB.08:49
KotCzarny /mnt/hda5/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl start08:49
KotCzarnythen as a sbox user /mnt/hda5/scratchbox/login08:50
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KotCzarnyhow do i check which sb do i use?08:51
johnxif you "login" you're sb1 I think08:52
texelErm... I think what you just wrote is for SB1.08:52
KotCzarnysorry then08:52
texelIt seems that the new "hotness" is to prefix commands with sb2 when you want to use sb2. O.o08:52
johnxsometimes KotCzarny even confuses himself :)08:52
* KotCzarny takes a note for future reference08:52
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KotCzarnyi prefer login way then08:52
KotCzarnymore logical08:52
johnxtexel, or you can get an interative sb2 session08:52
johnxsb2 with no arguments I think08:53
texelOkay, so one last question before I go to bed:08:53
texelIs anybody using the maemo sdk+ listed on <>?08:54
texelAnd if so, how the heck did you install it? =op08:54
johnxthe vmware thing?08:54
* johnx loads page08:54
texelApparetly this is completely different.08:54
texelThe Maemo SDK custom setup for SB2 this time around.08:54
johnxI haven't heard about anyone using it and I lurk here a lot :)08:55
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texelWell, their Packages.gz is out of date with the files listed there. =op08:55
texelmaemo-sdk doesn't even show up. =op08:55
johnxI only ever tried to compile for debian in sb2, so I don't know much about maemo+sb2...08:56
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* texel nods08:56
texelWell, I appreciate the info, though. =o)08:56
johnxmaybe I'll try it in a bit08:57
texelWell, you'll likely have to pull down the debs manually.08:57
texelLike I said, the Packages.gz file is out of date and doesn't contain the core package they ask you to apt-get. =op08:57
johnxaah...the Packages.gz on their repo is out of date?08:57
texelSeems to be.08:57
johnxvery lame08:57
johnxI wasn't getting the whole picture08:57
texelWhen I added it to my /etc/apt/sources.list, maemo-sdk wasn't in there.08:57
texelToo much fragmentation in terms of a development environment for Maemo. =o(08:58
johnxnot nearly as bad as the zaurus08:58
* texel shrugs08:58
texelI dunno.08:58
texelThe zaurus was pretty well based.08:58
johnxsharp should write "how to fragment a user community, in 12 easy steps"08:58
texelYou had the official Sharp development SDK which worked rather well.08:58
KotCzarnyafter what time?08:59
texelAt least, at the time I was developing for it.08:59
rm_youwhat sharp dev sdk!?08:59
texelBut that was in the days of the 5000D.08:59
rm_youpdaxrom / openzaurus08:59
rm_youare the two i can think of, then08:59
rm_younow angstrom and openzaurus08:59
johnxtexel, they started out well enough and then they decided they hated anyone with a zaurus I guess08:59
rm_youoh, cacko08:59
rm_youwhat else?08:59
texelrm_you: you're thinking of distributions, not development environments.08:59
johnxtexel, but most distros came with their own whole dev envs and toolkits09:00
rm_youerm.... well, each one used something different09:00
rm_youopenzaurus used bitbake?09:00
rm_youor something like that09:00
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johnxcacko was compatible with sharprom and so was oz in a way but then they all diverged and cacko/sharprom fell by the wayside09:00
texelThe original dev environment was the QTE RPMs and the cross compiling toolchain RPMs that went with it.09:00
texelBoth were well supported by Sharp at the time of the 5000D's inception. After that, the OSS community went crazy with alternatives because Sharp didn't open up quite a lot of the images.09:01
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johnxthen sharp proved that what the OSS community did made sense by *dropping all support for the zaurus and closing the forums*09:02
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texelI'm not disputing that point.09:02
texelI never was.09:02
texelAll I said was that the development SDK was well based initially.09:02
texelAnd easy to use.09:02
KotCzarnywell biased?09:02
johnxinitially yes, I'll agree with that09:02
rm_youi guess i came in too late to even know it existed09:03
batiestutaAnyone have done video straming application in maemo?09:03
texelI've never had that experience with Maemo's SDK due to scratchbox, and I started out with the 770.09:03
rm_youbatiestuta: yes09:03
johnxbatiestuta, mediaserv09:03
rm_youbatiestuta: look at mediautils09:03
johnxbatiestuta, or orb if you're under windows09:03
johnxtexel, I guess since I've had one zaurus or another since 2003 I've seen to whole picture with the fallout from Sharp not open sourcing things and dropping support09:04
* texel nods09:04
johnxand it colors my perception of everything they did09:04
texelAfter the original development contest that Sharp did...09:04
texel...and after my brother and I killed ourselves writing a 3D shoot-em-up game for the damn thing...09:04
texel...sending it in...09:04
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texel...and then not even getting mentioned in the list of people who entered that didn't make the cut...09:05
johnxouch :(09:05
texel...both he and I said "f*** the Zaurus and Sharp" and I never looked back at the community again.09:05
texelI know well the pain that is Sharp.09:05
texelI hope to G-d the same doesn't happen with Nokia and the ITs.09:06
johnxyeah, I remember when they closed the community forums and wouldn't release the message archives09:06
* texel nods09:06
texelThat was shortly after the fecking contest, IIRC.09:06
texelI seem to remember that.09:06
johnxtexel, well, the 770 situation is kinda similar09:06
texelEh. Not quite. That's deprecation of a hardware platform.09:06
johnxthankfully we aren't dependent on Nokia for forums09:06
texelConsiderably different than carpet-bombing the entire community.09:07
texelI can understand the deprecation of a hardware platform.09:07
johnxnot similar to the forum dropping, but similar to dropping a platform without open sourcing things to let people continue to use it without reverse engineering the hardware09:07
texelAh. Point.09:07
texelBut then, it's based again on the same series of CPUs, which is likely why they can't open source it.09:07
texelTI Omap chips are notorious for having nasty NDAs just to use the damn things.09:08
johnxyeah, they have NDAs out the wazoo I'm sure09:08
texelSo I don't hold that against Nokia, honestly.09:08
texelThey've done quite well with a limited legal status.09:08
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texelMuch better than the ones before them, IMHO.09:08
johnxtrue, very true09:08
batiestutatexel:I want to find a video encode and decode library to use in maemo. Is ffmpeg a good choice09:08
texelNo idea.09:08
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johnxtexel, and they've held the community together pretty well, too. the distro-wars in zaurus-land were rather unfortunate09:10
texelbatiestuta: I don't do video stuff on my N810, so I'm afraid I can't help you.09:10
* texel nods09:10
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texelSo I guess that rant was prompted from all of the frustration I've had with SB.09:10
batiestutaThank u all the same.09:11
johnxbatiestuta, gstreamer is included on the tablets, but I don't think there is much support for encoding things on them09:12
rm_youi'm worried about my n800 >_>09:12
KotCzarnyos it sick?09:13
johnxrm_you, about what?09:13
batiestutaI made little progroess with gstreamer for lack of documentation.09:13
rm_youwell, remember i'd been complaining about it shutting off randomly a lot?09:13
rm_youi think it's something with movement >_>09:13
rm_youlike something loose possibly >_>09:13
rm_youlike today i set it down on a table09:13
rm_youand it turned off right as it hit09:14
rm_youi'd never really been able to connect it with anything before09:14
johnxget that into Nokia right now (if it's still under warranty)09:14
rm_youother than, it turned off some time when it was in my pocket09:14
texelHmm... Is the battery well seated?09:14
rm_youi believe so09:14
rm_youi checked that a couple times09:14
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rm_youtook it out, dusted the connectors, checked to make sure it was all nice...09:14
texelHaha =o)09:15
texel"dusted the connectors"09:15
rm_youbut i will check it again09:15
texelYou just gave me a flashback to the old NES days. =o)09:15
rm_youused a glasses cleaning microfiber cloth :P09:15
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texelYeah... Definitely sounds like a trip to Nokia is in order.09:15
texelThough if you're adventurous, you could pop the battery, plug it into the charger and shake it to see if it exhibits the same problem.09:16
texelThat would at least rule out the battery.09:16
texelThough sending it to Nokia's probably the best bet.09:17
rm_youbut it doesnt always do it...09:17
johnxheat related09:18
rm_youin fact, i can't reproduce it right now...09:18
johnxheat + movement?09:18
texelHmm... That's a good point.09:18
rm_youbut i know that of the three-four times it shut off when i was directly using it, it was related to moving it or setting it down09:18
rm_youi just didn't immediately recognize the pattern09:18
rm_youbut yeah, i can never get it to repeat immediately afterwards, if i'm trying09:19
johnxit's got to get pretty warm in your pocket09:19
johnxand when it shuts down it cools almost immediately09:19
rm_youi don't know if i've ever had it shut off overnight when charging09:19
texelHow software-hacky are you feeling?09:19
rm_youi thought it had09:19
johnxsend it in to Nokia and see if you can get them to give you a spare stylus while you're at it09:20
rm_youbut i may just have not checked it after i took it out of my pocket and plugged it in09:20
rm_you... and set it on my desk to do so09:20
texelBecause if you're wanting to double check that, you could write a program to read the power control registers and log those to an MMC in sync mode... =o)09:20
rm_youpower control levels?09:20
texelThen when it shuts off, you can examine the logs to see what the temp may have been.09:20
johnxsee if there is a weird power spike/drop right before it crashes? neat idea09:21
rm_youtemperature levels?09:21
johnxthat too09:21
texelKotCzarny postulates that some of those registers might be temperature sensors.09:21
rm_youoh, they are09:21
rm_youtheres an app to get the temp on an n80009:21
rm_youon ITT09:21
johnxisn't it on ?09:21
rm_youi was putting it into my fake LCARS applet :P09:21
johnxalong with battery status and light meter?09:21
texelI wouldn't doubt it, since it uses a Li-ion battery.09:21
rm_youalong with those two09:22
rm_youack! gotta sleep09:22
texelrm_you: are you the one that made the LCARS theme? O.o09:22
rm_youno, rofl09:22
rm_youi just use it :P09:22
texelOkay -- just curious. =o)09:22
rm_youi made adv-backlight :P09:22
rm_youbah still havent released the lcars iconset for that09:22
rm_youi should at least release it in zipfile format for now so people can use it if they really want09:23
rm_youwhile i procrastinate on packaging it09:23
texel(Wow, it's getting late; 00:23 here)09:23
texelBeh. Bedtime.09:24
texelThanks for putting up with my random rants and questions, guys. =o)09:24
texelGoodnight. =o)09:24
johnxsure :)09:24
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christefanoit there a way to kill UKMP when it's in full screen mode? I can't seem to get out of this screen09:24
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johnxhit home key maybe? or hold the "back curly arrow"09:25
rm_youchristefano: yeah, i really wish there was an exit button09:25
rm_youi'm very confused about the lack of one09:25
johnxdon't you just hit escape/curly arrow?09:26
cLinhow do you stop a process?09:26
johnxfrom the CLI? kill or killall09:26
cLinoh yea09:26
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christefanoit's not responding to anything, even the home button09:26
cLinis there anyway to open browser in CLI and go to webpage?09:27
christefanois there a way to drop into a console?09:27
johnxchristefano, nope09:27
christefanodrat. looks like it's time to reset it09:27
johnxhold back curly arrow09:27
johnxfor 10 seconds or so09:27
johnxjust to see if that gets to it09:27
johnxWTH is that key called, BTW?09:27
cLini call it escape09:28
cLinor curly arrow button09:28
christefanois it the one that's on a rocker switch or near the volume keys?09:28
johnxchristefano, you on an N810?09:29
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* johnx has an n80009:29
johnxlet me see what button I'm thinking of...09:29
johnxon the lefthand side of the face, next to the screen, looks like a curly arrow09:30
christefanothe one on the flat side on a rocker switch is called the escape key09:30
johnxright, but that doesn't describe what it looks like. :) seems to confuse the heck out of some people when I call it that09:31
christefanoah ha, that did it. the swap key opened a menu that allowed me to close UKMP09:31
christefanowell, the menu had an X that allowed me to close it09:31
johnxshould be able to hold home to get to the desktop too09:31
christefanoyou're right... the interface is hard to describe09:31
johnxhome = swap09:31
johnxon the n800 it has a picture of a house09:32
christefanohmm. iterative design is supposed to improve things not change them entirely09:32
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johnxheh...well the buttons all send the same signals09:33
johnxthey just look different :)09:33
johnxyeah, conversations between n800 owners and n810 owners are often hard to follow :)09:34
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|tbb|hi all09:51
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|tbb|anyone seen that
|tbb|i wonder if that is possible on n8x0 i guess it is09:53
johnxprobably not09:53
|tbb|powervr is the magic word09:53
johnxthe iphone has a faster cpu and a faster gpu *even if* someone can make the powervr do anything09:53
johnxso, I'd say the answer is "probably not" :)09:54
johnxand no matter how hard ihpone devs hack it still won't get them usb host09:54
johnxboth devices have their own strengths09:54
|tbb|the processor of ipodtouch and iphone is diffrent?09:54
johnxby both devices I meant iphone/itouch vs n800/n81009:55
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|tbb|i had the ipod touch in hands there are tons of apps for it. the design of using the applications are fine, im really impressed about the size (8mm thick)09:57
|tbb|they did a good job09:57
johnxthe keyboard didn't work so well for me09:57
johnxbut other than that it looks fine09:57
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johnxit's still not an open platform though09:59
johnxand thus I have little interest in it09:59
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jkucan anyone confirm if con_ic_event_get_iap_id() returns the mac address of the gateway (or some generated ID)?10:00
|tbb|now the sdk is out, there will be alot improvment10:01
johnx|tbb|, in some ways. They still can't connect anything to the dock connector "officially". people still can't distribute betas of their own apps. they can't use the cell network for voip, they can't use bluetooth for a keyboard10:02
johnx$99/year to have apple distribute your app10:02
johnxand if you want to hack around in things apple doesn't want you to you'll still have to find a new way to "root" your own device after every update10:02
johnxthe iphone/itouch is nice, but open it's not10:02
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|tbb|yeah thats true, about voip they are doing something10:07
|tbb|anyway, anything new about the gps fix problem10:07
johnxnope, not that I've heard10:07
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johnxah, right...I just remembered. No apps that can run interpreted code on the iphone/itouch10:09
johnxor anything that supports user addable plugins10:09
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|tbb|"interpreted code" what does that mean?10:15
johnxno python10:16
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johnxno scripts10:16
|tbb|btw, the youtube viewer is amazing, you can save the videos also after you jailbraked it, i wish it runs that smooth easy way on n8x010:17
|tbb|u can add it iirc bsd tools python and ruby runtime10:17
johnxif you jailbreak it10:17
johnxnot with the sdk10:17
|tbb|yeah, true10:18
KotCzarnybedtime. bbl10:18
johnxit would be nice if other devices had access to the transcoded youtube videos that youtube did for apple10:18
johnxthat would be neat10:18
johnx'night KotCzarny10:18
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johnx|tbb|, in a week or so the youtube plugin for canola will be out10:18
johnxI'm actually looking forward to that :D10:19
|tbb|does this means youtube convert the vidz for apple direct or  apple convert it and let it download to iphone/touch users10:19
johnxyoutube did it for apple, if I recall10:20
johnxthey converted everything to h.264 so in a resolution the iphone could handle10:20
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saturn_Where did you find the OMAP2420 documentation?10:46
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JaffaMorning, all10:48
Jaffajohnx: It's Â$99/year? I didn't read much in detail, but thought it was just $99 one-off.10:49
johnxpretty sure it's per year10:49
johnxmight be wrong though10:49
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johnxwow...that intel silverthorne/atom things is not that fast...10:50
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hrwsaturn_: on TI website10:52
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christefanojohnx, the Garnet VM docs say that the escape/home key is the "back" button10:57
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johnxescape = back makes sense, but home = swap10:58
christefanohave you used the Garnet VM?10:58
johnxI might care about it more if they did a proper scaled "fullscreen" mode10:59
christefanoI'm not sure it's possible but I'm trying to get it to u... right :)10:59
christefanothat's what I was about to say10:59
johnxalso, I have my doubts about what they'll do with it in the future10:59
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christefanothanks for your help, johnx11:01
johnxsure :)11:01
christefanoyou too, GeneralAntilles11:01
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saturn_hrw, I can't find it, just the overview PDF:s11:09
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hrwindeed ;(11:13
hrwI found thread on maemo-devel that there is no such thing as open omap2420 datasheet ;(11:14
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saturn_oh crap.. how are we supposed to do development for it then... :(11:18
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saturn_hrw, thanks for the info anyway!11:29
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user123456how do I have my N810 automounting on boot the miniSD card which is in there12:18
johnxit should work "out of the box"12:18
johnxis your card formatted as FAT16/32 or something like ext2/312:18
user123456ext i believe12:19
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user123456i assume there is an init script that does this?12:20
pupnikmake sure it is inserted fully12:20
user123456it's in the dmesg12:20
user123456just not mounted12:20
johnxyes, I'm pretty sure my card would actually automount even when formatted ext312:20
Tama^2johnx: it normally does not AFAIK12:21
johnxthe only thing to be sure is that the modules are getting loaded12:21
Tama^2adding it to fstab should do the trick12:21
johnxTama^2, will that mess with the magic automounting stuff for normal cards?12:22
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Tama^2it does mess it you try to pull it out12:22
johnxactually, I'm sure that my ext3 card was getting automounted bcause I wished it wouldn't :D metalayer-crawler kept going nuts on it12:22
Tama^2there are instructions on the wiki for changing the usb mount/umount scripts to deal with an ext3+fat32 partition on the same card12:23
user123456ah yes, fstab has an entry for /mmcblk0p1 but not the miniSD /mmcblk1p1.12:23
johnxthat's an interesting point...mine was ext3 only, just one big partition12:23
Tama^2oh and I tried on my N800 so it may come with slightly different boot scripts.. maybe12:24
johnxTama^2, I have an N80012:24
Tama^2I am maybe committing heresy: I am downloading the iphone SDK >.>12:24
Tama^2I do not have an iphone though12:25
johnxthe whole "fanboy" thing amuses me12:25
Tama^2all I want to figure out12:26
Tama^2is if one is allowed to upload code to a real device12:26
Tama^2without going through the itunes app shop12:26
Tama^2(as long as one has the source code)12:26
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Tama^2I really am not amused by the restrictions they imposed12:27
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johnxheh...that's why I don't see any need to ditch the n8x0 at this point in time12:28
johnxintel can't come up with a processor as light on batteries, the iphone is still closed in a lot of important ways12:28
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Tama^2I decided to get the N800 because I could not be bothered fighting against the manufacturer to be aboe to use my own device12:28
johnxyeah, it's the same as the PSP situation12:29
johnxI wonder if they'll get copy & paste support in the version2 firmware :D12:32
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florianhi dneary12:44
dnearyhi florian12:44
dnearyPity you're not going to Austin12:44
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floriandneary: yes, this time that won't work... with a little bit of luck Nils might make it.12:46
dnearyThe luck has been had12:46
dnearyHe's on his way for a 2-for-1 deal12:46
florianheh, I din#12:47
florianI didn't know yet, even with my communication channels which are way shorter :-)12:48
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pupnikcould someone try out pingus?  it's the lemmings clone game where you save penguins.  Should be a simple two-step install on OS2007 or 2008.12:51
pupnikinstalls game data to mmc2 so it should only take up about 1.5MB on your device12:52
johnxyeah, I'll install it right now as I wait for qemu to install stuff12:52
aquatixmorning all12:54
johnxthe data will end up on internal or external sd card?12:54
pupnikinternal mmc212:55
johnxgood :)12:55
johnxexternal is a 64MB card for me :)12:55
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* b0unc3 good morning12:57
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b0unc3guys, where I can get gpg or pgp for chinook sdk ?13:00
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johnxpupnik, this is pretty freakin' cool :D13:01
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johnxcan be a little hard to click on such small moving targets, but there's nothing to be done about that...13:03
pupnikyeah i have some quibbles about ui issues13:03
pupnikcreating a 'blocker' then selecting a different action type will instantly change your active blocker to that other action type13:04
pupnikso you first have to click into blank space before selecting a different action13:04
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johnxhow much hacking did you have to do to optimize this13:05
johnxI remember this not being all that fast on my older athlon13:05
pupnikhad to figure out how to deal with scons13:05
ynezzb0unc3: I think, that there's just osso-gpg and GnuPG
pupnikthe rest of the optimization work is all grumbel13:05
pupnikturns out the gcc optimizations made a huge difference13:06
pupnikand my first builds weren't activating the gcc flags i'd chosen13:06
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X-Fadepupnik: Would you be interested to help beta test the maemo extras autobuilder?13:07
hrwo.. maemo autobuilder13:09
X-Fadehrw: You are welcome too ;)13:09
hrwimpossible starts to begin13:10
hrwX-Fade: I have OE to build maemo stuff13:10
X-Fadehrw: Yeah, I know. That is why I added the smiley..13:10
johnxpupnik, it kind of ran away from me ... I think it might have used all available memory13:11
johnxended in a watchdog reboot I think13:11
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johnxI'll play a couple more levels and see if it happens again... just for testing of course :)13:11
pupnikX-Fade: yes but right now i'm almost out of time13:12
pupnikX-Fade: url?13:13
X-Fadepupnik:  <- temporary documentation.13:13
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pupniki have a few packages that might be 'extras quality' :)13:13
X-FadeThe builder is in demo mode, so it will not end up in extras-devel yet. But will be shortly..13:13
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pupnikwill schedule this for ~20:00 GMT today13:14
X-Fadepupnik: Ping me if you run into trouble or things are unclear..13:14
hrwX-Fade: ever heard about 'devscripts' Debian package?13:15
hrwX-Fade: it contain some helper scripts which will be usable to notice on that page13:15
JaffaX-Fade: cool13:15
hrwdebuild, dput13:15
X-Fadehrw: Hmm indeed, good point.13:16
hrwX-Fade: debuild do build, source and signing13:16
johnxpupnik, memory usage goes up as you play the game13:17
pupnikfrom level to level?13:17
johnxit goes up in levels as well13:18
pupnikit allocates mem for pingus13:18
X-FadeJaffa: You are welcome too, of course...13:18
ynezzoh I was installing pingus via apt and was wondering why it takes so long to finish and there's dialog 'Select location' pending :p13:18
pupnikty for the info johnx13:18
johnxtell me if there is any more info I can give13:18
pupnikit installed ok?  menu launcher worked?13:19
johnxyeah, worked great13:19
pupnikuh. heh cool13:19
johnxthe ui is slick13:19
johnxand it runs really nicely at first too13:19
johnxbut after a couple levels it's out of memory and I can't get enough free mem to run killall O_o13:20
johnx"killall pingusbin" gives me "-sh: cannot fork"13:21
robtaylorX-Fade: i dunno if you're interested but i have some patches to sbuild to allow building in scratchbox13:22
X-Faderobtaylor: I'm not sure what the current builder uses. Ed Bartosh is developing it..13:25
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mbufcan we test gstreamer within scratchbox+Xephyr?13:32
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hrwI have stupid question13:35
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hrwscratchbox use qemu (userspace emulation) to run all utils during build?13:35
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scripthrw: depends on the cpu-transparency method13:40
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scripthrw: but for arm-targets probably: "yes"13:40
zuhDepends what is meant by "all utils"13:40
scriptwell, that too13:40
zuhAll arm-binaries, yes. Anything x86 (like the toolchain and whatever devkit tools you might have), no13:41
scripte.g. /scratchbox/tools/bin/ls is a x86 binary, not an arm-binary13:41
scripteven with arm-tagets13:41
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zuhit's called cpu- _transparency_ for a reason ;)13:45
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hrwespecially when maemo4 use ntpl and scratchbox use qemu which does not support it13:48
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pupnikjohnx: os2007?13:49
kulveCan I query the IP of the current connection through the ConIc API?13:50
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pupnik_johnx: with swap after playing three levels i get about 83 MB swap used and then it stays there14:01
johnxah, I've been trying to enable swap with no luck14:01
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pupnik_maybe it'll be possible for grumbel to fix it to run in 128MB14:03
pupnik_it does run using only ~40 MB at the outset14:03
pupnik_this also explains the pauses i've been seeing14:03
johnxI wonder why the memory usage keeps going up, and doesn't drop between levels14:05
pupnik_i also see "maemo-launcher" sucking up ungodly memory in 'top'14:05
johnxtop lies a little bit14:05
pupnik_maybe maemo-launcher is including pingusbin's memory requirements in reporting?14:05
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johnxI think the top included doesn't show shared memory14:05
pupnik_ok  well pingus tops out at 108.2% of memory14:06
johnxit runs sooo nicely at first, the music is smooth too14:06
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pupnik_uup no still crawling up... 117%14:07
johnxmy gut reaction would be "memory leak"14:07
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pupnik_I'll have to disable the editor14:28
johnxis that taking up a lot of memory?14:28
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pupnik_johnx: it doesn't work here - just hangs the game14:46
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pupnikjott: do you detect a memory leak in your build?15:27
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mbufwhat is the reason for this error in scratchbox? "undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_AsUnicode"15:29
mbuftrying Example 2.1 from here,
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pupnikok i got one picture that will be of interest to some here.  check the image on the wall.  the thing on the desk is an omap3430 development board16:02
X-Fadepupnik: Hehem well, there is no question that maemo runs on that new omap ;)16:04
pupnikhotel room, TI developer's conference afaik16:05
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X-Fadepupnik: I can only hope they will switch to a 1024x600 screen with native display controller ;)16:05
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hrwpupnik: so?16:06
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pupnikah i'm wrong about the TIDC - the date is earlier16:07
hrwso we have new rumour - new tablet on omap343016:08
shackanand where did you hear that?16:08
X-Fadehrw: Just looking at the announced phones is a lot easier ;)16:08
X-FadeTablets are just phones with bigger screen and without gsm part ..16:08
shackanwhich means, they're not phones at all16:09
X-Fadeshackan: Well, you can use them to call somebody :D16:09
shackanwell, 99.9% of the time, no16:09
hrwpupnik: what you see on photo is not TI omap3430 devboard but beagleboard based on omap343016:09
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hrw is board itself16:10
shackanalso, what phone drains the battery after it's connected for three hours?16:10
pupniklooks like a great little board :)16:11
X-Fadeshackan: Every phone that also has wifi?16:11
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X-FadeOr #beagle on freenode ;)16:12
shackanI know wifi isn't really battery friendly16:12
pupnikyou can drop power down to 10mw16:12
shackansure, but it still won't give you more than three hours of wifi16:13
pupniki have had a n810 connected to wifi and being constantly pinged for something like 22 hours16:13
lcddi think the battery life on wifi depend a lot on how busy the network is16:13
dtahtbot`lcdd: Error: "s" is not a valid command.16:13
shackanso even IF you happen to be hear a hotspot most of the time, it can't be used as a voip phone16:14
shackanpupnik: well, I use it, connected to my laptop in adhoc, no encryption, nobody else on the network, just me surfing, and it doesn't last more than a couple of hours16:15
X-Fadeshackan: That is what I use 3G for..16:15
X-FadeVia BT.16:15
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shackanvia BT it lasts a bit longer (5-6 hrs)16:15
shackanbut still nowhere near 22 hours16:15
X-FadeIt all depends on use. If it idles on wifi, I get 3 days orso..16:16
shackanI just read my rss16:16
X-FadeAs mauku client..16:16
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sKaBoyadhoc uses a lot of power16:19
shackanhow is it any different?16:19
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sKaBoydon't know, but i've heard it somewhere :)16:20
scour-umm im reading this connection tutorial (v4.0) on and tried compiling it, it starts the connection fine but the event handler never gets executed. anyone know why? :\16:21
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pupnikI have a memory leak.  Can i use gdb or oprofile to show me which data structures are being allocated and not deallocated?16:37
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derfIf you can run it on x86, you can use valgrind.16:37
pupnikok thanks derf16:38
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derfOtherwise the standard approach is to make macros for malloc, calloc, realloc, and free, and have them keep track and report at the end.16:39
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derfBut that's both a) complicated and b) error-prone (you have to make sure all code uses the macro).16:39
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pupniki think i might not be able to do anything here16:44
hrwor switch from malloc/calloc/etc to library which do tracking16:44
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pupnikok this is c++ and i see no malloc/calloc to instantiate objexts in the source16:53
pupnikso i'm guessing you're saying to replace something in the library16:53
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hyphnhi there - current 770 (2007HE) user here - looking to upgrade to a N810 (maybe), but looking for some performance comparisons... any pointers?17:14
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* Jaffa yawns17:18
Jaffahyphn: it's much much faster.17:18
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Jaffa looks very cool: easy to do semi-transparent widgets in Python on the desktop17:18
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KotCzarnyo, hai18:27
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pupnik  another maemo background ... 'longcat'18:31
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texelGood morning, folks!18:33
florianhi texel18:33
texelAnybody in here using SB2 and sbrsh for development?18:34
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KotCzarnynice n800 mod19:34
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texelOh, you mean the black.19:35
KotCzarnybtw. uae4all works beautifully19:36
KotCzarnybut it uses oss for sound19:36
KotCzarnywhich needs to be fixed19:36
KotCzarnymouse is fully recognized19:36
texelBut that's actually easier. =o)19:36
KotCzarnyaoss segfaults19:36
KotCzarnyone could probably hack oss->sdl19:37
texelAt least, compared to hacking in that horrible mess you were hacking in yesterday.19:37
texelQuite frankly, that was some of the worst C I've seen in a long, long time.19:37
texelBut OSS endpoints are easy to identify.19:37
KotCzarnyyes. /dev/dsp19:38
KotCzarnywhich doesn't exists19:38
texelI think ALSA provides a similar interface that needs a little initialization up front.19:38
KotCzarnyyes, aoss19:38
KotCzarnybut it segfaults19:38
texelBut isn't aoss that weird LD_PRELOAD hack?19:38
KotCzarnydo you know another way?19:39
KotCzarnythere was alsa-oss kernel module19:39
texelSo that's not what I"m talking about. =op19:39
KotCzarnybut i don't see it in the kernel19:39
texelI'm talking about the actual ALSA APIs.19:39
KotCzarnyfe. changing:         ioctl(sounddev, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED,  &rate);19:39
texelIIRC, once you have the ALSA device /open/, it works very closely to that of /dev/dsp.19:39
texelIt's been a while since I hacked with it, though.19:40
KotCzarnyi take my words back19:40
KotCzarny  x x         < >   OSS PCM (digital audio) API                                               x x19:40
KotCzarnyis available19:40
* KotCzarny goes to kernel compile19:40
texelI wish you luck!19:40
KotCzarnyshould be quick module build :)19:41
* texel has just about managed to get emacs to compile now19:41
texelStill having trouble with sbrsh, though.19:41
texelIe: "Warning: Executing binary with bogus working directory (/tmp) because sbrsh can only see /home/june/maemo-root and /home/june)19:41
KotCzarnyi never got around emacs long enough to like it19:42
KotCzarnymcedit is my editor of choice :)19:42
inz"I already have an OS, thank you very much"19:42
texelWell, my goal is an attempt to hildonize it somewhat.19:43
texelI'm very close, but I have no idea why sbrsh isn't using the proper working directory.19:43
texelWhich is causing the build to fail, since the command it's trying to run uses a relative pathname.19:43
inzAnd cputransp isn't enough?19:44
texelemacs uses segfaults to dump it's compiled lisp code.19:44
texelCauses qemu to go nuts.19:44
KotCzarnynow that's a hack.19:44
* texel shrugs19:44
inzTruely sounds like one19:44
texelLots of programs do that to dump state at a low level.19:45
texelMost self-hosting interpreted/compiled languages do that.19:45
texelSimply so they have a runnable image of their code on disk.19:45
texelIt's one way to get a Perl "binary". =op19:45
texelI think Squeak does it as well.19:45
KotCzarnystill, segfault sounds like an error19:46
KotCzarnynot a state-save19:46
texelWell, a segfault is really nothing more than a pointer that is being read or written to in a memory segment that isn't available to a program at that point in time.19:46
texelIt's not necessarily a bad thing -- the kernel handles segfaults all the time.19:47
texelIt just happens to swap in memory pages when it has them handy to continue processing.19:47
inzbut it still sounds like using exceptions for program logic19:48
texellibc does it all the time, too.19:48
texelIt's how most memory management works.19:48
* texel shrugs19:48
texelAnywho, valid or not, that's how emacs builds itself. =o)19:49
texelSo the core issue is getting sbrsh to work.19:49
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^jsn^hey does anyone know if there is an app that works on the n810 to receive sms messages from a cell phone?20:21
KotCzarnyyou will have to change your cellphone service20:22
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KotCzarnyto notify you by email about sms20:22
aquatixmyeah, some phones can provide that info to a pc20:22
aquatixover bluetooth even20:22
^jsn^i know that you can send sms messages with phonelink but what about receiving them from your phone?20:22
aquatixso it's possible20:22
KotCzarnyah, this way20:22
aquatix^jsn^: see gammu?20:23
KotCzarnyi thought about receiving sms on n8x020:23
aquatixor something20:23
aquatixnot sure whether a port exists for maemo though20:23
^jsn^what is gammu?20:23
aquatixa program with which you can look at stuff in your phone20:23
aquatixaddress book, sms'es20:23
aquatixuse google ;)20:23
aquatixgammu and wammu20:23
aquatixthe one is the gui, other is a cli prog20:24
aquatixbut as i said, not sure whether it's ported to maemo yet20:24
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^jsn^cool this looks promising thanks20:25
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aquatixyou're welcome :)20:25
LoCusFgotta see if it compiles under scratchbox20:26
LoCusFthere is a libmysql as a dependency20:27
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LoCusF^jsn^: it configured ok and is building now, I'll post it to ITT forums after some testing on my n81020:34
^jsn^your a maemo dev?20:35
LoCusF^jsn^: sorta20:36
LoCusFjust a hobby by far :)20:36
^jsn^your building gammu and wammu?20:36
LoCusFjust gammu20:36
LoCusFwammu would be too much of a brag20:36
LoCusFthus far :)20:36
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lcuk_2has anyone bothered with multi user capable apps for the nokia?20:38
^jsn^you mean like muntiple desktops?20:39
NaviAnyone know how to disable the onscreen keyboard when using synergy?  I accidentally did it once20:39
Navibut I can't figure out how to do it again20:39
lcuk_2jsn, no - more like multi user preferences20:39
lcuk_2when i get to the machine i want things a certain way, when my missus uses it she does things differently20:40
lcuk_2navi, do you use it normally or do you want osk disabled always?20:41
^jsn^lol tell her to get her own : )20:41
NaviWell, I'm using the keyboard at the desktop at the moment20:41
NaviI just want to disable/enable it at will20:41
lcuk_2theres an option inside the control panel, but its not something easily reachable - it could be something however done from a small wrapper program i think though20:42
LoCusFthe package got built ok, now stripping some docs off20:42
Navilcuk_2, where is it?20:45
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lcuk_2personalization/text input settings20:47
NaviI've checked there and don't see anything about it20:47
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^jsn^locusf when do you think your build of gammu will be available for download?20:52
LoCusF^jsn^: I got it built now, now testing20:53
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^jsn^let me know how it turns out20:54
lcuk_2Text Input: On Screen tab:   "Enable stylus input methods"    and    "Launch finger keyboard with finger tap" and also within the languages tab there is a settings button with other predictions things you can disable.  i  havent seen the OSK now since i unticked everything in these screens20:55
NaviI don't have "Enable stylus input methods"20:55
lcuk_2which os are you using? os2008 here which might explain things20:55
lcuk_2n810 or 800?   i wonder if its acting different if you have 800 and no other kb - i thought it was os dependent,not machine specific20:56
lcuk_2might explain it then...20:56
lcuk_2i dunno how then - as i said i thought it would be the same for same os but the flag must only be visible for 81020:57
NaviI did it!21:01
Navisomehow >_>21:01
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NaviI smashed random buttons on my keyboard and it disabled the onscreen keyboard21:02
Naviand it's gone again :<21:03
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Naviah, interesting21:07
Naviif you hold shift and hit space21:08
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Naviit disables the onscreen keyboard, do it again and it enables it.21:08
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lcuk_2excellent - like the rest of the linux system - undocumented goodness (until now when google picks up this chat)21:09
KotCzarnyanyone got any kind of oss sound emulation working?21:10
lcuk_2but how do you hold shift and space on the 800 when you just disabled the osk    o.O21:10
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KotCzarnylcuk: remap some key? :)21:11
lcuk_2bit late if you do it accidentally and dont know how to get it on21:11
NaviHow about I turn it on before I disconnect the keyboard?21:11
lcuk_2does it actually disable it if you do it from the osk21:11
Navino, from a keyboard21:11
lcuk_2it might revert itself if you unplug21:12
KotCzarnybut i guess it olny works for 81021:12
Navithere is no unplug :P21:12
lcuk_2but that would show intelligence beyond nokia ;)21:12
NaviI'm connected through synergy21:12
KotCzarnyie. listens for hw kb event21:12
* lcuk_2 unplugs his hardware keyboard from his 810 then sees the flaw in his plan21:12
NaviAnyways, good stuff21:13
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NaviI was getting annoyed having to use the enter key from the numpad21:13
lcuk_2im gonna be upgrading to a big cheap linux laptop when i see one cheap enough21:13
NaviNow I just need the mouse cursor to be enabled and I'm good21:14
lcuk_2its a shame most of the big ones use x86 though :(21:14
* lcuk_2 prefers arm21:14
lcuk_2navi, mouse is enabled i think, doesnt hildon just display a clear cursor as a hack21:15
NaviThat's what I ment :P21:15
h3sp4wnAnyone know what arch the elonex "the one" uses21:15
NaviI disabled the mouse theme in the default settings21:16
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Naviwhich works for when I'm _not_ connected to synergy21:16
lcuk_2it says "LNX code 8 mobile 300mhz processor"21:16
Navibut there goes the use :P21:16
lcuk_2i was just admiring that and thinking for an extra 20-30 quid they could add touch21:16
h3sp4wnYeah I saw that - its unlikely its arm21:17
lcuk_2theres another one as well21:17
lcuk_2they are really tking off21:17
lcuk_2its a price war - people are snapping them up :)21:17
* lcuk_2 waits for the £200 mail in rebate on £99 laptops21:18
lcuk_2yer, but its got a bigger screen (10.2) and 512mb memory21:18
KotCzarnythat's 10" ?21:18
KotCzarnythe whole thing is a tank then21:18
* KotCzarny admires his ibm x3221:19
lcuk_2thats the big brother model - my mistake21:19
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Naviannoying glossy screen :/21:20
KotCzarnythat too21:20
KotCzarnybut 'shiny'21:20
NaviWe all know how people fall for "shiny"21:20
KotCzarnyyes, from the beginning of the time21:20
lcuk_2i have to say though, for integration - the iphone sdk is looking rock solid21:20
lcuk_2shame the screen res lets it down21:21
KotCzarnyThe First GPS Navigation System for iPhone (video)21:21
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lcuk_2at least the iphone kinda knows where its going - we havent had any luck with gps on this21:22
lcuk_2every journey we have tried it on the gps hasnt connected before we have arrived21:22
NaviN810 reciever?21:23
ynezzYou're talking about GPS, how to enable it manualy on N810?21:23
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AustinMine takes forever to get a lock after you first power it on, but after that it's not bad at all.21:23
LoCusFcrap jsn left :((((((21:24
lcuk_2sure, i can get it to work but my gf passed her driving test and isnt very knowledgable about the roads - she might be going on shortish journeys but the damned thing cant be relied upon to tell her where she is21:24
f_mohrynezz settings/control pannel/gps location21:24
KotCzarny'you are >< here21:24
ynezzhere it's also ok after the first fix21:24
ynezzf_mohr: I mean from xterm21:24
lcuk_2but that first fix takes longer than the original journey21:25
lcuk_2other gps units are fixed and work perfectly after just a couple of minutes21:25
NaviCool, clipboard carries over from the PC to N80021:25
f_mohri was looking for that too .. no idea yet (wanted to use my logger script on the n810 too)21:25
lcuk_2its an embarrassment tbh - i cant whip it out and go "look it does gps"21:26
ynezzhm, maybe I could use strace to watch what's doing21:26
Navilcuk_2, you have to plan it an hour or so ahead of time21:26
ynezzno you can't, it's crap21:26
Navi"Give me an hour, I'll show you something cool"21:26
* Navi doesn't have an N810 so he doesn't really care21:27
lcuk_2maybe if i am facing the right direction21:27
lcuk_2her boyfriend is a hardman21:28
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lcuk_2if i hadnt got the 810 through work i would have returned it by now - i dont wanna tell them i have problems with it - the rest is perfect - it does what its meant to and has full use around the house, but i got it in part because of the gps21:29
lcuk_2can we talk directly to the gps chip, or does it come through on the bluetooth bus?21:30
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lcuk_2supercoder 2000
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ynezzlcuk_2: cat /var/lib/gps/gps_serial_ports it seems to be connected via serial line and put on/off via some ioctl22:09
ynezzlcuk_2: dunno exactly, just examining strace output now22:09
SmackPotatcat /dev/ttyS0 but i dont know what you could say22:10
ynezzgps is /dev/pgps22:10
SmackPotatya /dev/pgps/ puts out gps sentances  whatever they are22:12
SmackPotat/dev/ttyS0 controls the gps i think22:12
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ynezzI wonder what's that write(4, "AUTH EXTERNAL 3239393939\r\n", 26) = 2622:14
shackanDBUS ?22:16
ynezzseems so22:18
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h3sp4wnIs there any tricks to extend the range of the nokia 77022:23
KotCzarnyopen it and install external antenna?22:24
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h3sp4wnSeems wierd both my laptops can see the campus wide wifi just fine22:25
h3sp4wn(and I can see other networks)22:25
SmackPotatput it at the focal point of a parabolic shaped fiying pan22:25
KotCzarnybut from my experience it's sensitivity is superior to my laptop22:25
h3sp4wnReally I have a thinkpad X3122:25
KotCzarnyi have x3222:25
h3sp4wn(Atheros wifi and its great)22:25
* KotCzarny purrs22:25
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KotCzarny2295 here22:26
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h3sp4wnIts wierd its cisco pretty decent stuff22:27
h3sp4wnI can see loads of belkin and linksys stuff all over the place though22:28
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SmackPotatynezz do you know how much the gps chip actually does22:28
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Veggenwhere does ruby for maemo live now?23:03
pupnikwatch for the big dildo23:05
KotCzarnypupnik: have you seen uae4all_gp2x_0.7.2a? :>23:09
KotCzarnycompiles/runs fine, though needs oss23:09
KotCzarnyand some key mappings update23:09
KotCzarnybut is very fast23:10
KotCzarny~50fps :>23:10
KotCzarnywith 320x240 scaled to 640x48023:10
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pupnikdid you build it KotCzarny ?23:10
pupnikcan i host it on my site or do you want to host it?23:10
KotCzarnyit still needs work23:11
KotCzarnyie. hacking in alsa support23:11
pupnikok thanks for working on it23:11
KotCzarnyi was just looking for a mousehack fix23:12
cLingood afternoon fellas23:12
KotCzarnyand found this gem23:12
KotCzarny-rwxrwxr-x    1 1003     102        634692 Mar  7 12:00 uae4all23:12
KotCzarnyit's very small too23:12
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KotCzarnyand supports tablet mouse out of the box23:13
KotCzarnybut this sound issue is getting me23:13
pupnikyou're a new shining star in the cool stuff area KotCzarny23:18
pupnikbut i think you can get much brighter23:19
KotCzarnyas soon as i learn oss/alsa and sdl23:20
fysaKotCzarny: you were able to compile uae4all out of the box?23:22
fysafrom the gp2x port?23:23
fysathat is most excellent news.23:23
KotCzarnyi only added sdl pixel doubling23:23
fysavery nice23:24
KotCzarnysuperfrog loaded up to welcome screen23:24
KotCzarnyjoystick isn't mapped to d-pad23:24
KotCzarnyso i wasn't able to test it further23:24
KotCzarnyalso i tested mouse in workbench23:24
KotCzarnya little off but otherwise perfect23:24
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KotCzarnyso maybe i repeat my question, have anyone got oss working ?23:26
KotCzarnydirect or with alsa/esd emulation?23:26
fysaI was able to compile alsa-oss and make install in scratchbox23:26
KotCzarnyaoss segfaults23:27
fysabut haven't tested23:27
t_s_ohmm, that iphone sdk seems to have some nasty limitations...23:27
fysawhen you play, or just run?23:27
KotCzarnydsp_protocol_open_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm323:27
KotCzarnythat's when i test it with mplayer23:28
KotCzarnydsp_protocol_open_node(): Could not open pcm device file /dev/dsptask/pcm323:28
KotCzarnyFatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)23:28
KotCzarnySegmentation fault23:28
KotCzarnyand that's with uae4all23:28
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fysa is what I built23:30
fysarunning the "aoss" command returns fine, but I haven't tried playing anything.23:30
KotCzarnyaoss is a simple script23:30
KotCzarnythat uses ld_preload23:30
KotCzarnyso it doesn't do anything23:30
KotCzarnywithout a param23:31
KotCzarnyi tested .14 and .1523:31
KotCzarnyboth fail in the same way23:31
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fysado you have /dev/dsp*?23:31
KotCzarnykernel alsa driver doesn't do pcm23:31
KotCzarnyonly mixer and some controls23:32
fysathat could be why I have /dev/dsp1 on scratchbox and couldn't get it to come up on the device.23:32
KotCzarnythat's why snd_pcm_oss doesn't work too23:32
fysayou think a kernel with working alsa would help?23:32
fysasomeone had a replacement kernel building with smb/nfs, maybe we can get them to configure alsa and rebuild. ;)23:33
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KotCzarnyno, unless you have alternative driver at hand23:34
KotCzarnythe one from kernel source doesn't do pcm23:34
KotCzarnyonly some magic23:34
fysasomeone built a custom kernel with proper smb/fuse23:34
KotCzarnyyes, it's not a problem23:34
fysabut packaging anything like that isn't going to fly unfortunately23:34
KotCzarnyi run my custom kernel too23:34
KotCzarnyyou can package kernel module23:35
KotCzarnyin a deb23:35
fysaI suppose..23:35
fysathat would work.23:35
KotCzarnyas long as you include kernel version as a req23:35
KotCzarnybut still23:35
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KotCzarnyyou need a working driver23:35
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KotCzarnyi have heard about esound-oss23:36
KotCzarnybut it looks abandoned/missing23:36
KotCzarnyie. i can't find it anymore23:36
KotCzarnyif someone has porting oss app to alsa howto it would be great23:37
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h3sp4wnBe nicer to just get OSS 4 working on arm23:43
KotCzarnythis or either way23:44
KotCzarnyas  long it works23:44
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KotCzarnyi wonder how mplayer -ao alsa works23:59
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