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EvilGuru | I also have openssh server on my n810 but it is very 'laggy' when I connect to it over LAN | 00:09 |
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KotCzarny | evilguru: lower your wifi powersaving | 00:10 |
EvilGuru | Did not know it took effect on dc power | 00:11 |
spirytusick | good night guys... | 00:12 |
KotCzarny | on my laptop powersaving kicks in even on dc power | 00:12 |
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KotCzarny | night spirytusik | 00:12 |
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EvilGuru | KotCzarny: Worked a treat | 00:15 |
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KotCzarny | :) | 00:15 |
KotCzarny | eg: you have 810, right? | 00:15 |
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EvilGuru | Yep | 00:16 |
EvilGuru | Couldn't be happier | 00:16 |
KotCzarny | would you like to help me with my app? | 00:16 |
EvilGuru | What are you developing | 00:17 |
KotCzarny | battery charge meter | 00:17 |
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EvilGuru | Just trying to think if the tray menu item shows battery charge or not | 00:18 |
KotCzarny | cmd line one | 00:18 |
EvilGuru | Still need to play around with the dev tools | 00:18 |
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EvilGuru | I am a developer of Warzone 2100 though (http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16502 ) | 00:19 |
Redline` | that gigabyte MID is huge. | 00:19 |
EvilGuru | Pity that we pulled the software renderer (OpenGL only now) | 00:21 |
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briand | oh, nice! the mailman delivered my (3x) 2GB SD cards from woot! today.. time to start loadin' em up! | 00:29 |
KotCzarny | 2? | 00:30 |
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KotCzarny | wasn't it better to order 4gb and 2gb? | 00:30 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:30 |
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briand | they were $6 each | 00:30 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 00:30 |
briand | and, woot only offers one product per day... that day, 2GB was the product | 00:30 |
KotCzarny | 8gb cost 32$ | 00:31 |
KotCzarny | 35$ with shipping on jewegg | 00:31 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:31 |
KotCzarny | but for a testing that was a nice deal | 00:32 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:32 |
cLin | crud, i changed skins for internettablettalk to mobile 2 and now the option to change skins isn't there anymore | 00:33 |
KotCzarny | clin: kill cookies? | 00:33 |
cLin | but when i login, it'll just go back to the mobile 2 skin | 00:33 |
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cLin | ugh | 00:34 |
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KotCzarny | :) | 00:34 |
EvilGuru | Might be able to manually change the appropriate database row/record | 00:34 |
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cLin | huh? how | 00:35 |
cLin | nm, got it | 00:35 |
cLin | switched back for some reason | 00:35 |
KotCzarny | clin: do you own 810? | 00:36 |
cLin | no, 800 | 00:36 |
cLin | why? | 00:36 |
cLin | and does anyone use mediaserv? | 00:36 |
KotCzarny | i need 810 to test something | 00:36 |
cLin | whatcha making | 00:36 |
KotCzarny | mediaserv is the backend for playing media | 00:36 |
cLin | yea i know, i'd like to make it so i can stream videos from mylaptop tomy n800 | 00:36 |
KotCzarny | battery level tool | 00:36 |
KotCzarny | clin: mplayer and netcat | 00:37 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 00:37 |
cLin | netcat? | 00:37 |
KotCzarny | or simply mplayer and a script | 00:37 |
cLin | are there any easily available? | 00:37 |
KotCzarny | i don't know | 00:37 |
KotCzarny | i usually hack one myself | 00:37 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:37 |
cLin | whats netcat? | 00:37 |
cLin | oh | 00:37 |
zetheroo | so I again got the bluetooth headset paired again... and still nothing with Skype | 00:37 |
cLin | well i dont have thatluxury | 00:37 |
KotCzarny | that's why love cmd line | 00:37 |
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KotCzarny | clin: how do you stream from lappy? | 00:38 |
cLin | thats what i want to know | 00:38 |
cLin | haha | 00:38 |
KotCzarny | lol | 00:38 |
cLin | i want to be able to stream from lappu -> n800 | 00:38 |
KotCzarny | so you simply want to watch files from laptop? | 00:38 |
cLin | and i heard mediaserv can help | 00:38 |
EvilGuru | the netcat idea seems reasonable | 00:38 |
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KotCzarny | clin, install sshfs and just mount laptop fs on nokia :) | 00:39 |
KotCzarny | and play the files as if they were local | 00:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:39 |
EvilGuru | assuming your laptop runs Linux | 00:39 |
KotCzarny | eg: there's openssh for cygwin too | 00:39 |
EvilGuru | (FUSE might work on OS X/FreeBSD, am yet to try) | 00:39 |
cLin | sshfs? | 00:40 |
cLin | whats with all these acronyms >( | 00:40 |
febb | hi...has anyone expanded and mounted an Internet Tablet firmware on a local PC disc ? | 00:40 |
KotCzarny | clin: yes, like scp but available as a regular directory | 00:40 |
cLin | oh | 00:40 |
KotCzarny | ssh file system | 00:40 |
EvilGuru | cLin: VLC is quite nice too (it has streaming options) | 00:40 |
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cLin | vlc for n800? | 00:40 |
EvilGuru | For your laptop | 00:41 |
cLin | does it work for os2008? | 00:41 |
cLin | oh | 00:41 |
cLin | lets see... | 00:41 |
EvilGuru | It can either broadcast or recv | 00:41 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: you can post the information about your battery checker tool on maemo-developers list, also AFAIK pupnik has n810 :) | 00:41 |
cLin | cause i prefer not having it run in two places. otherwise, i canprobably watch on laptop | 00:41 |
KotCzarny | ssvb: i would have to sign up to it i guess.. | 00:41 |
EvilGuru | I am sure good old mplayer will happily accept the stream produced by VLC | 00:41 |
cLin | ok, let's try | 00:41 |
zetheroo | bluetooth headset is not working for me | 00:42 |
cLin | ill try the sshfs | 00:42 |
KotCzarny | clin: there are package for it i belive available | 00:42 |
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cLin | sshfs? | 00:42 |
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KotCzarny | though i have compiled one myself | 00:42 |
KotCzarny | for me | 00:42 |
pupnik | Wooooh-- looka like duke-a nukem! | 00:42 |
KotCzarny | you will need fuse module and sshfs package | 00:42 |
EvilGuru | Also, does the internal USB port supply enough juice to power a USB flash stick? | 00:43 |
KotCzarny | eg: 200mA | 00:43 |
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cLin | would it be able to stream fast enough? | 00:43 |
KotCzarny | but i think not more than 100mA | 00:43 |
cLin | im assuming its just opening the file through the wireless connection | 00:43 |
EvilGuru | cLin: Indeed | 00:43 |
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EvilGuru | The decryption might have a negative impact on performance, however | 00:44 |
cLin | hrm | 00:44 |
cLin | lets take a look see... | 00:44 |
KotCzarny | eg: compression can be turned off | 00:44 |
KotCzarny | i believe | 00:44 |
EvilGuru | KotCzarny: I did not know it compressed by default | 00:44 |
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KotCzarny | i don't know too | 00:44 |
EvilGuru | I know -C turns it on | 00:44 |
KotCzarny | possibly | 00:45 |
EvilGuru | (ssh -YC foo@bar.com used to be one of my most often run commands until a few months ago) | 00:45 |
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KotCzarny | :) | 00:45 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: hi | 00:46 |
pupnik | woooh! | 00:46 |
cLin | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9372&highlight=sshfs | 00:46 |
cLin | will that work? | 00:46 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: can you test something for me? :) | 00:46 |
cLin | fuseport and automount? | 00:46 |
KotCzarny | nah, automount sucks | 00:46 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: wlan driver is still heavy for cpu even without encryption (albeit it is better in n8x0 than in 770) | 00:46 |
cLin | oh | 00:46 |
cLin | goddamn, itt has nothing good | 00:47 |
KotCzarny | but can work if you set up the keys | 00:47 |
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KotCzarny | ssvb: reading from mmc eats cpu too.. | 00:47 |
KotCzarny | i think | 00:47 |
cLin | where can i find sshfs for maemo | 00:48 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: well, it should be easy to benchmark overhead | 00:48 |
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KotCzarny | clin: i remember only seeing the package available | 00:48 |
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KotCzarny | probably fuseport is the one | 00:49 |
* Jaffa ponders bed | 00:49 | |
cLin | http://pupnik.de/shfs-utils_0.35-6.2_armel.deb hey pupkin, whats that? | 00:50 |
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KotCzarny | clin: if you don't mind stranger's binaries i can prepare you a .tar.gz | 00:50 |
KotCzarny | you can use | 00:50 |
cLin | i dont mind | 00:50 |
KotCzarny | (assuming you have 2008) | 00:50 |
cLin | i do | 00:50 |
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cLin | n800 os2008 | 00:50 |
KotCzarny | ok, just a moment then | 00:50 |
cLin | i have nothing sensitive | 00:50 |
EvilGuru | It is getting late here, I best be off. Thanks for all of your help :) | 00:50 |
cLin | haha | 00:50 |
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leif__ | konttori, are you awake? | 00:53 |
KotCzarny | clin: http://mrrau.dyndns.org:23280/n800/fuse_sshfs.tar.gz | 00:54 |
cLin | ok | 00:54 |
KotCzarny | unpack to / | 00:54 |
cLin | what was it again? gzip -something filename | 00:55 |
KotCzarny | tar -xzpf | 00:55 |
cLin | or that | 00:55 |
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briand | it's `tar xvfz <filename.tar.gz>` | 00:55 |
cLin | why is your sdifferent | 00:55 |
KotCzarny | doesn't matter much | 00:55 |
briand | it's cuz I'm older. | 00:55 |
KotCzarny | -v just spams screen with files | 00:56 |
cLin | lol | 00:56 |
KotCzarny | and -p is 'preserve' | 00:56 |
KotCzarny | clin: you need to add /usr/local/lib to your /etc/ld.so.conf | 00:56 |
KotCzarny | and run: ldconfig | 00:56 |
KotCzarny | that will allow os to find fuselib in /usr/local | 00:57 |
KotCzarny | next step is: insmod /usr/local/lib/modules/fuse.ko | 00:57 |
cLin | when i use tar, is it supposr to tellme if it uncompressed it? | 00:57 |
KotCzarny | if you used -v then yes | 00:57 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:57 |
briand | it would if you specified -v | 00:57 |
briand | ;) | 00:57 |
cLin | oh | 00:57 |
cLin | i used yours kotc | 00:58 |
cLin | so i guess it did it.. | 00:58 |
KotCzarny | otherwise if it doesn't tell you anything that means 'no errors' | 00:58 |
cLin | ok | 00:58 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: mmc is very fast (~5MB/s on 770) and does not load cpu (16% of cpu usage doing cp to /dev/null), that's a lot better than wlan | 00:58 |
cLin | ok, so i did that | 00:58 |
cLin | now i need to add /usr/local/lib to my ld.so.conf? | 00:59 |
KotCzarny | clin: now try: sshfs laptop_ip:/ /mnt/somedir | 00:59 |
KotCzarny | yes | 00:59 |
cLin | how do i do that | 00:59 |
KotCzarny | echo >> /etc/ld.so.conf /usr/local/lib | 00:59 |
cLin | nm | 00:59 |
zetheroo | for some reason when I pair the headset the sound icon does not turn into a headset icon??? | 00:59 |
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cLin | awesome | 01:00 |
cLin | i jsut ran ldconfig... | 01:00 |
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KotCzarny | shouldn't report any errors | 01:00 |
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cLin | didn't output anything and it's back at the line | 01:00 |
cLin | yea | 01:00 |
KotCzarny | now load fuse.ko | 01:00 |
cLin | wher | 01:01 |
cLin | where is that located | 01:01 |
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KotCzarny | insmod /usr/local/lib/modules/fuse.ko | 01:01 |
cLin | what is insmod? | 01:01 |
briand | 'insert module' | 01:01 |
KotCzarny | tool to load kernel modules | 01:01 |
cLin | ok | 01:01 |
cLin | done | 01:01 |
cLin | no errors | 01:01 |
briand | now try the mount | 01:01 |
KotCzarny | now, do you have sshd server on your laptop? | 01:02 |
KotCzarny | or anywhere else? | 01:02 |
cLin | dont think so | 01:02 |
KotCzarny | linux or windows? | 01:02 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 01:02 |
cLin | windows | 01:02 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 01:02 |
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KotCzarny | you will have to install one, or any scp compatible server | 01:03 |
cLin | ok | 01:03 |
briand | zetheroo: is it supposed to? I don't know... don't have a bt headset. main question is, does it work? | 01:03 |
zetheroo | briand: it pairs and I have used it before on a BT cell phone | 01:03 |
cLin | is sshd server basically openssh server for maemo | 01:04 |
briand | zetheroo: yes, you've already indicated that it paired up. does it work? (ie: run something that outputs sound, and see what you get) | 01:04 |
KotCzarny | yes, but you want your laptop to serve files, not your nokia | 01:04 |
cLin | ok, just trying to figure out what im lookig for | 01:04 |
cLin | i found a openssh for windows on sourceforge | 01:04 |
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zetheroo | briand: no ... it does not do anything | 01:05 |
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zetheroo | briand: the sound icon is supposed to change to a headset... but it doesn't | 01:05 |
briand | hmm. i wonder if the bt in my tomtom will pair up with the bt in the n800 and provide gps... | 01:05 |
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leif__ | has anyone here tried poky 3.1 on 770 or N800 yet? | 01:05 |
KotCzarny | clin: you can also try cifs to mount windows 'network shares' | 01:06 |
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johnx_ | leif__, is that new? | 01:07 |
cLin | which is easier/less prone to stupid mistakes | 01:07 |
leif__ | yeah | 01:07 |
leif__ | http://pokylinux.org/blog/ | 01:07 |
KotCzarny | clin: i wouldn't say that | 01:07 |
KotCzarny | i don't have good memories about m$ network | 01:07 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 01:07 |
johnx_ | I wonder what they have working... | 01:07 |
cLin | oh | 01:07 |
KotCzarny | and when vista came it got even worse | 01:08 |
KotCzarny | :> | 01:08 |
KotCzarny | but it was doable | 01:08 |
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cLin | ook, i just installed openssh and added my username to passwd file | 01:09 |
KotCzarny | try to ssh to it to confirm it's working | 01:09 |
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GeneralAntilles | Booting it now, leif__. | 01:10 |
leif__ | on which device? | 01:11 |
GeneralAntilles | N800 | 01:11 |
cLin | connection refused. let's see whats wrong | 01:11 |
* leif__ eagerly awaits a report | 01:11 | |
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johnx_ | Go, guinea pig, go! :D | 01:12 |
briand | haha | 01:12 |
Jaffa | :) | 01:12 |
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Jaffa | I like the bit of the changelog which says "Much improved support [...] Nokia internet tablets". Improved in what way?! ;;;;;;;;-) | 01:12 |
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KotCzarny | in a much way | 01:13 |
KotCzarny | moocho improvediando | 01:13 |
johnx_ | and what software versions are they using?...ok fine I'll flash it... | 01:13 |
leif__ | Jaffa, yeah I also appreciated the lack of specifics there... it's an ADVENTURE ! | 01:13 |
Jaffa | heh | 01:13 |
johnx_ | but now I'm really curious... | 01:14 |
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cLin | how do i set the password? | 01:14 |
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KotCzarny | clin: maybe it's your windows pass? | 01:14 |
johnx_ | on your tablet or desktop? | 01:14 |
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cLin | doesnt seem like it | 01:14 |
cLin | desktop | 01:14 |
KotCzarny | maybe you need to synchronize them? | 01:15 |
johnx_ | which ssh server are you using? | 01:15 |
cLin | opensshd for winddows | 01:15 |
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briand | did you have a password on your windows machine before? | 01:16 |
cLin | no, i just set one | 01:17 |
lcuk | ok, this cpu throttling is seriously pissing me off. is there any api in code that i can call to tell the system i would like my thread to run at fullspeed? | 01:17 |
cLin | im usually logged in as admin so i put administrator for username and my usualpw | 01:17 |
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KotCzarny | lcuk: cpufreq | 01:18 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:18 |
KotCzarny | it's as simple as echo | 01:18 |
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lcuk | no, if the program closes dirty the system will be left in an unfit state - there must be something i can do at the thread/process level to indicate priority | 01:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Still no easy way to activate vkb as far as I can tell. | 01:19 |
briand | lcuk: nice -20 ? | 01:19 |
* GeneralAntilles falls back to the ultimate laptop. | 01:19 | |
briand | GeneralAntilles: saw that pic... i'd say you've gone too far, once your keyboard is five times the size of your cpu and screen combined! | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | It actually works really nicely. | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Quite convenient. | 01:20 |
lcuk | lemme see ant | 01:20 |
briand | I'll bet. I planned on doing the same thing while @ home with mine.. | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Mostly it was just a joke when I toke the picture, then it turned out OK. <_< | 01:20 |
GeneralAntilles | http://www.legacyoflies.com/devuploads/general_antilles/ultimatelaptop.jpg | 01:20 |
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lcuk | in my head it sounds like my cradle + wireless apple kb strung together | 01:21 |
briand | now, i just need to find a comfortable, affordable, durable USB keyboard... | 01:21 |
johnx_ | wow...that looks somewhat less portable than my usb keyboard... | 01:21 |
briand | i also ordered an iGo stowaway that should be here on friday or saturday | 01:22 |
cLin | ugh | 01:23 |
KotCzarny | hmm? | 01:23 |
cLin | cant get openssh to work | 01:23 |
cLin | password won't go thru | 01:23 |
leif__ | lol @ http://o-hand.com/about/ where the image heading says "About us. Kind of like the 'Millenium Falcon' of FLOSS or worst case, an Ewok village." | 01:23 |
KotCzarny | have you started it? | 01:23 |
cLin | yea | 01:24 |
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cLin | restarted to and I changed the passwd file | 01:24 |
johnx_ | lcuk, I think they're talking about that stuff in this thread: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/maemo/developers/32381?search_string=dsp%20400;#32381 | 01:24 |
johnx_ | mainly the stuff about OP_CPU_H | 01:24 |
KotCzarny | clin: hmm | 01:24 |
KotCzarny | is it cygwin or standalone? | 01:25 |
cLin | http://sshwindows.sourceforge.net/ | 01:25 |
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KotCzarny | not much in the documentation section | 01:25 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:25 |
cLin | :\ | 01:26 |
leif__ | GeneralAntilles, does wifi work? | 01:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | Not sure yet | 01:27 |
GeneralAntilles | It sees my network | 01:27 |
GeneralAntilles | but keeps asking for a password, seeming to connect, then asking for a password again when I try to use it. | 01:27 |
KotCzarny | clin: what username? | 01:27 |
leif__ | well that sounds much more promising than the version i tried months ago | 01:28 |
cLin | im pretty sure its administrator | 01:28 |
KotCzarny | with a big or lower 'a' ? | 01:28 |
leif__ | what kind of authentication does your network use? | 01:28 |
cLin | its case sensitive? | 01:28 |
KotCzarny | yes. | 01:28 |
KotCzarny | whole *nix is case sensitive | 01:29 |
cLin | big A | 01:29 |
GeneralAntilles | WPA2 | 01:29 |
KotCzarny | try with lower? | 01:29 |
cLin | is there anyway to find the list of users i ihave made? | 01:29 |
cLin | tried both | 01:29 |
KotCzarny | http://erdelynet.com/archive/ssh-l/2003-01/1146.html | 01:29 |
GeneralAntilles | Hrm . . . froze it again. | 01:29 |
KotCzarny | maybe this | 01:29 |
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KotCzarny | lol | 01:34 |
KotCzarny | is that a rubber band? | 01:34 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:34 |
lcuk | note the high performance nano-elastic webbing ;) | 01:34 |
GeneralAntilles | The Apple bluetooth board is disturbingly compact. | 01:34 |
cLin | ok, i got it working | 01:35 |
lcuk | but it feels huge - i feel like a kid typing on a grown up computer | 01:35 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:35 |
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lcuk | johnx_, thank you :) i will read right now | 01:35 |
cLin | ok, now i think its a firewall problem. n800 cant ssh into my laptop but i can do it myself | 01:35 |
cLin | ugh | 01:35 |
Navi | GeneralAntilles, how's it disturbing | 01:36 |
KotCzarny | add a port in win fw | 01:36 |
GeneralAntilles | It's very small, Navi. :P | 01:36 |
Navi | Is it one of those strunk down keyboards? | 01:36 |
cLin | am | 01:36 |
Navi | s/strunk/shrunk/ | 01:36 |
infobot | Navi meant: Is it one of those shrunk down keyboards? | 01:36 |
GeneralAntilles | It's a standalone Macbook board, basically. | 01:36 |
lcuk | navi, look at my link | 01:36 |
johnx_ | strunk? does that result in small and stinky? | 01:36 |
GeneralAntilles | Super thin. | 01:36 |
Navi | http://www.apple.com/keyboard/ | 01:37 |
cLin | ok im in | 01:37 |
lcuk | exceeding good quality though | 01:37 |
cLin | what do i do now | 01:37 |
KotCzarny | clin that was only for testing connection | 01:37 |
lcuk | my fingers just want to work with it | 01:37 |
cLin | oh | 01:37 |
Navi | lcuk, agreed, I guess | 01:37 |
Navi | but annoying | 01:37 |
cLin | lcuk: how's the tactile feedback on it? | 01:37 |
KotCzarny | now simply do: mkdir /media/laptop; sshfs user@laptop_ip:/ /media/laptop | 01:37 |
cLin | i need a new keyboard | 01:37 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:37 |
cLin | my spacebar is so fucked up | 01:37 |
GeneralAntilles | cLin, just like any other laptop keyboard. :P | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | Buckling spring > * | 01:38 |
Navi | except silent | 01:38 |
KotCzarny | you will probably have to use -o allow_others too | 01:38 |
cLin | really? the macbook pro keyboards dont look like that | 01:38 |
KotCzarny | or run that command as user | 01:38 |
lcuk | its light, but you press the keys enough and you know when you got it cleanly - infact so far i haven't not got it clean. i type better on there than on this one | 01:38 |
Navi | cLin, flat keys | 01:38 |
GeneralAntilles | Macbook, not Macbook Pro. | 01:38 |
cLin | for the second /media/laptop, is that suppose to be a path? | 01:38 |
Navi | cLin, http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/macbook/faq/macbook-how-keyboard-feels.html | 01:38 |
KotCzarny | jsut a suggestion | 01:39 |
KotCzarny | you may prefer another dir | 01:39 |
cLin | but what is it? is that the directoryi drop thefiles into? | 01:39 |
cLin | is there a way to get it to see the whole drive? | 01:39 |
KotCzarny | all drives on target mounted as a single dir | 01:39 |
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KotCzarny | you can mount specific dir | 01:40 |
KotCzarny | fe. sshfs user@laptop_ip:/cygdrive/d/mp3 /media/laptop | 01:40 |
cLin | so how i mount something like c:\documents and settings\username\desktop | 01:40 |
KotCzarny | remember that on *nix it's '/' | 01:40 |
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KotCzarny | not '\' | 01:40 |
cLin | or rather, whats the format? the firstpath vs second | 01:40 |
cLin | oh | 01:40 |
cLin | would / be equivalent to c:/? | 01:41 |
KotCzarny | sshfs "user@laptop_ip:/cygdrive/c/documents and settings/username/desktop" /media/laptop | 01:41 |
cLin | oh | 01:41 |
cLin | so the /media/laptop is what appears on the n800? | 01:41 |
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KotCzarny | other way | 01:41 |
johnx_ | everything appears "under" /media/laptop | 01:41 |
cLin | oh | 01:42 |
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AJayMN | anyone know of a wifi locator signal strenght meter for Nokia 770? | 01:42 |
cLin | do i need /cygdrive/? | 01:42 |
KotCzarny | clin: that's my guess | 01:42 |
KotCzarny | because i don't know how that openssh server for win exports drives | 01:42 |
KotCzarny | if it's based on cygwin then probably yes | 01:42 |
cLin | then what? | 01:43 |
KotCzarny | just mount / and browse | 01:43 |
cLin | after i type that command | 01:43 |
KotCzarny | ls /media/laptop | 01:43 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:43 |
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plb | hm what apps does maemoscrobbler work with? | 01:44 |
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cLin | xmms? | 01:45 |
KotCzarny | yes | 01:45 |
plb | that's it? | 01:45 |
KotCzarny | context switch, argh | 01:46 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:46 |
cLin | permissions must be boinked. ican ssh from laptop but not from n800. connects though, just get permission denied | 01:46 |
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b0unc3 | guys, any idea on how to check if a program/daemon is running ? | 01:47 |
cLin | oh, permissions, not access | 01:47 |
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KotCzarny | clin: sshfs command worked? | 01:47 |
cLin | think so | 01:47 |
cLin | Nokia-N800-51-3:~# sshfs clin@ /media/laptop | 01:48 |
cLin | clin@'s password: | 01:48 |
cLin | clin@ Permission denied | 01:48 |
cLin | i dont think the fodler is correct | 01:48 |
KotCzarny | hum | 01:48 |
KotCzarny | can you login to clin@ via ssh ? | 01:48 |
cLin | yea | 01:48 |
cLin | im logged in | 01:48 |
KotCzarny | maybe it has got sftp disabled | 01:49 |
KotCzarny | (on windows) | 01:49 |
cLin | when im in ssh, how do i quit? | 01:49 |
KotCzarny | exit | 01:49 |
KotCzarny | or ctrl-d | 01:49 |
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KotCzarny | or logut | 01:49 |
cLin | of course, soemthing that obvious | 01:49 |
KotCzarny | logout | 01:49 |
cLin | ok | 01:49 |
cLin | i think it worked | 01:50 |
cLin | Nokia-N800-51-3:~£ sshfs clin@ /media/laptop | 01:50 |
cLin | clin@'s password: | 01:50 |
cLin | Nokia-N800-51-3:~£ | 01:50 |
KotCzarny | ls /media/laptop | 01:50 |
cLin | i see a bunchof my desktop files | 01:50 |
cLin | which is what i set home to be | 01:50 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:50 |
KotCzarny | now if you want media player to see them | 01:51 |
cLin | so to get to the pointof all this, how would i watch it | 01:51 |
KotCzarny | you will have to add -o allow_others for that sshfs command | 01:51 |
cLin | "add -o allow_others" ? | 01:51 |
KotCzarny | no | 01:51 |
cLin | sshfs -o allow_others | 01:51 |
KotCzarny | sshfs clin@ /media/laptop -o allow_others | 01:51 |
cLin | oh | 01:51 |
KotCzarny | can be at the beginning too | 01:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:52 |
cLin | Nokia-N800-51-3:~£ sshfs clin@ /media/laptop -o allow_others | 01:52 |
cLin | clin@'s password: | 01:52 |
cLin | fuse: mountpoint is not empty | 01:52 |
cLin | fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option | 01:52 |
cLin | Nokia-N800-51-3:~£ | 01:52 |
KotCzarny | don't forget to umount /media/laptop first | 01:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:52 |
cLin | oh | 01:52 |
cLin | yea | 01:52 |
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cLin | unknown option allow_others | 01:52 |
KotCzarny | try allow_other | 01:53 |
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cLin | ok, works | 01:53 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:53 |
cLin | then ls /media/laptop | 01:53 |
cLin | ls = mount? | 01:53 |
pupnik | You should dedicate your life to working on game ports under my oversight and direction | 01:53 |
KotCzarny | ls == dir | 01:53 |
KotCzarny | (list dir) | 01:53 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: ok, but you do the dishes | 01:53 |
cLin | so how do iview the files now? | 01:54 |
AJayMN | anyone know where i can get kismet for nokia 770? i cant find a link to download the deb | 01:54 |
pupnik | yes i love doing dishes | 01:54 |
KotCzarny | clin: open your media player and simply navigate to /media/laptop | 01:54 |
KotCzarny | works for any app | 01:54 |
cLin | also KotCzarny,if i set me sftp home directory to c:\doc\folder\desktop, i wouldnt be able to do to like another drive would i? | 01:54 |
KotCzarny | in fact it looks for the os as a local dir | 01:54 |
KotCzarny | and even better you can write to it too | 01:55 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:55 |
cLin | have you used mplayer before? these are the options when I click open file, its either the main folder it sees with the audio clips, docs, games,images or removable media | 01:56 |
cLin | i cant see /media/laptop | 01:56 |
johnx_ | AJayMN, look on gronmayer.com/it | 01:56 |
KotCzarny | clin: it should have 'open' in menu | 01:56 |
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cLin | yea i know | 01:56 |
cLin | those are the directories i see in that | 01:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:57 |
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cLin | no, :( | 01:57 |
KotCzarny | you don't want metalayer-crawl to get there though :) | 01:57 |
KotCzarny | hmm? | 01:57 |
cLin | iturned it off cause it lagged the n800 to a crawl | 01:58 |
KotCzarny | good | 01:58 |
KotCzarny | :) | 01:58 |
cLin | you were the one that told me :P | 01:58 |
cLin | but now ineed tofigure out a way to get to /media/laptop on mplayer | 01:59 |
AJayMN | johnx_ only 1 repository has it listed but the repo is empty | 01:59 |
KotCzarny | clin: use file manager? | 01:59 |
johnx_ | ah | 01:59 |
cLin | dont those videos open in the default nokia plaer? | 02:00 |
cLin | and its not listed there either | 02:00 |
KotCzarny | just try clicking some vid | 02:00 |
cLin | is there a way for file manager to see hidden fiels? | 02:01 |
KotCzarny | hidden? | 02:01 |
cLin | files | 02:01 |
cLin | right now it only seems to see /home/user/MyDocs, removable media and bluetooth | 02:02 |
cLin | i'd like it to see the whole structure | 02:02 |
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febb | hi all again: | 02:02 |
febb | Anyone knows how to "open" a firmware image file and mount it on a local (linux) PC disk ? (as to access the image's contents) | 02:03 |
KotCzarny | clin: that's probably under /cygwin | 02:03 |
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cLin | ? | 02:03 |
ynezz | febb: use flasher to unpack jffs image | 02:04 |
KotCzarny | erm. paste via pm to me what you see when you do ls -al /media/laptop | 02:04 |
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febb | I have flashed -u -F the image file, it "unpacked"...but now I do have trouble mounting the rootfs.jffs2 through the loop device... | 02:05 |
febb | even tough I do have the jffs2 kernel module... | 02:05 |
lcuk | clin, that particular file manager is locked to the "user friendly" paths, you have to add a symlink to the root into mydocs to have the entire tree - but then people say there are problems with metalayer crawler | 02:05 |
plb | hm so maemoscrobbler only works with xmms? | 02:05 |
cLin | i turned metalayer off though | 02:05 |
KotCzarny | btw. there's a nice file manager | 02:06 |
KotCzarny | emelfm2 | 02:06 |
cLin | is it a easy deb file? | 02:06 |
cLin | appears it is | 02:07 |
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yabbas | right - where can I host this deb? | 02:07 |
cLin | is there a command i can use to open the browser and go to a web address? | 02:07 |
lcuk | clin and KotCzarny, thanks by the way - im gonna get openssh for windows installed so i can connect both the nokia and the vmware box :) | 02:07 |
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ynezz | febb: http://maemo.org/community/wiki/ModifyingRootImage/#635bc72ec613af4d33da40e88984f749 | 02:07 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: lol | 02:07 |
cLin | haha | 02:08 |
lamia | :) | 02:08 |
KotCzarny | hi lamia | 02:08 |
cLin | this should be pretty awesome once i can get mplayer to see the files | 02:08 |
lamia | KotCzarny: Hello :D | 02:08 |
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cLin | maybe i should make it /home/user/MyDocs/.media instead of /media/laptop | 02:08 |
cLin | mplayer should be able to pick that up right | 02:08 |
KotCzarny | clin: or subdir of .media | 02:08 |
KotCzarny | it's up to you | 02:08 |
cLin | lets try that | 02:08 |
yabbas | Can someone suggest a good free file host? :) | 02:09 |
KotCzarny | and your needs :) | 02:09 |
lcuk | if it works i will code directly from the windows partition, then call a shell script within the vmware to make/deploy for instant testing "directly" from a windows editor :) | 02:09 |
cLin | so unmount, then redo sshfs and remount? | 02:09 |
febb | ynezz: Thanks. but I already did all that. Even ran the scripts, my problem lies on: a can'r read superblock error with one script | 02:09 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: that's what i do | 02:09 |
febb | and "no space left on device" with the other script. (And this is NOT related to my physical available disk space). | 02:09 |
johnx_ | febb, I tried to unpack it for you...but I'm running into problems as well :/ | 02:10 |
lcuk | no bugger tells anyone that - its all "use linux to do dev work from the console with scratchbox" ... ;) | 02:10 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:10 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: remember to take notes | 02:10 |
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KotCzarny | and whip a howto | 02:10 |
lcuk | i have lots of irc files :) | 02:10 |
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cLin | if i make a .directory under MyDocs | 02:10 |
cLin | would it show up like the others do in my N800? | 02:10 |
KotCzarny | don't use . | 02:10 |
febb | johnx_ are you experiencing kind of the same errors I just typed here ? | 02:10 |
KotCzarny | it means 'hidden' on linux | 02:10 |
cLin | like the .documents shows up as Documents | 02:10 |
KotCzarny | and you media player can filter it off | 02:11 |
johnx_ | basically mtdram emulates a NAND device in RAM, so you have to feed it the size of the device to emulate when loading the module, however I apparently don't have enough memory spare to allocate 64M for the image | 02:11 |
febb | Johnx_ : Thanks for attempting that to help me, by the way.. !!! | 02:11 |
johnx_ | febb, try rmmod mtdram ; modprobe mtdram total_size=64000 | 02:11 |
johnx_ | sure :) | 02:11 |
febb | johnx_ did that already.... no good. | 02:12 |
johnx_ | can't allocate the memory? | 02:12 |
yabbas | !seen penguinbait | 02:12 |
cLin | oh shoot | 02:12 |
cLin | it worksss | 02:12 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:12 |
cLin | i mean, mplayer doesnt list it so i need to open > directory > file | 02:13 |
cLin | but it works | 02:13 |
KotCzarny | yes | 02:13 |
KotCzarny | btw. mplayer is another app | 02:13 |
KotCzarny | media player is the one you're using | 02:13 |
KotCzarny | i guess | 02:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:13 |
febb | the mthe modprobe thing loads fine, even with a larger sze. But the scripts do fail. with "can't read superblock" | 02:13 |
cLin | im using mplayer | 02:14 |
cLin | it says...mplayer | 02:14 |
KotCzarny | hum | 02:14 |
KotCzarny | ok | 02:14 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:14 |
KotCzarny | sorry then | 02:14 |
johnx_ | febb, try this: http://www.handhelds.org/hypermail/familiar/62/6232.html | 02:14 |
plb | <3 mplayer ;] | 02:14 |
ynezz | febb: it works here | 02:14 |
johnx_ | specifically the dd line | 02:14 |
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cLin | bit laggy | 02:15 |
KotCzarny | clin: wifi power saving, i guess | 02:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:15 |
cLin | needs more wifi | 02:15 |
febb | weird: I still get "no space left on device" and later on "can't read superblock"... | 02:15 |
johnx_ | febb, what line are you using for loading mtdram? | 02:15 |
KotCzarny | clin: you can also try cifs | 02:16 |
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febb | what you just typed: modprobe mtdram total_size=64000 | 02:16 |
johnx_ | hmm...rootfs should be 58MB | 02:16 |
ynezz | try bigger size | 02:16 |
febb | actually it is also on the scripts from the page: http://maemo.org/community/wiki/ModifyingRootImage/#635bc72ec613af4d33da40e88984f749 | 02:16 |
febb | I have also changed the 64000 to 128000 | 02:17 |
ynezz | more | 02:17 |
ynezz | my rootfs is about 130MB | 02:17 |
febb | to no avail... | 02:17 |
KotCzarny | mine is ~300mb | 02:17 |
febb | lets try a bigger memory number... what about 256000..... lets see: | 02:17 |
KotCzarny | when copied to ext3 partition | 02:17 |
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ynezz | 184M /media/jffs | 02:19 |
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febb | same thing with 512000 ! as sieze | 02:25 |
febb | size | 02:25 |
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johnx_ | craziness | 02:25 |
febb | you bet ! :\ | 02:26 |
johnx_ | so it lets you load mtdram total_size=51200 but still says out of space? | 02:26 |
febb | yeah. | 02:26 |
febb | even if I do it "manually" typing each command. | 02:26 |
johnx_ | you remembered to rmmod mtdram before modprobe'ing it again, right? | 02:26 |
febb | sure | 02:26 |
KotCzarny | can be 'out of inodes' too | 02:26 |
febb | nope, just checked that also. | 02:27 |
KotCzarny | what are you doing anyway? | 02:27 |
johnx_ | and when you dd the image onto the 512MB mtd0 you still get out of space? | 02:27 |
febb | its a new disk...fresh linuxi nstall and almost all is free | 02:27 |
johnx_ | how far does dd get? | 02:27 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, trying to extract one file out of a 770 image | 02:27 |
KotCzarny | maybe that image has some header applied? | 02:27 |
KotCzarny | btw. fanoush scripts can extract jffs partition | 02:28 |
febb | looks like 86425600 out of 86428800 bytes..... but not sure. | 02:28 |
KotCzarny | maybe you can look at them | 02:28 |
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KotCzarny | yawn. breakfast time | 02:33 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:33 |
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plb | vagalume is pretty nice | 02:35 |
johnx_ | yeah, I really dig the "do one thing, and do it well" design :) | 02:36 |
plb | wonder if it will be in maemo extras anytime soon | 02:36 |
GeneralAntilles | Isn't it? | 02:36 |
plb | I don't see it | 02:36 |
KotCzarny | do you have exttras enabled? | 02:36 |
plb | yep | 02:37 |
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KotCzarny | you're right | 02:38 |
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plb | anyone else have an update to map but not able to install it? | 02:39 |
KotCzarny | map? | 02:39 |
KotCzarny | you mean nokia's map app? | 02:39 |
plb | ya | 02:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Just uninstall it then reinstall it. | 02:39 |
KotCzarny | dump it | 02:39 |
KotCzarny | maemo-mapper roolez | 02:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:40 |
plb | application manager says it has an update but it won't let me install it | 02:40 |
plb | ok | 02:40 |
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nwidger | hello, does anyone know why my contacts list has started showinf 3-5 copies of the same contact for every contact in my list? | 02:41 |
nwidger | *showing | 02:41 |
johnx_ | maybe it imported contacts from different sources? do they have slightly different info? | 02:42 |
nwidger | no they're all from my AIM buddy list | 02:42 |
nwidger | im using the rtcomm beta | 02:42 |
johnx_ | that would probably be a bug then :) | 02:43 |
nwidger | it's been working fine for weeks, though | 02:43 |
nwidger | then for no reason this started | 02:43 |
johnx_ | like i said, probably a bug. Are there release notes for rtcomm somewhere? | 02:44 |
nwidger | dunno | 02:44 |
johnx_ | or check their bug tracker to see if it was reported | 02:44 |
nwidger | hmm okay | 02:44 |
nwidger | well thanks | 02:44 |
johnx_ | sure :) | 02:44 |
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febb | yeah, same thing always. seems the dd does not finish and then a can't read superblock. | 02:47 |
febb | have tried two different images now... directly from nokia's site. | 02:47 |
KotCzarny | who was missing frozen bubble? http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/pengupop/ | 02:50 |
KotCzarny | :) | 02:50 |
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johnx_ | GeneralAntilles, yeah, I doubt the poky guys have are including a wireless module with WEXT18 support | 02:52 |
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johnx_ | and it seems like they didn't figure out sound either...or didn't bother :/ | 02:53 |
KotCzarny | would be the problem to install nokia's kernel & modules ? | 02:54 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, sound is implemented on the dsp through gst plugins...all binary only | 02:54 |
johnx_ | it's kind of a pain to make it work in something besides ITOS | 02:54 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 02:54 |
johnx_ | and the module nokia has doesn't support linux wireless extensions since they don't need them | 02:55 |
KotCzarny | hmmhmm | 02:55 |
johnx_ | there is a patch for that floating around, but I guess they didn't bother to apply it | 02:55 |
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johnx_ | the poky interface looks kind of nice, but I don't think we need yet another interface for mobile Linux...I mean there is such a thing as too many... | 02:56 |
GeneralAntilles | No, never. | 02:56 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=150470 | 02:58 |
KotCzarny | hum | 02:58 |
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* KotCzarny saves the patch | 02:59 | |
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KotCzarny | i will fiddle with it later | 03:00 |
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KotCzarny | There are some problems with the WE-18 patch. For example, you have to | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | specify either TKIP or AES to wpa_supplicant.conf. If use both, it | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | will not work. We will investigate this more as time permits. | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | can be usefull tip | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | (saved too) | 03:05 |
johnx_ | it "works for me" without any of that | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | maybe they fixed it since then | 03:05 |
johnx_ | nope | 03:05 |
johnx_ | same patch | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | but mail is from jan 24th | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:05 |
johnx_ | and patch is from before that | 03:06 |
johnx_ | what's your point? | 03:06 |
KotCzarny | it's still fresh | 03:06 |
KotCzarny | i guess | 03:06 |
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KotCzarny | btw. is there easy way to have multiple kernels in boot menu? | 03:07 |
johnx_ | nope | 03:07 |
johnx_ | the boot menu happens after the kernel is loaded | 03:07 |
KotCzarny | or i should compile kernnel+initfs + kexec | 03:07 |
johnx_ | AFAIK, the flow is: nolo -> kernel -> initfs (where boot menu is run) -> rootfs | 03:07 |
KotCzarny | so i guess kexec is the only way for now | 03:08 |
johnx_ | yeah, give kexec a shot I guess | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | not that i need it now | 03:08 |
johnx_ | or you can tell nokia flasher to load a kernel without flashing it | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | i don't use nokia flasher | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:08 |
johnx_ | or that open source flasher... | 03:08 |
johnx_ | I think it supports the same thing | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | open source flasher == dd | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:09 |
johnx_ | O_o | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | why complicate simple things | 03:09 |
johnx_ | have you actually used that or are you just saying that's what you plan to use? | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | i have used fanoush script | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | let me see what it uses | 03:09 |
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johnx_ | gee, I dunno, if you type a 1 instead of a 2 you could turn your device into a brick | 03:10 |
KotCzarny | not really | 03:10 |
Redline` | so is anyone here using webkit on their tablet yet? if so, how do you like it? | 03:10 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, yes, really | 03:10 |
cLin | whats the command to delete a file? del <filename>? | 03:10 |
KotCzarny | rm | 03:10 |
johnx_ | cLin, rm file | 03:10 |
cLin | ok | 03:10 |
johnx_ | Redline`, I've used epiphany-webkit on Debian on the N800 | 03:10 |
Redline` | fast? | 03:11 |
johnx_ | it works nicely, I was especially impressed with how much faster google maps was | 03:11 |
Redline` | nice | 03:11 |
johnx_ | past usable to almost enjoyable | 03:11 |
KotCzarny | johnx: i guess it uses some binary to access nand | 03:11 |
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johnx_ | either way, turning your tablet into a brick by writing to the wrong mtd partition had already been covered | 03:12 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:12 |
KotCzarny | but it worked on the first try | 03:12 |
KotCzarny | so 'it works for me' | 03:13 |
johnx_ | heh | 03:13 |
KotCzarny | and easier than having second pc to do it | 03:13 |
johnx_ | fine, whatever. Just don't tell n00bs to do it that way | 03:13 |
KotCzarny | ok | 03:13 |
Redline` | there's no real way to recover from that kind of brick, right? aside from sending it to nokia... | 03:13 |
KotCzarny | n00bs should fiddle with firmwares anyway | 03:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:13 |
KotCzarny | redline: probably serial flash | 03:13 |
Redline` | s/should/shouldn't/ | 03:13 |
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johnx_ | Redline`, apparently you can do a "cold flash" but it involves wiring some leads up to the serial contacts inside the case and doing a cold flash | 03:14 |
Redline` | oic. | 03:14 |
Redline` | good to know. | 03:14 |
KotCzarny | johnx: it uses mtd-utils | 03:14 |
johnx_ | yes, I know | 03:15 |
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johnx_ | not dd :) | 03:15 |
KotCzarny | so i guess that's what you called 'open source flasher' | 03:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:15 |
johnx_ | er no | 03:15 |
johnx_ | I was talking about something else | 03:15 |
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KotCzarny | :) | 03:15 |
johnx_ | 0xffff is the open source flasher | 03:15 |
KotCzarny | my guess is as long as you have /dev/mtdblock you can use dd | 03:15 |
KotCzarny | but i can be wrong | 03:15 |
KotCzarny | i have 0xFFFF too | 03:16 |
KotCzarny | but never used it | 03:16 |
johnx_ | maybe...and it probably won't brick it unless you write to the mtdblock that contains nolo | 03:16 |
KotCzarny | johnx: dmesg will show what's where | 03:16 |
johnx_ | in which case you're screwed...it's just easier to make a typo that bricks your device if you're using dd | 03:16 |
KotCzarny | i know | 03:17 |
johnx_ | so go for it...small gain for a big risk, but it's your choice | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | i already did | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | kernel and initfs too | 03:17 |
johnx_ | with dd? | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | worked like a charm | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | nope | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | with fanoush's scripts | 03:17 |
johnx_ | ah...yes, I've used those too | 03:17 |
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shackan | anybody had success with something other than linux? | 03:18 |
shackan | say.. netbsd? | 03:18 |
rm_you | johnx_: ftp? :P | 03:18 |
KotCzarny | shackan: i doubt it | 03:18 |
* rm_you leaves again for a bit | 03:18 | |
KotCzarny | wifi/sound drivers are binary | 03:18 |
johnx_ | rm_you, ack...let me poke at it | 03:18 |
johnx_ | shackan, I don't think anyone has tried to get netbsd on it | 03:19 |
johnx_ | nokia's bootloader is closed source, but I don't know if that's holding things up or not | 03:19 |
shackan | KotCzarny: I don't care about sound, as long as it boots it's enough | 03:19 |
KotCzarny | shackan: but wifi is still show stopper | 03:19 |
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shackan | as I said, I just need that it boots | 03:20 |
KotCzarny | shackan: is there a way to boot netbsd from linux? | 03:20 |
KotCzarny | via kexec ? | 03:20 |
shackan | I guess no | 03:20 |
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KotCzarny | i wonder if nolo will accept netbsd kernel | 03:21 |
johnx_ | does netbsd support the omap2420? | 03:21 |
johnx_ | if so, you have a place to start at least... | 03:21 |
KotCzarny | btw. if you flash wrong kernel can you restore it via usb? | 03:22 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, of course | 03:22 |
KotCzarny | then it may be worth a try | 03:22 |
johnx_ | even if you flash a picture of your cat to the area where the kernel is :) | 03:22 |
rm_you | johnx_: is it possible to "brick" the n800 like you could with a zaurus? >_> | 03:22 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:22 |
johnx_ | rm_you, *maybe* if you flash over nolo | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | the only way to brick n800 would be damaging nolo | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | i guess | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | but you can make a backup | 03:23 |
rm_you | so... | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | and serial flash it | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | :> | 03:23 |
rm_you | yeah :/ | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | it's small | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | shouldn't be a problem | 03:23 |
rm_you | doesn't 51-3 flash nolo on there to begin with? | 03:23 |
johnx_ | actually, definitely if you flash over nolo | 03:23 |
rm_you | so if that was corrupted wouldnt it die? | 03:23 |
johnx_ | yes :) | 03:23 |
rm_you | nice. | 03:23 |
rm_you | >_< | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:23 |
johnx_ | when doing homebrew images *don't include nolo* | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | it's the same as flashing pc bios | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:24 |
rm_you | yeah but those are hot-swappable >_> | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | :> | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | not all | 03:24 |
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KotCzarny | especially laptop's | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:24 |
rm_you | lol yeah, desktop PCs >_> | 03:24 |
johnx_ | BIOS flashes still make me nervous :| | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:25 |
KotCzarny | they usually have sanity check | 03:25 |
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johnx_ | a power outage will get you every time though... | 03:26 |
KotCzarny | not with a laptop | 03:26 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:26 |
johnx_ | yeah, I feel a lot better about flashing my Zaurus than I do my desktop's BIOS | 03:27 |
GeneralAntilles | That's what you buy a UPS for. | 03:28 |
KotCzarny | hmm, nolo has 128kb of reserved spac | 03:29 |
johnx_ | how can we harness this extra spac? | 03:29 |
KotCzarny | space | 03:29 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:29 |
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KotCzarny | config is 376kb | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | wonder what that is | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | [ 0.664062] 0x00000000-0x00020000 : "bootloader" | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | [ 0.664062] 0x00020000-0x00080000 : "config" | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | [ 0.664062] 0x00080000-0x00280000 : "kernel" | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | [ 0.664062] 0x00280000-0x00480000 : "initfs" | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | [ 0.671875] 0x00480000-0x10000000 : "rootfs" | 03:30 |
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Redline` | anyone use the samsung keyboard? http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Samsung%20AA-ORGPKG2%20Keyboard:1994170480;_ylt=ArfcPmIX8y8ykIEvYo0uuXiVI74F;_ylu=X3oDMTA4ZXVyOWdvBHNlYwNyZWNv | 03:31 |
johnx_ | config? lock code? mac address? | 03:31 |
KotCzarny | johnx: 370kb of it? | 03:31 |
johnx_ | for a big lock code? | 03:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Expensive keyboard, Redline`. | 03:32 |
KotCzarny | humungous could be better word then | 03:32 |
johnx_ | well, that's the only place the lock code and MAC could live I think | 03:32 |
KotCzarny | let's see what sits there | 03:32 |
johnx_ | that's an order of magnitude more than my cheap, small usb keyboard O_o I wonder if it's an order of magnitude better... | 03:33 |
Navi | johnx_, you went out and bought a cheap one? | 03:34 |
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GeneralAntilles | Seems unlikely, johnx_. | 03:34 |
Redline` | General, yah. it has a button mouse on it. I'm not too fond of my stowaway BT kb. the samsung kb would easily fit in my gadget bag. | 03:34 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 03:35 |
KotCzarny | yeah | 03:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Redline`, have you looked at pckeyboard.com? | 03:35 |
KotCzarny | trackpoint would be usefull | 03:35 |
GeneralAntilles | They have something similar | 03:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Seems like I remember it being cheaper. | 03:35 |
febb | woo!...seems I have found couple of things: jffs does not have a superblock | 03:35 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 03:35 |
KotCzarny | i guess that 'config' is secondary bootloader | 03:36 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, hmm? as in a backup or as in nolo loads config, config loads kernel? | 03:36 |
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KotCzarny | probably | 03:36 |
johnx_ | probably which? | 03:36 |
Redline` | 109 for the pckeyboard one. | 03:36 |
KotCzarny | but i may be wrong | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | --kernel, -k <arg> Location of kernel image | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | --initfs, -n <arg> Location of initfs image | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | --rootfs, -r <arg> Location of root JFFS2 image | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | --xloader, -x <arg> Location of X-Loader image | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | --secondary, -s <arg> Location of NOLO secondary bootloader image | 03:36 |
GeneralAntilles | --2nd, -2 <arg> Location of NOLO cold flasher ("2nd") image | 03:36 |
KotCzarny | otoh, it may really be config | 03:37 |
KotCzarny | strings like 'phone version' are there | 03:37 |
KotCzarny | lock code too | 03:38 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:38 |
johnx_ | nice | 03:38 |
johnx_ | some people with forgotten lock codes will be interested | 03:38 |
johnx_ | hopefully they're comfortable with a hex editor... | 03:38 |
KotCzarny | :> | 03:38 |
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Redline` | http://www.umpcportal.com/gallery/v/umpcjourno/ | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | if you forget your lock code you won't get to your nokia even after firmware reflash? | 03:39 |
Redline` | there's some more pics of the samsung kb | 03:39 |
johnx_ | you can get into it, but you can't change the lock code without knowing the current one | 03:39 |
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johnx_ | it just makes the "lock" function useless/annoying | 03:40 |
KotCzarny | nice | 03:40 |
nwidger | is there a channel for modest or should i ask questions here? | 03:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:40 |
johnx_ | nwidger, ask away :) | 03:40 |
Redline` | kinda looks like the pc keyboard one is a tad bigger. | 03:40 |
nwidger | johnx_: oops, nevermind i just answered my own question | 03:40 |
johnx_ | :D | 03:40 |
nwidger | okay i'm going to leave now :) | 03:40 |
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KotCzarny | lol | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | johnx: your magic is strong | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:41 |
johnx_ | it will break for him as soon as he's out of the channel... | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | i know | 03:41 |
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johnx_ | probably cause a reboot loop too | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | but still | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:41 |
* KotCzarny did a backup of 'config' are just in case | 03:43 | |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:43 |
KotCzarny | *area | 03:43 |
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Redline` | hrm. the pckeyboard is 13" wide. based on the pic that has the everun above the samsung, the samsung is just over 9" wide (the everun is 6"). if I could just find the samsung kb without the stupid carrying case, it might be the same price as the pckeyboard one. :\ | 03:47 |
KotCzarny | what's the price difference? | 03:47 |
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johnx_ | you're really set on that trackpoint, huh? | 03:49 |
* KotCzarny yes | 03:49 | |
KotCzarny | it's much more convenient than reaching to screen everytime | 03:50 |
johnx_ | cause, take that out of the equation and you can find a keyboard for $15 | 03:50 |
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KotCzarny | :/ | 03:50 |
johnx_ | this is the keyboard I have: http://www.faith-go.co.jp/lists/viewitem.asp?id=000000200521158&rk=01000q4h00001w | 03:51 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 03:51 |
Navi | Interesting keyboard | 03:51 |
johnx_ | works fine, but the capslock/numlock LEDs won't light while connected to the tablet O_o | 03:52 |
KotCzarny | btw. you use it in usb host mode? | 03:52 |
GeneralAntilles | My caps key stays lit all the time. | 03:52 |
KotCzarny | or works out of the box? | 03:52 |
johnx_ | yeah | 03:52 |
johnx_ | usbcontrol + female-female usb adapter + keyboard | 03:53 |
KotCzarny | hum | 03:53 |
KotCzarny | pita | 03:53 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:53 |
johnx_ | it's the same amount of screen tapping as turning on bluetooth... | 03:53 |
KotCzarny | yup | 03:54 |
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johnx_ | and $15 was hard to argue with | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | i could use a trackpoint | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | though | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | but well | 03:54 |
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KotCzarny | maemo doesn't show a cursor | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 03:54 |
johnx_ | and I could use a little spout that gave me free beer... | 03:54 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, it does...it's just invisible | 03:55 |
KotCzarny | ah yes | 03:55 |
KotCzarny | i remember xprop showed it | 03:55 |
KotCzarny | btw. sentence 'doesn't show == does, but invisible' is funny | 03:56 |
KotCzarny | :> | 03:56 |
johnx_ | it's a fine distinction :) | 03:56 |
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KotCzarny | yeah | 03:56 |
KotCzarny | 'under-the-hood' like | 03:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:56 |
johnx_ | guess I should flash back to ITOS | 03:57 |
johnx_ | Poky proves to be more a tech demo than a usable OS | 03:58 |
Redline` | well, the only thing about using a mouse or trackpoint on the tablet is that some apps will render the mouse invisible (even if you do the red dot thing). I was using synergy, and some apps when put in full screen will F with the cursor. it sucks. | 03:58 |
Redline` | you still land up having to use the stylus. | 03:58 |
johnx_ | that sucks :/ | 03:59 |
KotCzarny | i guess everything is hackable | 03:59 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:59 |
febb | damn it... definitely there are issues with the jffs2 mounting on linux, using the mtd stuff...! | 03:59 |
johnx_ | febb, I've done it before, but it was a much smaller image | 03:59 |
Redline` | ultimately, I would be using the samsung kb with the car pc I plan on implementing with maemo using my old powerbook. | 03:59 |
KotCzarny | febb: google for unpacker/extractor ? | 03:59 |
johnx_ | check your dmesg | 03:59 |
Redline` | that is if it will compile for powerpc. | 03:59 |
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febb | johnx_ I tried it using the First 770 image... to no avail. | 03:59 |
johnx_ | I can test here with a very small image... | 04:00 |
febb | KotCzarny, the unpacker (flash 3) part works fine. the problem lies later on when trying to mount the rootfs.jffs2 image into a mtd "device" to in turn mount it to the linus fs | 04:00 |
febb | so it ca be accessed. | 04:00 |
KotCzarny | dmesg|tail ? | 04:00 |
GeneralAntilles | Good luck with that, Redline`. | 04:01 |
Redline` | I'll figure out if it'll compile for powerpc this weekend. | 04:01 |
Redline` | yeah :\ | 04:01 |
febb | yeah: can't read superblock. that is the bottom line. | 04:01 |
febb | a smaller image dd's fine to the block mtd device. | 04:01 |
johnx_ | Redline`, lots of it is already in Debian | 04:01 |
johnx_ | and lots of it is closed source :/ | 04:01 |
Redline` | I mean, maemo would be a better platform to use on a carpc than anything I've seen so far. | 04:01 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:01 |
Redline` | hrm. yeah. | 04:01 |
febb | maybe I should ask again if anyone has still on their 770 the original demo video ? ("Discovery Channel") | 04:02 |
KotCzarny | febb, flash you 770 with original image? | 04:02 |
KotCzarny | *your | 04:02 |
febb | Kot: I no longer have a 770 ! that is my problem. | 04:02 |
Redline` | I also saw that gutsy has packages for maemo on powerpc. | 04:02 |
KotCzarny | oh | 04:02 |
KotCzarny | febb: do you use -t jffs2 ? | 04:03 |
Redline` | so I might try that. prolly be faster to get up and running than debian. | 04:03 |
febb | we did some software for video processing but "that" specific video Discovery.avi was used for calibrating and other stuff. I accidentaly erased it and now I need to get it back.... | 04:03 |
febb | Kot, sure I did.... | 04:03 |
KotCzarny | it sometimes got me | 04:03 |
febb | so..I am trying to unpack a 770 firmware image into my linux disk, read it and get the file....but it is getting a bit troublesome... | 04:04 |
KotCzarny | febb: try creating jffs2 image and comparing them? | 04:04 |
febb | Kot: creating an jffs2 image ...from? | 04:05 |
KotCzarny | another way would be trying to raw-extract it from image | 04:05 |
KotCzarny | febb: mkfs.jffs2 | 04:05 |
KotCzarny | on a empty/dummy file | 04:05 |
KotCzarny | yeah, raw-extracting could work | 04:06 |
KotCzarny | grep for an avi header and simply cut it | 04:06 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:06 |
KotCzarny | unless jffs2 uses silly checksums all over | 04:07 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:07 |
febb | I beleive it does....i google around and got tons of docs about jffs2 structure... | 04:07 |
johnx_ | jffs2 is compressed | 04:07 |
febb | yeah. | 04:07 |
KotCzarny | he said he uncompressed it | 04:07 |
febb | the firmware ! | 04:07 |
febb | image | 04:07 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:07 |
johnx_ | no, he extraced the jffs2 image from the firmware bundle | 04:07 |
KotCzarny | ok | 04:07 |
febb | exactly. | 04:08 |
KotCzarny | how big is that jffs2 image? | 04:08 |
johnx_ | 58M | 04:08 |
KotCzarny | hum | 04:08 |
KotCzarny | quite a download then | 04:08 |
johnx_ | febb, it would be nice to see dmesg | tail right after you try to mount it | 04:08 |
febb | 59768832 bytes | 04:08 |
febb | its one of the firsts 770 firmware images. | 04:08 |
KotCzarny | maybe it's available as .deb package? | 04:08 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, nope | 04:09 |
febb | kernel: jffs2_scan_eraseblock(): Magic bitmask 0x1985 not found at 0x0001e034: 0x2be0 instead | 04:09 |
febb | and then "can't read superblock" | 04:09 |
johnx_ | febb, you might need to change the eraseblock size since you increased the total size | 04:10 |
johnx_ | 'can't read superblock' is a generic error I think | 04:10 |
febb | with the smaller rootfs.jffs2 image, I "got rid" of the dd's error (about the not enough space).... | 04:11 |
febb | but still the super block thing.... | 04:11 |
johnx_ | if you're still getting errors about not enough space it's not creating an mtd0 device that's big enough | 04:11 |
johnx_ | that's all there is to it...it's not a jffs2 issue at all | 04:12 |
febb | no more space errors with htis smaller firmware image. | 04:12 |
yabbas | hurrah | 04:14 |
yabbas | all done | 04:14 |
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yabbas | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=151415#post151415 :) | 04:14 |
yabbas | and http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17575 | 04:15 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 04:15 |
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KotCzarny | how much wiimote costs? | 04:16 |
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Navi | 40 | 04:16 |
Navi | USD | 04:16 |
yabbas | aye something like that | 04:17 |
* yabbas loves his N810 | 04:18 | |
KotCzarny | Insmodding the kernel drivers results in maemo software keyboard not working. You will need to rmmod the modules after using the joypad if you use the onscreen keyboard. | 04:18 |
KotCzarny | o.o | 04:18 |
yabbas | KotCzarny, got N800? :) | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | yup | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | and i'm loving it | 04:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Goddamn I hate shitty filesharing sites. | 04:19 |
Navi | Lol | 04:19 |
yabbas | well ... run wminput/wmgui through ssh then ;) | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | yabbas: i will think about it | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:19 |
yabbas | GeneralAntilles, nobody mentioned sweet FA when I asked abotu file hosting :( | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | i don't own any gamepad yet | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:20 |
GeneralAntilles | What the hell is the password? | 04:20 |
yabbas | :o | 04:20 |
yabbas | fuckaduck! | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | hehehe | 04:20 |
yabbas | I thought that was a password for me to access said file, not one to download it! | 04:20 |
yabbas | gah | 04:20 |
* yabbas edits posts | 04:20 | |
KotCzarny | lol | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | viagra spam on top | 04:21 |
yabbas | shitty filesharing sites-------- | 04:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Re Qt4, the demo app that's bundled with it is really responsive. | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | hmm, i should really get me some breakfast | 04:22 |
johnx_ | breakfast? it's almost lunch time... | 04:23 |
yabbas | GeneralAntilles, not tried the demo app. LyX is somewhat larger than a demo so *shrugs* | 04:23 |
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GeneralAntilles | yabbas, how big is the tarball? | 04:25 |
yabbas | which one? | 04:25 |
GeneralAntilles | The one I actually care about. :P | 04:25 |
GeneralAntilles | (Wii) | 04:25 |
yabbas | 250K | 04:26 |
GeneralAntilles | You want a mirror? | 04:26 |
yabbas | go ahead :) | 04:26 |
GeneralAntilles | Can I download it yet? :P | 04:26 |
KotCzarny | dcc it | 04:26 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:26 |
yabbas | It was never my intention to host it on a shitty server ;_; | 04:27 |
yabbas | password is up there now anyway | 04:27 |
yabbas | KotCzarny, tried that now ;) nothing's happening | 04:27 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:28 |
GeneralAntilles | http://www.legacyoflies.com/devuploads/general_antilles/cwiid-0.6.00.tar.gz | 04:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Feel free to replace the link on the forum. | 04:28 |
yabbas | cheeyaz ga | 04:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Crap | 04:31 |
GeneralAntilles | My Wiimotes are 250 miles south. :< | 04:31 |
johnx_ | hmm...poky runs the old xomap but the new kernel... | 04:32 |
johnx_ | so no chance of rotation :/ | 04:32 |
yabbas | I thought the poky bloke had randr working? | 04:33 |
KotCzarny | http://tiny.pl/l3n9 | 04:33 |
KotCzarny | i wonder if it will work with linux/maemo | 04:33 |
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yabbas | it does, I have one already :) | 04:34 |
yabbas | wonderful kb | 04:34 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 04:34 |
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KotCzarny | good to know | 04:34 |
johnx_ | yabbas, I dunno, the rotation example was with the newer xomap...but maybe they patched the old one too? | 04:34 |
johnx_ | "RANDR" missing on display ":0.0" | 04:34 |
johnx_ | I guess they do have a patched cx3110x though | 04:35 |
johnx_ | nice | 04:35 |
yabbas | johnx_, I may be mistaken, I saw it on a blog somewhere. May not have been poky | 04:35 |
johnx_ | yeah, then you saw the same thing as me...it wasn't poky I think | 04:35 |
johnx_ | they were showing E17, right? | 04:35 |
yabbas | don't remember :) may be on planetmaemo though | 04:36 |
johnx_ | it was :) | 04:36 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 04:38 |
KotCzarny | if xomap is x.org based | 04:38 |
KotCzarny | can't it just load needed module? | 04:38 |
KotCzarny | or they compiled it in somehow? | 04:39 |
yabbas | http://maemo.org/midcom-permalink-e8ecb418dc0c11dc9e5367db05c357265726 | 04:39 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, it's a standalone x server based on kdrive | 04:39 |
johnx_ | it's not like the big module x.org server | 04:39 |
johnx_ | it's more like xfbdev or xephyr | 04:39 |
KotCzarny | hum | 04:39 |
KotCzarny | anyone tried xfb then? | 04:40 |
johnx_ | nope, why bother? | 04:40 |
johnx_ | xomap is open sourced and very fast | 04:40 |
yabbas | patches are there :) someone compile kdrive now! | 04:40 |
KotCzarny | :)) | 04:41 |
johnx_ | yabbas, yeah, I know...I need to get around to that | 04:41 |
johnx_ | maemo isn't rotatable anyways though | 04:41 |
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KotCzarny | yeah | 04:41 |
KotCzarny | matchobox will have to start behaving first | 04:42 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:42 |
yabbas | just compile and run xrandr too :) | 04:42 |
KotCzarny | i guess it will fail :> | 04:42 |
* yabbas wonders what would happen to hildon! | 04:42 | |
KotCzarny | that was my question | 04:43 |
KotCzarny | :> | 04:43 |
yabbas | do it then ;) g'wan | 04:43 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, matchbox is fine | 04:43 |
johnx_ | it supports rotation perfectly | 04:43 |
johnx_ | hildon is all hard coded to 800x480 | 04:43 |
johnx_ | even 640x480 is a pain to make it even show things in the right places | 04:44 |
KotCzarny | virtual desktop? | 04:44 |
KotCzarny | 800x800 :> | 04:44 |
yabbas | kde should like this :) | 04:44 |
johnx_ | so would gpe/angstrom | 04:44 |
johnx_ | or that 'sato' thing from open hand | 04:45 |
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johnx_ | or qtopia | 04:45 |
yabbas | aye | 04:45 |
johnx_ | or ... just about anything else besides maemo :) | 04:45 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 04:45 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, that still won't help that much | 04:45 |
KotCzarny | should i apply kernel patch too? | 04:45 |
johnx_ | you need it I'm sure | 04:45 |
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KotCzarny | good thing i have kernel ready too :) | 04:46 |
KotCzarny | but compiling xomap.. | 04:46 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:46 |
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KotCzarny | 1 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/video/omap/omapfb_main.c.rej | 04:49 |
KotCzarny | o.O | 04:49 |
johnx_ | that's no good | 04:50 |
KotCzarny | i guess fixable | 04:50 |
KotCzarny | yup | 04:51 |
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KotCzarny | kernel ready. | 04:55 |
KotCzarny | now the hard part | 04:55 |
KotCzarny | :> | 04:55 |
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texel | Ploing. Back from work. | 04:58 |
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texel | KotCzarny: I'm back, if you're around. =o) | 05:01 |
KotCzarny | texel: great | 05:01 |
KotCzarny | now, what model do you own, again? | 05:02 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:02 |
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texel | I'm afraid I don't have the URL anymore. =op | 05:02 |
texel | N810 here. | 05:02 |
KotCzarny | good | 05:02 |
KotCzarny | join #kotc | 05:02 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:02 |
RayTracer` | do you guys care about asking questions about n8x0? | 05:02 |
texel | RayTracer`: Many people do in here. What did you have on your mind? | 05:02 |
RayTracer` | some channels prefer use #$CHANNEL-help, etc | 05:02 |
RayTracer` | any way to do internet radio station and/or podcast for alarm ? | 05:03 |
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GeneralAntilles | This is it for maemo IRC, RayTracer`. | 05:03 |
johnx_ | hmm...not with the built-in apps | 05:03 |
RayTracer` | I have canola2 beta 5 installed, I don't think that does alarms | 05:04 |
KotCzarny | i believe i have seen alarm + radio station in some player | 05:04 |
KotCzarny | but can't remember the name | 05:04 |
RayTracer` | I got so excited for grumby (the port of grumby) | 05:05 |
RayTracer` | but missed out on that chumby is a sweet alarm clock | 05:06 |
leif__ | pretty funny how even since the first 2005 OS nokia has had both a clock and a radio but haven't seen fit to connect the two | 05:06 |
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RayTracer` | I really like my n810.. one of my coworkers got one, then another, then me, then 2 more, then my colleagues in india got jealous and got some too | 05:09 |
RayTracer` | it's catchy | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | now you're in one cute quake deathmatch | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | :>> | 05:09 |
KotCzarny | over wifi | 05:10 |
KotCzarny | (: | 05:10 |
texel | leif__: so hang on, you mean the 770 has had an FM radio as well? | 05:10 |
RayTracer` | we haven't played games against each other yet | 05:10 |
texel | Wow. THat's pretty cool. | 05:10 |
KotCzarny | texel: thx for helping :) | 05:10 |
johnx_ | I think he means that it had an internet radio | 05:10 |
RayTracer` | we all get on xchat for irc though | 05:10 |
texel | So far, I've only "infected" one other at work. =o) | 05:10 |
texel | Ahh. | 05:10 |
texel | KotCzarny: Any time. =o) | 05:10 |
texel | Testing is easy and fun. =o) | 05:10 |
leif__ | texel, no an internet radio i mean | 05:10 |
texel | Ahh. | 05:10 |
KotCzarny | yeah, it's the debugging that's hard ;) | 05:11 |
texel | Hehe | 05:11 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 05:11 |
KotCzarny | i guess i can even whip 'how long to charge' algo too | 05:11 |
* texel waits patiently for debian armel to finish installing to qemu-system-arm | 05:11 | |
RayTracer` | I don't care too much about charge times.. I just hate that the nokia chargers are apparently coated in a special flavoring that cats find delectible | 05:12 |
texel | Mm. I would probably throw in something that checks the euid first, though, to eliminate further "run as root" bugs. =op | 05:12 |
johnx_ | yeah, it takes a while | 05:12 |
RayTracer` | the've eaten 2 so far! | 05:12 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:12 |
johnx_ | O_o | 05:12 |
KotCzarny | texel: or adding a middle man | 05:12 |
GeneralAntilles | RayTracer`! | 05:12 |
GeneralAntilles | My cat tries that, too. | 05:12 |
texel | Heh -- yeah, that could work. | 05:12 |
KotCzarny | raytracer: my cat leaves my stuff alone | 05:12 |
GeneralAntilles | They're like little mouse tails. | 05:13 |
* texel is catless and dogless =o( | 05:13 | |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:13 |
RayTracer` | kotczarny, they leave every other cable I own alone | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:13 |
texel | Must be the rubber. | 05:13 |
RayTracer` | that's the one and only | 05:13 |
RayTracer` | it's so tasty | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | it can be some kind of message | 05:13 |
RayTracer` | oh wait no on vacation one time I brought them to my rents and they ate a cat5 cable | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | non-verbal one | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | like 'feed us' | 05:13 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 05:13 |
RayTracer` | they get verbal when there's no food | 05:14 |
RayTracer` | I don't need nonverbal cues | 05:14 |
KotCzarny | people sometimes quite resistant to external input while coding | 05:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:15 |
KotCzarny | *are | 05:15 |
RayTracer` | s/coding/sleeping | 05:15 |
KotCzarny | hmm, now, where that flash have been | 05:15 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmwqpHsMExg | 05:16 |
KotCzarny | here | 05:16 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 05:16 |
KotCzarny | turn on sound :) | 05:17 |
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texel | KotCzarny: too CUUTE. =o) | 05:18 |
KotCzarny | (; | 05:18 |
RayTracer` | this is me every day | 05:20 |
RayTracer` | except 2 cats | 05:20 |
KotCzarny | you wake up with a black eye? ;) | 05:20 |
RayTracer` | oops nope | 05:21 |
KotCzarny | yeah | 05:21 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:21 |
RayTracer` | so do you guys get any inside info? I just religiously check internettablettalk.com for news | 05:22 |
* KotCzarny just hacks | 05:22 | |
johnx_ | check planet.maemo.org too | 05:22 |
Tama^2 | only when I stick an endoscope in me | 05:23 |
Tama^2 | but it's not pleasant | 05:23 |
texel | We just seem to be unofficial as ITT. | 05:23 |
leif__ | anyone know if the tablet's touchscreen is capable of multitouch? using two or three fingers in the sketch app, the actual cursor position appears to be the average between the fingers (weighted by pressure) | 05:23 |
Tama^2 | U,u | 05:23 |
texel | Tama^2: Haha | 05:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Truly, ITT is usually a few hours ahead of the game. | 05:23 |
KotCzarny | multitouch would be cool | 05:23 |
KotCzarny | (for multi button games) | 05:23 |
GeneralAntilles | leif__, no, it's not. | 05:23 |
GeneralAntilles | (as you can see from that test. :P) | 05:23 |
leif__ | GeneralAntilles, well obviously the X server isn't capable of having multiple cursors... | 05:24 |
johnx_ | definitely not multitouch | 05:24 |
texel | leif__: Not AFAICT, the screen suffers from the same touch shadowing as other touchscreens. | 05:24 |
johnx_ | and it's resistive not cpacitive | 05:24 |
johnx_ | both have their own issues though | 05:24 |
* texel nods | 05:24 | |
* KotCzarny sometimes notices that x position gets read as 0 | 05:25 | |
leif__ | but that test seems to indicate that maybe at a lower level, there actually might be multiple touches being detected | 05:25 |
KotCzarny | while running control panels | 05:25 |
leif__ | does resistive == not multitouch? | 05:25 |
texel | leif__: it's most likely the touchscreen controller itself registering the average. | 05:25 |
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* texel saw exactly the same behavior on her HP 720 and the SL-5000D, and neither of those had multitouch behavior, nor were they running X. | 05:26 | |
KotCzarny | weird, sb2 didn't had m4 & bison installed | 05:26 |
texel | KotCzarny: How about yacc? | 05:27 |
texel | You can see the same behavior with a touchpad on a laptop. | 05:27 |
KotCzarny | E: Couldn't find package yacc | 05:27 |
texel | Weird. | 05:27 |
KotCzarny | E: Couldn't find package byacc | 05:27 |
texel | Especially considering m4 and bison are pretty much *nix standard these days. | 05:27 |
KotCzarny | yacc is provided by bison i guess | 05:27 |
* texel nods | 05:27 | |
texel | Probably. | 05:27 |
KotCzarny | [sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: ~/x/xserv/xorg-server-] > yacc | 05:27 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:27 |
KotCzarny | /scratchbox/tools/bin/bison: missing operand after `-y' | 05:28 |
KotCzarny | so it's there | 05:28 |
KotCzarny | dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: flex | 05:29 |
KotCzarny | grrr. | 05:29 |
KotCzarny | but i have it installed | 05:29 |
KotCzarny | what was the command to check what package provides a file? | 05:29 |
johnx_ | dpkg -S | 05:30 |
texel | dpkg -S | 05:30 |
texel | jinx! | 05:30 |
texel | You owe me a soda! =o) | 05:30 |
KotCzarny | [sbox-CHINOOK_ARMEL: ~/x/xserv/xorg-server-] > dpkg -S *flex | 05:30 |
KotCzarny | dpkg: *flex not found. | 05:30 |
* johnx_ is all out of internet soda? care for a virtual cookie? | 05:30 | |
RayTracer` | I'm a fedora person.. this dpkg command scares me | 05:30 |
texel | Hehe | 05:30 |
KotCzarny | > flex -V | 05:30 |
KotCzarny | flex-2.5.31 2.5.31 | 05:30 |
texel | Beh. dpkg == rpm | 05:30 |
KotCzarny | but it's there :/ | 05:30 |
RayTracer` | rpm -ql packagename == what in dpkg? | 05:31 |
KotCzarny | -l | 05:31 |
texel | dpkg --list <packagename> | 05:31 |
RayTracer` | ooh | 05:31 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:31 |
KotCzarny | not as ql but works | 05:31 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:31 |
RayTracer` | there's a good amt in yum that apt-get doesn't have now | 05:31 |
texel | apt-get can be extended to use repos, just as yum can. | 05:32 |
texel | /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 05:32 |
RayTracer` | right I know that | 05:32 |
texel | Debian doesn't include much by default because they're concerned with licensing issues. | 05:32 |
yabbas | KotCzarny, still installing randr xomap? | 05:32 |
KotCzarny | yes | 05:32 |
RayTracer` | rh is super anti closed source or copyright | 05:32 |
KotCzarny | build deps are getting me | 05:32 |
RayTracer` | like the mp3s and dvds | 05:32 |
texel | YES! Muhahahah! | 05:32 |
texel | qemu-system-arm is ready for hacking. =o) | 05:32 |
RayTracer` | you guys hear anything about getting zimbra working on maemo? | 05:33 |
KotCzarny | let's force | 05:33 |
KotCzarny | *grin* | 05:33 |
RayTracer` | other than the wimpy mobile web client | 05:33 |
johnx_ | no wonder new users were having so many problems with python O_o whatever they did recently made it a PITA to install | 05:36 |
GeneralAntilles | johnx_, I guess it kinda makes sense to take it out of User | 05:37 |
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GeneralAntilles | But still. . . . | 05:37 |
GeneralAntilles | I think installing Canola will get it straight. | 05:37 |
johnx_ | it breaks the 'click to install' for it, and it breaks .debs not in a repo that depend on it | 05:38 |
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GeneralAntilles | Somebody with a fresh install of OS2008 want to confirm that installing Canola will get Python installed so I can use that as my easy troubleshooting answer? | 05:38 |
johnx_ | too late. I pulled in usbcontrol from extras | 05:39 |
* KotCzarny already had canola and python | 05:39 | |
yabbas | KotCzarny, still installing randr xomap? | 05:39 |
KotCzarny | yabbas: compiling xserver | 05:39 |
KotCzarny | it's only a p3@566 ;) | 05:39 |
yabbas | gah..silly kb | 05:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Navi! | 05:39 |
yabbas | me go sleep, nini peeps | 05:40 |
KotCzarny | i wonder if compilling on nokia will be of equall speed | 05:40 |
Navi | GeneralAntilles, ? | 05:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Later | 05:40 |
GeneralAntilles | How'd you get Python installed? | 05:40 |
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Navi | I don't remember installing it | 05:40 |
Navi | I probably didn't do it myself | 05:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Did you install something that uses Python? | 05:40 |
Navi | Just Canola | 05:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Restore a backup? | 05:41 |
Navi | Nah | 05:41 |
johnx_ | GeneralAntilles, tell them to install usbcontrol from extras | 05:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Then Canola it probably is. | 05:41 |
GeneralAntilles | They might actually use Canola, though. :P | 05:41 |
KotCzarny | yeah | 05:41 |
johnx_ | usbcontrol is like 20KB | 05:41 |
KotCzarny | or fake a package | 05:41 |
johnx_ | KotCzarny, that fake pkg would need to live in a repository though | 05:42 |
johnx_ | installing a .deb that depends on python fails | 05:42 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 05:42 |
KotCzarny | put it in repo then? | 05:42 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:42 |
johnx_ | :P | 05:42 |
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KotCzarny | real 31m5.903s | 06:04 |
KotCzarny | nice | 06:04 |
KotCzarny | but compiled ok | 06:04 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:04 |
johnx_ | to build xomap? | 06:04 |
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KotCzarny | on a p3@566 | 06:04 |
johnx_ | that's quite fast compared to those old xfree86 builds I used to do on an athlon 550 | 06:05 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:05 |
KotCzarny | but it's only xserver | 06:05 |
KotCzarny | i guess utils will take much more | 06:05 |
johnx_ | yeah, but you don't need to build many utils, just xrandr | 06:05 |
KotCzarny | that's why they wanted to brek it into modularized | 06:05 |
johnx_ | oh, I know...and I'm very glad | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | me too | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | also not having to get whole x source at a time | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 06:06 |
johnx_ | I remember leaving my xfree86 builds going all day | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | yeah.. | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | ang getting error after 20+h | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 06:06 |
johnx_ | getting home, checking in on it, going to bed, waking up to see it failed :/ | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | ;)) | 06:06 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 06:07 |
KotCzarny | i would like to test that rotating | 06:07 |
KotCzarny | but i'm in a middle of discharge test :/ | 06:07 |
KotCzarny | are there any brave souls? | 06:07 |
KotCzarny | :> | 06:07 |
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texel | Mm. Sadly, I'm in the middle of just finishing my qemu system for building packages with. | 06:09 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:09 |
texel | So friggin' close! | 06:09 |
johnx_ | and I need to head out in a couple minutes | 06:09 |
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KotCzarny | it can wait | 06:09 |
johnx_ | I'll definitely try those later though | 06:09 |
KotCzarny | my test will end in a few days | 06:09 |
* johnx_ leaves, will be back later | 06:10 | |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:10 |
* KotCzarny resumes breakfast | 06:10 | |
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texel | Hrm... Did http://scratchbox.org/debian/device go away? O.o | 06:15 |
KotCzarny | what was there? | 06:16 |
texel | The SB docs say use that for apt on the destination device for sbrsh, but I'm getting 404s. | 06:16 |
texel | sbrshd | 06:16 |
KotCzarny | maybe it was moved | 06:16 |
KotCzarny | http://scratchbox.org/debian/dists/ | 06:16 |
KotCzarny | is still there | 06:16 |
texel | Right. | 06:17 |
texel | But device isn't, which is explicitly named. | 06:17 |
texel | Greh. | 06:17 |
texel | Annoying. | 06:17 |
KotCzarny | hum | 06:17 |
KotCzarny | maybe it got obsolete.. | 06:18 |
KotCzarny | Slackware for ARM | 06:19 |
KotCzarny | mmmmmm | 06:19 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:19 |
KotCzarny | ARMedslack | 06:19 |
KotCzarny | good name is a start :) | 06:19 |
texel | Greh. | 06:20 |
texel | I must be looking at the wrong docs. | 06:20 |
KotCzarny | http://scratchbox.org/repos/0.9.8/sbrsh/ | 06:20 |
texel | Yeah, but I'm running 1.0.8 of scratchbox-core. | 06:20 |
KotCzarny | probably obsoleted then | 06:21 |
KotCzarny | or not | 06:21 |
KotCzarny | http://scratchbox.org/repos/sbrsh/ | 06:21 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:21 |
* texel sighs | 06:21 | |
texel | Bleh. But if that works... =o) | 06:21 |
texel | Triple bleh. | 06:22 |
texel | That's the client. | 06:22 |
texel | Not the daemon. | 06:22 |
KotCzarny | how's the client called? | 06:22 |
KotCzarny | erm. daemon | 06:22 |
texel | sbrshd | 06:22 |
texel | Bah. No help on #scratchbox, either. | 06:28 |
texel | Okay, looks like they got rid of the debs. | 06:28 |
texel | But the sbrshd program is in /scratchbox/device_tools/sbrsh-7.4/cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-arm | 06:29 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:29 |
texel | Stupid. =o( | 06:29 |
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shackan | what could I use to stream my music to the tablet? | 06:30 |
shackan | upnp breaks it in subfolders so I can't shuffle through all the songs | 06:31 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 06:31 |
KotCzarny | i have been answering that question today | 06:31 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:31 |
shackan | I wasn't paying attention then | 06:32 |
KotCzarny | you simply want to have access to you files, yes? | 06:32 |
KotCzarny | *your | 06:32 |
shackan | I want to listen them on the tablet | 06:32 |
shackan | *listen to | 06:32 |
KotCzarny | but control will be from tablet, yes? | 06:32 |
shackan | of course | 06:32 |
KotCzarny | then you need to mount network share on tablet | 06:33 |
KotCzarny | what os your desktop have? | 06:33 |
shackan | Gutsy | 06:33 |
KotCzarny | great | 06:33 |
KotCzarny | so you're ready for sshfs | 06:33 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:33 |
shackan | mmm, isn't there nfs out of the box? | 06:34 |
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Pauline92 | Hi | 06:34 |
KotCzarny | nfs could work too | 06:34 |
KotCzarny | if your network is safe | 06:34 |
Pauline92 | Anyone here have an external charger for their Nokia N770? | 06:34 |
shackan | I.. guess | 06:34 |
shackan | nobody is going to steal my music anyway.. | 06:34 |
KotCzarny | but wireless is crackable | 06:34 |
shackan | and my wireless is open actually | 06:35 |
shackan | but ther's nobody around for miles, so ... | 06:35 |
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KotCzarny | well, then remember to export nfs as read-only | 06:35 |
KotCzarny | just to be sure | 06:35 |
KotCzarny | ok | 06:35 |
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KotCzarny | have you set up nfs server yet? | 06:36 |
shackan | actually, I'm going to bed and needed a two-minute solution, sounds like I'll have to do that tomorrow :( | 06:36 |
shackan | no, but I do have sshd already | 06:36 |
KotCzarny | it will take some time to explain it to you | 06:36 |
shackan | but I don't want to crosscompile fuse and sshfs tonight | 06:36 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:36 |
shackan | I know how to mount sshfs thankyouverymuch :) | 06:37 |
KotCzarny | i can give you compiled fuse&sshfs | 06:37 |
shackan | mmm | 06:37 |
KotCzarny | but it's in a .tar.gz | 06:37 |
shackan | great | 06:37 |
shackan | oh | 06:37 |
KotCzarny | so you will have to put it in the right places | 06:37 |
shackan | well, I can't do that now | 06:37 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:37 |
shackan | (it's 6 am) | 06:37 |
KotCzarny | nope, it's before midnight | 06:38 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 06:38 |
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shackan | prolly tomorrow :D | 06:38 |
KotCzarny | for a quickie you can try ftping files | 06:38 |
KotCzarny | or scp :) | 06:38 |
shackan | so, thanks anyway, good night | 06:38 |
shackan | scp'ing from the onscreen keyboard is not exactly quick in my dictionary :( | 06:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:39 |
texel | There we go. | 06:39 |
texel | Muhahaha. | 06:39 |
* KotCzarny gives texel a lollipop | 06:39 | |
texel | I win -- gcc is executing via sbrsh now. =o) | 06:39 |
KotCzarny | chill | 06:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:39 |
texel | Hehe | 06:40 |
shackan | why aren't you using sb2 ? | 06:40 |
texel | Oh god. | 06:40 |
texel | Hahaha | 06:40 |
* KotCzarny is using sb2 | 06:40 | |
KotCzarny | works well, i have to say | 06:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:40 |
texel | Well, that would probably be because the Maemo development docs tell you to use 1.0.8. | 06:41 |
shackan | god is not the answer | 06:41 |
KotCzarny | texel: what about distccd? | 06:41 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:41 |
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texel | You guys hurt. =op | 06:41 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:41 |
shackan | welcome to the internet | 06:42 |
shackan | gotta be tough | 06:42 |
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texel | Yeah, I know. It's just weird when you go through all that trouble to get something working, only to have someone say, "well, why aren't you using xxx instead?" =op | 06:42 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:43 |
KotCzarny | and the right answer is: 'because i can' | 06:43 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 06:43 |
texel | Well, the right answer in this case is 'because I spent all day getting SB1.0.8 working' =op | 06:43 |
texel | s/right// | 06:43 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 06:43 |
infobot | texel meant: Well, the answer in this case is 'because I spent all day getting SB1.0.8 working' =op | 06:43 |
KotCzarny | mine was mostly downloading time | 06:44 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:44 |
texel | Yeah, same here for the qemu base image. | 06:44 |
texel | sbrsh was probably a couple of hours at this point. | 06:44 |
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KotCzarny | hmm, integrated bt keyboard + trackpoint + mic/speakers would be cool | 06:50 |
KotCzarny | :> | 06:50 |
KotCzarny | ah, and with gps included too | 06:51 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:51 |
* texel sighs | 06:55 | |
texel | "Unkown CPU transparency method: sbrsh CHINOOK_ARMEL | 06:55 |
texel | " | 06:55 |
KotCzarny | :> | 06:55 |
KotCzarny | need another lollipop? | 06:55 |
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texel | Nah. | 06:55 |
texel | I need a hole in the head, likely. =op | 06:55 |
KotCzarny | it can be done | 06:55 |
KotCzarny | :) | 06:55 |
texel | Heh | 06:55 |
texel | True enough. | 06:55 |
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Thanatermesis | is not there any IRC client in the repositories ? | 07:03 |
KotCzarny | pidgin | 07:04 |
KotCzarny | and xchat can be easily found too | 07:04 |
texel | KotCzarny: which toolchain did you use with sb2? | 07:05 |
texel | CodeSourcery? | 07:05 |
KotCzarny | probably | 07:05 |
KotCzarny | how can i check? | 07:05 |
texel | No idea. | 07:05 |
KotCzarny | gcc version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2) | 07:05 |
texel | Ah. That's a good guess. =o) | 07:06 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:06 |
texel | Any idea what multilib is for? | 07:07 |
KotCzarny | i'm a devel n00b | 07:07 |
texel | Mm. | 07:07 |
KotCzarny | man? | 07:07 |
KotCzarny | :> | 07:07 |
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texel | man would be useless on that, I'm afraid. O.o | 07:07 |
* texel sighs | 07:07 | |
KotCzarny | sometimes it has something amazing to show | 07:08 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:08 |
* texel nods | 07:09 | |
Tama^2 | Thanatermesis: there is xchat, but it's not in the repos | 07:11 |
Tama^2 | http://zeus.rm-fr.net/~skyhusker/xchat-chinook-betas/ | 07:12 |
Tama^2 | this must be the single most posted URL in this channel | 07:12 |
KotCzarny | nope | 07:12 |
KotCzarny | i have seen it only thrice | 07:12 |
KotCzarny | counting this time | 07:12 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:13 |
Tama^2 | I have been here longer | 07:13 |
Tama^2 | :P | 07:13 |
KotCzarny | times are changing | 07:13 |
KotCzarny | :P | 07:13 |
Tama^2 | some things never change | 07:13 |
Thanatermesis | thanks Tama^2 :) | 07:13 |
KotCzarny | tama: like what? | 07:13 |
Tama^2 | the square root of 1? | 07:14 |
KotCzarny | depends on 1 definition | 07:14 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:14 |
Tama^2 | given the definition it does not change | 07:14 |
Tama^2 | :P | 07:14 |
KotCzarny | 'given' | 07:14 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 07:14 |
Tama^2 | taken? xD | 07:14 |
KotCzarny | unfortunatelly for us we're not in control of rules | 07:15 |
KotCzarny | ..yet | 07:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:15 |
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KotCzarny | hello moto | 07:17 |
KotCzarny | (sorry i had to :) | 07:17 |
Tama^2 | oh dear | 07:18 |
Tama^2 | xD | 07:18 |
texel | I don't get it. O.o | 07:20 |
KotCzarny | which one? | 07:20 |
texel | "hello moto" | 07:20 |
Tama^2 | Yasumoto joined the chat room. <--- | 07:20 |
KotCzarny | motorola is putting this jingle on their phones | 07:20 |
texel | Ahh. | 07:20 |
texel | Oh, and also, 2+2=5, for large values of 2. | 07:20 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:20 |
KotCzarny | 2+2=11 | 07:21 |
KotCzarny | (in a base3 system ;) | 07:21 |
texel | Haha | 07:21 |
Tama^2 | nerds, pffff | 07:21 |
texel | You just reminded me of a choice quote I absolutely loved from Portal. =o) | 07:22 |
KotCzarny | tama: where? :P | 07:22 |
KotCzarny | texel: what was it? :) | 07:22 |
texel | "Two plus two is- is- is-... 10 -- IN BASE 10, I'm FINE!" --GlaDOS | 07:22 |
GeneralAntilles | 2+2 equals f—f—f—10 . . . _in base four! | 07:22 |
texel | Yeah, base four. =op | 07:22 |
texel | Sorry. op | 07:22 |
KotCzarny | :> | 07:23 |
GeneralAntilles | <3 Portal | 07:23 |
cLin | is it possible ot launch browser in ssh andmake it go to a website | 07:23 |
texel | Me too. =o) | 07:23 |
KotCzarny | clin: yes | 07:23 |
KotCzarny | add url as a param | 07:23 |
cLin | so...-url website? | 07:24 |
KotCzarny | nope | 07:24 |
KotCzarny | just url | 07:24 |
cLin | whats the browser called again? to launch it | 07:24 |
KotCzarny | i use firefox | 07:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:24 |
texel | cLin: microb? | 07:24 |
cLin | on your n800? | 07:24 |
KotCzarny | you never specified os/machine :) | 07:24 |
GeneralAntilles | tablet-browser | 07:24 |
Yasumoto | KotCzarny: haha :) | 07:24 |
cLin | i meant on the n800 :P | 07:25 |
KotCzarny | but still, can work | 07:25 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:25 |
KotCzarny | maybe some dbus magic will work too | 07:25 |
cLin | tablet-browser not found | 07:25 |
KotCzarny | try browser | 07:25 |
KotCzarny | or www-browser | 07:25 |
KotCzarny | i also see: browser_dbuscmd.sh | 07:25 |
cLin | works | 07:26 |
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KotCzarny | i see root people | 07:31 |
texel | Okay, I want a shirt with that on it. =o) | 07:32 |
texel | That is just too cool. =o) | 07:32 |
KotCzarny | o.O | 07:32 |
texel | Well, you have to understand. | 07:32 |
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texel | Where I work, I"m on a huge global team of sysops. | 07:32 |
KotCzarny | it has quite a few interpretations | 07:32 |
texel | So that quite appropriate. =o) | 07:32 |
KotCzarny | one of them is 'living forest' | 07:33 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 07:33 |
KotCzarny | seen in horror movies | 07:33 |
texel | Oooh. Yeah, that's good too. | 07:33 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 07:33 |
KotCzarny | k, you can have it | 07:33 |
texel | Still, on a huge team of hundreds of systems administrators, all of whom have root, it's really cool. =o) | 07:34 |
KotCzarny | i have just gpl'ed that sentence | 07:34 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:34 |
texel | lol | 07:34 |
* leif__ is not really root, sshd is | 07:37 | |
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czr | texel, I had dinner with a person who work in just such an environment last week | 07:44 |
czr | he didn't think it was "really cool" :-) | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | 'works' | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:44 |
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czr | especially since they had 100+ java programmers all of whom had root pwds to all of the production boxen | 07:44 |
czr | that's just.. wrong. | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | :> | 07:45 |
KotCzarny | probably they have suprrroots too | 07:45 |
czr | or carrots | 07:45 |
KotCzarny | carrots are roots too | 07:45 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 07:45 |
czr | indeed | 07:46 |
KotCzarny | umkay | 07:46 |
KotCzarny | kcbatt v0.2.1 is out | 07:47 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:47 |
texel | G'night! | 07:54 |
KotCzarny | night night | 07:54 |
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mbuf | python-gtkmvc is available in chinook? | 08:01 |
mbuf | i am not able to find it in bora 3.x | 08:01 |
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leif__ | konttori, did you see my earlier messages to you here? | 08:18 |
konttori | no | 08:18 |
konttori | sorry | 08:18 |
konttori | what's up? | 08:18 |
* konttori has to leave to a meeting in 5 minutes | 08:18 | |
leif__ | i was wondering if you'd noticed how we did icons in the 2008 version of the lcars themes.. | 08:18 |
leif__ | turns out they're properly themeable after all! | 08:18 |
leif__ | just set gtk-icon-theme-name = "foo" in the gtkrc, and icons in /usr/share/icons/foo will override the hicolor set | 08:18 |
konttori | Really? | 08:18 |
konttori | Only the delta? | 08:18 |
leif__ | yep, require a reboot after switching themes though. | 08:19 |
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leif__ | i don't know what you mean by only the delta | 08:19 |
konttori | That you only need to have different icons in there and if something is missing from foo, it will use the hicolor counterpart | 08:19 |
leif__ | yes! | 08:19 |
konttori | ah. truly great | 08:19 |
leif__ | it is awesome like that :) | 08:19 |
leif__ | unfortunately, the battery charging icon is not included tho | 08:20 |
leif__ | and a couple others. But all the statusbar and tasknav stuff is | 08:20 |
konttori | Hmm... I'll have to think how to best utilize that. | 08:20 |
konttori | Sounds great then! | 08:20 |
konttori | Maybe another template for the icons | 08:20 |
konttori | I'll talk to tuomas kuosmanen (tigert) about the icon theming a bit more | 08:20 |
leif__ | we're still dpkg-diverting a few things, but with a separate package called lcars-extras now. | 08:21 |
leif__ | the icons reload if you killall -1 hildon-desktop | 08:21 |
leif__ | and killall hildon-input-method | 08:21 |
KotCzarny | lol | 08:21 |
KotCzarny | :) | 08:21 |
konttori | but now I have to leave. Thanks for the tip! And really nice talking to you. | 08:21 |
leif__ | likewise. take care | 08:21 |
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cLin | i select connect to any connection in my n800 yet it doesn't when it's not connected and near my wifi spot | 08:50 |
cLin | what gives | 08:50 |
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Jaffa | Morning, all | 10:54 |
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liri | morning | 11:00 |
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gratz|work | Has anyone set up their own repository mirrors? Looking to do this to avoid some authentication on a network here for wireless so people can update the tablets over wireless instead of having to dl the packages on PC's and transfer them across | 11:11 |
leif__ | gratz|work, there are several apt-based things like apt-proxy etc... but the easiest thing for many needs is a simple http caching proxy like squid | 11:13 |
leif__ | just remember to increase the minimum file size that the proxy is configured to cache | 11:14 |
leif__ | I haven't done this with internet tablets specifically, but in a lab environment with lots of PCs pulling the same debian and ubuntu updates a squid cache worked quite well for me | 11:16 |
gratz|work | was hoping to have a local repo that would grab updates from the main repos nightly | 11:17 |
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pupnik | ty for that tip leif__ | 11:20 |
leif__ | gratz|work, some of the programs available besides apt-proxy include debmirror, apt-move, and apt-cacher | 11:21 |
leif__ | but i really think a generic http proxy is the way to go, and if you have one system do its apt-get update/upgrade through it regularly your cache will remain up to date | 11:23 |
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nagendra | hii | 11:29 |
santosh | how r u? | 11:29 |
nagendra | i am not fine | 11:29 |
nagendra | what about u ? | 11:29 |
santosh | annaya nu piluvu | 11:29 |
nagendra | bongu em kaadu ? | 11:29 |
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nagendra | hello disc | 11:45 |
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disq | hi. weird, nero.net blocked freenode on their router | 11:47 |
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nagendra | hi glass | 12:02 |
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cyberholic | Hello everyone! | 12:27 |
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cyberholic | Does anyone know the repository for the Wayfinder program? | 12:30 |
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cyberholic | ok, i found it back in "navigation" thanks in advance ;) | 12:32 |
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pupnik | so xsp pixel doubling on os2008 doen't use dsp... hmm | 12:41 |
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pupnik | KotCzarny: got a howto to run dsp with 400 mhz cpu? | 12:44 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 12:44 |
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KotCzarny | :) | 12:44 |
KotCzarny | you have to modify kernel | 12:44 |
KotCzarny | i did that by copying freq tables from 400/133 to 330/220 | 12:45 |
KotCzarny | i can give you modified file | 12:45 |
pupnik | nice | 12:45 |
pupnik | thanks | 12:45 |
KotCzarny | http://mrrau.dyndns.org:232800/n800/mpu_h/board-n800-dvfs.c | 12:48 |
KotCzarny | here | 12:48 |
KotCzarny | there's also compiled kernel with that mod | 12:49 |
pupnik | bad port number? | 12:49 |
KotCzarny | erm, 23280 | 12:49 |
KotCzarny | :) | 12:49 |
pupnik | ok | 12:49 |
pupnik | so kernel is flashable to os2008? | 12:50 |
KotCzarny | yes i guess | 12:50 |
KotCzarny | at least that's what i use | 12:51 |
KotCzarny | the file lives in: arch/arm/mach-omap2 | 12:52 |
pupnik | if dsp can handle mp3 decoding at 133mhz, it seems like a more reasonable setting | 12:52 |
KotCzarny | that was my logic too | 12:52 |
pupnik | but maybe nokia has other ideas | 12:52 |
KotCzarny | they needed to be sure multimedia specs are met | 12:53 |
pupnik | ah | 12:53 |
KotCzarny | or something according those lines | 12:53 |
pupnik | it would be nice if apps could set these speeds | 12:53 |
pupnik | to match their requirements | 12:53 |
KotCzarny | cpufreq | 12:53 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 12:53 |
pupnik | yes but my app can't use dsp and run 400/133 with cpufreq | 12:53 |
KotCzarny | :) | 12:54 |
KotCzarny | this mode can be made user settable | 12:54 |
KotCzarny | but it will be more complicated patch than one-liner | 12:54 |
KotCzarny | :) | 12:54 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 12:55 |
KotCzarny | i wonder if swscaling can be made on dsp | 12:55 |
KotCzarny | :) | 12:55 |
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KotCzarny | weird, i have the same batt-voltage reading for a few hours | 12:59 |
KotCzarny | btw. it could be also meaningfull to do battery rundown test | 13:01 |
KotCzarny | comparing 400 and 330 modes | 13:02 |
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solmumaha | KotCzarny: battery seems to have three modes, full, very low and empty :) | 13:03 |
KotCzarny | solmumaha: i'm yet to discover it's behaviour :) | 13:04 |
solmumaha | i hate it when it drops down from almost full to low battery warnings | 13:04 |
KotCzarny | solmumaha: you may like my batt tool then | 13:05 |
KotCzarny | when it became ready :) | 13:05 |
KotCzarny | becomes? | 13:06 |
KotCzarny | :) | 13:06 |
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pupnik | i so do not enjoy building dependencies that take > 10 minutes to compile, then break, then recompile, then break, then recompile | 13:09 |
KotCzarny | :) | 13:09 |
KotCzarny | what are you building? | 13:09 |
pupnik | libboost (libboost-signals) | 13:10 |
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pupnik | http://repository.nrcc.noklab.com/dists/bora/extras/binary-armel/ there are some here but they're broken afaict | 13:10 |
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KotCzarny | looks python related | 13:12 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.techamok.com/?pid=4185 | 13:16 |
KotCzarny | lol | 13:16 |
KotCzarny | http://www.techamok.com/?pid=4184 | 13:18 |
KotCzarny | this one is good too ;) | 13:18 |
* b0unc3 good morning | 13:22 | |
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pupnik | KotCzarny: did you try an evil 400/266 overclock? | 13:24 |
KotCzarny | nope | 13:25 |
pupnik | probably wise :) | 13:25 |
KotCzarny | i guess it will eat through battery ;) | 13:25 |
hahlo | how i see my ip? no ifconfig in os2008 | 13:25 |
KotCzarny | hahlo: /sbin/ifconfig | 13:26 |
ssvb | pupnik: XSP is not related to DSP and never was | 13:26 |
pupnik | oh ok | 13:26 |
ssvb | well, at least pixel doubling feature | 13:27 |
hahlo | KotCzarny: thanks, so used to ubuntu that forgot it is in root path | 13:28 |
KotCzarny | ssvb: any news about mplayer using dsp directly? | 13:28 |
ssvb | a minor correction, XSP had some functions to synchronize access of xserver and DSP to framebuffer that were used on 770 | 13:28 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: I doubt that it makes any sense on N8x0, as DSP got slower | 13:29 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: Nokia 770 had DSP running at 252MHz | 13:29 |
KotCzarny | but for mp3/pcm ? | 13:29 |
KotCzarny | it would sidestep dependancy on esd/gst/alsa/oss too ;) | 13:31 |
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ssvb | KotCzarny: lardman researched using DSP for audio decoding, it is better to ask him | 13:31 |
KotCzarny | never seen him online | 13:32 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: I only developed a wrapper around gstreamer to utilize mp3 decoder back in Nokia 770 days | 13:32 |
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ssvb | KotCzarny: as you tested yourself, it probably could be used on N8x0 as well, but there are a number of issues | 13:33 |
KotCzarny | yes, that's why it could be interesting to eliminate middle-mans | 13:33 |
KotCzarny | fe esd/gst | 13:33 |
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KotCzarny | // DSP sinks do not need syncing | 13:45 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 13:45 |
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KotCzarny | i guess ssvb know it but anyway for the linkings: http://people.bath.ac.uk/enpsgp/nokia770/ | 14:08 |
KotCzarny | :) | 14:08 |
KotCzarny | *knows | 14:08 |
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KotCzarny | -rwxr-xr-x 1 29999 29999 2717866 2006-06-06 02:56 Discovery.avi | 14:56 |
KotCzarny | who was looking for it? | 14:56 |
johnx | febb was | 14:56 |
johnx | not hear now I guess | 14:56 |
KotCzarny | oh, well | 14:56 |
KotCzarny | anyway, i have found it | 14:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 14:56 |
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johnx | did you extract it from rootfs.jffs2? | 14:56 |
KotCzarny | someone converted jffs2 to tar.ga | 14:57 |
KotCzarny | tar.gzz | 14:57 |
KotCzarny | grr | 14:57 |
KotCzarny | :) | 14:57 |
johnx | ah | 14:57 |
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johnx | I couldn't get my kernel to allocate a whole 128MB of space for the mtdram module O_o | 14:57 |
MaemoIrv | has anyone had success networking through bluetooth on the 800? | 14:58 |
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johnx | it depends on what you're networking to, but there is apparently a nice GUI for bluetooth PAN support now | 14:59 |
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MaemoIrv | all of the docs I could find were on the 770, the commands dont even exist on the 800 | 14:59 |
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MaemoIrv | networking through a windows box | 15:00 |
plb | can anyone tell me which media player works with maemoscrobbler? | 15:00 |
KotCzarny | windows, pffft | 15:00 |
johnx | plb, xmms at least and also vagalume of course :) | 15:00 |
johnx | MaemoIrv, search for bluetooth pan on internettablettalk.com/forums | 15:01 |
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plb | johnx: isn't vagalume just a last.fm client though for playing streams from last.fm? | 15:01 |
johnx | their search is kind of a pain, but the info is there I think | 15:01 |
johnx | yeah | 15:01 |
plb | xmms is like the player that refuses to die lol | 15:02 |
johnx | debian finally dropped it | 15:02 |
plb | did they? | 15:02 |
MaemoIrv | cool thank you sir | 15:02 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 15:02 |
KotCzarny | i don't know | 15:02 |
* plb can't wait for lenny in september | 15:02 | |
johnx | it still depends on gtk1 and it had tons of unpatched vulnerabilities and no one was working on it... | 15:02 |
KotCzarny | but alsa works on my os | 15:02 |
KotCzarny | using pcm task | 15:02 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:02 |
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johnx | KotCzarny, did you get slack on that thing while I was gone? O_o | 15:03 |
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KotCzarny | nope | 15:03 |
KotCzarny | i just created /etc/asound.conf | 15:03 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 15:03 |
KotCzarny | i was using for a mp3task anyway | 15:03 |
KotCzarny | but was curious if i can get alsa to work when i saw it | 15:04 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:04 |
plb | man I wish n800 had amarok =P | 15:04 |
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KotCzarny | plb: compile it? :) | 15:04 |
plb | lol that would be fun | 15:04 |
plb | I mostly just use moc though | 15:04 |
KotCzarny | i use mplayer | 15:04 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:04 |
johnx | penguinbait got kde on the tablet...maybe he got amarok | 15:04 |
KotCzarny | and my ncurses frontend | 15:05 |
johnx | KotCzarny, so you just mean you got alsa working on OS2008...where it already worked? | 15:05 |
KotCzarny | :> | 15:05 |
KotCzarny | did it? | 15:05 |
johnx | aaah | 15:05 |
KotCzarny | it was missing devices | 15:05 |
johnx | mplayer used it | 15:05 |
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KotCzarny | ah, sorry | 15:06 |
KotCzarny | you're right | 15:06 |
KotCzarny | :> | 15:06 |
johnx | no problem :D | 15:06 |
johnx | you got my hopes up | 15:06 |
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johnx | I thought I might not have to dig into that to get it working in Debian | 15:06 |
KotCzarny | i just remember someone having problem with alsa | 15:06 |
plb | the default media player isn't bad but it doesn't support scrobbling afaik =[ | 15:06 |
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KotCzarny | i wonder how well mplayer fares with alsa as -ao | 15:07 |
johnx | badly I think in OS2008 | 15:07 |
johnx | that's why it's not used | 15:07 |
KotCzarny | huh? | 15:07 |
johnx | well, alsa was used in OS2007 for mplayer | 15:08 |
KotCzarny | i was testing it with mplayer | 15:08 |
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KotCzarny | seems to work fine | 15:08 |
johnx | then they ran into weird sound sync stuff or something | 15:08 |
KotCzarny | ah. | 15:08 |
johnx | there's a whole thread | 15:08 |
KotCzarny | i will test it after i complete rundown test | 15:08 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:08 |
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plb | you don't have to do any crazy conversions to watch say xvid movie on a n800 do you | 15:08 |
plb | ? | 15:08 |
KotCzarny | plb: nope | 15:09 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:09 |
plb | great | 15:09 |
KotCzarny | but i have a patches kernel | 15:09 |
KotCzarny | pathed | 15:09 |
KotCzarny | patched grr | 15:09 |
johnx | it depends on the resolution of course | 15:09 |
johnx | KotCzarny, just the rotation patch? or did you apply other stuff? | 15:09 |
KotCzarny | worked quite well on 720x448 ;) | 15:09 |
KotCzarny | johnx: not yet, but i have compiled everything all right | 15:09 |
plb | yay I have 6gb of memory on my n800 now...I stole my 2gb micro sd card out of my mobile phone ;] | 15:10 |
ssvb | johnx: not only resolution, but encoding settings do matter, divx/xvid videos encoded with 'gmc' and 'qpel' options enabled will be very slow | 15:10 |
KotCzarny | plb: remember that any additional sd card uses battery :) | 15:10 |
johnx | ssvb, I'll keep that in mind | 15:11 |
johnx | ssvb, does that go for mplayer as well, or just media player? | 15:11 |
plb | KotCzarny: how much battery? | 15:11 |
KotCzarny | plb: noticeable | 15:11 |
KotCzarny | i'm still in the rundown test :) | 15:12 |
ssvb | johnx: media player does not support these advanced encoding options at all :) | 15:12 |
plb | ah | 15:12 |
johnx | aaah | 15:12 |
plb | brb | 15:12 |
johnx | nice | 15:12 |
KotCzarny | how it will look like then? | 15:12 |
KotCzarny | or it won't play at all? | 15:12 |
ssvb | johnx: it only supports MPEG4 SP and not ASP, it will report it as unsupported codec | 15:13 |
johnx | I just used tablet-encode and didn't worry about it...but honestly I never really got into watching videos on the go | 15:14 |
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johnx | something about it just seemed weird...but ebooks, now that's different :) | 15:14 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:15 |
ssvb | johnx: you can find some video samples on the internet encoded by guys who enable all the codec options they could find :) | 15:15 |
johnx | oh yeah...the gentoo users of video encoding... | 15:16 |
ssvb | :) | 15:16 |
johnx | no offense meant to gentoo users :P | 15:16 |
KotCzarny | :> | 15:16 |
ssvb | johnx: I'm a gentoo user | 15:16 |
KotCzarny | why there's no alsa-utils package? | 15:16 |
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johnx | well, there are gentoo users and then there are gentoo users who spend more times setting USE flags than using their computer... | 15:17 |
johnx | KotCzarny, because no one compiled it yet? | 15:17 |
KotCzarny | compiles fine | 15:18 |
KotCzarny | i guess | 15:18 |
johnx | well, then there is an alsa-utils package :) | 15:18 |
KotCzarny | dpkg -l |grep alsa shows nothing | 15:18 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:18 |
KotCzarny | E: Couldn't find package alsa-utils | 15:18 |
KotCzarny | apt-get fails too :) | 15:19 |
johnx | how can you tell that it compiles fine unless you compile it? (at which point there will be a package) | 15:19 |
KotCzarny | yep, i did | 15:19 |
KotCzarny | and seems to run fine too | 15:19 |
KotCzarny | whopping 1 playback control, but it's alright for me :) | 15:20 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: are you experimenting with another alternative layer over DSP pcm tasks? ;) | 15:20 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 15:20 |
KotCzarny | everything before c coding | 15:20 |
KotCzarny | alsa-oss could be usefull too | 15:22 |
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Spakman | is wget installed by default? Can I safely add it as a dependency for my app? | 15:23 |
KotCzarny | nope | 15:23 |
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Spakman | KotCzarny: do you know where I would find it? | 15:24 |
Spakman | KotCzarny: actually, apologies, I'll search | 15:24 |
johnx | extras I think | 15:24 |
hrw | normally I would tell 'in repository' but this is #maemo so rather 'no idea where' | 15:24 |
johnx | in this case it's actually in extras I think | 15:24 |
johnx | terrifying isn't it? :) | 15:25 |
KotCzarny | spakman: but keep in mind extras aren't enabled by default | 15:25 |
johnx | a .install can enable it, right? | 15:25 |
KotCzarny | though if your app will be in extras too then it's not a problem | 15:25 |
KotCzarny | i think | 15:25 |
hrw | johnx: my opinion on maemo repositor(y|ies) situation is known ;D | 15:25 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:25 |
johnx | hrw, it is known very well :) | 15:25 |
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johnx | I don't think any of us has ever said "the more repositories the better" | 15:26 |
jaska_ | wow | 15:26 |
jaska_ | my 810 got a gps fix.. after 29 hours | 15:26 |
johnx | O_o | 15:26 |
johnx | ahahaha | 15:26 |
KotCzarny | :> | 15:26 |
jaska_ | its indoors under a metal roof tho | 15:26 |
KotCzarny | now, you need a bigger antenna | 15:26 |
* johnx laughs, coughs | 15:27 | |
ynezz | it's like 1-2 minutes in car | 15:27 |
jaska_ | couldnt get one in a moving car in 15 mins before | 15:27 |
pupnik | 20 minutes in my last in-car test (behind window) | 15:27 |
ynezz | 5 satellites tho | 15:27 |
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jaska_ | mine saw 12 sats a few mins ago | 15:27 |
ynezz | I just tried it today on my way to work | 15:27 |
Spakman | thanks all. I'm hosting my own repository since other dependencies aren't in extras. Is there any particular advantage of either of: 1. enable extras in the .install 2. mirror the wget deb myself? | 15:27 |
jaska_ | and i was just cursing on another channel that my 810 has never gotten a fix | 15:28 |
jaska_ | was trying to get it to watchdog reboot and had it logging some stuff :) | 15:28 |
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hrw | mine is able to see 11 sats - if I am walking or not moving | 15:28 |
hrw | and not at home of course | 15:28 |
jaska_ | no idea how it got 12 under a metal roof indoors.. and how it took so long | 15:29 |
johnx | Spakman, If you can enable extras in the install I think that would be preferred | 15:29 |
KotCzarny | :> | 15:29 |
KotCzarny | but you can't | 15:29 |
KotCzarny | i guess | 15:29 |
KotCzarny | and shouldn't | 15:29 |
Spakman | KotCzarny: I don't follow | 15:30 |
KotCzarny | jaska_: it got dizzy because of the plenty of them? :> | 15:30 |
KotCzarny | spakman: as i understand you plan to force user to enable extras automatically? | 15:30 |
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hrw | ~curse nokia | 15:31 |
infobot | May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, nokia ! | 15:31 |
Spakman | KotCzarny: I've not tried, but I think you can specify multiple repositories to be enabled in a single .install file. I'm not 100% sure I like the idea though. | 15:32 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 15:32 |
johnx | well, here's the problem with mirroring it at least, say you mirror wget 1.1 and wget 1.2 gets pushed to extras but you don't update it for whatever reason. AFAIK, app manager won't let users pull the update from extras if they enable it later, and if something ever depends on >=1.2 then things will get screwed up. Someone should should correct me if I'm wrong | 15:32 |
KotCzarny | you should warn user though about it's status | 15:32 |
KotCzarny | ie. it's user-level quality | 15:32 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:32 |
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plb | hm think I'll just stick with the 1 sd card for now since I don't even use both | 15:33 |
KotCzarny | plb: :) | 15:33 |
plb | if it extends my battery life..may as well | 15:34 |
Spakman | johnx: I didn't realise that, thanks. To compound the problem, I also have some users who have already installed - wget will be a new dependency in a later version. Of course, they may not have extras enabled... | 15:34 |
johnx | Spakman, verify what I said...I might be confused about it | 15:34 |
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KotCzarny | mine maemo sdk tree is 3.7G | 15:35 |
Spakman | johnx: OK, I'll try. | 15:35 |
KotCzarny | huh | 15:35 |
johnx | but basically the whole situation is a little messed up (like hrw will happily tell you... :) ) | 15:35 |
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* Spakman nods vigorously | 15:35 | |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:35 |
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johnx | anyways, I should get some sleep | 15:36 |
johnx | 'night all | 15:36 |
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KotCzarny | me too | 15:36 |
Spakman | night! | 15:36 |
hrw | situation is simple - if you want to have extra packages to make your working -- create own repository and ignore all users which will complain about yet-another-repository | 15:38 |
hrw | if they complain - send them to Nokia | 15:38 |
hrw | thats my opinion | 15:39 |
KotCzarny | or just include wget-spakman in your package | 15:39 |
KotCzarny | and don't relay on user's installed one | 15:39 |
KotCzarny | that will have added bonus not breaking with wget upgrades | 15:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:39 |
hrw | and ignroe fact that 256MB flash is small amount | 15:40 |
KotCzarny | still plenty of space | 15:40 |
KotCzarny | after removing video/audio stuff from / | 15:40 |
KotCzarny | hmm, interesting, it doesn't matter which one i use (esd/alsa/gst) it always switches to 400/133 mode | 15:41 |
ssvb | KotCzarny: are you worried about power consumption on music playback? | 15:42 |
KotCzarny | not that much | 15:42 |
KotCzarny | let's see what cpufreq can do for me | 15:43 |
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Spakman | hrw, KotCzarny - thanks for the thoughts. | 15:43 |
KotCzarny | spakman: np :) | 15:44 |
hrw | and it is really time to create own repo ;D | 15:44 |
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KotCzarny | i guess task for tomorrow/today will be installing bash | 15:45 |
KotCzarny | :> | 15:45 |
hrw | it is easy | 15:46 |
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hrw | 2 hours for finding distro, 5 minutes to install | 15:47 |
hrw | hi Rodrigo | 15:47 |
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hrw | s/distro/repo | 15:47 |
KotCzarny | nope | 15:47 |
KotCzarny | source build | 15:47 |
hrw | 'bitbake bash' | 15:47 |
plb | install frozen bubble ;] | 15:48 |
KotCzarny | plb: it's called pengupop | 15:48 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:48 |
plb | ah | 15:49 |
KotCzarny | has multiplayer mode | 15:49 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 15:49 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 15:50 |
KotCzarny | is cpufreq ignored completely? | 15:50 |
Spakman | has anyone installed zsh? | 15:51 |
KotCzarny | o.o | 15:51 |
plb | how much battery life can one expect from just audio use? | 15:52 |
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KotCzarny | plb: statusbar battery applet should tell you that | 15:52 |
KotCzarny | after ~10 min playback | 15:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:52 |
plb | heh ya I know but I was just wondering | 15:53 |
KotCzarny | i have audio battery rundown queued too | 15:53 |
KotCzarny | so i will know in a week or two | 15:53 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 15:53 |
plb | great | 15:54 |
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plb | what are testing the 800 or 810? | 15:54 |
KotCzarny | ? | 15:55 |
plb | which tablet are you using the n800 or n810 | 15:55 |
KotCzarny | 800 | 15:55 |
plb | ah ok | 15:55 |
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plb | I actually purchased a iaudio d2 for $155 then I saw n800 was only $240 so I returned the d2 lol | 15:56 |
* KotCzarny got n800 for 150 | 15:56 | |
KotCzarny | $ | 15:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:56 |
plb | good deal..used I take it? | 15:57 |
KotCzarny | yes | 15:57 |
KotCzarny | but very good condition | 15:57 |
plb | ya..I was going to get on craigslist but the guy wanted $250 and was a prick...I was telling him they are less than that new now and he just sent me an email like fuck you $250 | 15:58 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:58 |
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KotCzarny | don't force | 15:58 |
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KotCzarny | if one person is stuck on price | 15:58 |
KotCzarny | other may not be | 15:58 |
KotCzarny | :) | 15:58 |
plb | yeah but it was the only one I could find on there | 15:58 |
plb | until like the day after I got mine lol | 15:59 |
KotCzarny | yeah.. i know that | 15:59 |
plb | some guy in manhattan had one for $250 as well | 15:59 |
KotCzarny | day or two after i buy something | 15:59 |
KotCzarny | it shows up on cl ;) | 15:59 |
plb | yep | 15:59 |
KotCzarny | http://newyork.craigslist.org/stn/bar/593564459.html it's yours? | 16:00 |
KotCzarny | :> | 16:00 |
plb | yep | 16:00 |
plb | lol | 16:00 |
KotCzarny | take it down then :) | 16:00 |
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plb | I deleted the email lol | 16:00 |
plb | oh well | 16:00 |
KotCzarny | though it will go down in a day or two :) | 16:00 |
plb | yha | 16:00 |
plb | ya | 16:00 |
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KotCzarny | maybe you have link in history still | 16:01 |
KotCzarny | :) | 16:01 |
plb | heh I've never had an ipod but noticed you have to pay for updates for ipod touch...that is ridiculous | 16:01 |
plb | don't think so | 16:01 |
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plb | I formatted the other day lol | 16:01 |
KotCzarny | that cowon has nice audio battery life | 16:01 |
plb | yeah it does | 16:02 |
KotCzarny | 52h | 16:02 |
plb | yep | 16:02 |
plb | 10hrs for video | 16:02 |
plb | but try watching a video on there lol | 16:02 |
plb | it's so tiny | 16:02 |
plb | I watched 30 days of night on there lol | 16:02 |
KotCzarny | but only 32x240 :) | 16:02 |
KotCzarny | 320x240 | 16:02 |
plb | and it was widescreen so it had the black bars lol | 16:02 |
plb | top and bottom | 16:02 |
plb | super small | 16:03 |
KotCzarny | doesn't have zoom? | 16:03 |
plb | not that I'm aware of...not sure..I had to convert the format | 16:03 |
plb | with the jetaudio software that comes with it | 16:03 |
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KotCzarny | :) | 16:04 |
plb | the screen size on the n800 is nice for movie watching ;] | 16:05 |
plb | though I have yet to watch anything | 16:05 |
KotCzarny | could be bigger | 16:05 |
KotCzarny | :) | 16:05 |
KotCzarny | but i'm not complaining :) | 16:05 |
KotCzarny | 830 will have 1024x600 probably | 16:05 |
plb | heh | 16:05 |
KotCzarny | but it's only a guess | 16:06 |
plb | cool | 16:06 |
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hrw | n830? you mean that mistic n810+wimax? | 16:07 |
KotCzarny | nope | 16:07 |
KotCzarny | i mean the next okia after 810 | 16:07 |
KotCzarny | :) | 16:07 |
hrw | end of 2008 will show probably | 16:08 |
KotCzarny | yup | 16:08 |
ynezz | it will be 820 no? | 16:09 |
inz | Kot, was that a rumor or personal guess? | 16:09 |
KotCzarny | untill it shows in shops no one can tell for sure the specs | 16:09 |
hrw | I just hope that it will be less broken by design that n810 is | 16:09 |
KotCzarny | inz: personal guess | 16:09 |
hrw | but it is nokia - it will be broken by design ;D | 16:09 |
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inz | Kot, so you're trying to start a rumor ;) | 16:09 |
KotCzarny | inz: sorry :) | 16:10 |
inz | Kot, "if a false statement is repeated often enough, it will become the truth" | 16:10 |
KotCzarny | inz: i know | 16:10 |
KotCzarny | :) | 16:10 |
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KotCzarny | it's called wishfull thinking, or brainwash | 16:11 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 16:11 |
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KotCzarny | can be usefull tool though | 16:11 |
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KotCzarny | ok. bed time. | 16:14 |
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plb | hm anything I can disable to improve battery life? I guess disabling wifi search interval is one | 16:16 |
KotCzarny | lcd brightness | 16:16 |
plb | I've got that on 2 | 16:17 |
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KotCzarny | plb: look for a statusbar plugin that replaces audio/display one | 16:18 |
KotCzarny | it will give you more display options | 16:18 |
plb | it's in repos? | 16:18 |
KotCzarny | don't remember, on mameo.org definitely | 16:18 |
hrw | I would assume that it is in repos | 16:19 |
hrw | but which ones is left to user ;D | 16:19 |
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KotCzarny | https://garage.maemo.org/projects/adv-backlight/ | 16:20 |
KotCzarny | this one | 16:20 |
KotCzarny | but garage seems down | 16:20 |
KotCzarny | :> | 16:20 |
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hrw | KotCzarny: it is not down - it is resting | 16:21 |
KotCzarny | it's not a horse | 16:21 |
KotCzarny | it can't rest while standing :) | 16:21 |
KotCzarny | so it's down | 16:21 |
KotCzarny | :) | 16:21 |
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hrw | or that mistic 33600 modem which maemo.org use as internet connection finally died | 16:21 |
KotCzarny | works, but slowly | 16:22 |
KotCzarny | maybe db lag | 16:22 |
KotCzarny | anyway, very nice app | 16:22 |
KotCzarny | and takes only one slot instead of 2 in status bar :) | 16:22 |
KotCzarny | it could have a shourtcut to settings->display though | 16:23 |
hrw | add it | 16:23 |
KotCzarny | anyway. sleep. | 16:23 |
hrw | its open | 16:23 |
hrw | KotCzarny: sweet dreams | 16:23 |
KotCzarny | hrw: i will | 16:23 |
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plb | night night | 16:24 |
plb | =P | 16:24 |
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aquatix | hrw: maemo.org is hosted on an N770 with bluetooth gprs connection, so that may be flaky ;) | 16:45 |
jaska_ | certainly feels like that at times | 16:45 |
jaska_ | bluetooth over the horizon | 16:46 |
hrw | thats other option | 16:47 |
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SDuensin | Morning. | 16:51 |
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RyanE | can mediaserv be setup with basic HTTP authentication? I can't find the docs, and I'm not a perl hacker... | 16:53 |
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Jaffa | RyanE: not at the moment, no. | 16:55 |
* Jaffa adds it to the TODO list | 16:55 | |
RyanE | thx | 16:55 |
RyanE | it's awesome. | 16:55 |
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pupnik | anybody have a non-broken libbost-signals for chinook? | 17:11 |
pupnik | s/libbost/libboost/ | 17:11 |
infobot | pupnik meant: anybody have a non-broken libboost-signals for chinook? | 17:11 |
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pupnik | i need a build environment completely in RAM cache | 17:22 |
pupnik | have the kernel automatically suck up all kinds of stuff into a ram cache until i say flush | 17:23 |
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shackan | why? | 17:30 |
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b0unc3 | how to remove a string from a file (with sed) but only if the string exact match the pattern ? | 17:31 |
SDuensin | Does the N800 charge over USB? And WTF does it mean that it can't connect because I have a memory card inserted? | 17:32 |
* SDuensin is confused | 17:32 | |
pupnik | shackan: speed up compilations | 17:32 |
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pupnik | no usb charging | 17:32 |
SDuensin | pupnik - nuts. | 17:33 |
pupnik | connecting usb gives your PC a lock on the memory card for file transfer | 17:33 |
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SDuensin | Ah. Ok. Yea, the card is in use on the 800. | 17:33 |
derf | SDuensin: You can buy a USB power-tip cable. | 17:33 |
SDuensin | Might have to do that so I can power it off my lappy. | 17:34 |
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ynezz | pupnik: I think, it's not IO what's problem, it's CPU/RAM, but anyway you can make a ramdisk tmpfs or so | 17:34 |
ynezz | or SSD could help also | 17:35 |
pupnik | well this damn libboost is going to suck up a day of mine, i can tell | 17:35 |
shackan | pupnik: you want to build ON the device ? | 17:36 |
pupnik | no | 17:36 |
shackan | ah ok :D | 17:36 |
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jott | pupnik: if you still need it: http://sse2.net/boost/ | 17:38 |
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pupnik | thanks jott! | 17:38 |
RyanE | derf: USB power-tip cable would be USB -> nokia 2mm? | 17:39 |
pupnik | how did you build just the -signals so fast? | 17:39 |
derf | RyanE: Yes. | 17:39 |
jott | pupnik: oh i build the whole boost stuff a while ago.. | 17:39 |
jott | file date says 13. jan :) | 17:40 |
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pupnik | i couldn't build it at all | 17:43 |
pupnik | oh dear... thanks jott your libboost is the only one that works | 17:45 |
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b0unc3 | where I can get gpg or pgp for chinook sdk ? | 17:51 |
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pupnik | there's no way to make a package install data to /media/mmcX | 18:56 |
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pupnik | dpkg: error processing.... error setting ownership of | 18:56 |
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script | pupnik: why not? | 18:57 |
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script | pupnik: i think i've seen packages | 18:57 |
script | pupnik: give your file the right owner and it might work | 18:58 |
pupnik | mmc1 is vfat | 18:58 |
pupnik | or mmc2 | 18:58 |
pupnik | hmm | 18:58 |
script | so give it the owner "user" or whatever | 18:58 |
script | cant remember right know how it is mounted | 18:58 |
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Navi | ext2 ftw | 18:58 |
pupnik | 29999:29999 | 18:58 |
script | -o uid=xyz | 18:58 |
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script | i have a package here ... it installed well while having uid/gid of root/root | 19:00 |
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zittix | Hi all | 19:10 |
zittix | Are there any maemo developers here? | 19:10 |
Navi | Maybe | 19:11 |
elb | I think you can assume that out of the nearly 300 people here, some of them have developed for maemo | 19:12 |
elb | so why don't you ask whatever question you have ;-) | 19:12 |
zittix | I'm currently trying to update Alsa to the latest version on maemo OS2008 but it seems not working.. I have update alsalib to the latest version but when I do something likecat /rpoc/asound/version it still return 1.0.14 which is the old version.. Any clues ? | 19:12 |
elb | alsalib is userspace, the information in /proc/asound is from your kernel | 19:13 |
zittix | ok bad news :-) | 19:13 |
zittix | Because I want to use an alsa plugin called mmap_emul to allow mmap access to the sound card and it is only available on alsa>=1.0.15 | 19:14 |
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zittix | What's the right method to update the maemo platform to use the latest alsa? | 19:14 |
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zittix | Anyone has alread used PortAudio on maemo ? | 19:19 |
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pupnik | zittix: i've built newer alsa libs and esd for maemo but they didn't work so well | 19:21 |
lopz | hola | 19:22 |
pupnik | hallo | 19:22 |
zittix | pupnik: what do you mean by didn't work so well ? | 19:22 |
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zittix | hello | 19:22 |
pupnik | well they both worked for most things but my libasound didn't work with openAL | 19:22 |
pupnik | i have libportaudio debs here | 19:23 |
desertc | Hey can I ask about VoIP integration? | 19:23 |
zittix | pupnik: seriously ? It has been that Im trying to get PortAudio working | 19:23 |
desertc | Anyone super knowledgeable about how that works in Maemo? | 19:23 |
pupnik | i don't know if they work | 19:23 |
zittix | pupnik: do you haven't tested it yet ? | 19:24 |
pupnik | the app that uses it isn't giving any sound | 19:25 |
zittix | pupnik: because I saw that PortAudio use mmap access to the sound card and it is not supported by the Maemo DSP driver | 19:25 |
pupnik | not sure if it's portaudio or not | 19:25 |
pupnik | ahh | 19:25 |
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pupnik | well you can change your app to get audio | 19:26 |
zittix | pupnik: do you changed anything in portaudio sources? | 19:26 |
zittix | pupnik: sure but I have either rewrite the PortAudio driver or forget using PortAudio... not very good choice either :-) | 19:27 |
pupnik | i don't think so | 19:27 |
pupnik | i think the app using it was pcsx, so i didn't work on it much | 19:28 |
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zittix | pupnik: ok. im trying to use PJSIP, a library handling all VoIP stuffs | 19:29 |
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kbs | what formats can I use for video on this N810? | 19:29 |
pupnik | desertc: try searching internettablettalk.com for voip or sip | 19:29 |
kbs | plz say h264? | 19:29 |
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kbs | x264* | 19:29 |
kbs | haha | 19:29 |
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desertc | Oh, I was just wondering about the libraries. Is there an effort to share libraries between VoIP applications? | 19:30 |
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desertc | Or is the communication stack all rolled up into each application? | 19:30 |
zittix | desertc: Im trying to use PJSIP but no luck :-( | 19:30 |
GeneralAntilles | kbs, h.264 works, but only at low bitrates and resolutions. | 19:30 |
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zittix | desertc: all the provided applications are closed and each use its own protocol and libraries I think | 19:30 |
GeneralAntilles | rtcomm is open | 19:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Skype is the only proprietary one | 19:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Gizmo is just SIP. | 19:31 |
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zittix | Gizmo is closed sources right ? | 19:31 |
GeneralAntilles | The client is | 19:31 |
GeneralAntilles | But it's just SIP and Jabber | 19:31 |
zittix | yeah | 19:31 |
GeneralAntilles | So you can use rtcomm to connect. | 19:31 |
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kbs | GeneralAntilles: do you know of a video converter for osx? | 19:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Any of the converters that work for Linux + all of the OS X converters. | 19:32 |
GeneralAntilles | There's a veritable universe of options. | 19:32 |
GeneralAntilles | I like tablet-encode + mencoder. | 19:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Quicktime is an option | 19:33 |
kbs | true | 19:33 |
desertc | I have been getting into the whole Speex library thing, which is an open, patent-free VoIP codec library. | 19:33 |
GeneralAntilles | as is something like VisualHub | 19:33 |
kbs | I found this on internettablettalk | 19:33 |
kbs | The converter is here: | 19:33 |
kbs | MediaConverter2 | 19:33 |
GeneralAntilles | or Handbrake for DVDs | 19:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Or that | 19:33 |
desertc | I was wondering how Speex libraries were integrated in Maemo. | 19:33 |
GeneralAntilles | The list goes on and on. | 19:33 |
kbs | thanks man | 19:33 |
zittix | desertc: there is a speex plugin for alsa I think | 19:34 |
desertc | Hey, are you guys excited that Ubuntu Mobile chose to go with a Maemo front end? There will be a lot of new attention to this interface. Lot of people gathering in #ubuntu-mobile as this software rolls out. | 19:34 |
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zittix | desertc: hey I didn't know that! Great news! | 19:36 |
GeneralAntilles | Assuming it actually gets going anytime soon. | 19:36 |
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desertc | Yeah, and good for us joe-users, too. Like any open source product, the more developers using the code, the more improvements. | 19:36 |
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texel | Good morning! (for a limited time only!) | 19:37 |
GeneralAntilles | It's afternoon. | 19:37 |
desertc | GeneralAntilles: You might see from my cloak, but I follow the Ubuntu project pretty closely. Shuttleworth is intensely serious about this project. | 19:37 |
GeneralAntilles | In the only timezone that counts. | 19:37 |
texel | GeneralAntilles: It's always morning somewhere. | 19:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Not in the only timezone that counts! :P | 19:38 |
texel | It's really 10:37am here, and believe it or not, I just woke up. O.o | 19:38 |
desertc | Canonical is hiring mobile developers like mad. Any devs here looking for work? ;) | 19:38 |
texel | desertc: Cloak? | 19:39 |
texel | Ah. | 19:39 |
texel | /who reveals everything. | 19:39 |
Navi | Ubuntu-mobile targets the x86 platforms | 19:40 |
Jaffa | With larger screens, better processors, 3D acceleration etc. etc. | 19:40 |
Navi | Not too excited :P | 19:40 |
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texel | Mm. Do they have anything to show for it yet? (/me has been out of touch with the world for too long) | 19:41 |
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GeneralAntilles | Not much | 19:41 |
GeneralAntilles | A lot of the MIDs are running early versions I guess. | 19:41 |
desertc | Navi: Even if the drivers will be for different architectures, there will surely be development on the top-level GUI applications. | 19:42 |
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texel | Sorry, but, erm, what's a MID? O.o | 19:42 |
desertc | Hang out in #ubuntu-mobile if you want to see what's going on. | 19:42 |
GeneralAntilles | I tried that about a month ago, nobody talked. :D | 19:43 |
GeneralAntilles | texel, google intel mid | 19:43 |
texel | Ahh. | 19:43 |
desertc | I only just got official announced this week. | 19:43 |
GeneralAntilles | It's an x86, slightly larger and significantly more expensive internet tablet. | 19:43 |
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texel | Ahhh. Right, now I remember. | 19:43 |
texel | Seems like Intel is doing oddball things like that lately. | 19:44 |
texel | Ie: the OLPC competitor, now the MIDs competing with Nokia. | 19:44 |
texel | Sorta like a Johnny come lately. | 19:44 |
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texel | Not a bad thing, per se, but I'd expect more from a company of that size. | 19:45 |
* texel shrugs | 19:45 | |
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desertc | Well - good for you N800 devs that people are looking at Maemo... You know Nokia just bought the company that makes KDE, right? | 19:46 |
texel | Erm... | 19:46 |
texel | You mean QT? | 19:46 |
Navi | :P | 19:46 |
texel | They don't exactly /make/ KDE, I'm afraid. O.o | 19:47 |
desertc | Isn't QT the engine for KDE? | 19:47 |
Navi | it's the toolkit that KDE is built on top of | 19:47 |
texel | It's the widget set for it, yes. | 19:47 |
Navi | Doesn't mean it's KDE itself. | 19:47 |
* texel nods | 19:47 | |
Navi | Any ports for anything that read .doc files? | 19:48 |
desertc | Just saying they just invested in alternative GUI technologies. | 19:48 |
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* texel nods | 19:48 | |
texel | Yeah, the core IT devs were rather excited at the prospects for it. | 19:48 |
texel | Sounds interesting. | 19:48 |
texel | Though why they had to /buy/ the company to use it is beyond me -- corporate politics at their finest. =o) | 19:49 |
desertc | And that's the great advantage of open source development. Your company switches technologies, and you can take your non-proprietary skills and go elsewhere. | 19:49 |
desertc | :) | 19:49 |
texel | Eh. | 19:49 |
Navi | They receive licensing money from proprietary programs that use QT now :P | 19:50 |
texel | I don't see Maemo's widget set changing any time soon. | 19:50 |
texel | True enough. =o) | 19:50 |
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texel | They have too much invested in OSSO, Hildon, Sapwood, etc. | 19:50 |
Navi | Plus, it kicked Samsung out of the QT bandwagon | 19:50 |
texel | Navi: How so? | 19:51 |
texel | Unless Nokia says "NO LICENSE FOR YOU!" in soup-nazi style, I don't see how it would. O.o | 19:51 |
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Navi | I doubt Samsung and Motorola wish to pay a competitor licensing fees | 19:52 |
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texel | Mm. True. | 19:53 |
texel | But there would be ways around it, assuming Nokia doesn't get rid of the freeness part of the licensing. | 19:53 |
texel | Ie: Samsung could spawn off an open-source project for mobiles like Maemo, but for QT. | 19:54 |
Navi | http://www.newlc.com/motorola-responds-nokias-trolltech-buy | 19:54 |
texel | Ah. See? I've been out of touch too long. =op | 19:54 |
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texel | Heh | 19:55 |
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GNUton | Hi | 20:06 |
texel | Hi | 20:06 |
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MikeL | Hi guys trying dosbox with Little Big Adventure 1 (relentless in US) on my N810 | 20:20 |
MikeL | needless to say it runs but terribly dlow :-) | 20:20 |
MikeL | slow even | 20:20 |
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desertc | dosbox - cool! | 20:21 |
desertc | I tried relentless on my desktop and it ran slow | 20:21 |
desertc | through dosbox | 20:21 |
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desertc | Never considered running Dosbox on the N810 | 20:22 |
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dragorn | theres not a lot you can do to make it run any quicker, the 810 isn't really a powerhouse. Enable frameskipping or something if it has it | 20:22 |
MikeL | Not really sure what I am doing yet,, just copied game files to mmc2 and ran in dosbox without modifying any settings | 20:22 |
desertc | that's so awesome | 20:22 |
dragorn | I'd guess it might not do a super-optimized video path, either, maybe look at bringing some diffs over from mplayer for res setting and smarter xv use | 20:22 |
desertc | mikel: great to hear that you can port free software programs so easily, but you got to understand the processor is in the MHz range, not the GHz range | 20:23 |
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MikeL | I knoiw, just playing really, did some screen grabs of Twinsen in cell at start of game, was reading about dosbox use in ITT which got me interested in trying it | 20:24 |
desertc | Makes me think now... Starcon 2 (the Debian uqm package) would be awesome on the N800 | 20:25 |
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desertc | And that game was built for 500 MHz computers. | 20:25 |
desertc | No Dosbox needed, either | 20:26 |
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desertc | GeneralAntilles: Hey, back to my Speex question. I wanted to let you know I am the Speex package admin for Debian and also work with the Ubuntu packaging team too. Just FYI. | 20:26 |
MikeL | desertc: it was seeing that DUKE3D works (Not in dosbox) that made me think I wonder if LBA1 could ever be made to run on N810? | 20:27 |
desertc | Hey, this is a dumb question, but what the heck --- What version of Linux does the N800/N810 run? I heard Arch Linux and I've heard Debian Linux and I've heard the entire thing is just called Maemo. | 20:28 |
desertc | MikeL: Duke3d is open source? | 20:28 |
MikeL | Nope? | 20:28 |
desertc | MikeL: Doom is a supported package in the application manager | 20:28 |
MikeL | but if you have game you can run on N810 | 20:28 |
GeneralAntilles | desertc, it's maemo | 20:28 |
GeneralAntilles | it's Debian based. | 20:28 |
desertc | Okay, thanks | 20:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Can't imagine what crackpot told you Arch. O_o | 20:28 |
desertc | I thought Maemo was just the UI. Why would Ubuntu say they are using the Maemo GUI when you say Maemo is the distro? | 20:29 |
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mgedmin | isn't the UI called hildon rather than maemo? | 20:30 |
desertc | *Ubuntu Mobile project | 20:30 |
mgedmin | I'm not sure myself whether maemo refers to the distro, the SDK, or the project | 20:31 |
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Smak_ | does one have access to the raw NMEA 0183 gps data stream with the nokia 810 tablet? | 20:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Hildon, desertc. | 20:31 |
GeneralAntilles | maemo is actually the development environment | 20:31 |
desertc | Hmm thanks | 20:31 |
GeneralAntilles | The tablets run ITOS | 20:31 |
GeneralAntilles | But maemo is generally used to describe the whole thing. | 20:32 |
desertc | Ever seen VLC running on these tablets? | 20:32 |
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GeneralAntilles | Sure, but it's just a 5-minute port. | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | Nowhere near the optimization that mplayer has. | 20:32 |
mgedmin | maemo is the "development platform", whatever that means | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | The SDK, basically. | 20:32 |
GeneralAntilles | But people use it to describe the distro/SDK/whole thing | 20:33 |
desertc | GeneralAntilles: I am looking at this device that streams video over the network. It would be awesome to watch tv on the N800/N810 | 20:33 |
desertc | v | 20:33 |
desertc | http://www.silicondust.com/wiki/products/hdhomerun | 20:33 |
GeneralAntilles | There's MythTV software. | 20:34 |
desertc | Or load MythTV on the device. That'd be wacky. | 20:34 |
desertc | hehe | 20:34 |
rm_you | lol | 20:34 |
GeneralAntilles | Jaffa's mediautils sorta fits the bill. | 20:34 |
rm_you | mediautils roxx | 20:34 |
rm_you | though i still prefer my modified 770-encode from like a year ago >_> | 20:35 |
GeneralAntilles | It's just tablet-encode with fewer features. :P | 20:35 |
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desertc | I was wondering about something the other day -- should I be able to plug I/O devices into the USB port? | 20:40 |
desertc | Keyboard, mouse, external HD, ... etc? | 20:41 |
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achadwick | Has anyone ported (a newer version of) gpodder to OS2008 yet? Canola2 lacks that crucial "download the most recent episode from every feed" feature. | 20:42 |
rm_you | desertc: yes and no | 20:42 |
achadwick | Also, it's dog-slow to update feeds... | 20:42 |
k-s | achadwick: kenne was adding that at some point | 20:42 |
k-s | s/was adding/will add/ | 20:43 |
infobot | k-s meant: achadwick: kenne will add that at some point | 20:43 |
desertc | rm_you: You win the prize for most ambiguous answer!!! :-D | 20:43 |
rm_you | desertc: with a few hacks (and possibly using fanoush's custom kernel) you should be able to use keyboards | 20:43 |
rm_you | and some flash drives | 20:43 |
desertc | Nice! | 20:43 |
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desertc | What about an external hard drive? | 20:43 |
desertc | That would be amazing | 20:43 |
rm_you | depending on the power requirements of the drives (both physically and what is hardcoded into their firmware, even if it doesnt really require that much) | 20:44 |
GeneralAntilles | It's OTG, so it's easy to plug USB devices in. | 20:44 |
GeneralAntilles | Most everything works fine, mice just need a little hacking. | 20:44 |
rm_you | i don't know the success rate for external hard drives :/ | 20:44 |
GeneralAntilles | A portable powered hub is highly recommended. | 20:44 |
rm_you | probably decent | 20:44 |
desertc | That's so incredible. | 20:44 |
* pH5 waits for a second micro-usb cable to do the otg solder hack | 20:45 | |
desertc | So these tablets basically have a full linux kernel? | 20:45 |
desertc | modified, of course | 20:45 |
GeneralAntilles | They are Linux, yes. | 20:45 |
rm_you | yes | 20:46 |
desertc | I just wondered how stripped down the kernel became for size requirements | 20:46 |
rm_you | modified debian, i think? | 20:46 |
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desertc | yes, that's what general was saying | 20:46 |
rm_you | with a bunch of omap / maemo patches | 20:46 |
rm_you | well, as opposed to modified gentoo :P | 20:46 |
rm_you | bbl | 20:47 |
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pupnik | thanks script - correct user:group allowed install to vfat! | 20:56 |
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KotCzarny | re | 21:00 |
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GeneralAntilles | Who the hell decided that Application Manager should be released in a state where it crashes after every 3rd install? | 21:07 |
desertc | that's a feature! | 21:07 |
* desertc ducks. | 21:08 | |
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KotCzarny | lol | 21:08 |
mgedmin | to save space on your internal memory please refrain from installing more than 3 apps | 21:08 |
mgedmin | thank you for flying maemo airlines | 21:08 |
GeneralAntilles | ^ | 21:08 |
KotCzarny | general neurosurgeon warns you that using application manager may be harmfull for you and your family | 21:09 |
ynezz | apt for masses! | 21:11 |
KotCzarny | with vkeyboard? yeah | 21:12 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:12 |
KotCzarny | i would click myself to death without ssh | 21:12 |
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* rm_you tries to imagine a world without SSH | 21:15 | |
Tobotras | evening | 21:15 |
KotCzarny | dos | 21:15 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:15 |
* rm_you has a heart attack | 21:15 | |
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elb | heh I remember the world without ssh | 21:19 |
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jaska_ | indeed, i remember when encryption didnt really exist for logging into systems over the net | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | The Secure Shell protocol has seen steady improvement and increased adoption since 1995. The first version of Secure Shell (SSH1) was designed to replace the non-secure UNIX "r-commands" (rlogin, rsh, and rcp). | 21:20 |
derf | Hooray telnet. | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | yeah, telnet | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | so sniffable | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | over bnc | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | (; | 21:20 |
derf | My company still used telnet internally until very recently. | 21:20 |
jaska_ | unswitched networks with unencrypted protocols :D | 21:20 |
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derf | Not just, telnet was there but you could still ssh, I mean they didn't install ssh. | 21:21 |
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KotCzarny | '95 is not that far away | 21:21 |
rm_you | 1 computer year == 100 normal years | 21:22 |
KotCzarny | more | 21:22 |
KotCzarny | it's exponential | 21:22 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:22 |
lcuk | the thing is, i am amazed that people think ideas and principles over 5 years old don't work in "todays" computing environment | 21:22 |
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rm_you | lcuk: in the form they took 5 years ago, no. improved and updated to today's standards, the PRINCIPLES themselves are often sound | 21:23 |
KotCzarny | ssh2 was fast | 21:23 |
desertc | hmm - how come I cannot see my internal / external memory card any more in OS2008 File Manager | 21:23 |
KotCzarny | in '96 | 21:23 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:23 |
rm_you | it's just bad when people think they can literally impliment things as they were in '95 | 21:24 |
rm_you | the principle may be good, but the implementation from 5 years ago is blegh | 21:24 |
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KotCzarny | OpenSSH_4.7p1, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 | 21:24 |
lcuk | rm_you - but take this nokia - i am thinking in the same terms right now as i thought on the amiga - and it fits. | 21:24 |
rm_you | err, that would be 12 years :P | 21:24 |
KotCzarny | but it's still ssh2 | 21:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:24 |
lcuk | the asm is similar, the speeds are similar | 21:24 |
czr | amiga was sexier | 21:24 |
rm_you | lcuk: yeah, but you aren't writing in assembly :P | 21:24 |
rm_you | well | 21:25 |
lcuk | rm_you, i used 5 years as an arbitary cutoff | 21:25 |
rm_you | actually, you might be >_> | 21:25 |
rm_you | DSP <_< | 21:25 |
lcuk | oh yer, now im picking everything up i am - i got past all my problems and am getting down to code | 21:25 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:25 |
elb | KotCzarny: actually, ssh2 was slow as hell | 21:25 |
lcuk | dsp will be after i have run out of speed with inline standard asm ;) | 21:25 |
elb | and al ot of places stuck with ssh1 for that very reason | 21:25 |
KotCzarny | elb: afair ssh1 was crackable | 21:26 |
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elb | ydnrc | 21:26 |
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elb | ssh1 was vulnerable to MITM under certain conditions -- but 99% of ssh2 installs are just as vulnerable because NO ONE CHECKS THE KEYS | 21:26 |
jott | elb: that's why ControlMaster/ControlPath was invented :P | 21:26 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:27 |
elb | jott: that came along *much* later | 21:27 |
czr | elb, maybe they prefer to use the CAPS LOCK instead. | 21:27 |
elb | czr: I don't even have a caps lock | 21:27 |
elb | do you? | 21:27 |
rm_you | well, anyway, now you can take the same principles from 5+ years ago and impliment them in much better ways on new hardware and taking advantage of new optimizations in both hardware and kernel level stuff | 21:27 |
jott | elb: i did not claim other :) | 21:27 |
elb | but yeah, ControlMaster/ControlPath is awesome | 21:27 |
czr | elb, not the clinkety one. | 21:27 |
czr | otherwise yes. | 21:27 |
elb | except that it can't handle adding X11 forwards a posteriori | 21:27 |
elb | the caps lock key was put on keyboards to behave as Mode_Switch | 21:28 |
lcuk | rm_you, but if you pluck someone out of university they will tell you everything has to be coded in some .shit or coffee based language - if you try talking assembler with the majority of "developers" they will tell you that it doesnt have a place | 21:28 |
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shackan | in fact, it doesn't | 21:28 |
elb | assembly seldom has a place | 21:28 |
shackan | unless you happen to write numerical code | 21:28 |
elb | a large percentage of the time, the compiler can do better than you can | 21:29 |
shackan | or.. low level drivers | 21:29 |
elb | and if it can't now, it almost certainly will in a few years | 21:29 |
czr | I remember people saying that 5 years ago. | 21:29 |
shackan | ok, so what was you point again? | 21:29 |
lcuk | .net would not work if someone hadnt coded up the core in raw assembler - you cant tell me that its a slow ass standard loop | 21:29 |
czr | and 10 years ago too. | 21:29 |
elb | a "standard loop" has no reason to be slower than an assembly loop | 21:30 |
elb | there are certainly places where you can speed things up with hand-crafted assembly, but that is usually only when you know something the compiler doesn't | 21:30 |
lcuk | and who codes up the compiler ? | 21:30 |
KotCzarny | rewriting x.org in assembler would be fun | 21:30 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:30 |
elb | now, it's quite likely that the armel compiler isn't so great at optimization | 21:31 |
elb | which is a different story | 21:31 |
shackan | no it would not | 21:31 |
KotCzarny | especially when porting | 21:31 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:31 |
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lcuk | i wouldnt suggest rewriting anything specific in assembler, but if you have soething operating thousands of times a second and whatever language you use produces suboptimal results you cant just assume you can throw more hardware at the issue *cough microsoft* | 21:31 |
elb | of course | 21:32 |
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derf | You throw time at the issue. | 21:32 |
derf | 18 months from now it'll be twice as fast. | 21:32 |
KotCzarny | or slow | 21:32 |
desertc | the unix philosophy is trading optimization for portability | 21:32 |
lcuk | standard gcc armel compiler looks like shit from my cursory glance - its all stack based and doesnt go beyond 3 registers usually - practically every variable is referenced as a stack offset | 21:32 |
czr | only if it's CPU bound. | 21:32 |
derf | czr: Transistor bound in general. | 21:33 |
elb | the three registers thing may be an ABI issue | 21:33 |
czr | not imho. cpu speed bound more. | 21:33 |
lcuk | ABI? | 21:33 |
elb | (I'm not familiar with the armel ABI) | 21:33 |
czr | there will never be enough cache to cover all of memory space. | 21:33 |
* lcuk is not upto date on acronyms | 21:33 | |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:33 |
elb | usually on a given architecture, there are rules about how registers are used | 21:33 |
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KotCzarny | pentium-m has ~2mb cache | 21:34 |
elb | e.g., which ones you can walk all over with abandon, and which ones you have to save and restore, etc. | 21:34 |
derf | And? Your cache size will double, and RAM will be faster, besides. | 21:34 |
elb | *not* saving and restoring has real benefit | 21:34 |
KotCzarny | core-maximo even more | 21:34 |
czr | derf, ram is getting faster slower than CPU speeds | 21:34 |
czr | derf, as is other I/O. | 21:34 |
KotCzarny | that's enough to run some os | 21:34 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:34 |
fysa | RAM will end up on die. | 21:34 |
elb | curse that pesky speed of light | 21:34 |
derf | Exactly. | 21:34 |
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lcuk | theres other rules - every arm instruction has branch operations built in (each op is 32bit so lots of space for alternatives) - gcc still produces old code with branching | 21:34 |
derf | Moore's law was about the most cost-effective number of transistors you could put on a chip. | 21:35 |
lcuk | i should really look into how well it optimises for this specific chip but by default its bad | 21:35 |
rm_you | yeah, i definately believe assembly has a place... and I can generally identify when | 21:35 |
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lcuk | yer - i have a glyph blit function which needs it | 21:35 |
derf | Eventually the answer will be, "All of them." | 21:35 |
rm_you | if you go to a university to learn "Programming", it's possible you wouldn't, but if you pick someone out of a real "Computer Science" program, then your odds are better <_< | 21:36 |
czr | derf, maybe some day :-) | 21:36 |
derf | Exponential growth gets you there faster than you think. | 21:37 |
czr | derf, we can continue this discussion in 5 years and see whether you think fast enough. | 21:37 |
rm_you | Learning Java/C++ is one thing, learning the theory and studying the structure of algorithms, how they work, and WHY is another | 21:37 |
desertc | The OS2008 File Manager? I cannot see listed the internal / external memory card any more | 21:37 |
KotCzarny | autogenerating code ftw! | 21:38 |
* lcuk nods at rm | 21:38 | |
rm_you | also, finding people who actually CARE is important <_< | 21:38 |
lcuk | KotCzarny, but how would you tell it what you wanted? | 21:39 |
lcuk | and would it be optimal? | 21:39 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: try until it works | 21:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:39 |
* lcuk could code up a shell script to replace his less colleague at work in half a day | 21:39 | |
lcuk | ^lesser | 21:40 |
KotCzarny | simple logging/grepping script is enough | 21:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:40 |
lcuk | infinite monkeys | 21:40 |
KotCzarny | monkeys inside monkeys | 21:40 |
lcuk | i think i just need something to play games all day | 21:40 |
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KotCzarny | there're monkeys all the way down | 21:41 |
rm_you | I just certain group projects where i assign things to people, and then i end up spending all of my time going around one by one and explaining step by step how to do it... it's slower than just doing it all myself <_< | 21:41 |
KotCzarny | that's managemenr i guess? | 21:41 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:41 |
KotCzarny | management | 21:41 |
rm_you | <_< | 21:41 |
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rm_you | *I just hate certain | 21:41 |
lcuk | but rm_you its like a pregency - it takes nine months to have a baby, it still takes nine months to make 10, but no single person could do it all | 21:42 |
rm_you | nononono | 21:42 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:42 |
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rm_you | i assign 4 tasks to 4 people | 21:43 |
rm_you | and i literally walk around the room and one by tell people how to do them | 21:43 |
lcuk | buy better monkeys | 21:43 |
rm_you | if i were to just DO them, it would take me n * 4 time | 21:43 |
rm_you | but it takes like n*2 to explain each | 21:43 |
rm_you | so it's like, n * 8 time to get other people to do it | 21:43 |
GeneralAntilles | But you're imparting knowledge! :P | 21:43 |
lcuk | does your explanation stick - ie if they are given the same task next week could they do it themselves? | 21:44 |
rm_you | and while i'm explaining to one, the rest just sit there clueless <_< | 21:44 |
KotCzarny | some day they will learn | 21:44 |
rm_you | somewhat? | 21:44 |
lcuk | buy a bigger whip | 21:44 |
rm_you | the problem is that the tasks are always different | 21:44 |
KotCzarny | some day all be written and done | 21:44 |
rm_you | and yes, they learn. which is good for them. | 21:44 |
rm_you | but it sucks for the project | 21:44 |
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rm_you | and it's not work, it's classwork... so yay them for learning, but i'm never going to work with most of them after this year, so it doesn't benefit ME at all | 21:45 |
* KotCzarny imagines the day when all possible code was written | 21:45 | |
GeneralAntilles | Learn some selflessness. :P | 21:45 |
KotCzarny | you are still paid fot it? | 21:45 |
rm_you | lol | 21:45 |
rm_you | no <_< | 21:45 |
GeneralAntilles | Or hit yourself in the head with a hammer a few times. | 21:45 |
KotCzarny | o.o | 21:45 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:46 |
KotCzarny | then just write code | 21:46 |
rm_you | i want to <_< | 21:46 |
KotCzarny | and let them learn from examples | 21:46 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:46 |
rm_you | i'm not the teacher | 21:46 |
rm_you | why the hell am i doing it | 21:46 |
GeneralAntilles | Ha | 21:46 |
KotCzarny | maybe inside you want to? | 21:46 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:46 |
rm_you | i could never go into education | 21:46 |
rm_you | i'd be HORRIBLE | 21:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Sounds a bit like my elementary/middle/high school education experience. :P | 21:47 |
KotCzarny | do you feel superior when telling them what to do? | 21:47 |
rm_you | yeah, but this is college <_< | 21:47 |
jott | rm_you: the best thing is, those losers might get a degree because of you :P | 21:47 |
rm_you | KotCzarny: no, i feel annoyed | 21:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Smart people rarely make good teachers. | 21:47 |
KotCzarny | but do you feel better than them? | 21:47 |
rm_you | no, i feel like they're better than me because they have found a way to get me to do their work >_< | 21:48 |
KotCzarny | lol | 21:48 |
rm_you | maybe it's my bad for helping them to begin with | 21:48 |
rm_you | i've taught the lesson that learning means you have to do your own work | 21:48 |
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KotCzarny | yup | 21:49 |
lcuk | or just wait until rm comes around ;) | 21:49 |
KotCzarny | while looking for solution you learn *10 | 21:49 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:49 |
rm_you | lol | 21:49 |
KotCzarny | not only the solution for your particular problem | 21:49 |
KotCzarny | rm_you: create an assistant | 21:50 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:50 |
lcuk | nooooooooo - clippy is bad enough - lets not have on shaped like rm_you ;) | 21:51 |
KotCzarny | 'i see that you want to code... | 21:51 |
KotCzarny | ' | 21:51 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:51 |
rm_you | conversation today: "Hey, how do you do X?" Me: "Why are you trying to do X?" Person: "Because Y... I just can't get it to work." Me: "Well, apparently X isn't the right way to accomplish Y, or else there would be tons of expamples all over the Internet." Person: "Oh... Should I check on the Internet?" Me: ".... *silence* ... Why are you asking me? Ask Google. Then me. Goooooooogle." | 21:51 |
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KotCzarny | what bugs you want me to put into it? | 21:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:52 |
lcuk | deputize them - go in with plenty of star badges and choose one or two ;) | 21:52 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:52 |
GeneralAntilles | Haha | 21:53 |
lcuk | are you in there as a student with them rm? | 21:53 |
a-l-e | hello. i'm doing my first steps with maemo... | 21:53 |
KotCzarny | student assistant | 21:53 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:53 |
KotCzarny | a-l-e: maemo.org | 21:53 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:53 |
KotCzarny | lots of 'first time howtos' | 21:54 |
rm_you | I'm in the same @&*# class they are. I'm not a TA. >_< | 21:54 |
lcuk | are you older than most of them tho | 21:54 |
lcuk | and show aptitude | 21:54 |
rm_you | no | 21:54 |
rm_you | I'm a Junior in a class called Senior Software | 21:54 |
lcuk | when i was in your situation i was almost 10 years older than them | 21:54 |
rm_you | and i'm a manager | 21:55 |
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a-l-e | ... my next step is to connect the n810 to a mac through bluetooth in order to use its internet connection... | 21:55 |
KotCzarny | start taking money per hour assistance work | 21:55 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:55 |
jott | rm_you: get a job as ta and get paid for explaining them crap ;) | 21:55 |
rm_you | which means i'm supposed to ASSIGN, not do. | 21:55 |
rm_you | >_< | 21:55 |
KotCzarny | well | 21:55 |
KotCzarny | my first guess was right then | 21:55 |
KotCzarny | management | 21:55 |
KotCzarny | :> | 21:55 |
rm_you | yes | 21:55 |
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lcuk | rm, just politely say i would love to help you and if you require any additional help, heres my number call me to arrange a private lesson. right now i am trying to do my own work | 21:56 |
rm_you | well, i'm supposed to do stuff, too... but i never get to it, because i'm doing everything i assign as well. | 21:56 |
KotCzarny | you're doing management AND their work too then | 21:56 |
lcuk | as a manager you should know how to be polite but firm ;) | 21:56 |
rm_you | i should make deputies | 21:56 |
a-l-e | ... the question is: is it right, that i should install maemo-pan? | 21:56 |
rm_you | since there are at least three other people that are capable | 21:56 |
KotCzarny | a-l-e: why not simply using wlan? | 21:57 |
lcuk | and you can make money :) | 21:57 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah, I believe so, a-l-e, I never had the follow-through to both to get it working 100% though. | 21:57 |
* lcuk made money and gained gifts at xmas | 21:57 | |
GeneralAntilles | s/both/bother/ | 21:57 |
infobot | GeneralAntilles meant: Yeah, I believe so, a-l-e, I never had the follow-through to bother to get it working 100% though. | 21:57 |
rm_you | the problem is that we have deadlines, and i'm one of two people that are actually held accountable for them | 21:57 |
KotCzarny | rm_you: then you'll be better off writing code yourself? | 21:58 |
lcuk | then manage them - if you are in a group situation, assign the jobs according to ability | 21:58 |
KotCzarny | that would make you finish faster | 21:58 |
KotCzarny | as you have said :) | 21:58 |
rm_you | and i tried saying no a while ago... which led to missing deadlines because people didn't complete things, or else didn't do them correctly | 21:58 |
KotCzarny | and just simulate doing management | 21:58 |
a-l-e | kotczarny: i'm not allowed to enable it :-( | 21:58 |
KotCzarny | a-l-e: o.O | 21:58 |
rm_you | i think i'm just a horrible manager | 21:58 |
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rm_you | i don't *want* to be a manager | 21:59 |
lcuk | did you miss your deadlines, or did they? | 21:59 |
KotCzarny | not allowed? | 21:59 |
rm_you | i want to be a code monkey | 21:59 |
lcuk | if its them and they are riding on your skills and the tutor doesnt know and thinks everything is ok then nobody wins | 21:59 |
KotCzarny | rm_you: software simian | 21:59 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:59 |
rm_you | *sigh* | 21:59 |
rm_you | whatever | 21:59 |
rm_you | i got my ranting done, i'm happy :) | 21:59 |
lcuk | but code monkeys like tab and mountain dew | 21:59 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert20122245080304.gif | 21:59 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:59 |
* rm_you liked Tab... before it like, disappeared from stores >_> | 22:00 | |
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KotCzarny | what's a 'Tab' ? | 22:00 |
lcuk | http://www.jonathancoulton.com/2006/04/14/thing-a-week-29-code-monkey/ | 22:00 |
a-l-e | ... sorrry for leaving: clicked @ the wrong place. | 22:01 |
lcuk | code monkey anthem :) listen | 22:01 |
lcuk | tab = drink | 22:01 |
KotCzarny | oh | 22:01 |
lcuk | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tab_(soft_drink) | 22:01 |
KotCzarny | soft drinks are EVIL | 22:02 |
lcuk | java? | 22:02 |
KotCzarny | diet? | 22:02 |
KotCzarny | urrgrrhghr | 22:02 |
KotCzarny | it's EVIL^2 | 22:02 |
rm_you | lol yeah | 22:02 |
lcuk | ive never drunk it - im a coffee and water guy | 22:02 |
rm_you | heard this before :P awesome | 22:02 |
fysa | iPhone SDK finally released | 22:02 |
lcuk | coulton rocks :) | 22:03 |
rm_you | yeah.... the problem is, I *would* rather write the goddamn login page myself :P | 22:03 |
* rm_you does not belong in management | 22:03 | |
KotCzarny | login page.. sounds easy | 22:03 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:03 |
lcuk | the pay is better | 22:03 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: but you have to cope with people | 22:03 |
lcuk | login page in lisp | 22:03 |
rm_you | i like being responsible for ME | 22:03 |
rm_you | i can count on ME | 22:03 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: why not cobol? :P | 22:03 |
rm_you | i don't like relying on other people much <_< | 22:03 |
* lcuk pushes your stack of punch cards on the floor | 22:04 | |
* KotCzarny yawns and starts licking himself | 22:04 | |
lcuk | flexible spine? | 22:04 |
KotCzarny | what spine? | 22:05 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 22:05 |
* rm_you goes to work | 22:05 | |
KotCzarny | i should clean my laptop's display | 22:05 |
rm_you | at least I like my job | 22:05 |
KotCzarny | i can't see a thing | 22:05 |
* rm_you works at the school's ITS service center | 22:05 | |
lcuk | saves wasting electric on a screen saver | 22:05 |
* rm_you gets paid $10 an hour to sit around and make chainmail on his offtime | 22:05 | |
lcuk | sounds like my old job | 22:05 |
KotCzarny | o.O | 22:06 |
KotCzarny | spammer! | 22:06 |
lcuk | no, he said chainmail | 22:06 |
rm_you | chainmail :P IE... rings + pliers :P | 22:06 |
KotCzarny | oh | 22:06 |
rm_you | lol | 22:06 |
elb | I've always wanted to make chainmail | 22:06 |
rm_you | i'm making a chainmail suit for my penguin | 22:06 |
rm_you | i'll post pictures when i'm done :P | 22:06 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 22:06 |
rm_you | anyways, bbl | 22:07 |
lcuk | i wouldnt expect you would have much need for a chainmail vest in an it department - tho when i read about that monitor that can survive a crossbow strike it did cross my mind | 22:07 |
lcuk | cya later rm | 22:07 |
pupnik | is there something like a 'top' for oprofile? | 22:07 |
pupnik | rm_you: i want that job | 22:08 |
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lcuk | pupnik, i thought oprofile was just selectable on a process by process basic | 22:12 |
lcuk | basis | 22:12 |
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pupnik | hmm i don't udnerstand | 22:16 |
pupnik | it shows time spent in each function | 22:16 |
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desertc | :) I cannot see listed the internal / external memory card in file manager after the OS2008 upgrade. I can see them when I plug the N800 into the computer with USB, though. | 22:18 |
desertc | Is there a setting that I fixed in OS2007 that I lost in the upgrade, maybe? | 22:19 |
KotCzarny | desertc: but is it mounted? | 22:19 |
desertc | is what mounted? | 22:19 |
KotCzarny | open teminal and type: df|grep mmc | 22:19 |
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pupnik | wb ssvb | 22:19 |
desertc | KotCzarny: good call - no they are not mounted | 22:20 |
KotCzarny | desertc: :) | 22:20 |
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desertc | so, better to ask why they aren't automounting. I guess I should check fstab... | 22:23 |
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desertc | and they aren't in fstab :( | 22:23 |
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KotCzarny | maybe corruption? | 22:24 |
KotCzarny | do they mount in windows? | 22:24 |
desertc | well - I use linux, but yeah, they mounted when I plugged in the device through usb | 22:24 |
desertc | both internal and external memory slots | 22:24 |
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KotCzarny | try opening/closing battery cover then | 22:24 |
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KotCzarny | it should trigger umount/mount script | 22:25 |
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pupnik | anybody want to see some insteresting oprofile output? pingus... | 22:25 |
pupnik | http://pastebin.ca/930738 | 22:25 |
pupnik | what's all that libgcc and libc stuff? | 22:26 |
KotCzarny | printf? | 22:26 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:26 |
KotCzarny | etc. | 22:26 |
pupnik | yeah | 22:26 |
KotCzarny | system functions i guess | 22:26 |
pupnik | something very odd about that | 22:26 |
pupnik | what's libgcc_s | 22:26 |
KotCzarny | probably similiar stuff | 22:27 |
pupnik | look how much SDL takes up | 22:27 |
KotCzarny | drawing | 22:28 |
KotCzarny | i guess | 22:28 |
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pupnik | yes but all the pingus drawing *to* sdl takes up only 2.4% of cpu | 22:28 |
KotCzarny | you should compile with debugging symbols i guess? | 22:29 |
KotCzarny | libsdl and pingoos too | 22:30 |
pupnik | pingus has debug symbols | 22:30 |
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KotCzarny | then install libsdl with d. symbols | 22:31 |
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KotCzarny | desertc: i can't send a priv msgs :) | 22:32 |
desertc | oh | 22:32 |
KotCzarny | (too lazy to register) | 22:32 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:32 |
KotCzarny | join #kotc if you like ;) | 22:32 |
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jott | pupnik: install the sdl debug symbols | 22:48 |
jott | pupnik: pinugs spends most of the time in converting 8bpp to other depths.. | 22:48 |
pupnik | oki... the libc 10% cpu was all memcpy | 22:48 |
pupnik | btw pingus uses sdl set video mode with bpp=0, so it gets it from the system | 22:49 |
pupnik | http://pastebin.ca/930792 jott more oprofile | 22:49 |
pupnik | what do you mean "pingus spends most of it's time? | 22:50 |
pupnik | where is that happening? | 22:50 |
pupnik | in that oprofile report | 22:50 |
KotCzarny | probably in c code | 22:50 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:50 |
pupnik | i don't have any libgcc dbg package available | 22:51 |
pupnik | did you notice any pauses while playing pingus jott, or make any optimizations? i have a good installer now. | 22:51 |
jott | pupnik: in the one i made some weeks ago | 22:51 |
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jott | no just some stupid hacks in converting all surfaces to 16bpp.. | 22:52 |
jott | gives a nice performance boost but needs a lot of modifications to make it work proper | 22:52 |
pupnik | so all that work converting 8-16bpp is happening in libgcc_s.so.1 ? | 22:53 |
jott | no in libsdl | 22:54 |
pupnik | or libSDL | 22:54 |
pupnik | ok | 22:54 |
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KotCzarny | http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gccint/Libgcc.html | 22:54 |
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jott | did you compile with vfp? | 22:54 |
jott | as pingus uses alot of floating point math | 22:55 |
pupnik | yes | 22:55 |
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pupnik | i think so - i set the flags ion "options.cache" | 22:55 |
pupnik | but scons doesn't show me the flags for each compile step | 22:56 |
KotCzarny | export CFLAGS=... | 22:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:56 |
KotCzarny | before configure | 22:56 |
pupnik | yeah i do that, but pingus doesn't use autoconf/automake | 22:56 |
KotCzarny | uhum | 22:57 |
pupnik | jott: did you fix the problem with pingus refusing to exit? i have to kill -1 the process | 22:58 |
KotCzarny | i guess that's hildonization.. | 22:58 |
jott | hmhm.. i think it worked here.. | 22:58 |
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KotCzarny | i have similiar problem with xsquarez | 22:58 |
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KotCzarny | sometimes it closes but process remains running | 22:59 |
jott | pupnik: seems to exit fine here.. | 23:00 |
jott | i did not change anything particular | 23:00 |
pupnik | ok | 23:00 |
pupnik | do you want to keep working on pingus? | 23:02 |
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jott | a bit maybe.. i still wonder if pingus just showcases the slowness of some sdl core routines | 23:02 |
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jott | and if sdl would be a better target to optimize | 23:02 |
lcuk | even if you are optimising it, you have a testcase to build on | 23:03 |
pupnik | well i can't release this binary, but i could bundle a decent binary into my packages | 23:03 |
* lcuk finds sdl too wavy | 23:03 | |
KotCzarny | maybe simple fps counter? | 23:03 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:03 |
pupnik | for my tastes, pingus has decent fps - just occasional long pauses | 23:04 |
jott | pupnik: with background enabled? | 23:04 |
KotCzarny | then second counter with 1min average? | 23:04 |
pupnik | no animated background | 23:04 |
jott | or with "-m" | 23:04 |
jott | ok | 23:04 |
pupnik | no -m | 23:05 |
jott | sound also takes alot.. | 23:05 |
jott | erm music | 23:05 |
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pupnik | i just got a 2 second pause after 31 pingus were released and about 29 were 'out' | 23:06 |
jott | mh maybe flash activity | 23:06 |
jott | like sounds/samples that are loaded | 23:06 |
pupnik | nah it's always when more are released | 23:06 |
pupnik | you can see it often on a 770 | 23:07 |
a-l-e | i've tried to install the statusbar clock... but i don't see any clock, nor i find a setup for it. any idea? | 23:07 |
pupnik | level 6 panic island (float/bash) has a lot of onscreen pingus | 23:08 |
jott | a-l-e: go to control panel -> panels and make sure the hour/minute are active and in the right order | 23:08 |
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jott | pupnik: hm runs smooth with my patched (i.e. broken) version ;) | 23:11 |
pupnik | i also hate how when you have created say, a blocker penguin | 23:11 |
pupnik | it leaves him selected | 23:12 |
pupnik | so when i then select a different task | 23:12 |
pupnik | to give to a different pingu | 23:12 |
pupnik | it changes the currently selected pingu | 23:12 |
jott | i wonder why there is no real lemmings engine :/ | 23:12 |
jott | just this java version | 23:12 |
jott | and this runs quite slow on a n810 .. | 23:12 |
jott | and dosbox lacks proper mouse support | 23:12 |
jott | (or better touchscreen support) | 23:13 |
a-l-e | jott: thanks! ... new thing learned... but that clock is too big :-( | 23:13 |
jott | a-l-e: yeah quite a waste of space :) | 23:13 |
* KotCzarny disagrees | 23:14 | |
KotCzarny | desktop clock is even bigger | 23:14 |
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KotCzarny | so i consider statusbar one a cute lil' one | 23:14 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 23:14 |
jott | KotCzarny: but there is plenty of space on the desktop ;) | 23:14 |
a-l-e | is there a smaller one? | 23:14 |
KotCzarny | jott: desktop is covered when you run any app :) | 23:14 |
pupnik | http://www.johnlomax.com/720.htm you can port that if you want | 23:15 |
jott | hmm | 23:15 |
a-l-e | ... it takes 4 times the place of the other icons! | 23:15 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 23:15 |
jott | http://www.johnlomax.com/lemmings_720_source.zip 404 :( | 23:15 |
KotCzarny | are we talking about the same clock? | 23:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:15 |
pupnik | i have the wince source if you want jott - can't find it now | 23:16 |
KotCzarny | http://mrrau.dyndns.org:23280/n800/mydesktop.png | 23:16 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:16 |
pupnik | can't find it online | 23:16 |
jott | pupnik: is it worth the effort? | 23:16 |
jott | i.e. does it run properly under ce? | 23:17 |
KotCzarny | yeah, better make uae run smooth :> | 23:17 |
jott | KotCzarny: still lacks touch screen support | 23:17 |
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KotCzarny | jott: still | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | ami version was way cool | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:18 |
RyanE | /clear/clear | 23:18 |
jott | yeah | 23:18 |
RyanE | heh | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | and playing it with stylus... | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | mmmm | 23:18 |
jott | amiga lemmings was great ,) | 23:18 |
pupnik | the game is a 'one file .cpp' of 33860 bytes | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | i'm afraid that screen could be damaged on more difficult levels though | 23:19 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 23:19 |
EvilGuru | I just tried to browse my N810 with my iBook using bluetooth but was told that it did not support the required functionality | 23:19 |
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KotCzarny | n810 or ibook? | 23:20 |
KotCzarny | :> | 23:20 |
jott | pupnik: hmm. have you looked at it? (i.e. how much MFC stuff is in there?) | 23:20 |
EvilGuru | browse the files on my N810 using my iBook | 23:20 |
pupnik | not looked | 23:20 |
pupnik | http://pupnik.de/lemmings.zip | 23:21 |
jott | thanks | 23:21 |
EvilGuru | It is a nice feature (saves me having to use USB) | 23:21 |
jott | i wonder why the source was removed | 23:21 |
KotCzarny | evilguru: sshfs | 23:22 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:22 |
EvilGuru | That relies on me having an ad-hoc wireless connection | 23:22 |
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jott | "\\Program Files\\EasyCE\\sounds\\ohno.wav" hehe that reminds me ;) | 23:22 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:22 |
KotCzarny | fireworks :) | 23:23 |
jott | hm actually looks quite portable at a first look | 23:23 |
EvilGuru | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14228 -- rather annoying | 23:26 |
KotCzarny | maybe stopped service on mac? | 23:27 |
KotCzarny | actually i know very little about them | 23:27 |
jott | Lemmings is a 'tech demo' for EasyCE. EasyCE is a library that is supposed to ease the development of software for various versions of Windows CE. The actual game source (Lemmings.cpp) does not contain a single platform specific line, not even #ifdef's. | 23:28 |
jott | hmm | 23:28 |
EvilGuru | KotCzarny: I think it is most likely a bug in the N810s bluetooth implementation | 23:28 |
EvilGuru | as I have, in the past, browsed phones etc | 23:28 |
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KotCzarny | retu-adc #8: 404 batt: 27% [== ] | 23:30 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 23:30 |
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jott | pupnik: http://www.bik5.com/lemmings/index.html there is a little bit more recent version.. maybe other versions floating around.. | 23:34 |
jott | but this has some more platform abstraction as the one you saved ;) | 23:34 |
spirytusick | re all | 23:35 |
spirytusick | hello pupnik! busy as usual ? | 23:35 |
pupnik | yes | 23:35 |
pupnik | jott - well 4 levels aren't worth much work imo | 23:35 |
jott | indeed :( | 23:35 |
KotCzarny | uae uae uae | 23:35 |
KotCzarny | better focus on that | 23:35 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 23:35 |
jott | KotCzarny: we still need a proper solution for the mouse | 23:36 |
pupnik | ok pingus is hanging on #0 0x41386450 in pthread_join () from /lib/libpthread.so.0 #1 0x425b233c in SDL_WaitThread () from /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 #2 0x4257b0c4 in SDL_AudioQuit () from /usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0 | 23:36 |
pupnik | jott: did you build with pthread? | 23:36 |
jott | pupnik: just use -m the music is not that great anyway :P | 23:36 |
KotCzarny | :> | 23:37 |
jott | pupnik: yeah should be.. | 23:37 |
EvilGuru | Where can one file a bug about the bluetooth subsystem? | 23:37 |
spirytusick | KotCzarny: I agree, UAE and we can play the real lemmings :) | 23:37 |
pupnik | ok thx | 23:37 |
jott | any amiga guru around that would code a pseudo-touchscreen driver for amigaos? ;) | 23:38 |
spirytusick | pupnik: any luck with alsa-oss ? | 23:39 |
pupnik | no i'm not working on that | 23:39 |
KotCzarny | jott, isn't that some kind of relative positioning? | 23:40 |
spirytusick | jott: I doubt anyone will be found, amiga gurus are busy either doing something on amigas, or on aros on pegasos or god knows what else... | 23:40 |
KotCzarny | afair x86 version had a tool that synchronized os mouse with emulated one | 23:40 |
jott | KotCzarny: yeah relative positioning vs. absolute.. | 23:41 |
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jott | spirytusick: well they could hack on the amiga on the road with a n8x0 ;) | 23:42 |
KotCzarny | how about a fund to give n8x0 to some uae guru? :> | 23:42 |
spirytusick | jott: too good to be true :) but it would be nice indeed | 23:43 |
jott | btw how fast is uae on the n8x0 at the moment? | 23:45 |
KotCzarny | i think pupnik was the one playing around with it | 23:46 |
pupnik | i dunno lemmings maybe 12 fps | 23:46 |
jott | pupnik: any basic profiling done? (like some easy *2 performance boosts ;-) | 23:46 |
pupnik | no | 23:46 |
pupnik | there's a gp2x based uae with cyclone core by notaz | 23:47 |
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jott | well i guess without proper touchscreen support its not worth optimizing ;) | 23:47 |
KotCzarny | i disagree | 23:47 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:47 |
pupnik | but uae also draws junk to screen | 23:47 |
spirytusick | jott: have a look http://home.hetnet.nl/~weeren001/, maybe one day it will be a one tiny expansion cartridge for a future IT models ) | 23:47 |
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KotCzarny | too big | 23:47 |
KotCzarny | :/ | 23:47 |
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fysa | ARexx might work. | 23:48 |
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fysa | http://aminet.net/package/util/wb/mouse_control | 23:48 |
KotCzarny | arexx won't work for nondos games | 23:49 |
fysa | right, that would only be for OS-based apps mostly. | 23:49 |
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fysa | but doing something with SDL would be better. | 23:50 |
jott | screw those relative mouse pointers back then :P | 23:50 |
KotCzarny | i guess maybe some shortcut for callibration? | 23:50 |
KotCzarny | hotkey | 23:50 |
KotCzarny | click for the 0,0 point | 23:50 |
KotCzarny | and done | 23:51 |
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fysa | haha, I'd like you to try to touch 0,0 with the bezel we have ;) | 23:51 |
jott | that's broken by design. they should have expected that 20 years later people want to emulate those devices on touchscreen based pdas :P | 23:51 |
* KotCzarny touches fysa right between 0 and 0 | 23:51 | |
KotCzarny | take that! | 23:51 |
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jott | en if you | 23:52 |
jott | don't have this tablet, you can use this package to develop drivers for other | 23:52 |
jott | tablets, as the source is included and the developer tool sercon (Serial | 23:52 |
jott | Console) also with source. Programming experience is needed though. | 23:52 |
jott | oops | 23:52 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: are you aware of: http://www.rcdrummond.net/uae/test/ ? | 23:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:52 |
jott | http://aminet.net/package/driver/input/DextraPoint | 23:52 |
jott | meant to post this link :) | 23:52 |
jott | but the important quote was in it ;) | 23:52 |
spirytusick | well I suppose amiga emulation will mostly be used for games and demos, there are some apps which I still miss from amiga times but even with working touchscreen they probably be hard to use without extenal keypad. I suppose that speedups and good joystic emulation via dpad is all that is required atm | 23:52 |
KotCzarny | still dos based | 23:53 |
fysa | keeping a log of points touched in SDL and passing the difference to UAE would work, wouldn't it? | 23:53 |
jott | there is a keypad on the n810 ;) | 23:53 |
jott | and i don't want to play joystick games with it.. | 23:53 |
jott | those normally 1) need full speed 2) need a decent joystick | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | gamepad | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | joysticks suck | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:54 |
fysa | Wiimote | 23:54 |
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lcuk | wiimote would probably be best all round - it has pad points | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | anything with buttons :) | 23:54 |
lcuk | lol snap | 23:54 |
spirytusick | KotCzarny: :) | 23:54 |
jott | naa.. competition pro ftw :) | 23:54 |
fysa | I have four Wiimotes working with Windows + emulators, but haven't gotten one to show up as HID in Maemo yet. | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | fysa: someone posted driver yesterday | 23:55 |
KotCzarny | for wiimotes | 23:55 |
lcuk | i thought there was documentation on maemo | 23:55 |
fysa | really? slick. | 23:55 |
fysa | we had PyAxelWii before | 23:55 |
KotCzarny | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?p=151415#post151415 | 23:56 |
KotCzarny | here | 23:56 |
fysa | which wasn't really anything useful for games, IIRC | 23:56 |
pupnik | jott: in which scons build file did you specify -mcpu, -mfpu etc? for pingus? | 23:56 |
jott | pupnik: oh those files where broken .. i put it in config.py afair.. | 23:56 |
pupnik | when i put it in config.py it complains | 23:57 |
jott | (as in ['-foo','-bar'] | 23:57 |
pupnik | g++ "-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -fforce-mem -falign-loops=2 -falign-func-falign-jumps=2 -funroll-loops -mabi=aapcs-linux -mtune=arm1136j-s -mcpu=arm1136j-sfp -mfloat-abi=softfp -ffast-math -D_REENTRANT" -I. -Isrc -I/usr/include/SDL -I. -Io src/action_holder.o src/action_holder.cpp | 23:57 |
jott | the thing is i always got ['-foo -bar'] instaead of ['-foo','-bar'] | 23:57 |
jott | yeah | 23:57 |
pupnik | cc1plus: error: invalid option argument `-O3 -fomit- | 23:57 |
jott | thats what i got | 23:57 |
jott | ^^^ | 23:57 |
jott | with ['-foo bar'] | 23:57 |
pupnik | ohh | 23:57 |
KotCzarny | probably remove "" | 23:58 |
jott | did not debug actually WHY this happened.. | 23:58 |
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spirytusick | reminds me of my gentoo days :) | 23:58 |
jott | but it makes sense to have the args :) | 23:58 |
jott | and it worked by manually setting it in config.py ;) | 23:58 |
pupnik | ok ty | 23:59 |
jott | vfp will give a nice boost btw | 23:59 |
spirytusick | pupnik: do you really feel such a huge difference -O3 ? | 23:59 |
pupnik | i try with O2 O3 and Os | 23:59 |
spirytusick | pupnik: have you tried with -Os ? that might help on the tablet ? | 23:59 |
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