IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-01-31

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hrwlardman_: please mail OE ML about it00:01
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hrwlardman_: you can upgrade monotone or fetch 0.31 snapshot and 'db migrate' it00:01
hrwlardman_: I suggest newer monotone00:01
lardman_yeah, my version of Mandrake is so old it lists 0.28 as current00:02
BlafaselIs it evil to mix apt-get with the package management tool?00:02
lcuki thought package management tool was just a front end to apt00:02
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lardman_finally :)00:03
hrwBlafasel: it is not evil00:03
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hrwBlafasel: and apt-get works much better ;d00:03
lcukcommand line version gets you where you want to go quickly without holding hands00:03
* lcuk prefers the hand holding version tho00:03
BlafaselYeah, I ask because some websites warn that you shouldn't mix aptitude and apt-get, apparently.00:04
hrwlcuk: good luck with upgrading 'map' package then00:04
BlafaselAnd I wondered if this was a similar case.00:04
hrwBlafasel: aptitude<>apt-get is simple reason00:04
hrwBlafasel: aptitude does logging and track autoinstalled stuff. apt-get removes autoinstalled infos00:05
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Blafaselhrw: So what. I didn't know if "package manager" was a different cow again00:05
Reinardhey, does someone know some good program to stream part of desktop online?00:05
Reinardvlc would be great but it only streams whole desktop00:06
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GeneralAntillesVNC you mean?00:06
ds3is there a nice port of a vnc viewer? (nice as in supporting the full screen/zoom keys)00:07
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Reinardno, i mean vlc with 0.8.6>'s capture possibilities00:07
GeneralAntillesPart of the desktop?00:08
|tbb|Blafasel: have you checked mce.ini?00:08
Reinardvlc screen://00:08
Reinardi have resolution of 1920x1200 in my pc.. i want to stream 400x240 piece of top corner online00:08
Blafasel|tbb|: Yep, thanks! Still looking for NJoy color format docs. Maybe a better-than-hello-world app for me would include a PatternEditor00:09
Reinardi tried camtasia with vlc, but it didn't work00:09
lcukreinard, that would suck if a window was offscreen00:09
|tbb|would be nice00:09
Reinardwell yes, but still00:09
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lcukif its linux desktop cant you start a new x session just for sending remotley, but set that up at resolution required?00:11
hrwbye all00:11
* lcuk is not a ninja so doesnt know (ive just heard about ppl doing it)00:11
Reinardi have windows vista (which sucks)00:11
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Reinardi think i'll still try to setup my resolution 400x240, hope it works00:12
lcukhow about getting a recent version of VNC which has server side scaling (only sends small amount of screen?)00:12
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Reinardwell i could try that00:12
lcukor hack the source for vnc/vlc to grab/send only a small portion00:12
lcukbut i doubt it would be really useful00:13
lcuki wonder if vnc session could be made to change scaling factor based upon +- buttons on 8x000:13
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lcddbeing a streaming software vlc probably has filters for cropping and scaling00:14
lcukdoes vlc let you interact with desktop that its sending?00:14
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lardman_bloody computer!00:15
* lardman_ needs to build a kernel with serial output and see what's killing things00:15
Reinardby the way, why does my mplayer in maemo scale stream (400x240) to 400x250 before playing, then it doesn't even display it in full screen, but leaves black bars top and bottom... so the image is too flat00:15
lcuklardman_ you need to install a superior version of the kernel - the windows vista one looks good ;)00:15
Reinardyes i think vlc should have all the settings, i'll try to discover those00:16
lardman_lcuk: strangely WinXP seems to work ;)00:16
lardman_lcuk: Shame Mandrake doesn't. Grr!00:16
lcukoooer what have you done to it00:17
lardman_it's either not happy with the sound system, or with the graphics cards00:18
lcukrecent problem or have you been nursing it for a while00:18
ustunozgurReinard: vlc -H --advanced :)00:18
ustunozgur1617 lines00:19
lardman_lcuk: been a while, but normally only happens from time to time00:19
lcukapart from tonight...00:20
lardman_yep, when I've got loads of windows open and doing lots of things, it strikes!00:20
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lardman_I should fix it, can't believe the power switch is good for the system, but been busy00:20
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ds3the headphones that come w/the N800 aren't half bad00:42
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hachiI'm having a problem here with modest00:42
GeneralAntillesds3, right, they're all bad. :P00:43
hachianytime I'm not in range of a network it causes the icd window to open00:43
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GeneralAntillesHave you updated?00:43
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GeneralAntillesI think there was an update about a week ago that fixed that.00:43
hachitwice, since the problem started00:43
GeneralAntillesMaybe not, then.00:43
hachiI've been checking every few hours00:43
hachiokay, more like 800:43
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maddlerhey all...00:44
maddlerhi GeneralAntilles00:44
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hachialso, maemo extras has been throwing a gzip error for about a week now00:45
hachiwhen I try to do an apt-get update00:45
hachiI've tried flushing the lists files too, is anyone else having this problem?00:46
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hachiand I think that's causing my 'check for updates' window to say "operation failed" every single time I open it00:47
hachibut I still get updates for modest and pidgin00:47
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lardman_hachi: look at the log00:48
lardman_Tools menu iirc00:48
hachiwhat log? I'm running atp-get update manually00:48
hachiso that I can see the real errors00:48
hachigzip is failing on maemo extras, like I already said00:48
lardman_ah, my apologies00:49
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hachioop, new error now00:50
hachiwait no, same one... Err mistral Release00:50
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lardman_hrw: it's taken this long, but I've finally issued a "bitbake octave" :)00:54
GNUtoN810What's the best irc client for maemoƬ00:54
hachigzip seems to be hung on chinook/free Packages00:54
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hachithis is looking like that same hang bug that apt has had for like... 3 years now00:56
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GeneralAntillesxchat, GNUtoN810.00:58
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lardman_happy birthday maddler01:05
GNUtoN810Happy birtday maddler!01:05
lardman_how old are you?01:05
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dphil9000chinook is not a production distro?01:07
lardman_flash images produced using it are installed on production machines01:07
dphil9000if i add a chinook repository to the catalog it doesn't list any new apps01:08
lardman_dphil9000: which repo are you adding? extras?01:09
johnxdphil9000, in application manager?01:09
maddlerlardman_: 36 :)01:09
maddlergetting older :D01:09
lardman_dphil9000: if not extras, you need to enable red pill mode to see the contents01:09
lardman_but you're still happy, so can't all be bad01:09
dphil9000just called Maemo chinook.  it has the app i need, udhcpc01:09
dphil9000should have listened to morpheus ...01:10
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lardman_red pill mode01:10
johnxor apt-get from the command line01:10
dphil9000ok, i saw the howto somewhere01:10
dphil9000apt-get would be excellect01:10
timelyxhachi: if you don't mind a stale repository, i have one01:11
hachiI don't seem to be having the problem you think I am01:12
johnxdphil9000, I think the tablet comes with udhcpc ...01:12
Blafaselgrats, maddler01:12
lardman_dphil9000: yeah, see the output of ps01:13
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dphil9000that's what apt-get just said, latest version installed.  maybe it's not in my path01:13
lardman_prob need to be root01:13
maddlerBlafasel: thank you!01:14
dphil9000cool, works as root01:15
dphil9000should have figured that01:15
dphil9000one step closer to bluetooth pan01:16
ds3the built in media player's UI sure gets sluggish playing music :(01:17
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dphil9000bnep0 is up, need to get it an ip address01:23
dphil9000either install dhcpd on the laptop or set it as static01:23
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lardman_hmm, strange how sometimes -mtune=arm1136jf-s is needed and sometimes -mtune=arm1136jfs01:34
|tbb|hi collin, and gnite all01:37
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lardman_night all01:39
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Bofu2Uany chance someone has a second to help me with a osso_xterm problem? aparently ./file isn't working, says not found. :P01:55
GeneralAntillesAre you in the right directory?01:56
Bofu2Uls shows the file01:56
johnxis the file executable01:56
Bofu2Uyes, chmod +x'd01:56
lcddthe interpreter does not exist01:56
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Bofu2Ulost me01:56
johnxhe's saying that whatever you put at the top of the file "#!/bin/foo" doesn't exist01:57
Bofu2Uits a compiled C application01:57
Bofu2Uthe actual error is: "-sh: ./hello: not fount"01:57
Bofu2Uits just the hello world application :-/01:57
Bofu2Unot found*01:57
GeneralAntillesEscape space01:58
GeneralAntilles./hello\ world01:58
GeneralAntillesSpace is an argument delimiter.01:58
Bofu2Uthere is no world, I shortened it to hello01:58
Bofu2Uits just 'hello'01:58
GeneralAntillesIs it capitalized?01:59
GeneralAntillesDoes tab-completion work on the name?01:59
johnxrandom thought: is it compiled for the right architecture? You didn't accidentally compile it with scratchbox set to CHINOOK_X86?02:00
Bofu2UI dont think so but I may have left it in something else02:01
Bofu2UI just started developing today.. that's a good chance.. let me boot my laptop.02:01
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johnxyou can install 'file' on the tablet and just run it against hello02:01
Bofu2Uhello: ELF 32 bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (ARM), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped02:03
Bofu2Uthat ARM part is wrong isn't it.02:04
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johnxnope. it's right02:04
Bofu2Uwell thats not good02:04
johnxit was just a long shot as I've gotten weird errors sometimes by trying to run things of the wrong architecture02:04
Bofu2UI guess ill try a re-compile from scratchbox then transfer it again02:05
johnxsh hello02:05
johnxexec ./hello02:05
Bofu2Uexec.. 1 sec02:05
* johnx shrugs02:05
Bofu2Ublank screen02:05
johnxas in, it crashed your shell?02:06
Bofu2Ulooks like it02:06
johnxthat's pretty interesting02:06
Bofu2Uok I guess ill keep trying02:06
lcddexec kinda does that, doesn't it02:06
johnxlcdd, I ran into it once before...but I thought it must not be that common02:06
* johnx should probably man exec ...02:07
Bofu2Uk emailing it to the nokia..02:09
Bofu2Uthats how I get the files on there02:09
johnxit might be easier to install an ssh server on the nokia02:10
Bofu2Uall in good time02:10
Bofu2Uk saved as hello202:11
Bofu2Uchmod +x...02:11
GeneralAntillese-mail . . .02:11
johnx... is awesome?02:12
GeneralAntillesIs fail for file transfers. :D02:12
Bofu2Usame problem02:12
Bofu2Unot found02:12
johnxBofu2U, want to email it to me and I'll try and see what's up?02:13
Bofu2Uyeah sure02:13
Bofu2Uemail address?02:13
johnxGeneralAntilles, yeah, I tried to tell people that for years...then gmail came along with 2GB of storage and I just got tired of saying it02:14
dragornif you a) compiled it for the wrong arch b) somehow massively munged up your or c) failed to encode it in some sane way in email and it's now scrambled02:15
dragornthen it'll try to process as a script and return file not found when it can't figure out what the interpreter should be02:16
dragornor if the lib encodings are so broken it can't load the linkers02:16
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ds3or it was compiled with a diff version of ld.so02:16
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dragornor d) stripped it w/ the wrong arch stripper, that'll ruin the binary pretty significantly02:16
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dragornds3: Would have to be really different, but yeah.  I don't think theres been a breakage in years though.02:17
Bofu2Uwhats the best way to transfer files between laptop -> nokia, the USB cable probably?02:17
dragornhttp.  scp.  file share.  mount the nokia over usb.02:17
johnxor better yet: sshfs02:17
johnxsshfs over wireless is pretty nice02:18
GeneralAntillesand slow.02:18
dragorni've had bad experiences with sshfs02:18
dragornWhich granted were quite some time ago02:18
GeneralAntillesJust make yourself a couple of scp scripts so things are faster.02:18
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johnxdragorn, I've used it extensively very recently with nothing but good results02:18
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johnxeven ldd doesn't like it O_o02:22
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ds3dragorn: I have had it happened a bit on other arm platforms (haven't done enough unusual stuff on the nokias for it happen yet)02:23
dragornjohnx: run file on it02:23
johnxhello: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped02:24
dragorninteresting.  Well, something is screwed.02:25
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* johnx installs hexedit02:25
ds3run strings against it and see if the string matches what's expected02:25
johnxcould that be a clue? :D02:26
johnxBofu2U, congratulations. You win the confusing problem of the morning award02:26
johnxplease sign here to accept your prize :D02:27
ds3I didn't know there is a distributed copy of uCLibc dev. environment for the 800's02:27
Bofu2Uit works on yours doesnt it02:27
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johnxldd won't even run it02:27
ds3ldd requires to be functional02:27
Bofu2Uwhat the heck02:27
Bofu2Ulets tyr this02:28
johnxdoesn't work on N800 or Zaurus, ITOS or Debian02:28
dragornno, you managed to build it with uclibc, which is very odd.  You did something special when you made your build environment. :P02:28
johnxit's linked against uClibc02:28
Bofu2Uok what'd I break.02:28
ds3most people with a uClibc dev environment tend to be aware of that02:28
johnxare you using scratchbox?02:28
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johnxand did you follow a howto? or just kind of set it up on your own?02:28
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Bofu2Uwant me to make a new profile? or should I scrap it and re-install02:29
johnxer...just link me to the howto02:29
Bofu2Uits the scratchbox one..02:30
Bofu2Udownload binaries, untar, run "dothisfirst"02:30
johnxwhere...there are lots of howtos floating around for maemo+scratchbox02:30
Bofu2UI did from there to chapter 3 straight02:32
ds3did you install scratchbox-toolchain-arm-gcc3.2-uclibc20040229?02:32
Bofu2Uand the hello world compiles & exec's in scratchbox02:32
johnxif you have a fast connection it might just be easier to scrap this and grab the maemo sdk02:33
dragornBofu2U: Ah.  You followed a generic SB howto, not the maemo one to get the same libs as the device.02:33
johnxI'll defer to someone else on suggestions/thoughts on if this sb install can be salvaged easily02:33
dragornI wouldn't bother02:33
dragornsince maemo has packages and scripts to install it all02:34
alteregoOne of my friends just dropped my N810 at high velocity at a concrete drive way.02:34
alteregoI wouldn't recommend it.02:34
alteregoNot a scratch02:34
GeneralAntillesVery lucky.02:34
alteregoNot really.02:34
GeneralAntillesDid you beat him up?02:35
alteregoIt was my neoprene sock.02:35
alteregoThe damn thing bounced,.02:35
alteregoThe sounds it made. It was quite beautiful. You could tell it was like "Neah, that'd didn't hurt."02:35
alteregoSo, I advise people to make or get neoprene sleeves.02:36
johnxYeah, they are awesome02:36
johnxis neoprene waterproof or water "resistant" ?02:37
alteregoNeoprene absorbs water.02:37
johnxthen I guess I was just lucky02:37
alteregoThe idea is, in a wetsuit. That it keeps a layer of water between it and your skin, which your body heats up.02:38
ds3put it in an otter box02:38
alteregoTo act as insulation.02:38
alteregoI wasn't going to cut up my 150 pound dry suit to make a case.02:38
Bofu2Uk so the verdict is maemo SDK02:39
alteregoWhich, wouldn't be as good shock protection IMO. Neoprene is pretty much perfect in that aspect.02:39
johnxBofu2U, yes02:39
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Bofu2Uthanks a lot guys, saved my ass :P02:39
johnxit was a fun problem02:39
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alteregoAnyhow, I'm knackered. Good night folks :)02:40
Bofu2Uthanks johnx02:40
johnx'night alterego02:40
Bofu2Uwill work on debian?02:40
alteregoBofu2U, debian is the way forward ;)02:40
Bofu2UI just got my first debian machine running02:40
Bofu2Uwell virtual machine02:40
Bofu2UI like it so far. I was a slack user :o02:40
johnxBofu2U, works best in Debian02:40
alteregoYeah, installing scratchbox in debian is the best way to go.02:41
alteregoUbuntu is the next best, though, pretty much the same ;)02:41
johnxgoes together like peanut-butter and ... more peanut-butter02:41
tekonivelyo.  there's no way to tune the Osso mailer to code messages in quoted-printable instead of base64.  the former is (barely) readable on lame email systems, latter hardly :/02:41
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Bofu2Uyou know what I just noticed02:42
Bofu2Uyou said uclibc was bad, right?02:43
tekoniveli'm afraid my colleagues are tangled by horrible, horrible email systems that don't support MIME properly (can you believe that?)02:43
johnxwell it's not *bad* it's just that it's not the libc that Nokia's Linux distro uses :)02:43
ds3you could install uClibc on the N800 if you got flash to spare02:44
johnxds3, actually I tried running it in /mnt/initfs but it's a different version of uclibc02:45
johnxheh :D02:45
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ds3sigh i hate google02:46
pupnikpoll, favorite cflags for omap2420 performance?  (even guesses are ok)02:46
johnxds3, hmm?02:46
pupnikjust  CFLAGS="-O3 -mcpu=arm1136j-s -mtune=arm1136j-s -fomit-frame-pointer  for me right now02:47
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ds3johnx: their db is so polluted, to get some useful answers, I pretty much have to almsot always do -ebay -craigslist -patent -patents -mysimon -globalspec to every search02:47
johnxhave any better suggestions?02:48
ds3and if I search for patent, it would match patent and patents, but if I do -patent it would not take out -patents02:48
johnxalso with domain "tasting" going away it should help a little02:48
ds3yeah, a database that disallows merchants to sell stuff and a seperate database for selling stuff02:48
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ds3and reverting to the old style of searching for what you want by default and not trying to guess02:49
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petergunndatabases eeeew! ;-)02:50
EsworpHas anyone had any os2008 trouble with erming?02:51
smackpotatoany here know X1102:53
tekonivelsmackpotato: i know a thing or two about oldsk00l x1102:54
tekonivelsmackpotato: not properly though. what's up?02:54
smackpotatotalk to me about pointer grabs02:55
ds3it isn't polite to grab ;)02:55
tekonivelsmackpotato: lol, i'm not sure if they ever were very popular02:55
tekonivelsmackpotato: i know what it is and i've encountered it on Ultrix, VAX and Domain/OS, but don't know how to implement it, i'm afraid02:56
smackpotatohow do i warp the pointer whengrabed02:56
smackpotatook thanks anyway02:57
tekonivelsmackpotato: sorry mate02:57
smackpotatoim trying to make the tablet more like a trackball .any ideas02:59
GeneralAntillesPlug in a trackball? :P03:02
zerojayConsidering the fact that trackballs work on relative terms and the touchscreen works on absolute terms, you might have problems with that.03:03
zerojayA trackball only answers the question of "how far are we since the last check" and "what speed are we going at" where as the touchscreen just asks "where the fuck are we?"03:04
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smackpotatoya i am having trouble03:08
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tekonivelsmackpotato: while at it, why not make it possible to use the N800 as a trackpad controller over USB and Bluetooth? <grin>03:10
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tekonivelsmackpotato: just kidding mate (but it's a nifty idea, innit?)03:11
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smackpotatoi can map the stylus button 5 then send fake button 1 as i wannt03:12
smackpotatoits just a pain using the stylus when the keyboard is open03:14
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ds3for the server, you could write a translating driver and feed the input to the standard mouse driver03:15
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smackpotatoya the is even a translating library tslib but its beond me03:16
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dskippyI am having a hard time streaming raw audio to my laptop from my nokia using gstreamer.03:26
dskippyI am running the following command on the laptop: "gst-launch tcpserversrc host= port=3000 ! queue ! audioconvert ! alsasink03:27
dskippyAnd then this on the nokia03:27
dskippygst-launch dsppcmsrc ! queue ! audio/x-raw-int,channels=1,rate=8000 ! audioconvert ! tcpclientsink host= port=300003:27
dskippyI get "not negotiated" on the server's output.03:27
dskippyThe issue must be with the audio/x-raw-int part. I've been fiddling with it a lot. Seems like that's what it should be.03:28
dskippyA few tutorials use that or something like it.03:28
dskippyBut I still can't get it to negotiate.03:28
Bofu2Uanyone: just rebooted, says "you must close your other scratchbox sessions first"03:29
Bofu2Uany idea where the lock files are? :P03:29
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elb-tabletI kind of wish all these maemo packagers would get with the program nd use the same category names04:33
johnxbut making up your own category names is half the fun!04:34
elb-tabletAnd that my completion dictionary would come back...04:34
johnx"it was hard to write, it should be hard to install!"04:35
elb-tabletHmm, turning off the second language brought back the dictionary04:36
GeneralAntillesPlug in a trackball? :P04:37
elb-tabletThese input methods seem a bit buggy ;-)04:37
pupnikGeneralAntilles: you interested in working on exult by any chance?04:37
Tama^2trackball? plug in a *paddle* I say04:38
GeneralAntillespupnik, I lack three things: skills, time, and a development environment.04:38
pupnikit's not rocket science but i just don't understand enough about C04:39
pupnikoh well ... nothing to do but press on04:39
GeneralAntillesMy biggest problem is that I'm all PPC here.04:40
elb-tabletDoesn't sound problematic to me!04:41
Tama^2C? bring it on! ;)04:41
petergunnever tried k ? - it beats the pants of C04:42
j0ttpupnik: have you done anything more about it? i started some mouse-button swapping against exult 1.2 (the current cvs did crash too frequently for me)04:42
pupnikj0tt: HI!!!!04:43
pupnikcurrent cvs crashing too much for me too!  i'm working on integrating the pocketPC changes04:43
pupnikso I created my own __tablet__ #define like the UNDER_CE define04:44
pupnikand went through the tree picking which parts of the UNDER_CE would apply to the tablet04:44
pupnikthen i added Keyboard_gump and touchscreen to the automake stuff (but i don't understand if that's working right)04:44
pupniktrying to make upstream-compatible changes (it's not so easy)04:45
pupnikbut if we just hacked the source for a 'forked' build it would be a lot easier04:45
pupnikjust include manually the code needed and there won't be so many problems with the includes and links04:45
j0ttyeah i tried that too .. (UNDER_CE stuff..) but all much too unstable at the moment04:45
pupniki have something that mostly-builds... do you want to take a look at it and see why the final link fails?04:46
pupnikor can you share your cvs tree with the merged under_ce stuff?04:47
* j0tt hopes that he has not deleted it ;)04:47
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j0ttcompiles fine (that is cvs from jan 14)04:50
pupnikwith those changes, does the touchscreen mode toggle work?04:52
j0tti think it was04:53
j0ttthats the current fake_rmb patch against 1.2 (can be used with the sid package)04:53
j0ttthere are 2 more patches in the series (your keybindings and the resolution)04:54
j0ttactually not yours04:54
j0ttbut i also touched it as you did ;)04:54
j0tt+F6            useitem                 178 0   # Show map04:54
j0tt+F8            toggle_combat04:54
j0ttjust like this04:54
j0tt(more n810 friendly ;)04:55
j0ttah and i included the scaling thingie..04:55
pupnikthere are also changes needed for arm-aligned blitting04:55
pupnikXsp scaling?04:56
pupnikthe scale2x scaler works nicely, but it still requires the full 800x480 final blit, so that has to go.04:56
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j0ttpupnik: dget -x
j0ttno.. just the zaurus codepath in ibuf8.cc04:59
pupnikok right04:59
elbif anyone knows how to package a firefox extension for microb, I'd love to see pwdhash04:59
pupnikthanks j0tt05:00
elbhmmm it uses xul :-(05:00
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j0ttpupnik: i think there is still on issue when you release the swap-button before releasing the mouse (as in "pen up")05:01
j0ttone issue05:01
j0tti thought about some nice solution but have not yet implemented it ;)05:01
j0ttotherwise it seems to work quite nice..05:01
j0ttah and it's right mousebutton on tab and zoom in (or was it out) to activate the left mouse button05:02
j0tt(as in hold zoom in and tap)05:02
j0ttto drag and use05:02
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pupnikgreat stuff j0tt05:05
pupnikwhat do you think should be done for music?05:05
j0ttpupnik: ermm i have rebuild sdl mixer with ogg support...05:06
j0ttdunno it's not the best solution (perfomance wise)05:06
j0tti guess gstreamer with dspmp3 would be better05:06
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pupniki have made some fairly compact mp3s for that.  right now my music player patch launches gstreamer as a system call05:07
pupnikit's just a hacked audio/  do you think you might be interested in implementing a better gstreamer mp3 player?05:08
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j0ttpupnik: yeah i guess system call is mad ;) a proper gstreamer pipe should not be that hard to implement05:10
j0ttpupnik: yeah already got that ;)05:10
j0ttspeaking of perfomance: i did some (very very simple) float benchmark:
j0tt(with chinook gcc 3.4.4 and codesourcery gcc 4.2.1)05:11
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pupnikhigher numbers better i assume?05:12
j0ttyeah.. flops05:12
j0ttquite a jump from gcc 3.4.4 to gcc 4.2.1 if this is correct (esp. with vfp enabled)05:12
pupnikdo you have to link in a different libm?05:12
j0ttno it worked.. hmm maybe i should statically link and test again05:13
johnxwow...that's nice05:13
johnxnothing like hardware you already have getting faster over time thanks to further optimization05:14
j0ttindeed ;)05:14
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pupnikwhat is for> ? -mabi=aapcs-linux05:15
dragornhas anyone noticed that gpsd on maemo is just plain broken?05:15
Esworp  hbox.pack_start(self.send_button, True, True, 0)05:16
j0ttpupnik: This is also reflected in the -mabi=aapcs or -mabi=aapcs-linux switches to GCC: aapcs defines enums to be a variable sized type, while with aapcs-linux they are always ints (4 bytes).05:16
Esworp/usr/bin/uktube:519: GtkWarning: gtk_box_pack_start: assertion `child->parent == NULL' failed05:16
EsworpAny thoughts on why this error occurs?05:16
j0tthm i guess it would really be wise to settle to oe for some optimized compilation stuff, or is there an easy way to integrate a gcc 4.2.x toolchain into sbox1 ? ;o05:18
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* pupnik now thinks j0tt is sensei05:19
j0ttlol ;)05:20
j0tthmm anyway i wonder on which parts a vpf enabled build would slow down... only things like gobject based transfers?05:21
j0tti gues sdl usually does not make trouble as it's not really float affine ..:)05:21
pupnikhow about we coordinate based off your patched exult 1.205:23
pupnikwhat would be your TODO list?  mine would be 1) mp3 gstreamer music and 2) Xsp pixel doubling05:24
pupnik  there's the changelog btw for cvs changes from 1.2 release05:24
j0ttyeah i guess i would fix this state bug that i *think* can occur (not noticed it while playing)05:24
j0ttyeah looked at it.. quite nice changes..05:25
j0ttbut not worth it if its unstable as hell atm :(05:25
fysaHow does it run now?05:25
pupnikyes i haven't found what's crashing yet05:25
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j0ttfysa: the 1.2 release is pretty stable but also pretty old ;)05:25
fysayou seen ?05:26
fysaFinal Fantasy 7 engine clone, also supports Final Fantasy Tactics I believe (maybe a different fork)05:26
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fysaI don't think it requires GL.05:26
fysaThe backgrounds are prerendered.05:27
j0tt---+, it uses cross-platform graphics libraries (SDL and OpenGL) along with GCC, -...05:27
j0ttit does :/05:27
fysaI thought you could configure without.  let me try something05:27
j0ttyou could run it through mesa..05:27
j0tti guess games like ff7 could be played for most parts with very low fps05:27
fysaFinal Fantasy Tactics is perfect for a handheld.05:28
fysaoh, right.  it wants automake 1.9.6 and I haven't upgraded yet.05:29
fysawould be faster than through a PSX emulator, anyway. ;)05:31
EsworpHey, speaking of emulators, is there a c64 emu that'll run on the handheld?  It'd be cool to run demofiles on it instead of youtube-ing them.05:32
pupnik  Esworp .. there might be better ones05:34
fysafrodo is good.05:34
EsworpSweet.   Now to fix that uktube problem.  I wonder if whatever is causing the problem is affecting other stuff, like erming, mebbe.05:36
j0ttEsworp: i would suggest to mail the author or open a bug report05:38
pupnikj0tt: if you want to link-in the exult_pocketpc.flx file, you will need the .h header file - i regenerated it05:39
j0ttpupnik: aye.. i realized this later ..05:39
EsworpYah, i'm digging for his email addy presently.05:39
j0ttpupnik: but did not dig fix as it was too broken ...05:39
pupnik  j0tt05:40
pupnikyes that stuff does not cleanly compile in with the linux stuff05:41
pupnikhis changes seem to be msvc project based05:41
j0ttno.. it compiled fine..05:41
j0tt(some mvc fixed needed)05:41
j0ttbut the release is unusable (at least the one from jan 14)05:41
j0ttmore the snapshot..05:41
pupnikdoes your patch to the cvs included changes needed to the automake stuff?05:41
j0tthmm does not look like so..05:42
pupniklike including in and Keyboard_gumps ?05:42
j0ttor is it?05:42
j0tti flushed the cvs sources just kept this diff and got back to 1.2 ;)05:43
j0ttbut in the long term the cvs version should be used...05:43
pupnikthere are a number of updates since 1.2 but getting a stable, installable release is more important05:44
pupnikdo you want my gimped
pupnikit's in the source
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j0ttyep.. looked at it..05:46
pupnikok so I'll.. build and test your 1.2, and then do the pixel doubling?  or what would you suggest05:46
j0ttyeah you can do so.. i'll implement the (theoretical) fix to the fake_rmb in the next few days..05:47
j0ttbut it should work for now05:47
j0tt(hopefully ;)05:47
pupniki'll keep a clean directory of your version on-hand and make diffs05:47
j0tttry to keep the patches in the debian/patches dir..05:48
j0ttyeah..clean debian package would be the best to track changes to upstream05:48
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smackpotatox device06:15
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kupesoftNo injection :(06:17
johnxhey, at least monitor mode works more or less and WEXT can be implemented06:19
dragornjohnx: yeaaaah more less than more06:23
dragorntheres some definite Strange to it.06:23
johnxit's actually more reliable than the wireless in my laptop06:23
dragornIt sometimes gets confused changing channels, and you have to screw with power saving to reliably get it working06:23
dragornand kill off wlancond06:24
johnxthe wext patch is good enough that wpa-supplicant can use it in Debian and kismet works06:24
johnxanything else is just gravy to me :)06:24
dragornok, see, why the eff don't people tell me about these things?06:24
dragornWhatever.  GPSD is still screwed so that has to be rewritten.06:24
johnxon the N810? for the internal GPS?06:25
dragornOh for anything06:25
johnxI'm more worried about the proprietary power management in the long run :/06:25
dragornYup, the power management is a big issue06:25
dragornThese would be the reasons kismet does not, infact, really work.06:25
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dragornExpect a test package once i rewrite the gps handling06:26
johnx...and the fact that battery charging is controlled by a proprietary user-land binary O_o06:26
dragornbecause it would seem that the maemo gpsd can't, actually, parse nmea.  Which is mind-boggling since that's the reason it exists.06:26
johnxsounds cool. I don't have a GPS though so I'm just using debian's kismet06:26
dragornNeither watcher nor poll mode works - gpsd can't figure out what the quality of the lock is, nor the altitude, nor the velocity06:26
dragornso everything that uses it has to use debug mode and parse nmea themselves over tcp06:27
johnxthat's pretty bad06:27
johnxwell that's pretty broken06:27
dragornsure is06:27
dragorni'm astounded06:27
dragornso i've got to backport the raw nmea support from newcore and link it to the stable gpsd handler, and detect the gpsd signature on maemo06:27
dragornWaste of an evening06:27
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johnxthat's why I'm trying to just cut my losses and drop Nokia's ITOS06:28
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dragornBut seriously - people ahve been bitching for a long time about kismet on the nokias, and yet NO-ONE tells me that theres an additional set of wext patches?06:29
johnxI didn't know either06:29
johnxit's on the mailing list06:29
johnxlet me find a link06:30
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legind_mobileany way to check the n800 battery life in percentage? maybe thru xterm?06:32
Tama^2not that I know of06:33
dragornlegind: If you find out, let me know06:33
Tama^2I am trying to establish what is draining mine06:33
dragornoh good.  dbus.06:33
proteousI'll write you a little network service where you can sms it a cameraphone picture of the battery meter on your nokia and it will sms you back a percentage06:34
proteousalthough it's accuracy won't be that good06:34
proteoushmm, you're going to need to make sure there is nothing else red, yellow or green in the picture too06:37
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johnxso I'm going to start rolling up a new beta of an sd-bootable debian filesystem for the N8x0...06:43
johnxIt will probably be in the range of a couple hundred MB this time06:43
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johnxanyone interested in hosting it?06:44
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fysaI can stick it up at the same location if you'd like.06:55
johnxthat would be great. Hopefully after this I'll be able to release small .debs to do updates...06:56
fysaeither way.06:56
fysajust happy to have debian at all :)06:58
johnxwell this is much, much better relase than last time06:58
GeneralAntillesAny progress with dsme?06:58
fysaI am going on a trip next week and thinking of picking up a bluetooth mouse for 'laptop' mode.06:58
fysa(i.e., booting debian)06:58
GeneralAntillesThat would be so win.06:59
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johnxfysa, well this will include a nice GUI way to pair BT devices :)06:59
fysavery nice.06:59
fysaI wonder if we can get USB video working.07:00
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johnxslow down their, turbo :P07:00
johnxalso, this time (thanks to the pkg-maemo guys) it boots into ... hildon-desktop07:00
johnxleafpad installs and runs with only dependency modifications07:01
fysathen we can use xdm to switch?07:01
fysaor just write a script to swap .xinitrc07:01
johnxThey did it through an init script that just drops you into hildon desktop, so I stopped having it call /root/.xinitrc from rc.local07:02
johnxit's really easy to change back though07:02
fysaCan you send stop to kill it?07:02
johnxyeah, or just find a way to crash it07:02
johnxjust as easy07:03
* GeneralAntilles goes ignorant-mode.07:03
GeneralAntillesCan we boot from multiple partitions on one SD card?07:03
johnxGeneralAntilles, yes07:03
GeneralAntillesAh, good.07:03
johnxdo you have boot-from-sd setup?07:03
GeneralAntillesNot yet.07:04
johnxah, it will tell you how in the howto07:04
fysaI will boot into debian and rootstrap scratchbox1. ;)07:04
* johnx kries emo tears for fysa's tablet07:04
johnxGeneralAntilles, actually, you can boot from any filesystem you can mount in initfs07:05
johnxNFS, USB stick, sshfs,07:05
fysaa tiny HDD.07:05
fysawith full-on debian07:05
fysahow fast is the USB2.0 bus?07:05
fysaand how hard does it push the cpu?07:06
johnxon the idea07:06
johnxheh, you could rubberband it to the back of your tablet and include a USB power injector and some batteries07:06
johnxit would be awesome07:06
GeneralAntillesGuess I'll chop up my 8GB and give myself a back-up OS2008 partition and Debian.07:06
fysaI'm just thinking to use it as a pseudo-desktop, but yeah.07:06
fysaswap on HDD would be much improved07:06
pupnikmaemo chess has no online feature?  there should be an open-specification online chess protocol07:07
fysaI bet that would feel like a large performance increase.07:07
fysadreamchess compiles cleanly I believe07:07
fysaI was hunting the other day07:07
GeneralAntillesmaemo Chess pwns me.07:07
johnxah, this is what I was thinking of when I sad attach a battery+usb drive to the tablet:
fysaoh, no, not that dreamchess.07:08
GeneralAntillesPhotoshop makes me feel like an alchemist.07:08
johnxisn't that the most awesome battery addon ever? :D07:09
fysathat is incredible.07:09
johnxright, so I have a 20GB 1.8" HD and I'll need to get a USB charger and a small passive hub07:10
johnxone of those battery packs with a USB host port07:11
johnxpretty cool07:11
johnxrather steep07:11
fysaneed to find a case-only07:11
fysa2.5" are dirt cheap07:15
fysathat's pretty cool.07:15
johnxnot bad but I'd pay $10 or even $20 more for something that got better reviews07:16
johnxhey rm_you :D07:16
rm_youRuss Nelson of any relation>07:17
nelsonrm_you: yes.07:18
rm_youah :P07:19
rm_youinteresting! not what i was referring to, actually, but interesting nonetheless :P07:19
nelsonjohnx: thanks .... glad you like it.07:20
fysashouldn't we have enough power for a 1.8" drive via USB OnTheGo?07:20
pupniktoo bad we don't have power over usb07:20
nelsonjohnx: I'm working on a version of the battery pack for my n81007:20
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pupniki found some cheap 3000mA baby C nimh batteries -07:21
johnxnelson, very cool.07:22
johnxfysa, almost certainly not07:22
johnxmy Zaurus won't even try to spin it up07:22
johnxon a USB hub with 4AAA batteries+host port power it *tries* really hard to spin up but fails07:23
unique311whats the news with the wiimote and the NIT?07:23
fysaI think I might get a 1.8" drive and try it, could always use an injector cable if it doesn't work.  I wouldn't mind carrying a mirror of my work stuff around easily.07:24
nelsonrm_you: so .... why did you mention my name?07:25
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rm_youthe link he posted earlier07:25
rm_youi was asking john if it was someone he was related to07:25
johnxbut I was too dull to get the connection :D07:25
fysathat's not too bad.07:26
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fysathree AAA's, $40, and slightly ugly07:28
johnxyeah, that's pretty ugly07:29
dragornIt's a shame that theres absolutely no reason to hook my camera up to my nokia07:30
dragornbecause i've got more space in the cam than the 81007:30
fysawhy not?07:30
fysayou can use the nokia to upload straight to flickr/picasa07:30
johnxdragorn, use it the other way around?07:30
dragornjohnx: can't do UMS on the cam07:31
johnxas in: "it won't act like a card reader" ? O_o07:31
johnxthat's unfortunate :/07:31
* dragorn shrugs07:31
GeneralAntillesIs the reboot actually required after each filesystem format?07:32
johnxI had a great idea involving that "friendly plastic" stuff from russ' battery-mod and a camera too :D07:32
johnxformat? no. repartition? almost certainly not.07:32
dragornfysa: if I used either, and if I shot in a format that they accepted :)07:32
johnxthe kernel is smart enough to reread the partition table07:32
johnxif you're paranoid, pull the card and plug it in again07:33
GeneralAntillesThe guides have stuff like this: mkdosfs /dev/mmcblk1p1; shutdown -r now07:33
johnxyeah, well they also have you mount the card to /floppy07:33
dragornmainly i'd be interested in being able to move the files, but not having anything large enough to be worth moving to knocks that plan out07:33
GeneralAntillesJust making sure07:33
johnxGeneralAntilles, it's a historical artifact from the late 90's07:33
johnxnow it's a part of the Linux cargo-cult subconscious07:33
nelsonphenny, tell hilde "The Science of Affairs with Librarians:"07:34
dragornexcept that some block devices don't rescan cleanly, and if you're doing stuff with jffs you probably want to reboot to be sure :P07:34
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nelsonoops, wrong channel.07:35
johnxdragorn, ok. that makes sense07:35
dragornjohnx: for intel, it's definitely an artifact of ye olden days07:36
dragornjohnx: I might have a moment of hesitation about embedded flash, just because they're often a little funny.  A SD card is probably less funny.07:36
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johnxyeah, I've had an ARM Linux handheld of one type or another since 2003 and I've stayed the hell away from repartitioning embedded flash :)07:37
johnxI've never had a problem with SD cards not having their partition table rescanned (except when it's rescanned and thus automounted before I can reformat)07:38
* GeneralAntilles fails at Linux filesystem tools.07:43
johnxuh oh07:43
johnxah, sfdisk?07:43
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johnxseriously, plain fdisk is almost more friendly07:44
GeneralAntillesmmcblk0p[23] don't exist07:44
johnxyou repartitioned and they don't exist?07:44
johnxtake out card, reinsert07:44
johnxI'm really tempted to compile a copy of cfdisk just so that I never have to use sfdisk again07:45
fysaI almost want an AppleTV to hack around on.07:45
GeneralAntillesAha . . . genius!07:46
bmidgleyamazing... usb otg works on my n81007:46
johnxnote: the N8x0 will *not* rescan your card after reparitioning so you actually do need to either reinsert it or reboot07:46
bmidgleyused a flash drive07:46
johnxso that means I get to eat my words from 10 minutes ago07:47
GeneralAntillesReinsert is easy than a reboot.07:47
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: Reinsert is easier than a reboot.07:47
johnxyes...I didn't think either would be required07:47
johnxMaybe sfdisk doesn't actually ask the kernel to rescan the partitions?07:48
GeneralAntillesHaven't a clue.07:48
* johnx builds cfdisk07:48
johnxseriously...sfdisk is horrible07:48
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GeneralAntillesAh, sweet, I don't have to look at the Nokia logo at all anymore.07:52
GeneralAntillesWhere's your wiki page, johnx?07:54
johnxguess I should link it from the front page of the wiki...07:55
johnxGeneralAntilles, I'll have a new release out in a couple hours though and it's the end of the month and I have 5GB of transfer to kill today :D07:55
pupnikwould the 4.8V from 4x AA NiMH cells be too low for the 5V power input of N8x0?07:55
GeneralAntillesjohnx, that's what I'm gearing up for. :D07:56
johnxa lot of the instructions on that are kind of outdated07:56
pupnikthese 5v external Li-Ion battery packs are like 70 euro in germany07:57
pupnik4xAA @ 2300Mah would be about 7 euro with charger07:57
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pupniksheez, generic bp-4ls on ebay are like 3-9 euro07:59
pupnikoriginal nokia 40 euro08:00
* johnx is so happy our devices use popular batteries08:00
pupnikah found some for 25 euro too08:00
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pupnikfound one that looks decent for 9 eu08:03
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GeneralAntillesAlright, rootfs is copying. . . .08:09
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johnxalright, wireless w/ wpa, should work "out of the box" now :)08:10
johnxbut I never figured out how to set the MAC back to the actual default :|08:12
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GeneralAntillesHow can I edit /mnt/initfs/ when /mnt/initfs/ is mounted as read-only?08:16
* GeneralAntilles is mildly out of his depth.08:17
johnxwhich HOWTO are you following?08:17
johnxperhaps mount -o rw,remount /mnt/initfs will help08:17
johnxalso, fanoush changed want to edit bootmenu.conf I think08:18
johnxalso, if you edit the bootmenu.conf file before running initfs_flasher (sp?) then it will copy it to initfs for you08:18
GeneralAntillesRan the intfs_flash already.08:19
GeneralAntillesWhere is bootmenu.conf?08:20
johnxalso in initfs08:20
johnxdid the remount work?08:20
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GeneralAntillesWas about to find out until you started on about a .conf. :P08:20
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GeneralAntillesEh, "No space left on device"08:22
johnxthey crammed it pretty tight08:22
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GeneralAntillesThen how do I get an option for Debian and an option for OS2008 (mmc2) into the bootmenu?08:23
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johnxlet me dig into the initfs readme ...08:23
johnxyou might just need to reboot to make the kernel free up a page or two on /mnt/initfs08:24
GeneralAntillesWill try08:25
johnxor just install the initfs thing again08:25
GeneralAntillesModify the in the initfs_flash directory then re-run?08:25
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johnxmodify the bootmenu.conf then rerun initfs_flasher08:26
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GeneralAntillesAh, beautiful. Thanks, johnx.08:32
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johnxnow you are free from the worry of an unbootable tablet08:32
johnxplus this makes backups so stupid easy08:33
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* GeneralAntilles waits for Debian.08:34
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pupnik_ok the 770 is amazing.  I've had it connected to wlan with opera open to my homepage for like 32 hours08:44
pupnik_on battery.  and i can ping it from my pc08:45
pupnik_how the heck does the 770 go to sleep and then wake up when it gets pinged?08:45
johnxdoes the first ping take longer than other others?08:46
pupnik_oh yes it takes a while08:46
johnxI think that's your answer then :)08:46
pupnik_i haven't been using it of course08:46
pupnik_just occasional taps to make sure it's till alive08:46
pupnik_i just think it's incredible08:47
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johnxyeah, Nokia's power saving is pretty good. I just wish it wasn't closed source :(08:47
pupnik_lowest display brightness, oh, and cpu monitor is running08:47
pupnik_and my site has no javascript08:47
pupnik_i guess so08:47
pupnik_are there external bp-4l chargers?08:48
pupnik_  aha08:49
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pupnik_  Found a charger that might be able to charge the bp-4l09:11
johnxI would be careful of charging Lithium Ion batteries in anything except an official charger...09:12
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johnxPeople who fly RC airplanes that run on Li-Ion batteries have found out they can be a serious fire risk if charged incorrectly09:12
GeneralAntillesYes, but think of all the fun you're missing out on!09:14
pupnik_hmrm. crazy how cheap some stuff is - here's a charger from hong kong for $1.9909:14
johnxdanger! danger!09:14
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GeneralAntillesDanger, Will Robinson!09:14
pupnik_guess i'll just swap them and forget about chargers09:15
GeneralAntillesI have two 770s for battery charging.09:15
johnxtwo links: &
rm_youi remember you always saying you would want to charge them outside, far away from anything, in fireproof buckets :P09:18
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johnxI don't even think $1.99 covers the component cost of a lithium ion battery charger...09:19
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Cptn-N800Li ion is the safest thing to charge09:23
Cptn-N800They regulate themselves09:23
johnxit depends on the battery...09:24
Cptn-N800Sure chinese batteries named after ikea furniture may be unstable09:25
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, ETA? :D09:30
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johnxafter dinner :P09:34
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rm_youjohnx: how much space do i need on my SD09:39
johnxmaybe ~1GB09:40
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matmomorning all09:41
pupnik_anybody have 'flex' for chinook?09:41
rm_youjohnx: hrm. i'd be down with trying it :)09:41
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pupnik_thank Yuuu!09:43
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alpwelcome :-)09:44
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lardmanmorning all10:12
GeneralAntillesWhy the default /home/user look like on a normal OS2008 install?10:12
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lardmanhrw: Am very happy using OE to build .debs :)10:12
rm_youjohnx: when you get back from dinner or whatever, just tell me what i need to DL or point me at your instructions (i assume you posted them somewhere)10:13
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GeneralAntilless/Why/What does/10:13
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lardmanwhat do you think the best way to use a vfp libm with Octave would be?10:24
lardmanalter LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running Octave?10:24
lardmanNot sure I want to try altering the Octave Makefiles to statically link a vfp libm10:24
matmowhat is "OE"?10:25
lardmanAssuming these debs work, it's far nicer than messing about in Scratchbox10:26
lardmanpartly because it has lots and lots of build recipes provided10:27
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pupniklardman: did you see j0tt's vfp floating point test?  does one need to link-in a different libm statically to make use of vfp?10:28
lardmanpupnik: no, do you have a link?10:29
lardmanpupnik: and no, you don't need a vfp libm unless you are going to use trig functions, etc.10:29
lardmanpupnik: I do of course have my own benchmark tests (
pupnik  lardman10:30
hrwlardman: cool10:30
hrwlardman: MACHINE="nokia800" CPU_FEATURES="vfp" will give you vfp10:31
lardmanhrw: ah, okay, I was going to edit conf/machines/include/tune-arm1136jf-s.inc10:32
hrwlardman: CPU_FEATURES is new stuff which I still did not documented ;(10:32
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lardmannp, thanks for the pointer :)10:32
lardmando you reckon fiddling with LD_LIBRARY_PATH is the easiest method?10:33
lardmanhmm, compiler error building gnuplot10:34
pupnikso this ~50 MFlop looks roughly equiv to a ~350 mhz Pentium II10:35
lardmanpupnik: more benchmarks here:
pupnikwhat do you guys think of those CFLAGS?10:38
JaffaMorning, all10:39
pupnikCFLAGS -s -static -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fforce-addr -fforce-mem -falign-loops=2 -falign-functions=2 -falign-jumps=2 -funroll-loops -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp10:39
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lardmaniirc that's what I was told would produce the best code10:40
pupniki notice they didn't use -march or -mtune or -mcpu on the N80010:40
lardmanno I didn't10:40
pupnikoh that's your comparison between PXA, i.MX31 etc?10:41
lardmanmy data for the 770 and N80010:41
lardmanbut yeah, you might get some more speed out of it with different options10:42
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lardmannot to mention the faster processor :)10:43
pupnikthanks, interesting stuff to try10:43
lardmanCurious error message - make: arm-linux-gcc: Command not found10:45
pupnikmaybe it can't follow a link?10:46
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GeneralAntillespupnik, how's Synergy coming?10:48
pupnikhaven't done anything with it - just tried the old version without visible X pointer10:49
JaffaThere's a thread, IIRC, on ITT called "preliminary mouse support" - not read it, but presumably that solves the invisible X pointer problem10:49
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hrw will be probably never solved ;(10:51
pupnikyou can copy over another x pointer i guess10:51
lardmanhrw: As you're using an unsupported locale, I fear it will be some way down their priority list10:52
lardmanhrw: :(10:52
lardmanhmm, something's clobbering my path10:53
hrwlardman: you know how I care about it? not at all. I just assume that system is broken10:54
lardmana bit annoying though, but not something that affects you too much at least10:55
hrwlardman: it does10:55
hrwas maemo does not have a way to set 24 clock instead of am/pm one10:55
lardmanah, the clock-linked-to-locale issue10:56
pupnikthanks to the guys working on debianish tools -- quilt available in scratchbox now10:56
pupniksaves me so much time10:56
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pupnikgah, i just almost tapped my monitor again with the stylus11:24
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inzpupnik, I rarely try to do it with the stylus, but my thumb often goes pretty close to the laptop screen11:25
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GeneralAntillesI do that all the time with laptops.11:28
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lardmanhrw: I don't see CPU_FEATURES="vfp" doing anything in particular11:31
hrwlardman: it should enable -mvfp11:31
hrwlardman: or maybe it is my local change - sorry11:31
lardmanI'll edit the .inc file for the time being11:32
lardmanwould libc be the first thing affected? Just wondering how much I need to rm -rf11:32
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AD-N770bon dia / good morning11:55
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michelegood morning12:04
hrwsomeone know format of /usr/share/i18n-locale-resolver files?12:04
michelewhoa! why are CF cards still so expensive?12:04
* michele wonders about a CF-to-SD adapter12:04
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johnxthey exist, and they're cheap12:08
johnxand they can support SDHC12:08
michelecan't seem to find sdhc ones12:08
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micheleand "cheap" means they still cost more than my 4G microsd...12:08
johnxbut you only have to buy the adapter once :)12:09
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pupnikhow do i rebuild the deb without recompiling everything?  i just want to change the Section:12:11
inzpupnik, fakeroot debian/rules binary12:12
jumpulaif you compiled the package yourself and still has the build directory12:12
* pupnik jots that down12:13
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giladanyone still around?12:56
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johnxI'm still here12:56
giladgot a problem with my new n810, it won't turn on12:56
giladit was on, and i locked the screen12:56
giladand then it wouldn't unlock12:56
giladso i pulled the battery12:57
giladnow it won't turn back on12:57
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johnxyou've tried plugging it into power, right?12:57
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johnxsorry, I don't really have any ideas :(13:00
giladis there a hard reset switch somewhere that i dont see ?13:00
johnxpulling the battery is the "hard reset"13:01
johnxit might be worth searching on the
johnxother people had similar problems with the N80013:01
giladok, thanks, i'll continue to do that13:01
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n0ob_is this review to be taken serious?13:18
johnxEh, it's an Apple fanboy reviewing a Nokia product13:21
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johnxwe have Nokia fanboys review Apple stuff all the time on itt13:21
michelestill, though harsh, I think he has valid points13:22
johnxyeah, some of it is valid13:22
micheleand I still love mi n81013:22
johnxwhether people are willing to admit it or not Apple set a new bar for mobile UI design13:22
pupnikas a reviewer he gets more things wrong than the N810 does as a tablet13:22
michelewell, the part about scrolling is spot on13:23
pupniki'll test that13:23
lardmananyone have any ideas about the format of /var/lib/gsp/nvd_data ?13:23
micheleI find scrolling is especially bad on reddit13:24
pupnikscrolling wikipedia runs about 12fps13:24
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michelereddi has quite an awful html code, though13:24
pupnikscrolling reddit gets about 12fps13:25
micheleand it doesn't jump back and forth?13:25
micheleon a single post page, non on the main page13:25
micheletake one with many comments13:25
michelescrolling with the thumb/finger!13:26
pupnik1) no i don't have an account13:26
pupnik2) any of these javascript monsters is a browser killer13:26
pupnikit's the FAULT OF THE WEB PAGE13:26
micheleoh, no, not at all13:26
pupnik3) i don't even see finger scrolling working13:26
pupnikYES IT IS13:26
micheleit's the web right now13:26
micheleand it's the browser's fault if it doesn't work13:27
pupnikthe web page is SOFTWARE now13:27
pupnikand people who write BAD SOFTWARE are to blame13:27
micheleI think the problem there is not JS (gmail goes just fine), but the huge amount of nested tables13:28
pupniki'm not going to upgrade to a Core2 duo just to browse some asshat's site13:28
johnxwe need a webkit based browser on the tablet like yesterday13:28
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pupniki quit using digg on my PC because the retards made it too slow13:29
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ustunozgurpupnik: it is faster now I think13:29
ustunozgurI remember my Linux machine being unresponsive with Digg, though.13:30
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pupnikyeah well webmonkeys who write browser-raping pages LOSE MY BUSINESS13:30
kikkaHello there.13:30
johnxhi kikka13:30
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pupniksorry for my tone there michele, i was just watching tourettesguy on youtube13:35
michelepupnik: don't worry, I'm fine13:36
pupniki used to do consulting for a premier web-centric firm and i get angry about this stuff13:37
micheleI work on the web for... eight years now ;)13:37
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pupnikanyway, you won't see much faster scrolling until n9x013:38
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pupnikf'n retards.  "it doens't scroll at 60 fps'13:39
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floriangood morning13:40
micheleI don't need 60fps, I need reliable scrolling13:41
johnxmichele, does it "skip" up and down for you as well?13:41
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lardmanWhat was that setting to change in about:config?13:41
michelejohnx: yes, but only on some sites (reddit is the worst offender)13:41
lardmanI couldn't find it; the page does load eventually for me13:42
johnxmichele, ah interesting. I've been having some touchscreen problems and I wasn't sure if that was related or not13:42
pupnikj0tt: you around?13:42
michelejohnx: scrolling with the thumb or finger is hard, sometimes it will select, sometimes you have to press very hard. using the nail or stylus seems to work better overall13:43
johnxyeah, I just scroll lightly with my fingernail13:43
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johnxbut some sites I can actually hold my finger (or stylus even) in place and watch the page skip up and down :/13:43
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johnxglad to hear it's a browser issue actually :)13:44
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micheleurgh... I finally finished the article and the guy is quite a dork...13:48
johnxyeah I read like 3 sentences and gave up13:48
johnxI'm so sick of fanboys, no matter what platform they like13:48
michelecheck out the "operating system" section, priceless13:48
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Blafasellardman: search for "delay"13:51
lardmanBlafasel: ok, thanks13:51
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BlafaselUrgh.. Now that review is quite harsh..13:52
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BlafaselHrhr.. I do have to agree with the GPS part, but the rest is really crazy..13:55
micheleI don't, it's not *that* bad13:57
solmumahayou could see what was coming from the previous post13:57
johnxhis whole site is about apple stuff...I don't really think he had any interest in a fair review...13:58
solmumahafew valid points though13:58
michelenokia's earplug sucks too13:58
johnx"even a broken clock is right twice a day"13:58
Blafaselmichele: I can really support all his points: Worked only once for me. Never ever again, not outside or anywhere..13:58
Blafasel(All his GPS points, of course)13:59
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lardmanThe odd delays due to cpufreq are annoying13:59
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micheleI wonder how he does ctrl-o on an iphone14:00
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inzlardman, echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor14:02
lardmaninz: yeah, but that sort of defeats the purpose ;)14:02
inzlardman, how about powersave then ;)14:03
lardmanyeah, I suppose it would be slow all the time then :)14:03
micheledoes it support conservative? that would be good14:04
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inzmichele, cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors14:04
lardmanI still think a userspace one with more tweakable logic might be a good idea14:04
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|tbb|what is cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors that good for14:05
lardmantells you which governors are available14:06
inzFor cpu frequency scaling14:06
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pupnikondemand is default14:19
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BlafaselI still snicker because of that review. Priceless ;)14:27
johnxNew Debian beta release for N8x0 tablets! Get it while it's hot!14:31
johnxand updated the wiki with new info:
johnxGeneralAntilles, ping :)14:32
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LoCusFhas anyone been successfull in setting up usb-networking between n810 and ubuntu gutsy? (While following this guide:
johnxnot with that guide, but I've got it working fine under Debian14:34
johnxwhat problem are you running into?14:34
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LoCusFhell heck it worked14:37
johnxyou're welcome :D14:37
LoCusFI just needed to plug in the usb-cable before running ifup usb0 :)14:37
LoCusFyeah thx for your effort :)14:37
johnxit'll probably stop working as soon as I leave :)14:37
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LoCusFlol :)14:38
johnxit's some kind of aura that causes other people not to be able to consistently reproduce computer problems around me :P14:38
LoCusFnow I need to ask another question :D14:39
LoCusFhow do I disable access control in X server on N810=14:39
LoCusFand I really want to do this14:39
johnxso that people can log in remotely?14:40
johnxor rather access the X server remotely?14:40
Blafaselxhost on desktops. Not sure about the N81014:40
LoCusFwell I wanna record the :0 screen on my N81014:40
LoCusFwith recordmydesktop14:40
johnxLoCusF, from a desktop? or from the tablet?14:40
LoCusFfrom a desktop14:40
bedboiOT: anyone knows a good USB WiFi dongle?14:40
LoCusFjohnx: I need to know how to pass the -ac flag to the X-server startup14:41
bedboiobviously working under linux14:41
johnxhave you tried setting up tunneling via SSH?14:41
LoCusFoh yeah14:41
lardmanI wonder how one queries
LoCusFbut I don't know if it is slow14:41
johnxit would almost certainly have some performance impact14:41
LoCusFand there might not be a listening tcp-port14:41
johnxlook in /etc/init.d/x-server14:41
johnxby default the X server won't listen to TCP14:42
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johnxand like Blafasel said, you might need (or it would be easiest to use) xhost14:42
LoCusFthe thing is that theres no xhost package in the repos14:43
LoCusFbut I gotta try a debian one14:43
jkulardman, did you find anything of interest RE: gpsdriver14:43
lardmanjku: /var/lib/gps/*14:44
lardmanjku: Trying to work out what nvd_data does14:44
lardmanam also looking at how one can query the Nokia AGPS server at
lardmanI can't see anything about how one should connect to except someone saying that it requires TLS14:46
lardmanI wonder if N95 owners are able to intercept their GPRS data streams?14:46
X-Fadelardman: My N95 connects to it over umts, but tracing that is hard :)14:46
jkuso it doesn't use wlan even if it's available?14:47
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LoCusFok xhost up & running14:47
lardmanX-Fade: 3G stuff?14:47
johnxfrom debian sid armel?14:47
LoCusFjohnx: yep14:47
LoCusFit needed libxmuu114:48
lardmanX-Fade: I suppose it might be possible to tell it to use GPRS and use a user defined proxy which you can query14:48
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johnxand here i was about to offer to try mudbuilder :)14:48
X-Fadelardman: Yeah, try to let it connect to my wifi and replace the dns entry..14:48
lardmanthe more immediate question is whether the ability to handle agps data is already in place14:49
LoCusFjohnx: there is no /etc/init.d/x-server in N810 but there is one at N800 with OS200714:50
jkulardman, exactly but it seems fear of nokia legal prevents ansewring even that :)14:50
lardmanwould be nice to hear something from them14:51
johnxLoCusF, I have on on the latest OS2008 on an N800...14:51
LoCusFjohnx: oh :/14:51
pupnikugh j0tt... that 1.2 release is ollld14:51
LoCusFjohnx: well I have it too douh :))))14:52
LoCusFran /etc/init.d/x-server stop14:52
LoCusFand my n810 rebooted14:53
johnxyeah, don't do that :P14:53
johnxedit and reboot :D14:53
jkulardman, the guy mentioned as author in the gps library headers answered a couple of questions I had on the APIs. You could try asking directly...14:53
LoCusFwell not anymore :(14:53
LoCusFjohnx: yep :D14:53
lardmanjku: ah, ok, thanks14:53
Jaffalardman: what are you planning on feeding it with? (Either the AGPS or
LoCusFjohnx: the point of all this is to actually record an entire maemo desktop on n810 without too much of a lag14:53
X-Fadelardman: I can only select mobile data sources for agps, it won't select my wifi AP.14:53
jkualthough it is a bit different situation14:54
lardmanJaffa: dunno really, depends on what format it requires14:54
lardmanJaffa: would provide data presumably, if we could work out how to query it, and if we can give that data to the GPS chip14:54
hahlowhy gronmayer page gives php-info?14:54
lardmanX-Fade: thanks for looking anyway :)14:55
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X-Fadelardman: Still trying to proxy that one to a server ;)14:55
lardmancool :)14:55
hahloI click the topic looking repositories but got php-info page14:56
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lardmanI found this which gives an example of the amount of data we're talking about14:56
lardmani.e. not all that much14:57
hahloah one t at the end was missing14:57
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Cptnodegard16GB sdhc in mail :314:59
Cptnodegardthats 24GB n80014:59
hrwVO: [nokia770] 352x240 => 352x240 Planar YV12  [fs] [zoom]15:01
hrw[nokia770] Using ARM JIT YUV420 scaler (quality=2) to scale 352x240 => 352x24015:01
hrwmplayer 1.0rc1-maemo.24.n8x0 on n810 is broken15:01
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hrwit check for 770 and n800 but not for n81015:02
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lardmanwhat does it check though?15:02
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hrwit parse /proc/cpuinfo for 'Nokia 770' and for 'Nokia N800'15:03
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lardmanah, ok15:03
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hrwit should also check for 'Nokia RX-44'15:03
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Jaffalardman: I'd guess takes - at a minimum - broadcast cell IDs15:03
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lardmanJaffa: yep, might not be the easiest process to go from geoclue -> Cell tower ID -> server15:04
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lardmanbut then the calculations could be run on another server15:04
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pupnikthis distortion/crackling on the n810 is amazingly annoying15:05
pupnikseems to be worst when playing dspmp3sink15:05
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lardmanlunch time!15:06
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johnxhrw, it's strange that no one ran into that before...Does it still play video?15:06
Jaffalardman|away: Has Geoclue got anything for talking to a phone over Bluetooth?15:07
Takdid we lose ssvb at some point?15:07
jkuJaffa, no15:07
Jaffajku: shame15:07
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jkujaffa, true. Do you know if there's a (semi)standard way to get cell data over bt?15:08
hrwjohnx: yes - via xv15:08
pupnikTak, activity did decline but he posted Jan 28 to ITT15:08
inzjku, libgammu ;)15:08
jkuinfz, I take that as a yes? you can get e.g. cell id over bluetooth without special software on phone end?15:09
jkuinz, even15:10
hahlothis /etc/apt/sources.list is empty? despite i tried to add all the repositories for os 200815:10
jkuhahlo, look at /etc/sources.list.d15:10
LoCusFjohnx: now I've got this error:
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johnxhahlo, look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list15:11
hahlook thanks there they were15:11
johnxLoCusF, is that with xhost +desktop ?15:11
hahloalso got that gpg-key missing error from several ropositories, can it be fixed somehow?15:12
LoCusFjohnx: yep15:12
LoCusFit seems that matchbox won't allow itself to be monitored :)15:13
johnxmaybe it's hiding something15:13
inzjku, I once managed to create a simple program that did just that15:13
inzjku, you might to need to know _something_ about the phone though15:14
jkuinz, that is really interesting... I don't mind a few non-standard tricks. I'm just not interested if the phone needs some software installed15:15
hahlo GPG error: mistral Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5FD45CD3EA68E29D15:15
Jaffajku: no, I was hoping Geoclue might have something then I'd know if there was ;-)15:15
inzjku, no specialized software needed on the phone15:15
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jkuinz, true there is a GSM_GetNetworkInfo() that does return cellid. Very interesting.15:25
lardman|homewhat's that part of?15:25
jkulibgammu, (gammu-info.h)15:26
jkuno idea how well it's supported15:26
lardman|homeshould just be a pretty standard bit of info I'd have thougght15:26
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lardman|homeor should I say piece of info :)15:27
X-FadeFunny gps info page @ Nokia:
jkuyeah, but it has to do with cell phones so you're probably wrong :)15:27
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lardman|homeperhaps, but gsm is the standard, so there shouldn't really be any differences between operators or phones15:28
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lardman|homethough as you say, cell/mobile phones so who knows!?15:28
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jkulardman|home, the bt interface is the problem I believe15:28
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lardman|homewell at least it might be possible15:29
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jkuI'll definitely test15:29
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lardman|homehmm, gpsdriver doesn't have a main function15:45
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* Jaffa wouldn't mind installing a small Java ME app on his phone to export its cell data over BT to his N81015:49
lardman|homeJaffa: do the standard BT AT commands not work/do enough?15:50
lardman|homeAnyone know how a file can get away without having a main function?15:50
lardman|homebut still have an entry point15:51
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Jaffalardman|home: I've not found anything which says that there *are* standard AT commands for it (I'd love to be proved wrong, even if it required manufacturer-specific codes: there aren't that many).15:56
JaffaIs there a powertop port for chinook?15:56
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lardman|homeJaffa: what phone do you have?15:56
Jaffalardman|home: SE W850i15:57
X-Fadelardman|home: Using an applet on your phone over bt would be overkill. I can already use my N95 gps for maemo mapper. ;)15:58
* Jaffa doesn't want a phone as big as an N95 if he's got an N810.15:58
lardman|homeJaffa: I had a list of AT codes for a SE k750i (my last phone), try some browsing of the SE website15:59
zaheermJaffa, yah an e51 would be nice instead15:59
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JaffaAnyone familiar enough with BlueZ OTTOTH to know how I can send (and see the response) for random AT commands on an N810 to the configured phone?16:03
JaffaAh, has a Python example16:04
Jaffahrw: you should get it syndicated on p.m.o16:05
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solmumahaJaffa: why was that interesting to me? :)16:05
JaffaOr is it already?16:05
hrwJaffa: it is not16:06
Jaffasolmumaha: ?16:06
lardman|homehmm, so an elf binary actually starts at the _start symbol? What happens if there isn't one of these?16:06
solmumaha16:07 < Jaffa> solmumaha:
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X-Fadehrw: Do you have a maemo specific feed? I can add you to planet, if you like.16:08
hrwX-Fade: I can create one16:09
X-Fadehrw: It is better to have all posts on-topic, so if you can :)16:09
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hrwX-Fade: I know - my blog is on 3 planets already16:10
X-FadeI saw that :)16:10
hrwX-Fade: I have to decide which tag to use. probably 'nokia' one16:11
Jaffasolmumaha: sorry, must have been a mistab16:11
solmumahanp, i'll survive16:12
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Jaffalardman|home: Found a doc on containing all the AT commands16:13
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hrwX-Fade: but I warn you that not all posts will be positive ones16:14
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lardmanand it was all going so well with no crashes16:16
X-Fadehrw: Do you have a maemo account?16:18
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ustunozgur nmhjy4576i89p[0--0*/*16:19
hrwX-Fade: garage one? I have16:20
hrwX-Fade: hrw@16:20
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gok1Howdy all.16:21
gok1Got an n810, wondering about a silly thing - I can't get youtube to play, it complains about old flash player or javascript turned off (which it is not). Am I the only one?16:22
gok1(might be a better channel)16:22
X-Fadehrw: Hmm weird. It doesn't exist on, but does on garage..16:22
solmumahagok1: enable it from the browsers looking class menu16:23
solmumahaunder components16:23
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hrwX-Fade: I registered ~hour ago16:23
X-Fadehrw: Ah, that'll be it then ;)16:23
solmumahahrw: looks like you need mediaserv for your videos16:23
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hrwsolmumaha: mplayer works with them16:24
solmumahano need to transcode them?16:24
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* gok1 oh...16:25
hrwsolmumaha: those ones are 352x240 (grabbed from PAL tv)16:25
solmumahalow bitrate too then?16:25
hrwVIDEO:  [DIV3]  352x240  24bpp  29.970 fps  335.6 kbps (41.0 kbyte/s)16:26
hrwAUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/8.33% (ratio: 16000->192000)16:26
solmumahaah, no wonder then16:27
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X-Fadehrw: It has been added. I see you even uploaded your picture ;)16:50
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hrwX-Fade: I did not liked avatar ;D16:51
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dtatuleahey guys16:53
hrwnow my n810 does not want to turn on ;( when I was switching it off it told 'battery full'16:53
|tbb|Disconnect:  please change your nick, its not funny sitting on webirc and then your name appears ;)16:54
dtatuleaI would like to keem my drives mounted while being connected to a  computer (via USB).16:54
dtatuleaAny ideas on how to do that?16:54
fysahrw: Try leaving it on the charger for a bit.  My N800 does that from time to time.16:55
hrwfysa: ugly hw bug?16:55
johnxdtatulea, you could modify the script that unmounts them...16:55
fysamaybe battery monitor bug.  it feels like it wants more juice to power up than it actually has for some reason.16:56
johnxdtatulea, or setup usb networking...16:56
fysamaybe a capacitor16:56
hrwfysa: but it told 'battery full' after poweroff ;d16:56
dtatuleajohnx: So it's not something deeper. Like the driver not allowing it...16:56
||cwdtatulea: what will the computer connection do then?16:57
johnxdtatulea, for your desktop to access the cards they need to be unmounted on the tablet16:57
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||cwdtatulea: default is for the desktop to mount he cards, and you can't have 2 OS's mount one card at the same time16:57
||cwwould totaly destroy the file system16:58
dtatuleajohnx: Hmm, yeah, you're right...I guess.16:58
johnxdtatulea, you could setup usb networking and transfer files that way16:58
johnxso the cards would stay mounted on the tablet, and the computer could copy files to it with WinSCP (on win32) or ssshfs (on Linux/Mac)16:59
dtatuleajohnx: Or use scp if wireless around.16:59
lardmanhmm, I see gpsdriver outputs messages17:00
lardman"inject customer conf" and "inject recv conf" amongst others17:01
lardmanso that nvd_data is probably the "customer conf" it's talking about17:02
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lardmanthough there is also a gps_serial_ports file scudding about, will have to take another look17:04
dtatuleajohnx: I was just searching a low level problem to pick on and fix. :)17:04
johnxjust looking for something to hack on?17:04
johnxwell, I put up a tarball of Debian for the N8x0, here:
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johnxthat could definitely use some hacking, to be sure :)17:08
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lardmandoes anyone have experience with obfuscation?17:09
proteousIlkjne LBLLen23 lx00en17:10
Takproteous does.17:10
lardmanah, pretty good too, I was wondering what he was saying ;)17:10
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dtatuleajohnx: Hmm, interesting... I'll look into it.17:23
johnxI should probably post a screenshot or two...17:24
johnxthat will be tomorrow though17:24
johnxfor now I need to get to bed17:24
johnx'night all17:24
|tbb|night jx17:26
* johnx sleeps17:26
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hircushi fugitivo17:31
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KhertanHello !17:36
Khertangood news ... i can run glade-3 in scratchbox armel :)17:36
Khertanthis will be usefull for onboard dev :)17:36
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Takglade's UI is pretty unsuitable for tablet use, though17:37
Khertantak yes ...17:38
Khertanbut glade 3 should be better :)17:38
Khertansometime is usefull .... better than editing xml in blind mode :)17:39
elbdo people use glade for maemo development?17:39
* elb is somewhat surprised17:39
TakI do17:40
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Khertanme too17:42
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Khertanbut not all the time17:42
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dphil9000finally got the  IT tethered to my laptop with bluetooth pan17:43
TakI use it for _all_ my gtk/hildon apps17:43
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Khertannot me as i code mainly in the train ... some of my gui was made in the code ...17:45
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fugitivoI code the gui17:47
Khertanouch ... it s really small on the tablet ...17:48
Khertanand really slow ... snifff17:49
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Khertanmaybe a glade-2 instead a glade-3 will be more usefull17:51
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TakI doubt it'll be substantially different17:53
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wumpusI doubt the tablet is a very good development platform anyway17:54
Khertanwumpus > pfffff17:54
KhertanTak> as it use different windows ... maybe i ll be able to see more than 1 property of widget17:55
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Khertanas scrolling isn't possible due to the size of the property box :)17:55
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LinuxCodehey all17:57
LinuxCodebtw guys/gals...dont use the rss reader applet and let it scroll17:58
LinuxCodeit eats ya cpu and slows ya device down17:58
LinuxCodelooks rubbish17:58
LinuxCodeat first I thought I installed so much junk that the main menu just needed longer to load17:59
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LinuxCodealso...with older Access Points you might experience packet loss18:00
LinuxCodeI think its a linux related issue18:00
LinuxCodebought a new wireless router ..with wpa-psk2 fine18:00
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wumpusyeah that's known it doesn't work with WEP very well18:02
Blafaselworks for me18:02
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LinuxCodewumpus, yeh18:04
LinuxCodeis ok though...that thing was very old and insecure18:04
LinuxCodewell more insecure18:04
Khertanouch glade-2 as too many dependancy18:04
LinuxCodebought an all in one modem/router/adsl218:04
LinuxCodewhich then also replaced the adsl1 modem18:04
zoranso, you have wpa2 aes?18:05
LinuxCodeaes ?18:05
wumpusyeah nobody shouldn't be using WEP anyway anymore18:05
zorankind of encryption18:05
LinuxCodewumpus, you mean nobody should be using wep hehe18:06
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LinuxCodezoran, errrm18:06
zoranwhat ap you bought?18:06
LinuxCodeI know what aes is...18:06
LinuxCodedidnt know some APs supported aes crypto18:06
wumpusLinuxCode: hahah yes I mean that18:06
LinuxCodezoran, nothing fancy..18:06
LinuxCodeDG834 netgear18:07
wumpuswell you have wpa2/tkip and wpa/aes18:07
LinuxCodenetgear rock!18:07
wumpusmost access points support both18:07
LinuxCodethey give instructions for linux users18:07
dphil9000if anyone on my street thinks my 7600k dsl is worth leeching, more power to them18:07
LinuxCodewumpus, interesting18:07
LinuxCodedphil9000, thats not the point18:07
dphil9000dang BT KB18:07
LinuxCodeas a winblows user i.e. not a decent integrated firewall18:07
wumpusas aes is more secure, you should be using that if you have the choice18:08
dphil9000yeah i know wep is lame18:08
LinuxCodeI wouldnt want my AP to be used18:08
wumpusbut still all wpa2 is hard to hack18:08
wumpuswep is trivial (ie, three minutes :P)18:08
LinuxCodewumpus, pre-shared keys is kinda .... secure18:08
LinuxCodeunless your key is aaaa18:08
LinuxCodebut then you deserve whats coming at you18:08
hrwLinuxCode: pwgen generate nice keys18:09
LinuxCodewumpus, yeh when I cracked mine in a 10 mins18:09
LinuxCodeI unplugged in18:09
LinuxCodebut then I have gigabit in the house18:09
LinuxCodeI dont wireless at all18:09
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LinuxCodeonly using it because of the N81018:09
hrwkUApzoVb7Hcod4Ek43bFiapk4T7CrdCU for example18:09
LinuxCodeif it wasnt for that Id switch it off18:09
wumpusI don't want to put cables everywhere :p18:09
LinuxCodehrw, yep use that to make passwords for bots18:10
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LinuxCodewumpus, well I had the house rewired...the power lines were too few and insecure18:10
zoranfor wpa2 aes make a 65 letter pass18:10
LinuxCodeafter I fried a ws all replaced18:10
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LinuxCodeand then I took the opportunity to put 4 cat5e lines in18:11
wumpusLinuxCode: sure, but if you want to use your laptop/tablet everywhere in the house that'd be an awful lot of wire :)18:11
dphil9000don't think my  kids' xo laptop can use  wpa18:11
LinuxCodefor each room to accommodate VoIP and other future stuff18:11
dphil9000neither does the old router18:11
LinuxCodedphil9000, isolate it18:11
wumpusdphil9000: usually it's just a matter of upgrading the wifi drivers18:11
LinuxCodeshould be ok18:11
LinuxCodewumpus, the card is integrated18:12
LinuxCodeor chip18:12
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LinuxCodeof the xo doesnt support it chipset wise18:12
wumpuswhat does that have to do with upgrading drivers?18:12
elbdphil9000: it should be able to do WPA with a recent OS revision18:12
LinuxCodeyou are stuffed18:12
LinuxCodedphil9000, there ya go ;-D18:12
wumpusit has nothing to do with chipset support, encryption is done in software18:12
LinuxCodeelb, interesting elb ;-D18:12
LinuxCodewumpus, ahhh18:13
elbwumpus: chipsets do have to support WPA18:13
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LinuxCodeyes I thought so too18:13
zoransome older chips do not handle wpa18:13
elbalthough I really don't understand how or why18:13
dphil9000i'm too busy playinng with my gentoo laptop and the n810 to botherr with the xo and security18:13
LinuxCodelike my ME102 rofl18:13
zoranatheros is the way to go18:13
wumpuselb: the drivers have to support it, and some chipsets might not have sufficient drivers, though those must be really crappily old18:14
LinuxCodezoran, I had a usb wlan adapter and bought a pc-card for my old laptop.. seems well supported18:14
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LinuxCodethanks to atheros18:14
zoranwhat os?18:14
LinuxCodeany of you remember when you had major problems getting hardware to work in linux lol18:14
dphil9000n8xx + evdo laptop = net and voip everywhere18:15
elbwumpus: yes, but -- it doesn't seem t obe able to be bolted on to pre-WPA chipsets18:15
wumpusyeah for atheros you can find anything18:15
LinuxCodezoran, fedora 818:15
wumpuselb: for my laptops it went ok18:15
elbwumpus: even Apple never supported WPA for their Orinoco AirPort cards18:15
wumpusit was indeed just 'bolted on' with a driver upgrade18:15
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wumpuswell yeah apple :)18:15
elbif the chipset has certain features, I think you *can*18:15
wumpusthey want to sell more hardware :P18:15
elbbut if it doesn't, I think you're lost18:15
zoranopenbsd has some strange decision for wpa18:16
dphil9000apple sells the sizzle, not the steak18:16
zoranthey like n protocol18:16
zorannot supported in linux and bsd yet, as I know18:16
dphil9000no 802.11n?18:17
wumpusdepends on the chip I think18:17
elbyeah, I'm reading a page here that says that early 802.11b devices need firware updates18:17
zorannot on freebasd18:17
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wumpusI'm sure some n devices must be supported in linux by now18:18
wumpusbut yeah open source wifi driver development goes really slow due to political reasons18:18
dphil9000at leaast in linux, i'd swear i saw n stuff in the kernel config18:18
zoranit is a matter of openess of the hardware18:18
lardman~lart control flow graph flattening18:18
* infobot takes large quantities of Krispy Kream donuts and stuffs them one after another down control flow graph flattening's throat until control flow graph flattening puts on 150lbs18:18
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wumpusyes the closedness of wifi hardware is forced for political reasons (ie, radios are dangerous mmkay)18:19
dphil9000the newest intel  4965 is mostly open with a small binary firmware.  that seems reasonable.18:19
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zorangreen people living in radios could make invasion18:19
Tak~lart Tak18:19
* infobot whips out his power stapler and staples Tak's foot to the floor18:19
Takaww, why can't I get the doughnut one?!18:20
zoranyeah, intel learnt a lesson18:20
lardmanTak: I'll swap you18:20
* Tak will flatten control flow graphs for doughnuts18:20
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wumpusdphil9000: this firmware is integrated into the card or a binary host blob?18:20
zoranalso taek a look at intell drivers for their graphical chops18:20
dphil9000binary driver that you install18:20
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dphil9000don't know how it works internally18:21
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zoranno full disclosure, probably18:21
wumpusthose are bad as they tie you to a certain platform18:21
zoranamd politics look better18:22
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dphil9000most of the driverr gets compiled, but the firmware file gets placed in /lib/firmware by the package insstaller18:22
lardmanTak: I want them unflattened though!18:22
wumpusooh so the firmware is executed by the device itself,then it's no problem18:22
dphil9000tis iGo bluuetooth keyboard is nice on the n810, but the duplicate letters gets annoying18:23
zoranit all started for atheros driver on freebsd18:23
elbdphil9000: does the hardware have a busted debouncer?18:24
Takthat'll cost you triple doughnuts18:24
dphil9000debounccer?  the springy things in the keys?18:25
elbno, the firmware which says "oh, these super-rapid presses of the same key are a physical phenomenon in the switching hardware"18:25
lardmanDo you think it's a legal requirement that integration companies (e.g. Ti for with the driver for the PowerVR) have to obfuscate their code, or is it more likely that Imgtech wrote a binary blob and that was linked in?18:25
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elbswitches do not cleanly move from on to off ... if a very short period of time as off is represented as 0, and on as 1, the press of a key looks like 000000001010110111101111111111111101101010010000000018:26
elband if the hardware is fast enough to sense those transitions, it needs to say "OK, less than K 1s in a row is part of the bounce"18:26
dphil9000well, they're all very secretive.  a guy i know worked on network hardware with  an nda  from intel.  he says their ethernet chipsets have way more capabilities than they expose to the public.18:27
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elbso, my question is, is it simply a repeat rate problem (the keys are held too long), or is it a bounce problem?18:27
wumpusdphil9000: yep, it allows them to sell the same chip to different markets as if a different product18:28
dphil9000i hit thee keys a normal amount of time, but multiiple keystrokess are sent to the IT.18:28
elbyeah, that's unfortunate18:29
dphil9000the IT has 2 bluetooth connections, one with the keyboard, and one with tthe evdo laptop to get to the net.18:29
wumpusall hardware vendors do that, but some just disable the extra features in hardware (ie, by busting connections inside) instead of relying on secret firmware18:29
wumpuswhich is imo better18:29
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dphil9000i like to think if we can reverse engineer hard ennough we can find all the backdoors and seekrit features18:30
Takdphil9000: sure, but by then the hardware's beyond obsolete18:31
dphil9000ndaa's are never roock solid, people leak info18:31
zoranmaybe some option in xorg conf or alike18:32
* lardman doesn't really care about seekrit features, just the ones that are built in but not useable!18:33
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dphil9000anybody else using bluetooth pan on the n810?18:38
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zorandoes mplayer on 770/800/810 work in console mode for internet radio? like "mplayer -cache 128 mms://station..."18:39
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hrwzoran: give me url of radio and I will tell you18:42
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hrwzoran: and nokia 810 does not run linux. you mean n810 ;)18:42
zoranhrw, yep  :)18:42
hrwso what with mms:// station to test?18:43
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LinuxCodeeww mms18:43
zoransomething from live365.com18:43
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hrwTak: humppa.. argh ;D18:44
hrwzoran: you give me url, I do test. simple rule ;D18:44
LinuxCodemms i detest18:45
LinuxCodemp3 i feel free18:45
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* LinuxCode doesnt live in the US18:47
* LinuxCode doesnt do software patents18:47
LinuxCodehrw, happy typing that in ;-|18:48
LinuxCodebetter ssh18:48
zoranhuh, just cannot get addres of any of those graphical pages for country!!!18:49
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hrwAUDIO: 11025 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 32.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 4000->44100)18:51
zorank, gonna install it on gregale!18:52
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zoranhm, pls, asx, ram...18:53
giladhrw: does that mean you got your n810 back up ?18:54
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lardmancu chaps18:59
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pupniklardman: did you find anybody else interested in getting stuff running on dsp?18:59
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lardman|gonenot quite gone yet19:00
lardman|gonedhd is interested and just had an email from Philipp Zabel (on the list) about DSP stuff too19:00
lardman|goneso there seems to be some interest at least19:00
pupnikbetter than none i guess19:01
pupnikwill check the list19:01
lardman|gonerm_you was also setting up a toolchain iirc19:01
lardman|goneit was off-list19:01
lardman|goneI should have said (from the list)19:01
lardman|goneanyway, really going now, might be on later at home, bye19:01
pupnikopk cheersk19:02
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hrwgilad: yes19:03
giladany hints?19:05
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giladmine is still down19:05
giladno response to being plugged in19:05
hrwleave it as it is19:06
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giladplugged in? for how long?19:06
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hrwI did not checked time - it just started in one moment19:07
giladok, thanks19:07
coffee88hi.  anyone know of a good tutorial/sample app for writing a network connected app? the Maemo Connectivity Guide is just making me more confused... again!19:08
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murrayc_coffee88: If you just want to know how to use libconic, I suggest that you regexxer in tinymail.19:11
murrayc_But that's just how to create a connection.19:12
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coffee88?? regexxer ??19:14
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elbso, after a few days with the n810 ... I have to say, some of the things I see a lot of complaint about I really think are quite good19:17
elbI haven't had even a *cold* GPS fix take more than 2 minutes or so, and fixes within 100mi or so have been taking <1m reliably19:18
elband the handwriting recognition isn't too terrible19:18
LinuxCodeelb, guess depends where you live19:19
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LinuxCodecloud and stuff interferes19:19
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elbthis was under rain and snow conditions19:20
pH5pupnik: I was trying to figure out how the external function calls into the kernel (_EAP_*) work in pcm2.o.19:20
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pH5lardman told me to look at the dsp_dld sources, and that's what I'm doing now.19:21
LinuxCodeelb, whats your firmware version ?19:21
dragornelb: I've had a very different experience with gps19:21
dragorncoffee88: It's partly wext ioctls and partly libconic19:21
LinuxCodemine is 2.2007.50-219:22
elbLinuxCode: good question ... how do I find that out without going to R&D mode?19:22
elbor do you mean the OS2008 version?19:22
LinuxCodecontrol panel ---> about product19:22
dragorncoffee88: Generally if you just need to connect, you're going to want to look at the libconic API, there are actually several demos out there.  It's just a refcounting API for connections, so you say "i want to connect" then "I'm done" and it handles the rest.  Note: You have to be a glib/gtk app with dbus and a glib/gtk mainloop for that to work.19:22
LinuxCodeos version19:22
dragorncoffee88: if you need to do deeper stuff - depends what you want to do19:22
LinuxCodehmm k19:23
dragorncoffee88: wext scanning works, I'm working on some code for that right now.  Injection doesn't.  Rfmon does, but tends to be iffy and you need to make some invasive changes to the system to make it reliable (stop wlancond, disable power management) and i find that re-enabling power management doesn't work so well (at least, I can't do it reliably yet) so a reboot is needed.19:23
elbdragorn: that's what I keep hearing, but it's been great for me19:24
elbI kind of wondered if there aren't some problematic specific units out there19:24
dragornelb: i spent last night writing gps code.  I'm very angry at the gps. :P19:24
elbnow, the map application is nothing to write home about19:25
fysaI would prefer a Google Maps image stitcher.19:25
dragornfysa: maemomapper19:25
fysabut I think Google Maps broke that?19:25
dragornnot the last time I tried to use it, but that was a few weeks ago19:25
fysaMaemoMapper will stitch Google Maps together and give me an image that I can pan around in?19:25
coffee88dragorn: I just wanna make a simple remote control type app that opens a socket to a server, sends a command etc...  nothing tooooo fancy, I suspect, but still learing all this stuff...19:25
fysaand I can give it plain text Google Maps queries?19:26
dragornfysa: no, it's a gps/nav program that uses multiple map sources, one of which is google maps, as the backing image19:26
fysaah right19:26
dragornI greatly prefer the vector data maps, but the mapper program interface is just poor19:26
dragorncoffee88: libconic is your friend.  Theres some examples on the maemo site under tutorials19:26
coffee88dragorn: I looked, but couldn't see much.. is that all under 3. or 4. ?19:27
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dragorncoffee88: Should be under 4.  the magic functions are con_ic_connection_new and con_ic_connection_connect19:28
dragorncoffee88: that should give you some stuff to search on.  basically you make a new connection with _new, then set up some dbus bindings to get the events, then request a connection, and wait for the dbus link to tell you if you've got it19:28
dragorncoffee88: it HAS to be inside a glib/gtk main loop or it'll miss the dbus events, so it raises the complexity of your app a fair bit - you'll have to do everything async instead of a simple socket/bind/write19:29
dragorncoffee88: but the docs should cover that19:29
coffee88dragorn: cheers.  and damn.  but thanks for the pointers.  I assume it will make writing the server side code a bit more complex too then?19:30
dragorncoffee88: I believe they explicitly say that conic links the glib main19:30
dragorncoffee88: if the server isn't on maemo, then no19:30
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dragorncoffee88: Your socket stuff is unmolested, but you need to wrap it all in the glib and dbus stuff to know when you have a connection, and you have to have an async poll loop to get the dbus data19:31
coffee88dragorn: nah, it will hopefully be a straight listening linux socket...19:31
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coffee88dragorn: a lot to learn and get right then!  good job there's no deadline for this stuff...19:31
dragorncoffee88: which means the client might need to switch to the glib socket io interface, which isn't the worst thing in the world, but isn't a terrible amount of fun, either19:32
dragornthe server side just gets connections/packets per normal, so long as you don't need to run it on maemo and do intelligent things with connection management19:32
coffee88me?  intelligent things?  not normally in the same sentence, so that should be ok!19:33
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coffee88dragorn: yeah, read that about 3 times before and still no better for it.  I think I'll need to go back a few steps and take a run up...19:36
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coffee88dragorn: starting from a low GTK and c base here!19:36
dragornand at that, I depart for lunch.  Good luck.19:39
coffee88dragorn: excellent.  thanks.  I'll try to disect and digest that.  thanks again.19:39
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LinuxCodebefore I forget19:55
LinuxCodehas anyone managed to get email certs to work ?19:55
LinuxCodeand if so what format does it want them in ?19:55
LinuxCodep12...crt ?19:55
LinuxCodei converted my p12 because it didnt appear to like them19:56
LinuxCodeand crt shows them but cant seem to sign my outbound email19:56
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trevarthanIs there any way to make a bell in an xterm session blink the LED? Or *something*? I'd love to know when stuff happens.19:59
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LinuxCodeid love to know what handles that see if a script could execute something to make it blink20:01
LinuxCodebe nice to have xchat blink on pm's20:01
LinuxCodeerrm make it blink20:01
Takxchat already does that20:01
LinuxCodenot blink itself20:01
trevarthanthere's an LED plugin for pidgin... but xterm nadda.20:01
Takit blinks its icon, and also unblanks the screen (if you have that selected in options)20:01
Takoh, LED20:02
* Tak learns to read sometime20:02
LinuxCodetak ;-]20:02
trevarthanhey Tak. Haven't chatted with you in a while. How are you?20:03
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niteOw1 Is  there a repository where I can find sqlite and pysqlite for OS2007?20:07
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Blafaseltrevarthan: You can create a script that blinks once, twice or something, yes20:07
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trevarthanBlafasel: no way to tie that to the xterm bell though, is there?20:09
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trevarthanwould require some xterm hacking.20:09
lardman~lart GPS5300 for being rubbish20:09
* infobot judo chops GPS5300 for being rubbish20:09
* |tbb| guess Blafasel means using dbus magic20:10
LinuxCodeBlafasel, got a how to on that ?20:10
Taktrevarthan: doing all right, hacking on/with vala - how are you?20:10
LinuxCodeor is it a device or does it use dbus ?20:10
lcuk_2lardman, you arent having much luck with technology at the moment, have you consider its operator error :P20:10
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lardmanlcuk_2: yeah, may well be ;)20:11
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LinuxCodeevening lcuk_220:11
trevarthanTak: I'm ok. Got my n810 recently, so I'm in happy hardware whore heaven. :)20:11
lardmanlcuk_2: stood on my balcony for 5 min trying to get a lock (it's chilly & ver windy in the UK atm) and it still refused20:12
lcuk_2lard, has the gremlin moved to a new device or are you having probs with both20:12
|tbb|LinuxCode: you can control led from dbus yeah, theres a thread on ITT20:12
* lcuk_2 knows its cold in uk20:12
lcuk_2hi there linux20:12
LinuxCode|tbb|, one could write a perl hack with dbus modules20:12
|tbb|trevarthan: congrats, do u still have your s9 motorolla headset20:12
LinuxCodefor xchat20:12
lcuk_2oh poo, bbsoon (tho ive just got here)20:12
* LinuxCode makes note20:12
trevarthan|tbb|: yeah, haven't used it in a while though. Been wanting to try it out with Chinook.20:13
lardmanlcuk_2: well there's still a gremlin in my Linux box, but there's also the standard verrrrryyyy slooooow gremlin in the n810 GPS ;D20:13
LinuxCodewho is for extending the eartch day to 38 hours ?20:13
lcuk_2i find it connects faster if i sit 810 on my missuses knee20:13
LinuxCodei require more time for fun things20:13
fugitivohey, is it possible to network boot the tablet?20:13
lcuk_2if its sat in the console of the car its not happy, but it gets warm and snug on her lap20:13
|tbb|trevarthan: let us know if u get it to work20:13
LinuxCodelcuk_2, rofl20:13
lardmanfugitivo: not without hacking the boot loader, no20:14
BlafaselLinuxCode: No, but it's really easy.20:14
BlafaselI can create one, if you want.20:14
LinuxCodelcuk_2, make sure it doesnt get damp20:14
* lcuk_2 also works faster if he sits in his missuses lap20:14
LinuxCodeBlafasel, well20:14
fugitivolardman: but it is possible20:14
LinuxCodeit would be awesome20:14
BlafaselAt least I can create some notes.. Wireing it up to a complete howto might take more time ;)20:14
LinuxCodebut I dont think I could ask you to do that if its not for yourself20:14
lardmanfugitivo: not sure, certainly someone wrote a bootloader hack to boot from the SD cards, etc. not sure if he did network booting too20:14
BlafaselAh - it's interesting. Give me some minutes20:15
LinuxCodehaha k20:15
trevarthanYeah, I hope they speed up the GPS in the n810. Slow slow slow.20:15
fugitivolardman: well, that's a nice experiment to do20:15
LinuxCodeBlafasel, that would be very kind of you sir20:15
lardmansilly thing is if I stand outside with a decent view of the sky it's not happy, but then I get bored and drop it by the window and it gets a lock20:15
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lcuk_2positioning is everything, try it flat with screen to sky20:16
lcuk_2we find it bad when its upright20:16
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lcuk_2back soon before i get in trouble for not mashing spuds20:16
daveuxHow do I edit my application menus?20:16
lardmanlcuk_2: lol. same as me20:16
lcuk_2control panel/panels20:17
daveuxthanks!, lcuk_220:17
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pH5lardman: thanks for the dsp_dld hint, it helped me read the relocation tables.20:17
lardmanfugitivo: sorry initfs, not bootloader:
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fugitivolardman: thanks20:17
lardmanpH5: still strange that the relocations aren't done at compile time though20:18
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lardmanpH5: what "tools" are you using?20:18
pH5I've yet to build a toolbox. So far it's dis55, gedit and gcc20:19
lardmanI've looked at the avs_kernel.out output20:20
lardmanCan't find my pcm output, was here somewhere...20:21
* lcuk_2 looks forward to actually compiling things tonight20:23
* lcuk_2 was nearly made to wear a fairy costume at work today :|20:23
lcuk_2it was fine yesterday when my jedi tunic turned up20:24
lcuk_2the bosses wife made a "rule" which was whenever costumes are delivered they have to be shown.20:24
lardmanwhat do you do?20:25
lcuk_2as little as possible usually.  my boss thinks im a software developer20:25
LinuxCodeno cpan20:25
pH5lardman: is any good?20:25
LinuxCodeguess one would need gcc and co anyway20:25
lardmanpH5: Adding a static stream for example seems to just add one number to another; a very short function20:26
lardmanpH5: never tried, have just used the Ti tools20:26
Andy80anyone of you uses Maemo Wordpy 0.6 ?20:26
* konttori added a new application: USBControl to ukmp package20:27
lardmanpH5: what application are you trying to develop, or just for interest?20:27
konttoriWith that it'll be very easy to switch between USB host and USB OTG mode.20:27
konttoriI would be glad if anyone with USB F-F adaptor could test it out.20:28
konttoriEasy way to attach a keyboard to the device.20:28
konttoriWorks also with wireless USB keyboards20:28
yergaAndy80, I use it :)20:28
Andy80yerga: well :) could you please explain me where I can find the 0.6 version? even updating the package list, latest available is 0.520:29
pH5lardman: mostly curiosity. a vorbis codec that plays directly from the dsp would be nice.20:29
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yergait's in extras-devel repository20:29
Andy80let me check if I've it...20:30
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yergaIt's a beta version20:30
lardmanpH5: First step is the vorbis decoder then, I'm always looking for more help20:30
Andy80yerga: yes... but 0.5 doesn't start at all20:30
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pH5lardman: is there any way to check the dsp's load btw? something like top?20:31
Andy80I installed it and even if I try to start it from command line, it looks like the command doesn't exist20:31
lardmanpH5: unfortunately not very easily, there's the sysfs output, but it doesn't seem to work in the current image20:31
yergaI received some feedback about it20:31
Andy80yerga: I connect to irc from the n810, so I can copy the link20:31
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billhhello friends20:32
* lardman still wonders what the mbx_init_seq function in the avs_kernel does...20:32
Andy80grrrr... where is copy-ĆØaste on xchat....20:32
Andy80oh... I've to go.... I'll be back later...20:33
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Andy80thanks for now yerga20:33
billhI'm trying to setup the development environment. I have scratchbox setup on a Linux box. I'm using Windows as my client. I have an X server on my Windows machine (as part of Cygwin). But I can't start the hildon desktop (with ' start'); it says it wants Xephyr, but can work with other X servers. any ideas?20:35
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lardmanbillh: do you need to run the Maemo gui?20:37
lardmanI never switch to x86 mode at all, compile then run on the device20:38
mgedminbillh: how did you set the DISPLAY in scratchbox?20:38
mgedminis the GUI even supposed to work in an armel target?20:38
mgedmin(I think the qemu's emulation is incomplete or something like that, and armel GUI didn't work)20:39
lardmanno, I don't think so20:39
lardmanah, my point was I use the actual device to do the testing20:39
pH5lardman: what is at #09ca4eh? it writes ~0x0 there, and the only other reference to that mem location I can see is in _mbx_newmsg20:39
billhsorry, all, I just stepped away...20:40
billhlardman, I'd like to run the gui, but that's a good point; I could just go straight to the device20:41
lardmanpH5: my address space only goes up to 0x54808020:41
billhmgedmin, I set DISPLAY several ways. the default as used by other apps that I use is localhost:10.0, but that doesn't work. I also tried 1 and 220:42
lardmanpH5: or rather addresses in the kernel20:42
mgedminbillh: well, if your X server is on a different *machine*, there's no way localhost can work20:42
mgedminthat includes virtual machines20:42
pH5lardman: is there some overview document about the address space somewhere? I'm still completely ignorant about what is internal ram, where the shared memory is, etc.20:42
lardmanpH5: if that memory is shared OMAP memory for the peripherls, that's interesting20:42
lardmanpH5: there is, but unless you are an OEM you're not allowed it :(20:43
billhmgedmin, I have an ssh tunnel to the machine with X forwarded, so for other apps, localhost:10.0 works20:43
* mgedmin slaps forehead20:43
* lcuk_2 pokes every memory adress in sequen""Ā£%^^&Ā£$%&%*"$Ā£%$"Ā£%"Ā£[NO CARRIER]20:43
coffee88Hmmmm.  doesn't look like you can test network apps in the scratchbox environment?  is that right?20:44
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lcuk_2omg my 810 still showing full battery and i charged it last night!20:45
lcuk_2(first time ever - itsn ormally been flat)20:45
mgedminfinished indexing the media perhaps :)20:45
lcuk_2nope, not done anything like that20:46
X-Fadelcuk_2: I'm sure the bme is confused. Reboot your device and see it change ;)20:46
lcuk_2i changed a single setting yesterday20:46
billhanyother thoughts on remote emulation on a windows machine?20:46
lcuk_2x-fade, why should today be any different to any other day thou..20:46
BlafaselLinuxCode: well, nothing fancy but I explained the format and how to set led patterns. If you don't know that already I can provide you a link20:47
lcuk_2i aligned my brightness period with my switch off display period and when i lock device it turns off screen now.  it might be a fluke but cor blimey20:47
LinuxCodeBlafasel, I will take anything that might be useful and will let me learn20:48
BlafaselIt's nothing special though.. I plan to work on a "PatternEditor" as my first project on this toy though20:48
* LinuxCode looks20:48
lardmanpH5: before I forget, there is some info about memeory mapping on the DSP in the dspgateway spec docs20:48
lardmangives ranges for the RAM, SDRAM, etc.20:49
pH5lardman: ok20:50
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LinuxCodeBlafasel, thats very interesting20:51
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BlafaselDon't break your toy though! ;)20:53
* lardman goes to eat supper20:53
pH5good idea20:53
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blafaselOff for tonight20:53
LinuxCodeso what are the colours or is that in the /etc/mce/ ?20:53
LynoureIs there a way in OS2008 to get the tool/command bar on osso_xterm to be on the side it was in OS2007? At the bottom it's taking too much space, though it is nice to have in general20:53
LinuxCodeblafasel, before you go20:54
LinuxCodeunless you are in a rush20:54
Andy80yerga: I'm back20:54
blafaselLinuxCode: Shoot20:55
LinuxCode[18:53] LinuxCode so what are the colours or is that in the /etc/mce/ ?20:55
blafaselLinuxCode: Do you know the RGB color format?20:56
LinuxCodeahh ok20:56
blafaselThink of websites or whatever..20:56
LinuxCodeso that value can be anything up to 255 ?20:56
LinuxCodebut the colour is 40 ?!!?20:57
blafaselFF, yes.20:57
LinuxCodeI see!20:57
Andy80yerga: if I click on that .install it asks me to install maemo-wordpy 0.5-620:57
Andy80not 0.620:57
blafaselThe first byte (2 letters) are the "command"20:57
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blafaselThe second byte is the value20:57
yergaI don't know20:57
Andy80anyway I try...20:57
yergait should install the 0.6 version20:57
LinuxCodeyeh so 40 is the colour ?20:58
yergathe last version in the repo is 0.6beta-420:58
LinuxCodeand ff the brightness ?20:58
LinuxCodeso am I right to assume that you need 3 values ?20:58
LinuxCodei.e. rgb20:58
blafaselYes. Look at the mce.ini20:58
blafaselThe last three parts are those colors20:58
Andy80yerga: same problem... I click on the relative voice in the menu, but it doesn't start...20:59
yergathe 0.5-6 version is the same that in extras repo20:59
blafaselOkay, have to drink some beer now - bye ;)21:00
yergaso it will have same problems21:00
LinuxCodebye and thanks21:00
LinuxCodei found the commens in that file21:00
Andy80yerga: is it possible to start it from command line, so I can see the error?21:00
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yergathe binary is called MaemoWordPy21:01
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Andy80oh... the Upper case...21:02
Andy80nothing... it just quit.... no error messages21:03
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yergait's a problem loading some python module21:04
Andy80yerga: strange... I've installed all python modules available...21:05
yergahave you the last python version?21:05
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fugitivoerrr, I have a stupid question... if I break my kernel or bootloader, I always can flash the device and recover it, right?21:06
Andy80yerga: yes... all modules are up to date... no updates available21:06
* konttori published USB host mode 'easy instructions' on his blog21:07
yergaAndy80, it's very strange21:07
yergarun the python interpreter21:07
yergaand try import the gtk module21:08
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LinuxCodeI find it kinda irritating21:09
LinuxCodeif everything is made in china21:09
LinuxCodewho else is making stuff21:09
Lynourekonttori: the set of stuff in the bundle seems a bit weird... Could you consider separate package for USBControl?21:09
LinuxCodebelkin seems to make absolutely everything in china21:09
konttoriCould, but that would take more time.21:10
Andy80yerga: I try wait...21:10
Lynourekonttori: I bet I'm not alone not needing a media player or youtube on my tablet.21:10
konttoriSo, maybe if it gets to be mature control21:10
konttoriWell, uktube is 200 kb21:10
konttoriand uktube is 20 kb21:10
Andy80yerga: import gtk21:10
Andy80yerga: no errors21:10
konttoriso, I'm sure you can live with that 'additional' stuff21:10
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yergaAndy80, I haven't idea :(21:11
Lynourekonttori: yes, I can, and if I cannot, the size of them will not be the problem. Out of curiousity, do they use the usbcontrol functionality?21:11
yergaI try do some tests here21:11
MikeL2Hi All, Anyone aware of a screen/audio capture utility that we may be able to run on our NIT's?21:12
Andy80don't worry... I'll try to contact the author21:12
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konttoriregrettably, not, although, ukmp might actually be nice to be used with some sort of remote.21:12
trevarthanAny notice that sounds don't work in Pidgin when Pidgin doesn't have focus?21:12
keesjMikeL2: I used vnc2swf a while ago21:12
yergaAndy80, I am :)21:13
Andy80yerga: oh, good! :D21:13
Andy80yerga: tell me if there is some other test I cand do21:14
MikeL2Keesj: OK will take a look, so you ran it on a PC and VNCd to the Nokia? did it work reasonably well, thanks for the pointer21:15
konttoriLynoure: If you could test that out, it would be great.21:15
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MikeL2Keesj: reading the web page
Lynourekonttori: I will, one I get F2F from somewhere...21:16
konttoriYeah. it's not like we all would have those lying around. I know.21:17
keesjMikeL2: yes , so I installed x11vnc on the device and recoded on the pc21:17
konttoriAnyway, at least I'm hoping that this may help people doing e.g. python development just a bit.21:17
yergaAndy80, try to install the 0.6 version21:18
konttoriand, of course, the occasional plug in the USB stick.21:18
Lynourekonttori: more than 200kb, takes also mplayer =)21:18
konttoriYeah. Last minute addition.21:18
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konttoriI thought everyone should have it! ;)21:18
MikeL2Keesj: Sounds good, so once running you could run the Nokia as normal and everything was copied as a swf file21:18
Lynourekonttori: Like I said yesterday, it might replace an EeePC for me. :) Not for devel work, just sysadmin stuff21:18
konttoriOk, I'm evil. But uktube needs mplayer for flash video playback21:19
Andy80yerga: where can I find it? I used the .install you gave me... but it installed the 0.5-621:19
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yergatry disabling the extras repo21:20
yergaand open that install file21:20
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Lynourekonttori: would you happen to remember what repos mplayer and python are in?21:21
Andy80yerga ok21:21
konttorifree non-free21:21
Andy80yerga: the extras-devel is not in the list....21:22
konttoriI'll try to put that version to repository tomorrow. Ups am not. Spending the evening with friends. On saturday then.21:22
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konttoriand thus, I'll also update the .install link on the maemo/downloads.21:23
yergaAndy80, ok, then add it manually and refresh the app list21:23
Andy80yerga: ok, give me all the parameters..21:24
yergafree non-free21:24
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Lynourekonttori: thanks... at a closer look, changed my mind about the size, as mplayer+deps for it take >5 megs21:27
Lynourekonttori: but I'll test it anyway... too curious not to21:28
konttoriAh ;)21:28
konttoriWell, I could consider packaging it separately in the future.21:28
fugitivodoes the tablet kernel use propietary drivers?21:28
k-s[WORK]konttori: you'll like canola's youtube plugin ;-)21:29
konttoriIt'll need some additional stuff still, like setting the kb locale and stuff like that, so after they have been done, I could then separate the package. Sounds fair?21:29
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konttoriI haven't tried that out. sounds cool21:29
konttoriwhere can I dl it?21:29
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k-s[WORK]konttori: of course not, it's still to be released21:29
k-s[WORK]konttori: :-)21:29
fugitivowhen is 770 version comming out?21:29
k-s[WORK]fugitivo: possible tomorrow21:29
k-s[WORK]we're trying to figure out how to overcome a problem with python-dbus21:30
fugitivomarcelo told me that last thuesday :)21:30
k-s[WORK]the version before the last didn't have a method to remove objects21:30
k-s[WORK]thus we required the pymaemo guys to add it, doing backport21:30
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k-s[WORK]they released it as the last version21:30
fugitivooh, crap21:30
k-s[WORK]but it's now buggy21:30
k-s[WORK]and all our dbus servers crash21:31
k-s[WORK]it will need to be back to that old version21:31
k-s[WORK]and we need to figure out how to implement an equivalent of remove_from_connection()21:31
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k-s[WORK]for most of our daemons, we don't have a real problem since it's one object for the whole usage21:32
k-s[WORK]but for download manager, we have one object per request21:32
fugitivothat's why I use my own libraries, lol21:33
billhI'm trying to setup the development environment. I have scratchbox setup on a Linux box. I'm using Windows as my client, but I can't get the emulated hildon desktop to display on the windows box (with ' start'). I have an X server on my Windows machine (as part of Cygwin). it says it wants Xephyr, but can work with other X servers. I've tried different DISPLAY settings, including the working localhost:10.0, and 1 and 2. any ideas?21:34
billhsorry, by "working localhost:10.0" in the above, I mean that that value for DISPLAY works for other apps, as I have an ssh tunnel to the linux box with X forwarding on.21:34
Lynourekonttori: hmmm, extras has pile of other python2.5 stuff, but weirdly I cannot see python2.5 or python2.5-runtime21:35
fugitivobillh: do you get any error?21:35
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lardmanmaddler: ping21:39
billhfugitivo, I'm looking for a web place to paste the output...21:40
infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
konttoriLynoure: Install then ukmp first from here:
konttoriIt has all the right repositories set in the .install file21:41
billhfugitivo, here's the output:
konttoriAfter you have that version, just update it to 17321:41
Lynourekonttori: ok, thanks :)21:41
lardmanmaddler: I finally decide to write a blog entry ;D and the site is parked!21:43
fugitivocan't get address for localhost:601021:43
fugitivotry with the ip address21:43
* konttori edited the blog with the link to 'normal install'21:43
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billhI don't have Xephyr; I'm not clear: is Xephyr just an X server? or does it do something more?21:43
billhfugitivo, will do21:43
konttoriLynoure: is the install working now?21:44
fugitivobillh: better yet, add localhost to your hosts file21:44
Lynourekonttori: still processing (moody wifi)21:45
konttoriok. lemme know if it works or not!21:45
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jkulardman: Just tried libgammu on my laptop21:46
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jkuworks with one out of three phones in my household21:47
lardmanjku: how did it work?21:47
jkuI can get country code, local area code and cell id over bluetooth21:47
lardmancool, do you have at codes for the other phones?21:48
jkuI know nothing about that -- I just setup a config file for gammu and call the functions...21:49
jkushould work on maemo too, but i can't be arsed to compile recent versions of gammu ATM...21:50
jkuinz has a version for bora, but it's old...21:51
jkufor some reason I can't not use ellipsis today...21:51
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jkunow if there just was a cell id location database on the web, we'd be fine.21:53
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jkuOn the other hand if cell id location could be used for AGPS, then just a few saved ones would go a long way: Home cell means location x,y21:54
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Andy80yerga: I've installed the 0.6 beta version!21:55
Andy80yerga: if I start it from command line I get this error21:55
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Andy80yerga: import - ImportError: no module named glade21:55
Lynourekonttori: installed, yes21:56
konttoriLynoure: cool. thanks.21:56
konttoriSo, tomorrow: Buy a F2F usb!21:56
yergaAndy80, what python2.5-gtk2 version?21:56
yergaapt-cache policy python2.5-gtk221:57
Andy80yerga: I check.. wait...21:57
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Lynourekonttori: I'll try to, but if it takes lengthy excursions, it might bet delayed21:57
konttoricheck beforehand from net.21:57
Andy80yerga: Installed 2.12.1-1osso121:58
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billhfugitivo, thanks; that took me a little further. still not working, but work is calling me away for now21:58
yergaI think there was a bug with that version and glade21:58
LoCusFjohnx: got it to work21:58
LoCusFjohnx: I'll post a youtube video in a moment :)21:59
yergatry install the last one 2.12.1-1osso221:59
yergaperhaps you need red-pill mode21:59
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Andy80yerga: mm.... are you sure I don't break something :P ?22:00
yergahaha, I am not sure :)22:00
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alteregoFound a very strange bug with the Notes application22:14
alteregoIf you do a capital "IJ" it appears to fuck up the font when using monospace 8pt22:14
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alteregoWhether it does it with other fonts/sizes I don't know as I can't be bothered to try as I'm busy :)22:14
lardmanjku: sorry, got called away, well if we can work out the comms protocol we might be able to use the cell data directly to recieve gps almanac/ephemeris data :)22:15
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jku...and figure out how to push that to gpsdriver22:16
jkubig ifs but worth trying no doubt22:16
lardmanlooking at the gps_last_saved_report file, it's 14kb, that's very large to save a lat long location!22:17
lardmanand it's also pretty much filled with 0x00's22:17
lardmanI wonder why it has all that space available....?22:17
jkuyeah weird22:19
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lardmanthat sounds like plenty of space to store almanac and ephemeris data, hopefully22:19
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lardmanAre there any N95 owners online atm?22:21
lardmancan you browse your filesystems? What do you have by way of gps data stored?22:21
alteregoI've got an N80 which is similar as far as software is concerned.22:23
alteregoOh, GPS ..22:23
lardmanyeah. we know that agps works on the n95 now22:23
nikobitrecently killes my n800 by trying root login.:-!22:25
lardmankilled in what way?22:25
nikobitdunno just performed root login22:26
lardmanover ssh?22:26
lardmanor in an xterm?>22:26
nikobithad to repair in service center22:27
lardmanfixed now?22:27
jkulardman, do you know if n95 agps uses cell id at all?22:27
nikobit it's hard to explain22:27
lardmanjku: I don;t know, but I think it does; certainly I've seen posts about communicating with that server22:28
nikobitworks fine now with newly installed OS200822:28
jkuyeah, but it could just be up-to-date satellite data22:28
lardmannikobit: glad to hear it22:28
lardmanjku: yes, but I think some of the data is site specific22:29
nikobityou can't imagine how glad am I22:29
inzjku, does the bora libgammu not work on chinook?22:29
inzjku, the age of the build surely could be a problem22:29
jkuinz, it does as far as I can tell22:29
lardmanjku: almanac certainly, but ephemeris is pre-processed for a given location/time combo, plus atmospheric effect compensation, etc.22:29
jkubut the api has changed...22:30
inzjku, I have a meeting tomorrow, I could build new one during it ;)22:30
jkuhah, I'm pretty sure it works and there's no immediate use. But if it's a really dull meeting, go ahead22:31
jkuAnyway, it was about 20 lines of code, so doing it on the old api would not be bad. I just didn't feel like it22:32
inzjku, well, it's not really boring at all, but there's always some loose time22:33
inzjku, and most of the time goes to (re)compiling anyway22:34
lardmanShould I submit a bug to ask for info about these gps-related files? what other ways are there of asking?22:34
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nikobitIt's me back again.I'll try to remember what had happened that day. I've made my new root passwd. Using xterm and some stuff called dread-something. Not dregale but close. Entered all that was described in "How do I become root" page at maemo site. Logged into mc. Rebooted. Thats all. N800 dead22:35
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nikobitInstalling new software version made back22:36
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nikobitactually I didn't expected from Nokia service to be such enthusiastic in helping people22:38
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jkulardman, can't think of anything else, and the chances are slim. N seems to be even more paranoid about releasing HW info than releasing source...22:40
lardmanjku: I'll try a direct email first22:40
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Solarionman os2008 is tasty23:01
* Solarion needs to get on the intarwebs23:01
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Solarionsadly, getting on the intarwebs through my fascistic school network is Difficult23:01
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Tama^2Early result: my N800 seems to idle and draw very little power only if I remove the sd cards23:03
Tama^2not sure if it's the cards or something like the metalayer crawler that accounts for the increase in power consumption when thecards are in23:04
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lardmanTama^2: interesting23:06
Tama^2the difference is night and a day23:06
Tama^2with cards, in 1 day more than 50% of the battery was gone while idle23:07
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Tama^2without cards 18%23:08
lardmanI'd be interested to know if it's metacrawler related or not23:08
Tama^2I will run tests to check that23:08
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ustunozgurTama^2: did you have any symlinks to external card under your home dir?23:15
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Tama^2yes I do, and that is something I want to test separately (i.e. card inserted, no symlink)23:16
Tama^2ustunozgur: why? :)23:17
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ustunozgurbecause I had symlinked all those default directories to an external card for easier navigation23:18
ustunozgurand battery drained quickli23:18
ustunozgur.sounds .videos etc23:18
Tama^2I see23:19
Tama^2It makes sense still, it should not matter when the device is offline,locked and idle >.<23:20
ustunozgurI observed that metacrawler was using too much cpu, too.23:20
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ustunozgurnow I have no symlinks and I think it is much better.23:22
Tama^2I think the metalyer crawler is badly designed anyway: when you pull a card out it has to update its db23:23
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Tama^2metadata db should be stored within the volume23:24
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GNUtoN810I'm looking for a good os2008 irc client, any suggests?23:39
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jsmithGNUtoN810: Google for "xchat skyhook chinook"23:40
GeneralAntillesYes, my answer from the last time you asked hasn't changed. ;)23:40
jsmithGNUtoN810: Here's the link
jsmithThat's the one23:41
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GNUtoN810Jsmith: nothing!23:42
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jsmithGNUtoN810: Follow this link:
jsmithGNUtoN810: Install the .deb file named xchat_2.8.4-chinook0-beta1_armel.deb23:46
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darkipyou could just use pidgin?23:47
lcuk_2has skyhusker released the sources to this beta anywhere?  is there anywhere we can fix problems if they arrise with this beta?23:47
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GeneralAntillesdarkip, Pidgin is about the worst IRC client ever. :P23:47
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ircatworkisworseactually GeneralAntilles, i think this client is worse ;)23:49
ircatworkisworseweb based, works from anywhere but acts like a dog23:49
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rojeroHi All!23:50
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GnutoN810_ok, now i'm using xchat..:)23:59
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