IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-01-30

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maddlerfysa: looks prettu nice...00:08
maddlergotta give it a try...00:08
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fysanot for maemo yet, but looks relatively simple to port00:08
BlafaselReading C makes my head explode.. Ouch.00:10
BlafaselBut the efl samples look nice (and afaik the Canola2 UI is based on it as well, which is even better)00:10
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* dhd wonders if efl is written in Rastercode00:13
* dhd has nightmares of the old imlib and company00:13
Reinardfresh install of os2007he on n770.. what could cause very bad performance with mplayer (24) in videos which played perfectly fine before...?00:14
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Reinardi think this is once again audio problem, mplayer shows codec to be "mad", i think  it was something other before00:14
Reinardrun in term, for example -ao alsa makes video perform well, but no sound00:15
Reinardam i missing some codecs or something?00:15
maddlerfysa: nice app btw...00:16
TakReinard: codec on 770 should be dspmp3 iirc00:16
fysathanks, but I just pasted the link :)00:16
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Reinardtak, if i write -ac dspmp3, mplayer doesnt show auduo codec at all, but video performs well00:19
||cwwhat codec is the video using for audio?00:20
Reinardi have never before had anything like this... but i just reflashed this00:20
Reinardi dont know, its converted with that java mediaconverter00:20
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Takalso -ao gst00:21
Reinardsame videos worked directly in mplayer before reflashing00:21
Reinardtak, tried -ao gst -ac dspmp3 too00:21
* Tak shrugs00:22
Reinard"could not open/initialize audio device -> no sound"00:23
fysamaybe something else has it open?00:23
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Reinardwell i have booted this device several times and should not have anything open00:25
Reinardis it possible this could have something to do with libogg0 etc. libs needed to install mplayer00:26
Reinardbecause when i first tried to install it, i couldn't because those wasn't installed.00:27
Reinardi also couldn't install those libs, but i managed to install mplayer from somewhere else00:28
Reinardoh, this obviously is problem with missing codecs00:29
Reinard"cannot find codec for audio format 0x55" when trying to use dspmp300:30
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Reinardhmm, what could i do? reinstalling didn't help.00:30
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fysafind a different mplayer release?00:32
Reinardi tried multiple versions00:32
Reinardall wanted to use "mad"00:32
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fysatry a different media file?}00:37
Reinardwell i have three files 400x240 which played perfectly before flashing00:40
Reinardall of those perform _REALLY_ bad now00:40
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fysaI don't know what it could be..00:43
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Reinardme neither but i think it got something with those libs00:44
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fysaalmost seems like that mplayer wasn't compiled properly..00:46
fysaconfigured properly.00:46
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Reinardwhere could i find official stable .install of mplayer (18?) for n77000:47
fysacheck garage?00:47
Reinardthanks, ill try that00:49
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Reinardoh yes.. 18 is working with dspmp300:55
Reinardthank you dor your help00:55
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penguinbaitit takes a licking and keeps on ticking01:00
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penguinbaitjust flipped and totaled my car, but my 810 is working great :)01:01
vandenoeverpenguinbait: so much for the route planner!01:01
penguinbaitput me in a tree :)01:01
fysanice to hear you're OK01:01
zerojayHoly shit. Anything other than minor bruises, penguinbait?01:02
penguinbaitso far so good, probably sore tomorrow01:02
penguinbaitnot even a scratch on the 810 :)01:02
penguinbaitit was in my pocket in its holder01:02
penguinbaitcadilac is totaled though :(01:03
Reinardwhat cadillac was you driving?01:04
penguinbaitis that why they have those gps disclaimers :)01:04
penguinbait03 cts01:04
penguinbaitstill not sure what happened really01:04
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penguinbaitlost my steering01:04
penguinbaitfelt like broken tierod01:04
BlafaselBeen there, done that. Glad that you're okay though01:05
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lcukpenguin, you know you shouldnt be updating rtcomm whilst you are driving01:05
penguinbaitscared the crap out of me, but I am good :)01:06
penguinbaitits that crappy nokia built in gps, had me off in the trees01:06
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lcukso did 810 stay in its holster?01:07
Blafasel"Turn in 120m" - "But there's a tree in my way!"01:07
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GeneralAntillesOuch, penguinbait.01:07
penguinbaitin its holster in my pocket :)01:07
BlafaselGood that you can joke about it, though01:07
penguinbaitI got my wisdom teeth out last friday01:07
penguinbaitI just ate some pills01:08
penguinbaitI am calming down now01:08
penguinbaitglad I didnt smack my face01:08
lcukits ok penguin, you could have just reflashed yourself01:09
lcukwere you alone in the car01:09
penguinbaitits about time anyway01:09
* lcuk hopes to never have a major incident - you were lucky01:10
penguinbaitit was crazy, it still seems sureal01:11
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Reinardhow long time ago did it happen? hour or two?01:12
penguinbaitwatching them drag the poor cts off the trees, out of the dirt01:12
lcuki bet, did you get yourself out or did you wait for rescue01:12
penguinbaitit was about 2.5 hours01:12
GeneralAntillesWhen's your lawsuit again Cadillac going through? :P01:12
penguinbaitI satthere for a second, and then thought, well, dont want to be in a burning wreck01:13
penguinbaitthen realized I had to climb out a window01:13
Reinardwise decision01:14
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braddbrhi, i have just aquired a n800 and it came with russian enabled as the default language. Can someone tell me where to find the language settings so i can change this to english (or even reset the whole unit would be ok)01:20
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johnxto reset the unit just reflash it01:21
johnxare you using Linux, Mac or Windows?01:21
braddbri have access to all 301:21
braddbri managed to get it to english (after sifting thru some russian menus)01:21
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johnxthat was fast :)01:22
braddbrbut if its not OS2008 I will be willing to re-flash if its a straightforward procedure01:22
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johnxit is01:22
braddbrgood thing for little icons :)01:22
johnxon windows there's a wizard01:22
braddbrok, i'll look into that after i play for awhile :)01:22
johnxon Linux/Mac there's one file to download and a command to run01:22
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Stalwartbraddbr, превед товарищ01:23
johnxoh noes! you've set the tablet to english but now IRC is set to russian!01:24
Stalwartdo you need help in russian?01:24
braddbrnot now, i managed to find the setting01:24
fysaI need help in Russian. :(01:25
Stalwartwe have tiny russian tableteers community at and jabber conf n800@conference.jabber.ru01:25
Reinardi need to know what: "i like cigars" is in russian01:25
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StalwartМне нравятся сигары01:26
Stalwartor something like Я обожаю сигары01:26
Reinardthanks, but how can i copy text in maemo pidgin :D01:27
johnxReinard, hilight and middle-click?01:27
Stalwartof you're on PC now01:28
fysaМне нравятся приклады01:28
Reinardoh great, thanks01:28
Stalwartopen link on tablet and copy-paste01:28
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Stalwartfysa, чем тебе помочь?01:28
fysathat was babelfish talking. ;)01:29
Stalwartah, ok :D01:29
Stalwartприклад != сигара01:29
fysait can translate in reverse, but it's across synergy and copy/paste is broken ;)01:29
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Reinardsomeone please call to rockstar and tell them to publish gta:iv immediately01:31
lcukfor n8x0?01:31
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Reinard:d yes if possible01:31
Stalwartsomeone please kick rockstar with boot in a face for ruining great geame01:32
Stalwartgta2 was best!01:32
Stalwarti still have gta2 cd on my shelf01:32
Reinardgta2 rocks01:32
lcukdidnt they release original gta for free? has anyone created an open source engine for the data files?01:32
Reinardgta1 and 2 are free, yes01:33
lcukbut still proprietary01:33
lcukit would be good playig original on maemo01:33
Reinardi would love to play those with tablet.. it would be so nice01:33
zerojayStalwart: How did they ruin GTA considering it's now better than it's ever been?01:33
Stalwart1) no deathmatch multiplayer01:34
Stalwart2) 3d01:34
Reinardi think gta:sa wasnt too good01:34
zerojayUh.. news flash, GTA1 was 3d. :)01:34
Reinardtoo bad fot gta-series01:34
Reinardall gtas have been 3d except gba-versions01:34
lcuk*bad 3d at that - the first few real "3d" versions really looked poor on normal hardware. the over the top versions were much better01:35
Stalwartgta2 had some 3d features too, but top-down view is best!01:35
zerojayThe code for multiplayer networking has been in the GTA3 series of games from the start, just that they didn't bother with making a game around it.01:35
Reinardgta3 had a topview cam... wonder why they removed it later01:35
zerojayThat's why Multi Theft Auto and other hacks work so easily.01:35
zerojayReinard: No one used it. I did.01:35
Reinardis that so? :o01:36
zerojayGTA on PSP has networking.01:36
zerojaysix player deathmatch is a blast.01:36
Reinardwell still that top-view was cool01:36
zerojayI suppose the overhead train tracks in GTA3 showed them that top down can be a pain.01:36
braddbrwill mac os X's work for the n800? I see they reference the n800, just want to be sure01:37
zerojayGTAIV has online multiplayer.01:37
Reinardgtaiv will rule the world01:37
zerojayPretty much.01:37
zerojayAnd in the meantime, I've got Burnout Paradise and UT3 to keep my PS3 company.01:38
Stalwartgta4 has multiplayer?01:38
Reinardjack(ass) thompson isn't going to be happy01:38
zerojayStalwart: Yes.01:38
GeneralAntillesbraddbr, it's fine.01:38
braddbrk, thanks01:38
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Stalwartall i knew about gta4 so far is that they have russian music on radio01:38
Stalwartand in trailer too01:38
Reinardand russian mainchar ;)01:39
zerojayNot Russian.01:39
zerojayEastern European.01:39
GeneralAntillesGTA is one of those games that can really benefit from the added ability of newer consoles.01:39
Stalwarti guess mainchar isn't, but mafia is01:39
zerojayGeneralAntilles: Absolutely.01:39
Reinardtoo bad gtaiv is only 720p01:40
GeneralAntillesMeh, good enough.01:40
Reinardlike almost all nextgen games01:40
Stalwartgnite everyone01:40
GeneralAntillesGameplay is more important than graphics.01:40
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Reinardwell yes it is01:40
GeneralAntillesI've been playing through all the PS2 GTAs.01:40
GeneralAntillesPicked 'em all up for $2001:40
GeneralAntillesSan Andreas is a blast.01:40
zerojaySure is.01:41
lcukGeneralAntilles,  not if you spend 4-500 quid on a graphics monster of a ps3 it isnt01:41
zerojayThe PSP versions are really awesome.01:41
GeneralAntilleslcuk, then don't do that. :P01:41
zerojaylcuk: Wrong, it still is.01:41
* zerojay hugs his backwards compatible PS3.01:41
lcuki dont mind games having lower spec graphics on the wii - its still fun and we have had it for over a year now01:41
GeneralAntillesLurv mah Wii.01:41
GeneralAntillesMaria Galaxy is too much fun.01:42
zerojayI got bored of that really quick.01:42
Reinardgalaxys hidden message in cover rocks01:42
zerojayMario's fallen so far since Mario 64, my all-time fave.01:42
GeneralAntillesI does lack some of the level-depth of 64.01:42
GeneralAntillesBut still good fun.01:42
ReinardU R MR GAY, was it? :D01:42
GeneralAntillesI've actually been playing Godfather on Wii a lot.01:43
GeneralAntillesPicked it up cheap.01:43
Reinardoh my... thats very bad game01:43
Reinardmafia rocks01:43
GeneralAntillesIt's awesome for $2001:43
lcuklego star wars FTW!    but the "lightsword" we got makes the controller not very responsive01:43
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Reinardand theres mafia:ii coming01:43
* lcuk takes it off and hacks around01:43
Reinardlego sw gots potential01:44
VeggenWhat's the interface towards lego nowadays...usb?01:44
lcukits great because we can hack and slash and be destructive and its perfectly ok for my youngest to play cos its only lego01:44
Reinardit would be awesome with better physics, like you could wreck parts of buildings and chars or something01:44
lcukbluetooth bricks01:44
VeggenI want that compiled on meamo ;)01:45
GeneralAntillesI still play Jedia Academy.01:45
GeneralAntillesWhere are these days a's coming from?01:45
lcuki picked up the fabric for my jedi robe today01:45
lcukmy tunic should arrive tomorrow and im just playing around with getting a sabre working01:45
lcukuncle kenobi is helping me01:45
Reinardscummvm and monkey islands on tablet rules also01:45
Reinarduse the force01:46
lcuk(and my mum is doing the sewing :D)01:46
GeneralAntillesPlayed through day of the tentacle a couple times.01:46
Reinardone good also01:46
GeneralAntillesWish we had OpenGL for Grim Fandango.01:46
Reinardi just played full throttle through01:46
Reinardit wasn't perfect on tablet because of mouse-scenes, but playable01:47
wndonly if one could totally forget monkey island 1 and 2 and replay both as a "virgin"01:47
GeneralAntilleswnd, I'd like to do that with a lot of things.01:47
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BlafaselHmm.. I'm great at completely forgetting stuff.01:47
Reinardmi1 and mi2 are both perfect. but i have fallen in love with mi301:47
BlafaselI can read books 3-4 times easily ;)01:47
Reinardthose graphics, animations and sounds are so cool in it01:48
BlafaselMind you: That talent is bad in a relationship..01:48
wnddon't forget The Song01:48
wndI only tend to forget names and time-critical things01:49
Reinardis late night with conan once again halted?01:49
Reinarddoes someone know?01:49
* wnd humms "a pirate I was meant to be"01:49
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Reinardi have wondering that game like guitar hero would be great on multitouch screen01:51
Reinardimagine, you hold frets and then play the strings with other hand01:52
lcukseen demo for *spit* iphone a couple of days ago01:52
Reinardwhere can i get multitouch device with a good programmingenv01:52
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Reinardwmv, doesnt probably play too good in 770 mplayer01:54
Reinardgot to check that later with pc01:54
|tbb1that the power of multitouch01:55
Reinard:D thanks01:55
lcuki want to work.  someone has to know, why cant it play the 3gp streams youtube gives out?01:55
* lcuk has a long wishlist01:56
Reinarddoes predicted symbian s60 have multitouch?01:56
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Reinardthat iphone guitar is quite cool02:02
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Reinardis there any task-manager app for maemo?02:03
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leo2007which dictionary do you recommend?02:03
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Reinardbecause this is acting really bad now and i think that some process or something have left open02:04
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lcukReinard, "load-applet"02:16
lcuknearest and simplest02:16
Reinardill check that, thanks02:17
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Reinardi don't know if this is right applet i installed, but is it normal that cpu-bar in on red area whole time?02:26
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lcukno, tap it and click view processes02:27
lcukhave a look at the cpu load of each app and see which02:27
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BlafaselAnd where did you get that plugin from?02:36
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GeneralAntillesWin win win . . . I've got Err as my startup image.02:40
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johnxGeneralAntilles, as in ATHF?02:42
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GeneralAntillesStole the ones the guy on ITT worked up.02:42
GeneralAntillesImproved them a lot.02:42
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johnxthat's actually pretty cool looking02:57
johnxI'll stick with my Debian logo though, thanks :D02:57
johnxI guess I should post those somewhere02:57
GeneralAntillesProgress bar may not actually be working. . . .02:58
johnxI didn't bother with the progress bar02:58
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GeneralAntillesThere's the progress bar . . .03:03
GeneralAntillesLooks like I did it wrong, though.03:03
pupniklooks like some movement on abiword now, nice...03:10
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EruditeHermithi, is there anywhere where I can get the package osso-rtcom-oma03:12
johnxthe one shipped with OS2008?03:14
* johnx looks03:17
johnxit might not be in any repository03:20
johnxdid you end up deleting yours?03:21
EruditeHermitis there a way to extract it?03:21
EruditeHermitextract it from the image03:21
johnxyou could use dpkg-repack03:21
EruditeHermitwhat is that?03:21
EruditeHermitIt is still installed03:21
EruditeHermitbut the status is pi03:21
EruditeHermitinstead of ii03:21
EruditeHermitwhich indicates a problem I think03:22
EruditeHermitI don't know how that happened03:22
johnxdid you add one of the maemo repositories that has the dev stuff?03:22
EruditeHermitnot sure03:22
johnx(dpkg-repack takes an installed package and makes a .deb out of it)03:23
EruditeHermitlet me try it03:23
pupnikBest would be to write some generic code snippet to update screen via framebuffer ioctl like mplayer does it. One could just add such code to project and replace SDL_UpdateRect with such call. ioctl has non-sticky pixeldoubling flag valid only per specific screen update so it will not mess the screen.03:23
pupnik- fanoush03:23
johnxEruditeHermit, I think it's not installed on maemo and has deps on lots of other stuff that's not readily available03:24
EruditeHermitjohnx: so is there a way to extract packages out of the OS2008 image03:25
johnxshould be possible03:25
johnxI could just do it for you and send you the package if you want03:25
EruditeHermitthat'd be great03:26
EruditeHermitif you could03:26
EruditeHermitis it that difficult?03:26
lcddisn't there a way to simply change the package status from "purge" to "install"?03:26
johnxEruditeHermit, it depends. Do you have a Debian desktop/laptop to use?03:26
EruditeHermitdebian lenny03:27
lcdd'echo osso-rtcom-oma install | dpkg --set-selections' perhaps? someone should confirm this first, though03:28
johnxyou might be able to use flasher-3 to just unpack the image actually03:29
johnxI'm not sure what "unpack" means though, whether it leaves you with a rootfs.jffs2 or directory of files03:29
johnxjffs2 images can take a little work to unpack...03:29
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johnxI kinda figured03:30
johnxit would be way to easy if it just handed you a directory03:30
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EruditeHermitso is it possible to do then?03:31
johnxyou need to look up how to mount a jffs2 image03:31
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johnxyou might need to recompile your desktop's kernel (or at least compile some modules)03:32
EruditeHermitjohnx: would it be easy for you to do it?03:32
johnxyeah, I have debian on my N80003:32
alteregomount -t jffs2 -oloop rootfs.jffs2 mount-pount03:32
johnxjust reboot and dpkg-repack --root=/mnt/nokia-os osso-rtcom-oma03:32
EruditeHermitif you could do ht then, id be forever thankful03:32
EruditeHermitjohnx: how did you manage to install debian on the n800?03:32
johnxN800 is just an ARM, and Debian has a fairly complete ARM port :)03:33
johnxtook a little hacking03:33
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johnxmind you not all the hardware is terribly *functional* right now :)03:33
EruditeHermityeah I like maemo so I'll stick with it03:33
EruditeHermiteven the KDE on tablets seems to be overkill for my purposes03:34
EruditeHermitthough it sounds nice =p03:34
johnxdual booting is the best part ... and the pkg-maemo guys are getting more hildon stuff into debian03:34
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EruditeHermitlcdd: do you think it is just a problem with the package database or a problem with the package installation itself?03:35
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astromme_Is this the correct channel to ask questions about scratchbox?03:36
GeneralAntillesNone better, astromme_.03:37
* GeneralAntilles points at the topic.03:37
astromme_Ahh. Cool =)03:37
johnxEruditeHermit, have you tried apt-get -f --no-act install ?03:37
johnxjust to see what it wants to do?03:37
astromme_Has anyone worked with sbrsh before?03:37
astromme_I keep getting authentication errors03:37
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astromme_"sbrsh: Authentication failed"03:38
EruditeHermitjohnx: yep, it doesn't want to do anything03:38
EruditeHermitjohnx: 0 to install 0 to remove 0 to update03:38
EruditeHermit32 not updated03:38
EruditeHermitbut thats fine03:39
astromme_I've set /targets/BLAH.sbrsh to include the password (and the mount points), as well as ~/.sbrsh on my n800 to include the password/ip03:39
johnxwant to put up a list of your repositories on pastebin and I'll see if I spot anything03:39
lcukpupnik, that sounds quite interesting (the SDL_UpdateRect replacement)03:39
EruditeHermitone sec03:39
EruditeHermitjohnx: will the names of them suffice? or do you want urls too?03:39
lcddEruditeHermit: nah. i guess it might be an indication of a bigger problem, but basically the pi status only means that you want to remove a currently installed package03:40
johnxjust whatever is in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list if it's not too hard to paste up03:41
astromme_Also, is there any way to get a more verbose output from sbrsh? What step of authentiation is failing?03:41
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astrommeSorry... was trying to fix my username and disconnected instead... My question is still open =)03:43
lcukastromme, have you tried setting the debug flag and seeing where it fails?03:50
astrommeYeah, I just found that03:53
astrommeSo it was failing because I hadn't added my host to /etc/sbrsh.conf03:53
astrommebut now it fails on "Can't mount to point /var/sbrshd/astromme@"03:54
astrommein the debug log03:54
lcukit says something about needing host and users and a load of other stuff.  ive never used the remote shell (im only just starting locally) but it seems so03:54
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lcukim actually gonna have a read through the rest of the scratchbox docs if they are written like that.  its quite well done03:54
astrommeI need the remote shell because qemu keeps hanging when I try to compile kde4. I think there is something fishy going on with cmake, but I'm not sure03:55
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astrommeYAY! It works!03:58
astrommeI'm doing this on my n800 with os2008, no dev os or anything... so I had to manually load nfs support03:58
astrommeAnd... it's slow as hell over the wireless connection. Lol...03:58
johnxastromme, might be worth looking at USB networking03:59
astrommeI agree. I couldn't get that working though... Is there any way to do it from my native os2008?03:59
johnxI haven't tried it on native OS200803:59
astrommeWhat have you used?03:59
* lcuk enters sleep mode04:00
lcuknite foks04:00
johnxastromme, Debian on N80004:01
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astrommeHow did you get debian on your n800?04:03
pupniki seriously need to catch up on serge and Xc04:03
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astrommeI guess I've heard of that, but ?04:04
astrommedid you format a memory card, debootstrap the arm os to it, then use the bootloader on the n800 to load it?04:04
johnxastromme, exactly04:04
astrommeAnd it worked?04:04
astrommeI only have a bluetooth keyboard... would I be able to do input?04:05
johnxastromme, if you do exactly that it should boot debian with no networking, no physical console and no input04:05
johnxastromme, I'm working on rolling up a new release of a debian tarball with some modifications to make it behave better04:05
astrommeThat would be great04:06
astrommeThat's great!04:07
astrommeare you using maemo in debian?04:08
astrommeOk. And, do you have a hardware keyboard that you plug in? (usb otg?)04:08
johnxactually, no keyboard right now04:08
astrommeerr.. usb hostmode?04:08
johnxI mostly ssh in04:08
johnxand power saving = not so much04:09
astrommeHow did you do the initial config to be able to ssh in?04:09
astrommeI can imagine04:09
astrommeBut I'd only need it for developing/compiling.04:09
johnxI did a writeup here:
johnxpretty much: debootstrap, have g_ether.ko get loaded early and bring up usb0 and load utelnetd that calls sh as root instead of login04:10
johnxthen I discovered that other people had done it before me and had nice initscripts prepared04:10
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astrommesuch is life04:13
johnxanyways if it's just for dev stuff you can easily debootstrap/chroot to use debian armel right now04:15
johnxand just leave the Nokia stuff running04:15
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astrommeoh, that's interesting04:16
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astrommejohnx, Have you ever played with sbrsh?04:20
johnxnot really04:21
johnxI should/will though as soon as scratchbox2 is released04:21
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astrommeWhen will that be...04:21
johnx"when it's finished" :)04:22
johnxI have no idea really04:22
astrommeAlso, do you think that it could just be the wireless connection that is making my sbrsh go slower than molassas.... we're talking 1K times slower04:22
johnxwell the wireless connection certainly isn't helping I'm sure04:23
johnxI'd believe it though04:23
astrommeHmm, alright04:23
astrommeHow does it work on a technical level?04:23
johnxNokia uses pretty aggressive power management on their wireless...04:24
johnxtechnical level of what?04:24
astrommeI wonder if there is a way to turn that off04:24
astrommeI have my device plugged in...04:24
johnxI would just try a USB net connection if that helps a lot, go back and fix wireless later04:25
astromme /grumbles =)04:25
astrommeCan I do that with the stock os2008?04:25
johnxI haven't used sbrsh and I haven't really dug into scratchbox except to compile some simple things04:25
johnxyes, I think so04:25
johnxshort and sweet :)04:26
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astrommeI'll look into it, thanks04:29
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astrommeastromme@Lentren:~$ ping
astrommePING ( 56(84) bytes of data.04:30
astromme64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=99.0 ms04:30
astromme64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=123 ms04:30
astromme64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=146 ms04:30
astromme64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=169 ms04:30
astrommeWoops, didn't mean all of that. Well, you get the picture04:31
astrommethat's over wireless04:31
astrommePING ( 56(84) bytes of data.04:31
astromme64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.827 ms04:31
johnxthat's pretty bad04:31
astrommeThat's over usbnet04:31
astrommeReally bad04:31
astrommeWhen I used to play wow, I played on Californian servers (I live in Minnesota). I got better pings from their servers....04:31
johnxI think Nokia's power saving sleeps the wireless *really* aggressively04:32
johnxon bulk transfers it's actually not bad04:32
johnxnor is it that bad for skype from continent to continent :)04:32
johnxbut intermittent/interactive stuff isn't great04:32
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astrommeYeah, to my server (from a wirless laptop, Thinkpad x61t) it's .78ms.... =P04:33
astrommebut from my desktop it's .08... lol04:34
astrommeWell, this is better (usb net)04:37
astrommebut still slow04:37
astrommeIs there any way to shutdown the maemo environment on my n800? To free up ram for compiling? And, is there any way to set up a remote swap... and would it be useful?04:38
johnxthe control panel will let you setup swap on you SD card04:38
astrommeYeah, but I don't want a lot of writes on my SD card when compiling. I'm happy to use it for day-to-day stuff.04:39
johnxoh c'mon, it has a life time warranty, right?04:39
astrommeIf I can the documents...04:39
johnxand did they tell you that you *couldn't* swap to it?04:40
johnxanyways no, probably not an easy way to disable the maemo stuff04:40
johnxyou might be able to get away with turning off a couple of the biggest memory using programs if you can find them04:40
jottyou can shut down quite a few services ..04:41
johnxmetalayer crawler might be a good candidate04:41
astrommeIt would be conviluted, but I suppose I could mount a nfs share, create a file image for swap, mkswap, then mount it.04:41
johnxnot recommended04:41
jottlook into the /etc/osso-af-init/*.sh stuff..04:41
johnxprobably won't help04:41
astrommeIs there any list that shows what will reboot the device when stopped with /etc/init.d runscripts?04:42
johnxask google about "swap over NFS" and see what it says :P04:42
Tama^2if you are after perfomance swap over a network connection is not the best idea04:42
johnxperformance or stability ...04:42
astrommeI was playing around earlier with kde4 and I wanted to shutdown matchbox... but I kept getting my device to reboot instead04:42
johnxsome stuff is launched by dsme (in /mnt/initfs) with monitoring enabled04:43
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jottastromme: you have to stop it via the osso-af-init scripts (or the launchwrapper)04:43
Tama^2johnx: you said before one can chroot into a debian armel from OS2008?04:43
Tama^2sounds interesting to me... very04:44
johnxbetter yet, it's really, really painlessly easy04:44
astrommejott: I played around with those as well? Or maybe my memory is failing me. Will any of them reboot the device?04:45
jottastromme: yes. some are. i've not taken notes which exactly ;)04:45
johnxTama^2, do you have a debian/ubuntu desktop/laptop?04:45
Tama^2I do but the bet way for me is use a VM on my macbookpro04:46
Tama^2that should work as well04:46
johnxthen go here: , scroll down to "creating a EABI chroot..."04:47
Tama^2wow, thanks!04:47
johnxrun the first command on i386 debian (so you avoid having to install debootstrap on OS2008)04:47
Tama^2first class service :P04:47
jottbut matchbox can be stopped04:48
jottas well as the hildon-desktop04:48
jottand media-server, connectivity-ui, clipboard, keyboard04:48
johnxput it on an ext2 formatted SD card, run the second command on the tablet,04:48
johnxchroot /media/mmc2/ su -04:48
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johnxTama^2, you might want to mount --bind directories you want access to as well04:48
johnxlike /proc/ /dev and /home/user04:48
Tama^2I will do it tomorrow04:49
astrommeI wonder if sbrsh uses my laptop's cpu for compiling, and just runs the resultant binaries over the network...?04:49
johnxastromme, I think that's correct04:49
astrommeNow, the one problem (not really a problem) is that you're still running the osso kernel04:49
astrommeGood, that should be faster.04:50
pupnikwhat does the Chr key do on n810? :)04:50
jottpupnik: popup a bar with some special keys04:50
johnxastromme, yeah, Nokia has lots of proprietary power management stuff04:50
Tama^2johnx: do you use sid as in the example or you based your work on another version?04:51
johnxsid is the only version with armel support right now04:52
johnxarm != armel04:52
jottpupnik: (frankly it would be better to use it as some extra Mod key ;)04:52
astrommeWhat does the n800 use?04:52
johnxwell they're not really different CPU archictectures so much as different ABIs04:53
pupnikcool, i just modded fn+space to be tab04:53
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johnxastromme, for an exhaustive discussion on the situation, please see: :)04:53
astrommeMan, I'd really like a n810... I'll have to find the funds for this summer.04:53
jottpupnik: yeah map every free key-combination you need it ;)04:53
astrommeThat keyboard sounds very useful04:53
astrommeAnd I've never had a gps device04:53
pupniksame here.  unfortunately i don't need one04:55
pupnikbut maybe someday it will be very useful04:55
legindastromme, with a limited budget it may be easier to go for an n800 and get a bt gps reciever04:55
jottyeah like when you're dropped in the australian outback and only have your n810 with you ;)04:55
legindi before e except after c... gets me every time.04:55
astrommeI do already have a n800. Any suggestions on bt gps reciever?04:56
legindyou can look it up on ebay, theres tonnes of them.  I use a g-sat one04:56
astrommeAlthough... I need a new phone. I've looked at th n95, but I have two problems with it. 1. mpls has no 3g support 2. it's expensive04:56
pupnik  btw this is an important blog for n810 owners : customizing keys04:57
johnxconsensus seems to be: something with a sirfIII, sirfIIIc or mtk chipset04:57
astrommeIf I got one, could I link it to my n800 for gps?04:57
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legindjust get a plain old cell and tether it with a phone04:57
jottpupnik: but not via xmodmap ;)04:57
legindtether the n800 with the 3g phone04:57
jottpupnik: better modify the xkb file04:57
johnxastromme, yes, check on itt forums04:57
GeneralAntillesJohnx, avoid sirf III04:57
GeneralAntillesSiRF IIIc or MTK04:57
legindI have yet to do that because data plans are expensive, but friends of mine have04:57
pupnikjott right, just edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-44.04:57
GeneralAntillesSiRF III has really bad power consumption compared to the other two.04:57
johnxbut otherwise it's fine right?04:58
legindastromme, bt-359 is what I've got04:58
astrommeI'm happy, I got a $20/mo cingular/att unlimited data plan for my nokia 6682. I use it almost daily04:58
astrommewith my n800, my lenovo x61t and my phone directly04:59
GeneralAntillesastromme, it's even better with 3g. ;)04:59
astrommeI can imagine04:59
legindI'm sure I would.  theres loads of cafes with pay-per-hour internet.  I could work there without the hassle of paying every time, probably would end up being more anyway04:59
legindthe main marked improvement of the n810 is the physical keyboard.  other than that I'm glad I got the n80005:00
astrommeAnd I hate the non-inclusion of sd slots...05:00
legindplus, the n810 only has room for one sdhc card05:00
astrommeI have tons of extra sd cards05:00
astrommebut no sd mini or whatever it is05:01
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legindI bought two 8gig sd cards05:01
astrommeAnd  plus, then I can't stick random-sd-card from friend-a into my n800, like I do on a weekly basis for photo-viewing, movie watching, etc...05:01
legindalmost for the express purpose of mocking any iphone users that may be in my vicinity05:01
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astrommeI definitely laugh on the inside when my friend with an iPhone laments that he can't upgrade to the new software b/c he has to pay and there is no jailbrake ready05:05
pupnikcan i disable toolbar shortcut (pgup, pgdn, tab, esc, ctrl) in OS2008 xterm?05:05
jottpupnik: though the setting is not saved (bug) you can toggle it vie View -> Show toolbar05:06
pupnikargh thanks05:06
pupnikthis keyboard is like... good enough to make the shell fun05:07
astrommeDid you just get your n810?05:07
pupnikyeah it's a pretty amazing piece of gear05:07
jottyeah i also like the keyboard.05:09
jottwhen you start to get used to it it's really efficient.05:09
jott(and map some important keys)05:09
pupniki'm about 2x as fast on the thumbboard as i ever got with onscreen keyboard05:10
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jottonscreen keyboards always suck..05:10
jottthey take away too much screen space05:10
astrommeDoes anyone know about recovering from user error with apt-get? I.E..... I installed a package, not noticing that it put "" into my /etc/apt/sources.list on my ubuntu box05:10
pupnikand how thoughtful of Kerningan and Ritchie to put 'l' and 's' under my thumbs05:10
astrommeThen, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade.. "Woah, that's a lot of packages.. well, ok" <enter>05:11
astromme30 minutes later "wait a minute... not good". I ended up reinstalling the system, but before I did I had a mix of ubuntu 7.10 and debian sid...05:11
johnxastromme, use /etc/apt/preferences to pin the priorities of ubuntu packages higher than debian, apt-get dist-upgrade and cross your fingers really, really hard05:12
fysaanyone update for OS2008?05:12
johnxfysa, are you aware of this ?05:13
jottastromme: another (more hacky) way is to parse your dpkg.log and reinstall everything up to the point of time you messed up (without the debian repo) :p05:13
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jottastromme: i recovered my system once this way.. as most other attemptes seemed to fail ;)05:15
astrommeWell, like I said, I ended up reinstalling with a hardy snapshot. (Yay for LVM, made my life simplistic). But I'll keep your suggestion in mind.05:15
johnxI think I should make a wrapper around apt-get that does a get-selections before it runs ...05:15
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astrommeDoes anyone here have a nokia 770?05:22
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astrommeHow does it work for you? When did you get it? Is it _really_ that much slower than a n800/n810 (assuming you have one)05:24
GeneralAntillesFine, 2005, yes.05:24
astrommeI was thinking of getting one back in september.05:25
GeneralAntillesMakes for a fantastic ebook/media controller/couch browser.05:26
astrommeOne last "for the cloud" question: does anyone know why the screen refreshes on the n800,n810 cause tearing? (It's visible in movies and canola mostly)05:26
GeneralAntillesBecause the LCD controller bus is weak.05:26
astrommeNo way around it? =/05:26
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GeneralAntillesWell, unless you convert everything to 8-bit grayscale.05:27
johnxpeople have been talking about 12bit...05:27
pupnik770 is also very durable for on-the-go05:27
* GeneralAntilles just wants an N900.05:27
johnxastromme, ~18MB/s is what you can get to the LCD controller, IIRC05:28
astrommeWhat would you want in a "n900"?05:28
johnxcoffee maker05:28
astrommejohnx - that's not good at all05:28
pupniki think there are no tearing issues with the n8x0 and mplayer astromme05:28
pupnikas long as your videos fit in 400x24005:28
astrommeHmm, ok05:29
johnxyou could probably do 640x480 at 20fps05:29
astrommeThey have to be 1/2 screen resolution? (Stretched, I know)05:29
johnxastromme, AFAIK05:30
johnxer...AFAIK, no they don't05:30
GeneralAntillesjohnx, tried 24fps (mencoder choked on 20) at 640x480 at about 700Kbps yesterday.05:30
GeneralAntillesStill dropped frames.05:30
johnxyeah, my math says that's right on the border line05:30
johnxthat's pressing the CPU pretty hard at this point in time05:30
johnxand also the sound situation with mplayer in OS2008 costs CPU time05:31
GeneralAntillesI wonder about something like ~560*42005:31
johnxGeneralAntilles, the math: xres * yres * bitdepth in bytes (16/2) * fps05:32
johnx+ some overhead coefficient05:32
johnxsome way to do adaptive resolution / framerate would be really neat but would be a horrible nightmare to implement I'm sure05:33
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astrommeInteresting... qmake is run with cputransp, meaning it eats my n800's cpu.05:36
astrommeWhat is the max rated frequency for the arm chips in the n8x0?05:36
astrommeAnd is there a way for me to adjust it?05:37
johnxoverclock? or underclock?05:37
astrommeDid we know that before nokia bumped it up to 400?05:37
johnxastromme, didn't know05:37
astrommeUnder for battery (in theory), over for compiling when on ac05:37
johnxand it uses cpufreq by default05:37
GeneralAntillesNo, we didn't, but, no, there's no more headroom. ;)05:37
johnxso it sits at 165MHz until you want it to do something05:38
astrommejohnx, in theory, could it go higher? Assuming .. oh, general says no?05:38
GeneralAntillesIt could go higher05:38
GeneralAntillesbut then you'd sacrifice stability and, possibly, your device.05:38
astrommeok =P.05:38
johnxsearch overclock on itt, definitely seems like a popular topic :)05:38
braddbrhi guys, got my n800 today.. just looking for common urls if anyone has any interesting ones (mainly software depots for now)05:42
braddbrthank you05:43
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* jott casts johnx to a factoid bot 05:44
fysahow do we get lower brightness than min¿05:44
jottchroot /mnt/initfs dsmetest -b 305:44
astrommeI'm wondering the same thing05:44
* johnx is now a factoid bot05:44
GeneralAntillesDamn you, fysa.05:44
GeneralAntillesI just deleted that link from my bookmarks05:44
johnxlower brightness: with fanoush's modified kernel or rm_you's brightness applet05:45
GeneralAntillesrm_you's applet05:45
fysawoo hoo05:45
GeneralAntilleskernel is a pain.05:45
fysai only knew of the kernel.  thanks.05:45
jott-l 305:46
johnxheh, or chroot /mnt/initfs dsmetest -d 205:46
jottchroot /mnt/initfs dsmetest -l 305:46
johnxgets your display nice and dark :D05:46
GeneralAntillesrm_you's applet is particularly badass.05:46
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jottwho needs a gui if one has a sliding keyboard ;p05:46
astrommeOoh, that is dark!05:46
GeneralAntillesSomebody who doesn't want to leave xterm running 24/705:47
proteousthe easiest way to get a darker display is a battery hack05:47
jottGeneralAntilles: those are only folks without an internal keyboard i suppose *g*05:48
proteousif you remove the back cover and pop out the battery the display gets really dark05:48
proteousit's pretty instant too05:48
GeneralAntillesproteous, I don' think that'll work out quite like you think it will.05:48
jottthe easiest way to get a dark display is to throw your device in the toilet ;P05:48
GeneralAntillesAh, right.05:48
* GeneralAntilles was thinking voltage.05:49
shackan*why* would you want an even darker display?05:49
astrommeAt night05:49
shackanit's already unreadable unless in close ambients05:49
astrommethe darkest setting is pretty dang light05:49
proteousit can double as a nightlight/flashlight05:50
proteousdouble bonus05:50
astrommeHey, I live in minnesota. During the winter our daylight hours are like 8:00am -4:00 pm05:50
GeneralAntillesshackan, for reading in the dark.05:50
proteoussadly, I've used it for a flashlight before...05:50
astrommeI spend most of my day in the dark...05:50
shackanme too :D05:50
GeneralAntillesThe default lowest setting is absurdly bright.05:50
astrommeOn os2008, yes05:50
shackanastromme: do you work in mines?05:50
astrommeNo, I don't =P05:50
jottyeah it burns in the eyes when the room is dark05:50
proteoushe just hasn't come out of the closet yet05:51
EruditeHermithey, is anyone having trouble with uktube?05:51
astrommeBut I spend 6 hours at school in the light, then 8 hours at home in the dark.... (In the winter)05:51
GeneralAntillesbrightness level 1 is perfect for reading with the lights out.05:51
proteousthat only makes up 14 hours, what planet are you on?05:51
astrommeIn the summer, I get light from roughly 5:30 am to 10PM05:51
astrommewell, ok05:52
astrommeI don't sleep 10 hours05:52
astrommeSo adjust those previous values a bit05:52
EruditeHermitI get
proteoustotaly not clicking on that link05:52
astrommeit's nothing05:52
proteoussure sure05:52
johnxclicked, contains python error05:53
astrommejust a traceback. /shrug05:53
johnxproteous, this isn't slashdot ;p05:53
EruditeHermitis it just a bug?05:53
GeneralAntillesMore importantly, this isn't slashdot at -1.05:53
astrommeomfg. ./configure is till running... qtmake still taking up my cpu05:54
EruditeHermitI think perhaps youtube changed05:54
johnxyoutube changes their URL scheme every so often05:54
jottastromme: what are you trying to build?05:54
proteousnot so much anymore since they have a nice API from google05:54
johnxah, someone needs to rewrite uktube for that05:54
johnxastromme, this is for KDE, yes?05:55
astrommeqt4 at the moment05:55
astrommeI had it all built, but I'm rebuilding with cputransp05:55
jottthere is a ready qt4 :)05:55
astrommeWith dev headers?05:55
jottjust without accessiblity support05:56
jott(in case you want to compile kde4 with it ;P05:56
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EruditeHermitjohnx: do you think there is a simple fix or do I have to wait for uktube to be fixed?05:57
r_Could somebody help me with information where to get gen_vkb?05:57
johnxEruditeHermit, it seems not to be updated often and I have no idea how difficult the fix is05:58
johnxbut since google published an API for it, it might not be that hard05:58
* johnx knows nothing else about the situation05:58
EruditeHermitI'll just wait till they fix it I guess05:58
GeneralAntilleskonttori is a Nokian now.05:59
GeneralAntillesNo time to update his puny old python apps. :D05:59
EruditeHermitare there any other youtube apps for maemo?06:00
pupnikyoutube-dl python script06:00
EruditeHermitwhere is that?06:00
GeneralAntillesWhy not just watch it in the browser?06:00
EruditeHermitits too slow in the browser06:00
EruditeHermitflash is slow06:00
GeneralAntillesIt's fine in OS2008.06:00
fysado i have to reboot for this to work?06:00
astrommenot until it loads completely06:01
GeneralAntillesfysa, is it in the menu?06:01
* johnx hates flash so much06:01
EruditeHermitme too06:01
smackpotatothe ykfix06:01
EruditeHermitslows everything down06:01
GeneralAntillesmenu . . .06:01
GeneralAntillesI mean status bar.06:01
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jottanyone willing to test my first pymaemo app? - it's an finger-controllable eggtimer06:05
astrommeHeh, it tells me the timestamp for the tar is in the future06:06
jottit's just build ;)06:07
jottsee if you understand it without instructions ;)06:07
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fysaworks well on my device06:08
astrommeThat's cool06:08
astrommeI like the scroll up/down to change it06:09
jottyou can either use back or colon to start/stop the timer..06:09
fysai almost expect it to count auto after leaving it for 10 secs06:09
astrommeYou should make it animated so that a user can see while his finger is still pressed06:09
fysaithen touch to pause.  that is one less tap for most cases06:09
fysaor 506:10
smackpotatoEH here is a link that uses tthe neew youtube skeem06:11
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jottfysa: hmm i don't understand what you mean.06:12
jottdoes the visual alarm work on a n800?06:12
fysawhen you slide it to change a digit, reset an internal timer.  if that timer hits 5 or 10 seconds, begin counting down.  i.e, they are done picking their time.  we know they want it to run down.06:13
fysathen let them pause/continue with a tap06:14
jotthmmm.. i wonder if this is feasible.. as an option this might be nice..06:15
fysahow most oven timers work06:15
jott5 seconds should be enough i suppose, or?06:16
fysai would love that simple interface with a clock.06:16
fysatry 606:16
jottheh 5.75? :p06:17
fysai want a simple clock to run at night sometimes06:17
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jottyeah. indeed06:17
astromme_Woah, that was weird06:17
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astromme_I just had both of my linux boxes freeze on me06:17
astromme_I wonder if that is something with hardy....06:18
GeneralAntillesHow does it start?06:18
fysalinur eclipse06:18
GeneralAntillespytimer is pwning me06:18
astromme_First my desktop stops playing music, so I investigate.... I can't do anything, not even ctrl-alt-shift-sysrq06:18
jottGeneralAntilles: my timer? colon or back06:18
fysatouch the :06:18
astromme_And then about 2 minutes later06:18
astromme_My laptop does the same thing06:18
GeneralAntillesThe LED didn't stop after I closed it. <_<06:19
fysait's because I am on your roof.06:19
jottGeneralAntilles: ooh :) ok yeah that has to be catched.06:19
jott(it stops when tapping on the screen while it runs)06:20
proteousstop it with the touching of the :'s please06:20
fysaooo could you update the icon with the time? ;)06:20
jottfysa: good question.06:20
fysarender ttf to bitmap with gd06:21
jottyeah the bitmap generation is not the problem. i wonder if hildon/matchbox handle the icon update06:21
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smackpotatoEruditeHermit:  you can use that link to edit uktube.py06:24
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pppoe_dudei am trying to get osso-screenshot-tool to work on my 770, but dpkg -i says the .deb has the wrong architecture06:34
pppoe_dudeany ideas?06:34
astromme_what package are you using?06:34
pppoe_dudei downloaded the arm version06:34
astromme_paste the name here06:34
pppoe_dudefrom here
pupnikwhy does os2008 tar have problems with some of my .tgz files... "tar: short read"06:35
pppoe_dudeit says i need the 'armel' version06:35
astromme_you don't want to "apt-get install osso-screenshot-tool"?06:35
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pppoe_dudeooh theres apt-get? lol06:35
astromme_pupnik, could it be the memory bug that was appearing with the 770?06:35
pupnikarm is for OS200506:35
astromme_pppoe_dude, Yep =)06:35
johnxpupnik, corrupted memory card?06:36
pppoe_dudeok it says it has no installation candidate06:36
astromme_Have you added the repo?06:36
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astromme_You can do it from the gui if you want06:36
pppoe_dudeastro76, which repo? sorry i'm new to maemo06:36
astromme_that gronmayer site... what is it06:36
astromme_Give me a sec to find it06:36
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pppoe_dudemany repos... which one?06:37
pupnikuse the search06:37
pupnikFilename: pool/maemo2.2/free/o/osso-screenshot-tool/osso-screenshot-tool_1.05-1_armel.deb  for OS200606:38
astromme_pppoe_dude, Are you using a 770?06:38
pppoe_dudeastro76, yes06:38
pupnik gregale/free Packages06:39
pppoe_dudepupnik, would i put that under 'web address' in 'new catalog'?06:39
pppoe_dudei guess distribution: gregale and components: fee?06:40
pupniki think so yes06:40
johnxpppoe_dude, or you can just click the "click to install" on to get the repo06:40
pppoe_dudewill try that. otherwise will just download and do dpkg :)06:40
pupnikyou have OS2006 on your 770 pppoe_dude ?06:40
pppoe_dudepupnik, ya latest, afaik06:40
r_pupnik: are you use tar from busybox or gnutar?06:41
pupnikmust be busybox r_06:41
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pppoe_dudethis makes me happy haha06:41
pppoe_dudei mean... maemo06:41
pppoe_dudeok im doing apt-get now06:42
pppoe_dudeit seems like it's doing a lot of configuring with libs and stuff...06:42
pppoe_dudeactually.. it seems to be reconfiguring all the packages haha..06:42
astromme_What makes you think that?06:43
pppoe_dudeit's just saying 'setting up' then a whole bunch of packages... after the apt-get install osso-screenshot-tool06:43
astromme_Ugh, cmake is also running on cputransp, meaning it's also slow.... way too slow06:43
r_pupnik: may be
pppoe_dudeand a bunch of ldconfig 'can't open  configuration file /etc/' errors06:43
pppoe_dudethis is the first time i run apt-get manually tho, so perhaps this is why06:44
astromme_that makes sense r_06:44
pppoe_dudeah... interesting... anyway, i think it all went successfully albeit not cleanly but perhaps all is well in the end06:44
pppoe_dudeoooh nice06:45
astromme_It works?06:45
pppoe_dudei think so.06:46
pppoe_dudewill upload a screenshot in a secon06:46
pppoe_dudeah awesomeness06:49
pupnikthanks a bunch r_06:50
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r_welcome !-)06:51
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pupniki will use zip instead06:53
astromme_Weird, that page crashes konqueror06:56
pppoe_dudeastro76, which one?>!06:56
pppoe_dudethe xshot page?06:57
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astromme_the xshot06:57
astromme_same with konqueror-kde406:57
pppoe_dudeare you sure it wasnt something else? and can you tell me possibly what you did ? (i run the site)06:57
astromme_lets try firefox06:57
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johnxThe complete LCARRS (sp?) look is pretty impressive ... but really, really ugly IMHO :)06:58
astromme_works fine in firefox06:58
astromme_Maybe its something with my cache. I'll try my desktop06:58
pppoe_dudejohnx, lol06:59
astromme_Yep, on my desktop too06:59
pppoe_dudejohnx, it says LCARS on the side06:59
johnxsorry, closed it pretty quick :P06:59
pppoe_dudeastro76, weird. I will check out what's going on. konqueror0only problem?06:59
astromme_I'll echo that - cool but ugly!06:59
pppoe_dudejohnx, ill try with another theme then lol06:59
johnxthat's fine07:00
pppoe_dudeany nice theme sites?07:00
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astromme_And ppoe -> my nice is a stromme, not astroxx. =P07:00
pppoe_dudeastromme_, sorry tab complete07:00
johnxpppoe_dude, not many themes for any release of ITOS :(07:00
astromme_I'm getting a backtrace from konqueror now07:00
astromme_Yeah =/07:00
johnxone day I'll get around to doing my own07:00
pppoe_dudejohnx, i want something simple and small fonted07:01
pppoe_dudeif that's a word haha07:01
astromme_Well, it's something in khtml07:01
astromme_I'm too tired to make sense of it now07:02
johnxand/or google search: OS2006 themes :)07:02
pppoe_dudei don't suppose i can install os2008 on my 770?07:03
johnxgah...that first link was wrong, huh?07:03
astromme_Err, I don't think so.07:03
johnxpppoe_dude, no OS2008 for 770...yet07:03
johnxNokia has been making noises about having a 2008HE release ... but no one will say more07:04
pppoe_dudeso theres hope it will be supported?07:04
johnxmaybe it will be. I wouldn't hold out to much hope07:04
astromme_Well, I submitted a bug for kde07:06
astromme_it looked like something weird in khtml07:07
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astromme_I'm out for tonight. Goodnight folks07:09
astromme_Thanks for all the help johnx07:09
johnxsure :)07:09
elbso, I don't seem to get a thumb keyboard at all any more in OS2008, any ideas why that might be?07:09
johnxthey seem to have tweaked the pressure sensitivity or something07:09
johnxhit d-pad center for the thumb keyboard07:10
elbin microb, at least, that just acts like pushing enter07:11
elb(and ... open the keyboard tray to use the thumb keyboard?)07:11
johnxDidn't know you had an N81007:11
* johnx shrugs07:11
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elbsure, but in general, that seems like a funny design choice ;-)07:12
johnxI have no idea what they were thinking either07:12
elbit doesn't seem to open the thumb keyboard in other apps, either07:13
johnxit's probably because the physical keyboard is out07:14
johnxit works on an N80007:14
elbyeah, I was originally under the impression that was what was confusing it07:14
elbbut now ... I cna't tell07:14
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johnxheh, I'll trade you an N800 that I can guarantee displays the onscreen keyboard :)07:15
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pppoe_dudenice theme07:18
pppoe_dudewill share in a second07:19
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pupniknice pppoe_dude07:30
pupnikyou made this?07:30
pppoe_dudepupnik, the theme?07:30
pppoe_dudeit's from maemo.org07:30
pppoe_dudeit's my screenshot tho :)07:30
pupnikwhat's it called?07:31
pppoe_dudealthough it's still not as simple as i really want a theme to be haha07:32
pppoe_dudeit would be perfect if the icons were also flat07:32
pppoe_dudeand the scroll bar07:32
johnxas well as the fonts?07:32
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pupnikhas it broken anything on your 770 yet pppoe_dude ?07:34
pppoe_dudenot so far07:34
pupnikahhhh soo nice07:35
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pppoe_dudepupnik, you have a 770?>07:38
diemangot radar data working in maemo-mapper07:40
pupnikwow nice07:40
dieman still need to add a feature to get it to auto-refresh07:40
dieman has the wms url im using07:40
diemanits creepy to zoom out and get the full usa data07:41
diemanand i have no clue how much xfer this is, need to try it out with my phone07:41
diemanover wifi its fine ;)07:41
diemanpop up edge on my tablet here07:42
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johnxthat is really cool :D07:46
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diemani do skywarn here in minneapolis, trying to get some stuff worked out for using this n810 for it07:47
diemanwant to do aprs stuff with it too07:47
diemanyeah, png might be a bit too much for edge service07:49
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diemanheh, already sucked down a half meg :)07:50
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pupnikminneapolis rules!07:58
pupnikwhat's skywarn dieman ?07:59
cizarroit warns you if the sky is falling07:59
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* pupnik ponders /dev/sequencer...08:02
diemangif may be the best format08:04
diemanit seems08:04
diemanthey have svg, but it doesn't display right08:05
diemananyhow, its likely the source image is not vector :)08:05
r_Does anybody know where to put a *.vkb file in the scratchbox to test it on x86?08:05
dieman" SKYWARN™ is a volunteer program with nearly 280,000 trained severe weather spotters. These volunteers help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service."08:06
diemanspeaking of crazy weather, its cold here08:07
dieman-13F outside08:08
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Tama^2how many degrees C is that? :P08:08
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dragorn-25 or so08:09
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diemani forget the rest of the world08:10
diemanyou dont use stupid measurements like we do :)08:10
dragornoh good, i have a "you're f'd" icon up for weather08:12
dragornoh.  Wind alert.  Pfft.08:12
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pupnik_screenshots dieman :)08:18
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diemanfor the radar?08:21
diemanor the weather ?08:21
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diemananyhow, super happy that worked to a point08:23
diemanneed to figure out the mapping code in maemo-mapper and figure out how to get it to refresh08:23
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whoohaHey I just got an n800 and i enabled ssh and i want to install e2fsprogs and some other stuff via apt, but when I try apt-get install i get E: Package xxxxxx has no installation candidate08:38
whoohafor any pkg i try08:38
whoohaany ideas?08:38
Tama^2missing repos?08:40
pupnik_  search this and find the repo you need08:41
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pupnik_my favorite part about my system call and mp3 background player is that it currently doesn't get killed when exult exits08:58
pupnik_so you're sitting there looking at the shell and listening to birds chirping..08:58
johnxthat's a feature, not a bug!08:59
pupnik_i really enjoy it09:02
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EruditeHermitis there an update to the flash player that follows the update for flash on other platforms?09:15
johnxFor the most part Nokia only does any software updates as part of a whole flashable firmware image every couple months09:18
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Doni^morning folks09:42
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pupnik_  <<- me10:21
johnxsad :(10:21
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|tbb|morning all10:29
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JaffaMorning, all10:32
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rm_youGeneralAntilles: sup! what did I miss? :P10:33
GeneralAntillesThe fact that I was about to go to bed. :P10:34
rm_youmy life got really interesting in the past week or so :P10:35
rm_youthough things are calming down now10:35
GeneralAntillesThat's good.10:35
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GeneralAntillesNothing particularly exciting on this end.10:38
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pupnik_may you live in interesting times10:47
rm_youtoo interesting >_>10:47
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roccohey guys10:49
roccoanyone else notice a problem with osso_notes crashing at random points with a segfault?10:49
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maddlermorning all10:58
maddlerrocco: not here...10:58
|tbb|hey maddler10:59
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michelehm.. the frogpad would be a nice keyboard for the tablets :)11:00
pupnik_i'd like a harmonica stand for the 770 and a keyboard on my belt11:02
pupnik_or better yet in a sweatshirt pocket11:02
pupnik_or maybe velcro keyboard kneepads11:03
Tama^2it's one of the worse websites I have seen in a while11:03
maddlermichele: I just got an iGo11:03
maddlermichele: pretty nice...11:03
michelethat's still pretty big when you open it11:04
micheleand this can is made to be used one-handed11:04
micheles/can //11:04
infobotmichele meant: and this is made to be used one-handed11:04
maddlermichele: I wonder how long would take to get familiar with it... ;)11:04
maddlerno thanks... :)11:04
micheleI'd like to try it11:04
roccoit;s getting really annoying11:05
* michele is not really looking for an external keyboard11:05
roccoI'm not sure what to do about it11:05
roccoI'm just typing away and it segfaults11:05
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michelethe nice thing is that, unlike all other chording keyboards, it is pretty obvious how it workds11:10
Tama^2it is nice11:10
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roccobut is it useable?11:10
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Tama^2as michele suggested it's probably more immediate then most chording kb11:11
Tama^2dunno how long it would take for me to get used to it11:11
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micheletoo bad it's more than $10011:12
michelenot exactly a "let's try it" price11:12
Tama^2I thought the same11:13
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* pupnik_ listens to
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Tama^2This is so funny: wants to show me that same tiresome ad every page...11:17
Tama^2...and make the whole thing smell of amateur business ;)11:18
micheleTama^2: the funniest thing is the "make your own" link at the bottom11:19
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Tama^2I opened it11:19
Tama^2and they show you how to dremel the casing11:19
LynoureThe bluetooth one only exists in apple-white?11:20
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Tama^2yes apparently11:21
Tama^2it's the iFrog U,u11:21
Tama^2another hilarious thing is the face of the CEO popping up on the homepage11:22
Tama^2last thing I am interested in when I buy a product is the face of the CEO11:23
michelethis one is only $59511:23
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Tama^2it must have gold plated usb connectors, or is it an AT connector? ;)11:24
micheleWith its unique Hydra Cable, the Half-QWERTY Keyboard works with both PCs and Macs (including older ADB ("Beige") Macs).11:24
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Tama^2in other words:'_nine_tails11:28
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AD-N770bon dia / good morning11:30
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pupnik_btw xmms mp3 playback doesn't suffer the volme/distortion (not quite as bad) problems as some other programs11:36
pupnik_had it playing a library at full volume and i was amazed at how good the N810 speakers sounded now11:37
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pupnik_by comparison the 770 never had any crackling/distortion problems11:38
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rm_youany idea how i get a package into the repo? i thought garage had something to do with it, but now that i have a garage page, i'm not sure if i was right :/11:46
Doni^hmmm. this is really odd.11:47
Doni^seems that my n810 does not survive being idle at all11:47
pupnik_check the extras repo - there's a wiki page for submitting pkgs to extras11:48
Doni^keeping the unit idle for say 1hrs or so the keyboard is dead. i.e. closing and reopening the slider wont help.11:49
Doni^usually after a while the device just reboots.11:49
Doni^problem with watchdog ?11:49
rm_youthe wiki wasn't agreeing with it11:52
rm_youkeeps sending me to some Midgard page :/11:52
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Jaffarm_you: poke Nokia into commenting in some way on my RFC to make it easier ;-)11:59
rm_youwhere did you post that? :P12:00
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pupnikthere, about 400 changes to a package i don't understand...12:01
pupniknow ... "make" :)12:01
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tuxSlayerHi there! People! does everybody know why can't I access maemo wiki with my garage account?12:03
tuxSlayerOr maybe somebody will be so kind to give me some link to instructions on N800 to OS 2008 update? All i've found points to maemo wiki :-T12:04
pupniki've had similar problems with accounts.  contact admin, or try with a new account12:04
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pupnikwb |tbb|12:05
|tbb|web irc sucks sometimes12:05
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tuxSlayerthanks in advice :-E12:06
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tuxSlayerThe point is in message. when Im trying to login to wiki i see the message: you need the midgard:update priveleges...12:11
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rm_youtuxSlayer: same12:13
rm_youisn't normally like that12:13
tuxSlayerIm just trying to access more docs on maemo/Chinook. Maybe I should't go to wiki at all.. but I can't find some info in another places and google gives me links to old maemo wiki...12:16
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pupnikany N810 owners in Hessen, Germany please contact me ( for a sound playback comparison / test12:18
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n0ob_pupnik: hey12:23
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* pupnik ponders making an extended use battery pack with 4 C or D-cell NiMHs12:28
BlafaselI still think about buying a USB charger to prolong the use..12:30
Tama^2speaking of power supply mods, I cannot find the slim power connector12:31
proteousdid you check under the bed?12:31
Tama^2not that I looked hard... but in the electronics store down the road they didn;t have it12:31
Tama^2even under the fridge, nothing ;`(12:32
_collin_pupnik: which city?12:32
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LoCusFflashblock-webaddon completely removed my flash support, even though I uninstalled it12:39
pupnikTama^2: i managed to find the same connector from a trashed nokia charger12:40
pupnik_collin_: butzbach, about 50km north of FFM12:40
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BlafaselI can only offer cologne, which is not really that close ;)12:41
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* pupnik beats his brains out on sdl keyboard12:43
pupnikBlafasel: that'd be a nice trip though... maybe we can arrange it someday?12:43
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BlafaselWhy not ;)12:44
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pupnikargh coding hurt brain12:46
cizarropupnik, fixing borken ms dns/dhcp hurt brain more12:49
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pupniki wish i could avoid rebuilding all these .Tpo and .Plos13:00
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pupniki think .po has something to do with internationalization13:00
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maddlerpupnik: it has13:06
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maddlerpo files contain "translated strings"13:07
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AddisonPupnik!  Any chance that you're still conscious right now?  :o)13:29
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AddisonWhat's up G Money Dog Nuts?  How ya doin'?!??!  :o)13:30
pupnikkickin ass and chewin gum13:31
pupnik.. and i'm all outta gum13:31
AddisonNice.  I like the attitude.  You must be one of those people that irons there shirts.....  while still wearing them.13:31
AddisonSo what's going on with you lately?13:32
pupnikworking on a new build of exult13:32
AddisonThe Ultima junk?13:32
pupnikthe new n810 is very motivational13:32
AddisonI found a couple of open source junk.  Any chance you would look at them?13:33
pupnikit was sucking for 10 months and it is going to STOP SUCKING13:33
AddisonWho was sucking what, and do you have pictures?  :o)13:34
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AddisonOh crap.  You're not answering.  Did I just say something stupid?13:37
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AddisonWell, anyway, this is three things I saw yesterday.  Maybe you could take a quick peek at them.13:38
AddisonGo to it.  :o)13:38
pupnikwill check them out Addison13:38
AddisonSo how's live treating you pupnik?13:39
Addisonlife = live.  Stupid brain.13:39 In member function `virtual bool SI_Game::new_game(Vga_file&)':13:39 error: `gkeyboard' undeclared (first use this function)13:39
AddisonYeah, I think all of them need some type of keyboard stuff added.13:39
pupnikyep which is why i'm doing it, since nobody else is13:40
AddisonCan I write a song about you?13:40
pupnikbtw 'ja' frozen pizza is extremely good for the price!13:40
AddisonI mean, that wouldn't cause any unnecessary weirdness right?13:40
pupnikyou make music?13:40
AddisonIf you call banging pots and pans together.  Yeah, I can make music!13:41
pupniklike Einstuerzende Neubauten?13:41
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pupnikI'd like to do a song with just pots and pans for percussion13:42
AddisonDon't forget...  You can never get enough cow bell into a song.13:42
pupnikThis has been on-hold project since 1991 ... "Kitchen Beat".  With a song already written called "Willi, the shitting dog"13:43
AddisonSounds like an upbeat song.13:43
AddisonSomething I could dance to.13:43
pupnikShe was a special dog13:43
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AddisonThat was yours?  You can write?13:44
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pupnikmy music is on ~6 million cds :P13:44
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pupnikwhat's new with you Addison?13:45
AddisonJust the same pathetic continuation of another day.  :o)13:46
AddisonHow about you?13:46
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AddisonHey punik, you didn't squibbed on me did you?13:52
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AddisonCrap, you left me pupnik.   And I was in such a good mood.  :o)13:54
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AddisonWell, it was almost nice chatting with you again Pupnik.  Maybe we should do this again when you can't stay so long.  :o)13:57
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AddisonSorry pupnik, I thought you left me hanging.14:01
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pupnikdoing fine14:01
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AddisonHows the love life treating you pupnik?14:05
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AddisonFor me, it's treating me like a baby treats a diaper.  :o)14:06
lcukpupnik, i noticed you posted a remark last night from fanoush about updaterect.  is there a related link which goes with this because it sounds like a reasonable approach for speed14:06
lcukahhh i remember reading that thread multiple times. its an interesting conversation14:09
pupnikit applies to all games, really14:09
pupnikAddison: no news in that department.  Unless you know a great girl I should meet.14:10
lcukyer it does and when i read it the first time i wondered why the heck it couldnt be pushed further, fan is right about small optimisations in the core adding up to a much better user experience14:10
AddisonOkay, I just looked at that page and everyone is speaking in Sputnik.   How is that interesting?14:10
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lcukaddison, the n8x0 has problems with graphics because its not running a fast graphics controller chip.  there is a guy modifying mplayer to make the best out of it14:11
AddisonI'll set you up pupnik?  What do you like?  Sleazy, easy, japaneasy?  Just tell me and you'll have something at your door tomorrow morning.  :ol)14:11
pupniki'll settle for mentally stable14:11
AddisonCan't do that.14:12
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lcukthe modifications he is considering and ways he is going about it aren't being pushed by nokia because they arent seen as important, but to everyone wanting the best experience its of vital importance14:12
AddisonThe best I can give you, by tonight, is a hysterical old maid in constant menopause.  Is that good for you?14:12
pupniktoo offtopic atm Addison14:13
AddisonOkay.  Sorry.14:13
pupniklcuk: it applies to programs that aren't really core apps14:13
lcukyes, i know, but those none core apps all use core functions which are currently unoptimised.  thats where the comment you made last night really comes into it - with a minor modification to the user program you gain the benefits of fanaush's experience and neatly sidestep nokia :)14:15
AddisonHey pup, what did you think about the open source junk for Scrabble I posted earlier?  I take it that it's not quite your style?14:15
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pupniki'll add them to my links page if they look doable, not adding any more projects at the moment14:15
AddisonYou should add everything.... you're a machine, remember?  :o)14:16
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lcukpup, is it you that released the aliens pixdbl test?14:17
pupnikAddison, my problem is starting too many things and not finishing enough14:17
pupniklcuk: yes14:17
VeggenI just chose names for four new machines. And I regret my choice. We have japanese as name-standard, and today I was in a sushi mood, so I selected sushi-names.14:18
lcukshould it just compile on vmware scratchbox or are there other dependencies (or dont you know and i should just retest it later)14:18
VeggenBut I regret my choice already. Because I'm already getting sushi-hungry ;) So every time I have to ssh to them, I'll suddenly become hungry ;)14:18
pupnikwhat happened when you built it lcuk14:18
AddisonSorry pup, didn't mean to place too many demands on you.  I thought, for some reason, that you were from the future and could do anything.  :o)14:19
lcukit failed, not to worry now, i cant exactly rememberit was a couple of nights ago i will try again later i just wanted to know if there was anything glaring.14:19
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pupniki might have left something in a bad state14:20
lcukits ok, i was using it as a base project (its small enough) to see if i could compile things.14:20
AddisonA bad state as in "mental confusion"? a bad state like "Michigan"?  Sorry, I didn't get what you just said there.14:20
pupnikyes hold, i have it here14:21
lcukdang, i cant even run it now to see.  vnc into windows into vmware fails.  the mouse pointer is way off target14:22
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pupnikyes i'm missing -lXsp in the configure script14:22
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pupniklcuk try cp Makefile__FOR_XSP Makefile and then 'make'14:23
lcuki gather you mean a ref to libXSP14:23
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pupniki generally just ssh into the vmware guest OS14:24
lcukok pupnik i will do - ahhhh the default makefile doesnt include it and because i was trying to go down the line it was failing.. :D14:24
pupnikthen i can minimize the vmware and save some cpu cycles14:24
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pupnikyeah sorry about that14:25
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lcuki only have 1 port opened through this router for my vpn, im not even sure if the other machine ips are visible from it.  ive always just vnced through the tunnel14:25
* lcuk kept it simple14:26
lcukthanks for tip anyway pup, ill try it when im home later and see if i can get further.14:26
* lcuk goes and plays unreal tournament14:27
AddisonWell, I'm beginning to haze in and out of consciousness right about now.  I think it's best to go to sleep before I hurt myself.  :o)14:27
AddisonHave a good day everyone.14:27
pupnikok cheers Addison14:28
AddisonSee you around pup.  :o)14:28
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vdepizzolHello. Who I can contact when my coupon code from Maemo Program isn't working?14:40
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ustunhi there, I have symlinks to ~/MyDocs/.[video, sounds, ...] to my external mmc14:44
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ustunbut I have found that the battery is drained quickly.14:44
ustunhas anyone experienced such an issue? might that be the reason ?14:44
ustunor can it be some other app like the rss-reader?14:45
tank-mani think it is some daemon or something cacheing something and it is going in loops14:45
ustuncurrently the battery lasts only about 1 day when the device is idle.14:45
solmumahaustun: i believe metalayer-crawler doesn't like that14:46
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ustunsolmumaha: right, I guessed so, because I once saw that hogging up the cpu.14:47
solmumahaand goes into a loop like tank-man said14:47
ustunthen shouldn't I put any symlinks at all14:48
ustunor should I just leave the default .sounds etc14:48
ustunand can create other symlinks?14:48
solmumahanot sure you should symlink anything14:49
ustunsolmumaha: OK, thanks.14:49
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solmumahaif you don't use the media player you could try disabling the crawler i guess14:52
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|tbb|morning tak15:07
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pupnik"If you don't think programmers are amazing, just try it!" - me15:20
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TakIf you don't think programmers are amazing, give me your street address and prepare to be surprised.15:23
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lcukwhether or not you think programmers are amazing you should send money to my paypal account.  you will miss us when we are gone ;)15:24
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pupnikTak btw i can't mess with snes9x internals15:27
pupnikbut maybe i can disable the final render and cout the fps15:27
alterego_where's the xchat client for OS2008?15:27
pupnikso i can see how much time is spent with the final blit15:27
Takdoes anybody know if it's built with plugin support?15:29
pupnikfrom my reading though, the most time is spent in tile.cpp and ppu.cpp15:30
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Taknot terribly surprising15:31
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lcuksomething just occured to me, people having constant battery drain issues install the "load-applet" thing.  in order that it can get the  stats of the system to show the cpu bar every second doesnt that wake up the device.  could the thing we are using to check be actually causing a higher drain?15:31
lcukor: who watches the watchers15:31
* johnx watches the watchers15:31
* lcuk watches johnx watching google watching the watchers15:32
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lcukit might not be specifically the program itself but the internal maemo icon update routine.  it may not be enough to show high cpu usage but it might be holding it in the higher frequency than normal slow idle15:34
* jott uses a mirror to watch himself15:34
lcukdont john, you will blow up15:34
lcukits like using google cache to view the google home page15:34
johnxhey, whatever floats your boat :P15:34
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ustunlcuk: it might be :) and I, for one, have 2 load applets :)15:35
johnxit doesn't need to do that even15:35
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micheleLoCusF: lftp seems a good candidate for mud-builder15:36
lcukit tcame to light when i was diagnosing a crappy windows system over here - task manager was itself taking up 10% cpu just to render itself15:36
johnxI would hope that load applet was smart enough to not draw when the screen was blanked...but I have no idea15:36
lcuknor do i, its just a different way to think about it - it might not even be drawing thats the problem, but simply doing the work on a timer (rather than event based)15:37
lcukis there anything i can run to record deep stats - i tried cataloging "top" a couple of weeks ago, but the resolution of my results was crap15:38
jottdoes powertop work on the n8x0?15:39
* jott compiles15:39
lcuki wanna record as much as possible (even frequency and voltage if poss)15:39
jotthmm powertop needs some kernel flags enabled..15:40
johnxyeah, I saw that too when I tried15:41
jottatleast it shows stats about the clock frequencies :)15:41
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michelelcuk: you can probably get those somewhere in /proc15:41
* michele never looked in the IT /proc15:41
lcukso to do it i would need a custom kernel?15:41
ustunsometimes I observe that my n800 screen is lighted periodically, possibly some applet causes it.15:41
jottlcuk: for a sophisticated analysis.. i would say: yes15:41
lcukmichele, i think they are available but was wondering if these kinds of stats are available as a pre-built program, i cant be the first one thats wanted to know whats happening on 8x0 when the screen turns dark :P15:42
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jottlcuk: you could also run oprofile15:43
sKaBoyor attach strace to a process and see if it does something15:43
Taklcuk: when the screen turns dark, the universe ceases to exist15:43
lcuklol according to johnx errrr google, oprofile needs a custom kernel but it also says there is a pre-built one including the flag15:44
lcukis running a custom kernel risky?   it sounds it15:44
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johnxI meant for powertop...15:45
lcukor it is just like an alternative explorer.exe15:45
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johnxlcuk, not terribly dangerous15:45
jotthmm reading it, it seems quite easy and safe to use a custom kernel15:45
johnxif it doesn't boot, flash the old one back15:45
jottjohnx: you do not even need to flash the old back again :)15:45
lcuki read in the docs for the flasher (from linux at least) that you can run a kernel without writing it to disk - once you reboot you carry on with riginal kernal15:46
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jottlcuk: yep.. i guess just building a kernel with all nice debugging flags enabled will help your analysis alot :)15:47
johnxthat's pretty neat15:47
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lcukjott, if i have to build my own kernel it will probably help with other things linuxy as well.  it still feels a bit in at the deep end, but no more risky than my jedi cloak or lightsabre15:48
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* lcuk has a jedi tabbard and pants now15:49
johnxI think building your own kernel has historically seen the most analogies to building your own light saber15:49
* lcuk grandma kenobi and my mum are helping make the cloak15:49
pupnikwooo it compiled wooo15:49
lcukjohnx, i know - and i have fancy dress party on saturday which i am going as jedi :D15:49
johnxpupnik, then ship it! ship it before the bug reports! :D15:49
johnxlcuk, just as long as the other people are in costume as well :P15:50
lcuk:O johnx, you sound like the guy sat oppoiisite from me15:50
Taklcuk: have you read the report which stated that people are something like 3x as promiscuous at fancy dress parties?15:50
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b0unc3good morning15:54
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micheleAsustek announces Eee family product lines —
pupnikdo any of you build in a ram drive?16:14
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pupniki'm thinking maybe 4GB of RAM and a ramdrive would speed up this rebuild cycle16:14
micheleread speed is hardly the bottleneck when compiling16:15
johnxlinux file caching is pretty good16:15
micheleespecially if you are compiling for arm16:15
johnxpupnik, do you use ccache?16:15
fysayeah, ARM is the tough part I think?16:15
pupniki had ccache disabled due to profiling issues, but i should reenable it16:16
* michele didn't know ccache16:16
pupnikexport SBOX_USE_CCACHE=no  or 'yes'16:16
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johnxmichele, ccache = awesome if you rebuild stuff a lot16:17
jottyeah ccache is really nice.16:18
michelejohnx: I haven't been building anything for years :)16:18
micheleI'm spoiled by python and java incremental compilers16:18
BlafaselHmm.. The program manager UI sucks quite a bit. What's the reason to refresh the whole list if you only looked at package details or pressed cancel in this "Install this software?" dialog?16:21
Tama^2the reason is: makes the app easier to write16:22
BlafaselAh. I translate that to "lazy programmer" ;)16:23
johnxat least the application manager manages to save your place in the list in OS200816:23
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BlafaselGreat. Uhm. Yay for progress?16:24
Tama^2or programmer under pressure16:24
michelelaziness is one of the three virtues of a programmer16:24
Tama^2or frustrated programmer16:24
Tama^2that is true16:24
Blafaselmichele: Not with a result like this, though ;)16:24
Tama^2laziness is what drive us all to achieve better abstractions ;)16:25
micheleBlafasel: what if the alternative is not shipping the application?16:25
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Blafaselmichele: Are you talking about general stuff or this particular problem?16:26
micheleyou know, I have experienced similar feelings16:27
BlafaselIn general: Agreed. For this issue: Nope. No way that this issue (saving an expensive operation) was too hard to implement for different dialog results..16:27
BlafaselSmells more like a case of not eating one's own dogfood (devs don't use it, stick with apt or something) or like 'boring task, finally done. Now to something more interesting...'16:28
ustunozgursometimes I get the feeling that, when I click with the stylus, the point I actually click is the center of the mouse pointer; and therefore the point which is clicked is a few mm's above where I click. Has anyone experienced this? Or is it an issue with my screen protector? this issue is noticable especially when I do ssh -X16:32
ustunozgurbut for other apps like microb, it performs better if I click the bottom of the links !16:32
ustunozgurnot on them16:32
jottustunozgur: have you tried calibrating the screen?16:32
Tama^2ustunozgur: have you tried calibrating the touch screen?16:33
Tama^2a mind reader16:33
ustunozguryes, but let me try once more :D16:33
jottTama^2: no a mind seeder :P16:33
Tama^2you stole my idea16:33
ustunozgursince you insist so much :)16:33
Tama^2my great great idea16:33
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Tama^2I think I am off to patent it16:33
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MoRpHeUzanybody here have ever had problems regarding bora+python+dbus+dbus.glib.init_threads() ?16:34
fysaI own a patent on all great great ideas.16:34
fysayou've infringed on my process.16:34
TakI've patented the process of developing an idea.16:35
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Tama^2I have patented the process of patenting16:35
fysaFor any thanks you receive for spreading your great great idea, I demand 15% of that goodwill be sent my way.16:35
Tama^2and the patent office16:35
Tama^2I should try to patent God >.>16:36
ustunozgurI guess I have a right on that idea too, since I provoked it in the first place!16:36
Tama^2I wonder if there is prior art there... mmmm16:36
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matmo anyone know if this info applies to chinook? I assume not because "" is an actual lib, not a link.16:46
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fysaooo colorful cmake16:51
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hrwis there a way to switch os2008 application menu to look like it was in os2006? (not finger friendly one)16:57
Tama^2not that I know of16:59
hrwwith 6-7 apps it require scrolling ;(16:59
johnxand then the scroll arrows take up a whole slot...17:00
mgedminso far I've kept it to under 7 apps in all groups, except for utilities17:01
johnxI replaced the categories then sorted until anything I used frequently I didn't need to scroll to reach17:02
hrwthats the solution too17:03
solmumahahrw: got a newer tablet?17:03
hrwbut first I need to reflash kernel as my own compilation reboots n810 instead of booting17:03
hrwsolmumaha: I bought n81017:03
solmumahacompletely different beast ain't it?17:03
hrwsolmumaha: compared to 770? hard to tell after one day17:05
solmumahawell try 770 after few days17:06
hrwsolmumaha: 770 here works as mahjongg device only17:06
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hrwn810 has some nice things but there is lot of space for improvements17:07
solmumahahrw: did nokia buying trolltech had anything do with the purchase?17:07
hrwsolmumaha: no17:07
hrwsolmumaha: n810 is cheapest armv6 machine on market17:08
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hrw2.6.21 from maemo (with nokia_2420_defconfig) does not want to boot17:08
johnxhrw, have you managed to make it show a console on framebuffer?17:09
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hrwjohnx: all I get is R&D screen and nothing more17:10
Tama^2hrw, the n800 is cheaper17:10
hrwTama^2: and lack HW keyboard17:10
hrwn810 keyboard is crap but exists17:11
Tama^2but has less storage space17:11
pupnikcrap compared to what?  works great here17:11
johnxI recompiled a kernel trying to get framebuffer console but it didn't show up until something else refreshed the framebuffer :/17:11
hrwpupnik: zaurus c7x017:12
pupnikwhat is better on the c7x0?17:12
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hrwpupnik: amount of keys, keys itself, padding between keys, layout of keyboard, size17:13
jottjohnx: have you set CONFIG_FB_OMAP_MANUAL_UPDATE=n ?17:13
johnxpupnik, I prefer the C3x00 style keyboard but what's better is: more keys :)17:13
johnxjott, no i haven't17:13
johnxthank you again!17:13
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johnxthat's 2 I owe you I think :)17:13
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jottno problem17:13
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pupnik1) horizontal space is more limited for key size 2) you can remap keys 3) key depth is limited due to slider17:14
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hrwpupnik: n810 also lack Tab key17:15
pupnikmy n810 has a tab key :)17:15
hrwnot to mention that os2008 still has bugs from os2005/2006 ;(17:15
fysainstall KDE ;)17:15
hrwfysa: ;D17:16
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hrwand I wonder which tablet hides under RX-48 code17:21
hrwSU-18 was 770, RX-34 was N800, RX-44 is N81017:21
johnxmaybe the one that will have wimax?17:21
hrwwhere I can read about that one?17:22
johnxnot much to read yet17:22
johnxNokia says it will be out "soon" but won't say what exactly hardware it's based on17:23
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* hrw googled a bit17:23
johnxso "first half of this year"17:24
zuhMaybe it's RealSoonNow(tm), like the discount codes17:24
hrwanyway they will not sell it here17:24
jottfrom the numbers it does not look like a big hardware changes.. (rx-44 vs. rx-48)17:24
johnxjott, so you think it will be based on the N800 or N810?17:25
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hrwjott: looking at how nokia use numbers it does not mean anything17:26
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hrwjott: they often have 'nice phone' 'upgraded nice phone' 'lowend phone' 'nicer lowend phone'17:27
fysamaybe RX-44 means 44 months post-date it is released, meaning RX-48 would be released 4 months later ;)17:27
johnxI would still bet that it's the same chipset/mainboard as the N800/N81017:27
jottme too17:27
fysabut with more memory (please nokia, just a touch)17:27
johnxbut there's not a lot of spare room in an N810...17:28
fysais there a lower nm version of that processor available?17:28
hrwjohnx: 4 or 8GB of internal storage would be nice17:29
johnxI just wonder if the N810 has the spare room they need to fit the wimax chip+antenna(s)17:30
fysamaybe we should try to get distcc working in scratchbox..17:30
johnxI'd rather have removable storage...17:30
hrwcrapbox... argh17:30
fysaboost is taking what seems like forever.17:31
hrwat least I do not have to use it ;D17:31
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fysahrw: very easy to get setup with the new maemo-sdk installer .sh17:31
fysaon my ubuntu machine, anyway17:31
hrwfysa: I prefer to use normal crosscompilation17:31
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Takboost does take for-fucking-ever17:32
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johnxhrw, so, are you thinking of completely replacing the Nokia ITOS or just building additional apps in OE?17:33
hrwjohnx: currently additional apps rather17:33
hrwjohnx: mess called 'repositories' was hard enough with 77017:34
hrw'to install this app you need to add those 3 repositories and remove that one'17:34
johnxdo you think it will be hard to deal with the names of packages being different in OE vs Nokia ITOS?17:34
johnx(libs and other dependencies)17:34
hrwjohnx: we already solved that ;D17:35
johnxthat's what I miss for not paying attention to OE for a couple months17:35
johnxah neat trick17:36
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* johnx throws scratchbox1 out the window17:36
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djtanseyI can't find anything definitive online. Is there a way to use the onboard camera with skype (I have a new n810)17:36
vegaianyone ported ghc to OS2007/2008 yet?17:36
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micheleso you can use OE to develop for maemo?17:37
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hrwmichele: indeed. there are maybe some problems but they will be solved if someone notify us17:38
micheleok, I'll read something up then17:38
michelewould that be better than sbox2 too?17:38
hrwmichele: I neved used crapbox. I had enough when friends (which do lot of maemo stuff) curse at it17:39
fysalong-term, this OE solution is very appealing17:39
fysaespecially when it comes to new maemo releases and such..17:39
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johnxdjtansey, not presently17:40
michelehrw: is there anything written about "OE for maemo users"?17:40
hrwmichele: not yet17:40
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hrwmichele: basically it is used by few OE devs which got or bought n810's17:41
michelejust skimming the website OE looks similar to BSD's ports, am I right?17:41
djtanseyjohnx: thanks. is there anyway to chat using the camera? or any plans you know of to enable such a feature. because right now all i can do is take photos of myself. :)17:41
hrwmichele: or gentoo portage17:41
johnxdjtansey, gizmo17:41
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johnxand I think google talk but only for tablet-to-tablet calls (IIRC)17:42
djtanseyjohnx: thank you very much. time to familiarize myself with gizmo17:42
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fysaworks with MSN IM17:43
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fysahave not tried personally yet17:43
djtanseyfysa: i've never used MSN. but i'll try it if gizmo doesn't work17:44
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micheleurgh... monotone... I think it is the last VCS I don't have17:47
Takvcs-of-the-week is getting a little out of hand17:48
hrwI miss old bitkeeper days17:50
Tak"First, you need to exclone your monogit branch..."17:51
mgedminoh, I know how to solve the problem -- invent a NEW, BETTER VCS and have everyone switch to it!17:51
mgedmin(that's exactly what happens with python web frameworks, by the way)17:51
johnxnah, just have vcs devs fight to the death, thunderdome-style :)17:51
michelebut this time let's use a serious language, let's to it in Arc!17:51
Takdidn't the two major python web frameworks just merge?17:52
johnxor sh!17:52
johnxor wait...I know! COBOL!17:52
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hrwonly BASIC17:55
johnxnah, too complex17:55
johnxTI-BASIC, "26 variables out to be enough for anyone" or "Functions?! We don't need no stinking functions!"17:56
* johnx thinks back to scheme in college17:57
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hrwjohnx: basic did not have functions17:57
djtanseyjohnx: gizmo with video only works on maemo and on windows, it seems. does that mean a gizmo <4.0 install won't be able to see the video?17:57
johnxdjtansey, probably17:58
djtanseyjohnx: i guessed as much. thanks for your help.17:58
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johnxanyways, I need to catch some sleep18:03
johnx'night all18:03
hrwn8 johnx18:03
* johnx sleeps18:03
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scibotWhen downloading debian packages do I shoot for Arm or Armel?18:03
pupnikwe could probably fairly easily do a sdl variant that supports 400x240 fullscreen with accelerated blits for RGB565 and double-buffering for the flip() function18:06
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pupnikgetting a lot of tearing now in the exult with smooth walking18:06
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fysawith snes9x?18:06
scibotI'd like to have pygame have that capability too.18:06
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scibotTo do pixel doubling, because right now no one knows how. =/18:07
pupnikno, different project.  i think snes9x is just too slow18:07
Takscibot: can't you write a python native wrapper for libXsp?18:07
scibotTak, Beats me.18:08
* Tak gets out the whip and points sternly to the grindstone18:08
fysacrazy kids18:09
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scibotSeriously though, if someone could work that out I'd love to do some games.18:09
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linuxkrnhey guys, some asstard managed to remotely hack my n810.  I just found ssh connections outbound to an APNIC network.  Anyone know of exploits going on for this?18:12
zaheermlinuxkrn, ouch18:12
Takdid you change/set your passwords when you installed ssh?18:12
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linuxkrnand not some easy /common password either18:13
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zaheermwhat's the default password for the user account?18:13
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linuxkrnnot sure, I changed them both18:14
linuxkrnnot sure what the default was that is...18:14
Takuser didn't used to have a password iirc18:15
linuxkrnjust tried with blank password and it didn't work18:16
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Takno password != blank password18:17
linuxkrnI got a password prompt from ssh18:17
linuxkrnare there supposed to be files in /var/log?18:18
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linuxkrnand unless nokia resets the password, I logged in as root and changed "user" password18:21
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Takdid you change root's password?18:21
linuxkrnyes, of course, first thing I did when I installed ssh18:22
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fysado you use the same password elsewhere on your network?18:26
fysaportscan your device IP..18:27
linuxkrnI did, it only had one ssh connection out18:28
fysacheck ssh/logs for access IPs that aren't yours..18:28
fysathen grep everything on your network for that18:28
linuxkrnlogs are empty on the nokia, but not sure if that's normal18:28
BlafaselSet PermitRootLogin to no18:28
linuxkrnI also checked router and saw only connections from remote->device on port 2218:29
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linuxkrnno one answered my question, is the /var/log directory supposed to be empty?18:30
cyndis_it's empty on my n81018:30
linuxkrnhum, so no other logs to indicate how they got in...  I only saw ssh and dns (53) listening18:31
linuxkrnnot sure why 53 tcp is listening either18:31
BlafaselBut only on lo18:31
linuxkrntcp        0      0 Nokia-N810-42-19:domain *:*                     LISTEN18:32
linuxkrnnope, it's all18:32
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linuxkrnah, my bad, that's resolve to localhsot18:32
linuxkrnI get this too, "netstat: warning, got bogus unix line" about 100 times, is that normal?18:33
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BlafaselI get that as well18:35
linuxkrnnot sure about you, but the fact someone can remotely hack this really bothers me, as I said, both root and user had passwords set (different)18:35
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BlafaselHow sure are you that it was hacked in the first place?18:37
BlafaselSince your assumption about DNS was wrong as well.. ;)18:37
linuxkrnI saw SSH connections OUT from the device to an APNIC network, and I wasn't doing it18:37
BlafaselAnd as I said before: Never ever allow root logins anyway.18:37
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BlafaselInstalled crazy stuff that might do that? After all it could be software as well, dialing our for good or bad18:38
linuxkrnnormally I don't, but you can't seem to get root easily on the n81018:38
BlafaselInstall becomeroot18:38
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Blafaselsudo gainroot - done ;)18:38
BlafaselStill sucks, because the "user" username is default as well.18:39
linuxkrnwell when I looked, it seemed the connections were from "user" account18:39
BlafaselOkay.. So I doubt that someone gains root on your device but acts as user.18:39
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BlafaselCheck the installed software.18:40
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linuxkrnnot saying they were root, but they got ssh connections out, and router confirmed one SMTP (spam I'd guess) connection as well18:40
BlafaselLet me check that again: The device was behind a router, in a NAT setup?18:41
BlafaselReally, no doubt the N810 can be hacked. But this seems a little bit awkward.18:42
linuxkrnno, direct IP (I have a static block) but could tell on the router that there was connections to the n81018:42
tank-mandon't run sshd then18:43
linuxkrn    6        50   58640  my.ext.ip      2218:43
sp3000did you ask lsof -i about what process owns the connections?18:43
Takor restrict the IP block for tablet connections18:43
coffee88Hi all.  anyone familiar with inet streams as well as gtkTextBuffer?  I'm trying to work out what I have to do (if anything) to translate to UTF-8 for the buffer?18:44
coffee88if that's clear... probably not!18:44
linuxkrnno ip restrictions to ssh in, but as I said, I did have changed passwords.18:44
Takcoffee88: what format is the incoming text? ASCII?18:45
linuxkrndidn't do lsof, I ran netstat on the device, did a "who" and ps to check for rouge processes18:45
coffee88Tak: I'll be writing my own server to serve it up...  I'm still getting to grips with streams etc.18:45
sKaBoylinuxkrn, so you had a tentative of connection from internet to a public ip? what's strange? Or the connection was from the tablet?18:45
linuxkrnsKaBoy: both, I had outside in, and then inside out to same ip18:46
linuxkrnlooked like, to me, an ssh exploit.  But from what I could tell, no signs of any local exploits.18:47
coffee88I'm trying to write a remote control type app to control micorcontroller through serial port on server for home automation...18:47
coffee88A lot to learn!18:47
coffee88would make it easier.  much easier.18:48
Takiirc you don't have to do anything special in that case18:48
coffee88though translation is going to have to be done somewhere to get it to UTF-8 for the TextBuffer? Or will it take straight ascii anyway?18:49
coffee88I should just get on and try it, I guess, rather than just thinking up potential problems...18:49
fysaif it was an ssh exploit, they would likely be on as root.18:50
fysaand not user.18:50
micheleis there scite for os2008?18:51
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michelecoffee88: it will take it. ascii (7-bit) is a subset of utf-818:53
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fysanot sure.  I have geany compiling, which uses scintilla18:53
coffee88michele: great. thanks.  makes me think this might even be do-able with my current skill level!18:54
fysawill package it this weekendish18:54
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michelegeany? I'm a bit behind in text editors it seems...18:54
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DmitriI have a n770 and want to be able to hook it up to an external HD to play my music while in the car (I have quite a few gigs) I have read about the cable modifications and such neccesary as well as the software patch. But I was wondering if there was an easier solution now that they have portable HDs that can operate in host mode18:55
coffee88actually though, will chars passed though a INET socket be ascii?18:55
michelefysa: eh, but wouldn't a bare editor be more useful on an IT?18:56
Dmitrialso I would like to find a solution other than a power inverter in my car to plug this external drive in, any ideas?18:56
fysato some :)18:56
* jott uses gvim on IT18:56
michelecoffee88: they will be what you will make of them. a network connection moves bytes, it's up to you to send the correct ones18:57
fysaI can try scite also.  they use the same engine, geany just has extra tab-type stuff.18:57
fysaand the cruft can be 'hidden'18:57
michelejohnx: I am (also) a vim user, but I find it quite cumbersome on the tablet (no external kbd)18:57
fysaI just assumed scite was already around somewhere18:58
matmoDmitri: 2G sd cards are pretty cheap and if your car stereo has a line then no need for HD, inverter, etc18:58
micheleops.. that was for jott18:58
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fysawho knows if that installs in os200818:58
coffee88michele: But if I use something like n = write(newsockfd,"I got your message",18) ... I'm still confused about what encoding it will send...18:58
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michelecoffee88: ascii18:59
michelecoffee88: that's an ascii string18:59
coffee88michele: great.  thanks.18:59
Dmitrimatmo: I unfortunately have been spoiled by my ipod which holds 80gbs I have about 60 on it. Also the 770 uses mmc cards unfortunately19:00
coffee88i should stop trying to confuse myself.19:00
michelecoffee88: read this, carefully
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fysayou ever try that one, michele?19:00
matmonever had an ipod so never had that "problem", lol19:00
michelefysa: no, I didn't find it19:00
matmore mmc, £7 for 2G here in the UK19:01
fysalet me know if that .deb doesn't work, I can try to recompile it..  hopefully they have patches somewhere hidden19:01
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michelecoffee88: all C strings are ascii, unless *you* encode them19:03
coffee88michele: great link.  thanks.  I *think* it's coming together in my brain a little more now.19:04
micheleand characters outside of the ascii range are likely to come out messed on the other side19:04
bmidgleyI see references to a kismet port but it's not in the repo... anyone know?19:04
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coffee88as long as I can just send an ascii string, and plop that straight in a gtkTextBuffer, I'll be happy. :-)19:06
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matmoanyone porting apps had "operation not permitted" from ALSA?19:09
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benno2hi all, do you know if one can change the roaming threshold of the wlan card can be changed ? I have a problem: 2 access points and when I move from the 1st to the 2nd the n800  only switches to the 2nd when the connection is very low and applications like vnc then lose the connection. any idea ?19:25
benno2do you think I can change these parameters via /proc or pass them to the wlan module of the n800 ?19:27
doc|homebenno2: there's information on the wiki about the wifi strength, not sure if it'll have that but it's worth a look19:27
benno2doc|home: thanks where can i find the specific page ? any pointers ?19:28
doc|homebenno2: sorry, don't have it handy.'s wiki19:28
doc|homeI haven't done anything, just noticed it there19:28
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benno2doc|home: thanks, btw is the n800 wilan driver open source ? just in case i need to change the roaming threshold and it is not supported to be changed via proc or module parameter19:36
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fysano, I don't believe so benno19:38
hrwbenno2: wifi driver is closed source19:38
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hrwits same in all tablets - cx311019:38
benno2sens Set the sensitivity threshold.  ... On modern cards, this parameter usually control handover/roaming threshold, the lowest signal level for which the hardware remains associated with the current Access Point.19:38
benno2For high density of Access Points, a higher threshold make sure the card is always associated with the best AP, for low density of APs, a lower threshold minimise the number of failed handoffs.19:39
fysais it a module or in the kernel?19:39
benno2this seems interesting ... i hope the nokia wifi module accepts the sens parameter in iwconfig19:39
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benno2thanks for the infos  fysa, hrw19:39
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benno2I will try later, the only thing is whether I can set this parameter when the wifi link is already up19:40
milhouseanyone having problems running apt-get update against stock repositories?19:43
milhouse(OS 2008, N810)19:43
hrwmilhouse: I did that few hours ago19:43
milhousemine is just hanging19:44
milhouseon chinook Release.gpg19:44
milhousevery very slow response from
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hrwmilhouse: if it is on same netlink as it is normal19:45
milhouseyay... nokia server is bombing out again - got an error page now19:45
milhouse"An error occurred while processing your request.19:45
milhouseReference #97.61a4f57.1201715120.6b9f6ed0 "19:45
milhousethere's trouble at mill19:46
milhouseI'm sure the klaxons and alarms are going at Maemo HQ so we can all rest easy, the servers are well monitored and looked after19:46
fysaWhat's that, Lassie?  Timmy (in IT) is in trouble??19:46
milhouseSomeone get Ferenc on the hotline!19:47
milhouseit's a one-man operation after all19:47
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milhouseby the way - the above error from the nokia server was a "Gateway Timeout"19:48
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milhouselooks like the upstream nokia server is now fixed...20:15
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smackpotatoanyone a wizz with X1120:18
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* Tak throw Getaway Timeout; jump into waiting sportscar20:19
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lardmanevening all20:25
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lardmanDid maemo 2.1 use the later eabi?20:26
lardmanor current eabi even20:26
milhousenope, is still stuffed up - getting MD5Sum mistmatch now. Way to go Nokia20:27
lardmanyeah, I got an md5sum mismatch on libc6 source yesterday20:28
Tak2.1 should have been the same eabi20:29
lardmanTak: Thanks, just looking for a toolchain with FORTRAN20:29
lardmanTak: which will still run on a Chinook system20:30
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* hostdog waves around handling his a-day old old nokia 770 :)20:32
* Tak using 770 right now20:32
hostdogTak, using Xchat? :)20:33
TakI'm not chatting from the 770; I'm using it to listen to music20:33
lardmananyone know what nvd_data does?20:33
hostdogoh oh20:33
Takbut yeah, I run xchat on it20:33
hostdogTak, ++ :)20:33
Takand xchat-ruby and a couple of homerolled scripts ;-)20:33
hostdogAt last I found a great gadget in which I find good20:34
hostdogIf only my neighbours were a little more wifi-powered ;)20:35
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konttoriI just today tested out the usb host mode stuff on the n810. Really cool stuff. Just plugged in the keyboard and wham. it worked. no external power needed. Same for USB memory stick. Bam and it worked. Pretty cool.20:43
konttoriI'll try to blog about that stuff a bit tomorrow.20:44
konttoriSo, all I needed was one usb F-F standard adaptor and the cable coming with the device20:44
hostdoghey, btw20:44
Blafaselwham and bam sounds more like violent tries though ;)20:44
konttorishould be really useful for all n800 owners20:45
konttoriwell, it was all surprisingly smooth.20:45
hostdogdo you know if it exists a limit for Partitioning MicroSD memories ?20:45
Lynourekonttori: setting changes too? or no?20:45
konttorino settings needed20:45
konttoriwell, I did run 'go to usb host mode' script20:45
Lynourecool, might save me from getting a EeePC20:45
LynoureDid it exist, or did you write it?20:45
konttoriIt exists already20:46
konttoriI might do some nicer version of it tomorrow though20:46
LynoureGive url to the blog anyway? I don't want to miss it :)20:46
* hostdog wonders if he could find a keyboard for his old nokia 77020:46
smackpotatowhats with the wiki needing a password20:46
konttoriDoes 770 has usb host mode?20:46
glassbt kb's should work20:46
konttoriyeah, but bt is bt (expensive)20:47
glassit has host but you need a special cable that provides power20:47
konttoriah, 770 doesn't provide any power. ok i see20:49
konttoriwell, at least for me, any keyboard that doesn't have USB HUB worked (I tried 3, one with hub)20:49
BugBlueis there any nice way to sync data from a N810 with mac os X (I mean iCal or Addressbook)?20:50
konttoriLynoure: here's the blog url:
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Lynourekonttori: how much faster does the battery drain?20:52
konttorino idea. probably not much20:52
konttorithe current is tiny (that the device provides for usb)20:52
fysaBugBlue: GPE Calendar can sync with Google Calendar through some script.20:52
fysaBugBlue: Perhaps you can sync iCal with Google Calendar too?20:52
hostdogTak, how long does your 770 battery last?20:53
Takdepends what I'm doing, really20:53
glasskb's dont eat much power20:53
Takjust playing music, several days20:53
hostdogTak, :O20:53
hostdogTak, w/o wifi, right?20:53
Takconstant chatting, coding, browsing, only a few hours20:53
BugBluefysa: I don't want all my dates on google...20:54
* hostdog batts only last 4 hours, hopefully20:54
fysait's a private calendar.20:54
fysahave you used it before?20:54
BugBlueI use google calendar.. but still20:54
BugBluelet's give it a try somehow20:54
BugBlueI have gpe installed ..20:54
TakDates syncs with gcal as well20:55
BugBlue ...20:55
hostdogWhich huge differencies exists between 770s and 8xx?20:56
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BugBluefysa: the first is already bookmarked here.20:57
smackpotatohow long have you needed a pasword for maemo wiki or is it just a bug20:57
Takn8?? have faster cpu, more ram, and sd or minisd card slots20:57
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hostdogTak, do you know which CPU has N8xx's ?20:59
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BugBluemmm how does Erminig do vcal?21:00
BugBlue(didn't have to look at the source)21:01
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BugBluemmm one time import should be sufficient21:03
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smackpotatothe screen is nicer on the81021:04
Takoh yes, and the n810 has a keyboard21:04
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hostdogI thought It would be easier to get a bluetooth keyboard21:13
Takit may be21:13
hostdogbut, It costs about half the price of the maemo I've21:13
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BugBlueoke importing ics files in GPE calendar works21:20
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BugBluehostdog: a bluetooth keyboard and mouse costed be about 80 euro's (but that was a bundle with a new overpriced computer called Apple MacMini)21:21
BugBlue(that's 118.16US$)21:22
hostdogBugBlue, I payed about 200 for the whole gadget21:22
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hostdog120 u$s for it's really much more than I can pay for it21:23
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* hostdog lives in a country in which dollar is _really_ expensive converted into local money21:23
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glasshostdog: thats only a problem if customs are a bitch21:24
lardmanI keep getting configure errors: as: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libfakeroot/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:24
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lardmananyone seen this?21:24
hostdogglass, I don't get pay into dollars21:24
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lardmanpresumably I need an extra L21:25
hostdogI have to convert my local money to dollars, and the exchange costs me 4times21:25
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BlafaselHmm.. For the EU the dollar is quite nice/weak ;)21:25
hostdogYes :/21:25
hostdogI think it's life rules :)21:26
infobothostdog meant: I guess it's life rules :)21:26
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Dmitrican someone post me a link to one of the tutorials on getting a usb hard drive enclosure working with the n770? All I seem to be able to find now is n800 instructions21:31
hostdogOMG, is that posible? :O21:32
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Dmitrihostdog: yea, its a fair bit of work though21:32
hostdogDmitri, I'm not sure if the n770 usb can power on the hdd :/21:32
hostdogDmitri, I see21:32
* hostdog loves mods :)21:32
Dmitrihostdog: it can't you have to provide external power21:33
hostdogWell, not doing them, just watching them :)21:33
hostdogDmitri, oh, that may work21:33
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smackpotatowhere can i find gainroot script for the n81021:41
hostdogsmackpotato, It's likely to be the same as n77021:41
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gerrymothTrying to irc using my n800 builtin chat. Has it worked?22:11
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* BugBlue uses ssh and irssi but xchat works fine too22:12
|tbb|gerrymoth: yeah you need rtfcomm beta installed then iirc22:12
Takheh, if I understand correctly, gerrymoth has already installed rtfcomm-beta and is currently IRCing from it22:13
s1di hear you like mudkipz Tak22:13
|tbb|ah k ;)22:13
gerrymothThanks its working. Have rtcomm and update222:13
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Taksorry, I only speak english22:14
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gerrymothI've been looking for a app to edit screenshots to basically hide some things and the post to my wordpress blog. Anyone suggest anything?22:16
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Dmitrican someone post me a link to one of the tutorials on getting a usb hard drive enclosure working with the n770? All I seem to be able to find now is n800 instructions22:29
DmitriI understand that n8x0/2008 have made things a lot easier, but I don't have the funds for a new tablet right now...22:30
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ds3wow 8G microSDHC cards are steep22:44
bmidgleyjohnx: all a2dp optimizations are in bluez-utils head now22:45
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cbx33hey people22:46
ds3bmidgley: are you refering to the stuff that was recently posted on the bluez-list?22:46
cbx33how stable is abiword for the n80022:46
bmidgleyds3 yes22:46
cbx33for some reason osso_notes segfaults on my n81022:47
cbx33not sure why22:47
ds3cool, didn't seem clear if it was going to be accepted or not22:47
bmidgleyit's good... Marcel's picking at it revealed a cleaner solution that is faster as well22:48
ds3it is all part of libsbc, isn't it?22:48
bmidgleythe standalone libsbc is on life support only... this is the copy of the sbc codec inside bluez-utils22:49
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ds3is that true of the plugz package?22:51
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lardmanhmm, not impressed my computer keeps locking up23:04
GeneralAntillesHit it with a stick.23:05
lardmanyeah, perhaps that's what disagrees with it?23:06
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nwidgerhello, does anyone know how i have to set the audio preferences so that sounds from skype are heard but not the system sounds, like when you minimize a window?23:16
Tama^2in OS2008?23:18
lcukjust a wild assed guess, but have you looked at the sound options in control panel?23:18
nwidgerlcuk: gah23:19
nwidgerlcuk: the settings are pretty ambiguous23:19
Tama^2in the sound options you can select a level for user interaction generated sounds23:19
nwidgerlcuk: are the skype sounds "system sounds"23:19
Tama^2no they are not23:19
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nwidgerTama^2: so if i just turn everything off in the control panel i should still hear skype sounds?23:20
Tama^2not sure about the 'everything'23:20
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Tama^2there are three categories of sounds23:20
nwidgerTama^2: well skype surely isnt 'key sounds' or 'touch screen sounds'23:21
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Tama^2fine what is the third?23:21
Tama^2(do not have the device with me)23:21
ion_cu_vacaI'm trying to install dosbox on OS2008. does anyone know how to get the keyboard working?23:22
keesjTama^2: my feeling is that every sound source has it's own sound level + the overall level(the last one might be hardware) and the rest esd stuff23:23
lcuk"System Sounds: Off, Level 1, Level 2"   "Key Sounds: Off, Level 1, Level 2"  "Touch Screen Sounds: Off, Level 1, Level 2"  "Master Volume: Slider"     with master volume fully on, and system/key/touchscreen all off i can still hear it when applications do thing23:23
nwidgerlcuk: cool, thanks :)23:23
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nwidgerone other question: is there any timeplan for when the integrated aim support will come out of beta?23:24
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GeneralAntillesnwidger, afaik, Skype doesn't fall under any of those headings.23:24
GeneralAntillesnwidger, probably the next firmware update, but that's pure conjecture.23:24
nwidgerGeneralAntilles: hmmm, ok.  cool23:24
* lcuk is freezing23:26
* GeneralAntilles is not.23:26
lcukwould you email some warmth to me ?23:26
lardmanAny scratchbox gurus about?23:26
GeneralAntillesMy thermal digitizer is broken, sorry.23:27
BlafaselSend him the (in)famous shell bomb23:27
lardmanI'm trying to build Octave 3.0.0 and part wat through configure it fails. Looking at config.log it's due to this: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libfakeroot/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory23:27
BlafaselAnd tell him to put his feet on the machine ;)23:28
lardmanThe file exists, but now nothing will run, always producing the same error message23:28
GeneralAntilleslcuk, go open a copy of CINEBENCH or something.23:29
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lcukon my maemo? :P23:29
hrw|gonelardman: use OE to build octave for maemo23:29
BlafaselOnly if you want to feel hot because of the bursting flames that come out of your ex-toy23:30
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lardmanhrw|gone: will that work?23:30
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hrw|gonelardman: DISTRO="chinook-compat" makes it work (use same toolchain as maemo)23:31
lardmanah, good stuff :)23:31
hrw|goneor nearly same as we build it not fetch binaries23:31
lardmanthanks hrw23:31
hrw|gonelardman: np23:31
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keesjhrw|gone: really?23:32
hrw|gonelardman: I know that you are familiar with OE so I do not want you to get hairs off due to fighting with crapbox23:32
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hrwkeesj: really23:32
lardmanhrw|gone: lol, scratchbox normally works, seems there's something screwing it up in this configure script23:33
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dhdlardman: thanks for the pointer to the vorbis code, I will look at it soon23:33
lardmanhrw: I've seen it before iirc, just got to remember what it was (back when developing for the Zaurus)23:33
lardmandhd: np23:33
lardmandhd: If you have any comments/patches/etc then they will be gladly accepted; I'm pretty busy atm23:34
bmidgleyds3 plugz is history--don't use it23:34
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hrwlardman: I wonder does "os2006-compat" would be able to be done so I will build few apps for 77023:36
hrws/apps/games ;D23:36
Takupgrade to 2007he already23:36
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hrwTak: and lose battery life23:37
lardmanhrw: Different version of libc mainly23:37
hrwlardman: I know23:37
hrwTak: yes23:37
TakI haven't lost any battery life...23:37
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lardmanhrw: Good news that OE can now be used :)23:37
hrwTak: I had 2007he on 770 and 2-4h and it was dead23:37
hrwTak: not to mention lot of 'memory just get out'23:38
Takyeah, I did add extra swap to mine, although it's generally ok if I don't install python23:38
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hrwTak: I still have only 64MB rs-mmc card23:38
|tbb|apropos battery-life :  will a ssh-server while wlan0 isnt connected to any ap eat battery power, much?23:39
Tak|tbb|: mine doesn't seem to do so23:39
glassi don't see why it would23:40
glassit's not polling anything or something like that afaik23:40
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|tbb|good to know23:42
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lardman_~lart my Linux box23:43
* infobot plops my Linux box into a giant vat of herring23:43
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ion_cu_vacaso, nobody knows how to install xkbd on OS2008?23:49
lardman_you got a .deb for it?23:50
ion_cu_vacayeah, but i think the deb is for prev os. i got install file corrupt, or something like that23:50
lardman_corrupt may be just that, if it's from os2007 it ought to complain about missing deps if anything23:51
lardman_otoh it may just work23:51
lardman_My Octave build from maemo 2.1 works on os200823:52
hrwlardman: cause octave is shell application23:54
lardman_indeed, but xkbd may work if the xlibs are backwards compat23:55
lardman_hrw: Are the snapshots broken?23:57
ion_cu_vacai'll try again23:57
lardman_mtn: misuse: layout of database /home/simon/development/OE/ doesn't match this version of monotone23:57
hrwlardman_: no idea - I do not use them. maybe you fetched snapshot of too new version for your monotone23:58
lardman_ah, could be it, notes still say 0.3223:59
lardman_I'll update23:59
hrwiirc we have snapshot for 0.3223:59
hrwlardman_: look into /snapshots/ dir23:59
lardman_hmm, seems to have 0 size23:59

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