IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-01-09

* lcuk wants less white00:00
elbI'm not sure how I came up with "to the" out of "do they"00:00
skiburgo for it00:00
skiburI did notice something a while ago00:00
lcukelb - are you typing on 810 builtin kb?00:01
elbhaha, no00:01
elbthat would be a good excuse ;-)00:01
lcuklol im awful when im on mine00:01
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lcuki try my damndest to touchtype00:01
elbmy N810 is in some retailer's warehouse waiting for my discount code to activate :-P00:01
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* lcuk paid full whack00:01
skiburI haven't really spent time looking for the Big Nokia logo at boot00:02
elbI'm too poor for that jazz ;-)00:02
lcukthankfully tho it didnt feel like it - my boss gave me an xmas bonus just after nokia released00:02
Takthat's why you're using yours now, and all the devs are like, "Really?  My package doesn't work?  Here, try now."00:02
elbI'd be getting an 800 if I had to pay myself, $240 or whatever they're down to is rather attractive00:02
lcukit just covered it nicely :)00:02
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lcukwhere have they released so far00:04
lcukis it worldwide00:04
elbmore or less, as best I can tell00:04
lcukor creeping eastwards00:04
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elbthe list of shops in which the discount codes work covered a lot of Europe, anyway00:05
lcukthats good enough then00:05
elbI read it very carefully to make sure I wasn't missing the US ;-)00:05
elband I know it's for sale in the US, and has been for some time00:05
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lcukyer i drooled - but arent nokia in norway or finland or something like that00:06
* TakMibbit stabs wifi connection00:06
lcukOMG Tak00:06
lcukyou just cut off the whole of America00:06
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elbI don't understand00:07
TakMibbitit's ok; I'm out of wifi spray anyway00:07
sparrwTak: tell nokia to develop a gaming device.  im starting from scratch on my gp2x port of Enigma, submitting patches to the main tree so ANY console can run it.00:07
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lcuki remember once we had this great little firefox applet which allowed you to delete parts of a page00:08
lcuki let the missus take out most of slashdot00:08
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lcukshe looked genuinely shocked when i said shes just deleted it for everyone in the world00:08
TakMibbitwe have been telling them; they just don't listen00:08
p|hei penguinbait , what about to port also this to your kde prj ? :
lcukno, "nuke anything"00:10
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* lcuk gettin back to python00:12
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sparrwlcuk: you can do that with firebug00:13
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sibbe same bootchart data as yesterday but now with memory card diskstats00:14
lcukive not wanted it since - it went when i upgraded to v2 and ive not missed it so its not goin back in00:14
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lcuksibbe, i saw that yesterday this is running on the device isnt it, and i am constantly amazed at just how many parts go together to produce a working system00:17
p|sibbe, how have you created those stats ?00:17
bill2or3that's a pretty cool chart.00:18
sibbep|, with modified initfs which launches bootchartd00:18
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sibbeand bootchartd is a modified version of the original too (google litebootchart)00:18
sibbe+ it doesn't work quite right, so some manual stuff is needed also00:19
lcukim goin again for proper now00:19
sibbeand the rendering part is done with the stock bootchart java program00:19
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sibbewell umm i had to patch that too to make it render mmcblk stats00:19
p|well done00:20
sibbethat same http dir has the patches, is the original and for litebootchart00:20
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TakMibbitlooks nice00:22
sibbei'm working on a cleaner implementation of the logger daemon and it's startup script.. it has some dead sh code, signal trapping doesn't work and so on00:22
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sibbethe graph generator also gets a bit confused since there are two "init" processes with pid 1 :)00:23
sibbeinitfs/init -> rootfs/sbin/bootchart ->  rootfs/sbin/init00:23 can change the startup screen?? is it like splash.xpm or sometihng?00:24
sibbealso there's some magic signaling between init.d scripts and the dsme daemon00:25
sibbemousey, i think it's a png image00:25
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sibbecheck /etc/init.d/fb-progress.sh00:25
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Nichod_Anyone know of a GOOD document/html/css/xml editor that works on n800 OS2008?00:38
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Mouseyhey uh00:39
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Mouseyany way to get pygame to run in fullscreen on the n810?"00:40
lardmanI don't suppose anyone knows what's going on in _make_words() in the Tremor codebooks.c code?00:40
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__Nikos__is there a bluetooth headset for n800 os2007?00:40
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lardmanthere are a variety00:41
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__Nikos__lardman: is there an official by Nokia?00:41
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lardman__Nikos__: not that I know of00:42
lardman__Nikos__: you want a mono headset or stereo for music?00:42
__Nikos__lardman: i dont mind. But i want to have a good mic00:43
lardman__Nikos__: so it's not for listening to music then00:43
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lardmanmono are headset profile, stereo are mainly a2dp00:44
lardmanany one ought to work as long as it supports the headset profile, you'll have to see what people think of the mics I suppose00:44
Mouseywth is codepage cp1250 and why is my n810 set to it?!00:44
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__Nikos__so you cannot recommend A SPECIFIC ONE?00:45
lardmanno, sorry00:45
* Mousey recommends the Jawbone00:45
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__Nikos__ok thanks anyway00:46
* Mousey insists it's the best ear piece on the market00:46
derflardman: It's implementing
lardmanderf: thanks00:47
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lardmanof 42 entries, the first 17 (iirc) are handled correctly then it falls over with _make_words: Overpopulated tree00:48
Ward1983i'm following this tutorial to get hildon built on my pda
Ward1983but the first command allready causes trouble00:48
Ward1983no candidates found for: xlibs-dev and dbus-glib-1-dev00:49
Ward1983any ideas?00:49
lardmanyou running ubuntu?00:49
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lardmanpresumably you can find something that matches xlibs-dev?00:50
lardmanor if not matches, looks like it does the same job00:50
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Ward1983normally i use synaptic, i'm not very handy with apt commands other then apt-get install and uninstall00:51
lardmanapt-cache search xlib00:51
lardmanwhere the bold xlib has asterix on both sides00:51
TakMibbityou should be able to search for 'xlibs' in synaptic as well00:51
* Ward1983 saves that command in his usefull commands txt file00:51
Ward1983TakMibbit, screen is a bit small for synaptic00:52
* lardman hopes he gave the right command in that case :)00:52
Ward1983(tis vga though)00:52
TakMibbitoh, I see00:52
Ward1983and i'm SSHing :-)00:52
TakMibbit /on/ your pda00:52
Ward1983much faster typing00:52
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Ward1983yep, pda00:52
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Ward1983all that i can find that looks like it is "xlibs-static-dev - transitional metapackage"00:55
Ward1983if i do the same with dbus-glib it only returns lib packages00:57
TakMibbithmm, etch might be too old00:58
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Ward1983TakMibbit, my ubuntu feisty desktop also only returns lib packages01:00
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TakMibbithmm - try xorg-dev01:01
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Ward1983looking for xorg-dev ?01:02
TakMibbitand libdbus-glib1-dev01:02
Ward1983just install those?01:02
TakMibbitthey seem to be the newer equivalents01:02
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Ward1983how do you know that? i want to be able to find that out myself next tuime so i don't need to bother people for it :p01:03
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TakMibbitI searched for xlibs-dev, xorg, and dbus-glib01:03
TakMibbitand it showed me that xlibs-dev only exists in sarge and older distributions01:04
TakMibbitditto dbus-glib-1-dev01:04
Ward1983nice to know :-)01:04
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Ward1983now another thing: i allready got matchbox installed, does that mather much?01:05
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Ward1983(and i didn't build it, i apt-get install ed it01:07
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Ward1983and libdbus-glib1-dev does not exist here :s01:09
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TakMibbitI think I missed a hyphen: libdbus-glib-1-dev01:10
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Ward1983yep taht one is there and was allready installed :-)01:10
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Ward1983does it mather that i allready got matchbox?01:11
* TakMibbit shrugs01:11
Ward1983stupid question?01:12
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Ward1983TakMibbit, so it mathers, should i first uninstall it and then reinstall it from source?01:16
TakMibbitI have no idea if it matters01:17
Ward1983TakMibbit, ah ok, then i'll just try it with my current matchbox :-)01:17
Ward1983thanx for the info so far01:18
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TakMibbitare you creating a distributable build environment, or what?01:20
Ward1983nope, just trying to get hildon to work on my pda01:21
Ward1983just experimenting01:21
Ward1983(but offcourse i will post on the forum if i get it compiled and working)01:21
Ward1983there's a forum for the linux port for my pda :-)01:22
TakMibbityou're not actually building the packages /on/ the pda, are you?01:22
Ward1983i'm gonna crosscompile, but first i'm installing the necessery debs01:23
Ward1983then i'll try to find out how to crosscompile :-)01:23
* TakMibbit nods01:23
Ward1983i've read a bit about it but not much, what do you recommend?01:23
Ward1983and the build-deps and packages need to be installed on the PDA anyway right?01:25
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Jonsomeone has deleted /documentation/tutorials/maemo_4-0_tutorial.html01:26
Jon/documentation/ in it's entirety in fact01:27
TakMibbitthat's fantastic01:27
Ward1983someone probably has a backup locally01:28
Jonnot for me I haven't memorized /documentation/ yet :P01:28
Ward1983what was the full URL please?01:28
Ward1983maybe i know a solution :-)01:28
* Ward1983 looks01:29
Jonyes that works01:30
Jonthe link at /development/ is to /documentation01:30
TakMibbitwould be nice if there were a redirect, though01:30
Jonthanks :)01:30
Ward1983damn its not in lol01:30
Ward1983various parts of the site but not the docs lol01:30
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Ward1983ah lol solved :-)01:30
dospodanybody gotten phonelink on os2008 to work01:31
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Ward1983what do you recommend to crosscompile?01:31
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TakMibbitI have no idea; isn't there a standard crosscompilation setup for linux on your pda?01:32
Ward1983there are several progs that crosscompile as far as i remember01:32
Ward1983i was hoping someone here could recommend me one :-)01:33
TakMibbitmmm...usually they're pretty specific to the target device...01:33
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Ward1983several for PDA i mean01:34
Ward1983i'll just use the one someone from our forum uses01:34
TakMibbitsure, but "pda" is a very generic term01:34
TakMibbitthat's probably best01:34
Ward1983xscale pocketpc's :p01:34
Ward1983pxa272 :p01:34
dospodHas anybody gotten phonelink to work on os2008?01:34
Joncan anyone tell me what libpweditor is01:35
Jonor libpweditor-plus for that matter01:35
TakMibbitno idea01:36
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TakMibbitfor both of the above questions ;-)01:36
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Jonheh thanks anyway01:40
Jon0- line README and AUTHORS in SVN; no homepage; somehow related to maemopad+, but I can't get that or those to build off my n80001:41
|tbb|any mp3 tag editor out for os200801:41
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skiburanybody know the image file name when the Nokia tablet displays during power off?01:42
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Ward1983hmmm i seem to have trouble with tetex-bin01:45
* Ward1983 pastebins01:45
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Ward1983damnit tetex-bin is not installed01:45
Ward1983and all stuff depending on it is not isntalled either offcourse...01:45
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derfskibur: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/qgn_indi_startup_nokia_logo.png01:51
skiburthat is so weird01:51
skiburbecause I have already changed it.   It start off with the image I replaced, but when I shut off, it displays the old one.01:52
derfThere's at least three.01:53
TakMibbitpart of the initfs?01:53
skiburderf, has that happen to you?01:53
derfqgn_indi_nokia_hands.jpg in the same directory is the second one it displays while booting.01:53
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derfAnd there's another one on the initfs somewhere that gets displayed when you're in R&D mode.01:53
skiburyeah, I know that01:54
derf(on startup)01:54
derfBut those two are the only ones I've touched, and I've never had your problem.01:54
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|tbb|derf is it possible to replace the very first one, i was never able to change that01:55
skiburo ok, are you booting from SD card?01:55
skiburor flash?01:55
derf|tbb|: Presumably if you edit and re-flash the initfs.01:55
derfThat was too much work, though.01:55
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|tbb|dunno howto do it01:55
inzIf I'm not totally wrong, there's a very first one coming from the bootloader01:56
inznot sure though01:56
derfA small Nokia logo is not too bothersome... it's just the gay hands image that bugs me.01:56
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skiburdid you see my startup?01:56
skiburanybody seen it?01:56
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TakMibbit"omg they're holding hands!"01:57
Ward1983any ideas? i keep getting the same errors01:57
|tbb|inz bootloader change isnt possible?01:57
elbhe's afraid he'll catch the gay from the hands01:57
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TakMibbitwho knows where those hands have been?01:58
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|tbb|anyone knows if there is a mp3tag editor for os2008 out01:59
Ward1983lol this is definitely the worst howto i ever folloxed02:01
derfelb: I am. It's contagious.02:01
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elb|tbb|: keep asking02:01
Ward1983 <- not working on debian02:01
Ward1983not even remotely02:01
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TakMibbitit's just old02:02
skiburI just finished it today02:02
derfskibur: I made mine out of this T-shirt:
Ward1983lol well, if things keep going like this, nobody is ever gonna use hildon on a device thats not nokia02:03
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Ward1983keep it up is what i would say02:03
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* Ward1983 tries to clean up the crap02:03
skiburderf, you said something about initfs02:04
TakMibbitI have to say, is my favorite so far02:05
craftonhi here.. a quick question? is possible to play from daap-servers, maybe installing avahi-utils would the MediaPlayer enable it?02:05
|tbb|tak thats a nice one02:06
TakMibbitbon nuit a tous02:06
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* Ward1983 forgets about this crap and reinstalls debian02:07
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Ward1983why is that stupid tutorial there if it does not work?02:09
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Ward1983who do i need to talk to to get it out of there or improved?02:09
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|tbb|anyone tried maemomm-booster it says it boost the load time of hildon apps02:12
Ward1983ok then just leave it online and frustrate some more people02:13
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inz|tbb|, it boosts the startup times of gtkmm and hildonmm programs02:15
|tbb|for example02:15
inztbb, don't know any02:16
inztbb, but it's just a "addon" to maemo-launcher, which is normally used for most of the built-in programs02:16
inztbb, and it boosts the startup speed of normal gtk/hildon programs02:16
|tbb|do u got it installed02:16
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inztbb, maemomm-booster?02:17
inztbb, no, I don't know any programs that would benefit from it, so I kind of don't need it ;)02:18
inztbb, it would only eat some extra memory (and thus decreasing performance)02:18
inzBut if you have gtkmm/maemomm programs, then it should make program star up snappier (and save memory if there are more than one such programs running)02:20
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|tbb|we will see02:20
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CrashandDieso, I wanted to know02:22
CrashandDieon the n81002:22
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CrashandDiemaemo mapper, does it work in the whole world ?02:23
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inzCrash, no, only where you have internet connectivity ^^02:26
CrashandDieok, and how about the "real" gps utility ?02:27
CrashandDieNow where I can download maps ?02:27
Sho_Cord: So, did you order despite the full price discount bug or are you waiting?02:28
Mouseyis there any way to do sftp:// or fish:// with maemo?02:28
Mouseyi mean, short of installing konqueror02:28
Mouseyhmm, scp i suppose02:28
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inzMousey, not quite sure, but it actually might be possible, you just can't enter the url anywhere =)02:30
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Mouseyinz: it'd be nice if the FM did it..02:33
Mouseybut i guess i'm stuck with rsync.. OH.. there's a graphical rsync! i'll have to try that02:33
jottSho_: i ordered anyway. we'll see what happens.02:34
Sho_guess so02:35
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|tbb|inz: still there02:43
|tbb|ssh config on n810    ForwardAgent yes        ForwardX11 yes   ForwardX11Trusted yes02:46
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yabbaspenguinbait: you here mate? :)02:46
halleytbb, that's to run X11 apps on the Nokia from an X11 on your PC?02:47
penguinbaitwhats up yabbas?02:47
yabbaspenguinbait: just saw the kde.deb post ;)  wanted to add that you could automate the removal of user ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL using sed.02:48
|tbb|logged in  with ssh -X root@n810  starting maemo-summoner browser wont work02:48
penguinbaityes I could do it with grep -v also ;)02:48
|tbb|halley want to run apps from maemo at my desktop, dunno how02:48
yabbaspenguinbait: wanted to know why you didn't...and also - if reinstalling kde from the deb, would re-add the line in sudoers.02:49
penguinbaityes it will02:49
penguinbaitbut it wont hurt anything02:49
unique311penguinbait, the kde guy?02:49
penguinbaitunless you do it 50 time or something :(02:49
unique311you think we can get the GNOME anytime soon.02:50
penguinbaitI started with gnome02:50
yabbasI did wonder :)02:50
* yabbas adds the line meeellions of times over to see what would happen02:50
* yabbas doesn't really02:51
penguinbaitKDE is totally separate from maemo based OS02:51
penguinbaitmaemo based OS uses gtk which dictates what gnome you run02:52
penguinbaitI just did not have good luck with02:52
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penguinbaityabbas, I think I did not remove it from sudoers is because I was scared02:53
penguinbaitto answer your question ;)02:53
yabbaslol, I know the feeling02:53
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penguinbaitI did reinstall in several times over on my system and had about 9 of them in there with no issues02:54
yabbasI still can't get xinput working with other devices; and I'm wondering whether I ought to send an email out to maemo-dev, or email dan the Xomap man directly.02:55
penguinbaitis xinput the software?02:55
penguinbaitwhat do you mean02:56
penguinbaitX input02:56
yabbasnaw, it's the input spec for X.  I think they hardwired the touchscreen lib into K-drive.02:56
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penguinbaitso the buttons are not working? but its connected02:57
yabbasthere's stuff in there about ignoring mouse0; evdev doesn't seem to detect any other pointers - xsetpointer lists all the devices but no extra mouse devices, yadda yadda02:57
penguinbaityou need to map them?02:57
yabbasbuttons are working well :) just mouse isn't working02:57
penguinbaithmmm, mouse?02:58
yabbasonce you connect the device, onscreen keyboard stops working02:58
yabbasaye - still going on about using the wiimote as a mouse :)02:58
penguinbaithow to move mouse, dpad?02:58
yabbasnope, just wave it about in front or an IR source :D02:59
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yabbas(there is a plugin that uses the nunchuck analogue stick)02:59
penguinbaitor, you dont need ir for it to work?02:59
yabbasdepends how you want to use it - if you want motion detection you can set it to detect ir and track movement that way.02:59
yabbasunfortunately I can't "plug in the device driver" ...03:00
penguinbaithmm, I have been meaning to test, but can you turn the keyboard back on manually?03:00
yabbasyou'll have to explain how to do that :)03:01
penguinbait1 sec03:01
penguinbaitnot sure if it is software turning off or inputs getting stolen03:01
penguinbaitetc/osso-af-init/ start03:02
penguinbaitI mean03:02
yabbasnot tried it :) lemme see if I can03:02
penguinbaitI been meaning to I need to fix it for joystick support also03:02
CrashandDieis the aircrack suite ported to os2008 ?03:03
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yabbaspenguinbait: nope...doesn't work03:05
penguinbaitdo you have 810?03:06
yabbasnot yet :( it's ordered already but waiting for it to arrive03:06
penguinbaitI am still waiting for news :(03:06
yabbasnews?  you have a discount code donchya?03:06
penguinbaitI am wondering if I have a 810, do I care if onscreen keyboard does not work :)03:07
penguinbaitthe USA was not mentioned in the email03:07
yabbasI thought you were in the uk :)  [doh]03:07
penguinbaitat least Canada got a shout ouy ;)03:07
penguinbaitat least Canada got a shout out ;)03:07
yabbasI'm wondering whether the onboard keyboard gets disabled too.03:08
|tbb|CrashandDie: ive seen it add mulliner to your repositiory, but what you want with that suite03:08
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yabbasDo you have a bluetooth keyboard?  When it's paired - does it disable onscreen kb?03:09
CrashandDie|tbb|, use it ?03:09
penguinbaitI have not tested in 2008 but it always did03:09
yabbasCrashandDie: afaik the wireless connects for a while, then disconnects03:09
CrashandDieyabbas, wut ?03:09
yabbaspenguinbait: I half wonder whether it's a k-drive input device limit :(03:10
|tbb|n8xx doesnt support packet injection03:10
CrashandDieoh really ?03:10
CrashandDiehmm, that's too bad03:10
yabbasCrashandDie: aircrack suite; from the stuff I've read it appears to have wifi driver issues03:10
|tbb|yabbas. ive tested kismet with n810 and it collects data about 3.5 hours. may anything has changed03:11
CrashandDieoh well, I'll have to take a look at that03:11
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CrashandDiewhat chipset is the wifi in the n8xx ?03:11
yabbas|tbb|: don't know tbh - I've not done testing.  Seems such a shame really; it's the perfect intrusion security device :)03:11
yabbaspenguinbait:  seems to imply patches are required for multi device input.  Whether that means multiple devices work concurrently in X atm or something else I don't know.03:13
penguinbaityabbas basically its a joystick right?03:13
yabbaspenguinbait: it's 2 devices.  a joystick and a keyboard03:14
yabbasI mean03:14
yabbasa keyboard, joystick and mouse!03:14
penguinbaitall that and you need the onscreen keyboard?03:14
penguinbaitjust kidding03:14
yabbasNokia-N800-50-2:/usr/local/lib# ./xsetpointer -l03:15
yabbas0: "Virtual core keyboard"      [XKeyboard]03:15
yabbas1: "Virtual core pointer"       [XPointer]03:15
yabbas2: "TSC2301 touchscreen"        [XExtensionPointer]03:15
yabbas3: "Internal keypad"    [XExtensionKeyboard]03:15
yabbas4: "Nintendo Wiimote"   [XExtensionKeyboard]03:15
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yabbasI _think_ the only reason it doesn't detect other XPointers is down to a patch in K-Drive that ignores mouse0.03:16
penguinbaitI just got a bluetooth mouse in the mail today03:16
yabbastry it now :)03:17
penguinbaithoping to get it working03:17
penguinbaitits charging03:17
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penguinbaitit came with batteries, they were dead03:17
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yabbaslogitech?  or no name?03:17
megabyte405_CrashandDie: It's  CXsomething or other, TI integrated.  No open source driver03:18
CrashandDieyabbas & |tbb|: the wifi chipset is CX3110X from connexant or something03:18
yabbasCrashandDie: yup03:19
penguinbaitit was hard to find a bluetooth mouse, I had to order online03:20
penguinbaiteverything is 2.4ghz now03:20
penguinbaitmice anyway03:20
* yabbas nods03:20
yabbas1:30am and I'm hungry :(03:21
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|tbb|oh yes i was wrong cx3110x-module-src_2.0.14-2.tar.gz but i think the core part is closed source03:22
penguinbaitthere was some old gnome on maemo03:22
yabbasI remember that :)03:23
yabbaswhat were the problems with it?03:23
penguinbaitI am clueless :)03:24
penguinbaitI am not a developer, I am a unix admin03:24
penguinbaitI can scripts the crap out of anything, compile software,like thats hard03:24
CrashandDieI guess I'll be looking into the packet injection thingy later on, once I actually have the tablet hands on03:25
penguinbaitbut if it aint working pretty much out of the box,I am done :)03:25
yabbaslol - I'm the other way round.  Don't understand the system structure whatsoever, don't know how to install and configure it, but I can code for it :D03:25
penguinbaitKDE is just ./configure, make, make install repeat 100 times :)03:25
yabbasI remember when you told me :D03:26
CrashandDieanyway, thanks for the support03:26
* yabbas couldn't believe it03:26
CrashandDieone last question, I got my n810 overseas, in the US, how is the GPS going to work in Europe ? Anyone any idea ,03:26
yabbasCrashandDie: it'll work :)03:26
penguinbaitDont get me wrong, KDE had some challenges, but they were all based on issues of scratchbox03:26
CrashandDieAm I going to have to pay for the extra Europe maps ?03:26
CrashandDieor are they included ?03:27
yabbaspenguinbait: aye +nods+  I'm sure it was a helluva lot more complex than running make install a meelllion times :)03:27
yabbasCrashandDie: you don't get wayfinder out the box03:27
CrashandDieare there any FOS apps ?03:27
penguinbaita tad, KDE is about 1GB, my first hack was WindowMaker it was 16MB uncompressed :)03:28
CrashandDieif not, I guess I just found the project I'm going to start :P03:28
yabbasCrashandDie: you get a disabled routing version of wayfinder - you can download ALL the maps for free onit.03:28
yabbaspenguinbait: how nice was windowmaker?03:28
CrashandDiedisabled routing ? Meaning I can't ask it to get me to some place ?03:28
CrashandDieyabbas, how much is it to unlock it ?03:29
penguinbaitI was screaming on purpose :)03:29
penguinbaitit was screaming fast03:29
yabbasCrashandDie: exactly - you get the map, you see where you are (coz GPS works wherever) but you can't get directions unless you unlock.  Find the costs on the  wayfinder site.03:29
yabbaspenguinbait: lol - fancy doing a tiny windowmaker distro? :)03:29
penguinbaitI am thinking of doing Afterstep for n810, if I ever get one03:30
yabbasyes yes YES!03:30
penguinbaitits small and runs well, but needs a keyboard03:30
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yabbasand keyboard is a non-issue with the N810 :)03:30
penguinbaitIts just a question of version03:31
penguinbaitold versions are superfast, new versions run slower 2.X but have more bells and whistles03:31
yabbasright - I better do this sleep thing that humans do03:31
penguinbaitnight yabbas!03:32
|tbb|CrashandDie: if u find anything new out then please inform me03:32
CrashandDie|tbb|, I will, don't worry, I'll keep the community posted03:32
CrashandDieyabbas, hmm, $100 for 3 years... Seems very decent !03:32
yabbasnn dude - before I go - recommend  wait for your kde updates later on, or think I should download and play the current deb version?03:32
yabbasCrashandDie: yup - and FREE updates during that time!03:32
CrashandDieI don't even have the tablet yet, and I'm more and more excited03:33
CrashandDieit's not *that* expensive (most decent GPS' cost $350+), and $100 for 3 years road updates is a bargain03:33
yabbasCrashandDie: I bought an N770 ages ago with Wayfinder navigation.  6 months later they stop navicom and create wayfinder and tell me that my codes will work on the new device :D  Let's just say I was a VERY happy chappy ... if this was Garmin they'd have told me tough shite.03:34
CrashandDiewell, I'm off to bed now03:34
CrashandDieyeah... I'm getting the feeling they're actually thinking about customer experience rather than big bucks03:34
yabbaswell...a bit of both ;)03:34
yabbasanyways, nini peeps :)03:35
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CrashandDieas long as it's good for us, and good for them, everyone's happy :)03:35
CrashandDiecheers everyone, good evening/morning/night, wherever you are03:35
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TakMibbitanybody know of SDL bindings for vala?04:11
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sgehrmanI reviewed the n810 on my blog04:13
sgehrmanhave fun...04:13
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TakMibbitwow...some of this stuff is just plain wrong.04:14
TakMibbit"The n810 requires a Windows machine to upgrade the OS."04:15
GeneralAntillesWhat a joke.04:15
TakMibbit"This thing isn't an iPhone plus I can't find a satellite anyway nokia hates macs and you suck and I hope you all die."04:16
GeneralAntillesSad to see that on the Path Finder website.04:16
GeneralAntillesMakes me glad I never shelled out any cash to them.04:16
* TakMibbit ignore Mac users whenever possible04:17
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GeneralAntillesScrew you, TakMibbit. :P04:18
* TakMibbit ignore GeneralAntilles whenever possible ;-)04:19
TakMibbit"I don't understand why a large rich corporation builds a device that's basically usable."04:20
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GeneralAntillesI love how he comes in to taunt us.04:20
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TakMibbitI know - too bad he didn't stay to accept my taunting of his bad grammar, poor logic, and overall silliness.04:21
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ds3is there any chance of a SCO bluetooth scoket working in userspace?04:22
TakMibbit'7) Lots of "modes". Sometimes I'm in one app and I get stuck in a mode and can't switch apps.'04:22
GeneralAntillesUse the giant swap button, just like the iPhone.04:23
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TakMibbithmm - is the debian/armel port in a state where we can just install packages from a debian repo?04:32
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penguinbaitany bluetooth experts here?04:35
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penguinbaitI got a bt mouse and there is no passkey, its 0000, there is actually no passkey, how the heck do I use it04:35
TakMibbitI think somebody mentioned the wiimotes being like that04:36
GeneralAntillesGotta have drivers that treat it correctly.04:36
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EsworpOmg.  Irc through tje onboard chat program.  Bitchin.04:36
GeneralAntillesStill a little underfeatured04:37
EsworpDoes anyone have the url that keeps track of all the maemo repositories?04:38
penguinbaitI am a little underfeatured ;)04:38
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ds3penguinbait: what are you trying to do with it?04:38
TakMibbitkeeps track of?04:39
GeneralAntillestopic, Esworp.04:39
penguinbaituh, its a mouse, I want to use it04:39
packetlossmmyep, im usimg chat for irc, works great for my basic usage04:39
EsworpOh.  I am a moron. Sorry gang.04:39
Vulc|SickishGeneralAntilles: You have a igo keyboard, right?04:39
ds3penguinbait: I'd think you need HID support and to find its BT address04:40
Vulc|Sickishdo you get slight lag between keypress and the character coming up, general?04:40
GeneralAntillesMore than a desktop04:40
Vulc|Sickishenough that it starts being words behind?04:40
GeneralAntillesbut not really significant04:40
GeneralAntillesNo, not that far04:40
EsworpOk.  Next one- how do i get erming working on os2008?04:40
GeneralAntillesJust a touch of bluetooth/CPU lag.04:40
Vulc|Sickishat like, 90 wpm its half a word or s obehind, if not more04:40
penguinbaitI can get hid support, how do I bind the bt address to use it04:40
GeneralAntillesThere is a little lag04:42
GeneralAntillesbut it's mostly a CPU issue.04:42
penguinbaitI guess I just need bt connection, I must have to make it manually, because the gui wont let me set a device as trusted if I can't pair it04:42
ds3looks like "hidd --connect BT:ADDR"04:42
ds3don't have a bt mouse handy and my keyboard only works in SPP mode :/04:42
penguinbaitwhat the tool to scan for address, they couldn't just print the damn thing for me04:43
ds3hcitool scan04:43
ds3that should list it if it is discoverable04:43
penguinbaitdo I have to install hcitool?  bt tools or something04:44
ds3hcitool should be part of bluez by default.. but I heard it is not available on OS200804:45
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penguinbaitgo figure04:45
ds3i am not familiar with OS2008 so someone else will have to chime in04:46
TakMibbitdoes anybody happen to know if there's an sdl binding for vala?04:46
EsworpWtf, since installing the chat upgrade, when i run the control panel it runs gpe calendar without asking.04:47
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TakMibbitif you launch the browser, does it make you coffee?04:47
TakMibbiteek, I guess not04:47
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shoumikHi I'm having some trouble geting the new os2008 on my n80005:03
GeneralAntillesWhat sort of trouble?05:03
shoumikWhen I type in:  sudo ./flasher-3.0 -F RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -r in terminal05:04
shoumiki get a command not found : ./flasher-3.005:04
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TakMibbitchmod 755 flasher-3.005:04
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shoumikok this is my output: flasher v0.8.7 (Oct 17 2006)05:05
shoumikRX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin: No such file or directory05:05
GeneralAntillesNah, you need to make sure you're in the directory where flasher-3.0 is located05:05
shoumikI am05:05
GeneralAntillesWell, where is the .bin?05:05
GeneralAntillesUse an absolute directory.05:06
shoumikwhat do u mean05:06
shoumikI just saved it into a folder in my desktop05:06
GeneralAntillesWhere's the desktop folder on Linux?05:06
TakMibbithe means: sudo ./flasher-3.0 -F ~/Desktop/RX-blah.bin -f -r05:06
shoumikso i have to have my folder on my desktop with .bin at the end05:07
GeneralAntillesYou have to tell the flasher where the .bin is05:08
GeneralAntillesIt can't just guess for you.05:08
halleyYou have to tell the shell where the flasher is, too.05:08
halley./ might not be right either.05:08
shoumiko ok05:08
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dospodanybody know how to configure phonelink05:09
GeneralAntillesWell, if it's saying it can't find the firmware, then he's running the flasher.05:09
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GeneralAntillesdospod, correctly? :P05:10
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shoumikmain@shoumik-desktop:~/Desktop/N800$ sudo ./flasher-3.0 -F RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -r                  would this help?05:10
dospodyes configured correct ;]05:10
TakMibbitif both flasher-3.0 and RX...bin are in that directory05:11
shoumikya they are05:11
lcukwould itmake more sense to copy the .bin file into the same folder as the flasher then the coomand is simpler?05:11
* TakMibbit wait for next status report05:13
shoumiko and what's with the no such file or directry05:14
TakMibbitwhich one?05:14
GeneralAntilles-r is different from -R05:14
shoumikso:  sudo ./flasher-3.0 -F RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R05:15
shoumikthat doesn't work either05:15
GeneralAntilles-r tells it where the rootfs image is and -R tells it to reboot when it's done.05:15
TakMibbitls -lh fl* *bin ?05:16
GeneralAntillesYou have to point it to the firmware image05:16
shoumikhow do you do that05:16
GeneralAntillesYou said it was in a folder on your Desktop, right?05:16
shoumikthe folders called N80005:17
GeneralAntillessudo ./flasher-3.0 -F ~/Desktop/N800/RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R05:17
shoumikI get a: flasher v0.8.7 (Oct 17 2006)05:18
shoumik/home/shoumik/Desktop/N800/RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.50-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin: No such file or directory05:18
shoumikIn the folder on my desktop the image is called nokia_N800.php05:18
shoumikis that fine?05:18
GeneralAntillesRename it to nokia_N800.bin05:18
GeneralAntillesthen do use ~/Desktop/nokia_N800.bin05:19
lcukhow big is the file?05:19
GeneralAntillesKnow bug, lcuk.05:19
lcukahh k - nokia misconfigured server?05:19
shoumikYay i got it!!!!!05:20
shoumikNow i just have to connect my n80005:20
GeneralAntillesMmm . . . new Mac Pros.05:20
* GeneralAntilles needs more money.05:20
lcukthey got tablets yet?05:21
GeneralAntillesWe'd've heard about those.05:21
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lcukwants a new newton05:21
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shoumikwhat's the home button?05:22
shoumikthe button with a house?05:22
GeneralAntillesThe button with a little house on it.05:22
GeneralAntillesHold it down05:22
GeneralAntillesthen keep holding it down and turn it on.05:22
unique311lcuk, did you recieve the email05:23
shoumikk i got a finish flashing message on terminal05:24
shoumikis that a good sign05:24
lcuknot yet did i manage to get addyh rightg tghen :D05:24
unique311yeah, i recieved the email, and sent out the invite.05:25
lcukwill get it in morning can barely type let alone open apps05:25
TakMibbitshoumik: Yes.05:25
lcukthank you :)05:25
TakMibbitthen you should get a bar going across the bottom of the screen on the device, then later it should reboot05:25
shoumiko now on my n800 it shows the nokia screen with a usb symbol at the top right05:25
shoumikshould i reboot now?05:26
dospodanybody wanna help me with phonelink05:26
lcukdospod sorry i dont know anythin05:26
* TakMibbit know nothing also05:28
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shoumikos2008 is awesome!!!!!05:28
unique311i know somewhat but nothing about phonelink.05:28
dospodyes os2008 is05:28
unique311dospod, ya tried google05:28
lcuki think i should go back to lurking its hard typing lay on back and holding nit05:28
unique311it knows everything05:28
dospodoh noes05:29
shoumikthank you all!!05:29
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GeneralAntillesI wonder if he installed Ubuntu himself, or if somebody did it for him.05:29
lcuklol gen05:30
lcuki installed it on my sons and he played a bit but knew nothin05:30
TakMibbitlinux doesn't require you to know stuff about directories and permissions to install it any more05:30
lcukit wouldnt be an amazing amount of wwork to write a gui wrapper around the flasher would it?05:32
GeneralAntillesSee 770Flasher05:32
dospodwhen is adduser being ported to os200805:32
EsworpYay for n770 flasher.app05:32
TakMibbitEsworp: no, it is impossible to flash a tablet without Microsoft Windows05:33
dospodtek thats a lie05:33
Esworp<Gasp!>  The hell you say.05:33
dospodi flashed mine with os x05:34
lcukso i wonder why nokia assume linux users all know cmdline when lots dont05:34
TakMibbitdospod: It's true; I read it in a review.05:34
lcuki would be nervous05:34
TakMibbitThat's impossible.05:34
dospodno its not05:34
TakMibbit(I'm just being facetious)05:34
GeneralAntillesEsworp, what is this "n770" you speak of?05:34 has a guide for flashing on unix05:34
lcukdos - mac has unix base05:35
EsworpIt's like a palmIII but with color.05:35
halleyEsworp, he's saying, it's a "Nokia 770", not a "Nokia n770".  Pedantry.05:36
GeneralAntillesBut it irritates me to no end.05:36
lcukdam im droppin it - time to go - nite05:37
TakMibbitbefore the n800 came out, we commonly referred to a 770 as an N770, for "Nokia 770"05:37
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TakMibbitthen nokia had to go and release the n800 as an nseries device05:37
GeneralAntillesBull, Tak. :P05:38
GeneralAntillesWe, being you, maybe.05:38
TakMibbitwe should refer to them as n770, nn800, and nn81005:38
TakMibbitwe being almost everyone I remember in #maemo05:38
TakMibbitbut, much like the ruler of the Universe, I'm extremely unreliable05:41
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SargunMy application manager seems to be hanging05:46
Sargunduring the refresh05:46
SargunI'm sniffing the traffic, and its getting  a bunch of 404s back05:47
GeneralAntillesWhat does the log say?05:47
Sargunwhere do I get to log05:47
GeneralAntillesApplication Manager menu05:48
Sargunit gives me a bunch of failed to fetches05:49
GeneralAntillesOn what?05:50
Sargunthe repo/packages files05:50
GeneralAntilles. . .05:50
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GeneralAntillesWHICH repos?05:51
Sargunyeah, I'm working on it, give me a momenet05:51
EsworpOk, i'm stumped on how to install erming on 2008, sez i'm missing gdataclient and pysqlite.  Where do i obtain these gems?05:52
GeneralAntillesProbably bora extras05:52
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EsworpWont application installer bitch about conpatability?05:53
GeneralAntillesNot if they're compatible.05:53
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GeneralAntillesPlenty of bora stuff works just fine in chinook05:53
GeneralAntillesjust not GUI stuff.05:54
TakMibbitYou mean conpatable.05:54
GeneralAntillesI'm sure there's a joke there.05:54
TakMibbitThere's a joke everywhere, baby.05:55
* GeneralAntilles goes back to watching Seinfeld.05:55
EsworpNothing called gdataclient was found in the database.  :\05:56
TakMibbit...except there.05:56
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EsworpSame for pysqlite.  Wth.05:56
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Sargunit is the updates repo that is failing to get up06:14
Sargunbut that looks bad on the catalogue06:14
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Sargunsomething is broken thee06:18
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oakleemanjust got my n800 today and have upgraded it to OS2008. Is the "won't power up without removing battery for 10-30 minutes" issue common?06:29
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oakleemana google search returned a thread with some users having this problem, but not many06:41
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halleyI wonder if that is due to rash "got to do lots with new device and barely-begun-charging batteries" behavior.06:43
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oakleemani actually let the battery charge for 5 hrs before I started messing with it06:43
oakleemandidn't even turn it on06:44
oakleemantil the screen said "fully charged"06:44
halleyThat's good.  But moreso.06:44
halleyGet a new device, let it charge at least twice the usual charging time, longer if possible, to let battery/system tune itself to how much charge it really can hold.06:44
halleyMight have nothing to do with your setup/issues.06:45
halleyFlashing is hard on the system.06:45
oakleemanthat's the thread i found06:45
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tank-mani flashed with no problems06:46
halleyWe're happy for you, tank.06:47
oakleemanit actually messed up on me before I even upgraded it, freaked out a bit thinking it was DOA, then it started working. I upgraded and was able to turn on/off about 3-4 times and then tonight it did it again06:47
skiburis this working?06:47
tank-manjust stating so you dont think that problem is common06:47
oakleemani didn't figure it was06:47
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oakleemanleft it off for 30 minutes and now it turned back on06:48
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zetheroois there any way to download the maps for mapper via the USB connection?06:49
zetheroothe wireless connection is SOOOOO slow06:49
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tank-manzetheroo, maybe you are trying to download too much06:51
zetheroowell it is a lot , but its still too slow for the amount of data06:51
zetheroo750 MB06:51
oakleemanUSA East?06:52
oakleemanUSA West is 68606:52
zetherooI am downloading Sydney in Australia...06:53
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oakleemansince I'm in Texas I wonder if I'll need both.....lol06:53
zetheroozoom 4, 6, 8, 10 and 1206:53
halleyoakleeman, e/w of Mississippi River06:53
halleyDuh, I know where Texas is.06:54
oakleemani gotta buy an SD card first06:54
halleyI meant that's where they divide the map.06:54
oakleemanrecommend some neat accessories?07:02
GeneralAntilleszetheroo, it's google.07:02
GeneralAntillesThey throttle after a little while.07:02
zetherooI see07:02
GeneralAntillesWhich is why it's effective to do it in chunks.07:05
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rm_youdoes anyone have a copy of fanoush's non-whitelist usb kernel for 50-2?07:07
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rm_youthe link in the thread i was reading is broken :/07:07
rm_youand the kernel on his site doesn't appear to include the whitelist patch07:07
GeneralAntillesPM him about it.07:11
GeneralAntillesWho is going to write a blset statusbar applet for me?07:11
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rm_youIt sounds like an easy enough task... that might be a decent intro to hildon :)07:13
GeneralAntillesYeah, probably07:13
GeneralAntillesDon't have any machines I could run scratchbox on easily.07:13
rm_youMaybe I'll give it a shot...07:14
rm_youthough I suppose i'd want to flash his blset kernel07:14
GeneralAntillesIf you do, two requests:07:14
GeneralAntillesNeeds to do values 1-127 with a volume-control style slider07:14
GeneralAntillesPlus and minus buttons on either end need to increment by 1.07:14
GeneralAntilles0 could actually be useful, too.07:15
GeneralAntillesBut probably only for the N81007:15
rm_youtime to do some research into hildon :)07:15
GeneralAntillesI wonder how long the N810 would run without the backlight.07:15
rm_youC probably?07:15
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tank-manits easy to install scratchbox07:15
rm_youif you have a linux machine handy...07:16
tank-manthere is an install script07:16
tank-manyea that too07:16
GeneralAntillesnot if you don't have an x86 machine handy.07:16
GeneralAntillesThough I suppose I could install it on my Xbox.07:16
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skibur             <---   This repositories causes the the whole thing no to update!!!!!07:25
skiburnot to update07:25
skiburavoid this !!!!   Austinche repositories07:25
zetheroogreat!!! I was downloading 750 MB of maps and mapper just crashes after about 40% of completed downloads....07:26
zetherooso I have to start all over again?07:26
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skiburmake sure you select all except  Austinche07:26
skiburI went one by one07:27
zetheroomapper is just crashing on me everytime I try to download maps07:28
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GeneralAntillesLike I said, try smaller chunks.07:29
zetheroothis time I tried only zoom 4 for a single residencial area07:31
zetheroothats small no?07:31
GeneralAntillesunder 50MB07:32
GeneralAntillesZoom 4 is a little extreme07:32
zetheroowell zoom 5 doesn't show me street07:32
zetherooit was like 47 MB07:32
zetheroois VE street better?07:33
GeneralAntillesDepends on the area07:33
GeneralAntillesbut generally, no.07:33
GeneralAntillesIt's the same map data, basically07:33
GeneralAntillesJust different colors.07:33
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zetherooI can't even delete my maps07:33
zetherooshould I remove mapper and reinstall it?07:34
GeneralAntillesTo what purpose?07:34
rm_youyou will need to open the filemanager or xterminal and find the GMaps.db file and delete it07:34
rm_youif you want to remove your old maps07:34
zetheroowell it just closes everytime I try to do anything07:34
GeneralAntillesdb is probably corrupted07:34
GeneralAntillesjust delete it07:34
rm_youthat happened to me once07:35
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zetheroorm_you: but there is a function in the app for deleting maps and it crashes even when I try that07:35
rm_youhrm :/07:35
rm_youwell, try what i said, lol07:35
zetheroook... I just got an error when I closed mapper07:35
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zetherooFailed to write to path database. Tracks and routes may not be saved. SQL logic error or missing database.07:36
GeneralAntillesMaybe the db is read-only?07:37
GeneralAntillesWhat is it on?07:37
zetherooit was working fine before07:37
zetherooI dunno where it is07:37
GeneralAntillesDid you move it?07:38
zetherooI am in File manager07:38
GeneralAntillesThen it's on the internal flash07:38
GeneralAntillesand you've probably filled it up.07:38
GeneralAntillesYou need to move it to one of the external cards07:38
zetheroothere is a folder named "map" in the internal flash07:38
zetherooI mean internal memory card07:39
GeneralAntilles /media/mmc1 for external, /media/mmc2/ for internal07:39
GeneralAntillesmap is for "Map"07:39
zetherooits on my 4 GB card07:39
zetherooI have a 4GB SDHC card inside07:39
zetherooshould I delete the map folder?07:40
GeneralAntillesOK, delete the .dbs from your system flash07:40
GeneralAntillesthen point maemo mapper at mmc207:40
GeneralAntillesmap is for "Map"07:40
GeneralAntillesnot maemo mapper07:40
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zetheroooh I see07:41
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zetheroohow do I delete the .dbs from the system flash?07:41
GeneralAntillesGo to file manager and delete them.07:41
zetheroowhere would they be?07:42
zetheroocan I search ?07:42
GeneralAntillesProbably /home/user/MyDocs07:42
GeneralAntillesmaybe /home/user/MyDocs/Documents07:42
zetheroook I went into the Documents folder07:43
zetherooand there is a folder there called "Maps"07:43
zetherooin there is a few files07:43
zetherooone is 95 MB07:44
zetherooand there is OpenStreet.db07:44
zetherooits 12kb07:44
zetherooand poi.db ... 3kb07:44
zetherooand VEHybrid.db ..... o.7 mB07:45
GeneralAntillesDelete all but poi07:45
GeneralAntillesThen open up maemo mapper and move the dbs to a card.07:45
rm_youwoo, alright, kernel flashed to fanoush's blset version...07:46
rm_younow to start learning hildon :)07:46
zetheroook the folder "Maps" is empty except for poi.db07:47
zetherooshoudl I move the Maps folder to the card?07:47
rm_youany idea what the current brightness app is called? i want to grab the icons from it07:47
zetheroohow can I make mapper save the databases to the card automatically?07:49
GeneralAntillesYou have to tell maemo mapper where to store them.07:49
GeneralAntilles /usr/share/icons/07:49
GeneralAntillesOpen up maemo mapper07:49
GeneralAntillesand go to the Map Repositories... menu07:49
GeneralAntillesand change the path07:49
zetherooCache DB path... yes?07:50
skiburHas anybody had problems with RSS feed reader on the Nokia?07:51
skiburEverytime I refresh manually, an error states that I unable to refresh lit07:52
skiburanybody have this problem when using rss for 2008 updates?07:52
zetheroois the VE Street server faster to download from than the GStreet one?07:52
skibur2008 use chinook or bora by default?07:58
Sargun/catalogue/updates/chinook/Release.gpg not found07:58
Sargunwhy can't my application manager (chinook) gt the updates.07:58
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skiburdid you  by any chance used this site to get your repositories? ----->
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skiburhe left08:08
Sargunthis is wird.08:08
Sargunskibur, no, why do you ask08:08
skiburon repositories is broken and causes all of the repositories not to update08:09
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zetheroook... VE Street is definitely faster than Google Street08:18
zetherooI am downloading 250 MB of maps and its abotu a 3rd done08:18
zetheroois there a clock for the notification area?08:20
GeneralAntillesosso-statusbar-cpu is a good one.08:21
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zetheroois that a clock as well?08:22
GeneralAntillesSee it there.08:23
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zetheroois it in the repos?08:26
zetherooI can't find it08:27
rm_youmaemo hackers08:28
rm_youdeb chinook main08:29
rm_youecho "deb chinook main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list08:29
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SargunThis is weird.08:48
SargunThe repo works from one IPrange08:51
Sargunbut not another08:51
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unique311let me tell to you something08:56
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SargunMy App manager works from my tethered cell phone connection [public IP] but fails for all RFC1918 IPs08:57
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Luriashare in my huzzahness, openvpn is working properly - ca, windows notebook, n800, routing to all my home computers08:59
SargunLuria, good job09:00
unique311Houz the performance.09:00
Lurianow i can set up scratchbox on my headless, pointless, debian box09:00
Lurianot bad09:00
Luriaits dependant on the wifi network im using :-)\09:00
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Luriathough apparently i didnt open ssh or anything useful on my ubuntu box... other than nfs, id think it was a semi secure windows box09:01
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Lurianow i have to work on a openvpn front end, because if it's running on my n800 and i come home, the routing gets messed up, for obvious reasons.09:02
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Luriai assume debian is the best scratchbox platform?09:04
pupnik_yes but sidux kernels don't work with scratchbox09:04
pupnik_you need... something compiled in that i forgot the name of09:04
Luriasid or sidux?09:06
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Luriaiirc, my debian machine is running etch09:06
Luriaany gotchas to be aware of?09:08
blast007Luria: I just recently set up scratchbox on etch. worked fine.09:10
blast007I just did a standard install w/ a desktop environment09:11
Luriawhich install script did you use09:11
Luriasorry, this is the first chance ive had to do this09:11
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Luriaalso, can i do this strictly from a shell?09:12
blast007  <-- I used the script on that page, and followed the INSTALL.TXT09:13
blast007and yeah, should be able to do it all on the shell09:13
pupnik_this is just an issue with 'sidux' (the most convenient straight-debian-sid distro I know of)09:13
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Luriayeah, reading INSTALL.TXT right now09:14
Luriaone other thing, for simple cross compiling (e.g. cli apps), can that be done from a shell?09:15
Luriai forgot if i set up nx or xrdp09:15
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Luriaok, then ill go do that :-)09:19
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rm_youwow, the tutorial on the wiki for making statusbar plugins is broken :/09:24
Luriathats a problem, cause I wanted to do a openvpn frontend as my first project :-/09:24
LoCusFis there a statusbar clock for OS2008?09:25
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blast007LoCusF: 00:17:43 < GeneralAntilles> osso-statusbar-cpu is a good one.09:27
blast00700:19:56 < GeneralAntilles>
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Luriaanyone around?10:01
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kulveLuria: if you have a question, ask it. Maybe somebody answers..10:07
Luriawas just asking about setting up the sdk10:07
Luriawhich package set to use10:07
Luriawhether there is a big difference between runtime + dev or runtime+dev+debug10:07
Luriaor why the default is not the +debug set10:08
tank-manyou can change it after the fact10:08
Luriayeah, i saw that10:08
Luriais the debug set handy? diskspace is not an issue10:08
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tank-mani am not knowlegdable enough to help, sorry10:09
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Luriawow, the sdk server is fast10:12
Luriai mean downloading the sdk10:12
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jjoI guess debug not set by default seemed like a good compromise between install time and functionality10:14
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Luriamy time is worthless :-)10:15
Luriawell, at 3am it is10:15
Luriai probably dont want to read this eula10:16
jjobut those options are just some options. oen could install just the runtime system and just the dev and dbg packages that were needed10:16
tank-manthey should change the "windows" key on the keyboard to the "next" key10:17
Luriabelieve it or not, i actually use the windows key10:17
Luriawin+r and win+e are pretty handy10:17
tank-manwould be a breeze to get thru eula and other installs10:17
Luriawhat, you didnt get an ANY key with your keyboard?10:18
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simfoshoim trying to flash my n800 to use os2008 via this guide:, but my console is stuck at suitable usb device not found, waiting10:23
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simfoshois there something classic ppl fuck up here, which I might also have fucked up10:23
Luriausually the sequence of button pressing10:24
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Luriahold home, hit power until you see it power up and then release the power button immediately10:25
Luriahold home until the usb port appears onscreen (top right corner)10:25
Luriathat is continue to hold home10:26
jjoreally? well it says so there on the page10:26
Luriait is on the page10:26
jjowhat is the reason for holding down the home key?10:26
Luriabut the timing is a pain10:27
simfoshoit is working now :D10:27
Lurianp :-)10:27
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Luriathe home key puts it in flash mode and not mass storage mode10:27
Luriai assume10:27
jjowhat I've allways done is detach all cables and shut down the device, attach usb cable, run the flasher and plug in the charger10:30
Luriaodd. im surprised that works without holding home10:32
Luriayou can use plugging in instead of the power button -this i know10:32
Luriabut im surprised your method works10:32
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Luriaas long as simfosho's IT is updating, it doesnt matter :-)10:33
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jjothis was really the first time I heard about holding the home key and I've flashed several devices10:35
Luriathats the official way10:36
michele_I flashed my N810 yesterday, it's not needed, on Linux at least10:36
Luriaall the docs (and windows installer) do it that way10:36
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michele_but my question is another10:36
jjomaybe I should try the official way some day :)10:36
michele_I can't get Maemo Mapper to work10:36
michele_the included Map program works, but MM says it can't connect to the GPS device10:37
michele_the internal one10:37
Luriadid you scan for the bluetooth mac address?10:38
michele_the problem is I started it the first time with the GPS disabled, could that be the cause?10:38
Luria(sorry, im not going to be a ton of help here, i dont have a n810)10:38
Luriaand of course, you have to enable gps in the menu10:38
michele_the internal one shouldn't be bluetooth10:38
michele_I did10:38
GeneralAntillesjjo, it's not really necessary if you get the timing right.10:38
Luriaof course10:38
Luriayou do need to select bluetooth, but not put in a mac address10:40
Luria(the wonders of google)10:40
michele_thank you!10:41
Luriai kinda suspected that was the case :-)10:41
michele_I saw the device file in /dev, so I told it to use that10:41
michele_but no dice10:41
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michele_have to say the internal GPS is rather crappy, though10:42
Luriait is10:42
Luriaanother reason i havent upgraded10:43
Luria"upgraded" i mean :-)10:43
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michele_now there is one thing I really really want10:46
michele_a PDF reader that works in portrait mode10:47
michele_fbreader doesn't read PDFs10:47
michele_and I don't feel like using plucker on all my tech books10:47
Luriasigh. cant help you there.10:47
Luriai miss evince.10:47
Luriatho i dont know if it did portrait10:48
michele_the included reader would be fine, if only it would rotate...10:48
Luriawhat you really want is DE/reflowed pdf10:48
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michele_yes, evince can rotate10:48
Luriai never noticed that under 200710:48
michele_2007 had evince?10:48
Luriamuch faster than the native pdf reader10:49
michele_I meant that evince on gnome can rotate :)10:49
simfoshowhat is the default console texteditor in os2008, im used to nano and after I just flashed my n800, it doesnt have nano installed and its not in the apt repository :|10:49
simfoshoah crap :p10:49
Luriawhich is why vi is best (except that vim is better)10:49
johnxnano is available10:50
Luriavi is *always* the default editor, especially in small systems10:50
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VeggenI would recommend learning a bit of vi. It's a very powerful editor, although not particulary beginner-friendly.10:51
GeneralAntillesIt's not so bad once you understand the concept.10:51
Luriaactually i would suggest installing vim and running vimtutor10:51
Luriamost of what you will learn is backwards compatible10:52
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michele_also not particularly suited to a thumb-keyboard :)10:52
Luriawith the notable exception of undo, where the busybox vi sucks10:52
michele_and I say this as a vim used10:52
michele_I guess it's the original vi, with one level of undo10:53
simfoshoawesome GeneralAntilles :D just what I needed10:53
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Luriameh - as long as you remember the cancel key = escape , it's fine - and I say this as a N800 user :-)10:53
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Luriabut I did get an apple BT keyboard for longer vim sessions10:54
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GeneralAntillesWish they still had a numpad on their BT boards.10:54
Luriaseriously tho, you cant use linux without *some* vi skills10:54
GeneralAntillesOr that somebody would stick a BT module into a Model M.10:54
* GeneralAntilles has a new project for next summer.10:54
Luriamaybe cherry makes one ?10:55
simfoshoLuria, used linux for around 8 years without ever touching vi/vim now10:55
GeneralAntillesWonder how much it would take to talk Unicomp into it.10:55
michele_yes, most of my colleagues don't know vi10:55
Luriasimfosho, if you find yourself using systems with busybox, it is very handy10:55
Luriaespecially when there is limited space to install something else10:56
michele_Luria: "using system with busybox" is not that a typical Linux usage scenario :)10:56
JaffaMorning, all10:56
Luriait is here :-)10:56
michele_there's a whole world outside there, you know ;)10:56
Luriaplus wrt distros are a common thing10:56
Luriafor moderatedly skilled users10:57
johnxI avoided anything more than rudimentary vi for 8 years of Linux use as well10:58
Luriai didnt say you needed anything more than rudimentary skills10:58
Luriabut if you cant switch modes, or save, or  even :q10:58
johnxit's ungodly annoying if you don't know how to cut n' paste in it though10:58
Luriayou will likely run into problems10:59
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johnxfair enough10:59
johnxyeah if you don't know :q! then eventually something will throw you into vi based on the $EDITOR var and you'll be stuck10:59
Luriaeven if it just to edit sudoers and sources.lst (or equivalent) to install the editor of your choice10:59
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michele_I think by now most "normal" users (I mean this as desktop users) can manage Linux without ever touching the shell or vi11:05
michele_if you are tinkering on it, that's a whole different story11:06
johnxand even then every debian/ubuntu for the last 4+ years has had nano in the default install11:06
michele_I see many new users using synaptic to install stuff, and I absolutely don't understand how they can not hate it :)11:07
Luriasynaptic isnt too bad11:07
johnxwhy hate it?11:07
michele_ok, it's me, then11:07
Luriaa bit clunky, but it's always done what i wanted11:07
michele_I find it very clunky11:07
johnxit is a little painful on low end hardware, but it has type-ahead find and that's really 90% of what I want11:08
Luriai mean, (especially on the n800) i still use dpkg and apt-get11:08
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Luriaand there is always aptitude11:08
Luria(for x86)11:08
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Luriaactually, i would love aptitude for maemo11:09
Luria<- he says while finishing up his scratchbox install11:09
johnxstrangely enough even aptitude it quite slow on my zaurus11:10
johnxmight have to do with how slow the SD access is though11:10
Luriayou have not hated a package manager until you have used the default maemo one11:10
michele_aptitude FTW11:10
Luriawhich zaurus?11:10
Luriai thought about that for a week before jumping on the n800 bandwagon last june11:11
johnxgood choice11:11
Luriabut the speed and lack of support turned me away11:11
johnxthe web browser situation is what killed it for me11:11
Luriathe death of my 5600 didnt hurt either11:11
johnxI still play with it though11:11
Luriathe charging circuit just died11:11
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johnxthe keyboard on it is really nice though11:12
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johnxboth the 5x00 and the cxx00 keyboards11:12
Luriayeah, i would love a nokia in c1000/3200 format11:13
cosmowhere can i find (or is there) libglade2-0 for maemo?11:13
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michele_Luria: oh well, as for package managers to hate there is always dselect...11:14
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Luriameh. i miss (open)bsd's port/package system11:14
Luriaprobably why i favor debian, its the most bsd like linux, imo11:15
michele_no, that is (or rather was) slackware11:16
Luriawell, yeah, kinda11:16
Luriai havent used slackware in a long time11:17
Luriaand maybe its the effects of time on my memories, but i find debian "cleaner" somehow11:17
johnxcosmo, check out
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Luriaone sec, nx'ing11:17
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Luriayes, yes i am.11:19
Luriagod i love my new openvpn setup11:20
cosmobora extras seems to have libglade11:20
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Luriacareful with mixing that with chinook11:20
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|tbb|anyone familar with the script case syntax from shell11:22
johnx|tbb|, I know the basics11:23
johnx|tbb|, Are you trying to do something fancy?11:24
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johnxShot in the dark here: Does anyone know how the resolution independence in maemo is progressing?11:28
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Luriahmmm scratchbox is fun11:29
Luriai cant wait to play11:30
X-Fade_johnx: You can try this on your regular pc:
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|tbb|not really i would like to know how i can fire up a function after a case is selected i will pm you just a sec11:30
X-Fade_johnx: There seem to be packages for gutsy, so I guess testing is easy..11:30
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|tbb|johnx got it?11:34
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johnxwas afk11:37
michele_oh, they are working on a resolution-indipendent UI?11:37
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michele_that's great11:39
Luriatheories abound11:39
AD-N770good morning11:39
michele_however, I am spoiled by using the iPhone touch screen11:40
michele_that's really slick11:40
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Luriameh. i know some hacker buddies are impressed, but i'm just not.11:40
jkyro_anybody know about making python debs?11:41
Luriagrrr.... something as useful as xrdp should be in a debian repository11:41
jkyro_e.g. why doesn't work?11:41
michele_Luria: the touch screen is much better than anything else, more sensitive, more precise11:41
michele_as for the software, that's up to your tastes11:42
jkyro_or rather, where is pyversions?11:42
Luriamaybe. i would prefer a better maemo interface and a small, long life, triband hsdpa phone.11:42
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rm_you_Anyone know what GTK container is being used in the brightness / volume statusbar apps? Whatever it is manages to hold a hscale widget... GTK_MENU doesn't seem to be willing to hold one, as i can't make it into a menu_item >_>11:45
matmomorning all. Need help getting logging into SB. Started Xephyr but get "ERROR: Scratchbox is not properly set up! (1)" trying to log into SB11:45
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bedboii got my n810!11:46
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rm_youRather, is it possible to force a GTK hscale widget into a menu container somehow?11:46
matmobtw: this is not a new SB install. Had it running in vmware for over a month but had to restart to increase display resolution11:46
matmobedboi: congrats! Waiting for mine any day now.11:47
bedboii have a problem11:47
bedboithe gps seems not to work properly11:47
bedboii never been able to get full signal11:47
michele_get outside and wait :)11:48
infobotbedboi meant: i've never been able to get full signal11:48
michele_it's just that crappy11:48
matmobedboi: read the long thread on ITT?11:48
bedboimatmo: nope11:48
bedboimatmo: is it a hw problem?11:48
matmofirst time can take a while11:48
bedboimatmo: can you define "while"?11:49
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michele_several minutes11:49
Luriathats often the case for gps units11:49
matmobest read the ITT thread. Varies11:49
bedboiok matmo11:49
matmoany devs?11:50
matmoneed help logging in to SB11:50
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X-Fade_bedboi: It is the same gps as in N95. Those have a really hard time to get a fix.11:51
bedboithe one in neo seems very fast11:51
johnxmatmo, do you get an error when you run /scratchbox/login?11:51
bedboiit gets like 20 seconds11:51
X-Fade_bedboi: For N95 they added A-GPS to shorten the time to get a fix.11:51
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X-Fade_bedboi: First fix is always slower. It caches the current position to get a fix quicker every time after that..11:52
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matmojohnx: just "ERROR: Scratchbox is not properly set up! (1)"11:52
X-Fade_bedboi: Just leave it near a window and let it sit :)11:52
bedboiin my office i sit near a widow (< 1 m)11:53
bedboiso it's natural place is near a window :)11:53
bedboibtw other than this issue the device is really great11:54
bedboithe keyboard is really amazing11:54
johnxmatmo, are you on debian/ubuntu? is the /etc/init.d/scratchbox-core service started?11:55
|tbb|bedboi, happy hacking11:56
bedboi|tbb|: thanks11:56
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matmojohnx: I am using Puppy Linux (in VMWare). Doesn't appear to be any service running11:57
matmojohnx: maybe I have missed a step but isn't it: start Xephyr, log-in to SB, start AF11:58
matmo...and the SB log-in would start whatever needed11:59
matmoafaik I am following the destructions to the letter12:00
johnxit could be an incompatibility between puppy linux and scratchbox12:00
johnxis there a reason you're attached to it? trying a normal debian-based distro might be easier in the long run ...12:00
matmobut I've had it working several times. Only changed from xorg to xvesa this morning... hmmm, maybe thats the problem12:01
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johnxoh! you already got it running once12:01
johnxok, well that's easier12:01
matmoyep, for several months now12:02
johnxI don't think the x server matters at this stage12:02
johnxso what else did you do since the last time that you had it working?12:02
matmoagree, nothing else changed12:02
johnxyou also might want to try /etc/init.d/scratchbox-core restart then try logging in to scratchbox again12:03
chillehow do i compile a makefile with scratchbox?12:04
matmolooking for it now12:04
chillei can't figure out how to juse compile the file12:04
rm_youchille: type "make"12:04
rm_youI assume there are other files along with it?12:04
rm_youLike something.c ?12:04
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chillerm_you: yeah, and then i get SBOX_CPUTRANSPARENCY_METHOD not set12:05
bedboioh, i got the signal12:05
chilleyes it is, i'm trying to compile sqlite312:05
X-Fade_chille: sqlite3 is already in the device?12:06
rm_youtry "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=n8x0 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b"12:06
chilleX-Fade_: no i'ts not?12:06
chilleX-Fade_: well maybe it is, but there is no admin tools for sqlite312:07
rm_youalso, yes, sqlite3 is there :)12:07
chilleX-Fade_: so i can't create and/or modify a database from the console12:07
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rm_youthe command line interface is via the package "sqlite" i belive12:07
chilleand where do i get that?12:07
rm_youapt-get install sqlite12:08
chillethe only sqlite package i can find is for sqlite212:08
chillewell, theres another problem with running apt-get install, i don't have the root password :/12:09
chillehmm.. lol.. wtf.. now "sudo gainroot" works12:10
chilleall other times it asked me for a root password :(12:10
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chillewell, maybe it solved my problem then. thanks for the help12:11
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Luriawtf, my etch box doesnt have gcc12:15
Luriathat might be why make failed, huh.12:16
rm_youbuild-essential FTW :P12:18
rm_youmeanwhile, i'm going to pass out.12:18
Luriasigh. my debian box is turning into a dedicated headless development machine12:21
Luriawell, it wasnt doing anything.12:21
johnxyup, gcc will do that alright. First it's a simple package recompile then next thing you know it you're up at 3AM ... "hacking"12:22
Luriawell, its worse12:22
Luriait was openvpn12:22
Luriathen, oh i got routing working12:22
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Luriamight as well put that etch box to work12:23
Luriathen it was scratchbox12:23
Luriabut nx is screwy with resolutions,12:23
Luriaso it became, hmmm xrdp - interesting12:23
Luriaand then make failed,12:24
Luriaand then it became 5:30am12:24
matmojohnx: ok, got the service started but now get "sudo: can't stat /etc/sudoers: No such file or directory" when attempting to log-in as "sbuser"12:24
johnxthat's no good12:25
Mintihow to create your own hildon theme12:25
matmonever had all this before. Guess I have to add "sbuser" to sudoers?12:25
johnxit looks like sudoers doesn't even exist12:25
Luriaotoh, i now have a real openvpn setup with certs, multiple clients, and seamless routing - not like the previous psk passthrough to my winxp box...12:25
johnxmatmo, do you think something might have broken on your puppy linux install?12:26
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Luria...and a working scratchbox12:26
johnx/etc/sudoers doesn't just get up and go away...12:26
chilleX-Fade_: the sqlite in your links is only the library, not the CLI tools :(12:26
Luriasudo rm will make it run12:26
Mintihow to create your own hildon theme?12:27
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johnxMinti, lots of google results for "howto make hildon theme"12:27
matmojohnx: correct, doesn't exist. Maybe because Puppy originally runs as root, although I have since added another user "sbuser".12:28
johnxright, but /scratchbox/login never complained before?12:28
matmojohnx: still, sb login *has* worked prreviously12:28
matmohmmm, checking out "adduser"12:29
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|tbb|whats the name of the modest developer, does he stay on irc sometimes?12:38
Luriayeah, cant recall his name, but he's been here12:38
X-Fade_|tbb|: djcb and pvanhoof..12:39
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Luriaalrighty, offline mode for me12:55
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Lurianight/morning all12:55
X-Fade_islandsvinur: Did you call the 0800 today yet? Keep the presure high ;)12:58
islandsvinurX-Fade_: I'm sure someone else confused them today already :)12:58
X-Fade_islandsvinur: Yeah, I called them and they confirmed the problem. But they are still waiting for a solution from Nokia Finland.12:59
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islandsvinurX-Fade_: yup, that's what I  heard on the phone yesterday, they'd get back to me within 48 hours via mail, so I'll just wait (and continue playing around with my n810 ;))13:00
X-Fade_islandsvinur: I also tried to order a N810 and they were going to ship it without mentioning that it is the wrong version.13:00
X-Fade_islandsvinur: So they haven't learnt anything :D13:00
matmojohnx: success! I must have run "run_me_first" and selected "use sudo mode" earlier. Note to self: must make notes to self :-$13:02
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|tbb|when does modest look for an email? also if there is no active connection to wan?13:21
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lardmanIs there a good intro to how to setup an svn repo anywhere?13:28
DistThough it contains also everything else about svn also =D13:30
lardmanhmm, I'm not after the technical details, but rather what one should put inside, branches, trunk, etc.13:31
lardmanah, looks like that's in there actually, thanks13:32
hullfandanmorning lardman. Did you get your 810?13:32
lardmanhullfandan: yes thanks13:33
lardmanhullfandan: how's your sdl testing going?13:33
hullfandanlardman: much better for your help thanks. I'm still haveing trouble with my makefile and the sdl lib but I'll get there13:33
lardmanhullfandan: what's your problem then>13:34
hullfandanlardman: but I'm happy sftp'ing stuff to the device and trying to run it on the device now thanks13:34
lardmanhullfandan: :)13:34
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lardmanWith the garage projects, it looks like there's a commits list and a forum, do any projects have discussion lists?13:35
hullfandanlardman: basically I have lazilly been using esbox/eclispe to run my code in Xephyr as x86. I now need to sort out my make file so i can build to areml target from the command line13:36
lardmanhullfandan: ah, ok, well good luck :)13:36
hullfandanlardman: and I don't think I am calling the libs correctly. I'll get there though. If I get really stuck I'll ask on here but I like to struggle with these things for t least 24 hours first ;)13:37
lardmanhullfandan: np, I'm not all that hot on Makefiles, I tend to create one then copy it for all my projects changing names as I go along13:38
hullfandanlardman: me too, but that falls over a bit when you start referencing new libraries and files, etc. I am much happier today though so I'll get thre :D13:39
lardmanssvb: ping13:42
ssvblardman: pong13:42
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lardmanssvb: I was looking at that dsp colour conversion task the other day and was wondering where the call to the lcd controller to change the framebuffer format will be made?13:43
Jaffalardman: I know mud-builder has a discussion list; others probably do too13:43
lardmanssvb: should that be done in my lib or will mplayer have already done it?13:44
lardmanJaffa: ok, I just setup a dst-tremor garage project and thought a mailing list would be the best way to discuss things13:44
lardmanJaffa: I'll have a look and do some more requesting :)13:44
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ssvblardman: I had an impression that DSP can request screen update itself (which is handled in kernel on ARM side without swithing to userspace)13:45
lardmanssvb: it can perform the update, but can't change the format afaict13:45
lardmanssvb: I presume some ioctl call must be made to say whether you want rgb or yuvXXX, etc.13:46
ssvblardman: color format is part of screen update request (in addition to position and size)13:46
lardmanssvb: oh, hmm13:46
lardmanssvb: I'll have to have another look at the dsp-side update call, I didn't think it took any params (but I only had a quick look)13:47
ssvblardman: framebuffer api is 'stateless' in this respect, which is a good thing. otherwise concurrent access to framebuffer from mplayer and xserver would have a lot more problems than we have now13:47
lardmanssvb: Oh yes that's good, I just didn't realise it was13:48
lardmanssvb: I'll have to get on and finishing the interface lib so you can link it to mplayer and I can start testing whether my conversion routine works13:48
michele_why is people using mplayer instead of the included framework?13:48
lardmanssvb, all yours :)13:49
michele_I though that would be better because it uses the hardware decoding when available13:49
michele_I doubt mplayer does that13:49
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lardmanGstreamer uses the dsp for audio only (it used to use it for video too)13:49
lardmanssvb has got mplayer to use the mp3 decoder dsp task13:50
lardmanso that is a mute point for video with an mp3 audio track13:50
lardmanmoot even13:50
lardmanI'm sure ssvb will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he found it easier to work with the mplayer code and people than the gstreamer ones13:51
michele_so what is the advantage of using mplayer? broader formats support?13:52
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lardmanbetter arm optimisation of many things13:52
lardmanand yes, more formats13:52
|tbb|wow @  powerlaunch 0.7 has now been released. This is the first releasewith a mce replacement and a goal of having the default install bea drop-in replacement for systemui/mce.13:53
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Spakmanalterego: I notice your repos is down and has a holding page. Where should I look for updates?13:55
ssvblardman: regarding DSP color format library, it should really improve video performance on Nokia 770 (for VGA resolution videos), though I'm not sure if it will be enough for practical use with any such high resolution videos. Anyway, it is an interesting project :)13:56
lardmanssvb: yeah, something to occupy some spare time :)13:56
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michele_lardman: but I noticed that, at least with MediaBox (which uses mplayer), the audio playing sometimes skips when doing other things, while that doesn't happen with the built-in media player13:57
lardmanssvb: Once I've worked out the framebuffer format it would be interesting to try scaling too, assuming it's fast enough13:57
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ssvblardman: I have some ideas for scaling too13:57
lardmanmichele_: that would be a question for ssvb, not for me13:57
lardmanmichele_: but I'd guess that with other things taking up cpu time, the video & audio sync suffers; I imagine this might also happen with the built in player13:58
michele_lardman: just playing MP3s, not videos13:58
ssvblardman: It should be possible to generate some optimized scaling functions for a few popular resolutions (QCIF, CIF, 640x360->800x450, ...)14:00
lardmanmichele_: well you could probably fix that by altering the mplayer config file to use the dsp for mp3 decoding14:00
lardmanssvb: with specific optimised instructions for each I presume14:00
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ssvblardman: I mean some automatically generated static C code (heavily unrolling loops) tuned for each source resolution separately14:02
lardmanssvb: yep14:02
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|tbb|anyone has ever worked with powerlaunch?14:08
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bedboii have a quick question...  how to access to the luminosity sensor on n810?14:20
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lardmanis it exposed in the sysfs?14:29
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t_s_oah, sometimes im just to damn lucky. just found myself a used N800 :D14:30
lardmanhi pupnik77014:30
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pupnik770hii lardman14:31
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|tbb|powerlaunch seems not work on n810, right now14:36
|tbb|cant use the power button anymore after doing the howto steps14:36
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hullfandanYAY. I just got my sdl code running on hardware. It crashes after a bit but I don't care, it works. That took ages :/14:37
hullfandanthanks for your help transfering it to thedevice lardman14:38
lardmannp, glad you've got it working14:40
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pupnik770hullfandan: i am interested in sdl14:42
pupnik770do you have a page to share your experiences?14:43
* truls played around with pygame lately, fun way to do sdl on n800 :)14:43
pupnik770i am your sdl friend14:43
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lardmanah, regarding lists on garage projects, I see that I can add a new one14:54
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nick_fnOn OS2007, is there a way to switch off the dimming when the tablet has mains power? I'd like to use it as a photo frame...15:09
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pupnik770yes nick15:10
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pupnik770gives you different power profiles when on mains and on battery15:11
pupnik770wb doc home15:11
doc|homehey pupnik77015:11
pupnik770you see the link on constitutional education15:12
nick_fnpupnik770: thanks. 404 though?15:12
pupnik770oh crap wrong channel15:12
pupnik770ok nick go to and click on acmonitor15:12
nick_fnoh, lots of cool stuff. UAE :-)15:12
pupnik770yeah i dry15:12
nick_fncannon fodder?! I hope....15:12
pupnik770uae needs work15:13
pupnik770i'll get back into it soon, the battle for freedom in the USA has sidetracked my maemo work15:14
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nick_fnpupnik770: will this let me turn *off* the delay before dimming? I see no option for that, the max seems 2 minutes15:18
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pupnik770NickDe: ok the max delay is a dealybob you need to do from the command line15:20
pupnik770search the internettalk forums15:20
nick_fnok, ta15:20
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pupnik770imm sorry we didnt make it built in15:23
pupnik770you need to do some shell stuff to extend the screen timeouts15:23
nick_fnI've not found a reply on ITT talk yet, just people asking the same as me :-)15:24
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pupnik770NickDe: sorry i don't have the link handy15:28
nick_fnok, thank you anyway15:28
pupnik770search gconf and screen delay15:28
pupnik770i'm on the 770 and its kind of a pita to search ITT15:28
pupnik770ITT is not tabletl friendly15:28
pupnik770i posted a thread showing how to extend the timeouts15:28
pupnik770search posts by arnims15:29
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nick_fnah, thanks!15:32
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matmowooo, N810 arrived! Order Sunday, despatched Monday, arrived Wednesday (std del). Happy, happy, happy :-$15:32
JaffaYay, Mrs Jaffa says developer N810's arrived (UK)15:33
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nick_fn /system/osso/dsm/display/possible_display_blank_timeouts , that's very handy :-)15:35
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pupnik770matmo wheree15:38
pupnik770nick yeah you can extend it15:38
pupnik770should be default15:38
pupnik770uk was early, kudos to the shop15:38
pupnik770here's a fact to spinnn your head15:39
pupnik770the omap 3430 was announced in feb 200615:39
pupnik770two years from the soc to the products15:40
pupnik770long time in the portable world15:40
X-Fade_pupnik770: Wait until the first Nokia phones appear with it. Then you know that a tablet with them is around the corner ;)15:41
X-Fade_pupnik770: N8x0 is basically a N95.15:41
pupnik770hey i dont want to say bad things.  nokia are HEROESs15:42
pupnik770for supporting linux like this15:42
X-Fade_pupnik770: That's why I still believe we can have video-out on N8x0 ;)15:42
pupnik770i'm sitting in a  bar using irssi dammit15:42
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pupnik770you don't mean N9x0?15:42
X-Fade_Nope.. N800 and N810..15:43
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pupnik770there is no video out for them15:43
X-Fade_The omap supports it and the jack plug is wired..15:43
pupnik770what u talkin bout willus15:43
pupnik770it IS?15:43
pupnik770what plug?15:43
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X-Fade_The audio plug. or Nokia AV plug..15:44
X-Fade_4 banded connector..15:44
pupnik770i need to review the schematics :P15:44
X-Fade_Check the default N810 customer page..15:44
X-Fade_3.5 mm stereo headphone plug (Nokia AV Connector)15:45
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X-Fade_There is support for tv-out in the linux-omap tree. The problem is that the framebuffer size is for smaller displays. So that needs to be changed.15:47
pupnik770um. video out would be a huge selling point15:48
pupnik770for commpeting with aqrchos etc15:48
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vegaiN810 as a media center? :)15:49
X-Fade_pupnik770: Yeah, but it will be quite some work to get it working.15:49
fugitivoif video out makes the tablet bigger i don't want that feature15:49
X-Fade__if_ i'm right about it being wired :)15:49
pupnik770i gotta run. cu15:49
X-Fade_fugitivo: The N95 has it too. It is just the audio jack.15:50
matmoooo sexy kb, ooo sexy pulsing greenlight :)15:50
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matmoooo sexy cover15:51
fugitivoX-Fade_: I don't like the N95 size :)15:51
fugitivofor a phone15:51
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X-Fade_fugitivo: Just saying that it doesn't make it larger ;)15:51
X-Fade_And I think there are other N-series with tv-out too?15:52
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glassX-Fade_: n93/i15:52
glassX-Fade_: e90 has the same omap but doesn't have tvout iirc..15:52
X-Fade_glass: Or it isn't enabled in software ;)15:53
glassX-Fade_: i'd reckon it's more to do with e90's inside screen being too hi res15:53
glassthough it has 3d accel in hw for that too15:54
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X-Fade_glass: Well, that is the problem we face too, I guess.15:54
X-Fade_glass: Hardly 320x240 ;)15:54
fugitivoI think the idea of the internet tablet is working with internet/lan connections15:55
fugitivoif you can stream content to your house media system, tv out is not needed15:55
alteregoSpakman, I've had issues with my server, I'm reinstalling it at the moment. So it should all be back up there by the end of the day.15:55
X-Fade_fugitivo: Yeah, that is why the N95 can act as a upnp server.15:56
X-Fade_fugitivo: We could do that too on the tablets.15:56
Spakmanalterego: cheers15:57
kulveX-Fade_: does n95 upnp server support uploading? :)15:57
Spakmanalterego: have you played with Ruby 1.9.0 on Maemo yet?15:57
X-Fade_kulve: The media center would play media off the n95..15:57
fugitivoactually my house doesn't have regular TVs, I use diskless miniitx with mythtv server15:57
Spakmangood/bad experience?15:58
alteregoSpakman, only briefly. I managed to get it to compile.15:59
JaffaProblem with saying "oh, you could stream it out to your house media server" is that I want my N810 to have TV out for when I'm away from home, hotel rooms etc.15:59
alteregoWhich took some effort :)15:59
JaffaWhen I'm at home I can use the media on my house media server directly - don't need to get the tablet involved.15:59
alteregoSpakman, I'm hoping to get a good build environment with scratchbox 2 for ruby 1.915:59
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fugitivoJaffa: choose a hotel with modern media devices :)16:00
devX-Fade_: the question is, can you send/upload a media file to some UPnP media server with the N9516:00
X-Fade_Jaffa: Yeah, I now load my N95 up with videos. Works great..16:00
Jaffa...which is exactly how I used my Archos Gmini 400 with DivX playback and TV out16:00
Jaffafugitivo: possibly, after winning the lottery and a massive investment in UK hotels (or French holiday gites/villas)16:00
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X-Fade_dev: I only used it as server..16:00
devX-Fade_: there are rumours that it does and that's it doesn't16:01
devX-Fade_: ok, cause I have that import feature in my UPnP server, and if the N95 would support that, it would be the first commercial client that supports that16:02
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ywwgI don't understand this at all, can someone help me understand the rationale?:
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alteregoDo the N810's come with screen protectors?16:19
X-Fade_alterego: Well, one. If you count the factory protection thingie ;)16:20
X-Fade_alterego: But that one will scratch up pretty quickly..16:20
alteregoOh, okay.16:20
alteregoThat's good then.16:20
Jaffaywwg: your comment seems fine to me16:22
sp3000ywwg: it's in the os2008 repo16:24
ywwgsp3000: not in scratchbox it's not, I can't find the deb files anywhere16:24
sp3000(which is a source only repo)16:24
nick_fnDo 770 screen protectors fit the 800 BTW? If so, I'll order a 770 one from Brando workshop (I love their protectors)16:26
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unique311are the devs for peekaboo planning to release it for os2008..16:26
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dick_turpinIs there a way to fix the applets in place on the N810? I keep moving them by accident16:26
unique311i just tried to build it in chinook, and am not having no success.16:27
dpb_nick_fn: probably not, the shape is completely different16:28
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nick_fndpb_: ah, ok, thanks. I almost ordered one just in case :-)16:29
Jaffadick_turpin: no, not yet - I believe there's a bug open16:30
dpb_oh, maybe I didn't quite understand what a "screen protector" is..16:30
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dick_turpinJaffa: Guessed as much, its a real pain to get them back in place16:31
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dpb_nick_fn: yeah, was checking there already :) it probably fits, as the screen should be the same size..16:33
nick_fnok, maybe I'll go for it then... I will mail them and ask if they will make a N800 specific one first though. They will probably know if it's the same or not, then maybe the will update the product name.16:34
ywwgsp3000: can you help me find the tarball then?  There's one on the website, but when I build it it's an older version than the one installed on os200816:35
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dpb_nick_fn: it's weird they have a 770 and a N810 one, but no N800..16:35
nick_fnI didn't spot the 810 one yet. search didn't find it, but I see they have an UltraClear one now. I prefer the regular though :-)16:37
nick_fndpb_: do you think 810 might fit better?16:37
nick_fnI've only ever seen an N800 in person16:37
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dpb_nick_fn: I believe they all have the same screen, so either *should* fit16:39
ywwgsp3000: great thanks.16:39
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chilleis it possible to change the startup picture of the N800?16:48
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pupnik_"When seconds count, just remember, the cops are only minutes away!" -- author unknown17:08
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unique311you want to get them there really quick, say officer down.17:09
LoCusFblast007: thanks, but is there an OS2008 build?17:09
unique311never fails.17:09
lardmanunique311: you call them often :)17:10
unique311btw, this would be on a payphone17:11
unique311i wouldn't advise you to do it over your cell or house phone.17:11
lardmanwith no overlooking CCTV cameras and keep the call <29s ;)17:11
unique311they don't like it much.17:11
unique311but if someone is dying, and you want them there really quick.  officer down will get them there.17:12
LoCusF <- is everyone elses ad-block plus icon huge on this page?17:12
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unique311lardman, those cctv cams are not that accurate.17:16
unique311but i am seeing an overwhelming number of NYPD cameras on the light poles.  wonder if they are using good quality camera's in those.17:17
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lardmanunique311: we have lots in the uk17:19
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lardmanderf: you able to answer another one of my annoying Vorbis questions? :)17:19
CrashandDiehello everyone17:20
lardmanderf: I'm looking at _make_decode_table() in codebook.c and notice that the lowmem-no-byte code is different to Monty's Neuros code. Namely Monty's code seems to ignore the value of (codebook *)s->dec_nodeb17:22
lardmanderf: just wondering what this value represents and whether I should implement the changes in the lowmem-no-byte code17:23
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alteregoWas ist der kommant fur screenshot gergessen?17:29
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alteregoI'd prefer the command thanks :P17:31
deejoeI don't know if xwd is available in maemo17:32
alteregoAh, that might be it.17:32
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mgedminwhich became screenshot-tool in chinook17:32
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deejoewhile we're at it, there was an enhanced osso-xterm I had used for OS2007 that I have yet to find for OS2008.  Anyone here now familiar with this?17:33
alteregoHow do you mean enhanced?17:34
lardmanit's not been ported afaik, there was stuff about this on the ml a few weeks ago when os2008 was released17:35
deejoethe shortcuts were along the right instead of at the bottom, there were additional shortcuts, and the shortcuts were hot-keyed, instead of, for instance, Ctrl bring up a dialogue box.17:35
deejoeall in all, it was *much* more functional for using the soft keyboard with ssh+screen17:35
lardmanread the ml discussion, the end of which was if you want it the sources are available so compile it yourself17:36
alteregoYes, that's the same program.17:36
alteregoIt's just a newer discussion.17:36
alteregos/discussion/version/ ,,17:36
lardmansame answer I imagine :)17:36
deejoeok, thanks for the pointers.17:36
lardmandeejoe: or ask someone nicely if they'll do it for you17:37
deejoesomeone, would you please compile that version for me?  :-)17:37
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deejoehaha, I called it "enhanced" because I was mis-remembering the word "advanced"17:38
deejoeas in
lardmanI can't get the site to respond...17:38
lardmanah, it's woken up17:38
lardmanI wonder why it's not been updated by the author?17:39
lardmaninz: is that xterm your project?17:40
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unique311got that damn thing to build.17:52
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unique311peekaboo for os2008.17:53
unique311just hope it works now..17:53
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elbwhat's  up with all the people on itt talking about the nits being locked to Sprint?18:06
elbI've seen that in several threads18:06
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alteregoMy N810 is here!18:08
alteregoIt's so sexy ..18:09
alteregoSmells funny though.18:09
alteregoFeels heavier than the N800 too ,,18:10
unique311so i manage to get peekaboo to build for os2008, but broke my scratchbox in the process.18:10
zoranhow did you that?18:10
unique311but not peekaboo's fualt.18:10
unique311i had to remove some stuff in order to install peekaboo.18:11
unique311and i think i broke stuff doing so.18:11
zoraninstall it again18:11
zoranapt-get makes all deps on18:11
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unique311actually i have to build peekaboo again, i was wondering why they place all the needed vlc stuff in usr/local/lib18:12
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zoranbsd way to know what is in base and what is installed later18:12
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unique311well at least peekaboo starts.18:13
unique311so i know i did something right.18:13
unique311shouldn't an apt-get upgrade fix anything i did wrong and fix scratchbox18:13
Jaffaalterego: it *is* heavier. About 10%. But smaller. I much prefer the N810 to the N800, keyboard and cleaner styling a big part of it for me18:14
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alteregoJaffa, yes. It's beautiful.18:15
zoranunique311, it should18:15
alteregoJaffa, well worth the wait :) My only gripe, the pouch is horrible ;)18:15
alteregoAnd it smells very odd.18:15
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dragornalterego: on the upside, it's not all fuzzy, so it doesn't hang up on the inside of a pocket18:18
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* michele_ didn't smell the pouch :)18:20
michele_I think the earplugs are awful, though18:20
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unique311yeah it worked18:21
michele_they keep dropping off my ears18:21
jalenHello all - quick question - on my N800 running OS2008, I try to upgrade the Operating System (script to upgrade all packages) and it tells me it is unable to - any way I can fix that?18:21
unique311but still i'm going to rebuild it without --prefix=/usr18:21
sp3000alterego: meh, it's just being new, it'll pass18:22
alteregoThe pouch doesn't smell, the whole unit smells funny :P18:22
sp3000I could so work some innuendo from that18:22
doc|workjalen: more information would be useful18:22
* michele_ sniffs18:22
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alteregoNot the way the N800 smelled when it was new, which reminded me of the psion palmtops smell.18:22
jalenSays 'Some application packages required for the update are missing'18:22
michele_alterego: you are scary :)18:23
sp3000what weird person doesn't smell their electronics :P18:23
alteregoI'm scary because I make use of my senses?18:23
michele_I notice their smell, yes18:24
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michele_but usually I don't compare smells18:24
alteregoHmm, the screen protector is useless too.18:24
Luria ummm18:24
alteregoYou _have_ to take it off.18:24
michele_or even remember how years old hardware smelled (smelt?) when it was new18:24
Luriai shouldnt have woken up i think18:25
alteregoI think the smell is because of the metal.18:25
alteregoWhere as the N800 being mostly plastic.18:25
inzlardman, yes18:25
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michele_the guy that did maemo mapper is a wizard18:26
Andy80I got my n810 today :)18:26
Luriamerlin codes for maemo?18:27
JaffaThe N810's pouch is much better than the N800's though. This one at least has the advantage of keeping the device inside itself18:27
|tbb|i wonder how much improvements will come after "all" ppl getting their n810 now ;)18:28
dragornugh.  wlancond makes me want to stab things.18:28
alteregoJaffa, I just don't like the fake leather.18:30
alteregoAnd it smells awefull.18:30
dragornmine doesn't.18:31
* florian wonders if someone here knows the small of old russian cameras :-)18:31
gonpanybody knows what are the default values for WLAN seach interval and Idle times in OS2008?18:31
Luriayes, i know that smell18:31
dragorngonp: I seem to recall 10 and 1018:31
Luriaold cameras rock18:31
* alterego checks for the latest software version.18:32
dragornflorian: Most of my old camera gear smells vaguely of mildew since the leather cases rot eventually.18:32
|tbb|dragorn have you noticed kismet wont stop that much on os2008 n810  best was 4 hours (before battery goes out )18:32
alteregoUh-oh, old version!18:32
* alterego prepares to flash.18:32
gonpI have set 10 and 10, but I get this weird mesg "value conflicts with automatic connection settings in 'General'"18:33
dragorngonp: weird, never heard of that one18:33
lardmanalterego: I quite like the new Psion smell18:33
lardmaninz: I was just wondering if you were planning on releasing an os2008 version?18:33
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alteregolardman, me too, that's why I'm dissapointed ;)18:34
dragorngonp: mine is currently set to 10 for search, 10 for gprs idle, unlimited for wlan idle18:34
dragorngonp: ah.  and now I see that message.  Interesting.18:34
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gonpdragorn: but with unlimited your WLAN will never disconn? dont you get a flat batt over night?18:35
ywwgdoes anyone want to be a guinea pig and try installing some packages I've rolled on the hardware? I'm fairly sure it won't hose your tablet, but no guarantees18:36
lardmangonp: it goes to sleep even though it's connected, so the battery doesn't die too fast18:37
Jaffagonp: that pops up (it did in OS2007 as well) if you have "connect automatically to WLANs" ticked.18:37
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Luriaywwg, hell of a sales pitch :-) whatcha selling?18:37
zoranywwg, what you have on your mind?18:37
gonpso... search every 10m and idel time unlimited is a good setting?18:38
ywwgit's a python2.5-based awesome rss reader, which is going to be way better than the built-in reader18:38
zoraninstalling ms win on the device?18:38
|tbb|lardman: does it go to sleep if im connected through gtalk with precense thing?18:38
lardmangonp: it will still drain faster that way than off completely, but it doesn't die as quickly as I expected18:38
lardman|tbb|: I'm really talking about the connection here, I often ssh into my N800 to do DSP dev, if I leave the ssh session alone for too long it doesn't respond, I then need to make the N800 do something network related so the ssh session wakes up18:39
ywwgzoran: no, but I had to build my own gtkmozembed bindings for python18:39
alteregoWhere's the home button?18:39
alteregoOh, I think I see it.18:40
ywwgit works on x86 scratchbox, but on arm scratchbox is starts up and then immediately quits18:40
zoranywwg, therre is fine rawdog python rss reader18:40
ywwgI'm hoping that's just the emulation sucking18:40
lardman|tbb|: all the while I'm connected to MSN via the Jabber server and it happily falls asleep/fails to respond to ssh18:40
ywwgzoran: mine does (will do) enclosures and podcast support built-in18:41
ywwgright now everything works except that gstreamer is not correctly discovering the file type of the downloaded files18:41
zoranywwg, I use rawdog on all my bpxes; command line and very simple18:41
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ywwgzoran: I just want to see if the thing runs, you don't have to keep it18:41
ywwgzoran: I'm in the US, so my developer code doesn't work so I don't have hardware to test on18:42
zorank, post the link to source18:42
|tbb|is it possible to shutdown the wlancond (btw, is this the wlan connection daemon?)18:42
gonpI just realized that one can zoom in inside the control panel... cool.18:42
zoranywwg, python works on every box18:42
zoranhm, what file?18:43
zoranbtw. heard of win js problem?18:43
ywwgthe two ones that have "arm" in the filename18:43
zoranthere is just one18:44
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zorangnome extras and penguinTV18:44
ywwgzoran: yes18:44
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zoranI mostly just copy python files to gadget and use it adding modules if needed18:45
zoranthe best example is getmail18:46
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Andy80who the ****** did the rss applet for n810???!?!18:50
Andy80come on....18:50
Andy80I want the name :P18:50
gonpeasy andy18:50
Andy80it's impossible to move :S18:50
* elb boggles18:51
Andy80slow as a turtle when dragging around...18:51
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Luriawhat i want to know is, who had the bright idea of making the applets impossible to lock in place18:51
Andy80and almost impossible to move :\18:51
zoranmove the device then!18:51
gonpturn scrolling off, it helps18:51
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ywwgwhat's the api for writing an applet?  as opposed to an application?18:53
Andy80it's turned off18:53
Andy80I can resize it, but I cannot move18:53
JaffaAndy80: you need to do a swift, single drag without previously touching it18:53
Jaffaaim for the toolbar, and sort of swoop down on it, drag and let go18:54
gonpanybody using rawdog?18:54
Andy80Jaffa: in wich point do I have to touch/drag?18:54
zorangonp, I do18:54
derflardman: dec_nodeb is the number of bytes per node in the codebook.18:55
gonpi was using readermini but gave up, too slow... is rawdog good?18:55
ywwgX-Fade_: thanks18:55
zorangonp, yes, but a little slow on 77018:56
zoranall python is slow on it18:56
X-Fade_ywwg: And here are python examples:
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JaffaAndy80: OK, sequence is something like: 1) hold stylus up off the screen, 2) imagine a flat-bottomed curve which touches the screen where you want to start dragging and ends where you want to stop - this curve will be vertically perpendicular to the screen; 3) move the stylus along this curve smoothly, so you "swoop" down, pick up the applet and then drag it where you want it to go.18:58
ywwgzoran: any luck installing those/18:58
JaffaTrying to do a standard drag like you'd do for a file won't work well, IME18:59
zoranywwg, I read 4 more channels nad have just 2 eyes18:59
ywwgzoran: hah. no rush then :)18:59
zoranI'll try it this evening, k?18:59
zoranywwg, I found my love in rawdog19:00
ywwgzoran: no problem19:00
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zoranbtw, what imap client do folks on this channel use?19:00
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zoranmutt has some directory handle problem19:01
elbI use mutt ;-)19:01
Andy80Jaffa: ehm O_o and this is called "usability" by Nokia :D ?????!!19:01
zoranmore than just inbox?19:01
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zorangreat to hear19:01
elbmy + is an IMAP directory, and I use +INBOX, +read-mail, +sent-mail, +lists/{listnames}, etc.19:02
JaffaAndy80: it's easy when you know how; but usability and IT OS don't go together (see #2564)19:02
elbit's not super smart about it, but it works19:02
zoranelb, I must be misconfigured muttrc19:02
elbzoran: what problem are you having?19:02
zoranit is not my imap server so I just cannot make another dir19:03
borismaloha, lots of people here. got my n810 yesterday :)19:03
zoranmaybe it is that intended19:03
zoraneven not by the hand19:03
elbif you simply try to save a file to imap://server/new-directory/folder it doesn't work?19:03
elbborism: you mock me19:04
zorannot a new one19:04
zoranjust plane inbox19:04
elbyeah, I dunno -- works fine for me, I'd find out if you can do that with any client19:04
zorank, gonna ask an owner19:04
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montesluso, is anyone running maemo on the eee ?19:08
bedboianyone knows where to read luminosity info in n810?19:09
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Cptnodegardas in screen brightness?19:10
bedboinope, i think n810 has a sensor19:10
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Cptnodegardwhy do you think that? o019:10
bedboithe small stuff near the camera19:10
florianmonteslu: Yes... i had the same thought :-)19:11
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lardmanderf: so this changes how large a book can be - how many branches are possible?19:11
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lardmanderf: bytes or octets?19:11
Cptnodegardseems like an awefully weird thingy to put on the device o019:12
Cptnodegardif so im guessing its to auto adjust the webcam, nothing else19:13
JaffaIt automatically changes screen brightness based on environment. Works very well: goes super-bright in sunlight (e.g. for GPS in a car)19:13
X-Fade_Cptnodegard: No it isn't. The screen is transflective, so you can turn off the backlite when in the sun..19:13
Luriaits to adjust screen brightness and keyboard lighting19:13
bedboiCptnodegard: why's that19:13
bedboiit's a very funny stuff to have19:13
bedboiyou can play with it19:13
alteregoEven the flashing light on this thing is sexy.19:13
bedboiit's quite sexy19:14
alteregoI almost want to stick it down my pants.19:14
alteregoIt's just a bit cold (being metal and all)19:14
glassCptnodegard: most nokias higher end phones seem to have the light sensor19:14
bedboicome on!19:14
alteregoProbably wouldn't make it smell any nicer either.19:14
zoranmonteslu, there is not reason to run maemo on eee i38619:14
alteregoI seriously need to get a new screen protector though. I'm well paranoid ..19:15
Luriaalterego's just sad there's no vibrate to go along with the led notifications19:15
alteregoLuria, that would make it better.19:15
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bedboialterego: well if you are used to do nasty things with your devices19:15
alteregoBut I can vibrate myself if need be.19:15
gonpeee does not have a touch screen for a start...19:15
Cptnodegard[18:15] <alterego> I seriously need to get a new screen protector though. I'm well paranoid ..  <- got three in the mail today ^^ but still using the one that was on it19:15
zoraneee looks just fine19:15
Cptnodegard[18:13] <bedboi> Cptnodegard: why's that <- a better camera would be more useful :p19:15
alteregoCptnodegard, with the annoying stickers?19:15
bedboiCptnodegard: who cares?19:16
zoranand I saw a touch pad19:16
bedboii have a nikon for taking pictures19:16
Cptnodegard[18:15] <alterego> Cptnodegard, with the annoying stickers? <- the one that was on when i bought it? one sticker, which i removed easily19:16
alteregoMine doesn't want to remove.19:16
zorangonp, you are correct, no touch screen19:16
Cptnodegardnothing on the protective plastic itself19:16
bedboialterego: i found out i had a screen protector on my n800 after 5 months19:16
bedboii hate screen protectors so bad19:16
bedboii was so happy to remove it19:17
Cptnodegard[18:16] <bedboi> i hate screen protectors so bad <- lol why? i have them on everything19:17
bedboii have some good feeling when removing screen protectors19:17
bedboiI HATE THEM19:17
VRe__I would not say that the plastic on the screen is a "screen protector" for use19:17
bedboithe very fist thing i do when i get a new device is removing shitty stuff19:17
* florian too19:18
Cptnodegard[18:17] <VRe__> I would not say that the plastic on the screen is a "screen protector" for use <- its see through, removeable, and protects against scratches :p19:18
bedboilike screen protectors Windows stickers and so on19:18
VRe__Cptnodegard: did you note the part _for use_ :)19:18
alteregobedboi, you have an odd perception of screen protectors.19:18
alteregoI remember last time we had this discussion.19:18
bedboii hate them.19:18
CptnodegardVRe__: if it works, why not use it? :p19:18
alteregoYou didn't even know you had one on the N800 for months,.19:18
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* Knirch wraps bedboi in screen protectors19:19
florianyeah... all these people with these ugly and damaged stickers on their devices ;)19:19
alteregoIt's very irrational in my opinion. Screen protectors are a must on high end touch screen devices.19:19
alteregoSure I hate the ones they stick on phones, watches etc.19:19
alteregoBut something like the internet tablets really need them to keep them prestine :)19:20
gonpthe brando ones are good...19:20
Cptnodegardwell hell have the luxury of enjoying a SP free, scratched up as hell n800 all for himself :D19:20
bedboialterego: but there was something which told me that my n800 had something wrong19:20
* lardman doesn't use screen protectors either, you're not alone bedboi!19:20
alteregoI doubt that.19:20
VRe__Cptnodegard: that what comes with the devices is just to keep the screen clean in assembly and distribution.. same way as new many other devices have the plastic on the see-thru parts19:20
alteregoI think you're being very irrational :P19:20
* Tak no screen protector either19:20
florianalterego: I do not agree, modern touchscreens are that hard to damage that you do not need that crap19:20
bedboialterego: and when i found that fucking screen protector, i knew what was wrong with my n80019:20
lardmanthe movement is growing, burn the screen protectors!19:21
bedboialterego: after that it became a perfect device19:21
bedboilardman: word up19:21
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CptnodegardVRe__: i know, and most of the times that plastic comes off to easily or soemthing, but on the n800 i dont see why it cant be used as any SP until its scratched up19:21
alteregoBasically, I hate scratches. I'd much rather replace the screen protector every year or so than be without it and have the screen actually scratched.19:21
bedboialterego: i don't use spikes when tapping on my screens19:21
alteregoI'm not sure how much cooler they can go with the N810.19:22
alteregoIt's awesome.19:22
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Cptnodegardsame here, alterego19:22
bedboiand in return they can be free of that fucking screen protector19:22
alteregoMaybe make the screen go up a little further to make it slightly easier to type.19:22
alteregoThere's lots of little details that I'd like to see improved, but overall I'm in awe. :)19:22
Takmaybe keep some of the useful buttons on the non-keyboard part?19:22
alteregoIt's like Christmas has arrived again!19:22
Cptnodegardi dont see any reason NOT to use a tiny, cheap piece of plastic that proects the screen should something unexpected happen19:22
lardmanalterego: yeah, difficult to type with the power cord in especially19:23
VRe__I have noticed that if the screen is not clean then it will scratch up but if its cleaned regularly (wipe with shirt is enough) it should stay ok for year or two which is anyways the time it lasts19:23
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alteregolardman, I think if you've got power access then having a full keyboard would be nice :)19:23
CptnodegardVRe__: if one sand corn gets between the wiper and the screen by accident, that wipe will mean doom :p19:23
alteregoI'm going to purchase a micro USB keyboard I saw the other day.19:23
VRe__Cptnodegard: never had that problem19:24
CptnodegardYET ;)19:24
lardmanalterego: if it's plugged in then I'm at my desk so I can ssh in19:24
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Cptnodegardi once chased sheeps with the tractor key in the same pocket as my cell. since then ive used screen protectors :p19:24
Luriais there an all in one usb host cable for the n800?19:24
alteregolardman, sure, but there are things that you may need to do in the UI that require input.19:24
alteregolardman, and what if you're not at _your_ desk ;)19:25
VRe__Cptnodegard: Well, that yet, is since 2005 with 770's and before that with palms.. so I would say it's quite marginal19:25
bedboiVRe__: pay attention Cptnodegard cursed your device19:25
alteregoLuria, just buy a standard USB host OTG peripheral cable.19:25
bedboii would sell it19:25
CordCptnodegard: leave those sheeps alone!!!11!! ;-P19:25
Takhmm, has anyone tried powerlaunch?19:25
alteregoLuria, they're out there. I've seen them, though I use manual host mode switching and a gender bender.19:26
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CptnodegardCord: they were in mah base poopin' on mah property19:26
Cordsure ;-)19:26
VRe__bedboi: Naah, I have few in pile.. I will pick next and start scraching it up.. now scratches don't matter but that 770 white screen of death..19:26
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|tbb|tak i had no success on n81019:26
Luriayeah, was just looking to see if anyone had ordered a specific cable and had success19:26
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alteregoThat's nice, the N810, in it's softcase, fits into the N800's softcase.19:27
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CptnodegardLuria, the host cable at MIGHT(!) work for auto mode19:27
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|tbb|lardman if you ssh in at your desk could forward the maemo apps to x on your desk?19:28
Luriayeah, was hoping for "i have this and it works" :-)19:28
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Cptnodegard[18:28] <Luria> yeah, was hoping for "i have this and it works" :-)  <- i have one that works, bt its DIY19:29
alteregoLuria, had someone saying they got a specific cable to work.19:31
alteregoThey even had a link to the online shop.19:32
Luriacool  beans, thanks19:32
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Luriawow, someone actually using the rtcomm irc client19:34
Andy80uff.... I'm missing Xchat for N810 so much :(19:34
Luriawhy? there is an os2008 port19:34
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Luriago with god19:34
bedboiAndy80: come on, you can survive that19:35
Andy80is already ported???19:35
Luriaa while ago19:35
Andy80wooow :)19:36
Luriaits supposedly a beta, but ive been using it for a couple of months19:36
* bedboi wonders what could be the reaction of Andy80 to a beautiful naked woman19:36
gonpis the statusbar clock ported?19:36
Andy80bedboi: LOL :D19:36
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Luriadepends,is she displayed in ascii on a handheld platoform?19:37
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bedboiLuria: of course19:37
montesluzoran, sure there is. the eee has a shit resolution19:37
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Luriagod, i have more dropouts than a bronx high school19:37
gonpeee has the same res as the n8x0...19:38
Takwtf, is |tbb| just popping in and out to give random answers?19:38
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MouseyAndy80: i have xchat running on an n81019:39
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Andy80yes, I'm downloading :)19:39
* Mousey is late to the party19:39
Luriablame it on lag19:40
alteregoAnnoying they give us the CA-101 but don't make the device charge over USB19:40
Cptnodegard[18:38] <gonp> eee has the same res as the n8x0... <- on a twice bigegr screen :p19:40
Cptnodegard[18:40] <alterego> Annoying they give us the CA-101 but don't make the device charge over USB <- 101? not ca 100?19:40
alteregoCptnodegard, indeed, 10119:41
Cptnodegardwhats the difference?19:41
alteregoCA-101 is micro USB and has charging :)19:41
alteregoBut the N810 obviously doesn't ..19:41
alteregoSupport charging that is.19:41
Cptnodegard  <- cause i ordered that19:41
alteregoYeah, that's completely different.19:42
Cptnodegardcombined with and it should provide some extra power on the run :)19:42
alteregoThat's a USB to Nokia power connector. ;)19:42
Cptnodegardyeah i know, just started wondering if the 100 didnt work19:42
alteregoI want to get one of those for my powered hub.19:42
doc|workhey, that could be useful19:42
alteregoSo I can plug everything into the hub and just stick the hub power in.19:43
Cptnodegardi got that package, and a ac-usb adapter19:43
alteregoGreat for USB OTG host mode :)19:43
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Cptnodegardgot some spare cables and made short ones:
Cptnodegardwaiting for the ca10019:43
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alteregoCptnodegard, the CA-101 is supplied _with_ the N810, and the cable is supposed to support charging. I guess it's something Nokia plan on implementing in phones/tablets in the future.19:44
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Cptnodegardah... is it true what i hear that a gender bender is all you need for host mode (auto) on the 810?19:45
alteregoCptnodegard, no, it wont auto switch.19:45
alteregoThe switching is triggered by a short in the Mini USB connectors.19:45
Cptnodegardi know, made one19:45
Cptnodegardjust thought the 810 was different as miniusb is 7 connectors or so19:46
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alteregoWell, those pins don't have A counter parts. They're specific to Mini USB.19:46
alteregoSame number of pins I thought .. Mini and Micro.19:46
Andy80back, from the 810 :)19:46
Cptnodegardnot on my wowon d2, alnr19:47
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alteregoWell, I finally believe that the N810 exists.19:47
alteregowowon d2, alnr?19:47
alteregoIs that Gaelic?19:47
Cptnodegardnah mirc autocomplete for "al" didnt spit out alterego :p19:47
Cptnodegardit was supposed to say "cowon  d2, alterego"19:47
Cptnodegardthats my mp3 player, it uses a mini USB for...usb, and a micro USB 7 pin (or so) for tv out, line in and charging19:48
Takd2 seems like a fantastic player19:49
Cptnodegardit is, except for some firmware issues, but nothing too critical19:49
alteregoI have like 10 Nokia power chargers now.19:49
alterego8 new and 2 old school.19:49
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Cptnodegardlol why?19:51
alteregoJust collected them through the years from all the tablets etc.19:52
alteregoI have 3 just from tablets.19:52
Cptnodegardnice ^^19:52
Cptnodegarddev price for 810?19:53
alteregoYes, the N810 is the only one I got on the device program.19:53
Cptnodegardits too expensive for buying fully priced so i hope you didnt pay full19:53
alteregoI applied to the 770 program but didn't get accepted and I only got my first tablets August last year.19:53
alteregoBought an N800 for 200 GBP and a 770 for 70 GBP.19:53
Cptnodegard800 is 130 now for those lucky enough to be in the uk19:54
alteregoI then started ruby-maemo and that got me accepted into the device program.19:54
alteregoCptnodegard, indeed :/19:54
alteregoIf I'd have waited though, I wouldn't have all three tablets now, as I would never have got accepted into the device program ^_^19:54
alteregoAnd it's been really fun, really fun and exciting and I've learned a lot.19:55
alteregoGained valuable experience too.19:55
Cptnodegardwell i only have one, the 800, and im glad i prefer that to the 810 as 10GB limit on the 810 is a dealbreaker19:55
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alteregoThat's just because you can't get larger Mini/Micro-SD cards ..19:56
* alterego connects his N810 (host mode) to his N800 (slave mode)19:56
alteregoTablet sex.19:56
TakI agree about the storage19:56
Cptnodegardim surprised of what it can today... today i was on two irc channels ond msn with pidgin, downloading with transmission, talking on gtalk and uploading to photobucket and it still pulled through, although slowly19:56
alteregoAll through a GSM connection? :D19:57
Cptnodegardnever had a pda before either so big change from a cheap SE cellphone :p19:57
Cptnodegardmultitasking on my phone = entering the menu while talking to someone -.-19:57
alteregoI'm getting a HSPDA capable cell soon.19:57
alteregoProbably an N95 20G19:58
alteregoSorry, N95 250G19:58
alteregoYeah, I like phones that do that.19:58
alteregoEspecially with speaker phone .. :)19:58
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alteregoYou can literally add a contact whilst talking to the person giving you the number. Or dictate the number to some one else.19:58
alterego(early bluetooth)19:59
alteregoBetter range mind, just charged more.19:59
Cptnodegardmy phone only has edge... and it costs 2,5 euro per MB anyways19:59
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alteregoYeah, EDGE is super cheap.19:59
alteregoBut as my employer is paying for the monthly HSPDA charge for me ..20:00
Cptnodegardpoor bastard20:00
melmothanybody know wich url i can check wich gpg key i set for the extra repo ?20:00
alteregoIt's comparable to a broadband connection to a house.20:00
melmothit should be somewhere on garage.maemo, but i do not find where exactly...and i do not recall wich one i have to use.20:00
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* alterego keeps expecting the VKB to pop up .. But it never does :(20:01
alteregoTime to make that happen.20:01
Cptnodegardvirtual keyboard?20:01
Luriahuh. apt get keep hanging on build essential20:01
Cptnodegardi ordered a USB KB instead... small one, 28x16 cm20:02
alteregoSometimes I can't see what the point is in sliding out the HWKB20:02
Luria"70% working" just sitting there, mocking me20:02
alteregoCptnodegard, yeah, getting one of those tomorrow if I finish early.20:02
Andy80where is the page that explain how to become root on N810? I remember that someone proposed to reorder all the pages... but I don't remember the right url20:03
alteregoIt fits perfectly into my man-bag.20:03
Cptnodegardi want a if they get it back in stock20:03
Luriaman bag. hah.20:04
alteregoA "murse" is a man-nurse :P20:05
alteregoDoesn't matter than my manbag is pink, it's still manly!20:05
alteregoIt's my man-bag.20:05
Cptnodegardthis is what i got instead of the foldable on:
alteregoI suppose now, having a slide out KB having a foldable makes more sense.20:05
alteregoYeah, that's cute.20:06
Luriajust what i need, more keyboards for my n80020:06
alteregoNice price too!20:06
Cptnodegardlol luria20:06
Cptnodegardyeah im not paygi too much for a keyboar d:p20:06
Cptnodegardops hat-smiley20:07
alteregoWell, I kind of want to go out into the cold and test the GPS now.20:07
L0cutusalterego, is your website/repository dead ?20:07
Cptnodegardyeah need a wayfinder key costing a shitload if you want it to point you places20:08
alteregoL0cutus, it is. It will be back up tonight. So it should be ready tomorrow. I've had various issues with the environment and the hosters :/20:08
alteregoThank god I'm moving to my own dedicated server in febuary.20:08
L0cutusha, ok :)20:08
dragornalterego: then you get to deal with your hardware failing, too :P20:08
alteregoL0cutus, you wouldn't believe how much it's pissed me off ..20:08
alteregodragorn, that I can deal with ;)20:08
alteregoAh, proteus, that's a nice name for a tablet.20:09
dragornalterego: My server had a nice hw fail recently, thankfully it was raided20:09
alteregodragorn, yeah. All my blades are RAID20:09
alteregoI also do daily backups to the file server and weekly backups to solid state.20:10
Cptnodegardsounds expensive :D20:10
dragornI haven't figured out a good way to do backups of my media server20:10
alteregoSuprisingly reasonable.20:10
Cptnodegardhmm, two 32GB sdhc cards + 32GB flash pen on the n80020:11
Cptnodegardnow thats storage20:11
L0cutusi need rdiff-backup on os2008 for backup :)20:11
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alteregoTablet sex is fun.20:13
alteregoI mean sharing ..20:13
alteregoTablet sharing ..20:13
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alteregoIt's unfortunate I made my N810 change gender though.20:14
alteregoI wonder how many people have actually done this.20:19
alteregoConnecting two tablets together.20:19
Cptnodegardget a hub and connect 3 together :p20:20
alteregoThey can do it wirelessly too!20:20
alteregoThey have OBEX FTP right?20:20
* alterego does a test.20:20
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alteregoSure, having one tablet is great. Having more than one is better :D20:21
alteregoI wonder if I can create a tablet cluster.20:21
* Cptnodegard calls people in white coats20:21
* alterego turns off his GPS.20:22
alteregoThey wont find me ..20:22
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inzalterego, "Can you imagine a beowulf cluster of these"20:22
Cptnodegardyou have a registered version?20:22
Cptnodegardpaid for gps20:22
alteregoIt's a shame that the BT device browser doesn't have a seperate tablet icon.20:23
alteregoThe N800 is coming up as a PDA.20:23
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alteregoHmm, BT doesn't work :(20:24
alteregoThink I might have to work on that ..20:24
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melmothAnybody knows about how to set/change the gpg key for uploading in extras ?20:26
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nick_fnDoes anyone use upnp with cover artwork working?20:34
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alteregoWow, the keypad has multi-touch :P20:40
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henriquewhat is the package name for telepathy's chat program in maemo chinook?20:40
devnick_fn: with what server/client?20:43
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Andy80I've put my old 770 on ebay since yesterday and 12 people are watching it ):21:04
Andy80interesting ;)21:04
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gonpI wonder how much a n800 would be in ebay....21:07
tank-man$180 or less maybe21:08
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jga23anybody get the and scripts to work?21:15
Takalterego: great, now people can stop bitching about not being able to simul-press in fceu and gngeo ;-)21:15
jga23Tak: simul-press works in fceu on the n810 if you remap keys....thanks btw21:16
Takcool - sorry I haven't had time to distribute new packages with remapped config21:17
Takwill you post your config on ITT until I can get that done?21:18
jga23any specific thread? or a new one?21:18
TakI'm sure people will appreciate it21:18
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Takthe "OMG FCEU IS BROKE ON BORA" thread should be fine ;-)21:18
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alteregoTak, I was pleasantly suprised when I did a CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT to select an input field and it worked :)21:28
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alteregoI also understand where caps went.21:28
alteregoYou have to double press the shift key.21:28
alteregoAnd the double press Fn key is a nice feature too ..21:28
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friI just read somewhere that Sandisk is testing their 12GB MicroSD cards, will they work on the N810 ?21:31
dragorni'd expect with an adapter to mini, yes21:32
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dragornit's sdhc21:32
dragornunless theres some lurking size limit in the drivers21:32
TakI expect there is; there has been for every size jump so far.21:33
Tak"OK, it now supports 4G SDHC."  "Cool, what about 8G SDHC?"  "8G?!  (*heads explode*)"21:33
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doc|workanyone here got a skype voucher (that came with the n800 for one) that they haven't used? I had one that I thought I wouldn't use but will now, only I can't find my voucher :/22:14
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drwxhi! I'm very happy today because I got my N810! it rocks22:33
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drwxbut I have a small problem, I cant play video with my N810, is it a know problem?22:34
EYdrwx: Only some videos.22:35
EYIf want to be able to play more video formats, install mplayer.22:35
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drwxin the device there is 2 video "Anna Abreu"and "Strum and Dra...", N810 cant lay it22:36
drwxcant play it22:36
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EYstrange that they'd bundle video clips that can't be played by the default player.22:37
drwxI added some video with I can play with my N800 but it dont works on N81022:37
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darxhi, where can i get kismet for the n800?22:37
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darxanybody home? :-)22:38
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drwxthe video called Nokia_N810 dont works too, I must have a serious problem on my N81022:40
drwxsomeone has the same problem?22:40
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pierluxdrwx, when I first started my n810 it wouldn't play anything22:41
pierluxit magically solved after reboot or an upgrade22:41
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drwxhum.. it dont play mp3 too22:41
darxjust reflash it22:42
darxwith os200822:42
drwxok I will try22:43
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drwxit's ok, one reboot and it's good :-)22:50
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rm_youanyone here familiar enough with GTK to tell me a few things about this screenshot (of the volume control applet)
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GeneralAntillesGo, rm_you, go! :D22:56
rm_youlike, A) If that is an HSCALE element like I think it is, how do they make it look like that?; B) did they manage to fit it into a MENU container? if so, HOW?!?! if not, what *is* that container?22:56
rm_youso, I have an applet at the moment...22:56
rm_youwhen you click on it, it opens an entire window that has a slider and buttons22:56
rm_youand the slider looks lame >_>22:57
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rm_youi was hoping this would be a good intro project, but it is much more complicated than I originally anticipated :P22:57
elbwhy don't you look at the source for the control panel?22:57
Takrm_you: it's probably a
melmothanybody involved in extra repository ?22:57
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rm_youI was looking at the GTK API on the GTK website! i should have been looking on maemo!22:58
rm_youThanks Tak22:58
Takyeah, there are a couple of gtk widgets that look/work terrible/y on the device22:59
melmothrm_you: most of the widget are actually hildons one22:59
rm_youomfg >_>22:59
rm_youthis is why i spent three hours last night and made like NO progress, lol22:59
* rm_you hits self23:00
rm_youand i've been asking in #gtk more than here >_>23:00
rm_youwell, back to work23:00
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derfI find, in general with gtk, it's always better to look at the source than the documentation.23:01
derfThe documentation is voluminous and useless.23:02
Takactually, I get a lot of help from the glib/gtk api docs23:02
Takin fact, I'm using them for vala hacking right now23:02
derfThey're okay for looking things up when you already know the answer, but don't remember the details.23:02
rm_youactually, their documentation is pretty horrible... when they DO have code examples, they come "pre-broken" >_>23:02
derfOtherwise, you get stuff like gtk_foobar_set_flag(): Sets the flag.23:03
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rm_youso, what kind of window/container is that? Is it a MENU? cause if it is, i can't @#*& figure out how to put any real widgets in it besides "MENU_ITEM"s, or how to make things into MENU_ITEMs23:06
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Takisn't there a statusbar applet tutorial?23:07
rm_youyes, but it is kinda broken23:07
rm_youthough it's what i used to get this far23:08
rm_youit doesn't tell me anything but how to get the icon there... I did manage to get a normal menu to popup with text options (mostly by stealing code from osso-statusbar-cpu) but i can't figure out how to get a widget like HildonControlbar or like... an HBox to fit into the menu23:09
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rm_you>_> and the example initialization: "GtkWidget *cbar = hildon_controlbar_new();" gives me "warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast" and causes the applet to crash23:12
rm_youGiven, I'm not especially good with C pointers... I've been doing Java for like the past 4 years, it's been like 6 since I touched C/C++23:12
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derfThat sounds like you didn't include the proper headers.23:14
rm_youi thought about that, but wouldn't it tell me it couldn't find the function at all if i didn't have the right header included?23:14
derfThough I wouldn't see why it would crash unless it was on an LP 64-bit system.23:15
derfrm_you: No.23:15
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rm_youI miss Java already :/23:15
derfWelcome to backwards compatibility from the 70's.23:15
rm_youC++ does, doesn't it!?23:15
derfBut who on earth would use C++?23:16
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rm_youit's been a while, but i'm pretty sure when I try to run function "this_doesnt_exist()" it tells me it doesn't exist, not that i made an integer pointer something >_>23:16
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rm_youwell, now i know23:16
rm_youand there's nothing i can do about it, so... moving along23:16
inzrm_you, pass -Wstrict-prototypes to the compiler23:16
derfThere's probably a flag you can pass to gcc to get it to warn you.23:17
derfLike that.23:17
inzerr, sorry, -Wmissing-prototypes23:17
inz-Wstrict-prototypes will yield warnings with maemo Gtk, don't use that ;)23:17
rm_youlol yeah23:18
rm_youGtkWidget undeclared :P23:18
rm_youhrm, same... did I fsck up THAT bad?23:18
inz-Wstrict-prototypes will complain about gdk_close_all_temporaries or whatever it was called23:19
rm_youerrr wait... no, it just says "-Wmissing-prototypes: unknown option"23:19
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doc|workanyone here got a skype voucher (that came with the n800 for one) that they haven't used? I had one that I thought I wouldn't use but will now, only I can't find my voucher :/23:20
rm_youwait, did i put that in the wrong place? >_> sec23:20
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rm_youlol yeah23:20
rm_youok better23:20
rm_youerr... doesn't fix the error though, still says the exact same thing23:21
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inzAbout integers or about GtkWidget?23:21
rm_youmy-statusbar-plugin.c:60: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast23:21
rm_yousame error with -Wmissing-prototypes as without23:22
rm_yourather, same warning23:22
rm_youbut again, whatever, i know what it does now. so that's fine. i'll just remember that23:22
rm_youthis is a neat, but unnecessary tangent :P23:22
inzI wonder...23:23
rm_youwhere does it tell me what i need to include for
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inzrm, if you use -Wall, it'll say "implicit declaration of function `blablabla'23:25
rm_youah yes, thanks23:25
rm_youi normally use that and --pedantic >_>23:25
inzrm, it doesn't, but it's <hildon/hildon-controlbar.h>23:26
inzrm, yeah, I usually use -W -Wall -ansi -pedantic23:26
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inzrm, but that doesn't work with telepathy, their headers use C99 :(23:26
rm_younow it just needs to be in one of those pupdown menus instead of a huge window23:27
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rm_youis there a special hildon thing for those too (caption? dunno) or am i going to have to figure out how to make it a menu_item23:28
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inzrm, it won't work inside a GtkMenu, I've tried23:29
rm_youyeah, i did too, thought maybe i just didn't try enough :/23:29
melmothanybody knows how the extra repository is refreshed ? i see some new package i pushed, but not all.23:30
Spakman_has anyone managed to get Frothing compiled and running on N8x0?23:30
melmothand it s been more than an hour.23:30
rm_youinz: so... we know that Nokia managed SOMEHOW for their volume and brightness applets... but we don't know how they did it?23:32
rm_youor what they used?23:32
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rm_youI wish i could just see the code for their applets >_>23:33
rm_youthe volume applet is a really dumb thing to have closed-source...23:33
inzrm, indeed, it's just sets a gconf value23:33
rm_youdoes anyone come in here who works at nokia / has access to nokia code? >_>23:35
Takthat question leads down a bad road...23:36
rm_youtruth >_>23:36
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rm_youmeanwhile, i'll just beat my head against a wall trying to figure out how they did something that should be really trivial23:37
Takfiddle the gconf values23:37
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rm_youmake that popdown box include a non-menu_item23:38
colinlhi! I was wondering. is always really slow for someone than me?23:40
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lcukwhich panel examples have you had a look at?23:41
Takcolinl: yes.23:41
rm_youlcuk: control panel examples? I'm doing status-bar23:42
colinlTak: thanks for the confirmation :)23:42
lcuksorry i know23:42
lcuki was reading another screen whilst thinking about what you are after23:42
rm_youeverything else i know of is closed source >_>23:42
rm_youi know there has got to be more out there...23:43
lcuktheres a few status bar applets here23:43
lcukive nott looked into anything major - havent been a c coder for 10 years now, but when i saw them a couple of weeks ago i thought they might come in handy23:44
lcukthey are listed in one or more of the applicationcatalogs on maemo23:44
rm_youthe only other statusbar app on his site is panelclock, and it just crashes the UI when i add it >_>23:46
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rm_youjudging by the dates these are all for 2006/200723:48
lcukdang, sorry then - i realise they are for older versions, but there may have been some pointers - nm then23:49
hachiis asking a question like 'how do I remove reposotories from my nokia 810' outside the scope of this channel?23:49
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sgehrmanyou guys should stop goofing off on irc and start fixing bugs23:50
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lcuknot at all hachi, goto settings/app manager  then into the tools menu and application catalog23:50
GeneralAntillesSeriously, that guy is a such a troll.23:50
lcukinside there you can disable or remove any you want.23:51
rm_youGeneralAntilles: well, i'm implimenting the important functional bits now... want to try it out in a few minutes as a full window? >_>23:51
TakGeneralAntilles: agreed23:51
rm_youi'll let you now23:51
infobotrm_you meant: i'll let you know23:51
Takrm_you meant: i'll let you know23:51
rm_youlol, Tak23:52
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lcukthing is, a lot of his complaints are valid - thats not just a nokia thing though, they would be valid on whichever system you get yourself (apart from the software thing lol)23:54
Taka few of his beefs are valid23:54
GeneralAntillesBut mostly it's just plain poor reporting23:54
Takbut many of them are 'OMG IPHONE IS BETTAR'23:54
GeneralAntillesWish we had an op to set a ban.23:55
lcukiphone is crap (my missus says so!)23:55
Takand others are things that are either just plain wrong, configurable, or he didn't take the time to learn how to do23:55
* lcuk loves his missus23:55
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Takthat's a good thing ;-)23:55
GeneralAntillesI'm seriously disturbed that this guy could be the PathFinder dev.23:55
lcukif you give people an open system expect them to open it and do things a closed system cannot23:55
hachihow can I turn off the little spot ad on the desktop of my n810? :)23:56
GeneralAntillesTap the menu on the home screen.23:56
GeneralAntillesSelect applets23:56
lcukhachi, on the desktop menu is a config option23:56
hachiI'll dig through the control panel and whatnot, into the FS... anyways23:56
rm_youhrm... the HildonControlbar doesn't appear to have a signal for "value changed" >_>23:56
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rm_youis there like... a generic signal for that, and it is assuming I know about it?23:57
lcukof course there is rm, its called "rm_specific_value_changed"23:57
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hachiare there screen protectors for these devices?23:58
Juhazrm_you, notify::value23:58
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glasshachi: just today somebody linked one..23:58
rm_youJuhaz: thanks23:58
hachiahh, I see one on amazon it seems23:59
lcukrm - i think the range class caters for all the value changing stuff23:59
inzrm, you're supposed to read the documentation that says that HildonControlbar is a "GtkScale", which has a "value-changed" -signal23:59
lcuk(HildonControlbar is built from it)23:59

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