IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2007-11-20

pupnikI'd put it on hold waiting for help from the author, he just mailed me back.00:00
czrkaltsi, heh. you might want to add theme package called that to maemo ;-)00:00
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kaltsimaybe tigert will do it :)00:00
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czrheh. pupnik, that your homepage? I really like the background pic00:01
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pupnikthanks.  it was cleverly shot to not show the mess00:02
czrlooks like some lab from C.S.I.00:03
czrthey always use really weird background colors and unhuman lighting00:03
czralthough your screens contain way too much text to be C.S.I.00:03
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kaltsistill compiling emacs00:06
pupnikquestion about the brightness czr - are you viewing the page on tft or crt?00:06
czrpupnik, tft00:06
czrit's quite dark. works quite well though imho00:06
czrthe text is bright enough for proper contrast00:06
czrpupnik, "you want me to take a screenshot?"00:07
pupnikok it's too dark for my crt, but i figure everyone has tfts now, which show dark colors brighter than crts00:07
kaltsiI think internettablettalk is too dark00:07
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czryeah, crts are like that. an most pics don't have proper sRGB profiles anyway00:07
czr(not that most programs would know what to do with them anyway)00:07
czrpupnik, I find the same problem when working with natural sourced stuff as well00:07
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pupnikyeah i hope displays get more range soon.  8-bits per channel is kind of low imo.  some tvs use 10 bits00:08
czrsynthetic stuff survives quite nicely both worlds, although CRTs are quite dark still:
czrI'd like 32-bit float for pixels actually00:08
czrper channel I mean. microsoft has a nice lossless but good format for that00:09
czrtoo bad it's mined with patents and all that crap00:09
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lophyteI tried to rmmod g_file_storage and now its stuck in the "Unloading" state and I can't reset the bloody thing00:09
czrlophyte, remove the battery?00:09
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lophytegood idea :P00:10
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Andy80hi all!00:10
Andy80I've a problem with my profile:
Andy80as you can see, it doesn't exist anymore :(00:10
Andy80what happened?00:11
czrI removed it00:11
Andy80anyone else experienced this problem?00:11
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czrAndy80, when did it work the last time?00:11
Andy80today afternoon00:11
czrhmm. wait until tomorrow. maybe it will plop back00:12
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Andy80(italian local time)00:12
lophytewhat did I do00:12
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czrjob motivation for tomorrow:
Andy80I'll chek again tomorrow00:14
Andy80good night00:14
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lophyteeh, are there any clips or anything to remove the battery?00:16
bill20r3it's just in a 9v holder, behind velco00:17
kaltsijust slam it against your hand and it should slip out00:17
lophyteI can't get my battery out, I was wondering if there was a clip or something holding it in00:17
kaltsiit shouldn't be too hard.. just be sure to pry it from the correct end00:17
lophytethe correct end being the end with the pins?00:18
kaltsiwithout the pins :)00:18
lophytedamn, its so small I can't get anything in there00:19
kaltsitry to hit it against you hand carefully.. it should pop out a bit from that end00:19
lophyteugh.. I think I messed it up00:20
lophyteit keeps rebooting... booting up, rebooting... over and over00:20
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lophytethere, got it out00:21
kaltsiwell eventually the battery will run out :P00:21
kaltsiwhen you insert the battery back in, put in the end with pins first00:21
lophyteyup, got it00:21
lophytelet's see if it boots properly not00:21
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lophytedamn it00:22
K`zanHow does one change the "My Selection" stuff on the n800 menu?00:22
lophytenope, still rebooting00:22
K`zanWould like to put some useful stuff there :-).00:22
kaltsiK`zan: is there a 'panels' thingy in control panel?00:23
K`zanUhm, checking...00:23
kaltsiin this N810 it's there and there you can arrange things00:24
K`zankaltsi: :-) thanks, although I am not sure I would have called that a panel, but :-)...00:24
kaltsiyea, funny name :)00:24
lophyteITOS needs to be loaded in order for the flasher to work I'd assume00:24
kaltsilophyte no.. just the bootloader or some little thingy from the beginning00:25
lophyteie. there's no low-level software on the device that handles flashing00:25
lophytethink I killed it then00:25
kaltsidid you try flashing?00:26
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gla55_isn't flashing the standard fix for continuous reboot cycle00:26
K`zanSigh, you have to delete most of that stuff, you can't move it - SUCKO....00:26
K`zanBecause of that I will not be using any of those...00:27
lophytegla55_, that's what I was asking.. is it possible to flash without ITOS loaded00:27
lophytein which case I'll try flashing it00:27
kaltsiK`zan: I can drag & drop things in this n81000:27
gla55_you press a button while booting so that it doesnt load the os..00:27
gla55_for flashing00:28
kaltsilophyte: I answered that it is possible00:28
K`zanHow very f'ing nice, you can'e even delete them - what a steaming crock.00:28
kaltsiK`zan: drag them away from there00:28
lophytekaltsi, oh sorry... misunderstood00:28
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K`zankaltsi: Can drag them anyplace you want - they don't move...00:29
* lophyte checks the wiki for info about flashing00:29
konttoridamn, is it true that os2008 version of python 2.5 doesn't have glade?00:29
kaltsiK`zan: what a crock then.. this os2008 allows you to do that00:29
lophytethat's what I heard00:29
K`zanI am running 2008...00:29
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kaltsiK`zan: well then it will work.. just drag that 'maps' to another folder00:30
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kaltsiI'm doing it right now right here00:30
K`zankaltsi, tried that, lemme close and try again00:32
kaltsialthough I have the n810, maybe it doesn't work on n800 yet00:32
K`zanOk, do it enough times and it works :)00:32
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* |R hoped for nokia's email this monday :|00:34
K`zanonly took 5 for maps and 10 for rapsody :-),  Damnifiknow :).00:34
lophyteI hope this works...00:35
K`zanUp to 25 so far trying to move FBReader up to My Selection.00:35
K`zanCLI could be a lot better for this from the looks of it.00:35
czrhah. spellchecker complains about "Ok"00:36
czrdamn you!00:36
czrNAO OK!00:37
K`zan50x screw it, I'll live with where ever it decides it wants it.00:37
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kaltsican you move the fbreader in its current menu?00:39
kaltsiyou should be able to rearrange the items there by dragging them too00:39
K`zanCan move that in the grand scheme of thing (up, down)00:39
K`zanBut can't seem to move anything in out of extras - GUI feedback indicates I am picking it up and on the right place do drop it.  Poor...00:40
K`zanI may just reflash 2007, this may not work on an n800 right.00:41
kaltsifor me that seems to work too.. moved scummVM there00:41
K`zanGot me, Cool little device, but I am liking it less as time goes on :-(.00:41
K`zanLets try removing the charger, there are things that don't work if the charger is plugged in while you are trying to do it.00:42
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lophytethere, works now...00:43
lophytethanks guys00:43
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kaltsiK`zan: do you have an example of something that doesn't work when charger is plugged in?00:45
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K`zanI forget what it was now, perhaps it was the 2008 burn IIRC.00:46
K`zanCan move stuff around in extras but can not move it to another folder - weird.00:47
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K`zanFinnaly Got the last item moved from My Selection - just keep moving it, eventually it takes.00:51
K`zanOh well, off to find the 2007 image.00:52
mariorz_wow just lost an hour to doom00:52
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mariorz_so when coding you guys work on your desktop then transfer files via smb? usb? or just ssh and use vim or whatever?00:53
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* czr uses scp/ssh00:54
czrmatter of taste I guess.00:54
czrsome people use NFS, some USB00:54
mariorz_hmm, usb seems a pain with the connnect/disconect umonut etch00:55
_Monkeyhmmm... sshfs is enough for mgedmin_'s needs00:55
* mariorz_ googles00:55
L0cutusM'night all00:57
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* L0cutusM use scp00:58
L0cutusM5-700k/sec in write to mmc00:59
L0cutusMnot so bad after all00:59
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lardmanwhat does a major number of 4 indicate? character device?01:02
kaltsiczr wtf.. emacs did build and got packaged01:03
czrkaltsi, with the ultimate spam-shielding?01:03
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czryou make me shudder :-)01:03
kaltsibut this was the x86 build.. took this long to do it01:03
czrgood luck with getting it to build with crapola qemu though01:03
kaltsimaybe I'll leave the armel to build overnight01:03
mariorz_kaltsi: works? :D01:03
* czr bets the build will fail01:04
kaltsiit's about 10 megabytes of deb packages.. eek01:04
czrkaltsi, it's twice as best as technoballz (took some 5 MiB+)01:04
kaltsino let me correct that.. 2001:04
czr4 times the balls of technoballz.01:04
kaltsino the full ballz-on emacs2101:05
kaltsiI'll try it with the sdk env.. let's see01:05
* czr considers doing s/thing/crap/ to a heading that reads "what is this thing called maemo?"01:06
czrbut I'm nice tonight. I'll wait until the material goes public first :-)01:06
czrwith captions like "A puny little Hello World", I cannot lose!01:07
czr(and yes, it is quite puny)01:07
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kaltsiargh.. now emacs wants emacsen-common and that wanst bsdmainutils01:08
czrreplace them all with /bin/true? :-)01:09
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kaltsiand that wants god knows what.. graarh01:09
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* pupnik haets not knowing when N810 will be available at nokia.de01:14
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pupniktoday? refresh. nope.  pre-order possibility?  nope.01:15
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czrhey, at least you got the discount :-)01:15
pupniki suppose it takes a while to produce a batch of em01:15
czrpupnik, they're gluing maemo into them as we speak01:15
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pupnikhem but there are units in stores in chicago01:16
czrfor sale?01:16
pupnikyes people are walking into the store and buying em01:16
czrheh. that's just so unjust :-)01:16
VanyaGuys, anyone use FBReader? How to make it to uncompress .rar?01:17
czrVanya, you should uncompress the rar externally to the device01:17
czror port unrar to the device and use it from the command line.01:17
VanyaTnx, i'm unraring from console, but i thiught there's a kind of plugin or something01:18
* czr shrugs01:18
czrmaybe there is01:18
VanyaWell, it's rather comfortable to uncompress zip files right from reader ... It's a pity we can't do the same with rar. Thnaks anyway.01:20
K`zanInstructions for flashing 2007 the same as 2008 (From here:
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czrK`zan, try to find the flashing instructions on
K`zanczr rr tnx!01:21
pupnikMobileCityOnline just got some in stock.  Looks like it's a rolling release.01:21
czrK`zan, rr = resource record?01:22
czrroad runner?01:22
czrbeep beep?01:22
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lardmanhmm, are there any standard entries under /sys/modules/*/ ?01:26
czrlardman, depends on kernel version. "yes"01:27
lardmanI have 2 directories: holders and sections, and two files: initstate and refcnt01:27
* czr nods01:27
lardmanI'm wondering if these are standard01:28
czrsections is the linkage sections (similar to objdump will show)01:28
czrrefcnt is standard01:28
lardmanI can't find them in the code01:28
czrtells you the reference count of the module01:28
czrrefcount is automatical01:28
czrsections come from the kernel module linker, which is not manipulated by module code directly01:28
czrhence you won't see any code for those01:28
lardmanwhat about initstate?01:29
czrrefcount is incremented at least once with.. MODULE_USE or a macro similar to that01:29
czrI don't remember, sry :-)01:29
czryou might want to use the LXR?01:29
lardmangood stuff, thanks :)01:29
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czrnp, it's been some time since I worked with the kernel, things fall off the edge of memory and such..01:30
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lardmanI can understand that01:30
czrbut, I think I'll get some sleep. finished couple of chapters at least today. silly day today was.01:30
czrmaybe I'll play some battlefront, as sniper. to relax. shoot some rebel scum :-)01:31
lardmanyou reading or writing chapters?01:31
czrboth. reading and rewriting01:31
czrupdating mat from 1.0/3.2 to 4.001:31
czrbleh. training material for maemo.01:31
lardmanah ok01:31
czrthesis would be easier01:31
lardmanoh yeah :D01:32
czryup. the material will go public soon I guess01:32
czronce I get the updates done and it's reviewed. so you can all suffer from it01:32
czrnot that most people on this channel would find it useful anyway, but still (it's more for people who've never seen GTK+)01:33
lardmanhmm, looks like those sysfs entries are all automatic01:33
lardmanno proc entries, I wonder what's happened to the module01:33
lardmanklogd me thinks01:33
czrmaybe it needs some helper module to work01:33
czror maybe the symbol renaming broke it01:33
lardmanit would have fallen over then though01:33
lardmanit just appears to be sitting there01:34
czryou can use dmesg as klogd replacement01:34
* czr nods01:34
lardmanbut module_init should create the proc entries so I'm confused01:34
czrit's waiting for the Bright Future(tm)01:34
czrit should? add printks01:34
lardmanmay well be :)01:34
lardmanit's binary only01:34
czrpatch printks in!01:34
czrjust joking :-)01:34
kaltsiemacs seems to be building on the armel side too01:34
kaltsibut I gotta sleep01:35
czrkaltsi, I'll buy you beer if it builds completely without intervention01:35
kaltsihehe :)01:35
czryeah, me too01:35
czrtomorrow maemoteers!01:35
lardmannight chaps01:35
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Atariiis down?01:37
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mariorz_when running a python app/script whats the difference between doing python and
mariorz_and wtf would i get a file not found while doing the run-standalone while the file is clearly there01:48
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sp3000example?01:49 /home/user/uitest.py01:50
mariorz_also ./ and and every possible combination01:50
sp3000head -n1 /home/user/uitest.py01:51
mariorz_python works fine01:51
sp3000and does python uitest.py01:51
sp3000(another question is do you need it)01:52
mariorz_lol yeah that works01:52
mariorz_the head -n1 takes off the first line or what?01:52
mariorz_do i need what?01:53
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sp3000re the head, does the interpreter specified by your hashbang exist?01:54
sp3000which is what would be used if you run the script rather than python01:54
mariorz_oh ok01:54
mariorz_#!/var/lib/install/usr/bin/python2.5 <-- yeah jsut copied that ill check if its right01:55
mariorz_sorry for all the noobness01:55
sp3000that sounds like something out of OS2005 :)01:55
* zerojay yawns.01:55
zerojayAtarii: doesn't run any web services. Just a Jabber server. If you're looking for our website,
mariorz_yeah was going trougan old tutorial01:56
zerojayAtarii: I know it's stupid, but it will be fixed at some point.01:56
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zerojayAtarii: Working for ya?02:12
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lardmannight chaps02:17
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sp3000as opposed to the daytime outfit02:25
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Atariithanks, got it now02:36
Atariithe and .net is confusing!02:37
Atariibut now running msn contacts seemlessly on 2007he :D02:37
zerojayAtarii: Yeah, I can understand that. The way I look at it is "Jabber server = .org, everything else = .net".02:37
Atariiyea ill remember that now02:37
zerojayWe'll fix it.. it's just that I set up the Jabber server separately because the one that came with our hosting was really really shitty. I didn't even want to use it.02:38
Atariiwill an IRC transport ever become available or not, because of the TOS ?02:38
mariorz_anyone use maemo-google-reader?02:38
zerojayThe Jabber server's on the lowest hosting plan... perhaps when we're ready to bump that up higher, we'll move it all to .org and redirect .net.02:39
zerojayAtarii: The TOS of the server hosting the Jabber server specifically states "No IRC servers, no IRC bouncers, no IRC bots, NO IRC."02:39
zerojaySo I imagine they've been fucked over by IRC in the past. lol.02:40
zerojayYeah, I know... I hate it too.02:40
Atariilol yea thats pretty specific02:40
zerojayPerhaps it's acceptable on the higher up servers.02:40
zerojayI'll look into it, because it's something I do want to offer.02:40
Atariidont know wat it wud look like in the chat window on the tablet tho02:40
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Atariihow many people are using jablet now?02:41
zerojayHah. Good point.02:43
zerojayLet's see...02:43
zerojayRegistered users: 8202:43
zerojayActive sessions: 26.02:43
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Atariithats good02:44
Atariialtho only 18 registered users on the forum02:44
zerojayIt was 33 only about 24 hours ago.02:44
Atariishows wat itt forum can do :p02:44
zerojayNo kidding.02:44
zerojayWe can offer e-mail too.02:44
zerojayBut I don't know if anyone would be interested in that.02:45
Atariiwill it stay a free service?02:45
zerojayAnd other stuff on the way as well, such as the Video Center feeds.02:45
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Atariii need to check out the video centre, havnt tried that yet02:45
Atariialtho spare time is at a minimum at the moment02:46
zerojayI haven't done much with it since I updated to 2008.. video center doesn't work on it.02:46
zerojayThe site will always stay free.02:47
zerojayAnd will stay ad-free as well.02:47
zerojayWe'll accept donations at some point.02:47
Atariiyea bet the costs add up02:48
zerojayWhich will all be used only for hosting costs.02:48
zerojayIt's not that bad... at least not for the modest server I've got running Jabber right now.02:48
zerojayBut it should be fine for now.02:48
zerojayI'm just having fun seeing so many people finally enjoying what I've been doing for ages on my tablet.02:49
zerojayAnd helping to dispel the Pidgin myth. ;)02:49
Atariii tried it before but the contacts never showed who was online, guess it was a shitty jabber server tho02:49
zerojayYeah, see, those are the kinds of problems we would have had with the original server.02:50
zerojayYou'd have to manually readd your AIM contacts, etc..02:50
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zerojayScrew that.02:50
Atariiis there anyway for it to get your contact groups automatically from msn?02:51
zerojayI'm very interested in getting a mugshot clone running for tablet users on Jablet.. and it turns out that Mugshot uses the same Jabber server I use already.. so eventually that might be nice.02:51
zerojayI don't think the IM gateway supports that at the moment.02:51
Atariiyea display pics wud be good02:52
zerojayThose are actually supported, but because of a bug in the current version of the transport, it won't pull them down unless you directly ask the other client for it.02:53
zerojayPossibly by starting a chat and checking their profile... unsure.02:53
zerojayBut as soon as the bugfix for the IM gateway is released, I'll be throwing it on there.02:53
zerojayAnd I was told that would be part of the fixes.02:53
penguinbaitzj, please forgive my ignorance, but why whoudl I want to use your service?02:54
penguinbaitwhy not just use google, or aim, or msn or whatever, I guess I am missing something?02:55
zerojayWell, a lot of people don't know much about Jabber and about how they can use the tablet's internal Jabber client to talk to their AIM/MSN and other buddies.02:55
zerojayInstead of installing Pidgin.02:55
zerojayBecause you're doing it through the internal client, you get integration into the tablet's address book as well as alert system.02:56
zerojayLower memory usage...02:56
zerojayA few other things I can't think of at the moment.02:56
penguinbaitI am using kopete anyway :)02:56
zerojayBut the main idea is that most people don't know you could do that.. or if they knew, they wouldn't be able to find a stable server with the gateways they need.02:56
zerojayIt's what I'm using on my desktop. ;)02:56
zerojayWe're going to add other stuff as well.02:57
penguinbaitI like the ktts plugin02:57
zerojayBut first, I want to finish creating a signup page that will connect and add your IM gateways without needing you to do it manually on a PC.02:57
zerojayAnd we've got other ideas... video center feed database that works like Nokia's (currently working).02:58
zerojayThe cool thing about that is that you can subscribe to an RSS feed for the video center feed database and as soon as new podcasts shows (not episodes) are added, you'll get told in your feed reader. One click in the feed reader and it's added to your video center.02:59
niteOwlI'm trying to compile dates as X86 target under scratchbox (to do some debugging) - where can I find a repository with libtool1.5 instead of the libtool1.4 which comes with maemo SDK 3.2 - My guess is finding this will fix my problem since I have that version on my desktop and can build dates fine. The precise error message is actually that it can't find libtool.m4 so if you know where it's hiding I could fix the prob02:59
zerojaypenguinbait: So if you've got ideas on something you think would be useful, let me know and we can try it out.03:01
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zerojayModest is pretty awesome.03:03
zerojayI think people are going to be quite happy with it.. we'll hear a lot of "this should have been the e-mail client from the start".03:03
zerojayGlad it will be the new e-mail client, eventually.03:04
zerojayTested an SVN build.03:04
zerojayGreat stuff.03:04
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Atariirite bed03:07
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Atariithanks for the jablet zerojay (and texrat whereever he is)03:08
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pupnik  reminder, vote for the N810 winner03:12
pupnikniteOwl: check gronmayer repo index03:13
_Monkeyhmmm... repositories is  and a searchable index at
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niteOwlpupnik: thanks - I solved it a better way though - found the file and created a symlink from /scratchbox/devkits/doctools/share/aclocal/intltool.m4 to /usr/share/aclocal/intltool.m4 and also for libtool....autogen is now cranking away happily03:17
niteOwli'm slightly annoyed this seems to be broken in the default maemo 3.2 SDK install - OR (and more likely) I'm missing something03:18
niteOwlsince I'm just starting learning to do development for the N80003:18
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pupnikniteOwl: i ran into a similar problem and forgot the solution03:38
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mariorz_anyone use reader mini?03:45
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mariorz_cant seem to get it too log in from the device just hangs03:55
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K`zanI'm developing a love/hate relationship with the n800 leaning heavily toward the love side :-) :-) :-).04:00
K`zanGizmo won't install though, wonder what that is all about.04:05
zerojayThe only thing driving me nuts is the wait for my N810.04:05
dieman`heh, the nokia store on letstalk says nov 27 now04:05
dieman`so i guess that means USA device program participants get to wait a week04:05
dieman`at least04:05
zerojaydieman`: I know, but people have been getting it from there.04:05
zerojayYeah. :(04:05
dieman`well, the discount code doesn't work yet :)04:05
elbthe real point is, you can't even order with the discount code04:05
K`zanNot waiting for one here.  I think I'd be much happer with the 800 and MY choice of keyboard and GPS...04:06
elbso it doesn't matter what it says the date is04:06
dieman`i dont mind waiting04:06
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elbI am hoping to get mine before I fly to Russia for the new year04:06
elbother than that, I can wait ;-)04:06
K`zanTook the n800 with me today and was rather amazed at the number of WAPs out there.04:07
K`zanOne more try to see if Gizmo will install.04:07
zerojayThere's one near my work that I use most of the day, but the signal is pretty weak.04:08
K`zanWould be nice if it told you WHY it won't install...04:08
diemanwork has a ton of access points04:08
zerojayLook in Logs...04:08
diemanso no worries there04:08
zerojaydieman: You don't work at a place like I do then. ;)04:08
K`zanLogs?  /var/log maybe?04:08
zerojayK`zan: Open the application's menu and choose Tools -> Log04:08
K`zanHard to get my head aligned with the fact that this is linux :-).  Too braindead from all the years of Palms :).04:09
K`zanzerojay: Thanks :) if it fails again, I'll check that out.04:09
K`zanapparently blew up trying to over write a .png file on the SD card...04:11
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K`zanIn .usr/share/icons/highcolor/scalable/hildon/gizmo-project.png which is also in the package gizmo-installer ...  dpkg-deb-subprocess paste killed by signal (broken pipe).04:13
K`zanMust be an 810 only app?04:14
elbsounds like you already have a gizmo package installed04:14
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K`zanDon't think so, ran that from the communications folder, but let me check and see.04:15
K`zanNope not showing in the installed apps view04:16
K`zanIf I hadn't told my friend I was installing it and would give him a call, it would have installed LOL!04:16
elbgizmo-installer is apparently installed, or you would not have gotten that error04:17
elbif you have a shell, dpkg -l | grep gizmo might be instructional04:17
K`zanErr, of course the installer is installed, that is how I was installing it :).04:17
elbthen the package is broken04:17
elbif one package installs a second package which contains the same file as the first04:18
K`zanNokia-N800-:~# dpkg -l | grep gizmo04:18
K`zanii  gizmo-installer                                0.79                               Installer utility application for Gizmo.04:18
K`zanMakes me wonder what else might be broken in 2008 if the included stuff is broken :-/.04:19
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K`zanStarting to wonder if it might be wise to re-flash 2007 until they actually release 2008 for the n800?!?04:20
zerojayK`zan: No need for the Gizmo client to use your Gizmo account on IT2008.04:20
K`zanzerojay: Kind of hard to use it if you can't install it :).04:21
zerojayYou don't need to install it.04:21
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* K`zan cornfuzed...04:21
zerojayYou can add your Gizmo account as a SIP account.04:21
elbyeah, I don't get why people complain about *anything* in an unreleased operating system they hijacked via an unsupported process04:21
zerojayAnd use the built-in SIP client.04:21
K`zanAh, might be useful to have a Gizmo account then :).  Lemme go see what that entails.04:22
zerojayWait wait wait.04:22
K`zanI assumed all that would be taken care of by installing it.04:22
K`zanRather in the process of ...04:22
zerojayYou don't have an account with gizmo yet?04:22
zerojayI think you can just sign up on the website, but I might be wrong.04:22
K`zanLemme go find them and see,04:23
zerojayOnce you have your account, you can use the instructions at (Gizmo = sipphone).04:23
K`zanStill trying to find their website, bookmarked that for when I do :).04:25
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K`zanStill rooting through the site, looks like you sign up from within their software, but still looking...04:29
K`zanThere does appear to be separate ones for the n800 and n810 though.04:29
K`zanFree Sign Up!04:31
K`zanDownload and install Gizmo Project to sign up.04:31
K`zanWhen you have set up your account, you can return to this page.04:31
K`zanGonna try the n800 one off their site...04:32
K`zanNope that one croaks for the same reason, oh well.04:34
zerojayGet the one for N810.04:38
zerojayAnyone know if there's a VNC program for OS2008 yet?04:39
mariorz_how hard would it be to port a lis interpreter tot he device04:39
mariorz_is it a matter of just compiling for it?04:40
K`zanzerojay: Lemme try that one then...04:40
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K`zanInstalled the RPM here if all else fails...04:41
K`zanzerojay: That one won't install either...04:42
K`zanSame result.04:42
zerojayWell, I don't know then.04:42
K`zanMe either :). I can set it up on the desktop here and then do the SIP setup thing on the n800, perhaps that will work.04:43
K`zanAppreciate you help with this.  Wonder if it is just me or if the packages are all hosed?!?04:43
zerojayThat should work.04:45
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tsavolaMon 23:43             czr> hmm. is the recommended way to use emacs within the sdk stiff using emacsclient?06:23
tsavolait works if you have emacs2106:23
tsavolaemacs22 has much more advanced emacsclient, so the protocol may have changed06:23
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K`zanIs it just me or is "control panel->applications->organize" really hosed in 2008.  Just went in to delete Gizmo and the delete option (and rename) are greyed out.  Moving an app is also flakey as hell (can be done, but takes a great number of attempts).06:27
K`zanSeems like you can delete folders but not anything in the contents?!?06:27
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K`zancd /var/log06:30
K`zanempty :-(06:31
K`zantried creating a "trash" category and was going to move what I don't want into that and delete it (can do that) but 25 drags and drops and Gizmo will not move, I give up :-(.06:32
pupnikyou can enable logs somehow06:35
pupnikwhat rolls down stairs, alone or in pairs?  all over your neighbors' dog?06:35
pupnikwhat's great for a snack, it fits on your back?  It's log, log, LOG!06:35
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K`zanabout ready to reflash 2007.06:36
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K`zanArgh, fbreader looses the book I was reading if I close it and it isn't in the recent list.  Sigh...06:48
K`zanSeems to be just too many problems with 2008, going to try 2007 and see if they all exist there.06:49
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rhykinwhats the best codec to re-encode videos into for the n80006:56
rhykinanyone have any input?06:56
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bjv-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 ?06:59
_Monkeysomebody said 770-encode was now known at tablet-encode and can be found at
pupniki prefer XviD at 300-800kb/s depending on source type07:00
bjv-ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 -vf crop=704:352:8:64,scale=400:-2 -ffourcc DIVX -ofps 17000/1001 is what i run on dvd rips07:00
pupnikbjv: N800 can handle that resolution?07:01
pupnikoh sorry i see the scale now07:01
bjvthats 400 pixels wide, it doubles to 800xwhtever07:01
bjvi have a 77007:01
pupnikthanks, didn't know about the -2 parameter to scale=07:02
pupnikwhat bitrate do you set?07:02
rhykinare those mencoder flags?07:02
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bjvvariable bitrate i think, max would be whatever 400:-2 at 17fps is07:04
rhykinany reason 17fps?07:04
rhykininstead of 30 or 2407:05
bjvif i go lower i loose detail in action scenes07:05
bjvfilesize is the only reason i dont do 2407:05
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bjvfilesize/horsepower on the 77007:06
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K`zanAnyone know how to back up the install in the n800 just in case one might want to put it back intact?07:06
Robdgreatso at 17 you don't lose too much detail, then07:07
Robdgreatgood to know07:07
bjvyeah, those are dvd rips, it seems like i encode anime VHS rips at 352:208, -ofps 1507:08
bjvi think ive gone as low as 13 for VHS cartoons07:09
Tb0n3I don't know why, but I am interested in a thread about pens07:09
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Robdgreatpens can be fascinating07:10
Robdgreatwhat's it about in particular07:10
Tb0n3pens people like07:12
rhykini always get a "Codec not supported" or "Video resolution not supported" message07:12
Tb0n3I like my Pilot V507:12
RobdgreatI've always been a Pilot fan07:12
Tb0n3I've always loved the V5s07:12
Robdgreatever use a Varsity?07:12
Tb0n3served me well07:12
Robdgreatdisposable fountain pen, by pilot07:12
Tb0n3I've heard good things about the Zebra F-301 though07:12
Tb0n3oh yeah07:12
Tb0n3saw those07:12
Robdgreatsomewhat hard to find in my experience07:12
Tb0n3I know exactly where to find them, but only in 4 color packs07:13
RobdgreatI found them at office depot in town, can't remember what packaging07:13
pupnik_rhykin: use mplayer to play back07:13
RobdgreatI believe I got a 4-color pakc07:13
Tb0n3staples sells them, I know cause I work there07:14
Robdgreatfirst saw them at the LSU bookstore07:14
Tb0n3man, i'm gonna have to return my router07:15
Tb0n3netgear and it keeps screwing up so I have to unplug it to get wireless to work again07:15
Tb0n3or is that somebody in the area07:15
Robdgreatchange channel?07:16
_MonkeyRobdgreat: that doesn't look right07:16
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Tb0n3I've got it on channel 107:16
rhykinpupnik: crap heh07:16
Tb0n3that's usually the best, I've had it happen before and I'm just going to exchange it for the same one, maybe go to a linksys for $10 more07:16
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Robdgreatwell, I just confirmed that there isn't a staples within 50 miles of me07:17
Robdgreatdidn't think there was07:18
Robdgreatyeah one of my neighbors is already on 107:18
rhykinnvm, foudn the deb07:18
RobdgreatI was on 6 for nearly 2 years07:18
Robdgreatuntil just recently I changed to maybe 807:18
Robdgreatpretty saturated in my building :/07:19
pupnik_mplayer is the king of video playback.  like.. you know.  godzilla or something07:19
pupnik_the monkey used to have a link for it07:20
pupnik_oh there it went07:20
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_Monkeyit has been said that mplayer is down, that's what's up07:20
pupnik__Monkey: forget mplayer07:21
_Monkeypupnik_: I forgot mplayer07:21
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pupnik__Monkey: mplayer is a high-performance video player for the tablet OS:
_MonkeyOK, pupnik_.07:21
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Tb0n3for some reason mplayer never worked for me07:22
Tb0n3well, it worked once and never worked again07:22
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Tb0n3I am amazed that such heavy opinions can be placed on pens07:33
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CaptLloydI think my N810 is shipping tomorrow, yay!07:44
K`zanHow does one get in to change paswords on the n800/2007?07:46
CaptLloydThey called me today to confirm I still wanted my preorder and my address07:46
K`zansomething to do with "gainroot" but how.07:46
K`zanGot my n800 last friday, understand the eagerness :)!07:46
CaptLloydI shoulda gotten Next day, heeh07:48
CaptLloydI thought it was gonna ship on a friday, so it wouldn't have mattered07:49
K`zanI even splurged for 2 day :)07:50
CaptLloydYeah, I got 2 day on mine07:50
CaptLloydWhere'd you get yours?07:51
_Monkeyi heard was awesome because they ship free and dont charge tax a lot of places07:52
K`zan800 not 81007:52
CaptLloydyeah, has the best price07:52
K`zanShip free if you don't mind a week or so.07:52
CaptLloydI got my MiniSD 4GB, for less than $20 shipped using and google checkout07:52
K`zan810 was a bit much $$$ for me and I'd rather have my choice of keyboard and GPS.07:53
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K`zanCoool :-).07:53
CaptLloydI think it took uhm maybe 5 days07:53
K`zanAlready I want 8G cards :), limping along with a 4G and 1G for now :-).07:53
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CaptLloydI really wanted a keyboard on the thing so I got an N81007:53
K`zanI was eager, I went for the 2 day, something I almost never do :)07:53
CaptLloydthe GPS is cool, but wasn't a must07:54
K`zanMixed emotions about that,  Beats hell out of tapping if you are doing much.07:54
CaptLloydIt cost almost 2x what an N800 would have been tho07:54
K`zanYep, true.07:54
CaptLloydI want to use it primarily for IM07:54
K`zanI've been stuck with built in stuff that I wasn't happy with before and I already have a good GPS anyway.07:54
CaptLloydI don't compose a lot of emails.07:54
K`zanGood :-)07:55
K`zanI did one reply to the guy that turned me on to the tablets and was pretty much over tapping by the time I got done with it.07:55
K`zanTook it for a ride tonight and was rather amazed at the number of WAPs out there.07:56
K`zanEven a fair number open.07:56
K`zanBut here I think it is a crime to use an open WAP unless you are physcially on the site.07:57
K`zanThey humg some kid for doing it from the library parking lot after hours.07:57
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l7K`zan: whoa, where did that happen?07:58
l7it's illegal to use a WAP after hours?  that's crazy07:59
K`zanIIRC it was Seattle, but I am no longer sure, it was a while back.07:59
CaptLloydMost places do not allow you to use other peoples access without permission07:59
l7that's weird08:00
K`zanTrue, but...08:00
l7they should use WPA then08:00
l7or turn it off after hours08:00
K`zanIf it is open to the public, it is OPEN to the public.08:00
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l7yeah i don't really see who is harmed by that08:00
K`zanYep, but we couldn't have the gov start being responsible for their actions here...08:00
K`zanNo one, but the cops and lawyers made out on the deal...08:01
l7ah, that's too bad08:01
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l7i could see the point if he was trying to hack into their computers08:01
K`zanNo one was harmed, but it is the LAW.  Small wonder no one respects the law much anymore :-(.08:02
l7but if he was just using their wifi to get online, it seems silly08:02
K`zanYep, that is what everyone I have talked to has said too.08:02
K`zanUnless they just want to play the power over game and here they LOVE it :-(.08:02
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l7ah well, that's unfortunate08:04
l7in unrelated news, i haven't seen many n810 reviews online yet08:04
_Monkeybecomeroot is a quick howto to become root here  and more information is here
l7no entry for n810 yet08:06
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K`zanOn installing jooleem, I got red pill mode on just apt-get install libsdlttf to get that?08:07
K`zanNot in any of the obvious places, any ideas for where to find "libsdlttf" ?08:10
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CaptLloydits part of SDL I assume08:15
CaptLloydbut I'm not sure what SDL package you need08:15
K`zanNo idea, google wasn't much help either...08:15
K`zanFor installing jooleem game08:15
CaptLloydTry sdl_ttf for the package?08:16
CaptLloydor SDL_ttf08:16
K`zanSeveral variations, no luck.08:16
K`zanI love stuff like that, it assumes you know what and where something needed is :-/.08:16
K`zanMuch to learn yet, much to learn :-).08:17
K`zanHope FBReader for 2007 doesn't loose my book and my place in it when it gets closed...08:17
K`zanHeh, had enough for today, catch Y'all on the morrow - night all.08:18
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pupniki built libsdl-ttf2.0-0_2.0.8-3_armel.deb for my repo but it's gregale / 77008:20
pupniki told him about gronmayer08:21
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solmumahapupnik: you getting n810?08:32
pupnikyes if i live that long08:33
solmumahagot the discount?08:34
pupniki'm getting some things done now again08:34
pupnika nice motivational bump, that was08:34
solmumahai bet08:34
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|Rpupnik : though since the code arrived, it's like being tortured with needles every second haha ;)08:36
mariorz_whats the best wat yo flash gui methor or nokia pproved?08:37
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pupnikdo you think it would better for dosbox to have its own launcher program, with settings and shortcuts to games, or have the frontend integrated into xmaemoe (the NES, GBA, MAME launcher)08:40
infobotpupnik meant: do you think it would better for dosbox to have its own launcher program, with settings and shortcuts to games, or have the frontend integrated into xmaeme (the NES, GBA, MAME launcher)08:41
mariorz_ha nice bot08:41
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pupniki'm adding it to xmaeme right now, but there are some UI things i'm not happy about, and which i couldn't change without Tak's help and approval08:42
mariorz_if its not exclusivly for games have its own launcher i think08:43
pupnikI did hear of one person running a non-game app on it.08:47
pupnikWill go with the standalone launcher.  Thx.08:48
mariorz_haha well yeah i guess not much else to run but games08:48
pupnikI'll use Tak's launcher as a framework, so he can integrate it in if he wants later.08:49
mariorz_what device you own? yyo or 800?08:49
pupnikMain thing is it needs a better scrolly list 77008:49
pupnikIt is fun launching dos games straight from menu08:49
pupnikWithout mucking around with dos commands at all08:50
mariorz_you run 2007 or 2006 on that?08:50
pupniktried 2007 but had instability so went back to 200608:50
mariorz_i tought it was all stable08:50
pupnikthere's a very new 2007 that might be stable now08:50
mariorz_just got a 770 not sure if i should do it08:51
mariorz_how do i check if its a new model maybe it was in stock or whatever im in mexico08:51
mariorz_manual is in spanish08:51
pupnik770 always ships with OS200608:51
mariorz_i know08:51
mariorz_ohh you mean new 2007 os08:52
mariorz_i tought new 77008:52
pupnikyeah they fixed a memory leak a couple weeks ago08:52
mariorz_ignore very late08:52
mariorz_ok so prbly try and see wtf no?08:52
pupnikyeah it's easy to install and go back08:52
pupnikjust takes some time to reinstall applications08:53
mariorz_i do loose whatever i have installed now no?08:53
mariorz_ok yeagh08:53
Andy80mariorz_: yes... I must admit that the new 2007 HE for 770 is very stable. The device remains a big and slow pachiderm, but at least it's stable :)08:56
mariorz_Andy80: its slower than with 2006?08:56
Andy80mariorz_: no, not slower than 2006, it's the device itself that is slow08:57
mariorz_oh ok08:57
mariorz_cool ill give it a try08:58
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unique311sucks...i got a virus.09:16
mariorz_in what os?09:16
mariorz_not windows surely09:17
unique311can seem to remove the reg key or delete the file as admin09:17
mariorz_how come youre running windows?09:18
_Monkeyhmmm... desktop is a product09:18
unique311photoshop illustrator, painter09:18
unique311all the goodies i can't do without09:18
_Monkeyosx is not a good environment for scratchbox.  Google says it is possible to run virtualisatino with VMware and Parallels desktop, wherein a linux OS running scratchbox is possible.09:18
unique311well, i tried installing that on my other desktop the other day.09:19
unique311but failed at it.09:19
unique311hey windows is not that awful.09:19
mariorz_suposeedly its cake ith leopard09:19
unique311except when you catch what i have.09:20
Andy80Windows is able to run a lot of software.... virus too :D09:20
unique311i know09:20
unique311i just hate the cleaning up.09:20
unique311even after the cleaning up, you do so much damage that a reinstall is still likely09:20
unique311well i have another desktop running vista, might just install osx on the on one with the virus09:21
unique311osx86 that is.09:21
l7how did you get the virus?09:21
unique311not sure.09:21
unique311playing with stuff i should;ve never been playing with i guess09:22
l7ah that's what scares me about running windows09:22
unique311my fault09:22
l7were you running AVG?09:22
l7i run AVG too, but i've heard it doesn't get everything09:22
unique311it doesn't09:22
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unique311my problem with this thing is that the autostart key i can delete09:23
l7crap well i guess no more banking on the windoze machine for me09:23
unique311and the program itself09:23
unique311not really the program09:23
unique311but the autostart key09:23
l7hrm so it keeps trying to start itself?09:23
unique311if i cannot delete the key as admin, then im screwed.09:23
unique311it starts itself09:23
l7yeah, probably better do a reinstall09:23
unique311and if im connected to the net, it installs all other types of virus09:24
unique311trojans and what not09:24
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unique311should be possible to remove the registry key09:24
unique311well i'm home till friday, good workout, i guess09:25
unique311didn't have to remove a virus in like 2 years.09:25
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mariorz_"Suitable USB device not found, waiting09:46
mariorz_i swithced the device on and nada, should i wait longer?09:46
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Andy80mariorz_: you've to switch on the device keeping the HOME button pressed09:47
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mariorz_nothing happende booted normaly09:48
mariorz_it think its doing it09:52
Andy80no... you should see in the terminal that it's flashing it09:54
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mariorz_Finishing flashing... done09:55
mariorz_its booting :D09:55
Andy80mariorz_: NOTE: use flasher-3.0 NOT 2.009:55
mariorz_ehh i used 2.0 im on mac os x09:55
Andy80ah ok09:55
mariorz_cool  worked09:56
mariorz_select lang screen etc09:56
Andy80mariorz_: you flashed the latest HE?09:57
Andy80you'll notice a better look :)09:57
mariorz_gtk looks better or09:57
mariorz_haha yeah was typing09:57
mariorz_haaha ok now im on the home09:58
mariorz_i was impressed by the  prettier dialogs09:59
trulshm,any encryptionservices available from python in maemo?09:59
trulsas in doing simple password-encryption of data before storing to file10:00
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Andy80truls: store an md5 checksum, instead of password... it could be a solution10:01
Andy80really don't know what kind of cripto libraries are available in maemo10:02
mariorz_there is no red pill mode on os2007?10:02
trulsAndy80: i'm doing a password safe-thingy. soo...10:02
Andy80mariorz_: yes it should be there...10:03
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mariorz_i do the matrx cancel thing and no dialog comes up10:03
Andy80it works here...10:04
trulsi might do something easy in C and pyrex it or something, but i'm still such a newb regarding packing stuff so was hoping for a pure python-solution to keep it simple10:04
mariorz_ok im doign something wrong10:04
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unique311i think its a conspiracy, the same companies who make anti virus, are the ones putting these virus.10:04
trulsonly the east europeans10:04
mariorz_thats been said since the 80s10:05
mariorz_actually now a day with the botnets there is a monetay incentive for viurs/trojan makers10:07
trulsthey just need to scare people more10:08
mariorz_how so10:08
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trulsi mean the antivirusmakers10:08
trulsthrough the botnets10:08
unique311_at least i found a fix for this trojan,10:08
trulsso people buy more antivirus10:08
unique311_whatever it is.10:08
trulsunique311_: windows trojan?10:09
mariorz_but the botnet owners are also making moeny no?10:09
mariorz_old days virus makers iddnt make moeny directly10:09
trulsso what did they do?10:10
mariorz_there is a bigger incentive for wirting trojans today10:10
unique311_whats the incentive?10:10
mariorz_i belive the correct therm is chicz0rs10:10
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trulsah, i stand corrected10:10
unique311_they don't get girls.10:11
mariorz_i know10:11
trulsthat's why they need to write trojans10:11
mariorz_money dont this botnets make money ?10:11
unique311_respect from the scene i guess10:11
mariorz_or i read to much wired10:11
mariorz_triugh spamiing etc10:11
trulsdepends who hires them10:12
trulssome might be strongarmed by higher ups.. and don't end up with money10:12
unique311_the antivirus companies10:12
trulsjust get to keep their fingers and stuff10:12
unique311_hire them10:12
* truls needs python-crypto10:13
mariorz_you really think there is a chippig off fingers type of mafia invloved in this?10:13
trulsi have an active imagination10:13
trulsso wouldn't be surprised10:14
mariorz_haha could be i really have no idea10:14
unique311_well disconnected that desktop from the network.10:15
unique311_my first love is infested10:16
unique311_piss me off10:16
mariorz_98% of virus come troug pron sites10:16
mariorz_just saying10:16
unique311_no porn here10:16
trulsit all got deleted by the trojan?10:17
mariorz_also 74% of all statistics ar made up on the spot!10:17
unique311_i kinda fucked up, and ran a keygen in safe mode. :(10:18
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mariorz_anyone got a link for that osso-xterm package with the shortcuts10:32
mariorz_the on on the maemo repository is the old one i thikn10:33
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mariorz_eveningk more like!10:34
czrlike mo mornink10:34
* czr pulls up a fight10:34
* mariorz_ gets his stabby tool10:35
* czr puts on his feathery chicken armor10:35
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czrmade of out sacrificial virgin chickens!10:36
mariorz_virgin chicks!10:36
mariorz_those can fly!10:36
czrthey can? cool.10:36
mariorz_well ofc10:37
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* czr grows tired of this chicken & stabby tool game and replaced chicken armor with OMG-its-maemo-armor.10:40
czrreplaces even10:40
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mariorz_where dpes the maemo anme come from btw?10:42
czrhow much will you pay me if I tell you?10:42
mariorz_is that a nokia thing?10:42
czrnote, I already have all the virgin chickens that I need10:42
czrit's a nokia trademark nowadays yes, but it wasn't when maemo was launched10:43
czrmariorz_, it was generated with pwgen and it looked like something but didn't mean anything.10:43
suihkulokkiczr: you got it wrong, you need virgins *and* chickens10:43
mariorz_i only participate in financial trnasaction via quails nowaday10:43
czrsuihkulokki, damn, explains a _lot_ of things!10:44
czr"now you tell me"10:44
* czr goes to sulk in the corner10:44
czrmariorz_, legends also tell that if you place three virgin chickens to point at 120 degree intervals at dawn on news-years even in lapland, they will form the letters maemo in the cold freezing air.10:45
czrnew-years even.10:46
mariorz_i heard that one10:46
JaffaMorning, all10:47
czrdobroe utro10:47
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czrsolmumaha, your nick somehow reminds me of a hostname of one of my deceased computers. it was suoliharja.10:51
solmumahafriend gave me this nick after a fundoplication surgery10:55
czrah, heh. ok then :-)10:55
solmumahaso i actually do have a knot in my stomach10:55
czrhad to look that one up in wikipedia10:56
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solmumahacan't blame you :)10:56
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czrit sounded like "fun duplication", but I guess not much fun replicated then10:56
solmumahawell i'm having fun now10:58
* czr nods10:58
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mariorz_the 800 has a faster processor or is the difference only the keyboard?11:07
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czrmariorz_, keyboard and gps and screen11:08
czrand you get one less memory card slots. also it's sligthly smaller11:08
inzand heavier11:08
mariorz_larger screen?11:08
czrmariorz_, the processors are the same on 810 and 800, but you need OS2008 to run them at 400MHz max11:08
czrmariorz_, same size screen, better contrast11:08
mariorz_is the keyboard good or too small?11:09
czrinz, yes, although I can't really tell the two apart by weight11:09
czrmariorz_, you'll have to try yourself11:09
mariorz_so procesor wise 770 < 800 = 810 ?11:09
czrI guess so, if you want to put it that way :-)11:09
czrsupport wise too ;-)11:10
mariorz_i just got a 770 as agift 2 days ago11:10
czrah, I see11:10
mariorz_pretty happy even if its unsupported tough :D11:10
czrmaybe N will come out with 2008HE at some point then11:10
mariorz_i had no idea this things existed man!11:10
mariorz_with linux!11:10
czrmariorz_, you don't use linux a lot I guess? :-)11:11
mariorz_i used too along time ago11:11
czrITs have been all over the place when they launched and launch :-)11:11
czrthey get free press coverage in all linux magazines, it's scary.11:11
mariorz_well i kind of stayed out of the IT loppp :P, since i got too college11:11
mariorz_used to program and read all kinds of stuff back in hs11:12
mariorz_but made a mistake some years ago choosed a wrong carrer and stoped haking.. im getting back to it11:12
czrhmm. what did you choose?11:13
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mariorz_industrial engineering11:13
mariorz_boring as hell11:13
czrhmm. the sound that collapsing bridges make didn't quite tickle your fancy? :-)11:13
mariorz_ha that woudl proabably be more fun!11:14
mariorz_alas i dont get to do that11:14
mariorz_i oversee quality control11:14
mariorz_that kind of lame stuff11:14
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czra lot of the industrial engineering stuff is slowly being converted to discrete controllers anyway. just way 10 years, and only embedded software will be used with new installations11:14
mariorz_operations reseach is cool tough11:14
czrah. maybe I'm thinking of the wrong kind of industrial engineering. the term is vague. I think on purpose, and my virginal chickens agree.11:15
mariorz_yeah the whole major is vague really11:15
mariorz_were administrative engineers who mostly work on manufacturing plants11:16
mariorz_its actually lamer thant that sounded11:16
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czrmm. paper pushing with hard hats?11:16
* czr gets the picture11:16
AD-N770bon dia / good morning11:17
timelyxJaffa: ping11:22
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mariorz_ehh not to sound like a script kidde but does aircrakc-ptw really work as advertised?11:32
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matt_c yay!11:36
SpakmanAnyone know how to create main menu items to launch a Ruby script in OS2007 or OS2008?11:37
l7anyone looking for a semi-bargain on a thinkoutside keyboard?11:42
l7looks like they're on sale at midnight box, not sure how good they are though11:42
l7they're selling it for $50 + shipping and tax11:43
* timelyx is broke11:43
l7ah too bad11:44
l7i'd be broke too after buying all this gear :)11:44
timelyxtraveling is a better way to go broke11:45
* czr votes for drinking11:45
czrmorning timelyx11:45
l7it's slightly cheaper than offer that a lot of people on ITT used11:45
timelyxdrinking is cheaper11:46
* timelyx considers kill-toying _Monkey11:47
timelyxsearch  fdjhkhfg dfgfdgf11:47
l7anyone know how reliable mobileplanet is?11:47
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czrtimelyx, it is indeed. hence more fun for longer time :-)11:49
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czrl7, the one that we live on hasn't exploded yet at least11:49
l7czr: clever, but i meant :)11:52
l7i'm a little dubious about ours though11:52
l7someone should check the manufacturer warranty11:52
czrI wouldn't worry. this little rock will outlast all of us.11:52
l7yeah, i guess the rock will be around11:53
l7i'll miss the other stuff11:53
czryou can always watch DVD remakes of old westerns to remind you how it was11:53
czror maybe even some nature shows :-)11:53
l7some people claim nature is better on HD-DVD than in real life11:55
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czronly if the disc is enhanced with moistorama and smellorama12:00
rothielhi guys :)12:00
czrand tiger-running-after-your-ass-o-rama.12:00
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mariorz_woot in os 2007 you never leave fullscreen12:03
czrin deep space no one can hear you scream12:08
jumpulain #maemo no one can hear you scream12:08
czrjumpula, yes. #maemo is like deep space.12:08
czrin deep Nokia, no one can hear the developers scream12:09
* czr hides & runs12:10
czrwearing the chicken-battle-armor12:10
pupnikthe thinkoutside keyboard was kind of pricey at $120 here12:11
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pupnikof course this is a converted price; i wasn't paying in imperial federal reserve notes12:12
czryou could try to pay them in lemons12:12
czror salt. I hear salt is pretty valuable.12:13
pupniki have never seen a good analysis of why stuff has such different prices in different countries12:15
czror market analysis really, not marketing12:16
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pupniki think govt is involved.   for e.g. smuggling a thousand N800s in from the USA to germany would have netted you about 120 thousand euros12:17
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czrthat's where import customs will hit you12:17
pupnikprice difference has been evened out a bit12:17
czralso sometimes export customs :-)12:17
czrand VAT and all that12:17
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czrbut yeah, it's not a reason, just makes it not very profitable to do it legally12:18
czryou can also build market barriers artificially, using DRMesque techniques.12:18
czror CSS for that matter12:18
pupnikoh well, food and beer are very cheap where i live12:19
czrfood is subsidised in most of western countries12:20
czrbeer partly too (because of grain subsidies)12:20
czralthough you normally also have alcohol tax, to offset things, but still.12:20
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pupnikalright N810 out in compusa also now12:26
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pupnikcan anybody explain the logic of shipping units to resellers like that, when the nokia stores have zero listings for N810, and zero chances to pre-order?12:27
pupnikor why the USA gets products made in Finland first?12:28
pupniki can only hope they're defective12:28
X-Fadeheh ;) If you could only buy those at US rates... Almost 50% discount for us europeans...12:29
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* pupnik ... big time tablet smuggler, flying under the law12:40
czrgrepping for "internet table" is somewhat humiliating12:43
czr"time tablet smuggler"12:43
czrway cooler than internet tablets12:44
czrhmm. maybe I should buy an N810 as well12:44
czrnot sure if can be bothered though.12:44
X-Fadeczr: Readable in daylight, is a main plus for me.12:45
* czr nods12:45
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pupniki really thought i could not be persuaded to upgrade, but there are too many things that don't run fast enough on 77012:50
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pupnikand that's really just lazy programming, but that's what's avaiable12:50
robtaylorczr: ooh, now that's what i want in the office, an internet table!12:50
dubquphello there12:50
czrrobtaylor, if you play your cards right, I might be able to sell you a couple of internet chairs as well12:51
dubqupwhen my n800 is really off (batery was removed first) and i connect it to the ac adapter it boots12:52
dubquphow can i turn that off?12:52
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robtaylorczr: heh:)12:53
pupnikdubqup: i don't think you can - charging management is handled in software, if i recall right12:53
dubqupczr: maybe you should visit ikea's "internet chattels" section12:54
dubquppupnik: ?12:54
czrdubqup, I'm banned from .ikea TLD12:54
dubqupczr: top level domain?12:55
czrdubqup, tried to convince them that their "maemo kitchen-ware" series violated the nokia trademark12:55
czrsure ;-)12:55
dubqupkk ;)12:55
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czrhmm. should trademark violations be filed against the public bugzilla as well?12:59
alteregoTook them long enough to get glade in pygtk ..13:05
czrI wish python+gtk would be first class citizens in maemo13:06
alteregoI wish that of ruby13:06
czralterego btw, I now mention the using ruby will also be possible "soon" in the material ;-)13:06
czrdidn't put any link, since couldn't find anything13:06
alterego"soon" ..13:06
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czrif you have something (stable), I can sneak it in13:07
alteregoIt's feature full enough.13:07
czrlink-wise stable I mean13:07
alteregoThat'd be
czrhow stable is that?13:07
alteregoThanks ;)13:08
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dubqupwhich one do you like more?13:08
dubqupgimp work!13:09
czralterego, done.13:09
czrlet's see if it survives the review round. /me hopes it does.13:09
dubqupthese are my suggestions to the ikea internet family13:10
alteregoIf only I could get it in extras devel13:10
murrayc_czr: It's not a trademark violation if it's not a related product. e.g. Apple Records and Apple Computers.13:10
czrmurrayc_, ok, trademark dilution then13:10
alteregoI don't want to setup my own deb repo >:(13:10
murrayc_czr: Good luck at law school.13:10
dubqupalterego: why not?13:10
alteregoThere are enough debian repositories for maemo already.13:11
dubqupa bunch of scripts to keep it up to date with fresh builds...13:11
czrmurrayc_, so I guess the maemo trademark usage guidelines can be used as toilet paper then?13:11
alteregoNot to mention I'd have to learn how to set it up and maintain it.13:11
dubqupalterego: and dead references are a must!13:11
dubqupalterego: setting it up is quite easy...13:12
dubqupbuilding 'nice' packages is much more work ;)13:12
alteregoStill, I don't have the time now and what would be the point?13:12
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alteregoThough I was thinking of converting all the gems I could find into debs,13:13
alteregoI don't think that's a great idea as the application manager would grow substantially ..13:13
czrpersonally I don't like the Extras-menu any more13:14
czrit's too crowded13:14
alteregoYou could reorganise it ;)13:15
* czr doesn't look like he cares much13:15
dubqupczr: do you know how i can 'install' an app with it's menu-entry outside 'extras' in the 'startmenu' ?13:15
czrdubqup, I don't know much13:15
czrand my legal career is borked too, thanks to murrayc_13:16
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dubqupczr: who does??13:16
czrdubqup, hang around, maybe someone will know13:17
lardmanmorning all13:17
pupnikgreets lardman13:18
alteregoI think it's unfair the US get N810's before the UK :(13:18
alteregoThe UK is _closer_ to finland!13:18
czrmaybe NZ got them first then13:19
alteregoThey're going the wrong way around the planet?13:20
pupnikmaybe european distributors are just lazy13:20
* alterego weeps13:21
alteregoczr, if I give you my discount code will you mail me an N810? :D13:21
inzdubqup, I think there's no official way to put it to certain menu, but there's a way to present the user with a selection dialog13:21
dubqupmaybee finland is just a bit crazy.... as everyone is ;)13:21
czralterego, I don't know if they're on sale here13:21
dubqupinz: where does it store the information??13:21
lardmanbigger market in the US, plus more publicity13:21
bedboiis there any unofficial ETA/rumor for European distribution13:21
dubqupso i could set it manually (from a script)13:21
inzdubqup, no idea13:21
dubqupinz: so how can i show the dialog?13:22
pupnikbedboi: expansis was talking about end of november13:22
bedboioh damn.13:22
alteregobedboi, some time in the not so distant future. That help? :)13:22
lardmanQuim did say they are working behind the scenes13:22
bedboialterego: no, i hate the fuzzy dates :)13:22
alteregoIn my mind if is pretty much the end of november :)13:22
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alteregoSome time in the next 8 days then? :)13:23
bedboiyep, i guess that's a fair date, and i'm quite confident nokia is working hard to do this asap13:23
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alteregoDoesn't seem like much of a wait but it sure feels like it ^_^13:23
lardman:) tell me about it!13:23
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alteregoBut we should probably all relax a bit :)13:23
inzdubqup, section "Utilities to use in maintainer scripts"13:23
pupnikand hardware doesn't magically get copied like software when it's done13:24
pupnikanybody know where they're being manufactured?13:25
alteregoI just hope by the time I find out that it's been launched in this country it's not sold out before I order one ;)13:25
czrlardman, actually quim said they're working silently ;-)13:25
vegaihas it been launched anywhere yet?13:26
czrvegai, US13:26
* alterego contemplates ordering one from the US.13:26
* vegai contemplates doing something useful meanwhile :-P13:26
alteregoI could get it posted to a APO ..13:27
* czr wonders whether to eat first, work later, or work later and eat first.13:27
alteregoHe's a funny one is Quim Gil :)13:28
alteregoI suppose in his position you've got to have a sense of humour.13:28
inzczr, multitask!13:29
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czrinz, makes my brain hurt :-)13:29
czrit will just all end up badly, filled with NAO failed! messages13:29
alteregoYou should try drinking what I had last night :/13:29
czralterego, drinking sounds perfect right now13:30
lardmankoen: ping13:35
inzczr, upgrade your brain to multi-core13:36
czrinz, wouldn't that lead to race-conditions?13:37
czrI'm still running squshyOS 0.1 from 76 you know.13:37
czrnone of this fancy 2000s thingies13:37
inzczr, then you need to upgrade your software too ;)13:38
czrdamn, but I like my 0.2 bit memories :-)13:38
czrmaybe food is the strategically correct choice now though.13:39
czrinz, I added the dilbert strip to the release notes of the material now13:39
czrI put in under: 3. Important motivational comic strip13:39
czr(this one: )13:39
suihkulokkiczr: you should embed something like "if this text is left here, nobody bothered to review this documentation. Use at your own risk"13:42
czrsuihkulokki, who says I haven't?13:42
czrinfact, a lot of those things have gone unnoticed so far through each and every review :-)13:43
czrbut they're more subtle13:43
alteregoI wish I didn't have to work. Then I could play with ruby-maemo all day every day :)13:44
inzczr, =)13:46
Veggen_my goal is to own 2.5 million euro. That should be enough for living off the interests for the rest of your life ;)13:47
Veggen_(and then I should do only open source things - and/or just things I want :)13:47
alteregoYeah, that'd be fun.13:48
alteregoThere should be some kind of grant that makes that possible :)13:48
czrinz, fitting, isn't it? :-)13:49
inzczr, yeah13:49
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czrfood & nap ->13:51
lardmanAnyone Mamona related on here atm?13:51
alteregoPffft ..13:51
alteregoA nap at this time of the day?13:51
alteregoIt'd be all right .. If you were 2! :P13:51
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czralterego, I always nap after food. keeps me going into the night :-)13:52
czralways = when working at home13:52
alteregoI wish I could do that :P13:53
alteregoI always want a nap after breakfast.13:54
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pupnikfunny thing is going on welfare means you can spend your time programming and doing whatever you want - as long as it doesn't cost money14:00
alteregoYeah, welfare isn't much in this country at all.14:04
alteregoBarely enough to live.14:04
derfI think that's kind of the idea.14:06
alteregoEven if you're on disability ?14:07
derfIn this country disability and welfare are different things.14:07
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alteregoThey are here too.14:08
alteregoI was pointing out that disability is also very small :)14:08
derfWell, that sounds like a legitimate complaint.14:08
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L0cutusanyone is using synergy on n800 ?14:13
pupnikany productive work that results in > 50% the product of your labor being taken by force is not worth engaging in14:13
pupnikL0cutus: yes many people14:14
dubqupinz: ty!14:15
L0cutuspupnik: if i have understand well this thing (synergy) on my pc i switch to n800 with mouse14:15
L0cutus(direction i have configured on synergy.conf)14:15
pupnikand synergys runs on pc and synergyc runs on n80014:15
L0cutusafter that, mous isn't visible at all true ?14:16
pupnikyes.  but you can change this14:16
L0cutushu ?14:16
pupnikyou can make mouse appear on n80014:16
L0cutusn800 doesn't have mouse pointer14:16
L0cutushow ?14:16
_Monkeysynergy is mouse and keyboard sharing between computer and tablet:   and for 770
pupnikhmm  there is a script14:16
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L0cutusfor now all is functioning ok but no visible mouse pointr on n80014:17
L0cutusi have read this guide:
pupnikyou just need one command in the shell.  but i forgot it14:21
L0cutusuaz :)14:23
L0cutusi try to search on itt14:23
pupniki tried too, maybe the synergy projects on garage have the howto14:24
X-FadeL0cutus: The mouse pointer icon is replaced by a transparant one. That is why you don't see it, IIRC.14:27
L0cutusX-Fade: so no solution ?14:28
X-FadeL0cutus: Just replace the icon? :)14:28
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L0cutushem how ? :D14:28
X-FadeFind the file and copy another over it?14:29
pupnikthe first time i copied a cursor over the transparent nokia X cursor14:30
pupnikbut there is a trick that just involves moving files in the /home/user directory14:30
X-Fadepupnik: .icons perhaps?14:31
X-Fadexcursor-transparent in /home/user/.icons14:31
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pupnikthat's it14:31
pupniki think14:31
X-Fade xcursor-transparent -> /usr/share/icons/xcursor-transparent14:32
X-FadeSo just change that symlink14:32
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alteregoHmm .. microb doesn't do image scaling?14:37
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dubqupalterego: isn't microb from southpark?14:44
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X-Fadealterego: It doesn't scale backgrounds at least. I filed a bug for that..15:00
X-FadeNo replies from the microb team after 2007-08-02 though.15:02
alteregoNot just backgrounds. All images.15:04
alteregoDoesn't do any scaling.15:04
alteregoUnless you're viewing it as an image. Which it does that zoom out thing like firefox.15:04
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X-Fadealterego: Please add that to that bug?15:06
alteregoSure, in a bit.15:10
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Spakmanalterego: can the ruby-maemo bindings access bluetooth devices? I've got a GPS device I'm trying to get some NMEA info from (OS2008)15:24
Jaffaalterego: so a 1x1 grey gif shown with <img src="dot.gif" width="100" height="100" /> will display as a single pixel?15:24
alteregoJaffa, I believe so.15:25
alteregoI've been doing the opposite.15:25
alteregoAnd it's cliping my images15:25
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Jaffaalterego: blimey, that's a corker of a bug15:37
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alteregoI was wondering whether it was a feature ;)15:39
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trulshm, strange, i can ssh in to my n800 as root and start my program manually, but not using ssh directly....16:12
truls(NameError: global name '_gtk' is not defined)16:12
trulspython gtk thing16:12
L0cutusalso via ssh i'm unable ti unstall programs16:12
L0cutuswhen it ask 'source is not certified etc...'install ? (y/N)16:13
L0cutuseven if i press y it exit16:13
trulsfysa: thanks :)16:13
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trulsfysa: was confused by the fact that it worked when ssh-ing in16:14
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trulswow, that messed up all the theme-settings of the application in a cool way16:14
fysamaybe you can 'su user'16:15
trulsi'll just ssh in as the user directly i guess16:15
trulsjust have to set a password16:15
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JesperCheetahI've just managed to install ejabberd along with jjigw, and would like to use these from my N800. However, I can't figure out how to set my nickname? It works fine with Psi, which has a nice nickname field16:19
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trulshm, no go16:19
trulsguess environment might not be properly set...16:19
Tak-truls: do `python -V` both ways?16:23
trulsboth ways?16:23
trulsversion is 2.5.116:25
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skiburhello fellow hackers16:27
trulsTak-: confused16:27
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timelessjaffa: ping16:30
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Spakmanalterego: can the ruby-maemo bindings access bluetooth devices? I've got a GPS device I'm trying to get some NMEA info from (OS2008)16:33
trulsok, running through the busybox shell seems to fix things16:34
alteregoSpakman, should you not be going through gpsd?16:34
trulsssh user@ -t "DISPLAY=:0.0 sh --login -c ./"16:34
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trulsactually DISPLAY and -t aren't needed either16:35
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Jaffatimless: pong16:36
timelessyou never finished off the bug filing :(~16:36
JaffaAh, true. I got distracted by other work.16:36
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alteregoThat's interesting. After I restarted the browser the images are resized properly.16:43
alteregoGuess it's not a missing feature after all.16:43
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lophytehey all'16:43
kaltsihmm where can I get libglade2-0.. ukmp doesn't want to install without it16:43
lophytekaltsi, thanks for the help last night.. got my n800 working again16:44
kaltsilophyte: oh good to hear :)16:44
lophytethe continuous rebooting scared me16:44
lophyteI had to flash it so I lost all my installed apps..16:44
kaltsithat's unfortunate :(16:45
lophyteyeah, oh well16:45
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lophytemy wireless network at home doesn't work well with my n800 for some reason16:51
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penguinbaitlophyte, mine either16:52
lophytewhat router do you have?16:52
penguinbaiti replaced my ap yesterday, now it works great16:53
lophytemy ap is a linux box with a wireless card16:53
penguinbaitit was old linksys wap2.216:53
lophytewith buggy drivers16:53
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L0cutusseems the synergy cursor on n800 is show only inside applications, not on maemo interface, is this ok ?16:53
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penguinbaitthat linksys has always had problems with  770/80016:54
lophyteI'm hoping to get a linksys wrt54-gl16:54
lophytehopefully that'll fix it up16:54
penguinbaiti got a free netgear, its working great16:54
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penguinbaitI just used Kword on n800 to print business cards16:58
lophyteI have a preference toward linksys...16:58
penguinbaitI like linksys also, I had problems with my last one, but it was running dlink firmware :)16:59
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trulsack, brain is frying from trying to make this python-app friendly (and runnably) on both desktop and hildon17:00
L0cutuspupnik: is this the script you mean ? :
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vishnu_is there a wireless-tools port for os2008?17:11
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X-FadeHmm Nokia released a beta for a video converter for Windows.
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* czr eeks17:35
* czr emulates a monocolor sprite17:35
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czrkaltsi, you lazy boy! I see that 2313 is still unresolved :-)17:37
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kaltsiczr I won't fix that myself, hopefully someone grabs the ball17:39
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czrsalty chocolate?17:39
kaltsitomorrow we have a meeting and I'll ask about that one too17:39
czrsure. it's not that critical to me anyway, now that I know to avoid it :-)17:40
czr2312 is more important17:40
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kaltsiwhat I did though.. I added a delay feature to screenshot-tool :)17:41
* matt_c wonders if anyone has spotted OS2008 for the N800 yet17:41
czrkaltsi, which one? I thought inz was behind the mh-snapshot-thingy17:41
kaltsijust a command line util screenshot-tool17:42
infobotczr meant: kaltsi, which one? I thought inz was behind the mh-screenshot-thingy17:42
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czryeah, delays are pretty useful in screenshotting stuff. too bad none of the themes on the device are copyright free?17:42
Tiekui just got my n800 this morning :) any avilable for a couple of quick questions? - struggling to find answers17:43
kaltsiask away, maybe someone knows the answer :)17:43
czrTieku, just drop your questions on this channel and see what happens :-)17:43
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Tiekuis it possible/easy to access samba shares through the n800? why am i only finding resources for the n770 :-S17:44
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czrTieku, not directly out of the box. not sure how difficult it would be to build the cifs driver for the device though.17:45
czror you could go userspace and use smbclient or something like that, porting that shouldn't be that hard.17:45
amryou can do it using the 770? :o17:46
Tiekui've never ported anything :-S this is soundunng tricky. thanks for yuour advice.17:46
Tiekuis anyone running 2008 on an n800?17:46
czrTieku, I'd consider finding alternatives first if building per se sounds scary. scp maybe?17:46
czrTieku, yes.17:47
Tiekuczr: what is scp?17:47
_Monkeyscp is a means of securely transferring computer files between a local and a remote host or between two remote hosts, using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol. SCP means Secure Copy (See openssh)17:47
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czrdamn, _Monkey is useful at least once during it's lifetime17:47
Tieku:-) quick too17:47
czrshe's a quick little monkey17:47
TakI use scp/gftp for all my file transfer needs17:48
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TiekuI didn't want to transfer just read from... there seems to be some apps on maemo but struggled to install them17:48
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Tiekuwhat are the top community sites for working on an n800?17:49 at least has some links to them17:49
czryou could start there17:49
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czrinterestingly enough the site doesn't work for me right now. hmm.17:51
czrtak :-)17:51
Tiekui've been using it for a few days. sometimes its down for long periods17:51
czrbut it isn't even late night or anything, why did it break down already?17:51
Tiekuworking for me now. who runs it?17:52
czrbleh. bugzilla works.17:52
czrTieku, some non-nokia company17:52
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czrah, works here too. now.17:53
Tiekuczr: which tablet are you using?17:53
czrhmm. none really. but I have them all :-)17:54
czrhave = they're in front of me, while I don't technically own them all.17:54
Tiekuwhich os do you have running on your n800?17:54
czrunreleased version.17:55
Tiekuhave you a link to a howto?17:55
czrhowto on what?17:55
Tiekuinstall 200817:55
czrI don't think it's available for N800 officially yet.17:55
X-FadeTieku: He has an official 2008 flash file from Nokia directly ;)17:55
X-FadeNot that 'hack'.17:56
Tiekui know. but i read about it before getting the handset. it was my intention17:56
czrsome people have installed the 2008 image that was meant for N810 on their N800. but that's not really what you want to do.17:56
Tiekuczr: is that not what you have done?17:56
czrTieku, no. see what x-fade wrote.17:56
Tiekuoh i see. thanks x-fade17:56
* Tieku stumped...17:56
czrI'd think the 2008 release will be soon available. don't know when though.17:57
Tiekuwhich browser engine is 2008 using?17:57
_Monkeymicrob is the nokia sponsored gtk2-cairo hack of gecko for use by /usr/bin/browser via eal on n800 (4.2007)17:57
Tiekuis there a 2007 including microb?17:58
czrhmm. I think the latest 2007HE for the 770 has it17:58
czrbut for N800, no.17:58
X-FadeTieku: browser.garage.maemo.org17:58
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X-FadeYou can download it there for N800.17:58
czrah, yes. you can install microb yourself of course :-)17:58
Tiekuwhy is the 770 so active compared to the n800?17:58
cesman2008 does look great!  However, unless the app(s) you use have been ported, I'd suggest waiting.17:58
TiekuX-Fade: thanks!17:59
* cesman flashed back after a day17:59
czrTieku, it's not really :-)17:59
Tiekuim very new and currently using no apps. keen to have a good browser and ideally samba access17:59
czrtransparent smb?17:59
Tiekui dont know what you mean be transparent smb. i have a nas drive running samba which i would like to access the files18:00
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fysaAnyone here with an N810 that can comment on typing speed/ease with the pull-out versus on-screen?18:01
czrtransparent = so that you don't copy files first in order to use them18:01
czrfysa, the hw keyboard feel is very subjective.18:02
czrsome people get used to it quickly, some don't.18:02
Tiekuyes its transparent i want :)18:02
fysaI guess the biggest boost would be the extra screen space you gain by not needing the vkb..18:02
czrTieku, you might want to google some more, or if you can't find anything, you might want to ask on maemo-users mailing list (seek more wisdom in
czrfysa, it is convenient, yes. esp with x-term18:03
Tiekuczr thanks. googling has been difficult so far :) but will keep at it18:03
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czrTieku, do a search on maemo-user archives then. if you find nothing, post an email there. I'm sure you're not alone.18:04
TiekuX-Fade: im downloading RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.38-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin is that a OS file i need to flash?18:04
czrtechnically packaging together a cifs driver shouldn't be all that impossible.18:04
zoranTieku, something liek samba client?18:04
Tiekui've read alot about it happening just not had any luck.18:04
czrzoran, transparent one18:04
Tiekuzoran: yes18:04
zoranin ports for gregale I see a lot of stuff like that18:04
czrI'm thinking of either an smb module for gnome-vfs or the cifs driver directly to the kernel18:05
czrnot sure how'd you enter smb-uris for gnomevfs in the file manager though.18:05
czror media player for that matter18:05
zoranlemme check some perl/python option18:05
Tiekudoes anyone know what sort of file  RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.38-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin is?18:06
lophyteyeah its a bin file18:06
lophyteas in. bin(ary)18:06
czrcombined fiasco I think18:07
JesperCheetahSeems like more people are awake now, so I'll just repeat my question from hours ago :)18:07
Tieku:-) binary.... hmm badly put question18:07
JesperCheetahI've just managed to install ejabberd along with jjigw, and would like to use these from my N800. However, I can't figure out how to set my nickname? It works fine with Psi, which has a nice nickname field18:07
bill20r3 /nick ?18:07
Tiekuhow do i install this binary file onto a n800? - via windows18:07
zoranhm, found a lot python samba modules; it could take days to rad all18:07
JesperCheetah/nick doesn't work. It just gets printed in the channel as any other message18:08
Tiekuzoran, thanks for checking that out. but im very new so i'll hold back for a bit untill i've found my feet18:08
JesperCheetahAnd besides, it would be nice if I could set the nick before I even join any channels18:08
zoranTieku, or samba with fuse?18:08
Tieku:-S what is fuse?18:08
zoranthere is a link on swik.net18:09
czrTieku, (windows flasher/updater)18:09
Tiekuczr: thankyou very much :D18:09
czrTieku, thank google18:09
Tiekugoogles not been helpful to me today. lots of new terms to learn :)18:10
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lophyteis there a quick and easy way to remove a bunch of packages from the n800?18:13
lophyteie. all the localization files18:13
lophyteapt-get doesn't accept wildcards :\18:13
suihkulokkirm -rf /18:13
lophytenice try18:14
Jaffabergie/X-Fade: cron died on planet again?18:14
derffor i in ... ; do apt-get ... ; done18:14
bergieJaffa: I guess so... damn virtual server18:14
X-FadeJaffa: No, it has been stopped for the account reconstruction..18:14
lophyteyeah I guess that works, but it involves typing out all the packages...18:14
X-FadeOr undelete..18:14
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derfNo, get apt to dump the list to a file.18:14
lophyteI know dpkg has an option for it18:15
lophyteapt-cache pkgnames I think would work18:17
zoranlophyte, there is about million locale files !18:17
zoranremoving them from app manager is close to impossible18:18
lophyteyeah I'm not using app manager18:18
zoransome script that reads list and removes via whatever...18:18
bill20r3anyone tried mame on a n810(or N800 with n810 firware?)  I'm wondering if the extra speed makes it playable.18:19
zoranls *extension | apt-get remove -18:19
Takit's already playable, depending on the game18:19
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bill20r3well, lets say "playable on more games" then.18:21
czrspellechecker suggests replacing Nokia with Nikita!18:21
* Tak shrugs18:21
TakI doubt a few MHz boost is going to make a big difference18:22
czrI wonder if anyone would notice if I'd do a quick sed-job18:22
lardmanTak: 20%18:23
* Tak continue doubting18:24
TakI'd like to see people trying xmame and fceu on N810 just so I could get some feedback, though ;-)18:25
JaffaX-Fade: ah. ETA?18:26
amris the n810 capable of a 3d racing game?18:27
amri might buy one if so ;)18:27
lophytenice, it works too18:28
lophyteapt-get remove `apt-cache pkgnames osso-imageviewer`18:28
Takno 3d hardware acceleration yet18:28
lardmanI like the yet18:29
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Tiekui got the new microb installed :) more ajax sites work now!18:29
czrTieku, now you get a cleaner internet experience18:30
shackandoes google reader work at last?18:30
kulvemobile version has worked always :)18:30
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Tiekuhmmm im imagine so18:30
kulvepretty simple though..18:30
Tiekunetvibes works :)18:30
Tiekui'll test some google apps18:30
X-FadeEven renders the ACID2 test nicely..18:31
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Tiekuamazing microb18:37
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* lophyte needs to stop tinkering18:38
lophyteacidentally removed osso-browser18:38
lophyteand it doesn't look like its in a repo anywhere..18:39
JaffaWhoa, the in-progress fixed profiles have given me a massive boost of karma18:39
bill20r3did the "first 500" people to get N810's get decided based on karma?18:39
kulvesame here. I though I've been just active :)18:39
kulvebill20r3: no18:40
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kulvebill20r3: karma was only one factor when deciding18:40
_Monkeywas only one factor when deciding has neutral karma18:40
kulve_Monkey: wha?18:40
_Monkeykulve: i haven't a clue18:40
kulveI know18:40
czrcan't one _please_ tell the person who runs monkey to do the answer-only-when-asked thingy18:40
X-FadeHilarious answers sometimes ;)18:41
czrbut it's so irritating :-)18:42
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kulve_Monkey: karma?18:45
_Monkeykulve: wish i knew18:45
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X-Fade_Monkey: karma kulve18:46
_Monkeykulve has neutral karma18:46
X-FadeAh, It has a karma keyword :)18:46
X-Fade_Monkey: kulve++18:46
X-Fade_Monkey: karma kulve++18:46
_Monkeykulve++ has neutral karma18:46
X-Fade_Monkey: karma kulve ++18:46
_Monkeykulve ++ has neutral karma18:46
X-FadeI give up..18:47
Takwhy does the app catalog keep dropping my screenshots?18:48
X-FadeTak: What kind of files are you using?18:49
X-FadeTak: I have been investigating it a few times. I can't trigger it myself. Very frustrating ;)18:49
Takit's happened to me several times with each of my projects18:50
Takif I add a new screenshot, the old one suddenly shows up18:50
X-FadeAll projects that were started before we split the catalog per OS?18:51
TakI haven't added a new one to xmame/OS2007 yet if you'd like to take a look18:51
X-FadeTak: Most of the time, deleting all screenshot and readding them helps..18:51
X-FadeBut I'm still not clear why it happens in the first place..18:52
Takyeah, I did that before18:52
Takand then I went to update things after the OS split, and they were gone again (for OS2007)18:52
X-Fadeyeah, because I had to remove the corrupted ones..18:53
X-FadeThere were no thumbnails for some, no original for others..18:53
X-FadeTak: I'll check it out some more tomorrow, I have to have some dinner first..18:54
Takok, enjoy18:54
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bedboiwhen using USB networking is there any way to make maemo understand that you are actually connected?18:58
trulsack, forcefully (programatically) removing focus from a widget, so i can remove the keyboard was more tricky than i thought18:58
trulsor rather, not as easy as i thought18:59
Tiekuhas anybody found a good way to have flash embedded videos play?19:04
kulvehow do my home applet get the osso_context_t from the desktop? I wouldn't want to do my own osso_initialize.19:05
bedboihow to take screenshots with os2008?19:06
kulvebedboi: I (partly) ported my screen grabber for it, but somebody said that it doesn't work.. Want to test?19:07
bedboikulve: sure19:07
lardmanbedboi: for the gui you mean?19:07
bedboibtw ukmp seems not to work due to missing dependencies19:07
bedboilardman: no...19:07
bedboieven the osso-screen...19:08
lardmanthere's a dummy connection you can "connect" so the maemo stuff thinks you're connected iirc19:08
kulvebedboi: you should have a menu entry after that. After starting, it will wait 5 secs, use osso-screenshot-tool (dependency) to take the shot, and save it to MyDocs/Images19:09
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kulvethe infoprint is broken, since they changed the api and I don't know how to use the new one with dbus-send..19:09
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czrkulve, ask alterego19:15
czrkulve, we discussed the new api just a day or two back19:15
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alteregoAh yes.19:16
czror I can dig it out for you, if you like :-). but I'll have a quick smoke first19:16
alteregoI've got it ;)19:16
alteregoI suppose I should have finished writing that blog entry ^_^19:17
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alteregokulve, dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint string:"Hello, world"19:18
kulveexcellent, thx :)19:18
trulshm, i wonder if keeping the keyboard focus in a entry-widget even after it's not viewable anymore should be considered a hildon/gtk bug19:18
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lardmananyone happen to know what version binutils is in the SDK?19:28
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kulveii  binutils                               2.16.91cs2005q3.2-5.osso1    The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti19:28
kulvechinook beta19:28
kulvesame in final19:29
lardmanI'm trying to build an oabi gpe-image to test the powervr binaries on19:29
lardmanI guessed 2.16 to match gcc 3.4.4 so that should be ok19:30
skiburI want my OS2008 on my N80019:32
* Jaffa wants an N810. Life is full of delays :-/19:33
lardmanJaffa: Me too!19:34
lardmanskibur: ITT....19:34
_Monkeyitt is probably
lardman_Monkey: useful twice in one day, well done :)19:34
_Monkeylardman: i'm not following you...19:34
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czrlardman, see, even monkeys don't want to follow you where you're going :-)19:37
lardmanah well, that's why they're still monkeys!19:37
czrtrue. and this one is special in many ways anyway19:38
lardmanspecial needs....19:38
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Jaffalardman: I have bookmarked, but it just goes to the N800 page on atm :-(19:42
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lardmanJaffa: Well, hopefully soon then19:43
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JaffaIt's been doing it for ages :-/19:44
lardmanah, I meant in general, not because of the redirect19:44
* Jaffa is impatient (want the N810 for when I go on holiday at the start of December)19:44
lardmanI want for when I finally manage to get a gpe-image to build19:45
lardman(which will go on the N800)19:46
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lophyteit upsets me that "Toronto" isn't in the list of cities in the Clock applet19:51
lophyteand Ottawa is19:51
czrhmm. maybe you can run a system-wide sed to replace ottawa into Tornto :-)19:52
timelessare they in the same timezone?19:52
penguinbaityes Detroit isn't either19:53
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lophytepenguinbait, wow, that's wild19:53
timelessi think the goal was to make it easy to tap on the map19:53
timelessnote that most things in California aren't on the map19:53
timelesswhich really annoyed me19:53
timelessalso note that it's a royal pain to tag helsinki19:53
timelesswhich is kinda ironic19:53
timeless(it's easier to get tampere/talinn iirc)19:53
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cosmomaybe the map widget is coded at tampere19:54
timelessi'm sure someone told me who wrote it19:55
timelessthe person was iirc proud of making sure that all map points were hittable19:55
timelessanyway, if you want complaints, the us has more cities that aren't listed that should be than canada :)19:56
timelessand there were a couple of other places who were also upset19:56
timelessi can't remember which others19:56
lardmanMe, in Bath19:56
lardmanOlder than all your New World cities, ought to be on there ;)19:56
timelessin England?19:57
timelessbeen there, not bad, not really worth mapping19:57
timelessgzip: stdin: not in gzip format19:57
timelesstar: Child returned status 119:57
* timeless sighs19:57
* timeless considers fixing the script not to trigger that19:57
timelessbzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.19:57
timelesstar: Child returned status 219:57
timelessfun fun19:57
timelessmy script is very stupid, if it looks like a tgz or bz2ball, it must be :)19:57
* timeless applies script to another week19:58
lophytehey I got a question that I can't find the answer to.. when I'm done using USB networking, I rmmod g_ether.ko but the N800 refuses to show up as a usb file storage device on my Linux PC afterwards..19:59
lophyteshould I rmmod g_file_storage when I insmod g_ether and then vice versa when I'm done, or what20:00
* timeless would have hoped this was doc'd on the wiki :)20:01
lophyteyeah I looked around but I didn't see anything20:01
lophyteall I could find was "unplug the USB cable, rmmod g_ether and it will show up as a file storage device"20:02
lophytebut it doesn't20:02
lophyteI always try to RTFM first ;)20:02
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bedboistupid scratchbox "You must close your other Scratchbox sessions first"20:05
czrbedboi, sb-conf killall20:06
timelessthat's normal20:06
timelessyou get used to it :)20:06
czrif you're in ARMEL though, that doesn't always help20:06
czrso logout and kill -9 scratchbox/qemus20:06
bedboithanks, good too know20:06
czrand yes, it is slightly annoying. I'd like it to support multiple sessions simultanously20:07
czrtsavola, when will you fix it? :-)20:07
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czrinz, what do you mean with "I also have sb-conf in -e in .bashrc in scratchbox so the file gets copied to rootstrap too"20:13
czresp the -e part?20:13
bedboiis there anything more stupid than the debian changelog ?20:14
bedboi-- maintainer name <email address>[two spaces]  date20:15
kulveuse debchange to edit it..20:15
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Andy80hi all20:21
penguinbaitI see the libsmbclient is now included in 2008OS, is there some new built in samba functionality?20:23
L0cutusciao Andy8020:25
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Andy80L0cutus: ciao :)20:25
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kulvepenguinbait: /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libsmb.so20:36
penguinbaitkulve is what is that, the filemanager?20:38
kulvepenguinbait: looks like gnome vfs module, so I guess all apps that uses gnomevfs can access files over samba20:38
kulvejust guessing thouhg..20:39
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lophytehey khertan20:39
khertanSomeone have the time to help me with a small little question about Gtk TextView ?20:40
rghoshwhat's the question?20:40
_Monkeyit has been said that the question is whether you can mask it well enough that they wouldnt notice20:40
khertani'm not an expert in gtk and i want to get callback when an user make a click that change the cursor position in a textview how can i do that ?20:40
khertan(i was writing it :) )20:41
khertan'hey lophyte20:41
khertani don't find the right signal20:41
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rghoshmove-cursor signal?20:41
khertanmove-cursor only occurs when the cursor is moved with dpad on n80020:41
khertani ve try :)20:42
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rghoshhmm that sucks, here's an ugly idea:20:43
rghoshget the button-press signal20:43
rghoshand check the cursor position, if it's changed20:43
khertanhum ... this need an other button20:44
amrhow do i remove something from the extras menu20:44
amri uninstalled 'cellphonetool' and its left the icon there20:45
rghoshtextview derives from widget, which has a button-press-event signal20:45
khertanbut the screen size of the it ...20:45
khertanrghosh: ah ! i ll try20:45
alteregoamr, delete the desktop file in /usr/share/applications20:45
khertanamr: take a look in /usr/share/application/hildon/bblablalesoft.desktop20:45
alteregoamr, you should also contact the author and see why it's broken.20:46
khertanyes ... applications ... not application :)20:46
amrgot it, cheers20:46
tkokhertan: why do you want to know cursor position changed?20:46
czrkhertan, does cellphonetool come with a custom icon?20:46
czrkhertan, I mean, did you see the default "gray four boxes"-icon or something else when you had it installed?20:46
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rghoshkhertan: but i don't see how to get the cursor position from the textview...20:48
khertantko: for some test on an implementation of an auto-completion in PyGTKEditor ... i need it too for an other applications20:48
khertanrghosh ...  i know how to get the cursor position ...20:48
rghoshout of curiosity, how?20:49
khertansimple ... textview.get_buffer().get_insert()20:49
khertanyou get a TextMark :)20:49
rghoshah nice ok20:50
tkokhertan: maybe follow GtkTextBuffer::cursor-position property changes20:50
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disqgah. i just noticed, thumbkb won't work with editable gtklistview text items. bora and chinook.20:51
khertanhum button-press-event isn't the solution20:53
khertanit s called before the cursor in the buffer set the new position20:53
rghoshah how about this20:53
khertanbut we are near20:53
rghoshmark-set signal belonging to textbuffer20:53
rghoshlisten to that, and check, when you get the callback, if the name of the textmark is "insert"20:53
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khertanthe problem with ::cursor-position : "his property is available in GTK+ 2.10 and above."20:55
khertanso no os2007 and 200620:55
rghoshhow about mark-set?20:56
penguinbaiton your mark, get set, GO!20:56
czrkaltsi, the message will live on forever: (that's going into the material as a screenshot)20:57
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khertanwhat is mark-set ?20:57
rghoshtextview.get_buffer() gets a textbuffer20:58
rghoshthe textbuffer has a 'mark-set' signal20:58
rghoshthis will be emitted when any mark is set20:58
rghoshthere is one mark in particular that you are interested in20:58
rghoshthe mark whose get_name() method returns "insert"20:58
rghoshso you attach a callback to the 'mark-set' signal20:59
kaltsiczr haha :)  you will have to put up a NAO-faq20:59
rghoshthen when you get the callback, check if the textmark's 'get_name()' method returns 'insert'20:59
rghoshif so, you have been notified of a change in cursor position (i think)20:59
czrkaltsi, maybe a legend will be born. who knows :-)20:59
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kaltsiUnited Kingdom - NAO OK's BBC's investment in Freeview21:00
kaltsiThe National Audit Office (NAO) review of the BBC's investment in Freeview21:00
czrsp3000, see what is possible now that is fixed? (look at the url I gave to kaltsi). <3.21:00
czrkaltsi, :-)21:00
czror just brain in chinese.21:00
* czr prefers brain to audit.21:00
kaltsimmm.. braaiinss21:01
czrthe GNU head icons all over the place are slightly irritating though21:01
czrbut. they're not my fault :-)21:01
czrbtw, does anyone know where that background photo was taken from? it looks like some street-level thingy.21:02
khertanrghosh: hum insert isn't what i want it s when clicked :)21:02
rghoshyeah but insert is the name of the mark you're interested in21:02
khertanand the interested mark is : cursor-position ... but not available before 2.1021:02
rghoshi'm not talking about the insert event21:02
rghoshi'm talking about the insert mark21:02
khertanoh ...21:02
rghoshthat's why i asked you whether or not the mark-set signal exists in os2006/200721:03
rghoshi don't know if it does so i was asking you21:03
rghoshbut it is a separate entity from cursor-position21:03
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rghoshyou've told me that textview.get_buffer() works21:04
khertanhum ... mark-set and insert seem to be available in all os ...21:04
rghoshah good21:04
khertani ll try that ...21:04
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khertanhum ... rghosh ... it s very near !21:09
* czr can feel it too21:09
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khertanit s work ... but i get three callback :)21:09
millenomihi everyone21:09
khertanlol czr21:09
millenomican somebody help me for a moment, please?21:09
khertanmaybe ...21:09
penguinbaitnot sure21:10
czrmilhouse, just ask and see what happens.21:10
czruh sorry, millenomi21:10
khertanTime's up milhouse ... game over21:10
khertanan other question ?21:10
millenomiI'm installing maemo sdk 4 on a clean ubuntu 7.1021:10
czrkhertan, depends on the availability of additional credits21:10
millenomiI installed scratchbox using the script, added user and logged out21:10
rghoshkhertan: glad it worked, weird how there's 3 callbacks21:11
khertanhum .... yes of course ...21:11
millenomibut /scratchbox/login is -rw-r--r--21:11
millenomibash /scratchbox/login works, but not straight /scratchbox/login21:11
millenomithis makes the sdk script fail21:11
czrmillenomi, that sounds strange21:11
millenomistrange, yup21:11
czrmillenomi, did you install with sudo?21:11
_Monkeyhmmm... scratchbox is a cross-compilation toolkit for maemo application development.  Homepage:   Maemo 3.x (bora/N800) tutorial:  Maemo 2.2 (gregale/770) tutorial:  A walkthrough for 3.x:  Scratchbox Downloads:
millenominice bot21:12
czrmillenomi, yeah, the automatic install script thingy21:12
penguinbaitI had that problem before when moving scratchbox between systems, but not on free install to one system21:12
czrmillenomi, try sudo chmod +x /scratchbox/login, maybe the problem will go away..21:12
czrmillenomi, you should file a bug though.21:12
penguinbaitif the bash works, then chmod +x login, and it should work without bash21:12
millenomii'm trying but it doesn't work21:12
millenomiit seems like /scratchbox is its own filesyste21:12
penguinbaitdo the persms change?21:12
millenomiand sudo chmod 0755 /scratchbox/login is silently ignored21:13
khertani understand why 3 callback ... when i click on my TextView... there is one cb ... then the virtual keyboard open, an other on ... then i close it ... the third21:13
millenomior sudo cp login login.just.trying21:13
penguinbaitstop scraqtchbox and try again21:13
czrmilhouse, yeah. /etc/init.d/scratchbox stop21:13
rghoshkhertan: ah, nice21:13
czrthen do the chmod, check perms, and report21:13
khertanrghosh: just need to test the iter to see if there is no change ...21:14
khertanthanks a lot for your help rghosh21:14
pupnikLaptops lookout - New Nokia N810 Internet Tablet hits store shelves21:14
pupnikNovember 19, 200721:14
millenomidoesn't stick21:14
penguinbaitdo /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl stop21:14
rghoshkhertan: no problem :)21:14
penguinbaitwhy cant I but one with my coupon today :(21:14
khertani don't know yet how i ll make completion for pygtkeditor ... it s need to be fast ... but it's help me !21:15
millenomitried both, doesn't work :'(21:15
penguinbaitwho are you on the system?21:15
penguinbaitroot or what?21:15
penguinbaitsu -21:15
khertanpupnik: noone can yet21:15
millenomiregular user doing sudo21:15
penguinbaitsudo su -21:15
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penguinbaitthen try again21:15
czrpenguinbait, still seems strange21:16
penguinbaitis sudo working?21:16
KompoAnyone interested in trying out Google Gears for MicroB? (== compiling and installing)21:16
czrinstalling on 7.10 here worked without a hitch21:16
pupnikkhertan: you can in the USA21:16
penguinbaitI am running 7.10 also21:16
millenomiI'll rollback vmware and try again21:16
millenomifrom the beginning21:16
millenomilet you know if it happens again >_<21:17
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khertanpupnik > what i mean is that if i understand noone can use his dev discount code21:17
czrmillenomi, no prob. tell us how it goes21:17
czrmillenomi, also, what kind of filesystem layout are you using btw?21:17
elbkhertan: yeah, we have to wait :-)21:17
czrmillenomi, and which arch?21:17
khertanelb: 27th november if i ve understand21:18
khertan(for us ...)21:18
czrkhertan, where did you get that date from?21:18
millenomix86 on a regular whole-disk-with-swap setup21:18
millenomion vmware21:18
khertanin france ... i think it s ll be later21:18
millenomiw/ tools installed21:18
czrmillenomi, not 64-bit?21:18
penguinbaitits the backorder date listed on letstalk.cocm21:18
czrmillenomi, ok. should be fine then. have the same setup here21:18
czrpenguinbait, ah21:18
elbkhertan: I don't know about that date, I know that's when expects shipping21:18
pupnikkhertan: ah ok21:19
lophyteagh... still doesn't work21:19
elbkhertan: but does not seem to accept the discount code, so ...21:19
khertanczr: i don't remember when i know about this date21:19
lophytetrying to go from USB networking back to USB mass storave21:19
lophytestorage, rather21:19
lophytedoesn't work21:19
czrkhertan, that's ok. I'm not in the dev program anyway, just wondering :-)21:19
penguinbaitI am ready to go buy one at Compusa, its only an hour away :)21:20
* czr pets his metallic gray N81021:20
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* penguinbait slaps czr around a bit with a large trout21:24
* czr pets his metallic gray N81021:24
elbboo mIRC users21:24
bill20r3czr, does it have usb host mode?21:25
czrbill20r3, not by default.21:25
bill20r3so.. no.21:25
czror do you mean the electricity feeding thingy?21:25
penguinbaitsorry I am reflashing at the moment, should I leave and come back under kvirc :)21:25
czrI honestly don't know. I don't use the device much.21:25
* |R hopes he can order from the states instead of france :)21:25
bill20r3I mean the driver support.21:25
* czr shrugs at bill20r3 21:25
* penguinbait slaps elb around a bit with a large trout21:25
bill20r3I suppose I'll find out after I update.21:25
czrbill20r3, how could I check for it easily?21:26
bill20r3I dont know how, easily.21:26
bill20r3something in /proc probably21:26
czrwell, what's the module called?21:26
elbprevious discussion in here has suggested that the 810 can be a USB OTG host, but not a generic USB host21:27
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elb(which means connection to only one, USB OTG-compatible, device at a time)21:27
bill20r3so I cant plug in a gamepad. :-(21:27
elbif it's OTG-compatible, you can21:28
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timelyxit means you can't use a hub w/ your usb otg gamepad21:28
bill20r3heh. ok.21:29
pupnikhuge new claws mail release yesterday..
timelyxno multiplayer using 4 usbotg gamepads w/ the hub :)21:29
timelyxbuy 4 n810s instead :)21:29
suihkulokkican one connect a ipod classic and use it as HD for it?21:29
czrbtw, is there a simple lib abstraction to support using BT with multiple N800/N810 devices to support gameplay?21:30
penguinbaitboot your n800 from your ipod21:30
timelyxdoes bluez count?21:30
Takczr: that would be awesome21:30
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timelyxafaiu bluez hides everything21:30
czrtimeless, anything higher-level?21:30
czrwell, imho it doesn't really.21:30
timelyxnot that i know of :)21:30
mariorz_is there a theme archive somewhere?21:31
czrright. so nothing's changed since 770 launched then. was thinking of making one back then :-)21:31
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czrTak, it would indeed21:31
czrTak, I'm thinking of something zero-effort setup thingy so that one could easily play with other tablets when in close proximity21:31
pupnikTak: any feelings about me copying xmaeme skeleton for a dosbox frontend?  Gut feeling is it should have its own launcher.21:31
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pupnikI've got a python launcher but it's slow as molasses and requires 8MB python libs21:32
timelyxhrm, what's the name of apple's discovery protocol?21:32
czrbut I think that's based on IP21:33
_Monkeysalut, timelyx21:33
Takpupnik: actually, if you just want to add a notebook tab for dosbox, we can just include that in xmaeme proper21:33
czrah, sry21:33
Takif you'd rather do that21:33
pupnikTak: doing that right now21:33
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Takczr: yeah, I was wanting something like that when the bomberman port first came out21:34
czrTak, yeah, I wanted one for coding camps21:34
pupnikit's awesome starting dos games with shortcuts instead of mucking with the DOS command line21:35
czrwe used to drag people doing maemo dev/related to it to up north of finland and lock them up in order to code some silly games. it was a lot of fun actually :-)21:35
alteregoWell, I think that's enough work for one day.21:35
czrshame none of the games actually ever were released. some of them were pretty interesting.21:35
* alterego plays with ruby-maemo a bit.21:35
elbwhat, like, "we're goign to lock you in a room in the frozen wasteland until you have to write something to entertain yourself" ?21:36
czrelb, neh, all were graphical21:36
czrabout half were real-time too21:36
czrand some utilized the touch screen in all kinds of novel ways21:36
czrI was positively suprised by the creativity of that lot21:37
tsavolaczr: it's fixed in sb2 already :)21:37
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czrtsavola, cool.21:37
czrelb, they had 24 hours to do it. from scratch to finish (deb package)21:37
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czr24 hours straight that is. sleeping was optional.21:37
czrnot many people used that option really.21:37
czr(except me because I'm a lazy bastard)21:38
alteregoTo write a game?21:38
czralterego, to design and implement, test and package. yes21:38
czrin C/GDK ;-)21:38
Takpupnik: I just checked my xmaeme tree into garage svn; you should have commit access21:38
* alterego vomits21:38
alteregoI'm not sure I could do that :)21:38
czrGTK+ too21:38
czrbut we used GDK since I had double-buffering example code for that21:38
czrand the point of the whole thing wasn't writing games per se.21:39
elbGdk is where you'd almost certainly want to be for game development21:39
pupnikTak oops, i grabbed a tarball - is 0.10 current?21:39
elbsince it's generally more about painting than widgets21:39
czrelb, sure.21:39
alteregoOr GtkGLExt :)21:39
czrelb, that's the reason why we used it21:39
alteregoExtGLGtk ..21:39
pupniknevermind i'll grab cvs/svn21:40
alteregoAnyone see MDK's 3D video playback example?21:40
alteregoThat was awesome.21:40
pupnikwatchu talkinbout willus?21:40
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Tak0.11 is current, but there's no UI change from 0.10; svn is super-current :-)21:42
alteregoTonight I'm going to add GtkMozEmbed and libnotify support.21:42
czrhmm. interesting. dbus_bus_get will abort the whole program if it fails to connect. instead of returning an error.21:42
czrwtf is up with that.21:42
alteregoczr, segfault? :D21:42
czrthat's what happens on dbus_bus_get. it never returns.21:43
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czrwtf is the point of return error values and all kinds of dbus error objects if the function will abort the program anyway21:44
* czr shakes his fist21:44
alteregoIs that the program or D-BUS giving up?21:44
elbd-bus has some stupid default abort behavior21:45
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czrthe program does dbus_bus_get() function call. the function call lives in libdbus. the function will abort the program (i.e., never returns)21:45
elbyou can actually fix that21:45
* elb looks to see how21:45
czrelb, it used to work in 0.6 or whatnot.21:45
czrit used to return a proper error condition back then21:45
elbthere's a "don't abort" option21:45
czrhmm. where?21:45
czrenvvar or something else?21:45
elbI'm looking21:45
elbwe had this problem with Pidgin, and somehow fixed it21:46
czrah. cool.21:46
elbI don't see it, I've asked if anyone remembers21:48
elbI think you have to override some error or logging function21:48
czrelb, cool. I'll leave a marker in the material so I'll remember to fix the text if there's a solution to that21:48
czrelb, the text now reads something like:  We forgot to prepend the command with and this caused the library to return an error when connecting. At least we know that our error handling works. ...21:49
czrwhich is kind of ironic when the command line listing just before that shows the whole program dumping core ;-)21:49
timelyxczr: ok, i'm bored21:52
czrtimelyx, you are?21:52
timelyxgot a url for the stuff you wanted reviewed?21:52
czrsure. privmsg ok?21:52
timelyxi presume you've spellchecked?21:53
czrbut I'm not a native speaker. so there's bound to be all kinds of brain-farts here and there.21:53
alteregoAmerican or English? :P21:53
czrmostly american21:54
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Atariiis there a bugfix to the fact that going back into normal mode (from offline) enables bluetooth, even if it wasnt on before?21:54
Atariiin 2007he21:54
timelyxah yeah, i've seen those urls before21:54
czrI wonder why.21:54
* timelyx remembers the gook and the status21:54
alteregoIs there a comprehensive list of the API changes in maemo?21:55
czrit's a lot of crap to wade through btw. so if you run out of steam, I won't blame you :-)21:55
alteregoBetween releases ..21:55
czralterego, not really.21:55
alteregoOh well.21:55
czrthere's something sprinkled here and there.21:55
czralterego, see the 4.0 beta sdk release announcement from maemo.org21:55
czrthere were some pointers to pages in that21:56
alteregoDoesn't matter. I'll just do what I've always done. Back port and see what breaks ;)21:56
czrtimelyx, ?21:56
_Monkeytimelyx, is that even possible with maemo?21:56
timelyx_Monkey forget timelyx,21:56
_Monkeytimelyx: I forgot timelyx,21:56
timelyx_Monkey timelyx, is <reply>21:56
_MonkeyOK, timelyx.21:56
czralthough I don't fail to see the irony in _monkey's question :-)21:57
* timelyx neither21:57
_Monkeyneither is, like, n800 if you shut it down21:57
timelyx_Monkey forget neither21:57
_Monkeytimelyx: I forgot neither21:57
timelyx_Monkey neither is <reply>21:57
_MonkeyOK, timelyx.21:57
* timelyx doesn't like21:57
czrI'm just too tired. anything that monkey comes up with will be funny.21:58
timelyxhrm, this tv program is using w3.1 software21:58
czrtimelyx, so what was with the makefile?! thing?21:58
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millenomiI have no idea what went wrong the first time, but after a rollback and a reinstallation, it works fine22:04
millenomiinstalling the sdk now :)22:04
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mariorz_how can i cahnge the background image22:10
czrmariorz_, use the desktop menu thingy ("Home")22:11
czrit should allow you to switch the background picture22:12
mariorz_oh yeah22:12
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lophyteg_file_storage is stuck in "Unloading" state.. is there something that needs to be turned off or changed to unload it fully?22:17
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alteregoUrgh .. I can download a package in scratchbox. The request just hangs >:(22:22
infobotYes I can!22:22
* lophyte slaps infobot 22:24
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_Monkeysomebody said nsswitch was
lophyteI'm gonna reset my n800 and it'll go into continuous reboots again22:37
K`zanBummer, I reflashed 2007 and it did that 2 or three times before settling down - seems to be OK now.22:39
lophyteI'm gonna stay away from g_file_storage from now on :)22:39
K`zanAnyone know how to get/ install that library for the Jooleem game?22:39
K`zan2008 was a bit problematical here, so far 2007 seems to be doing fine, but I haven't ridden it as hard as I did 2008...22:40
K`zanMaybe didn't spell it right, lemme check/22:40
pupnikah there it is nm22:41
lophyteit worked this time22:41
K`zanMaemo is not a good site to go to during the day here, SLOW, working...22:41
lophyteno reboot cycles22:41
_Monkeyi heard loading was *very* expensive22:42
pupnikit's monkey's auto-learn feature that is most annoying to me22:42
K`zanOnly if one does't have a data plan for the cell access :-).22:43
K`zanFinally: Jooleem (2007 games)22:43
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K`zanRequires installation of libsdlttf - got red pill going but no luck with the library.22:44
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Takif the deb depends on it, it should autoinstall22:45
lophyteah, that's fun22:45
lophyteI got it to remove22:45
K`zanAh, ok so I need to run apt-get on the downloaded file?22:45
lophytenow it won't insert22:45
pupniklibsdl-ttf2.0-0 - ttf library for Simple DirectMedia Layer with FreeType 2 support22:46
_Monkeyi heard repositories was  and a searchable index at
K`zanYep, but where and how? - checking...22:46
K`zanIf it is there, it isn't obvious.  Guess I load all 35 repositories and hope for the best?22:47
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K`zanHeh, never mind, I'll keep the palm for that one game, not sure that is the same kind anyway.22:48
pupnikK`zan: n800?22:48
_Monkeyit has been said that n800 is much better than a desk phone :-)22:48
pupnik_Monkey: forget N80022:48
_Monkeypupnik: I forgot n80022:48
K`zanpupnik: Yes22:48
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pupnik_Monkey: N800 is <reply>22:48
_MonkeyOK, pupnik.22:48
K`zan_Monkey: I'll let you know once I figure out what I need to do to get the SIP stuff to work.  Probably going to require firewall work.22:49
_Monkeyi haven't a clue, k`zan22:49
pupniki have a libsdlttf you can use, but you must download it then install with dpkg -i22:49
K`zanpupnik: Thanks, but it isn't worth putting you to work over a silly game :-).  Expecially since I will probably reflash 2008 when it is released for the n800.22:50
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K`zanAppreciate your efforts though :-).22:50
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K`zanDiscovery is going to have March of The Pinguins playing soon...22:52
Tiekuhello is anyone using pidgen on their device?22:52
K`zanTieku: Had it going briefly under 2008 - used it only for IRC though - seemed to work fine for that.22:53
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K`zanStill thing of it as gaim :)22:54
alterego710B/s .. That's not good.22:55
K`zanWonder if my grocery store has a WAP there?  Then I can make my grocery list a web page :).22:55
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Tiekuthanks. wanting to know if it supports the camera at all?22:56
K`zanTieku: Sorry, don't know :-(.22:56
Tiekuokay :)22:56
K`zanCam on the n800 is pretty abysmal so I don't use it :-(.22:57
lophytemaking a simple way to switch between usbnet and mmc is proving difficult22:59
K`zanThanks for reminding me :)22:59
K`zanI want to pick up a USB keyboard from the thrift store and hack power and a min-usb onto it and see if it will work.22:59
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millenomisdk works23:00
millenomixephyr starts fine23:00
millenomiyay for me23:00
millenomisnapshotting vmware, just in case :)23:01
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K`zanWorking on that for 2008 dev too, good to see someone else using vmware for that :-)!23:01
vishnu_I compiled wireless-tools for OS-2008/Maemo-4.0 how do I submit it to be added in the chinook repo?23:02
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vishnu_hehe xD23:03
pupnikBtw the apple macintosh emulator could run quite zippy if someone wants to work on it23:03
pupnikjust needs the cyclone core23:03
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penguinbaitwhy would someone want that ?23:04
pupnikold mac heads wanting to run their software23:04
millenomiquite a niche :o23:04
pupniki note in passing that those apps didn't use right-mouse-click23:04
pupniktrue millenomi23:05
JaffaMore s/w the merrier23:06
penguinbaitIII been playing potato guy in KDE :)23:06
penguinbaitIts a mr potato head app23:07
pupnikpenguinbait: i want to get a multiboot with your kde on another partition someday23:07
penguinbaitdoes penguins also :)23:07
penguinbaitThe 2008 version is almost ready23:07
pupnikif i have a multi-partition booter, what size should kde system partition be?23:07
penguinbaitWith flash its about 1.5GB right now23:08
penguinbaitmin 2GB reccomended23:08
* pupnik ~wibbles~23:08
penguinbaitBut its full KDE with KDEPIM and Koffice23:08
pupnikwow nice23:09
penguinbaitKword, Kspread, Kmail23:09
penguinbaitI just like saying that23:09
pupnikvery cool project imo.23:09
pupniki keep bumping into qt apps and getting the frustration23:10
penguinbaitI printed   some business cards from my n800 earlier, oh yeah, and it inludes cups23:10
penguinbaitjust for fun, not for use, printed business cards are cheesy!23:10
cosmodoes it work well without rmb and with virtual kb?23:11
penguinbaitperforated   edges and all23:11
penguinbaitIt comes with kvkbd23:11
cosmodoes it open automatically like maemo one does?23:11
cosmoi've used xbox linux with xvkbd and it was a pain..23:11
penguinbaitBut I anticipate n810 keybord being very handy23:12
penguinbaitno, its a icon on task bar, and a floating applet   you can click23:12
cosmoi guess i'll have to try..23:13
pupnikphone screens too small.  laptops too big.  nokia linux tablet just right23:13
penguinbaitI really would like     tohave    seen 1024x60023:13
penguinbaitbut perhaps in the 900?23:13
cosmowhy? the resolution is already enough imho23:14
* alterego does a code audit.23:14
penguinbaitdouble the ram triple the processor, and price :(23:14
cosmomore than pc's in 90's23:14
penguinbaitbut new software is not coded for pc's in the 90's23:14
* Jaffa 'd like a physically larger screen but doesn't need more pixels. Oh, and I don't want the device to be (much) bigger.23:14
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cosmopalm had very good usability on 160*160*1. you just need to design ui's well..23:15
cosmomaemo currently wastes very much screen estate23:15
pupnikbut... you've got a lot to play with23:16
penguinbaitmatchbox is the problem, we need a new window managerrrrrrrrr23:16
pupniki think the calendar apps do ok23:16
alteregoThere's nothing wrong with matchbox.23:16
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penguinbait800x480 is is a waste with matccchbox23:16
pupnikheya doc|work23:16
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alteregoWhatever KDE boy ..23:17
doc|workhey, I'm looking at memory cards for the n800, what's a good brand/size23:17
suihkulokkido I have to repeat my previous rant about DPI or will you guys do some thinking on your own :P23:17
doc|workhey pupnik :)23:17
penguinbait35year oldddddddd boy23:17
doc|worksuihkulokki: rant please23:17
tkosuihkulokki: yes23:17
* Jaffa thinks a fullscreen interface is much better on the physcial size of screen we've got: don't forget the pixel densities are wildly different between a 160x160 Palm screen, or a 90s VGA screen, or what suihkulokki said :-)23:17
alteregoFine .. 35 year old KDE boy.23:17
pupnikdoc|work: i have some links - just a sec23:17
doc|workpupnik: thanks, just not sure how big apps are and the like23:18
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mariorz_has anyone made a gnome theme? with the foot icon and all?23:18
cosmosomeone should port amigaos, it would fit well ;)23:19
JaffaNow, the permanent left side nav is potentially wasteful. UME's lack of that, instead having a start-menu esque "Home" button at the top left is better23:19
suihkulokkidoc|work: unless you enjoy hunt the "pixel to click" game (ala old lucasart adventures), you really need to use quite a few pixels with the n800 dpi23:19
doc|worksuihkulokki: sorry, I was being a smartarse, have no idea what you're referring to :)23:20
doc|workwas more a commentary on things in general23:20
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tkoIIRC tigert posted a photo where you can easily see how the tip of the 770 stylus completely covers a 16x16 pixel icon23:21
Jaffacosmo: RISC OS fits quite nicely too:
Jaffatko: cool, not seen that.23:21
* Jaffa goes to watch Heroes23:22
pupnik   doc|work speed comparisons23:22
alteregoRISC OS was awesome ..23:22
doc|workpupnik: thanks, can the n800 make use of most of those or is it just high-end cameras? also, what's a reasonable size?23:22
pupnikWell 1) by default, apps don't go onto the SD cards - just media and your data23:23
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pupnik(you can reconfigure the device to boot from partitions on the SD card to give more space)23:23
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doc|workpupnik: ah, ok, so, is there a chance of running out of app space?23:24
pupnikusing just normal productivity apps, there is plenty of space on the internal flash.23:24
lophyteI wanna try KDE one of these days :P23:25
pupnikyou can use normal SD and SDHC cards.  There were some issues with some SDHC cards, but i think that has been cleared up23:25
pupnikIf you want to save money, 2GB SD cards run under 20 bucks now23:26
pupnikif you get a SDHC card, some people recommend getting one bundled with a card reader from the mfgr (for the PC) due to reliability/compatibility issues23:27
amranyone here tried the new creative zens?23:27
amrthe credit card size ones23:28
doc|workyeah, I have one 1gb sandisk sd card for a camera and a card reader, might just get another one of those but in 2gb size, should be enough I think23:28
KDE-RULES-N800I need to buy 8GB microsd, what are those running?23:29
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doc|workprobably necessary for kde23:31
* doc|work ducks23:31
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doc|workI'm kindof tempted to see if I can get e17 working on it, just for shits and giggles23:32
penguinbaitI am going to get afterstep delivered also, IIIIIII used it before, but I could not make a keyboard work on it, so if the n810 solves that, there will be Afterstep for N810 also23:33
penguinbaitel pollo loco23:34
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lophyte8GB SDHC 79.9923:35
penguinbaitohh not bad, wwwhat brand and where?23:35
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lophytenot sure I'd trust it..23:36
lophyte4GB = $39.9923:36
penguinbait4GB kingston 44 at newegg, does kingston make an 8?23:38
penguinbaitis microsd and microsdhc different?23:38
lophytesdhc is just >2GB23:39
penguinbaitkingston has 4GB sdhc for 44$ at newegg23:39
lophytenot bad23:39
penguinbaitmicrosdhc that is23:39
pupnikmicro and miniSD cards for N810 thread here - please post benchmark results
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penguinbaitKingston has a 4GB microsd, that has aaa minisd adapter, that has a full SD adapter.  Thats the first micro to mini converter I have seen23:43
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doc|workwill the n800 make use of the performance available in a sandisk ultra II?23:43
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alteregoWould I submit API change suggestions to bugs?23:45
pupnikthere is a benchmark thread on itt forums doc|work - as i recall it was a better than average card23:45
doc|workI'd hope so /L(23:46
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pupnik*on the N80023:46
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czralterego, feature enhancement methinks23:47
Tiekuwhat are peoples experienes with the mozilla browser staying logged in between sessions?23:47
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alteregoczr, It's not really an API change. It's more adhering to Gtk standard practises. It shouldn't actually break any code.23:48
* alterego contemplates making a patch.23:48
czrunless you refer to the 1.2 version of the library ;-)23:48
alteregoI could do it myself and submit the patch to them ;)23:48
czrhey sp3000. saw the link?23:48
tkoalterego: API breaks won't happen too quickly, but please do suggest them23:50
alteregoOkay tko :)23:50
tkoalterego: what is it anyway?23:50
* sp3000 graps logs23:50
tkoeverything is perfect already, so... :-P23:50
* sp3000 greps even23:50
alteregotko, noticed that the Hildon libraries never seem to use Gtk enumerations.23:50
alteregoWhich would make language binding generation easier ;)23:51
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* sp3000 expands context from 10 to 20 lines23:51
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tkoalterego: ah, you mean having a get_type() function for enums?23:51
alteregoIt wouldn't take much to implement the GTypes for each enum. I'l making a list now.23:51
alteregotko, yeah. Exactly.23:52
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sp3000czr: hmm. no?23:52
alteregoIt should actually break API but it would add a feature I'd personally like to use :)23:52
tkohope the naming scheme is consistent enough to make it actually possible23:52
infobotalterego meant: It shouldn't actually break API but it would add a feature I'd personally like to use :)23:52
czrsp3000, now that works :-)23:52
sp3000czr: oh, ok, I found that but not so much context ;)23:52
czrsp3000, ah, ok :-)23:52
_Monkeybonjour, lopz23:53
alteregotko, well once I've got my list of enums I'll play with the hildon source and see if I can't make a few patches to add the functionality.23:53
edtI have a problem with media player.  It decided not to play streams it used to (eg rocketboom in videocenter).  The stream starts media center, which buffers, and then tells me the steam is not supported.23:53
alteregoIt's interesting that whilst auditing my own code I'm also going through Hildon again ^_^23:53
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edtis there a package for mediacenter anywhere?23:55
Tiekucan the n800 play quicktime videos?23:58
alteregoI believe mplayer can.23:59
Tiekucheers. i'll give it a go23:59
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