IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2007-07-22

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maxfis the default root pw for n800 really rootme? doesn't seem to work00:06
* sciboy giggles.00:07
Tu13esyeah, it is maxf00:08
Tu13esworked for me yesterday00:08
maxfhm, I must have changed something when flashing then00:09
maxfaha! victory00:10
maxfssh root@localhost, of course00:10
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NeoStriderhello folks00:15
maxfbah, no /dev/mmcblk1 :(00:17
_Monkeyhey, maxf00:17
Okkoumm where in the new mozilla browser is this advanced menu to switch between opera and it?00:18
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NeoStriderhow to browse the repos manually? I dont have wifi and want to install the mono VM on the 77000:24
sp3000Okko: depends00:24
garrettwow there were so many n800s at GUADEC00:25
sp3000Okko: I don't think we've quite figured out why it appears for some people and not for others00:25
garrettjust about everyone had one in hand00:25
sp3000Okko: actually I'm not sure if it's supposed to be at the bottom of the main menu or under tools either00:25
Okkosp3000: I tried to install it twice, it said "Install failed", on third it the install succeeded. The error messages changed to mozilla ones and drag&drop started to work, so it looks like mozilla is now in use.00:26
sp3000meh, who killed maemo.org00:26
Okkoand my home page address was overwritten..00:26
Okkobut no changes in the menus at all00:26
sp3000Okko: so if you shut down the browser, and edit /home/user/.browser and change hidden=true the "Set Engine" menu should show up00:27
sp3000why hidden=true means showing a menu item is beyond me ;)00:27
sp3000Okko: dunno why install would have failed, but I suppose since is down atm it could have been an outage00:28
blkhawkhey - does anyomne know about some Power management stuff running in userspace?00:29
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RJ-laptopevening, trying to get xchat on a newly flashed n80000:55
RJ-laptop  <-- install link doesnt work - just opens as text in the browser00:56
RJ-laptopanyone know of an alternate souce for xchat, or some other irc client? (not a CLI one preferably)00:56
disqRJ-laptop: open up application manager, add this as a repository00:56
disq / bora / free00:57
disqRJ-laptop: menu - tools - app catalogue. new, name is as x-chat, url to the address box00:57
disqleave the distribution as bora, enter "free" in the components box00:58
disqthen, package maemo-xchat should be there in browse installable applications (refresh the list first)00:58
disqi got this info from the .install file btw :P00:58
RJ-laptopyeah wasnt sure what combo of bora/free/user/blah to put in the other boxes00:59
RJ-laptoptried to edit the sources.list, but leafpad or whatever editor i found didnt let me save back to /etc/apt/01:00
RJ-laptopthanks disq, that did the trick01:01
disqit won't, because you need root access to write to /etc/apt i think. and apps run as "user"01:01
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NeoStrideranyone with a sbox from gregalle SDK?01:02
disqNeoStrider: yep01:02
NeoStriderdisq...can you do me a favor: with apt the mono-runtime binary? I want to use with my N770 and I dont have wifi right now01:03
NeoStridercan you do this for me please?01:03
RJ-laptophmm, guess i better get myself root too01:03
Okkosp3000: thanks for the tip, then I just need a way to edit .browser.. :)01:04
NeoStriderto do this, add "deb mistral user" /etc/apt/sources.list inside sbox01:04
disqRJ-laptop: after installing openssh or dropbear, "ssh root@127.1" in the xterm works01:04
disqNeoStrider: installing mono-runtime01:05
disqthough my conn is a little flaky01:05
RJ-laptopta, i'll do that next01:06
NeoStriderdisq, to download it, use apt-get -d install mono-runtime01:06
NeoStriderso it will just download it without installing01:06
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disqok, but why do you need the sdk environment for?01:07
NeoStriderso it will fool the repo that you're using a ARM architecture01:07
NeoStridercan you tell me the nome of the .deb file?01:07
disqshould be in /pool/mistral/somewhere/somewhere/m/ i think01:08
NeoStrider /m/ ?01:09
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NeoStrider$ wget
disqdunno, isn't that how they're kept? though would depend on the repo configuration i think01:09
NeoStrider9:08:57 ERRO 404: Not Found.01:09
NeoStrider Name or service not known.01:11
disqerm go-mono. nm it's 404 also01:11
NeoStriderbeing wifi-less sucks =-P01:11
disqNeoStrider: there's no, but pool/ exists01:13
NeoStriderthe .install :01:14
NeoStriderrepo_name = Mono for Maemo01:14
NeoStriderrepo_deb  = deb mistral user01:14
NeoStriderrepo_deb_3  = deb bora user01:14
NeoStriderpackage = mono-runtime01:14
NeoStriderrepo_deb_3 must be Bora01:14
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NeoStriderand repo_deb refers to mistral to gregalle01:15
teer2timeless: in yet?01:15
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disqNeoStrider: works01:16
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Okkosp3000: thanks, now I can see the engine selection!01:17
NeoStrider /mono/01:17
NeoStriderI would never make it right!01:17
NeoStriderthank you very much, disq!01:18
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disqnp :)01:18
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NeoStridernow I have a diferent problem01:20
NeoStriderthe mono devkit doesnt show under sb-menu01:20
NeoStriderany tip?01:20
disqno idea on that one sorry01:20
NeoStriderI got it...hope it works...01:21
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NeoStriderstrange...the mono runtime on the 770 complained about a missing .dll01:33
pupnikmono is microsoft01:34
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pupnikmicrosoft must die01:34
_Monkeyhello, Luria01:35
NeoStriderpupnik....yeah..its MS...but I already work with it during will be easier for me to code hildon apps01:35
NeoStriderand mono works fine01:36
Luriaanyone use debian (or any linux) with fde?01:36
NeoStriderat least on my ubuntu desktop01:36
pupniki had to do visual basic 6 on win98 in 200401:36
NeoStriderwhat is fde?01:36
pupniki quit the job01:36
Luriafull disk encryption01:36
Luriai forget what the actual package is called01:36
NeoStriderand what if you had used from mono? wouldnt it be better?01:36
pupnikon win98?01:37
NeoStridervmware running a linux01:37
pupnikwith office97?01:37
NeoStriderand mono .exe's does run under windows01:37
NeoStrider(you didnt specified it completly!)01:37
NeoStridermono is good under some circunstances01:38
pupnikyou do many good things for the community NeoStrider, respect01:38
NeoStriderand of course...its alot faster than netbeans =-)01:38
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pupnikyes i remember your name01:39
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NeoStriderthanks...but I dont do anything that great01:39
NeoStridermaemowizard and angstron are crap01:39
NeoStriderthanks pupnik01:41
NeoStriderI must leave now01:41
NeoStriderthanks for you guys on the runtime thing01:41
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OkkoIs Rhapsody really us only? :(02:01
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|tbb|who knows how to use alarmtool, dont found a documentation02:21
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Radarcarman intrigues me, but I don't know where to get a OBD-II02:24
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teer2timeless: r u back?02:33
teer2Hmm - anyone interested in what my N800 looks like when it loses the 802.11 signal?02:34
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teer2timeless asked me to give him the details when it happened next.02:34
teer2guuess he is not in today though.02:34
teer2I <3 my N80002:34
pupnik_praise nokia02:37
pupnik_it's a beautiful name too ... n o k i a02:37
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pupnik_reminds me of northern europeans... they are beautiful people02:37
|tbb|__anyone good at python02:40
pupnik_python = basic02:41
pupnik_= java02:41
RadarI wish java worked :(02:41
|tbb|__do u like to set an alarm which starts a mp3 music file on a specific date/time?02:42
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teer2What's the deal with Java - is it open source now?02:44
teer2I'm running into some issues with playing Ogg video embedded on website, and people are telling me that installing the Java JRE helps out, but Sun has not (a) released a JRE for my architecture, nor (b) made it open source so the Linux community can port it.02:46
javamaniacJava _is_ open source , and has been ported02:47
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javamaniacteer2, triy with
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teer2Hmm, I wonder when it will be part of the supported software of Ubuntu.02:47
javamaniacuh, ubuntu02:48
javamaniacor something02:48
teer2That's a multiverse, unsupported package.02:48
_Monkeyrumour has it so is joost worth getting02:48
javamaniacit's line non-free in Debian02:49
teer2I'll stick with free.02:49
javamaniac"unsupported" means they will not fix $NONFREESOFTWARE problems, because the can't modify the source02:49
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teer2Yeap.  I'm good staying with the stuff that is known to work.02:50
javamaniacheh, java is known to work :)02:50
teer2If it was known to work then it would be supported.02:51
javamaniac there's the source :)02:51
javamaniacSun supports java02:51
javamaniacand is bigger than ubuntu02:51
teer2Ubuntu does a good job keeping my computer running.02:52
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javamaniacyeah, and that's a lot of work xD02:52
teer2If they aren't comfortable having Sun's software in their supported repository, then I'll stick with what they give me.02:52
Veggenhmm. Anyone gotten sip towards local asterisk working? (new communication beta)02:52
Veggencan't figure out the right params in sip.conf. Connection seems sort of established, but is hung up as soon as it's answered.02:53
teer2Sun doesn't even have a JRE for my architecture, for heaven's sake.  I know it won't work.02:54
teer2Okay - sorry to go off topic - I was just looking for timeless anyway.  I'll catch himlater.02:55
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blkhawkis there anything special to be done to switch on the usb host mode?02:58
blkhawkI read i need to activate RD ode too?02:59
blkhawkmaybe some rd mode flag?02:59
blkhawkI build two devices so far and both just don't work03:01
pupnikcortex a8 will basially be a p3 500mhz in your pocket, drawing 300mw power03:01
blkhawkI mean aside from supplying 5v to whatever i put in them03:01
pupnikthat is sex -- emu sex03:01
blkhawkthats enough to emulate a n6403:02
blkhawkwell almost ;)03:02
pupnikwell ... it should be about 2x the n800 or better03:03
pupniknot counting the 3d03:03
pupnik(and who knows if nokia will do any 3d in the tablet)03:03
pupnikthey have this gaming deal - they might cripple the opengl03:03
pupnikbut if you look at dosbox or snes or even fceu03:04
pupnikyou need about 4x the power of the n77003:04
blkhawkafaik nokia cannot03:04
blkhawkthere is licencing sillyness going on with the hardware manufacturer of the 3d chip03:04
pupnikbut maybe for the n90003:04
blkhawkbut thats just whati heard from a relyabe source ;)03:05
blkhawkthere is always openMoko  :)03:05
pupniki know they cant use the powervr in the n80003:05
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pupniki don't care about 3d03:05
Radarhell, forget gaming, I'd be happier with better video playback!03:05
pupnikbah mplayer rulez03:06
pupnikssvb is god03:06
pupniki play all 320x240 on 770 b3cause of ssvb and he is god, and the mplayer devels are gods03:06
pupnikand we all should thank them03:07
blkhawkso send em a fruitbasket03:08
pupnikit's the most optimized app for the tablets03:08
blkhawkit has to be03:09
blkhawkit has to move lots of bits03:09
pupnikif i were that good, i would have emulators running at decent speed03:09
pupniki will never ever be that good03:09
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blkhawkanyway - do you know anything about usb-host?03:13
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vertooHey all, any new news?04:21
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agogohey guys..I just bought my n800..and only know basic linux..I connect to my browser fine, no problems browsing..however I am unable to ping myself from my desktop and laptop..ifconfig from n800 root says I am
agogocan anybody help? am unable to use media stream and vncviewer05:14
agogoI have the latest firmware installed05:15
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teer2hey guys - does the ssh client in dropbear allow ssh-keys ?05:46
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teer2I have been trying to get keys working for the last half hour, and I started to wonder if the feature was even there.  No matter.  Not a big deal.05:48
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Radaragogo: you may have to open ports on your firewall05:53
agogoRadar, i've already opened 5900 (real vnc server default) for tne n800 no avail. Do i actually have to instal CIFS, so that my n800 joins my workgroup, in order for it to 'see' other computers in the network?05:57
agogoa separate question, but still a newbie question. I downloaded CIFs to my Download foldr, buyt now I can't seem to find the Download folder. I have root access, but there is no download folder blow /home/user/MyDocs per instructions on Maemo wiki05:59
agogowhere is my download folder? on the internal sd card?06:00
proctoagogo: I don't know, but it could be under /home/user/.opera/ somewhere06:09
proctothat's what opera tends to do by default06:10
seebsIt turns out I don't understand OSSO as well as I used to think I did.  I wanted to get the old example_camera program running, and I can't.06:15
seebsI'll eventually figure it out.06:15
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seebsDoes anyone have an old copy of the example_camera program that compiles and runs correctly?  The one I have makes calls out to a pair of "example_gui_*" functions that I don't have source for, and I'm not quite sure what goes in them.06:23
seebsOh, wait, may have gotten 'em.  Nevermind.06:24
NeoStriderhello fellows06:27
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seebsSo, I got the old example_camera example working.  Only it's not; it sits around chewing up 98% of CPU time with no visible output of any sort.06:34
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seebsAhh.  It just takes forever.06:47
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SomeoneE1sehow do I close mplayer? (n800)07:15
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seebsHey, anyone here good with gstreamer?  I had a program that I lost the source to, and I can't seem to reproduce it.  (It was on an N800, which may matter.)07:38
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TimRikerI'm trying to get a bluetooth network connection to show up in connectionmanager.08:00
TimRikerthe dbus-s posted in does not seem to become a daemon.08:00
TimRikerand it forks off many many copies of itself, and never seems to call the /usr/bin/dbus-script script.08:00
TimRikerthis is on an n800 running the new 2007 image.08:01
TimRikeris there anyplace else to hook into connectiomanager?08:01
TimRikeror is there a way in a script to start a dummy connection so that the apps are happy?08:01
TimRiker mentions a dbus call. perhaps I'll try that next. :/08:03
aaranyaHi there08:10
_Monkeyhello, aaranya08:11
TimRikerit would be nice if there was a hook someplace where connectionmanager called a shell script or other binary on connect and disconnect such that I could insert the relevant up and down steps. does it call ifup of anything else useful on a DUMMY IAP type?08:14
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justin__Why does it seem like the 2.2 SDK rootstrap is not installing?08:21
justin__When I type sb-conf rs /scratchbox/packages/Maemo... it just says unpacking and then quits.  The reason I think it doesn't work is because Xephyr doesn't seem to exist and neither does af-sb-init.sh08:26
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justin__IS there something wrong with the debian devkit 1.0.8 and maemo sdk 2.2?08:49
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TimRikerI can startup a bluetooth connection while I have a wlan connection open and it stays up till I kill it.09:21
TimRikerhowever, when I start one using the same script from osso-xterm while a dummy IAP is up, the bt connection dies after like one minute.09:22
TimRikerhmm. perhaps I should ssh out or something...09:22
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TimRikernope. even with an ssh session open, the connection shuts down.09:27
TimRikerconnectionmanager still says the dummy connect is up.09:27
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SeRiis ITT down?09:39
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disqSeRi: i think so10:04
SeRiThat sucks10:14
SeRiThanks for the info10:14
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TimRikerargh... very frustrating. my NAP link stays up until I place a video call, and that shuts it down every time.10:29
TimRikerwell, unless wlan is also up, then the NAP stays up for a minute or so of a call, and then shuts down.10:30
TimRikersure would be nice if NAP were supported directly. I've been beating on this for hours with no joy.10:30
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JaffaMorning, all12:34
JaffaBah at broken ITT :-/12:34
pupnik Tinymail looks pretty decent - fast12:34
pupnikwho broekeded it'?12:35
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VladDracis tinymail an application or just a set of libs?12:52
JaffaLibs + an example.12:53
JaffaModest is an email client built on libtinymail12:54
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VladDracah. is it usable?13:03
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* Jaffa 's not tried13:26
JaffaDepends how you define "usable", if you mean a well-thought out interface which matches the user's desires with the small, but high-res screen of an Internet Tablet; it doesn't look like it. If you mean, does it work, suggests it works a bit ;-)13:27
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JaffaAnnoying that Ubuntu UME is only targetting i386 devices (i.e. UMPCs and not the N800)13:48
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pupniki always distrusted ubuntu14:04
blkhawkyeah - there got to be an inhuman agenda behind that human fassade :P14:05
pupnikspace lizards14:05
pupnikfor a debian sid based distro, sidux is very clean, tight, current, solid14:06
celesteh_rulesit's really, really hard to recompile the kernel under ubuntu14:12
celesteh_rulesit's like mac os 9 or something.  they don't want you touching anything14:12
dragorneasy solution: never use vendor kernels :P14:12
Mikhowhat happens if you try?14:12
celesteh_ruleswhen i used to run slackware, you could just use some easy tools and you were going, bbut not so with ubuntu that i can find14:13
celesteh_rulesyou have to do all the config by hand14:13
celesteh_ruleswhich is fine if you know everything about the computer14:13
Mikhoyeah, tried that once14:14
dragornand you wouldn't know because...?  (lspci, lsusb, done)14:14
celesteh_rulesi'm sure there are tools that exist that make it easier.  but the whole apt-get idea is based on the idea that you would not download source and compile it yourself, right?  it's all about version numbers and stable releases14:14
dragorn(or hell, lsmod after booting the livecd and see what it loaded for you)14:14
celesteh_rulesthe computer i was trying to build on wasn't mine.  and lsmod was not correctly identifying some of the hardware14:15
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celesteh_rulesbut seriously, if lsmod can tell you everything, why doesn't the kernel compiling tools have an option to do that for you.14:16
dragornbecause it's not hard to run lsmod?  Also because some drivers may be under heavy development and unstable and it could be tragic to turn them on by default.14:16
infobotdragorn meant: because it's not hard to run lsmod|lspci|lsusb?  Also because some drivers may be under heavy development and unstable and it could be tragic to turn them on by default.14:16
dragornwow, that's a horribly annoying thing for infobot to do :P14:17
celesteh_rulesi really like smart tools.  it seems like a tool that says, "you have X hardware.  do you want the stable version or the unstable version?" would be a lot easier than going through a buggy config interface.  and if it's "for people" it should have smart tools like that and not the much more intimidating (and buggy) thousand option script14:20
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justin__Why does it seem like the 2.2 SDK rootstrap is not installing?14:53
justin__When I type sb-conf rs /scratchbox/packages/Maemo... it just says unpacking and then quits.  The reason I think it doesn't work is because Xephyr doesn't seem to exist and neither does af-sb-init.sh14:53
justin__IS there something wrong with the debian devkit 1.0.8 and maemo sdk 2.2?14:54
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celesteh_rulesquestion:  is there a repository that has java compiled for the n800?15:25
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justin__Is it possible to install the 2.2 SDk on top of the scratchbox debian packages?15:43
justin__The commands in the tutorial are different than what exists in the 1.0.7 scratchbox core that I got from the scratchbox repositories.15:43
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blkhawknice got my USB Host stuff working16:18
blkhawkis there a way to use a usb dongle GPS with the gps utilities for maemo?16:29
blkhawkso far all seem to be BT only16:29
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pupnikblkhawk: did you manage to upgrade the os?16:36
Sho_hm, the Plankton theme truely rocks16:36
blkhawkpupnik: no16:38
blkhawkpupnik: I cannot16:38
blkhawkas long as i have no way to resque it should the flash fail16:39
blkhawkdamn i hate it tho16:39
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sp3000skype-ui, maintainer: FIXME <>. heh.16:39
blkhawkpupnik: do youthink i sould just risk it?16:41
pupnikblkhawk: well with 2005 you can't really develop for it16:41
blkhawkpupnik: I know16:41
blkhawki am kinda working with one arm behind my back16:41
blkhawkIt would be really shitty if i bricked it16:42
pupnikSince it's a prototype it might have collectors value16:42
blkhawkas a brick?16:42
pupnikmy cousin has a handmade bmw 633csi16:42
blkhawkpupnik: now thats collectors value16:46
blkhawkhowever i really cannot see any differences between my prototype and the eventual production models16:47
blkhawkthe hardware is the same as far as i can make out16:47
blkhawkis there a complete hardware device list of the 770 somewhere?16:47
* pupnik ponders what to do16:50
blkhawkif i am out of the X-loader and NOLO then icannot flash it anymore with what i have here16:50
blkhawkmaybe its a Late model tho and almost identical to the production units16:51
blkhawkits a b416:51
blkhawki guess that means 4th run of the beta hardware16:51
blkhawkI think that pretty darn late in the process ;)16:51
pupniklol...  pcsx-bin_1.699df-rc3-1_armel.deb16:53
pupnikgoing to try playstation emu on the 77016:53
* pupnik wonders how many fpm it will get16:54
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blkhawkfpm? maybe 216:57
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gorlovhow I can use combination ctrl+c - ctrl+v on my n800?16:59
blkhawkwhat version is NOLO on 2006/2007?17:01
blkhawkanybody involved with 0xFFFF around?17:02
justin__Has anyone tried to install maemo sdk 2.2 rootstrap on scratchbox with the packages in the scratchbox r4 package source?17:06
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blkhawkjustin__: not me17:13
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justin__Are you using SDK 2.2?17:20
blkhawki currently have to use 1.117:22
blkhawkjustin__: could you tell me what NOLO version is shown when you run flasher with your device?17:22
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justin__I don't have the device yet.17:23
blkhawklong story, short version I have a Prototype17:23
blkhawknot a production model17:23
justin__I ordered it, and I am trying to get my dev enviorment setup so I can start making programs.17:23
blkhawkand ihave been warbed that flashing the bootloader might brick it17:23
blkhawkjustin__: just download the VMware appliance17:23
blkhawkget the vmware appliance - it has all the stuff already installed17:27
blkhawkyou just need to run it17:27
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justin__If the rootstrap installed correctly I should have Xephyr right?17:31
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pupnikgrr i need a psx demo program17:36
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justin__When I try to add files to the rootstrap it gives a cp error.17:46
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pupnikOpenGL on N800.  Want!17:49
pupnikitt back yaay17:52
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pupnik2.6.16.27-omap1  does it2007he v2 kernel have mmcplus 52mhz support?18:03
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pplIf I have a small Xlib program; is it possible to simply cross-compile using gcc and run the executable from xterm?18:10
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pupnikif you link it to the right things in scratchbox18:17
blkhawkdo you really need scratchbox18:18
blkhawki mean why not just cross compile it and be done18:18
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pupniki guess not18:18
pupnikfanoush's 770 flasher is sweet18:20
pupnikDune 2 is almost playable with unbroken Sound Blaster 16 sound in dosbox 0.6518:21
pupnikthe mmcplus kernel really helps18:22
blkhawkpupnik: i wish I could get a hold of the 1.1 kernel source so i can try too ;)18:24
blkhawkpupnik: cam you tell me what NOLO version is displayed when flashing?18:24
pupniki see no version message - am flashing from the device itself - not the PC flasher18:24
pupnika bit unstable though - seeing reboots18:28
blkhawkI need to know what the NOLO version on 2006 is18:29
pupnikhave 2007he here18:29
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agogocan someone assist me with vncviewer on n800? thanks18:30
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agogocan someone assist me with vncviewer on n800?18:33
`0660no thanks18:34
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agogois everyone still asleep?18:39
blkhawkI guess so18:39
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pupnikagogo: what's the problem18:40
_Monkeythe problem is when I try to save the javascript as bookmark, the script is too long and gets truncated so it won't work on the default opera browser in N77018:40
agogohey pupnik..i installed vncviewer with the latest firmware on n800..but my n800 cannot connect to any of my local machines..desktop or laptop..i opened the ports on both machines..and forwarded ports on my router..but still getting "unable to connect" from vncviewer..using local IP problems using vncviewer on desktop or laptop18:41
agogohey SeRi, I still have the same issues18:42
__pvand youre typing something like where 1 is the VNC display number?18:43
pupnikwhat vnc server is running on your pc?18:43
pupnikdebian "vncserver"18:43
agogopc is XP18:44
SeRiI can see that18:45
agogono __Pv, i'm typing only..lemme try with the :118:45
SeRiin XP you shouldnt have to type the display number18:45
SeRithats for UNIX, Linux only18:45
agogookay seri18:45
SeRiJust the IP18:46
agogoi also tried turning off my firewall18:46
SeRimake sure the windows firewall is not on18:46
agogoshould i just install tight vnc?18:46
SeRiYou shouldnt have to it works for me just fine18:46
agogofirewall not on..still unable to connect18:47
agogocould this be an issue with the new firmware?18:47
timtimreddisplay number does work in xp..18:47
__pvworksforme with debian vncserver18:47
__pvand new firmware18:47
SeRiwhen you put your mouse in top of the VNC server icon on the task bar what do you get?18:47
pupnikcool, vnc works grate here18:48
agogoSeri, it says "vnc server (user)"18:48
agogoi'm so jealous..only vnc doesnt seem to work on my n80018:48
SeRi<timtimred> display number does work in xp.. Really? how is that XP is not a multy user OS18:48
__pvthat has nothing to do with vnc's display number18:48
timtimredreally, i thought it was a multiuser os :)18:49
SeRieach number indicates the X you are opening18:49
agogoi tried reinstalling vncviewer too18:49
SeRiwhat I mean you can not have multiple users loged in and work individually withouth having a damn MS license :P18:50
agogoI am able to ping my n800..and the n800 can ping my laptop18:50
timtimredright, so the first one is still 0 :)18:50
__pvbut you can surely run multiple vncservers as a single user18:50
SeRiLOL I was refering at him using one which shouldnt work in XP... Well DUH 0 should work is default :)18:50
SeRi@PV and they all would control the same desktop18:51
__pvtypically in unix at least, vncserver is headless, i.e. runs its own X desktop18:51
SeRiBut not on XP18:52
__pvdon't know what some random software on windows does18:52
SeRiThats what I am talking about18:52
SeRiYou got it confuse :)18:52
SeRiI said windows can not run a individual desktop for each user :)18:52
SeRiBut Linux can18:53
agogoso any advice for me?18:53
agogoreflash my n800?18:53
SeRiNow RDP does that in windows but you need a license server18:53
SeRion license for each user...18:54
__pvrun some headless vnc server on cygwin then ;)18:54
SeRiagogo... Why? Dont... Do this... what kind of firewall are you running18:55
timtimredyou could try
SeRi@pv... LOL I guess that could be a solution?!? :P18:55
agogojust windows firewall18:56
SeRisee if your firewall is loging somebody trying to hit ports 5800 - 590018:56
__pvI remember that in windows XP there are some settings in addition to the firewall that control which ports can be opened18:56
SeRiThats only if the firewall is on ^^18:56
pupnikvnc is real fun18:57
SeRi^^ Hell yea!18:57
agogoi turned the firewall off..but still cannot connect18:57
SeRithere is something blocking it... Maybe AV or Security suite?!?18:57
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pupniki can't find a way to pull up the virtual keyboard on vncviewer though18:58
pupnikwould be nice18:58
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SeRiThere is18:59
agogoit actually seems like my vncviewer requests is not even leaving the n800..nothing is logged on my fiewwall..and the "connection failed" msg is instant18:59
SeRiHit the pad and the VK comes up19:00
pupnikhit what pad?19:01
pupnikwhat is 'pad'?19:01
SeRiright now I am on my N800 VNC to one of my systems using the virtual key board19:01
pupnikoh in the toolbar19:01
SeRiwhen you connect to the vnc server you have a tool bar in the bottom19:01
agogoI should actually have Seri log into my n800 remotely and what the hell is up with mine19:02
pupniki think i'll install a vkbd on the linux box19:03
SeRi:) If you have ssh Ill be more than glad to help... or the vnc server19:03
__pvagogo: check your TCP/IP filtering settings
SeRivkbd roxor the boxor when using vnc19:03
SeRiWindows 2003.... Thats a sevrer didnt know it apply to XP....19:04
pupnik4fps on small videos hehe19:04
SeRigoing to check it out my self...19:04
__pvwell, I once spent a long time figuring out why some ports wouldn't open on XP, and that was the reason19:04
SeRic00l thanks for the link going to check it out for future refrence19:05
SeRiOne thing I love about my N800... I havent found something that I would like to do and couldnt in the N80019:07
agogothere's one thing can't video conf with pc users19:07
SeRione o the coolest settings is walking arround work and having claws mail check emails every 5Min and make a sound when emails arrive19:07
SeRiI dont have to be in my office! I can be in the server room or walking arround :D19:07
Cegywats a good bluetooth app for the 770 so u r able to send and revice files?19:07
agogou r a super user Seri19:07
SeRiI can :)19:07
pupnikxvkbd works, but is not really integrated19:08
agogo<SeRi> I can :) << vnc?19:08
* agogo breakfast..brb19:08
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SeRiNo. I use the Nokia Video conference for one on one19:09
SeRior gmail from tablet to tablet19:10
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agogonokia vid conf no longer for pc users eh?19:10
SeRiI dual boot for the video conference since the latest firmware does not have it19:11
SeRiBut the stupid shit is that Nokia will suspend the protocol pass thru soon.19:11
SeRiThey suck ass!19:11
Cegydoes anyone know wats a good bluetooth app for the 770 ?19:12
SeRiIs not thrully PTP the PC user has to hit there server and than the N800 user19:13
SeRiagogo... Any luck yet?19:14
Cegyso blueserial SeRi ?19:14
SeRiother than that just good for theathering and pairing for file transfer19:15
SeRiexcuse my english.. it sux19:15
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SeRialso there is a new media player that supports a2dp thats kind of cool but not sure if it works in N77019:16
Cegyoh that sound good :D19:16
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SeRiwhant the link?19:16
SeRiuse to be UKMP19:17
Cegyi can't find that blueserial anywhere for me to be able to download it19:18
Cegyor if i do its .tgz wat ever that is :|19:19
SeRiyes you have to extract it in your tablet19:20
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Cegyhow how can u do that and does this allow me to send files with it ?19:21
SeRitar -xvzf filename.tar.gz19:21
SeRiooo you want obex transfer?19:21
SeRiooo than hold on here is something simpler19:22
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SeRiLook  torse the end there is btxfer19:24
SeRiThats what you want19:24
SeRihere is one btter and simpler to install also has a gui and icon for the taskbar19:25
SeRilol thats a string for a serch in maemo.org19:25
SeRiThere you thats better19:26
Cegythank u19:26
SeRiagogo you still in?19:28
Cegynice program :D19:28
SeRiYou change nick?19:29
SeRiYea is preatty c00l19:30
Cegyi've got a good question i've got openssh install on the 770 and winscp so i can get to my files as i know how to get the root but my question is am i able to send files to it aswell through th winscp ?19:30
gomiamCegy: you should19:31
SeRiYes you can19:31
gomiamat least I have been able to do that with command-line SCP19:31
Cegy2 secs19:31
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SeRiscp filename_here
SeRior scp /path/to/file
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Cegyso i can't drag and drop then?19:36
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Cegylike to send to file to the meeory card19:37
SeRifrom the device it self or from a command line remote system19:37
SeRifrom the dive you just use the cp command19:38
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SeRiI am all out for google since they support OpenSource but damn manthey are starting to take over evrything...19:39
SeRiNow the 700Mhz spectrum19:39
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agogoSeri..u rang?19:41
SeRiHow are you doing there with vnc?19:41
agogojust had success with vnc19:42
SeRiooo well Good Morning.. hehehehe19:42
agogostill immediate "connection failed" msg19:42
agogomaybe not breakfast..but brunch19:42
SeRiMhhh you can ping the pc right?19:42 problem pinging back and forth19:42
pupnikheh reboots19:42
__pvand it wasn't the tcp/ip filter settings on the xp?19:43
agogoi turned off my firewall and all anti virus apps19:43
__pvi think that's not enough, since the tcp/ip filters are behind them19:43
agogobut whats weird is why i can use my laptop to vnc to desktop and vice versa..withiout turning off firewall or doing anything special..but not for n80019:43
__pvok, then its not that problem19:44
SeRiagogo change the ports on the VNC server to something higher19:44
SeRitry that19:44
SeRithan at the viewer do
agogoagain immediate connection failed19:45
agogoi tried 16881 port..failed..used port forwarder check..16881 failed udp check..5900 passes19:47
agogothis is on the laptop19:47
agogookay..port 8000 is open..used that..failed again19:48
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SeRiyou shouldnt have to forward ports.... if is in the internal NAT19:48
NeoStriderhello folks19:49
SeRihello there19:49
NeoStriderwhats up, doc?19:50
agogolemme try the other way around..install vncserver on n800..and try to view it from laptop19:50
SeRigood idea19:50
agogowhile i install x11vnc..all of the installations are installed on the internal memory or? how many programs can I install until n800 says no more?19:54
SeRiDont wait till the M800 tells you install a packege call diskusage and watch your space19:55
SeRifulling your root directory can render your device unusable19:55
agogoroot directory saves on somethins separate than the internal and external sd?19:55
SeRithe sd are seperate19:56
SeRiyou can see whats going on there by going to control panel --- memory19:56
agogookay..i isntalled x11vnc..tried to run it..but there doesn't seem to be anything popping up..normal?19:57
SeRiYes normal19:57
SeRiYou can run pas x you should be able to see it in xter with tha command19:57
SeRips x19:57
SeRidamn man my typos are getting worst!19:58
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agogoi see x11vnc running with psx, laptop unable to connect to it20:00
SeRiok now type iptables -L20:00
SeRithere should be no entry20:01
agogoin root eh? coz now when i type iptables found20:01
SeRiyes root20:02
SeRisorry I assume20:02
agogookay..I see Chain input, output, forward..but no entries20:02
agogojust empty target, prot opt source, destination20:03
agogoby the type fast if you are using ur n800 to vnc, Seri20:03
SeRio no not no more20:04
SeRicam back to the family room :) kids are running everywhere20:04
agogoso nothin u can see there?20:05
SeRiok c00l so is empty now lets just try a reboot20:05
SeRishutdown -r now20:05
agogoit won't do anything after i typed in shutdown -r20:06
SeRiyou need the now20:06
SeRishutdown -r now20:06
SeRiThats the command ^^20:06
SeRihave to be root20:07
agogocool..i thought u were just being commanding..NOW!!20:07
agogoturn on x11vnc and try again?20:08
SeRiYes try the x11vnc20:08
agogomaybe its relavant..but my media stream cannot see upnp server from desktop20:09
agogoi can see my n800 now..but cannot do anything..but thats a different story20:10
agogolemme try the other way around20:10
SeRic00l I am happy is all working20:10
SeRiyes you you can you just dont see the pointer20:10
SeRioo and clicks dont work on the meny bar buton everything else does20:10
SeRiIf you want a pointer I can give you a script to enable and disable pointer20:11
agogoallright..but later :)20:11
SeRiVNC should work too20:11
agogomy x11vnc turned off when the screen blacked out20:11
SeRioo it didnt is just a flash20:12
SeRimove the mouse20:12
SeRiIt use to happen to me but all i did was move the mouse20:12
SeRior refresh the screen20:12 i cant reconnect20:12
agogookay..success only on first try20:13
SeRiTry to reconnect whith the screen on20:13
agogooppps..spoke too soon20:13
agogosuccess again20:13
SeRiok now disconnect and try vnc client20:14
SeRiMan seems like you have Networking issues there if you are getting disconnected that often20:14
*** pipomolo42 has quit IRC20:14 wireless connection with n800 drops a lot..have to reconnect every now and then..never a problem with laptop or desktop20:16
agogobut now its okay..but vncviewer saying "cannot connect to server"20:16
SeRiwhat kind of router you have?20:17
SeRiWRT54G? GS?20:17
SeRi3rd party firmware?20:18
SeRiopenWRT? DD-WRT?20:18
agogooriginal firmware..never updated20:19
SeRiMhhhhhhh I think thats the problem..... Any wais what kind of signal strength you have?20:19
agogowith n800..3 bars20:20
agogolemme find a firmware update20:20
SeRiI think your router has issues a firmware update wouldnt hust... unless you manage to brick it :P20:21
NeoStrideruploading my project to garage's svn! \o/20:21
SeRiwhat project?20:22
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NeoStriderthat armagetron clone20:22
SeRiAhh the game c00l20:22
NeoStrideryou know it?20:23
agogoSeri..i'm ashamed to do i update the firmware? downloaded the .bin file20:24
NeoStrider(oh no...I did a mistake)20:24
SeRiYes I saw your release in maemo20:24
SeRiagogo download the bin file20:24
SeRidont try the 3rd party just use linksys20:25
agogoreading the manual now..20:25
agogoi think i can do this20:25
SeRilet me know if you need help I am going to idle for a bit20:25
SeRisetting the ftp server for everybody in ITT20:25
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agogoseri..upgrade done...vncviewer unable to connect20:33
NeoStriderthe background image is off?!20:34 it worked20:34
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SomeoneE1seanyone know the advrage battery life on the n80020:35
SeRidid you reboot the N800?20:36
alteregoSomeoneE1se, mine lasts for 6 hours of general usage.20:36
alteregoThat's browsing the web and stuff.20:36
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SomeoneE1sedoes it die if you leave it unplugged overnight?20:37
alteregoUnless the battery was already flat.20:37
alteregoIt can last for days no "stand-by" which is basically when it's idle and doing nothing.20:38
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SomeoneE1sewell then I hope it was flat20:39
SomeoneE1seelse my battery is fubard20:39
alteregoDoes it turn on?20:40
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SomeoneE1sei was useing a few hours last night and locked the key pad beforfe i want to bed (about 1am) and woke up (about 9am) and the batteyr was dead20:45
SomeoneE1seit's charging now20:45
SomeoneE1seI had left the battery in the car I let my firend borrow20:46
NeoStriderhi unique31120:47
unique311hello NeoStrider20:49
NeoStriderdo you have yout device on internet right now?20:50
unique311its always20:51
unique311 broadband a beautiful thing20:51
NeoStriderso, please test this website for me?20:51
NeoStridertell me if its easy to navigate through it with the table20:52
Sho_too bad there's no driver for the PowerVR MBX OpenGL ES chip in the system20:53
VladDracdark blue on dark background.. you must dislike visitors :)20:53
SomeoneE1seNeoStrider I can tell from my descktop teh banner is WAY to big20:53
SomeoneE1sethe banner should be no more then 850px wide20:54
NeoStrideractually, its taken from the game tittle screen20:54
NeoStriderso it should fit20:54
Sho_SomeoneE1se: It's 799px wide20:54
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Sho_(which is still too wide to fit into the non-fullscreen browser without fit-to-width view)20:54
SomeoneE1seis there a good irc client for the n80020:54
SomeoneE1seSho_ now eveyone uses full screen20:55
NeoStrideryeah...your're right20:55
NeoStridertesting offline with my 77020:55
NeoStriderit sucked eheh20:55
NeoStriderand about the font colors?20:56
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SomeoneE1sethe bground img is to bid it will take less tiem to download smaller20:59
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__pvwhat kind of network file sharing systems does the maemo file manager see?21:13
__pvit appears to detect and show mythtv, but what else?21:13
SeRiUshare is what I use in my network21:17
* Sho_ has installed the CIFS kernel module and mounts CIFS shares via Xterm21:18
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jga23is there a version of rsync for maemo?21:26
SeRiapt-get install rsync grsync21:27
SeRiThere is also rdiff-backup21:28
jga23sweet thank21:29
SeRino problem21:30
celesteh_frackinhi, i'm trying to install jalimo, but i don't understand which pieces that i need21:30
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SeRilink me please21:31
SeRigive me a sec21:32
celesteh_frackinis there a better java distro?  I just want to run stupid java apps, like a flickr uploader and some google toys21:33
SeRiNo I thinks thats the best it gets21:33
SeRilooks like there is a click to install21:33
SeRiThat should make it easy to install that will add a repo to your application manager and install everything you need21:34
jga23Seri, what repositories do I need for rsync?21:34
SeRiUse the click to install jga2321:35
SeRinever mind jga2321:35
SeRijust download the debfiles and use apt-get -i file_name.deb21:36
SeRior use the application manager to install deb21:36
jga23what is grsync for?21:37
SeRiis a GUI for rsync21:38
SeRimake things easier21:38
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celesteh_frackinSeRi, the click to install does not work21:43
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SeRiwaz up unique31121:43
unique311doing good21:43
SeRic00l... just a boring sudnay here21:44
unique311same here..21:44
SeRihehehe I am not sure if to apply for a page at for my projects or to start blogging...21:45
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unique311blogging sounds good..21:45
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SeRiwhat blogging page you recomend?21:45
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SeRiwordpress seems ok21:47
whaqCan the N800 print to PDF?21:52
whaq(web pages on opera, say)21:52
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SeRinot sure I dont think21:57
SeRiI dont think it has convert21:57
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whaqSeRi: what about printing? cups or samba?22:03
SeRicups no22:04
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SeRiif no cups no printing ;)22:04
SeRino lpr22:04
SeRisamba yes22:04
agogoSeri, hows your Sunday work going on22:04
megabyte405SeRi: what are you printing from?22:05
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SeRiHAHAHAHAHAHA @ agogo22:05
SeRiIs going good...22:05
whaqa device w/ this size w/ evernote or onenote would be killer for note taking..22:05
SeRi@megabyte405 I dont print from my N800 or 77022:06
whaqmegabyte405: I was asking whether you can print from n800 to a physical printer or not..22:06
megabyte405whaq: in theory, over samba :)22:06
megabyte405you'd need to build some printing libraries though22:07
agogoSeri, I'm moving on from vnc to trying to use CIFS (aka i've given up on vnc)22:07
SeRiok cifs is very simple22:07
whaqmegabyte405: ok, thanks :] that's pretty abundant (samba print servers) here22:07
whaqmegabyte405: what printing libraries? how?22:07
SeRiIf you go to ITT I posted a cifs script that automates the mounting for you and the cifs.ko insertion22:07
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megabyte405whaq: it's pretty in depth22:08
agogocool..i'm typing it out right now..what is ITT again?22:08
SeRi@megabyte405: In theory yes but is not possible in the N80022:08
whaqmegabyte405: alright nevermind then..22:08
megabyte405you'd need to build libgnomeprint and some backend (cups or lpr), and hook it up to samba22:08
megabyte405then compile a program to use libgnomeprint, like abiword22:08
SeRiyeap meaning porting lpr or cups22:08
megabyte405AKA - not for end users22:08
agogointernettabletalk :P..shouldve known22:08
SeRihehehe ^^22:08
whaqanyhow, it's probably easier and simpler to export the docs to SD or CIFS share and have a proper desktop print the docs out22:08
megabyte405SeRi: well, those are just daemons/command line - easy peasy22:08
agogolemme search for "Seri cifs script"22:09
SeRinot sure about cups but lpr should be simple22:09
SeRihold on agogo22:09
whaqlots of linux mobile device emerging..22:09
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* agogo holding on22:10
unique311my connection just went silly on me22:10
agogonice seri..thanks22:11
SeRiJust make sure you downlod cifs.ko22:12
agogoalready have just to understand what the hell that you're saying here on the post :)22:13
SeRilol :)22:13
SeRiwife is about to get home/... so support for the day will end soon :)22:15
agogohmphh..ithought i installed unzip..apparently not22:17
agogoseri..your obviously a zip..or is it a rar? unzip says its not a zip file22:20
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SeRiI dont remember I am going to tar it22:24
agogoit is a rar file..had to use unrar22:24
agogohowever,i have saved it in my will need to figure out how to move that stuff to /usr/bin22:24
SeRiI think is a rar22:24
SeRiyou need to edit them and make it work for your path22:25
SeRiok guys wife is here22:25
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SeRiill be back later22:25
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pupnikgot onscreen buttons working in Ur Quan Masters - testers needed.  I am too lame with combat to kill anything.22:29
SeRiooo by the way agogo if you need more help I also hang arround in ITT22:29
SeRiI think most of us in here do22:30
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agogothanks Seri22:36
agogohas anyone used Seri's automount for Cifs?22:36
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NeoStriderwhats going on, fellows?22:45
* pupnik got onscreen buttons working in UQM just now22:45
pupnikthey make it playable :) sorta.  combat is still hellaciously tough for me.22:46
pupnikcan my app set the screen sensitivity to be higher?22:46
pupniksalut NeoStrider22:46
NeoStriderhey pupnik!22:47
NeoStriderobligatory self-promotion to pupnik: ;-Ç22:47
pupnikif i start tweaking with the difficulty the game developers will string me up22:47
pupnikyeah i saw - will try that22:47
NeoStriderurquam masters?22:48
NeoStrider(did I spelled it correcly?)22:48
pupnikGoogle: Results 1 - 50 of about 326 for "star control 2" "greatest game ever"22:48
pupnikUr-Quan Masters22:49
pupnikI have a feeling this game is way too hard as-is for the nokia controls.22:50
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pupnikITT forums increased number of private messages allowed.  Yaay22:51
pupnikmaybe it was my 51st private message that crashed it :P22:52
pupnikIf anyone can help test, drop a message to ArnimS in forums22:52
NeoStriderpupnik, I have a feeling any game is way too hard as-is for the nokia controls.22:52
NeoStriderwhe must re-think our interfaces22:52
pupnikthat could be modified to fit around the n770/80022:53
pupnikyou'd have to saw it in half and lengthen it, or build a whole new case22:54
NeoStriderugly! hahaha22:55
NeoStriderbut would be nice22:55
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cbx33hey all22:58
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NeoStriderhey cbx33!23:01
badvocHi, Quick question to the n770 users that are running Hacker Edition OS. Is it still worth is if your not botherd about web browsing ?23:01
milhouseBrowsing was fine for me on 2007HE23:04
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vertoHey all, has anyone come across any kind of program (even cooprate) that would allow me to stream my music from a computer over the web? I have a domain pointing to my ip address that I can manipulate to a port so I can access my music from anywhere, but without tunneling it wont play. I am looking for something a lil easier that would just set it up as if it were a internet radio station. Any ideas?23:07
badvocthanks for responding, I have a n770 on ordure and the upgrade to 2007HE is intresting for me to boost the storage on the device as i understand the standard amount is 1Gb He is 2Gb,23:07
NeoStriderverto... i guess canola does that23:08
milhouse2GB is available in latest OS 2006 also23:08
milhouseYou don't need 2007HE to use 2GB memory cards23:08
badvocAh Great thanks for the clues. back to reading faq's23:09
pupnikicecast is a streaming server for linux23:09
vertoI am reading through iceast atm23:10
pupnikbadvoc: i had a 2gb card on it2006 no problems23:10
pupnikjust slow23:10
pupnikbut you can flash to a 52mhz mmcplus kernel for either 2006 or 200723:10
vertoI have already tried several, I don't have linux on a machine atm, I have been meaning to fix that, but been a lil busy. So canola is a no-go. Icecast has a windows version I am trying now23:11
pupnikthere is an #icecast channel here iirc23:11
vertoon freenode?23:12
vertopupnik: thanks23:12
cbx33anyone here good with scratchbox23:15
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SeRiI love htop :)23:23
pupnikcbx33: just ask the question23:29
pupnikI have some dead notebook batteries to give away, free of charge.23:31
* pupnik ducks23:31
* thoughtfix wanders back23:32
pupnikI liked your n800 successor blog entry23:34
pupnikgood ideas imo23:34
thoughtfixThanks. Actually my readers offered the best ideas in comments23:34
vertoWoo, I just got slimserver working23:34
pupnikpretty contradictory ideas about what people want23:35
vertoVery easy, it reads a directory and syncs with other players to make playlists. Streams my music to my domain23:35
pupniki think the idea about gaming-compatible buttons on the side just won't sit well with people looking at these primarily as tablets23:35
vertomy n800 is playing it now23:35
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thoughtfixBut that's the point23:36
thoughtfixContradictory ideas23:36
pupnikon the other hand, if they made another sliding case, there could be optional cases with integrated buttons on the side... They'd be larger and more bulky, but you would have the option for the normal case, or the case + buttons23:36
thoughtfixMaybe there will be more than one internet tablet in the product line at a time.23:36
thoughtfixPerhaps a slate and a slider or a clamshell23:36
thoughtfixTo be honest, I don't think people like clamshells as much as slates and sliders23:36
cbx33verto cool23:37
pupnikyes the clamshells look old school - i think marketing wise they're not so popular23:37
bburdHello -- I'm new to the Nokia770, new to this chat room, etc. and I have a question...23:37
pupnikwelcome bburd23:37
bburdThank you.23:37
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thoughtfixThis is where the Palm Foleo went wrong. It tried to make a "laptop companion" in subnotebook size and form factor23:39
thoughtfixAt the cost of some current subnotebooks, too.23:39
bburdI'm trying to install GPS software. First I have to install libpcre3. I downloaded the .deb file from, but when I try to install it, I get an "unable to install package ... incompatible with existing software" message. I'm using the application installer to do the install. I've already installed some other software. Could there be a conflict? If so, how do I find out what conflicts with what?23:39
thoughtfixThe ONLY advantage it has is instant-on and battery life. Everything else (especially the propretary OS) is a disadvantage.23:40
pupnikya.  i like the styling tho23:40
milhouseyou may as well carry a laptop23:41
pupnikif those openembedded guys ever get their kernel working on the psion netbook pro, i'm going to be really tempted23:42
pupniki just love the book-size form factor23:42
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pupnikbut the n770 + bt keyboard is more practical imo23:43
pupnikif the 800 successor comes with opengl we're going to see Playstation and N64 emus on it :)23:44
thoughtfixMy hope is that the N800 keep it's features and size, boost up CPU power to handle Web 2.0 better, and offer a scroll wheel and OPTIONAL snap-on keyboard case23:44
thoughtfixSo it's a convertible slate/slider.23:44
thoughtfixor slate/clamshell23:44
milhousei'd like to see the N800 successor shrink a little in size... something close to the 77023:44
pupnikwould you keep the integrated slider?23:44
pupnikoptional clamshell sounds great imo23:45
milhousethe n800 is barely pocket friendly as it is23:45
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thoughtfixmilhouse: Good idea. Make it fit more pockets. But then it'd have to lose the bezel (and buttons) and speaker size23:45
vertobbured: did you already update the n800 itself?23:45
thoughtfixBut then the N95 media phone has awesome speakers and is smaller, so Nokia has good microspeaker technology23:45
milhousethoughtfix - i could lose one speaker, stereo speakers are _not_ necessary23:45
thoughtfixTrue - but make it loud enough to work as a VOIP speakerphone23:45
pupnikbburd: one way to see conflicts is with apt-get show <packagename>23:46
milhousethoughtfix - agreed, but if it had a2dp and bt headset support...23:46
pupnikthose little speakers in phones nowadays are all electrostatic afaik.  fantastic performance23:46
bburdVerto, I don't know what you mean by "update." I'm using the 770 OS.23:46
bburdpupnik - I'll try apt-get right now...23:47
VimSiN95 with the screen and the os of N800 ... *dream*23:47
pupnikbburd: sorry bad advice23:47
thoughtfixmilhouse: Didn't someone in this channel hack A2DP to work?23:47
milhouseyes, trevathan23:47
_Monkeytrevarthan is a cowardly programmer who stole an n800 from a baby and regularly has relations with my mom.23:47
bburdpupnik - aptget won't help?23:48
pupnikbburd: i think you need a libpcre with "armel" in the name for OS it200623:48
pupnik"arm" was 200523:48
thoughtfixHmm ... Anyone have trevarthan's contact info?23:48
bburdpupnik - where do I get the correct libpcre?23:49
_Monkeykagu is a complete rewrite of ukmp with a strong focus on object oriented design and a2dp support. You can find it here:
milhousemaybe somewhere on that web site23:49
pupnikdunno - must google for it bburd  or contact the maintainer tapio.tolvanen@gmail.com23:49
_Monkeysomebody said a2dp was working here and is good. :) If you want a nice frontend GUI for a2dp after following the instructions on that page, ask me about kagu.23:49
thoughtfixTime to write a new blog post23:50
thoughtfixabout "hacks" that should enter firmware23:50
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gilleshi here23:50
milhousei can't find it anywhere so i may have imagined it, but did Quim promise BT headset support in the next firmware release?23:50
bburdpupnik - so maemo-libpcre3_0.0.1_arm.deb isn't good enough, even though the page says its for Nokia 770? "armel" is different from "arm"?23:50
gillesi got a n770and i can't connect using mediatomb23:51
gillesany help is welcome23:51
milhouseooooh... new SDHC kernel for 4.2007 has arrived! :)23:51
pupnikbburd: it's compiled for an older operating system.  you have a newer one.23:52
thoughtfixIs the bugzilla down?23:53
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bburdpupnik, for my future reference, how do you know that it's compiled for an older version and that I have a newer one? (How can you tell?) Also, would it help if I downloaded the sources on the Web page? Would I have to jump through hoops to compile the sources, or is it relatively easy?23:54
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vertothoughtfix: bugzilla has always been down lol.23:55
vertoAt least it has always crashed me23:55
pupnikbburd: "armel" in the name indicates a binary built for OS it2006 or later23:56
milhousethougtfix - down for me here (london)23:57

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