IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2007-07-08

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disqdo we have pysqlite3 working on it2007?00:18
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disqjust registered a project named "maemoscrobbler". i'm fed up with my page being all empty (because I use the n800 as my on the road media player now) so developing a played-tracks cacher-submitter for it00:40
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pupnikdoes cost money?00:55
solmumahaanyone else having metalayer-crawler eat up all the cpu?01:02
solmumahasomeone said on itt that something must be corrupted on sd, but it started after upgrade01:03
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disqpupnik: you could be a subscriber but most of the functionality is free01:06
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pupnikOh man the US economy is so headed for a crash01:12
dolskeiPhone sales will save us! :)01:17
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danilo_I dont remember who ask me something about aircrack and time cracking. But my N800 with aircrack and airodump break my 64WEP ISP in 24minutes with 187157IVs. Someone here have better times?01:26
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pupniknice danilo_01:29
danilo_pupnik, We was discussing "why WEP sucks"... lol01:30
pupnikdoes that crack break regular clients use of the wlan?01:30
pupnikfor e.g. does it deauth clients and is that noticeable?01:30
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dolskeis that all running on the N800? Or do you still need to do the packet captures from another box?01:32
danilo_No no... aircrack just break the wep passkey....01:32
danilo_all runing on N80001:33
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dolskeHave you looked at
danilo_I will see it now....01:34
danilo_* look it..01:35
danilo_19 seconds?!?! lol! I need to improve my benchmarks.... lol01:36
mjw-I think i will stick w/WPA...01:37
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pupnikis wpa a cpu burden on the n770?01:38
mjw-I haven't tried wep or open on mine01:39
danilo_But Mulliner did't not show him configuration.... If I use a wordlist just with my passkey, I can break my WEP in less of one second too... lol01:40
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disqpupnik: it is on other wpa running hardware (like access points) so it *could* help with the battery life if you used wep. yes. but can you afford an unsecure network?01:41
pupnikyes, my power levels are low enough - and it's in a basement01:41
pupnikpeople would need to stand in front of my window to use my wlan01:42
disqback in the day some access points used to crash/reboot if you pumped high speed data over the wpa connection just because it couldn't handle the load01:42
disqbtw you could also tune down the radio on the access point if you're using openwrt or so - that's what my brother did with his overheating linksys (hot summer)01:43
disq(or a faraday cage. :P )01:44
pupnikyeah i've seen overheating APs too.. restart usually helps01:44
danilo_Hey. Sometimes, if I dont touch on N800, my network goes down... I think that is a "power's safe" thing. How can I fix this? Some moments I accessing N800 by my computer over SSH, and my connection goes down without reason. So I need to take my N800 on my hands and touch on the screen. Than I can use SSH again...01:44
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pupnikThe N800 version also helps keep your network connection alive.01:46
Wzrd2does vlc player work on the 770?01:46
Wzrd2the debian/linux version?01:46
pupnikdunno.  mplayer is far and away the best performing video player01:46
danilo_pupnik, Thanks! I think that it can solve my problem!01:47
Wzrd2what I want to do is stream muci from my windows pc to the 77001:47
disqintel / i386 binaries don't work on the device. you need to get the stuff compiled for 770/n800. (unless there are "armel" binaries provided - though it might still need some work)01:47
disqWzrd2: the easiest way is to install and use the app "mediastreamer" for that. canola also works.01:48
Wzrd2I looked into the mediastreamer..what free app would I use on my pc to stream from it01:48
Wzrd2can I use vlc to stream the music to mediastreamer on the 770?01:49
disqany upnp streamer. microsoft has one ("windows media connect") for free, there are other free alternatives01:49
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dick-richardsonI'm just happy that either gpodder or the new media player lets me seek mp3's01:50
disqthere's FUPPES, twonkyvision, and some more software you could use.01:50
Wzrd2which do u think is the best? the01:51
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Wzrd2MS one?01:51
disqthe ms one works very well for music (for me anyways)01:51
disqmost of the other alternatives have weird web-like control panels that i don't like01:52
Wzrd2hmm I am on the page and it says WMP 11 can do it01:52
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Wzrd2except WMP is a f-ing memory hog01:53
eichisomeone here using claws mail? is there no way for imap? i dont want to use php for mobile devices...that s*cks01:54
disqapparently so. i installed this like six months ago there was no wmp11 then01:54
eichiphp =pop01:54
eichioh, sorry, there is an option ^^01:54
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ericz_is there an aircrack for os 2006 on the 77002:10
ericz_nevermind, found one02:14
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Wzrd2cool..vlc works with media streamer! :)02:30
Wzrd2I just set it up02:31
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eugene         (__)03:16
eugene         (oo)03:16
eugene   /------\/03:16
eugene  / |    ||03:16
eugene *  /\---/\03:16
eugene    ~~   ~~03:16
eugene...."Have you mooed today?"...03:16
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pupnikhe heh03:17
eugenepupnik: you can get that output if you have terminal in your n80003:17
eugeneosso-xterm :)03:17
pupnikich bin on an xterm03:18
eugenepupnik: ich bin?03:19
pupnikI am03:19
eugenetype apt-get moo03:19
pupnikEye am zpeeking ze kraut lingo03:19
milhousetranslate from german ich bin03:20
_Monkeymilhouse: I am03:20
pupnikwow nice03:20
eugenetranslate from german Eye am zpeeking ze kraut lingo03:20
_Monkeyeugene: Eye at zpeeking CPU the herb lingo03:20
milhousetranslate to german i am speaking the german language03:20
_Monkeymilhouse: ich spreche die deutsche Sprache03:20
pupniktranslate to jive This is one really cool IRC bot.  I am impressed!03:21
pupnikPC bot03:22
Niacinanyone seen this ethan haas was right thing?03:22
Niacini managed to crack the first 2 codes03:22
Niacinbut third one is tough03:22
Niacinsome sort of checkers game03:22
Niacinits to do with that movie03:23
Niacinthat "unnamed" one03:23
Niacinif you saw the trailer @ transformers03:23
Niacinhah woot got the third code03:26
pupnikI don't get that at all03:26
Niacinits a code03:27
Niacinthe first one is simple... :)03:27
pupnikI don't even parse the scribbles.  Not interested03:27
Niacinno need03:28
Niacinits simon says :)03:28
pupnikPresidential candidate Ron Paul today won the Coalition for New Hampshire Taxpayers (CNHT) straw poll at their annual picnic in Hopkinton, New Hampshire. Dr. Paul received 182 of 294 votes cast, or 65 percent. In second place was Rudy Giuliani with 24 votes, or 8 percent.03:29
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pupnik  :) :)03:33
Niacini like ron paul03:34
pupnikme too.  he's a good Doctor man03:34
eichiis there a app for video podcast?03:36
kooseichi:kmplayer supports it, ie. finds enclosing tags in rss feeds, but not really made for this03:37
eichihm okay03:38
eichidamn LCARS theme destroyed all my icons and status symboles :/03:42
eichiis there a way to repair the icons and that stuff?03:45
pupniki've heard about that from someone else03:49
pupniksure - copy the icons and theme back03:49
pupnikoh and send the LCARS guy email03:50
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eichicopy from where where?03:51
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megabyte405eichi: try switching themes, rebooting, and switching back03:54
megabyte405new firmware, right?03:54
eichilatest firmware03:54
megabyte405common problem03:54
megabyte405(is it just me, or is completely swamped?  I'm trying to do some development, and I can't apt-get update for the life of me)03:55
megabyte405well, now it just loaded, but took several minutes03:55
dick-richardsoni'm holding off anyway...after a dist-upgrade my unit wouldn't boot yesterday03:55
megabyte405dick-richardson: you did a dist-upgrade on your n800 unit?03:55
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eichidamn icons03:56
eichii deleted the package from the theme03:56
eichibut they are anyway there03:56
eichiswitched and rebootet many times03:57
eichidoenst help03:57
dick-richardsonit worked well with the previous firmware, but it didn't work well at all...probably just a little too fast and loose with my repos03:57
eichi:( damn s*it03:57
megabyte405dick-richardson: that will frequently brick things - especially if you have the maemo sdk repositories installed: "dist-upgrade" won't be supported until Maemo 4.003:57
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pupnik_also search forums and maybe the maemo-users mailing list03:57
megabyte405I use dist-upgrade in scratchbox for development, but it won't work on the unit03:57
dick-richardsonmegabyte405: that's good to know...standard upgrade ok then?03:57
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eugenemegabyte405: dist-upgrade in scratchbox doesn't work for me even03:58
megabyte405dick-richardson: AFAIK, apt-get anything isn't supported, and only apt-get install/remove works as expected03:58
megabyte405eugene: well, I haven't tried it recently - I'm sticking with 3.1 until the dust settles03:58
dick-richardsonso just use the built-in manager03:58
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megabyte405dick-richardson: if you want to upgrade the unit, you can upgrade user packages with the package manager (but don't do it in red-pill mode) and can flash a whole new OS on03:59
dick-richardsonwell, i've been doing it all wrong since Feb :P good to know03:59
megabyte405I saw updates in red-pill mode, and as tempting as they looked, I knew that if I touched, I would probably brick it04:00
dick-richardsonknow matter how borked my unit's been, I've  been able to reflash04:00
eugenethe worst thing that can happen is to reflash your unit ;)04:00
megabyte405eugene: that's a very good thing04:01
megabyte405I just wish that the response on the new firmware had been more positive so I wasn't afraid to upgrade04:01
dick-richardsonI'm really enjoying it04:02
megabyte405I'm being uncommonly cautious - normally I'm a bleeding-edge kind of guy04:02
megabyte405I'm gonna wait at least a few days until the main problems have been worked around04:02
megabyte405and I'm not gonna restore, either, sicne that looks like it's problematic04:02
eugenemegabyte405: what kind of problems? i have been using for a coupleo f days now04:02
dick-richardsonnot across firmware versions...restoring to the same firmware is fine04:03
jpt9pupnik_: how's it going?04:03
megabyte405dick-richardson: yeah, that's what it seems04:03
megabyte405eugene: opera instability/https problem, gainroot problems04:03
megabyte405there's a long, whiny list on itt :-P04:03
pupnik_happy. well firefox is stinking up my compy and i'm not getting any work done04:03
dick-richardsonno problems with opera...never used gainroot04:03
eugenemegabyte405: i wonder why i don't have these problems...04:04
eugenemegabyte405: gainroot worked ok for me too04:04
dick-richardsonI'm more comfortable with the ssh method04:04
dick-richardsonand I'd need the package, anyway...04:04
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megabyte405eugene: I'm guessing some/most of the problems are from inexperienced users forgetting to re-install packages, or from restore issues, or whathaveyou04:05
eugenewell using ssh doesn't solve your gainroot problem04:05
eugenemegabyte405: guess so04:05
megabyte405eugene: no, but many people use ssh instead of gainroot04:05
megabyte405and I _just_ got GPE and Evolution syncing figured out on my N800, so I don't want to screw that up :D04:05
eugenemegabyte405: how do you gainroot using ssh? :)04:06
eugenewhat's the root default password04:06
dick-richardsonssh root@localhost04:06
eugenedamn :)04:06
dick-richardsonthen run passwd and make it what you want...change user password too since user can't change it's own04:07
megabyte405I think it's just easier to install becomeroot and do sudo gainroot, but oh well :D04:07
eugeneanyway, i find it easier to flash the thing with rd mode04:07
eugeneplus, it is a habit for me to sudo as a normal user, than to ssh as a root user :)04:07
dick-richardsonthen I visudo and comment everything out, add user ALL =  NOPASSWD: ALL04:07
dick-richardsonthen you can sudo to your hearts content as need to ssh ever04:08
megabyte405eugene: what does rd mode do on the N800?  I know it was needed to install stuff on the n770 for a while or something04:08
megabyte405dick-richardson: I got ssh certificates working so I don't need passwords either :D04:08
eugenei wonder how many people gotten their device rooted :)04:08
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megabyte405eugene: weird - I didn't need to do that to get root ?04:10
ericz_i rooted mine (with ssh) the first hour i got it, which was only a week ago, of course i was hanging arond here a week before tha04:10
eugenemegabyte405: there are other things that you can do with rd mode. see the flash page in maemo wiki.04:10
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eugenemegabyte405: "When R&D mode is enabled * Use the host USB mode of the device. * You can use sudo gainroot to get a root shell on the device * The power button turns the device on instantly (usually you have to keep it pressed for a while) * You can enable some R&D mode flags (flasher --set-rd-flags) for various features."04:13
eugenei find the "turns the device on instantly" feature very useful04:14
megabyte405ah, nice04:14
megabyte405I just keep mine locked04:14
eugenemegabyte405: more at
megabyte405but that is a nice feature04:14
eugenemegabyte405: try out my new article...04:15
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eichi_N800no one knows where to copy the ixons to rescue my demaged interface...?04:18
megabyte405eichi_N800: did you try the changing the theme, rebooting, and then changing back?04:20
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_Monkeysomebody said a2dp was working here and is good. :)05:02
megabyte405it's not officiallly in the new firmware, though it may be that someone hacked it on aftermarket, so to speak05:07
milhousejust needed the link to reply to someone on itt05:07
milhousei had it working last thursday on the old firmware, worked very very well :)05:08
disqdoubt it at this point, encoding takes a lot of the cpu (and battery obviously) so somebody has to move the codec part to the dsp i think05:08
milhousedefinately not in the new firmware, unfortunately... trevarthan is responsible for the hack and web site, hopefully his work will be appreciated by Nokia rather than ignored and duplicated05:08
milhousedisq: seriously, it works. try it05:08
disqdon't have a a2dp bt headset, let alone a mono one05:09
trevarthanmilhouse: BTW, I fixed a ton of memory leaks in my version of ukmp. I'll roll you a new tar.gz soonish.05:09
milhouseok thanks although I blew away the install from last week when i upgraded :)05:10
trevarthanI've also made the song titles a lot more finger friendly. (i.e. larger)05:10
disqi could get one if this really works though. but my dream project is still n800 emulating a headset and bridging the music player with the phone calls. (wrote about that idea in
trevarthandisq: I doubt there is enough bluetooth bandwidth to do headset profile and a2dp at the same time.05:11
disqi'm working on a played tracks "scrobbler" daemon (and dbus listener) with caching and all. when i'm done i'll send in a patch for ukmp.05:11
trevarthanAnd no mic input jack on the n800....05:12
disqthe headphone jack is 4 pins actually, one of them is mic.05:12
trevarthanAh... that's right. I forgot about that.05:12
trevarthanGot a link to your article? I'd like to read about why you want to do that.05:13
disqtrevarthan: here,
trevarthanI thought it would be similarly cool to use the n800 as a stereo line in -> a2dp adapter, but even though there is mic in there still is no stereo line in on the n800.05:14
disqwhat we need is bare gpio ports at the back :P05:14
disq(though that probably wouldn't do us any good in this situation, with the dsp etc)05:15
trevarthandisq: I don't get it. Why do you want to forward cell phone calls through skype?05:15
disqthat was just an idea to throw around05:16
trevarthanwell, ok. But why?05:16
trevarthanI'm not saying it's a dumb idea. I just can't think of an application at the moment...05:16
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disqwell, yeah that wouldn't be practical but being able to forward incoming calls to other apps could be handy? like a recorder of sorts, dunno? wouldn't be worth the time in r&d, though05:18
trevarthanYou could probably do the cell phone -> n800 end with asterisk and chan_bluetooth:
trevarthanAnd you could forward it to skype with chan_skype:
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trevarthanI'm not sure where the music player comes in.......05:20
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disqthe main issue is to be able to enjoy media (listen/watch, whatever) and take calls with a single headset. there are multi-chan headsets yeah but you should be able to do this in software, even with simple shell scripts.05:21
disqthe media player and caller id integration would be the icing on the cake.05:21
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trevarthanThe only issue there beyond available bluetooth bandwidth (a major issue, I think), is that stereo bluetooth (a2dp) isn't two way. Only one way.05:22
trevarthanThat's why you need a multi-chan headset. Something connects to is with SCO (mono two way profile), and something else connects to it with a2dp (stereo one way profile)05:23
disqyeah i learned about that after i wrote the thing, and it's kinda sad.05:23
trevarthanwhat's really sad is that in my experience multi-chan headsets don't really work. My motorola s9 can't handle playing a2dp and being paired with my cell phone at the same time. Leads to massive annoying random skipping of the a2dp audio.05:24
disqbut with a two chan headset you could just pair chan1 with the phone and chan2 with n800.05:24
trevarthancould just be a quirk of the s9, or a bug in my phone's firmware, or even a bug in bluez or a2dpd. Or it could be a flaw in the multi-chan idea itself. I'm not sure which.05:25
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trevarthanYou could easily do what you want with an actual hands free car system though. Mic mounted on the dash or support column, car speakers for stereo. Just plug it into the n800 headset port. Then the n800's bluetooth bandwidth would be free to pair with your phone.05:27
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trevarthanYou could do that with asterisk and chan_bluetooth today, I think. It would just take some packaging work and you'd need a software SIP phone and a decent media player for the n800 as well. Both of which are available, I think.05:27
trevarthanAlternatively, I think I saw a headset profile driver on maemo garage for the 770..... might be able to port it.... not sure....05:28
disqhmm. tell the headset to switch between a2dp and sco back and forth?05:30
trevarthanI think you've departed from my current train of thought. What are you talking about exactly?05:31
disqah, ok, pair with the phone via bt and use a wired headset? yeah that sounds simpler :)05:31
trevarthanyeah. it's doable with current software too. It's a really attractive idea, I think. Would make a great little experiment. I don't have time to work on it myself, but if someone else got it working I would definitely use it.05:32
trevarthanI think the n800 makes a kick ass car PC. They aught to market it as such.05:33
disqbtw all the media players on the n800 suck :P but i'll try the headset/pairing thing05:33
trevarthanno they don't. ukmp is decent. And I'm rewriting it currently to be more like the iphone media interface. It's only going to get better.05:34
trevarthancanola only sucks a little bit. :)05:34
trevarthanI think the thing that sucks most about canola is that it's closed source, so I can't make it do the few things that it doesn't already do. Crying bloody shame.05:35
disqukmp's party mode is not enough for me, i'm more of an AMP person. with a seperate playlist and all.05:35
disqyeah. it's great for using on the road though05:36
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pupnik_i tried compiling various versions of xmms and beep media player05:37
disqin fact, of all the media players i like mediastreamer the most. but it doesn't play local files.05:37
trevarthanMy version of ukmp has a slightly different playlist system. It's not set in stone either. I'm willing to hack the frick out of it until it's perfect. Do you have an example player with a playlist that you really like? I could use it for inspiration. I don't use playlists much myself. I think that might be because I don't understand how they're used though.05:37
pupnik_trev same... playlists aren't my cupotea either05:37
trevarthanI mostly just pick an album and hit play. when I get tired of it, I pick a different album.05:38
disqi just want the classic playlist system, where you select songs/albums/dirs and append the songs to the playlist. you can have one song multiple times in the list, etc (i'm sometimes a repeat-track freak, yes)05:38
trevarthanok. That's how my version of ukmp's playlist will work. I stole it from pymp, along with a bunch of other stuff:
disqand i think for that system the most useful interface would be A-Z buttons, but first the type (Artist/Title/Album/Genre type of thing) and then little buttons like the contacts app has. A thru D, E thru H, etc.05:40
disqcanola's list everything in one big list thing doesn't work when you have a lot of music05:40
trevarthanBTW, I need to rename my version of ukmp. The "uk" stands for konttori's initials, so that won't work as this is a complete rewrite. I want to name it after some animal in grand GNU tradition. Anyone have any suggestions?05:40
disqhmm. GIMP is taken :P05:41
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disqerm sorry, shortcut.05:41
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disqportable intuitive media player?05:42
milhouseworks for me05:42
trevarthandisq: yeah, I agree about the a-z thing. Not sure about genre. I never use that. I'll have to think how to implement that as I really want the album view to be the default...05:42
disqyeah i don't use it either but people seem to like it, otherwise that would've gotten old by now.05:42
trevarthananimals people, not recursive acronyms.05:42
ericz_penguin isnt taken as a logo, is it? :P05:43
trevarthanalready taken:
disqlots of people would appreciate the iphone-alike album view though. and it would also generate some hype05:43
milhousebeetle isn't really an animal, but has music conotations05:43
milhouseCover Flow(tm)?05:43
trevarthanI like the beetle thing. Maybe a specific type of beetle? Make it not so obvious?05:44 is free05:44
milhousewhat are those Egyptian ones?05:45
disqwe need an animal that ends with U. that way the acronym could be "something something is not UKMP"05:45
trevarthan:) I like Dung. It fits my sense of humor. I wonder if I could get away with that.....05:45
megabyte405but I think that's used05:45
trevarthandisq: yeah.05:45
megabyte405vudu - is not an animal though05:46
megabyte405or spelled right05:46
disqwouldn't urdu be more suitable as a programming language of sorts? :P05:46
milhouseEmu <--- ends in U, and has many musical associations (if you're a techy geeky type... EMU sound processor)05:47
milhousellama (not lama - doh)05:49
pupnik_Emu was a synth company, bought out by teh evil Creative Labs05:49
milhousedamn, is taken, "put a llama in your life"05:49
milhouseindeed... who still use their chippery05:49
milhouseI always preferred Fairlight myself... crazy stuff05:50
milhousefor a name?05:50
disqFLT? so demoscene of you05:50
milhouseOryx - it's got an X which is always cool05:50
disqthat emu is a funny looking bird tho05:50
pupnik_pick a unique name, like oh.. 'epiphyte'05:51
eugenedisq: as as weird as the duck-like lizard-not thing05:51
pupnik_something where searches will yield your program05:51
ericz_what's that extinct one? dodo?05:51
eugenepupnik_: i will keep that name for my program05:52
milhouseor platypus05:52
trevarthanI like emu... I wonder if I would get into trouble for that.05:52
pupnik_I like Oryx too... reminds me of orgy05:52
koosI have /usr/lib/browser/plugins/ running in my media player05:53
milhousepupnik: better stear clear of Woodcock in that case05:53
disqthe fine people at fsf could make an animal name search engine (with characters, length, and all) not to forget the "i'm feeling lucky" button.05:53
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milhouseYakk - Yet another Kontorri knock-off ;)05:54
disq"caribou" but it's kinda long05:54
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disq"caribou isn't about ukmp"05:54
eugenedo you guys use mugshot?05:55
trevarthanlots of projects named caribou already. none music related that I saw, but still.... and I think caribou are even funnier looking that emus.05:58
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Dmnhunter_1hey anybody know where I can find ruby-gtk2 and ruby-libglade for n770?06:04
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trevarthanWhat about recursive acronyms through rhyming? smew is not ukmp
trevarthanbirds are common in music players though... hmmm...06:08
milhousehow does that rhyme?06:08
trevarthanemu, smew?06:09
trevarthanit's like it ends in u, but it doesn't.06:09
milhousetoo subtle06:09
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portshas anyone gotten something like open office running on a N770?06:15
pupnik_Abiword runs, sorta06:16
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eugenehas anyone tried to run olpc apps on n800?06:16
eugeneis there other distributions besides the one provided by nokia?06:16
portseugene, common questions?06:17
dragornports: Go look at the minimum resource usage of OO then look at the hw in the 77006:17
dragorn~70MB ram resident and ~160 virtual to do nothing.  Not going to happen.06:17
portsand the disk space.. joy06:18
eugenedisk space is not a problem ;)06:18
portsi suppose.. the mmc could take care of that.. up to 2gigs06:18
megabyte405I'm working on AbiWord06:18
megabyte405I'm actually one of their SoC students06:18
megabyte405and I'm going to get it recompiled for Bora, that should fix a bunch of the problems06:19
eugenemegabyte405: hmm. not the one who worked on the olpc port ya?06:19
megabyte405(the stuff where it crashes when waking back up)06:19
megabyte405No, but I know those people06:19
megabyte405the abi community is pretty small/tight06:19
eugenemegabyte405: i met them in sydney early this year06:19
portsmegabyte405, SoC, nice. how's the project going? i know a few people from TCPA mentoring in it06:19
eugenei met one actually.06:19
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eugenemegabyte405: the big guy.06:20
eugenecan't remember his name06:20
portsdragorn, ah. im tempted to buy a N770 since its ~$125 now. itd be nice if the thing read word documents so then i wouldnt have to lug around my 7 lb laptop.06:20
killfillits not possible to flash the n800 without the usb cable is it?..06:20
eugenekillfill: no06:20
megabyte405ports: AbiWord can load doc's06:20
ericz_you can easily converts .docs to pdf too..06:21
killfilldamn.. ill need to buy one.06:21
eugenekillfill: u can put the flash program and the firmware to a sd card, then run from within.06:21
megabyte405the current build exposes a bug in the built-in iconv, but there is a workaround on the way06:21
portseugene, the n770 is basically a low end linux pc right? or is it restricted in what kind of apps i could run... im pondering installing Python on it.06:21
megabyte405ports: python runs06:21
Dmnhunter_1yea python works well06:21
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killfilleugene: run withing what?.. n800?06:21
portsgreat.. if python works, then i could get numpy, scipy and matplotlib running too06:22
killfillso it can flash itself?06:22
eugenekillfill: disclaimer, i have not tried it. i read it somewhere.06:22
megabyte405killfill: no, it cannot flash itself06:22
megabyte405it can flash its own kernel, but not the whole image06:22
eugenemegabyte405: ah, thanks for the clarification06:22
portsthe n800 looks nice06:22
Dmnhunter_1easier to find mmc for the n80006:23
Dmnhunter_1uses sd vs mcc-mobils06:23
ports  <-- easy peasy :)06:23
milhouse<megabyte405> and I'm going to get it recompiled for Bora, that should fix a bunch of the problems <--- this would make a lot of people very happy on ITT.... you should post this news! :)06:23
megabyte405milhouse: I have :D06:24
megabyte405about a month ago or so06:24
milhousei must have missed it - sorry... saw a post slating abiword just today06:24
portsmilhouse, basically theyve threatened that if he doesnt come through on his fantastic news, theyll crucify him lol06:24
megabyte405I'm also the guy who wrote n800 gpe <-> evolution sync instructions06:24
milhouseie. not working on n800 etc.06:24
megabyte405milhouse: really?  can you point me to it?06:24
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milhousegive me a sec06:24
megabyte405ports: oh nice - that's sure to encourage me06:24
portsmegabyte405, lol. im not threatening you with bodily harm lol06:24
portsi dont even own a device yet06:24
megabyte405I know, it's alright06:25
megabyte405I just both am amused and slightly upset by the sense of entitlement and "I could do it better" that often comes out of the itt forums06:25
trevarthanshitzu. :)
portsare the N800's still running around $350?06:25
megabyte405They're a useful resource, but one definitely has to know when to stop reading.06:25
dragornmegabyte405: Everyone can do it better, but never does.  It's funny how that happens.06:25
portsmegabyte405, as is true with any community.06:25
megabyte405ports: more or less.  I think has them for $360 and that's about the standard lowest price06:26
megabyte405dragorn: yep.  it's alright, though, I've been with abi long enough to recognize that truth06:26
portsmegabyte405, im mechanical engineering, and im taking a Robotics class with a bunch of CS students.. and they like to brag that they can code circles around us ME students... sure.. but our code is better lol06:26
trevarthanshitzu is not ukmp.06:27
trevarthannah, I can't do it. too stupid.06:27
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milhousedragorn - did any of the wireless issues get fixed in the latest N800 firmware?06:29
milhousesuspect i know the answer but thought i'd ask...06:29
portsmilhouse, what issues/06:30
milhousewith kismet06:30
milhouseand wifi06:30
megabyte405milhouse: presumably you mean the fact that it stops getting new networks about 15 seconds in, though the timer keeps ticking?06:31
portsthatd be pretty funny.. running kismet on that tablet.  my friend just got kismet running on his Sharp Zaurus 550006:31
milhousei understood it to be a problem with the wifi modules06:31
megabyte405It does work, on startup06:31
milhousebasically, it works for a bit then becomes unstable06:31
dragornmilhouse: You know I haven't had a chance to check06:31
dragornI just got it flashed yesterday06:31
dragornonce i finish this round of UT maybe06:32
megabyte405dragorn: cool, thanks! :D06:32
dragorni've been dealing with darwin and bsd stuff lately06:32
milhousecheers dragorn... i could check myself of course :)06:32
megabyte405If it does work, then I will definitely flash sooner rather than later - Kismet is awesome06:32
eugenewoohoo, i got a first reply to my blog. lol06:33
milhousetook me about a day to get back to where i was after the update... forget i had my handy-dandy "reflash" web page hosted on my linux server. went to connect to it after reflashing, got connection refused, looked to my right and saw server in pieces as i was part way through upgrading it. sigh. :)06:33
milhousehad had enough of suse... ubuntu is quite nice!06:33
eugenemilhouse: i prefer fedora :)06:34
milhouseright... what's the repository for kismet?06:34
trevarthanDegu is not ukmp.
trevarthanNot a particularly musical animal though06:35
milhousedamn.. maemo downloads is down?06:36
trevarthanBut it does like to be stoked. :) And so does ukmp....06:36
milhousemy linux server is more stable than this carp06:36
milhousetrevarthan: attractive lookin' critter. not.06:36
milhouseoh hang on, there's two of them sitting on a stump.. i thought it was one head at first (note to self: get down to opticians pronto)06:37
milhousekismet info anybody?06:37
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eugene mistral user06:39
eugenemilhouse: mistral user <-- got this from a forum. not sure if it works06:39
dragornI'll deal with genning new code off the stable tree once i'm done w/ some other stuff06:39
milhousethanks eugene06:40
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dragornif it works, I'll make a real package06:40
milhousekismet is mistral user06:41
_Monkeykismet is pretty much ?06:41
dragornthere are no official kismet packages.  Someone made one a while back, I have no plans to make one until it's stable on the fw06:41
_Monkeysomebody said kismet was mistral user06:41
milhousei'll give this one a go06:41
eugenegood luck wrt dependencies issue ;)06:42
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megabyte405I've used the package06:46
megabyte405Milhouse: thanks for the heads-up.  That looked like one of those whiny threads, hence why I didn't see it.  I've replied in greater magnitude than I initially intended, but hopefully it helps clear things up, and it acknowledges help when receeived06:49
ports-you guys ever flash a Netgear WGT 634U to OpenWRT?06:52
megabyte405now there's a very specific question :-D06:52
megabyte405I tend to avoid netgear whenever I can, interestingly enough.  I have their MIMO G router and it is lousy - about 30 ft worth of range, on a good day06:53
milhousewhiny thread? on ITT? how dare you...06:54
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ports-megabyte405, i have one of the routers.. only reason i keep it around is because it has a usb port that supports a harddrive up to 500gigs. so it makes a very cheap and powerful NAS06:55
eugenehow about fon routers? what architecture is it?06:55
megabyte405ports-: ah, nice.  I've heard of those (like the Linksys NSLU2) but I've never had the opportunity or need to get one06:55
ports-megabyte405, but the firmware is flakey.. and even after reflashing, and cycling through from the original flash to the latest.. the wireless is still vey flakey.. no one can maintain a connection for more than 45 seconds06:55
ports-eugene, i have one.. ive got mine running DD-WRT06:55
megabyte405ha, so I'm not alone06:55
eugeneports-: what architecture is that? is it ARM?06:56
ports-i have a netgear mr814v2.. has it for 7 years.. thing still runs like a rock.. no issues at all.06:56
ports-eugene, the 634u or fonera?06:56
eugeneports-: how much space is there?06:56
eugeneports-: fonera06:56
ports-i think it had 8mb06:56
eugeneguess it's a good traveling router06:57
eugenesometimes your bed and the internet point is very far away :)06:57
ports-i flashed the router.. but i never use it because it has 1 uplink ethernet port.. its meant for wireless only.. which i prefer ethernet for my desktops06:57
ports-exactly! DD-WRT lets you bridge and do a signal relay.. so it becomes a signal extender06:57
eugeneports-: i have an idea but not sure if it will work06:58
eugeneports-: say i have a linksys router in my room, and i want to use the fon router downstairs as a relay06:58
eugeneports-: but the internet point is to my linksys router in my room. is it possible to have a fon router downstairs to act as a relay? but only to connect to the powerpoint?06:59
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ports-'connect to the powerpoint?'06:59
eugenesilly question maybe but just wondering if you know :)06:59
eugenei mean... fon router but not connected to the uplink ethernet port.07:00
ports-oh. you mean not be physically connected to your internet router... yes thats possible07:00
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ports-thats been a major use of the flashed fonera routers07:00
eugeneany useful articles or howto/tutorials on that?07:01
eugenegreatly appreciated.07:01
ports-megabyte405, i havent found a decent guide on using that usb port after the router runs OpenWRT.. i want to make sure i dont lose my NAS functionality07:01
eugenethen i can use my n800 downstairs too :)07:02
megabyte405ports-: you might want to look into some of the nslu2 info - it may be similar?  I have no experience with either, though, nor dd-wrt, so you're askin the wrong guy :D07:02
eugeneRedBoot == red hat :)07:02
trevarthanKagu is not ukmp!
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ports-megabyte405, dunno.. i dont really want to buy another device07:02
megabyte405I just meant the docs might apply to both :D07:03
ports-megabyte405, the netgear firmware has a built in FTP server... oh ok07:03
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trevarthanI really like kagu for my media player's name. It's not common. It's not ugly, really. (not like an emu) It's a bird. And it ends in 'u'.  My only complaint is that it sounds a little funny....07:07
ports-hrm.. does the N710 let you connect an external usb/ps2 keyboard?07:07
ports-er N77007:07
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milhousepmku is not ukmp07:10
milhouse(if you like mirror writing)07:10
milhousesomewhat unpronouncible though07:11
pupnik_i like ukmp too07:11
eugeneports-: thanks for the link. i will try it tonight :)07:11
ports-eugene, np. let me know if you need help with it07:11
ports-be careful.. if you get stuck at a part.. start over... otherwise you could brick it07:12
ports-milhouse, mirror writing?07:12
milhousepmku | ukmp07:12
eugenethanks for the tip07:12
eugeneports-: is it possible to cover by reflashing if it is "bricked"?07:13
trevarthanmilhouse: you don't like kagu?07:14
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milhousei read kagu and thing of those thin, plastic coats07:14
trevarthan:) what?07:15
milhouseCagoule -
ports-eugene, following that guide.. you shouldnt brick it.. i had a few times where something didnt work so i just immediately started over.07:15
milhouseoh hang on, wrong link07:15
eugeneports-: okie07:15
milhousei used to have one when i was a kid07:16
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ports-milhouse, lol what :P07:17
trevarthanI gotta admit: it sounds funny. best I got right now though.07:17
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trevarthanAt least it's a bird, so I can make it cutsie.07:18
trevarthanyou know, like the pidgin project's mascot?07:19
megabyte405if it's a complete rewrite, why the association with UKMP?07:19
trevarthanIt still looks like ukmp. :)07:19
rwhitbyeump?  (.eu bigger than .uk?)07:20
trevarthanthe uk doesn't stand for the country. It's the author's initials.07:20
rwhitbyyeah, I know.07:20
dragornlooks like "no, they didn't fix the wireless"07:20
trevarthanit was broken?07:21
milhousethat site seems to be a little hosed - not having much fun installing kismet07:21
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milhousedragorn: quell surprise... thanks for checking07:22
dragornhm, now it's working07:22
dragornso it's still pretty iffy if it's going to go usefully into rfmon07:22
trevarthantremp, trevarthan media player...07:23
trevarthanor tramp07:23
milhousemaybe they fixed it... a bit07:23
dragorn ...  Don't complain if it doesn't work07:23
ports-dragorn, is there a decent way to use a usb keyboard on the N770?07:23
dragornports-: if you kluge a cable, and build a power pack for it07:24
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ports-easily done07:24
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ports-dragorn, do you have python running on your n770?07:25
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megabyte405ports-: search itt, there's info there07:25
megabyte405dragorn: thanks for checking.  I found that going into offline mode first resulted in fewer confusions for kismet07:26
megabyte405(from a purely user PoV)07:26
milhousedragorn: getting "incompatible applications package" in app manager07:26
milhousethat's for the svn kismet deb07:26
ports-megabyte405, for the keyboard or python07:26
megabyte405ports-: well, both, actually, but I intended keyboard07:27
dragornmilhouse: dunno07:27
ports-megabyte405, ah. i found some forum conversations about it.. just throw the N770 into usb host mode.. and usb a self powered hub. and itll work07:28
dragornmilhouse: works here07:28
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milhouseok, i'll try dpkg -i07:28
ports-megabyte405, for the python code.. im going to have to find someone that has it running on theirs.. because i need to run some specific scripting07:28
megabyte405I have python on my n80007:28
dragornmilhouse: works for me in applications mgr07:29
milhousemaybe i've got a corrupt download, dpkg -i just bombed with a sub-process error07:29
milhousesorry my fault - i seem to have ended up with deb about 100k short of a full load07:30
ports-megabyte405, - these are the packages needed to run that code in the paste..07:30
milhouseinstalled fine now07:30
megabyte405ports-: rebuild the source packages in Scratchbox - google for the INdT VMware SDK for Maemo for easiest use07:31
dragornmilhouse: cool07:31
ports-megabyte405, the n770 runs a modified debian.. and theres debian/ubuntu binaries available.. think they would work without any modification?07:32
ports-*slaps himself* different processor architecture07:33
megabyte405wrong architecture: the n770 is armel, not i38607:33
ports-lol yeah07:33
milhousekismet seems to be working... :)07:33
ports-megabyte405, do you have any spare time to see if numpy/scipy will work on the n800 after being rebuilt in scratchbox?07:34
megabyte405ports-: not at the moment, sorry07:34
ports-no worries07:34
megabyte405if you post on ITT or ask someone in maemo perhaps they can07:34
megabyte405but I have too little memory and too little time07:34
megabyte405thanks for understanding :)07:34
dragorndownload scratchbox yourself and run it, or grab the vmware image with zephyr installed07:34
milhouseoops wrong window07:34
dragornsb comes with an armel emulator07:34
megabyte405yeah, the INdT vmware image seems to work pretty well for me, and eliminates all the crazy installing stuff07:35
dragornI *can* tell you ruby performs very poorly.  I don't know how well python performs.07:35
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megabyte405milhouse: how did you get around the incompatible application package?07:35
ports-megabyte405, lol yeah. i understand the time committments well. ive got the keyboard thing figured out, have Abiword, pdf viewer, if i get python working.. this thing will replace my laptop for school uses07:35
ports-megabyte405, is INdT a vmware image of the n770/n800?07:36
megabyte405INdT is a nokia research center in brazil.  They distribute a vmware image of Ubuntu Feisty with the N800 development environment already installed07:36
megabyte405for something non-Maemoized like that, there should be little/no problem with using the n800 tools for n770, I would think07:37
ports-hopefully.. if you looked at the code i pasted.. basically its just math07:38
megabyte405ports-: yeah - doesn't even look like there's too much non-python default code there07:38
megabyte405I think the chances of an easy source recompile for numpy are high07:39
ports-although im programming in python.. there should be some air quotes in there.. because basically just referencing some basic math functions07:39
ports-i couldnt write a python app to say.. sort files in a folder or something07:40
ports-oooh! the maemo python download has numeric.. that might be useful... Numeric is the old version of Numpy07:40
ports-where do i find that vmware image?  ive been googling INdT and i found their maemo site, but no images there, and nothing on i saw07:41
megabyte405googled for indt maemo vmware07:42
ports-ah.. i googled for 'indt maemo vmware image'07:42
megabyte405they call it an appliance, apparently :)07:42
milhousewow... 12 other wifi networks around me, half of them on chan 11 and the other half on chan 9. suckers.07:42
ports-aww man... an hour to download07:43
ports-im gunna go clean my kitchen, brb07:44
milhousemegabyte405: just finished reading your post on ITT, nicely put - it should clear up a few misunderstanding and also give people hope that things are still happening07:47
megabyte405milhouse: thanks - that was the goal07:48
megabyte405Nokia actually helped out abi a lot07:48
eugenemegabyte405: which url for the itt post07:48
megabyte405and the outdated INdT site still distributes the earliest Abi on Maemo port07:48
milhousei doubt many people knew this though - which is a shame07:48
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milhousedragorn: got a case where kismet goes nuts and displays garbage text on the screen followed by "Discon" and a TCP error (Read error 2)...07:54
dragornmilhouse: 'k...  Not useful unless theres a gdb trace or something of it, unfortunately07:54
dragornor unless it happens here07:54
milhousedragorn: seems to be reproducible if I go within range of a wifi network, monitor it for a while then move out of range... shortly after kismet goes nuts07:54
dragornprobably something killed the server, like dhcp or some other network manager07:54
milhouse"Didn't detect any Cisco Discovery Packets, unlinking cisco dump" is written at the top of my screen, followed by several other lines of text snaking down the screen07:55
dragorntheres no logical distinction for moving in or out of range of a network - it doesn't care, and theres no state change or difference07:55
dragornthats a shutdown of the server07:55
dragornI stand by my theory that some network management sw is killing it07:55
megabyte405milhouse: try going into offline mode before starting kismet07:56
milhouseit's done it twice now, both times shortly after i'd moved out of range of a bunch of networks... could be a coincidence.07:56
dragornsince that's not only a shutdown, it's a clean shutdown not a segv - it wouldn't be closing files cleanly during a segv or a bus error or anything like that07:56
milhouseoffline = flight mode?07:56
megabyte405mine says offline mode07:56
megabyte405it's in the power menu07:56
milhousemaybe i'm thinking of another device :)07:56
megabyte405probably a conflict with the built in software trying to roam07:56
megabyte405press the power button - it's right below "lock touch screen and keys"07:57
milhouseoffline activated...07:57
ports-stupid dishwasher...07:57
milhouseoff to find some distant wifi networks... back soon07:57
megabyte405milhouse: how did you get around the incompatible package thing? just a re-download?07:57
milhouseyes, when i copied the deb from my pc to the n800 i only copied the first 400kb, hence the n800 was a bit confused07:58
milhousedeb should be fine, though you may need ncurses and possibly libpcap which you can get from the site07:58
_Monkeykismet is mistral user or but don't complain if it doesn't work07:58
milhouseok thats strange, i'm only picking up my own network in offline mode07:59
milhousethink i'll reboot just to be sure08:00
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milhousesomeone's already reported kismet on itt :)
milhousebugger, battery is running out08:02
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dragorni love how people post everywhere except in my forum or email me about things working/not working, as if I'm omniscient and read every site everywhere08:04
milhouseeven better, my internal storage has suddenly gone read-only - this fat corruption bug definately _not_ fixed!08:05
milhouseyou mean you're not?08:05
eugenedragorn: what do you do..08:05
pupnik_garage forums get very little use08:05
megabyte405dragorn: I figured it wasn't important enough to me, and that you had bigger fish to fry than a bunch of geeks trying to wardrive with their pockets :D08:05
milhousei'm going to have to leave this debugging session for a bit, flat battery and storage corruption have all come at the worst possible time08:05
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ports-dragorn, i thought you knew08:07
milhousethanks for your help dragorn... i'll chat here again or post something on your forum ( ?)08:08
milhouseor an email08:08
* megabyte405 feels dangerous - he has red pill mode turned on temporarily08:09
megabyte405hey, there we go, now it's installed.08:09
Trencheri bet this'll be a no..08:09
Trencheris there any place to get a precompiled cx3110x driver?08:09
megabyte405Trencher: I think there might be a place on the garage08:10
Trencherthe source is there08:10
megabyte405did you look at the release notes and news posts?08:10
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dragornmilhouse: The drivers are still screwed up08:11
Trencherno rel notes, i'll look at the posts08:11
megabyte405dragorn: hey cool, it looks like it might be working (on the old firmware) - it's 41 seconds into my sessiona nd I'm still getting packets08:11
dragornmilhouse: offline mode works fine w/ kismet, however then it can't find networks anymore in online mode (the network mgr)08:11
Trencherno news either08:11
megabyte405way better than before08:11
dragornmegabyte405: it's totally unreliable on the old firmware08:11
megabyte405dragorn: you have to reboot after running kismet, even when using offline mode08:11
dragornmegabyte405: nothing has changed in kismet that would fix anything08:11
megabyte405dragorn: well, your new build works better than the eko one08:12
megabyte405go figure08:12
megabyte405maybe just a bad package08:12
megabyte405but it's now 1.5 minutes in, and that old build would kick over after about 15 seconds08:12
dragornmegabyte405: No difference in the monitor or capture logic, you just hit a time when it happens to work vs. not08:12
milhousedragorn: i didn't have enough juice to test it, but I'll have another play and see if i can reproduce the onscreen garbage / server crash08:12
dragornmegabyte405: which is why there haven't been official packages for it08:12
megabyte405interesting - it was reliably useless before, whereas now it's working08:12
dragornmilhouse: it's not a crash, it's a shutdown.  Something is killing the interface out from underneath it and it's shutting down08:13
megabyte405I'll reboot and see if it breaks :)08:13
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dragornmegabyte405: I had it working and not working randomly08:13
hieptranitcan you anyone help me with maemo08:13
Trencherwhat about it?08:13
hieptraniti used a prepackage helloworld08:13
megabyte405hieptranit: we all probably can, but please let us know a specific question
megabyte405dragorn: whoah, it even fell asleep and kept working: I feel lucky :D08:14
hieptranitand now i want to add some menu on it08:14
dragornmegabyte405: n800?08:14
_Monkeyi think n800 is much better than a desk phone :-)08:14
megabyte405dragorn: yes08:14
dragornmegabyte405: n800 doesn't sleep :P08:14
megabyte405ha - suckers: two linksys's on channel 6 within my range08:14
dragornmegabyte405: it just turns off the lcd08:14
hieptranitbut i keep getting this error message08:14
megabyte405dragorn: well, the lock screen thing08:14
megabyte405it crashes AbiWord, because they changed the ABI08:14
hieptranit./.libs/ undefined reference to `hildon_window_set_menu'08:15
Trenchero well. it was worth a try.. time to figure out how to 'compile linux 2.6 modules' in windows08:15
megabyte405hieptranit: did you make sure to use the right version for your device?  (Bora = n800, mistral, scirocco or something = 770)08:16
megabyte405Trencher: vmware or livecd08:16
dragornat the time i dealt w/ the cx modules, building them was non-trivial, I had to rewrite the makefile and tweak a bunch of things.  I don't know if they've gotten better or not.08:18
Trencherso that's a no...08:20
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Trenchermaybe vmware AND livecd08:22
megabyte405Trencher: see my advice above about the INdT Maemo vmware appliance08:23
megabyte405if you're compiling a kernel module, that's the way to go08:23
hieptraniti am using this sample code hello-world-app_0.4.tar.gz08:23
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hieptranitso after i added the call to "gtk_menu_item_set_submenu(GTK_MENU_ITEM(service_type_menu), item_service);"08:25
hieptranitand tried to do a make and we got a link error08:25
hieptranit./.libs/ undefined reference to `hildon_window_set_menu'08:26
hieptranitso does anybody know any hints or solution?08:26
megabyte405hieptranit: you're beyond me now, sorry08:27
megabyte405make sure you have the right includes08:27
megabyte405and that you're linking against the hildon libraries08:27
dragornyou're calling a function that is defined in a header and you aren't linking the library it needs08:28
hieptraniti did that and yes we are linking against the hildon libs08:28
dragornyou're missing a lib, or you're calling a function that doesn't exist in your version of maemo08:28
hieptranitdo we need to update the makefiles or something?08:28
ports-megabyte405, *sigh* 20 minutes left on the download08:29
megabyte405ports-: you're downloading an entire operating system and compilation tools08:29
ports-megabyte405, yeah.. but i have 6mbps dsl.. this should be faster :)08:29
megabyte405their server isn't the fastest08:29
ports-it might not be them.08:30
ports-i upgraded from 3mbps last week. and my upload speeds have increased.. but i havent really seen an increase in my download08:30
megabyte405you are probably maxing out the servers you are hitting08:30
megabyte405try simultaneously downloading the vmware player you'll need to run that image :D08:31
ports-already have vmware player08:31
ports-i use it for an ubuntu image with my python tools integrated :)08:31
hieptranitwe tried this "gcc -o maemo_hello maemo_hello.c `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0 hildon-libs` -ansi -Wall `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0 hildon-libs`" and it works08:31
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hieptranitbut when we used make it complained about undefined reference08:32
megabyte405hieptranit: fix your makefile08:32
megabyte405you need to add those pkg-config parts to your includes, hwoever you do that in your particular makefiles08:33
hieptranitwhich one or or makefile08:33
megabyte405I think .am08:33
ports-megabyte405, nope.. looks like theyve increased my upload speeds, but not my download.08:34
megabyte405ports-: that stinks...08:35
ports-megabyte405, its ok.. theyll fix it on monday08:35
ports-megabyte405, at&t and i havent been getting along so well. idiot landscapers keep cutting the ground line to my house.. which isnt entirely their fault since its barely buried 2 inches deep. and the at&t installer 3 times now has shallowly buried the line when its required to be 12 inches.08:36
megabyte405ah, yes. at&t.  I don't envy anyone who has to deal with them08:37
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megabyte405I'm a computer tech by trade, at least for now08:37
megabyte405so I end up dealing with at&t08:37
ports-theyre not bad.08:37
ports-im nice to them on the phone, and in turn theyre nice to me.08:37
megabyte405me too08:38
ports-its not customer service's fault that their installers are lazy morons08:38
megabyte405well, you actually get an installer08:38
megabyte405here it's all self install08:38
megabyte405unfortunately, I often know what's going on more clearly than the first level tech support08:38
ports-if they want my business, theyll send an installer. :)08:38
megabyte405and the continuing threat of "we'll look at the box, but if it's not outside, we're coming inside and billing you $96/hour" doesn't do much for my confidence in them08:38
ports-i have at&t local phone, dsl, cellular service, and satelite.  i pay them a large sum of money each month08:39
megabyte405dragorn: it seems you were right - I was just darn lucky last reboot.  Seems to be stuck now.08:39
dragornmegabyte405: unfortunately08:39
ports-eek.. i just estimated what i pay them.. its $300/month08:39
ports-and thats after my discounts for being a state employee08:39
megabyte405that's so weird - it's like it only gets the first "update" so to speak when scanning08:39
megabyte405wow, if I run it several times in a row without rebooting, it won't even get the ui set up - it says bind failed08:41
megabyte405that's weird08:41
ports-megabyte405, are you an independent computer tech?08:41
megabyte405must be because it hung and I ctrl-c'ed it08:41
eugeneports-: what is a state employee08:41
megabyte405ports-: yep - at least for now08:41
ports-eugene, i work for the state government through a state university08:42
megabyte405I'd like to "move up in the world" to network administration or experimental software design (like maemo, etc) but not yet08:42
ports-megabyte405, i dislike independent computer techs.. theyre almost as bad as Best Buy as far as pricing08:42
`0660i don't have a satellite nor a local phone but my 100 mb internet connection and cell phone generate about $30/month :)08:42
megabyte405ports-: ha - not me, I'm a uni student who looks a lot younger than my real age, so I can't charge much.  I'm very, very cheap compared to best buy08:43
ports-`0660, my dsl is $35/mo.. and if you dont get local phone service, they charge you $80/mo.. whereas a local no option phone is $10/month08:43
dragornI pay 300/mo for synchronous 3mbit plus half a class c and reverse dns delegation08:43
`0660i wish you had a better consumer protection laws in us08:44
megabyte405dragorn: now that is what I call an internet connection! :D08:44
eugeneports-: oh..08:45
ports-megabyte405, how old are you08:45
megabyte405university student08:45
ports-eugene, where are you from?08:45
eugeneports-: singapore08:45
ports-megabyte405, 17-18. :)08:45
`0660here the isp's have to rent their lines to competitors with sensible price. and that's why there is some competition going on08:45
eugeneports-: we don't have states here :)08:45
ports-eugene, ah. here if you work for a state university, you're paid by the state government.. so the same ethics, regulations, policies that apply for regular government employees apply to us also.08:46
eugeneports-: interesting08:46
Trencheryay found a compiled one:
eugeneports-: we don't have an equivalent over here.08:47
ports-eugene, sure you do.. the singapore country government :)08:47
eugeneports-: hehe, except that the government university do not get the regular government employee benefits :)08:48
ports-i normally dont either.08:48
ports-but a few places like phone companies form discount agreements with the universities.. its a way for them to get extra business.08:49
ports-for a 5-10% discount, they get recommended strongly to the 3-4,000 people i work with08:49
eugenegee, don't feel like studying for my test tomorrow.08:51
ports-whats it in08:52
eugenesome military stuff..08:52
megabyte405alright, I'm headin offline for the night08:52
megabyte405later all08:52
eugenemegabyte405: night08:53
ports-later megabyte405 thanks08:53
megabyte405thanks for your help, dragorn08:53
megabyte405dragorn: will let you know on the forums if I find out more info or antyhing08:53
megabyte405later eugene , ports- , Trencher08:53
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ports-eugene, whats it in08:53
eugeneports-: some military stuff...08:54
ports-are you in the military?08:54
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eugeneports-: i'm in reservist right now.08:54
infoboteugene meant: ports-: i'm a reservist right now.08:55
eugeneyou forgot the backslash08:55
infobotports- meant: s/cool/cool08:56
ports-i might have to write a script to do that for me08:56
infoboteugene meant: lolol08:56
ports-s/write a script to do that for me/punch someone in the face/08:58
infobotports- meant: i might have to punch someone in the face08:58
ports-haha :>08:58
Trencherinsmod: cannot insert '/home/user/cx3110x.ko': Invalid module format (-1): Exec format error08:58
eugenemodinfo cx311x.ko08:59
Trencherno such proggy08:59
eugene /sbin/modinfo <-- no?09:00
eugenedid you sudo gainroot?09:00
Trencherand yes09:00
Trencher.. /sbin # modinfo /home/user/cx3110x.ko09:01
Trencher.. /bin/sh: modinfo: not found09:01
Trencheri <3 linux cuz it's so damn argumentative09:01
eugenemy n800 is offline at the moment...09:01
Trencherwindows bends over way too easy09:01
Trencheri have a 77009:02
Trencherit might be because the driver was compiled for a 800... :(09:02
ports-Trencher, i want a 77009:02
Trencherdo you have a 800?09:02
Trencherlol i wooted09:02
Trencherit looked cool09:02
ports-how much09:02
Trencheri have nightmares i never had now09:02
ports-i want one for 100 :)09:04
Trencherif you ebay REALLY well09:04
Trencheryou can get stuff dirt cheap09:04
Trencheri got mine 130+509:04
Trenchero well09:05
Trencherunless someone's willing to compile for me (i will give roms!) i'm going to wait a hour for the Maemo SDK VMWare img to dl09:06
Trencherthen i'll take a couple of shots at compiling for my first time evar09:06
eugeneTrencher: i don't need the roms, but i can compile for you.09:06
eugenefor 880?09:07
infoboteugene meant: for 800?09:07
Trencherno, 77009:07
ports-i just finished downloading the maemo sdk09:07
eugeneoh, then i can't compile for you.09:07
Trencheri rmmodded my wifi driver.. a reset should undo that, right?09:08
ports-i think so09:08
Trenchertotal linux n00b09:08
ports-i dont think that deletes it09:09
Trenchermanaged to get the 2007he edition in, then moved it to the mmc09:09
Trencherthat's it09:09
Trencherstupid fancypants infobot09:10
ports-it loads09:10
Trenchers/stupid fancypants/cool09:10
Trenchers/stupid fancypants/cool/09:10
infobotTrencher meant: s/cool/cool09:10
ports-s/it loads/stop doing that dummy :)09:11
ports-s/it loads/stop doing that dummy :)/09:11
infobotports- meant: s/stop doing that dummy :)/stop doing that dummy :)09:11
Trencherme needs to gb/2/syntaxschool09:11
Trencheronly 56 mins left09:11
Trencherwlan still works.. so it should be ok09:12
ports-Trencher, i have a laptop right now thats getting a bit old and slowly dying.. and its almost 10 lbs with power supply.. so its a pain to lug around with textbooks09:12
Trencherstream me some kroq09:12
Trencherget a palm?09:12
ports-i have a palm and a pocketpc.. they serve their purposes09:12
Trencherpalm + kb = laptop09:13
Trencherat least, mine did09:13
ports-Trencher, at school i basically needs something that runs pdf, some python code, runs word docs, and browses the web.. so with a few mods the n770 will be great09:13
ports-yuck.. palms are trash :)09:13
Trencheri only used mine for mp3+games+web09:13
Trencherand it sucked at that09:13
ports-ive been using palmos for 8 years. i hate it09:13
Trencheri never used the pim09:13
Trencherbut i lost my T|T209:13
Trencherso now i got this09:13
Trencherit's pretty cool, because i <3 KROQ, but i get no signal in my room09:14
Trencherso i can stream it with it09:14
ports-ah. i have a sony clie peg-t415.. makes a nice ebook reader.. but beyond that.. palmos isnt nearly as handy as even pocketpc 2002 was09:14
Trencherlol ebooks09:14
Trencherwhat's your source?09:15
ports-efnet / #books09:15
ports-err #bw09:15
Trencheri use #bookz on undernet09:15
ports-probably the same09:15
ports-only thing ill have to carry extra is a keyboard + hub.. and im thinking ill buy one of those rollable rubberized keyboards09:16
Trencheri have a couple of those foldout keyboards for palm09:17
Trencherlove them09:17
eugeneTrencher: mail me one!09:17
Trencherwhen i bust it out, people instantly assume i'm some type of hacker09:18
Trencherwhich port do you have?09:18
ports-does the 770 have bluetooth? i think it does...09:18
Trencheri've got a extra for the universal connector09:18
Trencherit does09:18
Trencherand there's a bt keyboard driver09:18
eugeneTrencher: i'm usin n80009:18
eugeneTrencher: bt probably works09:19
Trencherthey're not bt09:19
Trencherboth r wired09:19
ports-Trencher, thats what i was going to mention09:19
eugenemini usb?09:19
Trencherno, palm proprietary ports09:19
Trenchercan't use on the 77009:19
ports-Trencher, have you seen Live Free or Die Hard?09:20
Trenchernot yet09:20
ports-they make extensive use of rollable keyboards, and pdas to hack computers09:20
eugenewhich bt keyboard is good for n800?09:22
ports-eugene, the cheapest one you find :)09:22
eugenei guess i will buy one, for convenience.09:23
eugeneall not cheap..09:23
ports-eugene, google a ACK-595. i like that form factor09:23
eugeneports-: do u know n770/800 is not available in this part of the world?09:23
eugenewow not bad09:24
eugeneyeah it's only available in US/UK09:24
eugenenot in APAC09:24
ports-you can find it via ebay09:24
eugenewe have to import them from US09:24
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eugenewow i might want to buy that09:24
ports-eugene, the ACK-595 is a ps/2 keyboard.. not bluetooth09:25
eugeneoh :(09:25
eugenehow to use that with n800?09:25
ports-its just a very nice small keyboard09:25
ports-eugene, cant.. i dont think the 770/800 support ps209:25
ports-they make a ack-595 in usb.. that might work just fine09:25
ports-here you go this is chea09:25
eugenewow that's not cheap09:26
ports-thats $35 USD with shipping.. trust me thats cheap for a bluetooth keyboard09:26
eugenethat's huge...09:27
ports-im gunna go the wired route with my n770 when i buy it. no worries about batteries09:27
ports-yeah.. its a full sized keyboard.. you can probably reprogram all those function keys to do things on the n80009:27
eugene US $42.31 Buy It Now >09:27
eugene(Approximately S$ 64.29)09:27
eugenestill quite expensive09:27
ports-yep.. thats the keyboard i used to use in a ps/2 version09:28
eugene$10usd cheaper..09:28
ports-i switched it for a Kensington Slimtype09:28
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eugenegot to check out the priceshere09:30
eugenehopefully i can buy a good bt keyboard, or a mini-usb one09:32
eugenemaybe i should get a mini usb version09:32
Trenchergah waiting so long for download09:33
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trevarthaneugene: no host mode usb on the n800. until that happens, I think it's bt keyboards only.09:37
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eugenetrevarthan: can those bt keyboards for palms be used on n800?09:46
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trevarthaneugene: probably. not sure. I've got a ThinkOutside bt keyboard. It acts rather funny. The FN key doesn't work. It's still usable, but it can be a bit annoying. Still, it's better than nothing.09:59
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fdsdhey guys, does the new 2007 os work with a 770?10:07
fdsdhave they got it working yet?10:07
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eugenetrevarthan: thanks for the info10:13
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rhyspacket injection on the n800 apparently doesnt work?10:33
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eugenepacket injection?11:09
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clawsfrom what i read, flasher-3.0 doesn't work on new kernels, (i'm using 2.6.21), because of usb dev changes. what can i do, if anything? is there a new version of the flasher utility due anytime soon???11:58
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eugeneclaws: nah, it worked on 2.6.21. 0xFFFF worked for me too12:48
koosclaws: I used flasher-3.0 w/, no problems12:48
clawshmm, strange12:49
eugeneclaws: what's the problem/error12:49
clawsit just waits and waits saying that "Suitable USB device not found, waiting"12:49
eugeneclaws: you need to turn off your device, and then turn it on again12:50
clawsyes, did that12:50
clawsi an the flasher, connected my n800, turned it on while holding the 'home' key12:51
clawss/i an/i ran/12:51
infobotclaws meant: i ran the flasher, connected my n800, turned it on while holding the 'home' key12:51
eugenewhat do you have to do that12:51
clawsahh, infobot! :)12:51
eugeneit's simple:12:51
eugene1) off your n80012:51
eugene2) run the flasher12:51
koosthere was something I recall w/ /proc/bus/usb or some other dir that wasn't populated in some case ..12:51
eugene3) on your n80012:51
clawsthat's what i did, but nothing. and it sounded so simple12:52
clawskoos: you could be on the right track12:52
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koosmy previous system had that too, I had to add 'none     /proc/bus/usb  usbfs defaults 0 0' to fstab (too much stripped in the kernel I guess)12:53
clawsok, let me check my fstab...12:54
koosno check your /proc/bus/usb first :-)12:54
clawswell, my fstab already has that12:55
clawsusb is working, i've dumped files onto the n80012:55
clawskoos: any other clues/ideas?12:56
koosbut your /proc/bus/usb is empty right?12:57
clawsls /proc/bus/usb12:57
claws001  002  003  004  devices12:57
koosoh, than it's something different :-)12:57
clawshmm, thanks anyway :)12:57
eugeneclaws: you sure you inserted the usb cable properly?13:02
koosbtw. I recall this long thread on lkml between RH and the other distro abut CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED, does this break flashing?13:03
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koosclaws:you do this as root, no?13:05
clawsi tried as root when the normal user failed, yes13:05
clawsboth the same13:05
eugeneyou are supposed to do this as root....13:06
koosbtw the three points above are w/o charger13:06
clawseugene: i read that it depends what privileges a normal user has13:07
eichimy themes are totaly damaged now...icons etc..overwrited...if i want to backup all thinks to get the same as before..and reflash: what do i have to backup? home/user and source.list or? then reinstall the apps and ready?13:07
clawskoos: yes, understood. and was without charger13:07
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eugenecan't seem to find the uktube page13:09
eugeneargh. down?13:15
eichieugene: this script backups very less information13:17
clawskoos: i will return if i sus this out and let you know13:18
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eugeneeichi: nod.13:23
keesjI have a small problem with my xmoto build,13:26
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keesjthe depends does not include libsdl_gfx stuff13:27
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keesjhow can I fix that?13:27
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eichieugene: nod? whats the meaing of "nod"?13:51
eugeneeichi: nod == ok == nodding my head in agreement13:53
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koos_what is the best screenshot tool for bora?15:35
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`0660is there more than one?15:36
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koos_`0660:what is that one?15:38
`0660but i haven't used it15:40
`0660it might as well be the worst screenshot tool for bora15:40
`0660especially if it's the only one15:40
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koos_`0660:it's rather big, but seems to work. Doesn't append .png and worse adds a white rectangle ..15:45
koos_`0660:so its pretty bad15:45
koos_on my n770 I had that cpu meter applet, that also did this. At least that one worked. Does that work on bora?15:46
`0660try it?15:47
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Sho_koos_: I also saw a 'maemo-screengrabber' somewhere16:33
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koos_Sho_:thanks, hmm osso-screenshot-tool..16:50
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eugenewhere does maemo screengrabber saves the images? i can't find it16:50
Sho_to /home/user/MyDocs/.images, I imagine16:51
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koos_Sho_:yes works, great16:53
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koos_now deinstalling mh-shot-tool only return 82kb, was 0.8Mb install16:56
koos_.. is libsoup2.2-8 a default package?16:57
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_Monkeyniihau, rlifchitz17:17
eugene_Monkey: niihau == nihao? :)17:18
_Monkeyeugene: what?17:18
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runeholdoes maemo use arm eabi?17:24
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felipecrunehol: I think so17:40
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omnixhow can I tell what version of maemo I'm running?17:46
Radartools > control panel > about product17:49
omnixI'm trying to install e2fsprog using apt-get.  I have a 770 on IT2006 and the default repository is returning a 404.17:51
Radarif it's the maemo repository, I've been getting that for days now17:51
omnixfrom what I can tell, the files are being correctly indexed but are missing from the server.17:52
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Radaryeah, some think it might be a symlink change on the server17:52
omnixif I change it to maemo2.2, the same files are downloadable17:53
omnixis there a way to change my apt-get settings to grab these files instead?17:53
gomiamyou want to prioritize a repository over another?17:55
gomiamusing /etc/apt/preferences you may define the priority of different versions and applications17:56
gomiamread about pinning there, it might be useful.17:57
gomiam(unfortunately I have no Linux computer running around here right now)17:57
omnixwhat is the diff b/w maemo2.0 and 2.2?17:59
gomiammostly software updates, I guess.17:59
gomiam2.0 is mistral and 2.2 is gregale, right?17:59
omnixyeah, will gregal packages work with IT2006?18:00
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gomiamI wouldn't bet on it, omnix18:01
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gomiammistral is a N770 distro, gregale is N800 oriented18:01
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gomiamany binary that requires extra features available on N800's Ti OLAP 2420 won't work on N770, I fear.18:02
omnixi thought N800 was bora?18:02
gomiamargh, I don't know any more. I have mistral/scirocco/gregale/bora repositories all strewn together in my sources.list18:04
wumpusyes bora is n80018:04
wumpusgregale is latest n77018:05
gomiamaccording to wumpus is right18:05
* zuh would go as far to call it also the last SDK release for 77018:05
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felipecBora is the SDK for N800... Maemo 3.x18:10
felipecgomiam: s/OLAP/OMAP/18:10
omnixis there a mirror i can use instead of the default repository?18:11
gomiamoops, wrote it from memory18:11
clawscan anyone tell me how to change default apps? e.g. in the contacts popup menu, can i change which app is launched by 'New e-mail message'?18:12
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disqhow do you feel about a daemon (always running, one http request in each few minutes + sqlite) being written in python? from the speed/memory standpoint i mean18:33
RadarI would like it more if I could get python to install, heh18:35
omnixis there a way for N770 to connect to a wireless upon startup?18:36
`0660disq, i think it would be an awful waste of memory :)18:39
disqi keep trying to convince myself to that :)18:40
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`0660what would you do with this daemon?18:43
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disqcheck for enabledness (gconf), check for net connection, post some data from sqlite to web, update the sqlite fields, loop18:47
GeneralAntillesSince themes don't seem to be working on the new firmware, what do I need to do to edit to get my 12pt fonts back in one o f the default themes?18:48
disqthey don't work?18:48
GeneralAntillesAs far as I can tell.18:48
GeneralAntillesEvery theme I've tried to install downloads then shows up as 0kb in Application manager18:49
GeneralAntillesThen it throws an error.18:49
disq/usr/share/themes/default/gtk-2.0/gtkrc is the file you want to edit. to create a new theme, copy /usr/share/themes/default dir as "mytheme", edit index.theme to give it a name, edit the gtkrc inside18:49
disq(using mc on ssh helps a lot)18:49
GeneralAntillesExcellent, thanks.18:49
disqyou might want to not copy the images/ dir inside and symlink it to default theme's images/ instead18:50
`0660i don't think it matters if you use python as long as the application is important enough for the user :)18:50
disqalso you should delete the gtkrc.cache file so it can process the edited file generate a new cache18:50
disqi don't know much about python's memory/cpu usage, especially when it's running in background. if every web request were to spike the cpu i wouldn't want to use it18:51
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disqfor foreground apps wasting memory or spiking cpu can be acceptable after all18:52
`0660i don't think the request causes a spike18:54
`0660if your program is something new it might be a good idea to write it with python first18:55
`0660and if it would turn out to be non-optimal, you would always rewrite it with c18:56
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disqwell I decided to skip python. I already have some C code for handling sqlite3 etc. also it would take a few hours to get myself acquainted with python and friends, not to mention daemonizing the process and all that19:01
Radargood idea19:01
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_Shurik_hello tableteers19:43
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pupnik_are there VOIP providers that can do free calls to USA?20:12
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`0660like completely free calls to any landline in usa? :)20:17
_Shurik_works from PC, but I was never able to make it work from Gizmo for some reason20:18
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SeRidoes any body know what is the name of the top and side toolbar in the home screen of OS2007 I am trying to replace them20:34
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SeRiKonttori are you in?20:37
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pupnik_yeah `066020:48
pupnik_it could be limited to short calls too20:48
`0660aren't all the providers dirt cheap already? :)20:49
pupnik_i need to place about 200 calls a day20:49
`0660that's quite a lot :)20:50
pupnik_push polling to be precise20:50
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`0660why? :)20:50
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pupnik_Well Iowa is holding a straw poll on august 11th, and only 6% of registered Iowan republicans have heard of Ron Paul, but 37% said they'd consider voting for him after they learned about his platform.20:51
Radaroh no, ron paul guerilla marketer!20:52
Radardid I stumble on to digg's IRC channel by accident? :)20:52
pupnik_The mainstream media is blacklisting him, which pisses me off, so i'm getting involved.20:52
`0660ok :)20:53
Radarbut yeah, the media sucks.. they decide that someone doesn't have a chance, so why cover them20:53
`0660what makes him different from all the other republican candidates? :)20:54
Radarhe's actually a republican, instead of a neo-con?20:54
pupnik_Anti-interventionist, anti war, anti drug war, strict constitutionalist.20:54
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`0660anti-everything? :)20:55
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Radarrepublican was the party for small government, fical-conservatism, etc.. it was taken over by the neo-cons and the religious right20:55
pupnik_Pro Liberty.  Pro Rule of Law.  Pro Constitution.  Pro Privacy.  Pro Internet.  Pro Economic Freedom.20:55
pupnik_Oh and a big one - pro states' rights.  No federal laws not mandated by the constitution (drug laws, abortion laws etc)20:56
Radarbasically it used to be what the libertarians are now, heh20:56
pupnik_Yep basically20:56
Radardoesn't help when they keep putting up fruitcake candidate like badnarik20:57
`0660so the states would be free to have their own abortion laws?20:57
pupnik_He recently drew 1000+ supporters to hear him speak in iowa.  6 Other republican candidates drew only 600.  And RP had only one week's advance notice.20:57
pupnik_Right `066020:57
Radaralthough badnarik endorses ron paul20:57
pupnik_Radar, basically you have to be a billionaire to run as a 3rd party candidate or independent.20:57
soothsayerHe's 71 years old20:58
`0660how about global warming? would the states be free to decide about that too?20:59
Radaryeah, he's one of the few republicans old enough to remember republicans, heh20:59
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pupnik_As far as airborne pollution goes, the constitution allows the federal government to regulate it under the Interstate Commerce Clause (as far as I can tell)21:00
Radarthat's one of the fun parts of state rights.. you either have to let them have full control or none at all21:00
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Radarpersonally I think the concepts of "states" are an outdated concept, but until the constitution is changed, they should have full rights21:00
Radarthat pesky constitution and all21:00
pupnikI disagree, i think a heterogenous group of social policies allows for competition.21:01
RadarI take it a step further and call countries an outdated concept too.. doesn't matter where you live.. once you get past the nationalistic pride and tradition, there's no point!21:02
pupnikGlobalist tyranny will not be stable without complete destruction of human rights.21:03
RadarI am fine with that, as long as I am in charge!21:03
pupnikMonoculture society is as instable as monoculture farming.21:03
pupnikAn ecosystem is more resilient21:03
Radarit won't happen until/unless the entire planet comes under threat from an outside force21:04
Radarhuman nature21:04
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Radarmost americans don't really want human rights.. they say they do, but what they really want is for their every need to be taken care of and told what to do21:05
Radaras long as american idol is on, they are happy21:05
koos_cool he
Radarlooks like I have kmplayer back on mine21:06
koos_only those inline for eg. don't work yet (get undefined in the uri's21:06
koos_Radar: thanks, but wait until released21:07
Radaruktube is what I'm missing mainly right now21:07
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`0660it comes bundled with ukmp21:08
koos_I simply implemented an NPP loader and use the default libflash21:08
RadarI can't install ukmp yet, due to python not installing21:08
`0660i installed ukmp first and started to wonder about the python only after it did'nt start21:13
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`0660and then i installed the python from downloads.maemo.org21:13
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Markovpupnik: global tyranny would be stable with minimal human rights (ie/ the right to self-preservation and possibly the preservation of select others)21:16
Radarmine fails because it can't find*21:17
gomiamthat's a new one21:18
Radarheh, typo21:18
Radarsays "Failed to fetch" about 10 files21:18
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soothsayerWhat is the advantage of UKTube exactly?21:22
gomiamsoothsayer: actually... little to none21:22
gomiamit downloads videos right21:22
Radarsave videos, fullscreen playback, umm..21:22
gomiambut it won't play them correctly after a while21:22
gomiamat least some of them21:22
Radarit was about the only way to actually get youtube videos to play until the latest update21:23
gomiammy diagnostics point to mplayer getting messed with by the different rate in the video stream and the overall container21:23
`0660it plays the videos a lot faster than the flash plugin at least21:23
gomiam`0660: that's true21:24
gomiam`0660: do you have it installed?21:24
`0660came with ukmp21:24
gomiamhold on, I'm going to send you an URL21:24
`0660which i installed because the default media player couldn't handle id3 tags correctly :)21:24
Radarhmm.. I have an ncurses-bin installed that is 0k and won't seem to uninstall21:25
gomiam`0660: that video doesn't play correctly for me21:25
gomiamat least not in UKTube21:26
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`0660seems to be out of sync with me too21:27
`0660actually it is21:27
gomiamyup, it looks like Youtube messed with the container data to drive mplayer nuts21:27
`0660better check it with pc as well :)21:28
gomiamI've checked it21:28
gomiamThe Youtube page plays it right21:28
gomiamso does VideoLAN21:28
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gomiamVirtualDub doesn't even know what to do with it21:28
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gomiamand Media Player Classic has the same problems as mplayer21:29
gomiamnow, if only I could configure VLC to generate a correct MPG21:29
`0660well, we'll just have to wait another year for the mplayer codecs to improve :)21:30
gomiamif only there was a way to tell mplayer to ignore the container fps rate21:31
gomiamperhaps I can extract the audio and the video to different files and then mash them up again21:31
gomiambut that's a test for another time. Right now I'm going into the Big Blue Room21:32
`0660is it so important for you to be able to play that with n800? :)21:32
gomiam`0660: well, it's easier to carry around than my laptop21:32
`0660so you need to carry that clip around with you? :)21:33
gomiamit's not like I will drop and die if I don't carry those clips21:33
gomiambut it makes for a nice ice breaker with some gals :-P21:33
pupniki have found that also21:36
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cy-So did we ever end up getting a new firmware update?22:23
gla55_couple of days ago22:24
cy-does it include Skype ?22:25
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cy-"video and flash performance and quality"22:25
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cy-so can we watch youtube yet?  :P22:25
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cy-v. 3.2007.10-722:26
cy-hmmm, I thought that's what I was running already22:26
cy-(I don't have my n800 handy, it's upstairs charging)22:26
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gla55_cy: apparently youtube is okayish once it has finished loading22:31
gla55_i don't have a n800 myself..22:31
cy-I'm checking out the internettablettalk forums right now and I don't see anything indicating a new firmware update22:32
cy-or any "reviews" on the new update if you will22:32
gla55_theres most of the beef there22:33
cy-Thanks man22:33
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milhousecy - plenty of threads on ITT discussing the new firmware! ;) quite a few problems, probably best not to restore a backup and it has a tendency to self harm SD cards :(22:41
cy-oh man22:43
cy-I still want some Flash9 action though :P22:43
cy-I could care less about skype, I need a real SIP/IAX2 client.  Grrr22:43
milhouseI think it's OK as long as you don't restore a bakcup (this cocks up existing themes) and you may want to pull any precious SD/SDHC cards until Nokia explain what the fck is going on with cards dieing22:44
milhouseOpera seems a bit flackier than usual, often crashes on youtube... some users report problems accessing certain sites.22:44
cy-well, I'll probably flash it tonight then I guess22:46
cy-Might as well22:46
cy-And I won't be restoring a backup, so that's fine22:46
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ttuttleHey, how's Hacker?22:55
pupniki'm doing well, thank you22:58
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suihkulokkimilhouse: afaik the SDHC code is same as in the unofficial SDHC kernel images people built before.. did people have problems with them?23:03
milhousenot to this extent23:04
milhousethat could be due to more people now using SDHC cards (who refused or didn't want to patch their old system) but some who (such as me) who had no problems with the old patch have been bit by the new code23:05
milhousethe old patch was solid with no problems, the new code less so23:05
milhouseaccording to fanoush on the mailing list, nokia have capped the MMC clock in the upgrade to 24MHz (the 3.2007 patch went as high as 48Mhz) in order to circumvent the filesystem corruption, but it doesn't seem to have helped so i wonder if they tweaked something else as well?23:06
milhousequite a few people now have dead - as in usuable on any platform - cards following the upgrade23:07
milhouseNokia need to step in and explain soon as this is potentially hitting people in the pocket23:08
sambo357Question: Can anyone recommend a good bluetooth keyboard?23:09
ttuttlemilhouse: /me stares at the lack of firmware for his 770...23:09
milhousethat's on it's way - nokia have said so...23:10
milhouseno idea "when", of course23:10
ericz_ttuttle, looks like we got 770s right as they're starting to go unsupported23:12
milhousethat happened back in january!23:12
ttuttleericz_: Yes, I sorta knew about it, but I bought it anyway.23:13
milhouse"unsupported" in the sense of no further official, supported firmware but there will be ongoing unofficial firmware - since you got very little official software support from Nokia anyway I see this makes no big difference as long as the unofficial software materialises23:13
ttuttlemilhouse: It's more of the fact that I'd like them to let someone spend the few hours per release it would take to compile things for the 770 too.23:14
milhousei think they're going to try and do that23:14
ttuttlemilhouse: Besides, the effort they put in to keeping these two platforms running at once will benefit them, becase when they come out with the N900, and the N1000, and whatever comes nexet, it'll be more modular.23:14
ttuttlemilhouse: Er, where is 2007 for 770 then?  Hacker doesn't count, because it's not supported.23:14
ttuttlemilhouse: I mean, I appreciate their effort, but it's not being maintained in a very elegant way.  It's more like patchwork.23:15
milhouseok answer me this - what happened when you had a software problem with OS 2006?23:15
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ttuttlemilhouse: Dunno, I flashed to 2007 Hacker right after I got it ;-)23:15
milhousedid you phone nokia support and get any assitance?23:15
ttuttlemilhouse: I've considered it.23:15
ttuttlemilhouse: (Just to make a point.)23:15
milhouseyou'd be wasting your time :)23:15
milhousewhich is why there will be little difference between OS 2006 and OS 2007 HE in terms of support23:15
ttuttlemilhouse: Okay.23:16
ttuttlemilhouse: That's a decent argument.23:16
milhousethere may be less QA performed on OS 2007 HE, but we'll have to see how that pans out23:16
ttuttlemilhouse: But there are some things that can't be easily glued together.  Skype, for example.23:16
ericz_im too nervous to flash my 770 ;/ even if it is nokia-supported firmware23:16
ttuttleericz_: Oh, just do it.23:16
milhouseDue to the more limited hardware capabilities of the 770, and in some cases due to licensing issues (Opera + Flash) Nokia have stated that some software won't be available23:17
ericz_this works well enough though23:17
ttuttlemilhouse: Mmm, someone at Maemo should get Minimo working well.23:17
milhousethe main thing is to get OS 2007 on 770 so that it's compatible with the majority of community software23:17
ttuttlemilhouse: I'd probably forgive them if they gave us the Skype codec, as that would mean they're willing to backport things if needed.23:18
ttuttlemilhouse: Of course, licensing is another thing,23:18
milhouseThat would be down to Skype to support the old CPU in the 770 - if they've used floating point in their codec for instance, you've got practically no chance of Skype appearing on 770 (it has no floating point hardware)23:18
milhouseI think with Skype on 770 the attitude may be "if it works then bonus, but if not we did warn you"23:19
ttuttlemilhouse: I heard the same problem with Ogg support on one of my old iRiver players.  It took 'em a while, but they developed a fixed-point Ogg codec.23:20
milhouseright, but that's someone doing it in their own free time - who will pay Skype to do it?23:20
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ericz_ogg is more open than skype23:20
ttuttlemilhouse: Er, that wasn't.  It was iRiver.23:20 far23:20
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ttuttlemilhouse: It was the same kind of situation.  They were just barely supporting an old product, and they had come out with a killer feature (Ogg support) for a newer device, and everyone wanted it.  So they went to the effort to backport it.23:21
milhousettuttle: fair enough, that was their decision to support their hardware. Skype have no real need or interest in supporting the 77023:21
ttuttlemilhouse: Mmm, but isn't it to Skype's advantage to have more users?23:22
milhousea few more thousand for how much work?23:22
suihkulokkiThe lovely propiertary software everyone wants...23:22
ericz_how many users do they gain by supporting the 770..really?23:22
ttuttlemilhouse: I don't know.  But iRiver got *no* benefit from it, besides goodwill.23:22
milhouseif it works straight off the bat then I think you'll see Skype on 770, but if it requires a rewrite or lots of redevelopment forget it23:22
milhouseonly time will tell :)23:23
milhousei wouldn't rule it out, but don't bank on it - which is what Nokia are saying in the link above23:23
ttuttlemilhouse: Even text chat or a crappy codec would be nice.23:23
suihkulokkiflash9 is also much bigger than (6MB vs 2MB flash7) so it will unlikely do anything good for the 770 browsing experience23:23
ttuttleThey should sell a FPU for the 770 ;-)23:24
milhouseWatching a YouTube video with Flash 9 on my N800 consumes ~85% CPU... I doubt it would work on a 770 even assuming it doesn't use floating point23:24
ttuttlemilhouse: It doesn't work.23:25
ttuttlemilhouse: I tried it with some other video, and it just chokes.23:25
ttuttlemilhouse: About 1/2 sec of video every 2-3 sec.23:25
milhouseTtutle: Flash 7 on 770 or Flash 9 on N800?23:25
suihkulokkittuttle: remember 387 :)23:26
ttuttlemilhouse: Flash 7 (I think) on 770.23:26
ttuttlesuihkulokki: Yeah, exactly ;-)23:26
milhouseyeah, youtube does not play well on 770 - flash on 770 is only good for adverts, maybe the odd game23:26
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samiam010203for the 770 and youtube, check this out
samiam010203i use it all the time and it works well23:32
omnixhas anyone had problems with the maemo bluetooth plugin?23:36
omnixmy 770 keeps rebooting after pairing with my bt keyboard23:36
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XCOM7does any body know what is the name of the top and side toolbar in the home screen of OS2007 I am trying to replace them23:46
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milhouseTop is the Status Bar23:48
SeRiany body?23:48
SeRihey milhouse23:48
milhouseLeft is the Navigation bar, I think23:48
milhouseor possibly Task Bar23:48
SeRiMhhhh let me see23:49
milhouseoh, if you want programatic names - I've no idea! :)23:49
SeRiI am SeRiAlDiE at internettablttalk23:49
milhousehello there :)23:50
SeRihey... :)23:50
SeRiTrying to customize my theme :)23:51
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SeRiThats the one for the top?23:53
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milhousei would say "yes"23:54
SeRithere si several ones so I am going to reca all with status bar23:55
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