IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2007-07-07

ttuttle_Sho_: That would have been fine.  If Nokia did, we could keep maintaining it, and perhaps even come up with a platform that covers multiple devices.00:00
suihkulokkiIt's called crapitalism00:00
ttuttle_Spec: How?  (I'm curious.)00:00
Specttuttle_: "somewhere along the way", "people got used to m$'s bullshit", "software industry seemed to exempt themselves".00:00
Specttuttle_: well, first you go to a lawyer, and ask them.00:00
suihkulokkipeople want cheapes stuff and get what they pay for00:00
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ttuttle_Spec: Mind you, I'm going to college soon so I likely won't have the resources for it.00:00
Specsecond. "...."00:00
Specthird: profit00:00
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ttuttle_suihkulokki: Yes, but... if I sell you a $5000 car that stalls every 10 miles, you could sue me because it's a lemon.  Just 'cause it's cheap doesn't mean it can fail to do what it's supposed to.00:01
Specif the company doesn't provide support for a product anymore, the hardware specs should be forced open. by magic.00:01
ttuttle_Spec: Um...00:01
ttuttle_Spec: I should find some feature they advertised, and didn't implement fully or well, and complain about that.00:01
Sho_ttuttle_: Isn't this moot anyway because Nokias has actually continued to provide software with the Hacker Edition?00:01
ttuttle_Spec: I'll tell them I want a free N800 ;-)00:01
ttuttle_Sho_: No, it's not.00:01
ttuttle_Sho_: Hacker Edition is a joke.00:01
Specttuttle_: tell me if it works ^.^00:01
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Sho_In any case, I was perfectly able to expect as much and avoid buying an N770 and wait for the matured, second-gen N800 product00:02
ttuttle_Sho_: It works, but it's not real support.00:02
suihkulokkittuttle_: would you honestly commit yourself to maintaining a real open source edition for 770 if you had the specs?00:03
ttuttle_suihkulokki: Not entirely myself, but I'd contribute.00:03
Sho_Seems to me that time would be better spent getting a job and buying an N800 ..00:03
suihkulokki...because pretty much everything on the hardware is already accessible00:03
ttuttle_suihkulokki: What matters is that there is a horde of Maemo developers who would love to hack on the *entire* system, but can't, because Nokia won't release it.  At the same time, Nokia won't fix their own bugs.00:03
ttuttle_suihkulokki: What about those ASIC's that Nokia hasn't actually released documentation for?00:04
suihkulokkittuttle_: actually the hardware is more documented than your average PC00:05
ttuttle_suihkulokki: Good.  Where is it?00:05
suihkulokki..kernel sources00:06
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Specis the cx3110x open?00:09
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keesjSpec: I see there is a garage page for it , but I think it still required some fireware00:14
Specit was a rhetorical(sp?) question00:14
Specdirected at suihkulokki00:14
Specit's burrito time.00:15
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egsavageQ: I have os2007-HE on a 770... Anybody ever see any issue where they can't remove files on the removable mem card?  It will not let me do it, even though I can download a file and store it on the card. BTW, this is with the file manager... It says "Operation failed".00:33
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pupnikmmm no00:34
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egsavageI brought up an xterm and was able to remove the file with 'rm' fine though... So, it's not a permission problem it seems. Unless the userid differs from the File Manager to the shell in the xterm... hmm00:36
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keesjdo people really use the tables in different languages?00:38
keesjprobabely not the best place to ask...00:38
Spectables or tablets?00:43
keesjbooting with MMC(4G) as root device works like a charm00:46
keesjhmm , I do get an "Unable to open storage location" in opera00:48
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egsavagespeaking of MMC, I'm trying to figure out what card to buy... I guess the hardware limitation for an MMC card for a 770 is 2GB, is that correct?  I see the new OS2007 for the N800 now supports 8GB cards (but probably not RS-MMC)01:02
bstock_hey anyone notice significant battery life decrease when flashing 2006.3 on n770?01:02
BrianRicenot yet, but i've only done it this morning01:03
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bstock_i did it a few weeks ago and since, i can't go 24 hours without it dieing even if i have case closed the whole time01:04
bstock_the screen goes blank like normal01:04
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||cwbstock: mine seems fine01:06
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bstock_could rnd mode kill it faster?01:13
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eugenebstock_: well, you can always close all the apps you run, turn off wireless, make sure that your screen is locked, etc.01:26
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eugenebstock_: remove applets that poll, like cpu status, etc.01:26
bstock_hmm i did install the cpu monitor app01:27
bstock_wonder if that's killing it... though i've had it running before i reflashed and it seemed ok01:27
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gpdanyone else get 'no route to host' on first ssh attempt, then connect on second: consistently01:40
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CharbaxDoes youtube work with the new firmware?01:41
jpt9hey inz -- is there any way to play solo (in sgt-puzzles) with the touchscreen?  (as in without a bt kbd)01:41
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Charbaxanyone checked if Youtube now works on the N800?01:46
Charbaxor is it still choppy?01:46
* jpt9 doesn't have an n800, you insensitive clod :-)01:46
CharbaxI haven't eigther01:47
zeenixpoor guys :)01:47
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CharbaxI got Archos instead01:47
Charbaxunhackable but does multimedia and flash video well01:48
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eugeneis divx playable on the device?01:55
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BrianRiceeugene: mplayer runs on it01:57
eugeneBrianRice: that is, if i install mplayer? which repository did u get your mplayer?01:58
eugeneis it choppy?01:58
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zeenixrobtaylor: isn't coherence supposed to shutdown gracefully on ^c ?02:00
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CharbaxI suppose DivX and Flash video is choppy on the N800 even with the new firmware02:12
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eichion n800 is there a way to chance between intern and extern sd card, pluging the n800 with usb to the pc?02:22
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Radar3Dthere, several hours later, almost back to where I was this morning before the update03:06
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Charbaxok so youtube is not smooth with the update according to tablet man03:47
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GeneralAntillesLet it finish loading03:49
GeneralAntillesIt's fine after that.03:49
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eugeneCharbax: i am trying youtube and i think it's very smooth :)03:52
eugenecheck out one man band video :)03:52
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eugenehe's so good :)03:56
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Charbaxeugene are you sure?04:00 says it's only smooth once the video has completely downloaded04:00
CharbaxHow about playing the video in full screen, and how about or ?04:01
eugeneCharbax: well, it's choppy on any system if the network connection is slow.04:01
eugenei try now04:02
eugenegee ms hilton, couple making out, etc. what videos are these at
* eugene shakes head04:03
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Charbaxyou can search for something else like Al Gore or OLPC if you don't like britney hilton04:05
CharbaxI'm wondering if video support is better, flash and other codecs04:06
CharbaxOr have full sized DivX with b-frames and AC3 sound always worked in mplayer or something?04:06
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OgMacielhey... anyone know how to listen to oggs in the N800?04:07
GeneralAntillesSeems like there's a library in a repository somewhere.04:08
eugenehaha i'm addicted to one man band video04:08
eugeneCharbax: ok it;s choppy when it's downloadng04:08
eugeneCharbax: but it's fine after you got the whole video. i think that's normal04:09
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eugeneactually i guess it really depends on users experience04:10
eugenei find it ok, but you might have a different opinion ;)04:10
OgMacielGeneralAntilles: I have installed a Ogg Support package but the mediastreamer and canola don't seem to be using it04:11
GeneralAntillesNo idea, then.04:12
eugenecanola, i haven't try that. i am going to try now :)04:12
GeneralAntillesI wish Nokia would include 12pt themes by default.04:13
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OgMacieleugene: :)04:15
CharbaxI just wanted to know how youtube experience is compared with the Archos 605 WiFi
Charbaxcause Archos plays them instantly smoothly in full screen04:16
eugeneOgMaciel: :)04:16
GeneralAntillesArchos is a media player04:17
eugene3.70mb in 10 secs :)04:17
GeneralAntillesIf you want a media player, buy an Archos04:17
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I like having a shell in my pocket wherever I go.04:17
Charbaxbut it's great if Nokia could improve it a bit, with chance one day youtube will be totally smooth04:17
CharbaxI think Nokia should include HSDPA and not be afraid to compete with their own N95 and other HSDPA phones04:17
eugeneGeneralAntilles: i like the fmplayer bit ;)04:18
Charbaxand Multimedia support should be better, also offer hard disk versions04:18
GeneralAntillesIf you want to see impressive mobile YouTube playback, get yourself an iPhone04:18
GeneralAntillesCharbax: no, and no04:18
CharbaxiPhone doesn't support Youtube04:18
GeneralAntillesHSDPA will just suck the battery down04:18
Charbaxonly re-encoded h264 youtube04:18
GeneralAntillesIt's still YouTube04:18
GeneralAntilleshard disks are still too big and too power hungry04:18
GeneralAntillesFlash is where it's at for mobile storage, anyway.04:19
Charbaxit's only a few thousand videos from youtube, flash video support is better, and there isn't only youtube with videos on the internet04:19
eugenecanola don't have chinese fonts!!!04:19
eugeneso it looks really ugly here :/04:19
GeneralAntillesLearn a real language. ;)04:19
Charbaxwell if Nokia can put HSDPA in the N95 then why not the N80004:19
GeneralAntillesBATTERY LIFE04:19
GeneralAntillesWhy put it in the Nokia, anyway?04:20
CharbaxN95 has bad battery life?04:20
GeneralAntillesI already carry around a cellphone04:20
GeneralAntillesIt has HSDPA04:20
GeneralAntillesBluetooth tether works perfectly.04:20
Charbaxpocket tablet should replace cellphones with VOIP and IM04:20
eugenehow do i take screenshot within canola :)04:20
Charbaxbut Nokia and carriers probably don't want that to happen04:20
GeneralAntilles_I_ don't want that to happen04:20
CharbaxSo I got to count on smaller companies like Archos to release a VOIP 605 with built-in HSDPA04:21
GeneralAntillesYou don't get HSDPA without a carrier04:21
Charbaxsmaller carriers04:21
GeneralAntillesWith the infrastructure to distribute HSDPA?04:21
CharbaxNokia is in bed with all the large ones so anything Nokia releases they got to be carefull04:21
GeneralAntillesWhat's so hard about carrying a phone with you?04:21
CharbaxFor example N61 is different in USA04:21
GeneralAntillesN800 sucks to talk on04:22
Charbaxbluetooth headset with N800 then, or basic headset04:22
GeneralAntillesThen I've got to have a bluetooth headset04:22
GeneralAntillesI don't want to carry that shit around with me everywhere I go04:22
GeneralAntillesThe device convergence idea has already been pretty solidly shot out of the water.04:23
eugenewow. canola rocks :)04:23
Charbaxalso a bluetooth watch with shortcut buttons and little display04:23
GeneralAntillesThere are a lot of times where I don't want to carry around the N800 with me04:23
GeneralAntillesSo I carry my super-slim Samsung A71704:23
GeneralAntilleseugene: Yes, it really is a great media player.04:23
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GeneralAntillesShit, why can't I install NuvoPearl?04:24
Charbaxyeah but super slim phones aren't as good for VOIP and certainly not for internet access and multimedia04:24
GeneralAntillesThe default themes are so ugly.04:24
GeneralAntillesWorks great for me04:24
GeneralAntillesI use my N800 for browsing04:24
GeneralAntillesThe phone is for voice and data04:24
Charbaxyou can easilly use your phone as the bluetooth HSDPA modem for your N800?04:25
GeneralAntillesIt works perfectly04:25
Charbaxok that's cool04:25
GeneralAntillesI have it idle 10-hours a day at work04:25
GeneralAntillesFor AIM, etc.04:25
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Charbaxbut I still think HSDPA should be in a N800 version04:25
GeneralAntillesand I still don't04:25
GeneralAntillesBecause it's pointless04:25
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GeneralAntillesWhy add $50-$100 to the cost to decrease battery life when you can just use your phone?04:26
eugeneGeneralAntilles: yeah ;)04:26
CharbaxI asked the Nokia people at CES they told me they would but it's a carrier deal problem04:26
GeneralAntillesLike the people at CES _really_ know what they're talking about04:26
GeneralAntillesOr, more likely, they're just laying the blame elsewhere04:26
CharbaxYou could have a physical HSDPA switch on the side to force the HSDPA not to try and ping and use power04:27
GeneralAntillesIf we see any large-range data option in the N800, it'll be Wimax04:27
CharbaxIt was the N800 product manager I interviewed at CES04:27
eugenefound a bug in canola04:27
GeneralAntillesA switch?04:27
GeneralAntillesThat'll only confuse novice users04:27
GeneralAntillesStill doesn't solve the cost issue04:27
GeneralAntillesCellular radios are expensive04:28
eugeneu can choose the next song, but when u go back to the previous song, it can't find the song to play :)04:28
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CharbaxWiMax would be cool, but HSDPA is available now04:28
Charbaxhere in Denmark we get 10GB on HSDPA for 30€ per month04:28
Charbax30 euros04:28
eugeneis there an equalizer ?04:28
GeneralAntillesBy the time we get to the next hardware refresh, Wimax will be gaining ground.04:29
CharbaxI hope so, but it's been a couple of years I've heard people at conferences say that Mobile WiMax would come soon04:29
GeneralAntillesIt can't possibly be going into the next hardware refresh, because stuff like that takes time to test and develop04:29
GeneralAntillesRADIOS are expensive04:29
GeneralAntillesI've said nothing of plans.04:29
GeneralAntillesIt'd suck having to buy separate plans for both my N800 and my phone.04:30
CharbaxNokia has the ressources to do HSDPA in N800 type device. If they don't it's purely cause they are a little bit evil, or because the telcos told Nokia not to04:30
GeneralAntillesNo, it's because it's a stupid idea.04:30
CharbaxNokia is like one of the largest companies in the world, so it's not a problem of ressources04:30
GeneralAntillesLarge or not, it doesn't make scare resources cost less.04:31
GeneralAntilles3g radios are scare resources04:31
CharbaxThey can have a version with HSDPA and a version without, Just as they got a E61 with WiFi and another without Wifi04:31
GeneralAntilles*scarce 2x04:31
GeneralAntillesEconomies of scale are already weak on a device like the N80004:31
GeneralAntillesYou want to divide the production in half and make it worse?04:31
GeneralAntillesI _can_ afford a $300-40004:32
CharbaxNokia is investing everything in making phones into pocket computers04:32
GeneralAntillesI CANNOT afford a $500-$700 device04:32
CharbaxSo N800 type technology is a big thing for future of Nokia04:32
GeneralAntillesI can't believe I have to stick with this crappy built-in theme04:33
GeneralAntillesWhat could they possibly have changed to break the theme framework04:33
CharbaxThey could market an iPhone killer that is a N800 with free VOIP calling on Skype, SIP, Gtalk and such. No voice and SMS plans everything over wireless broadband. That would kill iPhone04:33
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GeneralAntillesAnything marketed as an iPhone killer is doomed to die itself.04:34
GeneralAntillesHave you used an iPhone?04:34
GeneralAntillesApple has really dropped a bombshell on the cellular market04:34
GeneralAntillesThere's a lot to be said for multitouch04:34
Charbaxnope but I cannot see the iPhone as anything revolutionary, on the opposite04:34
GeneralAntillesThe interface is lightyears ahead of anything else on the market04:34
CharbaxiPhone is a flashy interface made to suck money out of people on outdated technology and walled gardens04:34
GeneralAntillesYou can't possibly understand until you've used it.04:34
GeneralAntillesWho cares about the hardware04:35
GeneralAntillesHardware prices will go down and technology will go up as soon as we hit the next generation04:35
GeneralAntillesThe interface is where it's at.04:35
Charbaxthe iPhone touchscreen isn't as good as people are made to think04:35
GeneralAntillesIt's so much easier to use than any other cellular device I've ever laid hands on.04:35
GeneralAntillesI HAVE one04:35
GeneralAntillesIt's AWESOME04:35
CharbaxI've seen people having trouble clicking on things and scrolling with the iPhone04:35
GeneralAntillesI had trouble at first because I tried to use it like the N800 touchscreen, with my fingernail04:36
GeneralAntilles--doesn't work well04:36
Charbaxyou have an iPhone?04:36
GeneralAntillesBut when you use it full-fingered the magic happens04:36
GeneralAntillesWell, it's in the family04:36
GeneralAntillesIt's my mother's phone04:36
Charbax2000 dollar phone isn't it04:36
eugenecanola doesn't integrate with the fm player :/04:36
ericz_try 50004:37
GeneralAntillesWhat's with all the iPhone hate, anyway?04:37
Charbaxtransitions and smooth scrolling that makes an interface lightyears ahead?04:37
GeneralAntillesMore competition in the cellular market can only be a GOOD THING for us as consumers.04:38
GeneralAntilles. . .04:38
CharbaxWhat if those menu transitions/animations weren't the best actual way to do better usabillity on pocket device?04:38
Charbaxmultitouch is really that usefull?04:38
GeneralAntillesMenu transitions have nothing to do with it.04:38
GeneralAntillesHave you used one?04:38
CharbaxI think normal interface would be more usable for zooming than multitouch04:39
GeneralAntillesIt's so much more fluid04:39
Charbaxno I'm in Denmark, we don't go mad over Apple products over here04:39
GeneralAntillesTap on the phone icon, finger scroll to a contact, tap send04:39
GeneralAntillesincredibly fluid04:39
GeneralAntillesnothing like the jerky finger scrolling on the N80004:40
Charbaxfluid hmm.. really well I haven't tried it so I don't know for sure. But from what I see the iPhone interface is just a bunch of animations and flashy transitions04:40
GeneralAntillesThat's the problem04:40
GeneralAntillesYou haven't used it04:40
GeneralAntillesso you have no basis with which to form an opinion04:40
GeneralAntilleswait until you get to use one04:40
GeneralAntillessoftbuttons and d-pads are a thing of the past04:41
GeneralAntillesActually, the one really cool thing that Nokia could fairly easily pull from the iPhone is inertia scrolling04:41
Charbaxso yeah Apple might have got a new type of multitouch touchscreen out of their billion dollar R&D, but that's not in my opinion in itself able to revolutionize the technology04:41
GeneralAntillesIf I flick a page on the iPhone, the page will behave as if it has inertia and continue to scroll for a little while.04:41
Charbaxhardware scroll buttons on the side of the touch-screen probably is more productive than the apple touchscreen effects04:42
GeneralAntillesImagine being able to scroll through dozen-page websites on the N800 with a single flick?04:42
ericz_iPhones only AT&T (for now), right?04:42
GeneralAntillesAgain, you haven't used it. (I hate to keep bringing this up, but it's particularly relavent in the case of an interface)04:42
Charbaxwell I have seen people say that browsing isn't that smooth even using WiFi on the iPhone04:42
Charbaxit renders pages slowly just like google maps for one04:43
GeneralAntillesericz_, yes AT&T for now04:43
GeneralAntillesericz_, wait until the next hardware revision.04:43
GeneralAntillesGoogle maps aren't any slower than in a regular browser04:43
GeneralAntillesMultitouch really shines there.04:44
ericz_really waiting for a price drop :P04:44
GeneralAntillesThe competition'll kick in whenever the next revision comes out04:44
GeneralAntillesMore carriers will have it04:44
GeneralAntillesso they'll have incentive to give price breaks04:44
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Charbaxatt has 5 year exclusivity, price won't drop04:44
GeneralAntillesCharbax, it seems like you take issue with people that think the iPhone is a gift from god, and you have a dislike of Apple in general more than anything really concrete with the device itself.04:46
GeneralAntillesDo they now?04:46
Charbaxa basic zooming scaler probably works better than multitouch.. it's just a WOW effect but better usabillity is not achieved by it04:46
GeneralAntillesSo you keep saying04:46
GeneralAntillesBut can you pan around like you can with the iPhone?04:46
Charbaxpanning around works on N800 and Archos doesn't it04:47
GeneralAntillesNot while zooming04:47
GeneralAntillesThat's what shines on the iPhone04:47
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GeneralAntillesIt's not a goddamn chore to get to everything like on most cellphones (and the N800 at times, though I do love it so ;)).04:47
Charbaxhardware buttons next to the screen would provide better usabillity for zooming I think04:47
Charbaxwell the Archos 605 WiFi is out next week over here in Europe so I'll be able to test that04:48
CharbaxI'm sure browsing experience with full Javascripts and full Flash support on a 800x480 4" screen is a better browsing experience than on the iPhone04:49
GeneralAntillesI agree04:49
GeneralAntillesiPhone is no N800 competition04:49
GeneralAntillesThere is no such thing as N800 competition right now.04:49
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GeneralAntillesUnless Nokia plans on doing something drastic, I will buy (and have bought) every hardware revision of the IT line that comes out.04:50
CharbaxI'm looking forward to the N900 WiFi+HSDPA+WiMax VOIP with 160GB hdd04:51
Charbaxand full DivX playback/recording04:51
CharbaxIf Nokia don't do it then Archos will04:51
GeneralAntillesNot happening04:52
GeneralAntillesFlash tech is getting better everyday04:52
CharbaxArchos 605 is up to 160GB04:52
GeneralAntillesIt's also thick as hell04:52
Charbaxbut HDD provides 10x the capacity for the same price as flash04:52
GeneralAntillesNot in the next few years04:52
GeneralAntillesHD development is creeping to a hault04:52
Charbaxand a 1.8" HDD is not taking up much space and weight04:52
GeneralAntillesFlash is just beginning to take off.04:52
GeneralAntillesBattery power04:52
CharbaxArchos supports HD resolution video, up to 720p, so multimedia files are getting bigger04:53
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GeneralAntillesHas anybody else been successful in getting any of the NuvoThemes to install?04:53
Charbaxalso there are HD camcorders now, you need HDD to store those videos04:53
GeneralAntillesWhat's the resolution of the Archos?04:53
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Charbaxplayback and 640x480 encoding still04:54
CharbaxIt's true hehe04:54
GeneralAntillesDisplay: High resolution screen, 800x480 pixels, 4.3'' TFT LCD, 16 million colors04:54
GeneralAntillesTouch screen04:54
GeneralAntillesRight from Archos website04:54
GeneralAntillesLCD resolution04:55
Charbaxyup I'm talking about video playback resolution04:55
GeneralAntillesNot video playback04:55
CharbaxIt's got Component and HDMI output with the correct docking accessories04:55
GeneralAntillesThere's no advantage to playing downsampling videos04:55
GeneralAntillesIt's a media device04:55
Charbaxyup output to a HDTV at your friends place04:56
GeneralAntillesAll their processing power is dedicated to being able to play video04:56
GeneralAntillesDoesn't fullfil my needs for an SSH tunnel and a webbrowser04:56
Charbaxdownsampling is very important feature, you can then watch all the HD content without re-encoding a portable version04:56
CharbaxArchos is using Texas Instruments just like Nokia in the N80004:56
Charbaxdifference is Archos TI chip is more powerfull DSP04:57
GeneralAntillesWhen is Nokia gonna get the hell of their collective asses and release some drivers for the PowerVR04:57
GeneralAntillesThat would work wonders for the N80004:57
Charbaxwhat is PowerVR?04:57
GeneralAntillesThe 3d accelerator on the TI chip in the N80004:58
GeneralAntillesSame as in the Dell Axims04:58
GeneralAntillesWe could conceivably run Quake 3 with that chip.04:58
CharbaxTI makes the best chips, on the N900 Nokia should use one chip like in the Archos with a better multimedia inpout/output support04:58
CharbaxLinux apps wouldn't need to suffer from it04:59
Charbaxcause TI is a dual-core ARM and DSP in one04:59
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gomiamhi again.05:10
gomiamhas anyone checked whether HTop works?05:10
gomiamfor it won't start for me.05:10
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edtis there a working .deb to add ogg support to mediaplayer?05:23
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edtthe one refed in garage does not work05:24
edtthis is with the latest firmware on n80005:24
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eugenegomiam: what's htop05:56
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gomiameugene: HTop is a graphical top06:01
gomiamor that's what the advertisement says :-)06:01
eugenei'm still writing my first post to my blog heh06:01
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gomiamam I the only one finding bugs in the Youtube video?06:15
gomiamit¡s annoying: some videos state an original fps of 100006:15
gomiamand I can't find a way to ignore that.06:15
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rhysso im on in xchat on the new firmware. tried skype, works great.06:19
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gomiam/jion #mplayer06:27
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locokaizoI tried UKtube and now there's a UKMP dark icon on the task bar that won't go away even after restart06:40
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locokaizoI can open it, but it's just a blank dark screen06:41
locokaizoother than that, my 770 seems to be fine06:41
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locokaizoI was going to in install task manager, but I can find their home page06:42
locokaizoanyone know their hompage or another solution to try?06:42
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gnuiteIs anyone else having trouble with xephyr crashing when run with maemo 3.2?07:05
gnuiteduring the " start" command...07:06
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NeoStrider_hello folks!07:09
gnuiteI guess I shouldn't have upgraded to maemo 3.2.... :/07:11
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NeoStrider_why, gnuite?07:22
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danilo_Please, someone can give-me the MD5 key of the new N800's image? And I dont know if I'm having this problems because of problems with download, or if it is a device problem...08:04
danilo_my MD5 is e6643b4b14698759b5df4fa3a626dfc8  RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin08:05
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dolskedanilo_: MD5 (RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin) = e6643b4b14698759b5df4fa3a626dfc808:08
dolskeflashed it last night and it's working for me.08:09
rwhitbydanilo_: the md5sum is in the MD5SUMS file at the same place where you get the image08:09
danilo_Yes.... I re-flash it now, and its working....08:09
xruxae6643b4b14698759b5df4fa3a626dfc8  RX-34_2007SE_4.2007.26-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin08:09
danilo_I dont know why, but I flash my N800 some hours ago and everthing stop. It dont has sound, was slow... But i reflash it now, and its working Ok...08:10
danilo_Ow!!! Skype is beatiful... and fast..... lol!08:12
danilo_It was a funny problem. Re-flash  the device solve it.08:13
danilo_Thanks guys!08:13
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eugenethoughtfix-away: hello08:13
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thoughtfixWhat's new?08:14
eugenethoughtfix: i got kprobes working on n800.08:14
danilo_What's new?!?!? N800 ROX! lol! =)08:14
eugenethis is going to be interesting :)08:14
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thoughtfixI am exporting my latest video08:27
thoughtfixN800 YouTube and Orb again08:28
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srihi there..08:33
sriso, I'm trying to get my N800 reflashed because it seems to have this problem of constantly rebooting.08:34
sriI was here a couple of weeks ago and someone gave me some advice about reflashing it.08:34
sribut I can't seem to even get usb connection to it.08:34
sriany suggestions?08:34
xruxawhat does it say? Using Windows flasher or linux?08:35
srilinux flasher.08:35
xruxaso what does it say? ;)08:35
sriactually, let me look at the docs again..08:35
thoughtfix1: Charge it up. 2: Power it off. 3: Unplug the charger. 4: Plug it in via USB. 5: Hold down HOME while powering it back up and there will be a USB symbol in the top right on the Nokia flash page.08:35
thoughtfixThen run your flasher.08:35
thoughtfixIn that order08:35
srithoughtfix: thanks.08:35
srixruxa: it doesn't say anything because I'm doing it wrong :)08:35
xruxaits ok to run the flasher first, it will be waiting for the device, then reboot the device and in bootstrap it connects. Just make sure you run flasher as ROOT08:36
eugenexruxa: yeah, or you waste another few more minutes :)08:38
sriso one thing isthat I can' tturn it off.08:38
sriI've tried ot drain the sucker, but I just can't seem to do it.08:38
xruxawith the linux flasher you don't need to turn it off, if its rebooting while the flasher is waiting for the device it should connect08:40
thoughtfixRemove the battery?08:40
sriyou know I looked everywhere and there are no proper instructions on how to remove that battery correctly.  It feels really scary to pry it oiut.08:40
thoughtfixWait ... on the N800?08:41
srixruxa: yes08:41
xruxacover off, then slap it against your palm. Do not try your nails ;)08:41
eugenesri: i know how that feels :)08:41
srixruxa: hehe.. okayh, I'll try that. ;)08:42
eugenesri: but do remove your battery the way you inserted it in :)08:42
thoughtfixthe firmware update story rocked the interwebs today08:42
thoughtfixMade digg frontpage08:42
srigosh that was easy!08:42
thoughtfix>13k visitors08:42
sriyeah, my wife was excited (she's hte main user for the N800) about skype.08:42
xruxatoo bad the update was not quite on time, again :(08:42
eugenesri: yeah, i know how that feels too ;)08:43
thoughtfix411 diggs08:43
eugenewere you expecting more?08:45
derfSadly, I just re-flashed two weeks ago.08:46
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srihow long does the flashing take?08:47
derfThe flashing itself doesn't take long.08:48
derfIt's the reinstalling all the applications part that takes forever.08:48
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sriyeah, luckily I need to do that.08:51
sriI think there is some app that is drawing a lot of power08:51
srithere is seems to be some power drain when in idle08:52
sribecause unused i don't think my n800 lasts more than 6-7 hours.08:52
derfMine doesn't, either.08:52
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xruxathe automatic restore (reinstall) after flashing might be coming, at least the application manager now makes backup of catalogues and packages08:57
sricool.. got it working :)08:57
sriderf: it's probably because we fill it full of apps :)08:58
srifrankly I think it is sshd08:58
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Trencherdead room is DEAD09:13
Trencheris there a easy way to backup my entire device?09:14
Trencherfirmware and everything?09:14
xruxadon't think there is09:18
Trenchero well09:18
Trencherthis'll take all night09:18
Trencherbut THATS ok09:18
xruxathe normal backup/restore is good for normal user's data, not good for installed apps and hacks ;)09:19
Trencheri want to pull off the whole install so i can go back to 2006 and see if i can get lxdoom and nethack BOTH to work in it09:19
Trencheri really want lxdoom..09:20
Trencherotherwise, no complaints about 2007he09:20
Trencherexcept for the extreme random slowdown when connected to a network09:20
Trenchercan't wait till they upgrade it for flash 909:21
sriso clicking skype in the maemo menu gives me a forbidden web page.09:21
xruxaupdates to 3rd party SW for 2007HE are tricky :(09:22
Trencheri'm sure.. massive patching needed09:23
sriI was loading it from teh web menu09:23
sriit's okay to nod sadly :)09:24
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Trenchermeh i'll deal w/o lxdoom09:26
eugenewhat is lxdoom09:27
eugenedoom? game?09:27
Trencherdoom the game09:28
Trenchercomes with the shareware wad09:28
Trencherbut you can put the full version on09:28
Trencherand possibly doom 209:28
Trenchermaybe other games, but i'm not sure09:29
Trencheri have a large amount of wads to test..09:29
Trencherbut i can't even get the thing to start09:29
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melmothgoood morning !09:30
eugenegood morning :)09:31
srifunny.. apparently, I can't set my birthday to my year because 1970 is the minimum it will be set to.09:32
sri1970 being unix epoch..09:32
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srino worries.09:41
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eugenekeesj: h10:18
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rhyscan anyone help me with google maps and maemo mapper?11:27
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thoughtfixkontarri is not here11:44
thoughtfixdamn ... just mentioned him on my blog11:44
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rhysthoughtfix, do you know of a word type program for maemo?12:04
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rhysdocuments2go kinda thing? i have evince and gnumeric, now i need the word type. and abiword crashes?12:05
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Lounishi, please where can I found rtorrent and wget for the N800?12:25
JaffaMorning, all12:25
LounisI know that rtorrent and wget exist on IT0S2007 but I can't found it12:26
`0660wget would be nice12:29
`0660opera crashes when downloading bigger files12:29
Louniswget and rtorrent exist, I'm sure cause I had them but I lost them when I flashed the last firmware12:30
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Lounis`0660, wget is here :
Lounisand ctorrent:
JaffaHmm, anyone else have problems SSHing to their N800 (previous firmware)?12:36
JaffaLots of timeouts and resets when trying to connect12:37
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lardmanI see the ssh install in the new app catalogue is broken12:41
JaffaEverything install wise is broken. Package management's a mess.12:43
lardmanhmm, red pill mode works12:43
lardmancontrary to the ml posts12:44
rhysword for maemo?12:44
Jaffarhys: best bet is Abiword12:44
rhysi cant seem to find it12:44
tkohmm, I made a quick hack for 0xffff to build it on osx and got it to identify to device (almost, it thinks my n800 is 770) but neither it or flasher.macosx recognize the fiasco image :-(12:45
eugenetko: 0xffff wasn't updated to think that n800 is n800, but it doesn't matter i guess.12:46
eugenetko: worked fine for me though.12:46
tkoeugene: 0.2 release?12:46
rhyswhereabouts is python?12:48
Jaffarhys: Google pymaemo12:49
Jaffaeugene: easier generally to just install becomeroot.deb, I think12:50
JaffaGah, I hate networking. I hate Windows and I hate troubleshooting wifi12:50
eugeneJaffa: i find that enabling r&d mode is easier than straining your eyes and using your stylus to tap tap tap :) guess it's a matter of personal preference.12:50
Jaffaeugene: true12:55
eugeneanyway, hopefully someone finds that link useful.12:56
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eugeneKprobes and Maemo (N800)13:29
eugenefeedbacks welcomed :)13:29
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Jaffakoen|train: you doing a tour of Scotland?13:36
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hrhrhave n800 the screen protector?15:07
hrhrlike most of ppc devices15:08
hrhranybody alive?15:10
`0660what's a ppc device?15:10
`0660there's a soft cover and i think an official hard cover is coming to the market15:12
hrhr`0660: soft cover - protective film?15:14
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hrhr'0660: what quality of n800 screen (I mean crash tests with keys, money in the pocket)15:22
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`0660hrhr, it's a cover for the whole device15:50
`0660it has to be taken away before using the device15:50
`0660i wouldn't put the device in a pocket with keys and coins15:51
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hrhr`0660: how about scratchs on screen?16:13
pupnik_get a case16:23
hrhrpupnik_: stylust taps not leave scretchs?16:28
pupnik_it's a very advanced screen16:29
pupnik_i forgot the chemical name16:29
hrhrpupnik_: in zaurus I scratched screen by it's stylus16:31
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koosodd, I can't find a good '#ifdef __ARM..' define. What could that be?17:02
koospupnik_: the define I'm compiling for arm17:14
koosbtw, is there a way to let cpp dump all default defines it has?17:16
pupnik_don't know17:16
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koosah, 'gcc -dM -E foo.c'17:23
koosso its __ARMEL__17:23
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pupnik_whoah look at all thost defines!17:25
pupnik_roughly 100017:25
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pupnik_  "All the rest of them basically lie when they take their oaths of office"17:42
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koospupnik_: have you already bora3.2? and has flash indeed improved?17:44
Molagican i download the newest OS by using the update manager?17:49
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dragornMolagi: No, you have to reflash the entire device (and re-install everything you've added)17:52
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pupnik_i have a 770 with 2007HE17:56
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Tu13esany suggestions for streaming media players besides Media Streamer?17:57
pupnik_mplayer can stream17:57
Tu13eswill it browse my stuffs? I set up a server with Twonky17:59
Tu13esah, canola does it18:03
unique311video playback on youtube is cool....but youo have to pretty much wait for the whole video to DL to view it properly18:06
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koosunique311:odd, or have you a slow connection?18:09
unique311i have a fast connection...18:09
unique311same thing with google video18:09
unique311thoughtfix has a post on the issue on maemo.org18:10
eugenei'm amused.18:10
eugenei'm amused by the way skype starts, and exits.18:11
unique311all the hype about skype, and Gizmo does pretty much the same thing18:11
unique311kinda mad18:12
eugeneit seems that the binaries skype provided have no proper way of exiting their application. i really wonder if they do de-allocate the resources it uses.18:12
unique311nokia should of spent the time on java for this new firmware update18:12
eugeneunique311: ...18:12
eugeneskype, gizmo, java, firmware update. these are all different things. i am not sure what you are talking about :)18:13
pupnik_yeah unique311 it's hype.  Also a good name.  When a product has a slick name, it sells.18:13
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Jaffaeugene: how does Skype start and exit?18:15
eugeneJaffa: i'm blogging about it. hold on.18:16
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unique311streetview is a nice feature for googlemaps..that require flash 9, and that doesn't seem to work........18:18
unique311wonder if its a browser problem...18:18
eugeneJaffa: btw i like your website design :)18:19
unique311next firmware update hype is going to be (updated opera browser18:19
Molagidownload timed out18:20
Molaginow i gotta wait this 15minutes again18:20
Jaffaeugene: ta :-)18:20
Tu13esi just tested skype and gizmo with a mobile phone and both were just about the same18:21
unique311made a call on on gizmo. clear as feck18:22
Tu13esnow i just need to decide which to use18:23
unique311have more friends on skype..18:23
unique311call wise gizmo sells 20 dollars cards........18:23
unique311and you get 1000 minutes i think18:24
unique311or was it 500018:24
Tu13esyeah, gizmo is 1.9cpm where skype is i think 2.1 or so with a 3.9 cent connetion fee18:24
Tu13esi really don't like the gizmo software though18:24
Tu13esseems soo bloate18:24
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unique311no call out plan for gizmo18:26
unique311major difference.18:27
gomiamdiscussing whether to use Skype or Gizmo, are you?18:28
Tu13esessentially, gomiam18:28
gomiamwell, I'll keep both at hand, and use each one as my needs require :-)18:29
gomiamend of the problem-18:29
Tu13esyeah, but I need to decide which to spend money on18:29
gomiammmm... none :-D18:29
Tu13esunique311: you mean no unlimited call out plan?18:29
unique311skype with the plans...18:29
unique311skype pro18:29
Tu13esskype pro is only free for landlines :(18:29
gomiamI already have a bit of money in Skype, but that's just because my mother uses it to call to Brasil18:29
gomiamIf I were to use something right now I would try to go through VoIPBuster18:30
Tu13esI'd have to talk for 23 hours on Skype for the unlimited calling thing to be worth it18:30
gomiam(not that there is a Maemo client, though)18:30
gomiam23 hours?18:30
gomiamI guess my mother could run that up quite quickly :-D18:31
Tu13es23 hours assuming 2.1 cents per minute18:31
Tu13eshrm, though there's that connection fee too18:31
gomiamthen again, I already have flat-rate to Spanish land-lines, so it makes little sense.18:31
gomiam23 hours in a period of... how long?18:31
gomiama month?18:31
Tu13esa year18:32
gomiama _year_?18:32
gomiamand you are still worryinh?18:32
infobot_gomiam meant: and you are still worrying?18:32
unique311i miss skypes year free landlines promotion...18:32
unique311that would definitely come in handy right now.18:33
Tu13esi have a bad habit of spending money on these VoIP services and not using them18:33
Tu13esI bought a SkypeIn number in Sept and didn't use it much18:33
Tu13esalso bought a Area775 number from Gizmo which I ended up cancelling18:33
unique311but at 29 dollars for the year18:33
unique311i will be purchasing a 2 or 3 year plan18:34
JaffaRight, time to reflash, I think18:34
danilo__Someone knows if exists a risk like's game for Maemo?18:34
Tu13esi'm not saying it's not a good deal, I'm just debating whether it's worth it for me or not18:34
danilo__I try to find one on google, but I did't find any18:35
gomiamrisk for maemo...18:36
gomiamlet me check just in case18:36
unique311try to find a linux version of it with the source....and compile18:36
* rwhitby uses gizmo simply due to the skype EULA which states that Skype can use *your* computer to route *other* people's calls.18:36
unique311found one....but requires java18:36
danilo__Yes... I found one... TEG...18:36
gomiamrwhitby: and that term is a problem... why?18:36
danilo__with the sources...18:37
hrhrhow about skype for n800?18:37
Jaffarwhitby: that's entirely the point of Skype: it's a P2P protocol.18:37
JaffaThat's how it can easily bypass firewalls/NAT etc. by using others' systems which are in the clear as a bridge.18:38
danilo__unique311, I found a version named "Teg". but the compilation process was not successful18:38
unique311keep at it...18:38
unique311with every a solution18:38
rwhitbygomiam: cause I pay for my bandwidth18:39
unique311was the failure due to dependencies? danilo__18:39
rwhitbyJaffa: a proprietary P2P protocol at that ...18:39
Jaffarwhitby: indeed18:39
danilo__unique311, Yes, I know.... lol....18:39
gomiamrwhitby: so you want to have good connection and quality service, but not to help others get the same18:40
gomiamI hope you don't use Bittorrent or eMule18:40
gomiambecause it's the same18:40
rwhitbygomiam: actually, I don't.18:40
gomiamanyway, if you like it that way, it's your choice18:40
rwhitbybut I'm not forcing that choice on anyone else.18:40
unique311danilo__, so what were the failures from , dependencies?18:40
danilo__unique311, I dont remember. But I think it was....18:40
rwhitby(i.e. I didn't say that anyone else shouldn't use skype, I just educated those people who may not have read the EULA closely)18:41
danilo__I'm  not on my machine now, but I will test it again later.18:41
gomiamThe N800 has Java support right?18:42
danilo__rwhitby, Some problems with Skype's EULA?18:42
gomiam(I just never thought about it until now)18:42
unique311wonder whats the stats on users actually reading the EULA before installing and  using an app18:42
danilo__gomiam, I think not...18:42
gomiamdanilo__: he doesn't like P2P18:42
gomiamso he won't use it.18:43
unique311guilty of not doing so....18:43
rwhitbygomiam: P2P is fine when it is a conscious choice.18:43
danilo__gomiam, and why it is a problem?18:43
gomiamrwhitby: erm... and where exactly does Skype not tell you it is a P2P application?18:43
gomiambecause I knew from day one18:43
rwhitbyit's the proprietary nature of the protocol, which means zero interoperability, which is my real problem with skype18:43
rwhitbygomiam: not doubting you - you seem to be very well informed.18:44
gomiamoh, but the Skype protocol has already been rev-eng'd18:44
rwhitbygomiam: yes, but they can change it whenever they want18:44
gomiamno, they actually would have quite a problem18:44
gomiamit's not so easy to update the whole infrastructure18:45
gomiamanyway, there's always OpenWengo18:45
gomiamif Skype gets too obnoxious18:45
rwhitbysure they can, over time.  each skype client updates itself.  it has full control over your computer, remember (that's in the EULA)18:45
danilo__gomiam, OpenWengo works fine on N800?18:45
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rwhitbyyeah, an open source SIP client is better than Gizmo anyway (Gizmo is closed source)18:46
gomiamdanilo__: I don't know whether it is ported yet18:46
gomiambut it should be relatively simple, I think.18:46
rwhitbyopen source and open protocol is best in my mind.18:46
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Tu13eshm, I am very impressed with how good the n800 microphone sounds18:47
danilo__Tu13es, I'm very impressed with it too....18:47
gnuiteHas anyone else had problems with xephyr crashing (seg fault) with maemo 3.2?  It happens whenever I try to run the " start" command...18:47
gomiamgnuite: not me. What is xephyr?18:47
Jaffaeugene: weird18:47
eugeneJaffa: most weird.18:48
rwhitbygomiam: the interesting thing is that I did a side-by-side comparison of skype and gizmo from Australia to the USA (both clients on the same n800 and PC at each end), and gizmo had the better sound clarity.18:49
rwhitbygo figure.18:49
danilo__Tu13es, I'd never used it before. But now, with skype, things are little differences..18:49
Tu13esgizmo definitely sounds louder from what i just tried18:49
gomiamrwhitby: _that_ is information I would take into account :-)18:49
Tu13esI had major lag issues in the past though18:49
gomiamwhen I talked with eugene on Skype we had quite good audio18:50
gomiamso YMMV18:50
eugenegomiam: do you still have the backup url you gave me last night?18:50
rwhitbygomiam: dunno whether it's skype in general, whether it's skype over trans-pacific links, or whether it's just skype on the n800 at fault18:50
gomiameugene: which one?18:50
Tu13eswhich forced me to cancel my area775 number18:50
danilo__rwhitby, May be, but Who use it? Its works fine with edge?! I think that sound clarity is not the only thing that we need to see...18:50
eugenegomiam: the best one :)18:50
JaffaEveryone else must have more international friends than me. I just use the phone (landline or mobile ;-))18:50
gomiamhold on18:50
gomiamcustomizing what gets backed up on the internet tablets (workaround for bug #974) « internet tablet mania18:50
gomiamouch :-D18:50
gomiamcustomizing what gets backed up on the internet tablets (workaround for bug #974) « internet tablet mania18:51
rwhitbydanilo__: just giving my personal experience as a data point.  your mileage will vary.18:51
eugenegomiam: i wonder if i should use back wordpress or livejournal...18:51
gomiameugene: mmm.... you may want to.18:51
gomiamsomehow I don't think they will use the backup system18:52
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gomiambtw, has anybody here had success using the aircrack-ng suite?18:53
eugeneoh yeah, just in case anyone interested in this: Kprobes and Maemo (N800). check out
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gomiam(mainly the injection part)18:53
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dragorngomiam: injection is not possible with the buildin card18:54
dragornbuilt-in even18:54
danilo__gomiam, I think that nobody uses WEP anymore... lol18:54
gomiamouch, damn18:54
gomiamdanilo__: you would be surprised18:54
dragornit's rejected by the binary part of the drivers18:54
gomiamhere in Spain it still is the default for several ISPs18:54
dragornget host mode working and use a usb card18:55
eugenehehe no one is interested :)18:55
Jaffagomiam: no, but they I could never be bothered to decode the instructions for either the "proper" or the Maemo version18:55
gomiam(other ISPs simply don't even care about putting encryption on their WiFi routers :-D )18:56
gomiamJaffa: I was able to understand the instructions... kind of :-D18:56
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Tu13esanyone know what version of Opera the n800 uses?18:57
gomiamon an aside, the main problem with getting OpenWengo on Maemo seems to be the Tapioca codec18:57
gomiamand there's a project on sourceforge for it.18:58
gomiamouch, erase that18:58
gomiamI got misled, it seems18:58
Jaffagomiam: I'm sufficiently lazy that I wanted a "click here to start grabbing packets, looking for the appropriate things and attempting to decrypt" button.18:58
danilo__gomiam, I dont know. Here in my city (Curitiba - Brazil), I dont see WEP's ISPS anymore...18:58
JaffaTu13es: 8.5 IIRC18:58
gomiamJaffa: something like kismet? :-)18:59
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Jaffagomiam: kismet's just a "show me what networks are broadcasting" AFAIK...19:01
danilo__gomiam, how many seconds aircrack spends to break WEP on Maemo?19:01
gomiamJaffa: it is also able of WEP crack IIRC19:01
_Monkeyokay, gomiam.19:01
gomiamdanilo__: no idea, I haven't collected enough packets yet :-)19:02
Jaffagomiam: oh, how?19:02
gomiamgive me a second :-)19:03
_Monkeyor able of WEP crack IIRC19:03
milhouseforget it19:03
_Monkeymilhouse: I forgot it19:03
danilo__gomiam,  I will put my AP into WEP mode today and will test it.... Just for curiosity lol19:03
gomiamI would do the same, danilo__ (I have two WiFi routers gathering dust here), but I'm supposed to be studying :-)19:03
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gomiamJaffa, it seems I was mistaken. The Kismet main site says nothing about cracking :-(19:04
gomiamtoday I'm really dense19:05
gomiamread the Feauter list19:05
pupnik_Kismet just collects packets and scans.19:05
gomiam"Runtime decoding of WEP packets for known networks"19:05
danilo__Studying.. But you are studying: Wifi security lol19:05
gomiamI made the mistake of thinking that meant cracking networks19:05
gomiamand it doesn't19:05
JaffaSo, I do want an easy way ;-)19:06
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gomiamyou youngsters want everything easy. In my days we decoded WEP by picking the signal with a fork between index and thumb.19:07
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gomiamok, so I currently know no easy way to crack WEP19:08
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Jaffagomiam: feh, when I was young we dreamt about 1200 baud modems and acoustic couplers and longed to get on to Micronet or Prestel.19:08
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JaffaWell, I did. But then I was a geeky kid...19:09
gomiamJaffa: _I_ started connecting to BBSs with a 1200 bps modem :-)19:09
keesjWhen I was young we draemt about color tv19:09
gomiambefore that I had to shout the connection codes at my phone microphone :-P19:10
gomiamwell, enough with the offtopic for me19:10
keesjO an i first connected to a bbs usinb ax2519:10
gomiamI feel your pain, keesj19:10
keesjpriririp tong tong tong prgrrrrrrr19:11
keesjgomiam: I was realy funny to actualy see the packets being sent ,19:11
gomiamthat's what you get from having an oscilloscope19:13
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milhousehmmm... anyone having trouble with upgrading to sardine on the device? since at least wednesday it's been crapping out while "Unpacking replacement osso-thumbnail0"19:13
gomiambtw, what's the use of the push-button on the N800 earplug-with microphone?19:13
* pupnik_ kept his 1200bps modem as a memento19:13
milhousesame error every day19:13
milhousepupnik - you were trying to train _monkey earlier (libsdl-net)... you need to tell it forget the existing factoid before it will learn a new one19:14
pupnik_how to tell it to forget?19:14
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milhouseeg. forget libsdl-net19:14
pupnikforget libsdl-net19:15
_Monkeypupnik: I forgot libsdl-net19:15
milhousenow it's ready to learn a new one :)19:15
pupniklibsdl-net is (IT2006, but works on 2007)19:15
_Monkeysomebody said libsdl-net was (IT2006, but works on 2007)19:15
milhousethere's another way to replace factoids, which is to say "no, _monkey, libsdl-net is ..."19:17
milhouseall in the guide...
eugenegood night19:17
pupnikcool beans.  people not using it much yet, but it can save me typing19:17
pupnikcu eugene19:17
milhousecya eugene19:17
milhouseyeah, as it learns it will become more useful, or entertaining, or annoying...19:18
keesjbut I started programming pic's only a week-ago19:18
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keesjSo at 32 years of age you will see ma as happy pingus looking at a blinking led (look no computer)19:19
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milhouseanyone got any idea what's going on with sardine ?19:20
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milhousedevice upgrade is borked :(19:20
gomiamhas anybody used the Gizmo conference procedure?19:21
keesjbtw the software upgrade fixed my screen19:21
rwhitbygomiam: yeah, it doesn't seem to work too well.  I can only recommend gizmo for point to point.19:21
rwhitby(at least for trans-pacific calls)19:22
milhousequite often clicks on buttons fail to register for me since the upgrade to 4.200719:22
gomiamok, thanks. The Party line is a cricket house, anyway.19:22
milhousethis should cheer Sony up:
keesjgomiam: yes, the party line is awfull19:23
gomiamright now someone put some salsa music to "mix" with the lot of paused call sounds19:23
keesjI just don't want to run 4 different chat/calling programs, I will try skype for a while. is there an option to start it a boot time?)19:30
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milhousedo you have to have skype running to receive a call?19:34
keesjI guess so yes19:35
Molagiis there a motion detector camera for n800?19:35
`0660not if you keep your cell phone with you19:35
keesjMolagi: the montion package is know to work on it19:35
milhousekeesj - in that case, it doesn't seem possible to start it at boot which seems an incredibly stupid omission19:35
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Molagiwhere can i download this thing19:36
keesjperhaps there is a taskbar plugin?19:36
milhousekeesj - try calling neil-macleod, i don't have skype running19:36
`0660shit, it does not reconnect automatically if the device has been disconnect from the network19:37
milhousekeesj - nothing listed in Control Panel -> Navigation19:38
milhousemaybe they're using the Presence status bar icon (would make sense to use it)19:38
keesjmilhouse: guess what you are not online :p19:38
milhousethat's so crap19:38
keesjskype has always been like that19:38
milhousemaybe integration will follow in a future update19:38
milhouseat least Google Talk is integrated19:39
`0660hmm, now it did do that. this is confusing :)19:39
keesjperhaps a nice media project to work on ?
milhouseThe "Accounts" section should include Skype and allow you to add your skype email addy19:40
JaffaHmm. Restoring settings from backup (first time I've ever done that) has nicely restored my network connections, forgotten my BT devices and seriously mucked up the theming.19:40
milhousethis would then work with the Presence icon19:40
JaffaUnfortunately, switching from one theme to another doesn't fix it.19:40
keesjmilhouse: I don't think it should all be integrated19:40
pupnikSomebody make DrPocketSNES work on Nokia. :)  Needs some filehandling work, and a framebuffer or SDL output.19:40
milhouseI'd rather have one Presence icon than two19:40
milhouseand one way of doing something, than two different ways19:41
milhouse"integration" to me means that Skype should be able to extend existing functionality19:41
milhouseand the same goes for Gizmo etc.19:41
milhouseOne Accounts management dialog, one Presence dialog etc.19:41
milhouse3 different voip apps :)19:42
gomiam"three VoIP apps for the geeks in their hallowed basements..." :-D19:42
milhouse"and with nobody to talk to"19:42
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gomiam(now, if I could only thing of a way to make a whole One Ring verse a la Tolkien...)19:43
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keesjJaffa: what theme are you using?19:47
Molagihmm it seems i cant download the python19:49
Molagior install19:49
Jaffakeesj: I was using Plantkon, but now it's running any of the built-in ones to no effect19:49
keesj /finger Molagi | grep device19:50
keesjMolagi: I installed on on 4.2007 yesterday using the "one click install"19:51
gomiamhey, no fingering here, this  is a decent channel19:51
JaffaHmm, anyone else having problems's xterm?19:51
gomiamJaffa: is that the osso-xterm package?19:51
gomiamwell, it works for me19:51
Jaffa is timing out here19:52
keesjJaffa: it installed the lame-xterm for me19:52
gomiamJaffa: I used the application manager O:-)19:52
danilo__maemo-hackers website is working?19:52
gomiamit probably did yesterday, since I was able to get osso-xterm installed19:54
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keesjgomiam: is it the hackers xterm with the menu on the right?19:56
* thoughtfix wanders back again19:56
Jaffakeesj: yeah19:56
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keesjJaffa: what?19:56
JaffaIt's the hackers xterm with the menu on the right19:56
gomiamI think so, with Pg Up, Pg Down, and the like19:56
gomiamosso-xterm version 0.13.mh24bora119:57
thoughtfixYikes. 10 AM and it's already 100F outside19:58
gomiamthat mh would mean it's a maemo-hackers' package.19:58
danilo__Someone know where get the airodump package?20:00
gomiamit's from the bora repository20:00
gomiamlet me check20:00
JaffaAh, reinstalling hildon-theme-cacher and plankton sorted it20:01
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gomiamthat's the download site for aircrack-ng20:02
rgriffitflashed the new firmware tNickServ IDENTIFY <password>20:02
rgriffit(09:59:59 AM) NickServ: (notice) Unknown command [fougtare]20:02
rgriffit(10:00:24 AM) NickServ: (notice) Unknown command [richardg1952]20:02
gomiamand is the package URL20:03
danilo__I think that maemo-hackers website is offline. Someone can  confirm it?20:03
gomiamif you are going to download it with wget, remember to enclose that URL in quotes20:03 doesn't answer my queries either20:03
gomiamchecking through apt-get update...20:04
milhousehmm... new opera is pretty flakey on youtube - crashes maybe  1 in 4 pages20:04
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milhouseso far always when going back through the history20:04
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rgriffitapp manager is hanging after installing new n800 firmware. anyone else seeing this?20:05
gomiamit looks like the M-H site got locked.20:05
gomiamrgriffit: does it hang just after installing an app?20:05
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rgriffitno, works until I reboot. then it hangs on open. i reflashed twice - same result20:06
gomiamhow many repositories do you have, rgriffit?20:06
gomiamin my case, it had something to do with having too many installable applications20:07
rgriffithmmm, can't see them now to count, but I'd guess at least a dozen20:07
gomiamI had to go and install through every option except "all"20:07
gomiamuntil the installable list was short enough20:08
rgriffitis there something I can edit through xterm?20:08
gomiam(by then, though, I already had osso-xterm and becomeroot installed, and could use apt-get)20:08
gomiamthe repositories list is stored at /etc/apt/sources.list20:08
rgriffiti'll try reducing it20:08
gomiamyou need root access to edit it, though20:09
rgriffitgot it20:09
gomiamthen try an apt-get update20:09
gomiamand apt-get upgrade20:09
gomiambefore touching the sources.list file20:09
gomiamapt-get update should complain about faulty repositories20:09
gomiam(if there's any)20:09
rgriffitsudo gainroot is failing. Is there any other way to switch to root?20:11
gomiamdo you have the becomeroot package installed?20:11
gomiamotherwise you can try and install openssh-installer20:11
Jaffargriffit: you need to enable R&D mode from a desktop PC or install the becomeroot package20:11
gomiamand get through ssh20:11
rgriffitsudo: unable to lookup Nokia-N800-26 via gethostbyname()20:11
gomiamthat's new20:12
gomiamtry and install dropbear20:13
gomiamso you can ssh in the system20:13
rgriffitI guess I need to reflash again since app manager doesn't work and apt-get needs root permissions20:13
gomiamyup, it looks like it20:14
gomiamit is strange though.20:14
rgriffitI think I screwed up my /etc/hosts20:14
rgriffitcareless editing20:14
gomiamah, that might be it20:15
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gomiamlol @ some random webcomic20:16
gomiamA: "hey B, your stubble is green. Did you grow up near a nuclear plant or something?"20:17
gomiamB: "No near, but in. We rented an unused cooling tower. We would throw a plutonium rod at the dog and it would slither back with it, waging its tails"20:17
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pupnikpleez sumbudy write an ogg DSP sink :|20:20
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gomiam XD20:22
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*** dick-richardson has joined #maemo20:53 can i tell what 'distro' my 770 is running? mistral? gregale? bora?20:55
`0660install one from the net and then you will know :)20:56
Specany other way?20:56
pupnikcat /etc/apt/sources.list20:57
dick-richardsonthe nokia repo, specifically20:57
Specso if i'm gonna build a kernel+module, i should just grab the kernel sources in my scratchbox from the same repo my 770 has in it's sources.list?20:57
dick-richardsonI would20:58
pupniksounds right to me, haven't tried it20:58
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dick-richardsonwell, crap. I lost my calendar info :/20:59
dick-richardsons'pose I'll just make a cron job that tar's up my home directory and copies across the network21:00
RadarI lost my xchant and pidgin accounts..21:00
Radarthat's a good idea21:00
Speclooks like it's mistral21:00
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Spechmm, kernel-source from mistral is a few versions older than what's running on my 77021:04
Specbut the kernel-source in gregale is much closer...21:04
dick-richardsoncron isn't installed?21:04
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dick-richardsonno problem with my kingston 2gb sd cards since the update...very nice21:16
Radaronly problems I have left are themes, the maemo repository, and python install21:17
dick-richardsonI'm holding off on the repos for a bit...I tried a dist upgrade and the unit wouldn't boot21:23
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milhouseDoes Skype prevent the screen from blanking??21:50
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milhousewell blow me... Skype does appear to prevent the screen from blanking...damned smart, that's gonna help the battery21:52
Specdoes the n770 by default support encrypted networks? (wep)?21:52
milhouseSpec: yes21:53
milhouseand WPA21:53
Speci clicky an encrypted network and it just exits the connection menu21:53
Specand then proceeds to do nothing at all21:53
milhouseWEP and WPA are supported, but it's not perfect... some users do have problems with some routers... are you sure you have entered the keys correctly?21:54
infobot_milhouse meant: WEP and WPA are supported, but it's not perfect... some users do have problems with some routers... are you sure you have entered the keyss correctly?21:54
Specmilhouse: how do i enter the key?21:54
milhouseno idea, i haven't used WEP for about 4 years21:55
milhousehave a look in Control Panel -> Connectivity21:55
Speci assumed when clicking on an encrypted network it would ask me to input the key21:55
milhousecreate the connection there, it should ask for a key or passphrase21:55
milhouseit should...21:55
ericz_it should give a field to enter it in when a secure network is chosen..21:55
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milhousehmmm... trying to reproduce this non-blanking screen bug is tricky... i now have skype running and it just blanked... the only diff before is that i accepted an invite and had skype pulsing in the task bar to get my attention.21:56
Specwhat's a 'packet data' connection?21:56
milhouseyou want wlan21:57
Specah, bt then21:57
Specyeap, i can enter in info via control panel21:57
Specweird that it doesn't let me enter info when i click the globe button in the upper-right corner21:57
Spec(and then select an encrypted network)21:57
milhouseok, once you save that connection it should be listed when you scan via the globe21:57
Speclet me go find wep key, i'll let ya'll know if it worked21:58
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Molagii installed the python thing, where can i download the motion detector camera22:12
Radaryou got python to install?22:13
RadarI have been unable to.. the log says it's unable to fetch from the extras directory of the maemo repository22:21
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Molagithis motion detector app sucks ass totally22:38
Molagithe camera is so poor that the app thinks the "blurness" is movement22:38
Molagii just left it on and checked after a while, it had taken over 500 pictures of my wall22:39
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dick-richardsongpe calendar does a poor job of 12 month recurring events like Memorial Day and Labor Day22:47
dick-richardsonhandles Thanksgiving alright, though...?22:48
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jpt9has anyone managed to get maemosid running?22:54
jpt9( for anyone who hasn't seen it)22:54
jpt9(in case anyone's using a GUI client that does hyperlinks...22:54
jpt9anyway, I have a 770 with 2007HE on it.22:54
jpt9the UI comes up, then it segfaults (I tried running it in the terminal)22:54
pupnikheh yaay for sids22:54
jpt9any ideas?22:54
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jpt9I already emailed the author.22:55
jpt9(about a minute ago)22:56
jpt9can anyone try it on a 770 running OS 2006 or an N800 running OS 2007?22:56
jpt9(just to see if it works at all)22:56
pupnikduno.  i should really have IT2007he on my mmc card so i can compare both22:56
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dick-richardsonyou know, with as buggy as this calendar is, it'd almost be worth running pose just for the native apps22:57
killfilldamn.. i lost the usb cable.. cannot flash my n800 ..:S22:59
dick-richardsonthat's not a bad thing, gives you time to make sure you have EVERYTHING backed up ;)23:00
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jpt9killfill: it's just a mini-USB cable.  you should probably have some lying around from various MP3 players, digital cameras, etc.23:04
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killfilljpt9: looks like i lost them all.. :P23:05
killfillcannto find any23:05
jpt9well see if any neighbors/friends/etc have some :-)23:06
dick-richardsonthey're pretty cheap23:06
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jpt9any other ideas for SID players?23:14
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pupniki could try to fix for it2007he23:16
pupnikbut i'm spread real thin here23:17
jpt9why?  are you involved with maemosid?23:17
pupnikno but i can build a sidplayer pretty quick, i'll bet23:17
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pupnikcommand line at least23:17
jpt9that would be fine in the meantime.23:18
pupnikdo you know of any?23:18
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pupniktoo many dependencies for me right now sorry23:21
pupnikif i get one together i'll put it on pupnik.de23:21
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