IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2007-02-03

garretttigert: do you know how to use mediastreamer? is there something that works on Linux or a Mac that it can read from?00:00
garrettor is it some UI to a Windows-only thing?00:00
nomisgrgh. dbus-dbg is just debug symbols.00:01
tigertgarrett: gnu mediaserver00:01
keesjgarrett there is it mostly works00:01
tigertworks with it afaik00:01
tigertthat one00:01
tigertitunes doesnt, as it is DAAP and mediastreamer does uPNP00:02
tigertUPnP even00:02
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ferulogarrett: I'd recommend you
ferulois more stable than gmediaserver00:07
maddlerhas anyone any repo for N800? beside those already on wiki?00:08
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* nomis wonders if he should bring up his dbus-issues again...00:14
nomiswhy doesn't dbus-send --session --print-reply /com/nokia/controlpanel/rpc string:disp_ap_application_title boolean:true   work?00:14
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maddleropen hand's Contacts is pretty good...00:22
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garrettmaddler: it only shows a person's name for me00:26
garrettand a broken image00:26
maddlergarrett: and looks like it can't correctly import VCFs...00:26
garrettoh, why does it take so long to change a background image?00:26
maddlersadly enough...00:26
garrettit changes it and just sits there with the cylon progress bar00:26
nomisgarrett: yeah, thats weird.00:26
garrettand I'm like, "um... didn't the background change? what am I waiting for?"00:27
nomistigert: is your theme available as an installable package?00:27
garrettnomis: he links to two debs00:28
garrettnoir: it works well for me on my N80000:28
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Aleksandyr...great, wvWare doesn't work with whatever passes for glib on Maemo00:28
maddleryep... tigert... give us the deb! :D00:30
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nomisgarrett: doh. /me feels stupid.00:30
nomisgarrett: thanks.00:30
garrettnomis: it wasn't there at first; it's ok00:30
garrettand it's just a link to a page with links, essentially00:30
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nomistigert: is the bright line in the topmost right edge intentional? It seems to end apruptly in the statusbar area.00:33
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JoshTriplettDoes the Application Catalog work like a wiki, allowing any registered user to edit the metadata for any application?00:34
nomistigert: oh, that differs a lot between desktop view and with some application open.00:35
TakJoshTriplett: good question; I'll try00:35
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TakJoshTriplett: apparently yes00:36
TakI just edited the entry for cgoban00:36
* Tak reverts00:36
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JoshTriplettTak: Ah, actually, I think the one I want to edit has you as the maintainer; perhaps I should just ask you first, then. :)00:37
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JoshTriplettTak: xmame?00:37
JoshTriplettTak: License "Free (source available, Open Source license)": not so much.00:37
Takwell, the choices were basically "Free" or "Proprietary"00:38
Takand, while xmame is not gpl, imo it's still an OSS license00:38
JoshTriplettTak: And it appears to show up in the "Garage Extras" channel under the "free" component.00:38
JoshTriplettTak: Not according to OSI, FSF, and Debian.00:38
JoshTriplettTak: It has source, true.00:39
keesj~ # apt-get install xmoto00:39
keesjReading package lists... Done00:39
JoshTriplettTak: But: "Redistributions may not be sold, nor may they be used in a commercial product or activity."00:39
keesjSegmentation faulty tree... 50%00:39
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JoshTriplettTak: And MAME itself has various other restrictions as well, IIRC.00:39
keesjJoshTriplett: sorry00:39
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JoshTriplettTak: I can understand that having to classify it as "proprietary" right next to stuff that doesn't even have source seems harsh. :)00:41
Takhow does the xmame license violate the OSI definition?00:41
Tak#6 ?00:41
* JoshTriplett nods.00:41
JoshTriplett"For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business,"00:42
* Tak files a feature request for more license options00:42
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JoshTriplettTak: Thank you.00:42
JoshTriplettTak: And yeah, dividing "proprietary" up with tags like "binary-only" versus "source", or "non-commercial" versus "no-modification", might make sense.00:43
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JoshTriplettTak: I think the origin of that issue with xmame comes from the days when they felt concerned about people selling CDs with xmame and a few hundred ROM images; "non-commercial" went along with "don't distribute with roms", and other things.  Now, I think the clause mostly exists due to the logistical nightmare of relicensing software with numerous contributors.00:45
* Tak nods00:46
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JoshTriplettTak: Will that metadata change automatically move xmame from the "free" to the "non-free" component in the Garage Extras repository?00:48
Takno, I'll have to re-upload to the extras repo00:48
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JoshTriplettTak: Well, thanks again for the trouble.00:50
Taknot a problem00:50
Takerrors should be fixed :-)00:50
* JoshTriplett keeps a Notes window open on the N800 all the time, to quickly switch to and jot down notes.00:51
JoshTriplettMaemo needs a reportbug. :)00:51
JoshTripletts/notes/todo and bug items/, I mean. :)00:51
nomisdbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/controlpanel string:cpdisplay boolean:true00:52
nomisat least brings up the control panel, but not the display page.  :-/00:52
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maddlertime to hit the bed here...00:54
maddlerlater dudes...00:54
nomiswith --print-reply one unfortunately discovers, that the command is wrong though.00:54
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Takhmm, how do I tag a package non-free?00:59
JoshTriplettTak: Probably change debian/control and rebuild.00:59
Takwell yeah, but there's not a "free" field in debian/control currently01:00
Takand google is being a worthless bitch01:00
JoshTriplettHmmm.  In Debian and similar, you typically see "games" versus "non-free/games" in "Section:".01:00
||cwI don't think that's a flag, just a label01:00
||cwor a repo01:00
Takhmm - if my package is non-free/user/other , will the app manager install it?01:01 doesn't specify free/non-free either01:01
||cwnot sure that has anything to do with the package itself01:01
JoshTriplettTak: Possibly user/non-free/other; I dunno.01:01
JoshTriplettTak: Or possibly some other mechanism entirely.01:01
JoshTriplettI've only just started using Maemo; I haven't developed for it yet. :)01:01
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Takheh, there's *nothing* in the bora or scirocco non-free pools01:02
Takand the two non-free packages in mistral were put there by nokia employees01:04
JoshTriplettTak: Do the two packages there have anything interesting in their control data?01:08
Taknot that I can see01:08
Takone is Section: libs, and the other's user/multimedia01:09
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JoshTriplettTak: I found another source with non-free debs, and I don't see anything in their control files either.01:40
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Skyhuskerhi all01:41
Skyhuskerhas someone tried to make a GtkEntry insensitive on its "tap-and-hold" handler? it works inside scratchbox, but not in the N80001:43
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keesjwhat cpu speed is the 770?01:51
Skyhusker220 IIRC01:54
dwdkeesj: 9.81m/s201:54
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dwdkeesj: But only if you drop it.01:54
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MoRpHeUzis n800 capable of playing asf files ?02:01
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|tbb|nomis: still awake?02:01
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nomis|tbb|: yes02:03
|tbb|the screenshot u posted is from n770?02:03
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JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: I dunno about the 770; I can check for the N800 if you give me an URL.02:05
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MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: just a minute plz! =)02:07
MoRpHeUzwill try to find one02:08
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MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: couldnt find one...=( thanks for your help...02:10
MoRpHeUz(will keep trying to find it..)02:10
nomis|tbb|: no.02:11
nomis|tbb|: sorry for putting it into an existing directory with a confusing name.02:12
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cesmanMoRpHeUz: your best bet is to use media convertor or 770-encoder.pl02:39
MoRpHeUzcesman:'s a "live tv"...02:39
* cesman uses mythtv for livetv02:40
MoRpHeUzcesman: and you are able to watch it on 770 >02:41
MoRpHeUzcesman: that's exactly what I'm trying to do...02:41
cesmani use a wrapper around to transcode the recording so I can take them on the go02:42
cesmanI have a N80002:42
MoRpHeUzcesman: could you send me the script/give more details ? that's exactly what I'm trying to do..02:42
cesmanthere is also MythWebStream that can convert recording to flash02:42
MoRpHeUzcesman: I have mythtv with livetv and want to watch it on 770/80002:43
cesmanwhile I can view that on the n800, it isn't optimal02:43
MoRpHeUzcesman: with mythwebstream you mean ?02:43
cesmantell ya everything I did02:44
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MoRpHeUzcesman: thank you very much ;-)02:45
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cesmanyou're welcome02:45
cesmanMoRpHeUz: any improvements you make, I'd be happy to look at them for inclusion in future KnoppMyth releases02:46
MoRpHeUzcesman: for sure !02:46
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MoRpHeUzcesman: just to know, this script does not handle the live tv part right ? what do you use to send it ? vlc ?02:47
cesmanMoRpHeUz: mythwebflash not stream02:47
MoRpHeUzow ok02:47
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MoRpHeUzcesman: thanks!02:49
cesmanMoRpHeUz: mythtvstream can do live tv02:50
MoRpHeUzcesman: I'm looking at that code right now...02:50
cesmanhowever it isn't tuned for the N770/80002:50
MoRpHeUzcesman: they use vlc...02:50
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MoRpHeUzcesman: thanks for all the help! =)02:50
cesmanhowever I don't think it would be too different to optimize for the AVI that the N770/800 can handle02:51
cesmanyou're welcome02:51
cesmanMoRpHeUz: what tuner card do you have?02:53
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MoRpHeUzcesman: it's not a good one hehe02:54
cesmanhmmm...never heard of that brand ;)02:54
MoRpHeUzcesman: it's an analog one..made here in brazil...02:54
MoRpHeUzcesman: hahaha02:54
cesmanas long as it works02:54
cesmanmy first tuner was an analog tuner02:54
MoRpHeUzcesman: =)...ow..the chipset is from aver media (
cesmanyou do use mythtv?02:55
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MoRpHeUzcesman: yeah! =)02:59
MoRpHeUzcesman: right now I'm working with it...02:59
MoRpHeUzcesman: check (
MoRpHeUzcesman: we can talk a lot about this mythtv stuff hehehe =)03:00
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JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: That looks really promising.03:02
MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: we hope so ;-)03:02
MoRpHeUzIt does a lot of things right now, and I'm working on a way to watch live tv on 770/80003:03
JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: Unfortunately, you still need an MPEG-2 decoder if you have a hardware encoder.03:03
MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: yeah...that's my problem...I need to transcode  to a format so we can watch on the device...03:04
axique_hi, has anyone a good tip how to play a mp3 file (from a python app) on the n800? gstreamer fails with: gst_pad_set_caps: assertion 'GST_IS_PAD (pad)' faile.03:04
JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: That or figure out how to make a gst-plugins-mp2. :)03:04
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cesmanMoRpHeUz: so, you can watch recorded programs?!03:05
JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: Does your work integrate at all with the current feature of the N800 which shows "MythTV AV Media Server" under "Shared Media"?03:06
JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: I noticed that when I first hooked up the device, and it navigated the recordings just fine; it just couldn't play them because it didn't understand the codec.03:06
MoRpHeUzcesman: yeah..and you can watch livetv also if you use gmyth on your PC...03:06
MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: mythtv has a upnp server so any app that can work with upnp can show the "MythTV AV Media Server"...03:07
* cesman have to play with it this weekend03:07
MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: canola does that, gmyth, .....03:07
* cesman may have to play with it this weekend03:08
MoRpHeUzcesman: gmyth just cant play livetv on the device (yet) hehe03:08
MoRpHeUzJoshTriplett: that problem is because you cant play mpeg2 files on the device...03:08
JoshTriplettMoRpHeUz: RIght.03:08
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MoRpHeUzlet's soon as I have a solution I'll tell you guys! =)03:12
koos_axique_: why don't you use the osso-media-server via dbus?03:13
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cesmanMoRpHeUz: cool!03:15
cesmanI'll do my best to make sure KnoppMyth is Gmyth ready once I get the word03:16
koos_hmm, my wifi on n800 is much worse than on the n77003:17
MoRpHeUzcesman: that would be great! =)03:19
cesmanOpen Source in action!03:19
MoRpHeUzhaha! for sure!! ;-)03:19
axique_koos_ i will try, did not know about it till now...03:19
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axique_i just tought i have to use g streamer03:20
MoRpHeUzcesman: right now I'm just not being able to stream a playlist from vlc...03:21
koos_axique_: afaik, it's not documented but try dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_media_server string:file:///home/user/MyDocs/.sounds/Everyday.mp3 as a start03:21
MoRpHeUzcesman: when it changes the current playlist item, the client stops...(even from my desktop)...03:21
MoRpHeUz(and I have already enabled that option: "keep stream output open")03:22
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* cesman heads off to the kitchen03:22
axique_koos_ thanks03:23
cesmanresponses will be slow03:23
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neostriderhello maemo people03:28
JoshTriplettkoos_: How so?03:32
JoshTriplettkoos_: (re: wifi)03:32
MoRpHeUzhave to go now...03:32
MoRpHeUzsee you on Monday!03:33
MoRpHeUzgood night! =)03:33
koos_JoshTriplett:speed, n880 only get to 100kb/s max and dropping often to 25. My 770 has a constant rate at 250kb/s03:33
MoRpHeUzcesman, JoshTriplett: just for your information: ;-)03:33
MoRpHeUzsee you!03:33
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koos_(both running at the same time btw)03:34
neostridergood night people03:39
axique_koos_ it works really nice, is there anywhere at least a little documentation? What I would need also is to repeat the track and to stop this as easy as playing?03:39
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neostrider770 is not that slow =-P I just ran my raycaster demo on it...ran just like my 1.6 Ghz PC =-P03:40
koos_axique_: Not that I know of (docs), but for stopping, use 'stop' instead of 'play_media url', likewise for pause03:42
axique_koos_ thanks a lot for your help. good night03:43
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neostrider(indeed...the 770 seems quite fast on the right hands...)03:44
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Markovhow much does twonkyvision cost??04:01
Markovam i nuts or does it not say on the site?04:01
Markovare there any _good_ free upnp servers?04:01
koos_can I already use sip or AIX w/ telepathy on N800?04:03
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cesmanMarkov: fuppes04:24
cesmanMarkov: fuppes.sf.net04:24
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Markovthanks cesman !04:28
Markovdo you ahve experience with it?04:28
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Markovthe interface is suhweet :)04:34
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sridoes maemo have an irc client? :D05:12
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cesmansri: gaim05:14
Piosri, xchat05:14
srixchat for maemo?05:14
srigaim might be better..05:14
Piohavent tried it05:14
srimore stuff for your memory :)05:15
sriif you know what I mean.05:15
eeejayis there a version of gaim for the n800?05:16
cesmanI have it installed05:16
eeejayin a repo?05:16
* sri should set up his scratchbox stuff.05:16
cesmanyes, cannot recall which as I've lots of repos setup05:16
eeejayah, ok05:17
eeejaycouldn't find it, i'll look again05:17
eeejayis canola worth installing, or is it a resource hog?05:17
sricanoloa is?05:20
srisorry, new to maemo :)05:20
sriah, a media player.05:20
sriso I was looking at mediastreamer and it's UPnP support05:22
* sri wanted to control mythtv from maemo05:22
sribut apparently it doesn't work yet.05:22
sribut it seems you could easily write a python program that connects to the mythtv box and do the commands.05:22
sridoes maemo's python support twisted?05:23
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cesmansri: what sort of control are you looking for?05:39
cesmanworks great here!05:40
cesmannot that I use it much, but tested05:40
pbrookHmm, that's not good. The sources in the maemo repository don't match the binaries.05:42
pbrookThe binary is bluez-utils_3.7osso11, the source is only bluez-utils_3.7osso605:42
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gnuiteAnybody have any idea why an apt-get update in my scratchbox won't resolve ?09:32
gnuitewget seems to resolve it fine ...09:33
gnuiteAnd unfortunately, substituting the IP address isn't helping me (400 Bad Request)09:41
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tigertdo you have some proxy or something in apt.conf?09:57
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gnuiteNo, I just finished running the maemo-provided scratchbox and sdk setup scripts10:00
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gnuiteThe only thing in my apt.conf.d is the gpg file (Acquire::gpgv::Options {"--ignore-time-conflict";};)10:02
gnuitefile: works for the nokia bins, so I guess one option is to mirror . . .10:07
* gnuite sighs...10:07
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kulvegnuite: wget inside SB?10:19
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Hydroxideso, any idea where I can simply buy an RS-MMC to SD adapter so that I can use my Nokia 770's memory card in the N800?12:18
HydroxideI don't have the adapter that came with it, but I think that was RS-MMC to some other kind of MMC, not to SD12:18
Hydroxidegrr, the mailing lists say the original adapter would work. I hope I have it somewhere...12:20
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jurop88hi all12:36
jurop88anybody knows if hildonDateEditor widget has signals (i.e. how to check when a date has changed?)12:37
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svuhow could I _delete_ smtp server associated with some connection? if I clean the name, the button "Ok" gets disabled14:07
ptmanwhich files get sourced by x terminal?14:08
ptmanI want to use ssh-agent, and I can't figure out where I should start it14:08
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skandalerasHi all :) , can I get gcc4.1 in a nokia 770?16:44
c0ffeewhy not?16:46
skandalerasSorry, I'm a newbie, I'm looking in the maemo packages with "apt-cache search" and I only found the version 3.416:47
skandalerasI guess I need another deb repository16:47
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keesjskandaleras, I think there are big chances you will not succed :(16:48
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c0ffeesafest bet would be to compile it yourself :)16:48
Andy80is maemo 2.2 compatible with OS2006? I mean... if I compile a software using 2.2 can this software run on my n770 too?16:50
keesjpropbably even cross compile16:50
skandalerasthanks for your help, I'll keep on finding an easier way ;)16:50
keesjAndy80, as far a I understand this is what 2.2 is all about right?16:50
Andy80uhm... no I don't understand :(16:51
kulveskandaleras: what are you doing?16:51
skandalerasI need gcc4.1 for some tests with VoIP16:52
kulveskandaleras: don't mess with the toolchains unless you really know what you are doing..16:52
skandaleraskulve: I don't even know what's toolchains are :S16:52
kulvegcc & friends16:53
Andy80ah just a curiosity: what is that vertical 0-10 bar in wifiinfo?16:53
keesj2.2 is a it2006 "builer" that works on the 1.0 scratchbox (that is how I understand it)16:53
Andy80keesj: yes... I understand that scratchbox doesn't influence the compatibility... but os2006 is based on maemo. If, for example, someone makes big changes to maemo distro, for example the kernel, the gcc, the libc6 ecc... I don't know if it would be still compatible with os2006. Understand now? I only want to be sure that there's at least binary compatibility.16:57
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pancakewhere's the cpu-transparency tarball for the gregale?16:58
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c0ffeein the scratchbox r4 download directory17:02
pancakecan't find17:14
pancakecputransp-1.0.1 ?17:15
pancakeok :) thank17:15
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shackanhas granule been ported to the N800 yet?17:32
shackanit seems an awesome program on a mobile device17:32
kkitoany news about canola on n800?17:38
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MilhouseOS 2007 for 770 now available -
MilhouseCanola on N800 news:
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MilhouseJust announced it for you Carlos :)17:55
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axiquehi, does anyone in here know how I have to encode a filename+path with spaces when I want to run  os.system(' dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_media_server string:file://'+(self.preferences['filename'])+' &') ?18:06
carlosguerreiroA first release of OS 2007 / 770 hacker edition is now available for download. Details here:
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ptmanaxique: I guess spaces should be replaced with %2018:10
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shackanaxique, why do you do the dbus call from python directly rather than calling dbus-send with a shell script invoked by a python program?18:14
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ptmanshackan: because it's in python and doesn't incur the overhead of launching a new process?18:15
shackanmm, os.system does create a new process indeed18:16
ptmanargh... I'm sorry, my window wasn't scrolling18:16
ptmanthat's just what you were trying to say18:16
axiqueshackkkkkkkkkkkkan, could you give me a hint how to do this directly fro python?18:16
axiquesorry my eyboard18:16
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axiqueshackan, can you give me a hint?18:16
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nomisaxique: try os.execv  or something like this.18:17
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shackanaxique, you should import dbus and dbus.glib, then your command would be a one-liner
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koos_axique: I think you should use the lib also because then you can catch signals back from the mm-server like 'state_changed' for 'stopped'/'playing'/'paused'/'end_of_stream'18:21
gnuiteI'm still having "Could not resolve ''" issues with my "apt-get update" in scratchbox.  It's not a DNS problem, as I can wget any of the files that it says it fails to fetch...18:28
kkitowell my cps2 emu for n800 now has sound :)18:28
Andy80the maemo updated tutorial ( talks about this package: scratchbox-devkit-debian-1.0.7.tar.gz but the latest devikit-debian package available is 1.0.6 ... is it a mistake?18:28
axiquekoos_ thanks I'll try...will give you feedback18:30
trenka_carlosguerreiro: could not you generate fiasco for the "hacked release" ?18:31
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gnuiteAndy80: I think that must be a typo, because the INSTALL.txt file references "scratchbox-devkit-debian 1.0.6"18:33
Andy80thanks gnuite18:34
Andy80I'm installing Maemo 2.2 and Scratchbox from scratch, because I'm also writing a complete (in italian language) how to to install and configure Maemo SDK, so I need to be sure everything is right :)18:35
Andy80anyway I try every step while I write the how to18:35
gnuiteHm, actually, I take that back... the INSTALL.txt file for 2.2 _does_ call for scratchbox-devkit-debian-1.0.7.tar.gz18:35
koengnuite: is there a reason why maemo-mapper uses the localtime in the gpx tracks instead of the gps time?18:36
Andy80gnuite: yes but 1.0.7 devkit-debian doesn't exist... neither in tar.gz nor in .deb version18:36
koengnuite: it took me a while to figure out that mm was using the (incorrect) local time instead of the (correct) time derived from the gps18:37
gnuitekoen: Because maemo-mapper doesn't parse and keep track of time.18:37
gnuiteNot that it couldn't... I just didn't think it necessary.18:37
melmothGrmblblblblbl, i think dbus/osso and desktopn integration will drive me mad...18:37
ptmannow that there are more people here, I'll have to ask again. Is there a shell script which runs in the parent process of all user processes? I would like to use ssh-agent, but I don't quite know where to start it18:37
ptmanuser processes meaning processes run as the user "user"18:37
koengnuite: it leads to nasty surprises when using mm's gpx tracks for geotagging pictures18:37
koengnuite: and I need to send in an update for the dutch translation, someone translated 'route' and 'track' to the same word, leading to a duplicate menu-entry18:38
gnuitekoen: Yeah, I can understand that... I'll look into parsing the time from the GPS receiver...18:39
pbrookptman: .profile should, but it relies on your terminal emulator giving you a login shell. osso-xterm appears to be broken in that respect.18:39
gnuiteIt's bound to more accurate than the nokia 770's shitty internal clock18:39
koengnuite: the info screen already displays gps time, so I thought mm already used it somewhere18:39
gnuitekoen: Sounds like a fuzzy translation...18:40
kkitodo you know if there are an armv6 asm memcpy, memset implementations?18:41
ptmanpbrook: but .profile Isn't goog enough, I have it there now, and three different instances of ssh-agent are started, even though I export SSH_AGENT_PID and only launch ssh-agent if it isn't defined18:41
pbrookWill retrieve information about an existing ssh-agent.18:42
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ptmanAh, thank you. I'm thankful18:43
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ptmanerr.. grateful18:44
pbrookThat version of the script braks if there's more than one user has ssh-agent running. The fixed version adds "-u user" to the find commands. It's removed because the n800 "find" implementation doesn't support -user.18:45
pbrookI'm sure there are other ways of fixing it, but I didn't bother as there's only ever one user on my n800 ;-)18:46
melmothAny idea why i always have a "maemo_af_desktop[20689]: We could not read lowmem page stats." error message in scrtachbox whenever i try to launch an application with the GUI ?18:46
melmothExxcept of course, witht he tutorial example18:46
melmothi try to make another one, and i cannot understand what s wrong...18:47
tkomelmoth, it's probably just a silly note about certain /proc entries which only exist on the device18:52
axiquemelmoth I had the same problem, as far as i see it, you must not have a typo in the icon bas64 encoding18:53
axiqueI started from gpodder -> changed step by step to my program and now everything works18:54
melmothsame stuff withou an icon.18:55
melmothRight now, i just try the simpliest stuff possible, a python script , a desktop entry , and a dbus service entry18:55
melmothas i do not want to confuse all the namespace (application name, service name, and so on) all stuff i have to name are called 'pierre'18:56
axiquethen I don't know it...much luck18:57
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Andy80another error on the official 2.2 tutorial: doesn't exist18:58
Andy80this is the correct url:
axiqueagain the dbus-problem...please can anyone help me again...18:59
gnuiteWell, my "could not resolve" problems in scratchbox are not limited to apt-get update, it seems... svn can't resolve hostnames either...19:00
axiquethe console code was: os.system(" dbus-send --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_media_server string:'file://"+(self.preferences['filename'])+"' &")19:00
axiquemy python code (after intialicing osso, osso_rpc):self.osso_rpc.rpc_run("","/com/nokia/osso_media_server","", "",("string:'file://"+(self.preferences['filename'])+"'",))19:00
Andy80gnuite: check your ...../etc/resolv.conf19:00
gnuiteyeah, it looks fine19:00
gnuitewget works19:01
axiquebut I get19:01
axique10460: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect, assertion "_dbus_check_is_valid_member (method)" failed in file dbus-message.c line 800.19:01
axiqueThis is normally a bug in some application using the D-BUS library.19:01
axiquewhat did I wrogn?19:01
gnuitewhy does wget work?19:01
Andy80gnuite: then don't know, sorry :(19:02
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garretthey all19:02
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melmothim going mad with this desktop stuff...19:15
melmothWhy is there no debugging available as to what s going on ?19:15
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axiquei got it dbus problems anymore19:22
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gnuiteDoes anyone know how, in a Makefile, to differentiate between the two arm processors (770's and N800's), for optimization purposes?19:24
gnuitein scratchbox...19:25
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tkognuite, in general, don't try. use something explicit, like ./configure --enable-optimize-for=n800 or rely on caller setting CFLAGS properly or similar19:26
gnuiteall right, thanks tko... Do you happen to know the best mcpu/march for the N800?  I'm guessing "-march=armv6j -mcpu=arm1136jfs", although the march might be unnecessary?19:28
pbrook-mcpu implies -march. There's no point specifying both.19:30
melmothGrumble, i still cannot make it works...if anybody could give me an hint at what s wrong with my .desktop file (or dbus service file)....19:30
pbrookNote that armv6 binaries won't work under scratchbox/qemu.19:30
tkognuite, nope..19:30
melmoththis would be..much appreciated, because i m completly lost now.19:30
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pbrookgnuite: In practive there's very little difference between the processors.19:31
Disconnectisn't there an fpu in the n800? that can make a huge difference19:32
pbrookThe main difference is that the n800 has a FPU, the n700 does not. Nost existig software doesn't use te FPU though.19:32
pbrook"-mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softp" will tell gcc to generate hard-float code. The ABI is the same, so you can mix+atch.19:33
Disconnectfor as long as i can remember, devs have been blaming arm performance problems on the lack of fpu. (on things like ipaqs and zaurii) course, its a cop-out, but still..19:33
pbrookI've no idea if the n800 kernel supports VFP properly.19:33
tkobe aware that constantly switching between vfp and thumb code (most of the existing libraries) can actually be slower than all thumb19:34
pbrookThe hardware bounces to the kernel for things like denormals, and the initial linux implementation of the bounce handler was fairly crap.19:34
pbrooktko: Swithing between arm and thumb has no overhead.19:34
zuhtko: is there a list of things that are compiled with thumb/vfp/whatnot?19:34
tkopbrook, overflows icache19:35
gnuiteshould we be using -mthumb, then?19:35
pbrooktko: Huh?19:35
pbrookVFP code is likely to be significantly smaller than the equivalend soft-float code.19:36
tkozuh, we probably have it internally somewhere.. there'd be a bug trace from gtk if you felt motivated19:36
suihkulokkipbrook: otoh there is not much code using floats in the first place19:36
tkopbrook, feel free to recompile gtk and pango with vfp enabled and see what happens to bootup time19:36
pbrooktko: There are two things that could cause slowness: Additional overhead for context switching, and bigger code because you're builfing in ARM mode.19:38
pbrookARM code may be slower, but that's just because it's bigger. It makes no difference whether it's mixed with thumb or all arm.19:40
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tkopbrook, well, that's the explanation I got after enabling vfp for gtk (and pango) .. originally when thumb was enabled (from default non-vfp mode) we took a slight performance hit19:42
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pbrooktko: Sure. If you rebuild thumb code as vfp (which implies arm mode) it'll end up bigger and slower.19:43
pbrookYou said the slowdown comes from mixing vfp+thumb, which is wrong.19:43
pbrookUsing a mix of thumb+vfp is actually wat you want: Use vfp for anything that spends a significant amount of time doing FP math, and thumb for everything else.19:44
pbrookI can believe that gtk comes under "everything else".19:45
tkowe started from non-thumb non-vfp compilation, switched to thumb non-vfp and got small performance hit, switched to non-thumb vfp and got another performance hit19:45
pbrookOh. Your comment about icache is completely bogus then.19:46
tkodon't kick the messenger19:46
zuhDoes that "compilation" mean the whole stack or just gtk?19:47
pbrookI'd guess it's the context swith/lazy FP traps that are killing you.19:47
tkogtk+pango only19:47
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tkoeverything else is mostly thumb19:48
tkoI'm sure there's an objdump invocation one could use to figure out what's thumb and what's not19:48
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maddlerhey all!20:30
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nomismaddler: hi20:31
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* matt_c wonders out loud what the best IRC client for the N800 is.20:36
matt_c(I suppose that I should see if the IT2006 build of irssi works20:37
garrettxchat is ok20:37
trenkagarrett: how about adopting xchat's dialogs for our device. Is it ok?20:41
garrettthat would be nice if someone did that (:20:42
gnuiteI have no idea what's wrong with my scratchbox's apt-get ... getaddrinfo() works fine in a test program I wrote, but not in apt-get...20:42
gnuitemaybe my mistake was using the maemo-provided setup scripts... I guess I can try to re-install scratchbox manually...20:42
mgedmingnuite: what's the problem, apt-get cannot resolve hostnames?20:43
mgedminare you running ubuntu feisty perhaps?20:43
gnuitemgedmin: Yes, exactly... running etch... wget seems to work...20:43
mgedmina bunch of folks had the problem with /etc/nssswitch.conf20:43
gnuitein scratchbox or outside?20:43
mgedminit tries to use mdns (avahi/zeroconf stuff) that is not available inside scratchbox20:44
mgedminthe fix is to change nsswitch.conf to have  hosts: files dns20:44
mgedminwithout the mdns bits20:44
mgedmintime to make this a FAQ somewhere20:44
gnuiteoutside scratchbox, right?20:45
garretthmm, I wonder if there is a way to tweak the buffer settings for the media player's streaming stuff20:45
mgedmingnuite: no20:46
mgedmindon't touch the system's nsswitch.conf20:46
garrettseems like I need to increase the buffer just a little bit20:46
mgedminfix the one inside scratchbox20:46
maddlermatt_c: irssi! :D20:46
gnuitethe one in scratchbox doesn't mention mdns...20:47
matt_cmaddler: but of course :)20:47
mgedminmaybe check resolv.conf then?20:47
gnuitewell, that's the funny thing... no matter what's in /etc/resolv.conf, wget still works, but apt-get doesn't... svn doesn't work, either, by the way...20:48
nomisdon't mess with /etc/resolv.conf. Otherwise the dnsmasq stuff won't work properly.20:48
nomis(at least thats my experience from the 770)20:49
gnuiteso leave it at "nameserver"?20:49
nomisI forgot where dnsmasq has its configuration, but once you hardcode something in your resolv.conf e.g. switching networks then depends if this nameserver is reachable.20:50
gnuitedoes this apply to scratchbox, too, or just on the device?20:51
nomisno idea about scratchbox.20:51
nomisprobably not, not sure.20:51
nomis(at least I did not notice a dnsmasq process in the output of ps yet)20:51
mgedminafair scratchbox doesn't have dnsmasq20:51
mgedminthe installer copies the system-wide resolv.conf into each target20:52
mgedminwhich does not work too well if you have dhcp and move between networks20:52
gnuitemore info: my test program (which uses getaddrinfo) does seem to be affected by /etc/resolv.conf, although wget is not...20:52
mgedminstrange that wget works, but apt doesn't20:52
gnuitefunny, the installer did not copy the system-wide resolv.conf into my targets...20:52
mgedminmaybe there's a proxy configured somewhere in apt.conf?20:53
gnuiteI wonder if my install got screwed up somehow20:53
gnuiteno proxy that I can find... the only thing in apt.conf.d is 50gpgv20:54
gnuiteI wish scratchbox had ping... is it available in the repository somewhere?20:55
garrettping would be nice20:55
suihkulokkiping needs r00t20:55
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mgedminthat's why have the suid bit ;)20:57
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gnuiteadding to /etc/hosts has no effect... what is going on!?21:06
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tkohmm, gossip for maemo.. why? :)21:09
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suihkulokkignuite: see /scratchbox/etc/hosts and /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf21:11
gnuitethe ones that point to be system (outside scratchbox) ?21:12
gnuites/to be/to my/21:12
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gnuitesuihkulokki: What about them?21:13
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gnuitewell, apt-get can resolve localhost... I guess that's good... ?21:14
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gnuitebut it can't resolve anything else in /etc/hosts21:16
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gnuiteDoes "400 URI Failure" mean anything?  strace -f revealed it being passed between threads, but I don't know what to make of it21:29
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nomisheh, google brings up stuff about Uri Geller...21:35
MoRpHeUzanybody from canada here ?21:36
MoRpHeUzI need to know where I can buy an n800 at canada...21:36
suihkulokkignuite: those files are the ones x86 binaries use to resolv21:37
gnuitesuihkulokki: Okay... all of my resolv.conf files are the same...21:39
gnuiteI've tried everything that I can think of... I still don't know why apt-get and svn can't resolve names when wget and my simple getaddrinfo() program work fine... I give up... I can't set up the maemo 3.0 SDK on my machine...21:42
gnuiteI've wasted 8 hours of my life so far; I won't waste any more.21:43
gnuiteBack to scratchbox 0.9.8! Woo ha!21:43
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gnuiteThanks for the help, everyone.  I know you tried. :(21:44
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makuchakuHello :) I was looking at the Sardine page... what is HAF? How does one expands it?21:54
Milhousemorpheuz: Check
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nomismakuchaku: "Hildon Application Framework"21:56
makuchakunomis: blah! Thanks... i'm going nuts i think... :)21:56
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tkoit might help if someone not knowing much about sardine came up with an outline for the pages to make them more understandable. we should be able to find people to fill in the blanks then22:01
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qgiltko: one day I will go through all the somewhat official pages at, if that helps22:10
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tkoqgil, oh, it probably will22:11
c0ffeeqgil \o/22:11
tkoI think a lot could be achieved by having someone sit down and try to figure out the big picture for documentation and then go poke the right people for the details22:12
qgilc0ffee: how should I interpret that ascii icon?22:12
c0ffeeas somebody waving with both hands :)22:12
tkowe don't suck on details, we suck on organizing the details :)22:12
tkowell, at least I mostly do22:12
qgilc0ffee: weird, I saw two hands around ashouting mouth...22:12
c0ffeeanyway :)22:13
c0ffeewho's responsible for the restricted download areas on
qgiltko: I suck at planning the organization of details22:13
c0ffeei'm told that there's a new bt firmware blob for the 770 that should appear there soon, if the responsible person puts it up22:14
qgilc0ffee: what you mean?22:14
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c0ffeethe restricted download are? you know, where you have to enter your mac address to download the fiasco image etc22:14
qgilc0ffee: I'm not as clever as ferenc, but I would say that the bt firmware or whatever new code gets in need to wait to a next release of a full image22:16
qgilc0ffee: it's not like sardine, I mean, where certain people have commit rights and that's it22:17
MoRpHeUzMilhouse: thanks! =)22:17
c0ffeeso i should bug ferenc, right :)22:17
qgilc0ffee: those "restricted downloads" are downloaded under a EUSA (End User Software Agreement) between the user and Nokia, this implies a lot of internal revision that goes even beyond ferenc's long hands - but it's true that ferenc is closer to an answer than useless me22:19
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tkothat reminds me, is the full n800 source download page linked in any visible way in or tableteer?22:19
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c0ffeei just know of an url for the 770 sources22:19
tkoc0ffee, was that somewhere visible?22:20
c0ffeelet me check where i got it from22:20
tkowell, I was interested in a link trace that starts from ..22:22
c0ffee is the url22:23
c0ffeebut it don't think that's linked somewhere official22:23
tkoah, I knew that, but it's unofficial22:23
tkoyou can get the full sources from also, but I haven't figured out how one would find the link22:23
MoRpHeUzMilhouse: is there Frys's stores in Canada ?22:24
MoRpHeUz(my contact will be in Toronto)22:24
c0ffeethe maemo link structure could use some input from an usability export anyway22:24
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maddlerdum dee daaaa...22:40
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tkonomis, you can always ask.. tigert here does the plankton theme, it might be possible22:42
tko(more appropriate channel that gtk :)22:43
nomisyeah  :)22:43
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nomisjust popped in my mind when these questions about exposing etc. came up.22:43
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nomisheh, I could just cannibalize the pixmaps for the big clock  :)22:45
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tkoMDK, do you happen to have address? it would be much easier to use when assigning bugs to you :)  until we get a bugzilla upgrade at least22:50
MDKtko: I didn't know we have such addresses even22:52
tkowhy am I not surprised...22:53
qgila post-it reading " usage policy" is stick in my nearest wall at the office... (if that helps)22:55
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tkoeven qgil knew that, so it must be your fault ;-)22:55
qgilwell, you only need to read the mailing lists  :)22:55
MDKI actually try...22:57
MDKbut there is a bit too much trafic recently22:57
MDKthe idea of splitting the lists is good22:57
qgilMDK: should I deduce then that you filter automatically all the emails coming from ferenc?  ;)22:58
MDKall my mailing list traffic goes to a separate place...22:59
qgiloh, and even my emails as well, since I used sometimes a address as well22:59
MDK I look there from time to time...22:59
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MDKbut usually I can't get the 'unread' count below 50 ;)23:00
qgilin months like January, 50 is a good mark23:00
MDKit's actually amazing to me, how much people are interested in the hardware23:01
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MDKI mean, most of the stuff seems to be related to hardware23:01
qgiltko, what do you think about the 3 lists proposal? (you can answer via voice on Monday, if you feel bored)23:01
desrtqgil; word up.23:01
MDKlike SD card max capacity support etc.23:01
tkoMDK, vocal minority I suppose23:02
qgilMDK: these come mostly from users, and users deal with things they can touch23:02
tkoqgil, hmm, let me recheck the details23:02
qgildesrt: hi23:02
desrtqgil; thanks for seeing that i made it onto the "nice" list instead of "naughty" :)23:02
MDKI have nothing against hw questions, but would be good to have a separate place for them23:03
MDKsince maemo is a 'development platform' => software23:03
* qgil mumbles why everybody is so criptic with me today23:03
MDKor maybe it was 'internet tablet os'23:03
MDKor whatever23:03
desrtqgil; n800 dev programme :p23:03
desrtlike santas "naughty" and "nice" list :)23:03
* MDK is lost in the naming23:03
desrtsee?  rob understands :p23:04
qgilMDK: if a memroy card bigger than 2Gb is not supported it's a softare problem23:04
qgilsince the 4Gb cards fit in the hole as well  ;)23:04
Robot101desrt: but I cheated, I was already on the list of elves. :)23:04
tkohrm, ephy didn't like the proposal and got all screwy23:04
desrtqgil; you know there's a new SD-HD (high density, i think) standard that's incompat with original SD...23:04
qgildesrt: right, I missed the cultural background of the Santa thing23:04
desrtqgil; same size cards.  different spec.23:05
desrtqgil; it kicks in at 8GB, i think23:05
jtramy 770 have just rebooted (for no obvious reason) :(23:05
desrtRobot101; now that's interesting.23:06
MDKjtra: that happens23:06
pbrookdesrt: I think many 4G cards are also SD-HD. One of the differences is that they're fat32 formatted by default, which is required for >2gb partitions.23:06
MDKjtra: post to the mailing list, since our people don't want to believe it really happens23:06
MacSlowhi MDK, qgil23:07
jtraMDK: about twice a week for me23:07
MacSlowhey desrt23:07
desrtMacSlow; hello :)23:07
jtraand this time wifi was not active23:07
MDKhey MacSlow23:07
qgilMDK: don be so cruel, our people know very well that it happens, they test a lot23:07
tkoqgil, there's also internettablettalk forums we should probably consider.. I noticed they also have a developer section which I think is a bad idea23:07
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MacSlowMDK, is there a special trick needed to get hildeon to not try to "precache" everything?23:08
qgiltko: well, yes, but first we need to define a consistent maemo offer, and then we will see how we "negotiate" with "the outside" (if apprpriate)23:08
* desrt steps away23:08
MDKMacSlow: precache?23:08
qgilhi MacSlow23:09
tkoin general I agree on the idea that we should (at least) separate platform developers from application developers from users, but as MDK pointed out, probably also somehow try to separate product discussions from the platform/apps development23:09
MacSlowMDK, well... I've tried to get a simple spinning bar (drawn via cairo) but it does not even work within the Apophis-environment on my laptop23:09
jtrabootreason says '32wd to'23:10
MDKMacSlow: but what do you mean by 'precache' ?23:10
MacSlowMDK, since I want to for some... say 20 fps... I call gtk_widget_queue_draw() in a timed handler... but for some reason yet unknow to me that does not work23:10
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MDKtko: remember this one?23:10
tkoqgil, my understanding is that is about development, end users in tableteer or itt.. then again, the application catalog and not so useful tableteer site are making the picture fuzzy23:10
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MDKMacSlow: we've got some hack in xserver, I think23:10
qgiltko: agreed23:11
thomas_Hi.  someone posted european links some time ago for 8 GB SDHC cards - anyone have them ?23:11
MDKbut I'm not really sure23:11
MacSlowMDK, I must have missed some crucial info in the hildeon docs23:11
MDKit shouldn't happen in the sbox23:11
thomas_I'm finding good prices on but not sure if they ship to europe23:11
MacSlowMDK, I just don't understand how the canola folks got the anims done23:11
MDKdaniels would now the answer, but AFAIK we somehow limit the fps to 1423:11
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MDKMacSlow: canola folks use SDL23:12
MacSlowMDK, well ok 14 fps... as long as it just animates :)23:12
MacSlowMDK, ah SDK ok23:12
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MDKafaik this hack is going away anyways23:12
MacSlowI guess my "thing" I have here is still to heavy for the N800 anyway23:12
tkoMacSlow, gtk_widget_queue_draw() most definitely should work on gtk level, but as MDK put it, we're probably doing something funny in the xserver23:12
MacSlowto bad I wish I could put the "thing" here to the N800... just for the fun/look of it23:13
MDKMacSlow: on the desktop, when you draw in the expose event, you can be sure the thing will appear on the screen (somehow)23:14
MDKin our setup/X mod, you can't be sure of that23:14
MDKsomething you draw in expose might not make it to the actual screen23:14
MDKif you draw too fast, you actually get nothing displayed23:14
MDKdraw too fast -> too many expose events23:14
MDKyou should try hard-limiting the fps23:15
MacSlowwell I guess it is just to much to sort out for me (maemo/hildeon greenhorn) to justify doing this "gag"23:15
qgilMacSlow: are you trying to make the N800 screen show one of your jumps - I'm afraid our hardware is still not prepared to taht  ;)23:15
MacSlowqgil, no... :)23:15
MacSlowqgil, it's just some cairo thing I'm doing for fosdem23:15
MacSlowand it would have been nice to control show it on the N800 with the touchscreen23:16
MacSlowbut as it is alreay pretty heavy (still) for the laptop here... it might be much too much for the N80023:16
qgilMacSlow: make a video, broadcast it via vnc and mave the hand here and there while speaking  ;)23:17
MacSlowand even if I got it going... the 14 fps restriction would make the anims and fades look nasty23:17
MacSlowqgil, that's very nasty cheating... we don't need this :)23:17
MDKMacSlow: are you planning to go to LRL this year?23:18
qgilthe qgil that said that sentence is NOT the qgil working at Nokia but the qgil formerly coordinator of FLOSS events  ;)23:18
MacSlowMDK, well I would like to for sure... but don't think I will be able to afford it23:18
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MDKMacSlow: i somehow just recalled that apple-girl23:23
MDKfrom LRL last year23:23
MDKit seems so surreal today23:23
MacSlowMDK, well her father was at apple not herself :)23:23
MDKyeah yeah23:23
MDKI think she was screwing us in23:24
MacSlowMDK, maybe... maybe not23:24
MacSlowat least she had good music-taste :)23:24
MDKone can see it here23:27
MDKyou seem to be sharing the taste23:27
qgilI see23:30
MacSlowMDK, that's why I said that she had good music-taste :)23:32
tigerthi quim23:33
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qgilhi tigert23:59
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