IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2007-01-22

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|tbb|how can i change the icon of a bookmark link?00:02
|tbb|forget the last question!00:04
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tko"And a second note: I obviously didn't test it. I'm Linus. I don't do no steenking testing.."00:17
Jaffanelson: interesting blog post ("Hireling priests"00:18
Jaffalo c0ffee00:19
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c0ffeeonly a few hours left until you can order your 80000:19
JaffaFingers crossed, anyway.00:19
c0ffeeif you don't get one, nearly nobody will00:20
* Jaffa wonders if it'll be like Ferenc's Maemo 3.0 announcement and come shortly after 00:00 GMT00:20
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Jaffac0ffee: thanks :)00:20
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c0ffeeme too :)00:20
* Jaffa crosses his fingers foreach my $nick (@{ /who })00:21
|tbb|how can i activate gtalk for an googlemail account dont find the option....00:21
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c0ffeewhat do you mean by activate?00:22
c0ffeeit should just work00:22
inzit should "just work" for "google services for your domain" -accounts too00:23
c0ffeedoes gmail still require invitations btw?00:23
inzNo idea00:23
Jaffac0ffee: I believe so, although you can get one via SMS (in the US), IIRC00:24
inzI have 95 invites, and no one to invite ;)00:24
c0ffeei have 98 left00:24
|tbb|is there a mplayer out now 4 the n80000:24
* Jaffa is still at 100, not given one out for ages.00:25
|tbb|anybody else got the problem that kismet everytime stop working after a few minutes sniffing? (on a n800)00:25
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s-ndh-c|tbb|: doesnt it tell you why?00:29
s-ndh-ci mean doesnt it print something to the console?00:29
|tbb|dont remember, i will sniff now and tell u later00:29
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wumpus|tbb|: something puts it out of monitoring mode it appears00:34
wumpusmaybe the connection applet00:35
|tbb|just curios, why kismet wont go into monitor mode automaticly00:36
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|tbb|kismet error says: localhost 2051 TCP error: socket Return EOF, server has closed the connection00:48
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c0ffeeman, watching the maillog is boring again00:51
Taktko: yeah, having to commit stuff to svn is kind of...00:51
inzc0ffee, wathing maillog makes me think of Monty Python...00:51
inzc0ffee, "Spam, spam, spam, lovely spaaaammm...."00:52
c0ffeeyeah :)00:53
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c0ffeei hope the props for my heli arrive tommorow00:54
|tbb|wumpus does it say something for u?00:56
wumpusyeah I remember I got the same error00:57
|tbb|:/ never had did at my n77000:58
MDKinz: do you know perhaps, if there is a way to "migrate" your gmail/calendar/docs account to "services for your domain" ?00:59
inzMDK, afaik no, but my k on the subject is pretty lacking01:01
inzAhh, god bless video services, I just had to see the "spam" sketch01:02
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c0ffeeactually, only one spam made it to the maillog in the last hour01:05
c0ffeeJan 21 23:50:28 nyx sm-mta[5824]: l0LMnjFC005824: rejecting commands from [] due to pre-greeting traffic01:05
c0ffeeand it failed to even wait for my server to greet properly01:05
inzMDK, hmm, google docs cannot actually be used with "your domain" account01:05
s-ndh-cis it enough to do just strip binarypath/* to strip the unneeded symbols away?01:06
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c0ffeeand sometimes you have binaries in libexec/ etc01:07
s-ndh-cyeah did that for lib/* too01:07
s-ndh-cit reduced the overall size to 9mb from 2101:07
c0ffeeand renders debugging impossible01:08
s-ndh-cwow the managed code part of mono is 55mb i guess i will have to remove the assemblys i dont use01:09
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s-ndh-chow does that work, nothing is mounted to /01:26
s-ndh-ciam blind01:26
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s-ndh-cbut df doesnt work on /01:30
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s-ndh-ci guess if  have to use du instead and then substract what i shows from the total memory size01:30
c0ffeewhat do you want to achieve there?01:31
|tbb|how can i get the count of files of the current directory from commandline?01:31
s-ndh-ci want to see how many space is used on the internal flash01:31
c0ffeefiles as in not directories?01:31
Jaffa|tbb|: ls | wc -l01:32
c0ffeethat doesn't include hidden files :)01:32
Jaffac0ffee: smart alec ;-)01:32
nomisecho * .??* | wc -l01:33
c0ffeefind -maxdepth 1 -type f | wc -l01:33
nomis(if there are no whitespace in filenames)01:33
nomiseh. Make that | wc01:34
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nomisor even better - use another solution :)01:34
c0ffeetouch break\ nomis\ method01:34
s-ndh-ci guess ls * .* would work too or am i wrong?01:34
maddlerhey all! :D01:34
c0ffeetouch "$(echo -e 'and break\nmine')"01:35
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Jaffas-ndh-c: no, you'd need ls -d to stop it listing the contents of directories (e.g. . and .. at a minimum)01:35
maddlera quick question... any clue if there is a way to only upload a file using flasher?01:35
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maddlerI have an error on /etc/init.d/minircS which makes my 770 reboot as soon as the boot process is completed...01:36
Jaffamaddler: doh01:36
maddlerJaffa: hehehehe :D01:36
|tbb|damn second reboot in a short time of using n80001:36
|tbb|without intaractivity01:36
maddlerok... looks like I'm going to reflesh the whole stuff :D01:37
|tbb|can i look anywhere why this always happend?01:37
maddlertbb... not AFAIK01:37
s-ndh-ci guess there is nothing like syslog or something01:38
Jaffa|tbb|; there's a wiki page on reporting reboot issues, things like /etc/bootreason and some /proc stuff01:38
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s-ndh-cas that would kill the flash pretty fast i guess01:38
c0ffees-ndh-c, you can just use the Memory thingy in the control panel01:38
s-ndh-cc0ffee: will try that01:39
vittorioshouldnt a swap partition kill the flash pretty fast too?01:39
|tbb|hmmh, xterm wont loading now again, maybee because im connected to ac01:39
s-ndh-cbut i think my mono build will not fit onto the flash anyways :) will just clean and configure with another prefix like /media/mmc1/mono or such01:39
s-ndh-cvittorio: maybe they use a swapfile on a ramdisk or something01:40
s-ndh-cforget that01:40
s-ndh-cthat wouldnt make anysense01:41
c0ffee|tbb|, find -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -n 1 -0 stat -c "%a\n" | wc -l01:41
c0ffee|tbb|, that should work in most cases :)01:42
s-ndh-candy why in hell does there exist a /media/mmc2? i didnt find a second cardslot01:42
c0ffeeon the 800?01:42
s-ndh-cno 77001:42
s-ndh-cits nothing mounted there but the os2006 second release image contains that dir somehow01:42
MDKs-ndh-c: you can get rid of the mdb assemblies01:43
c0ffeemaybe an pre-announcement of the 2nd slot in the 80001:43
s-ndh-cc0ffee: hehe01:43
s-ndh-cMDK: thats a good idea01:44
s-ndh-cand maybe i can kick out libgdi+ and the SWF assemblys too01:45
s-ndh-cwill use gtk# anyways01:45
s-ndh-cMDK: do you know if there is a usable binding for hildon?01:46
|tbb|k, thx01:47
* Jaffa gahs at weird regexp problems in mud-builder. <grumble/>01:48
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|tbb| anyone tried that?02:00
JaffaWell, it's Monday 22nd January (at least in Europe). Developer Discount Day.02:02
c0ffeethe maemo 3.0 announcement took about 15mins to get through02:03
maddler|tbb|: not yet...02:03
maddlerJaffa: yess!!!02:03
c0ffeemaybe some maemo core member would enlighten us whether we can go to bed safely now02:04
c0ffeeor whether it's worth staying awake02:04
* Jaffa 's just introduced another mud bug so'll fix that and check it in first.02:04
maddlerJaffa: do you have the link?02:05
|tbb|maddler if i understand it correctly i do need a xp box?02:05
maddler|tbb|: just saw the news on didn't had the time to go further02:05
s-ndh-chow does that work? do they just give out those n800 for the first people who apply for that? or do they want to see any references?02:14
s-ndh-ci guess the second02:14
maddlerthat would be kinda nice to get one...02:17
s-ndh-chehe i guess i will have to find some that spends me one as i dont think iam that valueable to be under those 50002:17
maddlerhehehe... I'm not sure that porting dropbear/VIM/Aircrack is enough to get one...02:18
minramight as well ask, if you want one02:19
maddlerminra: You bet I want one... 770 was the device I always dreamed of...02:20
minrasame here.  and i'll probably keep mine02:20
maddlerand I wouldn't sell it in order to get money to pay for the N88002:20
maddler770 is a great device...02:20
minrai was using it a lot in bars when i didn't have DSL and people would always come up to me and ask about it02:21
minrai wish they'd promoted it more alongside their phones -- they have huge retail presence02:21
s-ndh-cthe n800 has sd not mmc right?02:22
minra2x sd02:22
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facenewOT: a 30-min movie mocking kim jong il and his secret agent buying something from china:
s-ndh-cdoes it support big cards over 4gb?02:22
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maddlerc0ffee: hit hiom hard! :D02:25
Takright now it looks like you need to flash a custom kernel to get SDHC support02:26
s-ndh-cTak: i see but 2x sd is better than one mmc02:27
s-ndh-ccant wait to get my fingers on one of those n800s02:28
Taknot that difficult to flash the kernel, either02:28
c0ffeejust buy one :)02:28
s-ndh-cc0ffee: yeah but i will have to wait some weeks/month to get the money togheter02:29
c0ffeeso, I doubt the developer program mails go out before morning02:30
c0ffeethus, g'n8 everyone02:30
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maddlerc0ffee: hehe... I'm hardly keeping myself away from that "buy now" button!02:30
s-ndh-cjust bought a new tft screen02:30
s-ndh-cnn c0ffee02:30
maddlerbye c0ffee02:30
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maddler|tbb|: does kismet show you something when it stops working?02:41
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* Jaffa beds, since mud's bug's fixed :-)03:19
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Fenix-Darkcan the 770 connect to samba shares?05:43
vittorioFenix-Dark, theres a wiki page for mounting smb shares at maemo.org05:46
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Fenix-Darkvittorio, think you could point me to it? i could only find how to access window's shares w/NFS * CIFS06:07
bdb__did anybody run into issues with installing maemo-explicit?06:07
bdb__i'm not able to install it on the fresh X86 SDK, following the manual installation instructions posted at
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klaatuone thing I really miss about my 770 vs n800 is having the magnet sensor to enter the low power state...06:10
[mbm]klaatu: agreed.06:34
[mbm]added a menu item to put my 800 in suspend mode06:35
gpdwhat is the equivalent 'low power state' on N800?  'offline/no bluetooth/locked keys' ?06:35
[mbm]if you leave it idle it only dims the screen; it's still online06:36
[mbm]and it's still waiting for key presses06:36
[mbm]what you want is for it to basically switch off, but resume where you left it06:37
klaatu[mbm], what command did you run to enter suspend state...06:37
[mbm]klaatu: echo standby > /sys/power/state06:37
klaatuif you disconnect the network it seems to magically reconnect a few minutes later06:38
klaatuand I even turned off the network search feature...06:38
[mbm]did it as a 4 line script: "#!/bin/sh" "cat << EOF | sudo gainroot" "echo standby > /sys/power/state" "EOF"06:38
[mbm]and then scribbled an entry in /usr/share/applications/hildon so it showed up in the menu06:39
[mbm]seems to work fine06:39
klaatuI haven't put ssh or xterm on my n800 yet, I guess had better do that first... :-)06:39
[mbm]would have rathered it be part of the power hotkey or poweroff menu06:39
[mbm]you can uncomment a few lines and add 'soft poweroff' and 'reboot' to the poweroff menu but the soft power off is 'act dead' .. doesn't actually power down06:40
klaatuwith the 770 I would flip the cover over but not close it all the way, then when I was done listening to music it was very quick to suspend it...06:41
[mbm]n800 seems designed for 'always on' best I could manage with the defaults is the 'lock keys' mode06:42
klaatuthe problem is that 'always on' == 'always dead battery'...06:47
nelsonwell, even with the magnet in the lid, it's always on.06:53
[mbm]plus if you bump it while idle it just switches on until it goes idle again06:54
[mbm]anyone tried usb host mode on the 800 yet?06:55
Takrumor is that the host mode stuff isn't actually connected on the n80006:55
[mbm]yeah, I was trying to follow some of those threads, couldn't find anyone who actually tried it06:56
* [mbm] downloads the kernel sources07:02
soleblazeyeah..the n800 needs a hard case07:02
obraI've been using a hollowed-out moleskine07:10
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nelsonYou mean one of the bigger ones, I hope.07:10
Taka hollowed-out gourd with hinges would be the best case ever07:10
obranelson: no. I took all the paper out of the small one. it's almost exactly the right size07:11
Takooo, or the casing from an original gamebo07:14
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bmidgleysoleblaze: I thought I saw a detachable hard screen cover as an option07:32
soleblazedunno..supposedly some kinda attachable case flip case thing is supposed to come out soon07:34
bmidgleyyeah flip case... someone had a link to the european store that had it07:34
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[mbm]hmm never noticed before that tapping the app menu with your finger brought up a larger menu07:56
Takoh - it doesn't on 770, that's why07:57
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soleblazefun trying to find a jabber server that allows ssl, and has aim and yahoo transports..hm08:02
gpd[mbm]: your es08:08
gpd[mbm]: your standby trick seems to work infrequently08:08
gpd[mbm]: often it just required a bootup :(08:09
[mbm]yeah playing around here .. if you leave it in standby too long it seems to reboot08:09
[mbm]probably a watchdog issue08:09
gpdyes - that is what i find too08:10
[mbm]30 seconds is fine, somewhere around a minute it reboots08:10
gpd[mbm]: if you come up with a solution could you post it to the wiki ? :)08:14
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dottedmaggpd: try, it has bunch of transports08:15
soleblazebuggy buggy buggy..08:16
soleblazedottedmag: thanks08:16
dottedmags/gpd/soleblaze/ :)08:16
dottedmagsoleblaze: btw, nice thing is Connect to any port, and you'll get the STARTTLS-aware jabber connection.08:17
soleblazeman psi is a pos..heh08:20
soleblazeok there it goes..kinda.. the transports don't seem to be registering though08:21
soleblazeI wonder how rushed the n800 was08:39
soleblazeok there it goes08:39
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keesjsoleblaze, I also wonder about the relation between google and maemo08:42
soleblazeI'm sure Nokia gets some kinda kickback for having the search bar08:43
keesjbut the talk client is even more investment.08:45
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soleblazedidn't the 770 have a jabber client?08:47
soleblazeor did it have google chat also?08:47
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WillySilly770 had jabber/gtalk08:48
[mbm]hmm some interesting comments in the kernel sources about switching the n800 to usb host mode08:50
[mbm]seems otg support in the driver is incomplete and that switching the mode isn't done in software but is instead done by the hardware; eg, the type of cable connected08:52
keesjis it know if the 800  it support host mode?08:53
[mbm]looks like it might in the future08:54
[mbm]current kernel is only compiled with peripheral support08:54
soleblazehost mode sounds like a pita08:57
soleblazewhat do people use hostmode for on 770s?08:57
[mbm]to plug in all sorts of n ifty usb gadgets08:58
soleblazeyeah but don't you then have to setup a seperate dongle with power and everything?08:58
soleblazedoesn't sound very portable08:58
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[mbm]well, 770 requires power injection, which basically means a battery08:59
[mbm] .. some comments from the kernel about the musb driver's otg support09:00
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[mbm]technically the usb connector should be a mini-ab (it's currently a mini-b) but that seems to just be a mechanical issue09:01
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[mbm]hmm that's cute, there's a switch hidden inside the battery cover09:10
[mbm]device can probe if you've taken the cover off09:10
jacquesI noticed it wouldn't recognize my internal SD card until I put the back cover on09:14
[mbm]small magnet in the middle of the n800's battery cover09:14
[mbm]was wondering why but I suppose you just explained it09:14
tigertso that you dont pull the card if swap is on, it has at least a chance of telling you09:16
tigertinz, awake yet?09:17
c0ffeesomebody got a discount code yet?09:21
soleblazeprobably would later int he day09:22
soleblazehey hm09:22
soleblazeis there a way to edit the program menu?09:22
c0ffeeyou can move around the corresponding config files09:23
[mbm]it's /usr/share/applications09:23
* cesman ponders why n800 is going out to lunch when he tries to enable bluetooth09:26
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cesmanc0ffee: thanks09:37
cesmanphuck...things was working so well09:37
cesmanno, it won't connect to my phone...09:37
cesmanrather it sees my phone, but not the DUN connection09:38
inzstarblaze, there's also "Navigation" in control panel, which has a "Organise" button09:42
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elpasoGood morning!10:09
elpasoI think some people is waiting for an email ;)10:11
elpasoAt least they should be GMT+1, right?10:12
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keesjthey are not very good in such communication10:13
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elpasoYeah, probably too busy for MKTG campaigns10:13
c0ffeewell, last time it took them months10:13
keesjthey don't understand the timezone thing ,10:13
c0ffeeso we probably can't complain this time10:13
keesjand I don't understand why they don't understand.10:14
keesjthey live in a different world.10:14
elpasoIt's a cold world10:14
c0ffeeare we a bit frustrated? :)10:15
keesjcold and hard, it is almost impossible to do such thing "right"10:15
keesjthat is what I keep telling myself10:15
c0ffeeas long as i get a mail, i'll label it "right" :)10:16
elpasoI just hope this evening we all willl be happy and forget all this10:16
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keesjI just love google10:34
JaffaCouldn't do my job without it.10:37
* Jaffa remembers the bad old days, pre-AltaVista :-/10:37
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[mbm]yahoo, lycos, ecite ..10:37
JaffaThen we all realised that AltaVista was a bit sucky too. <sigh />10:38
[mbm]I just don't care for how google is everywhere now and hiding google-analytics on various sites10:38
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keesj[mbm], I don't understand what you are trying to say, the problem is that google is a little oubiquitous10:40
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keesjI would really dislike somebody to take over my "net" identity10:42
keesjand all it really takes are a few passwords10:42
[mbm]I hate things like cookies and demographics where someone is spying on me for profit10:44
[mbm]that, and the web has become so commercalized that it's impossible to view most sites without ad blockers and popup blockers to eliminate the crap10:45
c0ffeeit's much better when they spy on you for the fun of it10:45
[mbm]c0ffee: honestly, yes10:45
[mbm]just the simple concept of me being unwittingly involved in someone elses profit10:46
[mbm]what do I get in return?10:46
keesj[mbm],I have been paid the last 8 years to work for the web10:47
keesjso that is wat I got in return,but  I still don't understand the ecosystem of the web10:47
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keesj[mbm], do you get paid thanks to the web?10:48
c0ffeemaybe everything looks better after a cup of coffee10:48
[mbm]keesj: I work for a company that sells networking equipment; indirectly yes10:49
[mbm]I suppose the simplest way to state the problem is the presenation to the end user10:50
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[mbm]the economy of the web is all about attracting customers with hip new content while exploring the data mining inherent in a digital medium .. try to gain as much information and cram as much advertising as you can without pissing off the user10:51
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keesjit's pretty weird, for example Jaffa now is in my quick contact on gmail10:56
keesjI did not do it myself , but I an see if he is online and or active.10:58
keesjthat is pretty scary if you ask me.10:58
Jaffakeesj: indeed, but I think that's quite cool: if you email someone a lot, you can talk to them online without further action.10:58
JaffaAlthough, a little creepy, as you say :)10:58
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[mbm]the thought of always being online and carrying your network everywhere is even scarier10:59
[mbm]there's times when I don't want to be easily reached on every whim11:00
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keesjbut the same happend in google calendar , I typed a meeting like "meeting with bos@company get more money". and and email was sent. perhaps there was a popup but I did not see it11:00
keesjand what happens if your gmail profile is matched with ads on normal pages?11:02
[mbm]targeted advertising; don't pretend like it hasn't alterady happened11:03
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[mbm]advertisers can know hwo you are, what sites you've visted and what you've purchased lately11:03
keesj"get your free copy of playboy"11:04
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[mbm]amazon has a cute trick where if you leave an item in checkout too long the price goes up, because they know you're going to purchase it11:04
keesjalright, once I have the n800, I will create a new identity11:05
keesjcut with the past!11:05
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keesjJaffa, do you want to use the extras repository for mud?11:07
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Jaffakeesj; yes, but I've not heard back from about upload privileges yet11:09
JaffaAnd I didn't want to upload things *quite* yet (although I think we're very close)11:09
keesjJaffa, I was invited at some point , check your settings on garage11:10
keesjIf i login onto garage and go to my profile page I have this invitation. but I guess different people will build the package for different target.or do you think we need ad dedicate server?11:12
Jaffakeesj: I'd imagined someone on the mud-builder team (which I'm happy to make you ;-)) would do `mud -a build' and then the upload. Splitting that to different targets (PC/ARMEL and mistral/scirocco/bora/...) would make sense.11:14
JaffaNope :-(11:15
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AD-N770good morning11:23
keesjthat is great! (dutch) seeing with your thong how about that for a GUI!11:23
dwdkeesj: I hope you mean "Tongue". Although "thong" would be stereotypically Dutch. :-)11:25
dwdkeesj: ("tong" looks like it would be pronounced the same as "tongue". "thong", on the other hand, is skimpy underwear)11:26
JaffaMmm, skimpy underwear.11:26
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keesjI am honestly sorry for my bad English. if it is of any recomfort my french and dutch are worse11:28
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c0ffeehey, french would be fun11:29
dwdkeesj: Trust me, my Dutch is *way* worse than your English. Besides, seeing with my underwear was almost as interesting.11:29
c0ffee/topic Welcome to the FRENCH speaking maemo channel :)11:29
JaffaBienvenue a #maemo, francais est la langue du choix! (hmm, very very bad)11:30
dwdc0ffee: Je parle un peu de français, mais pas un oeuf.11:31
[mbm]je ne parle pas francais11:31
* dwd thinks that maybe cross-language puns are not a good thing.11:31
Jaffadwd: perhaps not11:32
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c0ffeeje comprend la francais, mais je parle seulement un petit peu11:33
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keesjnokia n880 l'ordinateur web de poche pour naviger l'internet11:35
dwdBut anyway, that research project looks fascinating. Placing an electrode grid (12x12) on the tongue and using it to "display" an image; the tongue being sensitive enough for the person to figure out what the image is. Says something (I think) about the potential resolution being much better than they're doing.11:36
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JaffaAnyone got a discount code yet? ;-)11:40
keesjdwd, I guess the penis is an other sensitive place the hacker should use a little more11:40
c0ffeenot me11:40
JaffaI think this question should be asked once hour )11:40
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zuhI've managed to not get overexited on the matter. For example, I've only checked my spam folder three times (just in case) and it's already noon!11:44
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Jaffac0ffee: indeed11:45
Jaffazuh: yeah, that's nice and calm behaviour11:45
* Jaffa hasn't checked his yet, mainly cos he *really* should be working, and my spam folders are too vast11:45
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maddler'morning all...12:03
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JaffaMorning maddler12:07
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osfameronI spent some time trying to work out how to retranscode .avis for my n80012:13
osfameronabsolutely no joy.  the media player gives me a helpful "Media codec not supported"12:13
osfameronwhich pipping codec?  The audio one?  the video one?  what codecs would have worked?12:13
osfameronI hate multimedia :-(12:13
Jaffaosfameron: see In particular and will both make it easier for you.12:15
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* Jaffa checks the N800 is "in stock" on - Just In Case.12:17
osfameronJaffa: shiny, thanks12:18
maddlerJaffa: hahahaha... same here... :D12:18
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JaffaOooh, there is "Express" delivery option.12:20
* Jaffa might, hypothetically, if I'm lucky, go for that to be delivered to work.12:21
maddlerordering before 16.30 should be possible to get our n800 by tomorrow :)12:21
osfameroncool, lots of helpful stuff.  I was using ffmpeg and swearing a lot.  These look like better options12:22
* Jaffa 's off work Thursday/Friday so getting any hypothetical device sent there could be a risk...12:22
maddlerJaffa: you could send it to me then...12:22
Jaffamaddler: or just to my house so it's at home in the evening ;-)12:22
Jaffa(assuming Mrs Jaffa is in)12:23
c0ffeeanybody got a mail?12:37
Jaffac0ffee: nope12:38
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dwdI have 500. Wow.12:38
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Jaffadwd: ebay!12:38
dwdJaffa: E-bay-tastic!12:39
c0ffeebuhu :(12:39
c0ffeethe good thing is, as long as jaffa doesn't have one, they haven't been sent12:39
X-Fadetigert, bergie: anyone awake?12:39
dwdc0ffee: That's my theory, too.12:39
Jaffac0ffee: Pah, two problems with that: 1) I'm not sure Nokia share that view; 2) my spam filters are quite aggressive on things like "we'd like to offer you this limited time special offer. For the low low price of 99EUR, ..., just click this link..."12:40
c0ffeei bet they wait until i have to go to the maths department12:43
c0ffeethe diaspora12:43
c0ffeewithout wlan12:43
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tigertX-Fade: aye13:00
tigertc0ffee: nobody got a mail yet13:01
tigertJaffa: yea, I agree some spam filtering might be an issue :)13:01
tigertbetter not let marketing touch the content13:02
c0ffeetigert, does the source of your information know when the mails will be send? :)13:02
tigertI think not13:03
tigert"when the selection part is done" is my guess13:03
tigertand I agree this is a nasty way of doing community stuff :P13:04
JaffaPresumably they're not still doing it, on the day of the release? That'd be shocking.... SHOCKING, I say.13:04
* Jaffa has never, ever, been involved in software products like that.13:04
tigertof the day of what release?13:04
Jaffatigert: well, the codes.13:04
c0ffeethe first wave of the codes13:06
c0ffeein case you're still wondering who this c0ffee guy is13:06 will do13:06
dottedmagnice way to separated sheeps and goats.13:07
keesjwhat is wrong with sheeps?13:08
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lardmanHas anyone sought help from Ti with regard to the Linux DSP toolchain?13:29
lardmanThey point questions to a yahoo groups group (OMAP), but the mailing list in this group seems to consist solely of spam13:29
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Guardianmorning all13:30
Jaffalo Gu13:30
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Jaffahi florian13:30
keesjhow can I see from what repository a package will be installed?13:31
JaffaAh, a tricky question. I'm not entirely sure...13:32
keesjand what would be a good section name for  screen and irssi?13:32
Jaffairssi: I liked communication13:32
floriangood morning13:32
keesjand screen?13:33
Jaffakeesj: "tools" perhaps for screen?13:33
JaffaAnyone got any suggestions? The dev community really should try and standardise on non-standard sections, otherwise the Application Manager is useless for anything other than "Show all packages" (IMHO)13:33
zuhkeesj: in xterm "apt-cache policy <package>" will tell you, but somehow it misses the difference between the r.m.o bora and extras/bora repositories for example13:34
dwdzuh: Yeah, it seems to truncate the URL. apt-cache showpkg tells you the cache name, from which you can guess.13:36
keesjapt-cache policy lua does not return anything useful (on SDL_AMREL that is)13:36
Jaffakeesj: you'll have to add the -o Dir::Etc:SourcesList if you're using repos not in /etc/apt/sources.list13:37
mgedminkeesj: try fakeroot apt-cache policy13:37
mgedminapt in maemo is hacked to hide non-user packages if you run it as a user (rather than root)13:37
X-Fadetigert: Have you seen Ferenc lately? I don't get any replies on my questions on the maemo2midgard mailinglist.13:38
X-Fadetigert: I can't do anything else until someone on your side helps me out :)13:39
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keesjthanks I had installed lua directly from a deb so I was not seeing anything ;p13:40
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dieguitoso it's 22nd and I can imagine people refreshing their inboxs waiting for the NDDP invitations13:52
dwddieguito: "refreshing". How quaint. :-)13:52
dieguitodwd: very web 3.11 concept I would say13:53
* dwd 's client has no "send and receive" button, being built to take full advantage of 90's technology.13:53
dwddieguito: Yes, if you're using the Web, and you've had your computing infrastructure dragged back to the stone age of batch processing, then I can understand you might have to "refresh".13:54
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dieguitoif you are using gmail -for example- you don't _need_ to refresh, but it's available as a link (that probably does nothing) for the nervous tics of the people13:55
dwddieguito: Well, yes, your browser is refreshing automatically. Sending its batch job to Google's mainframe.13:56
JaffaGah, top of my inbox: "Nokia Developer Device Program ..." followed by the word "request". Such emails should be banned today.14:00
hapI installed the last maemo dev appliance, but within the emulator, i have no application (maemo starts well)14:03
hapis that normal, no browser, nothing14:03
dwdJaffa: I did get a special offer from Nokia in my spam folder, though. I'm not convinced that I should apply for my discounted viagra, though.14:04
inzhap, I guess opera is licensed for the _device_, so they can't really ship it with the sdk14:04
dwdhap: Yes. The dev env only contains the basics, not things like Opera.14:04
hapaah ok14:04
hapwanted to play a little with it, i really have no applications yet :)14:04
Jaffadwd: Could keep you entertained until you get an N80014:05
haptrying to see if i should get an N800 myself14:05
Jaffa"Yes" seems to be short answer.14:05
c0ffeeany news?14:06
JaffaThe EU is hoping for a Pro-EU coalition in Serbia (World). Most of Tony's cronies are being questioned by police (UK)14:07
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* mgedmin rotfls14:11
VeggenHmm. Btw, my N800 has spurious reboots with 32wd_to as bootreason - even when I don't do anything. How can I debug it?14:11
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Veggen...apart from reflashing, not installing 3rd-party software and see if it disappears?14:12
c0ffeeopen top in xterm and watch it14:12
Veggencoffee: mm, well. It can stay on for hours, and then suddenly it decides to reboot, even if it has just been laying idle on the desk.14:13
mitchelochey guys, i'm eyeing the n800 but i'm not feeling comfortable on youtube playback (which i really want), will the code will be optimized in the near future for video playback?14:14
Jaffamitcheloc: possibly, other options are, and aleksandyr's upcoming MaemoTube UI14:14
Veggenmitcheloc: noone knows, I guess. It will depend on porting the newest flash to arm, I guess?14:14
X-FadeNot that much info though.14:15
mitchelocVeggen: do you have an n800?14:15
Veggenmitchelog: yes.14:15
Jaffakeesj: - as far as I know, he's intending for it to be like Obscura or the flickr thing and kick off mplayer to play the selected video14:15
VeggenX-Fade: but lifeguard_resets might have the info I seek? or?14:16
X-FadeVeggen: Yeah, perhaps. The offending process is listed there..14:16
mitchelocVeggen: question... how good are the speakers and normal divx playback?14:16
Veggenspeakers aren't bad at all. But I'm no audiophile ;)14:17
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mitchelocfair enough14:18
bedboianyone has been contacted for the device program?14:18
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bedboii think that this is the question of the day14:18
Jaffabedboi: not yet14:18
mitcheloci'm wondering if i should wait for the chumby, or get a umpc or maybe one of each :)14:18
dwdbedboi: I have, they sent me all 500 offers.14:19
mitcheloci really want something for my car dashboard14:19
dwdbedboi: Plus they've given me total ownership of Nokia itself.14:19
dwdbedboi: And made me King of Finland.14:19
* dwd wonders which part is most likely to be disbelieved.14:19
bedboidwd: lol.14:19
mitchelocMost believed: King of Finland14:20
mitchelocJaffa: does maemo tube work well?14:21
Veggen /usr/sbin/dsp_dld -p --disable-restart -c /lib/dsp/dsp_dld_avs.conf : 1 *14:21
mitchelocoh, not released14:21
Jaffamitcheloc: I've not seen it14:21
Veggenthat's whay my lifeguiard_resets says.14:21
Jaffae.g. is the screenshot of teemu's version14:23
VeggenHmm. could it be sound-related?14:23
mitchelocJaffa: thanks, thats looks good14:24
X-FadeVeggen: That is only 1 reboot?14:24
mitchelocHas anyone here checked out the Chumby?14:24
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Jaffamitcheloc: nope, URL?14:25
VeggenX-Fade: seems like? That's the only one recorded.14:25
mitchelocI was thinking if the N800 had a similar widget interface to the chumby it would make a compelling alternative14:25
VeggenX-Fade: but it has happened several times.14:26
mitchelocyou could easily put the n800 by the side of your bed and use it as an alarm clock right?14:26
Jaffamitcheloc: something for you to hack on when you get your N800 ;-)14:26
Jaffamitcheloc: indeed, I tried that on Saturday night (my phone ran out of battery). Unfortunately Maemochron doesn't seem to listen for power management events and pretty quickly ran down my battery.14:26
mitchelocJaffa: it'd be way cooler if everyones n800 had the UI14:26
Jaffamitcheloc: well, you release it and we all bow down and worship your wonderfulness. Then you get a cheap N900 ;-)14:27
X-FadeVeggen: My 770 has a few different processes and count (much) larger than 1..14:28
inzJaffa, you could also turn off the device for the night14:28
VeggenX-Fade: ok, I'll keep an eye on these files.14:28
mitchelocJaffa... hah, it's tempting, but i'm not sure i have the expertise14:28
mitchelocare the speakers on the n800 loud enough to use for an alarm?14:29
Jaffainz: There was no clock in the room, so I wanted something I could reach over and tap to see the time (baby was also asleep in the room, and my watch is analogue with no light)14:29
Veggen...right now, my N800 is at home, though. but I can ssh to it, because it's on my wireless network ;-)14:29
Jaffamitcheloc: the ones on the 770 are.14:29
inzJaffa, ah, then you should just ditch maemochron ;)14:29
Jaffainz: indeed (or submit a patch, although the source doesn't seem to be in garage).14:30
JaffaThe suggestion recently on maemo-dev of some tool which could tell you if a particular process was being badly behaved in respect of power mgmt would be very handy.14:30
VeggenHmm. I wonder if my N800 has problems with my wireless network. Anyone else notice that ssh-connections to it just hangs for a while?14:30
mitchelocso thats a negative on the n800 speakers?14:30
Jaffamitcheloc: err, no - a positive14:31
mitcheloci mean to use as an alarm?14:31
dwdVeggen: That might be reverse DNS issues.14:31
mitchelocit's got to be loud :)14:31
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Jaffamitcheloc: Yeah, it'd be fine: I've used my 770 as an alarm a couple of times. It's very loud when it's next to your head.14:31
Veggendwd: ergh, not hanging on login per se, but connections hangs (loses my packets) for longer periods once logged in, too.14:31
dwdVeggen: OIC. Spending too long at work, distinguishing betwene connections and associations. :-)14:32
mitcheloci suppose i could also can combine it with speakers, any docking stations? (like the ipod) heh14:32
X-FadeVeggen: Try to keep a ping running on your N800 to your router. See if that doesn't have any problems.14:36
VeggenWhat's the difference between lifeguard_resets and lifeguard_restarts?14:36
keesjJaffa, I generated libsdl_gfx again , the content of the files looks good14:36
keesjthe name of the normal .deb is wrong libsdl-gfx1_2.0.15_armel.deb14:37
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keesjthe 1 is not supposed to be there14:37
mitchelocanyone get asterisk to run on this? :)14:37
inzVeggen, lifeguard_restart is when a lifeguarded process is restarted14:39
inzVeggen, _reboot is when a lifeguarded process causes the device to be restarted14:39
Veggenok, I have many lifeguard_restarts, one lifeguard_reset, no _reboot14:40
inzErr, the _reboot was meant to be _reset14:41
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keesjthat chumby really has the "cosy" feeling I want14:43
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hapok, just bought a N800, should arrive tomorrow.14:43
keesjI just wonder how one is supposed to write14:43
hapcan't wait to try nstx/free wifi with it.14:44
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keesjhap, sounds fun14:46
hapkeesj: well, having internet at starbuck without paying, yeah sounds all good :)14:47
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jaitVeggen: that lifeguard_reset info of yours indicates that the device rebooted because dsp_dld kept dying14:53
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Jaffakeesj: according to Debian naming standards, the "1" is supposed to be there. I *think* it represents ABI level15:14
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JaffaDid I miss any email over lunch?15:21
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inzJaffa, you did: "End the annoying ob+esity now"15:22
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Jaffainz: Damnit, I'm not obese. Looks like I've missed out.15:22
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waiteDoes anyone know what "Active Project members" means re the Dev Program?15:28
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waiteand have the codes be sent?15:30
Jaffawaite: no & no.15:31
waitewell that was easy :)15:31
waiteThx. I apologzie for the noise I actually can't wait for this to be over so silly q's like mine don't fill up my IRC logs.15:32
melmothanybody already tryed to port sword and/or gnome-sword ?15:33
mitchelochap: how often do you go to starbucks? =P15:33
X-FadeHmm there now is also a sardine-experimental distro..15:34
hapmitcheloc: not that much, even never. But I just meant "wifi network you must pay to use"15:34
mitchelochow often are you near one of those? i'm not trying to be critical, just wondering, i love the abilities and freedom we can get from the n800 but i'm still deciding on puchasing...weighing against thinks like my eBook from 7 years ago that I never use anymore15:35
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hapmitcheloc: i was in london for few days, all the "Pret a manger" had wifi access15:36
hapeverytime i get in a train, etc.15:36
hapi usualy have my laptop, but this is smaller.15:37
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sbaturziommm....doubt: I'm following the tutorial in
sbaturziohere is described how to set up the ARMEL target15:44
sbaturziothe question is: this section was already done by the maemo-installer or not?15:45
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c0ffeesbaturzio, the maemo installer sets up all targets for you15:47
sbaturzioc0ffee: so can I skip that step?15:47
maddleroh... heya c0ffee...15:48
c0ffeehey maddler15:50
c0ffeesbaturzio, you should already have an SDK_ARMEL target15:50
c0ffeesbaturzio, if that's the case, you can just start to develop :)15:50
sbaturziothat's what I want to do ;-)15:50
sbaturzioso I need only to switch the target with sb-menu and to build the deb for the n80015:50
c0ffeeyes, for example15:51 the next step is "learn how to build deb packages" ;-)15:52
sbaturzioc0ffee: thank you15:52
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c0ffeenow i have to go over to the math dept15:58
JaffaMaybe that'll let the rest of us get codes ;-)15:59
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Veggensbaturzio: Check out laika. That's an eclipse-plugin for maemo development.15:59
VeggenI kind of liked it.15:59
Veggentho I'm not sure how updated the templates are. I made a new one for myself, for Maemo 2.x.16:00
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sbaturzioVeggen: thank you but I'm not so used to big IDE. Still love ViM for my job ;-)16:01
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Veggensbaturzio: well, actually me too :) But I guess you can steal/look at makefiles etc. for the project.16:02
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|tbb|after i have installed xterm new, like its descripted in maemowiki i dont find my scripts while im logged as user, which stays under /usr/sbin/  ? anz idea why?16:12
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sbaturzio|tbb|: which PATH you have?  (echo $PATH)16:20
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keesjI just can't believe this. Can some nokians stop this waiting and just send some information . It must be quite hard to have so poor control over what happens16:21
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|tbb|how to set the path ?16:24
Jaffa|tbb|: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin16:25
vittoriohow do i decompress the MaemoApliance.7z.001 to .054 files using 7za?16:28
|tbb|doesnt work for me, path still the same16:30
Jaffa|tbb|: that won't be persisted across different shells16:31
|tbb|k, i have this set as user16:32
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||cwvittorio: where did you download that from?16:34
||cwodd, wonder why he did that...16:38
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||cwit's probably rar16:38
||cwsplitting an image in to peices for torrent is rather pointless16:39
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vittorioothers could decompress using 7-zip 4.42 windows version. i have 7za comandline version but cant figure out how to use splitted archives16:41
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||cwvittorio: try running: unrar e MaemoApliance.7z.00116:41
||cwoh, so that's what 7z means16:42
Veggenhmm. Snowing. We actually had a full day without rain or snow, yesterday. First day since october!16:42
vittorio||cw, unrar output -> MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.001 is not RAR archive16:42
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X-Fadevittorio: Does '7za e MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.001' not work?16:46
X-Fadevittorio: or    7za e MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.*16:46
||cwvittorio: man 7za, maybe -ei MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.*16:47
* Jaffa twiddles his thumbs a bit more16:48
||cwor install xarchive, it claims to support 7zip and might make it easier to see how to do it16:49
vittorioall not working :/16:53
vittoriomaybe i have to manually combine the files to one?16:54
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sbaturziovidar: is p7zip-full installed?16:54
X-Fadevittorio: did you run 'file' on it?16:54
X-FadeWhat does that say?16:54
sbaturziovidar: oops sorry, wrong nickname16:54
sbaturziovittorio: is p7zip-full installed?16:55
vittorioX-Fade, MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.001: 7z archive data, version 0.216:55
X-Fadevittorio: and the 2nd one?16:55
vittorioMaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.002: data16:56
X-FadeWell, there is your answer ;)16:56
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KermitTheFraggerhi all, just a quick nooby question: Is it possible to use gcj with maemo ?16:56
vittoriooh, 7za l  MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.001 does something usefull16:56
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vittorioX-Fade, oh, 7za e  MaemoAppliance-1.0-6.10.7z.001 works too16:57
JaffaKermitTheFragger: on the device, or just for development?16:57
KermitTheFraggerJaffa:  for development16:58
KermitTheFraggercompiling it to machine code and running it on the device16:58
KermitTheFraggerwould that be possible ?16:58
JaffaKermitTheFragger: theoretically. There's been work on classpath ports, and JVMs like JamVM. Not seen gcj-produced code running directly, but the appeal is obvious.16:59
KermitTheFraggerok so there is an opening :) thats good to know, thx17:00
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c0ffeeJaffa, status?17:10
JaffaNo change here.17:11
X-FadeInstead of polling for status. Can't everybody just listen for updates on the channel title? Please?17:11
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dwdX-Fade: Polling is, after all, just so 80's.17:11
JaffaX-Fade: yeah, all the other in-depth conversation's getting drowned out... ;-)17:11
JaffaAnyway, we should consider the fact that they've been sent out but no-one here's got one...17:12
c0ffeeor maybe the complete maemo team commited suicide17:13
maddlerdamn... power failure here...17:14
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maddlerwow... I just got my code!!!!17:16
maddlerghghghghghgh... just joking... :D17:16
* c0ffee drops some printed kernel sources on maddler17:17
nelsonJaffa: thanks!17:19
nelsonJaffa: although ... I think I ought to explain what I think is lacking in 770 programs to say that it "sucks".17:20
nelson"sucks" is such an undefined term.17:20
maddlerc0ffee: :DDDDD17:20
maddlerbtw... I still hope to get one... :)17:21
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inzmeh, got frustrated and made a dropbear-client -package that does update-alternatives link for ssh17:24
maddlerinz: I'll keep in mind in the next release of dropbear for maemo...17:26
Jaffanelson: yeah, it's fine as-is for people who agree with you, but...17:26
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nelsonJaffa: sure.  I'll write up my list of grievances .... starting with spontaneous rebooting.17:29
c0ffeesomehow i never got my 770 to reboot spontaneous17:29
c0ffeeand i try real hard sometimes17:29
Jaffanelson: indeed, paying priests works well if they've got a direct link to the Big Guy and prayers get answered, but if you end up with spontaneous reboots.17:30
maddlerc0ffee: it only happened sometimes while browsing w/o swap on17:30
nelsonc0ffee: I get reboots all the time; most recently when clicking on RSS reader.17:31
X-Fademaddler: I have swap on and almost never have reboots.17:31
nelsonc0ffee: and maemo-mapper reliably corrupts the filesystem if I leave it running for more than an hour.17:31
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* Disconnect watches his 800 reboot periodically "just because" - dsp related according to the logs17:33
inzin other news, osso-xterm, the mh series, just got configurable key shortcuts to the toolbar17:34
inzNo gui yet, but you can use gconftool17:34
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c0ffeectrl+alt+del ? :)17:34
nelsonc0ffee: more coffee?17:34
c0ffeei think i'll spend the next two hours in the gym17:35
inzc0ffee, obviously you can do that too ;)17:36
maddlerX-Fade: in fact I said I only had reboot when NO swap :)17:40
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X-Fademaddler: Yeah, duh ;)17:41
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maddlerX-Fade: and only while using web browser...17:47
c0ffeecan opera display the application catalog wiki page meanwhile?17:48
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X-Fademaddler: I disabled lifeguard-resets, I guess that helps me out a lot.17:49
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c0ffeeah, it does, nice17:52
DisconnectX-Fade: that'd be why, yah :)17:54
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maddlerc0ffee: yes... IIRC17:58
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c0ffeethe entertaining gui flame ware appears to come to an end18:08
c0ffeehow sad18:08
X-FadeWell, I think the OP had some valid points.18:11
c0ffeebut flames aren't about points :)18:11
X-FadeThere are a lot of things that can be done better. He tried to illustrate those with examples.18:12
X-FadeSo I thought that was worked out pretty well. But stating that GTK basically sucks is another thing ;)18:12
dottedmagWell, my first impression of 770's interface was "This thing is definitely designed by programmers" :)18:12
Robot101dottedmag: that's not, in fact, the case...18:13
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dottedmagRobot101: designed not in sense "programmers were creating the skins", but in sense "programmers designed all dialogs, menus, overall interaction"18:14
Robot101no, full-time interaction designers...18:14
dottedmaghmm... it takes >=8 steps to just open the 'note'.18:14
glassmight be true for some of the 3rd party apps.. but not for anything nokia18:14
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Robot101I didn't say I agreed with them, just that they exist and I've worked alongside them. :)18:15
suihkulokkiit's not a notetaking device, it's a web browsing device18:15
Robot101I'm a programmer and I'd do some stuff differently, like not move the finish button around on the wizards... :D18:15
roopeMe too. :) And i'm not even a programmer.18:16
dottedmagsuihkulokki: well, and RSS isn't qualified as web browsing?18:16
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suihkulokkidottedmag: well maybe I missed what you ment with note18:17
roopeOf course, when people are complaining about dialog button it's a good signal in the sense that they aren't complaining about anything disastrous.18:17
dottedmagsuihkulokki: menu->utilities->notes, surely18:17
zuhroope: WRONG! Buttons are everything! :)18:17
dottedmagsuihkulokki: i just tried to understand what were the areas of most interaction design polishing18:18
zuhAnd their order in particular18:18
Robot101roope: that was just something that annoys me every time I reflash the device, so it came to mind 1st. :D18:18
roopeIf you are talking about this post from Sean, it has some good points definitely, but I don't agree with all of them. Naturally.18:18
Jaffaroope: another alternative if people are complaining about dialogue buttons is that the UI is so broken it's the easiest place to start.18:18
dottedmagJaffa: absolutely agree18:19
roopeNewton button bar is a classic example of american design. Like when you buy an american car the radio says all the commands in English.18:19
roopeWhich is very handy for the english-speakers, yes.18:19
dottedmagroope: and when you buy a Russian car, radio sucks if there one. that's tha good comparison18:19
roopeButton bars get into craptastic mode when you should translate those into 17 different regions, making sure that they would fit and make sense in all of them.18:20
JaffaI think Hildon was a decent enough UI at the time, but things like the iPhone demos have shown what can be done by "thinking outside the box", rather than replicating lots of desktop metaphors on a screen which is, frankly, too small (physically) for them to work. Which is why things like the finger menu in OS 2007 are intriguing to me.18:20
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roopeIn soviet russia, the radio listens to you!!18:20
dottedmagJaffa: absolutely agree, again.18:20
dottedmagsmall devices should not copy metahphors of desktop computers.18:20
roopeYes well. It's based on GTK. There are definitel yUI concepts ... but they cannot be implemented using the current widgets.18:21
Jaffadottedmag: <quote type="reddwarf" character="the-cat">Two good ideas in one lifetime? When you're hot you're hot...</quote>18:21
suihkulokkiI have to agree with the startup wizards crappiness. They are the first thing that user encounters, so there should be some more attention payed.18:21
roopeSo it's a compromise between what can be designed and what can be implemented without breaking gtk.18:21
dwdJaffa: The most interesting thing about the 770 when I got it was the drag-it-about scrolling in Opera, actually. It's frustrating that's not easily replicable in other apps.18:21
suihkulokkitwo wizards ending up completly differently is just embarassing18:21
dottedmagroope: have a look at Palms (PalmOS3 or PalmOS4). They have just usual set of widgets, but properly placed.18:21
zuhroope: You don't have to break Gtk+ to write widgets...18:21
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roopeI mostly mean changing existing widgets to something more suitable for a device like this.18:22
Jaffaroope: As a user, it's always frustrating when techies blame the underlying technology for (perceived) shortcomings of the device: my response is "you chose that technology...". But then, as a programmer/designer/architect, I do exactly the same (and kick myself when I say it ;-))18:22
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zuhroope: For example the treeview is a sad example of taking a decent widget and forcing it to do things it doesn't want to (instead of writing one that would be designed for it)18:23
roopeYes, well, how it ended that way is a ... complicated process.18:23
roopeDon't really know if there is someone specifically to blame.18:24
zuhYeah, sure :)18:24
dottedmagroope: why the file selection dialog does not occupy full screen? Why it has so big icons (so you have to scroll it nearly every time you open it)? Those things are not limited by the underlying technology.18:24
zuhI'm not trying to18:24
dwdActually, the treeview annoys me because it's so slow when used as a virtual list with a few thousand entries.18:24
roopeSkin design rules.18:24
suihkulokkimy pet issue =)18:24
dottedmagroope: please, just let interaction designers do they work. Or find another ones if they already work hard :)18:25
roopeWell, we do work hard. ;)18:25
suihkulokkiI think I complained over a year ago that the UI has way too many popups18:25
dwdinz: 10706 pts/1    00:00:00 ps18:25
zuhI'm just pointing out that it's not a big deal to write a widget, specially when compared to modifying a complex one like treeview (with spaghetti inside)18:25
inzdwd, =)18:26
dottedmagand, damnit, why do the notifications overlap the status bar?18:26
roopeNotifications are temporal, the information in those ... and in the status bar isn't so critical that temporal overlapping would matter.18:26
roopeOtherwise they would cover more of the app/content area.18:27
dottedmagroope: oh, yeah. I always have to wait a second to click to the 'connection'. Did you even seen the Raskin's "Interface"?18:27
dottedmagroope: The Rule is to "User Must Not Wait Unless Absolutely Necessary".18:27
roopeWait for what, in this specific instance?18:27
JaffaMy biggest gripe with the 770's UI (not sure if the increased speed of the N800 will alleviate it) is the length of time popping up the on screen keyboard takes as the whole content area is redrawn into a small area.18:27
dottedmagroope: wait for the notification to disappear18:28
dottedmagroope: when something needs to be clicked18:28
roopeWe should make it to manually disappear?18:28
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dottedmagroope: it should be in another place, or even integrated in status bar if possible (there is bunch of free space at the left)18:28
roopeIt's not preventing the user from clicking something else...18:28
dottedmagoverlapping sucks on the small screens18:28
roopeNotifications can be quite long, with 2 lines of text.18:29
roopeIt'll overlap with something anyway.18:29
dottedmagYou've got the brilliant-quality screen. Just decrease the font of notification.18:29
roopeI'm sure Jef has a rule of text should be readable. :)18:29
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roopeDecreaesing the font size is really the wrong way to go. It just gives the chance to add more and more stuff into a small screen.18:30
JaffaDid someone say the time limit on next day delivery from was 16:30?18:31
nelsonsuihkulokki: yes, UI has too many popups.  E.g. "Save this connection" when in fact you have no idea if the connection even works.18:31
dottedmagok, why notification is not clickable-through? it might be self-transparent and allow clicking what's below.18:31
Jaffaroope: agreed, after all (and I'll say it again), the iPhone shows how good an interface can be on a small screen. Unfortunately reducing the font size on Maemo *does* make sense when it's copying desktop metaphors.18:31
suihkulokkinelson: and you have no chances of adding proxy or any manual settings at that stage either18:32
roopeThe performance with transparenc is quite problematic currently. It also makes things harder to read.18:32
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maddlerJaffa: that's the usual last pick-up time for next-day delivery...18:32
roopeWe tried for instance transparency with the thumb keyboard but it sucked so bad you ... well, i hope you can believe it.18:32
maddlercould be different for nokia btw18:32
Jaffamaddler: yup. It's gone 16:30 here, and - of course - in Belgium it's gone past 17:30 already.18:33
nelsonRobot101: you're serious about the 770 UI having been designed by professionals?18:33
JaffaThe same professionals, presumably, who design Nokia's phone UIs (who many people consider to be definitive, personally I'm used to SE phones now ;-))18:34
nelsonDid they actually use it after they designed it?  Or is it a case of Stockholm syndrome?18:34
Robot101nelson: uhm. yes. you might want to be careful about what you say, in case you come across as being offensive.18:34
JaffaActually, having said that, I've got a Nokia 9850T DVB-T STB, and the UI on that is quite sucky (although that might be OnDigital's fault)18:35
maddlerJaffa: I assumed they are shipping from .fi18:35
roopeNo problem. :) I'm one of them, if that wasn't apparent already.18:35
roopeYes, we use them.18:35
nelsonRobot101: I don't mean to be offensive, but ... I do have some serious, detailed questions about the 770's usability.18:35
dwdRobot101: Oh, I remember what I was going to ask you now. Does the XMPP stuff on the 770 do MUC? And if so, how?18:35
JaffaInterestingly, the Nokia 9850T STB uses transparency quite effectively on its abysmally slow processor ;-)18:35
dottedmagyeah. starting from replicating filesystem in handheld device!18:35
nelsonLittle things like "Don't ask confirmation questions; make actions undoable."18:35
tigerthey  come on.18:35
Jaffamaddler "This order will be transacted by Supplies Distributors SA, Rue Louis Blériot 5, 4460 Grâce-Hollogne, Belgium."18:36
Robot101nelson: well, you can speak to them yourself... but it's better to speak first than start insulting.18:36
roopenelson, you're little thing is not really a little thing at all.18:36
tigerti am ircing from the subway now. thhe concept is good and the ui isnt that bad18:36
roope"Don't ask confirmation questions" doesn't really mean anything.18:36
maddlerJaffa: oh... let's see then... :D18:36
roopeWe need to ask them sometimes. Some users will not want them for certain occasions.18:36
nelsonroope: why do you say that?18:36
tigerteveryone has their opinion on ui18:36
roopebut it depends on what the user is doing.18:37
nelsontigert: some opinions are testable.18:37
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roopeWell, that particular opinion is quite crappy. :) Every UI asks confirmations sometimes.18:37
Jaffaroope: connections could be transparently saved if used a couple of times, for example. I strongly agree that "Do you wish to save this connection?" is very annoying, since I dunno if a free one will work ;-)18:37
dottedmagtigert: you can't use shovel if it is designed to be used by three hands.18:37
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roopeIn a theoretically perfect world yes all actions would be undoable so you wouldn't need confirmation, but not on a limited performance device like this.18:37
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dottedmagtigert: some interfaces are designed to be used by, hmm. Computers? Aliens?18:37
nelsonroope: I don't compare the 770's UI against other Nokia products, or against other UIs.18:37
tigertbut when it comes to actually doing the whole shebang its a lot harder than just removing a dialog here and there18:37
nelsonroope: I compare it against how it should be done.18:38
Jaffatigert: no-one's saying UI design is easy, just that there's good value in getting it as good as possible.18:38
nelsontigert: agreed!  A no-confirmation philosophy has to be built-in from the start.18:38
roopenelson: There are two different things. If we would live in the theoretically perfect world, there would be no product.18:38
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roopeIf we would ensist on the perfect on each case.18:38
nelsonroope: Oh, I understand that nothing's perfect.18:39
dottedmagroope: ok. We've got the idea: you just didn't have enough time to make a good design. No problem then.18:39
nelsonroope: but I don't understand why people defend imperfection once it's been discovered.18:39
Jaffa...and if existing free software couldn't be fairly readily used, it'd've never have got off the drawing board.18:39
dottedmagroope: but don't admit it's good enough, please.18:39
roopeOf course not. :)18:39
roopeThere's plenty of things to ipmrove.18:39
roopeI agree for instance with the connection confirmation.18:39
wumpusJaffa: also it would have craploads of bugs, probably18:40
JaffaOf course, one problem is once you've started a product line down one path it's really hard to go back and really rethink it.18:40
wumpusin my opinion *the good thing* with the N800 is that it uses readily available software and only redesigns what is absolutely used..18:40
roopeThen again, resources are limited, every change is costly (much more than what would you think), so the question is between providing new stuff and fixing old stuff.18:40
dwdJaffa: Not least because you run a huge risk of alienating existing users, of course.18:40
Jaffawumpus: unfortunately either Nokia have introduced a lot of bugs, or the upstream has them (as things weren't designed upstream for the limited resources of the 770, causing watchdog resets etc.)18:41
wumpusfor example that it uses plain gtk instead of some weird custom toolkit18:41
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wumpusmakes it possible to make it easy to port things18:41
suihkulokkithe other side of UI design is that nobody notices things that have been done properly18:41
wumpushuh, never had that with n800 yet18:41
wumpusit responds fast and never reboots or so18:41
Jaffasuihkulokki: exactly.18:41
nelsonbut they always notice when they're done wrong.  It's a no-thanks job.18:42
roopenelson: I'm not trying to defend imperfection. :) I see it in many places.18:42
wumpuslike all programming really nelson18:42
Jaffawumpus: ah, I'll look forward to seeing an N800 in the flesh then18:42
wumpusit's always about the bugs and security holes no matter how elegant the rest of your program18:42
roopeThen again, there are quite limited absolute truths about UI design. We have a certain UI style. We could certainly have a different UI style, but it depends on the definition of "better".18:43
JaffaTwo good UI snafus on the N800 (from what I can gather): turning Bluetooth on to connect a keyboard; putting the device to sleep.18:43
roopeI'm sure that the iphone interface will frustrate a largeish percentage of users.18:43
wumpusit should be easy to do things you do a lot18:43
wumpusI think that's the best rule of ui design..18:43
nelsonPlus Nokia is in a hard place.  They have a product built on open source, and works with open source, but large parts of it aren't open source itself.18:43
zuhOh, and one thing about iPhone UI is that it is "almost certainly nearly flawless" ;)18:43
nelsonThus it attracts people who want to grab the code and fix it themselves.18:43
Jaffazuh: :)18:43
wumpussure, if you put millions in it18:43
roopeYeah, like itunes interface (...).18:43
wumpusthen again the platform is closed18:43
VeggenDisconnect: I think I see the same reboots as you do.18:44
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roopeiTunes is like "do it like we think or cry and do it like we think".18:44
wumpusso it isn't even an option for what i'm doing18:44
kaatisroope, there's no absolute truths in ui design, but wouldn't you agree that more usability testing would've found out a lot of issues? like for example the inconsistencies between applications18:45
Jaffa has an interesting theme *inspired* by the care that Apple takes, rather than just ripping off images. Obviously there are some flaws (and I'm not sure I like the dark background), but it appears much clearer.18:45
roopeI was severely impressed with the iphone interface, but a large part is really eyecandy. the one really good thing they have is the scrolling and panning, with inertia.18:45
nelsonPlus double-touch.18:45
Jaffaroope: eye candy - if done well - can make up for a lot of *perceived* niggles with a device.18:45
roopekaatis: You're assuming that everything gets fixed once it is found.18:45
tigertok now i have a chance to type again18:45
tigerton the train18:45
dottedmagI think they don't have doubleclicks and context menus which are ugly with stylus or fingers.18:46
roopeWell, it does not.18:46
zuhroope: so you have tried one?-) Or is this just "oh, the presentation looked nice on youtube"-guestimate?-)18:46
roopeBut it's much better to know the problems of the device than to be unaware of them.18:46
tigertjaffa, we totally agree here18:46
nelsontigert:   <--- type standing up, with 770 in your pocket.18:46
tigertthe thing is, we need new ideas for the ui. that is a fact18:46
roopezuh: "Obviously i've tried one". :) Well, i've tried the browser that has the similar scroll pan.18:46
roopeit works well in that, plus it works well in the videos, so yes.18:47
JaffaInertial scrolling in Opera could be cool.18:47
dottedmagtigert: bunch of good UI ideas suitable for small devices may be stolen from Palms and Newtons. .18:47
* tigert looks at nelsons link18:47
roopeThe limited (null) visibility of the community to the UI design team is naturally a problem. You can easily assume all kinds of things.18:47
Jaffanelson: any news on manufacturing partnerss yet?18:47
roopeI hope we can improve this in the future.18:48
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dottedmagroope: that would be great18:48
TakIMO inertial scrolling would be better than the "wherever you click on the scrollbar is where you go" method18:48
nelsonJaffa: India seems to have fallen through.  I have a contact whose uncle may know somebody.  :-)  That's how business gets done in India.  "I know a guy who knows a guy who ..."18:48
roopeA lot of problems are known, and a lot of them are being fixed. Some are known, and not being fixed, either for good reasons, or then because there are no resources to fix them.18:48
Jaffanelson: heh, good luck.18:48
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roopeThen again, since we cannot really communicate about these, it can be frustrating.18:49
dottedmagroope: and, again, noone can help you, as the sources are closed.18:49
nelsonJaffa: good news, though: Broadcom came through with technical information .... Only took them 50 days.18:49
roopeYes, and that's a shame.18:49
konfoonelson: it is a slower pace there :) i was doing business there before the dot bomb boom18:49
Jaffaroope: that goes back to nelson's point about employing priests: since Nokia are concerned about product lifecycles and h/w sales, some parts will always be closed, or not talkable about etc.18:49
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zuhScrollbars should in general offer a relative mode, a list with 100's of items is crappy to scroll with absolute positions even on desktop18:50
tigertnelson, it would be nice to hack something like that with a bluetooth keyboard interface and some buttons18:50
tigertinteresting stuff18:50
nelsonJaffa: well, it's a business risk.  Maybe Nokia would be better-off with only hardware and a core team?  It's obviously a big risk to take, though.18:50
konfoowell if i had my way i would do away with the menu bar on the left side of the screen altogether18:50
roopezuh: but take scrollbars as an example.18:51
Jaffanelson: an enormous risk. Would certainly (in the short term) end up with the device in "hackers and geeks only" mode18:51
nelsontigert: Ja, lots of fun to be had there.  I intend to publish what I'm doing with the Chordite.18:51
roopeIF we could create new scrollbar widgets, every implementation would need to change. if we could change current widgets, all current (and 3rd party) application woudl change.18:51
nelsonJaffa: that's where there's room for a paid staff.18:51
Takzuh: agreed18:51
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kaatisroope, of course. imo everything should be fixed before writing anything new18:52
roopekaatis: Well, that doesn't really work in real life.18:52
roopeBecause what one considers fixed another considers broken.18:52
kaatisi've noticed..18:52
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roopeAnd nothing new would ever come.18:53
dottedmagkaatis: well, that's the problem also. in Linux distribution you may fix everything before the new release. When independent vendors release bunch of binary shit, you're not allowed to do it anymore.18:53
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nelsondottedmag: only mostly true.  Even open source gets shipped with WONT_FIX bugs.18:53
dottedmagnelson: yes, surely18:53
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dottedmagnelson: but it's at least aknowledged as bugs18:54
|tbb|kismet wont running more than 5 min on my n800 ;(18:54
nelsonAnd I'll bet this discussion has been repeated a gazillion times over beers in Finland.18:54
roope"It's best to ship with the bugs that you know than with bugs that you don't know", someone wise once said.18:54
dottedmagnelson: and that's the problem of closed development. You can't point to the discussion in mailing list archives at 199* :)18:55
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Taknot to mention that you have different teams working on different things18:55
tigertpretty much in any project that has someone to blame for the ui18:55
|tbb|anynone else got this problem?18:55
keesjIt is really funny, I really love the nokia phone ui, they are "location" based "left top=1" etc and when you use a function long enough you end up knowing the keysequences to the function you want. I guess it is a real point that hidlon copies the desktop padarigm18:55
nelsondottedmag: Indeed.18:55
keesjJaffa,perhaps having a transparent keyboard will make things faster because not resize is required18:56
dottedmagkeesj: then the attempt failed. To open 'notes' application I need to make different steps if I'm on desktop or in some application.18:56
tigertits also that there was very little opensource embedded ui before. we as the community have lots of stuff to learn from this18:56
nelsonDevising a completely new UI sounds like a job for Nokia Research.18:56
nelsontigert: was mostly ignored.18:57
tigertand we are trying to  fix stuff, but its like open-heart surgery on a moving train without anesthesia...18:57
Jaffakeesj: indeed (it wouldn't really need to be transparent either, just over the top), but there are some nasty issues there with what you do if the field you're entering text into is in the lower half of the screen.18:57
nelsonwe have had 7 years of experience with embedded ui's.18:57
nelsonwhich, I must hasten to add, doesn't mean that we got anything right.  but it does mean that we made a bunch of mistakes which shouldn't be repeated.18:58
keesjperhaps the text area can be scrolled to the right position then,18:58
Jaffakeesj: indeed, but what if the field is at the bottom of the scrollable area and there's no more room (all solvable,  it just gets hacky)18:58
tigertafaik we were mostly copying palm and wince, and focusing on the technology than ui so much18:58
tigertit was important stuff though18:59
wumpusif you make the keyboard transparent, then what if you want to type in the area that is occluded by the keyboard18:59
wumpusthat'd be ugly18:59
tigerti hate the sound effects on this thing ;)18:59
keesjI like a sexy ui and like the mezzo interface a lot, form discussions here I understand that that was not possible performance wise.18:59
roopetransparent keyboard looks like a mess, i tried it.19:00
nelsontigert: some of them are seriously annoying.  Others are quite appropriate.19:00
wumpuskeesj: I prefer a fast simple ui above a slow and eyecandy one every time19:00
wumpusespecially if it drains battery too with animations and stuff19:00
dwdwumpus: But eye candy sells.19:00
keesjthat is why I was so exited about that openvg think , apparently not that open!19:01
nelsonroope: I'll bet that a proximity sensor would allow a transparent keyboard work well.  When the stylus is close to the screen, the keyboard gets more opaque.19:01
wumpusyeah, I love nice graphics19:01
wumpusdon't misunderstand me19:01
nelsonroope: not in the cards given current hardware, though.19:01
tigertmezzo being the "four corners" -thing?19:01
keesjtigert, yes19:02
wumpusyou can do nice graphics even with a relatively simple and efficient theming engine19:02
wumpusas long as your artists are good19:02
tigertbut guys, do prototypes, put them garage etc19:02
keesjwumpus, people here tried evas19:02
wumpusthere's no need to try to solve everything programmatically (aiming at heavy vector and image manipulation)19:02
tigert i love to see new ideas. its not li we love the bugs19:03
roopenelson: seriously trippy, but could work :)19:03
tigertlike even19:03
roopeyou would get sick lookin at it tohugh.19:03
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JaffaI quite fancy a device where the UI is a plain expanse of paper, and I can do anything I want, with minimal effort.19:03
arnnnnwhere can I get screen protector for n800 ?19:03
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arnnnnI can only find some from ebay and it shipped from hongkong, I don't know if that's good or not19:04
roopeproximity sensors could allow context sensitive commands, onmouseovers etc.19:04
roopethen again, their ui interactions are quite heavily patented.19:04
wumpusit would definitly have a coolness factor, but would probably complicate ui design even more19:05
keesjroope that is not required , you can also replace the mouse cliks by dragging gestures19:05
roopeyes, but they're not average user friendly.19:05
nelsonroope: yes, and they're probably all too obvious to have been granted a patent.  :(19:05
roopehard to know, hard to learn, hard to do with the fingers.19:05
dwdarnnnn: Most folk here seem to think the N800 probably doesn't need a protector.19:06
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roopedid you know for instance all the gestures on the vkb.19:06
arnnnndwd, really? how about scratches..?19:06
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dwdarnnnn: FWIW, I let my two-year-old do Tux Paint on my 770, and it's fine.19:06
keesjroope, that is no true , my 2.5 year old kid can drag en drop the cosy bookmarks for example but he does not understand the menu thing19:06
arnnnndwd, the screen is tough ?19:07
roopeit is true.19:07
roopedrag and drop is a special operation.19:07
tigertbut what i  trying to say, whil testing whether the touchscreen likes -12C, is19:07
dwdarnnnn: Apparently the N800's screen is tougher. Keep it away from keys and coins in your pocket, but it's probably okay otherwise.19:07
wumpusyeah I hate it has no screen protector, I'm worrying about the screen all the time when I carry it19:08
arnnnndwd, I see, I don't know how tough it is because I haven't even peeled the transparent sticker from the screen19:08
inzdwd, fsck, I let my 2-year-old-goddaughter paint w/ sketch last night, but I reflashed and forgot to save it before =/19:08
wumpusthen again it won't scratch if you just put the thing around it got with it19:08
dwdinz: You are DOOOMED!19:08
keesjthe real thing the matters to me is that I want an unfinished product , I like to hack around19:08
tigertthat its a lot easier to give good suggestions, than to design a whole product19:09
inzdwd, I've gotta go there again and make her paint more... More... MORE!!!19:09
dwdinz: I never bother saving her work. My son, who's 5, manages to find his way around the menus to save his stuff, though.19:09
Takagreed @ tigert19:09
roopetigert: even if sketch isn't open, how hard it would be to whip up a new Sketch2 from scratch?19:09
roopethe ui is very simple right.19:09
inzdwd, she got a bit upset when I put the device to my pocket and headed off...19:10
zuhThere is a soft "wallet" for N800, but that has it's own problems (like the N800 sliding out and dropping to the table when I picked it up this morning)19:10
keesj /join #P@rentHaxor19:10
roopejust a toolbar and some basic controls.19:10
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tigertroope, still it has gone through debugging etc -silly to start from scratch19:13
roopeyes, that's true, but.19:14
dwdinz: I usually have two kids whining at me to "do colouring".19:15
roopeisn't it just the gtk-somearea widget basically.19:15
osfameronyeah the soft wallet is a bit pish19:16
elpasodwd: hey, the conseguences of porting tuxpaint is that my 770 has completely lost screen sensibility (my two children love this too much)19:16
dwdelpaso: Lost screen sensitivity, you mean?19:17
elpasoyes sry19:17
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dwdKids! You're banned!19:18
roopetuxpaint is really nice for its purpose. :)19:18
keesjelpaso, funny I have no such problems other than on open main menu icon19:18
elpasosame with me, the main icons is dead, but other central areas as well19:19
Takeek @ loss of sensitivity - do they really pound on it?19:19
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Takor is that a lifetime issue?19:19
elpasoit happened just a few month after buy, the little one is three and probably exagerated the pressure19:19
keesjI understand that a gcompriz port might make more people happy then I first envisioned19:19
keesjelpaso, interesting19:20
tzzelpaso: I don't let my 3 year old play on the 770/N800 except when I'm supervising.  It's been OK so far but she's been very interested in it.19:20
tzzshe loves the sketch program.19:20
elpasoyes gcompris is a must, but I'm planning to repackage and patch tuxpaint when I will have a new 800... soon I hope ;)19:20
elpaso@tzz: they love tuxpaint, it's a pity they cannot use it19:21
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tzzI was considering giving my 770 to her instead of selling it, but it was too much money...19:21
elpasoI think I will send to repair whe the 800 arrives, it's still on warranty19:22
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jaekumy battery wont charge to full... wtf19:23
jaekuonly half19:23
gpddoes the sketch program have a lag with everyone or just me?  the paint seems to appear about 3mm behind the stylus (N800)19:23
tzzelpaso: I hope so.  Getting the kids started this early is probably a good thing for computer literacy.  You know, so they can serve their AI overloards in 15 years :)19:23
tzzgpd: seems OK to me.19:23
jaekuanyone know if i can configure the whole system to use a SOCKS proxy instead of just HTTP(S)?19:24
gpdtzz: if you draw quickly does it keep up completely?19:24
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* maddler goes home19:27
maddlerJaffa: see you later... ;)19:27
maddlera looong day... :D19:27
Jaffamaddler: cya19:27
JaffaNot ended yet :-/19:27
maddlerJaffa: indeed! :D19:27
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tzzgpd: seems real time to me.19:28
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jaekudang, i would like to tunnel home via ssh and use the built in socks5 proxy to surf the net...19:31
zuhI guess it was a bit naive to think "on Monday 22nd" would mean "within the first 3/4 of the day", but still... *sigh*19:32
Takthe emails will go out at 2359 in the last timezone19:33
Jaffazuh: Well, I was hoping it'd mean "orderable on 22nd"19:33
zuhI just hope they are sent before the expiration date passes :P19:34
zuhand, naturally, that one of the codes would end up in my inbox19:34
elpasoI think they meant Monday 01 Jan 201819:35
zuh*checks spam folder once more*19:35
Taklol - I'll start checking mine once I hear other people are getting theirs19:35
Fenix-Darkcan someone tell me how i can mount a smb share on my 770?19:36
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* koen gets his hopes up19:37
Molagihow do i close file transfer window in xchat?19:37
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wumpusjaebird: maybe you can port socksify19:39
wumpusjaeku: I mean you19:40
wumpusit's just a script that does a LD_PRELOAD anyway19:40
wumpusto socksify the bsd socket functions19:40
wumpusyou could even hack it into /etc/ld.preload.conf or something19:41
keesjwill  xnest work on the 770? where can I get the source?19:41
jaekui'd only like to use SOCKS when using my phone's connection19:41
wumpusbut you would have to make care your initial ssh connection does not try to use the socks proxy :)19:41
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wumpusopera doesn't understand socks proxies as-is19:42
wumpusso you will have to go with that way19:42
wumpusthat, or use vpn19:42
jaekui guess i'll just use a regular http proxy... too much effort needed to get it working19:42
* jaeku sighs19:42
Molagistupid xchat19:43
Molagii have to quit the whole app if i want to close the file send window19:44
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|tbb|you can hold the cancel key for more than 1 second then the dialog closes also19:45
Molagilets try19:46
jaekuif i left my 770 charging all night but it is only half way full now, does that mean the battery is going bad? i didn't use my 770 for 4 months or so...19:46
Molagiwoot it works19:47
Molagithx |tbb|19:47
Takjaeku: how long does it last?  or have you not tried draining it yet?19:47
user__np :)19:47
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arnnnndoes evince work with n800 yet..?19:51
arnnnnetrunko, is it still a long way to go for evince to work with n800 ?19:51
etrunkoarnnnn: not really19:52
etrunkojust build some packages19:52
jaekui thought porting to os2007 was supposed to "require minimal effort"19:52
Takthe stock pdf reader is good enough that I don't have any desire for evicne19:52
Taknot to mention, I only have 64M swap :-P19:52
arnnnnTak, I need evince to see boomarks, my pdf is 1000 pages19:52
jaekuTak: yeah, i havent drained it all the way yet19:52
etrunkojaeku: it is.. the problem is just time19:52
Veggenjaeku: It does, really. but many package maintainers haven't got a N800 yet.19:52
etrunkoVeggen: this is also true19:53
arnnnnetrunko, do you have a n800 yet ?19:53
|tbb|whats better on evince as the  built in pdf viewer?19:53
arnnnn|tbb|, I need it to see pdf's bookmark19:54
Veggenhas any of them support for clickable contents, searching, etc?19:54
etrunko|tbb|: if you stop reading some doc and close the application, next time you open it, it will start the doc from where you stopped19:54
Veggenthat's what I miss from the internal.19:54
etrunkoVeggen: evince does search19:55
Takis the pdf viewer open source?19:55
etrunkoVeggen: and index also19:55
etrunkoTak: nop19:55
Takin that case, there is something from evince that I'd like ;-)19:55
user__k-s, very silly of the makers from the built in19:55
arnnnnetrunko, how fast is evince gonna be compared to osso xpdf ?19:55
Takalthough something that's not such a memory hog would be preferable19:55
etrunkoarnnnn: don't kno19:55
arnnnnis memory still an issue with n800..?19:56
user__also that the built in picture viewer doesnt support slideshow19:56
etrunkoshould be less than in the 77019:56
VeggenTak: isn't the included xpdf based? In that case, it should be GPL.19:56
TakVeggen: I have no idea19:57
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Takhaha - someone just brought to my attention that "openmoko" would make a spanish speaker think "openbooger"19:58
Taknow that's marketing19:58
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zuhI applied for one in their developer device "handout", maybe I should withdraw my application...20:01
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minramy first on-line gaming experience - 1981 -
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|tbb|i hate those reboots from self :(20:09
|tbb|is there a new mplayer package available, now?20:09
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* Jaffa gives up waiting by his computer and goes to spend time with the boy.20:15
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c0ffeei'm the most unathletic geek in town :/20:16
c0ffeeeverything hurts20:16
|tbb|re , any1 was answeing b4?20:16
c0ffeeuuuh, l33tsp34k20:17
* tigert watches his N800 reboot by itself20:17
tigerttheres something weird going on, need to set it to debug mode or something20:17
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|tbb|c0ffee,  no just typing on the n800  :)20:18
c0ffeen800sp34k then :)20:18
zuhtigert: I suggest installing syslog, that should give an idea what it does when it boots20:18
|tbb|tigert, just a few secnds, got the same20:18
c0ffeeand what's on the tv tonight?20:18
zuhtigert: and I see that this is a common thing (our devices from the office have done that, my friend has one and it too boots unattended...)20:20
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jaekudoes the 770 support LEAP authentication?20:23
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|tbb|anyone installed kismet on his n80020:25
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|tbb|got problems after a few minutes sniffing20:25
|tbb|it stops :/20:25
suihkulokkiyou have been repeating that all day20:26
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|tbb|if u dont ask no1 will answer20:27
jaekumaybe the bot should buffer everything everyone says, and if they repeat themselves too many times, you get the boot!20:27
[mbm]kismet runs fine on my 80020:28
|tbb|btw always get a reboot, how will i know anyone has answered20:29
jaekumaybe... USE A DESKTOP?20:29
jaekuor computer that doesnt suck (if you are indeed on a desktop)20:30
[mbm]if you can't stay connected maybe you should be using a mailing list instead20:30
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roopelooks... busy.20:30
tigertzuh: yeah20:31
tigertzuh: it seems to do that when it sits around on wavelan20:31
tigertthough I cannot say if that is making a difference20:32
tigertmdk had the same20:32
tigertroope: have you looked at apple stuff lately?20:33
tigertroope: its funny how like iTunes has now a LOT of stuff in its menus20:33
tigertits not very simple and clean anymore20:33
tigertyet the basic stuff works nicely20:33
Veggentigert: Mine also spontaneously reboots. What's in the files mentioned at ?20:34
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[mbm]apple has gotten away from their concept of a central menu system and now has stuff hidden in contextual menus20:34
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user__xterm doesnt let u copy from the downer left context menu if u selected some text on xterm screen20:34
tigertroope: but it has the cute hippo icon!20:34
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tigertroope: if the thing works, people don't care much as long as it is easy enough20:35
tkoMDK, btw, have you tried building hildon on top of stock gtk?20:35
tigerttko: hey20:35
tigerttko: we had a little experiment with inz20:35
tigertupdate osso-xterm20:35
tigertit now has the nifty toolbar20:36
tigertwe also found two bugs :)20:36
tigert1) toolbar separators are vertical. also in vertical toolbars apparently ;)20:36
tigertand 2) the toolbar button graphics scale only horizontally20:36
koentko: hildon doesn't build on top of stock gtk, due to missing colour and tap-n-hold stuff20:36
tkohmm, I'm lazy, I use the extra image which comes with a terminal :)20:36
tigertwe need to fix that in the theme-tools20:36
tigerttko: dude, maemo-hackers term is WAY WAY better20:37
tkotigert, I'm surprised vertical toolbar works at all :)20:37
tigerttry it once and there is no going back20:37
tigerttko: it does20:37
tigertbut the separators are apparently a bit useless :)20:37
tigertor, very effective,20:37
tigertdepends how you look at it :)20:37
tkoI blame the gtkrc maintainer :)20:37
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|tbb|a copy / paste button would be good also a ctrl key button :)20:38
tkoI'm pretty sure it's because gtkrc is assuming all toolbars are horizontal20:38
tkokoen, logical color should be going away, but there's no replacement for tap'n'hold20:39
koenwhat about making t-n-h optional to get hildon-on-your-workstation working?20:39
tkokoen, if that's all, we're doing pretty well :)20:40
tkokoen, I'm trying to poke MDK about that :)20:40
tkoseems we're so close20:40
koenI'm trying to add maemo3 to OE and don't want to add osso-gtk+ when I don't have to :)20:40
tkooh, this is for the future..20:41
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|tbb|tigert, where 2 dl the updated o-xtermy?20:44
tigert|tbb|: dude, speak normal language :)20:45
tigertbut is the place20:45
tigerttko: yea, and should be easy to fix too20:46
tigertjust make sapwood scale both ways20:46
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|tbb|how can i change, the words which display(on rhe spacebar) while typing20:47
* mgedmin is eagerly waiting for maemo 2.220:47
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* mgedmin just installed ubuntu on a new hard disk and would like to use scratchbox 1.020:47
guerbydid some developper get coupons by now?20:47
jaekuWTF, i just flashed to the latest os2006 and it can't browse my phone's FS anymore20:48
tkotigert, oh, we should probably also talk a little about how to document the theming possibilities (think scrollbar) -- I'm hoping to do some documentation this week (though it'll probably be delayed until next one anyway)20:48
nelsonguerby: none reported yet.20:49
guerbynelson, I'm curious :)20:49
maddlereveryon's looking at his mailbox! :D20:50
maddlerjaeku: paired correctly?20:50
jaekumaddler: yes, my BT ppp connection works...20:50
jaekuphone is grayed out in the file manager20:51
jaekusays it doesnt support it20:51
maddleris PPP connection active at same time?20:51
jaekuwhich is BS cus it was working before20:51
jaekumaddler: uh, maybe... does it have to be off?20:52
* jaeku checking20:52
maddlerjaeku: it could be a problem...20:52
jaeku! connection not supported by phone20:52
maddlersome BT devices allow to have more than one connection at a time...20:52
jaekuis what it says20:52
jaekuand i'm not connected20:53
zuhSubject: Software At Low Pr1ce20:53
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zuhdamn I already thought... ;)20:53
* jaeku checking phone settings20:53
maddlerwhich phone?20:53
jaekuin phone details, it says "file transfer: yes"20:53
jaekunokia 662020:53
maddlerzuh: strange...20:53
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maddlerbtscan? ;)20:54
tigerttko: yeah20:55
jaekudont have terminal installed20:55
maddlernice... gizmo for the N80020:55
* jaeku deleting and adding phone again20:55
|tbb|tigert, dont found something but a 770 package for xterm ont the page20:55
tigert|tbb|: just use the repository, but put "bora" in place of "mistral"20:56
jaekumaddler: weird, now it works20:57
maddlerjaeku: hehehe...20:57
jaekui wish natilus would browse my phone like this20:57
maddleryou know... phones love me! :D20:57
* jaeku will shuddup now20:59
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Veggenjaeku:'s standard bluetooth protocol, right?21:00
suihkulokkijaeku: N already did contribute the code for browsing phones as open source21:00
zuhAnd apparently it can be used on desktop too21:02
suihkulokkionly few years after kde ;)21:02
jaekucus right now it is a mess to browes my phones FS... without p3nfs21:02
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Veggenhmm. Is the 0.13mh16bora1 version of osso-xterm good or bad magic? ;)21:03
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|tbb| bora main ?21:07
jaekuzuh: cool, just wish it gets in gnome-vfs asap21:07
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NickDequick question21:09
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c0ffeetime's over!21:10
NickDehow come I keep hearing about people getting a white screen of death or a reboot repeating cycle with n800's/770's21:10
NickDeI've never..ever experienced these problems yet I see so many people complaining about it.. what are they doing that causes this to happen?21:10
c0ffeeoften that is related to 3rd party software installed21:10
tko :-)21:10
nelsonIn my experience, repeating reboot (once a minute) is due to filesystem corruption.21:10
NickDeI figured.. well poor third party software21:10
[mbm]NickDe: updating busybox will cause a spiffy reboot loop on the n800, reflashing doesn't help; doesn't go away until you switch on r&d21:11
NickDehow the hell do people manage to do that?21:11
nelsonDunno, but maemo-mapper does it reliably if you track for a couple of hours with a GPS receiver.21:11
tigertthe only third party software I have is osso-xterm :)21:12
* tigert eyes inz suspiciously ;(21:13
tigert;) even21:13
|tbb|tigert bora main21:13
NickDewell.. I've hacked the 770 up for a year and a half now and the n800 for the last 2 weeks and I have never experienced any of these problems.. was just wondering how people managed to do these things...21:13
NickDethe conclusion... User Error21:13
tigert|tbb|: something like that21:14
nelsonwell, having a watchdog is a great way to get reboots.21:14
tigertit is21:14
tigertluckily it can be chained in its doghouse with flasher21:14
nelsonOh!  Maybe it's NOT filesystem corruption, but instead something which causes the filesystem code to block for a while .... longer than the watchdog allows.21:15
tigertif needed21:15
dwdNickDe: The WSOD is a hardware fault in (some?) 770's involving a race condition and a reboot.21:16
NickDedwd: really? a hardware problem? well that stinks..21:16
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fliptopis anyone here?21:17
dwdfliptop: No.21:17
fliptopdwd:  hi thanks for the laugh.  i have a nokia n800 running xterm, is there a magic button or something to hit escape when using vi editor?21:18
|tbb|tigert,  very usefull the sidbar21:18
dwdfliptop: The curly arrow key.21:18
mgedminfliptop: the hardware esc button21:18
tigertinz: can you make the "C" read "Ctrl" actually21:18
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dwdfliptop: Um. Assuming it looks the same on an N800.21:19
fliptopdwd:  thanks, i now hand my head in shame.21:19
mgedminit's a surprisingly common question21:19
mgedminit's rather unobvious that the browser's "go back" key is actually Esc21:19
* mgedmin knows because /me read the maemo programming tutorial21:19
c0ffeewhere we come back to this newton discussion :)21:19
inztigert, yeah, it was erratically left to C, as it doesn't come from gconf.21:20
tigertmgedmin: it sounds like someone used vi a lot :)21:20
mgedminooh, ooh, can I pine for the good old PalmOS days here?21:20
dwdmgedmin: I think that's the only place it's documented, so it's not surprising it's a common question.21:20
tigertinz: right21:20
tigertinz: I thought so, as it was the original label from the first version21:20
tigertbut regarding UI stuff21:21
tigertI think it is fairly easy to replace hildon desktop with something else21:21
*** mgedmin changes topic to "Maemo is the application development platform for the Nokia Internet Tablets | Good questions deserve better answers | | irc logs at Search: | | New image: (Win users: |"21:21
tigertso go hacking, ask me for artwork and ui help if needed21:21
tigertand try out new things21:21
Takactually I thought it was fairly obvious that curly arrow was esc21:21
tigertif its good it surely will be seen21:21
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c0ffeemgedmin, what's the diff to the last topic?21:22
mgedminstripped trailing / from irc log search URL21:22
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mgedmin'cause it breaks the relative CSS link21:23
c0ffeeis that your website?21:23
c0ffeeif yes you could just put a search link on the maemo-irclog/ page21:23
c0ffeethen we could safe the 2nd link :)21:23
mgedminsearch is an experimental feature, I didn't want to do that before it was debuged21:23
mgedminbut yes, I should do that now21:23
Takwe're all about conserving the topic space ;-)21:23
tkomgedmin, can't you put both the search entry on top of the archives page? saves a link21:24
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c0ffeetko, he's doing that right now :)21:24
tkoc0ffee, you said 'link' :)21:24
mgedmintko: entry is what I planned21:25
c0ffeemy bad :)21:25
jtokashpyrfeed just announced on offline google reader client21:26
c0ffeedid somebody else notice that the developer program announcement says monday 22nd21:26
c0ffeeneither a month, nor a year21:26
suihkulokkishit, someone noticed21:26
jtokashit's python21:26
maddlerc0ffee: ?21:26
c0ffeereminds me of the 'third quartal'21:27
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Takc0ffee: well, it does pin it down to a countably infinite set of month/year combinations21:27
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c0ffeea physican would point out that reality is discrete and final :)21:27
c0ffeeat least a quantum physican21:28
Taklots of physicists believe that spacetime is infinite21:28
* mgedmin reads irc logs21:28
mgedminwhoa, new osso-xterm with a ctrl button21:28
mgedminis there a mistral version?21:28
Takyes!  I demand a mistral version!21:29
c0ffeeif you read further down, new xterm has user defined shortcuts for arbitrary key combinations21:29
* mgedmin always wanted a one-click ctrl+c21:29
inzmgedmin, Tak, yes, there is also a mistral version21:29
Tak:-P cool!21:30
|tbb|where u can configure ur ownn shortcuts21:30
Veggendamn, downloading and installing it didn't break my 128kbps internet radio a bit.21:30
ab"More information will be provided next Monday 22nd." Speaking of which, it would be 2007/10/2221:30
inz|tbb|, no UI yet, you need to manually use gconftool...21:30
maddlerc0ffee: just realized :D21:31
MDKtko: haven't tried21:31
|tbb|never worked with gconftool :/21:32
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maddlerhas anyone tested that new bash-m package?21:33
maddlerI mean... any good reason to replace busybox?21:33
TakI'm not in the local shell enough to replace busybox21:34
Veggendepends how much you work in the shell :)21:34
c0ffeei think it would be good to replace busybox with a complete busybox21:34
c0ffeethat has iproute commands etc21:34
Takalthough, for a tcsh with vi mode...21:34
c0ffeevi mode is a readline feature :)21:34
inztigert, I'll fix the "C" to say "Ctrl" when I get home, my svn refuses to work in the weird wired network I'm in now =)21:34
|tbb|never touch a running system21:34
Takeh, I don't like bash's vi mode21:34
c0ffeeit's a good way to secure your box21:34
guerbyc0ffee, would be better to have a busybox2 packages that adds what's missing without touching the existing one if you don't want to get stuck :)21:34
c0ffeeyou can even leave a rootshell open21:34
maddlerok... I'll give it a try then...21:35
maddlertime to eat something here...21:35
maddlerand I'll check my mail later! :D21:35
keesjinz, and the backspace did not work in osso-xterm + screen + irssi , is that a know problem?21:35
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keesjthe backspace on the stylus keyboard that is21:36
mgedminsame in osso-xterm + screen + vim21:36
c0ffeemaybe it sends a backarrow key instead of backspace?21:36
mgedminbackspace appears to send a ^@21:36
mgedminI blame screen21:36
mgedminI always blame screen21:37
|tbb|same prob here21:37
keesjI chose to blame inz. he is here21:38
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c0ffeevi has fix and fixdel commands21:39
c0ffeeevery five minutes a nokia developer device program mail to m-d21:40
Molagianyone familiar with urho konttoris media convertor for windows?21:41
Molagiim trying to figure out how to add subtitles21:41
Veggenbtw, anyone with bad handwriting actually managed to learn to like handwriting recognition? does anyone use it?21:41
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Taknot I21:42
c0ffeetried it with os2005, and immedially ordered a bt keyboard21:43
Veggenconsidering trying, but I was just interested to know if it's a futile effort ;)21:43
tko"The UI doesn't seem to match any existing model (Windows, Mac, Gnome), but it's simple enough to learn quickly. My biggest nit is that some things require a double-tap, while other things only need a single-tap. If there's a method to the madness, it's not immediately obvious to me."21:43
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nelsontko: yeah, that drives beginners crazy.21:44
nelsonThey end up double-clicking on everything.21:44
c0ffeethey should all read the xterm man page21:44
c0ffeewith the quadruppel left click + ctrl and stuff21:44
c0ffeemeta tripple right middle click opens the foo menu21:45
Veggennevertheless, everyone seem to have forgotten all the difficulties with certain popular desktop systems ;)21:45
nelsonWell, the specific ones I was thinking of are farmers.  They only use computers because they have no choice.  They'd rather be out digging in the dirt.21:45
Veggen(tho I must admit that that vendor isn't *that* bad in usability, in general)21:45
nelsonI wonder if you couldn't use a noun / verb syntax everywhere?21:46
nelsonClick to select an object, and gesture to get the verb.21:47
tigerti never liked the handwriting21:47
tigerti think its fairly bad21:47
tigertbut i like the fullscreen finger keyboard a LOT21:47
Takit completely turned my friend off buying an n80021:47
Takand he was drooling over it prior to that21:47
c0ffeebad bad taktaktaktaktak21:48
tigertwell. i love thhe thumb  kbd, works nicely and fast too21:48
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TakI love the thumb kb too21:48
nelsonhandwriting or finger keyboard?21:48
Veggentigert: the enlarged menu if you use it with the fingers, is that new on the N800?21:48
Takthe handwriting21:48
nelsonthat turned your friend off?21:48
nelsonAhhhh.  Yeah, those things always have a learning curve, because they can't really recognize handwriting.21:48
tigertits very good idea and works wonderfully for chat/irc21:48
Takyeah, the enlarged menu doesn't exist on the 77021:48
c0ffeei'm considering buying the nokia gps module21:49
nelsonIt's more like recognizing handwriting-like gestures.21:49
zuh"enlarge your menu, just touch it with your finger"21:49
TakI read the thing and was like, "Really?! cool!" and tried it21:49
tigertveggen, its also 770 OS200621:49
Taktigert: doesn't work on mine then :-/21:49
X-Fadetigert: It is not? Doesn't work for me at least?21:49
|tbb|how can i delete specific suggest word  while typing on the sw keyboard21:49
Veggentigert: really? never tried. Never got around to using the finger keyboard much. hmm, perhaps try it.21:49
tigertthe enlarged menu  also sucks if you need to scroll it21:49
zuhtigert: are you sure you are not thinking of sardine/whatnot?21:50
tigertbut we are trying to fix that21:50
X-FadeI think the enlaged menu need a 1 cm thick scollbar next to it..21:50
tkothe enlargement is only os2007 feature21:50
Tak|tbb|: is "weirdass" the first completion for "we..." on yours too? ;-)21:50
k-s[14:55] <user__> k-s, very silly of the makers from the built in21:50
k-sanyway, the guy left21:50
tigerti am talking about the THUMB KEYBOARD though. it is in os2006 also. press an entry with a thumb21:51
tigertor the xterm window21:51
zuhtigert: everybody else is talking about the menu ;)21:51
tigertyea. i am swimming against the  flow!! ;)21:52
MolagiFONT NOT FOUND!21:53
Molagi ARIAL FONT NEEDS TO BE PLACED IN: c:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf21:53
* Tak Ps in the ool21:53
Molagii got my fonts in c:winnt/fonts/arial.tff21:53
tigertthe menu sucks because gtk menus suck21:53
Molagihow do i change the directory21:53
tigertwhat on earth are you talking about?21:53
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zuhThat thumb menu is nice except for the fact that it takes ages to scroll down21:54
Molagitrying to convert videos but media convertor cant find the font because its looking from the wrong file21:54
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zuhtigert: thumb your others menu :)21:54
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tigertwell put it there :)21:54
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Molagino such directory c:/windows/fonts/arial.ttf21:55
Molagicould it work if i make one21:55
tigertzuh, yea.21:55
tigertmaybe? try21:55
inzkeesj, is that local screen & irssi, if so, try apt-getting ncurses-base21:58
tigertman. i am loving the toolbar in xterm21:58
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tigertwell. if he has winnt, he has arial.ttf.21:59
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c0ffeethe last windows i had was 3.11 for workgroups22:00
minranice, c0ffee22:01
* sio has to work with windows because of his stupid school :(22:02
|tbb|win95 took about 11 Disks IIRC22:02
siogood thing there's putty...22:02
keesjinz, yes it is local , I installed ncurses-base yesterday , and removed it again , I wil try again22:03
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tzzGTK question: in trying to port Emacs, I was unable to find a non-GTK loop.  There is one, but it's not used if USE_GTK is on.  So I'm pretty sure the Emacs window that comes up is a GTK window and should have the pop-up keyboard.  Does anyone know how to investigate this further, or should I go to the maemo-developers mailing list now?22:03
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tkotzz, you should mail the list22:04
tzzthanks tko22:05
* etrunko wonders how will emacs work without a way to press more than 1 key at a time22:05
c0ffeetry to avoid the works 'developer' 'device' and 'program' in your mail subject if possible22:05
tkotzz, but I think the case is that the input method doesn't recognize the widget as something that accepts input and thus doesn't know to display the keyboard.. adding an explicit hildon_gtk_im_context_show() call might work22:05
jaekuanyone know if i can use LEAP authenication for wifi?22:05
c0ffeewords even22:05
tzzetrunko: BT keyboard works fine22:05
[mbm]c0ffee: and emacs22:05
etrunkotzz: ah, ok22:06
TakSubject: Developer trying to Program N800 Device22:06
tzzetrunko: plus I'm adding site-init menus to send M-x, etc.22:06
etrunkotzz: i thought you were using the virtual keyboard22:06
* mgedmin imagines Nokia selling a N800 Emacs kit: includes a bluetooth keyboard and a memory card with an emacs .deb22:06
etrunkomgedmin: lol22:06
etrunko> 1GB22:06
jaekuuh, just emacs? whats the point in that22:07
[mbm]mgedmin: and do I need to fire up vi to read the install instructions?22:07
tzztko: yes, but I would have to get pretty deep into the Emacs internals to do that.  Trust me, it's not fun, Emacs X code is older than X11R4 I believe22:07
suihkulokkiemacs = Eight Megs And Constantly Swapping22:07
suihkulokkihmm, that doesn't really sound like a insult anymore22:07
Takemacs = Escape Meta Alt Control Shift22:07
Veggenhmm. could xterm/some shell be hacked to make the new shortcuts change on context?22:07
Taksuihkulokki: Eighty?22:07
Veggen(i.e. if you run emacs)22:07
jaekuif anything, nokia should release a developers kit with a memory card that includes all dev packages needed to write programs directly on the 770/800 and a bluetooth keyboard22:07
tigertfor Amiga there was MicroEmacs22:07
tkotzz, I'm surprised you can't do that with elisp :)22:08
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tzzmy Emacs can be from 10 to 180 MB depending on what I load, I do all my mail in Gnus for example.22:08
mgedmintopic diff: removed irclog search link -- there's now a search box on every page22:08
tigertEats Megabytes And Constantly Swaps22:08
tzztko: maybe I can, I'm looking at it.22:08
c0ffeeyay for mgedmin22:09
tkojaeku, would anyone be patient enough to wait for gcc to start...?22:09
tigertbesides, on gnome desktop,22:09
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tigertGedit takes longer to start than emacs22:09
jaekuoh, and the dev kit should use distrubuted compiling services so you dont have to compile directly on the machine22:09
tzzbtw, Emacs runs really well on the N800.  I was able to do ERC, Gnus mail, and a few other things.22:09
tzzmsg me for the deb if you want to try it.22:10
tigertso we  have come a full circle ;)22:10
jaekutko: they should have a distruted compling farm for devlopers to use22:10
tkoxan, how's your distcc coming up? ;)22:10
jaekutko: exactly... distcc...22:10
tkowe should just silently ship distcc daemon in every device :)22:11
tigerttzz, yea, like it should. it ran on my  Pentium90 with 16MB ram too.22:11
xanit has a silly bug that gives you missing symbols in some compilations22:11
jaekuwhy? nokia should have a farm for developers to use22:11
jaekuthe client doesnt need to be arm22:11
jaekuwell, server...22:12
tigertwell. there is this ting called scratchbox.22:12
tigertthing even22:12
* mgedmin thinks "fatbox" would have been a more appropriate name... 3 gigs and counting22:12
tigertfor devellopment kit22:12
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jaekui'm just saying, it is a possibility for people to write directly on their 770s if they had distcc servers running22:12
mgedminsorry, 2 gigs22:12
tigertdont feed it so many roots :)22:13
kaatisi might be wrong, but i think scratchbox comes with distcc22:13
jaekuor some sort of bulid farm22:13
mgedminjust the two (armel and pc)22:13
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guerbytzz, where did you get your emacs .deb for N800?22:13
mgedminI'm thinking I don't really need the pc one22:13
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tzzgurby: I built it (and will post it to the wiki page when it's ready)22:13
Takexcept for xephyr22:13
tzzguerby: you can try it if you want22:14
guerbytzz, ok thanks!22:14
tkojaeku, considering that hosting that stuff would cost money, what would be the proposition to make for those sitting on the money pile?22:14
guerbyI just love installing random .deb :)22:14
tzzguerby: at 78 MB, I doubt you want emacs.deb unless you really like it.  I'm working on pruning the fat.22:15
Taklol - sounds like xmame22:15
guerbytzz, oh well I have 2 1GB cards22:16
guerby/dev/mtdblock4          251.5M     94.9M    156.6M  38% /22:16
guerbyI haven't removed the MyDocs stuff yet :)22:17
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Veggenthere was a way to mount a memory card as an overlay, wasn't there? With an internal and an external card, that becomes quite interesting imho.22:17
guerby-rw-r--r--    1 user     users      842661 Nov 22 17:40 User_guide_English_GB.pdf22:18
guerby-rw-r--r--    1 user     users     1906122 Nov 22 17:40 User_guide_English_US.pdf22:18
guerbywow, US manual two times bigger than GB one? LOL22:18
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mokkiyanks need much more explaining ;)22:18
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Pioor 10 extra pages of legalese22:19
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roopeBritish version: "Take the stylus out". US version: "Take the stylus out. The stylus is this black pointy thingy..."22:19
jaekutko: well, it might be simpler to have a lighter environment that applications developers to use that would strictly only maintain files related to their application, and would require less effort to maintain a package-able devlopment environment. just upload your applications related files and your program gets insertined in a queue and produces the package for you...22:19
guerby-rw-r--r--    1 user     users     1900064 Nov 22 17:40 Guide_d'utilisation_français_CAN.pdf22:19
guerby-rw-r--r--    1 user     users      869117 Nov 22 17:40 Manuel_d'utilisation_Français.pdf22:19
guerbymay be it's the north america legalese blur :)22:19
PioStylus(TM) and Take(TM) are registered trademarks of Squatters USA, Inc.22:19
jaekutko: basically, no need to maintain a large SDK, and allows them to focus on their build environment22:19
tzzthe US version has naked pics on the last 10 pages22:19
jaekujaeku: keeps it simple for developers to keep up to date22:20
Pioand jack in the box coupons22:20
tzznaked device, that is ;)22:20
c0ffeethey may have 10 pages of innards and death at the end22:20
jaekutko: keeps it simple for developers to keep up to date22:20
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c0ffeebut no way naked pics22:20
Pioyeah, that'd be obscene22:20
Molagihmm how can i copy a font file22:20
c0ffeexcopy from to22:21
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Molagiwhats an xcopy22:21
Veggenbtw, evince seems to work.22:21
Veggensort of.22:21
jaekutko: i know from personal experience, it is a pain to upgrade my development environment each time there is a new maemo release22:21
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AaronL2Hi, sorry to ask, but does anyone here know if any US developers have received an invitation yet for the developer device program?22:22
* shapr boings cheerfully22:22
koenhas _anyone_ received one yet?22:22
shaprNot me22:22
nelsonapparently not.22:22
koenscrew americans22:22
AaronL2I searched through the logs earlier today22:22
c0ffeei have one22:22
shaprkoen: We're cute. Screw us.22:22
TakI would think that the GB version would be larger, due to all the extraneous vowels22:22
c0ffeeproblem is, it's for the 77022:22
nelsonkoen: I did!  Got two kids out of it!22:23
shaprnelson: haha!22:23
AaronL2for this channel, I got the impression that some people might have received a code.22:23
AaronL2but, it was hard to tell, they might have been joking.22:23
shaprqgil said if we hadn't heard by Mon 22nd, and we thought we really deserved one, we should talk to him...22:23
jaekutko: make any sense?22:23
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AaronL2yeah, I saw that22:23
tzzmeanwhile the codes are going to :)22:24
AaronL2has anyone here period received a code (non-US as well)?22:24
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shaprI do solemnly swear to build the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler for maemo as soon as I get an N800.22:24
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AaronL2oh well, guess not, I expected to see a little more information about the program today on and maybe itt, guess not22:25
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tkojaeku, sure, but I don't see how that could be sold to the moneymen.. we'd still need to maintain the SDK. granted we could skip the installation script, but then again I'd expect many people preferring to have the SDK locally22:26
zuhThe day is still young!22:26
c0ffeefor offline use and stuff22:26
shaprtzz: Are you blogging about your emacs.deb? I want more!22:26
tzzshapr: I don't blog.  What do you want to know?22:27
AaronL2shapr:  I saw in the logs that someone suggested that you look at VNC viewer for how to send special keys.22:27
shaprYou said it's 78mb now, yeah? Is it gnu emacs or xemacs? Does it have a speech recognition system yet?22:27
AaronL2well, I think it was for you, for someone working on emacs22:27
shaprI live in xemacs on my desktop, for 8 years or so.22:28
* jaeku is envisioning a client program that applications developers would run that would fire off their code to a build server and produces a installable package22:28
tzzAaron: yes, I remember that.  When I get the keyboard to pop up, I can work on the special keys.22:28
AaronL2ah, ok, just wondering if you had found it helpful (I work on VNC vieweR)22:28
tzzshapr: Emacs 22 pretest.  No speech recognition.  It's just what comes with 22.22:28
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shaprjaeku: I could go for it. I haven't built GHC on my 770 because it takes 8+ hours.22:29
tzzAaron: if you know Hildon/GTK, I could really use some help with the pop-up keyboard.  I asked about it earlier.22:29
AaronL2yes, I know Hildon/GTK22:29
AaronL2I didn't see, I wasn't on the channel (I'm rarely on the channel)22:30
jaekushapr: yeah, the main thing that is holding me back is to have to install a mamoth build environment on my machine22:30
tzzshapr: speech recognition is pretty useless IMHO, I tried it when I busted my thumb and I lost my voice VERY quickly, plus it was very inaccurate.  Not that I mind it on the N800, just my experience.22:30
jaekushapr: but, it doesnt have to only run on the handheld itself... i would like this for my desktop too22:30
AaronL2tzz:  I have posted several responses to questions about using the GTK input methods to the maemo-developers list in the past22:31
AaronL2tzz:  what is the problem?22:31
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tzzAaron: I'll e-mail you if you want.  Basically I'm pretty sure Emacs is bringing up a GTK window, but the text widget is not bringing up the keyboard.22:32
tzzAaron: is your aracnet address OK?22:33
AaronL2tzz:  is the entire GUI (sure) done in GTK?  doing it that way will help, trying to wrap some X stuff can be difficult22:33
shaprjaeku: Maybe a qemu image?22:34
jaekushapr: of a server?22:34
AaronL2tzz:  I'm not sure what you mean by "text widget".  that could mean a lot of things.22:34
minrathere is a vmware image of a full bora scratchbox environment22:35
AaronL2tzz:  if it is an actual GTK widget that accepts text input, then clicking in the edit field (assuming it is editable) should cause the virtual keyboard to be displayed.22:35
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AaronL2tzz:  however, if it is a custom widget, you have to do some custom coding to make it happen22:35
tzzAaron: it's Emacs, GTK is optional, I'm sure a lot of it is insanely convoluted.  I am not a X programmer so I'm guessing a lot of things.  By text widget I mean the Emacs buffers, which are probably not real GTk widgets (sorry for the confusing terminology).22:35
AaronL2tzz:  Someone did post how to get the input method to display for non-GTK widgets22:36
tzzAaron: it would be fine to call a function on gain/lose focus events.  I need to check if Emacs supports that internally as a hook.22:36
jaekuhmm, maybe i could script a simple client that uploads a project folder to a virtual server and builds the package, then retrieves it...22:36
AaronL2tzz:  however, the way to cause the input method to be displayed is pretty GTK-specific22:36
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minrajaeku, are you low on hard drive space22:36
tzzAaron: I saw some info in but it was not what I needed for Emacs specifically.22:37
AaronL2tzz:  I think the minimo guy figured out how to do it for a standard Xwindow22:37
jaekuminra: no, i just want to separate out the maemo environment from my project22:37
shaprjaeku: A xen image that runs the latest maemo dev environment would be spiffy.22:37
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AaronL2tzz:  guess it won't let me send a private message, which channel?22:39
tzzAaron: let's try #maemoemacs22:39
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konfoo-jaeko: cruisecontrol? or hudson?22:40
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konfoo-i use those to automate *.* at work22:41
konfoo-check in to svn and the output is a install package on a website for QA/I&T to use22:41
jaekukonfoo-: interesting...22:42
konfoo-jaeku: we use to to build firmware images for our set top box platforms22:43
jaekuprolly just a simple script that fires off a bunch of commands using ssh will work22:43
konfoo-which are all embedded, using a changeroot22:44
konfoo-well.. thats kinda ghetto :) but sure22:44
konfoo- some more options22:45
c0ffeeah c'mon22:45
konfoo-cruisecontrol is the best out there22:45
c0ffeebig design up front22:45
c0ffeewe all know that is best22:45
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konfoo-coffee: well why twiddle with scripts and then handle build contentions and make a custom job when you can pick an existing continuous integration server/app, install it 1-2-3, and hack up its scripts a bit22:46
c0ffeejust kidding :)22:47
konfoo-also :)22:47
c0ffeeactually, there has to be some software like this for debian, right?22:47
c0ffeei mean, not every dweebian developer has all architectures handy22:47
konfoo-yeah.. we are running cruisecontrol on debian22:47
c0ffeei'm using a perl script myself22:48
konfoo-there are actually some simpler CI apps out there that are indeed a few scripts and a php page or perl script22:48
c0ffeei called it 'eddie' after a nice ddj article22:48
Takpart of the prereqs for becoming a DD is that you have a s390 in your basement22:48
c0ffeez9 at least22:48
konfoo-Tak: does having a box of s390 floppies qualify me?22:48
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konfoo-i did cobol on a s/36 for 4 years22:49
c0ffeei used to work at ibm in linux on zseries development22:49
konfoo-it was... a terrible experience22:49
c0ffeewe have a pretty nice compile server there22:49
c0ffeetook about 2.5h to recompile the complete portage tree22:50
konfoo-haha nice22:50
hapkonfoo-: thanks for your bitorrent image, works fine22:50
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hapkonfoo-: is there anything i'm supposed to do to have applications within the emulator, i have nothing22:51
konfoo-hap: download some source, compile, start xephyr, execute, and it should pop up in the term window22:52
konfoo-i should have included a helloworld with it22:53
konfoo-and svn/cvs tools22:53
hapkonfoo-: ah, there is none included22:53
konfoo-maybe for the next release22:53
hapok, i guess i have to read a little more about this22:53
konfoo-yeah.. theres a bit in the readme i made, but its really easy22:53
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hapkonfoo-: do you mean i just have to run any application, and the zephyr X server would display it ?22:54
konfoo-just make a dir in your ~ in the scratchbox, and copy/wget/etc whatever you need, make config and make it22:54
haphmm ok22:54
konfoo-hap: run the scratchbox from the link on the menu22:54
AaronL2hap:  personally, I use VNC instead of xephyr22:54
AaronL2but, perhaps you are talking about the VMWare thing22:54
hapAaronL2: i have no N80022:54
konfoo-AaronL2: this is the vmware image, nod22:54
hapyeah i do22:54
AaronL2which already comes with xephyr22:54
AaronL2hap:  I don't have an N800 either :-)22:55
hapkonfoo-: but i ordered by n800 anyway, should arrive tomorrow or after tomorrow22:55
konfoo-hap: nice :)22:55
haphowever i need to set this up anyway, to work on some application22:55
AaronL2hap:  you probably won't want to use the N800, however, for developer testing, scratchbox is a more ideal environment22:55
hapyeah i would agree22:55
hapdon't want to crash, i guess i would have to reinstall the firmware or something22:56
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hapkonfoo-: what can I read online to understand a little more about this scratchbox and all ?22:57
hapdoes the scratchbox only setup variables and such ?22:57
hapor does it chroot to some directory ?22:57
c0ffeeit mounts stuff everywhere22:57
AaronL2hap:  read the tutorial22:57
AaronL2hap:  at's how I got started22:57
hapAaronL2: that's what I'm talking about :) Where can i read it ?22:57
hapok, must have missed it22:57
Veggenbut seriously - having a read-only internal flash and doing all writes to the internal SD would be a good idea. That way, a backup of all the settings etc. would be as simple as a dump of the memory card.22:57
AaronL2hap:, click Developers, then documents22:57
konfoo-hap: there are links in the readme as well22:58
AaronL2hap:  you'll see the tutorial there22:58
konfoo-yeah there are oodles of tutorials :)22:58
hapok thanks guyz, don't want other to explain me what's on the tutorial22:58
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jaekutko: i guess the most compelling reason for those sitting on the pile of money would be that they would have a higher participation rate due to development being easier to approach for new users. just install your build client, and you are ready to code!23:06
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jaekui personally am too lazy to install and configure maemo23:07
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zuhjaeku: you can already code with the device, just write your python code in notes and run it from the xterm ;)23:08
zuhPainful too23:09
* jaeku briefly had the taste of his lunch come back up his throat23:09
jaekui want native code23:09
jaekuon an embedded machine23:10
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jaekuhow slow/fast is python and how much overhead is there?23:11
jaekulet me rephrase that, how slow/fast/overhead is a python hildon app in comparision with a native one23:12
hapmuch much much slowe23:13
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hapmaybe should psyko be ported23:13
zuhI wouldn't say so, not on N800 at least...23:13
keesjI tried jtra's python game , it starts fast and works well on the 77023:13
hapzuh: i was joking, i don't know about it :)23:13
zuhBut then again, "much" is a very subjective unit of measurement :)23:14
jaekuis the python runtimes bundled in maemo?23:14
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jaekuor do users need to install python and the whole 9 yards?23:14
zuhno, you need to get them from
hapah, that sux23:15
zuhIt's a single package though23:15
kkpaulgood evening guys23:15
hapso basicly C is the way to go for "straight working" apps ?23:15
jaekutko: did you even read anything i wrote to you?23:16
zuhI guess so23:16
zuhBut would you really like the internal flash to be filled with pymaemo, rmaemo, maemo# and all by default?-)23:16
hapone of them would be enough :)23:17
jaekuno, but there should be some way to make them static apps23:17
jaekustaic as in, including the runtime environment for py/ru/#23:17
c0ffeeit should contain dependencies23:18
c0ffeeso the app manager can manage them23:18
jaekui guess you are right23:18
Veggenapps that include all the dependencies is not the Linux way :)23:18
Veggenand not good for low-diskspace situations, either :)23:19
haphowever it's very convenient23:19
jaekubut if your application is the only py/ru/# application, i dont want to have the rest of the 95% of the libraries23:19
[mbm]setup wireless, install a development environment on your big expensive server, then setup distcc on the tablet?23:19
[mbm](or just ssh into your server, compile your app, scp it back)23:19
jaeku[mbm]: it would be nice if there was a build service... you run your build client from your project folder kinda like you would do to check in your code23:20
[mbm]well, distcc nicely abstracts the gcc so you can put your compiler remote without too much hassle23:21
jaekubut you still have to have the all the includes and builder tools on the machine23:22
jaekuif there was a builder service, i wouldnt even have to worry about keeping up to date23:23
[mbm]there's not much that won't have some sort of overhead on the device23:23
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[mbm]maybe sh; pretty much everything includes a shell23:23
* jaeku wonders if anything he just said went thru [mbm]'s head23:23
jaekuif you have a build CLIENT that just does simple upload/downloading there is no overhead on the client23:24
c0ffeewhy don't you just ssh to the build server?23:25
* jaeku lets out a long drawn out sigh...23:25
jaekucus i dont want to have to maintain a server23:26
jaekuand update it each time there is a new version of maemo23:26
c0ffeeand where does the server come from for your build client?23:26
jaekunot to mention the mixing of my project inside the maemo environment23:26
* [mbm] does tons of embeded work and is constantly amazed by the number of people that insist on native compiles23:26
jaekuc0ffee: the maemo team?23:26
c0ffeewhy don't you ssh to this server?23:26
c0ffeegarage should have support for that iirc23:27
jaekuc0ffee: if the maemo team provides building services, i dont need to download their run time environment23:27
keesjI have makefile base program that I want to debianize , what install prefix can i use?23:27
* jaeku officially starts to ignore [mbm]23:27
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jaekuc0ffee: i just want to deal with stuff from my project, i dont want to touch maemo itself23:28
[mbm]I feel so loved23:28
jaekui just dont understand why you insist that i'm trying to compile something natively on my 77023:29
jaekui'm saying i want maemo to have a server/client environment that i fire my project source off to that compiles it for me23:30
konfoo-man you guys sure fret a lot23:30
[mbm]jaeku: you read too much into what I say23:30
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mokkihow does one set CFLAGS to something other than plain -O2 when building with "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b". exporting CFLAGS before has no effect23:30
* jaeku needs to get back to work23:31
[mbm]compiling really should be just ssh into the build farm, cross compile, upload the resulting package to the device23:32
[mbm]no 'build client' required23:32
hapi would tend to agree with that23:34
keesj[mbm], that is not my idea of open-source. ;p23:34
c0ffeemokki, i don't think that is possible23:34
keesjbut I really believe in the mud-builder project and guess that it should be able to do both23:34
[mbm]keesj: what does opensource have to do with the machine you compile on?23:34
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keesjcompile locally or delegate that stoff to the build farm23:35
zuh"This Nokia N800 discount code is for you" \o/23:35
zuhAnd the day isn't even over yet!23:36
atla_want one too!23:36
* jaeku wants one too23:36
keesj[mbm], I think that everybody should have easy access to the build platform23:37
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[mbm]keesj: all open source means is that I share the source; which device I use to compile it on is irrelevent23:37
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hapzuh: i want a discount code23:37
zuhkeesj: What? Scratchbox is not easy?-)23:38
hapah wait, i ordered already ... :(23:38
Tak:-( zuh23:38
jaekubut it would promote maemo usage if you didnt have to deal with it ;)23:38
koen"This Nokia N800 discount code is for you"23:38
keesjscratchbox is easy.23:38
* koen yays23:38
[mbm]cross compiler just means I can spit out binaries much faster on my desktop system than I can if I tried to compile on the tablet23:38
* hap agrees23:38
keesjif you don't have the full platform on your pc you don't have a "tained" open source model23:38
* maddler just goy is CODE!!!23:39
hapit's not about opensource, it's about going faster23:39
[mbm]ever said I didn't23:39
keesjHappy happy joy joy23:39
hapanyone using usenet binaries here?23:39
[mbm]is cross compiler an alian word here? do I have to call it scratchbox?23:39
keesjI love you all.23:40
JussiPI got a code too. W00t.23:40
mokkic0ffee, thanks. I'll patch the debian/config then directly... I want to at least pass the -mcpu=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp to the gcc. Most likely -Os would be beneficial too23:41
* Tak wonders how long to wait before despairing23:41
maddlerYESS! YESS! YESS!23:41
konttoriWhere can I enter the discount code?23:41
* [mbm] wonders if sstrip works on arm platforms23:41
bergiekonttori: here on IRC? ;-)23:42
*** c0ffee changes topic to "Discount codes are coming! | Maemo is the application development platform for the Nokia Internet Tablets | Good questions deserve better answers | | irc logs at | | New image: (Win users: |"23:42
konttoriIs it in payment section of the process?23:42
hapkonttori: when you get it from nokia, at the end you can enter it23:42
konttoriNo, in nokia shop23:42
hapwish i had one when i ordered23:42
maddlerkonttori: go to order page... there is a field...23:42
hapcan i get a discount later if I publish work ? :]23:42
konttorihap: you mean, like at the end of the checkout process?23:42
atla_i guess not23:42
hapkonttori: yeah23:42
maddlerhap: I was about to oder mine today...23:42
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maddlerI was _SURE_ I wasn't getting the code...23:43
hapmaddler: ordered mine at 12PM today, but I never published anything.23:43
maddlertahnks god (that's me) I didn't!23:43
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hapmaddler: well I am _sure_ i won't get one :)23:43
maddlereh... time to release new versions of my ports then!23:43
c0ffeesomwhow i have the feeling i won't get one :(23:43
maddlerhap: lol23:43
hapmaddler: you just compiled ports to get a ticket ?23:43
maddlerc0ffee: sad for you... :(23:43
hapthat's all I had to do to get one ? Damned...23:43
Veggenas a non-developer with an N800 already, I'm just glad it arrived so all the developers will finally have a device, and I will have software, finally ;-)23:44
hapmaddler: did you port X ?23:44
hapmaddler: or apache or the libc ? Man..23:44
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Takporting != recompiling23:45
AaronL2What is the domain that the discount code is coming from?23:45
AaronL2I mean, on the e-mail?23:45 probably23:45
JussiPYes.23:45 sent mine23:45
hapcan someone forward me such a mail, to check23:45
hapok i"ll subscribe to mailing list then23:46
hapIf I port a small package, shall I get one ? :p hehe23:46
zuhAnd now we wait and start gathering a local deb archive of stuff to install ;)23:46
c0ffeeJan 22 22:40:42 nyx sm-mta[5308]: l0MLZi02005308: [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA23:47
c0ffeeTEH HORROR23:47
konttorihap: If you don't get N800, by porting, you'll surely get N900 in a years time ;)23:47
* c0ffee runs for the sendmail book23:47
koenJaffa: are you a real developer?23:48
Jaffakoen: I am :)23:48
[mbm]there are fake developers?23:48
koenJaffa: that makes two of us :)23:48
zuhhap: read the section "What if I think I also deserve an invitation?23:48
konfoo-mbm haha exactly what i was wondering23:48
hapzuh: ah great.23:49
[mbm]suppose I might be a fake developer; I have no association with maemo but I'm behind a number of large open source projects23:49
hapzuh: shall I send my resume ? :p23:49
c0ffeethat's too much for my nerves23:49
c0ffeenow i have to wait 30min before the mta retries23:49
* Jaffa orders with standard delivery now (would've been express earlier)23:49
Jaffac0ffee: gah23:49
* [mbm] actually paid full price for an n80023:50
koencool, nokia sell charger plug adaptors as well23:50
koennow I only need one charger for my phone and n770/n80023:50
zuhhap: I'd rather start coding/porting/whatever :)23:50
hapzuh: "More information will be provided next Monday 22nd." is that today ?23:51
c0ffeeis the gps kit for 800 available yet?23:51
* Jaffa now wants to know if there was a ranking ;-)23:51
disq(opens up irc client) mmm... didn't expect that DISCOUNT CODE!23:51
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hapzuh: I'll start to play with it at first, see what it can take23:51
jaekudisq: huh?23:51
zuh*finally* I can go to bed, nighters ;)23:51
hapzuh: before spending time on it. I'll port few packages on the way i guess23:51
|tbb|c0ffee i think not yet, but the n770 version also run on the n800 and much faster23:51
hapzuh: but i would prefer to work on something that port packages for me, so I just have to check they work :]23:52
* Tak fidgets 23:52
disqgreat news.. well. i was going to buy it this week anyway but now there's more reason to keep the updates coming.23:53
jaekudisq: what program do you maintain?23:54
waitetak, no code yet?23:56
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disqmaemopad+, it's a mess right now didn't have time23:56
waiteHmm I wonder if they are mailing in blocks. I can't believe you'd be skipped.23:56
* Tak shrugs23:56
waiteANd we all know the internet is infinately fast and there is NEVER a delay :)23:57
Takof course23:57
bergiewaite: If I understood correctly they're now sending only european codes23:57
bergieor something23:57
Takinfinite bandwidth, zero latency23:57
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waitehehehe. bergie, I see23:57
Takis that true?  nobody who's gotten theirs is in the US?23:57
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zuhah, almost forgot to plug my hack before sleeping:
Takcome to think of it, htf would they know?23:57
zuhNow really to bed23:57
waiteI think the long dealy was the data ming effort to try to deicde whom everyone on the list really was. IE match email addies from registered ICR users to itt to mailing lists to purchases.23:58
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waiteGood luck Tak23:59

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