IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2007-01-19

Takthere's a test build of xmame for bora if anyone's interested ( garage/projects/xmame )00:00
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lardman|homeMolagi: Are you saying that the built-in player is better than mplayer for that file?00:05
Molagiit doesnt warp or freeze00:06
lardman|homeinteresting, what is the format - xvid, etc.?00:06
Molagiyeah xvid00:06
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Molagiconverted to 420x240 with videobitrate 300 i think00:07
lardman|homeI was just wondering00:08
ssvbdaniels: is mpeg4 and its variants decoded using ARM core on N800 now?00:09
ssvbdaniels: I mean in standard video player00:10
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Molagishame that standard video player doenst support subtitles00:11
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lardman|homeMolagi: You could presumably add in a gstreamer element to add the subtitles00:13
Takso is there no esd on the n800?00:15
Molagiwhats an esd?00:16
lardman|homeyou'd need the correct subtitle decoder, from a quick look there's one called dvdsub which will decode and place them on AYUV frames00:16
lardman|homeyou'd have to compile and install it, then link it into the current gstreamer chain00:16
Molagiso id kinda need to compile them again?00:16
lardman|homenot sure how the chain is constructed though, but iirc there's a conf file or similar (thinking of the ogg tutorial) which might allow you to change what's put in the chain00:17
Molagitrough dvdsub00:17
lardman|homegstreamer is a bunch of components that do various things, read the file, decode this/that/the other, output to audio, output to video00:17
lardman|homeso you just add in an extra component that interprets the subtitles00:18
lardman|homewhen I say just, it's easy to say, not sure how easy to do00:18
danielsssvb: you need to decode to i420/yv12 first, but those formats are colourspace-converted using the graphics sybsystem, yes00:19
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ssvbMolagi: it should be possible to encode subtitles into video using mencoder (or some of its frontends), the quality of text would not be very good though00:19
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Molagiyeah, just couldnt get it working00:20
Molagitried with the nokia 770 video convertor 1.2100:20
ssvbdaniels: are planar yuv colorspace formats supported by hardware?00:20
Molagiheh the standard media player froze00:21
Molagiworked 16 minutes properly00:21
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lardman|homeSo does that mean the majority of the decoding is done on the ARM rather than the DSP?00:26
lardman|homeah no, I misread daniels' post00:27
lardman|homeonly the colourspace conversion is done outside of the DSP?00:28
Pioheh i hate when i forgot to check the nokia display for messages when im apt-get installing stuff00:28
Pioi actually got as far as looking at the mediastreamer preinst script to see why it was hanging up00:28
Pio(sshing in to the 770 from my workstation)00:29
lardman|homeWas it asking where you wanted to put the link?00:30
ssvblardman|home: if I got correct information (listing of dsp tasks available on N800), DSP is only used for audio on N800 now and dspmpeg4sink got retired00:30
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lardman|homessvb: That's interesting. I wonder if that's due to hw limitations or programmer limitations00:31
ssvbssvb: so video should be decoded now by either using ARM core or IVA (but that is unlikely)00:31
Piolardman|gone, that, and EULA acceptance00:32
lardman|homeWhat form does IVA take, not simply hw optimisations for the DSP?00:32
lardman|homePio: Ah right00:32
Molagihmm im using nokia 770 video converter to convert my movies to n800, might that be the problem why mplayer is warping and freezing?00:32
suihkulokkissvb: methinks planar->packed conversion is done xserver00:33
ssvblardman|home: DSP seems to be only 220MHz in OMAP2420, so it could not provide any improvement over Nokia 77000:33
lardman|homessvb: It appears (from the Ti diagram) to be the same one00:33
suihkulokkissvb: have you checked bora xserver sources?00:33
ssvbsuihkulokki: not yet00:34
lardman|homessvb: There's always ways to improve, just depends on whether you can get someone to do the programming00:34
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* lardman|home thinks he's just about worked out how to use the DSP examples00:34
lardman|homeand examples are a long way from something useful00:35
Pioanyone have screen cleaning tips for the 770?00:36
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ssvbsuihkulokki: I see, I have some optimized code for planar->packed conversion that works good for Nokia 770, maybe it could be used in xserver too00:37
ssvbsuihkulokki: but it is better to benchmark it on N800 to be sure that it can provide any improvement there00:38
ssvbI'm going to implement JIT scaler in Nokia 770 version of mplayer this weekend, so scaling problems should be resolved soon00:40
ssvblardman|home: yes, examples are too limited, also it is hard to find anything open source that is finished and usable for C55x00:42
lardman|homeSomeone brought up the question of ogg earlier, I wonder what libvorbis vs tremor will produce00:42
ssvblardman|home: the most important example that is missing is how to play some sounds from DSP00:42
lardman|homessvb: The examples are limited, but should point the right way. The real issue is the lack of the header file for the functions in the avs_kernel.out, without that we need to write the driver/codec for the aic23 (name?)00:43
konfooanyone looking for a 770? i have a spare one i need to sell00:43
konfooalso a zaurus c3200 :)00:44
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lardman|homessvb: There are examples, however, of writing the interface with the McBSP to the aic23 chip00:44
ssvblardman|home: I wonder if it is legal to disassemble existing dsppcmsink code to get some information from it00:46
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lardman|homessvb: no idea. Would be easier for Nokia to just say here's a header file, use these functions in the avs_kernel with these parameter lists00:47
lardman|homessvb: Have you tried the dsp examples?00:47
ssvblardman|home: not yet, permanently don't have time for that :(00:47
lardman|homessvb: It's finally dawned on me that I need to look more closely at the memory locations I'm trying to use. My 770 is rebooting pretty much every time I try to run a task00:48
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lardman|homessvb: But I don;t think there's much point in turning off the lifeguard reset as otherwise the dsp will end up in a 'blank' state, which isn't how it would be used normally (without the other tasks having allocated memory, & fb, etc.)00:49
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lardman|homeit might cut down on my profanities though ;)00:49
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ssvblardman|home: debugging DSP code might be a nightmare, I guess all the useful stuff like simulator is included in commercial package such as Code Composer Studio00:50
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lardman|homessvb: Yep, would just have to do it the old way with printf statements & testing subroutines against MATLAB/other known good decoders00:51
minrayaay for the 77000:52
minrawill any other manufacturers be releasing devices that run on maemo?  would be nice ... :)00:53
danielsssvb: the hardware has a planar-ish format we can use if the video is unclipped00:53
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lardman|homenight all01:06
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kkitois it possible to program the PowerVR MBX from n800 using maemo?01:08
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kkitothere are any opengl implementation of that?01:08
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Molagihow can i change the background image01:16
Molagiaka put a different wallpaper01:16
minrahi Molagi, its under the settings01:16
pahartikMolagi: "Home -> Tools -> Set background image..."01:19
Molagican i put one from images folder01:20
Molagii can01:20
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wumpuslol, xmame on the N800 has top/bottom and left/right swapped, that makes for one hard game of pacman :)01:42
gpdcan someone give me an sensible kismet command -- i have it installed on N800 but have never used it.01:43
gpdok - running from tablet xterm - rather than from desktop ssh seems better as i now have a curses interface :)01:45
minrai have kismet running on the 770... you might need to look at /etc/kismet/kismet.conf and /etc/kismet/kismet-ui.conf01:46
minrais there info on the N800 available or are you Nokia employee?01:46
gpdi am not an employee -- i am just a user01:47
* gpd wipes nose01:47
gpdseems to be running smoothly now -- lots of interesting stuff at least01:47
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* minra explodes with jealousy01:51
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* Jaffa pretties up a notch or two01:57
koenJaffa: counting the hours till you are a proper dev?01:58
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Jaffakoen: I'm hoping a pretty website will help ;-)02:00
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* minra gets a bucket for the drool02:04
minraso whats the quick capsule review on the n800?  any annoyances?02:04
* gpd notes xmame in extras02:04
minrathey ship xmame with it??02:04
gpdminra: in summary: 'dude!'02:04
* gpd tries to think of annoyances02:06
* minra reads specs on the OMAP2 oh... my... 02:06
* gpd is surprised there is no N800 wikipedia article yet02:08
koenminra: most "oh my" features have no drivers02:08
minraah ... too bad that directional pad doesnt have diagonals02:09
minrathat thick bulge at the top looks unfortunate02:11
minralooks like the same battery size -- how is the battery life?   ram costs some energy02:12
nomisminra: actually this helps with holding it in your hands comfortably.02:12
nomis(the bulge)02:13
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minralooks like just about everything is awesome... the two sd card slots... the memory...02:14
nomisthere are other more annoying things - like the omission of a hard cover. Or a pen that probably takes some time to get used to.02:14
minrais the cp-136 case a hard or soft case?02:14
* Jaffa beds. G'night, all.02:15
nomisthe accessoire cover? I have not yet seen this with my own eyes.02:15
minrait is a carrying case, so probably not slide-on... comes with the device (according to the german nokia product page)02:17
minragoodnight Jaffa02:17
Lyndonhi, is it possible to pushtype alt-key in n800?02:18
Lyndonneed to changee window on irssi ;) well maybe i'll have to find command for it.02:21
minrabluetooth keyboard is nice02:22
* gpd opens newly arrived BT Sierra Keyboard...02:23
minrabetter than the thinkoutside stowaway?02:23
minrawow that thing is huge02:24
gpdnumber keys... fullsize keys...02:24
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pahartikLyndon: "/window goto <number|channel|nickname>"02:26
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* gpd struggles to find discoverable key 'above -'02:28
gpdok key found -- think tiny...02:35
gpdpairing failed however...02:35
minraplease lemme know if you get apps crashing (mainly xchat and opera) with bt keyboard02:37
gpdi would if i could work out how to pair it02:38
gpddo i just not put in a passkey?02:38
konfootry 0000?02:38
konfooi am using a freedom mini bt.. works fine.. no crashing (yet)02:38
gpdooh -- press the passkey on the keyboard and press enter02:39
gpdhelps if you RTFM02:39
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gpdeven if it isn't for the right os02:39
* gpd tries to hold back natural tendency to suddeny reach for mouse02:40
gpdgreetings from sierra with n80002:40
gpdwow this thing is really quite good02:41
gpdfeels a little fruity after a large natural keyboard - but nonetheless i wouldn't want to go much smaller02:41
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* shapr boings cheerfully02:41
gpdchx: another piece of the puzzle comes together02:42
gpdnow i /really/ need vim running!02:42
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gpdminra: what apps crashing?02:44
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minrabrowser, xchat mainly02:49
minrawhen i have kbd connected and and switch apps and tip the pen in the input box02:49
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arnnnwhere can I get xterm for n800?02:51
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arnnnosso-xterm_0.12_arm.deb gives me 'unable to install. aplication package is incompatible with current software'02:52
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minradoes the n800 use "OS2007"?02:54
arnnnminra, yes maemo 3.002:54
* minra checks what he can get for his 770 on ebay02:55
arnnnminra, how do you like 770 ?02:57
minrai used it about 6 hours a day for 4 weeks02:58
minragot some eyestrain after long use02:58
arnnnyou only have it for 1 month ?02:58
s-ndh-ci like it too02:58
minrayes i just upgraded kernel, not the whole os so i need to get the newest maemo on there02:59
minraprobably with a partition on the rs-mmc so i dont kill my existing (working) setup02:59
arnnnwhat do you guys use nokia for mainly? developing ?02:59
minrakind of scary not being able to reflash a completely hosed system02:59
minraportable internet, gaming, xchat, portable movieplayer03:00
minractorrent client :)03:00
s-ndh-cbut you buy the 770 use it for one month and then buy the n800?03:00
minrakismet woo03:00
s-ndh-csounds odd to me03:00
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minrano i wont buy the n800...03:00
arnnnI onlly use it for reading pdf..03:00
arnnnand I want evince so bad03:00
arnnnand I need xterm to try making the screen to never dims out03:01
sp3000you could write a shell scriipt to do that I'm pretty sure03:01
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minrayou can also ssh to the nokia, then do your scripting from the computer03:02
s-ndh-csomeone saif ealier its done by echoing some value into some file in the /sys kernel interface03:02
arnnns-ndh-c, oh do you still remember what file ?03:02
s-ndh-carnnn: i think he didnt say that03:03
s-ndh-ci would just take a look around there03:03
arnnnminra, does my n800 have sshd ?03:03
s-ndh-carnnn: if you have os2006 second release it seems to have openssh installed by default03:03
arnnns-ndh-c, oh03:03
s-ndh-catleast it wanted to remove allmost all of the os as i tried uninstalling ssh03:04
arnnnwhat is the username and password to connect ?03:04
s-ndh-carnnn: i think its root rootme or something03:04
s-ndh-cjust login and change it03:06
s-ndh-cor better login as root setup sudo for the normal user "user"03:06
s-ndh-cand disable root by passwd -l03:06
s-ndh-cand set a password for user03:06
minraare there buttons on the right side, that could be used in emulators?03:06
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arnnnI will try that03:07
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s-ndh-cthat describes the procedure very well03:08
s-ndh-cyou can leave out the dirst steps, as openssh seems to be installed by default03:08
s-ndh-cno need to install dropbear03:08
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s-ndh-cnn people.03:10
arnnnI see03:12
minrani ni03:12
arnnnwhat is the synonym for maemo 3.0 / os2007 ? bora2 ?03:13
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minrai dunno...03:13
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arnnnsardin ?03:14
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chxgpd: good news.04:12
chxgpd: we will eventually reach our goal04:12
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minrawhat hardware acceleration does X use on the n800?04:42
minradoes it have Xvideo extension? :)04:42
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danielsyeah, it uses xv for hardware colourspace conversion and scaling.  that's it.04:54
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minrai suppose an xgl / opengl implementation would not make much business sense05:05
danielsit would have negative ramifications for power usage, for one05:06
minradoes the OMAP2 do floating point better than the 770?05:07
korc_hello... somebody has had this one error: Err bora/free Packages  Could not resolve ''? knows to what it must. I have debian sid and scratchbox05:07
danielssignificantly, yes05:07
danielskorc_: your /etc/resolv.conf is broken05:07
korc_daniels, ok... thanks..05:08
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korc_daniels, it is not the problem... /etc/resolv.conf is well05:25
korc_the other message is: "Couldn't stat source package list bora/free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/repository.maemo.org_dists_bora_free_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)05:26
minrathat usually indicates a problem in /etc/apt/sources.list05:28
minrabut dunno about maemo05:28
minracompare sources.list to someone with a working unit korc_  - i have an older 770 , shall i look?05:28
korc_my /etc/apt/sources.list into scratchbox is: deb bora free non-free extras05:30
korc_deb-src bora free non-free extras05:30
korc_the problem happened after updating scratchbox in my debian05:31
minrai dont have bora, sorry05:31
minrabut should there be a space... wait.. a sec05:32
korc_thanks minra05:32
korc_they will be errors of the version in scratchbox?... or debian sid compatible?05:34
minrathat gives correct sources.list for all maemo versions05:34
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minradont understand your question05:35
minrahmm... ok korc_  maybe your sources.list isnt the problem05:36
minracan you see the internet from the scratchbox environment?05:36
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korc_yes, its not a problem... i changed the sources.list, but it doesnt work...05:39
korc_how I can verify the connection from scratchbox?, i'm newbie05:39
minrai am too.  the people who know what they're doing are all busy doing things :P05:40
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korc_some link, manual or tutorial?05:40
korc_ummm... ok... thanks05:40
minradoes scratchbox use tun/tap userspace routing ?05:40
minrai mean, you say it worked before, then you upgraded scratchbox then it stopped working05:41
minraand you are trying to update packages or lists within the scratchbox environment05:42
minrawhich means you need a connection to the outside, and that's iirc thru tun/tap... so maybe your network devices inside scratchbox got munged05:42
korc_i upgrated the packages05:42
Takgpd: did you actually try xmame?05:43
minrarehi Tak... got me internet access now yaayy for mee yaay lemonade stand05:43
Takcongratulations minra05:44
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korc_thanks minra.. i will to try again tomorrow... bye05:46
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gpdTak: it runs - but i haven't tried any ROMS yet05:51
* gpd attempts to find page up with Sierra keyboard and screen'd irssi session05:52
minraspace duel!  wooo05:52
Takok - I'm mainly wondering about the sound and the responsiveness05:52
gpdTak: I'll find some ROMS ;)05:52
minra1942 was semi-playable on the 770 xmame05:53
gpdthe Fn key seems to be bringing up the menu so that i can't use page-up05:53
gpdis there an escape-something key for page up in irssi?05:53
minragpd ouch... xmodmap?05:53
gpdminra: yes - i suppose so - but a google for sierra and 770 first i suspect05:54
danielssounds like a broken keyboard05:54
danielsgpdesc-p, btw05:55
gpdhah -- of course esc is fn-tab!05:55
gpddaniels - just got this keyboard - set the type to be generic-105 in bluetooth settings - maybe there is a better option05:56
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Takminra: accelerated doubling in 770 xmame now, btw05:56
danielsgpd: nope, i haven't written a definition for it, but the if it's anything like the other stowaway keyboard, it will be _hideously_ broken.05:57
gpddaniels: lovely - thanks :(05:57
jacquesis there a recommended BT keyboard?05:57
gpdi thought this was recommended ...05:57
minramy bt stowaway works fine with xterm, less so with xmame05:57
* minra will rob someone and send Tak a BT kbd05:57
danielser, obviously the nokia su-8w is recommended ;)05:58
gpdah -- of course :D05:58
jacquesah, OK I'll check it out thanks :-)05:58
minrathe build quality on the Stowaway (chinese) isnt quite up to the design standards05:58
jacques$150 - I guess that's about what BT keyboards cost :-\05:59
danielswell, when i was testing it, pressing / (green fn + \), you got a keypress for greenfn, a keypress for shift, a keypress for /, a keyrelease for shift, a keyrelease for / (which is now |), and a keyrelease for greenfn.  something like that.  it was pathologically broken.05:59
minrai think i paid 100 euro for mine - about 130 USD06:00
Takminra: my fiancee's looking at the stowaway sierra ;-)06:00
Takyou can always hit zoom in and reconfooble the keys06:00
gpddaniels: i agree -- that is the other one - this one (sierra) has full keys06:01
minrareconfiging keys via xmame led to some strange behavior, but i'll get back to that sometime and find out whats happening06:01
minrathe just when i felt i had all the cool toys i really needed...06:05
minrathe N800 and the sierra come out06:05
gpdsierra cost me 85 on amazon - but shipping took ages so get from newegg instead06:05
jacquesok this takes the nokia out of the running:06:05
jacquesCan I also use the Nokia Wireless Keyboard with my PDA or PC?06:05
jacquesNo you cannot. The Nokia Wireless Keyboard can only be used with compatible Nokia phones.06:05
jacquessorry, but I'm not spending that much for a BT keyboard that I cannot use with whatever I want06:05
danielsthat page is wrong06:05
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gpdsierraaaaa seemmmms    ice soooooo fffffffar            except for the occasional incident described <--06:05
gpdbut that is not normal06:05
danielsif you call up nokia and say 'but it doesn't work with my opensolaris laptop', then they won't support you.  but it absolutely does work just fine as a standard bluetooth hid device.06:05
danielsit's purely a support issue06:05
danielssame reason people tell you that you can't use your usb key under linux06:05
jacquesdaniels, ok that's not so bad then06:05
gpddaniels: can you shed any light on USB host mode? we were discussion earlier. OTG is out - but host mode - any possibility of ever getting to work?06:05
danielsgpd: well, the flasher still has --enable-usb-host-mode ...06:06
gpdjacques: if you have questions on the sierra - i am using it now with the nokia to type this.06:06
gpdhmm. I am tempted to reflash then - i thought that might put me into dev mode06:07
gpddaniels: i just got an apple camera connector - that allows the iPod to offload photos from a camera - this would be great to do on the nokia as the screen would allow *real* previewing in the wild06:08
danielsgpd: well, if it doesn't need any power, then you're okay06:08
jacquesyeah, for that the N800 is even sweeter than my hx4700 (previewing photos)06:09
gpdno - the digital SLR should provide power enough06:09
jacquesgoing by the display resolution/quality06:09
gpdso i should order the usb big to usb small converter, reflash, echo the thing to the /sys/foo, then joy? (unofficially)06:10
danielsgpd: no, use flasher --enable-usb-host-mode06:10
gpddaniels: but the --enable-usb-host-mode  is switchable after flashing ? or not?06:11
danielsgpd: it is, yes06:12
gpdand the lack of OTG support is not fatal for this usage?06:12
danielsguess you'll find out ...06:13
gpdwell the cable is only $8 so here goes nothing.06:13
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gpdfor reference: typing with the sierra behind the nokia is very comfortable.  who needs laptops!06:14
jacquesN800 cannot charge over USB correct?06:16
konfooyes it can06:16
konfoomine is charging over usb right now06:16
konfoowell, USB adapter06:16
nelsonN770 doesn't charge over USB.06:16
konfoo that kind of usb charge06:17
cesmanhello hello06:18
jacqueswell I meant charge over the USB port on the N800 :-)06:18
* gpd experiences spontaneous reboot :(06:20
gpdthere must be a quicker way to connect his keyboard than - tools - control panel - bluetooth - devices - keyboard - edit - connect06:21
danielssome of them will auto-pair when you turn them on06:22
daniels(the nokia one does that, e.g.)06:22
* cesman ordered a gps receiver today06:23
gpdcesman: i-blue - $79?06:23
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konfooi have a gpslim.. havent tried it yet06:25
gpdcesman: will you have it by SCALE?06:26
cesmanI should yes06:27
cesmanthe company is here in socal06:27
cesmanand it was in stock06:27
gpdas they say here 'awesome dude'06:27
jacquesyou guys are going to SCALE?06:28
gpdyup - you?06:28
jacquesI'll be in the booth06:28
jacqueswe're having a "linux on consumer devices" BoF too06:29
gpdah - 'the slug' ?06:29
jacquesyep :-)06:29
gpdthat is another thing on my list of required gagetry...06:30
* cesman will be in the KnoppMyth booth06:30
cesmanand I'll be leading the Linux home entertainment bof06:30
jacquescool, I gotta get a HDTV card some day and build a myth box06:31
jacquescesman, oh cool - I wanna come06:31
konfoowhats in the home entertainment bof06:31
jacquesargh - same time as consumer dev one :-( :-(06:32
cesmanI'll show folks how to build a home entertainment system powered by Linux06:32
gpdcesman: will it be girlfriend proof? mine is now addicted to our Moxi box06:33
cesmanso there are actually out in the field...06:33
gpdit is Tivo - esque06:33
cesmanyes, i know what it is06:33
cesmanno worries06:34
gpdwe have had it for over a year now06:34
konfooyou guys work in the entertainment technology industry?06:34
cesmanno, I....06:34
* cesman is just wants control of his entertainment his way...06:34
konfooah ok :)06:34
konfoothe only problem with the open source route for that is always the damn conditional access06:36
cesmangpd: to answer your question...  I think it is easy06:36
konfoocesman: using mythtv? freevo? ...?06:36
cesmanLinus has powered my home entertainment for about 4 years now06:36
cesmanKnoppMyth is a a distro I started06:37
cesmangive you Linux, MythTV and all you need06:37
cesmaninstall to live tv in as little as 10 minutes :)06:37
cesmanthat is how fast one of my users has done it06:37
konfoowell.. live ntsc/atsc/analog ;)06:37
konfooi only care about hd content06:37
* cesman has HD06:38
konfoonot pay per view or premium encrypted channels though06:38
cesmanthe user had DVB, setup is the same for HD06:38
cesmanOTA all the way06:38
jacquesnew cards can do unencrypted QAM06:39
jacquesbut I dunno if such a thing exists in the wild06:39
konfooso? thats not premium/ppv06:39
konfooit does06:39
konfoofor a couple years already06:39
konfoodirectv and microsoft are bringing out a pci directv card.. we will see what happens there06:40
jacquesvista-only ?06:40
konfoono idea06:40
konfooi still have a prototype we made 8 years ago in a box somewhere06:40
konfoocourse that doesnt work anymore ;)06:41
konfooim sure the ms-dtv card will be nicely drm'd06:41
jacquesmaybe I could run vista inside qemu and somehow get the video data to linux06:42
konfoosounds painful06:42
* cesman says.... F drm06:42
konfoodtv is migrating to dvb-s, so there may be hope yet06:42
konfoocesman: unfortunately thats what i do for work06:43
konfooon linux06:43
cesmanclient or server side?06:44
konfoomore pipe encryption of the video streams than the actual files06:44
konfoowe make a.. eh.. tv station in a box type system06:45
jacqueshow can I get a clock to show up in the bar with the brightness/volume/wifi/battery status?06:46
konfoosome small co can buy a bunch of our set top boxes, a couple pieces at the network ops center, and start up their own station over satellite06:46
konfooour homegrown linux settop is quite good actually :)06:47
konfooa fun project06:47
cesmansounds like it06:47
cesmanTak: need more testing?06:55
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cesmanthe hybrid map is cool!07:03
gpdcesman: hybrid map on maemo maps? (sorry just retruned from eating)07:05
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gpdhmm... still not worked out how to copy and paste from n800 opera07:13
gpdhowever, just found 'tabs' in xterm -- very cool07:13
vol_770Can anyone comment on how much better video playback is on the 800?07:15
vol_770My compusa doesnt even have a demo unit yet07:17
cesmansoory, I never saw playback on the 77007:17
vol_770Its nice on the 770, but a little choppy07:18
cesmanI'd say it is very nice!07:20
jacquesvol_770, I have the same question - I wanna know if it's possible to play full res (800x480) full frame rate video07:20
cesmanI don't know as I have no tried07:20
cesmanI used the script to convert what I record w/ mythtv to avi playable on 80007:21
cesmanusing mplayer preset07:21
jacquesI can play 640x480@25fps/1500bps divx on my hx4700 - it has a slightly better video chip but otherwise the N800 should be faster in every way07:22
gpdjacques: if you post a suitable video clip i can test - i have mplayer installed07:24
gpdcesman: i am confused: how did you get hybrid mode running?07:24
cesmanjust follow the directions on the site07:24
gpdthe link you pasted says 'it is made of 2 images and not supported'07:24
cesmanyou need to run the script on a system07:25
cesmanI'm running it on my desktop and point n800 to it07:25
gpdah- ok - i stopped reading after the above07:25
jacquesgpd, cool! I'll dig around (last time I messed with the hx4700 was a while back)07:26
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* cesman needs to shutdown -h now...07:29
cesmanfloss my n800 for floss07:29
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gpdTak: i have several mame rom directories now - which file of the .[1-9] do i want?07:38
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Takusually it just takes the name of the directory07:58
gpdhmm it doesn't seem to want to let me select that - /me tries again07:59
Takcesman: always!07:59
cesmanTak: got a new package up?07:59
Takyeah, -bora208:01
Takit's in the extras repo now as well08:01
jacqueswhich version of xmame is this ? as in which rom versions does it take ?08:06
Takthe binary for .106 is 30M :-(08:07
jacquesah yeah that might be a bit excessive08:07
cesmanTak: still no sound and inop keys08:10
cesmangoing to bed soon...08:15
cesmananything you want me to check?08:16
cesmantak hold the phone08:19
cesmanmy screen blanked08:20
cesmanwhen I press it, I thought it had installed, when it didn't...08:20
* Tak looks for his phone in order to hold it08:21
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Takgpd: it'll also take a zip with the files in it, btw08:21
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cesmanTak: sound is a little choppy08:23
cesmanother than, that it is looking good!08:24
Takthe esd sound was a lot better08:28
myren__is there alsa sound driver support? -- kernel module + libraries?08:28
myren__what libasound version?08:28
TakI have no idea08:28
Takalsa would be great08:28
cesmanTak: great job man!08:29
cesmangood night folks08:30
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soleblazejust got an N800..nifty device08:32
keesjand welcome08:35
soleblazeyeah, so I guess I get to idle here and bug anyone whose around lol08:36
Takwelcome to my life08:36
soleblazeanyone here use screen protectors?08:36
keesjdon't have a n800 yet :) I hope to get one next week!08:40
soleblazeyeah, I've been eyeing the 770..but since this came out I took the plunge..we'll see how hard it'll be to run 770 software on it08:41
Takfrom the comments I've seen, the majority of 770 software seems to run ok08:42
Takand what doesn't is being ported ;-)08:42
keesjmany developers still need to get there hands on the n800 but many things are reported to just work
soleblazenifty..looks like most of the initial stuff I want to try works08:43
soleblazenow I just gotta figure out how to install everything lol.  I don't think the thing came with a cd with the manual on it..or maybe I overlooked it08:44
Takaha, it does support alsa -
inzsole, teh manual is on the device, lol08:48
Takguess it's time to write an alsa driver for fceu08:48
soleblazehah it is?08:48
soleblazesee that's just too logical to me08:49
TakSection 1: Accessing the manual08:49
soleblazeugh I didn't backup before updating I gotta reinput my 63 random character WPA key08:49
soleblazewas that on that little glossy foldout sheet?08:49
soleblazehey look, there it is08:50
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soleblazeso what forums are popular for the 770/n800?09:08
myren__Tak: sweetness on alsa.  what emulator is fceu?09:10
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soleblazefceu is nes iirc09:10
myren_do any snes emulators work well enough?09:11
myren_hmm i cant wait to "borrow" some upnp code09:12
Takfceu is nes09:13
TakI haven't started on a snes emu yet09:13
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MDKkoen: yeah, I'm actually working on it.10:12
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JaffaMorning, all10:14
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kulveyet another wrapper for osso-screenshot-tool:
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pyhimysI got my N800 few days ago, does anyone know is it possible to run the mobile-phone setup wizard again? I lost my setters for Elisa (finnish telco) gprs and now it doesn't work :(10:42
Jaffapyhimys: on the 770, open Connection Manager, "Mobile setup wizard..." is under the menu somewhere10:44
pyhimysJaffa: have to try that out, thanks :)10:46
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tigertyea, its in the same place afaik10:50
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pyhimysFound it, and it worked like a charm. Thanks again!10:52
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pyhimys(I just had to restart the crappy phone to get it work)10:53
keesjJaffa, How is the trunk/build/sources.list generated?10:55
pyhimysHadn't found the menu before, it opened from ... the menu hardware button. I still have some ui to learn from the damn thing.10:56
Jaffakeesj: /etc/apt/sources.list is copied, and then any Debian-sourced packages have their source lines added to the copy10:56
keesjand the debian does not have an amrel binary10:57
keesjso perhaps we need to remove the binary packages?10:58
Jaffakeesj: it adds both the "deb" and "deb-src" lines so it can try and get build dependencies if possible.10:58
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keesjand what is the <deb-src> stable main</deb-src> field in the mud file?11:00
Jaffakeesj: that's the bit which is suffixed to the 'deb' and 'deb-src' lines added to build/sources.list11:00
JaffaIf missing, it'll default to Debian etch (current testing), since that seemed to match Maemo 2.1's core fairly closely11:01
keesjI found lua on  it would prefer a newer version but how can I build that one?11:04
Guardianmorning all11:05
keesjI't alright if you don't have time :)11:05
Jaffakeesj: two options: 1) see if Debian testing or unstable have later versions; 2) go to the upstream source11:05
keesjbtw the one minute shopping my girlfriend has won will happen in one hour11:05
dottedmagkeesj: s/stable/testing/. Here is 5.111:06
Jaffakeesj: got a fully planned route?11:06
keesjyes , but we don't know the full rules so we will need to improvise11:06
keesjthe shop is open so I don't know how it will happen11:07
keesjI will try to make a movie :)11:07
koenMDK: cool, I can't wait to try it out :)11:07
koengood morning all11:08
Jaffalo koen11:09
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zbenjaminhello @ all11:12
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zbenjaminwhat is the url for the maemo svn / cvs repository?11:13
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[mbm]hmm is it just me or do these things really need a better wireless driver11:13
zbenjamin[mbm], whats the problem?11:15
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[mbm]zbenjamin: wifi connection is constantly giving 'network error'11:17
[mbm]I can get it connected but within 10 minutes it gets disconnected11:17
[mbm]probably a wpa supplicant issue11:18
[mbm]earlier I managed to detect one of the access points, attempt to connect, get a network error, and then wifi wouldn't work until I switched to offline mode11:19
[mbm]refused to even display any access points11:19
zbenjamin[mbm], i have a similar problem. I'm in an environment with more than one Hotspots. The nokia is working okay but when the connection to the hotspot is decreasing the nokia does not switch to the hotspot with the better connection. And i have to reconnect by hand11:20
zbenjamin[mbm], it2005 or it2006?11:21
[mbm]it's an 800 - it200711:21
zbenjamini have the problem wit th 77011:21
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[mbm]and it hasn't moved more than a few inches in the last hour11:21
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zbenjamin[mbm], the nokia i speak about is used as a teminal in a hospital for our softwaresystem and it is mounted on the wall. But the connection dies and they have to reconnect by hand.11:22
[mbm]there's about 10 aps in the area but it's only configured for one about 5 feet away11:22
[mbm]I'd hate to think of what would happen if I brougt it to the office (wifi company, over 700 ssids broadcasted)11:23
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andrew165Is the developer maillist down?11:24
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[mbm]it's just a simple wpa+tkip .. not even going to think of degrading myself to wep to resolve the connection issues11:25
Taknot sure - I haven't gotten a mail since wed11:25
[mbm]I'd go wpa2+aes if I thought it could handle it11:25
andrew165Tak - seems strange the list is usually quite active for no emails since wednesday11:25
AD-N770good morning11:26
andrew165Just thought i'd check here didn't want to send test emails onto the list11:26
koenbottom part11:26
koen"PS: This update will be sent to the maemo-developers list as soon as it's working again."11:26
[mbm]wow, ping times are > 8000ms11:27
Takvery nice @ koen11:27
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c0ffeethe topic is getting a bit long :)11:34
* Tak changes the topic to: Maemo11:36
JaffaThe links is presumably superfluous: Google is your friend.11:36
Jaffamgedmin could add the archive link to the search page, and then just need the search URL11:36
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Takor vice versa11:36
Takbut yeah11:36
c0ffeefrom that point of view, most links in the topic are superfluous11:37
Takor, the topic could be a url containing the full topic ;-)11:38
koenwhat's this 'google' people keep talking about when I ask questions?11:38 :)11:39
FatalSorry, Google does not serve more than 1000 results for any query. (You asked for results starting from 1784570.)  :(11:40
c0ffeei just got a mail from m-d11:41
Tak"Developers:  m-d is down..."11:42
c0ffeeRe: Flash Player 911:43
Takyeah, I got it too11:43
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c0ffeei think it's not down any longer11:45
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X-Fadebergie: ping?12:18
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florian_good morning12:22
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p13damn, i have to admit12:26
p13gizmo works pretty well12:26
p13i thought it would never pan out12:26
p13except for the initial delay you get when you answer/place a call, it's pretty useable12:26
nnodp13: on the n800?12:27
p13i don't own an n80012:27
p13i'd like to try one before i'd buy12:27
p13but seeing as i live in belgium, i don't think that's likely to happen12:28
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osfamerongah, the osso RSS reader really is a buggy piece of rubbish13:34
Jaffaosso-* really tend to be Not Great.13:35
osfameronbut it's the bundled rss reader!13:35
osfameronI'm rather disappointed13:35
osfameronis there a worthy replacement?  (that's already ported to N800)13:35
dottedmagosfameron: I started to adapt recent liferea to 770 (to replace osso-rss-feed-reader, it seems possible), but given up.13:36
osfameronhmm, writing my own rss reader isn't an itch I particularly want to scratch13:36
dottedmagIf there is enough interest, I think it might be done.13:36
osfameronthough Icould try with plagger and perl :-)13:36
osfamerondottedmag: well, I'll happily beta and bug report if that's any help13:36
osfamerondottedmag: it's a nice (trendy) library for handling RSS in Perl13:37
* dottedmag prefer feedparser and python :)13:37
osfameronI'm sure they're very good too13:37
osfameronbut I'm handier on Perl13:37
osfameronin fact I think I've heard perl bods complimenting as a rather good implementation of an RSS library13:38
osfameronbut Plagger is (allegedly) pretty good13:38
dottedmagOk. I'd probably create garage project (is SVN or mercurial provided?) for porting recent liferea and try to attract another osso-rss-feed-reader-haters :)13:39
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osfamerondottedmag: yeah, it probably makes sense.  I don't have the skills in that area, but I have enough hate to contribute13:40
osfameron1) it crashes on some feeds, 2) the rendering is so slow and jerky as to make scrolling not work for large feeds13:40
kulvefirst feed I tried to read was's and it crashes the osso reader..13:41
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dottedmagOk, then I probably would start from scratch and patch what's needed, rather than try to port all the patches from osso- and remove unneeded. There is large bunch of code dealing with network connections and I don't want to audit it all13:42
osfameronyeah, looks like planet.maemo crashed mine too13:42
osfameronbut so do other feeds.  Will it have written logs to somewhere?13:42
kulvethere is Nokia-N800-51:/home/user/.osso_rss_feed_reader, but no files looking like a log13:45
dottedmagosfameron: what's the version of N800's osso-rss-feed-reader?13:45
kulveii  osso-rss-feed-reader                           1.3.50-2                     OSSO RSS Reader13:45
osfameronI don't know how to check.  oh, kulve did it :-)13:45
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kulveii  osso-rss-feed-reader-lib                       1.3.49-3                     OSSO RSS Reader Library13:45
dottedmagwell. it's 1.2.31 on 770.13:46
dottedmagkulve: osfameron: could you request all the GPL/LGPL source code from Nokia and share it?13:46
dottedmagIt requires only written request.13:46
dottedmagAs Henry did it for 770:
osfameronhe doesn't say who he wrote to at Nokia13:47
osfameronwhat is "osso" by the way?13:48
dottedmagosfameron: just a free-formed "I have N800 which contains binary packages covered by GPL and LGPL. Please provide source code for them".13:49
dottedmagkulve: maybe you could?13:50
kulveis that rss reader (L)GPL or something closed?13:51
dottedmagkulve: it is based on liferea (GPL)13:52
dottedmagkulve: but heavily patched13:52
dottedmagkoen: it's from 77013:52
koendottedmag: ?13:52
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koenit's the source13:53
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koenI doubt it was created on the 77013:53
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suihkulokkiI think the term is lobotomized, not patched13:53
dottedmagkoen: yes, I know. It's the same version as on hsivonen.iki.fi13:53
dottedmagsuihkulokki: well, liferea-0.6.0 was released too long ago. It did not require lobotomizing :)13:55
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osfamerondottedmag: sorry, rather busy now, if you would like me to contact nokia let me know and I'll investigate who I need to contact, but can't do this afternoon :-(14:00
dottedmagosfameron: it's ok, don't hurry :)14:02
osfameronok, I'll ping later when I've got a chance.  I'll also check maemo bugzilla and submit some reports if they're not dups14:03
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Guard][anhmm anyone came up with a solution for the pkg-config problem ?14:09
Guard][ani did not try to fix it since i raised the bug (which is not assigned yet by the way ...)14:09
kulvethe installer seems the fix it by creating a dummy pkg-config package14:10
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kulveOSSO (Open Source Software Operations)14:21
jonekhi, if I use obc on my 770 for OBEX, I get an error: Connecting to channel 2 on <BTAddr>14:22
jonek*** glibc detected *** realloc(): invalid next size: 0x00030758 ***14:22
dottedmagIs there valgrind port? :)14:23
dottedmagI see only _i386 at repository.maemo.org14:23
dottedmagfound it14:24
kulveyou did..?14:25
Guard][ankulve: but i didn't want to use the installer script because I already had apophis targets14:25
kulveGuard][an: yep. Figure out how the scripts does it and mimic it ;)14:25
dottedmagkulve: found the explanations why it does not exist :)14:25
kulvedottedmag: ok :)14:26
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Guard][ankulve: yep sure, i was just a bit disapointed to have taken time to fill in a proper bug report that nobody seems to care about :)14:26
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c0ffeepeople care about them14:32
c0ffeeit just takes some time to process them14:32
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greentuxhi florian14:59
florianhi greentux14:59
greentuxflorian:  any news about delivery?14:59
floriangreentux: no idea, but i'll poke the responsible ones :-)15:00
greentuxflorian:  tnx15:00
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keesjthe result of the 1 minute free shopping(200 euro)
JaffaCool. Did she have fun?15:21
keesjI was fun , but not a much as we anticipated , we where only allowed one item per cateogry15:21
JaffaAh. Presumably they wouldn't have done it if they didn't have strict rules to make sure you didn't empty the most expensive shelves.15:21
keesjand we wanted to grab tons of the same thing (alcohol ,chocola)15:22
keesjBut is was really funny15:22
keesjthat is a 25 euro champain bottle15:23
JaffaLooks nice :)15:23
jtrakeesj: seems too expensive for 200 euro15:23
jtrabut I'm from cheap country :)15:23
dottedmagjtra: is it cheap to live in Czech?15:24
keesjwe aimed at a  few hunder euro's but did not make it15:24
JuhazaCiDBaSe, ping15:24
* dottedmag looks for the good country tor live.15:25
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Juhazthe new stdlib sqlite3 module doesn't seem to work in python 2.515:25
Juhazintentional? bug?15:25
aCiDBaSeJuhaz: let me see here15:26
jtradottedmag: depends on which countries do you compare15:26
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aCiDBaSeJuhaz: what is the problem?15:27
jtradottedmag: I like it here, but Czech is hard for forigners15:27
JuhazaCiDBaSe, I don't have the device here at the moment, but IIRC, it was complaining about missing the low-level _sqlite3 wrapper15:28
dottedmagjtra: yes? I personally know several ppl who from Russia to Czech and don't want to return :)15:28
dottedmags/who/who relocated/15:28
aCiDBaSeJuhaz: this is a known issue (ok, it's a bug :) )15:28
jtradottedmag: Czech should be easy for Russians, even more for people from Ukraine15:29
aCiDBaSeJuhaz: are you testing on 770 or n800?15:29
aCiDBaSeok... I see the problem...15:30
dottedmagjtra: yep, language is just like someone smoked speak Russian. I think it's also the same vica versa :)15:31
jtraI can understand a bit Russian despite no efort invested in learning. I have been to Ukraine for two weeks about ten years ago and lernt the russian alphabet there so can even read it :-)15:34
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aCiDBaSeJuhaz: the sqlite3 module won't work on the device because the sqlite in 770/n800 is incompatible with the sqlite3 required by python :(15:40
dottedmagaCiDBaSe: well, maybe then it's better to disable this module?15:41
aCiDBaSeJuhaz: look the python MIN_SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER = (3, 0, 8)15:41
aCiDBaSedottedmag: yes... i'll do it15:41
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aCiDBaSeJuhaz: and the sqlite available in maemo: #define SQLITE_VERSION         "2.8.13"15:42
dottedmagaCiDBaSe: ah. sqlite2 and sqlite3 may coexist happily15:42
aCiDBaSedottedmag: I'll try to make a sqlite3 package and a python2.5-sqlite with the sqlite3 modules15:43
dottedmagaCiDBaSe: there is some port already:
dottedmagprobably someone should build a Good Version and put it into Extras15:44
dottedmaganother one sqlite3 is at :)15:44
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Juhazwhile at it, any chance you could somehow disable building/inclusion of the worthless pure python part of the module into python-runtime if the C side isn't available?15:44
dottedmagthird one sqlite3 :)15:45
aCiDBaSeJuhaz: yes... I will do it...15:45
aCiDBaSedottedmag: there are dozens of sqlite3 packages for maemo :)15:46
aCiDBaSedottedmag: we've to find a good one15:46
dwdaCiDBaSe: Ah, an "official" pysqlite package would be useful. I should really do pyOpenSSL for it too.15:48
chx2.8.13 is available default in maemo?15:48
chxgood news.15:48
aCiDBaSechx: Nokia770-39:~# dpkg -l | grep sqlite15:51
aCiDBaSeii  libsqlite0                                     2.8.13-2                     SQLite shared library15:51
chxmysqlclient :) ?15:56
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dottedmagchx: and postgresql server :)15:57
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|tbb|is it possible to shut of the display while listen to the internet radio ?16:40
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pahartik|tbb|: at least Audio Player of Maemo 2.1 does let display get switched off while playing AAC content16:47
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kulvethere's a function to postpone dimming another 60secs, but that's only postponing. I think the dimming can be done e.g. by setting something under /proc or /sys16:52
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minraa display on/off applet or script might be nice16:53
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c0ffeethe setting is controllable via gconf iirc16:54
keesjtigert, /me got one of those wii controllers for 39 euro!!17:01
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minracan you use it with a pc?17:04
Takscrew pc, can you use it with a 770?!17:04
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keesjminra, apparently yes,
keesjI should work on the nokia I would say :)17:09
keesjthere is even a speaker on it!17:10
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Jaffakeesj: I must apologise for spending more time prettificating the mud-builder website last night than applying your patches. But I've worked out what needs to happen to auto-remove documentation from resulting debs - ruby dropped down to just 1.9MB then.17:12
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keesjI am not allowed to open the remote before I fix xmoto rendering17:16
keesjJaffa, Nice,17:16
keesjI hope that my work helps making mud more "fool proof"17:17
|tbb|how to simulate esc button in vi on the N?17:17
Jaffakeesj: indeed it does - it's very much appreciated.17:17
Jaffa|tbb|: backwards G under the d-pad is escape.17:18
keesjI was thinking that perhaps we need to put the svn mud file version number in the final build number the number after the version number17:18
Jaffakeesj: a good thought. I'd wondered what do to about that, nice and simple.17:18
keesjI am going to open that box pretty soon I just know it17:19
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minramud?  multi user dungeon?17:20
keesjyes , I will write a mud controller for the mud-builder :p17:21
Jaffaminra: not exactly ;-) - it's a much more boring autobuilder.17:22
keesjThe site looks very web 2.0 ish17:22
Jaffakeesj: nah, this is full blown Web 3.6 ;-)17:23
Taknah, if it was web 2.0 I'd still be waiting for the text to load via ajax17:24
Takand I would be able to drag the paragraphs around to different spots17:24
keesjlast week I created a gwt (google web toolkit) based cdrom, it really works pretty dam well17:24
koenhtml 2.0 is much better than web 2.0 :)17:24
Jaffakeesj: I've not played with GWT yet, the concept and tools look very interesting though17:25
X-FadeJaffa: Your doctype tag has a problem though :)17:25
Jaffakoen: Unfortunately XHTML 2.0's just living in bizarro land17:25
JaffaX-Fade: ooh, yeah.17:25
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JaffaX-Fade: fixed, thanks17:26
JaffaX-Fade; interestingly, didn't complain17:26
X-FadeJaffa: Weird ;)17:27
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keesjJaffa, I was really nice to be able to program with real concepts (maps ,sets collections widgets etc) and for application type apps is great (if you know java that is)17:29
keesjtype apps it is great17:29
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Jaffakeesj: indeed. I've been playing with Groovy on Grails recently: all the power + more of Ruby on Rails, with less of the hype and the J2EE deployment model (with Java-like syntax and full interoperability with existing Java classes)17:30
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keesjthis is what the cdrom looks like it is a proof that ajax apps can also be ugly, (but it matched the latex document)17:33
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Jaffakeesj: so there was no server at all? *Everything* was translated to JavaScript and run client-side?17:33
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keesjyes , it is on a cdrom17:34
keesjI cheated a bit by also shipping with the cdrom and a windows autostart thing17:35
keesjand it works on the 770 (but quite slow)17:36
Jaffabah, heh17:36
minranice idea that portable firefox17:37
minraanybody using vmplayer+linux or qemu+linux on a usb stick?17:38
keesjIE did not allow the javascript thing to run on the cdrom ,17:39
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Takyou mean...IE has severe limitations?!17:40
dottedmagTak: they call it 'security'17:40
keesjdottedmag, no it was not really (only) a security issue  i suspect that IE handeld some files differently based on the extention.17:43
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keesjI just tested it again on the 770 it takes a while to start but after that it really works fast17:44
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Takhmm - so the only way to update your garage project homepage is to commit to svn/www ?17:52
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JaffaTak: correct.17:55
keesjperhaps you can install a php based file manager :)17:56
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Jaffakeesj: :)17:56
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keesjJaffa, but can you try to show me how lua can be mudded from the non stable debian .deb source?18:00
keesjlua 5.1 for example (I tried downloading the upstream source but that is not configure based)18:00
konfoohmmm anyone seen reports of bad card readers on the 800?18:01
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konfooanyone used this vistamax ide?18:06
konfoolooks interesting..18:06
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sbaturziook, the N800 is arrived yesterday, played all night with it: really a nice toy. Now is time to start the real thing: is there on the Net a tutorial on how to write small apps for it and upload on the N800?18:10
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nelsonsbaturzio: tutorial in what language?  C, of course, but Python also.18:13
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sbaturziowell...let start with the easier one ;-)18:13
TakC it is18:14
nelsonAhhhhh, that would be Python.  ;-)18:14
wumpushehe, setting up the scratchbox/sdk seems tricky enough18:14
sbaturzioscratchbox is on18:14
wumpusI think I at least got the steps right now18:15
sbaturziojust tried to install it before N800 arrived18:15
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sbaturzioI'm working under Debian18:15
wumpuswell it's actually quite easy, but also easy to forget some step18:15
wumpusi now need this virtual x server thingy18:16
wumpusah xephyr18:16
sbaturziowumpus: exactly18:16
zuhI wrote an app that launches a window the video of the camera on N800 today on the train. With python. Using notes. Try doing that with C ;)18:16
zuh..window with the video...18:16
sbaturziozuh: python is much more easy than C, I agree18:16
wumpusso you can program n800 on the n800, that's fun18:17
wumpusI wouldn't try installing the C toolchain on it :)18:17
sbaturziozuh: but is powerful like C on Maemo?18:17
dottedmagwumpus: should be possible, if you mount /usr/lib/ and /usr/include to memory card.18:17
wumpusindeed :)18:18
wumpusit's really a nice device18:18
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* minra puts on his envy-suppression helmet18:18
wumpusno fooling around with java micro edition, just a standard linux env18:18
dottedmagminra: ?18:19
zuhsbaturzio: For small apps the difference is not meaningful, maybe you see it on startup but I wouldn't worry about it...18:19
zuhN800 has a lot more juice than 77018:19
sbaturziozuh: sure18:20
sbaturzioespecially the cam18:20
Takminra: is it made of tinfoil?18:20
sbaturziois there an app for scanning barcode with the cam?18:20
wumpusmm you could probably port one18:20
nelsonHehe.  That would be pretty sweet.18:21
* Tak pictures walmart replacing all their POS terminals with n800s18:22
dwdTak: Scanning ingredients as you use them to create an automated shopping list would be quite handy. If a tad geeky.18:23
minrathere should be industry specific problems just waiting for the n770 / n80018:25
wumpusyou could use the N800 to build a robot to do the shopping for you, now that would be geeky :p18:26
minramight be money in a consulting/dev firm specialized in customizing nokia tablets18:26
wumpusindeed, it has a lot of possiblities18:26
Taka robot that looks like a dog? ;-)18:26
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ajturnerwumpus/dwd - imagine being able to specify your "menu" at a computer, then get to the grocery store and pull up the items you need to pick up to cook your menu18:28
wumpuswoot I got the hello_maemo program to work, at least on the emulator, now for the device :)18:29
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wumpushehe could be useful for people that tend to forget things18:30
osfameronvi is not really optimized to be used on a tablet...18:31
osfameronI guess most people using it have a bluetooth keyboard18:31
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wumpusjoy, then you need to carry around the nice small device and a huge bt keyboard :)18:33
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Takstill better than a laptop18:33
wumpusseriously, what is a good bt keyboard that works with it?18:35
ajturnerFrogPad works w/ the 77018:36
Takthe two people always mention are the nokia su-8w and the stowaway sierra18:36
osfameronwumpus: people recommend the think outside stowaway above nokia's own keyboard18:36
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Disconnectosfameron: make it 3, i love my stowaway18:39
biscuitHi I got some problem, whenI am wanting to install xterm on my nokia 770 (with usb) and want than to install it, suddendly the packages are 0 kb big and it wouldnt recognize them...any ideas?18:39
biscuithi user_18:39
bhimaI like my stowaway, I just need to get it repaired. A pin fell out.18:39
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biscuitor how are you all installing xterm normaly?18:41
keesjbiscuit, perhaps disk full? It can also be that the file is larger but that you are looking a the dialog telling how much disk space the package will use and that this value is not entered properly18:42
s-ndh-cswitch to redpill mode and install from file?18:42
s-ndh-cor maybe its even in the user section so you can just install it from file18:42
osfameronDisconnect: cool.  I haven't got one, but I think I need one ;-)18:42
biscuitI am sure that I got enough space free, so this is a little bit strange18:42
s-ndh-cor just add the repo that should be enough if its in the user section18:42
keesjbiscuit, also I saw that the default file system will not allow opened files to be overriden18:42
biscuits-ndh-c how can I switch to redpill?18:43
s-ndh-cbiscuit: go where you add new repos18:43
s-ndh-cand enter matrix for the repo url18:43
s-ndh-cthen press the cancel button18:43
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littlefaeHi there peeps18:43
kulvebiscuit: it's in the wiki18:43
biscuitok than I will look there18:44
littlefaeIs there anything more than a list of 'contents of n800 box' in the wiki too? :)  My question is about the internal workings. :)18:44
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kulvelittlefae: something like:
biscuitbut there is some other the wiki is staying that you must be root to run xterm ore something like that, now, is it very dangerous to flash my device and enable r & d mode? because the one I saw at maemo was  not so good looking the nokia 700.18:46
s-ndh-cbiscuit: see howbecomeroot2 document18:46
s-ndh-cit explains howto gain rooti without switching to r&d mode18:47
s-ndh-cvia ssh18:47
minrai do the sudo gainroot method18:47
s-ndh-cworked like a charm for me18:47
biscuitcool :)18:47
s-ndh-ci think the second release of 2006os has ssh preinstalled but maybe iam wrong not sure18:48
s-ndh-cif not follow the instructions and install dropbear18:48
kulveI think none of the releases has had ssh preinstalled18:48
s-ndh-cwhich is a lightweight ssh server preferedly used for embeded devices18:48
Takiirc it does not have ssh18:48
s-ndh-cTak: ok iam wrong then18:48
s-ndh-cbut it adds ssh to some metapackage18:48
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s-ndh-cas it wants to uninstall half of the os for a apt-get remove --purge ssh18:49
littlefaeThey call a circuit board 'geek porn'  Wow some people need to get out more. :)18:49
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s-ndh-ci somehow screwed my ssh18:50
s-ndh-cand now i cant uninstall18:50
s-ndh-cmaybe i can do it via dpkg directly18:50
s-ndh-call i want is purge all config files and reinstall18:51
s-ndh-cany ideas?18:51
littlefaeI seem to recall having a similar problem when trying to remove ssh..18:51
dwdlittlefae: That circuit board - big capacitors?18:52
s-ndh-cmy client allways says server hostkey verification failed18:52
littlefaeDidn't help, dwd. :)18:52
s-ndh-cand doesnt let me connect18:52
littlefaeI wanted to know what the CPU was, and what speed18:52
littlefaeNo site seems to know.18:52
s-ndh-clittlefae: buy the thing and open xterm and viola you will have access to all those informations18:53
s-ndh-c:)18:53 my eyes the two methods make boot root with this R&D is it very bad for my device, when I let this R&D mode activate?18:53
dwdjpetersen: Exactly.18:53
Jaffabiscuit: you don't need R&D mode to use Xterm (which is what you said earlier, didn't you)?18:53
dwdjpetersen: Well, I think you're going a little *too* far there.18:54
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biscuitjaffa I read that If I want to run programms I will need this xterm and root rights .(like bash )18:54
jpetersenah, sorry ;)18:55
Jaffabiscuit: where did you read it? And what do you want to do?18:55
biscuitI want to run some linux command line tools18:55
Jaffabiscuit: Some advanced trickery requires root which you can get one of 3 ways: 1) R&D mode; 2) install SSH and ssh root@localhost; 3) install the "becomeroot" package which modifies the restrictions18:55
littlefaes-ndh-c: I'm getting one for free anyway, I was merely curious. :)18:56
Jaffabiscuit: You can install and run Xterm and many unix commands as a normal user without root access18:56
littlefaePersonally, I am quite smitten with my 770, a lil slow at times, but very nice, and its mine proper, now.18:57
minralittlefae - do you get comments when using it in public?18:57
littlefaeYes I do as a matter of fact18:58
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littlefaeStuff like: Ooh, thats the internet tablet or, hey, wheres the windows menu or, ooh, thats an interesting phone18:58
wumpusit's more like a pda than anything, really18:59
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littlefaeI refer to it as my 'Pocket Computer'18:59
littlefaeI use Xournal for note-taking, GPE calendar for dates etc, and OpenTTD for amusement. Not to mention the MP3 player19:00
[A]ndy80does anyone of you use the N770 GPS Navigation Kit?19:00
littlefaeI did see and touch it, for a brief ten mins, does that count?19:00
littlefaeGuess not. ;)19:05
littlefaeFound my information! :D  Slightly dismayed at the CPU though, its only 320MHz19:06
littlefaeWell the 770 is supposed to be 266MHz, according to the same site, so it isn't that much faster19:07
JaffaUntil the Mac mini was released, by desktop was an AMD K6-2 350MHz, with a StrongARM @ 200MHz being regularly used too.19:07
Jaffalittlefae: the 770's ~252MHz19:07
TakI feel your pain @ k6-219:07
JuhazI see the megahertz myth is still going strong19:07
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littlefaeStill, not that much of an improvement, given that most PocketPC's sport a 400Mhz Xscale19:07
hubvery string19:07
Jaffalittlefae: XScale's got a much longer pipeline than OMAP IIRC19:08
hubI have a Pentium M 1.73 GHz that is faster than the Sempron at 2.2GHz19:08
hubso much for the MHz myth19:08
littlefaeOkay, I'll rephrase; my 770 feels slow, and takes a moment or two to draw GUI elements on screen.  I don't forsee a ~100Mhz speed hike improving it by much19:08
Jaffa320MHz ARMs can do a lot. It's just a) too much reliance on many layers of non-optimised frameworks which b) never optimise for ARM19:08
||cwhub: sempron is more like a celeron19:09
Juhazlittlefae, the point is, it's not the same CPU, so 100MHz alone doesn't tell you anything at all about the total speedup19:10
hub||cw: does not matter, it just discard the MHz myth19:10
littlefaeAhh, see I assumed it was the same CPU, hence my 'myth' :p19:10
||cwhub: that myth was discarded when 1.6Ghz amd's became faster than 2.8Ghz p4's19:11
littlefaeMy other Linux handheld though still has the better CPU. :)19:11
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SyntaxNinjaI'm really excited to see the Nokia N800. I think I might get one.  you guys rock.19:13
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littlefaeI dunno, it doesn't look as nice as the 770.. doesn't appear to have any visible cover for it..19:14
minralittlefae, what handheld?19:14
littlefaeGP2X by Gamepark Holdings.  That little poodle can run PC DivX files without transcoding. :)19:15
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nelsonlittlefae: turns out you don't need the cover.  screen is very sturdy, and you can lock the buttons.19:15
minrai am running divx on the 770 now19:15
minrabut not all run19:15
SyntaxNinjaI have a couple of questions that I hoped someone here might know offhand and save me tons of googling: can the aspect of the screen be rotated for easier reading?19:15
Jaffalittlefae: looks like ssvb'll be able to get mplayer to do the same on the N800 with mplayer19:15
littlefaeYeah, but it needs special resolutions, bitrates etc etc.19:15
littlefaeon the 770, I mean19:16
SyntaxNinjadoes the webcam provide a /dev/video? I'm wondering if I can reasonably expect to be able to port a C application that reads /dev/video19:16
JaffaSyntaxNinja: yes, but only on an app-by-app basis. i.e. FBReader does it for ebooks (nothing else does, AFAIK)19:16
SyntaxNinjaJaffa: OK. thanks.19:16
JaffaSyntaxNinja: the N800's webcam is standard v4l19:16
Jaffa(or v4l2, I forget)19:16
bhimaSyntaxNinja: IE: The 770 doesn't rotate its screen, but your app can display any bitmap it wants to.19:16
littlefaeminra: On the GP2x, its only requirement is to keep it below 720 pixels wide, I believe.  However, I would LOVE to have some working video app on the 770, as its nicer looking19:17
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SyntaxNinjaJaffa: OK, so I'm guessing it'll probably work as I expect... I can never quite keep various Linux video stuff straight, as the webcam apps seem different from the camcorder apps, etc.19:17
littlefaeAnyway, didn't come here to talk about the crummy GP2x.. :)  And I get good enough MP4 video on the 770 at present.19:18
SyntaxNinjaI'm talking about the N80019:18
minralittlefae, you've got way more resolution on the 770 to cope with than the gp2x, so the 770 has more work to do19:18
Juhazlittlefae, it doesn't have that beefy main cpu, but it has dedicated mpeg decoder chip19:18
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SyntaxNinjahow's the calendar app, btw? I'm used to the palmOS one, which is pretty good. I'm thinking of making the jump19:21
JaffaGPE Calendar's OK, Dates looks promising but is a bit immature.19:21
littlefaeGPE Calendar has some bizarre drawing issues with its toolbar, but its serviceable. :)19:21
||cwjust wish ical sync worked19:22
littlefaeWhere it says 'Jan' it seems to be overprinted19:22
littlefaeI do have one q, is there a service for Laser Etching cases? :)19:23
littlefaeI fancied getting this design I have laser etched onto the cover.19:23
SyntaxNinjastrange... Debian seems to have a bunch of gpe-{todo,contacts,edit} but no calendar.  are these the same apps that I could run on Maomo?19:23
Jaffalittlefae: the GPE developers insist it's a bug with Maemo's GTK19:23
littlefaeJaffa: Wouldn't susprise me, isn't the first app to show the bug19:24
* Jaffa believes them, just wish they'd work around it ;-)19:24
littlefaeAny idea why they didn't use Trolltech's Qtopia, btw, seems every other Linux handheld does19:24
TakI'm glad they didn't19:25
JaffaCos it's fugly, bloated and unadaptable?19:25
littlefaeMy old Zaurus did, seemed fine, if a little PocketPC-alike19:25
glassmaybe they wanted something of their own19:25
* Jaffa 's seen the screenshots of Opie on Maemo and Qt still looks like the mangy lepper cousin of a member of the Addams' family.19:25
SyntaxNinjaif I have a ext3 usb key, can I mount it w/ an N800? :)19:26
* Tak agrees wholeheartedly with Jaffa 19:26
bhimaBecause they wanted a UI that was well-designed for the form factor of the device?19:26
JaffaSyntaxNinja: USB host seems to be an definitive non-starter on the N800.19:26
littlefaeStill, something other than a modified X11 windowserver would have been better, surely, I mean X11 has too many overheads I was told.19:26
||cwlittlefae: Qtopia isn't free for commercial use19:26
bhimais USB on the N800 the same as on the 770?19:27
trenkabhima: no19:27
Jaffalittlefae: That's untrue, Kdrive is nice and lightweight.19:27
SyntaxNinjaJaffa: OK, good to know.19:27
bhimatrenka: how's it different? Can't do host even if you power it?19:28
||cwlittlefae: it's easier to port apps when using x1119:28
trenkabhima: completly different19:28
littlefaeSo this 'OMAP2420' is the one in my 770, or GP2x? o.o19:28
Jaffalittlefae: OMAP2420's in the N800. 770 used the OMAP171019:28
Jaffa(I think)19:28
littlefaeSo it has video acceleration, and apparently 3d support in some fashion. :o19:29
littlefaeCan't wait. :D19:29
bhimatrenka: How are its capabilities different?19:29
||cwbhima: the n800 doens't have the host mode parts wired up19:29
trenkabhima: they are almost the same from the usb connector side, except n800's suupport high speed19:30
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bhima||cw: I thought that the 770 also didn't have the host mode parts wired up...19:31
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littlefaeCall me strange, but why would anyone want their Nokias to have host-mode anyway? You'd need to power it, and there would be some crazy method for that that would surely make it unwieldly..19:32
p13battery powered hubs and all19:33
p13imho, that"s pretty cludgy19:33
p13but i do understand that some people want external storage19:33
p13in some way19:33
Jaffalittlefae: if the power adapter was mass produced, there's no reason it would have to be bigger than a small match box, possibly inline with the cable to the 77019:33
bhimaI'd like a microphone...19:33
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bhimaExternal, wired.19:33
p13bhima, it has one19:33
p13bhima, ah19:33
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||cwbhima: just not power19:33
littlefaePerhaps I just like it for what it already does, and am blinded by its awesomeness. :)19:34
littlefaeMakes my friends Dell Axim look like it was built in the stone-age. :D19:34
||cwit was19:34
p13littlefae, i like my 770 but really, it does have it's shortcomings19:35
littlefaeI love mine, bar one marring factor. :)19:35
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littlefaeThe screen has this feint rainbow-haze going on19:35
||cwthats' the touch layer19:35
p13littlefae, mine has has that forever19:35
p13and it's unevenly lit19:35
p13and it has a stuck pixel19:35
p13(green when it oughta be black)19:36
bhimaMy 770's browser works very nicely for some web sites, irritatingly poor performance on others, and dies often when I browse random ones.19:36
p13and it's ghrainy19:36
littlefaeNo issues with mine, beside the haze, and I think its just the way Nokia make the 770, since my DS doesn't have it, my friends Axim doesn't, and very few other devices do.  But its more a niggle than complaint.19:37
p13i don't mind the rainbow19:37
p13but i do mind the grainyness19:37
p13i don't mind the stuck pixel either19:37
littlefaeI don't mind it, just that I notice it on white mostly19:38
p13nor the lighting19:38
littlefaeThe stuc pixel might be fixable. :)19:38
p13nope, tried everything19:38
p13ran those stupid cycle movies19:38
p13did the pressure tip19:38
p13etc etc19:38
littlefaeI had a tool on my mac for fixing one, that worked.... ahhh..19:38
littlefaeThat has to suck, still at least the pixels on the 770 are reeeeealllly tiny, eh? :)19:38
p13yeah but bright green on black is REALLY obvious :)19:39
p13i don't mind though19:39
p13i hardly ever see it since it's lit as well when it's supposed to be white19:39
p13you only really see it on black or contrasting colors19:39
littlefaeI have one on the DS, only noticeable when changing the UI colours though. :)19:39
p13if the browser wouldn't crash all the time and the email app would actually stop sucking hard vacuum, i'd trust the thing enough for daily work use19:40
littlefaeAny idea if theres a Mesh networking app, or if its even possible, btw.  You know, for extending wifi range using a network of similar devices?19:40
p13for now i just use links/vi19:40
bhimalittlefae: I've used ad-hoc wifi before, found something like 100 meter range or so.19:41
osfameronhrmpf, applictaions seem to want to download only into the main application store, not to the memory cards19:41
littlefaeYeah, I was shocked at the range on this thing, my laptop (iBook) couldn't get wifi downstairs, this 770 could get it in the cafe nextdoor. :)19:41
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littlefaeAnd on that note, kismet is a GREAT tool to carry around in your pocket, whilst walking around town. ;)19:42
p13aircrack runs too slow on it though ;)19:43
littlefaeTrue, but I've found 50 wifi spots I never found before kismet. :)19:43
|tbb|aircrack wont work the right way, cause it dont filter the pakets correct19:43
p13i've put the 770 on the top yoke of my bike and rode around a bit19:44
p13found a couple of good hotspots19:44
littlefaeWould be even nicer if, with the GPS module, you could map the spots. :)19:44
SyntaxNinjacan someone explain the gps support to me? I saw some screenshots, but not an explanation.19:45
SyntaxNinjaI assume it's not built in?19:45
littlefaeFrom what I can tell, you pair the GPS receiver to the 770, install the MMC that comes with it, and bam, instant navigation, but I only used a pre setup model19:46
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nelsonSyntaxNinja: gps support on 770 or 800?19:47
littlefaeIt allegedly had 3D mapping, but the rep never showed me that.19:47
||cwwhat product is this?19:47
nelson800 comes with gpsd, but you have to install it separately on the 770.19:47
VeggenI didn't get Maemo Mapper to see my BT GPS - but that could be a lot of problems...19:48
littlefaeI couldn't get Maemo Mapper to work, period. :)19:48
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||cwworked ok for me, little tedious to get the maps cached though19:48
littlefaeI followed instructions to the letter, all I ever got was grey, fields and fields of grey19:48
Veggen(this on N800 - on 770, it worked)19:48
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Veggencw: newest maemo mapper gave up too easily on a bad network connection, I think.19:49
||cwVeggen: if n800 comes with gpsd, and maemo-mapper doesn't use it, could that be it?  gpsd grabbed the gps and locke dit?19:49
littlefaeOh, been meaning to ask..  In red Pill mode on the 770, is it safe to install all those updates it lists, despite it not listing them in Blue Pill mode?19:50
jaitcw: i don't think so, unless you explicitly told gpsd to grab your receiver19:50
Jaffalittlefae: n19:50
littlefaeDidn't think so19:51
VeggenHmm. I just stayed 2-3 hours extra struggling with telephone-instructing someone to get to console on a firewall in Hamburg. Finally got it off. Send an SMS to my boss, who jumped ship and went home 2 hours ago....and all he says is "great. You deserve a hamburger"19:51
Takba dum bing!19:51
Veggen(firewall needed a fsck before it would boot)19:51
nelsonI'm under the impression that maemo-mapper uses gpsd.19:51
nelsonIt *really* ought to default to using gpsd if it's present.19:51
littlefaeDiffering versions of gpsd perhaps on the 800?19:51
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ajturnerMaemo Mapper doesn't use gpsd for the 770, so I doubt it does yet19:54
ajturnerFeature Request:
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VeggenHmm. stop gpsd and try again, then, perhaps. On the 800.19:56
Veggen(see if I'll try when I get home)19:57
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littlefaeThis might sound like an odd question19:58
osfameronooo, gfrotz installed for n800...19:58
littlefaeHow does the 770 know when the cover is engaged, as I see no contacts on the device, nor any microswitches.19:58
tkoMDK, is that view buttons I see..?-)
Takthere's a magnetic thing on the front19:59
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MDKtko: I'm shocked20:00
tkoMDK, I think that happens automatically if you just put your buttons in a table20:01
tkoor at least I don't believe anyone would've figured out how to intentionally use them :)20:02
tkoMDK, btw, I figured we can trivially do the scrollbar painting.. could easily try it in plankton20:03
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|tbb|gpsd will soon be ported to the n80020:05
tkowhere's qgil btw? I need to harass him about irc :)20:05
nelsonerrrr, according to the docs I've read, it's on the image.20:05
osfameronyay!  gfrotz works20:06
nelsonlittlefae: there's a hall-effect sensor just below the Home button, and a corresponding magnet on the cover.20:06
MDKtko: I mailed a test case to somebody at some point20:06
MDKso it could be we spread the disease20:06
MDKwe = I20:07
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ajturner|tbb| - I believe it's already on the N800 in OS200720:07
nelsonajturner: yep, that's where I read it also.20:07
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tkoMDK, you lost me20:08
ajturnerI wish the N800 just had a gps chip in it20:08
nelsonajturner: no, you don't.20:08
tzzajturner: so it can cost $100 more, right? :)20:08
nelsonajturner: the probllem with an integral GPS receiver is that the best location for the GPS receiver is the WORST location for the user interface.20:08
ajturnertzz - yes, I would pay $100 more for built in GPS20:08
MDKtko: somebody asked me once "how to use view buttons" and I mailed a test-case to him20:08
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Takor s/webcam/gps/20:09
nelsonajturner: the Navman 3000 sleeve for the iPAQ essentially gave it an integral GPS receiver.20:09
ajturnerput it in the top :) the N95 has a GPS receiver20:09
[A]ndy80I've a Bt77 GPS receiver.... do you think it's possible to use it with Navicore?20:09
tkoMDK, ah.. shame on you :)20:09
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MDKthat was when I was young and naive20:09
tzzajturner: most people don't want to pay $100 more for a device that's already expensive20:09
tkosome stuff isn't supposed to be used or documented :)20:09
ajturnerI currently use the Delorme Bluelogger with my 77020:09
nelsonajturner: works great for handheld use.  Works less well for auto use.20:09
tkoMDK, yeah, you couldn't have known20:09
nelsonajturner: sure, that's reasonable.  Battery life on Bluelogger >> battery life on 770.20:10
MDKtko: you mean like the internal DRM chip?20:10
ajturnernelson - but now you have 2 devices on the handlebars of your bike20:10
nelsonajturner: nahhhh.  I just throw the GPS receiver in the hydration pack's top pocket.20:10
MDKtko: we do have a hidden DRM chip in N800, don't we?20:10
ajturnerthe other problem I run into is not being able to connect more than 1 BT device - for example GPS & mobile phone20:10
tzzajturner: I agree it would be great for you and many others, but the N800 seems to be targeting a different market, so it will have to be an external accessory for now.  It's defiunitely a business decision on Nokia's part, not a technical one.20:11
ajturneror GPS, Mobile & KBD (esp. 1handed kbds ;)20:11
jaitAndy80: If it speaks standard NMEA over rfcomm, then it should work with Navicore20:11
osfamerondottedmag: bah, didn't get time today to do anything.. might get a chance to bugzilla over weekend, sorry.  Put me down for interest in testing etc. for any work on feed reader, but just been snowed under at work today20:11
* MDK hides before everybody eats him 20:11
tkoMDK, I was rather thinking about view buttons and thumb press detection20:11
nelsonajturner: hehe.20:11
osfameronhave a good weekend all :-)20:11
|tbb|who else but me have navicore allready bogwho els but me have navicore allready bought20:11
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ajturnertzz - well, by having all devices with GPS, then devs can build it into apps and use-cases without requiring a user to have another one20:11
MDKtko: the thumbpress is actually a public API ;)20:11
tkoMDK, did you comment the sound api btw?20:11
[A]ndy80jait: I'm currently using it with my Nokia 6600 and TomTom Go. I wish TomTom to be available on N770 too :)20:12
nelsonajturner: ahhhhh, but gpsd comes by default, so everybody can use it, and if it says "I dunno", then that's what it reports.20:12
tzzajturner: the GPS API is stable, separate from Bluetooth in ITOS2007 IIRC20:12
tkoMDK, public yes, visible yes, documented? :)20:12
MDKtko: wasn't it hildon_finger_me_something? ;)20:12
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ajturnernelson - well, if a wifi-geolocation api makes it on, that would be good too20:12
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Takyes, what's the deal with the sound on n800?20:12
ajturnertzz - well, but if there isn't a gps device, then currently gpsd doesn't know where you are20:12
MDKtko: I put it into _helper funtions with documentation in new hildon20:12
tkoMDK, aren't you the maintainer? :)20:12
jaitAndy80: then I'm guessing it will work with Navicore, too20:13
[A]ndy80is it possible to have multiple wireless profiles on N770?20:13
tzzajturner: basically adding a $100 device just because it would be nice doesn't cut it in business...  A lot of people just don't need to consult GPS exactly where they are (because they already know, have a map, etc.)20:13
tkoby the time new hildon is ready it should be stable enough..20:13
[A]ndy80(I don't have it yet, I'm going to buy it, used, within an hour :P )20:13
tkothe underlying implementation details I mean20:13
ajturnertzz - I'm thinking for Location based services, automatically letting me know when I'm near somewhere that interests me - geotagged photos20:14
* koen hears LBS20:14
ajturnertzz - but if something like Skyhook's Loki (or open-db) for WiFi geolcoation can be made into a Maemo GPSD service, then that would be even better - esp in urban environments20:14
* ajturner said LBS20:14
MDKtko: in a way, having to do thumbpress detection manually is bad in the first place20:14
Jaffatko: "New Hildon"?20:14
MDKbut I guess it's "good enough" compared to other bad-bad things20:15
tzzajturner: sure, there are many interesting uses, but currently GPS just isn't a compelling reason to spend $100 more on an electronic device to *consumers*.20:15
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tzzajturner: people in #maemo are not typical consumers :)20:15
ajturnertzz, agreed - they're the ones that make the case for why consumers would want it ;)20:15
tkoJaffa, hildon with most if not all the crap removed20:16
MDKJaffa: refactored hildon20:17
MDKcrap, I need to update it20:17
MDKis mailing list working?20:18
JaffaMDK: seems to be now (well, it was)20:18
tzzJaffa: Emacs doesn't go into the Extras menu with mud-builder, so I need to start it from a xterm.  Do I need to add the desktop entry with a patch, or does MUD handle this?20:19
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konfooanyone looking for a nokia 770 or zaurus c3200... im selling20:20
tzzkonfoo: do you have for your area?  I sold mine there.20:20
konfootzz: nod.. just giving first dibs here20:20
Jaffatzz: at the moment you'll need the patch - at some point I hope to be able to do some aspects of the HAF integration automatically20:21
konfooalso i have a defective n800. who woulda thunk20:21
tzzJaffa: I'll look at sylpheed and try to put that into MUD rather than as a patch :)20:21
tzzby "that" I mean "the desktop entry"20:22
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tzzseems like /sylpheed/trunk/sylpheed.desktop is the right file.20:23
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SyntaxNinjadoes the zaurus use maemo?20:26
||cwno, only nokia20:26
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s-ndh-c_will the 770 survice a dist-upgrade?20:27
mgedmins-ndh-c_: probably not20:27
s-ndh-c_from mistral to scirocco?20:27
mgedminpeople tend to report their devices not booting after such experiments20:27
mgedminI wouldn't risk it20:28
s-ndh-c_iam pretty sure i flashed the 2006 second release20:28
mgedminbesides, apt-get upgrade won't update your kernel or initfs20:28
s-ndh-c_but all entrys in the packagemanager say mistral as the dirstibution20:28
s-ndh-c_isnt that wrong?20:28
Piothats the way the image is set up actually20:28
s-ndh-c_so its ok like that?20:28
Pioi think what i ended up doing was keeping the mistral ones and adding my own scirocco ones in addition to those..20:29
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Pioerr no, the nokia distros you just leave as mistral i think20:29
s-ndh-c_ok but and others can be scirocco?20:30
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bedboihi there.20:30
bedboistill no  news about device dev program20:30
p13hi again20:31
s-ndh-c_Pio: thx20:31
Pionp.  im not sure if everything there is 100% correct but its workin for me :)20:32
bedboiah, i read that20:32
bedboithanks, btw. so i have to wait till monday :)20:32
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s-ndh-c_Pio: i want to install canola, and the wiki says you have to install the right version as it will screw up otherwise20:32
s-ndh-c_as i then looked at the repos i got scared cause all said mistral20:33
Piothis sources.list will give you a good working scirocco canola20:33
etrunkobedboi: np20:33
s-ndh-c_now i just have to find a way to remove --purge ssh and reinstall it20:33
s-ndh-c_something is wrong with the hostkey20:33
s-ndh-c_my client allways says, server_host_key verification failed20:34
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s-ndh-c_and then exits20:34
nelsonbedboi: but note that that date is just the first set of confirmations.20:34
dottedmags-ndh-c_: rm .ssh/known_hosts20:34
s-ndh-c_dottedmag: yeah, still the same20:34
s-ndh-c_it then asks me if i want to connect to that server and displays its hostkey, i say yes, ad same error again20:35
dottedmags-ndh-c_: well, then it's really something wrong with your hostkey :)20:35
s-ndh-c_and apt-get remove --purge ssh wants to uninstall pretty much of the os20:35
s-ndh-c_it seems to be in some metapackage or so20:35
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||cwif you delete the hostkey and restart the service, will that regenerate it?20:36
||cwor, delete and dpkg-reconfigure ssh20:36
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s-ndh-c_||cw: it doesnt have that20:38
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s-ndh-c_maybe i should search for something like apttools or so20:39
s-ndh-c_aehm dpkgtools i mean20:39
s-ndh-c_ir something with dpkg in its name20:39
dottedmags-ndh-c_: dpkg --purge <package>?20:39
tkoMDK, you'd be interested in making a maemo presentation at fosdem, right? :)20:40
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s-ndh-c_dottedmag: will try that20:41
MDKtko: sure, why not ;) As long as it has something about our ui20:41
s-ndh-c_or i could try to use ssh-keygen to generate a new hostkey20:42
tkoMDK, oh, the topic is up to you :)20:42
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tkoMDK, teuf was mentioning "new possibilities offered by the new n800, what's new in maemo XXX, optimizing for the n770, ... ?"20:43
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MDKtko: are you coming?20:44
tkoMDK, as far as I know, yes20:44
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* mgedmin reads backlog20:45
* mgedmin likes the look of mud-builder pages20:45
* mgedmin uses vim on the 770 with the virtual keyboard and is quite happy with it, after some mappings20:46
|tbb|how can i activate bluetooth with hcitool?20:46
MDKtko: how about something in the lines of "porting your UI to n800" ? Like -- how to port full-scaled app UI to maemo20:46
|tbb|or anything like that20:46
Molagihmm why cant i find gaim from application manger?20:48
tkoMDK, for example20:48
Molagior xchat20:48
TakMolagi: did you add the repositories?20:48
Molagiwhat repositories?20:49
Molagii only added
wumpusn880 doesn't have gaim yet afaik20:49
Molagii guess it doenst work20:49
s-ndh-c_i tried dpkg --force-depends --purge ssh but it fails as one of the removal scripts calls rmdir with an option it doesnt know20:49
s-ndh-c_thats cool20:49
Andy80what is the exact model name? N800 or N880 ??20:50
Takso you added , mistral , main ?20:50
Molagihmm no20:50
dottedmags-ndh-c_: seems to be very rough port :)20:50
Molagiill try that20:50
jaittbb: what do you mean by "activate"? hciconfig hci0 up?20:50
s-ndh-c_i will try without purge20:50
s-ndh-c_and delete /etc/ssh manualy20:51
TakApplication GAIM (Multiprotocol Instant Messenger)20:51
TakStatus: Works20:51
TakTested with Oscar plugin for AIM20:51
TakUse repository: [WWW] distribution: mistral components: main20:51
TakAdditional Maemo Bora Repository Required (See X Terminal Above)20:51
jaitAndy80: it's Nokia N800.20:51
Andy80thanks :)20:52
Andy80ok guys! I'm going to buy my N770 :) see ya later ;)20:52
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Molagiooh it works thank you Tak20:53
|tbb|thx jait20:53
s-ndh-c_yeah just removed it with dpkg then deleted /etc/ssh and installed again with apt-get -f install20:54
s-ndh-c_works now20:54
Molagiim trying to install gaim and xchat, its saying "cant install some packages are required for the installation are missing"20:55
Jaffamgedmin: glad you like my shiny :)20:55
konfoosee which ones they are, then find the repos for them20:55
Tak Additional Maemo Bora Repository Required (See X Terminal Above)20:55
s-ndh-c_Molagi: you are missing some repo in which those dependand packages are located20:55
konfooi have gaim and xchat running on my n800, no problems20:55
Molagihmm dunno20:56
s-ndh-c_gaim sucks20:56
Molagiim missing libxau020:56
|tbb|konfoo which u preffer20:56
s-ndh-c_there allmost nothing left of the screen if the virtual kb comes up20:56
konfoo|tbb|: i only use gaim for yahoo messenger...20:56
s-ndh-c_atleast for the irc thing20:56
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konfooi would rather use centericq but the xterm is a bit lacking on the 800 :/20:57
konfooxchat works fine also20:57
* mgedmin finally catches up20:58
konfoos-ndh-c_: yeah.. but it has had the ui reworked a bit at least. the first rev for the 770 was horrid :)20:58
littlefaeWow, did I fall idle or something...20:58
Takxchat + bitlbee is what I always wanted gaim to be20:58
s-ndh-c_dont use IM much20:58
wumpusyup xchat works here now, you should add the maemo repositor itself as well20:59
s-ndh-c_only irc20:59
|tbb|hmmh, hcitool cc mac was the command to connect to a bluetooth thing isnt it?20:59
konfooscreen+console-based irc ;)20:59
s-ndh-c_konfoo: yeah i have irssi running in screen at my rooti20:59
s-ndh-c_much better than xchat+ a bnc21:00
konfoos-ndh-c_: nod, beats firing up some app every time and having to re-sign-in.. bleh21:00
Molagican i find the libxau0 from
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Molagiif thats the repository21:00
s-ndh-c_Molagi: browse it?21:00
s-ndh-c_or just add it and try21:01
Molagiyeah its refreshing the packets21:01
wumpusyes Molagi21:01
wumpusit finds that there21:01
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|tbb|som1 has tried to change his hostname before?21:09
Molagixchat is installing forever21:09
Molagiis that normal21:09
|tbb|ive done that with hostname bla then i edited the /etc/hosts after reboot the hostname changes back, just curios21:10
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s-ndh-c_|tbb|: edit /etc/hostname?21:12
Molagistill installing...21:12
s-ndh-c_atleast that is how it works in most distros21:12
Molagiinstalled for 10 minutes21:12
tzzany N800 BT GPS recommendations?  Pharos, Garmin, GlobalSat, "wait for Nokia's N800 GPS kit"?21:13
s-ndh-c_one of the repos seems to be bad21:13
Molaginow the installing stopped the install bar isnt moving21:14
s-ndh-c_the one with gpe stuff in, i tried to install some of the gpe apps and the installer just hung21:14
||cwtzz: if the kit comes with maps, i'd wait21:15
mgedminMolagi: sometimes installing packages takes forever21:15
||cwunless you can buy the kit sans gps21:15
mgedminusually the install succeeds after I leave it along long enough21:15
mgedminonce somebody reported here that the device was stuck in the install phase for 20 minutes, then rebooted21:15
s-ndh-c_damn this canola repo seems to be overloaded,or just not responding21:15
mgedminwrites to flash are slow21:16
s-ndh-c_i allways get a timeout21:16
mgedminand sometimes some sort of garbage collector kicks in, and writes stall for several minutes21:16
nelsontzz: any one should work.  This guy has a lot at reasonable prices:
mgedminI don't really understand what is happening there21:16
s-ndh-c_mgedmin: maybe it starts to sync in some intervall21:17
s-ndh-c_and then writes all from memory to flash21:17
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s-ndh-c_maybe to not do that many transactions to the flash memory21:18
Molagidamn how in the hell this install is taking so long21:18
tzzthanks for the BT GPS info!21:18
Molagionly installing xchat21:18
|tbb|it works now, dunno what i have made wrong b421:18
mgedminI upgrade fbreader whenever a new version comes out21:19
s-ndh-c_Molagi: just wait21:19
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mgedminsometimes the upgrade is nearly instant, sometimes the progress bar sits unmoving for ~5 minutes21:19
* mgedmin shrugs21:19
kulvehmm.. how do I connect to a hidden wlan? I can enter the needed info through the connection manager, but when I "Select Connection", the hidden network is not in the list..21:19
mgedminfirst time this happended I was really scared21:19
mgedminI thought my internal flash might be dying21:19
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Molagiwell had to close the wlan so my battery doesnt run out while installing21:20
mgedminkulve: go to the connection manager, choose connection from the menu, then add a new connection and enter your essid and other parameters21:20
s-ndh-c_i just put the powerceÃll out asthe installer seemed to have frozen the whole system, the power button didnt do anything anymore, after that hardreset the device was acting up and i ended with reflashing it21:20
s-ndh-c_maybe i should just have got more patience21:21
kulvemgedmin: I did21:21
mgedminhm, it worked for me21:21
kulvemgedmin: if I open the connectivity settings again, it is listed there.. But when I open the list of access points to connect to, it's not there..21:22
mgedminmaybe wait a few seconds21:22
kulveI've checked the ssid and the passwd three times now..21:22
|tbb|on my 770 i was able to use gpsd /dev/rfcomm0 after i used the maemo-bt-plugin to connect to my gps receiver, now i connect it with hcitool cc macaddressofGPS and it successfully connected. But when i tried to start gpsd /dev/rfcomm0 then there isnt a device ???21:23
s-ndh-c_|tbb|: dmesg?21:25
s-ndh-c_maybe that reveals the cause of not creating the device21:25
|tbb|howdo i21:25
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s-ndh-c_xterm -> type dmesg[enter]21:25
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|tbb|i dont see there something21:26
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|tbb|i will conect again, mom21:26
s-ndh-c_|tbb|: maybe you missed a step inbetween?21:26
s-ndh-c_never did any bluetooth stuff21:26
mgedmintbb: usually you need to use rfcomm bind to get a /dev/rfcomm21:26
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mgedminI think the bluetooth applet would do that for you21:27
* mgedmin never used it21:27
s-ndh-c_is realy down? or is it just my line21:28
|tbb|mgethe bt wasnt work 2 days be421:28
|tbb|how could i create that device21:28
s-ndh-c_i want to try canola21:28
|tbb|cant connect to the gps device using bt-plugin21:28
s-ndh-c_fcomm bind /dev/rfcommdevice MAC21:29
|tbb|also i dont want to use second bluetooth icon on my systray21:29
aCiDBaSes-ndh-c_: have you tried
* shapr hugs finland21:29
s-ndh-c_aCiDBaSe: no21:29
shaprYay Finland!21:29
s-ndh-c_will try that21:29
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BlackholdHi there o/21:30
* mgedmin doesn't quite understand why anyone would want gpsd on the 77021:31
BlackholdWhat a great  machine the N80021:31
s-ndh-c_aCiDBaSe: thx that mirror worked21:31
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|tbb|mgedmin, using gpsd with kismet and later putting open networks to the navicore navkit ;)21:33
mgedminah, kismet21:33
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s-ndh-c_isnt that this AP discovery tool21:33
Molagihmm my n800 is heatening21:34
s-ndh-c_do you want to create maps with open wlans?21:34
Molagipretty hot21:34
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Molagiis it normal21:35
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|tbb|yes i do21:36
|tbb|and now im connected to gpsd and kismet, thx s-ndh-c_21:36
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|tbb|and all others ;)21:36
|tbb|now i just need a holder for my device21:37
|tbb|car holder21:37
kulveabout kismet. How can I dump data from kismet to tcpdump? With 770. I can pass currently only wlan beacon signal etc, but I would like to get the actual data..21:38
s-ndh-c_what do you want to do with it?21:39
s-ndh-c_unencrypt later?21:39
|tbb|im not familar with that, i was just using airodump long time ago21:39
arnnnnany xterm for end user on n800 yet ?21:39
kulves-ndh-c_: first listening non-encrypted wlan would be just perfect. Maybe support WEP decrycption with known key later. AFAIK wpa cannot be listened even with known key..?21:40
shaprMolagi: My 770 gets hot when I use google talk for half an hour or so.21:40
|tbb|im using xterm, but everytime i start it the space bar is disabled also when i changed21:40
|tbb|the tabs21:40
arnnnn|tbb|, is that xterm on n800 ?21:41
minrakulve... i forgot sorry... i think i used airodump21:41
dogbixarnnnn: i have working xterm i think on ths n80021:41
arnnnndogbix, how can I install it ?21:42
Piokulve, kismet on my 770 seemed to store dump files by default on the mmc card21:42
kulvePio: it can be piped to tcpdump21:42
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arnnnndogbix, I tried the one from maemo-hacker site osso_xterm something and it gives error not compatible21:42
Piotheres some procedure to convert those dump files to pcap compatible files that tcpdump can parse.. im trying to remember how that worked21:42
dogbixarnnnn: there are some instructions on maemo about dropping repositories21:43
arnnnndogbix, where can I read that ?21:43
kulvePio: I think I can do that, but I don't see any actual tcp/udp packets there..21:43
dogbixHold on..21:43
kulveonly beacons etc21:43
Pio"Kismet dumpfiles are standard tcpdump format - any tool. that can read pcap files can read a Kismet dump"21:43
Piokulve, oh, i see21:44
* Pio reads scrollback21:44
arnnnnthere seem to be enough n800 for everyone this time , unlike when nokia first launch n770...all sold out21:44
|tbb|hmmh i dont get a gps signal21:44
Pioare you sure there is actual data in the dump file?21:44
* |tbb| wonders21:44
dogbixFind xterminal on this page
myren_arnnnn: tell that to denver21:45
s-ndh-c_does apt-get use some recursive magic? like calling itself from itself? i would like to rename it place a wrapper around it that first startsup my wlan21:45
myren_no one ships ANYTHING to denver21:45
myren_its frigging annoying as hell21:45
arnnnnmyren_, maybe because of the snow21:45
myren_no Jawbone, no SpaceExplorers, no N800's21:45
s-ndh-c_or maybe its a script that i could just edit21:45
kulvePio: no. I have fifo=/tmp/kismet-dump.fifo in the kismet.conf and when I read that kismet-dump.fifo in tcpdump and print everything out I get lots of beacon etc data. But if the try to limit the tcpdump data to e.g. tcp or udp it doesn't print enything21:46
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myren_arnnnn: the issue seems very long term.  i can never find anything locally.21:46
|tbb|s-ndh-c_, do i have to set any port to my just created rfcomm021:46
Piokulve, but could it be that the network *had* no tcp/udp data, so there isnt any in the dump file?21:46
Piowas this an encrypted network?21:46
kulveI tried to send data there. And I used unencrypted ad-hoc wlan and WEP encrypted.21:47
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s-ndh-c_|tbb|: i think if rfcomm bind succeded you have succesfully connected to your bt device21:49
kulvePio: but if you think it should work, then I just need to try again21:49
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Piowell, im not sure21:49
|tbb|than maybee the signal isnt good21:49
Pioi was under the impression kismet would dump whatever it saw and understood.. i suppose if it couldnt decrypt what it saw it wouldnt dump it21:49
Pioi havent used kismet that much for dumping21:50
kulvehmm.. with ad-hoc the signal should be ok, since the devices are next to each other. With WEP it could have been weaker21:50
kulveI'll try it again, when I have the time. And I need to set up an wlan station without encryption at all for basic testing..21:50
Piodoh, i just installed liblzo so i could use openvpn w/ lzo compression but now the .deb of openssl with lzo support is 40421:51
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Pioguess ill just go without21:52
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Pioin fact, both debs are 40421:55
Pioshoot.. /me googles21:55
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Molagihmm does it take long to log in with gaim to msn21:56
Molagii pressed sign on21:56
Molagiand still isnt logged21:56
s-ndh-c_how does the menu work, can i change its structure and relocate shortcuts?21:57
Molagimissing protocol plugin21:57
s-ndh-c_Molagi: install it21:57
Molagiwhere can i get some protocol plugin21:57
s-ndh-c_or something like that21:57
s-ndh-c_or maybe its protocols-blah dont remember21:58
VeggenMolagi: hmm, I chose the route of jabber-connectors. I like the builtin IM integration better than gaim.21:58
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Veggen(i.e. everything through the jabber account)21:58
Molagihmm k21:59
Veggen(not that there's a reason gaim shouldn't work, I just provided an alternative)21:59
s-ndh-c_damn everytime ushare or gmediaserver refresh my beagle freaksout22:00
s-ndh-c_and i noticed one folder to be empty maybe it chokes on the items in that22:00
Molagis-ndh-c_ well i installed the maemo gaim protocol msn22:01
* sp3000 got mostly crashes and blank windows with gaim22:01
Molagibut still whining about some plugin22:01
sp3000and a little bit of irc :)22:01
tzzsure sign people at work don't know the sudoers syntax: tzz: ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/sudo -u test /usr/bin/bash.  I pointed out that I now had to do "sudo /usr/local/bin/sudo -u test /usr/bin/bash" instead of "sudo -u test bash" but apparently that's the way they've always done it.22:01
s-ndh-c_anybody using ushare or gmediaserver and having simmilar problems?22:01
s-ndh-c_beagled-helper goes to 99% even after ushare or gmediaserver have finished scanning the share folders22:02
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* shapr boings22:05
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bstockhey quick question, on the 770 which file to i edit to change my user-agent for opera?22:12
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bstocknm i think i found it, /home/user/.opera/opera.ini22:14
Molagiis it normal that n800 starts to warm up and lag after 2 hours of surfing22:23
Molagiseemed to slow up pretty much22:23
Molagitried running a video clip and couldnt even open it properly22:23
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s-ndh-c_Molagi: open xterm22:29
s-ndh-c_type top22:29
s-ndh-c_and see what consumes the all your cpu cycles22:29
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Molagilots of numbers22:35
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Molagihmm my nethack stopped working also22:36
Molagiit worked before22:36
Molaginow that i run it, after i set the name it just shuts the application22:36
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Molagitried rebooting but didnt help22:38
Molagiand reinstalling also22:38
minranethack looks great... i want to port tome to maemo someday22:43
minratome, and star control 2 (uqm)22:44
minrasadly the directional pad on the 770 is really poor for games22:44
minravery hard not to hit the central button while making fast switches left/right22:44
glassone or two buttons on the other side of the screen wouldn't hurt either22:45
p13very hard to do anything with22:45
minrahow is the directional pad on the 800?22:45
p13and it's gotten even worse on the n800 apparrently22:45
glassthat would make it sooo much more better for gaming22:45
p13too bad22:45
* minra beats head on desk22:45
p13the n800 has the horsies to do some emulation22:46
p13maybe a bt gamepad ? :p22:46
bhimaGet a Wii remote and use it.22:46
p13yeah you could22:46
p13i have a wii remote22:46
p13it came with my wii22:46
bhimaIt's bluetooth.22:46
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p13i wait for the remarks :)22:46
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p13i tried it on a friend's windows laptop22:47
p13it's pretty fun22:47
p13with wiisticks22:47
p13and wiitar :p22:47
minrawell a bluetooth kbd is a great investment for the n770, and it solvs thebutton problem22:47
p13i have a stowaway22:47
p13i love it22:47
glassthey rarely have a pad though22:47
minrame too.  *love*22:47
bhimaminra: it doesn't solve the "play games on the bus" problem very well, sadly.22:47
p13i was worried about tactile feedback at the beginning22:47
Molagiwhy doenst it work!22:47
glassand with kb you pretty much need a table.. might just as well game on the lappy22:47
p13but it's actually better then the hp laptops at work22:47
glassi got a stowaway too22:48
keesjglass, is that full size?22:48
minraany firm surface on the lap suffices for me -- attache case, notebook bag, but yes the buttons were a design flaw22:48
Molagianyone had problems with the nethack, mine worked great earlier today and now it just closes when i enter the name22:48
glasskeesj: foldable.. misses one line22:49
minrai got used to the stowaway quite quickly.  despite the reduced key count...22:49
p13yeah, makes the 770 a LOT more useful for me22:49
p13with os2005, the screen dimming out was a pain22:49
p13but they solved it in 200622:49
keesjminra, but do you use a mouse ? you did you configure keys for some actions?22:51
p13minra, do you get the crashes in opera as well with the bt kb ?22:51
p13when entering text in a form and pressing enter22:51
p13poof, crash, goen22:51
bhimaxkr47: permanent screen death?22:55
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minrai only get the crashes when using bt kb22:58
minradont use a mouse... no idea how22:58
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gpdcan someone advise me on how to create (or find) an xmodmap for N800 and bluetooth sierra keyboard?23:10
gpdthe only problem i have so far is that the blue Fn key is bringing up the menu in xterm23:11
koenI heard the n800 is using xkbd23:12
gpdkoen: can you elaborate a little - i haev never messed with keyboard stuff - it has always 'just worked'23:13
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koenme neither, but that's what daniels said to someone asking a similar question :)23:15
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gpdi think it was daniels that told me that i need to write a xmodmap - however, i don't know how to find out what key the Fn key is (on desktop i would use xev)23:15
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gpdalso it is not clear if the Fn key is doing the right thing but the xterm is grabbing it for menu.23:16
gpdalso - xmodmap doesn't seem to be available on OS2007 (at least in my repos)23:18
gpdok - in the hardware keyboard shortcuts page - the Fn key shows up as Menu23:27
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minrais anyone planning on making a one-shot upgrade "distro" for the 770 that includes a lot of nifty installed packages?23:27
minrai expect there are quite a few users who have never gotten around to learning the linuxy side of things23:29
glassthat would be nice23:29
glasswith a bunch of the "must have" stuff..23:30
gpd[looks like there is a xev for 2006 - suppose i should wait/recompile]23:30
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|tbb|what is the url 4 the  tested application on os723:33
gpd|tbb|: just go to recent wiki changes and you will see it23:33
minrais there a known limit to the number of N800 developer devices Nokia is willing to fork out?23:34
bmidgleythey said 50023:35
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|tbb|who could  help me to get a script running with root privileges, from the standard user? this script stays at /usr/sbin7/nc.sh23:42
Veggentbb: sudo is your answer.23:43
Veggentbb: have you gotten root on the device yet?23:43
||cw|tbb|: yeah, visudo23:43
|tbb|sudo gainroot works23:44
kulveor without root, you can make a suid binary, that runs anything you want..23:44
|tbb|ive chmod 755 to the script23:44
|tbb|but i cant start it with root privileges23:45
|tbb|sudo ask 4 a pw23:45
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kulveI don't know actually how to set up the sudo in a way that it won't ask the user's passwd..23:47
suihkulokkiby editing /etc/sudoers23:48
suihkulokkibut if you fuck it up, you will have to reflash23:49
kulveI have something like this:23:49
kulvekulve ALL=(ALL) ALL23:49
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kulvebut that asks for a passwd (my own)23:49
Veggenif you're not overly concerned with security, add NOPASSWD (like in the other lines)23:50
suihkulokkikulve: check the sudoers of the device for examples23:50
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|tbb|i care of security if i know what i have to make23:50
kulvesuihkulokki: ok, I'll check. I actually don't have root's for my device now, so..23:51
kulve|tbb|: have you tried setting up the sudo rigths with visudo?23:52
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kulveyou can set it up so, that you can run the script without passwd, but nothing else..23:52
suihkulokkivisudo is better if available23:52
|tbb|no edito found23:52
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|tbb|i will install a editor then i try visudo23:55
* |tbb| wonders what anything is installed on the n8 ;)23:55
|tbb|k battery out just this second ;/ try it later thx23:55
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